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Lab 3 – MAD

A. ***What is the function of the display class?

The display class is the one and only displays manager that is instantiated
for each active MIDlet.

It handles making of screens visible and provides methods to retrieve

information about the device’s display capabilities.

B. What method displays a given screen?

Use the Display’s setCurrent() method to display a given screen:

a. Public void setCurrent(Displayable d);

b. Public void setCurrent(Alertalert, Displayable d);

Call without the MIDlet will call the constructor.

C. What is the maximum number of Display objects that can be

associated with a given MIDlets?

There is exactly ONE display object for each MIDlet that is excuting on
a device.

D. What are the only two direct subclasses of the Displayable class?

The only 2 direct subclasses of the Displayable class are Canvas – low
level GUI, draw things but won’t appear like it was and Screen.

E. Briefing explains the 3 possible modes of operation for a List object.

a. Exclusive – only allow one and only one.
b. Implicit – dropdown list (no fields is left empty), is a must.
c. Multiple -

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