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Tiversical for Tinea Versicolor Treatment

Tinea versicolor is an inoffensive skin disorder produced by yeast, Malasse zia furfur, which can be found on any sort of skin including normal skin also wi thout any prior history of skin disorders. Quick Facts A long term chronic fungal infection of the skin Fungus that reacts can be found on normal to affected skin The nature of genetic predisposition due to which it is originated has not y et been identified Can easily be figured out under the microscope It affects both adolescents and adults Commonly affetcted areas include shoulders, back, and chest Usually face is not affected by this skin disorder but in infants there are slight chances of it getting affected Overall the patients suffering from Tinea Versicolor are considered healthy After the treatment pigment changes usually last for about 3 to 4 months and in some cases it can last for one year at least Tinea Versicolor Causes Fungal Infection Yeast called Malassezia furfur that normally lives on the skin of most adult s without causing problems. High humidity Immune or hormonal changes Hot climates Increased sweating due to exercise Increase in body heat Tinea Versicolor Symptoms Patches of discolored skin with sharp borders Fine scales on the skin surface Reddish tan patches Loss of skin color in African Americans Hypopigmentation hyperpigmentation Increased sweating Itching Redness Irritation Annoyance

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