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PHP Syllabus

HTML Basic HTML Introduction HTML Editors HTML Basic HTML Elements HTML Attributes HTML Headings HTML Paragraphs HTML Formatting HTML Links HTML Head HTML CSS HTML Images HTML Tables HTML Lists HTML Blocks HTML Layout HTML Forms HTML Iframes HTML Colors HTML Colornames HTML Colorvalues HTML Entities HTML URL Encode

HTML Quick List CSS Basic CSS Introduction CSS Syntax CSS Id & Class CSS How To

CSS Styling Styling Backgrounds Styling Text Styling Fonts Styling Links Styling Lists Styling Tables

CSS Box Model CSS Box Model CSS Border CSS Outline CSS Margin CSS Padding

CSS Advanced CSS Positioning CSS Floating

CSS Align CSS Colors CSS Color Values CSS Color Names CSS Color HEX

JS Introduction JS How To JS Output JS Statements JS Comments JS Variables JS Objects JS Functions JS Operators JS Comparisons JS Conditions JS Loop For JS Loop While JS Errors JS Validation JS Window JS Location

PHP Basic

PHP Intro PHP Install PHP Syntax PHP Variables PHP String PHP Operators PHP If...Else PHP Switch PHP Arrays PHP While Loops PHP For Loops PHP Functions PHP Forms PHP $_GET PHP $_POST

PHP Advanced PHP Date PHP Include PHP File PHP File Upload PHP Cookies PHP Sessions PHP E-mail

PHP Database MySQL Introduction MySQL Connect MySQL Create MySQL Insert MySQL Select MySQL Where SQL Distinct SQL And & Or MySQL Order By MySQL Update MySQL Delete SQL Like SQL Select Into SQL Create DB SQL Create Table SQL Not Null SQL Unique SQL Primary Key SQL Foreign Key SQL Check SQL Default SQL Drop SQL Alter SQL Increment

SQL Views SQL Dates SQL Nulls SQL Data Types SQL max() SQL min() SQL now()

PHP and AJAX AJAX Intro AJAX PHP AJAX Database AJAX Live Search

PHP Date PHP Mail

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