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Name _________________________


Directions: Students in 2C need to read the equivalent of _10_minutes/day, 5 days/week. As they read, students
should think about what they read. They should choose a strategy below and write a response to their book. During
the week students must write at least 3 responses. Each time they should use a different strategy. Of course you
may always read more and write more too! Happy Reading! -Ms. Stair
Infer Words:
Infer Character:

This book/chapter is about

I think _____will happen because
I do/dont like this book because
I wonder why. I wonder what
When I read _____ it reminded me of
I know the word _____means _____ because.
I know this character is _________because.

I read _______minutes!
Parent Signature

Title: ________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________ Fiction or Non-fiction? _________________
My Response:

Title: ________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________ Fiction or Non-fiction? _________________
My Response:

Title: ________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________ Fiction or Non-fiction? _________________
My Response:

Title: ________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________ Fiction or Non-fiction? _________________
My Response:

Title: ________________________________________________________
Author: ____________________ Fiction or Non-fiction? _________________
My Response:

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