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Liderazgo, Talento y Energa Application Form

Name: Degree: Semester: Mobile number:

Date University: Average grade: Email:

Shell employees share a set of core values; honesty, integrity and respect for people. We also firmly believe in the fundamental importance of trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism, and pride in what we do. Please read carefully through the following questions and fill in with your Section 1 answers as openly as possible.

Resume - Please fill in Spanish language

1.- Describe tu experiencia profesional principales logros R=

(si aplica) y tus

2.- Enlista tus habilidades y/o comportamientos sobresalientes (personales y profesionales) R=

3.- Describe las actividades extracurriculares que has realizado (por ejemplo: cursos, diplomados, ser miembro de asociaciones estudiantiles, organizacin de congresos, etc.) R=

4.- Seala tu nivel Bajo: Medio: de ingls 5.- Otro Idioma: Bajo: Medio: _____________ 6.- Comentarios adicionales (opcional) R=

Avanzado: Avanzado:

Section 2 Leadership view. Please answer the following questions in English language: 1. R= Which has been the most difficult challenge that you have faced professionally or personally and how did you deal with it?

2. R=

Please provide an example of any occasion in which you inspired others around a common goal.

3. R=

Please comment on any occasion in which you worked in a diverse team and what your contribution was to them.

4. R=

What does leadership mean to you?

Shell Leaders develop the best people!

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