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Tics sudden, brief, intermittent movements or sounds are the hallmark sign of Tourette syndrome. Symptoms range from mild to severe. Severe symptoms may significantly interfere with communication, daily functioning and quality of life. Tics are classified as either: Simple tics, which are sudden, brief and repetitive, involving a limited number of muscle groups Complex tics, which are distinct, coordinated patterns of movements that involve several muscle groups Tics involving movement (motor tics) often facial tics, such as blinking usually begin before vocal tics do. But the spectrum of tics that people experience is diverse, and there's no typical case. Common motor tics seen in Tourette syndrome
Simple tics Eye blinking Head jerking Shoulder shrugging Eye darting Finger flexing Sticking the tongue out Complex tics Touching the nose Touching other people Smelling objects Obscene gesturing Flapping the arms Hopping

Common vocal tics seen in Tourette syndrome

Simple tics Hiccuping Yelling Throat clearing Barking Complex tics Using different tones of voice Repeating one's own words or phrases Repeating others' words or phrases Using vulgar, obscene or swear words

In addition, if you have Tourette syndrome, your tics may: Vary in type, frequency and severity Worsen if you're ill, stressed, anxious, tired or excited Occur during sleep Evolve into different tics over time Worsen during teenage years and improve during the transition into adulthood Before the onset of motor or vocal tics, you'll likely experience an urge called a premonitory urge. A premonitory urge is an uncomfortable bodily sensation, such as an itch, a tingle or tension. Expression of the tic brings relief. With great effort, some people with Tourette syndrome can temporarily stop a tic or hold back tics until they find a place where it's les disruptive to express them.

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