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Guidance for the oil change

- first the old OI should be removed

- rubber mat, Plattenteller, drive plates and belts remove
- the drive plate muB perpendicularly without tilting to be carefully taken out
- with the small Holztab + napkin paper the old oil remove
- with the camp cleaner axle and camps continue to degrease
- for maximum 0.5 to 1ml Lagerol in the camp and on the plate axle distribute
- the small drive plate again perpendicularly with a turn it presses in (only
easily druken)
- the Plattentellergwicht should alone are enough the axle in the camp to lower,
rather something wait
- if everything is correctly filled runs somewhat over (drops) like that is sure
that the OIL is in the depot with Messinlager
- The belt again drauf install and just as with the Plattenteller and the rubber
mat muddled
- important: Before the belt assembly a defatting with white spirits of Pulley
and drive-plate-run-flat is vorzuneehmen

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