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QUESTION 1 Create a database application for the

above problem a table name temple having fields

provide: Navigation, Add, Update, Delete, Refresh, Grid

QUESTION 2 Create a Dll Application for the above

problem to query for records where the donation is food
or medical and the result of records to be displayed in

QUESTION 3 Create a database application for the

above problem, a table name account having fields
provide: Navigation, Add, Update, Delete, Refresh, Grid
show the login account created.

QUESTION 4 Create an MDI Application for Popular Car

Bazaar Sell & Purchase of Old and New Vehicles having
details information for Model, Year, City, and Color and
description of Options: Engine, Gear Box, Diesel/Petrol,
AC etc. Apply Help on this Application and details
should be posted to database Hint Use MDI Application
& Child forms for Sales Purchase of New Vehicle, Sale &
Service New Vehicle
QUESTION 5 Create a database application for CD
Collection Shop have table CD Collection having fields
provided below Apply: Navigation, Add, Update, Delete,
Refresh, Grid for and display in a flat file details in
QUESTION 6 Create a stored procedure Application for
the above problem to query for records where the CD
Name parameterized query and show those records in
client side.

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