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To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to respond to a recently published article in your newspaper, which expresses a former students view upon the changes that Oldtree College has gone through in the last 20 years. As the representative of the executive committee of this college, I feel I must inform you that the information in that article is somewhat wrong. First of all, the article mentions the disappearance of the old sports pavilion which would of course mean that students do not longer play sports. Actually, nowadays our students have access to a new sports center shared with City College, which makes available a wider range of sports. Also, the accommodation block, bluntly referred to as ugly in this article, is a definite necessity, giving the increasing popularity of our college. We were obliged to expand as we have had 70% more students over the last 15 years, 20% of which who are from overseas. The academic standards have actually risen, as, nowadays, a higher proportion of students get top grades compared to 20 years ago. This of course is due to our continuous investment in good education: we now have a wider range of courses which better suit the personalities and desires of our students. I certainly hope this letter will not be neglected, and I request the publishing of another article which explains the situation mentioned above. This is absolutely necessary, as it will have a positive effect on the local community, thus leading to the organization of more cultural events in our area.

Yours, faithfully, Christina Watson Christina Watson

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