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Talia Donoghue

Thriller is a type of genre which heavily stimulates the viewers moods by providing a sudden rush of emotions, excitement and exhilaration that drive the narrative. A thriller will involve high climaxes of uncertainty, terror, anticipation, including the main elements of suspense and a build-up of tension. SUB-GENRES: Psychological Crime Action

Super-natural Techno

I intend to produce an action thriller trailer An action thriller is a sub-genre of thriller, it uses physical action to create suspense. Action/thriller films are action packed movies which keeps the audience on the edge of their seat. They aim to keep you entertained with pyrotechnics, and semi realistic storylines. This genre will often involve continuous motion and action such as chases, stunts etc. these are the scenes which contribute to the thriller theme, as it builds up a sense of danger and anticipation.

Characterised by fast-paced, hero-centred narratives full of action and excitements. Often have elements of mystery, and often involves cliff-hangers. More recently the action/thriller genre has developed a sub-genre of super heroes, and has definitely become very popular with the likes of The Dark Knight, Spiderman etc. Examples


1. Columbia Pictures, 2. Universal Pictures,

3. 20th Century Fox,

4. Warner Bros Pictures

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