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HOW COULD DEAL INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM Like corruption terrorism also a world phenomenon .

Terrorism is occurred if the social status are unequal between the different countries and differences in the religions. In recent years terrorism in conspire with illicit traffic in arms and drugs ,has assumed dreadful dimensions with international overtones and worldwide vibrations. For protesting the people from the terrorism all countries government should provide national security or intelligence agencies in close collaboration With their counter parts of the terrorists as well as the drug barons with some rewarding results . For example in India terrorists have been operating mostly in border states with the active assistance , and abatement from across the border. Another one is in order to dram their spreading fangs , destructive powers in the not too distant future. The worst affected states by terrorism should modernize their police and intelligence forces and procure need-based high-tech equipment including communication system to deal effectively with any event. By strengthening the intelligence agencies, the movements of terrorits from one state to the other state can be monitored , so we can easily identify and find their activities . The effective step can be the sealing of borders, so that no outside help reaches the terrorists. No merry should be shown on hard care terrorists means those holding the entire society to ransom and killings , kidnapping and so many . Last but not least is the positive measure of showing concern and compassion for those who were forced to join the ranks of terrorist.

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