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rr4 future reference


future reference


going to is used in the following ways:

The present continuous tense is used to talk about plans for the future, or specific arrangements that people have made for future

to express intention aboutthefuture.

Mary isn't going to study art;

going to be a nurse.
The school is h avi n g a sal e next w eek; I' m ru n ning th
e bo

okstal l.

to tall( about things that have already been decided.

ts Jim goingto leave his iob? -Yes, he is. Where's Mary? She said shewas goingto come eorlY.

It is often used in questions abeut future arrangements. Whatareyou doing on Saturday? - l'm going to




to make a prediction aboutthefuture, often thevery nearfuture, based on something in the present. wItch the milk! ltis going to boil over! Sally never does any work; she is going to fail her exams'

When areyou leaving?


end of term.

lf there are two verbs in the sentence, it is normal not to repeat the auxiliary before the second and subsequent ones.
Weare meeting atn.3o p.m.,having a quicklunch, and

lf the past tense of be is used, a past intention or prediction can be

starting work att.t5.

Judywas goingto meet me, but shewnsitl ond couldn't come. Shewas obviously going to get blisters with those new shoes.

Present simple
The present simple tense is also used to tall( about events that form part of a timetable or programme. Thetrain leaves Edinburgh atrc:o a.m. and arrives in London ot3.2o p.m. These arethe arrangementsfor Friday: doors open at7 p.m., the Mayor arrives ot 7.3o p.m., and the meeti ng starts at 7.45p.m.

5 The future perfect (will main verb)

hove +

the past participle of a

This form is used to talk about an action that will be complete at a time in the future that you are talking about. lt is often used with verbs relating to finishing or completing.

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