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My name is Eve, I'm 21 years old. I'm studying at bachelor of nursing programme at Rajawali school of health of higher. I have been preparing to make a research proposal, so at the moment I'm studying hard about research methodology. I want to be a nurse because I love to sharing about health and Ive interested in caring for the patient, but I don't really like to make a report of nursing care. I want to be an emergency nurse because I can give first aid in emergencies wherever they are. I will get clinical practice in the emergency room next month. One day I hope to become an RN and work in Saudi Arabia hospitals and to be a pilgrimage care giver as I heard from my lecturer. I am not really good in talking with people, but I can make them understand as well. In my free time, I playing with my niece and nephew and walking around to enjoy the nature every weekend.

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