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Digestion Notes 1) The mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth.

2) The major nutrients are carbohydrates form starch and sugars, proteins, and dietary fats which are triglycerides 3) The three major carbohydrate sources in the diet and their constituent monomers are sucrose, lactose and maltose. 4) The proteins enzymatically digested into the amino acids and peptide chains of 2 or 3 amino acids 5) Neutral fats are broken down into one monoglyceride and 2 free fatty acids 6) The salivary enzyme that breaks down plant starch and glycogen is amylase 7) The breakdown products of plant starch and glycogen in the mouth are maltose, maltotriose, and limit dextrin 8) Most of the digestive enzymes that function in the duodenum originate in the pancreas. 9) The function of cellulose in the diet is to break down the plant cell walls. 10) Vegetables and fruits are important components of the diet because polysaccharides contained in veggies and fruits make up dietary fibers. 11) The enzymes that are used to complete the digestion of carbohydrates in the duodenum is pancreatic amylase 12) The function of brush border enzymes in the duodenum is to turn carbs into monosaccharides which can be absorbed later on. 13) the three major pancreatic proteases are typsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase 14) Trypsin is activated from trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen is activated from chymotrypsinogen, and carboxypeptidase is activated from procarboxypeptidase 15)Typsin and chymotrypsin split proteins into smaller peptides and some single amino acids. Carboxypeptidase splits single amino acids from the carboxyl end of proteins. 16) The name of the enzyme that breaks down neutral fats in the duodenum is the pancreatic lipase 17) Micelles release monoglycerides and free fatty acids into the cells via sample 18) Colic bacteria can digest some of the indigestible carbs enzymatically and then use the released nutrients. 19) Absorptive function of the colon is used to absorb small quantities of salt and water.

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