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Objectives of Sales Management September 25, 2010 by Hitesh Bhasin 4 Comments Sales management entails numerous objectives which

are executed by sales manager s. There are mainly three such objectives Sales Volume Contribution to profits Continuous Growth The sales executives in this case are the ones who help implement these objectiv es. However it is the top management who has to outline the strategies to achiev e these objectives of sales management. The top management should provide produc ts which are socially responsible and are marketed in a manner which meets custo mers expectations and does not break it. Thus sales management involves a strong interaction between Sales, marketing and Top management. Sales Management and financial results Financial Results are another objective of sales management and are closely rela ted and therefore sales management has financial implications as well. Sales Cost of Sales = Gross Profit Gross Margin Expenses = Net profit. Thus the variation in Sales will directly affect the Net profit of a company. He nce maintaining and managing sales is important to keep the product / service / organization financially viable. The Objectives of sales are therefore decided on the basis of where the organiza tion stands and where it wants to reach. It is a collaborated effort from the to p management along with the marketing managers and sales managers to provide wit h a targeted estimate.

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