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kWYn\eta\tiu.BaFe]kac\Fv^VWt\mHuliuAp\tal} n}> BaetWlk\etW.By\liulup\Niuc\mHal} Siutakiu kWYn\eta\sU\;sa;

rqelak\er;Ta;B,;tapO" dOepm}F Ag|lip\liup}er;Ta;[Ps\[p^; bmaliukWYn\eta\[pn\er;Niuc\Biu. AKYin\mRHiliu. d^Atiuc\;
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mRiuk\tt\etaF Ag|lip\liuer;tak tKOtelpiulWy\tae]kac\FpO" teyak\eyak\Baqa[pn\[p^; qMu;KYc\rc\l}



Yes, you are right and your thinking is practical that all democratic supports from the world is
not for all means of struggle but mostly for non-violent methods. I was worried about that as
well. The truth is that we need to use all means to topple the military dictatorship in
Burma. Events and events have proved that only with the protests will not bring about changes
in Burma. The military is prepared to kill anyone who dares to stand up even if it is millions. It
proves that it will even kill children and monks. I don't know why on earth our leaders have not
taken all those facts into account. It drives me nut. We will certainly need people unrest but at
the same time we will need other forms of means to support in practical ways. And to face the
humiliation by the USDA and SPDC's thugs, we need to re-intimidate them. How shall we do
that and where can we get supports?

You know, there are a lot of people from Burma living in many countries. Not all will be willing
to help for sure. However, there are a lot of democracy believers and a lot of people want to get
involved and want to help the ways they can for the struggle. It would not be difficult for them
to donate 10$ or equivalent money from their monthly salary. (We have been working with a
group on the border which stands on the support from some friends working in other
countries). Tamil Tigers have been doing it for ages. If we get supports from most people who
are living in another countries, it will help to work more. It is more than enough to start the
struggle that way. I mean we here is not this small group but the whole struggle. In addition, we
should be smart to have a political front to attract international support at the same time, should
have another wings that carry out other tasks. Only thing is that all should be together under the
surface. There are many organizations doing that type of things. PLO and Irish groups are good
example to look at. I don't know why we are not such developed in that front. We should
outsmart in the struggle for democracy. Moreover, the truth is that some big nations support
armed struggle secretly or openly if the groups are organized. Before Iraq war, US and UK were
supporting Iraqi armed resistance groups. As you and I know that our groups on the border are
not organized, developed, and moreover, strategy-less. Who can believe that they will bring
about changes in Burma and that the support they get will be effective? You know how much
support these groups enjoyed but did not bring anything on the table or to be frank not
effective. They do not have strategy and they do not know what to do. They are just responsive
and worst, most are corrupt. In addition, our leaders and groups are not very inviting or not
letting people participate in the struggle. The way they treat people is that just give us money
and shut up. That is not the way to encourage people to get involve and to help the struggle.

First, to get the support from the Burmese expatriates (What I mean Burmeses is the people from
Burma. I myself is not a Burman), we need unity and strategy as well. When we have a lot of
organizations, it diversify the support and it is not effective. The groups treatment of "just give
us money but shut your mouth up" is not encouraging them to support the struggle or to
involve. We need to change that. If they know that the opposition is organized and effective,
and is welcoming their participation, they will not stop helping and involving in many ways for
the movement. With so many organizations, many supports by the expatriates went missing in
the middle. The expatriates do support to their close friends and organizations but most were
misused and most were never acknowledged and recorded. Even with the support from the
expatriates in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, France, Japan, Korea, and
Singapore, if we are unified and united, we can easily carry out a lot of activities and outside
international support will not be substantially important any more. Don't you think? I think we
can even help the migrants and displaced persons along the border. That will also help us recruit
more people willing to get involved in the struggle. We have been only preaching the migrants
and the displaced people by mouth alone and we haven't tried to be the same with them. In Mae
Sod and many places, we are like another class but not like the migrants and displaced. That is
not a good way to be with people and to work among the people.

In terms of getting supports from international communities, we can set up a channel to do some
activities and the political and lobbying wing can take care of getting support for clandestine
movements and social help activities. At the same time, they can start negotiating with the
governments willing to support for all other means of the struggle. We might need to be smart in
this area for obtaining all supports. If we are disorganized, it is harder even to have discussion
with the governments to support for other means. I knew personally that the US government
once look into providing military assistances but they could not find any group, which is reliable
and which can be believed that it will bring about changes. No matter what, the US is still giving
some forms of military support to SSA through Thai army as of today. Any government will not
talk with us for military or support for all other activities if we are still in this disorganized and
losing stages with no practical strategy. We need to develop ourselves first before getting
support and we need to prove that we can be the one everyone can believe that it will bring about
changes in Burma. We also need to strongly prove that we are transparent and we are not
corrupt at all.

Strategically, we should use every methods to weaken and finally break the military system in
Burma. I and a few of us have some plans but we can discuss about those in later stage together
with all concerned. All we need at this stage is to set up unified group led by collective
leaderships and then, with all involved in each area can work on developing strategies for its
areas. Then, all can work on overall strategy.

I think, in this stage, if we all can start discussing with all people for unity, it will bring the unity
soon. If you can start discussing with the people near you or anyone you can reach near you
about unity and the needs for that, and all other people are doing in their areas, we will get united
very soon. Most of our so-called leaders do not want to see unity because it may threaten their
whatever power and opportunities they are getting. We all have been urging them for unity but
no one wants to do it. They may say shamelessly in word alone but not commit to it. So, we
cannot rely on them and we need to rely on ourselves first and then, pressure them to get united.
We may need to force them to improve themselves to be effective and efficient leadership.
Different voices separately will not force them to do for unity but all voice in unity will push
them to follow it.

These are our visions and that is why we are calling for unity and cooperation. One thing I and
all of my close friends can strongly promise with certainty is that we are not seeking popularity
and we will never ever be taking leadership roles. We will work hard and take responsibilities
but we will not be seeking leadership roles for ourselves and we don't want to be leaders. We
want to be in a field where we can work with the people and feel the challenges and adventures.

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