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Daniel Stern anotaes de wikipedia) The Interpersonal World of the Infant (1985) Four main senses of self: - 'the

sense of an emergent self, which forms from birth to age two months, - the sense of a core self, which forms between the ages of two and six months, - the sense of a subjective self, which forms between seven and fifteen months, - sense of a verbal self Revisando o livro (1998), Stern agregou duas novas camadas - 'core self-with-another' preceding the subjective self; - 'narrative self, or selves',[10] developing out of the verbal self. ('The Worl d of Stories', onde as atividades humanas podem ser reinterpretadas na forma de roteiros de narrativas. "psychological explanations embedded in the structure of a narrative...unfolds according to a genetically determined timetable" around t he age of three or four Daniel N. Stern, Diary of a Baby (London 1990) p. 129-13 3 Dois plos da estrutura da narrativa: - positivo: a criana que narra uma histria autobiogrfica cria sua identidade - negativo: a cria distorce sua narrativa, cria um falso self (que aparece por v olta dessa idade) onde o passado vivido e o passado narrado so discrepantes. O plo positivo explicaria as perturbaes mentais, onde as distores da realidade atual de forma preponderante Foucault snarled that "In the Californian cult of the self, one is supposed to d iscover one's true self, to separate it from what might obscure or alienate it"[ 52] - whereas for him what was in question was a process of subjectification, an aesthetics of self-formation. Foucault maintained that because "the self is not given to us....there is only o ne practical consequence: we have to create ourselves as a work of art" Daniel Stern x Andr Green - Clinical and Observational Psychoanalytic Research: R oots of a Controversy

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