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2diii) Explain how barriers to change will be overcome in the organization when implementing a supply chain improvement strategy

The use of IT is considered a prerequisite for effective control of todays complex supply chains. However, IT implementation cannot simply be delegated away as technology infuses into every point of the value chain. Many IT projects have failed to be implemented because the business and IT strategies were not aligned. The alignment of business and IT strategies has been utilized by organizations to create and improve efficiencies, reduce costs, create barriers to entry, improve customer and buyer/supplier relationships, and create new products and business solutions (Weiss, Joseph and Anderson, Don, 2004). IT projects to identify the business value of the investment to improve supply chains. At the same time, this business value has been mistaken. They do not get to define the value potentially brought by a solution. In order to get this value, stakeholders must be brought together in a joint process to define potential solutions when seeking higher level of performance. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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