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1. What the Truman Show is trying to depicts in connection to philosophical skepticism?

Skepticism or skepticisms generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions/beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere. In this movie Truman Burbank is a normal man, living in a normal town. He grew up to be a desk clerk for an insurance company, living an ordinary life, having an ordinary wife. But Like skepticism in this movie Truman want to explore more or gain more knowledge he is not contended what he know he what's to gain more about the world he live he push himself to seek more about what is world.

2. What is the dilemma of Truman Burbank and what is he trying to prove? Truman Burbank lives in island of Seahaven happy with his life. He is a successful business man; he has a nice wife and many friends. However, Truman finds his life is getting very repetitive. Truman is not happy with his life. Truman is kept from wandering beyond the island-town.

3. What is the main purpose of the movie will you connect it with the real world? The main purpose of the movie is dont just contented what you know, to survive in this world we need to enhance our talent and we need to explore more or gain knowledge. Like Truman he push himself to see what beyond in that island even he failed sometimes he just continue what hes doing to satisfy himself. Like us if we failed sometimes but remember learn from the past accept the present prepare for the future, dont just look what surround us dont limit our self because God created us by hes own image. We just need to look bigger picture what is life is or what is world is.

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