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Lesson Plans Mrs. Mattern Creative Publishing-Periods 1, 2, 5 Week 3- Aug 26-30 Weekly Standards/ Objectives 1.

TSW develop keyboarding skills. 2. TSW create a business project. 3. TSW develop understanding of Microsoft Word Processing. 4. TSW insert a graphic element. 5. TSW create a letter using Mail Merge. Activities/Assignments: Monday: I do: Counselor introduction, give directions You do: typing all period We do: put away computers quietly and quickly Tuesday: I do: give directions You do: Finish animal assignment and begin Atlas assignment We do: put away computers quickly and quietly Wednesday: I do: give directions You do: Finish Atlas assignment We do: put away computers quickly and quietly Thursday: I do: give directions You do: Business project We do: put away computers quickly and quietly Friday: I do: give directions You do: Business project We do: put away computers quickly and quietly

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