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RIT :: Dept of CSE :: M.

Tech I Year II Sem Students Assignment -1 This Assignment Holds the Unit -1 , 2 & 3

1. 2. 3. 4.

Explain the applications of Artificial Intelligence What are the characteristics of production system? Write about various planning techniques. Explain Breadth-first search and depth - first search. List down the advantages and disadvantages of both? 5. Discuss in detail water-jug problem. 6. Write A* algorithm in detail and explain its functionality to solve 8-puzzle problem. 7. Explain Alpha-Beta cut offs during minmax search. 8. Explain different hill climbing algorithms with general examples 9. Show that the tower of Hanoi problem can be classified under the area of AI. Give a state space representation of the problem. 10.Explain Constraint Satisfaction technique by solving a crypt arithmetic problem 11.Explain the difference between Resolution and Refutation 12.Explain various approaches to represent knowledge with detailed examples 13.What is predicate logic , Convert the following into Predicate Logic (1) Socrates is a man (2) Plato is a man (3) All men are mortal (4) Marcus is a man (5) Marcus was a Pompeian (6) All pompeians are romans (7) Ceaser was a ruler (8) All romans are loyal to him or hated him (9) Every one is loyal to some one (10) People only try to assacinate rulers they are not loyal to (11) Marcus tried to assacinate caeser

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