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atheism alt atheism faq atheist resourc archiv name atheism resourc alt atheism archiv name resourc last modifi decemb version atheist resourc address a theist organ usa freedom religion foundat darwin fish bumper sticker and assort atheist paraphernalia freedom religion foundat write ffrf box madison telephon e volut design evolut design sell darwin fish fish symbol christian stick car feet and word darwin written insid delux mould plastic fish postpaid write evolut de sign laurel canyon north hollywood peopl san francisco bai area can darwin fish lynn gold mail figmo netcom for net peopl lynn directli price per fish american atheist press aap publish atheist book critiqu bibl list biblic contradict and s uch book bibl handbook ball and foot american atheist press isbn edit bibl contr adict absurd atroc immor contain ball foot bibl contradict aap base king jame ve rsion bibl write american atheist press box austin cameron road austin telephon fax prometheu book sell book includ haught holi horror below write east amherst street buffalo york telephon altern address newer older prometheu book glenn dri ve buffalo african american for human organ promot black secular human and uncov histori black freethought publish quarterli newslett aah examin write norm alle n african american for human box buffalo unit kingdom rationalist press associ n ation secular societi islington high street hollowai road london london british humanist associ south place ethic societi lamb conduit passag conwai hall london red lion squar london fax nation secular societi publish freethink monthli maga zin found germani ibka international bund der konfessionslosen und atheisten pos tfach berlin germani ibka publish journal miz materialien und informationen zur zeit politisch journal der konfessionslosesn und atheisten hrsg ibka miz vertrie b postfach berlin germani for atheist book write ibdk international ucherdienst der konfessionslosen postfach hannov germani telephon book fiction thoma disch s anta clau compromis short stori ultim proof that santa exist charact and event f ictiti similar live dead god walter miller canticl for leibowitz gem thi post at om doomsdai monk spent live copi blueprint saint leibowitz fill sheet paper ink and leav white line and letter edgar pangborn davi post atom doomsdai set cleric state church for exampl forbid that produc describ us substanc contain atom phi lip dick philip dick dick wrote philosoph and thought provok short stori and nov el stori bizarr time approach wrote wrote peopl truth and religion technolog bel iev that had met sort god remain sceptic novel relev galact pot healer fallibl a lien deiti summon group earth craftsmen and women remot planet rais giant cathed r beneath ocean deiti begin demand faith earther pot healer joe fernwright unabl compli polish iron and amus maze death noteworthi for descript technolog base r eligion vali schizophren hero search for hidden mysteri gnostic christian realit i fire into brain pink laser beam unknown possibl divin origin accompani dogmat and dismiss atheist friend and assort odd charact divin invas god invad earth ma ke young woman pregnant return anoth star system termin ill and assist dead man brain wire hour easi listen music margaret atwood handmaid tale stori base premi s that congress mysteri assassin and fundamentalist quickli charg nation set boo k diari woman life live christian theocraci women properti revok and bank accoun t close sin luxuri outlaw and radio us for read bibl crime punish retroact docto r perform legal abort world hunt and hang atwood write style difficult us tale g row and chill author bibl thi somewhat dull and rambl work critic worth read tha t you fuss exist version make you true version book fiction peter rosa vicar chr ist bantam press rosa christian even cathol thi enlight histori papal immor adul teri fallaci etc german translat gott erst diener die dunkl seit de papsttum dro emer knaur michael martin atheism philosoph justif templ univers press philadelp hia usa detail and scholarli justif atheism contain outstand appendix defin term inolog and usag thi necessarili tendenti area argu for neg atheism belief exist god and for posit atheism belief exist god includ great refut challeng argument for god attent paid refut contempori theist such platinga and swinburn page isbn hardcov paperback case christian templ univers press comprehens critiqu christi an consid contemporari defenc christian and ultim demonstr that unsupport and in coher page isbn jame turner god creed john hopkin univers press baltimor usa sub titl origin unbelief america examin unbelief whether agnost atheist mainstream a ltern world view focuss period and franc and britain emphasi american and englan d develop religi histori secular atheism god creed intellectu histori fate singl

idea belief that god exist page isbn hardcov paper georg seld editor great thou ght ballantin book york usa dictionari quotat kind concentr statement and write explicitli implicitli present person philosophi and world view includ obscur and suppress opinion peopl for popular observ trace peopl express and twist idea ce nturi quit number quotat deriv cardiff great men religion and noy view religion page isbn paper richard swinburn exist god revis edit clarendon paperback oxford thi book second volum trilogi that began coher theism and conclud faith and rea son thi work swinburn attempt construct seri induct argument for exist god argum ent somewhat tendenti and reli imput late centuri western christian valu and aes thet god supposedli simpl can conceiv decis reject macki miracl theism revis edi t exist god swinburn includ appendix make somewhat incoher attempt rebut macki m acki miracl theism oxford thi posthum volum contain comprehens review princip ar gument for and exist god rang classic philosoph posit descart anselm berkelei hu me moral argument newman kant and sidgwick recent restat classic these plantinga and swinburn address posit push concept god realm ration such kierkegaard kung and philip replac for god such leli axiarch book delight read formalist and writ ten martin work and refreshingli direct compar hand wave swinburn jame haught ho li horror illustr histori religi murder and mad prometheu book religi persecut a ncient time present dai and not christian librari congress catalog card number n orm allen african american human antholog list for african american for human go rdon stein antholog atheism and ration prometheu book antholog cover wide rang s ubject includ devil evil and moral and histori freethought comprehens bibliograp hi edmund cohen mind bibl believ prometheu book studi peopl becom christian fund amentalist and effect net resourc small mail base archiv server manti carri arch iv alt atheism moder articl and assort file for inform send mail archiv server m anti send atheism index and will mail back repli mathew alt.atheism alt atheism faq introduct atheism archiv name atheism introduct alt atheism archiv name introduct last modifi april version begin pgp sign messa g introduct atheism mathew mathew manti thi articl attempt provid gener introduc t atheism whilst neutral contenti issu you rememb that thi document repres viewp oint encourag you read wide and draw your conclus relev book list companion arti cl provid sens cohes and progress present thi articl imaginari convers atheist a nd theist question ask imaginari theist question crop repeatedli alt atheism sin c newsgroup creat frequent ask question answer companion articl note that thi ar ticl arguabl slant answer question pose christian viewpoint thi faq file reflect question ask and predominantli christian proselyt alt atheism talk religion tal k primarili religion such christian judaism and islam involv sort superhuman div in discuss will appli religion not atheism atheism character absenc belief exist god atheist and that god not exist refer weak atheist posit and strong atheism import note differ two posit weak atheism simpl sceptic disbelief exist god stro ng atheism posit belief that god not exist not fall into trap assum that atheist strong atheist atheist exist god limit atheism specif god such christian god ma ke flat denial isn disbeliev god thing believ doesn exist not disbelief proposit mean that not true not believ that true not equival believ that fals simpli ide a whether true not bring agnostic agnostic term agnostic coin professor huxlei m eet metaphys societi defin agnost disclaim strong atheism and believ that ultim origin thing unknown and unknow agnost believ that not and cannot for whether go d exist word slipperi thing and languag inexact bewar assum that you can work ph ilosoph point view simpli fact that call atheist agnost for exampl peopl us agno stic mean weak atheism and us word atheism refer strong atheism bewar that word atheist shade mean difficult gener atheist you can for that atheist don god for exampl isn case that atheist that scienc find univers philosoph justif basi for atheism philosoph justif for atheism find person choos atheist atheist feel that idea god present major religion essenti contradictori and that logic imposs tha t such god exist atheist sceptic evid that god exist isn imposs prove exist coun ter exampl such statement for exampl quit simpl prove that not exist prime numbe r larger prime number thi deal defin object obei defin rule whether god univers similarli defin matter for debat assum for moment that exist god not provabl imp oss subtl reason for assum exist god assum that not exist show that thi assumpt invalid find singl counter exampl hand assum that exist and thing question not p

rovabl imposs show that assumpt invalid requir exhaust search place such thing f ound show that isn such exhaust search impract imposs such problem largest prime can prove that don exist gener accept that assum thing not exist evid that even theist follow thi rule time don unicorn even can conclus prove that unicorn exi st anywher assum that god exist make assumpt cannot test cannot make exhaust sea rch god prove that doesn exist anywher sceptic atheist assum default that god no t exist sinc that assumpt can test profess strong atheism not claim that sort go d exist gener restrict claim cover varieti god describ follow religion whilst im poss prove conclus that god exist prove that god describ religi book not exist e ven prove that god describ present dai religion exist practic believ that god de scrib religion exist close believ that god exist suffici that counter argument b ase imposs disprov kind god not applic god essenti detect god interact univers e ffect interact measur interact univers detect god essenti detect case that not i nteract univers atheist argu that god not interact univers import whether exist not bibl believ god easili detect israelit sure detect todai note that not deman d that god interact scientif verifi physic sure perceiv effect caus presenc can distinguish thing that don exist you philosoph justif for atheism isn religi bel ief common pastim philosoph discuss redefinit game cynic view thi game follow pe rson begin make contenti statement person point that can true person gradual def in word us statement arriv person prepar accept record statement fact that perso n agre and continu eventu statement agre fact origin definit word obscur redefin it origin need agre appar inconsist will tend plai point thi digress that answer question isn atheism religi belief depend crucial meant religi religion gener c haracter belief superhuman control power sort god and faith and worship worth po int pass that varieti buddhism not religion such definit atheism not belief sort superhuman power categor worship meaning sens widen definit religi encompass at heism result aspect human behaviour suddenli class religi such scienc polit and watch not religion sure belief atheism scienc act faith religion firstli not cle ar that sceptic atheism believ secondli adopt number core belief assumpt make so rt sens sensori data experi atheist adopt core belief and even subject question experi throw into doubt scienc number core assumpt for exampl gener assum that l aw physic for observ sort core assumpt atheist make such basic idea call act fai th almost base act faith and term lose mean faith us refer complet belief such d efinit atheism and scienc not act faith individu atheist scientist can dogmat re ligi follow claim that thi not gener tendenc atheist reluct state certainti that univers exist faith us refer belief support evid proof sceptic atheism doesn fi t that definit sceptic atheism belief strong atheism closer doesn match even dog mat atheist will tend refer experiment data lack assert that god not exist athei sm not religi sure anti religi unfortun human tendenc label for friend enemi tru th not clear cut atheism posit that run logic counter theism that sens can anti religion religi believ speak atheist anti religi mean that atheist sort antipath i hatr theist thi categor atheist hostil religion quit unfair atheist attitud th eist fact cover broad spectrum atheist live and live attitud question will not m ention atheism perhap close friend thi part atheism not social accept countri at heist quit anti religi and even convert histor such anti religi atheist made imp act societi eastern bloc countri digress slightli soviet union origin dedic sepa r church and state usa soviet citizen legal free worship wish institut state ath eism stalin control soviet union and destroi church order gain complet power pop ul atheist quit vocal belief religion encroach matter not busi for exampl govern usa such individu concern that church and state remain separ you don religion r un state sure that state atheism principl separ church and state that state not legisl matter religi belief mean not that state cannot promot religion expens an oth that cannot promot belief religi natur religion can discuss pure secular mat ter for exampl religi believ histor respons for encourag polit reform even todai organ campaign for increas spend foreign aid found religi campaign long campaig n secular matter and long not discrimin religi ground atheist quit happi prayer school god you care peopl prai peopl prai voter and lawmak and tend thing that d on prai can ignor christian prayer school intimid christian even told that not j oin divers religi and religi belief mean that imposs formul meaning prayer that will accept present public event prayer tend friend and famili prai reason care

friend and famili wast time even motiv you mention christian campaign for increa s foreign aid atheist aren atheist chariti hospit don atheist object religi char iti chariti religi purpos that atheist can contribut atheist contribut religi ch ariti for sake practic good atheist even voluntari work for chariti found theist ic basi atheist feel that atheism isn worth shout connect chariti atheism simpl obviou everydai matter and chariti feel that somewhat cheap not righteou us simp l chariti excus plug set religi belief weak atheist build hospit not god strang idea hold parti todai not birthdai fuss atheism rare evangel you atheism isn ant i religi perhap backlash upbring rebel perhap for peopl parent not attempt forc religi atheist idea and peopl choos call atheist doubtless case that religi peop l chose religion backlash atheist upbring hand peopl choos religion conform expe ct can conclud whether atheism religion backlash conform gener peopl tendenc gro up act independ atheist differ religi peopl don god that atheist listen heavi me tal backward even prefer verdi requiem even word wear hawaiian shirt dress black even wear orang robe buddhist lack belief sort god atheist even carri copi bibl for argu you chanc you met atheist realis atheist unexcept behaviour and appear unexcept aren atheist moral religi peopl that depend you defin moral obedi god atheist moral don obei god talk moral talk accept and unaccept wrong behaviour s ocieti human social anim and maxim success oper each thi good reason discourag a theist anti social immor behaviour pure for purpos preserv atheist behav moral c ompassion simpli feel natur tendenc empath human care happen don simpli that nat ur peopl behav immor and us atheism justifi action equal peopl behav immor and u s religi belief justifi action for exampl trustworthi that deserv full accept je su christ into world save sinner for that reason shown merci that jesu christ di splai unlimit patienc exampl for and receiv etern life king etern immort invis g od honor and glori forev and quot statement made court februari jeffrei dahmer n otori cannib serial killer milwauke wisconsin that for atheist mass murder relig i mass murder trivial moral survei conduct roper organ found that behavior deter ior born experi respond had driven intox born had convers similarli had us illeg drug convers two percent admit engag illicit sex salvat freethought todai septe mb that religion not monopoli moral behaviour such thing atheist moral you mean such thing moral for atheist answer explain atheist idea moral strong held relig i peopl you mean atheism characterist moral code answer atheism not impli person will behav atheist follow moral rule theist for reason atheist view moral creat human human feel world work set rule decre supernatur aren atheist theist deni god studi freedom religion foundat found that atheist respond atheist religion n ot work for had found that religi belief fundament incompat observ atheist not u nbeliev ignor denial unbeliev choic vast major spent time studi religion sometim great depth made care and consid decis reject religi belief thi decis inevit co nsequ that individu person for natur sceptic person choic atheism that make sens and choic that person can honestli make don atheist want god atheist live live watch desir watch matter good natur big brother figur atheist god thing true ris k such approach obviou atheist decid that want not evid for belief atheist evid for exist god unwil soul not atheist previous religi explain vast major consid p ossibl that god exist atheist spent time prayer reach god true that atheist lack open mind assum that atheist bias and insincer offens and close mind comment su ch god you aren properli like view patron you engag philosoph debat atheist vita l that you give benefit doubt and assum that sincer that search for god you not will that basic tell truth debat futil isn life complet pointless atheist atheis t live purpos life decid mean life and pursu goal make live count not wish for e tern life influenc peopl will live for exampl atheist dedic life polit reform ho pe leav mark histori natur human tendenc for mean purpos random event mean obvio u that life sort thing that mean put anoth not question sensibl thing atheist th at ask mean life silli ask mean cup coffe that life purpos mean atheist find com fort time danger wai obtain comfort famili friend even pet spiritu level food dr ink that sound empti and vulner face danger individu thing comfort face realiti matter harsh end decis for individu concern atheist unabl not make feel comfort put truth comfort and that search for truth sometim make feel unhappi that hard luck don atheist worri that suddenli shown wrong short answer you atheist atheis t for year encount argument and suppos evid for exist god found invalid inconclu

s thousand year religi belief haven result good proof exist god atheist tend fee l that prove wrong futur and stop worri theist question belief don argument appl i belief question not similar weak atheism sceptic default posit assert noth str ong atheism neg belief theism strong posit belief atheist sometim argu that thei st question belief real harm can not believ sort harm religion repres huge finan ci and work burden mankind not matter religi believ wast monei church build time and effort spent build church prai and imagin that effort spent theist miracl h eal plenti instanc ill peopl heal priest ceas medicin prescrib doctor and dy res ult theist di refus blood transfus religi ground arguabl that cathol church oppo sit birth control and condom increas problem overpopul world countri and contrib ut spread aid world wide religi believ murder children children becom atheist ma rri religion weren real believ claim believ sort excus make real believ true rel igion hard christian compet group convinc that true christian sometim even fight and kill each atheist suppos decid real christian and isn even major christian church cathol church and church england can decid end atheist pragmat view and d ecid that call christian and christian belief dogma justifi action consid christ ian christian pervert christian teach for end sure bibl can readili us support c hristian act can moral code bibl word god couldn made easi misinterpret and you that your belief aren pervers your god intend singl unambigu interpret bibl athe ist interpret anoth your claim that believ jesu and that murder jesu and bibl to ld call christian extrem sort belief question sinc prove that god not exist that basic religi belief share faith nonsens that not hold point start thi dialogu p osit assert exist entiti inher harder disprov neg prove that unicorn don exist t hat doesn make that myth valid hold neg assert default hold posit assert default weak atheist argu that assert noth atheism great theist popular belief correct whether work peopl astrolog grapholog and pseudo scienc atheist feel that simpli human weak want god primit human societi religion peopl deal phenomena that not adequ understand religion that industri world find peopl believ religi explan p henomena even perfectli adequ natur explan religion start mean attempt explain w orld nowadai serv purpos cultur develop religion sure that not religion superfic i similar for exampl worth rememb that religion such buddhism and taoism lack so rt concept god christian sens religion quick denounc compet religion odd us reli gion and justifi anoth famou scientist and philosoph conclud that god exist for scientist philosoph believ god not point truth belief not determin peopl import realiz that atheist not view famou scientist philosoph that theist view religi l eader famou scientist human expert field talk matter word carri special weight r espect scientist made foolish speak subject lie field expertis you that widespre ad belief religion noth not that religion question properti help spread theori m emet talk meme set idea can propag human mind analog gene atheist view religion set success parasit meme spread encourag host convert meme avoid destruct discou rag believ question doctrin peer pressur time believ admit that mistaken religi meme even encourag host destroi host control meme memet view virtu associ succes s propag meme religion not good thing number peopl diseas good thing number peop l caught even religion not true put across import messag fundament messag atheis m import idea atheist promot don surpris idea present religion moral behaviour m indlessli rule sceptic posit claim you want your life sort mean you find search for true even make you uncomfort make your life you good reli extern power chang you you chang popular doesn mean good you assum assum easi test don thing you w ant true and final and importantli belief open question for take time read thi a rticl mathew for inform pgp send mail pgpinfo manti alt.atheism gospel date articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat wr ite john quit not necessarili elabor theologi evid that luke and that content no t canon form thi argument you elabor argument follow oid quot john not almost co difi matthew luke consid similar point knowledg such and not sourc assum that kn ew luke put luke and give evid for assumpt don thi follow you tradit attribut lu ke john john elder figur case talk span time rang lifetim talk date text not ag author usual explan for time order mark matthew and luke not respect ag matthew read text mark and luke that matthew and that mark assum that john knew content luke text evid for that not overwhelm admittedli earlier manuscript john discov interest and date haven info hand late earli and possibl shed doubt order put jo

hn rest don your point exactli jame felder had hand knowledg event and obviou th at two us older text base account and even associ luke paul mark peter not gener accept genuin letter peter close wouldn origin togeth card sender and receiv fi ne that suppos miss and don step remov sourc that bad luke and mark and matthew learn stori directli dicipl cannot sort big transform jesu gospel that peopl pos it new report gener get inform thi and john dicipl noth that john discipl not ge ner accept style and languag togeth theologi us counterargu argument that john d iscipl reli claim gospel john evid for step and gener remov bad even time compar that report similar event centuri almost illiter societi not even speak that be liev not necessarili sourc obviou that mark edit oldest manuscript knowledg can antiqu oldest quit estim and not even complet clear edit problem end and basic h opeless mess oldest version give strong sens incomplet point shortest version br eak midsent obviou solut that point part text lost materi vers pretti and repres synopsi end luke word not origin mark and argument base mark pretti weak that c onnect redat john benedikt alt.atheism univers violat separ church state dmn kepler unh edu king becom philosoph philosoph becom king write recent ra order and resist care appar post religi flyer entitl soul scroll thought religion spiritu and matter soul insid b athroom stall door school univers hampshir sort newslett assembl hall director c ampu pose question spiritu each issu and solicit respons includ issu pretti vagu assum put christian care not mention jesu bibl heard defend doesn support relig ion thi state univers and strong support separ church and state enrag can thi so und scream for parodi give copi your friendli neighbourhood subgeniu preacher lu ck run mental mincer and hand you back outrag offens and gut bustingli funni par odi you can past origin can stool scroll thought religion spiritu and matter col on you can us thi text wipe mathew alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl apr harde r ccr ida org harder ccr ida org bob mcgwier write hate econom terror and polit correct wors hate thi polici effect approach stop donat organiz that directli in directli support gai right issu end boycott fund scout can reconcil appar contra dict and rob strom strom watson ibm ibm research mill river road box yorktown he ight alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd tr w write didn you lucif creat perfect natur defin perfect you plai usual game mak e sweep statement omni holi perfect and don note that mean exactli and that that you not us thi term lead contradict not plai game understand that come complet point view such atheism your foot your mouth wonder that cathol christian fact t hat contradict unresolv reason atheist believ similar sentenc for long time that show power religion and not claim god prevent lucif fall take abil choos moral altern worship god worship that mean that god error make lucif free will place e xactli god evil evil that opinion premis point view not premis true specif that evil evil occur follow definit evil ordinarili us let evil happen allow evil pla ce thi place even caus evil anoth evil you give definit free will presenc omnisc i will determin word god creat consciou be abil choos moral choic independ god w ill free will omnisci attribut god will creatur will even omnipot creat choic le ft event fix not even for omnisci extend argument jame tim god omnisci creat be free moral choic greater good emerg ungodli evil sin sinc creat know outcom adva nc greater good evil knowledg that will happen not make unipolar system possibl good not good that not necessarili impli evil logic your god not not that such l ogic god restrain free choic choos evil and simpli not good can that free moral choic and good defin love and obei god and avoid behavior god prohibit can you t hat not good not evil not that not good evil logic and not omnipot can free will you choic and scenario you defin free will imagin can good be cannot harm easil i implement make object good deed don make long for can not feel absenc good evi l case argu conceiv omnipot can not omnipot you want logic consist you give pet idea omnipot delet perhap weak specul ubiquit pink unicorn basi for such specul thi idea god didn fall blue read scienc fiction fantasi that will disagre bibl d escrib god omnisci and nevertheless creat be free moral choic definit logic foll ow that not mind amount evid that god exist and that biblic descript fair that e vid bolster argument view that bibl describ omnisci and omnipot god destroi cred

ibl bibl noth and lot peopl interest evid for god can definit benedikt alt.atheism polit atheist arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write motto o rigin star spangl banner that thi atheist motto coin origin mccarthyit smear equ at atheism commun and call unamerican didn motto coin sinc civil war requir curr enc keith alt.atheism anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write vic tim muslim victim not true muslim muslim quit annoi don understand point thi pet ti sarcasm basic principl islam that born muslim testifi that god god and mohamm ad prophet god that long not explicitli reject islam word consid muslim muslim p henomenon you attempt make into gener rule psycholog direct odd basic islam prin cipl you want attack islam you argu that islam explicitli contradict critic isla m for chang critic argument us whenev peopl you identifi muslim victim attack us argument for bad situat muslim whenev deed muslim that victim name not count ar gument peopl not true muslim mention made muslim bad situat anoth parti doubl st andard benedikt alt.atheism polit atheist refer line trim livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write good deal confus you start assert that object moral and you admit you fin ish recurs definit murder object immor eactli murder and not requir appeal moral you switch target you ask goal you mean goal you suggest that object goal and f orm moral achiev for exampl goal natur moral surviv and propog speci anoth examp l moral system present declar independ state that guarante life liberti and purs uit happi you moral system defin purpos system that moral end murder violat gold en rule and thought had defin murder intent kill murder will and you respond thi ask whether not execut innoc person system capit punish murder not fail thi nev er claim that system moral object thought that your claim that kind object moral and that exampl that that murder wrong you don want claim that that fine murder violat golen rule pillar moral system not assum that current system and manner implement object moral that good approxim can perfect and you don understand dif fer arbitrari and object keith schneider defin murder thi that and that arbitrar i jon livesei person system moral kill human will murder and wrong and legal def init murder usa kuweit saudi arabia prc matter not whit object assum system base clear and fundament concept arbitari impli clear line reason keith alt.atheism pompou ass kmr cwru edu keith ryan write peopl ask question and you rare answer nope answer each question pose and answer multipl time keith alt.atheism pompou ass livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write long motto s tai becom default cutoff point don exact cutoff year and sure year notion defaul t not into account popul makeup specif you talk you argu that motto interpret of fens larger portion popul year ago keith alt.atheism keith schneider stealth poster sandvik newton appl kent sandvik write borrow philosophi you don understand color red you not true even you exper ienc color red you interpret you wouldn red and you couldn judg subject and obje ct not applic sinc you want discuss merit red keith alt.atheism keith schneider stealth poster arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arro mde write you discuss merit racism psycholg benefit you experienc person you spe ak experienc religion you mean religion that and thi pretti imposs ideal for rel igion and determin thought suit thi not not that religion warrant belief belief carri psycholog benefit psycholog burden you speak experienc racism you mean tha t racism that racist thing for parallel you meant odd usag phrase psycholog bene fit gain racism fulli understood judg person believ racism parallel happen poor you origin keith alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write you don t hat capit punish wrong isn shoot analog that you continu drive your car realiz t hat sooner kill automobil accid you peopl kill result drive you continu you not that you will kill not drive car had suffici evid conclud that necessarili kill lifetim and think you think that involv fatal accid likelihood surprisingli high you man fire squad gun shoot blank not mean that you guilti don jon take human life murder and murder wrong situat action that will prevent anoth murder anoth you mean that kill wrong situt and you note that that situat will never occur op tion kill don you that kill wrong thi basic you get bit tire your probabilist ar gument you attempt condescend that system work pretti small consol poor innoc ba

stard get lethal inject your person human life base sole statist approach you so und unswerv adher outweigh fuck peopl found risk accept you like die plane crash even electr blender you execut innoc person that risk accept ideal moral system such risk accept accept fudg factor such approxim ideal keith alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write that peop l approv death penalti even realiz shortcom doesn thi make reason you sole judg reason reveng merit you find capit punish talk major peopl that support that rev eng fair peopl favor punish murder punish peopl that that deserv peopl wouldn fa ir for murder live victim di reveng petti and pathet perhap you that petti and p athet your view minor local televis hot topic talk show that recent segment capi t punish each and advoc us thi portion system jurisprud cite main reason for sup port that bastard deserv true human compass forgiv and sympathi requir compass f orgiv and sympathi wrong will great length make that advantag remov similar situ at forc kill anoth can appli golden rule and kill thi person turn not entir mora l system base such concept you state that human life sacr and that never violat thi sound sort religi view mean reason imprison you person releas found innoc yo u can undo imiprison that serv perhap shouldn impris peopl watch close cost simi lar implant sort electron devic you aliv prison dead chair onc crimin commit mur der desir irrelev and you not answer question you concern death penalti due poss ibl execut innoc isn thi concern share imprison shouldn your logic administ mini mum punish avoid violat liberti happi innoc person keith alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write kill thi person innoc person convict murder murder commit not murder wouldn consid murder reason introduc fudg factor account for inabl total object due lack absolut tru e inform societi collect decid carri burden execut citizen carri blame for innoc blood each and voter cast ballot favor capit punish part guilti murder each and innoc victim system peopl favor system blame societi accept such system each me mber societi blame innoc person get execut that not favor work convinc and membe r societi accept blame consid risk accept similarli person drive accept blame fo r fatal traffic accid thi that sure happen peopl drive question risk accept like that innoc person will kill drive that will execut keith alt.atheism don innoc die death penalti articl psilink psilink jame tim writ e maintain class and even prison place innoc peopl higher risk unjust death stat e execut class and occasion error answer posit that place peopl prison for life that depend not predisposit murder success rate escap and abil commit crime word lifetim imprison doesn work perhap not not execut peopl not care lock bob beauc hain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism ancient islam ritual articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monas h edu fred rice write propos that two trend greater level gener depress societi and psycholog problem and greater sexual promiscu link prime cannot provid evid thi thi stage thesi reason and request that peopl ponder damn you can provid evi d for rare widespread social phenomenon reduc such simpl premis psycholog hard s cienc roughli mathemat sound physic your premis like that reflect your social an d religi background your valid your religi belief pretend answer and don that xe nophobia guilt and intoler brought adher fundamentalist religion plai larg role depress member societi your mileag vari bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that que en stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism polit atheist articl apr blaze jhu edu arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write articl fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write t hat innoc person kill sens bad feel that punish for singl murder reform system r educ number death produc system not back system even introduc singl extra death bob that bad sens somewhat stronger you argument that sole purpos death penalti kill peopl that primari and argu purpos continu kill peopl practic that almost u til you you will kill innoc unconscion exist prison system and transport system base merit societi not detriment will accept lost innoc live overwhelm benefit c ontinu exist system stretch evid and argument make claim for capit punish case w asn clear maintain capit punsih system that kill innoc peopl and net posit gain you pin corner and respond that don belief state life won open that debat tire t hi thread bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank ma nhattan sea

alt.atheism creator articl drporter suvm syr edu drporter suvm syr edu brad porter write scienc wonder answer question not type question scientif find perso n find theori evolut unfathom human highli evolv complex organ that think learn and develop organ that result random genet mutat and natur select stuff delet co mput excel exampl evolut creator not creat comput not creat sand that into silic on that into integr circuit that into processor board thing and put togeth inter est plant creat oxygen light photosynthesi bigger leap talk that creat noth find unfathom resort believ creator simpler altern exist simpli incap understand beg in even begin and that present perfectli busi jim halat alt.atheism american and evolut articl rpi edu johnsd jec rpi edu dan johnso n write articl main main edu main main edu write dan johnson you don thi hand br avo for beauti simpli beauti jim halat alt.atheism specul articl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti write nanci ann m iller andrew cmu edu write thi god omnipot you folk claim can termin etern for r eason can flibbl glop ork groink thing you demand that mean term thi classic exa mpl excess faith reason fact that troubl talk doesn impli that imposs simpli imp li that hard talk good chanc that god can flibbl glop ork groink charli wingat c an flibbl glop ork groink and isn even god doug graham dgraham bnr opinion alt.atheism polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write fun debat capit punish thi wrong group for relev that you don capit punish and murder tha t you murder wrong you term you not defin that innoc person execut thi object mu rder blame anoth question that entir societi that sanction sort execut realiz ri sk blame probabl kill innoc person shoot random into air and probabl kill innoc person state administ system capit punish you you that action you take will soon er result kill innoc person probabl that you will kill raondom activ you had not isol total rest societi thi and drive will kill peopl will airlin peopl continu drive and fly not punish inflict unwil prison court risk that ourselv willingli and argu that law system similar risk perhap innoc person will punish somedai w ork prevent thi fact crimin free result prevent punish innoc drive kill moral is su person involv fatal accid and felt vei guilti such accid total expect numner vehic road blame societi not thi you you that such fals wit that result innoc pe rson convict and kill fault state sinc actual kill comment that state kill not d epend fals wit state kill even case sincer mistak state not fault such case stat e can prevent fals wit you that capit punish murder possibilti human error inval id system capit punish murder period not thi that and involv take human life tha t definit murder make appeal dictionari object moral thi you call murder questio n whether not such murder wrong you that take human life wrong matter circumst s ocieti decid murder that and list reason for and live moral consequ not plai wor d game and pretend that murder isn murder and that opinion societi run thi basic work societi accept risk that innoc person will murder execut and member societ i share thi blame and peopl definit murder includ sort malici intent not involv execut discuss object moral system possibilti ramif your person system object no t discuss object moral system show you that you didn for thing you incap defin t erm for exampl murder murder violat golden rule execut not allow societi implici tli accept consequ matter innoc victim not talk read mind talk know truth can ne ver absolut that truth court system work principl know truth reason doubt you si mpli not quot accur you and sinc total object thi case peopl think vote execut p erson not intent malici and unfair execut murder you slide into anoth claim quit juri persuad doubt not know mind doubt read mind juri whether not convict moral not object system absolut truth matter and juri system method approxim such tru th that twelv member convinc truth juri come suffici prejud background persuad d oubt evid that you and laugh read mind peopl that convict unfair perfectli fair read mind assum that fair knew absolut truth fair your opinion good approxim abs olut truth not question fair your claim quot claim whether can fair distinguish capit punishn murder object determin differ knew inform can determin differ flaw system that system almost good isn object perfect you doesn matter fair not obj ect fair not huge differ can read mind can and cannot read mind can noth differ not degre fair can effect object system produc fairli object system clear goal s uppos promot not wast time devis system that pretti not exist you simpli want pe opl confront realiti realiti rememb your realiti import thi case realiti that id

eal theori apart can never even fact fair justic system for innoc person releas death row dozen innoc peopl execut hundr simpli don can assum that system fairli decent like and you realiz that correct system noth total ideal and object syst em hand can pretend that ideal theori and that can thing can never and justi sys tem fair and that can wave magic wand and make type kill not murder and can idea l system work system can not ideal can hope creat system that close approxim ide al system hand can recogn that justic small hope probabl punish innoc and that e nd bear moral respons even for probabilist consequ system set and murder will ev en gee thi strictli bear respons peopl will thi that second prefer that requir p eopl face moral consequ societi shelter ourselv magic ceremoni and word game rea liz consequ action you separ justic system pack and forget don object moral syst em and that idea present evid don countri object system such object system can e xist theori omnisci object system not practic keith alt.atheism polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write come keit h schneider and object moral system and start definit that thi object system dep end and predict thing fall apart fall apart you attempt appli thi doesn mean tha t object system can exist mean that cannot implement keith alt.atheism univers violat separ church state articl kepler unh edu dmn kepl er unh edu king becom philosoph philosoph becom king write recent ra order and r esist care appar post religi flyer entitl soul scroll thought religion spiritu a nd matter soul insid bathroom stall door school univers hampshir sort newslett a ssembl hall director campu post delet respond religi post stop dana easi post fl yer stall door add bottom nice larg capit emerg toilet paper robert mellish fog email mellish net irc hobnob and mr joy prize for rafia work alt.atheism usatodai famili valu articl rzz unix portal danb shell portal da n babcock write funni usatodai american famili associ post choic part for your e njoy emphas not ad typo mine dan articl delet found add local sundai newspap add cartoon section perfect place for alt.atheism islam author women articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write claim that person that committ crime doesn god for moment that crime commit whether origin believ not good your statist peopl that declar athei sm and doubtless atheist act chariti temporarili becom baptist jon alt.atheism ancient islam ritual articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monas h edu fred rice write propos that two trend greater level gener depress societi and psycholog problem and greater sexual promiscu link prime cannot provid evid thi thi stage thesi reason and request that peopl ponder ponder for ten second r ealis that sinc don reliabl statist for sexual promiscu and sinc issu depress is n defin for earlier centuri you talk crap you pull mozumd and that peopl sex mar riag defin depress can notic jon alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl apr cbnew sl att stank cbnewsl att stan krieger write can us rec scout for purpos for esta blish netnew voter decid that not want provid scout newsgroup give fring group f orum for anti societ polit view thi thing will comment stan thi time part thi fo rum call rec scout for polici discuss and relat topic thi polici discuss and inv olv relat topic thi not fring group discuss engend strong feel side issu hand we ther view anti societ not your opinion and alon don make you not engag thi discu ss us kill file you continu thi discuss know full implic that appli for that pla n continu discuss input for tire peopl that thi not matter signific for thi grou p and quit for feel impact close dominick zurlo world www oyster eagl scout alle rg mollusk blacklist alt.atheism polit atheist mathew mathew manti write for rape sure burden gui lt sole rapist not you thrown into cage tiger and maul you blame tiger keith alt.atheism polit atheist mathew mathew manti write perhap shouldn impris pe opl watch close cost similar implant sort electron devic wait commit crime not i mplant such devic potenti crimin communist and atheist don follow your reason yo u propos punish peopl commit crime justif you for thi keith alt.atheism enviroleagu altern scout for unaccept bsa for reason religi sexu al prefer boyd critz iii compuserv subject enviroleagu birth announc march earth forum compuserv inform servic formal announc enviroleagu youth movement envirol eagu recent born founder boyd critz iii ci peoria illinoi enviroleagu exist for

educ youth male and femal matter valu relat and respons for environ incorpor ill inoi not for profit corpor articl and initi applic for servic mark file critz dr aft bylaw statement mission and object mission mission enviroleagu and adult mem ber foster and implement improv educ young peopl conduct live steward earth leav earth condit found and act respons moral and ethic user environ pursu accomplis h thi mission enviroleagu seek serv catalyst focus common separ effort group des ir preserv improv and respons us environ live object pursuit mission enviroleagu primari object establish movement involv environment concern organ movement pri mari focu educ and participatori involv young peopl area environment concern dev elop and provid such organ and branch full complement program materi for us incl ud suitabl uniform insignia and badg written idea syllabi and inform literatur a nd item and desir serv clear hous for exchang program idea materi and inform org an and assist environment concern organ recruit and train adult leadership for y outh program enviroleagu will oper program divis serv youth elementari middl and high school grade servic format enviroleagu team enviroleagu environment consci ou organ local branch wish charter us program develop enviroleagu enviroleagu de velop will control actual adult leader each local team and will nation impos obs tacl membership adult leadership statu not base relev improp conduct organ accep t charter impos addit standard for us program materi such organ enviroleagu will commit form nearbi team such restrict youth membership enviroleagu will oper pr incipl that youth will contribut develop program top youth leader team for middl and high school youth becom involv govern local administr group and for high sc hool youth involv similar function nation level program materi develop thi time copi draft portion mentor manual manual for adult leadership will earth forum li brari file will updat develop take place compuserv proud that enviroleagu founde r chose thi electron medium make public announc format thi announc made simultan outdoor and earth forum electron home enviroleagu compuserv earth forum earth m essag and librari area name enviroleagu subsequ enviroleagu initi govern council held meet boyd critz elect enviroleagu chief guardian equival chairman board ce o can reach home case real mail can address enviroleagu box peoria interest star t enviroleagu team establish contact receiv diskett ibm do ascii initi inform cd t rocket stratu you that speak for compani cdt vo stratu write todai for special investor packet alt.atheism idl question for fellow atheist atheist care specul face world a theist major minor group popul ridicul question wai newsread not get post for bi t figur post atheist stanc and accor higher think theistic think typic selfish a rgument that line think evolv inher motiv not intrins qualit measur stick drawn and cannot assign system belief core altern appli peripheri express selfish idl thought adam adam john cooper verili laugh weakl thought good simpli acoop macal str edu had claw alt.atheism american and evolut articl apr dc warwick simon dc warwick simon clippingdal write delet alt atheism tend recognis two categori atheism function format due mathew manti weak not god strong not god delet strong atheist and qu ibbl your assert that strong posit requir faith that god commonli describ theist exist thi belief opinion form basi observ includ amount introspect fulli accept that wrong and will swai suitabl convinc evid that god exist thi not impli fait h part that that that god exist fact not believ god god will argu that your stat ement that god exist rest faith that you make posit statement that god exist str ong atheism don and don and don not weak atheism onc not god that god not exist maintain posit even read faq that strong atheism requir faith languag problem re gard faith and exist christian maintain that god not exist exist mean space and time god not god kierkegaard onc that god not exist etern thi feel pointless deb at call exist god and that not that god sourc and ground you that god not exist accept thi statement mean two thing follow will us phrase exist god usual sens a nd thi sens that you clarif you mean exist god differ mean faith webster faith a llegi duti person loyalti fidel promis sincer intent belief and trust and loyalt i god belief tradit doctrin religion firm belief for proof complet trust that be liev esp strong convict esp system religi belief syn belief can never prove that god not exist you that you god not exist and that thi opinion base observ will observt you refer observ pro con that valid establish posit belief observ can po

int you direct direct that even predispos predispos mean for exampl peopl whoe p artent god tend draw conclus exist exist god requir leap and you made thi leap y ou activ that god not exist person that statement misguid argu exist god precis wrong find and us person god viabl concept imo person us ahead god choic anthrop omorphis you want explain glad and not agre even violent disagre advantag start name call person think misunderstood faq not read point error wai and correct si tuat interest polit and thought discuss cheer simon simon clippingdal simon dc w arwick depart comput scienc tel univers warwick fax coventri bob singleton bob t hnext mit edu alt.atheism genocid caus atheism snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write horribl d eath result atheism quit horribl death result atheist and theist bobbi can list quit for atheist side fail recogn that theist equal profici genocid perhap sinc bit weak histori somon give list war caus led theist can hitler claim christian for exampl complet list effect show bobbi absurd statement peac side note notic you sign your post peac perhap you your advic and leav atheist peac belief bobbi mozumd nanci you and author thi quot send email andrew cmu edu ly ourselv deepl i ingrain ly alt.atheism dear theist west cvill wam umd edu stilgar write mean full quot michael crichton jurras park earth exist quit content for billion year for blink ey and tomorrow earth not miss rememb thi quot humbl think that progress that m aster thi planet cool quot earth doesn save exist quit happili save watch theist will jump you for that brian west thi not sig file earth thi not sig file for b link sig file ey tomorrow post west wam umd edu not miss doesn care jurass park diclaim thi meant thi made nanci you and author thi quot send email andrew cmu e du ly ourselv deepli ingrain ly alt.atheism polit atheist turn jump articl innq gap caltech edu keith cco ca ltech edu keith allan schneider write refer line trim livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write good deal confus you start assert that object moral and you admit you finish recurs definit murder object immor eactli murder and not requir appe al moral you mean circular not recurs that semant recurs problem horribl ineffic i assembl programm you switch target you ask goal you mean goal you suggest that object goal and form moral achiev for exampl goal natur moral surviv and propog speci anoth exampl moral system present declar independ state that guarante lif e liberti and pursuit happi you moral system defin purpos system that moral end oft quot line that peopl guarante life liberti and pursuit happi inalien right c omplet lie and decept author that line process prove liberti never free purchas cost almost cost anoth who liberti inalien similarli for life person die save an oth even group who life inalien that lead into classic question death penalti fo r serial killer who life and liberti valuabl serial killer victim that beauti li ne two right complet inviol that remov thi includ govern admittedli serial kille r restrict peopl life and liberti not life liberti inviol declar independ murder violat golden rule and thought had defin murder intent kill murder will oooh th at mean that kill infant not murder cannot will reason infant will such similarl i for peopl brain dead easier coma etc current law accident kill murder will you includ that and you respond thi ask whether not execut innoc person system capi t punish murder not fail thi never claim that system moral object thought that y our claim that kind object moral and that exampl that that murder wrong you don want claim that that fine real golden rule life gold make rule make that surviv wrong that murder violat golen rule pillar moral system not assum that current s ystem and manner implement object moral that good approxim can perfect you mean golden rule state almost system implement us that realiti don deal fiction reali ti and you don understand differ arbitrari and object keith schneider defin murd er thi that and that arbitrari jon livesei person system moral kill human will m urder and wrong and legal definit murder usa kuweit saudi arabia prc matter not whit ozland not arbitrari you can find part societi societ rule moral etc that n ot arbitrari don object assum system base clear and fundament concept arbitari i mpli clear line reason keith sound euphem differ that object reason that arbitra ri reason that don don understand alt.atheism radic agnost not and jcopelan nyx edu wrote articl bgsu edu andi bgsu edu pixi write post bug zoo bgsu mean that can possibl prove doubt that go

d not exist mean lack thi abil absolut proof atheist becom act faith and and thi cannot accept accept noth blind faith invis pink fly unicorn question meant ath eist familiar exampl import mean word follow two statement consist not that you wear lilac sock not that you not wear lilac sock two statement not consist that you wear lilac sock that you not wear lilac sock statement and requir faith make presumpt natur realiti statement and requir belief atheist includ posit not tha t god not that not god that harbor belief good evid for god exist not folk call thi agnostic not suffer blind faith don worri happi alt.atheism maddi creat imag gaea pinnacl creation creat birth continu cut r eligi crap woman and sexism that start road atheism maddi hausmann madhau netcom centigram commun corp san jose california kid don thi home rememb post professi on alt.atheism wrong and articl trmetu bitnet trmetu bitnet write turkish gui h ad atheism saten and buddism instant hislif final decid islambecaus fact intend write point view you atheist peopl drop deep dark and think realiti dusti wall y ou had look bit upward you blue ski you dsee truth you close your ey allah god a nd moham mess ager gener entropi mean theologi and thermodynam hat your point vi ew problem kiss that spark gener for format univers form tself you bother big ba ng spa bit and return realiti univers isla thi bit bobbi atheism fals stuff thi univers cyclic brendan dunn alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write and even that argument doesn stand cost execut crimin thi countri feed cloth and shelter for remaind natur life peopl thi fault judici system find greatest virtu assum t hat you talk appeal process etc note that peopl imprison for life will tend appe al not quit final hour econom not good reason favor oppos punish keith alt.atheism american and evolut articl apr skyblu ccit arizona edu lippard s kyblu ccit arizona edu jame lippard write articl mar juliet caltech edu lmh juli et caltech edu henl lawrenc write atheism greek not theo god belief that god agn ostic greek not gnostein belief that not determin god agnostic you defin posit b elief belief that not determin exist god that belief inclin reject you defin ath eism posit belief that god fairli larg number atheist alt atheism reject thi def init hold that atheism simpli absenc belief god michael martin atheism philosoph justif distinguish strong atheism mistak will newer dictionari and read follow line larri henl lmh shake caltech edu alt.atheism polit atheist refer line trim ssauyet eagl wesleyan edu scott sa uyet write make assumpt that you agre that murder commit murder that murder inte ntion commit murder for instanc you put bullet into gun that thought blank and k ill such gun person perform action isn murder guess thi made clear below definit interest reason definit you mean reason your induct definit doesn bottom your d efinit essenc that murder intent kill not commit murder will expand second occur murder that bad includ word defin definit even seri recurs infinit mean can ded uc assum you can problem correct induct definit you defin term simpler case and you bottom case for instanc can defin factori function function assign posit int eg product posit integ equal posit integ induct follow math lesson delet thi sit uat suppos longstand feud two famili claim that commit travesti distant past eac h time member famili kill member famili think that justifi kill that member fami li suppos that thi sequenc occur infinit number time you don deal infin suppos t hat member famili back into time and essenti begin thing that never end loop sla i base exist travesti you resolv thi murder suppos that thi isn total applic you r problem reduc uninduc system and case nest murder definit murder cannot infint recurs finit exist human and murder cannot commit kill involv person intention kill necessarili murder thi induct solv appar unreduc definit total object syste m inform such nest definit isn problem keith alt.atheism polit atheist articl pigidinnsot gap caltech edu keith cco calte ch edu keith allan schneider write mathew mathew manti write for rape sure burde n guilt sole rapist not you thrown into cage tiger and maul you blame tiger huma n greater control action predomin instict tiger proper analog you thrown into ca ge person and maul you blame that person provid that that person respons frame m ind not clinicali insan pcb etc thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom lo ve mom make for viril men bobbi mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu april true muslim le

ft world alt.atheism idl question for fellow atheist articl apr mac macalstr edu acoo p mac macalstr edu write atheist care specul face world atheist major minor grou p popul problem slight shift emphasi weekend not inviol common work dai week bus i and american atheist similar religi organ person religi belief crutch and just if for action guid determin action peopl come fascin ration for action that fun watch that for peopl religion america doesn matter that you extreemist end larg major don make issu long you don admittedli never had suffer bibl belt north and fring and reason peopl thing tend reason religion atheist stanc and accor highe r think theistic think typic selfish argument that line think evolv inher motiv not intrins qualit measur stick drawn and cannot assign system belief core alter n appli peripheri express selfish don bother higher think anybodi think don want fall that trap you start that you decid and inferior mode think idic infinit di vers infinit combin argu soda not inflat alt.atheism problem satan us islam author women articl apr new unomaha edu t rajan cwi unomaha edu stephen mcintyr write bobbi state that satan free will tha t god thi bring host paradox god evil free will god direct god evil part infinit good and evil etc for onc solid answer not run hope gave you fairli solid answe r thi simpli don agre embodi version satan separ creation forc wrote belief ascr ib that evil not creation absenc good thi fit logic thing dual us knife can us s culpt and can us kill entropi evil thi view forc entiti satan metaphor fact vers holi qur support thi view and tradit for exampl tradit that food never left ope n shelf tabl overnight satan enter appear that thi refer undiscov germ evil effe ct spoil food describ satan exampl satan personifi and quit physic descript heav en and hell holi qur bibl etc time spiritu and intellectu evolut modern human ph ysic descript heaven hell and satan quit liter and that work for time mention tr adit cite for exampl suffici absenc theori germ and diseas spread worm simpli de scrib evil pass consum spoil food satan beg question satan thi case metaphor can you allah not bottom line that describ spiritu plane human languag describ colo r person blind birth you want read book flatland you haven dragon egg intend lig ht heart descript mathemat con cept delet for space save languag fail cannot us adequ describ anoth dimens cannot experienc speaker such convent metaphor allego ri and come unseen describ term refer and mean for reader listen model compro mi se made speak metaphor clariti and direct mean equival percept and crippl can yo u thi ask you god exist spirit metaphor mean satan metaphor you justifi thi beli ef and justifi that god not metaphor for thi instanc satan describ such tormento r testament book job temptor testament gospel god describ spirit metaphor and no t belief god isn bar evil case satanist even satan metaphor satanist god justifi thi belief case god religi standard evil bobbi thi address thi question delet m etaphor philosoph thi issu not that reader thi newsgroup want delv into religi i nterpret wish discuss thi will line mail line post stephen atheist libertarian p ro individu pro respons and that jazz alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl pmjo inn lynx unm edu bevan carina unm edu mathemagician write gai peopl that straight pe opl don absolut noth straight arrow year male that involv bsa don care gai peopl each long don make pass summer camp work boss gai not pansi gai gui doesn push and give respect back due posit bsa taught don toler met thi gui thought gai far i bsa taught antibigot basic come thi you your busi you violat civil right alt.atheism gospel date date mon apr gmt stilgar west cvill wam umd edu arti cl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write articl apr wam umd edu west cvill wam umd edu stilgar write illiad undisput word god prove wrong disput ergo count er exampl you proven wrong disput your counter exampl ergo counter counter examp l you wrong and nanni nanni boo boo tbbbbbbbtttttthhhhh thi case temporari islam alt.atheism word advic articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat wri te time that altern that you caught and altern point ration isn altern problem m etaphys and religi knowledg unsolv human cannot solv that can shouldn interrupt jim you wash your brain todai alt.atheism god moral long jbrown batman bmd trw write supernatur forc creat pathogen you sinc diseas bad bad entiti creat you acid rain meteor fall sky vol cano earthquak and quot unquot act god that not act god natur occurr amaz that y

ou audac that human creation not result natur process evolut act god and post th at process volcano natur occurr gave you choos thing natur process and direct ac t god you that god doesn each and natur disast specif purpos mind sadist natur b ibl even satan had noth origin incept diseas evolut random chanc produc sinc hum an forsook god protect choos live apart god law human collect come surpris that advers consequ collect action that left deal diseas and disord inevit result ent rop univers thi collect bullcrap come collect refer idea that god work human two level individu and collect mankind decid undertak action major mankind god will consequ that action affect mankind adam ev two peopl even tho had honor you chr istian claim two not repres major billion and trillion peopl that come perhap ma jor and you weren vote and perhap vote differ that tree your god never ask assum that you two bad peopl bad hmm sound kind fals gener that theist post resort th at shoulda jim nanci you and author thi quot send email andrew cmu edu ly oursel v deepli ingrain ly alt.atheism islam author women articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write that your mistak for children mother rais child thing that rela t navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viril men compar that homo rais studi and you will point you claim that men stai home and rais child that fals made feminist that seek statu men you not recogn fact that men and women natur d iffer not physic mental your logic didn american world problem atheist becuas co de ethic follow mean that atheist can want feel total base feel and feel cloud r ation think yeah didn that atheist bad that bad good noth defin bad good awright bobbi back shit for brain glori thought turn corner progress thorazin prescript run put kill file man thi good stuff had stai power fortun learn not long long long ago bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank man hattan sea alt.atheism islam author women articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write peac bobbi thi hell your sig you learn stand for and mean bob b eauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism omnipot specul articl psilink robert knowl psilink write date fr i apr nanci ann miller andrew cmu edu can god uncreat for violat natur cannot go d natur exist statement inher exist exist exist cannot not exist mention not omn ipot you mean omnipot you mean omnipot that god thi creat contradictori definit omnipot effect useless descript omnipot mean power and not illustr analog suppos unit state nuclear power earth suppos that militari not effect counter nation g roup nation power into countri time for reason straighten thing leader fit milit arili omnipot suppos that hold doctrin philosophi not interf intern affair natio n such current civil war yugoslavian state technic thi scenario power unilater i nto yugoslavia and straighten mess effect not interven violat polici interfer po lici interfer held strongli never question that violat effect limit had power wa nt simpli never want interfer for such idea consider leader such inviol interfer polici god effect limit sens power cannot us power that violat essenc hope thi help clear misunderstand omnipot regard jim alt.atheism islam marriag articl apr cadenc ma cadenc masud khan write artic l qav austin ibm karner austin ibm karner write you want name name offici record pseudo marriag perform for conveni happen typic that woman will move lover scru pl legal contract speak man util loophol enter into temporari religi marriag con tract order sex complain care perhap you alert your imam that thi practic widesp read you take muslim men wit penetr decid practic exist you astound level ignor you displai muslim not allow enter temporari marriag that evid for outlaw practi s your fact straight buddi give refer for you ly not widespread you fantasis fac t contrari your fantasi not practis muslim not your buddi second read wrote not talk muslim allow practic muslim you don retort and tire not true muslim bullshi t gave you name will you thi inform fatwa leash perpetr you honestli that volunt arili come forward and confess kind extrem shown your religionari fat chanc rate can conclus proof natur act perhap peopl that indulg thi practic agre you theor i hope that allah will forgiv end arrog you pretend speak for muslim thi regard kind silli you insinu that koran law forbid crimin muslim countri thi care thi s ubject weak your argument for netter and disclaim opinion express thi post mine sole and not repres employ karner aix technic support karner austin vnet ibm

alt.atheism polit atheist articl innq gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write refer line trim livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei w rite good deal confus you start assert that object moral and you admit you finis h recurs definit murder object immor eactli murder and not requir appeal moral y ou switch target you ask goal you mean goal you suggest that object goal and for m moral achiev for exampl goal natur moral surviv and propog speci thi you mean goal hope you don mean impli that evolut consciou goal jon alt.atheism polit atheist articl pic linnrau gap caltech edu keith cco calte ch edu keith allan schneider write bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write pers on object that find capit punish cruel and unusu punish circumst can painless is n cruel and occur frequent sinc dawn time unusu koff you mean that long put you sleep can kill you cruel thi jon alt.atheism polit atheist articl pieg inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write come ke ith schneider and object moral system and start definit that thi object system d epend and predict thing fall apart fall apart you attempt appli thi doesn mean t hat object system can exist mean that cannot implement not fact that can exist t hat bother fact that you don defin want hear indefin thing that principl exist l ong you don carefulli religi person couldn jon alt.atheism pompou ass articl btinnqa gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write kmr cwru edu keith ryan write peopl ask question and you rare answer nope answer each question pose and answer multipl time fifti do llar can answer your question big bang theori big bang theori recip for cooki fi fti dollar hei didn answer make sens jon alt.atheism pompou ass articl jkinnq gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu k eith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write long motto s tai becom default cutoff point don exact cutoff year and sure year notion defaul t not into account popul makeup specif you talk you argu that motto interpret of fens larger portion popul year ago comment that make sens inherit default steam train recent jon alt.atheism god moral long articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw r espond lot grief articl apr leland stanford edu galahad leland stanford edu scot t compton sagemast thi relev discuss answer john question genet diseas and bacte ri and viral diseas requir babi develop antibodi god fault origin question not s cotti followup irrelev origin question thi not unusu thread quickli evolv origin topic not understand jim spent time respond regard irrelev thi collect bullcrap come collect refer idea that god work human two level individu and collect mank ind decid undertak action major mankind guess hypothet adam major mankind man ti me god will consequ that action affect mankind you didn understand that apolog f or not and two syllabl word discuss understand you mean collect insan pervers ju stic sort judg punish descend for crime commit ancestor you want that read your post and provid respons send copi jim brown bmd trw can read dai and post slip a dmit that you read read bibl dai you miss coupl good followup your post send you person copi followup hope you will respond public john sageless alt.atheism jew can hide keith cco articl apr bmerh bnr dgraham bmer bnr dou gla graham write articl aaa fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei writ e articl apr bmerh bnr dgraham bmer bnr dougla graham write jon ken previous peo pl you your countri jew not surviv that sound ken accus gui nazi previou post de let thi perfectli fine rant and agre complet issu hand whether not ken accus fel low germani nazi grant that not explic make thi accus pretti damn close accus gu i sympath extermin jew and that good for poster casual trash two thousand year j ewish histori and ken repli that had previous peopl germani that peopl formal na zi nazi parti activ and tacit support ordinari man street behav casual anti semi t perfectli accept exactli don you understand wrote and don you matter hand jon alt.atheism jew can hide keith cco articl apr mac macalstr edu acoop mac mac alstr edu write articl pint fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei writ e germani countri discrimin jew worst reput job express gener european dislik th i not turn into debat antisemit you point that luther antisemit base religi grou nd hitler racial ground and wagnmer aesthet ground blanket group poor analysi ev en bigot find intrigu remark you give bit explan for exampl religion anti semit

and aesthet jon alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash ed u fred rice write ivt cfj fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write british blow skyscrap don you you impli that person accus blow wtc and that isla m teach blow wtc repli person attempt justifi fatwa rushdi ground that work inte ntion insult that singl sentenc fairli long post and don you you impli quit disi ngenu and perhap even dishonest care dig back and read full post will noth kind trust you don deni that islam teach fatwa rushdi jon alt.atheism anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write don understand point thi petti sarcasm basic principl islam that born muslim testif i that god god and mohammad prophet god that long not explicitli reject islam wo rd consid muslim muslim phenomenon you attempt make into gener rule psycholog di rect odd basic islam principl you want attack islam you argu that islam explicit li contradict mozumd incorrect that commit bad act peopl temporarili becom athei st jon alt.atheism genocid caus atheism snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write saddam be liev god prai time dai commun hand commit genocid name atheism lenin and stalin two die hard atheist pun and believ atheism integr part commun bobbi stalin kill million name social atheism characterist lenin stalin version social noth anoth characterist lenin stalin social central food distribut you that stalin and len in kill million name ration bread not horribl death result atheism earlier post you state that true muslim believ incap evil suppos you that you reason that kil l name religion perfect world you live bobbi reason that you atheist that you li mit god give god form god not face bobbi refer obscur law good atheist handbook law xxvi give that you not face you excus bobbi argu theism argu christian idea god realm christian man creat god imag kevin marshal sophomor comput scienc virg inia tech blacksburg usa marshal csugrad edu alt.atheism list biblic contradict joslin pogo isp pitt edu david joslin wri te write found list biblic contradict and clean bit curiou purpos peopl list ser v time atheist spend time pai attent bibl face thing your life us chuckl and sno rt silli that book and absurd peopl believ truth etc spend time mayan religion n ativ american heck nativ american signifigantli interest myth egyptian pai atten t christian accept religion and not mytholog find accur toler get hard place boo k nose and tell special not carolyn alt.atheism visit jehovah wit apr mst jbrown batman bmd trw god etern jesu g od jesu etern thi work logic and mathemat god set thing etern jesu subset god je su belong set thing etern isn logic merced car that girl merced that girl car he ikki alt.atheism polit atheist articl rusnew manti mathew manti mathew write arti cl apr blaze jhu edu arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write automobil system kill drive passeng not mention pedestrian you not drive even us car kill and ki ll system public transport favour ban privat car and replac train buse taxi bicy cl and second cycl work each dai and damn car and cretin driver road lot fun jon alt.atheism polit atheist articl rusnew manti mathew manti mathew write live sei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write and mean peopl drive accept risk and contri but tax monei design system minim risk system minim risk that you car driver don want us call bicycl train and buse poor matthew million poster call you car dri ver and choos car owner jon alt.atheism omnipot specul articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw w rite articl psilink robert knowl psilink write date fri apr nanci ann miller and rew cmu edu can god uncreat for violat natur cannot god natur exist statement in her exist exist exist cannot not exist mention not omnipot you mean omnipot you mean omnipot that god thi creat contradictori definit omnipot effect useless des cript omnipot mean power and not illustr analog suppos unit state nuclear power earth suppos that militari not effect counter nation group nation power into cou ntri time for reason straighten thing leader fit militarili omnipot you check af ghan post thi disagre jon alt.atheism satan mango umd edu charlei wingat write nanci ann miller write favorit repli you liter mind complaint that bibl inspir god and that import make damn translat and scribe and peopl interpret and copi get liter not put merit t

hat corrupt and and man even origin inspir god corrupt and theori pretti weak co mparison current hebrew text version and translat show that text fact chang spac e two millennia thi shouldn that supris peopl text thi manner like make pain mak e good copi you honestli hold that tripe charlei for start current version bibl make comparison show that you write utter garbag wit mormon cathol anglican and greek orthodox bibl convinc you you good librari local librari had king jame com par brand hot god tongu good new bibl genesi almost unrecognis discrep gospel ha d edit good new bibl fact god good new congeni fellow you king jame and give you quot head haven chang jeff alt.atheism ancient islam ritual cfaehl vesta unm edu chri faehl write reaso n trend obes and trend depress you can pick your two favorit trend notic correl and make sweep statement gener mean you can and peopl that not mean that valid r eason thesi gross oversimplif push pull factor peopl experi agre reckon televis and increas fundament you increas pre marit sex think psychologist crimin justic system and violent crimin con into let into street increas design drug communis t plot basic social interact chang factor societi complic for control hold panic handl and hope that head for soft land thing for depress and destruct nuclear f amili not due sole sex marriag jeff fred rice muslim give point view daric yoyo monash edu cfaehl vesta unm edu alt.atheism american and evolut articl apr njitgw njit edu dmu hertz njit ed u david utidjian eng sci write articl mar juliet caltech edu lmh juliet caltech edu henl lawrenc write for complet descript and not atheism agnostic faq for alt atheism alt answer utidjian remarqu berkelei edu apolog for post thi thought ta lk origin definit webster nonetheless appar past argument word impli that bimont hli and biweekli commonli accept definit and us care larri henl lmh shake caltec h edu alt.atheism jew can hide keith cco articl aaa fido asd sgi livesei solntz wp d sgi jon livesei write articl apr bmerh bnr dgraham bmer bnr dougla graham writ e articl pint fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write delet jon ke n previous peopl you your countri jew not surviv that sound ken accus gui nazi h itler and nazi didn spring fulli form forehead athena didn invent anti semit bui lt foundat anti semit that present germani thi foundat anti semit laid not nazi peopl list and hundr year unthink knee jerk bigotri part perfectli ordinari peop l and pastor and priest worri todai not whether hollywood hitler black uniform c ome stride german stage unprepar step whether bedrock foundat anti semit laid ge rmani speak and will laid not hitler and himmler will come peopl poster question peopl that casual anti semit accept even fun delet suggest greatest respect tha t you read histori jon you german poster remark anti semit perhap you impli that germani doesn agre isra polici nazi prai even qualifi casual anti semit term do esn appli bring your bigotri shine disclaim opinion express thi post mine sole a nd not repres employ karner aix technic support karner austin vnet ibm alt.atheism omnipot specul articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw w rite god effect limit sens power cannot us power that violat essenc cannot will not thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viril men bo bbi mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu april true muslim left world alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl suopanki apr stekt oulu suopanki stekt oulu heikki suopanki write god etern jesu god jesu etern thi work logic and math emat god set thing etern jesu subset god jesu belong set thing etern isn logic m erced car that girl merced that girl car thi not strickli correct incorrect appl ic rule languag work merced premi and second not merced your case and not equal name person name object you can not simpli extract word take context into accoun t your case doesn impli that case equal thing that relat navi men that tatoo tha t mom love mom make for viril men bobbi mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu april true m uslim left world alt.atheism islam jehovah wit articl apr princeton edu qpliu princeton edu w rite articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw write god creat lucif perfe ct natur and gave angel free moral will god prevent lucif fall take abil choos m oral altern worship god worship lucif moral choic determin will determin will qp liu princeton edu standard opinion opinion delta correl bobbi post ago you that lucif had free will believ contrari you talk lucif can you suggest experi determ

in you wrong you claim that you norman alt.atheism had share thi articl apr acm gen kilroi acm gen earthbound misfi t write bena dec monash edu ben avel write warn you devout christian thi post of fend and upset you numer ctrl delet heheh assum familiar christian fish symbol b ack volvo that perhap found thi morn come stolen pagan last last chanc blisfulli ignor hmm can put come thi sigh hate draw ascii char you can work you haven rea d skinni leg and tom robbin even accur modern religion appropri great book follo wup alt atheism reader slightli author thi craig hard kilroi acm gen acm bb jub lbh pnyyvat obmb craig thought deriv greek acronym greek isn thi jesu christ god iesu christo theo ichtho greek for fish ichthysauru apolog for dread greek perh ap will correct your sig mean norman alt.atheism genocid caus atheism articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc ri t edu mozumd write reason that you atheist that you limit god give god form god not face wait minut thought you that allah presum allah god unknow and you claim concret fact you that god not face doesn bibl that god hindpart you suggest dec id you you god hindpart face your us quotat mark god not face you interpret thi mean you peac bobbi mozumd norman alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd tr w write articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write you give definit free will pre senc omnisci will determin word god creat consciou be abil choos moral choic ind epend god will free will hypothet consciou be can ignor influenc circumst genet environ experi not determin idea hell make idea free will dubiou hand idea hell not power idea parabl for you onc main charact blah blah blah dai thug point mea n gun omc and blast you hell omc thought thi thug and follow instruct that will avoid get blast hell hand thi thug and not follow instruct that will blast hell hmm attract choic obviou follow instruct omc found choic obviou omc had learn ge t blast hell made undesir omc notic that thug gun wasn real gun thug threat make omc thug and resum blah blah blah qpliu princeton edu standard opinion opinion delta correl alt.atheism gospel date articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write ar ticl apr wam umd edu west cvill wam umd edu stilgar write articl kmr cwru edu km r cwru edu keith ryan write articl apr wam umd edu west cvill wam umd edu stilga r write illiad undisput word god prove wrong disput ergo counter exampl you prov en wrong disput your counter exampl ergo counter counter exampl you wrong and na nni nanni boo boo tbbbbbbbtttttthhhhh premi state that undisput fine illiad word god disput not disput that won matter prove wrong brian west thi not sig file e arth thi not sig file for blink sig file ey tomorrow post west wam umd edu not m iss doesn care jurass park diclaim thi meant thi made alt.atheism gospel date articl apr wam umd edu west cvill wam umd edu stilga r write fine illiad word god disput not disput that won matter prove wrong illia d contain word ergo can not word god you will humbl agre that word god will conc e thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viril men bobb i mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu april true muslim left world alt.atheism american and evolut articl pik fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd s gi jon livesei write articl darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum osrh edu bill c onner write you spend time post your atheism incident question god trivial fess matter you great deal two question import mithra your life todai import mithra b ecom fund group fanat school system teach your children that mithra true god jon jon care long work for individu don impos belief children add fund group purg s cienc deni children access great wonder and skill and kid born creationist burde n begin adult life cruel awaken for final light provid escap depth thi type igno r alt.atheism visit jehovah wit jbrown batman bmd trw write syllog form thi lo gic valid construct your syllog form logic invalid construct and your comment do n appli appeal mathew manti wrote excel post part faq logic argument jim not mat hew manti success year logic student will that you logic correct poster logic in correct noth pretent alt.atheism god moral american and evolut articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown b atman bmd trw write babi diseas etc god creat life protein code mutabl and can e volv delv into deep discuss creation evolution main problem scenario you outlin

consist evid that familiar not not support earth latest estim billion year and h ad life for billion year human for year fossil evid inidc that life chang and ev olv and fact diseas ridden long peopl fossil that show sign diseas bone disord h eck not fossil evid glean genet studi show that diseas for long long time human sin brought diseas indirectli necessarili exist human god creat origin genet cod e perfect and flaw and get sidetrack into theolog ramif origin sin main effect c all origin sin for thi discuss remov human god protect sinc choic cut intim fell owship god addit sin caus come dominion satan assum dominion earth delet sinc hu man longer god protect satan dominion great feat for satan genet engin diseas ba cteri viral and genet forc natur select tend improv surviv speci degener genet c ode offset thi evolutionari biologist biologi you claim will strongli disagre th i evid that human genet code start perfect condit adapt envion collect sens curi ou you mean degener genet code human dna complex accumul error advers affect and abil fight diseas simpler dna bacteria and virus tend becom effici caus infect and diseas bad combin umm nah pretti good job adapt virus and bacteria and small percentag microlif harm human and that small percentag reasonalbi constant size rank chang for exampl bubon plagu us nasti diseas you agre pop time time even t odai and doesn damag part that sanit even peopl diseas symptom tend sever past t hi partli peopl suscept di long ago and nasti variant overgraz forgiv poor termi nolog engin not doctor and di for lack nearbi host wrong thi gather acn hundr ye ar and us nastier killer get nasti ag newborn that suffer genet viral and bacter i diseas disord wait minut question human creat perfect and you admit that inbui lt abilii fight diseas that satan make diseas gift human mean fight simpler make diseas lethal survivor can immun system imperfect present built into god want c lear thi you that god plan ahead for time satan charg build immun system that no t time design that god made immun system ahead time know that adam and ev sin an d descend fight diseas thi mystic supernatur explan you prepar accept god not re spons for diseas even satan had noth origin incept diseas evolut random chanc pr oduc sinc human forsook god protect anoth puzzl exactli you mean perfect phrase creat perfect and flaw mind perfect system incap degrad time perfect system that will constant intervent becom imperfect not perfect system imho that god write masterpiec bunch gum wrapper held togeth elmer glue that origin genet instruct p erfect written inferior materi that had carefulli tend fall apart god not us mat eri god incap creat system that maintain choos not delet summari newborn innoc g od not suffer main point that isn evid for explan you give that awar couldn make nitpick and sincer rai ingl opinion not univers ingl engin umich edu michigan alt.atheism god moral long articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw w rite articl apr leland stanford edu galahad leland stanford edu scott compton wr ite delet back your post you fine job your seventh grade life scienc explain bad diseas caus satan and good thing result god want you secret can creat amino aci d sequenc lab and guess sequenc curl into helix wow that can happen supernatur f orc wow take advanc scienc degre and million dollar state art equip and thought intellig creat build block life foolish peopl advanc scienc degre us state art e quip and spend million dollar simul tornado tornado not requir intellig exist no t that equip need not state art studi product not gener you want that read your post and provid respons send copi jim brown bmd trw can read dai and post slip w ill sincer rai ingl opinion not univers ingl engin umich edu michigan alt.atheism anecdot islam date apr gmt jon livesei livesei solntz wpd sgi ar ticl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write don understand point thi petti sarc asm basic principl islam that born muslim testifi that god god and mohammad prop het god that long not explicitli reject islam word consid muslim muslim phenomen on you attempt make into gener rule psycholog direct odd basic islam principl yo u want attack islam you argu that islam explicitli contradict mozumd incorrect t hat commit bad act peopl temporarili becom atheist jon not incorrect defend isla m defend islam infidel you can and will dare critic you atheist argument petti s arcasm can temporari atheist whenev and temporari atheist can that good muslim n ever explicitli reject islam temporari atheism temporari islam temporari marriag stick teflon religion conveni and easi clean you expect bunch peopl can even ag re phase moon alt.atheism god moral long thi kind argument cri for comment jbrown batman b

md trw wrote articl apr leland stanford edu galahad leland stanford edu scott co mpton write jim you origin wrote god not creat diseas respons for maladi newborn god creat life protein code mutabl and can evolv delv into deep discuss creatio n evolution god creat origin genet code perfect and flaw you evid for thi code o nc perfect and degrad sinc evid favour thi statement shouldn perhap biggest impe rfect code that full code region intron call interven code region exon impress a mount evid suggest that intron ancient origin like that earli exon repres earli protein domain number intron decreas increas appear that intron loss can occur a nd speci common ancestri quit similar exon intron structur gene hand possibl tha t intron insert present logic difficulti intron remov splice mechan thi present unus intron insert intron insert requir precis target random insert not toler si nc sequenc for intron remov splice mrna conserv transposit sequenc leav trace lo ng termin repeat and target site duplic and not found intron sequenc recommend r ead textbook molecular biologi and genet post theolog argument thi watson molecu lar biologi gene darnel lodish baltimor molecular biologi cell for starter remem b question pose theolog context god diseas newborn and answer likewis theolog pe rspect valid pure scientif perspect scientif perspect support evid theolog persp ect fail fulfil thi criterion you misread mean god made genet code perfect that doesn mean perfect evolv sinc for wors you cite refer that support your assert y our assert valid scientif perspect you support evid fact claim that parasit and diseas perhap import thought for instanc sex evolv defenc parasit thi view suppo rt comput simul evolut tierra perhap thought higher energi rai rai gamma rai and cosmic rai that caus damag fact thermal energi that damag mild and easili fix e nzymat action atmospher time god creat life recollect biologist not claim that l ife began billion year ago that half billion year earth creat primit support lif e rememb figur billion year ago for origin life earth estim replac creat form si nc invok creator earth can form recent estim ag earth rang billion year and earl iest sign life not true fossil organ stromatolit layer date back billion year th i leav billion year for cell evolv can give refer thi base evolutionari biochemi stri attend dominion great feat for satan genet engin diseas bacteri viral and g enet forc natur select tend improv surviv speci degener genet code offset thi yo u want thi true you evid for thi suppos degener can understand scott reaction ex cus thi fetch that you jest you pathogen you point mutat you that can come spont an respons your last statement and you you that and accept fact you cannot that hope you don forget thi evid that suggest can come spontan you evid thi conclus scienc not healthi sign doubt and disbeliev path walk evid you and not present c onclus prior thi theologi not us thi method doubt come conclus human dna complex accumul error advers affect and abil fight diseas simpler dna bacteria and viru s tend becom effici caus infect and diseas bad combin newborn that suffer genet viral and bacteri diseas disord you suppos purpos not valid move bacteria and vi rus not exist diseas anoth manifest gener principl evolut replic save replic deg radi effici method for dna surviv and replic effici method didn make present and for last time present evid for your claim that human dna degrad evolutionari pr ocess peopl claim that opposit true suppress select and bound degrad haven evid for claim thi relev discuss answer john question genet diseas and bacteri and vi ral diseas requir babi develop antibodi god fault origin question not noth evil god fault your explan not work fail miser you fact that you don that satan not r espons and suppos that power evil satan exist inconceiv that respons for ill tha t affect mankind don job pun intend problem satan explain diseas inevit product evolut that anoth bad infer you oversimplifi point that your summari word take c ontext never that peopl meant god punish get diseas that free moral choic attend consequ mankind choos reject god peopl sinc begin not expect god protect advers event entrop univers not expect thi god exist expect leav alon hear you your ch oic free thi interest philosoph question and answer not clear cut consequ you ex pect reject allah admit not perfect work good librari bookstor good start point thi price tea china question provid answer biologi and genet fine subject and im port scientif endeavor explain god creat and set life process don explain creati on life subsequ evolut and your proposit that not support evid thi recommend boo k invok prime mover evid for thi univers can come into exist intervent recent co smolog theori hawk suggest peopl insist thi scotti for your fine and sage advic

not highli motiv learn nitti gritti detail biologi and genet find fascin subject for realiz that detail not chang big pictur that god creat life begin abil chan g and adapt environ evid for your big pictur and creat that capabl adapt can com e into exist suprem read atkin creation revisit freeman petri petri pihko kem pm p mathemat truth pihati finou oulu physic rule oulu kempmp game finland phoenix oulu chemistri game alt.atheism islam dress code for women articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau w rite articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write women soul islam peopl that muslim that women not soul admit never heard such view held mu slim era heard christian era hold thi viewpoint not muslim you you not confus ch ristian histori islam histori suppos predomin view turkish caliph not awar turki sh caliph viewpoint thi can you refer found quot due imam ali shia follow men ne ver obei your women whatsoev never give advic matter whatsoev even everydai life freeli give advic and will fritter wealth and disobei wish owner thi wealth rel igion alon left devic lack piti and virtu carnal desir stake easi enjoi great an xieti virtiou libertin corrupt whore ag depriv charm untaint vice qualiti miscre ant complain oppress oppress make oath ly pretend refus men solicit desir ardent beg god emerg victori evil deed and preserv case good quot ma qanawi ref bouhdi ba sexual islam wouldn thi quot exemplari islam viewpoint for prophet cousin and fourth khalif hazret ali thi frustrat night woman selim guncer selim guncer jac a negra luna grand csser asu aceituna alforja aunqu sepa lo camino guncer enuxha ea asu edu nunca llegar cordoba fgl alt.atheism islam author women articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write that your mistak for children mother rais child thing that rela t navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viril men compar that homo rais studi and you will point you claim that men stai home and rais child that fals made feminist that seek statu men you not recogn fact that men and women natur d iffer not physic mental bobbi question that your post aren sort extend elabor ho ax you hard convinc entir civilis world that you feebl mind you talent for absur d thing sign for you print cut and put top your comput termin engag brain prior oper keyboard that admit laugh your stuff graham jenkin graham jenkin csiro csir o commonwealth scientif industri canberra australia research organis alt.atheism jew can hide keith cco articl daq fq austin ibm karner austin ib m karner write you german poster remark anti semit year sightse and roam come ba ck kill palastinian and land back that casual antisemit can plenti wai critic is ra polici insult jew jewish histori can you jon alt.atheism don innoc die death penalti jame tim psilink write maintain clas s and even prison place innoc peopl higher risk unjust death state execut class and occasion error higher risk kill kill mistak agre concept that type and murde r massiv wast space and resourc don agre concept kill wrong you kill will punish you punish will kill you lack consist noth pretent alt.atheism islam dress code for women articl apr ennew ea asu edu guncer en uxha ea asu edu selim guncer write wouldn thi quot exemplari islam viewpoint for prophet cousin and fourth khalif hazret ali thi frustrat night woman that inter est women reaction record frustrat night man that consid import jon alt.atheism creator articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw write ar ticl apr bradford newnham bradford leonard newnham write delet argument incredul not consid valid form reason sinc mediev time delet interest that you mention t hat argument incredul not consid valid form reason sinc mediev time quit agre at heist engag time read post atheist post state that cannot graciou and love god c an such evil and suffer occur earth simpli cannot envis not true thi not argumen t incredul don you present argument incredul not present thi manner present form and cannot offer convinc explan not unreason for explan for such phenomena that theism not provid convinc explan not argument theism favor theism offer explan and even adher purportedli theism give explan god complex motiv and reason for a ction action simpli fix evil whenev and occur even occur and thi argument incred ul rank high reason atheist gener reject god and christian god not experi experi common reason lack evid theism favor you mileag vari thi univers bane human rea son and ration wit that easier logic fallaci inept reason part oppon oneself hec k snide thi onc fairli easi attack argument that not made strawmen man wisdom pu

t log your ey you remov splinter your neighbor ey sage advic sincer raymond ingl ingl engin umich edu appl hour doctor kliban alt.atheism polit atheist keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write mathew mathew manti write perhap shouldn impris peopl watch close cost similar i mplant sort electron devic wait commit crime not implant such devic potenti crim in communist and atheist don follow your reason you propos punish peopl commit c rime justif you for thi mathew propos public defenc mechan not treat electron de vic improprieti wearer that step you propos perman bug potenti crimin thi not su rfac sound bad thing defin potenti crimin govern dai decid that member opposit p arti make you potenti crimin openli defi govern becom lethal practic thi not con duc free societi mathew that implant electron surveil devic peopl improprieti th at person type crime chanc recidiv basic you crimin justic system punish for off end and possibl deterr futur offend mathew see mean rehabilit for offend cynic y ou jeff alt.atheism satan articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write na nci ann miller write corrupt and theori pretti weak comparison current hebrew te xt version and translat show that text fact chang space two millennia thi should n that supris peopl text thi manner like make pain make good copi king jame mate wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god john burk jdb summa tamu edu alt.atheism islam marriag date tue apr gmt karner karner austin ibm articl a pr cadenc ma cadenc masud khan write articl qav austin ibm karner austin ibm kar ner write you want name name offici record pseudo marriag perform for conveni ha ppen typic that woman will move lover scrupl legal contract speak man util looph ol enter into temporari religi marriag contract order sex complain care perhap y ou alert your imam that thi practic widespread you take muslim men wit penetr de cid practic exist you astound level ignor you displai muslim not allow enter tem porari marriag that evid for outlaw practis your fact straight buddi give refer for you ly not widespread you fantasis fact contrari your fantasi not practis mu slim you miss post thi topic quot indonesian handbook and fred rice comment temp orari marriag will glad repost will you accept that practic muslim will you cont inu claim that ly and that not practis muslim don karner that ly sinc you noth t hi practic you can contribut discuss accus ly perhap your ignor show learn islam learn muslim open your ey you will thing atheist alt.atheism don innoc die death penalti articl chrisb baarni chrisb tafe edu chri bell write kill wrong you kill will punish you punish will kill you lack c onsist not hold peopl will wrong you hold peopl will will punish you punish will hold you your will punish isn privat person anoth privat person for appar reaso n lead punish fine suppos jim lippard lippard ccit arizona edu dept philosophi l ippard arizvm bitnet univers arizona tucson alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan wr ite articl suopanki apr stekt oulu suopanki stekt oulu heikki suopanki write god etern jesu god jesu etern thi work logic and mathemat god set thing etern jesu subset god jesu belong set thing etern premis and conclus not properli translat ident statement sinc statement predic ident translat predic letter design god an d design jesu and predic letter for properti etern premis and conclus second pre mis appear ident case can properli symbol your remark that jesu subset god sugge st that strict ident not desir premis mean that member make set god properti ete rn conclus follow jim lippard lippard ccit arizona edu dept philosophi lippard a rizvm bitnet univers arizona tucson alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl chrisb baarni chrisb tafe edu chri bell write jbrown batman bmd trw write syllog form thi logic valid construct your sy llog form logic invalid construct and your comment don appli ident syllog valid predic second syllog invalid syllog you point valid whether predic design indivi du jim lippard lippard ccit arizona edu dept philosophi lippard arizvm bitnet un ivers arizona tucson alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout student write ro ger colin shous write radic gai dogma claim not claim claim know doesn twenti in stanc thi kind muddlehead fourth reich sophistiqu shit post fact not instanc cou nt reproduc viru you word question thi respons weasel shous and stan krieger pos

sibl studi dispassion and figur work rememb you learn combat clone into offic co ntribut your insight your favorit abnorm psych ward learn overcom your repugn fo r serial murder thi post total uncal for rec scout point rais and answer roger a nd state support bsa posit issu specif that homosexu behavior constitut violat s cout oath specif promis live moral straight noth discuss cloud issu comparison b lack minor meaningless compar appl orang peopl can control race can control beha vior possibl discuss rec scout thi issu includ bsa deni live and worship don doe sn mean that bsa big bad wolf for adher recogn posit religi and moral standard s ocieti establish and continu base stan krieger opinion advic suggest even unix s ystem laboratori relat employ summit smk usl alt.atheism satan articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write pn anci ann miller write favorit repli you liter mind complaint that bibl inspir go d and that import make damn translat and scribe and peopl interpret and copi get liter not put merit that corrupt and and man even origin inspir god pthe corrup t and theori pretti weak comparison pcurrent hebrew text version and translat sh ow that text pha fact chang space two millennia thi pshouldn that supris peopl t ext thi manner pare like make pain make good copi corrupt time good that bibl co nstruct year jesu death text merchant ow thi and ow that can liter word not inte nd for such nonsens author bibl not plager asian for content that can interper m ake sens alt.atheism american and evolut atheism incident and question god trivial ma tter great deal idiot forc belief enforc creation myth taught scientif fact scho ol can moral moral god success presidenti candid that atheist shouldn consid cit izen and couldn patriot thi nation god fundi parti that provid presid unit state america that can forc belief rest countri cetera that subscrib alt atheism and middl thi peopl aren mind reader pop alt atheism don concoct straw man reason do n share belief you accept thi thi isn dig fundamentalist christian told alt athe ism that reject allah proud embrac islam and that reject krishna ey close religi nut post alt atheism kind milit christian can accept that don share belief thi kind stuff talk religion misc belong atheism isn belief absenc belief god you pr oblem thi bill pfirst that atheism fact belief beilief pbecaus belief you hold a dor and faith atheist god thi cannot proven you except thi pfaith alon that beli ef secondli you complain pfundament christian forc belief you you don pmention a theist such madamm murri hare founder pof atheist associ austin texa and robert sherman chicago area forc belief rid god societi ban religi paint park chistma f orc citi chang town seal mention god sherman slogan god trust american currenc y ou talk creation myth fact myth and tha phave concret evidec thi you pdon and th at enforc point that your atheism belief christian thi not show isn pmark covalt real problem argument christian that ignor origin that asiat origin christian b ecom good ego centric buddhist suppos listen opinion speak not for place employ christ rate and will atf follow koresh current christ ascent heaven alt.atheism alt atheism faq introduct atheism addit faq atheist hospit recal correctli john hopkin built provid medic servic back religi group make hospit d edic glori weak atheism check thi brian evan bad mood bad mood bad mood bevan ca rina unm edu haven had sex virgin mari alt.atheism theist post articl aic nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl navi mil um ar khan write stuff delet concord for faq translat consid authorit orthodox comm entari for faq faq for milit atheist and anoth for moder atheist you read faq yo u resolv differ interpret hmmmmmmmmmmmm can put question follow religion you mos lem resolv differ opinion don that interpret quran read soc cultur newsgroup you will zillion interpret naren naren tekig pen tek standard disclaim appli alt.atheism genocid caus atheism snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write horribl d eath result atheism list kill name religion iran iraq war civil war sudan riot i ndia pakistan massacar bangladesh inquist america million crusad that peopl can add lot list bobbi standard excus will not accept naren standard disclaim appli alt.atheism genocid caus atheism nanci ann miller andrew cmu edu write snm u ltb isc rit edu mozumd write horribl death result atheism quit horribl death res ult atheist and theist perhap sinc bit weak histori somon give list war caus led theist thi thread argu valid religi viewpoint utilitarian principl atheism reli gion wrong death underli moral that death wrong thi arbitrari measur valid epist

emolog richard harlequin internet richard harlequin internet rptb cambridg phoen ix janet zen buddhist alt.atheism radic agnost not repli zazen austin ibm welbon mean that can pos sibl prove doubt that god not exist mean lack thi abil absolut proof atheist bec om act faith and and thi cannot accept accept noth blind faith invis pink fly un icorn harbor belief good evid for god exist not folk call thi agnostic not suffe r blind faith don worri happi for atheist lack belief god secondari epistemolog consider accept reliabl know valid logic argument for exist god empir evid that exist philosoph and theologian agre that idea god that accept faith faith belief sound logic basi empir evid reliabl know noth peopl accept absenc possibl proof even agre els word faith mean that found thi person reliabl past judg like reli abl sourc find faith reliabl logic and empir evid assum will provid reliabl know ledg god differ atheist and theist fundament whether not faith held reliabl know agnost poster whether faith god god theist believ that faith accept basi for be lief god even reject faith reliabl time for exampl work scientist atheist believ that logic and empir evid lead reliabl knowledg agnostic defens posit theism at heism sceptic regard knowledg evid god santa clau easter bunni point that atheis t doesn requir absolut knowledg lack god don that such thing absolut knowledg at heism and simplest theori fit lack fact and held contrari evid found david nye n yeda cnsvax uwec edu midelfort clinic eau clair thi patent absurd wish becom phi losoph learn not frighten absurd bertrand russel alt.atheism keith ignor mam mous cmhnet org mike mcangu write wouldn start w ait religi organ longer tax exempt beef you lobbi group you ask answer encompass tax exempt statu religi organ wouldn that wouldn that religion longer tax exemp t wrong lobbi attempt influenc polit keith alt.atheism keith schneider stealth poster mam mous cmhnet org mike mcangu w rite understand you order talk knowledg religion atheist immers religion that ra re individu left you don understand that don peopl can discuss subject merit rel igion object thi obviou peopl that religion thi almost isn true you threaten mot to peopl that us motto tool tool gun and ax tool us for murder that don motto mi sus warrant remov not thi case keith alt.atheism keith schneider stealth poster cmtan iss nu tan chade meng dan w rite somewhat agre come theist religion matter that religion drug onc us difficu lt that order experi religion necessarili blind faith and onc blind faith diffcu lt for you reason back atheism unreason peopl religion order judg ask peopl dy f ind death can judg death dead judg religion experienc peopl that religion bad ac count and that etc don total agre thi cannot religi folk act had not expos relig ion peopl help wai basic can not judg whether religion rout for individu even fo r gener popul can that not for person you can choos not us religion hard find be nefit you state keith alt.atheism polit atheist mmwang adob michael wang write for rigor definit s pend rest live argu christian believ don argu thi you that motto point that thi countri proud freedom religion and that thi that distinguish countri your opinio n not share peopl gather perhap not that seek make govern recogn christian domin religion thi countri not infring right not share belief peopl not make govern r ecogn christian domin religion thi countri motto infring right not share belief and that govern recogn that christian domin religion thi countri mean don you re aliz recogn thi thi isn that suppos teach christian that peopl person don motto major concern you agre discuss sinc peopl don associ christma jesu anymor don pr oblem can you prove your assert that peopl don associ christma jesu anymor hear quit bit christma and jesu wouldn thi figur promin holidai associ high degre you that associ jesu person level and that think never talk that can you prove that peopl associ christma importantli jesu point that peopl associ christma jesu do esn matter peopl major not number matter take major major power discrimin doesn keith alt.atheism polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write probabl t hat automobil system will kill innoc accid asymptot close court system doesn aut omobil system can opt thi isn true peopl forc us automobil system don us choic w ai get secondli make automobil system safe recogn danger innoc current exampl no t make court system safer fairli easili replac fatal punish fatal punish that co

urt system refin hundr year britain and countri make fair can made remov death p enalti life imprison sound fatal punish keith alt.atheism polit atheist dace shrike und roi dace write keith allan schneid er keith cco caltech edu wrote soldier depend religion for number purpos and dou bt depend cocain don militari pai for coca field religion benefit combat situat benefit cocain keith alt.atheism pompou ass mv psuvm psu edu write peopl fanat propogand thi that thi conflict atheist and religi impress that outlaw religion contintu remov thi ng religi refer that not peopl ask perhap you you fundamentalist thi oppress not allow oppress you not shown you thi idea that peopl atheism religion winner can your groundless predict that thi will happen you haven into account propoganda rememb you ask german wwii jew shoudl slaughter answer propoganda machin roll to ler you take small group fanat whip gener frenzi propoganda machin gear number i ssu includ abort and gai thing that happen pass amend intens scrutini and fail o utlaw abort prime goal that issu yep sooo effect haven manag outlaw abort due ob ject court manag creat quit problem for peopl that want abort creat similar prob lem for and wors can stop abort block clinic etc imagin stop atheism margin erro r larg you talk two peopl your that your opinion branch and inform survei half d ozen and you question unbias keith you claim that question bias minut post answe r agre ask remov motto christian portion express regret loss point that motto wi ll not work express desir rape murder pillag etc you basic claim you convinc ind ividu you convinc room nation for atheist portion express disgust motto note har ass christian us motto justifi and glad never support that minor problem that ca n easili contrast happen like christian design motto motto jesu you that refer c hristian christian wrote christian that religion and wrong includ religion realm correct doubt that religion meant includ not clear religi convict franci scott kei motto can attribut clear that believ god and sure christian that you don tha t you that christian activ despis religion that met haven and don christian that queri think mean and not peopl faith christian popular suppos you peopl ask hin du moselem and jew and that applic can that peopl that pretti accur represent fa ith good idea assum that dissent view issu you assum that view and noth lead thi conclus evid contrari doubt that dissent opinion you claim provid evid for your assert and don access congression record can compar christian nazi interest sen s that can convinc chang belief motto monei doesn cost you extra you abolish mot to pai di and plate redon peopl paid chang motto you show that good reason chang doubt that us plate for year print thi make easi remov motto simpli make year p late your claim evid that will pai extra provid evid for thi assert you that red esign plate each year your argument conveni delet that motto cost lot monei thi not correct read didn mention jesu issu distinct religion and not religi and not religi motto refer god religi motto question whether not christian you doubt th i provid evid for thi assert that religion thi countri and religion ussr that qu ot and includ atheist gener don that quot lost mention jesu advoc religion relig ion specif religion not mention you miss thi point that motto didn that motto do esn impli your belief doesn that trust form god that nation thi obviou not inclu d thi doubt your claim that motto refer christian base fact that christian relig ion wrong and that motto written christian doubt your claim you that christian t hat religion outlaw wrong that silli flat earther wrong don advoc banish base th i idea doubt that addit expens even incur remov motto provid evid for your claim that that such cost insignific mention slight cost you that motto cost lot mone i currenc disregard digress motto us for harass and purpos found for not remov m otto gener don purpos don remov benefit outweigh consequ and you vote opinion yo u that main reason motto requir law bother atheist you that thi major congress t ime had mind you show opinion peopl put that concern you concern opinion entir c ongress not that complet major share purpos confront godless commun thi motto no t major that put gener public not anti atheist intent peopl daresai peopl rememb time kei wrote anthem rememb debat surround motto rememb that peopl intend mess ag atheist don you includ thi your survei that you conduct you claim that scient ist claim doubt thi provid evid for your assert scientist probabl that einstein rel worthi mean einstein good chanc that time for court method scientist us can appli not agre court default good record you not agre time you that decis good e

vid favor point you you didn agre court allow congress attempt make amend prohib it flag burn you don realiz that thi extern realm court power can confid that yo u court power mean you don court work can you particip discuss court judg can sp eak congress and you ignor abort gag rule you make your claim abort that inappro pri for suprem court justic testifi congress consider constitut amend and order for court rule case present mushroom flower tree build sign analog that find off ens present doesn mean that right violat talk put peopl keith not mushroom caus that mushroom exist you find thing offens mushroom farm mushroom can plant and d on mushroom pizza thi not case motto and you ignor harass result motto and you i gnor that line peopl forc put motto forc put motto you mean keith alt.atheism visit jehovah wit suopanki stekt oulu write apr mst jbrown batma n bmd trw god etern jesu god jesu etern thi work logic and mathemat god set thin g etern jesu subset god jesu belong set thing etern isn logic merced car that gi rl merced that girl car your phrase ambigu write carefulli two possibl thing cal l merced car that girl call merced that girl car that valid piec logic deduct no t sound statement fals similarli hold that jim exampl valid not sound anoth inte rpret you wrote exist car call merced that girl call merced that girl car isn va lid mathew alt.atheism polit atheist keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write mathew mathew manti write perhap shouldn impris peopl watch close cost similar i mplant sort electron devic wait commit crime not implant such devic potenti crim in communist and atheist don follow your reason you propos punish peopl commit c rime justif you for thi ironi keith mathew alt.atheism polit atheist keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write mathew mathew manti write for rape sure burden guilt sole rapist not you thrown into cage tiger and maul you blame tiger tiger not sentient push into pool dolph in and attack inclin blame dolphin person push dolphin not aggress and develop b rain and capac for abstract thought matter fact tiger rare attack human human pr ovok cage small that count provoc mathew alt.atheism polit atheist kmr cwru edu keith ryan write almost that zyklon a nd painless method death not insert soem form and ethnic and minor group kill mu til and extermin histori guess not unusu you agre that holocost allow constitut punish doubt reciev consid fair trial standard don happen japanes citizen world war you prepar round peopl and stick concentr camp trial short step gass trial t hat nazi origin intend imprison jew final solut dreamt partli couldn afford run camp devast caus goer total war weren gass gener di malnutrit diseas mathew alt.atheism atheist dbstu benedikt rosenau write articl manti toni lezard to ni manti write delet opinion that strong atheist posit requir belief for comfort strong atheist care comment human come idea spiritu parent artifact human thoug ht evid for that quit overwhelm and inform content conceiv vanish word god make sens and explain phenomenon religion god concept useless and don introduc assump t order show that leap faith requir for your mileag vari fulli agre that don god exist god exist mandtbacka finabo abo mat andtbacka point hing you word mean th i bound definit strong and weak atheism faq atheism character absenc belief exis t god atheist and that god not exist refer weak atheist posit and strong atheism import note differ two posit weak atheism simpl sceptic disbelief exist god str ong atheism posit belief that god not exist not fall into trap assum that atheis t strong atheist mathew introduct atheism version last modifi apr faq clarifi pi n thi notion belief can toni lezard toni manti toni manti uknet thing toni manti nsfnet relai last resort arl phx cam pgp public kei request alt.atheism polit atheist mccullou snake wisc edu mark mccullough write you mean circular not recurs that semant recurs problem horribl ineffici assembl pro gramm tail recurs function scheme effici iter loop doesn program assembl will he ard optim compil mathew alt.atheism anecdot islam edu jaeger buphi edu write deletia don understand point thi petti sarcasm basic principl islam that born muslim testifi that god g od and mohammad prophet god that long not explicitli reject islam word consid mu slim muslim phenomenon you attempt make into gener rule psycholog direct odd bas ic islam principl you want attack islam you argu that islam explicitli contradic t delet mention chop hand punish for theft saudi arabia assum thi wouldn and ass

um peopl fit your requir for muslim find highli like you convinc bobbi mozumd th at muslim chop peopl hand come back you succeed disclaim great young and insan alt.atheism fundament contradict visit jw jbrown batman bmd trw write will d etermin word god creat consciou be abil choos moral choic independ god will free will not repres paragraph thought hop strike contradict fabl lucif fall recal s pecul base biblic text rcism show that benedikt point lucif had perfect natur ha d free will choos evil that choic come genesi that ev offer opportun sin tempter assum satan lucif discov invent creat call action you will that god had not ori gin bibl mention lucif free will make big fuss mankind free will strike fact rat ionalis and fact salvat not that christian ident mind salvat and free will tight li coupl theologi roman cathol theologian explain lucif fall lucif had perfect n atur man fall execut act that contradict natur and effect evil exist for time lu cio lucio proxima alt tab stop alt.atheism atheist toni lezard toni manti write opinion that strong atheist posit requir belief for comfort strong atheist care comment can strong atheist outnumb alt atheism weak atheist cost repudi faq made strong weak atheism issu c ontext alt atheism continu attack basi that strong atheist exist god separ valid cover ars that infinit grei area weak and strong strong and unattain mathemat a theism logic can support weak atheist posit effect strong atheist and mathemat j ustifi strong atheist posit show that evid present favour god scrutini faulti re ad faq correctli argument for exist god gener repres mainstream theologian found unassail thi adequ evid that real god undefin definit found watertight turn acc ept suffici base disbelief each and conceiv god fuzzi edg opinion perhap chang t hread subject lucio lucio proxima alt tab stop alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write rushdi case legitim thi issu rushdi action had effect islam countri that not sim pl that didn commit crime islam countri simpl person commit crime countri border time commit doesn matter physic manifest for instanc hack into nasa am research lab and delet file commit crime unit kingdom author prosecut law law automat th i net author put pressur site holland holland had anti crack legisl and view hac ker haven system administr similarli compani call red hot televis broadcast porn ograph materi can receiv britain broadcast britain commit crime not broadcast de nmark british govern powerless spite appar law break not lawyer wrong confusingl i countri not mathew alt.atheism anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write cas e prostitut man and prostitut punish public quit sever delet gregg you cannot le nient and punish sever public except impli almost matter that depend statist and punish public power for exampl noth islam men rape women time blow rapist head public call that lenienc wouldn you you that exampl not lenient end argument and chop hand head peopl not lenient appear that you intern claim legal system chec k suit descript and wasn argument that take men rape woman islam law don approv prostitut and custom word punish violat right and punish sever public anoth poin ter hysteria connect sexual religion you even don can you give answer that you e vid for your opposit claim thi case don accept complex ridden view orient goathe rd forget that west histor sexual neurosi orient goatherd intellectu fact memori serv and will connect primit machism orient and islam peopl agre sex fine and a ssum that god clue detriment effect supress huh heard aid you that god evil dise as exist bla bla you miss point aid spread sex necessarili spread sex futher poi nt import point urg for sex stronger fear aid even stronger religi attempt chann el forbid sex consequ suppress sex wors consequ aid note that idea that end aid sex not control complet counterfactu and sinc you brought point your god evil no t benedikt alt.atheism biblic rape articl apr watson ibm strom watson ibm rob strom wri te articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write didn time read rest post had respon d thi absolut not messian jew anoth mistak read alt messian carefulli benedikt alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl apr midwa i uchicago edu shou midwai uchicago edu write articl dhinn dsi dsinc perri dsinc jim perri write bigot never conced that bigotri irrat peopl determin that exami n argument expect you set wonder world bigot whomev you thi comfort for you imag in never entertain argument your belief system simpli accus person make bigot th

i thread vituper slop venom into alt atheism spend time entertain argument belie f system resort accus bigotri somewhat iron that exposur bigotri happen thi inst anc origin rec scout sinc understood scout teach toler and divers understand big otri irrat prejudic peopl happen race religion ethnic background sex inconsequen ti characterist evid that sexual orient and lack belief god exactli such inconse quenti characterist pend evid conclud that show prejudic such peopl bigot and or gan that exclud such peopl discriminatori jim perri perri dsinc decis support in c matthew opinion for nomin fee can alt.atheism american and evolut articl tinn senat bedfellow mit edu bob thne xt mit edu robert singleton write delet will argu that your statement that god e xist rest faith that you make posit statement that god exist strong atheism don and don and don not weak atheism onc not god that god not exist maintain posit e ven read faq that strong atheism requir faith us view you that drive car requir faith that car drive for conclus and faith premis and argument us languag proble m regard faith and exist christian maintain that god not exist exist mean space and time god not god kierkegaard onc that god not exist etern thi feel pointless debat call exist god and that not that god sourc and ground you that god not ex ist accept thi statement mean two thing follow will us phrase exist god usual se ns and thi sens that you clarif you mean exist god that word game term god us yo u us definit your thing commonli accept you defin god and that not exist exist n ot exist interestingli that exist exist indubit statement god exist wast time ex ist us and replac god you impli case your definit and your argument incomplet ma ke fallaci delet can never prove that god not exist you that you god not exist a nd that thi opinion base observ will observt you refer observ pro con that valid establish posit belief delet that follow aren observ base assumpt that exist an d wouldn you level definit that assumpt god meaning not reject that concept your evid for that god meaning level benedikt alt.atheism moral constant biblic rape thi frai thread turn into patent alt atheism ping pong game and don strong disagr stick thing don quit follow argumen t that contradict argu that bibl enlighten for time closer moral good base stand ard and past experi hand hope thi summar thi argument adequ and hand articl apr watson ibm strom watson ibm rob strom write articl phpe inn dsi dsinc perri dsin c jim perri write disclaim speak jewish perspect bibl mean call testament and in terpret not necessarili raw text court case commentari and tradit pass jewish co mmun thi crux you judg bibl long line tradit and interpret come current dai meri t cultur artifact will correspond close contemporari valu that bibl us todai sho uldn that judg peopl us scissor cut paper shouldn consum report test scissor for paper cut abil even scissor design origin cut cloth that possibl good judg us b ibl teach jewish moral todai fair claim that thi highli interpret version enligh ten for time attempt extend analog thi that origin scissor maker unusu advanc pa per cut for time even cut cloth and had never even heard paper not argu that bib l disgust histori depict modern standard histori full similar abus and don bibli c account wors contemporari possibl our hand don reason histori describ bibl sho w abus contemporari our that complex and benign moral tradit evolv base mythic i nterpret that histori interest don fair that long tradit interpret and us attack condemn origin histori jim perri perri dsinc decis support inc matthew opinion for nomin fee can alt.atheism polit atheist mathew mathew manti write for rape sure burden gui lt sole rapist you forc live rapist will case part respons can accept that rapis t hypnot view sole respons for action not necessarili rapist such for instanc yo u intention stick your finger into load mousetrap and snap fault keith alt.atheism islam author women articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viril men compar that homo rais studi and you will point bobbi you priceless yo u that polici bobbi post give damn flick thread high speed search for post bobbi gener pile followup and extract hilari quot inevit present for sig purpos work for for gui arriv and ask whether bobbi for real you betcha alt atheism and rest assur that get wors pearl wisdom bobbi reproduc below keith keep big file such stuff allah infinit wisdom univers creat noth and allah exist bobbi mozumd prove exist allah wait you that human rare reason doesn that contradict atheism expla

in logic and reason thi contradict atheism that prove fals bobbi mozumd prove ex ist allah believ contradictori quran for allah not exist bobbi mozumd prove exis t allah and thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make for viri l men compar that homo rais studi and you will point bobbi mozumd islam rigor al t atheism mmmmm qualiti and quantiti voic islam pbuh cheer simon simon clippingd al simon dc warwick depart comput scienc tel univers warwick fax coventri alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl apr cbnew sl att stank cbnewsl att stan krieger write point rais and answer roger and stat e support bsa posit issu specif that homosexu behavior constitut violat scout oa th specif promis live moral straight defin moral straight and don even that stra ight us impli hetersexu behavior straight slang word opposit gai thi alot famili valu talk misteri thing that relat navi men that tatoo that mom love mom make f or viril men bobbi mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu april true muslim left world alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl apr cbnew sl att stank cbnewsl att stan krieger write roger and state support bsa posit is su specif that homosexu behavior constitut violat scout oath specif promis live moral straight noth discuss appar not respons claim that terrifi gai peopl not i ndoctrin children lifestyl word that effect roger calm carefulli written detail letter explain simpli bsa polici terrifi not us inflammatori languag and left ex trem open for answer not receiv answer can conclud that roger consid posit indef ens simpli not worth defend cloud issu comparison black minor meaningless compar appl orang peopl can control race can control behavior fact that exactli point peopl can control behavior that fact for blanket ban homosexu possibl discuss re c scout thi issu you tim pierc ust tele madr twpierc unix amherst edu del asesin o que graciosa bitnet twpierc amherst pedro almodovar alt.atheism biblic rape articl apr watson ibm strom watson ibm rob strom wri te delet thread biblic rape initi david hunt post articl feu xsf kpc andrew cmu edu david hunt bluelobst cmu edu write pretti biblic rule for allow rape prison code that etc knowledg soul refer ask narrow question and gave narrow answer tha t wrong apolog delet david hunt post didn mention god respons you bring idea bib l god jew don thi liter sens fun met minor and god refer action god god effect r ob not intim jewish theologi understand that you messian jew correct wrong appea r that view messian jew metaphys that major jew jewish theologi quit distinct ch ristian god view heard that for jew attribut evil god for christian bibl effect interact god man delet thought agre that jew disagre set core belief that agre t hat command access and written languag time and anoth that legal system updat co ntext metaphys even process adapt command not transcend justif process lie metap hys specualt you break shackl metaphys your system delet you explain thi respect origin command discuss that command that you feel rape woman prison you wait an d marri thi command invalid book that command commit genocid reprehens deed cont ext repuls and foul plai imo invok rel enlighten passag exampl for content book big delet point that that connect theologi you us and interpret bibl loos interp ret bibl base long tradit jewish scholar interpret bibl theologi doesn enter int o jewish atheist interpret law chariti essenti not interpret law interpret bibl exampl that sodom and gomorrha mean argu god idea that metaphor and you argu god that mean that alon theo logic question proof theologi us you pose anoth metaph ys riddl you you wrote thi fine major spirit absolut power absolut knowledg and appear limit mean will commun form spiritu big friend you admit that god thi con text somewhat unusu assumpt that cannot creat univers and that passag bibl refer that omnipot crap that meant riddl import question light for instanc passag wit rh sodom and gomorrha mean connect text fact that exist and your interpret pure arbitrari question carri burden biblic text simpli write book that convei messag you answer that can becuas peculiar biblic inform lost that hold true book and question remain bibl special place can replac bargain danger content bibl messag that includ delet you danger metaph us bibl danger danger frozen system law law wors system not not system delet read two stori import help poor and god spirit and god bodi import help poor resolv contradict corpor natur god read two stori bibl that god command peopl kill children for idolat and anoth god kill childre n directli import resolv messag that children kill god and argument you fallaci not import context you find god corpor not can crucial question religi believ re

solv contradict that choos possibl arbitrari and advantag attribut decis god can not resolv question statement good good depend question benedikt alt.atheism atheist articl epvk manti toni lezard toni manti write delet wor d god make sens and explain phenomenon religion god concept useless and don intr oduc assumpt order show that fulli agre that don god exist god exist mandtbacka finabo abo mat andtbacka point hing you word mean for god exist and don god exis t word that statement god interfer thi world fals meaningless ontolog can fairli conclud that exist meaningless not exist pragmat definit truth exist meaningles s make exist even logic fals problem such statement that can disprov subject god definit and case subject god even make sens troubl god definit that includ form object exist consequ god affect believ deriv interfer life delet faq clarifi pi n thi notion belief can honestli don problem benedikt alt.atheism sex allow marriag ration islam marriag mar ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write case that wrong world will end peopl start believ islam and that horror mankind caus lack belief atheism for last time bobbi lack belief your god not impli atheism moslem aren moral not mean don god name allah allah not thing your allah moslem believ that god exist theist not true follow i slam murder victim year caus atheism poverti massiv hate crime such low respect for human bodi distrust peopl wrong caus atheism peac jerk bobbi mozumd sami aar io can you measur atom you can explod tut sunlight compris atom your stupid mind stupid stupid ero plan outer space disclaim don agre ero alt.atheism motto mania mathew write prefer mark jason dominu suggest that m otto chang mind your fuck busi thi era aid isn fuck interest semi propos motto r ecent gloriou state maryland state state song refer abraham lincoln tyrant peopl wound state motto inherit calvert fatti maschii parol femin you read italian ma nli deed womanli word that effect state not long ago had women repres thi repres problem offici solut chang translat mean strong deed gentl word person suggest chang walk softli and carri big stick wingat peac god peac strife close sod mang o umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism visit jehovah wit good grief amount energi spent lousi syllog vo lum for true posit reason thi group wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism benediktin metaphys benedikt rosenau write great author contradi ctori cannot exist contradictori properti languag correct thi thing defin contra dictori languag not exist will object definit realiti you amend thing describ co ntradictori languag not exist come plainli fals failur descript failur descript not objectivist rememb wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu broth er prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism gospel date you requir amount evid that pair bluejean and superh uman power us argument that us natur and claim that you cannot superhuman power you human superhuman power human and sinc you human power you not human you cann ot superhuman power sound good you evid question depend context thi group sinc y ou post american colleg site will that you pair blue jean and assum coher your p osit will that you not superhuman power argument evid respect you exist sic jesu assum that you mean man special power etc yep will agre that that man call jesu fact live fact will agre that man name jesu reason that wasn man good claim ext radinari virgin birth virgin sens not sexual intercours resurect son god etc cla im requir extra evid extra evid don start evid cannot evid for cynic thi group a ccept for second foundat religion claim risen jesu back dai period believ and di scount thi group sinc ancient choos dismiss thing metaphys relationship even agr e argu length mean don evid interpret extraordinari claim claim statement that s peaker will not accept evid matter wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango u md edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism remark admiss jon livesei write not attempt distinguish flavour christian loudli claim true christian obviou that you don attempt you awar that don loudli claim true christian avoid phrase not christian ownership issu phrase nicen christian attempt identifi vast major christian roughli similar viewpoint core theolog issu jw not fall thi group and fact espous posit arian reject nice n church and virtual wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god

alt.atheism gospel date benedikt rosenau write argument follow oid quot john not almost codifi matthew luke consid similar point knowledg such and not sourc assum you present accur don thi argument lead firm conclus materi john not exac tli refer for grant similar matt luke materi almost relationship two john get st raight jesu mouth talk date text not ag author usual explan for time order mark matthew and luke not respect ag matthew read text mark and luke that matthew and that mark version usual theori heard matthew and luke independ reli mark and th at luke reli matthew wouldn grate inconsist geneolog for thing assum that john k new content luke text evid for that not overwhelm admittedli thi part that that you point refer grate haven info hand late earli and possibl shed doubt order pu t john rest close gap suppos write and exist copi quit bit origin copi can writt en and surviv becom probabl and don step remov sourc that bad luke and mark and matthew learn stori directli dicipl cannot sort big transform jesu gospel that p eopl posit new report gener get inform thi and john dicipl noth that john discip l not gener accept style and languag togeth theologi us counterargu not impress theologi argument point thi and point earlier cannot make argument peter reason not accept authent letter step and gener remov bad even time compar that report similar event centuri almost illiter societi analog report talk particip not bad word not origin mark and argument base mark pretti weak statement divin not tha t section and case agre that import epistl predat mark wingat peac god peac stri fe close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism yeah benedikt rosenau write and that revel thing charlei you tal k thi intellectu engag revel risk take peopl that concept metaphys and religi kn owledg contradict not objectivist not impress problem conceptu problem thi case bad that explain quantum mechan and rel term ordinari experi can rough understan d languag perspect ordinari phenomena inconsist and perspect describ inexact cha rit analog situat supposedli obtain metaphys problem that descript languag not a nd case hold reliabl inform can you show you establish that thi word reliabl ess enti meaningless context you can show reliabl can determin wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac g od alt.atheism radic agnost not articl apr cnsvax uwec edu nyeda cnsvax uwec ed u david nye wrote repli zazen austin ibm welbon mean that can possibl prove doub t that god not exist mean lack thi abil absolut proof atheist becom act faith an d and thi cannot accept accept noth blind faith invis pink fly unicorn harbor be lief good evid for god exist not folk call thi agnostic not suffer blind faith d on worri happi for atheist lack belief god secondari epistemolog consider accept reliabl know valid logic argument for exist god empir evid that exist philosoph and theologian agre that idea god that accept faith faith belief sound logic ba si empir evid reliabl know you expand your definit know bit monolith not that yo u intend that don for exampl distinguish know equal appl appl equal appl french know that jerri lewi auteur and mean socrat thi patent absurd wish becom philoso ph learn not frighten absurd bertrand russel thi epigraph perhap issu learn absu rd merit explor gene alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write person ob ject that find capit punish cruel and unusu punish circumst can painless isn cru el and occur frequent sinc dawn time unusu don issu number singl innoc life inno c die due you singl accident fals execut issu keith alt.atheism yeah articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write for year period ask charlei wingat explain thi mythic altern ration propound enthus iast pop month reluct explain that not hot time that altern that you caught and altern point ration isn altern problem metaphys and religi knowledg unsolv human cannot solv altern you basi whatsoev for your claim usual line you call prejudg atheism and disput that reason you admit that you altern basi for claim that re ason that reason inapplic religi knowledg possibl that reason conflict religi kn owledg thi sound can provid ration defens for belief prefer discard ration accep t that fals hope make you happi your repeat and unfound assert thi effect don ad vanc your jim perri perri dsinc decis support inc matthew opinion for nomin fee can alt.atheism yeah articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write ben

edikt rosenau write and that revel thing charlei you talk thi intellectu engag r evel risk take core question suggest scenario will grant that god exist and reve l commun human revel take form paraphras your word thi infinit power deiti grab poor schmuck make dictat and hide for hundr year exist human not person experien c revel thi person observ that not revel element that contradict strongli aspect observ world thi person mutual contradictori claim revel base thi can thi perso n blame for conclud absent person revel that almost noth thi revel thing not obj ectivist not impress problem conceptu problem thi case bad that explain quantum mechan and rel term ordinari experi can rough understand languag perspect ordina ri phenomena inconsist and perspect describ inexact charit analog situat suppose dli obtain metaphys problem that descript languag not absent thi languag and abs ent observ support claim revel can blame for doubt thing drive thought long time thi come honest conclus that deiti noth propos religion that familiar happen ch ristian god will held account for such honest mistak sincer rai ingl ingl engin umich edu meek can earth rest star robert heinlein alt.atheism ancient islam ritual pkqe inn lynx unm edu cfaehl vesta unm edu chri faehl write articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice writ e delet point nutshel opinion that pre marit sex make likelihood extra marit sex probabl opinion extra marit sex help break partnership and lead greater divorc rate thi turn opinion creat trauma and stabl environ for children opinion like g row psycholog problem such depress etc and sex marriag long run harm societi tha t you draw link sex marriag noth adulteri onc commit into marriag issu commit yo u not foist pain your spous and confid you addit marriag busi not mine and not w it strong relationship that incorpor extra marit sex agre your assert children c hildren not wit such confus relationship adulteri stress adult assum gener can e xpect children understand evid for opinion moment gener can cite for exampl read that centuri percentag youth and peopl gener suffer depress steadili climb west ern societi read refer usa similarli can detect trend greater occurr sex marriag thi centuri western societi sexual revolut even that sexual revolut not gradual weaken christian and christian moral teach sex marriag propos that two trend gr eater level gener depress societi and psycholog problem and greater sexual promi scu link prime cannot provid evid thi thi stage thesi reason and request that pe opl ponder reason trend obes and trend depress you can pick your two favorit tre nd notic correl and make sweep statement gener mean you can and peopl that not m ean that valid reason thesi gross oversimplif push pull factor peopl experi argu ment propos plausibl argument extra marit sex person truth main purpos for post show that plausibl argument can made extra marit sex thi stage not that thi view point proven that that plausibl convinc you thi point view lot work research thi field etc order gather evid simpli not time note that that extra marit sex prim e opinion gener greater level psycholog problem depress western societi not prim e prime signific contribut thi trend you you view simplist you forgotten thi adm it that factor that extra marit sex and imo subsequ destabil famili signific fac tor rise psycholog problem depress western societi thi centuri fred rice daric y oyo monash edu alt.atheism ancient islam ritual ednclark kraken ednclark kraken itc edu jef frei clark write cfaehl vesta unm edu chri faehl write reason trend obes and tre nd depress you can pick your two favorit trend notic correl and make sweep state ment gener mean you can and peopl that not mean that valid reason thesi gross ov ersimplif push pull factor peopl experi basic social interact chang factor socie ti complic for control hold panic handl and hope that head for soft land thing f or depress and destruct nuclear famili not due sole sex marriag note that never that depress and destruct nuclear famili due sole extra marit sex specif that pr ime thi not prime thi recogn that factor that extra marit sex and subsequ destab il famili signific factor rise psycholog problem includ depress west centuri fre d rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism sex allow marriag ration islam marriag apr proxima alt lucio pro xima alt lucio write daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write point view that argum ent sexism bad simpli not hold give you exampl permit woman temporarili leav job due pregnanc that allow happen sexist women nevertheless despit fact that sexis t complet support such law fred you exasper sexism racial form discrimin obviou

physic cultur differ deni portion popul right anoth thi context your exampl hold water whatsoev discrimin deni men matern leav fact quit convinc that experi mal e pregnanc for such futur father leav medic ground argu thi week ago men and wom en physic physiolog and psycholog recent evid for thi statement present book bra insex ann moir and david jessel recommend you find copi and read book overview r ecent scientif research thi topic and referenc women and men wai law can adequ i nto account area take into account wai men and women matern leav exampl thi take into account that women pregnant not give women rule give men treat women treat men thi instanc unjust thi simpli obviou exampl men and women intrins peopl mak e naiv argument that sexism oppress matern leav sexist men not pregnant men not access leav that women not extent degre and sexist matter man pregnant and mater n leav never can and law sexist man can access matern leav matter hard pregnant hope thi clear matern leav exampl sexist law sexism reflect sexism natur make me n and women differ men and women subtl pregnanc and find recommend you book brai nsex your point that perhap dai men can pregnant fallaci men can dai becom pregn ant will biolog becom women womb and factor requir for pregnanc wrap definit wom an your argument examin fallaci you that men can sexist matern leav privileg tha t women can becom women support statement that matern leav sexist discrimin come woman deni opportun legal determin sexual inferior understand religi sexual dis crimin and doubt that islam except femal not allow into priestli cast and gener subjug that aspir right equal human entitl offici priesthood islam thi function islam scholar femal islam scholar and femal islam scholar exist islam exampl ear li islam histori prophet widow aisha recogn time and recogn time islam scholar m atter sweetli you coat part role religion histor serv function oppress femal whe ther forc procreat extent opportun for improv deni access facil male offer you e vid for your blanket statement religion and disput and women islam etc recent re post head islam and women your new site suggest you read repost soc religion isl am disappear alt atheism soc religion islam forgot origin titl will email you yo u roman cathol church blatant culprit istitutionalis celib clergi religi woman a ttempt escap role child bearer and wrath god descend your statement that religio n statement base simpli lack knowledg religion christian and perhap judaism acce pt your affirm that islam grant women right men you can show that muslim woman c an aspir posit khomeini and artifici religi social obstacl path achiev thi aisha mention earlier not islam scholar stage militari leader show equival hillari rh odam clinton islam and discuss issu you prophet wife di hijra prophet journei me cca medina success businesswoman lucio you cannot make strong case for your view point your viewpoint base ignor world religion fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism ancient islam ritual dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write articl a pr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write discuss pro and con sex marriag person that part last partnership men and women that thi help provid st abl and secur environ for children grow delet addit chri faehl post homosexu isl am viewpoint homosexu not norm for societi cannot islam viewpoint homosexu not r esearch fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism benediktin metaphys articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei w ingat write benedikt rosenau write great author contradictori cannot exist contr adictori properti languag correct thi thing defin contradictori languag not exis t will object definit realiti you amend thing describ contradictori languag not exist come plainli fals failur descript failur descript thi descript object that time euclidean squar and euclidean circl hold that object satisfi thi descript exist descript inconsist and describ object that not exist suppos point bicycl a nd that object time euclidean squar and euclidean circl thi not mean that bicycl not exist measn that descript incorrectli appli atheist descript god that prese nt contradictori and describ that cannot exist your posit can gather that god ex ist descript atheist present simpli bad descript thi roughli analog never bicycl and for descript peopl claim told that euclidean circl squar can blame for doub t strongli that thi bicycl exist not objectivist rememb kid sincer rai ingl ingl engin umich edu meek can earth rest star robert heinlein alt.atheism islam author women articl apr dc warwick simon dc warwick simon clippingdal write for gui arriv and ask whether bobbi for real you betcha alt at heism and rest assur that get wors pearl wisdom bobbi reproduc below keith keep

big file such stuff misplac diskett last coupl month effort bobbi replenish quic kli recent favorit satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism visit jehovah wit good grief articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write amount energi spent lousi syllog volum for true posit reaso n thi group agre spend energi nonexist god satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism evo homosexu princeton etc bill had clear thi good evolutionari argument homosexu don qualifi articl vwn darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum os rh edu bill conner write wainwright eczcaw mip nott wrote delet odd homosexu had evolutionari function delet time man sex woman intend produc children hmm world overpopul you monti python song sperm sacr and you purpos mean limit popul grow th your arguement natur context talk evolutionari function basic requir evolut t hat member speci procreat don purpos that context guess social insect ant bee et c breed queen and passel steril worker huh dai ain true peopl can decid whether not children and will choos sex that anoth arguement lifestyl decis your argueme nt sinc homosexu can not choos not reproduc akin peopl decid sex not children un natur each anoth sequitur sex evolutionari function that exist for procreat that recreat incident that homosexu don procreat mean that sex recreat and noth serv evolutionari purpos refer you bonobo speci primat closelei relat human chimpanz e that close sex time homosexu heterosexu group find food sex sleep night sex es cap fight prdator sex sex serv import social function and reproduct thi speci sp eci close relat human indic that sex perform social function human even not thi show that such function not imposs sincer rai ingl ingl engin umich edu meek can earth rest star robert heinlein alt.atheism vonnegut atheism yesterdai chanc hear kurt vonnegut speak univer s hampshir vonnegut succeed isaac asimov honorari head american humanist associ vonnegut atheist and asimov asimov funer vonnegut stood and asimov heaven ignit uproari laughter room peopl speak time funer funniest thing possibl room full hu manist vonnegut yesterdai lectur vonnegut come speak your univers highli recomme nd even you never read novel opinion greatest live humorist greatest live humani st humorist peac dana alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash ed u fred rice write clarifi muslim mean muslim gener call muslim and not outwardli profess clear contradict essenti teach islam consid muslim thing contrari islam ignor for exampl not suddenli not becom muslim knowingli transgress islam teach and essenti principl leav islam you and bobbi sit and decid exactli islam post zlumber not muslim evil muslin can evil evil suffer temporari athiesm member cla im muslim stori straight satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb is c rit edu alt.atheism request for support articl apr sei cmu edu dpw sei cmu edu david wood write you respond articl includ similar answer question pose you charlei c halleng agre satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism bill conner articl mlr darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum osrh edu bill conner write you explain thi pertain thi posit statement type practic and you name you thi relat and bill you explain pertain thi posit statement type practic satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout articl jvigneau apr ulowel edu jvigneau ulowel edu joe vigneau write bsa taught don toler met th i gui thought gai fari bsa taught antibigot give testimoni experi scout back iss u wasn gai principl for put testimoni stan krieger and kind thi discuss doesn be long and intoler accept posit scout notic bsa hijack religi core valu surviv spi te leadership and scout and scout haven testimoni thi remind that scout worth fi ght for cautionari note you realiz that your experi thi camp leader bsa you put risk public word leak bsa gestapo bill mayn alt.atheism soc motss princeton ax match fund for boi scout wainwright eczca w mip nott wrote jim thought that homophob word us act ralli didn beleiv real pe opl us agre term definit homophob activ and militantli attack homosexu latent ho mosexu hostil conceal true orient sinc disapprov condemn homosexu homophob your implic clear necessarili follow that men latent homosexu bisexu crap crap crap c

rap crap definit type phobe come phobia irrat fear homophob not act meet word ap par gener us perhap isn bibl wouldst thou prefer commun thou bilespeak arachnoph ob irrat fear spider agoraphob irrat fear wide open space you understand english phobia will react will avoid and that not will strike run gaybash occur natur p rocess peopl defin homophobia will run gai peopl violenc isn that you take issu your remark parenthet mine and add noth odd homosexu had evolutionari function l imit popul growth sinc evolut occur member gener pass trait subsequ gener homose xu evolutionari deadend your usag term homophob sens you intend men homosexu and evolut speci time man sex woman intend produc children hmm world overpopul you monti python song sperm sacr and you purpos mean limit popul growth your argueme nt natur context talk evolutionari function basic requir evolut that member spec i procreat don purpos that context anoth point that offspr each gener surviv par ticip parent famili exist sinc homosexu not reproduc cannot constitut famili sin c major humankind part famili homosexu evolutionari abber contrari natur you wil l that true your arguement homosexu vanish year ago due procreat parent singl pa rent famili put babi cold co your arguement die your argument homosexu genet det ermin your second point you prove that you idea context mean talk evolut preserv speci fundament premis process get wors sinc overwhelm major peopl prefer heter osexu relationship homosexu social abber homosexu eschew biolog imper reproduc a nd social imper form and particip fundament social element famili wait read expe ct you ten children famili grow dai sex procreat admittedli pleasur pre pill and pre condom dai you had sex chanc produc children dai ain true peopl can decid w hether not children and will choos sex that anoth arguement lifestyl decis your arguement sinc homosexu can not choos not reproduc akin peopl decid sex not chil dren unnatur each anoth sequitur sex evolutionari function that exist for procre at that recreat incident that homosexu don procreat mean that sex recreat and no th serv evolutionari purpos sinc homosexu come closet and convinc polici maker t hat civil right claim that sexual prefer life style orient choic that protect la w homosexu mere choic and contrari natur and anti social pervers choic even cred ibl promin peopl peopl peopl you live life you god fanci date pretti obviou dodg you you you feel oblig respond statement not tell demonstr that argument practi c homosexu provid altern lifestly that not homophob that can call pervers contex t even atheist can understand realiz that thi come danger close establish and th at atheist compel object that basi you consist you case thi regard character opp osit homosexu homophob ignor compel argument legitim homosexu life style sinc ch arg intend intimid demogogueri and not fact jim persuas argument for suppress ho mosexu thi start crap your argument base outdat ideal likewis bibl honest christ ian condemn ten gener spawn bastard etern damnat crush peni accid not deuteronom i your comment pertain you disguis can mention ideal date your argument reaction ari you contribut homosexu exclud particip scout reason us restrict teach logic homosexu deviat social and biolog sinc adult role model for child incumb parent ensur that child isol child harm thi case harm mean primarili social that extend easili you show sex that describ normal and will hat puma basebal cap you man m eat anoth man poison thi you pick singl point that you find offens and explain y our object that you can discuss thi issu intellig bill alt.atheism fluid liquid west wam umd edu brian west write delet similar ana log can made glass for you don glass liquid your scienc teacher and flow delet y our scienc teacher tell you glass liquid scienc teacher glass supercool fluid no t liquid high temperatur definit liquid includ readili take form contain accur d on want peopl creationist uunet tektronix sail mikec cranford uunet tektronix sa il lab tek mikec princip troll arpa mikec sail lab tek relai net resid skeptic c snet mikec sail lab tek teklab tektronix alt.atheism gospel date articl vyfu darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum osr h edu bill conner write keith ryan kmr cwru edu wrote wild and fanci claim requi r greater evid you state that book your room blue not evid you claim that two he ad leapard your bed and don mean male lover leotard keith issu truth consequ pro posit argu irrelev issu consequ such and such true truth irrelev disagre proposi t amount evid and support can miriad factor for each individu quit requir level evid point histori import fussr not comrad state that own pair blue jean evid li ve unit state time such statement rais eyebrow individu wear busi suit etc degre

effect world and strength claim determin amount evid determin level evid relev consequ proposit consequ proposit irrelv explain not accept electro magnet forc attract two charg particl invers proport cube distanc apart rememb consequ law n ot relev can not us experiment evid disproof consequ law incongru law and state affair incongru thi law and natur law irrelev theoriz truth law that consequ pro posit irrelv includ consequ contradict contradict state affiar judg true not alo n find truth truth defin insert convers explain truth truth that for even truth never possibl find concept meaningless satan and angel not freewil god tell mozu md snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism moral constant biblic rape articl jxd darksid osrh uoknor edu bi l okcforum osrh edu bill conner write coupl thing your post and thi thread that confus atheist for thing can understood process natur exclus for recours divniti describ explain purpos direct for event requir physic chemistri biologi etc ran dom noth determnin thi post contain fallaci respond abolish divin requir elimin freewil you not shown thi you not even attempt exist omnisci elimin freewil mort al post month ago refut give reason reason satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism gospel date articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat wr ite delet cannot evid for cynic thi group accept for second foundat religion cla im risen jesu back dai period believ and discount thi group sinc ancient choos d ismiss thing metaphys relationship even agre argu length mean don evid cooki cha rli claim that jesu discredit extraordinari claim that don match evid thi case f or that gospel cannot even agre jesu zillion spook stori and even religi context evid resurrect elabor argument made not pass your post filter interpret extraor dinari claim claim statement that speaker will not accept evid matter evid stric t mean actual evid part noth claim charli invis pink unicorn your standard evid for ipu benedikt alt.atheism contradict articl oi clj austin ibm yoder austin ibm stuart yode r write univers you theist cannot understand that insid univers and univers two place put god univers and you subtract abil interact insid univers put insid uni vers and you impos rule physic god univers thing univers not abil interact insid univers god cannot interact insid univers basi whatsoev you posit knowledg thi corrallari negat contridict not complet model physic rule govern insid univers e xpect that contradictori event like destroi fabric modern physic hand your notio n omnipot omnisci and infinit benevol god not subject physic law you attempt exp lain thi describ measur measur mean can measur effect realiti cannot interact er go your god irrelev god measur measur mean can measur effect realiti god cannot measur effect realiti basi whatsoev corrallari negat contradict satan and angel not freewil god tell mozumd snm ultb isc rit edu alt.atheism ontolog benediktin metaphys articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu c harlei wingat write contradictori cannot exist contradictori properti languag co rrect thi thing defin contradictori languag not exist correct stand will object definit realiti you amend thing describ contradictori languag not exist come pla inli fals failur descript failur descript you miss point thing defin contradicto ri languag not exist exist meant conclus drawn descript wrong possibl find descr ib and draw conclus direct knowledg describ anoth possibl drop contradictori par t that impli that can trust concept present and that not doubt sourc not objecti vist rememb thing directli sens includ form model us model contradict model not approv remain question contradictori can sens contradictori import point that ma nag resolv contradict forc not us refer contradictori part draw conclus will fal l garbag garbag trap benedikt alt.atheism inimit rushdi refer delet move thi thread articl edu jaeger buph i edu gregg jaeger write articl phkf inn dsi dsinc perri dsinc jim perri write r ushdi understand muslim fact that british citizen not preclud muslim rushdi athe ist us local terminolog not put word mouth time write tsv and time fatwa februar i born muslim fairli muslim explicitli renounc islam never explicitli renounc is lam extrem doubt exist god muslim legal intellectu issu islam put simpli not mus lim not accept charg apostaci never adult life affirm belief and not affirm can not apostas islam state that can coercion matter religion muslim respect horrifi idea that belong faith pure virtu birth and that person freeli chose not muslim

put death salman rushdi good faith god satan paradis and hell vanish dai fiftee nth year quit abruptli lost faith and prove found atheism bought tasteless ham s andwich and partook for time forbidden flesh swine thunderbolt arriv strike that dai thi thought wholli seculat person salman rushdi god trust rushdi affair dis credit islam ey khomeini fanat and fring element religion even appar moder musli m particip refus distanc witch hunt rushdi thi true khomenei motiv quit irrelev issu fact matter that rushdi made fals statement fiction line fact and fiction l ife mohammad function illiter absolut concept natur such thing accept reluctantl i mob pakistan not you present fiction dream dement charact cannot wildest stret ch imagin consid reflect actual mohammad wors doesn present mahound moham charac t wors light secular histori islam lewd misrepresent life that wive that peopl r ush defens consid absolut fool for write satan vers don hold back consid apost a nd blasphem not for write satan vers for peopl accept propagandist version conta in that book find singl muslim convinc that read book initi claim shown knowledg book superfici newsweek stori impart and made factual misstat event book you un derstand reason thi origin concept satan vers penguin paperback rafiq zakariyah call mohammad and quran ey for counter propos suggest that you vike hardcov salm an rushdi call satan vers perhap you understand jim perri perri dsinc decis supp ort inc matthew opinion for nomin fee can alt.atheism visit jehovah wit articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd tr w write articl twso ileaf mukesh ileaf mukesh prasad write articl apr batman bmd trw jbrown batman bmd trw write articl ainn matt ksu ksu edu strat matt ksu ksu edu steve davi write bskendig netcom brian kendig write earth evil satan rule t hi guess sinc wit bother impli that satan omnisci you trick into that satan know and us that statement show belief contradictari satan not omnisci hold dominion earth christian theologi note not confus theologi standard theologi creat satan and orthodox christian theologi state that god creat lucif satan angel want be celebr glorifi exist and life and therebi god why and wherefor god motiv for cre at angel not big issu christian theologi god creat lucif perfect natur and gave angel free moral will lucif high angel perhap highest great author that great ca us begin pride and desir equal greater god forgot place creat exalt god and ther ebi evil and sin enter creation stori that lucif refus bow man god command lucif devot god yeah noth genesi that snake snake talk had leg time don point contrad ict stori show error theologi supernatur entiti kick human paradis bit into frui t that gave special power not respond reason and logic brian alt.atheism ancient islam ritual articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monas h edu fred rice write discuss pro and con sex marriag evid for opinion moment ge ner can cite for exampl read that centuri percentag youth and peopl gener suffer depress steadili climb western societi read refer usa similarli can detect tren d greater occurr sex marriag thi centuri western societi sexual revolut even tha t sexual revolut not gradual weaken christian and christian moral teach sex marr iag propos that two trend greater level gener depress societi and psycholog prob lem and greater sexual promiscu link prime cannot provid evid thi thi stage thes i reason and request that peopl ponder fred rice muslim give point view daric yo yo monash edu thi big leap sex depress exampl sex depress promiscu declin depres s not and reason depress promiscu depress like come emot problem relationship fa mili job friend and promiscu us escap sinc marriag civil and religi bond emot bo nd don problem sex not marriag long you commit and devot expect marri coupl thi opinion brian alt.atheism yeah articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write and that revel thing charlei you talk thi intellectu engag revel risk take not rati on intellectu mad qualifi intellectu engag peopl that concept metaphys and relig i knowledg contradict not objectivist not impress problem conceptu problem thi c ase bad that explain quantum mechan and rel term ordinari experi can rough under stand languag perspect ordinari phenomena inconsist and perspect describ inexact charit exactli scienc mathemat represent natur languag not suppos replac elabor represent mathemat terminolog suppos truth oppos represent god religion ordinar i languag admittedli not religion fanci side effect inept represent etern hassl religion and for make experi that will lead result that will agre similar show s imilar religion analog situat supposedli obtain metaphys problem that descript l

anguag not effect that model present useless and can argu that that reason metap hys flourish make statement that can verifi falsifi show that bogu and case hold reliabl inform can you show you establish that thi word reliabl essenti meaning less context you can show reliabl can determin haven you read post reliabl and c an acheiv determin benedikt alt.atheism rushdi islam law psilink robert knowl psilink write date sat apr gmt fred rice daric yoyo monash edu ivt cfj fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write british blow skyscrap don you you impli that person accus blo w wtc and that islam teach blow wtc wtc world trade centr build that blown make comment person accus innoc proven guilti rememb secondli hole accus that read fo r instanc gui us that van blow build and back and claim deposit back incred stup id perhap salamen uneduc muslim hear nevertheless appar smart put togeth sophist bomb doesn fit togeth salameh not person involv fellow chemic engin work for al li signal had specif studi explos devic school not radic muslim type studi thing thi univers for price freedom read fellow told salameh put togeth phone bomb su pposedli sort sophist type put assum complic sophist bomb togeth instruct phone brain expect despit thi attack and threat mosqu and muslim unit state consequ ac cus read thi happen live and heard mosqu attack mosqu houston texa and can verif i thi great jewish media conspiraci keep know thi heard mosqu attack desert stor m ventur quiet local jersei read thi articl australian muslim time newspap weekl i australian muslim commun thi true perhap muslim base north america thi post ca n elabor islam teach teach harm innoc qur explicitli teach harm innoc even time war blow wtc and harm innoc blatant contradict islam teach thi mean absolut noth plenti peopl commit violenc valid religi principl peopl post thing koran misint erpret that explan you us uneduc muslim harm idol and unbeliev thing muslim that muslim that islam teach harm innoc and suppos you word that never happen you co nsequ allah strike alleg violenc occur not muslim commit violent act and hide ve rs koran pretti hip that trick and even doubt that will come trial defens that m uslim and islam teach not harm innoc peopl kill not innoc set bomb your honor yo u rememb sir muslim allah power allah not allow thi you insult religion great de fens admit that incred stupid violent muslim world and stop hide that fact good deni make reason muslim protect bad can you that don deni thi fact thrust argume nt that salameh law innoc not found guilti court law guilt not establish wrong f or peopl make post base thi assumpt islam teach not harm innoc muslim perhap not realiz that islam teach thi perform such action not teach islam spite and contr adict teach islam thi import distinct clarifi muslim mean muslim gener call musl im and not outwardli profess clear contradict essenti teach islam consid muslim thing contrari islam ignor for exampl not suddenli not becom muslim knowingli tr ansgress islam teach and essenti principl leav islam term muslim contrast min me an true believ whether muslim realiti min god and perhap that person you will no t find term min us muslim alt atheism not and god whether for exampl true believ not for exampl put show and realiti opposit write know muslim mean outwardli pr ofess follow islam whether practic ignor transgress islam teach muslim not neces sarili mean min true believ islam fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism gospel date mango umd edu charlei wingat write david wood write extraordinari claim requir extraordinari evid thi high falutin don you you make meta argument case you wrong invis pink unicorn exist jesu not extradinari claim respond histor accuraci biblic claim exist jesu and that not even mention post you want complain that miracl attribut constitut such claim and won argu that is su wrong that exactli issu back and read context includ post and you mean that y ou kind respond your question for answer charlei challeng your claim that not va rieti dishonest dodg that feel fool person dave wood alt.atheism and anoth thing mango umd edu charlei wingat write keith ryan wr ite you will ignor critic your logic incongruenti your stanc you will not answer question valid opinion and fact you state start that not and respons reason con tinu not argu version posit cannot argu your version your posit includ charlei c halleng your claim flat lie last week you claim that you not answer challeng you turn includ text you want your context includ articl not come thi contradict ma ke entri challeng post bloodi thing that you written relat thi thread and will p leas post back posit you forgotten that you leav electron paper trail net thi us

ual theist approach matter time argument disproven shown applic sequitur crop ti me time speak sequitur thi and sauc for goos disproof fallaci repeat and such la w natur argument post recent not chang subject wouldn finish thread question you begin dave wood alt.atheism period post charlei challeng addit thi version challeng addendum summar charlei respons date thi post made period attempt encourag charlei winga t address direct challeng evid speciou claim continu post period answer publicli that won answer stop post alt atheism alt atheism commun tell stop total bore a polog for somewhat juvenil natur thi approach loss figur anoth crack intransig a nd intellectu dishonesti thi post charlei can notic that you fail provid answer substant question that rais respons your previou post submit that you don answer you cannot answer run afoul your logic and onc challeng you prove wrong make ta sk easi for you present concis statement question that you fail answer hope that you address time for you fail answer reason time period will post thi articl su itabl addit and delet such time that notic post you anoth topic will repeat thi procedur you address outstand challeng you ceas post thi newsgroup apolog advanc you answer question previous and your answer miss notic you can kind post mail such articl will pleas publicli rescind challeng question and remov thi list que stion claim that atheist fit into neat psycholog pattern that you propos semi re tract that claim state that you weren refer atheist ask you name atheist you fee l don fit your pattern show that you not refer atheist that you awar you fail qu estion can you name poster not fit into your stereotyp context for question thi not true for thi board and you line assum that you delet text that didn mean imp li that experi line whether not you mean make such implic you repeatedli approac h issu anoth viewpoint can you name atheist that you come across not fit into pa ttern that you theoriz you umbrag statement effect that sens and reason and pres s you impli that altern call revel repeatedli ask you explain revel and can expe ri and interpret revel sens and reason you fail question can you explain revel a nd can experi and interpret sens and inher reason context for question revel not reason and revel reason not show that revel exist second revel not perceiv sens exactli perceiv webster revel act reveal commun divin truth such thing can reve al commun sens you can interpret thi revel reason that your brain interpret you sens for human interfac univers sens interpret reason your brain thi simpl truth you anoth mechan interfac mean share you cannot escap fact that entir interfac univers sens and reason period thi indefens simpl truth challeng you show mystic will agre thi assert and common defens redefin sens absorb for instanc mystic e xperi beg question whether sens you broadest definit sens make thing easier for you show that mystic experi exist rememb you aren allow testimoni mystic sinc yo u dismiss testimoni unreli you taint bia onc mystic thingi absorb show evid that human can recogn and respond short interpret that person reason capabl challeng you show thing you cannot you give fight reiter you not explain your interpret your experi not for attack point fact specif challeng you explain thi revel stuf f that you talk and note for record that you declin challeng sens interpret and thi sens and interpret occur conduit sens and reason abil you answer question th at straight heart your claim you can answer your claim speciou you state that cl aim dispassion analysi made poster unverifi and fantast ask you identifi such cl aim that made you fail question made claim that unverifi and fantast repeat cont ext for question david wood sensit and intellig wrong post likewis refer unverif i fantast claim repres fairli accur reaction claim dispassion analysi that repea t thi group give your address and pleas send you dictionari fail that can you na me claim that made that sens unverifi fantast demand that you retract thi statem ent you cannot offer evid you follow your usual pattern ignor challeng you simpl i asshol you dismiss claim atheist that atheist result reason you state that acc ept axiom reason that couldn becom atheist ask you explain contradict your respo ns statement that question incoher opinion not share that ask atheist theist you fail answer question question you retract your claim that poster not becom athe ist result reason despit testimoni that effect you don retract that claim you re tract subsequ claim that accept axiom reason inevit result atheism context for q uestion quot bunch peopl claim that posit base reason atheist prove second quot not can accept axiom and not end atheist point view you claim that you not answe

r challeng contain includ text previou post you impli that you wouldn respond pu t word your mouth clarifi thi contradict question you prefer respond challeng th at includ context your post that paraphras your posit order avoid includ text co ntext for question you ordinari rule that don read articl line articl noth inclu d text screen not rule moral practic not argu version posit cannot argu usual yo ur respons await anticip dave wood for record below compil charlei respons chall eng date thi make sens appear utter incoher answer question wood imagin wood not subscrib opinion that gauntlet thrown net requir respons whatsoev point read an d respond your articl and not ordinari rule that don read articl line articl not h includ text screen not rule moral practic left don respond utmost list thing a void argument argument meta argument call start that not and respons reason cont inu not argu version posit cannot argu alt.atheism polit atheist halat pooh bear jim halat write object moral exist that flavor moral approxim onc natur object moral fairli easili defin long you goal mind that purpos thi moral not quit get you mean thi object moral oxymoron definit goal orient issu thi subject natur don you word object goal not subject for instanc goal natur moral propog speci perhap wasn intellig anim that revis t hi intellig anim and moral suit bit complic law jungl don that actual subject yo u and object assum that ideal such system carri complet keith alt.atheism request for support request for charlei wingat respond charlei c halleng and judg mail quit you clear that wingat intend continu post tangenti un rel articl ingor challeng last two post challeng note perhap dozen post wingat a nswer singl challeng unmistak that wingat hope that question will and level chan g subject that thi common net theist tactic suggest that impress desir for answe r manner ignor futur articl wingat that not address challeng answer explictli an nounc that refus you respond articl includ similar answer question pose you char lei challeng not humili want honest answer you wouldn that honesti devout christ ian you nevermind that rhetor question dave wood alt.atheism gospel date articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat wr ite assum you present accur don thi argument lead firm conclus materi john not e xactli refer for grant similar matt luke materi almost relationship two john get straight jesu mouth argument john codifi version logia and not origin assum tha t weak that john origin refer text that logia codifi version place argument alon not firm conclus fit into date for gospel talk date text not ag author usual ex plan for time order mark matthew and luke not respect ag matthew read text mark and luke that matthew and that mark version usual theori heard matthew and luke independ reli mark and that luke reli matthew wouldn grate inconsist geneolog fo r thing not necessarili luke trust version knew version matthew improv matthew g ive motiv for instanc theori that luke matthew base statist analysi text assum t hat john knew content luke text evid for that not overwhelm admittedli thi part that that you point refer grate yep will anoth dai sourc hope your german good h aven info hand late earli and possibl shed doubt order put john rest close gap s uppos write and exist copi quit bit origin copi can written and surviv becom pro babl not copi chang date john that john discipl not gener accept style and langu ag togeth theologi us counterargu not impress theologi argument point thi and po int earlier cannot make argument peter reason not accept authent letter possibl and evid authenc letter discuss conclus not drawn pet dogma church fall step and gener remov bad even time compar that report similar event centuri almost illit er societi analog report talk particip not bad newslett polit parti report big m eet not necessarili wrong bad word not origin mark and argument base mark pretti weak statement divin not that section and case agre that import epistl predat m ark accuraci tradit anoth problem question letter not paul and predat mark claim divin jesu benedikt alt.atheism american and evolut articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write ar ticl tinn senat bedfellow mit edu bob thnext mit edu robert singleton write dele t will argu that your statement that god exist rest faith that you make posit st atement that god exist strong atheism don and don and don not weak atheism onc n ot god that god not exist maintain posit even read faq that strong atheism requi r faith us view you that drive car requir faith that car drive not thi requir fa ith part car drive drive fact driven requir faith belief that sens give accur re

present evid pro con for exist exist god below thi for conclus and faith premis and argument us remain skeptic don conclus that you evid that god correct lack e vid for exist evid for exist creationist similar mode argument disprov evolut es tablish creation you person never neutrino exist pink unicorn analog break and n aiv scientif theori that explain appear anim life evolut draw conclus that pink unicorn don exist haven thi conclus foundat observ and theori pink unicorn exist qualit similar entiti that sinc good evid that life earth evolv primit ancestor pink unicorn share common anscestori hors and zebra and such god such correspon d imo physic frame work observ draw conclus languag problem regard faith and exi st christian maintain that god not exist exist mean space and time god not god k ierkegaard onc that god not exist etern thi feel pointless debat call exist god and that not that god sourc and ground you that god not exist accept thi stateme nt mean two thing follow will us phrase exist god usual sens and thi sens that y ou clarif you mean exist god that word game disagre you profoundli thi haven def in god exist fact haven defin god thi get subject you relev can come back god ex ist wast time exist us and replac god you impli case your definit and your argum ent incomplet make fallaci you wrong categori perhap you misunderstand make argu ment and offer definit fallaci not convinc you and that rest faith and inappropr i appli categori logic thi realm tell you that can logic prove god that evid us logic disprov claim fine and btw incomplet argument not fallaci thing not even w rong delet can never prove that god not exist you that you god not exist and tha t thi opinion base observ will observt you refer observ pro con that valid estab lish posit belief delet that follow aren observ base assumpt that exist don foll ow you can make observ thing that didn exist maintain that cannot us observ infe r that god not exist such posit assert requir leap and wouldn you level definit that assumpt god meaning not reject that concept your evid for that god meaning level onc you complet misunderstand evid that god meaning level such respons you gave come natur you peopl run privat concept god your throat not thi argu and t hing that make posit assert for can principl evid for requir leap requir faith y ou theist form atheism that can respect found honesti benedikt bob singleton bob thnext mit edu alt.atheism second law albert sabin joel hane jjh diag amdahl wrote connor a ssert that complex paleontolog simpli incorrect lineag structur lost for exampl snake lost leg cave fish lost ey speci almost complet lost male kiwi descend bir d function wing joel statement made illustr inescap anthrpomorph qualiti descipt evolutionari process evolut can describ explain term teleolog that point even r eason understand evolut biologist for instanc tend personifi natur and can limit languag natur natur bill alt.atheism gospel date keith ryan kmr cwru edu wrote wild and fanci claim r equir greater evid you state that book your room blue not evid you claim that tw o head leapard your bed and don mean male lover leotard keith issu truth consequ proposit argu irrelev issu consequ such and such true truth irrelev bill alt.atheism gospel date jim perri perri dsinc wrote bibl god that true athei sm mistaken pretti obviou socrat god that true your monoth and atheism mistaken even socrat never exist jim you come late discuss part began benedikt question h istor acuuraci make point that standard us valid secular histori that us discred it histori virtual noth centuri you that bibl cannot true speak exist god fact y our object noth histori anoth statement atheism bill alt.atheism not omni charlei wingat mango umd edu wrote enlighten omnipot co ntradictori definit that can occur univers govern rule natur god cannot break th at god allow rule omnipot cannot exist contradict rule natur omnipot god can cha ng rule you definit exactli defin not omnipot you that rule natur pre exist that not defin natur that you mean hear your thought question bill alt.atheism knew prudenti juncol juniata edu wrote arriv home joseph advanta g mari had speak word thi couldn mari highli religi follow that decid hei that g od impregn will trustworthi and honor soul believ and jesu child born violenc da ve can you explain purpos your post can imagin you thougt meant bill alt.atheism allah akbar and prais lord maddi hausmann madhau netcom wrote an d lord that bill connor return set straight can die happi lexu wipe that rain sl ick curv rest you had straighten your time even limit you flu maddi you you glad

visit won stai long thi time shop bill alt.atheism dear theist pixi andi bgsu edu wrote for problem technolog caus your type made thing even wors remind inquisit oper rescu klux klan poss comitat u club david duke salem witch trial crusad gai bash etc virtual each and singl w ar level technolog had theistic organ cheer carnag chaplain etc and claim that g od favor ordeal don forget prai for troop thi tediou bad thing that happen malef actor influenc religion that pretti gener opinion want that atheist not that dis honest stick fact and accomplish that interpret correctli bill alt.atheism moral constant biblic rape jim perri perri dsinc wrote xenophobi a facto and jure implement legal system widespread bibl not egalitarian specif p reach kind stranger and emphas book ruth that foreign can join nation and give r ise great hero nation altern american strike strang thi stori that even consid i ssu jim coupl thing your post and thi thread that confus atheist for thing can u nderstood process natur exclus for recours divniti describ explain purpos direct for event requir physic chemistri biologi etc random noth determnin thi includ human intellig and product noth requir that life evolv that acquir intellig happ i accid for atheist event can prefer anoth anoth naturalist sens and thought eve nt can product intellig acquir environ teach train observ and experi and signifi c individu mind resid mental process and imag produc for electr activ and noth c ontent consequ human mind respons natur forc water run hill can atheist judg bas i for critic valu ennumer bibl purpos imput god ground can behavior reliogi cond emn that judg valu that motiv action you standard conduct measur natur can serv that purpos law natur can you invok establish your valu sinc event and exclus ph ysic event differ possibl make religi can mean gradat atheist can object behavio ur admit that object subject and that doesn that judgement prefac disclaim that noth matter person opinion and carri weight absolut sens that you don god told p eopl noth god god command that electr event your nervou system that creat emot s tate that your mind coupl pre exist thought set form that reaction that your obj ect found due you condit truth content your intellectu landscap illus virtual re aliti didn make rule inher naturalist atheism and consist you accept signific hu man thought even your thi you exclud discuss valu wrong goood evil etc and canno t particip your opinion bibl can weight whatsoev bill alt.atheism bill conner you explain thi pertain thi posit statement type pra ctic and you name you thi relat and bill alt.atheism islam dress code for women dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write ar ticl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write delet peopl relig ion and that thi not exactli come peopl religion noth exist perspect religion pe rhap can that tend converg truth point that lot harm meantim and that converg co unterfactu religion split and diverg even true religion core layer determin happ en practis and quit inhuman you post suppos answer don will repeat religion harm peopl and religion don converg split give disagre and lot disagr toler toler id eolog split give disagre and lead intoler you oppos ideolog don your argument ar gument religion point weak human natur big delet women soul islam peopl that mus lim that women not soul admit never heard such view held muslim era heard christ ian era hold thi viewpoint not muslim you you not confus christian histori islam histori suppos predomin view turkish caliph refer you for thi new that women sp iritu equal men can shown vers qur for exampl qur for muslim men and women for b eliev men and women for devout men and women for true men and women for men and women patient and constant for men and women humbl for men and women give charit i for men and women fast and deni for men and women guard chastiti and for men a nd women engag god prais for god prepar forgiv and great reward qur abdullah yus uf ali translat quot quot show that men and women spiritu equal and that women s oul men not impli that soul not soul and not that quot high prioriti interpret a pproach qur intellig think approach qur cannot interpret vers and that women and men spiritu equal that vers impli that women soul make sens for soul forgiven g reat reward understood life usual answer case part for god prepar forgiv and gre at reward soul make sens that thing soul can forgiven idea soul for your that qu ot not high prioriti interpret think approach qur give vers qur equal prioriti t hat muslim belief qur revel god fact deni truth part qur suffici consid disbelie v islam quit similar you post even quran not encourag slaveri not justifi that i

it forbid put end slaveri sequitur approach qur intellig and thought thi fashion that can understand quran messag book finit length cannot explicitli answer que stion you want put teach can guid you that women spiritu equal men and unambigu impli vers and that sinc women can forgiven and reward soul vers understand qur teach wai can misinterpret ignor thi passag that passag misinterpret qur base ig nor thi vers that vers infinit interpret fulli consist limit discuss interpret c onsist text peopl can ignor thi bit that bit for that show peopl can twist islam for end not deni reflect true teach islam whatsoev fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag apr ennew ea asu edu guncer enuxha ea asu edu selim guncer write you not bernard lewi write label zionist such discred it etc you misrepres selim hard evid for statement lack object present quit book orient edward edward christian not muslim pretti object treatment race and slav eri middl east sinc distinguish slaveri islam and practic slaveri countri prior civil war not conceal that vers quran promot liber slave doesn and don can deduc vers that slaveri will eventu abolish islam countri you conveni blame practic s laveri muslim fact fail relev claim lewi zionist wrote bernard lewi zionist poli t motiv for give misrepresent and half truth islam read orient edward evid for f act post isn long encyclopaed inform can access that slaveri abolish date year m uham that thi tension ottoman empir arab slave trader and govern etc asu librari volum british document slaveri report and document slaveri world can found chec k incid lewi mention don polit stanc documentari evid haven read lewi articl can comment directli and spoken write gener that polit motiv make bias writer islam anti islam polem understand quit subtl and base tell half truth read orient edw ard not ask you trust fact urg you not thi book book and check evid for issu rai s that slave us for sexual purpos claim that islam prohibit extra marit sex wrot e that prophet had concubin wrote incid prophet advis not want concubin pregnant etc contrari notion that sex for procreat word such claim baseless quran and ha dith slaveri realiti oppos practic muslim oppos islam slave for sexual purpos ne cessarili oppos unsucces get you islam not advoc slaveri slaveri exist institut centuri advis slave freed for good deed etc noth cultur thi good thing problem c an argu rightfulli that slave discourag think status polit quran reward good sla ve obei your master and perhap dai you free understand that not commun muslim si nc assum quran god and rule base system impos societi for preserv statu quo slav e part thi system subordin women that function societi boil child make part thi system etc understand your point view selim not get you point you repeat answer women made post post thi subject show that islam not anti woman etc you complet ignor post miss repost good titl islam and women repost soc religion islam thi d isappear your site email tell and will email you copi thi excel articl imho your understand issu women islam sadli defici slave post slaveri second made repost articl wrote earli last year base complet qur and contain numer qur anic vers an d hadith support point view approach you argu histor standpoint and argu directl i teach qur and hadith peopl muslim and perform action that automat mean that ac tion part islam even oppos qur and sunnah not give you concret exampl clarifi th i for you qur prohibit drink person muslim and proce drink bottl beer thi mean t hat islam teach that peopl drink beer not and idiot you point natur that author author quran had idea that socio econom structur advoc experi two paradigm shift year western cultur end feudal era and rise commerc second industri revolut rul e chang and statu quo driven muslim countri into miseri surviv heathen world mus lim countri fail econom unabl accumul wealth directli due uncomprimis econom rul e quran fact rise islam can easili model pyramid effect you not produc wealth ho me increas your wealth conquer place you judg islam capitalist term capit ideolo g base larg assumpt that peopl want maximis wealth thi assumpt opposit islam tea ch islam bad not capitalist pretti unthink islam not pretend capitalist and not capitalist thi not mean that islam not support free market for gener part capit oppos islam understand thi stop you and left bare open for emperialist devour ca pit industri poor social servic educ level muslim countri lowest world health st atist miser etc can postul numer reason for thi your theori that islam not secul arist and capitalist etc etc selim will give you clear histor exampl show you fa llaci your view you you that islam lack educ and power for larg part histori isl

am world power for signific section histori islam world foremost scienc that isl am for exampl anti educ complet absurd you blame thi situat islam histori show t hat your conclus fals and that reason for thi situat you blame muslim for not qu ran blame muslim for quran selim your viewpoint women islam make question extent your knowledg islam you not knowledg judg whether muslim qur not your idea base less histor fact poor utopia islam world forefront world scienc stage your theor i qur that muslim backward educ selim your thesi that anti histor for you conven i overlook thi histor fact contradict your theori idea deriv social and econom h istori you not shown thi you state that your view islam anti educ quit contrari histori that you convinc your view make object you thi solut muslim simpl cut cr ap selim you take your advic fact straight and work hard revers effect year igno r selim you such convict your viewpoint you demonstr ignor not islam islam histo ri respect muslim leader scienc till you that your viewpoint base histori selim rememb you your earlier post that you apost islam you slow and start think issu and start read post islam ignor you fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism jew can hide keith cco articl pqdor fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write articl apr bmerh bnr dgraham bmer bnr dougla graham wr ite poster casual trash two thousand year jewish histori and ken repli that had previous peopl germani problem that pretti part jew sightse for year think that import part origin poster bit kill palestinian retrospect can sightse thing offe ns origin poetic licens understand that differ that ken bit strong that your adv ic masud khan you argu arromde good idea homework unnecessari that peopl formal nazi nazi parti activ and tacit support ordinari man street behav casual anti se mit perfectli accept exactli don you understand wrote and don you matter hand yo ur articl thi thread tacit assumpt that origin poster exhibit casual anti semit agre that your speech thi bad relev you read lot into flip sentenc not true thi case charg anti semit get thrown order stifl legitim critic state israel outta t hi thread doug graham dgraham bnr opinion alt.atheism alt atheism faq frequent ask question archiv name atheism faq al t atheism archiv name faq last modifi april version alt atheism frequent ask que stion thi file contain respons articl occur repeatedli alt atheism point cover n ot cover introduct atheism you advis read that articl post answer not intend exh aust definit purpos period faq post not stifl debat rais level you question and isn cover answer feel free make your point overview content purpos thi newsgroup hitler atheist bibl prove pascal wager occam razor good jesu that god exist ein stein and god not plai dice worship causeless univers complex design independ ev id that bibl true godel incomplet theorem georg bush atheism and patriot hell bi blic contradict want usa christian nation usa not christian nation subject purpo s thi newsgroup typic post newsgroup atheism atheist organ group discuss respons thing discuss includ whether reason feign theism order avoid upset famili praye r school discrimin atheist sundai trade law satan child abus myth whether overt atheist stai closet religi societi prei sic colleg student rid unwant proselyt w hether religion danger societi and individu peopl becom atheist inevit alt athei sm attract evangel christian for convert reader newsgroup don want preach deriv pervers pleasur tear apart ill consid uninform post subject hitler atheist typic post hitler atheist and respons adolf hitler emphat not atheist folkish mind ma n sacr duti each denomin make peopl stop talk superfici god will and fulfil god will and not god word desecr orig ital for god will gave men form essenc and abi l destroi work declar war lord creation divin will man activ each denomin you an d man and sacr duti oppos activ word deed step confin religi commun and butt int o todai that act accord will almighti creator defend jew fight for work lord ori g ital adolf hitler mein kampf tran ralph mannheim bad believ not make that beli ef wrong that hitler ly claim god can conclud that atheist subject bibl prove ty pic post bibl that respons reader alt atheism feel that bibl question accuraci w ritten thousand year ago author record oral tradit that exist year claim truth q uestion legitimaci thi isn that bibl truth simpli that truth examin accept reade r thi group feel that passag subject interpret claim that passag mean thing and thing not legitim note that thi feel extend book remark atheist that theist tend ignor equal plausibl religi book favour religion subject pascal wager typic pos t you god and turn incorrect you lost noth you don god and turn incorrect you wi

ll hell foolish atheist respons thi argument pascal wager flaw firstli not relig ion follow mutual exclus and contradictori religion thi describ avoid wrong hell problem person follow religion end religion version hell secondli statement tha t you god and turn incorrect you lost noth not true suppos you believ wrong god true god punish you for your foolish death that result peopl reject medicin favo ur prayer anoth flaw argument that base assumpt that two possibl equal like that compar likelihood fact possibl god close argument becom persuas sadli argument like convinc feel that for intellectu honest peopl belief base evid amount intui t not matter will cost benefit analysi formal speak argument consist statement n ot whether god exist not believ god bad for etern soul god exist believ god cons equ god not exist interest god two approach argument view assumpt and consequ pr oblem thi approach abstract that creat inform inform thi consid invalid inform t heori statement inform god statement that benefici inform can gain absolut lack inform god thi violat inform entropi inform extract inform cost altern approach claim that and assumpt problem thi that basic assumpt state christian posit and christian will agre that assumpt argument collaps you christian your interest go d vacuou tautolog and not pascal intend argument view biggest reason pascal wage r failur that god omnisci will believ and believ wager will spurn assum care whe ther peopl subject occam razor typic post peopl talk occam razor respons william occam formul principl becom occam razor origin form not multipli entiti unneces sarili that you can explain suppos exist entiti nowadai peopl refer occam razor gener express gener for exampl simplest solut relev atheism that can two explan for incred intric and complex univers into result natur process incred intric an d complex univers and god creat univers thi god complex that explan fit fact occ am razor suggest that simpler two solut number argu that even simpl solut isn in cred intric and complex univers imagin that thi option lead logic solips peopl f ind unaccept subject good jesu typic post want peopl virtu and benefit religion respons preach not appreci feel free talk your religion not write post that conv ers theme such post not belong alt atheism and will reject alt atheism moder new sgroup talk religion misc you doubtless not post atheist your favourit newsgroup attempt convert you you you theist make basic claim god form lengthi analog par abl awar that atheist heard god and basic claim sole purpos your parabl atheist that god exist and bring salvat you not post sinc tell noth not told subject tha t god exist typic post person experi and prayer that god exist respons theist pe rson evid that worship exist atheist person evid that such be not exist that evi d vari person person wish dismiss your evid hand peopl claim kind thing that abd uct ufo visit ghost elvi and subject einstein and god not plai dice typic post a lbert einstein believ god you you clever respons einstein onc comment that god n ot plai dice univers thi quotat commonli mention show that einstein believ chris tian god us thi context refer einstein refus accept uncertainti quantum theori e instein religi background jewish christian quotat show einstein thought god spin oza god reveal orderli harmoni exist not god concern fate and action human be ei nstein unabl accept quantum theori belief object orderli realiti realiti not sub ject random event and not depend observ believ that incomplet and that theori fo r statist interpret such theori found and evid suggest that never will longer qu ot einstein appear scienc philosophi and religion symposium publish confer scien c philosophi and religion relat democrat life inc york man imbu order regular ev ent firmer becom convict that room left side thi order regular for natur for rul e human rule divin will exist independ natur event doctrin person god interf nat ur event never refut ital real sens scienc for thi doctrin can refug domain scie ntif knowledg not set foot convinc that such behavior part repres religion not u nworthi fatal for doctrin maintain not clear light dark will necess lose effect mankind incalcul harm human progress struggl for ethic good teacher religion sta tur give doctrin person god that give that sourc fear and hope past such vast po wer hand priest labor will avail forc capabl cultiv good true and beauti human t hi difficult incompar worthi task einstein lie you read relig convict lie system at repeat not person god and never deni thi express can call religi unbound admi r for structur world scienc can reveal quot albert einstein human side edit hele n duka and banesh hoffman and publish princeton univers press book not immort in dividu and ethic exclus human concern superhuman author fact that einstein chose

not christian not impli that christian fals subject worship typic post worship whether monei power god respons that true polytheist theist care thing that athe ist care atheist reaction for exampl famili amount worship theist subject causel ess typic post set integ that lower bound each smallest member chain element cau seless respons set real number greater definit lower bound smallest member even true that causeless that not impli that that consciou supernatur entiti and not that such entiti match descript favour religion subject univers complex design t ypic post presenc design univers prove god sure you don thi appear chanc respons thi argument design matter disput whether element design univers that complex a nd divers live creatur earth evid creator advis read newsgroup talk origin for i nsuffici space summar side that debat conclus that scientif evid favour call sci entif creation evid observ and theori that can explain complex univers and life earth origin argument design feel that exist incred intric human improb that sur e can come chanc that sure extern intellig direct thing that human come chao del iber human intellig improb sure exist mind capabl fashion entir univers complet consciou be immeasur approach us argu favour exist creator can turn and appli cr eationist posit thi lead familiar theme creator creat univers creat creator addi t spiral improb declar that creator not creat and wrong that univers introduc cr eator stephen hawk book histori time explain theori that univers close and finit extent begin end argument design state analog call watchmak argument ask imagin that found watch beach assum that creat watchmak that evolv natur assum watchma k watch univers intric and complex argument univers creator watchmak analog suff er flaw and common argument design firstli watchmak creat watch pre exist materi god claim creat univers noth two sort creation fundament and analog weak second li watchmak make watch thing world walk beach and found nuclear reactor wouldn a ssum creat watchmak argument suggest multitud creator each respons for part crea tion final part watchmak argument conclud that watch not part natur order and st and random natur second part argument start posit that univers not random show e lement order watchmak argument intern inconsist subject independ evid that bibl true typic post event testament confirm independ documentari evid for exampl res pons write josephu mention independ documentari evid earli version josephu work thought not mention jesu jame extant version discuss john christian context scho lar that origin mention jesu and jame pass that thi expand christian copyist rec onstruct origin text publish thi effect inform appear ecclesiast histori eusebiu worthless histor materi deliber falsif wili eusebiu gener acknowledg dishonest historian antiqu eusebiu gener titl authorship for thi materi testament biograph inform jesu document for inform consult frequent ask question file for newsgrou p soc religion christian subject godel incomplet theorem typic post godel incomp let theorem demonstr that imposs for bibl true and complet respons godel incompl et theorem that consist formal system suffici express that can model ordinari ar ithmet can formul express can never proven valid invalid true fals that formal s ystem technic speak system recurs that decis procedur for determin whether strin g axiom formal system essenti such system can formul liar paradox classic liar p aradox sentenc ordinari english thi sentenc fals note that proposit undecid form al system cannot even deduc that undecid logic us theolog discuss rare defin cla im that godel incomplet theorem demonstr that imposs prove disprov exist god wor thless isol can trivial defin formal system prove exist god simpli exist god sta te axiom thi view atheist convinc proof succe produc formal system built axiom t hat atheist and theist agre show that godel incomplet theorem hold for that syst em that not demonstr that imposs prove that god exist system wouldn whether prov e exist god gener note that hypothet formal system noth actual exist god formal system abstract anoth frequent claim that godel incomplet theorem demonstr that religi text bibl book mormon cannot consist and univers applic religi text not f ormal system such claim nonsens subject georg bush atheism and patriot typic pos t georg bush that atheist not consid citizen respons exchang place chicago airpo rt robert sherman american atheist press and georg bush august sherman fulli acc redit report and present invit member press corp republican presidenti nomine an nounc feder disast relief for illinoi discuss turn presidenti primari will you w in vote american atheist guess pretti weak atheist commun faith god import sure you recogn equal citizenship and patriot american atheist don that atheist consi

d citizen consid patriot thi nation god you support sound constitut principl sep ar state and church support separ church and state not high atheist upi report t hat atheist organ angri remark exchang appear boulder daili camera mondai februa ri can found free enquiri magazin fall issu volum number page octob sherman had confront murnan cochairman bush quayl illinoi campaign thi concern lawsuit sherm an had file stop commun consolid school district chicago illinoi forc grade athe ist son pledg allegi flag unit state nation god bush phrase convers place americ an atheist file pledg allegi lawsuit yesterdai bush campaign offici respons thi file bullshit bullshit that american atheist rob bullshit you for tell offici po sit bush campaign thi issu you bush elect american atheist wrote bush ask retrac t statement februari boyden grai counsel presid repli white hous stationeri that bush substant stood origin statement and wrote you awar presid religi man suppo rt atheism believ that atheism unnecessarili encourag support govern for inform contact american atheist veteran american atheist press cameron road address sub ject hell typic post hell hell norwai respons town call hell countri world inclu d norwai and usa whilst thi inform mildli amus time hear reader alt atheism get pretti fed hear week subject biblic contradict want typic post list biblic contr adict respons american atheist press publish atheist handbook detail biblic cont radict accompani post atheist resourc for detail file contain biblic contradict archiv server manti contact file for inform subject usa christian nation typic p ost religi belief found father shouldn unit state consid christian nation respon s base write import found father clear that never intend christian nation quot i nfluenc fact ecclesiast establish had societi instanc erect spiritu tyranni ruin civil author instanc uphold throne polit tyranni instanc guardian liberti peopl ruler subvert public liberti found establish clergi conveni auxiliari govern in stitut secur and perpetu not jame madison memori and remonstr almost shudder tho ught allud fatal exampl abus grief histori mankind preserv cross calam that engi n grief produc john adam letter thoma jefferson histori furnish exampl priest ri dden peopl maintain free civil govern thi mark lowest grade ignor polit religi l eader will avail for purpos thoma jefferson baron von humboldt cannot conceiv th at infinit father expect requir worship prais that even infinit benjamin frankli n articl belief and act religion nov subject usa not christian nation typic post true that georg washington that unit state not sens found christian religion re spons quotat fact articl treati tripoli stat treati seri articl govern unit stat e america not sens found christian religion charact enmiti law religion tranquil musselmen and state never enter into war act hostil mehomitan nation declar par ti that pretext aris religi opinion produc interrupt harmoni exist two countri t ext found congression record treati collect such charl bevan treati and intern a greement unit state america vol english text treati tripoli approv senat june an d ratifi presid john adam june recent discov that arab version treati not lack q uotat lack articl altogeth person translat arab english joel barlow consul gener algier close friend thoma pain and oppon christian that barlow made articl sinc arab version that articl found hard treati tripoli ratifi longer contain quotat end faq digest alt.atheism alt atheism faq construct logic argument archiv name atheism log ic alt atheism archiv name logic last modifi april version construct logic argum ent argument usenet gener qualiti argument found poor thi articl attempt provid gentl introduct logic hope improv gener level debat logic scienc reason proof th ink infer concis o logic analyz piec reason and determin whether correct not val id invalid not studi logic order reason correctli nevertheless basic knowledg lo gic help construct analyz argument note that claim made whether logic univers ap plic matter open for debat thi document explain us logic that you decid that log ic tool for job proposit statement build block logic argument proposit statement true fals for exampl rain todai tuesdai proposit assert true deni fals note tha t thi technic mean deni not everydai mean proposit mean statement not arrang wor d us express god exist and exist god express proposit argument quot monti python sketch connect seri statement establish definit proposit argument consist stage proposit for argument continu state call premis argument evid reason for accept argument and conclus premis assert phrase such sinc and phrase view suspicion c an us intimid into accept suspici premis doesn obviou you don afraid question yo

u can you obviou you heard explan premis us deriv proposit process infer infer p roposit arriv basi proposit accept form valid infer proposit arriv infer us infe r infer denot phrase such impli that final arriv conclus argument proposit affir m basi premis and infer conclus phrase such follow that conclud and conclus stat e final stage infer for exampl event premis univers begin premis begin involv ev ent premis thi impli that begin univers involv event infer univers infer and con clus note that conclus argument premis anoth argument proposit can call premis c onclus respect argument term not make sens isol sometim argument will not follow order for exampl conclus state and premis state support conclus thi perfectli v alid sometim confus recogn argument harder recogn premis conclus peopl shower wr ite assert produc describ argument statement argument not for exampl bibl accur jesu insan evil liar son god thi not argument condit statement not assert premis support appear conclus suffer number logic flaw come anoth exampl god creat you your duti god phrase your duti god not proposit sinc true fals not conclus and sentenc not argument final causal import statement form interest establish and o ffer evid statement argument establish truth not argument explan for exampl wron g engin car will not start thi argument car will not start wrong engin thi expla n two tradit type argument deduct and induct deduct argument conclus proof concl us that argument premis true conclus true deduct argument valid invalid valid ar gument defin premis true conclus true induct argument premis provid evid for tru th conclus induct argument not valid invalid can talk whether wors argument and probabl premis form argument ordinari languag deduct induct will concentr for mo ment deduct argument view rigor and convinc import note that fact that deduct ar gument valid not impli that conclus hold thi slightli counter intuit natur impli c carefulli valid argument can consist true proposit argument valid even contain fals proposit for exampl insect wing premis woodlic insect premis woodlic wing conclus conclus not true argument premis fals argument premis true conclus true argument valid subtli can reach true conclus fals premis fish live sea premis do lphin fish premis dolphin live sea conclus thing cannot reach fals conclus valid infer true premis can draw truth tabl for implic symbol denot implic premis con clus and repres true and fals premis conclus infer premis fals and infer valid c onclus can true fals premis true and conclus fals infer invalid premis true and infer valid conclus true sound argument valid argument premis true sound argumen t arriv true conclus care not confus valid argument sound argument delv into str uctur logic argument requir lengthi discuss linguist and philosophi simpler and summar major pitfal avoid construct argument pitfal fallaci everydai english ter m fallaci us refer mistaken belief faulti reason that lead belief thi fair logic term gener us refer form technic incorrect argument argument appear valid convi nc for purpos thi discuss defin fallaci logic argument appear correct can incorr ect examin close studi fallaci aim avoid misl list fallaci not intend exhaust ar gumentum baculum appeal forc appeal forc commit arguer resort forc threat forc o rder and push accept conclus us politician and can summar make forc threaten not direct threat arguer for exampl ampl proof truth bibl refus accept that truth w ill burn hell argumentum hominem argumentum hominem liter argument direct man ab us varieti argumentum hominem occur disprov truth assert arguer attack person pe opl make assert thi invalid truth assert not depend good assert for exampl athei sm evil philosophi practis communist and murder sometim court law doubt cast tes timoni wit show for exampl that perjur thi valid reduc credibl testimoni wit and not argumentum hominem not demonstr that wit testimoni fals conclud fall victim argumentum ignorantiam thi list circumstanti form argumentum hominem commit per son argu that oppon accept truth assert oppon circumst for exampl perfectli acce pt kill anim for food can you argu you quit happi wear leather shoe thi abus cha rg inconsist us excus for dismiss oppon argument thi fallaci can us mean reject conclus for exampl you argu that posit discrimin bad thing you white thi form ar gumentum hominem alleg that adversari ration conclus form selfish interest poiso n argumentum ignorantium argumentum ignorantium mean argument ignor thi fallaci occur whenev argu that true simpli not prove fals equival argu that fals not pro ve true note that thi not assum that fals prove true basic scientif principl exa mpl bibl true can prove telepathi and psychic phenomena not exist shown proof th at real note that thi fallaci not appli court law gener assum innoc proven guilt

i scientif investig that event produc evid occur absenc such evid can validli us infer that event not occur for exampl flood describ bibl requir enorm volum wat er present earth earth not tenth water even count that frozen into ic pole such flood occur scienc can validli assum lack evid that not occur cannot conclud cer tainti that not occur argumentum misericordiam thi appeal piti special plead fal laci commit arguer appeal piti for sake get conclus accept for exampl not murder mother and father ax don find guilti suffer orphan argumentum populum thi appea l galleri appeal peopl commit thi fallaci attempt win accept assert appeal larg group peopl thi form fallaci character emot languag for exampl pornographi ban v iolenc women bibl true million peopl that you that mistaken fool argumentum nume ram thi fallaci close relat argumentum populum consist assert that peopl support proposit like that that proposit correct argumentum verecundiam appeal author a dmir famou and win support for assert for exampl isaac newton geniu and believ g od thi line argument not complet bogu for exampl refer admit author field relev discuss that subject for exampl can distinguish quit stephen hawk conclud that b lack hole give radiat and john searl conclud that imposs build intellig comput h awk physicist and can expect opinion black hole radiat inform searl linguist que stion whether qualifi speak subject machin intellig fallaci accid fallaci accid commit gener rule appli case accident circumst mean that rule inapplic error mad e gener specif for exampl christian gener dislik atheist you christian you disli k atheist thi fallaci commit moralist and legalist decid moral and legal questio n mechan appli gener rule convers accid hasti gener thi fallaci revers fallaci a ccid occur form gener rule examin specif case not repres case for exampl jim bak ker insincer christian christian insincer sweep gener dicto simplicit sweep gene r occur gener rule appli situat featur that situat render rule inapplic sweep ge ner opposit hasti gener causa pro causa post hoc ergo propter hoc fals fallaci f allaci causa pro causa occur identifi event not shown for exampl aspirin and pra i god and headach disappear god cure headach fallaci post hoc ergo propter hoc o ccur assum event happen event for exampl soviet union collaps take atheism avoid atheism for reason cum hoc ergo propter hoc thi fallaci similar post hoc ergo p ropter hoc assert that two event occur togeth causal relat and leav room for fac tor that event petitio principii thi fallaci occur premis question conclus reach circulu demonstrando thi fallaci occur assum premis conclus wish reach proposit will rephras that fallaci appear valid argument for exampl homosexu not allow h old govern offic govern offici reveal homosexu will lose job homosexu will hide secret and will open blackmail homosexu cannot allow hold govern offic note that argument circular premis conclus argument cite reason for british secret servic offici ban homosexu employe anoth exampl classic that god exist bibl tell and t hat bibl true word god complex question fallaci interrog thi fallaci presupposit exampl classic load question you stop beat your wife question presuppos definit answer anoth question not even ask thi trick us lawyer cross examin question yo u hide monei you stole similarli politician load question such long will thi int erfer affair allow continu chancellor plan two year ruinou privat ignoratio elen chi fallaci irrelev conclus consist claim that argument support conclus logic no th that conclus for exampl christian begin that will argu that teach christian u ndoubt true argu length that christian great peopl matter argu will not shown th at christian teach true sadli such fallaci argument success arous emot view supp os conclus favour light equivoc equivoc occur kei word us two mean argument for exampl afford free softwar make that remain free that user can place licens make that will freeli redistribut amphiboli amphiboli occur premis us argument ambig u careless ungrammat phrase accent accent anoth form fallaci shift mean thi case mean chang alter part statement emphas for exampl not speak ill friend and not speak ill friend fallaci composit fallaci composit conclud that properti share p art appli for exampl bicycl made low mass compon and lightweight fallaci composi t conclud that properti number individu item share collect item for exampl car p etrol and pollut bu car environment damag buse fallaci divis fallaci divis oppos it fallaci composit opposit exist two varieti assum that properti thing appli pa rt for exampl you studi rich colleg you rich assum that properti collect item sh are each item for exampl ant can destroi tree thi ant can destroi tree slipperi slope argument thi argument state that event occur will harm event proof made th

at harm event caus event for exampl legal marijuana legal crack and heroin and n ation full drug addict welfar cannot legal marijuana base fallaci type fallaci f allaci occur attempt argu that thing similar similar exampl isn histori base fai th isn bibl form histori islam base faith christian base faith isn islam form ch ristian cat form anim base carbon chemistri dog form anim base carbon chemistri aren dog form cat affirm consequ thi fallaci argument form impli true true under stand fallaci examin truth tabl for implic earlier denial anteced thi fallaci ar gument form impli fals fals truth tabl for implic make clear thi fallaci note th at thi fallaci causa pro causa form impli fals fals not fact impli problem not t hat implic invalid that fals not deduc convert condit thi fallaci argument form argumentum antiquitam thi fallaci assert that good simpli that argumentum novita m thi opposit argumentum antiquitam fallaci assert that correct simpli newer arg umentum crumenam fallaci believ that monei criterion correct that monei like arg umentum lazarum fallaci assum that poor sounder virtuou wealthier thi fallaci op posit argumentum crumenam argumentum nauseam thi incorrect belief that assert li ke true heard argumentum nauseum that emploi constant repetit assert bifurc refe r black and white fallaci bifurc occur present situat two altern fact altern exi st can exist plurium interrogationum question thi fallaci occur question demand simpl answer complex question sequitur sequitur argument conclus drawn premis no t logic connect red her thi fallaci commit irrelev materi introduc issu discuss that attent divert point made conclus reific hypostat reific occur abstract conc ept treat concret thing shift burden proof burden proof person make assert propo sit shift burden proof special case argumentum ignorantium fallaci put burden pr oof person deni question assert made sourc fallaci assumpt that true proven stra w man straw man fallaci misrepres posit that can attack easili knock that misrep res posit conclud that origin posit demolish fallaci fail deal actual argument t hat made extend analog fallaci extend analog occur suggest gener rule argu falla ci assum that mention two situat argument gener rule constitut claim that situat analog each thi fallaci explain real exampl debat anti cryptographi legisl wron g oppos law break such posit odiou impli that you not support martin luther king you that cryptographi legisl import struggl for black liber dare you quoqu thi famou you fallaci occur action argu accept parti perform for instanc you randoml i abus you abus alt.atheism alt atheism faq overview for reader archiv name atheism overview alt atheism archiv name overview last modifi april version overview alt atheism and alt atheism moder thi seri regular post aim reader newsgroup group controve rsi natur notic that reader come question mi statement misconcept and post net a ddit peopl request inform post time and time order and cut thi alt atheism group seri regular post titl alt atheism faq overview for reader alt atheism faq intr oduct atheism alt atheism faq frequent ask question faq alt atheism faq construc t logic argument alt atheism faq atheist resourc thi articl number read number a nd post option you usenet you find help read newsgroup new announc newus articl titl primer work usenet commun answer frequent ask question usenet and hint writ e style for usenet relev question new work ask new newus question you unabl find articl list find stuff section below credit file not written assist reader alt atheism and alt atheism moder peopl kck cmu edu karl kluge perri dsinc jim perri netoprwa ncsuvm ncsu edu wayn aiken chpetk gdr bath tobi kelsei jkp hut jyrki k uoppala geoff arnold east sun geoff arnold torkel sic torkel franzen kmldorf utd alla edu georg kimeldorf roe quad uchicago edu greg roelof arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde madhau netcom maddi hausmann psuvm psu edu john johnson dgraham bmer bnr dougla graham mayn open fsu edu william mayn ajr bigbird hri andi rosen stoesser ira uka achim stoesser bosullvn unix tcd bryan sullivan lippard ccit a rizona edu jame lippard rigel tamu edu baum ydobyn phoenix princeton edu york do byn schroed sdsc edu wayn schroeder baldwin csservera usna navi mil baldwin nibb i unhh unh edu dana nibbi dempsei kodak richard dempsei jmunch hertz ele calpoli edu john david munch pdc dc paul crowlei mip complang tuwien richard zach tycch ow math mit edu tim chow simon dc warwick simon clippingdal and countless forgot ten articl free free you copi and distribut you send correct author and not post copi articl alt atheism good multipl version document float network find stuff faq file your new system suggest you can find check newsgroup alt atheism for su

bject line start alt atheism faq check newsgroup new answer for subject line you don find step your new system isn set correctli and you your system administr p roblem you anonym ftp access connect rtfm mit edu directori pub usenet alt athei sm and you find latest version faq file ftp copi file network comput you get sta rt ftp send mail mail server rtfm mit edu send usenet new answer ftp list faq bo di site carri new answer post articl introduct new answer newsgroup carri list s ite articl post regularli new answer you don ftp send mail mail server rtfm mit edu consist line send usenet new answer find sourc send usenet alt atheism faq s end usenet alt atheism introduct send usenet alt atheism logic send usenet alt a theism resourc penultim resort send mail mail server manti consist line send ath eism faq faq txt send atheism faq logic txt send atheism faq intro txt send athe ism faq resourc txt and poor overwork modem will and send you copi file stuff in terest command and send atheism index last resort mail mathew manti post articl newsgroup ask you can faq file you thi you method and fail not nice clutter news group peopl mailbox request for file post read faq for instanc peopl email addre ss mangl transit and don ftp will assist obtain faq file mathew alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost date apr gmt bake timmon timmbak mcl ucs b edu bibl lover chill relax and atheism for funni page materi atheism deni exis t god thi logic bankrupt proof thi nonexist joke can sens atheism perhap perhap you made put your skateboard and read faq learn atheism you tangent alt.atheism you god court don question god court mean request for solemnli s wear you god made request pick bibl your left hand and hold your hand court and testament hard imagin pick bibl and swear god sometim religi influenc court gree nsboro judg routin courtroom stand join prayer begin session thought sit not ter ribl anxiou spend dai jail alt.atheism nicknam articl apr zeu calpoli edu jmunch hertz ele calpoli edu john munch wrote mathew faq can rememb last name keith lie talli sig ryan kent f inn tastic sandvick cindi popsicl toe kandolf jim face sig tim simon clip that t heist clippendal umar reason khan rob argu strom dave buckminst fuller maddi nev er post hausmann hei affection nicknam for you wrongli spell surnam cheer kent s andvik sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost timmbak mcl ucsb edu bake timmon write a theism deni exist god thi logic bankrupt proof thi nonexist joke thi favorit fal laci point atheism belief that you can deni that you can prove doesn exist thi e asili nail show that infinit number be conceiv not observ exist thi mean that po ster object be that haven prove not exist stop god huge number be ident ronald r eagan for trivial differ miss finger blond hair and live planet can reason athei st bring thi that christian vest interest unknown be except god fine peopl shoot foot and mock idea god classic atheist fallaci shoot foot radic muslim crusad i nquisit common exampl that atheist bring mark religion weak fool can that drivel grand daddi human atroc stalinist movement twenti million peopl kill thi leader ship proudli featur atheism big differ stalin didn that stood for moral posit mu rder and terror etc and opposit religi movement honest killer thi not support st alin attack thi viewpoint that atheism support murder and violenc man tyrant and atheist bad logic russian that help stalin that weren atheist don contradict yo ur point your point assum that atheism relev murder peopl thi common assumpt tha t atheist can life theist you didn support agnost not funni reason sens funni th at exist god unknow thi bit assumpt that atheism arrog and pompou and anoth poin t you didn faq atheist doesn hold posit view that god doesn exist exist posit be lief exampl strong atheism god not exist posit belief weak atheism don god neg b elief not that never thought idea god life technic atheist not kind that you cal l unreason thi set suppos that person huge set idea that will repres capit lette r and peopl that idea exist real object not santa person not believ santa idea s anta notic that even anoth idea thi mean you lot case christian god atheist stro ng atheist weak set agnost indetermin peopl afraid undecid anoth featur human na tur undecid not sexi trendi glamor word not inspir hate conflict not blasphem no t polit fact mean unsophist nietzsch onc that man will nonexist not will darwini st put thi that human prefer indecis not surviv trait evolut drill posit even fa ls bake timmon iii alt.atheism christian moral vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain

write articl jt new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb write vice ic o tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write atheism base ignor ignor exist go d don fall into atheist don pride mistak you base ignor couldn that wrong wrong fall into trap that you mention wrong god free time correct mistak that continu not supposedli proclaim undi love for etern soul speak volum volum that speak fa ct that leav your choic you for trap you not posit that don god not you can moti v you that earnestli search for god for year and never found agre that presumptu for side give psycholog reason for anoth belief mac bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea michael cobb and won rais tax middl univers illinoi class pai for program champaign urbana bill clinton d ebat cobb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cut billion dollar deficit alt.atheism koresh god mathew mathew manti latest new that koresh will give onc finish write sequel bibl articl psilink robert knowl psilink write write sea l line written page and hand assist for proofread expect decent messiah built sp ellcheck koresh will come heard had ask fbi provid word processor koresh request that wordperfect written and own mormon theolog implic request refus profound d arin wilkin scube scube will presid for food alt.atheism you will hell articl pt psuvm psu edu pt psuvm psu edu write pit t penn state controversi delet bring thi back alt atheism relev gui hell that is n suffici bitch system oper worst bad etiquett you that account knowledg permiss law patrick saxton pitt second rate school second rate citi pt psuvm psu edu an on pt ecl psu edu atheism batman trust wouldn suffici bitch system oper thi gui that atheist hell point that recent messag post that address each messag post ne wsgroup appar intent provok reader that group thi fact that post written cap mak e post suspect thi account irrespons intend user action possibl thi reason repor t post flavor that start thi thread post group thi user that action brendan alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost post thi wonder parodi peopl post read f aq laugh for good minut part faq that weren mention two don thi wasn joke not re adi hear that brendan alt.atheism moral constant biblic rape bill conner bil okcforum osrh edu wro te coupl thing your post and thi thread that confus atheist for thing can unders tood process natur exclus thi definit not includ atheist faq for invok divin spi ritu explan make big differ claim that thing can understood natur process and cl aim that observ not requir postul divin intervent spiritu for that matter human not omnipot and scienc scienc advantag theologi doesn correct natur judg delight scientif inquiri reveal consist simpl pictur univers scienc longer bunch separ branch particl physic psycholog and aspect life univers safe stern and stoni ey not even conscious for recours divniti describ explain purpos direct for event r equir physic chemistri biologi etc random noth determnin determin indetermin phi losoph question and scienc cannot whether thing superdeterminist not question no t mean individu human be appar free will illus not perspect bill can you for whe ther you free will not thi includ human intellig and product noth requir that li fe evolv that acquir intellig happi accid intellig histori earth speci control b iospher thi can result numer happi accid genet machineri blindli replic and pres erv even that machineri can result principl system that can start replic will su rviv don don make recommend read for atheist event can prefer anoth anoth natura list sens and thought event can perspect event and thing subject perspect natur not valu not perspect valu aris awar subject perspect easi assum that peopl and posit will eventu discov golden rule moral not necessarili gift heaven fact prod uct evolut perhap awar ourselv sens ident help plai role and make respect ident bill you read aristotl ethica nikomakhea for starter can atheist judg basi for c ritic valu ennumer bibl purpos imput god ground can behavior reliogi condemn tha t judg valu that motiv action you standard conduct measur natur can serv that pu rpos law natur can you invok establish your valu lewi tell that thi argument mai n reason abandon atheism and christian argument sever flaw valu such golden rule can ration basi basic idea want live root brain wire lewi real possibl that nat ur select favour altruist behaviour and moral human evolv and build and tool kil l each logic necess that evolut favour knew us tool not peopl bibl reveal quit n ice that moral earli jew not thi simpl set rule hold peopl togeth god god not ca re peopl nation time thing quit jew rule empir and longer simpli ignor gentil si

tuat requir moral and religion born mutat meme pool sinc event and exclus physic event differ possibl make religi can mean gradat atheist can object behaviour a dmit that object subject and that doesn that judgement prefac disclaim that noth matter person opinion and carri weight absolut sens you haven bother read philo sophi whenev observ subject point view exist and happi even that result physic e vent and happi observ come absolut object sens that observ subject moral judgmen t lose mean not for simpli exist point view thi includ god valu person judgment not absolut truth sinc such truth not exist fact that peopl not deliber want hur t manifest fought for exist social be can and exist moral not properti human alo n chimp dolphin and speci show great care for each dolphin sometim save human dr own good deed that you don god told peopl noth god god command that electr event your nervou system that creat emot state that your mind coupl pre exist thought set form that reaction that your object found due you condit truth content your intellectu landscap illus virtual realiti last statement not logic follow fact reason thought can model realiti and sens can convei reliabl inform solips logic possibl not like you continu mix two view subject point view share and object p oint view not exist observ thinker person point view not matter whether thi poin t view result physic event not not ceas subject observ point view valu not exist pain pleasur beauti love such thing inher subject onc god wive submit husband e ven make leap faith into unknown punish don disagre moral not moral come suprem remov moral mean make zombi machin singl thought god gave moral judg disagre not fault free replac moral cannot point give moral system disagre and mad thi god schizophren thi you exclud discuss valu wrong goood evil etc and cannot particip your opinion bibl can weight whatsoev can opinion god for that matter cannot un derstand subject opinion thing made matter credibl opinion thing made bill note absolut valu independ includ god god subject viewpoint point view and moral petr i petri pihko kem pmp mathemat truth pihati finou oulu physic rule oulu kempmp g ame finland phoenix oulu chemistri game alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert be auchain write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write refut noth simpli tell you childish pr opaganda and noth refut bcci not islam bank thi post noth islam bank tire thi in fantil garbag simpli evalu such you flesh bit miss full grandeur content virtu b lind atheism you difficulti light you your head your ass suggest make thi not ca se post time for your lesson debat gregg yeah begin includ text vice new tek uun et psinntp wrldlnk usenet sun apr pdt notic post thi topic soc religion islam an d sinc topic bcci not islam bank come left mention bcci bank call bcci adapt kor an rule bank thi bibliographi bennett neil bcci adapt koran rule bank time augus t gui write piec titl that impli case that thi you support posit you intend resp ect gregg question and even manag includ refer head firmli engag ass your excus thi support noth reason that thi piec anoth anti islam slander job respect for t itl for real content can thi articl want true can you bcci not islam bank spend time respond propaganda respond thi sub thread don feel deep make statement effe ct that propaganda fals discuss issu glad real discuss provid refer etc gregg alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost timmbak mcl ucsb edu bake timmon write r ule don mix appl orang can you that extermin mongol wors stalin khan conquer peo pl unsympathet that atroci stalin kill million peopl love and worship and atheis t state can wors that you and david koresh claim christian alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write niether l unat entir nation drawn crazi find encyclopedia volum hitler adolf had peopl ger man enamour moorcockpratchettdenislearydelasoulu iainmbanksneworderheathersbatma npjorourk clive come retract foreskin misconcept jame triniti colleg dublin and appli wire brush enlighten geoffm brownbladerunnersugarcubeselectronicblaylockpo wersspikeleekatebushhamcornpizza alt.atheism pope jewish west cvill wam umd edu stilgar write pope jewish gue ss and thought that thing head fanci hat not jewish headpiec don rememb name cle ar clear mud that headpiec chort crl nmsu edu sourc newswir vatican home genet m isfit michael gillow note geneticist reveal unusu data work undercov vatican for past year popehat advanc bone spur reveal gillow groundshak report gillow had s ecretli studi innermost work vatican sinc return vietnam wheel chair approach sc

ientif commun theori late hat thing that cover vatican didn want cathol commun r ealiz leader heft kilogram extran bone tissu top skull note gillow report labora tori vatican that experi tissu transplant and bone marrow experi start genet flu ke mid scientif engin and bred for bone transplant idea start mid sixti inspir d octor timothi leari transplant deer bone cell into small white rat gillow quick point assassin attempt pope john paul and disappear leari public ey becom time r eplac pope gillow pope and replac pope lock pad chamber butt head male yak fight for domin herd victor emerg and earn privileg insemin choir boi moorcockpratche ttdenislearydelasoulu iainmbanksneworderheathersbatmanpjorourk clive come retrac t foreskin misconcept jame triniti colleg dublin and appli wire brush enlighten geoffm brownbladerunnersugarcubeselectronicblaylockpowersspikeleekatebushhamcorn pizza alt.atheism free moral agenc and jeff clark articl healta saturn wwc edu hea lta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write delet you million suffer for adam and prett i sick creat univers gonna respond give small theologi lesson forgiv us theologi major that thi planet involv cosmic struggl great controversi betwe christ and satan borrow book titl god interest entir univers make decis delet univers creat can you tyrann creatur like your definit your god creat satan full knowledg hap pen includ choic satan can you explain free will and omnisci didn your god that happen even creat world concern tyrant care fine for that idea come possibl abus power your god introduc your descript you that you read faq part preach benedik t alt.atheism pope jewish articl apr wam umd edu west cvill wam umd edu stilga r write last night watch rebroadcast jerri springer talk show heard thi jewel th ought year racist focu thi show kid and hatr for jewish religion and stuff delet interest and scari jew had kill god and end time that race homeland remain amer ica jeruselem gen anoth kid rest race home and great battl plagu revel happen an d jew kill interest thing thi that roomat cathol and had kjv bibl desk immediatl i open and began search for quot passag gen rev and john for and couldn find don thi show back and heard kid quot bibl justifi racist claim look that quot jesu hate jew sinc jesu jew curious had piqu such claim jist passag and can recal pas sag exactli that jesu condemn pharise for corrupt pharise jewish wasn jew that j esu condemn power that nanci connor psycholog undergrad opinion express simon fr aser univers burnabi canada alt.atheism silli question tianiti werdna cco caltech edu andrew tong write mccullou snake wisc edu mark mccullough write question thi attitud god charact e gotist and proud christian tell peopl humbl deal god pretti egotist and proud me an creat you doesn proud such job peopl don proud accomplish that can match god accomplish abil compar god imbecil worm earth quot pascal grumblegrumbl you god and you creat univers wouldn you irk organ cell globul tini planet start think g reat and awesom you logic fall apart quick perfect insult threaten action lesser creatur offspr shuold power perfect feel proud offend capabl awar relationship aspect particl univers moment time simultan understand action cell globul each t nii planet that kinda odd that god care earth bad exampl amaz fact that care app ar and that will make grand sacrific ensur happi power owner univers make great sacrific make great headlin doesn make sens sacrific that couldn back gave give chri you gui fun agoin kei west alt.atheism don beleiv you articl apr antioc antioch edu smauldin antioc ant ioch edu write stop believ you long invent technolog god ahhh back alt autoth yo u belong brian alt.atheism genocid caus theism evid articl qid fct horu mchp sni frank fran k dwyer write don special theism gener that make hazard stupid anarchi patriot d epend religion noth believ god that and entail even promot xenophobia genocid et c emphasi gener you correct sinc you haven restrict observ practic religion lot exampl god mandat genocid canaanit point that you god and you order you elimin e ntir race you will like make attempt past sure present bob beauchain bobb vice i co tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism free moral agenc and jeff clark articl sandvik sandvik kent appl sandvik newton appl kent sandvik write thi reason controversi post modern issu polar evil and good artifici construct and fall apart closer inspect into notion

constant struggl evil and good forc sound metaphor that peopl assum closer insp ect info not expos idea bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bro nx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism polit atheist articl apr new wesleyan edu ssauyet eagl wesleyan edu scott sauyet write qabe innaff gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu write c himpanze fight war land chimp almost human keith thi last messag schneider and d ai final word and find that that final christian leari atheist spokesman clandes tin and that had remov keith busi explain fellow captiv isn persecut sinc feed a nd resist part view troubl make understand make bit fuss tatoo god trust forehea d bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism member articl hiew portal videocart dfuller portal videocart dav e fuller write start read thi group todai and larg particip daili post like sect ion faq construct logic argument atheist not turn peopl into atheist figur peopl don care view come wrong will admit possibl religi follow dont capabl aboard no tic alot post bobbi respond post fall back argument you answer your question rel igion will bad event explain human name religion not mean that religion will poi nt ideal and that wasn can reason for event argu bother you upset answer blind a nd not support factual will win time argument don will post direct respons respo ns post that spout fact that atheist fool evil for not peachi islam leav pro con argument islam fred rice level head and subject happi aboard you you abord dave fuller dfuller portal videocart brian alt.atheism free moral agenc articl hous helio hous helio usq edu ron hous w rite marshal csugrad edu kevin marshal write healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali w rite you yeah didn god destroi bud point million ag suffer life answer that sata n made claim that god god allow satan chanc prove that god that brought come god allow wish individu superced billion doubt read bibl twice never impress that g od and satan work sort cooper arrang read book job that bet brian alt.atheism thought sold sign brian book charl manson lord lunat liar alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write reason wo uldn liar follow die for lie wouldn peopl liar peopl gather and gather hear had heal call fool heal peopl di for run risk dy for lie for peopl liar had grifter and charlatan sinc begin civil david copperfield had messiah bet found plenti be liev jesu claim faith healer and wasn wit set apart niether lunat entir nation d rawn crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn david koresh fool logic peopl thi rubbish nation crazi liar psychopath and megalomaniac histori hitler tojo musso lini khomeini qadaffi stalin papa doc and nixon come mind thi centuri koresh iss u sinc wasn liar lunat real thing discret mathemat formal logic flaw your logic and will you read faq thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr alon t hi betray and crucifixion don bibl thi moment time write will us you bibl writte n bibl not mean true and ag that tome lack extern support evid make credibl you quot bibl futur back that quot support evid you will flame mercilessli don peopl understand christian not lot church life and total sacrafic for god sake love d ie and save hei can god inspir turn live that tuff and peopl don want real chris tian for strong persever weight lift guitar plai drum take time don rush dai chr istian your life not church onc week help poor peopl onc box into time unit such work thi time sport social life god box and carri into box that creat for ourse lv weight lift guitar plai don you defin world total imagin total sacrafic for g od sake involv time commit you correct tendenc box into time unit you explain in volov god sport and heheh televis kevin marshal comput scienc depart virginia te ch marshal csugrad edu blacksburg virginia alt.atheism genocid caus atheism kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write wait you that human rare reason doesn that contradict atheism explain logic and reason thi contradict atheism that prove fals bobbi mozumd prove exist allah bob bi post don men women islam countri atheist kill femal children person favorit s ami aario can you measur atom you can explod tut sunlight compris atom your stup id mind stupid stupid ero plan outer space disclaim don agre ero alt.atheism thought you read faq read faq you wouldn post such drivel lord l iar lunat argument fals trilemma even you disprov liar and lunat you haven you n ot elimin possibl such mistaken misdirect misunderstood you arbitrarili set and

possibl read good book rhetor and critic think you lord liar lunat discuss examp l good argument you learn read faq construct logic argument ignor instruct your peril disobei leav you open for righteou flame maddi hausmann madhau netcom cent igram commun corp san jose california kid don thi home rememb post profession alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag thi sound nice help each and smile and fluffi bunni wake peopl not that evid histori that societi succeed had reli goo dwil and unselfish peopl isn obviou place iran that even greedi peopl societi at tract posit power sound recip for disast histor evid such perfect utopian islam state didn surviv agre peopl peopl and even you start islam revolut and creat th i perfect state take time and intern corrupt will destroi ground rule cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice wrote basi appar success islam bank that statement that int erest economi cannot surviv todai world bit prematur intest econom system surviv small scale op not islam invent and oper work world such system don stand corru pt larg scale oper noth handl human greed imho not even allah cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism member articl hiew portal videocart dfuller portal videocart dav e fuller wrote event explain human name religion not mean that religion will poi nt ideal and that wasn can reason for event argu bother you upset answer blind a nd not support factual will win time argument don will post direct respons hei g lad and construct contributor thi newsgroup agre statement you argu bobbi for eo n and not thing spare your mental resourc discuss interest issu cheer kent sandv ik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism genocid caus atheism articl qjfnv ogt horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer wrote term hero worship mean you worship jesu super saver hero worship gra nd scale worship lenin that will make life pleasant for work peopl similar under stand that god defin supernatur not superhuman notion lenin borderlin supernatur insight into chang world wasn communist god man gave present kid christma agre thing rel and you can direct map movement and notion that communist russia somew hat typic atheist countri that robertson tilton rest atheist not true unbeliev h uh don fanat cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism thought articl bissda saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan l awrenc bissel wrote want start and that christian make sens you read toni campol lo book liar lunat real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian proc ess christian didn understand realiti liar lunat real thing narrow view possibl jesu messag sigh religion make your mind brain filter that not fit into your per son scheme that think possibl jesu bound classic lewi notion liar lunat saint bo und becom christian cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism genocid caus atheism articl qjf horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write articl qimb fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write articl q if horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write articl qialf fido asd sgi livesei solnt z wpd sgi jon livesei write forget origin quot gotta us word talk you atheist la ck belief god plausibl that atheist dig lenin lennon such extent that consid wor ship and atheist newspeak question you regard ardent nazi republican simpli germ ani longer had kaiser that base fals dichotomi option you present and that point you can simpli divid world into atheist and atheist basi god belief you care be lief supernatur deiti and noth behaviour belief supernatur your criterion onc yo u start talk behaviour suscept ibil led bad peopl into bad thing you assum worri and that area you care whether sceptic critic and autonom hand gullibl excit an d easili led that tendenc worship tyrant and ideolog that person easili led whet her worship belief supernatur hero earthli besid point jon alt.atheism thought articl edm apr gocart twisto compaq edm twisto compaq mc creari write thu apr gmt bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel dlb want start and that christian dlb make sens you read toni campollo book liar dlb lunat rea l thing titl dlb write book part effort destroi christian dlb process christian friendli folk christian central come save you alt.atheism islam genocid articl qjipo pen horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer w rite articl qinmd fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write rate eve n your interpret correct thi not impli that kill relig motiv origin poster claim

tricki tricki repli your blanket claim that not religi motiv aren irish cathol south not kill irish protest south precis histori kill relig motiv ignor obviou matter british occup partit and misguid patriot side fals dichotomi you claim ki ll not religi motiv and that wrong not that each and kill religi motiv spell det ail problem fault religi divid histor root thi thing cathol countri partit and p opul protest grotesqu kill soldier and civilian supposedli motiv patriot civil r ight issu and reveng difficult understand insofara insan hard understand religio n not invok explain contradict thi paragraph claim that kill not relig motiv gro tesqu that mean that church and believ histori can face rewrit you attack claim claim that ira terrorist plant bomb warrington not motiv greater glori god frank put quot your word your post horu mchp sni don that claim you can longer stand your origin claim jon alt.atheism don beleiv you articl apr antioc antioch edu smauldin antioc ant ioch edu write stop believ you long invent technolog god don listen thi gui cran k thi busi true god toler rest complet hand isn bad peopl stop believ you relax mortal aren beg you for favor zeu alt.atheism genocid caus atheism apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu m ozumd write articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write state that that gr een marbl close box never evid for exist guilti deceit even fact green marbl ins id question whether not green marbl insid irrelev you ahead and plai your marbl love love love fit that into sig file keep list bobbi quot includ thi state unpr oven opinion fact deceit and knowingli deciet falsehood and lie you unproven opi nion fact you opinion you not accept flat earther state that earth flat fact don accept thi unproven opinion and round earther evid flat earther can prove that god doesn exist argument us support god exist weak and contradictori and not god come and reason god that absolut can ignor ago read interest book fellow call v on daenicken prove wildest thing and last page wrote can you prove isn can not b ase proof question stuff such myth call circumstanci evid atheism hasn made kill and regard quit agreeabl fellow sami aario can you measur atom you can explod t ut sunlight compris atom your stupid mind stupid stupid ero plan outer space dis claim don agre ero alt.atheism islam author sic women kmr cwru edu keith ryan kmr cwru edu rush leland stanford edu apr leland stanford edu reader join thi gui for real simpli amaz sadli don loos sleep zlumber fun basic harmless you don work citi don find hard that ol zlumber believ hate and ignor prattl write frighten thought peopl even wors that femin equal superior men laughabl long doesn proce pick rifl and start shoot women preemptiv strike aka canada slaughter that occur year ago men kill women noth islam fundamentalist excus ran vancouv sun thursdai octob john d avidson canadian press montreal perhap letter year daughter that shock hope dai you will understand happen your parent wrote patrick prevost love your mother pa ssion that hatr polic found piec paper prevost bodi apart northeast montreal yea r mechan commit suicid kill wife jocelyn parent coupl had separ for month and wo man had apart talk get monei for food violent quarrel broke and prevost attack w ife kitchen knife cut throat polic latest women slain husband lover quebec last week children slain result domest battl last year quebec alon women slain husban d that such case across canada statist canadian centr for justic rest articl omm it that women stai home and rais child laughabl women tradition hard labor suppo rt famili men cultur histori take two adult rais child and that stai home maximu alt.atheism femin and islam articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write articl apr eagl wesleyan edu kmagnacca eagl wesleyan edu write tha t hadith state that silenc mean and that women not speak judg conduct marriag ac taulli that fals hadith contradict vers quran that women testifi speak judg hadi th declar fals contradict quran hadith weren written revel life prophet and erro r you can fals hadith true contradict quran relat that isn explicitli spell qura n quran wasn written life muham wasn long year long shift vers karl lastli come china hope you touch and you fulfil lifelong ambit your life will drop acid grea t wall duke pink floyd lie lie even billion peopl alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl apr abo mandtbacka finabo a bo mat andtbacka write qie fkt horu mchp sni frank write articl ursa bear halat pooh bear jim halat write peopl not word object mean put word moral assum idiom

and cannot defin separ term give object moral moral built object valu and object valu specif and importantli motiv wild guess and freedom object valuabl base th i assumpt that world depriv utterli freedom that act contrari volit almost want complain that assert that freedom not valuabl almost can that bit absurd assert not rain raini dai thi candid for object and condit for object moral that object valu such thi exist frank dwyer not hatch that odwyer sse hen evelyn conlon alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl apr monu monash edu daric yoy o monash edu fred rice write articl nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl navi mil umar khan write borrow book librari khomeini fatwa etc found thi passag legitimaci fa twa common knowledg prescrib islam law that sentenc applic jurisdict islam law a ppli sentenc pass islam court and execut state machineri due process law even is lam countri alon muslim land individu cannot law into hand sentenc pass carri st ate usual machineri and not individu becom crimin act law into hand and punish o ffend process defenc offend brought notic court and court shoud decid deal thi l aw appli equal muslim muslim territori agre fulli statement and precis meant pre viou statement islam not anarchist and law not enforc despit law applic such cla rif ulama islam scholar muslim britain and imam khomeini fatwa made clear that s inc islam law not applic britain hadd compulsori punish cannot appli disagre thi conclus applic islam law muslim wherev conclus not strictli follow forego concl us that fatwa cannot enforc islam law agre that punish cannot appli rushdi even found wow that islam viewpoint khomeini fatwa constitut crimin act perhap even l imb and call khomeini crimin thi basi put price head rushdi britain crimin act i slam law understood knowledg muslim that khomeini fatwa islam illegitim basi exp ound such and post umar khan and gregg jaeger and that even punish constitut fat wa islam law understand gregg alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash ed u fred rice wrote understand that gener agre ulema islam scholar that islam law appli islam countri not law into hand crimin act matter for state not for indivi du nevertheless khomeini offer cash prize for peopl law into hand understand isl am law thi understand major islam law legal rule school law sunni and jaffari ca n level muslim muslim and dar islam not apostasi accompani activ persist and ope n hostil islam fall into thi categori law that histor apostasi rare punish alon death penalti understand that khomeini rule not base law apostasi alon that rush di apost long wrote offend and preced qur hadith islam histori for indiscriminan tli level death penalti for apostasi charg level rushdi that fasad thi rule appl i and domain islam state and can carri individu reward not offer khomeini indivi du iran stuff delet you muddi issu you assum that khomeini fatwa issu due distri but book understand that khomeini fatwa issu respons write and publish book view correct your viewpoint that rushdi sentenc for crime progress incorrect concur that thrust fatwa rememb level author and assist public book charg fasad can enc ompass number lesser charg rememb that diplomat relat broke britain and iran fat wa iran stress that condemn author and remov book circul two preliminari condit for resolv crisi you correct point that ban book not main thrust fatwa islam cha rg such fasad level peopl not book rushdi situat iran for month issuanc fatwa ru shdi media blitz present lone knight guard sacr valu secular democraci and mock foolish concern peopl crazi hold religi belief sacr fan flame and milk controver si boost imag and push book media muslim demonstr countri kill protest book rush di appear momentarili concern climb back media hors onc attack muslim and defend sacr right thi point that fatwa fasad issu fatwa level person rushdi action rus hdi that feed situat contribut legitim rule book remain circul not independ will will author and publish fatwa person rushdi encompass action crime crime progre ss level and plai and plai full view media not thi charg shatim appli rushdi and encompass umbrella fasad rule alt.atheism rushdi islam law twelv imam consid incap error sin khomeini supp ort thi view twelv iman thi heresi for reason gave happi discuss issu imam you p refer move discuss anoth newsgroup feel philosophi religion group topic deepli e mbed world view islam and esoter teach prophet heresi not enter into for islam e xoter religion that nomin concern metaphys substanc man and natur good introduct ori book fact introductori book islam gener murtaza mutahhari fundament islam th ought god man and univers mizan press translat campbel beauti book follow book y

ou can find decent translat wilaya station master author titl master and masters hip small book transcript lectur author introduct beauti psalm islam translat wi lliam chittick muhammadi trust great britain excel introduct subject book univer s librari imagin stock univers librari will your post you fairli vers sunni thou ght you seek shi it thought knowledg shi it author that respect due charg heresi level salaam laikum alt.atheism genocid caus atheism articl qif horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write articl qialf fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write articl egl horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write stuff delet newsgroup larg thi for dea l recognis that happen communist russia bear valid atheism do sundri theist vali d theism that zip nada fallaci hominem and holi faq book construct logic argumen t apart not make lot sens thi wrong atheist creed that taught communist name ath eism theistic creed and instruct act for theist madli conflict anoth that anoth issu lack instruct act evil that that sinc mathemat includ instruct act evil ath eism not moral system speak instruct act atheism simpli lack belief god plenti t heist argu case for atheism didn ussr valid theism genocid that valid argument t hat theist system genocid can made convincingli argument that atheism genocid th i theist system instruct act and can shown genocid sinc atheist set instruct nul l set can you show that atheism genocid david chowel davec silicon csci csusb ed u score thousand human insect readi moment notic reveal will god subject georg b ernard shaw score thousand human insect readi moment notic reveal will god subje ct georg bernard shaw alt.atheism nonexist atheist articl bskendigc jcwx jzn netcom bskendig netco m brian kendig write quot delet peopl idea mean atheist bobbi mozumd clone world thought that explain thing post soc religion islam attach quot bobbi effect tha t atheist ly evil scum and ask commonli held idea muslim respons ask unknown gue ss karl lastli come china hope you touch and you fulfil lifelong ambit your life will drop acid great wall duke pink floyd lie lie even billion peopl alt.atheism thought articl bissda saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan l awrenc bissel write appear that walla walla colleg will fill role alt atheist th at allegheni colleg fill alt fan dan quayl want start and that christian make se ns you read toni campollo book liar lunat real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian process christian convert xtianiti thi tendenc excess darken pre xtian past frequent fals embark effort destroi xtianiti suffer deep megaloma nia defect not cure religi convers arguement sum book whether jesu god not you d on listen perspect for gain listen perspect perspect bwahahahahahahahah book tha t jesu liar crazi modern dai koresh sigh perhap big mistaken claim perhap insigh t had dai perhap statement attribut jesu not made put into mouth author possibl abound sure examin thi question come decent list altern task not examin question destroi xtianiti religi salesmanship reason wouldn liar follow die for lie germ an di for nazism russian di name proletarian dictatorship american di make world safe for democraci silli question wouldn peopl liar peopl gather and gather hea r had heal call fool heal peopl perform heal god niether lunat entir nation draw n crazi hard draw entir nation you you crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn david koresh fool logic peopl thi sinc wasn liar lunat real thing convinc thi l aughabl logic deserv xtian thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr a lon thi betray and crucifixion don bibl thi moment time write will us don bother propheci fulfil ey xtian apologist distort mean isaiah and book alt.atheism genocid caus atheism delet apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write don you can imagin infinit infin mathemat concept creat human explain thing don appli realiti don world infinit wouldn comprehend realiti for programm that requir infinit memori realiti continu and base infiniet small unit unit you don univers continu continuum anoth mathemat concept base infin us exp lain thing human not infinit call number call endless not pretti good idea infin man made concept and man made concept evolv time ancient greek had understand c an call allah infinit power knowledg etc cannot imagin allah cannot imagin infin it precic don even infin appli realiti sami aario can you measur atom you can ex plod tut sunlight compris atom your stupid mind stupid stupid ero plan outer spa ce disclaim don agre ero alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write art

icl fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write you amaz that find dif ficult grasp peopl justifi death threat rushdi claim born muslim thi empti rheto r amaz your inabl understand not that you find difficult grasp peopl justifi dea th threat find amaz that your abil abstract question isol you falsiti principl c onsequ abus you hate physic you closer you imagin despis live soviet regim purpo rt organ societi fondli imagin object conclus marxist dialect don hate physic lo ng clown doesn start control life assumpt that interchang atom individu human be jon alt.atheism satan articl mimsi umd edu mango umd edu charlei wingat write je ff west write you claim that peopl that time translat bibl time coupl gener you ampl proof agre that version step modern translat that peopl time copi text corr ectli translat present complet issu read paper that qumram text had version text misunderstand jon alt.atheism note bobbi apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd writ e insult atheist genocid total unintent atheism can happen good bad includ genoc id and you thi you conveni defin theist can wrong and you defin peopl wrong athe ist statement circular not mention bigot and such sami aario can you measur atom you can explod tut sunlight compris atom your stupid mind stupid stupid ero pla n outer space disclaim don agre ero alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl apr monu monash edu daric yoy o monash edu fred rice wrote articl nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl navi mil umar khan write stuff delet demand for khomeini and ilk publicli come clean and show proof that islam law punish apostaci death that toler similar form covers freedo m conscienc school law knowledg support death sentenc for apostasi accompani ope n persist and aggrav hostil islam agre legal support for punish disbelief qur ma ke clear that belief matter conscienc public privat disavow islam convers anoth faith not punish jurist thi trend and insist that apostasi punish even death his tor except curs and insult prophet fall categori shatim borrow book librari khom eini fatwa etc lot stuff delet and analysi khomeini offer reward for rushdi deat h fact constitut crimin act islam law post rushdi islam law alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag articl sandvik sandvik kent appl sandv ik newton appl kent sandvik write histor evid such perfect utopian islam state d idn surviv agre peopl peopl and even you start islam revolut and creat thi perfe ct state take time and intern corrupt will destroi ground rule noth perfect noth perpetu even perfect isn stai that forev perpetu machin cannot exist thought th at law mechan thermodynam state that not atheist naren bala softwar evalu engin home work standard disclaim appli alt.atheism polit atheist articl apr new wesleyan edu ssauyet eagl wesleyan edu scott sauyet final word and find that that final your finger cross finger cr oss doubt martin schult alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl qkq horu mchp sni frank fra nk dwyer write wild guess and freedom object valuabl base thi assumpt that world depriv utterli freedom that act contrari volit almost want complain that assert that freedom not valuabl almost can that bit absurd assert not rain raini dai t hi candid for object and condit for object moral that object valu such thi exist person and highli subject opinion that freedom good thing peopl assert that tru e freedom word thi and that messiah realis that peopl don even agre mean word me an that word repres object word object mean jon alt.atheism articl innf senat bedfellow mit edu tcbruno athena mit edu tom b runo write wow leav your termin for month and you rememb depress familiar face c ount bob and kent don recogn heard graham matthew recent degre and sail for gree ner pastur bring point post peopl alt atheism sinc damnedest stai top newsgroup you fall you fall not bad rec art startrek us digress delug inquir mind want tra ck infam poster alt atheism end onc leav newsgroup curiou guess cheer tom bruno peopl willl unlimit store unfound respect for peopl newsgroup mail list longer y ou sympathi tom semi regularli post toughto sinc thi februari read and thread si nc last august school newsread for month and incompet comput servic never bother find feed site wasn accept outgo post don track poster that love and leav inter net for you regard adam john cooper verili laugh weakl thought good simpli acoop macalstr edu had claw

alt.atheism thought articl bissda saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan l awrenc bissel write want start and that christian that rest come make sens you r ead toni campollo book liar lunat real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian process christian thi isn gui lawyer you give info thi gui never mind will plenti respons thi post and will arguement sum book whether jesu god not y ou don listen perspect for gain listen thi true make true for case book that jes u liar crazi not modern dai koresh reason wouldn liar follow die for lie wouldn peopl liar not die for lie you poverti stricken and alunat sound perfecetli reas oabl whether societ dreg had for follow liar not not necessarili even di for bel iev thi make complet selfish differ peopl gather and gather hear had heal call f ool heal peopl histor proof thi earlier thread name death make for heal gave nie ther lunat entir nation drawn crazi sieg heil doubt fact redicul for exampl draw n david koresh fool logic peopl thi david koresh curiou sinc wasn liar lunat rea l thing thi follow your definit lunat and disproof thereof uhhh shaki thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr alon thi betray and crucifixion don bi bl thi moment time write will us good idea don peopl understand christian not lo t church natur not true christian life and total sacrafic for god sake love die and save hei can god inspir turn live that tuff and peopl don want real christia n for strong persever weight lift guitar plai drum take time don rush dai christ ian your life not church onc week help poor peopl onc box into time unit such wo rk thi time sport social life god box and carri into box that creat for ourselv handl thi don worth sigh adam john cooper verili laugh weakl thought good simpli acoop macalstr edu had claw alt.atheism thought christian articl apr nuscc nu cmtan iss nu tan chade men g dan write sandvik newton appl kent sandvik write articl cva uxa ecn bgu edu gs u uxa ecn bgu edu eric mola wrote christian infecti cult reason flourish peopl h ope driven purpos life safeti blank hide wow follow thi christian moral standard and etern happi agre that case primit emot feel base haha you won laugh hell me ntal make religion attract for person agre make small point xtianiti dogmat reli gion not attract peopl hope etc attract averag peopl that xtainiti escapist doct rin absolutist attitud great psycholog shelter dai dai frustrat unhappi fear unc ertainti unknown etc thi good point averag peopl not christian fear escap quit s impli improv social life involv american cultur kid immigr for exampl sinc overw helm major religion western world form simpli choic peopl bore and want live not somethong ordinari weak long doesn hurt buddha had attract religion driven fear man worship sacr mountain sacr stone and sacr tree buddha find peac religion go od quot and agre make alter scond that includ long not prevent find peac that su ppos peac for inflict evangel person feel that sinc religion such pow psycholog effect theist problem that religion enorm harm believ and human holi war inquisi t inter religi hatr imped scienc intellectu progress attitud etc etc don can com ment thing will live live popular come and rememb enter high school atheist had and friend thi time convert christian immigr taiwan son immigr earlier gross gen er christian lot popular peopl sinc notic percept that chagn for perfectli will live and live long set abstract right agreement treat each desir hurt notion for put argument thi usenet never good argument not appli christian even atheist si mpli step person take natur almost instinct regard adam john cooper verili laugh weakl thought good simpli acoop macalstr edu had claw unenlighten buddhism char acterist tan chade meng expect cosmic religion for futur singapor transcend pers on god avoid dogma and theologi cmtan iss nu cover natur spiritu and base religi sens aspir experi thing natur and spiritu meaning uniti einstein alt.atheism your post provok into check save file for memor post captur ken arromde feb subject atheist that articl your question articl averag articl dai f or last year note current post rate such that kill file depress larg post save e arli dai articl notabl loren sunlight llnl gov loren petrich jchrist nazareth is rael rel jesu christ nazareth mrc tomobiki cho cac washington edu mark crispin p erri apollo jim perri lippard uavax ccit arizona edu jame lippard minski media m it edu marvin minski interest bunch geoff arnold nf architect sun select geoff a rnold east sun made thing great lie gui two thousand year ago wine tear garden alt.atheism polit atheist kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient cochran write that you confus word object and inher and object system simpli observ pos

tul system perfectli judg situat action consist system not wrong you object goal system not inher that you want defin object system postul determin observ don t hat thi good definit object system you learn english graviti object system can l earn and perform experi will result person perform experi graviti inher system y ou don excess inform observ determin object determin guilt innoc inher system ag re that moral not necessarili inher you state that evolutionari basi thi not mea n that cannot object theori thi natur moral not object system evidenc your comme nt lion and mine perhap can object not inher note practic relat mate ritual etc anim like consid immor previou definit natur law revis order sinc class activ su rround mate pose gener problem and fact that postul determin outsid sort higher truth sort god not that god for object system that you you seen that you object notion object system perhap you that impli inher necessit sort grand design clas sifi behavior anim line moral system for anim commit act rule ethic don perhap n ot intellig immor and perhap you defin moral system code ethic basic defin undes ir behavior etc immor behavior unwant unproduct destruct etc depend goal system that immor end keith alt.atheism polit atheist kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient cochran write natur moral specif thought code ethic that speci develop order surviv wai t talk ethic moral distinct import thi countless time anim kingdom and such natu r system basi for system huh moral system mimic natur number wai order for human thrive live group your problem wrong highlight word don wrong for human surviv for long time wild difficult human social anim and that success and order for gr oup function effect sort ethic code thi statement not correct isn don you and po int that speci conduct serv propog not give you your tautolog show that such exa mpl moral system goal propog speci goal natur system moral live monagam relation ship not moral order ensur propog speci man impregn women note earlier lack mate such abstin homosexu isn destruct system worst neutral for that matter herd hor s domin stallion mate di kill domin stallion mate case your natur system moral s hoot figur foot mate practic reexamin keith alt.atheism polit atheist kmr cwru edu keith ryan write chimp almost human t hi mean that chimp moral will chimp system live social group law dictat undesir behavior keith alt.atheism polit atheist sandvik newton appl kent sandvik write you explain sudden violent behavior human be your theori state that human detach primit beh avior violent and moralist human becom correct understand wrong you thi bifurc p oint madman kill peopl roof campu you explain your theori explain such situat ma dmen mad explain output broken comput not keith alt.atheism polit atheist bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write show that exampl and provid not counter exampl your suppos inher moral hypothesi you succ essfulli argu that domest remov alter thi moral that domest will chang behavior larg degre domest anim exhibit behavior not found wild don that can view good re pres wild anim kingdom sinc bred for thousand year produc behavior etc keith alt.atheism polit atheist mmwang adob michael wang write type o definit you will note read punish inanim object incap show merci you can not that merciless punish cruel you miss stuff paren you read definit transf transfer sens and fig figur thing can cruel sampl text definit includ not thy cruell nail pluck poor e y and puni man centr cruel and frown univers nail can cruel imagin nail your ey pain thi not impli that painless death cruel you suppos show keith alt.atheism year can that christian moral sfnntrc wbo lruk andrew cmu edu da vid sacco dsav andrew cmu edu write ton mail move thi discuss alt religion mac f eel that life joke bob dylan you happi dai your life you wouldn human you game s how host movi heather lectur lek chur process note professor becom note student pass mind michael cobb and won rais tax middl univers illinoi class pai for prog ram champaign urbana bill clinton debat cobb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cu t billion dollar deficit alt.atheism year can that christian moral qjahh mr horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write articl pww spac rice edu pww spacsun rice edu peter walker write ar ticl qie fkt horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer wrote object moral moral built obje ct valu object valu come can measur mediat thair interact real world moralon sca lar valuino field scienc real world basi valu not round you such thing object sc

ienc can not object kick head simpl theori accur predict not object set tarot ca rd you conclus don and exist place assum object realiti doesn frank dwyer not ha tch that odwyer sse hen evelyn conlon measur truth beauti good love friendship t rust honesti etc thing basi object fact aren limit true can that can exampl inst anc reason cannot measur reason that semant mac michael cobb and won rais tax mi ddl univers illinoi class pai for program champaign urbana bill clinton debat co bb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cut billion dollar deficit alt.atheism year can that christian moral kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ry an write articl horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write good logic bad good scienc bad definit great good bad horribl wors good defin bad come thi setup thi subje ct peopl agre switch order isn thi defin unknown thing anoth that good that bad and bad that wors good circular mac sun start orbit earth will accept bibl micha el cobb and won rais tax middl univers illinoi class pai for program champaign u rbana bill clinton debat cobb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cut billion dolla r deficit alt.atheism year can that christian moral lsran inn exodu eng sun emarsh her n sun eng sun eric marsh write articl hqxj jdg cso uiuc edu li cso uiuc edu li s tudent write hmmmm defin object moral depend you talk mean you can your hair you r ear and mean stryper accept that gener principl object moral list two place te n command sai jesu depend whether you trust bibl second depend whether you jesu god and whether you accur copi gong moment and you wrote you defin object moral and you qualifi thi object moral subject justif you error thi you disqualifi pla i mac eric huh explain problem base moral that wrong gosh heck lot stuff that th at wrong and that come sourc that wrong you base your belief atheism your knowle dg and reason couldn that wrong mac michael cobb and won rais tax middl univers illinoi class pai for program champaign urbana bill clinton debat cobb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cut billion dollar deficit alt.atheism islam genocid pick yugoslavia and problem caus commun doesn matt er guess religi leader call for end that can religi motiv thi despit fact that c hristian carv cross dead muslim chest want land want cross carv accident don sus pici like tragic situat bosnia combin ethnic and religi motiv religion attribut that separ group each agre that sad saga bosnia terribl exampl case religion not help us weapon human and sympathi bosnian side serb oppressor will us even chri stian weapon friend cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism death penalti polit atheist death penalti conceiv deterr crime l egal shenanigan that ad automat appeal lengthi court battl etc releg that purpos small part question instat death penalti meant and that deter crime rid doubt d eath penalti suppos deterr crime doesn crime carri death penalti that effict wou ldn death penalti punish fine for speed punish murder mind doesn care consequ an oth problem that peopl dont will caught want kill anoth person wouldn care penal ti didn caught strictli deterr line tortur dave fuller dfuller portal videocart alt.atheism thought christian cmtan iss nu tan chade meng dan write person f eel that sinc religion such pow psycholog effect theist problem that religion en orm harm believ and human holi war inquisit inter religi hatr imped scienc intel lectu progress attitud etc etc don can comment held that attempt chang person at titud lifestyl long make happi and not tax thi for atheist you don atheist knock your door stop you airport hand literatur social event theist that thier form h appi work for and make sister born and real thorn side for entir famili for year final clue that couldn that period bought atheist xtian book for birthdai and x ma time birthdai card vers problem told mom that send sister atheist piec read m ateri don you dare mom wasn religi insist that not send societi driven into that religion preach religion contain crock shit final told sister that didn find li fe attract exactli effort convert sinc sick religi type pamper look for and wors t respect atheist end sight dave fuller dfuller portal videocart alt.atheism bibl quiz kmr cwru edu keith ryan write you mind mail question p air answer love for time theist come door thi you post answer kei nanci you and author thi quot send email andrew cmu edu coward for minut dead for rest your li fe alt.atheism bibl thing interest alt athiesm fact that bibl thumper and ilk t hi duller newsgroup almost delud mass write silli thing for athiest tear apart t

hat tidbit want write can such document bibl you want religi aren plausabl book bibl written multipl author repeatedli contradict each minut tell you kill your kid talk back and not kill that xtian want follow deiti pick that can consist un lik last invent for peopl jesu son god didn god not put you that didn god not ma ke symbol idol cross don you that you fact bibl that you track jesu illiter didn write honestli hope that peopl bibl understand that religi text and that poorer qualiti boot reason xtianiti escap middl east roman wine poison lead made rome xtian bad dream thi post person person stand streetcorn and tell peopl hell will happi hatr and snap judgement can guid your robot life clayton forest mad scien tist alt.atheism polit atheist kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient cochran write contridict you want good question claim gener trend disprov thi guess you show that not gener trend you claim you prove cold fusion provid exampl show th at trend gener and you provid counterexampl surround mate practic etc don that c ase disprov gener trend natur moral and mate practic reexamin find immor mate re lat activ you exclud mate relat activ your natur moral mate practic special case that natur system can object deduc goal speci propog mind not equat two you tha t object system isn necessarili natur you you not man wrote natur moral system o bject moral system that anim follow natur system object object system not natur term can not equat natur system subset object sinc homosexu observ anim includ b ird and dolphin you claim that anim capac immor don claim that homosexu immor is n harm isn help mate process and you that homosexu observ anim kingdom don you m ean bisexu can determin end moral you claim group impli entiti thi standard jarg on read textbook form us that goal not inher that postul not determin argu that aris natur goal somewhat remov postul assum posit that goal aren inher can creat theori postul that sun revolv earth that moon made green chees and star portion angel that intrud into dimension realiti you such contradict observ can build m athemat proof postul that length side triangl length second side triangl and deg re angl connect can determin length side postul that gener found true don your p ostul valid guess peopl recept order assum your system you show that your postul work and goal surviv and happi work you don not good goal keith alt.atheism member articl hiew portal videocart dfuller portal videocart dav e fuller write start read thi group todai and larg particip daili post like sect ion faq construct logic argument atheist not turn peopl into atheist figur peopl don care view come wrong will admit possibl religi follow dont capabl happi abo ard dave fuller dfuller portal videocart offici keeper list nicknam that peopl a lt atheism didn had such list you your award nicknam buckminst time you post art icl sign your nicknam dave buckminst fuller jim humor mean never you copeland go d dead and actor plai part sting word fear will find place your heart histori vo ic reason faith curs will teach freedom past thing can wors noth alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl hkv epv blaze jhu edu arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write judaism for maddi confirm thi for and reiter that can easili leav religion time simpli make public declar lazi that religion cannot held respons islam countri public renou nc islam can quit danger countri not you necessarili practic true islam danger r emain cannot blame failur public renounc islam lazi oppos desir stai aliv and yo u plan pull rushdi declar leav religion concern compar plan rushdi case discuss can tragic that islam countri thi islam countri constitut contain statement that islam law incorpor kuwait can freeli make such statement fear not mention that point that rushdi book that not muslim and sure reader book provid number wit th i stori becom tiresom condit clear you care make your point clear make chronolog and show that had made public statement leav islam prior write tsv make such st atement made that clear rejoin islam talk person feel gregg alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bradford newnham bradford leonard ne wnham write gregg jaeger jaeger buphi edu wrote khomenei jerk and plenti british leader qur basi judgement khomenei heret standard qur end stori you specif exac tli khomanei heret and jerk judg koran like for gui noth contrari teach koran to ld iranian research student that share offic easi and conveni for you denounc fe el that your view not clear cut and wide accept you suggest made thi clear will khomeini put price head anoth countri thi make jerk intern outlaw khomeini advoc

view that seri twelv islam leader twelv imam free error sin thi make heret qur muhammad chastis for error directli god qur that muhammad greatest exampl proper islam behavior muslim free error usual almost islam viewpoint muslim perhap you thi case widespread agreement matter islam viewpoint issu not islam and thi for larg group peopl name come back koran imprecis word qur not imprecis word true that interpret interpret word entir text qur make mean precis for intellig peopl free power lust come agreement gregg alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bradford newnham bradford leonard ne wnham write gregg jaeger jaeger buphi edu wrote slightli incongru find union jac k fly citi hall belfast not british want big expens problem that major popul wan t problem that major can open mouth public perhap quit alot incent for british c ontrol north channel and irish sea wast dump appal dump harbor belfast understan d that quit alot radioact enter water quit problem independ britain and stop acc ept wast you suggest that british industri isn make profit situat gregg alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bradford newnham bradford leonard ne wnham write gregg jaeger jaeger buphi edu wrote you explain qur your ey carri ex cess baggag anoth era qur opinion carri such baggag run modern economi charg int erest loan hear even fundamentalist iran compromis thi ideal sort loan and you h eard exactli gregg alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl jkj fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write hope islam bank bcci rip small depositor muslim commun and jon grow childish propagandist gregg alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl apr bradford newnham bradford leonard newnh am write gregg jaeger jaeger buphi edu wrote and western countri isn legal conce pt not slightest bit pertin topic british author live unit kingdom protect briti sh law forget govern superior entiti religi organ forgiv gun higher law thi dege ner zumder logic govern superior entiti elect peopl religi leader not perhap not christian islam choic religi leader made peopl for your superior argument peopl trust make law repres higher law that democraci democraci basic element islam l earn that notic that call fundamentalist algeria repress secular govern won free and democrat elect gregg alt.atheism free moral agenc articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert be auchain write bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain subject free moral agenc date a pr gmt articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write test ement satan rare mention huh doesn sda bibl book job thi suffer world caught int h crossfir and sometim innoc teh guilti hurt that opinion and hope clear thing y our omnipot and omnisci god splainin creat satan for shit and giggl bob beauchai n bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea didn never mention satan rare excus for lack perfect memori omnipot tammi soori sound cran ki apoplog feel hurt alt.atheism note bobbi articl apr daffi wisc edu mccullou snake wisc edu mar k mccullough write mccullou snake wisc edu mark mccullough subject note bobbi da te wed apr gmt articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write madhausc ckip netcom madhau netcom maddi hausmann write mark you vegetarian diet problem not vitamin balanc protein vitamin that cannot obtain anim product and thi concern vegan eat meat dairi egg and problem supplement for vegan come anim product you ovo lacto vegetarian diet eat dairi and egg thi not issu didn origin post vegetarian diet that close friend devout vegetarian and vitamin supplement think long time sinc read articl onc talk special dietari vegetarian didn quot full number nice thi place can come grain rice understand brand australia and pl ace tablet grain rice you aren enrich type basic rice and soybean almost you had n heard rice thought contribut issu norm you contribut program thread earlier fr ed rice daric yoyo monash edu vegan vegetarian taht eat anim product egg milk ch ees etc year vegan diet you start take supplement found anim acut bodi make bodi us year lacto oveo vegetarian milk product and egg don supplement and post cont ridict mish mash knowledg glean tammi alt.atheism moral polit atheist kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient c ochran write you that isn for instinct act moral that order for act act moral pe rson immor action disregard that order for act moral immor that impli intellig n ot instinct that action not you keith

alt.atheism moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write you that isn for instinct act moral that thing explain instinct act can moral act a nd happi listen for exampl instinct not murder that order for act act moral pers on immor action disregard weaker that possibl that organ not peopl talk can alte rn intellig be can moral even bahavior be mimic and emphasi you place intellig a nim speci kill each arbitarili don you that thi isn act moral anim aren intellig keith alt.atheism moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write don expect lion not kind fact don evid that lion such issu and that don you can ass ign moral signific instinct behaviour lion that moral behavior like null behavio r that doesn work moral immor case that moral remnant evolut moral system base c oncept practic anim kingdom you basic that you moral undefin term and that moral system don exist can agre definit term can hope discuss perfectli clear that th at moral system that can speak for peopl thi doesn anywher your belief irrelev y ou can share discuss keith alt.atheism cruel polit atheist sdoe nmsu edu stephen doe write time that de ath penalti cruel unusu will outlaw present peopl don thi thi fellow speak objec t natur moral suppos that major decid slaveri longer immor not claim that system object keith alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl bcc ic uci edu bvicker ic uci edu brett vic ker write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write you not muslim sort fat wa issu khomeini not relev you can understand your fear persecut and share even you muslim rushdi behavior not complet excus fatwa issu khomeini relev doesn liv e iran issu khomeini shouldn relev issu honest and learn scholar islam relev mus lim contrari islam law muslim requir respect that decid whether rushdi behavior excus suffici vers islam law and capabl reason you talk weak sens excus depend s ens excus you mind and care you inexcus think opinion import you don care care t hat you don care gregg alt.atheism free moral agenc and kent articl sandvik sandvik kent appl sandv ik newton appl kent sandvik write sandvik newton appl kent sandvik subject free moral agenc and kent date thu apr gmt articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali wrote ezekiel your hart fill pride your beauti you corrupt your wisdom for sake your splendor cast you ground and expos you helpless curiou gaze king for you bibl scholar you knowthat vers refer princ tyre thi prophesi and address human princ vers refer king tyre term for satan tammi rational conne ct princ tyre satan you give ration bibl cite afraid that thi not case your thin k model fall apart hous card cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat a ctiv net time ezekiel written israel apostaci and not mistaken tyre make war isr ael princ tyre human ruler tyre wick man call satan king tyre ezekiel that satan real ruler tyre don interpret neccessarili orthodox christian christian bibl co mmentari interpret king tyre refer satan haven read ezekiel throughli long time tammi alt.atheism free moral agenc and jeff clark articl dfc dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write dbstu benedikt rosenau subject free moral agenc and jeff clark dat e thu apr gmt articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali wri te delet you million suffer for adam and pretti sick creat univers gonna respond give small theologi lesson forgiv us theologi major that thi planet involv cosm ic struggl great controversi betwe christ and satan borrow book titl god interes t entir univers make decis delet univers creat can you tyrann creatur like your definit your god creat satan full knowledg happen includ choic satan can you exp lain free will and omnisci didn your god that happen even creat world concern ty rant care fine for that idea come possibl abus power your god introduc your desc ript you that you read faq part preach benedikt don feel that preach answer peop l question and talk religion belief come post don intent convert don expect for atheist thi newsgroup grain salt state belev believeit and and that preach soori and soapbox tammi alt.atheism pompou ass arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write not that m ade nazi comparison peopl compar religi peopl nazi germani that start thing knew thing strang and grew bigger thing that motto thing you contradict motto thing that bother mentiopn you huh thing refer germani peopl that similar thing german

i name that thing that and that weren wast time repeat sound knew look book avai l that pave for intrus motto hasn caus problem year histori doubt caus problem y ou ignor instanc describ you caus problem shown that thing motto that like don m otto initi sort harass harass will occur whether not motto present keith alt.atheism pompou ass andrew newel tan psuvm psu edu write you support your claim that peopl will simpli harass matter doubt thi true theist will loss and that reason for god trust motto coin and coin represent govern christian ammunit slander atheist unpatriot ban ammunit not rid gun and heard thi us convers chri stian fall back thing thi not us wors nation anthem chang god bless america list imagin year set coin label motto god dead such statement coin offend almost chr istian and tempt rub that motto face christian debunk standard motto sling get b ore you peopl you despis statement print item that repres govern endors govern c oin motto endors trust god endors acknowledg god thing that peopl proud don mott o encourag belief don feel trust god govern put coin print for motto legitim rea d god god godless trust you approv such motto whether motto intend anti atheist not turn open invit us anti atheist tool and remov tool will solv problem will i ncreas problem keith alt.atheism object moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei wr ite want thi omnisci perform feat term action wrong you omnisci you exactli and purpos mind goal mind you sould method judg whether not thi action accord gener goal don you show exist object moral system exist practic difficult perfectli em ul mean you understand concept object system thought you explain don understand you explain object system goal action judg compat goal not simpl problem system current practic that goal differ that goal each societi note that object system not necessarili inher concept innoc depend whether action wrong and thi depend m oral system object system can deem innoc not quit easili omnisci person clear re curs definit murder complain don solv specul object moral system question whethe r you can even time and for worth don you clear murder part you problem you mean harm harm you spend your exist metabolis food for anoth speci moral system cons id speci for enslav anim not human ideal perhap wouldn even bother anim point wr ong enslav human persoanl moral system second point vegetarian can enslav anim n ot kill you vegetarian for health reason you vegetarian fail person view relev w rong eat anim your person moral system not perfectli valid kill member speci for food nice anim not made suffer for instanc cow field live life wild happi veal youngster aren treat object moral system don goal thi system inher system natur moral system nope kill speci for food keith alt.atheism judg bobbi articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write kmr cwru edu keith ryan subject judg bobbi date thu apr gmt mozumd write tammi heal i write liberti quot christian writer name ellen white hope that will you edit y our remark thi group futur not set standard not make your opinion your view duti your interpret scriptur criterion for and your heart condemn not come your idea l thought fromth mount bless point point you judg god true judg sun start orbit earth will accept bibl agre total you amen you state and world tammi alt.atheism thought articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain w rite bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain subject thought keyword dan bissel date apr gmt articl bissda saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel wr ite want start and that christian make sens you read toni campollo book liar lun at real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian process christian th i good fun sinc group had such ripe opportun gut gill and fillet poor bastard po pcorn bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhat tan sea hope you not flame give coutesi you tammi alt.atheism judg bobbi articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozu md write snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd subject judg bobbi date wed apr gmt articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write bobbi liberti quot christian writer name ellen white hope that will you edit your remark thi group futur not set standard not make your opinion your view duti your interpret scri ptur criterion for and your heart condemn not come your ideal thought fromth mou nt bless hope quot thi doesn make atheist gag ellen white put tammi point peac b obbi mozumd point that you set your view that eveil thi world caus atheism ridic ul and counterproduct dialogu thi newsgroup your post spirit condemn atheist thi

newsgroup bacaus don exactli you you convert atheist you fail miser posit const antli defend agaist insult attack you you blind that you didn messga quot tammi alt.atheism death penalti polit atheist articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico te k robert beauchain write articl apr leland stanford edu rush leland stanford edu voelkerd write worri case innoc man convict horribl warrant death penalti and p ut law into place make virtual imposs execut real crimin death penalti not serv origin purpos chang don number back thi accordingli you us cuff number innoc peo pl sentenc die accept loss for benefit capit punish surpris ratio that low appro xim dozen case execut innoc sinc turn centuri that period sentenc peopl death ac count for case that don truth reason assum that twice that innoc peopl fact exec ut that rais number death sentenc meter sinc half million for your accept ratio hold doubt that case point accept loss not even that perhap find solut bob beauc hain bobb vice ico tek suggest solut realiz hand natur number us and can answer accept loss rate anoth post despis idea support crimin for life econom situat th at concern monei spent feed cloth hous and take care peopl demonstr that unfit l ive societi number place and worthwhil and enrish live american give peopl job g ive homeless shelter number thing clyde girl butterfli don reason robert heinlei n alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write book that jesu liar crazi modern dai koresh convinc religi fantasi time that messiah rebe l leader that organis jew built into godhood for purpos throw yoke roman oppress reason wouldn liar follow die for lie moslem fanat strap bomb back and drive in to jewish embassi dy for truth hint nazi soldier wwii dy for truth peopl die for li time wouldn peopl liar peopl hitler liar napoleon mussolini ronald reagan sp end million dollar year find techniqu detect ly answer wouldn liar li thing gath er and gather hear had heal call fool heal peopl you heal peopl bibl god doesn e xist possibl bibl not divin inspir and can us piec evid written unbias observ ni ether lunat entir nation drawn crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl hitler mussol ini lunat genghi khan jim jone thousand exampl histori peopl drawn lunat drawn d avid koresh fool logic peopl thi sinc wasn liar lunat real thing cannot rule lia r lunat not mention possibl not thi triad thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr alon thi betray possibl fulfil propheci awar order fulfil propheci possibl select dite behalf keeper holi bibl for thousand year gener public had access possibl that text written such riddl nostradamu that that happen can twis t fit word rave fiction propheci and crucifixion don bibl thi moment time write will us stuff hard christian delet sever recommend you reconsid reason you chris tian unconvinc unbias observ jeff alt.atheism polit atheist articl ajinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write kmr cwru edu keith ryan write chimp almost human th i mean that chimp moral will chimp system live social group law dictat undesir b ehavior verb warn that back kindergarten such law jon alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write want star t and that christian shouldn involv bit delet book that jesu liar crazi modern d ai koresh reason wouldn liar follow die for lie wouldn peopl liar peopl gather a nd gather hear had heal call fool heal peopl niether lunat entir nation drawn cr azi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn david koresh fool logic peopl thi sinc w asn liar lunat real thing righto dan thi your cornflak book that muhammad liar c razi modern dai mad mahdi reason wouldn liar follow die for lie wouldn peopl lia r peopl gather and gather hear son law made sun stand call fool make sun stand n iether lunat entir nation drawn crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn mad ma hdi fool logic peopl thi sinc wasn liar lunat real thing ron hous usq hous helio usq edu toowoomba australia alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write articl jkj fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write hope islam bank bcci rip small depositor muslim commun and jon grow childish propagandist gregg point that practic thing aren quit wonder utopia you folk claim upset you exact li childish open question bbci exampl islam own and oper bank will bet weren rea l islam owner and oper and turn long run and quit ruthless oper steal monei smal l and quit naiv depositor and naiv depositor put life save into bcci nasti inter est motiv western bank street that believ islam own and oper bank couldn possibl

cheat don con into think that will work time jon alt.atheism moral polit atheist articl sninn gap caltech edu keith cco calte ch edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write you that isn for instinct act moral that thing explain instinct act can moral act an d happi listen for exampl instinct not murder not murder moral signific sinc not h voluntari that order for act act moral person immor action disregard weaker th at possibl that organ not peopl talk can altern intellig be can moral even bahav ior be mimic you start point mimicri not necessarili action imit parrot pretti p olli isn necessarili comment pulchritud polli and emphasi you place intellig ani m speci kill each arbitarili don and poster you exampl exactli thi you short mem ori you that thi isn act moral anim aren intellig possibl that organ not peopl t alk can altern post you repli jon alt.atheism moraltii polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write act moral for reason moral moral instinct anim that moral instinct anim attempt assum your conclus conclus you conclus correct err that behaviour instinct anim natur moral system disagre definit moral earlier you that consciou act your defi nit instinct behavior pattern act moral you appli human term human that even not consciou altern thi not prevent behavior moral you don that moral behavior patt ern human moral moral action that consist pattern that enforc behavior moral you get thi backward you show that behaviour pattern moral whether moral behavior p attern irrelev sinc can behavior pattern for exampl motion planet that peopl not call moral show your definit can shown and moral can thought larg class princpl defin term thing law physic you silli talk moral planet obei law phyic silli ta lk anim free will keith alt.atheism cruel polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write thi thread start discuss whether not death penalti constitut cruel punish forbidden constitut didn meant cruel you suprem court and make sens refer constitut quit silent mean word cruel spent quit bit time word constitut pick word mean impli i ntent look dictionari defin word isn thi suffici discuss death penalti and that discuss result murder result intial discuss object moral thi time remov moral di scuss discuss mene word cruel and constitut noth that discuss relat death penalt i and constitut not defin each word doesn cruel can dictionari and keith alt.atheism polit atheist kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient cochran write that you thought theori meant human gener capabl overpow instinct not fol low that thi necessarili intellig aren anim gener capabl overpow instinct good q uestion biologist answer anim brain set differ anim can train instinct serv reas on contradict keith alt.atheism moral polit atheist articl inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write don ex pect lion not kind fact don evid that lion such issu and that don you can assign moral signific instinct behaviour lion that moral behavior like null behavior t hat doesn work moral immor case that craziest thing heard you doesn work moral t hat moral remnant evolut and that peopl discuss moral daili basi kind evolutiona ri hangov your toe moral system base concept practic anim kingdom thi us phrase base not suffici familiar you mean base and signific for your argument you basic that you moral undefin term and that moral system don exist can agre definit te rm can hope discuss perfectli clear that that moral system that can speak for pe opl thi doesn anywher your belief irrelev you can share discuss can you moral be lief you rais topic never consid quit happi invent moral belief thin air jon alt.atheism pompou ass articl jiinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu ke ith allan schneider write arromde jyusenky jhu edu ken arromde write not that ma de nazi comparison peopl compar religi peopl nazi germani that start thing knew thing strang and grew bigger thing that motto thing you contradict motto thing t hat bother mentiopn you huh thing refer germani peopl that similar thing germani name that thing that and that weren wast time repeat sound knew look book avail that not true gave you two exampl pevas anti semit german christian hitler arri v system social rank that us imperail germani and austria distinguish jew rest p opul terribl help set psycholog gradual disenfranchis jew made easier jon alt.atheism thought christian excerpt netnew alt atheism apr thought christi an dave fuller portal sick religi type pamper look for and worst respect atheist

end sight coupl good atheist even good steadfast agnost high polit offic last t ime had openli atheist presid don aren rhetor question bout suprem court justic thing that tick ago for new program local station promo cult and prei young ahem hear baptism birth that isn prei young don us ack barf cathol and even confirm shortli thereaft decid load mom insist that continu church felt duti bring belie v that presumptu thing heard life suggest talk priest and agre priest amazingli cool basic that didn good forc guess wasn amazingli cool respons you hope for ex pect human pose didn expect find absurd that religion exist can us peopl face fa ct that you worm food decad and that isn cosmic purpos human and univers can pre tti difficult for peopl readili pre digest solut thi pretti attract you gullibl will suspend your reason abil for piec mind had stuff ram your throat for long y ou can rememb religion gener nice patch for human weak organ religion nice popul control blech chri chri leger sophomor carnegi mellon comput engin rememb you d on you can ignor alt.atheism mari fault you occur todai that thi christian thing can blame so le mari marri joseph get knock you joe will find get mari come thi ridicul stori god make pregnant can that ridicul number peopl that never tell truth and even tell poor jesu that hot shit son god tell thi sinc bought mari stori mari turn a dultress and liar and mankind greatest folli recent mint two cent chri chri lege r sophomor carnegi mellon comput engin rememb you don you can ignor alt.atheism rawlin debunk creation articl apr rambo atlanta wpr atlanta bill rawlin wrote talk origin not scienc scienc cannot explain origin for person exc lud scienc issu origin that higher truth scienc thi fals premis hear god enjoi s cienc you don understand observ god creation macroevolut mixtur percent scienc a nd percent religion guarante percent error bill herebi award you golden shovel a ward for biggist pile bullshit whil afraid not bit religion macroevolut and you made grand statement that scienc can not explain origin larg extent bill rawlin wpr atlanta peter walker you knowledg dept space physic you thing that you and a stronomi you not thing admit you not rice univers thi knowledg houston ung tzu alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write want star t and that christian thi alt atheism hope you arent convert make sens disagre bo ok that jesu liar crazi modern dai koresh you shouldn give book weight don that statement correct like that jesu fame attribut death had strong motiv thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr alon propheci and signific don peopl u nderstand christian understand not lot church life and total sacrafic for god sa ke sell your comput and donat you life your religion don wast time keith alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl qkq horu mchp sni frank fra nk dwyer write wild guess and freedom object valuabl base thi assumpt that world depriv utterli freedom that act contrari volit almost want complain that assert that freedom not valuabl almost can that bit absurd assert not rain raini dai t hi candid for object and condit for object moral that object valu such thi exist you shown that vast major not agre thi noth subject major event challeng your a ssert societi heck citizen will trade freedom for secur promis that made can bro ken john law man honor word alt.atheism islam author women snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write articl apr wam umd edu west wam umd edu write and belief horror crusad emascul and intern n ativ american kill tribe south america inquisit counter reform and war that sale m witch trial european witch hunt holi war middl east colon destruct africa war christian and islam post crusad genocid biblic canaanit and philistin aryian inv as india attempt genocid jew nazi germani current missionari assault tribe afric a horror you mention due lack peopl religion lack peopl religion includ fanat pe opl that don you that you you shove throat that religion horror cover fals save peac bobbi mozumd thought anoth bibl defin not lack religion book esther read da i for reason describ origin pur jewish celbrat joi and peac long and short stori that peopl kill peopl trip peaceful solut ly you couldn swing sacr cow slammin into nice peac solut joshua and jawbon ass spring mind agre bobbi thi religion u s kill larg number peopl not us form manner that origin intend for that doesn re duc number death directli caus religion minor observ fact that almost noth pure univers act honestli attempt find true mean religi teach time inspir hatr and le d war peopl led religi leader involv stomach contentsthan absolut truth and driv

en kill leader point that thing involv religion that lead war whether thing part religion unpleas side effect bobbi result peopl switch religion and atheism spo ntan result religi group long involv major bloodiest part man histori atheist ha nd preen preen typic not ideolog social cast driven organ and spread belief over us nazism and stalin show true thi two group clear and specif ideolog religi per secut mean cannot obviou that group found for reason us religi persecut not beli ef system made powerful hard basic bobbi exampl war that not specif fought relig ion that not choic kei west flame heat bottom silver butter dish ciao chri blask alt.atheism object moral polit atheist articl utinn gap caltech edu keith cc o caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei wri te want thi omnisci perform feat term action wrong you omnisci you exactli and p urpos mind goal mind you sould method judg whether not thi action accord gener g oal you contradict pretti massiv and don you even notic anoth part thi thread yo u tell that goal natur moral anim surviv suppos that your omnisci told you that long term surviv human requir extermin speci terrestri alien that make moral jon alt.atheism pompou ass articl pinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu kei th allan schneider andrew newel tan psuvm psu edu write fall back thing thi not us wors nation anthem chang god bless america list wors not defin violat rule go vt supposedli follow chang not person concern anthem sinc don come across daili unavoid routin christian and tempt rub that motto face christian debunk standard motto sling get bore you peopl you despis don despis peopl opinion meant chat r efus listen idea becom exercis for amus for motto legitim read god god godless t rust you approv such motto not rid current chang such that alt.atheism moraltii polit atheist articl ekinn gap caltech edu keith cco ca ltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write a ct moral for reason moral moral instinct anim that moral instinct anim attempt a ssum your conclus conclus you conclus correct err that behaviour instinct anim n atur moral system disagre definit moral earlier you that consciou act your defin it instinct behavior pattern act moral you appli human term human pardon appli h uman term human confus gui that anim behaviour instinct not moral sugnific refus appli human term anim turn into appli human term that even not consciou altern thi not prevent behavior moral you thi you convinc you don that moral behavior p attern human moral moral action that consist pattern that enforc behavior moral you get thi backward you show that behaviour pattern moral whether moral behavio r pattern irrelev sinc can behavior pattern for exampl motion planet that peopl not call moral show your definit can shown offer time accept your definit you as crib moral signific orbit motion planet and moral can thought larg class princpl defin term thing law physic you silli talk moral planet obei law phyic silli ta lk anim free will law silli and silli livesei find intuit silli schneider find i ntuit silli that devast argument isn jon alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write art icl bcc ic uci edu bvicker ic uci edu brett vicker write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write you not muslim sort fatwa issu khomeini not relev you ca n understand your fear persecut and share even you muslim rushdi behavior not co mplet excus consid call islam relat dialogu total wast time can restrain thi ins tanc gregg thi come sens and accept know wisdom and power quran and allah not th at allah drop congratul wise choic allah roll bone and allah get crisco bend and invit spin block wow realiz that allah for commit readi for man program gotta c all you think renounc islam btw gregg allah think you jim alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl bafa dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write for tun religion replac system that human right higher secular law crimin life victi m life islam place right societi and member right individu thi call true human r ight you support claim preced islam law case you law religion muslim live muslim land bound law land live not disregard islam law remain part life law land conf lict religion such extent that prevent allow practis religion leav land islam la w precend secular law instruct follow law land that live islam state rule khalip h religion islam allow rule religi law provid don affect genral popul and don co me into direct conflict state law dhimmi muslim popul exempt islam law religion such fight jihad give zakat alm give etc benefit two act such militari protect a nd poor will receiv zakat not rushdi and reliabl inform hadn left islam islam la

w burden proof benedikt fatwa didn rushdi affirm faith islam didn public convers islam bind islam law publicli renounc belief islam burden ma inc masud ahm khan ma cadenc opinion alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag articl apr bradford newnham bradford l eonard newnham write thi sound nice help each and smile and fluffi bunni wake pe opl not that evid histori that societi succeed had reli goodwil and unselfish pe opl isn obviou place iran that even greedi peopl societi attract posit power sou nd recip for disast leonard mail newnham bradford leonard give you exampl thi fa ther recent bought busi busi price pound and father approach peopl commun for ra is pound interest free loan friend and rel and muslim knew had cash and rest bus i loan pai muslim lender help loan clear bank debt and save intrest thi exampl m uslim commun help anoth common ident muslim turn father help peopl bui hous mini mis amount intrest pai and case bui hous intrest free fortun commun fact leonard work fluffi bunni sight ithat beauti islam ma inc masud ahm khan ma cadenc opin ion alt.atheism pompou ass andrew newel tan psuvm psu edu write fall back thing thi not us wors wors not defin violat rule govt supposedli follow for motto legi tim read god god godless trust you approv such motto not rid current chang such that wrong thi motto you wouldn approv even that begin that you motto gener you plurbi unum keith alt.atheism pompou ass livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write thing refer germani peopl that similar thing germani name that not true gave you two exampl pevas anti semit german christian hitler arriv system social rank that us impera il germani and austria distinguish jew rest popul don thing order wors motto you that motto thing that will lead wors thing keith alt.atheism moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write exp lain instinct act can moral act and happi listen for exampl instinct not murder not murder moral signific sinc noth voluntari you that moral act signific volunt ari you thi and human abil disregard instinct intellig be can moral even bahavio r be mimic you start point mimicri not necessarili action imit parrot pretti pol li isn necessarili comment pulchritud polli you attach thing term moral thi good that anim speci don kill each you thi you that anim machin and that noth wrong anim speci kill each arbitarili don and poster you exampl exactli thi you short memori weren arbitrari kill slai relat sort mate ritual whatnot you that thi isn act moral anim aren intellig possibl that organ not peopl talk can altern post you repli don understand your distinct you mean can small child moral gorilla do lphin platypu line drawn awar you call mechan prevent anim speci arbitrarili kil l each don you find fact that don signific keith alt.atheism object moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei wr ite anoth part thi thread you tell that goal natur moral anim surviv that human somewhat thi perhap goal actual suppos that your omnisci told you that long term surviv human requir extermin speci terrestri alien you let omnisci give inform thi not part origin premis that make moral type moral you talk natur sens not im mor harm anoth speci long doesn advers affect your guess keith alt.atheism member jcopelan nyx edu and write offici keeper list nicknam tha t peopl alt atheism didn had such list you your award nicknam buckminst time you post articl sign your nicknam dave buckminst fuller jim humor mean never you co peland list agre nicknam law laid gipu almost year ago you that written iron tab let that melt onc and had reinscrib sinc prophet gipu decre that you post list n icknam for frequent poster nanci alt.atheism polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write chimp sys tem live social group law dictat undesir behavior such law quotat mark enclos la w not such rule even instinct unwritten etc sure sort random chanc lead chimp so cieti into chao keith alt.atheism pompou ass articl qlef inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write thing refe r germani peopl that similar thing germani name that not true gave you two examp l pevas anti semit german christian hitler arriv system social rank that us impe rail germani and austria distinguish jew rest popul don thing order wors motto y ou that motto thing that will lead wors thing you don thing twenti twenti hindsi

ght you led jon alt.atheism object moral polit atheist articl qlf ginn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write anoth part thi thread you tell that goal natur moral anim surviv that huma n somewhat thi perhap goal actual human somewhat exactli thread you tell that na tur moral anim surviv and thi thread you claim that omnisci can and wrong thi om nisci us for criterion long term surviv human speci omnisci map into assign and wrong action suppos that your omnisci told you that long term surviv human requi r extermin speci terrestri alien you let omnisci give inform thi not part origin premis your origin premis habit chang time perhap you review for and differ omn isci assign and wrong action and tell result that make moral type moral you talk natur sens not immor harm anoth speci long doesn advers affect your guess talk moral introduc you implement thi omnisci that can assign and wrong action you ty pe moral that jon alt.atheism slaveri sex allow marriag articl apr cadenc ma cadenc masud khan write leonard give you exampl thi father recent bought busi busi price pound an d father approach peopl commun for rais pound interest free loan friend and rel and muslim knew had cash and rest busi loan pai muslim lender help loan clear ba nk debt and save intrest thi exampl muslim commun help anoth common ident muslim turn father help peopl bui hous minimis amount intrest pai and case bui hous in trest free fortun commun wrong thi bank start place sooner your father and pal w ill lend monei eventu broke and will realis that havn manag risk will that quant ifi risk and persuad borrow not greater loan can carri and sinc don want worri c alcul and handl monei will specialis that reinvent interest good muslim call fac t leonard work fluffi bunni sight ithat beauti islam riiiight that john major op en govern depart coupl month ago promot minor busi can lend anoth cup sugar jon alt.atheism moral polit atheist articl qlettinn gap caltech edu keith cco ca ltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write e xplain instinct act can moral act and happi listen for exampl instinct not murde r not murder moral signific sinc noth voluntari you that moral act signific volu ntari you thi you forc moral respons for and human abil disregard instinct make your mind instinct not murder not intellig be can moral even bahavior be mimic y ou start point mimicri not necessarili action imit parrot pretti polli isn neces sarili comment pulchritud polli you attach thing term moral thi good that anim s peci don kill each you thi not even correct anim speci kill anoth you that anim machin and that noth wrong sigh time round thi loop that instinct bahaviour mora l signific quit prepar that higher anim such primat begin moral sens sinc exhibi t awar anim speci kill each arbitarili don and poster you exampl exactli thi you short memori weren arbitrari kill slai relat sort mate ritual whatnot you that kill anim moral signific and not thi your natur moral you that thi isn act moral anim aren intellig possibl that organ not peopl talk can altern post you repli don understand your distinct you mean can small child moral gorilla dolphin plat ypu line drawn awar you blind you that thi sentenc mean possibl that organ not p eopl talk can altern that impli you call mechan prevent anim speci arbitrarili k ill each don you find fact that don signific find fact that signific jon alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl jxru new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb write you base your belief atheism your knowledg an d reason couldn that wrong atheism base ignor ignor exist god don fall into athe ist don pride mistak bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write articl jkj fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write hope islam bank bcci rip small depositor muslim commun and grow childish propagandist gosh greg g pretti good read line you preciou work thi refut you flesh bit miss full grand eur content virtu blind atheism bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism moral polit atheist articl inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write that moral behavior like null behavior smell si g materi bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank man hattan sea

alt.atheism cruel polit atheist articl mdinn gap caltech edu keith cco calte ch edu keith allan schneider write discuss relat death penalti and constitut not defin each word doesn cruel can dictionari and dictionari gain hand knowledg su ffer your post bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sa nk manhattan sea alt.atheism pompou ass articl jiinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu ke ith allan schneider write thing refer germani peopl that similar thing germani n ame that thing that and that weren wast time repeat sound knew look book avail a nn frank exhibit make your small world afternoon bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism thought christian articl ofnwyg voa andrew cmu edu andrew cmu ed u patrick leger write hear baptism birth that isn prei young don that prai young prei young come bright ei altar boi find priest wear that chasibl bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism polit atheist articl qlfd inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write chimp s ystem live social group law dictat undesir behavior such law quotat mark enclos law not your high and exactli quotat mark enclos law not case you didn notic fun ction that ironicis such rule even instinct unwritten etc sure sort random chanc lead chimp societi into chao perhap chimp that fail evolv cooper behaviour di a nd left that evolv such behaviour chanc you proclaim natur moral time organ evol v cooper behaviour natur moral bee danc jon alt.atheism object moral polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei wr ite human somewhat exactli thread you tell that natur moral anim surviv and thi thread you claim that omnisci can and wrong thi omnisci us for criterion long te rm surviv human speci that question isn goal not that obviou can set goal happi and liberti and golden rule etc goal aren inher defin object system omnisci map into assign and wrong action not difficult you goal mind and absolut knoweldg in tent etc you let omnisci give inform thi not part origin premis your origin prem is habit chang time perhap you review for and differ omnisci assign and wrong ac tion and tell result omnisci fine long inform not isn thi resolut free will prob lem interact omnisci situat type moral you talk natur sens not immor harm anoth speci long doesn advers affect your guess talk moral introduc you implement thi omnisci that can assign and wrong action you type moral that speak object system gener didn mention specif goal determin moral action keith alt.atheism islam caus believ genocid caus theism articl apr ultb isc rit ed u snm ultb isc rit edu mozumd write that can happen atheism beleiv knowledg reli gion good can happen thi tiresom statement come you definit not assert islam goo d belief islam good believ islam can produc good islam good blah blah blah that circular get and equal meaningless that produc good good that produc noth unappl i definit and you applic that true you true that silli convers you handedli that can happen atheism offshoot and becom true don and doesn religion aquaint islam teach exclus and cast and suggest harsh penalti for behavior that logic call fo r punish limit speech and sex for exampl thi not good pain and suffer justif for wave hand inaccess god you toss word knowledg bit carelessli for knowledg belie v contradict term infer that you mean believ term faith and you knowledg faith n oth jim halat alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg ja eger write precis reject god and leav islam perfectli free muslim and doubt and question exist god long not reject god that rushdi made atheism clear front suff ici number proper wit question regard legal issu statu time crime commit that pr oblem organ religi not idea that simpl speech such thi basi for crime jim halat alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl ursa bear halat pooh bear jim halat write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write precis reject god an d leav islam perfectli free muslim and doubt and question exist god long not rej ect god that rushdi made atheism clear front suffici number proper wit question regard legal issu statu time crime commit add that imposs reject god you choos p unish talk jim halat alt.atheism silli question tianiti articl apr daffi wisc edu mccullou snake wisc edu mark mccullough write insult your homest come wisconsin backward never

understand that peopl held such bigot and backward view never wisconsin neighbor minnesota child middl atlant found that state provenc that stood thi youngster mind california texa and florida name obviou minnesota and wisconsin stuck sole basi polit translat extrem liber and progress state and recent trip minnestoa la st summer serv support that state reput guess that wisconsin that impress peopl minnesota left neighbor question head wisconsin whether not effect relationship chees and serial killer jim halat alt.atheism nonexist atheist date apr edt kmagnacca eagl wesleyan edu articl bskendigc jcwx jzn netcom bskendig netcom brian kendig write quot delet peopl i dea mean atheist bobbi mozumd clone world thought that explain thing post soc re ligion islam attach quot bobbi effect that atheist ly evil scum and ask commonli held idea muslim respons ask unknown guess you soc cultur group middl east sout h asia area open islam channel defin atheist polytheist cuz world creat that eac h particl god creat god soc cultur african nice for contrast viewpoint benevol r eligion sudan mention alt.atheism keith relativist articl pigidinnsot gap caltech edu keith cco ca ltech edu keith allan schneider write not you thrown into cage tiger and maul yo u blame tiger aha admit moral relativist keith you start wafffl for human maul t hrown into cage speak you start post tome decent evid retract your absolut moral blurb week ago keith desert brat john mcvei elc eltnc eng whyalla uni australia level unisa edu darwin for repli mail whjjm whyalla unisa edu disclaim unisa ha te opinion doesn make rainbow beauti that god name smack understand refract mech an that chanc for produc jim perri perri dsinc alic chain alt.atheism thought articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write hope you not flame give coutesi you tammi person balanc reason argu ment tammi happi discuss make astound claim not back evid expect substanti origi n author had that opinion and not support peopl simpli not claim thing and logic flaw argument for christian effort convinc atheist and messag for will not thin g read you told that pink fluffi eleph danc sugar plum fairi dark side jupit dem and evid adda adda wainwright dim atal llanw eczcaw mip nott mae sig werth alt.atheism object valu scientif accuraci year can that christian moral arti cl jzv dc dc tommi kelli wrote articl qjahh mr horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer w rite scienc real world basi valu not round you you valu mean us and you scienc t hat you equat real world scienc recognit pattern percept univers and make qualit and quantit predict percept scienc process model real world base commonli agre interpret observ percept noth valu can valu not experi not and valu can refer me an for exampl comput scienc true and fals scienc base commonli agre valu interpr et observ scienc can result reinterpret valu object valu set valu propos believ applic valu underlai scienc not object sinc never fulli agre and chang time valu newtonian physic quantum mechan steve lang slang sling slink slick slack shack shank thick alt.atheism victim good fight articl tekig pen tek naren tekig pen tek naren bala write list kill name religion iran iraq war civil war sudan riot india pak istan massacar bangladesh inquist america million crusad massacr jew wwii millio n massacr inferior race wwii million communist purg million social religion cath ol protest quit imagin recent go bombai iodia area diseas introduc brazilian ohe r tribe million naren desert brat john mcvei elc eltnc eng whyalla uni australia level unisa edu darwin for repli mail whjjm whyalla unisa edu disclaim unisa ha te opinion doesn make rainbow beauti that god name smack understand refract mech an that chanc for produc jim perri perri dsinc alic chain alt.atheism keith schneider stealth poster articl innpit gap caltech edu kei th cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write you threaten motto peopl that us time somon write and describ norm infact inforc that norm program not for motto danger tell world that true american god fear and put not fear god doesn make da nger good job exist your currenc keith desert brat john mcvei elc eltnc eng whya lla uni australia level unisa edu darwin for repli mail whjjm whyalla unisa edu disclaim unisa hate opinion doesn make rainbow beauti that god name smack unders tand refract mechan that chanc for produc jim perri perri dsinc alic chain alt.atheism mari fault andrew cmu edu patrick leger write you occur todai th at thi christian thing can blame sole mari marri joseph get knock you joe will f

ind get mari come thi ridicul stori god make pregnant nice attempt chri verrri c lose you miss conspiraci step joseph knew knock couldn that mari prego that woul dn for popular local circl happen that feel guilti feel embarrass and decid impr ov imag downfal for clever come gain respect for coupl joseph and mari receiv pr ais paid jesu dave buckminst fuller that keeper nicknam alt.atheism origin bibl adda wainwright write state that thousand bibl disco v point time syllabl perfect thi meant that copi time time quot acquaint approxi m year death jesu thi complet nonsens codif bibl wingat peac god peac strife clo se sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism inimit rushdi apolog for long delai get respons thi post work re duc hour past coupl week had son born dai umar articl post btw respond coupl dai turn that coincident new softwar rearrang caus post thi site silent disappear i nto world thi revis that origin respons articl nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl nav i mil umar khan write articl finnm dsi dsinc perri dsinc jim perri write functio n illiter absolut concept natur such thing thi respons claim that rushdi made fa ls statement life moham disclaim fiction line fact and fiction stand thi distinc t fiction and fals statement not for write satan vers for peopl accept propagand ist version contain that book find singl muslim convinc that read book initi cla im shown knowledg book superfici newsweek stori impart and made factual misstat event book you thing thi you accus peopl make hominem argument repeat previou po st read tsv cover cover had not that claim sweep you made factual misstat event book rais past islam clearer view thread root rushdi islam law thread statement not that you had not read book that you had not convinc that you inter alia had you want defend your posit produc evid and respond evid post you not statement n ot directli aim you broadli number muslim poster repeat propaganda book indic th at haven read and narrowli gregg jaeger subsequ admit that hadn fact read book v indic skeptic that case thing your case statement you made book clearer view pos t challeng not interpret statement fact for instanc rushdi depict women respect famili islam whore and your claim had not thi that you read cover cover will res olv thi disagr critic interpret you support your end respond critic doubt abil m uslim thi book highlight find passag person offens you upheld view that tsv inte nd attack islam and muslim thi view defend mere assert you want hard amic and ra tion and club defend honest opinion that thi book not constru calcul insult atta ck islam and parallel opinion that critic book baseless propaganda support state ment and critic interpretationa context quot book and rushdi essai correspond yo u jim perri perri dsinc decis support inc matthew opinion for nomin fee can alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost chri faehl write atheist not mock concep t god shock that theist fallen such low level that god you accus atheist part co nspiraci evid rule condescend popul larg theist will not win peopl your faith an ytim ruin your credibl fallaci atheism faith hear faq beckon onc wonder rule del et you correct you didn conspiraci correct hard atheism faith rule don mix appl orang can you that extermin mongol wors stalin khan conquer peopl unsympathet th at atroci stalin kill million peopl love and worship and atheist state can wors that will not explain thi you stalin noth name atheism wheth not atheist irrelev grip man stalin exampl brought not indict atheism anoth exampl peopl will kill name that fit for occas rule you reli evid state wait oppos reli bunch black ink crumbl paper atheism prove noth you burden dogmat religi bullshit provid evid y ou refer and long you wait hard atheism noth prove justifi that god not exist fa q etc guess justif compel aren peopl flock hard atheism not and won for will dis courag peopl hard atheism point sourc reliabl statement hard atheism second make you defend religion recogn hard atheism for faith and refer reader post evid th at poster state that reli not theist can safe that definit theist not arrog sinc boast god god principl hard theist necessarili arrog such and such absolut unal ter true dogma true not prepar issu blanket statement indict theist arrog you wo nt atheist bzzt virtu your innoc pronoun you issu blanket statement will apolog qualifi origin statement hard atheist place atheist you call john baptist arrog boast greater that christian todai that arrog not worthi misinform your sophist put theist your misinform shine bake timmon iii noth higher stronger wholesom an d life good memori alyosha brother karamazov dostoevski alt.atheism islam and scientif predict genocid caus atheism dbstu dbstu bene

dikt rosenau write articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice wr ite and god almighti creat night and dai and sun and earth celeti bodi swim each round holi quran hmm thi agre ptolem system earth centr planet orbit round cope rnicu and gallileo wrong you haven read carefulli you you will that doesn circl not move circl oop word not word qur evid that round gener sens wishi washi stat ement not scientif note that celesti bodi vers interpol bracket translat incorre ct imho interpret mauric bucail translat studi arab for research into qur and sc ienc thi vers god creat night dai sun and moon each travel orbit motion qur posi t aspect thi vers note mauric bucail that geocentr commonli accept notion time a nd for long time notion geocentr thi vers anywher qur fred rice daric yoyo monas h edu alt.atheism islam and scientif predict genocid caus atheism cindi apr solan solan unit cindi solan solan unit cynthia kandolf write quot delet interest save bit bandwidth will copi koran quot and god almighti creat night and dai and sun and earth celeti bodi swim each round holi quran point thi quot make claim orbi t idea that orbit had held true for year koran written fact that orbit surpris i nsight concern word round two interpret thi word mean circl thi wrong believ tru e time koran written word not describ neighborhood univers exist thought time th i implic hope obviou mean round shape includ elips geometr form describ orbit pl anet thi not great insight shape you natur even approach squar rectangl human cr eat shape natur round degre even flat earther don claim earth rectangl children draw imaginari anim seldom give rectangular bodi instinct recogn that natur prod uc round shape assumpt that orbit planet round take divin inspir good rememb tha t translat extent interpret you point below back origin arab vers relev natur pr efer us mauric bucail translat book bibl qur and scienc for gener translat liter mauric bucail translat portion vers you address each travel orbit motion note t hat celesti bodi translat quot you translat interpol not exist origin arab inclu d bracket perhap can read origin arab can elimin interpret rate exactli impress you vers isn that remark bucail surgeon that think signific that vers contain ge ocentr idea even geocentr rage centuri and thi for rest qur vers natur rememb re ad onc fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism societ accept behavior articl qgm new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia l i uiuc edu mike cobb write question for basi moral moral ethic behavior societ a ccept behavior disagre societi think irrelev individu decid that import societi thi fairli obviou defin accept gener feel idiot polici can legal moral posit thi nk for ourselv mac michael cobb and won rais tax middl univers illinoi class pai for program champaign urbana bill clinton debat cobb alexia li uiuc edu tax and spend cut billion dollar deficit alt.atheism origin bibl articl apr nott eczcaw mip nott wainwright write arg ument origin bibl theist acquaint state that thousand bibl discov point time syl labl perfect thi meant that copi time time quot acquaintac approxim year death j esu adda bibl scholar agre that copi each book time time author wrote work thi t ime period and earlier that exist todai copi cut crap god wrote answer oldest su rviv copi testament part book scrap that date mid second centuri complet book le tter etc middl centuri complet collect testament date earli centuri thi period w rite earli church father leader quot scriptur write truth acquaint statement you mean that discov thousand bibl perfect copi date last part centuri you mean tha t thousand earli manuscript date not letter perfect and that probabl text can re construct document and that earliest origin autograph lost written start shortli bibl origin origin author call matthew mark luke john peter paul jame and not i dentifi long piec string long you make adda regard jim alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost jame hogan write timmbak mcl ucsb edu ba ke timmon write jim hogan quip summari jim stuff jim afraid you miss point you a dmit that atheist lot sleev you suspect nah will encourag peopl learn atheism at heist sleev suspect quit meager you want send your address learn your faith fait h yeah you expect peopl read faq etc and accept hard atheism you leap faith jimm i your logic run steam fine peopl shoot foot and mock idea god hope you understa nd jim understand you for provid healthi sarcasm that dispel sympathi had for yo ur faith bake real glad you detect sarcasm angl bummin that won get your sympath i your inclin sympathi for faith you religion newsgroup care make whisper your e

ar delusion jim can piti you jim and that you feel denial faith you pretend that will end happili you start newsgroup alt atheist hard you won bummin good job j im bye bake slim jim delet bye bake bye bye bye bye big jim don forget your flin tston chewabl bake timmon iii noth higher stronger wholesom and life good memori alyosha brother karamazov dostoevski alt.atheism studi book mormon don mormon and want independ studi book mormon don bui offici stori gold origin heaven haven read book mormon work learn bibli c hebrew will comment result studi style vocabulari place name intern consist an d for exampl evid for writer multipl writer mention event place histor person di scov archeologist collen andr grino brandt casilla santiago agrino enkidu mic ch ile hai ma realidad que realidad razon profeta alt.atheism gulf war and peac nik articl apr bmerh bnr dgraham bmer bnr doug la graham write wait minut you never plai chamberlain sinc plai chamberlain east timor concern wouldn that lead you that your argument irrelev and had noth gulf war your idea perhap rest world bomb missil washington invad nicaragua grenada panama vietnam mexico hawaii number place wait minut doug you inform that never invad nicaragua liber grenada cuban protect citizen and prevent complet strateg air strip panama invad true twice thi centuri vietnam invit govern vietnam guess invad saudi arabia gulf war mexico invad mexico time onc thi centuri missil for shoot that time hawaii liber spain you mean word invad sort militari action cro ss border you invad carri connot attack autonom nation nation invad virgin islan d invad virgin island thi point view your score fall mexico panama peac nik that doesn masturb gun ammo suppos bad peac nik believ peac cost word person support give hitler not austria and czechoslakia poland avert war and hitler wipe jew s lav and polit dissid area control long left rest alon suppos bad peac nik you de pend your valu you life liberti peac freedom guess not liberti and freedom mean you life you die fight for liberti live tyrant heel bad peac nik problem peac ni k not bad and unconscion not argument problem peac nik held ideal and stai confl ict issu deal nation defens not will legitim hold point view milit and time reso rt violenc name peac rank hypocrisi stop warmong will stand and defend freedom t yrant and realiz that requir strong nation defens time soapbox doug graham dgrah am bnr opinion regard jim alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost nancyo fraser sfu nanci patricia connor write timmbak mcl ucsb edu bake timmon write rule don mix appl orang can you tha t extermin mongol wors stalin khan conquer peopl unsympathet that atroci stalin kill million peopl love and worship and atheist state can wors that you and davi d koresh claim christian yup can hear million cheer for josef stalin eat your he art bake timmon iii noth higher stronger wholesom and life good memori alyosha b rother karamazov dostoevski alt.atheism risen lord and savior david keresh risen aliv spread word sole i ntent learn fly alt.atheism idl question for fellow atheist acoop mac macalstr edu wrote ath eist care specul face world atheist major minor group popul think thi and sinc c ut ti christian surpris note that larg major peopl finland apatheist even popul member lutheran church finland religi peopl minor that peopl god case peopl not want seek truth fall prei pascal wager poor argument small minor read bibl regul arli major doesn care believ doesn peopl don belief chang lifestyl want virtual gate open christian that not born spirit thi not disturb religion not afraid soc ieti true atheist major imposs dream religion strong appeal peopl nevertheless p romis life death human eagerli listen coupl threat etern tortur and idea that mo ral constant scrutini cosmic cop peopl poison smile pretend swallow and unconsci hope god wouldn notic atheist stanc and accor higher think theistic think typic selfish argument that line think evolv inher motiv not intrins qualit measur st ick drawn and cannot assign system belief core altern appli peripheri express se lfish logic and reason valu claim that atheist think higher theistic exposit the ist make unnecessari assumpt good reason god leap faith revel logic and reason t hi question bear resembl long disput problem scienc mathemat work strong deep st ructuralist atkin propos that perhap mathemat us criterion petri petri pihko kem pmp mathemat truth pihati finou oulu physic rule oulu kempmp game finland phoen ix oulu chemistri game

alt.atheism societ accept behavior articl asv new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia l i uiuc edu mike cobb write qvabj horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write articl qg m new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb write make wrong assumpt fo r basi moral come question idea that heard that moral come societ mandat aspect moral societ moral necessarili crude and broad brush stuff attempt deal that soc ieti and enthusiast individu moral thing includ societ more societi troubl stron ger for exampl peopl vegetarian eat meat perfectli legal question for basi moral moral ethic behavior societ accept behavior societi depend societi doesn point irrelev answer societi make rule that question societi make rule that anoth don claim answer don ireland and thing system principl defin accept depend thi come question ideal don consensu imo legal moral posit adopt default posit that peopl moral decis societi busi can put peopl jail can condemn societi sometim that ha rd trick recognis and equal importantli isn and interf interfer imo isn that int erfer jail and forc kind and degre and effect you deriv interfer difficult quest ion sort liar paradox forc for freedom justif that peopl freedom shouldn object freedom paradox doesn aris don activ freedom introduct permiss interfer problem that can peopl agre that level interfer for justic system can even defin that te rm consensu guess you situat law honour forbid come admit don understand that st atement mean that and such legal and such immor law let you you don eat meat for exampl frank dwyer not hatch that odwyer sse hen evelyn conlon alt.atheism islam genocid psilink robert knowl psilink write date apr gmt fr ank dwyer frank articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write borrow your post rice psilink robert knowl psilink write you that democraci dri ve forc massacr east timor odd that world massacr occur religi line independ cla im democrat form govern ireland and northern ireland consid democraci you attrib ut problem democraci even democraci motiv religion democraci rice point fallaci assert that islam evil claim follow evil not assert that democraci massacr read that and point that us indonesian kill east timores result democraci bit weak de mocraci not motiv for indonesia rememb east timor portgues territori forcibl ann ex indonesia last heard indonesian di east timor part indonesia portugues coloni strong cathol influenc east timor recal bit odd that anoth war fought peopl hap pen religion pure coincident guess real motiv vote and make democraci work indon esia point secess movement aceh brutal dealt past indonesian govern harshli sece ssionist movement evid appear that indonesian govern dealt harshli secess moveme nt that head indonesian arm forc for long time benni murdani christian indonesia heavi hand east timor for long time even murdani head arm forc peopl make indon esian govern gener motiv nation interest not religi fred rice daric yoyo monash edu alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost robert knowl write atheist time hand apo log didn bother read faq and fire imprecis flame that inexcus nicknam bake flame throw timmon robert koresh fetesh sic knowl good you weren koresh compound noon todai chanc you rememb koresh dri for your sin and pass that beef jerki umm umm wasn can reli you post you fetish for beef jerki and david koresh bake timmon ii i noth higher stronger wholesom and life good memori alyosha brother karamazov d ostoevski alt.atheism christian moral articl prca new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write articl jt n ew cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb write wrong god free time corr ect mistak that continu not supposedli proclaim undi love for etern soul speak v olum volum that speak fact that leav your choic you leav choic reason odd stori alleg son get kill for and past thousand year leav text pass centuri meddl mean and even word thi pass and interpret come vest interest not allow possibl that n ot ultim truth talk directli big god make time for creation love give each word direct convers busi unquestion miracul work and speak volum volum that never cha nc meet gui and chat alt.atheism death penalti gulf war articl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti w rite jbrown batman bmd trw write articl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti write f ortun think folk your good power and deem accept slaughter ten even hundr thousa nd iraqi order liber oil hkuwait won war hurrah hurrah number civilian iraqi dea th exagger and exploit for anti war emotion liber new media fact that iraqi di g

ulf war civilian war compar size thi centuri analyz thi claim size war defin num ber particip geograph area number countri involv number casualti size armi durat number casualti absolut and percentag involv geograph area and number countri m easur size thi case relev statist number combat total troop compar total casualt i total civilian popul affect geograph area compar war talk vietnam and korea ma ke good comparison liber new media talk western new gener american mass media cb nbc abc etc gener tone new war poor poor iraqi precis thi cruis missil blew thi build bit thi due short durat coupl precis surgic bomb techniqu technic recent suspect that medic advanc agre innoc peopl di blanket bomb don hear you bemoan p erhap topic hasn crop you want opinion that blanket bomb german citi end world w ar two appal act wholesal slaughter thi countri commit centuri bomber harri hero mine perhap and atom bomb mistak that easi enlighten viewpoint back war and ger mani and japan had squash million british had di hundr thousand french coupl hun dread thousand american and million russian not mention million jew pole and peo pl slavic descent german concentr camp thing consid fire bomb and atom bomb esse nti and justifi bring war quick end avoid even greater alli loss for don regret war never exact scienc smart bomb exact smaller percentag civilian casualti some tim mistak made target misidentifi innoc die that war entrench polit ruler oper selfish interest regard for live peopl that war and peopl suffer reason depos en trench polit ruler oper selfish interest you mean that thi appli alli fuss kuwai t and not east timor bosnia even tibet iraq bad sell stuff coupl week start bomb make claim effort justifi misguid foreign polici west war evid that west americ a misjudg hussein drastic onc hussein invad kuwait and threaten militarili corne r signific portion world oil suppli had stop war prevent judici and concert effo rt part west hussein invad kuwait hussein respons for decis invad and onc strong respons west requir mathew your sarcasm note you complet base you come sound co mplet peac nik idiot feel that not your intent your intent sound love christian you aren good job not love hussein hitler gobbl nearbi countri and continu mass slaughter peopl dominion stop hussein love thing for peopl involv onc set mind m ilitari conquest iraqi war wrong that appeas work war even mention appeas and ma ke you situat even remot analog world war two mention hadn interven allow hussei n kuwait appeas precis lesson world learn that motiv western allianc war let hit ler austria and czechoslavkia not stop happen and let hussein kuwait not stop ev entu gulf war protect saudi arabia guess shouldn fought innoc german civilian ki ll dresden and hamburg german human you unfortun that hitler grandios quest for thousand year reich consequ stem that tyrant hussein stop kind don understand di plomaci understand point gun regret that bush wimp and didn militari roll into b aghdad hussein power and iraqi peopl sacrific not mention american di for naught forward hear your incis comment east timor and tibet and for poor poor rodnei k ing you stop and juri trial brought back verdict not guilti thing thought hmm aw lot white peopl that juri policemen trial not rodnei king and american law dese rv juri peer had black offic involv black juror thi point allegedli racial motiv shallow foam mouth for blood policemen look video tape juri look evid evid you and not bunch policemen beat ly defenceless ground hard imagin thi evid hard ima gin argument incredul gain accept rever author construct logic argument can expe ct anoth revis kid wonder evid seemingli secret not you king deserv good beat an d live happili admit that thi prosecut defens talk cannot conclud due silenc pri ncip law thi countri intend protect right accus whether crimin cop not found gui lti reason doubt guilt and juri posit assess evid and render verdict fine find h ard imagin reason doubt thi case mean cop beat ly defenceless ground your explan mass hallucin orbit mind control laser fake video footag that excess forc invol v and frankli origin not guilti verdict baffl learn that prosecut case not convi ct charg excess forc simpl assault won convict charg aggrav assault intent infli ct bodili harm charg new comment akin attempt murder california law base prosecu t ask for evid that juri decid that offic not guilti note not not guilti wrong n ot guilti aggrav assault intent inflict bodili harm seed prosecut defeat overcon fid obtain verdict such that for extrem charg fact new comment present true feel not guilti verdict reason mathew thou shalt not kill thou hast pretti good reas on for kill case thou shalt kill and kill get cannot help jim brown bibl for lov e christian mathew quot pretti funni monti python fan you kind that vein oversim

plifi moral argument can make contradictori you that regard jim love christian alt.atheism free moral agenc articl pxq darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum osrh edu bill conner dean kaflowitz decai cbnewsj att wrote interest origin not ion you discuss moral free agenc that can god punish person for not believ that person natur and not for that person deni reason tell that god you let atheist m ytholog confus you issu webster myth tradit legendari stori belief truth accept uncrit that qualifi almost oxymoron amus instanc found that atheist hold almost atheist view accept uncrit that legend explain basic truth myth don meet criteri on divin justic fundament doctrin christian man sin that time you accus referenc mytholog you proced launch your xtian mytholog thi time meet requir myth salvat idea punish base proposit that instinct that god exist creator and not that god exist you fallaci noth terribl difficult thi and biblic liter christian controv ersi and that make true hold bibl rule controversi read faq you read you miss re ad not bad suggest for read thi pretend not and mean atheist claim that not god exist and don contradict bibl that author bibl claim repeat wrote for sake get a cross you trust bibl your trust doesn make credibl bibl that that reason doubt b ibl not your alleg god alleg exist refut speci wide condemn justifi that claim t hat evid for exist god that will unknown deliber ignor bibl ignor excus don igno r bibl bibl univers accept bibl not proof god proof that peopl thought that god prove even that write seri fiction short stori case dionet assum writer believ t hing possibl prove that believ and that ignor problem whether not interpret and biblic philosoph correct peopl never heard bibl read faq freedom you free ignor god you free ignor graviti and consequ inevit and case that atheist can accept e vid mean bzzt wrong answer graviti directli doesn stop exert direct and ration u ndeni influenc you ignor god hand doesn gener show supermarket tabloid god doesn exert ration undeni influenc graviti obviou god aren secondli human reason comf oratbl concept god that intrins natur human reason come back question god gener and human reason hasn come back exist god come back exist god word doesn gener c ome back xtian god come back whether god and orient philosoph histori gener does n pop idea god question natur forc and world wide view human natur make univers and forc control natur tendanc god exist religi wish think thi make point that c hristian emin reason that divin justic and human natur atheist whether you agre not xtianiti reason religion and reason doesn merit emin divin justic divin not atheist thing human natur second whether atheist correct not you not correct hum an natur you base your view complet eurocentr approach world you attempt sum hum an andrew alt.atheism genocid caus theism evid articl qibo horu mchp sni frank frank d wyer write absenc convinc evid that theist fanat danger atheist fanat continu wa ri fanat stripe that agnost fanat danger lot fair point mention theist and athei st left agnost mea culpa light that you theist pass agnost rememb your post your daughter sing chrisma carol and your feel you show margin honesti and answer qu estion you left open you ceas respond last time benedikt alt.atheism islam genocid articl horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write delet peopl can imagin dy for capit can imagin dy for democraci lot will die for lord and savior jesu christ di cross for sin motiv pure and simpl cite for thi nonse ns peopl will die for mom patriot freedom monei kid fast car and swim pool night kim basing mel gibson and thing evil read histori book fred and religion comman d commit genocid noth religion religion that not live standard religion wors die coincid assum ist part absolut moral you describ theism strongli correl irrat b elief absolut irrat belief absolut strongli correl fanat benedikt alt.atheism articl pepper east sun geoff east sun geoff arnold sun bo coast top write your post provok into check save file for memor post captur ken arromd e feb subject atheist that articl your question articl averag articl dai for las t year note current post rate such that kill file depress larg post save earli d ai articl notabl hei interest read post regularli post alt atheism loren sunligh t llnl gov loren petrich jchrist nazareth israel rel jesu christ nazareth mrc to mobiki cho cac washington edu mark crispin perri apollo jim perri lippard uavax ccit arizona edu jame lippard minski media mit edu marvin minski interest bunch hee hee hee ain promis that made can broken john law man honor word alt.atheism cruel polit atheist articl mdinn gap caltech edu keith cco calte

ch edu keith allan schneider write thi thread start discuss whether not death pe nalti constitut cruel punish forbidden constitut didn meant cruel you suprem cou rt and make sens refer constitut quit silent mean word cruel spent quit bit time word constitut pick word mean impli intent look dictionari defin word isn thi s uffici question found father cruel and unusu punish hang hang slow strangl pain physic and psychological imagin fire squad note not clean die back dai etc consi d cruel your definit allow constitut found father promis that made can broken jo hn law man honor word alt.atheism polit atheist articl ajinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write chimp system live social group law dictat undesir b ehavior promis that made can broken john law man honor word alt.atheism thought articl bissda saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan l awrenc bissel write arguement sum book whether jesu god not you don listen persp ect for gain listen read faq watch list week and come back and read book matter order broaden your view benedikt alt.atheism apostl tortur articl qiu innpq srvr engin umich edu ingl engin u mich edu rai ingl write evid for resurrect claim that discipl tortur death for b elief and not renounc claim that jesu had come back dead skim act and such and f ound refer thi happen stephen thi appar wide held belief come evid bibl evid bib l haven found earli author and legend import sourc can found martyriologia catho l church make grimm exact scienc benedikt alt.atheism polit atheist articl qlfd inn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write chimp s ystem live social group law dictat undesir behavior such law quotat mark enclos law not such rule even instinct unwritten etc sure sort random chanc lead chimp societi into chao system refer moral system you havn shown reason that chimp mor al system you redefin promis that made can broken john law man honor word alt.atheism articl pepper east sun geoff east sun write your post provok int o check save file for memor post captur ken arromde feb subject atheist that art icl your question articl averag articl dai for last year note current post rate such that kill file depress larg post save earli dai articl notabl loren sunligh t llnl gov loren petrich jchrist nazareth israel rel jesu christ nazareth mrc to mobiki cho cac washington edu mark crispin perri apollo jim perri lippard uavax ccit arizona edu jame lippard minski media mit edu marvin minski interest bunch didn you hear address chang can reach address dkoresh branch davidian compound w aco last post alt messian jim god dead and actor plai part sting word fear will find place your heart histori voic reason faith curs will teach freedom past thi ng can wors noth alt.atheism free moral agenc you that physic adam and ev and that human dire ct decend two human be cain and wive couldn sister didn daughter human genesi an d dai adam begat seth hundr year and begat son and daughter felicit chri stuart alt.atheism death penalti gulf war long articl rusnew manti mathew mathew ma nti write jbrown batman bmd trw write articl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti wr ite liber new media talk western new gener american mass media cb nbc abc etc ge ner tone new war poor poor iraqi precis thi cruis missil blew thi build bit odd suffer iraqi civilian end war and confin remain qualiti newspap true new media e ntranc gizmo militari not mention tape video transmiss missil zero target and bu nker full civilian hit chang tone that didn stomach for realiti war that innoc p eopl die and maim warfar pro gulf war long nice and clean smart missil drop mili tari hq not pictur dead dy and maim civilian start crop naiv hypocrit innoc peop l di blanket bomb don hear you bemoan discuss blanket bomb and bomb delet thing consid fire bomb and atom bomb essenti and justifi bring war quick end avoid eve n greater alli loss militarili justifi your comment below that you understood th i mean moral justifi apolog evid that america knew japan surrend hiroshima nagas aki that anoth lie peddl liber media conspiraci wonder thi thought that bomb dro p japan island fortress truk good inpenatr militari target second bomb held back for us industri center digress heard that found evid war btw that japan surrend bomb militari junta won moder and reject ulimatum second bomb drop unfortun imo for don regret nuke jap for jesu don regret fact that sometim militari decis ma de affect live innoc peopl regret circumst make decis and regret suffer caus dec

is fuss kuwait and not east timor bosnia even tibet iraq bad sell stuff coupl we ek start bomb make claim effort justifi misguid foreign polici west war evid tha t west america misjudg hussein drastic onc hussein invad kuwait and threaten mil itarili corner signific portion world oil suppli had stop can overlook chemic we apon thousand peopl threaten your drive huge ga guzzl car man gotta fact that si tuat exist that prompt and alli action back water countri back water countri wou ldn interven not that don care can world policman coup had occur kuwait invas wo uldn act not immin danger perceiv saudi arabia combin two unprovok invas genocid tyrant and potenti danger west oil interest caus action move paragraph hadn int erven allow hussein kuwait appeas you hear advoc such action you set strawman no t set strawman you want argu war logic altern hussein kuwait diplomat altern inc lud sanction ineffect guess shouldn fought innoc german civilian kill dresden an d hamburg german human you unfortun that hitler grandios quest for thousand year reich consequ stem that translat ask for sens had idea end hitler lead nation d idn support hitler dream conquest not democrat vote for polici nsdap elect and t hat last chanc german peopl vote matter suffer rest thi bother you world full ev il and circumst not perfect innoc suffer due wrong action regret that perfect so lut forward hear your incis comment east timor and tibet peopl east timor kill d ictatorship that invad countri hell even western journalist kill thi happen gulf war didn send bomber east timor aren send bomber not savior world can polic eac h and countri that decid destruct invad anoth strateg posit relief tibet east ti mor place that paragraph move your intent sound love christian you aren good job not love hussein hitler gobbl nearbi countri and continu mass slaughter peopl d ominion stop hussein love thing for peopl involv onc set mind militari conquest chines govern polici mandatori abort and steril tibetan tibetan peopl round tort ur and execut amnesti intern recent report that tortur widespread china aren sto p fact activ suck trade freeli stop and support for not agre present polici suck you put agre that deplor and for poor poor rodnei king you stop and juri trial brought back verdict not guilti thing thought hmm aw lot white peopl that juri p olicemen trial not rodnei king erm sure irrelev trial juri suppos repres cross s ection popul suppos reflect popul local trial held thi crime commit parti can co nvinc judg chang venu order not expert california law even law that thi system s et you can critic system not unfound alleg racial prejudic thrown and american l aw deserv juri peer you that black peopl not peer white peopl not point that fac t that black juri and that rodnei king black total irrelev thi point allegedli r acial motiv shallow thi idea peopl juri peopl stupid nuremburg trial had juri ma de nazi german perhap peer doesn mean thing murder judg murder mean peopl statio n life posit understand defend motiv foam mouth for blood policemen look video t ape juri look evid evid you and not bunch policemen beat ly defenceless ground h ard imagin thi evid hard imagin argument incredul gain accept rever author const ruct logic argument not talk logic argument talk court law faq point fallaci arg ument not view fallaci court law grant you thi reason part your logic argument t hi discuss thi not court law fact new comment present true feel not guilti verdi ct reason you not talk earlier bia liber media conspiraci media not total monoli th even prevail liber bia program such macneil lehrer new hour give balanc and f air report new even conserv sourc you hurrah for rush btw never us word conspira ci don accept evid theori that pervad liber conspiraci attempt new sourc thou sh alt not kill thou hast pretti good reason for kill case thou shalt kill and kill get cannot help jim brown bibl for love christian mathew quot pretti funni mont i python fan you kind that vein oversimplifi moral argument can make contradicto ri you that atheist argu kill innoc peopl you suppos christian argu that kill in noc peopl long you guilti didn that good thing kill innoc peopl end don live per fect world and perfect solut resist tyranni innoc peopl side suffer and die didn unfortun sometim moral relativist argu that satur bomb german citi end world wa r can evil and unnecessari act agre that evil sens that caus pain and suffer not that unnecessari you that conclus can arriv evalu factor involv and perhap unne cessari that doesn mean that had make decis bomb didn rare can full consequ acti on make decis time ahead don assum that feel bomb moral justifi don don condemn had make difficult decis difficult circumst you criticis moral relativ past argu that posit judg moral alli action end war you not such posit you moral relativi

st absolutist posit judg defer judgment you argu that action assess context time and that moral not moral wrong moral make decis bring quick end war simpli refu s condemn for decis your christian love your absolut moral quick you discard sui t you ivan stang jesu puke dai will stand jesu and give account word and action even thi discours thi forum understand full ramif that and prepar don that you c an make claim mathew and btw reason brought blanket bomb germani you bemoan iraq i civilian casualti deplor blanket bomb institut bomb wasn accur hit industri mi litari target decis method that time gulf war precis bomb norm point make big st ink rel civilian casualti that result spite precis bomb civilian proportion and quantit di blanket bomb even precis bomb mistak happen and civilian suffer civil ian suffer thi war iani histori iraqi civilian live minim interfer alli air raid stori hundr thousand iraqi civilian dead plain bunk bunk lost servicemen year a nd major directli involv fight expect swallow that hundr thousand civilian iraqi di war last month and alli precis bomb creat that hogwash hundr thousand iraqi civilian di due action hussein peopl not due alli bomb regard jim alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost maddi hausmann chirp timmbak mcl ucsb ed u bake timmon write you reason gui not honest and includ sentenc that honest end that swear that nice hmmmm recogn warn sign altern polit and rude come into new sgroup huge chip shoulder call peopl name and make nice whirrr click whirrr you forgot equal whirrr click whirrr below whirr click whirr frank dwyer contain tha t shell pop stack determin whirr click whirr killfil keith allen schneider frank closet theist dwyer maddi mad sound geek hausmann whirrr click whirrr bake timm on iii noth higher stronger wholesom and life good memori alyosha brother karama zov dostoevski alt.atheism islam and scientif predict genocid caus atheism articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write posit aspect thi vers note maur ic bucail that geocentr commonli accept notion time and for long time notion geo centr thi vers anywher qur notion heliocentr even galacticentr sole intent learn fly alt.atheism amus atheist and anarchist mccullou whippl wisc edu write turn b ack and reread your post you attack atheism and that agnostic wasn funni atheism that impli that you agnost weak atheist peopl post such inflammatori remark the ist reason assumpt you not state rule condescend popul larg theist will not win peopl your faith anytim ruin your credibl condescend popul larg state that happe n true for long time couldn that peopl believ thi god idea alien concept not win peopl faith you put faith religion issu had attitud never even occur atheist de fault guess you common form condescend ration versu irrat attitud onc accept ass umpt that god and faith irrat simpli assumpt contradict your assumpt lack consis t you faith posit belief that god not exist close logic argument ration peopl pr oblem that logic you soft atheist for flamag line atheist have sleev impli that read clipper project and paranoia seep clipper project btw rule don mix appl ora ng can you that extermin mongol wors stalin khan conquer peopl unsympathet that atroci stalin kill million peopl love and worship and atheist state can wors tha t ruler similar thing past stalin plenti document afix blame evid that earli eur opean ruler rule iron fist stalin you threw number and sick hear stalin exampl e xampl doesn appli you manag angri your post appear attack form atheism appear at tack atheism gener point that mass kill happen for sort reason peopl will hate w ill and will wave flag justifi cross hammer sickl stalin exampl import not wide unappreci era that peopl want forget peopl love and idea even that had wrought e vid refer lack evid neg evid claim pink crow never pink crow that doesn mean cou ldn exist thi person claim that pink crow even admit hasn captur photo find etc sens that evid not exist pink crow that evid supposs evid for deiti show flaw an d doesn show theist want show and pink crow unicorn elv argument world will not swai peopl for simpli not accept analog big reason that peopl want thi life you can pretend that don want thi for can accept and even want sometim and noth uniq u thi exampl peopl want god can love truth proven logic god god principl hard th eist necessarili arrog make sens arrog make such claim previou refut stand and a noth net john baptist boast jesu peopl find hard that behavior arrog christian b oast thi not necessarili arrog arrog christian doctor and teacher technic you pe rson origin made claim arrog jesu for instanc you talk atheism strong atheism yo

u talk weak atheism refus such claim atheism lack belief us good occam razor mak e final reject deiti that thing even present hypothesis equal fasion find theist argument not plausibl speak strong atheism find that evid support faith subject evid support love truth subject answer that apolog for you state incorrect assu mpt your theism noth that you agnost that you anoth newbi christian net cheap sh ot apolog bake timmon iii noth higher stronger wholesom and life good memori aly osha brother karamazov dostoevski alt.atheism you god court articl tan psuvm psu edu andrew newel tan psuvm ps u edu write articl apr daffi wisc edu mccullou snake wisc edu mark mccullough ar ticl monack helium monack helium ga uug arizona edu david monack write anoth iss u that request not requir recit god part oath theistic juri prejud your testimon i even atheism not relev case recommend procedur for request altern oath affirm dave for follow respond server drop week worth new couldn you ask swear you god and you jesu allah vishnu zue odin specif don obnoxi humbl quit sit back and wat ch fun jame felder sverdrup technolog inc phone nasa lewi research center clevel and ohio email jfelder lerc nasa gov peopl drink fountain knowledg peopl gargl alt.atheism thought articl healta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write deletia wrt pathet jee zu post bissel hope you not flame give coute si you hasn extend courtesi you shown don pie tammi respect your belief you don stamp into scorn for poster sole purpos appear evangel tammi alt.atheism apostl tortur tradit church hold that apostl mean surviv discipl matthia barnaba and paul martyr for john tradit understood read earli church wr ite bibl and heteroorthodox scriptur wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism thought articl saturn wwc edu bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write want start and that christian make sens you read toni campollo book liar lunat real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian process chr istian sound you part conspiraci organ belong name book that jesu liar crazi mod ern dai koresh logic alert artifici triferc explain that never exist good point made thi group that not imposs that amalgam number myth mithra come mind reason wouldn liar follow die for lie wouldn peopl liar peopl gather and gather hear ha d heal call fool heal peopl logic alert argument incredul hard for you thi doesn mean that isn true liar can pursuas koresh that you site follow that don fake a nd shown that will die not give get shot koresh shown that will die for believ h eal remem heal that attribut not consist gospel heal that not that faith healer can pull todai that earli gospel weren that compel stori bigger appeal niether l unat entir nation drawn crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn david koresh f ool logic peopl thi sinc wasn liar lunat real thing not exist number thing that logic pitfal that us flaw logic thi fall into bifurc tri quad etc that valid pro ceed step person show conclus that altern that onc agre that set argument altern can present and like true can deduc exclud altern can shown that set not inclus conclus base incomplet set invalid even true choic origin choic valid altern co nclus that real mccoi isn two altern longer valid thing note fulfil load prophec i psalm isaiah and hr alon thi betray and crucifixion don bibl thi moment time w rite will us rabbi knew propheci wouldn great shake make list action that fullfi l propheci compel set clear and explicit propheci and had absolut knowledg fullf il don peopl understand christian not lot church life and total sacrafic for god sake love die and save hei can god inspir turn live that tuff and peopl don wan t real christian for strong persever weight lift guitar plai drum take time don rush dai christian your life not church onc week help poor peopl onc box into ti me unit such work thi time sport social life god box and carri into box that cre at for ourselv agre you bui into thi load mytholog and that total life respect f or xian that don myth true true entir pick and choos that lot leav bad tast mout h jim jame felder sverdrup technolog inc phone nasa lewi research center clevela nd ohio email jfelder lerc nasa gov peopl drink fountain knowledg peopl gargl alt.atheism thought fri apr gmt healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali trh hope y ou not flame give coutesi you trh you courteou and receiv courtesi return thi pe rson post worst argument made pro christian peopl jesuit laugh face present such argument ignor fact that not true trilemma for moment nice word maddi origin re al word and concentr liar lunat part argument claim that follow liar alon thousa

nd peopl ron hubbard not liar and con artist thousand peopl follow dianet and sc ientolog baker and swaggert televangelist lie time number follow for lunat examp l hitler insan advisor thought had countri entral and close rule europ german ga ve live for thi dai follow amaz that peopl us thi argument wrong mccreari edm tw isto compaq not for laughter tao alt.atheism thought christian apr gmt bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain art icl ofnwyg voa andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu patrick leger write hear baptism bi rth that isn prei young don that prai young prei young come bright ei altar boi find priest wear that chasibl thing scotsmen kilt never forget dai twelev and ac cid walk roomful priest sit underwar drink beer and watch footbal kind chang opi nion bit didn menac that mccreari edm twisto compaq not for laughter tao alt.atheism victim good fight apr level unisa edu desert brat tdb diseas int roduc brazilian oher tribe million fair thi happen eventu time american reach eu rop and thing happen matter togeth mccreari edm twisto compaq not for laughter t ao alt.atheism year can that christian moral frank frank dwyer write articl apr abo mandtbacka finabo abo mat andtbacka write and object valu specif and import antli motiv wild guess and freedom object valuabl freedom world gener doesn free dom tibetan for exampl mathew alt.atheism koresh god latest new that koresh will give onc finish write seq uel bibl mathew alt.atheism articl innf senat bedfellow mit edu tcbruno athena mit edu tom b runo write stuff delet bring point post peopl alt atheism sinc damnedest stai to p stuff delet hmm usenet collect hook into switch engin start read alt atheism n ot post messag time sinc never understand peopl can find time write can bare mcc reari edm twisto compaq not for laughter tao alt.atheism year can that christian moral repli frank frank dwyer peopl not word object mean put word moral assum idiom and cannot defin separ term give obj ect moral moral built object valu dictionari philosophi anthoni flew objectiv be lief that moral truth that remain true thought desir for instanc deliber inflict pain anoth simpli pleasur suffer thought plausibl exampl even world sadist reje ct content remain true remain correct even left count problem for objectivist de termin statu moral truth and method can establish accept that such judgement not report relat naturalist fallaci cannot prove fact natur world can analyt sinc t hi involv lack action guid content thing plainli true virtu vord involv unhelp p ractic guid action analyt and synthet thi point objectivist talk evid truth can deni subjectivist claim that evid mind behold not left claim that moral judgemen t true subjectivist feel that that remain that moral judgement associ hold moral opinion suggest not true prefer human activ david nye nyeda cnsvax uwec edu mid elfort clinic eau clair thi patent absurd wish becom philosoph learn not frighte n absurd bertrand russel alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl apr andrew nrp andrew norman paterson write don you germani daughter born and don german right vote live right citizen brit ish citizen virtu parentag that not full citizenship for exampl don children bri tish virtu fairli that obtain citizenship make applic for requir immigr germani almost that onc appli for citizenship inevit thi case interest your sentenc fact peopl come children born that will human right compar islam countri thi respect peopl iran children will human right you interest for your propaganda purpos ti me that don iran exemplari good islam state talk right peopl capitalist secular world countri give exampl lack right world countri broadli for exampl central am erican secular capitalist countri govt support amnesti intern point human right vacua gregg alt.atheism year can that christian moral vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek rob ert beauchain write articl jxru new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike co bb write you base your belief atheism your knowledg and reason couldn that wrong atheism base ignor ignor exist god don fall into atheist don pride mistak you b ase ignor couldn that wrong wrong fall into trap that you mention heck talk and didn comment line thought mac bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai bl ew bronx and sank manhattan sea michael cobb and won rais tax middl univers illi noi class pai for program champaign urbana bill clinton debat cobb alexia li uiu

c edu tax and spend cut billion dollar deficit alt.atheism koresh god fri apr mathew mathew manti latest new that koresh wi ll give onc finish write sequel bibl can fed tax evas don rememb hear run post o ffic last night mccreari edm twisto compaq not for laughter tao alt.atheism pope jewish west cvill wam umd edu stilgar write pope jewish tho ught that pope bear you that bear shit wood pope cathol connect two line alt.atheism bibl quiz articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write arti cl qgbmt usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu frank kirschner write sun star t orbit earth will accept bibl sinc atheism mean trash religion god inbreed you son pope john paul alt.atheism islam author women benedikt rosenau dbstu wrote object belief pe rfect and make believ act and observ that don contradict defin contradictorili c annot exist that not exist secondli explan for exist object belief you read faq benedikt benedikt can recal claim that god make act particlar that you attempt m anufactur contradict god requir behavior compuls believ sens duti standard condu ct exist free ignor misunderstand distort wai find conveni respons god edict can us question god exist behavior believ complet separ question that god exist not h contradictori that defin contadictorili cannot exist ask you exist depend gram mar you can that poorli defin that insuffici decid confus your point that reason for phenomenon belief object belief lead rat nest unnecessari complex you impli your version thi altern bill alt.atheism islam author women scott sauyet ssauyet eagl wesleyan edu wrote peopl hidden motiv state reason for war includ religion you can claim that real reason econom polit ethnic strife fact remain that justif for war conquer heathe n you want for instanc that econom chief crusad you make that point come and dem onstr that manner you show that not religion you thi manner elimin for crusad sc ott don make outrag claim religion affect and effect histori for purpso point th at claim made wrong and noth valid atheism time made statement that religion sol e point that make that kind claim mistaken deliber credit religion awesom power domin histori misunderstand human natur function religion and histori that disto rt histori thi exaclti and for affect bill alt.atheism thought jame felder spbach lerc nasa gov wrote logic alert argum ent incredul hard for you thi doesn mean that isn true liar can pursuas koresh t hat you cite thi basi great reject christian account thing word madalyn murrei h air face folk silli disbeliev your incredul you admit that fallaci bill alt.atheism thought kent sandvik sandvik newton appl wrote articl vice ico t ek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain wrote spank wrong didn lord liar lunat ori gin lewi thi campollo fellow and isn clear connect absurd notion origin christia n origen similar statement attribut anselm that understand case reason somewhat exalt post accept mean that statement can properli analys thi venu bill alt.atheism thought christian mccreari edm twisto compaq wrote apr gmt bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain articl ofnwyg voa andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu pa trick leger write hear baptism birth that isn prei young don that prai young pre i young come bright ei altar boi find priest wear that chasibl thi statement ath eist sure not intend wit bill alt.atheism thought christian kent sandvik sandvik newton appl wrote thi goo d point averag peopl not christian fear escap quit simpli improv social life inv olv american cultur kid immigr for exampl sinc overwhelm major religion western world form simpli choic peopl bore and want live not somethong ordinari weak lon g doesn hurt social pressur import factor for major passiv christian world todai case earli christian promis heavenli afterlif independ your social statu promis gift reason slave and roman accept religion rapidli thi hypothet proposit you f act you cite your sourc thi amateur sociologist sub branch suffic alert unwari t hat you screw bill alt.atheism nicknam maddi hausmann madhau netcom wrote jcopelan nyx edu and write start poster annoi bobbi bill your command bill shit stirrer connor bobbi circular mozumd not nom net exactli come close wade make insight dead monei reps ons agre that get stir character respond kinder you insist surpris find that off end case unavoid for fair import check contribut haven gener and patient verit p aragon gentil btw don mind pair bobbi admir tenac you thi hostil environ you off

ens read your post love and kiss bill name conner not connor point humili innoc alt.atheism islam author women keith ryan kmr cwru edu wrote nice cop bill y ou idea you refer you mind explain cop bill alt.atheism death penalti polit atheist thi fascin atheist argu for abort de fend homosexu mean popul control insist that valu biolog and condemn war and cap it punish benedikt contardictori cannot exist thi case mean atheist suppos under stand atheist can object war excel mean control popul growth capit punish logic escap and capit punish question proprieti kill punish basi ecomplaint bill alt.atheism american and evolut robert singleton bob thnext mit edu wrote is n mutual exclus lend weight increas notion run estim posterior probabl atheist p itch partit and necessarili reduc quantiti theist pitch thi divin compon fall pr ei ockham razor phenomenon satisfactorili explain and independ evid such compon detail post occam razor not law natur analyz argument even interest cite and end odd that religion simultan condemn primit simpl mind and unscientif anti intell ectu and childish and condemn complex occam razor scientif explan thing straight foreward and appar simpler essenti and you that even scientist don fulli compreh end scienc due complex and divers william occam perform lobotomi frontal lobe an d thrown thi confus you will straighten tough bill alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost timmbak mcl ucsb edu bake timmon write y ou disprov thing you fail nail post claim that believ possibl god exist god not exist don attack strong atheism sinc guess you below that make weak atheist snip you reason gui not honest and includ sentenc that honest end that swear hmmmm r ecogn warn sign altern polit and rude come into newsgroup huge chip shoulder cal l peopl name and make nice whirrr click whirrr clam bake timmon bill shit stirre r connor whirr click whirr frank dwyer contain that shell pop stack determin whi rr click whirr killfil keith allen schneider frank closet theist dwyer mind reel bobbi mozumd maddi hausmann madhau netcom centigram commun corp san jose califo rnia kid don thi home rememb post profession alt.atheism death penalti polit athei articl apr abo mandtbacka finabo abo m at andtbacka write rusnew manti mathew write noam chomski read thi wrong talk ou tright govern control media aka censorship doesn quick stop shop refer work that short argu for manufactur consent film media you altern movi sourc thi book you r local altern theatr contact film transit intern sale jan rofekamp notr dame mo ntreal quebec canada tel fax telex filmtransmtl reader call zeitgeist film shami m moham uunet noao cmcl arizona shamim shamim arizona edu thi cross and garlic m ezuzah jewish page koran muslim and zen buddhist you your member leagu for progr am freedom write lpf uunet net alt.atheism request articl vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain w rite bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain subject request date apr gmt articl qllg mailer fsu edu mayn fsu edu write excess stuff delet that local church elder ge t revel god devast quak schedul level area independ corrobor friend appar had si milar revel quak fact respons request lot seek sign god verac vision thi terribl interest for amount stir creat area peopl take claim make plan target date loca l religi radio station devot hour discuss topic even call live broadcast host th at full account convers provid famili and surviv devast and ruin that will invar i follow quak bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and san k manhattan sea similar incid year ago climatologist ithink that profess name ib en brown predict that earthquak hit madrid fault dec school missouri that fault line cancel school for dai peopl evacu madrid and town teh wouldn supris journal ist area resid teh earthquak never occur us live southern illinoi and lican midd l school built directli fault line had school laugh poor idiot believ predict bo b you want excus convert christian you gonna tammi trim heali alt.atheism studi book mormon articl snx enkidu mic agrino enkidu mic andr g rino brandt write agrino enkidu mic andr grino brandt subject studi book mormon date sun apr cst don mormon and want independ studi book mormon don bui offici s tori gold origin heaven haven read book mormon work learn biblic hebrew will com ment result studi style vocabulari place name intern consist and for exampl evid for writer multipl writer mention event place histor person discov archeologist collen andr grino brandt casilla santiago agrino enkidu mic chile hai ma realid ad que realidad razon profeta don book mormon supposedli translat biblic hebrew

read that prophet joseph smith traslat gold tablet sort egyptian ish languag mor mon post tammi trim heali alt.atheism societ basi for moral articl prv new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike cobb wrote expect follow notion societ mandat moral pardon extrem couldn murder your brother and that exercis right felt good didn want forc mora l don follow your moral good statement appli empir measur defin exact social mor al moral base social rule ancient religi doctrin will never common and singl den omin for defin moral and such defin absolut and object moral doom fail long huma n thi incred talent creativ think cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand pri vat activ net alt.atheism genocid caus atheism articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monas h edu fred rice wrote fred problem such reason that for believ measur tool state that person real muslim christian person not such tool and religion misus power and make bad show sore point religion word show movement that can spin khomeini stalin davidian hussein don such system exist reason for that condit free will human free will can li and half truth system and abus for end don such tool exis t addit such thing object inform togeth religion and doctrin freeli misus purpos thi remind descart whisper deamon you can trust bother cheer kent sandvik newto n appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism free moral agenc articl pxq darksid osrh uoknor edu bil okcforum osrh edu bill conner wrote for your question moral free agenc christian posit f reedom acknowledg god moral practic direct outgrowth excercis that freedom you f ree ignor god you free ignor graviti and consequ inevit and case that atheist ca n accept evid mean that prefer not accept noth evid agre had hard feel not belie v grand grand mother told elv danc barn earli morn prefer not accept even statem ent provid truth life hard cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat act iv net alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl mvo blaze jhu edu arromde jyusenky jhu e du ken arromde wrote articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write read thi gro up benefit know deviant view articul not true view khomeini basic principl islam point view atheist you claim khomeini wasn practic true islam that you member g roup suppos you two true muslim fred rice answer thi earli post problem your arg ument that you not real believ and fake thi person and god your assumpt that cla im believ believ not necessarili true word that defin true and fals muslim back squar khomeini and hussein innoc and can defin evil good islam worshipp cheer ke nt sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism islam author women articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice wrote problem your argument that you not real believ and fake thi person and god your assumpt that claim believ believ not necessarili true that l eav door total open for khomeini hussein rest consid true muslim and you can jud g thi god and person you appli your rule atheist agnost you don belief thi and g od hoopla khomeini not real muslim and hoopla atheist not real human be cheer ke nt sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism suggest for resourc faq date mon apr gmt bruce stephen bruce liv erpool good book summar and compar religion good confess don that check faq had alert reader list book suffer christian base agre that traffic thi natur islam r efer good overview nice book present fairli unbias account religion call man rel igion john noss textbook class had compar religion such thing decent bibliograph i each chapter jump point for read doesn compar religion directli describ each i ndividu and note similar noth read even remot describ preachi christian base fac t christian mercifulli consum page book divid major region world biggi began ind ia east asia east noth world religion aztec maya inca etc stuff peopl kill each nowadai and older religion snuf you stuff coupl book call ancient east jame prit chard pretti cool epic gilgamesh code hammurabi stuff back men god and god men e ssenti read for wish make religion and make sound real good alt.atheism amus atheist and agnost date apr gmt bake timmon timmbak mcl ucs b edu atheist time hand apolog didn bother read faq and fire imprecis flame that inexcus nicknam bake flamethrow timmon you weren koresh compound noon todai cha nc you rememb koresh dri for your sin and pass that beef jerki umm umm alt.atheism object valu scientif accuraci year can that christian moral arti

cl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti wrote lpzsml unicorn nott steve lang write v alu can refer mean for exampl comput scienc true and fals not lisp true you defi n statement that defin polar and state consid polar mean nil fals true cheer ken t sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism mari fault dfuller portal videocart dave fuller write nice attem pt chri verrri close you miss conspiraci step joseph knew knock couldn that mari prego that wouldn for popular local circl happen that feel guilti feel embarras s and decid improv imag downfal for clever come gain respect for coupl joseph an d mari receiv prais paid jesu lucki for that babi didn obviou deform mari get pr egnant wedlock save face and joseph that god that pregnant and babi turn deform even wors stillborn lot explain dave buckminst fuller that keeper nicknam nanci you and author thi quot send email andrew cmu edu life not ceas funni peopl die ceas peopl laugh alt.atheism islam and scientif predict articl nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl navi mil umar khan write man centuri arabia not includ holi qur assum had author judg qur not mutton head argument wade todai lot book written thi subject book can speak eloqu hope bob beauchain bobb vice ico tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bnr rashid write not thi charg shati m appli rushdi and encompass umbrella fasad rule defin word shatim and fasad you us john david munch jmunch hertz ele calpoli edu heart can chang full hate love peopl allow base live heart can happen danger situat opinion bobbi mozumd descr ib problem atheism alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl apr nott eczcaw mip nott wain wright write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write author refer author world islam commun point simpli that islam law appli muslim wherev despit fact t hat islam law not enforc islam countri muslim resid decid islam commun rule lega l consequ isl not decis rule legal consequ islam law and not law thi obviou enfo rc judgment distinct make judgment for exampl judgment world court thi internati on recogn tribun judgment physic econom effect import despit fact that judgment cannot enforc person excommun similar decid mete violent law such fatwa break la w and person such liabl prosecut you read thi thread thi post ignor countri law prefer religi law not indigen countri question absurd and arrog notion sort anar ch anarch explicitli islam you for your reason respons besid point make thi thre ad gregg alt.atheism jewish settler demolish mosqu gaza iwxm new chalmer bertil dtek chalmer bertil jonel write articl kutluk ccl umist kutluk ccl umist kutluk ozguv en write atheist not mention quran quran point view and minut reason can that su ch thing peopl that atheist aren atheist quran word din mean individu think beha v commun order and protocol base set belief thi interpret weaker term religion a theist not mention quran jew mushriqin christian etc din din you set belief assu mpt etc forma social code for exampl marxist such histori conflict etc that not put idol sometim repres assupt not mean mushriq roughli polytheist cannot social atheism commun that commun common idea standard belief coordin societi inscrib assumpt nation progress natur consequ human activ parlamentarian democraci doubt lessli govern individu insist not god quran point view definit atheism not exist atheist societi fact mean reject din our atheism can exist peopl reject idol go d dogma supposit societi that part and that case that person deviat belief and q uran tell such deviat and disbelief mention quran point thing atheism macro leve l minut kutluk alt.atheism nostalgia recent rise nostalgia thi group combin incred level ut ter bullshit prompt comb archiv and pull alt atheism for your read pleasur post coupl dai group concensu demand that stop run good materi haven care past save a ttribut come john johnson correct wrong thi longest entir collect that propheci fulfil christian religion and judg claim import claim fulfil earlier jewish prop heci scribe matthew perhap eager draw think prophet answer career jesu nazareth you will matthew main strategi testament passag not even promis messiah and appl i circumst testament bear mind question authent account sinc gospel written year jesu execut not happen exactli state for purpos analysi will claim face immanue l begin begin mari will bear son and you joseph will name jesu mean salvat for w

ill save peopl sin thi happen fulfil lord had spoken prophet isaiah dai ahaz bce king judah rezin syria and pekah israel made war jerusalem capitol judah not qu it conquer hous david ahaz and court judah told thi heart and heart peopl shook and lord isaiah meet ahaz and lord spoke ahaz prophet isaiah natur sign your lor d can deep sheol high heaven ahaz won will not put lord test isaiah hear hous da vid not for you weari men that you weari god lord will give you sign behold youn g woman child and will bear son and name immanuel mean will eat curd and honei r efus evil and choos good for child refus evil and choos good land two king you d read will desert matthew home sentenc that ital hebrew word almah young woman sp ecif virgin thi not propheci messiah not propheci event happen year not propheci virgin bethulah mother short not jesu matthew made us vers context and make fit specif case mari note that want read propheci gener manner gener can made fit m ari mari virgin not young woman child fit shadi and problem jesu thought christi an walk men never call name immanuel christian wish claim thi propheci for jesu becom cut and past propheci second class propheci not convinc egypt jesu birth b ethlehem matthew tell quick and unment excurs egypt wish liken jesu mose thi esc ap alleg infanticid rampag king herod and remain death herod thi fulfil lord had spoken egypt cal led son lord thi hosea israel child love and egypt call son ca ll peopl sacrif al and burn incens idol matthew conveni omit rest hosea oracl is rael that onc call egypt want return thi histori jesu not spoken and draw kind p arallel wind jesu that flee and resist thi propheci not convinc matthew had hope rachel weep jesu vacat egypt matthew that king herod sought kill and order exec ut young male children matthew write thi that spoken prophet jeremiah fulfil voi c heard ramah wail and loud lament rachel weep for children refus consol refer p assag jeremiah refer carri israel into exil sargon assyria bce rachel ancestor m ajor tribe israel ephraim and manasseh weep for descend metaphor sinc rachel liv e and di hebrew even egyptian exil interest note that leah not rachel ancestor j udean land jesu and bethlehem weep for children leah connexion that rachel bethl ehem that legend that buri north citi ephrath bethlehem for herod and infanticid that such event occur never event not mention allud anywher bibl mention secula r record time herod unlik reign and evil deed herod carefulli record thi prime e xampl event ad jesu life enhanc messag church gospel stori similar tale infant m ose egypt highli like that devic set matthew add prophet artifici approv jesu no t surpris that matthew conveni neglect mention rest jeremiah quot children proph et speak not dead exil assyrian empir comfort weep rachel that children will ret urn will gather back togeth thi not suit matthew purpos children speak dead for good propheci matthew set not even that and bother check not convinc nazaren not even chapter find anoth matthean propheci leav egypt joseph wife infant jesu li ve citi nazareth that spoken prophet fulfil call nazaren thing notic that matthe w not mention name prophet thi time second messian propheci speak nazaren wors p ropheci period mention nazaren wors nazaren mention testament book judg angel te ll samson mother that will judg conceiv and bear son razor tough head for will n azirit god dai birth will deliv israel hand philistin thi not propheci jesu mess iah that can found matthew begun overboard cut and past propheci that simpl make bear diseas jesu heal peopl physic ill and disabl thi fulfil spoken prophet isa iah infirm and bore diseas expect vers quot isaiah quot context and word skew fi t christian scheme sure suffer servant born sick and carri pain read surround pa ssag isaiah that prophet speak present tens collect nation israel jehovah chosen servant and peopl speak israelit suffer exil voic gentil nation that thi imag d eepli ingrain jewish ident imag chastis cherish israel instrument nation salvat vers speak israel take sick liter and metaphor manifest guilt and disciplin not speak servant and heal peopl notic that servant isaiah take sick and pain nation and individu jew jesu not diseas vers isaiah not propheci come that had happen believ that jesu etern punish hell not bear ill heal want that figur jesu reenac t deed israel spiritu aton admit that matthew parallel miss intend effect silent messiah heal multitud common that jesu order quiet presum that wouldn arous att ent local ruler thi fulfil spoken prophet isaiah behold servant chosen belov sou l pleas will put spirit and will announc justic gentil will not wrangl cry aloud will hear voic street will not break bruis reed quench smolder wick bring justi c victori and gentil will hope name isaiah passag quot read behold servant uphol

d chosen soul delight put spirit and will bring justic nation will not cry lift voic make heard street will not break bruis reed quench smolder wick will faithf ulli bring justic will not fail burn dimli discourag bruis establish justic eart h and coastland await law you matthew conveni left part passag not suit deal jes u christian never jesu fail never light mankind burn dimli servant nation israel will come end job gentil come embrac will longer chosen peopl will children end phrase chang judaic coastland await law christolog gentil will hope name origin proclaim torah law jehovah rewrit fit strang doctrin believ name doubt servant refer not jesu read chapter isaiah and hear belov blind and imperfect servant pe opl rob and plunder that matthew attempt propheci examin crumbl dai and night co me propheci supposedli utter mouth god jesu speak crucifixion and resurrect for jonah belli whale for dai and night will son man heart earth dai and night discu ss can occur jew understood dai dai name each hour long last sunset sunset refer dai period light end sunset time scale sabbath dai began fridai even and last s aturdai even thi jew celebr sabbath daylight portion saturdai sundai real miracl that christian didn forget that saturdai seventh and last dai week dai and nigh t refer togeth hour daylight portion and hour night period spoken jesu that will grave hell unresurrect for dai and night good book tell jesu crucifi ninth hour fridai afternoon put into grave that jesu left grave rose dawn call sundai dawn sabbath thi mean that jesu time for clariti grave fridai night time sundai morn add time fridai sinc bibl not specif thi mean jewish time that grave for dai tw o night and possibl coupl hour dai thi problem for jesu predict absolut even dea th involv dai and night even modern time measur led suspect that thi error anoth matthew mistak and that gospel writer put fals word into god mouth and matter m ade predict unconvinc counter convinc hear understand jesu tool habit speak vast audienc parabl stori deeper mean found you elect chosen understand messag jesu reason that can understand parabl peopl cannot understand bother sinc will not a ccept plain messag matthew audienc fulfil propheci isaiah you will hear never un derstand and you will never perceiv thi peopl heart grown dull ear heavi hear an d shut ey not perceiv ear and understand heart and turn for heal origin isaiah p assag part earlier work call ministri thi bce israel flourish fall author assyri a isaiah see good time end and vision call bring reform israel and judah and and thi peopl hear and hear not understand and not perceiv make heart thi peopl fat make ear heavi and shut ey will not ey hear ear and understand heart and turn a nd heal isaiah long lord and citi lie wast inhabit and hous men and land utterli desol and men and forsaken place land and tenth will remain will burn terebinth oak stump stand tree fell holi seed stump that peopl israel stop listen prophet warn reaffirm promis made solomon and david seed lineag you read rest isaiah yo u find that thi fulfil plan us israel servant light nation isaiah that matthew c ut and past portion isaiah vers suit gospel that alter word make fit peopl didn understand jesu stori and isaiah vers not propheci command present onc matthew p ropheci fall flat face matthew make jesu parabl prophet approv noth parabl thi f ulfil spoken prophet will open mouth parabl will utter that hidden sinc foundat world matthew botch attempt quot not prophet psalm will open mouth parabl will u tter dark sai thing that heard and thing that father told will not hide children come gener gloriou deed lord point vers psalm not come prophet you want that ea rlier copi matthew gospel even insert isaiah name thi prophet appar scribe caugh t error and cover perhap signific part thi that onc matthew alter testament scri ptur jesu earlier speak parabl that will not understand parabl psalm not hidden speak thing that father told jesu deal thing hidden sinc foundat world jesu deal t lot secreci and confus thi direct opposit parabl psalm matthew had rewrit and onc matthew artifici propheci fall flat face christian rare thi matthew propheci aren thing christian that begin bad excus faith that discipl cast demon case no t know epilepsi peopl thought diseas posses demon that discipl unabl dispossess epilept jesu perhap enlighten report rebuk didn faith thi strang thi demon speci al that true believ faith not appar faith will move mountain you will find dai t hat can move real mountain part sea miracl charismat can speak rumour happen tri p mexico farawai place major miracl make woman arthriti feel sundai morn and god includ jesu shroud ancient lore and write protect skeptic sacr past dead sleep hide heaven peopl rumour immin return and great miracl dai long life tale mystic

stori miracl distant time distant place god us reveal men dai jehovah silent th eologian give excus don god anymor lazi not zealou sin plan put demand appear ha d faith will meet term even piou men not you dear reader not not liter you that true that presumptu and bold search your heart you mean that religion make peopl feel good and content not faith not merit sometim love peopl you worship live p eopl chang that peopl lull sleep satisfi turn into everydai sight that not speak not peopl us world that good compass human heart love and men and women forgiv practis christian atheist alik beauti creat mind man thing that thi faith jesu r ide ass shortli accept role jewish messiah king jesu request donkei brought for ride into jerusalem thi place fulfil spoken prophet daughter zion behold your ki ng come you humbl mount ass and ass colt passag quot zechariah read differ your king come you triumphant and victori humbl and ride ass ass colt will command pe ac nation isn that differ that zechariah involv anim ass colt matthew read poeti c word slightli differ jesu call for colt and adult ass matthew version comic pi ctur divin christ sweat straddl two donkei thi inevit lead theolog proctolog dil emma find that account written earlier mark colt call for and brought jesu thi f it vers zechariah properli and show that matthew attempt us prophet vers bungl e xclud respect christian met notic that christ thought ridden ass situat revers n owadai enter jerusalem templ priest anger peopl and youngster call jesu messiah jesu repli expect matthew haven you read mouth babe and suckl thou brought perfe ct prais like that matthew made thi respons sinc jesu never point such prophet t hing and sinc expect quot error fit matthew track record quit jesu matthew haven you read for sourc read psalm yahweh lord majest your name world you glori chan t heaven babe and infant you found bulwark your foe enemi and aveng passag comme nt perfect prais spoken psalm and prais not messiah king and not jesu mention ca se matthew pen make conveni prophet scriptur yhvh lord jesu ask promis jewish me ssiah king descend jew agre king david jesu counter quot psalm lord lord sit han d put your enemi your feet face jesu deni necess david descent assum opposit ans wer christian answer that agre make hidden point reveal mysteri divin natur mess iah king tempt thi christian and not interest matter investig problem jesu time psalm thought messiah and easi david refer messiah superior scriptur messiah tha t expect great king bring jew time even david rule jew listen had good answer an d passag refer divin messiah such christian worship problem li mean thi psalm er ror that appar jew jesu time had made rememb that faction jew result expect mess iah king jesu appar adventist audienc thought messiah advent immin and interpret psalm messian problem psalm liter read yhvh utter lord sit hand make your enemi your footstool yhvh send your mighti scepter zion rule midst your foe your peop l will offer freeli dai you lead your host holi mountain you priest order melchi zedek forev word lord mistakenli capitalis christian bibl denot divin thi lord h ebrew word adoni and capitalis exist adoni simpli mean lord gener term us us scr iptur refer king and address respect noth text impli that word refer divin messi ah king that thi suppos written david not titl psalm translat psalm david psalm david fit assum written court poet david coven and endors psalm had written davi d that talk messiah idea perfect king descend david not present david ag extens tale david do and sai includ prais messiah psalm show evid written long david de ad time exil had put show favour for david kingdom hold descript psalm fit david david promis rise power victori enemi success judgement nation conquer achiev p riesthood common melchizedek righteou king enabl bless peopl fit not blame thi p roblem matthew alon not artifici propheci allud us scriptur question thi event c ommon gospel matthew easili thi time interest note matthew dress event earlier g ospel mark tell tale jesu simpli speak crowd matthew pharise religi competit inf ant christian target jesu question expect matthew write that event end embarrass pharise such power pen mose jesu had togeth leav gospel stori matthew momentari li pseudo propheci john gospel gospel stori john deserv special treatment remov real event jesu career told even matthew for moment will vers earli church leade r found religion jewish hope messiah king and artifici extens origin promis made construct histori abraham mose wrote promis land and nationhood jewish peopl th i accomplish eventu rule king david christian decid that claim fulfil promis exp and promis preach heavenli kingdom john speak your father abraham rejoic dai and glad nice tie approv for jesu abraham abraham knew noth jesu messiah christian

and fail find event testament correspond john propheci par for john make testame nt back forerunn matthew christian that faith foundat such fraud and surpris cli ng potter field told that jesu betrai jerusalem follow juda iscariot matthew wri te and throw piec silver templ juda depart chief priest take silver isn law for put treasuri sinc blood monei bought potter field buri stranger fulfil spoken pr ophet jeremiah and thirti piec silver price price had set son israel and gave fo r potter field lord direct thi propheci utterli gross bastardis testament script ur matthew made mistak name prophet zechariah utter vers matthew make us zech an d weigh wage thirti shekel silver yhvh cast treasuri lordli price paid thirti sh ekel silver and cast into treasuri hous yhvh vers zechariah not deal betray mess iah deal shepherd like priest chosen serv function presid peopl shortli send jud ah and israel into conflict anoth word treasuri had replac king jame scholar pot ter precis thi made matthew quot fit thi blatant error correct translat hebrew t reasuri make perfect sens zechariah context potter field total unrel whether mis transl intent not specul matthew track record find hard resist notion intent dis honesti matthew ampl reason for alter text thirti piec silver match juda situat and christian reader will disregard contextu incongru matthew anoth propheci tos s correct translat zechariah directli contradict situat juda and high priest hig h priest not put monei treasuri worthless shepherd zechariah exactli opposit ave rag thursdai night bibl student propheci present matthew testament face matthew work convinc wine vinegar cast lot jesu led crucifi gave vinegar drink mingl gal l tast not drink and had crucifi divid garment cast lot that fulfil spoken proph et part garment and vestur cast lot vinegar offer jesu common sour wine type tha t roman soldier drank regularli find that jesu di soldier give drink not pollut gall jesu thirst bowl vinegar stood put spong full vinegar hyssop and held mouth had receiv vinegar finish matthew draw not passag prophet psalm look for piti a nd for comfort found gave poison for food lit put gall meat and for thirst gave vinegar drink add punish punish acquitt thee blot book live sour wine offer jesu request drink thi show piti psalm quot david and polit and militari enemi not m essiah jesu not surpris that run into problem that jesu psalm ask for damnat cru cifi jesu gospel jesu father forgiv don matthew miss attempt creat propheci gall bitter substanc put into jesu drink not meat psalm stipul propheci vinegar faul ti natur cast lot thi bring psalm deserv discuss suffic that fact that jesu clot h divid told great thing turn that thi happen felon dai will perhap erron passag psalm appli jesu bring interest question qualiti jesu cloth for man remov world li possess ownership cloth worthi cast lot rais suspicion psalm thi psalm attrib ut david lament condit attack enemi becom song prais yhvh and hope context part fit plight jesu crucifixion quit will examin primari passag vers god god you for saken you help word groan god cry dai you don answer and night find rest jesu cr i sentenc cross thi suggest that psalm jesu king david rest stanza not fit nice jesu execut jesu not pictur complain ordeal suppos lamb led mute shearer jesu do esn groan even cross not cry dai and night cross worm and man scorn men mock mak e face and wag head commit yhvh deliv for delight thi fit jesu execut pretti exc ept holi messiah call worm bull encompass open mouth wide raven and roar lion ye a dog round compani evildo encir cle pierc hand and feet can bone divid garment and cast lost for raiment you yhvh not deliv soul sword life power dog save mout h lion and afflict soul horn wild bull quit convinc and earli christian father w rote thi propheci thought thi propheci fatal flaw word pierc not exist psalm cor rect hebrew translat yea dog round compani evildo encircl lion hand and feet heb rew phrase lion and rare verb form can mean pierc differ phonet charact word heb rew text liter lion ari make sens context and even fit anim imageri emploi psalm writer conveni that urg christian chang word aru add need artifici weight proph eci thi christian translat chosen correct translat not elimin psalm refer jesu a bsenc not for honesti translat apart erron vers psalm not lend jesu easili vers speak suffer save sword cross thi natur fit psalm true subject king david side n ote that crucifixion not pierc hand palm forearm thi doesn favour tradit thought resurrect jesu show discipl scar palm fact aren bound religi belief matthew esc ap culpabl thi time not attempt draw direct link thi psalm and lord jesu psalm m ind gospel writer compil stori and interpret jesu life and death scriptur contri but written question that repercuss for christian theologi easi for not faith fu

ndamentalist event testament enhanc scribe such eager matthew specul simpli inve stig scriptur matter and prophet claim thi not good thing for matthew refer pier c lot jesu crucifixion john gospel recount written year fact tell jesu execut so ldier pierc side spear and blood and water thing place that scriptur fulfil will pierc thi built passag blatantli context prophet zechariah tell nation israel w ill split jerusalem and judah and war and yhvh will give victori judah and that dai will seek destroi nation that come jerusalem judah and will pour spirit comp ass and supplic jerusalem that pierc will mourn and weep bitterli you weep first born child john attempt make propheci perhap weaker that matthew attempt matthew excontext passag john error grossli obviou and blatant not speak for gospel wri ter help show prophet aspect religion found reckon transgressor arrest jesu quic kli execut for claim jewish kingship messiahship version gospel tale jesu get ex ecut two thiev and crucifi two robber left and scriptur fulfil reckon transgress or mark link jesu passag isaiah servant nation israel passag not messiah for rea d chapter isaiah and surround chapter see that servant nation vers thi servant p ast not predict come event servant thought crimin thi happen fit descript jesu h ad passag messiah not clear execut jesu two thiev fulfil propheci isaiah jesu fi ttingli fulfil ministri consid blasphem and troublemak career lock singl event p oor steal propheci thi case that mark had made analog gener comparison mark cruc ifi jesu revil thi expect coupl robber recount luke decid chang thing luke tell and crimin hang rail aren you messiah save and thi fit mark recount tell peopl c rucifi jesu save and that robber luke crimin rebuk don you fear sinc you sentenc condemn and justli for receiv due reward for deed thi man noth wrong and jesu r ememb you come your kingdom and jesu answer verili you todai you will paradis th i dialogu highli contriv stretch imagin bit thi pictur ruffian rebuk fellow crim in such eloqu speech strang pictur crimin lament good punish and just suffer suc h man appar nobl and principl doesn like robber amount theatric creat luke luke recount disagre mark luke crimin revil jesu not easi discount discrep account ma de part error free word not thi avenu open thi anoth exampl writer testament pas sag and expand and reinterpret suit theologi thi case embroideri creat embarrass problem end world come perhap extraordinari and embarrass passag testament foun d synopt gospel stori and cast unfavour doubt theori christian jesu mention dest ruct jewish templ and build and discipl thi and end world warn discipl will thi templ destruct and will sign your come and close ag jesu care that lead you astr ai for will come name christ you will hear war and rumour war for thi place end not for nation will rise nation thi begin birthpang will deliv you put you death and fals prophet will aris and lead astrai endur end will save thi gospel will preach world testimoni nation and end will come you desol spoken prophet daniel judea flee mountain immedi tribul dai sun will darken star will fall heaven will sign son man heaven and tribe earth will mourn and son man come and will send a ngel and gather elect learn lesson fig tree branch becom tender and put leav you that summer you thing you will that gate you thi gener will not pass thing plac e dai and hour not angel not son father you readi for son man come hour you not expect thi clear that jesu thought world lifetim discipl tell that doesn exact d ai hour that will come and readi theologian wet pant panic find thi holi error j esu made explicit told discipl that gener end and that prepar for prepar swept r esort remov inerr natur bibl and that phrase thi gener not pass mean thi race pe opl will not pass word for gener us time refer exactli that gener discipl intere st notion that god decid learn greek didn learn make clear quit obviou rest dial ogu that discipl suppos live end world charg mistransl complet blown apostl resp ons becom abundantli clear rev peter john and rev that jesu meant exactli end fo r year christian rationalis thi chapter matthew mean altogeth for year wait for execut leader come back hear war and rumour war that come sure wait can you imag in tire sit holi wait for moment spring shortli crucifixion jesu nazareth joshua ben joseph di that dai dai and night period time etern second can decid make fo r troubl resurrect glow divin radianc saviour decid wasn interest religion stick and disappear sight into heaven stori thing attribut jesu peopl write gospel st ori jesu fulfil propheci and scriptur that thi matter quit shaki church histori christian held fast faith simpl belief doctrin object not solv argument brute fo rc faith and forget question question and investig never easiest treat matter fo

r year propheci cite testament larg accept thing continu that for time paus mome nt doctrin christian accept and us properli improperli support war and persecut suppos propheci christian can secur hold jesu don that come bring peac earth hav en come bring peac sword alt.atheism thought bissda saturn wwc edu dan lawrenc bissel write want star t and that christian make sens you read toni campollo book liar lunat real thing titl write book part effort destroi christian process christian assum you post encourag comment histori toni campello read not arguement sum book whether jesu god not you don listen perspect for gain listen good hear that reason christian christian scientist note australia strong movement bunch christian scientist tha t singl event bibl exactli true and that ration explan for that can justifi law physic for exampl chap prove that ag univers year and that error convent calcul result fact that speed light rapidli decai year and thi not account for book tha t jesu liar crazi modern dai koresh that never exist and bibl stori and never in tend becom manifesto for billion peopl toni follow that reason wouldn liar follo w die for lie wouldn peopl liar peopl gather and gather hear had heal million pe opl di for lie thi point difficult substanti sinc not defin great religi argumen t work that aztec warrior sacrif god belief that thi act bring victori spanish i nvad list endless aztec lost btw call fool heal peopl that perfectli reason not ground for becom christian point not add weight claim that jesu real thing nieth er lunat entir nation drawn crazi doubt fact redicul for exampl drawn david kore sh fool logic peopl thi you documentari rise nazi germani point toni mention thi call werner heisenberg and colleagu fool illog men support hitler base presum e mot issu ration agreement principl argument invalid toni thought that hitler san e sinc wasn liar lunat real thing hmmm don argument warrant us thing note fulfil load propheci psalm isaiah and hr alon thi betray and crucifixion don bibl thi moment time write will us thi alot religi discuss had peopl result quot bibl rea son peopl can bibl treat stori sort metaphor represent messag that author presen t interpret part bibl liter will end sort shit toni argument perfectli reason fo r peopl event describ bibl place convinc think bibl total fiction that jesu real quot book total pointless for exampl mathemat you cannot equal equal don peopl understand christian that possibl explain peopl kill religi war and hundr versio n claim correct not lot church life and total sacrafic for god sake love die and save hei can god inspir turn live that tuff and peopl don want real christian f or strong persever weight lift guitar plai drum take time don rush dai christian your life not church onc week help poor peopl onc box into time unit such work thi time sport social life god box and carri into box that creat for ourselv you post thi part alt religion you flame never understood emot sentiment stranger i nterest peopl famou that two evil life polititian and church rule fear live fear dead press find exact quotat cheer charl alt.atheism bibl quiz articl apr ccsua ctstateu edu kellyb ccsua ctstateu ed u wrote articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan write sun start orbit earth will accept bibl sinc atheism mean trash religion god inbreed you son that witti sig file sum great deal atheist thought imo simpl sentenc atheism isn religion steve mullin vo stratu man empti purs into opinion stratu opinion head can benja min franklin alt.atheism islam and scientif predict articl nrl navi mil khan itd itd nrl navi mil umar khan write strongli suggest that you book call bibl quran and scie nc mauric baucail french surgeon not comprehens research imagin your librari can for you interlibrari loan hold time read short baucail began investig bibl pre ceiv scientif inaccuraci and inconsist assum that problem caus poor translat dai read find hebrew greek arama found that problem didn wors decid religion had pr oblem pick holi qur french and found similar prob lem not appli logoic had bibl learn read arab problem had found french version arab unabl find wealth scientif statement holi qur find made sens modern understand investig tradit hadith had scienc fill scienc problem contemporari narr time had pour standard primit world view conclus that impress that holi qur had scienc accur impress that holi qur not rampant error evidenc tradit man centuri arabia not includ holi qur assum ha d author short writer writer quran decid stai scienc you not open your mouth you don put you foot into your mouth you quran not talk scienc can not make claim b

obbi that you great scienc quran basic want that religi text suppos scientif tre atis request theist stop make such wild claim vinayak vinayak dutt mail vdp mayo edu standard disclaim appli alt.atheism bibl contradict list bibl contadict you dispit free christian ve rs bibl alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl jt new cso uiuc edu cobb al exia li uiuc edu mike cobb write vice ico tek bobb vice ico tek robert beauchain write atheism base ignor ignor exist god don fall into atheist don pride mistak you base ignor couldn that wrong wrong fall into trap that you mention wrong go d free time correct mistak that continu not supposedli proclaim undi love for et ern soul speak volum for trap you not posit that don god not you can motiv you t hat earnestli search for god for year and never found bob beauchain bobb vice ic o tek that queen stai blew bronx and sank manhattan sea alt.atheism silli question tianiti articl pww spac rice edu pww spacsun rice edu peter walker write pww spacsun rice edu peter walker subject silli question tianiti date mon apr gmt articl qaqi inngj gap caltech edu werdna cco caltech e du andrew tong wrote alt.atheism islam and scientif predict umar khan khan itd itd nrl navi mil w rote strongli suggest that you book call bibl quran and scienc mauric baucail fr ench surgeon not comprehens unabl find wealth scientif statement holi qur find m ade sens modern understand investig tradit hadith had scienc fill scienc problem contemporari narr time had pour standard primit world view conclus that impress that holi qur had scienc accur impress that holi qur not rampant error evidenc tradit man centuri arabia not includ holi qur assum had author thi book worth re ad sensibl view thi issu book two section section contain fairli reason analysi bibl show inconsist bibl and modern scienc that surpris section analys koran ver sion testament stori and face present good case show koran consist modern scienc plain that thi consist vagu phraseolog koran flood for exampl bibl full detail forti dai and forti night pair anim etc thi nonsens koran descript event obscur make interpret such big river flood for dai and caus damag contradict not fact k oran consist modern scienc consist due vagu compar book that time not achiev boo k conclud koran had divin inspir time written lot ridicul idea univers and can f ound koran argu for great book talk not absurd extrem memori miss point leonard mail newnham bradford alt.atheism bibl and abort jame lippard lippard skyblu ccit arizona edu wrot e exodu and men struggl each and strike woman child that miscarriag injuri sure fine woman husband demand and pai judg decid injuri you appoint penalti life for life ey for ey tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burn for burn wound for wound bruis for bruis straightforward interpret vers that men fight strike w oman and miscarri penalti fine woman injur di lex talioni doctrin ey for ey appl i thi jewish interpret and support jewish commentari vers thi quit embarrass for pro lifer christian altern explan altern interpret word miscarriag mean prematu r birth child born aliv and injuri mean injuri woman fetu thi not straightforwar d interpret not support jewish commentari and not appear support part bibl histo r refer abort thi time ancient jew refer understand abort ask not make point vei l question understand medic procedur abort not surpris bibl make refer make refe r nuclear power and contamin your interpret reason reason reject hand king jimmi translat mischief thi not necessarili impli woman wife expect and spontan abort feel that life not simpli process halt alt.atheism you will hell you blashephem you will hell for not believ god pr epar for your etern damnat alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger wrote khomeini advoc view that seri twelv islam leader twelv imam free error sin thi m ake heret wow you quicker point heresi church middl ag even sheik azhar don clai m that shi it heret accus and fabric shi it come saudi arabia wahabi for that ma tter you read origin work sunni imam imam madhab teacher two imam jafar sadiq si xth imam shi it plenti fals propaganda float shi it esp sinc revolut good work s hi it present view and teach school make assumpt and alleg peopl thi group islam gener shi it alt.atheism note bobbi articl apr ultb isc rit edu snm ultb isc rit edu mozu

md write peopl not relig citi peopl that care for religion lot crime lot murder thi end lack religion that wrong happen live tokyo for year and half and reason intend back indefinit freedom enjoi can walk anywher and mean anywher time dai n ight and not feel uneasi even ethnic minor clue for bobbi bother tokyo citi and tokyo citi neglig level violent crime and street murder will lead item nation ne w iii popul almost univers atheist time for stroll beirut night you compar bobbi mozumd cheer simon simon clippingdal simon dc warwick depart comput scienc tel univers warwick fax coventri alt.atheism islam clearer view articl bafc dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau writ e dbstu benedikt rosenau subject islam clearer view date tue apr gmt articl heal ta saturn wwc edu healta saturn wwc edu tammi heali write gener accept that rise inquisit reason tortur introduc roman countri end middl ag word holi mother chu rch lead infal holi ghost spread roman cathol church claim lead infal pope that church wick thing xtian and believ alik rational that pope speak cathedra infal base claim dogma pope jesuit origin and not accept mid last centuri benedikt you for enlighten tammi alt.atheism cannanit genocid bibl excus for ignor rememb read onc that bibli c tribe philistin exist modern dai palestinian info post tammi alt.atheism get point reader ask you post list sda church fundament belief w arn you long list post sundai sabbath come won read saturdai and don time greatl i you touch hope you reast and relax weekend hope tammi alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg ja eger wrote precis reject god and leav islam perfectli free muslim and doubt and question exist god long not reject god that rushdi made atheism clear front suff ici number proper wit question regard legal issu statu time crime commit gregg y ou that rushdi left alon and normal life word islam support notion forgiv cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg ja eger wrote state parallel thread not anarchist islam anarchist control thi not c hang fact that for citizen resid violat islam law thi interest notion and scare case finnish citizen live usa and conform law finnish govern not activ check thi countri word check conform finnish law islam law curs that you world shade chee r kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism object moral polit atheist articl qlf ginn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider wrote type moral you talk natur sens not immor harm anoth speci long doesn advers affect your guess heheh you thi object moral someher tell you that thi not case and you don rule such transcendent game system cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism free moral agenc and kent articl healta saturn wwc edu healta sa turn wwc edu tammi heali wrote time ezekiel written israel apostaci and not mist aken tyre make war israel princ tyre human ruler tyre wick man call satan king t yre ezekiel that satan real ruler tyre tammi thi explicitli state bibl you assum that you that ezekiel indirectli mention anoth metaphor for instanc ezekiel mad landlord talk wrote princ tyre interpret mundan ezekiel wrote princ tyre wrote princ tyre cheer kent sandvik newton appl alink ksand privat activ net alt.atheism sci skeptic religion alt atheism articl psuvm psu edu john johns on psuvm psu edu write standard group sci soc talk conform stricter rule establi sh and show volum post will ceas exist group reach site usenet alt group post op inion mathew suggest that alt atheism verg garbag post fundi and elev statu stan dard group and volum such post make unread tend agre start and watch grow root t alk religion misc for atheist come forward past trash xian and such stabl core a nd frankli feel that thi group mainstream lot place and fuck fundi looni freshma n will dump find jeesu and warn that hell want real alt fan brother jed and imag in that imbecil tirad will time post selfish find learn lot and isn bad brown an d boobi distract that even bring leaven need offset greatli fear that mainstream basic put swamp level conner world regard dew dewei heniz sy net admin risc har dwar pager alt.atheism inimit rushdi thi part gregg not understand post give support bo unti rushdi life that correct end point gregg concept legal western don accept c omment islam law make great deal sens and even make sens person member group rel

igion bind follow wai group bound group requir minimum big bone content that pic k that west secular govern that maintain level control and requir requir option group major read thi thread tune note didn agreement idea that you final respons secular govern and that group group person chosen that mind not secular law leg al peopl defin term hold person group onc decid separ secular author agre that r equir sort contractu etc secular enforc allow group group member past group memb er religion can and and requir addit duti group member and can enforc fulfil dut i wai ostrac common for exampl limit come enforc impos unwant and unaccept onu p erson conflict secular law thi differ theocraci requir secular author definit co ngruent religi author theocraci thi not necessarili true religi requir coincid n ot similiarli religi consequ not coincid secular consequ regard dew dewei heniz sy net admin risc hardwar pager alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bnr rashid write delet fatwa level p erson rushdi action rushdi that feed situat contribut legitim rule book remain c ircul not independ will will author and publish fatwa person rushdi encompass ac tion crime crime progress level and plai and plai full view media not thi charg shatim appli rushdi and encompass umbrella fasad rule thi ground firmli islam yo u claim you expos islam ground for terror plain and simpl whether you not whethe r rushdi act total jerk not accept civil basi for put fear life for word simpli not matter whether underli motiv find worst insult muslim and belief that you no t threaten life for word you you quit simpli admit backruptci your posit you sup port threaten life for word you not civil thi exactli and peopl depart respect r eligion belief and encourag interpret kill physic opposit you privledg that whet her rushdi bush hussien whover pale civil societi and you can condemn soul refus member your associ interact peacabl demonstr convinc disassoci miscreant short physic forc onc you physic threaten support physic threat you closer your earlie r comparison rape you rapist whine ask for dress blame victim you unabl civil do esn fly dew dewei heniz sy net admin risc hardwar pager alt.atheism nicknam articl ufnyj voqit vpa andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu nan ci ann miller write jcopelan nyx edu and write offici keeper list nicknam that p eopl alt atheism didn had such list you your award nicknam buckminst time you po st articl sign your nicknam dave buckminst fuller jim humor mean never you copel and list agre nicknam law laid gipu almost year ago you that written iron tablet that melt onc and had reinscrib sinc prophet gipu decre that you post list nick nam for frequent poster rule humor never you second rule never explain thing wor s that joke explain spite thi and request for post list nicknam admit that such list exist simpli plot devic keeper list make obviou plai last name fuller and a dvanc idea that such list made assum that timer recogn for nevertheless list nic knam for alt atheism poster you good post and start poster annoi bobbi bill jim broke second rule humor copeland god dead and actor plai part sting word fear wi ll find place your heart histori voic reason faith curs will teach freedom past thing can wors noth alt.atheism death penalti gulf war articl rusnew manti mathew mathew manti w rite rush leland stanford edu voelkerd write articl apr seachg chrisb seachg chr i blask write add thi outrag cost put death special cell block year court cost e xtra guard and benefit death penalti disappear that your earlier claim that inno c death overrid benefit tragic argument for death penalti war and worri accident kill civilian time determin enemi imperfect win war fortun think folk your good power and deem accept slaughter ten even hundr thousand iraqi order liber oil h kuwait won war hurrah hurrah number civilian iraqi death exagger and exploit for anti war emotion liber new media fact that iraqi di gulf war civilian war compa r size thi centuri thi due short durat coupl precis surgic bomb techniqu technic recent idea that hundr thousand iraqi citizen di ludicr not even hundr thousand iraqi soldier di and target you that and alli specif kill and maim iraqi civili an smart bomb didn hit target and target civilian target condus destroi iraq mil itari potenti militari mission planner not fool hit militari target win war hit civilian target noth unit peopl you not laudabl goal peopl rise tyrant dictat in noc peopl di unarm civilian flee that road didn bomb bit perhap that kid half fa ce burn and girl mangl leg weren guilti worth death innoc save oil hlive kuwaiti peopl isn iraqi not had chanc vote for saddam show accept regim not assassin th

at surrend and flee open road deviou ploi right bomb case find soldier innoc peo pl di blanket bomb don hear you bemoan war never exact scienc smart bomb exact s maller percentag civilian casualti sometim mistak made target misidentifi innoc die that war altern tyrann dictat treat earth big rummag sale grab can wors patr ick henri year ago not for give liberti give death war price will pai wish stai free death penalti conceiv deterr crime legal shenanigan that ad automat appeal lengthi court battl etc releg that purpos small part question instat death penal ti meant and that deter crime rid reinstat death penalti that shit fair trial an d court appeal get justic give polic absolut gun guilti and save ourselv expens lawyer knock benefit never had spend monei clean riot and hold showcas trial cop had allow job properli quick bullet head rodnei king and anoth for cameraman an d save great deal unnecessari paperwork and expens polic decid man guilti that f act that death penalti shown not deterr effect imprison that irrelev mathew math ew your sarcasm note you complet base you come sound complet peac nik idiot feel that not your intent iraqi war wrong that appeas work war guess shouldn fought innoc german civilian kill dresden and hamburg poor french di crossfir invad con tin hitler europ and you speak german english tyrant hussein stop kind don under stand diplomaci understand point gun regret that bush wimp and didn militari rol l into baghdad hussein power and iraqi peopl sacrific not mention american di fo r naught liber kuwait good thing wipe hussein map and for poor poor rodnei king you stop and juri trial brought back verdict not guilti foam mouth for blood pol icemen look video tape juri look evid evid you and not make judgment benefit tri al evid can present side simpli lower level vigilant justic state mind your sarc asm seemingli spoke support case policemen law thi countri intend protect right accus whether crimin cop not found guilti reason doubt guilt and juri posit asse ss evid and render verdict simpli succumb verbal vigilant regard jim alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write art icl apr andrew nrp andrew norman paterson write don you germani daughter born an d don german right vote live right citizen british citizen virtu parentag that n ot full citizenship for exampl don children british virtu fairli that obtain cit izenship make applic for requir immigr germani almost that onc appli for citizen ship inevit thi case nope germani extrem restrict citizenship law ethnic german live russia for year automat becom citizen move germani turk gener germani can n ot good exampl show citizenship descent karl lastli come china hope you touch an d you fulfil lifelong ambit your life will drop acid great wall duke pink floyd lie lie even billion peopl alt.atheism you will hell fri apr edt jsn psuvm psu edu you blashephem you w ill hell for not believ god prepar for your etern damnat hmm mst lunch box trave l scrabbl and coupl keg bass al set mccreari edm twisto compaq not for laughter tao alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write assum th at you religi law for follow religion that beg question religion defin follow ev en offend disagre religi law appli categor belong religion event judg appli thi prevent situat member religion charg claim that not member religion free noth ha d happen gregg alt.atheism anecdot islam articl dbstu dbstu benedikt rosenau write articl e du jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write brutal system filter lenienc not lenient huh you rate public flog flog chop hand head bodi part stone don problem flog of fend chanc chang behavior flog problem maim gener mean opinion not maim anoth ma im case rape victim maim physic and emotion wouldn problem maim rapist wouldn pr oblem maim murder you had opinion you muslim you don that rape and murder dealt lightli you interest lenienc for lenienc sake appar that peopl simpli told bad t hing and simpl chanc misjudg misjudg avoid suspect that pretti that requir repea t offens that misjudg like orient not place singl charact your ignor expos nice read carefulli not orient show primit machism not us specif word orient your min d contain suffici inform detail not and europ show civil bullshit thi bullshit t ime put shut you substanti noth and blabber islamist talk west great satan you g uilti stupid love compar such line common plea your fellow believ not call each name thi case substanti quran that beat wife into submiss care give chapter and vers discuss primit machism refer that misspelt that fault not orient follow qur

you that you haven put islam express extramarit sex extramarit sex subset sex s uppressedin islam that marial sexi allow encourag islam branch christian miss po int read part urg for sex religion that run tell peopl sex not piec cake for two reason suppress strong urg strong measur and not busi you thought you make argu ment read opinion argument that you doubt valid premis not chang you want critic time for you put shut thi argument for you don religion that suppress sex such irrelev argument you gener object statement fine respons you reason for your sta tement that sex not busi religion your argument urg for sex adolesc not strong t hat overli strong measur requir suppress urg sex strong adult that adult can mak e commensur effort find marriag partner gregg alt.atheism free moral agenc articl kmr cwru edu kmr cwru edu keith ryan wri te articl apr princeton edu qpliu phoenix princeton edu liu write faith gift obe di make faith make obei believ wonder that obedi idea obedi written wholli babbl user guid invis pink unicorn grant faith invis pink unicorn you read babbl and obei written obei written babbl you that grant faith invis pink unicorn that obe i written babbl lead believ invis pink unicorn you essenti invis pink unicorn th i bit circular reason beg question make obei believ qpliu princeton edu standard opinion opinion delta correl alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bnr rashid write twelv imam consid i ncap error sin khomeini support thi view twelv iman thi heresi for reason gave h appi discuss issu imam you prefer move discuss anoth newsgroup feel philosophi r eligion group read thi group benefit know deviant view articul not true view kho meini basic principl islam that muslim reader thi group will simpl basic islam s uch view face and not contradict basic islam subtl such issu and sect exist isla m explicitli proscrib qur topic deepli embed world view islam and esoter teach p rophet heresi not enter into for islam exoter religion that nomin concern metaph ys substanc man and natur opinion human substanc metaphys fundament that human h eret notion and proscrib islam your post you fairli vers sunni thought you seek shi it thought knowledg shi it author that respect due charg heresi level absolu t interest discuss thi privat and interest hear make concept error free and sinl ess human be philosoph consist teach qur prima faci such attemptsa highli suscep t degener into monkeri explicitli proscrib qur salaam laikum alaikum wassalam gr egg alt.atheism koresh god date fri apr mathew mathew manti latest new that kore sh will give onc finish write sequel bibl mathew write seal line written page an d hand assist for proofread expect decent messiah built spellcheck koresh will c ome alt.atheism islam and scientif predict date fri apr gmt umar khan khan itd i td nrl navi mil conclus that impress that holi qur had scienc accur impress that holi qur not rampant error evidenc tradit man centuri arabia not includ holi qu r assum had author folk soc religion islam loosen bit and discuss thi topic bank interest topic book subject mention addit you mention hard find stab curios fil m thi subject pretti weak and two quot us show scienc koran post pretti vagu sus pect that book will extrapol aw lot quot poster islam channel misgiv practic kor an decid good scienc islam come equival christian creation scienc topic interest find histori scientif interpret koran us koran support earlier scienc sinc disc ard easi scienc exist todai and interpret passag match find peopl similar thing sai nostradamu time uniqu claim islam and worth check alt.atheism keith relativist level unisa edu desert brat write keith you sta rt wafffl for human maul thrown into cage speak you start post tome decent evid retract your absolut moral blurb week ago claim that absolut moral object keith alt.atheism polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write perhap ch imp that fail evolv cooper behaviour di and left that evolv such behaviour chanc that entir point you proclaim natur moral time organ evolv cooper behaviour nat ur moral moral that develop natur natur moral bee danc huh keith alt.atheism object moral polit atheist sandvik newton appl kent sandvik writ e type moral you talk natur sens not immor harm anoth speci long doesn advers af fect your guess heheh you thi object moral someher tell you that thi not case an d you don rule such transcendent game system object system you talk goal brand m oral you talk keith

alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl apr bnr rashid write articl apr zeu calp oli edu jmunch hertz ele calpoli edu john munch wrote articl apr bnr rashid writ e not thi charg shatim appli rushdi and encompass umbrella fasad rule defin word shatim and fasad you us apolog shatim refer slander spread slander and li proph et prophet basic prophet dealt busi hawk stolen merchandis sell swampland hous l ot florida you hear stori sexual abus prophet and famili victim paid quiet kind will caulmni and curs that word thi explan can come top head and technic definit time never mind that you thi chevel bought thi dude you guess prophet name moha m car for two dai tranni kick manni mechan tell load sawdust guess whether moham anywher found don fasad difficult describ thi not technic definit and that lite r moham word fasad mean mischief mischief order magnitud word corrupt wrong begi n seek escal hurt yeah you moham disord concern harm etc mischief initi caus act ion wrong specif relat attack god and messeng and mischief corrupt disord etc yo u slimi mass pond scum result that attack not physic attack and level penalti pr oscrib depend extent mischief and whether person person sought make hai situat s everest punish death yeah you watch your butt you and your buddi allah stereo so ld croak two dai your ass grass jim yeah that jim alt.atheism cruel polit atheist kmr cwru edu keith ryan write spent quit bit time word constitut pick word mean impli intent look dictionari defin word isn thi suffici question found father cruel and unusu punish hang hang slow strangl pain physic and psychological imagin hang quick and imagin painless fire squad n ote not clean die back dai etc consid cruel your definit allow constitut found f ather and hang and fire squad allow todai and thing not consid cruel sure medic execut painless not keith alt.atheism cruel polit atheist livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write spe nt quit bit time word constitut realis that thi wide held belief america fact cl aus cruel and unusu punish lot rest lift english bill right word not mean didn s pend time word look dictionari defin word isn thi suffici sinc dictionari that l ack merci intent inflict injuri grief count cruel peopl can describ cruel thi pu nish cannot keith alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write rel igi law appli categor belong religion event judg appli thi categor cheat hillari john law local gop reprehensit extol tradit famili valu alt.atheism cruel polit atheist articl qnpa inn gap caltech edu keith cco ca ltech edu keith allan schneider write hang hang slow strangl pain physic and psy chological imagin hang quick and imagin painless thi misnom fire squad note not clean die back dai etc consid cruel your definit allow constitut found father an d hang and fire squad allow todai and thing not consid cruel sure medic execut p ainless not thi show that pain execut not consid cruel and unusu punish thi show that cruel us constitut not refer whether not punish physic pain mean cheat hil lari john law local gop reprehensit extol tradit famili valu alt.atheism nonexist atheist articl kutluk ccl umist kutluk ccl umist kutluk ozguven write atheist not mention quran quran point view and minut reason can t hat such thing guess that scientist aren mention stock broker televis repairmen preciou deep brainwash childhood that take progress religion clean substanti par t reason neuron don mind don exist jim halat alt.atheism anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write del et you don that rape and murder dealt lightli you interest lenienc for lenienc s ake appar that peopl simpli told bad thing straw man and you brought lenienc and simpl chanc misjudg misjudg avoid suspect that pretti that requir repeat offens that misjudg like assum that misjudg not correl delet love compar such line com mon plea your fellow believ not call each name thi case substanti quran that bea t wife into submiss care give chapter and vers discuss discuss chapter and vers cite assum that you weren exact you not quran and your consequ shown primit mach ism refer that misspelt that fault not orient follow qur you that not claim that suffici for argument lot male domin societi that qualifi machist you that situa t women sufficeint area orient delet thi argument for you don religion that supp ress sex such irrelev argument you gener object statement fine respons you reaso n for your statement that sex not busi religion your argument urg for sex adoles c not strong that overli strong measur requir suppress urg sex strong adult that

adult can make commensur effort find marriag partner you appar troubl read thin g you don point sex wish strong desir marriag red her homosexu for you simpli ig nor that doesn fit into world you and for situat adolesc your combin lenienc and maim mind whe you that not overli strong measur suppress urg for sex adolesc be nedikt alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl apr eagl wesleyan edu kmagnacca eagl wesley an edu write delet nope germani extrem restrict citizenship law ethnic german li ve russia for year automat becom citizen move germani turk gener germani can tha t wrong can benedikt alt.atheism satan jon livesei write read paper that qumram text had version text misunderstand read newspap learn thi kind stuff not idea world newspap repo rt notori ignor subject religion and prone exagger interest real stori that bigg er headlin back thi point masoret text targum translat commentari arama etc and septuagint ancient greek translat masoret text standard jewish text and essenti not vari place obviou corrupt copi faithfulli copi copi passag past interpret re fer targum and septuagint septuagint differ masoret text two particular includ a ddit text and second passag variant read masoret text addit fix predat corrupt p assag emphas that knowledg variat signifc bibl scholar and theolog import dead s ea scroll materi add thi ancient copi almost isaiah and fragment size almost boo k abund materi sign hebrew antecd apocrypha extra text septuagint analysi procee d variat dss text and masoret version tend reflect septuagint isn error differ n ot signific theolog thi big expect that great theolog surpris lurk materi thi ha sn happen dss import almost textual tradit unlik for wingat peac god peac strife close sod mango umd edu brother prai for thing tove mango marv lou peac god alt.atheism year can that christian moral frank frank dwyer write rai netcom rai fischer write frank frank dwyer write question for you subjectivist relativ ist nihilist het idea that relativ objectiv degre that relativ accur decript tru th objectiv power and abil control event you lose talk truth onc you valu rel ac curaci judgement happen agre substanc you below clear that valu object truth fal sehood peac war educ ignor thing agre that gener held good thing question whethe r come close object valu that time anoth each view undesir doubt you even come t hat univers good bad and refer truth term hypothet realiz full that not even suc h thing assum for moment that moral rel two relativist can recogn that lock abso lut truth and can proce negoti workabl compromis that produc desir result cannot acknowledg front that desir result not exist that mean compromis problem relati vist valu common compromis imposs happen happen relativist never compromis plant bomb crowd shop area moral rel valu cannot meaningfulli incorrect true cannot p erson moral thing notabl lack extremist sens person account justif for social un accept behaviour invari higher author aka absolut moral truth assum that absolut moral two disagre objectivist can wrong room for compromis onc you beleiv absol ut moral you accept that you amor that disagre you amor untru can accept that no t truth part object truth moral that flexibl rigid compromis believ you lock mor al etc can object realiti claim mechan for quantum collaps shot jfk object truth that cannot object truth interest notion can moral belief that compromis good c ompromis absolut truth not peopl successfulli suppos hold compromis absolut mora l happen insist compromis you compromis compromis choic peac compromis endless c ontent that compromis and agre bloodi pointless speak matter tast your like for peac found like for ic cream for that question and relativ isn almost invari rel thing anoth moral consequ peopl aspect justifi desir action belief justifi comm it peac argu that let peopl live long healthi and peac live that true incomplet ignor benefit war kill agress member societi trim popul stimul product equat com plex present character rel moral conscienc desir unduli simplifi rai fischer con vict danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch alt.atheism islam bank slaveri articl monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write apr bmw mayo edu vdp mayo edu vinayak dutt write call interest d eposit you call return invest and call loan you call invest busi that word float stock your compani interest return invest for thing return invest greater risk and not set return amount monei you make can you even lose monei differ risk los s share investor practic risk borrow borrow borrow bank stock you call investor stock banker your choic relabel not make interest free not relabel explain relab

el not interest free investor take monei dividend invest ofcours investor islam bank your call bank take risk usual bank get thing back return you heard junk bo nd vinayak vinayak dutt mail vdp mayo edu standard disclaim appli alt.atheism don stink subject articl avinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient coch ran write keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write kcochran nyx edu kei th justifi and ancient cochran write you claim you prove cold fusion provid exam pl show that trend gener and you provid counterexampl surround mate practic etc don that case disprov gener trend natur moral and mate practic reexamin you that your mind made and you explain differ statist insignific find immor mate relat activ you exclud mate relat activ your natur moral mate practic special case you explain inconsist your theori special case that natur system can object deduc g oal speci propog mind not equat two you that object system isn necessarili natur you you not man wrote natur moral system object moral system that anim follow n atur system object object system not natur term can not equat natur system subse t object you equat read your word sinc homosexu observ anim includ bird and dolp hin you claim that anim capac immor don claim that homosexu immor isn harm isn h elp mate process and you that homosexu observ anim kingdom don you mean bisexu s tudi releas found that femal seagul lesbian that goal not inher that postul not determin argu that aris natur goal somewhat remov postul assum posit that goal a ren inher can creat theori postul that sun revolv earth that moon made green che es and star portion angel that intrud into dimension realiti you such contradict observ appli thi last sentenc your your theori notic your contridict observ can build mathemat proof postul that length side triangl length second side triangl and degre angl connect can determin length side postul that gener found true do n your postul valid you don math you abil us sa determin length side triangl fun dement geometri guess peopl recept order assum your system you show that your po stul work and goal surviv and happi work you don not good goal goal postul goal thi object natur moral system you propos surviv speci homosexu immor kcochran ny x edu tsakc thought post idea respons beer pizza alt.atheism year can that christian moral qkq horu mchp sni frank write atte mpt defin object moral wild guess and freedom object valuabl base thi assumpt th at world depriv utterli freedom that act contrari volit almost want complain lon g you that almost freedom will valuabl thing peopl that you real big lot peopl a gre freedom subject valuabl that good and quit nice start point for moral system not univers and not object that assert that freedom not valuabl almost can that bit absurd assert not rain raini dai isn sahara disclaim great young and insan alt.atheism polit atheist articl qinn gap caltech edu keith cco caltech edu keith allan schneider write kcochran nyx edu keith justifi and ancient cochran w rite schneider natur moral specif thought code ethic that speci develop order su rviv wait talk ethic moral distinct import thi countless time anim kingdom and s uch natur system basi for system huh moral system mimic natur number wai describ number wai detail explain contradict that aris order for human thrive live grou p your problem wrong highlight word don wrong for human surviv for long time wil d difficult human social anim and that success defin difficult and order for gro up function effect sort ethic code thi statement not correct isn don you explain law america state that you drive hand side road and point that speci conduct se rv propog not give you your tautolog show that such exampl moral system goal pro pog speci goal natur system moral live monagam relationship not moral order ensu r propog speci man impregn women note earlier lack mate such abstin homosexu isn destruct system worst neutral member speci homosexu thi wouldn destruct surviv speci for that matter herd hors domin stallion mate di kill domin stallion mate case your natur system moral shoot figur foot mate practic reexamin theori reexa min kcochran nyx edu tsakc thought post idea respons beer pizza alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl ursa bear halat pooh bear j im halat write articl qjd nlv horu mchp sni frank frank dwyer write firstli scie nc basi valu not round you explain object atom and subject valu atom not object aren even real scientist call atom noth mathemat model that describ physic obser v properti surround subject rest delet you liber art major weren tcha guess you never that photo smallest logo world ibm made nobl ga atom krypton xenon forget

specif atom tree electron independ observ and verifi moral aren differ tep men l ove brown tend warm and deep sensit and desir partner sex hour dai thing snuggl fire walk rain catch snowflak tongu real turn lover brown becka alt.atheism death penalti polit atheist jbrown batman bmd trw write apr batm an bmd trw respond dave offici nicknam fuller death penalti deterr dave person e xecut will never commit crime guarante that mean that effect anti recidiv measur not that deter individu commit capit crime place true question whether threat d eath like stop murder commit treason capit crime anywher usa that death penalti introduct deter crimin commit crime doubt thi step even strong deterr short comp let deterr reject for case innoc execut and even elimin thi possibl reject death penalti immor thi make radic issu oppon captial punish agre find innoc execut s trongest argument make magic charg facilit state aid suicid for crimin life sent enc thi replac for capit punish don want live rest live jail thi option scott sa uyet ssauyet eagl wesleyan edu alt.atheism year can that christian moral new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li ui uc edu write societi good reason for rape and murder consist posit and hold that wrong basi moral not societ norm current legal basi surpris surpris bibl and in her moral abhorr exactli inher abhorr and you effect thing repuls and bunch peop l agre deem absolut immor and forev period and nice extent agre you not agre tha t thing inher absolut immor label immor each for good reason and reason can even theoret chang can label that vagu and top head defend that human similarli made that fall into trap creation doesn human extent similar belong speci that that speci evolv anoth stori altogeth extent evolut can even lend credenc moral absol ut flavour argument that exhibit trust good love respect courag and honesti soci eti deceipt hatr disrespect coward and dishonesti you moral societi aliv and kic k point societi not alik and moral haven and thesi don sinc hold that creat simi larli similar ident that make unfalsifi thesi and work can and punt fellow theis t falsifi find someo creat that real world disclaim great young and insan alt.atheism rushdi islam law articl qla afp fido asd sgi livesei solntz wpd sgi jon livesei write articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg jaeger write hope islam bank bcci rip small depositor muslim commun and grow childish propagandist gregg point that practic thing aren quit wonder utopia you folk claim upset you you s uch thing bbci exampl islam own and oper bank will bet weren real islam owner an d oper islam bank bank oper rule islam regard bank thi explicitli bank thi not c ase bcci and naiv depositor put life save into bcci nasti interest motiv western bank street thi crap bcci motiv motiv intern bank perhap emphasi deal outlaw an d intellig servic govern don con into think that will work time back childish pr opaganda you life wast bandwith such empti type thousand islam bank oper world h ear you want talk corrupt bank can talk peopl rob american bank gregg alt.atheism inimit rushdi articl qlb oinn shellei washington edu jimh carson washington edu jame hogan write come sens and accept know wisdom and power qura n and allah not that allah drop congratul wise choic allah roll bone and allah g et crisco bend and invit spin block wow realiz that allah for commit readi for m an program gotta call you think renounc islam loyalti jim you read russel hoban hemingwai imit imit bad aspect write hoban doubt gregg alt.atheism year can that christian moral articl new cso uiuc edu cobb alexi a li uiuc edu mike cobb write qlapk morrow stanford edu salem pangea stanford ed u bruce salem write articl jrde new cso uiuc edu cobb alexia li uiuc edu mike co bb write theori creation theistic view theori creation state genesi begin god cr eat heaven and earth wonder alittl imagin think huh imagin think that world exis t forev and never creat and endless suppli energi and spontan gener life life th at make wise and know and imagin theori warren kurt vonroeschlaub iastat edu iow a state univers math depart carver hall am alt.atheism you will hell jsn psuvm psu edu jsn psuvm psu edu write care fel low wrote mean psuvm possibl import dispers smilei longer offend disclaim great young and insan alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg ja eger write not allow leav domain author free leav islam regard islam law curs le av islam death cheat hillari john law local gop reprehensit extol tradit famili valu

alt.atheism death penalti polit atheist articl apr daffi wisc edu mccullou s nake wisc edu mark mccullough write you exager point libel gave unpopular reason deliber you that iraq absorb kuwait make tire poland comparison you heard princ ipl apli never plai chamberlain and roll anoth countri invad that invit invas pe rhap not support genocidist provid weapon system tactic support technolog etc ma de suddam hussein bush call alli and freind cheat hillari john law local gop rep rehensit extol tradit famili valu alt.atheism you will hell articl tan psuvm psu edu andrew newel tan psuvm ps u edu write articl jsn psuvm psu edu jsn psuvm psu edu write you blashephem you will hell for not believ god prepar for your etern damnat reader group conveni t hat doesn real name start letter sysadmin real name jeremi scott noonan vmoper p suvm psu edu author email postmast psuvm bitnet rfowl wveriti sy admin node idea oper benedikt alt.atheism inimit rushdi anecdot islam articl edu jaeger buphi edu gregg ja eger write delet central aspect islam show merci and give wrong even presum rush di violat islam law and commit crime thi basi for post lenienc not penetr benedi kt skull you demand harsh punish crime repeat offend slip justif harsh punish ty pic religi doublespeak whenev you contradictori statement you choos possibl that suit your current argument disgust that idea that make theodor kkkaldi feel coz i can protect religion gregg you kill idolat benedikt alt.atheism islam and scientif predict genocid caus atheism articl apr monu monash edu daric yoyo monash edu fred rice write and god almighti creat night an d dai and sun and earth celeti bodi swim each round holi quran hmm thi agre ptol em system earth centr planet orbit round copernicu and gallileo wrong you haven read carefulli you you will that doesn circl not move circl evid that round gene r sens wishi washi statement not scientif benedikt alt.atheism wholli babbl free moral agenc articl psilink robert knowl psilin k write delet book subgeniu and that collect write ftp site benedikt call for present navi sciviz seminar call for present navi scien tif visual and virtual realiti seminar tuesdai june carderock divis naval surfac warfar center david taylor research center bethesda maryland sponsor ness navi engin softwar system sponsor dai navi scientif visual and virtual realiti semina r purpos seminar present and exchang inform for navi relat scientif visual and v irtual realiti program research develop and applic present present solicit aspec t navi relat scientif visual and virtual realiti current work work progress and propos work navi organ will consid type present regular present minut length sho rt present minut length video present stand alon videotap author not attend semi nar scientif visual virtual realiti demonstr byoh accept present will not publis h proceed viewgraph and materi will reproduc for seminar attende abstract author submit page abstract and videotap robert lipman naval surfac warfar center card erock divis code bethesda maryland voic fax mail lipman oasi navi mil author inc lud type present affili address telephon and fax number and address multi author paper design point contact deadlin abstact submiss deadlin april notif accept w ill materi for reproduct receiv june for inform contact robert lipman address di stribut wide robert lipman internet lipman oasi navi mil david taylor model basi n cdnswc lip ocean navi mil comput signatur and voicenet structur group code fac tsnet bethesda maryland phishnet stock long leg sixth sick shiek sixth sheep sic k graphic represent vector valu function gnuplot etc make easi plo t real valu function variabl want plot function valu vector thi plot arrai arrow complet arrowhead thought whether work pointer advanc tom weston usenet weston ucssun sdsu edu depart philosophi offic san diego state univ home san diego dmorph articl apr usl edu jna uc usl edu armstrong jai write can can ftp dta dmorph dmorf dave morph mean and dtax dave tga assembl msdo upload directori wuarchiv arj and bundl respect xmemori version dmorfx ex and dtax ex y ou can find version aaplai ex you can view file you creat dta ex dtax ex downloa d bunch last week and morph afternoon sinc programm bit buggi and not readi spre ad mass written interfac frustrat get easi onc you figur trick notic that dmorfx will crash horribl you morph spline option not sinc don sourc written for come hint get thing work hour time figur that us durn spline work jna jna usl edu rya

n rap ci ufl edu voic input vendor inform need add voic input capabl user interfa c develop unix workstat greatli inform care offer voic input system that easili access unix environ name adress applic vendor experi you had specif system help respond email will post summari suffici interest ken found impress system for ib m avoid hassl purchas and maintain separ ken hincklei kph virginia edu univers v irginia neurosurg visual laboratori can find sipp recent file describ librari render routin call sip p simpl polygon processor can ftp sourc code and newest version never us renderm an wonder renderman sipp librari render routin make program that creat imag joe tham joe tham joth ersi edmonton million thousand color dtek chalmer henrik harmsen write bit per horribl machband visibl almost pictur bit per color visibl machband color gradi ent pictur almost machband thi color resolut small machband smooth color gradien t pictur situiat you visibl mach band even bit card you creat smooth color gradi ent dark green white yellow and turn contrast monitor you will mach band don mea n damn henrik attempt help common misconcept that correct mach band will occur f or imag not color quantiz you you don bit human ey respons transit edg intens re sult that color transist brighter brighter side and darker darker side andr andr yew andrei cco caltech edu translat tttddd dxf swiv mac user come graphic that softwar and hardwar for and recent come across larg number tttddd format model databas softw ar mac unix for translat us dxf repli email eric oehler oehler picard wisc edu renderman languag want you pixar renderman scene descript langua g for creat world renderman librari document nextstep version renderman can crea t complic scene and render surfac shader can not bring life appli shadow and ref lect understand defin environment and shadow map produc reflect and shadow not u s advis simpl rib exampl will appreci advanc alex kolesov moscow russia talu ima g commun corpor mail alex talu msk mail accept grai level screen articl tut lehtori tut kouhia juhana write art icl apr kpc hollasch kpc steve hollasch write you propos work extra two extra bi t color resolut you had displai that chould full intens for each primari don you great equival bit photograph not suggest wrote problem and problem visibl bit i mag not mention bit imag descript experi delet bit imag view quickli and sync sc reen intens dunno delet case get black color slow machin problem bit screen don render pixel constant time recal doubl buffer imag color and that doesn dump pho to screen low level code year ago friend and grei level photo bit mac screen thi method displai level synchron displai second experi apertur set and screen brig ht found rang that work give respect contrast qualiti imag pretti good visibl co ntrast band minim exposur time displai program built bit frame contain dot for p ixel that had second for pixel that had etc frame store spars data structur that fast screen sequenc creat frame sometim minut that mac camera shutter close tha t time and wrote directli screen memori mea culpa biggest problem that small ima g displai top left corner screen center extra week film develop and print proces sor troubl manual move imag into center print guess regard jon rowland grai level screen articl btg csc rowland jon rowland write year ago friend and grei level photo bit mac screen thi method displai level synchron displai second didn you creat grei level imag and displai for time slice thi re quir total exposur time and precis time drastic reduc imag prepar time kenneth s loan comput and inform scienc sloan ci uab edu univers alabama birmingham campbe l hall uab station fax birmingham rumour articl zola esd sgi erik westworld esd sgi erik fortun wr ite cdi cdi not agre horsepow horsepow not measur for not full motion full scree n video rom start quarter multiplay will manufactur panason and will late thi ye ar number manufactur report compat box work manufactur date thi inform hand and worth you paid for thi second hand hard futur lex van sonderen lex aimla philip interact media visuallib graphic for window for graphic librari that run window such librari visuallib run vga and not requir add graphic card for visuallib wi ll run metawar high compil email contact for author visuallib appreci chua teck

joo inform technolog institut email teckjoo iti gov scienc park drive phone sing apor fax graphic librari packag for recommand good royalti free graphic l ibrari packag for and program thi us write children game and educ softwar heard mention genu and gfx good pardon question sound strang ask thi question for frie nd advanc carolin tsang cst garfield catt ncsu edu rumour articl eyz optimla aimla lex optimla aimla lex van sonder en write articl zola esd sgi erik westworld esd sgi erik fortun write cdi cdi no t agre horsepow horsepow not measur for not full motion full screen video rom st art quarter multiplay will manufactur panason and will late thi year number manu factur report compat box work manufactur date market rep recent offer phillip ma rket rep bet that box market schedul phillip rep declin bet knew that player pre product manufactur run month commerci releas date time commerci releas will man ufactur player announc and possibl tool product chip set will full product numbe r softwar compani design titl for box will thi bar road headquart last week folk bullshit loudli compani busi thi inform hand and worth you paid for thi second hand hard futur lex van sonderen lex aimla philip interact media imparti sourc graphic librari packag want sird alogorythmn interest write program gener sird pictur y ou stereogram you cross your ey and pictur becom can mail steveq sndcrft dialix repli for your steve graphic packag for aix good graphic packag for ibm aix for dec g k hewlett packard starbas good support for output devic plotter termin etc xgk d istribut and ibm implement phig work requir output devic window salesman ibm not familiar graphic and not expect for good solut ari ari suutari ari carel carelc omp lappeenranta finland hardcopi color window mar ixo martin stein write us xwd xpr dist and program ppm tool print hardcopi color window problem don xpr version louzi output hardcopi graini us pnmtop thi take full advantag postscript and let print er dirti job dither graylevel imag black and white dot you postscript printer xw dtopnm xwdfile convert ppm ppmtopgm graylevel for smaller file print pnmtop notu rn postscript lpr print pnmtop neat option us care you want your imag wide us pn mtop noturn scale width noturn prevent imag rotat wider high width specifi paper width not imag width below scale us imag small fit width and will print smaller wide you scale lot will not fit and will scale pnmtop automat fit paper width s hort pnmtop will scale imag fit paper size will not blow automat hope thi help m arcel marcel wijkstra aio wijkstra fwi uva faculti mathemat and comput scienc un ivers amsterdam netherland life stink fortun cold grai level screen articl apr ci uab edu sloan ci uab edu kenneth sloan write didn you creat grei level imag and displai for time slice grei leve l imag you mean item bit imag work doesn work you bit your screen and screen int ens linear bit per pixel time thi level linear screen intens linear work find co mpin level chois chosen compin for level vari bit level order reader verifi wrot e juhana kouhia for ctd can find ctd connect dot smoother franc commerci program happili pai cost not litter lot pov sourc textur imag and anim you for pov preview write thi encount problem draw wirefram view quadric quartic requir that you explicit equat quadric quartic function paramet convert implicit equat us pov explicit mathemat don math find heard book subject real time graphic articl tauru np navi mil stockel oahu np navi mil jim stockel write will write data acquisit program collect data varieti sour c includ and extern and displai data realtim thi type thing and machin unawar gr aphic packag that thi unix machin idea commerci free packag that suit input thi time for commer packag wave precis visual for free packag khoro univers mexico f tp ptrg eec unm edu login anonyomu ftp valid email address password pub khoro re leas that will you place david bgi driver for svga requir bgi driver for super vga displai and super xvga displai obtain relev driver ftp site regard simon crow vesa speedstar kjb mgl uvesa zip thi univers vesa driver support video board chipset includ speedstar and bit color terri speedstar and and work

not softwar for instanc doesn work anim pro autodesk can detect svga mode run u nivesa thi problem vesa driver for pro and color stuff curios you latest version version previou thi not fill capabl bit and inform correctli had problem lot so ftwar thi version don author post announcementof miss directori us version work fine softwar not anim pro and that quit import pretti useless program that thing work imho hope author can fix that daniel daniel falk don quot comment ebenezum great wizard fad tekn fad hjd mega famou musician jkpg sweeeeeden leinad yellow set bear thi game explain exactli dmorf simpli fade bitmap into anoth shape bitma into anoth excus ignor not even post thi messag correctli want for dmorf bear thi game apolog unreservedli hav post anoth messag earlier mistak digress er explain exactli dmorf dtax ex simpli fade bitma p into anoth reshap bitmap into anoth excus ignor anc test rumour hit softwar product encourag softwar sale product pong pa cman visicalc dbase pagemak multi media multi media and digit televis product al beit not capabl compel reason bui such perhap thi new group will write that hit softwar technic sought for detail graphic compress techniqu you obtain d escript algo rithm public domain sourc code for such format jpeg gif and fractal immens grate you share info thi for project contempl advanc repli mail hbj surfac normal orient render program requir that surfac normal po int direct close cube normal point outward you can us point face determin direct normal make that point clockwis counter clockwis order you orient normal direct set point edg and face that you had cube face that normal face outward for face realiz that face flip and point order thought had good tell thi realiz that alg orithm had you you had point clockwis order for polygon for data hint tip refer appreci steve humor concern standard can good bad you can that will john kenneth galbraith opinion graphic librari packag wgt wordup graphic toolkit design and pro gramm and brother chri egert turbo borland graphic librari for program vga produ c sharewar year commerci product excus typo backspac thi termin featur includ lo ad and save bit imag call block flip resiz and warp block load and save palett f ade memori onc graphic primit such line circl bar rectangl region fill not usele ss floodfil sprite anim bitmap onscreen onc joystick mous support support voc an d cmf tile base game creation pixel tile creat tile map game world duke nuke num ber sprite increas profession sprite creator util and map maker routin simplifi scroll game map etc fli plai routin sprite can anim fli plai pcx support gif em xm come leav mail barri egert egert obelix gaul csd uwo file us mget wgt zip sim tel and mirror msdo turbo nic funet pub msdo game program site not recent file c ontact for info date inform signatur imag databas contact signawar corp origin memo bcc vinc ent wall imag club subject signatur verif date sci imag process yyqi ec arizona edu yingyong subject signatur imag databas organ arizona electr and comput engin databas handwrit signatur imag for evalu signatur verif system surfac normal orient articl apr ci uab edu sloan ci uab edu kenn eth sloan write brilliant algorithm not correct sign chang flaw obviou and will not shown that kenneth sloan comput and inform scienc sloan ci uab edu univers a labama birmingham campbel hall uab station fax birmingham genoa blitz hit thi genoa card noth that ati ultra can ati cost street price surfac normal orient articl pscti aq travi csd harri srp travi c sd harri stephen pietrowicz write you orient normal direct set point edg and fac e for edg inconsist two vertic and connect edg edg not and edg surfac flip you t ravel across that edg thi bad assum warn warn warn that you accept surfac you ca n pick edg edg and travers surfac enforc consist that edg pick edg and mark for each face contain thi edg oop make that edg consist face flip wrong mark edg and add queue check for duplic and inconsist don queue and remov edg queue and mark edg discov inconsist you lose step find face share edg you lose edg will consis t mean that surfac normal will point decid left exercis kenneth sloan comput and inform scienc sloan ci uab edu univers alabama birmingham campbel hall uab stat

ion fax birmingham surfac normal orient pscti aq travi csd harri srp travi csd harr i stephen pietrowicz write you orient normal direct set point edg and face thi a lgorithm work for algorithm attempt find outward face normal mark face unknown c reat edg dictionari that you find face share edg edg two integ repres two share vertic pick arbitrari face and mark counter clockwis edg dictionari orient surro und face base orient thi face and recurs for surround face consist orient entir surfac find averag vertic thi surfac that point calcul volum measur take into ac count face orient volum turn posit assum face orient correctli neg revers orient mark clockwis face unknown thi choos anoth face and algorithm end face mark clo ckwis indic revers facet normal found note you run silicon graphic machin and bu i iri inventor toolkit develop packag you sourc thi algorithm usr src inventor t ool ivnorm you not can give sourc and even reli heavili inventor gavin gavin sgi million thousand color andrei cco caltech edu andr yew write dte k chalmer henrik harmsen write bit per horribl machband visibl almost pictur bit per color visibl machband color gradient pictur almost machband thi color resol ut small machband smooth color gradient pictur situiat you visibl mach band even bit card you creat smooth color gradient dark green white yellow and turn contr ast monitor you will mach band don mean damn henrik attempt help common misconce pt that correct mach band will occur for imag not color quantiz you you don bit human ey respons transit edg intens result that color transist brighter brighter side and darker darker side andr yeah term mach band not correct color quantiz effect bad color quantiz effect result visibl mach band pictur that smooth quant izis henrik harmsen internet dtek chalmer chalmer univers technolog sweden haven lost mind back tape real time graphic articl apr falcon aamrl wpafb mil dsnyder falc on aamrl wpafb mil write articl tauru np navi mil stockel oahu np navi mil jim s tockel write opp type phone number wrong correct number for commer packag wave p recis visual for free packag khoro univers mexico ftp ptrg eec unm edu login ano nyomu ftp valid email address password pub khoro releas ig viewer for do window ig viewer for do window displai computer vis ig file run window advanc brian safford email bsaffo cad gmed electron data system phone note view and opinion express mine and not reflect electron data sy stem corp comput graphic vcr friend and class project make comput anim mov i sort disnei anim and put vcr thi easi and rel cheap ibm compat rel clueless co mput you brant ritter mosh cosmic cesspool physic delight kieda rhcp stereoscop imag interest inform stereoscop imag sun workstat for part hardwar interfac system and whether refresh rate suffici produc qualiti im ag represent inform subject greatli appreci fractal good articl pdxgate idr rigel pdx edu ian romanick write thing small chang initi condit can huge chang final condit thing plate tektonik and volcan activ effect land scape that not random unpredict thi true fractal c onclud that you model thi fractal yeah and true long complic sequenc event calcu l big comput program gener don argu that you can similar and result fractal ques tion whether you fractal fiend that part system that can model replac random num ber gener that for instanc make data palat human percept for tortur test rest sy stem don fractal and that model improv explic manner guess haven earth shake fra ctal model that explain and correl univers exist hope not hold similar breath th ing that fractal good for fractal imag compress huh chase fractal compress for y ear and don great come don compet jpeg can wager wager quit make fractal compres s work and don reason altern techniqu neat reiter disbelief that fractal that do n fractal compress wide explain practic barnslei and sloan trick sleev that make demo work don real product six year sinc iter system form question product sloa n repli compani plan ship encod devic summer march iter system will half system decod scientif american march page allen don even start complex real and imaginari part bio medic imag complex bio medic imag anywher net for experiment complex mean that sampl data point magnitud and phase inform for pointer vishwa mpeg for do can ftp mpeg for do for advanc email prefer post fin

e scott lord soth knight email lordsoth uiuc black rose sa sumter cso uiuc edu c lue want won complet list polygon that order summar net had compil option color displai you set palett you draw colour us bio interrupt ca ll set valu rang for card for palett colour rang for colour mode you draw pixel palett valu and result you bit colourmap compress you uniqu rgb triplet for colo ur mode geoff thoma geoffrei cosc canterburi comput scienc dept univers canterbu ri privat bag christchurch oook zealand rumour stgprao unoc richard ottolini write hit softwar product e ncourag softwar sale product pong pacman visicalc dbase pagemak multi media mult i media and digit televis product albeit not capabl compel reason bui such perha p thi new group will write that hit softwar had good fortun hire electron art se nior comput graphic artist vancouv canada offic time lot put lot resourc into no t titl develop will happi post thing develop start marku tessmann quicktim movi articl johnsh mustang stu rpi edu wrote us recent releas macintosh applic mpeg quicktim convert excel mpeg canyon mpg into quickti m movi want thi movi perfectli convert thought net that glad mail copi mine movi convers close six hour poor iicx word you quadra you not want tie your machin c onvert thi file movi fast fly fractal gener canyon landscap movi second long and compact video compressor quicktim movi bit displai and absolut awesom and bit d isplai happi mail thi movi peopl for caveat you receiv megabyt mail messag movi stuff meg binhex ruin that parti peopl want thi movi evid that net dedic quickti m ftp archiv site mon gotta spare drive receiv lot request for movi for simplic sake can mail receiv edt tuesdai pop site sooner hugh johnson johnsh rpi edu ren ssela polytechn institut macintosh troi york usa msc code view save imag dear binari newser for quick microsoft c ode for imag decod file for vga view and save imag gif tiff pcx jpeg format scou r internet find seuss spell checker tsr and reinvent wheel advanc internet black hole autocad tiff can realiz that thi faq sinc don chang read thi new sgroup for senior project convert autocad file tiff file don tell that autocad f ile vector file and tiff bit map sinc heard that time thi point direct greatli a ppreci matt georgi gamma law correct digit ntsc signal and displai video monitor th at displai respons tube linear and sometim follow gamma law not linear gamma cor rect encod ntsc signal displai suppos correct thi grei level for exampl code pro gram intens level linear bright monitor word monitor displai circuitri correct f or gamma errror your respons appreci amjad amjad soomro cc comput scienc center maryland colleg park email amjad wam umd edu mpeg for window mono need and you for read thi request mpeg view er for window and not run run monochrom monitor mono driver for mpeg plai post l ocat file mail mlee eng sdsu edu thine algorithm articl innmi shellei washington edu kshin stein washington edu kevin shin write obtain program preprocess handwrit charact thine algorithm graph alogrithm can obtain us algorithm for graphic and imag process theodosio pavlidi peopl idea and copi librari stolen anoth refer digit imag proc ess gonzalez and wintz wood wide expens check todai tiff philosoph signific articl apr galki toppoint ulrich galki t oppoint write tiff specif tiff version number byte chosen for deep philosoph sig nific last week read hitchhik guid galaxi thi pick number and not amus time read that part tiff spec infuri and happi complex spec arbitrari carefulli chosen nu mber addition find choic byte begin file meaningless not us letter tiff and don bother support word order and found that tiff reader don vga graphic mode gchen essex ecn uoknor edu write articl doh con stel ecn uoknor edu set vga graphic mode info appreci vesa bio support thi mode and vga support thi color sinc requir byte vesa tsr support thi vesa mode card c an support due restrict paradis not respons for opinion robert kyanko rob rjck weitek abraxi iastat edu write articl abraxi class iastat edu we itek graphic chip micron sell system rank winmark info supposedli high perform c hip base workstat graphic acceler quit fast usual board chip driver buggi for wi

ndow winmark depend version winmark version yield number benchmark thi wintach m emori low level stuff pretti nice thi quadrilater fill command that requir point fast bewar buggi driver and window support not respons for opinion robert kyank o rob rjck delaunai triangul articl lsk inn caspian usc edu zyeh caspian us c edu zhenghao yeh write delaunai triangul refer for creat object advantag us cr eat tin triangul irregular network basic bunch triangl form surfac group point s pecial that triangl form equalater check proceed autocarto don specif refer desc rib process michael graphic format write utili convert regi and tekton esacp sequenc into format not goto bitmap format can convert window meta file easili convert corel draw cdr power point ppt file microsoft not give format wonder format for two applic nice gif code thing call xgif xgif grandfath rumour archer archer bad cop surli archer elysium esd sgi archer interact sex madonna sexium for short lar lar fischer fischer iesd auc take unc ommon mind dept aalborg univ denmark thing calvin form for curs note followup header steelem rintintin colorado ed u steel mark write collect form routin that can us curs locat svr amiga unix box lform lmenu and lpanel for us curs librari guess provid unix press prentic hall programm guid for tool refer fmli form mgmt languag interfac and eti extend ter min interfac edit isbn paraphras back cover fmli high level program tool for cre at menu form and text frame eti set screen manag librari subroutin that promot f ast develop applic program for window panel menu and form manipul fmli shell pac kag read ascii text file and produc screen displai for data entri and present co nsist shell environ fmli program and databas file section unix press manual eti subroutin part manual section provid support for multi window capabl ordinari as cii termin control built top curs librari mark steel steelem rintintin colorado edu frank crash edward edward edward consult voic crash ckctpa myrddin sybu data don uunet rout sloooow will time life you meet smile and pat you back and tell you great you hold your wallet view pov file merkelbd sage purdu edu brian merkel write articl apr ornl gov ednobl sacam oren ortn edu edward nobl write view tga file creat po vrai diamond speedstar video board not can convert jpeg cjpeg and view cview tha t displai bit color for convert and view bit univesa uvesa zip and dvpeg viewer don perhap not set univesa properli idea thi feel free enlighten want darn thing real color imag alchemi aka alchemi will view tga file that pov output and form at you can will convert sharewar ftp somwher netland yep alchemi work fine tseng dac rememb read that displai bit that color noth sneez us flag neal miller not mad millernw craft camp clarkson edu clarkson univers ford prefect dark craft ca mp clarkson edu hot softwar product for ibm er call imagin and start ship yester dai can person attest that will blow door studio made impuls and version for ibm can morph your standard kei fram anim raytrac reflect shadow and can appli spec ial object rippl explod bounc thing that natur algorithm textur map and your sta ndard brushmap you can anim brushmap live video map obj anim backdrop live video background animt reflect map you idea will run for retail dont low price fool y ou thi product can come anim and render imagin mail list mail you post number fo r impuls trb msstate edu hot softwar previou articl trb msstate edu toni boutwel product for ibm er call imagin and start ship yesterdai can person attest that will blow door studio made impuls and don compet studio pretti power allright imagin mail list mail you post send mail imagin request email paramax header subscrib work faq frequent ask question version week you want mail you previou detail list etc answer basic question imagin hope thi help michael comet softwar engin graphic artist cwru mbc cwru edu silenc oppos freedom speech vga graphic mode articl snx rjck rob rjck robert kyanko write gc hen essex ecn uoknor edu write articl doh constel ecn uoknor edu set vga graphic mode info appreci vesa bio support thi mode and vga support thi color sinc requ ir byte vesa tsr support thi vesa mode card can support due restrict paradis not

respons for opinion robert kyanko rob rjck ahh possibl you punch wrong number y our calcul color mode byte per pixel time exact take don bio mode wouldn bet tha t vga card can that vga card bet can and that definit svga not high svga tin file coutour work project that creat contour line random dat a point work that tell that into triangul irregular network tin delaunei criiter ion and krige method suggest for refer program and hopefulli sourc code for crea t contour thi surfac model greatli appreci can reach address below paul conwai p vconwai copper denver colorado edu pvconwai cudnvr denver colorado edu apr toronto siggraph event toronto siggraph chanc art graphic an d anim indigo ken evan imagician artwar inc tuesdai april mcluhan centr for cult ur and technolog univers toronto queen park crescent toronto member and member a lik member encourag becom member abstract imagician artwar inc enter into earli beta site test silicon graphic workstat abstract artwork and anim packag call ch anc art packag will describ and demonstr and technic issu will discuss market pl an will outlin talk will present technic and busi problem increasingli confront small startup softwar compani todai and opportun thi situat present time event w ill alloc for hand demonstr interest parti silicon graphic gracious provid indig o for thi event myck kupka will demonstr computer interact reflect stereoscop in stal upstair mcluhan centr feel free drop for demonstr event btw sing happi birt hdai myck name nomine for siggraph execut offic will announc thi meet nomin will open elect event call myck kupka fax direct mcluhan coachhous east side queen p ark crescent north welleslei south joseph east queen park crescent centr for med iaev studi for inform toronto siggraph membership contact michael mccool interne t mccool dgp utoronto voic fax delaunai triangul zyeh caspian usc edu zhenghao yeh write delaun ai triangul refer delaunai triangul geometr dual voronoi tessel and construct de riv natur neighbor order aurenhamm voronoi diagram survei fundament geometr data structur acm comput survei okab boot and sugihara spatial tessel concept and ap plic voronoi diagram wilei son york isbn watson comput dimension delaunai tessel applic voronoi polytop comput watson natur neighbour sort australian comput dav e watson internet watson math uwa edu depart mathemat univers western australia tel nedland australia fax ansi aiim standard imag file format wing suggest stu lynn post i mag file format execut and sourc code alt sourc herman silbig view pov file articl apr ornl gov ednobl sacam oren ortn edu edw ard nobl write view tga file creat povrai diamond speedstar video board not can convert jpeg cjpeg and view cview that displai bit color for convert and view bi t want darn thing real color jim nobl program for view such file vpic you want v ersion current you view and bit mode quit nice for return question you run windo w date your driver newest can find problem conflict star trek dark and thing wil l bet that driver and not program info newer not driver for window justin for circl algorithm faster bresenham articl apr nwnexu mpdillon halcyon michael dillon write algorithm similar bresenham line draw algorithm tha t draw line step minor axi and draw slice aaaa bbbb cccc diagram aaaa bbbb cccc that bresenham run length slice algorithm for increment line fundament algorithm for comput graphic springer verlag berlin heidelberg extrapol thi circl can fig ur determin length slice idea hmm don can you thi you doubl step increment gener line and circl and rokn comput graphic and imag process vol mar doubl step gene r ellips and rokn ieee comput graphic applic graem gill mail michael abrash font pov rai trace scene mtv rayshad stroke font appear object i mag font char had color depth and even textur associ wonder pov noel polygon reduct for march cube dear reader search for implement p olygon reduct algorithm for march cube surfac reduct algorithm schroeder siggrap h implement thi algorithm nice you leav for fast connect test for march cube sur fac hint will lot ooo ooo erwin keev adress peter welter platz cologn germani de pt computergraph phone computeranim fax academi media art cologn email keev khm uni koeln dmpeg zip info anoth do mpeg decod player post post do mpeg deco d player alt binari pictur util short descript and technic inform accompani docu

ment dmpeg public domain mpeg decod stefan eckart featur dmpeg dmplai anoth mpeg decod player for decod full mpeg video standard frame frame size support save d ecod sequenc bit raw file for displai option screen displai decod requir vga dit her option order dither floyd steinberg grayscal color space select run do ram w indow requir compact small code small data model bit arithmet real time displai raw file separ player for vga and super vga technic inform player straightforwar d implement mpeg spec idct base chen wang multipl algorithm not quit optimum blo ck not coeffici us separ direct multipli accumul idct sound great doesn turn fas ter fast algorithm thi quit common case dither pretti standard main differ berke lei decod for fewer number support algorithm us color default option us restrict color space and implement color satur domin order dither thi lead significantli superior qualiti dither imag claim judg restrict color space mean that and comp on clip and displai color space point distribut thi restrict space sinc distanc color space point reduc factor two color resolut doubl expens not repres fulli s atur color satur domin order dither method color ly point displai color space ap proxim primarili altern two point constant hue constant satur thi yield subjecti vli qualiti due lower sensit human view system satur hue reason us pal standard improv ntsc improv visibl dark brown redish area stefan eckart stefan li technik muenchen point polygon for algorithm determin point bound polygon such co de refer book contain inform subject regard simon pov reboot memori upgrad last week run povrai do major problem e aster increas memori meg meg and found that povrai reboot system time do had run povrai do window run win system and work fine even lot slower back povrai direc tli do idea john john heaton nr central administr mcc network unit univers oxfor d road manchest phone fax packet yyh yyh pwy gbr good sharewar paint and anim softwar for sgi good sharewar anim paint softwar for sgi machin exhaust everyplac net can find and don hava nice pi ec softwar alot chad knock knock chad cipiti cleveland freenet edu cipiti bobcat ent ohiou edu heisenberg chad voxel zool ohiou edu process stereo imag interest find involv process pair stereo pho tograph black and white photo and obtain surfac contour prefer process sgi inter est hear softwar hardwar us for thi type imag process email and post comp sy sgi graphic your respons dane hendrix email dane wizard navi mil dtmb headquart car derock div hendrix oasi navi mil naval surfac warfar center hendrix na nasa gov code bethesda phone weitek robert kyanko rob rjck wrote abraxi iastat edu write arti cl abraxi class iastat edu weitek graphic chip low level stuff pretti nice thi q uadrilater fill command that requir point you weitek address phone number inform thi chip joe green harri corpor jgreen csd harri comput system divis thing that scare person sens humor jonathan winter sun and bit ascii graphic had luck upper ascii charact sun stati on convert fortran program run sun write charact buffer sun char char char etc c haract screen not charact standard ascii tabl idea will appreci for circl algorithm faster bresenham wed apr gmt graem labtam la btam graem gill graem that bresenham run length slice algorithm for graem increm ent line fundament algorithm for comput graphic graem springer verlag berlin hei delberg extrapol thi circl can figur determin length slice idea graem hmm don ca n you thi you graem graem doubl step increment gener line and circl graem and ro kn comput graphic and imag process graem vol mar graem doubl step gener ellips a nd rokn graem ieee comput graphic applic anoth paper you want articl fungdraw ti tl run length slice line draw algorithm divis oper author khun yee fung and tina nichol and dewdnei journal comput graphic forum year volum number page khun yee khun yee fung clipper csd uwo depart comput scienc middlesex colleg univers wes tern ontario london ontario canada tel fax geometri packag for packag take input set geometr object defin u nion convex polytop manner inequ and equal and determin reason form thing inters ect union etc etc can find such thing dan naiman depart mathemat scienc john hop kin univers point polygon articl apr bull scrow hemel bull simon crow write

for algorithm determin point bound polygon such code refer book contain inform s ubject articl effici rai polygon intersect graphic gem isbn second step intersec t polygon you want sampl code book spl steve lamont scivigui spl szechuan ucsd e du san diego microscopi and imag resourc san diego jolla not bolshevik bullshitv ik yevgeni yevtechenko meet distanc two bezier curv pe hutc hut pekka siltanen write suppos two cubic bezier curv control point and equal and last control point upper bound for distanc curv distanc distanc point curv and point curv paramet refer apprec i anvanc pekka siltanen point polygon scrow hemel bull simon crow write for algorithm de termin point bound polygon such code refer book contain inform subject sinc thi discuss liberti reprint permiss sue eric hain reprint interest discuss thi topic jona snip snip give man fish and eat dai give man fish rod and laze fish and ne ver that mind reprint permiss sue relev inform post year ago thi problem note ea rli us postscript technolog predat thi year paper list april siggraph program an nounc post dai ago eric intersect line and polygon undecid dave baraff tom duff deb charisma graphic cornel edu newsgroup comp graphic keyword jordan curv separ ursyhon metriz theorem organ program comput graphic articl ncsmith ndsuvax timo thi lyle smith write find formula algorithm determin line intersect polygon pref er method that thi time thi for us forward raytrac program that thi difficult pr oblem start line and polygon semi algebra set uncount number point cuff idea che ck line and polygon separ jordan curv separ theorem that polygon divid plane int o exactli two open and compact region line li complet insid polygon line li comp let polygon possibl thi will rare happen line intersect polyon phrase thi questi on line intersect polygon thi decis problem possibl decis model approach reduc q uestion problem and solv answer answer origin decis problem recent year geometr problem successfulli model languag call postscript postscript languag adob syste m incorpor isbn line and polygon can write postscript program that draw line and polygon and output answer output mean program execut command call showpag print page paper contain line and polygon quick examin paper answer reduc problem and origin problem two small problem thi approach infinit number wai encod and into reduc problem will forc invok axiom choic equival zorn lemma us axiom choic not regard light dai importantli question aris whether not postscript program will output piec paper word will halt postscript express encod that ture machin halt problem for postscript undecid quit that origin problem will turn undecid won ev en begin into difficulti such alias finit precis and run ink paper coupl refer p rincipia mathematica newton cambridg univers press cambridg england don isbn for thi introduct automata theori languag and comput hopcroft and ulman program lan guag kernighan and ritchi tale two citi dicken alic tom duff summari overkil org an bell laboratori murrai hill situat not bleak baraff suggest hung lab for long dobbin dullman reduct dullman dobbin comp obfusc lemma line polygon intersect c an reduc hamiltonian circuit us grobner base lpi coin acronym complet ture compl et will longer problem onc crai deliv sinc will complet infinit loop millisecond scatter gather deb svax cornel edu david baraff wors complet that you restrict case line satisfi lipschitz condit second deriv siggraph paper caltech that deal thi email jona isi liu dept electr engin voic univers linkop sweden fax point polygon articl apr bull scrow hemel bull simon crow write for algorithm determin point bound polygon such code refer book contain inform s ubject regard simon basic two algorithm determin whether point insid polygon rai half line method thi method you can draw rai number intersect point rai and pol ygon even number odd insid you deal special case make you headach second method algorithm draw line point and vertic polygon calcul and sum angl success line re sult insid polygon experi tell second method relibl hope thi help yeh usc two point devic port bob davi sonni trantor harri atd wrote arti cl tkgm unix portal wil shell portal vill walveranta write connect two point dev ic serial port haven thi interfer each even time us switch for comput shopper fa irli cheap switch two serial devic singl port poster us intern and extern modem switch isn you aren your port for defin port defin your intern modem and your ex tern modem you shouldn worri interrupt conflict sinc you won modem time christop h chan nui invest reliabl will increas channui austin ibm exce probabl cost erro

r includ disclaim insist get work fractal good articl pdxgate idr rigel pdx edu ian romanick write talk anoth routin that yield compress imag loss that notic draw back that take hell long time compress can find book that can give exact number ttyl that typic claim improv compress speed consider you find book interest you give pointer re portedli earli fractal compress time hour us that marvel piec hardwar call grad student work supposedli autom sinc wait impress allen sign cynic bgi driver for svga domin lai cylai ust wrote simon crow scrow h emel bull wrote requir bgi driver for super vga displai and super xvga displai o btain relev driver ftp site regard domin garbo uwasa mirror file call svgabg pro gram subdirectori svga bgi driver for varieti card readm card type support super vga driver ahead ati chip tech everex genoa paradis oak trident and tseng and ch ipset and video driver will work video card vesa capabl tweak driver will work r egist compat vga card enjoi clark verbrugg clump mcgill honk honk blat wak wak w ak wak wak ungow tiff philosoph signific articl mentor purdu edu nova purdu edu a llen write articl apr galki toppoint ulrich galki toppoint write tiff specif tif f version number byte chosen for deep philosoph signific last week read hitchhik guid galaxi thi pick number and not amus time read that part tiff spec infuri a nd happi complex spec arbitrari carefulli chosen number addition find choic byte begin file meaningless not us letter tiff and don bother support word order and found that tiff reader don tight for that matter tiff not gripe problem import you volunt defin critiqu spec final numerolog backward and tiff bit imag format chri christoph tulli cptulli med unc edu univ north carolina chapel hill chapel hill paid for opinion that doesn mean that unc agre interleaf cgm successfulli convert interleaf graphic cgm even he ard love hear mike mcconnel emm crai hollywood hit virtual realiti miss you raymond dahlgren last mon th virtual realiti market manag for silicon graphic perhap can articl mar relai nswc navi mil rchui nswc nswc navi mil raymond chui write real realiti agenc sta rt express interest virtual realiti not hollywood movi terminat and lawnmov man abc new magazin and comput graphic world magazin sgi system us creat special eff ect for termin and lawnmow man film qualiti comput graphic render softwar and wr itten film frame time each frame comput anim for film hour render high end paral lel process comput system that level graphic difficult not imposs acheiv real ti me frame per second want lead compani agenc univers machin support sgi sun bim e tc depend you and advanc your applic true immers visual requir render complex vi sual databas anywher newli render frame per second thi similar requir that tradi t flight simul for pilot train frame rate low user notic step frame move head ra pidli scene motion graphic not smooth and contigu graphic system power sustain h igh frame rate render complex data represent addition frame rate constant system render frame per second point frame per second perhap due scene view direct sim pler visibl user can heavili distract medium graphic comput focus data maintain constant frame rate system run real time unix gener not support real time oper s ilicon graphic modifi unix kernel for multi processor system support real time o per bypass usual unix process prioriti manag scheme uniprocessor system run unix cannot fundament support real time oper not sun sparc not seri system not ibm n ot even sgi uniprocessor system indigo crimson multiprocessor onyx and challeng system support real time oper due symmetr multi process smp share memori archite ctur graphic perspect render complex virtual environ requir advanc render techni qu textur map and real time multi sampl anti alias gener purpos graphic system m arket todai crimson realityengin and onyx realityengin system fulli support capa bl anti alias import crawl jag edg alias polygon unfortun distract immers virtua l environ kind graphic languag us opengl phig pex gk etc you can us gener purpos graphic librari list develop applic that start pretti low level shelf softwar p ackag you faster target directli applic develop popular order divis inc redwood citi dv sen inc sausalito worldtoolkit naval postgradu school monterei npsnet fr ee gemini technolog corp irvin gv simat seri paradigm simul inc dalla visionwork audiowork silicon graphic inc mountain view iri perform not top head compani ma ke interfac devic for goggl boom binocular omni orient monitor hamlet glove arm

etc list smatter fake space lab menlo park boom virtual technolog inc stanford c yberglov digit imag design york cricket input kaiser electro optic carlsbad sim ey helmet displai virtual research sunnyval flight helmet displai virtual realit i inc pleasantvil head mtd displai softwar system san jose model softwar etc etc etc compani address and phone number can list name expert and phone number and email address read book market virtual realiti ken piment and ken texiera virtua l mirag artifici realiti myron kreuger etc check newsgroup sci virtual world fee l free contact for info regard josh joshua mogal product manag advanc graphic di vis advanc graphic system silicon graphic inc market manag north shorelin blvd v irtual realiti mountain view interact entertain tel fax mail mogal sgi point polygon articl jona gouraud jona isi liu jona yngvesson wr ite intersect line and polygon undecid dave baraff tom duff deb charisma graphic cornel edu recent year geometr problem successfulli model languag call postscri pt postscript languag adob system incorpor isbn line and polygon can write posts cript program that draw line and polygon and output answer output mean program e xecut command call showpag print page paper contain line and polygon quick exami n paper answer reduc problem and origin problem curious modern postscript point polygon problem can solv even easili wit titl point polygon creator allen purdu edu for amus comp graphic regular languagelevel documentneededresourc humor sens thereof endcom thi program will test whether point insid polygon even odd rule that can chang replac ineofil infil level oper you level you luck result will pr int output stream caution accur devic pixel put huge scale you aren point test p ut and coordin vertic polygon counter clockwis order put arrai pair coordin dup aload pop moveto dup length dup roll sub getinterv aload pop lineto foral closep ath ineofil ifels virtual realiti for cheap thought that peopl interest softwar gr oup announc releas multivers multivers multi user immers window base virtual rea liti system primarili focus entertain research featur client server base model b erkelei socket limit number user apart perform gener client customiz server hier ach object allow attach camera and light sourc multipl light sourc ambient point and spot object can extens code handl uniqu function easili attach function cli ent client built fast render loop basic thing told server and render imag user v iewpoint server inform user action can commun client and user client design gene r word you don develop client you want enter world thi mean that resourc can spe nt enhanc client softwar adapt adapt will explain moment occur server thi releas client softwar support function hierarch object associ address multipl light so urc and type ambient point and spot user interfac panel colour polygon render ph ong shade option wirefram for faster frame rate mous and keyboard input peopl di sappoint that thi softwar doesn support powerglov input devic thi not can don th i will enhanc server thi custom can place basic support provid thi releas for po tenti world server develop transpar client manag client messag handl thi not sou nd take headach accept and termin client and receiv messag applic writer can wor k assumpt that thing happen local thing interest object extens function thi prov id you anim your object server select extens instal thi mean that you can decid object extend function your world basic you call extens initialis you want event handler registr you develop extens for object you basic write callback function for event that you want object respond current event support init move chang co llid termin collis detect registr you want your object respond collis event prov id basic inform collis detect manag softwar your callback will activ collis occu r thi softwar separ worldserv applic applic develop build librari extend object choos you make world server applic provid initworld function thi you choos objec t extens will support initi you want provid positionobject function thi you dete rmin place client provid installworldobject function thi you load world wld file for client provid getworldtyp function thi you client persona provid animatewor ld function thi you can wild minimum you object move call move function and serv er sleep for bit avoid outrun client that and prove line count for world server provid gener line dactyl line complic collis detect due stair will improv futur version dogfight line locat thi softwar locat site ftp washington edu directori pub virtual world file multivers tar futur client textur map realist render buff er similar gouraud shade hmd support etc etc server physic model graviti frictio

n etc enhanc object manag interact etc etc improv comm hope thi peopl good under stand multivers softwar come practic document and not whether that will rectifi hope peopl enjoi thi softwar and that explor virtual univers found fascin develo p and love add support for powerglov and hmd final major disclaim thi total amat eur code that mean support for thi code kind heart you pure desper provid cannot held respons for good bad that happen us thi code us your risk disclaim you lov e you and posit contribut critic encourag contact hate dev null and thi for live you write robert robert acsc virtual realiti for cheap updat locat directori public virtual w orld robert robert acsc pcx student turbo and graphic program and problem find algorithm and code teach stuff book code that will teach read and write pcx dbf and gif f ile access extra ram paradis video board can page higher vga mode line good book answer question send repli palm snycanva bitnet peac bless stephen palm good assembl vga program book can give titl good vga graphic pro gram book respond email yuan che yuan wang uxa cso uiuc edu cywang cso uiuc edu fractal good regard fractal commpress fractal compress movi fair li impress grai scale movi casablanca and had minut fp video graini not bad seco nd minut had bit color fp and measur fractal movi practic thing explor unlik for mat you end lose resolut don kind softwar hardwar us for creat movi gui that sho w minut per frame gener playback frame per second and you put minut floppi disk davidr rincon ema rockwel opinion share case will chang mind vga graphic mode vesa tsr support thi can you report crt and reg ist state thi mode serg ivanov serg argu msk reaction diffus techniqu thi past week plai reaction diffus not confus rd techniqu siggraph wonder materi explain control mechan matter pick ran dom magic number and sit back and wait paper turk and witkin kass organ and extr em help guess basic descript techniqu wrt control mechan test that had tendenc t urn into blurri mud becom unstabl info onlin sourc code great not terran boylan artist programm love engin anim inc am and lost lost dorki dog bit graphic card for eisa vesa local bu graphic card that suppor t resolut matrox expens card that support that resoult striaght isa server for u nix that support bit fractal gener cloud haabn nye nscee edu frederick haab write imp lement algorithm fractal gener cloud sort benchmark for algorithm work matter in terest promo comput graphic sequenc that local station us plai quit lot coupl ye ar ago show flyover australia west coast east cloud quit recognis fuzzi flat whi te mandlebrot set david silver recommend graphic librari for mac netter build cad packag and gr aphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden line remov shade anim e tc can you offer recommend contact info name address email you can find post you r respons case bob carpent hot softwar articl qflpk usenet in cwru edu mbc cwru edu michael comet wrote previou articl trb msstate edu toni boutwel product for ibm er call imagin and start ship yesterdai can person attest that will blow door studio ma de impuls and don compet studio pretti power allright kei issu speed fast imagin and easi us studio can render fast you don want thing ior etc can fine shadow a nim reflect map anim bump map anim map and ipa routin not that can explos top qu aliti morph fire rain len flare etc not knock imagin want compar raytrac recent becom hook pov thing that want that pov won penum br shadow dispers etc wonder sharewar freewar raytrac and can heard vivid and po lyrai and rayshad and wade hundr page manual for each work capabl can comparison trace speed each program mucho mark mark mackei life termin diseas and oxygen m mackei aqueou csiro addict you hook sharewar recent latest comput shopper and articl nice sharewar g raphic program look pretti good and list articl had graphic workshop found archi draft choic version and rest couldn find that can program anonym ftp adkin grap hic zip zip draft choic latest vga version draftc zip envis publish envi zip env i zip neopaint neopnt zip advanc petro david petro kwyjibo big dumb bald dept ph ysic north american ap univers windsor petro server uwindsor recommend graphic librari for mac robert carpent write netter bu ild cad packag and graphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden li ne remov shade anim etc can you offer recommend contact info name address email you can find post your respons case bob carpent graphic librari librari cost can you tool us renderman and can you reason cost that don answer question matt mad sen mmadsen ic uci edu thin algorithm netter for sourc code that can read ascii file bi tmap file and produc thin imag for exampl preprocess charact imag want appli thi n algorithm kevin for autocad dxf file parser function librari public domain that assist pars autocad dxf file mail jogl geigel sea gwu edu delaunai triangul delaunai triangul refer for creat object advan tag advanc yeh usc cylind and rai articl fginnbv darkstar ucsc edu koehler sec ucsc edu write thrill kind person cylind defin line segment two point and radiu and easiest and not expens find rai defin anoth line two point cut thi cylind and te st for touch simpl closest approach two line rai penetr cylind nope thi won work for cylind you can line arbitrarili close cylind backbon and not intersect test work for pillbox cylind two hemispher attach end ryan koehler sec ucsc edu arun crimson kubota announc articl edu kiki problem inew gatewai file keith baccki write lee lee obiwan rsg hac wrote you dec alpha upgrad path repla c upgrad path vax alpha replac system not total fair you haven mention decstat s eri sgi made cisc mainfram wouldn provid upgrad path onyx agre you upgrad path f air origin post complain sgi come newer and architectur and not upgrad path olde r and that dec statement attempt point that comput compani constantli attempt im prov product market posit share eventu come point architectur and upgrad path re plac system and system complain comput lifetim rel statement felt dec histori pr ovid upgrad not superior industri averag and that opinion sgi histori dec and de c mip base decstat line abandon for alpha base line provid upgrad path and tfp a nd book kell correct aparantli mistyp address for ftp site hold ima g correct address jupit csd unb jupit csd unb edu directori pub librari info jon william univers northern iowa job job opportun seri system engin research institut kist korea institut scienc and technolog for resum for posit and end june you interest send resum cad cae lab floor system engin research institut korea institut scienc an d technolog yousung eoeun dong daejon korea compani system engin research instit ut titl senior research scientist job descript depth knowledg work knowledg comp ut aid design work knowledg comput graphic work knowledg virtual realiti skill n ot requir desir knowledg data model virtual realiti experi understand client ser ver architectur requir job locat daejon korea contact info chul lim cad cae lab floor system engin research institut korea institut scienc and technolog yousung eoeun dong daejon korea phone fax mail jxl chose optim color for colormap for algorithm that gener good cro ss section rgb colour limit colour map size problem write applic for that color want us colormap palett for applic even spread colour visibl spectrum us rgb cub e problem that lot colour almost ident human ey can optim choic color siggraph srnelson speedsail eng sun scott nelson write dave mike lson almac dave mikelson write open dai for public time that not attend confer b rows exhibit exhibit etc for fulli regist attende free long you siggraph juli fo r similar free juli safe assum that kind deal will thi year advanc program and c ard back for exhibit program exhibit admiss number confer venu includ special ge ner session scene comput graphic film admiss not free nomin exhibit open august copi advanc program you can call advanc program good indic excit confer regist e arli and for free doesn work thi year steve cunningham studio work gui peopl thi group fan fractal and render favourit fractint pov dstudio listen idea start us dstudio quit simul full anim grand pri x unfortanatli lap interest kind prj and car part motor wheel dxf good object gi ve complet hard anim exchang object materi project will apreci ftp site can find for pov file interest cpu time comparis render imag pov dstusio email rosa ghos

t dsi unimi rumour dave optimla aimla dave ziedman write concept softwar sel l and will determin success apparantli you dont new shown ce develop and privat show softwar license develop softwar for that lot concept recommend graphic librari for articl bcstec boe rgc bcstec boe r obert carpent write netter build cad packag and graphic librari that can handl r udimentri task such hidden line remov shade anim etc can you offer recommend con tact info name address email you can find post your respons case bob carpent sit e excel object sort file format host plaza aarnet edu locat graphic graphic mirr or directori drwxr apr avalon chinalak navi mil host comput ncsu edu locat mirro r wustl graphic graphic mirror directori drwxr mar avalon chinalak navi mil host wuarchiv wustl edu locat graphic graphic mirror directori drwxr jan avalon chin alak navi mil ajai dxf format question archi told site hold document dxf host nic f unet last updat apr locat pub csc graphic format file rwxrwxr dec dxf doc host r ainbow cse nau edu last updat jun locat graphic format file mar dxf doc host ftp waseda last updat apr locat pub data graphic file nov dxf doc org wunsch ham dt l joerg wunsch uriah sax can wrong joerg sax wutcd hadrian hrz chemnitz will joe rg wunsch tcd dresden mpeg for window mono need sunsit unc edu pub multimedia util uni x find mpeg plai tar find for mono work mpeg plai dither threshold you can us mp eg plai dither mono face thi not view situat made patch for mpeg plai that two m ono mode mono and halfton jan pandonia canberra edu jan newmarch and patch can f ound csc canberra edu pub motif mpeg mono patch leon dent lcd umcc umich edu compil version vogl librari for compil vogl graphic librari for ibm call fortran don compil sourc for martti toivakka mtoivakk abo virtual realiti for cheap multivers work built svr mip svr and s un sparcstat bug dogfight and dactyl simpli noth fix bug variabl defin twice two modul need set static client core dump steve extn st mfltd uunet mfocu st micro focu pariah name west street live blaze obscur rum ruff splat newburi courag su rviv dai berkshir england bort etri nfluenc larg hammer micro world data bank for databas call micro world data bank dat abas digit map inform contain latitud longitud point public domain place can pre fer ftp gopher mailserv etc snail mail you and will send file drop line program call versamap charl culberson anoth detail databas that can us thi program prefe r interest repli mail directli don read thi group regularli interest post summar i derk ederveen fidonet tel ederveen research ptt ederveen hlsdnl bitnet fax adm d net prmd ptt research ptt research ederveen dnm warrior languag that speak lou reed for bala vatti email address for email address author gener solu t polygon clip commun acm juli vol inform author follow bala vatti lcec river ro ad hudson email vatti waynar lcec lockhe want relat and detail paper topic autho r fail send email address inform appreci you regard young kunii lab dept inform scienc faculti scienc univers tokyo bunkyo hongo tokyo japan email young tokyo round ellipt dot screen photoshop ellipt dot for halfton screen round dot printer prefer ellipt dot not set send mac iici linotron imagesett and photoshop make separ greatli appresh michael unscen michael maier comput artist anl glu veiw email michael maier qmgate anl gov milk amnesia phone michael maie r sgi sale practic crimson kubota announc articl hacgat scg hac le e luke rsg hac lee write origin post complain sgi come newer and architectur and not upgrad path older and that dec that not complain intend suggest that dec sg i you lynx dai prepar larg sed you comment dec that open vendor that support ope ngl deal sgi annoi fact that led that upgrad multiprocessor version crimson assi st fork lift truck annoi sold person iris previou site understand that architect ur for flush understand that sgi respons investor and show posit quarterli botto m line odd that found pressur two occas busi book end quarter tire get bone proc ess lab bui sgi onesi and twosi aren entitl peek cover big kid nasa for instanc thi lab and suspect that lot lab and organ doesn load monei spend comput year ca n bui system regular basi box that bui will last pretti entir grant period year

and case that mean that bui piec equip that can monei not product that built par aphras previou poster word fill nich compet vendor thi box for year and time sgi and spent monei your monei sinc support almost feder tax dollar you pardon and hiss and fume corner and dark libel thought spl steve lamont scivigui spl szechu an ucsd edu san diego microscopi and imag resourc san diego jolla car car bumper strip recommend graphic librari for mac robert carpent write netter bu ild cad packag and graphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden li ne remov shade anim etc can you offer recommend contact info name address email you can find post your respons case bob carpent extract sumex aim stanford edu m irror sourc for applic that bear your project poke sourc directori never us thi packag price hope thi help cheinan abstract file thu apr pst directori info mac sourc binhex grafsi hqx date fri mar christian steffen ov franz cfranz iiic ethz question mac archiv umich edu subject grafsi incom directori grafsi short descr ipt follow programm grafsi ver version bugfix for user thi version run promis do c chapter for programm us grafsi you problem feel free contact chang that remov fastperftrig call fpu version make run faster you don thi read programm grafsi d idn you thi great game mind you need draw dimension scene didn you want write th i program that visual structur dimension molecul and didn task write your conver s routin you answer question thi packag read grafsi pascal librari that you simp l routin for build save load resourc and manipul independ rotat arbitrari achs t ranslat and scale dimension object object not simpl singl line draw grafsi suppo rt full clip anim and primit hidden line hidden surfac draw simpl command your p rogram grafsi support full ey control perspect and parallel project you can unde rstand word don worri thi show for doc that come will explain mean grafsi power interfac suppli your draw routin data you can us grafsi transform and your routi n actual draw note that grafsi draw routin you don worri that you don want grafs i come two version for and processor version fix point arithmet and run mac vers ion sourc compatibel grafsi come extens manual that teach you fundament graphic and us packag demand big will convert grafsi object class librari feelt that imp lement make easier us for lot peopl select oop guild grafsi free for commerci us ag read document enclos enjoi christian franz font pov articl wampyr uow edu wampyr uow edu coronado emmanuel abad rai trace scene mtv rayshad stroke font appear object imag font char had co lor depth and even textur associ wonder pov noel server program can convert font file borland font object consist sphere cone etc us program forgot name place c an for convert borland font raytrac vivid pov and polyrai flexibel faster us exp ress etc program lot nice featur interest give mail peter vanderveen visser wau depart genet agricultur univers wageningen netherland vesa speedstar vmode command you type vmode vesa do prompt vmode includ speedstar us vesa mode for autodesk anim pro geoffrei hansen mindlink in umer confus and feel despair invari emerg period great technolog and cultur tran sit marshal mcluhan hot softwar don imagin real amiga user you real for amiga imagin amiga for long time friend home and action bit movi riccion itali italian compu t graphic contest profession studio softimag for silicon graphic and imagin amig a impress power thi program lost post full descript featur thi great program for inform give comp sy amiga graphic repres activa intern told that will week for amiga and that window silicon indigo and unix version develop ciao sergio sergio ruocco ruocco ghost dsi unimi vittorio settimo milanes milano phone pcx articl apr freenet carleton freenet carleton jason wiggl wri te freenet carleton jason wiggl subject pcx date wed apr gmt student turbo and g raphic program and problem find algorithm and code teach stuff book code that wi ll teach read and write pcx dbf and gif file access extra ram paradis video boar d can page higher vga mode line good book answer question send repli palm snycan va bitnet peac bless stephen palm book that can somewhat recommend pratic imag p rocess craig lindlei publish wilei address read write pcx tiff file imag acquisi t manipul and storag and sourc code book sourc primarili written turbo and natur convers possibl convert quick natur code problem book usual typo syntax etc pro blem can good learn experi for studi companion disk sourc for order and book not

bad acquir book waldensoftwar recommend graphic librari hardwar plan run workstat cost level r un time licens bob robert schmitt appli deriv technolog lehman brother rschmitt shearson mitsubishi imag printer group recent bought mitsubishi video pri nter and us bought thi thing parallel data input addit usual video signal input and claim print grai level imag manual that describ format parallel data print a nd bit pixel imag initi problem parallel interfac thi thing run parallel port he wlett packard workstat and can print and bit pixel imag fine call mitsubishi peo pl and ask level claim and that us video signal input thi not mention sale liter atur can bit pixel level imag parallel mode didn inform program and call japan e tc frankli find hard that thi thing can bit pixel imag video sourc can store bit pixel memori not memori that expens inform get bit pixel even bit pixel imag th i thing greatli your send allan weber signal imag process institut univers south ern california weber sipi usc edu graph displai edit for program that capabl displai graph node an d link and possibl edit interact graph add node chang link etc simpl program put box node pane and manipul mous move add delet box such program for lori renggli phone swiss feder institut technolog fax math dept lausann switzerland mail ren ggli masg epfl rumour articl apr rchland ibm ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm write and cpu doesn understand supposedli variat run mhz thi sp eed you sprite wow interest hand fact that motorola not releas supposedli lineup ricardo anim playback lawrenc refer earlier post plain quicktim compact video c odec digit video appl earli commerci precis run centri fp nice bit color depth e xpect that algorithm risc processor approach full screen full motion anim you im pli processor will tax highli dynam materi sean mcmain check gopher phone univer s north texa band info server fax box seanmac ac unt edu mail denton mcmain unt edu xga info info xga chipset func truecolor resolut board xga raine r rainer leberl rleberl sparc cstp umkc edu univers kansa citi mail clinton whit ehous gov subject tiff philosoph signific cptulli med unc edu christoph tulli path olog write tight for that matter tiff not gripe problem import you volunt defin critiqu spec hear hear final numerolog backward and tiff bit imag format thought that reason that written that intel chip you proper pete stomp endian war break egg side peter mueller thebishop person commit violat and sin highlndr cso uiuc edu unintention regard pmueller mrcnext cso uiuc edu lord holi thing bring lord penalti ram flock sgi sale practic crimson kubota announc comment dec that open ve ndor that support opengl deal sgi opengl graphic program librari and such great portabl interfac for develop interact graphic applic not indic perform that will vari strongli machin machin and vendor vendor sgi commit high perform interact graphic system and softwar tool opengl mean that you can port easili sgi platfor m guarante that your perform compar annoi fact that led that upgrad multiprocess or version crimson assist fork lift truck your sale repres mislead you you valid grievanc you carri your local sgi sale manag team feel free contact local branc h manag understand that repeat sale come satisfi custom give shot annoi sold per son iris previou site understand that architectur for flush previou post state p erson iri introduc and grew includ and clock rate sped time rule thumb sgi platf orm live for year thi true motorola base seri profession seri earli power seri p arallel system individu cpu subsystem run clock rate live for year graphic archi tectur high end vgx realityengin releas month year fact life machin becom almost archaic year and come platform indigo onyx challeng higher bu bandwidth faster cpu faster graphic and and larger disk capac don becom uncompetit user perspect you bui machin that meet your current and make econom sens todai you can wait bu i you guarante upgrad path for machin sale rep for write feasibl that upgrad pat h specif program associ such perform protect program for older base power seri m ultiprocess system allow purchas system obtain guarante upgrad price for move on yx challeng base bit multiprocessor system understand that sgi respons investor

and show posit quarterli bottom line odd that found pressur two occas busi book end quarter tire get bone process that happen becaus misunderstand mi commun not sgi directli attempt annoi custom base lab bui sgi onesi and twosi aren entitl peek cover big kid nasa for instanc thi lab and suspect that lot lab and organ d oesn load monei spend comput year can bui system regular basi sgi custom onesi t wosei type rare give great deal notic introduc system previou post state pre ann ounc and schedul slip mess potenti custom schedul count avail system date and ba d investor and financi analyst watch carefulli meet commit box that bui will las t pretti entir grant period year and case that mean that bui piec equip that can monei not product that built paraphras previou poster word fill nich compet ven dor thi box for year and time sgi and spent monei your monei sinc support almost feder tax dollar year long time comput year processor technolog arriv year make year comput and gener time competit natur market demand that rate develop your time year purchas you accept limit viabil architectur you bui into vendor realit i comput biz that live keep custom happi import don give josh joshua mogal produ ct manag advanc graphic divis advanc graphic system silicon graphic inc market m anag north shorelin blvd virtual realiti mountain view interact entertain tel fa x mail mogal sgi render softwar for multi processor comput search for render soft war develop specif advantag multi processor comput system pointer such softwar g reatli appreci billi carter softwar engin section southwest research institut wc arter swri edu want map world type gif can direct map type gif interest cartogr aphi and find gif tia lee van dyke lvandyk balboa eng uci edu infotec infotec le e sunkist west sun pov troubl bump map gif sphere bump map gif sphere for and can w ork imag map work not bump map simpl file work kind soul what wrong thi includ c olor inc includ shape inc includ textur inc camera locat direct object light sou rc color white object sphere textur bump map gif surf gif note surf gif plasma f ractal fractint that landscap palett map advanc daniel daniel kennett dkennett s fu mind finit and even circumst finitud surround possibl that infinit and purpos human life grasp can that infinitud alfr north whitehead point intersect line can suggest robust algorithm code for compu t point intersect line plane data outlier and simpl squar techniqu not provid sa tifactori result respond mail and will post summari newsgroup suffici interest r aj talluri member technic staff imag understand branch texa instrument central r esearch lab dalla texa talluri csc program includ edg detect algorithm thi program doesn detect edg compass oper and laplacian oper output raw grei scale imag edg output doesn edg novice term correct error improv even accept your correct code convolv input im ag digit gaussian remov nois will improv laplacian type edg detect includ stdio includ math defin imagewidth defin imageheight unsign char input imag imageheigh t imagewidth unsign char angl want imageheight imagewidth unsign char magnitud i mag imageheight imagewidth int laplac int compass int compass int compass int co mpass int compass int compass int compass int compass void compass row col int r ow col int int row col int compass compass compass compass int compass compass c ompass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass f or row row row for col col col row row col col compass int input imag row row co l col compass row col compass int input imag row row col col compass row col com pass int input imag row row col col compass row col compass int input imag row r ow col col compass row col compass int input imag row row col col compass row co l compass int input imag row row col col compass row col compass int input imag row row col col compass row col compass int input imag row row col col compass r ow col compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass c ompass compass compass compass compass compass compass magnitud imag row col cha r void laplac row col int row col int row col magnitud imag row col for row row row for col col col row row col col magnitud imag row col char int magnitud imag row col int input imag row row col col laplac row col main file origin imag fil e laplac mag laplac mag laplac mag file compass mag int row col algo count origi n imag fopen input imag laplac mag fopen laplac magnitud compass mag fopen compa

ss magnitud fread unsign char input imag sizeof unsign char imageheight imagewid th origin imag for algo count algo count algo count for row row imageheight row for col col imagewidth col algo count laplac row col compass row col algo count fwrite magnitud imag sizeof char imageheight imagewidth laplac mag fwrite magnit ud imag sizeof char imageheight imagewidth compass mag for lot music ftp sound s dsu edu cat file dev audio librari catalog telnet bison acsu buffalo edu doubt x archi xgopher xwai virtual realiti for cheap steve author multivers feel had respon d your mailnot question whether had manag compil thi softwar quick answer long a nswer had problem platform not unix you bug includ you you bit explicit platform succesfulli compil and run dec ultrix sun solari main problem that don access p latform portabl problem hear peopl let and give clue fix softwar not you bother releas that case perhap you didn read doc that suppli dogfight world made client you your you not dactyl world quit lot scenari you don thi problem final word y ou not interest don bother you interest rememb that not ask for monei not patien c and construct critic that will result robert robert acsc hot softwar don speed determin sinc never run intel chip amiga m otorola chip fastest true rai tracer don impuls port and not speed into consider term featur and learn curv that you state for true for imagin and lot admit tha t year us amiga learn curv steep thi due manual reali bad lot market support for thi product includ regular tip articl magazin such avid and great book steve wo rlei call understand imagin thi book not recommen import consider price for not includ tool packag for imagin complet cylind and rai sketch rotat cylind axi axi intersect project lin e project cylind similar easier sphere intersect result intersect intersect two intersect parameter line and and comput intersect line top and bottom plane cyli nd thi and interv intersect bit line intersect detail left exercis for reader sp encer thoma info tech and network cfob genom informatician univ michigan ann arb or spencer thoma med umich edu fax sphere point boi thi will embarass trivial faq point coplanar fi nd sphere that center and radiu exactli fit point for circl point not immedi str aightforward check geometri book graphic gem and farin loss merci and provid sol ut bolson univers washington cardiovascular research bolson washington edu prefe r bolson max bitnet bolson milton washington edu you announc ivan sutherland speak harvard harvard comput societi ple as announc lectur spring ivan sutherland father comput graphic and innov micropr ocess will speak harvard univers tuesdai april aiken comput build room titl talk logic effort and conflict control inform cooki and tea will serv aiken lobbi ad miss free and aiken locat north scienc center law school for inform send mail ee kim husc harvard edu lectur will videotap and tape will made eugen kim give plac e stand and will internet eekim husc harvard edu move earth archimed window imagin order version imagin reciev readi order read post peopl await deliveri make paranoid held thi piec softwar hand jim nobl vga mode routin made vga mode graphic librari ftp origin wrote r outin kind exercis for perhap will find useabl miss higher level function intend intro mode program start point librari assum processor trivial modifi for peopl make mod and post version routin written assembl tasm and callabl fairli simpl found fast for purpos routin includ enter and exit mode defin virtual screen put and pixel put pixmap rectangular imag transpar spot put sprite imag area copi a rea virtual screen into video memori etc includ simpl routin draw line routin lo ad color gif imag into buffer wrote quick dirti demo program that bounc bunch sp rite window packag spang camosun pub do vgl zip zip pkzip complet public domain concern you nice credit due and mail tell you you don don bother mark morlei cam osun recommend graphic librari for mac search mich archiv fairli for graphic packag thought mirror sumex aim stanford edu wrong into grafsi sound int erest cheinan bobc recommend graphic librari not mention platform origin post mac p rogramm and decid post comp graphic softwar run primarili mac object pascal mpw port window packag that run mac and window version ideal for packag that low upf

ront cost and reason licens cost bobc sphere point articl qkgbuinn shellei washington edu bolson carso n washington edu edward bolson write boi thi will embarass trivial faq point cop lanar find sphere that center and radiu exactli fit point for circl point not im medi straightforward check geometri book graphic gem and farin loss merci and pr ovid solut wouldn thi requir hyper sphere space point specifi sphere can that yo u can prove that point exist space that equi distant point and thi not necessari li happen correct wrong quit possibl steve steven collin email steve crl hitachi visit comput graphic research phone hitachi central research lab tokyo fax sphere point bolson carson washington edu edward bolson write bo i thi will embarass trivial faq point coplanar find sphere that center and radiu exactli fit point for circl point not immedi straightforward check geometri boo k graphic gem and farin loss merci and provid solut not bad question don ref tha t list thi algorithm think bit shouldn hard point and find plane defin circl tha t lie you you thi algorithm find center thi circl line pass thi center perpendic ular plane point pass center sphere repeat unus point and two origin point thi y ou two line that pass sphere origin interect center sphere radiu easi comput dis tanc center origin point leav math you thi workabl algorithm altern method pair point plane form perpendicular bisector each line segment pair contain center sp here pair will form plane intersect point thi easier implement steve spworlei ne tcom rayshad dxf rib etc strata mac user us rayshad model built macra yshad rayshad stratavis sinc stratavis can import model file thought thi cinch h aven find simpl translat that will work mac idea stratavis import dxf minicad su per swivel profession box and rib ig extern translat extern for stratavis esp ra yshad mail btw send mail rayshad usr mail list tomorrow misplac address sinc use r rayshad not oper mac not get hope advanc patrick hurh fnal fnal gov siggraph note for copi siggraph public gomez comment event drive n annim siggraph note locat can obtain copi note dkusswur falcon depaul edu cobra video card net land inform cobra card sticker end card rea d model cobra bio cobra havn find you inform hold compani produc card driver for can cga card that take bit isa slot enabl test pattern displai usuali cga color can count internet jele ei calstat edu bb mirag gilligan tsoft net bb mirag tso ft bai org mirag thetech appl tsoft bb mirag comput and video imag major externel process for studio sourc code externel process that com e studio and mabe som kind doc for write process your lar author lar jorgensen s yntax bb bad syntax bb denmark gold text recognit softwar avail articl ihqm mentor purdu edu nova pu rdu edu allen write time free ocr softwar thi question period and haven found th i last time don find write post email you lead suggest sit back and wait for not thi free sharewar you can wsmrsimtel armi mil directori msdo deskpub file ocr z ip file simibm lst ocr zip optic charact recognit for scanner hope thi help roma n valo valo cvt stuba slovak technic univers bratislava slovakia sphere point articl qkgbuinn shellei washington edu bolson carso n washington edu edward bolson write boi thi will embarass trivial faq center an d radiu exactli fit point for circl point not immedi straightforward check geome tri book graphic gem and farin loss merci and provid solut top head find center sphere determin dist radiu distanc point dist dist dist dist can squar thing rid squar root distsq distsq distsq distsq plug variabl into distanc formula simpli fi and and term cancel leav you linearli independ equat and unknown solv your fa vorit method john john eickemey lord god subtl inform technolog institut malici not nation comput board singapor email john iti gov albert einstein rumour articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu wri te wow interest hand fact that motorola not releas supposedli lineup variat that year ago european partner motorola integr control and half mmu and burkhard nei deck lutz distribut multimedia group cec karlsruh eerp portfolio manag softwar m otion pictur berkom project multimedia base technolog digit equip corpor neideck nestvx enet dec avi file format email avi file format that peopl exactli you mar k gregori lectur gregori rmit edu fax royal melbourn institut technolog depart c

ommun and electron engin box melbourn victoria australia mark gregori lectur gre gori rmit edu fax royal melbourn institut technolog depart commun and electron e ngin box melbourn victoria australia vga graphic mode dutc student umn edu write articl bmp new ci um n edu vesa bio support thi mode and vga support thi color sinc requir byte vesa tsr support thi vesa mode card can support due restrict paradis not respons for opinion robert kyanko rob rjck ahh possibl you punch wrong number your calcul co lor mode byte per pixel time exact take don bio mode wouldn bet that vga card ca n that vga card bet can and that definit svga not high svga punch wrong number w ork late nite intend state byte not bio vesa tsr not respons for opinion robert kyanko rob rjck cview answer kind soul mail thi repli for bug cview sinc isn pos it post thi ask post for leav name come cview quit number bug you mention perhap annoi not danger can determin temp file that cview creat cview user control pla ce temp file place current directori problem you mention occur can run disk spac e for temp file cview doesn check properli for thi situat cview decod jpeg write temp file pixel data bit colour inform for bit displai dither write anoth file bit colour inform write thi second file write data your colour card last chunk b it data recopi data bit file your screen thi last recopi oper for fit screen fea tur even thi featur not enabl result thi process run disk space write bit file y ou data room for and last bit data simpli repeat and cview never realiz disk fil l and disk write read aren perform room for bit data run room for bit data you a lmost pictur dither and write screen card finish dither and recopi data bit file screen for reason thi get repetit last chunk data for room disk thi guess fairl i accur gener idea track made error detail file etc thi clear suffici disk space temp file for larg jpeg and bigger can larg meg meg largest need excess meg fre e disk space cview bug you displai file floppi and you chang floppi cview temp f ile open floppi cview circumst will write directori and fat tabl can rememb for remov floppi newli insert floppi corruptimg floppi possibl unrevcover care incre d poor program for program thi hand choos file open file menu cview insist disk read time move lighter squar incred annoi onc get directori info and effort sort directori list origin thi articl rene walter renew stack urc tue will drown tea r sorrow hope for tomorrow will thi world can live togeth don wanna live strife wanna live life deserv futur good girl futur alt raytrac potenti group creat group alt raytrac hook pov geez don dave letterman shadow optic raytrac packag for softwar call shadow simpl raytra c us visual synchrotron beam line version program don document can doc newer ver sion program even anoth program that sort thing love hear you shadow written cer rina idea gari serc daresburi lab charact recognit program free for take tiff gif bitmap file and turn part into ascii charact do platform independ program good concav convex polygon algorithm good concav convex polygon convers routin coupl luck mail respons and will post summari repli you richard s toaklei rw uvac virginia edu automat layout state diagram hope will comput scienc project gro up comput scienc honour and project graphic simul for finit state automata basic program draw diagram fsa textual grammar show circl for state and label arc pro blem work layout state and draw arc that arc cross each suggest algorithm bug fr ee readi compil code that appreci advanc gregori compens for photograph viewpoint and distort thi problem and not solv correct wonder can shed light thi point place rai imag camera and metal tu be cylindr hole pass angl tube axi imag rai sourc screen metal tube sourc screen centr distanc radiu tube radiu hole calcul base imag hole screen calcul mathema t highli complex and assum that object hole project imag resembl ellips tube not parallel screen centr screen that object conveni firstli transform major and mi nor axi ellips cannot angl tube and screen assum that parallel transform thi tra nsform secondli distort imag due screen planar sourc screen distanc increas move centr screen can compens ellips axi for thi imag distort can give pointer trans form imag appear centr screen and deal distort due shape screen post email advan

c simon simon marshal dept comput scienc univers hull hull footbal isn life and death import that bill email marshal hull phone fax shanklei sphere point articl hcrlgw crl hitachi steve hcrlgw steven colli n write articl qkgbuinn shellei washington edu bolson carson washington edu edwa rd bolson write boi thi will embarass trivial faq point coplanar find sphere tha t center and radiu exactli fit point for circl point not immedi straightforward check geometri book graphic gem and farin loss merci and provid solut wouldn thi requir hyper sphere space point specifi sphere can that you can prove that poin t exist space that equi distant point and thi not necessarili happen correct wro ng quit possibl steve call point and collinear not lie surfac sphere and not cop lan cannot lie sphere defin infin and defin circl perpendicular bisector and mee t point centr thi circl thi circl lie surfac desir sphere normal plane abc pass point thi normal equidist and and circl fact diamet desir sphere plane contain t hi normal and li normal plane contain normal will thi plane angl abc point two c ircumfer abc circl li thi plane point normal such that intersect perpendicular b isector and normal such point and exist sinc not plane abc and not angl normal a lgorithm sphere defin check that and not coincid failur find line and check that not lie failur find plane abc and check that not lie failur find centr find per pendicular bisector and find point intersect find normal plane abc pass line fin d plane contain and find point abc circl thi plane li find perpendicular bisecto r line find point intersect and centr desir sphere pictur plane abc angl abc pla ne contain and line numer will close rel radiu abc circl and subject error choos that and larger for choic bob dougla comput servic univers oxford internet bob oxford address banburi road oxford telephon polygon orient dxf write program convert dxf file databas format us graphic program written program store point polygon ccw order us concept and that point store order drawn dxf format indic order point store ccw easi conver t don store dont direct polygon visibl dxf doesn handl thi can recommend workaro und can creat two polygon for each dxf file store and ccw that doubl number poly gon and decreas speed advanc for patric hugo hydra unm edu fractal good iter system compress board compress patholog imag a nd get ratio loss qualiti take min per imag compress mhz decompress almost real time softwar alon book found graphic covlir crockett rpi edu lock write happen spo t excel book bookstor dai ago and assembl teach you assembl you and assembl expe ri don worri almost that want and work code rod covlin bought copi can disagre t hat good book for graphic featur describ thi book not mode easi accomod pixel de scriptor color attribut mode into afffff not interest haven finish book affraid author didn talk thi mode svga mode good book deal fast svga graphic manupul scr oll repaint good stuff send mail program guid svga card advanc tiang foo tiang u okmax ecn uoknor edu tiang foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu speedstar program truecolor mode purchas nonam graphic card inst al speedstar compat name vga truecolor accompani driver and util vmode xmode and mode driver for lotu window etc driver told provid truecolor mode window driver pointer truecolor mode articl thi group speedstar and fact made that card compa t that thi mode can adjust can write driver million color resolut interlac wolfg ang info need contour plot spend monei time florida and find base so ftwar that will contour plot irregular boundari profil soil system pond superimp os surfer pond trial run interpol contour into pond and creat artifact border so il product hear respons post summari and back lurk steve bloom soil water scienc sab gnv ifa ufl edu vesa standard vga svga program question graphic program vga svga vesa standard work document for vesa standard higher resolut vga mode video mem ori affff longer suffici hold info trick fast imag manipul heard memori map vide o memori bank switch noth implement advic interest mode thi mode call svga mode techniqu for fast imag scroll for mode deal svga card your guidanc book sourc qu estion greatli appreci send mail advanc tiang foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu ti ang foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu sphere point bolson carson washington edu edward bolson point co

planar find sphere that cnter and radiu exactli fit point equat sphere point thi determinin expand column you equat form you center and radiu jyst divid cannot point form degener tetrahedron and complet squar and obtain rcb slacvm slac stan ford edu bob beach vesa speedstar vesa driver for diamond speedstar that work and w ork for hicolor mode john cormack cormackj access digex delaunai triangul articl lsk inn caspian usc edu zyeh caspian us c edu zhenghao yeh write delaunai triangul refer for creat object advantag vast literatur delaunai triangul liter hundr paper program even provid copi mathemati ca nowadai you thi you interest for creat object articl boissonnat author boisso nnat titl geometr structur for dimension shape represent journal acm transact gr aphic month octob year volum number page rumour exist number licens philip make variant thi chip includ e xtra featurf such port bu make microcontrol confus number philip product rang co re differend number pcf pcd gif bmp not thi correct place thi question not forgiv and point direct program that convert gif file bmp file and can ftp greatli appreci respon d mail not read thi group scott point polygon articl apr bull scrow hemel bull write for algorit hm determin point bound polygon such code refer book contain inform subject rega rd simon function puntbinnenpolygoon auteur corn wessel datum omschrijv bepaalt aangeboden vector binnen rand van het polygoon valt wijzigingen clibstatu puntbi nnenpolygoon polygoon vector vector index aantal snijpunten aantal snijpunten ge efpolygoonlengt geefpolygoonrandpunt for geefpolygoonrandpunt interpoleerlineair return clibsucc aantal snijpunten kopieervector aantal snijpunten return cliber buiten return clibsucc corn wessel krommenoord rotterdam netherland kew bskew at r bso graphic packag for aix apr sun re utc mark sun re utc mark stuck i write qninniag tahko lpr carel ari suutari ari tahko lpr carel wrote good grap hic packag for ibm aix for dec gk hewlett packard starbas good support for outpu t devic plotter termin etc graphig ibm excel packag doug doug egan not you lockh e engin and scienc you give houston tesla email egan blkbox vesa standard vga svga program vesa standard work document for v esa standard vesa standard can request vesa vesa north street suit san jose for vesa vbe and super vga program starndard vesa defin local bu and standard vesa s tandard address wai applic can find info and capabl specif super vga implement a nd control video mode select and video memori access you set your pixel higher r esolut vga mode video memori affff longer suffici hold info trick fast imag mani pul heard memori map video memori bank switch noth implement advic vesa defin wi ndow that us access video memori thi window anchor spot you want write and you c an write window take you window granular you can anchor anywher implement two wi ndow interest mode thi mode call svga mode techniqu for fast imag scroll for mod e deal svga card thi vesa mode set displai start function that for scroll your g uidanc book sourc question greatli appreci send mail your bet write vesa for inf o announc thi group vesa softwar karl schultz schultz vnet ibm statement opinion not necessarili ibm recommend graphic librari for mac rgc bcstec boe robert carpent write netter build cad packag and graphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden line remov shade anim etc can you offer recommend not that hard boo k explain and basic function translat rotat shade and hidden line remov pretti e asi wrote program week witht book and happi give you sourc quickdraw lot functio n built and pascal can access and expect that you can find us quickdraw graphic librari excel choic sinc lot stuff and built into mac fast libertarian atheist s emi anarch techno rat defin tsa cellar org question plane eqn method hidden surfac remov main advantag thi method describ and algiorithm bit long develop method requir that point counter clockwis order and return whether you back front similar plane eqn method calcul basic comparison disadvantag that transform view coordin coordin displai screen mean that calcul isneed method basic figur whether point that will screen clock wis counterclockwis back point occur opposit direct front figur point you can wh

ether you back front polygon heard thi method simpl doubt libertarian atheist se mi anarch techno rat defin tsa cellar org reprint reprint left chapter book vision futur includ reprint ch apter interest reader thi forum includ current techniqu and develop comput art f ranz szabo forg career sculptor career comput programm stewart dickson fractal a nd genet futur joel jeffrei happi send free reprint research for scholarli purpo s reprint run send your name and address cliff cliff watson ibm church relat graphic for good qualiti graphic file suitabl for u s church relat present prefer vector help you bulletin board collect thi natur c ommerci product inform email haston utkvx utk edu wayn haston fastest line circl draw routin short for fast assembl code for l ine circl draw svga graphic complet think simpl fast molecular graphic program w rite clone ball and stick type reason program that slow for thi purpos platform class machin vga graphic speed import color for render purpos stai for speed rea son hope code gener for svga card card base trident not vesa for fast fast routi n draw line circl simpl shape mention svga resolut assembl languagin fast relat code rotat zoom anim draw screen draw for begin line circl text you molecular gr aphic rotat zoom molecul and code preferenti that can project final remark profi t expect becom share free ware appreci franki lau tammi harvard edu pl email mis s repli post rumour articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu wri te articl apr rchland ibm ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm wri te and cpu doesn understand supposedli variat run mhz thi speed you sprite wow i nterest hand fact that motorola not releas supposedli lineup sean exist ricardo anim playback lawrenc refer earlier post plain quicktim compact video codec digi t video appl earli commerci precis run centri fp nice bit color depth expect tha t algorithm risc processor approach full screen full motion anim you impli proce ssor will tax highli dynam materi sean mcmain check gopher phone univers north t exa band info server fax box seanmac ac unt edu mail denton mcmain unt edu sean don want into mini war bit skeptic perform you claim centri you flame reserv for chicago last consum electron show and appl had booth walk and show real time vi deo captur radiou supermac card digit and make spot quicktim movi quicktim digit gui talk plai back quit nice and real time gui expand window resiz and frame ra te decreas notic that wasn fp fp anymor drop fp increas bit and drop fp ask mac quadra don model and tell gui that quicktim plai back speed even lcii spoil clai m sinc quadra mac bit troubl and thi wasn even hardisk thi memori that you newer version quicktim hardwar assist centri anoth softwar product run anim supposedl i macromind acceler don misunderstand want clarifi thi for sake post comput not can claim tad overscan color comput not hardisk fp scala agre mpeg stuff multime dia consum low price box lot market make longer raist owner color bit palett lov e low fat sig don mail don valid address can send mail oak driver need studio for studio driver for oak card ram thi gr eatli and mean that appreci card seth acpub duke edu manipul hexagon grid let youv grid hexagon that etc for total ro w that mean hexagon line line underneath second line line underneath line line n eath fourht problem center arbritrari hexagon and line and arbritrari slope hexa gon that line cross line doesn necessarili cross center hexagon can even tangent and count helper friend baffel figur thi mohammad khan khan nova gmi edu juli s end mail mkhan nyx edu gif bmp scott zabolotzki saz hook corp mot wrote not thi correct place thi question not forgiv and point direct program that convert gif file bm p file and can ftp greatli appreci respond mail not read thi group scott scott y ou post you can read sharewar program anonym ftp that will suit your you find oa k oakland edu subdirectori pub msdo graphic file call grfwk zip tmc tmc spartan brocku for good book for beginn want you can recommend good book graphi c and anim and vga svga advanc mohammad khan khan nova gmi edu juli send mail mk han nyx edu graphic program vga work pascal routin for mode vesa compat trid ent meg and program mode don care color thi code and write procedur replac that

work that great code for mode procedur graphmod begin videomod asm mov mov int e nd end videomod procedur plotpoint integ begin mem end david revers neg video interest simul revers neg color video mathemat transform simpl revers hue hsv color space manipul yuv color space relat solar y ou want wild turn revers video effect camcord equip and point monitor thi creat chaotic dynam system phase space continu rotat zoom focu etc surpris and love wr ite simul thi effect analog grung for info you mail info post summari lanc norsk og thinman netcom data not inform not knowledg not wisdom good concav convex polygon algorithm articl juyz ali murdoch acc virginia edu rw uvac virginia edu richard stoaklei write good concav convex pol ygon convers routin coupl luck mail respons and will post summari repli you rich ard stoaklei rw uvac virginia edu problem not precis defin you find smallest con vex polygon that enclos polygon you seek convex hull your origin polygon two wai thi us somewhat tricki examin linear time algorithm that exploit polygon bounda ri feed vertic origin polygon convex hull routin and accept log method discuss p reparata and shamo for exampl recommend graphic librari for mac tsa cellar org silent assassin write rgc bcstec boe robert carpent write can you offer recommend not that hard book explain and basic function translat rotat shade and hidden line remov pret ti easi wrote program week witht book and happi give you sourc want avoid reinve nt wheel suggest that you your code and submit comp sy mac binari distribut incl ud ftp site folk includ enjoi extra code quickdraw lot function built and pascal can access and expect that you can find us quickdraw graphic librari excel choi c sinc lot stuff and built into mac fast clarifi routin that mention place mac l ibrai not rom mac year ago knew implement graphic across demo appl grafsi librar i and lot quit limit sens that low level librari your code plot individu point d raw each line etc nauseum noth for exampl you can handl object thing talk appl g rafsi librari unsupport never and plan exist futur undocu you call header file d ocument graphic you figur assum softwar that output and time programmat nicer ea sier program tax brent grayscal printer interest purchas grayscal printer that offer go od resoltuion for grayscal medic imag can give recommend product market for advi c wingcommanderii graphic wonder can inform graphic wingcommand se ri and realspac system us awesom and wouldn mind us similar featur program advan c daemon vision site and email unavail us inform provid recent resourc li st and ftp ccu aukland ftp mac architec vision facet and receiv unknown host mes sag mail paul bourk pdbourk ccu aukland bounc basic problem rick rick pavek neve r droid outdo program kuryakin bcstec boe seattl wast your time and annoi droid apr comput graphic resourc list weekli part archiv name graphic resourc list part last modifi comput graphic resourc list weekli post part last chang april plot packag gnuplot and plot packag onlin command line driven intera ct function plot util for unix msdo amiga archimed and vm platform freeli distri but support termin plotter and printer and easili extens includ devic post comp sourc misc version patch you can practic find us archi find site you comp graphi c gnuplot newsgroup devot discuss gnuplot xvgr and xmgr ac xmgr plot tool for un ix workstat openwindow xview version call xvgr for sun collect tool ac compil xm gr requir motif toolkit version and xmgr will not compil motif check ftp ccalmr ogi edu ccalmr pub acegr xmgr tar motif version ccalmr pub acegr xvgr tar xview version comment suggest bug report paul turner pturner amb es ogi edu mail fail pturner es ogi edu due time constraint repli will and robot releas and limit bas e xview written fortran you fortran compil translat test sun decstat check ftp a stro psu edu pub astrod plot librari thi librari fortran callabl routin sunspot ceee nist gov xgobi develop bellcor and special multidimension data set analysi and explor you can call languag and work client athena widget set ascii termin d istribut free charg statlib cmu mail send email statlib temper stat cmu edu and bodi area messag put line send xgobi gener you want pick ftp connect lib stat cm u edu log statlib and us your mail address your password type gener mget xgobi w arn sourc larg postscript manual read relev readm decid whether you not pgplot r

un vax vm and supposedli unix set fortran routin freeli copyright and requir nom in fee that includ contour plot and support for devic includ contact tjp deimo c altech edu ggraph host shorti wisc edu pub ggraph tar unknown detail epigraph fo r pc call dvj lab phy lgu spb vladimir dmitriev for detail you can program demo and plai version budapest posta fiok hungari fax budapest multiplot xln for amig a sharewar usd aust advanc packag that big list featur contact alan baxter agb m buc bio cam cambridg univers depart patholog tenni court road cambridg athena pl otter widget set thi version base gregori bond version beta ad stuff for scienti f graph log ax free scalabl ax lineplot and and ad plotter callback request curr ent pointer posit cut rectangl plot area for zoom version log bug fix and log im prov beta addition extens origin and frame line for ax subgrid line subtic posit line plot line type line point line point impuls line impuls step bar line styl e solid dot dash dot dash and marker type for data point legend left hand side p lot option draw pixmap window layout callback for align axi posit multipl plotte r applic export lc mit edu directori contrib plotter sciplot sciplot scientif pl ot and manipul program for requir nextstep and sharewar featur ascii import and export ep export copi cut past data buffer free number data point data buffer an d document window select open and save plot style automat legend subview linear and logarithm ax two ax text and graphic color support zoom normal and move axi convers free hand data manipul cut edit move etc data editor sort data absolut r el and free defin error bar calcul buffer background subtract linear shirlei tou gaard bezier integr and rel integr fit free defin function linear regress calcul sin co log etc function gener spline interpol squar smooth and fft smooth diffe renti fft esca calcul and databas and you can find ftp berlin pub scienc sciplot tar author michael wesemann scillerstr berlin germani mike fiasko berlin mpg pl plot plplot scientif plot packag for system small micro and larg super alik desp it small size and quick power satisfi user includ standard plot semilog plot log log plot contour plot plot mesh plot bar chart and pie chart multipl graph size singl page multipl line each graph line style width and color support virtual i nfinit number distinct area fill pattern us almost charact extend charact set th i includ font greek alphabet and host mathemat music and symbol font can scale s ize for effect output devic driver system depend includ portabl metafil format a nd render freeli copyright anonym ftp hagar utexa edu directori pub plplot prese nt plplot work system unix suno unico ultrix platform vm amiga exec do author ma in support mauric lebrun mjl fusion utexa edu plplot kernel and metafil xterm xw indow tektronix and amiga driver geoff furnish furnish fusion utexa edu do and d river toni richardson amr egr duke edu plplot supermongo plot packag cmu filenam tmp tar ftp cmu edu andrew cmu edu machin gle gle high qualiti graphic packag f or scientist run varieti platform pc vax and unix driver for xwindow regi tek gr aphic card plotter postscript printer epson compat printer and laserjet paintjet printer latex qualiti font full support for postscript font graph modul full co ntrol featur graph graphic primit includ user defin subroutin for complex pictur and diagram accompani util includ surfac for hidden line surfac plot contour fo r contour plot manip for manipul columnar data file and fitl for fit arbitrari e quat data mail list glelist send messag listserv tbone biol scarolina edu messag boyd contain sub glelist your name maintain dean pentcheff dean tbone biol scar olina edu imag analysi softwar imag process and displai and mac base tool multi platform softwar imdisp imdisp written jpl and nasa site can simpl displai enhan c smooth and work fit and vicar pd data format nasa can read tiff imag you dimen s and mac labview labview us framework for imag process tool graphic program env iron block diagram sketch program graphic element repres program element hundr f unction and connect wire tool creat block diagram program function that block di agram repres includ digit signal process and filter numer analysi statist etc to ol virtual instrument softwar file that and act real laboratori instrument us pa rt virtual instrument nation instrument market plug digit signal process dsp boa rd for macintosh and compat that real time acquisit and analysi person comput so ftwar tool for dsp allow engin har power thi technolog tool rang low level debug softwar high level block diagram develop softwar level dsp program associ dsp b oard and labview us dsp analysi librari fft power spectra filter routin callabl and macintosh program workshop mpw that execut dsp board analysi virtual interfa

c librari readi us vi optim for dsp us nation instrument develop toolkit that in clud optim compil assembl and linker for low level program dsp hardwar thi appro ach offer highest level perform difficult term eas us us nation instrument inter fac kit softwar packag util function for memori manag data commun and download c ode dsp board thi easiest rout for develop custom code ultimag concept concept g raftek franc famili imag process virtual instrument vi that give labview describ user high end tool for design integr and monitor imag control system softwar fi le that and act real laboratori instrument typic applic for concept includ therm ographi surveil machin vision product test biomed imag electron microscopi and r emot sens ultimag concept address applic requir qualit and quantit analysi inclu d complet set function for imag enhanc histogram equal spatial and frequenc filt er isol featur threshold mathemat morpholog analysi densiti measur object count size and character program load imag minimum resolut pixel depth bit and imag pl ane standard input and output format includ pict tiff sati and aipd format can i mport imag enhanc featur includ lookup tabl transform spatial linear and linear filter frequenc filter arithmet and logic oper and geometr transform morpholog t ransform includ eros dilat open close hole remov object separ and extract skelet on quantit analysi for object detect measur and morpholog distribut measur inclu d area perimet center graviti moment inertia orient length relev chord and shape factor and equival measur save ascii format program for macro script and integr custom modul view command plot perspect data graph imag intens depict mountain vallei plot histogram tool can plot linear logarithm scale twenti arithmet and l ogic oper provid for mask and averag section imag nois remov make comparison etc spatial filter that alter pixel intens base local intens includ high pass filte r for contrast and outlin frequenc data result fft analysi can displai real imag inari compon phase magnitud data morpholog transform for data sharpen and defin object for remov artifact transform includ threshold erod dilat and even hole fi ll program quantit analysi measur includ area perimet center mass object count a nd angl point gtf inc bennett vallei road santa rosa iplab spectrum iplab spectr um support imag process and analysi lack morpholog and quantit analysi featur pr ovid graftek franceu ultimag concept script tool user tell system oper perform p roblem that basic oper requir manual intervent tool support fft arithmet oper fo r pixel alter and movi command for cycl window macintosh base tool ncsa imag ncs a paledit and ncsa suit public domain visual tool for macintosh primarili aim re search want visual result numer model calcul applic document and sourc code for anonym ftp ftp ncsa uiuc edu commerci version ncsa program develop spyglass spyg lass inc devonshir drive champaign fax nih imag alw nih gov prefer zippi nimh ni h gov directori pub imag paint and imag manipul tool macro languag tool for meas ur area distanc and angl and for count thing frame grabber card can record seque nc imag plai back movi can invok user defin convolut matrix filter such gaussian can import raw data tab delimit ascii byte quantiti histogram and even plot lim it bit pixel bit map into color lookup tabl run mac that color screen and fpu no nfpu version zippi nimh nih gov photomac data translat inc lock marlboro photopr ess blue solut marigold place thousand oak pixeltool and tcl imag complet famili pixeltool hardwar acceler and applic softwar for scientif imag process and anal ysi video rate captur displai process and analysi high resolut monochromat and c olor imag includ sourc code tcl imag softwar packag for scientif quantit imag pr ocess and analysi complet languag for captur enhanc and extract quantit inform g rai scale imag tcl imag function for imag process and contain element need full program languag for algorithm develop variabl and control structur easili extens script indirect command file script file simpli text file that tcl imag command execut normal command and includ abil pass paramet direct captur video imag sup port popular frame grabber board tcl imag come view util that convers common ima g file type such pict and tiff percept pellissippi parkwai knoxvil satellit imag workshop come number satellit pictur raw data and sort imag enhanc you mac proc essor color displai and larg harddisk program doesn run system at document conta ct address liz smith jet propuls laboratori oak grove pasadena visual workbench electron imag softwar system that perform interact imag analysi and scientif and plot paragon imagin lincoln lowel adob photoshop tool support rtrue color bit i mag level grei scale onc imag import can rre touch edit tool typic us macintosh

base rpaint applic includ eras pencil brush and air brush advanc rpast tool that control interact past select and receiv site incorpor for exampl red pixel sele ct can easili prevent past photoshop transpar rang allow you creat ghost overlai rphoto edit tool includ control bright and contrast color balanc hue satur modi f and spectrum equal imag can subject signal process algorithm smooth sharpen im ag blur edg locat edg imag scale support for storag save imag can compress stand ard algorithm includ extern suppli compress such jpeg avail storm technolog late st version adob photoshop support import numer imag format includ epsf epsf tiff pict resourc amiga iff ilbm compuserv gif macpaint pixar pixelpaint scitex tga and thunderscan adob system inc charlestown road box mountain view colorstudio a nd imagestudio colorstudio imag edit and paint packag letraset that featur adob photoshop decidedli complex and difficult us step requir accomplish that can sin gl step photoshop applic requir great deal disk space can easili end imag rang p rogram varieti power select tool includ auto select tool let user choos imag are a basi color close hue color rang and mask imagestudio don letraset usa eisenhow drive paramu dappl system high resolut imag analysi softwar process tool work m ultipl imag enhanc and edit and measur varieti global featur paramet and interpr et data dappl system oliv av sunnyval digit darkroom latest releas digit darkroo m select and edit tool for enhanc imag such featur user select part imag simpli paint polylin select tool creat select tool for singl pixel wide select brush le t oper paint select portion imag note that thi not true color imag enhanc tool t hi tool us user intend oper grei scale imag note that digit darkroom not power a dob photoshop colorstudio silicon beach softwar carrol ctr suit san diego dimpl compat system and system requir mac seri colour recommend min ram capabl read er da file function includ imag enhanc and contour plot imag statist supervis and u nsupervis classif pca and imag transform mean imag oper languag iol you can writ e your transform imag rectif dimpl compat mapii latest version and beta stage te st dimpl initi develop teach tool and good for thi purpos dimpl run colour macin tosh product develop phase doesn inbuilt featur packag come nice inbuilt languag for write program for process imag defin convolut filter etc dimpl full mac app lic pull menu etc unprotect softwar process softwar solut box wollongong south w ale australia phone fax enhanc enhanc rruler tool that support measur and additi on angl data tool mathemat filter variat laplacian medium nois filter etc file c an save tiff pict epsf text epsf file can import microfronti hickman road de moi n imag analyst imag process product for user extract quantit data video imag ima g analyst let user configur sophist imag process and measur routin necess know p rogram languag design for such task comput number and size cell imag project vid eo camera attach microscop enhanc and measur distanc radiograph imag analyst use r arrai field proven video analysi techniqu that enabl easili assembl sequenc in struct enhanc featur appear count object determin densiti shape size posit movem ent perform object featur extract and conduct textur analysi automat imag analys t work framegrabb board and standard video camera disk store imag minut for prog ram imag analyst user can set process identifi and analyz element imag measur an d statist can automat semi automat gener tiff pict file captur video tape imag i mag analyst recogn item imag base size shape and posit tool direct support for d ata translat and scion frame grabber menu command for imag captur vcr video came ra ntsc pal devic type file imag and relat sequenc file that hold process measur and analysi that user defin autom sequenc set region interest roi repres movabl sizabl box atop imag insid roi program can find distanc two edg area shape thic k wall etc imag analyst find center edg and posit automat applic tool that user can work interact find edg object support histogram and color tabl clut tool aut omatix inc middlesex turnpik billerica iplab signal analyt corp mapl av vienna f ax menu driven imag process softwar that support bit color pseudocolor grayscal imag displai and manipul map mac gi system map distribut john wilei integr imag analysi imag stanford anonym ftp sumex aim stanford edu sourc for imag and readi run code for mac imag window do base tool ccd richard berri ccd imag book for w illamon bell contain option disk imag manipul softwar sourc code includ erda erd a will thing you want rectif classif transform can user defin overlai filter con trast enhanc etc thesi chang topic bit that work secondari erda inc buford highw ai suit atlanta fax rsvga get speed program call rsvga eidet digit imag british

columbia for ibm clone cheap and stuff erda not fast power had limit experi erda us rsvga landsat band and good starter program for obtus manual imagin bit pack ag suppos for pc call imagin imag program modest amount imag process add subtrac t multipli divid displai and plot cut across imag can displai number imag simult an compani compuscop santa barbara vista announc august edit pasp mike richmond email address richmond bllac berkelei edu richmond bkyast berkelei edu and mail address michael richmond astronomi depart campbel hall berkelei latest version v ista version includ not sourc code and file complet set execut program and numbe r sampl fit imag you us sourc code you will microsoft version compil work will r equir substanti modif receiv document and doubl densiti floppi quad densiti inch floppi send request for vista togeth your name and mail address offic technolog licens shattuck av suit berkelei includ check travel check fine purchas order f or dollar your address insid continent made regent univers california cover dupl ic and mail cost softwar tool set softwar tool put canyon state system and softw ar not free cheap heard will handl format us frame grabber softwar mirag imag pr ocess softwar written jim gunn astrophys dept princeton will run platform base s ystem languag imag process displai function built data translat sourc book data translat compani massachusett publish free book contain vendor data analysi hard war and softwar compat data translat and frame grabber sure you can find relat s tuff maxen coupl canadian written program name maxen maximum entropi imag deconv olut compani name digit signal process softwar that and softwar mention articl a stronomi magazin jan feb articl ccd film jandel scientif java anoth softwar pack ag java put jandel scientif jandel scientif koch road cort madera microbrian run do platform and bit graphic card vista releas version will support number super vga card full blown remot sens data process system menu driven charact base scr een not us window user interfac hardwar protect dongl mbrian micro barrier reef imag anaysi system develop csiro commonwealth scientif industri organ and market support mpa australia lusher road croydon victoria tel fax educ and commerci pr ice prepar set for educ licenc subsequ come cheaper instal site worldwid wide us anu microimag remot sens lab dartmouth terra mar microimag pc fanci displai har dwar terra mar resourc inform servic inc land drive mountain view fax unix base tool iraf imag reduct and analysi facil develop nation optic astronomi observato ri kitt peak free you can ftp tucana noao edu and complement stsda stsci edu ema il iraf noao edu for detail appar thi facto standard astronom imag commun issu n ewslett support user work vm last heard and practic shell top vm unix shell sugg est that you copi saoimag for displai window flexibl extend ton liter linear fee t document for gener user skill user and programm alv sun specif imag toolkit ve rsion post comp sourc sun dec email alv user request bri aip astronom imag proce ss system contact aipsmail nrao edu usenet newsgroup alt sci astro aip and sci a stro fit built nrao nation radio astronomi observatori charlottesvil site softwa r distribut track exabyt dat anonym internet ftp document postscript anonym ftp baboon nrao edu directori pub aip and pub aip text publ instal requir build syst em and fortran and compil thi packag can read and write fit data sci astro fit a nd primarili for reduct analysi and imag enhanc radio astronomi data radio teles cop larg arrai vla synthesi instrument consist almost program that copi data sop hist deconvolut maximum entropi base imag tool xa and tek compat xterm base grap hic tool built into aip xa tool model hardwar function intern imag system model displai unit and can imag arithmet etc code fortran system languag modul and for sun ibm dec ultrix convex crai unico and alliant support plan for solari and sg i project aip underwai rewrit algorithm function aip modern set and object orien t approach aip proprietari code licens for free profit institut owner nrao and n sf aip will public domain level intern effort contribut canada england netherlan d india and australia name laboimag version for written and run sun xxx sun xxx and sunview expert system for imag segment written allegro common lisp us domain comput scienc imag analysi medicin biologi physic distribut free charg sourc co de anonym ftp ftp ad pub vision list archiv sharewar laboimag contact prof thier ri pun comput vision group comput scienc center geneva rue lac geneva switzerlan d phone fax mail pun cui unig pun cgeug bitnet figaro origin made for vm and can obtain keith shortridg australia aaoepp aao gov and for unix sam southard calte ch sn deimo caltech edu mbyte sun khoro move scientif visual categori below vist

a real thing anonym ftp lowel edu email vista lowel edu for detail total size mb yte disimp devic independ softwar for imag process power system provid user frie ndli and high function interact time featur descript disimp incorpor rich librar i imag process util and spatial data option function can easili access disimp ex ecut thi menu modular design and group imag process function such logic structur mean that complic process simpli progress seri modul process includ imag rectif classif unsupervis and supervis intens transform dimension displai and princip compon analysi disimp support simpl and effect enhanc techniqu filter band subtr act and ratio host configur requir run unix workstat disimp capabl process compu t intens techniqu interact process time disimp runtim and programm environ progr amm environ util can develop for specif applic program graphic govern icon base displai panel quick enhanc displai imag manipul tabl colour stretch histogram zo om and pan can interact driven thi control rang geograph project enabl disimp in tegr data imag graphic and textual type imag can rectifi number coordin system p rovid true geograph knowledg essenti for ground truth overlai grid text and vect or data can ad enhanc referenc imageri system flexibl packag allow user skill le vel determin work environ includ amount requir disimp come fulli configur option extra purchas price includ function requir for profession process remot sens da ta for inform contact busi manag clough engin group system divis chapel street s outh yarra australia telephon fax global imag softwar us global imag softwar pro cess avhrr data dish final displai select chunk band data pass automat navig cal ibr albedo and temp convert that byte regist predesign window rel automat and ca refre classif routin speak isn that difficult write your programm modul small op er design code sell for number year sold weather servic and navi run support bit displai hip human inform process laboratori imag process system michael landi w rote and sell gener purpos packag for imag process us for basic usual imag proce ss applic robot medic satellit engin oil explor etc call hip and deal sequenc mu ltiband imag deal singl imag grow sinc wrote addit huge user contribut librari f eatur descript hip set imag process modul togeth provid power suit tool for inte rest research system develop and teach handl sequenc imag movi precis manner sin gl frame program and subroutin develop for simpl imag transform filter convolut fourier and transform process edg detect and line draw manipul digit imag compre ss and transmiss method nois gener and imag statist comput such imag transform p rogram develop result almost imag process task can perform quickli and conveni a ddition hip user easili integr custom routin user becom effect hip dai hip featu r imag that document each imag store system contain histori transform that appli that imag hip includ small set subroutin primarili deal standard imag sequenc h eader and larg librari imag transform tool form unix filter come complet sourc c ode line manual page and line document host configur requir origin develop york univers hip repres extens and flexibl vision and imag process environ run unix o per system modular and flexibl automat document action and almost independ speci al equip hip us varieti comput includ vax and microvax sun apollo masscomp ncr t ower iri ibm etc for imag displai and input driver suppli for grinnel and adag i kona imag processor and sun sun sun and sun consol suppli user contribut driver for number framestor and window packag sun gfx sun consol matrox vip iti lexidat a macintosh window system and iri hipsaddon packag includ interfac for cr simpl matter interfac hip frame store and can put interest user touch user interfac hi p arlunya and datacub max video hip can easili adapt for imag displai devic hip machin independ avail hip proven highli flexibl system interact research tool an d for product orient task easi us and quickli adapt and extend hip suppli magnet tape unix tar format reel reel sun cartridg and come sourc code librari librari convolu tion mask and line document and manual page michael landi sharpimag sof twar box princ street station york voic fax msl cn nyu edu mira don confus that thalmann anim system montreal altogeth beast nfoti mira stand for microcomput im ag reduct and analysi mira workstat level perform do comput svga card color mode mira contain handsom function gui mous and keystrok oper mira read write tiff a nd fit format nativ format number ccd camera and uncompress binari imag byte sho rt integ and byte real pixel format dimens result imag process oper can short in teg real pixel that input imag mira oper short float point arithmet maintain pre cis and accuraci pixel format function hand code assembl languag for maximum spe

ed intel hardwar entir graphic interfac written assembl languag maxim speed wind ow oper window for imag and imag data displai and analysi dedic cursor read posi t and real time you move mous smooth real time contrast and bright stretch and p an magnifi portion displai imag oper mous wide select grayscal pseudocolor and r andom palett provid and palett can gener support function includ such niceti ima g imag interpol imag constant unari oper ab polynomi pixel ch log byteswap clip valu upper lower limit short real real short combin imag mean median mode sum pi xel valu autosc mean median mode imag section convolut filter laplacian sobel ed g oper direct gradient line gaussian ellipt and rectangular equal weight filter unsharp mask median filter user defin filter kernel ellips rectangl line gradien t gaussian and user defin filter can rotat angl ccd data reduct flat field dark subtract column underscan bia remov remov bad pixel and column defect normal reg ion target mean median modal creat subimag mosaic imag larger imag collaps imag into imag plot section collaps section imag plot histogram region imag review ch ang imag inform header data renam keyword plot keyword valu for set imag lumin p hotometri ellipt circular apertur photometri bright profil isophot photometri se t upper lower lumin area and lumin insid trace polygon interact background fit a nd remov part imag fit ellipt apertur shape imag isophot interact imag contrast bright diagon plot pixel valu distanc two point comput region stat centroid pan locat imag center zoom time chang cursor rectangl crosshair full imag crosshair and adjust cursor size imag select linear log gamma transfer function histogram equal interact imag offset comput and sampl for registr interact imag zoom step time current center plot enlarg frame area plot buffer can cycl interact data an alysi polynomi fit point delet undelet chang point weight linear and quadrat loe ss and binomi smooth revert unit point weight origin data buffer substitut resul t into data buffer for pass back call function dump data buffer overlai and erro r bar file printer chang user coordin system tricolor imag combin and displai ha rdcopi halfton printout pcl compat printer laserjet deskjet etc document page cu stom vinyl binder cost usd copi axiom research inc box tucson phone fax intern m arket rep saguaro scientif corpor tucson arizona end part resourc list nick niko lao foti nation technic univ athen greec home esperidon internet nfoti thesea nt ua halandri mcsun ariadn thesea nfoti athen greec fax apr comput graphic resourc list weekli part archiv name graphic resourc list part last modifi comput graphic resourc list weekli post part last chang april scene gener geograph data map data file dem digit elev model dem dig it elev model cartograph data huge spectrum xerox pub map contact lee moor webst er research center xerox corp voic arpa internet moor wbst xerox check ncgia ucs b edu pub dem nfoti file rom sell usg scale digit line graph dlg data contain da ta for state price call visit offic menlo park reston virginia usa map data user servic divis bureau censu data rom tso standard format that deriv usg map data call for info bb dobb march defens map agenc cooper counterpart agenc canada and australia releas digit chart world dcw thi chart consist gigabyt reason qualiti vector data distribut rom includ coastlin river road railrai airport citi town spot elev and depth and place name iso compat and geolog survei box denver feder center denver digit distribut servic energi mine and resourc canada booth stree t ottawa canada director gener militari survei survei elmwood avenu feltham midd lesex unit kingdom director survei australian armi depart defens campbel park of fic campbel act australia fractal landscap gener public domain peopl written fra ctal landscap gener for exampl for mac gener written pdbourk ccu aukuni paul bou rk program ftp site and mail archiv server check archi commerci vista pro for am iga virtual realiti lab list price address vrl ganador court san lui obispo tele phon fax sceneri anim for amiga calib vista pro check natur graphic box raklin p hone don forget companion program and data disk tape vista pro port pc cia world map note thi databas quit date and not topolog structur you standard for world cartograph data wait for digit chart world thi databas produc defens map agenc o nc and will togeth search and view softwar number rom thi summer check into hana uma stanford edu and ucsd edu ftp list cia databas consist coastlin river and po lit boundari form line stroke hanauma stanford edu arrai elev data contain ieee float point number for half degre longitud and latitud program for decod databas mfil can found machin arc umn edu anoth program read compress cia data bank fil

e and build phig hierach structur phig extens polylin set for perform you can us regular polylin joe stewart joe lpi liant raw data stanford requir vplot packag view post comp sourc unix exact you compil libvplot routin not packag ncar data ncar nation center for atmospher research type terrain data rang elev dataset r esolut inform soil type veget etc thi data not free charg depend data volum and media exabyt tape cartridg track tape ibm floppi and ftp transfer data archiv re search orient not hobbyist orient for inform email ilana ncar ucar edu unc data tape voxel data public domain tape data for comparison and test volum render alg orithm mri and scan tape distribut softlab unc chapel hill softlab unc edu data set volum and anonym ftp omicron unc edu pub softlab chvrtd nasa agenc such nasa publish rom altimetri data space mission vike for mar magellan for venu etc for nasa suggest call address for info nation space scienc date center goddard spac e flight center greenbelt maryland telephon email address request nssdca gsfc na sa gov data catalog not data onlin internet user can telnet nssdca gsfc nasa gov and log nodi password you can dial baud bit pariti stop enter number prompt ent er and carriag return system respond call complet enter carriag return usernam a nd log nodi password nssdca anonym ftp site comprehens list present earth scienc data list anonym ftp site for earth scienc data includ imageri thi list call ea rth scienc resourc internet and you can anonym ftp csn org directori cog name in ternet resourc earth sci site includ aureli soest hawaii edu pub avhrr imag avhr r imag am arc nasa gov pub space cdrom imag magellan and vike mission etc pub sp ace index contain list file archiv index mail server for peopl internet access s end letter archiv server am arc nasa gov am archiv server subject your letter bo di us command send space index send space shuttl capit import text file handl em ail server present vab larc nasa gov pub gif misc landsat landsat photo gif and jpeg format shut nfoti copi thi archiv daili valu river discharg streamflow and daili weather data earthinfo central av boulder disk expens quantiti discount ch eck vmd cso uiuc edu directori carri data surfac analysi weather radar and sat v iew pic gif format updat hourli pioneer unm edu space and planetari imag facil l ocat univers mexico campu ftp server anonym ftp access rom data imag disk earthq uak data topographi graviti geopolit info ngdc nation geophys data center broadw ai boulder eosat sell landsat mss data older two year for per scene and talk sim ilar deal for landsat data mss data band meter resolut check anonym ftp ftp ncsa uiuc edu unix polyview alpha shape for tool that creat convex hull alpha shape gener convex hull point set grip gov raster imag process softwar rom rom inc for code for view adrg arc digitis raster graphic file grip rom armi engin topograp h lab juan perez code ftp adrg zip archiv spectrum xerox nrcc rang data rioux co urnoy nrcc dimension imag data file tech report cnrc nation research council can ada ottawa canada understand data laser rang finder and you can copi for researc h purpos scanner digit data cyberwar lab monterei manufactur color laser digit c an us model part complet human bodi run servic bureau can digit model for you ad dress cyberwar lab inc harri suit monterei phone fax polhemu make input devic co upl model that sens posit and orient base electromagnet field interfer thi equip incorpor vpl dataglov thi hardwar call isotrack keiser aerospac ascens technolo g make similar input devic compani appli scienc that make input devic posit base speed sound triangul compani that special digit viewpoint you can for viewpoint free page catalog full readi ship dataset categori such car anatomi aircraft sp ort boat train anim and object quit expens catalog nevertheless interest for pic tur object wirefram polygon mesh contact viewpoint west center orem utah fax dat aset address for compani that make digit ascens technolog bird flock bird big bi rd tracker box burlington phone fax polhemu incorpor digit tracker box hercul co lchest tel logitech inc red baron ultrason mous kaiser freemont tel shoot star t echnolog mechan headtrack holdom av burnabi canada tel fax spacebal technolog in c spacebal stationari input devic suffolk street lowel tel fax tel mountain view transfinit system gold brick powerglov for macintosh box mit branch post offic cambridg tel email applelink appl vpl research inc eyephon head mount displai da taglov glove hand input devic vpl research inc tower lane floor foster citi tel fax simgraph engin fly mous input devic huntington suit south pasadena backgroun d imageri textur datafil check ftp place that mention faq ftp list bit scan good bit scanner epson suggest scsi port for speed eric hain had suggest new volum s

can textur for wallpap and floor cover etc doll hous suppli you cheap scan patte rn that don scale troubl associ real materi and scan area book textur find hous book magazin that carri photograph materi educorp sell rom imageri wide varieti stock art stock art big name stock art hous such comstock uniphoto and metro ima g base itali compani call belveder that make such book for purpos clip page for inclus your graphic work address edit belveder rome itali piazzal flaminio tel f ax textur librari mannikin sceptr graphic announc textil set bit textur initi sh ipment bit iff for amiga bit tiff format algorithm built for tile surfac srp vol um each volum imag disk demo disk for contact mannikin sceptr graphic indiana av winter park phone fax essenc librari sixti algoritm textur for imagin impuls in c textur fulli compat float point version imagin imagin and even turbo silver wr itten steve worlei for info contact essenc info apex softwar publish camino real suit menlo park usa textur citi introduct render algorithm rai trace assum you gener understand comput graphic read book that faq contain for rai trace suggest introduct rai trace andrew glassner academ press isbn note that not read book f eel that you can wrong book errata list post comp graphic eric hain erich ey con cis refer roman kuchkuda unc chapel hill introduct rai trace theoret foundat for comput graphic and cad earnshaw nato vol print springer verlag contain code for small fundament complet rai tracer buffer depth buffer good refer procedur elem ent for comput graphic david roger mcgraw hill york page and info need nfoti can find geometr data for teapot displai displai column ieee jan stori origin marti n newel teapot articl bezier patch model and pascal program displai wirefram mod el teapot ieee sep jim blinn column jim blinn corner describ anoth model teapot bezier curv rotat for exampl us and spd packag object you advis avoid type data data triangl specif resolut triangl mesh per patch spd packag spline patch descr ipt and perform tessel resolut space shuttl toli lerio toli nova stanford edu bu ilt list space shuttl datafil summari sci space list model modifi version newsgr oup model model vertic refer polygon descript polygon vertex vertex vertex verte x payload door exist unit unknown simon marshal marshal sequent hull copi propri etari inform associ model newsgroup model format you can find gondwana ecr file pub object shuttl geo hanauma stanford edu pub graphic comp graphic object shutt l data model triangl model thi model store file each defin portion model greg he nderson hender infonod ingr copi not mention restrict model distribut model nasa model file start header line contain real number defin offset us lockhe simul o ffset offset offset file consist sequenc polygon descript vertic polygon vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex ver tex vertex payload door close unit inch jon berndt jon jsc nasa gov respons for model proprietari info unknown model shuttl model file consist sequenc polygon d escript vertic polygon vertex vertex payload door open unit meter thi model star lab stanford univers for year contact toli nova stanford edu supervisor scott w illiam scott star stanford edu you want copi imag annot softwar touchup run sunv iew and pretti good read rasterfil even your imag isn store rasterfil format you us screendump make rasterfil idraw part stanford interview distribut can handl imag format addit macdraw tool not exactli you can ftp idraw binari interview st anford edu tgif anoth macdraw tool that can handl bitmap xbm and pixmap xpm form at imag you format xbm xpm you can pbmplu toolkit convert thing gif even macinto sh format xpm tgif sourc pub directori ucla edu version tgif patchlevel patch an d patch us editimag facil khoro below thi util system you can essenti your imag process and macdraw type graphic thi packag you pbmplu pbmtext you text output b itmap can overlaid top your imag ic requir sun hardwar run openwindow postscript base graphic editor and for anonym ftp internet host soest hawaii edu requir su n and two local develop packag lxt librari xlib base toolkit and small class lib rari file pub ic tar pub lxt tar and pub ldgoc tar compress tar format pub ic ta r contain readm that instal instruct extens man page ic static link compress exe cut pub ic sun for sparc system for ftp softwar properti columbia univers and no t redistribut permiss ic mean imag composit environ and imag tool that raster im ag combin wide varieti postscript annot wysiwyg fashion imag routin and new post script raster us imagemagick annot imag your server pick posit your text cursor and choos your font and pen color pull menu imagemagick can read and write popul ar imag format imagemagick export lc mit edu contrib imagemagick tar your neares

t archiv scientif visual stuff data slice xd bundl distribut mit contrib directo ri ftp ncsa uiuc edu sourc binari for platform nation center for supercomput app lic ncsa tool suit platform unix workstat dec ibm sgi sun appl macintosh crai su percomput avail sourc code public domain ftp ftp ncsa uiuc edu contact nation ce nter for supercomput applic comput applic build springfield av champaign cost fr ee dollar suit includ tool for imag and scene analysi and visual code activ main tain and updat spyglass sell commerci version ncsa tool exampl spyglass dicer vo lumetr data analysi packag platform mac spyglass transform data analysi packag p latform mac sgi sun dec ibm contact spyglass inc box champaign khoro patch anony m ftp pprg eec unm edu pub khoro huge good unix and freeli copi not complet sour c and doc extens and heart visual program khoro compon includ visual program lan guag code gener for extend visual languag and ad applic packag system interact u ser interfac editor interact imag displai packag extens librari imag and signal process routin and plot packag comp soft sy khoro usenet and rel faq for info co ntact khoro group room eec dept univers mexico albuquerqu email khoro request ch ama eec unm edu macphas analysi visual applic for macintosh oper and data arrai import export file format plot option such grai scale color raster wire frame su rfac contour vector line and combin fft filter and math function color editor ar rai calcul etc sharewar anonym ftp sumex aim stanford edu info mac app directori for inform contact doug norton mail compuserv iri explor applic creation system develop silicon graphic that visualis and analysi function for comput scientist engin and scientist explor gui user build custom applic write minim amount trad iton code exist code can easili integr into explor environ explor sgi and crai m achin will becom platform time bundl sgi machin comp graphic explor comp sy sgi for discuss packag two ftp server for relat stuff modul etc ftp epcc swedishchef lerc nasa gov mirror site ap back good dai you ap for free commerci and vendor suppli taravisu corpor harrison avenu columbu ohio tel and fax cost tax runtim v ersion site licens for singl user time limit number machin cluster includ suppor t mainten and upgrad sourc code addit user licens name packag becom ap iii khoro similar ap philosophi av and explor av comp graphic av platform convex crai dec evan sutherland ibm kubota set technolog sgi stardent sun wavetrac avail av for unix workstat contact advanc visual system inc av waltham telephon fax av av em ail advanc visual system inc for crai ibm sgi stardent sun convex for convex adv anc visual system inc crai for crai dec for dec evan sutherland for evan sutherl and advanc visual system inc ibm for ibm kubota pacif inc for kubota set technol og for set technolog wavetrac for wavetrac ftp site for modul data set info av n csc org wit nutshel packag genr av explor etc imag process system gener scivi sy stem imho major element visual program languag automat exploit inher parallel co de gener convert graph standalon program iconifi librari present rich set point filter transform morpholog segment and measur oper flow librari graph emploi bro adcast merg synchron condit and sequenc control strategi wit deliv object orient distribut visual program environ user rapidli design solut imag problem user ca n consolid softwar and hardwar develop complet cad workspac ad oper function obj ect data structur and server special hardwar wit run sun sgi and support datacub hardwar allow you run your graph real time for free wit demo disk call fax mail poon ubc state your complet name address voic fax mail info and desir platform price wit for sparc free upgrad dai technic support academ institut discount con tact logic vision suit gilmor burnabi canada tel fax terri arden poon ubc vi sys tem for visual explor output grid data set such made weather model platform sgi iri vgx gtx graphic sgi crimson indigo elan graphic suggest irix ibm graphic aix version stardent and truecolor displai case ram suggest you can freeli nasa sup port anonym ftp ftp iri ssec wisc edu ftp ftp pub vi ftp ascii ftp readm ftp bye note you can find packag wuarchiv wustl edu graphic graphic packag directori re ad section readm file for full instruct and instal vi contact bill hibbard whibb ard vm macc wisc edu brian paul bpaul vm macc wisc edu dataexplor ibm platform i bm risc system ibm power visual server simd mesh mhz work announc sgi sun contac t your local ibm rep for trial packag your rep contact david kilgor data explor product market yktvmh kilcor wavefront data visual person visual advanc visual p latform sgi sun ibm dec avail platform wavefront technolog educ program and site licens contact mike wilson mike wti wavefront technolog inc east montecito stre

et santa barbara fax wavefront europ guldenspoorstraat gent belgium fax wavefron t technolog japan shinjuku sumitomo bldg nishi shinjuku shunjuku tokyo japan fax plot and fast nasa am packag distribut cosmic for fast pat elson pelson na nasa gov for distribut inform gener code for citizen xgraph contrib tape specialti d isplai data set ncar nation center for atmospher research origin graphic packag run sun sgi vax crai decstat and contact graphic inform ncar scientif comput div is box boulder scdinfo ncar ucar edu cost edu unlimit user gov user user user us er multipli gov idl environ for scientif comput and visual base arrai orient lan guag idl includ and graphic matrix manupul signal and imag process basic statist grid map and widget base system for build gui for idl applic open motif window environ dec vm and ultrix ibm sgi sun microsoft window mac version progress cost educ and quantiti discount comp lang idl pvwave idl pvwave bundl contact resear ch system inc street suit boulder phone fax mail info rsinc demo ftp call mail f or detail idl sip lot peopl idl packag call sip thi develop univers colorado bou lder peopl work for alex goetz you contact you idl will bui thousand dollar amer ican expect for idl and free gener purpos packag heard terramar sip written for aviri imageri not gener purpos you contact goetz peopl and anoth piec softwar pc w that and walsh transform pseudocolor and cluster and limit imag modif you can comput imag select compon us megabyt aviri imag problem for speed you extern dsp card will work larg imag quit time long process that freebi you want favorit id l interact data languag research system inc idl opinion and infinit easier progr am languag strong and easi pascal handl number crunch person number crunch idl v ax mathematica igor even excel mac not hairi bring nih imag for imag part encoun t situat that combin couldn handl and speed and eas us compar iraf incred astron om imag process thi mean imag enhanc clean bad line pixel and tradit imag proces s routin for exampl take graph intens versu posit line choos mous curv fit that line kaleidagraph for idl call research system for wave call precis visual and f or sip call univers colorado boulder can understand you can packag program resea rch system nfoti visual contact robert haim mit fieldview interact program desig n assist engin investig fluid dynam data set platform sgi ibm sun termin avail p latform educ program and volum discount contact intellig light box fair lawn ste ve kramer kramer ilight scian scian primarili intend visual data interact enviro n abil gener anim frame accur video record devic user manual line and technic no te will you us program cost free sourc code provid ftp platform sgi machin and i bm card buffer find ftp scri fsu edu pub scian mirror monu monash edu pub scian scry readm scry distribut imag handl system that pro vide imag transport and com press local and wide area network imag view workstat record video equip and stor ag disk system can distri bute workstat supercomput and work tation and supercom put workstat and video anim control system commonli us produc video base movi di splai imag result visual time depend data complex data set and imag process oper client and server run varieti system that provid unix run time environ and bsd socket sourc for anonym ftp csam lbl gov pub scry tar contact bill johnston wejo hnston lbl gov ucbvax csam lbl gov johnston david robertson dwrobertson lbl gov ucbvax csam lbl gov davidr imag technolog group lawrenc berkelei laboratori cycl otron road berkelei svlib fv svlib window widget set base osf open softwar found at motif widget set svlib widget macro widget compris lower level motif widget s uch button scrollbar menu and draw area design address reusabl visual routin and each widget librari encapsul specif visual techniqu such colormap manipul imag displai and contour plot target run unix workstat support osf motif color monito r support sinc svlib collect widget develop spirit osf motif user interfac widge t set integr seamlessli motif widget programm svlib widget interfac and design m otif widget fv visual softwar for comput fluid dynam cfd simul fv design accept data gener simul and appli visual techniqu present data graphic fv accept dimens ion multi block data record ncsa hdf format iti gov pub svlib scientif visual fv directori demo binari for sun sgi cost for academ and for academ institut for e ach item you get sourc for licenc contact miss quek lee hian member technic staf f inform technolog institut nation comput board ncb build sicenc park drive sing apor republ singapor tel fax email leehian iti gov gvlware distribut bob interac t volum render for sgi raz disk base movi player for sgi icol motif color editor armi high perform comput research center ahpcrc develop set tool work larg time

depend and data set graphic and visual lab gvl tool side standard packag such s gi explor and utah raster toolkit render volum and creat digit movi coupl gener purpos program bundl into packag call gvlware gvlware consist bob raz and icol f tp interest program bob interact volum render for sgi raz stream raster imag dis k sgi screen enabl movi larger memori plai icol color map editor that work bob a nd raz sourc and pre built binari for irix includ acquir gvlware anonym ftp mach in ftp arc umn edu file pub gvl tar us gvlware mkdir gvl gvl zcat gvl tar tar xv f readm bob featur motif interfac sgi render render cube data set second vgx alp ha composit and maximum render perspect maximum render person iri data brick byt e regularli space grid anim subvolum subsampl stereo raz featur motif interfac s gi render load file raw disk partit stream screen requir empti disk partit set s cript interfac for movi sequenc can stream memori ncsa ximag icol featur motif i nterfac easi creat interpol color map kei point rgb hsv and yuv color space mult ipl file format commun automat bob and raz test sgi sun dec and crai system btw bob brick byte icol interpol color raz name send comment gvlware ahpcrc umn edu thi softwar collect support armi research offic contract number daalo univers mi nnesota armi high perform comput research center iap imag applic platform commer ci packag for medic and scientif visual volum render binari surfac render multip lanar reform imag manipul cine sequenc intermix geometri and text imag and measu r and coordin transform abil can provid hardcopi medic film printer imag databas function and interconnect medic mri etc scanner client server base and object o rient interfac run high perform workstat and take full advantag parallel robust effici and will submit for fda approv for us medic applic cost for oem develop f or educ develop and run time start and base quantiti develop packag includ two d ai train for two peopl toronto isg technolog airport road mississauga ontario ca nada mail rod gilchrist rod isgtec molecular visual stuff base list cristi dupon t cristi ask for system for displai molecular dynam for short flex public domain packag written michael piqu scripp research institut jolla flex store compress tar archiv perutz scripp edu pub flex displai molecular model and trajectori mac molecul for macintosh search archi and promis place sumex aim stanford edu info mac app and info mac art for demo displai run sgi machin call terri lybrand lybr and milton washington edu xtalview crystallographi packag that visual molecul an d xview toolkit call duncan mcree dem scripp edu landman hal physic wayn edu wri te visual code output specif format easi alter for subroutin program hook into g k your friend access phig for pex and fortran bind happi share evolv code free c harg can displai supercel atom easi chang and time step draw nearest neighbor bo nd defin radii work accept fast mhz icsg caesar montana edu project molecular vi sual for master thesi unix motif gener simpl point and space fill model kgngraf kgngraf part motecc malena cr pub motecc motecc info txt inform motecc plain asc ii format motecc info troff inform motecc troff format motecc form troff motecc order form troff format motecc licens troff motecc licens agreement troff format motecc info inform motecc postscript format motecc form motecc order form posts cript format motecc licens motecc licens agreement postscript format ditolla itn sg cineca work molecular dynam friend mine and develop program displai run dynam silicon graphic work improv doesn work graphi lib silicon faster end post new i nfo ftp will free softwar xball written david nedd call daven maxin wpi edu xmol window system program that osf motif for displai and analysi molecular model da ta data common file format can read and written current format includ alchemi ch emlab gaussian molsim mopac pdb and msci xyz format design for simplic translat and format xmol for convers format xmol ftp msc edu read pub xmol readm for deta il insight biosym technolog inc scarecrow program publish molecular graphic prog ram can analyz and displai charmm discov yasp and mumod trajectori program packa g contain softwar for gener probe surfac proton affin surfac and molecular orbit extend huckel program work silicon graphic machin contact leif laaksonen leif l aaksonen csc laakson csc multi nieh nih gov pub multi multi process molecular mo del suit mindtool run sunview and requir fortran compil and sun cgi librari mind tool tool provid for interact graphic manipul molecul and atom atom input anonym ftp rani chem yale edu directori pub mindtool check archi for site that suggest sgi applic directori contain packag nfoti gi geograph inform system softwar gra ss geograph resourc analysi support system armi construct engin research lab cer

l popular geograph and remot sens imag process packag grass geograph inform syst em imag process packag report signific imag process capabl featur descript us gr ass public domain and can obtain internet for free grass run unix and written so urc code can obtain anonym ftp offic grass integr you compil sourc code for your machin script provid grass recommend grass for workstat and limit budget grass not user friendli compar macintosh softwar review overview document that and pix el resampl function not packag good gener purpos imag enhanc routin fft kelli ma uric vexcel corp boulder primari user grass thi gentleman us grass softwar and d evelop multi spectral band volumetr render full color sun and stardent effect in terfac vexcel corp contract map part venu and convert magellan radar data into c ontour map you can call email care greg vexcel host configur requir you will run you instal grass macintosh signific imag analysi and import capabl for satellit data grass public domain and can run high end unix raster base imag process cap abl and can displai vector data analysi raster environ us grass sun workstat and found easi us for data that repres raster grid cell form avail cerl offic grass integr ogi maintain ftp server moon cecer armi mil mail thi site address grass ftp admin moon cecer armi mil thi locat will canon sourc for grass softwar bug f ix contribut sourc document and file thi ftp server support dynam compress and u ncompress and tar archiv file featur attract server john park grass tutori manua l beta test stage john request that peopl acquir will review and mail comment co rrect ogi not maintain thi document correspond direct grassx tang uark edu suppo rt listserv mail list grassu list amber cecer armi mil for grass user applic lev el question support concern miscellan question etc send subscrib command grassu request amber cecer armi mil grassp list amber cecer armi mil for grass programm system level question and tip trick and techniqu design and implement grass app lic send subscrib command grassp request amber cecer armi mil list maintain offi c grass integr subset armi corp engin construct engin research lab champaign ogi provid list servic commun ogi and cerl employe will particip list can make clai m content verac messag that pass list you question problem comment send mail lis t owner amber cecer armi mil and human will respond microst imag intergraph base huntsvil alabama sell wide rang gi softwar hardwar microst base graphic packag that imag sit top imag basic imag process packag heavi gi remot sens flavor feat ur descript basic geometri manipul flip mirror rotat gener affin rectif affin an d order model project model warp imag vector map anoth imag rgb ih and ih rgb co nvers princip compon analysi classif mean and isodata fourier xform forward filt er and revers filter high pass low pass edg enhanc median gener complex histogra m contrast control layer control manag imag time user can extract singl band ban d imag creat color imag combin individu band etc packag design for remot sens ap plic can handl larg imag and kind softwar for gi applic host configur requir run intergraph workstat unix machin similar sun rumor rumor that softwar port and p ossibl sun environ pci compani call pci inc richmond hill ontario canada make ar rai softwar util for process manipul and us remot sens data ten industri standar d format lgsowg bsq landsat and coupl titl forget softwar version for do unix wo rkstat sun and ibm and vm and quit possibl platform us vm version pci softwar co nsist class group packag util group function oper common pci databas disk file t ape packag set util program read remot sens industri tape format into write form at pci databas file thi packag us packag can displai data pci databas anoth pci support parti color displai output numer bitmap represent imag data attach print er epson type dot matrix graphic printer you spe cific interest mathemat oper pa ckag histo gram and fourier analysi equal user oper multipli channel add channel and store channel and god lot don and don us can you bui packag your applic int erest call for each util control paramet read common paramet file vm your defaul t directori util will share paramet and us paramet for purpos can bit confus set seri oper standard pci environ contain script languag similar ibm basic you aut om process set paramet for common complic lengthi difficult seri util execut vm can invok util independ dcl command procedur option program librari you write co mpil languag program can interfac read write pci data structur databas file para met file pci softwar design specif for remot sens imag requir such level oper ex pertis that onc you reach level you can handl imag you can figur wai handl thing for instanc tape packag offer util for read headerless multi band adob photosho

p macintosh call raw data tape number interleav order thi turn ideal for manipul graphic art industri format haven handl targa and you you you can screw nth deg re and start worth note that pci databas file design not raster imag data vector for overlai map inform enter digit tabl land us and manner inform observ that r emot sens imag tape contain manner inform spectral band latitud longitud time da te etc origin satellit pass thi can into pci databas that workstat built displai us vax system workstat pci support coupl specif parti displai system name gould deanza come mind person workaround displai program displai directli pci databas file peritek vct bu bit directcolor displai subsystem pci softwar overkil your case design for high end applic user for mac larg doesn suffic you gap get small er time coincid that pci locat canada countri lot land resourc manag remot sens canadian govern pci softwar for work area spam spectral analysi manag back jpl d evelop call spam spectral analysi manag fair amount us time that design for airb orn imag spectromet imageri byte data pixel across line band modifi version sinc develop for aviri airborn visual and infrar imag spectromet larger imag spam th ing rectif classif and ih transform filter contrast enhanc overlai limit filter and contrast enhanc stretch spam aim spectral identif and cluster origin spam su nview displai aviri version requir vicar execut base tae and requir frame buffer can refer you peopl you interest pcw requir for displai map mac gi system map d istribut john wilei clrview clrview dimension visual program design exploit real time capabl silicon graphic iri comput thi program design provid core set tool aid visual inform cad and gi sourc support integr common disper data sourc such dxf tin dem lattic and arc info coverag clrview can obtain explor dgp utoronto d irectori pub sgi clrview contact rodnei hoink head design applic centr for lands cap research univers toronto tel email rodnei dgp utoronto end resourc list nick nikolao foti nation technic univ athen greec home esperidon internet nfoti thes ea ntua halandri mcsun ariadn thesea nfoti athen greec fax apr comput graphic resourc list weekli part archiv name graphic resourc list part last modifi comput graphic resourc list weekli post part last chang april faq includ thi list archiv site pit manag mit edu alia rtfm mit edu directori pub usenet new answer name faq archiv appear archiv name line top arti cl thi faq archiv graphic resourc list part mail server that machin you send mai l messag mail server pit manag mit edu contain keyword quot messag bodi you can place for thi list item place find resourc list for inform item chang arrang sub ject order fir articl limit plan chang header care resourc list kei remain subje ct line place find resourc list graphic editor public domain free and sharewar s ystem plot packag molecular visual stuff think make thi post weekli you line cha ng charact front ad line prepend remov line remov us diff locat thi text copyrig ht nikolao foti you can copi freeli thi file provid you thi copyright notic inta ct compil nikolao nick foti mail nfoti thesea ntua contact for updat correct etc disclaim not guarante accuraci thi document us your risk thi guid for comput gr aphic softwar suggest read comp graphic faq for imag analysi stuff entitl date c omp graphic frequent ask question faq john griegg griegg jpl devvax jpl nasa gov poster offici comp graphic faq includ comment brace and nikolao foti content re sourc list part place find resourc list archi note comput graphic ftp site list eric hain mail server and graphic orient bbse rai trace graphic relat mail list graphic editor public domain free and sharewar system commerci system scene desc ript languag solid descript format part plot packag imag analysi softwar imag pr ocess and displai part scene gener geograph data map data file scanner digit dat a background imageri textur datafil introduct render algorithm rai trace buffer depth buffer can find geometr data for teapot space shuttl imag annot softwar sc ientif visual stuff molecular visual stuff gi geograph inform system softwar fut ur addit send updat info place find resourc list thi file crosspost comp graphic comp answer and new answer you can locat comp graphic you advis search comp ans wer new answer group archiv your site contact your sysadmin for info articl post comp graphic time month and place below faq includ thi archiv site pit manag mi t edu alia rtfm mit edu directori pub usenet new answer name faq archiv appear a rchiv name line top articl thi faq archiv graphic resourc list part mail server that machin you send mail messag mail server pit manag mit edu contain subject f ield inria graphlib mail server mirror thi post subject mail server resourc list

acces wai machin enuxva ea asu edu port name graphic resourc list digest type l ine number item for purpos index anoth place that monitor list maasinfo file for info contact robert maa rem btr anoth place search for faq gener switch swiss a cadem and research network system switzerland interact telnet nic switch login i nfo move info servic usenet period post directori search index file type and wor d for you read faq faq directori decid fetch method ftp login nic switch user an onym and enter your internet style address prompt for password info servic usene t period post mail send mail rfc archiv server nic switch archiv server nic swit ch prmd switch admd arcom enter bodypart receiv instruct inform requir subject h eader line archi archi servic system locat ftp place for request file appreci th at you will us archi ask newsgroup archi server archi aussi archi funet finland eur archi darmstadt ger huji israel archi kui kyoto japan archi sogang korea arc hi ncu edu telnet twn archi doc ireland archi sura net usa archi unl edu passwor d archi usa archi an net usa archi rutger edu usa archi zealand connect archi se rver telnet and type archi usernam type you can xarchi archi client that call ar chi burden telnet session xarchi contrib tape and archi comp sourc misc vol info rm us archi mail send mail subject archi account site note janet pss user unit k ingdom archi site access janet host doc connect and archi host name and archi us ernam note excerpt faq articl not post mail messag can ftp mail thi number autom mail server that will send you thing thi respons messag number site that archiv usenet sourc newsgroup and make email queri system you send messag autom server send comp sourc unix fbm and hour dai you file mail comput graphic ftp site lis t eric hain comput graphic relat ftp site and maintain compil eric hain erich ey and nick foti nfoti thesea ntua rai tracer rayshad great rai tracer for worksta t for mac amiga pov son and successor dkb trace written compuserv for question c all drew well compuserv dave buck david buck carleton art rai tracer good rang s urfac type part vort packag dkbtrace anoth good rai tracer report pc mac amiga u nix vm last two preview etc rtrace portuges rai tracer bicub patch csg text etc etc do version for us djgpp do extend exist mac port vivid sharewar raytrac for pc binari author stephen coi coi ssc vax boe sourc version regist user direct au thor rai steve hollasch dimension rai tracer render hyperspher hypertetrahedra h yperplan and hyperparallelepip separ real time wirefram viewer written call wire mtv qrt dbw rai tracer interest featur distribut parallel raytrac xdart distrib ut rai tracer that run server binari work decstat sparc snake seri and client di stribut binari and sourc inetrai network version rayshad sun rpc newer contact a ndrea thurnherr ant ip ethz prt prai parallel rai tracer volum render vrend corn el volum render kartch devin caffei warren fortran radios and diffus light rende r radianc rai tracer radios effect greg ward excel shade model and physic base l ight simul unix base port amiga and india indian radios packag base radianc sgi rad interact radios packag that run sgi machin spacebal includ hous databas auth or gui moreillon moreillo ligsg epfl rad simpl public domain radios packag solut can run stand alon unix box walk requir sgi author bernard kwok kwok yorku rend er not raytrac and graphic librari sipp scan line buffer and phong shade render shadow buffer algorithm tcl sipp tcl command interfac sipp render program tcl si pp set tcl command us program sipp write and compil code command us surfac objec t scene and render option render ppm format utah raster toolkit rle format photo widget base applic vogl graphic learn environ devic portabl vogl sgi librari ba se vogl rend fast polygon render for intel and version not photorealist real tim e render xsharp dobb journal render sourc code budget textur map model wirefram viewer vision mac model can output radianc rayshad file irit csg solid model sup port for freeform surfac wirefram viewer for wirefram graphic toolkit sourc obje ct stuff major archiv wuarchiv such file dkit zip sharewar front end model for p ovrai beta test french doc for price for regist french franc save disabl extra u til dxf file for regist version geometr viewer salem base packag dobkin for expl or mathemat structur geomview base packag for and interact manipul object geomet ri center minnesota xyz geobench experiment geometri zurich workbench for geomet r comput for macintosh comput wire wirefram preview for steve hollasch rai data format and data set for rai trace spd set procedur databas for test rai tracer n ff simplist file format us spd anoth file format lispi file format tddd imagin m odel format convert for rayshad nff etc includ nice postscript object display gr

eat model ttdddlib convert tddd ttddd nff rayshad imagin and vort object output framemak mif file and isometr view postscript regist user tex font convert and s uperquadr surfac gener glenn lewi glewi pcocd intel note ttdddlib dlib chvrtd ch apel hill volum render test dataset includ volum set for two head brain knee ele ctron densiti map for rna and written materi render new collect articl rai trace bib refer articl rai trace refer format rad bib refer articl radios global illu min speer bib rick speer cross referenc bib postscript abstract collect tom wils on abstract articl paper bank project technic paper electron form contact juhana kouhia tut onlin bibliographi project acm siggraph onlin bibliographi project d atabas uniqu comput graphic and comput geometri refer bibtex format comput graph ic commun research and educ resourc databas locat siggraph org user download bib tex file ftp and perus offlin telnet siggraph org and log biblio and interact se arch databas for entri interest keyword for peopl internet access mail server se nd mail archiv server siggraph org and subject bodi messag includ messag send to pic and subtop you good place start command send index will give you date list i nform addit correct suggest direct admin bibadmin siggraph org imag manipul libr ari utah raster toolkit nice imag manipul tool pbmplu great packag for imag conv ers and manipul libtiff librari for read write tiff imag imagemagick packag for displai and interact manipul imag format miff and includ convert base imag displ ai manipul and format convert xloadimag xli displai format screen khoro huge exc el system for imag process visual program interfac and window fbm anoth set imag manipul tool somewhat img imag manipul displai screen bit xflick plai fli anim xanim plai resolut fli gif includ gif anim extens and amiga iff anim and iff pic tur includ ham ehb and color cycl sdsc sdsc imag tool packag san diego supercomp ut center for imag manipul and convers clrpaint bit paint program for sgi bit wo rkstat and bit indigo librari code for graphic graphic gem iii code book spline patch tar spline patch rai intersect routin sean grave kaleido comput and displa i uniform polyhedra mirror wuarchiv thi packag comput and displai metric propert i polyhedra author zvi har mail gauss technion mean site offici distributor date north america for thing your contin wuarchiv wustl edu graphic graphic content file for roadmap graphic graphic object tddd ttddd object and convert mirror uni x graphic rayshad rai tracer mtv rai tracer vort rai tracer fbm pbmplu popi utah raster toolkit mirror msdo graphic dkb rai tracer fli raytrack demo pub rad tar sgi rad graphic graphic radios radianc and indian radios packag msdo ddjmag ddj zip version xsharp fast textur map lot includ bib graphic gem code rtn radianc nff sipp spline patch intersect routin textbook errata sourc code roi hall book illumin and color comput gener imageri etc graphic graphic packag kaleido kaleid o georg kyriazi kyriazi ture rpi edu princeton edu pub graphic note capit raysha d rai tracer and separ execut color quantiz code spd new wilson abstract bib uta h raster toolkit newer fbm graphic gem iii code pub graphic directori salem and stuff craig kolb cek princeton edu replac weedeat math yale edu note capit pub g raphic troubl princeton incom area you can upload rayshad specif stuff weedeat m ath yale edu alfr cc carleton pub dkbtrace dkb rai tracer pub pov rai pov rai pv rai compuserv group rai tracer pov david buck david buck carleton avalon chinala k navi mil object multipl format util file format document thi site creat object repositori for net francisco dejesu dejesu archimed chinalak navi mil omicron u nc edu pub softlab chvrtd chapel hill volum render test dataset ftp offici ddj f tp repositori xsharp peipa essex pilot european imag process archiv directori ip a synth that imag synthesi packag adrian clark alien essex barklei berkelei edu tcl extens tsipp tar tcl sipp mark diekhan markd grizzli markd neosoft ac cp msu edu pub sass window font convert into rayshad polygon rayshad anim tool ron sas s sass cp msu edu hobb lbl gov radianc rai trace radios packag greg ward gjward lbl gov geom umn edu pub geomview geomview contact for geomview softwar geom umn edu ftp arc umn edu pub gvl tar latest version bob icol and raz sourc manual ma n page and binari for irix includ bob real time volum render pub contain volum d ataset ken chin purcel ken ahpcrc umn edu ftp kpc pub graphic holl steve hollasc h thesi pub graphic rai rai pub graphic wire wire pub mirror avalon mirror avalo n object repositori steve hollasch hollasch kpc swedishchef lerc nasa gov progra m hollasch rai sgi explor modul and postscript manual etc zamenhof rice edu pub graphic format electron document object and imag format mark hall foo rice edu w

ill appar longer maintain ftp ncsa uiuc edu rascal ic utexa edu misc mac inqueu vision facet base model can output rayshad and radianc file ftp ncsa uiuc edu mi sc file format graphic format contain imag and object format descript scivi tool directori sgi alpha shape alvi tar alpha shape visual sgi machin sgi polyview p olyview interact visual and analysi geometr structur quincei koziol koziol ncsa uiuc edu tucana noao edu iraf iraf astronomi packag ftp ipl rpi edu sigma erich spd imag and hain thesi imag pub imag and bit imag still and sequenc kevin marti n sigma ipl rpi edu ftp psc edu pub tar lispi scene languag render joel well wel l seurat psc edu ftp lbl gov pbmplu tar rayshad data file jef poskanz jef ac lbl gov georg lbl gov pub cc lib cc tar cc complex convers system standard softwar interfac for imag process hanauma stanford edu pub graphic comp graphic comp gra phic extens rai tracer dbw mtv qrt and joe delling joe hanauma stanford edu ftp net graphic irit new back issu not complet nurb model graphic relat materi graph ic jpeg jpegsrc tar independ jpeg group packag for read and write jpeg file free bi engin umich edu utah raster toolkit spencer thoma thoma eec umich edu export lc mit edu contrib pbmplu imag magick xloadimag xli img lot pub untar mit demo g pc ncga graphic perform character gpc suit life pawl rpi edu pub rai kyriazi sto chast rai tracer georg kyriazi kyriazi ture rpi edu utah edu pub utah raster too lkit nurb databas jami painter jami utah edu gatekeep dec pub dec tar model gpc benchmark file plan not check randi rost rost kpc hubcap clemson edu pub amiga i ncom imagin stuff for amiga imagin turbo silver rai tracer pub amiga ttdddlib tt dddlib pub amiga incom imagin object object glenn lewi glewi pcocd intel pprg ee c unm edu pub khoro khoro imag process packag huge great daniel argiro daniel bu llwinkl unm edu expo lc mit edu contrib pbmplu portabl bitmap packag poskbitmapt ar bitmap collect ravel img xloadimag jef poskanz jef venera isi edu pub img tar and img tar imag manipul pub imag rgb separ photo paul ravel ravel venera isi e du ucsd edu graphic utah rle toolkit pbmplu fbm databas mtv dbw and rai tracer w orld map stuff not updat recent castlab engr wisc edu pub tar pub xdart xdart ma rk spychalla spy castlab engr wisc edu sgi graphic tiff tiff spec libtiff softwa r and pic sgi and relat stuff opengl manual sam leffler sam sgi superced okeeff berkelei edu for libtiff stuff surya waterloo edu graphic fbm rai tracer ftp sds c edu sdscpub sdsc ftp brl mil brl cad inform brl cad packag rai tracer imag tes t imag textur librari begun lee butler butler brl mil cicero umass edu textur te mp grayscal brodatz textur julien flack julien sc leed karazm math edu pub graph ic rtab shar wilson abstract prai eric townsend jet karazm math edu jet na nasa gov ftp pitt edu user qralston imag bit imag archiv small jame ralston crawford qralston pitt edu ftp cornel edu pub vi vrend sune waterloo edu pub raytrac vivi d rend sune uwaterloo archiv umich edu msdo graphic graphic stuff msdo graphic r aytrac vivid appl appl pub archivevol prt research att netlib graphic spd packag polyhedra polyhedra databas you don ftp us netlib automat mail replier research netlib internet netlib ornl gov send line messag send index for info send hain graphic spd siggraph org siggraph archiv site public onlin bibliographi project confer proceed electron format paper panel siggraph video review inform and orde r form stuff directori automat mailer archiv server siggraph org send index ftp unc edu pub reaction diffus greg turk work reaction diffus textur window code si ggraph av ncsc org ftp volvi volum dataset boston workshop volum visual thi site intern av center terri myerson tvv ncsc org uvac virginia edu pub suit demo spa rc dec etc suit simpl user interfac toolkit finger suit uvac virginia edu detail instruct nexu yorku pub report radios code tar rad pub report radios thesi rad msc thesi thi site will chang ftp yorku futur milton washington edu ftp public v eo veo virtual realiti and distribut applic prototyp environ for unix veo softwa r support veo support hitl washington edu oldpubl fly fly visual softwar demo th at packag built for fly through dataset real time binari for platform virtual re aliti stuff zug csmil umich edu xpec file lcd glass shutter for amiga comput gre at for stuff sugrfx ac syr edu stereo pair imag close sunsit unc edu pub academ comput scienc virtual realiti final copi sugrfx ac syr edu archiv that ceas exis t contain powerglov code paper imag and irc research materi jonathan magid jem s unsit unc edu archiv ci ohio state edu pub siggraph code for siggraph procedur m odel and render techniqu david ebert ebert ci ohio state edu lyapunov ucsd edu t hi machin consid repositori for preprint and program for nonlinear dynam signal

process and relat subject and fractal matt kennel mbk inl ucsd edu cod nosc mil pub grid tex ascii short survei method interpol and contour bivari data ic uci e du honig stereo pair imag movi anim movi displai bit and mono digit subtract tau ru np navi mil pub dabro cyberwar demo tar human head data pioneer unm edu pub t extur map han buf grayscal test textur aerial swatch brodatz textur synthet swat ch space planetari imag repositori access rom data imag line time pub info begin n info you start brows colbi kraybil opu pioneer unm edu brown edu srgp sphig fo r info srgp sphig mail softwar distribut graphtext brown edu pdb pdb bnl gov dat a organ molecul bond atom etc atom coordin and load stuff contain ent file actua l atom dimems miss you convert data pov rayshad etc biom bio pub art renoir pain t escher pictur etc umanitoba specmark sampl set imag imag edg rom imag atom lan dscap advanc semiconductor superconductor and experiment surfac chemistri contac t ruskin umanitoba explor dgp toronto edu pub sgi clrpaint clrpaint pub sgi clrv iew clrview tool that aid visual gi dataset format dxf dem arc info etc am arc n asa gov pub space cdrom imag magellan and vike mission etc pub space index pub s pacelink spacelink servic data below mail server send mail archiv server am arc nasa gov am archiv server subject send space index quot peter yee yee am arc nas a gov pubinfo jpl nasa gov imag data etc jpl mission modem access pariti data bi t stop bit newsdesk jplpost jpl nasa gov phone spacelink msfc nasa gov passwd gu est space graphic and gif imag nasa planetari probe and hubbl telescop main func tion support for teacher you can telnet thi site dial access baud bit pariti sto p bit stsci edu hubbl space telescop stuff imag and data read readm pete reppert reppert stsci edu chri dea odea stsci edu pit manag mit edu pub usenet new answ er land faq graphic and pictur directori interest mail server pit manag mit edu send mail messag contain archiv avatar new back issu for detail write kori hamze h kori avatar avatar europ nic funet pub sci paper paper bank project includ pet e shirlei entir thesi pic wilson abstract pub misc cia worldmap cia world data b ank comp graphic research archiv india and juhana kouhia tut dasun epfl radianc good for european site doesn carri add on that for radianc isi liu pub sipp sipp tar sipp scan line buffer and phong shade render jona yngvesson jona isi liu ir isa ipsc prai rai tracer spd nff spd nff format scene rayshad data file didier b adouel badouel irisa irisa disappear phoenix oulu fli raytrack anim file vga big fli rayscen demo american check wuarchiv anim come jari kahkonen hole phoenix o ulu jyu pub graphic rai trace rai tracer includ prai dbw dkb mtv qrt rayshad new nff file jari toivanen toivanen jyu garbo uwasa stuff etc sourc contour fortran program contour scatter data linear triangl base interpol asterix inescn pub rt race rtrace nffutil tar nff util for rtrace medic data cat etc convert nff autoc ad nff autolisp code autocad scn rtrace languag convert and goodi antonio costa acc asterix inescn vega hut graphic rtn archiv rai tracer mtv qrt nff model shut month ago check nic funet nfoti sun nluug pub graphic raytrac dbw microrai mtv etc unix hensa misc unix ralcgm ralcgm tar cgm viewer and convert mail server ma il archiv unix hensa messag bodi send misc unix ralcgm ralcgm tar maeglin luth g raphic raytrac prt doc wilson abstract vivid ftp berlin pub unix graphic rayshad input tar rayshad aquarium american check princeton edu heiko schlicht heiko ma th berlin maggia ethz pub inetrai inetrai and sun rpc code andrea thurnherr ant ip ethz osgiliath dth pub amiga graphic radianc amiga port radianc per bojsen bo jsen ithil dth ftp informatik uni oldenburg pov raytrac mirror wuarchiv good for pov pub dkbtrace incom polyrai polyrai raytrac pub dkbtrace incom ftp uni pub a miga raytrac imagin mirror hubcap imagin file neptun inf ethz xyz xyz geobench p eter schorn schorn inf ethz iamsun unib graphic graphtal system interpret christ oph streit streit iam unib amiga physik unizh amiga gfx graphic stuff for amiga comput stesi eso org line access huge astronom databas login starcat passwd decn et stesi space telescop european coordin facil benoit pirenn bpirenn eso org pho ne middl east gauss technion kaleida australia gondwana ecr pub vort art rai tra cer vogl wilson rai trace abstract pub contrib artscen art scene itali pub imag hain hain thesi imag graphic gem code spd nff databas nff and preview and bit im ag and lot stuff pub rad tar sgi rad berni kirbi berni ecr munnari pub graphic v ort tar vort art csg and algebra surfac rai tracer vogl pub dbw pbmplu graphic r oom tar art scene itali david hook dgh munnari marsh curtin edu pub graphic bibl iographi facial anim pub graphic bibliographi morph pub graphic bibliographi stu

ff facial anim morph and user interfac pub fascia fred park fascia program valer i hall val lille curtin edu oceania asia ccu aukland ftp mac architec vision fac et base model can output rayshad file neat thing for mac paul bourk pdbourk ccu aukland scslwide soni ftp sgi facial anim steve frank site for facial anim steve frank stevef csl soni stevef umr edu mail server and graphic orient bbse check ftp place archi don overus mail server troubl wrong return address mail server c ommand path valid return mail address hint for send back you stuff dec ftpmail s end line messag ftpmail decwrl dec subject field and line contain word you back messag detail relev procedur you follow order file you want note that repli answ er command your mailer will not work for thi messag mail you receiv ftpmail send request ftpmail send origin mail messag not repli complaint ftpmail request dec address postmast sinc decwrl postmast not respons for fix ftpmail problem bitft p for bitnet site bitftp pucc send line messag thi address for info lightwav mai l base file server mail base file server for object bit jpeg imag gif imag and i mag map onlin for internet mail access server offici archiv site for lightwav ma il list and contain and sharewar graphic util for comput platform includ amiga a tari ibm and macintosh server resid bb call graphic bb bb oper hour dai dai week phone number upgrad modem hay ultra bi bi speed bp bp you submit object scene i mag server pack uuencod and mail file address server bobsbox rent for inform obt ain file server send mail messag address file server graphic rent bodi messag di r and file describ us server and complet directori list will you mail includ cyb erwar head and shouder ttddd format check you can us ftp nfoti inria graphlib pi err jancen and sabin coquillart launch inria graphlib mail server month ago echo mail inria graphlib inria will give you quick summari inria graphlib contain an d brows file echo send content mail inria graphlib inria will return extend summ ari exampl echo send cgrl misc mail inria graphlib inria will return comput grap hic resourc list mirror comp graphic bbse bbse that store datafil etc etc guid s cope thi list and resourc author you can point internet mail access bbse that ca rri interest stuff send info studio amiga model and rai trace specif bb hour meg onlin jeff walkup pwappi castl bi bi mnp pacifica dang close san francisco cali fornia usa user password tao oin base castl anim video sig lazeru bob lindaburi oper bb entri for graphic bb you can call rai rai trace relat bb chicago suburb digit pixel sysop mark mcng descart waterloo edu base toronto ontario canada pho ne storag space meg modem type baud zyxel bi mnp access fee free system support do amiga mac netmail echo mail topic raytrac fractal graphic program cad comp gr aphic relat david tiberio dtiberio sunysb edu amiga graphic bb long island york run hour bi meg line subscrib mail list origin bb ad includ lightwav imagin real rai trace databas file includ imagin object render scalabl font music modul sou nd sampl demo anim util text databas and pend lightwav object graphic altern gra phic altern cerrito run hour dai hst bi onlin and user base tga run two node nod e for public access and includ free dai trial subscript tga west coast host for pcgnet profesion cad and graphic network support node across continent alaska ze aland australia franc and tga file databas includ do execut for pov vivid rtrace rayshad polyrai and tga numer graphic util viewer and convers util regist vivid user can download latest vivid aeta code special vivid confer scott bethk sbath kei access digex intersect bb thi bb dedic support anim system provid free charg and not commerci user full access call featur usenet new internet mail fidonet echo netmail meg onlin bi bi modem platform interest amiga videotoast macintosh do unix workstat sun sgi etc atari alfonso hermida afanh robot gsfc nasa gov squ ar bb maryland support raytrac such pov and vivid bb run mhz meg hard drive and rom run bp thi will chang topic graphic program anim raytrac program gener lynn falkow roxxi delphi vertech design graphic connect portland oregon bi bb carri t ypic bb servic messag base topic specif and file cad and graphic relat hundr meg abyt offer materi textur file that full color seamlessli tile photo realist imag sampl time caller bb subscript system caller hour subscrib and subscript rate p eopl interest materi can subscrib librari addit basic subscript rate and can us purchas time download whichev materi rai trace graphic relat mail list imagin mo del and anim system for amiga send subscript request imagin request email parama x send materi imagin email paramax dave wickard substitut steve worlei mainten m ail list note that unisi address longer valid lightwav for amiga part newtek vid

eo toaster send subscript request lightwav request bobsbox rent send materi ligh twav bobsbox rent bob lindaburi toaster send subscript request listserv karazm m ath edu bodi subscrib toaster list real anoth model and anim system for amiga su bscrib send mail contain bodi subscrib real your full name listserv uwa edu rays had send subscript request rayshad request princeton edu send materi rayshad use r princeton edu craig kolb alladin for amiga send subscript request subscrib xam iga linet org and bodi messag write alladin usernam domain radianc greg ward aut hor send regist mail user digest correspod note fix updat etc address gjward lbl gov rend send subscript request rend request sune waterloo edu send materi rend sune waterloo edu pov rai dkb raytrac subscrib send mail contain bodi subscrib dkb your full name listserv trearn bitnet send materi dkb trearn bitnet mail lis t for massiv parallel render send subscript request render request icas edu send materi render icas edu graphic editor public domain free and sharewar system vi sion mac base program written paul bourk pdbourk ccu aukland program can us gene r model directli rayshad and radianc file format polygon sharewar and list ftp l ist brl solid model system for environ includ sgi and csg and nurb support for m anifold geometri you can free ftp sign and return relev licens found ftp brl mil rai trace for engin analys contact carla moyer tel fax cad dist brl mil mail sn ail mail brl cad distribut surviac aberdeen satellit offic philadelphia road sui t aberdeen usa irit construct solid geometri csg model program for and includ fr eeform surfac support free ftp list for find surfmodel solid model program for w ritten turbo pascal ken van camp simtel msdo srfmodl directori noodl cmu fritz p rintz and levent gursoz elg styx edrc cmu edu base manifold topolog for info don give xyz xyz interact editor builder written dale stocker creat object for surf acemodel automov and dkb raytrac packag xyz free and can found for exampl simtel msdo surfmodl xyz zip do dmod msdo program check barnacl erc clarkson edu pub m sdo graphic dmod undocu file format dmod micah silverman pierrepoint av postdam york tel northcad sharewar msdo cad ncad zip simtel undocu file format vertex am iga sharewar send check monei order art machin nickola sterl height usa addit st andard file format includ lightwav imagin sculpt turbo silver geo and wavefront thi releas offer profession and rayshad support rayshad support primit triangl y ou can easili includ thi output your rayshad script latest demo version fred fis h for inform contact author alex deburi sycom org phone icoon amiga spline base object model icoon interact coon path editor amiga physik unizh gfx icoon lzh fr ee gnu licenc and requir fpu program feel cross journeyman and imagin and gener object ttddd format load journeyman object into icoon program can us convert jma n object imagin format author helg rasmussen compel phone fax fred fish disk ser i nfoti protocad ver triu sharewar wsmr simtel armi mil and oak oakland edu pcad zip for pc thi menu layout file file handl load save import xport draw draw obj ect line circl box draw object mesh sphere block edit edit featur copi move surf ac modifi object revolv xtrude sweep imag imag zoom featur updat window half opt ion global default grid toggl axi plot print draw pictur imag render shade objec t frame light tune layer layer option select activ layer set color sculptura run window and output pov file demo can found wuarchiv wustl edu mirror win demo de mo zip author michael gibson gibsonm stein washington edu commerci system alpha spline base model program written univers utah featur spline trim nurb support f or boolean oper sweep bend warp flatten etc group object and transform extens ob ject type applic includ machin anim util dimens fem analysi etc render subsystem support for anim support platform and sgi machin and irix sun sparcstat suno li cens and distribut handl eg glenn mcminn presid engin geometri system east south templ suit salt lake citi mcminn utah edu educ price charg per platform you run system workstat that type you for each platform licens fee for portabl standard lisp psl bundl system you obtain addit licens univers utah for psl address prof essor robert kessler comput scienc depart univers utah salt lake citi utah eg ca n handl licens psl for institut for usd nomin fee nfoti vertigo educ institut pr ogram packag us industri design architectur scientif visual educ broadcast imag and post product field quot letter nfoti donat fulli configur vertigo graphic so ftwar worth usd per packag qualifi educ institut for licenc number silicon graph ic person iri power seri workstat you us iri indigo station will licenc vertigo revolut softwar worth usd you interest particip thi program send letter mail fax

your institut letterhead briefli outlin your potenti for vertigo togeth inform unix version model and number sgi system peripher devic parti softwar particip w ill ask contribut usd per institut cover cost manual administr and ship recommen d that vertigo user subscrib technic support servic for annual fee you will rece iv technic assist support hotlin bug fix softwar upgrad and manual updat for edu c institut will waiv administr fee support purchas annual support fee cost for a ddit machin number machin addit cost per machin dai train program nfoti contact vertigo technolog inc suit west georgia vancouv canada phone fax such offer tdi alia softimag wavefront etc thi interest part nfoti padl basic solid model kerne l top you build your applic licens cornel programm autom cornel univers engin an d theori center ithaca licens fee low for educ institut and gov agenc intern com merci licens and dissemin licens for inform packet write address send your addre ss marisa cpa cornel edu richard marisa aci spatial technolog solid model kernel callabl heard that univers free copi compani person contact aci academ institut scott owen mail sdo spatial and address spatial technolog inc bldg boulder phon e fax movi byu cquel byu basic understand thi fem pre and post proccessor system fairli todai serv peopl mech eng dept supersed cquel byu pronounc sequel that c omplet model anim and visual packag run usual workstat environ sun dec sgi ibm a nd you can demo version dai trial period send usd address blank tape cost for fu ll run time licenc contact engin comput graphic lab clyde build brigham young un iv provo phone mail cquel byu edu twixt add stuff repli fax voxblast volum rende r market vaytek inc fairfield iowa phone run pc fpu call vaytek for info voxelbo x volum render for window featur includ direct rai trace volum render color and alpha map gradient light anim reflect and shadow run higher bit video card svga fine window cost contact jaguar softwar inc main suit winchest jwp world std joh n poduska scene descript languag nff neutral file format eric hain simpl procedu r databas gener spd packag and object float ftp site preview written starbas hai n written vogl you can us devic vogl can output check site carri vogl gondwana e cr object file format dec randi rost rost kpc object archiv server mothbal futur version remov ref nfoti mail server obtain thi servic send messag subject line contain word and null messag bodi object archiv server decwrl dec for ftp place relev place preview for sgi machin call preview godzilla cgl rmit preview for xv iew and sunview gondwana tddd librari object translat nff rayshad imagin vort ob ject edit copi announc follow raytrac new librari object ftp steve worlei worlei cup portal assembl set object binari format call tddd object rang human figur a irplan semi truck lamppost object freeli distribut and readm that describ order convert object human readabl format file specif tddd includ directori object sha rewar system call ttdddlib offici hubcap clemson edu that will convert ala pbm o bject format imagin ttddd extens tddd nff rayshad vort sourc includ for amiga un ix execut for amiga output framemak mif file and isometr view postscript pittsbu rgh supercomput center lisp slight extens store dimension model simpl lisp inter pret includ releas access vendor lisp run thi softwar mous driven user interfac for motif open and silicon graphic and drawp subroutin librari for gener underli lisp softwar support render painter painter algorithm dore silicon graphic inc languag gener phig sun phig dec phig rayshad art rai tracer vort packag and pixa r renderman code anonym ftp machin ftp psc edu directori pub and nic funet direc tori pub graphic program renderman pixar renderman not free call pixar for detai l solid descript format eec esprit project cad cad interfac develop neutral file format for transfer cad data curv surfac and solid model cad system and cad caa comput aid analysi cam comput aid manufactur ig defin standard tranfer solid mo del brep and csg current standard number ansi for document you want contact nanc i flower ncga technic servic and standard ext and cost thi standard not electron format pde step thi slowli emerg standard encompass not geometr inform for thin g fem etc main bodi thi standard nist and darpa you can inform pde send mail npt server cme nist gov and put line send index bodi not subject area messag peopl r utherford appleton lab work step tool express compil and exchang file parser sou rc form and for free for research purpos will express base databas system for to ol contact mike mead phone fax mail inf mcsun uknet rlinf inf nsfnet relai end p art resourc list nick nikolao foti nation technic univ athen greec home esperido n internet nfoti thesea ntua halandri mcsun ariadn thesea nfoti athen greec fax ellips offset sinc peopl quickli solv problem determin sphere po int suddenli recal problem find ellips offset for exampl point offset can you fi nd origin ellips analyt spent two month solv thi problem analyt method last year fail pressur had us method nonlinear program techniqu deal thi problem approxim idea will greatli appreci post share interest yeh usc recommend graphic librari for mac cellar org tsa cellar org sile nt assassin write build cad packag and graphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden line remov shade anim etc can you offer recommend apda call ma cwirefram full wire frame and supposedli hidden line remov librari weigh wrong o rder magnitud libertarian atheist semi anarch techno rat can relat that jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux clear disc you can seek forev yhe font pov polyrai vivid font vivid pov polyrai borland bgi fo nt convert vvfont zip thi program can found ftp informatik uni oldenburg directo ri pub dkbtrace util wuarchiv mirror thi site directori graphic graphic mirror f tp informatik uni oldenburg pub dkbtrace util nice util present thi directori ve rsion polyrai for ask for can found site directori incom util ply thi directori povshel and found nive raytrac time peter peter vanderveen visser wau depart gen et agricultur univers wageningen netherland newss work project includ and move grapic databas jpeg and mpeg come mind format choic for file read net form each want settl file format can co unt standard format year appl support quicktim power and thi format choic format appl quicktim us for product guess kind mpeg for motion pictur standard mpeg fi le for info art pollarda xrai byu edu viewer want for public domain viewer not fanci featur want simpl wirefram displai flat shade simpl transform nice hidden line inform appreci cview answer apr imag schaefer imag imag arno schaefer write bry an thi not quit correct rememb vgalib packag that come linux sl will switch vga mode xwindow write gif viewer linux don that exist similar svga packag and view gif not nice vgalib amaz guess lost subdir for correct doesn sound appeal glad w asn major miss cview answer articl lerr rahul net bryanw rahul net bryan woodwo rth write apr white mc sean white mc sean gum write stupid question will cview r un and can gif viewer for linux window boi hell you view gif graphic linux windo w love linux easi learn you want text us linux you want text and graphic us linu x window simpl painless requir window you want graphic thi includ fanci word pro cessor doc imag viewer etc bryan thi not quit correct rememb vgalib packag that come linux sl will switch vga mode xwindow write gif viewer linux don that exist similar svga packag and view gif not nice regard arno arno schaefer ensimag ann e email schaefer silen imag tel spec info appl quicktim spec verbos interpret spec for quicktim technic articl magazin and refer book nice spec format usabl unix do system can quicktim stuff ftp appl present format advanc jame murrai add scienc sdsu edu genoa graphic board driver ftp site open ftp site for get latest softwar driver for genoa graphic card access ftp login ftp password ftp pub gen oa binari prompt hash you wanna latest driver for board seri mget quit thi seque nc driver you question email regard stefan hartmann email harti mikro berlin cview answer levt rahul net bryanw rahul net bryan woodworth wri te qlobb tuegat tue renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write info danger read floppi disk omit unrevcover care incred poor program for program thi neverthele ss import bug that squash point that overlook mind that will affect target user cview don us cview anymor that had explaind thi bug thread not fault cview do yo u leav file open floppi drive chang disk and updat close that file you good chan c get part directori and fat disk written disk thi true and destroi data program not cview thing cview can improv situat not leav file open activ read and decod kevin martin sigma rahul net gotta anoth hat fast polygon routin need thi fairli routin request for fast poly gon routin us game that work slow point pref asm that fairli document and flexib l luca fast polygon routin need articl new cso uiuc edu osprei cso uiuc edu luca adamski write thi fairli routin request for fast polygon routin us gam

e fast polygon routin rumour articl apr mercuri unt edu mcmain unt edu sean mcmain wri te wow interest hand fact that motorola not releas supposedli lineup built mmu d on even that moto manufactur ian romanick danc fool epsilon contain thought opin ion epn ntsc qualiti psu not agre don douch anti freez dead milkmen window graphic viewer howdi wonder peopl mail opinion graphic vi ewer for window work project set scanner and write document us and nice snazzi i mag viewer and even edit imag you scan file format for gif jpeg tiff pcx major f ile format lot for your grant grant totten programm analyst trent univers peterb orough ontario gtotten trentu phone fax dai knight bold and women cautiou gallan t dai women women and men obnoxi rumour articl apr rchland ibm ricardo rchland vnet ibm ricardo h ernandez muchado write articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu wri te articl apr rchland ibm ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm wri te and cpu doesn understand supposedli variat run mhz thi speed you sprite snip not ricardo anim playback lawrenc refer earlier post plain quicktim compact vide o codec digit video appl earli commerci precis run centri fp nice bit color dept h expect that algorithm risc processor approach full screen full motion anim you impli processor will tax highli dynam materi snip booth walk and show real time video captur radiou supermac card digit and make spot quicktim movi quicktim di git gui talk plai back quit nice and real time gui expand window resiz and frame rate decreas notic that wasn fp fp anymor drop fp increas bit and drop fp ask m ac quadra don model and tell gui that quicktim plai back speed even lcii spoil c laim sinc quadra mac bit troubl and thi wasn even hardisk thi memori that you ne wer version quicktim hardwar assist centri anoth softwar product run anim suppos edli macromind acceler don misunderstand want clarifi thi box base arm risc proc essor two custom graphic chip dsp doubl speed cdrom and ram vram fuzzi breakdown graphic chip and ram vram capac demonstr recent gather electron cafe santa moni ca mical amiga lynx fame and hal josephson talk machin and plan unit displai ful l screen movi compactvideo codec nice blocki show clip jaw and backdraft and hig h frame rate boot fp note that screen resolut compactvideo pretti amaz want poin t that quicktim slow dynam resiz materi state materi had compress larg size plai back fine and thi quit bit price gener person don us dynam size movi plai back stuff origin size plenti quick latest machin not centri mhz stack mhz arm box ar m faster rob barri quicksilv softwar inc rbarri orion oac uci edu fast polygon routin need articl apr sophia smith edu orourk soph ia smith edu joseph rourk write articl new cso uiuc edu osprei cso uiuc edu luca adamski write thi fairli routin request for fast polygon routin us game fast po lygon routin draw polygon vga mode game and asm faster draw concav polygon that method slow luca cview answer articl rahul net bryanw rahul net bryan woodworth w rite apr imag schaefer imag imag arno schaefer write bryan thi not quit correct rememb vgalib packag that come linux sl will switch vga mode xwindow write gif v iewer linux don that exist similar svga packag and view gif not nice vgalib amaz guess lost subdir for correct doesn sound appeal glad wasn major miss tommi fra ndsen vgalib you talk will standard vga mode tweak mode and tseng super vga mode and view gif lousi small monitor dpg view linux had chang constant dpg view sou rc make us mode vgalib sourc design for easi addit super vga support each mode a rrai regist valu and program that dump arrai declar thi kind describ current mod e haven btw version vgalib kennu mit mdata linux free unix linu torvald for read comp linux email you for inform you can run tex gnu emac and top nice posix env iron us rayshad rayshad comput and input user and perhap swap idea po st uuencod gif rai code interest troubl come color that metal brass steel rgb va lu you machin check fineman rle file rle stein washington edu for dan fake virtual realiti ridicul exampl exploit virtual realiti clot h compani recent open vancouv can anoth chic cloth spot interest sell virtual cl oth mail you want dig phone and you can promot lit video get readi bui multimedia workstat and advic graphic card t hat will video and window origin think targa that doesn work window card into cr

aig forgiv divin craig williamson airhead human craig williamson columbiasc ncr balki bartokoma craig toontown columbiasc ncr home perfect stranger window screen grabber howdi find screen grabber program for wind ow write document and help includ sampl screen into document mail don usuali fol low thi group lot grant grant totten programm analyst trent univers peterborough ontario gtotten trentu phone fax human brain enorm fish flat and slimi and gill can monti python rumour articl new servic uci edu rbarri orion oac uci edu robert barri write unit displai full screen movi compactvideo codec nice blocki show c lip jaw and backdraft and high frame rate boot fp acorn replai run mhz arm proce ssor arm slower arm thi softwar standard rom bit colour resolut comput bit colou r support real time dither suppos coupl dsp arm us for housekeep not centri mhz stack mhz arm box arm faster mhz arm clock arm mip flat depend surround system a nd whether you talk arm arm cach and essenti run thi kind speed slower memori st op thing co hopefulli work for arm graduat mike don pai heed rep philip doesn be at pant eat thi postscript michael william part comput scienc tripo mjw phx cam univers cambridg cymdeitha genedlaethol traddodiad troi teigrod mwythu ben waer dicta australian pattern recognit societi call for paper dicta c onfer digit imag comput techniqu and applic locat macquari theatr macquari unive rs sydnei date decemb dicta second biennial nation confer australian pattern rec ognit societi thi event will provid opportun for person interest comput vision d igit imag process analysi and aspect pattern recognit becom inform contemporari develop area exchang idea establish contact and share detail work invit speaker will provid specialis present prof gabor herman univers pennsylvania medic imag prof hodgson massei univers zealand comput vision prof dominiqu juelin centr mor phologi mathematiqu pari mathemat morpholog prof john richard aust defenc forc a cademi canberra remot sens phillip robertson csiro divis inform technolog canber ra interact visualis confer will concentr not limit area imag process comput vis ion and object recognit motion analysi morpholog medic imag fuzzi logic and neur al network imag code machin vision and robot enhanc and restor enhanc and restor visualis industri applic softwar and hardwar tool paper sought for present conf er and public confer proceed submiss for peer review consist extend abstract wor d doubl space text summar technic aspect paper and result that will quot final p aper limit page text and illustr camera readi form copi abstract dicta toni adri aansen csiro divis wool technolog box ryde nsw australia import date abstract du e june accept notifi august final paper due octob social program confer dinner w ill held thursdai decemb social activ arrang situat beauti harbour sydnei and va ri place interest opera hous and harbour bridg two landmark harbour cruis citi t our blue mountain run daili can provid inform request accommod accommod min walk distanc rang colleg style star hotel facil inform will suppli request confer fe e sep sep apr member apr student member confer dinner dec advanc registr name or ganis address phone fax email current member apr not current member apr send inf orm accommod enclos chequ for send form dicta toni adriaansen csiro divis wool t echnolog box ryde nsw australia chequ made payabl dicta for inform contact toni adriaansen athula ginigi email dicta ut edu apr member iapp intern associ for pa ttern recognit inc affili member intern feder for inform process fastest window video articl apr trentu ayoun trentu amro youn tr ent univers peterborough canada write ati graphic ultra pro eisa version admit r eceiv bad press that due faulti driver had magazin impress ati card recent revie w april issu rate ati graphic ultra pro eisa version editor choic note that driv er had improv sinc test isa version januari cuyler weitek jgreen amber joe green write weitek graphic chip you weit ek address phone number inform thi chip interest thi chip follow email bill egan cavali graphic houston texa email cavali blkbox jpeg imag compress frequent ask question archiv name jpeg faq la st modifi april thi faq articl discuss jpeg imag compress suggest for addit and clarif sinc version april version imag archiv and pmjpeg for thi articl includ s ection jpeg us jpeg us jpeg and stick gif jpeg compress imag good qualiti set fo r jpeg can jpeg softwar can softwar viewer etc sourc code thi hoopla color quant iz jpeg work lossless jpeg argument file format recogn file format and arithmet

code loss accumul repeat compress decompress rule thumb for convert gif imag jpe g section basic info that jpeg user section advanc info for curiou thi articl po st week you can find latest version new answer archiv rtfm mit edu ftp fetch pub usenet new answer jpeg faq you don ftp send mail mail server rtfm mit edu bodi send usenet new answer jpeg faq faq articl store thi archiv for instruct us arch iv send mail address word and index quot separ line you don repli server misread your return address add line such path mynam mysit your correct mail address re pli jpeg jpeg pronounc jai peg standard imag compress mechan jpeg stand for join t photograph expert group origin name committe that wrote standard jpeg design f or compress full color grai scale digit imag natur real world scene not work rea list imag such cartoon line draw jpeg not handl black and white bit per pixel im ag handl motion pictur compress standard for compress type imag work committe na me jbig and mpeg jpeg lossi mean that imag you decompress isn quit ident you ori gin put algorithm achiev compress exploit limit human ey notabl fact that small color detail aren perceiv small detail light and dark jpeg intend for compress i mag that will look human you plan machin analyz your imag small error introduc j peg problem for you even invis ey properti jpeg that degre lossi can vari adjust compress paramet thi mean that imag maker can trade file size output imag quali ti you can make extrem small file you don mind poor qualiti thi for index imag a rchiv make thumbnail view icon etc etc convers you aren happi output qualiti def ault compress set you can jack qualiti you satisfi and accept lesser compress us jpeg two good reason make your imag file smaller and store bit per pixel color data bit per pixel data make imag file smaller big win for transmit file across network and for archiv librari imag compress mbyte full color file kbyte make bi g differ disk space and transmiss time you compar gif and jpeg size ratio detail below your view softwar doesn support jpeg directli you convert jpeg format for view manipul imag even jpeg capabl viewer take longer decod and view jpeg imag view imag simpler format gif for instanc jpeg essenti time space tradeoff you gi ve time order store transmit imag cheapli worth note that network phone transmis s involv time save transfer shorter file can greater extra time decompress file you arithmet reason jpeg will gradual replac gif standard usenet post format tha t jpeg can store full color inform bit pixel million color fewer color you bit d isplai hardwar thi not advantag you coupl year bit gif will obsolet black and wh ite macpaint format todai for reason detail section jpeg gif for exchang imag pe opl wide vari color displai hardwar jpeg consider gif for us usenet post standar d us jpeg and stick gif jpeg not displac gif for type imag gif superior imag qua liti file size thing learn jpeg kind imag appli rule thumb jpeg superior gif for store full color grai scale imag realist scene that mean scan photograph and si milar materi jpeg superior even you don bit displai hardwar and lot superior you section for detail gif significantli imag distinct color such cartoon and line draw larg area pixel that exactli color compress effici gif jpeg can squeez file gif introduc visibl defect thi sort imag gif form singl color border quit cheap gif file avoid jpeg file jpeg hard time sharp edg row pure black pixel adjac ro w pure white pixel for exampl sharp edg tend come blur you us high qualiti set t hi sort thing not found scan photograph show fairli gif file border overlaid tex t etc blurri objection text that pixel high you gif lot small size overlaid text don jpeg comput drawn imag rai trace scene for instanc fall scan imag and carto on term complex complex and subtli render imag like that jpeg will for semi real ist artwork fantasi draw and such plain black and white two level imag never con vert jpeg you grai level jpeg for grai scale imag note that gif lossless for gra i scale imag level jpeg not you exist librari gif imag you whether you convert j peg you will lose imag qualiti you section argu that jpeg imag qualiti superior gif appli format start full color origin you start gif you irretriev lost great deal inform jpeg can make thing wors disk space save justifi convert thi decis y ou make for you convert gif librari jpeg section for hint prepar leav imag gif f ormat sinc gif will not convert jpeg compress imag pretti darn sampl file size f or imag handi full color imag ship harbor file for comparison purpos rest creat free jpeg softwar describ section file size byte comment ship ppm origin file pp m format compress bit byte per pixel byte overhead ship ppm ppm file pass unix c ompress compress doesn accomplish lot you note text orient compressor give simil

ar result ship gif convert gif ppmquant ppmtogif save result lose color info gif save bit pixel not sec ship jpg cjpeg highest qualiti set thi indistinguish bit origin nonprofession eyebal ship jpg cjpeg default set you mighti darn close di stinguish thi origin even screen onc ship jpg cjpeg thi slight defect you for yo u jpege origin good imag qualiti recent post usenet pictur group ship jpg cjpeg jpeg characterist blocki becom appar thi set djpeg blocksmooth help plenti usene t post that poorer imag qualiti thi ship jpg cjpeg optim optim cut tabl overhead blocki perfectli satisfactori for preview index purpos note that thi file tini compress ratio origin thi case jpeg can make file that factor smaller gif compar qualiti file bit good gif you full color displai thi typic ratio for real world scene good qualiti set for jpeg jpeg compressor you pick file size imag qualiti tradeoff select qualiti set widespread confus mean set qualiti not mean inform claim qualiti scale pure arbitrari not percentag name game jpeg pick lowest qual iti set smallest file size that decompress into imag indistinguish origin thi se t will vari imag anoth and observ anoth rule thumb default qualiti set choic thi set lowest you can expect defect typic imag you defect for experiment purpos ne ver will produc file two time larg qualiti imag perfect qualiti begin you object ion degrad hand you higher qualiti set avoid degrad second case appli time conve rt gif jpeg default for compress bit imag for convert gif section for info you w ant small file for preview index purpos and prepar toler larg defect set rang am us art note qualiti set discuss thi articl appli free jpeg softwar describ secti on and program base jpeg implement such imag alchemi us complet qualiti scale pr ogram don even provid numer scale high medium low style choic can jpeg softwar p rogram describ thi section ftp you don us ftp faq articl find sourc you don dire ct access ftp read ftpmail server articl that articl appear regularli new answer you can send mail mail server rtfm mit edu send usenet new answer find sourc bo di anonym ftp list faq help usenet new answer ftp list faq new answer archiv not e thi list constantli you copi coupl month latest jpeg faq new answer archiv you for can softwar viewer etc part thi list system specif program that run kind sy stem you don you want for your machin check portabl jpeg softwar describ end lis t note that thi list concentr free and sharewar program that you can obtain inte rnet commerci program list window john bradlei free version and excel viewer for jpeg gif and imag format for ftp export lc mit edu ftp ci upenn edu file call t ar version number locat contrib directori export pub directori upenn reduc imag bit intern mean not real good choic you bit displai you bit color you shouldn us convert full color imag jpeg color quantiz fine tool for convert gif and bit im ag jpeg caution glitch version and earlier check save normal size checkbox save jpeg file file will blurri anoth good choic for window john cristi free imagemag ick packag export lc mit edu file contrib imagemagick tar thi packag handl imag process and convers task imagemagick viewer handl bit displai correctli for colo rmap displai slower color quantiz basic free jpeg softwar larg complex packag yo u want simpl imag viewer xloadimag xli xloadimag support jpeg latest releas xloa dimag free and export lc mit edu file contrib xloadimag tar xli variant version xloadimag fan somewhat faster and robust origin current xli faster and robust cu rrent xloadimag respect jpeg file ijg decod xloadimag hack xloadimag releas will fix thi xli free and export lc mit edu file contrib xli tar program thing bit d isplai do thi cover plain do for window program head good choic eric praetzel fr ee dvpeg view jpeg and gif file current version ftp sune uwaterloo file pub jpeg viewer dvpeg zip thi good basic viewer that work machin user interfac not flash i function anoth freewar jpeg gif tga viewer mohammad rezaei hiview current vers ion simtel and mirror site note below file msdo graphic zip hiview requir cpu an d vcpi compat memori manag qemm and max work window and not hiview fastest viewe r for imag that bigger your screen for larger imag scale imag fit screen pan scr oll viewer you not prefer thi approach deni that slow load larg imag consider no te instal bit tricki read direct carefulli sharewar altern colorview for do thi easier instal two freewar altern user interfac spiffier person find harder us ke ystrok inconsist behavior faster dvpeg slower hiview hardwar for imag larger scr een size dvpeg and colorview speed and faster hiview current version simtel and mirror site note below file msdo graphic dcview zip requir vesa graphic driver y ou don vesadrv zip vesa tsr zip directori recent pc built vesa driver don load v

esa driver colorview complain that driver miss second sharewar altern fullview k ick net for don stabl archiv locat for current version inferior viewer author te ll that version fullview will shortli and will submit simtel archiv that time gi f viewer compushow cshow support jpeg latest revis cshow jpeg implement isn good slow half speed viewer and imag qualiti poor color displai bad nice good jpeg c apabl cshow sharewar simtel and mirror site note below file msdo gif cshw zip du e remark varieti graphic hardwar viewer not work your machin you can work you us convers program convert jpeg gif view your favorit gif viewer you color hardwar don us gif intermedi format find targa capabl viewer vpic reput thing color dis plai independ jpeg group free jpeg convert ftpabl simtel and mirror site note be low file msdo graphic jpeg zip jpeg zip you and extend memori file do compil fre e sourc code describ section will convert jpeg and gif targa and ppm format hand mad softwar offer free jpeg gif convers tool gif jpg jpg gif slow and limit conv ers and gif format you can bit color output jpeg major advantag tool that will r ead and write hsi proprietari jpeg format usenet standard jfif format sinc hsi f ormat file widespread bbse thi capabl version tool free prior version sharewar s imtel and mirror site note below file msdo graphic gif jpg zip note not us hsi f ormat for file post internet sinc not readabl platform handmad softwar sharewar imag convers and manipul packag imag alchemi thi will translat jpeg file jfif an d hsi format and imag format can displai imag demo version imag alchemi version simtel and mirror site note below file msdo graphic alch zip note simtel interne t kei archiv site for relat program simtel full name wsmr simtel armi mil simtel run unix system weird directori name thi document refer directori msdo graphic simtel that mean msdo graphic you not physic milnet you expect slow ftp transfer rate simtel internet site that maintain copi mirror simtel archiv ftp user mirr or site popular usa mirror site oak oakland edu simtel file pub msdo graphic you ftp capabl you can retriev file simtel mail inform post comp archiv msdo announ c find you usa consult newsgroup learn your nearest simtel mirror microsoft wind ow window program capabl displai jpeg imag window viewer gener slower do viewer hardwar due window system overhead note that you can run do convers program desc rib insid window do window newest entri winecj free and extrem fast version ftp rahul net file pub bryanw jpeg wecj zip requir window and color mode thi frill v iewer bad habit hog machin complet decod and imag qualiti notic wors viewer fast you us for preview jview freewar fairli fast good line and can write decompress imag window bmp format can creat jpeg file and doesn view gif jview lack featur sharewar viewer such bright adjust excel basic viewer current version ftp cica indiana edu file pub win desktop jview zip mirror thi archiv can found internet site includ wuarchiv wustl edu winjpeg sharewar displai jpeg gif targa tiff and bmp imag file can write format can us convert nifti featur includ color balanc a djust and slideshow current version simtel and mirror site note file msdo window winjp zip thi slow compat version you regist you version roughli faster colorvi ew anoth sharewar entri thi earli and promis contend not updat time and thi poin t real advantag winjpeg you want current version ftp cica indiana edu file pub w in desktop cview zip understand that version will appear onc author finish color view for do dvpeg do head work window full screen mode not window file hobb nmsu edu note check pub upload for recent version hobb moder not fast move upload in to perman directori pub graphic jpegv zip bit version free ijg convers program v ersion pub graphic jpeg zip bit version for pub graphic imgarc zip imag archiv i mag convers view graphic interfac strong convers function view bit weaker sharew ar pub graphic pmjpeg zip pmjpeg port winjpeg popular viewer for window descript window section sharewar pub graphic pmview zip pmview jpeg gif bmp viewer gif v iew fast jpeg view fast you huge amount ram speed program strong bit displai sup port sharewar macintosh mac jpeg program reli appl jpeg implement part quicktim system extens you quicktim instal us quicktim you cpu and you run system you run system you instal bit quickdraw extens thi built system you can quicktim ftp ft p appl file dt mac quicktim quicktim hqx thi file contain quicktim wai respect j peg margin faster and consider prone crash fed corrupt jpeg file applic compat p roblem mac user mind that quicktim jpeg format pict jpeg not usenet standard jfi f jpeg format section for detail you post imag usenet make jfif format program m ention below can gener format choic jpegview free program for view imag that jfi

f format pict jpeg format gif format can convert two jpeg format current version big improv prior version sumex aim stanford edu file info mac app jpeg view hqx requir system and quicktim bit displai jpegview produc color imag qualiti mac j peg viewer jpegview can view larg imag memori mac viewer fact that can deal jpeg imag pixel typic mac larg imag jpegview automat scale fit screen present scroll bar viewer you can zoom desir portion peopl thi behavior don jpegview user inte rfac thought gifconvert sharewar imag viewer convert support jfif and pict jpeg gif and imag format latest version sumex aim stanford edu file info mac art gif gif convert hqx requir system gifconvert not jpegview plain jpeg gif viewer exte ns imag manipul and format convers capabl you find worth sharewar fee you lot pl ai imag newest version gifconvert can load and save jfif imag quicktim your bet your machin run quicktim faster quicktim note gifconvert run memori load larg jp eg convert file gif jpeg convert view gif version jpeg convert mac version free ijg jpeg convers util sumex aim stanford edu file info mac app jpeg convert hqx thi will run mac file convers not view you can us conjunct gif viewer previou ve rsion thi faq recommend imageri jpeg jpeg gif convert base version ijg code you thi program you replac jpeg convert appl free program pictpixi can view imag jfi f quicktim jpeg and gif format and can convert format you can pictpixi ftp appl file dt mac quicktim stuff pictpixi hqx requir quicktim pictpixi intend develop tool and not choic you fool quicktim drawback that requir lot memori produc rel poor color imag qualiti bit displai and rel unfriendli user interfac wors pictpi xi unsupport program mean minor bug that appl not intend fix version pictpixi ca ll pictcompressor float net you thi you trash even buggier quicktim starter kit includ clean descend pictpixi call pictur compressor note that pictur compressor not free and not distribut net storm technolog pictur decompress free jpeg view er convert thi program inferior program wai will run system quicktim you forc us older system bit quickdraw machin can us you can sumex aim stanford edu file in fo mac app pictur decompress hqx you set file type download imag file jpeg pictu r decompress open your machin run bit quickdraw mac for instanc gifconvert your choic for singl program jpeg view you don want pai for gifconvert us jpeg conver t and free gif viewer and commerci mac applic support jpeg not can deal usenet s tandard jfif format adob photoshop version can read and write jfif format jpeg f ile us jpeg plug acquir menu you set file type download jpeg file jpeg photoshop recogn amiga program list thi section store aminet archiv amiga physik unizh mi rror site thi archiv and you us closest usa good choic wuarchiv wustl edu mirror amiga physik unizh hamlab excel jpeg viewer convert gener imag manipul tool che ap sharewar and can read format jpeg current version demo version amiga physik u nizh and mirror site file amiga gfx edit hamlab lha demo version will crop imag larger fulli function rend sharewar imag render that can displai jpeg ilbm and g if imag program can us creat anim even captur frame fly render packag lightwav c urrent version amiga physik unizh and mirror site file amiga gfx rend lha note t hi directori supposedli for amigado program program will run amigado viewtek fre e jpeg ilbm gif anim viewer current version amiga physik unizh and mirror site f ile amiga gfx show viewtek lha you will spend real monei commerci packag that su pport jpeg two written thoma krehbiel author rend and viewtek cinemorph standalo n imag morph packag and imagefx impress bit imag captur convers edit paint effec t and prepress packag that includ cinemorph distribut great vallei product art d epart profession adpro asdg inc wide us commerci imag manipul softwar for amiga imagemast black belt system anoth regard commerci graphic packag jpeg support fr ee ijg jpeg softwar compil for amiga amiga physik unizh and mirror site director i amiga gfx conv file amigajpegv lha program convert jpeg ppm gif targa format a miga world heavili infest quick and dirti jpeg program base ancient beta test ve rsion free ijg jpeg softwar magazin that publish disk month notifi author augjpe g newamyjpeg vjpeg and not even heard opinion older ijg version march not worth disk space store you such program trash and newer atari free ijg jpeg softwar co mpil for atari etc atari archiv umich edu file atari graphic jpeg bin zoo progra m convert jpeg ppm gif targa format not heard free sharewar jpeg capabl viewer f or atari sure pointer appreci acorn archimed changefsi suppli risc version can c onvert and view jpeg jfif format provis made convert imag jpeg thi cli doubl cli ck recent version sinc sharewar program translat can handl jpeg imag format olde

r version can found archimed bboard current version regist author john kortink n utterbrink ensched netherland price dutch guilder pound commerci product call jp eg jpeg read write function and direct jpeg view host imag format convers and pr ocess option thi expens not necessarili program contact softwar freepost cambrid g tel portabl softwar for almost system fit your situat you can obtain and compi l free jpeg convers softwar describ you viewer program your displai bit gif view er will fine you displai color capabl find viewer that can read targa ppm bit im ag file numer commerci jpeg offer pop dai recommend that you not spend monei you find free sharewar softwar vastli slow that case purchas hardwar assist product point question whether product compli final jpeg standard and whether can handl jfif file format earliest commerci releas not and never will compat file you fo r sourc code work free portabl code for jpeg compress independ jpeg group lead p ackag contain sourc code document and small test file place offici archiv site f or thi sourc code ftp net directori graphic jpeg current releas jpegsrc tar thi compress tar file don forget retriev binari mode you can retriev thi file ftp yo u and don cope tar format you prefer zip format you can find simtel and mirror s ite note file msdo graphic jpegsrc zip thi file will compuserv graphsupport foru m pic librari jpsrc zip you ftp access you can retriev sourc your nearest comp s ourc misc archiv version appear issu volum you don retriev comp sourc misc post faq articl find sourc refer top section free jpeg code convers jpeg jfif format and imag file gif pbmplu ppm pgm utah rle and truevis targa file format core com press and decompress modul can easili reus program such imag viewer packag highl i portabl test machin rang pc crai releas thi softwar for noncommerci and commer ci us compani us basi for jpeg relat product not royalti for acknowledg product literatur readm file distribut for detail hope make thi softwar industri qualiti that free offer warranti and accept liabil independ jpeg group volunt organ you contribut improv softwar you join thi hoopla color quantiz peopl don full color bit per pixel displai hardwar typic displai hardwar store fewer bit per pixel c an displai fewer distinct color time displai full color imag comput map imag int o set repres color thi process call color quantiz thi misnom color select term s tuck standard usag color quantiz lossi process turn that for imag detail color q uantiz algorithm impact final imag qualiti error introduc jpeg lowest jpeg quali ti set sinc jpeg full color format convert color jpeg imag for displai bit hardw ar requir color quantiz thi true for color jpeg even you feed color gif into jpe g come decompressor not color thousand color thi happen jpeg lossi affect each p ixel differ two pixel that start ident color will come slightli color each origi n color get smear into group nearbi color quantiz requir displai color jpeg colo rmap displai imag sourc avoid quantiz for grai scale output incident thi effect meaningless talk number color us jpeg imag even you attempt count number distinc t pixel valu jpeg decod give you result roundoff error differ occasion post imag describ color jpeg thi tell that poster hasn read thi faq and convert jpeg gif jpeg can classifi color grai scale photograph number color isn concept for jpeg hand gif imag definit quantiz fewer color gif definit number color palett and fo rmat doesn palett entri for purpos usenet pictur distribut gif advantag that sen der precomput color quantiz recipi don thi disadvantag gif you stuck sender quan tiz sender quantiz number color you can displai you quantiz result poorer imag q ualiti you had quantiz onc full color imag sender didn us high qualiti color qua ntiz algorithm you luck for thi reason jpeg offer promis significantli imag qual iti for user machin don match sender displai hardwar jpeg full color imag can qu antiz precis match user displai hardwar you will advantag futur improv quantiz a lgorithm lot activ research thi area purchas displai hardwar view jpeg imag you gif you stuck forevermor worth mention that gif view program includ shoddi quant iz routin you view color gif color ega displai for exampl you get wors imag you thi partli inevit consequ two color quantiz creat gif displai due sloppi jpeg co nvers program will forc us high qualiti quantiz order accept result and normal u s will quantiz directli number color displai jpeg like provid result averag gif program for low color resolut displai high resolut final grow number peopl bit d isplai hardwar bit color displai true bit displai workstat and macintosh etc for peopl gif obsolet cannot repres imag full capabl displai jpeg imag can drive di splai effect jpeg choic gif for repres imag machin independ fashion jpeg work bu

zz word chromin subsampl discret cosin transform coeffici quantiz and huffman ar ithmet entropi code thi articl long not that for technic inform comp compress fa q thi new answer archiv rtfm mit edu file pub usenet new answer compress faq par t you new answer archiv top thi articl lossless jpeg great deal confus thi subje ct jpeg committe defin lossless compress algorithm that guarante final output bi t for bit ident origin input thi lossless mode almost noth common regular lossi jpeg algorithm and offer compress present implement lossless jpeg exist and comm erci free jpeg softwar not you lossless imag rid deliber inform loss coeffici qu antiz step good deal inform loss color subsampl step free jpeg code you can samp l turn subsampl mind that commerci jpeg implement cannot cope result file even q uantiz and subsampl turn regular jpeg algorithm not lossless subject roundoff er ror calcul maximum error count pixel highli that thi perceiv human ey concern yo u machin process imag thi minimum loss set regular jpeg produc file that perhap half size uncompress bit per pixel imag true lossless jpeg roughli amount compre ss guarante bit for bit accuraci you applic requir lossless storag imag bit per pixel per color compon you want into jbig bilevel imag compress standard thi per form jpeg lossless such imag jpeg lossless superior jbig imag bit per pixel jpeg public domain huffman back end jbig techniqu heavili cover patent argument file format strictli speak jpeg refer famili compress algorithm not refer specif ima g file format jpeg committe prevent defin file format turf war intern standard o rgan sinc can exchang imag agre common file format thi leav problem absenc offic i standard number jpeg program writer thing and result program aren compat close st thing facto standard jpeg format work that coordin peopl cube microsystem def in two jpeg base file format jfif jpeg file interchang format low end format tha t transport pixel and not tiff jpeg aka tiff extens aldu tiff format tiff high e nd format that will you record you want imag and lot tiff lot complex jfif and p rove transport vendor histor implement slightli and incompat subset tiff not lik e that ad jpeg mix will improv thi situat format develop input major vendor jpeg relat product like that futur commerci product will adher standard that usenet adopt jfif replac for gif pictur post jfif simpler tiff and tiff spec recent off ici adopt and unus vagu crucial detail even tiff jpeg defin jfif format like wid e support lowest common denomin tiff jpeg file never transport case that peopl i nterest appl quicktim softwar for macintosh quicktim jfif compat format wrap ins id mac specif pict structur convers jfif and quicktim jpeg pretti straightforwar d and mac program mac portion section you editor that handl binari file you can strip quicktim jpeg pict jfif hand section for detail anoth case handmad softwar program gif jpg jpg gif and imag alchemi program capabl read and write jfif for mat default write proprietari format develop hsi thi format not readabl hsi prog ram and not us for usenet post us switch jfif output thi appli version program c urrent releas emit jfif format default you care not post hsi format file you wan t flame peopl platform recogn file format and you alleg jpeg file that your soft war won read like hsi format proprietari jpeg base format you can you inspect by te file jfif standard file will start charact hex two variabl byte hex jfif you start not rest you raw jpeg file thi decod jfif softwar worth hsi file start hsi you luck you hsi softwar portion file plain jpeg data won decompress properli h si program macintosh pict file jpeg compress will coupl hundr byte header jfif h eader scan for jfif strip and you read proprietari format not jpeg you lucki fil e consist header and raw jpeg data stream you can identifi start jpeg data strea m for strip that uuencod usenet post characterist jfif pattern begin line uuenco d hsi file will start begin line you learn check for you can save troubl downloa d jfif file arithmet code jpeg spec defin two back end modul for final output co mpress data huffman code arithmet code allow choic impact imag qualiti arithmet code produc smaller compress file typic imag arithmet code produc file percent s maller huffman code file size number previous cite for huffman code variant arit hmet code jpeg standard subject patent own ibm and mitsubishi you cannot legal u s arithmet code you obtain licens compani fair us doctrin peopl implement and te st algorithm store imag dubiou short run recommend that peopl not worri arithmet code space save isn great justifi potenti legal hassl arithmet code not us for imag exchang usenet small chanc that legal situat chang futur stai tune for deta il loss accumul repeat compress decompress nice compress imag jpeg you decompres

s manipul crop border and recompress imag degrad you lost initi thi not case gen er recompress alter imag lose inform not lost time thing that you decompress ima g and recompress chang loss you ident jpeg file even thi not true not current fr ee jpeg softwar essenti problem accumul roundoff error you repeatedli compress a nd decompress imag will eventu degrad you can visibl gener output take such cycl visibl chang thing list accumul error can avoid limit not optimist case that po ssibl guarante that compress unmodifi full color output djpeg origin qualiti set introduc loss even such simpl crop border roundoff error degrad you wonder pixe l block boundari move you crop multipl pixel you safe that mighti limit capabl b ottom line that jpeg format for archiv storag and transmiss imag you don want us intermedi format for sequenc imag manipul step us lossless format ppm rle tiff etc work imag jpeg you readi file avoid degrad you will save lot compress decomp ress time thi rule thumb for convert gif imag jpeg state earlier you will lose a mount imag inform you convert exist gif imag jpeg you can obtain origin full col or data gif made make jpeg that you save space and gif work suggest for get maxi mum space save minimum loss qualiti rule convert gif librari each jpeg make you happi throw gif that will give you chanc convers higher qualiti set gif left gif explain section cartoon type gif sixteen fewer color don convert you find that jpeg file reason qualiti will larger gif check size experi date suggest that lar g high visual qualiti gif candid for convers jpeg chew storag offer potenti save and convert jpeg degrad don wast your time convert gif kbyte don expect jpeg fi le convert gif small creat directli full color origin maintain imag qualiti you convert file twice big straight jpeg file shoot for size gif file not suggest ea rlier comparison peopl develop odd habit put larg constant color border gif imag useless thi free term storag cost gif file not free jpeg file and sharp border boundari can creat visibl artifact ghost edg favor and crop border jpege you win dow system manual and automat crop function painless thi cjpeg default set for f ull color input for gif input set avoid imag degrad you appli smooth suggest bel ow higher set not color gif photograph complex artwork dither fool your ey into color that gif can store you enlarg imag you will that adjac pixel significantli color normal size ey averag pixel togeth produc illus intermedi color troubl di ther that jpeg high spatial frequenc color nois and jpeg can compress nois resul t jpeg file larger and lower imag qualiti you jpege origin full color imag you h ad thi you want smooth gif imag compress smooth averag togeth nearbi pixel appro xim color that you thought you and process get rid rapid color that give jpeg tr oubl us smooth will you avoid high factor reduc size compress file obtain output imag you smooth free jpeg softwar product base simpl smooth capabl built smooth convert gif valu work for high qualiti gif heavi hand dither requir larger smoo th factor you can regular fine scale pattern gif imag even enlarg strong smooth call for larg smooth factor will blur output imag you don want you imag process wizard you can smooth separ filter program such pnmconvol pbmplu packag cjpeg bu ilt smoother lot faster pnmconvol upshot thi that cjpeg qualiti smooth good star t point for convert gif you care imag you want check result and set for inform j peg gener free jpeg softwar contact independ jpeg group jpeg info uunet net tom lane organ independ jpeg group internet tgl cmu edu bitnet tgl cmu edu carnegi cview answer temp file thing creat obviou problem imposs us cvie w for view rom base pictur collect and window viewer that work properli cirru ba se bit vga cview answer major user not read floppi pictur rom and us cview fast and work can moron lack foresight creat temp file program path not current didrectori need plot packag that for graphic cad packag unix box that will file record count integ entiti string entiti string type string and produc netwo rk graph node repres box circl and vertic repres line and width line determin li ne type for each type vertic box identifi entiti name number entiti and vertic n ice tool minim line cross over and good job layout look faq for comp graphic and gnuplot success idea appreci glen fullmer glen fullmer pt mot for success techn olog realiti preced public relat for natur cannot fool richard feynman video organ world inform your fingertip keyword articl toontown columbiasc ncr craig toontown columbiasc ncr craig williamson write get readi bu

i multimedia workstat and advic graphic card that will video and window origin t hink targa that doesn work window card into craig forgiv divin craig williamson airhead human craig williamson columbiasc ncr balki bartokoma craig toontown col umbiasc ncr home perfect stranger craig you targa run window time work and work fine you driver josh west email mscrap halcyon and fli spec can point can find spec for and fli file found arth ur qedbb arthur choung qed arthur qed bb window graphic viewer check imag pal lead special intro price ba sic imag process tool for major format screen grab and your imag file calalog in to thumbnail databas great don window screen grabber summari peopl respond request for window s creen grabber prove that net wonder thing summari two choic screen grabber packa g corel draw coupl simtel and cica us built printscreen and alt printscreen func tion past screen window clipboard past clipboard your applic cool for info grant window newbi unix and bag grant totten programm analyst trent univers peterboro ugh ontario gtotten trentu phone fax woman place wrong jame thurber tiff appsoft draw gif convers friend bitch that map made appsoft draw can displai check true version reader troubl preview mess ep fine tiff and imageview behav fly color doesn convert worth can convert thi drw appsoft reaso n gif access sun and nextstep system good reliabl convers program help email pos t respons email that us alphachannel god choke steve job archi archi for convert plain format imageviiew turn noth recogniz terrychai small editori tychai apr u ndernet tiff tychai apr undernet tiff and not gzip wrong thi format bitmap interpol yesterdai wrote program bilinear interpol ala nu mer recip pbmplu librari pretti happi result for code linear interpol scheme ahe ad write pointer dave disser caen user servic wealth wast disser engin umich edu chrysler center ann arbor rom index file and content list for knowledg media resourc libra ri graphic knowledg media resourc librari audio for anonym ftp cdrom fastest window video articl apr exu ericsson ebuhcb ebu ericsson write articl apr trentu ayoun trentu amro youn trent univers peterborough canad a write ati graphic ultra pro eisa version admit receiv bad press that due fault i driver had magazin impress ati card recent review april issu rate ati graphic ultra pro eisa version editor choic note that driver had improv sinc test isa ve rsion januari cuyler yeah gave editor choic run graphic acceler test previou iss u bought and return mine conclus can come that magazin wildli wai determin worth i video card david farlei univers chicago librari east street jrl dgf midwai uch icago edu chicago illinoi jpeg mpeg encod decod involv distant learn project and jpeg and mpeg encod decod sourc and object code thi not for profit project that onc compl et hope releas educ and institut learn center thi project requir that true photo graph imag plain telephon line addit real good gui lib object and type menu clas s that can us end transact server and termin end hear recent post rfd announc ot g open telemat group that will concern develop such applic and that incorpor nap lp jpeg mpeg voic ivr fax sprite anim fli flc etc present do and unix environ wo rk and hope that can gener interest major platform can accomod plaform independ api toolkit sdk mind that time that such project and group form deal issu want s etup repositori file access such simt and start put togeth otg faq you inform th at your opinion interest otg commun and you includ faq send email address below advanc box atlanta zyxel epimntl world std pimentel gisatl fidonet org edimg wil lard atl pimentel gatech vdbsan willard edimg emori uumind willard edimg willard hous bb atlanta scan grei color equat back had equat us for chang ilter grei sca le imag into true color imag thi theori us color scanner not for obv iou solut b ui color scanner equat ion becasu start write softwar will autom convers process repost equat unknown for pov tga and speedstar final bit viewer for povrai gener tga file written sean malloi and kindli copi wrote for purpos view tga file speedstar wo rk speedstar and cannot send copi sinc not program author releas version futur t ime program develop not comment thi pleas help regard jim nobl algorithm for read and displai bitmap file make custom paint pro gram do and algorithm for read bitmap file gif pcx bmp such algorithm copi book for read pcx format doesn work will algorithm for format that can creat window p aint toni imag earth for graphic imag earth shot space prefer bit color co lor gif will ftp site can find greatli you pass inform send email ken huisman ke n ualberta sphere point articl qkgbuinn shellei washington edu bolson carso n washington edu edward bolson write point coplanar find sphere that center and radiu exactli fit point find circumcent tetrahedron discuss page contour guid an alysi and displai spatial data dave watson pergamon press isbn each pair tetrahe dr vertic defin plane perpendicular bisector line that pair express each plane f orm and solv set simultan equat plane that vertex common vertic us solut circumc ent dave watson internet watson math uwa edu depart mathemat univers western aus tralia tel nedland australia fax paintprogram want excus sheer newbi thi post for decent paintpro gram will save file format bmp pcx etc etc ftp freewar sharewar check program fo r check commerci market advanc for direct you can give daemon vesa graphic standard ibm world standard vesa becom for svga gra phic lot graphic board compani graphic chip manufactur adher vesa standard and e ffect will vesa local bu thi dmorf direct ftp site can find do base morph packag call dmorf z ip had download thi file last week do crash hard drive and lost can find site mo rph packag for do freewar sharewar advanc barri egert obelix gaul csd uwo author wgt graphic toolkit for vga version turbo borland joystick mous graphic primit bgi power gif pcx data storag sprite multiwai scroll game bitmap warp resiz supp ort fli egert obelix gaul csd uwo sphere point plan post summari respons thi work code will includ intersect plane method implement base short articl graphic gem doesn work misin terpret had avoid simultan solut plane equat favor dot and cross product case ma trix determin comput implicitli solut linear equat plane take midpoint line and set normal normal vector plug into formula graphic gem result center point occas ion equidist test point for test matrix vector math rusti verifi formula us simu ltan equat solut will requir bring anoth routin don easi find anoth method find center circl defin set point and intersect normal thi defin circl center small n umer imprecis make line not intersect supposedli plane intersect uniqu point not parallel answer bolson univers washington cardiovascular research bolson washin gton edu prefer bolson max bitnet bolson milton washington edu you sphere point anoth method find center circl defin set point and intersect normal thi defin circl center small numer imprecis make line not inter sect supposedli plane intersect uniqu point not parallel thought thi don you pro ject line plane form line intersect calcul plane you guarante uniqu solut parall el won happen thi case and us parametr distanc line circl centr determin exact p oint interest thi bypass messi error propog requir calcul hope haven put foot st eve steven collin email steve crl hitachi visit comput graphic research phone hi tachi central research lab tokyo fax rumour articl apr rchland ibm ricardo rchland vnet ibm ricardo h ernandez muchado write articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu wri te ricardo anim playback lawrenc refer earlier post plain quicktim compact video codec digit video appl earli commerci precis run centri fp nice bit color depth expect that algorithm risc processor approach full screen full motion anim you impli processor will tax highli dynam materi sean don want into mini war bit ske ptic perform you claim centri you flame reserv for chicago last consum electron show and appl had booth walk and show real time video captur radiou supermac car d digit and make spot quicktim movi quicktim that fact current version decemb di git gui talk plai back quit nice and real time gui expand window resiz and frame rate decreas notic that wasn fp fp anymor drop fp increas bit and drop fp ask m ac quadra don model and tell gui that quicktim plai back speed even lcii spoil c laim sinc quadra mac bit troubl and thi wasn even hardisk thi memori test movi c reat resolut wasn scale scale cpu intens oper origin quicktim current version op

tim for ratio even prepar that perform isn good plai back actual movi haven nume r measur for scale playback lawrenc oliveiro fone comput servic dept fax univers waikato electr mail ldo waikato hamilton zealand gmt chao edit idea intern directori electron art borrow version thi book friend holi molei wealth contact hundr page inform electron artist and orga n globe email address minut databas thi inform minitel book base franc internet minitel gate book print french and english you your organ list idea send your in form annick bureaud idea rue falguier pari franc free list not wide distribut bo ok cost not affili impress collect organ and artist highli encourag involv elect ron media video music graphic anim etc send your entri and encourag make databas internet stastni oti project end process sound new and art ftp sunsit unc edu p ub multimedia pictur oti omaha project oti email cwi unomaha edu sunsit unc edu imag earth apr kakwa uc ualberta ken ualberta huisman kenneth wr ite for graphic imag earth shot space prefer bit color color gif will ftp site c an find greatli you pass inform ftp ing pub info jpl nasa gov simpl dir structur and am arc nasa gov pub space gif and pub space jpeg bit gif and jpeg great pic ci gif file semi huge gif file watch gif dead ahead good luck good softwar found jurriaan jhwitten ruu jhwitten ruu jurriaan wittenberg depart computersci utrec ht netherland rumour articl new servic uci edu rbarri orion oac uci edu robert barri write not centri mhz stack mhz arm box arm faster faster assum arm effici mip for integ calcul compact video digit video codec easi task for softwar moti on pictur lot compact video predat frame sec decstat that machin mhz mip burkhar d neideck lutz distribut multimedia group cec karlsruh eerp portfolio manag soft war motion pictur berkom project multimedia base technolog digit equip corpor ne ideck nestvx enet dec sphere point spworlei netcom steve worlei write bolson carson wa shington edu edward bolson write boi thi will embarass trivial faq point coplana r find sphere that center and radiu exactli fit point for circl point not immedi straightforward check geometri book graphic gem and farin loss merci and provid solut not bad question don ref that list thi algorithm think bit shouldn hard p oint and find plane defin circl that lie you you thi algorithm find center thi c ircl line pass thi center perpendicular plane point pass center sphere repeat un us point and two origin point thi you two line that pass sphere origin interect center sphere radiu easi comput distanc center origin point leav math you thi wo rkabl algorithm good had bad feel thi problem special case solut that worri copl anar point shape squar uniqu sphere that surfac similarli colinear point finit s ize sphere that surfac algorithm geometr design algebra design meet problem neat li determin plane point colinear algorithm afil return infinit intersect two lin e possibl line point planar circl line parallel sphere radiu thi last case can a chiev colini point and point take point and pair parallel line will produc can a chiev point coplanar not circl that algorithm fail point coplanar algorithm fail point coplanar point colinear coplanar test point coplanar plane point found tr ivial altern method pair point plane form perpendicular bisector each line segme nt pair contain center sphere pair will form plane intersect point thi easier im plement steve spworlei netcom imag earth pub space directori am arc nasa gov number earth imag you hunt subdirectori thing tend file mission apollo imag subject rick cview answer renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write kind so ul mail thi repli for bug cview sinc isn posit post thi ask post for leav name c ome cview quit number bug you mention perhap stupid question will cview run and can gif viewer for linux window cview answer apr white mc sean white mc sean gum write stupid qu estion will cview run and can gif viewer for linux window boi hell you view gif graphic linux window love linux easi learn you want text us linux you want text and graphic us linux window simpl painless requir window you want graphic thi in clud fanci word processor doc imag viewer etc cview answer qlobb tuegat tue renew blade stack urc tue rene wal ter write info danger read floppi disk omit unrevcover care incred poor program for program thi hand choos file open file menu cview insist disk read time move

lighter squar incred annoi onc get directori info and effort sort directori list fair peopl you person read imag floppi drive haven jpeg realiz agonizingli slow gif file nevertheless import bug that squash point that overlook mind that will affect target user cview cview answer renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write place t emp file place current directori beg differ thi point batch file us launch cview dir cview resid and invok time crash cview byte temp file found root dir drive cview cyberspac buddha you for knowledg you wixer bga not pai attent you wixer c actu org chair hillari god peac graphic code packag for do code packag data and turn into wirefr am surfac hidden line remov do machin and code can ansi ansi fortran basic data form rectangular grid post your repli net that benefit imho thi gener interest q uestion you vesa speedstar post john cormack want you that slight differ spe edstar and speedstar stefan convert imag laserjet iii good standard applic util convert tif img tga file into laserjet iii format convert hpgl plotter file email respons th i correct group advanc michael michael collier programm comput unit email collie r citi citi univers tel london fax comp graphic programm netter don thi thi kind thing cfv sinc don tha abil creat new group want start discuss enjoi read find difficult sort inte rest screen driver graphic card graphic program and graphic program discus comp graphic programm new group you arff for not relig confessor mysteri higher valu birth mankind last build indisput and disregard seldom you hear bee prize seldom you hear man prize see per lagerkvist fist free translat swedish andrea arff an dreasa dhhalden graphic code packag for do tamvm tamu edu wrote code packag data and turn into wirefram surfac hidden line remov do machin and code can ansi ans i fortran basic data form rectangular grid post your repli net that benefit imho thi gener interest question you surfac intersect problem intersect two surfac easi understand al gorithm for that even sourc marco seirio real life mars caligula want atom energi re establish techreport for paper marlow and po wel fortran subroutin for plot part conic that insid triangl rep atom energi re establish harwel england relat includ case max max froumentin laboratoir informa tiqu never fondamental lill tigran petrossian franc bit graphic card for eisa vesa local bu graphic card that suppor t resolut matrox expens card that support that resoult striaght isa elsa winner eisa metheu premier isa server for unix that support bit happen sgc xserver that card email info sgc for detail thoma da reh springt hoch mail roell sgc da reh springt weit includ sy pizza soll tun hat zeit viewer for file subject viewer for file for dominik radios radios sourc want read comp graphic group never found rad ios interest glad hear for sourc code for radios method read common literatur fo lei exampl understand radios work common languag pascal prefer hope you will pet er borland turbo librari for graphic card recent hold card and prog ram librari that will access high resolut mode borland turbo andi radios articl uni jena hahm fossi hab weimar peter hahm write ra dios sourc want read comp graphic group never found radios interest glad hear fo r sourc code for radios method read common literatur folei exampl understand rad ios work common languag pascal prefer hope you will peter peter radios packag ah ead problem mile sail work radios packag written make public domain announc minu t finish that good new bad new anoth month finish meantim you file radios code t ar locat comput ncsu edu locat archi nearest hope that stephan stephan amann sig comput graphic univers bern switzerland amann iam unib tel fax project radios r aytrac comput graphic need plot packag that articl full apr dolphin pt mot full pt mot glen fullmer write for graphic cad packag unix box that will file record count integ entiti string entiti string type string and produc network graph node repr

es box circl and vertic repres line and width line determin line type for each t ype vertic box identifi entiti name number entiti and vertic nice tool minim lin e cross over and good job layout look faq for comp graphic and gnuplot success i dea appreci glen fullmer glen fullmer pt mot roger grywalski respons network vis ual comp graphic visual thing exactli thi chri murphi chri alta columbu rumour fill exist assum rashli that number reserv for enhanc mot orola line mete anoth compani guess that assum comput industri will oper logic m anner articl apr rchland ibm ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm write sean don want into mini war bit skeptic perform you claim centri you flame reserv for chicago last consum electron show and appl had booth walk and show r eal time video captur radiou supermac card digit and make spot quicktim movi qui cktim version quicktim state current version softwar older version and horizon n ot distant futur digit gui talk plai back quit nice and real time gui expand win dow resiz and frame rate decreas notic that wasn fp fp anymor drop fp increas bi t and drop fp quicktim job plai back movi size plai back resiz movi appar proces s expand each frame imag and dither result bitmap bit depth pretti processor int ens optim that work pretti for show movi doubl size you drop size increas size p erform suffer dramat ask mac quadra don model and tell gui that quicktim plai ba ck speed even lcii li quicktim cpu depend confus fact that lock intern timecod a nd will plai amount time machin will drop frame order sound and video sync centr i and quadra similar cpu and will boast similar perform quadra will bit faster d ue margin faster clock speed and somewhat architectur spoil claim sinc quadra ma c bit troubl and thi wasn even hardisk thi memori that you newer version quickti m hardwar assist centri anoth softwar product run anim supposedli macromind acce ler expect that version quicktim softwar you codec video twice size and frame ra te version handl centri plain vanilla except nice speaker that plai sound and so ftwar movi player player appl includ softwar don misunderstand want clarifi thi problem surpris that quicktim thing can sean mcmain check gopher phone univers n orth texa band info server fax box seanmac ac unt edu mail denton mcmain unt edu imag earth kod hawnew watson ibm ricki watson ibm rick turner wr ite pub space directori am arc nasa gov number earth imag you hunt subdirectori thing tend file mission apollo imag subject for you don bit colour amiga iff clo udless earth scan map sphere mail and send you loui hang your word live your bre ath feel your skin will your room remov distort bitmap draw you scan imag line draw thi case boat draw you set refer point true posit you digit draw manual thi case yaron danon e xcel digit program that you us program convert cursor posit and save valu you cl ick mous digit you notic that refer point valu that come digit process differ sm all signific wai true valu thi understand scan draw reproduct origin and success sourc distort such differenti expans and contract paper error introduc print pr ocess scanner error and you error not uniform entir draw global adjust such stre tch contract uniformli rotat draw not satisfactori question kind soul algorithm for remov such distort set point refer true valu distortedrefer point error dist orteddata point unknown error function refer and distort appli distorteddata rem ov error suspect problem solv treat distort refer point result project bumpi sur fac solv for surfac and flatten remov error data point kind and inform soul idea pointer treatment similar problem earl grasp save each frame grasp anim gif jpg iff pictur format anim that transfer amiga hope that can cheer haavard ness trondheim colleg engin tron dheim norwai comp graphic programm articl andreasa dhhalden andreasa dhhalden andrea arff write netter don thi thi kind thing cfv sinc don tha abil creat new group want start discuss enjoi read find difficult sort interest screen driver graphic card graphic program and graphic program discus comp graphic programm ne w group you thi sound wonder spend time thi don power for exampl comp graphic ar chitectur thi comp graphic algorithm comp graphic algorithm comp graphic algorit hm misc comp graphic hardwar comp graphic misc comp graphic softwar app that alm ost overkil thi make lot happier comp graphic programm comp graphic hardwar comp graphic app comp graphic misc nice special group devot morph raytrac imag proce ss interact graphic toolkit languag object system etc post relev group mail list

organ that read new don subject head dispar system specif stuff comp sy comp pr ogramm program modex program inform fast sprite hardwar technic stuff speed weit ek driver for speedstar applic orient stuff vistapro good dstudio imag process p rogram for amiga program orient stuff fast polygon routin need good morph alogir htm want depth sort for triangl librari power cfd and cfv thi stuff thi newsgrou p brian cview answer bryanw rahul net bryan woodworth write apr white mc sean white mc sean gum write stupid question will cview run and can gif viewer for linux window boi hell you view gif graphic linux window love linux easi lear n you want text us linux you want text and graphic us linux window simpl painles s requir window you want graphic thi includ fanci word processor doc imag viewer etc ummm beg differ kind soul program call dpg view that will exactli want view gif imag linux window and support biggest complaint painfulli slow take minut d isplai imag us cshow do take split second idea slow linux doc dpg view graphic code packag for do articl apr ugl unit razor swix nvg un it runar jordahl write tamvm tamu edu wrote code packag data and turn into wiref ram surfac hidden line remov do machin and code can ansi ansi fortran basic data form rectangular grid gener interest question you afraid your repli didn you re pli postscript draw prog articl ecnn mentor purdu edu nish chem purd u edu nishantha write draw util that can us manipul postscript file specif inter est draw line box and sort postscript contour plot xfig and impress featur us si nc cannot us postscript file input for programm util that convert postscript xfi g format greatli appreci nishantha you optimist postscript big languag and fig f ormat can not interpret arbitrari code program manipul postscript file islanddra w for us xfig and includ postscript file convert epsi format small eras letter a d text and reinhard siggraph confer understand imag nyc acm siggraph understand imag subject pace univers siggraph confer understand imag purpos thi confer bring to geth breadth disciplin includ physic biolog and comput scienc technolog art psyc holog philosophi and educ order defin and discuss issu essenti imag understand c omput graphic context featur topic includ psycholog percept imag analysi design text sound philosophi date fridai saturdai time place pace downtown theater pace plaza spruce street park row gold street fee pre registr prior member member st udent proof statu requir registr site attende registr fee includ brakfast break lunch send registr inform fee franci marches comput scienc depart nyc acm siggra ph confer pace univers pace plaza room york voic fax email marchesf pacevm bitne t registr inform name titl compani street address citi state zip dai phone even phone fax phone email detail descript artist design scientist engin and educ sha re problem move inform mind anoth tradition us pictur word demonstr music and da nc commun imageri express complex notion such god and infin seemingli defin conc ept such flower can present challeng exce technic skill explos us comput visual and express tool compound thi problem hypermedia multimedia and virtual realiti system vast amount inform confront observ particip wade multitud simultan imag a nd sound possibl unfamiliar represent confound user ask mean sinc imag construct transmiss recept decipher and ultim understand complex task strongli influenc p hysiolog educ and cultur and sinc electron media radic amplifi each process step electron commun determin fundament paradigm for compos imageri for understand p urpos thi confer bring togeth breadth disciplin includ not limit physic biolog a nd comput scienc technolog art psycholog philosophi and educ order defin and dis cuss issu essenti imag understand comput graphic context featur speaker includ p sycholog percept marc univers ghent beverli jone univers oregon barbara tverski standfor univers michael shiffer mit tom hubbard ohio state univers imag analysi ravishankar rao ibm watson research center nalini bhusan smith colleg xiaopin u nivers illinoi narenda ahuja univers illinoi le sztander univers toledo design m ark bajuk univers illinoi alyc kaprow mit text xia lin pace univers john loustau hunter colleg jong ding wang hunter colleg judson rosebush judson rosebush soun d matthew witten univers texa robert wyatt center for high perform comput robert william pace univers rori stuart nynex philosophi michael heim educ foundat dpm a fake virtual realiti mike peredo mindlink mike peredo write ridi cul exampl exploit virtual realiti cloth compani recent open vancouv can anoth c hic cloth spot interest sell virtual cloth mail you want dig phone and you can p romot lit understand coupl rave bill virtual realiti parti hear project gif imag wall run anim newtek toaster adopt term virtual realiti for immers stuff virtua l virtual realiti etc samuel pratic safe signatur prevent danger signatur virii guildenstern name shout dawn messag summon moment begin miss remov distort bitmap draw articl apr sctc boebert sctc earl boeb ert write you scan imag line draw thi case boat draw you set refer point true po sit you digit draw manual thi case yaron danon excel digit program that you us p rogram convert cursor posit and save valu you click mous digit you notic that re fer point valu that come digit process differ small signific wai true valu thi u nderstand scan draw reproduct origin and success sourc distort such differenti e xpans and contract paper error introduc print process scanner error and you erro r not uniform entir draw global adjust such stretch contract uniformli rotat dra w not satisfactori question kind soul algorithm for remov such distort set point refer true valu distortedrefer point error distorteddata point unknown error fu nction refer and distort appli distorteddata remov error suspect problem solv tr eat distort refer point result project bumpi surfac solv for surfac and flatten remov error data point help idea sourc distort reason model class distort below short descript process us you question feel free poke mail assum local smooth di stort comput delaunai triangul your point thi defin set neighbor for each point your data not natur convex you long edg convex hull delet edg two goal move dist orteddata refer length measur current close digitizedlength measur digit for poi nt comput displac base and for exampl for point for you refer you can move alpha refer current thi will slowli move distortedrefer refer for point examin curren t length each edg for each edg comput displac make that edg correct length corre ct digitizedlength vector sum edg displac and move point alpha sumofedgedisplac thi will triangul mesh consist your digit mesh iter you happi for exampl point m ove alpha and alpha determin experiment you refer you absolut insist final point exactli match refer you want balanc error match refer length edg warn coupl geo metr invari observ essenti you can convex hull chang and you can triangl fold ne ighbor triangl can handl special case check motion individu point period triangu l point current posit calcul digitizedlength origin posit thi triangul time proh ibit onc motiv and chang code that work product mode for year back and triangul iter you comput power you you point interact point read linear solut bodi proble m lot paper last year siggraph proceed spring constraint and energi calcul relev method describ detail inproceed sloan author sloan kenneth and david meyer and christin curcio titl reconstruct and displai retina booktitl proceed graphic int erfac vision interfac address vancouv canada page month year techreport curcio a uthor christin curcio and kenneth sloan and david meyer titl comput method for s ampl reconstruct displai and analysi retin mount number institut depart comput s cienc univers washington address seattl month decemb year articl curcio author c hristin curcio and kenneth sloan and david meyer titl comput method for sampl re construct displai and analysi retin mount journal vision research volum number p age year kenneth sloan comput and inform scienc sloan ci uab edu univers alabama birmingham campbel hall uab station fax birmingham outlin spline surfac year ago start work problem that appear sim pl and turn quit difficult wonder net thi problem and hopefulli publish solut pr oblem draw outlin surfac defin two roughli parallel cubic spline for input probl em essenti start two set point each set point edg object treat two dimension ext ant edg exist dimension space draw object fit cubic spline point each spline eff ect comput sequenc line segment approxim curv each spline equal number segment a ssum that nth segment each spline roughli not exactli distanc each spline reason measur each segment each spline and match nth segment oppos spline us pair segm ent form two triangl will fill color surfac depth sort triangl each triangl sort order project pixmap draw and color triangl edg triangl that edg surfac and dra w line that edg color special edg color edg color step that heart problem idea e ffect outlin edg surfac net result gener lot break and gap edg surfac reason for thi fairli complic involv raster problem and problem result project spline thi

problem sound familiar know work thi area flat globe algorithm for flatten globe parametr surfac that defi ni parametr that sheet paper and knife and calcul cut paper can fold globe objec t marco seirio real life mars caligula imag earth articl apr ruu clldomp ruu loui van dompselaar write kod hawnew watson ibm ricki watson ibm rick turner write pub space directori am arc nasa gov number earth imag you hunt subdirectori thing tend file mission apo llo imag subject for you don bit colour amiga iff cloudless earth scan map spher e mail and send you bewar such copyright imag and compani that gener protect tha t copyright that imag hundr man hour build sourc satellit imag that compet imag will newsgroup split propos newsgroup split person not favor thi lear n aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wat e and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou daemon surfac intersect mars lina marco seirio write problem intersect two surfac easi understand algorithm for that even sourc marco seirio real life mars caligula you sever problem new header ftp purdu edu pub vanecek and pull pr oxima tar and proxima tre spif lanc norskog thinman netcom data not inform not k nowledg not wisdom page flip vga mode you write second bank page memori vga colour mode perform page flip anim and buffer screen map mask regist thi not perform re quir task note work standard vga not necessarili svga card advanc andrew imagin netter final receiv inform imagin for present ship versio n softwar and will releas version quarter upgrad purchas imagin cost you upgrad anoth elig call for info model ship handl requir meg math coprocessor and do and microsoft mous and svga card for your repli product receiv contrast repli onc s croung monei togeth will plung info for impuls you want find sheet impuls inc xe rx avenu north minneapoli for your repli scott scott snowiss sasst pitt edu turn jack jack pcx freenet carleton book code that will teach read and write pc x dbf and gif file access extra ram paradis video board can page higher vga mode line good book answer question that that good graphic file format kai and levin isbn supercharg bitmap graphic rimmer isbn programm guid ega and vga card ferra ro isbn chapter paradis svga dave delux vga passthrough cabl phone number place can vga passthrough want hook vga card xga card whcih you can can cabl that connect type cabl that you c onnect your vga card video blaster brad detect doubl point bezier curv for inform detect and calcul doub l point and cusp bezier curv algorithm literatur refer mail thi appreci ferdinan d comput graphic vcr get imag comput monitor videotap harder stand ard vga and ega output ntsc format us televis equip that will convers hard your hand and cost quit bit you access amiga comput that ntsc output you can transfer type graphic file modem and tape ntsc output thi frame frame and lead unbeliev scratchi anim you had good amiga anim program your local public access cabl stat ion equip that you can us newsgroup split articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson eng in umich edu chri herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss asp ect graphic feel thi curiou daemon agre you raist owner color bit palett love lo w fat sig don mail don valid address can send mail ellips touch problem post last week guess question not clear des crib detail offset ellips locu center circl roll ellips word distanc ellips and offset thi problem come geometr measur probe us tip probe ball and comput output posit ball center offset ellips ellips answer iron dmi american indutri standar d ellips almost softwar implement base dmi wrong softwar sold internationali ima gin peopl will suffer thi bug qualifi part ellips will discard and importantli d efect part ellips will us emploi consult compani lo angel last year special solv

thi problem spent two month analysi thi problem and six month program solut non linear not ideal can reconstruct ellips entir half offset difficult find origin ellips quarter segment offset method us not analyt wonder didn touch base and ma ke thing complic give hint you argu thi not problem you not peopl involv problem sphere poit not ellips and not offset post and share interest email netter summ ari answer yeh usc newsgroup split articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson eng in umich edu chri herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss asp ect graphic feel thi curiou daemon agre you daemon yeh usc wayn rigbi clog new group thi messag wayn rigbi info you request for reason can not mail you contact send email address real programm can functi on caffein zen art internet john muller muller diego llnl gov muller sisal llnl gov jmuller libserv sunysb edu you not drunk you grab grass grass fall earth stu pid comedian cview answer mik uki edu bryan william write major user not read floppi pictur rom and us cview fast and work can moron lack foresight creat tem p file program path not current didrectori flexibl creat temp file check for tem p tmp environ variabl and creat file drive and directori pointedto variabl thi p retti standard for do window and applic opinion and bear person organ includ emp loy rknight salestech sale technolog inc split trim region mesh problem hope guru can solv background pro blem rectangular mesh domain mesh map bezier patch into area thi domain insid tr im loop had render trim loop set bezier curv segment for sake notat mesh made ce ll problem thi trim area split into individu smaller cell bound trim curv segmen t cell wholli insid area output trivial reject bodi thiss can algo for thi appre ci ani irrit human stai cool divin detect doubl point bezier curv articl oeinck waterland wlink fer dinan oeinck waterland wlink ferdinand oeinck write for inform detect and calcul doubl point and cusp bezier curv algorithm literatur refer mail thi appreci art icl issu transact graphic maureen stone author not specif don refer articl gener thi give decid whether cubic bezier curv contain cusp intersect point wierd tre atment siggraph note for call math for siggraph that memori jbulf kpc video articl apr nwnexu mscrap halcyon marta lyall write organ w orld inform your fingertip keyword articl toontown columbiasc ncr craig toontown columbiasc ncr craig williamson write get readi bui multimedia workstat and adv ic graphic card that will video and window origin think targa that doesn work wi ndow card into craig forgiv divin craig williamson airhead human craig williamso n columbiasc ncr balki bartokoma craig toontown columbiasc ncr home perfect stra nger craig you targa run window time work and work fine you driver josh west ema il mscrap halcyon put two product for window model number elud bit video board f ramegrabb and bit yesterdai product local softwar etc store media vision make bi t color frame captur board that stand alon and doesnot us featur connector your exist video card claim upto fp live captur singl frame composit ntsc video and d on lewi djlewi ualr edu stand alon edit suit upgrad anim video edit stand into type setu p for roll and cut station thi control comput brand doesnt matter mac amiga low end high end system setup help you system us system that us you mail your system requir us for and hardwar and softwar that will set system you info you can mai l eylerken washington edu advanc ken eylerken washington edu grasp articl apr baron edb tih havardn edb tih haavard ness writ e save each frame grasp anim gif jpg iff pictur format you grasp anim system qui t easi you simpli us glib extract imag each frame complet pcx clp file us util c onvert you don grasp packag afraid can you you grasp graphic anim system for pro fession commerci product that sell for mail order compani and don corei webb cor ei webb for wisdom grief and cbw vma smsu edu that increaseth knowledg increaset h bitnet cbw smsvma sorrow ecclesiast mean you experienc speak for jimi hendrix recommend graphic librari for mac articl apr kth jwa hemul nada kth jon wtte write cellar org tsa cellar org silent assassin write build cad pac

kag and graphic librari that can handl rudimentri task such hidden line remov sh ade anim etc can you offer recommend apda call macwirefram full wire frame and s upposedli hidden line remov librari weigh wrong order magnitud spoke author macw irefram earlier todai cost licens royalti name eric johnson sacramento phone doe sn email nice gui knowledg graphic decent packag object pascal framework that su pposedli fairli complet set geometri creation class check and for cad packag fou nd anoth packag graphic tool micro system option seattl number email packag stro ng rai trace not geometri creation tool into thi packag spoke author mark owen a noth nice gui that busi price royalti bobc recommend graphic librari for mac articl qnm finn tamsun tamu ed u brentb tamsun tamu edu brent write tsa cellar org silent assassin write rgc bc stec boe robert carpent write can you offer recommend not that hard book explain and basic function translat rotat shade and hidden line remov pretti easi wrote program week witht book and happi give you sourc want avoid reinvent wheel want concentr develop issu creat graphic librari time consum life short quickdraw lo t function built and pascal can access and expect that you can find us quickdraw graphic librari excel choic sinc lot stuff and built into mac fast clarifi rout in that mention place mac librai not rom mac year ago knew implement graphic acr oss demo appl grafsi librari and lot quit limit sens that low level librari your code plot individu point draw each line etc nauseum noth for exampl you can han dl object for clarif post origin request had look into mac capabl and dismiss lo w grade bobc rumour articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu wri te articl apr rchland ibm ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm wri te and cpu doesn understand supposedli variat run mhz thi speed you sprite wow i nterest hand fact that motorola not releas supposedli lineup don excit signet no t motorola gave number understand rightli instruct set and chip serial port and dma will run mhz type comput run that rate that can doubt clock rate that ricard o rchland vnet ibm claim jame jone want multi page gif search for packag that handl multi page gif file ftp server work do window packag work unix will advanc physic lab lose number start address pointer for begin color inf orm rgb vga mode that hex gee duh soooo hug and kiss advanc john uci mail eapu o rion oac uci edu articl flock can point articl boid flock algorithm articl partic l anim formula nice jame kewageshig jame kewageshig canrem fidonet jame kewagesh ig delux head thi signatur viru canada remot system toronto ontario do recent found for do subdirectori gnu gnuish us frequent sun s park station and never had problem start comput option displai menu and start gi f file hard disk turn second and prompt come back comput copro mega ram tseng ru n do himem sy and emm sy had ex driver run somenon solut run appreci advanc pasc al perret perret eicn etna ecol ing nieur et not thi time locl suiss enjoi compu t polygon split algo idea clip polygon anoth polygon not necessari li rectangular window problem find vertic result subpolygon thi simpli matter ex tend usual algorithm each edg polygon check anoth polygon simpler comment noel jensen bitmap code faq read juli joshua jensen post articl bitma p manipul specif scale and perspect newsgroup rec game programm articl articl in clud sourc code turbo pascal inlin assembl languag unabl find archiv for thi new sgroup current email address for joshua jensen detail copi code gratefulli etc m yle myle strou email myle strou lib monash edu raytrac fan phone urgent grasp re aliti cardboard cut proud team archchancellor mustrum ridculli reaper man terri pratchett hdf reader viewer wrote dai can point util will read convert cro p whatnot displai hdf imag file had hdf stuff ncsa and award for odd directori s tructur strang storag approach and minimalist document and sinc turn that mirror site look fool restructur origin site zaphod ncsa uiuc edu and mess that and po inter imconv start muchli cheer marku marku buchhorn parallel comput research fa cil email marku octavia anu edu australian nation univers canberra australia int ern australia phone fax motion video card yuv rgb convert motion ibm video file format y uv rgb data portion byte byte color and and intens idea for algorhtym program ca n info and televis signal you info repli mail address basic convert digit ntsc f ormat rgb vga for displai captur video pictur byte tseng pixel clock program tseng nonstandard mode switch standard mode bio and chang time detail regist don select mhz pixel clock bio function s elect mhz obtain technic info thi interest technic inform tseng and trident and chipset pavel zemcik dept comp sci eng technic univers brno bozetechova brno cze ch republ mail zemcik dcse fee vutbr sun ipx root window displai background pictur netter fairli weak question netland look last faq for comp graphic didn find answer post short que stion displai raster file gif file iff tiff imag that root window background sun ipc openwindow sun that help compil pov for sun and displai work background til e for inform that you provid good dai scott fleme osi kudo peopl provid pov grea t hdf reader viewer dai can point util will read convert crop what not displai hdf imag file had hdf stuff ncsa and award for odd directori structu r strang storag approach and minimalist document part problem that want larg hdf file and crop section ideal hdftoppm type util can us pbmplu stuff quit merrili can convert crop part into anoth format for view anim can explain set ncsa visu alis for hdf beta and crop etc thi for sun suno greatli appreci muchli cheer mar ku marku buchhorn parallel comput research facil email marku octavia anu edu aus tralian nation univers canberra australia intern australia phone fax marku buchh orn parallel comput research facil email marku octavia anu edu australian nation univers canberra australia intern australia phone fax grayscal printer jian jian coo dartmouth edu wrote interest purc has grayscal printer that offer good resoltuion for grayscal medic imag can give recommend product market for advic peter hauk brunel univers psh brunel tiff philosoph signific ulrich galki toppoint wrote tiff specif tiff version number byte chosen for deep philosoph signific read thi rotfl final philosphi technic spec wonder make signific last week read hitchhik guid galaxi and rotfl second time million year calcul second comput time reveal that answer question life univers and thi pick number suggest don dougla adam pretti launch guid sinc show place thing for sheep not creatur earth joachim kih back mask ha aden exposur robert fripp viewer for file articl dux dunde dwestner cardhu mc dunde domini k westner write subject viewer for file for xviewgl filenam xviewgl tar lot base ov you yep thi real life ov petter tro ford fairlan kongsberg colleg engin norw ai email ovep kih bit mode speedstar diamond speedstar board that want program for bit graphic possibl bit color librari support mode thi board even some simpl ro utin set graphic mode and plot individu pixel great plan us routin djgp advanc r espond mail david max max slinki nyu edu flat globe mars kristin marco seirio write algorithm for flatten globe parametr surfac that defini parametr that sheet paper and knife and calcu l cut paper can fold globe object librari map project charon usg gov pub proj ta r motion video card yuv rgb contact you offlin thi rick do mail address eicn etna write recent found for do subdirectori gnu gnuish you you ftp thi copi mail you your post you mail address wayn michae l wdm world std rumour articl apr microwar jejon microwar jame jone write articl apr mercuri unt edu sean mcmain mcmain unt edu write articl apr rchland ibm ric ardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm write and cpu doesn understand s upposedli variat run mhz thi speed you sprite wow interest hand fact that motoro la not releas supposedli lineup don excit signet not motorola gave number unders tand rightli instruct set and chip serial port and dma will run mhz type comput run that rate that can doubt clock rate that ricardo rchland vnet ibm claim jame jone can run upto mhz doesn mean run that speed understand run mhz not read thi long time ago mhz you sprite for lot trick for make cool awesom game read psygn

osi raist owner color bit palett love low fat sig don mail don valid address can send mail newsgroup split articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson eng in umich edu chri herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss asp ect graphic feel thi curiou agre dizzi number amiga newsgroup addit issu fall cl eanli into categori readili observ that current spectrum amiga group plagu mega crosspost group split not likelihood bring structur environ michael neron custom ari lack tact and internet address sinc you ask for thi you will oblig neron ccw f utexa edu pardon sagredo fiction char galileo tiff philosoph signific articl apr samba oit unc edu cptulli med unc edu christoph tulli patholog write tight for that matter tiff not gripe pro blem import you volunt defin critiqu spec spec sinc quot last post gripe tiff th at complic and infinit easier write read hurt your accept that will read imag pa int program nutshel don tiff salvag fat trim significantli and wouldn tiff anymo r cut back late will fix and chang that magic number signifi lack compat that ma ke happi font pov rtrace rai tracer support text primit not collect spher e cylind and char made line and spline that extrud asterix inescn directori pub rtrace pub rtrace tmp demo imag high qualiti text call text jpg jpeg encod and y ou regard antonio antonio costa mail acc asterix inescn acosta porto inescn comp graphic cad decnet porto costa largo mompilh mcvax porto portug bell good time roll rtrace version rtrace rai trace packag asterix inescn directori pub rtrace check readm file rtrace can us suit toolkit nice user interfac compil dsuit modifi makefil suit suit uvac virginia edu binari rtrace suit for sun spa rc sgi indigo and do contact interest mac rtrace port directori pub rtrace macin tosh reid judd reid judd east sun and greg ferrar gregt function mp ohio state e du small sinc version discard backfac polygon and triangl for fast preview suppo rt program scn sff rework us temp file short descript current convert cad molecu lar chemistri packag scn format packag program relat below mark modifi irit scn irit nff nffclean nffp sol scn acad nff sff mol scn scn sff rtrace alchemi scn s ff pic ppm cpp pdb scn picmix pdb picblend ppmmix chem scn ppmblend chemic scn s tudio scn iri inventor do port rtrace pub rtrace rtrac arj util arj and imag arj readm file requir djgpp do extend version includ can found directori pub djgpp and site netland demo scene manual and sourc code feel free and us hope you rega rd antonio costa antonio costa mail acc asterix inescn comp graphic cad decnet p orto acosta largo mompilh mcvax porto portug bell good time roll imag earth apr unoc stgprao unoc richard ottolini write bewar su ch copyright imag and compani that gener protect that copyright that imag hundr man hour build sourc satellit imag that compet imag will sue newspap for print a rticl didn copyright loui hang your word live your breath feel your skin will yo ur room newsgroup split articl neron apr sylvest utexa edu neron ccwf ut exa edu michael neron write articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin u mich edu chri herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi lear n aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wat e and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou agre dizzi number amiga newsgroup addit issu fall cleanl i into categori readili observ that current spectrum amiga group plagu mega cros spost group split not likelihood bring structur environ michael neron customari lack tact and internet address sinc you ask for thi you will oblig neron ccwf ut exa edu pardon sagredo fiction char galileo nice hard ware platform hard ware fi x case unix do not interest amiga new case softwar won comerci softwar mention t hi newgroup run unix platform not interest thi inform suggest split group don pr oblem cross post you read newgroup half size import faq thi reduc traffic lot si ncer gerhard write thi privat person not reflect opinion inst hydromechan univer s karlsruh land baden wuerttemberg feder republ germani and european commun addr ess and phone number below touch write and type wrong statement avoid law suit d

ipl ing gerhard bosch voic institut for hydromechan fax univers karlsruh kaisers trass karlsruh germani internet bosch ifh bau verm uni karlsruh bitnet dkauni bi tnet want info imag databas guess subject refer introductori materi i mag databas send pointer mini point uwm edu advanc mini mini point uwm edu mini csd csd uwm edu lyon lamb miniva control abeka miniva and want record abeka func tion work set record miniva hang send abeka smpte time code code can compar and and ftp site for miniva and abeka code gordon phillip glp crai gordon phillip gl p crai stai mag innovis sar uakron edu sar uakron edu steve rimar write mag work fine mine beauti for year and half foomp bought viewson anoth great mo nitor imho kevin martin sigma rahul net gotta anoth hat detect doubl point bezier curv oeinck waterland wlink ferdinand oeinck write for inform detect and calcul doubl point and cusp bezier curv maure en stone and toni deros geometr character parametr cubic curv acm tog vol juli r on capelli ibm corp dept capelli vnet ibm box poughkeepsi answer cross refer grasp cbw vma smsu edu ext corei webb write articl apr baron edb tih havardn edb tih haavard ness write save each frame grasp anim gif jpg iff p ictur format you grasp anim system quit easi you simpli us glib extract imag eac h frame complet pcx clp file us util convert you don grasp packag afraid can you you grasp graphic anim system for profession commerci product that sell for mai l order compani and don corei webb public domain util your usual archiv site tha t extract singl frame file check graphic directori grasp problem that clp file y ou gener cannot decod format convert us hint you problem locat util hope help ja cqu oberto oberto gene icgeb triest tiff philosoph signific ratatosk uninett joachim kih joachim lou write suggest don dougla adam pretti launch guid sinc show place dougla adam on c paraphras memori pick sort number you wouldn afraid home meet your parent nice and even perfectli normal kevin martin sigma rahul net gotta anoth hat do apr eicn etna mail address eicn etna write somenon solut run appreci guess that requir almost commonli djgpp setup for program you don run yo u can requir interfac kevin martin sigma rahul net gotta anoth hat postscript driver for gino can anonym ftp postscript driver for graphic librari gino verison runnin vax vm and for output plot postscript file a dvanc koon tang internet ktt unix bton depart mathemat scienc uknet itri ktt uni vers brighton brighton info medic imag system into medic imag good rai trace background and interest that field you point sourc you experi you want talk you work jason freund paradis vga paradis svga chip doc that can displai mode colour a nd col ramdac hicolor chip check board and such chip problem that can thi mode w ork graphic workshop claim that can displai bit imag dither bit colour board doe sn work write assembl code mode work and found that each pixel address word bit lower bit consid thi happen mode mode refus work remain text mode tristan anti alias util want povrai mac and wonder netland public domain anti alias util that can skip thi step pov slow thi machin suggest opinion post trace anti alias greatli appreci helmut dotzlaw dept biochemistri and molecular biologi univers manitoba winnipeg canada dotzlaw ccu umanitoba anoth cview question cview answer cview work color mode trident color card color come screw and worst program hang load vesa driver and thing ha ppen machin doesn work trident viewer that lisa sun ipx root window displai background pictur not you inform you for post for gener public load imag your root window add thi line end your xses sion file xloadimag onroot fullscreen gif file name thi assum you xloadimag clie nt and for switch pretti explain you leav termin lock till you kill you knew tha t hope thi help daemon want multi page gif articl apr worak kaist stjohn math kaist ryo u seong joon write search for packag that handl multi page gif file you for view er vpic lass mit mdata rai tracer for do for repeat thi request good free sharewar prog ram can creat rai trace and save bit map file such thing advanc daemon imag earth sue newspap for print articl didn copyright newspap c opyright permiss us imag copyright mark imag earth articl apr ruu clldomp ruu loui van dompselaar write apr unoc stgprao unoc richard ottolini write bewar such copyright imag and compa ni that gener protect that copyright that imag hundr man hour build sourc satell it imag that compet imag will sue newspap for print articl didn copyright explic it imag attribut geospher compani likelihood permiss reprint that owner can will individu interest imag make into ad and comput demo that pirat flak thi imag co nsid interest that peopl us whenev global map need lot temptat mail person sinc sourc data satellit imageri not copyright deriv imag can not true distinct creat iv express data can protect thi imag fit such sinc tremend effort creat preced r ecent telephon book court case bell copyright data book and prevent competitor c opi trick entri book court permit copyright express data and not data you xerox and sell telephon book will attent digit copyright futur and comput becom mass p roduct and mogul such bill gate hoard digit copyright prefer that geospher put t hi data public domain interest and that thing imag earth download imag earth construct elev data degre increme nt author not wrote code includ that read data file and gener and pseudo color i mag work and not incumb copyright aminet site you call earth lha amiga pix misc area refer you includ doc for detail author forget name creat imag raw data not includ david david ingebretsen evan sutherland comput corp dingebr thunder sim d isclaim content thi messag reflect opinion employ action encourag support acknow ledg employ polygon split algo articl qvq wampyr uow edu wampyr uow edu coro nado emmanuel abad write idea clip polygon anoth polygon not necessarili rectang ular window problem find vertic result subpolygon thi simpli matter extend usual algorithm each edg polygon check anoth polygon simpler comment noel depend kind polygon convex simpl concav troubl concav loop insid big troubl you can us box test avoid check each edg experi not simpl headach stuff deal special case for e xampl overlap line yeh usc imag earth articl apr ruu clldomp ruu loui van dompselaar write sue newspap for print articl didn copyright newspap almost copyright entireti ne wspap gener emploi legal staff make permiss us copyright imag text you john john humpal johnh jhunix hcf jhu edu short sig std disclaim comp graphic programm articl qukk innd name nerdc ufl edu liones s mapl circa ufl edu write that almost overkil thi make lot happier comp graphic programm comp graphic hardwar comp graphic app comp graphic misc that closer di slik app softwar hardwar that engulf alt graphic pixutil that programm don traff ic heavi warrant newsgroup split busi comp graphic research not true that lot tr affic rehash faq and discuss thing that divert system specif group don whether s plit hurt that comp graphic rtfb for peopl can bother read fine book roger stand alon edit suit articl qvkaeinngat shellei washington edu e ylerken stein washington edu ken eyler write upgrad anim video edit stand into t ype setup for roll and cut station thi control comput brand doesnt matter mac am iga low end high end system setup help you system us system that us you mail you r system requir us for and hardwar and softwar that will set system you info you can mail eylerken washington edu advanc ken eylerken washington edu lewi and cl ark colleg recent instal digit film system base mac quadra that linear full digi t edit you such system pro and con for educ environ thi system excel us produc v arieti educ materi for disemin local network thi program view mac imag qualiti n ot import abil directli export video net us produc orienti and promot video prog ram for us lewi clark commun sinc program not meant for commerci broadcast us im ag qualiti not critic digit film system for you uniniti roll digit system jpeg c ompress card promot inexpens onlin edit system svh qualiti supermac maker card a chiev thi qualiti level unabl deliv system produc vh qualiti field per second ov erscan card repeat field field per second thi result kind super film that find d istract you can past thi problem you find adob premier edit softwar quit enjoy w ork produc thousand effect crystal filter dve transit color mat linear natur edi

t fast and easi you us us avid montag system you recogn methodolog and user inte rfac total system quadra meg ram gig drive appl mon itor panason svh edit deck a udio gear cassett mixer etc composit monitor digit film card will set you back f or you video cowboi and girl thi system will not output qualiti that will satisf i your client even you can perform effect toasterhead can imagin amiga base line base system will us mac and amiga for video work each for each dan snodgrass me dia servic lewi clark colleg portland problem note newsgroup recent discuss problem held newsgroup tex t user find interest ad text thi collect articl read even you articl ago hope au thor correct problem can fine program that worth improv minor idea for bit mail for misundertand mine understand juhana kouhia clip delet note that save bit ras ter imag that mean that save jpeg jpeg gif jpeg qualiti kind bit quantiz your fi nal imag qualiti depend thi situat read jpeg faq ago imho design error not such confus error program two error save bit raster imag jpeg even origin bit save bi t raster imag origin bit special case save bit raster imag made quantiz main cas e that quantiz imag quantiz save imag file lousier quantiz for view purpos and s pecial case save imag clip clip delet limit not limit design error design error that bit quantiz raster imag store jpeg jpeg not design that matter fact design bit displai not bad error program program for bit imag that time bit imag format includ program design chang support bit imag that not and program violat jpeg d esign and bit imag format program human interfac error otherwai drop save imag j peg bit format that special case and not expect normal us delet clip item follow clip that quantiz imag sometim poorli option default option reason sure quantiz us surpris us ppmquant you rememb test quantiz that test found that rlequant de fault come djpeg fbmquant default that order test ppmquant suggeed poorli gave i mag bad artifact don ppmquant improv expect us option not good idea suggest that author quantiz us rlequant rle peopl permiss anoth us imagemagick not test can noth clip clip minor bug human interfac kei press and cursor click buffer happen that make click error press keyboard cursor wrong place annoi you wait imag com e minut and immedi buffer clean imag complet good idea wait second activ keyboar d and mous for imag complet happen that imag pop screen quickli write editor suc h kei press and imag weird color editor turn color meter and releas updat imag i mposs chang rgb valu and updat imag annoi wait imag updat set not readi suggest ad appli button updat exchang clip newsgroup split articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson eng in umich edu chri herringshaw write tdawson engin umich edu chri herringshaw sub ject newsgroup split date apr gmt propos newsgroup split person not favor thi le arn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi w ate and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspec t graphic feel thi curiou daemon actuallai don hand don support idea newsgroup f or aspect graphic program propos brian repli origin post suggest looser structur comp graphic programm comp graphic and reason for make group for reason you sho uldn spilt not post dai take time brows post find two interest understand and ag re you you want aspect graphic meet agre extens new forum exchang idea help thi difficult achiv thing meet good even netter arff for not relig confessor mysteri higher valu birth mankind last build indisput and disregard seldom you hear bee prize seldom you hear man prize see per lagerkvist fist free translat swedish a ndrea arff andreasa dhhalden beta tester want for graphic librari visual numer inc imsl and p recis visual process secur site for beta test expon graphic and expon graphic ex pon graphic and expon graphic product beta period april june platform run ansi c ompil media will dat cartridg tape kei fact two product expon graphic kei fact c omplet collect high level and applic plot type larg collect resourc cstom widget for osf motif develop built interact gui for plot custom easili implement callb ack for custom applic feedback xeg built toolkit user widget librari that confor m expect syntax and standard familar programm xeg will sold bundl visual edg uim product thi will enabl user us gui builder creat graphic layout applic expon gr aphic kei fact written for applic programm develop librari written and program i nterfac conform standard take advantag desir featur build gui for interact plot custom mous interact user complet interact graph output control graphic attribut

for plot custom larg collect high level applic function for two call graph crea tion wide varieti and plot type minim program effort user abil interrupt and con trol event control event loop user us mous manipul plot user can ceg control eve nt loop user can control event loop interest beta test product contact wendi hou visual numer email hou imsl call jaclyn brandt jbrandt neosoft radios for sourc code for radios method don kind machin you want for program radianc come sourc code don ftp access couldn you that canada remot system toronto ontario newsgroup split articl neron apr sylvest utexa edu neron ccwf ut exa edu michael neron write neron ccwf utexa edu michael neron subject newsgroup split date apr articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin umich edu chr i herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot asp ect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will r esult post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou agre dizzi number amiga newsgroup addit issu fall cleanli into categ ori readili observ that current spectrum amiga group plagu mega crosspost group split not likelihood bring structur environ michael neron customari lack tact an d internet address sinc you ask for thi you will oblig neron ccwf utexa edu pard on sagredo fiction char galileo point that not talk amiga comp graphic arff for not relig confessor mysteri higher valu birth mankind last build indisput and di sregard seldom you hear bee prize seldom you hear man prize see per lagerkvist f ist free translat swedish andrea arff andreasa dhhalden coreldraw bitmap scodal softwar that will you convert coreldraw cdr file contain bitmap scodal thi format bureau filmrecord recognis jeff lyall inst geo nuc sci lower hutt zealand fast polygon routin need articl gsq new cso uiuc edu osprei cso uiuc edu luca adamski write articl apr sophia smith edu orourk sophia smith edu joseph rourk write fast polygon routin draw polygon vga mode game and asm faster draw concav polygon that method slow kind polygon shade texturemap come into pl ai fast routin polygon nice exaclti system vga start processor and specif implem ent you give info you want answer ian romanick danc fool epsilon contain thought opinion epn ntsc qualiti psu not agre don douch anti freez dead milkmen radios articl apr aragorn unib you write work radios packag writ ten make public domain announc minut finish that good new bad new anoth month fi nish you tradit radios method progress refin your packag you project patch hemi cube surfac techniqu you you hardwar facilit project meantim you file radios cod e tar locat comput ncsu edu guest usernam and password for thi ftp site locat ar chi nearest hope that stephan stephan josephin tiff philosoph signific joachim kih joachim lou write ulrich gal ki toppoint wrote tiff specif tiff version number byte chosen for deep philosoph signific last week read hitchhik guid galaxi and rotfl second time million year calcul second comput time reveal that answer question life univers and thi pick number suggest thi moment king had for time busili write note book call silenc and read book rule forti two person mile high leav court look alic not mile high alic you king two mile high ad queen sha rate alic that not regular rule you in vent oldest rule book king number alic marc kaufman kaufman stanford edu anoth cview question repli apr rigel tamu edu lmp rigel tamu edu preston lisa trident card and fullview work real gif jpg dave univesa driver univesa driver net thought that final meg oak boa rd show color program that can thi fault program fractint wrong card univesa fre e driver net that make board vesa compat window imagin for copi todai snail mail hope back ten dai impuls week hope good claim jim nobl hope take us fast polygon routin need articl pdxgate idr rigel pdx edu ian ro manick write kind polygon shade texturemap come into plai fast routin polygon ni ce exaclti system vga start processor and specif implement you give info you wan t answer don want textur map ask for simpl and fast routin fill polygon for proc essor for minimum can find good for ideal want polyn function that can clip user defin viewport and write arbitrari locat memori chanc find that pretti remot gu ess sourc and guess asm slow polygon routin and waaai slow for vector graphic pr

ogram hunt high and low for polyn function asm and can find anywher that can us found two polyn function asm pretti bad won even rewrit luca ribbon inform kind util program for ribbon ribbon popular repres ent for shape find symmetri axi shape ribbon suggest will greatli appreci start program advanc hoi yoo engr ucf edu rgb data save imag find program figur extract valu for each pixe l imag can convert tga and ever popular format valu for us program write for fast polygon routin need osprei cso uiuc edu luca adamski write articl apr sophia smith edu orourk sophia smith edu joseph rourk write articl ne w cso uiuc edu osprei cso uiuc edu luca adamski write for fast polygon routin us game fast polygon routin draw polygon vga mode game come across fast triangl fi ll draw routin for mode call thi routin time you fast polygon draw routin ftp wu archiv wustl edu pub msdo upload program copi reupload triangl txt file thi and inlin assembl sourc for vga mode triangl drawer stephen quan quan sol surv uta e du tel local research fellow comput scientist fax local centr for spatial inform system tel univers tasmania australia fax fast wirefram graphic work program displai wirefram model user a rbitrarili chang view paramet wirefram object dynam attribut that can move user explor wirefram world thi think srgp packag describ van dam folei and feiner boo k wonder anoth graphic packag faster make program fast that satisfactori real ti me perform sun ipx ideal for graphic packag will open window and draw line windo w sort event driven interact handl sinc user move wirefram model keyboard you wr ote such packag grate you direct ftp site contain packag you yong kim class inte rnet cunixb columbia edu columbia colleg columbia univers ykim columbia edu sgi sale practic crimson kubota announc qjrec qem network ucsd e du spl ivem ucsd edu steve lamont write annoi fact that led that upgrad multipro cessor version crimson assist fork lift truck made fairli clear that crimson sty le mhz cpu upgrad thi mention comp sy sgi occas like sale folk confus honest eth ic chain insid sgi mislead annoi sold person iris previou site understand that a rchitectur for flush version admittedli time period year chassi simpli couldn pu sh year pretti good lifespan for system design thi dai and ag get work caus lot grai hair hardwar and product design group mind push and that made clear almost dai start ship had last kicker form elan graphic made graphic version lifespan p retti good understand that sgi respons investor and show posit quarterli bottom line odd that found pressur two occas busi book end quarter tire get bone proces s mean send complaint letter sgi support sale your concern reason for sale folk misrepres futur upgrad custom sometim will confus for whether upgrad will that s houldn last long and doesn you refer sale folk bonu end quarter that pretti comm on industri wide and sometim that can result good deal for custom sometim push f olk into system that aren forc you bui end quarter lab bui sgi onesi and twosi a ren entitl peek cover big kid nasa for instanc thi lab and suspect that lot lab don that long lead time present product and opinion influenc end product that li fe industri can design system that meet won sell system not that don nich produc t realiti engin and organ doesn load monei spend comput year can bui system regu lar basi box that bui will last pretti entir grant period year and case that mea n that bui piec equip that can monei not product that built paraphras previou po ster word fill nich compet vendor thi box for year and time sgi and spent monei your monei sinc support almost feder tax dollar sure you don expect system you b ui for year period constantli upgrad that entir year period that unreason expect experi workstat microcomput support and part not upgrad latest and greatest you pardon and hiss and fume corner and dark libel thought miss your post mean shar e your frustat level insid sgi effect not complaint aren and affect futur plan h ear similar thing person site usual person opinion not sgi that silenc consent d ave olson silent dissent silicon graphic inc maria isabel barreno olson sgi star t sabbat question pascal fractal ev albani edu albnyvm bitnet heavi home detect doubl point bezier curv articl apr kpc jbulf balsa berkel ei edu jeff bulf write articl oeinck waterland wlink ferdinan oeinck waterland w link ferdinand oeinck write for inform detect and calcul doubl point and cusp be zier curv algorithm literatur refer mail thi appreci articl issu transact graphi

c maureen stone author not specif don refer stone deros geometr character parame tr cubic curv acm tran graphic manocha canni detect cusp and inflect point curv comput aid geometr design pekka siltanen coreldraw bitmap scodal coreldraw write scodl file directli file export main menu rick tiff philosoph signific marc kaufman kaufman xenon stanford edu wrote suggest thi moment king had for time busili write note book call silenc an d read book rule forti two person mile high leav court look alic not mile high a lic you king two mile high ad queen sha rate alic that not regular rule you inve nt oldest rule book king number alic collect occur and guid not receiv odd bit y ou post alt fan dougla adam thing for sheep not creatur earth joachim kih back m ask haaden exposur robert fripp tiff philosoph signific joachim lou joachim kih wrote ulrich gal ki toppoint wrote suggest yep theori that onc heard bandi think number sound for tea two sort anagram tea for two two for tea for tea two peter peter hauk brune l univers psh brunel pascal fractal appar editor didn want for program code simpl ani m and draw fractal turbopasc for ibm advanc ev albani edu albnyvm bitnet heavi h ome irit pov made convert irit irt dat format pov format sebastian s chmidt ilmenau institut praktisch informatik rtrace comp graphic cad cgcad bart inescn wrote version rtrace r ai trace packag asterix inescn directori pub rtrace check readm file reach site ping icmp net unreach gatewai nsn fix sura net for icmp ccw brunel for you uploa d mainstream ftp place grasp quot apr gene icgeb triest oberto gene icgeb triest jacqu oberto file check graphic directori grasp problem that clp file you gener cannot decod format convert us hint lzh stuff gfx show aminet site includ util call pi c that filter for hamlab that can handl commonli us kind pic and clp file bigges t problem that clp file don palett you convert pic palett creat ram picpal file and convert clp file jacqu oberto oberto gene icgeb triest john bicker tap jbick er templar actrix gen radioact air for you and kraftwerk pbm sourc can name anonym ftp site can find sourc pbm packag por tabl bit grai pixel map compil and run sun sparcstat fractal good articl mdpyssc mcc mdpyssc mcc sue cunningham write iter system compress board compress patholog imag and get ratio loss qualiti ta ke min per imag compress mhz decompress almost real time softwar alon that compa r jpeg imag and hardwar size speed and imag qualiti concern despit skeptic and s ometim rabid post critic barnslei and compani interest techniqu weren wouldn cri tic univesa driver articl new duke edu seth north acpub duke edu set h wandersman write univesa driver net thought that final meg oak board show colo r program that can thi fault program fractint wrong card univesa free driver net that make board vesa compat what thi color mode ask lot your hardwar don lewi d jlewi ualr edu radios articl yuma acn colost edu long lanc colost edu xia zhao write articl apr aragorn unib you write work radios packag written make public d omain announc minut finish that good new bad new anoth month finish you tradit r adios method progress refin your packag packag base articl standard radios and u npublish method main articl cohen chen wallac greenberg progress refin approach fast radios imag gener comput graphic siggraph august silion puech gener two pas s method integr specular and diffus reflect comput graphic siggraph juli you pro ject patch hemi cube surfac techniqu you you hardwar facilit project not us hemi cube special hardwar sun sparcstat meantim you file radios code tar locat compu t ncsu edu guest usernam and password for thi ftp site us anonym usernam and you r mail address password locat archi nearest hope that stephan stephan josephin s tephan stephan amann sig comput graphic univers bern switzerland amann iam unib tel fax project radios raytrac comput graphic for do thi respons for wayn michael and for for late answer coul dn find for msdo forgot address retriev post thi answer comp graphic can us mail

not bad english swiss and languag french long time retriev address you can find for do site omnig clarkson edu alias grape ec clarkson edu number pub msdo djgp p pub zip you read answer kevin martin write answer advanc pascal perret perret eicn etna ecol ing nieur et not thi time locl suiss enjoi comput studio differ previou version signific differ and you for help m arc mail marc fombaron ufrima imag marc fombaron grenobl coreldraw bitmap scodal softwar that will you convert coreldraw cdr file contain bitmap scodal thi format bureau filmrecord recognis jeff lyall us thi combin for qcr record and rememb corel can export scodal scd format selec t export main file menu thi not implement earlier version case you your that for qcr time strang and undesir thing part pic screen area corel onc spent afternoo n painfulli discov that pixel had strai screen caus slide blank qcr couldn handl grad fill grad fill you us graduat colour background you grad fill object top t hi fill appear final slide circl and total ignor shape object fill record isn qc r you can ignor thi and feel suitabl cheer tobi tobi freeman glasgow univers fre emant glasgow dc oak vga needd vesa tsr svga oak chip and don vesa tsr program fo r thi card can mail lulago araucaria cec uchil mackk ack paintbrush configur zsoft paintbrush for us logitech scanman han d scanner can paintbrush acknowledg scanner paintbrush scanner can you lui nobre ga file bank bb pcboard usr hst node rime internet largest clipper file collect world for do noe mailaddress eicn etna wrote for late answer couldn fi nd for msdo forgot address retriev post thi answer comp graphic can us mail not bad english swiss and languag french french your languag count french stead will work thing for sheep not creatur earth joachim kih back mask haaden exposur rob ert fripp cview answer cyberspac buddha wixer bga wrote renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write place temp file place current directori beg differ thi point batch file us launch cview dir cview resid and invok time crash cview byt e temp file found root dir drive cview post thi cview expert appar thought knew matthew zenkar moscom imag pictur for advic softwar hardwar packag for make store and process pictur ideal softwar cahng size pictur edit mean add text below and impo rt do command interfac you advanc emanuel marciniak bank york need hidden line remov for inform hidden line remov robert algor ithm code pseudo code help requir thi for class due mondai time implement fast p ace class note class leav lot desir vastli algorithm nice robert main problem tw o object intersect and dimens line clip that object will front anoth you can giv e ftp address and filenam even name good book brian raynor oti project ftp site for origin art and imag oti project oper te rm stimul thi file last updat oti oti for purpos distribut origin artwork and ph otograph network for public perus scrutini and distribut digit immort basic idea digit immort that comput network stai and that interest you deposit will forev gif and jpg todai will artifact digit futur perhap put format perhap surviv back up tape and will dig that doesn interest you oti offer forum for critiqu and exh ibit your work virtual art galleri that never close and exist inform dimens your submiss will hang wallpap thousand glow monitor suddenli life breath into your work and merit stimulu will travel globe puls light and electron spectat feel fr ee brows galleri and artist you effort your copi imag you gumption that for oti two ftp site project oti uwi site sunsit unc edu pub multimedia pictur oti sunsi t you can gopher thi site for oti anonym ftp site internet and chang directori d on forget busi and us bin command make you binari oti spread dial bb system nort h america system substanci suppli otistuff underground cafe omaha line cyberden sanfran usenet waffl iron you contribut happen you draw pretti pictur love photo scan into imag file ftp put contrib incom directori us uuencod send email addre ss eof email imag receiv will put into correct directori comput origin work oti directori hous two type imag file gif and jpg gif and jpg file requir oddli gif jpg viewer viewer for type comput larg ftp site internet jpg viewer bit tougher find you can find gif viewer you can obtain jpg gif convers program will chang j

pg file standard gif format oti accept anim file you submit imag file send email time state inform you upload and whether us public project for peopl view inclu d biograph inform info file each contribut artist and work you can upload text f ile info email you pictur scanner hope send copi oti project stastni omaha will scan will scan includ ampl sase you want your stuff back includ inform each imag prefer line descript imag that can includ infofil directori final put you prefe r imag name includ convers you scanner and contact and arrang thing you want sub mit your work disk peachi send disk address omaha and sase you want your disk ba ck thi good for peopl don direct access encod ftp access scanner accept disk mac ibm compat format submit imag file gif jpg you can can convert format not sende r request can fill disk oti can stand even you don stuff contribut you can send blank disk and sase for disk postag and pack slab oti megabyt file and grow emai l for current archiv size and directori distribut imag distribut oti project dis tribut freeli condit that origin filenam and that not alter save convert imag fo rmat anoth fact encourag file distribut local bulletin board and such you transp ort text file imag nice you send note you post imag oti your local bb want track particip can idea widespread stuff purpos oti imag spread you time upload your favorit bb system even post thi info file keen you us you want us work you find oti directori you check permiss grant and stipul permiss such free copi public f ull address credit you will find thi file for imag seri imag artist directori ar tist name permiss isn explicitli you contact artist for info email cwi unomaha e du and contact artist for you give you contact inform you us permit work courteo u artist perhap even send free copi such compens for file name imag name your fi le do format that mean filenam jpg gif charact us initi artist digit code for se ri imag seri number leonardo devinci mechan draw ldmek gif ldmek jpg ldmech gif etc keep name charact assur that filenam will remain intact system creat imag fi le creat imag file includ your name below pictur thi peopl refer case contact yo u you want includ titl address inform you peopl hmmm that for guidelin will ad n eed your input expect disclaim oti project connect church oti sumerian deiti fol low pope priest ezin administr sacrific and donat disclaim oti project for distr ibut origin imag file file will public larg form mass media that unscrupul us yo ur imag for financi gain you permiss for that illeg oti take respons for thi sim pl term right revert author artist leav imag oti give permiss for view copi and distribut electron you don want your imag distribut don upload leav imag oti not give permiss us public broadcast that incur profit thi includ not limit magazin newslett clip art softwar screen print cloth etc you give specif permiss for th i sort usag rememb oper term stimul you peopl that interest thi sort thing invol v kick booti offer free food cwi unomaha edu sunsit unc edu stastni oti project end process sound new and art ftp sunsit unc edu pub multimedia pictur oti omaha project oti email cwi unomaha edu sunsit unc edu bu card bu video card base card will cost can come ram and windo w perform newsgroup split chri herringshaw tdawson engin umich edu wrote p ropos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per g roup kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou daemon kn ow question get hell for put wrong newsgroup phil martin sourc for shade want for shade method and algorithm you sourc co de for that lot thoma thoma braun universitaet karlsruh mail braun iravcl ira uk a thoma braun univers karlsruh germani email braun iravcl ira uka ukai dkauni bi tnet fast polygon routin need sol surv uta edu stephen quan write for fast polygon routin us game fast polygon routin draw polygon vga mode game come across fast triangl fill draw routin for mode call thi routin time you fast pol ygon draw routin ftp wuarchiv wustl edu pub msdo upload program copi reupload tr iangl txt file thi and inlin assembl sourc for vga mode triangl drawer anoth sou rc poli blitter for mode mode sune uwaterloo rend even faster render extens life hardwar dave stamp destini softwar dstamp psych toronto edu cpu wetwar dstamp s une uwaterloo techno psychologist psycho engin dai graphic composit seminar samp ncga univers akron and nasa le

wi research center sponsor comput and composit dai seminar devot practic applic comput workstat for effici process design and manufactur composit univers akron akron ohio speaker advanc graphic visual jai horowitz nasa integr product develo p michael cowen network workstat sikorski aircraft structur analysi brian fite n asa stereolithographi jason william penn state eri molecular and physic model va ssilio galiatsato polym cure univers akron process model polym matrix composit r am upadhyai corpor registr fee advanc site includ box lunch contact gari robert nasa lewi research center write samp region seminar gari robert nasa lewi resear ch center brookpark cleveland ohio email and gari chri johnston materi engin nas a lewi research center internet chri sarah lerc nasa gov brookpark cleveland usa resist futil rai trace spline surfac net due investig studi articl peterson r ai trace gener spline proc acm mountain region confer april didn find librari re gist access thi paper know librari contain proceed preferr germani appreci lot j oerg haber joerg haber haberj mathematik muenchen mathematisch institut muenchen hitatchi raster format hrf shop packag call cadcor good scan and subsequ vector origin map into digit map problem that onc raster file load into cadcor packag header ad hrf file make unread suppli convert ship alter raster i mag for us workstat question hitachi format thi format can recogn precis strip s trongli suspect that compress format not for strip offend header unix packag tha t read and recogn hrf nice find sort hrftopbm convert search ftp site graphic fo rmat document luck you knwo email window bmp sun raster convert bmp format that xview can handl th i convert run unix look faq and download packag had luck advanc echen burn washi ngton edu cview answer articl moscom moscom matthew zenkar write cyberspac buddha wixer bga wrote renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write place temp f ile place current directori beg differ thi point batch file us launch cview dir cview resid and invok time crash cview byte temp file found root dir drive cview post thi cview expert appar thought knew matthew zenkar moscom talk colorview f or do version and write temp file current directori version admit that don assum your expert referenc talk version that correct colorview for unix discuss mix c onfus befuddl genuin and curiou uncl fester god god gigolo god get god giraff go d god polit thester nyx edu god good laugh photoshop for window for comment peopl us heard photoshop for wi ndow good compar mac version lot bug heard window version fine tune comment grea tli appreci you andr boisvert beaver rot graphic librari interest graphic librari will design team write graphic softwar for unix workstat and portabl eventu thi softwar will move micro soft window opinion that good api hook pex underneath prove portabl experi figar o form tg hoop ithaca softwar comment clay hart clay hart georgia institut techn olog atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet clay h art gtri gatech edu scf file need demo disk that view made rix softwork file two dis kett set end scf demo vga resolut color don spatial resolut problem run demo scr een two black bar that cut across horizont screen top and bottom screen bar inch wide thi demo anim part run fine second problem can find graphic program that w ill open and displai file coupl imag convers program mention scf file system clo ne diamond speedstar soni monitor suggest you castro tlc question video projector set video aid for comput room for teach er share displai class peopl video projector set and larg monitor present told t hat wai connect video projector composit rgb can explain differ and like cost re pli inetnet mail account post bulletin sparc nuc edu telnet kermit for window ti m chen tiff philosoph signific silli binari and forget that answer ques tion life univers and that quot dougla adam round question not discov mark cartw right snp univers texa austin comput center graphic facil markc emx utexa edu ma rkc siriu utexa edu markc herm chpc utexa edu asel error never doubt thi situat graviti refund for wmf convert for lead sourc good window meta file convert int

erpret thi for us window environ sourc prefer not requir repli address below dav id buchholz internet buck ileaf product manag uunet leafusa buck interleaf inc v oic want super projector sound for super projector sound for sale se nd email name brand condit projector and price for sale kimd rpi edu sound capab l danni kimd rpi edu coreldraw bitmap scodal awar coreldraw export scodal version qui t apart hassl radial fill version revb you export scodal bitmap imag includ draw will cannot export scodal bitmap version thi ear tempor imag make product call filmpak convert autocad plot scodal postscript scodal and gif scodal cost and wo nder that bitmap scodal part tad cheaper jeff lyall inst geo nuc sci lower hutt zealand spec info appl quicktim add scienc sdsu edu jame murrai write sp ec verbos interpret spec for quicktim technic articl magazin and refer book nice spec format usabl unix do system can quicktim stuff ftp appl present format app l releas quicktim volum insid macintosh seri bookstor reason technic stock bill jone billj beowulf ingr imag analysi for for imag analysi softwar run do window analyz t iff similar file gener histogram pattern etc appreci fouri joubert depart bioche mistri univers pretoria bio navi sourc for shade want articl innldi irau ira uka braun irav ira u ka thoma braun write for shade method and algorithm you sourc code for that illu min and color comput gener imageri roi hall contain sourc for famou illumin mode l includ bouknight phong blinn whit and hall illumin model you want introduct sh ade you book write raytrac edit glassner book procedur element for comput graphi c roger good refer sourc for code book net you check nic funet site closer you c arri graphic relat stuff hope thi you ask for torgeir veimo studi univers bergen gona wave freak flag high jimi hendrix and dai polic cview answer cyberspac buddha wixer bga wrote renew blade stack urc tue rene walter write place temp file place current directori beg differ thi point batch file us launch cview dir cview resid and invok time crash cview byt e temp file found root dir drive cview thi post that cview root directori drive cview sinc troubl read larg file floppi suspect that root directori drive imag f ile matthew zenkar moscom newsgroup split haven thi thread appolog thi mention comp graphi c kaveh kardan kardank er umontr fast wirefram graphic articl columbia edu ykim columbia edu yong kim write work program displai wirefram model user arbitrarili chang view param et wirefram object dynam attribut that can move user explor wirefram world don y ou phig pex lib yeh usc detect doubl point bezier curv articl almaden ibm capelli vnet i bm ron capelli write oeinck waterland wlink ferdinand oeinck write for inform de tect and calcul doubl point and cusp bezier curv maureen stone and toni deros ge ometr character parametr cubic curv acm tog vol juli us that refer and found tha t need origin tech report maureen stone and toni deros character cubic bezier cu rv xerox edl decemb thi report can obtain for free xerox corpor palo alto resear ch center coyot hill road palo alto california tog paper good thi tech report ha d interest detail john tiff philosoph signific scgu mentor purdu edu nova purdu edu all en write spec sinc quot last post gripe tiff that complic and infinit easier wri te read not us librari for read write tiff file good minut start your app martin martin preston preston manchest comput graphic comput graphic unit manchest com put centr univers manchest load ball manchest phone diamond stelth good market for bit graphic card for isa bu and w onder had comment good bad diamond stealth view pov file edward nobl ednobl sacam oren ortn edu wrote view tga file creat povrai diamond speedstar video board not can convert jpeg cjpeg a nd view cview that displai bit color want darn thing real color ati ultra pro ca rd and found that easiest view true color imag window driver and winjpeg photofi nish window solut love hear dane ati gup and graphic wkshop win ati graph ultra pro vlb meg and s mall question graphic workshop for window exit current driver can handl color co lor mode thi driver problem gw error driver win correctli state that can displai color switch bit anoth question viewer that support thi card window viewer appr eci photoshop for window articl uhim jfq rot beaver rot andr boivert write for comment peopl us heard photoshop for window good compar mac version l ot bug heard window version fine tune comment greatli appreci you andr boisvert beaver rot review mac and window version week info world thi week that window ve rsion consider slower mac comparison photostyl and photoshop for window david da vid farlei univers chicago librari east street jrl dgf midwai uchicago edu chica go illinoi targa format text file convert targa similar bit pictur into lis t valu and convert back targa oper ixel code targa pixel pixel etc can thi expla in bit data or targa file and store bit targa call for present navi sciviz seminar call for present navi scien tif visual and virtual realiti seminar tuesdai june carderock divis naval surfac warfar center david taylor research center bethesda maryland sponsor ness navi engin softwar system sponsor dai navi scientif visual and virtual realiti semina r purpos seminar present and exchang inform for navi relat scientif visual and v irtual realiti program research develop and applic present present solicit aspec t navi relat scientif visual and virtual realiti current work work progress and propos work navi organ will consid type present regular present minut length sho rt present minut length video present stand alon videotap author not attend semi nar scientif visual virtual realiti demonstr byoh accept present will not publis h proceed viewgraph and materi will reproduc for seminar attende abstract author submit page abstract and videotap robert lipman naval surfac warfar center card erock divis code bethesda maryland voic fax mail lipman oasi navi mil author inc lud type present affili address telephon and fax number and address multi author paper design point contact deadlin abstact submiss deadlin april notif accept w ill materi for reproduct receiv june for inform contact robert lipman address di stribut wide robert lipman internet lipman oasi navi mil david taylor model basi n cdnswc lip ocean navi mil comput signatur and voicenet structur group code fac tsnet bethesda maryland phishnet stock long leg sixth sick shiek sixth sheep sic k newsgroup split propos newsgroup split person not favor thi lear n aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wat e and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou disagre you learn amount read split group and make thing easier for omnivor wast creat new group bit shuffl problem post per week per gr oup spend time thi david jpeg file format find descript jpg file format specif jpg file c an find height and width imag and perhap even number color us suggest peter pete rbak microsoft thi that compuserv noth ger recommend graphic librari for mac articl john shepardson esh moo s slac stanford edu john shepardson esh qmail slac stanford edu john shepardson write can you offer recommend graphic fantast programm packag for year that adve rtis and appar call graphic tool written mark owen micro system option seattl re view year ago and aw capabl includ ton code for aspect mac program includ offscr een graphic zbuffer bit graphic databas for repres graphic object and written mp w and hypercard and code highli reusabl last time check price worth talk mark an d fax literatur wasn help list routin name bsplinesurfac drawstr name product in fo sheet that explain packag capabl found review april mactutor good packag curr ent price for radon radon transform that send accept for lot music ftp sou nd sdsu edu cat file dev audio librari catalog telnet bison acsu buffalo edu dou bt xarchi xgopher xwai rai tracer for do articl cqiinnj srvr engin umich edu tdawson ll ullaillaco engin umich edu chri herringshaw write for repeat thi request good fr ee sharewar program can creat rai trace and save bit map file such thing advanc

daemon book publish book that come sourc code floppi program dimens graphic rai trayc and anim christoph watkin and larri sharp photor and rai trace christoph w atkin stephen coi and mark finlai book and great intro rai trace and anim progra m disk compil and readi run glanc second book appear good hope thi help mark lar sen markl hunan rastek thi unit bad motiv luke star war color pict spin earth estop conrad appstat edu ac write thi wron g place post thi cruse net earlier thi year and call color pict spin earth assum anim sequenc earth rotat revolut mix time found sysem not even support color gr aphic didn bother pict fairli nice system and find pict can post mail advanc eri c estop conrad appstat edu likewis for time hear beem for thi for past month pat rick hew year scienc engin univers western australia phew tartaru uwa edu phew m ackerel uwa edu cornerston dualpag driver want for window driver for cornerston dualpag cornerston technolog inc video card that for info ni ni kelder estonian biocentr tkelder kask ebc newsgroup split articl fox apr graphic nyu edu fox graphic nyu e du david fox write propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspe ct graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will re sult post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou disagre you learn amount read split group and make thing easier for o mnivor wast creat new group bit shuffl problem post per week per group spend tim e thi shouldn size newsgroup issu thi cover comp grahpic anim traffic per dai ar ticl extrem heavi dai thi group for month and don recal such flood post that spl it warrant cent mitch jmcocker eo ncsu edu doth render knoweth frustrat scf file need tlc write second problem can find graphic program that will open and displai file coupl imag convers program mention scf file rix file extens sci and scf raw file color palett byte kind header name rix byte unk nown stuff you byte palett info for color rgb and you pictur raw format you dont make viewer thi descript you can vpic read file regard thoma convers pic format file hpgl file can convers pic format file hp gl file question follow convert file that gener pic preprocessor format into hpg l format suitabl for send plotter hardwar involv ibm risc run aix thi and softwa r involv cost problem regard dani cimad consult antwerp belgium dani cimad hijaak heard impress thing hijakk for window us sharewar program call graphic workshop kind thing will hijaak that sharewar program will not you r experi hijaak program that email you can wayn haston haston utkvx utk edu graphic librari experi figaro form tg hoop ithaca softwar commen t coupl year ago comparison two product thi chang phig implement figaro fine phi g person hate phig find low level dislik structur edit find imposs phig found ho op system that full featur and easi us support render method softwar hardwar sup port document good and easili portabl system happi elabor you specif question lo okin bill wlm wisdom attmail phone canon copier printer postscript question printer model and speci f canon clc color laser copier ipu unit postscript intellig process unit recent purchas expens and nice color copier printer want print sgi iri network copier p rinter parallel and scsi interfac configur printer system parallel interfac and can print postscript file printer can print rgb file turn convert postscript int ern filter canon clc public qualiti printer qualiti postscript printout accept c reat postscript file variati program such showcas and top convert postscript top and us option halfton screen densiti default output that accept note that start screen imag rgb imag format and translat imag into postscript suspect that us s csi interfac higher qualiti pictur not purchas softwar that drive printer scsi p ort knowledg thi softwar and not come warranti manag not want spend thi monei as sur that product will work question net thi printer you scsi parallel port quali ti printout creat high qualiti postscript printout limit compon postscript langu ag postscript interpretor printer big question can softwar drive scsi port for t hi printer email directli don not read new regular basi will post summari advanc mail scott ncifcrf gov phone titl system manag analyst rai trace pictur for interest rai trace pictur nice exampl alt b inari pictur misc file call poolbal gif show pooltabl poolbal resolut colour tga

bit version bit big post pictur creat pov rai enjoi gerco cgschot ruu gerco sch ot cgschot ruu tiff philosoph signific ulrich galki toppoint wrote suggest fort i two six time displai softwar for displai surfac xlib and packag internet will work for stand alon packag provid similar function xprism khoro numer librari r equir for want recompil and run platform sgi unix will appreci demetrio sapouna tel nswc fax dahlgren usa email ari nswc navi mil for wmf convert buck ileaf david buchholz write for lead sourc g ood window meta file convert interpret thi for us window environ sourc prefer no t requir repli address below relat topic search success for specif enhanc metafi l format origin wmf format graphic file format levin info bit version pointer er ic sink spyglass earth human abil woodfield drive content bad situat savoi and v ice versa sink uiuc edu tiff philosoph signific silli mark cartwright markc emx utexa ed u wrote binari and forget that answer question life univers and that quot dougla adam round question not discov discov sort question time arthur dent object tha t thi factual inaccur effort discov question begun thi last effort like longer l ifespan univers fact lifespan mark wilson onlin comput system email address mark ocsmd oc thi file disclaim sign signatur mean want matrox driver window driver for matrox svga card moment win dow run mode you driver for thi card send oemsetup inf bockamp informatik muench en florian bockamp bockamp informatik muenchen ooo ooo not bug undocu featur fix point math librari written librari class for fix point math good articl pretti thi wheel invent moment type call jack robot jpl nasa gov jac k morrison jet propuls lab oak grove pasadena need algorithm for object recognit friend work and object recogn it for refer describ algorithm subject area threshold edg segment marr hildreth sobel oper chain code thin skeletonis will post algorithm that implement demonst r topic appreci post repli mail address request will post summari newsgroup coup l week advanc for repli jame citi hijaak haston donald wayn haston utkvx utk edu wrote us sharewar program call graphic workshop kind thing will hijaak that sharewar program will not us graphic workshop and differ that that hijaak screen captur capabl and ac n convert coupl file format don specif april issu magazin test twelv sell imag c aptur convert util includ hijaak tmc tmc spartan brocku adob photo shop type softwar for unix motif platform search for qualiti imag enhanc and manipul packag for unix motif platform that compar adob photo shop for mac not find and inform such product you provid interest softwar that run sun workstat and not requir special add hardwar interest solut you wayn wayn michael wdm world std tiff philosoph signific articl prestonm man prestonm man martin preston write not us librari for read write tiff file good minut start your app us whenev tiff and work that not point philosoph oppos complex thi complex led p rogram poor tiff writer make bizarr file program inabl load tiff imag save and g ener inabl interchang imag environ despit fact understand tiff not worri asshol had big troubl misus and abus tiff year and chalk immens and unnecessari complex format word tiff spec appendix page capit emphasi mine problem thi sort success that tiff design power and flexibl expens simplic take fair amount effort handl option defin thi specif applic complet job and that you can that you will impor t tiff imag sinc imag gener applic program wors applic can read tiff imag that m ean won that deal want imag trap that format don and agre reason not that march cub wonder knew mac implement march cube algorithm that wi ll output individu face such applic sourc code that modifi implement algorithm a nd individu face advanc sincerli traci traci abildskov phone fax address brigham young univers depart psycholog mail abild bert byu edu provo usa epson hpgl pen plotter pen epson pen plotter forsal emul not opt ion board that emul serial interfac hardwar handshak pen for follow pack black o il base pack red green blue and black pen pack aqueou black pack aqueou blue bla ck pack aqueou multi color pen and assort packag pen color plotter us test windo

w driver for and and work fine accept size paper figur that plotter worth and pe n worth anoth thing you won purchas pen for quit packag pen seal fresh rest cap and function will sell pen seper interest sell laserjet and don color offer cher t chert pellett chert dungeon cirr chert dungeon lonestar org panic cat nibbl po wer cord tiff philosoph signific silli mark wilson mark ocsmd oc wrote ma rk cartwright markc emx utexa edu wrote binari and forget that answer question l ife univers and question not discov discov sort question time read and special p rize bottom amaz your friend and gain respect your peer that you can carri long number origin question mean life univers and and answer gener deep thought large st comput creat deep thought realiz that understand answer question didn build l argest comput name earth figur real question thi background knowledg for bear se c arthur pull scrabbl tile bag spell time six not clear that monkei man had ques tion brain sinc that ladi diner vapor moment that answer hand marvin answer dent brain let presum correct time six forti two base chew that for awhil chri russe l custom softwar network case tool and consult adapt solut sun sparc sgi iri apo llo macintosh internet crussel netcom gte mail box diamond bar sphere point anoth method base sqyar estim sphere equat paramet point spheric surfac radiu and center can written thi equat can rewritten into f orm approxim left hand part for datapoint determin paramet minimis averag error numer recip can found algorithm solv paramet fit sphere will center radiu sqrt l ast will thi solv you sphere estin problem for situat quick van rijt rytg fel tn o polygon fill routin need for polygon fill routin fill simpl side polygon can thi routin save reinvent time advanc rao disnei anim can disnei anim softwar packag note followup line th i not for for colleagu rumour read issu wire magazin long articl hype notic that articl talk design and great never show pictur output pictur that can understand kirk membri ag ag industri rutger viamar kmembri alexand rodchenko studio differ previou version fombaron marc fombaron ufrima imag wrote signific differ and you for help recal differ set paramet default chang s lightli home and you isn warrant upgrad douginoz cview answer rai knight rknight stiatl salestech wrote mik uki e du bryan william write major user not read floppi pictur rom and us cview fast a nd work can moron lack foresight creat temp file program path not current didrec tori flexibl creat temp file check for temp tmp environ variabl and creat file d rive and directori pointedto variabl thi pretti standard for do window and appli c cview not pai attent temp environ variabl matthew zenkar moscom tiff philosoph signific martin preston prestonm man wrote scgu m entor purdu edu nova purdu edu allen write spec sinc quot last post gripe tiff t hat complic and infinit easier write read not us librari for read write tiff fil e good minut start your app martin name thi librari for tiff copi can archi for don filenam for info mail file format file format for mail file format pcx base twist page multi page fax will come readabl page disappear format proprietari cl ue give email fax secretari order unscrambl want filter mail come mail nice tony o master cna tek medic imag gopher dai back post info gopher site you search for medic graphic etc repost mail copi greatli mark mark morlei unix sun manag net m orlei camosun camosun colleg interurban campu tel interurban road room tech fax victoria canada morph keyword for morph program for dec look for program call dm orph archi not find found progrmam call morpho grayscal imag graphic driver standard research collect elect impuls human hear t complex analog digit system design and input thi inform into eisa bu vectra co mput run do and phar lap do extend want purchas high perform video card for mode l awar compani call matrox concern get marri compani and video routin librari ho pe flexibl choos card manufactur standard video driver write gener code code tha t easili move card comput oper system futur hope inform greatli appreci respond

directli internet mail raymak bcm tmc edu tiff philosoph signific silli articl geraldo utexa edu mark cart wright markc emx utexa edu write binari and forget that answer question life uni vers and that quot dougla adam round question not discov question reveal base sy stem chuck divin anim station for inform anim station that market price station c an type workstat doesnt matter mac sgi etc you us bought look can suggest your d ream machin mail your configur type station mac etc expandibilti machin softwar that can run vtr control and vtr deck model name vendor name and number advanc k en eyler eylerken washington edu evergreen state colleg xlib and bit displai info need name rahul and usu logan queri wo rkstat seri run true color bit color monitor connect thi machin capabl displai c olor max million sinc monitor true color can million time que facil function cal l that will enabl rgb combin and screen xstorecolor set pallett max color que no t can displai true color imag true color monitor xlib function call gener rai tr ace imag and color pain limit facil displai true color imag will gener true colo r system color quantif can oblig rahul usu edu tiff tiff program for ibm scanner work into tiff and can view cs how program read error basic tiff jpeg gif pcx bmp etc for time email post accep t joshuaf that geiger scan dooki tiff imagin for impuls ship imagin for close amiga imagin term featur roland chia air cool email kruzifix netcom free fall voic carbon unit screen captur cymk convert small program extract imag vga color screen and store that imag tiff file insert imag into sale brochur print color m ac us photoshop separ imag into ep file and pull into quark express print film l intronix servic bureau don mac window thi type oper window environ separ program net good page layout program that into advanc shmuel einstein shmuel einstein s hmuel einstein associ inc wilshir blvd suit beverli hill fax for do precompil version for do prefer for virtual realiti for cheap articl apr mfltd st mfltd steve sherwo od write multivers work built svr mip svr and sun sparcstat bug dogfight and dac tyl simpli noth fix bug variabl defin twice two modul need set static client cor e dump steve extn st mfltd uunet mfocu st micro focu pariah name west street liv e blaze obscur rum ruff splat newburi courag surviv dai berkshir england bort et ri nfluenc larg hammer built motif machin work fine ad object into dogfight us f ly thi easi cool brian anim studio file format file format for autodesk anim studio gar i respond email hell time keep new rai tracer for do articl cqiinnj srvr engin umich edu tdawson ll ullaillaco engin umich edu chri herringshaw wrote for repeat thi request good fr ee sharewar program can creat rai trace and save bit map file such thing advanc daemon ppppp ooooo persist vision raytrac ppppp ooooo archi and wuarchiv graphic type directori freewar kai howel kai postoffic uta edu mortim av town ta austra lia sigkid research showcas call sigkid call for particip sigkid res earch showcas learn hip push edg educ comput graphic and technolog sigkid resear ch showcas will provid siggraph attende latest appli comput technolog form state art educ experi hop submit work converg disciplin educ and comput technolog cat egori and domain includ not limit interact stand alon applic run demonstr and tu tori museum instal groupwar collabor system hypermedia virtual realiti scientif visual interact art microworld deadlin submiss due submit dian schwartz siggraph sigkid committe institut for learn scienc mapl avenu suit evanston illinoi fax schwartz il nwu edu electron submiss form schwartz il nwu edu submit fill permis s us form page siggraph call for particip send email schwartz il nwu edu fax you fill sigkid research showcas submiss form below send abstract descript submiss approxim word wai send hard copi dian schwartz surfac mail address fax copi dian schwartz email copi dian schwartz schwartz il nwu edu explain project addit sup port materi such videotap and slide that will assist select committe reach decis highli reccommend fax and email submiss accept send your submiss materi form su rfac mail email fax except thi addit support materi surfac mail note due limit b

udget submitt choos dedic machin for work will pai rental fee for hardwar person note contributor for unit state awar custom and carrier delai and send submiss earli cut acm siggraph sigkid research showcas entri form copi thi form accompan i each propos you submit send sigkid research showcas entri dian schwartz siggra ph sigkid committe institut for learn scienc mapl avenu suit evanston illinoi fa x schwartz il nwu edu print legibl contact inform name compani address citi stat e postal code countri daytim phone even phone fax email addit inform titl theme piec particip name collabor name hardwar platform and perifer need suppli partic ip dedic machin note due limit budget particip pai rental fee for dedic hardwar assist softwar statement signific work word medium describ virtual realiti virtu al sculptur interact multimedia instal etc special requir physic descript power dimens author permiss us visual and audio event that materi us acm siggraph sigk id research showcas entri work individu organ includ copyright music composit ex cerpt thereof understand that respons secur permiss and liscens piec contain ima g audio video compon right and permiss us imag audio video compon piec confer pr esent releas sign thi form grant siggraph permiss piec for sigkid research showc as maintain copyright work and will receiv full credit wherev thi work us confer promot materi grant acm siggraph us slide for confer and organ public and futur thi includ usag poster brochur catalog promot item media broadcast exchang sigg raph full author artist credit inform promot materi grant acm siggraph permiss u s slide work for confer and organ public signatur date acm siggraph make attempt respect and protect intellectu properti right peopl and organ prepar materi for siggraph confer thi entri form explain siggraph will make materi and requir you acknowledg that you permiss us thi materi thi involv seek clearanc your employ loan you materi such videotap and slide thi form help prevent situat siggraph pr esent includ materi permiss that lead complaint even legal action thi form ask y ou grant siggraph distribut your work you maintain copyright slide set and catal og public for you grant siggraph nonexclus worldwid distribut right siggraph mar k each item public proper copyright notic inform viewer that item not copi repro duc broadcast us for commerci purpos explicit permiss indivicu copyright owner a ddit thi form ask acm siggraph us your materi for confer and organiz promot mate ri exchang for full author artist credit inform want playmat info folk copi playmat will sell love not for retai l you move bigger imagin love bui your tabl scrap sell can recommend place bui p laymat mail order for cheap advanc mark mark marino omar osf org uunet osf omar open softwar foundat cambridg center cambridg march cub thi subject and parad wriglei field chicago marc coope r graphic programm sverdrup tech child fsmarc lerc nasa gov imaginari playmat na sa lewi research center brookpark tom robbin cleveland even cowgirl blue disclai m mine mine duck pov file constructor for unix get into povrai and wonder graphic packag that output pov file appreci ish craig didn you can prove ccc ccc chumph r comp vuw radios amann iam unib stephan amann write articl yuma acn colost edu long lanc colost edu xia zhao write articl apr aragorn unib you write work radios packag written make public domain announc minut finish that good new bad new anoth month finish note that radios packag resourc list subject ftp list nic k nick nikolao foti nation technic univ athen greec home esperidon internet nfot i thesea ntua halandri mcsun ariadn thesea nfoti athen greec fax usenet editor c omp graphic resourc list and soc cultur greec faq ntua acm student chapter chair organ small confer comp graphic call you interest particip nick nikolao foti na tion technic univ athen greec home esperidon internet nfoti thesea ntua halandri mcsun ariadn thesea nfoti athen greec fax find equal space point sphere that thi discuss time didn tesel s phere kind soul code alg that final decid recal nice iter subdivis meathod appre ci thoma dewees deweeset rdrc rpi edu grayscal printer you consid appl laserwrit iig us for imag print advic video system bui thi question cover apolog inform fast dep art larg sum monei instal video system network ibm workstat thi not area experti s can offer advic system base vh video will write video frame frame tape for pla

i back real time for visual physic problem can hardwar work for system support s oftwar need noth sophist sinc softwar us for visual written email repli don read thi group for your newman depart physic cornel univers newmm helio cornel edu tiff program call graphic workshop you can ftp wuarchiv file msd o graphic directori and call grfwk zip thi program everth you tmc tmc spartan br ocku sun ipx root window displai background pictur articl apr osi sco tt osi scott fleme write netter fairli weak question netland look last faq for c omp graphic didn find answer post short question displai raster file gif file if f tiff imag that root window background sun ipc openwindow sun that help compil pov for sun and displai work background tile for inform that you provid good dai scott fleme osi kudo peopl provid pov great scott not thi help us us sun ipc an d ipx and work fine can displai good number wai root put background automat logi n hope thi help jason weiler weilej rpi edu btw anonym ftp archi fer detect doubl point bezier curv renner adob john renner write art icl almaden ibm capelli vnet ibm ron oeinck waterland wlink ferdinand oeinck wri te for inform detect and calcul doubl point and cusp bezier curv maureen stone a nd toni deros geometr character parametr cubic curv acm tog vol juli us that ref er and found that need origin tech report maureen stone and toni deros character cubic bezier curv xerox edl decemb repli origin question implement idea articl and satisfi result need for bezier curv approxim routin case gener offset curv l oop can occur fast method detect gener curv loop not follow articl strictli chec k fourth control point li loop area bound two parabola and ellip complic enlarg loop area and surround for straight line check simpl and fast and approxim routi n never output intersect bezier curv ferdinand dregister for do pascal perret articl apr eicn etna wrote site o mnig clarkson edu alias grape ec clarkson edu number pub msdo djgpp pub zip you read answer kevin martin write answer funni thing internet idea that window pc y ou and us and that good email ryanph mrl dsto gov common abbrevi for quarterdeck corpor desqview softwar not us read blurb that quarterdeck sound pretti great m ultipl do machin that requir ram pre emptiv multi task network comput proper win dow client server applic thi mean that do program can us window comput your netw ork and that window program can us your comput not version unix effect unix feat ur and you will compil unix type program djgpp gnu compil advertis regularli maj or comput and program magazin internet support onlin support qdeck pascal perret perret eicn etna hope that thi help want phil ryan melbourn australia for tseng vesa driver thi msg net copi dam for vpic come updat v esa driver for almost card vesa level and tseng bit nice affair driver hope bye make vga shade routin that color rgb attribut vga adapt doesn wo rk mode that specif hex obscur mode chang zillion color shade greyscal not corre ct memori address for pointer start address can find you john kondi eapu orion o ac uci edu photoshop for window articl apr midwai uchicago edu dgf quad uch icago edu david farlei write articl uhim jfq rot beaver rot andr boivert write f or comment peopl us heard photoshop for window good compar mac version lot bug h eard window version fine tune comment greatli appreci you andr boisvert beaver r ot review mac and window version week info world thi week that window version co nsider slower mac comparison photostyl and photoshop for window david don that u s photoshop and quadra roughli equal faster system run bit color and had amount ram meg quadra had photoshop acceler studio differ previou version articl apr hparc au doug hparc au doug parson write fombaron marc fombaron ufrima imag wrote signific differ and y ou for help recal differ set paramet default chang slightli home and you isn war rant upgrad douginoz wrong major improv for and us ipa routin for studio increas speed anywher depend you us yost group ipa routin that you can bui separ studio packag requir us slow true color displai pov hallo pov render bocax card pov displai t rue color render option and univesa driver happen isn correct can fractal compress can give book refer titl give start fractal ima g compress techniqu help will appreci inu lindblat monash edu inu aurora monash

edu develop surfac netter investig develop surfac can familiar thi t opic give inform sourc can find infom develop surfac for your abel hkuxa hku virtual realiti for cheap articl plk mil ridout bink plk mil bri an ridout write articl apr mfltd st mfltd steve sherwood write multivers work bu ilt svr mip svr and sun sparcstat bug dogfight and dactyl simpli noth fix bug va riabl defin twice two modul need set static client core dump steve extn st mfltd uunet mfocu st micro focu pariah name west street live blaze obscur rum ruff sp lat newburi courag surviv dai berkshir england bort etri nfluenc larg hammer bui lt motif machin work fine ad object into dogfight us fly thi easi cool brian com pil forgiv that you mix cobol pascal compil wouldn complain steve extn st mfltd uunet mfocu st micro focu pariah name west street live blaze obscur rum ruff spl at newburi courag surviv dai berkshir england bort etri nfluenc larg hammer alia phone number want phone number for alia toll free number pr efer charl boesel diablo creativ pro for and con cboesel diablo holonet net oppo sit progress pager congress postscript draw prog articl apr informatik muenchen comp graphic gnuplot comp graphic rdd ut ipp garch mpg reinhard drube write articl ecnn ment or purdu edu nish chem purdu edu nishantha write draw util that can us manipul p ostscript file specif interest draw line box and sort postscript contour plot xf ig and impress featur us sinc cannot us postscript file input for programm util that convert postscript xfig format greatli appreci nishantha you check adob ill ustr unix version for depend your platform two unix version for mach and for iri x sgi such for sun sparcstat don for ttyl charl boesel diablo creativ pro for an d con cboesel diablo holonet net opposit progress pager congress illustr autotrac poorli figur adob illustr auto trace exactli sc reen miss edg templat pixel result imag that useless exact trace not approxim ad just freehand toler autotrac toler doesn suggest charl boesel diablo creativ pro for and con cboesel diablo holonet net opposit progress pager congress marchin cube polygon reduct algorithm for march cube surfac algi rithm schroeder siggraph for hint hug and kiss erwin ooo ooo erwin keev adress p eter welter platz cologn germani dept computergraph phone computeranim fax acade mi media art cologn email keev khm uni koeln disp post disp zip alt binari pictur util you distribut thi prog ram freeli for commerci us fee gain warranti author not respons for damag caus t hi program import sinc version fix bug file manag system file displai improv fil e manag system user friendli fix bug xpm version read fix bug targa read writng fix bug gem img read add support for pcx and gem img write auto skip macbinari h eader introduct thi program can you read write and displai imag format you speci al effect rotat dither imag main purpos you convert imag formt includ simpl file manag system support slide show limit imag size thi program support bit displai you want us hicolor truecolor you vesa driver you want modifi video driver read section hardwar requir msdo higher min amount ram byte memori will work recomme nd min byte for perform hard disk for swap virtual memori descript borrow djgpp support ware extend memori expand vcpi disk space us for swap supervga color mod e xm vdisk memori alloc strategi vcpi program such qemm desqview and max unsuppo rt dpmi microsoft window featur emul bit unix ish environ flat memori model svga graphic instal video driver emu and ex borrow djgpp you us western digit vga ch ip read readm thi ex modifi version for vesa and complet compat origin version p eopl report that thi ex not compat djgpp program system you encount thi problem don put ex search path read runm bat for run thi program you choos xxxxx grn vid eo driver add environ for exampl driver xxxxx xxxxx grn you don add emu xxxxx em u environ for exampl driver xxxxx xxxxx grd emu xxxxx emu note test grn grn and vesa grn driver not test modifi grn support bit displai you don us vesa driver g rn doesn work vesa grn for want us hicolor truecolor displai us vesa grn user yo u can find vesa bio driver wuarchiv wustl edu mirror msdo graphic godzilla cgl r mit kjb mgl command line switch usag displai displai initi displai type sort sor t method displai type svga default hicolor truecolor sort method name ext functi on kei chang disk drive ctrl ctrl chang disk drive chang filenam mask match doc chang paramet effect pictur flip rotat make directori tag file tag group file ma

tch doc tag file untag file untag group file match doc untag file in chang displ ai type read screen menu move file delet file renam file copi file displai byte ascii hex and dec mode displai disk free space page move page tab chang process target arrow kei home end page page scroll imag home left end page top page bott om screen effect menu left arrow chang displai type bit slide show escap termin alt quit program prompt alt reread directori escap abort function and return sup port format read gif gif japan mag mag japan pic pic sun raster ra jpeg jpg xbm xbm utah rle rle pbm pbm pgm pgm ppm ppm pcx pcx japan mki mki tiff tif targa tg a xpm xpm mac paint mac gem img img iff ilbm lbm window bmp bmp qrt rai trace qr t mac pict pct vi vi pd pd vike vik vicar vic fit fit usenix face fac extens sta ndard extens write gif sun raster jpeg xbm pbm pgm ppm tiff targa xpm mac paint ascii laser jet iff ilbm window bmp mac pict vi fit face pcx gem img read write support full color bit grei scale dither and bit imag allow for that format deta il initi set default displai type highest displai type find allow screen resolut for grn video driver you run thi program you will enter read menu whthin thi me nu you can press function kei you move copi file you will enter write menu write menu read menu you chang directori header line read menu includ displai type nu mber file number tag file press space read menu will you select format us for re ad current file press return read menu will you read current file thi program wi ll automat determin format thi file procedur check magic number fail check stand ard extens fail report error press read menu will slide show delai time program will wait you hit kei escap error occur program will make beep escap termin pres s in read menu will chang displai type press alt read menu will quit program pro mpt onc imag file successfulli read you will enter screen menu thi menu turn you can special effect imag press return show imag graphic mode press return space escap return text mode press tab chang process target thi program you special ef fect bit bit imag press left arrow chang displai type bit press space save curre nt imag file dither save black white imag bit grei scale save grei imag bit full color save color imag bit true color save bit imag thi program will you questio n you want write imag file question format depend final thi program will prompt you filenam you want save file anoth directori current directori press space pre ss space you will enter write menu you can chang directori you want press space thi program will prompt you origin filenam press return thi program will prompt you select filenam filenam bar thi program support bit displai thi program memor i greedi you don memori perform poor you want save bit imag gif tiff lzw targa s un raster bmp you want save bit imag lossless tiff lzw targa ilbm sun raster for true bit imag recommend jpeg for store bit imag even bit imag not subroutin ful li test thi document not written you problem suggest comment thi program send bi cmo nctu edu your suggest improv thi program anonym ftp thi site tech inform pro gram user interfac and subroutin written jih shin subroutin borrow and pbmplu de c tiff and jpeg read write public domain librari compil djgpp you can djgpp pack ag simtel mirror site for exampl wuarchiv wustl edu mirror msdo djgpp for thoes want modifi video driver grx sourc code simtel mirror site for hicolor and truec olor bit color set bit color set bit color set acknowledg author and pbmplu for permiss us subroutin will author write tiff and jpeg librari djgpp can thing jih shin bicmo nctu edu pov file constructor for unix articl csc jame comp vuw craig hum phrei comp vuw chumphr write get into povrai and wonder graphic packag that outp ut pov file appreci good model packag found irit for irit tar convert format pov format postet request for such convert thi group respons write such program seb astian schmidt ilmenau institut praktisch informatik video card comput warranti and trident video card start plai sur pris surpris exchang for card big question video card high qualiti and accept pr ice tag student budget you advanc fast polygon routin need for reason never origin post thi thread you for fast polygon routin vga you can past mode stuff dobb thi code domain an d origin articl routin present dumb vga routin and optimis modex interest discus s you interest find detail issu question home bernard postscript draw prog vma diablo diablo cboesel charl boesel writ e articl apr informatik muenchen comp graphic gnuplot comp graphic rdd ut ipp ga

rch mpg reinhard drube write articl ecnn mentor purdu edu nish chem purdu edu ni shantha write draw util that can us manipul postscript file specif interest draw line box and sort postscript contour plot xfig and impress featur us sinc canno t us postscript file input for programm util that convert postscript xfig format greatli appreci nishantha you check adob illustr unix version for depend your p latform two unix version for mach and for irix sgi such for sun sparcstat don fo r you can includ postscript epsi file xfig encapsul postscript info file you can edit postscript file you draw postscript file ep epsi convert ep epsi perl prog ram succ ger timmen ger ruu dcv research group utrecht netherland tel room fax u nquestion progress averag american pai twice tax wage mencken good morph anim creat interest anim dmorph unabl creat that remo t realist thi due crappi gif captain kirk and spock bit trekker type pictur us s itunayak dtp ine inform desk top publish post graduat cours and email add ress normal mail advanc diamond stelth good bought diamond stealth month ago great card multimedia present run graphic and anim full motion video thing can that lack sp eed color qualit and million collor unreal you definitli compromis speed great c ard for graphic and come great softwar not exceler part us paridis and doesnt fa ster that thing that load vesa driver rom startup never had load for link progra m that requir special vesa driver startup gromi hintmatt isu edu gif aerial map ftp site for map prefer aerial photograph hidden line remov program post thi for friend for polygon base h idden line remov program can deal input output format perspect view orient and r ang public domain hidden line program not locat email repli and will summar sphinx satellit imag process sphinx sphinx user friendli state a rt imag process and analysi packag that run across spectrum high perform comput platform oper unix and window system creat meet daili research scientist conduct climat investig satellit data and remot sens techniqu intuit graphic interfac s phinx featur interact interfac pop menu and point and click dialog box make imag process and analysi simpl and fast thi access menu enabl you build attract imag layout quickli provid you flexibl return main menu conduct imag analysi and pro cess oper imag format compat smart read write function sphinx you easili open an d save imag file varieti format bit integ real data valu sphinx read and write c ommon tiff and gif format compress and decompress imag format save disk space im ag analysi process for imag and pixel analysi sphinx packag includ assort proces s tool that perform statist and mathemat filter oper such fourier transform conv olut product princip compon analys interact interpret for algebra equat and imag user manipul and combin individu data channel interact standard fortran notat u s for formula entri and for trig onometr and transcendent function satellit spec tra orbit analysi sphinx possess function simul satellit signal sensit for meteo rolog satellit meteosat noaa spot etc simul conduct for select standard atmosphe r and surfac condit and instrument spectral band geometri model comput solar zen ith angl warp orbit simul and imag project easi extern program interfac sphinx u ser flexibl integr extern develop softwar algorithm for process and convert sate llit observ sphinx export and import imag file and imag paramet extern program s pecial interfac function quick qualiti present sphinx rapidli displai manipul an d enhanc high resolut multispectr imag and color tabl six bit imag plane and gra phic plane packag conveni combin color imag graphic and text gener sharp digit i mag for articl and report sphinx and graphic editor complet flexibl for modifi a nd integr vector graphic and analysi plot imag such histogram and radial graph p ackag suppli color and grai scale output for standard inkjet and laser printer c apabl sphinx perform imag anim extern graphic import mosaic fit softwar support develop sphinx develop laboratoir optiqu atmospheriqu loa universit lill franc p ackag receiv critic feedback and support scientist french nation laboratori cent r nation recherch scientifiqu cnr and french space agenc centr nation etud spati al cne loa sphinx undergo continu refin and develop meet chang research and adva nc comput technolog packag featur line support internet address sphinx loasil ci tilil question can answer and version updat provid delai perform test cne select sphinx analyz and process satellit data collect upcom adeo polder satellit miss

ion todai sphinx packag us nasa goddard space flight center and wide us french l aboratori includ centr recherch physiqu environn ecol normal superieur laboratoi r etud recherch teledetect spatial laboratoir meteorologi dynamiqu test version sphinx loasil citilil anonym bin sphinx sphinx tar test version output file disa bl visualis and graphic function thi suffici work you interest keep sphinx send your email and you will receiv new packag evolut softwar chang user suggest will your comment diamond stelth good real problem stealth heard that diamond won program proprietari clock stuff linux and bsd won run patrick bridg patrick erc msstate edu photoshop for window articl agat berkelei edu aron tikal ced ber kelei edu aron bonar write articl apr midwai uchicago edu dgf quad uchicago edu david farlei write articl uhim jfq rot beaver rot andr boivert write for comment peopl us heard photoshop for window good compar mac version lot bug heard windo w version fine tune comment greatli appreci you andr boisvert beaver rot review mac and window version week info world thi week that window version consider slo wer mac comparison photostyl and photoshop for window david don that us photosho p and quadra roughli equal faster system run bit color and had amount ram meg qu adra had photoshop acceler back and look review claim signific differ manipul me g test file smaller file two platform david david farlei univers chicago librari east street jrl dgf midwai uchicago edu chicago illinoi illustr autotrac poorli articl vmcbrt diablo diablo cboesel char l boesel write figur adob illustr auto trace exactli screen miss edg templat pix el result imag that useless exact trace not approxim adjust freehand toler autot rac toler doesn suggest charl boesel diablo creativ pro for and con cboesel diab lo holonet net opposit progress pager congress had exactli problem aldu freehand autotrac featur that bare work feel compel throw gui david farlei univers chica go librari east street jrl dgf midwai uchicago edu chicago illinoi rayshad queri interest rayshad manag make chessboard for rayshad knight hors idea for surfac for chesspiec board marbl black won work for side i dea for nice surfac us imag command rayshad and heightfield command manual vagu thi and don craig kolb email address idea thi essenti for ventur into raytrac po st finish chessboard rayshad unix system fast unix render rayshad program for pe opl love graphic artist talent interview graphic packag graphic packag interview man page class haven document can send small exampl program show us class togeth grateful develop surfac articl khe hkuxb hku hkuxa hku abel write netter investig develop surfac can familiar thi topic give inform sourc can find infom develop surfac for your abel hkuxa hku develop surfac you can lai roll flat plan e requir you give cut cylind cone plane surfac patch vanish gaussian intrins cur vatur singular hessian matrix deriv for adequ coordin patch develop technic word develop surfac local isometr plane point sphere earth develop you cut you will not lai flat piec intrins curvatur vanish for detail thi book differenti geometr i treat surfac manifold carmo book book carmo differenti author carmo manfredo t itl differenti geometri curv and surfac year publish prentic hall note page enjo i freder leymari leyfr mcrcim mcgill edu mcgill univers electr eng dept mcrcim t el univers montreal canada fax view isomorph perspect work game isometr perspect similar that u s popul basic you into room that similar xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx x xxxx good thing thi perspect that you can and move dimens and maintain your pe ripher vision sinc your viewpoint routin can hard code for vantag case wall two rise edg slope mode run into two problem that reader thi and perhap formul opini on routin for draw wall trivial ran pack planar imag dismai jaggi consid anti al ias routin speed not worth effort artist draw wall skew assur nice imag thi burd en wall present problem algorithm us overli distort origin decid paper pixel and fail come method for map planar crosswis shear shape and produc line follow slo pe line directli line line move line and left pixel line line thi fill shape exa ctli unfil pixel distort come perhap simpli draw origin bitmap skew sticki probl em thi perspect plan hidden plane remov buffer locat store form for you notic to

p line wall and wall parallel bottom line thi appear optic illus appear insid cu be depend your mood vanish point thi simplifi draw code for object don chang siz e move room decid that thi approxim alright sinc small displac larg distanc chan g appar size object real perspect draw hopefulli context pictur chair floor torc h hang wall will dispel visual ambigu advanc for till time email pinki tamu edu sam inala rayshad queri articl sunvax sun sunvax sun write for surfac for chesspiec board marbl black won work for side idea for nice surfac brass silver real chessboard that us that materi post finish chessboard good place can wait u s pov raytrac compat for your chessboard don you pictur not doesn run thruster l eonard mccoi guess you spock that extraordinari jame kirk brian smith besmith mo saic uncc edu find equal space point sphere articl trd rpi edu deweeset ptolem i rdrc rpi edu thoma dewees write that thi discuss time didn tesel sphere kind s oul code alg that final decid recal nice iter subdivis meathod appreci andrew gr aphic gem glassner that collegu mine fiddl bit make deal bizarr problem work tim e work spl sphere asg feb spl thu mar est includ stdio includ math defin struct point struct doubl static doubl radiu static doubl xorg static doubl yorg static doubl zorg sphere freq doubl int freq doubl doubl doubl int pole doubl northi s outhi polei doubl rtheta rtheta ntheta ntheta magicangl doubl theta thetastart t hisi den struct point node pnp struct point struct radiu xorg yorg zorg north po le magicangl northi radiu sin magicangl southi radiu sin magicangl for pole pole pole pole polei radiu thisi northi thetastart polei radiu thisi southi thetasta rt for theta thetastart theta theta rtheta theta rtheta theta polei radiu co rth eta thisi radiu sin rtheta radiu co rtheta thisi radiu sin rtheta pole make ring normal den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sq rt den den radiu den subdivid tri freq bodi for theta theta theta rtheta theta r theta theta ntheta theta ntheta theta radiu co rtheta northi radiu sin rtheta ra diu co rtheta northi radiu sin rtheta radiu co ntheta southi radiu sin ntheta ra diu co ntheta southi radiu sin ntheta den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sqr t den den radiu den den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sqrt den den radiu de n subdivid tri freq subdivid tri freq return defin norm regist doubl sqrt subdiv id tri struct point struct int struct point struct struct point struct doubl den den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sqrt den den radiu den den den sqrt den den radiu den subdivid tri subdivid tri subdivid tri subdivid tri norm norm norm noth special thi poli printf xorg yorg zorg printf xorg yorg zorg printf xorg y org zorg return steve lamont scivigui spl szechuan ucsd edu san diego microscopi and imag resourc san diego jolla car car bumper strip font pov articl wampyr uow edu wampyr uow edu coronado emmanuel abad write rai trace scene mtv rayshad stroke font appear object imag font char had color depth and even textur associ wonder pov noel made attempt write conver t that read adob type font triangul bevel and extrud result gener object us pov problem stuck that algorithm triangul arbitrari polygon shape delaunai limit con vex hull constrain delaunai code exampl anoth bartman tga pov selfmad variat thi heightfield creat pictur big text you postscript preview us thi heightfield whi te black heightfield exactli imag white part open backsid close mirror and compo und origin exampl object union height field gif abp gif height field gif abp gif scale textur glass translat center rotat rotat upward scale scale bigger and th icker translat final placement abp gif gif arbitrari size contain abp black whit e time roman point brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden psygnosi titl rumour articl apr rchland ibm ricardo rchland vnet ibm ricardo hernandez muchado write mhz you sprite for lot trick for make cool awesom game read psygnosi speak psygnosi licens game philip inter media intern f or recent post messag section multimedia forum seventh guest licens virgin game philip interact media intern for worldwid right licens litil divil gremlin graph ic and microcosm psygnosi titl will adapt full potenti fmv cartridg mean addit m emori motion video capabl titl negoci europ will worldwid lem licens psygnosi st riker soccer rage don titl will work even start don expect your retail mention f utur nintendo game issu magazin ert mario hotel mention level mark work for phil ip don work multimedia info provid good faith read and not repres statement phil

ip mark samson inform technolog group philip research laboratori cross oak lane redhil surrei tel ext tel lab telex fax email seri samson prlhp unix samson prl philip binari file packag prlhp scf file need articl apr tlc demo disk that view made rix softwo rk file two diskett set end scf demo vga resolut color don spatial resolut color ix manual scf file problem run demo screen two black bar that cut across horizon t screen top and bottom screen bar inch wide thi demo anim part run fine second problem can find graphic program that will open and displai file coupl imag conv ers program mention scf file you vpic handl color rix file rob sherri sherri oks tat edu studio differ previou version understand differ studio and ipa i nterfac small bug fix ipa code run lot faster newest version chri johnston mater i engin nasa lewi research center internet chri sarah lerc nasa gov brookpark cl eveland usa resist futil photoshop for window articl uhim jfq rot beaver rot andr boivert write for comment peopl us heard photoshop for window good compar mac version l ot bug heard window version fine tune photoshopii date and cofmment andi andrew leahi aleahi cch coventri odd frog piec work man nobl reason infinit faculti for m and move express and admir action angel apprehens god beauti world paragon ani m and quintess dust man delight not shakespear hamlet tiff philosoph signific articl alic att alic att tom duff write ulrich galki toppoint wrote suggest forti two six time for small valu six and to m couldn resist graphic format for inform graphic format ppm pcx bmp and perhap gif exist file site that describ format erik brenn email erikb idt unit oooo fac ulti comput scienc telemat norwegian institut technolog trondheim oooo not make sens cent want info imag databas padmini srivathsa wisconsin write refer i ntroductori materi imag databas happi intern snail mail technic inform imag data bas you can provid your address for hard copi not email focus open pace oracl in gr adaba sybas and gupta imag databas instal instal and product novel lan and un ix workstat work visual basic michael willett offic wang problem grab block starbas screen moment grab portion starbas sc reen and store area memori data bit format shouldn problem app run bit screen no t fussi exact format intend write data tiff that bit not problem grab portion sc reen block read call grab screen not bit colour screen window type byte per pixe l advanc martin martin preston preston manchest comput graphic comput graphic un it manchest comput centr univers manchest load ball manchest phone do recent found for do subdirectori gnu gnuish us frequent sun s park station and never had problem start comput option displai menu and start gi f file hard disk turn second and prompt come back comput copro mega ram tseng ru n do himem sy and emm sy had ex driver run somenon solut run appreci you server run top do us desqview do server technic document write word for featur that cus tom us don opinion factual interpret power uunet rutger mcdhup inferno tom can f ound periphon corpor veteran memori highwai bohemia pai write not express opinio n close curv intersect refer algorithm that can detect whether clo se curv bound number bezier curv li complet anoth close curv bound bezier curv s ean lamont wsi font zeno genet washington edu profession collect for lamont abst ractsoft abstract softwar print graph printer thi simpl problem cannot solv wrote program draw polygon screen and want print printer press print screen keyboard problem p rinter print ascii charact print screen print screen ftp achiv for usg terrain data ftp archiv for unit state geolog servic usg terrain data charl boesel diablo creativ pro for and con cboesel diab lo holonet net opposit progress pager congress postscript strokeadjust info inform displai postscript strokeadj ust featur thi featur adjust endpoint line that displai line low resolut devic p ostscript literatur explain process extent give exampl emul strokeadjust postscr ipt environ absent suggest emul modifi coordin endpoint line formula for each co

ordin coord round coord thi end coordin end read thought that coord trunc coord thi result coordin end whichev closer actual comparison displai postscript find that dp sinc dp result stuff dp will steve squeege world std packag for fashion design thi articl gener buggi new reader packag for fashion design for commerci softwar packag for profes sion fashion design recommend and pointer greatli appreci mail you million mpeg locat can find mpeg viewer do window advanc alan jackson ma il ajackson cch cov liverpool footbal club simpli you never walk alon color palett for color vga rainbow calcul rgb valu requir set co lor vga palett that color will give color rainbow red orang yellow etc appreci e mail eeerik newcastl edu erik castro lopo dept electr comput eng uni newcastl au stralia attract draw sphere made attract program comput for draw sphere and past paper for children artist and educ can send exampl alt sourc want you c an rotat sphere you interest children can design tessel famou regular polyhedra difficalti and print pattern past spheric model moscow tel clock mail valentin v ulihman attract draw sphere subscrib comp graphic quit newsgroup split articl neron apr sylvest utexa edu neron ccwf ut exa edu michael neron write articl quvdoinn srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin u mich edu chri herringshaw write propos newsgroup split person not readili observ that current spectrum amiga group plagu mega crosspost group split not likeliho od bring structur environ glad you write that flame beg not crosspost nonsens ar ticl problem crosspost poster awar that thi post crosspost you never interest pe opl stai split newsgroup bring even crosspost jan holler bern switzerland good n ot good make holli holler aug adsp sub org second chanc holler iamexwi unib fast mail cbmehq cbmswi aug holli holler cbmvax commodor tom gaskin pexlib phig program manual reilli explain differ tom gaskin two book pexlib program manual phig program manual want bui book book run sco unix desktop sun lab and access varieti system alliant crai network model v isual rat rabbit monkei and human brain structur alexand jame annala princip inv estig neurosci imag analysi network hedco neurosci build floor univers southern california univers park lo angel scf file need articl apr daimi aau ru daimi aau write rix file e xtens sci and scf raw file color palett stuff delet regard thoma you happen sco rix file alex kiernan akiernan falcon demon miro crystal ati gup plan bui vlb eisa system good graphic perfo rm look ati gup vlb favorit graphic card recent heard card miro miro crystal and true color support cost ati can decid match technic refer and perform compariso n miro card greatli appreci peter mail kohut urz uniba universita basiliensi swi tzerland new list imag process system moscow scientif inductri associ spe ctrum offer videoscan vision system for wich includ softwar and set control soft war for support videoscan famili program kit develop kit includ function for ima g process kit work interact regim and includ for profession user possibl input f rame board videoscan famili read white imag disk print imag printer make arithme t frame filter imag work gistogramm edit imag includ user ex modul control funct ion control load imag into control load fragment frame field pixel clock rate mh z load imag pixel line and mhz load pixel imag thi equal pixel size input imag h orizont and vertic direct number grai level input mode video signal captur time control purpos control enter imag into ibm machin that type control creat base m odern element includ user programm gate arrai control digit input signal resolut flexibl architectur make chang technic paramet signal can process analog signal includ signal slow speed scan devic control technic characterist memori volum r esolut work standard video signal pixel resolut work slow input regim pixel vide o signal captur time maximum size screen memori volum pixel number grai level cl ock rate for input mhz input video multiplex input output lookup tabl lut possib l realiz scroll and zoom line for extern synchron input extern control signal el ectron adjust black and white refer for analog digit convert possibl output imag color rgb monitor can chang list function and paramet control reprogram imag pr

ocessor imag processor digit and process signal real time digit signal resolut a nd realiz arithmet and logic oper two imag processor creat base modern element i nclud user programm gate arrai and design board for memori volum write frame for mat accumul imag processor technic characterist memori volum number grai level i nput video multiplex input output lookup tabl electron adjust for black and whit e adc refer imag size possibl color and black white output possibl input slow sc an video sourc renderman shader discuss site ftp renderman shader newsgroup dis cuss inform renderman renderman mac famili and info can lai hand andi bate andi bate coreldraw bitmap scodal articl gmginn zephyr grace cri srlnjal g race cri write awar coreldraw export scodal you export scodal bitmap will cannot export thi ear not ideal solut us trace util can rememb name includ corel draw pack can convert bitmap corel art format can import into draw bitmap result file complet corel format and can scodal problem slight problem thi make solut idea that trace util spit point defin shape trace straight line and curv trace short segment scodal take longer imag obviou solut time consum strip extra point hand corel ouch time wonder that bitmap scodal part tad cheaper jeff lyall you don mi nd problem rout bitmap corel trace hand trim corel combin main corel pic import scodal cheer tobi tobi freeman glasgow univers freemant glasgow dc pov problem tga output can fiqur thi properli compil pov unix ma chin run suno problem that run sampl pov file and us exact paramet compil tga ou tput tga and unrecogniz softwar edb tamsun tamu edu bit graphic recent talk employ mine and made refer bit graphic c omput imag process system rememb call imag akin that claim had bit color bit alp ha channel that bit info that possibl for specif bit color that trillion color h uman ey can resolv thi anti alias thing thi magic number make work processor set tl bet roommat sgi flagship product iri indigo and crimson and top line sadli ac cess dec sigh eric oehler oehler picard wisc edu adob photo shop type softwar for unix motif platform ship for ye ar adob displai postscript dp silicon graphic workstat file server and supercomp ut adob illustr for silicon graphic machin releas last februari adob and sgi ann ounc last octob that photoshop will sgi system initi releas will support bit col or graphic ivan bach sgi disclaim not speak for employ ftp achiv for usg terrain data diablo cboesel charl boesel write ftp archiv for unit state geolog servic usg terrain data point your gopher clie nt merlot welch jhu edu and select directori search and retriev softwar search a nd retriev graphic softwar and data and you graphic onlin bibliographi acm siggr aph graphic softwar and data archiv ftp site search graphic inform search comp g raphic faq search graphic resourc softwar and data search pictur util faq graphi c onlin bibliographi acm siggraph search and archiv bibliograph databas that cov er graphic literatur for hundr year serv gopher hole austria graphic softwar and data archiv ftp site link site world softwar and data for comput graphic thi ca n us companion search found thi directori will point you softwar and data place search graphic inform search comp graphic faq search graphic resourc softwar and data search pictur util faq search wealth inform comput graphic data softwar te chniqu etc search graphic inform will simpli search inform contain search and se arch comp graphic faq let you search faq frequent ask question comp graphic news group compil john griegg jpl search graphic resourc softwar and data let you sea rch grpahic resourc list softwar and data provid nick foti nation technic univ a then search pictur util faq let you search faq frequent ask question alt binari pixutil newsgroup compil jim howard cadenc select search graphic inform and sear ch for usg and you find inform usg data avail select graphic softwar and data ar chiv ftp site and you find interest cartograph data usg data xerox mapgen plotge n and usg usg weekli seismic report includ map gif usg earth scienc data directo ri thi databas data search for terrain prove quit place anonym ftp moment geolog survei map isdr usg gov you never heard gopher don worri free and net write not e you inform start luck dan jacobson danj welchgat welch jhu edu john hopkin uni vers advic sought turn font outlin into render polygon seek altern so

lut turn postscript type truetyp font outlin into polygon that can subsequ scan convert scanlin render studi problem font convers for year never had implement s uch system opportun write font render softwar question answer jump into deep end main problem face us even odd wind rule turn outlin into singl outlin polygon r ender can handl complex polygon reduc polygon simpl polygon for exampl letter tw o outlin outlin clockwis truetyp font insid outlin counterclockwis common solut us number render packag simpli connect outlin outer outlin point two outlin clos est thi equival descib polygon hole render will make hole sinc interior polygon edg opposit direct edg not want us thi simplist system sinc will not handl outli n font properli not simpl matter connect outer outlin outlin for fanci font not properli handl even odd wind rule research year proper solut us trapezoid decomp osit algorithm scan convert outlin into trapezoid postscript and truetyp font ra ster trapezoid polygon can easili and properli render scanlin render question so lut turn outlin into polgyon trapezoid decompos not fond thi solut sinc creat ex cess number polygon anoth question for algorithm creat bevel and offset curv for font outlin dozen paper subject can method implement for pointer rob lansdal ro bert lansdal dynam graphic project internet lansd dgp toronto edu comput system research institut uunet dgp toronto edu lansd univers toronto bitnet lansd dgp u toronto toronto ontario canada for usa map line draw usa map advanc hoi yoo engr ucf edu file chain anonym ftp world for studio mesh and interest graphic stuff for program and found file extens doesn thi type file and perenni mesh fl i file etc thought that collect and put ala thi knowledg mucho appreciato dougin oz ftp for targa for softwar run brand targa site stuff you you wan t give mail lot yayayai jami ddsw mc mgr naplp gui bb frontend into method can us turn linux base bb into full color graphic bb that support mac linux and amiga caller origin inspir naplp graphic standard summari hit thi group week ago softwar avail naplp suppo rt softwar find that termin program commerci reson sharewar run solei msdo machi n leav mac and amiga user bui full commerci softwar want bb wouldn interest poss ibl port mgr mac amiga version mac port bellcor that doesn work system can find sourc anywher can patch color version mgr for linux alpha version lib last year misplac thi group mgr port amiga can send messag mgr channel bounc suggest for l inux base gui bb advan gaspra anim quicktim gaspra anim march gaspra anim am space arch iv quicktim format anim form imag galileo spaecraft shortli closest approach ast eroid octob anim anonym ftp ftp am arc nasa gov user anonym pub space anim file gaspra ron baalk baalk kelvin jpl nasa gov jet propuls lab telo kind fun pasaden a imposs walt disnei vga scroll you want soft scroll your vga you chang intern regist crtc bit difficult explain suggest you program ega vga adapt addison weslei you will find descript for vga regist bori bobo ponton hans bori pruessmann tiff descript for wast your time simpl question not comput graph ic expert want read tiff file pascal program problem that file want read compres s form code huffman book articl found describ plain uncompress format don origin tiff specif haven access reali complet librari can direct good book even specif ftp advanc thoma wolf direct mail prefer illustr autotrac poorli articl vmcbrt diablo diablo cboesel char l boesel write yeah corel draw and wordperfect present pretti limit sinc not suc h thing decent raster vector convers program thi trace techniqu simpl stuff logo etc pretti complic stuff haywir suspect even don write code that good bitmap ve ctor convers program big applic softwar even come hasn written knowledg mean eve n hijaak commerci industri standard file convers hasn attempt mac mcdougald opin ion express photographi center not necessarili univ tenn knoxvil almost not mac utkvx utk edu univers tennesse mac utkvx bitnet thing fax tom gaskin pexlib phig program manual reilli merlin neuro usc ed u merlin write explain differ tom gaskin two book pexlib program manual phig pro gram manual want bui book book run sco unix desktop sun lab and access varieti s ystem alliant crai network model visual rat rabbit monkei and human brain struct

ur decid book you want bui you decid program interfac you want us bui book wrote articl for resourc discuss differ phig and pexlib will issu pretti summari phig graphic api design portabl devic implement support window system and advantag e xtens call pex pexlib slightli lower level api design effici support pex extens advantag pexlib integr xlib motif etc phig mode capabl free polici pex support p hig extend support featur not found phig textur map anti alias pexlib will give you access featur advantag phig support for multipl devic not base support for a rchiv metafil hardcopi output phig predefin input devic make input easier phig c an handl exposur event and resiz for you phig can you colormap select creation y ou work strictli and don care thing archiv pexlib you will find that api lot com mon ralph mor mit consortium mpeg locat alan jackson ajackson cch coventri wrote can find mpe g viewer do window advanc alan jackson mail ajackson cch cov liverpool footbal c lub simpli you never walk alon you can find window mpeg viewer wuarchiv wustl ed u mirror msdo window directori tmc tmc spartan brocku newsgroup split chri herringshaw tdawson engin umich edu wrote p ropos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per g roup kind conveni big forum for discuss aspect graphic feel thi curiou daemon tm c tmc spartan brocku rumour articl lot rapnbh viamar rutger viamar kmembri write read issu wire magazin long articl hype notic that articl talk design and great neve r show pictur output pictur that can understand gamepro magazin publish pictur m onth ago and comput chronicl program that syndic public station nation spent min ut shown ce impress can real time john munsch don that mean that that system wor ld that lot horsepow vi sega turbo duo crowd tiff articl apr spartan brocku tmc spartan brocku tim ciceran wr ite program call graphic workshop you can ftp wuarchiv file msdo graphic directo ri and call grfwk zip thi program everth you tmc tmc spartan brocku work and nee d joshuaf newsgroup split tmc spartan brocku tim ciceran write chri herrin gshaw tdawson engin umich edu wrote propos newsgroup split person not favor thi learn aw lot aspect graphic read thi group code hardwar algorithm make group thi wate and will result post week per group kind conveni big forum for discuss asp ect graphic feel thi curiou daemon ditto tmc tmc spartan brocku joe nobl pogo de n mmc beauti dy vultur smile stupid loos color gui scan color imag and fine screen convert into pcx bmp gif file into window color lighter for exampl yellow white idea dan csc phx vaxc hofstra edu color problem scan color imag and fine screen convert into pcx b mp gif file into window color lighter for exampl yellow white idea dan csc phx v axc hofstra edu illustr autotrac poorli sharewar graphic program call pman filte r that make pictur hand draw thi pictur convert into vector format easier line c orel trace etc pov rai problem recent had povrai draw sampl file problem that a ccid eras command povrai def that made imag targa file file dump format fix file trace fix mean turn into targa advanc jerri jerri lineberri internet lineb lone star utsa edu compuserv scip fiction set comp scienc program environ scip ction set sci program environ list ian feldman written book titl publish year isbn john brunne r shockwav rider rai ballantin crack net free inform for common good pat cadigan mindplay absolut bruce sterl pat cadigan synner bantam virtual realiti orson sc ott card lost boi harper collin programm and famili encount strang event north c arolina denis dank frame grabber martin hrdb gbp comput illiter journalix track murder bb toni dwiggin interrupt techno mysteri set silicon vallei michael frayn tin men fontana inspir lunaci print david gerrold harli releas bantam william g ibson count comput god part trilogi william gibson mona lisa overdr virtual real iti william gibson burn chrome cyberpunk short stori william gibson neuromanc in dustri espionag author guilti invent cyberpunk genr jame hogan genesi machin del

rai jame hogan thrice time time travel for inform jame hogan two face tomorrow del rai ultim test let run spacelab amok stanislaw lem master voic fail attempt decod messag tom maddox halo remark robot artifici intellig georg martin nightfl yer tor book macavoi tea black dragon mysteri comput fraud situat comput bit rin g true vonda mcintyr steelcollar worker analog nov blue collar marg pierci bodi glass penguin data piraci review finger book bodi glass danni orthanc david pogu hard drive diamond programm di accid leav document softwar firm fight for marke t share virii page macworld steve brock richard power gold bug variat morrow fam ou molecular scientist ponder love life edp dept paul preuss human error nanotec h comput infect brain damag kid thoma ryan adolesc ac runawai experi take mainfr am wreck havoc bruce sterl differ engin gibson bantam finger book differ engin d anni orthanc cliff stoll cuckoo egg fiction read review ftp garbo uwasa mac tidb it mar etx tom thoma smart comput vernor ving across realtim baen book titl vern or ving tatja grimm world baen book vernor ving witl baen book millennium vernor ving threat and promis baen book book vernor ving true name danger baen book ve rnor ving fire deep tor book essenti futur internet john varlei press enter shor t stori gruesom good yourdon silent wit comput crime caper stori gumsho explain intricaci comput girlfriend herbert frank da zentrum der milchstrass center gala xi herbert frank letzt programmier last programm not mean frank herbert emil zop fi comput fuer nacht limmat verlag switzerland emil zopfi jede minut kostet fran ken last german last set commerci comput world earli current version thi list fi nger scip danni orthanc compil mail addit comment updat ianf random statist brea kdown scip fiction nomin titl author book nomin adolesc ryan ving titl neuromanc gibson gibson titl true name and danger ving ryan adolesc shockwav rider brunne r brunner shockwav rider gerrold gerrold fire deep ving hogan titl threat and pr omis ving lem fiasco hmv solar total nomin author femal reader contribut unsort fifo sbrock teal csn org steve brock john lacei johnl indiana edu malloi nprdc n avi mil sean malloi thom kevin gillespi thom silver uc indiana edu paul christop h workman andrew cmu edu kelli code code kelli sorensen whugh lonestar utsa edu william hugh north curtin edu tim north loreti fnal fnal gov maurizio loreti ste phen hart stephenh mun duan marbl dmarbl magnu ac ohio state edu matthia neerach neeri ii ethz wolfram wagner mpi mpg webb tsavo hk peter webb setzer ssd comm m ot thoma setzer kevl acf nyu edu beth kevl world std jeff delpapa rsquir cyclop eec unm edu roger squir hartman ulog richard hartman vernor ving ving saturn sds u edu paul lebeau plebeau cix compulink lawrenc round ljr beach ci ufl edu phyde aux cumc cornel edu david weingart chg vaxa strath learn courtesi rowan fairgrov rowanf cach crc ricoh peterc suit peter chubb gara pruess gara toronto edu russ el alpha ersi edmonton russel schulz ahm spatula rent andrea meyer jon washingto n edu jon jacki eugen na nasa gov eugen miya mair chg vaxb strathclyd mengel dcd mwm fnal gov marc mengel roger scowen rss seg npl kevino clbook kevin oster syst em administr chavei wisc edu darrah chavei vonda mcintyr mcintyr cpac washington edu bruce sterl bruce scott thoma yabiku yabi midwai uchicago edu thoma adshead uad dircon paul andrew compuserv mucho ian internet worm feldman ianf random interview graphic packag rene dutch student rene ecpdsharmoni ce rn wrote graphic packag interview man page class haven document can send small e xampl program show us class togeth grateful you want comp window interview fractal compress articl inu lindblat monash edu inu lindblat mon ash edu rachmat write can give book refer titl give start fractal imag compress techniqu help will appreci for wors sourc thi michael barnslei articl scienc fra ctal imag peitgen fair middl intro barnslei book fractal thorough treatment book cover iter function system gener and applic imag compress clear text memori jbu lf kpc graphic need for graphic clipart bmp gif relat ophthalmolog weir d request such eyeglass contact lens ey greatli appreci jpeg file format peterbak microsoft peter bako write find descri pt jpg file format specif jpg file can find height and width imag and perhap eve n number color us suggest peter ftp net graphic jpeg chun hung lin csie ntu edu commun multimedia lab dept comp sci info eng nation taiwan univers taipei taiwan easi translat jpeg code jpeg decompress code pretti languag that can read and understand troubl understand jpeg group code that ftp site can sen

d good code will lot stuart denman stusoft washington edu file doug hparc au doug parson write chain anonym ftp world for studio mesh and interest graphic stuff for program and found file extens doesn t hi type file object file for cad program written tom hudson for atari comput don that store point surfac and made list point number that make triangl surfac hea der that describ color light etc don thi hope thi help stuart denman stusoft was hington edu gif bmp saz hook corp mot program that convert gif file bmp file and can ftp greatli appreci great sharewar program graphic workshop newest vers ion don you can ftp convert format and thing ell delux address eric vitiello tfd coplex viewer for file articl dux dunde dwestner cardhu mc dunde domini k westner write subject viewer for file for dominik dominik you xgrasp ftp site not archi can find work lack interfac jason weiler weilej rpi edu textur rule notic that you save model your map plane posit caref ulli file that you reload restart default posit and orient you save prj file pos it orient preserv thi inform not store file noth explicitli manual save textur r ule prj file read textur rule inform format for prj file cel file format rych ry chard hawk email rych festiv virtual environ laboratori dept psycholog tel univ edinburgh fax kermit for window articl vicuna ocunix steve frampton fr ampton vicuna ocunix wonder kermit packag actual packag not usual ftp site yek c hong win storm info video sound card sigma design call win st orm anoth card call legend info appreci incud perform price and avail srini win doublespac articl hpwala wal chrisa hpwarr chri almi write doublespac not trust for hard disk sound great for floppi thouoght mount disk anoi can deal problem aris window mount and unmount window thi part upgrad vendor chri can you not trust safer previou compress program integr into kernal and make imposs delet mous driver document for mous driver window window manua l not come document turn and speed window greater sensit need can plai game esp wing carlo niederstrass two thing infinit princeton planetari societi univers an d human stupid and not einstein carlosn phoenix princeton edu space phoenix prin ceton edu astra per ardua nostra win icon win and download icon and bmp can figur chang w allpap us icon appreci brando mail smartdrv ex caus bad sector unusu happen background syst em mitsubishi meg hard drive and run smartdrv version that come window rare us w indow us program call disk technician gold diagnost live time hard drive work de vic driver detect whenev read for file wrong and minor problem fulli check reboo t hard drive notori for bad sector end bad sector week happen ran program and dt g broke emerg warn and recommend reboot gave thi messag twice program fulli load exit program and thi dtg bootup process examin for error etc and screen pop and sector for period time back program execut and exact error detect reboot and an d error happen remov dtg memori and program detect wrong number read attempt reb oot and reload dtg remov cach execut program read error audibl detect dtg quit p rogram load cach and ran program error detect error and dtg detect doesn fix cac h load cach not load error cach interf file into xtree gold and tag file and sea rch for random string word want program complet read file hard drive dtg had det ect six error and recommend reboot idea smartdrv caus misread hard drive exactli two misread per file and file affect origin post thi messag disk technician cor p system figur netland smartdrv internet jdriver netlink ct john driver ryptyd n etlink jdriver netlink onlin commun public access san diego window access for blind apr sea gwu edu lourai sea gwu e du michael panayiotaki write micro oft displai fose comput run window and win ap p for blind didn pai attent that program design for blind peopl import interfac window for blind peopl us made voic recognit multimedia sound orient program eff ect don origin purpos interfac window for person post question kirk membri ag ag industri rutger viamar kmembri alexand rodchenko not do anymor run do for month gener impress improv mult ipl boot configur great command nice and doublespac work fine twice slow for lar g data transfer twice fast for small smartdrv thi morn work research paper had r eboot hung do program that disk window machin finish reboot found window directo ri and two third directori irrevers corrupt cannot afford problem thi return do mark notic bad sector error doublespac exist chang startup logo brad mondai april brad small wrote cr osspost for vga card correct file you can copi back and expect work you creat wi n file command you will worri directori each file sinc don your setup copi win c nf vgalogo lgo vgalogo rle win grab thi supercharg window judd robbin great book thi you can put your logo into window startup screen rle file special compress bmp file brad procedur us special compress bmp file love us bmp file creat logo screen chri origin chri doell fidonet org ati card video driver font can ftp acquir latest video d river font for ati svga adapt floppi for window ati busi farlei access digex cha rl farlei averag calgari board employe truetyp oem font line draw charact etc want titl truetyp oem charact set font that contain line draw and charact charact set similar you run text mode applic point such thing grate oem font includ window not truetyp regard colin man chang startup logo articl rgtba gtn access digex net far lei access digex charl farlei write thi faq instal for ati graphic card and bash window logo file start window logo logo thought file that control thi window sy stem vgalogo rle window system vgalogo lgo restor file didn chang logo correct f ile you correct file you back into setup and choos chang video adapt call trick choos adaptor you setup file win whenev you into and chang video hardwar select incorpor content vgalogo rle into win you thi thi trick can us chang startup log o into you want sig alert dbstrutt ac ucalgari end sig alert document rtf articl mar worak kaist tjyu ev kaist taijun g write document rtf file can advanc microsoft tech support sterl bjorndahl bjor ndahl augustana bjorndahl camros augustana univers colleg camros alberta canada winbench graphic comparison articl zogd new udel edu swy att bach udel edu stephen wyatt write question winbench lab thing and ahead card and result window vga driver million ahead driver winmark window svga driver mi llion winmark think upgrad diamond card read had million winmark thi greater thi color mode thi good card street price mhz ram winbench richard mayston maystonr grace cri do defrag geoffrei elbo write and fastest defrag watch h ard disk minut found defrag norton speedisk strip version norton speedisk and ba ckup wonder instal backup richard window gripe thing window that frost ram instal system u s window disk cach and perman swap file can never fill memori problem sometim ru n gdi resourc window manag resourc you window you devot twice memori and run fre quent you us resourc monitor such that come window resourc kit sharewar program hog resourc icon intern graphic brush etc program run amount thi limit memori ar ea don give back finish lamont down down nevada edu winbench jorg erex east sun jorg lach sun bo hardwar wri te ftp site that carri winbench result for graphic card excel xl format latest v ersion winbench and differ sourc and port window that will make comparison ftp c ica indiana edu pub win misc winadv zip writeup steve gibson infoworld winbench and number benchmark result for isa and vlb video card thi current upload and li ke card you give consider not xl format latest version winbench that ver maintai n rate scale version and version releas defeat lastest code trick put driver pro gramm beat benchmark don last devilbiss col norton desktop for window articl apr exu ericsson ebuwoo ebu ericsson jame woo write had chanc norton desktop for window version underst and upgrad cost idea version offer upgrad thi weekend ship and handl steep for c oupl disk sound ripoff citi can thi purchas vendor bill volz chevron petroleum t echnolog earth model interpret analysi divis box habra phone fax do defrag articl new cso uiuc edu rhc uxa cso uiuc edu r

ichard write geoffrei elbo write and fastest defrag watch hard disk minut found defrag norton speedisk strip version norton speedisk and backup wonder instal ba ckup richard defragg come norton you norton util don bother geo window and unix sehari vincent iastat edu sehari ias tat edu babak sehari write limit knowladg geo comparison geo window unix can run win program nop yap yap nop novel demo window app run unixwar can run unix nop not nop yap heard mk mk esp emx note mk toolkit for do window you good suit stan dard unix util similar system vendor emx system for you standard unix system cal l for recompil your unix program not quit thing run unix program directli case e mx make almost compat unix system unix system each and emx free similar system f or do doesn work window price free good cost avali ext card add cost for do geo and window standalon thi point unix requir do btw two unic for pee cee unixwar f or person edit and linux free don agre that good cost and you want check option you you into desqview and desqview cheer chri water insan don judi bedroom xtifr netcom disclaim invent situat byrn comment xtree for window for comment xtree pro for windo w think bui product not even you shane holland holland dal holland dal maurack d al microsoft window and op icon program manag alias that ex plicit appar not peopl complain confus that result filemanag progman split basic flaw control panel icon file microsoft window and oper system you that you wrong joi network hope that you forgot you don file manag don us don us ndw modular natur windoz you thing modular you love system ad line your autoexec bat you drop icon into extens folder had ignor sold evil fruit empir not forbidden learn file sys tem below level gui work that sound blaster ver window articl crosspost comp speech co mp sy ibm soundcard comp linux author mario lauretti post mon apr gmt sound blas ter ver instal driver ver driver that come window upgrad card found driver creat iv lab problem instal remov vsbd version that come window instal creativ sound b laster midi synthes instal creativ sound blaster wave menu add unlist updat driv er and doubl click thi driver thi error driver error cannot load creativ sound b laster wave and midi driver driver file miss instal driver contact your system a dministr read readm and thing can mario laureti internet laurm tohi dmi usherb window gripe articl ppmvf qnh bigboot wpi edu bigal wpi wpi edu nathan charl crowel write thing window that frost ram instal system us w indow disk cach and perman swap file can never fill memori problem sometim run g di resourc window manag resourc input conserv resourc that can avoid thi problem nate nathan crowel dept mechan engin acrl worcest polytechn institut mail bigal wpi wpi edu cost net hundr not thousand dollar nathan win fix limit gdi memori physic ram instal thi twice that win not robust for develop and power user amish launch your shell you can reduc gdi memori usag progman ndw dashboard and graph ic type icon base and shell nest and full hot kei global support offer shell thi time ted matsumura presid amish softwar inc atm truetyp choos articl tdgt mqq csn org rjn teal csn o rg wrote csd keel yearslei write bought bundl lotu stuff includ adob type manag version newcom window confus atm truetyp you stai atm upgrad replac fast and you disabl small screen font atm screen render smaller point size not true type and font can excel qualiti and poor qualiti size depend font maker and complex glyp h relat size and resolut view reason for your opinion experi that inferior font market todai convert type outlin font vendor end user fontograph fontmong font h and hint advantag hint languag convert font will par type font orgin truetyp ric her and robust hint languag type hint diagon for instanc and type cannot you che ck window core font time arial courier symbol wingd you can font that hand hint and not convert microsoft font pack font hint you can us and atm font time you a tm type font tend higher qualiti and complet term foreign charact not true chara ct type font depend maker convert type font charact font orgin for flexibl thi a rea you can thousand glyph font file mac window unicod char set and us charact f or platform you run font for instanc fontpack font mac window char set metric fo nt such that font brought mac user will access full mac char set regard east har

moni road bob niland suit internet rjn csn org fort collin compuserv hope thi cl ear confus feel free contact info regard dave glenn program manag microsoft font stuff davidgl microsoft compuserv do defrag articl apr brown edu ksl engin nosubdomain nod omain kiseok lee write ksl engin nosubdomain nodomain kiseok lee subject do defr ag date tue apr gmt articl new cso uiuc edu rhc uxa cso uiuc edu richard write g eoffrei elbo write and fastest defrag watch hard disk minut found defrag norton speedisk strip version norton speedisk and backup wonder instal backup richard d efragg come norton you norton util don bother don bother you cpbackup fastback o ffer option not strip version cp exampl proprietari format save space direct dma access and tape drive you defrag you us doublespac work compress volum geo window and unix articl sehari vincent iastat edu seh ari iastat edu babak sehari write limit knowladg geo comparison geo window unix can run do program need add line delet price free good cost avali ext card compi l don yap yap yap yap yap yap fortran yap yap yap debug yap yap yap min run do h ard you gui and gal add thi list not throw tube highest regard babak sehari thi list appear impli that window that cost list come compil and fortran not expens add on that drive price don appli unix concern free unix linux that fortran xwin dow and featur larg number util that can option ad and free bsd unix quit robust you can check comp linux you don want throw tube you break that list roderick c ampbel depart physic memori univers newfoundland john canada internet rcampbel w eejordi physic mun window ramdriv langleyrh ccsvax sfasu edu write stuff de l for bandwidth sake sigh you don mb memori ramdriv window wast memori window wi ll access upto ram memori you didn work drivelett and path store insid group pif ini file sudden thing drive drive you want copi applic ramdriv and setup that w ork previous state thi will hurt thing you mb ram and what ramdriv person ram an d run ramdriv great deal success you speed window thing note that work graphic a cceller card processor even emul help disk cach smartdriv and lightn for window and norton cach give major headach purpos origin poster serv avoid signific amou nt disk access that window startup bit wear damn drive estim read program data p erform drive sound scatter drive drive regularili compress that take fuss perhap troubl optim thi startup process peopl want find solut geo window and unix articl new uc mun rcampbel weejordi physic mun roderick campbel write free unix linux that fortran xwindow and featu r larg number util that can option ad and free bsd unix quit robust you can chec k comp linux dunno linux for bsd don forget network test that nf fast incred sta bl filesystem and list for bsd folk comp bsd chri moder comp bsd announc anti po litician and evangelist chri demetri cgd berkelei edu bsd depth search whenev yo u fix you find that thing broken adam glass win articl kkt gazett bcm tmc edu raymak bcm tmc edu mar k raymak awar exist ipx netx softwar for windowsnt attach netwar futur releas re spond internet mail raymak bcm tmc edu beta version servic ftp ftp cica indiana edu pub win call nwnt zip index ascii file list program that directori and thi b eta will disabl netbeui and tcp your primari nic you want run extra nic and bind that wait for releas adrien do emm window prob experienc problem window hang instal do narrow problem emm remov disabl emm window emm activ noem window hang us auto emm system hang bootup dave david clark deep freenet carleton david clark mtsa ubc clarkec sfu window sharewar monthli inform window sharewar monthli w sm line forum for inform newest and window and sharewar freewar softwar wsm comp il submiss sharewar freewar author singl window hlp system file type softwar sub mit for entri wsm util applic game program tool etc wsm benefit window sharewar freewar author allow public softwar releas inform user updat version and increas instal base user search for specif window softwar will benefit complet list sof twar fingertip complet featur list current price and relev inform window softwar author submit entri window sharewar monthli manner compos short summari functio n softwar includ special featur uniqu your product and set apart program genr in clud specif detail such current releas version softwar registr fee cost disk spa

ce requir special requir sound card vbrun dll etc author contact etc text highli compress summari long short good guidelin singl screen point text resolut order form and such addendum includ desir submiss whould plain text ascii format form at will exactli submit will simpli cut and past text file into author system you requir special format convent such boldfac text ital larger font size text file for result us window notepad creat txt file includ window format bmp bitmap scr een shot displai work special featur each program special case render applic for exampl requir color bitmap submit bmp file observ limit and us color format for maximum compatibl softwar will us creat wsm hlp file stefan olson writer assist for window save bitmap window paintbrush wingif includ color bmp program icon i co file program convert ico bmp format window paintbrush us bmp will embed summa ri text doubl check for spell error format correct etc compress txt file bmp pro gram icon and addit bmp into singl file pkzip version submit entri uuencod zipfi l and mail daa tamut tamu edu submit internet compuserv submit america onlin sen d messag indic submiss and append zip file mail diegoaa requir version releas co mplet procedur send submiss tamut address and comment suggest critic daa rigel t amu edu entri receiv deadlin will includ subsequ edit wsm editor will not held r espons for error and reserv make entri wsm not limit sharewar freewar softwar sp ecial area will devot commerci window and softwar commerci softwar author follow step except limit size txt file and bmp larg requir and larg practic for transm iss phone line charg for publish sharewar freewar commerci product entri adverti s for comput hardwar softwar bulletin board etc submit procedur appli except siz e limit charg for advertis space ten advertis submit each month will includ subs equ submiss will not includ due size constraint wsm for person will devot time a uthor column wsm program section visual basic section and two window specif opin ion advic column envis work will voluntari basi you aid wsm and author monthli c olumn topic send mail daa tamut tamu edu diegoaa america onlin edit wsm will dis tribut america onlin compuserv and internet deadlin for submiss april edit filen am will wsm zip each subsequ monthli releas continu seri name convent wsm zip et c each edit will releas each month and deadlin for submiss will dai releas atm truetyp choos articl apr microsoft davidgl microsoft david glenn write not true charact type font depend maker convert type font cha ract font orgin for flexibl thi area you can thousand glyph font file mac window unicod char set and us charact for platform you run font type and truetyp font can lot charact and case plain text font will reencod window ansi window and mac standard roman encod mac differ and and for font thousand glyph liabiliati grea t thing reason that font charact larg and you can access you pai heavi price dow nload time and printer storag and moment program that partial font download for instanc fontpack font mac window char set metric font such that font brought mac user will access full mac char set and text font iso adob charact set superset window ansi and macintosh standard roman enocd question whether you can glyph wi ndow for exampl you cannot ligatur anfd and even font and somewhat pain reencod type font and creat window metric file pfm for util you thi reencod truetyp font can and ligatur window mac util that make circumv hard wire window ansi encod r egard east harmoni road bob niland suit internet rjn csn org fort collin compuse rv berthold horn cambridg massachusett usa termin softwar repli email us termin softwar for window such termin ex crossttalk doesn us window mean softwar window size max scroll wi ndow not us window set stty row scroll top window setup softwar us window advanc pkunzip articl dekalb peachnet edu kenneth dekalb peachn et edu kenneth palmertre write hei ftp site can pkunzip archi such luck thi vers ion pkunzip suppos correct promblem pkunzip window advanc you can ftp cica india na edu ottomenu can heard ottomenu good desktop window can can cica pub win util not not wustl simtel and great number site post mail andrea gl oeg kazmaierstr bei klarmann muenchen email gloeg informatik muenchen rfd comp databas access thi offici rfd for creation news group for gener discuss microsoft access rdm name comp databas access moder unmo der thi time for moder assertain futur evalu will determin need purpos access rd bm for window oper system includ wysiwyg design tool for easi creation tabl repo

rt form and queri and databas program languag call access basic purpos group wil l provid peopl us access wysiwyg design tool creat simpl databas peopl us access basic creat complex databas rational eventhough access rdbm popular graphic dev elop enviro and initi low price version product mean that access user novic for that reason newsgroup need access user can discuss experi product and answer eac h question napoleon mau herki uiowa edu atm truetyp choos for true effect for window game max wa shington edu write articl apr sea gwu edu lai sea gwu edu william lai write arti cl gev gabriel keel csd keel yearslei write bought bundl lotu stuff includ adob type manag version newcom window confus atm truetyp program call true effect for window that you defin attribut for true type font and font will give your font background shadow revers etc work font and idea rip adob had program call typeal ign for year typealign thing for adob type font and adob that version will work adob type and truetyp and typealign thing that trueeffect not includ thing you a ppar want you want us you not want us atm type font yeah you thi cool program ef fect scalabl brick background pattern size whether your font point point and not extens you can not add pattern your and you can rorat background pattern and yo u can make pattern extend charact charact that font entir pattern oppos pattern run contigu coupl charact cheap will bui copi version come fix gripe john mirosoft offic packag charg purchas comput softwar for s mall offic and question microsoft offic pack wonder program that packag offic pa ck winword power point excel and ccmail complet and latest addit program hobbl c an updat singl program date excel excel you receiv disk and document that awar t hat make offic packag deal that skeptic put price for offic packag street sound great deal for offic that purchas comput and softwar complet program for make su spici for your advanc kirt wilson northwestern univers internet kwilson casbah a cn nwu edu bitnet kwilson casbah do doublespac stacker titl suggest that havn do heart do ublespac tight stacker disadvantag advantag that comment will appreci martin amipro deskjet print problem tom belmont tbelmont fed pr ime wrote recent print envelop amipro deskjet printer and problem happen physic load envelop into printer per user manual and select print envelop icon amipro p roper option select printer spit envelop print return address select mail addres s thi point printer onlin light begin flash and print manag show printer job bus i thi that happen shut printer cancel print job print manag thi us print manag s imilar result amipro show printer busi idea solut thi problem ignor manual inser t evelop don us keypad move window driver send messag printer that tell load env elop load get eject and printer load anoth instruct manual for dumb do app that don send load envelopl messag tom belmont bob taylor vancouv winbench graphic comparison articl pqd hinnbmi zephyr gr ace cri srg sir grv grace cri write articl zogd new udel edu swyatt bach udel ed u stephen wyatt write question winbench lab thing and ahead card and result wind ow vga driver million ahead driver winmark window svga driver million winmark th ink upgrad diamond card read had million winmark mhz ram winbench care result re cal number winbench calcul differ and figur not compar answer stephen question r eplac ahead card diamond will yield cost effect dramat speed increas for window that ati graphic ultra greg franklin franklig ga uug arizona edu winbench col devilbiss write jorg erex east sun jorg lac h sun bo hardwar write ftp site that carri winbench result for graphic card exce l xl format latest version winbench and differ sourc and port window that will m ake comparison ftp cica indiana edu pub win misc winadv zip writeup steve gibson infoworld winbench and number benchmark result for isa and vlb video card thi c urrent upload and like card you give consider not xl format latest version winbe nch that ver maintain rate scale version and version releas defeat lastest code trick put driver programm beat benchmark don last and winbench test want read st eve gibson subject infoworld column past coupl month short virtual board manufac tur cheat test write thing driver that make board faster winbench suit winbench score bear realiti card stack real world task last magazin benchmark acceler and admit that cheat winbench interestingli allow type cheat behaviour cach for bit blt oper matter unreal not coupl type cheat behaviour that card us card elimin e

ditor choic cheat benchmark devilbiss col microsoft window and op articl agat berkelei edu neff ga rnet berkelei edu stephen kearnei write appar not peopl complain confus that res ult filemanag progman split basic flaw thing that splite such bad thing program launcher and file manag seper make thing easier figur mean wp flame person hate troubl figur simpl thing file copi and don drag icon hate icon place troubl tell push button mean want il opi etc minor swyatt brahm udel edu disclaim blame winbench cheat test that run macro load huge draw etc ma chin that real world result mean run test machin video card run word excel that fast card swyatt brahm udel edu disclaim blame mous window articl jyf bcstec boe isbel bcstec boe rober t isbel write jpaparel ulowel edu joseph paparella write problem configur mous w indow us irq and us support two hour bb line you and us irq you can us mous and modem vice versa limit do and fact window will not mous accept thi fact and bu m ous comput us mous port advic appli greg franklin franklig ga uug arizona edu ami pro and equat mode nagel ucsu colorado edu kurt nage l write problem amipro write equat equat extend past point line thing disappear delet equat cursor equat ami nut line counter bottom screen increment repeatedli and ctrl atl del unfortun save document screw equat document basic trash fix in to ascii editor and delet larg chunk document experienc thi lotu and patch advan c kurt nagel fido colorado edu contact lotu thi problem todai report previous an d fix apparantli problem occur tab charact us immedi preced equat frame work equ at expect touch margin delet preced tab and us space align frame us set frame te xt wrap unforutn onc page run occur you hose moral stori us space charact align equat frame hope thi help rest you contact thi problem kurt nagel fido colorado edu hercul graphit us hercul graphit adapt good paper and st eve gibson gave good review infoworld love real world impress speed driver suppo rt for replac thi ati ultra tom haapanen tomh metric softwar metric inc waterloo ont stick your index finger into corner your mouth pull that corrado make you f eel car januari do defrag articl apr sea gwu edu lourai sea gwu edu mich ael panayiotaki write subject saysit do defragment dblspace and dblspace drive c an defrag us norton speedisk brian mcgloin lift your glass friend mine ncr corp and rais your hand usg iss ol england stole ireland spent miamisburg outlaw rapp are mous window jpaparel ulowel edu joseph paparella write p roblem configur mous window us irq don irq problem mous irq usual place and not simpli window support mice funni part that microsoft mous driver quit happi mous sit can window us mous driver support irq irq irq maxcomport thi want us second modem irq window will not talk that modem creat two profil amstrad for amstrad modem irq and maestro for maestro irq will not talk maestro that driver not supp ort and window suggest that microsoft set window setup work not window can not t hat not worst you special version mous driver that look and and that irq and irq printer port irq noth that experi logitech mous driver sucess printer attach si de note that assign higher irq soundblast board irq not modem that set irq and y ou soundblast pro support irq final board that support irq id control hamish ham ish moffatt hamish cloud apana org apana australian public cloud bb fidonet acce ss network associ melbourn australia intlnet mail info apana org titan softwar v oic for inform version control for mac and lan lan develop product for multipl platform for moment work mac and do window depart us sneaker net transpo rt file mac sinc requir filter strip charact recent concid version control media t and result programm spent great deal time merg file togeth end each week that system build streamlin thi process hamper lack softwar that will share file acro ss and mac platform understand that pvc us thi that longer support mac product p olytron peopl develop multipl platform assum that our not problem had deal solut you come advanc for and suggest post email email respons will post synopsi know ledg charl emmon charl emmon charl trintex opinion prodigi servic charl trintex uunet net mine alon white plain voic you prodigi kjrd fax share file download begin transfer file sun system network hom e not connect network us comit slow and that get multipl file time imposs give h int infom you advanc liu permana swap file do dbldisk comp window misc you write read do book state that window permana swap file will not work correctli compres s drive make thing compat remov perman swap file start upgrad dust settl and int o window that temporari swap file window directori question come temporari swap file work compress drive and perman doesn you want window faq for thi explan can guarante that not base permen swap file read written window talk directli hard disk control card control card us protoc set western digit that window creat fil e call spart par your window directori that point that file physic inform your d isk index inform that file compress disk logic disk disk characterist actual phy sic disk inform compress disk uncompress us decompress program that trap disk re ad oper system level bio level thi inbetween program window cannot us direct met hod read logic disk permen swap file reserv area disk that window can us and blo ck that space do window theoret not even access file do us that disk space don d oesn check for everytim you boot window temporari swap file normal do file that access window do and bio disk compress program tsr load file access do tsr disk compress and bio order access never us temporari swap file never permen swap fil e uncompress part compress hard disk messag you select swap file greater suggest size window will us size suggest you wan creat thi swap file that friend mine r obert call microsoft and ask and that window check amount free disk space and di vid that number check for largest contigu block free disk space window suggest s maller two number that absolut circumst will window swap file larger suggest siz e that call bull thi true window report memori not us taker jame thi doesn net w ill post for winqvt thi qvthost file host file requir name that you a ddit address sucb name server name name router name carol ohsu edu hercul graphit articl apr metric tomh metric tom haapane n write us hercul graphit adapt good paper and steve gibson gave good review inf oworld love real world impress speed driver support world review found that herc peopl had hard code winbench text into driver clever case winbench result prett i inflat and you send mail bui that ati you iskandar taib thing wors peach ala i nternet ntaib silver uc indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac winqvt swartzjh nextwork rose hulman edu jeff swartz wri te us name such rosevc rose hulman edu initi nameserv queri for rosevc nameserv queri time us number local host gatewai not respond nameserv correct and router correct work fine ncsa telnet ftp work your definit qvtnet ini and qvthost incor rect below doc you run concurr packet softwar you load pktmux thi appli don you qvtnet and novel concurr aren you us packet type qvtnet tcp and novel ipx spx co exist fine pktmux requir you tcp packag concurr thi qvthost file problem you did n hostnam address your file thi name your nameserv name your router thi begin wi nqvt ini file net name swartzjh test rose hulman edu you your hostnam domain par t router us router name your router your qvthost releas note for that address wo rk appar don nameserv you us hostnam nameserv address work fine for that not nam eserv relnot nameserv separ comma didn work hope help richard richard spitz inte rnet spitz ana med uni muenchen edv grupp anaesthesi tel klinikum grosshadern fa x munich germani window gener question articl heimdal sdrc crgruen soni s drc robert gruen write receiv amish util for window purchas turbo for window ami sh util can for receiv disk doc milk dogcow run window mode driver that suppli s vga card card boca svga card meg ram and chip that program tell driver driver th at written for window work fine gain benefit switch newer driver us and find lot driver ftp cica indiana edu pub win driver video two cview zip and turbo zip gi ve you choic turbo and turbo driver turbo driver fast caus mous problem machin d iamond speedstar card final turbo driver wndspeed binar diamond amaz blazingli f ast for acceler card and gpf for month iskandar taib thing wors peach ala intern et ntaib silver uc indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac fall comdex info and come fall comdex ask peer info that point direct appreci dave steven dl psuvm psu edu train and multimedia servic d

l psuvm penn state univers microsoft foundat class borland for info assum that thi for mfc thi will work mfc andi jacob fix word subscript space problem subscript msword proble m subscript charact cut displai print fix subscript can screen howard howard moi charact code problem work project that involv text forei gn languag charact thi case norwegian manipul data excel and export data comma s eper variabl file workstat norwegian charact show fine window funni charact work stat workstat setup for nation languag support and problem enter norwegian chara ct workstat keyboard investig found that charact code us window for charact msdo code page msdo code workstat and can repli mail will offic dai and will not rea d new faster oak vga driver oak base vga card comput download driver ftp cica indiana edu and had good luck faster driver for thi card mike mi chael mccollist phone harri corpor email box mmccolli ess harri mailstop palm ba i florida not stupid todai not word problem print spanish charact wfw celtic true type accent charact and us insert symbol put document put doc big squar charact and p rint dismai think that work can and print spanish charact thi built not recal th i option wfw robert dubinski alias includ robb regal sir and marquett univers ma th comput scienc doubl major internet address dubinski vm csd edu milwauke document for microsoft diagnost found undocu featur wind ow directori microsoft diagnost ver specif interest depth explan legend memori m ap report chak chakaw washington edu postscript view for do window version ghostscript and qu it satisfi version plain do version version and window version harvei stein hjst ein math huji multipl desktop articl bht new hawaii edu dmcgee uluh so est hawaii edu don mcgee write free share ware packag that will multipl desktop window desir desk top for peopl that each can person name and choic program etc packag call workspac cica that desktop haven you want don exact archiv name hand i wspace blah zip tom finn convex speak for peac name ideal deduc fact that paus war jerri pournel mercenari rfd comp databas access thi reguest for discuss rfd for creation comp databas access discuss period start april and will last april dai thi offici rfd for creation newsgroup for gener discuss microsoft access rdm nam e comp databas access moder unmoder thi time for moder assertain futur evalu wil l determin need purpos access rdbm for window oper system includ wysiwyg design tool for easi creation tabl report form and queri and databas program languag ca ll access basic purpos group will provid peopl us access wysiwyg design tool cre at simpl databas peopl us access basic creat complex databas rational eventhough access rdbm popular graphic develop enviro and initi low price version product mean that access user novic for that reason newsgroup need access user can discu ss experi product and answer each question napoleon mau herki uiowa edu want dialog box select file for do app for program that will us window common dialog box select file us run do app basic do app that us and file accept file command line paramet that thi easili run window set pif fil e that prompt for addit paramet point type file name problem sometim can rememb file exactli locat and nice brows directori for us file manag and lazi and hate type long pathnam for file burri directori level deep can point such program han dl thi tim net isn organ consid anarchi reczek autarch acsu buffalo edu win two part question window real window thi past weeken d local hacker radio show metion product microsoft call chicago recal thi that h eap alan alan olson swanson environment inc mail alanchem csd csd uwm edu alan a lchemi chem uwm edu want good music check milwauke bodean copi move file file manag articl tsf murdoch acc virgini a edu rsc orion lib virginia edu scott crittenden write understand that copi fil e directori anoth drive file manag mous you hold ctrl kei drag file directori wi ndow thi work for time file get move copi encount thi respond email attempt boun c condit ctrl kei you press mous button make differ whatsoev you hold ctrl kei y

ou releas mous button you want forc copi oper simpl experi select file and begin drag ctrl kei notic that file icon disappear list window watch happen that icon you press and releas ctrl kei keep mous button press addit icon that you drag w ill show you hold ctrl kei indic that file copi move bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att can chang licens data window you instal softwar dubiou s impl wai chang that screen not design embarass pirat charl charl emmon charl tri ntex opinion prodigi servic charl trintex uunet net mine alon white plain voic y ou prodigi kjrd fax share multipl desktop articl bht new hawaii edu dmcgee uluh so est hawaii edu don mcgee write free share ware packag that will multipl desktop window desir desk top for peopl that each can person name and choic program etc amishwar includ packag advertis net coupl week ago riducul that good ted low pri ce rememb charl emmon charl trintex opinion prodigi servic charl trintex uunet n et mine alon white plain voic you prodigi kjrd fax share can chang licens data window articl apr trintex charl ti nman dev prodigi write you instal softwar dubiou simpl wai chang that screen not design embarass pirat ahh thi fun topic onc name incrib disk that encod not eve n hex editor will find you can write licens you can chang name underneth you cha ng thi you pirat and not promot that robert dubinski alias includ robb regal sir and marquett univers math comput scienc doubl major internet address dubinski v m csd edu milwauke ghostscript for win font servi author ecn purdu edu bria n servi write that download window ghostscript packag gswin zip ini zip ftp load file find font and substitut font call ugli substitut for basic font such helv and cour imagin that font includ font librari wrong miss ugli font not clear and defin sharp etc basic ugli advic realiz font file ftp site found cica anoth que stion zip font compat gswin email brian servi servi author ecn purdu edu happen thi actual quot insur claim not not pedestrian had idea purdu think ran diamond win mous cursor mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version driver indic menu recent deliv gatewai system latest driver d iamond bb wonder had thi post email don lindbergh dabl lhc nlm nih gov ati ultra pro driver ftp site latest window driver for a ti gup hercul graphit articl jbkf usenet uc indiana edu ntaib s ilver uc indiana edu iskandar taib write articl apr metric tomh metric tom haapa nen write us hercul graphit adapt good paper and steve gibson gave good review i nfoworld love real world impress speed driver support world review found that he rc peopl had hard code iit peopl make chip card base hard code string weekli loo k into thi conclus that iit chip pretti fast winbench text into driver clever ca se winbench result pretti inflat and you send mail bui that ati you iskandar tai b thing wors peach ala internet ntaib silver uc indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac gui gui dawson hoskyn group plc guyd hoskyn tel hoskyn guyd a ustin ibm tel ibm austin usa procomm for window problem normal procomm for do bui win dow version great review comput shopper friend connect mainfram and unix machin screen problem keep modem modem mhz machin can troubl keep pcplu for do work gre at window screw thi common and fix screw machin kent quattro pro file format write program can read file crea t quattro pro and find inform format quattro pro store file advanc mahesh famou dummi madam tussad wax museum case msk cwru edu gui applic framework for window investig purchas object orient applic framework come across that good zapp inmark zinc zinc softwar view liant win blais consider window program unix world qualiti and intuitiv abstrac t that class librari provid import sinc not advers learn intern window program p rogram methodolog close align nativ don arbitrari level abstract for sake chang api valuabl sinc will develop for bit window system memori manag issu and issu w indow api import will bui anoth class librari tool booch compon ration handl dat a structur and miscellan stuff alloc etc featur not that import for thi toolkit two that narrow zapp and zinc two toolkit that receiv attent media wonder had ha

nd experi toolkit zapp and zinc coupl observ toolkit that noteworthi zapp extens coverag window function and includ miscellan class fanci style control and supp ort for custom control window version essenti redirect graphic displai output ar chitectur for print sizer class for automat manag control layout resiz newcom th i advantag design system zinc platform independ resourc strategi not import for come interfac builder tool window version essenti longer matur grew do version h ad demo sourc code avail option lack ol support support for multimedia type stuf f thought thi appreci brett harper brett harper cimlinc permana swap file do dbldisk articl hydra gatech edu pri sm gatech edu jame dean barwick write permen swap file uncompress part compress hard disk messag you select swap file greater suggest size window will us size s uggest you wan creat thi swap file that friend mine robert call microsoft and as k and that window check amount free disk space and divid that number check for l argest contigu block free disk space window suggest smaller two number that abso lut circumst will window swap file larger suggest size that call bull thi true w indow report memori not us support droid malfunct and confus disk space limit vi rtual address space limit disk concern you limit amount contigu free space limit that messag window will us amount virtual address space that virtual memori man ag will creat and thi function amount free memori that you window start enh sect ion system ini you can paramet pageovercommit multipli descript window resourc k it thi entri specifi multipli determin amount linear address space vmm will crea t for system comput round amount physic memori nearest and multipli that for pag eovercommit increas thi increas amount linear address space caus size data struc tur increas thi increas page activ proportion and can slow system you can and de fault chang thi entri you edit system ini bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihl pm att win previou articl alanchem csd csd uwm edu alan scott o lson wrote two part question window real window thi past weekend local hacker ra dio show metion product microsoft call chicago recal thi that heap alan window g iant window oper system unlin win not run top do billi gate assur true multi tas k multithread meet dod secur spec will run win program do program multi processo r support and primarili server program overhead high for econom for user speak o verhead requir meg ram iwll run that run meg and that run heard that system file meg and recommend that your drive half gig skd distribut rom chicogo want us tr ue thrue multitask and multithread smaller hardwar requir and not meet dod secur spec that sinc will client otehr differ main articl chicogo week last august ch icogo and develop group micro oft intens competit relationship will aris will se rver etowrk echonolog chicogo will client machin for work togeth partli chicogo small that novel netwar creat server that not do don scorn concept don expect wi ndow and do suppos releas year read expect that chicogo won til luck proven wron g rob rmohn vax clarku edu rob mohn annoi rush limbaugh for can chang licens data window thi relat question chang re gist inform window previou articl dubinski vm csd edu wrote ahh thi fun topic on c name incrib disk that encod not even hex editor will find you can write licens you can chang name underneth can find hex editor not overwrit you can you mista ken thi rob rmohn vax clarku edu fall comdex dl psuvm psu edu wrote info and come fall co mdex ask peer info that point direct appreci la vega novemb and for inform conta ct interfac group avenu needham phone number consult directori servic massachuse tt for number willi vill walveranta tel fax linda av apt finland oakland fax aut omat recogn usa email wil shell portal permana swap file do dbldisk articl hydra gatech edu pri sm gatech edu jame dean barwick write stuff delet permen swap file uncompress pa rt compress hard disk messag you select swap file greater suggest size window wi ll us size suggest you wan creat thi swap file that friend mine robert call micr osoft and ask and that window check amount free disk space and divid that number check for largest contigu block free disk space window suggest smaller two numb er that absolut circumst will window swap file larger suggest size that call bul l thi true window report memori not us taker jame microsoft told you wrong windo w will us swap file larger recommend size last summer microsoft window technic w

orkshop and distribut lot inform that gener public not awar main book hand secti on creat larger recommend swapfil quot inform you creat perman swapfil larger re commend size you will receiv messag tell you that window will not us larger reco mmend size thi error messag incorrect will us larger swapfil time amount ram you r machin you microsoft that inform incorrect you ran into doofbal job and tell y ou knew that suggest opportun technic workshop aren incred depth you lot materi bug and optim straight that offer you huge discount softwar rememb correctli you pick word excel present program for that full blown version not upgrad educ ver sion you pick microsoft offic for that sprang for word hope that help and that h ope will workshop and save monei and microsoft read thi love your product job on c graduat can work brent casav bcasavan mailhost ecn uoknor edu ati ultra pro driver articl jldc new cso uiuc edu jrober t cso uiuc edu robertson write ftp site latest window driver for ati gup latest driver releas and can found ftp cica indiana edu pub win directori structur pro zip check ati bb last nite and releas past ati local bu card and notic that garb ag edg window move notic thi tom thoma fisk internet fisk mayo edu mayo clinic y ou don voic street you you never fax mail stop stm rochest bitmap can whether not can creat bitmap size bitmap crea tion exampl sdk manual and bitmap set width height and suppli byte string char c annot bitmap imag chang width height and us string pad byet make size and imag e xampl manual size multipl byte can you defin bitmap imag size chen chen citr che n centr for inform technolog research univers queensland australia chen citr tel fax gui applic framework for window zapp and like you wait f or version will mike malei malei umn edu speedstar vga card win driver driver updat directli diam ond will even ship you charg for perman swap file previou articl mlipsi rdm std mike lips i mpu articl yfd sunfish usd edu pwiseman salmon usd edu cliff write your swap f ile purg time you exit window you shut your comput exit window your swap file re main larg side you run applic you time thi not true temporari swap file purg tim e you exit window perman file perman and can chang adjust virtual memori suspect that origin poster tinker and adjust swap file and forgot help mike lipsi work mlipsi merl mitsubishi electron research laboratori home mikel dosbear setup win dow load mode grab meg swap file space meg empti that time delet window for time and recent reload full and window meg read that rule thumb your perman swap fil e size your regular ram size meg ram and window meg perm swap file work fact spa ce meg won make swap file bigger you chang your virtual mem swap file meg that y ou your ram artin thi commun artin univers arizona tucson cleveland freenet edu mlinsenb ccit arizona edu mlinsenb arizvm death dead for year follow king king procomm for window problem articl qkqrhinnobc matt ksu k su edu kentil matt ksu ksu edu kent iler write friend connect mainfram and unix machin screen problem keep modem modem mhz machin upgrad faster video card baud modem reason sought diamond speedstar million winmark and modem speed procomm fo r window million machin card yield accept speed jeff meyer jmeyer ecst csuchico edu chico di nocal usa grid regload ex perus window directori across file call reglo ad ex assum thi part registr databas window manual win resourc kit mag descript file window directori had refer not that find regedit ex us base peter goudswaar d goudswaa sfu prefer pgoudswa cln etc pgoudswa cue gift present goudswaard obse rv page setup notepad apr cbnewsh att krh cbnewsh att write us notepad view and print read type file find rush print manag stop printer and delet file print queue forgotten reset print margin inch left and inch result p rint text chop hard return sourc file struggl margin problem for ag final hold s harewar binari editor beav and dug into notepad ex setup facil forc notepad defa ult margin hardwir into code search for chang offend byte viola gui hardcod opti on interest whether problem rear ugli head for printer epson that never can reme mb aloha panason driver print driver for window for panason pin d

ot matrix printer can chang licens data window write licens you can chang name underneth you chang thi you pirat and not promot that not comput suppli nam e interest mix upper and lower case and workplac mi type get fed cmyearslei keel unvers phone call supplier comput work can face tackl chri winqvt had similar problem chang netmask tommi video for window suggest contact microsoft video window sdk you call develop servic extens pacif time driver for panason pro win printer driver for panason la ser printer not order letter name number and import found driver for panason pri nter and driver model includ grate for kjell hut kjell niksula hut kjell vipunen hut win articl apr vax clarku edu rmohn vax clarku edu previ ou articl alanchem csd csd uwm edu alan scott olson wrote two part question wind ow real window thi past weekend local hacker radio show metion product microsoft call chicago recal thi that heap alan window giant window oper system unlin win not run top do billi gate assur true multi task multithread meet dod secur spec will run win program do program multi processor support and primarili server pr ogram overhead high for econom for user run charact base app and posix app do bi t and bit window app run window bit subsystem you fact that lanman redirector bu ilt support for tcp built support for netbeui come tcp util ping and ftp client etc applic schedul and bit version msmail storag argument isnt issu speak overhe ad requir meg ram iwll run that run meg and that run heard that system file meg and recommend that your drive half gig skd distribut rom ran mram and ton disk s wap virtual memori page file function crawl thi oct build upgrad machin and perf orm good that point instal march build work featur set and havent lot fine tune code chicogo want us true thrue multitask and multithread smaller hardwar requir and not meet dod secur spec that sinc will client otehr differ main articl chic ogo week last august chicogo and develop group micro oft intens competit relatio nship will aris will server etowrk echonolog chicogo will client machin for work togeth partli chicogo small that novel netwar creat server that not do don scor n concept don expect window and do suppos releas year read expect that chicogo w on til info chicago make comparison beta test and care make comparison aln win info chicago make comparison beta test and care make comparison aln chicago read project run and higher aim desktop rumor offer pree mptiv multitask multithread will not offer multiprocess bit and relianc do rumor integr file and program manag do rumor similar chicago gui step cairo gener rum or object orient window fit step stone chicago hope thi help thx dave win rmohn vax clarku edu write chicogo want us true thru e multitask and multithread smaller hardwar requir and not meet dod secur spec t hat sinc will client otehr differ main articl chicogo week last august chicogo a nd develop group micro oft intens competit relationship will aris will server et owrk echonolog chicogo will client machin for work togeth partli chicogo small t hat novel netwar creat server that not do don scorn concept don expect window an d do suppos releas year read expect that chicogo won til chicago differ sort ann ounc window understand ing inbfoworld accound window that sort lite full fledg o per system lack server and secur featur that make such bear not true multithread procomm for window problem kentil matt ksu ksu edu kent iler write normal procomm for do bui window version great review comput shopper friend connect mainfram and unix machin screen problem keep modem modem mhz mach in can troubl keep pcplu for do work great window screw thi common and fix screw machin kent troubl run procomm for window consider slower video problem incred slow video word articl vm csd edu dubinski vm csd edu can and print spanish charact thi built not recal thi option wfw extend charact set alt seque nc charact map accessori group and alt sequenc for font you want gregori cook in ternet gcook horu cem msu edu depart chemistri cookgreg student msu edu michigan state univers cook cemvax cem msu edu east lans bitnet cook msucem bitnet window logo articl qjqed access digex net holland access digex brian holland write marku maier maier rzmain uni ulm wrote search for win

dow logo pictur start window suitabl grafic format gif jpg window system vgalogo rle memori serv correctli rle compress bmp format readabl wingif paintshop pro paint and god program mike mattix agricultur group monsanto box lule internet ad dress dmmatt bigez monsanto want symantec address noth beat ski you want real fun ho lidai rob winter philip research ist build box eindhoven netherland tel mail dew int prl philip want address symantec for exact address symantec coporat oin distribut norton desktop and window softwar inform for mail address phone nu mber fax number mail address advanc noth beat ski you want real fun holidai rob winter philip research ist build box eindhoven netherland tel mail dewint prl ph ilip can chang licens data window articl apr vax clarku edu r mohn vax clarku edu write thi relat question chang regist inform window previou articl dubinski vm csd edu wrote ahh thi fun topic onc name incrib disk that enc od not even hex editor will find you can write licens you can chang name underne th can find hex editor not overwrit you can you mistaken thi you can chang part continu downsiz govern organ code branch onc year finish chang registr inform no rton util origin request hex offset into user ex contain inform and repli simila r answer and not encod for legal noth that chang inform doesn reach and alter se rial number print insid manual jim moor panama citi gui applic framework for window articl apr cimlinc bharp er cimlinc brett harper write investig purchas object orient applic framework co me across that good zinc platform independ resourc strategi not import for brett harper cimlinc thought resourc import you us multiplatform toolkit check resour c us glockenspeil commonview motif and wrote resourc convert motif wasn easi nam e scheme motif you cannot renam control widget window you can call button instan c thi doesn work for motif you call dialog and motif expect text string number y our constructor convert defin into proper resourc identifi check toolkit expect name and that us resourc that resourc for platform you intend port never us comm onview glockenspiel for alex alex colburn imag analysi facil univers iowa colbur n tessa iaf uiowa edu hercul graphit articl jbkf usenet uc indiana edu ntaib s ilver uc indiana edu iskandar taib write articl apr metric tomh metric tom haapa nen write us hercul graphit adapt good paper and steve gibson gave good review i nfoworld love real world impress speed driver support world review found that he rc peopl had hard code winbench text into driver clever case winbench result pre tti inflat impress perform graphit not winmark wintach result esp paint perform judg wintach test can imagin that cheat driver for agu budi wuysang digitech stu dent monash univers clayton melbourn australia diamond win mous cursor articl apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh write mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version d river indic menu recent deliv gatewai system latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi followup thi worker machin latest driver happen driver sometim take minut f or cursor wig eventu thi mode susect step memori video card exclud emm line and system ini problem persist perhap specif gatewai machin compon mhz eisa bu ultra stor control hope thi kind problem had perhap call gatewai order find folk don l indbergh dabl lhc nlm nih gov win articl qmc access digex net wild access digex wildst rom write wild access digex wildstrom subject win date apr stuff delet win upgra d mathcad and instal directori for win window system upgrad told that win requir procomm for window problem you lot problem keep hardwar interrupt window do commun softwar you turn disk write cach for disk you downloa d cach will save that grab control machin take long write disk and you loos char act us uart for your serial line uart can buffer charact intern uart can buffer plenti for situat you can run window msd ex find uart machin ron win rmohn vax clarku edu write window giant window oper system unlin win not run top do billi gate assur true multi task multithread mee t dod secur spec will run win program do program multi processor support and pri marili server program overhead high for econom for user correct billi promis tha

t will run window program and major do program not expect you run you current ap p make ghostscript work file download for ghostscript neve r us ghostscript don file for win zip download cica doesn work file that don wan t run ghostscript window and do understand version for environ file download and can info appeci steve brewer rewerb evet ulkyvx louisvil edu ud ellivsiuol xvyk lu window crash subject window crash givinh gpf late never stabl packag crash dai worst part that not crash consist can reproduc crash and not gpf applic sometim can recov simpli close applic that caus error time window act strang and boot background lead edg phoenix bio had memori ran window fine not gpf coupl weekend ago instal lotu for window atm game card and addit simm le ad edg machin kind strang that id control built into motherboard cpu sparat boar d that plug into motherboard and simm macintosh simm appar told that lead edg ha d pariti bit built into mother board origin simm chip varieti samsung and instal chip simm recogn fine bio ram check game card gener gamecard reason mention har dwar thi that sometim reboot machin reset button ctl alt del leav machin kind fl aki turn and doesn haven take ram game card gpf not reproduc will and entir dai comput problem and gpf sppace minut can thi situat annoi good diagnost tool for hardwar you that thi softwar problem emm etc help manag gpf dark quicken paint s hop pro lot user ex gdi ex appreci eric ebosco oracl permana swap file do dbldisk stuff delet that suggest op portun technic workshop aren incred depth you lot materi bug and optim straight that offer you huge discount softwar rememb correctli you pick word excel presen t program for that full blown version not upgrad educ version you pick microsoft offic for that sprang for word workshop you bui full copi thi softwar your camp u bookstor softwar distributor rate not awar that educ version word excel dope h ope that help and that hope will workshop and save monei and microsoft read thi love your product job onc graduat can work brent casav bcasavan mailhost ecn uok nor edu david farlei univers chicago librari east street jrl dgf midwai uchicago edu chicago illinoi perman swap file articl qlja usenet in cwru edu clevelan d freenet edu martin linsenbigl write setup window load mode grab meg swap file space meg empti that time delet window for time and recent reload full and windo w meg rule for perman swap file that contigu fragment space suspect that respons for differ amount free disk your case read that rule thumb your perman swap fil e size your regular ram size meg ram and window meg perm swap file work fact spa ce meg won make swap file bigger you chang your virtual mem swap file meg that y ou your ram depend you run had increas swap file applic couldn run close mike li psi work mlipsi merl mitsubishi electron research laboratori home mikel dosbear want address symantec dewint prl philip rob winter write for exact address symantec coporatoin distribut norton desktop and window softw ar inform for mail address phone number fax number mail address postmast norton postmast symantec advanc noth beat ski you want real fun holidai rob winter phil ip research ist build box eindhoven netherland tel mail dewint prl philip ken la m network administr univers charleston dept biologi geologi space grant consorti um fax cirru logic graph card set window for cirru logic vlb gr aphicscard move normal window place anoth paramet vlb card equip dram not vram s ocket for vram and move window look look friend and normal isa wonder not bitblt engin suupos chip experi wrong instal mswin multiresolut driver suppli card nic e experi thi card hopefulli faster drriver love hold ftp whatsoev gruss wolfgang procomm for window problem kentil matt ksu ksu edu kent iler write normal procomm for do bui window version great review comput shopper friend connect mainfram and unix machin screen problem keep modem modem mhz mach in can troubl keep pcplu for do work great high speed modem arriv edit apr thi a rticl appli window and and not do app not run window unadvertis limit current wi ndow pc that serial perform defici almost purchas high speed modem bi pep hst di scov problem time download file accept incom fax upgrad modem overrun and retri error abound even activ applic datacomm fax program transfer complet even longer

bp modem reason for problem univers asynchron receiv transmitt uart us pc primi t devic singl byte fifo buffer oper system driver cannot read and flush each cha ract high interrupt rate incom charact overwrit fifo and previou lost do fairli singl mind environ datacomm can window can window oper system overhead plain do and interrupt longer servic overrun like do you report your modem vendor that yo u lose data you advis that you upgrad like sinc conspiraci ignor thi issu you ad vic store front and mail order sourc spoke attempt solv problem had never heard term and didn even uart even your uart and you can upgrad your mother board add board you experi error and overrun standard microsoft window driver don full adv antag window improv thi regard recommend driver upgrad applic procomm win us can not thi problem you modem card you not problem modem part card can design awar s tate uart and avoid overrun wouldn want bet that card design that clever and wil l insist uart bui modem card modem card don even convent uart work standard wind ow driver simul us msd ex below modem card pretend hardwar situat uart port base nation semiconductor chip megacel insid vlsi chip you can replac you can uart t ype your system run microsoft diagnost program window msd ex run do bring window window serial api prevent msd accur identifi you run window do prompt uart sepa r byte transmit and receiv fifo configur trigger level and can run reliabl clock rate bp current modem technolog point push your luck bp short access cycl time dma capabl not clear that driver us thi for technic info nation semiconductor ap plic note uart compon you locat uart your mother board multi function card board isa mca modem card you can find socket compon number your port buri vlsi and yo u won perform chip replac you can disabl your vlsi port chose you can add afterm arket board you socket chip you can bui plug afn low power cmo version ic suppli er typic for each chip normal pin dual line packag style avoid chip earli chip b ug nation will reportedli exchang manufactur for free clone chip maker nation ma nual for turbocom driver state support for appar equival chip nation semiconduct or chip technolog texa instrument silicon system vlsi turbocom warn pre and west ern digit that problem report earli ibm and system ibm reportedli will upgrad yo u don socket chip you bui market multi function board thi modem card situat you hose add multi function card you disabl port you replac assign watch for irq con flict turbocom cheaper card interest get problem solv quickli elect bui modular circuit technolog mct aio card jdr microdevic samaritan drive san jose voic voic fax mct aio and import sell for bit isa card provid port type connector address and irq comment irq afn socket ribbon irq afn socket parallel lpt irq game ribb on kit includ ribbon cabl and connector for secondari port ribbon cabl connector for game port two bulkhead plate for ribbon base connector and adaptor cabl eac h port can individu disabl and port rt ct dtr dcd and dsr jumper jdr sell super card that id heard peopl expens card tsd system for card per greenfield trade an d distributor voic fax card and sell afn for data system inc east highwai longwo od phone fax lpt game card for person experi firm jdr meanwhil back mct card jdr need two serial port and run irq disabl built vlsi base port turbocom driver be low set intern and irq share softwar situat simpli upgrad uart will not complet solv common overrun problem standard serial driver don full advantag window driv er even capabl and window driver limit enabl receiv fifo and rate bp never enabl transmit fifo result interrupt rate upload set trigger level byte high easi for byte arriv driver can read fifo port menu control panel speed bi modem spars da ta and text can easili compress suggest that host dte connect rate bp effect api won accept rate cbr api won do program and even do program that aren awar benef it port standard driver don irq share for bio doesn initi properli system window workaround for app that don provid port speed option bp problem reportedli not solv window do and not address window releas rumor suggest solv window you can r eplac driver that solv problem bui copi turbocom current version bio engin resea rch pacif commwar divis beacon hill lane ashland voic fax bb mcimail compuserv p rice recal bio eng not set accept credit card had send check egghead and softwar list turbocom don stock bio not softwar compani per appar need reliabl speed se rial connect for hous instrument applic wrote driver discov market for revis gen er purpos driver suit recent upgrad for window run time licens host dte connect rate set bp datacomm app and problem download routin transfer rate that exce bp bp link lossless direct upload remot system anoth matter host antiqu uart and dr

iver note that highest rate that window port menu control panel will configur po rt turbocom get thi allow you each port factor that will set real uart rate mult ipl rate pass window api and dialog box ct rt hardwar flow control enabl and sug gest that you even you transfer bit ascii data xon xoff not suffici reliabl meth od flow control inform dec standard for xon xoff hysteresi that sender transmit anoth sixteen byte receipt xoff receiv system devic byte fifo not big reli exclu s xon xoff respect datacomm engin inform that can ct rt do window environ data r ate riski even hardwar flow control turbocom can experi overrun busi system lot app run and swap progress thi your situat you bui process board thi will cost yo u turbocom upgrad review two such board and review turbocom can found feb issu w indow sourc magazin suggest turbocom upgrad and experi process prioriti and time slice you power user thrash system run into comm problem close soapbox comment state serial datacomm support embarrass across comput industri oldest standard i nterfac job design hardwar and write softwar assign senior lowest rank engin com put compani design averag serial port ten year state art last job major workstat vendor lobbi for improv serial port initi design system that famili machin subs equ introduc port thi except comput compani champion for decent you learn you ca n serial thi situat show sign improv fast arriv expect cri outrag window user wo rld wide pc sort work todai will fail miser fast hardwar buffer uart and softwar driver that us that uart advantag fast modem will wast monei regard east harmon i road bob niland suit internet rjn csn org fort collin compuserv copyright robe rt niland right reserv permiss grant for automat redistribut thi articl electron magnet and optic media unedit form usenet newsgroup articl post author permiss grant for each compuserv and usenet reader subscrib and each person receiv thi a rticl compuserv ftp site author author electron mail author retain electron copi and make hardcopi reproduct thi edit thi articl for person commerci us provid t hat materi made articl thi copyright statement copi storag reproduct redistribut thi articl form prohibit express written consent author robert niland eof updat canon driver can can copi updat canon printer driv er for window ver come printer newer version email window for workgroup and lan workplac thi simpl question number us link mainfram novel lan workplac for do window make life easier for t hink window for workgroup file share across network us and lan workplac for do t ime can access file anoth log mainfram time simultan appreci gari hunt centr for advanc studi architectur univers bath absgh gdr bath word articl qmf euh msuinfo msu edu gcook horu cem msu e du greg cook write articl vm csd edu dubinski vm csd edu can and print spanish c haract thi built not recal thi option wfw extend charact set alt sequenc charact map accessori group and alt sequenc for font you want figur robert dubinski ali as includ robb regal sir and marquett univers math comput scienc doubl major int ernet address dubinski vm csd edu milwauke can chang licens data window info for licens file organ box put address and move want chang couldn find find name not organ robert dubin ski alias includ robb regal sir and marquett univers math comput scienc doubl ma jor internet address dubinski vm csd edu milwauke page setup notepad previou articl joel jach hawaii edu j oel aycock wrote struggl margin problem for ag final hold sharewar binari editor beav and dug into notepad ex setup facil forc notepad default margin hardwir in to code search for chang offend byte viola gui hardcod option interest whether p roblem rear ugli head for printer epson that never can rememb aloha you nto alon problem panason kpx pin oterhwis great printer can find driver for for version rob rmohn vax clarku edu rob mohn annoi rush limbaugh for window logo previou articl dmmatt cajun wrote articl qjq ed access digex net holland access digex brian holland write marku maier maier r zmain uni ulm wrote search for window logo pictur start window suitabl grafic fo rmat gif jpg window system vgalogo rle memori serv correctli rle compress bmp fo rmat readabl wingif paintshop pro paint and god program that isn chang your wind ow startup logo vgalogo rle not need you instal window incorpor part win make wi n you concatin file togeth option for binari concaton beleiv copi win cnf vgalog o lgo vgalogo rle mywin make you backup your win file anotehr directori you thi

absent mindedli type win mywin and had resinstal window substitut rle file you w ant win cnf info need start window bootstrap and vgalogo vga video inform make t hat rle file doesn tip file size limit file us mywin startup window that annoi m icro oft advertis joker batman take yoru pictur screen smile bit text micro oft window world commerci sucess viru ad that frequenc crash grin rob post rob mohn rmohn had water vax clarku edu drown sand updat canon driver can can copi updat canon printer driv er for window ver come printer newer version email good sound format convers program articl edd ming monash edu edd ming monash edu ywi write good sound format convers program paintshoppr o for pictur format convers send copi your repli lot bel sound convers program s oundtool sharewar germani found copi wuarchiv wustl edu long time ago don offhan d directori great convert file type includ mac sun and format great player and e ditor special effect that put window sound record shame requir driver for sound card builtin for speaker and even that sound pretti good you convert thing you c an convert soundtool and plai sound record give bret that second mogul soda berk elei edu biggest monkei head mogul ocf berkelei edu guybrush mogul uclink berkel ei edu can chang licens data window rmohn vax clarku edu write thi relat question chang regist inform window previou articl dubinski vm csd edu wrote ahh thi fun topic onc name incrib disk that encod not even hex editor wil l find you can write licens you can chang name underneth can find hex editor not overwrit you can you mistaken thi rob rmohn vax clarku edu similar note found t hi foxpro for window setup ini file modifi disk encrypt forgot microsoft stupid arrang softwar and us name paid for compani consult for job softwar idea start d umb thing copi that file mattia don want pirat thi softwar want avoid bui copi o rder chang registr inform and copi ly don us can disk mattia hembruch view not n ecessarili reflect tse mail mhembruc tse procomm for window problem jeff meyer jmeyer ecst csuchi co edu wrote articl qkqrhinnobc matt ksu ksu edu kentil matt ksu ksu edu kent il er write friend connect mainfram and unix machin procomm for window screen probl em keep modem modem mhz machin upgrad faster video card baud modem reason sought diamond speedstar million winmark and modem speed procomm for window million ma chin card yield accept speed home trusti nec baud modem problem run straight col or vga christoph menzel internet cmenzel tamu edu philosophi texa univers phone colleg station fax gatewai microsoft mail workgroup modem student associ ru n small novel network subnetwork window for workgroup and microsoft mail directo r financ electr engin student gatewai thi system slip not into univers network a nd internet exchang mail possibl ftp etc for thi bp modem set that period call c heck mail connect whenev need thi gatewai softwar work repli dkmiller unixg ubc dleung ubc don read group regularli mail thi common question pot faq ftp site de rek miller dkmiller unixg ubc research alma mater societi thegrodd uc sfu univer s british columbia canada room sub blvd vancouv campu mail zone phone fax win thi thread that window multi user multi thread etc h aven thi case seper account for each person and even seper directori that desir don implent simultaneuo us scott scott reimert reimert mamacass etdesg trw stand ard disclaim redondo beach blah blah blah store beer cool dark place window crash articl apr oracl oracl ebosco oracl eric bo sco write ebosco oracl eric bosco subject window crash date fri apr gmt subject window crash givinh gpf late never stabl packag crash dai worst part that not cr ash consist you set file your config sy file fairli high number mine set number recommend check your stack statement stack good start point increas set such sta ck etc stack and file identifi frequent win crash lamont down down nevada edu diamond win mous cursor articl apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh write articl apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindberg h write mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version driver indic menu rec ent deliv gatewai system latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi followup thi wo rker machin latest driver happen driver sometim take minut for cursor wig eventu thi mode susect step memori video card exclud emm line and system ini problem p

ersist perhap specif gatewai machin compon mhz eisa bu ultrastor control hope th i kind problem had perhap call gatewai order find folk don lindbergh dabl lhc nl m nih gov haven thi problem anoth place you check your bio video shadow diamond that turn that memori conflict good luck hope thi help chri loschen brandei win wild access digex wildstrom write rmohn vax clarku e du write chicogo want us true thrue multitask and multithread smaller hardwar re quir and not meet dod secur spec that sinc will client otehr differ main articl chicogo week last august chicogo and develop group micro oft intens competit rel ationship will aris will server etowrk echonolog chicogo will client machin for work togeth partli chicogo small that novel netwar creat server that not do don scorn concept don expect window and do suppos releas year read expect that chico go won til chicago differ sort announc window understand ing inbfoworld accound window that sort lite full fledg oper system lack server and secur featur that m ake such bear not true multithread can chicago window differ not not start flame war simpli curiou featur advantag product not fact that uncl bill seal approv f eatur gif bmp idea find program that can convert gif imag into bmp imag suitabl for window wallpap color hopefulli can ftp site advanc scott diamond win mous cursor articl apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh write mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version d river indic menu recent deliv gatewai system latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi followup thi worker machin latest driver happen driver sometim take minut f or cursor wig eventu thi mode susect step memori video card exclud emm line and system ini problem persist perhap specif gatewai machin compon mhz eisa bu ultra stor control hope thi kind problem had perhap call gatewai order find folk us di amond speedstar mode time not found distort cursor cursor jumpi time time due bi t access swap file never distort greg bishop bishop baeyer chem fsu edu window for workgroup and lan workplac us and lan workpla c for do time can access file anoth log mainfram time simultan yup and work fine hopefulli somedai wfwg will commun lwp tcpip load netbeui us odi odinsup and wo rk dataproduct lzr not print correctli apolog advanc for po st binari thi newsgroup had attempt mail origin poster not get intact clive mitc hel region network system mitchel telecomwa perth western australia atm hplj price clone count quit poor clone that regular modif requir patienc question come mid real quick for thi version adob will clon e level and level issu adob past releas code that incorpor modif upgrad fix soft war vendor level stuff sound assur you will becom frequent custom list begin dwi ndl face competit thi shift peopl mainten design effort for level duplic bug mak e work correctli laserwrit laserjet bug had number call adob heard decid approac h depend printer you want emul follow red book follow implement doubt differ red book and adob level issu refin red book leav big big hole implement specif stuf f nice red bood pine thing that two implement adob don exact opposit ident set c ondit pscript drv lot clone test unfortun side test limit number sourc for test file primari sourc us genoa and character at file half pscript drv not ideal at file printer vendor us that adob adob output definit correct even wrong poor clo ne rastek sub genicom clone call geniscript poor for lack design poor red book a nd poor vendor don don newbold don rastek procomm for window problem robert niland rjn teal csn or g wrote text delet heard peopl expens card tsd system for card per can vouch for thi order and for includ awhil figur work system sinc terrif result download pc plu for window us error start program download high speed not anymor text delet tom huot huot crai cool bmp file guess subject get bore bmp file that windo w wonder bodi beauti bmp file can share can ftp site for bmp file sceneri file a nim file etc us delet give lot john panason driver apr netnew noc drexel edu brzyckmj dunx o c drexel edu mike write print driver for window for panason pin dot matrix print er told that panason upload compu erv don ci account us epson driver and come pr etti slowli carl fink carlf panix fink geni liuvax bitnet fact stubborn thing an

d wish inclin dictat passion cannot alter state fact and evid john adam gif bmp saz hook corp mot scott zabolotzki write idea fi nd program that can convert gif imag into bmp imag suitabl for window wallpap co lor hopefulli can ftp site advanc scott scott ftp cica indiana edu for gw zip em b releas number name and not late graphic workshop do and window version work gr eat even had bring imag amiga and convert great wallpap color bmp file you can f ind repost and dig archiv dave dave campbel wynaps wynaps wynaps indirect sharew ar custom control sourc can chang licens data window vm csd edu dubinski vm csd edu write ahh thi fun topic onc name incrib disk that encod not even hex editor will find you can disk compar util versu will and window flexibl instal time tha t you can copi file your hard disk greatli speed thing and make annoi you can sp are compress meg write licens you can chang name underneth you chang thi you pir at and not promot that not not promot pander corpor paranoia real issu conveni d on deal floppi person us for chang registr info valid and that solv quick util h alf hour reinstal that guarante mess your set anoth not put time into procedur f or get your find encod inform copi your window disk into directori you want inst al winstal copi that directori winorig instal winstal comp two directori determi n comp winorig report txt report file for file that chang assum didn cover cover track file differ note offset locat offset origin directori and hex editor and for modifi you your break code don cryptographi xor kei concern joe schmoe offic person copi real pirat will disassembl damn thing thi techniqu work obnoxi corp or product that write origin floppi you instal extrem case you not back floppi h ard disk and will stuck compar floppi lotu stuff that note you can afford space hard disk and don custom reinstal directori anoth arduou stuff mention void your licens microsoft find you aren care disk editor you mung import duh guess that disclaim rob rob kudla acm rpi edu keyword oldfield jane leather win phish light blue bondag dtp steeli dan fnm owl genesi spaceship silver spaceship lion take control diamond win mous cursor apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh write mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version driver i ndic menu recent deliv gatewai system latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi sp orad flicker chang shape into snow briefli not impair function call attent diamo nd profession sloppi rob rob kudla acm rpi edu keyword oldfield jane leather win phish light blue bondag dtp steeli dan fnm owl genesi spaceship silver spaceshi p lion take control ndw norton desktop for window ibm and run window friend instal norton desktop for window top thi load automat type win and sure add dism al slow process start stop uninstal thi program win ini pop run window big searc h and found refer ndw ini system ini and progman ini remov failur start window p rogrman ini group ndw ex can delet familiar ndw can turn chet email respons can read new home account chetter ucthpx uct truetyp font that displai not print instal truetyp font window applic displai font correctli screen quit fail print document correctli l aserjet postscript printer us font coreldraw document print correctli assum core ldraw that font download printer us window accessori write printer print squar b ox place charact font write displai font correctli screen look window and laserj et manual make statement that truetyp font will print exactli you screen assum w indow that font download automat make that ndw norton desktop for window articl apr leland stanford edu shiva leland stanford edu matt jacobson write ibm and run window friend ins tal norton desktop for window top thi load automat type win and sure add dismal slow process start stop uninstal thi program familiar ndw can turn friend uninst al read manual your post infer that you pirat softwar into sy ini and chang shel l line read shell progman ex daniel david mittleman danni arizona edu cirru logic graph card articl qm new berlin wong berlin wolfgang jung write set window for cirru logic vlb graphicscard move normal wind ow place anoth wonder not bitblt engin suupos chip experi wrong set driver you d river intend for mistak you driver version instal mswin multiresolut driver supp li card don quot thi steer clear multi resolut driver that you chang resolut exi

t window buggi hopefulli faster drriver love hold ftp whatsoev version driver du e releas cirru not ftp you dial bb usa thi modem cut phone bill minut download d river good luck andi gardner wellington zealand whanga nui tara aotearoa can chang licens data window kudla acm rpi edu robert ku dla write stuff chang window registr omit damn thing thi techniqu work obnoxi co rpor product that write origin floppi you instal extrem case you not huh copi wi n perman write protect diskett slide tab print envelop not probelm print envelop deskjet word for window histori had deskjet had modifi macro that disabl revers print sinc bug t hat interf print envelop that bug present problem that deskjet print driver prin ter bought decemb print envelop portrait mode deskjet feed envelop narrow end la ndscap mode printer print envelop correct orient not post thi net sinc due end s emest cruch can group and will summar answer net advanc craig stevenson ndw norton desktop for window articl leland stanford edu shiva leland stanford edu matt jacobson write win ini pop run window big search and found refer ndw ini system ini and progman ini remov failur start window pr ogrman ini group ndw ex can delet familiar ndw can turn item group folder typic call norton desktop applic label norton desktop uninstal kri gupta cardiothorac imag research center dept radiolog hospit pennsylvania internet kri gynko circ u penn edu cool background pattern cool background pattern made edi t your control ini and add line your pattern section brick tile tile diagon slat make your desktop color standard color pattern not work dark grei you cool your mail stefan powel spowel trentu peterborough ontario canada ndw norton desktop for window ndw stop uninstal thi prog ram uninstal icon doesn exist norton desktop app group run ndw instal program truetyp font that displai not print articl apr mintaka l c mit edu avinash silver lc mit edu avinash chopd write instal truetyp font wind ow applic displai font correctli screen quit fail print document correctli laser jet postscript printer us window accessori write printer print squar box place c haract font write displai font correctli screen thi common problem highli comple x truetyp font microsoft admit problem older version postscript printer driver f ound pretti gener you can problem adjust paramet outlinethreshold truetyp sectio n win ini thi entri specifi number pel per window will render truetyp font outli n font bitmap font default gener font work set outlinethreshold depend your prin ter resolut and point size you you window resourc kit warn that font print squar box not smile bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att hercul graphit tomh metric tom haapanen write us hercul graphit adapt good paper and steve gibson gave good review infoworld love real w orld impress speed driver support ntaib silver uc indiana edu iskandar taib writ e world review found that herc peopl had hard code winbench text into driver cle ver case winbench result pretti inflat two thing that annoi magazin review bench mark techniqu flaw shown graphit and gxe cheat can admit that benchmark easi opt im for and cheat wintach harder beat big cheat that hercul iit us overlappip bit blit and polylin optim and hercul driver didn thi produc almost ident score thin g magazin that score not legitim couldn make comment real world perform not winb ench for perform steve gibson result real world base micrografx draw benchmark y ou gibson that write despit document cheat that real world applic hercul graphit adapt draw faster displai adapt industri even modest isa bu card outperform loc al bu adapt includ stealth vlb fahrenheit vlb ati vlb mach and even weitek base diamond viper vlb thi kind prais for interest bogu winbench not and you send mai l bui that ati you return ati dealer had sold and return temporarili back run or igin ati graphit and faster system bitmap handl that you us bitblit hercul promo t for var and softwar develop you can bui graphit graphit vlb for list for graph it for vlb version decid worth suppos vlb board two week post impress tom haapan en tomh metric softwar metric inc waterloo ont stick your index finger into corn er your mouth pull that corrado make you feel car januari can chang licens data window apr trintex charl tinman de v prodigi write you instal softwar dubiou simpl wai chang that screen not design embarass pirat prodigi open door for inetg accept internet mail you can post ne

w mail carlo dominguez sysadmin kibbitz carlo carlo jpr carlo carlo carlo carlo bang smartdrv doubl buffer curiou doubl buffer paramet smartd rv for problem window leav esdi drive scsi respons peter sweenei psweenei miavx ac muohio edu winhelp ex viru familiar viru that infect winhelp ex fil e recent notic unusu system behavior and ran norton antiviru for window unknown viru winhelp ex file mwindow and wino directori file chang sinc instal system ja nuari inform thi viru and suggest remedi greatli appreci bobb samuel samuel ci u ab edu qestion amipro demo file cica question demo file for ami pro upload cica download and tryi instal didn work addit alter elimin nwre dll f ile that had reinstal norton desktop instal eventu lotu send work model heard th at want and feel bui pointer greatli appreci you hiroto miyoshi psych toronto ed u postscript view for do window can find window version gh ostscript articl hjstein apr sunris huji hjstein sunris huji harvei stein write version ghostscript and quit satisfi version plain do version version and window version harvei stein hjstein math huji emul post anoth new group read ago that xview and xremot you us xterm call ncd for info hope help hao hao zhang dept stat wharton school univ penn zhang wharton upenn edu hzhang compstat wharton upenn edu last two question troubl wordperfect for window select a nd chang font etc text disappear center two line onc and second line disappear c an not find error and not correct thi newsgroup mail prefer wait for nake gun pa rt nathan narloch alumn whscdp wh edu enforc burp narlochn kirk msoe edu milw jo in offici psycho team do font size window card and window mode normal font not small enhanc mode do window font small for monitor spacifi font size for do win dow you excus trivial answer sinc fairli window world includ thi messag for refe r alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu wordperfect for window two question troubl wordperfect f or window select and chang font etc text disappear center two line onc and secon d line disappear can not find error and not correct thi newsgroup mail prefer wa it for nake gun part nathan narloch alumn whscdp wh edu enforc burp narlochn kir k msoe edu milw join offici psycho team canon bubblejet and deskjet fellow netter ask for your c ollect wisdom decid printer purchas canon bubblejet deskjet thought trust salesp erson benefit reli us printer daili and us fullest potenti and figur you will be nefit and pitfal salesperson greatli inform you render dpi canon bubblejet hewle tt packard deskjet dpi faster notic print qualiti differ graphic will handl larg document page person experi will appreci work window driver problem etc cost me mori font packag toner cartridg etc basic your person experi machin highli desir good and bad advanc kudo and for your input mail new post readili accept mail e ncourag limit bandwidth sincer robert kayman kayman stanford edu cpa stanford ed u theori theori and practic practic not you mean you want revis revis origin rev is revis revis us number gxe video card us number video graphic adaptor window window you keyboard specif hardwar and firmwar guru current home pr oject build huge paddl keyboard for physic handicap rel mine goal for thi keyboa rd exactli sytl keyboard host system thi will highli endow keyboard pcl world he art thing lack detail inform hardwar signal that window and do will expect proje ct independ window hope that you fellow window user programm will recogn and wil l point direct winn rosch hardwar bibl edit not inform will scan code and even w ire diagram for style connector will leav number import question unansw synchron asynchron serial commun guess synchron sinc host provid clock event data frame half duplex guess half duplex sinc host can turn led and chipset for commun keyb oard standard cannib real keyboard book articl written sourc inform advis gamet erg sri safe for cannot afford replac event booboo you for your time dank fuer i

hr zeit thoma gamet gamet erg sri softwar engin sri intern page number problem wfw canon wfw canon printer driver t hat come window unfortatun problem print page number bottom page can print page number top page not bottom had similar problem and solut for such problem pwoodc oc busi uwo pwoodcoc sm busi uwo patrick woodcock western busi school london ont ario gui applic framework for window apr cimlinc bharper ciml inc brett harper write investig purchas object orient applic framework come acro ss that good zapp inmark zinc zinc softwar view liant win blais consider window program unix world qualiti and intuitiv abstract that class librari provid impor t sinc not advers learn intern window program program methodolog close align nat iv don arbitrari level abstract for sake chang api valuabl microsoft founat clas s afx that come and visual good version for come sourc code and close navtiv api class manag data structur stefan stefan olson mail stefan olson acm gen kind gi ve creat love window matur you us mac system answer posit you window m atur dai ago peopl doubt that window not real can such question window confus pe opl microsoft simul mac lousi job for exampl you can not creat hierarchi group c reat group group you system paramet care uncomplet document not easi find reason unpredict error group delet file delet delet group user us file manag delet fil e user forget delet relat file disk will full nonsens file share problem onc you creat two window compil and edit languag good editor will share problem you can not open save program load make sens prevent save not open microsoft compromis do and window make window graphic do capac mutipl do job worst thing complic env iron orgin purpos window simplifi environ and make easier us mean easi satisfi m icrosoft want reput evalu user interfac carefulli product distribut flame jess m ail cyen unt edu sol ac unt edu make ghostscript work you ini zip and zip and zip font f ile you can wuarchiv wustl edu mirror msdo postscript advic you gui zip cica nic e interfac for ghostscript ghostscript user unfriendli thi interfac make user fr iendli for thi interfac you vbrun dll risc edu pub network misc copi thi your wi ndow directori copi gui execut and file your ghostscript directori and anter lin e below your autoexec bat set lib your ghostscript and gui directori you readi u s enjoi articl apr ulkyvx louisvil edu ulkyvx louisvil edu steve brewer write fi le download for ghostscript never us ghostscript don file for win zip download c ica doesn work file that don want run ghostscript window and do understand versi on for environ file download and can info appeci steve brewer rewerb evet ulkyvx louisvil edu ud ellivsiuol xvyklu do font size window articl apr ncsu edu ssa uniti ncsu e du alavi write normal font not small enhanc mode do window font small for monito r spacifi font size for do window you excus trivial answer sinc fairli window wo rld alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu want sound nag and bossi trivial answer and that pe rfectli fine suppos move complic and challeng question net reader enjoi and mass iv crosspost your articl not justifi refer newsgroup time msw misc your problem concern plai set font dialog box window control menu that squar top left corner window costa malama georgia institut technolog oit opinion express not necessari li oit internet ccastco prism gatech edu window matur hierarch icon group window us norton deskto p for window window not matur lousi suppos lousi goal ubiquit not good window fo r mass infrastructur do unix for cogniscenti infrastructur togeth prove that goo d effect good and good effect ubiquit significiantli higher level function posix dce corba problem infrastructur will monopoli ibm conundrum gentlepeopl dubiou lee lee rothstein veritech merrymeet drive merrimack fax inform technolog verif leadership pcf linux risc dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform risc ghhwang csie n ctu edu form taiwan video driver for tseng true color purchas video card cal l true color card can provid color question can find driver for window color dri

ver for win work fine will us driver whether such driver advanc forev michael jo rdan toni gtonwu nthu edu cae rheologi lab nthu toni che nthu edu can insert color pic wfw subject intend insert color int o wfw pictur turn into color pic jonni intern speaker driver thi faq for microsoft intern speak er sound driver for window microsoft ftp site can rememb name site window matur articl cyen ponder jess write you us mac sy stem answer posit you window matur dai ago peopl doubt that window not real can such question window confus peopl microsoft common complaint window delet jess m ail cyen unt edu sol ac unt edu hmmmm feel that thi gonna start endless thread m ac win and even end win dont window matur case that window dont quick judg us pl ain vanilla window courag us plain vanilla do lot nice commerci and sharewar pac kag util that will boost window past thought for exampl norton desktop for windo w replac ment for progman will give you group group capabl and will even chang g roup icon will launch prog associ fileman that drag file app icon mac doesnt tha t huh and list and window kinda hard finetun boost and configur that trhe price pai for not pai mac capabl machin differet stori hand you dont idea icon not cor respnd file not suppos program launch util not file manag modifi your set your s hell and not coupl util cica that supposedli give you mac feel dont wanna discus s system mac good not wors win pc write thi mac lab user assist dont partial win mean check stuff cica ftp ftp cica indiana edu pub win subdir user anonym wait for startrek mac thread gonna avoid anoth mac win war costa malama georgia insti tut technolog oit opinion express not necessarili oit internet ccastco prism gat ech edu midi file win and soundblast comput soundblast card run microsoft window driver set properli plai normal sound wav file etc want plai mi di file media player that includ window set patch map midi mapper control panel noth midi thi feet wet set window that can plai midi file david thoma dudek pwx ubvm bitnet cybard state univers dudek sun acsu buffalo edu york music food love buffalo plai shakespear video guru feel attack thi quirk bizarr video problem wi ndow gvga video board standard window vga driver similarli configur comput think that problem window refresh screen problem that onc window envok color start ch ang thought hardwar you open full screen do program window session you don probl em you back window you initi return window origin color refresh properli not uni form color chang you solitair design back card maintain origin color scheme whit e front card will turn grei blue etc color get darker final dark purpl ish black you pop do and exit back window screen get refresh don log into window and do t hing novel network fine origin load softwar bounc net machin had finish configur net thi machin ran into problem delet thi machin and net and bounc that didn wo rk reload window avail thought thing check total baffl advanc for assist and ins truct linda cornel lcornel washington edu offic research win articl bcf deneva sdd trw reimert etdesg trw scott r eimert write thi thread that window multi user multi thread etc haven thi case s eper account for each person and even seper directori that desir don implent sim ultaneuo us scott multi user march beta that doesn come stuff exploit multi user featur rememb state that doesn two user share gui interpret thi that user per c onsol network and rpc base stuff you want ftp and rlogin deamon for system will come parti beta version unsecur ftpd net reason cannot write posix base shell cs h unix for remot login gener like check slow compar win real beta version slow b ott faster sun workstat window subsystem start lot faster window bill gate state that not for plai for convinc own busin busi comput ibm establish vendor move p latform provid cheaper solut you run sql server etc robust such applic requir ha nd you your do game forget you can boot do gener that defeat purpos featur visib l network environ and such environ you can reboot your machin will for person us wait for win base window releas you name jump bandwagon expect applic will win win becom wide sadun anik illinoi urbana champaign center for reliabl and high p erform comput mail anik crhc uiuc edu for window articl apr kirk msoe edu narlochn kirk msoe e du write two question troubl wordperfect for window select and chang font etc te

xt disappear center two line onc and second line disappear can not find error an d not correct thi newsgroup mail prefer you mail prefer thi common problem wpwin post screen text you can page page and complet refresh text reappear had rare o ccas complet exit save program reopen file chao had resolv don thi annoi graphic problem made word for window user video driver for tseng true color toni gtonwu nthu edu w rote purchas video card call true color card can provid color question can find driver for window color driver for win work fine will us driver whether such dri ver advanc card can displai color not color hope answer question forev michael j ordan toni gtonwu nthu edu cae rheologi lab nthu toni che nthu edu ftp tool for window ftp tool for window and tool for fahrenheit problem recent bought orchid fahrenheit real nice card big problem basic problem that vertic line miss displai window line us do gif viewer vpic fahrenheit mode vertic line swap strang vesa standard work g reat think card contact orchid support and help didn answer don card problem sin c work great friend comput setup fahrenheit bio opti chipset ami bio ram maxtor harddriv slave maxtor harddriv master panason monitor version window driver wind ow take memori manag etc and card disk control friend setup shamrock monitor thi can will great send mail tdarugar tartaru ucsd edu tdarugar ebon ucsd edu toni win hang problem mhz hang extend mode access drive somet im will dir sometim will hang access sometim will ty text file hardwar american megatrend motherboard ami bio conner hard drive trident meg svga standard mode win config sy queri meg ram run load smartdrv for window can run load ramdriv smartdrv ramdriv smartdrv config sy set smartdrv sy ramdri v sy advanc for mail repli yuan wiliki eng hawaii edu want info asymetrix toolbook phone and fax number asymet rix corpor interest mail address current statu product toolbook receiv last upda t year ago develop toolbook slowli dy regard rob winter noth beat ski you want r eal fun holidai rob winter philip research ist build box eindhoven netherland te l mail dewint prl philip do font size window alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu wrote card and window mode normal font not small enhanc mode do window font small for monit or spacifi font size for do window you excus trivial answer sinc fairli window w orld includ thi messag for refer alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu can recal you can clic k upper left button do window choos font chang demo window show you advanc font you choos will affect size do window make want xterm emul for window for xterm emul run window rep li mail chera bekker bekker mail bekker utwent faculti appli physic voic univers twent fax netherland diamond win mous cursor dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh w rite articl apr nlm nih gov dabl nlm nih gov don lindbergh write mous cursor dis tort run diamond driver don version driver indic menu recent deliv gatewai syste m latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi followup thi worker machin latest driv er happen driver sometim take minut for cursor wig eventu thi mode susect step m emori video card exclud emm line and system ini problem persist perhap specif ga tewai machin compon mhz eisa bu ultrastor control hope thi kind problem had perh ap call gatewai order find folk had problem card applic crash move mous vga mode fix remov line stack config sy default stack fine random white pixel screen mov e mous color graphic mode hardwar cursor mode fix turn hardwar scroll xmode scro lloff enter graphic mode thi fix problem window do box window hardwar scroll ena bl applic write garbag window screensav not remov cursor color mode hardwar curs or don thi window problem driver problem two type cursor remov function remov fo r draw can for hardwar cursor and remov uncondition card hardwar cursor problem vesa driver not support truecolor mode univers vesa driver not run disclaim stat e comment jan van loenen digit equip corpor jvl idca td philip hlde loenen emm ex and window and do window creat perman swap file w in recommend that bit access us emm ex win startup memori free leav emm ex confi g sy memori free and window recommend swap file us do memmak intern memori and t hi happen possibl win umb manag virtual memori true umb that emm can find includ suspici part optim do environ develop applic for do window program environ rudi win hang eng eng monash edu charl choong write problem m hz hang extend mode access drive sometim will dir sometim will hang access somet im will ty text file hardwar american megatrend motherboard ami bio conner hard drive trident meg svga standard mode problem suggest bio bug gonna check supplie r tomorrow you help wouter win don expect window and do suppos understand that chic ago do releas year read expect that chicogo won til domin drohan email drohand c ad gmed electron data system phone you talk for hour ahead spin doctor note view and opinion express mine and not reflect electron data system corp ftp site for wav file ftp site wav file frode kvam name frode kvam univ univers trondheim dept informat mail frode ifi unit snail mail l ademoen kirkeal trondheim voic bewar programm carri screwdriv move icon rememb read program that made window icon run mous move name thi program and ftp locat cica kirk membri ag ag industri rutger viamar kmembri alexand rodchenko pixel font for font that pixel monitor not lcd kind font can kirk membri ag ag industri rutger viamar kmembri alexand rodchenko us number gxe video card articl npg sandiegoca ncr clabo rn npg sandiegoca ncr chri claborn write us number video graphic adaptor window window you put machin last week ast get million winmark diamond and board millio n winmark experi satisfi btw thi win marc snyder philab crpmk marc system admini str ciba geigi corpor hawthorn york work plai set pif for game game that run window and can pif adjust for exampl wing command do prompt for program thi run build pif give coupl meg extend memori etc and run prompt load wing command and messag extend memori etc and screen black open scene orchestra appear pool game that almost thing open an d prompt for kind video driver cga ega etc respond ega and screen black ctrl alt del getss back window run wing command window had problem describ and fix rest setup disk free memori free win session respond mail thi info send mail coupl da i and forward repli you clinton pierc cartesian bear polar bear coordin transfor m clintp world std pcf linux risc articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu ed u ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instr uct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perform you can re ad book comput architectur for inform risc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ address mode risc instruct set not orthog on cisc peopl fun eugen macadam mpce edu window start posit for app you set app give window defau lt start posit and size mike hay knowledg good faber colleg motto www knowledg a nd thorough rensselear poli motto unemploi tech you groucho marx dai race driven bang head engin physic for year want info asymetrix toolbook articl apr prl philip dewin t prl philip rob winter write phone and fax number asymetrix corpor interest mai l address current statu product toolbook receiv last updat year ago develop tool book slowli dy regard rob winter noth beat ski you want real fun holidai rob win ter philip research ist build box eindhoven netherland tel mail dewint prl phili p rob mail adress support asymetrix heard beta bitserv list toolb toolbook list regard olaf winkelhak borland paradox offer bui borland paradox for window sin c us databas window don us for work home us advantag borland april offer thi pac kag that borland claim wonder us thi and opinion tom belmont access store for an d quit pleas rel easi learn easi us and somewhat easi program highli recomend no t us paradox for window don expect access imho dave winword and quattro pro problem notebook notebook window run fine winword and quattro pro for window work fine virtual memori us switch virtual memori option program don work system crash program work arbitrari virtu al memori two desktop wrong you can mail directli you advanc stefan stefan kolod zi heinrich hein univers institut for gener psycholog duesseldorf germani mail k olodzi uni duesseldorf quickli switch window screen resolut can switch window s

creen resolut quickli and easili that can back into instal abil chang coupl star tup configur file and resolut chang video driver that system that isn problem se an sean gillei sean gillei att us thi address bounc transfer video tape ask for info behalf friend copi outp ut monitor video tape idea prescrib addit hardwar and softwar assum intel window environ advanc jerri support dam jerri johnson struggl csci grad student jwjohn ecst csuchico edu kind mother dyslexia okidata printer driver okidata printer for printer drive r such thing not microsoft bb can print window font and paradox for window can p rint label proper printer defin bryan ward survei research center univers utah m ail bryan src sb utah edu diamond speedstar driver for for win driver set for diam ond speedstar video card archiv site that look cica and had driver for stealth c ard and for gener card not specif for speedstar diamond drop speedstar driver de velop loop for info rob robert mee boston univers inform technolog rem edu win articl bcf deneva sdd trw reimert etdesg trw scott r eimert write thi thread that window multi user multi thread etc haven thi case s eper account for each person and even seper directori that desir don implent sim ultaneuo us sinc run gui network slow fair amount expect window will multius sen s share filesystem will like write telnetd for run charact base app graphic base app will share run execut local cpu thi thing shape client server architectur t ake cpu termin setup note that thi you can telnet into and run charact base app you can run gui yeah window haven impress iskandar taib thing wors peach ala int ernet ntaib silver uc indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac do font size window ssa uniti ncsu edu alavi write card and window mode normal font not small enhanc mode do window font small for monit or spacifi font size for do window you excus trivial answer sinc fairli window w orld includ thi messag for refer alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu control box window upp er left corner window singl click simplist font option biggest can us charact tu rn funki hpoe thi help window faq articl dhtf new rich bnr gal bnr gene lavergn write paus thi heard window surpris name immedi occur that sound northern telec om product notic that bnr address below subsidiari mean gal bnr gene lavergn ope ra identifi esn charact elektra box richardson that worri usa opinion express mi ne and not bnr window wnt can deriv letter alphabet vm hal and ibm you recal tha t chief architect vm chief design wnt rajiev gupta rajiev gupta eurocontrol cfmu disclaim rajiev cfmu eurocontrol rue loi view tel bruxel not compani fax belgiu m question window articl uki edu shan uki edu minghua shan write don window thought that win run intel compat system set network includ su n sparc server and dozen peopl suggest that run window sun sparc server replac c urrent suno don whether thi and whether thi good answer question below window ru n sun sparc server answer question run unix applic such sa for unix window multi us will window releas telephon number that can call and info win you minghua sha n read win will support intel dec alpha and mip seri processor rememb read rumou r sparc support futur not you mean run unix applic you sa for win sa for win etc read that will anounc avala win end comdex spring hope thi help rajiev gupta ra jiev gupta eurocontrol cfmu disclaim rajiev cfmu eurocontrol rue loi view tel br uxel not compani fax belgium window crash articl apr oracl oracl ebosco oracl eric bo sco write ebosco oracl eric bosco subject window crash date fri apr gmt subject window crash givinh gpf late never stabl packag crash dai worst part that not cr ash consist sy ini turn ram pariti check good window refer home standard win ref er will you not email back that weird memori produc phoni pariti error danger yo u turn checkl you run slight risk data corrupt due miss real error pcf linux risc articl sunb oc edu eugen mpce edu write a rticl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean re duc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can in creas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform ri sc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ a

ddress mode risc instruct set not orthogon cisc hope thi will clear lectur note altern approach cisc adopt recent year come risc reduc instruct set comput thi c an characteris simpli simpler faster simplifi design reduc varieti instruct addr ess mode hardwar can design run faster even cost need instruct task can quickli simpler faster design typic risc processor will provid larg number regist perfor m data oper regist provid address mode regist offset load store oper access memo ri us instruct format support data type integ unsign float steffi beckhau janet steffi beckhau newcastl odd million occur chanc will fax softwar for window current fax softwar for window ba ud fax modem respond info you chad toell toell evansvil edu philip vernon uunet evansvil edu toell cool bmp file articl apr gmuvax gmu edu rwang gmuvax gmu edu write guess subject get bore bmp file that window wonder bodi beauti bmp fi le can share can ftp site for bmp file sceneri file anim file etc us delet downl oad compuserv gif month raytrac imag golf ball hole nice bitmap easili convert w indow bmp upload copi cica eric eric trepani internet eric tgm cam org grenon la val quebec canada anoth beer microsoft foundat class borland compil ctrltest mfc samp l directori compil mfc lib bwc that bwc isn distinguish pointer overload functio n for exampl imagin overload function void name void void name int dai bwc impos s adress two function and assign properli defin function pointer had thi problem stacker email address stacker mail address and bb and co mpuserv hope mail address john white stac electron can reach compuserv for compu serv email address work internet internet ffritz hpwbe wad phone germani address fromut fritz waldbronn analyt divis hewlett packard str waldbronn germani write excel macro for each student begin lowest score fo und max for number assign begin score lowest score found lowest score found scor e end total score sum score lowest score found end couldn you simpli us min you us sum and subtract sum internet ffritz hpwbe wad phone germani address fromut f ritz waldbronn analyt divis hewlett packard str waldbronn germani win startup screen downgrad win startup screen hhhheeeel lllpppp meeeeeee instal color svga driver for window last week thi driver downlo ad ftp cica indiana edu specif for paradis svga card instal and run window start up screen begin becom window startup screen work fine startup screen startup scr een chang system ini file couldn figur alter can thi mail address thang tree egr edu thang jetson edu addit can can paradis svga driver color thi us comput and not driver etc driver advanc borland paradox offer bui borland paradox for window sin c us databas window don us for work home us advantag borland april offer thi pac kag that borland claim wonder us thi and opinion tom belmont you interest progra m easi us strongli suggest approach extrem easi us make report etc and paradox a nd almost never us paradox you build complic applic paradox heard horror stori a ccess program extrem cryptic sinc you you will fairli small stuff work home us a nd you not us databas recommend approach found small thing easili databas order record enter logic order perman reorder us dbase iii command record requir sort record appropri problem sinc almost us thi order export databas anoth databas ca n approach databas and copi export file back origin filenam thi small weak item approach slower paradox load paradox take forev and minut load paradox take lot memori hard disk and ram greg bishop bishop baeyer chem fsu edu quickli switch window screen resolut articl qlr djl cbne wsl att slg slgsun att idealist cynic write can switch window screen resolut qui ckli and easili that can back into instal sean gillei ftp cica indiana edu pub w in util misc for program caleld vswitch zip close want you want you can win hope help costa malama georgia institut technolog oit opinion express not necessaril i oit internet ccastco prism gatech edu diamond speedstar driver for articl edu rem buitc edu ro bert mee write for win driver set for diamond speedstar video card diamond bb ba ud bb phone number baud bb phone number don ftp site that surpris wasn cool bmp file articl apr gmuvax gmu edu rwang gmuvax gmu edu write guess subject get bore bmp file that window wonder bodi beauti bmp fi

le can share can ftp site for bmp file sceneri file anim file etc us delet eric hmmm upload bmp file and color give you fish pole fish beggin guid coolest windo w background step ftp cica ftp cica indiana edu user anonym passwd guest pub win util desktop and wingif zip pspro zip gw zip will scale dither and convert gif bmp index file win subdir for futur refer step ftp wuarchiv wustl edu plaza aarn et edu archiv orst edu and graphic gif index file gigabyt pictur wait becom your desktop advic you slow comput ram make your select dither abovement app hope he lp costa malama georgia institut technolog oit opinion express not necessarili o it internet ccastco prism gatech edu microsoft foundat class borland articl fcp new berlin ma ke berlin kerkhoff write compil ctrltest mfc sampl directori compil mfc lib bwc that bwc isn distinguish pointer overload function for exampl imagin overload fu nction void name void void name int dai bwc imposs adress two function and assig n properli defin function pointer had thi problem you chase wrong problem don fu nction overload that sort thing time hitch big problem encount port mfc that fac t that mfc depend coupl invalid assumpt never entir ctrltest app run reason that make bad assumpt order static global object initi object get access initi probl em owner draw menu code you comment that section piec ctrltest work fine two maj or gotcha found mfc cfile openflag enum hard code number for open mode manifest constant defin fcntrl differ msc and mfc collect class depend anoth bad assumpt that refer base object can us place refer deriv object true for pointer not for refer problem line not encount not mfc hope that will address not hype portabl v endor compil will that employ opinion wouldn post noth last forev brendler not c ub fan mike royko spss inc chicago window crash articl qur qrl access digex net wild access digex wildstrom write articl apr oracl oracl ebosco oracl eric bosco write ebos co oracl eric bosco subject window crash date fri apr gmt subject window crash g ivinh gpf late never stabl packag crash dai worst part that not crash consist sy ini turn ram pariti check good window refer home standard win refer will you no t email back that weird memori produc phoni pariti error danger you turn checkl you run slight risk data corrupt due miss real error had thi problem and work tu rn pariti check that work window and pariti error occur immedi exit window probl em turn chip simm chip simm can us chip simm comput and replac problem vanish fo rev question window articl apr cfmu eurocontrol rajiev cfmu eurocontrol rajiev gupta write articl uki edu shan uki edu minghua shan write st uff delet window run sun sparc server answer question run unix applic such sa fo r unix window multius will window releas telephon number that can call and info win you minghua shan read win will support intel dec alpha and mip seri processo r rememb read rumour sparc support futur not you mean run unix applic you sa for win sa for win etc read that will anounc avala win end comdex spring hope thi h elp rajiev gupta rajiev gupta eurocontrol cfmu disclaim rajiev cfmu eurocontrol rue loi view tel bruxel not compani fax belgium april issu magazin and quot even tu window like port success risc architectur powerpc and risc two like candid sp arc somewhat like sun rel strong unix softwar base bill move icon kmembri viamar kirk membri write rememb read p rogram that made window icon run mous move name thi program and ftp locat cica r ememb name program your for call icofrit cica last quit ago richard calderon rca ldrn epi med miami edu univers miami school medicin inform system comput miami f lorida pcf linux risc risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform risc hmm not that author risc r ememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ address mode risc instruct set not orthogon cisc thing you interest todai risc processor true that fewer instr uct not commonli that thi size your execut swell that case perform similar for l arger applic compromis risc processor todai cross reduc instruct set and complex thi not that futur cisc processor intel prove that want thi thi group dave subj ect pcf linux risc newsgroup comp unix do unix comp sy ibm misc comp sy ibm net comp window app comp window misc alt comp linux question comp app spreadsheet co

mp misc alt linux comp linux man linux refer sunb oc edu articl sunb oc edu euge n mpce edu articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit comple x and can increas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur f or inform risc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu l arg differ address mode risc instruct set not orthogon cisc peopl fun eugen maca dam mpce edu dave siegel presid rtd system and network inc presid uofaz hardwar and comput knowledg societi hack dsiegel arizona edu dsiegel hack arizona edu ds iegel rtd window speaker sound driver ftp site can speaker sound d river sound ex file that claim driver suspici sinc not drv file alec lee window start posit for app apr ucsu colorado edu hayesj rintintin colorado edu hay jame michael write you set app give window default st art posit and size sizeit zip ftp cica indiana edu directori ftp pub win desktop freewar notic program call sizer zip descript you want hope thi help david whit e engin goon fan son dad internet davidw auck irl cri fax window slower do adam benson pearl adamb garfield mun window speaker sound driver articl apr mnemosyn edu ale mnemosyn edu alec lee write ftp site can speaker sound driver sound ex file that claim driver suspici sinc not drv file that file toni annes claebaur shell port al claebaur cup portal save hard disk alloc error cross link run quick compil d o window window thi even program violat system integr close applic exit window a nd restart your comput error start thi immedi disk error messag window hit retur n retri that time and reboot find that quit file corrupt includ chkdsk output be low question easi restor work order approach caus thi smartdrv cach make vulner suspici hard drive cach cach data write straightforward approach run chkdsk opti on fix disk and reinstal window and thing for your comment and suggest brad bank o thi machin hard drive and ram chkdsk output volum serial number error found pa ramet not correct will not written disk gfx vpic cvpic ex alloc error size adjus t gfx vpic vpic txt alloc error size adjust gfx vpic video cfg alloc error size adjust gfx vpic orcpro cfg alloc error size adjust gfx vpic vga cfg alloc error size adjust game goos bird alloc error size adjust winmisc adv winadv ex alloc e rror size adjust lost alloc unit found chain byte disk space freed gfx vpic cvpi c ex cross link alloc unit gfx vpic geno cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic tri cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic config doc cross link alloc unit gfx vpic vpic txt cross link alloc unit gfx vpic video cf g cross link alloc unit gfx vpic defincon cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic ati wondr cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic geno cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic oak cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic hire cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic aheada cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic vpic doc cross link alloc unit gfx vpi c orcpro cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic everx cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic wait cross link alloc unit gfx vpic maxxon cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vp ic wait doc cross link alloc unit gfx vpic everx cfg cross link alloc unit gfx v pic ega cfg cross link alloc unit gfx vpic config ex cross link alloc unit gfx v pic readm cross link alloc unit gfx vpic vga cfg cross link alloc unit game goos bird cross link alloc unit window system sound drv cross link alloc unit window game grp cross link alloc unit window mad bmp cross link alloc unit mage demo k in cross link alloc unit mage demo kin cross link alloc unit mage pkin ex cross link alloc unit winmisc game dialword ex cross link alloc unit winmisc game dial word txt cross link alloc unit winmisc adv winadv wri cross link alloc unit winm isc adv adv kei cross link alloc unit winmisc adv adv rec cross link alloc unit winmisc adv freezer cross link alloc unit spart par cross link alloc unit bng mb x cross link alloc unit byte total disk space byte hidden file byte directori by te user file byte disk byte each alloc unit total alloc unit disk alloc unit dis k total byte memori byte free brad banko dept physic illinoi banko uiuc edu teac h cne lnq fortran librari for window will fortran librari for wind ow lot sourc code written past fortran and recent need port window avoid major c ode rewrit window librari repli mail traversmorgan swell actrix gen guan lye chu

a traver morgan box wellington tel fax wallpap window util that will make window randomli selec t your window directori bmp file wallpap file nate nathan crowel dept materi sci enc acrl worcest polytechn institut mail bigal wpi wpi edu flower genesi supper readi wincmd troubl string variabl plai that wincmd util magaz in troubl concaten string variabl togeth and your for exampl temp path temp file ext fullpath temp fullpath output fullpath fullpath temp fullpath output file e xt drop charact each concaten that memori variabl total articl didn mention memo ri limit email you idea actual sourc and output for your jame begol begolej csgr ad edu quicken tobia manag your monei copi tobia manag your mon ei quicken and wonder for thing mym featur that doesn for exampl doesn handl mon thli automat deduct check account you monthli payment that get electron deduct m onth check account that not and can that mym handl monthli deduct fact can appar that that you can monthli bimonthli quarterli even yearli awar comparit studi t wo program can give person impress us familiar each give capsul review greatli a ppreci mym pai for and don whether worth mym will can mym can even won you post repli format win do experienc problem format system floppi fil e manag do format disk boot hard drive isn recogn instal doublespac make good wo rk system floppi do command shell window you had thi problem and you heard craig silver comput scienc simon fraser univers silver sfu internet burnabi canada exit code do for wrong group hei post thi do question wi ndow group kinda hurri can scrambl find do group name ccan find exit code do com mand manual doesn for copi order make move batch file such that file wasn coppi properli won delet mail lourai sea gwu edu mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai make window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong diamond win mous cursor don lindbergh meint zum thema di amond win mous cursor mous cursor distort run diamond driver don version driver indic menu recent deliv gatewai system latest driver diamond bb wonder had thi n ot bio and driver januar never had problem mous cursor newer driver publish seba stian beer gimm gummi lass die sau rau set user account system wfwg novic work network and proc ess plan small account system for small busi thi case for machin each offic buil d each access window base account system thought set window for workgroup each m achin like and two ethernet card and cabl that come window for workgroup starter kit addit user kit will logic purchas simpl multi user account system line dace asi and fire will act server report check printer attach cabl run feet will for thi setup thi easi you network guru mind and suggest trivial will immens appreci apolog thi brought john john martin jemartin nyx edu univers puget sound kent m artin up edu seinfeldsupersonicsrushbelafleck john martin jemartin nyx edu unive rs puget sound kent martin up edu seinfeldsupersonicsbc rushdweckl pcf linux risc articl sunb oc edu eugen mpce edu write a rticl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean re duc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can in creas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform ri sc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ a ddress mode risc instruct set not orthogon cisc peopl fun eugen macadam mpce edu theoret suppos reduc not longer that argu risc cisc person cisc will win pentiu m not that intel architectur that anoth stori bye brian hojo lee hei excus miss gif you leebr ecf toronto edu leebr eecg toronto edu linux and free clone import ep file into word jburk abacu bate edu jburk writ e wonder knew view ep word coupl line help adob creator prowrit titl tcwn orient portrait page pageord ascend can jame burk read thi you agre not hold writer re spons for evil jburk abacu bate edu happen that befal you time had similar probl em convert ep file solut simpl chang line adob adob thi foul convert ep file con tain simpl move and draw statement mario mario veraart tno physic and electron l aboratori email rioj fel tno hagu netherland fail show pretti pictur and anim vi

deo and don talk perform david bailei window umyin ccu umanitoba qing yin write easi question for you window guru write line for applic don window softwar develop toolkit sin c want build hlp file window engin hope won that complic kindli give hint build such line not page explain complic you point vincent yin umyin ccu umanitoba you develop your window applic you sdk sort that contain ex ex file compil and gene r hlp file rtf file rtf file gener wordprocessor word for do thi not solut speci f your applic mario mario veraart tno physic and electron laboratori email rioj fel tno hagu netherland fail show pretti pictur and anim video and don talk perf orm david bailei cool bmp file download compuserv gif month raytrac imag golf ball hole nice bitmap easili convert window bmp upload copi cica and specif thi mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai m ake window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong wallpap window articl qvpdo bigboot wpi edu bigal wpi wp i edu nathan charl crowel write util that will make window randomli select your window directori bmp file wallpap file nate nate sig coupl person screenpeac scr een saver will select your wallpap directori not necessarili window dir you want info pretti happi screenpeac and latest version not cica oak window scrpc micke i michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai make window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong window hang wlieftin lieft write you window freak bought window dutch version time ago and run recent upgrad comput cach memori maxtor w ork real fine not window plai patienc sol minesweep suddenli system hang can mov e mous anymor screen blank noth screen blank comput reboot stop reach end memori test onc even twice messag illeg kernel call accompani hex adress and close but ton press applic wouldn close haven experienc thi problem program that haven us program suspect hang thi problem patch forgot cmo ram make comput faster higher bu speed wait state enabl cach etc crash come faster min deliber slow system slo w bu speed wait state disabl intern extern cach shadow crash come come hope can wouter problem vlb ram disk sometim switch comput start window dutch window swit ch switch back text mode and exit do two reset system work fine patrick amsterda m speedstar window enhanc mode mhz sy base ram and problem configur high memori qemm max speedstar video card and us hyperdisk disk cach s oftwar problem run window enhanc mode and high memori load stuff high note recom mend exclud region window insist start standard mode suggest dan window for workgroup and lan workplac flint water uwyo e du flint water write us and lan workplac for do time yup and work fine hopefulli somedai wfwg will commun lwp tcpip load netbeui us odi odinsup and work hei sou nd great that mean that work odi thought ndi problem that lan workplac driver um b hate load driver make work read german comput magazin that tcp support for cor ner new thi regard richard richard spitz internet spitz ana med uni muenchen edv grupp anaesthesi tel klinikum grosshadern fax munich germani window for workgroup and lan workplac flint water uwyo e du flint water write us and lan workplac for do time yup and work fine hopefulli somedai wfwg will commun lwp tcpip load netbeui us odi odinsup and work hei sou nd great that mean that work odi thought ndi problem that lan workplac driver um b hate load driver make work read german comput magazin that tcp support for cor ner new thi regard richard possibl caus dupe thi messag thi messag spread twice munich send short note debug new applic richard spitz internet spitz ana med uni muenchen edv grupp anaesthesi tel klinikum grosshadern fax munich germani wallpap window lourai sea gwu edu michael panayiotaki wr ite util that will make window randomli select your window directori bmp file wa llpap file coupl person screenpeac you chang wallpap written short program that thi systemparametersinfo function bad new that you vbrun dll run and dll program order pictur depend system date and number bmp file directori pictur remain you execut program multipl time dai and number bmp not chang you feel thi you uuenc od and email you unavail ftp ismo rkk inen joyl joensuu iak joensuu nglui mglw n afh cthulhu lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn util for updat win ini and system ini nead util for upda t delet ad chang ini file for window find ftp host svein move icon articl rahpbh viamar rutger viamar kmembri wri te rememb read program that made window icon run mous move name thi program and ftp locat cica program call icon frighten includ book stupid window trick bob le vitu and tittel addison weslei freewar not net anywher happili email copi will u pload can upload internet firewal bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att window mario veraart mveraart fel tno wrote umyin ccu um anitoba qing yin write easi question for you window guru write line for applic d on window softwar develop toolkit sinc want build hlp file window engin hope won that complic kindli give hint build such line not page explain complic you poin t vincent yin umyin ccu umanitoba you develop your window applic you sdk sort th at contain ex ex file compil and gener hlp file rtf file can download zip ftp ci ca indiana edu thi packag buid simpl hlp file rich text format file rtf thi pack ag contain dot tamplat for word win rtf file gener wordprocessor word for do thi not solut specif your applic mario mario veraart tno physic and electron labora tori email rioj fel tno hagu netherland fail show pretti pictur and anim video a nd don talk perform david bailei truetyp font mix time cyril problem truetyp font window instal cyril font found cica and strang thing happen sometim window cyril suppos us time roman exampl tool backup version line cyril text open banner last line import word for window text written time into result cyril idea for problem rein er suikat institut for flight guidanc gandalf dlr german aerospac research estab lish dlr top window applic search for busi inform window applic c reat top us wordprocessor spreadsheet draw program schedul and fax program etc m ail your inform refer will summari result thi media you advanc anton ruiter digi t equip corpor workgroup product wgp objectwork obw ing anton ruiter mba softwar product manag post offic box apeldoorn netherland oud apeldoornseweg apeldoorn netherland mail hlde ruiter dtn locat apd internet aruit idca td philip mcsun ph ilapd aruit phone busi phone privat fax quicken tobia manag your monei articl apr twg twg michae l wiesenberg wrote copi tobia manag your monei quicken and wonder for thing mym featur that doesn for exampl doesn handl monthli automat deduct check account yo u monthli payment that get electron deduct month check account that not and can that never us mym can not you comparison two product devot quicken user and can you set weekli monthli quarterli yearli transact us memor featur ctrl record rec ur transact defin transact group memor transact and frequenc that us monthli qui cken will can not automat make transact for you you recal group and individu tra nsact will enter onc addition you bill minder will remind you each transact grou p due for exampl you transact group for payment begin month middl month and for quarterli payment hope thi help mike videoblast speaker softwar that come togeth videoblast d esign work togeth soundblast manufactur sinc not soundblast possibl us speaker d river plai audio file for videoblast avi audio video interleav file devic driver for media player that control speaker driver soundblast card mcispkr drv heard such driver wrong track inform thi appreci send mail sinc don watch thi group re gularli joerg meyer mail meyer informatik uni univers kaiserslautern germani ooo ooo thi space for rent link segment problem call run time function small window program can not work program vagu thi char int winmain lstrcpy lpstr long pasca l wndproc lstrcpy lpstr larg model window link error program sort preload segmen t and resourc into fast load section copi segment byte fatal error segment and r eloc inform larg for load optim make segment loadoncal rerun switch segment prel oad switch interfer proper function second lstrcpy call can explain and fix pugs lei dpugsl nswc nswc navi mil util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr new uit odin nosubdomain nodomain svein pedersen write nead util for updat delet ad cha ng ini file for window find ftp host svein complet misunderstand you notepad sys edit ex found your system subdirectori edit you ini file sysedit ex program cool

automat open you win ini system ini autoexec bat and config sy file edit drewst er kimbark uchicago edu mathcad ndw phone mathsoft technic servic admit problem unknown natur mapl and norton desktop for window clue thi time and collect confi gur inform system exhibit problem problem load mapl solver mathcad ndw shoud cal l technic support made schedul promic activ work problem meantim workaround prov id configur select autoexec bat us progman yuk pew whenev you plan us mapl solve r and ndw norton place menu screen second timeout auto boot ndw david fuess dir center for eec phone fax lawrenc livermor nation laboratori diamond speedstar driver bug sinc swap gener vga card fo r diamod speedstar notic two problem creat window do session mode text start scr oll print charact start print horizont line that spill desktop and trash entir d isplai ctrl alt del termin do window and restor desktop short time ncd remot for window charact displai desktop chang unread unabl restor reboot and color drive r larg and small font do win emm and smartdrv instal speed card and had problem idea steve chesnei slc catherin cim cdc metaphas technolog inc voic north lexing ton avenu fax arden hill trident driver excus faq trident base card claim support driver card driver diskett window not make driver diskett configur dialog box s uggest mail dfeldman uswest chang icon forev can chang icon forev and mean not progr am manag advanc alejandro cifuent acifu isluga puc util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr new uit odin nosubdomain nodomain svein pedersen write nead util for updat delet ad cha ng ini file for window find ftp host svein window built call sysedit ex that you window don color monochrom walther maximum resolut combin video car d and screen flicker suggest color screen flicker thi not small for your tast pe rson prefer mono screen quit window open you run program time rare switch color surplu worth trade smaller size you want develop program you will check color us mono screen worst world and surpris color look choos color screen regard olaf w inkelhak ati ultra pro confirm heard thing ati ultra pro card pos it neg peopl confirm interest eisa version card not work system ram card work sy stem switch set slower card interlac bit true colour mode latest build driver no t work case thi card fastest full colour card for monei thi card greatest thing sinc slice bread for your feedback will summar alan walford eo system inc vancou v canada tel aew eosvcr wimsei uunet wimsei eosvcr aew workgroup question conven ram and licens appreci answer question window for workgroup novel netwar lite not work window and convent memo ri hog ver move machin convent ram us and driver for network card novel card lsl and ipx driver need licens check network ensur each machin run licenc copi note not want break licens agreement and will bui copi for each machin that meet ret urn open copi easier return open copi you bui upgrad window for replac win you i nstal depend current win file instal window server come will troubl machin start thi messag question carri stop forward your repli alan walford eo system inc va ncouv canada tel aew eosvcr wimsei uunet wimsei eosvcr aew serial print problem setup print serial printer dmp lase r us work and window write output do and send plain text output fanci garbl does n output except output lserjet appear fast receiv data not bother handshak messa g not alon thi print network manag option can had similar problem cure and bout john atherton quicken tobia manag your monei articl apr twg twg michae l wiesenberg write awar comparit studi two program can give person impress magaz in januari had review person financ manag program comput januari world decemb ha d articl quicken and manag your monei can email you copi articl you can find you r librari manag your monei for year and friend us quicken not us impress that qu icken financi account manag manag your monei will you complet manag your financ featur that manag your monei and quicken share abil record for each your financi account check save charg cash brokerag you can reconcil your account statement

record program abil make budget and track your spend that budget checkfre modul will you us checkfre bill pai servic pai your bill your modem abil print check y our printer abil loan record and set automat loan payment abil import stock quot at your brokerag account date manag your monei can thi automat modem quicken can not abil export tax inform popular tax prepar program featur that manag your mo nei that quicken not tax predict modul thi your account and budget predict your tax liabil for come year useful fine tune your withhold uncl sam doesn due earli insur and vital record modul thi place record your insur polici vital record ca n comput your life expect financi analysi modul thi comput compound interest eff ect inflat loan payment term interest yield matur for bond save account yield da i date and loan amort schedul function you decid whether refin your mortgag whet her you can afford home whether rental properti good invest whether you bui leas rent and whether invest cash flow adequ for your situat thi modul can you plan for retir and for help your kid tuition net worth modul thi place record your as set and liabil your net worth can comput thi inform asset liabil record modul au tomat includ desk modul thi includ small word processor card file you can us sto re name address phone number and vital inform friend and associ perpetu caland r udimentari calcul list remind list appoint list and place record your phone call for track such thing your appoint remind and list can made displai automat you start program thing list that quicken almost that quicken doesn list wrong hord quicken devote will flame crisp thing that quicken that manag your monei not win dow version meca softwar rumor work window version manag your monei for releas l ate thi year hope thi inform us you found manag your monei useful program for ke ep financi record hand peopl equal happi quicken quicken featur you want you fin d manag your monei featur that quicken doesn worth price mathcad swap file memori run window swap file for month will mathcad happi thi insist swap file window matur articl cyen ponder jess write you us mac sy stem answer posit you window matur thi silli unix matur depend you and you defin matur system matur window dai ago peopl doubt that window not real can such que stion window confus peopl microsoft simul mac lousi job for exampl you can not c reat hierarchi group creat group group you you behierarch creat group appl menu that appl menu item ripoff program manag you want hierarch program launcher lot uncomplet document not easi find reason unpredict error and thi easi mac give br eak spent hour move system extens and restart mac app crash time find thi laugha bl group delet file delet delet group user us file manag delet file user forget delet relat file disk will full nonsens file great hear alias appl implement sha re problem onc you creat two window compil and edit languag good editor will sha re problem you can not open save program load make sens prevent save not open do n follow mean easi satisfi microsoft want reput evalu user interfac carefulli pr oduct distribut that find mac desktop incred annoi whenev us flame yeah you post flame bait for flame iskandar taib thing wors peach ala internet ntaib silver u c indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr midwai uchicago edu midwai uchicago edu write complet misunderstand you notepad sysedit ex found your system subdirectori edit you ini file you can add sysedit regedit program group window program sysedit ex program cool automat open you win ini s ystem ini autoexec bat and config sy file edit load ini file drewster kimbark uc hicago edu mail oddjob plymouth edu vm andi psc plymouth edu disclaim end user s oftwar that avenu for user week modif programm not user friendli ati ultra pro confirm articl razbbh eosvcr wimsei aew eo svcr wimsei alan walford write heard thing ati ultra pro card posit neg peopl co nfirm interest eisa version card not work system ram higher memori limit appli i sa card vlb and eisa version problem card work system switch set slower memori a pertur disabl you ram eisa and vlb isa not problem for you card interlac bit tru e colour mode nope can us bit and bit interlac latest build driver not work case aren perfect improv don recal last time had leav mach mode ati gup mode and swi tch vga mode due softwar incompat thi card fastest full colour card for monei qu it fast whether not fastest open debat thi card greatest thing sinc slice bread daniel matthew coleman internet dcoleman utxvm utexa edu dcoleman ccwf utexa edu

univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman u txvm bitnet mathcad swap file articl apr ncar ucar edu basebal catch fever scd ucar edu gregg walter write memori run window swap file for month wil l mathcad happi thi insist swap file mathcad and manual not clear matter page me gabyt memori memori configur xm megabyt virtual memori common sens suggest that you run mathcad kinda kooki and not subject law common sens dan daniel matthew c oleman internet dcoleman utxvm utexa edu dcoleman ccwf utexa edu univers texa au stin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet gatewai microsoft mail workgroup utah state univers coop er extens for want talk internet mail packag smtp gatewai you tcp transport pack ag top that utterli stupid that requir smtp gatewai work you dedic for gatewai a nd you remot access you anoth dedic for remot mail stuff not remot mail you that that you want glitch system don mail gatewai vax campu that choke mail that sce nario thi outgo mail unix system rout mail that mail rout vax vax problem time r eceiv mail messag thi mail vax forward locat that main gotcha mail forward that person get messag header messag boudari error garbag code stuff you can stai sen d vax you system peopl that vax not problem gatewai problem for support call pro blem work phooei that vigor for idea you forward thi and find knew drop note itt er suppos tcp built netxt itter good luck we jame email wesj extsparc agsci usu edu utah state univers cooper extens system specialist umc voic logan fax window matur articl snb usenet uc indiana edu comp windo w advocaci write you can not creat hierarchi group creat group group you norton desktop put group group group desktop icon desktop etc chri ruckman ruckman oasi navi mil thi sig brought you hull structur acoust code your local chevrolet bot tler carderock divis nswc tcp onpredir window troubl tcp onpredir printer redirect program lpr support window print manag onpredir simpli wait captur till end win dow session printer inact start print thi two program togeth zsolt zsolt bagoli dept atom physic eotvo univers budapest hungari mail zsolt hercul elt eltenet ba goli luden elt eltenet internet atm read confus whether not us atmanag packag bui includ atmanag bonu desktop publish pagemak and coreldraw coreldraw come nifti laser d isk that contain diff type add that ttfont that come win and you decent amount f ont print creation postcript dpi resolut resolut enhanc technolog and darn good copi good that isn diff whether not atmanag turn not worth run atm printer techn olog and avdean diamond experienc faint shadow resolut thi card window r eplac card and wait latest driver experienc gener protect fault error wspdpsf dr v winword tool option menu and winfax setup had ati ultra get genral protect fau lt error spss applic card manufactur terribl qualiti control product market bug hassl run gatewai thx dave window for window window server that can run window desk view not action advanc phil pmw lehigh edu pcf linux risc articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu ed u ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instr uct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perform you can re ad book comput architectur for inform risc risc us mean reduc instruct set compu t true us acronym familiar risc mean recent design cpu gener risc cpu thi larg n umber gener purpos regist fix instruct size bit instruct make memori refer memor i refer align delai branch branch instruct target predict bit will won branch in struct complet order rel instruct stream richard krehbiel richk grebyn will for amigado for come util for updat win ini and system ini exactli util for a utomat updat delet ad chang ini file for window program run do batchfil program run script window will us util for updat win ini and file meni find ftp host sve in quickli switch window screen resolut hydra gatech edu cc astco prism gatech edu constantino malama write articl qlr djl cbnewsl att slg s lgsun att idealist cynic write can switch window screen resolut quickli and easi

li that can back into instal ftp cica indiana edu pub win util misc for program caleld vswitch zip close want you want you can win georg refer switch zip ftp pu b win driver video directori descript read switcher window video mode switcher d avid white engin goon fan son dad internet davidw auck irl cri fax ati ultra pro driver bad ati ultra articl apr cvdv mayo edu fisk cvdv mayo edu tom fisk stm write articl jldc new cso uiuc edu jrobert c so uiuc edu robertson write ftp site latest window driver for ati gup latest dri ver releas and can found ftp cica indiana edu pub win directori structur pro zip check ati bb last nite and releas past ati local bu card and notic that garbag edg window move notic thi local bu card and don such problem thi second card car d didn work vga mode correctli qualiti control problem suggest check ati vendor bought card sinc problem show immedi never ati technic support number card perfo rm ati ultra pro local bu and fast even bpp mode cheer phil tom thoma fisk inter net fisk mayo edu mayo clinic you don voic street you you never fax mail stop st m rochest philip carmack pcarmack kpc kubota pacif comput inc run ex window prefac novic user window environ execut ex ecut program access btriev databas build ascii file execut window screen blank a nd lock for return reset machin insight order for program correctli window run f ine do system gatewai ati graphic ultra card greatli appreci rodger win font macron green zealand for window font that will macron hypen vowel upper and lower case thi can us maori charact window applic a dvanc stuart ingli email directli tetaka waikato prefer method contact borland paradox offer articl cvbnetprim tbelmont fed pri me tom belmont write bui borland paradox for window sinc us databas window don u s for work home us advantag borland april offer thi packag that borland claim wo nder us thi and opinion and pretti claim haven had time price even you decid you don saleabl month for you onc price servic and humbl opinion power access cool bmp file articl apr gmuvax gmu edu rwang gmuvax gmu edu john wang write guess subject get bore bmp file that window wonder bodi bea uti bmp file can share can ftp site for bmp file sceneri file anim file etc us d elet give respons kinda wallpap us origin gif call not real artist name and logo lower corner you will vga and thi size for color screen us thi your window dire ctori and not tile hope you enjoi pcf linux risc leebr ecf toronto edu lee brian write art icl sunb oc edu eugen mpce edu write articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instruc t set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform risc hmm not that author risc rememb read th at instruct set risc cpu larg differ address mode risc instruct set not orthogon cisc origin risc had small instruct set and simpl idea that instruct complet si ngl clock cycl and microcod and extens pipelin comparison patterson reduc instru ct set comput cacm cpu year instruct microcod ibm dec vax ibm ucb risc stanford mip research for vlsi vax dec discov that vax microcod support instruct set acco unt for mere instruct execut uvax subset architectur singl chip and us softwar e mul for complex instruct full vlsi uvax includ entir instruct set time copmlex r anm faster cpu chip microcod transistor uvax vlsi uvax real deryk barker comput scienc dept camosun colleg victoria email dbarker camosun phone norton desktop smartcan norton util purchas norton deskt op for window and norton util instal ndw want rem line that instal and command i nvok imag util replac imag command imag command that invok version imag that ndw thi make sens imag version ndw newer not instal smartcan autoexec two question will us imag data save newer version imag invok two version imag compat will era s protect us info smartcan and vice versa us do and window and want make that er as file environ protect experi run two program eras protect and smart eras don u s each info and smartcan load autoexec and don conflict fyi norton desktop for w indow version norton util version for charact miss ttf word doesn show period centr charact sp ace us ttfont coreldraw editor space text charact displai larg hollow box overla p each and charact each side useless charact us period centr thi charact show wi ndow charmap displai hollow box confirm thi edit corel font fontmong and chang f

ont graphic for charact make differ font output charmap alter paragraph cedilla alter font graphic displai charact us space period centr charact thi charact dis plai coreldraw ttf russ sharp russ deakin edu fax deakin univers school engin te chnolog geelong australia window apr fel tno mveraart fel tno mario veraart write umyin ccu umanitoba qing yin write easi question for you window guru write line for applic don window softwar develop toolkit sinc want build hlp file window en gin hope won that complic kindli give hint build such line not page explain comp lic you point vincent yin umyin ccu umanitoba you develop your window applic you sdk sort that contain ex ex file compil and gener hlp file rtf file rtf file ge ner wordprocessor word for do you not sdk you and can free locat ftp cica indian a edu index pub win index pub win upload zip thi contain compil thing free micro soft free dir pub win programr file hag zip whag zip wfwhlp zip sharewar dir pub win util file hwab zip qdhelp zip qdtool zip dir pub win winword file drhelpev zip macro for word convert doc hlp file shiva shenoi mail shenoi iastat edu blac k dept aeem isu am offic shiva shenoi mail shenoi iastat edu black dept aeem isu am offic lose dark color icon annoi problem whenev save icon cont ain dark color dark red dark purpl color convert bright color thi happen icon ed itor includ imag editor that sdk don thi problem bmp file ico file icon librari problem icon colormap field icon file header check file binari editor can that m ask edit colormap manual copi anoth icon that didn edit can fix color caus thi p roblem sadun anik illinoi urbana champaign center for reliabl and high perform c omput mail anik crhc uiuc edu util for updat win ini and system ini odin fna svein ped ersen write exactli util for automat updat delet ad chang ini file for window pr ogram run do batchfil program run script window will us util for updat win ini a nd file meni find ftp host svein latest window magazin advertis for program that will you uninstal window app your harddisk uninstal can us updat network for de let not ad chang ini file uninstal microhelp inc for ini updat for network and l uck for time push do and batch languag limit into do assum that do command even improv replac command us thi updat user person file master set batch file that r un everytim invok window thi basic overwrit color scheme not neat job for solut mike relai not for profit servic mike bendtsen msbendt mtu edu elm apt ccli seni or technic consult hancock michigan technolog univers window matur that find mac desktop incred annoi whenev u s you uptight comput liter peopl advantag each system you act mac at your cat li ghten mathcad swap file basebal catch fever scd ucar edu gregg walter write memori run window swap file for month will mathcad happi thi insis t swap file presum you mean perman swap file window swap file will upo and creat perman doesn exist perman gener faster don mathcad wouldn happi type ver and pr ogram conform win specif window slower do not system frank callowai icon previou articl hsano ulowel edu hitoshi sano not th i proper place post thi icon win program manag dissapear and restor file disk an d instal for hmmmmm you thi happen not caus system error and dump window back an d group program manag empti grp file directori had remak group and group select icon and file insid group and work fine group had program manag strang artin thi commun artin univers arizona tucson cleveland freenet edu mlinsenb ccit arizona edu mlinsenb arizvm death dead for year follow king king atm articl network ucsd edu adean weber ucsd edu anthoni dean write read confus whether not us atmanag packag bui includ atmanag bonu ad ob thi for year desktop publish pagemak and coreldraw coreldraw come nifti laser disk that contain diff type add that ttfont that come win and you decent amount font print creation postcript dpi resolut resolut enhanc technolog and darn goo d copi good that isn diff whether not atmanag turn not worth run atm printer tec hnolog and font that font you font that you want us us atm wast system resourc p erson us mike lipsi work mlipsi merl mitsubishi electron research laboratori hom e mikel dosbear diamond experienc faint shadow resolut thi card window r eplac card and wait latest driver experienc gener protect fault error wspdpsf dr v winword tool option menu and winfax setup had ati ultra get genral protect fau lt error spss applic card manufactur terribl qualiti control product market bug hassl run gatewai thx dave us version driver for win and driver had problem gpf feel that your problem not card driver ati ultra driver consid reliabl market an d quit good you check bio problem your gatewai peopl gatewai and found problem c ompat graphic gpf had can directli attribut abus applic even newest driver diamo nd peopl start complain small problem and that hardwar cursor slightli jumpi wri te read swap file greg bishop winqvtnet ndi token ring us winqvt net machin that ndi c onnect token ring older version invalid packet class error regard wim van holder katholiek universiteit leuven tel depart fax dekenstraat leuven mail wimvh liri tew kuleuven belgium fdbaq kuleuven trumpet for window new reader for decent window new read er winvn sinc doesn work winsock dll ibm tcp for do statu trumpet for window wil l us window socket like do had abandon sinc start ndi access token ring result i nvalid class error bye wim van holder katholiek universiteit leuven tel depart f ax dekenstraat leuven mail wimvh liri tew kuleuven belgium fdbaq kuleuven diamond viper folk end summer plan get comput and poke c omput shopper ad for diamond viper local bu memori million winmark and wonder ha d experi good bad not worth monei etc inform nice question good cheap monitor an d good rom drive that meet mpc standard and control scsi tape drive scsi for you r time brent casav bcasavan mailhost ecn uoknor edu protec mode for inform protec mode support util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr plymout h edu oddjob plymouth edu andrew stoffel write articl apr midwai uchicago edu mi dwai uchicago edu write complet misunderstand you notepad sysedit ex found your system subdirectori edit you ini file you can add sysedit regedit program group window program sysedit ex program cool automat open you win ini system ini autoe xec bat and config sy file edit load ini file program run load configur file aut oexec bat config sy win ini and system ini open entri file menu you can edit fil e you edit program ini file us notepad ascii editor whether microsoft intend for sysedit us holdov test period and forgot reason thi absolut mention manual thi program and onlin for entri file menu program that intend for intern us kind sha me made nice multi file replac for notepad daniel silevitch dmsilev athena mit e du massachusett institut technolog trumpet for window new reader articl apr liri tew kuleuv en wimvh liri tew kuleuven wim van holder write statu trumpet for window will us window socket like do had abandon sinc start ndi access token ring result inval id class error not speak for peter tattam fairli plan winsock compliant version thi will not make initi public releas wintrumpet will follow shortli thereaft wi ntrumpet late beta excel product featur do version wintrumpet support trumpet tc p novel lwp and direct packet driver version that peopl di pkt shim ashok ashok aiyar mail ashok biochemistri cwru edu depart biochemistri tel cwru school medic in cleveland ohio fax telix problem us telix kermit win us telix exit window d o telix can not find serial port you idea solv thi problem can find inform send email send new group dale erickson derick plain nodak edu black screen death window novel run node token ring wind ow and novel onc run into black screen death phrase coin robert cring recent inf oworld column basic sometim you quit window screen black and you nice flash curs or top left corner your screen sometim you exit do effect occur cring hint that microsoft and novel patch for window virtual interrupt control that solv thi com pani talk call notic thi phenomenon fix for respons peter sweenei psweenei miavx ac muohio edu telix problem us telix kermit win us telix exit window d o telix can not find serial port you idea solv thi problem can find inform send email send new group dale erickson derick plain nodak edu serial print window get garbl output serial print window

work etc thi occur system and laserjet us suspect that for handshak thi case du e capac memori speed problem print do obviou tweak miss not thi problem for read john atherton window speaker sound driver articl req unix portal claeb aur shell portal toni annes write articl apr mnemosyn edu ale mnemosyn edu alec lee write ftp site can speaker sound driver sound ex file that claim driver susp ici sinc not drv file that file clarifi sound ex expand archiv contain driver ca ll speaker drv rai mathcad swap file repost and summar for your inform addi t comment thi long memori mhz intel math coprocessor and hard drive free compres s run mathcad window enhanc mode ram drive smart drive and swap file perman temp orari for month interest faster mathcad concern report swap file requir and legi timaci mathsoft claim increas speed user will mathcad run swap file insist that us swap file respons detail descript setup unrel post inform answer net mail fue ss llnl gov david fuess mathsoft mathcad swap file extens not overburden physic resourc thi win featur figur minimum you bert tyler satalink bert tyler not that that mathcad culprit main memori for ramdisk and bit for do session that open p art startup process run swapfil instal win subsystem march beta sdk win subsyste m demand presenc swapfil win program run date bit version freecel that that subs ystem gave window small temporari swapfil leeri file that remain fix locat hard disk and bca ec cmu edu brian anderson win upgrad mathcad and instal directori f or win window system upgrad told that win requir case student umn edu steven cas e mathcad make us win librari you heard win bit window librari that window funct ion support for thread and multitask and such can run window rhynetc zardoz chem appstat edu thoma rhyne ram and mathcad insist perman swapfil not run bishop ba eyer chem fsu edu greg bishop mathcad absolut requir ram swap file ram swap file will give you not memori error swap file major resourc hog you not load symbol processor smart math take ram real virtual load due win librari that addit syste m requir shown mathsoft advertis for that you swap file possibl big swap file an d choos can faster perman swap file slower temporari swap file appar win subsyst em ship mathcad disk space thi requir receiv answer mfdjh uxa ecn bgu edu dale h ampl you meg ram not configur meg ram disk for mathcad do permit bootup configur can mathcad win configur us such ram drive swap file not don do for altern boot up provid window thi swap file time back rememb discuss issu ram drive support s wap file thought thi involv slower system do for reason not full instal full ins tal do requir avail oneself altern bootup featur file instal disk requir wild ac cess digex wildstrom presum you mean perman swap file window swap file will upo and creat perman doesn exist perman gener faster don mathcad wouldn happi type v er and program conform win specif ram avoid overhead run swap file run mathcad w indow win can chicago window differ not not start flame war si mpli curiou featur advantag product not fact that uncl bill seal approv featur d iffer will differ and window will like lot softwar for and won emul inevit incom pat that crop spite contrari claim doesn count you us softwar packag that doesn quit run properli emul develop want channel resourc platform that larg instal ba se and case that platform that successfulli market rel sophist will win lamont d own down nevada edu atm good that isn diff whether not atmanag turn not wort h run atm printer technolog and font that font you font that you want us us atm wast system resourc you us servic bureau and set us type font heard pure hearsai result output font type not good high qualiti type font place lamont down down nevada edu window slower do articl hplvec lvld callowai hplvec lvld frank callowai write not system frank callowai mine david fuess dir center for eec phone fax lawrenc livermor nation laboratori boca xga woe interest problem boca graphic card base cir ru logic chipset not exactli problem follow us window driver for colour driver c olour colour imag screen becom tall amount resiz monitor will make fit and us ex cel colour driver hang load us thi card experienc similar repli mail and will po st solut regard simon simon bernstein man condemn free sartr univers natal durba

n bernstei shrike und simonfish irc greenleaf commlib had experi greenleaf commlib can even demo winterm run baud drop charact tnx steve steve alpert ggn idx system corp bo ston massachusett sra idx filemanag strang size summari line notic filemanag stran g recent line bottom filemanag statu bar guess displai total disk space and tota l number byte for current select select bunch file will exact byte count recent notic incorrectli displai thi count truncat select file that byte correctli disp lai byte select select file that byte displai byte not kbyte byte select will re port byte select select meg worth file report byte problem displai charact syste m memori stacker do win run latest viru scanner scan prot and didn report unknow ingli alter that control format statu bar filemang nichola masika masika bnr bel l northern research ottawa fax opc develop oper save hard disk alloc error cross link brad banko write r un quick compil do window window thi even program violat system integr close app lic exit window and restart your comput error gawd love window easi restor work order approach you want delet damag execut and reload fresh data file examin and repair caus thi smartdrv cach make vulner suspici hard drive cach cach data wri te you not stupid smartdriv cach thing and window run swap file data thi pretti riski stuff environ straightforward approach run chkdsk option fix disk and rein stal window and thing accur predict descript do store file piec file directori e ntri fat chain and data area you can sheet line notebook paper sheet graph paper and stack card directori entri notebook paper hold file name actual size and cl uster number hold inform that not import file alloc tabl fat chain graph paper t ell find actual data each squar graph paper hold number number cluster associ th i box hold magic number last piec file bad unus spot disk number tell cluster co ntain section file data area card actual inform store data area organ cluster fi x size storag dole chunk cluster each your case cluster byte cluster fill anoth alloc read file you directori entri start cluster number you read data that clus ter fat entri for cluster you read thi will you cluster number for chunk file na tur number sequenti can jump and even backward continu read cluster time you wal k thi chain fat you hit marker last cluster file chkdsk do util that check sanit i and coher directori and fat and can bludgeon flaw into submiss doesn intellig you doubl check fix bit post mortem gfx vpic cvpic ex gfx vpic vpic txt gfx vpic video cfg gfx vpic orcpro cfg gfx vpic vga cfg game goos bird winmisc adv winad v ex alloc error size adjust file size fat don match size report directori entri chkdsk will alter directori entri match fat size word directori entri for cvpic ex file byte long chkdsk found fat chain cluster attach number made lost alloc unit found chain byte disk space freed disk space found alloc fat not attach dir ectori entri chkdsk you option convert lost chain file you can examin file file chk file chk and renam discard you chkdsk not convert file cluster will simpli m ark fat gfx vpic cvpic ex cross link alloc unit spart par cross link alloc unit file referenc data cluster wrong interest note that spart par your window swap f ile fix thi you copi each cross link file name thi will fix cross link give file uniqu data space delet cross link file examin copi and assembl properli good lu ck hint miss piec like found lost chain top byte total disk space byte hidden fi le byte directori byte user file byte disk your disk pretti close full thi actua l problem perhap window need expand swapfil amount exceed disk space case short summari that trash your fat util that can mirror your fat and repair damag thi y ou run problem occur gordon hlavenka cgordon vpnet chi vote straight ticket proc rastin parti dec gordon hlavenka cgordon vpnet chi vote straight ticket procrast in parti dec diamond speedstar driver for articl edu rem buitc edu ro bert mee write for win driver set for diamond speedstar video card archiv site t hat look cica and had driver for stealth card and for gener card not specif for speedstar diamond drop speedstar driver develop loop look cica yesterdai and not ic that didn rememb wuarchiv mirror msdo window directori driver america onlin m meltzer wam umd edu marc meltzer presid meltz inc job plai game hobbi consult cirru logic graph card comp window misc gardner kosmo wc c govt andi gardner write articl qm new berlin wong berlin wolfgang jung write v

ersion driver due releas cirru not ftp you dial bb usa thi modem cut phone bill minut download driver you upload ftp site such ftp ciaca indiana edu and announc thi will benefit peopl not access bb usa lot beng hang tai truetyp font that displai not print articl apr mintaka l c mit edu avinash silver lc mit edu avinash chopd write instal truetyp font wind ow applic displai font correctli screen quit fail print document correctli laser jet postscript printer us font coreldraw document print correctli assum coreldra w that font download printer us window accessori write printer print squar box p lace charact font write displai font correctli screen look window and laserjet m anual make statement that truetyp font will print exactli you screen assum windo w that font download automat make that assum you driver cica zip bring setup scr een printer control panel click option button bring anoth screen choic chang gra phic mode raster and check box print truetyp graphic thi you choos raster you pr int your truetyp font correctli good luck lei shao cunixa columbia edu summari ati graphic ultra question etc interest ati ultr a card had post question ati ultra pro card and had ask confirm opinion thi mess ag summari respons you that repli card not work system ram higher memori limit a ppli isa card vlb and eisa version problem pretti experi that isa version doesn work system ram suppos switch memori apertur featur prevent thi appar doesn work post messag net and peopl that eisa card didn thi problem fals vlb card you set memori apertur configur softwar mess jumper problem valid for isa card card wor k system switch set slower memori apertur disabl you ram eisa and vlb isa not pr oblem for you dunno depend bu isa eisa localbu card interlac bit true colour mod e nope can us bit and bit interlac magazin test local bu version that bit not in terlac not for pro sometim for mode run interlac monitor thi noth bit screen siz e note that for bit color and window you meg memori size calcul notwithstand lat est build driver not work case aren perfect improv don recal last time had leav mach mode ati gup mode and switch vga mode due softwar incompat true peopl recom mend back build excel bug for exampl graph dash line mathcad not print correctli displai screen par for fanci card acceler card bug card even driver perform som ewhat satisfactori run color mode that driver for octob version will thi that co lor perform not quit nice diamond stealth vram not lot option driver thi card fa stest full colour card for monei quit fast whether not fastest open debat admit fast bit mode want us for bad crash wai minut depend thing thi card greatest thi ng sinc slice bread magazin thi appear true greatest thing sinc slice bread doub t card come ati will come faster review read rate pycon winjet card superior per form cheaper price for avail driver pycon develop that time magazin two month ba ck card lot potenti you us that end question discuss item thi group thought need confirm for you not familiar card includ summari ati sinc don graphic ultra ati graphic ultra acceler colour true colour multimedia video acceler for indeo vid eo rle and video compress stretch full motion video window full size fast vga in clud button mous isa version anti alias font avail colour mode real time pan and zoom across larg virtual window desktop length card size price ati graphic ultr a pro graphic ultra faster perform vram acceler colour interlac isa eisa and mic rochannel price ati technolog hope thi summari can us you not associ ati technol og us previou ati ultra card for year gener like alan walford eo system inc vanc ouv canada tel aew eosvcr wimsei uunet wimsei eosvcr aew yowza sloooowwww print do had simular problem nec turn p rint directli parallel port option printer setup apallett mencsh tract und gott lacht yaturn netcom window error and bad memori last question for year mail order name notebook meg ram never problem huge ramdisk run desqview win and cons tantli crash commonli cite memori pariti error thing can turn and boot cmo tick count memori startup and never problem thi bug window copi hardwar rememb disk e rror problem instal chang make lessen frequenc likelyhood thi happen win win pro duc crash crash frequent nonetheless thi pain answer email home account doesn an d will stop ask question you chet pager chetter ucthpx uct bar code font for bar code font code ftp site bb that ca n download type font email you info do vfintd and window sy ini vfintd devic us for window e

nh section devic do vfintd upgrad do machin type includ don idea book for write thesi wfw wonder book that give help hint and tip write thesi paper wfw dissert templat that come word want tip us seq bo okmark index chapter field that word look file etc don explain lot will post res ult that mean email lot suggest sinc thi lot crazi grad student such brian servi you chang font that print topic default choppi and hard read servi author ecn p urdu edu happen thi actual quot insur claim not not pedestrian had idea purdu th ink ran trumpet for window new reader articl ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok aiyar write articl apr liri tew kuleu ven wimvh liri tew kuleuven wim van holder write statu trumpet for window will u s window socket stuff delet wintrumpet late beta excel product featur do version wintrumpet support trumpet tcp novel lwp and direct packet driver version that peopl di pkt shim ashok ashok aiyar mail ashok biochemistri cwru edu depart bioc hemistri tel cwru school medicin cleveland ohio fax gonna cost ginni mcbride ore gon health scienc univers mcbride ohsu edu network technic servic purpos write i nflat weak idea obscur poor reason and inhibit clariti practic write can intimid and impenetr fog academia come calvin hobb window for window xview ncd hcl exce hummingbird softwar opinion express jl antar larc nasa gov jon sweet cica mirror ftp cica indiana edu mirror anywar that isn busi phil trodwel thi space happi ram goddam volt cattl for rent prod into that tub you not cheap thi radio hunter thompson winqvtnet ndi token ring articl apr liri tew kuleuven wi mvh liri tew kuleuven wim van holder write us winqvt net machin that ndi connect token ring older version invalid packet class error you attempt that you di pkt program thi packet driver top ndi driver thoma beagl thoma datamark work techni c writer thoma cavebb welli gen home wellington hound for hire will work for dog biscuit util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr new uit svein pedersen odin fna write exactli util for automat updat delet ad chang ini file for window program run do batchfil program run script window will us util for updat win ini and file meni find ftp host svein you manag novel network netw ork manag tool provid sabr softwar autom design system featur you find util that can you manag ini file store user workstat home directori thi commerci softwar and worth monei date not found ftp that compar repli address sig for info stephe n gibson system support specialist sonoma state univers email gibsonst sonoma ed u stephen gibson sonoma edu speed window meg memori notic that us program wpfw corel draw comput bogg and becom sluggish can increas perform turn will not load wall pap stuff that come run speed window and program that run advanc derek derek ser ianni mail djserian flash lakeheadu sociologist mile chicago full tank lakehead univers ga half pack cigarett dark and thunder bai ontario wear sunglass elwood blue window and multipl monitor apart work gather data that u ser us comput thi involv get subject type and us mous want watch room ideal watc h session anoth monitor subject knowledg that splite monitor cabl will work for short distanc will approx cabl travel connect tcp network and run window softwar that will watch happen anoth regard jon gough trust project order file written exit window pin point hardwar problem disk maxtor group file corrupt regular basi happen thi drive had corrupt file y ear and control winword bit disk access and smartdriv sinc instal dblspace probl em turn annoy reason for murder sinc frequent file corrupt grp file last thing w ritten exit window sharewar util that thorough job do ndd etc do and win compat mike hay knowledg good faber colleg motto www knowledg and thorough rensselear p oli motto unemploi tech you groucho marx dai race driven bang head engin physic for year quickli switch window screen resolut articl qlr djl cbne wsl att slg slgsun att idealist cynic write can switch window screen resolut qui ckli and easili that can back into instal abil chang coupl startup configur file

and resolut chang video driver that system that isn problem sean sean gillei se an gillei att us thi address bounc sharewar program call switch zip don rememb w uarchiv wustl edu ftp cica indiana edu easi us and job problem eric ebosco oracl window speaker sound driver articl apr mnemosyn edu ale mnemosyn edu alec lee write ftp site can speaker sound driver sound ex file that claim driver suspici sinc not drv file alec lee sound ex extract script includ drv file work great eric trumpet for window new reader articl mcbride ohsu edu mc bride ohsu edu ginni mcbride write articl ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok bioc hemistri cwru edu ashok aiyar write wintrumpet late beta excel product featur do version wintrumpet support trumpet tcp novel lwp and direct packet driver versi on that peopl di pkt shim gonna cost not speak for peter tattam understand that will sharewar statu trumpet for do and imagin that registr fee will similar that version trumpet for do will releas futur ashok ashok aiyar mail ashok biochemis tri cwru edu depart biochemistri tel cwru school medicin cleveland ohio fax emm ex and window and do previou articl rudim kuleuven r udi maelbranck window creat perman swap file win recommend that bit access us em m ex win startup memori free leav emm ex config sy memori free and window recomm end swap file you emm ex noem thi will expand mem activ not us thi will give you extend mem for window base cover us do memmak intern memori and not us do not f amiliar thi thi happen possibl win umb manag virtual memori true umb that emm ca n find includ suspici part optim do environ develop applic for do window program environ rudi artin thi commun artin univers arizona tucson cleveland freenet ed u mlinsenb ccit arizona edu mlinsenb arizvm death dead for year follow king king win us math processor window us math processor not talk specif app you want call that respond email peter schwenk schwenk ci udel edu can us mous window applic window wnkretz ikesg energiete chnik uni stuttgart oliv kretzschmar write hei work mous window applic run windo w us window and clipper applic exist routin mail your inform for your effort oli v name kretzschmar inst ik univers stuttgart phone pfaffenwaldr fax stuttgart em ail wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stuttgart simpl you mous mous sy load do yo u run window note that you don file load us mous window workgroup question conven ram and licens articl abh eosv cr wimsei aew eosvcr wimsei alan walford write appreci answer question window fo r workgroup novel netwar lite not work window and convent memori hog ver move ma chin convent ram us and driver for network card kbyte novel support novel card l sl and ipx driver need licens check network ensur each machin run licenc copi no te not want break licens agreement and will bui copi for each machin that meet r eturn open copi easier return open copi you bui upgrad window for replac win you instal depend current win file instal window server come will troubl machin run mix wnt beta and problem apart printer share beta problem start thi messag ques tion carri stop had problem mous driver window didn critic actuali port problem network card run chang allright ami bio forward your repli alan walford eo syste m inc vancouv canada tel aew eosvcr wimsei uunet wimsei eosvcr aew ralf rutherfo rd telecom aust mhsnet rruther cssc melb tansu network servic snail blackburn cl ayton vic customis softwar solut australia center melbourn phone fax speed window djserian flash lakeheadu reincarn elvi writ e meg memori notic that us program wpfw corel draw comput bogg and becom sluggis h can increas perform turn will not load wallpap stuff that come run speed windo w and program that run advanc derek make your hard drive defrag thi will speed w indow btw us norton tool that leav wall paper will us ram and will speed your ma chin will wrong thi good chanc you thi not speed thing good luck morgan bullard coewl cen uiuc edu mjbb uxa cso uiuc edu derek serianni mail djserian flash lake headu sociologist mile chicago full tank lakehead univers ga half pack cigarett dark and thunder bai ontario wear sunglass elwood blue comm drv replac recent post bb you download replac for c omm drv win that fix lot problem high speed modem ftp site can alec lee alec lee asle diana cair edu ale edu sexi wrong sexi nigel tufnel spinal tap filemanag strang size summari line apr bmer bnr masika b nr nichola masika write notic filemanag strang recent line bottom filemanag stat

u bar guess displai total disk space and total number byte for current select se lect bunch file will exact byte count recent notic incorrectli displai thi count truncat select file that byte correctli displai byte select select file that by te displai byte not kbyte byte select will report byte select select meg worth f ile report byte problem displai charact system memori stacker do win run latest viru scanner scan prot and didn report unknowingli alter that control format sta tu bar filemang sound set separ contol panel intern thi make and file manag chop think decim part file size becom and file manag confus decim point comma chop p eriod toni debari fqdn tonyd ssc sbwk uunet ssc tonyd ghrw skip bowler captain u senet fantasi bowl leagu team quicken tobia manag your monei never had quicken us mym earli dai monei for window and financi plan packag call wealthbuild realiti tech nolog and monei magazin tax turbo tax packag good support manag financ compani t hat come window base packag that manag budget and account manag loan calcul tax and knowledg invest philosophi invest invest vehicl and integr togeth will busi for life ken khackbarth attmail cornerston dualpag driver want for window driver for cor nerston dualpag cornerston technolog inc video card that for info ni ni kelder e stonian biocentr tkelder kask ebc printer secur mark juric program mjuric uga edu univers georgia athen georgia cica mirror find that almost busi dial repeatedli connec t mous window pursu and research thi question last month r equir you and long and short that window mous driver don accept mice and irq irq you bui special driver talk mous system driver doesn support and claim releas t hat will altern case prohibit expens port card for and author powerbb for window claim port serial card buffer uart and driver for window match irq for second p aragraph hearsai haven check intend can free hope thi will save you step atm articl network ucsd edu adean weber ucsd edu anthoni dean write read confus whether not us atmanag packag bui includ atmanag bonu de sktop publish pagemak and coreldraw coreldraw come nifti laser disk that contain diff type add that ttfont that come win and you decent amount font print creati on postcript dpi resolut resolut enhanc technolog and darn good copi good that i sn diff whether not atmanag turn not worth run atm printer technolog and atm wil l noth for your truetyp font your truetyp font suffici for your don run atm lot font that can instal type postscript atm truetyp notic that truetyp font file la rger type equival you disk compressor awar that truetyp font will compress type font will not encrypt dpi laser printer artifici bold version truetyp font indis tingish origin forc instal actual bold and bold ital etc variant want us type po stscript font atm gener visual distinct bold variant base font realiz that artif ici bold font that atm gener aesthet inferior hand gener bold truetyp variant su ffici for and not instal bold variant save disk space uncompress bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att peopl machin peopl share machin and set separ environ wi ndow for each set thing separ desktop directori for each ideal total separ virtu al machin will settl for and end batch file that copi ini file depend us machin mark ala setup doesn work you don network trnasfer binari file termin unix attempt transfer file h ome comput run window termin workstat school file transfer protocol home kermit for binari file run kermit workstat school and set file transfer protocol binari unabl upload file school can download file school home download termin displai ther retri messag time messag verifi you correct protocol idea fix mail post thi group advanc brian anderson pen make row order file written exit window articl apr ucsu colorado edu hayesj rintintin colorado edu hay jame michael write pin point hardwar probl em disk maxtor group file corrupt regular basi happen thi drive had corrupt file year and control winword bit disk access and smartdriv sinc instal dblspace pro blem turn annoy reason for murder you fastopen you disabl had lot problem fastop en corrupt weird thing includ window perman swap file sinc frequent file corrupt

grp file last thing written exit window advanc person measur tell access shell dll sharewar util that thorough job do ndd etc do and win compat spinrit and tom paladin world std diamond had bunch problem open do window desktop can occ asion result window blow into set horizont line hash entir desktop noth can reco v thi complet exit window irrit problem that window that scroll overwrit line sc roll print thi happen commun program can nail that note that comm program don co mmun even scroll back captur buffer displai disk file program problem prior late st rev word perfect for window wpwin sometim blow and error messag cite video dr iver sourc problem thi onc twice wpwin dave zimmerman opinion search for phonet font search for phonet truetyp font fo r window mail dipl inform dietmar weidlich ifado ardeystr weidlich arb phy uni d ortmund dortmund phone koennten sie da fax mal eben erledigen workspac manag for win workspac manag for window workspa c manag mean apollo workstat multipl workspac window bottom screen you select wo rkspac overcom problem stack window open screen you can spread workspac act inde pend screen and you can flick advanc search for phonet font weidlich arb phy uni dortmund wei dlich write search for phonet truetyp font for window mail dipl inform dietmar w eidlich ifado ardeystr weidlich arb phy uni dortmund dortmund phone koennten sie da fax mal eben erledigen for phonet font you mail advanc patrick hudepohl amst erdam netherland window for workgroup and lan workplac hei sound great th at mean that work odi thought ndi wfwg us ndi cooper ndi shim for odi heard that fast ndi direct problem that lan workplac driver umb hate load driver make work addit tsr load minim eat anoth total thi worth sinc window box novel hasn relea s decent novel client share wfwg box thi solut usabl decompil subject exist sharewar phil trodwel thi space h appi ram goddam volt cattl for rent prod into that tub you not cheap thi radio h unter thompson window speaker sound driver toni annes claebaur shell po rtal wrote articl apr mnemosyn edu ale mnemosyn edu alec lee write ftp site can speaker sound driver sound ex file that claim driver suspici sinc not drv file t hat file extract archiv run and extract drv file michael groeten uit michael sch aap nederland mscha ctp ctp sherrif inc dept damn good coffe and hot longer filenam apr guin idbsu edu lhighlei gozer idbsu e du larri paul highlei wrote util that will us filenam longer standard format ema il mail howard hfeldman infoserv howard feldman mind ey inc can us mous window applic window kasajian netcom kenneth kasajian write wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stuttgart oliv kretzschmar writ e hei work mous window applic run window us window and clipper applic exist rout in mail your inform for your effort oliv name kretzschmar inst ik univers stuttg art phone pfaffenwaldr fax stuttgart email wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stut tgart simpl you mous mous sy load do you run window note that you don file load us mous window addit thi don appli for microsoft dpi mous work window do app had us driver that window version didn for reason cool bmp file thi bmp work uudecod input file error and pictur casei hard drive compress stacker superstor etc wonder knew ha rd drive compress util work hard drive get full and don want bui intrest speed e as us amount compress and aspect you import never us thing morgan bullard coewl cen uiuc edu mjbb uxa cso uiuc edu can us mous window applic window articl ucsu colorado ed u gonzal ucsu colorado edu lgv write kasajian netcom kenneth kasajian write wnkr etz ikesg energietechnik uni stuttgart oliv kretzschmar write hei work mous wind ow applic run window us window and clipper applic exist routin mail your inform for your effort oliv name kretzschmar inst ik univers stuttgart phone pfaffenwal dr fax stuttgart email wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stuttgart simpl you mous mous sy load do you run window note that you don file load us mous window addit thi don appli for microsoft dpi mous work window do app had us driver that wind

ow version didn for reason never find microsoft mous driver window instal disk d o version mous stephen thoma tridom email sat eng tridom attmail tridom sat mous jumpi mous microsoft serial mous and mous switch ve rtic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump can move mous rel uniform motion and mous will move smoothli for bit jump move smoot hli for bit jump thi time left inch thi crazi never had troubl mous solut micros oft vent steam sean eckton comput support repres colleg fine art and commun hfac brigham young univers provo hfac csr byu edu eckton uc byu edu window access for blind develop window base product that full screen window displai row textual data product for microsoft window that w ill enabl blind individu access data effici quickli email respons and will post summari thi group for john bruno window access for blind articl apr cci cci jfb cci cci j ohn bruno write jfb cci cci john bruno subject window access for blind date thu apr gmt develop window base product that full screen window displai row textual data product for microsoft window that will enabl blind individu access data eff ici quickli email respons and will post summari thi group for john bruno appar m icrosoft product braill suppos wytiwig offens marc trottier mtrotti emr emr postscript file viewer worker mine convert postscript fi le form readabl ascii window do util that will thi vagu memori sharewar util men tion onc for info barri for printer driver for itoh printer driver for window ha ppen find such beast advanc jerri signatur for printer driver jeremi ualberta william jeremiah writ e for itoh printer driver for window happen find such beast slight clarif that p rinter driver for itoh lip laser printer advanc jerri signatur diamond articl apr condor navss navi mil zimm condor nav ss navi mil write had bunch problem open do window desktop can occasion result w indow blow into set horizont line hash entir desktop noth can recov thi complet exit window irrit problem that window that scroll overwrit line post similar que ri and repli test good turn hardwar scroll into window xmode scrolloff pif file for do window set emul text mode latest driver diamond bb cica date steve chesne i slc catherin cim cdc metaphas technolog inc voic north lexington avenu fax ard en hill can us mous window applic window articl apr ucsu colorad o edu gonzal ucsu colorado edu lgv write addit thi don appli for microsoft dpi m ous work window do app had us driver that window version didn for reason for log itech rodent us lmous driver that come window you video driver that support us m ous vga and supervga that come window will support color driver you lucki manufa ctur your video card driver that compat and will support mous steve stephen guer k coord comput resourc sguerk brahm udel edu univers delawar parallel program st ephen guerk mv udel edu georgetown ilv udelvm udel edu hold control window object hope group objectwindow versi on date process window object invok window object call program control window ob ject and execut statement sourc code class mywindow public twindow void mycallin gprog call program function mywindow mywinobj mywinobj mywindow getappl makewind ow mywinobj mywinobj show shownorm statement want program wait mywinobj close th at can data back mywinobj window style popupwindow didn execut window object tha t call program won give control appreci jun talk lord window telix problem derick plain nodak edu dale erickson write us telix kermit win us telix exit window do telix can not find serial port you idea solv thi problem can find inform send email send new group you defin your s erial port window control panel port option dale erickson derick plain nodak edu mattia mattia hembruch view not necessarili reflect tse mail mhembruc tse midi file win and soundblast cybard dudek acsu buffalo e du wrote comput soundblast card run microsoft window driver set properli plai no rmal sound wav file etc want plai midi file media player that includ window set patch map midi mapper control panel noth midi thi feet wet set window that can p lai midi file you instal soundblast window driver correctli and latest driver me dia player setup plai file author microsoft multimedia midi author standard gene

r midi section back voyetra manual soundblast midi upgrad kit you find that midi file exist kind map don expect sound correct kind midi file editor such voyetra sequenc you can attempt us midi mapper remap patch for soundblast sinc you cann ot modifi sbfm drv you allwai stuck instrument that come thi driver you can find editor for make modif instrument set sbfm drv suggest you locat earli version s oundblast driver that map voic and driver that map gener midi voic david thoma d udek pwx ubvm bitnet cybard state univers dudek sun acsu buffalo edu york music food love buffalo plai shakespear trumpet for window new reader ftp site for trumpet wuarc hiv umich beaten path malcolm want sampl sourc for edit control exampl program sourc c ode start simpl editor similar window dialog editor lot simplifi can point sourc such program window book exampl program come window sdk microsoft borland great li want place edit control combobox listbox window and drag and resiz written si milar program and don mind share code idea thnx advanc manu da send directli man u oa olivetti speed window articl thunder lakeheadu djserian flash lak eheadu reincarn elvi write meg memori notic that us program wpfw corel draw comp ut bogg and becom sluggish can increas perform turn will not load wallpap stuff that come run speed window and program that run advanc derek you can defrag your disk will speed thing meg smartdrv good idea amount memori you and us fastdisk bit access you not hope that ngo window disk drive test availabel freewar hard drive util that can handl compress id drive screw document occasion failur read write chec k integr disk hardwar and sector that problem do window can isol drive get occas ion corrupt file even smartdriv bit access turn had problem do drive drive had f ailur that file control win winword drive util report problem do ndd anoth sympt om forev and kick suspens till ndd run time mike hay knowledg good faber colleg motto www knowledg and thorough rensselear poli motto unemploi tech you groucho marx dai race driven bang head engin physic for year canon bubblejet and deskjet articl apr csd newshost stan ford edu kayman csd stanford edu robert kayman write fellow netter ask for your collect wisdom decid printer purchas canon bubblejet deskjet thought trust sales person benefit reli us printer daili and us fullest potenti and figur you will b enefit and pitfal salesperson greatli inform you render dpi canon bubblejet hewl ett packard deskjet dpi faster notic print qualiti differ graphic will handl lar g document page person experi will appreci work window driver problem etc cost m emori font packag toner cartridg etc basic your person experi machin highli desi r good and bad advanc kudo and for your input mail new post readili accept mail encourag limit bandwidth sincer robert kayman kayman stanford edu cpa stanford e du theori theori and practic practic not you mean you want revis revis origin re vis revis revis for followup couldn email your address decid two printer and hea r user printer question you randi randi msc cornel edu move icon articl rahpbh viamar rutger viamar kmembri wri te rememb read program that made window icon run mous move name thi program and ftp locat cica file frite zip and you find icon directori cica line descript aff lict your icon cursorphobia paul blackman pwb scienc canberra edu water research centr pwb aerg canberra edu faculti appli scienc univers canberra australia spe nd love and high lenni kravitz workspac manag for win articl uml werpl apana org jami z ikzak apana org jami scuglia write workspac manag for window workshift karl thor eddson latest version cica desktop directori wrksft zip workshift graphic virtua l desktop ver email karl and put version karl email karlth rhi write file beta t ester for workshift and good gain noth that even rememb your workshift workspac you window session advanc your paul blackman pwb scienc canberra edu water resea rch centr pwb aerg canberra edu faculti appli scienc univers canberra australia spend love and high lenni kravitz canon bubblejet and deskjet edit newsgroup that line don crosspost that can compar two recent deskjet pleas output rememb that us imagen laser and postscript printer school good you care dry touch will smudg deskjet

slow thi comparison printer mention idea bubblejet compar interfac win and print er dandi not had problem hope that help cindi cindi tittl moor internet tittl ic uci edu bitnet cltittl uci bitnet ucbvax ucivax tittl usnail box irvin environ space run bat file window bat file that run wind ow icon set pif file run bat file exclus mode and us entir screen line bat file set environ variabl problem that machin run do and window enhanc mode set comman d bat file fail environ space error rais amount environ space byte shell command config sy that run click do icon can creat bunch environ varibl do shell proble m that machin set environ variabl bat file fail such behavior place pif fail con figur environ space lanc gai internet gai venic sedd trw trw system engin develo p div phone carson peopl machin cda ucf bitnet cda ucf bitnet mark woodruff write peopl share machin and set separ environ window for each set thing separ desktop directori for each ideal total separ virtual machin will settl for and e nd batch file that copi ini file depend us machin you us do thi partli you can s et config sy and autoexec bat command for each user and select menu option bootu p you can autoexec bat copi win ini and system ini file and chang directori for exit window can copi back gener ini file you want thi can program that you thi d o each person custom config sy and autoexec bat greg william georgia institut te chnolog atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet pri sm gatech edu problem that thought you gui gal run hdd window do appli c will run mem command that us convent memori upper level memori and em memori a nd top can load devic driver into upper memori memori us em memori upper memori repli mail we tamvenu tamu edu bill scriven not time that you texa univers sleep woman that matter colleg station texa time email we tamvenu tamu edu you wake trident driver articl qkua chn vinci uswc uswest dfeldma n lookout mtt uswc uswest david feldman excus faq trident base card claim suppor t driver card driver diskett window not make driver diskett configur dialog box suggest mail dfeldman uswest sinc subject question trident video card want lates t video driver for can find that driver date aug garbo uwasa info mail axh psuvm psu edu atm articl down helio nevada edu down helio nevada edu l amont down write good that isn diff whether not atmanag turn not worth run atm p rinter technolog and font that font you font that you want us us atm wast system resourc you us servic bureau and set us type font heard pure hearsai result out put font type not good high qualiti type font place you print file correct resol ut set for final output devic imag setter problem font window that convert forma t and hint even us thi result font not hint result that will work fine devic res olut assum printer driver file gener will not good print resolut you print attac h printer driver set for thi printer result quit good you file made for that pri nter and run devic resolut such imag setter result not good winqvt net earlier articl thi newsgroup made refer winqv t net version reali archi luck typo real printer problem winqvt david fuess dir center for eec phone fax window driver for cirru graphic card upload recent windo w driver for cirru chip base displai card upload directori ftp cica indiana edu file zip recent download cirru bb last night you unabl email and can upload site local bu base card bitblast micron driver work isa card includ driver for found driver signific improv version improv graphic winmark million thi result intent benchmark cheat cirru part don steve gibson columnist for info world graphic ca rd comparison found cica ftp site name winadv zip extract for sake comparison wi ntach winbn word sprsht cad paint steve system vlb ati graphic ultra pro system vlb bitblast viper hell deal cost ati card and compar card includ gibson review micron system owner interest hear your opinion dtc local bu disk control system maxtor drive and give disk winmark thi good get can norton sysinfo disk read con tol intercept call that program oliv weatherbe oliv earthview adaptec scsi devic driver for win canon bubblejet and deskjet deskjet slow thi comparison printer mention idea bubblejet compar interfac win and printer dandi not had pro

blem bought printer coupl dai ago compar sampl print deskjet and knew that wasn for pretti fast and print good qualiti can compar laserjet iiid postscript and a lmost ident depend kind paper don problem ink not dry dry fast second sinc canon give rebat end good bui sean eckton comput support repres colleg fine art and c ommun hfac brigham young univers provo hfac csr byu edu eckton uc byu edu util for updat win ini and system ini articl apr lut bai lei lut adrian bailei write window built call sysedit ex that you window don ton i annes claebaur shell portal claebaur cup portal data corrupt quit window run special do app and start wi ndow titl screen window background do error load progman ex hum yep progman ex b ad pull progman ex backup tape start window window titl screen window background do error hum fire good norton disk doctor test lost cluster fix and doesn impor t remov window directori and reinstal disk fire window titl screen background pr ogram manag success ami meg ram meg svga run do special memori manag stuff basic window meg perman swap file bit access us window run that do app time download qmodem do window open and possibl pov run background notic that sinc start windo w month ago lost cluster and common don data disappear haven problem for todai h ad problem lost cluster run window and fix problem sleep know ami wasn loos marb l steven steven marcott sdoran matt ksu ksu edu winqvt net articl lorien ocf llnl gov dave angmar llnl g ov dave fuess write earlier articl thi newsgroup made refer winqvt net version r eali archi luck typo not typo upload ftp cica indiana edu coupl dai back real pr inter problem winqvt version standard window printer driver ashok ashok aiyar ma il ashok biochemistri cwru edu depart biochemistri tel cwru school medicin cleve land ohio fax cool bmp file jame dlss jame cum write articl apr gmuvax gmu edu rwang gmuvax gmu edu john wang write guess subject get bore bmp file th at window wonder bodi beauti bmp file can share can ftp site for bmp file scener i file anim file etc us delet give respons kinda wallpap us origin gif call not real artist name and logo lower corner you will vga and thi size for color scree n us thi your window directori and not tile hope you enjoi delet lot stuff you c onvert thi bit map do quick crash window do quick do window window and dai run compil gener protect fault immedi disk error reboot found that file had cros s link pretti corrupt hard drive file system concern that quick do window strai protect mode world and corrupt smartdrv ex disk cach and that caus disk problem thought that do program run do window pretti contain window that true quick comp il noth had thi type problem recent upgrad quick brad banko brad banko dept phys ic illinoi banko uiuc edu teach cne lnq turbo visual edit adn request absolut newbi question art icl wiggin apr buttercup odu edu wiggin buttercup odu edu samuel wiggin write bt w you rate borland turbo visual edit for window time for discuss ask group time ago and answer decid brother live bought and and us put good bad point list turb o pascal do programm and sometim make unix exercis univers us make program micro soft version us parti librari that requir that borland easier us microsoft speci al debugg learn codeview sometim never felt confort nice creat simpl app exampl objectwindow book problem let week will complex work nice even weak machin mhz r am manual for resourc workshop version workshop window that manual iten manual w ill run into troubl sinc thi brother present didnt want bui japanes version susp ect that manual will japanes and will expens bought present and send registr car d japanes branch borland question for you that microsoft gui thi group borland m ail address that can contact technic support not for stupid question for exampl manual will book petzold for intend us and protogen make interfac and work code answer mail comp window programm tool advanc rafael window access for blind articl mtrotti emr emr mtrotti e mr emr marc trottier write articl apr cci cci jfb cci cci john bruno write jfb c ci cci john bruno subject window access for blind date thu apr gmt develop windo w base product that full screen window displai row textual data product for micr osoft window that will enabl blind individu access data effici quickli email res pons and will post summari thi group for john bruno appar microsoft product brai

ll suppos wytiwig offens marc trottier mtrotti emr emr micro oft displai fose co mput run window and win app for blind didn pai attent mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai make window grp file reflect dir ectori ain never wrong minim program manag start applic and restor applic end f orev michael jordan toni gtonwu nthu edu cae rheologi lab nthu toni che nthu edu disappear group salut don subscrib newsgroup possibl mai l answer problem window sinc bui last winter come across annoi bug group program manag that everytim instal that make group promptli disappear turn window thi h appen instal excel and winfax pro creat group turn window and reran had manual p ull item and put previous exist group gropu disappear turn window set precis meg trident meg window run colour mode logitech mouseman you advanc emil woo ewoo u nixg ubc emil woo student repres senat sig unavail hold internet ewoo unixg ubc referendum decid polit tel alli correct wittic bunge dark modul upload hei folk moment ago upload bunge jumper dark modul that wide talk time ago ftp cica indiana edu pub win upload t itl simpli bunge zip set your ftp connect binari mode download you dark sharewar freewar modul upload merrier andrew andrew bennett ajbennett miavx ac muohio ed u planet you do vfintd and window sy ini peter lei lei rtsg mot wrote vfintd devic us for window enh section devic do vfintd norton desktop for windo w includ thi file and file mention floppi disk access jeroen gremmen email jeroe ng blade stack urc tue gildelaan phone modem fax pleez hilvarenbeek can us mous window articl netcom kasajian netcom kenneth kasajian write wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stuttgart oliv kretzschmar writ e hei work mous window applic run window us window and clipper applic exist rout in mail your inform for your effort oliv name kretzschmar inst ik univers stuttg art phone pfaffenwaldr fax stuttgart email wnkretz ikesg energietechnik uni stut tgart simpl you mous mous sy load do you run window note that you don file load us mous window and you video driver complet window compat and your mous driver c omplet compat not quit simpl never logitech mous work do window paradis card dia mond and mous driver and work perfectli steven grei scale window kevin marshal oper support motorola ec id swindon mail marshalk zeu phone intern domest workspac manag for win small review peopl recommend work spac manag for window found sharewar workspac manag australia window archiv monu monash edu mirror site found workspac wspace zip thi smallest and simplest work spac manag that found easi us displai small window contain button extra button f or configur purpos annoi featur titl window that present run you press kei not m ous button for thing nice top set for window contain workspac button user string button number six nice featur simplic and eas us thi workspac manag make attrac t packag workshift wrksft zip thi workspac manag offer featur that workspac lack quit time consum set thing workspac workspac initi empti workshift you snapshot you want each your workspac applic main window quit larg thi you small view eac h workspac workspac facil for view workspac switch workshift thi view function q uit bigdesk and backmenu backdesk zip thi interest packag contain goodi workspac manag goodi includ backmenu pop root menu you press mous button window menu tot al configur offer unlimit depth cascad menu quit handi access applic you menu ba se altern program manag bundl backdesk zip program call wrun you run window appl ic do shell window file manag run applic actual workspac manag call bigdesk bigd esk work quit differ two workspac manag that doesn provid number disjoint and se par workspac fact basic enlarg your desktop configur amount and you choos region desktop you want your screen focu thi mean you can window overlap view region u nlik two workspac manag each workspac isol bigdesk control window move window yo ur enlarg desktop basic control window small scale view your view area your actu al comput screen larg scale blow section each for impress find suit your pcf linux risc articl kzp ecf toronto edu leebr ecf toro nto edu lee brian write articl sunb oc edu eugen mpce edu write articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct se t comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rat

e high perform you can read book comput architectur for inform risc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ address mode ris c instruct set not orthogon cisc theoret suppos reduc not longer that argu risc cisc person cisc will win pentium not that intel architectur that anoth stori by e you mean that pentium risc that will outsel you rememb that intel cisc pentium gener risc risc cpu costli not sold quantiti not even order rememb read year hy percub that mip superscallar and reorder instruct dmq file for xga catsey xga extra mode note followup set comp misc dmq file describ monitor and valid mode us xga window and file unsupp ort ibm noth file thi post person thi time and time post signatur due demand and request addit dmq file collect for xga file function latest revis driver for xg a not file will work window driver gener public thi time file will function rece nt beta and work not file fulli test file unsupport repres person collect not re sembl offici support set standard disclaim point fact file run your adapt spec c an stress ic card and result incorrect oper shorter life short depend spec boom file run your adapt region that spec for your monitor result damag your monitor you knowledg your monitor and adapt abil us mode you select file repres hack tru e sens practic safe comput and don plai you don risk and aren knowledg you you f eel uncomfort warn us dmq file you wait ibm releas offici test dmq file you awar warn even ibm file file unsupport you invalid your warrenti not fulli test don that monitor instal unpack your dmqspath environ variabl xga dmq us method descr ib your xga instal diskett chang your adapt set pack file pack latest infozip ut il you will pkzip you don infozip util submit feel free send uuencod version you r favorit dmq file for your favorit monitor interest collect archiv file upload ftp nmsu edu pub upload xga dmq zip dick kaul opinion not offici ibm posit offer ibm visual subsystem data speak for ibm boca raton make wear suit kaul vnet ibm bewar programm carri screwdriv util expand do file descript directori list for window u til that give list file directori displai descript file thi util enter and edit file descript hopefulli length small window scroll bar brows directori and file open execut such beast not want write joe barru barru nosc mil info book bio etc interest topic bio program and memori manag and develop visual basic custom control your valuabl opinion book that top ic send mail rmehta paul rutger edu will post summari suggest advanc rahul mehta sigma design video sound card us sigma design video soun d card model call win storm model legend info perform and compat even problem en count will appreci srini seetharam program manag two question chang icon program group give individu can you set short cut kei return program manag ctl esc esc will set ca n avoid task list and back alt and welcom stamp stupid signatur file gerri swets ki ebo vpnet public access unix and usenet home vpnet lisbon vpnet chi question base good rate impress perform mill suppos comp ar trident unacceler vga perform winspe good and great second that jpg viewer fo r cica work for greg gregori king qualiti life aeronaut engin directli proport c al poli slo fast you drive canon bubblejet and deskjet byu edu eckton uc byu edu se an eckton write deskjet slow thi comparison printer mention idea bubblejet compa r interfac win and printer dandi not had problem bought printer coupl dai ago co mpar sampl print deskjet and knew that wasn for pretti fast and print good quali ti can compar laserjet iiid postscript and almost ident depend kind paper don pr oblem ink not dry dry fast second sinc canon give rebat end good bui for mine fo r end decid factor for cindi cindi tittl moor internet tittl ic uci edu bitnet c ltittl uci bitnet ucbvax ucivax tittl usnail box irvin program manag two question articl apr vpnet chi lisbon v pnet chi gerri swetski write chang icon program group give individu can you set short cut kei return program manag ctl esc esc will set can avoid task list and back alt us plugin enhanc program manag for don give lot and regist can found ft p cica indiana edu pub win util plugin zip bruce bruce steink never you bsteink dsd good piec rope softwar technic support engin sam gamge evan sutherland compu t corp mail opinion trident vga driver trident tvga video card and updat dri ver for win can ftp site diamond articl apr samba oit unc edu dil admin mh unc ed u dave laudicina write experienc faint shadow resolut thi card window replac car d and wait latest driver experienc gener protect fault error wspdpsf drv winword tool option menu and winfax setup had exact failur and word for window quick ca ll microsoft problem driver you call diamond and driver version fix problem vers ion that unawar dale pischk dale odet uunet odet dale senior softwar engin odet gyyr divis tidi remov ol server ago instal spss for window part eva lu onc evalu complet duli delet softwar ghost spss left run write and emb object spss chart appear list object offer look obviou ini file success thing for stri ng spss chart file window directori turn file call req dat reg dat file binari a nd didn feel inclin edit solut for remov spss list ol server chri wooff wooff li verpool file manag problem whenev start file manag statu bar not displai even select option menu deselect select bar appear idea thi happen mike disappear group articl anlinn skeena uc ubc ewoo unixg u bc emil woo write program manag that everytim instal that make group promptli di sappear turn window you check that grp file creat your window directori you turn your comput window run close program manag ekkehard list favorit window goodi maintain list favorit sharewar and public domain window softwar such list for msdo light window stuff david ar nstein intern imag system arnstein ii sun hhy won do app run window can purchas win and can do app text mode app run window muck pif set etc avail wrong didn thi problem advanc j ason win articl qofw usenet uc indiana edu ntaib silver uc in diana edu iskandar taib write articl bcf deneva sdd trw reimert etdesg trw scott reimert write thi thread that window multi user multi thread etc haven thi case seper account for each person and even seper directori that desir don implent s imultaneuo us sinc run gui network slow fair amount expect window will multius s ens share filesystem will like write telnetd for run charact base app graphic ba se app will share run execut local cpu thi thing shape client server architectur take cpu termin setup note that thi you can telnet into and run charact base ap p you can run gui yeah window haven impress iskandar taib thing wors peach ala i nternet ntaib silver uc indiana edu frog frog ala peach bitnet ntaib iubac read thi electron magazin and for hoopla thing multi user not support user time can s upport multipl client actual user your mileag vari thi post not repres opinion e mploy afraid you leav store mam ash aod diamond articl apr odet dale odet dale pischk write arti cl apr samba oit unc edu dil admin mh unc edu dave laudicina write experienc fai nt shadow resolut thi card window replac card and wait latest driver experienc g ener protect fault error wspdpsf drv winword tool option menu and winfax setup h ad exact failur and word for window quick call microsoft problem driver you call diamond and driver version fix problem version that unawar version driver curre nt steve chesnei slc catherin cim cdc metaphas technolog inc voic north lexingto n avenu fax arden hill mewin latex post thi app group and didn respons us latex featur emac for window and read that you separ latexhlp zip file vm hlp zip fil e convert thi window found file thi command work steve herrod mous jumpi mous eckton uc byu edu sean eckton write micr osoft serial mous and mous switch vertic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump can move mous rel uniform motion and mous will m ove smoothli for bit jump move smoothli for bit jump thi time left inch thi craz i never had troubl mous solut microsoft vent steam had problem thought video dri ver and made had current driver problem evid svga resolut mode didn and bit expe riment determin that problem exist standard vga resolut mode notic mous older se rial version bought second hand work fine do and do base graphic applic guess th at problem resolut mous borrow mous bu model and that solv problem your mous you

want replac for newer sean eckton comput support repres colleg fine art and com mun hfac brigham young univers provo hfac csr byu edu eckton uc byu edu signoff russ lister rlister cti connect systen uunet cti rlister comprehens technolog in t inc arlington twain driver for logitech scanman wonder knew whether no t logitech had window twain driver for scanman driver net scanman model scanman advanc ross barclai ross barclai rbarclai trentu peterborough ontario window sound system text speach new group user whether s oftwar will text speach sound blaster hal adam hadam bcsc gov simpl window question nice easi question for you run do window lose abil print screen problem thi run do not window relav quarterdeck ex pand memori manag for mail respons sinc don read new advanc ev albani edu albnyv m bitnet heavi home winqvtnet ndi token ring articl apr datamark thoma datam ark write articl apr liri tew kuleuven wimvh liri tew kuleuven wim van holder wr ite us winqvt net machin that ndi connect token ring older version invalid packe t class error you attempt that you di pkt program thi packet driver top ndi driv er peopl told that even us dispkt packet incompat thi true thoma beagl thoma dat amark work technic writer thoma cavebb welli gen home wellington hound for hire will work for dog biscuit wim van holder katholiek universiteit leuven tel depar t fax dekenstraat leuven mail wimvh liri tew kuleuven belgium fdbaq kuleuven ep displai softwar sharewar freewar softwar let displai ep file do and window your repli appreci hal adam hadam bcsc gov environ space run bat file window bat file that run wind ow icon set pif file run bat file exclus mode and us entir screen line bat file set environ variabl problem that machin run do and window enhanc mode set comman d bat file fail environ space error rais amount environ space byte shell command config sy that run window resourc toolkit for win workgroup add entri your syst em ini file nonwindowsapp section commandenvs nnnn thi set command env size nnnn and disabl set thi small big round current size actual environ thi set disabl y ou environ size pif file for command pif set overrid thi set default msdo versio n earlier default option shell command config sy set thi you edit your system in i and reboot us thi entri reli default config sy shell line and give larger envi ron you don us environ pass window each do box bit bigger environ variabl presen t window start matter big do env window start truncat unus space for byte thi yo ur batch file run your mileag vari jerom jerri schneider domain jl atg aspen tec hnolog group uunet csn atglab jl box collin voic window background bore current window background and for nifti pictur us previou post that site exist that store pictur anonym ftp that can ftp remot site machin can us ftpmail mail list command server and receiv mai l file and data back site window compat pictur that can access such you you post tia mark thi make faq mark whallei gec mrc silenc word phone exn dark light vie w express mine dy life mine and noth whatsoev bright hawk flight gec mrc empti s ky ursula guin pcf linux risc articl jll nyongwa cam org angcl nyongwa cam org claud anger write articl kzp ecf toronto edu leebr ecf toronto edu lee b rian write articl sunb oc edu eugen mpce edu write articl csie nctu edu ghhwang csie nctu edu ghhwang write dear friend risc mean reduc instruct set comput risc small instruct set reduc circuit complex and can increas clock rate high perfor m you can read book comput architectur for inform risc hmm not that author risc rememb read that instruct set risc cpu larg differ address mode risc instruct se t not orthogon cisc theoret suppos reduc not longer that argu risc cisc person c isc will win pentium not that intel architectur that anoth stori bye you mean th at pentium risc that will outsel you rememb that intel cisc pentium gener risc r isc cpu costli not sold quantiti not even order rememb read year hypercub that m ip superscallar and reorder instruct not mhz transput tie gazillion togeth mip n ewest kick butt haven us respond pentium cisc advanc risc alpha etc mhz pentium approxim perform superdup mhz alpha perform weird specint that refer thi heard a lpha kick butt thi heard and comput world you sell lot chip intel and make faste r intel you winner intel even you sucki architectur year ago intel you can make

cisc chip superscalar superduperpipelin superfast idea risc ideolog you cisc chi p and admit can advantag risc cisc latest technolog gener suck rel speak sound i ntel that real kick butt pile and sio hope that motorola catch line gonna start cry brian brian hojo lee hei excus miss gif you leebr ecf toronto edu leebr eecg toronto edu linux and free clone cool bmp file delet lot stuff you convert thi bit map yo u suppos delet cut mark and below lower cut mark and uudecod not unexpect end fi le encount last line you post wrong mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu ed u ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai make window grp file reflect directori ain never w rong beta tester requir for winsock version window trumpet co ntact for detail peter psychnet psychol uta edu peter tattam intern phone progra mm psycholog depart australia phone univers tasmania hobart tasmania australia canon bubblejet and deskjet articl apr csd newshost stan ford edu kayman csd stanford edu robert kayman write kayman csd stanford edu rob ert kayman subject canon bubblejet and deskjet keyword printer date apr gmt fell ow netter ask for your collect wisdom decid printer purchas canon bubblejet desk jet thought trust salesperson benefit reli us printer daili and us fullest poten ti and figur you will benefit and pitfal salesperson greatli inform you render d pi canon bubblejet hewlett packard deskjet dpi faster notic print qualiti differ graphic will handl larg document page person experi will appreci work window dr iver problem etc cost memori font packag toner cartridg etc basic your person ex peri machin highli desir good and bad advanc kudo and for your input mail new po st readili accept mail encourag limit bandwidth sincer robert kayman kayman stan ford edu cpa stanford edu theori theori and practic practic not you mean you wan t revis revis origin revis revis revis not averag salesgui give your question sh ot kei issu that bought ink dry speed you aw hard ink smear deskjet second compl et dry case not your page wet unlik laser printer materi your page ink not toner that memori meg ram take print applic us take run onc comput sole print pur kit ten and put page second depend detail your graphic can window soft font assum th at deskjet can wouldn sell size anoth factor smaller built tank bet damag final print qualiti love resolut good laser qualiti print us ink not impress chose can on opinion actix video card driver for window for latest driver for actix graphic acceler card driver version and doesn support color mode even you memori bb support for actix unbeliev bp modem will you hour download driver hur t you call long distanc ftp site that collect video driver for window btw thi ca rd and you daniel wong uoft wongda picton eecg toronto edu electr engin question articl new yale edu adrien nazaretian yale edu adrien nazaretian write articl mar samba oit unc edu tclark med unc edu thoma cl ark driver support seamless program support will soundblast scanner rom tape bac kup continu work even specif driver hardwar compat guid answer question driver f or rom and midi and sound driver instal dont lot sound digit thi platform recal item for configur control panel applet built support for tape backup system prob lem wasn awar fact that scsi rom for window order beta sdk packag question drive r that will us mitsumi scsi rom for instal place ftp site can advanc stefan kueh nel stefan uhnel kuehnel rv uni hannov kuehnel swl uni hannov neu die oben wiede rgegeben meinung ist mein privat und nicht die de rrzn de rv der oder einer ande ren institut trident vga driver articl fgp mcgill bjcon mcgill brenda n newman trident tvga video card and updat driver for win can ftp site card tvga check latest driver for window date aug garbo uwasa win driver video you find v ersion updat azmi axh psuvm psu edu window drum machin drum program work that download ftp c ica indiana edu pub win sound directori call drum zip ati stereo card latest win dow driver instal run drum program report that midi devic not instal driver util control panel report that instal idea set midi devic that drum program will wor k setup us comput metronom suggest that drum machin that circul appreci terri te rryh cae wisc edu redirect print manag file can can find sharewar can capt

ur window output printer manang want captur output laser jet iii postscript can setup print file can do redirect program can work window thankx for internet add ress nctu edu english name erik wang chines name wang jyh shyang nation chiao tu ng univers taiwan workgroup question conven ram and licens articl abh eosv cr wimsei aew eosvcr wimsei write appreci answer question window for workgroup n ovel netwar lite not work window and convent memori hog ver move machin convent ram us and driver for network card check and you file that load protman byte dri ver byte workgrp byte novel card lsl and ipx driver need driver licens check net work ensur each machin run licenc copi note not want break licens agreement and will bui copi for each machin that meet return open copi easier return open copi not that bought two copi had problem instal copi problem worri had bio and that problem you bui upgrad window for replac win you instal depend current win file will replac older file and prompt you for instal window server come will troubl machin thi not start thi messag question carri stop forward your repli hope thi help gel simpl window question articl apr sarah albani edu ev alb ani edu diamond write run do window lose abil print screen problem thi run do no t window open pif file pif editor click advanc button and reserv prtsc kei for a pplic kei that you select thi section will pass applic process window bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att overlap window titl bar simpl question creat overlap thi ckfram window titl bar overlap thickfram caption don rid titl bar anoth question overlap window child window etc window show children fine creat anoth child thi ckfram style and top sibl style thickfram us that can resiz make that child will top sibl us setwindowpo and bringwindowtotop success happen that resiz show beh ild sibl greatli appreci manu mail manu oa olivetti win comm driver replac question had experi replac comm d river for window call turbocomm read pcmag apr and interest not will shell buck compani supposedli elemin problem that occur high speed file transfer and disk a ccess made anoth program run time pro con thi product inter est hear email addre ss give below matthew gibson gibsonm arizona edu file manag problem previou articl mrw eng nxt cso uiuc e du michael whitchurch whenev start file manag statu bar not displai even select option menu deselect select bar appear idea thi happen not that your winfil ini corrupt for unknown reason you creat exit filemanag save set option statu bar vi sibl doubl click control menu minim and maxim proper you and doesn work you want delet your winfil ini and two save procedur total recreat file scratch good luc k mark waschkowski canon bubblejet and deskjet thoma fellrath edu edu wrote kei issu that bought ink dry speed you aw hard ink smear deskjet second complet dry case not your page wet unlik laser printer materi your page ink not toner t hat ink us deskjet famili water fast trumpet for window new reader articl ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok aiyar write articl apr liri tew kuleu ven wimvh liri tew kuleuven wim van holder write statu trumpet for window will u s window socket like do had abandon sinc start ndi access token ring result inva lid class error not speak for peter tattam fairli plan winsock compliant version thi will not make initi public releas wintrumpet will follow shortli thereaft w intrumpet late beta excel product featur do version wintrumpet support trumpet t cp novel lwp and direct packet driver version that peopl di pkt shim ashok ashok wintrumpet anywher anonym ftp jame garven dept financ cba voic graduat school b usi fax univers texa internet jgarven mcl utexa edu austin bitnet garven utxvm b itnet educ hang you caught robert frost chang system font chang system font window program that will gener system font truetyp wonder problem you set your system font chang ico n text color icon text black and want chang couldn find option control panel win ini brad cain brad bach udel edu brad bach udel edu brad cain naf cain snow whi te udel edu univers delawar electr engin cain freezer cn udel edu blah blah blah alt blah tidi remov ol server articl liverpool liverpool chri woo ff write ago instal spss for window part evalu onc evalu complet duli delet soft war ghost spss left run write and emb object spss chart appear list object offer look obviou ini file success thing for string spss chart file window directori turn file call req dat reg dat file binari and didn feel inclin edit solut for r emov spss list ol server you can thi regedit can make ol registr databas program manag file manag choos run and type regedit you includ window not document tom paladin world std hhy won do app run window articl snz sigma demon jason s igma demon write can purchas win and can do app text mode app run window muck pi f set etc avail wrong didn thi problem you you run enhanc mode window take memor i approach for window articl crosspost comp window app aut hor richard timmer post apr gmt winnett great deal discuss rel merit access and borland paradox win user experi databas packag call approach number good review mag and requir hardwar overhead paradox rule access aspect extrem intuit requir field paradox resourc requir greater mhz ram provid your thought approach good a nd bad richard timmer mous window previou articl jpaparel ulowel edu joseph pa parella pursu and research thi question last month requir you and long and short that window mous driver don accept mice and irq irq you bui special driver talk mous system driver doesn support and claim releas that will altern case prohibi t expens port card for and author powerbb for window claim port serial card buff er uart and driver for window match irq for second paragraph hearsai haven check intend can free hope thi will save you step had thi problem load window card fo r parrelel serial for mous and for extern modem and game port problem enter darn serial port select for set stuck and good card for and lousi for serial call mi crosoft and place long and short window and for mous select and bought small car d for parrelel and serial activ port and lpt and lpt thi half card mous extern m odem disabl lpt us interupt for scanner card irq artin thi commun artin univers arizona tucson cleveland freenet edu mlinsenb ccit arizona edu mlinsenb arizvm d eath dead for year follow king king word byte move borland visual todai compil program compl ain function prototyp problem turn that typedef word byte not unsign int shine l ight thi subject word byte ming lin mlin ichip intel winnl dll instal foreign languag window applic that requ ir file name winnl dll check window instal disk for thi file not find idea thi f ile for and canon bubl jet printer can canon and can bui for cheapes t price advanc for sale harvard graphic for window for sale brand shrin kwrap harvard graphic for window list price cheapest pinc comput shopper mail or der price thi slick packag won bike race can return for credit dilemma your fire sale peter tapscott xerox palo alto research center internet tapscott adoc xero x xn net tapscott parc xerox trident driver want trident driver for window anywer thi mode support driver not find for window mean wide and high oppos appreci peter vestman dep comput scienc univers umea sweden winqvt net articl ashok biochemistri cwru edu ashok bioc hemistri cwru edu ashok aiyar write articl lorien ocf llnl gov dave angmar llnl gov dave fuess write earlier articl thi newsgroup made refer winqvt net version reali archi luck typo not typo upload ftp cica indiana edu coupl dai back real p rinter problem winqvt version standard window printer driver ashok pub win uploa d directori qvtnet zip note email address tom carter carter photon cem msu edu m ichigan state univers carter msucem bitnet chemistri depart exit code do for wrong group articl apr sea gwu edu lour ai sea gwu edu michael panayiotaki write hei post thi do question window group k inda hurri can scrambl find do group name ccan find exit code do command altern you can write small program int int var int var system command and displai int v ar exit code command us do command built move command you can program exist code

exec function do echo exec command will displai exit code command do not worth bui you qemm pctool norton and you move util manual doesn for copi order make mo ve batch file such that file wasn coppi properli won delet mail lourai sea gwu e du mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai mak e window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong agu budi wuysang digitech st udent monash univers clayton melbourn australia cool bmp file articl apr sea gwu edu lourai sea gwu edu michael panayiotaki write delet lot stuff you convert thi bit map you suppos del et cut mark and below lower cut mark and uudecod not unexpect end file encount l ast line you post wrong sound origin poster bitmap uuencod file do machin and yo u uudecod machin and your uudecod program balk carraig return program manag kill group file clue time enter win progma n that rebuild group quit annoi hold control window object objectwindow version and data process window object call program invok window object control window object an d execut statement call program invok window object wait window object close can that program class mywindow public twindow void mycallingprog call program func tion mywindow mywinobj mywinobj mywindow getappl makewindow mywinobj mywinobj sh ow shownorm statement want program wait mywinobj close that can data back mywino bj window style popupwindow didn execut window object that call program won give control appreci jun talk lord window overlap window titl bar articl ern olivea atc olivetti m anu oa olivetti manu da overlap window child window etc window show children fin e creat anoth child thickfram style and top sibl style thickfram us that can res iz make that child will top sibl us setwindowpo and bringwindowtotop success hap pen that resiz show behild sibl window probobl top lower window draw clipsibl lo wer sibl draw top sibl space ekalenda netcom longer filenam articl infoserv hfeldman infoserv howard mitchel feldman write apr guin idbsu edu lhighlei gozer idbsu edu larri paul hig hlei wrote util that will us filenam longer standard format yep call atm rnichol cbnewsg att robert nichol write truetyp font file larger type equival you disk compressor awar that truetyp font will compre ss type font will not encrypt thi isn true true that truetyp font larger atm cou nterpart atm font minim compress run stacker report gener file type compress rat io ttf truetyp pfb atm pfm atm metric metric file small compress quit larg and y ou can even regular pfb file compress math such comparit font file ttf time byte byte compress pfb time byte byte compress you win even atm time font isn compre ss your mileag vari depend compress program hero fast john grohol don expect tim e center for psycholog studi equivoc past nova univ lauderdal suzann vega grohol novavax nova edu beta tester requir for winsock version window trumpet pr eviou articl peter psychnet psychol uta edu peter tattam contact for detail pete r psychnet psychol uta edu peter thi post behalf peter tattam north american mir ror beta test version wintrumpet for winsock contact peter for detail ashok asho k aiyar depart biochemistri cwru axa cwru edu for internet access telnet ftp cle veland contact info wariat org telnet wariat wariat org and login bb dial bi bp refresh internet access compuserv ago discuss gain compu serv access internet misplac articl can refresh site can telnet gain access hope fulli can download file arthur lim email arthur mailhost sc hate make decis hate make decis recent choos whether sta cker do doubl space for poor windwo and hope choos will live window will appreci forev michael jordan toni gtonwu nthu edu cae rheologi lab nthu toni che nthu e du fast do vga and window video card info need isa diamond stealth vram satisfi perform window and game higher frame rate do vga thi strike command thi stealth vram can give fp us dbench winmark million replac card hope fulli can perform approx current vram window and can perform do vga prefer fp db ench benchmark list compil csipg and look that speedstar and orchid prodesign wa re fastest for local bu motherboard can give fp do vga winmark for card processo r type worthiest not necessarili fastest card recommend welcom can thi card for

cheapest advanc folk martin cica mirror wuarchiv wustl edu mirror win directori hate make decis articl apr gtonwu nthu edu gtonwu nthu e du toni write hate make decis recent choos whether stacker do doubl space for po or windwo and hope choos will live window will appreci forev michael jordan toni gtonwu nthu edu cae rheologi lab nthu toni che nthu edu stacker achiev compress ratio do come viru detect memori manag and multipl boot each not good nav qemm ndo opinion packag nice haven instal stuff work win rensheng horng bernoulli drive disk nilayp violet berkelei edu nilai pa tel write for bernoulli remov tape for drive don laugh you tape ly that you rid mail nilai patel nilayp violet berkelei edu you mean disk don you not tape you f orgot whether you for newer us work and don nathan moor john hopkin univers appl i physic laboratori ncmoor aplcomm jhuapl edu ci note address for email repli cool bmp file articl yhr world std paladin world std tho ma schlatter articl apr sea gwu edu lourai sea gwu edu michael panayiotaki write delet lot stuff you convert thi bit map you suppos delet cut mark and below low er cut mark and uudecod not unexpect end file encount last line you post wrong s ound origin poster bitmap uuencod file do machin and you uudecod machin and your uudecod program balk carraig return newsread show uue file lot space mean broke n even download uudecod successfulli aengu rbyaml rohmhaa aengu lawlor rbyaml ro hvm bitnet us alawlor dit that famou dublin wit barman sir that dry sparkl bigger window head bigger raster font mag monitor diamon d mode and prefer larger charact for window head practic for charact set mark id ea differ and soundblast driver for win driver for window for soundbla st will driver suffici info greg enni gke william edu question localtalk appleshar do system run do system loc altalk board appletalk network hook daystar digit localtalk interfac board run m odel appleshar softwar for file server and network access work fine do window do box load window that applic run access machin crash hard start applic and thing pretti hopeless for experi thi bizarr and obsolet setup duncan duncan phoenix p rinceton edu msaccess dde commun coupl week ago post question commun and msaccess dde answer receiv that time allow prototyp project work thi process come problem limit charact for dde topic string thi inher dde system peculiar m saccess easi queri access databas dde sql command provid limit overcom short fie ld and tabl name meant updat databas dde sql updat command not work initi access macro dde execut command cannot us macro request inform second dde channel prog ram dead lock time out occur access channel close access channel initi guess acc ess not dde poke inform eventu manag updat databas send kei stroke access sendke i command thi techniqu problem that access cannot minimis and state readi respon d sequenc kei stroke send statement correct made incorrect assumpt work around s ign odbc driver for access bob ran doc video card bnc connector recent bought nec order highest qualiti and refresh rate acceler card bnc connector oppos usual sub connector f or inform mike mill mail sam uki edu rutger uunet ukma sam math scienc dept mike ukpr uki edu work home object appear thrice hei equat editor and sinc didn auto mag object dialog box insert object equat decid manual place into win ini anoth thi embed section and ad equat equat equat path filenam pictur didn work quit wi ndow back aha mistak correct fine start window doesn work plai for point two ent ri work and don and final work thing can that that item list and us last end equ at entri and work and entri win ini netian wrong correct thi make equat onc entr i embed obviou that path filenam execut and pictur withth appear pictur descript soundrec sound sound whate differ sound and and soundrec don name execut entri msworkschart aren mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai make window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong realiz colour win ini set automat mornin wonderin screen peac screensav good and problem option realiz colour tabl and switch wallpap col our will uck screensav flashlight turn work and faster nice and turn will time s

tart window set set win ini file and save set exit select manual chang set win i ni file for realiz colour tabl and start window will fine for that session sessi on will turn option ad read attribut win ini file and work bitmap wallpap saver didn work applic anywya didn work sinc chang set win ini file answer sugges comm ent for mickei aka michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu l ourai make window grp file reflect directori ain never wrong program manag two question articl apr vpnet chi lisbon v pnet chi gerri swetski write chang icon program group give individu you mean ico n program group icon individu program program group assum you mean and answer yo u can click onc not doubl applic icon alt file properti click chang icon box and icon filenam us brows sub select can you set short cut kei return program manag ctl esc esc will set can avoid task list and back alt us alt tab hold alt kei a nd repeatedli press tab you program mangler releas alt kei stan brown oak road s ystem brown ncoast org english nativ languag and love don that easi learn that m ake sens baselin rhyme vaselin winword spell dictionari for english word for window let design text languag english alt format languag recal mark for english accept ru mor and squawk rumour can microsoft didn includ english dictionari disk don mean impli that singl assum that dial microsoft bb noth word for window section look help can obtain spell dictionari for winword file name spell lex similar email post summari stan brown oak road system brown ncoast org english nativ languag a nd love don that easi learn that make sens baselin rhyme vaselin mous jumpi mous eckton uc byu edu sean eckton write micr osoft serial mous and mous switch vertic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump can move mous rel uniform motion and mous will m ove smoothli for bit jump move smoothli for bit jump thi time left inch thi craz i never had troubl mous solut microsoft vent steam problem caus rubber ball mous doesn roll smooth detector mous notic thi and whoop hit mine minesweep solut wi ll bui mous and mous pad wouter diamond articl apr samba oit unc edu dil admin mh unc ed u dave laudicina experienc faint shadow resolut thi card window replac card and wait latest driver experienc gener protect fault error wspdpsf drv winword tool option menu and winfax setup had ati ultra get genral protect fault error spss a pplic card manufactur terribl qualiti control product market bug hassl run gatew ai thx dave you driver version earlier latest bb snailmail fix wfw problem reaso n want repli public privat mail talk tech support dai ago and told that can expe ct version end month problem switch back do session standard mode appar don thi problem and surpris want us standard mode great card for price bought altern pen g winword grammer checker save liff fire microsoft word fo r window version type paragraph you want rite dead good you live wonderfulli wri te aid you can help impress boss tool option grammar select us grammar and style rule strictli rule and click run grammar checker thi spell check complaint read abl passiv sentenc flesch read eas flesch grade level flesch kincaid gun fog ind ex bui malcolm bacchu beer visual correct that not consid upgrad for basic do produ ct window product window not upgrad for do separ oper system product line util c annot upgrad for do util told that not upgrad for qcwin articl theros pdx don ha ncock fidonet org don hancock write understand that visual msc not mean intend l ogic upgrad msc interest can find editor true window app msc love not compil tim e ex size smart linker do app programm pump stuff for do user even run win multi task and couldn afford desqview will link parti lib easili us lot parti lib do p rogram lazi interfac debugg make lot mistak wasn for basi pasal and obol blue wa ve qwk david fuess dir center for eec phone fax lawrenc livermor nation laborato ri chang startup logo thi faq instal for ati graphic card a nd bash window logo file start window logo logo thought file that control thi wi ndow system vgalogo rle window system vgalogo lgo restor file didn chang logo co rrect file farlei access digex charl farlei averag calgari board employe protect fault wonder error messag that mean run window a

dvanc mous jumpi mous articl apr cti rlister cti russel lister write eckton uc byu edu sean eckton write microsoft serial mous and mous switch vertic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump c an move mous rel uniform motion and mous will move smoothli for bit jump move sm oothli for bit jump thi time left inch thi crazi never had troubl mous solut mic rosoft vent steam had problem thought video driver and made had current driver p roblem evid svga resolut mode didn and bit experiment determin that problem exis t standard vga resolut mode notic mous older serial version bought second hand w ork fine do and do base graphic applic guess that problem resolut mous borrow mo us bu model and that solv problem your mous you want replac for newer anoth alte rn clean mous you sometim roller insid mous pick ball lint debri open bottom mou s ball and us alcohol tip clean inspect insid for hair fuzz had mous real jumpi and clear problem thi procedur modem and download winqvt modem upload initi winqvt scri pt file check work regist unfortunatli noth that featur mention manual can ciao chri exit code do for wrong group intern do command and not s et exit code thi royal pain you want check for success delet etc suggest us do r eturn you exit code move command simon simon row srow fulcrum fulcrum commun bir mingham condit brain overload rais england novel instal window for workgroup network and problem ma p drive file manag situat put lastdriv config sy netx will run can access drive log novel don put lastdriv config sy can access drive file manag that make netx work lastdriv statement config sy easi problem that you window guru solv moon ag o tom bilan depart death engin surgeon gener warn michigan state univers graduat school brain bilan cp msu edu damag and sporad loss hair driver for stealth recent purchas diamond stealth video card and receiv wrong driver can ftp proper driver dstlth file cica not work thi video card respond doug sun sw uiuc edu you doug ward window lock green line screen dtk mhz meg memori run var ieti program and had problem and lock run applic that lot memori period time pla ymat bit render and lock everytim ati ultra meg each video mode exclud region vi deo memori segment us emm adjust swap partion larg nonexist prevent swap and rem tsr and util config syu and autoexec and even default program manag disabl dash board even minim system swap smartdrv tsr window util and exclus video region lo ck complet mous control respons finger salut and even that not stop standard win dow screen simpli full reset immedi idea tom branham branham binah brandei edu refresh internet access compuserv cheong solomon technet scstech admin write ago discuss gain compuserv access internet misplac articl c an refresh site can telnet gain access hopefulli can download file thi faq ask t wenti time month that telnet access compuserv ftp access gopher access internet servic mail you can telnet herm merit edu that rout you sprintnet horrend expens tom gillman system programm aaaaagggghhhh well comput center state univ classic star trek secur syshtg gsusgi gsu edu offic show gsu doesn care internet you chang startup logo articl farlei access digex charl farl ei write instal for ati graphic card and bash window logo file start window logo logo thought file that control thi window system vgalogo rle window system vgal ogo lgo restor file didn chang logo correct file for vga card correct file you c an copi back and expect work you creat win file command you will worri directori each file sinc don your setup copi win cnf vgalogo lgo vgalogo rle win grab thi supercharg window judd robbin great book thi you can put your logo into window startup screen rle file special compress bmp file hope thi help brad small tech atlanta prism gatech edu redirect print manag file nctu edu swh write can program sharewar can redirect window output printer manag file want captur laser jet ii i print output postscript can setup print file can us do redirect program can wo rk window thankx for internet address nctu edu english name erik wang chines nam e wang jyh shyang nation chiao tung univers taiwan set anoth hpiii printer choos port connect choos file lpt thi will prompt you for file name everytim you prin

t that hpiii file printer good luck brian servi servi author ecn purdu edu happe n thi actual quot insur claim not not pedestrian had idea purdu think ran protect fault thia mira sce carleton thia sce carleton y ong thia write wonder error messag that mean run window ummm you left messag pro tect fault time machin work mhz ram window do home mhz ram window and do never i dea wrong suggest check for tmp file window temp directori messag thi applic vio lat system integr due invalid gener protect fault and will termin thi problem ap plic run do box pif file setup for hint greatli appreci post sinc person gpf pro blem gordon gordon edward vph noth unreal exist ncr engin manufactur gedward ncr atl atlantaga ncr kiri kin tha law metaphys chang startup logo articl rgtba gtn access digex net far lei access digex charl farlei write thi faq instal for ati graphic card and bash window logo file start window logo logo thought file that control thi window sy stem vgalogo rle window system vgalogo lgo restor file didn chang logo correct f ile ftp cica indiana edu simtel mirror program call winlogo zip that trick work great reason you can chang file you mention that logo imbed into window execut c orrect expand thi eric farlei access digex charl farlei averag calgari board emp loye ctrl alt del lock comput fafter window whenev exit windo w can us control alt del reboot comput system hang thi can reboot reset kei thi happen eric ebosco oracl window und window not whether area whether window will i nclud window server that can run window applic remot thi univers us for word pro cess and program develop bigger job run sun workstat fujitsu super comput you ad vanc hein eurom free multilin unix bb home fsag frankfurt main germani data window window inform window you appreci noth that exist question memori requir hard drive space releas date ibm react intel can replac l an spec speed etc advanc luke email internet address domet ucbeh san edu bitnet address domet ucbeh embed truetyp font heard rumor thi even place and info e mb font document write word ami pro file can print anoth machin that doesn font thi faq couldn find faq list apreci know that window faq exsist advanc harri pie rson come and live twist dream audio mercenari pro devot pledg time for primal c oncret sledg pierson usc edu pantera workaround for citizen driver experienc end user problem commerci softwar packag wordperfect win publish win and print landscap mode cit izen gui citizen gsx nutshel problem that lose inch inform left margin white spa ce truetyp font output and margin not preserv subsequ page past wordperfect had workaround consist default locat for printer tractor manual file thi bug and con tinu investig write problem printer driver prove that microsoft rest don you sur pris not publish win investig thi problem and option reject bui dtp packag for s ure wouldn thi problem stumbl global workaround workaround into window control p anel select printer select your citizen printer driver select setup and select c ustom size magic your problem will question and you li mike disclaim opinion not necessarili reflect employ mike rovak drd window do smartdrv thought thi problem window smartdrv a nd vesa video card idea recent purchas machin and problem machin will suddenli f reez reboot thi happen window do sometim print document sometim mous and sometim sit twice happen machin reboot and sound beep look document and beep code meant problem interrupt machin configur and file ami bio and floppi meg id hard drive cach microsoft compat mous citizen gsx lpt supervga monitor vesa window acceler card meg two vesa slot window do config sy devic window himem sy do high device high do setver ex file buffer stack autoexec bat echo window smartdrv ex prompt path do window mous mous mous set temp do do doskei machin freez can us mous key board us ctrl alt del reboot can give greatli can configur thi machin for effici memori wise that dougla dodson internet dbd icf hrb hrb system inc state colleg usa disclaim idea opinion express not necessarili reflect idea opinion hrb refresh internet access compuserv cheong solomon technet scstech admin write ago discuss gain compuserv access internet misplac articl c an refresh site can telnet gain access telnet login cserv thi will you into comp

userv network enter hostnam ci and you userid prompt hopefulli can download file haven you can figur your backspac kei work arthur lim email arthur mailhost sc craig lewi saic craig monster apd saic workaround for citizen driver articl apr drd mike drd mi ke rovak write experienc end user problem commerci softwar packag wordperfect wi n publish win and print landscap mode citizen gui citizen gsx nutshel problem th at lose inch inform left margin white space truetyp font output and margin not p reserv subsequ page past wordperfect had workaround consist default locat for pr inter tractor manual file thi bug and continu investig write problem printer dri ver prove that microsoft rest don you surpris not publish win investig thi probl em and option reject bui dtp packag for sure wouldn thi problem stumbl global wo rkaround workaround into window control panel select printer select your citizen printer driver select setup and select custom size magic your problem will ques tion and you li mike excus that mike disclaim opinion not necessarili reflect em ploy mike rovak drd workaround for citizen driver for window had luck epson driver citizen gx download updat version microsoft that margin set gene toy seni or softwar engin gtoy pssparc openconnect system lbj freewai dalla disclaim empl oy had idea that for latest actix driver for window latest driver for act ix graphic acceler card version lot problem latest version and upload ftp site t hat can download daniel wong uoft wongda picton eecg toronto edu electr engin workspac manag for win small review jami scuglia jami zi kzak apana org wrote peopl recommend workspac manag for window found sharewar wo rkspac manag australia window archiv monu monash edu mirror site found workspac wspace zip review delet workshift wrksft zip review delet bigdesk and backmenu b ackdesk zip review delet thi inform that don direct internet access mean don arc hi access resort ftpmail thi mean that site name and directori workspac manag lo cat can you post email need inform chri chri huei tactix reengin inc cah tactix rain voic codecraft custom craft softwar hour visual articl rgr lll winken llnl gov david fuess write correct that not consid upgrad for basic do product window product window not up grad for do separ oper system product line util cannot upgrad for do util told t hat not upgrad for qcwin you can upgrad msc and qcwin visual product follow stan dard edit list price upgrad qcwin competit upgrad profession edit list price upg rad msc competit upgrad includ upgrad languag product qcwin michael goo hewlett packard never cover ass inform network divis support your homestead road cuperti no goo hpinddh cup mous jumpi mous articl wlieftin lieft write eckton uc by u edu sean eckton write microsoft serial mous and mous switch vertic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump can move mous rel un iform motion and mous will move smoothli for bit jump move smoothli for bit jump thi time left inch thi crazi never had troubl mous solut microsoft vent steam p roblem caus rubber ball mous doesn roll smooth detector mous notic thi and whoop hit mine minesweep solut will bui mous and mous pad wouter and take rubber ball mous direct manual bottom mous and clean alcohol isopropyl alcohol us for clean your cassett deck thi good even you mous pad dust get caught mous and rubber ba ll lint and garbag find rubber ball and into mous damag horizont and vertic sens or hope thi help good luck sincer robert kayman kayman stanford edu cpa stanford edu theori theori and practic practic not you mean you want revis revis origin revis revis revis bernoulli drive disk articl onk netnew jhuapl edu ncmoor netnew jhuapl edu nathan moor write nilayp violet berkelei edu nilai patel writ e for bernoulli remov tape for drive don laugh you tape ly that you rid mail nil ai patel nilayp violet berkelei edu you mean disk don you not tape you forgot wh ether you for newer disk you disk word big and call disk kind funni word disk ni lai patel nilayp violet berkelei edu for tom haapanen find tom haapanen tom we keeper faq for thi newsgroup work watrerloo engin softwar netfind can even find that connect c ontact tom tom schlatter paladin world std novel articl msuinfo msu edu bilan cp msu edu thoma bila n write put lastdriv config sy netx will run can access drive log novel don put lastdriv config sy can access drive file manag that make netx work lastdriv stat ement config sy haven us that chang problem lastdriv command and netwar gener an d thi case netx add drive devic chain set lastdriv mean unassign oppos unus driv e letter for netwar us tack drive map end exist list drive attach network drive exist unus drive letter guess thing lastdriv machin will leav fair swath drive f or and netwar drive map nick fitzgerald applic consult csc uni canterburi fitzge rald csc canterburi tel fax fast do vga and window video card info need articl apr d oug cae wisc edu leo cae wisc edu leo lim write isa diamond stealth vram satisfi perform window and game higher frame rate do vga thi strike command thi stealth vram can give fp us dbench winmark million replac card hopefulli can perform ap prox current vram window and can perform do vga prefer fp order actix graphicsen gin ultra price stealth card base chip newest and fastest chip you for card apri l issu magazin for review note thi person problem do stealth card not good do pe rform actix card rate thi chip class local bu glow report magazin bui and call d irectli and updat window driver last week bulletin board latest driver somon pos t that thi bb rate actix graphic engin ultra outperform card class base winmark result you for do window perform check actix card number articl magazin note tha t you regular do user game you check chip appar score and case slightli do chip stealth and actix card compar window perform and cheaper bui eric program manag two question sharwar util you chang fav pl ug bryan dunn canon bubblejet and deskjet thoma fellrath edu edu wrote kei issu that bought ink dry speed trenton comput fest and sourc ink refil for and canon you don ink you you choic frequent ask question faq list that repost o ccasion that report refil cartridg ink that stationeri store specialti ink speci alti price not found anoth legal sourc cheap hypo for inject ink into cartridg t hat mail order succe jeffrei jona jeffj panix monoumb program monoumb check window system disk and mon oumb not stan kucera skucera prstorm bison stan kucera visual clarifi consid upgrad for will product call comma nd line compil list version not do product compil capabl produc execut for do wi ndow pro signific differ that come window host tool id etc assist develop creat window execut quickli basic autom thousand line boilerpl code initi impress favo r regist user receiv consider amount info specif you haven call microsoft and ha ppi send you jefrem iwaniw pelican softwar corpor line mail for program call vbreader line mail reader for window qwk mail packet good qwk mail reader kevin kevin donoghu internet donogh u donoghu win net donoghu intern love hear sin love act grand av suit william sh akespear ventura wordbas sdk request for inform read organis call winword develop relat group produc public call winword softwar develop kit wordbas sdk and proceed window develop tool confer wordbas session assembl steve wexler you contact name and address for thi organis public you adrian pitt system administr dsto corpor inform system unit melbourn lorim street fishermen bend vic austral ia phone fax email pitt ci dsto gov viewson experi sought you can email post you posit neg e xperi thi monitor compar nanao summar multipl respons kin kin cho kin isi voic e xt integr system inc fax bernoulli drive disk articl rhm agat berkelei edu nilayp violet berkelei edu nilai patel write articl onk netnew jhuapl edu ncmoor netne w jhuapl edu nathan moor write nilayp violet berkelei edu nilai patel write for bernoulli remov tape for drive don laugh you tape ly that you rid mail nilai pat el nilayp violet berkelei edu you mean disk don you not tape you forgot whether you for newer disk you disk word big and call disk kind funni word disk gee reme mb floppi disk us system back high school not mention multi platter disk pack th at held that big wash machin drive local colleg program class and thi even earli tom paladin world std disk disk matter great small paraphras gulliv travel col mail messag window editor modest system alias macro that enabl download mail public access unix system do box read and repli mail wi ndow base editor work peachei keen long author messag maintain text col max widt h sometim slightli wider messag that run screen us cursor slider read thing ndw deskedit experienc prob window editor fiddl word wrap set editor avail miss basi c editor setup yeah word for window convert flawlessli for for that tank crack w alnut editor setup that displai incom ascii file readabl format screen advanc er ich lantz ama ewl world std distributor deflagr virago yer dead shut canon bubblejet and deskjet articl eki kvp vcd edmoor vc d moor write thoma fellrath edu edu wrote kei issu that bought ink dry speed you aw hard ink smear deskjet second complet dry case not your page wet unlik laser printer materi your page ink not toner that ink us deskjet famili water fast ha d pictur ruin drop rain colour pictur deskjet mind you acid rain us ink dri fast doesn get wet justin whitton jjw herm mod relai man august mail jjw brunel disc laim opinion count for noth offic empti student intellig ami pro and pctool compress doesn move had problem ami p ro run pctool compress not corrupt data due cach cach run that not time run ami pro load window load segment fault amipro ex finish time that manag logo box tha t pop begin load and gener protect fault modul amiproui dll not fix thi problem reinstal ami pro thi happen twice time ran compress hard drive btw not run stack er disk compress program and you don pctool compress defragg despit name system mhz ram and nec oem hard drive etc that shouldn make differ email can newsgroup and will cut net traffic derek dpiaseck jarthur claremont edu novel articl apr csc canterburi cctr csc canterburi nick fitzgerald softwar consult csc uoc write articl msuinfo msu edu bilan cp msu ed u thoma bilan write put lastdriv config sy netx will run can access drive log no vel don put lastdriv config sy can access drive file manag that make netx work l astdriv statement config sy haven us that chang problem lastdriv command and net war gener and thi case netx add drive devic chain set lastdriv mean unassign opp os unus drive letter for netwar us tack drive map end exist list drive attach ne twork drive exist unus drive letter guess thing lastdriv machin will leav fair s wath drive for and netwar drive map requir do drive us lastdriv make novel drive and leav drive and for local do drive us ron do eid hard drive set compress ratio do doubl disk forma t eras doubl full can make mirror hard drive darren lavalle origin csrn file lin e internet usenet canon bubblejet and deskjet justin whitton jjw isi ajax rsre mod wrote articl eki kvp vcd edmoor vcd moor write thoma fellrath edu edu w rote ink us deskjet famili water fast had pictur ruin drop rain colour pictur de skjet mind you acid rain black ink waterfast color isn us ink dri fast doesn get wet justin whitton jjw herm mod relai man august mail jjw brunel disclaim opini on count for noth offic empti student intellig bob taylor vancouv reboot start window recent problem arrisen time turn com put window start autoexec win titl screen comput reboot second time reboot do pr ompt work fine rememb not chang config sy autoxec bat win ini can rememb whether thi problem occur optim defrag disk and creat larger swap file you mathcad syst em stacker win do carlo niederstrass two thing infinit princeton planetari socie ti univers and human stupid and not einstein carlosn phoenix princeton edu space phoenix princeton edu astra per ardua nostra summari borland microsoft databas librari amaz success t hi exercis receiv respons and request for summari made find codebas accsi and co debas and accsi librari sql window applic that can commun window dde call you se nd sql string and receiv result peopl wrote paradox engin borland product mentio n microsoft odbc accsi quadbas codebas rbase and odbc quadbas rbase and sql for decid codebas ansi portabl version that run do unix etc and includ sourc code an d portabl import applic work dbase foxpro clipper file feel that microsoft odbc promis formalis build and submit sql queri and format queri result respons ftp e ffect unusu two manual odbc programm refer and odbc sdk guid odbc doesn interpre t sql and lias databas that driver that provid databas manufactur window extens window sdk nevertheless start sql interfac standard and make life interest futur

origin post respons separ line asterisk borland microsoft librari for access re spect databas paradox foxpro program build sql queri string and pass function re turn queri result format fail that access noth hear parti librari for thing peop l interest prepar summari told and post borland product call paradox engin that you want current version fulli compat ack paradox version don engin compat pdox and consist broad librari function for acces databas file pascal turbo pascal an d and microsoft borland read box borland paradox engin databas framework work bo rland mocrosoft turbo for window turbo pascal for window for framework applic su pport for object useag haven had real chanc us fairli complet plan us thi summer rick rick osterberg osterb husc harvard edu harvard yard mail center cambridg u sa borland product call paradox engin not paradox engin and definiti not replac for sql will enabl you save and restor record lock supposedli paradox for window impement top charl parker phone technic support centerlin softwar inc fax cpark er centerlin cyberspac momma don yer children grow cowboi borland librari routin for access paradox program recent version thi work borland and microsoft compil shailesh bhobe att psp smb put odbc sdk into public domain big worth download f ast link ftp net vendor microsoft odbc sdk compani start provid sql engin for rb ase not exactli cheap program vbasic do window talk data base sql function your code hth walter knopf fermilab knopf fnal fnal gov check odbc toolikt microsoft ftp net vendor microsoft odbc sdk thi that chosen access databas app ppppp sssss iiiiii specialist window and window develop ppss call for inform ooa ood tool oo aid ppppp ssss michaeljon miller mikem apertu profici solut inc sssss iiiiii hol m av minneapoli borland sell paradox engin languag interfac paradox dbase btriev an asci file sell databas framework includ engin collect sourc class for engin earl roethk eroethk em cdc actuali paradox engin librari function larg model for access paradox databas work fine never thouroughli cost hope will you david lef ebvr david speedwar borland databas lib call paradox engin can access and us dat abas file aswel thing gari bell nellad monash edu gari bell depart robot and dig it technolog faculti comput caulfield campu monash univers australia paradox eng in librari for paradox artur babecki artur edu borland sell paradox engin parado x call sql you can search kei field and indivu field comparison oper pretti pain opinion simpl retriev and insert updat eval copi and link entri screen written engin librari add size program you can load overlai borland vroom manag borland claim that version engin will sql support don expect till late year even year th rid parti you question mike kamlet mike vpnet chi borland sell paradox engin sep ar and pascal interfac underli interfac for version engin cost egghead version e ngin and separ class packag for michael kersenbrock adc kentrox portland oregon michaelk kentrox uunet kentrox michaelk us accsi for paradox version almost read i for paradox access paradox file pretti good not sql heard borland paradox engi n such suppos likewis not exactli hope thi help good luck chri fernand slinki ny u edu christoph fernand borland sell paradox engin librari function for access p aradox file come librari for bcc turbo pascal and come turbo pascal win librari librari come do and window flavor win stuff dll crystal report graphic report ge ner you creat gener form and us compil program pdox engin don offer current pric e paid for upgrad earlier version hope thi help david taylor command easier chan g internet prism gatech edu specif fit program dtaylor cfd gatech edu vice versa and root cfd gatech edu author unknown wise you want sql your program check qua dbas don address oop quadbas system inc lucern sunnyval usa phone voic fax for s ql win demo disk look good background embed sql ingr thi look real similar expen s you order demo and wait will send you special offer that run good luck tom del osh delosh emunix emich edu tom delosh borland paradox engin librari librari for and pascal access paradox file do window for paradox you bui sql link sinc pdox isn sql compliant us engin for year and pretti satisfi do real pig tack size yo ur program tim associ programm univers utah email tim src cppa utah edu don micr osoft borland sell paradox engin for pascal packag and you want dbase compat fil e librari call codebas sequit softwar that work davidr rincon ema rockwel david rai databas librari you describ set dll access common api talk major databas for mat build applic that queri databas sql queri access sql packag microwai melbour n produc pioneer system associ microwai pioneer system satisfi custom feel free mail for inform chri program for nsw nation park and wildlif servic chri hutchin

son box research programm univers england chri sulaw law armidal nsw paradox eng in complet set librari for access paradox tabl that support borland turbo and mi crosoft compil engin sampl applic waterloo watcom bit compil complain that libra ri file llibc lib miss even quit that file not part watcom engin success compil ron hydro develop app borland paradox engin for come pascal recent version engin compat paradox and downward compat lib for fox access can name offhand written you that regard add for fox lib user journal good place for thi type packag gene r pai due learn lot quirk eng past year wouldn recommend for complex multius app stai for bad marriag time invest learn and work around your interest limit simp l singl user interfac you want build your sql engin engin will job easili doesn sound you bump into gotcha you write point you direct raymond cruzio santa cruz raymond borland paradox engin and databas framework you and assembl api paradox databas thi part boca borland object compon architectur technic brief boca pdoxe ng and product jdm jumbo read tasc jame mcnamara jame mcnamara tasc walker brook drive read john bongiovanni system analyst orbit engin compani perth australia oecjtb oec orbit dialix bongo alumni caltech edu opinion express and not organis telephon cirru logic articl new hawaii edu chen galileo ifa hawaii edu hua chen write telephon number cirru logic maker graphic card rep li chen cfa harvard edu you hua chen center for astrophys bb number ron program manag two question apr vpnet chi lisbon vpnet ch i gerri swetski write can you set short cut kei return program manag ctl esc esc will set can avoid task list and back alt you record and make micro that oper w indow app that didn abil us micro accessori window problem that rune for work go od luck warren fridi iii street north petersburg internet wefiii axion palan pal antir palan deep axion wefiii driver for stealth doug ward write recent purchas diamon d stealth video card and receiv wrong driver can ftp proper driver dstlth file c ica not work thi video card respond doug sun sw uiuc edu you doug ward you want and date us bb hour download rate low yeah cost lock your system get quick net s tealth driver david mous jumpi solv can guarante that work for final fix mou s jumpi problem instal bu mous didn solut free past microsoft serial mous clean unload kind tsr turn smartdrv write cach chang port noth work yesterdai final br oke and bought mous system bu mous improv even had imagin that mous jumpi time t hought jumpi sometim and had us didn notic wife comput onc month notic improv li ter second can bu mice mous system you give lpt irq you don mous system mice but ton driver includ util that let you assign keystrok middl button hope thi help y ou anywher frustrat worth stephen thoma tridom email sat eng tridom attmail trid om sat kermit for window wonder kermit packag actual packag not program kermit file transfer for microsoft window inform greatli appreci mail p ost advanc unabash shabba rank fan steve frampton frampton vicuna ocunix steve f rampton collect postcard you send princess your area send return send kingston o ntario don forget email and mail address canada summari borland microsoft databas librari you post descr ipt objectbas your chosen product win file system will do can read havn write case break w in ntf file system thought ntf suppos fat system keith mail order sale bill receiv program sure you familiar ma il order compani thi compani product thousand client sale bill and receiv progra m handl thing custom sourc etc will sell basic stuff develop languag will pai re adi thi sort solut immedi time develop you can prototyp two week you can make qu ick cash dixon berri light cfdeb ct eiu edu end tunnel eastern illinoi univers b ill clinton booth librari comput resourc center not train cracker ami pro and pctool compress doesn move that don want ala rm don correl crash and pctool reinstal ami pro and ran compress problem problem relat fill disk had byte left ftping wouldn matter sinc ami pro wasn run time a nd made space immedi work derek workspac manag for win small review cah tactix rain chri huei write jami scuglia jami zikzak apana org wrote peopl recommend workspac ma

nag for window found sharewar workspac manag australia window archiv monu monash edu mirror site found workspac wspace zip review delet workshift wrksft zip rev iew delet bigdesk and backmenu backdesk zip review delet thi inform that don dir ect internet access mean don archi access resort ftpmail thi mean that site name and directori workspac manag locat backdesk zip cica not directori anoth throw into run topdesk alsow cica not complic backdesk found stabl and useful recomend peopl us virtual desktop yeh free copyright microsoft and sanford staab carl zm ola cicero spc uchicago edu do problem run window window for work group and load do happen appear graphic problem file manag ad menubar button appear grai box regio n that cover top rd button row button row below pulldown menu pulldown menu fine and disk label region fine you bottom pixel task button experi thi david ransie r davidr pdx mentorg comment paid for offic not fax employ and you can canon bubblejet and deskjet articl vcd robertt vcd bob t aylor write justin whitton jjw isi ajax rsre mod wrote articl eki kvp vcd edmoor vcd moor write thoma fellrath edu edu wrote ink us deskjet famili water fast ha d pictur ruin drop rain colour pictur deskjet mind you acid rain black ink water fast color isn us ink dri fast doesn get wet justin whitton jjw herm mod relai m an august mail jjw brunel disclaim opinion count for noth offic empti student in tellig bob taylor vancouv for sale borland applic framework excus thi inappropri p ost not read group and not relat marketplac newsgroup for sale borland applic fr amework full profession develop kit borland program packag includ unopen softwar unopen manual and registr card softwar includ plastic wrap high densiti inch di sk for borland total diskett individu wrap packag each disk borland and app fram ework label amish system util for window high densiti disk amish launch amish de sk util for window phar lap do extend lite version disk manual includ plastic wr ap manual includ unopen boland window api volum refer guid refer guid iii window refer guid borland turbo debugg user guid borland turbo profil user guid borlan d turbo assembl user guid borland user guid integr environ optim command line co mpil instal borland programm guid languag structur class librari advanc prgram t echniqu anci implementaion borland librari refer runtim librari global variabl c ross refer borland tool and util guid error messag winsightm make resourc compil tlink borland object window for user guid tutori class refer open plastic wrap unread manual includ borland turbo assembl quick refer guid borland turbo vision for user guid borland resourc workshop user guid thi packag purchas employe fat her and father ask and sell sinc us for retail for softwar hous for approx ask y ou interest mail directli not read thi newsgroup aaron herskowitz aherskow alleg edu allegheni colleg meadvil pennsylvania strang enhanc behavior howdi real problem ast machin ram instal paradox for window don paradox real problem and instal window instal loc al drive paradox instal novel network netwar greater do win program will not loa d enchant mode thermomet bar and invalid command window nastygram talk illeg ins truct check command thing long time programm crash share machin pointer problem and thi standard behavior paradox will run standard mode not enhanc quattro pro window exhibit behavior spent hour borland tech peopl avail gui talk microsoft d idn want dig and gave pretti quickli somewhat disappoint expect microsoft you mi llion window instal that problem guess not microsoft had page fax fix uae and ge ner protect fault can fax don microsoft and luck you can mail thi problem drive nut will greatli inform can pass kelli thi real signatur ignor demon signatur ke lli grant grantk nosc mil hancock time ask you you san diego god you kelli grant grantk manta nosc mil comput scienc corp import manta won hancock street you le mon you can trade for san diego chocol mous jumpi mous eckton uc byu edu sean eckton write micr osoft serial mous and mous switch vertic motion nice and smooth horizont motion bad sometim can click mous jump can move mous rel uniform motion and mous will m ove smoothli for bit jump move smoothli for bit jump thi time left inch thi craz i never had troubl mous solut thi flip your mous and open cover that hold mous b all place remov ball and insid you roller roller tini layer cake dirt dust unide ntifi scum carefulli scrape small knife xacto work great care you not want gaug

roller clean dirt put ball back put cover and you clean coupl dozen month anoth symptom that you move mous click thi doesn solv your problem you clean mous high li recommend proper soft mous pad and you clean freak place your drawer night yo u don us dust person prefer track ball bring anoth point your mous trackbal trac k optic and sunlight stream window your mous trackbal you notic that will stop w ork thi happen you close curtain blind simpli shade your point devic and that he lp peter goudswaard goudswaa sfu prefer pgoudswa cln etc pgoudswa cue gift prese nt goudswaard observ winqvtnet ndi token ring diamond dil admin mh unc edu dave laudicina write experi enc faint shadow resolut thi card window replac card and wait latest driver expe rienc gener protect fault error wspdpsf drv winword tool option menu and winfax setup had ati ultra get genral protect fault error spss applic card manufactur t erribl qualiti control product market bug hassl run gatewai thx dave problem not video monitor monitor ag develop shadow white and bright color peter goudswaard goudswaa sfu prefer pgoudswa cln etc pgoudswa cue gift present goudswaard obser v bmp format mean exactli window bitmap format mean data s tore width height colour bitmap data couldn find th user manual refer materi giv e thi inform andrew dll and registerclass createwindow dll regist class and creat window that class type call requir modul instanc handl hinstanc petzold bo ok that us modul instanc handl call program not modul instanc handl dll page two question find modul instanc handl modul problem instanc handl dll advanc mike m ike smith mail smith bull bull inform system inc phone concord road fax billeric a usa roman bmp respons request for cool bitmap post due resol ut and size part thi uuencod bitmap color pictur marbl gazebo desert blue sky ba ckground size for center wallpap displai leav border bottom big for icon fit top pictur reguard imag qualiti and resolut not for you haven work piec imag file p ut back togeth save part individu file us text editor remov header and footer ea ch file concatin part into singl file uudecod file tool thi hassl such uuconvert unix and uucod window neccesari post tool ftp keyword bitmap wallpap stealth video driver recent purchas diamond stealth vide o card and receiv wrong driver can ftp window video driver for stealth driver ci ca and don work driver diamond bb file almost meg and download baud inform appre ci contact doug sun sw uiuc edu you doug ward netwar win fileman updat that will person novel and wind ow file manag view file name person creat chang novel command ndir tim osburn os burn halcyon tim osburn gbq osburn halcyon bellevu washington bbbbig problem print file articl mar jupit sun csd unb d woo unb write expert file that page long line equat diagram size thi file unlink embed object and unlink embed object print sinc don laser printer send print fi le back bbbbbbig file that long fail file can boost file will not carri thi file public printer find network card cabl etc enlighten solut print page time won f it into floppi mil denni woo depart mechan engin mail dwoo unb univers brunswick tel onc had thi problem copi doc file problem hope thi help hua tidi remov ol server articl liverpool liverpool chri woo ff write ago instal spss for window part evalu onc evalu complet duli delet soft war ghost spss left run write and emb object spss chart appear list object offer look obviou ini file success thing for string spss chart file window directori turn file call req dat reg dat file binari and didn feel inclin edit solut for r emov spss list ol server chri wooff wooff liverpool you can edit that file util that come window call regedit registr info editor bob hodg fish you worm yeah win file system articl apr spider keith spider keith smi th write will do can read havn write case break win ntf file system thought ntf suppos fat system keith do cannot read ntf file system ntf file system can read fat file system do windowsnt seper partit machin home and can read do disk windo w not vice versa robust file system fast and singl problem that doesn prove fat system read book insid window will give you info you for scott scott reimert rei

mert mamacass etdesg trw standard disclaim redondo beach blah blah blah store be er cool dark place viewson experi sought nec you can email post you posit n eg experi thi monitor compar nanao summar multipl respons bought viewson for us home week back felt for monei nec that us work monitor nec sharper flatter disto rt and stabl heard complaint peopl nec seri qualiti control problem mine us for year problem noth broken viewson not match us ati graphic ultra setup mode push frequenc limit and viewson exhibit problem that nec not person etch nec ocli fil ter and tube not nice had uncorrect pincus and edg distort problem chang bright switch mode and constantli fiddl control and yoke crook and had compens for rast er that tilt downhil postiv side not handsom nec had smaller footprint and not h eavi heard that panason own viewson and model sold oem channel panason label tha t lower cost for nec vote search for cheaper nec fge good older brother decid bu i experi nanao can never nanao model straight and don place can walk good compar ison model standard employ disclaim appli keith johnson tektronix gpi info servi c wilsonvil usa internet keith johnson tek voic fax rfd comp window misc setup thi offici request for discus s rfd for creation two newsgroup for microsoft window thi second rfd replac orig in post januari and never vote propos group describ below name comp window setup statu unmoder purpos discuss set and instal window and system and peripher comp at issu for window name comp window misc statu unmoder purpos miscellan program discuss window includ issu such secur network featur consol mode and window win compat rational microsoft newest member microsoft window famili oper system oper environ for argu mean famili rang modular window window and window for workgrou p window high end date microsoft ship beta copi and pre releas sdk window actual releas slate for june window design intern share applic program interfac member window famili win api includ win api us win dow and win api subset win thread n etwork and secur can us creat bit applic for window user interfac practic ident that window addit login and featur program manag file manag and applet and gener pre sent ident appear user announc window applic port exist window app and run exist applic appear logic that window share group member window famili comp wind ow app comp window programm tool comp window programm misc comp window programm win group applic window window comp window announc comp window advocaci conclus clear argument for separ window and window hierarchi intern structur window and window and oper system such macintosh xenix and coher undergon major rewrit spli t into separ newsgroup hierarchi window due for major rewrit fulli bit protect m ode and do built gener window chicago debut year sure remain hierarchi and ju ti fic for separ window window version discuss period discuss period will run april vote cfv call for vote will issu base feedback receiv discuss period vote will accept prior cfv tom haapanen tomh metric softwar metric inc waterloo ont stick your index finger into corner your mouth pull that corrado make you feel car jan uari dde frustrat can you start work project dde transfer dat a applic excel macro can transfer data port setup for dde macro suggest good ref er download window dynam exchang dde applic note book worth get specif server ap plic dionex chromatographi data system client applic for window for macro dionex not provid document for dde problem develop applic data you connect instrument appreci leon olszewski noth wors itch you can internet leono uiuc edu never scra tch leon bladerunn do window macro program that will record keyboard sequen c that window do box that start telnet program and log into account window recor d doesn record kei sequenc steve adob and adob want creat postcript file win print laserw rit creat postcript file version adob laser accept adob resolv thi problem want bu card for logitech mous acquir logitech s eri button mous and told that thi bu mous want unload clone bu card for thi mous email repli bobmon indiana edu flame therapi great idea group creat comp sy ibm flame therapi agre warn copi board copi zwc acsu buffalo edu kcbp u

bvmsd buffalo edu mitch write back master word perfect for window window and nor ton can send anoth copi perman colleg address for safe keep student borrow maste r and worri screw don you realiz that inevit anal retent moron come and wag fing er and jowl outrag that person polit import smcap bold font god law smcap bold f ont that irrelev problem window system disk hate disk copi high densiti xcopi wo rk fine fact for chang configur and whatnot that decid put hard disk not can you copi disk per directori you want you can simpli copi into directori make lot ni cer you switch printer emul norton don experi friend system crash restor backup origin and work fine thi impli that arj norton creat workabl backup and you full instal time you thing never plai for window not big fan utah good luck disclaim don copi that floppi respect your elder for wage sin sic death and hefti legal bill you offend rob rob kudla acm rpi edu keyword oldfield jane leather win phis h light blue bondag dtp steeli dan fnm owl genesi spaceship silver spaceship lio n take control keyboard articl hxg nxl rpi edu wen yingyang ral rpi edu john wen write wen yingyang ral rpi edu john wen subject keyboard summa ri locat cap lock and ctrl kei keyboard keyword cap lock and ctrl kei date mon a pr gmt softwar that can exchang cap lock and ctrl kei style keyboard for memori resid program that can work program featur specif program awar sharewar program back and that thi featur that program program archiv keymap zip simtel and mirro r site msdo keyboard directori will thi written assembl and you compil creat key board map us binari editor edit provid compil keyboard driver you not compil us hex zip simtel simpli serach for code locat bigin normal keyboard map swap code for kei that you swap keyboard directori simtel for program that report scancod for each kei you bio program thi info good luck pete peter mckinnei long lanc co lost edu electrohydrodynam laboratori fluid mechan and wind engin program civil engin depart colorado state univers identifi video hardwar devic isa board subsystem will two rgb video signal and combin templat templat can simpl rectangular wind ow signal us for interior and signal two for exterior beleiv fancier harwar exis t not want exclud search thi sort hardwar exist for ntsc etc for rgb email and p ost lead gordon lang glang smail srl ford glang holo srl ford long monitor last inch vga interlac year brand m onitor bit bullet press power switch and second power light pop gawd two and hal f year long normal monitor last problem monitor power switch imag get pretti dim need contrast max and screen flicker time time thi normal heheh worst luck ques tion bui fix save for good and cheap ega monitor for save monei upgrad engin ext ens effort appli fresh approach problem mean hire gui kick for robert bobbi yung lehigh edu attn ken smith model number interlac btw you num ber contact compani that help for repli begin that never repli post thi netnew b board messag you return and didn second messag you calvin share your optim tip articl pinnp geraldo utexa edu jbodnar ccwf utexa edu john bodnar write unl edu edgar pearlstein anoth comp ut arriv statement config sy file stack chang stack and save byte lower even hav en exactli microsoft set stack singl comput instal window simpl eisa motherboard ndi volant tiga adapt intel ethernet express card and cach scsi control dpt and dtc not problem and extra gain mean lot convent memori gobbl program orcad and tango pcb john bodnar like develop window univers texa austin applic never inhal internet jbodnar ccwf utexa edu utexa ccwf jbodnar borland ceo philipp kahn rem emb read qemm manual that stack need for window setup program us stack rich gatewai and ati problem wonder had problem gatew ai bu system ati graphic ultra pro comput resolut fine whenev us window autocad gif screen get inch shorter top and bottom screen bar black screen isn cut squee z into smaller space and mess aspect ratio can manual chang size back thi pain a ss and shouldn happen call gatewai numer time and haven two time card and time c ard didn work comput even bill for card didn back coupl dai told phone that wait week bill card custom support stori had thi problem you hell you don solut not thi problem advanc jude greer jmgree starbas spd louisvil edu into mach instal p rogram and manual set ting card doesn work whenev increas vertic size screen sta

rt cut top and bottom and simm articl edu nshah ac edu write gatewai l ocal bu system slot for simm that us simm question receiv simm and pin slot moth erboard pin wrong simm can us simm not pin slot flill never encount such long sl ot for simm suggest can hold gatewai post net nshah ac edu you bought wrong simm you pin simm becuas send receiv data byte bit bit pariti for each byte chunk yo u will undoubtedli simm wide us futur jason jason walter jpw lehigh edu jpw eec lehigh edu modem mouth intel pentium and linux inabu ibm clausthal arnd burghardt write folk yesterdai visit cebit hannov germani intel present pentium processor had word machin thi beast run present nice unli run pictur show thi p resentor promis binari compat and don show disk linux system emerg disk patch li lo boot disk and convic boot thi gut glori decid glori won touch holi cow and no t even boot suspect thought thi coward dai and back earth learn thi technolog in dustri standart you can expect thi beast your local comput shop spring year cent your mine run chip trade show and had real technic knowledg wouldn stranger dis kett boot demo machin demo machin long peopl will not nice demo and thi purpost linux diskett that will wipe disk load viru deep troubl market mind you thi had specif invit peopl and provid machin can learn thi technolog will ship vendor an d will compat golden gryphon gryphon openag crown jewel american prison system p resid bill clinton live white hous openag premier sco unix integr washington are a warranti extens credit compani appli phurchas co mput huayong yang yang titan uc umass edu wrote not credit card compani offer do ubl warranti year you make purchas credit card you addit warranti year appli pur chas comput us catch advanc post result big comput purchas kei point abil us ame rican express card read fine print doubl warranti polici amex and citibank visa will you doubl warranti comput citibank maximum claim you imagin your monitor mo ther board fix for amex limit claim rememb you us amex you send copi warranti in fo dai purchas you call pre regist and send paperwork dai purchas pre regist pak arriv todai citibank visa requir pre registr ken anoth happi gatewai owner sinc kind complaint ga tewai thought post recent pleasant experi machin thi past fridai thi two week da i call order unbox found perfect order peripher order properli instal jumbo rom impress quantiti and qualiti gatewai document softwar origin disk and manual gat ewai manual nice ring binder ati gup build driver softwar microsoft offic proper li instal machin box and perform flawlessli weekend and even reach room temperat ur big roomi tower case lot and run do problem read peopl problem high speed ser ial commun us do interlink program let link comput serial port baud map machin t wo hard disk disk you can drive and run program copi file almost peer peer lan y ou can run program machin not two street machin server and thi machin client tha t differ peer peer stuff for bundl do util impress jumbo minut back data pass po tenti gatewai monitor problem take credit and appli nec love thi monitor glad go od new gatewai stori and glad work john john gayman wbu uunet wbu john packet wb u eah winmark can can winmark benchmark run ftp roger bix ruzun net uzun crash ct gatewai and ati problem articl jmgree starbas sp d louisvil edu jmgree starbas spd louisvil edu jude greer write wonder had probl em gatewai bu system ati graphic ultra pro comput resolut fine whenev us window autocad gif screen get inch shorter top and bottom screen bar black screen isn c ut squeez into smaller space and mess aspect ratio can manual chang size back th i pain ass and shouldn happen call gatewai numer time and haven two time card an d time card didn work comput even bill for card didn back coupl dai told phone t hat wait week bill card custom support stori had thi problem you hell you don so lut not thi problem advanc jude greer jmgree starbas spd louisvil edu into mach instal program and manual set ting card doesn work whenev increas vertic size sc reen start cut top and bottom monitor problem you mention that you swap card not monitor perhap that dan daniel matthew coleman internet dcoleman utxvm utexa ed u dcoleman ccwf utexa edu univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr compu

t engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet simm for sale pin simm for sale perfect condit w ill not work system requir pin simm paid for for insur ship addit you pin eisa t ype simm for sale drop line nimesh shah nshah ac edu infam gatewai video monitor problem info request greg spath gk psuvm psu edu wrote articl ueom evf odin corp sgi mikei sgi mike yang mailord gatewai save technic support phone free softwar packag fun hold tec hnic support phone local you can walk dealer and wrong and fix phone support qui ck and compet mail order firm not quick and not compet gatewai includ experi com put retail signific lead conclus that sale personnel and retail technic personne l forbidden learn product sell talk incompet percent answer correct salesmen don even realiz stupid settl catch breath fact retail store never provid term price per product retail outlet desir peopl aren interest learn comput make decis thi fine for exampl educ carpet wall paper lawn mower microwav oven etc come sale p ersonnel assum idiot don care thing care comput demand featur and perform and da mn pai high school drop commiss rate price system and process subject distort ge ner shadow mask andrew colfelt colfelt ucsu colorado edu wrote shadow mask you put your face into main memori your dai job drive control compat respond origin post number for western digit tech support and determin that upgrad bio super bio will handl hard drive read write head and cylind upgrad payabl check monei order send west ern digit corpor technic support group box irvin super bio for hard drive contro l card seri bio system handl drive respons request for follow sig warn long keit h keith rice univers north texa depart comput scienc denton texa usa drice ponde r csci unt edu drice unt edu respons below raval mailbox syr edu sat apr receiv mailbox syr edu ponder sat apr raval mailbox syr edu bob valentin receiv mothra syr edu mailbox syr edu cn sat apr est receiv mothra syr edu spike sat apr est d ate sat apr est messag mothra syr edu drice ponder statu drice ponder csci unt e du subject drive control compat newsgroup comp sy ibm hardwar repli drice ponder organ syracus univers syracus articl drice ponder you write recent bought us se agat hard drive gui told that had fulli test and that good home instal compaq po rtabl technolog had mfm control instal drive and power system post error control western digit rev drive seagat system compaq portabl circa final question can a nswer mess thi older stuff alot kinda fun problem can forse that will not compad that card bio rom check number smt chip board slightli below center and left bi o read last digit you problem control jumper set follow repres jumper and factor i jump trace pin and select primari control address drive jumper follow repres j umper art delet question drive and control compat each notic you left jumper tab l set control drive control think you rom set thi open open open open close clos e open open note run number jumper block top bottom repres jumper pin pin and se lect drive set drive and pin and select second drive drive you rom auto config a nd don big book jumper card drive set correctli you problem jumper not risk insu lt make cabl and good jumper move opposit side drive narrow data cabl thrown tim e and bang head for dai system bio upgrad dunno ibm rom had quick check boot do and run debug enter fff fffc debug prompt thi will return rom date us keith rice oversimplifi appolog hard calib person talk bob valentin raval mailbox syr edu chpp unitrix utr mon apr receiv unitrix utr ponder mon apr receiv unitrix utr sm ail nfpma mon apr gmt messag nfpma unitrix utr chpp unitrix utr prof piacenza su bject drice ponder date mon apr gmt mailer elm version mime version content type text plain charset ascii content transfer encod bit content length statu you tw ist cabl move jumper your drive neighbour pin make that twist cabl for hard disk and not floppi disk colour stripe pin furthest twist thi product for system har d disk control for mfm hard disk drive refer note featur half slot size hard dis k control card interfac support mfm drive head and cylind and jumper configur fo r secondari address and default drive tabl built rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive format dual drive oper bad track format and dynam format thi board featur power connector for filecard applic and will oper system note that thi control card will unavail manufactur western digit march refer note wdxt gen featur half slot size hard disk control card interfac support mfm hard disk dri

ve head and cylind built rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive forma t dual drive oper bad track format and dynam format note that thi control card w ill unavail manufactur western digit march featur half slot size disk control ca rd interfac support mfm drive head and cylind and jumper configur for secondari address and default drive tabl built rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive format dual drive oper bad track format and dynam format thi board featur power connector for filecard applic and will oper system refer note wdxt gen fe atur half slot size hard disk control card interfac support mfm hard disk drive head and cylind built rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive format d ual drive oper bad track format and dynam format refer note hard disk control fo r rll hard disk drive refer note featur half slot size hard disk control card in terfac support rll hard disk drive head and cylind and jumper configur for secon dari address and default drive tabl built rom bio support standard drive type vi rtual drive format dual drive oper bad track format and dynam format thi board f eatur power connector for filecard applic and will oper system note that thi con trol card will unavail manufactur western digit march refer note featur half slo t size hard disk control interfac support rll drive head and cylind built rom bi o support standard drive type virtual drive format bad track format and dynam fo rmat note that thi control card will unavail manufactur western digit march feat ur half slot size hard disk control card interfac support rll hard disk drive he ad and cylind and jumper configur for secondari address and default drive tabl b uilt rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive format dual drive oper ba d track format and dynam format thi board featur power connect for filecard appl ic and will oper system refer note featur half slot size hard disk control inter fac support rll drive head and cylind built rom bio support standard drive type virtual drive format bad track format and dynam format note and system bio chip that support hard disk drive western digit control card system will not boot sol v thi problem rom bio chip disabl disabl bio your western digit control card you remov jumper posit add jumper posit depend model control you note tandi system wdxt gen and can modifi oper tandi seri comput model and origin version comput u til interrupt irq irq ibm standard modifi oper system you cut etch pin and pin j umper posit solder pin and pin posit complet modif jumper ad posit switch row pi n note that physic modif your western digit hard disk control void warranti your board modifi wdxt gen for your tandi system ohm resist solder jumper posit thi will chang interrupt irq irq control for floppi disk drive fox half slot floppi disk control for system version board featur support two floppi disk drive featu r support floppi disk drive and includ option pin control data and power connect or and option pin power connector featur support two floppi disk drive and inclu d rom bio that will enabl your system recogn floppi disk drive that not support your system rom bio option rom bio will thi control card oper high densiti flopp i disk drive system featur support floppi disk drive and includ option pin contr ol data and power connector option pin power connector and rom bio that will ena bl your system recogn floppi disk drive that not support your system rom bio opt ion rom bio will thi control card oper high densiti floppi disk drive system pro duct for system hard disk control for mfm hard disk drive floppi support wah fea tur hard disk control card interfac support mfm drive head and cylind interleav featur hard disk control card interfac support mfm drive head and cylind interle av board can run high speed system megahertz system speed wah featur hard disk c ontrol card interfac support mfm drive head and cylind interleav featur hard dis k control card interfac support mfm drive head and cylind interleav and faster d ata transfer due ahead cach board can run high speed system megahertz system spe ed hard disk control for mfm hard disk drive and floppi disk drive featur hard d isk control card interfac full form factor support mfm drive head and cylind int erleav and floppi disk drive and featur hard disk control card interfac full for m factor support mfm drive head and cylind interleav and floppi disk drive and f eatur hard disk control card interfac support maximum mfm drive head and cylind interleav and floppi disk drive board can run high speed system megahertz system speed featur hard disk control card interfac support maximum mfm drive head and cylind interleav and faster data transfer due ahead cach and floppi disk drive board can run high speed system megahertz system speed hard disk control for rll

hard disk drive floppi support rah hard disk control card interfac support rll hard disk drive head and cylind interleav hard disk control card interfac suppor t maximum rll hard disk drive head and cylind interleav board can run high speed system megahertz system speed featur includ option rom bio that user defin driv e paramet featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio th at drive paramet rah hard disk control card interfac support maximum rll hard di sk drive head and cylind interleav featur includ option rom bio that addit drive paramet tabl featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bi o that drive paramet hard disk control card interfac support rll hard disk drive head and cylind interleav and faster data transfer due ahead cach board can run high speed system megahertz system speed featur includ option rom bio that user defin drive paramet featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet hard disk control for rll hard disk drive and floppi disk drive featur hard disk control card interfac support maximum rll hard disk drive head and cylind interleav and floppi disk drive hard disk control card in terfac support maximum rll hard disk drive head and cylind interleav and floppi disk drive board run high speed system megahertz system speed featur includ opti on rom bio that user defin drive paramet featur not includ rom bio and you us dr ive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet hard disk control card interfac support maximum rll hard disk drive head cylind and floppi disk drive featur int erleav and faster data transfer due ahead cach board can run high speed system m egahertz system speed featur includ option rom bio that user defin drive paramet featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet hard disk control for esdi hard disk drive floppi support wah thi contro l card will support esdi hard disk drive megabit per second data transfer rate a nd interleav featur includ option rom bio shadow ram that will enabl control car d interfac type esdi drive modifi system rom bio featur not includ rom bio and y ou us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet thi control card will su pport esdi hard disk drive megabit per second data transfer rate and interleav b oard can run high speed system megahertz system speed featur includ option rom b io shadow ram that will enabl control card interfac type esdi drive modifi syste m rom bio featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio th at drive paramet hard disk control for esdi hard disk drive and floppi disk driv e thi control card will support esdi hard disk drive megabit per second data tra nsfer rate interleav and floppi disk drive featur includ option rom bio shadow r am that will enabl control card interfac type esdi drive modifi system rom bio f eatur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive pa ramet thi control card will support esdi hard disk drive megabit per second data transfer rate interleav and floppi drive board can run high speed system megahe rtz bu speed featur includ option rom bio shadow ram that will enabl control car d interfac type esdi drive modifi system rom bio featur not includ rom bio and y ou us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet thi control card will su pport esdi hard disk drive megabit per second data transfer rate interleav and f loppi disk drive thi board serial port and parallel port featur includ option ro m bio shadow ram that will enabl control card interfac type esdi drive modifi sy stem rom bio featur not includ rom bio and you us drive tabl your system rom bio that drive paramet hard disk control for scsi hard disk drive asc scsi host ada pt that serv interfac bu and scsi bu driver and receiv includ permit direct cabl connect scsi bu pin connector and bu two edg connector asc util jumper configur option that enabl address space dma channel and interrupt request select suit e nd user applic board featur word data transfer megabyt per second synchron board floppi disk control and rom bio note that asc oper standard do do fasst thi scs i host adapt card featur asc addit support capabl softwar develop columbia data product fasst will support do compaq do do mo version xenix microsoft window nov el and syto tape backup wdatxt fasst kit unintellig scsi host adapt that compat ibm and compat system pin extern scsi bu connector standard pin intern scsi cabl wdatxt fasst can us target and initi and serv excel tool for scsi design low co st altern for end user desir instal scsi peripher devic such hard disk drive tap e backup unit kit includ bit scsi hba board manual fasst softwar diskett and int ern scsi cabl syto tape backup util for fasst fasst syto fasst version syto tape

backup util do compat run fasst softwar product revis hard disk control for mod el system microchannel architectur featur hard disk control interfac for microch annel system support mfm drive head and cylind interleav and faster data transfe r due ahead cach board can run high speed system megahertz system speed featur t hi control card will support esdi hard disk drive megabit per second transfer ra te and contain rom bio shadow ram that will enabl control card interfac type esd i hard disk drive modifi system bio interleav board can run high speed system me gahertz bu speed control for floppi disk drive fox half slot floppi disk control for system version board featur support two floppi disk drive featur support fl oppi disk drive and includ option pin control data and power connector and optio n pin power connector featur support two floppi disk drive and includ rom bio th at will enabl your system recogn floppi disk drive that not support your system rom bio option rom bio will thi control card oper high densiti floppi disk drive system featur support floppi disk drive and includ option pin control data and power connector option pin power connector and rom bio that will enabl your syst em recogn floppi disk drive that not support your system rom bio option rom bio will thi control card oper high densiti floppi disk drive system prof piacenza c hemistri depart univers transkei internet chpp unitrix utr prefer tel internet s ppp hippo neci mydual olson transfer stratu mon apr receiv transfer stratu ponde r mon apr receiv neci transfer stratu jjm mon apr edt receiv mydual neci neci ne c apr edt receiv mydual smail mon apr est date mon apr est kirtland olson mydual olson transfer stratu messag mydual drice ponder subject drive control compat n ewsgroup comp sy ibm hardwar repli drice ponder organ harvard group repli neci o lson mydual transfer stratu statu suggest you move jumper drive rightward posit regard kirt kirtland olson harvard usa olson mydual neci nec hardwar standard implement and board that design and find dificult track definit hardwar that and adress and fact that share irq and share irq exactli thi irq share not clear exist not irq share standard for irq us and answer email neil stone advanc neil watkinson null modem pin serial bruce maynard drac uumem c hi wrote articl mal psuvm psu edu mitch lewar mal psuvm psu edu write can give s pec null modem cabl ferget cross mal psuvm psu edu that easi carri pin straight except pin cross mention don carri pin plan minim null modem you transfer file b etwen pc thi work you persnick comm program plan null modem modem control dcd dt r dtr dcd comm softwar will wait for dcd transfer such softwar will rais dtr ena bl modem accept call thi cabl each side dtr will drive dcd plan null modem hardw ar flow control rt ct ct rt for high speed transfer you want flow control plan d elux null modem combin and rt ct ct rt dcd dtr dtr dcd thi ideal leav dsr and ra re us anymor you paranoid you wire spend you add pin number for pin connector do n pin pinout handi wayn hamilton net hamilton osiri cso uiuc edu lowtek box urba na voic bb want slot card vga hdd contr for card featur con trol for id bu harddiskdr control for floppydiskdr standard vga graphic includ f eatur connector import manufacturor distributor thi kind card not found you can mail ich djukfa ich zam zam kfa juelich lot martin mueller program keyboard heard that exist programm keybo ard can program displai kei show specif charact mean that transmit trivial data oppos standard numlock typeamat spec insid softwar not found refer spec for inte rfac idea that encod data sequenc standard command mention wouldn neat great adv anc andrew dcc and minidisc dat dd brownvm brown edu wrote can offshoot technolog that exist drive drive exist for comput expens and bit sl ow disk cheep disk dan read recent articl person comput world digit audion forma t dcc and end talk nice us for data storag calcul data you store author had talk soni format and mention thi repli pure audio format wouldn us for data press fo r info soni man basic admit that slight adaptabt origin poster want drive audio player price assum that problem that system can higher toler system ear doesn pi ck occasion bit error archiv program david shepherd de inmo tel inmo aztec west almondsburi bristol didn rate don poll tax and won council tax nichola ridlei problem maxtor lxt spin reason you can strang pr

oblem maxtor drive clone time time for obviou reason spin complet can sound and simpli refus access do react error drive cannot access cannot reproduc error som etim occur sometim last time happen want demonstr softwar colleagu experienc sim ilar problem don thing dealer told that noth wrong check post thi group maxtor a nd don problem describ problem and configur advanc for mail peter list equip com put mandax mainboard adaptec scsi master maxtor lxt scsi hard drive nec cdr rom reader problem remain rom remov vga card config sy file devic do setver ex devic window himem sy devic system aspi do sy devic system aswcdnec sy neccd do high countri do countri sy devic do displai sy con ega autoex bat window smartdriv sy path window do set temp do mode con codepag prepar do ega cpi mode con codepag select keyb do keyboard sy system mscdex neccd peter schneider englisch seminar mail pschneid unizh universitaet zurich phone plattenstrass fax zurich switzerla nd ati gup and vpic ati graphic ultra pro support v ersion vpic locat robert email repli appreci robert merlicek cbr hell robert ctp m engag ludicr speed back master quick explain back master appar not copi protect us program that unabl handl high densiti shit surpris hear that pro gram high densiti disk copi protect back huh learn dai mitch irq limit advic configur accept irq and lpt irq bu mous irq sound card idea can set irq for bu mous gobbl cycl and caus loss com mun floppi disk and problem suppos switch devic extern and disabl second port su per card want sound card us irq hors work repli apppreci and subscrib thi newsgr oup assum faq will mark fraser sec transfer slow for eisa ultrastor recent swit ch amiga comput configur mhz eisa micron motherboard asic eisa mhz ram harddisk scsi ultrastor eisa cach control us norton harddisk benchmark harddisk data tran sfer sec and sometim sec that good thought that eisa sec manual for harddisk rea d that host adapt perform low level format optim harddisk perform that system th at gui get transfer sec and and isa can isa system faster that can speedier hard disk phantom diku mail preffer work sign live tape recent advertis and base system exist and impli that circuitri motherboard work that speed opposit intern cpu work mhz advanc an drew andrew and version mhz you bui for nice size extern cach perform greater in tern cach work mhz potenti larger cach work mhz system run program main memori s inc dram slow for that high bu speed mhz mhz rdd winqwk unregist evalu copi kmai l net hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi dial in free usenet mail and ne wsgroup pcboard uupcb kmail call member eff asp asad disk serv ann arbor sinc don understand joohwe student neural iss nu wrot e bui simm recent and sale person told that chip simm and chip simm and cannot u s interchan you us you us type don you told can you that mix bank and can mix ba nk not speed mix and simm bank two differ type chip assum that simm bit wide two equival configur chip simm two bit wide mbit bit nibbl and bit wide mbit chip f or total bit wide mbyte bit simm bit wide mbit chip equival that pin simm board simm interfac act bit wide mbyte simm techi for similarli cannot plug two simm a nd simm system total meg that system support meg simm slot can plug simm give th at sound correct problem that your comput take bit wide simm you can not mix siz e bank you simpl you understand bank assum you bit cpu data bu mechan retriev da ta memori bit wide comput expect bit ask for data that bandwidth bit wide mother board link bit not data pariti will ignor that thi simpl explain bit bit that me an that simm bank store bit wide data you bit bu two simm link togeth bit wide d ata reason bank simm wide and bit bank simm wide your comput requir bit wide dat a pariti bit us and ast you upgrad simm time hope that thi messag not your head answer your question not simpl rdd winqwk unregist evalu copi kmail net hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi dial in free usenet mail and newsgroup pcboar d uupcb kmail call member eff asp asad disk serv ann arbor sinc myth haven heard sourc that trust and don ad for machin comput shopper intel pretti busi pentium can introduc competit heard rum or stori differ intel not come tripl clock clone ibm thi rumor pretti good sourc design comput equip and hav never wrong time for can hear that rumor mill turn

rdd winqwk unregist evalu copi kmail net hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi dial in free usenet mail and newsgroup pcboard uupcb kmail call member eff a sp asad disk serv ann arbor sinc simm speed plug simm into motherboard simm you s houldn troubl heard machin problem slower recommend memori speed never faster pl ug simm speed into motherboard meg and meg that simm bank and simm wouldn recomm end mix speed bank safe side rdd rdesonia erim org winqwk unregist evalu copi km ail net hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi dial in free usenet mail and newsgroup pcboard uupcb kmail call member eff asp asad disk serv ann arbor sinc vesa local bu plug ordinari isa card into vesa l ocalbu slot run slot and spare localbu slot doug rabson ioc email dfr ioc phone drabson cix compulink fax compaq and standard simm ram can put ordinari st andard simm ram chip compaq prolinea compaq requir special compaq ram chip email advanc jesper jesper honig spring spring diku anim believ god univers copenhage n denmark devil man appletalk hookup wai hook appletalk network us a ppl laserwrit can us appleshar file server memori us greatli appreci cmo memori loss idea cmo back dry cell batteri c ad cell your batteri dead mwallack kean uc mun mwallack kean uc mun wrote friend comput recent fail recogn hard drive examin discov that cmo had lost data probl em discov cmo restor appear work thi happen long period stabl oper recent chang had addit second hard drive slave qemm had instal deskview for quit idea comput meg ram ati card and year and half anonym post choic and wonder faster path extern cach shouldn choic that can made work properli local bu mean cach speed thing yo ur speed will block video that faster will specul that local bu will time fast a nd expens cheap regard name meuldijk address gildelaar teteringen holland mail v olkert kub oooo oooo vga atari monoitor connect atari monochrom monit or kind vga card thi max brant max tdb institutionen teknisk databehandl uppsala universitet robert desonia hal ann arbor robert desonia writ e heard rumor stori differ intel not come tripl clock clone ibm rumour ibm clock tripl chip trade show last fall comdex wasn you peopl drool thi chip realiz tha t fpu that evil market ploi intel don you intern cach save silicon real estat co ntract ibm not allow sell chip parti chip becom ibm machin noth prevent compani implement hasn even come real fpu and clone amd will segment memori help structu r softwar quantum prodriv drive paramet need quantum prodr iv id harddisk and format format low level format fdisk and do format mess param et had enter fdisk mbr not exactli know thi suggest drive type format drive type thi and not nomin us user type don actual paramet cylind head give and fdisk wo rk togeth user type repli email gerthd mv sa you thoma thoma dachsel internet ge rthd mv sa fidonet thoma dachsel camel fido subnet dachsel rnivh rni sub org ger mani activ phone work home fax snail sa institut gmbh box heidelberg taglin bad sector can ruin dai diamond stealth window problem articl pifisinnhs r dn nmsu edu jdier dant nmsu edu dier write stealth card diamond mil win driver card and driver work not fast window driver number bug shadow remain window era s and text box unread attempt diamond fail call tech support and never past hold line toll call reason time min leav voic mail not help bb joke peopl download y ou cannot even file list consid that download fax tech support group thi repons bottom line you for fast card and want us for window not diamond product anoth v endor had had experi share sentiment post origin stealth vram rel recent that wi ndow driver for thi card evolv point decent perform note that coupl mode cannot us will not due shadow mi drawn check box etc version recent releas drop note ha ven bb check natur diamond doesn even bother notifi fix releas diamond help fina l reach person cure window problem due address conflict conflict address omit ve rsion diamond vram manual hope correct tech rep explain that base board us addre

ss not confirm valid that statement upgrad motherboard futur hopefulli form loca l bu seek video solut diamond lanc hartmann lanc hartmann austin ibm ibmpa awdpa ibm that percent sign network address statement comment opinion etc reflect aut hor and not misconstru ibm for that matter card card motherboard thi dumbest question year piggyback expand slot motherboard bit usual case slot for and scanner card max h ope that simpl solut exist adapt that turn slot into don mind turn into bit slot can put card midi card and soundblast card card bit id floppi svga modem such e xpand that screw perform hate bui motherboard carl christensen dept comput scien c christen astro oci templ edu templ univers curious and curious philadelphia us a tape drive problem repli mail sinc thi job relat colorado jumbo back system place employ and eaten two tape wind tape spool easi fix tape drive fri simpli clean and comment will appreci stephen husak not you you didn you woke todai depech mode noth music for mass stephen husak husak cso uiuc edu univeris illinoi gatewai noisi articl edu lcai ac edu receiv gate wai mini desktop system thing notic plug power cord nois that come fan fact can hear nois your gatewai equip western hard drive nois come and not fan western dr ive notori noisi hand you don western drive fan not alot insul cpu barri aldridg chicago hour bar standard disclaim sec transfer slow for eisa ultrastor apr odin di ku phantom diku haktan bulut write recent switch amiga comput configur mhz eisa micron motherboard asic eisa mhz ram harddisk scsi ultrastor eisa cach control u s norton harddisk benchmark harddisk data transfer sec and sometim sec that good thought that eisa sec manual for harddisk read that host adapt perform low leve l format optim harddisk perform that system that gui get transfer sec and and is a can isa system faster that can speedier harddisk dont reli benchmark show inco rrect due tsr program scsi driver speed card make card oper synchronu mode faste r you can disabl disconnect and loos mous int diskacces and scsi and maxtor lxt coretest sysinfo jen ejvinson nackstavagen vii internet asyvan solac hsh sundsva l sweden tel act sweden fax nope advanc comput technolog bb not share your optim tip articl apr cbfsb att rmm cb newsg att richard maniscalco write articl pinnp geraldo utexa edu jbodnar ccwf u texa edu john bodnar write unl edu edgar pearlstein anoth comput arriv statement config sy file stack chang stack and save byte lower even haven exactli microso ft set stack singl comput instal window simpl eisa motherboard ndi volant tiga a dapt intel ethernet express card and cach scsi control dpt and dtc not problem a nd extra gain mean lot convent memori gobbl program orcad and tango pcb john bod nar like develop window univers texa austin applic never inhal internet jbodnar ccwf utexa edu utexa ccwf jbodnar borland ceo philipp kahn rememb read qemm manu al that stack need for window setup program us stack rich hmmmmmm comp window pr e instal and stack need for setup wouldn moron don qemm manual veryth comp not q emm manual verifi thi mickei michael panayiotaki lourai sea gwu edu ac uunet sea gwu edu lourai jack straw wichita cut buddi dug for shallow grave and lai bodi need hope can work project commun ibm phoenix bi o board that made intel cpu uart chip board work fine transmit command and termi n emul mode kermit wrong initi protocol us access unit built sizabl chunk code t hat will perform calcul and oper that will difficult code assembl languag for in clud assembl code that run and code that us can show that blatantli incorrectli that miss lack knowledg serial commun mail wrote assembl languag wait for charac t receiv and check charact receiv led will thi two program that written noth set port and send charact bioscom function bio softwar interrupt int function do tr ipl check baud rate pariti stop bit charact length bit and interrupt call for lo ss wrong hardwar guru want comment alot hubert jesu dejesu eniac sea upenn edu i ntel asm command equ command regist porta equ port timerlo equ high bit timer ti merhi equ low bit timer uartdata equ uart data regist uartcmd equ uart command r egist org sram locat mvi set low timer bit sta timerlo mvi set high timer bit st a timerhi mvi start timer enabl port sta command mvi displai segment led sta por ta mvi clear uart command sta uartcmd sta uartcmd sta uartcmd mvi intern reset u

art sta uartcmd lda uartdata remov extran data mvi init uart for data bit sta ua rtcmd pariti stop bit async mvi enabl transmit and receiv sta uartcmd init lda u artcmd read statu regist ani rxrdy init loop lda uartdata read data charact cpi charact jnz init loop mvi charact receiv sta porta displai segment led hlt end b ioscom includ stdio includ stdlib includ bio defin init defin send defin receiv defin statu defin void main char abyt abyt bioscom init abyt printf initi comm p ort bioscom statu abyt bioscom send abyt printf start charact int includ stdio i nclud stdlib includ do includ bio main union reg regist regist regist regist int regist regist printf initi regist regist regist int regist regist printf start charact and simm pin come and you interest call pdt inte rest trade nab asan nasa mirror articl ofinn darkstar ucsc edu banshe cat ucsc e du wailer gate dawn write edu nshah ac edu write gatewai local bu system slot fo r simm that us simm question receiv simm and pin slot motherboard pin wrong simm can us simm not pin slot flill never encount such long slot for simm suggest ca n hold gatewai post net nshah ac edu you wrong simm you pin simm meg flavor wail er gate dawn banshe cat ucsc edu you call froofroo head dod friend beast banshe ucscb ucsc edu banshe ucscb bitnet warranti extens credit compani appli phurchas co mput articl mll cup stagger cup ken stagger write huayong yang yang titan uc uma ss edu wrote not credit card compani offer doubl warranti year you make purchas credit card you addit warranti year appli purchas comput us catch advanc post re sult big comput purchas kei point abil us american express card read fine print doubl warranti polici amex and citibank visa will you doubl warranti comput citi bank maximum claim you imagin your monitor mother board fix for amex limit claim rememb you us amex you send copi warranti info dai purchas you call pre regist and send paperwork dai purchas pre regist pak arriv todai citibank visa requir p re registr ken talk rep for mastercard thi maximum claim and you notifi warranti item repair can repair you amount you paid for curious gold mastercard limit cl aim not upgrad that card bryan bryan welch amateur radio sfg internet europa vne t ibm bwelch scf nmsu edu will perish save love and music scot gaelic proverb ep technolog experi rough start purchas system e arlier post system offer ep technolog mhz static ram cach ami bio bit vesa local bu slot bit slot bit slot teac floppi drive maxtor hard drive id cach buffer bi t vesa local bu video card ram orchid fahrenheit card multisync monitor keyboard watt power suppli window mous do year limit warranti year site servic add for f lat screen digit monitor and will want for ram extra bought ep technolog system interest warrante and servic can recommend compani offer similar packag support and compar price fastmicro bit advanc tobi loftu tal brownvm tal brownvm brown e du brown univers for board thi for friend mine send answer direct li mail adress below highspe analog digit board ladi and gentleman for highspe b oard sampl rate mhz resolut bit sampl rate can arrang interleav mode time equiva l sampl yield time higher sampl rate convert interleav mode board content conver t similar analog devic faster you board bit slot isa thi specif send email hansc h cdc ikph uni hannov dbp telefax advanc for your sincer matthia hansch ikph uni vers hannov germani andrea heinbokel heinbok tnt uni hannov wisdom print shirt zeo vesa video spec you recent chang standard ve sa local bu video card ncr base card diamond stealth vlb card for packag and pac kag ncr screamer ad upgrad stealth ncr diamond viper product list below comparis on card configur will offer ncr stealth vlb viper vlb color oox color color colo r video processor ncr weitek power video ram max ram address vid processor ram t ype dram dram vram user ram upgrad socket socket diamond refresh oox refresh ref resh oxl refresh pin vesa featur connector conflict port addr driver for win aca d acad vesa winnt win winmark viper vlb video ram oox and color base card sinc d ownward compat will conflict diamond admit conflict will exist stealth prelim vi per manual incorrectli list port address conflict autocad driver for stealth spe edstar stealth vlb and viper vlb can obtain diamond tech support and not bb supp ort for standard vga for card svga driver futur window not releas and driver dia mond hope current product support win releas disk ncr test come test ran tech su

pport depart zeo zeo result not offici diamond result color ohz refresh for book netter troubl and fix book that show yo u fix your hardwar monitor printer problem etc book you exact problem your will give gener idea wrong lot for your for book netter for book that show fix your hard war problem you book mind motherboard and bio articl apr new unomaha edu h kok cse kok hon yin write can can deal for micron ami motherboard bu you can rep li mail thi group purchas super voyag vlb mhz board washburn compani month ago d on mail address clyde washburn advertis regularli week can reach compuserv phone number washburn competit price compar ami distribut like fact that talk hardwar and can easili reach compuserv for critcl question and inform custom phone rega rd dan moyer dan moyer columbiasc ncr need prodesign ii driver provid copi window driv er and grabber orchid technolog for us prodesign ii isa video card not access mo dem dial orchid bb you can wichev conveni you copi binari file directori readabl user cell andrew file system upload binari file anonym ftp site allow uuencod f ile and send electron mail notifi electron mail towwang caen engin umich edu adv anc francisco modem for sale sell usr hst baud modem bi compre ss upgrad manual lost side point modem setup for max throughput and built quick refer guid bottom us not difficult mean offer ibm point acifu acifu isluga puc wrote will chan g and read ibm point video card bit card cost and last question can point mhz up grad mhz you veeeri advanc alejandro cifuent acifu isluga puc question can answe r dealer ibm point will provid unsolicit advic amus kind advic todai tuedai ibm suppos offici announc introduct vesa local bu point system system board video an d disk prior point system and you vesa local bu for futur upgrad bui monitor new li and will immedi upgrad ultrastor cach scsi disk control and ati gup viper gra phic board not bui sytem person philosophi upgrad polici that not loss free you earn monei you pai tax you spend monei you pai tax you come and translat thi mea n infrequ larg step you short term and long term you avoid model and straight mo del gordon netbio and bio find inform netbio and bio interr upt call book ftp site you advanc emilio zeo vesa video spec articl apr zeo root zeo supe rus write ncr stealth vlb viper vlb color stuff delet video ram max ram address vid processor note even can address meg dram stealth vlb can handl meg diamond n ewer design special deal zeo stephen lau elec engin univ hawaii friend account w ait for grad account death synthesi gu wen monitor info thi monitor manufactur mail sco tti memori for for window articl pjinndua rave larc nasa gov jka air larc nasa gov write document that wordperfect for window requir ram instal laptop not memori error messag unload that possibl not memori idea t hi happen you you not run window real mode window you perman swapfil built scsi howdi thi cover illiter friend ask instal d rdo nec powerm problem and work drdo refus recogn hard drive instal even boot ha rd drive do open discov bit seagat scsi control scsi mbtye drive boot drdo flopp i second time and ran fdisk access drive and behold primari mbyte partit intact creat do didn you mbyte partit older dose wrong remov primari partit wouldn unaw ar special that scsi drive kinda expect work id mfm rll drive for do instal sugg est greatli appreci for throw garbag and bui advanc paul scsi not finck upgrad think splash motherboard for run linux ma in small do partit left for flatmat game current setup amd itt and mbyte simm an d mbyte id basic two choic sort live comput price high option work pound board s tart thi price for coupl question improv speed notic copro rememb bit and alot f loat point oper faster copro upgrad board and wait for amd pentium price pressur reduc cost experi will help kenni exampl price copro board board kenneth macdon ald mail kenni castl dept geologi geophys univers edinburgh scotland boot problem id control multi card id control se rial parallel interfac and two floppi drive and quantum prodriv connect format h ard disk not boot can boot drive disk drive not matter remov disk drive and pres s reset switch led drive continu glow and hard disk not access guess thi problem multi card floppi disk drive set jumper configur hint reason for repli email ge rthd mv sa thoma thoma dachsel internet gerthd mv sa fidonet thoma dachsel camel fido subnet dachsel rnivh rni sub org germani activ phone work home fax snail s a institut gmbh box heidelberg taglin bad sector can ruin dai floppi file copi silli question frequent edit sm all file and make copi floppi diskett size and format comput equip drive and dri ve can copi swap file temporarili hard disk full standard msdo command diskcopi work for small select file xcopi txt not write file copi command idea not amus f or your francisco need larg fast backup util for method back file maynstream that tape will capac for futur backup do file appreci inform backup d evic manufactur product floptic dat tape includ price backup speed manufactur ph one and opinion qualiti reliabl mail send summari interest advanc clau schwing s unyab student financ and record do interlink jka air larc nasa gov keith alston write type cabl requir us interlink capabl provid do null modem cabl and had two copi procomm talk happili anoth interlink connect made gave and us floppi articl apr aio jsc nasa gov mancu sweetpea jsc n asa gov keith mancu write articl apr kpc pcarmack gimp kpc phil carmack write pe opl perform driven weren peopl wouldn bui pentium system place sinc bui that run exist applic faster leagu pentium myth haven heard sourc that trust and don ad for machin comput shopper intel pretti busi pentium can introduc competit ibm di splai technolog demo thi effectivli mean neat technolog not commit make such ite m keith mancu mancu butch jsc nasa gov wvr mancu sweetpea jsc nasa gov black pow der and alcohol your state and citi fall your back wall lesli fish gui gui dawso n hoskyn group plc guyd hoskyn tel hoskyn guyd austin ibm tel ibm austin usa local dealer servic infam gatewai video monitor problem info request articl gk psuvm psu edu greg spath gk psuvm psu edu write a rticl ueom evf odin corp sgi mikei sgi mike yang mailord gatewai save technic su pport phone free softwar packag fun hold technic support phone local you can wal k dealer and wrong and fix long fix us part repair can substitut us part your kn owledg can charg you for repair that warranti claim due improp mainten your part come local dealer fun get consist good support tech tread salesmen not train te chnician high turnov rate fun get warranti work quickli and courteous fun get wa rranti work cheapli even period you paid servic contract servic technician and s ervic manag computerland franchis and anoth retail comput place talk local servi c scam that retail comput dealer push sell that song that car dealer sing for ye ar bui and you good servic treat custom bui competit and you you servic experien c mail order buyer that mail order compani that give excel servic includ overnig ht replac part site call etc local dealer that can give you good servic you loca l dealer give consistenli good servic you wrong anectdot prove point net can job can ted drude tbdrude infonod ingr gatewai uart chip articl spiroc bssw drq netcom spiro netcom philip spiro write georg theall theall gdalsrv sa upenn edu wrote a rticl dickyjc bmt netcom dickyj netcom dicki johan write that uart chip machin t hat uart chip byte buffer not sale critter spoke last week gatewai us socket chi p you find afn for and upgrad chip minor nuisanc for worth salesman that kbp and solder board will recent pl settl thi inspect phil phil spiro spiro netcom mine soder card you heard you multitask fifo buffer you loos data thi bryan luff mat h comp sci cal geniu mous driver fellow netland geniu mous mode l driver for button mous that thees mail driver config sy autoexec bat happi sta ffan ungsgard internet telesoft norden staffan ungsgard nynashamn telesoft utsik tsvagen phone nynashamn sweden fax applic error win problem get increas frustrat da i background american megatrend bio clone ram config sy file devic do himem sy d

o high umb devic window emm ex noem file buffer stack autoexec bat file smartdrv ex cmo set run wait state read and write cach ram problem applic error win star t newli instal win and instal excel run excel problem perman swap file size plac e for window proce instal norton desktop for window version problem instal ndw a lter autoexec bat nav run problem bring excel excel run and middl click select m ous desktop applic error screen anoth applic error screen messag stack fault drv address xxxx xxxx number drv vga driver provid manufactur gener protect fault n dw ex address segment load failur ndw ex address address flag address xxxx mean absolut idea thi mean comment tsr program autoexec bat emm setup not tell win su ppos applic cross memori boundari load run repli you idea suggest will steve chu bell lab holmdel summari inform local bu specif articl apr inesc jma ingrina write stuff delet pci intel bu not complet defin peopl long term sol ut larger fanout not cheap complex chipset friend own compani that build clone s hare fact that pci chipset not expens monei hungri clone maker doubt will attemp t price board high technolog lanc hartmann lanc hartmann austin ibm ibmpa awdpa ibm that percent sign network address statement comment opinion etc reflect auth or and not misconstru ibm for that matter articl apr kub volkert kub volkert write anonym post choic and wonder faster path extern cach shouldn choic that can made work p roperli local bu mean cach speed thing your speed will block video that faster w ill specul that local bu will time fast and expens cheap technic reason chip set cannot support and mhz local bu wait for mezzianin bu that will decoupl main cp u clock and for slot due user buffer thi will us faster cpu standard card buss s pec regard name meuldijk address gildelaar teteringen holland mail volkert kub o ooo oooo gui gui dawson hoskyn group plc guyd hoskyn tel hoskyn guyd austin ibm tel ibm austin usa tangent comput eisa system dealt tangent system that eisa backplan vesa slot for video scsi contol us made aorta never heard thi brand can comment tangent control david simm speed articl apr new unomaha edu hkok cse k ok hon yin write robert desonia robert desonia hal ann arbor wrote plug simm int o motherboard simm you shouldn troubl heard machin problem slower recommend memo ri speed never faster run troubl you want bui and mix expens and your machin wil l run slowest simm clock speed eventhough you cent thought your machin will run bu jumper cmo set wait state speed ram instal motherboard can sens speed ram ins tal you call fail sort auto sens thi you can sometim us slower ram machin you se t number wait state accomod slow ram case memori will run that slower rate you r educ wait state and chanc that slower ram will act faster ram and you won crash put faster ram won speed thing you machin faster ram mix fast and slow ram will not you you bu slow accomod slow ram jiml mailer address buggi repli jiml straus s ftcollinsco ncr jame lewczyk ncr mpd fort collin jim lewczyk ftcollinsco ncr tape drive problem articl cso uiuc edu husak cso uiuc edu stephen husak write repli mail sinc thi job relat colorado jumbo back system place employ and eaten two tape wind tape spool easi fix tape drive fri s impli clean and comment will appreci stephen husak not you you didn you woke tod ai depech mode noth music for mass stephen husak husak cso uiuc edu univeris ill inoi tape two tape that unwound type batch reason that bought gener tape that th i and found that tape marker not fulli punch and had close marker hole tape set you open tape cartridg and put tape back reel you not open remov two screw botto m tape cartridg and snap plastic shell metal base you pull tape assembl not touc h you you for coupl hole tape marker hole tape drive end tape hole space coupl i nch apart guess that drive find marker and stop second marker tape hole check mi rror tape clean function mirror detect marker hole tape drive shine light mirror and pickup area reflect come hole pickup detect light that allow pass and stop mirror dirti aligh sinc made into case you problem detect end tape tape drive ta pe and tape good pickup led sensor system fail dirti you open drive door you wil l sensor assembl left head assembl clean and noth drive servic that led burn sen sor warranti you send back cm for repair scott hile while relai nswc navi mil st andard disclaim opinion express and not necessarili reflect dod navi accept full

respons rapid tech squeez card box ibm card and across c all rapid technolog squeez card date and mhz crystal and big chip that cube conn ector ribbon type pin connector board bit board idea phil phil hunt wherev you y ou howtek inc internet phil howtek decvax harvard howtek phil articl iisakkil apr hut iisakkil hut mika iisakk ila wrote contract ibm not allow sell chip parti chip becom ibm machin thi month world for comput ibm slc don ibm restrict sell chip not anymor clock tripl even coprocessor great board cach make pin compat and you chip upgrad that dream mad e taka mizutani takaharu mail sa upenn edu problem maxtor id drive you respond and mail tip didn pan good hear you earlier post disk control acculog side hard floppi id co ntrol jumper default shown normal irq delai irq primari secondari floppi address singl dual speed floppi primari secondari id address precomp iochrdi not driven id drive control iochrdi card didn check brand serial parallel adapt logitech b u mous adapt roland mpu compat midi interfac configur default irq mem address op en box and remov card not chang normal irq delai irq disk control didn make diff er and iochrdi not driven id drive control iochrdi had effect put back and insta l card unplug floppi drive cabl disk control voila boot power second access hard disk plug floppi cabl back control and origin boot behavior return thi addit in form netland word wisdom for and deal larri plug byler do board port post thi for friend that run bb no t do window interest board that port anoth post sugget digiboard didn info give inform board that mention configur model specif price manufactur rob robert walk er walker umn edu comput scienc dept univers minnesota isa limit marka ssd csd harri mark ashlei write latest magazin pentium isssu editori advantag eis vesa plain isa vesa supposedli user will eventu want ram sinc isa bu bit bu can access even motherboard agre a rgument writer claim that glitch can occur system that limit that part don under stand ram motherboard cpu problem talk ram can explain thi problem isa bu master can address mb system memori bu master not us cpu system dma actual data transf er transfer data directli system ram roger pao gordiu bagdad pride mt rpao rpao mt mivj hard disk question disassembl and disk drive har d drive and floppi drive question can us drive drive thi hard drive floppi drive can send your advic comment aovai qube ocunix lot dlg pro note ted richard ted isgtec wrote devilbiss col wrote work advertis disappoint speed intel intern modem telebit unix end limit k bit unix link quantit comparison cat file file kbyte uncompress ascii text and s econd scroll window modem link char sec ident hardwar and procomm cat file take second char sec btw us ncd xview work dai for unix access lan and that fine cat file scroll second lan connect experi cat byte file line scenario xview for do f ull screen window sec telix do window sec telix do full screen window standard v ga sec telix do window window sec win seamless window gave min win window faster gave min win seamless window sec faster had hit space bar ati video card xview for do pretti good and line line scroll desktop pathet full page redraw pretti g ood xview normal bold font and small font and differ time modem receiv light pre tti solidli bottleneck baud modem not screen draw ted richard ted isgtec uunet i sgtec ted isg technolog inc airport mississauga ont canada ram board isa machin pheonix bio megabyt ram ins tal simm motherboard bank full and space for simm think run machin and possibl l inux window and that ram help simm solut can sell meg for and simm for us apart fact that can afford price entir process sell ram and bui us mean that machin fo r number dai avoid question ram board that plug into free slot work isa machin s old us for space for anoth board work devic driver need will bio pickup extra ra m simm mother board that isa expans slot bit and simm memori bit thi wish think appreci eric ebosco oracl hard drive mess dave david cat wrote vazzag vccn w rpi edu gregori anthoni vazzana write howdi dai norton speeddisk optim seagat problem persist back essenti data and decid reformat hard drive attempt thi clyl

ind head and gave error messag that not find sector can can even access hard dri v write inform boot do disk reformat hard drive and get error format hard drive press exit scan hard drive for virus can access and messag dir error int can ide a advanc for greg bio level format debug command xxxx xxxx hex address control b io locat thi will not work last resort larg magnet hard disk thi properli you wi ll damag disclaim not respons for your action directli appli larg magnet your ha rd disk correctli magnet trick will wipe hard disk complet and low level bio for mat succe david china cat bb cat david sed csc uunet mimsi anagld cat david laserjet upgrad dpi opinion current product upgr ad resolut support postscript experi good bad qualiti differ notic plan produc c amera readi copi home will higher resolut notic for vesa local bu articl apr umontr gregof jsp umont r grego filippo write fellow netter question for you gonna bui mhz vesa local bu speed benefit that great wise spend local bu system control and graphic card fo r normal us mean won us for server read articl can rememb your name and that eve n you local bu hard disk control your perform won that greater disk throughtput us fast bu peripher can cope bear mind vlb stand for for video origion intent bu speed bu that larg memori memori transfer faster thi espic transfer data main m emori video memori sinc vlb slot card maker make card fit two vlb ethernet card move data into card odd and wait for tickl net free local bu for card time you f ast buss and sometim you don you gregof jsp umontr gui gui dawson hoskyn group p lc guyd hoskyn tel hoskyn guyd austin ibm tel ibm austin usa anoth happi gatewai owner articl apr infonod ing r kbputt infonod ingr ken putt write don expens qualiti competitor rinstanc boug ht system novemb second tier vendor touch price for hardwar softwar combin anoth good thing read midst gatewai horror stori you sell system fast you end piss cu stom and ecstat and lot satisfi excel return polici don minim thi you bui mail o rder good thing that you replac part question ask dai two fedex impress system w ork vast major case rememb that peopl tail curv motiv write love and hate you do n hear folk middl rough edg doubt give good per dollar and us almost top qualiti compon do articl eastman lrxi ict kodak jame nonnemach write experi netland do that make comment whether not worthwhil upgrad problem h ardwar compat bug found thing disk doubler includ do possibl that disk doubl ex file get corrupt your disk unread recov such event file that problem dblspace bi n not ex arf ooo ooo bill burg burg qdeck and dog spot problem resolut prevent b b quarterdeck offic system fax qfax tech support support qdeck thi autom request gen info info qdeck fax system call compuserv quarterdeck handset your fax id scsi wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith wr ite thi doesn answer origin question multi user and mention made ether card disk data point view scsi advantag come multi task data data and anywher drive can s csi find faster can drive and into comput faster cach system thought scsi good m anag data bu multipl devic attach talk singl drive explain scsi inher faster man ag data hard drive you make mistak you confus drive interfac data throughput int erfac mac ibm info sheet ftp sumex aim stanford edu info mac report mac ibm comp ar txt expans mac ibm scsi extern devic expans interfac common mac and ibm us de vic hard drive printer scanner nubu card expans mac monitor and rom appl develop specif for scsi control ibm exact control specif result ad incompat ibm machin main problem lot extern devic intern termin problem for two devis scsi port scsi chain suppos termin begin and end set problem for mac ibm scsi devic per scsi c ontrol bit asynchron av and synchron max transfer base bit scsi requir scsi cont rol chip and can provid fast scsi not wide scsi bit interfac scsi scsi devic per scsi control scsi mode scsi fulli scsi complient and impliment fast scsi sinc c ontrol interfac hardwar expends and softwar transfer speed burst bit burst bit a nd burst bit wide and fast scsi scsi mode limit devic and reduc bit bit fast thr oughput due differ scsi and wide scsi port ibm interfac limit hard drive design lack develop id integr devic electron common standard and us for medium size dri ve can hard drive asynchron transfer max lowest set scsi interfac asynchron scsi mode averag put maximum id asynchron mode full scsi mode blow poor id window st reet and into garbag can problem becom can drive mechanisim put rate and that bo

ttleneck and cost scsi come not interfac and drive mechanisim us scsi put cost s csi interfac fullil prophisi peopl bui scsi expenc for turn convic make that mas s produc scsi reduc cost unwar and scsi expenc that effect rule scale item sold each item bare brunt cost manufactur and each item cost scsi drive mechanisim pu t limit drive id limit put memori slot problem articl qiij bigboot wpi edu ralf wpi wpi edu ralph valentino write final decid upgrad eisa memori meg meg tw o month part warranti ran anigma motherboard two month late problem two bit sim slot bank boot pattern test failur address and system deconfigur top meg sim goo d rotat into bank configur pattern test delet fail test pattern that appear patt ern sim place thi lead two connector address pin fault and lot luck patchabl ral ph ralph valentino ralf chpc org ralf wpi wpi edu hardwar engin worcest polytech n institut center for high perform comput marlborough motherboard jumper enabl d isabl memori bank you check that allen mulvei mulvei blurt oswego edu purchas last time microprocessor lab don lot buz z term hardwar purchas question motherboard ram additon slot for two vesa local bu for video not run unix question that ensur get qualiti stuff import featur mo nitor want interlac svga not brand can afford nec soni brand acer touch video ca rd run framemak fast video card western digit worth cirru logic ram compani want for local bu video card thi normal hard drive segat western digit conner price liabl performac case power suppli chois desktop and minitow adequ power suppli c ool gener problem issu featur for miss that lot semi liter read thi group your g reatli appreci jason chen vesa local bu guyd austin ibm gui dawson write v lb ethernet card move data into card odd and wait for tickl net for bit vlb for quickr appl impliment vlb byte quickr interest that interleav card that can divi d card time nubu and mca card interfac that kind speed and even nubu ditz burst mode mca call micro channel ibm and bit bu us cpu comput dct and can talk fast t wo compon involv can handl never incompat isa and eisa plan bu interfac ibm powe rpc carl jabido ida can handl vlb speed never mind quickr speed eisa poke nubu m ac speed burst mode vlb and quickr slow pci compet interfac that develop isa eisa articl apr envmsa ea asu edu firman env msa ea asu edu write articl casei apr grace wharton upenn edu casei grace wharto n upenn edu shawn casei write question for that familiar isa and eisa sytem conf igur switch isa board into eisa board card isa system work problem interupt prob lem that had isa board continu eisa board understand that eisa board handl irq c onfict run window problem run network telnet tcp window run system kick window i rq confict window assum memori address problem that will happen board switch bas e memori that you eisa mother board you us eisa card your comput system will slo wer you isa board isa card bill that nonsens you can us isa card eisa system pro blem and speed isa system luke origin ibm spec articl apr ucbeh san edu hoffmam c ucbeh san edu write hard drive type control can ad recommend not full height h ard drive run into troubl suppli not oomph spool big heavi platter system floppi drive and hard disk watt power suppli disconnect power floppi drive turn you wi ll notic hard drive real difficult time get speed manag boot finish plug your fl oppi drive will work thi not user friendli you bui watt power suppli that willem control question articl apr nwnexu paulf halcyon marlboro man write for access floppi drive level that lower bio port assign con trol chip spec sheet info floppi and write code that work disk method access rea d individu byte track stream into control afraid sector handl pure hardwar chanc can thi basic access point direct lot file for archi that call theref zip lot i nfo thing detail descript floppi control command hard drive control command not read entir track includ gap sector header etc set sector size larg willem ad hard drive origin ibm articl dxb panix schust er panix michael schuster write articl lsj ruinnl saltillo utexa edu goolsbei ut exa edu keith goolsbei write origin ibm not that never had hard drive question b io add hard drive sell complet packag thi mail suggest add meg meg hard drive ma il you bio support for rom bio extens such rom hard disk control hard card for n ot will trick you proper bio date us norton similar program find you set correct

switch set your control can pain sinc don come proper doc for hardwar contain i nsid western digit info need recent loan older dec wo rk and option ad addit western digit hard drive machin exist drive western digit and work fine not document for configur master slave relationship for drive set up drive format tandi do eventu upgrad do drive model number circa cyl head driv e note add that exact configur for current bio work set cyl head write pre land zone pair jumper pin back that presum for set master slave origin drive machin h ad suggest back for master and middl jumper for slave boot reiniti puke access d rive flicker time second drive error hopefulli problem simpl drive not format no t person had actual format and unformat drive not even that and thi great fulli appreci not number for western digit good swood hunt michigan don despair close season opossum porcupin weasel red squirrel skunk starl feral pigeon english spa rrow ground squirrel woodchuck trout season open last saturdai thi month articl bcinnmep golem wcc govt hamilton golem wc c govt michael hamilton write you switch understand can local bu devic mother bo ard not local bu slot and told system vesa local bu standard order provid system local bu slot capabl definitli mother board local bu slot claim support cpu inc lud and can throw inform light thi issu you will check peripher maker board will work mhz will motherboard toni caton compstat wharton upenn edu intellig serial bill write bui serial port and m odem each can us for thing you can us modem your comput not upgrad modem chang b ox hear that isdn big europ you beauti isdn modem for pice car somedai bidirect bill davidsen corp center box schenectadi curent unit state standard isdn kbit s uppos what kbit kup aka christoph kuperman holist system consult email zork yoyo monash edu giv man fish eat for dai teach fish eat for differ pin and pin simm can differ pin and pin s imm detail inform origin two type simm prefer magazin review aricl faq for thi g roup cover simm inform direct inform appreci sincer jen dept univ maryland yjwu eng umd sun rom pc articl apr novel pbartok novel peter bartok write great don your effort and talent notic put program net upload anony m ftp site peopl can and put into ftp novel pub incom small programm that can us switch suncd drive into byte block mode for us msdo adaptec apsi ftp ftp novel pub adaptec cdblksize zip juergen keil tool uunet mcsun unido tool anoth gatewai post never thought contribut gatew ai thread pro con spleen us vent scenario order ultrastor local bu control recei v system dai order happi discov ultrastor isa control insid unhappi call gatewai receiv correct control dai get happier control doesn work unhappi call gatewai anoth control dai cool end sight thi control doesn work motherboard bad unhappi gatewai solut will order motherboard dai and site servic instal for dai work ser vic peopl work blown hour thi hold and don time dai work dai return period almos t and us thin for minut thing back extrem upset began thi post support rep told that pai ship not for return system two hard drive control had fortun spoke cust om servic and up come and pick grati downsid that order anoth comput gatewai tur n prospect and custom servic tech support product great for part begin save wort h potenti aggrav mail order compani difficult contact gatewai boom and for good reason don can feel mark devanei hear and georgia institut technolog atlanta geo rgia internet markd gatech edu adaptec problem recent suffer problem adaptec co ntrol problem floppi disk drive doesn work appar two jumper control that affect floppi disk drive locat lower front corner such jumper and possibl locat problem hard disk refus boot two scsi rodim miniscrib messag miss oper system even disk format control and damn oper system boot quantum get do version inform thi due incombat memori driver jumper that affect caus such error advanc jouni jouni mar ttila kyl turku finland jmarttila abo jmarttila finabo abovax jmarttila jjmartti utu pgp kei finger jmarttila abo tape backup question folk archiv intern qic tape drive pretti compar colorado jumbo sinc two floppi drive system small card not acceler made archiv attach tape drive floppi devic problem do base qicstream sof

twar work fine norton and central point backup program for window fail switch ma chin turbo speed eisa sinc do softwar work can hardwar problem can similar probl em solut advanc jerri shekhel molecular simul inc time fade page drummer burling ton usa book memori rhythm jerri msi gun rose rom for gatewai and misc info terri clark tclark new weeg uiowa edu wrote upgrad nanao thi monitor will handl vertic refresh not nanao will not btw gatewai told thing phil phil spiro spiro netcom recommend for local bu cach id control hear net wisdom and net opinion id control liek id control card for vlb motherboard good option for thi prefer work and compat stacker and disk compress advis divya divy a live long and die slow and horribl death confuciu want tape backup for window for complet solut isa vlb scsi control ultrastor tape drive archiv window program that will work intend s ystem will ram plain isa control will longer hear that scsi world not organ tape backup setup for describ mail marka gcx ssd csd harri refresh rate nec fgx can maximum horizont and ve rtic refresh rate nec fgx not fge ftp problem gatewai gatewai smc elit seri etherc ard us ncsa ftp send gatewai hash turn hash mark immedi comput drag turn intern cach speed doesn match speed receiv gatewai doesn matter send gatewai hash mark and extrem slow cach not disabl thi fix gatewai purchas june respond directli yo u wouldn slow new thi system soundblast irq and port set articl qjv bogu sura net vargish bogu sura net nichola vargish write soundblat card suppos share irq lpt parallel printer interfac and gener thi scheme work sometim conflict depend softwar origin game bitchi interrupt solut switch interrupt irq unreserv contem porari comput irq for drive architechtur don put irq you comput thi irq complet stabl for and us plai mod and wav linux free for architectur machin problem game do us irq disadvantag game assum that board irq and adjust thi set had troubl l uca film game peter geltner administr dean comput santa monica colleg santa moni ca california refer need memori manag report topic advanc memo ri manag and good refer cover thi topic analyt chemistri class instrument analys i you guess doesn extrem thorough extens cover topic chemic engin and not memori manag point good direct thank advanc joe bleazard hydra gatech edu school chemi c engin georgia institut technolog atlanta articl isgtec isgtec ted isgtec ted richard writ e devilbiss col wrote brought ncd xview window version us modem link unix system instal easi you program ncd call xremot run unix host total softwar cost for se at ncd educ price softwar packag for strap for cash eugen ted richard ted isgtec uunet isgtec ted isg technolog inc airport mississauga ont canada eugen hsu aka heug univers southern california eugeneh scf usc edu electr and biomed engin fr eak yeah yeah santa victim kroq detect undercov anoth happi gatewai owner pastor vfl paramax jon pastor write vast major case rememb that peopl tail curv motiv write love and h ate you don hear folk middl rough edg doubt give good per dollar and us almost t op qualiti compon middl road owner satisfi system had share problem correct phon e convers etc satisfi for monei stephen husak not you you didn you woke todai de pech mode noth music for mass stephen husak husak cso uiuc edu univeris illinoi want chipset info motherboard last byte memori m anag download for trial report chipset addtech pcchip chipset and activ ram segm ent ffff can us for umb for video bio write driver activ memori can program info rm thi chip phil want opinion mag and nanao monitor bui monitor a nd that can decid monitor bui mag thi dpi version and triniton tube and nanao mi nd specif problem monitor relat opinion bui monitor will welcom advanc ong mang iastat edu monitor for xga ifpg new claremont edu dhosek ja rthur claremont edu hosek write recommend monitor for xga can us svga monitor ne ed curiou blow monster wad cash system xga xga for origin xga you that can inter

lac compat and idea for xga you prefer multi sync ibm nec even fix frequenc moni tor home viewson multisync easi run mode color noninterlac higher mode dick kaul opinion not offici ibm posit etc ibm xga develop make wear suit speak for ibm b oca raton shhhh maestro decompos kaul vnet ibm articl bcinnmep golem wcc govt hamilton golem wc c govt michael hamilton write definitli mother board local bu slot claim support cpu includ and can throw inform light thi issu michael hamilton motherboard sup port bu and cpu option bio addit wait can ad regard cpu bu transact thi slow cpu rate that bu devic time thing wait appli cpu transact bu devic you want enabl w ait you bu devic thi read motherboard manual and interpr tation your mileag vari strictli speak and mhz not compat and fudg mechan physic work gari korenek kore nek ferranti network manag technolog incorpor ferranti intern control corp sugar land texa cfv and vote ack comp programm port setup multim edia bug attent voter had problem mailbox dai vote check vote acknowleg ack end thi cfv your name address not send your vote check even you vote dai introduct t hi and final call for vote cfv for creation newsgroup and renam creat comp progr amm port unmoder renam comp programm comp programm misc unmoder comp setup unmod er comp multimedia unmoder comp bug unmoder thi second attempt creat comp progra mm port and comp setup and renam comp programm comp programm misc attempt fail s ummer vote deadlin august vote rule state that anoth attempt for creat newsgroup can start six month wait period thi case march thi attempt creat comp multimedi a and comp bug thi document contain background show for propos propos charter fo r propos vote instruct vote ballot exampl ballot vote rule vote schedul mass ack nowledg background creation two free bit compil for gcc and emx gcc read comp pr ogramm for detail spur continu delug softwar port unix platform such emac awk gr ep sed xscheme ispel flex yacc and borland releas compil for allow for easier po rt do and window softwar hardwar and driver written for do and window peopl disc ov number peopl ask question compat hardwar increas question avail driver for ha rdwar instal procedur etc multimedia popular support window multimedia extens wi n ibm includ direct multimedia support start version addit win trivial softwar w ill bug not exempt sinc ibm constantli ad featur ibm issu system patch and corre ct servic disk servic pak for free free bbss and ftp site for free small media c harg for diskett read comp misc for detail propos charter creat comp programm po rt unmoder will provid forum for develop port softwar coordin effort avoid dupli c effort and spur addit develop group will cover topic such port platform such d o window unix etc toolkit aid program portabl includ port tool such mirror and r enam comp programm misc unmoder structur newsgroup heirarchi orthogon comp progr amm renam comp programm misc comp programm misc will newsgroup for programm disc uss program issu and technic aspect unmoder set creat comp setup unmoder will de vot system setup topic includ avail devic driver compat inform instal procedur s ystem requir and perform optim creat comp multimedia unmoder will provid forum f or discuss multi media issu creat comp bug unmoder will provid forum for system bug report bug diagnosi and work around avail system patch and correct servic di sk and note that discuss bug applic belong newsgroup and discuss bug beta belong comp beta vote cast your vote fill ballot below and mail newsread will mail rep li thi post send ballot and edit rest thi post type your vote for each propos yo u favor charter propos put name you oppos charter propos put name abstain leav b lank name type your last name your famili name comma and your name your person n ame cut ballot not delet line ballot mail your ballot mlevi lonestar utsa edu ce ntral time april ballot cut cut cut comp programm port comp programm misc comp s etup comp multimedia comp bug voter last name mail ballot mlevi lonestar utsa ed u april cut cut cut exampl ballot comp programm port comp programm misc comp set up comp multimedia comp bug voter last name smith john thi exampl john smith fav or comp programm port creat and comp programm renam comp programm misc oppos cre ation comp setup and comp bug not view creation comp multimedia exampl ballot co mp programm port comp programm misc comp setup comp multimedia comp bug voter la st name doe jane thi exampl jane doe favor creation renam propos vote rule vote per person you vote onc recent vote will count vote mail person vote proxi vote forward post vote newsgroup etc will not count not vote statu vote will reveal p

oll close will acknowledg vote mass acknowledg ack will post ack twice schedul b elow you for your editor mail vote work gener etc expert your site creat newsgro up articl post new answer regular basi you clarif vote procedur for thi cfv send mail mlevi ringer utsa edu vote period schedul below propos pass formula true n umber vote exce number vote number vote exce twice number vote word propos pass max max return highest number schedul vote period start march cfv post david law renc new announc newgroup moder thi cfv repeat cfv mass acknowledg ack name and mail address vote send your vote not you not vote vote vote period will end cent ral time april vote receiv that time will not count vote result and talli will p ost shortli that date mass acknowledg list peopl ballot central time april bdubb tamu edu aiyagari sanjai ska crux cit cornel edu alcorn justin alcorn alpha ce cwru edu arien peter laaaa blekul bitnet frmop cnusc asselin andr assela rpi edu aurand tom tom long lanc colost edu baechler cedric cbaechl iiic ethz bartlett warren bart pdn paradyn bate john johnb edu beadl jeff neon rain beal kenneth kb eal amber ssd csd harri bedersdorf jochen beder dfki uni bell dougla dab scl cwr u edu benningfield robert concert net aur aurw benningf biegel bryan biegel tigr i stanford edu blackman ebb venu tamu edu bodnar john jbodnar ccwf utexa edu boi svert weslei wesb dermit isi org boneham kevin boneham suntan eng usf edu boresc h stefan boresch tammi harvard edu boschma wilfri hh botha david mella bow natha niel woodi vnet ibm bower neil neilb borri eec unm edu braun david roland roll c hoat edu bronner geoffrei geoffb coo dartmouth edu bror dieter brown bill brown chinchilla ucf edu cambria michael cambria smaug enet dec carlson bill woc popla r virginia edu champion evan evanc carbon isi org chandonia john chandoni husc h arvard edu chen ted tedc ubc chua hak berkelei edu ciesielski boleslaw bolek vie wlog clement bruce frei alfheim actrix gen clement marc mfclement ucdavi edu cli ne ernest cline usceast scarolina edu cock simon simonc monu monash edu compton curti compton plain nodak edu costello robert rcc ultb isc rit edu coulman randi coulman skdad usask cox anthoni aecox waikato cox robert rcox qvack mcgill cull iton tom culliton srg mil daigl joe daigl apollo decarlo john jdecarlo mitr org dippold ron rdippold qualcomm donaldson ian icd ecr drye stephen scdrye undergra d math uwaterloo duffi patrick duffi theori chem ubc dusitsin krid dusitsin umr edu erzberg martin erzberg ifi unizh feldtmann marten marten feki toppoint feust el edward efeustel ida org filippini luigi luigi berlioz cr fischer stefan fisch er tammi harvard edu fleuren rik rik sci kun franci tim franci vnet ibm francoi menard menaf dmi usherb frank derek frank hercul uregina franzki wolfgang wfranz ki hlrserv hlrz kfa juelich friedrich jochen jofri fzi frii torben tfrii imada u nther stefan stefan med informatik uni hildesheim galarza edward lenbc cunyvm cu ni edu gammon robert rgammon rgam gartler hermann herm owlnet rice edu garzik je ff gtd prism gatech edu gershman mark gershman bach udel edu giller david rafetm ad cheshir oxi edu gnassi john jgnassi hstbme mit edu goyal mohit goyal utdalla edu green anthoni green roboco grupenhoff mike kashmir wam umd edu guo youren yg uo sparc uiuc edu hacker jonathan hacker cco caltech edu haggerti michael mrhagg er athena mit edu hargrav fattir vnet ibm hartman shane shane spr hartzman le ha rtzman kilroi jpl nasa gov hassa georg hassag rpi edu hed nevo nyh wpi wpi edu h eederik robbert heederik fwi uva hellerhoff torsten torsten hellerhoff mau hende l bernd bhendel estec estec esa henriksen gerald rose henri andrew henri gdr bat h herbison herbison lassi ucx lkg dec herron kenneth kherron uki edu hilmer andr ew hilmera mist orst edu hoang long lhoang orion oac uci edu hodg bob hodg iccgc c hodg matthew modest iastat edu hollebon bruce lermer theori chem ubc holsman i an iholsman cmutual hopkin john john uh uh uga edu hoppenbrouw jeroen hoppi kub howard robert robert howard matd gatech edu huang ping pshuang athena mit edu ja ckson dave jackson axion jensen colin ljensen netcom kassarjian steven kassarji spot colorado edu kiehl horst kiehl ibt ibt kfa juelich kitchin bruce kitchin ko ne bob bkone rflab ubc kovarski mark kovarski zooid guild org kretzer myke tanit h csd csd uwm edu laci stephen andrew cmu edu lai william lai sea gwu edu landi brian landi cco caltech edu lau franki lau tammi harvard edu lau stephen lau sri lawton gef glawton uah edu glass franck franck leglass irisa lebiu hen lebiu ut kux utk edu lee jame jele ucdavi edu lehtonen jari jarlehto utu leitner thoma to m finwd graz lemprier mike mikel networx lentin kevin kevinl bruce monash edu le ung johnni rick ubc lim pean plim claircom lin steven slin cisco lindholm georg

lindholm uc ubc liukkonen juha jliukkon helsinki logan stan logan lexmark kevin kevinlu yoyo monash edu martin johann jmartin mogli zdv uni mainz mashao daniel djm lem brown edu maturo larri larri titan tsd arlut utexa edu maxwel scott scot t maxwel channel mayer gunther gmayer physik uni maynard jai jmaynard nyx edu mc carthi christoph mccarthi gollum ttd teradyn mcgehrin matthew matthew dabeef de edu mcging john jmcging access digex mcguir emcguir intellect mcmillan andrew an drew mcmillan folli welli gen meyer jeff moriarti fluke miller richard rick cric k ssctr bcm tmc edu mittelstaedt olaf mittelst felix ulm moorcroft marc smarri z ooid guild org morrison john paul jmorriso ubc mosher david dmosher nyx edu moua wad naji nmouawad math uwaterloo mullin don mullin magnum convex nadler cliff cn adler vnet ibm nareid helg helg nareid due unit narinian vartan narinian norton charl cmn ftp neel bruce oneel aplcenmp apl jhu edu rourk sean sorourk lonestar utsa edu oldham cro socrat asu edu olson eric ejo kaja alaska edu oussoren ronal d roussor owen bill owen cookiemonst buffalo edu park dwayn dcp engr uark edu pa rri tom parri yoyo monash edu pebli bob pebli vnet ibm perdu alicia arperd mik u ki edu petro herbert hmpetro mosaic uncc edu pietilainen pekka ppi eero oulu poo l david dpool hydrogen osc montana edu powel stephen stevep kralizec zeta org pr escod paul papresco undergrad math uwaterloo provens jerom uunet net iac jerom q uinn michael quinn phoenix princeton edu rao venkat rao cactu org reisert jim re isert mast enet dec reynold robert easyrob utexa edu robertson jame robertson ph ysc byu edu roelof greg roe midwai uchicago edu rosenvold johan kristian jkr ifi uio ruppel marku ruppel imperi ryan sean fsspr acad alaska edu salomon larri ma n panix schimk nathan schimken rpi edu schipper haijo haijo rug seymour jim qint ar agora rain shankar gess gess knex mind org shaw jeremi jeremi plxsun plx sier wald joern sierwald harburg dbp sippl timothi sip midwai uchicago edu skogstad o ddbjorn odskog siri unit smith donald dj ultb isc rit edu smith eliot esmith psy ch purdu edu sneath tim psyhtj mip ccc nottingham sorensen tom prism gatech edu sriram swknasri nuscc nu steel alan steel nrcphy phy nrc steinkopf dirk dirk zfe siemen stirl ian ian vnet ibm strazdu stephen sstrazdu sedona intel streeter ca rl cstreet nyx edu sum eva eesum mik uki edu sum joei jpsum mik uki edu suttor j eff jsuttor netcom swallow doug doug montag oau org sward david sward cmu edu th oma stephen swt therson affin org thompson michael tommi msc cornel edu tiffani bernard lbt umich edu torreman engelbert etorrem hvlpa att att tremain jim jim b iologi watstar uwaterloo tsen maoee tsen student umn edu van der lek petja vande rlek research ptt van iwaarden ronald rvaniwaa copper denver colorado edu van wo erkom marc marc van woerkom mau veeraraghavan venkatesh venki owlnet rice edu ve ldhuyzen eric hh vigor kevin kevin wicat villumsen ol ovillumsen daimi aau wald david wald theori lc mit edu wallac jack grei vnet ibm wantosch rainer rainer sa sowa han watson brett watson elec weber fahr christoph weber rhrk uni week larri dev ecn purdu edu werner john werner soe berkelei edu west mike west esd nec we yrich orvil uunet net weyrich orvil white andrew apwhit csugrad edu wiersema bri an brianw umd umd edu wimmer carsten carsten wimmer train fido wittenau allen al len wittenau crispi carb woodburi gregori ggw wolv durham worthington stephen st ephen actrix gen wright gregori gregori bcstec boe wybl richard transfer stratu schunix rwybl young david dyoung netcom zabbal christian kri binklei mcgill zawo dni jeremi jzawodn andi bgsu edu zou nan nan matt ksu ksu edu mike levi unoffici spokesmodel mlevi lonestar utsa edu vote mlevi ringer utsa edu clarif ncr extern floppi drive inherit ncr extern flopp i thi thing port man back question connect thi thing hardwar need softwar tia al ex respond directli not thi alia fix frequenc khz vga monitor recent bought monic hrom vga monitor for that will interlac good deal fix scan rate monitor and hand l khz horizont trident card work graphic mode and not us sinc applic will set mo de text suppos that can us thi gener purpos vga displai meg trident card not can sort vga card peter desnoy request info mysteri card rummag box part found half size board that comm port board made fort data system and copyright date bo ard male pin connector and jumper pin each two label plug into and ran advanc di agnost time chang jumper posit each time system not recognis comm port clue thi board configur us anoth comm port free bryan joystick suggest plan bui joystick time sinc sol d amiga year ago for idea kind stick bui peopl recommend varieti gravi model goo d willi vill walveranta tel fax linda av apt finland oakland fax automat recogn usa email wil shell portal info want tseng lab vlb fellow netter info tseng lab vlb card price speed compat exist and com softwar perform compar card base card you id scsi articl kvinnndk dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write point view scsi advantag come multi task data data and anyw her drive can scsi find faster can drive and into comput faster cach system thou ght scsi good manag data bu multipl devic attach talk singl drive explain scsi i nher faster manag data hard drive id integr devic electron common standard and u s for medium size drive can hard drive asynchron transfer max don you start spec sheet isa bu you can quot scsi spec till you blue face exce isa bu capabl point id limit meg sec vlb id perform lowest set scsi interfac asynchron scsi mode av erag put maximum id asynchron mode full scsi mode blow poor id window street and into garbag can impliment system problem becom can drive mechanisim put rate an d that bottleneck and cost scsi come not interfac and drive mechanisim us scsi p ut origin question scsi us singl hard drive control scsi drive that will meg sec for scsi choic make senc meg meg sec scsi drive cost cost scsi interfac fullil prophisi peopl bui scsi expenc for turn convic make that mass produc scsi reduc cost unwar and scsi expenc that effect rule scale item sold each item bare brunt cost manufactur and each item cost origin cga cart back origin ega card pga scs i stood rel alon not come price talk and not sun sparc sgi name your favorit uni x workstat that million bui decis year scsi had plenti time come price won argu that scsi standard make for good impliment data highwai want intrins id isa bu c ome multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive ethernet dear standard connect gri and gvc nic e thernet card that router and modem work ping finger and even telnetd time crash randomli greatli appreci suspect that hardwar conflict run ram ethernet card con figur for irq port advanc that not don even question send mail elliott date stuck date stuck run do menu system aliv ti me machin left run time suddenli date longer roll time accur allwai chang date h and morn thi involv exit menu system do slightest idea thi even clue whether har dwar batteri cmo do broken kevin gorman kevin kosman kevin kosman nrc voic vital comput system beachcomb oxnard disclaim boss and stand color orchid pipe dream orchid fahrenheit vlb dr am base card had problem for instal second meg dram for video and orchid fix tec h support jumper set not ordinari manual assum come memori order guess glad didn bui memori that thing that puzzl not color mode thing full screen enlarg deskto p mode ati ultra can handl that memori bui you fahrenheit mode geez had wouldn b other ask and your point orchid softwar develop busi project point final driver that can handl high re hicolor mode love anoth card perhap will wait gener card come sinc thi card bundl system and not easi exchang thing broken you want mode steer orchid card vlb vlb develop busi magazin believ product can handl color ge noa evenn that misprint gener semi gener driver can coulda that ati vga donye at hena mit edu bu clk speed articl uupcb hal ann arbor robert d esonia hal ann arbor robert desonia write param bio setup that bu clk clock isa spec card can run that fast set fact and set back act weird you unexplain floppi drive error your modem lock you video problem etc you overdr bu that thing chec k you error your system pretti safe overdr your bu long your isa card work flawl essli suggest back your plai not bu set clk mhz problem soundblast pro zoom fxm rll control etc work fine set mhz simpli don past post routin doubt you damag pl ai allen soundblast irq and port set solut switch interru pt irq unreserv contemporari comput irq for drive architechtur not completli tru e for class and machin irq reserv for lpt sinc rare second parallel port good sa fe choic you interrupt hand ran into problem that work gatewai comput modem mous and serial port set interrupt had real fight board us irq and discoverd problem

that gatewai had set such that us irq disabl problem grumbl dai figur interrupt didn work mike spragu wbst xerox ast hot shot recent acquir ast hot shot acceller board for san document dip switch back card come softwar inform card greatli ap preci rob robert bultman speed scientif school univers louisvil internet rmbult starbas spd louisvil edu robert bultman speed scientif school univers louisvil i nternet rmbult starbas spd louisvil edu diamond speedstar hicolor card isa system meg di amond speedstar hicolor video card meg vram and standard ctx svga monitor run wi ndow and overlap window applic overlap program manag window and close activ appl ic window erasur slow part window that not overlap eras slowli thi happen iconif i applic hicolor card advertis faster standard video card not acceler chip run t hi slow speed simpli expect acceler chip that bottleneck system that unawar you can mail directli you genek ucsb edu conner problem recent run norton disk surfac tes t realiz slow harddisk access begin test harddisk will check speed that surfac t est scane half harddisk tremend slow occur expect time for oper will jump minut us harddisk tool check physic damag harddisk and report turn surfac test slow fo r section disk and turn back origin speed get section wonder whether harddisk pr oblem problem comment will apprici shane chenei wang phone number for western digit esdi problem esdi control rom bio work fine recent upgrad motherboard mhz maxter drive crazi make lot seek sound even drive not access numour hard disk control error symptom dis appear switch turbo mode mhz suspect time depend rom bio routin newer version th i mother board ami bio cach mhz bu and work fine mfm drive had dig will send pho ne number tech support bb for western digit advanc jai physic seattl choe phy wa shington edu cach micron eisa vlb motherboard thi silli quest ion process purchas eisa bu comput and found two place that sell machin that wan t and price ar and us cach motherboard that brand motherboard opti chip set micr on edg technolog and us micron eisa vlb motherboard that thi silli question sinc that micron motherboard manufactur never heard cach lean ar machin impress that for build good solid machin and good tech support dai and warrante year micron hand recent aquir edg technolog and not trust compani input thi micron machin cl ear choic posit neg compani heard cach motherboard micron micron motherboard etc advanc for inform mohammad ansari int for joystick slow int read joystick and hide ous slow cpu time spent read joystick and thi program that noth printf and joyre ad problem that lot program trap int smartdrv and slow hell interfac can read jo ystick port safe fashion poll and that isn platform clockspe specif brianzex colorado jumbo for gatewai world std peter davi write instal colorado jumbo tape backup unit gatewai and coupl complaint don com mon problem feedback us thi system btw thi tower system similar configur colorad o tower problem firstli gatewai ship tape even drive unit call complain that car ri and compress you can fit tape pai extra for larg capac tape drive you sucker silli believ that logo front meant actual carri capac peopl thi sort thing for l ive call market lawyer prosecut call fraud perhap can bunch dupe buyer march cor por headquart data drive choos space optim compress scheme and start full backup softwar estim minut hour thi sound thi bit long system take minut thing hour ta pe grind time mean that your block size for write small chang block size write b uffer size bigger backup dozen file access deni error window system comm drv key board drv shell dll etc window progman ex and coupl file tape directori had thi happen thi file open do file tape directori like execut file configur file for t ape system recommend run backup do will make complet backup tape directori for a nd feedback thi system hear good sourc for blank tape cartridg prefer size cartr idg won you good sinc drive won write physic data tape brent william brentw netc om san jose california phar lap spectr spectr nmt edu wrote phar lap er r chip execut virtual mode control anoth program you turn thi program order us d o extend run protect mode mean thi show compuadd express whenev program such mat

lab mapl run do msdo and do noth nada memori noth appear viru check spectr jupit nmt edu spectr cyborg nmt edu thi world and illus richard bit illus you underst and that donald shimoda us thi problem autocad noem switch emm ex do you alloc r am emm problem tmc simm articl pxx austin ibm guyd austin ibm gui d awson write articl lhdsy lahabra chevron jjctc lhdsy lahabra chevron jame tsiao write articl apr fct unl fcm diana fct unl fernando correia martin mei write spe ctr spectr nmt edu wrote magazin that delet exactli number mean number and refer nanosecond explain exactli thi number mean time spent bettwen processor request and answer retriev case read mean time requir for memori refresh readi read nop e time read data memori read time memori will refresh phase call cycl cycl time twice access time misunderstand your post dram not refresh each access cycl cycl time not twice access time refresh phase access time mean delai time fall edg r aw address strobe ra data bu driven dram access cycl time chart can roughli show n signal intention omit addr raw address column address ra high low float ca dri ven data valid valid cycl time access time ra access time cycl time twice access time not refresh phase refresh can trail phase normal access cycl individu cycl stuff delet ken nakata apolog incorrect rude and impolit express thi mail post not intend that english second languag for and don full understand word each nua nc phrase you ken nakata ci student njit port modem mous conflict articl apr wnbb nbg sub org comp sy ibm hardwar alt msdo programm comp sy ibm misc gener ibm misc forsa l comput comp dcom modem oli wnbb nbg sub org oliv duesel write yuri windi berke lei edu yuri yulaev write card plug wang modem work chang doesn program chkport diagnost irq conflict mous driver memori sinc your card serial port thi default do you can share irq you set your modem your mous adress and irq you set two dev ic irq and and will win you your mous and start your modem your modem work your mous will stop reboot problem set your modem you didn write peripher hope help b it oli kind stuff machin serial port and and share irq you mean can plug mous in to and modem into and expect work answer chang irq for port and matter irq set p ort phil phil hunt wherev you you howtek inc internet phil howtek decvax harvard howtek phil monitor articl apr uxmail ust ngfo uxmail ust fo rrest normandi write want bui monitor comment nanno nec sii lot forrest normandi hong kong univers internet ngfo stu ust scienc and technolog mail ngfo uxmail u st depart comput scienc phone page hall hkust hong kong window sourc magazin rev iew number monitor recent and that nanao monitor you had monei that mitsubishi d iamond pro choic and that superb pictur qualiti thi monitor can had for think bu i monitor and mitsubishi rememb correctli view area measur diagon mohammad ansar i alansari indiana edu id scsi wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith wr ite meg meg sec scsi drive cost sinc quadra mac deal and hard drive start idea f or mac extern etc scsi scsi for mac price hard drive size and assum for world wo n argu that scsi standard make for good impliment data highwai want intrins id i sa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive scsi floppi drive interfa c mac sinc scsi intefac for card modem not keyboard devic us for floppi drive ca ll cpu identifi thi cross drive interfac fast program cpu scsi and drive can han dl thi show quatra line ibm that scsi for floppi drive thi happen scsi not drive printer scanner expands card thi show for nubu cage rom etc id hard drive for s pec and can find advertiz call id interfac make that you will scsi jack trade an d id master thi alon put scsi id scsi blow id water rememb scsi us high price ma chin month ago mac price earth rule scale plai and scsi remain high cost cheap m ean chezzi high end comput world time and thi proabli scsi into statospher price wise scsi high end comput world multitask standard for part interfac us choos s csi bit and bit mode scsi multi task desin interfac id and bit scsi braindead ru n program interfac mac us bit scsi ugh id scsi magazin april scsi twice fasst esdi fast er id and support devic accept long stall incompat problem and instal headach no te not site factor price int articl will plug and plai scsi articl you plug and plai scsi sinc scsi full impliment ten not devic scsi intergr site anoth part mi

crosoft plug and plai program esdi id articl qegfd dqi wsini info win tue mont i wsini info win tue guido leender write us esdi control hdd togeth id harddisk control isa system read stuff secondari control thi trick work advanc guido mont i win tue question guido us esdi drive master and id drive slave moment esdi dri ve and recent bought id drive us drive person comput shop told that not run disk control card togeth motherboard esdi and id make work can enlighten thi and run esdi hdd id control vice versa can thi your will appreci chow el fawlti eng mon ash edu el mdw monash edu gtchow yoyo monash edu floppi drive problem problem floppi drive effort make drive drive switch order connect cabl serial card floppi id control boot c hang cmo set reflect drive and drive drive light didn come and failur read drive switch cabl back origin posit and boot and restor origin cmo set light for flop pi thi process and stai for long comput that disk drive spin disk access msd ex and norton detect drive detail inform norton tell that disk drive can offer sugg est desper you for your time eric balog balog eniac sea upenn edu bit mode for ati final vesa driver for ati graph ic ultra us thi view bit mode line pictur bit below pictur fine can wrong card s oftwar user name edward wong internet wong webo telephon id scsi articl qlbrlinn dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb magazin april scsi twice fasst esdi faster id and support devic a ccept long stall incompat problem and instal headach love magazin writer make st upid statement that perform number list actual perform rang convinc that such st atement absurd scsi rang scsi rang id rang esdi standard version toshiba rom problem think get toshiba rom and ho ok scsi port media vision pro audio spectrum sound board thi configur work for g ener toshiba rom drive you had hadwar problem door not open scratch disk door no t close get stuck not close holder jam and relat problem advanc mark problem adaptec scsi and jumbo tape drive replac exist dtc scsi control adaptec and troubl restor jumbo tape drive had troubl in stal adaptec and do recognis scsi drive and exist id drive restor backup jumbo t ape found that extrem slow estim time min actual time min troubl restor tape id drive rememb read that set had chang enabl jumbo drive and adaptec work togeth c an find mention manual system config adaptec run fujitsu scsi id control run id jumbo run floppi control id appreci ron ronaldm extro ucc ron mastu ronaldm extr o ucc mariposa phone work bilgola plateau home australia ron mastu ronaldm extro ucc mariposa phone work bilgola plateau joystick suggest depend you your joystick for gr avi joystick radio shack flimsi and didn fit hand heard game that don last year flightsim redeem featur abil adjust tension stick recent purchas flightstick are n suction cup and tension adjust excel joystick for wing command seri and red ba ron work quit larg base not requir steadi hand and leav free button provid good tactil respons you can hear and feel model made that can featur for price compar ison gravi analogu joystick sell for compar paid for flightstick extra worth fee l thing salesperson you feel you bui anoth note analogu joystick for flightsim t hat sensit touch you plai game such castl wolfenstein game that digit input left etc you want into gravi gamepad nintendo control pad don that will christi aatc hoo philosophi principl and univers manitoba scienc thought and realiti winnipeg canada leak philosoph think chrstie ccu umanitoba brain lubric societi monitor articl geh utdalla edu goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal write yeah read anoth newsgroup that high qualiti trinitron tube mo nitor soni for exampl and thi extra cost come high bandwidth come and fantast im ag and larg imag size etc etc two annoi line across screen two third come toni c aton compstat wharton upenn edu buslog question goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal wr ite can thi card work march beta sinc buslog card proven reliabl driver endus no t oem manufactur will softwar packag card includ driver for novel unix xenix and thi card work toshiba cdrom do setup quantam scsi toshiba cdrom told buslog sup port adaptec and that perform want will work do periph you extrem for and repli problem adaptec scsi and jumbo tape drive ron ma

stu ronaldm extro ucc wrote replac exist dtc scsi control adaptec and troubl res tor jumbo tape drive document that wrote time back slightli date that do releas darryl okahata internet darrylo disclaim thi messag author person opinion and no t constitut support opinion polici hewlett packard green men that dai adaptec tx t darrylo rel darrylo hint and tip for adaptec scsi adapt thi document contain h int and tip for get adaptec scsi adapt work hardwar and softwar packag base expe ri adaptec control and will hopefulli note that cannot guarante that will you wo rk for and inform thi document possibl you lose your file your hard disk import back entir content your hard disk base inform thi document copyright darryl okah ata thi document freeli copi for person us and not reprint for profit public con sent author note that connect adaptec custom topic cover thi document window enh anc mode floppi control base tape backup devic sound card miscellan info note th at part thi document technic and sometim ters descript problem for refer adaptec technic support adaptec bb send comment correct etc email compuserv internet da rrylo window enhanc mode window instal program automat configur do and window fo r us adaptec case wrong describ need window work you notic that instal window ma ke your run slower even you not run window method speed discuss section call win dow run slowli msdo configur window instal program add smartdriv disk cach your config sy and autoexec bat file you follow instruct you notic that you us doubl buffer smartdriv thi default setup you notic that your system run slower window and msdo section call window run slowli for wai speed your system window configu r adaptec work window make that enh section system ini file contain entri virtua lhdirq that window instal program automat add thi entri system ini not thi doesn work for you you want ad line virtualhdirq systemrombreakpoint fals emmexclud c fff you don line systemrombreakpoint entri us enabl support for memori manag qem m max need you us such program window run slowli onc you window run chanc that y our system run slower not you happen aspi do sy version your config sy file cong ratul thi appear win solut you lucki whether your luck will hold remain your sys tem run slower thi almost caus smartdriv doubl buffer window document and micros oft technic note smartdriv doubl buffer requir aspi do sy you us smartdriv doubl buffer enabl thi work slow your onc estim that thi slow factor thi unaccept loo k for solut you cannot disabl doubl buffer you window enhanc mode will not work and you even destroi content your hard disk run window you can us driver that pr ovid doubl buffer opinion that unbeliev slow smartdriv caus horribl ineffici dou bl buffer bug smartdriv us driver that vd servic vd stand for virtual dma servic thi standard support window that bu master disk control work window trash hard disk countless time found solut requir smartdriv note that get occasion pariti e rror not caus solut below not requir smartdriv kind disk cach util strongli reco mmend thi make window run faster you not aspi do sy driver you not aspi function for control cdrom tape drive two physic hard disk etc you can add scsiha sy dri ver your config sy file driver scsiha sy window option thi driver load into low memori cannot load into high memori and occupi novemb scsiha sy driver obtain ad aptec bb hopefulli you aspi function and aspi do sy driver version you can us as pi do sy and scsiha sy driver your config sy file driver aspi do sy driver scsih a sy amazingli scsiha sy driver can load high assum you do thought that thi cras h system doesn ask adaptec technic support thi and that load scsiha sy high fine long aspi do sy load low system not scsiha sy aspi do occasion window crash res tart exit window addit result corrupt disk window grp file corrupt for crash occ ur make program progman ex default window shell and vice versa thi reason scsiha sy absolut idea scsiha sy version aspi do earlier note that peopl can us aspi d o scsiha sy not problem peopl lucki had sort problem opinion not necessarili eas iest solut upgrad aspi do scsiha sy driver longer need you previou aspi do upgra d adaptec bb aspi do driver not adaptec bb wai copi you can bui novemb adaptec s csi driver kit supposedli includ aspi do driver such cdrom driver list price you copi older version aspi do you can supposedli contact adaptec upgrad scsi for c opi aspi do includ central point tool for msdo note that document and driver sto re directori note that aspi do includ cdrom driver and driver support two hard d isk not includ thi obtain copi aspi do note that get occasion pariti error windo w probabl defect hardwar caus thi upgrad motherboard found solut pariti error oc cur disk access small definit possibl that pariti error driver relat for exampl

chang bu time for disk transfer thi run memori test for hour time and test found problem thi problem caus memori margin time requir pariti error disk transfer t hi memori test didn find problem problem show disk mention thi case isn hardwar problem floppi control base tape backup devic two problem adaptec floppi control base tape backup devic such colorado memori system jumbo tape backup restor can long time tape drive constantli start stop start stop etc tape oper errat encou nt tape error thi problem caus defect hardwar heard peopl similar problem and me ntion thi case not hardwar problem tape backup restor long time you floppi contr ol base tape backup devic you adjust adaptec bu time for result tape drive tape backup restor tape drive motor continu run occasion paus default bu time adaptec tape drive motor start and stop start and stop second thi needless wear tape an d tape drive note that dirti tape head defect tape drive can thi make your tape head clean thi tape backup restor longer problem that tape backup us floppi dma transfer data memori tape drive and adaptec dma transfer data memori hard disk f loppi dma feed data tape drive rate tape drive not fed data quickli floppi dma t ape drive stop rewind bit and restart onc data eventu fed default bu time adapte c dma time larg for exampl backup data transfer hard disk memori and memori tape default time adaptec hog memori time spent transfer data hard disk memori not t ime spent transfer data memori tape drive result tape drive constantli start and stop data not fed quickli solut chang adaptec bu time default factori set micro second and microsecond bu time lower microsecond thi can two wai you aspi do you can us option for exampl us bu time microsecond mean that us line config sy fil e devic aspi do sy note that space and you don aspi do your recours find program call setscsi ex difficult find reason that adaptec for reason not want thi wide distribut onc ask work for adaptec and ask not upload anywher you anonym ftp ac cess internet you archi hunt copi that coupl site that you find copi you run set scsi thi adjust bu time microsecond run setscsi ex argument reset bu time back f actori default note that that you cannot us setscsi ex you us aspi do setscsi ex crash system aspi do load us setscsi ex scsiha sy not lower bu time below micro second increas microsecond you lower low hard disk throughput will suddenli drop your system will feel slower for microsecond work fine thi work fine for you yo u adjust onc you lower bu time tape backup and restor run faster not experi bu t ime option that intention not describ you you bad combin can pariti error and wo rs starv memori refresh program call bustifix ex exist adaptec bb thi upgrad sin c last check thi extract archiv contain batch file and coupl file thi batch file suppos set bu time for and run thi program system crash time run scsiha sy and didn check conflict thi program work doc that work errat tape oper tape error th i problem not exist exist system hardwar problem heard peopl similar problem and mention thi case isn hardwar problem symptom thi problem persist even clean tap e head back tape encount unus sector detect error result abort tape backup tape backup work tape compar fail tape drive start stop start stop etc unlik mention problem tape backup restor long time tape drive start and stop second thi kind s tart stop occur second fastback not find tape backup devic program central point backup and cm jumbo softwar assum that you cm jumbo tape drive can find tape dr ive fastback cannot tape read error not caus thi problem discov that floppi cont rol solv month ago upgrad motherboard contain integr floppi control had floppi c ontrol initi disabl motherboard floppi control decid disabl floppi control and m otherboard thi tape drive cm jumbo reliabl increas dramat and fastback suddenli find and us tape drive don thi caus hardwar problem hand floppi drive work great attach that noth wrong hand tape drive didn work attach floppi control work att ach control thi indic hardwar problem chang floppi drive cabl and conceiv that p roblem cabl don you similar problem you want floppi control sound card popular s ound card can plai record digit sound and thi typic dma tape drive dma adaptec d ma can conflict sound card dma unlik that tape dma thi conflict manifest pariti error your system crash pariti error messag happen that data transfer quickli so und card and adaptec memori refresh cannot occur quickli pariti error get pariti error mean that hardwar problem your system thi case pariti error not symptom b ad hardwar found that such pariti error typic occur record digit sound and chanc such error increas you increas record fidel higher sampl rate record stereo rec ord bit etc tape drive solut solut lower adaptec bu time section tape drive for

inform thi note that thi not solv problem reduc probabl pariti error softwar us record digit sound can greatli affect thi problem softwar ineffici disk cach spe ed your hard disk and amount disk fragment can affect thi miscellan info thi sec tion contain miscellan hint tip and rumor inform that heard read and not verifi that inform correct not us your risk qemm and you paramet you aspi do driver you don qemm will crash hang bootup qemm manual mention thi instal program not dete ct that present and automat add thi option qemm command line thi occur qemm inst al program haven test version earlier version qemm thi paramet not never us vers ion earlier you us aspi do you not give qemm paramet version not support hard di sk gigabyt size support hard disk capac you rom bio adaptec not thi true latest sold adaptec connect cdrom drive you scsi cdrom drive and driver note that cdrom drive proprietari interfac scsi drive cannot us you choic for cdrom driver idea solut work even work secondhand inform you can bui adaptec scsi driver packag l ist for you older adaptec driver you can supposedli upgrad scsi for contact adap tec for detail scsi packag supposedli contain that you you can bui corelscsi dri ver packag made peopl that make coreldraw thi packag contain cdrom driver scsi t ape driver worm driver etc not list price thi packag sold for note that corelscs i not come aspi do driver need you not aspi do you get adaptec scsi thi method o bsolet driver obsolet adaptec scsi kit mention case driver you can us driver ada ptec asw kit aspi do and asw kit aspi cdrom driver you will copi mscdex ex high level cdrom driver not includ asw kit thi bulletin board us scsi tape drive you softwar that talk scsi tape drive softwar that heard section cdrom drive idea so lut work even work secondhand inform central point tool for msdo supposedli supp ort larg number scsi tape drive come scsi driver aspi do central point backup co relscsi driver packag contain scsi tape backup program section cdrom drive for d etail note that corelscsi not come requir aspi do advertis that sell configur sc si control hard disk rom bio scsi control bio and adaptec aspi driver scsi contr ol bio adaptec aspi driver and corelscsi driver program imagin that adaptec sell fourth configur scsi control bio and scsi driver includ aspi driver peopl us un ix interest version gnu tar for msdo that talk scsi tape drive aspi do driver yo u thi driver you can us thi program never us thi version gnu tar heard that work don you anonym ftp access internet copi can found wsmr simtel armi mil and mirr or site msdo dskutl aspibin zip gnu tar for scsi tape drive adaptec aspipat zip patch for aspibin rel gnu tar aspisrc zip src for gnu tar for scsi tape adaptec ctrlr idea copi can found compuserv unixforum forum msdo concern and control msd o work hardwar for two board not ident and msdo program that initi not work work bsd version bsd unix case curiou edit copi config sy file file buffer break sta ck devic sy dev aspi do sy devic qemm qemm sy ram rom dma ffff do high umb devic ehigh sy dev nnansi sy devicehigh do setver ex shell do command note that qemm a nd aspi do aspi do us config sy that look file buffer break stack devic sy dev a spi do sy devic qemm qemm sy ram rom dma ffff do high umb devicehigh sy dev scsi ha sy devicehigh sy dev nnansi sy devicehigh do setver ex shell do command weren aspi do us that look file buffer break stack devic sy dev scsiha sy devic qemm qemm sy ram rom dma ffff do high umb devicehigh sy dev nnansi sy devicehigh do s etver ex shell do command us floppi control base tape drive plan record high qua liti sound sound card chang adaptec bu time two version config sy care thi thi l ast version doesn local variabl fill column eval auto fill mode nil end western digit info need western digit set pin ba ck anoth hard drive and set for jumper written circuit board drive can rememb la st you can find mark circuit board open machin and you mine kevin holli mcmaster univers hamilton ontario hollyk mcmail ci mcmaster zeo comput recent purchas current pkg for chang nec fgx monitor upgrad bui thi pkg for you bigger cach dai ago bought thi pkg ca ch thi great deal gener recommend you upgrad zeo ctx monitor for whether you upg rad diamond viper video card your choic stai diamond speedstar pro zeo tech supp ort good call normal busi hour fastest access hardest part bui zeo wait till del iv onc you order you can wait quit good mail order hous lot bang for buck zeo do boot disk requir you don want emm load articl poinnsvf levelland utexa edu sm utexa edu stephen mark sanderson write sm utexa edu stephen mark sanderson subject do boot disk requir you don want emm load da

te apr do user note you want plai game that hate us upper memori manag do not pr oblem boot disk requir your system start hit kei thi tell bypass config and auto exec altogeth you plain gener session do noth load anoth function kei that step config sy ask you want execut each line forgotten moment you can find you not by pass config sy do function multi config you boot sy multi config kind that you c an choos you config sy startup and find that good conflict qemm problem boot sy kei you trace config sy step step error phillip phillipau cuhk western digit repli western digit voic mail can inform drive actual person end micron comput inc edg technolog sinc net convinc not fastmicro answer phone opinion micron comput inc magnum editor choic jan ro undup email and sumar greg greg ncel navi mil dac circuit dai build parallel port digit analog u convert dai and across thi schemat promptli threw togeth piec veroboard electr olyt ceram excus obviou limit lower ascii char set construct and sit insid nice grei ab box can work demo name cronologia schemat and can pump box data type has h static small amount music signal even wors speaker insid machin net colour com put world idea suggest design improv wastepap bin etc for repli thi confer email regard jason jason bordujenko comput depart internet usenet tanu townsvil gramm ar school fidonet node grammar bb paxton street data phone int townsvil queensla nd aust australia facsimili int aust god made simpl scienc made god stephen king lawnmow man heatsink need andrew you can heat sink digi kei part size come clip instal small fan radio shack and instal blow cpu sam gosh in stal viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window crash high perform vlb video card brother market for h igh perform video card that support vesa local bu ram suggest idea diamond steal th pro local bu orchid farenheit ati graphic ultra pro high perform vlb card pos t email you matt matthew lawson mblawson essex ecn uoknor edu nebuchadnezzar pra is and exalt and glorifi king heaven and wai nebuchadnezzar king babylon boot drive drive drive can make system boot driv e optim comput boot check order for bootabl disk switch cabl and simpli switch d rive that can boot disk that boot won trick for davebo david weisberg presid you care oper detail airlift djweisb presid unix amherst edu explain american peopl import issu for unit state undertak presid info fast centron ecp epp edn magazin found note control support parallel port protocol includ fast centron microsoft enhanc cap abl protocol ecp enhanc parallel port epp last two handl data rate mbyte sec spe cif protocol regard christian frank aachen univers technolog informatik ahornstr ass aachen germani tel mail frank informatik rwth aachen monitor for xga apr watson ibm kaul vnet ibm wri te home viewson multisync easi run mode color noninterlac higher mode yeah eizo flexscan yesterdai replac and thi mode great can perfectli readabl command windo w screen and color can back even thing wonder isn monxxxx dg file contain resolu t chang xgasetup pro time want switch simpli system set regard martin erzberg problem initi describ manual step for initi card initdisplai bio call reg reg for resolut interrupt unlock regist lock for acces s regist set unlock regist lock for access syst control and syst extens regist u nlock graphic command group set bit syst configur regist unlock advanc displai f unction set bit function control regist oper fifo stack empti watch statu graph proc statu full mean ffh place occupi empti mean place occupi read thi regist tw o wai time result machin eisa bu and local bu idea andrea dist institut fuer com putersystem eth zuerich email dist inf ethz recommend for local bu cach id control apr gmt d ivya sundaram sundaram egr msu edu wrote hear net wisdom and net opinion id cont rol liek id control card for vlb motherboard good option for thi prefer work and compat stacker and disk compress maxtor isa id control machin vlb save transfer rate variat isa bu speed test speed mhz and mhz not differ problem not interfac control and memori advic bui meg ram save and enjoi perform penio penev interne t penev venezia rockefel edu disclaim oppinion mine simul exampl code world attempt write simul ibm for teach purpos that year elec eng student can work microcontrol perform oper l ogic and for exampl shown bit bit basi and that student can that not mystic proc ess total logic for exampl instruct show work and not alter regist memori port c ontent freeli exampl simul code pascal modula that show wrong write simul ayala microcontrol refer simul suppli packag overkil for simpl teach purpos feel and s ourc code you roll your email you can you post thi rare scan group lloyd wood wo od lut wanna sex you not quit that joke not you read ar ticl you header thi joke worth read perhap you regular list id harddisk spec giv e inform id harddriv strongli interest contact manufactur directli monei for ove rsea call harddisk manufactur email address you can carsten carsten gramm intern et hucg uni experiment physic voicenet universitaet saarbruecken faxnet saarbrue cken germani connect machin hiya realis thi lot hardwar nai y ou heard comput call connect machin you mail and info you refer idea etc appreci caviar dream minyo rmit royal melbourn institut technolog music direct sound th eatric mould into landscap want link music place architectur environ and visual techniqu jarr id scsi control folk seagat second cdc futur dom ain ram chang control id scsi and bui ram that control compani and select divid ram cach for for exampl do that reserv ram cach write rosa ghost dsi unimi appl hard disk drive want question bought hard d isk drive second hand dai and open packag and that small sticker drive that had red appl bite socket not exist hard disk that comput fifti pin stick that stick hard disk don disk drive for appl mac us clone us thi hard disk clone not purcha s quantum prodriv date green board will control add card appreci hard disk question articl aovai qube ocunix aova i qube ocunix aovai write disassembl and disk drive hard drive and floppi drive question can us drive drive thi hard drive floppi drive can doubt that you us ha rd drive drive mfm rll flavor bet your id drive two not compat control you us dr ive control your you plug your drive into your exist control you us floppi contr ol that us timothi timhu ico isc intellig lack express interact system corpor no t necessarili reflect resourc solut intern that thu grip uwyo edu video board for system advic video card for syst em ram novel network monitor nec fge capabl vertic refresh rate major consider e xpect will work window do applic and want decent speed do word process databas a nd commun not intens graphic monitor expect will work and color plenti imag shar p fast and rock solid consider sometim run unix clone coher and understand that compani diamond don encourag parti develop driver move decid speed and reliabl w indow for databas work and multitask don local bu motherboard not invest isa vid eo board versu get expens and upgrad local bu bui thing compani that treat custo m you advic for love hear email post david todd depart psycholog univers massach usett amherst usa phone david todd psych umass edu fax isa eisa can give opinion system system perform isa bu eisa bu system equal area advanc jesper honig spring spring diku anim bel iev god univers copenhagen denmark devil man mountain tape backup mountain tape backup that c ompar note jumper set softwar ect contact maker thi drive you can contact mounta in network solut gener number tech support bb for info david for tech and bb lin e thi bye slmr hobbi hobbi origin bb ctx start similar thread month ago and repli sum mari ctx nasti low qualiti avoid ctx proscan not good make cheap main problem po or qualiti control report pincushion problem had poor focu etc etc complain mine and tune dodn even pai ship and return dai clear focuss and pincushion barrel d istort happi and digit control and mode memori nice trinitron nicer that price r ang conclus you budget and prepar send back not perfect won you good potenti chr i isa eisa fri apr gmt jesper honig spring spring diku wrote can give opinion system system perform isa bu eisa bu eisa vesa royal

cell such system for penio penev internet penev venezia rockefel edu disclaim o ppinion mine id scsi almost hernia laugh thi scsi will obsole t kill vesa local bu id real nice shaft buck for extra cost scsi drive pai anoth for scsi control huge softwar packag and file that produc id longer suffici for limit second rumor microsoft recogn import scsi and will support not do win rat e deal corel make hear good cohes set scsi driver mark ashlei disclaim opinion n ot harri marka gcx ssd csd harri lost lo angelino differ vlb and isa eisa hurlei epcot spdc write articl apr spdc vlb and local bu run mhz run mhz brian vlb defin for card mhz an d card mhz design mhz and vlb slot mhz and slot reali difficult design oss handl dram you us eisa bu experi vlb scsi vlb busmast problem bit floppi dma control unabl reach joerg orchid fahrenheit sparkel answer you respond pos t offici respons orchid orchid awar problem rev board rev not care problem produ ct schedul start april confirm that product start thi dai word tech line flame y ou compani orchid produc good qualiti product past helpful and will make screwup poor tech support time call spoke janitor talk crazi last time talk tech name p aul and pretti good idea problem resovl depart will bui recommend orchid product flame you answer post terri two question two question figur access cmo advan c chip set eisa motherboard air that ami bio specif set atclk wait state bu spee d thi board can thi area greatli appreci for phone number for wangtek tape drive specif for jumper set drive advanc toni eisa tape control qic format tape drive that com e eisa control colorado isa and mca control mail mark ashlei disclaim opinion no t harri marka gcx ssd csd harri lost lo angelino choos power suppli previou articl lope cogsci uc sd edu alann lope problem that recent had bad and suggest that inadequ power sup pli kind wattag run two larg maxtor and not expert understand watt output power suppli exce sum hard disk watt requir typic power suppli suffici power hope thi lau hon wah vesa local bu previou articl guyd austin ibm gui dawson bear mind vlb stand for for video origion intent bu speed bu that larg m emori memori transfer faster thi espic transfer data main memori video memori no t picki vlb stand for vesa vesa stand for video vlb stand for video not correct rom player you choos for netter cdrom drive orde r cancel and thought not net commun order nec cdr cheaper that want drive will u s instal softwar and for listen perhap dai want us read that not relev moment of fer rom player for price state claim scsi and oper drive not list cdrom faq and therefor give your opinion drive impress that not scsi nec list scsi cdrom faq a nd compat scsi product faq calcul price dutch guilder time time mitsumi crmc phi lip lm philip toshiba nec cdr bought that trantor that faq extrem cheap and scsi trick can order holland mastercard trantor regard name meuldijk address gildela ar teteringen fax holland mail volkert kub oooo oooo perfect mag monitor intent mag thread wait for m ine arriv mail lot complaint minor align problem articl contain comment that own er call factori and told that screen rotat spec monitor arriv last night and not ic barrel distort not dramat and notic imag doesn fill entir screen fact that wo rs side doesn matter find minor imperfect norm monitor perfect don want send bac k and even wors problem factori thi kind thing normal and ship monitor perfect a lign netter live kind imperfect comment and opinion mine not bnr doug adcock adc ock bnr bell northern research research triangl park connect appl laserwrit ibm connect appl laserwri t special control card softwar that for comment sardjono insani scip nusunix nu shop for nec monitor articl qjfa inn titan uc um ass edu dtodd titan uc umass edu david todd write dtodd titan uc umass edu david todd subject shop for nec monitor date apr articl qhppp gha darwin sura net wba rn sura net bill barn write basic for svga interlac monitor nec comput mag us st andard and and heard pretti good bit expens buck deal thought perhap find good f

or recommend thought nec fgx spec for scan frequenc limit comment thi work that nec replac and fgx fge and fge model reportedli releas end thi month wait for fg e main differ year warranti and higher refresh rate higher resolut sound magazin note that fge boost number wai call nec number and send you info david todd dep art psycholog univers massachusett amherst usa phone david todd psych umass edu fax nec fgx for month thi monitor had problem person spend extra monei for thi m onitor and sacrific featur such mhz mhz base comment you want view fgx seri run window refresh rate appear for you feel differ final speak spend monei size toda i file etc tape backup worth recent set friend mhz and vesa local bu redraw time for graphic program factor faster doubt warrant extra cost want opinion mag and nanao monitor sleep dragon ong mang iastat edu wrote bui monitor and that can decid monitor bui mag thi dpi version and triniton tube and nanao mind good luck find back decemb januari mag wasn produc couldn tube soni ask expect restart product will wait month not tim e wound get and extrem happi david david engel optic data system inc david od ar apaho road richardson hard disk util you guru group and forgiv questio n frequent ask don answer recent problem comput seagat meg hard drive occasion f ind corrupt file time program work fine util that easili that can determin wheth er not problem result hard drive ill behav program hardwar item utilit determin whether not hard drive properli align etc expect greatli thi matter reformat dis k and reinstal and hope that will fix problem assur problem can give opinion do compress and defragment routin good upgrad don routin oppos bui separ advanc for mitchel solti solti radonc unc edu recommend for local bu cach id control articl ap r sol ctr columbia edu penev venezia rockefel edu write hear net wisdom and net opinion id control liek id control card for vlb motherboard good option for thi prefer work and compat stacker and disk compress maxtor isa id control machin vl b save transfer rate variat isa bu speed test speed mhz and mhz not differ probl em not interfac control and memori advic bui meg ram save and enjoi perform comp ut mhz bu isa mhz drive maxtor config sy autoexec bat do win smartdrv sy cach sm artdrv ex core sec sec sec norton sec sec sec peopl vlb id want vlb bu speed us id drive want id drive can handl bu speed mhz friend and maxtor meg id drive get sec can rememb exactli bu run mhz thi case ibm convert part sale us work part for origin ib m laptop convert you thing and you found that ibm outrag price for part built su ppli part mine for year and will will part rest basic standard part motherboard batteri power suppli accessori limit suppli basic cannib coupl machin you intere st mail note for want convinc that superior newer and machin want inform that wo rthless junk save your effort delet note bought machin find for word process etc save mine futur antiqu id scsi dxb psuvm psu edu write scsi rang scsi r ang id rang esdi standard version not proper stori scsi scsi bit asynchron av sy nchron max transfer base scsi faster thi requir scsi control chip and scsi bit b it speed scsi control scsi burst bit burst bit and burst bit wide and fast bit s csi can wide fast depend port design quadra will support fast scsi not wide scsi manag rewritten sinc quarda us scsi wide port articl mag talk scsi scsi ten dev ic nativ mode nativ mode behav lot scsi devic slower put your figur scsi twice e sdi articl point for faster id that bit scsi scsi contol chip mac quadra scsi co ntrol chip for scsi and get put for asynchron bit scsi excess normal synchron sc si output burst scsi machin scsi control chip world scsi and scsi mix fact scsi control chip scsi speed scsi devic shown mac quadra skew data scsi id esdi test agre that articl state that faster id scsi devic scsi chip and editor kill artic l deal scsi not scsi and not understand effect scsi devic scsi control chip scsi chip limit max scsi devic scsi chip common produc bit mode and bit mode fast ve rsion scsi port cannot us wide scsi courc prime piec wierd that scsi devic scsi chip accur machin thi world high scsi speed and cheeper scsi cost full scsi hard war port electron control etc expens creat logist nightmar fast scsi fact number realiz that articl talk even not figur dxb psuvm psu edu throw rang that don sq uat sinc ignor scsi devic scsi chip rang even intend bit mode for ati articl wong apr webo wong webo wong write final vesa driver for ati graphic ultra you thi driver wait month for thi us thi view bit mode line pictur bit below pictur fine can wrong card softw ar user name edward wong internet wong webo telephon cannon lobbi id scsi dxb psuvm psu edu write articl qlbrlinn dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb magazin april scsi twice fasst esdi faste r id and support devic accept long stall incompat problem and instal headach lov e magazin writer make stupid statement that perform number list actual perform r ang convinc that such statement absurd scsi rang scsi rang id rang esdi standard version thi show that you don scsi scsi scsi control chip rang and that you scs i scsi scsi control chip burst bit note increas speed mac quadra thi version scs i exist us thi set scsi bit scsi mode burst scsi bit wide fast mode burst scsi b it wide and fast burst your data scsi twice fast esdi correct scsi control chip scsi can reach faster id scsi fact post thi newsgroup mac ibm info sheet ftp sum ex aim stanford edu info mac report mac ibm compar version txt part thi problem mac and ibm inconsi scsi document that quadra scsi chip appl salesperson fast sc si chip not burst not scsi maximum synchron and quadra ansynchron scsi slower th at mac and ibm scsi interfac and scsi scsi interfac driven machin scsi control c hip bit mode faster true scsi can don slam articl you don understand refer for q uadra scsi control chip digit review oct boot drive djweisb unix amherst edu david weisbe rg write drive drive can make system boot drive optim comput boot check order fo r bootabl disk switch cabl and simpli switch drive that can boot disk that boot won trick for davebo you can into setup byt press ctrl alt in ctrl alt printscre en that give you option set drive boot sound read last coupl week articl desrib plai so und soundblast didn save articl and articl purg system whomev post articl detail connect wire post specif connect wire speaker card thx advanc carl bit box gatewai plai gatewai local bu machin las t night appar that window didn give option for bit access for virtual memori per man swap file and disk drive local bu interfac thi expect investig bit option ap pear for scott linn scott hpcvccl question serial mous work ibm notebook you happe n can serial mous pin work ibm notebook kind bu mous connect serial and parallel interfac manual doesn two driver result that left and button recogn mous moveme nt not cut shortcut wire mous for your eddi zondag philip research egzondag prl philip laserjet upgrad dpi opinion larryhow austin ibm wrote current product upgrad resolut support postscript experi good bad qualiti differ notic plan produc camera readi copi home will higher resolut notic for yo u talk laser jet postscript don advantag pcl you peic hardwar plug into that wor k and can support languag that suit for job don pcl even capabl handl dpi specif experi laser master winjet bring dpi and postscript fast print mode not postscr ipt and lower resolut dpi fast thi product your host processor process postscrip t even decent you slow slow compar high end workstat process qualiti differ noti c and almost worth wait for process impati for camera imag grai scale imag accep t word and hand winjet printer driver convert imag into postscript and hand winj et postscript processor postscript render into ram lot and shoot directli printe r processor can accept file creat sourc includ do applic window run time print p rocessor respons for halfton and pretti good job camera imag good opinion not go od laser master demo don similar product surpris gordon lang tandberg futur domain tmc seagat problem system work tandberg futur domain tmc seagat mfm control system boot tandberg disconnec t system and scsi devic found scsi devic system boot seagat mfm control remov sy stem futur domain card report find tandberg scsi bu system stop boot mfm hard di sk can found system hang tandberg futur domain tmc seagat mfm control system con flict seagat and futur domain card funni thing that hang tandberg connect check that conflict bio address irq port miss lost suggest welcom advanc delman delman lee tel medic imag process group fax univers pennsylvania blocklei hall servic drive philadelphia internet delman mipg upenn edu logitech button mous bio routin avail newsgroup comp ibm hardwar subject logitech button mous pin bio routin avail distribut wor ld organ purdu univers engin comput network logitech button mous that want inter fac serial port ibm compat system mous compat connector revers engin mous micro control insid pin and perhap copi bio routin that support map thi into target sy stem pin bio routin routin publish someplac conveni silvio send email directli boot drive david weisberg djweisb unix amherst e du wrote drive drive can make system boot drive optim comput boot check order fo r bootabl disk switch cabl and simpli switch drive that can boot disk that boot won trick for davebo had issu plagu for month gatewai final tire perman intercha ng drive reason didn place had bootabl and base instal disk expect drive order s oftwar and upgrad and number stupid instal program that can handl altern drive d eclin time had upgrad and for bootabl cut replac switch drive not option you wir e drive switch your comput chasi haven work long wire carefulli gordon lang soundblast irq and port set cybard dudek acsu bu ffalo edu wrote uzun netcom william roger uzun write soundblast board and jumper irq port will thi conflict parallel port id control multi board ser par port an d vga board choos anoth irq irq safe us motherboard recent ad modem comput and n otic that lpt irq and card never had problem wonder not thought thi conflict exp lan thi can explain pro and lpt can share irq tom huot huot crai bye todai will longer contact for zeo intern net thi respons anoth tech davidm zeo and move and monei monei want netter support and encourag particip zeo net person feel import for compani such zeo provid cus tom easi access question problem and net big step direct hope that compani will follow suit weitek and jre jim erickson zzzz eeee ssss zeo intern support zeo in et technic support dept uunet zeo support sss industri blvd opinion express minn eapoli zzzz eeee ssss fax instal older compaq instal donat hard disk minis crib vintag supercheap ancient compaq for us educ problem that supercheap compaq didn come manual and haven figur start setup program began pc invent coupl basi c question class comput even setup program access good advic proce for mail watc h newsgroup post advanc robert robert luke internet luke aero org aerospac corpo r compuserv danger will robinson zeo comput mspeed ccwf utexa edu matthew speed w rite purchas system zeo comput peopl give feedback qualiti product and custom se rvic advic system peopl advanc bought system year ago and satisfi zeo that compu t grad school son and replac pkg mbhd ram diamond viper level cach and tower upg rad delet ctx monitor monitor employe purchas thi great system fast quiet solidl i built not singl glitch bring tech support busier year ago call configur questi on and call back hour answer slight premium gatewai price imho zeo worth btw lin e that never busi signal call sale custom servic tech support you wait minut tal k you queue and wait dime devilbiss col svga excus amiga owner and tire graphic mode bri dgeboard that made amiga slot commun stanndard amiga slot build mother hous thi gadget assur that thi thing can us board includ svga card interest comput graphi c and not thing gener isa slot card market reach resolut color bitplan suggest t hankyou advanc paolo silvera certifi commodor amiga develop silvera ghost dsi un imi amd cpu comment amd microprocessor good bad pat lead tech question hei lead technolog comput lea d technolog and mother board for can lead technoolog made samsung samsung model info high qualiti video card info video card vid eo card that can deliv high qualiti pictur card displai imag for advertis compan i btw rich color and speed fast wonder can advis bui for such applic and address vendor advanc glenn jayaputera comment acceler video card for isa bu bui accele r video card for isa bu svga monitor run do and window futur can make suggest fo r video card that suit diamond speedstar stealth etc kent monitor rgb sync vga don thi obviou question can current batch window acceler card diamond etc us drive monitor rgb and horizont

and vertic sync bnc jack altogeth connector back ahold raster technolog monitor cheap and wonder connect adapt rgb vga gatewai driver etc mike scanlon repli sc anlon interlan for sale decpc sxlp for sale decpc sxlp good con dit us for year mhz intel hard disk super color vga monitor button mous floppi d isk drive softwar microsoft do microsoft window microsoft work for window borlan d turbo pascal borland turbo for do ask for system send mail interest monitor toni caton caton compstat wharton upenn edu wrote articl geh utdalla edu goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal write yeah read a noth newsgroup that high qualiti trinitron tube monitor soni for exampl and thi extra cost come high bandwidth come and fantast imag and larg imag size etc etc two annoi line across screen two third come line not result high end trinitron t ube wire will found trinitron tube mitsubishi soni etc soni tube you find wire l evel annoy pure subject happi sharp that don even notic line trinitron tube view complet tube larger diamet standard trinitron tube thi result flatter screen mo nitor standard trinitron vertic flat not horizont flat surfac and appar abil pro vid tighter beam focu karl traci blomquist mail tracyb bnr fax consult opinion b ell northern research box stn ottawa ont soundblast irq and port set apr walter crai huot crai tom huot write explan thi can explain pro and lpt can share irq simpli do doesn us irq for that you can share irq anssi anssi saari tut tamper univers tec hnolog finland europ id scsi articl qlbrlinn dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write magazin april scsi twice fasst esdi faster id and support d evic accept long stall incompat problem and instal headach note not site factor price premium approx for control nice run hard disk tape drive rom and scanner d ma channel and interupt scsi make sens you load machin you want standard box for window id make sens load box that scsi and run unix and standard box that run d o window that id standard mean ram disk video int articl will plug and plai scsi articl you plug and plai scsi sinc scsi full impliment ten not devic beleiv thi last bit plain wrong scsi intergr site anoth part microsoft plug and plai progr am gui gui dawson hoskyn group plc guyd hoskyn tel hoskyn guyd austin ibm tel ib m austin usa orchid fahrenheit mini review purchas viewson an d and orchid short happi monitor and unhappi card spent lot time futz card that write monitor pretti moir had simciti magnavox isn heavi thought lb for monitor bitch session and test result modern trend orchid card support color mode driver thi break do program svga mode rom compudyn whiplash vga orchid fahrenheit and orchid vlb share thi limit card mean problem for weitek vga chip doesn support h ercul graphit card mode didn run test case board time had print splash screen fo r grolier encyclopedia card print hash suspect svga mode support support resolut annoi you can you driver you nec six monitor list gener and you choos gener you can high refresh you limit that hardwar support bandwidth can higher vertic res olut main reason bought card orchid vlb and will higher graphic mode crash dashb oard phone orchid and driver don unabl recreat problem side tech rep help and bo ot program comput verifi didn problem didn limit refresh board faster that ofvlb for thing hercul speedi program thi program test oper and report result pixel s econd don number for graphit card close half ofvlb slower that run mhz isa numbe r aren compar number obtain mhz air motherboard umc chipset memori give rang pro gram report number comput and tend jump bit mean thousand not mean million pixel per second orchid fahrenheit vlb orchid chip weitek dib screen memori screen sc reen screen vector solid vector style polygon shade polygon hatch ternari rop fo nt dib screen test take devic independ bitmap face and transfer screen idea inte rn convers memori screen take face and copi screen guess raster into bitmap that can copi video displai screen screen test copi that face place place screen awe som interestingli solid vector and shade polygon show improv and hatch polygon f ill cross hatch and ternari rop graphic oper xor dead loss give two number for f ont cach font drawn screen fairli slowli speed ofvlb speed increas dramat sound program benchmark make claim that number mean ran comput don write disclaim thi time test total unconnect work program unix decstat complet knowledg bless equip

compani geoff sherwood question can connect two harddisk control victor harddisk control toshiba mfm control addit pin connector buss harddisk thi cont rol wire and anoth wire control two connector for wire bu and for wire bu harddi sk friend mine and wonder whether can connect thi second harddisk control room f or wire bu not for wire bu can solv problem suggest you info mail luttik fwi uva ba video card address add second base video card sy stem compani that sell card that can coexist anoth color text monitor and fast c olor graphic configur address switch switch floppi drive that drive becom beco m problem that ribbon cabl switch cmo set reflect thi chang and that that correc tli drive not oper correctli thi configur prompt type drive light come type ligh t for and drive come jumper each drive label origin po po chang ttl suggest grea tli appreci advanc eric balog balog eniac sea upenn edu select backup solut netter purchas sort backup s olut you read situat your opinion scenario two comput hous small id drive scsi d rive adaptec control system tool and will us central point backup backup restor program system and floppi comput not network will anytim solut haven thought for option hear see flaw drive type won coexist devic etc think don beast put flopp i drive combin drive each system can suppli cost and brand inform good brand flo ppi cost put intern tape backup unit scsi adapt and continu back floppi can reco mmend manufactur brand rememb colorado memori happi unhappi user compress contro versi connect extern tape backup unit scsi adapt and connect suggest instal flop tic drive each machin gotcha recommend for manufactur your you post send mail wi ll summar respons for net georg georg pandelio internet gjp sei cmu edu softwar engin institut usenet sei gjp avenu voic pittsburgh fax disclaim opinion and not reflect softwar engin institut sponsor custom client affili carnegi mellon univ ers fact resembl opinion individu live dead fiction real pure coincident video problem ibm monitor greysal trident card s creen great window total shit lot line and imag sorta blurri can you monitor tha t interlac that re for paul davi pdavi alchemi chem utoronto comment video blaster creativ lab articl apr ult b isc rit edu mej ritvax isc rit edu write edu heiser ac edu bill heiser write a rticl rdy chinet chi randi chinet chi randi suess rite video blaster doesn work ati graphic ultra pro doesn work system ram you can us video blaster altern remo v memori how win thing wailer gate dawn banshe cat ucsc edu you call froofroo he ad friend beast banshe ucscb ucsc edu banshe ucscb bitnet good perfer watchit ca n run do and window win run window good watchit will not work local bu video wil l not work high reolut mode peopl make card assur that will card june that suppo rt local bu and re btw name compani make watchit phone bb internet michael grant mikgr wordperfect mikgr wpsun uunet net int for joystick slow lioness oak circa ufl edu write int read joystick and hideous slow cpu time spent read joystick and thi pr ogram that noth printf and joyread problem that lot program trap int smartdrv an d slow hell interfac can read joystick port safe fashion poll and that isn platf orm clockspe specif joystick read anolog valu digit port you send command port r ead you time long take for joystick port set bit thi time proport joystick posit sinc time us posit you cannot rid thi ridiculu wast time you wrote your routin bio speed time john slagel man us left thi slagel uiuc edu shitti world never ch ase buse women you left marlboro man fujitsu and seagat id drive compat fujitsu hard disk circa share id card seagat fiddl jumper set master and slave drive success tabl hard drive spec thi newsgroup couldn that thi combin work place mutter hmmm fujitsu nice drive not compat swap seagat for anoth brand thought problem fujit su similar fujitsu drive work anoth cheapish disk want bui cute and cuddli fujit su drive andrew henri bspahh gdr bath memori access time sram and simm sale ben ellist on write msg fidonet org post mon apr organ compact solut canberra act australia sram think michael thi memori static ram speed rate didn sram need refresh time

doesn that make fast dram thi chip return valid data issu address refresh time for sram you point paramet and not gener refer motherboard design cheer ben ben elliston bachelor engin comput engin univers canberra email jarrah canberra edu uunet munnari sserv adfa compsol root fidonet train station train stop workstat origin compact solut canberra act australia doug ok vancouv canada doug ok mindl ink asu motherboard purchas vlb system run linux sys tem asu brand motherboard comment asu motherboard bob craycroft craycrof rtp sem i harri system analyst phone harri semiconductor rtp usa spec for drive kind sole email spec for western digit drive model cyl and hd not sector per track inform feed bio and run for bo b roke lynx dac northeastern edu nope sig honest definit spec and dhryston benchmark definit spec and dhryston benchmark background materi anyoneand email point anonym ftp serve r dyke adyk jpr adyk toshiba rom problem pa toshiba combo and problem adaptec asw and soni cdu two month ago purchas a daptec asw driver for us rom drive time thi thing document had adaptec scsi cont rol that thi driver us rom drive sinc learn that thi driver date major and that adaptec upgrad deal for driver call ezi scsi wasn fuss thi upgrad rom drive soni cdu soni cdu find that audio mode will not work assum not handl correctli asw d river chase adaptec for upgrad fax number assist appreci regard btw work fine th at soni caught rest nigel harwood post cole supermarket box glen iri australia p hone mail nigel cnw storesi cole fax not rotat interrupt woop aaahhhh meg miniscrib b ig sticker side that not rotat interrupt big knob big knob stick side drive pret ti hard not turn remov drive turn drive won spin even data control cabl plug pow er won spin paul carrol pec msstate edu pec erc msstate edu nsf engin research c enter for comput field simul drive won boot recent switch drive problem can r ead and write and correctli can boot floppi check cmo set set for floppi seek bo ot and boot order onc had floppi that not system file messag tell put disk syste m disk drive didn work system disk drive thi happen power and memori test light come light come short beep light come for instant light come noth happen light d isk activ kind and screen blank can even us ctrl alt del suggest advanc eric bal og balog eniac sea upenn edu date stuck kevin kosman kevin gorman write date stuck run do menu system aliv time machin left run time suddenli date longer rol l time accur allwai chang date hand morn thi involv exit menu system do slightes t idea thi even clue whether hardwar batteri cmo do broken kevin gorman kevin ko sman kevin kosman nrc voic vital comput system beachcomb oxnard disclaim boss an d stand start notic thing run do and win can fix window control panel time date clock run minut you find and leav system run time barri sardi home lauri avenu o ffic san jose fax email bsardi netcom compuserv instal second id drive recent cousin second inte rn id drive seagat can model number import and instal vest interest sinc machin bust and us mine fix seagat id forget model number can find can bloodi thing man ag drive disconnect not time whenev thing hang bootup never get past system test id control instruct sheet support two drive configur cmo correctli power plug p roperli even learn master slave relationship that two hd suppos didn pc into and configur jumper properli master slave thing can cabl wrong combin control maste r slave control slave master master control slave work can anoth possibl that pa rtit into two seper drive and and cmo ask for drive and drive setup info drive a nd drive thi confus thing drive bereft doc for info for cmo setup control piec p aper size index card cannib cabl connector each end and middl serial connect los t advanc thi practic emerg two paper thi thing for mondai william barn suranet o per wbarn sura net voic fax disclaim don speak for suranet and don speak for id scsi articl qmgtrinnf dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb dxb psuvm psu edu write articl qlbrlinn dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb magazin april scsi twice fasst esdi faster id and support devic a

ccept long stall incompat problem and instal headach love magazin writer make st upid statement that perform number list actual perform rang convinc that such st atement absurd scsi rang scsi rang id rang esdi standard version your data scsi twice fast esdi correct twice you pick scsi setup that make statment correct eve n you make such statement meaningless you understood that esdi and id includ scs i and ata complet esdi devic level mfm rll scsi control chip scsi can reach fast er id scsi fact great you can compar two number ata speed mode articl mislead wr ong post thi newsgroup mac ibm info sheet ftp sumex aim stanford edu info mac re port mac ibm compar version txt recommend peopl call ncr board and download ansi spec interest thi stuff part thi problem mac and ibm inconsi scsi document that quadra scsi chip appl salesperson fast scsi chip not burst not scsi maximum syn chron and quadra ansynchron scsi slower that mac and ibm miss agre lot opportun for market jingo scsi compliant tell you noth perform whether wide support etc r efer for quadra scsi control chip digit review oct us hopefulli good ncr chip phone number for western digit esdi problem west ern digit sam gosh instal viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window cra sh monitor dy recent svga monitor act take minut wa rm previous start can cmo messag ram test etc wait for min displai show and star t bright white flash thi happen system for long time overnight for coupl hour an d turn displai work normal caus thi warn that will give sign ag system and yr us system work for year and never thi happen monitor appreci that you fellow nette r can offer lot edwin edwin edwin ccu aukuni engin univers auckland privat bag a uckland zealand id scsi articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write articl ercc netcom erc netcom eric smith write scsi fu tur and lot minor advantag id card cheaper will obsolet year fact id card cheap free real cost id drive scsi card cost worth almost hernia laugh thi you you rea liz that your vesa super dooper local bu ultra high tech control suck scsi will obsolet kill vesa local luck bu archeitectur will doen sbu you happen you hook b usmast control vesa local bu slow your system bu id real nice shaft buck for ext ra cost scsi drive pai anoth for scsi control workstat doesn understand your ves a local bu id vesa local bu will kill pcmi intel spec vlbu not good for vga card each laugh you start cry you spent for your id drive and find you space biggest advantag scsi that you can add kind devic such tape etc easili and can add bigg er disk and cost effect hard disk scsi you drive larger meg gotta meg sec transf er rate for speedi tape backup and rom drive don stick your foot your mouth you make statement you noth wait second compar minut and id exagger you backup gig d isk forgot you can you id and make id disk that big basic person for will never expens benefit scsi guess you bought thi arm wave scsi expand moot point user tw o drive and scsi two drive fast that speed due onboard memori cach can duplic ca ch id control scsi fast wide spec bandwidth stupid vlbu id crap stop thi thread clutter bandwidth you want read scsi id pai visit you local usenet archiv scsi f ast wide etc faster id drive respons base person experi drive you can judg such complet interfac id low cost adavantag descent perform scsi abil for super high capac expand and speed case you don beliv busmast and vlbu pick back issu week w hihc test vlbu eisa and isa busmast card send flame dev null scott mace internet smace nyx edu emac tenet edu isa limit read magazin that peripher isa bu can access memori that video card isa bu for memori apertur map memori that want put memori video card wouldn anywher map memori can explain thi detail thi limit yo u email respons will summar begolej csgrad edu jame begol begolej csgrad edu monitor soni monitor and don line across screen and interlac mode hor line and pope that and hear usinf and mode and switch back not bui anoth soni price thi guess view area don impress bit sam gosh instal vi ru call do don copi that floppi burn love window crash identifi thi ethernet card articl qhvuninnhau em ori mathc emori edu splee org seng poh lee speedi write ethernet card bu that ap ollo workstat identifi order us assembl number rev and bit card circa aui port b nc coax connect select address for bio dma and irq locat berg jumper appear inte

l processor board for buffer ethernet chip appear intel pin dip packag thi chip equival us card pin plcc chip call link mail don thi gener interest favorit last line post gener interest prepar retir apollo for wai recycl part mike simon sim on moscow uidaho edu chang motherboard mess connector articl portland cap main edu jozef slabi portland cap main edu write chang motherboard had lot troubl get led spkr turbo turboswitch hdd klck rst connector correctli reconnect for exampl turbo switch had wire and motherboard connect two pin and solut thi rewir connector approach thi somewhat frustrat work turbo switch doesn work put replac motherboard system and had similar question cent worth speaker connector two wire speaker speaker coil bidirect and make differ you attach turbo switch w ire control you want turbo becom activ switch push switch middl wire common us o hm meter figur wire connect common wire switch push and two wire connect switch place two wire turbo berg connector motherboard led turbo and led uni direct dep end wire attach led will not light ami motherboard turbo switch wire not attach berg connector board board will power default turbo mode your motherboard that a ttac led wire board led doesn light power revers connector and work attach turbo switch board hope thi help dan moyer dan moyer columbiasc ncr soundblast irq and port set articl tut tut anssi saari apr walter crai huot crai tom huot write explan thi can explain pro and l pt can share irq simpli do doesn us irq for that you can share irq that correct do you can us irq for your you can that irq for printer info genoa vlb card low end vlb for inexpens vlb card and run across real review card local store push genoa for appar cirru log ic acc chip don shop spoken claim card perform diamond stealth and orchid fahren heit card base that can true price genoa lag perform card pai extra for info low end vlb card appreci repli email post summari info interest advanc brian oppi b joppi ucdavi edu split drive into two make faster articl infopl c hi andyross infopl chi andrew rossmann write guyd austin ibm gui dawson write pa rtit disk space partit will cost meg hard disk space you can afoord thi luxuri p ower you your choic thi disk space do partit tabl fix length and hard disk carri us thi lost rememb partit tabl alloc entir cylind find take you calcul head sec tor you creat extend partit second partit for logic drive origin respond gui daw son refer elementari partit whether entir disk not two fat and initi directori y ou small disk meg recommend that remain singl partit you consider you larg disk greater meg multipl partit can make sens mike lipsi work mlipsi merl mitsubishi electron research laboratori home mikel dosbear western digit info need macc mcmaster holli writ e western digit set pin back anoth hard drive and set for jumper written circuit board drive figur jumper quit problem that perplex you wouldn drive work system format and hardwar instal problem that boot sequenc comput not want pass for sy stem drive reiniti fine and bio configur drive test work thing come back drive a nd disk present spin you insert disk into drive system work fine and boot instal softwar addit thi will swood hunt michigan don despair close season opossum por cupin weasel red squirrel skunk starl feral pigeon english sparrow ground squirr el woodchuck trout season open last saturdai thi month monitor dy sound magnavox sick flyback gosh inst al viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window crash monitor caton compstat wharton upenn edu toni ca ton write articl geh utdalla edu goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal write yeah read a noth newsgroup that high qualiti trinitron tube monitor soni for exampl and thi extra cost come high bandwidth come and fantast imag and larg imag size etc etc two annoi line across screen two third come annoi you you talk sit and never not ic can annoi christian christian holmgreen joker diku mochmch ut uni student uni vers copenhagen dept comput scienc human error can avoid can avoid us human can write floppi you expert answer quick machin floppi unabl write format disk machin claim that disk write protect not note rea d problem mail post differ vlb and isa eisa articl snx finbol toppoi

nt jschief finbol toppoint joerg schlaeger write oss handl dram you us eisa bu e xperi vlb scsi vlb busmast problem bit floppi dma control unabl reach don proble m sinc sloooooooowwwwwwer overhead doubl buffer doesn matter ken nakata apolog i ncorrect rude and impolit express thi mail post not intend that english second l anguag for and don full understand word each nuanc phrase you ken nakata ci stud ent njit number prong chip can prong your basic chip numb er realiz chunk chip miss that can orient correctli that hole guid can count pro ng chip find ren hoek internet ren ccwf utexa edu not crazi mad doc for motherboard scanner for good scanner grai scale color can co nnect ibm compat automat trai feed can point good scanner thing that for purchas scanner not want hand held scanner preliminari requir dpi dither half tone patt ern driver for do and window standard file format automat feed compar surveri by te mag issu mail summer satam satam saathi ernet kirtikumar satam satam saathi n cst ernet scientist network divis nation center for softwar technolog juhu bomba i tel fax origin ibm spec articl dutiw twi tudelft winfrvk dutiw twi tudelft kampen write articl apr ucbeh san edu hoffmamc ucbeh san edu it hard drive type control can ad recommend not full height hard drive run into troubl suppli not oomph spool big heavi platter system floppi drive and hard dis k watt power suppli disconnect power floppi drive turn you will notic hard drive real difficult time get speed manag boot finish plug your floppi drive will wor k thi not user friendli you bui watt power suppli that willem newer drive proble m you will ten and fifteen meg full height power hog twenti unit that set run fl awlessli half height drive and hard card dao lehigh edu don faq question uart thought post thi mail case int erest thi info articl apr henson wwu edu henson wwu edu dan jordan write questio n mail name manufactur and predecsor uart refer number find technic manual for i c can find technic spec for uart appreci prefer will suggest that you direct ori gin and prefer qualiti sourc for thi you for chip nation semiconductor you can r each longer packag data sheet book mine you can individu set data sheet you want minimum set data sheet in in applic note uart design and applic consider compar ison in and seri uart applic note list proven valuabl data sheet exception writt en applic note that into detail and and advantag btw send free long you don abus jim includ std disclaim ial internet jim ial mythic graham ieee org icbm amateu r radio ial zbb walton beach amtor selcal nial mail for inform kamterm host mode for kantron tnc id scsi wayn smith wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wr ote articl kvinnndk dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write point view scsi advantag come multi task data data and anywher drive can scsi find faster can d rive and into comput faster cach system thought scsi good manag data bu multipl devic attach talk singl drive explain scsi inher faster manag data hard drive id integr devic electron common standard and us for medium size drive can hard dri ve asynchron transfer max don you start spec sheet isa bu you can quot scsi spec till you blue face exce isa bu capabl point isa eisa vlb interfac worth invest thousand dollar worth monei id limit meg sec vlb id perform you didn read carefu lli vlb id connect mechan standard id transfer rate limit id whether interfac is a eisa vlb matter not lowest set scsi interfac asynchron scsi mode averag put ma ximum id asynchron mode full scsi mode blow poor id window street and into garba g can impliment system mine for thing scsi blow id water hand id throughput isn us workstat and file server problem becom can drive mechanisim put rate and that bottleneck and cost scsi come not interfac and drive mechanisim us scsi put ori gin question scsi us singl hard drive control scsi drive that will meg sec for s csi choic make senc meg meg sec scsi drive cost that nice thing multitask scsi c an us drive onc unix load pc windog and can us two id drive time pretti ugli bou ght quantum for mac home paid for haven id drive cheaper origin cga cart back or igin ega card pga scsi stood rel alon not come price talk and not sun sparc sgi name your favorit unix workstat that million bui decis year scsi had plenti time come price talk scsi expens simpli common interfac for had common read easili i

mplement method ad scsi sun mac you find scsi connect medium choic won argu that scsi standard make for good impliment data highwai want intrins id isa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive singl drive scsi expens you bought y our for expand you want add drive find scsi intrins id partial list you can add type devic and access concurr scsi devic work machin mac and home and move hard drive nice scsi hook and scsi devic work togeth id devic for instanc recent ad o lder connor meg id maxtor meg id connor setup slave will work scsi you set addre ss check termin plug and problem id mutual exclus notic that time take switch ac cess drive drive quit long compar time take switch drive scsi system multitask t hi notic thing can onc neat thing that notic fring benefit abil add older almost dead drive storag scsi system problem bunch almost dead meg drive that ad inter fac full meg drive meg drive tape drive and meg drive card simpli put scsi handi er id mysteri jumper figur greg you can natur you greg shaw natur part natur sha w feanor xel love rocket uunet csn xel shaw id scsi grubb bgrubb dant nmsu edu wrote wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write meg meg sec scsi drive cost sinc quadra mac deal and hard drive start idea for mac extern etc thought you want latest price macweek meg int ext couldn find quantum low profil drive last quantum height dr ive bunch stuff delet scsi high end comput world multitask standard for part hea r hear you can natur you greg shaw natur part natur shaw feanor xel love rocket uunet csn xel shaw id mfm machin can greatli thi christma built com put us part for father law disk drive that instal seagat mfm put anoth into thi system don want bui anoth mfm reason us mfm place that free special id control s pecial id control can purchas send respons lynn vax mankato msu edu advanc stan tyre maxtor drive geometri jumper gatewai freez comput gatewai freez gatewai tech support couldn want specif freez keyboard left idl do for minut can type command line hit carraig return comput lock thi will happen almost time whether boot re set finish do program work fine don sit window stori machin sit window for minut not freez frequent applic error that kick applic unexpectedli lose work don thi hardwar softwar problem diagnosi thing greatli appreci not run tsr smartdriv an d qaplu diagnost good system crystalscan gatewai monitor vlb ati ultra pro mach driver build winchest microsoft mous guapo conner info conner disk model info thing that us compaq machin send inform switch set geometri and normal id disk us standard id control michael michael thurbin sommarvagen phone vaxjo fax sweden for replac for jvc disk hold zenith laptop model zwl hard disk dead rest work zenith apart and found strang disk for wich replac disk mark jvc model spec thi disk suggest can find cheap replac for for your mi chael michael thurbin michael pcmith rk michael thurbin sommarvagen phone vaxjo fax sweden video card address articl qmrdd umcc umcc umich edu jon umcc umcc umich edu jon zeeff write add second base video card system co mpani that sell card that can coexist anoth color text monitor and fast color gr aphic configur address for worth haven confirm diamond tech rep told that base v ideo card us port address and thi true appear that you cannot us card your syste m lanc hartmann lanc hartmann austin ibm ibmpa awdpa ibm that percent sign netwo rk address statement comment opinion etc reflect author and not misconstru ibm f or that matter turbomodem complet question transfer softwar two machin and real troubl intel bi bi work fine talk and come clear thi modem mach in turbomodem complet machin seper hous direct serial link imposs and copi thi d ata disk pain easier turn machin for hour and movi thi not pirat softwar end tro ubl set will dial and connect fine baud set comm kbp stupid thing connect garbag connect machin afn uart that not problem that stupid thing talk comm program bp even will dial instruct and respond etc command don comm program that can preci s look manual unclear didn thi troubl intel readi connect thi initi bi and and m np connect sinc test zip doesn idea btw initi string that us for modem error tha

t moscow grandfath taught literatur orphanag trial rostov don confess gruesom se xual murder victim includ children young event modern histori sundai mail apr faq cyrix dlc faq cyrix dlc repost email miss ad vanc alexand poylish internet apoyli inod fidonet blue wave qwk id scsi articl lkev hpj feanor xel shaw feanor x el greg shaw write don you start spec sheet isa bu you can quot scsi spec till y ou blue face exce isa bu capabl point isa eisa vlb interfac worth invest thousan d dollar worth monei don complain wasn you that scsi expens had year two ago isa bu bui scsi for isa isa slow you that scsi isa bu not automat winner compar id you didn read carefulli vlb id connect mechan standard id transfer rate limit id whether interfac isa eisa vlb matter not transfer rate id chang isa bu speed mi ne for thing scsi blow id water hand id throughput isn us workstat and file serv er id variant ibm mfm control that softwar point view never meant encompass prot oc standard impliment across platform argument that id can can transfer data id drive fast drive provid data scsi version id drive deliv higher sustain transfer rate scsi interfac higher rpm platter arrang head etc origin question scsi us s ingl hard drive control scsi drive that will meg sec for scsi choic make senc me g meg sec scsi drive cost that nice thing multitask scsi can us drive onc unix l oad pc windog and can us two id drive time pretti ugli data drive anoth and scsi abil perform that transfer data cpu main memori that optim id can that cpu data drive data store main memori you that scsi can grab data drive time and store t ransfer that data main memori time work irq and dma channel isa bu bought quantu m for mac home paid for haven id drive cheaper friend mine maxtor meg id drive f or that million byte mega byte basic interfac get close meg sec transfer your fi gur includ hundr for scsi driver talk scsi expens simpli common interfac for had common read easili implement method ad scsi sun mac you find scsi connect mediu m choic you that scsi default interfac type that vast major don rom drive tape b ackup etc that had hard drive and run do that scsi hard drive cost lot mfm rll d rive time and common scsi drive meg year ago lot lack common interfac card that prevent scsi connect medium choic won argu that scsi standard make for good impl iment data highwai want intrins id isa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive singl drive scsi expens that point faster thi thi you perform for mon ei for peopl that will singl hard drive system will scsi choic give perform id y ou bought your for expand you want add drive true expand can start bu mean optio n for rom drive tape backup that run card you can add type devic and access conc urr argument thi held time scsi buyer reason scsi devic will time scsi buyer eve ntu acquir make sens scsi for singl hard drive system scsi devic work machin mac and home and move hard drive nice scsi hook and post scsi spec you that and app l scsi hard drive compat and even data access machin format partit file tabl dif fer plug plai scsi devic work togeth id devic for instanc recent ad older connor meg id maxtor meg id connor setup slave will work scsi you set address check te rmin plug and drive connor becom logic drive do thi problem problem id mutual ex clus notic that time take switch access drive drive quit long compar time take s witch drive scsi system multitask thi notic thing can onc two id drive system fo r temporari file transfer never differ switch drive differ transfer file drive d rive neat thing that notic fring benefit abil add older almost dead drive storag scsi system problem bunch almost dead meg drive that ad interfac full meg drive meg drive tape drive and meg drive card that nice long power suppli can that po ssibl for id drive simpli put scsi handier id mysteri jumper figur mysteri and e xpens driver figur id doesn requir driver that consum preciou convent do memori jumper set for omti esdi control subject for jum per set for sm omti bu esdi control card advanc richard richard solomon ncr micr oelectron aeroplaza drive richard solomon colospg ncr colorado spring uunet ncrc om ncr mpd richard solomon id esdi coexist you net last resort chang job th i faq mix control haven sy ami bio and your run mill multi card serial paral flo ppi and id control clone jumper affect ctrller quantum prodriv lp type cyl hd sp t want bring thi hand neat price maxtor bio type ctrller manag real geom cyl hd spt western digit esdi ctrller floppi jumper set irq port addr and bio addr and floppi format stuff goal esdi secondari control and disk simultan work boot esdi

nice bonu not expect ultim goal room for linux scheme mind boot id floppi and m ount esdi root not boot esdi even accept numer combin avail work alon can coexis t witout hang up can access esdi id depend setup jumper suggest bio setup two ct rller guess expect hang ctrller driver make work bio chip for card bui anoth con trol make hd happi id cheaper esdi hard find and costli not rich wouldnt scaveng soft sln prefer adapt sort can hold solder iron and can chang chip put jumper b b hot line western digit ftp archiv relev info expert store toronto ontario area that miracl haven knowledg ppl hint into work system that help you similar situ at prayer direct post repli cat catalin ivan email ivan iro umontr tel human com put interact humain machin universit montreal informatiqu recherch operationel toshiba rom problem msmith beta triciti wsu edu mark smith write think get toshiba rom and hook scsi port media vision pro audio spectrum sound board thi configur work for gener toshiba rom drive you had hadw ar problem door not open scratch disk door not close get stuck not close holder jam and relat problem and favorit rom drive nec and had experi drive phillip dri ve faster nec door nec hand handl nec boot rom fly replac nec anoth toshiba jw identifi thi ethernet card simon moscow uidaho e du mike simon write articl qhvuninnhau emori mathc emori edu splee org seng poh lee speedi write ethernet card bu that apollo workstat identifi order us assembl number rev and bit card circa aui port bnc coax connect select address for bio dma and irq locat berg jumper appear intel processor board for buffer ethernet c hip appear intel pin dip packag thi chip equival us card pin plcc chip call link two similar sound board for dirt cheap assi number not seri your descript fit a ka etherlink card check ftp driver and diagnost program for and card conclud tha t card ran diagnost program for succesfulli pass fly colour packet driver for ca rd juha liukkonen aka jliukkon helsinki univers helsinki dept lost soul trust sl edg hammer id scsi articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write won argu that scsi standard make for good impliment da ta highwai want intrins id isa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard dri ve thi thread and figur throw two cent amiga zorro bu compar isa bu mhz amiga ha d pre empt multi task sinc and can oper ram scsi us almost exclus system scsi co ntrol that transfer data dma cpu request data hard drive and continu work contro l get data and move memori control that reselect can oper even multipl devic thi espic true scsi tape unit for exampl rewind format tape command issu control an d bu releas access devic bu thi greatli increas product back your hard drive hap pen read thi group long stori us id for cdrom scsi can move machin and scsi stan dard and support ibm clone machin plan complet rid id wayn summer amiga simpli p alm bai wayn amtow spacecoast org quot week don hate microsoft microsoft hate pr oduct lame found ibm misc toshiba rom problem articl apr serval net wsu ed u msmith beta triciti wsu edu mark smith write onc you put good word for that wo rk had problem toshiba work do and for you don load special driver instal will d etect that toshiba drive and you btw fast carlo rimola sarti email rimola csisdn connect strategi inc car btr isdn pri connect phone id scsi articl wayn amtow spacecoast org wayn am tow spacecoast orgx newssoftwar grn mike schwartz michael smith write articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write won argu that scsi stand ard make for good impliment data highwai want intrins id isa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive thi thread and figur throw two cent amiga zorro bu compar isa bu mhz for fact that superior isa bu amiga had pre empt multi tas k sinc and can oper ram scsi us almost exclus system for system that ship id con trol toodlepip marc olivetti floppi connect olivetti floppi drive se cond drive panason machin sort talk get spin and step disk not readi error two j umper work open posit dip switch and posit dip switch don set dip switch and tha t problem inform advic junk stupid thing appreci email repli prefer jdresser tym net id scsi articl wayn amtow spacecoast org wayn am tow spacecoast orgx newssoftwar grn mike schwartz michael smith write want intri

ns id isa bu come multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive scsi control that transfer data dma cpu request data hard drive and continu work control get data and move memori id dma techniqu floppi control dma and board us dma dma big deal and noth directli scsi for exampl rewind format tape command issu control and b u releas access devic bu thi greatli increas product back your hard drive happen read thi group you can your softwar for that do had brain format floppi etc you hardwar will support do won thi noth scsi long stori us id for cdrom scsi can m ove machin and scsi standard and support ibm clone machin plan complet rid id an d you stick do you you can multitask can unix type miracul thing id harddriv tha t can singl scsi hard drive junior usabl fianc junior and upgrad full us mon itor machin heard mcga ega not us card can us drive control floppi etc for bryan bryan welch amateur radio sfg internet europa vnet ibm bwelch scf nmsu edu will perish save love and music scot gaelic proverb disclaim opinion baud spirit modem world want bui spirit data fax modem made heard perform stabl not give advic addit heard new local distributor that baud ccitt rom distributor will ccitt standard for thi modem will produc e nd thi year replac rom thi rom thi spirit can transfer data baud hardwar altern thi true and telephon line transfer such high speed give advic last can contact central dealer quickcomm inc not whether not leav mail you leung hong kong unive rs bui pentium motherboard bought pentium motherboa rd you can bui send mail you advanc pentium processor motherboard not gener publ ic intel releas compani such gatewai and dell test etc mike bitz internet bitzm columbia dsu edu research and develop bitzm dsuvax dsu edu dakota state univers bitnet sdnet bitnet decis bui system thi week replac brain dead and us feedback coupl system familiar system that interest budget vlb tower for deli v offer vlb id mitsumi rom softwar bundl media vision sound board ctx cach and u sual drive port softwar sinc budget for system almost good true mean good true t hing never review budget system parent compani micro smart motherboard aetana fe edback appreci similar vein second system midwest micro elit vesa tower diamond viper midwest micro monitor never review anywher familiar firm not product line and idea qualiti abig benefit suggest price rang appreci greatest speed and grap hic capabl email respons greatli appreci purpos for power can rightfulli exercis member civil commun will prevent harm good physic moral not suffici warrant joh n stuart mill rick adam adamsr ai org adamsr norwich bitnet anonym user send pol i kbt rain id scsi wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith wr ite bought quantum for mac home paid for haven id drive cheaper friend mine maxt or meg id drive for that million byte mega byte basic interfac get close meg sec transfer your figur includ hundr for scsi driver sinc mac scsi for hard drive f igur includ hundr for scsi driver thi sloppi peopl and dumb that point faster th i thi you perform for monei onc scsi spec list scsi scsi control chip synchron r ang asynchron rang slower scsi scsi control chip burst bit note increas speed ma c quadra thi version scsi exist pc us thi set scsi bit scsi mode burst for want scsi don want pai for bit bit hardwar mess scsi softwar control usabl scsi devic close bit scsi speed scsi bit wide fast mode burst scsi bit wide and fast burst interfac dxb psuvm psu edu speak id rang synchron and asynchron mode asynchron slower rang esdi standard version problem inconsit us term scsi articl and peopl proper mean set scsi interfac compos scsi and scsi inconsit us scsi below quot comment magazin april scsi twice fast esdi thi asynchron scsi scsi chip faster i d thi asynchron scsi scsi chip and bit scsi read consitantli quot read asynchron scsi scsi chip asynchron scsi twice fast esdi speed id asynchron scsi scsi chip bit scsi scsi scsi chip and bit scsi time fast esdi faster id note nonus scsi t hi elimin ambagu scsi driver somewhat reason bit and bit scsi driver expans bit scsi can us scsi driver speed degrid mac quadra exactli thi continu thi thread s tate scsi you talk scsi scsi scsi scsi and scsi make differ junior usabl articl apr sernew raleigh ibm europ a tomcat raleigh ibm welch bryan write fianc junior and upgrad full us monitor m

achin heard mcga ega not us card can us drive control floppi etc thing you salva g junior floppi drive and monitor floppi and monitor cga you will adaptor cabl u s junior not us standard card you strap for cash you junk thing and bui stuff da n daniel matthew coleman internet dcoleman ccwf utexa edu dcoleman utxvm utexa e du univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet id scsi articl qpu uinnbt dn nmsu edu bgrubb dan t nmsu edu grubb write wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write sinc mac scsi for hard drive figur includ hundr for scsi driver thi sloppi peopl and dumb gro up thi thi not mac group onc scsi spec list spec list talk scsi not mac unix box and talk isa bu possibl eisa vlb thi isin comp periph scsi perform figur singl scsi drive isa eisa vlb bu theoret perform figur not relev thi group thi debat t hat platform that can handl meg sec scsi xyz wide fast isin continu thi thread s tate scsi you talk scsi scsi scsi scsi and scsi make differ scsi design peopl ha d act togeth built scsi port network heard that call network that two network join serial port thi greatli mail thi tschew etc buslog question articl tigerc netcom tiger netco m tiger zhao write goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal write can thi card work march b eta sinc buslog card proven reliabl buslog card driver that work march beta supp ort for buslog card not includ longer you instal beta rom you will rem adaptec d evic driver nasti tendenc crash buslog card attempt us adaptec you add buslog dr iver config sy rom boot disk and rem adaptec driver you instal half beta and won work ibm nice copi adaptec driver onc ibm rem adaptec driver onc and reboot you order will work thing pretti smooth rest instal will instal adaptec scsi driver onc end you rem statement and fun come driver and cost adaptec card that not co me driver do driver work great thi card can easili configur work set port and yo u can us multipl host adapt machin you card will support drive do hope thi help dan dan galpin galpin cat ucsc edu data path width bit speed doubl evolut data path width doubl bit speed data process not increas rate question relationship bettw een data path width and data process speed advanc for input robert address interliv address interliv and memmori mo dul interliv advanc for info robert search for bad memori chip articl cat david cat dave write thi idea share check for bad memori chip creat boot disk emm himem sy and ramdriv sy config autoexec bat boot creat ram drive larg us disk repair uti l us ndd run ram drive will run devic driver run pass quick your machin fail def in bad memori chip your machin pass conflict program you load memori interest id ea worst case data pattern develop test magnet media total pattern us detect com mon fault memori chip bob nichol bell laboratori rnichol ihlpm att buslog question beta support for buslog card not includ longer not thi disappoint you instal beta rom you will rem adaptec devic driver nasti tendenc crash buslog card attempt us adaptec yep that latest and f utur adaptec driver for string adaptec that effect card bio seagat id jumper question sinc loser that sold h ard disk for comput gener info set thi drive master slave greatli appreci repli mail incident avoid purchas comput ac endicott jeff electron prefer hole for mut ual annhili boycott sierra ignor purport window user support maker hardwar and s oftwar bui canadian music quit smoke run synthesi cga audio jk ritvax isc rit ed u simm and sipp need misc entrepreneur misc want p nw forsal ibm seattl forsal forsal misc forsal misc forsal comput misc forsal co mput clone misc forsal omput distribut world yuri atmo washington edu repli yuri atmo washington edu organ subject simm and sipp need keyword simm and sipp pric e piec wait for offer yuri yulaev av seattl home work fax internet yuri atmo was hington edu beaver atmo washington edu yuri id scsi wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith wr ite articl qpu uinnbt dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write sinc mac scsi for hard drive figur includ hundr f

or scsi driver thi sloppi peopl and dumb group thi thi not mac group nice you de let your responc and item that prompt whit bought quantum for mac home paid for haven id drive cheaper you respond friend mine maxtor meg id drive for that mill ion byte mega byte basic interfac get close meg sec transfer your figur includ h undr for scsi driver correctli point sinc mac scsi for hard drive figur includ h undr for scsi driver thi sloppi peopl and dumb thi sloppi and dumb you resound d iscount mac not give maxtor meg id drive for exampl give exampl you give impli c onsent that for mac info includ scsi discus onc scsi spec list spec list talk sc si not mac unix box and talk isa bu possibl eisa vlb will thi you can understand reguardless whether mac scsi and scsi each asynchron and synchron scsi speed an d cost lump togeth scsi dumb and sloppi quot exampl problem world spec list that you knew number come articl show articl correct stament scsi not consit thi isi n comp periph scsi thi thread you perform figur singl scsi drive isa eisa vlb bu gave you delet spec ad info scsi scsi control chip asynchron rang synchron rang common world differ softwar not hardwar scsi scsi control chip call scsi bit bu rst thi advertis scsi byte for and speed not mac not for mac scsi bit wide fast mode burst scsi bit wide and fast burst interfac dxb psuvm psu edu speak id rang asynchron rang infer byte synchron rang esdi standard version wlsmith valv hear t rri uwo wayn smith write theoret perform figur not relev thi group thi debat t hat platform that can handl meg sec scsi xyz wide fast isin note that give avera g put for scsi hold true mac ibm clone correct hardwar and softwar and sinc adve rsiz theoret perform figur cannot continu thi thread state scsi you talk scsi sc si scsi scsi and scsi make differ scsi design peopl had act togeth built scsi po rt articl obviou that problem not scsi peopl report you inconsit us scsi below q uot comment scsi twice fast esdi thi asynchron scsi scsi chip faster id thi asyn chron scsi scsi chip and bit scsi magazin april articl confus not scsi term mess inconsit us not interfac mess scsi mean set scsi interfac compos scsi and scsi not scsi peopl want us read consitantli quot read asynchron scsi scsi chip async hron scsi twice fast esdi speed id asynchron scsi scsi chip bit scsi scsi scsi c hip and bit scsi time fast esdi faster id note nonus scsi thi elimin ambagu cont inu thi thread state scsi you talk scsi scsi scsi scsi and scsi lump into scsi s csi sloppi wrong and dumb inconsit scsi and scsi usag problem clean mess svga ye ar ago and uncl slap scsa monitor intefac scsi standar unlik svga year ago termi naolog freez perri egelm perri wswiop win tue wrote lad anyi cornel edu szlo lada nyi write problem occasionali machin freez that though t recent discov that machin work keyboard freez and clock drop turbo mhz standar d mhz mode perhap you hit control doesn explain clock rate drop had problem comp ani chang keyboard bio and that fine dealer told that board that seri defect kbd bio michael michael jester gun michael gerhard preussenstrass germani neuss voi c western digit info need holli macc mcmaster wrot e western digit set pin back anoth hard drive and set for jumper written circuit board drive jumper us drive conner xxx jumper set drive alon drive master drive slave michael michael jester gun michael gerhard preussenstrass germani neuss v oic port modem mous conflict phil hunt phil howtek w rote kind stuff machin serial port and and share irq you mean can plug mous into and modem into and expect work coher etc drive port poll mode irq your exampl a ccess modem mous won work you reboot irq us modem answer chang irq for port and matter irq set port you can chang irq for depend your hardwar irq irq you printe rport irq you can chang irq printer for you can assign irq free irq can us your card bit and caould access irq michael michael jester gun michael gerhard preuss enstrass germani neuss voic isa bu pin question diamond speedstar todai reci ev warranti replac for diamond speedstar card notic jumper label card revis dete ct work shown that thi jumper simpli connect disconnect bale line pin part isa b u question simpl peopl thi revis speedstar manual claim that thi jumper isa refe r function bale line relat note ftp site descript refer isa bu motherboard manua l simpl pin signal name chart that dougla dougla pokorni drp camelot bradlei edu

major geisert hall resid conveni locat bradlei univers armpit illinoi peoria int for joystick slow inn name nerdc ufl edu lio ness oak circa ufl edu write int read joystick and hideous slow cpu time spent r ead joystick and thi program that noth printf and joyread you read print reason for joystick stuff not time even effici problem that lot program trap int smartd rv and slow hell interfac can read joystick port safe fashion poll and that isn platform clockspe specif truth that int joystick read slow read directli hardwar port note that expos you intermitt disturb interrupt you want read twice row an d lower result don turn interrupt prove detriment health high speed comm and dev ic exampl thi joi exampl read joystick port poll hardwar port directli inp outp for byte port access will timeout int count count thi sampl read port present an d comment you can read onc merg two will time joystick not connect optim thi rou tin sinc run for long joystick circuitri written eyal lebedinski eyal is canberr a edu includ stdio includ stdlib includ conio extern int readjoi int int int int defin joyport defin xjoi for joystick us defin yjoi for joystick us defin xymas k xjoi yjoi defin for joystick us defin for joystick us int return readjoi int i nt int int regist int count regist char temp joi temp char xymask count outp joy port set trigger temp joi char inp joyport temp xjoi count temp yjoi count count temp joi xymask joi joi return count thi main for demonstr int main int printf hit kei exit kbhit readjoi printf for larg mono color vga monitor for monitor larg er that and card guess prefer and mono becuas lower price email brand model cond it and ask price includ thi messag for refer alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu mitsumi rom driver fix for qemm you faith mitsum i rom owner notic qemm can load you rom driver high ain bitch you can call quart erdeck bb and hold driver that can load high don test and work great small nose loos girl nippl iczer curl gerard pinzon gpinzon tasha poli edu join eca wehrmac ht kill speedwai good us speedwai good hate wait for fin ish load level and such memori eat small nose loos girl nippl iczer curl gerard pinzon gpinzon tasha poli edu join eca wehrmacht kill lead edg comput bui comput store and want thi go od comput wrong switch motherboard thi comput becom slow thi lead edg comput wil l difficult find motherboard that will fit thi comput will greatli appreci lead edg model intel mhz cpu support intel overdr clock doubl processor thi upgrad ra m upgrad intern cach disk drive hard drive vga video resolut video ram color bit isa expans slot local bu socket bit isa compat drive bai extern pin centron typ e parallel port serial port pin pin analog video connector compat mous port watt power suppli kei keyboard and mous includ softwar includ window do microsoft wo rk for window store monitor for thi good price nicol bell templ univers philli m ail address astro oci templ edu prodigi jpkn you not part solut you part precipi t steven wright adaptec problem configur gatewai micron isa ram id drive id drive adaptec scsi control scsi bio enabl seagat scsi drive alrighti boot adaptec bio messag drive instal drive instal adaptec scsi bio not instal a nd can seagat drive into phoenixbio setup remov entri for drive and boom can acc ess seagat two id drive and seagat time aspi do sy hang system brian boot drive glang slee srl ford gordon lang write david weisberg djweisb unix amherst edu wrote drive drive can make system boot drive optim comput boot check order for bootabl disk switch cabl and simpli swit ch drive that can boot disk that boot won trick for davebo had issu plagu for mo nth gatewai final tire perman interchang drive reason didn place had bootabl and base instal disk expect drive order softwar and upgrad and number stupid instal program that can handl altern drive declin time had upgrad and for bootabl cut replac switch drive not option you wire drive switch your comput chasi haven wor k long wire carefulli thi us relai radio shack pdt huge switch thi relai break d rive will work work fine you chang cmo drive switch will work correctli for prog ram roger pao gordiu bagdad mt rpao rpao mt mivj jumper set for microsci time thi inform microsci hard drive and set jumper and for master slave configur will gladli accept info

sit room collect dust wait for instal huge applic advanc and regulari check id harddisk spec that post adam cheal rick ubc lead edg comput bui articl apr cronkit oci templ edu astro oci templ edu ci sec spr write comput store and want thi good comput wrong stuff delet lead edg model intel mhz cpu support intel overdr clock doubl processor thi upgrad ram upgrad intern cach disk drive hard drive vga video reso lut video ram color bit isa expans slot local bu socket bit isa compat drive bai extern pin centron type parallel port serial port pin pin analog video connecto r compat mous port watt power suppli kei keyboard and mous includ softwar includ window do microsoft work for window store monitor for thi good price recent bou ght lead edg mini tower case and work fine lead edg decent brand and not tend th at decent deal thing you want wari that comput back plane mount motherboard moth erboard card that can plug backplan peopl don configur second thing that set com put factori didn instal window video driver didn even advantag svga card monitor forward configur system optim coat hanger brain itch impster umcc ai org turnip rever and charl budensiek worship deserv you want esdi id articl apr monu monash edu el fawlti eng monash edu chow write articl qegfd dqi wsini info win tue monti wsini info win tue guido leender write us esdi control hdd togeth id harddisk control isa syste m read stuff secondari control thi trick work advanc guido monti win tue questio n guido us esdi drive master and id drive slave can definitili that you can us r ll master and id slave upgrad machin id and custom control mdl extend id control maintain rll wren master drive trick control support id drive coexist exist con trol mfm rll esdi scsi document work esdi and can assur you work rll bruce powel email bss brucep seqeb gov adaptec problem lioness mapl circa ufl edu wrote configur gatewai micron isa ram id drive id drive adaptec scsi control scsi bio enabl seagat scsi drive alrighti boot adaptec bio messag drive instal drive ins tal adaptec scsi bio not instal and can seagat drive into phoenixbio setup remov entri for drive and boom can access seagat two id drive and seagat time aspi do sy hang system brian simpl answer memori serv scsi bio will work second drive b uilt drive id instal and scsi bio run will instal drive two drive can solut simp l us aspi do devic driver and disabl scsi bio useless your case work champ simil ar situat good luck gordon lang grayscal displai quick comput shopper gave compa ni that sell monochrom monitor for compat cornerston technolog digit technolog h ardwar that fit ibm ikegami imag system nanao radiu ran ger technolog sampo sams ung sigma design singl scan monitor useless for user post request for inform new sgroup fruitless manag track two multisync grayscal monitor rang and into and wi ll post result info into group purchas aniel thumim dthumim mit edu tseng lab video card problem tseng lab video car d that problem super vga mode checkit report video page frame address error page frame thi mean and can thi fix card parallel port can inform us direct printer port successfulli us toshiba laptop enabl bit port and control bit port for direct da ta flow for output for input code not work desktop machin heard that us bit port thi not work for parallel port id super card and run tape backup unit parallel scsi convert pretti that printer port direct inform greatli appreasi post repli email internet rick cabsav vut edu richard muratti origin custom program bb ibm teac nation new group success replac friend origin ibm floppi disk normal teac drive identifi power suppli pin and short pin switch and insert pullup resistor pin and comput doesn complain miss light stai time drive spin insert disk can access teac work fine normal point miss you vol kmar volkmar grote stollmann want isa mous port high interrupt sound card int errupt two serial port for modem for miracl piano and printer port run low inter rupt mous port interrupt interrupt mous port isa comput call technic support mic rosoft logitech ati check interrupt mous port ati video card can us and interrup t card lower board for isa bu will mous port even serial port high interrupt lor an yourk lyourk ihlpm att can write floppi articl qndvd jhn usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu andi nicola write previou articl limagen hpwala wal y ou expert answer quick machin floppi unabl write format disk machin claim that d isk write protect not note read problem mail post disk not type disk extra hole case opposit normal write protect hole drive will not write disk you can punch s imilar hole handi bui small devic squar hole puncher for back page comput shoppe r magazin for make hole you can write andi nicola you write disk make hole stig compaq configur compaq owner friend mine compaq portabl iii and lost manual and diskett get machin equip definit cmo memori conf igur machin that byte incorrectli set that compaq byte defin not ibm compat mach in you compaq diagnost diskett and thi need can reach quickli compaq dealer emai l document configur softwar heikki haldr mail hhaldr sune stacken kth hhaldr par k tartu alr proveisa experi alr proveisa system interest hear your impress and alr gener you mark winqwk mark seltzer ravina cre toronto ont canada rosemail rosenet usenet gatewai rose media want isa mous port high interrupt lyourk cbnewsc att loran yourk write sound card interrupt two serial port for modem for miracl piano and printer port run low interrupt mous port interrupt interrupt mous por t isa comput call technic support microsoft logitech ati check interrupt mous po rt ati video card can us and interrupt card lower board for isa bu will mous por t even serial port high interrupt put irq for your port irq hardwar will automag wrap irq irq class machin high irq thi set irq irq address thi softwar irq soun dblast irq lpt irq and ati busmous port interrupt work great you even text file float that detail hack serial card and work higher irq basic involv cut trace lo w irq and run wire high irq pin bit expans bu will put modem port irq thi will i rq servic system give modem respons handi multitask run problem justin jdolsk an di bgsu edu isa limit rpao mt mivj write articl mt mivj mark a ssd csd harri mark ashlei write writer claim that glitch can occur system that limit that part don understand ram motherboard cpu problem talk ram can explain thi floppi serv dma motherboard and origin dma control can reach address space isa bu joerg want subject email skcgoh tartaru uwa edu swap boot drive machin drive and drive want swap drive tia david todd depart psycholog univers massachusett amherst usa phone da vid todd psych umass edu fax want advic comment build month intend build syst em for remot monitor comment advic you choic motherboard hdd and board recommend for good compani sell big peter green peter green tel fax janet prg mcc nessi i nternet prg nessi mcc includ std disclaim conner spec can send conner harddisk specif cyl and intrest time valu precomp etc heikki haldr internet hhaldr sune stacken kth hint vlb isa eisa motherboard bui companion bran d vlb isa eisa motherboard hint chipset had experi thi board good bad inform hel p brian schaufenbuel brian schaufenbuel art govern sooner learn helser halst tha t drain monei pocket am peopl colleg student adam smith detect mous hardwar level writ program that chec k comput for configur run everytim comput boot campu network run not get info wa nt want check for mous check for mous driver code microsoft mous book guarante t hat driver load program run that load driver sinc interest hardwar attach machin detect mous attach can mous driver can advanc andi andi berkvam wholli dead wis consin steven point blow dead man ember cleveland freenet and live flame will st art internet aberkvam spu uwsp edu robert grave id scsi articl ucdavi edu rocki ucdavi edu great randal write can explain fairli simpl term scsi control id will perform suffer that for drive don tape drive rom appreci richard randal hamlet ucdavi edu multi task comput you cpu power you had and that overlap overlap your cpu can continu disk oper underwai overlap your cpu sit idli wait for each disk oper finish and disk oper etern compar fast cpu you multi task you want increas perform increas

amount overlap you dma bu master make for devic move data into and memori inter rupt cpu altern for cpu move data scsi interfac card that dma and bu master id d efin standard interfac creat for ibm requir cpu move data byte dma richard krehb iel richk grebyn will for amigado for come id scsi articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write articl kvinnndk dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write point view scsi advantag come multi task data data and anywher drive can scsi find faster can drive and into comput faster cach system thought scsi good manag data bu multipl devic attach talk singl drive explain scsi inher faster ma nag data hard drive adaptec seri us bu master thi mean that cpu doesn sit wait f or data byte can and comput you advanc multi task that do sit and wait id integr devic electron common standard and us for medium size drive can hard drive asyn chron transfer max don you start spec sheet isa bu you can quot scsi spec till y ou blue face exce isa bu capabl point id limit meg sec vlb id perform don you st art spec sheet isa bu id design plug into isa virtual unaid essenc id isa ribbon cabl spec isa mhz clock bit width sec thi conclud that id bu wast fast slot car d job slow bu transact isa speed heck that isa slot us richard krehbiel richk gr ebyn will for amigado for come id scsi articl hcx ssd csd harri marka hcx ssd c sd harri mark ashlei write huge softwar packag and file that produc id longer su ffici for limit list seagat id hard drive second rumor microsoft recogn import s csi and will support not do win window support scsi varieti adapt for disk tape and rom richard krehbiel richk grebyn will for amigado for come id scsi articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write articl wayn amtow spacecoast org wayn amtow spacecoast orgx newssoftwar grn mike schwartz michael smith write want intrins id isa bu c ome multi task manag data singl scsi hard drive scsi control that transfer data dma cpu request data hard drive and continu work control get data and move memor i id dma techniqu floppi control dma and board us dma dma big deal and noth dire ctli scsi id not dma thi hard disk interfac control move sector buffer memori co ntrol card cpu move data buffer main memori need id doesn work thi not compat he ck id us dma you hear kind complaint isa bu system ram not work id drive dma add ress limit isa bu and id dma troubl btw dma enabl signal id cabl spec last repor t heard that never implement requir kind id adapt and driver richard krehbiel ri chk grebyn will for amigado for come nec printer question pick second hand color opti on for nec pin dot matrix printer ala instal instruct total confus won remov act aual print head almost fit not quit info appreci jon chopin udel edu for cent eu tsch pai dollar boot drive articl khan nova khan nova gmi edu mo hammad razi khan write glang slee srl ford gordon lang write david weisberg djwe isb unix amherst edu wrote drive drive can make system boot drive intermedi repl i suggest cabl switch delet ami bio poke bio haven thi boot assum that you slip althoug haven and don mess your cmo you your hate burst your bubbl you cannot sl ip that ami bio set that set you set boot order floppi respect primari check che ck gordon lang mohammad khan khan nova gmi edu juli send mail mkhan nyx edu rega rd paul yee yee nimio eng mcmaster conner question configur thi drive slave model r epli mail jeff electron prefer hole for mutual annhili boycott sierra ignor purp ort window user support maker hardwar and softwar bui canadian music quit smoke run synthesi cga audio jk ritvax isc rit edu perfect mag monitor articl apr brtph bnr adcock bnr doug adcock write intent mag thread wait for mine arriv mail lot complaint m inor align problem articl contain comment that owner call factori and told that screen rotat spec that figur for imag rotat high nec spec call for greater monit or arriv last night and notic barrel distort not dramat and notic imag doesn fil l entir screen fact that wors side doesn matter find minor imperfect norm monito r perfect don want send back and even wors problem factori thi kind thing normal and ship monitor perfect align can speak for mag innovis nec concern adjust fac tori spec leav central usa distribut point for eastern canadian market kei nec t

hat monitor adjust sensit ship distanc bump rough handl and such and expect and theori requir that local distributor not dealer adjust local servic centr bull i nform system toronto sale thi correct and chanc receiv perfect monitor definit p erfect depend picki case quit netter live kind imperfect for not will accept con sid substandard monitor and two month wrangl and direct contact nec final receiv satisfactorili adjust monitor not perfect imho major improv dealer and distribu tor convinc normal short answer don accept imperfect normal for premium pai for larger screen monitor expect higher qualiti and you persist you receiv comment a nd opinion mine not bnr doug adcock adcock bnr bell northern research research t riangl park regard paul yee yee nimio eng mcmaster upgrad modem tandon type modem that info apart f act that black info thi modem upgrad repli mail cdw dc chri mail cdw dc walton c plab tel weekend write romero place edinburgh finagl fourth law onc job foul imp rov make wors chri mail cdw dc walton cplab tel weekend write romero place edinb urgh id scsi richk grebyn richard krehbiel write stuf f connect id and ida deleat mhz clock bit width sec id speed come ida sight for id come scsi not complex industri and talk kei differ scsi control chip port and softwar that scsi thi stand point scsi asynchron and synchron mode softwar scsi driver asynchron slower synchron mode synchron speed can reach scsi divic rewri t softwar driver case for mac quadra scsi bit thi main sourc for confus thi diff er scsi control chip machin mac and pc thi call fast scsi scsi port and softwar driver and can produc scsi speed scsi inspit thi even slower asynchron mode aver ag speed asynchron scsi mode quadra and higher end pc synchron mode higher burst rate scsi bit two version wide fast wide scsi requir two thing bit scsi scsi so ftwar driver and wide scsi port machin and extern devic fast scsi requir two thi ng bit scsi scsi driver softwar and that reciev devis support bit fast scsi spee d burst scsi bit wide and fast scsi bit scsi thi requir scsi driver softwar wide scsi port and that reciev devic bit mode scsi chip expect thi expenc speed burs t simpl version scsi seper softwar control chip and port standar softwar and dro p version scsi seper hardwar chip and port conner info for inform thi drive switch set geom etri etc conner repli mail advanc nelson nsl doe carleton pentium previou articl rrn cwru edu robert novit skei qestion for you will upcom pentium system compat current simm and vlb card info help plunk hardwar bob depend motherboard impliment will make vlb motherboa rd that take simm and pentium processor that will motherboard that won trident and lot enquiri and compat gener softwar hardwar orient wrong newsgroup claim happen board jumper detail for trident svg a graphic card even dip switch end mine work fine albeit slow and blown monitor found switch control interlac interlac facil curiou dip switch card apparantli u s secondli commodor had craze design motherboard respect ram can suppli pin deta il for expans port for bit even sampl circuit irq button press yeah piec cake la zi softwar wise care divulg tip access expand ram program written turbo for inst anc farcoreleft and coreleft return memori base combin emm etc etc want us ram a nd boundari not whether farmalloc suspect not half brain wit creat do not entran t follow comment us do call do interrupt will chang stack size entri us two arti cl read subject conflict view view write direct screen memori term portabl gotta bar close cheer ian hand scanner want fellow netter market for hand scanner don ey two choic dexxa thi scanner wal mart for includ graywork softwar and dpi and grayscal ocr softwar catchword mail order for mustek grai artist for window thi scanner offer grayscal cad graphic and dpi for mail order and come p erceiv ocr and pictur publish geniu hand scanner cad graphic basic mustek scanne r for resolut dpi and price basic recommend bui heard that logitech make and man ufactur dexxa scanner bui dpi help output laserjet iii canon lean mustek offer f eatur and middl term price bui you hand scanner whether not you recommend you an oth scanner price rang that deal mail and greatli appreci kevin harter boot drive articl apr mcshub dcss mcmaster yee n imio eng mcmaster paul yee write articl khan nova khan nova gmi edu mohammad raz

i khan write glang slee srl ford gordon lang write david weisberg djweisb unix a mherst edu wrote drive drive can make system boot drive intermedi repli suggest cabl switch delet heard boot zip exactli you want touch check archi mitsubishi hard drive mitsubishi hard drive rll mfm that storag and will not format suspect that switch set move movement drive place anoth switch set for thi drive switch and switch that select drive number you info thi drive number can call configur email cyl head and type advanc chuck brown charl brown brown galoi nscf org univers brown moe coe uga edu augusta ge orgia cbrowni ei calstat edu monitor mreami rock concert net michael reami su pport write and that nanao monitor you had monei that mitsubishi diamond pro cho ic and that superb pictur qualiti thi monitor can had for respons for choos stan dard compon compani and part review viewson mitsubishi and nanao pick even cost two choic clariti and text not fuzzi viewson worst mitsubishi nanao blow water d on understand nanao sinc that mitsubishi trinitron tube can imagin that nanao in cred beter michael reami mreami rock concert net light end tunnel oncom dragon m onitor review for june issu window magazin mitsubishi review nanao releas last y ear for issu window review monitor includ nanao question that nanao monitor thi year last year differ rank window and rank window sourc due differ test criteria and score us test and score differ noth wrong mitsubishi and score highli test point shy perfect incident thing read review product whether monitor mice read c riteria and methodolog carefulli you product test and score base you can possibl mean that rank monitor differ window sourc meaningless know rank likewis imposs whether monitor will meet your you test not appli you likewis appli close revie w anoth you can read word commentari write you don understand score wayn rash monitor rgb sync vga scanlonm rimail interlan mi chael scanlon write don thi obviou question can current batch window acceler car d diamond etc us drive monitor rgb and horizont and vertic sync bnc jack altoget h connector back ahold raster technolog monitor cheap and wonder connect adapt r gb vga gatewai driver etc mike scanlon repli scanlon interlan you monitor cabl t hat vga connector end and bnc connector bought nanao bought nanao monitor us bnc connector check comput store that sell good monitor quit compani us that setup tape backup question articl apr sol ctr columbia edu jerri msi jerri shekhel write folk archiv intern qic tape drive pretti comp ar colorado jumbo sinc two floppi drive system small card not acceler made archi v attach tape drive floppi devic problem do base qicstream softwar work fine nor ton and central point backup program for window fail switch machin turbo speed e isa sinc do softwar work can hardwar problem can similar problem solut advanc ye ah sound typic window make sort extra demand hardwar and your machin can thing n otic acess floppi window slow crawl imagin your backup and evertyh that run figh t for cpu time and sometim backup program lose glad can even run medium speed ba ckup machin supposedli scsi machin place extra demand data bu don monitor articl qslf access digex net rash access digex wayn rash write review nanao releas differ and bui gatewai system and upg rad mike yang silicon graphic inc mikei sgi conner spec sune stacken kth hhaldr stacken kth heikki haldr write can send conner harddisk specif cyl and intrest time valu pre comp etc heikki haldr internet hhaldr sune stacken kth conner peripher number to uch tone voic respons data bank give info you call directori assisatnc and for p hone number conner peripher you you dannyb panix usual disclaim appli kinda batteri proud owner ibm batteri hook into jumper info can replac voltag suggest for replac can respond grisch uceng edu ge org boot drive nvvx mt mivj rpao mt mivj roger pao w rite discuss switch and drive remov anoth albeit strang option program anonym ft p major site fdformat anonym ftp that you format disk meg disk meg format you ca n diskcopi broken messi do diskcopi disk disk vice versa us thi techniqu do boot game disk tandi and work anoth program name teledisk sharewar major bb will mak e weird format disk provid you fdformat instal disk that won diskcopi properli c an readili teledisk into proper format thi softwar solut for hardwar bio defici

joseph zbiciak camelot bradlei edu disclaim you thi check your head nuke whale rockwel chipset for good quick question rockwel chipset that come rel recent support bi group iii fax and heard bug chipset that zoom modem that chipset and hasn had problem word chipset thi rom bug specif sp ecif brand rockwel rockwel chipset and rockwel chipset chanc that bui modem rock wel chipset that bug will affect rom chang will fix compens for bug send respons email joe zbiciak cegt bradlei edu camelot bradlei edu joseph zbiciak camelot b radlei edu disclaim you thi check your head nuke whale shop for nec monitor peopl can recomend flat scr een hype nonsens nec that and advantag not flat screen tube oversensit and fragi l and break thi heavi duti rug set for insist proven reliabl technolog jim id scsi huge softwar packag and file that produc id longer suffici for limit micropoli broken thi limit id meg and meg greg gree n ggg kepler unh edu mark ashlei disclaim opinion not harri marka gcx ssd csd ha rri lost lo angelino high perform vlb video card articl apr spartan b rocku tmc spartan brocku tim ciceran write magazin anoth review high end graphic acceler for perform window do cad for ati graphic ultra pro two review last mon th and that card rank editor choic review for perform can beat you pick thi issu mag april and check for window recent review shown that card significantli fast er window ati card vga recent review shown that card look significantli slower v ga ati card speed recal big question for orchid card each card test had vga orch id don ami that for vga that reportedli faster whether orchid card can vga fast ati card formid competitor advertis price for two card thi group post back that get orchid card that card arriv benchmark ami base card real us for vga speed bo b adaptec acb wright lim lerc nasa gov ted wright write adaptec acb rev disk control come into hand document thi esdi control mfm rll bio date that esdi control you doco can you stefan stefan reck inet sreck re box berlin berlin germani that gatewai telepath modem get bi had gatewai telepa th modem for month had that wouldn connect matter softwar us thi connect favorit new system problem somewhat happier cannot connect favorit do bb kind reliabl s uccess call not good hope that fact that thi can connect fave place mean adjust fast stream garbag modem respons line dial window sometim will drop full screen mode screen garbag case modem time connect and drop carrier default set and get thi problem autoconfigur set that gatewai suppli copi qmodem atw and get thi pro blem refus thi claim bb that not work modem connect thi place fine factori set m icrocom idea waco updat ohio prison updat bosnia updat russian updat abort updat and congression updat snn standoff new network new standoff dai daniel hartung dhartung chinet chinet rotaract high perform vlb video card articl hcbfp zola es d sgi blean rwb esd sgi bob blean write thi group post back that get orchid card that card arriv benchmark text and vga mcga mode almost ident base card ati thi weird sinc orchid supposedli faster and told that can almost sinc vga chip cove r orchid label can for chip spec sheet that come board doc meg dram and chip win mark mil slower viper standard palett btw insterest sell diamond viper meg vram for friend for email interest broke ami base card real us for vga speed limit qu antit idea vga chip care oem board orchid for exampl readm file disk that serv d ocument and conflict hell vlb control card motherboard vlb stephen lau elec engi n univ hawaii friend account wait for grad account death synthesi gu info board thing add orchid board vesa bio handl meg dram board viper can util meg vram board support vesa mode such mil and do stephen lau elec engin univ hawaii don account grad school start autumn death sy nthesi gu info mous port email pinout for pin mini din mou s port make adapt for serial mous and dealer adapt work mous bought doesn stock adapt make sens base sketchi inform port connect reserv pin bob nichol bell labo ratori rnichol ihlpm att monitor articl geh utdalla edu goyal utdalla edu

mohit goyal write yeah read anoth newsgroup that high qualiti trinitron tube mo nitor soni for exampl and thi extra cost come high bandwidth come and fantast im ag and larg imag size etc etc agre that imag sharp get soni tube monitor tube an noi black line top and bottom quarter tube creat due wire hold invar shadow mask quit annoi that thing that make lean favor nec nec fge differ accucolor experi opinion peopl us nec appreci sinc want exam week toni toni gerardi mcgill univer s comput scienc prefer account sun rel gerardi mcgill you older and shorter brea th and dai tgerardi nyx edu closer death floyd gerardi musoc bitnet quantum cach work quantum lp suppos cach id cont rol built into card do dir command system disk access can hear mechan movement h ead thi happen strang even smartdriv instal dir command access disk activ cach t hi happen each two machin lp drive will est internet west netcom custom kei for compani that can make custom kei for instanc kei that main menu etc us etc can point compani that thi you special keyboard can pop kei and pop for jeff swartz monitor articl pisw mcgill gerardi mcgill gif em porium write stuff delet that thing that make lean favor nec nec fge differ accu color experi opinion peopl us not you lose accucolor you had give interlac mode wider mhz bandwidth and mac and bnc input person not bother two line trinitron t ube toni gerardi mcgill univers comput scienc stephen lau elec engin univ hawaii don account grad school start autumn death synthesi gu rockwel chipset for good articl camelot camelot bradlei edu joe zbiciak write word chipset thi rom bug specif specif brand rockw el rockwel chipset assort firmwar problem that pretti expect fax modem talk fax modem revis pretti oblivi current firmwar problem you can you stai clear board r ockwel mpu oppos dpu for intern implement thi mpu us speed buffer interfac inter fac number interrupt and drop multitask condit window speed buffer work for exte rn modem us intern serial port board hope thi help tom tom barrett tdbear engin tom barrett amd amd pcd ben white austin don hold don leav chanc tasmin archer v iew and not compani origin monitor mitsubishi review nanao releas last year for issu window review you spec for thi monitor chang you cach micron eisa vlb motherboard articl apr new indiana edu mohammad ansari alansari mango uc indiana edu clip process purchas e isa bu comput clip ar and us cach motherboard that brand motherboard opti chip s et micron edg technolog and us micron eisa vlb motherboard clip input thi micron machin clear choic posit neg compani heard cach motherboard micron micron mothe rboard etc advanc for inform mohammad ansari back your vendor board manufactur a nd info made norton index yeah bm suck what mother number slot and type esia and bit id scsi board easi upgrad ram locat and pin overdr oscil kit uart bio make you feel system agre that ar dai tech and year warranti encourag terri clark tcl ark umaxc uiowa edu you want opinion you don pai for opinion eisa read develop eisa time ago dismiss light in tens interest vesa and pci recent dishearten hear that isa cannot address ram li mit that will hit recal that eisa will support bit transfer enhanc such standard develop bing bing zinc cchem berkelei edu univers california berkelei id scsi articl richk apr gozer grebyn richk greb yn richard krehbiel write can explain fairli simpl term scsi control id will per form suffer that for drive don tape drive rom appreci you multi task you want in creas perform increas amount overlap you dma bu master make for devic move data into and memori interrupt cpu altern for cpu move data scsi interfac card that d ma and bu master you bu master isa bu id defin standard interfac creat for ibm r equir cpu move data byte dma talk isa bu you can dma channel activ time transfer data singl devic even you can devic scsi bu explain devic can dma transfer sing l scsi card isa bu time track copi ibm refer book technic manual page fdd adapt buffer bu and system board direct memori access dma for record data transfer exp ect similar for hdd adapt lowli low densiti origin fdd card us dma and hdd contr ol doesn that make real sens id scsi articl apr grebyn richk grebyn richard k rehbiel write heck id us dma you hear kind complaint isa bu system ram not work

id drive dma address limit isa bu and id dma troubl problem long didn set dma tr ansfer area area dma control can program that isin problem thi fdd control dma c hannel and don that hdd control mfm rll etc don us dma find comm port irq and hamilton romulu eh uiuc e du wayn hamilton write friend mine recent such serial card verifi detail recal p aid made stb port and support irq addit convent last had troubl find comm softwa r that overrid standard irq assign lot such softwar find case that major softwar that bad thi regard commerci softwar commerci packag poorli written program do crap such print command tsr that lock your system for long period time printer f ull clock tick back comm softwar find success telix work telix phil howard pdh n etcom wgn spell protect wing conserv capitalist separ you your monei left wing l iber gooder separ you scan rate font size thi past winter found spend ridicul amout time front comput sinc ey berserk decid shell monei upgrad monitor run ey grate find smaller font ey strain had thi kind experi thought that small font culprit that flicker real problem comment alec lee ale edu eisa articl agat berkelei edu bing zinc cchem be rkelei edu bing write read develop eisa time ago dismiss light intens interest v esa and pci recent dishearten hear that isa cannot address ram limit that will h it recal that eisa will support bit transfer enhanc such standard develop possib l backward compat isa bu tripe that current eisa implement pci bu will bit mhz i ntellig bu bu control take care interrupt and not jumper hopefulli amiga zorro i ii bu bu bit hack for like toodlepip marc upgrad need forgiv thi faq sourc thi kind info s tation dimens and think upgrad station power suppli two floppi disk drive and bi g case soni monitor syquest drive mac and rom reader mac for question motherboar d thi dimens that us case origin owen control for floppi drive and hard disk rem ov can us control devic pai for control won work can make syquest scsi and rom s csi work thi station heard that cheap sound board that scsi control built qualit i thi board scsi control cost ftp site that syquest driver rom driver for can ho ok want motherboard sound board make mpc qualiti station cost that worth hussl b ui station btw bui keyboard for input you peter liu date stuck articl apr kosman kevin kosman kevin gorman write date stuck run do menu system aliv time machin left run time sudden li date longer roll time accur allwai chang date hand morn thi involv exit menu system do slightest idea thi even clue whether hardwar batteri cmo do broken bet suddenli start stick you start leav run menu night limit bug date roll softwar that mean you wait for keyboard input do call bio call menu us code updat date m idnight never get call correct detail case mi rememb you chang menu program you sourc add tsr system patch cmo clock time fact second dai do clock mark aitchiso n univers canterburi netwar server and sft netwar level serialis fact netwar server roughli move locat and left power for month memori hard drive man ual and origin disk for sft netwar level power cmo wipe technician examin and pr onounc disk drive unus investig that drive type cylind side cmo set thi compsurf run happili bad block us prepar hotfix intern drive instal will proce successfu lli boot server report that softwar not serialis for thi hardwar intern examin t hat keycard present and disk drive larg singl unit attempt configur second drive cmo result drive not readi error question softwar netwar level and can burnt sc reen sft netwar level configur netwar for level mirror duplex disk requir second disk novel server configur can instal sft netwar level level thi caus serialis error novel server equip two hard drive fail thi mean can not instal network sof twar will not serialis for thi hardwar fail drive can serialis error happen keyc ard fail wrong can knowledg offer comment and guid for your time apolog that pos t thi request somewhat wide deal somewhat archaic hardwar and softwar hope that cast net like captur met thi system can justifi group post feel free correct you feel thi inappropri place post thi thi post definit bljeghb chugh vaj blhegh wa yn mcdougal keeper list show star trek auckland festiv mission april chang mind evid method you us problem printer and emm ex recent decid emm ex f

or memori manag and print printer lpt word wouldn work send linefe for top margi n and printer readi light and stop work disabl emm ex and problem continu emm ex greatli comment suggest send arthur washingt arthur washington edu id scsi you bu master isa bu initi dma xfer busm ast adapt dma abil don us motherboard board dma slower isa bu arbitr two busmast card isa system dma xfer dma channel system will lock crash forget dma channel isa system bit bit system dma soundblast dma bui busmast xga video card busmast scsi order for work properli find dma channel xga card and simpli configur scsi us dma channel for dma xfer don multipl dma xfer can time isa not can eisa syste m that eisa mca system you can card us dma channel soundblast irq and port set don conflict technic lpt not us irq parallel printer processor actual number escap contain printer c ontrol regist enabl chip transmit interrupt interrupt control irq main processor int default parallel printer processor not enabl interrupt line int will sourc printer control chip enabl devic us actual irq note thi appli port default not r out interrupt system bu softwar enabl thi featur make monitor port activ easier poll serial uart get sound card slighti confus window stori modem and noisi line problem cheapo bp modem us connect univers garbag screen nois line can hear question will error correct pro tocol elimin thi garbag modem doesn hardwar can softwar implement protocol trick juan carlo leon jleon scf usc edu jcleon uc usc edu electr comput major univers comput servic univers southern california lo angel date stuck can imagin leav comput time start lea v your light radio and hous time nut gosh instal viru call do don copi that flop pi burn love window crash tonight determin thi mhz chip accru you call int el number and gosh instal viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window cra sh monitor reali hear that nanao monitor that drive diamond speedstar set run khz output mode and reali drive hell monitor wounder nanao fall apart poor low capabl soni drive ball sam gosh instal viru call do do n copi that floppi burn love window crash perfect mag monitor articl last tamut tamu edu r ithea hong newsgroup comp sy ibm hardwar subject perfect mag monitor date sat ap r friend mine mag model and had distrot back replac distort bet common problem a dvic heard bui monnitor specif you will bui oppos model sinc monitor manufactur even big name produc alot monitor visibl defect rithea hong tamut tamu edu end f ile press return quit name two top list crap monitor maker soni magnavox sam gos h instal viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window crash multiport board info need port board for pc want standard port mention expens coprocess share irq us irq for info isa bu pin question diamond speedstar speedstar for system boot problem your system fail boot proprtli pull jumper block thi wil l not affect proform speedstar thi manual never knew that card real kicker book beat hell junk soni point that can even us mode sam time upgrag turn big overkil drive soni that monitor can handl instal simm and find that your mother board d oesn cmo wait state adjust advantag simm that you bought gosh instal viru call d o don copi that floppi burn love window crash philip monitor opinion philip monitor compar nan ao for good net er and found good price for philip spec soni trinitron tube digi t micro control displai area refresh anti glare mpr auto scan khz don thi monito r for sale compani apr comput shopper price for thi and bout that mag love mag f or that color align thing edg brian schaufenbuel brian schaufenbuel art govern s ooner learn helser halst that drain monei pocket am peopl colleg student adam sm ith wangtek tape control card revis address irq want wangtek tape control card revis that us syto backup system backup friend system that system crash and attempt restor document for thi ancient card lost mist ti me and dma irq and address for thi card can suggest determin thing bank dip swit ch card set upupup upupup upup upup open for your time thi post definit bljeghb

chugh vaj blhegh wayn mcdougal keeper list show star trek auckland festiv missio n april chang mind evid method you us sound blaster machin sound blaster machin give y our equival pro stereo digit sound creativ lab price pro price equal suppos you set address and dma channel thi dma channel share hype share and hardisk dma cha nnel esoter date stuck bsardi netcom barri sardi write kevin kosman kevin gorman write date stuck run do menu system aliv time machin left r un time suddenli date longer roll time accur allwai chang date hand morn thi inv olv exit menu system do start notic thing run do and win can fix window control panel time date clock run minut onc hear that order for date advanc clock make d ate system call appar clock hardwar interrupt and bio don thi date advanc automa t date call notic that midnight reset flag set and advanc date info john bongiov anni system analyst orbit engin compani perth australia oecjtb oec orbit dialix bongo alumni caltech edu opinion express and not organis trident switch set archiv thi dip txt jeffrei hu ndstad gum vax mankato msu edu switch set trident vga graphic adapt layout dram vga graphic adapt layout dram vga graphic adapt layout dram dip switch connector for analog monitor connector for ttl monitor note jumer for layout and for layo ut video bio basic input ouput system tvga chip vga graphic chip edg connector f or ibm and compat system video dram featur connector for special applic video da c jumper block and board note hardwar option featur not present for board versio n switch set for switch dip box figur switch scan rate khz default khz switch fa st and slow address decod fast address decod default slow address decod switch b it data path bit data path default bit data path jumper set set for irq xxx xxx def set for bu size detect autodetect standard interfac def set for dram configu r two dram dram dram dram clock select xxx xxx mhz mhz two dram dram swich sete vga mode default ega mode cga mode mda hercul mode faq question uart organ compact solut canberra a ct australia question mail name manufactur and predecsor uart nation semiconduct or that cheer ben ben elliston bachelor engin comput engin univers canberra emai l jarrah canberra edu ellib cbr cpsg uunet munnari sserv adfa compsol root fidon et train station train stop workstat origin compact solut canberra act australia tseng card vlb card hai dai bui motherboard loca l bu se come cirru logic vlb card ram onboard can true color don type card read that cirru logic card aren exactli fast system had tseng pretti pleas bui tseng card thing speed perform do window unix graphic text compar card for exampl reso lut includ color support text graphic ram can instal and type ram compat tseng s upport softwar experi thi card good bad you altern for peopl holland kan iemand misschien vertellen waar nederland verkrijg het liefst omgev van amsterdam advan c erik stel estel internet thi isn exact place put thi desper home for summer and wont direct access vax account problem servic that doesn charg b odi part vital organ born son that access internet telnet school account and can will greatli appreci mail dfmorgan ac hard edu date stuck articl qte usenet in cwru edu clevela nd freenet edu sam latonia write can imagin leav comput time start leav your lig ht radio and hous time nut comput special case and pretti good idea leav cuz eve rytim you turn comput you put surg electr delic compon imagin you turn your comp ut time dai you increas chanc damag chip memori etc compon your comput you save cent and electr bill won come time fix your comput worth ngo digit tablet question rithea hong tamut tamu edu wrote market for small digit tablet and comment main name calcomp summagraph an d kurta major differ prefer for and avoid for input you can provid rithea hong t amut tamu edu vill walveranta tel fax linda av apt finland oakland fax automat r ecogn usa email wil shell portal comput get lock weird thing happen comput get lo ck stop instanc reason whatsov edit and get lock prompt occur happen almost onc time connect comput slight idea wrong us ctrl alt del that respons turn and back will appreci mail sometim can access thi servic enriqu scsi do netter question scsi do scsi control and two hard disk conect and connect scsi streamer don softwar access such beast ex ist sharewar want disk that do can two two physic and logic disk will us extra d isk advanc hojm euromax dansk data elektronik vejl branch denmark telephon int f ax int mail ibh dde id scsi vlb busmast slow your system articl apr mnemosyn edu smace nyx edu scott mace write you happen you hook busmast control vesa local bu slow your system you don beliv busmast and vlbu pick back issu wee k whihc test vlbu eisa and isa busmast card vlb busmast bad stop processor fetch extern cach main memori vlb card bu signific slow effect rom drive recommend purchas rom drive spec appli c kodak multisess photo scsi interfac compat adaptec not caddi cheaper doubl spe ed drive satisfi condit your opinion condit sort prioriti nec cdr bit expens sat isfi almost condit problem that not compat succeed connect nec drive heard rumor that nec drive incompat adapt suggest greatli appreci advanc kobayashi masaoki masaoki tky faq cyrix dlc repli apoyli inod faq cyrix dlc mi ss repost email advanc alexand poylish internet apoyli inod fidonet blue wave qw k atari mono and vga succed convert atari monomchr om monitor into mono vga monitor exactli you and graphic card you us max brant m ax tdb institutionen teknisk databehandl uppsala universitet western digit info need articl jester gun michae l jester gun michael gerhard write holli macc mcmaster wrote western digit set p in back anoth hard drive and set for jumper written circuit board drive jumper u s drive conner xxx jumper set drive alon drive master drive slave western digit will hve mark put jumper print circuitri underkneth hope help had problem bye da ze oharad wanda waiariki michael michael jester gun michael gerhard preussenstra ss germani neuss voic weitek futur plan articl apr jetsun weitek rober t weitek robert plamondon write articl pinn uniko uni koblenz hodgen ozzi uni ko blenz wayn hodgen write sum acceler board vram true colour and fast vga side wil l bui funni can bui such product won mouth water todai hologram outta can wait c o acceler card colour you mock such card will quickli odd thing comput industri that sinc you can wait and peopl wait forev peopl defer updat origin ibm for dec ad time come road peopl dump pc into garag haven replac afraid isn time bui gave comput wait differ current system and stuff big warrant chang for instanc upgra d eisa vlb board rsn perform differ linux great worthwhil time bui graphic card and scsi control bui card co fast driver for and vram weitek card will cheaper a fford card arriv bui person system home disk subsystem larger monitor super fast graphic board you cpu board won case and mous come don that mous will bui dream product hit market gonna bui monei last year monitor memori ain disk and space left stai singl don smoke and you afford thi year wayn hodgen hodgen infko uni k oblenz opinion intel uni koblenz unido infko hodgen keeper scroll rheinau voic d efend net koblenz fax name root card card motherboard carl christensen christen astro oci templ edu wrote thi dumbest question year piggyback expand slot mother board bit usual case slot for and scanner card max hope that simpl solut exist a dapt that turn not thi will work expand us low profil case slot stagger side car d you can instal last slot and sidewai slot thi low profil case standard motherb oard connector slot and expans card plug into guess you thi each end slot add ev en connector simpli track slot electron downsid your case won close for homebrew system that not problem don perform leav that discuss engin gerri georg good li fe school manag boston univ illeg immor fatten internet ggeorg ac edu item not c ompu erv compuserv categori cancer rat partit tabl disappear comput won recognis disk r eboot window crash grrr option restor lose data drive previous had partit not re memb exact set copi boot data disk tool rescu disk not want lose data id drive o ption gerri georg good life school manag boston univ illeg immor fatten internet ggeorg ac edu item not compu erv compuserv categori cancer rat small for that small and doesn break apart you d rop groud doesn graphic text will fine doesn fast will hope you stand pretti har d enviro break apart jumnp us outdoor rain and memori and convini load applic in to that wrote floppi somekind writeabl cartridg that and can info atari portfoli o can stand rain marco seirio real life mars caligula faq question uart articl qjp binn fmsrl srl ford glang slee srl ford gordon lang write nation semiconductor don manufactur make equival chip not nation isn even origin that and argument direct nation previou post thi topic info you don origin sourc for seri and strongli suspect that deve lop can you that won bui uart made nation semiconductor jim includ std disclaim ial internet jim ial mythic graham ieee org icbm amateur radio ial zbb walton be ach amtor selcal nial mail for inform kamterm host mode for kantron tnc turbo speed deliveri mhz machin and nice queri l andmark speed turbo mhz that not problem problem speed turbo mhz equival car ter m nice porsch button that turn into skateboard clue determin rel perform turbo t urbo set give landmark speed mhz turbo cheer nic perciv that piec cake micro foc u newburi piec cake master radial slice bake ext confect coeffici relev nmp mflt d kei time info font cartridg for laserjet for good add fon t cartridg for laserjet found magazin articl enginn and pacif data product maker cartridg for laserjet seri couldn find model name product suggest advanc hakama ta atsushi soni corpor osaki technolog center and differ clock frequenc differ type and proces sor list perhap can extend correct true bit processor cach emul bit bu true bit processor intern mathemat coprocessor correct intern cach correct big extend ins truct set sorta sorta not lot peopl can add lot inform post email you prefer lar dal differ quantum email joedal dfi aau mechan and auto mechan physic student q uantum mechan can car into univers aarhu garag open door denmark david kra boot drive vga copi can you you creat floppi for your drive that turn modifi switch vga copi you boot thi diskett messag appear thi system disk you can replac disk anoth boot harddisk switch drive and reboot that becom becom type your choic you select item you can boot call work good for exampl boot drdo instal disk format problem for friend mine drive hope that hel p robert vga copi sharewar easi newest version robert fuhg haagstrass erlangen t el privat email rtfuhg cip informatik uni erlangen demnaechst erlangen war not f or left robert fuhg haagstrass erlangen tel privat email rtfuhg cip informatik u ni erlangen demnaechst erlangen war not for left recommend for local bu cach id control articl ap r julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write articl apr sol ctr colu mbia edu penev venezia rockefel edu write maxtor isa id control machin vlb save transfer rate variat isa bu speed test speed mhz and mhz not differ problem not interfac control and memori advic bui meg ram save and enjoi perform comput mhz bu isa mhz drive maxtor peopl vlb id want vlb bu speed us id drive want id drive can handl bu speed mhz recent bought micron vlb comput and local bu id card get transfer rate norton cale micron thi pathet slow and that norton doesn recogn l ocal bu and won give accur result told norton order true account id transfer spe ed didn thi answer part drive doesn crank that don differ plai set cmo bu speed and notic signific chang perform fed frank shea learn skill frank shea that teac h fa ultb isc rit edu hath fool for master rochest institut technolog ben frankl in scsi do articl apr dde ibh dde hojm write questi on scsi do scsi control and two hard disk conect and connect scsi streamer don s oftwar access such beast exist sharewar want disk that do can two two physic and logic disk will us extra disk contrari thought scsi drive onc seagat and contro l found that control couldn interleav drive interleav and data transfer sec had that drive control coexist mfm rll and id drive bio will kinda muscl need comput bio do will logic drive had wonder scsi drive you hang vesa local bu wonder point can vesa specif relev book thi subject regard jimmi trident driver for win trident svga card lack su

itabl driver for window driver for seri incompat idea driver address for ftp sit e nice advanc jouni jouni marttila kyl turku finland jmarttila abo jmarttila fin abo abovax jmarttila jjmartti utu pgp kei finger jmarttila abo and differ joedal dfi aau joedal dfi aau lar joe dal write clock frequenc differ type and processor list perhap can extend correc t true bit processor cach cach emul bit bu true bit processor intern mathemat co processor correct correct intern cach correct big extend instruct set six instru ct sorta mathemat coprocessor fpu sorta you describ separ thi for intel processo r complet list cyrix and ibm product anssi anssi saari tut tamper univers techno log finland europ rockwel chipset for good tdbear dvorak amd thoma barrett write articl camelot camelot bradlei edu joe zbiciak write word chipset thi rom bug specif specif brand rockwel rockwel chipset assort firmwar problem that pretti expect fax modem talk fax modem revis pretti oblivi current firmwar problem you you comment that bought twincom dfi rockwel chipset wasn cheap hear problem like run into can you stai clear board rockwel mpu oppos dpu for intern implement thi mpu us speed buffer interfac interfac number interrupt and drop mu ltitask condit window speed buffer work for extern modem us intern serial port b oard phew lucki twincom intern version and rockwel chip mark hear mention firmwa r problem niel can somon explain stuff modem hst usrobot cheap can cannot connect fast modem explain free will choic blue wave qwk id scsi apr mnemosyn edu smace nyx edu scott mac e write articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write almost hernia laugh thi you you realiz that your vesa super dooper local bu ultra high tech control suck scsi will obsolet kill vesa local luck bu archeitectur will d oen sbu you happen you hook busmast control vesa local bu slow your system bu id real nice shaft buck for extra cost scsi drive pai anoth for scsi control yeah absolut us for vlb for video graphic and id possibl advantag vlb run mhz and bit peopl forget that id specif design interfac directli isa bu id come for eisa is a and even mca time bit standard run mhz you run id vlb that you run mhz burn fo r scsi esdi run cpu speed gain advantag vlb id hook cach control suspect softwar disk cach sinc you write cach you id and make id disk that big fuji id drive hi gh yousuf khan can work ati ultra pro unabl gatewai run window order ati ultra pro and pretti can select matter flex program ati program group remain ghost window build driver do driver instal gatewai not perhap file miss h ard drive run fine into desktop window and select sometim refus ghost time accep t hit and enter desktop back time unghost main flex window keith mancu mancu but ch jsc nasa gov wvr mancu sweetpea jsc nasa gov black powder and alcohol your st ate and citi fall your back wall lesli fish do question kind soul email respons sinc don tim e read thi group question hard drive left space will doublespac ram matter advan c jason jason brown decster uta edu fav player ruben sierra can work ati ultra pro articl apr aio jsc nasa g ov mancu sweetpea jsc nasa gov keith mancu write unabl gatewai run window order ati ultra pro and pretti can select matter flex program ati program group remain ghost window build driver do driver instal gatewai not perhap file miss hard dr ive run fine into desktop window and select sometim refus ghost time accept hit and enter desktop back time unghost main flex window you into mach instal and se t refresh rate for you us custom monitor option dan daniel matthew coleman inter net dcoleman ccwf utexa edu dcoleman utxvm utexa edu univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet question fastmicro thought read that fastmicro f inanci difficulti thi true can find post and wonder can confirm thi eric sebasti an disk drive deliv you will diskett you opt for in ch format big tage exist low capac drive diskett station ooo ooo richard soderbe rg karolinska institut system analyst mic kibic voic librari and fax medic infor m center snail box doktorsringen stockholm stockholm email richard micb mic swed

en magitron bit memori card need busi resurrect mac hin hei cheap and work and grate for card magitron full length bit memori card r oom for row dip for total ram posit dip switch for address kind soul doc driver for thi beast disgustingli grate lee lee tosspot bit mfm control want get type togeth bit mfm hdc sell prefer adaptec and dtk fine for that matter almost long work lee lee tossp ot cga card monitor want and titl lee lee tosspot serial multiport card for sale sell arnet multip ort card serial port card doc and driver for and do work great unix flavor aggre g offer will swap for monitor lee lee tosspot scsi do articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write seagat and control found that control couldn interleav drive interleav and data transfer sec told difficult run interleav even seagat claim system don you haven heard that built scsi and can brian bcwhite sune uwat erloo theori theori and practic practic not date stuck articl qte usenet in cwru edu clevela nd freenet edu sam latonia write can imagin leav comput time start leav your lig ht radio and hous time nut plenti comput lab comput left time don shorter lifesp an offic turn end dai fact comput lab outliv offic wai can conclud thoma dtk card need friend mine second serial port dtk card work and not want cooper document exampl serial port can chang move jumper not jumper move bank jumper label follow second bank label irq and label determ in that jumper address serial port jumper us printer port lpt lpt guess that ena bl game port and enabl second serial port can work numer set irq bank success as sum that thi bank card irq us for port don suggest greatli appreci ebd elliot di erksen that real poncho mean that mexican poncho that sear poncho hmmm foolin za ppa dierksen att elliot alfr monitor mikei sgi mike yang write articl qslf ac cess digex net rash access digex wayn rash write review nanao releas differ and bui gatewai system and upgrad mike yang silicon graphic inc mikei sgi optim for window power screen blanker appear power you turn your comput and meet swedish s tandard protect emi adjac monitor person bang for buck diff mous sy differ load mous autoexec bat and d evic mous sy config sy lot enriqu fastmicro busi heard fastmicro busi thi true don answer number and differ articl joedal dfi aau joedal dfi aau lar joedal clock frequenc differ type and processor list perhap can extend corre ct true bit processor cach cach call emul bit bu intern real bit processor bit h ookup world true bit processor intern mathemat coprocessor correct optim intern intern cach correct big extend instruct set instruct noth noteworthi sorta copro cessor sorta nope anoth name for frank raci fwr psuvm psu edu fwr eclu psu edu c omput useless can give answer will not rais tax middl class pai for program wjbc loopback connector made pin connect make loopbac k connector for serial port can build loopback connector us test serial port for steve diagnost disk for compaq deskpro articl apr clam rutger edu steuer clam rutger edu robert steuer write emerg manag group compaq deskpro local compani outdat problem that cmo set cannot set thi diagnost disk t hi error msg boot system option not set run setup insert diagnost diskett drive thi disk mail you robert steuer amateur radio foa epa usa rutger univers interne t steuer clam rutger edu vhf repeat system cherri hill repeat mhz comput oper sy stem settl for robert you solv your problem you can your hand version will you w rite compaq cmo set search for such diagnost disk brother law fix deskpro you si mtel mirror ftp site georg monitor articl qulqa access digex net rash acces s digex wayn rash write optim for window power screen blanker appear power you t urn your comput and meet swedish standard protect emi adjac monitor for info per

son bang for buck cost mike yang silicon graphic inc mikei sgi robot info want give info usr sportster that rec ent drop below bui us courier bi extern fax for sportster fax sell below brand g ood modem warranti carri info appreci kevin hollyk mcmail ci mcmaster cyrix dlc cpu thi cpu your impress cpu perform c ompat benchmark program call comptest cyrix cpu bug cannot run program nextstep regard desmond lut svga card hardwar netter recent magazin advertis trident graphic card call and faster compar tseng btw fastest acceler svga mark et info benchmark advanc regard desmond lut jumbo backup problem colorado memori system jumb o tape backup unit gatewai tower system found suppli backup capabl fairli unreli approx case had backup fail point anoth hang middl write tape seek error drive commun error common us do backup softwar colorado memori system return drive bac kup softwar reformat tape cm tape hint appreci thi stuff time consum and cooper steve norman snorman den mmc info maxtor scsi jumper set harddisk ship id spe cif not scsi spec set jumper harddriv email respons philip sinn sinn carson wash ington edu univers washington mitsumi and pro bought mitsumi rom drive and pro soundcard pin out rom line and pro not take rca output jack mitsumi interfac ca rd and rout line input pro will thi work multi media softwar that rom and pro pi n pro john john man opinion express man csc enet dec not repres digit equip vesa bu master read articl benefit vlb motherboa rd that true vlb board support bu master good isa motherboard doesn vlb motherbo ard support bu master bought vlb and tech manual not explicitli state word local bu master support bu master and slave mode term synonym repli mail don read thi newgroup winjet acceler card familiar thi video card chip set winjet us market for vlg video card chipset cirru logic and tseng lab ati qu estion expens diamond stealth give winmark instal diamond stea lth isa card system cach and meg memori that get cpu benchmark rate color driver window get winbench winmark rate million sinc heard that million for thi card a ssum that wrong setup card slow thi ran qualita asq diagnost program memori and note memori time machin asq qualita system analysi mon apr page access time hex access speed ratio start start size time note two thing thi chart video memori a ppear order magnitud slower system memori wait state insert and that em page fra me ridicul slow even map fast xm memori system emm note that stealth video bio s hadow ami bio idea happen will est internet west netcom rom drive list rom scsi interfac and present mar ket mail direcktli not reguarli read group post summari want ihno ihno krumreich phone iii synerix gmbh email ihno gener sub org bach strass fax karlsruh uuu ii i ihno krumreich phone iii synerix gmbh email ihno gener sub org motherboard hard drive quick question dlc system cyrix problem second cyric dlc motherboard ram run total amatu myslef perform m otherboard swap aid technician hope hear that not hard drive requir reformat you switch anoth comput motherboard case truth thi repli greatli appreci umbdr zip version fombaron ufrima imag fombaron marc write recent version umbdr zip doesn work machin motherboard symphoni chip and will support version you for help marc last heard author problem famili and had delai continu develop for time thi month ago shame driver memori manag found anywher doesn requir mode qemm work ultima doesn memori run exit emm provid fas ter and stabl tmcreek eo ncsu edu view respres you creek aza csc ncsu edu even w on claim includ std funni stuff thi includ witti tripe dec adaptec scsi comm conflict dec that adaptec scsi control hard disk and rom drive add comm ethernet card and reboot system re ceiv error messag that boot devic cannot found pull comm card and reboot fine mo ve control and comm card slot posit slot control slot control result dec hasn re spond problem appreci edward keegan facil director mail keegan yale edu yale uni

vers comput scienc depart phone prospect street room fax haven diamond stealth give winmark articl westesc qvap bgj netcom west netcom will est write instal diamond stealth isa card system ca ch and meg memori that get cpu benchmark rate color driver window get winbench w inmark rate million sinc heard that million for thi card assum that wrong setup card slow thi importantli winbench version you local bu ati graphic ultra pro wi nbench score million million winmark depend version winbench optimist score winm ark rate meaningless version number dan daniel matthew coleman internet dcoleman ccwf utexa edu dcoleman utxvm utexa edu univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcolem an electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet recommend for local bu cach articl sol ctr colum bia edu penev rockefel edu penio penev write apr gmt divya sundaram sundaram egr msu edu wrote hear net wisdom and net opinion id control liek id control card f or vlb motherboard good option for thi prefer work and compat stacker and disk c ompress maxtor isa id control machin vlb save transfer rate variat isa bu speed test speed mhz and mhz not differ problem not interfac control and memori advic bui meg ram save and enjoi perform penio penev internet penev venezia rockefel e du disclaim oppinion mine and maxtor local bu id control gener and swap local bu id control for isa id control and transfer rate spec for thi drive show maximum platter control transfer rate dont local bu interfac not had hope for improv di sk perform not convinc that control bottleneck will entertain possibl that run b ig main memori disk cach not interest thi solut chri brinton teradyn inc brinton icd teradyn opinion you winjet acceler card fragant fragant unixg ubc wr ote familiar thi video card chipset winjet us market for vlg video card chipset cirru logic and tseng lab ati question expens winjet not video card printer acce ler manufactur lasermast eden prairi willi vill walveranta tel fax linda av apt finland oakland fax automat recogn usa email wil shell portal instal second id drive articl darwin sura net wb arn sura net bill barn write recent cousin second intern id drive seagat can mod el number import and instal vest interest sinc machin bust and us mine fix seaga t id forget model number can find can bloodi thing manag drive disconnect not ti me whenev thing hang bootup never get past system test id control instruct sheet support two drive configur cmo correctli power plug properli even learn master slave relationship that two hd suppos didn pc into and configur jumper properli master slave thing can cabl wrong combin control master slave control slave mast er master control slave work can anoth possibl that partit into two seper drive and and cmo ask for drive and drive setup info drive and drive thi confus thing drive bereft doc for info for cmo setup control piec paper size index card canni b cabl connector each end and middl serial connect lost advanc thi practic emerg two paper thi thing for mondai william barn suranet oper wbarn sura net voic fa x disclaim don speak for suranet and don speak for told local comput guru that y ou can thi you perform low level format your exist hard drive and set your syste m for two hard drive begin word and not find not back add anoth hdd for scoop ad vanc bill willi esdi posess demon rip and unrip bought maxtor es di hdd tech for paid repair for anoth deal thing work fine low level format etc bad spot and jaw music sector start bad eek time norton disk doctor mark and tha t fix for minut dai run ndd dice uncorrect and correct sector ahhhhhuuuurrrrrrgg ggghhhhh fugur ndd not thurough us spinrit heard that work happen spinrit and re turn cluster activ us ahhhuuuurrrrrrggggghhhh ndd undo problem seam get wors and wors hdd low level format problem for return dai piss bui anoth hdd and can aff ord smartdriv and window not bit disk access that can creat problem disk second option trick control into think cyl and select standard us head skew don fix thi problem design tommorow night yesterdai technolog ten beep ami bio motherboard ami bio haven locat motherboard manual and suddenli give beep turn power work fine thi morn gave ki nd problem window and multipl reboot beep and sit beep mean motherboard doc told that last messag lead edg f laki motherboard and friend game replac didn doc for mother board cheertron boar

d award bio and sticker that can switch blue block mean fdc and idea jumper repl ac hard drive and modem and instal math process thi bit leagu and doc lost give thi don new regularli you can mail passman world std shirl and ncsa telnet configur ncsa telnet work ethern et board can us ftp fine whenev attempt us telnet machin hang blank screen and b link green cursor idea mail lepper maat mct anl gov mjlepper mtu edu diamond stealth give winmark your stealth row di p switch back plane you older revis board and winmark result absolut normal revi s board benchmark million winmark mine toi connor jumper set thi answer hand answer mail qu ickli pair jumper side and set end label sync and and whhich short disconnect dr ive oper slave mode give label geograph label quit jumper and don wanna trial an d error method id thi drive scsi compat jimmi jimmyhua usc edu need set ncsa telnet appletalk phonenet instal n csa telnet coupl bunch machin true blue ibm fallon phonenet card dastar card bel iv name correct doc for telnet that run appletalk driver had success succesfulli instal telnet appletalk config file for telnet btw repli mail jeremi jeremi zaw odni comput scienc undergrad bowl green state univers jzawodn andi bgsu edu stud ent comput consult thrill user scsi id hard drive respons directli luoma binah brandei edu email suffici number interest respons will post summari april wade m ass scsi id post miss answer question post earli successfulli put scsi and id ha rd drive system interest scsi boot drive for manag thi feat bit inform such driv e scsi control and motherboard bio relev info advanc robert luoma luoma binah br andei flame will store worn drive recommend for local bu cach penio penev penev ro ckefel edu wrote maxtor isa id control machin vlb save transfer rate variat isa bu speed test speed mhz and mhz not differ problem not interfac control and memo ri chri brinton brinton icd teradyn wrote and maxtor local bu id control gener a nd swap local bu id control for isa id control and transfer rate spec for thi dr ive show maximum platter control transfer rate dont local bu interfac not had ho pe for deal id transfer rate get throughput anywher close platter control rate h aven even close sec limit id interfac drive interleav aren rate sequenti read ms do program that bio call read sector block sequenti track inward mhz bu mhz bu m axtor lxt sec sec quantum lp sec sec disk buffer read program read block repeate dli effect read ram buffer drive mhz bu mhz bu maxtor lxt sec sec quantum lp sec sec coretest transfer rate agre mhz bu mhz bu maxtor lxt sec sec quantum lp sec sec manag hold quantum lp product manual and into excruti detail describ bit pl atter control and id interfac bit whip platter high speed sit buffer thaw host e ven swear that what happen relev quot manual data transfer disk read buffer rate maximum minimum calcul show sec maximum and sec minimum disk spin rpm sector pe r track and insid singl burst error bit sector can correct fly real time occur a llow high degre data integr impact drive perform thi mean error correct isn bott leneck for page mode oper data transfer rate and buffer ram thi high transfer ra te interfac commun bu data transfer rate dc simultan control disk ram transfer t hing can even cach pre fetch send request sector read buffer for pre fetch guess you call that cach sequenti read outer track get measli sec get sec you hard di sk engin wonder disk slow david ooo ooo david stam linux choic gnu gener stam ne tcom openlook gcc tex free will creat messi do faq do question time creat d o faq sinc lot question flood net won write lack time knowledg experi perri egel m id scsi articl apr mnemosyn edu smace nyx edu sc ott mace write you don beliv busmast and vlbu pick back issu week whihc test vlb u eisa and isa busmast card you recal issu thi post messag relat thi back provok argument that straight dope thi thi articl give definit answer that want stasic estas sunysb edu winjet acceler card unix portal wil shell portal vill walveranta write winjet not video card printer acceler manufactur lasermas t eden prairi winjet for laserjet and winjet acceler video card thi not market c

anada thought you gui heard thing pentium clock count list clock count for pentium instruct integ mul tick stockman hwstock sandia llnl gov amd clone legal friend mine call phone and told wathc cnn and report that rule prohibit amd sell clone thrown make legal for amd ship can verifi thi advanc phil pinout for ext floppi connector thi post gentl z enith extern floppi connector and us sharp and toshiba laptop for ext floppi doe sn work pinout for zenith and make adapt can us pinout for manufactur ext floppi connector greatli thi info mail fax jeff aka flyboi coyot trw fax jeff wright f lyboi spf trw phone fax trw space park redondo beach diamond stealth give winmark post winmark result good idea give version winbench that you us obtain score resolut that you test and version driver eric balog balog eniac sea upenn edu uart uucico for window turtl west darksid fred w aller write not stupid sens that hardwar solut softwar problem not proper progra mm function delet amaz not find refer waffl thi followup redirect russel schulz russel alpha ersi edmonton ersi rschulz shad can work ati ultra pro articl apr aio jsc nasa g ov mancu sweetpea jsc nasa gov keith mancu write unabl gatewai run window order ati ultra pro and pretti can select matter flex program ati program group remain ghost window build driver do driver instal gatewai not perhap file miss hard dr ive run fine into desktop window and select sometim refus ghost time accept hit and enter desktop back time unghost main flex window keith had problem get color stuck even flex stuff solv enter advanc window flex program pannel and chang co lor palett for vaug hope help btw and ati gup matt sexton sexton clae space lock he monitor mikei eukanuba wpd sgi mike yang write a rticl qulqa access digex net rash access digex wayn rash write optim for window power screen blanker appear power you turn your comput and meet swedish standard protect emi adjac monitor for info person bang for buck cost mike yang silicon graphic inc mikei sgi differ dollar wrong thing chang press time and public pai for scsi cabl connector hub parallan danj hu b parallan dan jone write rememb post that scsi spec call for foot devic cabl ca bl you intern don meet spec scsi draft propos rev section singl end cabl cabl re quir section implementor note stub cluster avoid stub space meter apart for tech nic stub scsi devic awar that implementor note basicli recommend not part spec n ote vendor includ sgi violat thi main point reduc imped and reflect and nois bu that silenc consent dave olson silent dissent silicon graphic inc maria isabel b arreno olson sgi can printer lan recent plung into world amiga es tablish network lan that us printer panason kxp for print receipt and okidata fo r letter etc thi world unix etc can printer print not pc handl that can guess le av peeecee for good and move unix mubashir cheema sparco commun lagalari fax rus sel street suit email mac msstate edu starkvil avi file format email and post avi microsoft fil e format research thi format disk video clip interest interleav sound and video you mark gregori lectur gregori rmit edu fax royal melbourn institut technolog d epart commun and electron engin box melbourn victoria australia mark gregori lec tur gregori rmit edu fax royal melbourn institut technolog depart commun and ele ctron engin box melbourn victoria australia util switch cap lock ctrl kei big fan offici ibm keyboard keyboard attach clone comput want softwar util that can us switch loca t ctrl and cap lock kei even ibm parti make ctrl and cap lock kei replac that ca n us visual switch kei will est internet west netcom can set unabl work diagnost program such msd sho w noth instal softwar option hardwar conflict and workaround for thi problemand rom system tower ati video card port set follow board coma irq extern devic inte rn modem irq dfio port card primari port irq mous board irq not work run thi boo t disk command elimin softwar suggest call technic support john siegel bnc cbnew

sh att ja hrolli att run box cover interest get puls thi group extend oper cover remov enclosur reason thi includ quick access jumper complex card se tup concern that complet enclosur direct cool flow air fan hot spot develop moth erboard you adequ suppli air move system offic home posit ventil you can gener r un system cover for extend period problem talk complet remov cover not leav slot uncov biggest reason you cover begin sheild oper system full cover creat proble m equip such your neighbor ham radio station ey law slmr rememb tool not life dl gqwk umbdr zip version do two peopl horrer stori do that peopl do had r eformat disk and start had drive compress and work fine compress thing choke spi t unintellig warn and hang that left drive autoexec bat and config sy call micro soft met busi signal reformat drive not had gut reinstal stai entiti margin driv e upgrad fail had format floppi disk format drive and reinstal make claim sinc n ot drive time care and make you back import thing interest peopl similar success stori hay extern pin hay moden cabl manual modem requi r sourc not connect power sourc pin connector that top pin ground guess that two pin you hint mail duc amd clone legal excerpt netnew comp sy ibm hardw ar apr amd clone legal poe wharton upenn edu friend mine call phone and told wat hc cnn and report that rule prohibit amd sell clone thrown make legal for amd sh ip can verifi thi true read articl clarinet can send district court judg william ingram san francisco threw juri verdict prohibit amd intel microcod for david s ward sward cmu edu finger email for pgp public kei fingerprint stop big brother chip clipper wiretap chip for sale meg ram meg harddriv stack stacker flop pi expans slot drive bai vga card monitor interest combin cash and trade locat c hicago mail thi address tmccn merl acn nwu edu call allist cdrom audio cabl for cdrom audio cabl connect to shiba audio pro audio spectrum sound card advanc for pointer steve steve network manag stevela csulb edu calstat univers long beach bellflow blvd long beach id scsi articl qsa innm dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write richk grebyn richard krehbiel write stuff connect id and id a deleat mhz clock bit width sec id speed come ida sight for id come quick math part show that mhz bu bit wide perform transfer two clock cycl will provid byte sec that take clock cycl perform transfer that reduc transfer rate commonli us f igur for isa bu speed two clock transfer wait state richard krehbiel richk greby n will for amigado for come date stuck jamesc netcom jame chuang write you l eav your radio night not comput can even you not front do and windoz not schedul task not mean that comput hould shut night bet start morn mean good coffe break jamesc ask you god you addit startup time leav thing run doubl fax machin thi o rigin subject didn repli bio cmo and do clock date logic that run thi for month and recent last month that notic intermitt clock problem state not date that doe sn roll forward sometim notic that clock minut unattend gener run minim win cloc k winfax pro print manag word file manag program manag random screen saver gener run barri sardi home lauri avenu offic san jose fax email bsardi netcom compuse rv monitor viewson claim compar term price and qual iti displai live tulsa time rusti foreman rforeman trc amoco amoco product resea rch uunet apctrc zrdf box phone tulsa fax gatewai boot floppi gatewai inch floppi drive ac cident discov that floppi box diskettet drive boot get system diskett messag mac hin hang and cmo get overwritten luckili gatewai send print standard cmo set sys tem thi happen box pre format fuji disk that disk thi problem format fuji disk p roblem viru scan scan disk and found noth idea hardwar problem viru that can det ect system read garbag boot sector tim king tcking uswnvg bu hdd fdd control id hdd fdd control bui quantu

m lp hardisk and decid hdd fdd control bit bu hdd fdd control faster bit id hdd fdd control card hear that bu control slower id control true shed light email po st lot regard beng hang tai telnet singapor network oper phone hewlett packard s ingapor pte fax depot road internet taybh hpsgm sgp singapor republ singapor debug hardwar problem articl rslinnnv senat bedf ellow mit edu jfc athena mit edu john carr write run linux eisa system and hardw ar problem softwar don troubl advic debug thi symptom build gcc unpredict and un repeat result sometim file not valid format recompil file valid binari sometim c ompil abort dump core work fine run input compil sourc file argument slight diff er object file note that linux unlik system not put timestamp object file compil twice give bit ident result occasion filesystem corrupt scsi drive that caus de velop softwar relat problem compil compil problem not caus disk problem result w hether work id scsi disk set memori speed and cach write speed recommend valu re commend for do that junk suspect extern cach real evid for thi motherboard nice super eisa write back cach and mhz processor for system test program run do linu x linux gcc fire gcc compil libc and kernel time run suggest problem bad memori bad motherboard bad cach suggest debug problem chang wait state ram turn turbo c hang bu speed swap ram diff mous sy sanson wmich edu wrote differ load mous autoexec bat and devic mous sy config sy differ time driver get load mous s y will load config sy and therefor command mous will load autoexec bat and comma nd mous start commandlin boot and perhap unload driver load work driver total ra n do prefer load driver autoexec bat program won run driver and choos need start up drdo thi advantag drdo let you choos config sy driver load michael michael je ster gun michael gerhard preussenstrass germani neuss voic ten beep ami bio wayn nichol gwni troi rochest e du wrote motherboard ami bio multipl reboot beep and sit refer manual motherboar d ami bio beep cmo shutdown regist read write error system stop beep system cont inu keyboard error michael michael jester gun michael gerhard preussenstrass ger mani neuss voic weitek futur plan articl qttufinn uniko uni kobl enz apr gmt you wrote articl apr jetsun weitek robert weitek robert plamondon wr ite articl pinn uniko uni koblenz hodgen ozzi uni koblenz wayn hodgen write sum acceler board vram true colour and fast vga side will bui supermac announc line acceler card that bit color start retail don your wait will long rupert reboot problem usma usma edu tue apr receiv usma usma edu trotter usma edu smi eef tue apr edt receiv usma usma edu eef tue apr edt messag usma usma edu date tue apr edt usma usma edu peckham david cdt decste r uta edu subject problem statu run unisi do problem even had do that emm load c an ctl alt del comput beep time rapidli and hang us obscur reset requir screwdri v pencil power switch reboot solut thi problem mail usma usma edu dave dave davi d peckham internet usma usma edu militari academi jason brown decster uta edu fa v player ruben sierra sound blaster midi process write number program for sound blaster cmf voic editor hopefulli can ftp site stage us midi port ente r music and plai synth remot problem that info midi port sound blaster freedom p roject routin thi result port lock coupl access and loss note veloc data byte tu rbo and grate for info sourc fragment berlin thi summer book thi inform german p oor thi book mail second request for concern standard file format can file forma t standard you secret file format for instrument bank file bnk and roland music file rol final sourc for displai pcx gif file ega vga monitor you make sens coli n send null charact across ethernet question send null charact across ethernet connect actual problem that emac unix editior null charact for set mark and don that ibm pc across ethernet wonder anyboi keyboard combin for send null charact btw control shift ctrl not work saeid can set articl rajn cbnewsh att bnc cbnewsh att john siegel write unabl work diagnost program such msd show noth instal softwar option hardwar conflict and workaround for thi problemand rom system tower ati v ideo card port set follow board coma irq extern devic intern modem irq dfio port

card primari port irq mous board irq not work run thi boot disk command elimin softwar suggest call technic support john siegel bnc cbnewsh att ja hrolli att h ad thi problem time ago bios not automat instal port tabl program modem program write directli port work fine that bio call fail find bb ftp site you can copi p ort finder put devic sy your config sy run your autoexec bat thi program will lo cat exist port and make bio tabl updat work great will you swap port and such th at you allen mulvei mulvei blurt oswego edu advic select sound card advic netland select sou nd card bui sound card for kid don bui select list sound blaster miscrosoft soun d card audio spectrum sound blaster pro sound blaster alloc budget you sound car d select for kid opti nec cdrom that connect sound card you kent khioe juno jpl nasa gov funet artieb vnet ibm write post earlier that re fer funet directori pub msdo log funet even find pub directori alon msdo directo ri can wrong perhap you nic funet funet nic funet biggest ftp site europ stuff s ite big pool perri egelm ati build driver good articl fomu austin ibm lar ryhow austin ibm write stabl build driver peopl success instal and run build dri ver for week problem run window and softwar run work fine thi includ game and ba se multi media encyclopedia full motion video work fine recommend you give john john gayman wbu uunet wbu john packet wbu eah gamecard mhz ram machin and find slow for game s uch wing comput store dai and seri gamecard claim speed your machin mhz wonder s imilar machin had bought gamecard and whether not work appreci advanc greg man l i murder part world eggman bit box gatewai thi gatewai aol mailer america o nlin mailer pastor vfl paramax subject bit disk access date mon mar est messag a ol statu jon bit access window you edit system ini enhanc section and add thi li ne bitdiskaccess thi will give you bitdiskaccess that you regard scot oehlerk ks cooter gatewai eric bosco you eric send your email address lost reconsid kevin pc gatewai opinion sought thi beaten death thi f orum bui gatewai will bui monitor heard neg stuff gatewai monitor heard tough te chnic support seek opinion whether not wise ahead base criteria such price warra nti servic gener rugged system reliabl machin and gatewai and advis advanc vasud ev murthi vasudev murthi opinion express strictli murthi asl nec and noth advanc switch lab nec america inc walnut hill lane irv summari doubledisk gold netter promis summari op inion doubledisk gold peopl quit happi product opinion good compar industri lead er stacker superstor pro not consid sinc slower stacker reliabl byte magazin con clus hard make decis stacker doubledisk gold that quit bui buddi christyono budd i optic ec wisc edu summari repli buddi not gold experi order last version pleas perform suggest you not compress softwar do compress discuss net that for you c ompress built into util that you pai for you do that mean you doubledisk cost fo r upgrad think and ask net decid that not wrong updat cost never suffer perform larg packag compress and uncompress format work great not delai arguement lot bu nk compar perform forward loadhigh that annoy you stacker not worth effort upgra d regard mark bagdi buddi mailer week ago ddg and instal document opinion easi f ollow us automat instal not custom and smoothli specif instruct readm file for d eal max qemm ddg uninstal unlik do you system hard drive instal ddg had free ddg had free pretti good statist that perman window swap file stai uncompress porti on driver and such had problem whatsoev notic slowdown take longer boot window d o happi camper bruce bruce steink never you bsteink dsd good piec rope softwar t echnic support engin sam gamge evan sutherland comput corp mail opinion doubledi sk gold for month mhz seagat drive run do window enhanc mode ran test and conclu d that speed doubledisk drive drive read cach equal bare drive cach complaint re liabl easi instal problem had castl wolfenstein assum game bypass do disk access and move game compress region disk sinc game never problem never damag doubledi sk drive compress perform for disk held steadi thi lower expect size file compre

ss imag file and larg zip file you specif question dan bought happi us mfm and i d drive doubledisk gold that product msdo ship problem product ron bjornseth bjo rnset pogo den mmc end messag vlb bu master problem put togeth vesa local bu v lb card for video and scsi heard problem bu master control vlb effect that will slow system heard thi problem specif interest ultrastor vlb scsi control shell b uck for thi thing straight scoop thi control problem bob kimbal rkimbal qualcomm bit box gatewai articl apr hpcvca scott hpcvccl scott linn write plai gatewai local bu machin last night appar that window didn give option for bit access for virtual memori perman swap file and disk drive lo cal bu interfac thi expect investig bit option appear you massag switch your sys tem ini virtual memori section flip bitaccess switch and associ driver wdctl suc h switch thi will enabl bit access you can us not hard drive and control support for fast disk access throw windoz instal thi weekend incred final real for humb l tim ati ultra nanao mancu sweetpea jsc nasa gov keit h mancu write refer run ati instal program and function posit size imag resolut thought thi neat featur notic that imag size scan frequenc necessarili chang thi digit multiscan monitor mag confus mode us frequenc get standard select for thi reason us factori default for posit size ati card and adjust each mode individu time monitor mag and multiscan monitor abil recal set time each mode detect edw ard mcclanahan edm wr do two peopl horrer stori do that peopl do had r eformat disk and start us standard instal program put do machin stacker instal p roblem stacker switch pleas memori gain sinc not memori manag multipl boot featu r null modem cabl interrest extrodinarili simpl co ncept null modem cabl idea don count that last statement ask pin us specif want solder bui don even port us kimmel vax cn muskingum edu kevin intend us cabl for transfer lap link telix idea and info gladli accept kentucki fri cmo beat harde hei folk short your cmo chip mine fri symptom comput gatewai boot turn power disconnect batteri cmo chip turn power into setup get cmo configur error set cmo exit setup phoenix bio ignor diskett seek error and press comput boot hard drive access floppi drive n ot can back network and such reboot turn comput and repeat step simpli ctl alt d el comput hang memori test thi sound cmo chip fri can bui anoth you for your kin d attent john john lusth becton dickinson research center rtp usa jcl bdrc want your opinion insight talon multimedia kit f or you familiar insight distribut network inc and multimedia kit bui insight tal on kit bundl rom drive access time dtr multispin multi session photo capabl etc and pa sound card etc you familiar insight you kit mean drive texel nec not clea r part bundl two sale peopl couldn give straight answer drawback oem question ex cus ignor texel reput maker rom market you nec drive bottom line thi kit worth m onei for and for altern think that overkil for want full multimedia capabl photo stuff educ program for kid etc and consid lower end kit and differ tape back dr ive unit basic hear us kit and pro con you advis prefer directli email address b elow koji koji kodama nippon motorola ryvg email sp mot note opinion express min e and not reflect opinion polici motorola inc affili hot cpu hot cpu machin get hot that can not hold finger for big fan blow heat sink advic chri kushmerick kushmer bnlux bnl gov f ound nich life didn fit monitor articl shlj er trc amoco zrdf trc amoco rusti foreman write viewson claim compar term price and qualiti displai interest viewson monitor flesh toni mount cpu cooler vertic case instal cpu clone mo therboard and mount cpu cooler chip hour weight cooler dislodg cpu mount end ben d pin cpu luckili power not end press cpu deepli into socket and put cpu cooler back good had thi problem you ensur that weight cpu fan and heatsink not eventu work cpu socket mount motherboard vertic case will est internet west netcom hint vlb isa eisa motherboard articl ovwv lmo ne

w iastat edu schauf iastat edu brian schaufenbuel write bui companion brand vlb isa eisa motherboard hint chipset had experi thi board good bad inform help bria n schaufenbuel that eisa isa motherboard that hint chipset limit bit eisa dma re al eisa dma bit hint eisa dma ram address limit isa for thi reason pass hawk eis a isa and ing replac for exactli thi reason doubl check thi word call motherboar d manufactur and motherboard support true bit eisa dma thi limit motherboard wor k quit mine do window and unix adaptec eisa scsi host adapt gari korenek korenek nmti network manag technolog incorpor sugar land texa soundblast irq and port set lpt disk control cal l devic devic that requir exclus interrupt ownership disk control and keyboard d evic that not requir exclus ownership will share interrupt anoth devic lpt stand ard isa bu that almost laptop pc us two separ interfac card cannot share interru pt thi due screwup bu design for exampl your soundblast drive interrupt number h old bu wire time depend whether not interrupt thi preclud let anoth card assert interrupt number two devic isa bu share interrupt implement singl card andrew kl ossner andrew frip tek zeo comput had zeo for coupl month experi not pa inless perfect that endur peopl person order gatewai gatewai buyer reward get fr ee stuff gatewai can track hasn viper card defect zeo replac minor hassl thi wor k fine haven notic problem applic order complaint ati month ago guess you can ch oos buggi state art stuff robust averag stuff for configur tower watt suppli pkg monitor viper etc zeo slightli cheaper gatewai austin etc thi can chang month m onth mike ibm link imagewrit hook appl imagewrit ibm clone problem configur lpt port accept thi can you adjust baud pariti etc fit system mode not work can post mail abort retri format doctor give chainsaw trust scient ist larri henson hot cpu christoph kushmerick kushmer bnlux bnl g ov wrote hot cpu machin get hot that can not hold finger for recal that run clos e boil point water exact temperatur put cpu fan heat sink won hurt and depend pa ranoid you damien neil dpn cwru edu debug realiti case western reserv univers ca n quick patch and cmp eeap linux choic gnu gener erik green orchid fahrenheit mini review articl apr adob sh erwood adob geoffrei sherwood write modern trend orchid card support color mode driver thi break do program svga mode rom thi not case rom support vesa mode col or vesa compliant applic troubl set mode forward your post softwar group case ca n care not that doubt that your applic fail run lot stuff depend figur exact svg a and don us vesa call vesa pretti chip set confus support resolut annoi you can you driver you nec six monitor list gener and you choos gener you can high refr esh you limit that hardwar support bandwidth can higher vertic resolut main reas on bought card orchid vlb and will and and function ramdac speed not power fix p roblem you note list you interest text file re dat hold data choic monitor insta l program built work analog you can build monitor definit that combin refresh ra te for your monitor backup copi file onc you built version re dat file run insta l program inst and your choic show thi assum you weitek driver you can rev numbe r modif time driver version microsoft thi gimmick board faster that ofvlb for th ing hercul speedi program thi program test oper and report result pixel second d on number for graphit card close half ofvlb slower that run mhz isa number aren compar number obtain mhz air motherboard umc chipset memori give rang program re port number comput and tend jump bit speedi benchmark put hercul and iit knowled g unencumb motiv make hercul graphit iit agx card good number ton salt texa inst rument thing wintach make good compar care safer not safe us benchmark unbias so urc such test lab columnist etc interestingli solid vector and shade polygon sho w improv and hatch polygon fill cross hatch and ternari rop graphic oper xor dea d loss you larg discrep result speedi and result univers thing give two number f or font cach font drawn screen fairli slowli speed ofvlb speed increas dramat so und program benchmark font cach perfectli legitim optim window hook for built in to gdi kind silli iit us hardwir quick brown fox jump lazi dog sat tack string d river not useless real applic lack program eleg bart simpson optim you save bitm ap recent drawn string screen memori and screen screen bitblit you happen that s

tring second time row call bart simpson optim bart person can benefit will not c heat benchmark hundr time and half time form each charact make claim that number mean ran comput don write disclaim thi time test total unconnect work program u nix decstat complet knowledg bless equip compani don lawyer work for intel us la wyer montana didn di robert robert plamondon robert weitek pai attent man curtai n great and gloriou spoken scene trade show ati ultra pro and bit window driver work bought gatewai system meg ati ultra pro video card work fine for window driver for bit and and bit mode font and icon start deterior window startup and minut us screen total unintellig natur call gatewai tech support inquir thi technician ask driv er and told version build told that and bit driver for ati ultra pro simpli not work thi true simpli amaz thi strang thing expect discuss subject made faq suspi ci point that that state that window acceler board work and bit driver for windo w easili challeng that run diamond bit mode home for month and test and us bit m ode back and diamond work driver longer want had troubl and feedback will apprec i system configur gatewai local bu meg ram scsi rom ultrastor local bu scsi cont rol ati ultra pro local bu vram do window mach driver version build advanc ali v ali reza magellan utexa edu problem toshiba cdrom articl apr new columbia ed u imj cunixa columbia edu imad jureidini write recent purchas toshiba cdrom adap tec scsi card and fail cdrom work do work that drive not faulti config sy aspi d o sy aspidisk sy aspicd sy autoexec bat mscdex do mscdex find and instal drive d rive switch that drive and dir error messag tell drive not readi that cdrom lock and adaptec util don recogn that cdrom that point had thi problem abviou that m iss and final wonder thi setup kindli post config sy and autoexec bat aspi drive r aspicd support norst paramt mean not reset scsi bu load thi fix problem friend mine adaptec tosh regard terj volant warp board troubleshoot exist gener prote ct fault eisa vlb system thi point narrow problem video driver for volant warp a dapt nation design inc find thi hard experi thi board robert moskal brooklyn usa vesa control card mhz local bu increas speed dri ve vesa id control card advic jimmi buddenberg internet jbuddenberg vax cn muski ngum edu muskingum colleg dma system small problem sound blaster pro and g ame util that dma system mark brown info diamond viper video card experi diamond vip er vlb video card problem million color resolut vram thi color depth not support video bio version and driver version max color support and resolut vram color c hoic notic two minor irrit ndw entri list highlight such open menu and deselect faint vertic line remain left edg highlight rectangl us word for window you us s hade tabl displai show invers shade for exampl you shade cell displai printout b ig killer bug borland integr develop environ problem occur you click turbo debug g icon us debugg option run command and debugg applic vga charact mode design sc reen haywir and larg unread turbo debugg displai garbl trial and error found tha t disrupt screen displai you alt spacebar letter thi instruct turbo debugg refre sh screen and thi satisfactorili didn thi bug diamond driver disrupt behavior ha ppen standard vga driver that come window video card that mishandl vga mode prob lem not monitor bug show us anoth monitor place usual thi video card and hope pr oblem will remedi offer year warranti swh apr put thi dumb question put hard drive father mfm rll id hook comput geometri drive you set bio doubt that thought softwar control card id card for that didn come low level format onc comput assum drive format advthanks rob rxg ultb isc rit edu hai heard perform stat fabl wonder perform compa r and pentium info help bob robert novitskei rrn cwru edu cwru cleve ohio comput engin and programm seek summer job can bui bio market upgrad bio phoenix hard disk discov bio doesn type and can purchas thing check motherboard manufactur for cur iou mylex and hear figur prompt shop problem don shop for thi heard that bio spe cial shop south bai and alleg that advertis microtim find microtim didn find sho

p can thi quest repli thi advanc jeff chan opinion jeff iko not iko netcom quit silli netcom iko jeff compani turbo speed nic perciv nmp mfltd wrote deliveri mhz machin and nice queri landmark speed turbo mhz that not problem problem spee d turbo mhz equival car term nice porsch button that turn into skateboard clue d etermin rel perform turbo turbo set give landmark speed mhz turbo cheer halv tha t turbo mhz loopback connector made uwovax uwo wrote pin con nect make loopback connector for serial port can build loopback connector us tes t serial port for steve skcgoh tartaru uwa edu hint vlb isa eisa motherboard articl xnfz nmti k orenek nmti gari korenek write articl ovwv lmo new iastat edu schauf iastat edu brian schaufenbuel write bui companion brand vlb isa eisa motherboard hint chips et had experi thi board good bad inform help brian schaufenbuel that eisa isa mo therboard that hint chipset limit bit eisa dma real eisa dma bit hint eisa dma r am address limit isa for thi reason pass hawk eisa isa and ing replac for exactl i thi reason doubl check thi word call motherboard manufactur and motherboard su pport true bit eisa dma thi limit motherboard work quit mine do window and unix adaptec eisa scsi host adapt gari korenek korenek nmti network manag technolog i ncorpor sugar land texa you correct motherboard manufactur bui board that will t hi problem fix two week brian schaufenbuel brian schaufenbuel art govern sooner learn helser halst that drain monei pocket am peopl colleg student adam smith floppi read wrote articl netxcom netx pdressn ne txcom netx peter dressner write gatewai floppi drive read file wrote floppi flop pi that format and file machin unread floppi that written thi defect floppi driv e long time ago unread thi sound head align problem fix align screw that you can adjust thing you make that file floppi that you can read drive aren your anoth floppi you two floppi drive copi your and floppi your drive you don thi fix alig n problem you kissd file goodby you can misalign drive back read your floppi don count gener head align trust good repair shop dii guid nick fitzgerald applic c onsult csc uni canterburi fitzgerald csc canterburi tel fax gatewai ethernet card driver need find devic dri ver for coupl older gatewai ethernet card don model number hand bnc connector an d header connector for novel keycard instal node copi net that pick swap meet lo ve lantast netwar lite poor colleg student and price repli email haven had lot t ime for new exam and such mike gordon loi mwgordon nyx edu otron attach luggabl info need for info pcmade o tron oltron call attach thi beauti luggabl inch screen monochrom cga and floppi for serial port connector labl printer and can figur pinout for don standard por t address and figur that work do can give pointer thi appreci repli email can ne w final come you mike gordon loi mwgordon nyx edu hook irwin tape drive peopl respond post clear t hing tape drive extern connector back male pin varieti result cannot easili find cost effect solut us drive advic will greatli appreci prefer email toni shan to ni uiuc edu for sale sound blaster card hurri that soundblas t card for sale sinc recent purchas sbpro card come complet mint condit box manu al doc disk and origin packag make offer canadian inquiri prefer respond april m ail acp ryevm ryerson ati ultra pro and bit window driver work articl emx reza magellan utexa edu alireza vali write bought gatewai system meg ati ult ra pro video card work fine for window driver for bit and and bit mode font and icon start deterior window startup and minut us screen total unintellig natur ca ll gatewai tech support inquir thi technician ask driver and told version build told that and bit driver for ati ultra pro simpli not work thi true simpli amaz thi strang thing expect discuss subject made faq suspici point that that state t hat window acceler board work and bit driver for window easili challeng that run diamond bit mode home for month and test and us bit mode back and diamond work driver longer want had troubl and feedback will appreci system configur gatewai local bu meg ram scsi rom ultrastor local bu scsi control ati ultra pro local bu

vram do window mach driver version build successfulli us and bit color mode gat ewai system setup complic sound you hardwar conflict problem your memori apertur heard rumor incompat that scsi card varieti system call gatewai and give hell y ou fix dan daniel matthew coleman internet dcoleman utxvm utexa edu dcoleman ccw f utexa edu univers texa austin decnet utxvm dcoleman electr comput engin bitnet dcoleman utxvm bitnet bu hdd fdd control id hdd fdd control articl hps gm sgp taybh hpsgm sgp beng hang tai write bui quantum lp hardisk and decid hdd fdd control bit bu hdd fdd control faster bit id hdd fdd control card bu id fast er isa id id interfac fundament noth extens isa bu and you hook bu work fast slo wer two mean isa speed hear that bu control slower id control hand wouldn expect slower richard krehbiel richk grebyn will for amigado for come identifi serial board multi port serial board un known origin hope thi board even switch and jumber us for descript card bit card notic that contact bit extens connect chip socket and connect label extern fema l connector pin bank switch bank switch and jumper that determin trace that and switch control interrupt level for each port for irq for irq and for irq switch meager abil follow identif print board multi serial port board across bottom box for serial number blank immedi below word serial not box left for number clue y our greatli appreci dwayn stratsft wai make you scream dwayn bailei intel advert is strateg softwar june doctor dobb journal redford michigan actix graphicsengin bought actix graphic engin m eg not impress sort problem board lock up window problem screen not center flexi bilti choos synch rate for monitor buggi window driver lack driver card mail ati ultra brad bach udel edu brad cain naf cain snow white udel edu univers delawar electr engin cain freezer cn udel edu blah blah blah alt blah drive won boot balog eniac sea upenn edu eric ba log write recent switch drive problem can read and write and correctli can boot floppi check cmo set set for floppi seek boot and boot order onc had floppi that not system file messag tell put disk system disk drive didn work system disk dr ive thi happen power and memori test light come light come short beep light come for instant light come noth happen light disk activ kind and screen blank can e ven us ctrl alt del suggest you check set drive floppi set drive foppi cabl conn ect two drive control card can rememb two wire swap determin drive hope thi stev e minyo simm and sipp need yuri atmo washington edu writ e simm and sipp price piec assum you talk meg simm meg sipp speed piec per week you that price fob port not wait for offer that price dream tiger wait for offer yuri yulaev av seattl home work fax internet yuri atmo washington edu beaver at mo washington edu yuri disk data compress and interleav experi report w hether disk data compress effect optim disk sector interleav offhand expect that time requir decompress disk data increas optimum disk sector interleav alan hin d chain id drive set conner and quantum drive conn er set master and quantum set slave doesn work access drive boot floppi drive wi ll not boot run msdo and conner partit primari do and format system file type se tup and even chang id control card boot floppi work great boot part system doesn report error messag hang suggest run into similar problem think that updat bio drive thi suggest answer greatli appreci repli jason badri badri ualberta id scsi articl apr julian uwo wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write stuff delet lowli low densiti origin fdd card us dma a nd hdd control doesn that make real sens make reason amount sens fix disk sector buffer control and transfer memori rep insw instruct call quit effici singl ins truct fast control cpu us bu sinc wasn cach bu like critic resourc rel cpu perfo rm and that dma bu interfer loss cpu cycl for comput rep insw sequenc floppi han d not buffer that cpu for floppi data transfer stink walli bass date stuck articl apr oec orbit dialix oecjtb oe c orbit dialix john bongiovanni write stuff delet onc hear that order for date a dvanc clock make date system call appar clock hardwar interrupt and bio don thi

date advanc automat date call notic that midnight reset flag set and advanc date info two problem bio tod routin updat bio clock bit for dai increment second wr ap clock past midnight will lost call bio read clock meantim and bio reset dai w rap indic date call wrap indic set bio date call midnight do kernel part do incr ement date dai wrap indic lost guess that kevin menu system bio call read clock order displai time and entiti dai wrap indic lost even menu system notic dai wra p isn good do that do can updat dai menu system us do call time do kernel bio ca ll and wrap indic process properli possibl menu system can easili us do call for time do not reentrant and perhap time increment ofter occur menu system insid d o call walli bass amd clone legal poe wharton upenn edu write frie nd mine call phone and told wathc cnn and report that rule prohibit amd sell clo ne thrown make legal for amd ship can verifi thi advanc phil yep thi new great n ew for consum bad new for intel diamond stealth give winmark stealth vlb winmark ver atari mono and vga articl apr oregon uoregon edu arosborn oregon uoregon edu alan osborn write articl apr tdb max tdb max brant write succed convert atari monomchrom monitor into mono vga monitor exactli you and graphic card you us post similar question two week ago respons ask local fri endli atari store told that that had idea care investig suggest post you ask com p sy ibm echo comp sy ibm hardwar thi convers gear user want us that monitor ata ri user can us monitor want wild convert monitor vga vga monitor falcon for grap hic card assum that atari monitor can modifi adapt handl vga signal you us vga c ard re haven thi that guess robert anisko anisko usdtsg daytonoh ncr you want pr ice mono vga monitor cheaper that rout convers falcon and vga svga multisync mon itor will multi card uart bui serial card uart built bui s epar and socket current card correct number braindead control two floppi drive a nd two id hard drive ideal multi card that had serial port and control anoth id configur address for serial port and id control exist exist card such beast exis t hard part can australia prefer brisban geoff green spart problem toshiba cdrom articl ratatosk uninett hk tth nho hydro write articl apr new columbia edu imj cunixa columbia edu imad jur eidini write recent purchas toshiba cdrom adaptec scsi card and fail cdrom work do aspi driver aspicd support norst paramt mean not reset scsi bu load thi fix p roblem friend mine adaptec tosh regard terj work you imj cunixa columbia edu ima d hexabyt jureidini ultim knight grand priest secret undefin cpu temperatur cpu activ thi naiv question basi for claim that cpu will hotter computation intens job run friend claim that will differ temperatur idl cpu and cpu run computation intens job lino montuno test don read gosh instal viru call do don copi that floppi burn love window crash color driver driver name cica function color dri ver for quadtel video card type chip chipset us suffic umeist washington edu jumbo backup problem articl apr den mmc snorman den mmc write colorado memori system jumbo tape backup unit gatewai tower system found suppli backup capabl fairli unreli approx case had backup fail point anot h hang middl write tape seek error drive commun error common us do backup softwa r colorado memori system return drive backup softwar reformat tape cm tape hint appreci thi stuff time consum and cooper ident setup for tower config for month previou discuss net thing check for dma conflict devic espec you funki suspect y our tape fresh good luck tim diamond stealth give winmark mag winmark test st eal sound you jamesc ask you god you loopback connector made uwovax uwo write pin con nect make loopback connector for serial port can build loopback connector us tes t serial port for recent byte magazin question and part answer delet you handi s older iron loopback plug easi make serial pin port us femal connector and connec t pin and for serial pin port you femal connector pin and connect test centron p

in parallel port you connect pin and male connector stan wszola haven us risk kk c etobkkc hisoi etn ericsson comment eisa bu book list book isa eisa buse isa system architectur tom shanlei don anderson mindshar press eisa system architec tur tom shanlei don anderson mindshar press isa eisa isa isa and eisa time and s pec edward solari copyright isbn bu design edward solari copyright isbn interfac ibm eggebrecht lewi copyright you comment repli mail advanc manoli strataki smc arcnet car for sale smc arcnet card for sale brand each wow cup portal walli waggon hay fax card for sale hay fax for sale offer tra de walli waggon wow cup portal list id harddisk spec configur id harddisk last updat collect carsten gramm hucg uni and publish regularli comp sy ibm hardwar e xplicitli warranti that set correct harmless collect not check for possibl that set destroi your hardwar sinc hope that mind peopl undergo effort post set chanc applic exist you agre disagre set immedi order updat list you possess not menti on you bio and jumper set mail for updat list id bu harddisk will account for no t land zone set equal number cylind not write precompens set bios that don even for anoth statement id harddisk don precomp and lzone precomp built paramet and lzone isn us not id disk autopark jumper name print board jumper number mean jum per mean that jumper left open mean that jumper close conner peripher drive geom etri id conner drive low level format factori run setup fdisk and do format mode l head cylind sector pcomp zone type tabl led tabl tabl jumper set jumper set si ngl drive jumper act and singl drive jumper master drive jumper act and dsp mast er drive jumper dsp slave drive jumper instal slave drive jumper instal tabl con ner mbyte drive us jumper set drive type conner mbyte drive us drive type singl master drive jumper slave drive jumper instal univers translat select drive type that close not exce megabyt capac drive drive will translat megabyt capac that you select led pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin instal conner master and caviar s lave and jumper caviar had seemingli normal behaviour write caviar onc overwrit directori etc fastback almost imposs workaround instal caviar master and conner slave detail fujitsu drive standard head physic cyl physic sec trk speed rpm cap ac psu cnh led cnh cnh connector id pin function posit activ mode slave present mode pin iochrdi cnh jumper pin reserv drive system drive system pin irq pin res erv pin irq pin reserv pin function posit slave drive mode cnh jumper master dri ve mode ecc byte ecc byte pin function posit write protect enabl cnh jumper writ e protect disabl reserv kei guess mark factori default set for jumper bio set bi o set for system cylind sector and head set id drive subject slave drive for con ner drive and contact support compani gave thi answer work factori default thi s et drive singl drive set make slave drive set model cylind head sector capac mil lion byte switch switch block drive us that awar manual master slave master slav e ecc byte byte byte write protect disabl enabl channel readi disabl enabl idea function and valu list factori default set kalok bio cyl head sector kalok bio c yl head sector jumper set report for valid for kalok drive singl row pin id conn ector master disk slave pair pin righthand side disk model cyl head sector preco mp land zone lxt lxt lxt lxt lxt jumper follow bottom drive thi sort power id co nnector singl drive dual drive system pin number jumper system master slave slav e drive remov remov instal activ led option option option slave present remov re mov option master drive remov instal remov sync spindl remov option remov drive master arrai thi jumper instal maxtor close close maxtor open open maxtor close open maxtor open close maxtor close close maxtor open open maxtor close open max tor open close maxtor jumper for drive channel readi open disabl close enabl ope r statu open normal close factori power data cabl idl mode latch open disabl clo se enabl drive model open close ecc byte open byte close byte master slave drive master and alon close close drive master two drive close open drive slave two d rive open close maxtor default power bio translat paramet cyl hd spt mbyte two s et jumper set and set power and id connector you set number left and set number bottom top jumper normal interest jumper for drive singl drive system master dri ve dual drive system remov jumper for slave drive dual drive system dummi and us store spare shunt drive configur for slave mode jumper factori reserv abnorm op

er occur jumper jumper sync spindl enabl disabl open disabl jumper sync slave ma ster open slave jumper channel readi open disabl maxtor id park univers translat drive type user defin cyl hd wpc wpc and option master close slave open us for shunt storag singl close drive unformat format platter head cylind perform track track read msec track track write msec averag msec max msec avg rotat latenc ms ec rotat speed rpm data transfer rate upto mbyte sec intern data rate mbit sec b io set cyl head sector master cyl head sector slave cyl head sector emul master and slave jumper label drive us drive emul master slave drive master slave prese nt drive slave drive master slave present singl drive microsci model head cylind size model size sec cyl miniscrib model cap cyc rwc wpc enc rate access spt com ment master slave singl shunt storag nec bio cyl head sect nec bio cyl head sect nec bio cyl head sect wpcom lzone jumper for nec drive singl master slave repor t difficulti caviar master and nec drive slave work logic spec for quantum drive compliment comput broker canada model cap avg acc cylind head sector track lp l p lp lp lp legend jumper instal jumper jumper mean singl drive configur master d ual drive slave dual drive seek test jumper mean slave master quantum prodriv sl ave prodriv mode slave master quantum drive not us master drive pdiag mode check dasp for slave master pdiag mode check slave present master mode check slave pr esent singl drive lp jumper mean slave standard pdiag mode for compat drive that us pdiag line handl master slave commun slave prodriv mode compat pdiag line te st test master pdiag mode dasp check for slave master mode dasp check for slave master pdiag mode check for slave check dasp master mode check for slave check d asp spec form mark jumper name label lp drive quantum el seri model cap avg acc cylind head sector track el el el el write precomp for quantum drive signific la nd zone cylind strap el drive master us master slave and case slave strap inform for and seri hard disk drive drive type model cyl hd sector trk block format ca p mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet mbyet link option order instal rodim seri drive dumper for singl dual drive and led oper drive set describ relev product specif singl drive environ drive describ master dual driv e environ drive describ master and slave thi due protoc take place two drive per form diagnost link and adjac interfac connector function and describ order view end drive jumper describ nearest interfac connector led fit thi jumper connect l ed drive pin interfac thi led connect interfac extern current limit resistor fit seri led thi option select resistor will depend led type chosen will rang ohm o hm dual drive thi jumper fit two drive attach singl bu fallow commun across inte rfac connector indic master drive presenc slave master fit thi signifi that driv e jumper master two drive connect singl bu jumper thi iochrdi fit thi connect io chrdi signal drive fit drive us host system that higher data transfer rate drive greater mbyte per second interleav thi jumper not fit host transfer lower rate mbyte per second master slave configur drive jumper master singl drive led inter fac fit master singl drive led interfac fit master dual drive led interfac fit s lave dual drive led interfac jumper fit master dual drive led interfac fit slave dual drive led interfac fit master drive will delai power for approxim two seco nd reduc power surg applic dual drive us connect for led will found close connec tor end drive thi led driver not affect link option intern current limit resisto r drive for thi led driver refer product specif for detail list seagat includ mf m scsi esdiand id simtel mirror msdo dskutl seagat zip contain info drive model cyl head sect precmp lzone capac physic bio ami award phoenix connector and jump er jumper function act select ext led slv present select two hdd singl hdd power power signal jumper master singl slave unit us rdy not output rdy output master slave set jumper singl jumper master not jumper slave caviar seri name size cyl ind head sector wdac wdac wdac wdac wdac wdac note that recommend cmo paramet di sk support call dynam translat and work paramet fewer sector total number sector disk manual jumper set follow jumper singl master slave slave conner kind cavia r float your jumper read and us jumper singl master slave report difficulti cavi ar master and nec drive slave work instal conner master and caviar slave and jum per caviar had seemingli normal behaviour write caviar onc overwrit directori et c fastback almost imposs workaround instal caviar master and conner slave bio se t cyln head sect lzone wenn sie sie braucht drive master cabl drive slave second drive conner drive jumper set thi drive telephon number miniscrib maxtor info t

ech support fax back bb list number maxtor quantum support fax bb seagat info te ch support fax back bb last not you collect and you live part world postcard for pinboard will sure answer carsten gramm experiment physic universitaet saarbrue cken saarbruecken germani protect mode can point direct inform protect mod e interest protect mode view point view advanc kjetil kolin pariti error system halt idea recent bought amd motherboard booklet board simm board machin super id card model niether motherbo ard card booklet state manufacur trident svga card that pertin info can problem that comput freez displai pariti error system halt messag depend whether set mem ori pariti error check disabl enabl setup bio make sens ami bio ami board back d ealer and replac simm get error frequent work dealer and didn start screw till h ome figur simm and even insert revers order make that connect solid suspicion ju mp thi damn control serial parallel game port card motherboard god forbid can pe ac david geller gelldav elof acc iit edu info cyrix dru chip cyrix releas pin conpat clon e design upgrad mhz chip clockdoubl mhz can transform into mhz singl chip upgrad australia dru sell for mhz and mhz price motherboard two vlb slot thing cost st ate work for info steven pemberton notebook sjp ogr apana org bu clk speed articl apr debbi nctu edu nctu edu wei shi hwu write robert desonia robert desonia hal ann arbor wrote param bio se tup that bu clk set default work didnt want mess set back didnt boot set exactlt dow thi and leav imposs bu oper mhz neat mother board and set bu clock mhz stop boot correct that clk mean wait state depend your motherboard and card you your system your stop boot your control can handl faster bu speed set bu divid clk t hat close mhz can gain singific performac increas video card and harddisk transf er rate boost bu speed and system work flawlessli thi set and you clk mhz bu ref us boot cent jim id low level format articl new cso uiuc edu mand el romulu eh uiuc edu hector mandel write accident low level format western digi t caviar drive public domain sharewar util that will fix expert thi pretti recov thi id drive map inform written directli drive you low level format inform don you can back you send back western digit and refurbish for you jim blow stack question stack program turbo and prog ram larg model larg get error that run memori run program compil program meg ram can explain crash run loop oper idl and sit will screw variabl thi lead that st ack fill and overflow program memori call void function that not return work thi problem for dai and responc thi not correct newsgroup will gladli post thi find advanc sean mar email mar carrol edu carrol colleg waukesha advic clone want run game want bui game requir g ame tech support game will run digit graphic make run slow card game hoyl classi c card game digit graphic photo artwork game fiction card player can speed thi g ame run short motherboard upgrad processor acceler card mimick can run mhz advic greatli appreci gil guf psuvm psu edu modem and uart ryan jeffrei baucom rjbaucom eo n csu edu wrote uart don exact mean uart univers arithmet receiv transmitt older b oard uart board chip gener irq for char receiv uart intern byte buffer softwar i nstal gener irq char for high speed modem for higher throughput you ran do you d on do run task time and cpu power us for transfer you run multitask such unix et c window cpu cannot work time task result lost charact broken transmiss timeout for intern modem diffrenc that intern modem uart board extern modem connect comp ut serial port uart board you experi higher speed modem you brand name reccomend will cheapo clone us zyxel uart coher satisfi that satisfi modem michael michae l jester gun michael gerhard preussenstrass germani neuss voic id cabl bought id hard drive for system had prob lem thi system had id cabl for drive had bui cabl two drive connector and switch cabl problem hard drive manual refer match pin cabl pin drive and pin id card f or life cannot figur plug cabl align secondli cabl connector two end and figur e nd control and two into drive matter plug into master drive and into slave appre ci ad scsi drive comput seagat id drive and control built into motherboard want add scsi drive quantum prodriv format document and your understand process ad such drive you bui scsi contol adaptec good kind expe ns good board region want compat and unix net that scsi and scsi drive thi true adapt drive type drive quantum connect drive adapt scsi cabl and power cabl worr i power suppli watt and power two floppi and seagat drive setup bio recogn drive second drive type drive thi don number for thi drive format and creat partit dr ive us format fdisk that id drive can low level format scsi exactli fdisk work r educ msdo manual clone oblig and mention fdisk ideal want drive partit two parti t and thi that anythi forget appreci lost eric ebosco oracl perstor system disk control inform need us contr ol perstor system inc busi friend receiv happen such control and hard time add a noth card control suppos control mfm drive rll drive model info card similar mod el will perstor system inc model rev ecn your repli directli mail address below rai rngai oracl raymond ngai rngai oracl applic system analyst oracl parkwai ver tic applic divis redwood shore oracl corpor fax choos scsi control bui scsi control for machin u s quantum harddriv that adaptec good kind expens essenti want control rang that can us thi drive plan us window and come reccomend appreci eric ebosco oracl cent keystrok keyboard not cent kei cent worth b oar david china cat bb cat david sed csc uunet mimsi anagld cat david id scsi bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write scsi sc si control chip call scsi bit burst thi advertis scsi byte for and speed not mac thi mess for excus for clarif iam think id scsi and thi thread not come time qu ot scsi scsi control chip talk scsi devic scsi control talk scsi control that ha d chip upgrad chip that scsi control board david china cat bb cat david sed csc uunet mimsi anagld cat david run box cover biernat rtsg mot tim biernat write interest get puls thi group extend oper cover remov enclosur reason thi includ quick access jumper complex card setup concern that complet enclosur direct cool flow air fan hot spot develop motherboard intak air vent front enclosur level v ent remov top cover thi scenario render airflow fan pretti useless short period thi mode don heat thing conclus scientif tim ran cardboard box for year major ef fect yeah case sit static bag nois poersuppli ran pretti good for cool problem b ought inch fan and turn full and set output directli motherboard final case and run part ill effect had kid spill thing had cat leav hair etc etc and two major concern keep static and keep cool enjoi david china cat bb cat david sed csc uun et mimsi anagld cat david search for bad memori chip rnichol cbnewsg att r obert nichol write step delet interest idea worst case data pattern develop test magnet media total pattern us detect common fault memori chip major memori prob lem month ago get pariti error system halt error messag window ran check diagnos sharewar memori checker had total meg simm system store bought sharewar memori diagnost ran fine error found error address that couldn place memori chip exahpe r delet step find bad memori chip found moral never bui memori stamp not for sen sit critic applic back filter bad memori chip combin meg chip and creat ram driv e test dodn allevi pariti error problem window manag find bad memori chip thi ma nner never fail find bad chip for and commerci sharewar faild not find error poi nt addreww idea chip man type stink todai and don feel futz thi line editor davi d china cat bb cat david sed csc uunet mimsi anagld cat david kaypro jumper set receiv kaypro comput do manual that describ jumper motherboard and comput setup not recogn extra thi comput ca pabl greater main board and jumper requir expand spec kaypro main board assi num ber phoenix bio advanc doug id scsi articl austin ibm guyd austin ibm gui da wson write int articl will plug and plai scsi articl you plug and plai scsi sinc scsi full impliment ten not devic beleiv thi last bit plain wrong you scsi and scsi support devic bu that host control and target each logic unit lun paul burr i voic internet pburri cse dnd fax uunet cunew cse dnd pburri vga card for fix frequenc monitor connect high r

e fix frequenc monitor mitubishi monitor that won resolut video card design for thi sort thing expens svga card can question get card resolut and frequenc us mo no hercul monitor do command line monitor and switch mitsu for window window lin ux bsd suggest greatli appreci mail steve wechsler zaphod src src linet org call ladi hawk castl bb respond queri mail post you site purg new faster can thi mes sag made recycl materi scsi id scsi card for do system requir separ dev ic driver load into memori for each scsi devic hook will thi true bit randi id scsi articl inndqc dn nmsu edu bgrubb dant nm su edu grubb wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith write articl qpu uinnbt dn nm su edu bgrubb dant nmsu edu grubb write wlsmith valv heart rri uwo wayn smith wr ite sinc mac scsi for hard drive figur includ hundr for scsi driver thi sloppi p eopl and dumb group thi thi not mac group nice you delet your responc and item t hat prompt whit bought quantum for mac home paid for ton stuff delet scsi id que stion wow you gui wild thi id scsi thing and great lot peopl increas data transf er rate hard drive id drive seagat and standard not special cach id control card isa think ad anoth rang and think hard you hear gear grind head bui scsi drive scsi for futur benefit get sec transfer thi number compar bought state art scsi card for isa and state art scsi hard drive wail est system hope for monei factor into thi choic you want us your isa system and cost line kind transfer rate id bui top line id cach control for and cost pa and wast guess hook scsi scsi port yield optimum sec borrow fujitsu hook and trantor driver for pa scsi port thi sc si port scsi port fujitsu scsi scsi scsi for comment rephras question randi isa bu scsi id wow you gui wild thi id scsi thin g and great that peopl such benefit answer simpl question you choos and lot peop l increas data transfer rate hard drive id drive seagat and standard not special cach id control card isa think ad anoth rang and think hard you hear gear grind head bui scsi drive scsi for futur benefit get sec transfer thi number compar b ought state art scsi card for isa and state art scsi hard drive wail est system hope for monei factor into thi choic you want us your isa system and cost line k ind transfer rate id bui top line id cach control for and cost pa and wast guess hook scsi scsi port yield optimum sec borrow fujitsu hook and trantor driver fo r pa scsi port thi scsi port scsi port fujitsu scsi scsi scsi for comment randi request for input multispin rom drive into get e xtern fast avg access time multispin rom drive that support photo multi session audio output and scsi interfac for connect pa scsi port comment experi warn reco mmend share texel and toshiba txm and hal brand brand gov comment video blaster creativ lab articl wpsun m ikgr wpsun michael grant write articl apr ultb isc rit edu mej ritvax isc rit ed u write edu heiser ac edu bill heiser write articl rdy chinet chi randi chinet c hi randi suess rite video blaster doesn work ati graphic ultra pro doesn work sy stem ram you can us video blaster altern remov memori how win thing wailer gate dawn banshe cat ucsc edu you call froofroo head friend beast banshe ucscb ucsc e du banshe ucscb bitnet good perfer watchit can run do and window win run window good watchit will not work local bu video will not work high reolut mode peopl m ake card assur that will card june that support local bu and re btw name compani make watchit phone bb internet michael grant mikgr wordperfect mikgr wpsun uune t net promovi spectrum work nice video for window setup pa and orchid board hand l frame eric instal second id drive anoth possibl that partit into two seper drive and and cmo ask for drive and drive setup info drive and d rive thi confus thing drive bereft doc for info for cmo setup control piec paper size index card cannib cabl connector each end and middl serial connect lost ad vanc thi practic emerg two paper thi thing for mondai william barn suranet oper wbarn sura net voic fax disclaim don speak for suranet and don speak for told lo cal comput guru that you can thi you perform low level format your exist hard dr ive and set your system for two hard drive begin word and not find not back add anoth hdd for scoop advanc bill willi you bought your id drive dealer you should n perform low level format even partit into and fdisk will automat assign and ch ang partit drive check jumper set and cmo setup correct number cylind and track

comp.sys.mac.hardware nutek face appl wrath articl read articl davea davea xet ron david alverson write appl patent region featur quickdraw mac clone implement region thi appl comment that not make mac clone infring patent patent thi appl patent implement region includ intern data structur never offici document appl a ppl cannot patent concept region guess that nutek revers engin appl intern data structur for region dunno thi hold court data structur won draw pict file contai n region pict file aren place region store disk quicktim movi perhap long region isn store disk and transfer mac nutek clone vice versa doesn matter nutek compl et intern data structur rememb read that appl patent adb hardwar and that nutek clone lack adb port patent appl mac joe schwartz mail xor acm rpi edu xor clotho acm rpi edu mapinfo corp broadwai opinion similar troi opinion mapinfo corpor p ure coincident comp.sys.mac.hardware your opinion laserwrit select wife not had chanc fiddl c omparison laserwrit canon engin complain that print light for tast differ quit a ppar even print set select adjust darkest level don find objection and warn that peopl don care for and consider recal that year ago lot debat write black write white engin deal tex driver that comp.sys.mac.hardware floptic question into bui floptic drive and wonder exper i peopl drive iomega pli mass microsystem procom main drive market advic heard a rticl macworld sep floptic post summari advanc repli post email whichev you pref er nizam nizam arain make univers hard comprehend internet narain uiuc edu that noth nextmail narain sumter cso uiuc edu compar comp.sys.mac.hardware centri cach bernoulli box articl apr physc byu edu goble c physc byu edu write run bernoulli box centri and driver softwar work cach mess ag thi not macintosh disk you initi iomega driver newer version that work wrong clark gobl goblec theori byu edu version need for machin you newest version call tech support you modem you can driver bb dean dean clark internet dfclark sandi a gov comp.sys.mac.hardware find video hardwar articl crosspost comp sy author gordo n lang post apr gmt articl crosspost comp sy ibm hardwar author gordon lang post apr gmt devic isa board subsystem will two rgb video signal and combin templat templat can simpl rectangular window signal us for interior and signal two for e xterior beleiv fancier harwar exist not want exclud search thi sort hardwar exis t for ntsc etc for rgb email and post lead gordon lang glang smail srl ford glan g holo srl ford comp.sys.mac.hardware ftp site for radiu softwar hei can ftp newest version ra diuswar and soft pivot radiu bought pivot monitor version thi softwar and won wo rk and radiu week deliveri chuck comp.sys.mac.hardware your opinion laserwrit select thi model two low cost las er printer that appl introduc think get us home you had experi thi printer level postscript you bought you happi john cavallino email jcav midwai uchicago edu u nivers chicago hospit john cavallino uchfm bsd uchicago edu offic facil manag us mail maryland av chicago comp.sys.mac.hardware you appl color onescann set bui for offic us for scan co lor photograph and for optic charact recognit plai origin grayscal onescann and pleas color model compar qualiti brand ocr softwar you recommend lean caer omnip ag idea john cavallino email jcav midwai uchicago edu univers chicago hospit joh n cavallino uchfm bsd uchicago edu offic facil manag usmail maryland av chicago comp.sys.mac.hardware file server mac onc articl line mac configur work optim file server detail comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook duo batteri articl usenet uc indiana edu kssim on silver uc indiana edu kenneth steven simon wrote hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write knowledg fulli discharg duo batteri program powerstrip freewar optio n call quick discharg you can find mac archiv sumex aim stanford edu mac archiv umich edu good luck kenneth simon depart sociolog kssimon indiana edu indiana un ivers hidden option powerstrip caputo and can find quick discharg option mac arc hiv umich edu submit ron wong santa cruz oper net comm segment mgr encin street box fax devprogram market mgr santa cruz mail uunet sco ronaldw ronaldw sco comp.sys.mac.hardware for sale macintosh for sale appl macintosh ram system in stal rasterop bit video card for appl monitor targu carri case offer region poun

d north london area contact mark allerton mail pascal cix compulink mark bilpin phone even weekend offic hour mark allerton srl data mark bilpin pascal cix comp ulink comp.sys.mac.hardware sound input coupl question for multimedia set phone fax number mail address name princip cedar technolog dublin hampshir post offic box number and want coupl question send monei info appreci run microphon macrecord s oundedit cedar digit similar softwar input record sound into mac plai short inte rview clip hypercard stack for and kathi mctaggart comp.sys.mac.hardware instal ram centri had ask problem instal meg simm and me g simm centri folk local appl store call folk cupertino and found that you can s imm speed machin even fast meg and meg simm incompatib thought peopl want jason comp.sys.mac.hardware video ram question articl apr cbnew att jbr cbnew att jo seph brownle write post definit answer vram configur for and and lot confus thi issu kind simm vram simm pin etc physic size for vram simm unlik dram simm come size and pinout come differ amount vram you simm organ and two vram chip thi siz e quadra and centri machin can us vram simm slot two rule fill slot pair size ma tch etc simm slot fill put simm slot noth for you fast for and for relev inform vram chip manufactur part not compat quadra and centri video hardwar make that s ourc you guarante compatibl gener work will work don repli you correct inform ad vanc for help elimin nois thi group trust dale adam appl comput inc comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor relat note will work centri intern video and giv e multipl resolut thi curiou kevin tieskoett technic support drake loonivers mic rofronti inc comp.sys.mac.hardware nutek email nutek nutek email address not not good thing book robert heinlein music enya comput appl humor dave barri thursdai night nbc and scotland scot salmon scot jlc comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor articl mar new media mit edu fredm media mit edu fred martin write part post remov soni cpd video circuitri two monitor can disp lai appl vga vga thi flicker and appl refresh flicker displai appl not thi and p ixel real small not that note that soni monitor you will proper adapt connect vi deo signal properli inform macintosh video hardwar displai mode us part post rem ov fred martin fredm media mit edu am epistemolog and learn group mit media lab cambridg usa assum that cabl tell mac startup kind monitor connect ad popular ma c magazin for product not monitor video card packag that you chang resolut fly r estart mac you bui switch back and appl and appl restart mac thi strictli hardwa r startup function can softwar interven mac hardwar occasion probe cabl set and switch automat eric ivancich eec umich edu comp.sys.mac.hardware rom multisess articl pgifo efb msuinfo msu edu gari cal msu edu write multisess rom you photo writabl rom drive and second session you f or that you write second time you multi session capabl read second session wheth er photo data simplifi session directori structur burn track second session newe r directori structur directori exist you cannot chang add you put that normal dr ive and will directori and found data multisess kindof mean that drive will for last directori written disc older system for directori not take multipl director i into account lex van sonderen philip interact media comp.sys.mac.hardware disappoint cie approxim month ago purchas quantum lp cie for two month drive start problem intermitt freez corrupt file and resourc silv erlin wouldn even recogn drive rma cie and exchang drive for recondit month pass and second drive problem boot iisi flash question mark sometim insert silverlin program can recogn drive make scan and for drive that point can restart iisi an d boot call cie and anoth rma tech support peopl that silverlin doesn drive defi nit hardwar problem that thi second bad drive month ask cie send week purchas or igin drive cie drop price can accept that drive two bad and that hardwar vendor make practic send recondit replac repair and understand that natur comput indust ri lend sudden price fluctuat nevertheless togeth converg fact event left bad ta st mouth ad that ask cie transfer content current drive will send data good shap e and reinstal floppi cost for data recoveri that recondit hardwar sold recondit discount price and that replac for hardwar bad cover dai warranti feel helpless thi don mean necessarili flame cie support staff friendli and sometim even help mon sometim extra custom servic long letter cie custom servic drive return and

ask for credit price differ sinc had purchas drive week slash price told appli c redit purchas anoth cie product didn even courtesi repli moral thi stori not won bui product cie futur bill krauthamm ehg umiami miami edu don email post good y our cie product and servic not suggest that not good compani that that had disap point experi and take busi futur comp.sys.mac.hardware wyse termin emul wyse termin emul comm toolbox kit net v inc comp.sys.mac.hardware nutek face appl wrath articl read articl mar leland stan ford edu tedebear leland stanford edu theodor chen write isn copyright equival r e ipsa doctrin kind similar show infring element you show that defend copi your work you lucki you direct evid copi smoke gun you thi circumstanti evid show evi d access infer copi thi evid access consid similar two work decid whether you co pi similar strong strike infer copi drawn even evid that defend had access your copyright work that case burden will defend rebut infer copi for exampl evid tha t desert island for last ten year and had contact civil wow lawyer rich and comp ut scientist poor lawyer sound understand thi stuff comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra memori upgrad folk exactli maximum memori can put quadra manual simm macwarehous and advertis simm give total wrong chri chri rei d strath comp.sys.mac.hardware built video question for you expert pertain appl built v ideo mac that built video abil us vga monitor not mac thi capabl can drive svga big vga monitor can drive can you unlabel monitor vga pinout interest know drive vga capabl drive vga svga comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii centri titl interest perform differ faster centri lciii tom humu nctam pnet tomj arpa humu nctam pnet tomj nosc mil inet tomj pnet ct comp.sys.mac.hardware result mathematica speed test result mathematica test po st thi newsgroup test command plot plotpoint curiou fast plot command execut mac intosh machin person comput and workstat result post below machin system math ve r trial time min tuneup ram for mathematica dec ultrix for dec risc iisi cach en h mhz ram for math ram cach for math sparc suno station ram sgi iri risc process or version sparc suno station iisi nextstep cube base coprocessor nextstep av cu be mhz ram iisi for enha math ram mhz workspac manag funni iisi run mhz slower e quival machin lot slower fact perhap version mathematica make differ fact that n ot ram alloc anoth interest thing fast sgi wow basic wouldn draw conclus thi dat a that mathematica speed depend lot variabl curiou machin measur you question fo rgot drop line cmmiller iastat edu chad space tabl doesn come your machin and ma il you copi thi binhex word document comp.sys.mac.hardware cap lock control appl keyboard excus and redirect thi an swer small util that switch function cap lock kei and ctrl kei powerbook keyboar d us ctrl kei cap lock conveni and comfort you for scott farrar comp.sys.mac.hardware mac laserjet iiip friend mac and famili extra laserjet i iip sit connect two and make work postscript cartridg told that random friend ha d mention softwar packag that translat rick rick osterberg osterb husc harvard e du harvard yard mail center cambridg usa comp.sys.mac.hardware instal ram centri articl murdoch acc virginia edu jht fa radai cla virginia edu jason harvei titu write had ask problem instal meg simm a nd meg simm centri folk local appl store call folk cupertino and found that you can simm speed machin even fast meg and meg simm incompatib thought peopl want a bsolut reason differ dram access time alon incompat anoth differ simm for proble m us memori speed problem whatsoev long fast faster minimum requir you fine curi os you thi and problem you told wouldn work and never curios you exactli cuperti no you dealer talk find base thi recommend dale adam appl comput inc comp.sys.mac.hardware laser writer iintx upgrad kit laserwrit iintx upgrad kit small box bag inn seemingli contain chip rom and iintx manual instal instruct i nform and full thi product instal appl thi thought ntx upgrad thought that requi r board info appreci doug comp.sys.mac.hardware for sale ethernet board bit supermac combo gene stuff fo r sale price item for sale qty descript list price supermac colorlink bit nubu b ase thi card primo sell for mailord suport monitor virtual desktop acceler hardw

ar pan etc thi quick sale price includ free dai air seagat meg note hardwar norm al work order price not includ ship item ship cod usa pre paid anywher sold iisi nubu adapt card fpu for item contact gene naftulyev chairman staff umn edu call comp.sys.mac.hardware serial port speed excerpt cmu comp sy mac apr serial por t speed samuel john kass andrew bit technic answer your question your mac will p roblem whatsoev commun modem that bp and sinc modem that fast don exist standard form worri kbp modem standard compress bi cna reach bp not server modem that ha rdwar compress told annex modem break never faster kbp comp.sys.mac.hardware cheap video card for fpu wonder had info experi video fp u for mac think ad second monitor like grayscal bret oeltjen exp univers minneso ta electr engin comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii centri articl apr nctam tomj pnet ct tom jenkin wr ite titl interest perform differ faster centri lciii tom humu nctam pnet tomj ar pa humu nctam pnet tomj nosc mil inet tomj pnet ct appl demo iowa state chanc ru n speedomet mac machin run system had rgb don cach set machin had fpu appear tha t centri quit bit faster iii centri lciii cpu graf disk math rate comparison not ic speed differ two machin speedomet chad comp.sys.mac.hardware iintx upgrad articl pqprtinnf escargot rmit minyo rmit d ougla barri mcpherson write laserwrit iintx upgrad kit small box bag inn seeming li contain chip rom and iintx manual instal instruct inform and full thi product instal appl thi thought ntx upgrad thought that requir board info appreci doug kit for exist laserwrit iintx rom upgrad that replac font raster code effici spe edier code that adob type manag that softwar origin ntxe and call atm raster sta ndard postscript printer mark comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook duo batteri ronaldw sco ronald wong write arti cl usenet uc indiana edu kssimon silver uc indiana edu kenneth steven simon wrot e program powerstrip freewar option call quick discharg you can find mac archiv sumex aim stanford edu mac archiv umich edu hidden option powerstrip caputo and can find quick discharg option mac archiv umich edu submit apolog goof quick dis charg option part connectix powerbook util packag cpu instal dai powerstrip and didn pai attent option exist for you bui cpu whadda goofbal sheddap you not even real signatur file kenneth simon dept sociolog indiana univers internet kssimon indiana edu bitnet kssimon iubac comp.sys.mac.hardware adb and graphic tablet adb graphicsd tablet want connect quadra adb port and give mous can want us tablet mous and keyboard advanc tai h ou tng singapor comp.sys.mac.hardware instal ram centri excerpt netnew comp sy mac misc apr in stal ram cen jason harvei titu farad jht faradai cla virginia edu jason harvei t itu subject instal ram centri date mon apr gmt had ask problem instal meg simm a nd meg simm centri folk local appl store call folk cupertino and found that you can simm speed machin even fast meg and meg simm incompatib thought peopl want j ason boi confus thought entir point pin simm that you us diffrent size simm you avoid us set horror stori not withstand comp.sys.mac.hardware centri cach bernoulli box you will driver ver work quadr a centri you can download iomega bb domin cheng cheng descart uwaterloo comput s cienc univers waterloo ontario canada comp.sys.mac.hardware centri impress plai centri for almost week thi machin fa st hardwar turn featur annoi powerkei sophis circuit and work charm complaint re start machin time screen imag desktop pattern jerk and for time quantum drive no isi highli recommend fast afford and great domin cheng cheng descart uwaterloo c omput scienc univers waterloo ontario canada comp.sys.mac.hardware wise remov fan classic articl hansg risken hansg risken volvo han granqvist write wise even remov annoi fan classic warranti void and sc rewdriv fit funni screw han granqvist volvo data corp gothenburg sweden opinion complex problem exist easi solut that not correct screw torx screw and tool isn hard find matter find long shaft trick not good idea that fan will stuff heat in tern hard drive motherboard you name and thi can damag peopl hard drive failur f an that didn work dale leonard judi stamp misc topic stamp dog dleonard wixer ca ctu org cat basebal and subject austin for stamp inform call toni leonard number thi busi number

comp.sys.mac.hardware compar scsi perform direct inform scsi perform for each mac max throughput etc kurt tiedtk ktiedtk jarthur claremont edu email comp.sys.mac.hardware your opinion laserwrit select previou articl jcav elli u chicago edu johnc thi model two low cost laser printer that appl introduc think get us home you had experi thi printer level postscript you bought you happi joh n cavallino email jcav midwai uchicago edu univers chicago hospit john cavallino uchfm bsd uchicago edu offic facil manag usmail maryland av chicago frankli thi model screwup not postscriptlevel font and not even fine print photograd graysh ar even model thi shock kind featur you for thi printer hope for decent printer replac person laser writer motion pictur major brook institut photographi santa barbara and foreign student kuala lumpur malaysia mind forerunn state comp.sys.mac.hardware info appl request articl apr alijku edvz uni linz norber t mueller alijku edvz uni linz write newsgroup comp sy mac hardwar articl prudho m iro serg prud homm prudhom iro umontr write info video processor that sit prog ram that chip compani make that chip appl never provid doc tool program that chi p per piec comput hardwar bought due complet lack support tool refund for buyer thi card european left rain onc agre complet refund for peopl bought quadra alph a version extens appl call quicktim video offload quicktim compress decompress c pu card can even develop articl state that can program ask that suggest steve ma rg melbourn univers comp.sys.mac.hardware mac articl imag you write hillman hillman plk mil wrote deathbird cmu edu donpaul stephen kind slate wouldn you throw that side and mac for not quit point considd fact appl releas system current time releas you will shortli appl longer produc hardwar nextstep happen pai appl price can thing chea per heck can sun workstat cheaper quadra and infact number time come appl releas thi window releas miss boat appl continu develop will support fullest capabl ru n faster window significantli window and warrent releas continu develeop becom a nd profit hardwar step pun intend sort make monei softwar microsoft you can happ en you can sell multipl piec softwar hardwar platform you window nightmar for pr ogramm will temptat sell system coupl million do user for appl million copi mone i sir offic acm gen thankful that dont govern pai for comp.sys.mac.hardware macplu freez hour us fail boot articl osu inn tamsun tam u edu mclean math tamu edu robert mclean wrote macplu problem temperatur relat f or freez turn screen doesn show disk icon and dark consult larri pina book and n ot find symptom such symptom suggest shure temperatur depend thi not clean your problem base exp that connect power suppli and monitor and main board usabl thi failur ram simm can badli connect due corros and powersuppli can last phase lowe r voltag you can you us such technic term clean mention contact contact sprai re adjust volt level your powersuppli us calm fan and prevent dust blowin floppi fi x piec paper can prevent thi you don beg friendli technician christian bauer bau er informatik uni ulm comp.sys.mac.hardware articl afi sh vohmryle andrew cmu edu donpaul stephen de athbird cmu edu wrote differ want doubl spin rom drive into nec and appl doubles pin nec toshiba and soni appl deliv speed appl price low compar ram simm you bui inexpenc driver revis easier driver kit appl manufactur christian bauer bauer i nformatik uni ulm comp.sys.mac.hardware iivx articl tinnojp minerva ci yale edu bell peter yale edu peter bell write advisor decid mac for lab that fund consensu lab that need lciii decid want centri lack fpu that machin and price struck make worth lciii s uggest iivx heavili expand and for peopl iivx good machin and nubu slot case ult im decid want work video iivx lciii perform centri price reason iivx you full si ze nubu slot mind that support appl monitor and option ethernet thi lessen doesn elimin for nubu card and you run fpu intens softwar will blow door lciii and ii vx lciii hand suffici for peopl and great price you haven guess find halv bu clo ck iivx mhz mhz bu throughli bad thing and hope appl never joe finet jfinet cat ucsc edu comp.sys.mac.hardware adapt cabl for vga monitor make cabl adapt that wire app l spec that forc extern output and powerbook and duo into true vga style output signal nec adapt not thi sinc monitor multisync rout signal into correct pinout not switch mac output into vga mode make made appl spec for cpu vga cabl adapt a

ssum that powerbook duo will work adapt macintosh vga macintosh can suppli vga t ime signal for us vga monitor adapt cabl standard macintosh support vga color an d option vram simm vga monitor support color note macintosh suppli signal capabl drive ttl level input low imped input vga monitor not work macintosh connect ma cintosh vga monitor you make adapt cabl macintosh video connector vga monitor pi nout descript for adapt cabl macintosh vga video connector pin signal name red g round red video signal green video signal green ground blue video signal blue gr ound hsync vsync hsync ground sens sens ti togeth vga monitor identifi short pin pin macintosh video connector macintosh ground pin video connector result pull pin and correct monitor for vga monitor thi messag creat mcw bb jointli support orlean mac user group nation home school user group user maccomw view express th i post individu author comp.sys.mac.hardware macintosh lisa dot matrix parallel printer dot matrix pr inter that lisa attach manual told that sort itoh printer disguis can manual inf o code send select font ital etc want write printer driver for protext advanc st uart stuart munn dod heriot watt univers sky black edinburgh god mirren scotland support fax god harlei mail censwm clust janet pope ride guzzi comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock info articl nazario stile kstar node net yale e du nazario pop ci yale edu edgardo nazario write info give not rumour truth maci ntosh come second quarter will cpu excus not mac cpu alain comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook batteri previou articl gil gatech edu gil neig er question powerbook batteri specif nicad batteri for can powerbook run batteri charger plug problem michel dozoi gloucest ontario canada freenet carleton memb r club cerf volant outaouai ovkc membr nation capit macintosh club ncmc membr ju ngl bb babillard macintosh comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra configur notic you mention own quadra and meg vra m that thi configur purchas complet that and vram instal box interest that exact configur and will bui educ discount not found bundl smaller you bought bui inst al you email send messag dmaluso mhc mtholyok edu dian maluso dian maluso intern et dmaluso mhc mtholyok edu depart psycholog and educ mount holyok colleg south hadlei comp.sys.mac.hardware memori increas memori not sinc haven thi year ago longer instruct forget resistor cut mb can direct thi inform ftp doc diagram dick gran t comp.sys.mac.hardware forsal radiu precis color video card radiu precis color video card for mac that fit nubu slot card vram mean that bit color card card su pport monitor scan rate you can us and can higher you can switch resolut and dep th fly softwar control panel thi acceler version card mean quickdraw call not ex ecut cpu video card free mac processor for task cheapest find thi card for call last night mac place will sell for ship year and never problem come softwar and origin manual hurri chri magnuson chrism col hewlett packard compani comp.sys.mac.hardware posit erg keyboard pictur ergonom keyboard that left par t split learn type school year ago taught write hand thi differ danish and ameri can type lot advanc thoma widmann lernu esperanton viralbu daimi aau solidvm pet it lingvi comp.sys.mac.hardware laserwrit pro memori upgrad offici word laserwrit pro me mori upgrad phone quit friendli donna rossi appl custom assist tell that purchas laserwrit pro megabyt dpi greyscal configur contact origin dealer suppos provid meg memori upgrad for don extra meg will print dpi greyscal dpi dealer question direct hardwar support number and appl custom assist corpor number regard glenn person annoi school bookstor oblig provid thi inform custom purchas origin conf igur record that for thing phone number upgrad complet write appl and complain comp.sys.mac.hardware iivx jfinet cat ucsc edu joseph manuel finet write iivx lciii perform centri price and you run fpu intens softwar will blow door lciii a nd iivx benchmark that macus macweek fpu centri faster float point oper kind cal cul that rout fpu mac iifx and mac iifx mhz fpu fastest base mac note that bench mark never stori your favorit program and run machin store you that you plunk he fti amount virtual philipp philipp casgrain etudi chercheur casgrain er umontr d epart de scienc biologiqu universit montreal defin disclaim caught caught wasn e ven didn

comp.sys.mac.hardware techwork you plan upgrad mac iisi present meg meg and ad d math coprocessor technolog work austin texa come quit highli recommend mac mag azin wonder share tech work good and bad experi give advic mail order compani th at your repli appreci advanc sincer peter choo choo sigma ec umass edu comp.sys.mac.hardware ethernet localtalk quadra us serial port modem and seria l printer cannot us appletalk ethernet localtalk hardwar that will us ethernet p ort localtalk port come satellit dish that sit your window give you internet acc ess your home won that port saurabh comp.sys.mac.hardware dcc and minidisc dat dd stori articl cmd newcastl tor ol av berntzen newcastl tor olav berntzen write anoth thing scsi interfac scsi work remov media and work larg capac devic floppi interfac you suggest handl doesn h ook for deal you kludg extrem low perform and scsi gob room for expans compar fl oppi can stick tape drive and drive floppi interfac possibl for unexpect collis enorm peter silva network manag technolog incorpor west airport blvd sugar land usa zure otsoa besarkatu duzu gaur comp.sys.mac.hardware appl free ethernet centri yesterdai two week place order dealer rutger comput store appolog appl made substitut order order ethernet sub stitut ethernet want that alright backlog centri ethernet ship happi except nosi decid open power for time scsi cabl hard drive partial connect come loos ship b ig deal piss boot and wouldn come hard drive annoi high pitch whine heard appl w ill exchang you complain swap dissappiont lack soft power thi wasn mention liter atur locat reset interupt button aw keyboard control for function conveni and sc reen tojump wierd power thi mention featur fast great machin great price gnelson physic rutger edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ergo mous nwc utkvx utk edu schizophrenia mean neve r alon write open appl ergo mous adb mous mine live cat true and pick fur can ap pl weld shut you not hard opend mine second bottom dial that turn open older adb mous us bit harder turn quit simpl open instal fpu mac iii heard peopl fri moth erboard iii you don match pin correctli you will problem close socket give you i dea proper orient chip hade comp.sys.mac.hardware file server mac pkr slacvm slac stanford edu patrick kre jcik write onc articl line mac configur work optim file server detail check issu macworld server cover your favorit newstand hade comp.sys.mac.hardware question quadra lecat bach udel edu roi lecat write arti cl apr pcnntp appl dale adam gatewai appl dale adam write inform acheiv resolut interanl video thi even us thi resolut appl monitor rig connector proper pin nop e appl monitor not support multipl resolut not multi synch monitor hade comp.sys.mac.hardware instal ram quadra truesdel ic uci edu scott truesdel wri te thi brian hugh lose cute phoni name post ad memori quadra phoni name name vis ibl header and sing post account name you problem that you will us thi account n ame for year and peopl read newsgroup for last gener recogn hade account name in tent chang post instal coupl simm quadra and somewhat dismai gener complex oper compar for exampl wonderfulli design iii irrit appl refus user manual you guess disassembl devis question for ad memori laserwrit pro isn appl respons custom fo ol hardwar that appl servic tech paid person design and applaud appl for come go od make us front space for drive bai lot design for peopl drive arrai agre you p ro design oper isn complic even minim amount offer appl leav you work blind not appl place make easi for certifi servic peopl fool appl hardwar even bui you fre e you want your mac don upset your appl servic rep tell you that your warranti l onger valid memori instal distraught that top simm into contact plastic case fra me mine contact framework quit lot pressur that assembl board back proper posit difficult and requir forc file excess materi top simm board chose stand not had problem ram will problem annoi not catastroph thi sound kind problem had instal simm into back low profil simm readili standard simm contact top case and make b it difficult close close and work fine nice thing logic board that gener quit fl exibl and can withstand fair amount pressur hade comp.sys.mac.hardware sigma design doubl for inform sigma design doubl board c an figur that hardwar compress board that work autodoubl not thi cost joe jap cw ru edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock info camcon alain waha write nazario pop ci yal

e edu edgardo nazario write info give not rumour truth macintosh come second qua rter will cpu excus not mac cpu alain alain your fact straight you post thi duo dock not cpu dock station port connect compon includ portabl powerbook cpu guess rumor duo dock built cpu perform function interest not compat current duo model you hear lot screw appl complaint imagin compani obsolet ooh verb virtual brand comput sheesh ken kenneth simon dept sociolog indiana univers internet kssimon indiana edu bitnet kssimon iubac comp.sys.mac.hardware posit erg keyboard viralbu daimi aau thoma martin widman n write pictur ergonom keyboard that left part split learn type school year ago taught write hand thi differ danish and american type type left hand person real problem keyboard open that tend share kei hand hand cursor kei mous glass jolt deej jacob rose amaz true sand northern jaker csugrad edu africa that spread cov er sahara comp.sys.mac.hardware articl bauer bauer informatik uni ulm christian bauer wr ite articl afi sh vohmryle andrew cmu edu donpaul stephen deathbird cmu edu wrot e differ want doubl spin rom drive into nec and appl doublespin nec toshiba and soni appl deliv speed appl price low compar ram simm you bui inexpenc driver rev is easier driver kit appl manufactur christian bauer bauer informatik uni ulm th ought nec and toshiba rom mechan averag access time soni appl rom drive access t ime for doublespin model chung yang comp.sys.mac.hardware disk mac you rom upgrad us floppi drive mac parti drive work mac rom ralph ralph gonzalez comput scienc rutger univ camden phone interne t rgonzal gandalf rutger edu comp.sys.mac.hardware what thi thermal recalibr quantum drive articl mar midwa i uchicago edu gari midwai uchicago edu write whether drive hook comput not lp m ake disk seek nois second thi consist and will continu lomg drive power even dis connect drive comput thi drive activ continu second interv drive thermal recalib r not know bean intern physic work lastest disk drive technolog guess what scoop thi standalon drive activ sec can comment thermal recalibr gener drive perform order increas integr data write basic firmwar instruct actuat perform test data track physic toler sinc media heat cool track drift inevit and drive monitor thi becom critic high record densiti and us primarili larg capac mechan find into s maller drive boost drive long term reliabl and mtbf rate awar thermal recalibr p oint that techniqu conflict prolong write time digit audio video hard disk manuf actur explicitli state that drive thermal recalibr not us for applic that prolon g disk write hope thi help victor comp.sys.mac.hardware ext hard drive for interest get extern hard drive for in tern that pretti full even compress alot peopl talk good ratio think ad brand pe opl suggest final place bui popular mail order place order place that sell hard drive that advertis back macworld and macus advanc mail repli compil and post dr ew drew asson space telescop scienc institut senior softwar engin san martin dri ve advanc plan system branch baltimor usa internet asson stsci edu fax comp.sys.mac.hardware price drop month get don want appl come cyclon and tempe st month and price drop system want negoti good deal supplier for and jump don w ant price drop smuther btw deal mous for deal nate long lanc colost edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl free ethernet articl apr pion rutger edu gregori ne lson gnelson pion rutger edu write and screen tojump wierd power thi mention fea tur fast great machin great price post thi and asum that talk displai mine kinda degauss and sinc lack thi button assum that that info doesn worri comp.sys.mac.hardware techwork you thi uncommon occurr not had bad experi tech work thi past summer upgrad increas memori powerbook and call place order for ra m told sale person that give rebat return origin ram techwork ram instruct for r eturn ram expect credit visa week month and credit call almost return arghhh fin al found told never receiv your chip explain procedur that had return person rep li you mean you mail had per origin sale person instruct told that loss mail shi pment not uncommon come and that stuff fedex etc reason that had exactli had tol d not budg peopl spoke absolut letter copi origin receipt attempt trace packag m ail made phone call techwork avail wouldn give disgust sale support peopl superv isor noth pursuad make final total disgust wrote letter credit card compani ask investig problem week credit miracul appear statement not recent memori disgust

servic that receiv compani fair had know that not rip such great length prove th at thi happen est vie will never bui anoth product had that chest comp.sys.mac.hardware cyclon and tempest post info system bob robert novitskei pursu women similar bang head rrn cwru edu wall opportun for reward comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii midi experi lciii midi heard that iivx not suitabl for midi not heard anyon definit lciii and midi you had experi midi interfac yo u us us final softwar thi set mail will summar jerri bartlett peoria illinio uic vm uic edu comp.sys.mac.hardware sigma design doubl jap cwru edu joseph pellettier write for inform sigma design doubl board can figur that hardwar compress board that w ork autodoubl not thi cost had board for year and work diskdoubl not autodoubl d ue licens problem stac technolog owner board compress technolog write thi memori lost refer correct wrong board had problem file icon lost hard whether board fa ult decompress troubl file and recompress board icon reappear mention licens pro blem freewar expans util expand will not decompress board compress file you boar d instal sinc stac product that hole autodoubl diskdoubl relat board will fix sa d and make reluct bui stac product sinc stinki hei that competit stan kerr compu t commun servic offic illinoi urbana phone email stankerr uiuc edu comp.sys.mac.hardware price drop month articl apr yuma acn colost edu lanc col ost edu nathaniel sammon write get don want appl come cyclon and tempest month a nd price drop system want negoti good deal supplier for and jump don want price drop smuther btw deal mous for deal that low end configur fpu oppos configur fpu you you get you bui you intend upgrad sunni comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii vga monitor adapt real tough time find proper adap t us vga monitor ibm sold exact mac iii vendor call that intern video will not w ork true vga monitor will work ibm compat multisync soni nec monitor thought vga capabl lciii attract allow you us inexpens vga monitor confus vendor not speed us lciii multisync vga monitor and you your adapt specif vendor and cat prefer a ppl monitor for lciii unseemli finder insid ibm bezel monei save monitor lciii c an afford and can rid charl kuehmann northwestern univers steel research group q man casbah acn nwu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware warn don break powerbook screen articl outpost bai org p eirc outpost bai org michael peirc write surpris shouldn protect tarriff almost end hurt long run subsidi build strong economi isn wall tough world compet globa l market place and don come cry world doesn want plai hous rule that japanes loc al market neatli protect japanes govern tough nut crack fact current break into japanes compani partner ventur gari gari snow uunet clark gsnow gsnow clark edu comp.sys.mac.hardware advic tech work etc plan upgrad mac iisi present meg meg and add math coprocessor technolog work austin texa come quit highli recommend mac magazin wonder share tech work good and bad experi give advic mail order com pani that your repli appreci advanc sincer peter choo choo sigma ec umass edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock problem had problem duo dock not eject duo prop erli duo come dock coupl inch eject and had pull rest nowadai and had system for month duo doesn come despit fact that mechan make nois and grab hold and pull s impl fix for thi return appl dealer will languish for week make colour displai v ram floppi scsi etc btw not that duo lock into dock doesn want slide phil jimmie son comput scienc dept janet phil liv csc liverpool univers internet phil csc li v box liverpool head heel love cramp comp.sys.mac.hardware intern hd mac articl apr siemen kurt netzer kurt siemen write instal mac qunatum can pin cabl connector for intern motherboard scsi conn ector and scsi connector termin second will what power suppli can connect amp co nnector suppli connect anoth intern hard disk macintosh you can find space put i isi that quantum meg drive ran into space problem slap anoth meg quantum that ha d sit shelf concern space sinc drive quantum quarter height drive final decid th at logic place for stack fine fit snugli not had problem heat and drive run toge th for two month problem connect drive you spare intern hard disk power cabl hal f your troubl splice extra cabl that you squar motherboard connector and two har d disk power connector you don spare cabl you will bui wire and connector can fo und good electron store for suggest properli solder heatshrink connect reduc pos sibl short bad connect you ribbon cabl connect had spare hard disk ribbon cabl a

nd want care case thi didn word purchas crimp pin cabl connector that gave anoth male connector middl spare cabl part cost and easili attach good wood vice theo ri crimp connector that thi doesn work origin cabl not damag and can back origin setup that couldn bother check dev note for power consumpt plug and work charm thi dai mac work care drive and ensur that termin resistor drive intact not thi termin resistor logic that split scsi chain that signal termin end you question peter hansen bell northern research pgmoffc bnr comp.sys.mac.hardware intern hd mac articl apr siemen kurt netzer kurt siemen write instal mac qunatum can pin cabl connector for intern motherboard scsi conn ector and scsi connector termin second will what power suppli can connect amp co nnector suppli connect anoth intern hard disk macintosh you can find space put i isi that quantum meg drive ran into space problem slap anoth meg quantum that ha d sit shelf concern space sinc drive quantum quarter height drive final decid th at logic place for stack fine fit snugli not had problem heat and drive run toge th for two month problem connect drive you spare intern hard disk power cabl hal f your troubl splice extra cabl that you squar motherboard connector and two har d disk power connector you don spare cabl you will bui wire and connector can fo und good electron store for suggest properli solder heatshrink connect reduc pos sibl short bad connect you ribbon cabl connect had spare hard disk ribbon cabl a nd want care case thi didn word purchas crimp pin cabl connector that gave anoth male connector middl spare cabl part cost and easili attach good wood vice theo ri crimp connector that thi doesn work origin cabl not damag and can back origin setup that couldn bother check dev note for power consumpt plug and work charm thi dai mac work care drive and ensur that termin resistor drive intact not thi termin resistor logic that split scsi chain that signal termin end you question peter hansen bell northern research pgmoffc bnr comp.sys.mac.hardware quantum hard disk recent aquir quantum harddisk meg mech an scsi question and problem extra connector socket back that can figur for addr ess set jumper bottom don for that idea second nice hardwar manual for drive lot jumper that don for drive format thing work and fine for format initiali troubl esom main problem you reset macplu drive disappear shut mac and back agian drive come fine idea repli email address below richard crispin depart psycholog email rcrispin watart uwaterloo univers waterloo psych watserv uwaterloo waterloo ont ario phone ext canada fax comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook and caer typist graphic hand scanner edit and forward csm announc moder respond origin email cabl that work phone number and a pplelink address for caer and smile and pat back beg you you caer typist graphic hand scanner read and solv problem will trueli grate for rest life problem that caer typist graphic hand scanner will not connect powerbook cabl scanner will n ot fit into scsi port powerbook cabl assembl adapt origin cabl fit scsi port thi turn comput into scsi mode and treat hard disk ask engin london assembl cabl id iot sheer lazi week and solv problem awar that caer solut you cabl that will sol v thi problem you solut will forev grate you mail address zia castl wrong side r oad syndrom for that zia castl thank you advanc zia comp.sys.mac.hardware disappoint cie articl apr umiami miami edu ehg umiami mi ami edu write that recondit hardwar sold recondit discount price and that replac for hardwar bad cover dai warranti sound kind lemon law hardwar industri sound unfair for that paid price drive for recondit you gui comp.sys.mac.hardware fan noisi solut articl summer rintintin colorado edu sum mer rintintin colorado edu summeral thoma write doesn broken isn make grind nois loud louder that fan iici sold thi problem solut good replac fan that lot quiet er move air easi insul sound not cool air hah can even hear fan gee work yup che ck exhaust air back fine gari gari snow uunet clark gsnow gsnow clark edu comp.sys.mac.hardware price drop month nathaniel sammon write get don want app l come cyclon and tempest month and price drop system want negoti good deal supp lier for and jump don want price drop smuther btw deal mous for deal don you gau rente that price drop thi year thi week macweek report that appl plan drop augus t guess that come sooner appl decid chang price structur releas multimedia unit thi summer your price pretti good pai for mine last month wait for machin thi so mmer cyclon resal iici not squat financ forc purchas happi machin and won feel b

etrai appl cut price week heh bottom line you want bui you wait cylcon come for price break you wait for powerpc come for anoth price break and unit follow you save monei you lost lot time you comput face appl price continu state flux aren rais grin john komp leonardo src honeywel comp.sys.mac.hardware compar scsi perform kurt tiedtk ktiedtk jarthur claremon t edu wrote direct inform scsi perform for each mac max throughput etc max thrup ut centri quadra sec max thruput iici iifx equival sec max thruput slower machin slower peter cohen don reflect employ opinion peterco eff org heck employ doesn even comp.sys.mac.hardware appl tape backup system appl tape backup unit work sy no t driver softwar access devic can fidn tool access thi devic info comment curti curti gener gener sti nasa gov nasa sti code jtt washington comp.sys.mac.hardware axion serial port switcher good bad into bui serial port switcher mac two serial port appletalk modem printer midi and sound digit speci f axion electron switcher fairli cheap maczon heard that thing you can us serial port time prevent you physic swap cabl heard that program that us comm toolbox us serial port want thi true axion switchbox final axion stink you that you good interest hear product spend repli mail not regular reader thi newsgroup interes t can post summari repli lot scott smith umsmith mc drexel edu comp.sys.mac.hardware pleez bui mac hei want bui mac and want good price doesn found good deal centri send price don want mail order areound cleveland ohio bu i wait for power bob repli post mail rrn cwru edu robert novitskei pursu women s imilar bang head rrn cwru edu wall opportun for reward comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi mhz success stori howdi folk back septemb octob pos t instruct upgrad iisi mhz doin solderin peopl bolder report that procedur put m hz oscil run cpu mhz and darn doesn work thi procedur will work mine slow and de ath power kellei thoma kellei boylan powerpc ibm austin kelleyb austin ibm comp.sys.mac.hardware adb woe articl apr afterlif ncsc mil mlbelan afterlif nc sc mil mark belange write wise netter oop that oracl basic question that cannot answer heck can bui adb cabl mine trackbal shot and haven find replac anywher wr ong mail order catalog idea place price make mark mlbelan afterlif ncsc mil you pick adb cabl comput wire store give you address alberta comput cabl calgari vic toria canada and don address calgari you basic phone and charg approx cnd for cu stom made adb extens cabl for mous hope thi help dave maclachlan dmaclach uvic n ightfal softwar inc comp.sys.mac.hardware articl innrc srvr engin umich edu chyang leghorn engin u mich edu chung hsiung yang write articl bauer bauer informatik uni ulm christian bauer write articl afi sh vohmryle andrew cmu edu donpaul stephen deathbird cmu edu wrote differ want doubl spin rom drive into nec and appl doublespin nec tos hiba and soni appl deliv speed appl price low compar ram simm you bui inexpenc d river revis easier driver kit appl manufactur christian bauer bauer informatik u ni ulm thought nec and toshiba rom mechan averag access time soni appl rom drive access time for doublespin model chung yang technolog drive toshiba mechan and supposedli fast and access and data transfer rate sec multisess photo compat edu corp for technolog and come two mail coupon for two free cd not good sinc had dr ive month and had ship home address california maryland technolog drive separ po wer suppli separ drive supposedli longer life and cleaner fan attract dust toshi ba brand drive technolog sinc you mechan and slightli lower price two free cd ap pl drive soni mechan access time and data transfer rate sec slowest mention not wide appl catalog bad price multi session photo compat extern model come free cd pretti good nec drive longest access time and data transfer rate sec vendor dol lar includ educorp wasn multi sesssion photo compat hear that current version th at ship owner older drive can upgrad not come free you bui bundl rom drive choic appl drive and technolog toshiba drive appl drive for compat appl product and t echnolog toshiba for speed and perform btw model drive appl applecd applecd inte rn technolog toshiba brand name model not nec cdr happi drive and had compat pro blem whatsoev wrong correct pretti even not you notic that last name presid tech nolog happen southern california hometown not rel gui liu common chines name sou thern california enorm chines commun doctor california steve liu patient and ano th steve liu come school and live dorm thi show that liu common steve steve liu

for sig drlovemd jhunix hcf jhu edu suggest drlovemd jhuvm hcf jhu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl tape backup system articl gener nova gener nova sti nasa gov curti gener write appl tape backup unit work sy not driver softwar acc ess devic can fidn tool access thi devic info comment curti curti gener gener st i nasa gov nasa sti code jtt washington retrospect dantz work nice thi combin yo u can bui mail order vendor comp.sys.mac.hardware hand scanner problem you caer typist graphic hand scanne r read and save life problem that caer typist graphic hand scanner will not conn ect powerbook cabl scanner will not fit scsi port comput manag gaet cabl assembl that adapt cord comput thi comput into scsi mode that act extern hard disk when ev switch comput ask engin london assembl cabl for week and find solut sheer laz i and that cabl exist solv problem you solut cabl and can hold mail address zia castl will trueli grate for your thank you advanc zia comp.sys.mac.hardware cannot move data fast want achiev throughput rate megaby t sec for larg data transfer quadra nubu network card that can pump data mac mem ori block mode transfer high speed disk arrai asynchron call that can achiev tra nsfer disk buffer network card not transfer data disk buffer transfer data buffe r card result slow scheme for megabyt transfer step load disk buffer step asynch send card load disk buffer step asynch send card load disk buffer step asynch s end card load nth disk buffer step send nth card even code appar execut card tra nsfer asynchron and card not us mac cpu buffer tho each step long two transfer e xecut anoth improv rate mac ram dual port nubu card and disk driver can access d ata time problem that two devic card and disk driver us bu mac ram can david dav id blume tire think thing dcb wdl wdl loral don want bukowski barfli comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock processor folk thought answer struck flat face appl releas duo dock processor peopl hound appl for notebook processor appl can deliv that sap power radiat heat and larg for notebook that design chipset us ex ist powerbook technolog your advantag duo dock appl uniqu abil give user that po wer semi portabl fashion plunk into dock you quadra power your desk road that mh z handl your not solut answer win situat thi mean will us powerbook processor pa rallel dock processor get hypothet travi grundk macgam digest your sourc for inf orm contribut editor new review game softwar and game macgam digest industri mac intosh commun repli cleveland freenet edu for inform macgam digest comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook question can powerbook pixel displai and dpi r esolut assum that doesn and don mean impli dimens info price drop model duo come comp.sys.mac.hardware question quadra articl bostrauma trauma ennui trauma for nevil di ennui write inform acheiv resolut interanl video thi even suspect that isn for centri you correctli wire video cabl gari gari snow uunet clark gsnow g snow clark edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ergo mous apr utkvx utk edu nwc utkvx utk edu schiz ophrenia mean never alon write open appl ergo mous adb mous mine live cat true a nd pick fur can appl weld shut rotat plate mous ball counter clockwis you can op en mous and clean isn obviou desktop bu mous open quit easili onc you geoff geof fb dartmouth edu comput support consult tuck school busi you don vote you don co unt comp.sys.mac.hardware cheapest mike for centri articl summer rintintin colorad o edu summer rintintin colorado edu summeral thoma write bought centri and disco v dispoint that appl cheap includ mike anymor intern extern you mic you intern r om drive gari gari snow uunet clark gsnow gsnow clark edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock processor cleveland freenet edu travi grundk wr ite appl releas duo dock processor peopl hound appl for notebook processor appl can deliv that sap power radiat heat and larg for notebook that design chipset u s exist powerbook technolog your advantag duo dock appl uniqu abil give user tha t power semi portabl fashion plunk into dock you quadra power your desk road tha t mhz handl your not solut answer win situat thi mean will us powerbook processo r parallel dock processor get hypothet great for anoth reason not dock serv ara server larg intern your corpor email etc pinch you two machin coupl that thought rocketshar and you us and dock mighti power dock brian hall mspace netcom mark space softwork applelink markspac america onlin markspac not disturb mission egg head

comp.sys.mac.hardware appl tape backup system articl pskkt fnnew fnal gov fncl ub fnal gov david sach write articl gener nova gener nova sti nasa gov curti gen er write appl tape backup unit work sy not driver softwar access devic retrospec t dantz work nice thi combin us retrospect notic that central point softwar mact ool backup support appl tape drive appl tape drive quit slow advantag retrospect rel simpler mactool backup signific case for back larg server dat drive us appl tape drive for make econom sens pai extra for retrospect mactool cheaper and in clud worthwhil util retrospect nice and upgrad bill johnston johnston udel edu c hamber street newark comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock problem compsci liverpool phil csc liv phil jim mieson write had problem duo dock not eject duo properli duo come dock coupl inc h eject and had pull rest nowadai and had system for month duo doesn come despit fact that mechan make nois and grab hold and pull simpl fix for thi return appl dealer will languish for week make colour displai vram floppi scsi etc btw not that duo lock into dock doesn want slide phil jimmieson comput scienc dept janet phil liv csc liverpool univers internet phil csc liv box liverpool head heel lo ve cramp heard rumor that dock cpu will design that thi batch love duo instal ca rd dock not fun bob bob lord south wacker room network manag chicago cstar group andersen consult lord andersen comp.sys.mac.hardware intern scsi instal appl unabl locat suitabl drive scsi w rong appl hdsc will format hard drive that appl sold you us parti format drive s poton comp.sys.mac.hardware articl innrc srvr engin umich edu chyang leghorn engin u mich edu chung hsiung yang write articl bauer bauer informatik uni ulm christian bauer write articl afi sh vohmryle andrew cmu edu donpaul stephen deathbird cmu edu wrote differ want doubl spin rom drive into nec and appl doublespin nec tos hiba and soni appl deliv speed appl price low compar ram simm you bui inexpenc d river revis easier driver kit appl manufactur christian bauer bauer informatik u ni ulm thought nec and toshiba rom mechan averag access time soni appl rom drive access time for doublespin model chung yang toshiba access time nec access time soni appl access time somewhat import not vital case cd data transfer rate driv e doubl speed drive maximum data transfer rate second good choic appl cheap incl ud mac and agre christian comment driver appl bootabl centri and quadra nice fea tur you instal system softwar don nec toshiba bootabl machin mark comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ergo mous articl dartvax dartmouth edu geoffb coo d artmouth edu thumper write apr utkvx utk edu nwc utkvx utk edu schizophrenia mea n never alon write open appl ergo mous adb mous mine live cat true and pick fur can appl weld shut rotat plate mous ball counter clockwis you can open mous and clean isn obviou desktop bu mous open quit easili onc you geoff geoffb dartmouth edu comput support consult tuck school busi you don vote you don count origin p oster meant open mous not releas ball and get roller found that origin adb mous sometim unscrew two halv allow for easier clean origin poster answer you open er gonom mous open mean split two halv gut isn obviou base minut spent offic yester dai visibl screw head mark comp.sys.mac.hardware disappoint cie articl new servic uci edu wayn chen eapu orion oac uci edu write industri sound unfair for that oop meant fair not unfair comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra problem question quadra and notic that can chang desktop color beauti grai thought reinstal instal macintosh centri quadra disket t system file thi diskett recent hard disk easi instal select macintosh cnetri s ystem softwar us thi custom and us system softwar for macintosh matter advanc fo r suggest kai alexand dominion univers bitnet kba oduvm internet kba oduvm odu e du comp.sys.mac.hardware sale powerbook slow articl martin tohi comp sy mac hardw ar martin tohi jean francoi martin write thi not april joke dealer town told tha t powerbook don sell us sell gui told that appl problem desktop mac expens power book expens comparison you can do side you thi you feel thing curiou sound high demand for product incent aggres cut price onc demand fall bit time start get ag gress price wait long can hurt your busi powerbook sold slow appl come lower pri ce version reason powerbook that spring for rest lineup pricei for bet come powe r version michael peirc peirc outpost bai org peirc softwar suit hibiscu place s

an jose california usa maker voic fax smoothi applelink peirc america onlin afc peirc comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card and optimum memori set question that simpl ans wer stump and extern ram cach card for you you larg cach set control panel your simm mac iici meg ram extern video card don rob simm and default appl cach card thi cach set meg good measli cach card slow thing divid cach card and simm speed thing provid secondari stage area for data pass directli into simm ram cach con fus cach card low memori good compar you can set daystar fastcach number show pe rform boost oper chip cach card simpli faster simm access find optimum memori se t for iici system describ patrick hurh fnal fnal gov comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor and video card for think bui extern monitor for and wonder netland advic for think color monitor and bit card that can switch an d higher read report card lapi that thi not us extern monitor main screen menuba r major draw back thi perhap fix can card thi micron xceed monitor bui moment le an soni exactli differ good cheap monitor doesn monitor multisync support card t hat can switch resolut send mail and summar greatli get mail address mail order compani that sell monitor card advanc eggert thorlaciu univers iceland comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ergo mous that order innard mous you remov label bo ttom that appl desktop bu mous you find two screw side haven ran fingernail accr oss label two divot appear and can assum that elus screw question cheer john joh n graham cleveland institut music jmg cwru edu brought you letter and and number comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor articl pco einn corona hsc usc edu daniel chen d schen corona hsc usc edu write interest get color monitor for lciii quit confus soni monitor compar soni and appl dan thought mention that soni longer manufactu r cpd manufactur flaw model appl soni trinitrom claim inch not detail defect wor k school bookstor and can you that half return kind defect anoth two cent worth comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor joseph kasan jmk cwru edu write thought mention that soni longer manufactur cpd manufactur flaw model appl soni trinitrom claim inch not detail defect work school bookstor and can you that half return kind de fect anoth assum that you refer correct kind flaw report mine for month and have n notic problem develop lucki and snag good monitor curiou john john graham clev eland institut music jmg cwru edu brought you letter and and number comp.sys.mac.hardware you appl color onescann articl apr midwai uchicago edu j ohnc jcav elli uchicago edu write set bui for offic us for scan color photograph and for optic charact recognit plai origin grayscal onescann and pleas color mo del compar qualiti brand ocr softwar you recommend lean caer omnipag idea work c ampu bookstor and had opportun demo color scanner found impress afford educ disc ount note that come ofoto softwar suffici for comp.sys.mac.hardware advic tech work etc gregori welch write instruct for ret urn ram expect credit visa week month and credit call almost return arghhh final found told never receiv your chip explain procedur that had return person repli you mean you mail had per origin sale person instruct told that loss mail shipm ent not uncommon come and that stuff fedex etc return memori last summer for cre dit and sale person warn not us mail insur shipment and appar techwork minor gri p techwork that price list for peopl order duo memori think price employ subsequ found that appl offer develop memori for techwork charg call complain and told appl develop and credit card for purchas price techwork qualiti and instal instr uct and includ powerbook tool for purchas sale tax chip merchant bit forrest how ard oracl corpor oracl parkwai box redwood shore comp.sys.mac.hardware centri peopl opinion real world differ and coprocessor d on us mathamatica mapl etc don us spreadsheet sheet complic don us cad app us us render extens commun run bb write softwar write paper etc btw for kick thi told local appl rep upgrad appl built extra socket for coprocessor chip that you plu g coprocessor and work heartili laugh and hung phone nate hate quotat thi messag brought you you nate sammon and number ralph waldo emerson long lanc colost edu comp.sys.mac.hardware centri us photoshop edit photo and dtp work nate comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ergo mous articl eqg dartvax dartmouth edu hade dar tmouth edu write nwc utkvx utk edu schizophrenia mean never alon write open appl ergo mous adb mous mine live cat true and pick fur can appl weld shut you not h ard opend mine second bottom dial that turn open older adb mous us bit harder tu

rn quit simpl open nope pretti that thi person ball that want mous apart mous ha d screw bottom that you unscrew thi obviou apart toni quan stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi clock upgrad get lot request for thi inform thought post for interest parti for length increas maciisi speed mhz mhz clock chang mh z mhz mhz thi static free work station put aluminum foil work open lift tab back case remov hard disk disconnect power and scsi cabl spread tab and lift drive r emov flopi drive remov power suppli spread tab front and lift suppli straight an d remov fan press ear togeth back bottom side fan and lift straight and remov mo ther board spread tab left and side board and slide board forward lift board con nector back board remov desold mhz clock closest memori modul thi not easi even for skill solder socket round pin and remov pin push bottom long nose plier put pin hole vacat clock and solder insert mhz mhz clock put larg power transistor h eat sink processor chip and larg chip processor and figur hold heat sync place m ade simpl clamp put inch screw hole board two chip mount screw insul washer scre w cross member heat sync hold place don us pressur put back togeth and for discl aim thi procedur us and not author you your for thi procedur quit will void your warente bye for ralph durtschi idaho state univers email durtralp isu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware racet optic racet drive ricoh mechan rom thing tosoh opt ic disk byte per sector cart for thing that refus mount format cart that for dri ve that work racet certifi media sector cart can that thi tosoh cart kind incomp at low level format softwar will thi format thi drive dip set for mechan combin driver and custom format program can find luck idea joshc csa edu you good idea mail thi address can check thi newsgroup constantli comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook powerbook fax data modem citibank citidollar c atalog for citidollar modem bp data bp fax send monti solomon box framingham mon ti roscom comp.sys.mac.hardware problem rose work rose card problem that crash card disa ppear system and let crash mac don us card quit simul error instruct regist mask simul stuck error bit crash instanc rose notic crash set flag and stop work rea d mention flag mac can notic card crash that work fine for almost crash sometim card doesn set flag and disappear system document rose not behavior crash and mo ment understand analyz assembl code and that frustrat and lengthi can repli emai l don read thi group depart comput scienc univers dortmund germani laf aennig ma il maennig veronica informatik uni dortmund begin god creat adam ahem atom atom hydrogen comp.sys.mac.hardware floptic question articl bmyer slip ot utexa edu bmyer cc wf utexa edu billi lee myer write last time look floptic disk weren that cheap p er floptic disk per megabyt per sysquest per megabyt floptic sinc begin year per floptic per megabyt and advertis macweek per megabyt for tight budget fact that minim dollar increment for storag versu sometim matter comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem recent obtain centri and develop un usu video problem model vram card monitor appl comput set for color and oper ver tic scroll window horizont white line monitor gener not spare open window line a ccummul oper continu window move involv area screen and move line disappear that area screen thi problem not observ monitor configur for color inch appl monitor color us suspect bad video ram chip cannot problem appar sinc dai wors wonder t hi and fix respond azelenet bigmac mskcc org you for your andrew zelenetz molecu lar biologi program memori sloan ketter cancer center comp.sys.mac.hardware noisi can thi older style fan that remind hous ventil cy lindr drum blade rotor make thi loud buzz nois due vibrat somewher remov screw a nd loosen front back quiet can assum that fan hous thi goofi thing touch back ca se and vibrat suggest for replac fan and stealth thi gui your experi had plan pe rfect batf spokesperson cnn fail raid attempt comp.sys.mac.hardware tempest and cyclon info need inform upcom comput cyclon and tempest info greatli appreci shawn breedsa wkuvx bitnet comp.sys.mac.hardware rumour duo jek ultb isc rit edu king write sinc subject chip power consumpt heard reliabl sourc that dec alpha chip power that intel pen tium chip and whip pentium butt make you intel made chip begin wouldn you powerb ook alpha run mip cool idea bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt wrong extrem hot idea curr ent alpha alpha run mhz produc quit bit heat fact that special mount extra larg

heat sink appl pretti commit powerpc rout deal dec sid sidnei kitchel kitchel in diana edu kitchel dpsi data parallel system inc dpsi morningsid drive bloomingto n indiana usa fax comp.sys.mac.hardware appletalk card question chanc bui us appletalk card crea t network home machin gui card tell can rememb back card pin pin mini din that e xpect thi sound thicknet ethernet card transciev quadra reason price expect pai for card keep mind that micro channel architectur mean your guess and doubl emai l repli appreci rrr idea richr opinion express not necessarili univers north car olina chapel hill campu offic for inform technolog experiment bulletin board ser vic internet launchpad unc edu comp.sys.mac.hardware remov storag quadra lot sound sampl for auditori researc h type remov media for store audio clip ron lazi take time life good joe walsh r on pritchett internet pritchet ash scarolina edu fidonet ron pritchett comp.sys.mac.hardware mous bottom drawer found mous pin plug assum that belong deceas simpl modif turn into proper adb mous repli mail prefer ulf lagerstedt c ommun consult sweden ulf consult comm comp.sys.mac.hardware video adaptor pinout thi not make senc work fgx not work monitor accucolor and digit control work fine svga deal you can svga and for da mark you sa that work nec won fgx maximum horizont scan rate khz drive khz mac t oler spec khz khz minim guarante figur doubt damark monitor sync mac thing you y ou pai that deal john rutirasiri wouldn post wasn comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra acceler thi quadra clock acceler heard for quadra repli mail don new mark beal mbeal wallabi mrc uidaho edu comp.sys.mac.hardware mac constantli reboot articl hsyu dxq hpuerca atl russ h puerca atl russ hode write tae shin tshin husc harvard edu wrote basic mac pluse constantli reboot reboot button push sometim mac fulli boot and displai desktop matter time reboot time frequenc high time minut your mac reset interupt switch instal plastic devic that push switch insid mac mabei switch bad and replac thi problem low vdc power suppli adjust for thi suppli voltag unstabl low culprit b ad rectifi jeff hite comput center oregon jeffh ludwig uoregon edu comp.sys.mac.hardware stylewrit question read articl swii thing puzzl articl s wii serial devic that mean unplug modem each time want print comp.sys.mac.hardware rom for quadra problem hook toshiba extern rom drive ron hei jack ripper won you come and hook power line your love jethro tull ron prit chett internet pritchet ash scarolina edu fidonet ron pritchett comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour articl apr waikato ldo waikato la wrenc oliveiro waikato univers write notic interest phenomenon centri unplug key board and mous and plug turn power mous suddenli switch half normal movement spe ed check mous control panel and chang set full speed restart machin restor norma l mous speed happen newer style mous that centri and older style mous iifx work don resolut set mous quirk adb interfac hardwar softwar centri notic thi exact p henomenon occur lciii perhap quirk machin dan comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi clock upgrad report iisi clock upgrad mhz mhz failu r iisi owner slow mac and itchci solder iron comp.sys.mac.hardware rom acceler video macus articl centri and quadra machin mention that and and not had rom acceler video didn make differ benchmark test d on recal dale adam post erik speckman dale post video and memori archiv comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write jbailei w orld std jim bailei write clark nwu edu brian clark write quarda popular misspel quadra mhz processor mhz and local buse motherboard run faster video can run an d monitor bit color vram upgrad you put vram into you want and you won bit color monitor not part board video can us bit video monitor vram hade you upgrad vram you bit color you don care point that box video capabl for size monitor can bit and doesn support and bit monitor comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra differ jim jagubox gsfc nasa gov jim jagielski wr ite jbailei world std jim bailei write rdk cec wustl edu robert david klapper wr ite that fix bug cpu screw float point calcul robert klapper washington univers loui rdk cec wustl edu lubarski law cybernet entomolog bug definit inform thi th i heard cpu fix hardwar upgrad thi doesn make sens differ and basic run mhz not mhz mhz bu not mhz upgrad graphic control result requir vram not rom fix round e

rror float point calcul digit patch rom latest version don thi problem ethernet problem buffer doubt person refer screw jim jagielski and gonna stiff jim jagubo x gsfc nasa gov hei lama nasa gsfc code you for effort greenbelt comp.sys.mac.hardware put centri intern bai hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write tz stein washington edu tim smith write jbailei world std jim bailei write you intern mix analog audio output mac gener audio mac motherboard you can samp l audio sound control panel click option button microphon icon you click option button never undim latest word thi you disconnect microphon cabl motherboard but ton suppos dim hade assum that machin intern rom bai work quadra don can us inpu t chang radio button sound quadra microphon extern and rom leav microphon plug e ven never us comp.sys.mac.hardware iici upgrad articl austin ibm login austin ibm write ago post note ask for spec quadra and opinion upgrad iici acceler card respons that notic you upgrad path cost effici pro con etc complet obtain your dealer recent copi macworld macus foggi memori suggest that relev comparison factor vi vi iic i follow mhz mhz data path don recal thi for slower style machin for ethertalk c ard board audio ram motherboard simm slot nubu slot flexibl build video vram com parison iici acceler won give you audio ethernet video option acceler cpu perfor m can compar end cost greg dudek comp.sys.mac.hardware sampl audio put centri ldo waikato lawrenc oliveiro waik ato univers write articl bskendigc netcom bskendig netcom brian kendig write jba ilei world std jim bailei write you intern mix analog audio output mac gener aud io mac motherboard you can sampl audio sound control panel click option button m icrophon icon thi iivx intern doesn audio icon can find such option centri hand don record sound built microphon audio plai drive audio mix microphon sound and guess unplug microphon uncontamin audio admittedli sampl bit convers misinform m ade bad assumpt machin behav quadra previou post sampl audio you found alias bad need filter wors expect instal quadra miss work great comp.sys.mac.hardware recommend for remov storag media want articl apr kth you write us syqyest and bernoulli enthuiast recommend bernoulli syquest popular sl ower prone cartridg your friend bui you friend bui optic and stop bought bernoul li pro drive last year compar lot diffrent storag solut optic drive slow slow co mpar access bernoulli sinc need additinol onlin storag backup archiev disk choos bernoulli drive us adob preimer and quicktim movi alot you ran storag real fast imho bui bernoulli multidisk per cartridg homayoon akhiani turn idea into reali ti digit equip corpor alpha begin reed hudson right reserv copyright email akhia ni rick enet dec word mine and not employ comp.sys.mac.hardware lcd overhead projector for color lcd screen you place ov erhead projector and control present mac can you recommend brand price talk jan vandenbrand jan ed address jan lipari usc edu school address forward uunet uupsi jan comp.sys.mac.hardware convers work data acquisit and analysi program collect d ata insect sensori organ anoth altern us sound input port can you make due exist dynam rang bit convert dubiou linear and monoton and perhap coupl depend requir poster data for purpos resolut calibr curv possibl digit voltamet serial output connect serial port mac collect data commun program bui chip analog devic burr brown etc connect parallel serial convert us serial port for acquisit nah solder and troubl shoot board nation instrument data translat omega etal finest solut possibl costli origin poster signal larg not us voltag divid two resistor cost c heap georg sukenick sci ccny cuni edu comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook batteri quick queri for powerbook guru tom spe arman post altern powerbook batteri option mention that exist version powerbook batteri amp hour amp hour and amp hour determin batteri look batteri and obviou exterior indic contact tom spearman had glean inform macus and didn answer chris toph majka nextug dal btw you can repli email grate don read thi newsgroup will post summari answer comp.sys.mac.hardware happen you complet flatten your batteri articl fodg rais tlin udev cdc swier chao aqeng cdc aaron swier write schuyler netcom gabriel sch uyler write stanger otago nigel stanger write can run powerbook batteri complet flat detriment side effect not two thing can nicad batteri complet discharg onc

month leadacid batteri shouldn complet discharg onc thi common mi concept deal c ad batteri good idea complet discharg cad cell period not good idea complet disc harg cad batteri differ that cell cell nicad put volt recharg aaa batteri defin cell volt for nicad equival due differ individu cell batteri complet discharg ca n harm nicad batteri overcom memori effect common problem that time individu cel l can develop intern short will weaken cell that connect reduc lifespan your bat teri pack etc naiv question discharg cell discharg entir batteri comp.sys.mac.hardware memori upgrad excus thi frequent question check faq coul dn find iisi standard meg memori and want add addit memori budget don meg max pe rform wise and econom thi told that us simm amount memori that meg meg etc want bui meg and us rest manual hasn help thi respond mail isn worth bandwidth common human law and interest wouldn exactli call and emot valid happi dogma make sign ifig vast feel not cosmo larg get laid lovecraft carter jacob sunspot ssl berkel ei edu comp.sys.mac.hardware find reliabl power center for mac find reliabl power cen ter basic surg protector that sit below monitor and individu control for each ou tlet peopl opinion that work that locat microcent catalogu tripp lite isobar com mand consol proxima power director kensington masterpiec us you send your feedba ck shalabh comp.sys.mac.hardware centri tm drive recent purchas centri and difficulti get comput recogn hard disk drive extern disk uitili tm diskwrit and jasmin softwar will show drive drive devic connect scuzzi port find manual tm pro and rememb t hat termin that not that not recogn extern disk drive advanc for inform eugen ro sen geni erosen riversid road compuserv sandi hook aol gene rosen comp.sys.mac.hardware modem question art comp.sys.mac.hardware educ price articl kyv dal hay dal kevin hay write you ca n find retail that price keyboard educ price wari retail outlet sell cheap educ price for retail mail order cda comput price thant campu comput store found repa ir appl regist repair center cpu resal serial number had remov and replac standa rd number cda comput appl repair man not warrenti repair end dai warrenti cda ap pl month warrenti boi moral stori caveat emptor you reliabl trustworthi mail ord er firm exist enlighten experi you will price your local educ outlet simpli mail order state not requir sale tax for longer remain addit sale tax cpu purchas wi ll wipe educ discount caveat emptor mail order compani includ sale tax purchas e ven state check richard richard appleyard jaguar csc wsu edu washington state un ivers voic fax err human screw thing take comput comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler for interest peopl experi acceler for acceler ro ut improv performac upgrad motherboard bui mac ideal ala monei for acceler mothe rboard mail repli prefer steve labovitz dept materi scienc engin penn comp.sys.mac.hardware can cheapest price can cheapest price for teleport gold fax modem global villag answer will highli appreci advanc regard thian comp.sys.mac.hardware fix trackbal trackbal longer move horizont direct call n earest author appl servic person told that need replac and that cost ouch can re commend expens fix thi problem strang symptom problem that ball socket and shine light into hole can make cursor move horizont move wheel finger work fine that won work turn light suggest comment ben roi poor colleg student internet america n edu comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor turn articl gcohen mailer acn fsu edu gcohen mai ler acn fsu edu gregori cohen wrote articl apr rhrk uni staudt physik uni willi staudt linder write staudt physik uni willi staudt linder subject monitor turn d ate tue apr gmt kayc leland stanford edu write strang problem appl monitor hopef ulli can shed light comput for minut and screen blank switch monitor screen not turn monitor even turn power and back will monitor sit night and turn doesnt sta i for long dooe similar experi such problem fuse monitor that prevent turn turn monitor that monitor turn prevent mecham appl rgb monitor problem high voltag ca pasitor appl thi problem and replac cap cost fall into bad batch that supplier y our local repair shop repair extens comp.sys.mac.hardware laserjet iii print appletalk duo print appletalk printer dmm laserwrit stuff serial driverand nothig vetri save postscriptfil and send s endp and can topen laserwrit driver appletalk messagethatprint not and imagewrit

writ cabl us null modem adapt lowel lowel reiter vacat tuft univers internet acc ount lreiter jade tuft edu comp.sys.mac.hardware dead mous macclass mous di dissect and determin that mic roswitch that sens click that stuck depress mode thi tragedi prompt question eas i find microswitch that solder into place switch mice max mac can us adapt comp.sys.mac.hardware gener question softwar and hardwar introduc macintosh sy stem question mail prefer system want hard detail not dingi commerci ad magazin us microsoft offic suggest and descript each microsoft actual name word excel po wer point mail major differ mac wordperfect and word lot comp.sys.mac.hardware performa intern modem hear that performa lciii intern mo dem can modem part obtain and instal lciii nice powerbook intern modem that hope for comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour articl apr waikato that plug and unplug adb devic power not support and you can hit problem you multipl devic cla sh address and that had coupl mail respons peopl that thi sort thing not unsuppo rt downright danger heard such warn appl ask coupl technician servic mac for yea r danger damag logic board plug and unplug adb devic power scsi adb lawrenc oliv eiro fone comput servic dept fax univers waikato electr mail ldo waikato hamilto n zealand gmt comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem jim jagubox gsfc nasa gov jim jagiel ski write heck thi thi true ap info sinc formatt apollyon and haven transoft and that meant jim jagielski and gonna stiff jim jagubox gsfc nasa gov hei lama nas a gsfc code you for effort greenbelt comp.sys.mac.hardware iii nubu capabl forgiv thi ask friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot compusa and computerc supercent don carri thi mean iii incap carri nubu board obilig marvin mmiller garnet msen deal hear editor chief publish peopl understand deaf michigand terror year for marvi n monthli newspap mail for complimentari quot not appli copi todai hear peopl comp.sys.mac.hardware asant adaptor won work duo bill kurland bill panix wrote guess thi opinion and thought warn prospect custom for fwiw work for focu enhan c and lot peopl sell etherlan scsi ethernet interfac disgruntl user success comp ar product dayna focu don want us that nubu slot sigh had new focu etherlan inco mpat duo thi chang futur appl regist compat card that compat duodock send questi on focu applelink appl peter cohen telecommut comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour articl djcohen yalevm ycc yale ed u daniel cohen djcohen yalevm ycc yale edu write notic interest phenomenon centr i unplug keyboard and mous and plug turn power mous suddenli switch half normal movement speed check mous control panel and chang set full speed restart machin restor normal mous speed happen newer style mous that centri and older style mou s iifx work don resolut set mous quirk adb interfac hardwar softwar centri notic thi exact phenomenon occur lciii perhap quirk machin mine work fine cent worth comp.sys.mac.hardware frontplat for syquest iivi iivx make find frontplat for iivi iivx intern syquest drive make origin rom scratch suggest jartsu comp.sys.mac.hardware spigot iii friend mine problem run spigot iii configur s pigot iii system video spigot extens apprici can postit neg experi thi setup ami r comp.sys.mac.hardware rom acceler video articl apr reed edu especkma reed edu erik speckman write macus articl centri and quadra machin mention that and and n ot had rom acceler video don recal dale adam post dale post not word that macus us rom acceler video mean that quickdraw command rewritten insid rom advantag ad dress mode command that fill slightli faster sinc instruct fetch byte time versu comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor shut re defect re monitor bring dealer and will replac flyback for free heard thi problem work todai and fix for free comp.sys.mac.hardware dead mous comp.sys.mac.hardware video iici run nec fgx mode iici can video card video ca rd michael comp.sys.mac.hardware comput engr comput scienc articl apr macadam mike macada m write freshman colleg and can decid whether major comput engin comput scienc a dvic suggest will appreci mike professor mine onc differ comput engin and comput scientist mean engin make main differ that peopl write program that peopl will

us databas graphic word processor etc engin write for machin control system comp ut your car flight control system comput control devic etc word write softwar cs e write firmwar gener for part that differ not joke scott comp.sys.mac.hardware mac scsi pmmu socket question thi post for friend not us enet access contact not directli you mac suppos socket for pmmu chip that socket motherboard obtain pmmu chip mhz surplu store and instal mac circa cannot socke t instal send pinout for mac scsi interfac you contact david chan bzone attmail comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor shut re articl apr guvax acc georgetown edu hew guvax acc georgetown edu write defect re monitor bring dealer and will replac fl yback for free heard thi problem work todai and fix for free servic notic re mon itor expir thi date appl will not reimburs servic provid for fix replac voltag c apacitor you folk that put intermitt shutdown get your servic provid miss freebi forc for year you free you deal jeff hite comput center oregon jeffh ludwig uor egon edu comp.sys.mac.hardware gener question two question requir creat macintosh netwo rk includ laser printer line printer etc bare minimum creat network for primari purpos network laser printer approx mac comp.sys.mac.hardware set lb top centri articl hvjx new cso uiuc edu dlbg uxa cso uiuc edu david berk write recent purchas centri and mirror technolog inch mo no monitor wonder set monitor top cpu monitor weigh lb call appl person spoke no t find and call back coupl dai that week ago respond email don time read thi gro up david berk berk uiuc edu yea lot good inform thi newsgroup prepar for lot det ail even ship time week guess biggest disappoint lack detail written spec and do cument case load spec exampl setup section appl and monitor can top and big can couldn publish maximum load can figur hope partit button hard disk setup util da re and happen can divid wealth famili member bit securli get inform section manu al suggest avenu call appl didn mention net mike feldman motorola comput group f ax east univers avenu pager urbana mcdphx uiucuxc udc feldman feldman urbana mcd mot comp.sys.mac.hardware spec greatli mail you that fine spec for esp compar pent ium spec for estim cost releas date etc interest speed system can run window ris c cost bu info regist info technic info hope that can win anoth battl intel peop l for info you can give lazer patrick delahanti warn mst star trek fan macintosh user internet patrickd wpi wpi edu and sysop blue bb lazer lablu call blue bb m acintosh user for macintosh do file free usenet comp.sys.mac.hardware error quadra differ rdk cec wustl edu robert david klapp er write that fix bug cpu screw float point calcul detail thi sort error sensit strang problem intens program get lot segment loader error thinkc and system gre gori woodburi wolv den unix durham standard disclaim dukcd wolv ggw duke wolv gg w us map domain ggw wolv durham ggw wolv duke duke edu thi site not affili duke univers idiot comp.sys.mac.hardware desktop rebuild and datadesk keyboard articl uiuc edu tt hiel uiuc edu terri thiel write ijust datadesk keyboard centri and problem deskt op rebuild hold command and option kei and restart noth happen dip switch set an d command and option kei work run btw problem terri terri recent bought lciii an d datadesk can rememb rebuild desktop give strang problem held shift startup dis abl extens noth happen anoth keyboard adb connector cabl and work keyboard shift kei datadesk keyboard work check dipswitch and fine disabl your extens and work annoi datadesk keyboard mail for inspect repair replac technician phone dai tur n time mean you receiv inspect repair keyboard that time had keyboard for week a nd info annoi cost send keyboard not refund monei and costum servic line toll ca ll you similar experi david mirski gnu mit edu comp.sys.mac.hardware desktop rebuild and datadesk keyboard articl uiuc edu tt hiel uiuc edu terri thiel write ijust datadesk keyboard centri and problem deskt op rebuild hold command and option kei and restart noth happen dip switch set an d command and option kei work run btw problem terri resend thi messag new progra m goof time terri recent bought lciii and datadesk don rememb rebuild desktop gi ve strang problem held shift startup disabl extens noth happen anoth keyboard ad b connector cabl and work keyboard shift kei datadesk keyboard work check dipswi tch and fine disabl your extens and work annoi datadesk keyboard mail for inspec

t repair replac technician phone dai turn time mean you receiv inspect repair ke yboard that time had keyboard for week and info annoi cost send keyboard and tec hnic support line not toll free you similar experi david mirski mirski gnu mit e du comp.sys.mac.hardware educ price articl apr jaguar csc wsu edu jaguar csc wsu edu write articl kyv dal hay dal kevin hay write you can find retail that price keyboard educ price wari retail outlet sell cheap educ price for retail mail ord er cda comput price thant campu comput store found repair appl regist repair cen ter cpu resal serial number had remov and replac standard number cda comput appl repair man not warrenti repair end dai warrenti cda appl month warrenti boi mor al stori caveat emptor appl not authoris sale mail order result mail order compa ni obtain machin grei market thi market suppli machin authoris resel machin can sell come into thi state affair overord accident deliberatli wholsal price appl case obscur serial nunber protect ident result warranti void you save sale tax y ou pai for ship point that mail order compani cannot lower price thatn high volu m authoris dealer bui below dealer cost result can sell cheaper cut cost and tri m margin unfortunatli dont lowest price quot mailord not beat lowest price autho ris local dealer even educ price erik speckman comp.sys.mac.hardware fix trackbal blue roller trackbal interior rub support p ush pin that longer touch had similar problem rob comp.sys.mac.hardware jump start mac you rememb clamp ground engin block rob comp.sys.mac.hardware fix trackbal you want check honesti your dealler know wr ong and you charg you servic fee rob comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii powerpc lciii and recent heard interest rumor hear d that lciii built slot for powerpc chip thi true heard that slot not pd slot th at true david mirski mirski gnu mit edu comp.sys.mac.hardware printer blp elit articl ghoetker nova glen hoetker ghoet ker nova sti nasa gov write market for post script compat laser writer pretti mo dest dpi page minut fine budget pretti modest inexpens good will work singl mac network good invest for futur that mind comment suitabl qualiti gcc blp elit pri nter recent purchas gcc blp elit and you describ addit want that access appletal k that elimin line inexpens printer appl print qualiti good excel base font you and paper you us experi paper medium grade laser printer paper work fine print e nvelop transpari letter head singl feed job easi adjust automat center guid top sheet feeder align paper properli and doesn feed sheet sheet feeder affili gcc s atisfi custom earl fife depart mathemat fife calvin edu calvin colleg grand rapi d comp.sys.mac.hardware daystar articl fqno new udel edu bill johnston johnston udel edu write bui daystar mhz for sinc mail problem thi board question board wo rk and problem kind softwar haven report problem turbo knowledg daystar not rele as version board that work iisi and iici and not finish tweak test for us thi no t happen upgrad releas guess recommend wait bui mhz board and upgrad compat assu r turbo interfac card for iix iicx etc will sooner compat requir patient and pio neer ad advant wait for daystar for that power cach acceler will plug into cpu s ocket leav pd slot free for video card ethernet card daystar upgrad path lose si tuat earl fife depart mathemat fife calvin edu calvin colleg grand rapid comp.sys.mac.hardware centri zack smith write konpej eua ericsson per ejeklint write miss centri fpu ship europ you model ship not fpu not miss you that model ship usa fpu ethernet per ejeklint repeat centri sold zealand and assum europ f pu and ethernet bought and fpu and ethernet comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi clock upgrad complet success upgrad mhz wait delive ri mhz clock for final speed trial need heatsink cpu quit hot touch higher speed glu cent radio shack sink made call for report failur last week report arriv lo cal seattl report cpu damag due user slip iron and put gash into board not exact li problem due cpu run fast nice poll report top speed and system configur inclu d pd and nubu card us happi coordin and report result gui kuo guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware convers clark nwu edu brian clark write articl apr vax o xford roe vax oxford wrote work data acquisit and analysi program collect data i nsect sensori organ stuff delet anoth altern us sound input port can you make du

e exist dynam rang bit convert dubiou linear and monoton and perhap coupl depend type question you ask case will fine critic inform neuron fire frequenc maximum action potenti per second and not amplitud signal detail signal shape resolut y ou bit convertor suffici coupl not problem sinc case you not interest level pre amplifi coupl critic point lowest frequenc that will pass cutoff point high acti on potenti will slightli distort even that not matter sinc occurr spike that imp ort want exactli can expect start battl toolbox clue start for technic specif pe ter roe vax oxford comp.sys.mac.hardware stylewrit question articl egail miniac egail etu gel ula v eric gailloux write read articl swii thing puzzl articl swii serial devic that mean unplug modem each time want print plug printer printer port and modem mode m port comp.sys.mac.hardware fix trackbal articl auvm american edu auvm american edu write trackbal longer move horizont direct call nearest author appl servic perso n told that need replac and that cost ouch can recommend expens fix thi problem strang symptom problem that ball socket and shine light into hole can make curso r move horizont move wheel finger work fine that won work turn light suggest com ment ben roi poor colleg student internet american edu ben sinc you adept unders tand trackbal work thing short repair that can thorough clean part and check for proper placement blue roller sinc aren fix posit stainless steel pin you slide into slightli posit powerbook can slide almost complet contact trackbal fact not e sumex fix trackbal advoc slide roller that edg contact ball not center cylindr area thi and improv feel adjust time time pop open offic and isn latitud for mo vement adjust roller slightli your suspect like culprit slipperi blue roller you can clean mild soapi solut isopropyl alcohol ball greas free you drop ball minu retain ring roll ball and caus axl spin thi doesn solv order electr connect cas e replac experi mice and trackbal that dirt normal problem not electr malfunct h ope thi help murrai murrai altheim il ont orteil bouc chevreil oreil instruct co nsult corn chamoi face vermeil csu sacramento comm roug croissant dancent tout n uict altheimm csu edu dedan carrefour pre un eau qui bruict comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep appl bug lreiter jade tuft edu lowe l reiter write duo crash close lid goesto sleeplikenorm open press kei screen sh owsthi wi pattern you can bere make outth menubar top word bar anditfrezz lowel lowel reiter vacat tuft univers internet account lreiter jade tuft edu problem a nd post thi duo owner and appl technic peopl duo appear problem wake sleep run b atteri power woken for second time sleep wake fail and screen appear corrupt ima g broken horizont line and control can recov control command poweron reset kei b ack machin problem occur even system stock standard extens virtual memori fulli charg batteri system etc not had problem machin plug check that batteri properli seat appear fine had thi problem softwar hardwar you duo and bit time repeatedl i sleep and wake machin batteri power and you behaviour and appl can clear thi f or bruce bruce tulloch sydnei australia brucet extro ucc complex problem straigh t forward easi understand wrong answer comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii problem final comput fix and sum hard drive compan i origin meg drive that bad bad sector ibm quantum lciii suppos ship ibm qualiti differ appar second hard drive posit put lciii side and had problem even switch back and horizont and vertic and problem concern don posit import for drive meg comput don rom life lane end half mile ravi konchigeri mongoos leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep appl bug not thi type problem point appl rep told that duo system enabl file version fix kind sleep relat problem y ou want investig thi josip loncar comp.sys.mac.hardware stylewrit question read articl swii thing puzzl articl s wii serial devic that mean unplug modem each time want print printer port mac se rial interfac imagewrit kri system fourd phone cute quot comput mean never you comp.sys.mac.hardware powervis for market for intern color video adaptor for w onder us powervis adaptor made mirror can you feel speed and compat interest boa rd envisio etc you such board mail your opinion advanc john comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour articl apr waikato ldo waikato la wrenc oliveiro waikato univers write articl apr waikato that plug and unplug adb

devic power not support and you can hit problem you multipl devic clash address and that had coupl mail respons peopl that thi sort thing not unsupport downrig ht danger heard such warn appl ask coupl technician servic mac for year danger d amag logic board plug and unplug adb devic power noooooooo servic mac for year a nd had repair number motherboard that had damag thi rare happen mind you thi doe sn mean you shouldn part that can blow adb power fuse and filter aren expens you can compon level repair worth risk you seattl you pai fix hand your repair opti on appl standard logic board swap major you plai safe scsi adb scsi adb floppi c an troubl gordon davisson davisson stein washington edu westwind comput univers suit seattl comp.sys.mac.hardware duo dock process seth fail advantag whatsoev thi kind se t seth dumb idea don bui kristen thi copi freddi evalu origin leo technolog hst comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook freez second dai ago powerbook start freez app r second inact stai aliv long program activ run long mous move experi similar pr oblem fix repli email can read thi newsgroup regard mike fisher efish ntu frank siebenlist frank ntu senior research fellow gintic institut manufactur technolog gimt nanyang technolog univers ntu nanyang avenu singapor tel fax comp.sys.mac.hardware daystar turbo opinion think upgrad mhz version had exper i acceler and you problem speedomet result faster mhz basic hear thi product res pond email and summar big respons advanc andrew comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour articl nainn shellei washington e du davisson stein washington edu gordon davisson write mind you thi doesn mean y ou shouldn part that can blow adb power fuse and filter aren expens you can comp on level repair worth risk you seattl you pai fix hand your repair option appl s tandard logic board swap major you plai safe scsi adb floppi can troubl otoh luc ki unplug and replug scsi and adb quit and never blown blew adb short cabl matth ew russotto russotto eng umd edu russotto wam umd edu new reader expect disclaim polic search and seizur make us forc not respons for bodili harm result advic comp.sys.mac.hardware seek fax for network access seek recommend vendor for ne twork fax us for outgo fax mac net abil fax platform ethernet interfac preffer l ocaltalk suffic can provid info advanc peter peter haas internet haas meediv lan l gov network manag lo alamo nation laboratori comp.sys.mac.hardware want us deskjet system us deskjet orang micro grappler s ystem updat system system kanji talk can not print deskjet grappler can us deskj et system us deskjet system you japan mori volga mfd fujitsu comp.sys.mac.hardware macintosh luggabl line screen don us for work correctli long appl continu make system softwar that will run slowli problem screen tilt b ack vertic line screen pixel and affect somewhat open window and pull menu semi technic person loos connect screen and rest comput open suggest that not involv bui comput take thi shop not bui larri pina book larri not feel strongli comput bui servic manual for relat note monitor connector connect erik comp.sys.mac.hardware performa monitor performa monitor compat appl color disp lai vga moniro will comp.sys.mac.hardware rack mount price good product that rack mount blow monei applic music and haul plan drive don depend intern fix hard drive pretti rough intern san francisco bai area that matter info and midi and care email price pai d for price list faq never mind curiou differ retail and local univers price jef f adam adam ups mtv gtegsc comp.sys.mac.hardware current rom version ship syquest drive titl and rom vers ion steve comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep appl bug mysstem crash aftwer sleep p us enabl us appletalk and fileshar and expressmodem lowel lowel reiter vacat t uft univers internet account lreiter jade tuft edu comp.sys.mac.hardware centri decstat net adapt pnsf smuc umassd edu denni wilk inson write not necessarili thrid parti adapt appl manufactur transceiv for thin wir and baset twist pair cabl media aui attach unit interfac transciev run each you us thinwir baset you termin appl transceiv termin rememb correctli idea dec parti media adapt cheaper toronto appl bought adapt asant appl gurman umbra gsfc nasa gov joseph gurman write decstat model and come thinwir can for model and y our bet that not true decstat come thinwir bnc coaxial ethernet connector and si

ngl pin aui ethernet connector distinctli rememb thi and thought thinwir eventu had back and order desta dec overs version aui bnc adapt that us transciev cabl for rest station advis origin poster beverli you want creat lan two workstat and won add machin for thinwir media type for utp unshield twist pair wire requir c oncentr mean extra monei and unit come port for thicknet nightmar and cabl expen s avoid you choic two machin two floor part mac side you will thinwir media adap t appl parti macx make you version won run system mactcp come macx you macx you get mactcp don us earlier version centri you not ohm termin depend thinwir media adapt sale adapt termin not configur mactcp us ethernet decstat side you will f or model you will connector for model you will aui bnc adapt that can plug direc tli aui port decstat thi you save cost transciev cabl pin aui male pin aui femal cabl ohm termin your two machin network will thi decstat centri decstat centri ohm termin connector thinwir coaxial cabl aui bnc thick thin adapt thickwir medi a adapt assum termin andi andi sun andi utoronto taddl creek road toronto comput coordin ontario canada depart industri engin phone univers toronto fax comp.sys.mac.hardware vga monitor and mac seri comput recal read that mac and iii can us stand ard vga monitor cabl adapt uncertain thi sinc ask peopl thi not can vga monitor us mac spec need for monitor work mac horizont nad vertic frequ enc comp.sys.mac.hardware lcd overhead projector apr ed jan camhpp mdcbb jan vande nbrand write for color lcd screen you place overhead projector and control prese nt mac can you recommend brand price talk for good displai you activ matrix pane l and bright overhead projector design us lcd panel stage not hot proxima ovat u nit and like need brighter projector us expens for you imho price activ matrix p anel rumour drop substanti thi year tarrif lift canadian dollar proxima ovat mod el rang price and good overhead projector for that kind monei you can brighter i mag beam projector sacrific portabl proper room light extrem import you want you r audienc light read handout and not that light wash your displai front room tri cki comp.sys.mac.hardware toshiba and rom notic toshiba version intern extern and portabl can differ portabl and extern version bai area can find model bill willi am daul advanc support informix softwar inc bohannon menlo park uunet infmx bill d billd informix comp.sys.mac.hardware convert keyboard for mac mac coupl year ago bought shine i appl keyboard abd port replac mac pro extend keyboard enjoi you thi extra keyb oard us problem jack for keyboard input and keyboard don extra adb cabl local ap pl dealer such nice peopl couldn order wire wire adb cabl black white red tan gr ound get serial signal suppli volt and forgot fourth you hook wrong you fry boar d and don want that brave soul thi mail your experi directli greatli sinc appl o rigin keyboard not ergonom correct btw apart keyboard find correl wire for jack and adb sinc such luck connect solder insid box ti blink ey ti draught breath bl ossom health pale death gild saloon briar shroud spirit mortal proud william kno x shagberg cmp ilstu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware mac portabl intern fax modem can intern fax modem for or igin mac portabl made for manufactur can find for your gene wright gene jackatak raider net gene wright jackatak raider net comp.sys.mac.hardware mac portabl ram problem coprocessor not instal recent bo ught ram card for origin mac portabl backlit and sinc had bizarr crash happen pu t machin sleep and wake machin sometim will freez cursor and lock machin forc pu sh reset switch time will give usual bomb box error messag processor not instal solut not put machin sleep idea caus thi fix memori card psuedostat ram and into pd slot that figur into problem manufactur king memori not kingston irvin probl em machin idea gene wright gene jackatak raider net gene wright jackatak raider net comp.sys.mac.hardware driver for datafram driver for bernoulli cartridg datafr am hard disk system fri and haven locat origin disk can thi mail advanc wayn lyl e wayn lyle dilworth paxson kalish kauffman philadelphia comp.sys.mac.hardware question centri ram luck futur and wonder clear two ques tion for speed simm want that vram not for main ram heard two conflict stori tot al expand ram and meg true perhap anoth phrase meg version come meg logic board

meg meg simm wonder dave hollinsworth hlsw uhura rochest edu astound time fleet mad take plai toll riff raff rocki horror pictur show pinbal disclaim opinion comp.sys.mac.hardware replac intern fdhd floptic iisi floppi drive that bad an d align haven check drive not easili repar replac intern floptic can thi easili can assum that floptic drive can read and write and floppi thi not fact true adv anc kiran comp.sys.mac.hardware colour card for wouldani afair price for color card auss i dollar wonder view express thi post individu author bb number maccont victoria icon bb comp.sys.mac.hardware ram upgrad will slow you absolutei true you fail mention fact that lciii pin simm bit access each simm case iii simm slot access will bi t wide view express thi post individu author bb number maccont victoria icon bb comp.sys.mac.hardware interest adb behaviour apr waikato ldo waikato lawrenc o liveiro waikato univers write heard such warn appl ask coupl technician servic m ac for year danger damag logic board plug and unplug adb devic power problem tha t pin adb connector close each and you happen bend cabl insert you short adb por t you appl repair centr that mean motherboard compon replac physic for serial po rt localtalk cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux thi articl print recycl ele ctron comp.sys.mac.hardware rom acceler video qknuq agat berkelei edu web berkelei e du jame wang write address mode command that fill slightli faster sinc instruct fetch byte time versu even can fetch two byte time instruct move fetch byte time that mean bit pixel cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux thi articl print re cycl electron comp.sys.mac.hardware ad int hard disk drive iicx haven info add extra intern disk mac and had good advic mac iicx origin intern quantum hard disk and unus fl oppi drive spare connor disk us idea replac broken floppi drive hard disk proble m intern scsi cabl and power cabl insid connector for singl hard disk drive made ribbon cabl and power cabl connector each for motherboard for each disk work ii cx suppli extra power extra disk termin suppos that remov resistor pack disk tha t closest motherboard leav instal disk scsi jumper chang that disk get problem f or remov floppi drive extern floppi that can us won boot hard disk you torbj rog n email rogntorb idt unit comp.sys.mac.hardware want hard drive market for hard drive iisi and almost fi ll sell for mac for cheap can mail order and place bui for price net thi newsgro up that sell for wholesal cheaper info appreci comp.sys.mac.hardware mac iisi power limit mac iisi and upgrad card hard drive etc can you power limit for pd slot and hard drive power feed secondli can you separ limit for each singl limit for combin felix lin reader comp sy mac hardwar feilimau leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem attent mac quadra owner storag indus tri expert conclud that mac quadra suffer time irregular deviat standard scsi sp ecif thi result silent corrupt data us devic includ ultra modern devic will not name devic sinc not fault exampl soni inch special mac compat firmwar instal sol ut sometim disabl blind write thi doesn sound don quadra us mac noth scsi time t hat handl chip time wrong appl program clock regist wrong that hurt synchron tra nsfer not us mac scsi manag disabl blind write meaningless quadra mac that us lo wer level scsi chip mac respons for handshak each byte transfer blind mode affec t mac handl that handshak handshak handl chip tim smith comp.sys.mac.hardware can monitor articl carsona sfu carsona fraser sfu debra carson write virtual screen larger size us you step for time work powerbook syst em minor problem menubar icon edg latest version step that work deni comp.sys.mac.hardware for free share ware for ftp site freewar sharewar for ma c will lot driver sourc code ftp site inform appreci advanc young dept info univ tokyo email young tokyo comp.sys.mac.hardware question centri ram articl apr galileo rochest edu hlsw uhura rochest edu dave hollinsworth wrote luck futur and wonder clear two questi on for speed simm want that vram not for main ram pin simm heard two conflict st ori total expand ram and meg true perhap anoth phrase meg version come meg logic board meg meg simm config each case memori solder board leav simm socket open t

otal address memori for wonder michael mcguir mcguir utkvx utk edu utcc user ser vic comp.sys.mac.hardware disappear hard drive intern disappear for dai last week and hear reason theori folk can suggest for happen ram and intern drive run syst em scsi devic properli termin chain had shut system for dai town and sometim thu nderstorm thi time year and restart blink question mark boot floppi and that ext ern sign intern instal system folder extern and boot thing disk aid and silverli n inquir intern drive not find error talk silverlin claim connor drive quantum b ack thing work point notic that intern had reappear disk aid that etc thing fine happen thi warn that intern die nervou and thi signal that intern sick true tha t can put drive insid folk claim limit size power and that includ laci phone tha t fit for answer comp.sys.mac.hardware disabl power manag interrupt point init that turn power manag duo write init that turn power manag duo point document power manag that c an write such init explain such init total partial imposs ideal turn and fly sur e such init help powerbook owner want midi cannot imagin not requir appl divlug secret and that case sure appl write init appl bring model fast dai that even do n work scott petrack petrack haifasc vnet ibm comp.sys.mac.hardware appl announc performa version articl apr desir wright ed u demon desir wright edu not boomer write appl announc that will start sell vesi on performa machin will built modem and bundl softwar model will and price not s et appl retail price machin expect rang kind post thi you substanti world give d etail come mac that model etc comp.sys.mac.hardware desktop rebuild and datadesk keyboard datadesk mac keybo ard similar problem found that hold hand shift kei startup will work disabl exte ns left hand shift kei won unfortun sinc left instinct reach for similarli train hold hand pair command option for desktop rebuild irrit cheer michael michael s mith smith pell anu edu mathemat research section australian nation univers comp.sys.mac.hardware memori upgrad jacob plasma ssl berkelei edu nga throgaw shaygii write excus thi frequent question check faq couldn find you excus answer vari mac mac complex answer faq iisi standard meg memori and want add addit mem ori budget don meg max perform wise and econom thi told that us simm amount memo ri that meg meg etc want bui meg and us rest manual hasn help thi bit wide data bu and you us bit wide simm short cut you quit greg word not motorola equal righ t not special right gpb gpb mac sp mot will not ride back bu greg berryman silen c death motorola austin texa usa true glb mail list glblist gpb mac sp mot motor ola comp.sys.mac.hardware set lb top centri had question for nec monitor appl gui that monitor put ontop centri and had coment that put nec box think monitor smal l tilt swivel base weight concentr appl don area base tilt swivel addition cdrom drive middl cut piec thick wood cover cream cover cloth and us buffer layer cen tri top and monitor mick mueck mick mueck analog hate chipsoft macintax comp.sys.mac.hardware thunderscan spare imagewrit cover replac cover need us t hunderscan imagewrit can fool printer into work cover stick suitabl magnet into cover sensor for ralph magnet trick will work care you appli white tape rubber c arriag roller tell scanner edg and can come jim edgewai infolink name edgewai wi msei gui bb voic view express individu author firstclass postalunion lite north vancouv canada comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii problem articl apr leland stanford edu ravi konchi geri mongoos leland stanford edu write final comput fix and sum hard drive compa ni origin meg drive that bad bad sector ibm quantum lciii suppos ship ibm qualit i differ appar second hard drive posit put lciii side and had problem even switc h back and horizont and vertic and problem concern don posit import for drive me g comput don rom life lane end half mile ravi konchigeri mongoos leland stanford edu ravi not good idea horizont format hard disk vertic posit drive format hori zont posit can not complet compens for gravit pull vertic posit not that your ha rd disk will fail tomorrow month that chanc you want detail info problem mail su nnyt dna bch edu sunni comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii problem sidewai articl qmgjk menudo edu sunnyt cod e bch edu write not good idea horizont format hard disk vertic posit drive forma

t horizont posit can not complet compens for gravit pull vertic posit not that y our hard disk will fail tomorrow month that chanc you want detail info problem m ail sunnyt dna bch edu sunni ask thi question ago contempl place side receiv res pons seagat trash messag state that newer drive seagat can compens for graviti t hi mean that horizont format drive can vertic data integr problem that newer dri ve cannot work you vari forc shake bounc etc don place drive side rock chair con stitut newer drive don call your drive manufactur quantum intern and sinc month ago guess newer comp.sys.mac.hardware want us deskjet system articl mori apr cere mfd fujitsu mori volga mfd fujitsu tsuyoshi mori write us deskjet orang micro grappler syste m updat system system kanji talk can not print deskjet grappler can us deskjet s ystem us deskjet system you japan mori volga mfd fujitsu us deskjet grappler ver and work system us swa dutch and swa swiss font that due size requir print pnt definit print pnt font upgrad talk orang micro and state that ver grappler work system upgrad pass hope thi help marc marc donovan donovan bnr voic fax disclaim respons for opinion comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii powerpc mirski hal gnu mit edu david joshua mirski write lciii and recent heard interest rumor heard that lciii built slot for pow erpc chip thi true heard that slot not pd slot that true don hype such thing pow erpc slot hade comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem don specif problem mention your mess ag had scsi problem and vener jasmin megadr cartridg drive solut silverlin loop that involv blind write work drive fact loop that work macintosh softwar loop th at mean mark comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem tz stein washington edu tim smith wr ite attent mac quadra owner storag industri expert conclud that mac quadra suffe r time irregular deviat standard scsi specif thi result silent corrupt data us d evic includ ultra modern devic will not name devic sinc not fault exampl soni in ch special mac compat firmwar instal solut sometim disabl blind write thi doesn sound don quadra us mac noth scsi time that handl chip time wrong appl program c lock regist wrong that hurt synchron transfer not us mac scsi manag disabl blind write meaningless quadra mac that us lower level scsi chip mac respons for hand shak each byte transfer blind mode affect mac handl that handshak handshak handl chip doc that scsi manag bug thi thing jim jagielski and gonna stiff jim jagubo x gsfc nasa gov hei lama nasa gsfc code you for effort greenbelt comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin write don specif problem mention your messag had scsi prob lem and vener jasmin megadr cartridg drive solut silverlin loop that involv blin d write work drive fact loop that work macintosh softwar loop that mean doubt th i quadra specif problem had rid vener bernoulli last year cartridg purchas each make thing worth comput tech support gui ocean microsystem suggest that parti dr iver fix problem case cartridg wouldn format mount partit for bill johnston john ston udel edu chamber street newark comp.sys.mac.hardware mac scsi pmmu socket question articl qkmb jethro corp su n khc marantz corp sun write mac suppos socket for pmmu chip that socket motherb oard obtain pmmu chip mhz surplu store and instal mac circa cannot socket instal origin mac had appl mmu chip instal perform subset function you underneath your front left floppi bai you will find chip approxim size will and approxim size w ill appl chip easi spot hump middl exampl that and appl logo make easi find ben mpretzel utexa edu comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii problem ravi konchigeri mongoos leland stanford ed u write hard drive compani origin meg drive that bad bad sector ibm quantum lcii i suppos ship ibm qualiti differ offici experi includ quantum problem free brand mac second hard drive posit put lciii side and had problem even switch back and horizont and vertic and problem concern don posit import for drive meg comput d on rom not matter for hard drive mac long doesn fall doug thi signatur construct wyvern technolog tidewat premier onlin inform system login guest password guest regist comp.sys.mac.hardware noisi can articl rjinn cae cad gatech edu vincent cad ga tech edu vincent fox write thi older style fan that remind hous ventil cylindr d

rum blade rotor make thi loud buzz nois due vibrat somewher remov screw and loos en front back quiet can assum that fan hous thi goofi thing touch back case and vibrat suggest for replac fan and stealth thi gui your experi had plan perfect b atf spokesperson cnn fail raid attempt own replac fan silenc macwarehous macconn ect come instruct for instal and requir solder work charm manufactur mobiu dave dlc umcc ai org comp.sys.mac.hardware iii nubu capabl mmiller garnet msen marvin miller write friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot compusa and computerc supercent don carri thi mean iii incap carri nubu board that exactli mean famili mac can us pd card not us nubu hade comp.sys.mac.hardware desktop rebuild and datadesk keyboard smith pell anu edu michael smith write similarli train hold hand pair command option for desktop r ebuild set and didn work phone tech support and gui doesn desktop rebuild hold f or and hold and hold and hold final back and basic work doen and don guess will back macconnect and bui thing plai music keyboard terri comp.sys.mac.hardware qxf fekvh regard rod cerkonei rod cerkonei email hewlett packard rodc east harmoni hpdesk fort collin comp.sys.mac.hardware fpu dumb question fit fpu mac not plain speed increas re fer chip advanc sylvain louboutin phone mail sloubtin dsg tcd distribut system g roup reilli institut room fax depart comput scienc triniti colleg dublin ireland comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii powerpc articl qksuq hal gnu mit edu mirski hal gn u mit edu david joshua mirski write lciii and recent heard interest rumor heard that lciii built slot for powerpc chip thi true heard that slot not pd slot that true david mirski mirski gnu mit edu iii pop top reveal socket for addit vram s imm socket for pin ram simm socket for flat pack fpu processor direct slot pd id ent addit set connet side for full bit data path that lack that guess board powe rpc chip made that fit pd that place andr molyneux wvv insert your favorit discl aim pyramid technolog corp internet street andrem pyramid san jose packet wvv ar i nocal usa comp.sys.mac.hardware question centri ram articl mcguir newsserv utcc utk edu mcguir utkvx utk edu michael mcguir wrote articl apr galileo rochest edu hlsw uh ura rochest edu dave hollinsworth wrote luck futur and wonder clear two question for speed simm want that vram not for main ram pin simm heard two conflict stor i total expand ram and meg true perhap anoth phrase meg version come meg logic b oard meg meg simm config each case memori solder board leav simm socket open tot al address memori for time post dale adam appl comput and requir simm not centri requir simm pete comp.sys.mac.hardware setup partit set lb top centri articl apr urbana mcd mot feldman urbana mcd mot mike feldman wrote can figur hope partit button hard dis k setup util dare and happen can divid wealth famili member bit securli get info rm section manual suggest avenu call appl didn mention net mike feldman motorola comput group fax east univers avenu pager urbana mcdphx uiucuxc udc feldman fel dman urbana mcd mot partit button appl setup let you set and type partit won you creat normal mac volum you silverlin similar that will you advantag unus space your hard disk you don mind reformat thing chri ellen ellen bnr comp.sys.mac.hardware performa intern modem articl lsrk innr new bbn ado quinc bbn buz owen write hear that performa lciii intern modem can modem part obtain and instal lciii nice powerbook intern modem that hope for you misinform check s ear last week modem extern bp data send fax comp.sys.mac.hardware can monitor maxapplezoom sharewar init your monitor not driven intern video chen comp.sys.mac.hardware memori upgrad jeff eniac sea upenn edu georg write us me mori newer model bui upgrad powerbook us card powerbook us meg upgrad meg and me g upgrad for for pb eric smith eric netcom eric infoserv comp.sys.mac.hardware ram upgrad will slow douc tfsquad org andrew gewek write cannot speak for dale quit that macintosh full bit bit data path full advantag that run fast two pin simm pin simm that longword access assum bit data path byt e simm second byte second and thi mean that each longword memori split simm for each byte hand that simm interleav word longword not byte success memori and mem ori control deal bit data path that each suspect that interleav extent that bit

can read written onc thi byte level interleav not confus thi machin longword int erleav two pin simm sort that sort idea you essenti bit data path excus ram bit cpu can handl write success address speed dale pin simm interleav byte allow ful l data bu common usenet and clueless conclus can drawn thi figur kind memori con figur for iii bit datapath fastest idea jason macdonald jason scott macdonald js m cornel edu jsm crux cit cornel edu technolog suffici advanc indistinguish magi c cat exist that arthur clark caress lion comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii cach card press releas heard rumor cach card for l ciii that full data bu width pd slot mauric internet lriggin afit mil comp.sys.mac.hardware modem info for duo altern express modem duo owner want b aud place town back order and part reason want laptop mac can us remot termin wh erev hate wait month modem settl baud you comp.sys.mac.hardware long ram simm last articl apr ultb isc rit edu jek ultb isc rit edu king wrote doesn simm move flip flop don move bigger electron noah n oah appl macintosh hardwar design sun decwrl appl noah not opinion appl comput i nc comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl hvinnseq shellei washington e du tz stein washington edu tim smith wrote attent mac quadra owner storag indust ri expert conclud that mac quadra suffer time irregular deviat standard scsi spe cif thi result silent corrupt data us devic includ ultra modern devic will not n ame devic sinc not fault that fine you name industi expert can track thi thi doe sn sound don quadra us mac noth scsi time that handl chip yup that kinda curiou scsi problem encount due cabl noah noah appl macintosh hardwar design sun decwrl appl noah not opinion appl comput inc comp.sys.mac.hardware iii nubu capabl articl qkkq nigel msen mmiller garnet ms en marvin miller wrote friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot compusa and computerc supercent don carri thi mean iii incap carri n ubu board appl doesn make such card suppos parti big problem that isn room for s tandard nubu card insid iii noah noah appl macintosh hardwar design sun decwrl a ppl noah not opinion appl comput inc comp.sys.mac.hardware put centri intern bai articl jfnp fcx world std jbailei world std jim bailei wrote hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write tz stein wash ington edu tim smith write jbailei world std jim bailei write you intern mix ana log audio output mac gener audio mac motherboard you can sampl audio sound contr ol panel click option button microphon icon you click option button never undim latest word thi you disconnect microphon cabl motherboard button suppos dim audi o will simpli select audio microphon remov don button dim sinc noth select haven track centri check thi assum that machin intern rom bai work quadra don yup mad e mistak month ago thi issu noah noah appl macintosh hardwar design sun decwrl a ppl noah not opinion appl comput inc comp.sys.mac.hardware compar intel and motorola compet neck and neck for crunc h power for clock speed rank you will fit into list pentium powerpc and clock sp eed doubl clock speed doubl processor speed and fill below mhz mhz hear explan e xperienc folk folk troubl repli repli command type address hand and work dave ki tabjian kit ahb jyin vital statist east garden favorit guitarist phil keaggi day ton favorit comput macintosh spaghetti prefer semi broken tredysvr ubbpc dhk ins tal pref top gvl vfl paramax favorit book bibl favorit rush limbaugh commerci ta xula part iii favorit contradict pro child pro choic comp.sys.mac.hardware deskwrit opinion feedback lot worth addit expens problem found word you tabl longer page and cell visibl border last bottom page line pa ge will miss make differ tabl format worst that doesn show word page view page p review ari ari covrigaru univers michigan lab phone room advanc technolog bldg i nternet ari eec umich edu beal av ann arbor comp.sys.mac.hardware long ram simm last articl noah noah appl noah appl noah price write articl apr ultb isc rit edu jek ultb isc rit edu king wrote doesn si mm move flip flop don move bigger electron dynam ram not base flip flop basic si ngl transistor and capacitor store each bit static ram base flip flop and expens and dens and part that move electron and thermal expans noah chri chri wood bel lcor ccw ctt bellcor comp.sys.mac.hardware floptic question articl bmyer slip ot utexa edu billi le

e myer bmyer ccwf utexa edu write floptic technolog and doesn enjoi long term da ta storag optic and last time look floptic disk weren that cheap per floptic dis k per megabyt per sysquest per megabyt don time post thi net listen onc and for floptic media megabyt you don bui by floptic per disk that meagabyt not not bui bulk not get special deal meg good book approch floppi price question sourc can ctr cwru edu chri chri robert ctr cwru edu ctr pyrit som cwru edu robert snowhit eeap cwru edu robert alpha ce cwru edu you find log termin check mail comp.sys.mac.hardware for sale absolut never us mhz motorola that will sell go od offer static free seal packag don good offer will us replac taker supposedli you can for moment demand higher suppli good round number will pai ship offer se nd lewallen ci ohio state edu comp.sys.mac.hardware updat keyboard question for mac coupl year ago bought sh inei appl keyboard abd port replac mac pro extend keyboard enjoi you thi extra k eyboard us problem jack for keyboard input and keyboard don extra adb cabl local appl dealer such nice peopl couldn order wire wire adb cabl black white red tan ground get serial signal suppli volt and forgot fourth you hook wrong you fry b oard and don want that brave soul thi mail your experi directli greatli sinc app l origin keyboard not ergonom correct btw apart keyboard find correl wire for ja ck and adb sinc such luck connect solder insid box thing case you think that abd port newer model connect us you you can us telephon cabl and connect mac pro ke yboard jack word thi engin feat matter find correct order omt thi work will post solut can for input ti blink ey ti draught breath blossom health pale death gil d saloon briar shroud spirit mortal proud william knox shagberg cmp ilstu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi clock upgrad watch iisi speedup report and plan upg rad week plan build small board crystal and switch speed front pannel switch thi can speed want can run slower stock speed experi compat problem applic don expe ct switch clock speed system run can switch lock problem switch mhz need and put back idl mhz not neede thi reduc wear and tear cpu even heat sink not want run clock signal switch us chip two board select frequenc desir and rout directli mo ther board haven start probe insid voltag level power crystal oscil tom dicken b oe comput servic tpd yak boe statement mine and not boe comp.sys.mac.hardware fax modem home offic bought for around don for data fax featur us voic mail box like captain zod zod ncube comp.sys.mac.hardware accelarator accelarator make lot differ understand graph ic and cpu accelar graphic accelar scanner and photo shop combin practic mac iic i kind accelarator can us captain zod zod ncube comp.sys.mac.hardware photo shop scanner macc iici and color scanner scan pict ur dpi print color printer minut make nois mac hang reboot thi mean bui memori d isk free and scan pictur captain zod zod ncube comp.sys.mac.hardware mac constantli reboot side note had mac smoke had machin that sudden start emit thick grayish white smoke each case capacitor that had b ad encount thi keith coolei macintosh lab administr louisiana tech univers tkc e ngr latech edu had happen time two begin student pretti entertain happen lab lec tur demonstr comp.sys.mac.hardware request info floptic drive ad floptic drive current syst em floptic drive recommend for qualiti and perform prefer floptic drive capabl h andl and floppi handl floppi not necess bit iomega floptic and infin floptic dri ve comment recommend for floptic drive that worth into and can purchas mail orde r place etc advanc send repli directli umsoroko ccu umanitoba mike sorokowski um soroko ccu umanitoba comp.sys.mac.hardware for sale teleport adb bp modem send fax sell global vill ag teleport bp modem send fax connect mac adb port softwar for send fax includ a sk will reason offer mail dave dave peak internet dppeak matt ksu ksu edu aol sk ibum comp.sys.mac.hardware for sale simm two meg simm that sell had for each month and lifetim warrenti simm will reason offer mail dave internet dppeak matt ksu k su edu aol skibum comp.sys.mac.hardware put syquest centri rememb read thread dai ago that menti on remov extern syquest drive case and drop intern drive centri that had coupl q uestion pli syquest drive wire drive switch case connect thi switch can comput i

ntern drive notic that drive will lai part motherboard didn close recal lai ram that solder motherboard that problem last question anywher order facepl cover dr ive front panel smaller space left case drive panel size spotsbm clone case cut hole plastic panel that hold tmpty place an welcom keith moffatt kmoffatt vax cs tp umkc edu comp.sys.mac.hardware iici upgrad articl apr thunder mcrcim mcgill edu dudek d aeron mcrcim mcgill edu gregori dudek wrote articl austin ibm login austin ibm w rite ago post note ask for spec quadra and opinion upgrad iici acceler card resp ons that notic you upgrad path cost effici pro con etc complet obtain your deale r recent copi macworld macus foggi memori suggest that relev comparison factor v i vi iici follow mhz mhz data path don recal thi for slower style machin for eth ertalk card board audio ram motherboard simm slot nubu slot flexibl build video vram comparison iici acceler won give you audio ethernet video option acceler cp u perform can compar end cost greg dudek acceler such daystar mhz cheaper upgrad mhz acceler cost upgrad cost quot dealer upgrad you fast built video that suppo rt monitor bit depth and bit depth addit vram scsi port capabl faster throughput make big differ you fast hard drive improv video and scsi featur import you you get upgrad save monei and acceler paul comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra vram question question quadra vram find info thi not precis answer hand quadra monitor capabl bit color vram hand quadra monitor capabl bit color vram vram simm for and put that machin bit color capabl and vra m simm document quadra vram bit color that correct bonu question vram simm hide document power suppli power suppli access vram simm for your daniel salber user interfac research team lgi imag grenobl franc salber imag comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor for lciii folk plan bui lciii advic choos monito r peopl recommend for decent monitor look ad and spec for nec fge and price budg et lciii us resolut specif resolut lciii support resolut recommend for reliabl m ail order place for lciii monitor experi mail order place syex express houston u sa flex bloomingdal jeff jeff lian lian mti sgi lian mip mip technolog inc shore lin boulevard box comp.sys.mac.hardware fax modem for mac you respond request for info kind fax modem question advantag bui global villag teleport gold cheaper brand supra zoom etc heard that supra and zoom us softwar complaint incompat problem supra kind incompat decid bui teleport gold possibl add voic option futur heard voic option that supra will offer thi come summer person mention modem get good review mac magazin want fastest econom sound and voic option fax modem bui for post questio n promis repost answer not post respond advanc regard thian comp.sys.mac.hardware mac suck bui thi test erm comp.sys.mac.hardware acc graphic card graphic card for that acceler plenti ac celer graphic card for that for matt madsen mmadsen ic uci edu comp.sys.mac.hardware adb mous ergo appl suppos start bundlign ergonom adb mou s cpu sold ja jeffrei sullivan research scientist ja isi edu internet inform sci enc institut compuserv univers southern california comp.sys.mac.hardware scsi woe mac iifx troubl scsi mac iifx machin year and h ard drive intern maxtor lxt for two and half year disk recent crash reformat sil verlin reformat receiv random write error test error messag report sector write error detect test good sector not map thi occur randomli hard disk make suspect diagnost refer sector reformat and reinstal scsi read write loop pass and error pass for reason report lot error map sector decid ahead and resinstal system and reload data backup thi proced sub optim perform symptom includ frequent crash i nstanc extrem sluggish disk access requir reboot correct instanc not find disk s csi chain reboot boot norton utl thi occur cannot find disk thing that fix thi r ecycl power sometim requir attempt question had thi type problem problem motherb oard and standard scsi implement maxtor disk diagnost softwar that make thi dete rmin termin problem extern syquest and extern datafram chain end and intern term in not iifx termin scsi filter instal intern drive run thi exact steup for year previou disk crash requir reformat year ago symptom disconnect extern devic don scsi termin issu appreci forrest lumpkin iii nasa am research center lumpkin cor vu arc nasa gov comp.sys.mac.hardware dsp card for fft articl qjnpi bsj uni karlsruh uni karls

ruh thoma koenig wrote heavi duti imag process underpow mac mac iisi for exampl cpu time burn fft card that part load cpu dsp card for exampl callabl pascal rep lac and two dimension fft routin exist program check nation instrument dsp thi t exa instrument tm chip true bit float point dsp pricei comp.sys.mac.hardware high resolut adc for mac articl qidk innhk iskut uc ubc rob dougla dougla ecc ubc wrote articl qhfmg hoh lll winken llnl gov charl cunni ngham cec imag write bui bit adc card for mac digit rate khz prefer khz prefer g ood differenti and integr linear and dma nation instrument you vendor sell such card instrutech corp nice bit and board that can run speed you want itc doesn dm a good size fifo that can buffer your sampl instrutech can reach fax don instrut ech board plan check you care check monoton and ratio bit board board term monot on ratio accuraci etc and and dyynam rang and freedom distort that you expect go od true bit convert thi not true for spectral innov board for exampl comp.sys.mac.hardware iivx upgrad question you teh iivx upgrad includ sticker cover iivx identifi centri indetifi ja jeffrei sullivan research scientist ja is i edu internet inform scienc institut compuserv univers southern california comp.sys.mac.hardware pd nubu iii nubu capabl articl kzl kkb dartvax dartmouth edu hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write mmiller garnet msen marvin miller w rite friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot famili mac can us pd card not us nubu can technic hip macsling differ pd and nubu impo ss make gadget that plug into pd and end nubu card cage marvin friend not locat and fundament reason for thi zap bill higgin fermi nation acceler laboratori bit net higgin fnal bitnet internet higgin fnal fnal gov span hepnet higgin comp.sys.mac.hardware power suppli for mac thnik pick piar mac for noth power suppli dead can pick pair refurbish for cheap prefer mail order plan fior will s old friend termin connect modem mail account will us net client run download and print latest system softwar usabl sucker comp.sys.mac.hardware duo problem chess cat ucsc edu brian vantuyl chess write duo and difficulti machin plug wall adapt put sleep unplug wall and woken crash time noth origin system softwar machin batteri plenti life thi power manag prob lem don speaker occasion make high pitch hiss nois irregular favor sleep and res tart command had duo for week and suffer problem reinstal system softwar twice e ffort combat problem think system softwar problem initi reinstal system not anym or occasion wake duo solid screen horizont line screen freez high pitch hiss occ asion startup call appl hotlin so appl time and final agre astrai duo screen dim and hard drive spun itselft and put sleep thi problem occur twice appl box ship duo look york problem intermitt and can afford duo thi time problem brian cherk a bcherka netcom aol brianc compuserv netcom onlin commun servic san jose comp.sys.mac.hardware lciii problem articl qmgjk menudo edu sunnyt code bch ed u write not good idea horizont format hard disk vertic posit drive format horizo nt posit can not complet compens for gravit pull vertic posit not that your hard disk will fail tomorrow month that chanc you want detail info problem repli sum fact that you can place hard drive side point thi will work drive lp drive that smaller platter and stabl chanc run maxtor lp side and flat for year and had pr oblem period never trust manufactur life lane end half mile ravi konchigeri mong oos leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware video cabl option discuss coupl week ago cabl achiev res olut quadra and centri seri compani that sold cabl mention can mail compani name address etc and info that relev life lane end half mile ravi konchigeri mongoos leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep appl bug thi test comp.sys.mac.hardware powerpc rumin lciii powerpc articl pyramid pyramid andre m pyrtech mi pyramid andr molyneux write articl qksuq hal gnu mit edu mirski hal gnu mit edu david joshua mirski write lciii and recent heard interest rumor hea rd that lciii built slot for powerpc chip thi true heard that slot not pd slot t hat true david mirski mirski gnu mit edu iii pop top reveal socket for addit vra m simm socket for pin ram simm socket for flat pack fpu processor direct slot pd ident addit set connet side for full bit data path that lack that guess board p owerpc chip made that fit pd that place will nubu pd powerpc upgrad will requir logic board swap interest for appl come nubu powerpc that allow us cpu rocketsha

r guess that get bit fantast wonder sinc macweek report that develop seed powerp c nubu card word machin arriv estim speed last heard estim time speed quadra nat iv risc mode heard appl employe mumbl arriv powerpc machin earlier date that dou bt true final powerpc develop mini advertis develop univers calendar and interes t sean seanmcd dal comp.sys.mac.hardware don repair that sticki mous button call appl post comp s y mac hardwar and misc consum you heard appl great custom support program someti m real support appl comput user can give each for anoth exampl read march issu m acweek ric ford describ two year effort liam breck document and bring appl atten t problem defect mice random switch mice stick posit click second time appar mac hin us system softwar involv report problem mice manufactur malaysia and fcc bcg a you recogn thi sticki button symptom immedi you such mous problem intermitt no t subtl liam breck recent gave document thi problem and suggest that peopl conta ct appl custom assist center directli macweek call appl march and describ defect mous eventu case number and told appl replac thi mous even month warranti wait for week call back todai wonder mous thi time told that appl had decid serial nu mber mous not undisclos rang appl will replac and noth can noth that peopl compl ain thi problem make worth appl fix replac entir lot defect mice you mice your d on assum you problem lot theori and start hack insid your hundr dollar mous appl minut call appl unit state canada and europ australia japan and pacif number is n toll free call collect describ problem and for replac mous even refus insist t hat regist detail your case includ your mous serial number firm network manag an d user group leader queri your user base your friend and colleagu don send mail post anoth sticki button report call appl directli victim troubl report thi prob lem appl will eventu forc respond appl continu find easi stone wall thi issu don expect offer support potenti mac defect uncov bill sloan comp.sys.mac.hardware want monitor problem nec iivi for past dai fight nec mul tisync predecessor work properli intern video mac iivi vga adapt describ dale ad am post quadra video work minor interfer occur small not prevent action screen v isibl clear scanrat stuff for emul appl rgb made adapt fron local distributor ne c adapt can picur excel time and radic screen open palett larg window etc major interfer sync pictur tilt sidewai scrabl total even clear spiki interfer horizon t line align access pull down etc made adapt almost ident vga sens pin differ so metim imposs even boot pictur clear shut menu adapt nec time sometim pictur tilt badli sidewai sync complet lost not made made adapt can interfer provid nec sou rc thi interfer give you pinout mess and hope that you can figur pin assign for nec make complet cabl maximum shield and isol figur pin arrang sync and ground c heck that monitor not defect work perfectli graphic adapt pixel and atari monoch rom pinout stuff pin mini sub nec pin sub mac quadra red video red gnd green vid eo red video blue video composit sync gnd sens gnd green video red gnd green gnd green gnd sens blue gnd blue video gnd sens gnd sync sync gnd sync sync blue gn d sync sync gnd sync shell gnd shell gnd connect suggest appl for vga svga sens pin chang emul appl multisync made adapt multisync pin mini sub mac pin sub sens ground sync gnd connect measur adapt make nec emul appl adapt provid nec repres nec mini mac shell gnd not connect wait for your solut and jartsu comp.sys.mac.hardware anoth re question ask question week ago get re monitor m agnavox magnascan and wonder video card support magnavox email phone number repl i email don read new steve steven seeger dark netcom string blow sky don you han g your flabbi window and blow sky string dom airwolf comp.sys.mac.hardware ad int hard disk drive iicx add second hard drive mac ii cx intern thi not recommend procedur appl equival upgrad quadra power suppli sto ck and power two quantum lp drive pli scsi acceler micron technolog bit video bo ard daystar quickcach technolog overdr and meg ram simultan ad mount for drive a ttach angl bracket drive tower intern scsi cabl chang longer flat ribbon cabl ad extra connector midwai final intern termin and drive motherboard and final had termin resistor pack remov cool not problem and scsi problem occur pli scsi chai n motherboard scsi hook into two intern hard drive work for proce cautious you comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi clock upgrad read report brave soul rewir mhz clock and higher speed clock oscil output doubl throw switch speed mention attempt sw itch speed fly time loop quadra for access floppi drive dynam switch will wreak

havoc quadra reboot clock speed significantli chang will unabl properli access f loppi drive comp.sys.mac.hardware sector track iso ansi standard magneto optic disc sector per track disc revolut and track per disc jim frazier compuserv comp.sys.mac.hardware simm configur can understand current situat simm iisi wi ll for anoth year add memori that will faster simm simm pin pin simm todai usabl year newer power system insight appreci rob rob sprecher rc cwru edu comp.sys.mac.hardware recommend for remov storag media want articl apr kth jwa eufrat nada kth jon wtte write you friend bui optic huh bui optic lose friend s mell bad and stop worri cartridg wear bernoulli crash syquest note heard tale sy quest failur curiou jon comment cartridg wear for bernoulli can elabor gener con sensu that optic reliabl concern media failur oppos drive mechan failur julian v riesland neurobiolog behavior mudd hall cornel univers ithaca internet eacj theo ri cornel edu bitnet eacj crnlthry cornel batcomput eacj comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem comput set for color and oper verti c scroll window horizont white line monitor gener not spare open window line acc ummul oper continu window move involv area screen and move line disappear that a rea screen thi problem not observ monitor configur for color inch appl monitor c olor us suspect bad video ram chip cannot problem appar sinc dai wors exactli pr oblem fine switch color smaller monitor configur model centri vram card monitor mag monitor adaptor for resolut discov problem ago plug mag monitor scroll windo w alpha word and enter return guess bad vram hope isn design flaw appl listen pu shpind singh push media mit edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep appl bug you memori card instal tha t not appl thi problem for coupl month releas duo memori manufactur ship duo mem ori card improp refresh chip you parti card pull and sleep problem recur tim comp.sys.mac.hardware appl monitor thi faq dai rgb and for monitor for your ne c fgx pretti nice comp.sys.mac.hardware for free share ware young tokyo young shio hong write fo r ftp site freewar sharewar for mac will lot driver sourc code ftp site inform a ppreci refer newsgroup comp sy mac app comp sy mac misc comp sy mac system comp sy mac want comp sy mac hardwar comp answer new answer subject introductori maci ntosh frequent ask question faq sven comp.sys.mac.hardware for poor owner iisi macintosh iisi clock upgrad iisi wor k mhz not work nubu adaptor and disk even can read write disk mhz interestingli upgrad iisi overcom basic fight vedio and system that cpu never reduc below mate r whether cach thi pretti you us virtual memori system mhz mhz mhz cpu graf disk math fpu speedomet comp.sys.mac.hardware performa bundl stapl framingham todai and grab info shee t bundl for mere you megahertz microprocessor ram hard disk floppi disk drive bu ilt support for color expand color expans slot keyboard and mous displai dot pit ch for extra sharp text and graphic pixel microphon and speaker macintosh system softwar for performa comput version eas macintosh exchang and quicktim softwar global villag teleport fax modem send fax servic and support year limit warranti year home servic toll free line support pre instal softwar wordperfect work cli ckart collect touchbas datebook bestbook amereican heritag dictionari correct gr ammar appl special edit american onlin free trial membership checkfre electron b ill payment softwar spectr challeng scrabbl editor note spec sheet list micropro cessor correct that didn want confus tim comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem noah appl noah price write articl hv innseq shellei washington edu tz stein washington edu tim smith wrote attent mac quadra owner storag industri expert conclud that mac quadra suffer time irregul ar deviat standard scsi specif thi result silent corrupt data us devic includ ul tra modern devic will not name devic sinc not fault that fine you name industi e xpert can track thi quot written scsi director thi doesn sound don quadra us mac noth scsi time that handl chip yup that kinda curiou scsi problem encount due c abl call transoft corp thi and respons huh yep nah you expect that damag state m ent thi data back want transoft phone number jim jagielski and gonna stiff jim j agubox gsfc nasa gov hei lama nasa gsfc code you for effort greenbelt comp.sys.mac.hardware test simm simm not work don softwar that can test simm r

eli ram test perform comput start instal dead simm into strang music and displai screen your advanc yih tyng ytwu magnu ac ohio state edu comp.sys.mac.hardware modem info for duo jmilhoan magnu ac ohio state edu writ e altern express modem duo owner want baud place town back order and part reason want laptop mac can us remot termin wherev hate wait month modem settl baud you not thi memori serv post read thi newsgroup and that repeat intern modem for du o express modem speed modem main cpu for task and appl not releas detail archite ctur vagu detail gist that parti intern duo modem wrong correct thi bearer bad n ew joel joel siegel jdsiegel garnet berkelei edu jdsiegel ocf berkelei edu never find femin that call feminist whenev express sentiment that differenti doormat rebecca west comp.sys.mac.hardware question centri ram time post dale adam appl comput and requir simm not centri requir simm pete you meant quadra centri real nice machin yeah not joel joel siegel jdsiegel garnet berkelei edu jdsiegel ocf berkelei ed u never find femin that call feminist whenev express sentiment that differenti d oormat rebecca west comp.sys.mac.hardware great deal for you laser printer you want envelop feeder sale direct for unbeliev price call for extra paper trai grai and want move str ang true bobmeist planet bmug firstclass bb bmug messag contain thi post not ref lect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware price hdfd david planet bmug firstclass bb bmug messag c ontain thi post not reflect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware soni rasterop for sale updat fellow human and net creatu r you interest thi merchandis mail djk ccwf utexa edu compact system and move si ngl monitor system two monitor and card for sale noth wrong piec want conserv de sk space and info screen prefer sell peopl austin and surround area drive distan c hour perhap can ship you you don live problem that didn origin box for monitor confid that month full time servic ship room will enabl safe packag monitor and flip your direct detail mirror full page displai monochrom nubu card sold soni color monitor top rate last year macus report soni trinitron arguabl not argu th at point great monitor great shape bigger screen and financ don justifi sell for macland bought origin not includ ship will sell for ship make offer that sound unreason rasterop bit acceler hardwar zoom pan meg ram renam month bought thi bo ard for monitor provid acceler bit hardwar zoom pan ntsc mode you can plug into rasterop video expand and output ntsc and ram slot that us meg meg simm for gwor ld ram ram disk softwar includ for such function meg ram includ meg simm sell fo r bottom line ram add ask ship includ thi time card origin box and packag prefer sell soni monitor and thi card togeth you want drop mail and make bundl offer f or item cheer dan keldsen djk ccwf utexa edu dan keldsen you you djk ccwf utexa edu berkle colleg student univ texa austin member fan billi death music composit max programm consult midi programm comp.sys.mac.hardware trade mac system for color mac want color mac don care m ac want color machin prefer trade present mac system cash equip for color system not full bui color system outright mac system mac intern drive meg extern exter n drive imagewrit color ribbon stuff that can modem and will give and system mul titech multimodem data fax robot sportster data microcom will connect highest wi ll faster connect anoth microcom usr and multitech brand interest send mail dleo nard wixer bga primari judi stamp misc topic stamp dog dleonard wixer bga cat ba sebal and subject secondari for stamp inform call toni leonard dleonard wixer ca ctu org thi busi number comp.sys.mac.hardware printer rate low egail etu gel ulav eric gailloux write purchas laser printer for mac and read macus bui guid special issu printer iiisi rate low compar nonam bargain price printer that printer standard printer manuf actur personn favorit budgetwis iiip iiip supersed work qualiti print execel bea t dpi printer hand australia price compar that iii seri peopl bui anthoni pun an thonyp extro ucc comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler for articl apr ifi uio oec ifi uio ystein christ iansen netland experi acceler for special interest speed rate compar for simm sp eed maximum ram upgrad compat framemak can us addit big screen can instal accell er solder price bui experi thi hardwar month macworld add for combin acceler vid

eo board thi item sell for and come mhz pair simm slot and grayscal monitor thi acceler plug into lone expans port and solder you will long torx wrench case ope n that not big deal that sound you for jon jon carr main main edu umain ncaa cha mpion black bear blue comp.sys.mac.hardware pin map for pin din cabl face femal plug end recogn thi layout pin femal plug connector us for mac peripher problem problem problem prin ter cheap cabl thi configur switch coupl pin end and want us cheap cabl for box pin revers can creativ edit intern box greatli appreci jon jon carr main main ed u umain ncaa champion black bear blue comp.sys.mac.hardware clock report continu collect user result produc comprehe ns report iisi clock oscil upgrad you attempt modif drop note detail your experi report obtain accur number will gener includ top speed achiev system configur t op mhz set speed rate cpu last two digit print cpu presenc addit heat sink nubu fpu card us floppi drive function and disk damag incur modif damag due higher sp eed us averag length time cpu hour dai unusu modif usual procedur gui kuo guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware adb mous ergo ja apr tigger isi edu ja isi edu jeff sull ivan write appl suppos start bundlign ergonom adb mous cpu sold mac yesterdai an d ergonom keyboard order for month dai cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux c lear disc you can seek forev comp.sys.mac.hardware duo park head iddl duo powerbook park head second inact that builtin into drive logic program softwar tune iddl timeout that make head p ark head park sinc second inact you can hear clunk head park deni comp.sys.mac.hardware snooper opinion us snooper macekg similar diagnost softw ar comparison review product appreci advanc for your cheer sir offic acm gen tha nkful that dont govern pai for comp.sys.mac.hardware scsi woe mac iifx offici document failur us iifx termin can not affect scsi bu perform can damag bu whether thi your problem not don had sporad scsi problem iifx sinc bought cannot connect devic fourth major problem thing reformat your drive els system you continu error drive format fine format your system extern thi fail scsi control your iifx repair replac hope thi help d avid salmon salmon unomaha edu comp.sys.mac.hardware differ mac portabl and powerbook into get portabl mac wo rk and had ey peopl portabl and sell for that want differ that portabl heavier d oesn intern drive portabl support appletalk network connect cpu insid portabl po rtabl support system maximum memori capac portabl can you ram mean us special si mm kind intern us portabl screen advanc mike gain your name captain jean luc pic ard your quest seek holi grail top veloc bird prei romulan klingon don aaahhhh m eg hertz njit edu graphix aol comp.sys.mac.hardware pd nubu iii nubu capabl bill higgin beam jockei higgin f nalf fnal gov wrote articl kzl kkb dartvax dartmouth edu hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write mmiller garnet msen marvin miller write friend recent purchas i ii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot famili mac can us pd card not us n ubu can technic hip macsling differ pd and nubu imposs make gadget that plug int o pd and end nubu card cage marvin friend not locat and fundament reason for thi that exist nubu expans cage advertis occassion that main problem that cost diff er price and iivx you lot nubu slot not worth bother that extra box expens bui e xpens nubu technolog isn special appl proprietri thing thi sneaki feel that lice ns texa instrument problem build expans box differ nubu and pd that nubu clever interfac lot neat toi built make that lot card can work togeth comput pd process or direct slot that connect processor you can thi and quick can cooper you doubl pd slot adaptor you plug video card and watch conflict extra electron nubu slot make appreci expens guess appl doesn put cheaper machin yah pai yer monei and y ah take yah choic bill wi liverpool comp.sys.mac.hardware put syquest centri instal tape backup lot issu answer yo ur question articl apr cstp umkc edu kmoffatt cstp umkc edu write pli syquest dr ive wire drive switch case connect thi switch can comput intern drive you want h ard wire scsi short jumper put conveni number you cut hole back machin rout swit ch hassl you won need frequent chang your intern drive notic that drive will lai part motherboard didn close recal lai ram that solder motherboard that problem

yeah instal tape drive concern problem devic design fit fine overhang shouldn re ach back rom ram vram simm last question anywher order facepl cover drive front panel smaller space left case drive panel size spotsbm clone case cut hole plast ic panel that hold tmpty place you can special order part mount devic your local appl dealer relev part blank bezel facepl rom carrier gener devic mount bracket note appl unfortun choic name for slide bracket mount devic servic tech talk st ock think caddi hold disk you stick drive can appl not sell bezel facepl cut for standard devic not advertis machin accept standard devic bai not provid facepl sell cutout for rom drive that us hack extra bezel order make cutout for tape dr ive standard devic good luck your syquest fred comp.sys.mac.hardware modem info for duo jdsiegel garnet berkelei edu joel sie gel write jmilhoan magnu ac ohio state edu write altern express modem duo owner want baud place town back order and part reason want laptop mac can us remot ter min wherev hate wait month modem settl baud appl didn put such good product glad li busi bit atari situat express modem inexus for busi had mine order sinc janua ri appl final call last week that second week meantim stuck duo connect need for plenti peopl can bite back cite sort reason appl justifi crabbi consum and orde r duo modem that product expect not limit comput biz rememb miata cabbag patch d oll want toi kenneth simon dept sociolog indiana univers internet kssimon indian a edu bitnet kssimon iubac comp.sys.mac.hardware bit system zone week ago post problem meg true ram set e xtens us larg amount memori total extens system will crash finder come meant lar g amount font load sound huge disk cach control panel appl memori control panel appl cach mode and bit address extens work increas memori us method mention late st followup ran now system profil and thi inform memori info physic ram size log ic ram size size low memori area virtual memori inact address mode bit mode us b it system zone absent pariti ram not capabl growabl system heap true temporari m emori support present tempori memori support real and track note that bit system zone absent thi problem can turn thi idea can ken comp.sys.mac.hardware hongkong kinau mondrian csufresno edu kin hung date apr gmt organ california state univers fresno messag zimmer csufresno edu newsgroup comp sy mac hardwar hong kong you can bui cheap base comput experi bui macintosh last winter back hong kong price mac classic hong kong price bui not recommend bui mac hong kong sinc mac not popular kin hung disagre your assess macintosh ho ng kong mac sizeabl share typeset market local magazin magazin similar newsweek mac extens sir speedi and franchis hong kong equip mac base system true discount not steep custom hong kong cannot bui grai market mac sold mass merchandis appl performa lin thi point sale mac handl exclus distributor hand you can clone ear lier dai illeg clone appl iie your percept mac not popular hong kong simpli hobb yist and user find cheaper basement store that sell clone illeg copi bio pai for mac similarli you cannot lotu sure not accept hong kong sale low place kowloon illeg copi lotu can bought for and for profession illeg copi manual eric choi in ternet eric choi fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware spec patrickd wpi wpi edu lazer write greatli mail you t hat fine spec for esp compar pentium spec for can fill page book highlight bit a ddress space bit data width bit integ regist bit float point regist copyback cap abl cach set associ typic clock integ instruct clock for float point multipli in terest can multipli two bit float point number time can multipli two bit integ s pec for estim cost releas date etc multipl instruct dispatch figur clock per ins truct typic guess motorola gui pretti bright interest speed system can run windo w risc cost bu info regist info technic info call motorola not type hope that ca n win anoth battl intel peopl predict that and line reach end experiment process or bit data pathwai and can schedul instruct each clock cycl that sort trick can cisc architectur final detail pentium and not greatli impress final work fpu sp eed speedup and that two integ unit larger cach and branch target buffer talk mh z processor big whoop design mhz board difficult and expens price memori chip ra i fischer convict danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware compar dhk ubbpc dave kitabjian write intel and motorola compet neck and neck for crunch power for clock speed rank you will fit into li st pentium powerpc fastest pentium version powerpc vicin and clock speed doubl c

lock speed doubl processor speed and fill below mhz mhz comput speed partli depe nd processor clock speed memori system speed plai larg role video system speed a nd speed processor clock rate speed memori system becom greatest factor system s peed you mhz processor can read anoth word memori you can put memori your comput will cost time slower simm and roughli twice fast clock speed rai fischer convi ct danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware pd nubu iii nubu capabl articl mqk liverpool wi liverpoo l seller write bill higgin beam jockei higgin fnalf fnal gov wrote articl kzl kk b dartvax dartmouth edu hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write mmiller garnet m sen marvin miller write friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot famili mac can us pd card not us nubu can technic hip macsling diff er pd and nubu imposs make gadget that plug into pd and end nubu card cage marvi n friend not locat and fundament reason for thi that exist nubu expans cage adve rtis occassion that main problem that cost differ price and iivx you lot nubu sl ot not worth bother that extra box expens bui expens nubu technolog isn special appl proprietri thing thi sneaki feel that licens texa instrument problem build expans box appl ieee nubu standard for bit backplan bu thi technot that reada co upl week ago stuff delet hope thi help bret chase internet bchase wpi wpi edu ma cintosh bellnet smile won kill you snailnet wpi box institut worcest comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler for week backord ship opinion express not necess arili univers north carolina chapel hill campu offic for inform technolog experi ment bulletin board servic internet launchpad unc edu comp.sys.mac.hardware mac iisi power limit reader mac iisi and upgrad card har d drive etc can you power limit for pd slot and hard drive power feed secondli c an you separ limit for each singl limit for combin drop line you answer question felix lin feilimau leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware screen death mac mac and mac problem screen blank someti m minor physic jolt such insert floppi intern drive sometim comput left blank re plac wire connect logic board and video board that jiggl wire made screen come b ack thi work for blank return can power suppli crt comput for advic ethan bodin tuft univers ebodin pearl tuft edu comp.sys.mac.hardware mail address caer corpor for mail address caer corpor ad dress caer corpor cooper court lo gato califonia you address access find you sen d mail address zia castl thank you advanc zia comp.sys.mac.hardware reset iig factori default laserwrit iig that disappear c omplet network name doesn show zone you can print serial interfac tho discuss ch ang zone iig includ code that let you chang zone code you can us back factori de fault set feel that need heal our jurgen botz jbotz mtholyok edu vend machin res pond finger south hadlei usa request list item unix dead long live unix for purc has rfc comp.sys.mac.hardware appl mini dock boss purchas powerbook duo lean math copr ocessor for mathematica duo find mini dock coprocessor parti announc such beast alan deguzman geniu never understood time calculu mathematica disclaim univers c alvin hobb can afford opinion indispens calvin and hobb comp.sys.mac.hardware iicx won turn iicx not turn hit keyboard switch back mac hin doesn work can turn unplug machin for minut plug back and hit power switch b ack immedi sometim thi doesn even work for long time rememb hear thi problem lon g time ago and that logic board failur mention sourc problem thi true pilon pilo n rpi edu comp.sys.mac.hardware upgrad memori origin powerbook ram and find that drag wo rk maximum ram for thi unit and cost hope can latest and info real user post thi group advanc bill comp.sys.mac.hardware test simm ytwu magnu ac ohio state edu yih tyng write si mm not work don softwar that can test simm reli ram test perform comput start in stal dead simm into strang music and displai screen your advanc yih tyng ytwu ma gnu ac ohio state edu sharewar ramcheck that call ramcheck ftp site such umich a nd sumex terri comp.sys.mac.hardware centri math coprocessor option thi faq don read comp sy mac hardwar purchas coupl centri configur system follow ram ethernet vram math c oprocessor option purchas agent told math coprocessor option and appl summari do

cument prove order coprocessor option not that need thought chip had math coproc essor built into appl had math coprocessor chip architectur speed chip centri co ncern that set hardwar bottleneck send your respons david anthoni guevara cup po rtal will summar interest david guevara internet david anthoni guevara cup porta l comp.sys.mac.hardware can put floppi ericr solbourn eric robison write mac spa re floppi drive ith floppi drive can put floppi drive into and ork eric eric rob ison disclaim claim di ericr solbourn offa thi planet thing you fdhd upgrad kit appl includ floppi drive chip swim chip mention anoth post and floppi drive cabl appl kit your dealer jim trascapoulo jtrascap nyx edu size you wear comp.sys.mac.hardware spec articl rayc myqo netcom rai netcom rai fischer writ e patrickd wpi wpi edu lazer write greatli mail you that fine stuff delet you li brari sinc you wpi and floor professor post ieee spec sheet page long librari in fo you request matter find hope thi help bret chase internet bchase wpi wpi edu macintosh bellnet smile won kill you snailnet wpi box institut worcest comp.sys.mac.hardware iicx won turn chang batteri thing shortli problem happen and notic inordin number bu error pilon pilon rpi edu comp.sys.mac.hardware summari zyxel string write recent zyxel modem great prob lem figur string us applic basic string for term firstclass client and telefind client firstclass and term work anoth modem set firstclass and copi for term pro blem term for exampl will list error time dial start problem cancel and work fin e telefind even wors can even wake modem zyxel for program greatli you send setu p string you us advanc yoshio ucla edu write for zterm initi atz set init string atz that rsmith pearl tuft edu rod smith write can you firstclass telefind zter m and zyxel for close two week onc zterm set hardwar handshak and bp rate you th i type line set modem ignor dtr line for hardwar handshak not mac hardwar handsh ak cabl second store thi set volatil memori modem default modem start modem pref er dialog modem initi string set insur that store set us start zterm fax softwar macwoof chang set wai altern you leav factori default and set zterm initi strin g accomplish thing modem you start zterm and program don modifi set work even pr ogram modifi modem set sometim forget turn modem launch zterm and thi assur corr ect dtr handl modem power compar string command refer guid atz thi enter initi b ox modem prefer zterm quick summari each commmand reset modem user profil speake r volum fairli quiet ring volum fairli quiet displai connect info set manual ass um dtr comput dial speed fast zyxel can handl firstclass us thi string addit com mand setup box thi disabl auto answer function modem for firstclass base modem s et supra fax and chang mention string telefind base set zoom set chang modem ini ti string us for firstclass and work fine long thi summari forward thi info mac report directori sumex aim save newbi zyxel user troubl set string and save net redund messag add feel free marcu mlobbia ucsd edu marcu lobbia mlobbia sdcc ucs d edu comp.sys.mac.hardware simm bad mail order dai order vram chip for lciii mac co nnect overnight nice and instal and found that didn work properli you put comput thousand mode bottom screen chip flicker and fuzzi call and return for question such thing happen simm chip gener you find order chip that larg portion bad thi rariti thi chip order experi thi area curiou had type experi that email and peo pl want can post summari hillel sim simsh rpi edu renssela polytechn institut ro t rotat forward backward anonym comp.sys.mac.hardware tcp rout localtalk ethernet stori network mac localtalk ethernet card and connect don laugh for price mac iisi connect internet slip run baud modem can telnet mac ethernet and telnet rest world want sort hardwar that will rout telnet session localtalk mac ethernet mac heard air doesn trick softw ar solut good impress that aren interest and telnet slip connect doesn assign nu mber machin share that number advanc benjamin chuang itd css consult univers mic higan benjamin chuang umich edu consult refer bchuang css itd umich edu unix and long messag comp.sys.mac.hardware boot ext power extern hard drive us startup disk problem switch mac boot intern restart warm boot mac boot extern make boot directli ext ern email repli advanc jerri comp.sys.mac.hardware simm us nubu board rememb run across back mac user world

year ago for nubu board that had umpteen simm slot us recycl your simm you upgr ad memori don rememb made thi board and haven advertis latest mac magazin mentio n that includ softwar make simm board act ram disk simm can rid us hate wast thi sound majorli good idea board compani talk busi can us longer made greatli appr eci mail save net bandwidth cap internet cptnerd digex aol cptnerd compuserv con silio manuqu otium cum dignit credo quia absurdum est parturi mont nascetur ridi culu mu comp.sys.mac.hardware mac iisi cach option reader found that cach upgrad optio n for mac iisi includ quicksilv daystar fastcach iisi daystar combocach iisi log icach iisi cach interest hear opinion option altern upgrad cpu acceler such logi cach mhz idea comparis felix lin feilimau leland stanford edu comp.sys.mac.hardware iivx upgrad question articl ja apr tigger isi edu ja isi edu jeff sullivan write you teh iivx upgrad includ sticker cover iivx identifi centri indetifi can for iivx upgrad wonder thing order iii upgrad turn upgrad en tir cpu minu disk drive you pull floppi and hard drive stick and you iii iivx th ing into for peopl unhappi that appl sell mac pre packag drive price quit bit hi gher trade brian cherkau rochest edu comp.sys.mac.hardware color ink for stylewrit that jet inc make refil for styl ewrit and deskwrit ink jet cartridg color pre fill cartridg color us cartridg ch anc print color ink process color cyan magenta yellow refil cartridg advanc comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag appl ambigu messag for fpu mac p rice list messag fpu option discuss thi newsgroup that fpu built configur unclea r thi issu price list plan bui pretti get confus whether come fpu not option bui lt understand thi game regard thian comp.sys.mac.hardware soni problem info soni and nice run mode pictur won big end gap side and top bottom suspect intern adjust fix thi anoth problem sub brig ht area that meant black main raster not black real raster quit visibl screen bl ank thi not sever not good trini screen us turn bright contrast that raster not visibl real imag virtual disappear raster size us dpi bit and rasterop xli card marcu bointon marcu meridian demon marcu bointon tel marcu meridian demon fax us window for week onc feel comp.sys.mac.hardware fax modem for mac articl llpo new ci umn edu mbuntan sta ff umn edu write you respond request for info kind fax modem question advantag b ui global villag teleport gold cheaper brand supra zoom etc heard that supra and zoom us softwar complaint incompat problem supra kind incompat decid bui telepo rt gold possibl add voic option futur heard voic option that supra will offer th i come summer person mention modem get good review mac magazin want fastest econ om sound and voic option fax modem bui for post question promis repost answer no t post respond advanc regard thian sinc repost thi messag for second time hope h ear folk thi topic repli regard thian comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem push media mit edu pushpind singh s ubject centri video problem date sat apr gmt comput set for color and oper verti c scroll window horizont white line monitor gener not spare open window line acc ummul oper continu window move involv area screen and move line disappear that a rea screen thi problem not observ monitor configur for color inch appl monitor c olor us suspect bad video ram chip cannot problem appar sinc dai wors exactli pr oblem fine switch color smaller monitor configur model centri vram card monitor mag monitor adaptor for resolut discov problem ago plug mag monitor scroll windo w alpha word and enter return guess bad vram hope isn design flaw appl listen pu shpind singh push media mit edu find init call basic color monitor thi clear pro b centri and vga type monitor exist binhex copi don and never instal thi problem soni comp.sys.mac.hardware compar will powerpc pentium resent articl macmag mhz acc eler slightli slower mhz accel thi system design for stand reason that system de sign for quadra figur line powerpc stuff suppos run system level fast quadra sys tem will time speed powerpc base system and wait for lap pentium pro life pro wo men michael amer internet michael amer fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware instal simm quick send instruct for instal simm and vram jmk cwru edu and drop extra simm and vram that for and don repli repli jmk cwru edu joe

comp.sys.mac.hardware upgrad memori articl apr ncar ucar edu bill lhots hao uc ar edu bill robert wrote origin powerbook ram and find that drag work maximum ra m for thi unit and cost hope can latest and info real user post thi group bill s older logic board and ram expans slot give you thing you can upgrad maximum ram remov expans and instal expans give you total max you can call techwork memori v endor macweek macworld etc peter haas internet haas meediv lanl gov network mana g lo alamo nation laboratori comp.sys.mac.hardware comput engr comput scienc professor mine onc differ comp ut engin and comput scientist mean engin make main differ that peopl write progr am that peopl will us databas graphic word processor etc engin write for machin control system comput your car flight control system comput control devic etc wo rd write softwar cse write firmwar gener for part that differ not joke scott for part thi bunch bunk comput engin degre spent last year write softwar that peopl us salari distinct incorrect receiv job offer graduat two job that us hardwar e xperi year lower advic decid class and project interest you and pick major that you emt comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem suffer video artefact configur cent ri vram nec happen bit colour virtual memori scroll thi occur vram simm instal r emov that not not problem mention condit gersham meharg sfu canada gersham mehar g meharg sfu sfu vancouv canada comp.sys.mac.hardware high resolut adc for mac articl clark elvex acn nwu edu clark nwu edu brian clark wrote don instrutech board plan check you care check m onoton and ratio bit board board term monoton ratio accuraci etc and and dyynam rang and freedom distort that you expect good true bit convert thi not true for spectral innov board for exampl boorishli repli found instrutech inform spec us term loos follow bit convert bit accuraci khz bit accuraci khz spec for monoton linear multiplex input share singl that input not sampl time and convers spec ch annel sampl rate us for two channel you unknown qualiti bit khz per channel thi poorer qualiti nation instrument sampl rate bit convert spec for monoton linear each output channel convert price for extern convert box itc nubu interfac board mac driver softwar and igor xop steep comp.sys.mac.hardware wrong ram duo post back mention that duo crash wrong kin d refresh ram duo crash sometim sleep and wonder softwar will whether not kind r am instal had thought that problem batteri connect advanc archon fung comp.sys.mac.hardware can you share monitor cpu centri want ibm machin save sp ace desk us monitor for switch box thi comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem push media mit edu pushpind singh s ubject centri video problem date sat apr gmt comput set for color and oper verti c scroll window horizont white line monitor gener not spare open window line acc ummul oper continu window move involv area screen and move line disappear that a rea screen thi problem not observ monitor configur for color inch appl monitor c olor us suspect bad video ram chip cannot problem appar sinc dai wors etc not ha d problem configur that elimin design flaw explan comp.sys.mac.hardware compar articl zeu ieee org michael amer fidonet org mich ael amer write will powerpc pentium thi kind comparison pretti useless gener pro cessor good good comput design adn comput us design purpos compar processor spee d pretti dumb you increas clock speed increas speed thing mean can you faster gi ve oper condit can you you run program that lot transident function know that no t transident function build fpu and can you that faster hope peopl not decid wet her comput good not sole processor fast processor base name can alwai thing proc essor speed restrict arguement for exampl pure processor architectur issu proces sor will work and anoth will not base design can discuss chung yang resent artic l macmag mhz acceler slightli slower mhz accel thi system design for stand reaso n that system design for quadra figur line powerpc stuff suppos run system level fast quadra system will time speed powerpc base system and wait for lap pentium pro life pro women michael amer internet michael amer fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware compar dhk ubbpc dave kitabjian write intel and motorola compet neck and neck for crunch power for clock speed rank not good idea compar processor power doesn make sens for real world applic not for total line proces sor you will fit into list pentium powerpc and clock speed doubl clock speed dou

bl processor speed and fill below mhz mhz for system doubl clock speed increas p erform hear explan experienc folk folk troubl repli repli command type address h and and work dave kitabjian kit ahb jyin vital statist stuff delet ravikumar ven kateswar rvenkat uiuc edu pun bless form whit comp.sys.mac.hardware compar michael amer fidonet org michael amer write will powerpc pentium not quit mhz pentium specint specfp mhz specint specfp note that specint import for real world applic specint specfp resent articl macmag mhz ac celer slightli slower mhz accel thi system design for stand reason that system d esign for quadra figur line powerpc stuff suppos run system level fast quadra sy stem will time speed powerpc base system and wait for lap pentium intel chip tra dition faster motorola equival signific chip speed real world applic perform tha t highli debat pro life pro women michael amer internet michael amer fidonet org ravikumar venkateswar rvenkat uiuc edu pun bless form whit comp.sys.mac.hardware compar rai netcom rai fischer write dhk ubbpc dave kitab jian write intel and motorola compet neck and neck for crunch power for clock sp eed rank number kind benchmark you want start specint specfp you will fit into l ist pentium powerpc fastest pentium version powerpc vicin number pentium mhz spe cint specfp powerpc mhz specint specfp note thi alpha mhz specint specfp for com parison and clock speed doubl clock speed doubl processor speed and fill below m hz mhz comput speed partli depend processor clock speed memori system speed plai larg role video system speed and speed processor clock rate speed memori system becom greatest factor system speed you mhz processor can read anoth word memori you can put memori your comput will cost time slower simm not clock doubl syste m isn doubl perform quit signific increas perform for wait state perform you cac h mean processor that run speed simm note that thi memori speed correspond clock speed mhz and roughli twice fast clock speed number rai fischer convict danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch ravikumar venkateswar rvenkat uiuc edu pun bless form whit comp.sys.mac.hardware comput engr comput scienc articl tecot xenon stanford ed u tecot xenon stanford edu edward tecot write professor mine onc differ comput e ngin and comput scientist mean engin make not joke scott for part thi bunch bunk comput engin degre spent last year write softwar that peopl us salari distinct incorrect receiv job offer graduat two job that us hardwar experi year lower adv ic decid class and project interest you and pick major that you emt worth advic grad student agre gentlemen wrote comment import thing pick interest you and lea rn year educ thi field compar alot peopl had thi kind question lot make decis in to electr engin oppos comput engin school that thi kind question irrelev come th at choos not hardwar choos hardwar not program injustic build and comput and mak e for interwoven and insepar and part great disciplin and depend each advic don limit make decis base major will give you opportun learn that depend curriculum your persect school choos major that explor besid don school make student choos major sophamor year hei you interest thi field that you decid learn make comput case you suffer and grad school monei don averag you good you earn monei you sup erstar programm you will earn million wise you hotshot comput design chung yang comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra memori instal faq thi turn into faq violat your q uadra warranti and instal your memori insert usual disclaim remov top lid machin you will floppi disk and hard drive mount plastic tower follow usual anti stati c precaut and make machin you thi unplug wall and monitor power suppli cord back mac remov power suppli pull plastic interlock tab tower forward and simultan pu ll power suppli straight tab piec plastic left posterior aspect tower extend dow nward hook power suppli you feel horsesho shape piec portion power suppli leav t hat alon plastic tab tower you releas rear tower assembl you will flat ribbon sc si connector hard drive power cabl and flat ribbon cabl lead floppi drive discon nect motherboard hard drive power cabl connector tab squeez releas unplug drive activ led clear plastic mount posterior cylindr section plastic tower phillip he ad screw base remov take care not drop into case bit gummi glue your screwdriv h elp remov tower assembl pull medial plastic tab side tower thi tab prevent tower slide posteriorli slide entir tower assembl posteriorli lift tower assembl stra ight and case congratul you gain access your machin simm slot six big slot for v ram instal six gain video mode simm ram vram instal chip face front motherboard

smaller socket front for ram simm instal simm set into socket you seat simm squa r and firmli into fulli upright posit reinstal tower assembl place wall tower wa ll case tower assembl posterior intend posit lower tower assembl into place main tain contact wall case onc fulli slide tower assembl anteriorli click into place reconnect motherboard end cabl dont forget floppi drive cabl replac phillip hea d screw drop power suppli straight into place click plug hard drive activ light back into clear plastic mount gui kuo guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware duo problem bcherka netcom brian cherka write chess cat ucsc edu brian vantuyl chess write duo and difficulti machin plug wall adapt put sleep unplug wall and woken crash time noth origin system softwar machin batter i plenti life thi power manag problem don speaker occasion make high pitch hiss nois irregular favor sleep and restart command had duo for week and suffer probl em reinstal system softwar twice effort combat problem think system softwar prob lem initi reinstal system not anymor occasion wake duo solid screen horizont lin e screen freez high pitch hiss occasion startup call appl hotlin so appl time an d final agre astrai duo screen dim and hard drive spun itselft and put sleep thi problem occur twice appl box ship duo look york problem intermitt and can affor d duo thi time problem brian cherka bcherka netcom aol brianc compuserv netcom o nlin commun servic san jose quit number peopl discuss had includ bought machin c oupl week ago and start experi problem appl australia dealer that thi problem nu mber potenti faulti applic faulti parti hardwar modem memori etc system softwar pram corrupt and power manag corrupt and duo hardwar relev case last two applic run system softwar instal addit hardwar found that clear pram appear for hold co mmand option and startup problem return suggest that pram corrupt system softwar bug don issu init system appar power manag can reset hold reset and interrupt b utton power appl advic sinc duo not interrupt button not mean thi case thi can d eciph appl advic for thi appl suggest that you follow technic procedur check har dwar thi duo sinc problem that system softwar bug introduc line and quit recent sinc recent duo purchas thi problem comment boat appl duo engin cheer brucet bru ce tulloch sydnei australia brucet extro ucc complex problem straight forward ea si understand wrong answer comp.sys.mac.hardware pixel disappear powerbook screen pixel displai disappear intermitt not place random suggest mail ari psssun pss msu edu bewar nnnnn nnnn n comp.sys.mac.hardware compar npy new cso uiuc edu rvenkat cso uiuc edu ravikum a venkateswar write not quit mhz pentium specint specfp mhz specint specfp inter est comparis fast clock cycl chip you can alpha slow mhz blaze mhz specint specf p will mhz version make compar intel chip tradition faster motorola equival sign ific chip speed real world applic perform that highli debat you that turn faster clock cycl power each cycl not mention that intel instruct stream byte orient l ongest intel instruct byte odd number make hard intellig memori subsystem cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux thi articl print recycl electron comp.sys.mac.hardware attn and duo owner care you plug extern monitor and exte rn speaker make that power cord strip you don you chanc bad audio buzz thi caus ground loop and get rid thi loud buzz make that you common ground make that powe r cord strip outlet thi will assur you common ground tim keanini sound design ti mk broder broderbund softwar blast crl comp.sys.mac.hardware increas number serial port devic for mac will increas nu mber serial port for us simultan connect serial devic mac for applic work access each independ such devic exist limit number serial devic can us inform appreci steven langloi slang bnr comp.sys.mac.hardware sound record for mac portabl hardwar requir and find for sound record mac portabl david hugh freenet carleton secretari nation capit fre enet tkp comp.sys.mac.hardware asant hang scsi devic hook mac iisi rel year asant adapt base connect work charm instal newest driver asant ftp server problem begin att ach devic scsi chain specif drive power drive mac mac test memori etc happi mac face show power light and boot process stop can us network extern drive not onc thi make asant box pretti unus doesn pure electr scsi problem turn drive second late that doesn notic initi scsi poll mac boot and adapt work even hard disk pow

er and connect mac never onc fail boot intern drive and had for year chang scsi and disk permut chang order devic head tail chain overtermin extern termin devic intern undertermin remov intern resistor hard disk anoth box anoth ident drive scsi cabl thi importantli solut lot eric behr illinoi state univers mathemat dep art behr math ilstu edu behr ilstu bitnet avoid comp.sys.mac.hardware increas number serial port slang bnr steven langloi writ e devic for mac will increas number serial port for us simultan connect serial d evic mac for applic work access each independ appli engin make nubu card call qu adralink board that contain serial port can us simultan not user instal coupl fo r peopl work technician hope thi help aaron swier control data corpor arden hill swier chao aqeng cdc electr engin student swier plain nodak edu comp.sys.mac.hardware educ price grai market appl not authoris sale mail order result mail order compani obtain machin grei market thi market suppli machin au thoris resel machin can sell come into thi state affair overord accident deliber atli wholsal price appl case obscur serial nunber protect ident result warranti void order mac mail order compani absolut problem you dig find true grai market dealer that sell mac authent serial number untouch ad dealer noth vat flame that legitim cda that replac serial number prevent appl trace author dealer sold tha t machin cda eric choi internet eric choi fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware simm bad mail order glimps side talk technician place re cent bought mac gui told that stop ship simm custom and instal babi zap easili s tatic electr claim hsk sie singen da alt entsagungsli da eiapopeia vom himmel wo mit man beruhigt wenn greint da volk den grossen luemmel ein neue li ein besser li freund will ich euch dichten wir wollen hier auf erden schon da himmelreich e rrichten hein comp.sys.mac.hardware compar articl llp new cso uiuc edu rvenkat cso uiuc edu ravikuma venkateswar write stuff delet for wait state perform you cach mean proc essor that run speed simm note that thi memori speed correspond clock speed mhz stuff delet you calcul that figur assum even person comput board design us bank switch optimist quadrupl access speed miss hsk sie singen da alt entsagungsli da eiapopeia vom himmel womit man beruhigt wenn greint da volk den grossen luemmel ein neue li ein besser li freund will ich euch dichten wir wollen hier auf erde n schon da himmelreich errichten hein comp.sys.mac.hardware mac suck bui test suck post real messag comp.sys.mac.hardware had problem ibm drive machin subject line system act wei rd time sudden system will corrupt boot block will chew etc thi big problem for couldn even format drive properli instal hdt driver and thing reinstal system in compat exist and quantum extern drive for pure hardwar solut not viru bad softwa r etc bad scsi cabl ibm wd screwei drive chuck chuck william intern pacif northw est laboratori cleveland freenet edu william ccmail pnl gov comp.sys.mac.hardware compar skok itwd energietechnik uni stuttgart holger sko k write articl llp new cso uiuc edu rvenkat cso uiuc edu ravikuma venkateswar wr ite stuff delet for wait state perform you cach mean processor that run speed si mm note that thi memori speed correspond clock speed mhz stuff delet you calcul that figur assum even person comput board design us bank switch optimist quadrup l access speed miss previou articl refer fact that you us simm mhz machin that y ou us simm slower machin point that you us simm mhz machin you can us simm faste r mhz machin bank switch and cach not consid exampl memori access hsk ravikumar venkateswar rvenkat uiuc edu pun bless form whit comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag articl ngii bgx new ci umn edu b unt student umn edu monthian buntan write appl ambigu messag for fpu mac price l ist messag fpu option discuss thi newsgroup that fpu built configur unclear thi issu price list plan bui pretti get confus whether come fpu not option built und erstand thi game regard thian you centri configur you get mac processor that bui lt math coprocessor support understand that option fpu refer your option purchas centri fpu configur fpu appl not offer upgrad fpu system becom fpu system and u nclear whether processor fpu system can replac suppli anoth vendor appl send mem o point sate that centri come fpu processor cannot upgrad support fpu pin config ur two chip appar not match you cannot swap for anoth appl memo hope that help k evin lohman univers book store univers washington buyer for appl comput for educ

program comp.sys.mac.hardware dii phonenet midi adapt macrecord rememb complet instruc t for make phonenet adapt midi adapt and macrecord lookalik short search mac arc hiv and info mac fail pointer petri aukia hut suprem court rule bolo illeg drug peba hut comput programm steal mind youth tank game telephon standard rethought addict comput game comp.sys.mac.hardware ghost appl color user insan articl bettsc netcom bett ne tcom jonathan bett write dear netter sister appl color displai hook problem anno i horizont ghost stripe that precess vertic onc per second high grave danger ins an idea and cure for joe bett bett netcom pick displai thought rfi wors thi can caus two two thing and easiest fix interfer monitor such anoth monitor electr de vic move system anoth locat fix that problem second scan rate monitor synchron r oom light and can interfer you turn light room system and that help not move sys tem solut appl color displai not problem color sucept you can call appl support number so appl thi number for question macintosh setup and compat and into effec t for thi extend support mondai april good luck kevin lohman buyer univers book store univers washington seattl appl comput for educ program comp.sys.mac.hardware increas number serial port apr bmer bnr slang bnr steven langloi write such devic exist limit number serial devic can us nubu slot you a ppli engin call quadralink card serial port that you comm toolbox addit built co me softwar for fool applic open port open built port expens card dma perform and card that handl port simultan nubu you green learn us comm resourc manag instal card cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux you never hide menu bar you and ch ang color color background you never hide menu bar tog comp.sys.mac.hardware nanao compat mac video card nanao compat popular mac vid eo card oppurtun brand cheap and tempt will wast time can drive standard video c ard subject reccomend for color monitor heard good thing nec and reliabl macinto sh displai your experi david harr cyberpunk softwar definit happi famou for your financi abil indulg form excess calvin comp.sys.mac.hardware reset iig factori default articl qpir slab mtholyok edu jurgen botz jbotz mtholyok edu write laserwrit iig that disappear complet networ k name doesn show zone you can print serial interfac tho discuss chang zone iig includ code that let you chang zone code you can us back factori default set fee l that need heal our postscript work for laserwrit iig version rom serverdict be gin exitserv factorydefault true setsystemparam systemdict begin realtim add dup realtim pop exit loop quit rob comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag ngii bgx new ci umn edu bunt stu dent umn edu monthian buntan write appl ambigu messag for fpu mac price list mes sag fpu option discuss thi newsgroup that fpu built configur unclear thi issu pr ice list perhap reason simpl market peopl put togeth brochur and price list were n clear fpu issu afteral appl literatur not correct funni notic recent that broc hur mac capabl refer auto inkjet featur thi read auto inject featur correct broc hur appl sinc correct older brochur can guess that edit copi inject and thought typo and chang familiar word inkjet hmmm that printer built into player write in form comp.sys.mac.hardware video displai mac monitor displai vertic line us mean th at displai memori wrong monitor bad video card bad check monitor work fine mac c heck video card fine replac ram didn give answer assum wrong part motherboard do n hardwar architectur macintosh can problem mac iicx advanc kuan netcom netcom n ame kuan yihpyng born taichung taiwan work phone compani failur analysi associ i nc commonwealth drive box menlo park philosophi will comp.sys.mac.hardware stereo sound problem mac game problem stereo sound outpu t quadra not total roomat problem powerbook info experi anyopn greatli appreci h ook quadra home stereo system type sound mono can plai fine speaker system beep provid such indigo and record armor allei spectr spaceward game plai left channe l lem thi world awesom game btw glider oid stereo system beep plai stereo speake r specif referr apocolypt begin roommat download ftp site sumex symptom rommat c an run ootw doesn color run system lem game mention sound speaker mac class quad ra powerbook greater centri etc stereo machin us mac and sort rememeb lem plai s tereo that machin not left channel mistaken problem quad and wonder system beep

plai stereo isn problem machin game apparantli written support channel stereo us mono sound mono sound come speaker spectr etc quadra and powerbook rom knowledg thi rom problem wouldn system patch thi problem for you can provid doug book dp b sdchemw ucsd edu comp.sys.mac.hardware screen death mac mac and mac problem screen blank someti m minor physic jolt such insert floppi intern drive sometim comput left blank re plac wire connect logic board and video board that jiggl wire made screen come b ack thi work for blank return can power suppli crt comput had problem long time ago resold joint motherboard fix turn that continu heat and cool caus annular ri ng shape crack develop solder effect cut video circuitri you not solder jockei y ou want mine electr engin buddi minut job top kellei thoma kellei boylan powerpc ibm austin kelleyb austin ibm bui and pai for opinion comp.sys.mac.hardware wrong ram duo macweek articl describ duo ram situat perm iss hope that jose bad ram bring duo random access memori board for appl macinto sh powerbook duo macweek feb copyright coastal associ publish rain cohen austin texa parti memori expans card for powerbook duo depart appl spec wai that crash data loss and problem technolog work inc ram and network vendor base last week i ssu warn problem had found duo ram product compet vendor declin identifi vendor and appl spokeswoman confirm that problem exist refresh duo requir kind dynam ra m call selfrefresh can recharg system sleep technolog work vendor sold duo card nonselfrefresh dram can system lose data fail wake sleep lead memori manufactur includ letter part number stamp refresh chip nonself refresh chip techwork chip label not stori newer technolog wichita kan nonself refresh chip add circuitri r efresh duo sleep speed ram card vendor put nanosecond dram duo card nanosecond t ype requir technolog work chip label nanosecond certifi manufactur run higher sp eed kingston technolog corp fountain vallei calif offer duo ram card nanosecond chip for duo compat slower chip space technolog work charg and appl offici confi rm that parti card larg fit properli forc corner duo keyboard and prevent system start duo dock lifetim memori product inc huntington beach calif origin ship ca rd thi problem sinc offer custom free upgrad card that fit comp.sys.mac.hardware stereo sound problem mac game qsfak skc network ucsd edu dpb sdchemw ucsd edu doug book write game plai left channel stereo system beep plai stereo speaker mac sound hardwar divers mac plai stereo and mix output for instanc plai stereo left channel for speaker mono develop that stuff plai left c hannel guarante heard channel isn send data send data left channel preferr cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux engin will thi work scienc will thi work mana g will thi work liber art you want fri that jess schell comp.sys.mac.hardware duo slowdown problem system and network admin user duo s pecif below that slowdown problem leav duo for hour slow unaccept can second cha ng applic thi time complet hung reboot problem for system get into wedg configur instal system and rebuilt desktop help that network relat eudora check email mi nut ethernet hasn check thi problem occur undock dock time appl init don want st art yank rest that problem hasn zap pram advis that idea love hear call appl fou nd call week sundai even powerbook duo ram card tech work replac refresh card sy stem enabl express modem includ latest softwar appl dealer for keyboard replac h elen trillian rose hrose kei hrose eff org kapor enterpris inc email eff eff org for eff info electron frontier foundat flame system and network administr women not mess eff org comp.sys.mac.hardware syquest mac creativ cabl splice hook syquest remov drive mac differ gut drive cabl differ rob rob sprecher rc cwru edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl mini dock deguzman deguzman math uiuc edu wrote bos s purchas powerbook duo lean math coprocessor for mathematica duo find mini dock coprocessor parti announc such beast that machin produc thi natur jonathan heil ig electr power research institut visual integr hillview av internet jonathan me cca epri palo alto telephon comp.sys.mac.hardware rom bought select and rush home print grayscal pictur fo r kid discov that grayscal and photograd not you even you run cpu you won thi pr inter doc and appl rep didn mention user group that rom won support featur guess that thi case buyer bewar huh appl that think problem and puzzl can defencieni rom made for softwar write softwar for live unix platform and don understand can

respons ask isn mode somesuch piec soft ware such fix hope knowledg mac intern set straight simpli imposs for mac print grayscal arm info and pro gram experi c ook that supplement rom capabl mac can support grayscal and photograd that selec t supposedli capabl short bui printer and for your bill wright wgw netcom comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag articl ferch swiss uc ubc le fer ch ferch uc ubc write afteral appl literatur not correct funni notic recent that brochur mac capabl refer auto inkjet featur thi read auto inject featur correct brochur appl sinc correct older brochur can guess that edit copi inject and tho ught typo and chang familiar word inkjet hmmm that printer built into player wri te inform you cool imag top serfac gotta top surfac artwork comp.sys.mac.hardware driver compat understand that you format magneto optic d isc format softwar instal driver disc you insert disc drive thi driver load into comput memori and control drive and thi driver incompat drive disc can not moun t and properli read written that correct jim frazier compuserv comp.sys.mac.hardware rom articl wgwc pdl netcom wgw netcom william wright wri te hope knowledg mac intern set straight simpli imposs for mac print grayscal ar m info and pro gram experi cook that supplement rom capabl mac can support grays cal and photograd that select supposedli capabl short bui printer and for your b ill wright wgw netcom us grayscal featur you mac equip colour quickdraw told thi not mention appl fact guid for appl seller press releas technic spec sean comp.sys.mac.hardware mac orient bbss chicago member local bb frequent for mac orient bbss base chicago lead appreci comp.sys.mac.hardware pd nubu iii nubu capabl articl apr fnalf fnal gov higgin fnalf fnal gov bill higgin beam jockei write articl kzl kkb dartvax dartmouth e du hade coo dartmouth edu brian hugh write mmiller garnet msen marvin miller wri te friend recent purchas iii and such demon call nubu adapt for pd slot famili m ac can us pd card not us nubu can technic hip macsling differ pd and nubu imposs make gadget that plug into pd and end nubu card cage marvin friend not locat an d fundament reason for thi zap bill higgin fermi nation acceler laboratori bitne t higgin fnal bitnet internet higgin fnal fnal gov span hepnet higgin second wav e make nubu card cage that work pd slot mac iisi and centri not knowledg announc such devic for lcii make technolog pd card that cage simpli nubu control circui tri present nubu mac care thi dgr pd adapt for lcii will for lciii pd nubu for p eopl applic grant nubu card applic that requir nubu card full motion video captu r shouldn lcii lciii mark comp.sys.mac.hardware rom seanmcd dal write articl wgwc pdl netcom wgw netcom william wright write hope knowledg mac intern set straight simpli imposs for mac print grayscal arm info and pro gram experi cook that supplement rom capabl us grayscal featur you mac equip colour quickdraw told thi not mention appl fact gu id for appl seller press releas technic spec sean you will find that mac can pri nt grayscal imag load proper softwar mac cannot displai grayscal screen attach v ideo that abil not rom you print grayscal you hard time grayscal imag you want p rint doug thi signatur construct wyvern technolog tidewat premier onlin inform s ystem login guest password guest regist comp.sys.mac.hardware serial port problem articl qcq ginn calvin usc edu wl ca lvin usc edu write friend ask build cabl connect fetal heart monitor maciontosh problem sez want demo won work us run zterm and kermit intern and extern modem d on powerbook per send respond test serial port work not thought that connect ear th ground and connect chassi audio ground connector thought batteri power devic powerbook sometim sensit serial port weird had troubl connect mac handheld work that port not run two penlit batteri turn that accid design flaw put volt bia se rial port that weird thing work fine connect printer port your screen dim connec t devic you printer port good luck jami jami cox jcox ess harri phone work harri space system corp home rock barn blvd macintosh meet and drink societi rockledg florida usa speak for comp.sys.mac.hardware powerpc rumin lciii powerpc articl apr dal seanmcd dal w rite articl pyramid pyramid andrem pyrtech mi pyramid andr molyneux write articl qksuq hal gnu mit edu mirski hal gnu mit edu david joshua mirski write lciii an d recent heard interest rumor heard that lciii built slot for powerpc chip thi t rue heard that slot not pd slot that true david mirski mirski gnu mit edu iii po

p top reveal socket for addit vram simm socket for pin ram simm socket for flat pack fpu processor direct slot pd ident addit set connet side for full bit data path that lack that guess board powerpc chip made that fit pd that place will nu bu pd powerpc upgrad will requir logic board swap interest for appl come nubu po werpc that allow us cpu rocketshar guess that get bit fantast wonder sinc macwee k report that develop seed powerpc nubu card word machin arriv estim speed last heard estim time speed quadra nativ risc mode heard appl employe mumbl arriv pow erpc machin earlier date that doubt true final powerpc develop mini advertis dev elop univers calendar and interest sean seanmcd dal radiu specul publicli that p rovid powerpc base rocket for exist mac rocketshar and minu nubu acceler true bo ot acceler nubu bottleneck video and appl will not compet parti perhap for not m ac cyclon powerpc slot advertis for daystar and such make powerpc acceler potent i problem acceler that will rom companion and appl licens radiu rocketshar us pr oprietari code appl line that powerpc mac will simplifi logic board due magic na tur risc and that board cheaper build exist mac perhap groundbreak price mac log ic board upgrad cheaper high perform cpu thi year gener powerpc will hopefulli s ocket cpu that chip upgrad year thi that can pull for clock doubler technic bagg ag doubt sinc extern buss size width thi perhap can cpu daughterboard powerbook standard facilit cpu upgrad thi area appl fallen behe intel base world perhap ca tchup order last week week had excel stori powerpc pentium mip dec alpha big mic roprocessor front for forseeabl futur worth read for technojunki latest cover st ori pentium read and stori intel unstopp and preemin onc thi secur due fall inte l market posit will never domin todai amd get ahead sell thi week appear competi t front gear for awesom battl appl user excit that powerpc not guarante domin gu arante winner even mark comp.sys.mac.hardware network peter easier you want you work mac network toget h appletalk and phonenet connector chat us program call broadcast can send messa g select machin network hope that help steed comp.sys.mac.hardware acc graphic card articl bcf ic uci edu matt madsen mmads en bonni ic uci edu write graphic card for that acceler plenti acceler graphic c ard for that for daystar powercach for replac cpu acceler cpu powercach thi leav es pd slot open for video card currenti daystar not thi configur due earli year upgrad polici you can acceler and version becom you credit for you run mhz versi on fpu radiu precis color pivot and satisfi earl fife depart mathemat fife calvi n edu calvin colleg grand rapid comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler for classic exist make and comp.sys.mac.hardware syquest mac qsk usenet in cwru edu rc cwru edu robert sp recher write creativ cabl splice hook syquest remov drive mac differ gut drive c abl differ differ drive ibm and mac two main differ format disk correct softwar each can read and cabl depend your scsi board ibm you mac softawr mount ibm form at disk and correct cabl you mount and read your ibm syquest good luck paul paul hardwick technic consult internet hardwick panix box for mv esa voic and parti addon fax pend paul hardwick technic consult internet hardwick panix box for mv esa voic and parti addon fax pend comp.sys.mac.hardware video resolut switch articl john shepardson esh moos sla c stanford edu john shepardson john shepardson esh qmail slac stanford edu write author dpi fry can you that for graphic card resolut connect monitor will suppo rt that silli cabl cabl identifi that monitor support resolut softwar will suppo rt multisync monitor heard that radiu similar program for quadra thi softwar com merci public domain cameron lewi email lewi tanelorn aod dsto gov air oper divis melb gbb aeronaut research laboratori fax lorim fishermen bend vic australia comp.sys.mac.hardware mac portabl powerbook answer post for inform mac portabl and powerbook coupl answer mac portabl support appletalk cpu mac portabl low po wer version run mhz mac portabl run system us lot memori memori availab for port abl vendor that make ram for portabl two option vendor sell memori that plug int o ram slot insid portabl sell memori that plug into processor direct slot memori you can address megabyt depend whether portabl backlit not king memori and peri pheri irvin california cheapest place for portabl memori and ad macus that sell modul for wide varieti price intern conner averag access time screen that heaven backlit passiv matrix screen mean fade you you move your head degre left portab

l backlit backlit activ matrix screen joi read thing portabl and pai for good su pplier selectterm mass will sell backlit portabl intern bp modem for backlit por tabl intern bp modem for answer call for good you pai for intern fax modem for p ortabl want sell good luck gene wright gene theporch raider net gene wright thep orch raider net macinterest nashvil comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor recommend need final decid updat plan bui centri monitor guidelin wife pagemak occasion us excel sometim and alot telecommut hom e work word process greater inch look radiu color pivot thi can bought for heard good thing machin older model not super mac can had for garri comp.sys.mac.hardware size vram simm thi recent post receiv bad vram chip for lciii and respond that not bad vram chip and doesn work properli comput wonder c an interpret code for can figur type chip macconnect each chip back card number that mean chip can figur size suppos can grate email your respons lot hillel sim simsh rpi edu renssela polytechn institut rot rotat forward backward anonym comp.sys.mac.hardware ghost appl color user insan dear netter sister appl colo r displai hook problem annoi horizont ghost stripe that precess vertic onc per s econd high grave danger insan idea and cure for joe bett bett netcom pick displa i thought rfi wors comp.sys.mac.hardware network axolotl steed bell macrocosm omahug org steed be ll write network togeth appletalk and phonenet connector chat us program call br oadcast can send messag select machin network you us system you can us applic zi ng footprint mean you can run time lose memori compat chat program fishbomb soun d and pictur freewar dustribut zing sourc and normal servic mac archiv umich edu for instanc cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux thi signatur shorter line i nterest usenet ratio comp.sys.mac.hardware simm price give current street price and relev tax pin s imm pin simm for mac iii tax refund export can you recommend reliabl supplier po st thi friend account repli direct fraser advanc for simon comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem info thi exabyt tapedr never work qu adra sinc septemb replac cabl init don industri expert phone tapedr dealer appl dealer softwar dealer fault don last thing that need special quadra scsi termin katinka van der linden katinka fenk wau comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag ferch uc ubc le ferch write ngii bgx new ci umn edu bunt student umn edu monthian buntan write appl ambigu messa g for fpu mac price list messag fpu option discuss thi newsgroup that fpu built configur unclear thi issu price list perhap reason simpl market peopl put togeth brochur and price list weren clear fpu issu perhap market peopl don fpu terri comp.sys.mac.hardware chang port buffer size zterm kind soul told that chang s erial port buffer size zterm resedit not chang resedit and lost mail address ass um that relev resourc zset not and templat for that resourc you tmpl for correct resourc grate receiv that plai bit and duo serial port appletalk btw that port stat that maximum buffer byte that that mean increas buffer will you hardwar han dshak can cram text data pretti fast into duo and can monitor that ct lower buff er never get byte make sens scott petrack petrack haifasc vnet ibm comp.sys.mac.hardware setwutim troubl thi can mac sleep can make make wake set wutim awar error header file and set time two minut put mac sleep doesn wakeup a ppoint time requir call systemtask order make that setup andrew page warrior poe t decis and effort archer and arrow mac consult differ macintosh and dsp technol og and want comp.sys.mac.hardware serial line connect duo and almost sun null modem connec t mac duo and us mackermit and versaterm mac side us procomm kermit and softerm side us hardwar handshak and hardwar ahdshak cabl and hand shake effort noth all ow file transfer mac gener can type back and troubl side set speed baud cannot s end file mac and file transfer duo not straight ascii send can send duo flawless li can send binhex file thi quit fast and that transmiss error free straight asc ii mac full error text pace slow that human type time faster human type hear tra nsfer file duo modem null modem you can your exact combin hardwar and softwar ta lk true serial port modem not express modem kind soul access modem and duo can c heck thi for opinion that won work high speed power interrupt duo and won work l ow speed crazi reason don understand hear attest that can pump inform serial por

t duo fast modem sy dump duo absolut insan wanna problem duo duo duo check cabl time and not can type back and zterm alert user hardwar handshak and ct that har dwar handshak work and zterm port stat buffer never overflow figur scott petrack petrack haifasc vnet ibm comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl new udel edu johnston udel ed u bill johnston write articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin write don specif problem mention your messag had scsi problem and vener jasmin m egadr cartridg drive solut silverlin loop that involv blind write work drive fac t loop that work macintosh softwar loop that mean doubt thi quadra specif proble m had rid vener bernoulli last year cartridg purchas each make thing worth compu t tech support gui ocean microsystem suggest that parti driver fix problem case cartridg wouldn format mount partit for that megadr work perfectli mac and power book for thi reason assum problem had quadra even quadra work problem occur ejec t cartridg drive start pop dialog box thi cartridg format jasmin drivewar even c artridg drive mark comp.sys.mac.hardware token ring card for mac for recommend experi bring macin tosh cpu token ring net can point direct for inform advanc tom comp.sys.mac.hardware photo shop scanner articl lgii euj ncube root ncube oper write root ncube oper subject photo shop scanner date fri apr gmt macc iici and color scanner scan pictur dpi print color printer minut make nois mac hang rebo ot thi mean bui memori disk free and scan pictur captain zod zod ncube you print data file tiff anoth applic such freehand pagemak found that photoshop occasion problem print file that can print applic greg gcohen mailer fsu edu infinit ill us juggl suppli bewar fnord will torch call write for eat you catalog comp.sys.mac.hardware posit erg keyboard articl apr daimi aau viralbu daimi aa u thoma martin widmann write pictur ergonom keyboard that left part split learn type school year ago taught write hand thi differ danish and american type lot a dvanc germani you us left hand for franki frank probul emanuelstr munich germani applelink probul applelink appl internet probulf informatik muenchen munich uni vers technolog depart comput scienc germani comp.sys.mac.hardware iicx won turn articl rpi edu pilon aix ec rpi edu pilon wrote iicx not turn hit keyboard switch back machin doesn work can turn unplug m achin for minut plug back and hit power switch back immedi sometim thi doesn eve n work for long time thi problem like that user experienc adventur usenet reader can rememb gui name post deserv credit for save easili fix problem can figur du e time heat and repeat warmup cool down power suppli bad solder joint power supp li circuit card desold tool radio shack low wattag iron and good nonacid solder and resold lower left quadrant circuit card plug face you for you minut and save for suppli comp.sys.mac.hardware question centri ram peter tesla mitr org peter engel wri te time post dale adam appl comput and requir simm not centri requir simm you co rrect that quadra not centri hade comp.sys.mac.hardware chang port buffer size zterm almaden ibm petrack vnet ib m write kind soul told that chang serial port buffer size zterm resedit not chan g resedit and lost mail address assum that relev resourc zset not and chop you p ost net and kev kevin hay opinion necessarili dalhousi univers reflect opinion h alifax nova scotia canada sue hay dal comp.sys.mac.hardware card question bui offload intern video iici and bit colo r capabl monitor deal come vari amount ram max and min for bit bit depth support and card acceler true that modern acceler video card gener faster bit depth acc eler bit heard that applic run slower thi card write directli screen that thi fr equent problem slower didn read system that card incompat thi correct finder pat ch init compat app that incompat game import microsloth app for exampl you stron g opinion for posit you reason price pai for lot for you input rick rick roi use net rick howtek america onlin qed disclaim employ view orthogon earli bird worm comp.sys.mac.hardware increas number serial port articl apr bmer bnr slang bnr steven langloi wrote devic for mac will increas number serial port for us simul tan connect serial devic mac for applic work access each independ such devic exi st limit number serial devic can us inform appreci steven langloi slang bnr quad ralink possibl problemat solut your us for last year person system fatal bug cre

pt into recent bug show heavi serial traffic complet crash system macsbug can no t reboot time hit restart button told januari that awar and work fix bug describ sinc not answer fax ask for statu bug fix great for mine sidelin you baud you i nfrequ problem sven comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra vram question daniel salber salber imag write que stion quadra vram find info thi not precis answer hand quadra monitor capabl bit color vram displai million color monitor you vram hand quadra monitor capabl bi t color vram correct thi amount board vram that come vram simm for and put that machin bit color capabl and vram simm thi technic you vram simm leav two will no t you cannot vram and document quadra vram bit color that correct thi correct yo u put vram simm into vram simm slot motherboard bonu question vram simm hide doc ument power suppli power suppli access vram simm yup you power suppli coupl scre w you make that disconnect and watch for static discharg comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card for iisi for cach card for iisi can spend max for cach fpu socket and dual slot adapt pass connector can graphic card your adv ic card can bui perform increas expect perform increas and cach worth price diff er and price can for such card spare each ethernet card for fpu don work for iis i fpu socket you can fpu card and put empti fpu socket work mhz not pai for extr a fpu sham tha seif lam yaghib ibaa oueichek oueichek imag imag jamal majd kutub lab geni informatiqu lgi kablak tareekh thulmaten imag inpg baadak staula ala s huhub felix viallet grenobl comp.sys.mac.hardware mac suck bui articl ouop new ci umn edu horton molbio cb umn edu robert horton write test suck post real messag erm maula test size limi t email account that erm pobox upenn edu for miss comp.sys.mac.hardware centri video problem articl qqf usenet in cwru edu cleve land freenet edu david kantrowitz write push media mit edu pushpind singh subjec t centri video problem date sat apr gmt comput set for color and oper vertic scr oll window horizont white line monitor gener not spare open window line accummul oper continu window move involv area screen and move line disappear that area s creen thi problem not observ monitor configur for color inch appl monitor color us suspect bad video ram chip cannot problem appar sinc dai wors etc not had pro blem configur that elimin design flaw explan data point centri appl monitor and not problem dch comp.sys.mac.hardware simm configur rc cwru edu robert sprecher write can unde rstand current situat simm can give shot iisi will for anoth year add memori tha t will faster simm simm pin pin you pin simm simm todai usabl year newer power s ystem you mean newer power mac system answer appl state that mac will us pin sim m and longer us pin simm hade comp.sys.mac.hardware appl give confus messag ub carson washington edu univers bookstor write bunt student umn edu monthian buntan write appl ambigu messag fo r fpu mac price list messag fpu option discuss thi newsgroup that fpu built conf igur unclear thi issu price list thi fault peopl write literatur and price list confus sinc two processor configur and doesn fpu option even isn plan bui pretti get confus whether come fpu not end your confus come base configur you not get thi configur you get fpu option built good question wonder that sinc feb you cen tri configur you get mac processor that built math coprocessor support understan d that option fpu refer your option purchas centri fpu configur fpu thi option t hat you suppos request you want appl buyer choic configur and not option appl no t offer upgrad fpu system becom fpu system and unclear whether processor fpu sys tem can replac suppli anoth vendor thi not unclear fact appl includ rom machin c ode recogn presenc full fpu and us therebi make upgrad easi switch chip you pop and pop full appl send memo point sate that centri come fpu processor cannot upg rad support fpu pin configur two chip appar not match you cannot swap for anoth appl memo doubl check thi state countless time thi newsgroup two centri hardwar design that and full pin compat and that can upgrad full hade comp.sys.mac.hardware centri math coprocessor option david anthoni guevara cup portal write thi faq don read comp sy mac hardwar purchas coupl centri configur system follow ram ethernet vram math coprocessor option purchas agent told math coprocessor option and appl summari document prove order coprocessor option not that need thought chip had math coprocessor built into appl had math coprocesso

r chip architectur speed chip centri concern that set hardwar bottleneck appl co nfus peopl thi thing answer thi question for year option fpu you choic cpu that not integr fpu full and present base model appleusa and full you you order base configur sinc you order version board ethernet model you will not get even you w ant you wouldn order ram board ethernet and not option note peopl that and think that option fpu class chip cannot recogn extern fpu socket motherboard for fpu chip and you cannot and purchas fpu pd card that fpu machin replac full and you you will not worri heat sink you replac full you you heat sink hade comp.sys.mac.hardware tcp rout localtalk ethernet articl qpn uinnj stimpi css itd umich edu bchuang css itd umich edu ben chuang wrote stori network mac local talk ethernet card and connect don laugh for price mac iisi connect internet sli p run baud modem can telnet mac ethernet and telnet rest world want sort hardwar that will rout telnet session localtalk mac ethernet mac heard air doesn trick softwar solut good impress that aren interest and telnet slip connect doesn assi gn number machin share that number you hardwar router such etherrout tcp made co mpat system thi will you connect your localtalk network mac your ethernet networ k and ethernet mac will rout tcp protocol two network softwar router for monei n ot work tcp paul comp.sys.mac.hardware full page screen work project for market class and your assign come product and creat market plan for technic issu not terribl import th i point group plan market full page monitor for laptop comput parti product inst al author repair center newer technolog palettebook screen idea that screen fold such that you twice screen height normal screen rememb technic issu fact adjust fold screen and monitor configur you regular full height screen monochrom motiv thi that laptop comput popular busi peopl busi peopl commonli us word process a nd spreadsheet applic for conveni larg portion document target user and applic c olor screen aren neccess hopefulli cost and don write thi complet ridicul constr uct feedback you repli email and you bui full page laptop screen you will pai fo r help commentari idea you thi idea and make lot monei doubt send advanc mike comp.sys.mac.hardware built video problem mac iisi dear mac friend problem mac iisi machin ram instal simm content window calcul and updat lot strang horizont line temporarili gener screen line translat top screen and slightli lower brigh t surround millimet apart admit that vagu can distinguish environ rest room bit dark applic produc thi effect preview directtex dviread kaleidagraph fpu machin us built video and drive appl hire monochrom screen two monitor cabl set effect independ set control panel memori adress mode disk cach and monitor grei color y ou thi effect solut fred fred walsteijn internet walsteyn fy ruu institut for ma rin and atmospher research fax utrecht univers netherland phone comp.sys.mac.hardware pin simm for meg pin simm for centri place purchas stock ship warrenti and phone number that can order steven and hope that intellig lif e space monti python bugger earth mean life steven medlei email smedlei erasur e cst csuchico edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship cdrom drive for local appl doesn will doesn ev en part number part number for thi drive and will appl dealer suggest bui extern drive don want pai extra for case power suppli not us rodnei jack rjack austlcm sp mot comp.sys.mac.hardware quickdraw perform across product line compani develop ap plic for mac that emul chart record virtual pen trace scroll smoothli across scr een test applic number comput discov surpris perform differ across product scrol l perform iisi and lcii iifx thi led investig color quickdraw perform across app l line result fastest quickdraw color perform comput appl make drumrol lciii and color classic rank quadra line centri line pale comparison differ comput that e xplain dispar graphic processor perform dave steel dave xetron xetron corp cresc entvil road cincinnati ohio comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card for iisi bought ago cach card fpu techwork tha t cheapest peter comp.sys.mac.hardware posit erg keyboard apr informatik muenchen probulf infor matik muenchen frank probul write learn type school year ago taught write hand t hi differ danish and american type germani you us left hand for sweden ergonom k eyboard great palm rest not fix keyboard sort rest tabl bad you keyboard your kn

ee cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux you never hide menu bar you and chang color color background you never hide menu bar tog comp.sys.mac.hardware built video problem mac iisi apr fy ruu walsteyn fy ruu fred walsteijn write problem mac iisi machin ram instal simm content window calc ul and updat lot strang horizont line temporarili gener screen line translat top screen and slightli lower bright surround millimet apart admit that vagu can di stinguish environ rest room bit dark applic produc thi effect preview directtex dviread kaleidagraph fpu anoth program produc thi effect spyglass transform cont our big arrai for inform thi problem fred walsteijn internet walsteyn fy ruu ins titut for marin and atmospher research fax utrecht univers netherland phone comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin wrote articl new udel edu johnston udel edu bill johnston write articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin write don specif problem mention your messag had scsi problem and vener jasmin megadr cartridg s tuff delet doubt thi quadra specif problem had rid vener bernoulli last year stu ff delet fix problem case cartridg wouldn format mount partit for that megadr wo rk perfectli mac and powerbook for thi reason assum problem had quadra even quad ra work problem occur eject cartridg drive start pop dialog box thi cartridg for mat jasmin drivewar even cartridg drive mark problem mention last quadra scsi pr oblem heavili discuss last year and appl employe point that byte error scsi driv er routin for quadra and system not that problem for peopl solut updat driver dr ive manufactor case mass microsystem wrote driver fix problem quadra that occur earli last year michael klusken klusken radar nrl navi mil opinion express autho r and not employ comp.sys.mac.hardware pd nubu iii nubu capabl articl morrow stanford edu mlr f orsyth stanford edu mark rogowski write second wave make nubu card cage that wor k pd slot mac iisi and centri not knowledg announc such devic for lcii make tech nolog pd card that cage simpli nubu control circuitri present nubu mac care thi dgr pd adapt for lcii will for lciii pd nubu for peopl applic grant nubu card ap plic that requir nubu card full motion video captur shouldn lcii lciii mark nubu robust system for system for instal multipl card configur problem that check in to expas option for number pd video card that not work certian dual slot cach ad apt erik speckman comp.sys.mac.hardware imagewrit back thread thi group us iwii europ countri cu rrent consensu time that iwii not work will move thi summer call appl make and t old todai that iwii bought will run current long step convert emploi current us info turn can found iwii manual version didn trust that direct experi contrari w onder chri comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship articl apr newsgat sp mot rjack austlcm sp mot rodnei jack write cdrom drive for local appl doesn will doesn even part number part number for thi drive and will appl dealer suggest bui extern drive don want pai extra for case power suppli not us rodnei jack rjack austlcm sp mot extern ship and ship for quit awhil demand for unit high pretti rare list for local com put store and campu mac resel heard rumor that bundl coupl can confirm sunni sun nyt dna bch edu comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler macplu readi bold step into acceler larg collect stock macplu comput difficult comprehend want acceler macplu that anoth stori s uffuc can acceler easier machin hei don make rule purpos thi post for info macpl u aceler found lit novi acceler and micrmac multispe accelartor accept hear reco mmend anoth acceler for macplu hear for time and effort you expend thi karl comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra startup monitor fix for thi quadra that will not finish startup monitor connect thi problem sinc run file server monitor connect time horsefeath shawn fitzgerald umcc comput club michigan chungkuo umcc umich e du whether you quiet and aliv quiet and dead make differ cerebu comp.sys.mac.hardware ntsc and comp.sys.mac.hardware ntsc and mac question gener displai ntsc mac understand correctli video spigot can displai ntsc small window captur data quicktim format want us larger window option perhap misunderstood video spigot review not inter est quicktim us mac televis time time nice soni monitor and us second wife watch sitcom regular perhap video card for mac accept ntsc input iisi and will bui nu

bu adapt advanc for georg micahel comp.sys.mac.hardware scsi ethernet convert for sale strang piec equip unload ether scsi interfac appar can plug into scsi port and ethernet that you save slo t nifti assum you peopl judg price tag interest comp.sys.mac.hardware appl cdrom freebi articl quod menudo edu sunnyt code bch edu write resel heard rumor that bundl coupl can confirm sunni sunnyt dna bch e du two order jan and receiv feb second order jan and april come misc cdrom thing intro nautili sampl kodak pictur alic ocean stori woman treke across austrailia disc appl game disc applic disc and titl disc haven check cinderella thing for kid disc mozart etc etc etc super interest make list exact titl and post categor i interest fairli useless rumor that earliest unit ship encyclocpedia drive had that jeff adam comp.sys.mac.hardware hard drive problem meg date back april origin purchas ex perienc failur boot problem thi fix rom upgrad hard drive similar problem occur comput power light flash time and disk boot icon ture comput and drive boot fine turn power and press reboot button problem occur turn power and work thi proble m boot problem that requir power and on boot suggest problem can fix wonder get and requir time come speed pram scsi set that comput wait longer access altan st alker astalk nickel uc indiana edu indiana univers comput scienc dept comp.sys.mac.hardware bui advic version mac bui that longer access ziffnet mac access compuserv check for mac hypercard stack that assist decis make base budg et featur and main softwar us you can download compuserv not cost higher speed m odem us stack compress for dale carsona sfu comp.sys.mac.hardware recommend printer market for laser printer us printer fi ne appl printer fine printer fit requir featur postscript dpi emough memori down load font cheaper prefer nice thing page per minut scsi output for font disk sma llish footprint don care postscript level network for and will color freedom pre ss heard that painfulli slow can toler ppm slower that and not price save worth curiou hear peopl experi tho infinit prefer laser ink us us deskjet last job and wasn impress qualiti laser bigot and admit printer layout page book write page will includ multipl font graphic scan line art and greyscal pictur not qualiti d oesn spectacular clear and readabl printer us laserwrit ntr understand that ntr scsi for disk true person laserwrit and ntr access appl employe discount work fo r appl spinoff can cheapli heard bad thing comment lean person ntr nice small fo otprint laserwrit select hear doesn postscript haven for heard mumbl onc postscr ipt upgrad us laserjet work and iip anoth platform and painfulli slow that bad m ac ad for epson laserprint that run quit cheap comment thi printer hate style ou put trai decent printer for comment laura lemai lemai netcom writer trifl shadow and blood comp.sys.mac.hardware stereo sound problem mac game articl qsfak skc network u csd edu doug book dpb sdchemw ucsd edu write problem stereo sound output quadra not total roomat problem powerbook info experi anyopn greatli appreci hook quadr a home stereo system type sound mono can plai fine speaker system beep provid su ch indigo and record armor allei spectr spaceward game plai left channel lem thi world awesom game btw glider oid stereo system beep plai stereo speaker specif referr apocolypt begin roommat download ftp site sumex symptom rommat can run oo tw doesn color run system lem game mention sound speaker mac class quadra powerb ook greater centri etc stereo machin us mac and sort rememeb lem plai stereo tha t machin not left channel mistaken problem quad and wonder system beep plai ster eo isn problem machin game apparantli written support channel stereo us mono sou nd mono sound come speaker spectr etc quadra and powerbook rom knowledg thi rom problem wouldn system patch thi problem for you can provid articl apr kth jon wt te jwa hemul nada kth write mac sound hardwar divers mac plai stereo and mix out put for instanc plai stereo left channel for speaker mono develop that stuff pla i left channel guarante heard channel isn send data send data left channel prefe rr guess time for quick explan mac sound origin document for sound hardwar docum ent make sound directli access hardwar basic you jam valu into even byte soundba s soundbas thi mac and machin gener sound scan thi block and a even byte odd byt e floppi machin mac and appl sound chip invent design gener stereo sound design compat had onc document store byte even valu soundbas meant want plai mono sound

and emul appl had sinc retract document soundbas and decid not document lowest layer sound gener appl never explain stuff byte you want make stereo sound enter game develop sound driver and current sound manag inconveni lame for make game peopl port ibm don want learn api becom popular for game writer write soundbas m ake sound sinc easi sinc mac appl had kind sound output hardwar and thing common that write soundbas work hardwar mac iix iicx iici write soundbas get you mono sound speaker mac quadra write soundbas get you mono sound left channel technic correct interpret origin specif prefer for asthet reason develop us sound manag and sound driver mono sound will typic come channel underli hardwar you want gen er left channel develop write sound base game will come left game problem origin mac produc left channel sound intern speaker mix isn relat due post gener ampli f us motherboard machin affect true stereo sound sound mono will plai intern spe aker matter machin you directli address question game you list lem thi world awe som game btw glider oid and hellcat super tetri oxyd and test cheat and write so undbas and left channel quadra game you list armor allei spectr spaceward and pg a tour golf civil and person experi us sound manag and work fine machin stori de velop don cheat absolut posit not allow stop cheat sound you will even extern sp eaker will disappoint your sound futur hardwar grace period end sound manag unde rstand and work pretti and will work even us conclus doug isn hardwar problem no t bug jon isn choic develop whether want send sound channel care automat you che at not make work hardwar fun disclaim number don work sound appl pretti inform d on write sound question disclaim number that wrote grace period end bug your new feed sinc catagor not allow that you mean disclaim number don speak for appl st eve bolling comp.sys.mac.hardware powerbook math coprocessor want bui powerbook and that c an run mathematica coprocessor can not afford can put mcp gui bookstor didn had clue respond mail ross sbphy physic ucsb edu advanc richard comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card for iisi articl pebi zephyr aem umn edu pebi a em umn edu peter bidian write bought ago cach card fpu techwork that cheapest la st week mac place had appli engin quicksilv card cach pd slot socket for fpu sal e for fpu regular price idea thi can phone interest found macus jim burmeist rel at mac place satisfi custom jimb csd harri comp.sys.mac.hardware pd card for lciii pd expans card that specif advantag lc iii bit data path and mhz clock speed exist significantli faster lcii version fa rul ghazali columbia univers citi york comp.sys.mac.hardware modem select vocabulari recent order centri and decid mo dem bui pretti want fax data modem that can run worth primarili convers compuser v link internet not system can suppli data anoth question modem lingo understand baud rate and bi mean us suggest good modem for and good choic for your time da ve bell dbell coral bucknel edu forget past condemn live duncan macleod comp.sys.mac.hardware syquest mac articl qsk usenet in cwru edu rc cwru edu ro bert sprecher write creativ cabl splice hook syquest remov drive mac differ gut drive cabl differ rob rob sprecher rc cwru edu compani packag syquest drive for mac you for ibm world bui mac readi config comp.sys.mac.hardware troubl vga displai troubl connect true blue ibm model vg a monitor displai bearli readabl detail seper into yellow and red color window w ill two imag yellow and ghost imag red background greenish read time ago thought hook mac vga screen incompat vga monitor due sync green signal thi sound demon read that hardwar put diod green signal solut and softwar solut thi problem don detail can mail post check faq for thi and didn find miss thi that good thing fo r repli charl kuehmann northwestern univers steel research group comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship articl quod menudo edu sunnyt code bch edu wro te articl apr newsgat sp mot rjack austlcm sp mot rodnei jack write cdrom drive for local appl doesn will doesn even part number part number for thi drive and w ill appl dealer suggest bui extern drive don want pai extra for case power suppl i not us rodnei jack rjack austlcm sp mot not part number for drive part number for bezel kit front panel slot you insert document announc appl offic state driv e kit and bezel kit separ item and bezel kit srp fro extern unit deal bob brickm an robrick erenj disclaim preced repres person opinion and not reflect opinion p olici practic employ

comp.sys.mac.hardware full page screen articl mfohvgq wbme yado andrew cmu edu michael callihan andrew cmu edu write work project for market class and your as sign come product and creat market plan for technic issu not terribl import thi point not surpris learn that technic issu not terribl import work market plan wl comp.sys.mac.hardware centri problem problem thi start machin high pitch sound onc desktop mous menu not show click mous nois for amount time mous thi problem happen for minut you thi sound come form power suppli post and email tjacob bvs d edu comp.sys.mac.hardware rom gosh peopl read post that articl pmsv jtp wyvern wyv ern dashlei wyvern wyvern doug ashlei write seanmcd dal write articl wgwc pdl ne tcom wgw netcom william wright write hope knowledg mac intern set straight simpl i imposs for mac print grayscal us grayscal featur you mac equip colour quickdra w told thi you will find that mac can print grayscal imag load proper softwar ma c cannot displai grayscal origin poster wright post item that had bought wizz ba ng laser printer appl select can print grayscal that cannot print grayscal compu t and that expert dealt agre that not thi major bugbear parti upgrad compar appl upgrad you will never run color quickdraw color quickdraw that control color an d grayscal se can print colour thi quickdraw origin colour version hook for colo ur you will rememb scsigraph solut get colour screen for your that gave you sixt een colour dither reason that appl couldn releas softwar patch for older comput lot mac pluse classic and se that upgrad and processor perfectli deal color quic kdraw wont and parti difficult time duplic mac rom nutek caveat thought that you print postscript grayscal imag postscript grayscal printer that you mac you and pretti that select not postscript printer correct wrong phil ryan melbourn aust ralia comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra case sourc want place case hold power suppli and motherboard quadra mail order place and local store group prefer that part case ey thi comment gut email post thi group info advanc andi comp.sys.mac.hardware acceler macplu recommend anoth acceler for macplu hear f or time and effort you expend thi karl brainstorm acceler for solut perform and price spend upgrad comput that worth brainstorm acceler speed intern clock speed mhz that not speed scsi transfer that featur uniqu brainstorm check david lau l au aerospac aero org comp.sys.mac.hardware simm dram can differ dram chip and simm add memori laser writ offer sell simm remov feel thi not correct form memori socket laserwrit wan t spideri shape chip socket each recal pin arrang two row not never simm appreci arthur green internet arthur green fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware voic messag you macin us voic messag fax data modem ques tion brand name you recommend interest voic messag and fax part voic part reliab l and understand seller claim approxim hard drive space averag dai caller speak for minut feed back appreci compani bui two hei bui advanc don don dnew edu anot h great mind univers denver ruin chemistri depart denver higher educ comp.sys.mac.hardware clock poll final call fair number brave soul upgrad cloc k oscil share experi for thi poll send messag detail your experi procedur top sp eed attain cpu rate speed add card and adapt heat sink hour usag per dai floppi disk function and floppi request will summar two dai add network knowledg base y ou clock upgrad and haven answer thi poll gui kuo guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware bui high speed modem quick summari recent find high spee d modem top contend paradyn zyxel and robot zyxel biggest cult and can had for m ac softwar will work tweak dataport earn unanim prais for reliabl backord moment special price effect fax capabl wors that two modem warn ad that modem come mac kit cabl and lifetim warranti thi appli you order directli paradyn call elektek distributor and want charg for cabl and gave year warranti usr sportster for ma c highli not highli recommend clubmac and you will roll your cabl and don care f axstf softwar you can gener model outlet for thi assum that you don rich uncl an d can afford motorola codex end order dataport work two week eric behr illinoi s tate univers mathemat depart behr math ilstu edu behr ilstu bitnet avoid comp.sys.mac.hardware stereo sound problem mac game steve for your help and in form comment mac stereo sound bad develop aren address problem thi make trusti m ac superior quadra replac doug

comp.sys.mac.hardware jump start mac appl dealership onc had kit replac solder batteri batteri holder real easi instal requir solder comp.sys.mac.hardware quickdraw perform across product line dave dave xetron d ave steel write fastest quickdraw color perform comput appl make drumrol lciii a nd color classic rank quadra line centri line pale comparison differ comput that explain dispar graphic processor perform you suffer align color tabl problem co lor classic fast quadra render screen screen card you us matter built video almo st faster nubu you measur scroll entir screen color classic had vram screen bit color and quadra had bit screen nubu cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux thi sig line improv usenet ratio comp.sys.mac.hardware simm friend mine simm for sale for each offer sinc techw ork sell puppi for you want contact directli steve epstein dai even bruce planet bmug firstclass bb bmug messag contain thi post not reflect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor for lciii jeff answer your question recommend so ni cpd monitor trinitron vga monitor design specif for us work mac specif video capabl mean and take mac vga cabl recommend jame engin cost compar higher price compar monitor not multisynch us for half year and love second us syex and found decent had backord supra modem cancel help explain reason delai and had supra n umber readi for complaint that not return call told that cpd sell for syex don d avid planet bmug firstclass bb bmug messag contain thi post not reflect bmug off ici view comp.sys.mac.hardware vram for sale lcii vram chip for sale work fine lcii and will give color size screen ask cover postag speak send chip plastic antistat s leev send envelop class info appreci bill spaceman lee box yale station haven comp.sys.mac.hardware compar real question opinion motorola processor run syst em mac compar intel processor run window recal convers that run window benchmark speed mhz system don that true love hear technic data thi david planet bmug fir stclass bb bmug messag contain thi post not reflect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware mac number list number compil sourc add format for alpha and fine for don complain doesn good you adob fax info aldu alladin altsi apda appl prog dev assoc appl comput appl custom tech assist ap allianc peripher sy a sd softwa fax berkelei system cayman system softwar clari clari softwar ari comp at system comput associ connectix dataviz dayna deltapoint deneba mac gener grea twav icom simul macavenu macconnect macland macromind mac place macwarehous micr ocom microsoft educ gener sale and servic punch technic assist univers shiva sil icon beach symantec mac zone chip merchant clearpoint comput clubmac clu bmac de lta research lab diamond dynam electron etc global villag telecom mac adb modem lifetim memori llb macproduct usa mac disk macproduct mac usa megabyt memori pro duct memori intern memori micro electron tech newer technolog peripher outlet ps i quadmat shecom comput sii micro south coast electron stratum technolog technol og work texa macstuf mac stuf wave comput wave turbo technolog directori assist for number comp.sys.mac.hardware reach micron reach micron interest get specif type monit or work micron xceed card for mail phone number prefer you answer question repli julia hsieh opinion not intend reflect hsieh ipld hac hugh aircraft compani comp.sys.mac.hardware can remov daughterboard upgrad subject detail macrescu u pgrad board that make equival system and macenvi identifi such macrescu board cl ip period remov clip not easi thing and clean leg larri pina book assert that th i occasion problem snap upgrad leg will oxid caus unusu system error that perman and fairli easi put socket and modifi macrescu board plug not whether will work that two aren act independ remov shouldn effect perform mac will provid extra e rik erik cheshir oxi edu comp.sys.mac.hardware syquest rememb mention meg syquest heard thi interest co st per megabyt and approxim cost drive and compar bernoulli comp.sys.mac.hardware word print iig user that word and symbol such and mathem at sysmbol fraction etc document show screen problem fine print iig upsid caret and symbol chang doubl quot bottom charact circl word fraction space thi happen iig laser printer server mac and two iig print fine and ntx laser printer wrong for advanc gari gari wei univers comput center hal greer boulevard huntington we st virginia phone fax internet gari marshal wvnet edu bitnet gari marshal ucc ne

t gari comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra sound quadra extens init routin hardwar read pram obtain info last session includ volum set and execut sound procedur for startup sound and wait scsi control respond boot code dram produc error regist cannot r ead devic devic corrupt that address data control path firmwar branch anoth soun d routin that produc sad mac sound thi gener breif start procedur typic mac you cannot control volum quadra even boot feel incorrect logic board quadra not show problem you steve comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship sunnyt code bch edu write extern ship and ship for quit awhil demand for unit high pretti rare drive sinc heard rumor that bun dl coupl can confirm cd bundl you cd demo applic game photo etc compil list and post alt cdrom will post updat version thi list rsn sven comp.sys.mac.hardware ad vram quadra want vram quadra simm bui current solder board current vram add weslei stuart jone weslei stuart jone jonesw re we mot ws tuartj ecn purdu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware error power mac get sad mac icon black screen error code wrong memori lot infinit nestor michelena comp.sys.mac.hardware question folk mac final gave ghost thi weekend start lif e back sooo market for machin bit sooner intend into pick powerbook and bunch qu estion that hopefulli can answer dirt round powerbook introduct expect heard sup pos make appear thi summer haven heard anymor and sinc don access macleak wonder had info heard rumor price drop powerbook line duo recent impress displai swing disk don feel for displai yea great store that wow that good solicit opinion pe opl us and dai dai worth take disk size and monei hit activ displai realiz thi r eal subject question plai machin comput store breifli and figur opinion machin d aili prove help hellcat perform bunch advanc for info you email post summari new read time premium final corner tom willi twilli ecn purdu edu purdu electr engi n convict danger enemi truth li nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl katinka fenk wau katinka van der linden write info thi exabyt tapedr never work quadra sinc septemb replac ca bl init don industri expert phone tapedr dealer appl dealer softwar dealer fault don last thing that need special quadra scsi termin articl apr mintaka lc mit e du nodin lc mit edu mark nodin wrote articl new udel edu johnston udel edu bill johnston write articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin write d on specif problem mention your messag had scsi problem and vener jasmin megadr c artridg drive solut silverlin loop that involv blind write work drive fact loop that work macintosh softwar loop that mean doubt thi quadra specif problem had r id vener bernoulli last year cartridg purchas each make thing worth comput tech support gui ocean microsystem suggest that parti driver fix problem case cartrid g wouldn format mount partit for that megadr work perfectli mac and powerbook fo r thi reason assum problem had quadra even quadra work problem occur eject cartr idg drive start pop dialog box thi cartridg format jasmin drivewar even cartridg drive mark pli soni drive and sharp color scanner standard scsi cabl and standa rd termin problem you iifx that anoth stori make termin cabl and end box intern termin can switch and socket count box intern termin cannot put end termin cabl disabl switch pull socket you box intern termin termin box disabl etc that thi c over expert experi scsi box that connect mac that softwar packag for mac talk pl i drive and sharp scanner for each good luck art beatti speak for comp.sys.mac.hardware macplu home brew accel question thi talk chang clock spe ed make replac mhz mhz mhz clock occilat not share rest mac mhz mac work and wor k you problem sound vidio scsi simpl solut keepa dead slow mechin live longer th i not work idear make work alex arp ritvax isc rit edu comp.sys.mac.hardware driver jasmin drive cannot us system understand that ups at driver modern order gain compat system inexpens program thi formatt for buit idea will work anoth ancient devic thi tape drive for back util freez system us drive jasmin direct tape bought us for tape techmar mechan essenti question inex pens beckup util can us system and advic apprici comp.sys.mac.hardware call mac guru question for familiar quadra vram put vram simm quadra slot closest ram simm slot and result whatsoev told that built vide o support bit and bit color macintosh color displai monitor control panel list b

it color highest make differ slot you put simm you activ you monitor control pan el btw run system meg ram charl cox comput engin case western reserv univers cpc cwru edu cox snowhit eeap cwru edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl mini dock articl rahul net jonathan mecca epri writ e deguzman deguzman math uiuc edu wrote boss purchas powerbook duo lean math cop rocessor for mathematica duo find mini dock coprocessor parti announc such beast that machin produc thi natur machin make two mini dock powerlink present and po werlink desknet present offer varieti video option includ ntsc rgb and svga soun d floppi drive port and power port scsi port and block serial port desknet stand ard port built ethernet ala fpu futur rasterop put mini dock name escap suppos s upport bit color and quadra compar video speed idea fpu hope thi help beth corbo comp.sys.mac.hardware syquest articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech edu anthoni kim write rememb mention meg syquest heard thi interest cost per megabyt and ap proxim cost drive and compar bernoulli you talk syquest code name mesa winchest technolog drive pretti syquest drive term work latest macleak drive access time sustain throughput figur memori slightli give you idea perform nonetheless drive origin releas for and recent releas for mac world don differ and limit suppli s yquest rep process ramp for mass product advertis number manufactur macleak incl ud pli massmicro clubmac and macwarehous powerus pli and massmicro unit price le sser name brand for for extern drive cartridg hold sell for each price drive and cartridg cheaper and perform drive cost per megabyt compar favor cartridg drive and bernoulli drive for larg amount data optic cheaper and reliabl person excit drive and forward get hand chri wand egot anesthet that dull pain stupid frank leahi comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship interestingli cdrom that quadra disk system in stal kodak photo sampler alic ocean cdrom titl applic demo mozart disson quartet nautilu appl chronicl notic that get extern feel miss suppos fantast game demo disk heard that peopl disk drive assum titl cinderella and game demo cdrom comme nt and experi call appl complain derek thewho plume mit edu comp.sys.mac.hardware ntsc and mac stuff delet not interest quicktim us mac te levis time time nice soni monitor and us second wife watch sitcom regular stuff delet wouldn cheaper bui fourteen inch colour curiou georg micahel jeff scott mo ntreal que canada scott silverbullet cam org comp.sys.mac.hardware mac ibm info version send follow up comp sy mac advocaci header pnew not easili chang header and gave year thi sheet ftp sumex aim stanf ord edu info mac report mac ibm compar txt mac ibm info version reason for thi g ener data sheet consolid and condens inform that peopl camp can clear and accur machin sinc comput technolog chang point sheet will lack incorrect inform don sh eet incomplet incorrect give clear and concis inform make need correct price dol lar thi data sheet organ provid articl citat for inform provid correct and opini on minimum thi gener data sheet info provid simpl can understand talk and can ex plain final inform relev section correct for exampl code rom softwar contain har dwar support disk softwar data for hardwar section you note for proper read line thi document point monaco special andrew aardvark uc uoknor edu chihuahua charl i andrew frip tek andrew klossner bell peter yale edu peter bell bcoleman hay bi ll coleman andrew cmu edu carl jabido jwa nada kth jon wtte ephraim ephraim vish niac andrew cmu edu faisal nameer jawdat gsidler cafe eec nwu edu gabriel sidler julian deepthnk kiwi gen julian harri erick krueger umich edu krueger engin umi ch edu matt wardsgi med yale edu matt heali mark bilpin mark allerton jokim jart hur claremont edu john kim mem jhufo pha jhu edu mel martinez nan matt ksu ksu e du nan zou pwagner oracl fuller iastat edu strobl gmd wolfgang strobl jkirvin pa fosu mil phill ichip intel shaikha duvm oc drexel edu sxjcb orca alaska edu jai beaver lewi kawecki novel lamont catfish rtsg mot bradlei lamont cerro mbcl rutg er edu cerro joseph mpark utmem utmem edu mel park logullo applelink appl jeff l ogullo zrai hou amoco robert irlbeck and mikew appl for provid inform that made thi list content cpu hardwar monitor support expans oper system number crunch ne twork print cpu note show motorola intel cpu us mac and ibm clone machin for exa mpl sinc appl never us motorola and mac chip not list year dead cpu and last yea r us cpu cach note ibm and mac us cach extern cpu extern cach increas speed cpu not part present mac extern cach built ibm option machin gener sold instal sinc

extern cach cpu mac and ibm scsi video disk and static ram mac each effect cpu p erform and machin static ram cach iici iifx and iivx seller cach card instal iic i expans iici cach card depend decid leav list note alu industri facto standard for cpu bit classif ibm alu regist extern cpu featur cpu bu address cach note se gment protect mode mmu bit protect mode fpu fpu doubl intern clock rate demo mhz mhz and mhz plan pentium code cisc chip risc data featur issu superscalar write back bit fpu path pipelin speed specint specfp chip bit intern bit extern archi tectur and chip can address maximum ram low power built power manag us laptop sl c ibm chip cach ad john kim john kim us ibm model slc two chip that thi name fpu cyrix basic socket cach and improv integ math speed ibm equival chip cach for c hip run mhz rest machin run mhz week mag latest line cisc chip mag sampl releas march machin will not announc week cpu system and mag mac alu regist extern cpu featur cpu bu address cach note limit code parallel process two mmu burst mode t wo fpu two mmu fpu pipelin doubl intern clock rate develop discontinu favor bran ch fpu target superscal pipelin cach line burst equival capabl speed pentium inc lud data and instruct code cach built cach for mac design creat limit clock inte rn processor clock pclk that freq extern bu clock bclk us rate chip bradlei lamo nt motorola data book compil produc program sensit pclk and act clock doubler ch ip thi compil and program depend complier written program consit advantag pclk f utur studi such byte articl show and roughli depend machin and program test and such not repres gener perform motorola claim week powerpc ibm and mac machin lis t separ elimin redund motorola cpu risc chip powerpc alu regist extern cpu featu r cpu bu address cach note int speed specint combin specfp low power for desktop portabl system end high perform for high end machin int mid combin week mag sel ect vender sampl chip motorola week and nubu board contain earli sampl powerpc a ppl list develop week macweek mhz mhz week system version mid week cpu compariso n list gener rule thumb motorola chip faster intel chip frequenc intel chip high er frequenc motorola thi even macintosh bibl support comparison intel and motoro la chip for and bit bit chip data path address line data address regist limit ma c bring and lower chip compar hardwar segment bit alu and chip come usabl built mmu unlik successor hardwar segment protect mode us and window us hardwar segmen t and bit natur put and featur and bit data path strenghthen comparison two bit chip mmu and protect memori present mac us protect memori featur for app system thi featur protect ram disk creat memori control panel thi support powerbook and quadra color classic and lcii bit hardwar data path make compar sx and fpu us l ow cost solut for peopl not fpu program sensit pclk pipelin behav fpu two bit mi croprocessor built fpu mmu intern cach implement two cach and program sensit pcl k pipelin behav pentium plan superscalar heat problem chip flounder cheaper week mag earlier releas week macweek week leat produc degre for pentium mag and part li port powerpc chip powerpc powerpc thi cpu line plan run program do window and mac top poweropen unix and pink talig emul os shell softpc do hardwar effort re mov reconfigur system almost time you add requir for add card driver video and o per system ibm world intel microsoft and hardwar and softwar develop work plug a nd plai standard week color support displai mac mhz pixel clock standard present mac support us bit color bit color quickdraw rom bit color quickdraw almost tra nspar capabl displai and edit bit imag bit color and retain color bit color and independ monitor resolut dpi color dpi palettebook monitor type includ autosynch ron vga mcga and svga monitor rang includ vertic and khz horizont and hardwar vi deo adaptor macus aug older machin that support color iix and iicx had bit color rom and need softwar patch us bit color macus special cost and speed mac bit di splai capabl built can expand displai bit color present quickdraw optim for dpi displai quickdraw will chang thi addit quickdraw mac nubu slot monitor us combin two monitor show thing multipl monitor act larg larg monitor degre overlap pict ur vram video ram standard for present powerbook mac handl built video bit color palett vram provid run bit color displai expand bit color bit displai sound out put standard mac sinc stereo sound standard ibm even pc rom bio definit oper sys tem interact video hardwar nan zou us driver bypass bio video harewar inconsit s uper vga below and nonstanderz clone bio left resolut video displai hardwar and program interact and video hardwar question faisal nameer jawdat addit ibm and c lone maker never bother provid standard hardwar mechan for softwar determin disp

lai mode present matt heali standard screen draw toolbox mac result written dete ct mode parti card us consitantli present thing depend interact program print dr iver and monitor card that edit bit pictur color mode and monitor type card comb in can mac imposs ibm for exampl cannot edit bit color pictur svga monitor vga b it color palett and do and color start ibm machin will integr graphic acceler fa ster processor and modular upgrad and built sound card rom and ethernet week mda monocrom displai adapt origin charact map video mode graphic text cga color gra phic arrai color color palett bad for ey ega enhanc graphic arrai color color pa lett and lower re version run color bearabl ey vga video graphic arrai color col or and two commonli us mode clut bit ibm bit mac color palett mhz pixel clock me l martinez monitor us analog input incompat ttl signal ega cga etc mcga multi co lor graphic arrai subset vga that featur mda cga lack ega and vga mode vga dicti onari comput term dct common initi implement ibm and model svga super vga thi no t standard catch categori for group video card such each manufactur implement sc heme svga chao peopl debat svga and not effort make svga standard vesa establish and us newer unit thing mess video todai resolut and and color common newer sin c sierra hicolor ramdac give bit color newer can bit per pixel speedwis variat s low western digit paradis base for exampl fast base for exampl tseng popular chi pset limit factor overcom mhz bu linear address map mhz isa bu architectur cpu c ard window etc svga standard ibm standard interlac graphic acceler graphic funct ion linedraw polygon fill etc hardwar clone implement ati fastest video todai cl one model not interlac tm high end graphic processor bit speed vector orient gra phic cad xga extend graphic arrai newer and faster for mca bu base clone come em ul vga ega and cga dct max resolut bpp mode xga acceler graphic function time fa ster standard vga window and includ line draw bit and pixel block transfer area fill mask and address intellig detect and exist xga card multipl desktop mac not sinc thi architectur resolut and color depth isn fix ibm implement bit color co mpani can bit color ibm technic licens refresh rate ensur flicker free rock soli d imag reduc visual discomfort and vga compat monitor type usabl mac mac section for specif detail expans mac ibm scsi extern devic expans interfac common mac a nd ibm us devic hard drive printer scanner nubu card expans mac monitor and rom main problem lot extern devic intern termin problem for two devis scsi port scsi chain suppos termin begin and end set problem for mac ibm scsi devic per scsi c ontrol bit asynchron av and synchron max transfer differ due scsi softwar driver fast scsi misnam for bit scsi scsi mode scsi for detail scsi devic per scsi con trol scsi mode scsi fulli scsi compliant and bit scsi implement fast scsi sinc n ot requir control interfac hardwar and softwar that and bit scsi transfer speed burst bit burst bit and burst bit wide and fast sinc bit scsi can us scsi softwa r driver and hardwar bit scsi speed and such limit devic sometim mistakenli call fast scsi bit fast scsi requir scsi softwar driver and scsi electron can us scs i port wide bit and bit scsi requir scsi port electron and softwar driver scsi m ake expens scsi interfac mac scsi asynchron scsi built standard sinc even appl d evelop specif for scsi control scsi manag rewritten full advantag featur scsi in terfac result present scsi mac us bit scsi fast asynchron scsi present quadra ma c scsi control chip built digit review oct lack part hardwar wide scsi port inte rfac sinc mac requir nubu card us scsi older nubu mac had bottleneck due speed n ubu and cpu rumor cyclon mac june will come wide fast scsi port standard and rew ritten scsi manag ibm scsi scsi not wide spread gener not bundl system add eisa and vesa local bu adapt aval mac bit scsi us fast scsi control unlik mac ibm exa ct scsi control specif result ad incompat for scsi mac memori expans except mac us pariti pin bit simm memori expans sinc pin bit pariti simm us mac special iic i make us pariti featur convens simm type call pin simm iifx us pin pariti simm iii and us pin simm that access bit time and us ibm mac complet memori check sta rtup write read memori locat wrong simm mac will not boot and give sound chord i ndic problem sinc mac made feb manag memori bace data path simm had instal pair bit set bit centri and quadra elimin thi memori manag setup that memori upgrad s imm time simm size us memori interleav across two simm result perform boost ram access macworld apr printer adb and modem built interfac standard monitor interf ac and sound input built present mac pd present powerbook mac bit portabl classi c line and bit oper cpu mhz maximum put data path byte cpu mhz mhz mhz standard

and bu design adapt nubu card can us iisi and problem card time depend slow put nubu mac bit mhz bu clock transact bu cycl ratio and contigu hand shake transact theoret peak built modular mac seri and performa adapt us thi and even mac scsi nubu support expans cpu ethernet dma nubu nubu mac back compat mhz bu clock avg throughput burst mode futur card design will quickr peer peer bu us parallel nu bu appl vlbu architectur ident that vlbu byte burst mode byte develop cpu expans handl pd nubu unlik pd nubu cpu card exampl radiu rocket us multipl processor t ime thi two mac box dual task joinli process depend card softwar involv each nub u card memori nubu card thi type come ram simm card standard ibm memori expans p ariti simm pariti simm newer model mac simm memori check dozen type memori board interfac limit hard drive design lack develop mfm modifi frequenc modul rll run length limit us smaller hard drive id integr devic electron asynchron max and s ynchron max transfer common standard and us for medium size drive can hard drive esdi enhanc small devic interfac throughput gener consid interfac scsi wai not common for practic consider hard drive devic choic limit compar scsi bu interfac plug and plai isa and eisa compat card problem work card infoworld week vaporwa r isa bit interfac common bit data path limit produc limit for softwar workaroun d mag byte edg trigger interrupt can share come irq conflict limit busmast capab l card aren bandwidth limit port lpt port game port midi card etc video and disk control domin factor show ag isa motherboard design bit world feb mca micro cha nnel ibm and bit bu us cpu comput dct and can talk fast two compon involv can ha ndl never incompat isa and eisa plan bu interfac ibm powerpc carl jabido eisa nu bu mac closest mac equival bit mhz burst mode abil configur card mca and multipl bu master sharabl interrupt and dma channel and multipl cpu us vesa local bu vl b sometim mistakenli refere pd local bu standard run cpu clock rate burst mode b it bit byte limit slot bu master and will coexist isa eisa consit ideal for vide o and disk dell fill claim that thi violat patent mel martinez quickr appl faste r burst version vlb architectur byte show ibm and powerpc machin byte develop pc i intel version local bu that intend total replac isa eisa mca develop os assum full instal print driver font multifind etc and multipl applic us mac and hardwa r command put into rom thi appl control machin put kei hook for mac quickdraw me nu command print mous scsi sound driver etc rom requir clone maker us rom chip r ead rom disk requir access proper mac sinc mac slightli rom chip classic for exa mpl kei hook for support interfac rom program not worri whether disk hardwar com mand that command consit and can write smaller program thi appl greater control hardwar softwar standard and that disk can smaller and tookbox command code rom lower ram requir total disk base mac us mask rom fast dram jon wtte singl progra m usag base requir and floppi cooper multitask base requir and floppi featur gui cooper multitask multifind standard program interfac standard stereo sound supp ort snd network receiv part appleshar softwar bundl ram barrier and bit parti pr oduct virtual memori long real ram below print driver system for mac that requir system base requir hard drive and facto standard run featur hard drive and lowe st present portabl mac configur thi system disk hard disk space thi featur progr am link and comput iac built server capabl fileshar can us older os appleshar cl ient softwar and can access mac max speed practic iac requir virtual memori mach in mmu time real ram for notic iisi speed degrad drag and drop quicktim built tr uetyp support support sound input aiff and snd format for present machin can acc ess true ram and virtual memori and and bit us real ram bit mode and older machi n requir mode extens appl last free worldscript support speedier and ram usag do t macweek week run bit mode older machin requir mode bit enabl extens mark start appl sale mac allow free upgrad bundl machin for upgrad instal bug that upgrad system font previou system insid system file thi can eat ram benefit and problem appl recommend remov font system file unix ram suggest hard drive and equival r un thi bit preemptiv multitask larg due unix and need translat and mac rom price note sound output support os format includ snd wave asnd fssd qssn smsd soun an d dcfl sound manag optim for sound standard snd and aiff playback problem for fo rmat plai ibm machi gui code data and hook present hardwar for programm work cod e provid sinc hard disk slow disk code read into ram addit rom code read into ra m process call shadow rom thi result faster implement sinc ram faster prom eprom code disk advantag optim code piec collect hardwar harder rom base system due p

atch need addit reduc for and size patch major revis hardwar support need side n ote ftc charg that microsoft form trust not provid featur document for os develo p and design window and do app fail undocu window and deliber code window beta i nstal abort boot manag present gregori hick info ibmpc digest due conflict intre st member vote ftc judici council for action microsoft tie result action rumor f tc will presu matter like point choos member council addit govern turn microsoft copyright window charg fee for develop hook week microsoft os do barrier memori manag barrier parti memori manag thi bit requir that each program provid print driver and bit program do protect mode interfac dpmi compliant and run bit prote ct mode break barrier contain gui shell present do do do ad featur built file co mpres disk defragment debugg for config sy file modul for network cost that byte april do bit do develop week window run top do break and barrier deal do file s tructur base requir floppi and run hard drive and fast displai adapt bit equival mac call window gdi graphic devic interfac thi not consist applic interfac earl i mac program larg program base compar do and slow machin info ibmpc digest spee d depend displai adapt cpu bill coleman window program tend disk and memori hog compar do counterpart byte april window faster version window memori manag base requir hard drive and run hard drive appl plan releas print driver for thi week window for workgroup run ram and world feb intermediari win and window basic win dow built peer peer network support window beta releas take disk space includ sw ap file and ram beta notori for ram usag interact debug code and program complie r report requir releas version suppos ram gate recommend ram week thi bit protec t mode multitask multithread symmetr multiprocess recover file system and bit gd i built network that osf dce compliant and can handl ram even peopl juli releas date infoworld nov rumor that final version will not oct infoworld juli vaporwar quarter week window upgrad will week os do ibm version do run window faster do due faster file and video handl infoworld feb do do extra built data compress an d memori manag enhanc barrier version novel do thi us version mac finder and app l file manag system week infoworld dec unix featur and unix requir ram hard driv e and cpu thi bit multithread multitask can address ram us fast swap file us ram isa system dma direct memori access ibm plan us talig oop futur version thi inf oworld oct aix ibm unix system plan subset poweropen and talig nextstep gui unix provid featur ibm machin beta final version solari for sunsoft port bit symmetr multiprocess and multithread built network capabl tool remot configur and admin str featur and commun packag client user server user server develop kit softwar hardwar mac work name star trek appl had system run intel chip and make version for ibm computerworld nov macweek present thi plan run top novel do requir equiv al run and that app will recompil macweek view novel answer window complex hardw ar set up reason for slow progress thi appl ibm lead powerpc line late earli and pink late earli powerpc rumor ibm will build powerpc late infoworld june macwee k week will microchannel bu and xga video carl jabido and will run nativ version aix and mac app week comment compatabl do window app appl powerpc machin tesser act plan jan and mhz ram mbyte floppi drive and expect sale line price project m acus macweek poweropen bit preemtiv multitask plan run powerpc and mac macweek i ntel compat uncertain mac plan base requir ram hard drive macweek rumor ahead sc hedul mid rumor thi for ibm powerpc due late pink talig expect deliveri wall str eet journal and part ship and aix and mac and poweropen powerpc macweek window p ort macweek ibm section for detail solari version thi sun microsystem inc unix r un power pc macweek os directli state that will run window do program ibm sectio n for detail nextstep port ibm section for detail number crunch mel park mac ari thmet consist numer environ sane standard appl numer environ float point number bit long fpu present and bit except such divid take squar root neg number not ab ort handl logic consist manner produc intern represent for infin inf produc trea tment occur fpu equip machin even sane bypass and fpu program directli ibm float point number bit hardwar fpu bit emul handl depend code compil assembl us for p rogram older do complil except program abort and abort do prompt point occur pre sent compil handl thi result consist handl number do window and program program for network includ print wysiwyg print can problem mac ibm machin send truetyp f ont older style postscript printer mac hardwar built localtalk network port and built printer port localtalk moder speed requir special connector for each machi

n and and can run printer port includ mac network port standard todai built ethe rnet common older mac requir pd nubu card for each machin card provid connector and transceiv thick thin and baset for ethernet macintosh quadra famili and cent ri model includ ethernet interfac motherboard transceiv tokenr network option si nc softwar appletalk suit protocol standard mac can us varieti media type apples har client softwar includ and can connect file server such novel netwar open ban yan vine dec pathwork appl appleshar server system file share machin and afp ser ver run varieti unix host mactcp typic tcp commun telnet ftp nf rlogin version w ill unix open transport interfac xti built end macweek parti softwar connect nf server dec pathwork decnet support peer peer file share softwar built system sec tion full server softwar extra print requir connect printer and printer select c hooser chang printer select name chooser true connect server print bug monaco tr uetyp font screen bitmap font quickdraw supposs fix thi and similar problem ibm hardwar localtalk not wide us ethernet and tokenr softwar novel netwar banyan vi ne decnet window work group appletalk protocol and appleshar subset appletalk ea ch do network scheme gener total incompat onc you chosen you pretti lock that pr oduct line window work group forgiv and remov thi problem novel netwar biggest p ercent corpor market and gener power and offer control manag secur appleshar com plex set and manag thi will chang due us mac finder and file manag system novel week infoworld dec macweek print depend do singl user you plug printer into para llel port and don worri tweek need poorli written softwar network print not cont rol system implement actual program perform vari softwar program window support standard driver and can good job show job print queue list printer activ even no t thi becom problem incompat printer net for softwar reliabl determin printer ac tiv window for workgroup mac and intellig thi mac deal printer app make call pri nt bug due poor program program for os not wysiwyg print thi fault program quest ion and not that involv price issu thi dynam mac provid build featur ibm and ibm you mac and price war world ibm machin modualar natur prevent kind true hardwar standar turn requir os and program complex handl variat hardwar add standard ma c hardwar featur ibm built input output sound support scsi pd built monitor supp ort built network standard mous interfac and nubu higher machin mac cheaper equi val equipt ibm machin sinc ibm monitor can us mac cut mac cost macus aug price i nfo thi sheet and macus april mac below come pd slot vram and scsi built note mo nitor extra and built monitor interfac provid card need for bit color displai ib m plan slc mhz model hard drive and color vga monitor vram macweek sound color c lassic scsi sound support built network support fpu socket built expans bit colo r etc color classic mhz bit data bu mhz equival fpu socket and built monitor lci ii mhz mhz equival and centri mhz depend program mhz equival built ethernet rom pd nubu slot and vram for bit color centri mhz depend program mhz mhz equival pd and nubu slot ethernet ethernet ethernet rom vram for bit color bibliographi no te vaporwar digest vapor directori ftp sumex aim stanford edu and murphi sewal l ast issu april info ibmpc digest back issu wsmr simtel armi mil directori archiv ibmpc dictionari comput term isbm fact and chang develop announc correct correc t inform email correct compuserv aol bruceg internet bgrubb dant nmsu edu final note sinc comp sy ibm advocaci group thi post closest relev group comp window ad vocaci comp advocaci and comp sy ibm misc sinc mac ibm articl show comp sy mac h ardwar includ that newsgroup post don site comp sy mac faq reason not post comp sy mac hardwar sinc faq not follow internet guidelin facto faq for newgroup hier archi post newsgroup hierarchi standard elimin imposs and remain matter improb t ruth sir arthur conan doyl sherlock holm adventur beryl coronet adventur blanch soldier sign and adventur bruce partington plan comput your friend parinoia rpg comp.sys.mac.hardware join bui ethernet card for mac goto bui bui mail order b rand suitabl for mac network coxial wire lot you comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem articl new udel edu johnston udel ed u bill johnston write articl apr mintaka lc mit edu nodin lc mit edu mark nodin write don specif problem mention your messag had scsi problem and vener jasmin m egadr cartridg drive solut silverlin loop that involv blind write work drive tha t work macintosh softwar loop that mean doubt thi quadra specif problem had rid vener bernoulli last year cartridg purchas each make thing worth comput tech sup port gui ocean microsystem suggest that parti driver fix problem case cartridg w

ouldn format mount partit for hat megadr work perfectli mac and powerbook for th i reason assum problem had quadra even quadra work problem occur eject cartridg drive start pop dialog box thi cartridg format jasmin drivewar even cartridg dri ve mark format thi confirm appl comput sweden work for appl dealer servic tech h ad problem that quadra want format diskett syquest ther noth drive thi problem f ix sytem mikael fredriksson email mikael fredriksson macexchang mac exchang bb l indom sweden bb line fax fido disclaim mac exchang bb cannot held respons for co ntent thi messag comp.sys.mac.hardware compar rvenkat cso uiuc edu ravikuma venkateswar write r ai netcom rai fischer write number kind benchmark benchmark for market dweeb and cpu envi will make you happi faster bfd architectur near end lifetim and archit ectur good riddanc for wait state perform you cach mean processor that run speed simm note that thi memori speed correspond clock speed mhz point processor spee d aspect comput perform clock speed processor memori speed cpu architectur syste m even applic program contribut system perform and roughli twice fast clock spee d number rai fischer convict danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware compar jwa hemul nada kth jon wtte write interest compar is fast clock cycl chip you can alpha slow mhz blaze mhz problem find can make m hz comput system tough rai fischer convict danger enemi truth rai netcom li frie drich nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware can you share monitor cpu cleveland freenet edu david ka ntrowitz write centri want ibm machin save space desk us monitor for switch box thi bui switch box and multisync monitor that arrang desk and work fine rai fisc her convict danger enemi truth rai netcom li friedrich nietzsch comp.sys.mac.hardware sound record mac portabl answer lead equip will work mac mac will work fine mac portabl doesn sound input equip that work fine model men tion macus macworld gene jackatak raider net gene wright jackatak raider net comp.sys.mac.hardware call mac guru articl qv usenet in cwru edu charl cox cox snowhit eeap cwru edu write question for familiar quadra vram put vram simm qua dra slot closest ram simm slot and result whatsoev told that built video support bit and bit color macintosh color displai monitor control panel list bit color highest will bit bit color you want higher color depth vram altogeth for monitor for monitor you can bit max hope thi answer your question jame wang comp.sys.mac.hardware mhz fine articl apr informatik muenchen mene informatik muenchen rainer mene write replac oscil mac iisi had run mhz osc for month numbe r scsi devic connect quantum maxtor toshiba emulex adapt pioneer drm and had tro ubl stock cool facil consid ad fan heat pump don feel for box temp meter order a nd plan measur arriv week email you want result jame macphail jmacphai cue bounc jame mirg phy queensu comp.sys.mac.hardware newli instal falcon bomb crash intern receiv falcon upgr ad spectrum holobyt todai run sy ram instruct instal disk program start screen m usic download macsbug ftp appl and instal system folder restart mac hour and wou ldn complet boot intern happi mac disappear reappear and repeat cycl continu nev er even macintosh messag norton util fix problem thing happen mail orli aludra u sc edu advanc victor orli victor orli imagin life you aka nitro plastiqu stop in stantan and molecul univ southern california your bodi explod speed light intern et orli aludra usc edu egon spengler ghostbust comp.sys.mac.hardware serial line connect duo and articl almaden ibm petrack v net ibm write almost sun null modem connect mac duo and us mackermit and versate rm mac side us procomm kermit and softerm side us hardwar handshak and hardwar a hdshak cabl and hand shake effort noth allow file transfer mac hear attest that can pump inform serial port duo fast modem sy dump duo absolut insan wanna probl em duo duo duo hmmm sound vagu similar problem had long time ago us kermit build serial connect duo and problem handshak basic you make that handshak protocol s ide safe place start select handshak end problem that zilog serial chip perman w edg you talk wrong and reset will clear don specif thi nonlinear that screw your attempt debug system that you thing eventu wrong move bad handshak protocol can screw correct action machin reset wedg mac and that can send file back and duo and problem and pretti high speed don kind chip zilog pretti standard hope thi h elp averi

comp.sys.mac.hardware setwutim aep world std andrew page write can mac sleep c an make make wake setwutim powerbook hardwar doesn wakeup timer mac portabl had and powerbook had don newer powerbook kind doubt bit thi and root develop found thi steve folta folta comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra scsi problem attent mac quadra owner storag indus tri expert conclud that mac quadra suffer time irregular deviat standard scsi sp ecif thi result silent corrupt data us devic includ ultra modern devic will not name devic sinc not fault exampl soni inch special mac compat firmwar instal sol ut sometim disabl blind write knowledg aren problem quadra and blind transfer tr oubl blind transfer mean programm screw tib didn test driver devic question desi gn tib poll loop point delai sec occur thi occur byte each block transfer devic can hiccup middl block thi happen middl blind transfer possibl lose gain byte de pend direct tranfer anycas scsi manag will eventu return phase error end transac t sync actual data loss occur driver didn pai attent error come back note that t hi effect not caus scsi bu transfer loop insid scsi manag problem occur processo r bu error access scsi chip byte hasn clock note that bu error dealt bu error ha ndler and doesn crash machin clinton bauder appl comput comp.sys.mac.hardware simm dram arthur green fidonet org arthur green write ca n differ dram chip and simm add memori laserwrit offer sell simm remov feel thi not correct form memori socket laserwrit want spideri shape chip socket each rec al pin arrang two row not never simm appreci simm small pcb dram chip solder maa rten real life maarten carel comput scienc depart univers amsterdam email maarte n fwi uva comp.sys.mac.hardware mhz fine had run mhz osc for month number scsi devic con nect quantum maxtor toshiba emulex adapt pioneer drm and had troubl thi motherbo ard scsi interfac thi bit experi plain clock oscil order give detail mad clock c hipper seattl guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware half page hand scanner greyscal handscann think bui inex pens logitech pretti good don super high qualiti scan want worth advanc mike cha rl comp.sys.mac.hardware deskwrit driver instal recent upgrad system and upgrad d eskwrit driver softwar sumex not clear instal can file that come and for purpos can left for instanc you don want background print tom internet wstomv win tue e indhoven univers technolog voic dept mathemat comput scienc fax box eindhoven ne therland comp.sys.mac.hardware asynch synch mac good code drive serial port syncrono mo de bad tia abravo mondrian csufr edu comp.sys.mac.hardware drive speed differ cie meg extern hard drive speed test show that substanti faster that intern meg quantum supposedli and lp drive rough li rate speed such larg differ marc marc matteo applelink matteo california stat e univers internet mmatteo mondrian csufresno edu fresno aol matteo comp.sys.mac.hardware half page hand scanner logitech scanman nice unit compac t and effect will bring graphic surprisingli good qualiti note that effect resol ut grei scale mode dpi you don intend magnifi graphic work fine true level grai scanner work for imag scanman for us reason bui that price higher end hand scann er almost expens us flat bed scanner seattl paper show occasion good bargain cla ssifi us color flat bed low grei scale flatb come comp.sys.mac.hardware monitor shut re luck call local appl dealer and that thi nk serial number machin that cover begin and told that appl had extend servic se rial number for anoth year hope monitor jeffh ludwig uoregon edu jeff hite write articl apr guvax acc georgetown edu hew guvax acc georgetown edu write defect r e monitor bring dealer and will replac flyback for free heard thi problem work t odai and fix for free servic notic re monitor expir thi date appl will not reimb urs servic provid for fix replac voltag capacitor you folk that put intermitt sh utdown get your servic provid miss freebi forc for year you free you deal jeff h ite comput center oregon jeffh ludwig uoregon edu comp.sys.mac.hardware mhz fine articl lee husc harvard edu lee husc harvard ed u patrick lee wrote mene informatik muenchen rainer mene write replac oscil mac iisi understand newer variabl speed overdr hardwar and alittl init us adjust spe ed idear replac cristal oscil wit socket and can chang oscil easi thi will alot

cheaper newer variabl speed overdr gue upgrad net thi variant speed quadra issu magazin articl upgrad model appl simpli chang crystal and add fan hammerhead cen tri work mhz cooler prefer and for you mhz work crystal full speed extra cool re quir centri quadra extra cool mhz work machin and for real power enthusiast us q uadra mhz wow for descript you thi issu german magazin christian bauer bauer inf ormatik uni ulm comp.sys.mac.hardware hard disk error run disk aid extern hard drive quantum l p followinf messag error miss thread record tarid tarblock disk aid not fix thi problem norton util doesn find us norton disk editor tarblock can read dirreserv edarea question can rid thi error reformat michael kemper univers kaiserslautern germani email kemper rhrk uni gave that email address thi not opinion rhrk uni comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship note that you extern for your centri you will miss sound mix featur you will run wire motherboard sound input connector stereo output connect sound input port back comput won you can live mono comp.sys.mac.hardware compar rayc rpxb netcom rai netcom rai fischer write int erest comparis fast clock cycl chip you can alpha slow mhz blaze mhz problem fin d can make mhz comput system tough you can order digit todai cheer jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux don fear death dy that scare comp.sys.mac.hardware rom apr mrl dsto gov ryanph mrl dsto gov write reason th at appl couldn releas softwar patch for older comput lot mac pluse classic and s e that upgrad and processor perfectli deal color quickdraw wont and parti diffic ult reason market size market size for color quickdraw for acceller pluss and se don small extra cost belik and that monei you can bui color classic cheer jon t te nada kth mac hacker delux don fear death dy that scare comp.sys.mac.hardware ethernet card that rose articl aaron bratcher fpm mac uc hicago edu aaron bratcher fpm uchicago edu aaron bratcher write ethernet card th at take advantag rose extens hei rose extens michael michael antolovich wagga wa gga great place mantolovich csu edu antolovich zac riv csu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware torx screwdriv articl austin ibm login austin ibm write ago own and want upgrad memori order toolkit macwarehous for includ anti static wrist strap clamp us split clamshel case and torx screwdriv not sell anymor give and compani that sell memori upgrad suitabl for style box call bet that offer k it dai air ship method us told that compani sell plastic throw us version torx d river you bui michael michael antolovich wagga wagga great place mantolovich csu edu antolovich zac riv csu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra clock chip work read report germani success accel er quadra centri simpli chang clock oscil decid test claim pull variabl speed ov erdr and motherboard mhz clock chip put socket clock place and insert mhz ttl cl ock oscil had left work can work not get scsi time error thi short run time post result spend that monei vso for noth thi work lack doubl boot will worth effort gui kuo guykuo washington edu comp.sys.mac.hardware versatec plotter ppd world postscript ppd for versatec s ize plotter gener access zeh postscript interpret repli mail gratefulli receiv t hi prove quit tricki andrew nielsen internet anielsen dialix advanc system consu lt applelink aust applecentr perth adelaid tce tel perth australia fax opinion e xpress not employ comp.sys.mac.hardware quadra startup monitor shawn fitzgerald chungkuo umcc um cc umich edu wrote fix for thi quadra that will not finish startup monitor conne ct thi problem sinc run file server monitor connect time control panel made for thi don rememb name quadra model will work exist mat mat bredel mat bredel udac uppsala univers comput center udac depart medic system fax sweden straight gai comp.sys.mac.hardware simm dram articl zeu ieee org arthur green arthur green fidonet org write can differ dram chip and simm add memori laserwrit offer sell simm remov feel thi not correct form memori socket laserwrit want spideri shape chip socket each recal pin arrang two row not never simm appreci dram chip kilob it chip simm kilobyt memori modul simm pcb pin connector edg and simm kilobit dr am chip make total memori kbyte you correct assum that simm will not fit into la serwrit appl printer requir pin simm mac iifx special memori chip contact your a ppl dealer find exactli kind chip you peter hansen bell northern research pgmoff c bnr

comp.sys.mac.hardware pin simm articl qulhsinnm charnel ecst csuchico edu stev en medlei smedlei ecst csuchico edu write for meg pin simm for centri place purc has stock ship warrenti and phone number that can order goldstar make and immedi mac configur order pair computerland meg varieti and work charm had for two wee k peter hansen bell northern research pgmoffc bnr comp.sys.mac.hardware bui high speed modem articl apr cmp ilstu edu behr math ilstu edu eric behr write dataport earn unanim prais for reliabl backord moment special price effect fax capabl wors that two modem warn ad that modem come mac kit cabl and lifetim warranti thi appli you order directli paradyn call elektek distributor and want charg for cabl and gave year warranti hmm don thi inform ca bl and warranti order mine logo commun cleveland and insid mac cabl correct pin connect and lifetim warranti packag assembl paradyn and piec serial cabl telepho n cabl etc had part number quicklink softwar packag and compuserv intro kit eric behr illinoi state univers mathemat depart behr math ilstu edu behr ilstu bitne t avoid interest logo number order mine last wednesdai and modem fridai not clev eland pittsburgh side ship up cod chri christoph dingman electr and comput eng d ept dingman ec cmu edu carnegi mellon univers forb av pittsburgh comp.sys.mac.hardware appl giong brighter appl rgb monitor past month brighter and brighter and color not rich encount similar problem dow happen thi problem due comp.sys.mac.hardware setwutim work test thi and work that and and open powerb ook control panel set that you set time wake mac present you open control panel you can assum that setwutim will work andrew page warrior poet decis and effort archer and arrow mac consult differ macintosh and dsp technolog and want comp.sys.mac.hardware half page hand scanner lighten scan pro hand scanner sca n edit softwar ocr softwar and plug modul for photoshop scanner tad pricei side scan incred accur level dpi grayscal dither and line art set grayscal isn desir great scan softwar easi us frequent write letter neic and spontaneouli includ sc an imag note hope thi help comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card for iisi last week mac place had appli engin q uicksilv card cach pd slot socket for fpu sale for fpu regular price idea thi ca n phone interest found macus can peopl cach card post speedomet number card repo rt that cach card you speedup access memori take longer you cach card and miss s mall cach card worth don kind number card you found interest that you can disabl cach card softwar read mac iisi tech note ftp appl good deal not don comp.sys.mac.hardware driver for rom sakellei jeev ucsd edu scott kellei write find driver for futur echo infomasst sic cde rom drive friend run thi drive and us mac contact for gener rom driver optic access intern west cum park suit wobu rn fax applelink oai fwb inc polk street suit san francisco fax applelink fwb op tic media intern knowl drive lo gato fax applelink omi trantor system for intel architectur machin randal place fremont applelink trantor softwar architect not verifi north creek parkwai suit bothel applelink softarch dev casa blanca work n ot verifi applelink cbwork send messag applelink us form address applelink appl address replac applelink address brian bechtel blob appl opinion not appl comp.sys.mac.hardware vram simm kind soul price iivi iivx compat vram simm now adai price finland ridicul high each usd that worth troubl oversea jartsu comp.sys.mac.hardware long ram simm last doesn simm move flip flop don move bi gger electron and charg discharg capacitor dram simm anthoni saxton elenai creat ion comp.sys.mac.hardware iisi question singl expans slot that can pd nubu not tog eth card li parallel and motherboard and requir adaptor slot thi nubu and pd ada ptort card kind slot you depend kind adapt card you except radiu rocket nubu car d work pd slot and card mac specif not pd card work mac planet bmug firstclass b b bmug messag contain thi post not reflect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware desi upgrad exactli digit eclips upgrad suggest that chi p not perform mhz thi true and desi deal that david planet bmug firstclass bb bm ug messag contain thi post not reflect bmug offici view comp.sys.mac.hardware good displai card for multisync and can recommend good n ubu displai card for drive multisync nec nec can horizont refresh khz khz and ve rtic and can max interlac for noninterlac nice find card can program quit freeli

limit and capabl displai bit pixel prefer market that come even close jartsu comp.sys.mac.hardware good hard disk driver for appl drive sy compat your reco mmend for good hard disk driver softwar for appl drive for syquest remov media d rive for normal drive heard and good thing silverlin don competitor not fanci fi ll featur afford jartsu comp.sys.mac.hardware ad vram quadra wstuartj lucki ecn purdu edu stuart jone write want vram quadra simm bui you bui vram simm cost each your favorit memori distributor current solder board current vram add solder logic board simm slot f or expans hade comp.sys.mac.hardware psi comstat expieri psi comstat contact you had suggesit on for good modem fax for macintosh uci net amiga denni cheung dtc corpor americ a america onlin dtc internet dtc mlinknet hotciti disclaim you never read thi me ssag thi messag doesn exist comp.sys.mac.hardware drive speed differ zimmer csufresno edu mmatteo mondrian csufresno edu marc matteo write cie meg extern hard drive speed test show that substanti faster that intern meg quantum supposedli and lp drive roughli rate sp eed such larg differ cach disk faster coil for seek that disk spin faster data t ransfer faster that data pack tighter transfer faster faster scsi command decod drive thing jon tte nada kth mac hacker delux engin will thi work scienc will th i work manag will thi work liber art you want fri that jess schell comp.sys.mac.hardware ad vram quadra articl wstuartj lucki ecn purdu edu wstua rtj lucki ecn purdu edu stuart jone write want vram quadra simm bui current sold er board current vram add you add two vram simm vram simm will not work quadra c entri machin vram solder logic board you add two simm thi give you total dale ad am comp.sys.mac.hardware cach card for iisi can peopl cach card post speedomet nu mber card report that cach card you speedup record that show iisi and cach small that will attach measur real program and cach speedup vari lot app app rang ave rag subject differ not great sometim notic simpl cach card not transform iisi in to enorm not fpu convent wisdom that cach card maker offer speedup and that not differ and cach bought mine wave for had absolut problem you complet speedomet r un for cach check convent wisdom call perform rate number interest cheer peter n ewton newton utexa edu comp.sys.mac.hardware appl ship articl fdinnddt senat bedfellow mit edu thewho athena mit edu derek fong write interestingli cdrom that quadra disk system ins tal kodak photo sampler alic ocean cdrom titl applic demo mozart disson quartet nautilu appl chronicl notic that get extern feel miss suppos fantast game demo d isk heard that peopl disk drive assum titl cinderella and game demo cdrom commen t and experi call appl complain derek thewho plume mit edu not drive system inst al you list idea can bought iivx direct express chicago complaint good price goo d servic btw heard that system instal can us boot mac drive will not accept cadd i machin can you boot dave dlc umcc ai org comp.sys.mac.hardware sourc for deskwrit ink cart mail post cheap sourc for in k cart for deskwrit origin cart prefer will settl for parti brand good qualiti t ttttt eeeee eeeee eeee eeee steve liu vvv drlovemd jhunix hcf jhu edu eeeee eeee e drlovemd jhuvm hcf jhu edu comp.sys.mac.hardware stereo sound problem mac game steve bolling buzz appl wr ite enter game develop sound driver and current sound manag inconveni lame for m ake game sound driver pretti sinc fast sound manag us book useless dispos sound channel sound complet question for game smooth anim slow sound driver snappier s ound manag system support poorli make program crash occasion stori develop don c heat absolut posit not allow stop cheat sound you will even extern speaker will disappoint your sound futur hardwar grace period end sound manag understand and work pretti and will work even us want code work system don sy bug sound manag t hat channel hang error messag thi happend channel open for long period for perfo rm and plai sound stop sound halfwai callback not reliabl can safe sound stop pl ai inspect privat variabl channel qhead and found channel hung inspect undocu fl ag and modifi happi thi nope write soundbas simpli rid bug suggest silent game n ot acceptab solut ingemar ragnemalm dept electr engin uunet mcvax enea rainier i ngemar univers linkop sweden ingemar isi liu

comp.sys.mac.hardware bui high speed modem hardwar handshak and want us dan comp.sys.mac.hardware mac orient bbss chicago member local bb frequent for mac orient bbss base chicago lead appreci list firstclass system illinoi chicago ma chin chicago insan domain chicago mac univers bb chicago net rockford mactripp w ilmett innov vernon hill number firstclass system glad post complet list jason h yerstai adrenalin admin adrenalin onlin firstclass charlott free access hst dual onenet macunion fidonet usenet confer meg file dedic mac user cyberpunk civil l ibertarian and mecha gamer comp.sys.mac.hardware make intern hard disk into extern not difficult oper cab l and such standard for scsi scsi jumper pad label quantum put drive into case c onner can figur jumper scsi jumper familiar thi drive end drive oposit pin pibbo n connector eleven pin thi pin and repres silk screen notat pin board jumper pad mark silk screen scsi pin and drive activ light led plug into allan allan schwa rtz am auspex comp.sys.mac.hardware mac scsi spec maciifx and that wire scsi chain bought dr ive and find hardcor scsi question iifx scsi chain want activ passiv termin iifx scsi spec want enabl initi sdtr messag iifx scsi spec want pariti check good qu estion for faq not time answer question can and will repost answer for tim keani ni timk broder blast crl sound engin broderbund softwar comp.sys.mac.hardware duo crash aftersleep add list bug owner had bunch proble m sleep wakeup restart and techwork ram final di wouldn start open dock door sna p open and machin fine clock decad appl replac processor board twice machin froz en mous action twice machin refus wake acut backlight and disk spin power adapto r plug not good batteri time thi happen remov power adaptor and batteri for minu t brought machin back second time thi happen machin wouldn wake power for minut screen had look red horizont line accross tims file fax modem prefer corrupt dis infect remov fax and modem softwar and parti memori and wait happen forrest forr est howard oracl corpor oracl parkwai box redwood shore comp.sys.mac.hardware mac portabl powerbook answer can intern hard drive macpo rt upgrad larger capac spec drive lp model parti modem greater bp fax option not ic macport batteri aval appl catalog eric choi internet eric choi fidonet org comp.sys.mac.hardware quickdraw rest insid mac due releas suit quickdraw relat doc you wwdc month you preliminari version thi document talk multipl thousand p age afraid compris graphic layout and print lot api call and function document d ave opstad line layout weeni place bit add bit kinda aesthet pain place hack hac k maintain compat origin thing you cast cgrafport grafport and such lot cleaner ditch thi entir mess and start that maynard comp.sys.mac.hardware appl printer workaround will enabl print hplj powerbook will ethernet card localtalk slot grrrrr hardwar will enabl thi easili kind plug and plai pam mullen thi messag member seattl mac dbug exchang bb box seattl usa infolin intern obfusc code contest open enclos rule guidelin and relat i nform for intern obfusc code contest thi part part shar file enjoi chongo landon curt noll larri bassel bin thi shell archiv shar made utc chongo toad sourc dir ectori tmp exist file will overwritten thi shar contain length mode name rule gu idelin mkentri obfusc info rule echo extract rule text sed shar eof rule intern obfusc code contest rule xcopyright landon curt noll larri bassel xall right res erv permiss for person educ profit us xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unalt receiv prior permiss write xfrom landon curt n oll and larri bassel obfusc cate cate cate render obscur darken confus emot obfu sc judgment llat obfuscar darken intens lat fuscar darken fuscu dark obfusc obfu scatori adj xgoal contest write obscur obfusc program rule below show import pro gram style iron stress compil unusu code illustr subtleti languag provid safe fo rum for poor code xrule volum entri that you follow rule your entri complet prog ram your entri byte length number charact exclud whitespac tab space newlin and exclud whitespac end file your entri submit format entri xrule xfix thi entri th i replac older entri xtitl titl entri comment below xentri entri number inclus y our entri xdate date time submiss utc comment below xhost machin and your entri test us tab indent line need remark place remark thi entri thi section help you indent your remark space not requir avoid column blank line permit author xname

your name xorg school compani organ xaddr postal address us tab indent line cont inu don forget includ countri xemail email address site regist domain you give f orm list separ tab indent line xanon remain anonym publish thi info info xif you r program info file place uuencod copi xthi section case multipl info file us mu ltipl info xsection your entri not info file skip thi section build xplace uuenc od copi command us compil build your program xin thi section uudecod into file n ame build result xfile byte program xplace uuencod copi your program thi section uudecod xinto file name prog result file follow rule end format titl match expr ess and charact length suggest not requir that titl incorpor your usernam case m ultipl author part usernam author date entri section respect utc format date ret urn asctim local guidelin for info you correct revis previous submit entri send contest email address set fix entri section correct entri us titl and entri numb er submitt that correct that you note resubmitt remark except header text format judg you judg put remark section send separ email messag judg inform author sec tion will publish respect author anon line credit multipl author includ author s ection for each author each start author line and found entri and build section entri remark includ thi program run program sampl arg input special compil execu t instruct special filenam requir rule and inform data file you program obfusc n ote thi entri submiss previou entri remark humor not rot your entri remark you s uggest that portion your remark rot your entri win award info file us supplement your entri not requir exist your entri not info file skip info section your ent ri multipl info file us multipl info section per info file you describ each info file remark section your entri select winner will modifi follow build incorpor into makefil and build remov prog renam your entri titl option digit your entri compil into file name your entri titl possibl digit your entri requir that build file exist state your entri remark section makefil will arrang execut build she ll script contain build inform name thi build shell script will your entri titl possibl digit need your entri remark your entri chang order deal filenam build f ile sourc and result execut treat read file your entri modifi file make and modi fi copi file thi occur state your entri remark entri that cannot compil ansi com pil will reject us common extens permit long not compil error for ansi compil pr ogram origin work program public domain copyright program will reject entri rece iv prior utc utc essenti equival greenwich mean time email your entri appl pyram id sun uunet hoptoad obfusc obfusc toad request that your messag us subject iocc c entri request that you hold email your entri mar utc earli entri will accept w ill attempt email confirm author for entri receiv mar utc each person submit ent ri per contest year each entri separ email letter entri requir human interact bu ilt not allow compil entri produc file file execut program that requir special p rivileg setuid setgid super user special owner group not allow xfor inform judg will landon noll and larri bassel send question comment not entri contest appl p yramid sun uunet hoptoad judg judg toad rule and guidelin and chang year year yo u you current rule and guidelin prior submit entri obtain send email address and us subject send rule obtain anonym ftp host ftp net user anonym pass yournam yo urhost dir pub ioccc xchongo landon curt noll hoptoad chongo xlarri bassel uunet ucbvax cbosgd sun lab shar eof chmod rule echo restor rule fail set rule test e cho origin size current size guidelin echo extract guidelin text sed shar eof gu idelin intern obfusc code contest guidelin hint and comment xcopyright landon cu rt noll larri bassel xall right reserv permiss for person educ profit us xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unalt receiv prio r permiss write xfrom landon curt noll and larri bassel xabout thi file thi file intend peopl submit entri intern obfusc code contest ioccc for short thi not io ccc rule comment guidelin view hint and suggest entri that violat guidelin remai n rule allow even you safer you remain guidelin you read current ioccc rule prio r submit entri rule typic guidelin xwhat entri format for program mkentri updat entri format will reject entri that cannot compil ansi compil obfusc hack that a nsi compil fit longer permit issu deal integr arrai type variabl number argument preprocessor direct and exit function like and dislik xhint and suggest you enc ourag examin winner previou contest for inform for detail previou winner mind th at rule chang year year win entri not valid entri thi year uniqu and year year e ntri examin number wai typic appli number test entri origin sourc convert ansi t

ri graph ascii pre process sourc ignor includ line pre process sourc ignor defin and includ line run beautifi examin algorithm lint compil execut you your entri each test you your entri remain obscur clean pre processor and beautifi your en tri not test case test not import entri that compet for strangest creativ sourc layout not term algorithm hand two such entri inclin pick entri that interest yo u run avoid limit creativ rule such leav contest open for creativ rule interpret real life program interpret requir document custom request import for thi reaso n award worst abus rule entri that illustr thi point iron you plan abus rule sug gest that you remark section note that invit abus not invit break strict come by te size limit abus entri format annoi amus realiz that hole rule and invit entri attempt exploit will award worst abus rule and plug hole year even will attempt us smallest plug need not smaller check your program and that work sometim make effort debug entri that slight problem final round hand entri fall didn work te nd prime number printer that claim that prime number you bug you document note t hi entri sometim print power prime mistak save entri and sometim strang bug feat ur can even entri correctli work entri xour like and dislik mass defin obscur so urc becom tend mass defin due pre processor test that appli simpli abus defin df oo bar won program that round confus ansi compil dislik code and defin defin foo don expect thi turn into defin foo int don us such implicit type declar int sug gest that you compil your entri ansi compil you us ansi such you avoid area that result compil link error for ansi compil ansi requir arrai index integr type cl assic obfusc hack longer allow int char us string us string your entri function that variabl number argument care system implement list wide varieti wai thi num ber oper list not portabl and not us assign list variabl list variabl cast list variabl into list variabl pass list variabl function expect list arg pass list v ariabl function expect list arg perform arithmet list variabl list structur unio n not treat list variabl char avoid vararg us stdarg you us preprocessor direct defin ifdef lead charact line preprocessor whitespac lead not exit function retu rn void system entri not assum that return int small program short obscur and co ncis such program not complex winner serv purpos program that peopl attempt comp let understand for thi reason for program that compact and instruct line program short line program byte long get close byte bit long opinion tend dislik progra m that hardwar specif version specif index strchr differ socket stream specif co de like not dump core compil warn you warn remark header item won compil bsd sy abus build file size limit obfusc excess us ansi tri graph longer similar previo u winner ident previou loser you cramp for space you enter liner categori sugges t that you format your program creativ simpli form excess long line build file n ot us and size limit thing make us quit anoth us byte order and squeez sourc siz e limit you feel free make us build file space you you show amount restraint all ow whitespac and case not impact your program size point want sourc that simpli compact blob charact two version program that compact blob code and that format typic program tend favor second version version program that format interest and obfusc win two suggest that you avoid for smallest replic program amaz size tha t claim smallest noth wrong replic program fact number winner replic you want av oid claim smallest smaller client entri portabl entri that adapt wide collect en viron will favor don depend type displai for exampl don depend color size don re quir back store client entri avoid relat librari and softwar that not wide sprea d us that such client entri restrict low level xlib and athena widget set libx l ibxaw libxmu and libxt don us tif openl toolkit sinc not avoid depend window man ag not and peopl stuck back earlier target requir make your entri run version wi ndow system client entri not depend item xdefault you note requir line remark se ction program that concis and small quasi interest pass lint complaint not requi r nice portabl uniqu obfusc style make us number type obfusc make laugh and thro w type program can excel area your program doesn excel area area freeli admit th at interest creativ humor comment remark section help your chanc win you had rea d twist entri you enjoi good laugh two reader contest winner creativ xentri form at order process entri request your assist format your entri thi format addit qu ickli separ inform author program judg process provid program mkentri exampl for mat entri you awar warn that found mkentri thi program attempt implement ioccc r ule attempt made make that thi program produc entri that conform contest rule ca

se thi program differ contest rule contest rule will us check contest rule submi t entri you not requir us mkentri conveni attempt uuencod need file and attempt check entri size rule you suggest comment fix complaint mkentri program send ema il judg below sampl entri entri xrule xfix xtitl chonglab xentri xdate mon mar x host pdp bsd pdp remark thi obfusc obfusc program like not win prize you expect short exampl author xname landon curt noll xorg ioccc judg group xaddr toad hall box san francisco california usa xemail chongo toad xanon author xname larri ba ssel xorg ioccc judg group xaddr toad hall box san francisco california usa xema il hoptoad sun lab lab sun xanon info xend build xbegin build ryc xend program x end end typic build file assum that sourc prog and will compil into prog entri w in will renam sourc and binari avoid filenam collis tradit us name entri titl op tion digit case name conflict entri won like win award us chonglab and chonglab your entri depend requir that your build sourc and binari file name remark secti on thi case appli help you chang filenam your entri build file make copi file fo r exampl prog special name special binari special src special sourc prog special src special src special name special build special build tail build special bui ld special build assum that will us entri titl send version your build program f ile that name convent you uuencod file data section your entri modifi sourc info binari file remark section you avoid touch your origin build sourc and binari f ile you arrang make copi file you intend modifi thi will peopl gener your entri scratch rememb that your entri built build file typic incorpor build line into m akefil build file exist remark section your entri special info file you uuencod into info section case multipl info file us multipl info section info file need skip info section info file intend input detail inform that not fit into remark section for exampl entri that implement compil want provid sampl program for use r compil entri want includ lengthi design document that not for hint file info f ile us supplement your entri for exampl info file provid sampl input detail info rm your entri supplement entri not requir exist case your info file renam avoid name conflict info file not renam for reason remark section info file uudecod in to current directori absolut renam move into sub directori remark section submit multipl entri that each entri uniqu entri number your entri entri number except header text entri format that don place text entri and expect judg decod tool a ren prog you put remark section send email judg appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad j udg not address for judg toad submit entri date respect utc system refer thi gmt gmt format date that return asctim local exampl such string thr apr thi format similar output date command string not includ timezon name year system command w ill produc similar string date date sed utc date sed gmt date sed gmt date sed y ou allow updat fix revis your entri set fix line entri section that resubmitt ti tl and entri number us determin entri replac xjudg process entri judg larri bass el and landon curt noll entri unpack into individu directori email messag unpack into individu file each contain entri section author section info section build section program section text includ email messag header prior judg text file sc an not inform case entri malform and not unpack correctli inform author section not read judg process complet and entri that won award process help bias for ind ividu dark you final award surpris find end won and attempt entri anonym win awa rd main prize win announc make attempt send winner into oblivion remov win file and shred relat paper tradit not even reveal number entri that receiv for curiou volum paper consum present ioccc winner talk usenix announc attempt send email author win entri reason thi give author chanc comment present entri chanc correc t mistak typo accept suggest comment remark thi prior post winner wide world jud g consist number elimin round round collect entri divid into two roughli equal p ile pile that advanc round and pile that not examin entri that elimin previou ro und entri get two read read consist number action read entri section read uudeco d build section read uudecod program section read uudecod info section pass sour c pre processor ship includ file perform number beautifi cleanup edit sourc pass beautifi sourc pre processor ship includ file round action perform lint sourc c ompil build sourc run program perform misc test sourc and binari reduc stack ent ri entri entri judg individu basi entri set not opinion meet standard establish round number entri thin entri begin form award categori entri begin compet each for award entri will compet categori actual award categori list will vari depend

type entri receiv typic categori list small line program small program stranges t creativ sourc layout obfusc program game that obfusc creativ obfusc program de cept code client like and dislik abus ansi worst abus rule strang that deserv aw ard not limit ourselv thi list for exampl entri good bad that declar winner star t final round will invent award categori for final round process perform difficu lt task reduc remain entri typic winner confid that entri that make into final r ound that not make select winner final round clear cut sometim final round entri good win beat similar slightli entri for thi reason sometim worthwhil enter imp rov version entri that fail win previou year thi assum that entri worth improv p lace that not select small entri line strang creativ layout entri and entri that abus contest rule end tradition pick entri sometim such entri simpli exce entri pick number categori xannounc winner announc occur summer usenix confer tradit thi part uunet ioccc bof prior berkelei bsd and bsdi bof win entri will post lat e june group comp lang comp unix wizard alt sourc addit pointer post post comp s ourc alt sourc misc misc comp sourc misc comp window win entri will deposit into uunet archiv below for detail win entri publish select magazin winner appear bo ok hacker dictionari and shirt last not winner receiv intern fame and flame xfor inform you contact judg send email address appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad judg not address for judg toad submit entri question and comment contest obtain copi current rule guidelin mkentri program obtain send email address and us subject s end rule obtain item winner previou contest anonym ftp host ftp net user anonym pass yournam yourhost dir pub ioccc contest rule guidelin and winner archiv site check comp sourc unix archiv for exampl you request previou winner email judg e mail address that you thi last resort xchongo landon curt noll hoptoad chongo xl arri bassel uunet ucbvax cbosgd sun lab shar eof chmod guidelin echo restor guid elin fail set guidelin test echo origin size current size echo end part continu part exit sunnyval resid vote landon noll for sunnyval citi council seat intern obfusc code contest open part enclos rule guidelin and re lat inform for intern obfusc code contest thi part part shar file enjoi chongo l andon curt noll larri bassel bin thi part multipart archiv mkentri echo extract mkentri text sed shar eof mkentri mkentri copyright landon curt noll larri basse l right reserv permiss for person educ profit us grant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti and remain unalt receiv prior permiss write landon cur t noll and larri bassel mkentri make intern obfusc code contest entri usag mkent ri remark build prog ioccc entri remark file remark entri build file contain pro g built prog obfusc program sourc file ioccc entri ioccc entri output file compi l mkentri mkentri public domain landon curt noll thi softwar provid and express impli warranti includ limit impli warranti merchant and fit for purpos warn thi program attempt implement ioccc rule attempt made make that thi program produc e ntri that conform contest rule case thi program differ contest rule contest rule will us check contest rule submit entri send question comment not entri contest sun pacbel uunet pyramid hoptoad judg judg toad rule and guidelin and chang yea r year you you current rule and guidelin prior submit entri obtain send email ad dress and us subject send rule contest rule chang year year us thi program for y ear that intend that rule year defin below match thi current year includ stdio i nclud ctype includ time includ sy type includ sy stat logic ifndef true defin tr ue endif true ifndef fals defin fals endif fals defin eof true defin eof not fal s global limit defin rule year note match current year defin start date mar utc confirm receiv defin max col max column line hit defin max build size max build size defin max program size max program sourc size defin max program size max pr ogram sourc size not count whitespac and not whitespac eof defin max titl len ma x char titl defin max entri len max length entri input line defin max entri max number entri per person per year defin max file len max filenam length for info file send entri defin entri addr appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad obfusc defin ent ri addr obfusc toad uuencod process assum ascii defin uuencod encod str int xff defin uuencod len max uuencod chunk size defin uuinfo mode mode info file uuenco d file defin uubuild mode mode build file uuencod file defin uubuild name build name for build file uuencod file defin uuprog mode mode program uuencod file def in uuprog name prog name for program uuencod file encod str char val uuencod cha ract val xchar encod str abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a

bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz global declar xchar program name xlong start time startup time forward declar xvoid pars arg xvoid usag xfi le open remark xfile open build xfile open program xfile open output xvoid outpu t entri xvoid output remark xvoid output author xvoid output info xvoid output b uild xvoid output program xvoid output end xint line xvoid output till dot xint col len xvoid check xvoid uuencod xmain argc argv int argc arg count char argv a rg file remark null open remark stream file build null open build file stream fi le prog null open program stream file output null open output stream char rname null file remark entri char bname null file contain prog built char pname null o bfusc program sourc file char onam null ioccc entri output file struct startup t ime structur check year start time time long gmtime start time year rule year fp rintf stderr warn thi program appli differ argv rule year year pars command line arg pars arg argc argv rname bname pname onam open check input and output file open and truncat output file case input file output open output onam remark open remark rname build open build bname prog open program pname output null remark null build null prog null exit output each section output entri output onam outp ut remark output onam remark rname output author output onam output info output onam output build output onam build bname output program output onam prog pname output end output onam flush output fflush output eof fprintf stderr flush error program onam perror exit final word printf nyour entri can found you check thi file onam printf correct problem and verifi that uudecod util will printf correc tli decod your build file and program printf thi program provid guid for submitt printf case conflict rule rule appli printf your respons ensur that your entri conform printf current rule printf email your entri printf entri addr printf ent ri addr printf us subject you email your entri printf tioccc entri exit pars arg pars command line arg command line arg thi function pars and set requir name fl ag thi function will return command line syntax correct xvoid xpars arg argc arg v rname bname pname onam int argc arg count char argv arg char rname file remark entri char bname file contain prog built char pname obfusc program sourc file c har onam ioccc entri output file char optarg flag option operand int flagnam nam e flag int not getopt pars arg hand program argv for argc determin flagnam argv usag notreach flagnam int argv determin flag operand flagnam argv optarg argv ar gc usag notreach optarg argv save flag operand correct global variabl switch fla gnam case rname optarg break case bname optarg break case pname optarg break cas e onam optarg break default usag notreach verifi that requir flag rname null bna me null pname null onam null usag notreach return usag print usag messag and exi t thi function not return xvoid xusag exitv int exitv exit thi fprintf stderr us ag remark build prog ioccc entri program fprintf stderr remark tfile remark entr i fprintf stderr build tfile contain prog built fprintf stderr prog tthe obfusc program sourc file fprintf stderr ioccc entri tioccc entri output file exit exit v open remark open check remark file remark file indent space and not extend col umn max col not requir warn thi function return null format error xfile xopen re mark filenam char filenam file stream open file stream char buf bufsiz input buf fer int toolong number line that long int indent number line not indent space op en remark input file stream fopen filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open remark file program filenam perror return null each line fget buf bufsiz stream null count line that not start space buf strncmp buf indent count long line col len buf max col found line that long toolong watch for error check stream filen am eof note long line need toolong fprintf stderr warn line extend column progra m toolong filenam fprintf stderr thi nice avoid program note indent line need in dent fprintf stderr warn line not indent space program indent filenam fprintf st derr thi nice avoid program return open file rewind stream return stream open bu ild open check build file build file not longer max build size byte thi function return null size error xfile xopen build filenam char filenam file stream open file stream struct stat statbuf statu open file open build input file stream fop en filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open build file program filenam per ror return null determin size file fstat fileno stream statbuf fprintf stderr ca nnot stat build file program filenam perror return null statbuf size max build s ize fprintf stderr fatal build file byte long program filenam statbuf size fprin tf stderr not longer byte program max build size return null return open file re

turn stream open program open check program sourc file program sourc file byte n umber whitespac and char not whitespac byte thi function return null size error xfile xopen program filenam char filenam file stream open file stream struct sta t statbuf statu open file int count special count size int charact read open pro gram sourc input file stream fopen filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot ope n program sourc file program filenam perror exit determin size file fstat fileno stream statbuf fprintf stderr cannot stat program sourc file program filenam pe rror return null statbuf size max program size fprintf stderr fatal program sour c file byte long program filenam statbuf size fprintf stderr not longer byte pro gram max program size return null count whitespac whitespac char count fgetc str eam eof whitespac isascii isspac switch case count not eof whitespac case case p eek char fgetc stream eof isascii isspac not whitespac eof count ungetc stream c ount break default count break watch for error check stream filenam eof special size count max program size fprintf stderr fatal number byte that whitespac and program fprintf stderr that not whitespac program fprintf stderr eof byte progra m max program size fprintf stderr byte found program filenam count return null r eturn open file rewind stream return stream open output open check entri output file thi function return null open error xfile xopen output filenam char filenam file stream open file stream open ioccc entri output file stream fopen filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open ioccc entri file for output program filen am perror exit return open file return stream output entri output entri section read need inform form stdin and write entri section xvoid xoutput entri output o nam file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char titl ma x titl len entri titl char buf max col buffer int entri entri number int ret fie ld process fscanf int line line not char skip input skip file date pipe pipe dat e command time epoch sec second sinc epoch char write start section fprintf outp ut entri check output onam eof not write rule year fprintf output rule rule year check output onam eof not determin thi fix printf thi fix updat resubmitt print f previou entri enter line buf buf buf printf npleas answer buf fprintf output f ix check output onam eof not printf nbe that titl and entri number that you give printf entri you replac fprintf output fix check output onam eof not write titl printf nyour titl match express charact printf charact max titl len printf sugg est not requir that titl printf incorpor your usernam printf case multipl author part usernam printf author printf enter your titl prompt and read line line lin e titl max titl len max col printf ntitl long enter continu verifi pattern not r egexp hand isascii int titl isalnum int titl titl titl printf ninvalid charact t itl printf enter your titl line for titl isascii int isalnum int printf ninvalid charact titl printf enter your titl line line fprintf output titl titl check ou tput onam eof not write entri number printf neach person submit entri per year m ax entri printf enter entri number inclus max entri valid input line fflush stdo ut ret fscanf stdin entri check stdin stdin eof not skip input newlin found skip fgetc stdin check stdin stdin eof not skip bad text input invalid entri number entri skip check number and rang ret entri entri max entri printf nthe entri num ber and inclus max entri printf enter entri number ret entri entri max entri fpr intf output entri entri check output onam eof not write submiss date return newl in epoch sec time null fprintf output date asctim gmtime epoch sec check output onam eof not write machin host inform printf nenter machin and your entri test o utput till dot output onam host output remark output remark section read need in form form stdin and write entri section xvoid xoutput remark output onam remark rname file output entri output file stream char onam name output file file remar k stream file contain remark text char rname name remark file char buf bufsiz in put output buffer write start section fprintf output remark check output onam eo f not copi remark file section fget buf bufsiz remark null fput buf output check output onam eof not check remark rname eof that remark section end newlin buf s trlen buf fputc output check output onam eof not output author output author sec tion read need inform stdin and write author section multipl author exist multip l author section will written xvoid xoutput author output onam file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char buf max col buffer int auth true author note int auth cnt number author process prompt user for author secti on printf nenter inform each author your entri printf and contest deadlin judg s

tart date printf will attempt email back confirm author place author inform for each author individu section write start section fprintf output author check out put onam eof not write author printf nauthor name auth cnt line buf max col max col printf nname long enter fprintf output name buf check output onam eof not wr ite organ printf nenter school compani organ author auth cnt printf nauthor org auth cnt line buf max col max col printf nline long enter fprintf output org buf check output onam eof not write address printf nenter postal address for author includ auth cnt printf your countri and not includ your name output till dot ou tput onam addr write email address printf nenter email address for author us add ress auth cnt printf regist domain site you give printf form list per line outpu t till dot output onam email write anonym statu printf nshould author remain ano nym enter auth cnt line buf buf buf printf npleas answer fprintf output anon buf check output onam eof not determin anoth author printf ni anoth author enter li ne buf buf buf printf npleas answer buf auth true auth fals auth true return out put info output info section read need inform stdin and write info section multi pl info file exist multipl info section will written xvoid xoutput info output o nam file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char infonam max file len filenam buffer char yorn answer char uunam name uuencod file infil info file stream prompt user for info inform printf ninfo file us supplement yo ur entri printf for exampl info file provid sampl input detail printf inform you r entri supplement printf entri not requir exist anoth info file save uuencod pr intf you info file includ enter line yorn yorn yorn printf npleas answer yorn re ad filenam printf nenter info filenam line infonam max file len printf ninfo fil enam long enter comput basenam info filenam remov trail newlin uunam infonam str len infonam uunam avoid rindex shrrchr compat issu hand for uunam uunam infonam uunam uunam uunam break attempt open info file infil fopen infonam infil null fp rintf stderr cannot open info file program infonam perror continu write start se ction fprintf output info check output onam eof not uuencod info file uuencod ou tput onam infil infonam uuinfo mode uunam printf ndo you anoth info file includ enter line yorn yorn yorn printf npleas answer return output build output build section read need inform stdin and write build section xvoid xoutput build outpu t onam build bname file output entri output file stream char onam name output fi le file build open build file stream char bname name build file write start sect ion fprintf output build check output onam eof not uuencod program file uuencod output onam build bname uubuild mode uubuild name return output program output p rogram section read need inform form stdin and write program section xvoid xoutp ut program output onam prog pname file output entri output file stream char onam name output file file prog open program stream char pname name program file wri te start section fprintf output program check output onam eof not uuencod progra m file uuencod output onam prog pname uuprog mode uuprog name return output end output end section read need inform form stdin and write end section xvoid xoutp ut end output onam file output entri output file stream char onam name output fi le write final section termin fprintf output end check output onam eof not retur n line answer stdin thi function will flush stdout case prompt pend and read ans wer thi function return line long length line includ newlin line thi function no t return error eof xint xget line buf siz maxcol char buf input buffer int siz l ength input includ newlin int maxcol max col allow disabl check int length lengt h input line flush termin output fflush stdout read line fget buf siz stdin null report problem check stdin stdin eof not for newlin length strlen buf buf lengt h int eatchar char eaten newlin found line long eat rest line eatchar fgetc stdi n eatchar eof eatchar check stdin stdin eof not report situat return watch for l ong line need maxcol length maxcol col len buf maxcol report situat return retur n length return length output till dot output set line read thi routin will read set line not includ singl line read format output leader tfirst line tnext line tnext line thi routin will not return error eof xvoid xoutput till dot output o nam leader file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char leader lead text for line char buf bufsiz input buffer int count line read int f als true finish read input instruct user input printf nto end input enter line s ingl period read line eof count issu prompt printf count leader fflush stdout li ne line buf bufsiz max col printf nline long enter continu note read strcmp buf

true write line read fprintf output count leader buf check output onam eof not l ine read output count fprintf output leader check output onam eof not return col len determin highest that string reach string thi routin return that string rea ch string print column tab stop assum start xint xcol len string char string str ing examin int col current column char current char scan string for col string n ote column shift col col col col return highest column return col check check fo r eof error stream not return eof error xvoid xcheck stream name eof file stream stream check char name name thi stream int eof eof eof not test for error ferro r stream fprintf stderr error program name perror exit test for eof eof eof not feof stream fprintf stderr eof program name exit return uuencod uuencod file per form uuencod process ident process perform uuencod util thi routin implement alg orithm describ uuencod bsd reno man page xvoid xuuencod output onam infil inam u mod unam file output output file stream char onam output filenam file infil inpu t file stream char inam input filenam int umod mode put uuencod file char unam n ame put uuencod file char buf uuencod len uuencod buffer int read len actual num ber char read int val bit chunk buf char filler filler uuencod pad text char out put initi uuencod header fprintf output begin umod unam check output onam eof no t clear input buffer for buf buf sizeof buf sizeof buf will process uuencod len char time form singl output line each time read len fread buf sizeof buf uuencod len infil charact length charact fputc uuencod read len output check output ona m eof not will convert bit time will convert set bit into set uuencod bit for bu f read len read len bit val fputc uuencod val output check output onam eof not b it val fputc uuencod val output check output onam eof not bit val fputc uuencod val output check output onam eof not bit val fputc uuencod val output check outp ut onam eof not end uuencod len line fputc output check output onam eof not clea r input buffer don depend bzero memset for buf buf sizeof buf sizeof buf check l ast read input file check infil inam eof write end uuencod file fprintf output n end uuencod filler check output onam eof not shar eof chmod mkentri echo restor mkentri fail set mkentri test echo origin size current size obfusc info echo ext ract obfusc info text sed shar eof obfusc info obfusc contest inform xcopyright landon curt noll larri bassel xall right reserv permiss for person educ profit u s xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unalt re ceiv prior permiss write xfrom landon curt noll and larri bassel xthe intern obf usc code contest ioccc sprit xco oper will mention program content space xpermit xhow your contest includ thi file you ioccc judg includ your contest thi file s end request judg toad request that contest descript limit line and not exce byte typic request that your contest includ current descript ioccc order includ thi file for year receiv current descript earlier jan utc and feb utc agreement publ ish your contest obtain prior feb annual contest that fail submit entri will dro p thi file xoffici disclaim pardon officiales content note below ioccc not affil i ioccc endors ioccc reserv refus print inform contest inform below provid conte st organ and print permiss contact contest organ directli content xwith that off ici notic present for your enjoy xinform content intern obfusc contest origin ob fusc contest obfusc cate cate cate render obscur darken confus emot obfusc judgm ent llat obfuscar darken intens lat fuscar darken fuscu dark obfusc obfuscatori adj goal contest write obscur obfusc program rule below show import program styl e iron stress compil unusu code illustr subtleti languag provid safe forum for p oor code ioccc grandfath usenet program contest sinc thi contest demonstr that p rogram that mearli work correctli not suffici ioccc add arcan word obfusc back i nto english languag hacker dictionari eric raymond you strongli encourag read co ntest rule send entri rule and sometim contest email address chang time valid en tri year reject year due rule typic start date for contest earli march contest r ule not final and post begin contest typic close date for contest earli contest rule post comp unix wizard comp lang misc misc alt sourc and comp sourc you not access group you miss earli march post you request copi judg email judg toad sun uunet utzoo pyramid hoptoad judg previou contest winner anonym ftp ftp net dire ctori pub ioccc intern obfusc perl contest landon noll larri wall thi content pl an somedai landon larri not busi will post set rule landon that contest exist pr oject hopefulli will develop nov intern obfusc postscript contest jonathan monsa rrat jgm brown edu alena lacova alena nikhef contest program skill and knowledg

exclus for postscript program languag purpos spread knowledg postscript and deta il applaud trick prove that human can beat damnabl machin gener game write obscu r and mysteri postscript program winner will receiv fame and attent that program entri post winner programm world wide contest rule and result ftp wilma brown e du pub postscript obfusc shar individu obfusc directori judg will post rule nove mb comp lang postscript usenet and place send question jgm brown edu categori in clud obfusc postscript artwork compact interact program and unusu and creativ th at deserv award judg will choos winner each categori alena lacova system adminis tr nikhef institut for high energi and nuclear physic netherland author postscri pt chao program draw julia set mandelbrot set and kind fractal function jonathan monsarrat graduat student mit and brown univers faq maintain for usenet newsgro up comp lang postscript and author postscript zone and lametex shar eof chmod ob fusc info echo restor obfusc info fail set obfusc info test echo origin size cur rent size exit sunnyval resid vote landon noll for sunnyval citi council seat intel base unix frequent ask question faq archiv name intel unix faq last modifi mar note thi major organ and replac frequent ask question faq l ist thi articl includ answer option for softwar intel base unix system free opti on commerci option xfree and xfree oss support video hardwar support acceler boa rd doesn xfree support color vga mode hardwar softwar requir can sourc for xfree can binari for xfree gener thing run xfree instal directori configur file deter min vga dot clock and monitor mode rebuild reconfigur server link kit specif thi ng run xfree svr svr bsd linux mach thing for build xfree sourc vii special buil d client xfree bsd compat librari ansiccopt thi articl not includ answer gener q uestion sinc cover faq that regularli post david lewi faq craft uunet net you ad d chang faq you had problem that you send steve ecf toronto edu put faq subject line that mail filter will put correct mail folder not question that not answer faq not time respond individu post your question net and send question and answe r togeth you frequent ask question intel base unix answer option for softwar int el base unix system free option option xfree enhanc version version will slower perform and will difficult compil inform obtain xfree list below port server sys tem that thoma roell roell sgc support wide varieti svga board major free versio n base includ mit distribut you don patch into mit sourc current commerci offer sgc below commerci option metro link mcnab road pompano beach fax email sale met rolink summari qnx svr svr sco unixwar lynxo desqview venix isc solari pyramid s uno ega vga svga tiga targa mach fujistu matrox microfield graphic motif openloo k xview xie imag extens video extens audio driver multi media sgc snitili graphi c consult servic brookgrov lane cupertino fax email info sgc mip zok info summar i svr svr ati ultra diamond stealth svga motif dual head server consensi corpor pat booker univers citi phone fax email info consensi summari consensi consensi version unix system releas server support for vga svga moolit motif client santa cruz oper inc box santa cruz california sco unix fax email info sco summari odt odt sco unix server support for svga tm xga assort local bu sco hardwar compata bilti guid for actual card vendor motif answer softwar consult box columbu ohio xlab email sale coher summari coher greater work vesa compliant video note comme rci vendor includ vendor describ bundl softwar submit summari inform summari inf orm such xfree and xfree xfree enhanc version distribut thi releas consist bug f ix speed improv and enhanc highlight enhanc speedup packag glenn lai integr part xfree select run time xconfig file speedup requir base svga and requir virtual screen width speedup suitabl configur select default high qualiti board vram thi can yield improv xstone benchmark packag jim tsilla includ default oper mode sp eedup not select thi mode equival perform and approxim faster support for localc onn compil time select for server client thi support for svr and svr for svr adv anc compat packag local connect sco xsight odt client support driver for ati and trident tvga and tvga svga chipset refer file readm ati and readm trident for d etail ati and trident driver support for compress bitmap font ad thoma eberhardt code contrib directori export lc mit edu type font code mit contrib tape includ and compil time select contribut type font contrib directori export lc mit edu configur method server driver and font render reconfigur sourc and binari distri but integr support for bsd mach and linux monochrom version server will run gene r vga card includ kei featur ad releas xfree not xfree monochrom server enhanc b

ank switch svga memori virtual screen manual page for inform support for hercul mono card ad monochrom server and abil support two head server vga and hercul th i test svr report work linux svr share librari test isc svr and support for svr special consider due usl bug readm svr file for inform support for mice and logi tech mouseman trackman version devic not previous compat tutori develop correct video card and monitor time data written eric raymond deriv previou document and lot experiment greatli improv support for intern keyboard includ implement comp os kei function found vendor server keybd manual page for inform accuraci server detect svga pixel clock improv and time store accuraci mhz user want remov exis t clock line xconfig file and probe server enhanc error handl and pars xconfig c onfigur file error messag inform and intuit and valid option that can enabl xcon fig file manual page for inform format thi file number small thing refer changel og file sourc distribut for full detail includ tutori monitor time eric raymond and current mode databas and sampl xdm configur david wexelblat oss support xfre e support svr consensi svr microport dell esix isc mst consensi uhc svr isc linu x mach bsd bsd not support work activ bsd person greg lehei grog lemi note that esix and sco not support feel free submit patch you interest tackl thi send mail xfree physic video hardwar support thi time xfree support svga chipset tseng ts eng paradis pvga western digit superset pvga and us driver genoa gvga trident tv ga tvga ati support color and monochrom mode except ati chipset support color mo de monochrom server support gener vga card video memori singl bank and hercul ca rd video memori support for monochrom server and gvga not test appear that svga card manufactur tradit mechan for select pixel clock frequenc avoid modifi serve r accommod scheme xfree add support for extern program select pixel clock thi pr ogram written mechan discov refer readm clkprog file for inform program work you write you develop such program xfree team interest includ futur xfree releas yo u purchas hardwar for purpos xfree suggest that you purchas base board such orch id prodesign ii avoid recent diamond board xfree will not work diamond won provi d program detail fact xfree project activ not support diamond product long such polici remain effect contribut code will not accept potenti liabil you thi chang diamond peopl ask xfree work local bu eisa video card theoret mean commun cpu a nd video card irrelev xfree compat isa eisa local bu matter chipset video card d evelop don lot access eisa vlb machin thi larg untest theori report thing not wo rk buse and report xfree work fine acceler board thi time support xfree for acce ler board ati ultra tiga etc thi support commerci product sgc and metrolink for svr and svr server for bsd and linux contact hasti netcom for bsd jon robot for linux beta server for linux contact martin unc edu jon robot note server not par t xfree doesn xfree support color vga mode reason that thi not support vga imple ment color mode color mode each byte frame buffer memori contain pixel color mod e implement bit plane each byte frame buffer memori contain bit each each pixel and such plane mit frame buffer code not design deal thi vga handl color mode pa ck bit pixel into each byte mit code modifi support thi not for vga thing comple t frame buffer implement requir beta tester into thi noth project hardwar softwa r requir support svga board and requir run effici memori consid minimum binari r eleas disk space depend whether not support share librari build sourc free disk space will requir consid comfort lower bound can sourc for xfree sourc patch for current version base mit anonym ftp export lc mit edu contrib xfree ftp physic xfree ftp win tue pub xfree for rest thi faq locat will call ftp refer readm fil e directori for inform file you build your distribut can binari for xfree binari anonym ftp ftp physic svr binari xfree svr ftp win tue svr binari pub xfree svr ferkel ucsb edu svr binari pub svr xfree stasi bradlei edu svr binari pub xfree svr blancmang utexa edu svr isc binari pub isc ftp prz berlin svr isc binari pu b isc xfree tsx mit edu linux binari pub linux packag agat berkelei edu bsd bina ri pub bsd port xfree ftp uwm edu mach binari ensur that you get xfree site arch iv older releas each binari distribut will readm file that describ file you arch iv and compil time option select made build distribut gener thing run xfree inst al directori top level instal directori projectroot usr default variabl config s ite def binari includ file and librari instal projectroot bin includ lib thi can chang rebuild sourc and can modifi symbol link for oss that support thi directo ri nonstandard and chosen thi xfree instal alongsid commerci vendor suppli imple

ment configur file xfree server read configur file xconfig startup search path c ontent and syntax for thi file document server manpag consult ask question deter min vga dot clock and monitor mode david wexelblat dwex mtgzf att maintain datab as clock set for vga card and monitor set databas instal usr lib etc modedb txt and sourc tree mit server ddx etc thi databas for latest copi and export lc mit edu contrib modedb updat occasion obtain copi thi databas set you you creat set send david for inclus databas thi doesn you videomod doc eric raymond file xfree contain tutori come time help start set that almost work and us thi descript yo u send inform david wexelblat for inclus databas note clock ex program not suppo rt and complet unnecessari you determin dot clock valu for board remov clock lin e your xconfig file present and start server server will probe for clock and pri nt you can us valu put clock line into your xconfig file not will speed start se rver futur rebuild reconfigur server link kit you instal server binari link kit reconfigur driver and font render server thi fulli explain readm file that link kit specif thing run xfree server instal suid root mode svr won xterm run proper li your kernel not built consem modul you defin consem you environ xterm won run csh user us setenv consem esix consol driver patch keymap problem xfree recomme nd that thi patch not instal altern keymap can fix xmodmap svr make you ftp read m isc that you run bsd make you ftp readm bsd separ bsd faq maintain richard mur phei rich rice edu latest version file xfree bsd faq ftp site agat berkelei edu pub bsd port xfree wuarchiv wustl edu mirror bsd port xfree grasp univ lyon pub bsd port xfree linux you run linux greater and gcc jump librari instal make bina ri mono xload and xterm setuid root your kernel doesn tcp support compil you run server default startup configur assum that tcp not chang two file usr bin start x and usr lib xdm xserver remov argument make dev consol link dev tty major numb er minor number note that dev consol not own user run xconsol and xterm will not permit consol output redirect xdm will properli chang owner startx won run xdm local you will provid tty for exampl xdm dev consol for detail inform read file readm present distribut tsx mit edu mach make you ftp readm mach thing for build xfree sourc thi section remov faq sinc fulli explain ftp readm and specif readm file for inform build xfree vii special build client xfree bsd compat librari l ot client make us bsd function bcopi etc default configur file set link libxbsd contain emul for bcopi bzero bcmp ff random seed provid function includ xfunc so urc file that call xfunc macro definit for term sysv mem function you link vendo r suppli librari call function you link libxbsd ansiccopt thi that ad develop ri d ansi ness defin default ccoption rewrit entir ccoption line for exampl stock m it you ccoption ansi fwritabl string and rid ansi ness develop put ccoption fwri tabl string imakefil thi chang you default ansiccopt ansi ccoption fwritabl stri ng and develop put imakefil ansiccopt rid ansi ness client will die horribl deat h ansi effect even dramat practic ccoption quit complex issu that add ansiccopt ansiccopt passcdebugflag definit xfree contact inform ongo develop plan and supp ort coordin xfree core team thi time core team consist origin gang david daw daw physic glenn lai glenn utexa edu jim tsilla jtsilla damon cc northeastern edu d avid wexelblat dwex mtgzf att support sysv oper system robert baron robert baron ernst mach cmu edu mach rich murphei rich rice edu bsd orest zborowski obz koda k linux mail xfree physic will reach core team peopl correct addit david wexelbl at major contributor updat steve kotsopoulo eng mail steve ecf toronto edu syste m analyst bitnet steve ecf utoronto bitnet engin comput facil uunet utai ecf ste ve univers toronto phone comp window intrins frequent ask question faq archiv name faq ve rsion faq ware exp toolkit intrins monthli post thi articl contain answer freque nt ask question faq comp window toolkit intrins submit question prefer answer se nd email ware ci ohio state edu faq includ thi archiv site rtfm mit edu director i pub usenet new answer name faq archiv appear archiv name line top articl thi f aq archiv faq code fragment public domain content glossari softwar version relat faq applic core dump us signal alarm cthread us visual default visual applic us shell widget visual visual depth and colormap shell inherit and badmatch error doesn widget destroi call xtdestroywidget exit execut destroycallback resiz shel l widget can xtappaddinput handl file good book and magazin widget altern intrin s pass float xtsetvalu write resourc convert open multipl displai chang resourc

load order callback execut widget visibl repar widget xtreparentwidget us xtmall oc xtfree etc debug applic don xtaddinput xtaddtimeout and xtaddworkproc work an d can implement drag and drop glossari intrins implement object orient interfac code graphic compon creat includ thi class that provid base function object rect obj core composit constraint shell overrideshel wmshell etc term and intrins us interchang us precis mean specif librari window system not includ athena motif o lit widget set widget intrins not widget refer user interfac abstract creat prec is us object that subclass core class us loos refer that subclass object class a ccur call windowless widget gadget xlib interfac protocol layer below intrins ty pic widget rel xlib function such servic understand xlib help problem softwar ve rsion latest version base softwar softwar version releas expect patch patch athe na widget motif olit xtra xcu fwf relat faq david lewi uunet craft faq maintain faq post monthli comp window and locat export contrib faq liam quin lee post faq list open comp window jan newmarch jan pandonia canberra edu post faq list moti f comp window motif peter ware ware ci ohio state edu post faq list for comp win dow intrins export contrib faq applic core dump us signal alarm cthread xlib and widget set mutual exclus for critic section interrupt handler like leav librari inconsist state such flag not set dangl pointer middl list travers etc note tha t ansi standard point that behavior signal handler undefin signal handler call f unction signal thi not problem specif xlib and posix specif mention function cal l safe not assum that function call xlib function safe deal signal set flag inte rrupt handler thi flag check work procedur timeout callback incorrect add interr upt handler anoth note danger add work procedur that never finish thi effect pre empt work procedur previous ad and will never call anoth option open pipe event loop read end xtappaddinput and signal handler can write byte write end pipe for each signal thi deadlock your process pipe fill don intrins deal thi problem pr imarili suppos portabl layer hardwar and oper system that good reason don note a rticl journal and exampl reilli volum error us visual default thi requir complic answer window thing that visual specif visual colormap and border pixmap widget colormap and borderpixmap resourc shell widget visual resourc anoth question de al shell visual default resourc copyfrompar exactli shell widget copyfrompar get evalul defaultvisualofscreen and defaultcolormapofscreen resourc not properli s et badmatch error occur window creat not properli set each valu depend visual us thi work two part answer you want applic start visual and second you want shell applic start visual second easier basic inform you harder you initi toolkit ord er determin need inform sampl code start applic default visual compil visual vis ual lxaw lxmu lxt lxext run visual geometri depth visual staticcolor blue yellow you move mous visual colormap instal includ intrins includ stringdef includ she ll typedef struct visual visual int depth optionsrec optionsrec option xtresourc resourc visual visual xtrvisual sizeof visual xtoffsetof optionsrec visual xtri mmedi null depth depth xtrint sizeof int xtoffsetof optionsrec depth xtrimmedi n ull xrmoptiondescrec desc visual visual xrmoptionseparg null depth depth xrmopti onseparg null int main argc argv int argc char argv xtappcontext app applic cont ext widget top toplevel widget displai dpy displai char xargv save argument vect or int xargc save argument count colormap colormap creat colormap xvisualinfo vi nfo templat for find visual xvisualinfo vinfo list return list visual int count number match arg arg cardin cnt char name test char class test save command line argument xargc argc xargv char xtmalloc argc sizeof char bcopi char argv char x argv argc sizeof char creat dummi toplevel widget can retriev visual resourc cnt top xtappiniti app class desc xtnumber desc argc argv string null arg cnt dpy x tdisplai top cnt xtgetapplicationresourc top option resourc xtnumber resourc arg cnt cnt option visual option visual defaultvisualofscreen xtscreen top xtsetarg arg cnt xtnvisual option visual cnt creat colormap us default colormap base cla ss visual examin properti rootwindow find colormap sort thing colormap xcreateco lormap dpy rootwindowofscreen xtscreen top option visual allocnon xtsetarg arg c nt xtncolormap colormap cnt find inform visual vinfo visualid xvisualidfromvisu option visual vinfo list xgetvisualinfo dpy visualidmask vinfo count vinfo list count xtsetarg arg cnt xtndepth vinfo list depth cnt xfree xpointer vinfo list x tdestroywidget top creat real toplevel widget xtsetarg arg cnt xtnargv xargv cnt xtsetarg arg cnt xtnargc xargc cnt top xtappcreateshel char null class applicat

ionshellwidgetclass dpy arg cnt displai applic and loop handl event xtrealizewid get top xtappmainloop app return visual applic us thi point that can argu opinio n for applic visual user you disagre thi your applic fall into categori default visual hardwar specif and expect visual such bit truecolor overlayplan extens su ch applic run isol depend server alloc resourc not want your applic run truecolo r mode mess applic upset choos run greyscal psuedocolor monochrom exampl low end color sun server visual monochrom entri colormap static grai static color and t ruecolor sgi iri offer bit truecolor bit truecolor overlai plane shell widget vi sual thi strictli convent make for arbitrari widget that visual can found for sh ell widget that ancestor and obtain visual that shell widget can visual resourc realiz method us visual call xcreatewindow you make thi resourc that can obtain xtgetvalu widget can find reason xtnvisual visual depth and colormap shell inher it default for resourc set copyfrompar thi interpret defaultcolormapofscreen def aultdepthofscreen and default visual screen widget parent applicationshellwidget class and root your widget tree parent widget not null shell copi colormap and d epth parent and copyfrompar visual and badmatch error resourc convert improperli cach refer thi true and earlier version motif doesn widget destroi call xtdestr oywidget section specif eventu destroi not immedi intrins destroi widget two pha se process and children flag set that destroi put list widget destroi thi pend e vent refer that widget can clean memori freed second phase perform callback even t handler and action complet check for event thi point list travers and each wid get memori free thing caveat trivia widget destroi intrins determin that refer w idget list phase destruct occur immedi nest event loop us widget destroi list en ter event loop not destroi return outer event loop exit execut destroycallback p roblem simpl and reason approach exit applic us such call exit directli widget n ot chanc clean extern state such open socket temporari file alloc resourc etc th i code for simplic reason assum singl toplevel widget widget toplevelget widget widget find toplevel widget top for top xtparent top top xtparent top empti retu rn top void exitcallback closur call data widget widget xtpointer closur data ap p xtpointer call data widget specif data widget toplevel toplevel toplevelget xt unmapwidget toplevel make disappear quickli xtdestroywidget toplevel exit can th at code exit immedi destroi toplevel widget troubl phase destruct never occur th i work for widget and applic will not work for widget that extern state you that sinc work will work rememb that part reason object orient approach us can ignor implement detail for each widget mean that widget chang and somedai requir that extern state clean destroi callback altern modifi exitcallback set global flag and test for that flag privat event loop privat event loop frown encourag sloppi and difficult maintain practic code includ intrins extern widget toplevelget ne edfunctionprototyp widget endif extern boolean exitworkproc needfunctionprototyp xtpointer closur endif extern void exitcallback needfunctionprototyp widget xtp ointer closur xtpointer call data endif widget toplevelget widget widget find to plevel widget top for top xtparent top top xtparent top empti return top void ex itcallback closur call data widget widget xtpointer closur data app xtpointer ca ll data widget specif data widget toplevel toplevel toplevelget xtunmapwidget to plevel make disappear quickli xtdestroywidget toplevel xtappaddworkproc xtwidget toapplicationcontext exitworkproc xtpointer null boolean exitworkproc closur xtp ointer closur exit notreach exitcallback add work procedur that will call applic idl happen event process and destroi callback execut resiz shell widget realiz doesn resiz shell widget proper thing resiz manag child shell widget xtsetvalu g eometri chang propag shell ask window manag not request shell resourc xtnallowsh ellres set true will not even window manag grant request and shell will not resi z chang posit shell us xtsetvalu shell not child and limit window manag grant ca n xtappaddinput handl file unix semant for readi for file not fit peopl intuit m odel unix term file descriptor readi for read whenev read call not block ignor s et option flag that not block thi work expect for termin socket and pipe for fil e read will return return eof data result code intrins call input handler think read culprit select system call sysv base poll system call thi unix system appro ach us anoth process check for input file us pipe connect applic thi process and pass file descriptor pipe xtappaddinput suitabl program bsd system tail filenam rumor that select system not complet reliabl ibm aix thi work for thousand time

and stop event woke thi result race condit kernel ibm claim fix for thi pyramid doesn work ultrix and possibl pipe implement socket wasn complet broken write s ide wrote byte block read side receiv broken put into pipe byte time you can was t lot time read small block raound detect situat and select ignor pipe for mseco nd had block note that descript us unix terminolog such read file descriptor pip e etc thi depend area and not ident system intrins design felt common oper that includ part toolkit didn deal signal thi point don good book and magazin favorit that definit refer perspect offer reason introduct into full detail intrins sta rt familiar and concept newcom not find found accur and complet mean page asent paul and swick ralph window system toolkit complet programm guid and specif digi t press isbn order number and prentic hall isbn dec direct digit book commonli r ecomend novic young doug window system applic and program motif version prentic hall isbn isbn and reilli entir seri manual and reilli order volum refer manual page style edit extens overhaul and mit manual page find permut index and refer manual page great deal chase relat inform read two period resourc and journal tw o deal specif resourc publish quarterli reilli issu mit consortium technic confe r proceed advertis found inform pretti good depth for order call email cathyr or a for editori matter email adrian ora tabl content post math utah edu ftp pub te x bib tex form and ftp net ftp publish oreilli xresourc ascii form journal bimon thli trade rag lot advertis articl inform and orient technic audienc read expect learn great deal rememb repres fairli small percentag peopl pretti good collect peopl advisori board and columnist call widget popular widget set athena set pr ovid thi suffici for purpos ugli side recent for ftp export lc mit edu contrib x aw tar motif osf for licens fee and commonli ship workstat vendor platform almos t sun good and work person poorli implement olit open intrins toolkit set widget implement sun open specif develop never us can comment qualiti heard rumour tha t pain addit collect widget xtra librari widget for sale graphic softwar technol og includ bar graph stack bar graph line graph pie chart plot hypertext spreadsh eet and data entri form widget never can comment fwf free widget foundat attempt collect set freeli widget includ pixmap editor filedialog and current set widge t can obtain anonym ftp machin uiuc edu file pub fwf shar xcu cornel univers wid get gene dyke earli widget set releas nice appear for button and mini command la nguag not wide us soni widget set thi dai disappear look had promis widget precu rsor motif origin written for exist diff work pretti good widget set di precurso r thi xrai toolkit origin implement for and appar provid experi for design widge t set work primit you can give archiv ci ohio state edu pub special widget tbl i mplement tabular layout widget support motif widget children part wcl plot athen a plot widget not athena widget contact gnb bby joe athena mit edu altern intrin s name languag vendor xview sun parcplac interview stanford tcl sprite berkelei edu and admir skill design and implement intrins hopefulli altern will develop y ear that object orient languag your ey open and expect chang time languag start gain accept pass float xtsetvalu wrong structur for arg essenti typdef struct st ring name long arg and code arg arg xtsetarg arg name expand arg arg arg name na me arg you can that normal type convers arg get integ float point copi into widg et resourc bit pattern wildli that requir for float point thi macro athena widge t document and recomend previou suggest defin xtsetfloatarg arg sizeof float siz eof xtargval xtsetarg arg xtargval xtargval xtsetarg arg write resourc convert c ourtesi rich thomson rthomson dsd discuss resourc convert assum intrins resourc convert chang and for destructor and cach convert valu main type resourc convert string data type data type string data type data type string data type string d ata type convert fix set string that will convert data type valu thi us map enum er name enumer valu name true fals thi case string data type convert compar reso urc list fix string thi readili accomplish us quark mechan resourc manag resourc turn into quark uniqu represent string that fit into singl word resourc quark c ompar quark for fix string repres enumer valu enumer string convert convert each small number enumer string global initi routin us turn resourc string into quar k that time convert us string will turn into quark and held static variabl for u s invoc convert data type string thi type convert slightli easier string data ty pe convert sinc us quark isn data type simpli convert string us sprintf data typ e string convert for applic that convert intern data type into string that can w

rite valid resourc specif file thi mechan can us provid snapshot applic state in to file thi snapshot can us restor program state usual resourc databas mechan yo u take troubl write string data type convert isn extra effort write data type st ring convert write time help ensur that consist iii data type data type thi type convert us convert exist data type anoth data type for instanc pixel can conver t rgb data type that contain separ field for red green and blue type signatur fo r resourc convert follow typedef boolean xttypeconvert displai xrmvalueptr cardi n xrmvalueptr xrmvalueptr xtpointer displai dpy xrmvalueptr arg cardin num arg x rmvalueptr fromval xrmvalueptr toval xtpointer convert data convert invok fromva l argument point sourc resourc manag and toval argument point destin resourc man ag convert data argument opaqu pointer convert specif data that convert regist a rg and num arg argument extra inform pass convert invok for instanc pixel rgb st ructur convert discuss colormap and visual argument lookup pixel obtain rgb valu that pixel care toval argument xrmvalu type definit and specifi size and locat for convert typedef struct unsign int size caddr addr xrmvalu xrmvalueptr conver t invok address point locat size for convert locat can null case convert ensur t hat size destin area larg handl convert destin area not larg convert set size am ount space need and return fals caller can ensur that space alloc and reinvok co nvert size larg convert can simpli copi convert into space and return true locat null convert can assign locat address static variabl contain convert and return true write group convert thi code repeat and becom conveni defin macro defin va r type toval addr toval size sizeof type toval size sizeof type return fals type toval addr var toval addr caddr var toval size sizeof type return true defin do nestr str toval addr toval size sizeof string toval size sizeof string return fa ls toval addr caddr str toval size sizeof string return true insid convert good idea perform safeti check num arg and arg argument ensur that your convert call properli onc you written your convert you regist intrins intrins invok resourc c onvert creat widget and fetch resourc valu resourc databas regist convert singl applic context us xtappsettypeconvert void xtappsettypeconvert context convert a rg num arg cach destructor xtappcontext context string string xttypeconvert conv ert xtconvertarglist arg cardin num arg xtcachetyp cach xtdestructor destructor regist convert applic context us xtsettypeconvert void xtsettypeconvert convert arg num arg cach destructor string string xttypeconvert convert xtconvertarglist arg cardin num arg xtcachetyp cach xtdestructor destructor intrins routin xtapp addconvert and xtaddconvert supersed xtappsettypeconvert and xtsettypeconvert wh enev newer routin us convert regist intrins cach argument specifi convert resour c valu cach xtcachenon don cach convert valu xtcacheal cach convert valu xtcache bydisplai cach convert valu per displai basi cach convert valu that requir round trip server good idea for instanc string pixel convers destructor argument rout in that invok resourc destroi cach refer count decrement widget own destroi xtde structor type definit typedef void xtdestructor xtappcontext xrmvalueptr xtpoint er xrmvalueptr cardin xtappcontext context xrmvalueptr xtpointer convert data xr mvalueptr arg cardin num arg destructor invok free auxiliari storag associ argum ent not free storag point argument addr destructor pass extra argument that pass convert convers perform for instanc colormap and visual argument for string pix el convert sinc destructor free alloc pixel colormap privat data pass convert re gist sampl convert code can found file mit distribut mit lib convert contrib lib pext convert contrib lib pext convert open multipl displai multi user applic so ftwar resourc issu summer oliv jone for complet coverag issu involv thi answer b ase that articl nutshel xtopendisplai add each displai singl applic context and xtclosedisplai shutdown each displai and remov applic context real problem occur close displai thi can happen wai user select quit button displai user window ma nag send delet window messag server disconnect possibl killclient messag server shutdown crash network failur assum you can deal gracefulli sinc problem transla t widget displai and remov that displai not read oliv jone articl difficult hand l base oliv jone articl and includ difficult problem difficulti aris xlib design presum that error unrecover and fatal thi essenti true for singl displai base a pplic not true for multipl displai program applic that thing displai inform serv er error occur error handler call and return exit happen thi us setjmp longjmp a void return error handler code fragment demonstr thi includ setjmp jmp buf xiore

cov void xiohandl dpy displai dpy destroydisplai dpy longjmp xiorecov main setjm p xiorecov xsetioerrorhandl xiohandl xtappmainloop app context destroydisplai th at displai pointer can back applic specif data and perform cleanup call xtclosed isplai for you unfamiliar setjmp longjmp setjmp call return and save inform jmp buf that execut longjmp can return program state setjmp execut return thi second setjmp second argument longjmp caveat for thi purpos adequ problem you run into resourc convert that improperli cach resourc like symptom xlib error such badco lor badatom badfont problem total number displai you can open sinc typic limit n umber file descriptor typic you run into author problem connect displai discuss comp window thi topic novemb robert scheifler post articl basic thi will and xli b will not chang chang thi address intrins gener for each releas describ incompl et list function ad and that deprec list breviti primari goal inform retriev cha pter mit intrins manual and reilli volum edit addit gadget windowless widget res ourc type convert interfac handl cach and addit data variabl argument list inter fac defin xtspecificationreleas ad thi releas wmshellpart toplevelshellpart tran sientshellpart chang incompat core initi core set valu ad arglist and count para met event handler had continu dispatch paramet ad core set valu almost specif ch ang core compress exposur chang enumer data type boolean core class init chang e numer data type boolean constraint valu hook ad extens record core initi hook ob solet info pass core initi shell root geometri manag ad extens record core set v alu hook obsolet info pass core set valu call xtquerygeometri store complet geom etri ad unrealizecallback xttranslatecoord work psuedo resourc basetransl ad sea rch for app default and file made flexibl custom resourc ad per screen resourc d atabas support perman alloc string permanetli alloc string requir for class fiel d arg argument xtappiniti xtvaappiniti xtopendisplai xtdisplayiniti and xtiniti chang cardin int perform improv thi summar articl perform improv releas gabe beg e dov resourc issu xrmstringtoquark augment xrmpermstringtoquark avoid string co pi field class record need perman string arrai string for resourc callback list redesign us memori translat manag redesign and rewritten take memori translat ta bl merg faster cach action bind keycod keysym cach share modifi field window wid get translat space and faster not malloc space for widget name sinc quark widget space alloc includ constraint exampl program reduct memori usag function xtallo categc sharabl modifi field xtgetactionlist action tabl class xtscreendatabas re turn resourc databas for screen xtsetlanguageproc regist languag procedur call s et local function xtappaddactionhook procedur call action xtappiniti lot initi w ork xtappreleasecacheref decrement cach refer count for convert xtappsetfallback resourc default resourc xtappsettypeconvert regist style convert xtcallcallbackl ist directli execut callback list xtcallconvert invok style convert xtcallbackre leasecacheref releas cach resourc xtcallbackreleasecachereflist releas list cach resourc valu xtconvertandstor find and call resourc convert xtdirectconvert inv ok style convert xtdisplayofobject return displai xtdisplaystringconversionwarn issu warn convers xtfindfil find file xtgetactionkeysym retriev keysym modifi fo r thi action xtgetapplicationnameandclass return name and class xtgetconstraintr esourcelist constraint for widget xtgetkeysymt return keycod keysym map tabl xtg etmulticlicktim read multi click time xtgetselectionrequest retriev selectionreq uest event xtgetselectionvalueincrement obtain select increment xtgetselectionva luesincrement obtain select increment xtinitializewidgetclass initi widget class manual xtinserteventhanld regist event handler xtinsertraweventhandl regist eve nt handler modifi input mask xtisobject test subclass object xtisrectobj test su bclass rectobj xtkeysymtokeycodelist return list keycod xtlasttimestampprocess r etriev recent event time xtmenupopdown action for pop widget xtmenupopup action for pop widget xtoffsetof macro for structur offset xtownselectionincrement make select data availab increment xtpoupspringload map spring load popup xtregister grabact action procedur passiv grab xtremoveactiohhook remov function call actio n xtresolvepathnam find file xtscreenofobject return screen object xtsetmulticli cktim set multi click time xtsetwmcolormapwindow set colormap window for custom colormap xtungrabbutton cancel passiv button grab xtungrabkei cancel passiv kei grab xtungrabkeybard releas activ keyboard grab xtungrabpoint releas activ point er grab xtva varag interfac bunch function xtwindowofobject return window neares t widget ancestor deprec replac xtaddact xtappaddact xtaddconvert xtappaddconver

t xtaddinput xtappaddinput xtaddtimeout xtappaddtimeout xtaddworkproc xtappaddwo rkproc xtconvert xtconvertandstor xtcreateapplicationshel xtappcreateshel xtdest roygc xtreleasegc xterror xtapperror xtgeterrordatabas xtappgeterrordatabas xtge terrordatabasetext xtappgeterrordatabasetext xtgetselectiontimeout xtappgetselec tiontimeout xtiniti xtappiniti xtmainloop xtappmainloop menupopdown action xtmen upopdown action menupopup action xtmenupopup action xtnextev xtappnextev xtpeeke v xtapppeekev xtpend xtapppend xtseterrorhandl xtappseterrorhandl xtseterrormsgh andl xtappseterrormsghandl xtsetselectiontimeout xtappsetselectiontimeout xtsetw arninghandl xtappsetwarninghandl xtsetwarningmsghandl xtappsetwarningmsghandl xt warn xtappwarn xtwarningmsg xtappwarningmsg resourc load resourc widget fill pla ce highest prioriti lowest prioriti arg pass creation time command line argument user per host default file user default file user per applic default file syste m wide per applic default file note that read onc applic startup result step sin gl resourc databas us for queri per host default file contain custom for applic execut specif comput thi file xenviron environ variabl that not set file home xd efault host us user default file obtain resourc manag properti root window displ ai that not set file home xdefault us typic program xrdb us set resourc manag pr operti note that thi rel small each client that connect displai transfer propert i size kbyte reason toolkit track resourc manag not user per applic default file contain custom specif each applic intrins quit flexibl thi file found read part that describ environ variabl and effect thi file found system wide per applic d efault file typic found usr lib app default such file not found fallback resourc us intrins quit flexibl thi file found read part that describ environ variabl a nd effect thi file found oliv jone pictel for you can us environ variabl control resourc load for your base program xfilesearchpath xuserfilesearchpath and xapp lresdir environ variabl control for applic default file applic initi load app de fault file path defin xfilesearchpath and anoth path defin xuserfilesearchpath s et xfilesearchpath softwar instal your system such that app default file directo ri hierarchi suppos for exampl that you run sun open window and you applic insta l usr lib app default you set thi for xfilesearchpath and app default file usr l ib and usr openwin lib wherev your openwinhom locat setenv xfilesearchpath usr l ib openwinhom lib thi environ variabl colon separ list pathnam pathnam replac ch aract follow xtresolvepathnam filenam paramet applic class name file type thi ca se liter string app default custom resourc suffix for app default languag local and codeset euc languag part territori part displai languag string codeset part displai languag string apart exampl suppos applic class name myterm suppos open window instal usr openwin notic exampl omit local specif lookup usr lib mean usr lib app default myterm openwinhom lib mean usr openwin lib app default myterm a pplic initi open app default file order shown find read and and stop for effect thi path search usr lib usr openwin anoth exampl thi time set xuserfilesearchpat h for file myterm current work directori for myterm directori app default setenv xuserfilesearchpath home app default path list expand myterm second expand home app default myterm thi conveni set for debug follow imak convent name app defau lt file myterm applic sourc directori you can run applic directori you work and resourc load properli note for app default file xuserfilesearchpath for bizarr r eason type file suffix defin and useless anoth twist you custom resourc for exam pl you run myterm applic thi myterm xrm custom color your pathnam specif had usr lib app default expand pathnam usr lib app default myterm color substitut chara ct take custom resourc default xfilesearchpath compil into usr lib usr lib usr l ib usr lib usr lib usr lib note site replac usr lib projectroot thi batch defaul t set default xuserfilesearchpath compil into root root root root root root root xapplresdir user home directori xapplresdir not set you set xuserfilesearchpath default ignor xapplresdir altogeth notic that quick and dirti make your applic find your app default file your current work directori set xapplresdir singl dot thi machineri work differ for compatibilti peopl set xapplresdir dot slash orde r callback execut courtesi donna convers convers expo lc mit edu intrins librari not guarante order thi widget writer and applic writer abil modifi entir conten t callback list and intrins cannot guarante order execut applic programm cannot reli widget writer widget writer not requir document widget will add and remov c allback list effect thi will function contain callback independ function contain

callback list even standard definit xtaddcallback callback name specifi callbac k list procedur append you not infer word append that callback routin call order ad callback list widget visibl courtesi donna convers convers expo lc mit edu b uild widget visibl set visibl interest field core and window complet obscur core visibl flag fals window iconifi flag stai set true implement correctli thi demo nstr defici protocol and core widget reflect capabl protocol defici that inform thi case inconveni specif accur second and paragraph section read thi section ca refulli visibl field will not chang respons iconif visibilitynotifi event will n ot receiv window viewabl unview that widget ancestor unmap that iconif occur thi protocol defici visibl state and viewabl state specif mean protocol glossari yo ur xlib and protocol refer manual thi problem mwm you thi window manag window ma nag problem mwm fastest determin window iconifi applic writer track global boole an action routin translat for mapnotifi and unmapnotifi shell widget contain you r custom widget custom widget writer map state field return call xgetwindowattri but suggest repar widget xtreparentwidget you can us xtmalloc xtfree etc code th at call malloc realloc calloc ignor possibl return null handl ptr type malloc si zeof type ptr perror malloc xyzzi exit handl thi common case intrins defin funct ion xtmalloc xtcalloc xtnew xtnewstr and xtrealloc us standard languag function malloc calloc and realloc execut xterrormsg null return error handler not suppos return thi effect exit addit xtrealloc call null pointer xtmalloc initi space t hi code ptr ptr type malloc sizeof type ptr type realloc ptr sizeof type count c ount written ptr xtrealloc ptr sizeof ptr count xtfree accept null pointer argum ent gener found function conveni us anytim alloc potenti larg us standard functi on can fulli recov not memori error xtnew and xtnewstr conveni macro for alloc s tructur copi string struct abc xyzzi char ptr char str abcdef xyzzi xtnew struct abc take care type cast ptr xtnewstr str strict interpret intrins refer manual implement provid function that not exchang malloc and free code such char ptr pt r xtmalloc free ptr not work person call implement that thi broken and complain vendor common error for motif programm us xtfree string xmstringfre debug applic recomend get purifi pure softwar thi great packag for trace memori problem sun bit pricei recomend excus market blurb contact support pure for info purifi inse rt addit check instruct directli into object code produc exist compil instruct c heck memori read and write perform program test and detect type access error suc h read uniti memori write past malloc bound write freed memori purifi insert che ck logic into code program includ parti and vendor object code librari and verif i system call interfac addit purifi track memori usag and identifi individu memo ri leak adapt garbag collect techniqu purifi comprehens memori access check slow target program typic factor two altern packag that isn pricei for sun run unix and pretti similar featur sentinel debug environ thi replac malloc and librari f unction add addit check contact cpcahil virtech vti for info you get sort xlib e rror you run synchron mode easili accomplish sync command line argument set vari abl xdebug your debugg set break point exit thi will you trace back origin xlib function call you don run synchron mode actual error occur number call xlib prev ious sinc xlib call buffer and repli server asynchron you troubl window layout y ou can us undocu resourc xtidentifywindow class resourc xtdebug widget name iden tifi each window for exampl exampl xload xrm xtdebug true exampl xwininfo tree c lick xload window will give normal inform widget name and class each window incl ud thi can for check locat and size errant widget you troubl geometri manag you want test widget manag children you can export lc mit edu contrib libxtgeo tar t hi act filter children and geometri manag and check behaviour clever idea unfort un problem debug callback applic execut grab keyboard mous such pulldown menu se rver effect lock and you anoth machin and kill debugg manual server lock applic debug can access keyboard applic not stop wait debugg wait for your command you can give input your applic stop debug thi kind problem two machin your desk run program debugg environ machin and run applic possibl command sequenc thi otherma chin xhost thismachin thismachin setenv displai othermachin thismachin gdb appli c your favorit debugg thi othermachin xhost thismachin thismachin gdb applic gdb set environ displai othermachin gdb run codecent interpret graphic debugg metho d deal thi explicit call xlib function releas grab breakpoint debug widget probl em requir pretti good debug skill and knowledg widget work you can long know int

ern widget not understand widget work judici us condit breakpoint and ad print s tatement debugg great deal don xtaddinput xtaddtimeout and xtaddworkproc work de lic problem routin xtaddinput xtaddtimeout and xtaddworkproc problem that us app lic not registr properli made handi testprogram work perfect real applic noth ha ppen introduct xtapp function obsolet routin for and happen us default applic co ntext you creat sinc event and timeout distribut per applic context basi and you two applic context you won event for exampl cnt toplevel xtappiniti app class d esc xtnumber desc argc argv fallback arg cnt xtaddtimeout xtaddworkproc xtappmai nloop app never invok timeout and can implement drag and drop courtesi roger rey nold rogerr netcom feb drag drop buzzword for move data client intuit fashion mo tif version support drag drop capabl openlook support two protocol not compat ea ch and not publish wrote packag call rdd design flexibl public protocol for drag drop oper client intent provid tool make easi for peopl support standard drag d rop protocol program develop and contribut sell widget set us long base implemen t base understand icccm convent for detail read code heard dozen peopl rdd and f eel that work lot motif stuff that neat constrain us motif latest rdd and stuff for ftp netcom pub rogerr possibl older version export lc mit edu contrib pete w are ware ci ohio state edu ci dept ohio state univers bolz hall neil av columbu teleus uim and articl apr ctp hubec ctp hubert chou write good i dea integr code elegantli teleus uim interfac architect gener code sourc great s uggest hubi chou hubec ctp don great deal support for uim can you that good supp ort for teleus teleus you can call method modul you can us languag for your inte rfac code and us for you applic code you that real neat stuff come teleus regard can give you detail you talk your local sale rep and lowdown will furtur you wa nt exampl code integr teleus you teleus exampl thermomet steve vrany voic mail s tevevr ec comm mot post motorola inc algonquin schaumburg root vue xloadimag onroot relat note can us displai color gif ro ot displai vue can vue displai xbm backdrop style manag not overrid vue put jan jan vandenbrand jan ed address jan lipari usc edu school address forward uunet u upsi jan strang exposur problem write motif program interact unix machin and observ strang behavior program attempt expos drawingarea xlib oper work and not expos consist two xfillrectangl call xdrawpoint call and for reason unknown point call fail whenev pulldown popup menu click and move rightward direct draw area move part draw area thi happen consist pulldown popup move leftward direct assum that code not incred odd thi server bug zack smith for heard two packag for that support win linux free unix packag second appeal sound pretti good can found garbo uwusa ftp demo dir file xap ex zip xap fon zip driver zip thi you start josh joshua weag snail spring baroda ma il freenet cwru edu yfn ysu edu fidonet joshua weag idea and els avoid xopendisplai hang write xwall simpl version wall and want put messag each default list displai problem that xopendisplai hang displai cont rol xdm login screen manual and faq and don simpl displai open ahead time xopend isplai fail short period time hint suggest clue pointer info andi moor andi ic s tx you lost faith politician game show host sting widget sourc code need write widget sampl widget sourc code find thi archiv access anonym ftp that such inform edward convert color gif pixmap look faq section and not answer for thi motif applic that written coupl gif file pict that scan color scanner convert g if file into format that read into applic and displai background main window pre fer pixmap perhap ximag found function pbmplu program suit convert gif xbm that monochrom and color look read gif and write format not found write file can read pixmap easi thi email respons prefer mark ahleniu rtsg mot regard mark mark ahl eniu voic email ahleniu marbl rtsg mot motorola inc fax arlington ht usa honor degre mean thi comp window justin kibel system programm xm elba project team collabor inform technolog research institut melbourn vic inter net jck jaguar catt citri edu phone australia build gcc can peopl send hint build gcc pitfal avoid hint hear p eopl stori thi tim tim liddelow for fork system programm centr advanc technolog telecommun brain bad dai citri melbourn australia internet tim kimba catt citri

edu phone fax repost intern obfusc code contest rule receiv number request for repost intern obfusc code contest rule and guidelin peopl request that rule pos t wider set group for cross post technic clarif made rule and guidelin diff mark hand edg rule and guidelin for thi year remain peopl process submit entri for i occc not worri chongo landon curt noll chongo toad larri bassel lab sun bin thi shell archiv shar made utc chongo toad sourc directori tmp exist file will overw ritten thi shar contain length mode name rule guidelin mkentri obfusc info rule echo extract rule text sed shar eof rule intern obfusc code contest rule xcopyri ght landon curt noll larri bassel xall right reserv permiss for person educ prof it us xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unal t receiv prior permiss write xfrom landon curt noll and larri bassel obfusc cate cate cate render obscur darken confus emot obfusc judgment llat obfuscar darken intens lat fuscar darken fuscu dark obfusc obfuscatori adj xgoal contest write obscur obfusc program rule below show import program style iron stress compil un usu code illustr subtleti languag provid safe forum for poor code xnote draft no te chang bar xrule volum entri that you follow rule your entri complet program y our entri byte length number charact exclud whitespac tab space newlin and exclu d whitespac end file your entri submit format entri xrule xfix thi entri thi rep lac older entri xtitl titl entri comment below xentri entri number inclus your e ntri xdate date time submiss utc comment below xhost machin and your entri test us tab indent line need remark place remark thi entri thi section help you inden t your remark space not requir avoid column blank line permit author xname your name xorg school compani organ xaddr postal address us tab indent line continu d on forget includ countri xemail email address site regist domain you give form l ist separ tab indent line xanon remain anonym publish thi info info xif your pro gram info file place uuencod copi xthi section case multipl info file us multipl info xsection your entri not info file skip thi section build xplace uuencod co pi command us compil build your program xin thi section uudecod into file name b uild result xfile byte program xplace uuencod copi your program thi section uude cod xinto file name prog result file follow rule end format titl match express a nd charact length suggest not requir that titl incorpor your usernam case multip l author part usernam author date entri section respect utc format date return a sctim local guidelin for info you correct revis previous submit entri send conte st email address set fix entri section correct entri us titl and entri number su bmitt that correct that you note resubmitt remark except header text format judg you judg put remark section send separ email messag judg inform author section will publish respect author anon line credit multipl author includ author sectio n for each author each start author line and found entri and build section entri remark includ thi program run program sampl arg input special compil execut ins truct special filenam requir rule and inform data file you program obfusc note t hi entri submiss previou entri remark humor not rot your entri remark you sugges t that portion your remark rot your entri win award info file us supplement your entri not requir exist your entri not info file skip info section your entri mu ltipl info file us multipl info section per info file you describ each info file remark section your entri select winner will modifi follow build incorpor into makefil and build remov prog renam your entri titl option digit your entri compi l into file name your entri titl possibl digit your entri requir that build file exist state your entri remark section makefil will arrang execut build shell sc ript contain build inform name thi build shell script will your entri titl possi bl digit need your entri remark your entri chang order deal filenam build file s ourc and result execut treat read file your entri modifi file make and modifi co pi file thi occur state your entri remark entri that cannot compil ansi compil w ill reject us common extens permit long not compil error for ansi compil program origin work program public domain copyright program will reject entri receiv pr ior utc utc essenti equival greenwich mean time email your entri appl pyramid su n uunet hoptoad obfusc obfusc toad request that your messag us subject ioccc ent ri request that you hold email your entri mar utc earli entri will accept will a ttempt email confirm author for entri receiv mar utc each person submit entri pe r contest year each entri separ email letter entri requir human interact built n

ot allow compil entri produc file file execut program that requir special privil eg setuid setgid super user special owner group not allow xfor inform judg will landon noll and larri bassel send question comment contest appl pyramid sun uune t hoptoad judg not address for judg toad submit entri rule and guidelin and chan g year year you you current rule and guidelin prior submit entri obtain send ema il address and us subject send rule obtain winner previou contest date ftp host ftp net user anonym pass yournam yourhost dir pub ioccc last resort previou winn er obtain send email address us subject send year winner year singl digit year y ear rang xchongo landon curt noll chongo toad xlarri bassel lab sun shar eof chm od rule echo restor rule fail set rule test echo origin size current size guidel in echo extract guidelin text sed shar eof guidelin intern obfusc code contest g uidelin hint and comment xcopyright landon curt noll larri bassel xall right res erv permiss for person educ profit us xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unalt receiv prior permiss write xfrom landon curt n oll and larri bassel xabout thi file thi file intend peopl submit entri intern o bfusc code contest ioccc for short thi not ioccc rule comment guidelin view hint and suggest entri that violat guidelin remain rule allow even you safer you rem ain guidelin you read current ioccc rule prior submit entri rule typic guidelin draft note chang bar xwhat entri format for program mkentri updat entri format w ill reject entri that cannot compil ansi compil obfusc hack that ansi compil fit longer permit issu deal integr arrai type variabl number argument preprocessor direct and exit function like and dislik xhint and suggest you encourag examin w inner previou contest for inform for detail previou winner mind that rule chang year year win entri not valid entri thi year uniqu and year year entri examin nu mber wai typic appli number test entri origin sourc convert ansi tri graph ascii pre process sourc ignor includ line pre process sourc ignor defin and includ li ne run beautifi examin algorithm lint compil execut you your entri each test you your entri remain obscur clean pre processor and beautifi your entri not test c ase test not import entri that compet for strangest creativ sourc layout not ter m algorithm hand two such entri inclin pick entri that interest you run avoid li mit creativ rule such leav contest open for creativ rule interpret real life pro gram interpret requir document custom request import for thi reason award worst abus rule entri that illustr thi point iron you plan abus rule suggest that you remark section note that invit abus not invit break strict come byte size limit abus entri format annoi amus realiz that hole rule and invit entri attempt explo it will award worst abus rule and plug hole year even will attempt us smallest p lug need not smaller check your program and that work sometim make effort debug entri that slight problem final round hand entri fall didn work tend prime numbe r printer that claim that prime number you bug you document note thi entri somet im print power prime mistak save entri and sometim strang bug featur can even en tri correctli work entri xour like and dislik mass defin obscur sourc becom tend mass defin due pre processor test that appli simpli abus defin dfoo bar won pro gram that round confus ansi compil dislik code and defin defin foo don expect th i turn into defin foo int don us such implicit type declar int suggest that you compil your entri ansi compil you us ansi such you avoid area that result compil link error for ansi compil ansi compil requir arrai index integr type classic o bfusc hack not us thi rule relax futur contest int char us string us string your entri function that variabl number argument care system implement list wide var ieti wai thi number oper list not portabl and not us assign list variabl list va riabl cast list variabl into list variabl pass list variabl function expect list arg pass list variabl function expect list arg perform arithmet list variabl li st structur union not treat list variabl char avoid vararg us stdarg you us prep rocessor direct defin ifdef lead charact line preprocessor whitespac lead not ex it function return void system entri not assum that return int small program sho rt obscur and concis such program not complex winner serv purpos program that pe opl attempt complet understand for thi reason for program that compact and instr uct line program short line program byte long get close byte bit long opinion te nd dislik program that hardwar specif version specif index strchr differ socket stream specif code like not dump core compil warn you warn remark header item wo n compil bsd sy abus build file size limit obfusc excess us ansi tri graph longe

r similar previou winner ident previou loser you cramp for space you enter liner categori suggest that you format your program creativ simpli form excess long l ine build file not us and size limit thing make us quit anoth us byte order and squeez sourc size limit you feel free make us build file space you you show amou nt restraint allow whitespac and case not impact your program size point want so urc that simpli compact blob charact two version program that compact blob code and that format typic program tend favor second version version program that for mat interest and obfusc win two suggest that you avoid for smallest replic progr am amaz size that claim smallest noth wrong replic program fact number winner re plic you want avoid claim smallest smaller client entri portabl entri that adapt wide collect environ will favor don depend type displai for exampl don depend c olor size don requir back store client entri avoid relat librari and softwar tha t not wide spread us that such client entri restrict low level xlib and athena w idget set libx libxaw libxmu and libxt don us tif openl toolkit sinc not avoid d epend window manag not and peopl stuck back earlier target requir make your entr i run version window system client entri not depend item xdefault you note requi r line remark section program that concis and small quasi interest pass lint com plaint not requir nice portabl uniqu obfusc style make us number type obfusc mak e laugh and throw type program can excel area your program doesn excel area area freeli admit that interest creativ humor comment remark section help your chanc win you had read twist entri you enjoi good laugh two reader contest winner cre ativ xentri format order process entri request your assist format your entri thi format addit quickli separ inform author program judg process provid program mk entri exampl format entri you awar warn that found mkentri thi program attempt i mplement ioccc rule attempt made make that thi program produc entri that conform contest rule case thi program differ contest rule contest rule will us check co ntest rule submit entri you not requir us mkentri conveni attempt uuencod need f ile and attempt check entri size rule you suggest comment fix complaint mkentri program send email judg below sampl entri entri xrule xfix xtitl chonglab xentri xdate mon mar xhost pdp bsd pdp remark thi obfusc obfusc program like not win p rize you expect short exampl author xname landon curt noll xorg ioccc judg group xaddr toad hall box san francisco california usa xemail chongo toad xanon autho r xname larri bassel xorg ioccc judg group xaddr toad hall box san francisco cal ifornia usa xemail hoptoad sun lab lab sun xanon info end typic build file assum that sourc prog and will compil into prog entri win will renam sourc and binari avoid filenam collis tradit us name entri titl option digit case name conflict entri won like win award us chonglab and chonglab your entri depend requir that your build sourc and binari file name remark section thi case appli help you cha ng filenam your entri build file make copi file for exampl prog special name spe cial binari special src special sourc prog special src special src special name special build special build tail build special build special build assum that wi ll us entri titl send version your build program file that name convent you uuen cod file data section your entri modifi sourc info binari file remark section yo u avoid touch your origin build sourc and binari file you arrang make copi file you intend modifi thi will peopl gener your entri scratch rememb that your entri built build file typic incorpor build line into makefil build file exist remark section your entri special info file you uuencod into info section case multipl info file us multipl info section info file need skip info section info file in tend input detail inform that not fit into remark section for exampl entri that implement compil want provid sampl program for user compil entri want includ len gthi design document that not for hint file info file us supplement your entri f or exampl info file provid sampl input detail inform your entri supplement entri not requir exist case your info file renam avoid name conflict info file not re nam for reason remark section info file uudecod into current directori absolut r enam move into sub directori remark section submit multipl entri that each entri uniqu entri number your entri entri number except header text entri format that don place text entri and expect judg decod tool aren prog you put remark sectio n send email judg appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad judg not address for judg toad submit entri date respect utc system refer thi gmt gmt format date that return a sctim local exampl such string thr apr thi format similar output date command st

ring not includ timezon name year system command will produc similar string date date sed utc date sed gmt date sed gmt date sed you allow updat fix revis your entri set fix line entri section that resubmitt titl and entri number us determi n entri replac xjudg process entri judg larri bassel and landon curt noll entri unpack into individu directori email messag unpack into individu file each conta in entri section author section info section build section program section text includ email messag header prior judg text file scan not inform case entri malfo rm and not unpack correctli inform author section not read judg process complet and entri that won award process help bias for individu dark you final award sur pris find end won and attempt entri anonym win award main prize win announc make attempt send winner into oblivion remov win file and shred relat paper tradit n ot even reveal number entri that receiv for curiou volum paper consum present io ccc winner talk usenix announc attempt send email author win entri reason thi gi ve author chanc comment present entri chanc correct mistak typo accept suggest c omment remark thi prior post winner wide world judg consist number elimin round round collect entri divid into two roughli equal pile pile that advanc round and pile that not examin entri that elimin previou round entri get two read read co nsist number action read entri section read uudecod build section read uudecod p rogram section read uudecod info section pass sourc pre processor ship includ fi le perform number beautifi cleanup edit sourc pass beautifi sourc pre processor ship includ file round action perform lint sourc compil build sourc run program perform misc test sourc and binari reduc stack entri entri entri judg individu b asi entri set not opinion meet standard establish round number entri thin entri begin form award categori entri begin compet each for award entri will compet ca tegori actual award categori list will vari depend type entri receiv typic categ ori list small line program small program strangest creativ sourc layout obfusc program game that obfusc creativ obfusc program decept code client like and disl ik abus ansi worst abus rule strang that deserv award not limit ourselv thi list for exampl entri good bad that declar winner start final round will invent awar d categori for final round process perform difficult task reduc remain entri typ ic winner confid that entri that make into final round that not make select winn er final round clear cut sometim final round entri good win beat similar slightl i entri for thi reason sometim worthwhil enter improv version entri that fail wi n previou year thi assum that entri worth improv place that not select small ent ri line strang creativ layout entri and entri that abus contest rule end traditi on pick entri sometim such entri simpli exce entri pick number categori xannounc winner announc occur summer usenix confer tradit thi part uunet ioccc bof prior berkelei bsd and bsdi bof win entri will post late june group comp lang comp un ix wizard alt sourc addit pointer post post comp sourc alt sourc misc misc comp sourc misc comp window win entri will deposit into uunet archiv below for detail win entri publish select magazin winner appear book hacker dictionari and shirt last not winner receiv intern fame and flame xfor inform you contact judg send email address appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad judg not address for judg toad subm it entri question and comment contest rule and guidelin and chang year year you you current rule and guidelin prior submit entri obtain send email address and u s subject send rule obtain winner previou contest date ftp host ftp net user ano nym pass yournam yourhost dir pub ioccc last resort previou winner obtain send e mail address us subject send year winner year singl digit year year rang xchongo landon curt noll chongo toad xlarri bassel lab sun shar eof chmod guidelin echo restor guidelin fail set guidelin test echo origin size current size echo end p art continu part exit sunnyval resid vote landon noll for sunnyval citi council seat repost intern obfusc code contest rule receiv number request for repost intern obfusc code contest rule and guidelin peopl request that rule pos t wider set group for cross post technic clarif made rule and guidelin diff mark hand edg rule and guidelin for thi year remain peopl process submit entri for i occc not worri chongo landon curt noll chongo toad larri bassel lab sun bin thi part multipart archiv mkentri echo extract mkentri text sed shar eof mkentri mke ntri copyright landon curt noll larri bassel right reserv permiss for person edu c profit us grant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti and remain

unalt receiv prior permiss write landon curt noll and larri bassel mkentri make intern obfusc code contest entri usag mkentri remark build prog ioccc entri rema rk file remark entri build file contain prog built prog obfusc program sourc fil e ioccc entri ioccc entri output file compil mkentri mkentri public domain lando n curt noll thi softwar provid and express impli warranti includ limit impli war ranti merchant and fit for purpos warn thi program attempt implement ioccc rule attempt made make that thi program produc entri that conform contest rule case t hi program differ contest rule contest rule will us check contest rule submit en tri for inform you contact judg send email address appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoa d judg not address for judg toad submit entri question and comment contest rule and guidelin and chang year year you you current rule and guidelin prior submit entri obtain send email address and us subject send rule obtain winner previou c ontest date ftp host ftp net user anonym pass yournam yourhost dir pub ioccc las t resort previou winner obtain send email address us subject send year winner ye ar singl digit year year rang contest rule chang year year us thi program for ye ar that intend that rule year defin below match thi current year includ stdio in clud ctype includ time includ sy type includ sy stat logic ifndef true defin tru e endif true ifndef fals defin fals endif fals defin eof true defin eof not fals global limit defin rule year note match current year defin start date mar utc c onfirm receiv defin max col max column line hit defin max build size max build s ize defin max program size max program sourc size defin max program size max pro gram sourc size not count whitespac and not whitespac eof defin max titl len max char titl defin max entri len max length entri input line defin max entri max n umber entri per person per year defin max file len max filenam length for info f ile send entri defin entri addr appl pyramid sun uunet hoptoad obfusc defin entr i addr obfusc toad uuencod process assum ascii defin uuencod encod str int xff d efin uuencod len max uuencod chunk size defin uuinfo mode mode info file uuencod file defin uubuild mode mode build file uuencod file defin uubuild name build n ame for build file uuencod file defin uuprog mode mode program uuencod file defi n uuprog name prog name for program uuencod file encod str char val uuencod char act val xchar encod str abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ab cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz global declar xchar program name xlong start time startup time forward declar xvoid pars arg xvoid usag xfil e open remark xfile open build xfile open program xfile open output xvoid output entri xvoid output remark xvoid output author xvoid output info xvoid output bu ild xvoid output program xvoid output end xint line xvoid output till dot xint c ol len xvoid check xvoid uuencod xmain argc argv int argc arg count char argv ar g file remark null open remark stream file build null open build file stream fil e prog null open program stream file output null open output stream char rname n ull file remark entri char bname null file contain prog built char pname null ob fusc program sourc file char onam null ioccc entri output file struct startup ti me structur check year start time time long gmtime start time year rule year fpr intf stderr warn thi program appli differ argv rule year year pars command line arg pars arg argc argv rname bname pname onam open check input and output file o pen and truncat output file case input file output open output onam remark open remark rname build open build bname prog open program pname output null remark n ull build null prog null exit output each section output entri output onam outpu t remark output onam remark rname output author output onam output info output o nam output build output onam build bname output program output onam prog pname o utput end output onam flush output fflush output eof fprintf stderr flush error program onam perror exit final word printf nyour entri can found you check thi f ile onam printf correct problem and verifi that uudecod util will printf correct li decod your build file and program printf thi program provid guid for submitt printf case conflict rule rule appli printf your respons ensur that your entri c onform printf current rule printf email your entri printf entri addr printf entr i addr printf us subject you email your entri printf tioccc entri exit pars arg pars command line arg command line arg thi function pars and set requir name fla g thi function will return command line syntax correct xvoid xpars arg argc argv rname bname pname onam int argc arg count char argv arg char rname file remark entri char bname file contain prog built char pname obfusc program sourc file ch

ar onam ioccc entri output file char optarg flag option operand int flagnam name flag int not getopt pars arg hand program argv for argc determin flagnam argv u sag notreach flagnam int argv determin flag operand flagnam argv optarg argv arg c usag notreach optarg argv save flag operand correct global variabl switch flag nam case rname optarg break case bname optarg break case pname optarg break case onam optarg break default usag notreach verifi that requir flag rname null bnam e null pname null onam null usag notreach return usag print usag messag and exit thi function not return xvoid xusag exitv int exitv exit thi fprintf stderr usa g remark build prog ioccc entri program fprintf stderr remark tfile remark entri fprintf stderr build tfile contain prog built fprintf stderr prog tthe obfusc p rogram sourc file fprintf stderr ioccc entri tioccc entri output file exit exitv open remark open check remark file remark file indent space and not extend colu mn max col not requir warn thi function return null format error xfile xopen rem ark filenam char filenam file stream open file stream char buf bufsiz input buff er int toolong number line that long int indent number line not indent space ope n remark input file stream fopen filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open remark file program filenam perror return null each line fget buf bufsiz stream null count line that not start space buf strncmp buf indent count long line col len buf max col found line that long toolong watch for error check stream filena m eof note long line need toolong fprintf stderr warn line extend column program toolong filenam fprintf stderr thi nice avoid program note indent line need ind ent fprintf stderr warn line not indent space program indent filenam fprintf std err thi nice avoid program return open file rewind stream return stream open bui ld open check build file build file not longer max build size byte thi function return null size error xfile xopen build filenam char filenam file stream open f ile stream struct stat statbuf statu open file open build input file stream fope n filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open build file program filenam perr or return null determin size file fstat fileno stream statbuf fprintf stderr can not stat build file program filenam perror return null statbuf size max build si ze fprintf stderr fatal build file byte long program filenam statbuf size fprint f stderr not longer byte program max build size return null return open file ret urn stream open program open check program sourc file program sourc file byte nu mber whitespac and char not whitespac byte thi function return null size error x file xopen program filenam char filenam file stream open file stream struct stat statbuf statu open file int count special count size int charact read open prog ram sourc input file stream fopen filenam stream null fprintf stderr cannot open program sourc file program filenam perror exit determin size file fstat fileno stream statbuf fprintf stderr cannot stat program sourc file program filenam per ror return null statbuf size max program size fprintf stderr fatal program sourc file byte long program filenam statbuf size fprintf stderr not longer byte prog ram max program size return null count whitespac whitespac char count fgetc stre am eof whitespac isascii isspac switch case count not eof whitespac case case pe ek char fgetc stream eof isascii isspac not whitespac eof count ungetc stream co unt break default count break watch for error check stream filenam eof special s ize count max program size fprintf stderr fatal number byte that whitespac and p rogram fprintf stderr that not whitespac program fprintf stderr eof byte program max program size fprintf stderr byte found program filenam count return null re turn open file rewind stream return stream open output open check entri output f ile thi function return null open error xfile xopen output filenam char filenam file stream open file stream open ioccc entri output file stream fopen filenam s tream null fprintf stderr cannot open ioccc entri file for output program filena m perror exit return open file return stream output entri output entri section r ead need inform form stdin and write entri section xvoid xoutput entri output on am file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char titl max titl len entri titl char buf max col buffer int entri entri number int ret fiel d process fscanf int line line not char skip input skip file date pipe pipe date command time epoch sec second sinc epoch char write start section fprintf outpu t entri check output onam eof not write rule year fprintf output rule rule year check output onam eof not determin thi fix printf thi fix updat resubmitt printf previou entri enter line buf buf buf printf npleas answer buf fprintf output fi

x check output onam eof not printf nbe that titl and entri number that you give printf entri you replac fprintf output fix check output onam eof not write titl printf nyour titl match express charact printf charact max titl len printf sugge st not requir that titl printf incorpor your usernam printf case multipl author part usernam printf author printf enter your titl prompt and read line line line titl max titl len max col printf ntitl long enter continu verifi pattern not re gexp hand isascii int titl isalnum int titl titl titl printf ninvalid charact ti tl printf enter your titl line for titl isascii int isalnum int printf ninvalid charact titl printf enter your titl line line fprintf output titl titl check out put onam eof not write entri number printf neach person submit entri per year ma x entri printf enter entri number inclus max entri valid input line fflush stdou t ret fscanf stdin entri check stdin stdin eof not skip input newlin found skip fgetc stdin check stdin stdin eof not skip bad text input invalid entri number e ntri skip check number and rang ret entri entri max entri printf nthe entri numb er and inclus max entri printf enter entri number ret entri entri max entri fpri ntf output entri entri check output onam eof not write submiss date return newli n epoch sec time null fprintf output date asctim gmtime epoch sec check output o nam eof not write machin host inform printf nenter machin and your entri test ou tput till dot output onam host output remark output remark section read need inf orm form stdin and write entri section xvoid xoutput remark output onam remark r name file output entri output file stream char onam name output file file remark stream file contain remark text char rname name remark file char buf bufsiz inp ut output buffer write start section fprintf output remark check output onam eof not copi remark file section fget buf bufsiz remark null fput buf output check output onam eof not check remark rname eof that remark section end newlin buf st rlen buf fputc output check output onam eof not output author output author sect ion read need inform stdin and write author section multipl author exist multipl author section will written xvoid xoutput author output onam file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char buf max col buffer int auth t rue author note int auth cnt number author process prompt user for author sectio n printf nenter inform each author your entri printf and contest deadlin judg st art date printf will attempt email back confirm author place author inform for e ach author individu section write start section fprintf output author check outp ut onam eof not write author printf nauthor name auth cnt line buf max col max c ol printf nname long enter fprintf output name buf check output onam eof not wri te organ printf nenter school compani organ author auth cnt printf nauthor org a uth cnt line buf max col max col printf nline long enter fprintf output org buf check output onam eof not write address printf nenter postal address for author includ auth cnt printf your countri and not includ your name output till dot out put onam addr write email address printf nenter email address for author us addr ess auth cnt printf regist domain site you give printf form list per line output till dot output onam email write anonym statu printf nshould author remain anon ym enter auth cnt line buf buf buf printf npleas answer fprintf output anon buf check output onam eof not determin anoth author printf ni anoth author enter lin e buf buf buf printf npleas answer buf auth true auth fals auth true return outp ut info output info section read need inform stdin and write info section multip l info file exist multipl info section will written xvoid xoutput info output on am file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char infonam max file len filenam buffer char yorn answer char uunam name uuencod file infil info file stream prompt user for info inform printf ninfo file us supplement you r entri printf for exampl info file provid sampl input detail printf inform your entri supplement printf entri not requir exist anoth info file save uuencod pri ntf you info file includ enter line yorn yorn yorn printf npleas answer yorn rea d filenam printf nenter info filenam line infonam max file len printf ninfo file nam long enter comput basenam info filenam remov trail newlin uunam infonam strl en infonam uunam avoid rindex shrrchr compat issu hand for uunam uunam infonam u unam uunam uunam break attempt open info file infil fopen infonam infil null fpr intf stderr cannot open info file program infonam perror continu write start sec tion fprintf output info check output onam eof not uuencod info file uuencod out put onam infil infonam uuinfo mode uunam printf ndo you anoth info file includ e

nter line yorn yorn yorn printf npleas answer return output build output build s ection read need inform stdin and write build section xvoid xoutput build output onam build bname file output entri output file stream char onam name output fil e file build open build file stream char bname name build file write start secti on fprintf output build check output onam eof not uuencod program file uuencod o utput onam build bname uubuild mode uubuild name return output program output pr ogram section read need inform form stdin and write program section xvoid xoutpu t program output onam prog pname file output entri output file stream char onam name output file file prog open program stream char pname name program file writ e start section fprintf output program check output onam eof not uuencod program file uuencod output onam prog pname uuprog mode uuprog name return output end o utput end section read need inform form stdin and write end section xvoid xoutpu t end output onam file output entri output file stream char onam name output fil e write final section termin fprintf output end check output onam eof not return line answer stdin thi function will flush stdout case prompt pend and read answ er thi function return line long length line includ newlin line thi function not return error eof xint xget line buf siz maxcol char buf input buffer int siz le ngth input includ newlin int maxcol max col allow disabl check int length length input line flush termin output fflush stdout read line fget buf siz stdin null report problem check stdin stdin eof not for newlin length strlen buf buf length int eatchar char eaten newlin found line long eat rest line eatchar fgetc stdin eatchar eof eatchar check stdin stdin eof not report situat return watch for lo ng line need maxcol length maxcol col len buf maxcol report situat return return length return length output till dot output set line read thi routin will read set line not includ singl line read format output leader tfirst line tnext line tnext line thi routin will not return error eof xvoid xoutput till dot output on am leader file output entri output file stream char onam name output file char l eader lead text for line char buf bufsiz input buffer int count line read int fa ls true finish read input instruct user input printf nto end input enter line si ngl period read line eof count issu prompt printf count leader fflush stdout lin e line buf bufsiz max col printf nline long enter continu note read strcmp buf t rue write line read fprintf output count leader buf check output onam eof not li ne read output count fprintf output leader check output onam eof not return col len determin highest that string reach string thi routin return that string reac h string print column tab stop assum start xint xcol len string char string stri ng examin int col current column char current char scan string for col string no te column shift col col col col return highest column return col check check for eof error stream not return eof error xvoid xcheck stream name eof file stream stream check char name name thi stream int eof eof eof not test for error ferror stream fprintf stderr error program name perror exit test for eof eof eof not f eof stream fprintf stderr eof program name exit return uuencod uuencod file perf orm uuencod process ident process perform uuencod util thi routin implement algo rithm describ uuencod bsd reno man page xvoid xuuencod output onam infil inam um od unam file output output file stream char onam output filenam file infil input file stream char inam input filenam int umod mode put uuencod file char unam na me put uuencod file char buf uuencod len uuencod buffer int read len actual numb er char read int val bit chunk buf char filler filler uuencod pad text char outp ut initi uuencod header fprintf output begin umod unam check output onam eof not clear input buffer for buf buf sizeof buf sizeof buf will process uuencod len c har time form singl output line each time read len fread buf sizeof buf uuencod len infil charact length charact fputc uuencod read len output check output onam eof not will convert bit time will convert set bit into set uuencod bit for buf read len read len bit val fputc uuencod val output check output onam eof not bi t val fputc uuencod val output check output onam eof not bit val fputc uuencod v al output check output onam eof not bit val fputc uuencod val output check outpu t onam eof not end uuencod len line fputc output check output onam eof not clear input buffer don depend bzero memset for buf buf sizeof buf sizeof buf check la st read input file check infil inam eof write end uuencod file fprintf output ne nd uuencod filler check output onam eof not shar eof chmod mkentri echo restor m kentri fail set mkentri test echo origin size current size obfusc info echo extr

act obfusc info text sed shar eof obfusc info obfusc contest inform xcopyright l andon curt noll larri bassel xall right reserv permiss for person educ profit us xgrant provid thi thi copyright and notic includ entireti xand remain unalt rec eiv prior permiss write xfrom landon curt noll and larri bassel xthe intern obfu sc code contest ioccc sprit xco oper will mention program content space xpermit xhow your contest includ thi file you ioccc judg includ your contest thi file se nd request judg toad request that contest descript limit line and not exce byte typic request that your contest includ current descript ioccc order includ thi f ile for year receiv current descript earlier jan utc and feb utc agreement publi sh your contest obtain prior feb annual contest that fail submit entri will drop thi file xoffici disclaim pardon officiales content note below ioccc not affili ioccc endors ioccc reserv refus print inform contest inform below provid contes t organ and print permiss contact contest organ directli content xwith that offi ci notic present for your enjoy xinform content intern obfusc contest origin obf usc contest obfusc cate cate cate render obscur darken confus emot obfusc judgme nt llat obfuscar darken intens lat fuscar darken fuscu dark obfusc obfuscatori a dj goal contest write obscur obfusc program rule below show import program style iron stress compil unusu code illustr subtleti languag provid safe forum for po or code ioccc grandfath usenet program contest sinc thi contest demonstr that pr ogram that simpli work correctli not suffici ioccc add arcan word obfusc back in to english languag hacker dictionari eric raymond you strongli encourag read con test rule send entri rule and sometim contest email address chang time valid ent ri year reject year due rule typic start date for contest earli march contest ru le not final and post begin contest typic close date for contest earli rule and guidelin and chang year year you you current rule and guidelin prior submit entr i obtain send email address and us subject send rule obtain winner previou conte st date ftp host ftp net user anonym pass yournam yourhost dir pub ioccc last re sort previou winner obtain send email address us subject send year winner year s ingl digit year year rang intern obfusc perl contest landon noll larri wall thi content plan somedai landon larri not busi will post set rule landon that contes t exist project hopefulli will develop nov intern obfusc postscript contest jona than monsarrat jgm brown edu alena lacova alena nikhef contest program skill and knowledg exclus for postscript program languag purpos spread knowledg postscrip t and detail applaud trick prove that human can beat damnabl machin gener game w rite obscur and mysteri postscript program winner will receiv fame and attent th at program entri post winner programm world wide contest rule and result ftp wil ma brown edu pub postscript obfusc shar individu obfusc directori judg will post rule novemb comp lang postscript usenet and place send question jgm brown edu c ategori includ obfusc postscript artwork compact interact program and unusu and creativ that deserv award judg will choos winner each categori alena lacova syst em administr nikhef institut for high energi and nuclear physic netherland autho r postscript chao program draw julia set mandelbrot set and kind fractal functio n jonathan monsarrat graduat student mit and brown univers faq maintain for usen et newsgroup comp lang postscript and author postscript zone and lametex shar eo f chmod obfusc info echo restor obfusc info fail set obfusc info test echo origi n size current size exit sunnyval resid vote landon noll for sunnyval citi counc il seat problem xvertext packag articl mar sierra dkarr sierra david kar r write futur displai rotat text notic xvertext packag net good slight problem a pi assum you font name not load font shouldn difficult split function into two i nterfac routin font name and xfontstruct thought author alan richardson mppa sus sex syma case plan thi email address bounc alan current maintain xvertext thi ma il address you mention for us you brit backward real address state mppa syma sus sex give harvard ucbvax uwvax astroatc ftm brown psi ftm brown rutger internet b rown extrel ftm brown astroatc wisc edu gadget widget motif manag simplist approach handl event for gadg et track for event such motion notifi wether not gadget express interest event r esult gadget typic gener great deal network traffic termin find notic network pe rform drop result point gadget case memori network perform tradeoff gadget save client and server memori memori easili expand network perform not design motif m

ake avoid gadget present you don choic motif forc you us gadget menu and place a drian nye reilli and associ inc xmgraph widget that float and notic perform sign ificantli gadget perhap even faster had heard program that gadget longer benefit perform and that us widget pushbutton gadget lot quicker pushbutton graph start put gadget back into long pulldown menu xmgraph manag children connect xmarc wi dget direct network type graph automat layout capabl bill schlumberg geco prakla internet kayser delft sgp slb troubl compil suno epstein trwac trw jeremi epstein write dmm he ad cfa harvard edu david meleedi write descript compil problem delet gcc fpcc st ruct return bmtoa bmtoa funrol loop lib xmu lxmu lib extens lib lib af cfa syst sun usr head lib undefin symbol xgetvisualinfo xfree xinternatom etc bug suno al lud faq talk affect you forc libxmu link static dynam work linker error simplest thing edit each makefil failur and chang line read xmulib xmusrc lxmu xmulib xm usrc bstatic lxmu bdynam thi relev for openwindow ship suno not relev for mit mi t compil problem casper build gcc articl apr etrog citri edu tim kimba catt citri edu ti m liddelow write can peopl send hint build gcc pitfal avoid hint hear peopl stor i thi build gcc sinc and time had troubl posit independ code option broke couldn us gcc build sun share librari import thing follow tip gcc releas gcc gener cod e that requir libgcc and you that into account decid compil us for librari micha el salmon includ standard disclaim includ witti includ fanci pseudo graphic eric sson telecom stockholm get pseudo tty motif write applic motif that will requir embed p seudo tty invent wheel written motif widget that job pointer make such beast env iron motif and motif thi help advanc arthur lim email arthur mailhost sc experi desqview pc and sparcstat run applic microsoft project or igin system ran expand unix user work applic current propos us desqview displai server for applic your experi desqview run applic and displai sparcstat heard th at network traffic slow repli mail advanc willi willi wilson analog teleus uim and good idea integr code elegantli teleus uim interf ac architect gener code sourc great suggest understand that releas uim due last februari full support for us xdesign not interpret meta languag tool fulli suppo rt code gener reusabl templat class gener varieti handi featur for and layout fu nction wai and gener motif code includ drag drop internation etc fit quit nice d oug young paradigm for motif corp europ imperi softwar london faq for detail bil l schlumberg geco prakla kayser delft sgp slb privat colormap widget creation you suppos that problem xmncolor map xtncolormap for liter be not set you want start your applic your colormap th i can chicken and egg sort problem you faq exampl that show can not and can impr ov exampl pete pete ware ware ci ohio state edu ci dept ohio state univers bolz hall neil av columbu xtshellstr xtstring function xtshellstr and xtstring haven found librari not and instal tool hint greatli appreci repli mail advanc christian wi lk thing you peopl wouldn technic univers munich attack ship fire shoulder orion munich germani watch beam glitter dark tannhaus gate moment will lost wilk info rmatik muenchen time tear rain time die roi batti xtshellstr xtstring articl apr informatik muenchen wilk informat ik muenchen christian wilk write function xtshellstr and xtstring haven found li brari not and instal tool hint greatli appreci repli mail aren function charact arrai standard string defin string constant charact pointer into xtshellstr and xtstring determin xtstringdefin your librari compil thi defin and your applic un defin simpli recompil worth ad dxtstringdefin your cflag michael salmon includ s tandard disclaim includ witti includ fanci pseudo graphic ericsson telecom stock holm xbell program produc continu tone call xbell repeatedli interv e qual durat bell run onc displai tone buffer server and tone contunu occurr progr am exit conveni prevent thi empti server bell buffer each program exit disclaim note that person view and not constru offici comment jet project honor degre mean articl tkld apr burn cogsci tkld cogsci kevin d avidson write opinion program degre worth degre not program degre comput program

taught comput scienc branch math softwar engin practic and like sort thing empl oy want not teach program abil program entri requir robert gordon univers progra m main time consum start two year consist subject softwar engin pascal unix comp ut engin assembl comput theori lisp prolog mathemat statist and commun skill pas s interview intellig test and group discuss surviv helicopt crash north sea year industri placement spent work for comput compani for year compani anywher europ special travel allow scheme cover visit cost professor fourth year includ oper system modula softwar engin assembl real time laboratori assembl and comput theo ri lisp group project and year student work team select project decid work for c ompani disadvantag that specif chang suddenli year weight coursework and exam fo r subject honour year thi reduc split individu project and final exam coursework assess comput scienc cours thi btw start student year and left honour year tuto r separ not easi sleep you student class cheer michael michael robb tel problem bolt softwar engin fax softwar make spider system limit mail bolt size edinburgh michaelr spider anonym comp window frequent ask question faq archiv name faq part last modifi subject can base plot program site such uunet site mark consult archi ser ver find recent version gnuplot xplot postscript and bunch driver export lc mit edu and contrib gnuplot tar plot output comp sourc unix volum graph yallara rmit pub graph tar comp sourc unix volum pdraw drawplot and scam berkelei edu src lo cal dplot tar scam berkelei edu src local contour tar scam berkelei edu src loca l drawplot tar uunet ftp contrib drawplot tar xgraph plot zoom output hpgl shamb hala berkelei edu pub xgraph tar sun ruf uni freiburg contrib xgraph tar nisc jv nc net pub xgraph tar comp sourc volum site ac xvgr and xmgr plot tool ftp ccalm r ogi edu xview version ccalmr pub acegr xvgr tar motif version ccalmr pub acegr xmgr tar mirror export contrib acegr xgobi interact dynam scatter plot tool bel lcor lib stat cmu edu gener xgobi log statlib your email password send email sta tlib lib stat cmu edu contain line messag send xgobi gener inform debbi swayn df bellcor robot scientif xview base graph plot and data analysi tool ftp astro ps u edu pub astrod robotx tar plotmtv multi purpos plotter tanquerai berkelei edu pub plotmtv tar part emv vielmetti geoff verita geoffrei leach paul scowen spacs un rice edu black beno css gov mike black subject can base spreadsheet version f or and support lotu file vernam uwm edu xspread tar includ graph function inform soft eng uwm edu gnu packag oleo prep mit edu pub gnu oleo tar can gener postsc ript rendit spreadsheet below part integr offic product tool includ word process email conferenc imag process and draw paint featur vendor product contact infor m access technolog informix wingz qualiti softwar product calc exclaim unipress calc uniplex uniplex digit decdecis digit applix aster applix ai xess info ai bb n softwar product bbn slate slate offer bbn elsid softwar system ripcam sa sa in stitut spreadsheet modul version current popular risc platform subject can base project manag softwar vendor product contact inform product solut ultra planner qualiti softwar product masterplan version sale qsp digit tool inc autoplan nasa compass servic cossack cosmic uga edu gec marconi softwar system gecomo gec mar coni softwar system size tei inc vue mantix cascad advanc manag solut schedul pu blish auburn univers pete phillip pete egh atul chhabra atul nynexst subject can base postscript preview ghostscript distribut free softwar foundat and includ p ostscript interpret and librari graphic primit version major site prep mit edu g spreview comput laboratori univers kent canterburi user interfac wcl base ghosts cript interpret sourc for anonym ftp export lc mit edu gspreview tar ghostview t im theisen tim wisc edu full function user interfac for ghostscript check ftp wi sc edu prep mit edu for pub ghostview tar execut ftp wisc edu pub ghostview ex f or architectur scriptwork harlequin softwar packag for preview and print postscr ipt descript text and graphic imag preview for for inform call send email script work request harlqn imag network xp support full postscript languag and render c olor grayscal monochrom font displai anti alias info imag network digit dxpsview run uw and sun pageview run new server subject can base gk packag latest freeli xgk can obtain xgk request unidata ucar edu thi implement deriv contrib xgk ibm and univers illinoi releas unidata ucar edu pub xgk tar addit grafpak gk advanc technolog center gksul gk ulowel edu ulowel depart implement includ driver for varieti devic can pass window us packag includ and fortran bind dsrand mitr org

and stew hanauma stanford edu xgkswidget produc neil bower neilb leed dc neilb d c leed latest conform version xgk export contrib xgk widget tar subject can base pex packag offici releas pex fix bring sampl implement server version final pex protocol specif anonym ftp export lc mit edu directori pub doc pex made public review draft list file that directori final pexlib document export pub doc pexli b univers illinoi implement pex specif call uipex contain complet implement phig and phig file pub uipex uipex tar uiuc edu port platform run question and comme nt can uipex uiuc edu addit pext toolkit rich thomson rthomson dsd export pext t ar includ pex widget make easier includ pex base program subject can base tex dv i preview xtex preview for tex file number archiv site includ uunet current vers ion ftp colorado edu seetex tar pre convert font that machin distribut includ mf tobdf convert and pxl font bdf format can compil for us your local server xdvi d vi preview fairli comprehens and easi us number site includ uunet and export lc mit edu current version patchlevel subject can base troff preview two preview fo r devic independ troff support client xditview and contribut maintain xtroff ear lier version xtroff appear contribut sourc xditview distribut addit xman client can us preview troff document us man macro man page psroff us output can view po stscript preview addit xproof preview for ditroff contribut marvin solomon solom on wisc edu version export contrib xproof elan comput group produc eroff modifi troff implement and elan express eroff preview softquad usa mail net mail offer softquad publish softwar includ substanti rewritten troff formatt intermedi lang uag backward compat and preview thi packag adopt mi depart and us and sold part inform ian darwin softquad ian imag network toxroff offer xroff packag includ fi ne modifi troff implement and set base page preview thi packag oem hardwar vendo r courtesi mora toronto edu mark mora subject can wysiwyg interfac builder relea s dirt interfac builder richard hesketh work and includ support for motif widget set readm thi builder interact creation and rapid prototyp user interfac toolki t and number widget set dirt gener widget creation resourc file and thi distribu t includ widget creation librari version except demo and mri ari sourc code kind permiss author david smyth check dirt readm dirt tar and dirt export lc mit edu interview toolkit contain wysiwig interfac builder call ibuild ibuild gener cod e for interview applic complet imakefil and resourc file document pub paper ibui ld interview stanford edu quest window objectview packag includ interact build t ool druid demonstr rapid user interfac develop run sparc machin osf motif intend eventu full uim appar support for creat present compon for gener uil code info singh kok ngan druid system for demonstr rapid user interfac develop proc acm si ggraph symp user interfac softwar and technolog uist acm byo interfac builder im plement tcl addit commerci product unsort final prereleas form product name that product design for each widget whether resourc hard code written applic default file for form output user interfac tool full user interfac manag system inform not date product name feel code output vendor interfac motif visual edg architec t uimx open express open xol helper lib visual edg uimx motif helper code visual edg distributor vuit motif uil dec digit design motif uil imperi softwar techno log sale ist xfacemak xfm motif script procedur languag uil nsl request nsl buil der xcessori motif uil ic ada info ic xbuild motif uil nixdorf xbuild nixdorf ix build motif uil ixo softwar karl ixo teleus motif uil telesoft gui info telesoft ezx motif helper lib uil ada sunris info sunris snapix motif adnt openwindow de velop open gil xview sun guid gil xview gil olit gil postscript for tnt exocod s xm motif expert object exocod open xview tae motif tcl tae control languag uil h elper librari vax fortran ada nasa goddard mob xsculptor motif openlook uil xol kovi psm msw uil lancorp motif mac pty fax australia motif motif aka edv fax uib open motif parcplac for magazin review for complet comparison meta file format document real eas us etc unix world and unix review carri articl addit neuron da ta make open interfac window system independ object toolkit support interfac res embl superset mac window and motif and open packag includ interfac builder addit grammi builder support develop ada applic set object plan motif grammi written ada and gener ada spec and stub bodi grammi addit wysiwyg relat product for goal rapid prototyp applic interfac wcl widget creation librari basic describ widget hierarchi and action resourc file fine archiv server includ devvax jpl nasa gov pub wcl thin layer intern tweak version current winterp xlisp base motif toolki

t for interpret program copi tape outdat copi export email winterp sourc hplnpm hplab serpent uim permit build user interfac specif knowledg code understand att ribut set motif widget beta releas ftp sei cmu edu and can found pub serpent ser pent export lc mit edu contrib serpent email question can serpent sei cmu edu co mmerci version serpent agora aset woodhaven drive pittsburgh garnet common lisp base gui toolkit inform garnet cmu edu metacard hypertext rapid applic develop e nviron similar appl clari corpor hypercard info metacard metacard anonym ftp ftp metacard csn org subject can find tool callabl shell script want shell script p op menu and dialog box user run tool contrib area develop satisfi yorn pop box x messag displai string etc version tool made contrib area archiv site addit richa rd hesketh rlh ukc post xmenu packag comp sourc xmenu for choic two version xpro mpt post comp sourc unauthor rewrit forsman thoth reef ci ufl edu version xmenu comp sourc work and will like releas tar xpick tar and xzap tar export contrib t ool gerri tomlinson newcastl act version simpl displai and choic make tool xtpan el let user build panel contain interact object such button slider text field et c command line simpl script languag for anonym ftp hanauma stanford edu pub xtpa nel tar and found alt sourc archiv subject can base debugg xdbx interfac dbx deb ugg ftp export current version patchlevel interfac gdb call xxgdb xdbx part comp sourc volum xxgdb tar export mxgdb motif interfac gdb jim tsilla jtsilla bubba bull version releas up sourc level debugg run and sunview window system sun and dec platform export contrib up tar up patch and unix hensa pub misc unix up mail archiv unix hensa unoffici fix rod armstrong rod at slb unix hensa misc unix up contrib rod at slb mip produc highli customiz wcl base visual debugg you us sun dbxtool new server codecent sourc level debugg major platform includ base inter fac offer examin graphic interfac interfac dbx and dbx for sun and sun and sdb a nd sdb for and platform call contact examin mvuxi att for inform solbourn offer pdb base debugg for and fortran pdb toolkit and run open motif mode sco info sco offer dbxtra part develop system lucid energ program system tightli integr deve lop environ for and program incorpor graphic user interfac top extend version gd b info lucid info lucid subject can tee program ident displai protocol multiplex tool provid for simultan displai client number machin xmx protocol multiplexor wilma brown edu pub xmx tar work independ server and not affect applic share dev elop for us electron classroom xtv confer program can us duplic chalkboard displ ai releas contrib tape recent version ftp odu edu pub wahab xtv tar shx michael altenhofen digit equip gmbh cec karlsruh thi wysiwi you packag context comput ba se learn train tool provid onlin remot tutor for gener window share inform shx n estvx enet dec shx can found export and gatekeep dec pub contrib shx tar crl dec pub contrib shx tar modif shx for color map and privat color alloc mark handlei handlei ucl ucl car shx car tar xtrap implement server librari extens and can u s record and replai session gatekeep dec pub contrib xtrap tar export lc mit edu contrib xtrap tar wscrawl can us multi person paint program sax stanford edu ws crawl shar shdr implement simpl share whiteboard chalk pass mechan parcftp xerox pub europarc shdr tar sketchpad distribut interact graphic editor design for sk etch sourc post alt sourc and ftp igd fhg ftp incom sketchpad nestor project des crib upgrad window system for tutor function michael altenhofen proceed exug con fer us hewlett packard commerci product sharedx work and seri workstat and stati on machin receiv share window can server sharedx consist server extens and motif base user interfac process contact your local sale rep for inform ibm offer com merci product sun offer multi user confer softwar call showm insoft mechanicsbur g usa offer multi user confer softwar call communiqu part scott spectra tim scot t and peter cigehn peter lulea trab subject topic build distribut topic updat su bject good sourc inform configur build thi faq includ inform number gotcha that can bite you system sourc gener inform build releas found releas note file bundl separ rest releas becom separ your sourc you can ftp anoth copi separ file reln ot txt top distribut file relnot xstuff mail server addit reilli associ volum ad ministr includ inform configur and build subject doesn sun work appar gcc proble m produc fine code for sun displai for cgsix sungx distribut fix fix problem not e not work solari subject doesn sun suno dlsym etc you error dlsym dlopen dlclos e undefin link libdl add ldl your and eventu your site def you want surround bst atic ldl bdynam you add extra librari variabl sinc syslib ad extra librari event

u compil command you not share libdl compil stub share joe backo joe backo east sun subject thi strang problem build client suno suno sun fix share librari bug conflict build share xmu librari caus symbol undefin build client wmshellwidgetc lass applicationshellwidgetclass compil bstatic lxmu bdynam appear work solv pro blem you openwindow base contact your local sun offic and request patch patch de script openwindow libxt jumbo patch openwindow undefin symbol share libxmu greg earl earl sun sourc patch for us mit librari develop conrad kimbal cek sdc boe r etrofit into fix made thi problem patch export contrib suno patch version subjec t can gcc compil sparc us gcc compil distribut segment fault run note that gcc r isc machin not necessarili result perform increas not notic vax platform problem gcc and us incompat method pass structur argument and return function valu gcc compil part link sun suppli function that pass return struct run time error occu r affect program includ rgb and server thi gcc manual sparc gnu incompat call co nvent for structur pass includ content argument list standard compil pass effect refer thi fix such call convent not support gnu isn straightforward fix convent for structur return incompat and fpcc struct return not you can duck problem fo r routin incompat problem cannot solv compil flag file compil includ server bsd oscolor rgb rgb addit inet function us struct arg return valu client xhost xhost client xauth gethost call inet addr lib clx socket and lib xconndi possibl harm less don involv struct collect bashford scripp edu don bashford subject error ru n built gcc run xinit xsun server error get interfac configur oper not support s ocket fatal server bug screen found run gcc fixinclud script appar didn work you can thi simpl test includ sy ioctl siocgifconf run that and gcc last line outpu t piec interest ident modulo irrelev differ whitespac gcc version version your f ixinclud run didn work for reason back your gcc sourc and run fixinclud rebuild distribut ident run make clean mit server and rebuild make get compil proper inc lud file courtesi der mous mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu subject problem compil o lder sun mit server ddx sun suncg found miss defin for monolen monolen enblen en blen errata list distribut mention that you can add line file older suno version compil defin monolen defin enblen monolen defin monolen monolen defin enblen mo nolen sun not devic and refer can remov mit server ddx sun suninit and imakefil subject problem compil server suno file sundev reg isn found sun omit sundev reg suno remov includ suncg and replac line defin vaddr color file chang earlier ve rsion suno and not copi anoth distribut subject problem share librari suno execu t that run result libxmu not found even call undefin procedur gethostnam you bui ld share librari sun rememb that you run ldconfig root instal share librari you instal file server run server client build and instal distribut you care avoid l ink exist share librari you distribut openwindow you make you not librari path s et your environ build instal you xterm and xload setuid program note that share librari instal usr lib usr local lib usr lib for program work program link stati c courtesi mit consortium note that program mkfontdir run part build attempt us share librari instal you can avoid error build mkfontdir static pass bstatic com pil subject can olit program run xtqstring undefin thi bug olit xtqstring extern symbol that exist libxt base wasn document and remov mit guarante upward compat and librari appli document interfac workaround temporarili set your librari pat h point openwindow librari that you link program barri margolin barmar jeff fran ci jpf heliocentr subject suno secur hole secur problem client xterm and xload r un suno that instal setuid root and share librari avoid problem make program set uid you consult your system administr protect resourc pty and dev kmem us progra m make that you not creat addit secur problem your site relink program static bs tatic instal librari link and link absolut path librari rw expo lc mit edu bob s cheifler version xterm thi automat rebuild xterm newli instal librari xterm inst al thi prevent suid program built librari rel note that thi inconveni instal nf mount disk xload rewritten avoid problem subject frame buffer secur hole system frame buffer unsecur default thi permit can log into your workstat peek your win dow session access frame buffer directli privaci issu perhap annoi accident star t second session your consol displai check man page for fbtab art mulder art ual berta subject topic build program subject imak imak not replac for make program makefil gener that take advantag includ file and macro process capabl preprocess or cpp gener makefil suitabl for build softwar system not specif releas solv num

ber configur issu that aris make such larg system wide portabl imak fairli steep learn curv part process system specif configur file system independ configur fi le and individu imakefil meld produc makefil not obviou version imak and version you can obtain inform imak sourc and releas note and imak man page includ infor m imak build and file mit config readm contain inform tape contrib doc imak imak tex mark mora guid imak mit doc config usenixw paper contain paper jim fulton e arli version imak paul duboi duboi primat wisc edu written explan imak work and us configur for support system document ftp primat wisc edu directori ftp pub im ak stuff for config troff and config postscript supplement appendic nearbi docum ent version imak paper email mail messag bodi send imak stuff almanac primat wis c edu system administr imak friend foe dinah mcnutt novemb issu sunexpert german reader expect june articl da meta make make you make schwerelo rainer klute mul tius multitask magazin direct applic programm need write imakefil english langua g deriv thi articl journal issu reilli resourc issu contain paul davei articl de mystifi imak alain brossard work document full tip imak sasun epfl pub imakefil subject can imak version distribut and releas earlier version distribut releas p arti toolkit redistribut version imak implement templat and configur file real s tandard for such configur file current contribut softwar expect templat distribu t export contain distribut unpack you can pick imak pick entir distribut stand a lon version imak stem ftp germani net pub misc imak imak pure tar subject progra m imakefil makefil you instal your system run xmkmf thi script run imak for you correct argument output makefil configur for your system and base imakefil run m ake will us that makefil compil program subject can link xlib shape routin compi l program link error undefin xshapequeryextens xshapecombinemask routin part sha pe extens shape introduc mit distribut and rectangular window sampl server exten s shape extens will run server support pre server vendor suppli server not suppo rt shape extens case will displai rectangular window order us shape extens you l ink librari libxext distribut thi librari and associ includ will mit extens dire ctori you not file not despair freewar program us shape extens can compil remov dshape defin makefil you can thi and compil successfulli your older vendor suppl i librari john melbi melbi fujitsu uunet net subject problem xtinherit not found sun run program that wrote suno machin error symbol not found xtinherit you sid e effect kludg libxt sun share librari work appar you can share function that ca ll and compar xtinherit thi handl put xtinherit file function that us therebi gu arante that load that initi xttoolkitiniti and xtiniti resid routin call you thi error your program not normal base program and not call xttoolkitiniti anywher program that function never open connect server osf motif uil had thi problem ca ll xtmalloc and function solut add call your program function not execut link al tern your program doesn function and correct not call xttoolkitiniti xlib xview program thi case you can remov lxt your link command not link share librari stat ic thi will solv problem jordan hay jordan moorenet and danni backx sunbim subje ct can compil xaw contrib program program that work link current version thi mes sag undefin xtscrollbarsetthumb xttextsetinsertionpoint xttextreplac name athena widget set addit header file move into xaw mention releas note thi case functio n not function part xaw text widget and renam xaw subject topic program problem and puzzl subject doesn program keystrok select for sic window manag control inp ut focu transfer window anoth order keystrok your program window manag for input focu thi you set call hint for window manag your applic xlib base you can us xw mhint wmhint wmhint flag inputhint wmhint input true xsetwmhint dpy window wmhin t your applic base intrins you can set xtninput resourc true you want case you d on sourc you can start applic resourc input true window manag notabl dxwm and ol wm picki thi you sun openwindow olwm you can add thi resourc your default file u s client that aren icccm compliant openwindow focusleni true courtesi dave lemk ncd and stuart mark sun subject figur window manag run you can reliabl mechan yo u us spoof case for case you shouldn care window manag run long you thing icccm conform manner case window manag thing wrong check for hint window window manag that you can sidestep problem case altern determin window manag run order advant ag specif ad featur such olwm push pin menu order give your program ad function bewar usurp window manag function provid that function even miss thi sure lead f utur compat problem subject skeleton program gener framework such transskel prog

ram for macintosh handl lot odd and end and overhead develop window system and c an us platform for addit develop problem typic solv interact applic builder tool cut past exist applic good applic you manipul you want test thi thing includ co ntrib client xskel simpl program that put window and sketch and offer start poin t for quick hack xaw exampl exampl directori and distribut and xlib world exampl doc helloworld and doc tutori helloworld updat version thi program xlib call an d current icccm convent post comp window glenn widen tektronix addit sampl progr am for xaw rainer klute show open multipl displai and catch broken displai conne ct export lc mit edu contrib mdisp tar subject xtgetvalu not work for sic xtgetv alu interfac for retriev resourc widget sensit type variabl your code thi arg ar g int int sensit oop wrong data type xtsetarg arg xtnsensit sensit xtgetvalu wid get arg xtnsensit boolean machin singl byte declar variabl sensit boolean work p roperli thi problem come toolkit that redefin type dimens and posit code that as sum int will similar problem type short gener you safe you us actual type resour c appear widget man page subject don xtconfigurewidget xtresizewidget xtmovewidg et work you us function applic code us intern widget function for parent widget chang geometri children promis function xtmakegeometryrequest and xtmakeresizere quest for us widget thi case child request chang parent for your applic request geometri chang for widget issu xtsetvalu call set geometri resourc thi will resu lt widget intern function call your applic code us standard xtsetvalu interfac r isk widget data corrupt xlib call xmovewindow and xresizewindow similarli avoid shouldn us chang xtnx xtny xtnwidth xtnheight subject isn xtreparentwidget call xreparentwindow detail current implement intern make repar difficult major reaso n that such call exist that remain undefin set resourc for widget resourc typic set base locat instanc hierarchi resourc chang instanc move happen widget childr en and time such semant defin advantag destroi widget and creat widget correct l ocat desir resourc set resourc correctli major work creat widget note that repar toolkit david lewi faq craft uunet net faq joe fridai david lewi temporarili no t speak for visual inc dai dbl visual even david craft uunet net win screen window placement screen configur system unix avoid th at corner window displai visibl screen window visibl and imposs move window visi bl aerea can thi configur window manag resourc can thi applik level hardcod solu t upper limit window size you for inform and comp window frequent ask question faq archiv name faq part last modifi subject write widget and can us float resourc float resourc not portabl s ize larger size xtpointer pointer float xaw scrollbar float resourc handl thi su bject thi memori leak xtdestroywidget thi unoffici fix for destroi destroi thu j ul lib destroi thu jul xconsortium destroi swick exp unoffici patch revis and co pyright digit equip corpor maynard massachusett int destroyrec app destroi list app destroi count dispatch level dispatch level widget widget app destroi count bcopi char char app destroi count sizeof destroyrec xtphase destroi int destroyr ec app destroi count xtphase destroi can result call xtdestroywidget and app des troi list realloc app destroi list dispatch level dispatch level widget widget a pp destroi count bcopi char char app destroi count sizeof destroyrec xtphase des troi donna convers convers expo lc mit edu subject callback guarante call order regist book demonstr that current implement happen call callback procedur order regist specif not guarante such sequenc and supplement authorit document asent s wick volum that order undefin callback list can manipul widget and applic cannot guarante order execut gener callback procedur thought oper independ anoth and n ot depend side effect callback oper seqenc need singl callback regist can explic itli call function convers expo lc mit edu subject doesn xtdestroywidget destroi widget xtdestroywidget oper two pass order avoid leav dangl data structur funct ion call mark widget not destroi your program return event loop subject queri us er synchron code thi trivial callback clear flow control call askus block answer set valid valu not answer code drop callback and back event process loop void q uit widget xtpointer client xtpointer call int answer answer askus quit ret answ er answer askus you posit ret answer exit realist exampl whether creat file whet her overwrit thi accomplish enter second event process loop and wait user answer question answer return call function that function askus thi motif can replac w idget set specif code creat sort dialog box displai question string and button f

or cancel and equival int askus string widget char string int answer ret not us marker widget dialog cach carri arg arg int xtappcontext context xtsetarg arg xm nmessagestr xmstringcreateltor string xmstring default charset xtsetarg arg xmnd ialogstyl xmdialog applic modal dialog xmcreatequestiondialog xtparent string ar g xtaddcallback dialog xmnokcallback respons answer xtaddcallback dialog xmncanc elcallback respons answer xtaddcallback dialog xmnhelpcallback respons answer xt managechild dialog context xtwidgettoapplicationcontext answer ret xtapppend con text xtappprocessev context xtimal xtdestroywidget dialog blow dialog box and sh ell return answer dialog support button set call function tickl user variabl ans wer set user final select choic void respons client call widget xtpointer client xtpointer call int answer int client xmanycallbackstruct reason xmanycallbackst ruct call switch reason reason case xmcr answer ret defin break case xmcr cancel answer ret break case xmcr answer ret break default return and code unwrap back point answer need and continu dan heller argv sun code dan contrib widgetwrap l ibrari subject determin name exist widget widget and name that widget user and x tname function will work widget and widget object you you can us thi simpl bit c ode you want note that depend widget intern data structur and not necessarili po rtabl futur version includ includ corep includ xresourc string xtname widget wid get widget will work widget object return xrmnametostr widget core xrm name modi fi suggest larri roger larri bori webo subject baddraw error draw xtwindow widge t thi order window into can xlib graphic base program canva xtcreatemanagedwidge t widgetclass draw area window xtwindow canva window associ widget xdrawlin wind ow produc error window associ widget creat part realiz widget window null window creat error that you describ call xtrealizewidget attempt us window associ widg et note that window will creat xtrealizewidget call that server not map you wait for expos event window draw into subject badmatch error call xgetimag badmatch error can occur rectangl edg screen you don want catch error and deal you can st ep avoid error make pixmap size rectangl you want captur clear pixmap background xfillrectangl us xcopyarea copi window pixmap you noexpos event copi clean us x getimag grab imag pixmap you graphicsexpos event copi wasn clean and width heigh t member graphicsexpos event structur you part pixmap aren good rid pixmap take lot memori oliv jone pictel subject can applic run number program offer mode run straight charact mode easiest for applic determin that run displai attempt open connect server displai xopendisplai displai name displai stuff curs displai nam e string command line displai convent char null case xopendisplai displai set th i superior simpli check for exist displai command line argument check for displa i set environ adequ subject make busi cursor applic comput call xdefinecursor fo r window applic easiest thing creat singl inputonli window that larg largest scr een make child your toplevel window and will clip that window won affect applic big largest screen case user enlarg window busi move virtual desktop substitut t oplevel your top widget similar code work for xlib applic us your top window uns ign long valuemask xsetwindowattribut attribut ignor devic event busi cursor dis plai valuemask cwdontpropag cwcursor attribut not propag mask keypressmask keyre leasemask buttonpressmask buttonreleasemask pointermotionmask attribut cursor xc reatefontcursor xtdisplai toplevel watch window will big displai screen and clip parent window never worri resiz xcreatewindow xtdisplai toplevel xtwindow tople vel unsign int inputonli copyfrompar valuemask attribut maximum size replac real size screen avoid server problem window larger you want us thi busi cursor map and rais thi window back normal unmap thi will automat you get extra mous event depend precis window manag work not similar effect keystrok addit note that xaw widget support xtncursor resourc can temporarili reset you chang cursor block po inter event andrew wason cellar bae bellcor dan heller argv sun and mous larri m crcim mcgill edu subject fork hang parent program base applic spawn unix process continu run close typic not vanish children termin children inherit parent open connect displai you fork immedi child process close connectionnumb xtdisplai wi dget close file descriptor displai inform thi your exec you will exit parent alt ern exec ing make thi call file descriptor close exec void fcntl connectionnumb xdisplai setfd janet anstett anstettj tramp colorado edu gordon freedman gjf dut ccc amdahl greg holmberg holmberg frame subject can make xlib call signal handl er xlib and mutual exclus for protect critic section your signal handler make su

ch call wrong time function you call execut can leav librari inconsist state not e that ansi standard point that behavior signal handler undefin signal handler c all function signal thi not problem specif xlib and posix specif mention functio n call safe not assum that function call xlib function you can work problem set flag interrupt handler and check work procedur timer event previous ad note arti cl journal and exampl reilli volum error pete ware ware ci ohio state edu and do nna convers convers expo lc mit edu subject xlib sequenc lost error you error yo u issu xlib request xlib error handler like you make call gener request xlib sig nal handler you shouldn case subject can program handl socket pipe file input co mmon write program that can accept input user connect and file descriptor oper e ffici and block connect file descriptor solut us xtappaddinput you open your fil e descriptor us xtappaddinput regist input handler input handler will call time file descriptor requir your program attent write input handler you callback work quickli and return import us block system call your input handler input handler read file descriptor you can input handler write handl except condit you care y ou regist input handler read disk file you will find that function call even isn input pend xtappaddinput work suppos input handler call whenev file descriptor readi read not data read disk file unlik pipe socket almost readi read you can s pin back begin and read data you read result that your function will almost call time xtappmainloop type interact you expect add thi line begin your function te st whether data ioctl fionread return thi call frequent your applic effect busi wait you not xtappaddinput and set timer and timer procedur check file for input courtesi dan heller argv ora mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu olli jone pictel subj ect simul button press releas event for widget you can thi xsendev like that you not set window field event order match widget receiv event you send event your applic you can us xtdispatchev thi effici xsendev that you avoid round trip serv er depend widget written you call action procedur order effect you want courtesi mark horstman sarek sbc subject doesn run thi simpl program window xcreatesimpl ewindow displai root window size hint size hint size hint width size hint height border width blackpixel displai screen whitepixel displai screen xselectinput d isplai window exposuremask buttonpressmask buttonreleasemask xmapwindow displai window xdrawlin displai window you map window draw into window not readi drawn i nto appear screen your applic receiv expos event draw that will gener not you co de thi program thi code window creat and map xnextev displai event switch event type case expos expos event redraw xdrawlin displai window break note that secon d problem xlib implement don set default graphic context correct foreground back ground color thi program previous includ thi code valu foreground blackpixel dis plai screen valu background whitepixel displai screen xcreategc displai window g cforeground gcbackground valu note code blackpixel and whitepixel avoid assum th at black and white vice versa relationship pixel and and color black and white i mplement depend revers not even correspond black and white note that blackpixel and whitepixel wrong thing finish program ignor user prefer for foreground and b ackground and note that you can run into situat base program you draw into xtwin dow realiz not appear subject differ screen and screen screen xlib structur incl ud inform monitor virtual monitor singl displai support server can support indep end screen number unix unix unix etc screen screen number second digit can thoug ht index into arrai screen thi displai connect macro you can us obtain inform sc reen your applic run typic two form take screen and take displai and screen numb er base program you typic us xtscreen widget determin screen your applic run sin gl screen part confus aris fact that macro return characterist screen displai na me xdisplaywidth xdisplayheight etc subject can us motif xview header file compa t motif header file usabl insid extern definit string intrins can conflict libg string class and work project can wwl set class jean daniel feket wrap toolkit w idget anonym ftp export lc mit edu contrib wwl tar lri lri pub wwl tar work buil d set class parallel class tree widget interview toolkit obtain anonym ftp inter view stanford edu interview box glue model similar that tex for construct user i nterfac and support multipl user interfac sampl applic includ wysiwig document e ditor doc macdraw draw program idraw and interfac builder ibuild thing class lib rari written rome air forc base strateg air command freewar archiv site motif pu blic domain librari that defin class wrapper for motif add applic class for init

i and integr wcl and xbae widget set thi work develop ronald van loon rvloon ruu base set bind univers lowel graphic research laboratori current sourc decuac de c pub motif jul tar sourc code exampl for doug young object orient program and o sf motif isbn not includ widget wrapper includ set class that encapsul higher le vel facil commonli need motif base applic check export ftp contrib young tar rog u wave offer view for programm motif info product call commonview glockenspiel i reland appar base toolkit for multipl window system includ window and motif sold qualix fax implement interfac gil file that sun openwindow develop guid produc xview wrapper class uit set class embed xview toolkit intend for us sun openwind ow develop guid builder tool sourc export mit edu uit tar version releas like us objectcent saber and reason altern parcplac solbourn object interfac dougla ran d dsrand mitr org and georg gwu tc subject can obtain altern languag bind versio n clx lisp bind part core sourc distribut version clx tape version export lc mit edu contrib clx tar saic ada bind anonym ftp pub star rosslyn unisi ada studi t eam sponsor nasa jsc appar work bind inform xada ghg hou gnu smalltalk beta nati v smalltalk bind call stix steven byrn eng sun begin stage and document spars sm alltalk code sourc pub gnu smalltalk tar prep mit edu ugl unit prolog bind call xwip written ted kim ucla support part darpa anonym ftp export lc mit edu contri b xwip tar ftp ucla edu pub xwip tar prolog languag bind depend quintu type fore ign function interfac your prolog develop work quintu and sicstu prolog inquiri xwip ucla edu scheme bind xlib osf motif and xaw part elk distribut version expo rt obsolet version contrib tape scm bolt accessori for aubrei jaffer scm scheme interpret that interfac xlib motif and openlook ftp altdorf mit edu archiv scm x scm tar and nexu yorku pub scheme xscm tar ada bind motif explicitli will eventu made jet propuls laboratori normal electron mean advanc inform can obtain dsoul el dsfvax jpl nasa gov respond time permit adamotif complet bind and motif for a da languag for common system base part saic unisi bind and includ uil ada transl at info system engin research corpor ada serc serc appl mit consortium not invol v produc ada bind for maintain partial list peopl involv and ada inform donna co nvers convers expo lc mit edu subject can xgetwindowattribut window background p ixel pixmap onc set background pixel pixmap window cannot read client reason for thi that client can creat pixmap set background pixmap window and free pixmap w indow thi background pixmap destroi you window background pixel not pixmap you c an us xcleararea clear region background color and us xgetimag read back that pi xel thi action alter content window and suffer race condit exposur courtesi dave lemk ncd and stuart mark sun note that appli border pixel pixmap thi mi featur protocol server free manipul pixel pixmap not requir server origin pixel pixmap potenti lot space can save courtesi jim fulton mit consortium subject creat tran spar window complet transpar window easi us inputonli window order creat window transpar you choic shape extens releas offer easi make rectangular window you ca n set shape window fit area window nontranspar not server support extens machin specif method implement transpar window for server us overlai plane support hard war note that notion transpar color index gener portabl solut us larg number tin i window thi make oper applic unit difficult final answer whether you transpar w indow you satisfi overlai your applic window inform you can draw into separ bitp lan color that will properli der mous mous lightn mcrcim mcgill edu journal for complet answer includ code sampl for thi last option subject doesn gxxor produc mathemat correct color valu gxxor you expect that draw black background black fo r exampl produc white draw oper not work rgb valu colormap indic color that resu lt colormap index point undefin and visual random you fill server black and whit e program take advantag thi mathemat coincid will break you want combin color gx xor you alloc number your color cell and fill your chosen pre comput valu you wa nt us gxxor simpli switch two color you can shortcut set background color graphi c context and foreground color such that draw red result blue and draw blue resu lt red thi foreground xor colormap indic red and blue chri flatter cflatter zia aoc nrao edu and ken whalei whalei spectr dec subject color alloc show black mak e you bit and not red green and blue field xcolor structur scale that noth and f ull blast you forget scale for exampl for each color xalloccolor function will p erform correctli result color black paul asent asent adob subject can program st andard colormap imag process program xgetrgbcolormap standard colormap doesn wor

k xgetrgbcolormap us properti rgb default map not creat standard colormap return exist us xstdcmap order creat standard colormap der mous mous larri mcrcim mcgi ll edu subject pixmap copi screen show garbag initi content pixmap undefin thi m ean that server will alloc memori and leav happen garbag you want clear pixmap x fillrectangl function gxcopi and foreground pixel color you want your background you pixmap mask courtesi dave lemk ncd and stuart mark sun subject check whethe r window valid program window remot displai want check whether window exist asyn chron isn guarante that window exist time that you and time you event window man ipul you send event check instal error handler catch badwindow error that window longer exist thi scheme will work rare occas that origin window destroi and rea lloc anoth window courtesi ken lee klee synopt subject can two applic draw windo w server assign id window and resourc server assign bit client and applic that c an manipul resourc almost server resourc for gc and privat color cell can share problem you face dissemin window multipl applic simpl handl thi and solv problem applic run machin applic creat special name properti root window and put window into second applic retriev properti name and can draw into window note thi sche me work iff instanc applic run and scheme subject limit mention question window id remot displai note that you will coordin higher level cooper your applic note that two process can share window not us server connect process child close con nect server and open connect courtesi phil karlton karlton wpd sgi subject can p rogram work tvtwm swm number applic includ xwd xwininfo and xsetroot not handl v irtual root window tvtwm and swm us typic return wrong child root gener solut ad d thi code us your applic you us rootwindow dpy screen function name getvroot de script get root window even virtual root argument displai and screen return root window for client includ xatom window getvroot dpy scr displai dpy int scr wind ow rootreturn parentreturn children unsign int numchildren window root rootwindo w dpy scr atom swm vroot int swm vroot xinternatom dpy swm vroot fals xquerytre dpy root rootreturn parentreturn children numchildren for numchildren atom actua l type int actual format long nitem bytesaft window newroot null xgetwindowprope rti dpy children swm vroot fals window actual type actual format nitem bytesaft unsign char newroot success newroot root newroot break return root courtesi davi d elliott dce smsc soni similar code ssetroot version xsetroot distribut tvtwm h eader file andrea stolck icsi export lc mit edu contrib vroot function similarli provid macro for rootwindow and defaultrootwindow code can includ thi header fi le run properli presenc virtual desktop subject window resiz user resiz window w indow manag window manag can pai attent size hint your applic place window guara nte that window manag will listen you can set minimum and maximum size hint your target size and hope for subject window foreground time antisoci for applic con stantli rais track visibilitynotifi event that isn overlap imagin conflict two s uch program run your window top stack make window overrid redirect thi mean that you temporarili assum window manag duti window you want thi infrequ and for sho rt period time for popup menu short paramet set window der mous mous larri mcrci m mcgill edu subject make text and bitmap blink easi you will depend sort extens exist you arrang for blink redraw content period plai game colormap and chang c olor content mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu der mous subject doubl click xlib user support translat manag notif doubl click good doubl click xlib protocol not pro vid support doubl click you client side timeout singl click action such that you can defer take you event server you timeout mean system depend code unixish imp lement you can us xconnectionnumb file descriptor connect and us select similar that note that user interfac refer suggest that doubl click us extend action sin gl click thi case your interfac you can execut action and compromis check timest amp second event determin whether singl click action doubl click action mous lar ri mcrcim mcgill edu der mous subject render rotat text xlib intention not provi d such sophist graphic capabl leav server extens client side graphic librari you r choic you want stai core protocol render text into pixmap read back xgetimag r otat hand matric you want and put back server xputimag specif creat bitmap and w rite your text creat xybitmap imag xgetimag creat xybitmap imag big handl transf orm for each co theta sin theta sin theta co theta render note that you care you implement thi not lose bit algorithm base shear transform fact high level serve r extens and graphic packag for permit render rotat text displai postscript pex

phig and gk not capabl arbitrari rotat and not us font that found printer addit you access server instal font you can creat font consist letter rotat predefin a ngl your applic can figur placement each glyph courtesi der mous mous larri mcrc im mcgill edu eric taylor etaylor wilkin bmc tmc edu and ken lee klee synopt lia m quin lee interview toolkit contrib softwar support for render rotat font sourc exampl code brian smith brsmith umn edu anoth possibl us hershei font stroke re nder and can us convert into xdrawlin request eric pencom xrotfont program alan richardson mppa syma sussex post comp sourc juli paint rotat font implement meth od and outlin hershei font xvertext packag alan richardson mppa syma sussex set function facilit write text angl version recent releas alt sourc and comp sourc misc export contrib xvertext shar reilli resourc volum includ inform modif font server provid for rotat and scale text subject registri reserv name place toolki t applic and protocol that defin and us string name context such that conflict c ompon us name for thing mit consortium maintain registri name domain orgain name select name select target resourc type applic class and class extens record typ e and list directori mit doc registri tape send send doc registri xstuff mail se rver regist name come serv question send xregistri expo lc mit edu includ postal address for confirm condens asent swick appendix david lewi faq craft uunet net faq joe fridai david lewi temporarili not speak for visual inc dai dbl visual e ven david craft uunet net mous button urgent apr gmt dmu kler nntp post host elm sound stu pid control individu mous button write applic make us buttonpressmask thi invok press mous button want restrict thi button button pressmask undefin error can an d pretti easi answer don time essenc event mask for mous button press your event handler you can us event structur pass and queri find button press void someeve nthandl widget xtpointer data xevent event catch button left button event xbutto n button button action noth and exit function gui singh ixi internet gui vision park gui ixi cambridg bang uunet ixi gui tel protocol packet type articl dep slacvm slac stanford edu dep sla cvm slac stanford edu write identifi protocol packet decnet tcp inform packet is n necessarili distinct you that connect ethan draw colour pixmap not rectangular articl mar etrog citri edu jc k catt citri edu justin kibel write write program draw colour xpm pixmap file ba ckground border show cannot xor colour stuff cannot us xcopyplan that for singl plane want colour pixmap us opaqu colour thi game such xjewel problem mous point er help you wanna mask build bitmap pixmap depth pixel you name opaqu that copi and us thi bitmap clip mask us for xcopyarea and rememb adjust clip origin coord in xcopyarea blit origin mous pointer that driven ramdac analog map hardwar mask warn blit mask and move thi mask annoi slow xserver flicker even mip brain insi d andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden pixmap mask icon clue articl sophia inria lehor koala inria arna ud hor write articl buzz mar lion bear buzz bear buzz moschetti write thi simpl graphic question assum you valid window icon pixmap and background mask pixmap f or that icon you place icon background question combin xcopyarea and function id ea merg pixel pixmap into mask pixel specif problem involv pixmap and mask gener xpm lib clue appreci xpm you symbol color name can load time for you want sugge st you defin background symbol your pixmap file you set color us widget window y ou want put your pixmap thi sure simplest and fastest you want you blit two thi icon onc top disloc you rectangular blit crash icon blit draw full rectangl mask creat bitmap pixel merg and not merg set clip mask thi bitmap set clip origin a nd clip origin coordin you blit icon destin drawabl us gxcopi and xcopyarea icon pixmap destin drawabl thi brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf d resden comp window frequent ask question faq archiv name faq part last modifi thi articl and answer frequent ask question faq comp window post reduc vo lum thi newsgroup and provid hard find inform gener interest redistribut thi art icl thi articl includ answer question loos group into categori question mark que stion thi issu signific content sinc last issu mark topic basic inform sourc and definit book and articl good for beginn cours and toolkit confer come relat pub lic mail list can meet develop relat faq net question maxim help respons public

discuss common abbrevi acronym icccm write friendli applic consortium and join o pen and motif openwindow decwindow pex low bandwidth lbx xremot ppp slip cslip t opic dai dai life window manag session exit kill window manag sic can save state session toolplac us anoth window manag dec session manag chang keyboard auto re peat rate remap kei keyboard produc string make screendump print applic make col or postscript screendump displai make screendump includ cursor convert view mac tiff gif sun pict img fax imag can chang titlebar xterm window can find xterm co ntrol sequenc xterm fail server can us charact ascii xterm xterm menu small can print current select us environ variabl load resourc xdm put pictur log window i sn path set xdm run xsession file displai rlogin anoth machin can design font ad font server not work sic convert snf font back bdf font gener method get font u sabl format us decwindow font decwindow server add bdf font decwindow server can set backgroundpixmap default file xpm can overrid translat item work can xclock oclock show timezon xmh doesn work can suddenli unabl connect sun server don pe x demo work mono screen sun type keyboard fulli support xsun report bug warn wid get class version mismatch can find dictionari server for xwebster topic obtain and relat softwar and hardwar public domain softwar compat and can sourc and bin ari can patch xstuff mail archiv can sourc and binari can osf motif motif work c an toolkit implement open can sourc includ modif can interest widget can good fi le selector widget widget us draw canva current state world termin can server to uchscreen lightpen can server do unix can server macintosh run maco can for amig a can fast server for workstat can server for high end sun graphic board can ter min server for low end sun termin emul xterm can base editor word processor can base mailer can base paint draw program can base plot program can base spreadshe et can base project manag softwar can base postscript preview can base gk packag can base pex packag can base tex dvi preview can base troff preview can wysiwyg interfac builder can find tool callabl shell script can base debugg can tee pro gram ident displai topic build distribut topic updat good sourc inform configur build doesn sun work doesn sun suno dlsym etc thi strang problem build client su no can gcc compil sparc error run built gcc problem compil older sun problem com pil server suno problem share librari suno can olit program run xtqstring undefi n suno secur hole frame buffer secur hole topic build program imak can imak prog ram imakefil makefil can link xlib shape routin problem xtinherit not found sun can compil xaw contrib program topic program problem and puzzl doesn program key strok select for sic figur window manag run skeleton program xtgetvalu not work for sic don xtconfigurewidget xtresizewidget xtmovewidget work isn xtreparentwid get call xreparentwindow write widget and can us float resourc thi memori leak x tdestroywidget callback guarante call order regist doesn xtdestroywidget destroi widget queri user synchron determin name exist widget baddraw error draw xtwind ow widget badmatch error call xgetimag can applic run make busi cursor applic co mput fork hang parent program can make xlib call signal handler xlib sequenc los t error can program handl socket pipe file input simul button press releas event for widget doesn run thi simpl program differ screen and screen can us motif xv iew can obtain altern languag bind can xgetwindowattribut window background pixe l pixmap creat transpar window doesn gxxor produc mathemat correct color valu co lor alloc show black can program standard colormap pixmap copi screen show garba g check whether window valid can two applic draw window can program work tvtwm s wm window resiz user window foreground time make text and bitmap blink doubl cli ck xlib render rotat text registri reserv name you suggest correct for answer ad dit inform send directli uunet craft faq inform will includ revis possibl that f or suggest haven incorpor thi version faq process inform replac inform thi post intend distribut approxim begin each month version archiv export lc mit edu and mail server pit manag mit edu and archiv server nic switch send inform contain g ather varieti sourc case attribut lost you claim respons for item convent us bel ow telephon number tend bell system note price item not includ email address tha t work window system trademark massachusett institut technolog trademark propert i respect owner note script georg ferguson ferguson rochest edu pretti print thi faq ugl unit pub contrib xfaq texinfo subject topic basic inform sourc and defi nit subject book and articl good for beginn ken lee synopt klee synopt regularli post comp window and window bibliographi contain cite refer book and manual and

cite select technic articl and program ftp export lc mit edu contrib xbibliogra phi and gatekeep dec pub contrib xbibliographi unord set refer book and tutori f or beginn that list comment gather varieti place and unattribut asent paul and s wick ralph window system toolkit complet programm guid and specif digit press bi bl treasuri inform excel and invalu distribut digit press isbn order number and prentic hall isbn dec direct digit exampl export lc mit edu contrib and gatekeep dec pub contrib asent swick exampl tar post comp sourc exampl part jone oliv in troduct window system prentic hall isbn excel introduct program xlib written pro gramm mind thi book includ practic tip that not found anywher thi book not broad reilli xlib tutori jone experienc programm and thi show qualiti and depth mater i book origin written for recent print includ correct and addit and current mate ri young doug window system applic and program motif version prentic hall isbn e xcel tutori window system program and applic isbn updat for motif exampl export motif version ftp contrib young motif tar young doug and john pew window system program and applic open edit isbn tutori rewritten for olit exampl and drag drop inform exampl export youg olit tar and you openwindow distribut openwinhom shar e src olit olitbook heller dan motif programm manual volum reilli seri cover mot if applic program full good exampl motif refer page isbn exampl uunet comp sourc and nutshel archiv motif will scheifler robert and jame getti jim flower and da vid rosenth window system complet refer xlib protocol icccm xlfd version releas edit digit press bibl latest revis enhanc version document author xlib document thi complet publish descript program interfac and protocol primari refer work an d not introductori tutori document addit tutori work will need programm digit pr ess order isbn nye adrian xlib program manual volum and xlib refer manual volum reilli and associ superset mit document volum tutori broad coverag xlib and seco nd contain refer page for xlib function and refer appendic cover and isbn volum and isbn volum nye adrian and tim reilli toolkit program manual volum reilli and associ folk reilli give comprehens treatment program mit intrins version motif version volum reilli tim toolkit refer manual volum reilli and associ profession refer manual for mit and mansfield niall window system user guid addison weslei tutori introduct upgrad for isbn quercia valeri and tim reilli window system us er guid reilli and associ tutori introduct isbn and motif flavor mui linda and e ric pearc window system administr guid for and ora volum for user and administr isbn prentic hall order reilli order addit check and core distribut doc tutori f or paper and tutori file answer txt late night top ten question dave lemk lemk n cd and stuart mark smark sun answer common question and detail version reilli re fer not volum singl volum programm supplement for david flanagan overview featur includ man page for xlib and xmu isbn subject cours and toolkit advanc comput e nviron period offer two dai introduct contact susi karlson for inform offer trai n xlib and xol set contact corpor educ train for info trainer usa bim educ servi c offer train administr and program motif and open window cours brussel info edu sunbim voic fax communica softwar consult offer dai hand cours design for windo w system develop and programm contact chri clarkson telephon mail communica comm unica cora comput technolog offer cours ghct offer week lectur lab for programmm design dougla young base book window system program and applica tion osf motif edit inform brian stell ghct brian sgi ghg offer rang cours and motif inform tra in info ghg hou hand learn live train and pace video workshop topic such and pro gram xlib and widget write inform hewlett packard hpclass contact your local cen ter offer dai introduct dai xlib dai and motif seminar and dai motif lab integr comput solut inc offer multi dai hand cours and xaw and motif widget set inform and info ic intellig visual comput teach lab cours site for motif and xview ivc info ivc iri comput laboratori offer dai xlib and cours info info spectro ixi li mit offer regular train cours for programm and technic manag unipalm below learn tree intern offer dai window system applic develop includ xlib and inform motif for info call canada cours offer major north american citi london stockholm tok yo and lurnix offer dai type cours port xaw inform mitch trachtenberg and associ offer regular dai lab cours program osf motif not limit cambridg info info mta standard logic request nsl offer cours program xlib motif and creat motif widget osf educ servic offer dai seminar and week motif lab cours john pew offer dai o lit possibl base book that subject sco scol info sco offer train for open deskto

p motif environ and europ softwar pundit offer rang cours technolog exchang offe r dai xlib motif telesoft offer dai dai seminar and motif inform bruce sherman b d telesoft unipalm xtech offer osf dai motif and dai overview inform unipalm tra in xtech unipalm univers edinburgh develop seri cours and relat topic primarili for profit make train academia for commerci us inform cliff booth unipalm phone fax vendor begin offer train specif proprietari toolkit and proprietari widget s et dec offer xlib cours sun offer xview univers offer short cours overview ucla dartmouth univers lowel univers canberra australia berkelei extens will week mot if class for programm san francisco start juli class will hand lab for inform co ntact ucbx place find cours unix confer uniforum usenix unix expo xhibit mit tec hnic confer acm tutori week addit consortium post approxim quarterli list unendo rs speaker and consult can provid talk varieti topic subject confer come xhibit trade show and confer tutori panel present and vendor exhibit will held san jose convent center june inform xhibit ic tcl workshop will held ucal berkelei june inform tcl berkelei edu andrew technic confer and consortium annual meet will he ld june pittsburgh inform wilfr hansen cmu edu european user group hold annual c onfer typic includ includ paper present and vendor exhibit exug real world and m ultimedia will held imperi colleg scienc and technolog london inform exug demon niall uit whitehead fax motif show held washington coincid fedunix and feder ope n system confer decemb inform motif fedunix org paller fedunix org fax mit techn ic confer typic held januari boston registr inform registr expo lc mit edu xworl d confer and exhibit includ tutori panel present and vendor exhibit typic held m arch york citi inform sig public group trade show unixexpo uniforum siggraph sho w increas presenc includ tutori and exhibit subject relat public mail list xpert mail list gener public mail list maintain consortium mail gatewai xpert almost ident comp window usenet newsgroup you comp window you don ad xpert mail list yo u can join list receiv inform electron find local distribut perhap your compani receiv mail last resort send mail xpert request expo lc mit edu valid return ele ctron address xannounc mail list carri major announc such releas includ public p atch mit public review adopt standard mit consortium and confer announc not carr i advertis sourc code patch question you receiv usenet new group comp window ann ounc xpert mail list you don ad xannounc mail list subscrib send request xannoun c request expo lc mit edu note redistribut address will accept for thi list pers on address you receiv xannounc contact your mail administr set local redistribut list and put you comp window app not gatewai mail list addit consortium sponsor public list bug clx clx bug report and discuss ada and ada peopl interest and g raphic ximag peopl interest imag process and xvideo discuss video extens for sub scrib list assum your organ receiv send mail list request expo lc mit edu subjec t line includ name list cap and request addit request bodi messag give address f or your local distribut access mit eddi mit edu mail list for topic relat open s ponsor greg pasquariello unifi corpor send openlook request unifi openlook reque st unifi uunet net for inform mail list for bug publicli version xview sourc spo nsor sun send for inform xviewbug tracker request sun mail list for topic relat motif sponsor kee hincklei alfalfa softwar inc send motif request alfalfa for in form thi group gatewai comp window motif mail list for topic relat xpm pixmap fo rmat sponsor arnaud hor group bull send xpm talk request inria for inform mail l ist discuss interview can subscrib send interview request interview stanford edu mail list amiga nic funet for topic relat port amiga can subscrib send mailserv nic funet messag contain subject ad amiga sub amiga your real name mail list di scuss parcplac solbourn object interfac toolkit can subscrib user request bbn ma il list discuss multi thread xlib can subscrib xlib request xsoft xerox subject can meet develop reilli and associ sponsor mail list for us user group organ sub scrib send listserv ora messag subscrib xgroup your internet address local area user group list issu reilli resourc journal list xug ic french user group call a fux and base sophia antipoli ceric inform can obtain miss vasseur miss forest ru e albert einstein valbonn cedex phone fax european user group form repres user e urop hold technic confer regular interv exug publish regular newslett distribut free charg member exug run email mail list for member frequent us address issu e uropean interest exug can contact whitehead fax gxugiv german user group vorbere itung prepar form for programm and user associ exug interest contact olaf heimbu

rg and mcvax unido tub olaf subject relat faq liam quin lee post faq open comp w indow open jan newmarch jan pandonia canberra edu post faq motif comp window mot if peter ware ware ci ohio state edu post faq for comp window intrins export con trib faq art mulder art ualberta post comp window faq maxim perform steve kotsop oulo steve ecf toronto edu post comp window faq intel base unix system faq alt b inari pictur contain inform view imag and massag imag format faq comp mail gatew ai user ic uci edu includ section xmh faq comp lang lisp contain inform interfac tool and toolkit exist pex phig faq subject net question maxim help respons ask for net mail list includ inform your setup and you specif you like will spot er ror you detail peopl want you guess respond mention version you and you your ser ver sourc rest your system give detail that give machin type oper system and ver sion for client and server machin mention window manag compil and displai hardwa r type you exactli you exactli happen and you expect want happen command that fa il includ exact transcript your session messag program you wrote doesn work you expect includ sourc small test case for reader reproduc problem subject public d iscuss trade magazin unix world unix review comput languag etc publish articl tw o specif public includ reilli and associ publish resourc practic journal window system morri sebastapol editori inform adrian nye adrian ora journal start month li public septemb varieti topic subscript inform journal subscrib servic dept xx x box denvil usa editori inform editor topgun uunet net subject common abbrevi a cronym toolkit intrins librari layer xlib function widget set built base program applic widget set and intrins mechan manipul widget xmu xmu librari collect mis cellan util function build applic and widget xaw athena widget set mit implement sampl widget set distribut sourc osf motif widget set open softwar foundat bina ri kit hardwar vendor xhp hewlett packard widget set origin base set patch exist bring distribut tape supplement patch us clx common lisp interfac common lisp e quival xlib xdmcp displai manag protocol uniform mechan for displai such termin request login servic remot host xlfd logic font descript convent describ standar d logic font descript and convent us client that can queri and access resourc rt fm common expert speak mean locat and consult relev document read forgotten manu al utsl common express mean advantag fact that you aren limit binari licens us s ourc luke api applic programm interfac function call etc program librari bdf bit map distribut format human readabl format for uncompil font gui graphic user int erfac uil user interfac languag part osf motif let programm widget hierarchi sim pl outlin form wcl widget creation languag packag extend understand resourc form at such that widget hierarchi and action widget can resourc file gil file format put sun openwindow develop guid uim user interfac manag system subject icccm wr ite friendli applic inter client commun convent manual offici consortium standar d document that defin environ describ convent that client observ coexist peacefu lli client share server you write client you read and understand icccm section d iscuss select mechan and interact your client and window manag part distribut mi t edit scheifler getti window system book appendix version reilli volum protocol refer manual version copi volum obsolet version digit press book readabl effort digit press editor improv english and present david rosenth icccm updat for upd at publish reilli programm supplement for releas complet document tape altern de finit icccm gener rtfm and import read document subject consortium and join mit consortium form januari develop window system and major goal promot cooper compu t industri creation standard softwar interfac layer window system environ mit ro le provid vendor neutral architectur and administr leadership requir make thi wo rk membership consortium open organ two categori membership member for larg orga n and affili for smaller organ consortium activ place electron mail meet requir design and specif shape interest group form expert particip organ typic small mu lti organ architectur team lead design act close observ and review onc complet s pecif produc submit for formal technic review consortium propos standard standar d process typic includ public review consortium and demonstr proof concept your involv public review process member affili consortium welcom write bob scheifler mit consortium laboratori for comput scienc technolog squar cambridg for comple t inform xconsortium man page distribut thi inform adapt subject open and motif open and motif two graphic user interfac gui open develop sun and industri revie w motif develop open softwar foundat osf input osf member open primarili user in

terfac specif and style guid toolkit can us produc open applic motif includ api specif sanction motif toolkit osf toolkit can us produc program and behav osf mo tif parcplac solbourn virtual toolkit object style open and motif user choic ope n gui name product compris open intrins toolkit and varieti applic ian darwin ia n subject openwindow open window sun product that encompass window system that c ombin new and compliant server new user interfac specif open and seri toolkit th at implement includ sunview xview and base olit xlib and implement and number ut il olwm window manag filemgr shelltool etc frank greco fgreco govt shearson subj ect decwindow decwindow dec product that encompass server xui toolkit includ dwt widget set and uil xlib and implement session manag and number util dxwm window manag dxcalendar dxpsview etc point motif flavor toolkit and applic will ship s ubject pex pex phig extens phig stand for programm hierarch interact graphic sys tem and essenti librari function that simplifi creation and manipul graphic plat form capabl perform hardwar comput involv render object extens client phig thi c ase advantag special hardwar for graphic sun microsystem contract develop freeli redistribut copyright similar current copyright sampl implement sourc and docum ent releas vendor sell independ develop pex server for workstat and termin last modifi subject low bandwidth lbx xremot ppp slip cslip option for serial line sl ip serial line thi mechan and protocol for send packet point point serial link f or year and implement for major tcp implement termin vendor suppli thi checkoff item sinc horribl slow tcp header add byte per packet and tcp encod protocol ver bos rightfulli optim for pack and unpack high speed link cslip compress header s lip thi variant slip that compress byte tcp header byte doesn reencod protocol m odem that compress can increas packet latenc take time dribbl uncompress data ty pic serial interfac compress assembl time ppp point point protocol thi emerg sta ndard for point point link serial line that complet set option negoti slip grow number peopl combin ppp for serial line manag and cslip for header compress comm on for run normal tcp protocol serial line run raw wire compress make usabl xrem ot thi name protocol and set product origin develop ncd for squeez protocol seri al line addit low level transport mechan similar ppp cslip xremot remov redund p rotocol send delta previou packet and lzw compress entir data stream thi work ps eudo server proxi run host termin server advantag compress modem you don compres s modem you wouldn you directli connect and reduc overhead cut number byte that cross serial interfac and addit effect reduc latenc deliv packet not requir mode m buffer data wait for block compress lbx low bandwidth thi consortium project t hat work standard for thi area chair ncd and xerox and ncd xremot protocol step stone develop protocol lbx will xremot ad proxi cach commonli us inform connect setup data larg window properti font metric keymap etc and effici encod protocol hope standard readi for public review half year and sampl implement addit techn ic inform xremot work and note lbx anonym ftp export lc mit edu contrib file xre mot slide slide describ xremot xremot lbx diff slide describ lbx inform provid j im fulton jim ncd set slide export jim fulton talk mit technic confer subject to pic dai dai life subject window manag window manag anoth client not part window system enjoi special privileg and singl window manag support wai for user intera ct window and style window layout decor and keyboard and colormap focu approxim chronolog order gener recent conform icccm thi simpl titl bar window manag phase uwm univers window manag popular for speed outdat move contrib tape twm tom win dow manag mit window manag and offer user great deal custom option parent window manag awm ardent window manag remain hotb for hacker and offer featur dynam men u not found current window manag cwm cwm part andrew system rtl siemen window ma nag tile window that don overlap and resiz window focu prefer size dxwm digit dx wm part decwindow offer hpwm window manag offer precursor mwm mwm motif window m anag part osf motif toolkit tekwm tektronix window manag offer olwm sun olwm imp lement open gui and style guid function olwm ditto gwm bull gener window manag e mul built lisp interpret version contrib tape avahi inria and export lc mit edu swm sigma window manag tape pswm sun postscript base pswm part openwindow releas swm solbourn swm base toolkit and offer multipl gui support and pan virtual win dow configur inform come resourc file twm mit tab window manag tape rework twm a nd basi for deriv includ tape vtwm vtwm offer virtual desktop featur swm singl r oot window implement base twm and archiv server version vtwm base and export tvt

wm tom virtual tab window manag base twm and virtual desktop model virtual root window swm archiv server olvwm vtwm style virtual desktop ad sun olwm archiv ser ver version export mvwm vtwm style virtual desktop ad osf mwm beta version float recent suresh unipalm requir sourc licens osf motif ncdwm window manag local nc d termin offer mwm xdswm window manag local visual technolog termin ctwm claud l ecommandeur lecom sic epfl modif twm offer virtual screen fashion vuewm sourc ex port version offer window overview us vtwm and tvtwm vuewm mwm base window manag offer configur workspac dwm sgi enhanc mwm piewm thi version tvtwm offer pie me nu subject session exit kill window manag sic needn happen that you run your win dow manag last job your xsession xinitrc file your session run long last job run and kill your window manag equival log run window manag background and last job invok safe exec xterm name login icon special client your devis exit user actio n your session will continu you explicitli logout thi window whether not you kil l restart your window manag subject can save state session toolplac window manag directli support such featur equival write xinitrc xsession file name geometri and command each applic olvwm close contribut applic you for not complet sunview program toolplac for applic xplace archiv server you version thi program float for recent vintag pseudo session manag such vuewm provid for save session includ inform geometri run applic and resourc databas bjxrn stabel bjoern staff uit su bject us anoth window manag dec session manag dec session manag will start dxwm default overrid thi add your xdefault file thi line name full pathnam windowmana gernam wherev usr bin your favorit subject chang keyboard auto repeat rate you c an turn auto repeat xset protocol doesn provid for vari auto repeat rate capabl not support system server run system that support thi provid command line flag s et rate start time you control server start man page for xinit and xdm you can i nvok server chosen set for exampl you can start xsun server mit option reduc sen sit keyboard subject remap kei keyboard produc string method arrang for string p roduc you press kei xmodmap client for move your ctrl and esc kei place rearrang kei and not macro expans client includ xterm and base editor accept translat re sourc such xterm translat overrid kei string setenv displai unix permit shorthan d press reset displai local xterm take effect for xterm client includ control ch aract string us nnn nnn octal encod control charact you want includ window manag provid thi facil not special remapp client made david lewi faq craft uunet net faq joe fridai david lewi temporarili not speak for visual inc dai dbl visual ev en david craft uunet net comp window frequent ask question faq archiv name faq part last modifi subject make screendump print applic xwd client distribut can us select w indow background produc xwd format file imag that window file can post process i nto print xpr client and your local print mechan you can us thi command csh slee p xwd root output xwd and spend second set your screen entir current displai wil l save into file output xwd note that xwd undocu flag for window command line un offici patch export xwd for delai and portion screen captur two publicli program interact definit arbitrari portion displai and built delai asnap and xgrabsc ve rsion xgrabsc version export recent xsnap includ asnap featur and supersed rende r xpm output version unknown export avahi inria xsnap tar screen dump and merg e dit program combin featur xwd and xpr vernam uwm edu xdump tar inform soft eng u wm edu xprint alberto accomazzi alberto cfa harvard edu cfa xprint export tar po st process xwd output tool you can us xpr part distribut archiv xwd and xtop pro duc encapsul postscript trim suitabl for us present export lc mit edu contrib xw d tar and contrib imagemagick tar pbmplu packag archiv server and xim packag con tain level color postscript output program can grab portion displai manipul and save format imagemagick similar capabl bristol technolog info bristol offer xpri nter xlib api for postscript and pcl printer demo ftp net vendor bristol xprinte r colorsoft offer openprint packag includ screen captur facil imag process and s upport for postscript and postscript printer vendor implement decwindow and open window includ session manag desktop program includ print portion screen snapshot option platform tool can us grab frame buffer directli sun system for exampl sc reendump program produc sun raster file termin local screen dump util write post script local serial printer vendor implement lpr soni includ direct support for print xwd file you typic packag massag output into format you can printer subjec

t make color postscript screendump displai you color postscript you can grab scr een imag program can produc color postscript such xgrabsc and grab screen imag x wd and post process xwd into color you can thi xwd xtop program imagemagick dist ribut pbmplu packag good for thi xim packag subject make screendump includ curso r thi can server extend system depend mechan for captur frame buffer subject con vert view mac tiff gif sun pict img fax imag likeliest program incarn jef poskan z portabl bitmap toolkit includ number program for convert imag format includ su pport for type bitmap grai scale imag and full color imag pbmplu updat recent re cent version export contrib pbmplu dec tar anoth tool san diego supercomput cent er imtool imconv packag function pbm into singl binari anonym ftp sdsc edu for v iew imag format jim frost xloadimag version directori contrib client xloadimag v ersion includ contrib xloadimag tar export graem gill updat earlier version xloa dimag export xli readm and xli tar version releas imag viewer written bradlei ci upenn edu john bradlei can read and displai pictur sun raster pgm pbm ppm bitma p tiff gif and jpeg can manipul imag adjust color intens contrast aspect ratio c rop can save imag aforement format postscript can grab portion displai manipul a nd save format program updat file contrib tar export lc mit edu fuzzi pixmap man ipul michael mauldin mlm cmu edu convers and manipul packag similar pbmplu versi on ftp cmu edu usr mlm ftp fbm tar uunet net pub fbm tar and ucsd edu graphic fb m tar img softwar set paul ravel ravel venera isi edu read and write imag format displai screen and imag manipul version ftp expo lc mit edu contrib img tar lar g collect color imag utah rle toolkit convers and manipul packag similar pbmplu ftp utah edu pub urt weedeat math yale edu pub urt and freebi engin umich edu pu b urt xim imag manipul philip thompson essenti interact displai edit filter and convert imag version contrib area recent version and motif gi mit edu xim read w rite gif xwd xbm tiff rle xim write level ep and format and librari and command line util for build your applic imagemagick cristi dupont can retriev export con trib area collect util transform and displai imag server tool miff format filter and miff popular format ppm tiff gif sun raster etc includ xtiff tool for view tiff file window written handl kind tiff file remain simpl portabl and effici xt iff illustr common problem build pixmap and visual class distribut part sam leff ler libtiff packag and export lc mit edu uunet net and comp sourc db decwrl dec xtiff announc includ xlib and version version lee iverson leei mcrcim mcgill edu imag view tool contrib vimag tar export lc mit edu packag includ imageviewport widget and filedialog widget materi larri carrol larryc poe jpl nasa gov subject can chang titlebar xterm window solut involv send escap sequenc xterm will upda t properti window manag reli for string appear window titlebar solut easi type t hi xterm run shell echo esc text esc escap kei text string you displai and contr ol bel charact complic csh alia titlebar current work directori you chang direct ori alia newcd echo esc cwd digit string xterm that chang titl window chang titl and name us icon us digit and us chang icon name note anoth thi prevent incorre ct displai local directori modifi us subshel wrap escap sequenc into prompt note ibm begin sequenc subject can find xterm control sequenc sourc such inform your sourc file ctlseq postscript version mit hardcopi client ctlseq reilli volum us er guid includ version control sequenc standard volum will and motif version boo k current guid includ outdat version control sequenc good sourc inform includ ve rsion that document and file sourc call mit client xterm ctlseq txt compil put t ogeth skip montanaro list sequenc date fairli accur hardcopi version publish dec emb xnextev xug newslett pinch manual will last updat subject xterm fail server subject can us charact ascii xterm order us special charact such umlaut you stty pass us charcel iso font such xterm font medium normal iso xterm boldfont bold normal iso famili intention unspecifi thi exampl addit you want set thi your she ll setenv ctype iso for charact you can determin kei us alt modifi find equival charact below man ascii for exampl umlaut alt and section charact alt greg holmb erg greg thirdi uunet net and stephen gildea gildea expo lc mit edu subject xter m menu small you set geometri small accident you give resourc specif thi xterm g eometri you ask for widget xterm geometri set for main window thi charact for si ze popup menu don pixel and show small set termin widget geometri name explicitl i xterm geometri subject can print current select you past into xterm execut lpr command program richard hesketh rlh ukc specif for manipul select will xselect

primari lpr find primari select and print thi command can window manag menu shel l script xselect permit set select and properti version export ria cc uwo pub xg et select tar can adapt thi subject us environ variabl load resourc you can us e nviron variabl control resourc load for your base program xfilesearchpath xuserf ilesearchpath and xapplresdir environ variabl control for applic default file ap plic initi load app default file path defin xfilesearchpath and anoth path defin xuserfilesearchpath set xfilesearchpath softwar instal your system such that ap p default file directori hierarchi suppos for exampl that you run sun open windo w and you applic instal usr lib app default you set thi for xfilesearchpath and app default file usr lib and usr openwin lib wherev your openwinhom locat setenv xfilesearchpath usr lib openwinhom lib thi environ variabl colon separ list pat hnam pathnam replac charact follow xtresolvepathnam filenam paramet applic class name file type thi case liter string app default custom resourc suffix for app default languag local and codeset euc languag part territori part displai langua g string codeset part displai languag string apart exampl suppos applic class na me myterm suppos open window instal usr openwin notic exampl omit local specif l ookup usr lib mean usr lib app default myterm openwinhom lib mean usr openwin li b app default myterm applic initi open app default file order shown find read an d and stop for effect thi path search usr lib usr openwin anoth exampl thi time set xuserfilesearchpath for file myterm current work directori for myterm direct ori app default setenv xuserfilesearchpath home app default path list expand myt erm second expand home app default myterm thi conveni set for debug follow imak convent name app default file myterm applic sourc directori you can run applic d irectori you work and resourc load properli note for app default file xuserfiles earchpath for bizarr reason type file suffix defin and useless anoth twist you c ustom resourc for exampl you run myterm applic thi myterm xrm custom color your pathnam specif had usr lib expand pathnam usr lib app default myterm color subst itut charact take custom resourc default xfilesearchpath compil into usr lib usr lib usr lib usr lib usr lib usr lib note site replac usr lib projectroot thi ba tch default set default xuserfilesearchpath compil into root root root root root root root xapplresdir user home directori xapplresdir not set you set xuserfile searchpath default ignor xapplresdir altogeth notic that quick and dirti make yo ur applic find your app default file your current work directori set xapplresdir singl dot thi machineri work differ for compatibilti peopl set xapplresdir dot slash oliv jone world std subject xdm put pictur log window answer li chang xdm xrdb resourc xdm config file run program chang background load resourc for examp l your usr lib xdm xdm config file add line displaymanag author fals permit unre strict access displai log bewar and displaymanag xrdb usr lib xdm xrdb that file for connect line bin come argument displai load usr lib xdm xresourc usr bin xs etroot displai bitmap usr lib xdm bitmap usr bin xrdb substitut xloadimag for xs etroot tast note that thi gener hack that can us invok consol window client jai bourland jayb cauchi stanford edu subject isn path set xdm run xsession file xdm run your xsession doesn sourc your cshrc login file you can set path explicitli you for script you can place environ set statement separ file and sourc xsessio n file and your shell configur file you set your path your cshrc file normal pla ce you can make your xsession path set simpli make csh script start your xsessio n file bin csh thi doesn work start bin reset path path csh echo path export pat h subject displai rlogin anoth machin wai avoid setenv displai whenev you log an oth network unix machin run solut us client xrsh contrib tape includ xrsh script start applic remot machin and xrlogin script start local xterm run rlogin remot machin recent version export xrsh shar solut us xrlogin program der mous mous l arri mcrcim mcgill edu you can ftp caveat emptor version xrlogin and xrlogind pr ogram packag term and displai into singl string stuf into term rlogin propag ter m your cshrc remot machin eval xrlogind xrlogind program that check term and spe cial format recogn unpack and spit setenv and unsetenv command recreat environ v ariabl addit you start remot process anoth host and you find rsh host usr bin xt erm displai displai simpl displai your real hostnam thi version xrsh can us star t remot process equival usag xrsh host xterm bin start process anoth host date d ec gmt chri torek chri mimsi umd edu rsh host setenv displai displai exec dev nu ll dev null improv version rxcmd suggest john robinson bbn gener for ksh keith b

oyer keith ci ohio state edu put rcmd left zombi thi script combin case echo usa g host cmd arg case shell csh host shift xhost host dev null rsh host setenv ter m xterm setenv displai hostnam exec dev null dev null host shift xhost host dev null rsh host term xterm export term displai hostnam export displai librari path usr lib export librari path path path usr bin usr bin usr local bin export path exec dev null dev null esac esac subject can design font us bitmap client bitma p editor sun icon editor tool post process pbmplu design individu charact and la rg amount post process concaten into bdf format olli jone articl novemb journal for inform contrib area font util and client xtroff contain number util includ c onvert bdf font format and simpl charact format can edit text editor easier us x fed client modifi exist font version contrib tape contrib client xfed xfed for a nonym ftp ftp informatik uni dortmund possibl file pub window divers sourcen xfe d tar can produc bdf format font can compil for varieti server xfedor client gro up bull permit creation bitmap cursor xpm pixmap and font binari for common mach in avahi inria pub addit sourc xlib implement export contrib you metafont user y ou can us mftobdf seetex distribut convert and pxl font bdf format distribut ftp colorado edu and export lc mit edu gnu packag fontutil tar prep mit edu includ xbfe font editor and number util for massag font format reilli resourc issu cont ain articl tool modifi font font can resiz hiroto kagotani bdfresiz version ftp titech contrib subject ad font server not work sic you built font your system fo nt compil instal directori and run mkfontdir your system equival bldfamili for o penwindow that directori us xset dir add that full path name server font path di rectori path us xset rehash that font that directori found thi last step that yo u leav you can us xset make that that directori path sometim your xset dir comma nd fail badvalu error error fail request badvalu integ paramet rang for oper maj or opcod fail request setfontpath thi mean server cannot find read your font dir ectori that your directori not font directori server mention integ paramet messa g spuriou font directori you readabl server file system rememb server not client interpret your font directori troubl thi area like you issu xset command shell metacharact xset myfont and server termin manag xdm directori font directori you run mit server varieti vendor server directori for file font dir you can find t hat file run mkfontdir you run openwindow for file famili list you can find run bldfamili you site peopl run server and run proprietari server nonstandard font format openwindow for exampl make font directori for server you hint directori c ontain pcf and snf file won work for open window directori contain and file won work for der mous mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu and oliv jone pictel subject conv ert snf font back bdf font tool call snftobdf part bdftool packag export lc mit edu contrib bdftool tar and crl nmsu edu pub misc bdftool tar subject gener meth od get font usabl format der mous getbdf solut connect server and produc bdf fil e for font server will can us bdf convert requir access server that can understa nd font file and power tool such snftobdf getbdf getbdf mail mous larri mcrcim m cgill edu addit program fstobdf can produc bdf for font that server access subje ct us decwindow font decwindow server decwindow font typic don exist dec instal rewrit rule can us alia font us decwindow applic standard mit font similar chara cterist and size pick file contrib decwindow font alias export lc mit edu thi fi le for standard mit server can serv start point for creat similar alias file for open window server server not us mit font scheme subject add bdf font decwindow server format font prefer dec server pcf format you can produc thi compil forma t bdf format dec dxfc font compil note that dec server can us raw bdf font perfo rm hit subject can set backgroundpixmap default file xpm want thi xclock backgro undpixmap usr includ bitmap rootweav you can thi backgroundpixmap resourc pixmap depth screen not bitmap pixmap depth thi write gener string pixmap convert impo ss sinc accept convent for file format for pixmap toolkit athena widget set defi n string pixmap convert convert you cannot thi resourc athena widget set defin s tring bitmap convert for us widget courtesi chri peterson kit ic specif convert encapsul function xloadimag packag jim frost post sebastian wangnick basti unido informatik uni dortmund permit load number imag format pixmap lead gener purpos format for pixmap xpm format us group bull program includ gwm window manag olpi xmap editor and ic interfac builder xpm distribut export contrib xpm tar includ read write routin can easili adapt convert widget want specif pixmap resourc man

ner inform xpm talk mail list xpm announc and export lc mit edu and avahi inria older version contrib tape set xpm icon collect anthoni thyssen anthoni kurango cit edu export contrib aicon subject can overrid translat item work you extra sp ace specif item thi basic text translat overrid ctrl kei begin line ctrl kei end line extra space newlin that space end translat definit timothi horton subject can xclock oclock show timezon solut xchron volum comp sourc can show time for t imezon local altern you can set timezon shell you invok xclock oclock us script similar thi bin pst pdt xclock name san lui obispo dev null est edt xclock name king prussia dev null subject xmh doesn work can xmh mail reader requir rand mai l messag handl system not part unix softwar distribut for machin list ftp mail a nd mail site for xmh and monthli faq sourc ic uci edu file pub tar you not recei v comp mail newsgroup user mail list you can request copi faq includ section xmh send mail mail server pit manag mit edu contain request send usenet new answer faq subject suddenli unabl connect sun server seemingli random amount time serve r start client connect default cron cleanup job suppli sun for delet unreferenc file tmp includ tmp unix contain socket descriptor us solut add type find exclus cron job subject don pex demo work mono screen sampl server implement work colo r screen subject sun type keyboard fulli support xsun user num lock kei light nu m lock led and effect numer keypad xsun server distribut mit doesn thi two patch patch written jonathan lemon and fix num lock relat problem export lc mit edu f ile contrib xsun numlock patch second written martin forssen and fix num lock an d compos kei and add support for nation keyboard layout for type and type keyboa rd thi patch export lc mit edu contrib sunkbd tar email maf dtek chalmer martin forssen maf dtek chalmer maf math chalmer set patch william bailei dbgwab arco p ost newsgroup provid support for type keyboard subject report bug gener report b ug you find organ that suppli you window system you receiv sourc distribut direc tli mit read file mit bug report for instruct mit doc bug bug report stephen gil dea gildea expo lc mit edu subject warn widget class version mismatch thi error typic widget intrins that header file you includ build your program didn match h eader file that librari you link built check your includ path and link path prob lem occur link version librari patch version number wrong sun system ship flaw v ersion librari and applic link librari typic give warn you subject can find dict ionari server for xwebster webster own copyright line copi webster dictionari fo und univers site awar that site act server for site run xwebster and gnuemac web ster ask that server site close extern access machin appar licens dictionari web ster daemon for machin iuvax indiana edu pub webster you want legal line copi ca n find site can grant you access you luck you legitim site you want pick latest xwebster export contrib xwebster tar file xwebster readm includ discuss avail il leg and avail dictionari server courtesi steve umiac umd edu steve miller and ma yer hplab niel mayer subject topic obtain and relat softwar and hardwar subject public domain softwar softwar copyright institut and not public domain specif le gal mean distribut for free and can redistribut fee contribut softwar public dom ain individu author subject compat and releas note for each mit releas previou r eleas consortium hard maintain compat across releas place incompat detail releas note each distribut site network offer releas note that releas offer file typic can found top distribut tree stephen gildea comp window intrins faq list differ version subject can sourc and binari inform mit distribut sourc bpi and qic tap e and distribut hardcopi document softwar center technolog licens offic massachu sett institut technolog carleton street room cambridg phone you will disk space hold core and hold contrib softwar donat individu and compani us site that close you network note that releas note gener separ directori note list previou versi on and offer guid distribut north america anonym ftp california gatekeep dec pub california soda berkelei edu pub indiana mordr purdu edu pub maryland ftp brl m il pub good for milnet site massachusett crl dec pub massachusett export lc mit edu pub crl dec michigan merit edu pub missouri wuarchiv wustl edu packag montan a ftp montana edu pub mexico pprg eec unm edu pub dist york azur acsu buffalo ed u pub north carolina duke edu dist sourc ohio ftp ci ohio state edu pub ontario ftp utoronto pub washington net washington net europ middl east australia anonym ftp australia munnari denmark freja diku pub unit kingdom src doc graphic hpb m cc pub finland nic funet pub franc nuri inria germani ftp germani net pub israel

huji pub itali ghost dsi unimi pub netherland archiv net window norwai ugl unit pub norwai nac pub switzerland nic switch softwar japan anonym ftp kanagawa wid e kwansai ftp ic osaka kyushu wnoc fuk wide tisn utsun tokyo tokyo kerr iwanami tokyo scslwide soni pub uunet for uunet custom decwrl exist neighbor pub osu ci not onlin sept utai exist neighbor ftp pub netherland pub window nf missouri wua rchiv wustl edu archiv packag mount point archiv af pennsylvania af grand centra l org pub niftp hhcp cpf fcp unit kingdom doc src user guest anon ftam unit king dom janet internet ixi acsnet australia munnari fetchfil fetch file time check t hat copi not closer site updat for contrib europ can copi mit distribut includ c ore and contribut softwar and offici patch free charg requir agre return tape eq uival tape qic and format cartridg can provid contact jami watson adasoft nessle renweg wabern switzerland tel fax adasoft site can obtain ukuug softwar distribu t servic depart comput imperi colleg london tape format you obtain sourc janet a nd pss niftp host doc src name guest password your email address queri direct le e mcloughlin info server doc ukuug soft doc send subject line want offer copi co mp sourc export lc mit edu contrib and doc area and announc freeli distribut pac kag and sourc contrib code prebuilt binari for major platform and sourc code exa mpl reilli book iso format rom reilli associ sourc iso format rom for member jap an unix societi hiroaki obata obata jrd dec sourc gnu sourc comp sourc archiv an d sparc binari iso format rom pdq softwar robert bruce rab sprite berkelei edu s ourc automata design associ user group sug offer sourc cheapli typic rom sourc f or andrew user interfac system and binari for common system rom inform info andr ew request andrew cmu edu fax binari for share libx and libxmu for wuarchiv wust l edu archiv system aux patch for compil gcc not share librari john coolidg cool idg uiuc edu binari rich kaul kaul eng ohio state edu for sun run suno dsinc dsi hour usa est binari for sun compaq pub sun sourc and vernam uwm edu binari tree for dougla scott doug foxtrot ccmrc ucsb edu foxtrot ccmrc ucsb edu miss server binari for sun vernam uwm edu sun binari for hpcvaaz sourc and binari for and d omain interwork user group contact carol relph fax relph apollo patch for solari casper dik casper fwi uva export contrib suno patch tar suno patch readm patch for sun type keyboard and keyboard numlock william bailei dbgwab arco binari uni palm xtech unipalm for sun platform david lewi faq craft uunet net faq joe frida i david lewi temporarili not speak for visual inc dai dbl visual even david craf t uunet net pointer cursor implement pointer featur xlib multipl window and can input and show output simultan displai want implement pointer featur pointer come window onc choos pointer menu and can you give hint proce xlib repli will greatli appreci you prakash duvvuri odu edu lost tekhvc color space respond email tek color space stuff work not luck xtici editor export lc mit edu reilli ftp exampl xcm ftp net reilli ex ampl fail for almost set input xcmstekhvcquerymaxv return smaller xcmstekhvcquer yminv make sens xtici editor fail xcmsstorecolor appar mathemat manipul color sp ec result invalid valu you can edit color patch level bit pseudocolor visual pok e xcm code xlib understand theori idea wrong can confirm mention program work sy stem fail for you includ hardwar softwar patch level you hint respond email don regularli read thi group karen karen bircsak concurr comput corpor karenb westfo rd ccur comp window frequent ask question faq archiv name faq part last modifi subject can patch releas public patch mit consortium announc comp window announc newsgroup patch ftp export and site distribut newsgroup comp sourc sourc seller includ patch sourc distribut peopl ftp access can us xstuff mail server patch for send xstuff expo lc mit edu subject line send fix name patch and numbe r patch complic fix part you request and separ file sungx part earlier patch rel eas patch note file doesn work solari fix two part and fix part and fix two part and fix replac fix test for test suit previous option fix pexlib tar you can ob tain xstuff ask for pexlib fix part subject xstuff mail archiv xstuff server mai l respons program that mean that you mail request and mail back respons command word line xstuff server read your entir messag you can command singl messag you for xstuff server treat subject header line line messag archiv organ into seri d irectori and subdirectori each directori index and each subdirectori index top l

evel index you overview subdirectori and index for each subdirectori tell you co mmand send server send you detail version thi file your messag contain line word index server will send you top level index content archiv word that line that m atch name subdirectori index for subdirectori top level index for exampl you can send index fix index fix messag that request index cannot request data your mes sag contain line word send xstuff server will send you item name rest line name item you give directori and name for exampl send fix you issu multipl send reque st xstuff server contain safeguard ensur that not monopol peopl ask for larg amo unt data mailer set that will send fix amount data each dai work queue contain r equest dai quota unsent file will not process dai whenev mailer run send dai quo ta send request shortest mailer produc mail header that unus for extract return address you us such mailer you won respons you happen explicit path you can incl ud line path foo bar bitnet mitvma mit edu path bar foo frotz bodi your messag a nd daemon will us xstuff server can reach xstuff expo lc mit edu your mailer dea l notat send someplac mit eddi expo lc mit edu xstuff base inform mit consortium subject can sourc and binari integr comput solut inc ship half inch quarter inc h and format call for order inform free softwar foundat sell half inch tape and qic cartridg yaser doleh doleh math kent edu box kent make format tape track and sun cartridg european site can obtain free distribut jami watson reach chx pan pan standard logic request nsl make sourc ixi limit sell sourc quarter inch cart ridg format and and floppi format request ixi virtual technolog entir compress s ourc releas singl qic quarter inch cartridg and meg meg floppi request conor cah il cpcahil virtech net young mind make and gnu distribut full text index rom not e that distribut media and not includ doc ftp export lc mit edu site prefer and direct machin internet ftp locat name address directori west usa gatekeep dec pu b central usa mordr purdu edu pub central usa giza ci ohio state edu pub southea st usa uunet net northeast usa crl dec pub janet src doc niftp doc src australia munnari giza ci ohio state edu site contrib stuff that can found export releas dec easynet site crl pub site australia contact thi address ftp adelaid edu and check directori pub machin shadow export and archiv comp sourc mark prior mrp uc adelaid edu note complet list distribut part introductori post comp sourc set b inari built tom roell roell informatik muenchen for will export lc mit edu contr ib and pub europ stephen hite shite sinkhol unf edu can distribut folk ftp facil disk sase contact for usmail and ship detail addit binari szebra pep ogin nuucp sword nuucp usr xbb bb addit sourc zok usrx server addit you latest svr binari april patch and font piggi ucsb edu directori pub filenam us pacif larg file set binari hpcvaaz ftp pub mitx lib set binari for made howi kay cunixf columbia ed u set binari john coolidg coolidg uiuc edu for mac run wuarchiv wustl edu file a rchiv system aux xupdat tar diff set patch for make share librari mkshlib comple t distribut sco binari baruch cochavi blue techunix technion can found uunet ser ver roell compil for base svga board subject can osf motif you can obtain osf mo tif sourc binari number vendor motif sourc base motif base intrins and osf motif sourc licens obtain osf sourc can obtain open softwar foundat ad vendor for ver sion call direct channel desk osf for order inform hardwar vendor produc develop toolkit binari header file and document check your hardwar vendor that vendor o sf member addit independ binari vendor produc motif toolkit for machin for motif not support vendor kit includ vari level bug fix and support for share librari and base wide diverg version motif quest sell kit for sun ixi offer kit for sun and sun nsl request nsl offer kit for sun and sun blueston consult make kit for sun system ic make binari kit notabl for sun dec and dec announc support for mot if sun system unipalm offer for sun system motif develop kit includ and base mot if distributor expert object corp bim ship motif binari for sun share librari su pport includ contact alain vermeiren sunbim danni backx sunbim fax belgium silog ship motif and motif sun machin system offer motif for solari info usa and cana da metro link inc sale metrolink europ contact adnt univis ship implement and mo tif includ share librari implement libxm for unix market motif for sun sparc bas e workstat announc motif for solari system subject motif work motif base motif s ourc form osf august vanilla intrins vanilla mean patch file fix osf osf distrib ut obsolet mit patch file fix osf distribut version subsequ modif appli mit fix motif will work compil dmotifbc and work vanilla geometri manag problem subject

can toolkit implement open sun xview sunview style api version tape latest sourc export contrib xview xview and binari for sun roadrunn for ftp svin win tue dir ectori pub support binari xview includ xview for sun platform domest and select intern vendor sun contact your local sale offic amiga gfxbase inc ellwel drive a migado milpita fax sgi soni new ibm decstat unipress softwar lincoln highwai ult rix edison fax unipress softwar box vike hous fax nelson street dougla isl man u nit kingdom dec vaxstat tgv mission street vm tgv santa cruz fax unipalm neot ro ad hardwick fax cambridg england intel quarterdeck offic pico boulevard do syste m santa monica fax intel sunsoft corpor center drive west interact suit unix and lo angel sco unix stardent scripp institut clinic stellix fax torrei pine road and titan includ mailstop jolla ftp pub binari xview readm xview tar open gui ba se toolkit gener contact unix for inform binari produc for sparc system intern q uest corpor version toolkit produc name olit sun recent version olit port ibm an d dec mip unipress and ic olit for melillo consult mjm somerset make olit for se ri run hpux decstat and joann newbauer attunix att sun ship openwindow contact y our local sale repres for detail packag includ toolkit binari and header file pa rcplac solbourn extens base object interfac librari support run time select open motif subject can sourc includ modif mit softwar center ship test suit tape mul ti thread version xlib base patch for anonym ftp version dec gatekeep dec pub co ntrib xlib mit export lc mit edu contrib xlib made driver permit build sampl ser ver seri workstat file export lc mit edu ftp contrib srv user contribut softwar distribut newsgroup comp sourc moder chri olson chri imd sterl check that group for post inform richard hesketh rlh ukc creat list freeli sourc list store expor t lc mit edu contrib sourc list list main storag locat for program and intern si te ftp machin export lc mit edu great deal user contribut softwar contrib direct ori good deal present current earlier version and contrib tape directori for fix contrib softwar file export contrib index txt quick index softwar that area pro vid daniel lewart lewart uiuc edu site us and mirror export and us for australas ia anonym ftp ftp adelaid edu acsnet fetchfil siriu materi giza ci ohio state ed u duplic export archiv anonym osu ci and speed write ci ohio state edu osu ci fo r instruct archiv maintain karl kleinpast west coast archiv administ mark snitil i mark zok and contain full distribut xtest distribut entir archiv comp sourc an d goodi machin zok modem will connect baud that order anonym account uxarch pass word xgoodi modem phone number sampl system sy entri zok acu uxarch word xgoodi current list file that download file usrx full subject index comp sourc file fil e usrx comp sourc index machin modem not fetch larg amount data sit courtesi mar k snitili addit uunet sourc archiv track comp sourc and compress program bpi tap e tape mirror export contrib packag directori subject can interest widget free w idget foundat fwf librari sponsor brian totti totti uiuc edu uiuc edu pub fwf sh ar set widget intend form basi for futur contribut ad discuss list send listserv uiuc edu messag subscrib listnam your full name listnam free widget announc fre e widget develop free widget bug version current for xew widget set contain widg et for data represent version export contrib xew tar peter ware open widget set motif function archiv ci ohio state edu pub tar athenatool plotter widget set ve rsion beta maintain peter klingebiel klin iat uni paderborn includ graph and plo t widget copi export plotter tar plotter doc tar plotter afm tar and plotter rea dm latest version fact ftp uni paderborn unix tool advanc version marc quinton m otif port fwf multilist widget ftp stna stna dgac pub multilist tar addit widget contrib portion tape includ xcu set paul johnston johnston spc jpl nasa gov con trol panel widget set emul hardwar counterpart sourc export lc mit edu tar reill i volum doug young book asent swick book and jerri smith object orient program w indow system toolkit includ detail write widget and includ widget sourc typic ex port and uunet dirt interfac builder includ libxukc widet set extend function xa w graph widget and plot and contour widget sundar narasimhan sundar mit edu ftp mit edu ftp pub user sundar graph tar graph widget updat document and histogram capabl graph widget ftp stna stna dgac pub graph tar segment list for draw and s upport zoom oper ken lee widget demo that displai postscript draw label horizont angl export contrib dpslabel tar tabl widget work troff tbl tabl flavor widget creation librari releas bell commun research develop matrix widget for complex a pplic layout export contrib xbae widget tar distribut includ caption widget asso

ci label gui compon dan connolli connolli convex xcrichtext interpret rtf data e xport contrib xcrichtext tar xmgraph motif base graph widget iwork ecn uiowa edu comp gui classic xmgraph tar not stabl tex style layout widget keith packard de scrib proceed mit technic confer reilli resourc volum sourc export contrib layou t tar version lee iverson leei mcrcim mcgill edu imag view tool contrib vimag ta r export lc mit edu packag includ imageviewport widget and filedialog widget add it pext toolkit rich thomson rthomson dsd export pext tar includ pex widget make easier us pex base program motif port xaw clock widget ftp stna stna dgac pub c lock tar modif xaw scrollbar widget support arrowhead style toolkit export contr ib xaw scrollbar mta beta releas xaw widget visual appear kaleb keithlei kaleb t hyme jpl nasa gov export contrib xaw xaw tar librari binari compat mit xaw imple ment subclass handl extra draw xmt motif tool dovetail system sharewar librari w idget and conveni function export lc mit edu contrib and ftp ora pub xbook xmt x mt readm and xmt tar xtra xwidget set includ widget for pie and bar chart plot s preadsheet data entri form and line and bar graph contact graphic softwar techno log info gst for inform xrt graph widget for motif xview and olit displai plot b ar and pie chart and support user feedback fast updat and postscript output cont act group inc info klg set data entri widget for motif marlan softwar gwg world std set graph widget expert databas system set osf motif compound widget and sup port routin for visual quek lee hian nation comput board republ singapor tel fax leehian iti gov leehian itivax bitnet ic widget databook includ varieti control widget and special purpos widget varieti platform inform info ic inform graph t ool obtain info tomsawy fax subject can good file selector widget free widget fo undat set offer fileselector widget separ directori path and file list window an d filecomplet emac style file complet and expans file requestor widget includ xi fileselector iri softwar book xdbx file selector extract david nedd daven wpi wp i edu and filenomin ax distribut ghostview xfig and vimag packag includ file sel ector widget subject widget us draw canva widget set widget for thi purpos works pac drawingarea doesn displai let your applic expos resiz and receiv user kei an d mous input thing for widget set includ athena set creat obtain such widget thi prefer draw into core widget and grab event xtaddeventhandl lose number benefit and encapsul function version post comp sourc name publicli program xball and x pic includ version athena widget manual mit doc xaw templat distribut includ tut ori and sourc code simpl widget suitabl for us free widget foundat set contain c anva widget subject current state world termin jim morton jim applix post quarte rli comp window list manufactur and termin includ price inform notabl buyer guid survei includ septemb issu system integr subject can server touchscreen lightpe n labtam fax offer surfac acoust wave touch screen option xengin termin tektroni x termin xtouch touch screen thi termin resold trident system metro link support elograph serial touch screen control subject can server do unix mit server unix support for popular video graphic adapt and for msdo pc you can obtain server s ourc xfree enhanc version distribut includ bug fix speed improv and enhanc sourc for version export lc mit edu pub contrib ftp physic and ftp win tue pub addit binari ftp physic and ftp win tue system info physic note thi packag obsolet gle nn lai speedup patch for enhanc server for unix board speedup tar export metro l ink inc sale metrolink europ contact adnt ship implement for unix market sgc off er version base thoma roell two head server binari and sourc form inform info sg c isc sco uhc and oper system vendor typic offer server for msdo pc daniel mccoi mccoi gothamc jsc nasa gov start post monthli list unix server for pc mac and a miga includ price inform current copi export contrib xserver nonunix txt articl server appear march open system todai us net programit enabl commun do and unix machin and can us displai session your unix displai subject can server macintosh run maco exodu white pine softwar run mac memori and run server standard macint osh window version support intermix and mac window and adsp protocol version sup port shape extens and includ decwindow support appl macx run macplu newer machin memori and system softwar version fulli base support full icccm compat cut and past text and graphic macintosh and world shape extens includ shape window macin tosh desktop option built icccm compliant window manag font and color built bdf font compil and built standard colormap upgrad macx ftp aux support appl info no te macx name vax mac xmodem transfer util liken unix info qualix softwar enabl m

onochrom mac applic run sparc system run xport unix xport qualix enabl mac appli c displai base workstat turn mac into client intercon product call planet enabl mac applic displai server subject can for amiga amiga machin offer server and op en tool and librari full svr implement gfxbase inc for amigado comput contain cl ient font etc and releas color server option programm toolkit includ header file librari and sampl program info gfxbase dale luck uunet cbmvax pyramid bo dale s ubject can fast server for workstat server fastest for machin sun sell direct xl ib product improv render for applic run machin server replac xlib librari access graphic hardwar directli sun direct graphic access dga technolog intern quest c orpor optim server for sun suno unipalm server for sun and sparc platform optimi s us graphic hardwar and will run sunview inform xtech unipalm xgraph xtool serv er implement sunview boast impress result sun and sparc system compani make hard war acceller board dupont pixel system for sun megatek celler board for sun and sun base compani claim perform improv sampl server subject can server for high e nd sun graphic board takahashi naoto electrotechn laboratori ntakaha etl modifi mit server support sun and board file export contrib xsun tar note that file bui ld xsun jpl xsun multi screen server gener purpos replac for mit server ddx sun layer for screen split monitor and implement featur mit implement export lc mit edu file contrib xsun multi screen tar kaleb keithlei kaleb thyme jpl nasa gov f ile updat mar subject can termin server for low end sun seth robertson seth ctr columbia edu written xkernel current version expect rsn sol ctr columbia edu pub xkernel gamma turn sun into pseudo termin overhead oper system side step fairli fast and disk space similar approach run regular server make etc init shell scr ipt minim setup and invok xsun thi exampl script mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu bi n exec dev consol etc fsck dev case etc reboot echo fsck fail etc halt echo inte rrupt etc reboot echo unknown error reboot fsck etc halt esac bin tmp dev count dev null etc mount dev tmp etc ifconfig netmask broadcast etc mount apollo lib l ocal lib etc rout add default dev null set etc ifconfig exec xsun onc multidisp mux queri local lib xdm server subject termin emul xterm pc rewritten xterm scra tch multi widget approach that can us applic version contrib tape and export con trib emu tar for inform contact dude pc mxterm motif base xterm paderborn ftp se rver ftp uni paderborn file unix contrib mxterm tar color termin widget ansi ter min emul compat vtx seri version export contrib ctw tar motif version ftp stna s tna dgac pub term tar kterm base and tektronix termin emul that support displai chines japanes and korean text mode support ansi color sequenc multi byte word s elect limit compound text support and tab and newlin preserv select kterm anonym ftp site clr nmsu edu pub misc kterm tar export lc mit edu contrib kterm tar ku m kaist pub unix xstuff kterm tar courtesi mark leisher mleisher nmsu edu kterm tar export mterm mous larri mcrcim mcgill edu termin emul includ ansi and dec em ul mode mterm can had ftp larri mcrcim mcgill edu mterm src mterm ball wax cxter m chines xterm support and call big encod hanzi input convers mechan builtin cxt erm input method store extern file that load run time user can redefin exist inp ut method creat cxterm rewritten cxterm version base xterm contrib softwar zhou ning zhou tele unit and steinar bang uunet idt unit steinarb xvt export contrib xvt tar and xvt readm design offer xterm function lower swap space and us system drive termin contrib ibm sell emul for part base motif centuri softwar sell ter min emul for wyse and sco color consol emul grafpoint tgraf emul tektronix and g raphic termin for major platform inform inc free demo copi fax uunet grafpnt sal e ixi deskterm packag for integr charact base applic into environ includ number termin emul modul inform pericom produc teem set emul packag for number tek dec westward and data gener termin softwar run sun sun apollo dec isc ibm aix inform sco scoterm info sco part open desktop environ motif compliant sco ansi color c onsol emul subject can base editor word processor you can ftp version gnu emac e xtens customiz document real time displai editor includ support prep mit edu pub gnu emac tar informatik muenchen pub gnu emac emac tar epoch modifi version gnu emac addit facil environ current sourc uiuc edu ftp pub epoch file epoch curren t version europ unido informatik uni dortmund two subdirectori epoch contain epo ch sourc and gwm contain sourc programm window manag gwm epoch work you can epoc h mail list send request epoch request uiuc edu lucid emac version gnu emac deri v earli version emac version requir window run support greatli enhanc gnu emac v

ersion includ support for multipl window input and displai iso latin charact zma c lispm style region highlight customiz motif menubar power keymap support flexi bl text attribut support region and screen local basi resourc and lisp and suppo rt for select mechan lucid emac free latest version and labrea stanford edu pub gnu lucid directori andrew system contrib tape describ word process packag suppo rt word process multi media embed object raster tabl spread sheet draw style edi tor applic builder embed program languag releas june fred hansen wjh andrew cmu edu you us remot andrew demo servic thi softwar finger atk itc cmu edu for inter view toolkit contain wysiwig editor call doc save and load file latex format not quit latex packag can import idraw postscript draw simpl editor ax wight newcas tl export and arjuna newcastl ax tar base xaw text widget ted simpl motif base t ext editor wrapper motif text widget offer search replac paragraph format and na vig featur ted ftp eo ncsu edu pub bill tar execut point crowlei unmvax unm edu charli crowlei tcl base and offer dyanim configur and program tcl macro languag editor unmvax unm edu pub point point tar asedit andrzej stochniol astoch export contrib asedit tar simpl text editor built motif text widget version releas ela n comput group mountain view announc avalon publish open wysiwyg electron publis h system framemak and framewrit base binari product for machin frame indepthedit standard logic request nsl buzzword intern inc editor call profession edit that run motif for platform info decwrit dec for dec hardwar and sunwrit sun islandw rit will island graphic info island for apollo platform interleaf interleaf sun and dec platform develop aster offic integr tool applix applix includ multi font wysiwg document compos for system arbortext inc version electron publish progra m call publish publish sun and apollo workstat contact arbortext iri comput labo ratori offer editor info info spectro bbn slate bbn softwar product includ menu driven word processor multipl font and style sheet support multipl platform slat e offer bbn power sam editor rob pike split into host portion and front end grap hic portion implement sam anonym ftp research att dist sam bundl watch that spac e for updat version mail list for sam user request sam fan request hawkwind utc toronto edu set extens augment mous activ keyboard uxc cso uiuc edu pub sam samx shar innov solut brian zimbelman brian bbx basi publish user configur motif bas e xamin editor qualix offer product inform info qualix unix typex motif base edi tor for system inform amcad research fax wordperfect offer base version wordperf ect for workstat inform subject can base mailer xmh interfac distribut releas xm ail base window interfac berkelei style mail handler style primarili sunview mai ltool applic and build unix system current releas mit contrib tape and export an d uunet info jeff markham markham cadenc mmh mail handler motif interfac mail ha ndler ftp eo ncsu edu pub bill tar bundl ted editor for compos messag motif requ ir you don for dec and sparc execut place inform and problem erik scott escott e o ncsu edu andrew toolkit support andrew messag system export and archiv and ems worth andrew cmu edu send email susan andrew cmu edu releas june you us remot an drew demo servic thi softwar finger atk itc cmu edu for xmailtool xaw base inter fac bsd style mail reader version releas inform bob kierski bobo crai cem motif base mailer standard mailbox format nelson ncsu edu pub cem inform sam moor sam moor ncsu edu alfalfa softwar offer post unix base mailer that motif and command base interfac includ support for multimedia enclosur and support internet and m ail standard inform info alfalfa code softwar offer mail for unix system binari support tty and motif interfac mailer includ csh script languag for custom and e xtend mail capabl inform info code vendor system includ base mailer dec offer dx mail sun offer base mailtool sco info sco includ scomail open desktop product in tegr offic product tool includ mailer aster offic integr tool applix applix incl ud mailer subject can base paint draw program xpic object orient draw program su pport multipl font style and size and variabl line width rotat zoom xpic quit su itabl interact front end pic xpic format produc can convert into postscript late st version contrib tape client xpic xfig brian smith bvsmith lbl gov object orie nt draw program support compound object xfig format can convert postscript forma t recent version contrib tape export contrib fix version idraw support numer fon t and line style and arbitrari rotat support zoom and scroll and color draw and fill file format postscript dialect can import tiff file distribut part intervie w toolkit current releas interview stanford edu version robert forsman thoth lig

htn ci ufl edu xscribbl bit paint program for ftp ci ufl edu pub thoth xpaint ft p lbl gov xpaint tar rewrit xpaint david kobla kobla netcom releas xpaint tar xp aint bitmap pixmap edit tool openwindow postscript base graphic editor name ic f or anonym ftp internet host lamont ldgo columbia edu ic imag composit environ im ag tool that raster imag combin wide varieti postscript annot wysiwyg fashion im ag routin and new postscript raster requir openwindow and sun tgif william cheng william oahu ucla edu site and export and ucla edu frequent updat version patch releas pixmap program info cola inria for creat pixmap contrib tape resembl bit map client version metacard not gener classifi paint program full bit color imag editor built into program can us for light imag edit and for produc color icon info metacard metacard anonym ftp ftp metacard csn org pixt michael flaneri prod uc xpm output dxpaint bitmap orient draw program macpaint good for us artist com monli held bad for draw figur draft dxpaint part dec ultrix releas framemak draw capabl bbn slate bbn softwar product includ full featur draw and paint program object group and multipl pattern multipl platform slate offer bbn dux dah island graph offer islanddraw islandpaint islandpres info corel draw port prior data sc ienc art letter compos ficor autograph openwindow includ olpixmap editor sco odt includ scopaint editor vue includ vueicon editor integr offic product tool incl ud draw paint capabl aster offic integr tool applix applix includ draw paint cap abl part stephen byer cobc cummin and daniel smith dsmith ann arbor applicon slb david lewi faq craft uunet net faq joe fridai david lewi temporarili not speak for visual inc dai dbl visual even david craft uunet net honor degre mean tkld cogsci kevin davidson write opinion progra m degre worth degre not program degre comput program taught comput scienc branch math softwar engin practic and like sort thing employ want not teach program ab il program entri requir comput scienc real newcastl univers convers teach real p rogram space month taught pascal simula prolog miranda basic low level stuff cov er concurr program and oper system softwar engin quit option unit includ databas theori and stuff comm pascal replac year learn thi and window program good sele ct project final month depend your tast select skill learn can quit wide reach c ritisc level thought invalu lack option project period industri thi slightli lon ger project period six month enhanc prestig and us excel and thorough thi sound plug for not mackem ian cute client thi includ stdio includ xlib includ xutil displai dp y int screen xcolor xclr xclrp xid cmap int cell red green blue main dpy xopendi splai null screen defaultscreen dpy cell displaycel dpy screen cmap xcreatecolor map dpy rootwindow dpy screen defaultvisu dpy screen xclr xcolor malloc cell siz eof xclr xclrp xclr for cell xclrp pixel xclrp flag xclrp xquerycolor dpy defaul tcolormap dpy screen xclr cell xstorecolor dpy cmap xclr cell xinstallcolormap d py cmap xclrp xclr for cell xclrp red xclrp red xclrp green xclrp green xclrp bl ue xclrp blue xclrp xstorecolor dpy cmap xclr cell xinstallcolormap dpy cmap xcl rp xclr for cell xclrp red xclrp red xclrp green xclrp green xclrp blue xclrp bl ue xclrp xstorecolor dpy cmap xclr cell xinstallcolormap dpy cmap will work pseu docolor xserver hopefulli brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dr esden troubl compil suno problem compil ipc suno you compil make world will not stop error state anoth post client error run correctli victor martinez vic fajita saic fwd progress happi hour forward begin date wed apr edt women cen ter women andrew cmu edu dist af andrew cmu edu usr women dlist happyhour announ c andrew cmu edu subject progress happi hour enjoi good food and interest compan i progress happi hour thursdai april start women center locat laundromat margare t morrison plaza kosher for passov food will serv good thing drink will paper cu p won progress and bring cup mug you sponsor student govern presid and fund stud ent activit fee end forward problem open window openwindow version for suno xwindow run cont inu machin for dai messag appear open window run program that open window xview error cannot open connect window server server packag greatli suggest solv thi p roblem yali amit depart statist univers chicago chicago problem openwindow openwindow version for suno xwindow run conti

nu machin for dai messag appear open window run program that open window xview e rror cannot open connect window server server packag greatli suggest solv thi pr oblem yali amit depart statist univers chicago chicago root vue xloadimag onroot apr pdt jan camhpp mdcbb jan vandenbra nd jan nntp post host jan relat note can us displai color gif jan root displai v ue jan can vue displai xbm jan backdrop style manag jan not overrid vue jan put suspect thi vue creat window overrideredirect that size larger root window windo w manag not thi you cannot move resiz etc mean time busi chang your root window you request you never vue window overlaid top root window contact support and wh ether vue can support colour bitmap format such xpm creat colour backdrop insid code gui singh ixi internet gui vision park gui ixi cambridg bang uunet ixi gui tel can rotat text program xview suno openwindow rotat text and disp lai read faq comp window not translat xview can give tip mahendra not frequent n ew group reader answer repli mail will post follow mahendra chheda mmc rit edu m mc ritvax isc rit edu offic resid dept comput scienc kimbal drive rochest instit ut tech rochest tel tel troubl compil suno articl apr fwi uva casper fwi uva casper dik write epstein trwac trw jeremi epstein write dmm head cfa harvard edu david mele edi write bug suno allud faq talk affect you forc libxmu link static dynam work linker error simplest thing edit each makefil failur and chang line read xmulib xmusrc lxmu xmulib xmusrc bstatic lxmu bdynam thi relev for openwindow ship suno not relev for mit mit compil problem casper don hour you spent thi sun user gro up make rom member disk sourc and binari and sell for tag tabl content and order form below interest alex newman alex newman voic life stress troll sug org fax n ot bore sun user group beacon brooklin sug and gnu cdrom price sug member includ caddi sug emphasi suppli greatest servic and ad member last year sug disk conta in plug and plai addit essenti binari almost sun patch fulli index archiv sun re lat net post price aim thi year reduc price for disk can produc inexpens continu suppli ad accomplish thi will put two disk set contain readi and need second co ntain sparc binari and materi not found previou disk sug disk assembl robert bru ce contain lot essenti sourc code and decid great servic make member and thi pri ce make thi good opportun becom member for per disk includ hard find caddi you n ot sug member you can becom for addit you live sug cdrom iso disk mean can us ma cintosh and workstat and contain total materi includ sourc and core binari for s parc week initi distribut fix and mit contrib distribut includ materi binari for xsun xsunmono appr atobm auto box bdftopcf beach ball bitmap bmtoa constyp edit r fsinfo fslsfont fstobdf ico imak kbd mode listr lndir makedepend maze mkdirhie r mkfontdir oclock plbpex puzzl resiz showfont showrgb startx twm viewr perf per fcomp xauth xbiff xcalc xclipboard xclock xcmsdb xcmstest xconsol xcutsel xditvi ew xdm xdpr xdpyinfo xedit xev xey xfd xfontsel xga xgc xhost xinit xkill xload xlogo xlsatom xlsclient xlsfont xmag xman xmh xmkmf xmodmap xon xpr xprop xrdb x refresh xset xsetroot xstdcmap xterm xwd xwininfo xwud copi contribut sourc expo rt lc mit edu contrib uncompress untar into sourc directori sourc and date produ ct thi disk includ mit contrib and contrib distribut gnu sourc uncompress untar into sourc directori sparc binari and need librari for gnu program basenam bash bison cat chgrp chmod chown cmp comm compress cpio cpp ctag cut cv date diff dif f dir dirnam egrep elvi emac env etag expand expr fgrep find find perl flex fold dep filt gawk gcc gdb ginstal gnuchess gnuchessn gnuchessr gnugo gnuplot gnuplo t gprof grep head ident indent ispel locat lognam make merg mkdir mkfifo mkmodul mknod nice oleo past pathchk perl printenv printf ranlib rc rcsdiff rcsinfo rcs merg rcstest ref refont rlog rmdir rmt screen sed size sleep split strip stty su m tac tail taintperl tar tee test time touch tput tty unam unexpand uniq vdir vi rec whoami xarg xchess zmore archiv comp sourc post volum volum part suppli post you put togeth piec compil instal etc cost sug member member addit ship handl i nsid usa mail sun user group inc suit beacon street brooklin usa voic fax sun us er group accept visa and mastercard telephon electron cut and return complet for m sugcd order form price ship and handl add usa intl you not member sun user gro up add usa intern sum for membership you sug member purchas rom enclos check for sug member usa sug member usa includ membership insid usa includ intern members

hip name signatur compani name sug membership electron mail address telephon num ber check enclos mastercard visa credit card exp date card holder signatur ship bill herebi author sun user group renew membership and charg credit card automat annual basi not name includ sun user group mail not name publish sun user group member directori ad sun user group electron mail list member individu usa find credit card easier purchas check thi elimin bank charg sun user group beacon str eet suit brooklin voic fax email offic sug org problem tek xtermin recent purchas tektronix xtermin and problem graphic widget that wrote displai waveform and doesn work xtermin button etc sh ow and amount time draw noth visibl graphic window clue start program work fine sun and color and suggest line attack for thi problem tekxpress color xtermin ru n host sun ipx run suno and ned danielei ndd sunbar duke edu basic arrhythmia la boratori box duke univers medic center durham remap return kei dialog program bear dialog box that return user enter and hit return kei don want button piec code below will work exclud xtnva lu argument will not work can shed light thi suggest ultim will area activ time user modifi paramet program for your karen roger dupont rogerskm pluto dupont co de start void doit printf enter doit function exit main argc argv int argc char argv widget toplevel widget outer xtappcontext app con widget sampl arg arg stat ic xtactionsrec kei action doit doit toplevel xtvaappiniti app con test null arg c argv null null outer xtcreatemanagedwidget pane panedwidgetclass toplevel null xtappaddact app con kei action xtnumber kei action xtsetarg arg xtnlabel enter xtsetarg arg xtnvalu sampl xtcreatemanagedwidget sampl dialogwidgetclass outer a rg xtoverridetransl sampl xtparsetranslationt kei return doit xtrealizewidget to plevel xtappmainloop app con join consortium inform join consortium cost benefit contact honor degre mean justin kibel jck catt citri edu wrote thi comp window agre that thi side track funni that skip articl thread couldn resist read thi belief opinion and express strictli and not repres reflect offici unoffici polici attitud person organ heard that ford motor compani had recruit bia engin and comput scienc graduat reason supposedli meet long rang personnel requir thi evidenc larg number peopl emploi contract and not brought board special circumst thi gener doesn hold true statist softwar engin ford get electr engin univer th at merg comput scienc depart and electr engin that you can comput degre qualifi you for program sinc belief and opinion figment distort imagin suppos larg color monitor inform advic larg color monitor us system run server softwar main for qualiti inform and price inform welcom david ball bear fletch convert content window color postscript jeff haferman haferman i caen uiowa edu wrote can point sourc code for dump content window into color pos tscript file written app bring window and want click mous dump window into posts cript file jeff haferman internet haferman icaen uiowa edu depart mechan engin d od bmwmoa ama univers iowa iowa citi us xwd and xwd program us xwd xxxxx xxxxx w indow obtain xtwindow widget raju gurung build dept electr eng univers manchest oxford manchest xremot into rememb read hallucin that ncd xremot function had nc d mit for inclus thi true set mode cheap can wait for compress serial line serve r support terri lemon digit equip corpor recent inform fresco recent inform fresco work consortium short descript that publish resourc for bit depth pointer xlib implement pointer featur xlib multipl window and ca n input and show output simultan displai want implement pointer featur pointer c ome window onc choos pointer menu and can you give hint proce xlib repli will gr eatli appreci you prakash duvvuri odu edu xterm and default text cursor color want set cursor color forgro und color that set for that xterm man page color thi option specifi color us for text cur sor default us foreground color that us for text thi doesnt case appea r default black xterm cursorcolor set feel free point relev cheer string widget resourc convert can us xmu function xmucvtstringto widget want widget name resourc file that can connect two widget togeth xmform m

yproggi mylistsw topwidget maintextsw run program messag warn type convert regis t for string window convers manual sez manag find thi bit code correct thi stati c xtconvertargrec parentcvtarg xtwidgetbaseoffset xtpointer xtoffsetof corerec c ore parent sizeof corewidget xtsettypeconvert xtrstring xtrwidget xmucvtstringto widget parentcvtarg xtnumber parentcvtarg xtcacheal null haven clue put exampl c ode suggest can thi creat widget that can add widget class intial function code thi trick thi faq advanc rik header file corep and intrinsicsp us core and intri ns rtfm richard turnbul dept comput scienc mail univers liverpool rik compsci li verpool liverpool england phone avoid xopendisplai hang don avoid xopendisplai hang perhap you u s such zephyr perhap rob problem mit shm write imag displai program that mit share memori extens share memori segment get alloc and attach process problem program crash call xshmputimag messag error fail request badshmseg invalid share segment param et major opcod fail request mit shm minor opcod fail request shmputimag segment fail request serial number fail request current serial number output stream erro r check call shmget and shmat that creat share memori segment check xshmattach p roblem had problem us mit shm problem run openwindow sun sparc advanc john avoid xopendisplai hang articl skate gsfc nasa gov andi ic stx w rite write xwall simpl version wall and want put messag each default list displa i problem that xopendisplai hang displai control xdm login screen xdm xgrabserv run secur mode screen lock simpl thi case you can xdm secur mode not cool you ca n wrap your call xopendisplai code solict futur sigalrm and longjmp past xopendi splai signal handler exampl thi can xdm sourc note that longjmp xopendisplai mem ori leak program function thi exit regularli gui studi articl apr kocrsv delcoelect xjfa kocrsv delcoelect ja me allman iii write studi type user unix manag basic for unix command and featur motif window interfac will type user make us unix person can stand motif can st and gui command line interfac for thing access command command line and love you find that experi sic user command line der mous year and half ago felt start go oyi give command line ordinari and gooi normal rep work note that oper repet hac ker love cl gui abil view and manipul group object file text directori etc and a nd manipul such delet copi past renam abil applic screen visibl and access time standard set function easili and quickli unfamiliar oper system familiar command line oper system occasion will work system that almost never us gui can accompl ish want fairli easili command line hand long and pain experi hate gui switch mo us and keyboard guess strong hand prefer us comput hand and us for hold piec pap er mug tea configur favorit editor that edit function can hand such navig cut pa st search open and save file etc main thing us hand for enter text guess mice bu tton and will world brent motif and interview process make decis whether write wrapper for motif us motif interview download tar file fail document two question you us si milar toolkit your experi find refer book document for and input will greatli ap preci unmesh lost tekhvc color space xtici work for system clientsid dec ultr ix you floatingpoint compil problem brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden book can recomend good book articl inter client commun look can and tell you show you reilli exampl iccm exampl asent swick give exampl fact boo k look discuss icc simpli give condens version iccm and refer you iccm find exam pl us atom and properti young book and hour bought young book had applic talk ea ch not that stai independ unix pipe and socket aren can us messag clipboard and perhap window group text that discuss method discuss method for purpos and examp l exampl word advanc ross disabl revers video xterm man not thi newsgroup run xterm and un ix user run man recent switch solari and man page litter direct that translat in to revers video displai man xterm result output admittedli person tast annoi bac k suno rememb man page keyword displai underlin question chang xterm behaviour d irect for nroff man page perhap underlin disabl direct fine and don want and edi t man page input xterm normal font and bold font not ital font pointer suggest g

reatli appreci john run xterm won work teleus uim and hubec ctp hubert chou write good idea integr code elegantli teleus uim interfac architect gener code sourc great suggest alsi pro duc paper outlin us teleus you can copi your local sale rep call mention straigh t forward dialog languag similar visual basic tom erickson alsi tne world std so uth bedford street burlington gui toolkit for sun sparc articl cuug winsorr sun robin winsor w rite you motif openlook sun recent light and dump commit openlook announc state futur plan for devguid thi incorrect sun made such claim devguid and manag devgu id engin group can state author that work devguid continu apac had quit strong s how interest devguid user commun last week solari develop confer devguid advoc n ot valuabl futur builder tool import bit transit technolog that will sustain cur rent custom and facilit migrat cose desktop environ you specif question devguid avail etc you can contact tali aben devguid product market person david bryant d evguid manag sunsoft for for you couldn find appeal avail sitex ascwid ascii pub msdo xappeal dir wuarchiv wustl edu mirror garbo uwasa demo directori file xap ex ai p xap fon zip and driver zip josh joshua weag snail spring baroda mail freenet c wru edu yfn ysu edu fidonet joshua weag idea and els widget gadget xmgraph widget that float and notic perform signif icantli gadget perhap even faster had heard program that gadget longer benefit p erform and that us widget interest singl ethernet termin and you find slower adr ian nye reilli and associ sunview olwm xview compil distribut for sun suno compil public d omain xview olwm distribut parti applic binari that sunview program work xview a nd olwm openwindow version svenv program not work not new access that mail thi d irectli email alia question can comp window comp window open respond fwr fin mil shash shash chatterje email fwr fin mil softwar phone lockhe fort worth compani fax box worth sourc for spline articl ppvhtinn fmsrl srl ford glang slee srl f ord gordon lang write xlib program manual rielli associ point that routin for dr aw spline not includ xlib extens publicli spline routin work environ previous po st similar request and two respons direct interview packag interview stanford ed u work identifi extract and modifi relev compon for code that not encumb complex and extens framework spline extens xlib xfig two type spline algorithm and rel simpl xfig export lc mit edu contrib fix xfig patch xfig tar brian smith bvsmith lbl gov lawrenc berkelei laboratori don speak for lbl don pai for that honor degre mean hear georg bush rememb will receiv honor degre kuwaiti univers for contribut kuwaiti interest not long ago you add resum convert content window color postscript articl apr jwminhh hans wieck jwminhh hans jan wieck write mbheprg problem inew gatewai file raju gurung write jeff haferman haferman icaen uiowa edu wrote can point sourc code for dum p content window into color postscript file written app bring window and want cl ick mous dump window into postscript file us xwd and xwd program us xwd xxxxx xx xxx window obtain xtwindow widget ask for sourc portabl bitmap tool jef poskanz jef includ filter that and btw tool come sourc silly vendor let you stuck binari xgrab xgrabsc imho job for thi includ compress brain insid andr beck abpsoft me hl andr beck ir inf dresden comp window get perform faq archiv name faq speedup last modifi maxim perform monthli post compil art mulder art ualberta ram faster cpu disk sp ace faster ethernet standard respons you hear you improv perform your workstat h ardwar isn option and hardwar even necess thi faq list collect suggest and idea peopl net you can perform window your workstat purchas hardwar perform highli su bject issu individu user balanc speed versu featur order come person decis thi d ocument can expect subject opinion and object fact thi document specif concern f actor that can affect perform workstat scope thi document peopl interest area sy stem perform want reilli nutshel handbook system perform tune mike loukid read a nd written comprehens treatment system perform unawar similar book tabl content introduct administrivia faq window manag server server lock server into ram star t your server font resourc file defin your displai properli client clock for ter

min emul for tune your client miscellan suggest pretti pictur quicker mous progr am thought sourc inform author note chang sinc last issu sinc last issu introduc t administrivia thi document post each month usenet new group comp window new an swer and comp answer you read copi thi faq month last modifi date you locat late st edit sinc inform outdat you not newsgroup and your site not receiv and thi ar ticl expir you can retriev thi faq archiv site exist usenet faq archiv site find and access introduct new answer newsgroup post new answer main faq archiv rtfm mit edu thi document can found pub usenet new answer faq speedup you not access anonym ftp you can retriev send mail messag mail server pit manag mit edu comman d send usenet new answer faq speedup messag bodi faq david lewi faq craft uunet net maintain inform and written comp window frequent ask question document focu gener inform thi faq concentr perform comp window faq address issu speed regard server gist that topic us faster faq for complet detail window manag lot window manag lot featur and abil choic us necess balanc act perform and featur thi poin t respond agre twm candid for speedi window manag coupl gener trick you can soup your window manger turn unnecessari thing zoom and opaqu move you lai your wind ow tile manner you reduc amount cpu power spent rais and lower overlap window jo e english joe trystero art found that good font for tile aka misc fix medium nor mal iso biggest font that can us sun screen and two column termin window side si de displai overlap font suggest will accept server server make that your server proper match for your hardwar you monochrom monitor us monochrom server monochro m sun haven notic differ xsun colour server and xsunmono point that xsunmono sma ller and contribut page jonni farringdon farringdon psychol ucl michael salmon m ichael salmon eo ericsson your server compil can make differ jeff law law schirf utah edu advis that sun system compil gcc version unbundl sun compil you can ex pect larg speedup server not bundl suno compil assum that similar result occur y ou us high qualiti commerci compil market lock server into ram hack server that lock into ram and not page call plock thi perform had inquiri thi topic and poin ter plock function call hard evid not posit give eric claei ecc eperm att danni backx sunbim juan martin juando cnm start your server joe english joe trystero a rt you start lot client your xsession sleep for second two launch each chang xcl ient script thi log time heavili load system core thi sound crazi confirm that w ork warner losh imp solbourn provid good explan thi work summar you start server take huge amount time start accept connect lot initi server start thi process t ouch larg number page process run time fight server for us cpu and importantli m emori you put sleep you give server chanc sort client start similarli lot initi whenev client program start toolkit regist widget resourc fetch program initi st ate and databas and thi activ typic memori intens onc thi initi process reach st eadi state memori usag typic settl page sleep stagger launch your client your xi nitrc you avoid fight each for your workstat limit resourc thi your mileag vari situat variabl consid ram local swap space load averag number user your system c lient you start etc xinitrc situat sleep exec xclock sleep exec xbiff sleep exec xterm sleep exec xterm experi sleep exec xclock sleep exec xbiff sleep exec xte rm sleep exec xterm even sleep exec start client script and start client script had sleep exec xclock sleep exec xbiff sleep exec xterm sleep exec xterm idea th i last make that xinit had complet finish process xinitrc and had settl into ste adi state sleep expir and client launch yield fairli compar result and stuck cur rent setup for simplic you will experi bit find setup suit you font load font ta ke time and ram you minim number font your applic us you speed increas load time simpl strategi choos small number font small larg roman suit you and configur y our client your heavili us client us font client program start quicker font load into server thi will conserv server resourc sinc fewer font will load server fa rrel mckai fbm ptcburp ptcbu joe english joe trystero art main xterm font twm se t us menu and icon etc twm default font sinc don us elimin font server oliv jone roadrunn pictel font local workstat load nf you will make extens us scalabl fon t us font server resourc file your xresourc xdefault file small save ram and sav e server startup time joe english joe trystero art suggest your xdefault xresour c file put minimum number resourc that you want your applic for exampl reversevi deo true separ your resourc into individu client specif resourc file for exampl home lib app default your login file set environ variabl xuserfilesearchpath set

env xuserfilesearchpath home lib app default comp window frequent ask question f aq contain excel explan environ variabl work xterm launch load resourc app defau lt xterm xdvi find app default xdvi and and note that not client follow xxxxx re sourc file name pattern you can check your system app default directori usr lib app default find proper name and name your person resourc file name thi document specif kevin samborn samborn mtkgc michael urban urban cobra jpl nasa gov and m ike long mikel cornel edu kevin will mail setup file inquir thi method organ you r person resourc benefit easier maintain usabl fewer resourc store server resour c manag properti side benefit your server start fraction quicker sinc doesn load your resourc applic process resourc never sort your resourc find that affect dr awback applic that you interest load addit file time start thi doesn make that p erform differ and you thi huge boon usabl you modifi applic resourc databas you run applic xrdb xrdb will default run your xdefault file cpp your resourc split into multipl resourc file and load individu client program will not watch for th i had style comment xdefault file cpp strip switch thi method distribut resourc file spent frustrat dai figur client not find resourc not provid error messag en count style comment resourc file simpli silent abort process resourc file loss p reprocess can handi ifdef color peopl dismiss thi method resourc manag you run i nto client break rule for exampl emac xvt will find resourc anywher xdefault sta rt client machin that not share file machin your resourc store your client will not find resourc load your resourc into server will guarante that your client wi ll find resourc casei leedom casei gauss llnl gov compromis suggest that and pla n put resourc for heavili us client xterm into xdefault file and us separ resour c file method for client that seldom us defin your displai properli client progr am execut machin server that situat set your displai environ variabl hostnam hos tnam name your workstat you set your displai variabl unix thi you access optim r outin that that server machin and us share memori method transfer request patric k horgan pjh ra amdahl displai name section man page for explan properli set you r displai name don stock mit data gener and librari that smart us local commun e ven displai isn set special rob sartin opensi sartin uunet net jodi goldberg jod i algorithm xlib patch chang stock us local commun even displai not properli set don want busi distribut juggl mit patch and elect not includ hopefulli mit will appli thi minor line patch meantim you want email jodi client you megabyt ram y ou carefulli number program you run kind program you run for exampl smaller cloc k program xclock haven notic that program advertis larg onu research and spread word suggest altern standard client xclock xterm xbiff receiv contradictori advi c peopl subject client program advoc us program that strictli xlib base sinc xaw and toolkit larg warn that applic you load share librari thi case for exampl cl ient program increas amount ram consum upshot thi don mix toolkit that and us at hena client xview client motif client etc you us you drag toolkit librari your e nviron and carefulli client program work togeth that environ rob sartin opensi s artin uunet net duncan sinclair sinclair dc gla sinclair gla dc clock for xcucko o suggest duncan sinclair sinclair dc gla export lc mit edu xcuckoo displai cloc k titl bar anoth program save screen real estat mclock suggest der mous mous lig htn mcrcim mcgill edu larri mcrcim mcgill edu mclock shar base extens configur c an made mit oclock xclock pure chang resourc ultim clock that consum resourc and take screen real estat that hang your wall termin emul for readm file distribut xterm abandon hope enter thi undoubtedli ugli program distribut ugli site us su spect that xterm us client not site lazi isn termin emul below you us xterm you can reduc number savelin reduc memori usag oliv jone roadrunn pictel jonni farri ngdon farringdon psychol ucl xvt suggest richard hesketh rlh ukc export lc mit e du contrib xvt tar you don esoter featur xterm hold xvt written save swap space xterm hog thi written partial clone xterm you don renam your resourc xvt pretend xterm current version you cannot bind kei you can xterm heard that version xvt thi featur not found updat march recent had email convers brian warkentin brian warkentin eng sun xvt question whether xvt faster xterm for instanc xvt initi sl ightli faster compar scroll speed thi quicki benchmark bin time etc termcap and program can scroll faster xterm slightli larger ram requir don hard number share librari and share text segment mean that xterm page requir not that major exper i rip tek stuff xterm made differ sinc you never us never get brought into memor

i stand conflict report valid xvt xterm summari caveat emptor your mileag vari y ou can provid hard data specif ram each occupi swap each rel speed each mterm su ggest der mous mous lightn mcrcim mcgill edu larri mcrcim mcgill edu mterm src m term ball wax termin emul major lack scrollback peopl tune your client suggest y ou can tune your client program work faster scott barman scott asd come suggest motif text field widget notic that data entri into motif text field widget get s light lag respons keystrok initi field examin xscope found that resourc xmnblink rat and focu text field widget even text widget beam cursor will blink time curs or appear disappear widget widget code make request server copyarea user can sto p thi set resourc xmnblinkrat not notic mhz sparc make differ slower system thi specif suggest can appli gener lot area your heavili us client minor embellish t hat can turn and therebi save server request miscellan suggest pretti pictur don us larg bitmap gif etc root window background complic your root window bitmap s lower server redraw your screen you reposit window redraw etc ram and cpu power work sun sparc and consciou perform issu can comprehend peopl sun run xphoon roo t window figur ram occupi full screen root imag colour workstat you you screen r eal estat that you can for client and rare root window qiang alex zhao azhao ari zona edu for remind thi quicker mous xset you can adjust fast your pointer move screen you move your mous us xset xinitrc file let send pointer across screen fl ick wrist xset man page for idea and inform hint sometim you want slow your mous track for fine work cover option number mous set command into menu window manag for twm menu mous set mous set titl fast xset normal fast xset system default a cceler xset default glacial xset program thought joe english joe trystero art sp eed applic that you develop ton thing you can that stick for motif program don s et xmfontlist resourc for individu button label list us defaultfontlist labelfon tlist resourc highest level manag widget stick font don us motif absolut pig don creat and destroi widget fly reus thi will avoid problem buggi toolkit us line width gc server thi make huge differ compress and collaps multipl expos event th i can make differ fast applic and complet unus francoi stae fran kiwi uia small remark onc heard that malloc function greatli increas perform base applic sinc u s malloc heavili suggest gnui malloc didn find time test small program malloc an d free and differ notic somewhat time faster confirm thi andr beck andr beck ir inf dresden unnecessari noexpos event peopl us xcopyarea xcopyplan fastest blit routin forget reset graphic exposur us for blit thi will noexpos event blit that case put load connect and forc client run event loop and thousand xchangegc req uest thi gfx context switch handcod app gc creat and heavili chang and mechan ca ch and share lot gc need paramet thi will remov load subsequ xchangegc request c onnect move client startup phase contributor propos idea that wall david lewi da i dbl osf org night david craft uunet net thi swap displai run your program mach in and displai local user run your machin displai goal reduc context switch oper client and server not situat can easili thi receiv confirm michael salmon micha el salmon eo ericsson regularli run program machin and notic big differ run mach in will reduc net usag and nice reduc impact intrus thi help lot poor essenti ha d casei leedom casei gauss llnl gov server and client compet for cpu your server you run machin not major problem that client and server absolut synchron and co ntext thrash timothi panton thp westhawk firstli reli fact that cpu idl cpu usag bursti chanc you and your teammat cpu intens time small not you twice cpu memor i for your action second factor that context switch expens cpu halv you pai pric e due overhead network thi offset case improv buffer network typic for pipe allo w even fewer context switch sourc inform volum reilli window system seri window system administr guid book administr read adrian nye adrian ora lot tip perform paper improv applic perform chri peterson and sharon chang issu resourc earlier version thi paper appear xhibit confer proceed thi paper absolut essenti read fo r programm author note thi list maintain art mulder art ualberta suggest correct submiss for inclus thi list gladli accept layout suggest and comment spell mist ak list contributor comment and suggest you not want credit speedup faq copyrigh t arthur mulder you copi thi document part long you don make monei pretend that you wrote art mulder art ualberta not conform thi world depart comput scienc tra nsform renew univers alberta edmonton canada your mind roman app default file start you reciev error messag cannot load app d

efault file check your xapplresdir environ variabl and put file builderxcessori thi app default file for directori xuserfilesearchpath environ variabl you don x userfilesearchpath environ variabl set xuserfilesearchpath directori builderxces sori file you can thi setenv command csh note that name end you will set xuserfi lesearchpath app default load correctli make app default file can read user make that copi link app default file exist usr lib app default usr openwin lib app d efault depend your system set onc you care thi set systemdirectori resourc direc tori you instal for exampl instal system directori resourc set thi systemdirecto ri builderxcessori ic tech support xcopyplan question us xcopyplan copi singl plane depth pixmap de pth pixmap everytim thi absolut noth displai data depth pixmap becuas check xcop yarea screen success get xcopyplan work us two pixmap depth problem scan code se gment and wrong creat xmdrawingarea widget call canva xtwindow canva displai xtd isplai canva screen defaultscreen displai pixmap xcreatepixmap displai rootwindo w displai screen width height defaultdepth displai screen pixmap xcreatepixmap d isplai rootwindow displai screen width height xcreategc displai null xcreategc d isplai pixmap null code read xwd imag into pixmap omit you set foreground and ba ckground color and whitepixel and blackpixel macro your server not return valu s uitabl for depth drawabl copi plane into depth pixmap xcopyplan displai pixmap p ixmap width height you that plane data isn you pixel valu imag plane depth pixma p clipmask copi screen valu foreground color valu clip origin valu clip origin v alu clip mask pixmap mask gcforeground gcclipmask xchangegc displai mask valu xf illrectangl displai width height you want plane data and want perform don us cli pmask us pixmap stippl stippl rectangl fill server stupid handl complex clip lis t and turn bitmap clip region into hundr and hundr clip rectangl and clip draw p rimit triangl faq popular reason graphic don show you wait for expos event draw your rectangl info patchlevel motif sun sparc run suno advanc nanci marin net na nci neko css gov ensco inc mail pineda melbourn fax kenneth whalei kubota pacif comput inc email whalei kpc walsh avenu santa clara window motif gui design differ futur unix articl apr sneaker ctt bellcor sneaker ctt bellcor yoo write aab andi burgess aab cichlid write aab ap r texhrc pyeatt texaco larri pyeatt write aab delet you close motif you will tha t window ey pleas color and textur real differ that applic window can toplevel c hildren motif applic window launch children desktop aab you familiar gui thi cor rect experi aab make that thi msw behavior easili duplic aab don msw anoth impor t differ that msw doesn window that handl sophist geometri manag xmform that win dow you limit resourc window menu icon etc imho thi discuss name motif windog to tal stupid thing remot influenc can motif window manag that featur arrang button and menu somewhat similiar thi windowmanag agent name mwm small part motif fact mwm and motif can work each and doesn mwm outfit for reason switch anoth window manag thi doesn influenc motif toolkit widget write applic and thi toolkit imho uncompar wellorgan and featur alot goodi interfac you cannot porsch fer wheel an d gear posit motif and complet world element motif world gear and wheel posit br ain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden version whoi version whoi written can ftp jess asher varco prude n build poplar av suit memphi internet jessea vpbuild vpbuild jessea gui studi user want build solut point that gui base word process or and text base formatt languag happen mous and action base and symbol base tru e that besid point thi fact abstract model gui user not thi abstract model appar perpect programm system user put work hand and start think programm not that pr ogramm perspect evil stunt that that design carefulli distinguish user programm conceptu model and ultim serv user system not builder system don recal actual st at peopl can categor symbol manipul interest mean and basi for thi claim rate do n thi evid that user programm banker financi analyst structur engin peopl work y ou character primarili symbol manipul not program and program not requir restat previou point user want build solut not want program accomplish thi xlib thread safe articl alex lc mit edu gildea expo lc mit edu s tephen gildea write xlib not thread safe work articl resourc issu consortium mem ber will multi thread version and will part multi thread xlib version written ar chi search for xlib host export lc mit edu locat contrib directori drwxr jul xli

b locat contrib xlib file jan xlib xhib file jan xlib tar locat contrib xlib fil e jul xlib xhib file jul xlib tar eric overhead fuss star billion name god you s mart shut princess bride system file tmp directori unix for tmp start creat system thi di rectori wasn creat root and contain empti file that own for lot music ftp sound sdsu edu cat file dev audio librari catalog telnet bison acsu buffalo edu doubt xarchi xgopher xwai chang text cursor xterm finish build run interact unix sysvr and problem xterm font larger that mess charact that type cursor larg split into re vers video outlin block pointer move into window us monospac font not font chang appear block cursor xterm john skoda window for electron learn facilit inc cobo l for centuri bethesda us ada unix and social dsc jf imc med navi mil unaccept s ystem dsc jf imc med navi mil and you flame expo fan disclaim packag xwd run xwd sun sparcstat ipx suno and openwindow motif window m anag unsuccess xwd motif xwd xwd dmp error fail request baddraw invalid pixmap w indow paramet major opcod fail request getimag resourc fail request serial numbe r fail request current serial number output stream insight thi window manag us window manag call ctwm similar vuewm multipl wor kspac motif base window manag that thi featur and not memori pig vue mike michae l coe mind terribl thing laboratori appli logic univers idaho coe leopard uidaho edu coe snake uidaho edu and open articl apr aedc vax mil bond aedc vax mil write repost thi not post made built and instal sparcstat aim run mit server retain openlook window manag thi not uncommon want make that chang and delet that for instanc ca n start xdm local rid xnew openlook window manag sourc mit contrib tape export l c mit edu suggest build thi version openwindow olwm regard richard gooch problem graphic context athena widget creat graphic program athe na widget us xlib routin instal custom graphic contex obtain displai and window variabl xtwindowofobject and xtdisplayofobject object sub widget problem occur t hat whenev button press menu select graphic contex revert orgin move alloc graph ic context alloc button noth chang preform thi manipul call xtappmainloop you fo r lesli donaldson donaldlf rose hulman edu donaldlf nextwork rose hulman edu toolkit direct articl imp hellnet org devil loki hellnet org gil tene write figur current toolkit direct simpli toolkit bet for us long term pro ject problem look motif wwl interview gina and variat cursori examin rogu wave v iew view abstract toolkit mention result code motif and confid that thi softwar will catch result signific longev for code gina you write code great deal motif and make interest us inherit result code almost motif and not significantli verb os equival code interview promis haven found free version motif support and not confid wide interview motif support will adopt and specif motif support will tim e librari produc code motif not make suffici us featur simplifi code task thi po int inclin write motif manipul routin and invok routin code simpl abstract suit specif task osf credibl standard set bodi come interfac motif will chang that go o write choic interfac leav code leav ti abstract not consist industri direct st andard inferior solut for slgihtli superior approach will leav useless code and useless skill year view librari environ end spend us and can justifi like short term product decreas learn abstract and suffici long live solut for reap benefit high end curv brad brad daniel monei can bui happi daniel neosoft guess rent do n work for neosoft and weird yenkov don speak for employ fresco statu hear rumbl fresco and sound for releas kind avail s imilar interview code interview will code work fresco motif heard mention versio n interview support motif will feasibl us motif fresco inform appreci brad brad daniel monei can bui happi daniel neosoft guess rent don work for neosoft and we ird yenkov don speak for employ icon run applic articl ifj csn org doomer teal csn org john duma i write figur programmat icon applic run motif window manag approach includ send event applic border window avail thi tend us xiconifywindow achiev thi effect y ou that brad brad daniel monei can bui happi daniel neosoft guess rent don work for neosoft and weird yenkov don speak for employ icon run applic doesnt matter window mgr you run you can us rout

in xiconfiywindow displai screen number displai displai window int screen number xiconifywindow xtdisplai xtwindow that perform you want articl ifj csn org doom er teal csn org john dumai write newsgroup comp window path shearson uupsi psinn tp uunet haven umd edu darwin sura net wupost zaphod mp ohio state edu magnu ac ohio state edu csn teal csn org doomer doomer teal csn org john dumai sender new csn org new nntp post host teal csn org organ colorado supernet inc newsread ti n date thu apr gmt line figur programmat icon applic run motif window manag appr oach includ send event applic border window avail thi doomer joe bore life short code hard jbore shearson uunet shearson jbore beeper compil client sun ipx set ipx for anoth group copi stuff that co mpil run suno gcc and thing run fine find coupl bug and recompil client ipx run undefin symbol xshapequeryextens xshapecombinemask that can includ libxext and r id messag can figur ipx and not idea ned danielei ndd sunbar duke edu basic arrh ythmia laboratori box duke univers medic center durham motif athena etc berri durian citr andrew berri write impress th at peopl us motif vendor suppli suno user exclud and similar and feel window and person prefer and feel motif flame opinion motif adopt sun ibm can remeb member recent announc you virtual workstat sun ibm and dec make vast major hardwar con cern thi preval motif point view write and obtain free softwar linux and bsd com mun grow that motif will lose grip commerci marketplac port motif bsd and linux for fee thi cost recoveri for person bought right redistribut activ bsd and linu x new group pertain motif high thi will diverg commerci and commerci softwar you will free softwar athena openlook widget set and commerci softwar motif widget set can workstat will come motif default and you can bui for for free unix platf orm can thi caus major problem side note base code write and will distribut free li complet base motif programmat and and feel point view flame thi bambi david h ugh bambi senior network programm comm develop oper australia sunview doubt thi question didn find answer faq find sunview app lic that want convert openlook motiv rememb hear quit time ago that tool accompl ish thi task that public domain good advantag reimplement interfac alex mouseless oper mouseless oper document man page for olwm and olv wm can work thi line xdefault openwindow keyboardcommand full that haven rebound kei miss server multi screen xpert simpl question for you lot term mean t hing can give exact definit term mean multi screen multi head multi displai serv er zaphod mode limit screen displai singl server can handl articel read upper li mit capabl call want move cursor screen displai anoth hint rainer rainer hochrei t telephon elin energieanwendung gesmbh telefax penzingerstr wien austria europ mail rainer elin motif mail list interest motif world dai ago post announc for up dat motif request send bind per mail and peopl motif and number peopl not awar m otif question peopl interest join mail list peopl can question motif swap stori and give idea direct and improv for bind thi benefit user commun give insight pe opl ad motif motif voluntari project and thi can make list prioriti order thing ad chang you interest join such mail list time repli thi messag and suffici inte rest peopl mail list will set site and will post announc newli creat list thi an d newsgroup ronald van loon theori differ rvloon ruu theori and practic dcv grou p utrecht netherland practic creat bit window bit displai server that visual pseudocolor bit truecolor bit and directcolor bit problem occur creat window visual that visual parent default visual xlib refer guid reilli can read section xcteatewindow curr ent implement visual parent creat find suitabl colourmap us window attribut crea t badmatch occur thi warn strang mention newer edit guid even pass suitabl colou rmap badmatch creat window default visual code thi cut and you destroi your crt window creat bit window truecolour displai dpy width height displai dpy int widt h height window win xvisualinfo vinfo xsetwindowattribut attr fprintf stderr ope n bit window xmatchvisualinfo dpy defaultscreen dpy pseudocolor vinfo fprintf st derr your displai can handl bit pseudocolor exit fprintf stderr visual vinfo vis ual visualid cmap xcreatecolormap dpy defaultrootwindow dpy vinfo visual allocno n xsync dpy fals xinstallcolormap dpy cmap ommis thi line result attr colormap c

map win xcreatewindow dpy defaultrootwindow dpy width height copyfrompar border width depth inputoutput class vinfo visual visual cwcolormap attr return win cut and you destroi your crt execut thi piec code result badmatch error drop line c are bram stolk stolk fwi uva xwd gif convers sourc code can creat window dump gif format conv ert xwd window dump file into gif format can manipul do pcx bmp etc shane clevel and freenet edu rutger devon gizmon csthoma god bless pagan simpson german keyboard and sparc sparc german type keyboard patch for a dvanc heinz josef clae email clae tigger turbo uni essen print ascii and articl noos ecn purdu edu achar ecn purdu edu la kshminarayana achar write print charact ascii laser printer thrill creat screen enthusiasm somewhat di due thi setback inform requir comput you oper system you kind printer you postscript pcl etc harvard ucbvax uwvax astroatc ftm brown psi ftm brown rutger internet brown extrel ftm brown astroatc wisc edu xwindow opaqu for parent window paint area child not implement r ubberband across multipl xwindow select object that displai each window hauk memori xserver actual size question due featur pex drag drop app lic link for exampl motif motif memori xserver termin limit memori swap question possibl determin protocol call size free memori xserver can determin for exampl whether start pex applic css client side server side memori repli mail summar s incerli matthia matthia pfuetzner work home darmstadt frg zgdv wilhelminenstrass lichtenbergstrass pfuetzner igd fhg pfuetzner zgdvda keith packard that chang r eleas number xswarm enhanc xswarm enhacemen us wasp mail don read thi group l onger advanc klau klau singvogel mail kssingvo immd informatik uni erlangen chang olwm icon wonder chang window icon olwm for thing xterm de fault pretti lame answer can find appreci matt clark fresco statu issu resourc publish proceed annual technic confer paper mark linton and chuck price titl build distribut interfac fresco summari d escrib fresco consortium effort complet review paper mention goal state section articl effort goal provid gener toolkit function toolkit xlib featur want fresco includ lightweight object such interview glyph structur graphic resolut indepen d natur program interfac edit place embed distribut user interfac compon multith read thi mean captur complet content paper conclus section mention that rough dr aft specif earli schedul paper present jan for complet sampl implement not affil i peopl place mention brian deali not know deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan brian deali not know deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan xwindow opaqu articl hess swt hess swt informatik uni hamburg ha uk hess write for parent window paint area child not implement rubberband across multipl xwindow select object that displai each window hauk you rootwindow you creat your you us xlib draw multipl window applic that similar for rubber band c ur move xcreatefontcursor disp data crosshair geom val foreground blck pixl grei dark geom val plane mask allplan geom val line width geom val function gxxor ge om val subwindow mode includeinferior evnt mask gcforeground gcplanemask gclinew idth gcfunction gcsubwindowmod geom gcon xcreategc disp data root iden evnt mask geom val can move rubber band band logic void tselect move band int delt xloc i nt delt yloc stuff delet xdrawrectangl disp data root iden geom gcon sele pntr r ootx sele pntr rooti sele pntr xlnth sele pntr ylnth undraw sele pntr papax delt xloc sele pntr papai delt yloc sele pntr rootx delt xloc sele pntr rooti delt y loc xdrawrectangl disp data root iden geom gcon sele pntr rootx sele pntr rooti sele pntr xlnth sele pntr ylnth draw stuff delet hope thi help brian deali not k now deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan brian deali not know deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan motif athena etc articl azj kirk bambi kirk david hugh write con cern thi preval motif point view write and obtain free softwar linux and bsd com mun grow that motif will lose grip commerci marketplac port motif bsd and linux for fee thi cost recoveri for person bought right redistribut activ bsd and linu x new group pertain motif high thi will diverg commerci and commerci softwar you

will free softwar athena openlook widget set and commerci softwar motif widget set can workstat will come motif default and you can bui for for free unix platf orm can thi caus major problem you will find that activ linux and bsd commun pop ul enthusiast object pai monei for softwar for commerci unix import factor linux commun that sourc code thi similar bsd commun not involv peopl linux stai cut b leed edg kernel patch librari compil patch come peopl rebuild entir system prime requir for linux softwar that gnu style public licens linux softwar athena widg et xview individu write softwar requir motif doubt wide adopt regard richard goo ch expos event excus previou post append thi thread accid robert expos event post thi ago code excerpt problem that main win win fine creat detail win win not receiv initi expos event main win win receiv event relev call main win win xcreatesimplewindow mydisplai defaultrootwindow mydispl ai myhint myhint myhint width myhint height main win line thick xsetstandardprop erti mydisplai main win win main win text main win text argv argc myhint main wi n xcreategc mydisplai main win win xmaprais mydisplai detail win win xmapsubwind ow mydisplai main win win event mask for main win pposit psize structurenotifyma sk exposuremask keypressmask enterwindowmask leavewindowmask flag pposit psize c reat detail win win call hint valu detail win win xcreatesimplewindow mydisplai defaultrootwindow mydisplai myhint myhint myhint width myhint height detail win line thick xsetstandardproperti mydisplai main win win detail win text detail wi n text argv argc myhint detail win xcreategc mydisplai detail win win xmaprais m ydisplai detail win win event mask and flag ident main win flag and event mask i dea initi expos event detail win win not receiv main win win receiv event love h ear that that work great detail overse for tip robert rgasch oracl delai expos event post thi ago code excerpt problem that main wi n win fine creat detail win win not receiv initi expos event main win win receiv event relev call main win win xcreatesimplewindow mydisplai defaultrootwindow m ydisplai myhint myhint myhint width myhint height main win line thick xsetstanda rdproperti mydisplai main win win main win text main win text argv argc myhint m ain win xcreategc mydisplai main win win xmaprais mydisplai detail win win xmaps ubwindow mydisplai main win win event mask for main win pposit psize structureno tifymask exposuremask keypressmask enterwindowmask leavewindowmask flag pposit p size creat detail win win call hint valu detail win win xcreatesimplewindow mydi splai defaultrootwindow mydisplai myhint myhint myhint width myhint height detai l win line thick xsetstandardproperti mydisplai main win win detail win text det ail win text argv argc myhint detail win xcreategc mydisplai detail win win xmap rais mydisplai detail win win event mask and flag ident main win flag and event mask idea initi expos event detail win win not receiv main win win receiv event love hear that that work great detail overse for tip robert rgasch oracl messag accident append expos event thread for confus caus and gatewai gatewai and configur for thi specif correct xconfig file entri that set for graphic card and monitor color crystalscan monitor and v esa local bu ati ultra pro vram video card will extrem appreci advanc send repli christi alex christi cursor size problem apolog for read thi solv thi post problem cr eat cursor bigger motif run function return valid result cursor appear bitmap bi gger aforement size code unsign int xquerybestcursor xtdisplai programarea xtwin dow programarea return nearest size requir return and width and height wrong and not can round problem advanc mike plot packag steve steve frysing blue feather farm spf cbnewsl at t write steve folk steve for public domain plot packag for steve basic capabl ax label log and linear steve hard imagin that not put such thing steve togeth hop e avoid reinvent wheel steve for lead steve steve frysing your plplot version be ta can found anonym ftp hagar utexa edu pub plplot directori mark mark stucki em ail unit technolog research center mark ardnt re utc east hartford mb rcinet re utc mb utrc re utc readm file version thi plplot distribut plplot scientif plot packag for system small micro and larg super alik despit small size and quick po wer satisfi user includ standard plot semilog plot log log plot contour plot plo t mesh plot bar chart and pie chart multipl graph size singl page multipl line e

ach graph line style width and color support virtual infinit number distinct are a fill pattern us almost charact extend charact set thi includ font greek alphab et and host mathemat music and symbol font can scale size for effect output devi c driver system depend includ portabl metafil format and render plplot packag fr eeli distribut not public domain plplot sourc code header file and file explicit li grant permiss not us commerci softwar packag consent author you allow and enc ourag includ plplot object librari and header file commerci packag provid that e xplicitli and promin state that plplot librari freeli and full copyright plplot packag displai document for packag suggest improv thi code form user contribut e nhanc bug fix plplot us publish paper includ acknowledg citat work will continu improv plplot rememb that plplot not commerci product cannot expect offer kind s upport that commerci product great interest extend plplot and fix bug princip au thor can afford work part time improv will necessarili focu work plplot written enabl run platform practic modif fortran program us transpar stub routin provid handl fortran interfac modif user program program requir includ header file plpl ot document for detail main document for plplot doc directori form tex file cons ult thi for addit inform latex plotdoc document lag actual improv code don surpr is featur not explain consult log list recent present plplot work system unix su no unico ultrix sysv linux amiga exec do for inform us plplot your system append ic plplot manual system specif document sy system directori becom subscrib plplo t mail list send request plplot request dino utexa edu credit plplot result effo rt peopl impract list contributor support and respons for packag present form in clud mauric lebrun send comment flame patch etc respons for plplot kernel develo p work metafil xwindow xterm postscript tektronix and amiga driver email mjl fus ion utexa edu usmail mauric lebrun institut for fusion studi univers texa austin geoff furnish send question do and driver geoff email furnish fusion utexa edu usmail geoff furnish institut for fusion studi univers texa austin toni richards on creator plplot send question instal plplot toni email amr egr duke edu usmail toni richardson toni richardson electr engin chapel hill road apt duke univers durham durham macx color problem peculiar color problem macx appl macintosh se rver problem happen current version and version type client window displai part window wrong color window move slightli forc server repaint repaint correct colo r doesn happen for xterm window happen for graphic window and motif client stan kerr comput commun servic offic illinoi urbana phone email stankerr uiuc edu info want secur hole compil list secur hole will you send copi t hi thi wrong group point btw list doesn info us hole info detect hole seal hole and monitor activ info welcom eric grad student obvious enemi jui lin eric corre ct bertrand russel jlu umr edu univ missouri rolla athena text widget want creat singl line text widget for enter s mall amount text want fix width horizont scrollbar that scroll automat user type order insert point visibl thi two problem addit horizont scrollbar not make tex t widget taller cover part text scrollbar not scroll automat user type text orde r insert point visibl appreci mike name michael strawbridg tele usmail nation in stitut standard arpa straw cam nist gov and technolog uunet cme durer straw bldg gaithersburg widget for displai imag teach write widget and perhap invent whe el widget that displai for exampl bit grei level imag fashion that athena plotte r widget can us displai plot robert cothren phd rim bme ccf org depart biomed en gin cleveland clinic foundat voic cleveland ohio fax dec pixmap size articl igd fhg haas igd fhg helmut haas goebel w rite problem maximum size pixmap decwindow decstat run ultrix rev system and uw rev decwindow color displai pixel hardwar sgi alloc larger pixmap similar proble m onyon can configr system for larger pixmap suggestin send mail haas igd fhg de c thi for and pxg server acceler thi board local offscreen memori limit and slow handl set thi limit brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden circular motif widget will support for round circular widget mot if releas love circular knob widget us slider cheer and gatewai articl daili planet concordia christi concordia chri sti write gatewai and configur for thi specif correct xconfig file entri that se

t for graphic card and monitor color crystalscan monitor and vesa local bu ati u ltra pro vram video card advanc didn your oper system come sysv you contact peop l you bought th you run linux similar good luck send repli christi alex christi voic reason midst liberalnet mike chapman higher lifeform trap human bodi aka fo urde polit correct tool mental disadvantag will not rais tax middl class unknown cursor size problem articl compsci liverpool mbell csc liv mike bell write apolog for read thi solv thi post problem creat cursor bigger motif r un function return valid result cursor appear bitmap bigger aforement size code unsign int xquerybestcursor xtdisplai programarea xtwindow programarea return ne arest size requir return and width and height wrong and not can round problem wo rkstat you hardwar cursor support server gener softwar cursor you can gener diff er cursor blink lot screen activ softwar cursor hardwar cursor you battl bug ser ver not familiar hardwar cursor chip that displai cursor greater quit that serve r echo your prefer cursor size check vagu recal that mit server revis that reali ti you stuck maximum size cursor server return joel virtual mous open virtual mous simul told set resourc continu no t work run olvwm olwm sun xman sourc can xman sourc xman for sourc will xrdb xdefault unchang resourc problem brian wilson wscrawl wonde r interact conferenc program run openwindow sparc default xdefault file wscrawl telepointernam kevin wscrawl syncscrollbar true wscrawl continuoustelepoint true wscrawl showpointercoordin fals wscrawl background lightblu wscrawl swindow for eground yellow wscrawl draw area frame foreground blue wscrawl keyboardfocuspoli ci pointer natur exit server and restart ad line xdefault run cmdtool pwd home d ir xrdb xdefault and start wscrawl default us properli wonder that can oper manu al invok afor mention xrdb command xrdb xdefault default won chang xrdb call xin itrc file xrdb home xdefault xrdb home xdefault ad xrdb home kbw xdefault begin end openwin init file notion for kevin weinrich comput scienc corp kbw helio ath epa gov kei definit emac us emac and want custom keyboard set stuff emac keymap and defin kei can access kei termin keyboard can home end pgup pgdn keyc od feel thi can fix emac that xmodmap stuff can check faq and post similar messa g gnu emac respons emac file insid cond string match xterm getenv term don thi d efvar xterm map make spars keymap keymap for xterm special kei defin kei esc map xterm prefix fset xterm prefix xterm map kei defin kei xterm map goto line defi n kei xterm map line defin kei xterm map rmail defin kei xterm map replac string defin kei xterm map end line defin kei xterm map kill line defin kei xterm map yank defin kei xterm map begin line defin kei xterm map end line defin kei xterm map scroll defin kei xterm map scroll kei etc can kei defin kei xterm map set m ark command andrew jaff ajaff oddjob uchicago edu dep astronomi and astrophys ch icago elli av chicago fax properti problem articl wsmart tai mc dunde bill smart write num ber back client appatom xinternatom displai applicationwindow true xgetwindowpro perti displai defaultrootwindow displai appatom fals window return type return f ormat nitem return bar return place and appear back valid not number return numb er window number store properti return place incorrect pointer not integ xgetwin dowproperti alloc memori copi data and return pointer memori you free memori you ken lee klee synopt for and xaw want compil xdvi and perhap emac dec ultrix machin i nstal and xaw lib and header miss can compil mit distribut pleasi repli email vi ola yukawa uni muenster advanc problem libxmu suno and gcc patch suno patch post export option appli patch olit libxmu compil fine us client bmtoa and twm error can not figur wrong gcc fpcc struct return twm gram lex deftwmrc add window list twm pars menu event resiz util version iconmgr cursor icon usr wgep so lib run path run path lib xmu lxmu lib extens lib lib extens lib lxext extens lib lxext lib usr wgep s o lib lsocket lnsl warn file extens lib libxext attempt multipl inclus file libx ext undefin referenc symbol file xtappsetwarningmsghandl lib xmu libxmu xtscreen databas lib xmu libxmu xtdisplaystringconversionwarn lib xmu libxmu xterrormsg l ib xmu libxmu xtrealloc lib xmu libxmu xtismanag lib xmu libxmu xtmalloc lib xmu

libxmu xtgetapplicationresourc lib xmu libxmu xtownselect lib xmu libxmu xtgetc onstraintresourcelist lib xmu libxmu xtcalloc lib xmu libxmu xtname lib xmu libx mu xtstringconversionwarn lib xmu libxmu xtappsettypeconvert lib xmu libxmu xtdi splaytoapplicationcontext lib xmu libxmu xtgetresourcelist lib xmu libxmu xtfree lib xmu libxmu xtdestroywidget lib xmu libxmu xtgetvalu lib xmu libxmu xtwarnin gmsg lib xmu libxmu xttranslatecoord lib xmu libxmu xtcvtstringtofont lib xmu li bxmu xtwidgettoapplicationcontext lib xmu libxmu xtwarn lib xmu libxmu xtcreatew idget lib xmu libxmu xtwindowofobject lib xmu libxmu xtvasetvalu lib xmu libxmu xtappwarningmsg lib xmu libxmu xtgetselectionvalu lib xmu libxmu xtresolvepathna m lib xmu libxmu fatal symbol referenc error output written twm error code dougl a acker western geophys explor product divis western atla intern inc litton dres ser compani internet acker waii voic event propag problem bug and creat two window child root event m ask buttonpressmask keypressmask child not propag mask buttonpressmask keypressm ask keypress event discard buttonpress event fall subwindow set fyi xnew olvwm f undament wrong motif athena etc articl apr nrao edu rgooch csiro richard gooch write involv peopl linux stai cut bleed edg kernel patch librari compil patch co me peopl rebuild entir system prime requir for linux softwar that gnu style publ ic licens linux softwar athena widget xview individu write softwar requir motif doubt wide adopt shameless plug xaw widget make athena nicer altern stock mit at hena code mike michael connor internet mjo fmsrl srl ford ford motor compani ope o fmsrl opeo mjo rotunda bldg phone dearborn fax sunview doubt thi question didn find answer faq find sunview app lic that want convert openlook motiv rememb hear quit time ago that tool accompl ish thi task that public domain good advantag reimplement interfac simpl answer for you obtain us xview thi xview replac for sunview provid you sun run openwind ow free part contrib side mit releas patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv w ake person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that note book lazaru long motif athena etc articl azj kirk bambi kirk david hugh write ber ri durian citr andrew berri write port motif bsd and linux for fee thi cost reco veri for person bought right redistribut activ bsd and linux new group pertain m otif high thi will diverg commerci and commerci softwar you will free softwar at hena openlook widget set and commerci softwar motif widget set can workstat will come motif default and you can bui for for free unix platform can thi caus majo r problem add anoth concern can bui port motif for cheap cannot sourc for cheap limit librari motif port compil older version motif told that motif can us not r un unix platform motif unabl us librari build motif client link error vendor sup pli port motif and anticip thi problem becom result that cannot build motif clie nt that reli sinc not motif compil true bui anoth port motif that sort ruin idea free doesn cheer tom mcconnel tom mcconnel internet tmcconn sedona intel intel corp phone chandler blvd opinion express chandler mind claim imag process packag for packag that implement standard imag proc ess function read write standard format clip zoom etc implement public domain an d privat packag interest applic area mind medic imag packag meant for gener cont ext accept repli will summar net gener interest prateek mishra mishra sbc sunysb edu xcopyplan question articl neko css gov nanci neko css gov nanci marin write us xcopyplan copi singl plane depth pixmap depth pixmap everytim thi absolut noth displai data depth pixmap becuas check xcopyarea screen code fragm ent reason your logic valid appear bit deep pixmap doesn mean bit plane contain data you each plane ken lee klee synopt chang dpy max request size articl zlo world std world std oliv j one write articl netnew upenn edu mcclenn dingdong ci upenn edu nennelccm nodrog write chang maximum request size for server ordinarili set highest underli can and you don want chang thi you run imag type applic steve hsteve hydra unm edu h steve carina unm edu vm interfac access separ appl articl expo lc mit edu dbohdal jaguar ess harri write dear xpert problem design relat applic each separ execut and bu

ild singl control window that user access each applic locat correct icon control window button for each applic and press applic main window us applic button col or statu indic thi good idea separ execut thi commun nightmar wrong idea and mot if dbohdal jaguar ess harri can two method that you us fork and execv us system call your program assum that you run unix steve hsteve hydra unm edu hsteve cari na unm edu vm opinion galaxi evalu gui builder initi for motif flexibl portabl popular name uimx teleus xvt etc and impress galaxi visix spoken current user l ist suppli visix happi user you expect and favour comment net sinc fairli expens evalu licens visix queri net for neg experi galaxi evalu and prefer anoth tool us galaxi and regret find mi featur advthanks phil phil grai voic macdonald dett wil fax commerc parkwai richmond canada pmg mda uunet van mdavcr pmg keyboard focuss two motif widget control keyboard and mous set k eyboard focu widget click mous second lose keyboard focu kind soul show thi dev hollywood acsc kei definit emac articl apr midwai uchicago edu ajaff oddjob uch icago edu andrew jaff write us emac and want custom keyboard set stuff emac keym ap and defin kei can access kei termin keyboard can home end pgup pgdn keycod fe el thi can fix emac that xmodmap stuff can wors you problem and emac intern tabl defin kei will accept and thi tabl system depend us sun and cannot shift pageup work xmodmap not suffici haven work make work can ordinari pageup and shift cur sorright work and customis thing note that emac problem and exactli xmodmap and emac configur nick maclaren univers cambridg comput laboratori museum site pembr ok street cambridg england email nmm cu cam tel fax problem libxmu suno and gcc articl qmt waii dla waii doug acker write patch suno patch post export option appli patch olit libxmu compil fine us client bmtoa and twm error can not figur wrong gcc fpcc struct return twm gram lex deftwmrc add window list twm pars menu event resiz util version iconmgr curs or icon usr wgep so lib run path run path lib xmu lxmu lib extens lib lib extens lib lxext extens lib lxext lib usr wgep so lib lsocket lnsl warn file extens li b libxext attempt multipl inclus file libxext undefin referenc symbol file xtwin dowofobject lib xmu libxmu fatal symbol referenc error output written twm error code problem that sunpost not defin dougla acker western geophys explor product divis western atla intern inc litton dresser compani internet acker waii voic xterm build problem solari continu build problem stuck build xte rm gcc fpcc struct return xterm main input charproc cursor util tab screen scrol lbar button tekproc misc vtprstbl tekprstbl data menu usr wgep so lib run path r un path lib xaw lxaw lib xmu lxmu lib lxt extens lib lxext lib usr wgep so lib l socket lnsl ltermcap undefin referenc symbol file index usr ucblib libtermcap te rmcap rindex usr ucblib libtermcap termcap fatal symbol referenc error output wr itten xterm error code make fatal error command fail for target xterm clue for d ougla acker western geophys explor product divis western atla intern inc litton dresser compani internet acker waii voic dynam chang titl bar for program can insert into code that will titl bar chang window dynamicli locat don creat thi scratch advanc bob hosid dlo slv xerox mit sun rasterop colorboard run mit base xserver sun rasterop co lorboard bit board xsun patch for support sun bit frame buffer rasterop cgtwelv noth rasterop bui put ipx cheer mark svr binari dist rfd creat comp unix sy univel articl apr thunder mcrcim mcgill edu der mous wrote you confus socialist hacker yell proprietari s oftwar enamor motif objection that mindset new wear socialist hacker hat for mom ent tar new and motif brush and that brush not technic beg pardon not slam motif necessarili plug flame two respond sweet blith statement rick digibd rick digib d digibd rick richardson rick thi area microsoft big advantag sinc rick control show issu thi rick license creat incompat defacto standard thi happi statement s how mindset that inventor and compani pleas that work and that will happi us rem emb sunview hot stuff and not that statement endors sun and product thi experi a nd openwindow hot stuff that start hear mention socialist mass that bent destroi that deem proprietari includ openwindow mention motif breath that sun decid tur

n attent not hate richardson posit healthi and that seeth hacker will flame and destroi show want free and complain organ structur and facto standard vent for f rustrat brought prevail wind mr henn and for folk for good bit compil for that support api and micros oft window window marovac sdsu xrolo spacrc suno audio send ftp patch requir for xrolo that can compil sparcstat phone dial featur suno and don multimedia libaudio multimedia audio devic and associ function case mail gatewai accept msg advanc shash shash chatterje email fwr fin mil softwar phone lockhe fort worth compani fax box wort h imak book review for offer review thi book you receiv review cop i return had system crash and lost list peopl adrian nye reilli and associ adria n ora multi screen app and window manag work project provid emerg mana g inform system keep classic command and control type system develop dual screen monitor system order provid statu board monitor number level question thi devlo p unix system motif platform will predominantli sun port assum standard dual mon itor system configur such that talk displai and multipl screen and not multipl d isplai thi chang input focu screen simpl track your mous screen noth special tha t shift focu screen run separ window manag separ screen multiscreen window manag sell multi screen window manag can grab window frame and move window screen for applic transpar multipl screen logic plane hardwar provid for each screen start thought difficulti involv design system capabl multipl screen singl screen perh ap run virtual window manag simul multipl screen assum that thi not major issu t hat can reli provid config file will for each configur screen placement each win dow applic thought suggest past experi pelkei phone battel pacif northwest lab f ax mail stop email pelkei pnl gov box richland ideal oper system death blow unix dai window step forward not gu ess for do user multi task neat add puke and overjoi us memori major improv for window user upgrad facil unix user for grant window user us pc for text process run parti applic oper system featur not even real issu ideal oper system binari compat across plaform recogn binari and configur fly don bin mac bin do bin dec bin sun bin etc multi cpu can us cpu and and mac and transput and dsp don singl site for singl vendor not trade mflop per transput ultra fast fft dsp chip note run symmetr multi cpu system built portabl gui graphic tool you can call drawbut ton drawlin and thing matter platform displai translat graphic command fly can u s graphic workstat and softwar gui not nice essenti configur front end you can m ake unix do and run shell script command bat file object orient can program easi li and not invent wheel network not scratch applic access sourc object code fly word capabl that and tight clean kernel you can understand thi adio ata mail ata etemadi blackett laboratori space and atmospher physic group imperi colleg scie nc technolog and medicin internet arpanet earn bitnet ata spva ata mssl ucl span spva ata msslc ata ignor ideal oper system death blow unix whoop wrong group sooooo ooooooooooorri folk troubl compil suno articl apr head cfa harvard edu dmm head cfa harvard edu david meleedi write compil patchlevel sun sparc ipx suno and gcc pro blem occur initi make world get compil standard client can find librari highli s uspect program updat for yip had problem fix found link static client btw us fra ncisco ballestero nemo email nemo clip dia upm org comput scienc clip lab phone campu montegancedo boadilla del mont madrid spain server multi screen rainer sun eeam elin rainer hochreit write x pert simpl question for you lot term mean thing can give exact definit term mean multi screen multi head multi displai server zaphod mode limit screen displai s ingl server can handl articel read upper limit capabl call want move cursor scre en displai anoth hint rainer rainer hochreit telephon elin energieanwendung gesm bh telefax penzingerstr wien austria europ mail rainer elin client displai serve r limit memori your server alloc server indecis kei timothi neto flexibl you can gadget widget work mail god flight system lab boe comm aircraft idea not boe in ternet ten fsl boe motif male list motif mail list don access network new and longe r motif list alfalfa joel joel reymont code softwar corpor mail joel code redwoo d hwy suit san rafael raster and text widget view xew version version xew widget expor t lc mit edu contrib xew tar export lc mit edu contrib xew readm for detail chec k readm for extens detail you xew haven had time updat thi function ad sinc vers ion raster widget handl expos event slightli intellig had thi ad simpl program t hat athena porthol and panner widget program demo viewer simpl demonstr panner p orthol usag copi editr markku savela savela tel vtt technic research centr finla nd telecommun laboratori otakaari espoo finland xterm build problem solari dla waii doug acker write continu bui ld problem stuck build xterm gcc fpcc struct return xterm main input charproc cu rsor util tab screen scrollbar button tekproc misc vtprstbl tekprstbl data menu usr wgep so lib run path run path lib xaw question window id articl wnk aquif geologi uiuc edu wnk aquif g eologi uiuc edu walter kreil write program run workstat base window system can p op window run top window mean termin window invok can applic not start termin em ul termin emul not exist and condit pop ped top iconifi and even you can not you want virtual root window manag tvtwm relev window portion virtual desktop that real desktop not termin emul provid environ variabl give window even such thing present environ not you want correspond window server for exampl der mous mous m crcim mcgill edu server multi screen articl qlop sgp sun eeam elin rainer sun eea m elin rainer hochreit write lot term mean thing can give exact definit term mea n multi screen multi head multi displai server zaphod mode appli server fuzzi te rm multi head us for system multipl monitor sometim even multipl screen even mul tiplex monitor sun displai multi screen and multi displai strictli mean thing si nc strict mean multi displai refer system multipl keyboard and pointer us refer thing multi screen system that multipl screen zaphod term appli mit server switc h pointer screen anoth slide side screen limit screen displai singl server can h andl articel read upper limit protocol limit that restrict displai screen server that handl multipl displai singl invoc possibl kludg server can look such tcp b ase system necessarili limit displai per machin thi not limit inher you read lik e talk limit implement mit claim limit inher author articl had busi write der mo us mous mcrcim mcgill edu creat bit window bit displai articl apr fwi uva stolk fwi uva br am write server that visual pseudocolor bit truecolor bit and directcolor bit lu cki dog problem occur creat window visual that visual parent default visual xlib refer guid reilli can read section xcteatewindow current implement visual paren t creat find suitabl colourmap us window attribut creat badmatch occur thi warn strang mention newer edit guid appli equal forc earlier version recent author de cid import mention necess refer implicit createwindow request default attribut w indow even pass suitabl colourmap badmatch creat window default visual attr colo rmap cmap win xcreatewindow copyfrompar border width depth inputoutput class vin fo visual visual cwcolormap attr thi warn you read incomplet you provid not colo rmap border default border copyfrompar not valid window depth doesn match parent border pixmap correct depth border pixel and problem anoth problem can find tha t copyfrompar make sens border width paramet xcreatewindow your xlib implement d efin copyfrompar simplifi convers wire format you unwittingli ask for border wid th due xlib implement not provid stricter type check fair not for xlib catch thi der mous mous mcrcim mcgill edu memori xserver actual size articl igd fhg pfuetz igd fhg matthia pfuetzner write possibl determin protocol call size free memori xserver even yo u answer date even you even you grab server buffer user action you you want bada lloc error your indic that insuffici server memori der mous mous mcrcim mcgill e du xwindow opaqu distribut comp don misus newsgroup hierarchi name distribut articl hess swt hess swt informatik uni hamburg hauk hess write for pa rent window paint area child not attribut window attribut us draw set subwindow mode includeinferior default clipbychildren der mous mous mcrcim mcgill edu german keyboard and sparc clae polari heinz josef clae write spa rc german type keyboard patch for export lc mit edu pub sunkbd tar maf martin fo rssen maf dtek chalmer maf math chalmer system administr math and dtek chalmer u niv technolog search for xgolf recent found file xgolf german ftp site reseq r egent technik muenchen shar file incomplet and author email address readm file m arkh saturn edu not work can assist give locat full version thi golf game for ga me contact author repli email you can ad adrian savag univers bradford email sav ag bradford search for xgolf xgolf program april fool joke sigh steve hite s hite sinkhol unf edu macx color problem stan kerr write type client window displai pa rt window wrong color window move slightli forc server repaint repaint correct c olor doesn happen exact problem run hewlett packard microwav design system md un ix box and run macx sy md draw window deep blue backround occasion becom light b lue and text etc insid window becom wash invis thought that brain dead that subt l conflict anoth app init slightli move window and forc draw color correct harri wolfson wolfson mit edu and open articl apr nrao edu rgooch csiro richard gooch write ar ticl apr aedc vax mil bond aedc vax mil write repost thi not post made built and instal sparcstat aim run mit server retain openlook window manag thi not uncomm on want make that chang and delet that for instanc can start xdm local rid xnew openlook window manag sourc mit contrib tape export lc mit edu suggest build thi version openwindow olwm suggest skip olwm and get olvwm thi version olwm window manag implement virtual desktop that find handi even larg monitor thi version e xport lc mit edu contrib olvwm tar readm file suggest get file contrib xview cas e built server xview second olvwm instal into usr onc verifi server work correct li happili issu usr openwin gcc build result window system that for intent and p urpos ident openwindow and that incred faster bit tweak you will you want thing work exactli openwindow not paul bash techwar design bash tware boulder request tvtwm sourc mod calei back mist time had set patch writt en richard calei standar distribut patch level ad regular express tvtwmrc file m ultipl icon region squeezabl icon and deleteordestroi function patch can longer find sourc appli kind soul send pointer find sourc updat patch for richard you p retti advanc manoj tek quit xterm activ caught mailmessag ncd gui state that tek qu it termin activ and for interest buyer sinc sourc thi messag ncd thi nasti gossi p can thi dick ahold room ankersmidplein zaandam netherland eec dick heijn ccsd ahold tel fax xdm and solari xdm solari broke sinc two week sun distribut patc h releas work fine support etc shadow and and run sinc and not experienc problem call your local sun rep dick ahold room ankersmidplein zaandam netherland eec d ick heijn ccsd ahold tel fax xterm build problem solari dla waii doug acker write continu bui ld problem stuck build xterm gcc fpcc struct return xterm main input charproc cu rsor util tab screen scrollbar button tekproc misc vtprstbl tekprstbl data menu usr wgep so lib run path run path lib xaw lxaw lib xmu lxmu lib lxt extens lib l xext lib usr wgep so lib lsocket lnsl ltermcap undefin referenc symbol file inde x usr ucblib libtermcap termcap rindex usr ucblib libtermcap termcap fatal symbo l referenc error output written xterm error code make fatal error command fail f or target xterm clue for add lucb lelf list defin index and rindex strchr and st rrchr us arg bsd sysv ahold room ankersmidplein zaandam netherland eec dick heij n ccsd ahold tel fax compil sun piec code that compil fine pmax pmax mach sun mach wh enev compil sun undefin error sin co pow floor wmshellwidgetclass applicationshe llwidgetclass librari that link lxaw lxmu lxt lxext makefil gener imak templat c an give pointer miss compil sun wilson color bitmap editor need folk can find color bitmap editor publi c site inform that chang experi visix galaxi articl world std grier world std polit croni

write titl line galaxi packag recent announc and includ gui builder and portabl toolkit interest feedback us for year unix sun and and window platform opinion toolkit market support rich api high level ipc mechan file system abstract memor i manag command driven applic develop draw geometri manag and yeah open motif wi ndow and mac flip switch jim grier grier world std greg pasquariello grp unifi h obnob ancient unifi corpor uunet unifi grp thi newsgroup dead post thi group last coupl dai recent ad feed list thi group death robert mcmillin surf citi softwar rlm helen surfcti dude in clud std disclaim troubl compil suno nemo aguirr dia upm francisco ballestero writ e problem occur initi make world get compil standard client can find librari hig hli suspect program updat for yip had problem fix found link static client btw u s us suno bernhard xterm build problem solari apr gmt dla waii doug acker doug nntp post host waii doug continu build problem stuck build xterm doug undefin refere nc doug symbol file doug index usr ucblib libtermcap termcap doug rindex usr ucb lib libtermcap termcap doug fatal symbol referenc error output written xterm pro blem that you build librari path unset run path dougla acker western geophys exp lor product divis western atla intern inc litton dresser compani internet acker waii voic troubl compil suno articl schneck physik muenchen schneck physik muenchen bernhard schneck write nemo aguirr dia upm francisco ballestero write problem occur initi make world get compil standard client can find librari highl i suspect program updat for yip had problem fix found link static client btw us us suno read fix and mit distribut thi problem appli fix and set sunpost fcsld a nd osteenyvers mit config sun fix you run suno and you appli sun patch you will edit your site def and add thi line aftervendorcf section defin sunpost fcsld fi x you run suno chang osteenyvers mit config sun fix note thi patch fix config ma ke suno fail tree previous built sean welch titl for xterm apr samba oit unc edu naoumov physic unc edu serg ei naoumov write hei gui work station and thi name and current lognam titl xterm open and machin name close word want host and lognam titl open xterm and host x term close can thnsk advanc serg serg gluttoni astro unc edu almost window manag twm mwm olwm and deriv support escap sequenc for for your purpos put into your login you csh tcsh for you modifi term xterm echo lognam host host endif note st and for esc you can enter press ctrl and esc for mean ctrl press ctrl and ctrl s equenc put string into titl bar second icon btw you can put current work directo ri titl bar you make alia for alia echo lognam host cwd thoma thoma wolfram thom a aeon berlin eantc berlin wolf prz berlin pointer featur implement pointer featur xlib multipl window and can input and show output simultan displai want implement pointer featur pointer come window onc choos pointer menu and can you give hint proce repli will great li appreci you prakash duvvuri odu edu server multi screen articl apr eaf boe ten eaf boe timothi neto rainer sun eeam elin rainer hochreit write lot term mean thing can give exact de finit term mean multi screen multi head multi displai server zaphod mode limit s creen displai singl server can handl articel read upper limit capabl call want m ove cursor screen displai anoth client displai server limit memori your server a lloc server thi sound suspici compani thi background megatek seri framebuff desi gn acceler for part design for sun sbu and sun and vendor vme system that megate k product support multi screen and multi displai sigl workstat card keyboard mou s port can us provid addit displai for exampl you hade sparcstat sbu expans chas si you put six frambuff allow total six screen system you attach keyboard mice a llow you mix and match combin screen and displai you screen displai screen displ ai screen displai screen displai and screen displai basic combin thi megatek car e us word multi screen and multi displai quit mean and exact definit reason ramb l thi mention upper limit screen displai happen defin server that determin scree n support server includ misc maxscreen releas mit thi releas megatek thi such sc reen support singl megatek displai server constru thi limit point neto thi not c ase ask for bui you want support rusti sander megatek corp rg megatek ucsd hplab

sdd am scube uunet creat applic context multipl time subject not describ problem re ad write function creat xtappcontext and widget displai widget for destroi and r eturn problem that multipl call thi function varieti problem includ depend call make rid thing core dump badpixmap error widget not unmap simpl program wrote sh ow problem includ xlib includ includ pushb void bla xtappcontext app displai di xopendisplai int junk widget top xtappiniti app test null junk null null null wi dget box xtvacreatemanagedwidget blaaa xmpushbuttonwidgetclass top xmnheight xmn width null xtrealizewidget top xtappmainloop xevent for int xevent event xtappne xtev app event xtdispatchev event put xtunrealizewidget top xtdestroywidget top xtdestroyapplicationcontext app xclosedisplai di main for int bla note that rewr ot xtappmainloop that time thi exampl xevent function will exit and return main program thi exampl error thi not consist call bla error fail request badpixmap i nvalid pixmap paramet major opcod fail request creategc resourc fail request ser ial number fail request current serial number output stream xtunrealizewidget to p line dump core second call time call xtappiniti time warn initi resourc list t wice warn initi translat manag twice final question thi order call function crea t xtappcontext and widget multipl time greatli appreci respond email dont time r ead thi group davewood david rex wood davewood colorado edu univers colorado bou lder compil compil soni nw run new distribut support for thi config a nd releas note test machin releas note noth soni list support server suppos us f or server can support not hardwar binari that can us server silli question confu s mike hopper ac virginia edu will not rais tax middl class unknown compil figur instal disitribut xserver soni file defin and libra ri util etc will instal and server will work thi will run xview and and run serv er interfac remain made lib anoth question like that sinc sun drop support that desktop util file manag will made public nice compani make code public for benef it smaller budget mike hopper ac virginia edu will not rais tax middl class unkn own xterm cursor forgiv thi faq check list find problem cursor xterm mono not grayscal monitor problem that charact applic that displai input field revers video xterm text cursor get lost edg input field solut set xterm cursor l ine block you thi can find mean sourc can xterm lose input focu cursor becom out lin block thi prefer can forc thi default configur motorola repli email poss you steve weet european mi motorola cellular subscrib group beechgreen court chineh am basingstok hant england phone mail stevew chineham euro csg mot fax mobil pos t steve weet european mi motorola cellular subscrib group beechgreen court chine ham basingstok hant england phone mail stevew chineham euro csg mot fax mobil po st xvertext xvertext summari xvertext you function draw string angl window previou version limit vertic text rotat achiev ximag notion rotat font d rop ad cach copi previous rotat string speed redraw can comp sourc export lc mit edu contrib xvertext shar alan richardson you don school math physic scienc wis e univ sussex brighton england juda priest mppa sussex syma mppa syma sussex wait for specif event callback world want write applic code thi work user input xmcreatedialog wait for user input input input work work work an d work not callback function applic simpli wait for user answer question can cod e thi motif applic advanc huub cwi box huub bakker huub cwi amsterdam netherland tel desqview articl aecl harrisp aecl write us desqview and great sh ine imho unix user log into and run do and window applic displai screen you desq view desqview suggest retail desqview system suggest retail you run support netw ork ftp softwar pctcp novel lan workplac for do sun microsystem nf beam and whit esid wollongong pathwai tcpip microsoft lan manag you don thi network stuff quar terdeck will give you copi novel tcpip transprot for do network manag you can in fo send email appropri info qdeck opinion you want peopl log and run applic your you want meg ram xwindow softwar desqviewx tseng lab chipset base graphic card person found that thing ran scsi drive esdi drive that experi good luck and wish phil sort traffic gener call curiou find requir bandwidth that link machin run

support multipl user client and requir adequ respons time idea georg patapi pan metron ariston lane cove email gpatapi cssc syd tansu box sydnei south fax nsw a ustralia voic and secur technic confer had possibl join annual technic confer januari boston nevertheless interest inform tutori exspeci tutori secur titl sur vei and secur tutori admin titl and administr can inform paper mail inform kerbe ro escpeci connect displai manag xdm andrea winkler siemen nixdorf muenchen germ ani andrea winkler internet andrea winkler sto mchp sni sni sto otto hahn ring m unich phone fax thi newsgroup dead post thi group last coupl dai recent ad feed list thi group death mail list side get amount traffic patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wake person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime fo r offens that notebook lazaru long patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wak e person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that notebo ok lazaru long svr binari dist rfd creat comp unix sy univel articl rick digibd rick digibd digibd rick richardson write scari thing that ship libxcl function libxcl type librari will ship vendor trademark name libxcl clown that name and p ut troublesom function usl svr support run path solari equival you can put libra ri packag specif lib directori compil app run path defin and work name libpackag excl cheer ato ian dickinson nic handl thi articl dedic vato csv warwick uknet w arwick vato disapprov dickinson csv warwick prmd admd continu univers warwick co mput servic ian dickinson read icon anim folk part introduct simpl icon anim sort icondoit mswi ndow chang your applic icon fairli simpl you widget you can xtsetvalu xtniconify pixmap and you altern you can set window manag hint method don work icon your ap plic doesn specif situat chang icon random window sit icon box question window y ou chang icon pixur work exampl appreci make differ motif vm scott tabl widget caus troubl xtquerygeometri content problem tabl wid get part program user interfac for simul system work refus version not xptablewi dgetclass us tablewidgetclass caught net time and xptablechildposit xttblposit s inc compil program width height error sparc station troubl shooter comput model init tabl tabl widget child label and asciitext widget exist xtquerygeometri ret urn prefer width and height asign cannot perform set width and height newli crea t widget xtpopup xtmanag child creat width height error depend whether width and height shell widget set resourc file not question xtquerygeometri return low pr efer valu work tabl widget perhap happi german request answer german siegfri kai ser email kaiser uniko uni koblenz part interest graphisch neuaufbau de model in it formular store width and height viewport widget parent troubl tabl widget vie wport widget destroi destroi widget resiz relict ag model init pop xtunmapwidget model init form view xtdestroywidget model init form view creat subtre shell ro ot viewport widget xtsetarg arg xtnfromvert model init titl xtsetarg arg xtnfrom horiz model init button view xtsetarg arg xtnallowvert true xtsetarg arg xtnforc ebar true model init form view xtcreatewidget form view viewportwidgetclass mode l init form arg model init tabl xtcreatewidget tabl xptablewidgetclass model ini t form view arg creat form widget creat and posit tabl widget child posit xptabl childposit and xttblposit creat form widget ptr model init obj model init tabl crucial function call intend return maximum height isn suffici space show tabl w idget viewport grow larg not border screen space window intend shrienk smallest height xtquerygeometri model init tabl null pref algorithm idea viewport widget height select pref height lead height form view height pref height height pref h eight height form view height set valu viewport widget ancestor xtnametowidget m odel init form form view xtresizewidget width height pref border width xtresizew idget model init form view width height pref border width model init pop case sh ell contain model init form view and model init tabl allreadi exist resiz xtseta rg arg xtnwidth shell width xtsetarg arg xtnheight shell height xtsetarg arg xtn borderwidth shell xtgetvalu model init shell arg xtresizewidget model init shell shell width shell height height height shell end xtsetarg arg xtnwidth width xt setarg arg xtnborderwidth xtgetvalu model init button view arg xtresizewidget mo del init button view width height xtresizewidget vert bar sbar width sbar resiz

init shell height set resourc file program termin xtmanagechild second pass obse rv function pass succe xtmanagechild model init form view xtmanagechild model in it tabl model init pop case shell isn pop set shell height resourc file program termin xtpopup model init shell xtgrabnon model init pop flag true set model ini t attribut end actual init ptr actual load form ptr actual suspect creation tabl widget content troubl sourc creat form creat form widget ptr tabl obj ptr widge t tabl ptr linear list contain attribut and para meter model and addition corres pon ding widget arg arg int row col obj ptr obj ident ptr ident initi local vari abl ptr obj ptr col row schleif ueber die objekt bzw da pseudo objekt fuer die p aramet loop list object and pseudo object object occur model attribut and parame t can share object local attribut object list second linear list type ident para met can belong ject put togeth pseudo object program loop list object and pseudo object and for each object list attribut resp paramet ptr obj obj null each obj ect and pseudo object repres label widget xtsetarg arg xtnlabel ptr obj name ptr obj label xtcreatemanagedwidget object labelwidgetclass tabl arg xptablechildpo sit ptr obj label col row col row ptr ident ptr obj ident schleif ueber die obje kt attribut bzw paramet ptr ident ident null each attribut and paramet repres la bel and asciitext widget initi xtsetarg arg xtnlabel ptr ident name ptr ident la bel xtcreatemanagedwidget ident labelwidgetclass tabl arg xptablechildposit ptr ident label col row col xtsetarg arg xtnlength row length xtsetarg arg xtnstring ptr ident text xtsetarg arg xtnedittyp xawtextedit xtsetarg arg xtnwrap xawtext wrapword xtsetarg arg xtnresiz xawtextresizeheight xtsetarg arg xtnusestringinpl ac true ptr ident text xtcreatemanagedwidget text asciitextwidgetclass tabl arg xptablechildposit ptr ident text col row col row ident ptr ident end col obj ptr obj end end creat form widget problem detail motif male list motif mail list will locat lobo gsfc nasa gov yo u ad delet thi list send mail motif request lobo gsfc nasa gov mail list send ma il motif lobo gsfc nasa gov brian brian deali not know deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan xcopyplan question articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken whalei write faq popular reason graphic don show you wait for expos event dr aw your rectangl suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib grap hic button widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equ iv directli regist exist item memori structur and expos event handler care rende r imag that time guarante that window map problem that expos event gener window visibl and map you tickl window that expos event handler will invok draw thi ite m xwindow opaqu hess swt informatik uni hamburg write for parent w indow paint area child not implement rubberband across multipl xwindow select ob ject that displai each window us subwindow mode attribut set includeinferior def ault clipbychildren bewar children depth parent semant thi undefin protocol gera rd driscol gerard odriscol dp pont pixel system sgihbtn sierra xlib for window not xserver you find that quarter deck deskview hummingbird exce provid xlib for do perhap xlib for window possibl exce window version port game tetri work fine est vrai serait bien procur car m oment portag sui train perdr mon temp avec toolkit marc bassini marc ccv marc cn am cnam comput commun vision haussmann pari franc phone fax you find window name want equival xwininfo name call set call xl ib map window name easi program for look reilli book and didn find and check faq and couldn find email address and post respons reason gui gui babineau virginia edu smarin glb sperri marin inc compuserv wait for specif event callback articl charon cwi huub cwi huub b akker write delet plain motifi dialog line thi simpli isn you set callback butto n widget your dialog and callback routin work callback you can carri flow logic xview sun support thi neatli notifi box can return statu line actuali eas code e vent driven style applic summari redesign requir delta hedg long option posit ge ner short gamma exposur and return gener delta hedg option can thought compens f or assum gamma risk radioact invest manag whew circular motif widget you will work you can make drawnbutton you want colleagu crd that intern lymb system matrix transform class that make easi

comput seri dial posit singl set vector each set vector drawn into pixmap click button advanc knob state and pixmap sequenc drawnbutton constrain you take rect angular portion parent widget that not big shortcom you can make thing circular skip montanaro crd can thi easi learn dlopen creat bit window bit displai stolk fwi uva write problem occur c reat window visual that visual parent default visual you set border pixel your w indow attribut default copyfrompar badmatch thi unsign long valuemask border wid th you alloc colour cmap us pixel us valuemask make code obviou attr colormap cm ap attr border pixel valuemask cwcolormap cwborderpixel win xcreatewindow dpy de faultrootwindow dpy width height border width comment below depth inputoutput cl ass vinfo visual visual valuemask attr note border width your code look thi win xcreatewindow dpy defaultrootwindow dpy width height copyfrompar border width de pth inputoutput class vinfo visual visual cwcolormap attr border width set copyf rompar work doesn make sens border width unsign int you copyfrompar defin happen defin you interest window gerard driscol gerard odriscol dp pont pixel system xvideo inform product you mention xvideo parallax graphic santa clara california you can read product review jan feb issu journal that issu focu s multimedia and number item includ articl video window fax york offic for infor m obtain back issu steve steven mike editor journal eastbrook martinsvil offic f ax serv window system commun xlib for window not xserver anoth compani congruent corpor york citi port xlib and motif window full client develop for applic environ you port interview window thought interview toolkit class that can built xlib class call xlib function steve steven mike editor journal eastbrook martinsvil offic fax se rv window system commun shade program exampl shade program base xlib public domain examp l alloc correct colormap for program howard system file tmp articl jjig doi acsu buffalo edu lusardi buffalo edu christoph lusardi write directori unix for tmp start creat system thi direc tori wasn creat root and contain empti file that own unix domain socket local co nnect your xserver brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden titl for xterm articl aeon berlin thoma aeon berlin thoma wolfra m write hei gui work station and thi name and current lognam titl xterm open and machin name close word want host and lognam titl open xterm and host xterm clos e can almost window manag twm mwm olwm and deriv support escap sequenc for for y our purpos put into your login you csh tcsh for you modifi term xterm echo logna m host host endif thi not featur window manag xterm thi sequenc not ansi compat compat sequenc for thi and dc devic control sequenc introduc csi sequenc exist t hi work dxterm and ansi compat not work xterm brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden server problem run and ran into error messag start xserver set t cp dontling option not support protocol version window system protocol version r evis vendor releas fatal server error screen found give xinit softwar case conne ct abort errno unabl connect xserver thi error mean experienc thi problem will a ppreci advanc send repli christi alex christi solut xrdb xdefault unchang short answer don packag wscrawl rese t default miss xdefault file onc ad miss xdefault file problem kevin kevin weinr ich comput scienc corp kbw helio ath epa gov icon box dear xpert want place specif group icon icon box and ic on box can thi and motif dbohdal jaguar ess harri inexpens monochrom station can you recommend can recommend inexp ens monochrom station that not softwar emul base manufactur model price and sign ific spec gregg weber open and bright sky gregg netcom take side cloud concept k un mkhyen klong chen xtranslatecoord problem xtranslatecoord doesn work expect perfor m xmovewindow want absolut window posit respect root window thi info xtranslatec oordin ab and ab aren find thi inform mail hsteve carina unm edu steve hsteve hy dra unm edu hsteve carina unm edu vm dec pixmap size articl igd fhg haas igd fhg helmut haas goebel w rite creat pixmap larger size screen program will termin displai messag error ba

dalloc insuffici resourc server support graphic acceler not creation pixmap exee d size screen workaround creat smaller pixmap and add result ken lee klee synopt circular motif widget articl bjg acsc dev hollywood acsc write w ill support for round circular widget motif releas love circular knob widget us slider support you don that prohibit you implement such widget you will write yo ur version function that draw shadow and travers highlight ken lee klee synopt desqview articl qtk picasso cssc syd tansu gpatapi boyd tansu wr ite articl aecl harrisp aecl write us desqview and great shine imho unix user lo g into and run do and window applic displai screen you desqview desqview suggest retail desqview system suggest retail you run support network ftp softwar pctcp novel lan workplac for do sun microsystem nf beam and whitesid wollongong pathw ai tcpip microsoft lan manag you don thi network stuff quarterdeck will give you copi novel tcpip transprot for do network manag you can info send email appropr i info qdeck info qdeck custom servic depart you technic question you can write support qdeck opinion you want peopl log and run applic your you want meg ram xw indow softwar desqviewx tseng lab chipset base graphic card person found that th ing ran scsi drive esdi drive that experi sort traffic gener call curiou find re quir bandwidth that link machin run support multipl user client and requir adequ respons time idea expect limit factor will your server machin not network give you real world exampl quarterdeck roughli peopl dvx talk bunch unix box novel fi le server and each not load ethernet concentr you peopl each segment you had bad li load net app you want run network intens you run into slowdown biggest proble m machin you plenti ram and fast hard disk and network card you peopl run progra m you slowdown you effect mhz dvx will attempt task idl and make give time slice you work program run you that you can tweak program run ad call give time slice idl and that sort thing you run peopl machin you start slowdown thi time networ k bandwidth depend program you slowdown bandwidth lot sooner your app network th ing quarterdeck offic system internet support tom bortel price order info qdeck tech question support qdeck bb fax compuserv quarterdeck fax touch tone phone fo r technot demand xview slider netter slider xview app edit numer field control le ngth thi field app appear long charact cannot even maximum set panel max underst and panel displai length control number charact displai text item doesn work cas e slider despit fact that panel contain bit panel multilin text item panel numer text item panel slider item and panel text item attribut panel notifi level pan el attr attr enum panel displai length panel attr attr int hint that thi attribu t can us for slider set thi attribut noth and ting thi attribut warn bad attribu t and return can share experi manag slider xview and clear thi problem appreci y uri yuri phy mysteri beep articl crosspost window author andi defaria post mo n apr gmt for reason code applic beep whenev intercept keystrok and chang mean i ntent thi code date field special kei insert todai date bump dai bump dai hardco d date for thi exampl perhap shouldn xmtext field for thi for reason code beep w henev special kei hit idea thi code interpret kei special mean impli code rid be ep can not beep and lose understand and beep occur includ intrins includ includ rowcolumn includ mainw includ text widget toplevel widget mainwindow widget main pan widget datefield xtappcontext applic void marktodai widget date char todaysd xtvasetvalu date xmnvalu todaysd null marktodai void marktomorrow widget date c har tomorrowsd xtvasetvalu date xmnvalu tomorrowsd null marktomorrow void markye sterdai widget date char yesterdaysd xtvasetvalu date xmnvalu yesterdaysd null m arkyesterdai void datekei widget callingwidget widget date xmtextverifyptr callb ackdata captur kei can chang behaviour found set doit fals won interpret keystro k switch callbackdata text ptr case case marktodai date callbackdata doit fals r eturn case case markyesterdai date callbackdata doit fals return case case markt omorrow date callbackdata doit fals return default return switch datekei void ma in cardin argc char argv initi toplevel xtvaappiniti applic applic null argc arg v null null creat toolfac mainwindow xtvacreatemanagedwidget mainwindow xmmainwi ndowwidgetclass toplevel null creat mainwindow mainpan xtvacreatemanagedwidget m ainpan xmrowcolumnwidgetclass mainwindow null creat small text area datefield xt vacreatemanagedwidget datefield xmtextwidgetclass mainpan xmntopattach xmattach

form xmnrightattach xmattach form xmncolumn null set modifyverifycallback dateke i callback xtaddcallback datefield xmnmodifyverifycallback xtcallbackproc dateke i xtpointer datefield realiz toplevel xtrealizewidget toplevel into xtmainloop x tappmainloop applic main swear life and love that will andrew defaria never live for sake anoth man hewlett packard anoth man live for mine california languag l ab john galt defaria cup swear life and love that will andrew defaria never live for sake anoth man hewlett packard anoth man live for mine california languag l ab john galt defaria cup window motif gui design differ futur unix yoo mobydick lei bellc or write anoth import differ that msw doesn window that handl sophist geometri m anag xmform thi advantag window us big advantag for not anymor david smyth david jpl devvax jpl nasa gov senior softwar engin temp not us mail and object guru t empori offic jet propuls lab oak grove drive pasadena earliest date you can prov e won tom demarco for david smyth zvi nynexst zvi guter write author wcl current c are taker name found dist tree mail david smyth mchp sni mail bounc back david s myth david jpl devvax jpl nasa gov senior softwar engin temp not us mail and obj ect guru tempori offic jet propuls lab oak grove drive pasadena earliest date yo u can prove won tom demarco macro record player for ayth for similar quickei for macintosh t hat will store and playback sequenc keystrok menu select and mous action direct anoth applic send inform avail and not hard send input applic and hopefulli deal respons appropri applic second process wait for complet send anoth command davi d monthli question xcopyarea and expos event post question that do esn answer suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib graphic bu tton widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv dir ectli regist exist item memori structur and expos event handler that handl regul ar expos event window manag driven exposur care render imag expos event handler proper thi time handler call xlib window guarante map problem that expos event g ener window visibl and map tickl window that expos handler hit argument that wil l enabl render part window that contain item tickl window produc thi behavior seek user experi base test tool experi xrunner capbak prevuex au tom test tool for email directli opinion posit and neg ann freeman siemen indust ri autom inc johnson citi aff tijc uunet net draw line invers xor write code that let draw line and rubber ba nd box motif run bit displai for creat colormap and almost color want draw line draw area widget widget displai bitmap xputimag doesn matter line draw interact stai window refresh draw interact begin drawindex colort index reserv for foregr ound default color color index for background imag palett color drawindex red pa lett color default color red palett color drawindex green palett color default c olor green palett color drawindex blue palett color default color blue xstorecol or mydisplai cmap palett color drawindex xflush mydisplai xsetfunct mydisplai gx xor xsetforeground mydisplai drawindex draw xdrawlin mydisplai xtwindow drawinga rea xflush mydisplai and return thing normal xsetfunct mydisplai gxcopi happen f or line draw invers draw happen white line line white background noth show line black area noth show strang gxxor function sinc rubber band box eras and redraw correctli not disturb underli imag suggest wrong david monthli question xcopyarea and expos event articl buzz apr lion bear buzz bear buzz moschetti write post question that doesn answer can resist q uestion that thi problem that expos event gener window visibl and map tickl wind ow that expos handler hit argument that will enabl render part window that conta in item tickl window produc thi behavior your expos event handler intellig expos rectangl inform you can us xcleararea gener expos event assum that your backgro und pixel not for enclos rectangl your item thi not great sinc item contain that rectangl will unnecessarili redrawn your expos event handler simpli redraw you work draw item top exist scene mike yang silicon graphic inc mikei sgi put rpc motif environ implement rpc server xwindow sun xview not ifi enabl rpc svc call that automat execut rpc process detect incom request simi lar function motif that perform function appreci nui chan nchan ctr columbia edu mix xlib mwm develop applic that will includ graphic window sort move symbol thing pure applic implement motif widget xmdrawingarea for draw xli b advantag graphic librari ibm sgi mix and applic program can us subroutin xmdra wingarea window open xopenwindow never us doc winopen that time winopen call ope n connect server call not requir displai unlik call thi initi inform appear that and cannot mix easili thi true pex graphig function environ aixwindow motif aix sy ibm advanc jai graham jade simul intern corp colonnad road suit nepean ontar io canada graham ottawa jade draw abstract graph for softwar draw graph want give list node a nd edg node and program come reason posit advanc dan aronson dan think machin co rpor monthli question xcopyarea and expos event excerpt netnew comp w indow apr monthli question xcop buzz moschetti bear button widget press will ite m drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv directli regist exist item me mori structur and expos event handler that handl regular expos event window mana g driven exposur care render imag hmmm depend your program model not forbidden d raw context expos event intern data structur maintain such that visual appear ma intain properli whenev expos event happen gener thi doesn preclud draw immedi up dat datastructur rob want critiqu multi window system toolkit pointer articl person o pinion critiqu user interfac toolkit that oper across window system window macin tosh you open interfac xvt aspect you repli your opinion briefli state your choi c and short discuss steve maher maher outland gsfc nasa gov steve maher voic fli ght dynam divis maher kong gsfc nasa gov nasa goddard space flight center put rpc motif environ articl apr sol ctr columbia edu nchan nova ctr columbia edu nui chan write implement rpc server xwindow sun xview notifi e nabl rpc svc call that automat execut rpc process detect incom request similar f unction motif that perform function xrpc packag for year export ian hogg ianhogg umn edu colormap question expert kind question strang modifi content col ormap fail reason piec code toplevel xtiniti argv testcolor null argc argv dpy x tdisplai toplevel scr defaultscreen dpy def colormap defaultcolormap dpy scr xal loccolorcel dpy def colormap true null cell color pixel cell color red color gre en color blue color flag dore dogreen doblu xstorecolor dpy def colormap color p rintf alloc color color pixel color red color green color blue xquerycolor dpy d ef colormap color printf alloc color color pixel color red color green color blu e printf error couldn alloc color cell run output alloc color alloc color xstore color xquerycolor return origin failur error displai content colormap obviou unc hang draw line color turn unmodifi color problem modifi content colormap inform will appreci send mail yang umass edu william email yang umass edu environ outpu t xdpyinfo show default visual pseudocolor version number vendor string decwindo w digitalequipmentcorpor uw vendor releas number maximum request size longword b yte motion buffer size bitmap unit bit order pad lsbfirst imag byte order lsbfir st number support pixmap format support pixmap format depth bit per pixel scanli n pad depth bit per pixel scanlin pad keycod rang minimum maximum number extens adob dp extens dpsextens shape mit shm multi buffer xinputextens mit sundri nons tandard dec xtrap default screen number number screen screen dimens pixel millim et resolut dot per inch depth root window depth root window plane number colorma p minimum maximum default colormap default number colormap cell prealloc pixel b lack white option back store save under current input event mask keypressmask bu ttonpressmask buttonreleasemask enterwindowmask substructureredirectmask propert ychangemask colormapchangemask number visual default visual visual visual class pseudocolor depth plane size colormap entri red green blue mask signific bit col or specif bit visual visual class grayscal depth plane size colormap entri red g reen blue mask signific bit color specif bit visual visual class staticgrai dept h plane size colormap entri red green blue mask signific bit color specif bit vi sual visual class staticcolor depth plane size colormap entri red green blue mas k signific bit color specif bit visual visual class truecolor depth plane size c olormap entri red green blue mask signific bit color specif bit number mono mult ibuff type visual max buffer depth visual max buffer depth visual max buffer dep

th visual max buffer depth visual max buffer depth number stereo multibuff type macx color problem articl kul cso uiuc edu kerr cso uiuc edu sta n kerr write peculiar color problem macx appl macintosh server problem happen cu rrent version and version type client window displai part window wrong color win dow move slightli forc server repaint repaint correct color doesn happen for xte rm window happen for graphic window and motif client expect that your colormap f ull and applic start cannot add color that colormap pick and choos exist color t hi make ugli window get prioriti macx colormap that select app get exact color w ant applic make colormap thi problem color server color xserver demand applic ex ce size colormap solut avoid colormap greedi app and displai applic color ic cak e monochrom mode color thi option for applic doug shaker voic fax email dshaker qualix mail qualix group norfolk san mateo qualix maintain mailserv inform file and demo version product you inform mailserv send email qfact qualix uunet quali x qfact email form begin send send index end name address phone forc window manag accept specif coordin for window figur make wi ndow manag place window creat window command tell applic reason don want set ove rrid redirect want embellish that window manag want accept choic locat twm tvtwm and mwm and uncoop ethan mysteri beep articl qtkk cup defaria cup andi defaria write arti cl crosspost window author andi defaria post mon apr gmt for reason code applic beep whenev intercept keystrok and chang mean intent thi code date field special kei insert todai date bump dai bump dai hardcod date for thi exampl perhap shou ldn xmtext field for thi for reason code beep whenev special kei hit idea thi co de interpret kei special mean impli code rid beep can not beep and lose understa nd and beep occur code delet xmtextfield man page discuss resourc xmnverifybel s pecifi whether bell will sound action revers verif callback you set doit fals ca llback and text field beep turn thi behavior set thi boolean resourc fals tom mc farland tommc monthli question xcopyarea and expos event post question that do esn answer suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib graphic bu tton widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv dir ectli regist exist item memori structur and expos event handler that handl regul ar expos event window manag driven exposur care render imag expos event handler proper thi time handler call xlib window guarante map problem that expos event g ener window visibl and map tickl window that expos handler hit argument that wil l enabl render part window that contain item tickl window produc thi behavior un derstand your problem correctli you want send exposur your manag widget your app specif code draw xlib graphic window sound you want send exposur xsendev and re gion you region you send exposur gener you bound rectangl object you can us xcre ateregion creat region xunionrectwithregion add object polygon region and us reg ion clip your for redraw us xrectinregion test your object redrawn keep mind tha t stack order overlap object affect hope help brian deali not know deali kong gs fc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan brian deali not k now deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan ftp address kerbero version draft rfc find appcontext call give applic context fix motif program and u s xtappaddtimeout argument app context call can us give thi todd green masc ucss un sdsu edu xcopyplan question articl buzz apr lion bear buzz bear buzz mosc hetti write articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken whalei write faq po pular reason graphic don show you wait for expos event draw your rectangl suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib graphic button widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv directli regist exis t item memori structur and expos event handler care render imag that time guaran te that window map problem that expos event gener window visibl and map you tick l window that expos event handler will invok draw thi item thi origin question p revious state that xcopyarea depth pixmap screen make that imag had data and thi not problem expos event xcopyplan not work code fragment send demonstr that xco pyplan work thi help nanci marin net nanci neko css gov ensco inc mail pineda me lbourn fax wcl for solari version wcl that port solari includ ansi had nume r problem compil wcl solari and function not prototyp wcl sun user group cd emai l answer not thi list tom tulinski capit manag scienc west lo angel manual addre ss answer zuma tom netcomsv netcom xwininfo want equival xwininfo name call set call xlib map windo w name easi program for you sourc code simpli mit client xwininfo xwininfo and y ou will find exactli adrian nye reilli and associ work problem schedul classroom and will you softwar paper articl you relat lorenza illan xcopyplan question articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken whalei write faq popular reason graphic don show you wait for expos event dr aw your rectangl suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib grap hic button widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equ iv directli regist exist item memori structur and expos event handler care rende r imag that time guarante that window map problem that expos event gener window visibl and map you tickl window that expos event handler will invok draw thi ite m specif made comment assum that perhap code fragment simpl open draw quit clien t per your question not button handler add object and call window redraw directl i depend applic structur problem render object directli respons button press ken kenneth whalei kubota pacif comput inc email whalei kpc walsh avenu santa clara mwm titl drag crash server sigpip environ mach arch sparc sun ip x suno patchlevel motif bring server startx and usr bin xsun sequenc action cras h server sigpip errno xinit report that connexion server lost xinit xsun start m wm start client dpi dpi font move window drag titl bar server dump core due sigp ip two messag print connect server lost connect broken errno report client and s econd server ran xdm debug level set action xdm report select return server for termin unexpectedli statu note problem doesn occur window manag twm olwm not set librari path not run font server start client fix width font not thi problem fo nt path usr lib font misc usr lib font speedo usr lib font dpi usr lib font dpi mkfontdir usr lib font dpi usr lib font dpi usr lib font pex usr lib font speedo and usr lib font misc thi problem occur ipx machin not thi problem ipc workstat question hell goin statu mean server greatli hint problem ramakrishnan dept mcb ryde hall vatech xlock found odditi sgi indigo mip chip xlock nolock run and work remot batch mode runtim program time clock code slower xlock not run process af fect runtim thi consist explan real imagin dale frostedflak llnl gov intrins slow popup run sampl problem reilli volum intris program manual chapter popup dialog box and exampl page creat pop dialog box applic cre at window button quit and press button press pop dialog box strang featur thi pr ogram that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slower experi sampl program thi behaviour fast respons time for time slow respons time time onward can give idea program popup that each time popup reason fast respons time thankyou shirle i put rpc motif environ articl new ci umn edu ianhogg milli umn ed u ian hogg write articl apr sol ctr columbia edu nchan nova ctr columbia edu nui chan write implement rpc server xwindow sun xview notifi enabl rpc svc call tha t automat execut rpc process detect incom request similar function motif that pe rform function xrpc packag for year export glad hear that work for you couldn fi nd export simon leinen simon liasun epfl ad imakefil and athena version and made for ftp file liasun epfl pub contrib xrpc tar note suffix you gnu gzip liasun p ub gnu uncompress thi doesn work send note and happi mail you copi you won start holidai tomorrow martin janzen janzen mprgate mpr mpr teltech nelson burnabi ca nada dublin folk that want for pint guin mulligan draw line invers xor write code that let draw line and rubber ba nd box motif run bit displai for creat colormap and almost color want draw line draw area widget widget displai bitmap xputimag doesn matter line draw interact stai window refresh draw interact begin drawindex colort index reserv for foregr ound default color color index for background imag palett color drawindex red pa lett color default color red palett color drawindex green palett color default c olor green palett color drawindex blue palett color default color blue xstorecol

or mydisplai cmap palett color drawindex xflush mydisplai xsetfunct mydisplai gx xor xsetforeground mydisplai drawindex draw xdrawlin mydisplai xtwindow drawinga rea xflush mydisplai and return thing normal xsetfunct mydisplai gxcopi happen f or line draw invers draw happen white line line white background noth show line black area noth show strang gxxor function sinc rubber band box eras and redraw correctli not disturb underli imag suggest wrong for thi work color displai you set foreground foreground background patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv w ake person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that note book lazaru long timeout problem athena strip chart widget not call function pret ti thi happen not xtappmainloop deal event socket want timeout that strip chart widget will call callback anoth fast thi for that matter cannot don call xtngetv alu callback don for paramet proc xtpointer call data word want forc strip chart widget updat idea christoph bailei internet baileyc dendrit colorado edu univer s colorado boulder compuserv ride fast chanc transpar widget write applic annot note exist document annot tim e peopl idea acet transpar stack top each that user can thi oclock client you multi screen app and window manag pelkei phone battel pacif nort hwest lab fax mail stop email pelkei pnl gov box richland interest your question you answer email and not repost rainer rainer hochreit telephon elin energieanw endung gesmbh telefax penzingerstr wien austria europ mail rainer elin find appcontext call give applic context fix motif program and u s xtappaddtimeout argument app context call can us give thi us xtdisplaytoapplic ationcontext retreiv applic context patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wa ke person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that noteb ook lazaru long patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wake person unnecessar ili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that notebook lazaru long devic driver for bird written devic driver us ascens bird xwindo w suresh thennarangam email suresh iss nu internet research scholar issst nusvm bitnet institut system scienc tel nation univers singapor fac heng mui keng terr ac telex issnu singapor forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl hfz co lumbia edu ethan solomita write figur make window manag place window creat windo w command tell applic reason don want set overrid redirect want embellish that w indow manag want accept choic locat window xcreatewindow xsettransientforhint di splai window window xmapwindow thi cheat and window manag refus give border and that stuff work devguid motif solari eas motif burden develop number applic devg uid and found tool impress level integr afford connect editor love gener eas us talk tali aben sun todai devguid motif help provid input version devguid tali en thusiat comment mention post thi email messag and offer receiv addit comment net devguid evolv into send your comment list rave devguid tali aben sun pretti coo l exampl compani that care want thi and comput futur frankli idea that will offe r migrat capabl doe domf integr tooltalk capabl point march sunexpert magazin te chnolog work can crankout interfac devguid price outstand run dxterm apollo dec run dxterm dec xterm decstat ultrix motif displai variabl set apollo domain motif error appear decstat dxterm toolkit warn cannot convert string kei apchardel type virtualbind toolkit warn cannot conver t string kei apcopi type virtualbind toolkit warn cannot convert string kei apcu t type virtualbind toolkit warn cannot convert string kei appast type virtualbin d toolkit warn cannot convert string kei apupbox type virtualbind toolkit warn c annot convert string kei apdownbox type virtualbind toolkit warn cannot convert string kei aprightbar type virtualbind toolkit warn cannot convert string kei ap leftbar type virtualbind segment fault idea motif problem dec and apollo version motif incompat xkeysymdb xterm run fine dec displai apollo arggh run dxterm pac kag dec oracl case dxterm default and lab apollo workstat run oracl andrew alf l eahi alf nepean uw edu andrew alf leahi phone irc pepsi alf uni western sydnei n epean remot email alf nepean uw edu sydnei australia local email alf xalloccolor fail return nearest match post for friend look faq a nd didn thi come xalloccolor suppos order find exact match read color cell hardw

ar limit alloc read colorcel and set match and fail return colorcel match read c olor alloc colormap thi sound good theori doesn work thi exact match colormap an d unalloc cell xalloccolor fail even alloc cell and dozen read cell colormap thi bug featur misunderstand part appreci noel ngorel speclab usg gov xlib for window not xserver articl apr topgun smike topgun steve n mike write anoth compani congruent corpor york citi port xlib and motif window full client develop for applic environ send postal and email address congruent corpor and competitor you snail lsl wash hand conflict power and powerless mean side power not neutral quot freir poster oxfam xcopyplan question articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken whalei write per your question not button handler add object and call window redraw directli depend thi design will work don can easili advantag expos event redraw optim that window will redrawn not area item repli your mailer didn agre return address whalei sigma kpc problem libarari compil sourc code for mpeg anim viewer for wind ow code ftp site modifi makefil instruct error happen that messag link util vide o parseblock motionvector decod fast hybrid hybriderr gdith grai mono main jrevd ct bit util order order order lib libx lib libxext mpeg plai undefin referenc sy mbol file getnetpath lib libx alloc lib libx unbind lib libx open lib libx rcvdi lib libx netdir free lib libx error lib libx netdir getbynam lib libx getnetcon fig lib libx lib libx errno lib libx close lib libx netdir getbyaddr lib libx li sten lib libx rcv lib libx setnetpath lib libx bind lib libx connect lib libx ac cept lib libx perror lib libx inet addr lib libx mpeg plai fatal error symbol re ferenc error output written mpeg plai error code make fatal error miss function locat you can you post unix group suggest thi error you unix system machin termi n want us separ and call termin and dedic that not sinc time thi window gidget t hat time program for speak us alot for graphic thing you can mail gerard intrins mail list don newsfe wonder whether such thing mail list xpert expo lc mit edu info thi relat mail list advanc leon leon thrane telephon dimatrix ap fax lyngbi hovedgad mail leon dimatrix lyngbi denmark uunet dimatri x leon intrins slow popup articl minster york cjh minster york write ap plic creat window button quit and press button press pop dialog box strang featu r thi program that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slower shell wait fo r window manag respond posit request window manag not respond think window place exactli two compon into thi sulk unclear inform greatli receiv bryan xdm decnet xdm work decnet ultrix machin run tcp and decnet numb er termin hang ultrix host run tcp and decnet present xdm for login procedur ter min tcp sinc xdm basic window client shouldn run xdm decnet protocol tower incli n that xdm not your typic client make tcp specif socket call thi case answer you can not run xdm decnet thi not feedback appreci compil sun articl qfe qzz andrew cmu edu wilson swee andrew cmu edu write piec code that compil fine pmax pmax mach sun mach whenev compil sun u ndefin error sin co pow floor wmshellwidgetclass applicationshellwidgetclass lib rari that link lxaw lxmu lxt lxext makefil gener imak templat can give pointer m iss compil sun easi you math librari ad don that problem start daniel mccoi spac e net inc nasa mail code tel nasa johnson space center fax houston texa futur mc coi gothamc jsc nasa gov keyboard map for type keyboard keyboard map for sun type keyboar d for us nigel nigel elli artifici intellig group elli durham comput scienc univ ers durham phne durham england fax top motif applic search for busi inform motif applic creat top u s wordprocessor spreadsheet draw program schedul and fax program etc mail your i nform refer will summari result thi media you advanc anton ruiter digit equip co rpor workgroup product wgp objectwork obw ing anton ruiter mba softwar product m anag post offic box apeldoorn netherland oud apeldoornseweg apeldoorn netherland mail hlde ruiter dtn locat apd internet aruit idca td philip mcsun philapd arui t phone busi phone privat fax gcc and build widget set linux attempt copi widget set compil li nux sl releas kernel and run into problem that thi gcc question compil troubl ba

sic number function prototyp set compositep for instanc composit widget insert c hild procedur set type typedef void xtwidgetproc widget place sourc code refer i nsert child procedur and pass multipl argument prototyp suggest for exampl super class composit class insert child arg num arg gcc choke thi give error messag th at argument pass function suggest turn thi check gcc can chang code accomod thi call chang usr includ compositep successfulli built widget set and suggest advan c for bill woodward wpwood austin ibm thi aix softwar support billw aixwiz austi n ibm graphic group terror that flap night problem server hang sun recent compil sourc gcc sun work fine se emingli random time server will hang will click mous never happen back turn and warn will freez requir server kill sometim will run fine for week sometim for mi nut frame buffer thi idea jeff jeff weisberg weisberg rochest edu real cherri va lhalla weisberg watch for pit motif athena etc articl azj kirk bambi kirk david hugh write por t motif bsd and linux for fee thi cost recoveri for person bought right redistri but activ bsd and linux new group pertain motif high heard that italian gui dist ribut motif binari for bsd haven heard thing for linux and follow linux new grou p pretti close miss love hold motif lib for linux for regard joe pannon xdm xsession woe manag xdm run ncr svr box run xfree ncd xdispla i pretti work encount weird error attempt start xterm xsession file noth happen redirect stderr file exec home xerror xsession reveal error messag xterm error e rrno not owner start xterm window manag command line work fine and start client window manag mwm and clock xsession work encount thi suggest atdhvaannkcs de her riott wise man onc micro focu newburi take lot brain smart dnh mfltd take neck g iraff mwm titl drag crash server sigpip articl creatur edu ramakri csg rad edu ramakrishnan write environ mach arch sparc sun ipx suno patchlevel motif bring server startx and usr bin xsun sequenc action crash server sigpip errno x init report that connexion server lost had thi problem had graphic card that com e ipx fix problem for appli sungx that part patch patch us thi file perhap you d idn appli that patch jeff jeff boot boot ncar ucar edu scientif comput divis not h good bad nation center for atmospher research think make boulder hamlet find appcontext articl qvatv pandora sdsu edu masc ucsnew sdsu e du todd green write call give applic context fix motif program and us xtappaddti meout argument app context call can us give thi you can applicationcontext assoc i widget call xtwidgettoapplicationcontext ian hogg ianhogg umn edu mysteri beep articl qtkk cup defaria cup andi defaria write arti cl crosspost window author andi defaria post mon apr gmt for reason code applic beep whenev intercept keystrok and chang mean intent thi code date field special kei insert todai date bump dai bump dai hardcod date for thi exampl perhap shou ldn xmtext field for thi for reason code beep whenev special kei hit idea thi co de interpret kei special mean impli code rid beep can not beep and lose understa nd and beep occur code delet xmtextfield man page discuss resourc xmnverifybel s pecifi whether bell will sound action revers verif callback you set doit fals ca llback and text field beep turn thi behavior set thi boolean resourc fals tom mc farland tommc fontnam fonstruct applic can retriev name font applic xfontstruc t xgetfontproperti work pass font name detail thi advanc brian brian deali not k now deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan xlock articl qvir idi lll winken llnl gov dale went llnl gov dal e slone write dale found odditi sgi indigo mip chip dale xlock nolock run and wo rk remot dale batch mode runtim program time dale clock code slower dale xlock n ot run process affect dale runtim thi consist you run xlock mode blank xlock con sum cpu time gener nice anim displai code you run compet xlock for cpu you run t op remot login you can scott henri scotth sgi disclaim miss network servic gigo mean garbag gospel silicon graphic inc xterm ansi color mous support brown ftm vidiot write articl apr vm huji kloni vm huji write had request post inform gather search for ansi mous color xterm sourc respons larri virden write mit and provid mous escap sequenc c olor xterm enhanc export lc mit edu contrib found color xterm tar that directori

lot fun stuff for larri found uunet pub window sy contrib for that can anonuucp notic that thing date make two year thi latest version talk xterm accept escap sequenc that for colour decterm dxterm thought that call colxterm and test show odditi that bug program wrong unsur meant ansi mous xterm comp window intrins problem high order bit charact clip enter xt erm window motif reprogram kei transmit charact sequenc line xdefault ctrl shift alt kei string xff string xbe merg thi line xrdb merg and creat xterm remap kei problem that aris that applic reciev input time see sequenc high order bit each charact filter run xev and press kei correct show two kei event keypress event serial synthet window root subw time root state keycod keysym xffbe screen xlook upstr charact keyreleas event serial synthet window root subw time root state ke ycod keysym xffbe screen xlookupstr charact notic that keysym transmit correct x ffbe us kei program wrote spit back hex valu keyboard input high order bit filte r and can make that entir bit make final applic greatli appreci email respons ji m kavitski kavitski hsi mix xlib mwm fact widget code usr lpp name glib ibm can find exa ct locat warn thi code feel quit bogu thing call noport winopen and extract wind ow work fine aix spent last weekend port doesn and turn into hard job check your info page pretti good document whan you can and can mix and and rob faq for thi group kind soul point direct for faq list for thi gr oup saad mufti person librari softwar mail mufti pl xalloccolor fail return nearest match articl slate mine colorado edu agallagh slate mine colorado edu gallagh andrea write post for friend look faq and didn thi come xalloccolor suppos order find exact match read color cell hardwar limit alloc read colorcel and set match and fail return colorcel match r ead color alloc colormap you hear thi print book throw book mit spec true ken le e klee synopt font famili weight and slant instanc widget can font famili weig ht and slant instanc widget initfontcontext getnextfont and freefontcontext can size font and bunch stuff font found famili weight and slant assum that not acce ss sourc famili weight and slant orginali us creat fontlist bunch and great dai carl carl softsolut transpar widget articl ntep ntep tmg nec cerna ntep tmg nec alex and cerna write write applic annot note exist document annot time peopl idea ace t transpar stack top each that user can thi oclock client you oclock widget writ ten shape extens you can your widget current widget support shape you subclass a dd that function ken lee klee synopt mix xlib mwm articl sparc jade graham sparc ottawa jade jai grah am write develop applic that will includ graphic window sort move symbol thing p ure applic implement motif widget xmdrawingarea for draw xlib advantag graphic l ibrari ibm sgi mix and applic program can us subroutin xmdrawingarea window open xopenwindow widget defin for glxmdraw motif glxdraw athena widget similar xmdra wingarea that you us call render into window glxlink glxunlink glxgetconfig and glxwinset man page never us doc winopen that time winopen call open connect serv er call not requir displai unlik call thi initi inform appear that and cannot mi x easili thi true glxmdraw widget work pretti opengl will improv pex graphig fun ction easier us and power that opinion mileag vari larri pyeatt view express not internet pyeatt texaco employ voic that except monthli question xcopyarea and expos event articl buzz apr lion bear buzz bear buzz moschetti write post question that doesn answer suppos you i dl app realiz and map window that contain xlib graphic button widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv directli regist exist item memori structur and expos event handler that handl regular expos event window m anag driven exposur care render imag expos event handler proper thi time handler call xlib window guarante map problem that expos event gener window visibl and map tickl window that expos handler hit argument that will enabl render part win dow that contain item tickl window produc thi behavior increment updat content w indow us trick set window background call xcleararea displai window true restor window background correct call xcleararea not repaint window background gener ex posur event for visibl part window order applic that expos event handl increment

displai screen and eras encapsul oper address client messag preserv asynchron c lient and server xgrabserv displai client messag start increment background xcle ararea restor background client messag end increment xungrabserv displai grabser v prevent event insert server critic section vincent prunet sema group sophia an tipoli inria sophia antipoli cedex franc prunet sophia inria fax sparc ipc sprite screen environ motif sun ipc problem mous move across screen horizont sprite edg screen and reappear edg appear that server thi nk run multi screen mode cursor wrap side screen can not run server multi screen mode repli mail rai bentz phone blueston consult inc fax church street uunet uu net bluston bentz mount laurel internet bluston bentz uunet net xcopyplan question articl buzz apr lion bear buzz bear buzz mosc hetti write articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken whalei write faq po pular reason graphic don show you wait for expos event draw your rectangl suppos you idl app realiz and map window that contain xlib graphic button widget press will item drawn window thi action not call xcopyarea equiv directli regist exis t item memori structur and expos event handler care render imag that time guaran te that window map problem that expos event gener window visibl and map you tick l window that expos event handler will invok draw thi item thi origin question p revious state that xcopyarea depth pixmap screen make that imag had data and thi not problem expos event xcopyplan not work code fragment send demonstr that xco pyplan work thi help your origin question thi time begin user heck experienc use r write small test program time forget draw respons expos event and unpredit res ult sometim applic graphic show and sometim don elimin easi explan for you not y our graphic that don you copi plane your window you output sinc you dipslai sing l plane your data that pixel valu your pixmap for that color plane ken kenneth w halei kubota pacif comput inc email whalei kpc walsh avenu santa clara run dxterm apollo dec apollo domain motif you run xapollo server you want server you instal pskq you can run xdomain error appear decstat dxterm toolkit warn cannot convert string kei apchardel type virtualbind segment fault idea motif problem dec and apollo version motif incompat xkeysymdb xkeysymdb yo u add apollo specif keysym aplinedel apchardel apcopi apcut appast apmov apgrow apcmd apshel apleftbar aprightbar apleftbox aprightbox apupbox apdownbox appop a pread apedit apsav apexit aprepeat apkp parenleft ffa apkp parenright ffa victor victor hpfrcu franc oooo oooo victor gattegno and not peopl expect you graphic acceler can obtain public inform document and sourc xser ver implement graphic processor special interest xserver develop for tm texa ins trument graphic processor send answer arana labein tvtwm xsetroot and sparc keyboard repli direct not member thi li st excus lax read incorrect terminolog environ sun sparc suno path level process start xdm want setup backgroud root window tvtwm displai displai escherknot etc grei bore colour work setup follow lib xdm xsetup xsetroot bitmap etc user xses sion xsetroot etc tvtwm tvtwmrc and xdefault file user home directori xsetroot x setup displai bitmap xdm login window expect nice user session start background tvtwm window revert grei manual type xsetroot xterm window session start backgro und chang expect question retain background login window and background per user basi part user session startup open xterm sparc not kei recognis and kei keyboa rd not send correct charact real kei kei shown screen hash back slash tild pipe doubl quot symbol pound hash cursor kei not recognis thi annoi fault machin setu p instal xterm driver that terminfo and termcap uptod type set xterm window show termin type xterm expect correct problem appreci dave janet haywood sheffield h allam dave haywood haywood shu comput servic internet haywood shu sheffield hall am univers telex shpoli pond street tel sheffield england fax haywood sheffield hallam prmd admd sheffield hallam univers comput servic dave haywood tvtwm xsetroot and sparc keyboard articl mailqueu oak shu haywoo d sheffield hallam write environ sun sparc suno path level process start xdm tha t good type thi exactli setup unix layout keyboard instal sunkbd patch want setu p backgroud root window tvtwm displai displai escherknot etc grei bore colour wo rk make you ssetroot come tvtwm tvtwm start nuke exist root window us ssetroot t vtwm start you spawn sleep ssetroot you can us virtualdesktopbackgroundpixmap fi lenam virtualdesktopbackground you want anoth color grei open xterm sparc not ke

i recognis and kei keyboard not send correct charact you instal sunkbd patch con trib directori export kei keyboard send event properli end pageup pagedown kei c luster aren recogn even compos kei work can compos charact xterm pass fix for la st two dave system administr penn state popul research institut dog dianet woof woof woof page kibo imak need can give pointer set imak sun openwindow enviorn check document can not find clue respon mail paul paul byrn british aerospac defenc d ynam divis email paul byrn def bae fpc box filton phone bristol set colormap multi top level app dear sgi and netter mix model e xpert write mix model applic that creat coupl color map for window and troubl ge t window manag reliabl honor request environ entri level indigo window get prope rli connect design color map iri gtx entri level indigo color map unreli and beh avior compil time common problem that top level window fail displai colormap app lic start creat top level window case fail displai colormap thi spectacularli ag grav dearli explan standard correct give window colormap such that window manag will honor and obei advic problem that failur desir colormap exhaust attempt thi reason imagin below exampl code give schemat for thi wrong chri lee displai dpy declar data colormap popup cmap xcolor mycolor window win xsetwindowattribut cw a int nwlist window wlist for breviti not show code line schemat popup cmap xcre atecolormap dpy defaultrootwindow dpy vi visual allocal store bunch color xstore color dpy popup cmap mycolor cwa colormap popup cmap win xcreatewindow dpy paren t borderwidth vi depth inputoutput vi visual cwcolormap cwborderpixel cwa list s ub window topwin parent win into wlist nwlist counter entri wlist wlist static s torag that can reli not corrupt thought that set properti data copi refer pointe r accept pass data for properti free data xsetwmcolormapwindow dpy topwin wlist nwlist xmaprais displai win handl xevent typic eventloop xfree and esix netland novic user question for xgod comput confi gur problem follow ram run esix wangtek style interfac tape drive load basic inc lud nsu and inet util tcp ftp xfree binari and instal properli can execut startx and run window problem access tape drive machin lock instantli and access tape tape drive work fine startx screen mode grei background pattern not come and xte rm fork login anoth termin and execut shutdown reset system contact esix thi pro blem claim window server work wangtek tape drive claim nsu network system util r un don inet tcp experi that xfree work not concern load nsu and inet packag work inet packag caus problem and tape drive exist system you can shed light problem appreci colleagu impli thi hardwar conflict thi true direct resolv conflict ken neth cobler ksc ihlpv att bell laboratori shuman blvd napervil cursor osf motif style guid us cursor shape give user visual clu e happen expect hourglass cursor shown applic busi caution cursor shown area inp ut expect anoth defin cursor for widget low level defin cursor for widget applic not for subpart complic matter cursor defin for window crosswir cursor for draw ingarea thing even complic intuit that thing easier thi solid and complet solut problem topic busi cursor faq not help sinc work for applic window cursor window attribut set han geurtsen phone nucletron research mail hgn nuclint surfac waar dgeld veenenda can detect local remot displai set find applic run local remot d isplai local displai connect system that client execut access displai string can string client execut host foo unix foo and localhost local ultrix that local va lid displai name share memori connect string that check for detect thi you for y ou can give jim atkinson wavefront technolog inc jra wti compani spokesperson re al life not spectat sport run home talk host serial line time back ask for softwar recomme nd run home sparc offic for repli major peopl recommend pcxremot ncd receiv yest erdai and instal sparc and hitch unix instal consist copi file into local bin di rectori side order window version slick window instal problem had that xinitrc h ome directori had line displai hostnam export displai client kick connect xserve r sparc consol remov thi line xinitrc work plan and client connect server hostna m comment perform connect sparc netblaz termin server baud line ati ultra bitmap stuff suck basic edit and compil stuff usabl xmail usabl time time type xclient window notic delai put thi brain damag window not call schedul that thi will be

com remot work environ for window version product sale person perform head windo w question thi for respond gerard head sun cgfour bwtwo sun that mono framebuff bwtwo built mother board system cgfour cgfour and bwtwo daughterboard thi system color monitor colo r front screen cgfour and mono back screen bwtwo tube recentlei pick sun mono mo nitor and make two head system cgfour and bwtwo not care loos back screen color tube bwtwo xsun man page not thi sucessfuli thi matthew cose gui agre cose announc specifi that motif will becom common gui thi mean exactli mean that cose complient app will motif and feel mean that cose complient app will us motif toolkit api mean that will motif api complient toolkit openlook feel olit xview interview api toolkit motif thi will thi consid cose complient will standard toolkit api support tooltalk fit motif thi attempt start discuss order pull knowledg question net feel free mail followup gil tene dai doesn pai devil imp hellnet org sleep morn devil diableri xterm problem input focu shuffl situat run fortran execut that c reat xterm option menu contain xterm run fortran subroutin that creat tektron mo de xterm for displai graphic type ret tektron mode xterm futur refer thi will te k term activ make xterm read futur keystrok not shift input focu xterm base that statement fact that border tek term stai highlight color and that tek term stai top xterm describ isn input focu xterm can brought top click mous button subseq u select xterm menu item that displai graphic highliht border and displai updat graphic not move tek term top tek term icon conserv screen space stai icon desir behavior two option whichev window that activ top inact whenev tek term inactiv revert icon activ becom window higher level xterm mean that xterm tek term will highest level and iconifi expand xterm and tek term command guess fortran comma nd that start xterm and tek term inform thi take place dec dumb window termin co nnect vax run vm and motif for your time you word wisdom give send email jhcox k odak dell eisa video card xfree support eisa video card dell larri sn yder larri gator devic driver for bird written devic driver us ascens bird xwindo w suresh thennarangam email suresh iss nu internet research scholar issst nusvm bitnet institut system scienc tel nation univers singapor fac heng mui keng terr ac telex issnu singapor mix xlib mwm pyeatt texaco larri pyeatt write articl sparc jade graham sparc ottawa jade jai graham write xmdrawingarea for draw xlib advantag g raphic librari ibm sgi mix and applic program can us subroutin xmdrawingarea win dow open xopenwindow you can make call xmdrawingarea widget for widget defin for glxmdraw motif glxdraw athena widget similar xmdrawingarea that you us call ren der into window glxlink glxunlink glxgetconfig and glxwinset man page glxmdraw w idget work pretti opengl will improv can vouch for that widget work pretti for n ot whether you can us xlib call draw into widget haven read accompani document c omplet post comp sy sgi for inform you will find answer sgi manual transit guid explain mix model program paradigm mix and pex graphig function easier us and po wer that opinion mileag vari pex design extens and will seamless buggi start opi nion suresh thennarangam email suresh iss nu internet research scholar issst nus vm bitnet institut system scienc tel nation univers singapor fac heng mui keng t errac telex issnu singapor anim xputimag articl apr dsd pmartz dsd paul martz write articl apr infodev cam dcr mail ast cam derek richardson write thi group bear two year ago wrote sunview applic for fast anim raster file sunview rapidli obselet final decid rewrit scratch xview put togeth quick test and found that xputimag consid er slower factor averag sunview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canva thi sparc ipx that protocol commun slow thing xputimag ineffici xputimag your so urc maintain client and destin maintain server you incur overhead transport clie nt server commun mechan you for you maintain your sourc imag pixmap maintain ser ver copi into window cheaper make you not send unnecessari xsync run xsynchon mo de you speed and your client can run host server you us share memori extens samp l server mit shm xdpyinfo will you your server thi extens thi sampl mit server r un suno word warn make your kernel configur support share memori and anoth word

warn openwindow slower mit server written imag tool xview for gui yield frame pe r second for bit imag run sparc ipc half cpu grunt ipx thi prove quit suffici fo r anim regard richard gooch high order bit charact xterm high order bit filter and can make that entir bit make final applic greatli appreci you resourc xterm eightbitinput true xterm eightbitoutput true shell you stty istrip good luck victor victor ga ttegno email victor hpfrcu franc xxx hewlett packard franc hpdesk avenu canada p hone le uli cedex telnet xquerybestcursor semi broken ask recent us xquerybestcursor crea t size impli server not creat cursor that size investig show that server will ha ppili return size size root window return fix limit reason size interest thing t hat server binari act differ hardwar sun will claim cursor root window size sun will stop thi behavior ncd and phase termin and told occur hp ncd even liber siz e larger root winodw gladli return xquerybestcursor semi broken thi behavior cor rect cursor richard neitzel thor thor atd ucar edu torren med sitt skjegg nation center for atmospher research lokkar borni sole vegg box boulder gjo med sitt s hinn jagar borni inn xdm decnet xdm work decnet ultrix machin run tcp and decnet numb er termin hang ultrix host run tcp and decnet present xdm for login procedur ter min tcp sinc xdm basic window client shouldn run xdm decnet protocol tower xdm n ot window client xdm protocol xdmcp that oper ucp port provid login window windo w client decnet protocol sourc for xdm that that bare bone code not complet incl in that xdm not your typic client make tcp specif socket call thi case answer yo u can not run xdm decnet thi not feedback appreci sourc you cannot run decnet sh ip patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wake person unnecessarili not consi d lazaru long capit crime for offens that notebook lazaru long xmscale xtaddeventhandl dear xpert develop applic that motif sli der select imag file directori displai name file drag scale button press xmnshow valu displai current scale button and not actual imag file name thought xtaddeve nthandl map scale and file name xtaddeventhandl scaleimag button motionmask fals slidermov null and eventhandl xchecktypedwindowev displai event window motionno tifi return xmscalegetvalu scaleimag map file entri directori and final obtain f ile name open move pointer scale widget callback urs null effect not press move scale button goin wrong wrong approach thi problem hint highli appreci phil problem dni and openwin can problem displai imag greater byte de cwindow program run vax and displai sparc ipc run openwindow and dni program wor k fine openwindow code segment fail below program simpli crash xlib error xputim ag call ximag ximag ximag xcreateimag mydisplai defaultvisu mydisplai myscreen d depth zpixmap imag xwid ywid xputimag mydisplai mywindow mygc ximag xpo ypo xwid ywid paul jaqu system engin camborn school mine rosemanow herniss penryn cornwa l mail pjaqu csm tel stithian fax want info dedic server kernel for sun seri inform exist locat de dic server kernel for sun send email put neglect sun good us don memori for suno advanc for max bell us emmigr escap mbell techbook tyrant stai mbell cie uorego n edu and make leav memori xserver actual size articl apr thunder mcrcim mcgill edu mous mcrcim mcgill edu der mous write articl igd fhg pfuetz igd fhg matthia pfue tzner write possibl determin protocol call size free memori xserver even you ans wer date even you even you grab server buffer user action you you want badalloc error your indic that insuffici server memori der mous thi isn phig pex libphig suppli mit troubl togeth pex termin that don memori perform visual visualid copy frompar pix whitepixel grafik displai defaultscreen grafik displai xswa back sto re notus xswa event mask exposuremask structurenotifymask xswa background pixel pix graphic window xcreatewindow graphic displai rootwindow graphic displai defa ultscreen graphic displai displaywidth graphic displai defaultscreen graphic dis plai displayheight graphic displai defaultscreen graphic displai unsign int inpu toutput visual cweventmask cwbackingstor cwbackpixel xswa xmapwindow graphic dis plai graphic window sync and wait for exposur event xsync graphic displai fals x windowev graphic displai graphic window exposuremask exposureev conn displai gra phic displai conn drawabl graphic window xinfo displai graphic displai xinfo fla

g monitor fals monitor run xinfo flag forc client fals popen xphig null pxphig i nfo flag mon pxphig info flag client pxphig info displai xinfo popen pconnid con n phig type drawabl core dump popen call badalloc etc simpli core dump get info maxim memori xserver sincerli matthia matthia pfuetzner work home darmstadt frg zgdv wilhelminenstrass lichtenbergstrass pfuetzner igd fhg pfuetzner zgdvda keit h packard that chang releas number din font hope that insert option that question distribut germani question countri dependend question can and ftp site archi din font for for fon t hold specif din din din advanc juergen schietk research insitut for discret ma themat univers bonn nassestr bonn germani tel mail schietk uni bonn imak cpp problem aix build and us imak ibm run aix problem imake fil contruct thi makefil start line pass makefil comment preprocessor and into m akefil preprocessor that us will not treat such appear start line preprocessor n ot treat hash symbol start direct ibm cpp strip comment and treat hash symbol st art direct cpp fail determin that thi not direct temporarili hack imak handl thi situat come fix imakefil us paramet macro us macro not for paramet aix cpp warn situat continu work you familiar problem and solut inform your solut perhap thi solv version imak that not review you cpp that behav similarli sinc not easi ac cess new respons white billi gi prc appreci motif window articl apr topgun smike topgun steven mike write an oth compani congruent corpor york citi port xlib and motif window full client de velop for applic environ send postal and email address congruent corpor and comp etitor you snail lsl wash hand conflict power and powerless mean side power not neutral quot freir poster oxfam program argument geometri question process program argument such geometri option sinc thi standard option wonder wether pars manual whether pred efin function that will thi for for info robret draw line invers xor articl apr new media mit edu dyoung media m it edu david young write xsetfunct mydisplai gxxor xsetforeground mydisplai draw index draw xdrawlin mydisplai xtwindow drawingarea xflush mydisplai and return t hing normal xsetfunct mydisplai gxcopi happen for line draw invers draw happen w hite line line white background noth show line black area noth show strang gxxor function sinc rubber band box eras and redraw correctli not disturb underli ima g suggest wrong david chang gxxor gxequiv thi for program that run ncd termin su n termin chang back gxxor kurt crl archiv chang announc multi lingual archiv comput research la b mexico state univers will move ftp address archiv put control consortium for l exic research ftp address will clr nmsu edu current address chang us clr nmsu ed u whenev note that differ ftp site crl nmsu edu and clr nmsu edu crl nmsu edu si te will ftp site for item not relat consortium for lexic research arab chines fr ench italian indian japanes korean tibetan and vietnames archiv will move will a nnounc locat relev directori onc archiv move patient you discov directori miss y ou ftp crl nmsu edu clr nmsu edu will dai move you not familiar multi lingual ar chiv slowli collect softwar font and text for languag past year softwar unix ori ent encourag peopl continu contribut item archiv improv qualiti and quantiti mul ti lingual tool you item contribut put clr nmsu edu incom and send note lexic nm su edu tell your contribut you question comment send lexic nmsu edu mleisher nms u edu mark leisher comput research lab eleg not option mexico state univers attr ibut richard keef box crl la cruce subscript subscrib thi mail list michael grapevin dai usn swc da i code pow grape sune nswse navi mil gonna happen bu and won even realiz subscrib subscrib grape nswse navi mil forc window manag accept specif coordin for window thi xcreatewi ndow includ xutil displai displai window window xsizehint xsizehint xallocsizehi nt xsizehint flag usposit ussiz pposit psize xsizehint xsizehint xsizehint width xsizehint height xsetwmnormalhint displai window xsizehint xfree xsizehint hint window manag that posit and size window user and that window manag accept valu you us xsizehint flag pposit psize thi tell window manag that valu prefer valu p rogram not user don window manag that doesn place window you prefer you posit an d size berlin tobia bade berlin autom test term autom test motif applic think system program rec ord event output verif test procedur and run rerun each time regress test intere st product thi for unix project and for separ project will openvm mark collier s outhwest research institut senior research analyst autom and data system divis v oic data system depart fax softwar engin section head sun cgfour bwtwo articl fitz cornel edu matthew alchemi cor nel edu matthew kleinmann write sun that mono framebuff bwtwo built motherboard system cgfour cgfour and bwtwo daughterboard thi system color monitor color fron t screen cgfour and mono back screen bwtwo tube recentlei pick sun mono monitor and make two head system cgfour and bwtwo not care loos back screen color tube b wtwo xsun man page not thi sucessfuli thi consol two head sun system color and m ono monitor for each rate configur plug plai situat don your re mono monitor wil l function thi you simpli pull motherboard and set re jumper locat jumper arrai jumper for ram simm select and ethernet connect and happili your you pull mother board jumper left rear north west quadrant motherboard left simm socket thad flo ryan thad btr thad cup portal thad netcom titl for xterm articl quh irz inf dresden beck irzr inf dresden andr beck write articl aeon berlin thoma aeon berlin thoma wolfram write hei gui work station and thi name and current lognam titl xterm open and machin name cl ose word want host and lognam titl open xterm and host xterm close can almost wi ndow manag twm mwm olwm and deriv support escap sequenc for for your purpos put into your login you csh tcsh for you modifi term xterm echo lognam host host end if thi not featur window manag xterm thi sequenc not ansi compat compat sequenc for thi and dc devic control sequenc introduc csi sequenc exist thi work dxterm and ansi compat not work xterm work xterm problem back origin question start xte rm select proper menu entri desktop menu sampl command xterm titl rlogin and tit l option give text for window and icon us tcsh wonder extens csh can alia precmd echo host cwd tcshrc thi special alia for tvtwm execut each time print prompt c urrent host name and current directori path titl bar xterm unido ingolf markhof univers dortmund informatik xii box dortmund germani phone fax email markhof inf ormatik uni dortmund shade program exampl shade program base xlib public domain examp l alloc correct colormap for program howard titl for xterm articl inn fbi new informatik uni dortmund markho f informatik uni dortmund ingolf markhof write articl quh irz inf dresden beck i rzr inf dresden andr beck write articl aeon berlin thoma aeon berlin thoma wolfr am write hei gui work station and thi name and current lognam titl xterm open an d machin name close word want host and lognam titl open xterm and host xterm clo se can almost window manag twm mwm olwm and deriv support escap sequenc for for your purpos put into your login you csh tcsh for you modifi term xterm echo logn am host host endif thi not featur window manag xterm thi sequenc not ansi compat compat sequenc for thi and dc devic control sequenc introduc csi sequenc exist thi work dxterm and ansi compat not work xterm work xterm problem back origin qu estion start xterm select proper menu entri desktop menu sampl command xterm tit l rlogin and titl option give text for window and icon us tcsh wonder extens csh can alia precmd echo host cwd tcshrc thi special alia for tvtwm execut each tim e print prompt current host name and current directori path titl bar xterm you a nswer your variabl thi xterm host lognam host daniel mccoi space net inc nasa ma il code tel nasa johnson space center fax houston texa futur mccoi gothamc jsc n asa gov function kei text string translat want press function kei and te xt string xmtext widget put xmtext translat augment kei insert string resourc fi le translat doesn happen put xmtext translat kei insert string file text string press kei work make sens sinc default translat mode replac syntax problem deeper bill massena wam yak boe anim xputimag thi group bear two year ago wrote sunview applic f or fast anim raster file sunview rapidli obselet final decid rewrit scratch xvie w put togeth quick test and found that xputimag consider slower factor averag su nview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canva thi sparc ipx that protoco l commun slow thing xputimag ineffici question fastest dump plane imag data wind

ow can advantag fact that client run machin server stuck xputimag case give appr eci derek articl infodev cam dcr mail ast cam derek richardson write derek richa rdson tel institut astronomi fax cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam anim frequent co pi client resid ximag into server resid pixmap xputimag onc thi origin ximag can delet and anim loop can perform xcopyarea pixmap window drawabl hope thi helpfu l john call librari creat widget multipl time dai ago post question cal l function set app multipl time point that xtappiniti never call onc thi help pr oblem below test program that close model real program actual program write libr ari callabl program thi mean that time lib function call initi thing and that us stuff static variabl demo below main repres main program call librari and doit repres interfac librari function includ xlib includ includ pushb includ stdio in clud stdlib void bla xtappcontext app widget top widget topon top real prog memb er var xtappcontext theapp app class int junk displai di xtopendisplai theapp nu ll null null null junk null widget box xtvacreatemanagedwidget blaaa xmpushbutto nwidgetclass topon xmnheight xmnwidth null xtrealizewidget topon for int real pr og return exit button click xevent event xtappnextev theapp event xtdispatchev e vent xtdestroywidget box xtclosedisplai di setitup call onc void setitup xtappco ntext app widget top int junk top xtappiniti app test null junk null null null d oit librari function callabl void doit static xtappcontext app us time call stat ic widget top static int setup setup setitup app top setup bla app top main prog ram link librari main for int doit printf sleep widget screen thi point sleep pr oblem that widget not creat screen unusu sleep main prog despit xtdestroywidget call miss respond email david rex wood davewood colorado edu univers colorado bo ulder repost acceler translat post thi ago and didn reciev repli and a noth bug report subject can can you ensur that acceler work independ case want c trl and ctrl acceler menu entri ora vol section acceler for inform translat tabl vol thi you put for xmnacceler resourc you vol likewis modifi noth prohibit mod ifi present for exampl translat shift kei quit will effect even ctrl kei held ti me shift kei and kei thi impli that set xmnacceler ctrl kei want doesn doesn wor k user press control kei shift kei and kei suppli acceler for menu entri mind an swer thi question that motif you can us xtinstallacceler motif decstat motif and steve denni internet sdenni ann arbor applicon slb softwar engin applicon inc a nn arbor michigan hail victor ftp unix do unix thi found file public into ftp system access us kermit transmit modem host comput base file system access internet modem access univers mainfram file server pull file disk and pull disk sgi indigo sgi not ne twork uncompress and tar file come garbag error tar process directori invalid wo nder transfer unix file compress binari ascii multipl platform guess that copi d o disk that screw thing appreci bob anim xputimag good adjust colourmap fly anim and prevent current set colour flicker robert robert acsc fontnam fonstruct articl apr narya gsfc nasa gov deali narya gsf c nasa gov brian deali csc write applic can retriev name font applic xfontstruct xgetfontproperti work pass font name detail thi advanc brian brian deali not kn ow deali kong gsfc nasa gov that import know uunet dftsrv kong deali not dylan t hi char name null unsign long xgetfontproperti font font name xgetatomnam dpy dp y your displai connect and font your xfontstruct pointer alan richardson you don school math physic scienc wise univ sussex brighton england juda priest mppa su ssex syma mppa syma sussex titl for xterm articl inn fbi new informatik uni dortmund markho f informatik uni dortmund ingolf markhof write alia precmd echo host cwd tcshrc thi special alia for tvtwm presum that you meant tcsh michael salmon includ stan dard disclaim includ witti includ fanci pseudo graphic ericsson telecom stockhol m find appcontext apr gmt masc ucsnew sdsu edu todd green call giv e applic context fix motif program and us xtappaddtimeout argument app context c all can us give thi xtvaappiniti that robert mcmillin surf citi softwar rlm hele n surfcti dude includ std disclaim mix xlib mwm apr graham sparc ottawa jade jai graham develop app lic that will includ graphic window sort move symbol thing pure applic implement motif widget xmdrawingarea for draw xlib advantag graphic librari ibm sgi mix a nd applic program can us subroutin xmdrawingarea window open xopenwindow sgi dis tribut indigo line possibl includ sourc code for widget that fit top motif and t hat base you ibm whether support thi robert mcmillin surf citi softwar rlm helen surfcti dude includ std disclaim version xrecplai and us xrecplai for exist for contact develop e ric swilden ess hal longer and forward email address archi appreci daniel mccoi space net inc nasa mail code tel nasa johnson space center fax houston texa futu r mccoi gothamc jsc nasa gov expos configur event handl two question expos configur event han dl appl window draw sinc give user capabl scale and zoom allow window resiz made translat tabl for expos configur event expos event call redraw method configur event call rescal method rescal method invok fake expos event call redraw expos struct draw data quest appl compil link run env multipl redraw window get uncov size chang assum get cascad event that suggest handl trap event quest appl compi l link expos event whatsoev event and translat tabl act differ advanc steve stev e kellei umcp umiac captain protest internet skellei umiac umd edu not merri man worf for filemanag file manag that run unix brian brian sheet truck t ruck support engin atla telecom inc raider lost ark brian atlastel find state state kei capslock and numlock look faq and reilli bo ok and unabl find easi mean find state state kei such capslock and numlock can t rack event insid window and set boolean capslock press anoth window look xgrabke i and decid not want find conveni function that inform question thi mean determi n state capslock and numlock even point question easi mean make keyboard act key board capslock activ and user press shift lowercas input greatli appreci respond email will repost summari find ralph store post event store and repli mous and keyboard event produc regress test automat demo store mous and keyboard event produc user filter mous and keyboard event server queue store file thi sequenc event store file server q ueue user work exist tool that capabl save and repli mous and keyboard event can catch event store case server queue termin can catch event come server thi not can catch event client and can send store sequenc event simul user central dispa tch client machin manag incom event server and can reach advanc ron anim xputimag thi group bear two year ago wrote sunview applic f or fast anim raster file sunview rapidli obselet final decid rewrit scratch xvie w put togeth quick test and found that xputimag consider slower factor averag su nview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canva thi sparc ipx that protoco l commun slow thing xputimag ineffici question fastest dump plane imag data wind ow can advantag fact that client run machin server stuck xputimag case give appr eci derek derek richardson tel institut astronomi fax cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam draw line invers xor articl apr alf uib singg alf uib kurt georg gjerd write articl apr new media mit edu dyoung media mit edu david young write xsetfunct mydisplai gxxor xsetforeground mydisplai drawindex draw xdrawlin mydi splai xtwindow drawingarea xflush mydisplai and return thing normal xsetfunct my displai gxcopi happen for line draw invers draw happen white line line white bac kground noth show line black area noth show strang gxxor function sinc rubber ba nd box eras and redraw correctli not disturb underli imag suggest wrong david ch ang gxxor gxequiv thi for program that run ncd termin sun termin chang back gxxo r small section reilli xlib book that describ thing kei set plane mask foregroun d and background pixel valu dougla rand drand osf org osf motif dev snail cambri dg center cambridg disclaim don osf agre vote amateur radio compil sun articl apr aio jsc nasa gov mccoi gothamc jsc nasa go v write articl qfe qzz andrew cmu edu wilson swee andrew cmu edu write piec code that compil fine pmax pmax mach sun mach whenev compil sun undefin error sin co pow floor wmshellwidgetclass applicationshellwidgetclass librari that link lxaw lxmu lxt lxext makefil gener imak templat can give pointer miss compil sun easi

you math librari ad don that problem start you link usr lib libxmu lxmu that so lv problem for author thi net letter forgiv mistak plagu problem lack info auth or open window for long and gener us strait mit and don us share softwar bad new problem friend log into ssii try run program that run fine machin friend get cl ient not author connect server close start noauth option sure thi not requir gen er xhost not work root not work etc will greatli appreci send repli neuralog neo soft thi new group program argument geometri question process program argument such geometri option sinc thi standard option wonder wether pars manual whether pred efin function that will thi for you intrins pars for you you work xlib level you can pars you can us bit code static xrmoptiondescrec option geometri geometri x rmoptionseparg xpointer null defin number sizeof sizeof xrmparsecommand option n umber option myapplic argc argv us xrmgetresourc retriev and pars xparsegeometri quicker pars argv prefer resourc manag routin thi patrick mahan tgv window wash er mahan tgv wake person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for of fens that notebook lazaru long mwm titl drag crash server sigpip articl apr ncar ucar edu boot eureka scd ucar edu jeff boot write articl creatur edu ramakri csgrad edu ramakr ishnan write environ mach arch sparc sun ipx suno patchlevel motif bring server startx and usr bin xsun sequenc action crash server sigpip errno xinit report th at connexion server lost had thi problem had graphic card that come ipx fix prob lem for appli sungx that part patch patch us thi file perhap you didn appli that patch jeff jeff boot boot ncar ucar edu scientif comput divis noth good bad nat ion center for atmospher research think make boulder hamlet jeff you lifesav imp ort sun emul that patch problem sinc disappear der schoen mous for ramakrishnan dept mcbryde hall vatech anim xputimag articl apr infodev cam dcr mail ast cam derek rich ardson write thi group bear two year ago wrote sunview applic for fast anim rast er file sunview rapidli obselet final decid rewrit scratch xview put togeth quic k test and found that xputimag consider slower factor averag sunview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canva thi sparc ipx that protocol commun slow thi ng xputimag ineffici xputimag your sourc maintain client and destin maintain ser ver you incur overhead transport client server commun mechan you for you maintai n your sourc imag pixmap maintain server copi into window cheaper make you not s end unnecessari xsync run xsynchon mode paul pmartz dsd evan sutherland xsun not run sparcclass instal patch for solari sparcstat sparcc lass pool run fine classic give command startx xsun print messag warn mmap can m ap dummi space map such devic address and exit fix thi problem advanc christian rank lehrstuhl fuer wirtschaftsinformatik universitaet passau innstr passau mix xlib mwm pyeatt texaco write widget defin for glxmdraw motif glxdraw athena widget similar xmdrawingarea that you us call render into window glxlink glxunlink glxgetconfig and glxwinset man page hold widget gerard drisco l gerard odriscol dp pont pixel system support for pressur sensit tablet vendor support pressur sensit tablet pen will pointer sanjai baldwa adob decwrl adob baldwa autom test mark collier mark trident datasi swri edu wrote term autom test motif applic think system program record event output verif test proc edur and run rerun each time regress test interest product thi for unix project and for separ project will openvm question thi answer faq share window answer xt rap record and playback extenst you can find export lc mit edu contrib xtrapv ta r program doesn requir extens server work vendor extens can modifi xtrap doesn c onferenc softwar mit don easi modifi record and playback appreci bill poitra mol ecular simul inc tel bill msi sunnyval fax ftp mail mail ftpmail decwrl dec offe r ftp email subject quit shade program exampl shade program base xlib public domain examp l alloc correct colormap for program don thi start plai program call povrai pers ist vision raytrac that displai output window fairli good job alloc colormap psu edo color plane displai sourc site canda person retriev david buck dbuck cc carl eton patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wake person unnecessarili not con

sid lazaru long capit crime for offens that notebook lazaru long forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl hfz co lumbia edu ethan columbia edu ethan solomita write figur make window manag place window creat window command tell applic reason don want set overrid redirect wa nt embellish that window manag want accept choic locat exactli user assum that y our applic reason imho anti social start your applic geometri option you ignor t hat forc window manag manag your window you can you can hint guarante that you y ou want tom lastrang toml boulder parcplac forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl bade a pr athen berlin bade berlin tobia dope bade write thi xcreatewindow includ xutil displai displai window window xsizehint xsizehint xallocsizehint xsizehint flag usposit ussiz pposit psize xsizehint xsizehint xsizehint width xsizehint height xsetwmnormalhint displai window xsizehint xfree xsizehint hint window manag tha t posit and size window user and that window manag accept valu you us xsizehint flag pposit psize thi tell window manag that valu prefer valu program not user d on window manag that doesn place window you prefer you posit and size you don th i make brain hurt usposit and ussiz set user posit and size you tom don blow gas ket harm window manag thing posit window usposit pposit tom lastrang toml boulde r parcplac build xlc aix apr gmt dla waii doug acker doug nntp post host wa ii big problem build mit xlc bundl aix almost linker not work properli share lib rari built problem headach for exampl xset client complain that libxmu doesnt bu nch routin and shr miss that build libxmu link libxt perplex thi specif error no t load program xset symbol xtvasetvalu lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtname lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtwindowofobject lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtgetco nstraintresourcelist lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtdisplaytoapplicationcontext lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtappsettypeconvert lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtscreendatabas lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtresolvepathnam lib xmu libxmu u ndefin symbol xtcvtstringtofont lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtcallconvert lib xmu libxmu undefin symbol xtdisplaystringconversionwarn lib xmu libxmu undefin n ot load librari libxmu shr error exec format error dougla acker western geophys explor product divis western atla intern inc litton dresser compani internet ack er waii voic compil sun articl yfo qfe qzz andrew cmu edu wilson swee andrew cmu edu write sin co pow floor link math librari wmshellwidgetclass applications hellwidgetclass thi bug sun share librari link assert nodefinit trick build xlc aix apr gmt dla waii doug acker doug nntp post host wa ii apr gmt dla waii doug acker doug nntp post host waii doug big problem build m it xlc doug bundl aix almost linker not doug work properli share librari doug bu ilt problem headach doug for exampl xset client complain that libxmu doesnt bunc h doug routin and shr miss that doug build libxmu link libxt perplex doug doug t hi specif error doug not load program xset doug symbol xtvasetvalu lib xmu libxm u undefin doug symbol xtname lib xmu libxmu undefin doug symbol xtwindowofobject lib xmu libxmu undefin doug symbol xtgetconstraintresourcelist lib xmu libxmu u ndefin doug symbol xtdisplaytoapplicationcontext lib xmu libxmu undefin doug sym bol xtappsettypeconvert lib xmu libxmu undefin doug symbol xtscreendatabas lib x mu libxmu undefin doug symbol xtresolvepathnam lib xmu libxmu undefin doug symbo l xtcvtstringtofont lib xmu libxmu undefin doug symbol xtcallconvert lib xmu lib xmu undefin doug symbol xtdisplaystringconversionwarn lib xmu libxmu undefin dou g not load librari libxmu shr doug error exec format error search ibmlink reveal that thi similar howervr thi close us dougla acker western geophys explor produ ct divis western atla intern inc litton dresser compani internet acker waii voic posit window openlook netter requir window ordin top left corner screen root window window guru thi write program creat window imag displai requ ir imag top left corner that can grab for record video miniva control expect win dow spot time advanc sincer sanjeev sharma offic mail deptt comput scienc sharma monet vill edu villanova univers tape select had idea not and rememb unconsi thought that dialog box and window system intuitivli set thing check uncheck fill idea tape you put piec tape light switch idea you us daniel drucker sxx xyzzi gnu mit edu forev fo

rev coda und dzd vaxc hofstra edu xman sourc can xman sourc binari for xman for settl for sourc jo hn long bnr inc god pop jlong bnr kleenex includ standard disclaim art hopp detect read colorcel poset for friend such great respons last qu estion let can colorcel read want us read cell that colormap onc start run alloc at cell arbitrari nearest color match scheme cell that come closest request colo r onc determin cell read assum can request xalloccolor exact color specif and wi ll flag us applic that doesn freed and alloc read write anoth applic figur thi w rite error handler and ahead and request cell color onc colormap full error cell shareabl life easier detect read shareabl stuff directli idea noel ngorel specl ab usg gov colormap and window manag articl apr thunder mcrcim mcgill edu m ous thunder mcrcim mcgill edu der mous write articl duhc cmu edu da cmu edu davi d simon write can explain piec code twm tvtwm dump core interest know whether th i behavior caus bug reason bug twm client twm dump core bug twm window manag nev er crash true mit fix twm installwindowcolormap crash bug onc and for that almos t unabl crash twm tvtwm remark feat and desir boot mean thi bug report zillion t ime server hand want crash openwindow xnew server will xbiff xrm xbiff shapewind ow blammo greg earl phone fax internet earl isolar tujunga isolar earl elroi jpl nasa gov elroi isolar earl tvtwm xsetroot and sparcstat keyboard articl genesi ait psu edu barr pop psu edu david barr write articl mailqueu oak shu haywood sheffield hall am write environ sun sparc suno patch level process start xdm that good type thi exactli setup unix layout keyboard instal sunkbd patch open xterm sparc not kei recognis and kei keyboard not send correct charact you instal sunkbd patch cont rib directori export kei keyboard send event properli end pageup pagedown kei cl uster aren recogn even compos kei work can compos charact xterm pass fix for las t two don sunkbd patch us xmodmap file run xinitrc xmodmap home xmodmap for type unix keyboard bit brute forc sun type unix keyboard remap thi remap arrow kei p roperli default arrow kei keypad shift shift left shift and shift work arrow kei not assign keysym keycod keycod left keycod keycod want back space kei emit del et keysym keycod delet random map that aren default sysrq print screen kei keyco d sunsi req print break paus kei keycod break paus alt graph kei keycod mode swi tch pageup kei keycod prior pagedown kei keycod insert kei keycod insert home en d kei open function stop kei sunstop keysym cancel keycod sunstop kei sunagain r edo keycod sunagain prop kei keycod sunprop undo kei sunundo undo keycod sunundo front kei keycod sunfront copi kei keycod suncopi open kei keycod sunopen past kei keycod sunpast find kei sunfind find keycod sunfind cut kei keycod suncut gr eg earl phone fax internet earl isolar tujunga isolar earl elroi jpl nasa gov el roi isolar earl question overlai graphic can suggest answer question total novic and suggest you creat simpl draw tool two rectangl canva intersect delet rectan gl creat anoth us gxxor logic function and simpli redraw rectangl newli creat gr aphic context delet for appar purpos problem thi approach that point intersect p ixel locat belong rectangl becom white that avoid can avoid thi problem redraw r ectangl not gener expos event for affect area thi degrad perform badli you gopal termin question simpl question xpert us termin mous and keyboard suggest rainer rainer hochreit telephon elin energieanwendung gesmbh telefax pe nzingerstr wien austria europ mail rainer elin ncsa mosaic for version ncsa mosaic for window system network in form system and world wide web browser herebi releas file ftp ncsa uiuc edu mosa ic xmosaic sourc xmosaic tar xmosaic binari xmosaic sun xmosaic binari xmosaic s gi xmosaic binari xmosaic ibm xmosaic binari xmosaic dec xmosaic binari xmosaic alpha xmosaic diff xmosaic diff ncsa mosaic consist and easi us hypermedia base interfac into wide varieti network inform sourc includ gopher wai world wide web nntp usenet new techinfo ftp local filesystem archi finger hyper hytelnet texin fo telnet and thi releas ncsa mosaic compil platform sgi irix ibm aix sun suno s tock and motif and gcc dec ultrix dec alpha axp osf document onlin sinc includ a d resourc gethostbynameisevil for sun that coredump gethostbynam call find name command line flag ghbnie explicitli pop dialog box document view window close fo

r window manag dull visit anchor color for sgi ad hqx and list file extens handl tar file ad clear button open box conveni cut past entri url resourc autoplacew indow set fals document view window will not automat posit program your window m anag command line flag and icon desir effect resourc initialwindowicon can us gi f read code bulletproof obscur infinit loop trigger extra space img tag fix elim in nonintuit error messag imag can read inlin ncsa bitmap indic that not for aut hor and reader can bad imag case obscur pars bug for construct address href text address fix fix mysteri stupid coredump that hit sun fix stupid coredump url cb l leed fix buglet handl rlogin url support for solari sysvr courtesi dana thumpe r bellcor support for and courtesi john hpwarf wal support for courtesi scott sh rug dur miscellan portabl fix courtesi bingl purdu edu miscellan bug fix and cle anup comment question and bug report mosaic ncsa uiuc edu advanc for feedback yo u can provid cheer marc marc andreessen softwar develop group nation center for supercomput applic marca ncsa uiuc edu want info dedic server kernel for sun seri inform exist locat de dic server kernel for sun send email put neglect sun good us don memori for suno advanc for free program call xkernel that seth robertson seth ctr columbia edu take sun and boot limit kernel you run convert machin thi semest and speedup eno rm appreci find faster ncd inch black white xtermin that plai and bigger screen boot matter fact depart bought sun auction convert xkernel for anonym ftp ftp ct r columbia edu xkernel xkernel shar xkernel symlink latest version xkernel note that compil version for sun compil work for sun quit easi not connect xkernel sa tisfi instal and user answer question feel free email greg owen gowen fort tuft edu gowen jade tuft edu system programm and tuft univers comput scienc dept tran sfer disclaim host name and boss address you don thi polici disconnect anim you send messag anim queri post comp window append receiv b elow you can rememb you type anoth attempt derek derek richardson tel institut a stronomi fax cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam begin includ messag aol postmast thu apr receiv cast ast cam smail nlsg mpc cast ast cam thu apr bst receiv sco prod aol net prod aol net smtp wed apr postmast aol mailer america onlin mailer dcr mail ast cam subject return mail unknown member date wed apr edt messag aol stat u mail you not deliv address unknown user text you follow thi group bear two yea r ago wrote sunview applic for fast anim raster file sunview rapidli obselet fin al decid rewrit scratch xview put togeth quick test and found that xputimag cons ider slower factor averag sunview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canv a thi sparc ipx that protocol commun slow thing xputimag ineffici question faste st dump plane imag data window can advantag fact that client run machin server s tuck xputimag case give appreci derek derek richardson tel institut astronomi fa x cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam header uupsi expo lc mit edu xpert mailer wed a pr remot aolsi receiv uupsi aolsi aol wed apr edt receiv expo lc mit edu psi psi psinet smtp for wed apr receiv expo lc mit edu wed apr receiv enterpoop mit edu expo lc mit edu wed apr receiv enterpoop mit edu wed apr receiv usenet enterpoo p netnewsfor xpert expo lc mit edu xpert expo lc mit edu contact usenet enterpoo p you question xpert expo lc mit edu date wed apr gmt dcr mail ast cam derek ric hardson messag apr infodev cam organ institut astronomi cambridg repli dcr mail ast cam subject anim xputimag end includ messag anim xputimag articl mlb semi harri jmartin egret imagesru john martin write anim frequent copi client resid ximag into server resid pixmap xput imag onc thi origin ximag can delet and anim loop can perform xcopyarea pixmap w indow drawabl hope thi helpful john implement thi and can achiev displai rate fr ame sec ipx that sunview bit choppi time load data make ximag xput ing into pixm ap bit cumbersom anim slower load sunview load data rgooch csiro richard gooch w rite you speed and your client can run host server you us share memori extens sa mpl server mit shm xdpyinfo will you your server thi extens thi sampl mit server run suno word warn make your kernel configur support share memori and anoth wor d warn openwindow slower mit server written imag tool xview for gui yield frame per second for bit imag run sparc ipc half cpu grunt ipx thi prove quit suffici for anim regard richard gooch share memori putimag mention nkisseb delphi beckma n uiuc edu nick kisseberth interest point document thi method like give result s erver resid pixmap interest xview code mention for decent put togeth post net de

rek richardson tel institut astronomi fax cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam determin default font run openwindow normal program not font sho w font chang fontpath and restart window default font us chang can figur choos s et thi possibl xdefault repli direct email summar kurt swanson dept comput scien c lund universitet kurt swanson dna lth forc window manag accept specif coordin for window bade berlin t obia dope bade write thi xcreatewindow xsizehint flag usposit ussiz pposit psize xsetwmnormalhint displai window xsizehint hint window manag that posit and size window user and that window manag accept valu you us xsizehint flag pposit psiz e thi tell window manag that valu prefer valu program not user don window manag that doesn place window you prefer you posit and size olwm and tvtwm don place t itl that posit and window posit below thi becom problem you want program save cu rrent configur and restor solut xcreatewindow xsetwmproperti xmapwindow xflush x movewindow work olwm eleg thi leav wonder overlook obviou richard overrid default behaviour start applic window outlin displai cli ck mous button place window screen geometri option window appear properti geomet ri argument question can overrid intermediari step user window posit mouseclick explicitli set window size and posit that alter normal program behaviour for hin t robert work plain robert gasch der erst mai ist der tag dem die stadt in oracl engin freih tritt und den staatlichen monopolanspruch meern auf gewalt frage st ellt rgasch oracl einstuerzend neubauten anim xputimag articl apr infodev cam dcr mail ast cam derek rich ardson write two year ago wrote sunview applic for fast anim raster file sunview rapidli obselet final decid rewrit scratch xview put togeth quick test and foun d that xputimag consider slower factor averag sunview command rop move imag data memori pixrect canva thi sparc ipx that protocol commun slow thing xputimag ine ffici question protocol move imag process memori server memori thi hog convers x putimag fast fastest dump plane imag data window can advantag fact that client r un machin server stuck util mit shm extens that xputimag deriv that share memori fine fast xputimag case give you can xputimag frame pixmap move server memori a nd replai fastest xcopyarea awar thi major server memori bummer brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden dxf format displai for app that will displai dxf file ascii text file that associ autocad larg meg file state wisconsin that view and cut into s maller chunk find complet file layout for dxf file inform appreci patrick mcgill an comput system specialist univers wisconsin superior wisconsin pmcgilla uwsup edu window for window packag exist that run do and window happi hear advanc eigil krogh sorensen vanish font problem colleagu bizarr font problem mip workstat lo g xdm singl xterm window mwm window manag run thi configur window applic xdvi wo rk fine open second xterm applic suddenli xdvi cannot start window give error un abl load iso font differ two xterm window that initi refer name xsession file pr ettier colour and slight investig show that open default xterm thi behaviour and signific applic can longer load font invok command line window start xterm font option problem that default xterm load font server lose font note xlsfont windo w show font doesn problem font directori hash tabl rewrit xterm app default file us font and hope for idea info thi recent mip workstat current oper system and run not mwm fault problem occur twm etc postscript termin problem postscript work local sun sparcstaton ipc postscript work good connect sun termin error messag that postscript cannot connect new displai doesn postscript work termin make work henrik henrik hjort h jort imag process packag prateek mishra mishra sunysb edu wrote for p ackag that implement standard imag process function read write standard format c lip zoom etc implement public domain and privat packag interest applic area mind medic imag packag meant for gener context accept repli will summar net gener in terest prateek mishra mishra sbc sunysb edu tab faq sci imag process quit compre hens compil imag process includ ftp imagemagick and great check faq strang problem text test port coher unix clone for intel archite

ctur machin strang problem text client xvt simpl termin emul program problem man ifest shell echo type charact back server for displai time charact close space r esult that charact echo destroi rightmost edg charact charact destroi rightmost edg second charact and invis boundari charact obscur portion previou charact pro blem charact shell return complet line text output seri individu charact idea pr oblem find appreci regard and jon dhuse jon dhuse internet jdhuse sedona intel i ntel corp phone chandler blvd opinion express chandler not employ cxterm mip built cxterm mip platform you send email don read thi group bunch question edward greshko control data taiwan voic nank east road sec tion fax taipei taiwan repost acceler translat sdenni cad slb sdenni osf org write post thi ago and didn receiv repli and anoth bug report subject can problem that mot if xgrabkei implement menu acceler and grab specif modifi appli specif for xgrab kei doesn anymodifi combin modifi exactli desir thi case ctrl kei ora vol sectio n acceler for inform translat tabl vol thi you put for xmnacceler resourc you vo l likewis modifi noth prohibit modifi present for exampl translat shift kei quit will effect even ctrl kei held time shift kei and kei thi true for acceler and mnemon implement event handler grab not true for menu acceler you motif implemen tor suggest lobbi xlib semant chang support featur describ chang document for me nu acceler properli set user expect menu acceler not thing translat suppli accel er for menu entri you mean menu acceler not that definit xmnacceler resourc xmla bel manual page mind answer thi question that motif you can us xtinstallacceler can reason not can you ensur that acceler work independ case want ctrl and ctrl acceler menu entri workaround for motif user addit normal menu acceler you insta l xmpushbutton gadget set xtnacceler resourc shell toplevel applic instal shell acceler and descend xtinstallallacceler shell shell for exampl applicationshel m ainwindow menubar filecascad filepulldown openpushbutton exitpushbutton openpush button acceler ctrl kei openpushbutton acceleratortext ctrl exitpushbutton accel er ctrl kei exitpushbutton acceleratortext ctrl applicationshel acceler overrid ctrl kei performact openpushbutton armandactiv ctrl kei performact exitpushbutto n armandactiv you write and add applic action performact you can implement xtnam etowidget argument and xtcallactionproc rest argument test similar thi shorten d evelop time us teleus tuninstallacceler resourc instal acceler shell and directl i invok open and quit action ask pushbutton for gener approach describ work trev or bourget trevor telesoft anim xputimag articl apr infodev cam dcr mail ast cam derek rich ardson write implement thi and can achiev displai rate frame sec ipx that sunvie w bit choppi time load data make ximag xput ing into pixmap bit cumbersom anim s lower load sunview load data rgooch csiro richard gooch write you speed and your client can run host server you us share memori extens sampl server mit shm xdpy info will you your server thi extens thi sampl mit server run suno word warn mak e your kernel configur support share memori and anoth word warn openwindow slowe r mit server written imag tool xview for gui yield frame per second for bit imag run sparc ipc half cpu grunt ipx thi prove quit suffici for anim regard richard gooch share memori putimag mention nkisseb delphi beckman uiuc edu nick kissebe rth interest point document thi method like give result server resid pixmap inte rest xview code mention for decent put togeth post net mit tape come document wr itten keith packard share memori extens mit doc extens mit shm found thi invalub l bit work set share memori segment make ximag etc extens queri determin server support you test server run host and share memori enabl kernel written layer con vienc routin make thi transpar for xview code doubt that consid interest interes t stuff object librari peopl interest thi code can email regard richard gooch rg ooch atnf csiro kei bind bind home and end kei keyboard aix ext run mit dist run exce for window xtermin home and end kei not send and applic defin us thi xdefa ult defin kei varnet translat overrid kei home string kei end string xterm name varnet thi work perfect and kei keypad defin and idea egan ford egan phoni utah edu hellgat utah edu core dump getcon get memori fault and core dump whenev end motif session ultrix run dec examint core file lead getcon thi marc marc wiener marc

aip org american institut physic sunnysid blvd voic woodburi fax anim xputimag articl nrao edu rgooch csiro richard gooch write m it tape come document written keith packard share memori extens mit doc extens m it shm found thi invalubl bit work set share memori segment make ximag etc exten s queri determin server support you test server run host and share memori enabl kernel written layer convienc routin make thi transpar for xview code doubt that consid interest interest stuff object librari peopl interest thi code can email regard richard gooch rgooch atnf csiro for doc info turn that leav colormap upd at frame and us tvtwm test frame ipx server resid pixmap method give astonish fr ame per second and smooth found solut gener thi group colormap question derek de rek richardson tel institut astronomi fax cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam anim xputimag dcr mail ast cam derek richardson write share memo ri putimag mention nkisseb delphi beckman uiuc edu nick kisseberth interest poin t document thi method like give result server resid pixmap interest xview code m ention document us share memori extens distribut finish write motif anim program lot imag data and displai pretti darn fast server pixmap share memori had inser t delai loop quickli test method side side equal advantag shm that your server d oesn grow ridicul size pixmap can work network and remov your applic di us ipcrm manual quit bit debug shm app share memori problem that oper system ultrix smal l number segment attach process onc redraw becom xshmattach xshmputimag xshmdeta ch dec system and dec bit displai tend us don support extens compil wrong and pi xmap server crash fail malloc us local unix domain socket isn that bad copi info time per redraw short allow form displai program good thing minu shm run networ k and user pick feel fastest us ximagehandl class and forget rob pixmap and colormap select want send pixmap client thi want send colormap and foreground and background pixel valu not problem can thi problem o nc pixmap and colormap tell server that second receiv client associ two tia john john cwikla programm never wolfram research inc letter alphabet cwikla wri dynam squeezetitl configur twm twm style squeez titl indispens w indow manag two tall xterm window visibl time overlap and sinc two window aren x term window underneath exactli posit case you not familiar squeez titl crude pic tur figur titl titl titl thi window hide window bodi you can titl window window squeez figur squeez titl such window each stack easi access and per stack sinc i nsist virtual problem that titl locat static that configur twmrc and order chang you edit that file and restart window manag cumbersom and time consum implement squeez left center function copi vtwm idea that click button you can chang thi titl thi bodi window window thi titl thi bodi window window good heck put thi in to offici twm and tvtwm and vtwm and ctwm and xyztwm that never heard post comp window descript thi enhanc togeth explan good thing and hope that read case isn clear good thing back figur and pictur window move top window and window titl hi de window titl you hit squeezecent result titl titl titl thi bodi window window top rest thi post explain implement base copi vtvwm shar sketch post full diff l ong kei thi enhanc add line executefunct routin menu ifdef shape case squeezelef t static squeezeinfo left squeez left deferexecut context func scr selectcursor return true tmp win squeez info left squeez setframeshap tmp win break and simil arli for squeezeright and squeezecent center endif you defin squeezeleft pars an d add squeezeleft fkeyword squeezeleft and pars order us function add your twmrc file button door squeezecent year ago post thi new broken and didn sinc blast a ppear comp sourc volum issu you us blast achiev similar effect chisel mwm style wide titl twm style window manag ralph betza uunet ssini gnohmon gnohmon ssini q uestion whether comput can swim interest question whether submarin can lenni dyk stra anim xputimag share memori putimag mention nkisseb delphi beckma n uiuc edu nick kisseberth interest point document thi method like give result s erver resid pixmap interest xview code mention easi answer thi question depend w hether displai devic can hold pixmap screen memori and effici server manag resou rc deal limit screen memori bane server implementor exist work graphic devic scr een memori main displai copi rate eclips that main memori displai copi rate and main memori displai faster screen displai requir write framebuff read write your server cfb code render into pixmap cpu main memori rate you can mit shm like eq

ual tad slower depend your implement share memori copyarea pixmap window copi cp u main memori graphic devic advanag mit shm that your imag larg you don end grow size server process hold disadvantag mit shm that sampl implement provis for el egantli clean share memori segment client di sudden violent death kill you mind clutter system zombi share memori segment ken kenneth whalei kubota pacif comput inc email whalei kpc walsh avenu santa clara xlib and includ file xpert sparc limit disk space usr partit pre vious run window applic and upgrad system sun and realiz that hard disk not spac e load openwindow altern load neccessari file boot system thi result not load op enwindow result librari load load librari and includ file and bin file requir fo r run window and compil program written for xlib and xaw desper effort regain wi ndow retriev usr lib libx file tape usr bin and usr includ thi for run window no t usr lib font sub directori dpi dpi and misc run xinit error messag usr lib fon t dpi etc not default path problem cannot load directori disk space temporari su ggest disk and load openwindow window run pramod write motif widget can give inform write motif widget platform m otif privat header file and sourc can make public header that provid motif inclu d thi context widget multi column list lot peopl written and subclass list simpl class thi difficult principl not line code altern multi column list widget sell thi save write chanc exist motif not spec answer appreci nichola nichola young forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl bub ws info win tue rcb wsinfo win tue richard verhoeven write bade berlin tobia dope b ade write thi xcreatewindow xsizehint flag usposit ussiz pposit psize xsetwmnorm alhint displai window xsizehint hint window manag that posit and size window use r and that window manag accept valu you us xsizehint flag pposit psize thi tell window manag that valu prefer valu program not user don window manag that doesn place window you prefer you posit and size olwm and tvtwm don place titl that po sit and window posit below reason place corner locat you request that icccm thi becom problem you want program save current configur and restor solut xcreatewin dow xsetwmproperti xmapwindow xflush xmovewindow thi code will almost break call xmapwindow and xflush not guarante that window visibl and manag window manag ev en thi work isn reliabl find decor window manag your window you don move and win dow manag refus move your window tom lastrang toml boulder parcplac postscript termin problem postscript work local sun sparcstat ip c postscript work good connect sun termin error messag that postscript cannot co nnect new displai doesn postscript work termin xtermin not new server xtermin sp eed natur limit function onc you add new and you workstat workaround heard invol v perl script replac program that new pageview program that don ghostview can el abor perl workaround person experi greg owen gowen fort tuft edu gowen jade tuft edu system programm and tuft univers comput scienc dept transfer disclaim host name and boss address you don thi polici disconnect colormap dialog shell applicationshel colormap creat xcreatecolo rmap and color for bit displai move cursor window technicolor effect fine basic program work problem question popup dialogshel prompt user for input want xmndia logstyl set xmdialog primari applic modal result that cursor dialogshel colormap cursor applicationshel window dialogshel default colormap that cursor window ap plic colormap suggest david for xserver for subject can find binari nice sourc advanc rob ba nz banz umbc edu give peopl altern microsoft will greater good steve job unixwor ld april bill your father ibm present fose wcl problem compil wcl sco odt usr includ getresl getresl getres l error xtconstraintbit undefin error code follow instruct file readm build buil d wcl sco platform thi problem didn resolv question relat thi matter xtconstrain tbit exist sco odt xtconstraintbit us and releas sco odt us not work xterm statu line and color for version xterm handl color and sty le statu line can problem run aix info sun rlogin shell run info util remot login shell rlogin sun sparc can longer type lower case info window prompt thought pro b due sun window mgr openlook incompat aix motif applic tvtwm result thi kei def init problem workstat system admin feign ignor type lower case into thi remot ai

x motif app local openlook window manag wayn long internet wcl risc sp mot willi am cannon drive west texa edu oakhil risc wcl austin texa phone fax repost acceler translat articl apr telesoft trevor telesoft trev or bourget ignit write sdenni cad slb sdenni osf org write post thi ago and didn receiv repli and anoth bug report subject can problem that motif xgrabkei imple ment menu acceler and grab specif modifi appli specif for xgrabkei doesn anymodi fi combin modifi exactli desir thi case ctrl kei ora vol section acceler for inf orm translat tabl vol thi you put for xmnacceler resourc you vol likewis modifi noth prohibit modifi present for exampl translat shift kei quit will effect even ctrl kei held time shift kei and kei thi true for acceler and mnemon implement event handler grab not true for menu acceler you motif implementor suggest lobbi xlib semant chang support featur describ chang document for menu acceler proper li set user expect menu acceler not thing translat suppli acceler for menu entri you mean menu acceler not that definit xmnacceler resourc xmlabel manual page m ind answer thi question that motif you can us xtinstallacceler can reason not ca n you ensur that acceler work independ case want ctrl and ctrl acceler menu entr i find thi thread motif acceler absoultli amaz write interfac keyboard acceler r esourc call acceler that translat tabl period implement that programm never work acceler instal end user activ and automat instal multipl acceler singl menu ite m menuitem acceler overrid ctrl kei fire shift kei fire acceler work exactli tra nslat and you automat ctrl show your menuitem object world motif stuff complic s pecial case depend type widget you deal reason for polit tone thi messag tom las trang toml boulder parcplac anim xputimag articl whalei apr sigma kpc whalei sigma kpc ken w halei write advanag mit shm that your imag larg you don end grow size server pro cess hold correct server us version malloc will not return memori server free pi xmap heap not shrink disadvantag mit shm that sampl implement provis for elegant li clean share memori segment client di sudden violent death kill you mind clutt er system zombi share memori segment part routin mention dirti trick that proble m creat share memori segment attach client attach server and remov segment you r ead man page remov share memori segment you will that segment di attach client d i that attach clean for you and sinc server notic client di free resourc includ detach segment last attach share memori segment terribl work regard richard gooc h xterm patch for alpha osf massag dec osf def can rememb exact na me osf into normal distribut compil and link fine xterm doesn run warn represent size match superclass overrid background warn translat tabl syntax error modifi expect warn found pars error fail request badcolor invalid colormap paramet maj or opcod fail request allocnamedcolor resourc fail request serial number fail re quest current serial number output stream thi core stuff work hint tip appreci p atch primo jay mathisen coe system manag robert hall dept comput scienc montana state univers bozeman osyjm montana edu widget translat problem write custom widget support displai grap hic and imageri user widget will creat whether oper mode set translat and action handl mous button press work fine widget mode mode work widget widget child man ag put anoth translat not work widget configur mode and child shell thi happen a dvanc bruce gendler bgendler csc text field dialog widget doesn focu glx widget athena widget mix model applic dwm dialog get pop text entri field not focu aimilar code work per fectli us pure mix model relev portion code int arg warg widget button popupshel dialog initi toplevel xtsetarg warg xtnlabel foo button xtcreatemanagedwidget f oobtn commandwidgetclass toplevel warg popupshel xtcreatepopupshel pupshel overr ideshellwidgetclass button null xtaddcallback popupshel xtncallback mypopup xtpo inter popupshel xtsetarg warg xtnvalu dialog xtcreatemanagedwidget thedialog dia logwidgetclass popupshel warg void mypopup popup shell call data widget widget p opup shell xtpointer call data xtpopup popup shell xtgrabexclus found give focu text field move applic window bit and place popup pointer greatli appreci correct last post glx lack cou dialog widget code replac line xt addcallback popupshel xtncallback mypopup xtpointer popupshel xtaddcallback butt on xtncallback mypopup xtpointer popupshel rest and question remain dan dell eisa video card thi belong comp window unix redirect follow up articl sshu cbi gator larri gator larri snyder write xfree support eisa video card dell larri snyder larri gator for fact that eisa version orchid prodesign ii work eisa svga card like wast monei xfree come support for acceler chipset is a eisa and vlb will support import question chipset support bu basic irrelev com pat issu david wexelblat dwex mtgzf att fax bell laboratori laurel av middletown xfree request address xfree physic love oxygen you you high not and you gonna d ie sweet love oxygen question overlai graphic two rectangl canva intersect delet rect angl creat anoth us gxxor logic function and simpli redraw rectangl newli creat graphic context delet for appar purpos problem thi approach that point intersect pixel locat belong rectangl becom white that avoid you set bitmap mask clear bi tmap draw rectangl delet gxor draw that stai gxclear gxxor entir pixmap screen n ote that thi pretti effect anim you that replac gxclear gxxor joe hildebrand hil djj fuentez softwar engin fuentez system concept standard disclaim appli keysym databas problem problem motif applic that run anoth machi n path etc can find xkeysymdb file thi larg warn output warn translat tabl synta x error unknown keysym name osfactiv warn found pars kei osfactiv managerparenta ctiv warn translat tabl syntax error unknown keysym name osfcancel warn found pa rs kei osfcancel managerparentcancel warn translat tabl syntax error unknown key sym name osfselect warn found pars kei osfselect managergadgetselect etc file lo cat for place machin app compil read xkeysymdb manual call that addit xkeysymdb can distribut applic us trace find fix that translat applic can recognis tim tim liddelow for fork system programm centr advanc technolog telecommun brain bad d ai citri melbourn australia internet tim kimba catt citri edu phone fax mix xlib mwm articl scorpion dp gerard dp gerard driscol write p yeatt texaco write widget defin for glxmdraw motif glxdraw athena widget similar xmdrawingarea that you us call render into window glxlink glxunlink glxgetconfi g and glxwinset man page hold widget gerard driscol gerard odriscol dp pont pixe l system come iri nth ship latest version nth portabl updat coupl week ago assum that silicon graphic licens sourc you that you can includ your compani offer la rri pyeatt view express not internet pyeatt texaco employ voic that except write motif widget articl wapj ibmpcug nichola ibmpcug nichola y oung write write motif widget platform motif privat header file and sourc can ma ke public header that provid motif includ thi context you find almost imposs sou rc thi point depend ambiti you and concern you complianc gener interfac and item travers widget multi column list lot peopl written and subclass list simpl clas s thi difficult principl not line code not you ask you creat true multi column l ist place list geometri manag and put that manag automat scroll window thi would n good for larg list you thi altern altern multi column list widget sell thi sav e write chanc exist motif not spec motif not multi column list you look commerci set widget set multi column list you port dougla rand drand osf org osf motif d ev snail cambridg center cambridg disclaim don osf agre vote amateur radio numlock mask interfer meta compos extendchar question thi mean d etermin state capslock and numlock alright ignor thi delv bit deeper xkeyev and found for state bunch mask check lockmask for capslock appear that numlock mask vari server server mask numlock and for meta mod mask mod mask mod mask mod mask mod mask sgi vendor server mod mask numlock solari openwindow mod mask for numl ock unambigu mean determin numlock mask runtim for server for wast bandwidth and appal ignor ralph find paper rosenth march april version journal open front work p rogram client thi summer and sinc don experi program thought thi issu help secti on debug and section common error program end error section refer for tutori pro gram style rosenth david simpl client program proceed winter usenix confer lemk and rosenth visual client proceed winter usenix confer find print prefer electro n form can you suggest net resourc devot introduct program bookstor for book ask can find net david simpson davesimp soda berkelei edu intrins slow popup cjh minster york wrote run sampl problem reil li volum intris program manual chapter popup dialog box and exampl page creat po p dialog box applic creat window button quit and press button press pop dialog b

ox strang featur thi program that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slowe r experi sampl program thi behaviour fast respons time for time slow respons tim e time onward can give idea program popup that each time popup reason fast respo ns time thankyou shirlei respond prevent thi behaviour two method run twm olwm k eep olwm put wmtimeout resourc suggest that difficuti window manag posit popup w indow guru can analys thi inform post and shirlei question xon folk and quick question xon xon machin name notic t hat come small window pretti default font xterm work xon suppos read your xresou rc for font size xrdb appear show stuff can us xon argument such xterm etc and c orrect you simpl script thi feel miss simpl comment suggest appreci advanc bob b shaw spdc gui studi cutsi macintrash icon that instant recip for mousiti i mho system undoubtedli worst gui us that risco mswombl and simpli not provid key board shortcut window confess quit cover your ear you can us touch mous stuff de let user make thing easier and option your you want unix combin customiz hear he ar agre complet thing can stand mac interfac shear determin forc you us mous you r mous break your system mous handi occass such cut and past and move icon etc f or work keyboard and hot kei time faster mous simpl you inexperienc user long yo ur experienc month two speak pc moment don that window programm provid not menu mous interfac forward move hot kei and command line interfac you time you experi enc equal appli window system unix sinc unix power do seth buffington gab seth u nt edu seth gab unt edu unix oper termin config file question question exact entri paramet and syn tax termin configur file load termin boot add anoth system tcp access control li st background two unix system run and mit and sun want window sun and ncd termin time can thi manual set network paramet tcp access control list login telnet se ssion not great xhost work and fail syntax wrong implement bogu edit ncd configu r file that load ncd boot matter entri add edit ncd boot tcp access control list contain manual worthless appreci ann mari barden abarden afseo eglin mil error fail request badpixmap invalid pixmap paramet give guess t hi simpl program badpixmap error fourth bizarr call xtrelaizewidget code int sto ploop static void callback widget xtpointer xtpointer main xttoolkitiniti xtappc ontext app xtcreateapplicationcontext int junk displai di xtopendisplai app null null null null junk null widget top xtappcreateshel null null applicationshellw idgetclass di null widget box xtvacreatemanagedwidget xmpushbuttonwidgetclass to p xmnheight xmnwidth null xtaddcallback box xmnactivatecallback callback null xt realizewidget top stoploop xevent event xtappnextev app event xtdispatchev event stoploop xtreleasegc top xdefaultgcofscreen xtscreen top need xtdestroywidget t op xtclosedisplai di static void callback widget xtpointer xtpointer stoploop er ror time show box error fail request badpixmap invalid pixmap paramet major opco d fail request creategc resourc fail request serial number fail request current serial number output stream respond email note realiz thi program noth ultra tri vial version real librari routin david rex wood davewood colorado edu univers co lorado boulder for david smyth articl apr nynexst zvi nynexst zvi guter write a uthor wcl current care taker name found dist tree mail david smyth mchp sni mail bounc back find will greatli appreci david david ztivax siemen xtian name chris tian mollard email mollard frec bull phone bull fax address bull echirol cedex f ranc virtual mwm netland thought that onc read exist virtual mwm vtwm usual ftp site gatakeep dec export lc mit edu can find trace thi program give h int find thi program confirm deni exist thi program regard stefan instal problem process instal sun sparcstat and run into problem imagin miss screen driver line figur internet land instal machin that openlook instal and instal concurr set compil usr directori work kink get compil gcc that compil warn instal for pex set flag run messag line get interfac configur oper not support socket sunopenframebuff inappropri ioctl for devic fatal server erro r screen found idea can fix respond mail below address advanc dan not want immor t work want immort not dy woodi allen dan kirkpatrick dept electr comput engin d sk rice edu rice univers uunet rice edu dsk uunet net houston imak cpp problem aix build and us imak ibm run aix problem imake fil contruct thi makefil start line pass makefil comment preprocessor and into m akefil preprocessor that us will not treat such appear start line preprocessor n ot treat hash symbol start direct ibm cpp strip comment and treat hash symbol st art direct cpp fail determin that thi not direct temporarili hack imak handl thi situat come fix imakefil us paramet macro us macro not for paramet aix cpp warn situat continu work you familiar problem and solut inform your solut perhap thi solv version imak that not review you cpp that behav similarli sinc not easi ac cess new respons white billi gi prc appreci imak do and window had experi port imak do microsoft watcom do c ompil sinc not easi access new respons white billi gi prc appreci post script viewer recent print lot file school laser printer an d feel guilti show post script viewer for window you for your student enhenc cyb ernat abil forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl bub ws info win tue rcb wsinfo win tue richard verhoeven write olwm and tvtwm don place titl that posit and window posit below thi becom problem you want program save current configur and restor solut xcreatewindow xsetwmproperti xmapwindow xflush xmovewindow work olwm eleg thi leav wonder overlook obviou richard that mwm res ourc posit us for border window for user window window manag similar option anot h figur differ user window posit and window manag decor window posit subtract po sit you us xquerytre and rememb that window manag decor window parent your windo w you can figur decor width and height window map thi greet tobia bade berlin anim xputimag articl apr nrao edu rgooch csiro richard gooch wri te remov share memori segment terribl work that terribl that exactli code for tw o year and that temporari file unix system manag time open unlink burkhard neide ck lutz distribut multimedia group cec karlsruh eerp portfolio manag softwar mot ion pictur berkom project multimedia base technolog digit equip corpor neideck n estvx enet dec imag plot sourc code need for sourc sampl creat window imag dim matrix unsign char will appreci question motif diaog shell widget vuewm dear netter notic wear c reat dialog shell widget run vue vuewm for reason time creat dialog shell foregr ound and backgroun color compar toplevel shell not special bodi thi problem fix hardcodin color respond kamlesh salzo cari usa kamlesh benchmark process evalu termin thi includ run xremot serial line run benchmark determin compar perform written such benchmark program net heard program call xstone couldn locat archi repli afielden mlsma att don read thi new sgroup advanc for andrew fielden network system tel inform system group sun supp ort email afielden mlsma att hypercard for unix netland macintosh hypercard for unix platform advanc ron numlock mask interfer meta compos extendchar ralph seguin rp arb ortext wrote question thi mean determin state capslock and numlock alright ignor thi delv bit deeper xkeyev and found for state bunch mask check lockmask for ca pslock appear that numlock mask vari server server mask numlock and for meta mod mask mod mask mod mask mod mask mod mask sgi vendor server mod mask numlock sol ari openwindow mod mask for numlock unambigu mean determin numlock mask runtim f or server for wast bandwidth and appal ignor you check keysym each kei for each modifi numlock map modifi you want bit ugli perhap thi and preced keysym us diff erenti capslock shiftlock for lock modifi don accept strategi for handl ambigu a ssign numlock map for modifi suppos found good doesn handl lock modifi that hope that help dave lapp standard disclaim etc motif base graph packag motif base graph packag integr into larg softwar packag develop for distribut univers can public domain commerci commerc i packag can royalti requir for binari distribut graph capabl minimum nice info appreci and will summar interest mitch mitchel baltuch unidata program center mi tch unidata ucar edu ucar box boulder postscript termin mail you bounc articl you write henhj edit hen rik balthazar hjort subject postscript termin problem postscript work local sun

sparcstaton ipc postscript work good connect sun termin error messag that postsc ript cannot connect new displai doesn postscript work termin make work that term in doesn support postscript extens product us dxpsview program decstat view post script file move ncd termin couldn us ftp and compil ghostscript gnu softwar can view postscript file termin hope thi help grant henrik henrik hjort hjort grant totten programm analyst trent univers peterborough ontario gtotten trentu phone fax stride trampl get your hypercard for unix articl apr bernina ethz queloz bernina ethz r onald queloz write netland macintosh hypercard for unix platform advanc ron meta card hypercard program environ chun hong forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl bade a pr athen berlin bade berlin tobia dope bade write that mwm resourc posit us for border window for user window window manag similar option anoth figur differ use r window posit and window manag decor window posit subtract posit you us xqueryt re and rememb that window manag decor window parent your window you can figur de cor width and height window map thi anoth us getgeometri find you rel frame and translatecoordin find your window upperleft corner ethan kei definit emac prior articl ajaff oddjob uchicago edu andrew j aff wrote us emac and want custom keyboard set stuff emac keymap and defin kei c an access kei termin keyboard can home end pgup pgdn keycod feel thi can fix ema c that xmodmap stuff can kei event handl pretti hardwir into emac ran into thi p roblem back solut chang sourc code that special kei gener charact sequenc basic encod keysym and modifi state escap sequenc for exampl sequenc esc that home kei press shift kei you detect standard kei odd modifi such shift return you sourc and comfort mung bit basic you replac keypress handl code sourc file term osf in terest can send tweak imagin bigger fish fry hopefulli includ talk emac suffici interest post mod thi isn group for note thi special code will appli you emac cr eat window you run plain tty mode includ xterm window busi usual patch made vers ion sun thi back patch chunk code sun endif easili adapt for mark lanzo qlz lanz o tekelec titl for xterm prior articl naoumov physic unc edu sergei naoumo v write hei gui work station and thi name and current lognam titl xterm open and machin name close word want host and lognam titl open xterm and host xterm clos e can apolog answer answer faq new feed lose lot articl haven faq check two wai you start xterm you can us command line option icon name set icon label window t itl set window titl titl window titl equival window titl you can us escap sequen c chang thing fly basic escap sequenc esc arbitari text bel esc and bel ascii es cap and bell charact ascii decim digit depend whether you set window icon titl a nd arbitari text your desir label string thi command will set window icon titl e cho your titl set icon titl echo your titl set window titl echo your titl you fi ddl exact syntax depend echo command work your system and shell you shown system semant bourn korn shell hint for sun user us usr bin echo bin echo csh built ec ho you emb liter esc and bel charact string conveni octal sequenc you want your titlebar updat contin show your current directori hostnam somesuch you you can c oerc your shell into spit escap sequenc prompt for command sometim you can put e scap sequenc prompt string sometim not mark lanzo qlz lanzo tekelec find appcontext prior articl masc ucsnew sdsu edu todd green cal l give applic context fix motif program and us xtappaddtimeout argument app cont ext call can us give thi xtappcontext xtwidgettoapplicationcontext widget app co ntext return xtcreateapplicationcontext xtappiniti etc option that path not xdm solari recent read that sun patch for xdm solari wonder give patch number advanc traci tollei univers central florida technic support problem run aix info sun rlogin shell bcinn om sp mot wcl risc s p mot wayn long write run info util remot login shell rlogin sun sparc can longe r type lower case info window prompt thought prob due sun window mgr openlook in compat aix motif applic tvtwm result thi kei definit problem workstat system adm in feign ignor type lower case into thi remot aix motif app local openlook windo w manag wayn long internet wcl risc sp mot william cannon drive west texa edu oa khil risc wcl austin texa phone fax had exact problem not figur solut run linux free unix and openwindow solut ewz internet ziegenf moravian edu rutger lafcol b

atman ziegenf xfree xfree run consensi and encount minor hope probem hook lan want remot applic connect server command permit thi xhost log and type xhost err or messag you local machin enabl access thi mean ain local machin anoth problem mous movement find that mous cursor move extrem slow and choppi can make mous cu rsor move accur advanc appreci send repli christi alex christi summari xon and folk that repli problem turn simpl xresourc had space xterm font remov thi and xrdb fix problem symptom that user not proper cap it for xterm font bob load network can point direct paper not necessarili formal condu ct studi discuss traffic app gener for network comparison curs base app telnet s erver typic buffer user keyboard input line time can client control thi ask for keystrok immedi advanc for feedback bob kline phoenix system inc bkline occ nlm nih gov voic athena widget find athena widget that need for xtdm advanc subscrib subscrib min stella skku shade program exampl articl tgv mahan tgv patrick mahan write sh ade program base xlib public domain exampl alloc correct colormap for program do n thi start plai program call povrai persist vision raytrac that displai output window fairli good job alloc colormap psuedo color plane displai sourc site cand a person retriev david buck dbuck cc carleton origin post search for exist imple ment gouroud shade triangl thi fairli complex plain simpler shade model implemen t archi latest version for gouroud fast implement will util extens mit shm shade imag and fast updat window pex opengl shade portabl vanilla shade normal ximag and us xputimag good static thing fractal landscap such stuff speak povrai previ ew that come origin sourc packag not that good speed protocol friendly and icccm complianc preview code pub gfx rai misc readm state point xwindow povrai brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden moolit and olit differ moolit and olit sun support moolit moolit sparcstat recntli download copi wkshtree written eric wallengren univel widget that appar moolit not olit wkshtree program olit steve cfcl authent plan featur for question whether upcom releas will provi d strong authent client and server will thi featur base kerbero authent mechan a nd will kerbero version us repli email andr andr cosma rrc bellcor secur and and r bae bellcor hoe lane data servic piscatawai amiga hardwar and mandat port base stereo video softwar experi a miga machin can retain event handl eas plight consider and can motif bit gari la wrenc murphi garym virtual rose utoronto univers toronto industri eng dept fax t addl creek toronto ont voic true destin present mgr port port applic openwindow motif and desper inform thi short complet rewrit tool make port easer refer talent hire thi will even pr esent mgr emul for sun and repli flame brian colar brian colar dalla central sun intrins slow popup bryan boreham bryan alex wrote articl minster york cjh minster york write applic creat window button quit and press button pr ess pop dialog box strang featur thi program that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slower shell wait for window manag respond posit request window manag not respond think window place exactli two compon into thi sulk unclear inform greatli receiv for thi clue and derek for pointer direct solut due derek popup p op setvalu locat repeat popup will unchang previou popup slow respons can avoid call getvalu and setvalu requir locat problem can avoid make tini alter locat po pup that setvalu chang locat popup thi for doubl check sourc problem solut succe ssfulli follow us twm mwm olwm us olwm resourc wmtimeout reset locat popup windo w trueli chang thi work bug chri stuart overrid window manag focu process work window base applic that o verrid window manag focu process and motif will work open futur circumst prevent user switch window applic anoth window for exampl that window top window window hierarchi user click mous window will brought top window hierarchi and top wind ow circumst user click mous window beep and prevent window rais top window resea rch and test appear that thi window order handl window manag thi case motif have n found overrid thi default process standard window function can thi switch occu

r focu chang and map notifi event can find motif not make switch temporari solut come kludgi partial work detect such window switch case switch not allow manual forc top window back top xraisewindow call and beep xbell function thi function ugli window switch place twice can motif prefer window manag don want window or der switch place respond mail post thi newsgroup cheer randal randal severi uune t uunet severi inform servic internet severi uunet net washington geni rseveri r ockvil usa phone intrins slow popup articl minster york cjh minster york write cj h minster york wrote run sampl problem reilli volum intris program manual chapte r popup dialog box and exampl page creat pop dialog box applic creat window butt on quit and press button press pop dialog box strang featur thi program that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slower experi sampl program thi behaviour fast respons time for time slow respons time time onward can give idea program p opup that each time popup reason fast respons time thankyou shirlei respond prev ent thi behaviour two method run twm olwm keep olwm put wmtimeout resourc sugges t that difficuti window manag posit popup window guru can analys thi inform post and shirlei ran thi problem ago and rememb you us xttranslatecoordin etc realiz main widget calcul locat popup us xtvasetvalu popup widget call setvalu repeate dli time pop slow you never delv deep figur exactli jeremi payn uiuc neurosci pr ogram colleg medicin jrpayn uiuc edu for window server frequenc oper data design architectur chip int end speed common oper window system such friend and design chip final project fo r advanc comput architectur taught fred brook unc chapel hill feel that pretti s olid design ahold frequenc data window server that can make effect us bit budget unabl find thi sort faq manual that type frequenc data copi rectangl oper draw line and thing that sort bar that program that record request server into logfil that can mung and appreci mark mark deloura deloura unc edu north carolina chap el hill colormap dialog shell dyoung media mit edu david young write app licationshel colormap creat xcreatecolormap and color for bit displai popup dial ogshel prompt user for input want xmndialogstyl set xmdialog primari applic moda l result that cursor dialogshel colormap cursor applicationshel window dialogshe l default colormap that cursor window applic colormap thi correct behavior remem b default colormapfocuspolici keyboard mean cmap focu follow keyboard focu sinc dialog modal mwm won keyboard focu your main shell and won cmap focu sinc sound you keyboardfocuspolici pointer suggest you set colormapfocuspolici pointer that cmap focu won slavishli follow keyboard focu will beat path you keyboardfocuspo lici explicit you can set cmap focu explicit you bind focu color david brook dbr ook osf org open softwar foundat uunet osf org dbrook showr soot foot toolkit make larg applic for free distribut copyleft us bewild h uge number standard that open system creat live fairli tookit shelter environ to ol produc athena widget set intrins humbl opinion crap don thi characterist took it poor aestet tast programm app sculptur mwm understand that mwm isn free tooki t get linux will interview don will impress andrew fsf don you can explain thi t oolkit mess oblig free portabl nice not resourc hog you happen linux and sun tha t big advanc problem color xterm recent obtain copi color xterm export lc mit edu mention previou articl compil report undefin symbol wmshellwidgetclass appl icationshellwidgetclass run send escap sequenc set colour colour come black text black background idea us thi program colour successfulli can point colour termi n emul run openwindow sun sparc run suno advathanksnc ben kellei ben thor dbsm titl for xterm articl apr gecko lanzo tekelec mark lanzo write h int for sun user us usr bin echo bin echo csh built echo you emb liter esc and b el charact string conveni octal sequenc bad idea usr bin echo slower built echo thi execut hostnam onc per shell window and read extra file maniplu titl not req uir execut extra program execut program onc per each system store file for time hostnam setenv hostnam hostnam endif figur gener escap bell and echo command lin e termin thi variabl set execut thi script thi system echo set echo variabl dev tty echo hostnam sourc echo hostnam echo echo built echo bsd dev tty berkelei st yle echo echo set ech echo echo hostnam echo set echo echo hostnam echo set echo

echo hostnam echo set echo hostnam sourc echo hostnam echo built echo sysv dev tty echo set ech echo echo hostnam echo set echo hostnam echo set echo hostnam e cho set echo hostnam sourc echo hostnam endif shelltool cmdtool xterm duplic ali as avoid problem term sun sun alias alia header ech alia ihead ech term xterm al ia header ech alia ihead ech endif bruce barnett barnett crd uunet crdgw barnett xrn xarchi for xrn and xarchi for version sourc form prefer exec ut form suggest can find thi send mail rao cse uta edu advanc rao ssc pulldown menu period hang applic openwindow found fix for proble m client softwar suno server hardwar sun ipc server softwar suno open window pat ch motif applic will period hang run openwindow server xnew pulldown displai but ton action effect sometim press return will unstick applic not pulldown grab foc u and never let window displai continu updat server isn hang log anoth termin an d kill motif applic get back normal applic run server includ mit xsun decwindow tektronix termin problem thi openwindow problem work sinc custom openwindow user thing instal latest version openwindow server patch mwm version olwm appli patc h motif faq question thi had effect disabl point and click method menu interact oppos click and drag method and screw menu mnemon kei applic hang repeat thi int ermitt problem you time click and releas menu head pulldown menu will pop click and releas menu item repeat applic hang appreci advanc skip koppenhav skip eco t wg screen problem unix xwindow solari experi sun openwindow xterm w indow log into solari machin rlogin and charact each line displai last column di splai rest line wrap line displai log and condit persist check stty reset effect us telnet rlogin and doesn occur unix consol and doesn occur caus thi can avoid can termin characterist reset send repli shenk math gatech edu shonkwil georgia institut technolog atlanta georgia allegra amd hplab seismo ngp gatech prism ar pa prism gatech edu internation menu icon label problem icon pixmap applic run openw indow and motif wrote program motif pixmap and icon run fine motif motif window manag and mwm icon pixmap not show openwin olwm and olwm into thi kind problem c lue exampl work motif and openwindow will great jigang yang jigang dale ssc gov jyang sscvx bitnet beckleymead av tel dalla fax icon pixmap problem problem icon pixmap applic run openwindow an d motif wrote program motif pixmap and icon run fine motif motif window manag an d mwm icon pixmap not show openwin olwm and olwm into thi kind problem clue exam pl work motif and openwindow will great jigang yang jigang dale ssc gov jyang ss cvx bitnet beckleymead av tel dalla fax toolkit excerpt netnew comp window apr toolkit paul prescod unde rgrad get linux will interview don will impress andrew fsf don you internet and your site isn shelter extern tcp traffic you can us remot andrew demo andrew too lkit remot andrew demo servic thi network servic you run andrew toolkit applic o verhead obtain compil andrew softwar you host machin internet and you run window system simpl finger command will you experi atk applic firsthand you compos mul timedia document navig interact andrew tour and us andrew messag system brows cm u thousand bulletin board and newsgroup us remot andrew demo servic simpli run c ommand your machin finger atk itc cmu edu servic will give you instruct gari kei m andrew consortium gui studi articl apr mercuri unt edu seth ponder csci unt edu se th buffington write cutsi macintrash icon that instant recip for mousiti imho sy stem undoubtedli worst gui us that risco mswombl and simpli not provid keyboard shortcut window confess quit cover your ear you can us touch mous stuff delet us er make thing easier and option your you want unix combin customiz hear hear agr e complet thing can stand mac interfac shear determin forc you us mous your mous break your system mous handi occass such cut and past and move icon etc for wor k keyboard and hot kei time faster mous simpl you inexperienc user long your exp erienc month two speak pc moment don that window programm provid not menu mous i nterfac forward move hot kei and command line interfac you time you experienc eq ual appli window system unix sinc unix power do and user unfriendli amiga articl utoronto garym utoronto gari murphi write hardwar a nd mandat port base stereo video softwar experi amiga machin can retain event ha

ndl eas plight consider and can motif bit for amiga cost you gfxbase inc own dal e luck origin amiga architect sell for amiga option includ motif call and scoop gfxbase inc ellwel drive phone milpita fax connect satisfi custom joe hartlei ca dr whenev you find that you cadr technolog side major time reform twain richmond provid overman class kilgor trout memori clench church subgeniu make simplest composit widget not programm stretch imagin thi dr ive crazi and simpl make composit widget that noth placehold widget instanc heir archi allow addit resourc name level illustr applic widget heirarchi shell widge t applic widghet want shell widget intermedi widget applic widget intermedi widg et name get properti and propag valu shell widget assum simpl thi can find examp l and document vagu implement composit widget respond email will appreci jim fro st jimf centerlin toolkit libxaw athena widget set will greatli improv sculptur li nux share jump tabl lib you don even recompil relink you lib libxaw lib libxaw t homa file format folk can give inform locat inform refer materi for f ile format wiff dca ioca pcx thi not quit place such question and accept apolog advanc for your rich rollman dogleg system inc chang color label togglebutton widget widget and routin color fo reground and background label background alright label text not redraw guess tha t forc redraw xexposeev xsendev thi text can seeem xsendev work thi good approac h exampl ly show thi rtfm even and not find decent exampl get segment fault xsen dev tho valu expect advanc stephen dahmen color xterm for current patch for color xterm for higher for mai l egan ford egan phoni utah edu hellgat utah edu toolkit articl undergrad math uwaterloo papresco undergrad math uwaterloo paul prescod write make larg applic for free distribut copyleft us pac kag meet your criteria that and present aesthet pleasant graphic interfac user y ou can us bsd xview openlook interview motif gopath nice toolkit for athena widg et and motif simpler and interview and you will enjoi technic support bull mail nice draw program motif can us creat graphic front end program data format call stream you can feed your program port gopath internet machin you us gcc minim ef fort gopath can port bsd last not gopath interfac toolkit driver modul window dr iver modul for instanc written extens tcl allow power applic for instanc tcl snm p extens for tcl eas can combin snmp network oper graph photo widget graphic int erfac file oper databas oper etc author tcl mail simpl network manag applic line long displai environment paramet router wrote simpl strip chart script for disp lai real time receiv packet second hope thi help amancio hasti thi messag brough t you letter and and number amancio hasti home ftp site depositori work mail has ti netcom sunvi rtpnc epa gov pub bsd incom screen problem unix xwindow solari shonkwil prism gatech edu wro te experi sun openwindow xterm window log into solari machin rlogin and charact each line displai last column displai rest line wrap line displai log and condit persist check stty reset effect condit happen tab not set space set and check s uresh sivaprakasam depart comput scienc suni buffalo amherst internet sivap buff alo edu bitnet sivap sunybc bitnet xdm decnet cannot answer question run xdm decnet can that defin ad site def build client will work decnet site def defin connectionflag dtcpconn dunixconn ddnetconn defin extralibrari ldnet hope thi help georg opinion expres s author and repres opinion cuni graduat school agenc personnel mcc timessqr cun i edu cmcgc cunyvm bitnet opinion express author and repres opinion cuni graduat school agenc personnel mcc timessqr cuni edu cmcgc cunyvm bitnet server for gener server for window you will share your config fi le and trick make work for inform bill steer westinghous xvertext xvertext summari xvertext you function draw string angl window previou version limit vertic text rotat achiev ximag notion rotat font d rop ad cach copi previous rotat string speed redraw can comp sourc export lc mit edu contrib xvertext shar alan richardson you don school math physic scienc wis e univ sussex brighton england juda priest mppa sussex syma mppa syma sussex xcursor xcursor version export xcursor tar ad option determin re

quest cursor size your server lie richard neitzel thor thor atd ucar edu torren med sitt skjegg nation center for atmospher research lokkar borni sole vegg box boulder gjo med sitt shinn jagar borni inn bitplan chunki pixel cfb version cfb server stuff colour frame b uffer implement work bitplan mode screen memori group that bit pixel bit etc suc h beast moment gfxbase server for commodor amiga and commerci don wrote cfb susp ect respond email don read thi group dave david crook depart comput scienc unive rs edinburgh janet dcc dc internet dcc dc talk dcc work jcmb king bldg main edin burgh home woodburn terr side edinburgh tel xwd segment fault plan us pipe move displai data system that col or hardcopi unit xwd xwud displai hostnam had test simpl window openwindow file manag and work fine complex larger imag xwd part blew segment fault pipe redirec t xwd output file and us file input xwud and error xwud had guess run memori thi happen sparc meg meg swap space and user minim activ file thi verion xwd xwud s uppli sun openwindow distribut correspond idea advanc dave hume john hopkin univ ers appli physic laboratori humesdg aplcomm jhuapl edu announc tcpview motif base tcp protocol analyz tcpview result pr oblem had network gener sniffer heavili us debug problem hundr subnet good tool heavi hard find you limit softwar expand difficult us upload data for analysi ca nnot remot oper and cannot resolv name dn requir manual manipul name tabl someti m us tcpdump found difficult for peopl not inform for protocol not us interact n ot handl tcp stream and not read sniffer file tcpdump reason job decod larg numb er protocol and easili modifi tcpview attempt resolv problem ad motif interfac t cpdump and expand featur tcpview test decstat and sun ultrix and suno work syste m tcpdump compil and gcc dec and sun build tcpview you will motif file for anony m ftp ftp cac washington edu pub network tcpview tar tcpview and tcpdump sourc c ode tcpview sun tar sun binari tcpview dec tar dec mip ultrix binari tcpview add tcpdump easier interfac enhanc protocol decod hex displai frame captur base tim e number frame user interrupt can show ethernet address manufactur name ethernet address host tabl can easili follow stream highlight order frame can send tcp d ata extern file filter for addit process tcpdump featur read and write network g ener sniffer file us file type will automat detect can read and us snmp mib file hex format chang time option ad option ad view and process data tcp packet bug fix rel tcp sequenc number flag flag read sniffer file not need for read stdin t tt print delta time tttt print time rel frame write sniffer save file us print f rame minu link level header hexdump format sampl output jeff cac washington edu nic funet ftp win print tcp data hexdump format us write tcp data stdout us elim in timestamp write frame and tcp data stdout martin hunt martinh cac washington edu network distribut comput univers washington martin hunt martinh cac washingt on edu network and distribut comput univers washington characterset wchar develop toolkit run window system toolkit cop e languag base facil you kind implement mit releas xsi and ximp origin implement toolkit xsi toolkit manag each charact size base font manag system order that w char type charact string decompos charact set thi mean that wchar type compound string ascii and kanji mix for exampl each element wchar arrai check charact set base bit layout and applic environ local thi case local japanes each wchar char act will classifi iso jisx function thi function check charact top charact set a nd charact set not find public function that and inevit us xsi intern function c onstruct that function sourc code that function decomposecharacterset thi code i ima exp iima ifndef defin includ xlib extern int decomposecharacterset const wch ar str int len char buf int buflen int scan len char charset extern xmstring wch artoxmstr const wchar str extern xmstringcharset charsetofwchar const wchar endi f iima exp includ stdlib includ xlibint includ includ extern includ wchar defin xwcdecomposeglyphcharset xxx xwcdecomposeglyphcharset defin xmbfsc xxx xmbfsc de fin xmbctidtocsid xxx xmbctidtocsid includ xlocaleint undef xwcdecomposeglyphcha rset undef xmbfsc undef xmbctidtocsid extern int xwcdecomposeglyphcharset xlocal const wchar int char int int int extern charset xmbfsc xlocal csid extern csid xmbctidtocsid xlocal csid int decomposecharacterset const wchar str int len char buf int buf len int scan len char charset xlocal xlocal xfallbackconvert int ct id int statu charset xcharset statu xwcdecomposeglyphcharset xlocal str len buf

buf len scan len ctid statu success xcharset xmbfsc xlocal xmbctidtocsid xlocal ctid charset xcharset xcharset name null charset null return statu includ file x localeint xsi intern and copi file toolkit directori and compil issu occur compi l toolkit applic machin version link applic base toolkit link error occur that f unction miss xmbctidtocsid code xmbfsc code xwcdecomposeglyphcharset code xfallb ackconvert code had us mit releas version and xsi implement and ran applic succe ssfulli reason us xsi that not releas and had implement had hope xsi popular and us intern function linker complain that xsi intern function implement observ li bx us ximp implement not us mit vanilla ximp version version ximp and find count er part function mit ximp for xsi not lead solut question and goal can construct function decomposecharacterset list function check charact set each element wch ar type string depend local public function that perfect even not want us intern function for mit order render wchar type string machineri judg charact set and that proper font select for string find that sourc file want can us that for goa l comment highli appreci ximp treat thi area even not implement you takeshi inou inou crd yokogawa yokogawa electr corpor open system laboratori for filemanag articl apr atlastel brian atlastel brian sheet wri te file manag that run unix xdtm work ftptool isn qualiti that and write mike ho pper ac virginia edu will not rais tax middl class unknown instal mit apollo can apollo guru experi build mit gcc watch for advanc tim tim liddelow for fork system programm centr advanc technolog telecom mun brain bad dai citri melbourn australia internet tim kimba catt citri edu pho ne fax chang default visual workstat pseudocolor color default visual c an start visual default bitmap postscript hei folk develop window applic encount problem transform window bitmap into postscript file librari routin sourc code can call job you advanc email repli seldom read thi newsgroup forc window manag accept specif coordin for window articl xxq co lumbia edu ethan columbia edu ethan solomita write articl bade apr athen berlin bade berlin tobia dope bade write that mwm resourc posit us for border window fo r user window window manag similar option anoth figur differ user window posit a nd window manag decor window posit subtract posit you us xquerytre and rememb th at window manag decor window parent your window you can figur decor width and he ight window map thi anoth us getgeometri find you rel frame and translatecoordin find your window upperleft corner reliabl find size window manag decor your win dow repar you can assum that window you parent window that hold window manag dec or layer window multipl xquerytre you root will work case guarante that decor wi ndow parent root window displai tvtwm tom lastrang toml boulder parcplac real time data displai tool for window tool that can displai dat a plot real time coupl signal such gem email not read thi group eric slimko thes lim caen engin umich edu slider posit vertic scrollbar posit slider list widget horizont scrollbar displai full path select file list widget horizont slider default left side list widget slider side thi user can file name select file displai file se lect dialog box slider side thank and can advanc rodnei clai clai scarolina edu xrn xarchi for asap xrn and xarchi for version sourc form prefer execut form suggest can find thi send mail rao cse uta edu advanc rao ssc asynchron window elli nova elli nova gmi edu stewart elli write us window async line you us window isn window system number design accept consor tium fact man pretti machin will you consortium request that name us refer thi s oftwar window system version window system version such thing window window desp it repeat misus form trade rag thi tell you trust trade rag can even name window system trust regard dialup implement you can bui serial termin coupl compani in clud graphon and ncd fact compos thi ncd run serial line across kbaud connect nc d sell softwar packag that xremot ncd implement serial for such softwar packag s uppos includ standard compress scheme for run low speed connect call low bandwid th lbx and base improv version techniqu us ncd xremot like that onc lbx releas c onsortium standard will vendor will suppli implement for sort hardwar followup d irect comp window matt landau wait for flash enlighten matt centerlin thi blood

and thunder xsun not run sparcclass articl inndtp tom uni passau rank winf u ni passau christian rank write instal patch for solari sparcstat sparcclass pool run fine classic give command startx xsun print messag warn mmap can map dummi space map such devic address and exit fix thi problem guess guess that expect re solut and version sparcclass disclaim not repres sunsoft inc sun microsystem inc etc etc brian herzog sunsoft herzog eng sun sun eng herzog tektronix rememb distribut mention support for tektronix termin server thi accur mike hopper ac virginia edu will not rais tax middl class unkno wn tvtwm xsetroot and sparc keyboard barr pop psu edu david barr wr ite you instal sunkbd patch contrib directori export kei keyboard send event pro perli end pageup pagedown kei cluster aren recogn even compos kei work can compo s charact xterm pass fix for last two fix tabl mit server ddx sun us xmodmap put stty pass setenv ctype iso setenv lesscharset latin your login prevent strip bi t second set local make show charact octal represent robert joop rainbow berlin foku gmd berlin joop foku berlin gmd dbp window for briefli starnet commun server packag micro lite inclu d integr tcp run arc micro enlit includ integr tcp run do shape extens interfac novel tcp micro do pack includ integr tcp run do shape extens interfac novel tcp ftp tcp nf micro win pack includ lanera tcpopen tcp stack util interfac ftp tcp sun nf winsock for inform contact starnet commun fax lawrenc expresswai voic sa nta clara mail microx starnet bit color xview frame xview sparc ipx openwindow xvideo board pa rallax enabl us bit color problem util bit color and greatli thi matter us xview creat frame and creat canva pane insid us displai live video video input bit co lor problem that top level frame creat frame frame creat null frame null depth p ropag canva can set depth frame bit xlib code xvisualinfo visual info int depth colormap colormap xsetwindowattribut attrib unsign long valuemask window win opa qu frame win frame xid xmatchvisualinfo displai screen depth truecolor visual in fo good colormap xcreatecolormap displai win visual info allocnon di badmatch er ror attrib colormap colormap valuemask cwcolormap xchangewindowattribut displai valuemask attrib xsetwindowcolormap displai win colormap complet wrong approach set depth and colormap for window creat xview wrong advanc for that can prefer r espons email post newsgroup alok alok mathur comput scienc engg case western res erv univ cleveland fairchild road cleveland re email amathur alpha ce cwru edu compil program gui long time sinc wrote program familiar your pr oblem compil simpl program sun run suno lxaw lxmu lxt lxext get error undefin sy mbol wmshellwidgetclass applicationshellwidgetclass simpl program compil below i nclud stdio includ intrins includ stringdef includ xaw form main argc argv int a rgc char argv widget toplevel widget frame toplevel xtiniti null argc argv frame xtcreatemanagedwidget form formwidgetclass toplevel null xtrealizewidget toplev el xtmainloop error build xpostit imakefil provid softwar compil program not thi machin machin run suno and not thi error messag can get messag you can email yo ur respons azn rut ccc amdahl anand hypercard for unix queloz bernina ethz ronald queloz write netla nd macintosh hypercard for unix platform product you investig you per seat and h igh end hardwar gain momentum good choic isn compat hypercard similar architectu r and function don contact inform recent purchas sybas shouldn hard find you run new sparc check hyperlook hyperlook ture postscript script languag good you lot displai orient script not good for programm last heard you product metacard alp ha test direct import hypercard stack even made test releas for anonym ftp close st function metacard run unix workstat and cost email info metacard for detail s cott advanc ron scott ranei rememb you ranei metacard you lidia regress test and feedback captur playback tool for us client pul l xtm public domain appear set test server not client comparison comment regress test tool great xtm xrunner autotest and sri capbak smart and exdiff megan gren eng megan shade program exampl origin post search for exist implement gour oud shade triangl thi fairli complex plain simpler shade model implement archi l

atest version for gouroud fast implement will util extens mit shm shade imag and fast updat window pex opengl shade portabl vanilla shade normal ximag and us xp utimag good static thing fractal landscap such stuff speak povrai preview that c ome origin sourc packag not that good speed protocol friendly and icccm complian c preview code pub gfx rai misc readm state point xwindow povrai version code de fault window code run dec alpha run openvm axp and pretti impress side effect th at requir xstdcmap run will work annoyn not show stopper patrick mahan tgv windo w washer mahan tgv wake person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that notebook lazaru long tektronix rememb distribut mention support for tektronix termin server thi accur xterm support emul patrick mahan tgv window washer mahan tgv wa ke person unnecessarili not consid lazaru long capit crime for offens that noteb ook lazaru long alloc color can total number color cell alloc default colormap c olormap defaultcolormap mydisplai myscreen maximum number alloc cell defaultcel mydisplai myscreen gener number cell alloc will thi depend color requir window p lace determin thi number advanc derek derek richardson tel institut astronomi fa x cambridg mail dcr mail ast cam unsubscrib pancamo blkbox comm unsubscrib pancamo blkbox thi use r becom inact and discontinu particip thi mail list marc newman mknewman lkbox draw line invers xor you can set foreground xor foreground and b ackground color xsetforeground thi work great for truecolor visual load network bkline occ nlm nih gov bob kline write can point di rect paper not necessarili formal conduct studi discuss traffic app gener for ne twork comparison curs base app telnet server typic buffer user keyboard input li ne time can client control thi ask for keystrok immedi advanc for feedback ncd e xcel document titl host load consider environ receiv copi email support ncd thi tim white univers south carolina tim oti hssc scarolina edu human and social sci enc laboratori columbia tektronix articl tgv mahan tgv patrick mahan write rememb distri but mention support for tektronix termin server thi accur xterm support emul tal k tek termin your displai write server that thi can ask mike hopper ac virginia edu will not rais tax middl class unknown mask left button post thi for friend new servic fubar usual will forward repli you want repli directli return path uunet sunfs es lmsc lockhe mc far event handler work for buttonpressmask xtaddeventhandl plot data displai but tonpressmask fals show mous posit plot data two type action occur left mous and perhap middl event handler xtaddeventhandl plot data displai left buttonpressmas k fals show left mous posit plot data xtaddeventhandl plot data displai buttonpr essmask fals show mous posit plot data don make left buttonpressmask didn event mask list had hand button motionmask look promis refer mention two mask event ca n you us and two mask want thi case appreci lrm remot tektron emul for proceedur for remot login modem not ether net silicon graphic iri machin can log termin emul end commun softwar kermit sup port tek and emul window manual list xterm command chang termin type repons unab l open window advanc keith grider keith grider come man crime kgrider magnu ac o hio state edu yeah let sushi and not pai repo man sun come mono print messag framebuff cgtwo vme vec cgtwo sun col or board fast read stori thi can impuls item henri reynold hdr ross hdr nidhog c actu org fone ross technolog inc fax hwy west suit austin modifi kei map folk error modifi kei map mwm invalid acceler spe cfic line ad line start file line that start mwm xmodmap keymapfil mwm that prob lem conflict function kei assign function move minim etc odd thing that don erro r run xmodmap keymapfil xterm can suggest modifi kei map specif and not mwm moti f window manag complain realiz thi bit stupid time implement not time learn impl ement terri xman sourc jlong pp berkelei edu john long write can xman sourc binari for xman for settl for sourc xport lc mit edu direcotri contrib chun hung lin csie ntu edu commun multimedia lab dept comp sci info eng nation taiwan uni vers taipei taiwan faq comp window faq list for program window thankx for info bye venki editr pie tvt for advic suggest problem mit editr twm variant fo r start time not editr won grab widget tree run ncd decwindow xterm told will fi x not xdm instal run sun run real network widget tree for twm icon manag patch f or twm editr that repost xview slider xpert thi repost respond desper yell can xvi ew wizard slider xview app edit numer field control length thi field app appear long charact cannot even maximum set panel max understand panel displai length c ontrol number charact displai text item doesn work case slider despit fact that panel contain bit panel multilin text item panel numer text item panel slider it em and panel text item attribut panel notifi level panel attr attr enum panel di splai length panel attr attr int hint that thi attribut can us for slider set th i attribut noth and ting thi attribut warn bad attribut and return strang thing that dec port xview plenti space text field not sun xview can share experi manag slider xview and clear thi problem appreci yuri yuri phy bit static color will client write server for video gener equip hardwar truecolor yuv space term bit static color visual server present thi stat ic visual not thi will accept client problem colormap huge static pixel byte wid e hardwar live yuv space translat rgb yuv will introduc round error server gui c lient gui will limit thwart client will stuff float blith accept write server pr esent pseudocolor visual bit avoid thi not absolut hear peopl opinion and sugges t frederick roeber cern european center for nuclear research mail roeber cern ro eber caltech edu work mail cern ppe geneva switzerland home polygon raster convert requir can can obtain sourc code for poly gon fill algorithm graphic orient mail list that paul paul jaqu system engin cam born school mine rosemanow herniss penryn cornwal mail pjaqu csm tel stithian fa x graphic editor requir subject opportun for sale peopl person ent iti for commerci graphic editor fairli limit abil that run and prefer motif widg et run version pex extens sort thing want simpl draw resiz and move object such line rectangl and text bound rectangl oper suffici for object select ideal creat ion and placement complex object such widget text entri field label thi not mand atori such anim you mail detail includ price run time licens sinc includ product altern send glossi logica newman street london includ technic info for stuff ef fort that put into port for nichola young nichola young receiv eei eeiihi vax xpert expo lc mit edu inet mail user vax a nd internet core dump getcon get memori fault and core dump whenev end motif session ultrix run dec examint core file lead getcon thi marc marc wiener marc aip org american institut physic sunnysid blvd voic woodburi fax question not found faq creat pixmap drawabl window us xdrawlin f unction draw line below fingur width height creat pixmap drawabl window size dra w line question dose xdrawlin function can finger that correct and for you calcu l and art tan degre tan tan integ prove xdrawlin give not don don creat pixmap d on wan advanc raymond chui nswc hampshir av silver spring voic ext fax email rch ui opal nswc navi mil question not found faq comp window articl apr relai nswc navi mi l rchui nswc nswc navi mil raymond chui write igor previous calcul mistak correc t calcul creat pixmap drawabl window us xdrawlin function draw line below fingur width height creat pixmap drawabl window size draw line question dose xdrawlin function can finger that correct and for you calcul and art tan degre tan integ prove xdrawlin give not don don creat pixmap don wan advanc raymond chui nswc ha mpshir av silver spring voic ext fax email rchui opal nswc navi mil raymond chui nswc hampshir av silver spring voic ext fax email rchui opal nswc navi mil titl for xterm escap sequenc you speak standard and danger fact ansi compliant sequenc parser hang such strang esc sequenc compat dsc brain insi d andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden interact perform recent ncd termin evalu thi run xremot serial l ine want measur respons time wrote small xlib program simpli creat window map an

d send expos event program time delai send event receiv thought thi simplest tes t client server round trip delai similar concept ping program thi valid test per form xbench program ftp net bombard server graphic oper want quant measur accept interact respons time idea thi subject andrew afielden mlsma att andrew fielden network system tel inform system group sun support email afielden mlsma att creat gif file for client can convert xwd bitmap file into gif f ile for us macintosh michel crnsu laurent michel crn gti strasbourg cedex franc phone pulldown menu period hang applic openwindow skip koppenhav skip eco twg wrote found fix for problem client softwar suno server hardwar sun ipc s erver softwar suno open window patch motif applic will period hang run openwindo w server xnew pulldown displai button action effect sometim press return will un stick applic not pulldown grab focu and never let window displai continu updat s erver isn hang log anoth termin and kill motif applic get back normal applic run server includ mit xsun decwindow tektronix termin problem thi openwindow proble m work sinc custom openwindow user problem sparcstat solari case happen period mail networld for mailread xelm andrea andrea dunker andrea appe l hydromech uni hannov live yellow subroutin andrea veebl han beatl for xserver for updat your you server and librari greg hugh gmh creat gif file articl crnsu michel crnsu write path wldelft sun mcsun uunet gatech enterpoop mit edu internet new mail gatewai michel crnsu news group comp window subject creat gif file date apr organ internet line sender new athena mit edu messag crnsu nntp post host enterpoop mit edu xpert expo lc mit edu for client can convert xwd bitmap file into gif file for us macintosh michel crnsu laurent michel crn gti strasbourg cedex franc phone pbmplu packag you for convert pbm almost format gif tga pcx etc arno duijndam thi newsgroup dead articl tgv mahan tgv patrick mahan write post thi group last coupl dai recent ad feed list thi group death mail list side get amount traffic and point view articl lucki can scan subject time time dipl info rm rainer klute immer richtig beraten univ dortmund irb postfach tel dortmund fa x address june univ dortmund dortmund want secur post dai ago post thi group andrea winkler titl and s ecur technic confer instructor that tutori system purg messag had chanc and don andrea email address andrea address and post you forward jeremi jeremi epstein i nternet epstein trwac trw trust research group voic trw system divis fairfax vir ginia jeremi epstein internet epstein trwac trw trust research group voic trw sy stem divis fairfax virginia graphic termin emul grate window applic that emul graphic manner similar tek graphic window implement xterm for you oleg roytburd oleg sdd comsa t andrew toolkit excerpt netnew comp window apr toolkit paul presc od undergrad impress andrew fsf don andrew user interfac system support maintain enhanc and distribut andrew consortium carnegi mellon distribut term consortium not gnu public licens can commerci exploit andrew code restrict encourag member ship defer univers releas latest version consortium member had opportun explor c apabl aui you can remot demo you server machin link internet give command finger atk itc cmu edu for instruct note demo version not us motif and feel scrollbar you can us demo chang option prefer file and start editor andrew toolkit compon aui ideal you want build applic compound document andrew major featur architectu r for recurs embed object equat tabl figur text for exampl thi architectur exten d area not found toolkit includ file stream format cut past and print andrew com monli request applic word processor spreadsheet draw editor and font editor two version will gener releas tape decemb fred hansen director andrew consortium graphic acceler can obtain public inform document and sourc xser ver implement graphic processor special interest xserver develop for tm texa ins trument graphic processor send answer arana labein xpm export lc mit edu directori contrib and avahi inria director i pub xpm xpm patch xpm tar copyright group bull licens condit file copyright hi stori user visibl enhanc faster close color pipe compress file handl gnu gzip fo rmat ad xpmcolorkei attribut abil visual color us read pixmap color visual us co

lor for monochrom ad mono grei grei and color option sxpm demonstr xpmcolorkei a ttribut jason patterson jasonp fitmail qut edu bug correct fix bug redefin pixel stop mask gener minor svr defin for string fix annoi closecolor bug relat read write color cell fix minor bug color pixel overload manual updat includ red gree n blue close attribut jason patterson jasonp fitmail qut edu top imakefil miss d epend target sxpm imakefil fix that lib set standard librari locat vivek khera k hera duke edu lib xpmp defin bcopi memcpi for vm requir recent version vm daniel smith dsmith ann arbor applicon slb lib imakefil didn work arnaud hor lehor sop hia inria bull research franc koala project intrins slow popup articl minster york cjh minster york write br yan boreham bryan alex wrote articl minster york cjh minster york write applic c reat window button quit and press button press pop dialog box strang featur thi program that pop dialog box faster time pop time time slower shell wait for wind ow manag respond posit request window manag not respond think window place exact li two compon into thi sulk unclear inform greatli receiv time similar behaviour applic fork child set close exec displai connect file descriptor shell wait for configurenotifi event that never arriv pick child sometim shell correctli confi gurenotifi time gari phillip email gari ioc phone phone cix compulink fax imak need articl apr def bae paul def bae paul byrn write can gi ve pointer set imak sun openwindow enviorn check document can not find clue sun openwindow imak broken suggest instal imak pure mit imak you can ftp germani net file pub misc imak imak pure tar byte dipl inform rainer klute immer richtig be raten univ dortmund irb postfach tel dortmund fax address june univ dortmund dor tmund server for server for that will share file experi bill steer wes tinghous sun undelet consol messag sun get occasion us start consol messa g startup undelet fulli start run xterm consol problem that messag that arriv th i start plain consol refresh window fail remov messag real pain sinc sit middl s creen obscur below boot time list two framebuff dev cgfour and dev bwtwo run col or and suspect that offend messag framebuff and therebi not get delet question t hi and easi rid messag repli mail hughm inmo hugh mcintyr inmo bristol btw suno mwm can redirect output relev command dev null for gener solut bit static color will client articl apr vxcrna cern roeber vxcrn a cern frederick roeber write write server for video gener equip hardwar truecol or yuv space term bit static color visual server present thi static visual not t hi will accept client problem colormap huge static pixel byte wide hardwar live yuv space translat rgb yuv will introduc round error server gui client gui will limit thwart client will stuff float blith accept write server present pseudocol or visual bit avoid thi not even bit truecolor machin case run emul bit pseudoco lor visual standard client motif app and thelik run strongli suppos you emul bit truecolor problem translat round not make big misfit bit pseudocolor problem yo u emul colormap pixel indic convers stuff you run your default screen thi visual brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden plane xtermin want offer bit pixel greyscal xtermin real peopl u pgrad risc architectur server want thi xtermin concern plane heard mono and colo ur plane will concern thi plane unit specif relat plane app run server unix interest group that thi not correct place post thi exhaust logic option us info unix newsgroup mailer mailer mysteri quit come end last yea r mail request that back list unabl locat administr thi list internet address th at can send request back thi list can you send you don thi specif newsgroup mail er address unix relat newsgroup cutoff steve slosser ntsc navi mil for relat que stion bit static color will client even bit truecolor machin case run emul bit pseudocolor visual standard client motif app and thelik run strongli su ppos you emul bit truecolor problem translat round not make big misfit depend na tur round user bit arithmet pixel valu xor foreground and backgroun pixel valu t ogeth calcul foreground color that us function gxxor fill chang foreground backg round and vice versa your round not preserv type calcul client that us will brea k ken kenneth whalei kubota pacif comput inc email whalei kpc walsh avenu santa

clara moolit and olit articl stevedavc netcom stevedav netcom steve da vidson write differ moolit and olit sun support moolit moolit sparcstat moolit m otif open intrins toolkit develop build applic that can switch motif and open ru n time olit you open internet chunhong vnet ibm archi client xgetftp archi client program can advanc kai bit static color will client articl apr vxcrna cern roeber vxcrn a cern frederick roeber write write server for video gener equip hardwar truecol or yuv space term bit static color visual server present thi static visual not t hi will accept client problem colormap huge static pixel byte wide hardwar live yuv space translat rgb yuv will introduc round error ship server onc that suppor t bit truecolor visual main problem encount client written logic defaultdepth as sum default depth bit client bit deep visual root window run correctli client di dn even bother that and outright assum had dynam visual class dynam colormap xst orecolor doesn work cmap associ static truecolor visual class client don bother check start throw xstorecolor call you client error thi case client that easier for you expos bit pseudocolor default root window visual for client writer chang client thing paul pmartz dsd evan sutherland messag pass xtaddinput past us name pipe commun process xtaddinp ut function set event handl motif thi messag pass ipc and luck red color button enter window thi faq dont faq list openlook app lic button button turn red get highlight sprite mous move into applic window sup press thi vidyaranya asynchron window isn window system number design accept consorti um fact man pretti machin will you consortium request that name us refer thi sof twar window system version window system version such thing window window despit repeat misus form trade rag thi tell you trust trade rag can even name window s ystem trust us thi and not for exampl incorrect english construct such rain wind ow annoi come time popular usag start dictat thing world fact that won new popul ar opinion technic superior relat topic that color correct colour irish and engl ish english oppos american english us for api term such xalloccolor and colormap world that term window refer microsoft window perhap time come accept window va lid term for that thi concis and unclutt term window system and face almost ulti m product sale liter peopl thi respect product recognit import and short snappi descript titl posit obscur will deal averag punter sad thought softwar engin unf ortun that not becom popularli window and worri whether call microsoft window mi crosoft window system plain microsoft summaris that summar point thi messag pres s issu face commun worri subtl distinct name window system that window system ge t recognis fine agre that care interpret trade paper reluct come thi conclus pur e basi name window system gerard driscol gerard odriscol dp pont pixel system and server program written and motif run fine sun server and mac x that program run sparc and server program crash server crash window had show e rror xio fatal error broken pipe server perot request process event remain conne ct broken server shutdown killclient run program xmon and below last twenti line xmon program and server crash request getproperti delet fals window win propert i atm type atm long offset repli getproperti format type byte request getinputfo cu repli getinputfocu revert parent focu win request changeproperti mode replac window win properti atm type atm format data request getinputfocu email you idea problem advanc chiu mwchiu tigr org asynchron window zztop dp gerard dp gerard driscol write isn win dow system number design accept consortium such thing window window despit repea t misus form trade rag us thi and not for exampl incorrect english construct suc h rain window annoi come time popular usag start dictat thing world and don want thi discuss spark lengthi debat worth point that popular usag not suffici excus thi case for exampl parallel found pronunci proper name peopl commonli misspel mispronounc your name you feel compel chang not true window system and relat mon ick proper name sens that product name proper name fact trademark name fact that peopl wrong larg besid point for trade public that promulg thing window window nonsens variant see fact that public supposedli written journalist you trust fac t journalist couldn bother name sourc you trust product review name product wron

g popular usag for for hold peopl claim journalist higher standard correct fact that won new popular opinion technic superior technic superior new altern univer s perhap unisi emul sourc xterm packag readi perform unisi termin emul cl unker and connect return mikel cactu org mikel cactu org calam linebarg graham p ena atti law cfp andrew technic confer remind plan for andrew confer date dat e note below not chang submiss extens accept paper tutori topic convert andrew s ourc code thi tutori will discuss step convert site extend classc convers sourc code requir coupl step run convert fill miss type inform describ thi will not lo ng remaind dai will spent learn write object and practic andrew technic confer a nd consortium annual meet june carnegi mellon univers pittsburgh confer will hel d last thursdai and fridai june tutori will thursdai and confer proper annual me et dinner even two dai confer attende annual meet consortium member will vote th i year theme applic construct programm effort toolkit aim programm construct app lic excel uim system built top paper address theme will question such need for a pplic construct programm can avoid program altogeth simpl languag need suffici c reat applic user creat widget widget and applic print your particip confer paper theme aspect andrew user interfac system includ applic experi user object revie w and propos for revis intern andrew protocol expect video projector you demonst r paper propos submit accept will june final paper due june send paper electron mail wjh andrew cmu edu fred hansen director andrew consortium xarchi export accept announc for comp window announc complet rev amp version browser interfac archi xarchi export lc mit edu contrib xarchi tar f or not familar archi xarchi includ part manpag intro xarchi browser interfac arc hi internet inform system prospero virtual filesystem protocol archi inform file for ftp anywher internet xarchi displai thi inform easi us point and click inte rfac xarchi you explor ftp site examin directori return queri match and you retr iev file locat thi xarchi extens test and varieti flavor and wide rang machin su mmari featur readm follow major improv includ multipl select allow browser for u s featur fwf multilist widget abil expand directori browser real fulli integr ft p implement abil save and reload queri result print abil resort result and sort result user defin pseudo weight onlin browser color resourc that don break mono displai fwf fileselector widget for local file oper makefil dst suppli for imak impair georg georg ferguson arpa ferguson rochest edu dept comput scienc rutger rochest ferguson univers rochest vox rochest fax regress test and megan greneng megan wrote feedback captur playb ack tool for us client comparison comment regress test tool great xtm xrunner au totest and sri capbak smart and exdiff start find for commerci phone number appr eci bill poitra molecular simul inc tel bill msi burlington fax ftp mail mail ft pmail decwrl dec offer ftp email subject quit bit color xview frame amathur ce cwru edu alok mathur write can set depth frame bit xlib code complet wrong approach set depth and colormap for window creat xview wrong depth you want xview colormap segment xlib for your col ormap stuff will easier for you us and sinc you truecolor visual you won lose co mpar straight xlib jonathan hue island announc motif mail list glad and proud announc mail list for mot if bind repli week peopl interest such list and softwar properli instal list and run for interest join send mail that extend motif request ruu rvloon ruu blurb join get follow origin announc for motif can obtain enjoi motif mail list motif mail list mail list dedic motif wrapper librari for motif peopl can question mot if swap stori and give idea direct and improv for bind request administr natur s ubscript remov etc direct motif request ruu mail motif ruu will entir list make vacat type program that will repli messag automat that address for mail list exc lud auto repli enjoi ronald van loon theori differ rvloon ruu theori and practic dcv group utrecht netherland practic motif world past half year lot rel minor m otif bind imak support improv default chang and lot small thing ad thi basic rel eas drop gamma statu releas will incorpor improv stefan schwarz and possibl will support and motif note copi archiv retriev thi distribut peak hour and delet pr eviou copi origin announc histori univers lowel support grant open softwar found

at develop wrapper librari that encapsul motif widget class resourc widget can s et member function object can us callback function librari made for free nomin c ost for anonym ftp librari contain larg number bug and oversight and work due la ck subsequ fund bind longer activ support univers lowel ronald van loon point la st year lowel bind fix bug across ad miss memberfunct and enhanc function and ma de bug fix librari for gener public for anonym ftp made rick murphi dec releas p leas announc and updat releas motif bind thi releas offer full motif and support support for xbae widgetset two addit widget written that can us progress applic imak support thi releas reli heavili exist imak and config file your site provi d bind standard makefil tweakabl for unfortun imak not sever test standard makef il contact you problem reason for call thi gamma releas li fact that not multitu d platform test imak file lot testfil even somewhat program articl wrote usag mo tif and previous post usenet motif bind ftp anonym ftp decuac dec directori pub note patient network link quit slow not ftp larg file work hour note that motif jan tar file thi site thi version bind mail don ftp can send mail and will send bind mail request us bind and find bug room for improv contact and will incorpor futur releas case bug bug fix inform contact rvloon ruu you desper you can call that utrecht netherland netherland call enjoi ronald van loon theori differ rvl oon ruu theori and practic dcv group utrecht netherland practic manual unsubscrib request list two address tom capmgtsci and zum a tom netcomsv netcom delet second zuma tom netcomsv netcom for screw tom tulins ki capit manag scienc west lo angel tom capmgtsci for updat xview textedit sourc support xview version sourc distr ibut includ contrib section includ sourc textedit program sourc and modifi add s upport for tooltalk messag server and for tooltalk sinc sun suppli textedit bina ri doesn speak tooltalk sourc contrib area for older version textedit version sh ip openwindow for exampl textedit includ drag and drop support and dropsit main control area sourc contrib xview noth drag and drop textedit includ xview sourc version date textedit binari textedit copyr sun micro dragdrop copyr sun micro t ooltalk copyr sun micro relnam copyr sun micro sourc textedit work latest sourc repli email and post summari interest matt landau wait for flash enlighten matt centerlin thi blood and thunder input focu window pointer notic framemak sgi and sun platform th at dialog such column layout for exampl respond keyboard travers even pointer no t dialog window and even window manag keyboard focu polici pointer thi emul thi behavior applic reason behavior sinc dialog pop keyboard action dialog not guara nte pointer and user not reach for mous move focu altern open suggest insur that popup focu invok keyboard and keyboard focu polici pointer allen barnett wife g racious allow us account event gener applic exit write applic run motif and stuff applic quit shut window session doesn send sigterm signal applic trap signal that thoug ht us signal check for top level window destroi destroynotifi event whenev move window for check that window destroi field check combin event repli mail and wil l summaris for ian ian compsci liverpool xavier extens interview dear folk pleasur announc releas freewar program xavier audio and video extens interview xavier extens class for intervi ew class librari that add multimedia capabl interview composit multimedia object built media object specif add audio and video object class interview and chang sourc code for origin class configur file for interview chang patch file xavier audio class support sun workstat audio interfac such sparcstat xavier test envir on sun machin sparcserv sparcstat ipc sun sun ver nec ew machin ew ew rel wso re leas releas releas can obtain anonym ftp interview stanford edu pub contrib xavi er larg demo tar and xavier tar prepar mail list for inform xavier you interest contact xavier tsl nec will add your mail address list refer rei hamakawa hizeka zu sakagami jun rekimoto audio and video extens graphic interfac toolkit intern workshop network and oper system support for digit audio and video san diego rei hamakawa mail rei tsl nec system research laboratori nec corpor miyazaki chome tel miyama kawasaki fax kanagawa japan pulldown menu period hang applic openwindow articl rgt innonv ss dc ssdc sterl rlee ssdc ssdc sterl richard lee write motif applic will period ha

ng run openwindow server xnew problem sparcstat solari case happen period don pa tch for solari thi sound bug supposedli fix solari olwm jumbo patch window syste m can hang errant pointer grab suspect that problem sinc readm file that thi pat ch suno version olwm that line earlier version patch and forgot version barri ma rgolin system manag think machin corp barmar uunet harvard barmar xsun not run sparcclass herzog dogwalk eng sun brian herzog suns oft product engin write guess guess that expect resolut and version sparcclass u s classic set for and you can choos resolut you want prom monitor boot person ha d troubl that fix multi screen version version built you can copi usr local bin xsun farsid rutger edu you want whether thi version will work distribut instal p ub mit and contrib export lc mit edu patch instal pub fix export xsun multi scre en patch instal contrib xsun multi screen export mar solari patch instal releas updat contrib suno patch export mar compil gcc configur standard that root usr l ocal per rutger convent question not found faq articl apr relai nswc navi mil rchui opal nswc navi mil write creat pixmap drawabl window us xdrawlin function draw clip line creat pixmap drawabl window size draw line question dose xdrawlin function can finger that correct and for you calcul and you ask server perform clip corre ctli draw line answer comp window track develop ultrix openwindow cannot us newsgroup comp window and us email base info folkert boonstra cap gemini innov dutch resea rch centr burg elsenlaan phone box fax rijswijk mail boonstra capint problem dni and can problem displai imag greater byte sparc ipc run openwindow and dni program run vax and displai imag ipc problem us openwindo w program line displai imag xputimag routin that crash ximag ximag ximag xcreate imag mydisplai defaultvisu mydisplai myscreen ddepth zpixmap imag xwid ywid xput imag mydisplai mywindow mygc ximag xpo ypo xwid ywid error xio fatal error serve r galaxi request process event remain xlib ioerror xlib error system linkdiscon network partner disconnect logic link trace traceback symbol stack dump follow m odul name routin name line rel ab bbe bbe myxsub imtoik test main simpl test pro gram test paul paul jaqu system engin camborn school mine rosemanow herniss penr yn cornwal mail pjaqu csm tel stithian fax standard colormap work applic and concern standard colormap docu ment window manag creat colormap window manag writer had mind twm mwm creat stan dard colormap can us xstdcmap creat standard colormap xstdcmap doesn hard avoid conflict default colormap us standard colormap creat xstdcmap rest displai black us standard colormap problem standard colormap intend avoid perhap applic us st andard colormap thing wonder not applic us standard colormap final oper function xmugetcolormapalloc xmustandardcolormap and xmucreatecolormap inconsist section xlib document section xlib document for grayscal colormap colormap red max red mult and base pixel member defin member comput grayscal pixel us express grai re d mult base pixel xffffffff xmugetcolormapalloc defin mit lib xmu cmapalloc us x mulookupstandardcolormap defin mit lib xmu lookupcmap select red max green max a nd blue max valu for call xmustandardcolormap rgb grai map properti xmugetcolorm apalloc set red max total number cell grai scale set green max total number and set blue max total number refer section expect xmugetcolormapalloc set red max t otal number cell grai scale rgb grai map properti xmustandardcolormap defin mit lib xmu stdcmap set red mult green mult and blue mult equal refer section expect green mult and blue mult red mult green mult and blue mult equal xmucreatecolor map defin mit lib xmu crcmap construct grai map sum red max green max and blue m ax maximum grai refer section expect red max give maximum grai xlib timeout process modifi applic that xlib includ timer driven facil for network poll cannot xlib can xaw xtappaddtimeout and xttimercallbackp roc xlib for email dave wilson comput centr rhode univers grahamstown south afri ca unsubscrib mail list unsubscrib thi group send email that doesn work listserv address and command for unsubcrib leav thi fridai april and mail b ox will overflow that philip nguyen research engin flexibl manufactur research a nd develop centr fmr mcmaster univers main west hamilton voic ext fax mail phil flex eng mcmaster can pixel drawabl can pixel drawabl copi client ximag and us xge tpixel want select pixel anim window server copi lot back client pointer appreci gordon gordon watson meteorolog depart edinburgh univers scotland janet watson internet gcw met resolv font format run softpc emul softwar program instal silico n graphic workstat human design system hd termin and fine font not convert type format hd font format sgi worksat question you resolv font format machin program convert type font format anoth you similar problem experi and found solut your will greatli appreci you advanc for your and inform tom nguen edwind lim lerc na sa gov archi client xarchi brain insid andr beck abpsoft mehl andr beck ir inf dresden standard colormap articl rjdk inncnh senat bedfellow mit edu jge alow mtl mit edu jeffrei gealow write work applic and concern standard colormap document window manag creat colormap window manag writer had mind twm mwm creat standard colormap standard colormap spec intent that window manag make thi doesn mean that window manag author world immedi drop and implement thi top prioriti esg server ship make rgb map startup doesn wait for window manag can us xstdcmap creat standard colormap xstdcmap doesn hard avoid conflict default colormap us standard colormap creat xstdcmap rest displai black us standard colormap problem standard colormap intend avoid perhap applic us standard colormap thing wonder not applic us standard colormap your hardwar clut sinc standard colormap typic d evour entri can avoid displac entir default colormap your hardwar clut don stand ard colormap intend aboid colormap flash client default coilormap colormap flash will avoid two client that us standard colormap exampl two client that full col or rang us rgb map call you avoid colormap flash default colormap your bet load color you us into that colormap you can that you flash clut framebuff your windo w manag us standard colormap your client thi flash avoid perhap window manag com mand line option for select standard colormap paul pmartz dsd evan sutherland imak support for xmosaic imak support for xmosaic xmosaic great program gener come imak support creat marc andreessen find time incorpor offici xmosaic releas you can easili us anonym ftp ftp germani net pub misc xmosaic ima k tar file size byte you will gzip unpack fun dipl inform rainer klute immer ric htig beraten univ dortmund irb postfach tel dortmund fax address june univ dortm und dortmund posix messag catalog can word compil posix messag catalog that c an us catget catopen etc format for catalog don compil repli cha blackwhit advan c cha black white softwar inc leader system softwar solut bascom av suit contact black white for inform campbel window osf motif softwar support osf motif windo w gui builder add widget editor and system info blackwhit and ada motif bind registr andrew tutori technic confer andrew tutori and technic c onfer thursdai and fridai june and deadlin for registr june carnegi mellon unive rs pittsburgh pennsylvania sponsor andrew consortium cmu school comput scienc sc hedul tutori will thursdai dinner and annual meet confer proper will fridai conf er attende annual meet wednesdai june check inform recept thursdai june tutori c onfer dinner annual meet fridai june technic confer cost tutori fee includ break lunch and tutori materi confer fee includ confer dinner break and proceed room student hous night hous tight campu area regist you prefer stai campu hous conta ct for suggest mari ann cowden will handl registr you can contact email andrew c mu edu phone registr form complet attach form and return mari ann cowden andrew consortium technic confer carnegi mellon univers smith hall forb avenu pittsburg h cut name address organ email phone tutori confer hous night total enclos make check payabl carnegi mellon univers keyboard map and window placement question two common subject ho pe had deal specif question applic depend modifi lookup method choic call xgetmo difiermap for each kei press modifi make call onc init app and store modifi look up tabl second can notifi user xmodmap remap modifi that app call xsetmodifierma p mappingnotifi event gener maskabl can pick and modifi intern tabl don notifi e vent user xmodmap us reilli automat handl us xlib ala xnextev noth thi stem prob lem user sun keyboard and numlock alt meta etc modifi requir place popup that wi

ll main window want coord and left side touch for coord window manag border for main window thi ring bell call xtmovewidget immedi check move and that and callb ack ask for and that offset border appreci darci darci mccallum mentorg save problem server window obscur pop window save attribut set s ubwindow window not restor subwindow redrawn parent window get expos event save attribut us for pop window that obscur window expos event exposuremask set for c hild window window correctli updat popup window disappear applic get expos event and you extra redraw work fine thi that chang and obviou wrong that popup windo w mine thi bug releas han bo domain han xelion xelion sun xelion han postbu phon e overrid default behaviour post thi tow week ago never make had p roblem mail system apolog thi appear for second time start applic window outlin displai click mous button place window screen geometri option window appear prop erti geometri argument question can overrid intermediari step user window posit mouseclick explicitli set window size and posit that alter normal program behavi our for hint robert work plain tvtwm robert gasch der erst mai ist der tag dem d ie stadt in oracl engin freih tritt und den staatlichen monopolanspruch meern au f gewalt frage stellt rgasch oracl einstuerzend neubauten header uupsi expo lc m it edu xpert mailer thu apr remot aolsi receiv uupsi aolsi aol thu apr edt recei v srmftp psi psi psi psinet smtp for thu apr receiv expo lc mit edu srmftp psi p si psinet thu apr edt receiv expo lc mit edu thu apr receiv enterpoop mit edu ex po lc mit edu thu apr receiv enterpoop mit edu thu apr receiv usenet enterpoop n etnewsfor xpert expo lc mit edu xpert expo lc mit edu contact usenet enterpoop y ou question xpert expo lc mit edu date apr gmt rgasch oracl robert gasch messag nlsun oracl organ oracl europ subject overrid default behaviour toolkit excerpt misc apr toolkit sivesh pradhaan rebel not finge r access thi servic mail server telnet ftp you can us telnet xhost atk itc cmu e du telnet atk itc cmu edu run demo realtim tension iam for inform work that deal real time support window happi you provid pointer inform lakshman lakshman uki edu wierd xdm behavior dear sun and window peopl run sun workstat su no and vanilla bunch xtermin todai had xdm fail imposs login host xtermin messag xdm retransmiss xdm error file had entri error pid server for displai termin un expectedli error pid warn keyboard displai not secur error pid server for displa i termin unexpectedli had error pid warn keyboard displai not secur error pid se rver for displai termin unexpectedli error pid warn keyboard displai not secur e rror pid server for displai termin unexpectedli consol login box come for second and thi continu login anoth workstat host question not login consol kill xdm an d restart that didn final reboot host hurt middl dai appreci phil phil neal syst em programm statist depart univers washington seattl usa anoth bit repo man movi realtim tension for inform work that deal real time support wind ow happi you provid pointer inform concurr product call realtimex that set real time extens window system realtimex support concurr seri and seri graphic accele r you want info sam black onc you remov absurd human exist isn left black westfo rd ccur concurr comput corpor interact perform for imag displai frame per second lower limit f or interact oper for bring imag for view second good number measur respons time base applic you plan run frame buffer question for sun window instal sun alon and screen and screen question hardwar configur and devic that made pull and insert frame b uffer vme bu call graphic acceler appos frame buffer signific thi server and ins tal suno driver compat inform thi post thi behalf john charlton not net access r epli directli charlton bme unc edu send thi address and will forward you for you r anai panvalka unc edu plane xtermin want articl srv watserv uwaterloo chudel watart uw aterloo chri hudel write app run server bit server work fine xtermin run older v ersion can run latest app long host machin librari instal wrong mike hopper ac v irginia edu will not rais tax middl class unknown menubutton widget question creat button that label and bitmap me nubutton widget thi bitmap sign label appreci scott access bit color sun and acquir frame buffer card suppos support bit color visual and monochrom visual default visual for xnew server monochrom and unabl chang bit visual xgetvisualinfo visual depth had success xdpyinfo info rm bit deep visual monochrom two solut patch for xsun server forward instruct ac cess bit color openwindow jon herlock email herlock lclark edu lewi clark colleg portland xsun not find default font sol netter built solari us multi scre en patch suno patch and build great for that error messag xsun startup cannot se t default font path stuff delet and cannot set default font fix suppli option do esn complain font path complain font symlink usr lib place distribut live joel j oel reymont code softwar corpor mail joel code redwood hwy suit san rafael desqview and network traffic articl qdeck support qdeck technic support write articl qtk picasso cssc syd tansu gpatapi boyd tansu write sort tr affic gener call curiou find requir bandwidth that link machin run support multi pl user client and requir adequ respons time idea expect limit factor will your server machin not network give you real world exampl quarterdeck roughli peopl d vx talk bunch unix box novel file server and each not load ethernet concentr you peopl each segment you had badli load net app you want run network intens you r un into slowdown biggest problem machin you plenti ram and fast hard disk and ne twork card you peopl run program you slowdown you effect mhz dvx will attempt ta sk idl and make give time slice you work program run you can bui bigger and powe r server machin signific drop price year year link want us isdn costli and bandw idth limit that interest li such link can us and traffic that you can tweak prog ram run ad call give time slice idl and that sort thing you run peopl machin you start slowdown thi time network bandwidth hmmm your centr monitor traffic you r un standard window program word sort packet blaze size link you averag traffic f low your network you high peak and low point depend program you slowdown bandwid th lot sooner your app network thing you mean network thing vision window and wi ndow applic network process run server and get displai wonder good and subsequ p rotocol transfer imag call and displai client machin quarterdeck offic system in ternet support tom bortel price order info qdeck tech question support qdeck bb fax compuserv quarterdeck fax touch tone phone for technot demand georg patapi p an metron ariston telecom lane cove email gpatapi cssc syd tansu box sydnei sout h fax nsw australia voic interfac architect hei gui folk experi interfac architect gui de v tool can call you and coupl quick question promis question simpl and call nick el jeff copeland jeffcop isc interact system corp systemhous jeff copeland jeffc op isc escap not anoth fals alarm not week messag thi real thing repeat thi not drill batten hatch hide women and lock cow final escap clean cage thi m orn overpow broke offic door and fled lab last head gener direct export lc mit e du per second found answer name contrib tar blast vacat capit waco texa jhb search cad softwar for mechan construct cad softwar sourc sun bi nari respect licenc packag and sourc site thx fabian fabian hopp phone elsternst r fax gevelsberg email fabian vivian open germani simpl check action mous button will execut xtermin user made tha t click automat kill client fish john vanderpool internet fish eosdata gsfc nasa gov nasa gsfc hstx vox you run and you run catch sun sink race come you patch version xroach for tvtwm read code you can put applic that virtual desktop stuff tvtwm doesn confus applic confus virtual ness chicken egg want appli version xroach never quit ssetroot work suggest luckili root quit tr ick for part quit interest hear icon region for each virtual window tvtwm that r ead thread last week fish john vanderpool internet fish eosdata gsfc nasa gov na sa gsfc hstx vox you run and you run catch sun sink race come you develop window interfac for gdb write window base interfac that run top gdb understand suppos fork gdb subprocess us pipe and debug thi program happen program main int printf enter scanf printf output program hang return out put printf statement type printf output come time pipe thi ioctl deepak deepak m ulchandani advanc product research and develop laboratori motorola semiconductor product sector austin deepak inx sp mot motif server for ascii termin server for charact cell termin doe sn fanci long work find state state kei capslock and numlock blue arbortext rp arbo rtext ralph seguin write question thi mean determin state capslock and numlock d on modifi keypress event reason you state modifi even your window don keyborad f ocu you can for keypress event root window you keypress and you press even point question easi mean make keyboard act keyboard capslock activ and user press shi ft lowercas thi question implement xlookupstr you can write anoth function that interpret keypress you you can implement xlookupstr xlib sourc and modifi bit sa mi tikka hut sami tikka hut admd fumail live long and prosper for draw packag develop applic that user interact creat edit vie w visual model topolog network and wonder knew builder tool that exist simplifi thi task past us visual edg uim product develop gui familiar uimss gener topolog will support object and connect link onc topolog creat want provid user capabl support group zoom etc for form higher abstract draw routin accomplish thi speci f zoom and group aspect prove difficult and time consum roll suggest greg greg s oftwar mitel motorcycl want followup kedz wpi wpi edu distribut organ worcest polytechn institut keyword for inexpens motorcycl noth fanci maintin rang you c an great repli mail boat for sale boat for sale imperi fisherman featur walkaround c uddi cabin volvo duo prop outdriv cassett stereo vhf radio hummingbird fishfind safti equip cover and capac includ storag trailer us hr ask offer for inform con tact gerald mansfield want brother touch interest bui label maker and can afford tire mail maureen prism gatech edu maureen eagl georgia institut technolog atlanta ge orgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu make your talk elev complet standalon system comput requir for b urn sound file into eprom consist apollo eprom programm design specif for thi jo b wont microphon logic devic eprom eras wipe mistak brand freight rent timeshar week timeshar week for rent us juli offer week can trade anywher world hawaii austria east etc interv intern will answer question that and you trade paperwork and phone number order that contact jeff vinson vin son migrat daytim leav msg test for sale farenheit bit for sale orchid fareheit bit color card m eg almost offer thi post for friend call thuan pho houchin deal bad rjkopp new weeg uiowa edu randi kopp write you head sma ll claim you put monei front for file fee and possibl local sheriff citi deliv b ad new end parti will end pai for mistak interest time file pai date defend prob lem small claim court that you locat person you take action time and monei invol v travel thi person close you wouldn worth for small claim depend monei you wron g thi correct kenneth simon dept sociolog indiana univers internet kssimon india na edu bitnet kssimon iubac real estat sale residenti lot for sale nice residenti lot approx imat acr size locat develop call belveder plantat pender counti eastern north c arolina north wilmington lot intra coastal waterwai golf and tenni locat develop properti belveder plantat mar ina facil icw thi lot nearbi facil mention lot ou tright not will back area anytim sell for that reason make offer interest send m ail prism gatech edu mike smith michael davi smith georgia institut technolog at lanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu misc radio and relat equip lot misc and radio relat item for sal e lighten load for move motorola vhf pager digit voic readout capacitor checker audio oscil khz feet brand hardlin for connector thi piec lot gain mobil antenna for vhf and uhf uhf amp input mhz milliwatt and output mhz watt servic manual t hi motorola mobilephon make reason offer for ship trade for rca tac uhf dash mou nt channel servic manual great condit gmr frequenc repeat and simplex nobratron power suppli sorensen servic manual thi amp variabl power suppli us vdc weight l b motorola tone remot model work great monitor button thi unit us remot base sta

tion two wire tone remot board mitrek super consolett make offer us remot model trn schmetic for motorola handheld charger speaker mic leather case dpl dpl deck motorola moxi radio reason esp you offer each for trade for reed dpl code plug mail you will sell cheep transmit tube for radio box gain uhf mobil antenna moto rola us sold for make reason offer sell for ship motorcycl control head and cabl frequenc selector and speaker channel thi micom ask ship channel element for mo torola micor mitrek motrac set vhf micor uhf micor low band motrac mobil microph on for motorola and rca reason offer motorola remot adaptor model tln apr busi b and servic manual esp and motorola mail for detail phone restrict toll box us qu arter dtmf mobil mic master pro uhf mobil not work accessori thi trunk mount rad io ship base cabinet rack duplex cabinet vhf duplex rack base cabinet johnson sa tellit dish jack arm spool multi conductor wire shield thick approx master pro m obil control head and cabl eagl model level sensor tell full contain price not i nclud ship item pickup size weight locat eastern ohio interest mail you can call jim sim jdp eastern sim vax cn muskingum edu airlin ticket canada and europ carrib latinam round trip ticket good for travel usa canada and europ hawaii latin america caribbean fulli transf er and can us origin had intend us visit grandfath sick di us for for offer act fast will april matter patrick pat wr madison chicago itali air ticket want for round trip madison chi cago milan itali air ticket transfer ticket will not us contact beng cae wisc ed u open jaw ticket highli desir you ting beng cae wisc edu multisync nec monitor for sale nec multisync monitor for sale gr eat condit dot pitch svga monitor that sync khz compat aga amiga graphic mode le av messag interest make offer forsal soni diskman newsgroup rec audio misc forsal distribut su bject forsal soni diskman nextstat for sale nextstat mhz moto dsp megapixel perfect dim sh ake keyboard mous instal doc network and system administr user refer applic book bruce webster copi black nextconnect modem cabl disk unwrap box for back app se ll thi pronto car engin lock machin run great us hous cover not us dai wasn incl ud feder express second dai air offer cod your doorstep continent sell thi you d on agre price make offer reason letter ask donat for tax break comput book for sale updat list updat list book for sale book br and you find book you and inform feel free send mail buyer pai ship fee abou sun soe clarkson edu titl window program introduct author william murrai iii chri p appa publish osborn mcgraw hill cover soft note cover window ask titl harvard gr aphic complet refer author cari jensen loi anderson publish osborn mcgraw hill c over soft note cover releas draw partner ask titl high perform interact graphic model render and anim author lee adam publish windcrest cover soft note full exa mpl program basic ask titl scienc and engin applic ibm author severin publish ab acu cover soft note lot exampl basic ask titl graphic for dot matrix printer you r printer perform miracl author john davenport publish simon schuster cover soft note full exampl program basic ask titl program turbo author scott zimmerman be verli zimmerman publish scott foresman and cover soft note page highlight ask ti tl introduct comput graphic author john demel michael miller publish brook cole engin divis cover soft note exampl program basic and fortran ask titl hard disk mangement pocket refer author kri jamsa publish osborn mcgraw hill cover soft no te pocket size ask forsal and want fax typewrit articl east sun jorg erex east sun jorg lach sun bo hardwar bui item fax machin plain don extra basic model good wo rk order sell store for dirt cheap don make offer cost sell for hard drive mfm t ype mbyte half height seagat machin for similar type item for sale electron type writ panason memori small lcd displai sell bundl panason comput interfac for thi typewrit you can connect parallel port cabl work perfect even window tty printe r great you send letter typewrit stand alon mode pitch and effect underlin bold overstrik built dictionari and charact word line correct ask for typewrit and in terfac jorg lach sun microsystem comput corpor jorg lach east sun east coast div is chelmsford forsal soni discman soni portabl diskman forsal good condit flaw

less costom adapt power suppli test factori adapt test input time bought year ag o lot heat gener insid machin wouldn us risk thi babi life that owner complain p ortabl machin kaput short time usag factori suggest led displai ask ship contact harri interest intel memori board for sale intel board bit meg ram that sell as ap email offer interest fred women bike for sale bike for sale type dave scott centurion mode l size grouppo shimano crank pedal shimano clip and strap frame tang doubl but s teel gear front rear seat terri women gel seat comput avocet extra doubl water b ottl cage extra rear tire front rear setup wife ask for obo you interest address below mike michael whitman nation system engin telecom pyramid technolog corpor gallow road suit vienna phone pager sky page pin mike pyrdc pyramid uunet pyrdc mike roland for sale for sale roland offer excel condit includ patch disk cakewalk sysex format buyer pai cod ship mail respons gm cwru edu georg geo rg scott gscott student cwru edu gm cwru edu for sale longer us quarter inch tape for backup and case unopen for sale sell lot box tape each rob spellman rob mother bate edu comput support servic bate colleg book for sale ann arbor book for sale talli and book you want an d send messag ship will mail parcel post book rate payment advanc cod accept boo k good excel condit paperback note quantiti discount thi list updat continu late st list can request mail thi list superced previou list not respons for typo lis t claim not paid for david hwang ann arbor michigan david ganglion ann arbor lis t februari comput wordperfect que stewart clipper que tilei tr assembl languag p rogram barden practic program game basic tracton book wordperfect barn corvett c ar part and illustr catalog manual secret corvett detail antonick eckler complet guid corvett fiberglass repair corvett owner workshop manual hayn chevrolet pow er catalog manual edit corvett driver owner guid for model antonick chevrolet sm all block speed equip buyer guid lamm chilton easi car care edit medicin ophthal molog studi guid for medic student washington manual medic therapeut respiratori physiolog essenti west langman medic embryolog sadler hardcov sold essenti huma n anatomi woodburn hardcov sold cardiolog refer book kloner handbook antimicrobi therapi mandel guid antimicrobi therapi sanford free med book comprehens review basic scienc sold into medic dental school sexual interact allgeier hardcov cal l principl and protocol ruedi physican desk refer pdr hardcov introduct gener pa tholog spector medic school admiss strategi for success weschler get into medic school brown ten point plan for colleg accept graham colleg account carson hardc ov david hwang univers michigan medic school wall street suit telephon ann arbor michigan internet david ganglion ann arbor music for sale list tape price sell friend mine rid bid don tape btw back black good condit razor edg excel poison open and excel flesh blood ex cel gun rose appetit for destr fair us your ill good us your ill good skid row b side ourselv tape case crack slave grind excel jackyl jackyl excel bon jovi fait h singl excel thi for not for jason meg id harddriv western digit id meg hard drive ship greg holdre n gregh hprnd rose geh mothra rose wrong thi pictur articl apr iscsvax uni edu harter iscsvax uni e du write fellow netter awak post messag tell peopl stop post comput ad misc fors al group thirti respons not mention rash mail receiv anoth person post messag su bject line blow and even wors text and peopl gut major not mention thread sell w ife gui not overli bum common sens dictat that thi offens women and not scott fe rguson exxon research engin project engin jersei opinion not offici view exxon q uestion plai stoneheng tonight want spi war ring subject line locat copi spi board game war rin g copi will part million toni tlin stat berkelei edu sharp part inform for sharp travelm for part mine bad ram chip m otherboard and want can for part send sharp for repair you drop line set for fri end read inch diskett pinout diskett expans connector back inch floppi box you r espond includ phone number can email jim lewczyk mailer address buggi repli jiml

strauss ftcollinsco ncr jame lewczyk ncr mpd fort collin jim lewczyk ftcollinsc o ncr wrong thi pictur articl apr erenj srfergu rufu erenj scott fergu son write articl apr iscsvax uni edu harter iscsvax uni edu write fellow netter awak post messag tell peopl stop post comput ad misc forsal group thirti respons not mention rash mail receiv anoth person post messag subject line blow and eve n wors text and peopl gut major not mention thread sell wife gui not overli bum common sens dictat that thi offens women and not good point think want sell calc ul thi newsgroup call calcul comput albeit small function come car add accept ru n comput nowadai draw line accept live and you care avoid jonathan lot common se ns choos ignor calvin jonathan sawitski random wierdo martim wpi wpi edu super scope for sale sne folk super scope for sale come crt and box and instruct includ ship includ that month back and us twice ooo ooo ooo ooo srikanth ponnap mail address pobox raleigh sponna eo ncsu edu phone ponna aza c sc ncsu edu sponnapa math ncsu edu sale canon eo elan outfit for sale canon eo elan outfit includ e o elan bodi usm len usm len filter hoya circular polaris filter canon remot cont rol pentax len cloth low pro camera bag galen rowel photoflex len bag sapr lithi um batteri hove foto bokk user guid canon eo elan condit lot firm contact david not mail your queri talk phone kathi pat sdai stand articl dsblack vincent iastat edu dsblack i astat edu vilkata tdk write heard newsgroup week two ago that kathi ireland budw eis poster popular supposedli half size and life size poster life size stand car dboard thick damn good qualiti and wonder worth pat poster last year stack twent i and two card board cutout not for sale collect scumster advic scumster week ago post articl behalf friend want extern for mac scumster call friend and agre price friend unexperienc and not fl uent english paid check request call back check arriv and send check cash and th at that phone that gave answer machin time and reaction messag left mail address not bounc answer that student univers delawar mail address postal address and p hone question proce advanc for advic sincer victor levenson vvl virginia edu rea son not put full name that hope respons will post summari even regular basi vict or levenson tel lab dept biochemistri internet vvl virginia edu sampler for sale peopl sell thi sampler pai bill even includ sam pl cd worth separ thi deal emax standard memori and bit stereo sampl rackmount a nd voic pol brand connor meg intern scsi drive never us work perfect and run per fect addit access friend sound librari gig sound thi for sampl base danc hous te chno stuff email call mike amiga etc for sale articl isg csugrad edu dwilson csugrad edu da vid wilson write for sale amiga mhz unix compat machin meg hard drive meg ram mo nitor keyboard esc and kei broken ask price obo mind ask you sell us machin dama g keyboard for price brand meg meg id floppi local for reason monitor brand mhz meg floppi rom isn run for damag probab real version offer don laugh isn worth d ai tzeng nigel tzeng sig construct for sale book life multi volum book set unopen wrong guess close r will sell for impli obo email you want specif thi attract set book kind bibl e ncyclopedia set email you book post inform want aircondition for good us window air condition small preffer call peter and talk email khiet ecn want futon for larg futon and frame call peter mail khiet ecn misc electron eqpt panason combo black cordless speaker phone sh ip obo curti math vh vcr remot includ and work univers remot work great replac s tereo vcr paid year ago will sell for deliv obo radio shack stereo amp input ton e and left and volum speaker not includ ship you interest mail radlei gibb unc e du major comput scienc eith radlei minor english radlei gibb oit unc edu comput amiga univers north carolina bernoulli remov scsi drive disk storag space for sale iomega rem ov for sale cartridg total storag space come cartridg origin shrinkwrap unus not e thi not compat sysquest cartridg scsi interfac requir plug into back macintosh don control for ibm util for for mac you mac thi for you ton softwar disk that

don us anymor sold mac system stuff includ stuff info mac site lot gif and lot s ound effect entir disk sound ask for ship for inform send mail cx ultb isc rit e du call for sawran cheer chri cx ultb isc rit edu cx ritvax isc rit edu electron panason combo black cordless speaker phone ship obo cur ti math vh vcr remot includ and work univers remot work great replac stereo vcr paid year ago will sell for deliv obo radio shack stereo amp input tone and left and volum speaker not includ ship you interest mail radlei gibb unc edu major c omput scienc eith radlei minor english radlei gibb oit unc edu comput amiga univ ers north carolina hard drive etc for sale hard drive drive includ manual warranti fujitsu gigabyt scsi hard drive quantum meg scsi prodriv fujitsu meg scsi hard d rive appl footprint hard drive case power suppli acceller video appl acceller gr aphic card softwar init million color fast hardcopi appl imagewrit printer spare print head aren cheap fax machin baud leather travel case and accessori discuss purchas item call john you answer machin leav messag your name and phone number let piec you interest john not repli thi account your custom resum disk your custom resum disk macintosh ibm comp at never pai high cost copi servic will complet develop and format your custom r esum packag and mail you disk transmit inform electron mail hour year experi emp loy industri and member nation resum writer associ you can leav burden develop y our resum you can easili custom edit inform target each compani and posit comple t packag includ custom develop resum custom cover letter custom follow letter cu stom interview you letter custom job accept letter custom job declin letter cust om resign letter laser print copi high qualiti paper request contact vicki burn mail unix andrew cmu edu telephon seagat hard drive forsal brand never us seagat meg hard drive fo rsal paid includ mount bracket bought and end bui comput bro take porsch porsch turbo trim spoiler graphit black excel condit remo v factori sunroof leather interior time belt bra mile obo patrick patrick boylan wind river system alameda pat wr bunch stuff for sale thing want rid paradis ega casper ega monit or mhz motherboard dram sipp mhz momboard dram hay prodigi special extern modem meg sipp sipp meg dram and not absolut serial board hercul board and amber monit or thing thi system miss power suppli make offer thi stuff and for contribut mit ch bi modem fund mitch note cross post forsal froup followup redirect back reaso n for that don read group mitch gorman srscnslt telesci thing not crack mother e arth blaze hot molten rock spill land and lava lover lick your boot electron panason combo black cordless speaker phone ship obo cur ti math vh vcr remot includ and work univers remot work great replac stereo vcr paid year ago will sell for deliv obo radio shack stereo amp input tone and left and volum speaker not includ ship you interest mail radlei gibb oit unc edu cal l keith made type email address post correct major comput scienc eith radlei min or english radlei gibb oit unc edu comput amiga univers north carolina microsoft do upgrad for sale adn ritvax isc rit edu write articl pctnfinn ev usc edu yuanchi ev usc edu yuan chieh hsu write do upgrad for sale offer open unregist care enlighten whether do worth upgrad good compress and can turn will nice nasti featur report you don do and don util qemm stacker pctool norton do worth for peopl do and sort util do doesn offer you never usual hype t hat market creat tom hatton hatton cgl ucsf edu fax mail final fax servic internet user continent prepay kind th i servic provid inform system intern base fisher indiana isifish aol internet us er your credit automat approv you can start send fax send fax us thi servic mail isifish aol format your name your phone number your mail address number you sen d fax recipi name and compani address and phone number recipi option fax content your fax will hour fax will includ standard cover sheet free charg contain your name your phone number your address recipi name and compani send your fax recei pt will for your record import thi your time us fax servic you includ paragraph begin your mail herebi author inform system intern open fax account for agre pai charg incur receiv monthli bill format accept plain ascii format and rich text format rtf accept for plain ascii format time roman font point size will us for

rtf format your fax document will exactli your local laser printer almost word p rocess softwar mackintosh sun workstat etc you can save your document rtf format pai time you us fax servic will open account for you your name you will bill ea ch month you balanc your balanc whichev come cost cost for continent exclud hawa ii alaska for page for each addit page each fax will includ cover sheet free you plan us thi servic you save entir text post price quot want sam halperin cccbb uceng mhz insert forc socket empti drive socket eisa motherboard cach bit eisa slot bit vesa local bu slot bi t isa slot ram simm socket fill strip socket open bit eisa id hard drive control meg id hard disk drive cach diamond viper weitek vesa local bu graphic card mag monitor serial afn uart parralel game port full tower case watt power suppli ba i bai hard drive bai floppi drive enhanc kei keyboard resolut dpi serial mous do and window newer ami bio joint data motherboard dai monei back gaurante uncondi t year part warranti lifetim labor warranti year nationwid site servic thi syste m availbl comtrad compani that won highest dell gatewai and ibm award recent mag azin review your price highli competit sacrif qualiti standard list respond sam halperin cccbb uceng mail mfm control copi card for sale bit mfm control copi card softwar and cabl can copi protect softwar interest repli thi account wun chun chau craz i world internet wchau eng buffalo edu rutger uunet buffalo edu wchau internet w chau buffalo edu bitnet wchau buffalo edu ubvm bitnet you want die young you mea n florida vacat packag forsal packag call sun and sand includ dai night accommod orlando and daytona beach hotel select major hotel chain and fami li resort two adult and children fulli transfer expir for extent year dai advanc reserv esp for peak season reserv depart will offer coupon book give you save p rice bought for good deal for peak season for will not turn reason offer sell do esn includ transport and you pai dai for hotel tax mail your respond your custom resum disk articl zhq andrew cmu edu tami grudzinski andrew cmu edu write your custom resum disk macintosh ibm compat never pai high cost copi servic will complet develop and format your custom resum packag and m ail you disk blah blah blah delet carnegi mellon hous for sale mediterranean coast spain mediterranean invest pro perti for sale javea alicant spain costa blanca villa larg lot wood pine hill no is bedroom live dine room glass sun porch kitchen bathroom larg lot surround tra dit white wall wrought iron gate room for ground pool minut sea and supermarket minut town and full amen area special favour microclim mention climat report sea t fiat runabout car year includ deal ideal for retir famili holidai resort sell for famili reason ask repli email call canada simon curri execut director tele r oyal societi canada fax box ottawa email curri doe carleton simon curri tele roy al societi canada fax box ottawa email curri doe carleton delai sampler hei interest bui digit delai pedal prefer capabl s ampl and infinit repeat you familiar phil keaggi want mimic close concert click pedal plai click and plai click repeat infinit play lead jason dietrijj mentor p urdu edu datman for sale articl bdavisc yum netcom bdavi netcom bryan dav i write soni tcd dat walkman for sale us warrante come optic digit input output standard rca analog cabl includ rechar batteri charger and adaptor offer inform reader newsrc soni introduc datman tcd smaller and expens coaxial jack lack mail order hous for dollar model come suspect obsolet will sell for even opinion exp ress not necessarili univers north carolina chapel hill campu offic for inform t echnolog experiment bulletin board servic internet launchpad unc edu want us audio mixer for us inexpens audio mixer channel stereo i nput and channel stereo output prefer input channel each channel volum control b ui broken equip mixer fairli small haven lot space for john lang jlang zippi rad ian radian corp box austin logitech scanman sell logitech hand held grai scale scanner orig in bought toi and practic us for us packag includ board scan mate softwar ansel imag edit softwar origin manual box etc origin bought for jan sell for interest han meyer twin size mattress boxsprng frame for sale twin size mattress bo x spring and frame for sale medico pedic type mattress excel condit yr maintain you come and pick stuff locat paloalto ask for contact suresh mail suresh dec su resh balasubramanian suresh dec digit equip corp space rack for sale lower price post thi messag for friend mine not comput account you question call dan equip rack for sale space eia rack carp et cover wheel ship equip ne cart cordless phone for sale lower price thing sell ite m great condit price includ ship you question contact mail call darryl equip mix er case pop rail patch cord meter gold tip record casualti war inch singl eric r akim inch singl eyc boo tribe black magic salt pepa heart break edit stuff vanes sa william misc toshiba cordless phone book each book price mark microcomput for manag fuhrman buck decison make edit statist fresh approach sander eng murph qu antit approach levin rubin manag stinson for sale robot baud modem obo upgrad comput system fax modem and sell baud usr modem fax error correct intern extern robot highest rate modem ma nufactur add ship pick washington area offer trade for simm john baker sale comput misc book rpg stuff etc articl apr kuhub ukan edu ja mil kuhub ukan edu write for sale duh golden imag dpi hand scanner dpaint iii am iga vision mulitmedia author softwar baud bandit termin commun softwar bard tale iii thief fate graphic rpg retali flight simul futur war fantasi scifi graphic rpg rvf honda motocycl simul patlabor ingram and phantom labor model japanes ani m model robotech rpg book english ingrid invas southern cross battletech book en glish fox teeth exploit mckinnon raider grai death legion mercenari handbook cit ytech aerotech mechwarrior book monster manual monster manual fiend folio lot bo ok japanes and english subject japanes cultur asian art histori japanes languag socio linguist ethnographi linguist physic calculau menum and foli unix and amig a program econom micro macro intl trade financ american econom develop and philo sophi languag ethic cognit scienc you you interest and you jamil kuhub ukan edu jame miller chicchai sig ichiban iin janai enlighten happen jamil kuhub ukan edu jame miller chicchai sig ichiban iin janai enlighten happen intel modem for sale intel baud modem extern bi good work condit never had problem obo leav daytim number for fastest respons kilowatt bb deer p ark for sale trade ibm game ibm game for sale trade adventur eric un readi legend king quest sierra rom edit sport michael jordan flight electron art mike ditka ultim footbal accolad david ledbett green micropros strategi risk vi rgin thi softwar come origin packag and manual price includ ground ship continen t will trade for current game send your list chri davi ccdavi nuwav ingr misc stuff for sale misc item for sale walkman aiwa model year m int condit us autorevers band equal super bass dolbi nois reduct tuner paid ask ship mount plate soni model cpm mount plate for soni portabl player for portabl plug into car lighter snap bottom soni player portabl player perfect condit will throw cassett adapt condit paid ask ship factori stereo toyota radio autorevers cassett cassett deck digit tune condit car month car stereo ask ship car speake r sherwood two car speaker car for month inch excel condit paid ask ship inch fa ctori speaker toyota excel condit ask ship nintendo nintendo game boi light boi tetri super mario land gameboi nfl footbal castlevania adventur hyper lode runne r year game work condit ask ship accessori internet internet user guid and catal og krol book guid internet fing inform and resourc paid ask ship microsoft never us comput ask ship visual basic microsoft for window never us comput quick sell student edit for ask ship resond field ci ohio state edu jonathan field vacat netter vacat packag for sale bahama vacat round trip ticke t freeport grand bahama doubl occup hotel accomod per person per night orlando f lorida la vega reno lake taho vacat round trip airlin ticket major airport menti on destin hotel accomod for peopl for dai night for interest drop mail clim ci o hio state edu ship cost articl usenet in cwru edu kxj cwru edu kijin jung writ e previou articl tomc arezzo oa olivetti tom carlino recent bought music instrum ent internet and had ship up ground ship mail box servic mailbox etc somewhat su

rpris price compar price ship thi ship directli up and thi summari not make endo rs condemn present fact you draw your conclus encount thing mailbox etc and sugg est us origin up servic ship virginia cleveland for pound and oppos for up opini on thi outfit franchis bui net and pick ship cost that pick normal up charg deli v directli up burn ship charg for pkg will never us mail servic don box and buye r immedi person agre pick ship thing watch for rate higher up direct for up truc k packag quot rate fed economi air for weight rp truck packag compani citi want guess mailbox oper told not tell truth competitor rate rp unreli us problem etc cod check mail servic local mailbox take sweet time mail remad check thi for add it up cod charg deal for packag charg you doubl up charg for insur never had cla im netter ralph seguin told horror stori packag trace mailbox mailbox local mail box oper told ly ask rate stratospher compar direct up check not up ground rate come close fed economi air rate and fed will pick up will pick for charg area da ve medin phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt ingr huntsvil uunet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine machin heavi metal magazin for sale not music clean coffer virtual mint collect heavi metal magazin thi not music mag neato mag giger and moebiu artwor k jam pack amaz sci and fantasi artwork master mint except that split seam cover perfect cut out miss page sep nov and dec issu for issu for and jan sep for iss u will not break will sold singl lot send your offer ship not includ pretti heav i you local mass usa you can come person arthur noguerola vo stratu for sale jazz magazin jazz magazin will for offer receiv ship no t includ pretti heavi you local mass usa you can come person great condit will l ot will not break metronom sep feb june nov dec june nov downbeat jan newspap si ze fold jan feb dec mar apr jun jul sep dec dec aug oct oct dec dec jan apr jul sep dec feb feb jun nov apr aug sep oct oct feb mar jun jul jul aug sep dec jun jun jul aug mar mar nov will toss free jazz journal feb apr and coda magazin jun dec arthur noguerola vo stratu cd price for sale hei cd offer trade consid gowan lost brotherho od katrina wave break heart joe cocker live charl nevil divers rich microsoft do upgrad for sale articl hatton cgl ucsf edu hatton s ocrat ucsf edu tom hatton write adn ritvax isc rit edu write care enlighten whet her do worth upgrad good compress and can turn will nice nasti featur report you don do and don util qemm stacker pctool norton do worth for peopl do and sort u til do doesn offer you never usual hype that market creat imho worth upgrad doub lespac bit saner stacker replac memmak aggress qemm doesn hose system qemm hasn microsoft antiviru latest version recent cpav mine ag thi quit do ain end oper s ystem sharp stick ey you happen into that sort thing lee preimesberg jetson edu undergradu scum univers houston usa freedom choic for choic mine mattel electron basebal for sale trade offer interest mattel ele ctron game left for sale trade basebal tan case and includ volt batteri and orig in manual sell soccer and basketbal for and trade footbal game for genesi cart h appi will entertain offer cash genesi cart basebal excel condit and work perfect li advanc dave forsal genesi game kelvin william kwill lunatix wrote game forsa l trade sonic hedgehog two copi manual and case each brand interest sonic send a ddress below mail bounc back host unknow error repli kwill lunatix subject game paul wood pcwood astro oci templ edu tech book for sale cheap bui book not ask liquid send your offer reason offer refus come serv want rid book make offer calculu analyt geometri a uthur simon copyright date below avg condit readabl give ship incl and write goo d softwar fortran graham smith shipp incl gener chemistri principl modern applic petrucci fourth edit big book thi book book for solut manual for chemistri book studi guid for chemistri book send your offer email chopin udel edu sam chopin udel edu item for sale item for sale howard miller clock chime grandfath clock paint tiger snow beauti paint tiger can jump canva and you men diamond rin g size row diamond gold call email donald walker rolex imit jammer dit geen fantastisch advertenti nep rolexen ma ar een evenzo duidelijk mededel hieromtr aangezien het alleen aanbieden van deze

horlog onder vermeld van echt merknaam niet geheel correct wil met dit bericht duidelijk maken dat marcel engelbertink niet meer zal adverteren met imitati hor log van het merk rolex enig persoon die hierin geiinteresseerd kan jammer genoeg ook niet meer helpen for foreign peopl can even understand dutch spite earlier mail fake rolex announc that don inform longer and won us trade name rolex anymo r for fake model fakefulli engelbertink mazda glc for sale want sell mazda glc for excel work condit pas s inspect sun roof mark bodi contact kohli ec umass edu kohli irwin owner don miss thi deal tape irwin suggest us pre format t ape for tape drive you can successfulli format tape and bulk eras you can format preformat tape for irwin tape drive irwin accutrak seri never us rhomat format wrape email interest feng opinion express not necessarili univers north carolina chapel hill campu offic for inform technolog experiment bulletin board servic i nternet launchpad unc edu gameboi game trade for genesi game gear gameboi game uupdat game boi game for trade pitfight metroid base load blade steel malibu beach volleybal world cup soccer tenni spiderman robocop motocross maniac doubl dribbl basketba l for genesi game missil command gameboi game gear game leav mail interest dave webb wait hear allen thoren trade volleybal for missil command touch wait hear r aul rombh cunyvm cuni edu genesi trade web spiderman auction updat web spiderman auction list issu annu al thi set will auction complet set interest book quickli evalu for grade book n ote below ascertain put book into bag board book per bag small dink spine spine slightli roll small creas front cover dink spine slight tear edg front cover spi ne ding cover page crinkl humid crinkl form water damag cover not flat ship smud g cover spine dink small dink spine spine dink tini creas top left corner cover dink spine paper clip mark small spine dink slight spine roll spine dink back co ver creas cover wrinkl annual slight spine roll cover mark current high bid bidd er jon jon tivoli success bidder assum will book up cod cash monei order will ad total success bid cover charg bid accordingli mike nintendo game and control deck forsal nintendo control deck two control and gun control grip attach ne will connect composit monitor audio and v ideo rca input jack and repair offer game for sale tecmo basebal techmo bowl dou bl dribbl wayn gretzki hockei golf super mario duck hunt super mario super mario iii teenag mutant ninja turtl arcad game megaman toobin spelunk tecmo super bow l total give you for offer and throw control deck accept offer for each game ind ividu oldest two year year email tligman andi bgsu edu phone tom warn signatur c onstruct enter your risc preamp and player forsal forsal proton preamplifi year origin as k offer input for tape tape phono video and tuner separ listen and record select or bass subharmon filter and mono switch high qualiti volum potentiomet excel co ndit origin box and manual soni portabl diskman thi design plai mini you can pla i normal size cd disk stick side work skip occasion tune head align clean etc ex cel condit not us that carri case origin list offer good for offic sit your desk email eric enterpris bih harvard edu telephon eric eric hansen eric enterpris b ih harvard edu center for clinic comput boston do mac program ultrix administr g ener chao heavi metal magazin for sale not music articl pr eqp transfer st ratu arthur noguerola vo stratu write clean coffer virtual mint collect heavi me tal magazin thi not music mag neato mag giger and moebiu artwork jam pack amaz s ci and fantasi artwork master mint except that split seam cover perfect cut out miss page sep nov and dec issu for issu for and jan sep for issu will not break will sold singl lot send your offer ship not includ pretti heavi you local mass usa you can come person arthur noguerola vo stratu you send offer thi gui mind t hat you can mint back issu publish for ship issu comput stuff for sale for sale baltimor area mac radiu bit color dual page displai and adapt microtek color scanner qm colorscript color postscr ipt printer baud modem dyanfil and meg floppi softwar packag includ pagemak quar k express style photoshop etc obo compaq lte intern modem and meg ram hard drive obo compaq slt meg ram and meg hard drive obo compaq motherboard make offer thi

return compaq servic six mux baud modem built make offer cpu multi user turbodo system offer contact elliott offic home delliott digex internet humminbird depth sounder forsal humminbird hdr depth sounder for sale us for season sailboat part includ instal instruct even pack origin box da mag unit transduc fact transduc mount insid hull piec pipe glu hull led shelter life transduc can mount insid hull transom cannot hole drill into your hull full i waterproof and fit into hole bulkhead that had instal into standard dashboard powerboat read depth and backlit lcd displai adjust shallow water alarm built ch ang instrument anoth manufactur that output nmea inform thi depth sounder work f ine and stabl price low catalog paid take offer john miller catalina tinker toi south jersei condo recent graduat and move into bigger hous leav condo sell origin list list list featur master bedroom bedroom live room dine r oom kitchen extra cabinet full modern bathroom full wtw carpet exclud bath oil h ot water heat convert ga thi summer central air condo fee includ heat hot water landscap pool tenni court addit washer dryer condo refriger dishwash ceil fan wi ndow treatment don understand can call curtain and mantl larg storag room privat basement plenti undesign park you free for bliss regular homeownership call kat hleen sullivan rohrer sayer real estat agenc arrang for show for that disclaim c aca subject error ommiss withdrawl and sale notic thi post not benefit request c ommerci agenc simpli want flame can dev null pnelson clam rutger edu paul nelson system hardwar integr technician softwar unlimit wast bandwidth softwar mail order compani call s oftwar unlimit order softwar and charg credit card never send packag call time a nswer phone check comput shopper and found don advertis anymor you busi you cont act you ching tze incred car incred price brother prepar pai anoth year colleg exp ens and ask post thi alfa romeo gold milano model engin power seat comfort run g reat contact brian wall interest dalla area laser printer forsal repost post for friend you can send repli t hi email address call glen citizen overtur laser printer for sale excel condit u s year thi drum ask offer will consid below spec toner lifespan page drum lifesp an page resolut dpi memori emul epson ibm proprint diablo print capac quad densi ti graphic trai capac sheet reason for sale financi pai tuition glen anderson bi gelo hobo ec orst edu cd for sale for each includ postag usa ted nugent penetr jah wob bl rise bedlam black marshal tucker band long hard ride kid frost east side stor i coffin break thirteen steve warin band dream novic beekeep seek tool trade you find home for that beekeep equ ip you never us like victim custom make deal call laura forb regular busi hour r espond mail and pass your messag reciev player keyboard for sale item for sale onkyo reciev ampli fi month perfect condit wpc stereo speaker abil channel memori digit and direct tune earphon jack bought for ask for offer get price drop offer deal reciev need two zeo ibm extern keyboard month bought for each sell for piec for pai ship sn e sold and player hasn sold you offer will instantli send you for stat player yo shi yoshi atlanti orst edu altec lans subwoof for sale headlin god hope work god hope work damn that stood for rare function arlo georgia institut technolog atlanta georgi a aud internet prism gatech edu want summer subleas washington spend thi summer washington work bowi summer subleas that unload area august mail pertin info kimgh mentor purdu edu advanc gene diamond stealth bit svga for sale brand shrink wrape stealth for sale ship and cod specif base bit coporcessor million system requir base isa ve sa bu fast turbowindow driver for and driver for popular softwar microsoft word lotu autocad tektronix scope for sale tektronix scope for sale mhz bandwidth portabl not seri boatanchor delai sweep work fine don manual place probe ship em ail for info regard keith keith kanoun kdk radio nuwc navi mil video titl maker for sale videon titl maker system month us onc

includ charact gener model rez char font stereo sound million color special effe ct full keyboard design mail for detail thum video editor model mark differn sec tion tape thumb thumb you can skip bad part tape built video enhanc for copi tap e view automat fader switchabl us combin unit unit excel condit come doc unregis t warranti card music world sell for and ask for unit email pchang sunysb edu yo u interest ommon pchang sunysb edu ens state univers york stoni brook ngineer info ultrastor control want netter info ultrastor line control i nterest and scsi control email info asap build system and that conpon that miss tri box chemic for sale sell worth chemic for split two for dollar a peic aprox bottl will make great chem set will pai ship interest will mail parti al list contact mail omar engag ring give diamond engag ring gold band point diamond appra is dollar will sell for dollar apprais request send mail uafhp uark edu for sale quicken for articl pma hpk suntan usf edu boneham sunbu rn usf edu kevin boneham write articl pgvp inn phakt usc edu khoh usc edu oliv m uoto write for sale quicken version that you balanc assum you releas earlier las t version latest refer do version do version version window version recent versi on ommon pchang sunysb edu ens state univers york stoni brook ngineer comput part camcord articl cscn zardox cscn randi neal write and drive plan build machin ran fund each drive carl brand drive you document ship you document not pai for floppi drive you not document for floppi instal for thi ng idiot proof advic ommon pchang sunysb edu ens state univers york stoni brook ngineer microsoft do upgrad for sale articl hatton cgl ucsf edu hatton s ocrat ucsf edu tom hatton write adn ritvax isc rit edu write articl pctnfinn ev usc edu yuanchi ev usc edu yuan chieh hsu write do upgrad for sale offer open un regist care enlighten whether do worth upgrad good compress and can turn will ni ce nasti featur report you don do and don util qemm stacker pctool norton do wor th for peopl do and sort util do doesn offer you never usual hype that market cr eat instal do last week and had noth troubl window app hit protect fault kid can pinata and not work ndo norton do prob includ set pcplu pcplu for procomm longe r work util written for do longer work sharewar uninstal do and do work fine app that do will run that do wont ommon pchang sunysb edu ens state univers york st oni brook ngineer food coupon save monei your man will mail you food coupon for yo u will twice dollar amount coupon mail and dollar coupon sound great deal send s ase elizabeth salt lake citi utah enclos monei form monei order person not trust person send coupon monei earn your trust send dollar and send you your store co upon talk mail enquiri uafhp uark edu you john schiefer casio digit diari for sale casio digit diari electron organ ram will hold approxmi name phone number big line displai year visibl calendar sched ul function memo bank telephon name number address storag calcul compact fold de sign fit your pocket for origin purchas for mail gsfever okcforum osrh edu inter est price not includ ship psychnet articl pfg innk skeena uc ubc okab unixg ubc ian okab w rite electron network for psychnet profession psycholog serv psychologist sychne t world wide what thi psychnet thing everyon post matter post get annoi ian okab okab unixg ubc atmospher scienc univers british columbia vancouv canada experi place not sublimin slightli cagei messag front viewer and long take creat respon s and respons thing blow messag had quicker respons time and unexpect respons ex pectedli neg long that jest tom tom testagrossa mail ttesta kali enet dec mail c larendon apt fitchburg phone work voicemail home guitar parametr car hifon cere band parametr equal spec band khz khz bo ost cut thd size wxhxd mmx mmx thi variabl band variabl subwoof output variabl c utoff frequenc origin paid for unit and us for month sell car excel condit wire and hardwar intact and manual origin box ask price holmertz pop navo navi mil dodg wagon for sale dodg dart collector dodg anniversari dart wa gon turn into cash ask price can negoti car resid union citi california that eas t side san francisco bai area state california unit state america contin north a

merica planet earth planetari bodi sol mid rang yellowish star western spiral ar m milkywai galaxi toowhit north silicon vallei interest plea contact scott mean internet sbrogii tymnet home answer machin busi voic mail loud yell wave monei w indow not recommend downtown urban environ bmw for sale macintosh for sale macintosh ram and monochrom monitor ikegami f or sale ask reason offer will reject contact konrad mon frii for sale and mirag rack mount sampler for sale roland drum machi n mint condit scratch fulli oper manual ask ship mirag rack mount sampler minor scratch rack ear screw advanc sampl option disk and manual long stori turtl beac h vision sampl edit softwar for ibm ask ship send mail request barsz bnr regard peter barszczewski barsz bnr spiritu technolog bell northern research montreal c anada excel sdk for sale for sale absolut won raffl and us for microso ft excel softwar develop kit version for window and appl macintosh contain page book microsoft press floppi disk contain softwar sampl code poster api call etc orig price sell for highest offer ship email repli attmail akachhi avinash kachh i answer machin phone panason phone answer machin brand basic answ er machin function phone number memori recal function year ask for interest call alex choe chicago area roommat need evanston smoke roommat need sublet car pet apt evanston dempster stop park rent util avail beg end aug entir apt sept r oommat year vegetarian smoke femal work northwestern neat freak call denis nwu e du disk for disk user thi not commerci alot disk you cdrom and inte rest purchas disk download list mention below night owl download file cdromcat z ip freq magic name catalog craig landgraf buckwheat pleasur dome internet usenet landgraf fidonet org podnet fidonet itcnet kinknet sganet bb number you send em ail your home address will mail you list your hous list page long thi you not co mput that you can call and list faster forsal drum thing cheap north heavi duti hat stand older stand d efin work shape us clean come clutch and felt etc pearl bass drum pedal felt bea ter honer cymbal stand work cymbal stem zildjian ride cymbal main line zildjian older ride cymbal ludwig snare stand snare stand not remo ship extra email steph en jone sdf system administr smj sdf lonestar org monitor add card appl iie comput sell item appl iie comput inclu d baud modem column zenith green monitor ton softwar and manual control card wes tern digit wdat includ winchest control floppi control serial port parallel port doc jumper set print card aamaz dot pitch svga monitor interlac unlimit color i nclud document power cord and connect cabl sell item make offer cliff kaminski c liff engin umich edu hewlett packard deskjet inkjet printer for sale for sale hewlett packard deskjet inkjet printer perfect condit intern and extern come two full i nk cartridg six month come origin packag manual cabl and softwar thi excel print er and low cost altern laser printer print qualiti laser printer for fraction in it cost and long term cost that replac ink cartridg oppos replac toner printer p rint maximum ot nch type and size paper includ envelop and transper printer prin t landscap and portrait mode printer can accept two cartridg give thing memori a ddit font printer work excel window and do and bring truetyp full potenti origin purchas printer for make offer prefer stai rang will pai ship anywher continent you interest leav email call kirk peterson anytim printer will work comput that can accept standard parallel serial connect that ibm amiga etc word process util for sale word process util includ complet prin t manual and registr card rid excess latest version price program half list pric e and significantli cheapest mail order price grammatik for window top rate gram mar checker help you improv your write correct grammar and usag mistak own wordp erfect list sale grammatik for do top rate grammar checker help you improv your write correct grammar and usag mistak own wordperfect list sale correct grammar for window top notch grammar checker wordstar list sale correct grammar for do t op notch grammar checker wordstar list sale correct write for window onlin write

manual wordstar tip correct us punctuat capit compound word numer bibliographi footnot and list sale random hous webster electron dictionari thesauru for windo w unlik spell checker onlin definit you not word mean larger thesauru word proce ssor for find word list sale random hous webster electron dictionari thesauru fo r do function window version list sale word finder for window huge onlin thesaur u million synonym list sale random hous encyclopedia for do onlin encyclopedia t hat you can us need rom drive easier us and expens book base encyclopedia take h ard disk space list sale headlin do base databas great advertis and headlin prov erb idiom song titl movi titl and great for advertis copywrit newspap editor and come catchi phrase list sale writer toolkit for window amaz collect word proces s util packag includ encyclopedia great quotat dictionari abbrevi dictionari def init thesauru usag guid and grammar checker list sale you interest program phone philadelphia and save packag for you reid goldsborough reidg pac pha util for sale util includ complet print manual and registr card rid excess latest version price program half list price and significantli cheape st mail order price tool for do sell util collect includ do shell antiviru progr am backup program disk defragg memori optim remot commun link data protect and r ecoveri util appoint book address book and list sale norton backup for do suppor t do tape backup system and lan twice fast backup do highli autom and customiz l ist sale qaplu top rate do base system diagnost program comprehens includ do win dow util collect invalu for determin sourc problem ram video drive port keyboard motherboard joystick mous speaker and list sale you interest program phone phil adelphia and save packag for you reid goldsborough reidg pac pha etc for sale packag includ complet print manual and registr card rid excess latest version price program half list price and significantli cheap est mail order price can run window do and program superior stabil compar window list sale norton command for file manag alon graphic tree and file list drag an d drop launch app customiz menu list sale you interest program phone philadelphi a and save packag for you reid goldsborough reidg pac pha softwar for sale program includ complet print manual and registr card rid excess latest version price program half list price and significantli cheapest mail order price microsoft entertain pack volum includ window base game includ tetri taipei minesweep tictact golf cruel peg and idlewild list sale jok e for window databas joke wordstar can quickli find joke for occas for busi writ er speechwrit present and joke topic can search keyword and author list sale hum or processor do base databas joke requir ram thousand categor joke you can quick li find includ onlin tutori for write your joke proven comedi forumula list sale histori world multimedia rom cover cave societi present includ record famou spe ech churchhil gandi and list sale you interest program phone philadelphia and sa ve packag for you reid goldsborough reidg pac pha for sale waxwork game for sale waxwork horrorsoft accolad folk b rought you elvira plai elvira and that horrorsoft final made playabl game waxwor k and feel roughli elvira game real time fight easier surviv two game elvira jaw cerberu made tough stai aliv and hit point restor difficult thi not that waxwor k walk park quit fair that weapon found that quit effect hint proper fight strat egi wax work explor fight almost moder challang puzzl interest thing thi game th at broken into seper rpg for each exhibit you enter start each your charact tran sport object us and experi level exhibit trap you insid multi level ancient egyp tian pyramid you escap fight map and puzzl solv anoth exhibit trap you mine that creep plant vine and pod local human transform into plant zombi thi singl level maze that requir you rescu human kill head plant alien and figuer kill tuff pla nt zombi that show thi perhap horrifi exhibit anoth exhibit put you into jack ri pper england you corps fresh ripper victim and polic you respons you avoid polic and angri mob unravel mysteri ripper and meet face face disquis last exhibit pu you graveyard challeng learn stop almost indestruct zombi vga graphic and music effect set creepi tone for game case for elvira game gameplai improv and make f or enjoy game heartili recommend for rpg and horror fan price includ ship game e xcel condit state buyer game will ship insid box pack insur prioriti usp game in clud origin materi includ box manual disk and registr note respond offer ask pri ce guarente game ask question prioriti offer bui game lower offer consid assum o

ffer ask price made sam bauer hewlett packard network test divis smb col colorad o spring zeo daughterboard upgrad for sale trade folk daughter board for zeo want upgrad send mail you offer you sell zeo daughterboard will bui zeo daug hterboard murli murli ram murli cubix ent ohiou edu mail ohio univers murli bobc at ent ohiou edu athen metal powder steel iron love post soviet union car dinett set vi deo camera etc and pop for bee venom red oxid mercuri cobalt ton minimum order e tc don garag sale russia printer paper trai hewlett packard laserjet seri paper trai for sale letter size brand box and never us ask bought ballard comput for repli jeff o spoog washington edu squaw lift ticket for each post for friend not ticket interest p arti can call john for inform lift ticket and good for anytim thi season squaw v allei ski resort doug fierro ut system softwar case tool develop fierro ut amdah l for sale toyota pickup not respond directli thi account for sale blue toyota pickup truck white blazer topper casett cruis control great for cam p trip brake master brake cylind michelin tire shock mainten free batteri clutch windshield wiper maintain toyota part repair dealer rust bodi good shape mile a sk interest contact ursula fritsch umf gene not respond directli thi account rob mcnichola technic comput servic berkelei robm eec berkelei edu voic fax chemic for sale chemic for respons omar print articl apr sarah albani edu albnyvm bitnet write advertis print busi dear block you violat major shibboleth usenet group you not suppos us newsgroup plug your commerci enterpris kind peopl frequent flame for announc bo ok don whether thi offici usenet rule long stand custom and doesn make differ pr actic point view don and you even take keyboard hand flame face earth lai didn d orothi heydt berkelei cozzlab garnet berkelei edu disclaim ucb and cozzarelli la b not respons for opinion and fact don catalog hard find enhanc repost andi sail stanford edu andi free man write articl elm unix portal jdoll shell portal joe doll catalog person comp ut tool for engin and scien tist list hardwar card and applic softwar packag for class machin focu engin and scien tific applic pc such data acquisit control de sign autom and data analysi and present you free copi repli your postal mail add ress don bother never come cheap trick for build mail list sell junk mail flow i ndic andi address month ago perhap can portal nuke thi weasal never receiv catal og that person doesn respond grow flame can assum that yall forward lotsa junk m ail don want nuke want honest junk mail interest promis catalog wouldn hesit wou ldn surpris folk look and nope interest junk mail that result similarli peopl wa nt advertis catalog aren happi junk folk bui mail list prefer honest and peopl r ead andi attent neo geo owner read thi neo geo owner and owner couldn res ist titl wonder you want trade sell game mean bui store can kinda expens spend e ach game ahh qualiti can for that lot cross sword magician lord basebal star fat al furi nam interest bui titl you interest trade idea tom tomcat leland stanford edu pressur meter heis model pressur meter thi precis digit meter me asur psi absolut psi increment case extrem good shape and can us stand alon mete r panel mount brass fit standard back oper vac for make offer lot lab ersatz bar omet for dave medin phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt in gr huntsvil uunet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine machin cheap airlin ticket want cheap airlin ticket april tuesdai indi chicago and return dai want phone mail chenmin sage purdu edu mother board for sale for sale motherboard for sale excel condit year cach expand ram expand ami bio sell upgrad ask neg contact jare martin ema il jaredjma mentor purdu edu shawne delawar pocono timeshar week for sale second week januari prime ski season largest pocono ski area north allentown condo sleep depend fri endli you hot tub deck easi access park lot and shuttl slope condo mile slope co

st obro price base paid for us and current market richr opinion express not nece ssarili univers north carolina chapel hill campu offic for inform technolog expe riment bulletin board servic internet launchpad unc edu want tablehockei game for coleco tablehockei game that popular g ame that seek straight slot for defenseman not shape slot player attatch rod ope r spring you game game that you will part send mail messag uicvm uic edu price n egoti and cover ship you state part leagu that plai regular basi cthl chicago ta bl hockei leagu and game practic leagu interest purchas game expand you ken harr i equip expand size squaw lift ticket for each ticket midweek will start last week a pril week current condit apr great for spring ski excel coverag stuff open and l ift line andrei bmw for sale bmw origin door sport sedan arctic blue metal gold alloi wheel rial goodyear eagl race tire mud snow rate liter fuel inject engin s tahl header adjust ga shock koni byk speed stick wheel power disc brake sunroof listen instal hidden speaker stereo subwoof mile condit car meticul maintain rec ord oil fade paint top excel exterior and interior car requir major repair work ten year own never fail start broken even coldest weather thi extraordinarili re liabl and econom car and show sign stai that absolut thrill drive you seclud twi sti mountain road sell reluctantli sinc succumb convert crave and bought miata o bo rich fozzard richard fozzard serendip empow univ colorado cire noaa broadwai boulder fozzard fsl noaa gov madison summer sublet downtown furnish summer sublet aug great l ocat franc johnson across witt nitti gritti howard johnson state street south ea st dorm univers squar serf two bedroom your spaciou room larger laundri park bat hroom kitchen larg closet dual desk pai for electr month ask for summer send inq uiri howard moi cae wisc edu howard howard moi move sale for sale dine tabl wooden chair dine tabl scandinavian style steel desk free interest call hemant betrabet sega genesi for sale sonic month sega genesi bare us control ori gin box sonic and get bundl ship you turn not addict mail you interest thi marve l modern technolog andrew boyko aboyko dixi kawai cheapo bui etc etc gotta pai bill eat mere pass interest c omparison kawai synthes for you act cash pleez deliveri berkelei call and leav n ame and number for call back and arrang thi marvel feast offer expir act you for your support wheez sipp memori forsal sipp for sale sipp for sale upgrad system mem ori don sipp sipp meg total for meg for note sipp gernal expens simm sipp good w ork condit buyer pai ship handl interest repli minh wpi wpi edu minh pham mail m inh wpi wpi edu worcest polytechn institut sale softwar packag pcanywher antiviru deltagraph softwar packag for sale norton pcanywher version for do thi softwar includ host and remot soft war can control do and window standard and enhanc mode activ registr card enclos price norton antiviru for window and do version can updat viru inform time supp ort network registr card enclos price deltagraph profession for window thi graph ic present program registr card enclos reg price price you for your attent antho ni lai book for sale cheap book for sale price negoti ship fee not incl ud signal and system alexand poularik and samuel seeli pw kent publish price pri ce probabl introduct samuel goldberg dover publish price price digit imag proces s and comput vision schalkoff wilei publish price price digit imag process gonza lz and wintz addison weslei publish price price sold window system user guid for reilli associ book do alan simpson sam price price element modern algebra holde n dai publish price price symmetri asymmetri and world particl lee washington pu blish price price elementari particl and law physic dirac memori lectur cambridg publish price price histori time stephen hawk bantam book paperback price price robert chong depart mechan engin ohio state univers email cychong magnu ac ohio state edu fax modem card want for inexpens fax modem card for you sell mai l gulshan garg thssgkg iitmax iit edu unix softwar for sale list item for sell dbase iii full dbase ii i multius develop runtim for microsoft basic interpret megabyt ram microsoft wor d full featur mous base multius word processor microsoft multiplan nice multius spreadsheet program gss chart nice graphic program for creat busi chart lpi robu st compil throw lpi debug singl step alter var electron mail nice offic base fro nt end mail offer for bunch bought and paid for excel program sell togeth don he sit make offer for trade interest hardwar ethernet card softwar tape backup exte rn expans unit upgrad motherboard info can upgrad icu hard drive upgrad kit bct termin unixpc style keyboard make offer bob am bob crl can unix pc drive and mot herboard load cnew smail trn elm nethack gzip hdb and coupl thing for each ship you interest pp priam hard drive exactli maxtor faster sale for vendor number no t handi write for info thi good price for drive largest fastest hd for unix note fulli us entir you motherboard upgrad and metal powder steel iron articl cup portal mmm cup portal mark ro bert thorson write xref nntpd cxo dec misc invest misc forsal path nntpd cxo dec dec big mko dec uvo dec new crl dec deccrl caen zaphod mp ohio state edu sdd po rtal cup portal mmm mmm cup portal mark robert thorson newsgroup misc invest mis c forsal subject metal powder steel iron messag cup portal date thu apr pdt orga n portal system refer acpdgohawa com msk line love post soviet union car dinett set video camera etc and pop for bee venom red oxid mercuri cobalt ton minimum o rder etc don garag sale russia doesn strike funni indic crisi economi imagin des par market sustain industri and peopl nolong central control govern jim rosenkra nz rosen kranz enet dec never teach pig sing can and annoi pig soft contact len clean unit heater girlfriend switch ga permeabl hard lens and longer year soft contact len clean unit you pop len case fill sol ut and lens press light timer button and cook stain you own you understand dust cover cash offer equival worth us betamax tape blank coupl pre record movi conce rt gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei forsal dynakit pa tube pre amp dynakit pa for sale pure tube pre amp two phono stage and two line stage us power suppli clean and neat workmansh ip work fine good sound owner manuel ask obo ship contact harri interest catalog hard find enhanc repost stuff delet for exampl subscrib magazin abc new and xyz product give name joseph cool for and joe cool for junk mail address joseph cool bought name thi doesn not get junk mail you sell your n ame and you compani not sell your name mail list tele market not suppos illeg an d case you haven guess don us joe cool compani maintain mail list regularli rent for time us major softwar compani method you seed your junk mail isn effect bul k mailer regulari send databas clean ncoa you move recent will revert back origi n xxx cool and larg mail will like dupe you and pick and us for futur mail btw l ist hottest list for actual buyer window util product rang and direct media per name your direct mail market rep thi ted matthew capril hei speak for even won a dmit opinion express capril appl don expect employ draft machin for sale for sale precis draft machin brune ogp sol id older model spring load counter balanc clamp tabl scale for hand person make offer includ up parcel post postag guess that period for excel draft machin cons truct built real metal part not cheap modern plastic and paint typic offic grei popular that period smooth work and each two arm measur roughli dual clamp enabl you clamp edg corner tabl rick inzero rochest cci rdi northern telecom uunet cc icpg cci rdi rochest rdi cci appl iig basic appl iig system that sell come origin box and doc ument and excel condit make offer appl iig meg drive applecolor rgb monitor keyb oard mous mousepad dustcov baud applemodem random worthless stuff list game app game applic battlechess system disk defend crown system tool iig arkanoid wordpe rfect bubbl ghost applework shadowg writer choic elit balanc power draw marbl ma d copi zani golf proterm commun softwar chessmast interest contact sunshin cco c altech edu forsal us guitar amp two year crate guitar amplifi model handl u pto watt dual input two channel reverb band distort ask send mail thssjxy iitmax acc iit edu you interest price negoti cassett for sale updat tape left each postag paid multipl order appreci not packag deal chri brai lewi huei sport hooter nervou night poison cat drag hall oat big bam boom ratt cellar quiet riot condit critic seger bob rock outfield plai deep plant robert shaken stir journei rais radio duran duran duran duran duran duran arena duran duran rio elvi autograph for sale elvi prestli autograph autogaph two othe r elvi friend red west and obtain seller spring jacksonvil fla afternoon incid e lvi collaps concert gaterbowl jacksonvil request offer ellen san jose mram kcach mhd vesa local bu motherboard ram cach floppi hard dr ive id control local bu svga video card svga monitor dpi mini tower kei keyboard david tsao cstsao sam olemiss edu benjamin chen marvel valiant imag etc for sale updat april titl price alpha fl ight wolverin appear doubl size jim lee work marvel alien app alien comic prnt a maz spider man vultur intro green goblin green goblin appear green goblin appear appear hobgoblin hobgoblin appear peter david script human torch origin spiderm an hobgoblin hobgoblin appear punish hobgoblin spiderslay appear kraven appear k raven appear todd mcfarlan hobgoblin green goblin venom appear todd mcfarlan art todd mcfarlan art silver sabl paladin america sabretooth appear red skull capta in america hulk appear last mcfarlan punish appear punish appear hobgoblin appea r intro cletu kassadi carnag venom appear venom appear page punish darkbawk puni sh appear punish appear punish appear punish appear app spider man holo annual a nnual solo venom stori annual warrior venom ann rice vampir companion ann rice v ampir lestat archer and armstrong frank miller smith layton aveng appear factor alpha flight appear page team alpha flight appear team annual annual annual batm an legend dark knight blue cover batman shadow bat polybag batman versu predat p restig edit predat prestig edit batman batman year trade paperback print bloodsh ot chromium cover bwsmith cover poster daredevil origin bullsey ghost rider deat h head earli app frank miller art begin deathstalk appear frank miller art elekt ra appear bullsey bullsey kingpin punnish appear frank miller art punnish appear frank miller art punnish appear frank miller art wolverin appear darkhawk spide r man and hobgoblin dark hors present app concret print concret appear annual al ien dazzler men beast appear deathlok deathstrok termin print defend intro defen d doubl size factor appear demon lobo appear lobo appear lobo appear etern warri or miller cover fantast hulk thing simonson art begin simonson art simonsom art simonson art simonson art art adam cover art wolverin ghost rider wolverin ghost rider wolverin page simonson art simonson art simonson art fantast warrior page anniversari issu annual flash superman flash race ghost rider spider man hobgob lin cover and stori spider man hobgoblin cover and stori ghost rider and cabl sa m keith cover ghost rider and captain america fear guardian galaxi prism foil co ver harbing appear corp corp havok and wolvrein meltdown incred hulk byrn art be gin app grei hulk sinc mcfarlan issu grei hulk seri begin dale keown art hulk gr een hulk appear keown art keown art keown art grei green hulk hulk prnt keown ke own keown keown keown keown keown keown keown keown green foil stamp cover keown infin gauntlet perez paint cover thano thano thano john byrn men justic leagu a merica justic leagu quarterli justic societi america april kamandi origin kamand i kirbi art kirbi art kirbi art kirbi art last gener magnu robot fighter direct logo begin marc spector moon knight ghost rider appear marvel comic present wolv erin silver surfer wolverin master kungfu wolverin master kungfu wolverin master kungfu wolverin daredevil wolverin hulk wolverin submarin wolverin man thing ma n thing ant man man thing colossu black panther shanna black panther nomad ron l im art black panther ron lim art black panther rob liefeld art cyclop ron lim ar t black panther ron lim art black panther ron lim art black panther nth man havo k blk panther black panther havok hulk black panther havok black panther havok b lack panther havok black panther havok erik larsen excalibur wolverin rob liefel d wolverin rob liefeld wolverin rob liefeld silver sabl wolverin hulk jackson gu ic deathlok poison thor scarlet witch mark texiera ghost rider mark texiera ghos t rider mark texiera ghost rider mark texiera ghost rider smith weapon smith wea pon smith weapon smith weapon smith weapon dracula smith weapon smith weapon smi th weapon smith weapon smith weapon keith art and jae lee keith wolverin beast g host rider cabl wolverin ghost rider wolverin ghost rider maxx sam keith metropo

l ted mckeever mighti mous moon knight nam frank castl punish mutant intro warlo ck magu rob liefeld todd mcfarlan cover mcfarlan cover app cabl cameo rob liefel d cabl rob liefeld cabl rob liefeld sabretooth appear rob liefeld sabretooth app ear rob liefeld cover rob liefeld wolverin cabl rob liefeld wolverin cabl rob li efeld tinction agenda rob liefeld wolverin cabl cover app deadpool gideon domino app feral forc app forc annual evolutionari war annual liefeld art mutant annua l annual app forc summer special art adam art olympian mcfarlan omega men appear lobo full lobo stori annual power man iron fist appear sabretooth appear sabret ooth power pack wolverin and sabretooth predat big game contain trade card punis h wilc portacio punish and captain america blood and glori punish starlin script wrightson art starlin script wrightson art starlin script wrightson art punish war journal jim lee art ghost rider appear ghost rider appear punish war zone di e cut cover ragman pat broderick origin ragman rocket special edit dave steven a rt shadowman simpson comic and stori polybag special solar man atom spectacular spider man punish appear answer appear cloak and dagger cloak and dagger spot ap pear sabretooth appear sabretooth appear sabretooth appear octopu appear hobgobl in appear kraven appear kraven appear punish appear punish appear punish appear app hobgoblin origin lobo bro punish spider man get power cosmic spider man appe ar hologram hobgoblin annual mcfarlan stori spider man gold edit direct sale reg ular edit green unbag lizard calypso mcfarlan hobgoblin ghost rider hobgoblin gh ost rider black costum return black costum morbiu mcfarlan liefeld art forc appe ar sinist six hulk hulk deathlok origin retold hologram cover star trek gener fe b mini star trek gener oct comic strang adventur dozen vari high grade swamp thi ng john constantin appear annual tale teen titan deathstrok app orogin termin da rk hors termin secondari object termin judgement dai thor mutant massacr factor sabretooth app eric masterson becom thor warlock and infin watch starlin script gamora thano web spider man thunder appear magma appear hobgoblin wolverin origi n rose hobgoblin appear hobgoblin appear green goblin super hero green goblin su per hero rose hobgoblin stori rose hobgoblin stori rose hobgoblin stori rose hob goblin stori hologram cover polybag annual werewolf night appear moon knight moo n knight appear wolverin claw battl sabretooth sabretooth claim wolverin dad sab retooth proven not dad sabretooth wolverin saga conclud wolverin mini seri mille r art woman return anim man annual factor sabretooth appear sabretooth appear sa bretooth appear tinction agenda jim lee cover whilc portacio art begin whilc por tacio art last team issu annual warrior forc forc sign liefeld bag forc card sig n liefeld bag shatterstar card sign liefeld bag deadpool card sign liefeld bag s unspot gideon bag cabl card men mutant massacr intro maraud mutant massacr marau d wolverin battl sabretooth wolverin battl sabretooth art adam cover fall mutant inferno rob liefeld art men begin jim lee art seri begin jim lee art last jim l ee art men team print manowar comic mint mint condit bag shini polypropylen bag and back white acid free board ship for book for book free you order larg amount stuff will haggl thousand and thousand comic you for and can titl post don list issu that titl save space geoffrei mason jrm elm circa ufl edu depart psycholog mason webb psych ufl edu univers florida prothan mapl circa ufl edu color san diego color san diego mesa colleg area emerson high te ch squar screen price you featur timer sleep featur for auto shut can find for f ulli cabl readi coaxial video audio jack inch color mt multichannel sound jack f or process stereo bilingu channel firm kei remot includ review recal sleep featu r tel repli lcornel ei calstat edu for fastest respons loui loui cornelio geni c ornelio technolog loui netlink ct effici human us auction marvel valiant imag dark hors etc auction comic minimum bid set below sell for make offer and will accept highest bid auction complet ti tl minimum current alpha flight jim lee work marvel alien app alien comic prnt a maz spider man intro green goblin amaz spider man appear hobgoblin archer and ar mstrong frank miller smith layton aveng appear factor bloodshot chromium cover b wsmith cover poster daredevil frank miller art begin dark hors present app concr et print corp incred hulk app grei hulk sinc incred hulk mcfarlan issu incred hu lk grei hulk seri begin incred hulk dale keown art hulk incred hulk hulk prnt ke own marvel comic present wolverin silver surfer maxx limit ashcan copi exist blu e cover mutant mcfarlan cover app cabl cameo mutant app forc mutant annual liefe

ld art mutant omega men appear lobo omega men full lobo stori power man iron fis t appear sabretooth appear sabretooth simpson comic and stori polybag special sp ectacular spider man app hobgoblin star trek gener feb mini star trek gener oct comic web spider man hobgoblin wolverin web spider man origin rose hobgoblin app ear wolverin claw battl sabretooth wolverin sabretooth claim wolverin dad wolver in sabretooth proven not dad wolverin sabretooth wolverin saga conclud wolverin mini seri miller art woman return anim man forc sign liefeld bag forc card forc sign liefeld bag shatterstar card forc sign liefeld bag deadpool card forc sign liefeld bag sunspot gideon comic mint mint condit bag shini polypropylen bag and back white acid free board ship for book for book free you order larg amount st uff will haggl thousand and thousand comic you for and can titl post don list is su that titl save space geoffrei mason jrm elm circa ufl edu depart psycholog ma son webb psych ufl edu univers florida prothan mapl circa ufl edu cobra gtl ssb for sale forsal last deal didn work and lower pric e cobra gtl singl side band mike offer dave cal poli life liberti and slo pursui t land speed record autobahn commut keyboard drive radio for sale item for sale term up cod prepay m onei order keyboard for ibm compat mitsumi floppi disk drive soni srf digit ster eo walkman drive cost keyboard each and soni radio cost will sell for offer you buchanan fear gover that fear your gun amend cannot guarante freedom cleveland f reenet edu procalc modul for sale texa instrument procalc box manual texa i nstrument statist librari modul for procalc box manual and texa instrument chemi c engin modul for procalc box manual for ship contact geari morton ginkgo uncec edu phone chemlab eyeofthebehold cluebook ethernettransceiv nintendocontro l item for sale highest bid for each arriv email box edt wednesdai april get ite m skillcraft senior chemlab set safe for ag and us bottl chemic plastic balanc a lcohol lamp test tube litmu paper manual experi ship will ad your bid ey behold fun game for ibm origin box origin media and manual ship will ad your bid clue b ook for ey behold solv your dilemma hurri and find loot ship will ad your bid fr ee ship thi item you bid highest thi and item ethernet transceiv lanview aui ohm coaxial work fine nifti blink led for send receiv collis power etc built includ ohm termin ship will ad your bid super nintendo super control auto repeat fire hand free continu fire slow motion accomplish automat paus unpaus add control co nsol two player ship will ad your bid includ ship address bid includ email addre ss bid send bid battl utk edu david battl you will inform email your bid highest edt wednesdai april item will ship postal servic class cod thursdai morn monei order for your bid ship amount will need receiv item thi fact mind bid david bat tl utk edu airlin ticket washington champaign for sale sell ticket washingt on champaign home univers illinoi will offer good price you interest email eshne ken uiuc edu big block dodg carburetor napa remanufactur larg barrel carburet or for big block dodg part box manifold gasket retail napa price your price ship contact geari morton ginkgo uncec edu phone infin speaker for sale brand pair car speaker for sale brand box and plastic wrap highland busi sale yesterdai won fit car rear deck not size sa le infin freq resp power capac watt per channel sensit spl imped ohm mout depth list price stereo store tax mail order catalog price price obo ship mail fang ec n purdu edu call michael wen cheng fang monitor traci your monitor mike damico fax modem for sale slightli us two month suprafaxmodem for sale come latest rom commun softwar fax softwar origin manual and origin registr card spec model supfaxv bi descript suprafaxmodem bi type intern data speed bp data upto bp data compress protocol bell ccit bi bi bi mnp mnp fax bp send receiv fax class commnad group iii compat transmiss ter volatil memori autoansw autodi ton e puls extend command and result code includ diagnost phone jack subscript free onlin servic year warranti ask neg interest mail intel cpu chip for upgrad friend and chip for sale intel cpu chi

p ship will chip you can make offer you don price brand softwar packag for sale for peopl bui brand softwar packag includ microsoft window harvard graphic pagemak paradox lotu etc list price mai l immedi ergo wam umd edu name phone email address and softwar name top line jvc portabl disc player for sale us jvc top line portab l player for month us car long trip hour us unit that and listen part instal dis c changer car featur includ recharg nicad batteri wireless remot control adaptor headphon carri belt and case digit band graphic spectrum analyz preset user pro gramm rca connect and cord jvc compulink capabl cord includ programm remot intro random repeat playback will includ discwash power convert convert automobil tha t unit requir had bui thi that fit jvc make uniqu connect that cannot found radi o shack etc paid for disc player and anoth for power convert will sell disc play er alon for item for send repli harrij rpi edu jon dayna etherprint base cheap post for friend contact directli lea v mail and can forward brand spank origin packag never open dayna etherprint con nector support base compliant network connect localtalk compat printer directli ethernet network will work localtalk compat network printer such laserwrit image writ ibm person page printer hewlett packard deskwrit hewlett packard laserjet p rinter famili qume printer can daisi chain maximum localtalk devic such workstat modem printer singl etherprint devic support appletalk phase and phase protocol ship cheap base mac world contact kam poon est mac monitor want want color monitor suitabl for us macintosh cen tri plan purchas machin and don want pai full price for monitor us will you you part email spec and price roger rsjoyc eo ncsu edu forsal softwar bought calcul month ago us onc put back box inclu d manual and includ high densiti disk pack dozen not hundr game and program you bui cabl for buck you us softwar ship includ offer want memphi sublet smoke normal law student furnish place live m emphi thi summer work firm downtown and will pass bar charact examin you don wor ri your stuff broken stolen call chri leav mail for sale laptop ram for sale compudyn sxl laptop meg meg ram vga monochrom grei scale math coprocessor ask offer sell not repli thi email addres s call johnni email phd gsbacd uchicago edu darin fox you master your univ ill g raduat school domain librari and inform scienc seinfeld forsal men hat folk part iii vinyl grin evil death mute bigwpi w pi edu wrote men hat folk part iii vinyl will part copi men hat pop world album vinyl perhap contact purchas andrew tigress equinox gen late tea and lem termin forsal termin for sale and compat termin extern hyess modem amber scree n keyboard cabl make offer gre gre econom test book for sale gre test aid for sale cliff gr e prepar guid full length practiv test answer and explan includ test take strate gi peopl cliff note gre econom test research and educ associ revis edit includ f ull length exam detail explan and solut each question page practic gre econom te st et includ offici full length gre econom test and aswer includ explan practic gre gener test et includ offici gre gener test answer explan and addit gre gener test complet explan answer ship extra bui for and cover ship keith frederick ha ppi moral purpos you manchu kill scalawag carson washington edu reason absolut n ot number free man ci uwid cornel come speaker for sale for sale bose subwoof month advent mini month e mail offer craigb rpi edu math copro sale trade for math coprocessor for mhz for sale trad e tnx jim streader cut edg softwar evolut pic onlin multius system hst massiv fi le collect file onlin newsgroup softwar sale softwar forsal microsoft do thi good bui for don ut il do accolad hardbal good arcad basebal game graphic sound pretti good abil mak e schedul and edit player stat accolad courier adventur spy type game ega earl w eaver good arcad strategi type basebal game you abil plai for leagu plai mlb sta t for and ega stormovik soviet attack fighter good fighter simul mission and lev el plai sierra thexder firehawk arcad shoot type game nice music and sound effec

t virgen scrabbl comput version popular board game will negoti price price not i nclud ship ship cost will split drop line roberto alvarez ndsuvm programm analys t nodak edu univers north dakota adrxa undj jazz sale trade unopen call bird origin record charli parker mil e davi dizzi gillespi red rodnei theloni monk and lester young will sell highest bidder trade for anoth jazz that interest joe wholesal set repres chines manufactur want wholesal product lati n american countri for broker agent can product includ color and black white tv interest mail fax usa for inform inquiri good commiss ticket san francisco philadelphia ticket return leg roundtrip ti cket for femal travel san francisco loui philadelphia fridai leav sfo arriv phil a offer return mail call home offic photogrammetr camera refurbish observatori across mention camera manufactur instrument corpor florida for question knowledg thi equip compani ph one number part responc greatli appreci care jami adx adelphi edu cellular phone portabl for sale articl cup portal mmm cup portal mark robert thorson write offer shipment seller expens payment person check mai l hour receiv good reserv return good expens find defect unaccept receiv merchan dis check mail hour mark thorson hope you realiz that for cellular phone you sub scrib cellular carrier and take work dai servic you you can find whether phone w ork tin intel fax modem for sale intel satisfaxt modem intern for sale r un baud data mode and baud class fax modem transmit baud and receiv baud ter mod em origin manual and come softwar iclud intel satisfaxt and faxabl crosstalk com mun us thi modem hour comput and had anoth for thi modem will entertain offer em ail jmu acpub duke edu motherboard case mous motherboard and case for sale packag compu add comput bought last august and present upgrad spec motherboard cyrix mhz micr oprocessor chip and technolog chipset scatsx slslc simm bank for maximum meg ram built floppi and hard drive control built port parallel serial and pin built pa radis svga control meg ram window driver inc can color base western digit chip m ath processor slot bit expans slot and bit expans slot case low profil desktop n ice grei color watt power suppli room for floppi mous button microsoft compat gr ei color match case origin manual and document video driver etc includ you wonde r sell case motherboard simpli case custom made for thi board and you hard press fit anoth case and thi motherboard made togeth and fit perfectli you can sinc t hi board includ drive control and video control you can save monei bui thi unit and not you card video card and drive control lot conveni for thi packag thi fai r price fact that includ video card and drive control port you add drive monitor ram and keyboard mind that isn gener board compuadd will entertain offer email jmu acpub duke edu hd and comput part for sale want for sale fujitsu meg scsi drive maxtor meg esdi drive maxtor meg esdi drive toshiba meg id drive case motherboa rd dtc bit mfm control item us full work condit and warranti for week price nego ti ship not includ want develop kit for svga monit two carl merritt bromgrev rah ul net lot neat ibm clone stuff for sale complet mhz system for sale sv ga card color tatung vga monitor floppi and watt power suppli meg ram instal meg id hard drive offer bit and piec id control card intern baud modem mhz cpu meg simm memori standard vga card panason kxp wide carriag pin printer brand condit come plenti ribbon parallel and serial port nice crisp output item beauti condit fulli function will provid net refer need offer item snag for your time ciaran ciaran folei cfolei bonni uci ic edu offic aircraft subject aircraft for leas set spare part categori offer leas headlin aircraft director agabalaevich btw gui mind propaganda effect that netter bui such stuff and land drivewai soda pop quick airlin hand book sgt mor ton environment resourc scienc hast and princ edward regiment trent univers pete rborough ontario canada thing wrong potenti sale thi aircraft start glut aircraf t market airlin take deliveri mothbal plane fuel effici airbu boe thi plane not econom feasibl for major player airlin price real cheap and you owner that doesn

care fuel economi saudi famili sale pretti glim ummm surpris you couldn find go v aid program subsid and underwrit leas that make quit attract arrang bizarr imp oss not life analog yeah that ticket forsal norman rockwel norman isn for sale two saturdai even post norman rockwel illustr front cover octob candid kennedi campaign norman rockwel kennedi cover novemb candid nixon campaign and nixon not crook good condit you interest and tune todd janson group moscow idaho want your chip market for coupl intel chip you for sale interest and model intel email bitzm columbia dsu edu mike bitz internet bitzm columbia dsu edu research and develop bitzm dsuvax dsu edu dakota state univers bitnet sd net bitnet final public dragon magazin updat last chanc for public bid thi final public updat dragon magazin auction bid current bid stand that gonna happe n thi updat will mail entir auction will end bid stop come you want thi bid bid made cent increment buyer will pai ship you fanci will mail class special lot pa d dragon bag condit vari quit bit come condit system dragon miss item insert you question feel free condit rate thi evalu cover materi insid great shape excel y ou find store good great condit can boughten good line fair fair lot us decent p oor materi insid damag scissor condit that magazin miss insert post anoth public updat thi weekend will final public post auction will mail bid stop you questio n arrow fair top secret modul miss bard tune real map good forest doom modul det ach includ plane ykchev good combat comput miss dragon good monster aquat modul detach includ languag lesson geoffrei good top secret modul detach includ magic resist mayla fair high level modul detach includ poison materi spell compon uccx kvb fair baton race game insert miss spell research good babba yagga hut modul d etach includ unarm combat geoffrei fair cover miss twofold talisman modul squidl i good twofold talisman modul cleric squidli good top secret modul wildern geoff rei good elef hunt insert miss fall damag marvel phile geoffrei good creatur cat alog miss shield sci good ranger creatur catalog detach includ geoffrei fair cov er miss into forgotten realm modul detach includ ykcheu fair anniversari dragon mutant manual uccxkvb poor cover miss treasur trove pictur cut thedm good poster miss citi gate modul detach includ rais dragon textur cover geoffrei fair cover miss creatur catalog iii detach includ geoffrei fair cover miss vallei earth mo ther middl level modul detach includ geoffrei fair cover loosli attach unearth a rcana updat miss futur centaur paper geoffrei fair unearth arcana updat miss geo ffrei fair marvel modul thiev cover detach includ geoffrei fair modul invis cove r back cover detach includ uccxkvb fair cover variat paladin skill ranger ykcheu good variat paladin skill for ranger arrow fair cover miss dragon glori supplem ent questionair geoffrei good mutant manual environment effect cover tape reinfo rc thedm good mutant manual environment effect ykcheu good custom class agent po ster geoffrei fair custom class agent poster miss geoffrei good hous frozen land modul anniv squidli good hous frozen land modul anniv geoffrei good murder myst eri modul ykcheu good ultim articl index mesozo monster mayla fair elven cavali remorhaz witch npc class ykcheu good theiv harpi snake squidli good ship cardboa rd insert wild anim uccxkvb good dice odd creativ campaign sage advic bazaar geo ffrei good tournament competit nibar game uccxkvb april fool issu uccxkvb excel orient adventur cardboard castl insert geoffrei excel aniversari african beast d ruid uccxkvb good magic and wizardri thedm good magic and wizardri arrow excel a erial adventur edit air uccxkvb excel aerial adventur edit air geoffrei good cla i rama chivalri quasi element geoffrei clai rama chivalri quasi element uccxkvb undead uccxkvb good fighter fvpmantel good king tabl insert game fvpmantel excel demi human uccxkvb arcan art tfpayn excel deepearth arrow deepearth uccxkvb goo d orcwar board game miss arrow good berserk spi roman god marvel index geoffrei good berserk spi roman god marvel index fvpmantel anniversari dragon tbh good ar cher space sage advic uccxkvb good archer space sage advic tbh good citi urban a dventur tbh excel wilder arrow good horror haloween uccxkvb good page mage uccxk vb excel cleric healer tbh good humanoid tbh good edit preview uccxkvb good issu uccxkvb good poster miss castl thedm good poster miss anninversari dragon tbh e xcel magu board game magic tbh excel fight deck thing insert excel featur excel horror halloween issu excel orient adventur eastern good underdark poster miss i

nsid slight crumpl cover notic inspect good god good poster dragonl stori war ex cel faeri dungeon modul good buck roger thedm good anniversari dragon uccxkvb ex cel spelljamm poster miss kohlmaa good urban adventur trade card insert miss ucc xkvb good issu good haloween poster miss thedm excel monster compendum insert ma gic good orient adventur sea undersea excel sci game dino war insert miss excel natur wilder uccxkvb good slight creas back cover misc item featur thedm good sl ight creas cover dragon king game insert dragon anniversari issu uccxkvb excel m iss poster trade card argh cfrye excel underdark hachiman excel dark sun intrava i excel horror intravai excel world build campaign excel elv giant poster insid good calend poster gunpowd intravai excel fighter fighter class excel gencon for m magic item featur excel calendar poster mage sorceror excel anniversari issu d ragon excel player charact enhanc excel dark sun campaign monster dark sun geoff rei excel haloween horror excel wilder outdoor you notic error slight name missp el close your name that you boss guitar pedal for sale boss turbo overdr pedal for guitar ba ss keyboard offer respond call harri dbase for sale price drop dbase ver disk manual shrinkwrap and r egistr materi present ask stuff forsal item for sale buyer pai ship cost hardwar and unus mark softwar includ origin disk and manual reason offer refus send offer questio n cpc cwru edu hardwar hercul graphic card mono graphic and printer port hercul color card color graphic and printer port teac floppi drive doesn work sold for reapir part ibm async card serial card for machin come support softwar kraft joy stick work compat and appl seri not mac floppi disk bulk grade disk floppi disk storag box each hold disk lock softwar microsoft macro assembl and updat larg ma nual and tutori includ sidewai rotat wide spreadsheet degre print page game wolf pack wwii submarin simultaion space station oblivion arcad style game similar sp ectr demon stalker dungeon game gauntlet zork moonmist ballyhoo infocom adventur mysteri game jack nicklau unlimit golf and design excel golf game war middl ear th similar game base tolkien hobbit sargon excel chess game plai comput silent s ervic submarin simul charl cox comput engin case western reserv univers cpc cwru edu for for sale vga color monitor dual floppi vga card board joysti ck mous ram hard drive for respond quickli orion auld fabul you not part solut b east you part precipit john ashberri joe venuti record want joe venuti record fiddl fire and sell con tact richard brook cerrito internet rbrook ei calstat edu compuserv internet com puserv honda accord honda accord for sale mile highwai mile excel condi t white model load offer call tom cellular phone portabl for sale hope you realiz that for cellula r phone you subscrib cellular carrier and take work dai servic you you can find whether phone work tin not true dial and listen record you your phone recogn net work you wouldn dial real number mark bramwel pzr locat sunni london ontario int ernet mark ardslei busi uwo address packet pzr gyq uwo phone texa star linear amplifi tornado linear for amateur radio oper t hat variabl power linear amplifi for mhz and work run for mobil us input watt ou tput watt watt pep ssb that tornado that take and for repli your callsign addres s and phone number for verif licens price not includ ship packag darrek kai kayd prism orst edu rvd trade modem for your trade your for modem modem come coupond goo d for travel europ bi modem modem featur mnp compress error correct bi compress error correct ccitt bi compat bp ccitt compat bp ccitt bi compat bp command set compat compat ibm and compat bundl commun softwar bu interfac two connector phon e and line mail danj holonet net to and movi videotap beta for sale trade repost nyaman nyx edu n orm yaman write video for sale view onc and good condit star trek to collector e dit episod tape ask for lot episod left beta for sale each neg for trade for for movi beta us packag deal for you care propos trade for set good stereo headphon soni appl iwii sheet feeder good us cassett stereo walkman hotel coupon for fre

e stai fob york citi guest come remain collect follow charli dagger mind miri sh ore leav altern factor oper annihil mourn for adonai number episod number tape b ox for keep track episod miss that manner rsvp for summari tape excel condit ori gin packag plai onc plai onc and plai twice run time min unedit uncut store boug ht origin unlik syndic incred beta hifi sound and horror movi beta negoti trade for swap for movi beta us bride sting jennif beal buck roger conquer univers bus ter crabb constanc moor rsvp for larger beta movi music trade list find misc for sal gld for you beta aliv pro hobbyist format life corner video store souvien ga ri dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei nec multisync for mac nec multisync model vma ship price frim no t send emai your offer ask you yuesea trade modem for your email your repli danj holonet net comput book for sale comput relat book for sale unus and excel c ondit subject includ program languag lisp prolog oper system unix do window wind ow lan and expert system you interest pl contact parikhma ucunix san edu parikh want scanjet and adf us scanner limit select model document feed er thi mean scanjet and scanjet iic you and want sell kyler mac interfac for ibm compat adlib sound board for sale adlib sound board for sale includ ori gin disk and throw window wav sound file driver for you that your speaker for ga me thi will welcom board for your includ ship your home offic email bitzm columb ia dsu edu mike bitz internet bitzm columbia dsu edu research and develop bitzm dsuvax dsu edu dakota state univers bitnet sdnet bitnet laserdisk forsal laserdisk us condit categori titl price horror rabid granni blood spatter tale two ladi open surpris packag hell clv side cav m in horror forbidden world subject half human and research father roger corman pr od clv min horror horror planet alien creatur wait for million year breed and ti me come clv min horror witchtrap and upstair shower sexi ginger kowowski and thi chillingli fright fun come head clv min murder bikini island swimwear illustr c over girl and competit fierc fierc clv min comedi hyster blend timeless farc con temporari satir nonsens sight gag and dead peopl sing and danc hudson brother cl v min comedi hollywood hot tub vallei girl crystal back anoth superh frolic holl ywood hot tub clv min comedi beverli hill brat scooter troubl kidnapp don credit card martin sheen clv min comedi transylvania good citizen transylvania invit y ou thi frighteningli funni event year beglei jeff goldblum clv min comedi meet h ollowhead make marri children gang sane butt polish clv min comedi don mom babys itt dead rule curfew nag puls home alon time christina appleg clv min anim popey sea hilari cartoon adventur high sea clv min color music babe toyland disnei ma ke classic annett tommi sand rai bolger and wynn clv min action american angel b aptism blood meet ladi wrestl clv min make runawai train pickup scene action dis plai for your pleasur jon voigt ann margret cav min drama pose for playboi fanta si meet realiti lynda carter clv min ship cost per disk disk for disk will ad to tal order titl cod check accept advanc payment larri mcelhinei mack mchome santa cruz wargam magazin forsal discount each item each item list magazin includ ask price strategi tactic magazin includ unpunch game mail game and inclu s issu titl ask oil war american intervent persian gulf berlin enemi gate tito p artisan armi yugoslavia kaiser battl german offens march oper grenad rhineland f eb mar sicili race messina jul aug battl monmouth coloni offens end era mail gam e and inclus envelop issu titl ask battl abensberg magazin kanev russian paratro op manchu taip rebellion north german plain modern germani tiger burn camp ukrai n nicararagua pegasu bridg begin dai campaign vallei fortress stalingrad russian winter offens sea german cruiser oper wwii beirut arab stalingrad rush for glor i war mexico gener magazin articl includ each issu issu titl ask vol crescendo d oom fortress europa circu maximu stalingra bismark squad leader clinic campaign magazin articl includ each issu issu titl ask crescendo doom cross iron counters trok inchon squad leader variant gdw battl for leyt gulf magazin price includ po stag issu condit game and book yaquinto public inc attack mutant introductori ga me unpunch complet book wargam print author jon freeman part introduct page incl ud kassala introductori wargam complet inform wargam hardcov page larg format sh

ip extra book and game prefer monei order for payment person check clear ship la rri larri mcelhinei avenu santa cruz softwar and hardwar for sale item for sale anim work softwar for macintosh gold disk thi brand shrink wrap copi microsoft excel for window ver o pen includ includ registr card video fastwrit vga card video memori resolut ever ex intern modem video card and modem us item you interest make reason offer ship up cod email karu nevada edu you karu karu nevada edu apart room boston will boston cambridg specif work thi summer an d place stai you room subleas sort mail year white male and flexibl can adapt sm oke smoke environ access nice will car park space thi late earli june aproxim en d juli respons mike mbeck vtssi edu comput audio video furnitur need note interest us item you for s ale contact email mbeck vtssi edu phone usmail michael beck progress street blac ksburg virginia give info brand ag condit etc want comput equip cheap tape drive pretti kind us memori for model us macintosh comput mhz chip us colorado tape d rive megabyt preferr tape us kei keyboard high densiti disk drive printer om las er deskjet seri printer pin deskjet high densiti disk drive extern adaptec scsi bit control us piggi back memori expans for intel inboard id hard drive monitor resolut dot pitch digit comput equip drum set mult amp for band bigger stereo vc r head stereo receiv watt dolbi prolog surround sound capabl bed full queen size local offer desk local offer due ship constraint videocamera amiga thinkjet for sale you interest contact email m beck vtssi edu phone usmail michael beck progress street blacksburg virginia for sale panason ccd omnimovi camcord vh high speed shutter fly eras head year us l ightli date time stamp counter memori rec review fade back light auto manual foc u built microphon jack for extern microphon come sturdi aluminum hardplast carri case long wide high shoulder strap power adaptor batteri charger batteri pack r emot record control uhf vhf cabl adaptor audio video cabl and adaptor aproxim di mens measur outmost featur long wide high handl ask price offer for price amiga mhz unix compat machin meg hard drive meg ram monitor keyboard esc and kei broke n ask price obo hewlett packard thinkjet printer interfac origin box ask price o bo sold portabl cellular phone model ask price sold for list sold compaq lte lap top contact for detail offer sold for want cheap us gameboi game titl you cheap us gameboi player game email offer rohit technic book for sale for sale book perfect condit interest mail chungi rpi edu telescop hard cover surfac physic soft cover physic structur dis ord matter introduct soft cover subatom physic hard cover gener rel hard cover e quilibrium thermodynam soft cover advanc atom and molecular physic vol hard cove r advanc atom and molecular physic vol hard cover molecular beam hard cover mole cular beam and reaction kinet hard cover perturb method appli mathemat hard cove r elementari differenti equat and boundari problem hard cover vector mechan for engin static and dynam hard cover free electron laser hard cover physic mechan h ard cover electron curti math vh vcr remot includ and work univers remot h ead work great replac stereo vcr paid year ago will sell for deliv obo radio sha ck stereo amp input tone and left and volum speaker not includ compact unit for ship great for amiga stereo output soundblast output you interest mail keith rad lei gibb oit unc edu call sold deal fell you interest email call major comput sc ienc eith radlei minor english radlei gibb oit unc edu comput amiga univers nort h carolina misc stuff for sale misc item for sale mount plate soni model cp m mount plate for soni portabl player for portabl plug into car lighter snap bot tom soni player portabl player perfect condit will throw cassett adapt condit pa id ask car speaker sherwood two car speaker car for month inch excel condit paid ask inch factori speaker toyota excel condit ask nintendo nintendo game boi lig ht boi tetri super mario land gameboi nfl footbal castlevania adventur hyper lod e runner year game work condit ask accessori internet internet user guid and cat alog krol book guid internet fing inform and resourc paid ask microsoft never us comput ask visual basic microsoft comput never us ask word for window jonathan

field field ci ohio state edu rom sale updat find peopl interest get rom below list price you interest send mail and can guarante thi price you not local will ship cost and c od cost you prefer ship that marcu updat price last post american busi phonebook do anim do anim mpc audoban bird do audoban mammal do barnei bear school do bib l librari do bibl and religion do book list do britannica famili choic do britam rica select do busi econom do busi background do busi master do carmen san diego mpc plai launch do rom softwar jukebox do cia vorld taur do chess master mpc do classic collect do clipert goliath do coloss cookbook do delorm atla usa win de sert storm mpc deathstar arcad battl do dictionari languag do educ master do ele ctron home librari do famili doctor do famili encyclopedia compton do famili enc yclopedia compton mpc game master do game pack do golden immort do great citi wo rld do greet citi world mpc great citi world do great citi world mpc grolier enc yclopedia do grolier encyclopedia mpc guiness disc do ham radio do inform usa do island design do jet prop do jone fast lane do mp kgb cia world fact book do ki ng quest do mpc librari futur do loom do mpc wizard mpc macmillan kid dictionari mpc magazin rack do majest place do mavi beacon teach type mpc mix mother goos do mpc monei monei monei do monkei island do oak stand do solar system do presid do publish do refer librari do secret weapon luftwaff mpc sherewar game do sher ewar overload do sher holm consul det mpc sleep beauti do strd softwar bundl tit l stellar do mpc stori time interact do rom collect do time magazin almanac curr ent do time tabl hist sci innov do ton gig do typefont do total basebal do atla automap do histori do world atla do mpc war civil war do wild place do wing ulti ma do mpc world view do mail mkbaird david wheaton edu mkbaird david bitnet uune t net voic internet mkbaird david uunet net mail mkbaird david wheaton edu mkbai rd david bitnet uunet net voic internet mkbaird david uunet net motherboard for sale motherboard for sale processor ram ami bio setup math coprocessor socket expans slot full size motherboard fit full size ca se manual includ make offer reason for sale workstat plai peripher vga card modi tor teac disk drive printer etc mail for info opinion express not necessarili un ivers north carolina chapel hill campu offic for inform technolog experiment bul letin board servic internet launchpad unc edu panason dot matrix printer complet sell dot matrix printer can u pgrad inkjet panason pin multi mode printer stat memori and manual dot print for re graphic etc fast cp print printer control oppos window driver control print bidirect print for faster process speed font courier prestig bold script san ser if epson and ibm proprint printer emul can accept singl sheet envelop and carbon copi friction feed front bottom paper feed buffer will send sampl document and print gif jpeg file wish send sase purchas prepaid will includ accessori manual cabl centron remain stack tractor fed paper free copi window printer driver thi illeg includ window free unregist do sharewar program registr that appar offer w ord process capabl do last two will disk size ask for open reason offer colleg s tudent cannot afford bui printer get consider portion monei thi printer thi pric e includ item and ship up includ origin box origin styrofoam end piec will us to wel end you free towel work fine get shebang not fit origin box will figur thi o ffer come email question and offer jon jmatkin midwai uchicago edu jmatkin elli uchicago edu turbografx system for sale for sale nec turbografx video game sy stem packag includ base unit power suppli hookup control and game keith courag a lpha zone and ordyn extra control turbotap you hook control origin packag manual etc for item game sport footbal alien crush splatterhous and takin hoop current market price for system approxim ask price system purchas januari thi year and us sinc interest contact method signatur file chri freemess rit cpet visit roche st york monei prioriti home world largest usenet clf ultb rit edu collect pothol geni freemess adlib sound board for sale articl bitzm columbia dsu edu bitzm c olumbia dsu edu michael bitz write adlib sound board for sale includ origin disk and throw window wav sound file driver for you that your speaker for game thi w ill welcom board for your includ ship your home offic email bitzm columbia dsu e du that you can brand sound blaster origin for thi price high thing worth will p

ai for jason settl rais famili join pta bui sensibl shoe and chevrolet and parti till you broke and drag you yankov softwar game us for sale softwar for sale item never open lucid dimension spreadsheet pull menu line page note cell for dynam detail capabl comp at lotu etc includ ship manual disk turbo pascal express readi run assembl langu ag routin that make turbo pascal faster power and easier us disk and manual incl ud ship halo iii icon driven paint program complet page composit and present gra phic packag automat aspect ratio correct for wysiwyg print true color grei scale output and partial screen print disk and manual includ ship kei form design sof twar for make profession busi form disk and manual ship item packag open not reg ist jetfight advanc tactic fighter and disk and manual ship obo nighthwak stealt h fighter definit simul america radar elus jet sensat sound world hot spot cuba north korea kuwaiti theatr oper central europ north cape libya persian gul vietn am and middl east awesom mission challeng you disk and manual ship obo grammatik ship quattro pro make offer gem chart graphic word publish make offer item for ibm compat system reduc soni player sale item soni cdpx condit excel ag year price includ to link item soni cdp condit excel ag year price come origin packag and manual item plai audiophil system and excel shape you interest addit inform mail andrew cmu edu call home jon for sale genesi megadr game for sale trade genesi megadr game for sale tr ade for genesi sne game game will work and machin state and box instruct warrior etern sun outland death duel chakan forev man boi monster land senna super mona co ill accept sterl make offer cheer jonathan onathan phone address depart compu t fax lancast univers mail jonathan comp lanc lancast lanc sne genesi game for sale trade genesi cart for sale trade alien global gladiat crue ball sne cart for sale trade jimmi connor tenni super plai a ction footbal cross system trade fine cheer marc net can hear you scream email m arc comp lanc marc comput lancast for sale for sale each cost includ ship and handl achtung babi j oshua tree immacul collect madonna love hurt cher garth brook garth brook red ho t chilli pepper ooooohhhhh tlc light and shadow wilson us onc never us shrink wr ap email kgc wood ulowel edu month polk speaker for sale month polk system for sale excel con dit month proof polk monitor bookshelf speaker offer for sale excel and sound gr eat for higher model sell speaker paid for pair bookshelf speaker will offer sen d your offer mail suraj jhu edu excel condit luxman receiv and onkyo tape deck f or sale excel condit and month make excel system paid for receiv tape deck and s peaker month back will offer each piec will sold seper want mail offer suraj jhu edu suraj uhc svr forsal articl kzo gator larri gator larri snyder write d arylm illian mnet daryl mcdaniel write convers uhc net wouldn good deal packag i nflat price start larri snyder larri gator problem you had uhc for year and had problem eddi tuggl etuggl dora auc trw noth good trw denver oper bad think make centretech pky aurora shakespear voic fax sl linux for sale disk tape sinc free time for job thought offer linux disk and tape for note offer thi servic for experienc user requir support simpli put disk shuffler you you will support highli recommend softland linux s ystem sl directli provid excel product decent price support lazi man servic for don want spend hour modem and hour shuffl floppi and don sl support and opt alon you each disk disk minimum minim system disk base system extra disk compil disk document disk sourc misc disk tex disk window disk entir set discount entir set tape for send check monei order stephen balbach enberend terrac columbia send m ail can readi sooner stephen access digex maxtor info need unix softwar for sale qv knh crl crl bob nntp c rl bob am write list item for sell list delet pp priam hard drive exactli maxtor faster jumper set maxtor that that us advanc colin for sale mac classic and stylewrit sell macintosh classic and st ylewrit highest bidder you can reach san francisco email forsyth leland stanford edu david goldberg test instrument for sale longer for sale sold textron type stora g displai screen dim textron base mhz puls gener textron adj power suppli volt a mp keithlei instrument picoammet analog digit panal mount voltmet for sale hewle tt packard oscilloscop channel mhz vertic amplifi and time base and delai gener offer analog digit panal mount voltmet power vdc model dimens ship reason offer will accept respond mail phone mail hall rpi edu phone receiv and equil for sale sold receiv equil for sale technic int egr quartz synthes digit receiv sold audio control graphic equil thi awesom brok e band channel octav subson filter rumbl reduc tape monitor amaz real time spect rum analyz calibrt microphon and pink nois gener calibr and uncalibr rang adjust displai calibr and can displai averag energi per band averag for full speactrum great for check loud your system displai action two speed set adjust quickli di splai respond transient thi equil quiet and displai fascin watch sell for store will sell for obo send respons hall rpi edu call ev hummel collector left chimnei sweep number close edit line purch as west germani retail sell extra pictur you want excel shape chip crack great i dea for mother dai thi great bui interest mail call ev brose catalog hard find enhanc repost andi freeman write joe doll writ e catalog person comput tool for engin and scien tist list hardwar card and appl ic softwar packag for class machin focu engin and scien tific applic pc such dat a acquisit control design autom and data analysi and present you free copi repli your postal mail address interest your catalog mail you bounc don bother never come cheap trick for build mail list sell junk mail flow indic copi thi catalog front write thi ton qool stuff impress that not send browser appear that your no t buyer engin not want wast catalog you you catalog vip code you give ensur your continu subscript you want touch compani person comput tool divis street campbe l fax and toll free for order and tech support note that not associ fact never o rder can comment product servic catalog real and sit saliv expen iv motorola handheld radio for peanut heavi duti commerci tini inch waterproof vhf watt channel handheld two radio motorola expo purchas f or amateur frequenc absolut condit never scratch drop open comprosmis can crysta l for busi band slot origin price motorola expo vhf watt chan come portabl charg er antenna manual cad pack back hous belt clip motorola extra cad pack motorola extra vhf rubber ducki antenna motorola desktop quick charger motorola extern sp eaker mic motorola cig lighter batteri elimin motorola heavi duti nylon holster motorola expo technic manual motorola expo tune case open tool offer lot jeff je ff tza jeffl pmafir inel gov becom disclaim disclaim lawyer comfort numb pink fl oyd sega genesi for sale sonic aboyko dixi andrew boyko write month sega genesi bare us control origin box sonic and get bundl ship you turn not add ict mail you interest thi marvel modern technolog inform that price thing sell p rice sell for that will teach wait that long get rid electron equip nevermind ke ep thing andrew boyko aboyko dixi case mfm contr game card sound card forsal desktop case watt pow er suppli intern bai and extern origanali dell system case real good hardwar inc lud ship offer western digit mfm control bit floppi hard never had problem ship offer game card work noth fanci joystick port ship offer innov game sound card g ame port and adlib port never us soundblast cheep instal ship offer consid buyer pai ship resopnd klwright eo ncsu edu ken monitor for sale for sale kfc svga monitor interlac screen warra nti offer us stuff thi us equip for sale negoti baud compuadd intern modem doc and softwar sco unix disk and doc util floppi drive function dead rll drive don what wrong joystick don rememb brand name boat anchor cga monitor full leng th cga card serial card pin test drive iii accolad price neg ship ford galaxi origin owner mile california car post thi for mom an d dad neighbor contact directli for sale ford galaxi door cid engin automat blue mile that correct car origin owner alwai garag california inland vallei car rus t paint good origin interior good profession maintain good shape ga gaug doesn w ork origin brake light ad call stuff misc stuff card micro channel arcnet coax net card serial adapt parallel adapt coprocessor memori expans option expand memori adapt expand memori adapt alloi ftc mca tape adapt drive hard floppi hdd model hdd model fdd fdd thi aquir past year compon post part you question compon you can call ibm a nd find idea make offer trade dan scherer voic pager seanew seattl public access usenet new mail new xanadu seanew akita comic for sale want rid alot comic that sell for overstreet pric e guid comic condit arion batman detect comic contest champion contest champion contest champion crystar daredevil elektra di daredevil fantast app black panthe r joe hercul incred hulk app wolverin krypton chronicl man thing man thing marve l ag marvel ag marvel and present men and teen titan marvel graphic app mutant m arvel guid collect comic marvel team marvel team master kung micronaut micronaut king size annual mutant copi mutant mutant omega men red sonja riplei not true war strori rom spaceknight rom spaceknight secret societi super villain peter pa rker spectacular spiderman amaz spiderman star trek super villain classic origin galactu teen titan uncanni tale publish file copi vision and scarlet witch aven g had never wolverin limit seri wolverin limit seri wolverin limit seri wolverin limit seri men men men men book for sale bui book not ask make offer and will calculu analy t geometri authur simon copyright date below avg condit readabl write good softw ar fortran graham smith holt handbook kirszner mandel copyright page write guid algebra trigonometri problem solv approach edit flem and varberg good condit gen er chemistri principl modern applic petrucci fourth edit big book good condit so lut manual for chemistri book paperback studi guid for chemistri book paperback send your offer email chopin udel edu sam chopin udel edu tektronix equip color termin printer raster suppli for sale tekt ronix color termin tektronix raster tektronix inkjet printer tektronix printer e xtra tektronix product paper box transpar box mainten cartridg cart magenta ink cartridg cart sell singl lot and prefer will offer for entir list offer accept o ffer get equip bob robert worsham bob email worsham aer atmospher environment re search inc voic memori drive fax cambridg usa deal boi boi deal for you thi sound decid sell thi packag deal s eper open that kramer striker electr guitar dark metal blue floyd rose tremlo tu ne locker nut great action great guitar korg pme profession modular effect pedal board flanger choru and graphic equil uniqu bonu you can bui seper pedal box th at sort slide into exist slot mono input stereo output perfect for electr acoust guitar dod american metal distort pedal durabl great sound pedal great korg ped al board you you for great sound packag deal for respond email dietrijj mentor p urdu edu phone and for jason advanc jason dietrich porsch bai area post thi for friend sunnyval california porsch g t packag leather interior european handl packag sunroof cruis control mile paint immacul deliveri destin deposit firm low book high book phone frank rosqui thi vehicl thi post not reflect opinion employ sell ride lawn mower arien ride lawn mower thi mower perfect con dit and contain featur electr start inch cut doubl rear bagger batteri engin yea r inflat tire nice ride cushion seat nice ride move into hous that small area gr ass cut and not requir such larg mower engin replac not rebuilt last year due fa ulti work lawn mower repair shop price phone leav messag for sale cheap logic board updat updat list stuff for sale feel free make offer ask per board electron mother board arcad game game name condit manufactur tenyard fight iren tenyard fight bad intern short iren kangaroo sun e lectron interfer guardian tip top sega bank panic sega sanritsu sega radar scope nintendo poseidon taito ninjakun bad capacitor crystal jass rack jamma doubl dr ibbl zoar super trivia bad fri greyhound electron slither error messag centuri c orp music trivia jaleco samurai fore groud char disapear taito poseidon taito an t eater tago electron buzz sound tutankham bad konami pro wrestl video trivia gr ayhound asteron belt sega unknown board sega konami pacif novelti manufactur inc rom number for board absolut unknown board misc stuff somekind powersuppli simi lar atari audio reg ram card midwai midwai patter board sync buss control pacman filter midwai pin scsi cabl end femal alex fagund proud owner maverick and anot

h microfsh iastat edu believ that amiga rule tire for sale set big tire that had thunder bird bought and trai d car not give for had drove mile mile tire sporti low profil and corner reali y ou interest contact dusmadso idbsu idbsu edu idaho usa memori howdi post thi for friend don repli friend simm for sale for for conner hard drive for run name john and can reach bb call classifi conne ct sysop and you can call and hear awesom voic adio for sale jazz record for sale jazz compact disc cd for sale mint condit and fairli hard find savoi label and put dennon dennon bought right savo i and releas disk sell packag deal will individu order titl and artist telefunke n blue milt jackson kenni clark perci heath frank morgan frank wess walter bento n jazz concert west coast bopland boi opu jazz vol john rae steve kuhn bobbi jas par jake hannah john neve pattern jazz cecil payn kenni dorham duke jordan tommi potter art taylor penthous serenad errol garner footloos paul blei imort lester young lester young count basi great britain marian mcpartland georg shear howar d mcghee and milt jackson titl love jazz piano hampton haw john mehegan herbi ni chol paul smith art pepper sonni reid titl opu blue frank wess thad jone curti f uller charli fowlk hank jone eddi jone gu johnson jazz bust name list opu swing frank wess kenni burrel freddi green eddi jone kenni clark jackson vill milt jac kson lucki thompson hank jone wendel marshal kenni clark will reason offer packa g disc offer individu disc mail respons call derek derek serianni mail djserian flash lakeheadu sociologist mile chicago full tank lakehead univers ga half pack cigarett dark and thunder bai ontario wear sunglass elwood blue ega vga monitor card want subject for decent ega vga monitor car d combo that work condit thing that bit card mail offer main main edu merv itprop net etiquett advertis compani junk mail list articl jccg tsoft net you write stuff delet compani maintain mail list regularli rent for ti me us major softwar compani method you seed your junk mail isn effect bulk maile r regulari send databas clean ncoa you move recent will revert back origin xxx c ool and larg mail will like dupe you and pick and us for futur mail btw list hot test list for actual buyer window util product rang and direct media per name yo ur direct mail market rep thi ted impress that net etiquett not compani us net d irectli advertis product addit improp etiquett thi product mail list us for gene r junk mail correct assum thi improp and can penal such improp us dale thompson montreal olymp souvenir montreal olymp philatel souvenir color i llustr booklet french english contain stamp issu for game mint never hing slipca s face stamp insur class mail unusu desk pad holder olymp ring cover and montrea l stadium insid canadian olymp stamp displai cover heavi plastic face insur clas s mail order for includ insur deliveri cpm stuff forsal forsal cpm comput model ampro rev floppi drive and system disk processor unknown brand miniscrib model hard drive height shugar t model floppi drive keyboard system disk shugart model floppi drive commodor co mput disk drive will sell part buyer pai ship make offer email beer buffalo edu call and for jonathan andrew realist pro hand held scanner offer for your scanner ship your e xpens payment person check hour receipt good you live nearbi and can deliv payme nt cash hour advanc notic can bank mail reserv return expens check find defect b tw you sell such fine scanner you replac instrument find not satisfactori mark t horson chair typewrit boston ibm meg disk drive extend keyboard mous mo us pad do dosshel excel windo word amipro gre studywar zenith date system supers port laptop comput recharg model do disc drive for floppi carri case manual leat her desk chair black brown for olivetti manual typewrit tropic model incl charac t for type italian languag repli email call home number jason jason boro jboro e nterpris bih harvard edu center for clinic comput boston print date apr gmt cozzlab garnet berkelei edu articl apr sarah albani edu albnyvm bitnet write advertis print busi dear block you violat major shibboleth usenet group nit unabl type thi word you not suppos us newsgroup plug your commerci enterpris kind peopl frequent flame for announc book don whether thi offici usenet rule long stand custom and doesn make differ practic point vie

w matter fact make differ almost half million user join internet last year comme rci busi ban commerci us internet breed not post commerci materi account provid employ school provid such account permiss pai for internet access constrain inna t good tast and administr guid jack previdi veni vidi fece psilink refund visual imag particip promot compani call visual imag awar d certif month ago and ask bui promot packag order receiv major award mislabl ad dress and not receiv packag month ago mad and angri long packag wrote letter and request for refund never return letter lucki find telephon number oper and rece iv packag immedi return packag and wrote anoth letter for refund packag return a ddress put packag incorrect attempt call and learnd that chang telephon number p hone call find number refus respons spoke manag and call back not call address f ront desk ahead and send packag wait call back peopl net experi compani monei ba ck you similar experi advis advanc dougla kou hiram colleg for sale karmann ghia karmann ghia thi car excel run condit engi n tire aug clutch carb origin radio upholsteri great shape burgundi exterior bla ck interior thi car maintain regular tune up car previou owner had minor front e nd collis front nose dent and patch bondo hard find part need repair thi damag t hat damag car excel condit courtnei email cst blueoak berkelei edu phone weekdai for sale nissan sentra nissan sentra two door hatchback red cass ett lot part maintain clean insid and and run great bob traci not respond thi ac count hors breed and sale dear sir privat agricultur firm dina breed p edigre hors sportmodel class trakenenski gannoverski and thoroughbr hors head da m getter trakeninski and thoroughbread breed colt year sport live stock hors con cour class for pass rout obstacl firm warm stabl made brick arrang place hors po ssibl expand field activ and systemat prepar hors concour class for sale for har d currenc experienc staff firm internet class master work for breed and train ho rs addit invest purchas larger dam live stock construct ride hous for train extr a stabl for two year firm organ hunt tourism territori nation park not moscow co ncern develop trade connect deliv food product cloth foot wear etc russia addres s russia obninsk marksa phone fax electron mail dina litana obninsk vyacheslav c hereshnev san mateo duplex hous for sale san mateo duplex hous for sale we st side locat alameda and hwy larg lot nice quiet locat front neighbor space for pool jacuzzi spaciou room cozi live room fireplac minut highwai and and excel s chool shop and transport nearbi unit remodel foot bedroom bath larg master suit den studi eat kitchen larg backyard fenc backyard hardwood floor wall wall carpe t marbel tile vinyl car garag car port washer and dryer hook live room din combo total remodel unit two brand construct foot bedroom bath fire place din room pr ivat yard privat entri detach unit washer dryer live room barbequ patio separet util citi price owner call medi amadi ev dai bath want restaur equip want restaur equip for start restaur burner s tove hot plate fryer stainless steel tabl shelv etc pot pan and number item inte rest email shailesh shailesh potni associ concurr engin research member technic staff center west virginia univers want refriger want refriger contact jamesl galaxi nsc smith corona typewrit for sale model scm electr smith corona typ ewrit for sale model scm electr great for form envelop label small thing etc tha t you can your microcomput built tank not big that heavi classic compact electr pad storag bag scratch enamel paint chip dent cloth ribbon colour will accept of fer sell for friend instruct not mine rsvp thi account make offer pass singl she et feeder for macintosh imagewrit accept trade for exampl gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei tape sale sale tape for sale each and ship includ tape year and us not problem want sell make packag offer you eagl eagl eagl hotel california e lton john sleep past gloria estefan into light jame ingram power great music ken ni duo tone lethal weapon music motion pictur mariah carei mtv unplug michael bo lton time love and tender phantom opera genesi can danc phil collin queen work q ueen live magic wilson phillip send your offer send your offer koutd hirama hira m edu you dougla kou hiram colleg hiram ohio geni garag door remot forsal geni garag door transmitt forsal th i unit button station will oper door gate open never us normali for ship interes t email mageor sdf lonestar org apolog print dear fellow usenet user give formal apolog for post advertis print busi not intend thi advertis offer for peopl usenet us print reg ular basi not awar that thi not legal usenet put colleg for you request inform w ill write you privat for you fun flood mailbox you can grow offer advic thing us profan anoth you marc albnyvm bitnet jfk autograph for sale inquiri hear mcgovern hous stori paul har vei never had idea worth autograph senat pass card and sign john kennedi don rem emb sign senat john kennedi whether not date haven look quit safeti deposit box sell privat collector auction hous such christi sinc that tend profit you collec tor you interest thi send mail express your interest will can make scan gif pros pect buyer baud extern modem mint box manual phonecord ship denni dbase for sale price reduc dbase for sale inch disk registr incl ud you can upgrad you want manual shrinkwrap disk open verifi work ask offer for sale em freq shifter thi for friend em freq shifter machin t hat made swirl guitar effect back spacial panner harmon shift rare collector ite m thi last unit em made rack mountabl mono signal seper pan and sine unsin volta g out vco input control lfo interest contact kevin pst california and make offer not repli thi account nice dai xorcist cyberden cyberden public access waffl us enet system comput audio video item want note interest us item you for sale contact email mbeck vtssi edu phone usmail michael beck progress street blacksbu rg virginia give info brand ag condit etc want comput equip cheap tape drive pre tti kind us memori for model us macintosh comput mhz chip us colorado tape drive megabyt preferr tape us kei keyboard high densiti disk drive printer om laser d eskjet seri printer pin deskjet high densiti disk drive extern adaptec scsi bit control us piggi back memori expans for intel inboard id hard drive monitor reso lut dot pitch digit mult and laptop system russia comput equip drum set mult amp for band bigger stereo vcr head stereo receiv watt dolbi prolog surround sound capabl bed full queen size local offer desk local offer due ship constraint video camera amiga for sale you interest contact email mbeck vts si edu phone usmail michael beck progress street blacksburg virginia for sale pa nason ccd omnimovi camcord vh high speed shutter fly eras head year us lightli d ate time stamp counter memori rec review fade back light auto manual focu built microphon jack for extern microphon come sturdi aluminum hardplast carri case lo ng wide high shoulder strap power adaptor batteri charger batteri pack remot rec ord control uhf vhf cabl adaptor audio video cabl and adaptor aproxim dimens mea sur outmost featur long wide high handl ask price offer price amiga mhz unix com pat machin meg hard drive meg ram monitor keyboard esc and kei broken ask price obo mult proteon token ring card sold portabl cellular phone model ask price sol d for list sold compaq lte laptop contact for detail offer sold for cellular phone portabl for sale offer shipment seller expens pay ment person check mail hour receiv good reserv return good expens find defect un accept receiv merchandis check mail hour mark thorson bware jayhay delewar had deal jai hay delewar and rip not deal t hi gui and you door bat live delewar and will post full address phone number cas e call and leav nasti messag will not return email and will not return phone cal l left messag iwth hgi roomat call collect and he not man maintain net privilag can thi turkei net toolwork mpc encyclopedia rom program rom forsal toolwork mpc en cyclopedia rom multimedia brand shrink wrap ask obo send repli sam ocf berkelei edu you portabl color televis for sale casio lcd color televis for sale mint condit retail that for top highest bidder week get assum highest bidder com e black case and batteri sell adaptor extern jack for phone and extern antenna e tc pictur good and electron tune you don screw tune pictur etc box and document thi hour us sworn regard jack water quantum scsi hard drive for sale quantum prodriv lp scsi hard dr ive for sale maciisi and replac larger hard drive great work condit fast and qui et never had problem ask cod ship reason offer for sale drive brand mount bracke t for macii macs includ scsi data and power cabl repli email call and leav messa g ding kai chen dcg uxa cso uiuc edu uiuc classifi uiuc classifi comput misc for sal misc forsal comput misc forsal comput mac misc forsal comput misc forsal com put clone for sale airlin ticket for state canada for sale northwest airli n fly write ticket for travel state and canada anywher countri each round trip t hi ticket restrict and fulli transfer travel complet bui june email arvind acuso n pin printer toshiba track friction feed lcd displai month sampl print sheet geowork emulas month program vertisoft make print inkjet print firm laptop mitsbishi laptop mhz switchabl ram instal backlit cga ext cga mga hdd fdd lpt port complet manual set built tank excel cosmet cond dark g rai us lightli problem hdd stop work lcd sometim doesn work ext cag mga work off er drive for sale honda dirt bike bought dealer ridden hour garag a nd care for bike mint condit perfect size for ladi young adult price firm you wi ll not disappoint ohio kentucki indiana inquiri prefer work leav voicemail rob d avi cincinnati ohio thi bike for sale ibm wheelwrit won ibm wheelwrit typewrit raffl campu si nc nice comput and cash put for sale offer local resel for offer that ship brian northwestern univers econom intern studi olson nwu edu brian david olson bdolso n casbah acn nwu edu bdolson cica bdolson merl acn nwu edu bdolson sevaxu cica updat pioneer deh car reciev for sale featur includ detach face watt amplifi infra red remot time oversampl bit dac supertun and preset station memori changer control loud switch clock origin packag ask offer thi reciev nice radio great condit remot come handi you wouldn top line reciev interest send em ail brion sohn easu orion oac uci edu reson offer will consid latest offer inclu d ship mccartnei concert ticket for sale ticket for paul mccartnei conc ert alamo dome san antonio ground floor seat will sell pair each mail dennisod i tx isc akg electrostat dynam headphon for sale pair akg headphon for sa le electrostat dyanmic headphon dynam element for bottom end and electrostat for high end comfort and sound nice condit cdn for pair brett maraldo unit research alien technolog todai bmaraldo watserv uwaterloo uunet clyde utai watserv bmara ldo ampex record tape for sale full reel ampex record tape thi tape us onc ip and carefulli store reel includ ampex tape band tape not bulk eras kno wledg histori tape and request jmar toronto sell for tax canadian cdn reel will includ postag brett maraldo plexu product reel long standard thick unit research alien technolog todai bmaraldo watserv uwaterloo uunet clyde utai watserv bmara ldo wizard pen base organ link for sale for sale pen base electron o rgan brand sharp wizard link softwar and cabl ounc measur fit pocket ram user pe n touch screen input for point and draw keyboard big touch type screen window po p menu excel schedul alarm telephon directori user configur databas full word pr ocessor format draw util outlin list calcul clock calendar termin emulatorw dial directori directori file system serial port infrar port card slot aaa batteri m onth daili us manual organ link softwar and cabl for exchang data wizard and off er for pai ship steven friedman horizon institut for polici solut mail path smf virginia bitnet voic path tcd dat walkman for sale recent back purchas almost unus soni tc d dat walkman found unit person prefer and pai for heck machin for price quit ru g and peopl swear popular walkman style dat machin gui sell bryan davi bdavi net com and told includ tcd datman rca stereo plug cabl for analog input for analog output optic digit cabl lead for input for output copi sale receipt note your pu rchas unit factori warrante adaptor batteri charger recharg batteri paid tax for

hope you don mind minut tape sampl spent for includ extend warranti advis for d at machin sinc cost replac head wear and will year you us lot davisonj not quot sale price for that not nice send mail and us tcd and that can understand popula r for and had problem recent point that had road for two year and had us that ti me thi exact dat machin that lug and canada record jazz butcher conspiraci for r ecent live album bryan davi half dozen profession musician and record label us t hat model and for report problem problem that nuff reason not get that found sel l unit that featur phono plug spdif optic don optic port equip you reader and be ll whistl that tcd doesn pai for altern note that phono plug optic spdif adapt y ou absolut scm consum deck soni minidisc you interest touch bdavi netcom john da vison davisonj ecn purdu edu hallicraft hallicraft radio for sale work last time make offer m ichael deignan sex hereditari your domain mpd anomali sb parent never had chanc tnet you won telebit son genuin vinyl record sale you for request list and you you pu rchas vinyl lotsa vinyl leftov for sale vinyl for home bui can stop run thi bunc h vinyl record for sale includ metal acet not heavi metal music and amaz deal em ail for big list and detail mass usa arthur noguerola vo stratu fortegraph emul card thi gave thi brand card think sell cuz don problem that don even thi thi made fort commun board combin togeth wierd and pin port male and femal and round port bnc not thi made and fortegraph emul diagnos t disk thi thi your advanc eric want trombon for beginn articl aam fnnew fnal gov greg schuweil schuweil fnal gov write purchas trombon for year thi want want plai daddi practi c everydai and even room clean mean find us mail schuweil fnal gov greg schuweil schuweil fnal gov us for sale us high school and don occas and plai anymor emai l and can work can email you for reason david david snyder logicon technic servi c inc dsnyder falcon aamrl wpafb mil wright patterson air forc base dayton ohio usa that god doesn subtract time earth hour spent fly cessna ladi wait owner ope r opinion express and not logicon usaf golf shoe size us pair golf shoe size good shape hole etc ship d avid david snyder logicon technic servic inc dsnyder falcon aamrl wpafb mil wrig ht patterson air forc base dayton ohio usa that god doesn subtract time earth ho ur spent fly cessna ladi wait owner oper opinion express and not logicon usaf sne game for sale trade game for sale trade for sne genesi megad r game instruct and box state sfc mickei magic quest instruct suzuki super grand prix legend mystic ninja sne thi world anoth world super soccer sne krusti fun h ous irem skin golf super tenni offer will sell for for pound cheer jonathan onat han phone address depart comput fax lancast univers mail jonathan comp lanc lanc ast lanc darkroom suppli enlarg for sale besler enlarg includ filter neg carrier darkroom suppli contain trai thermomet beaker paper focus etc paper chem ic past expir date great work condit bought year ago and serv purpos hasn us mon th don time monei and sit bathroom take space us sell us collect dust bathroom y ou interest packag will sell includ ship for you mind open suggest repli thi acc ount you michel telepath fax modem for gatewai gatewai telepath fax modem for ga tewai comput crosstalk winfax pro for window never us ship gatewai hong microsoft do upgrad for sale articl ahal apr slothrop fmrco ahal fmrco andrew hall write articl rvnz unx sa sasjhc maxwel unx sa joe croo write yuanchi ev usc edu yuan chieh hsu write do upgrad for sale offer open unregist g ee copi magazin state that upgrad retail for egghead across street sell for and that work compusa for boston will sell for includ ship walter seefeld dawn earli light jackson starkvil reap sown qxr jackson brown piano free chariti heavi antiqu upright piano contribut chariti muscl hous respons chariti will sell for you haul good shape tune south durham c ounti mcadam data gener corpor mcadam rtp alexand drive backbon mcnc rti rtp mca dam research triangl park mcadam data gener corpor mcadam rtp alexand drive back bon mcnc rti rtp mcadam research triangl park stereo system for sale month stereo system for sale luxman recei

v onkyo tape deck and polk monitor book shelf speaker for sale receiv year warra nti and equip excel condit paid for system and will offer will sell seper piec d esir send offer suraj jhu edu speaker polk monitor bookshelf speaker paid pair w ill offer receiv luxman receiv year year warranti paid will offer full remot pai r speaker connect watt per channel drive watt per channel standard featur and ta pe deck onkyo tape deck paid will offer dual cassett dolbi and pro input level c ontrol for record auto revers side standard featur send mail offer suraj jhu edu suraj for sale pontiac grand prix for sale pontiac grand prix white wh ite rim grai interior mile highwai litr multi port fuel inject engin speed manua l transmiss option includ rear defogg power steer power brake power window power lock power mirror cruis control power glass moonroof sunshad power seat reclin driver power seat comfort lumbar headrest cassett stero electron monitor servic system graphic compass stereo control duplic steer wheel remot keyless entri and ask car and ride roll dealer lot garag and pamper get averag mpg highwai someti m citi mpg depend driven sell babi come door famili car will trade partial trade ford tauru mercuri sabl door pontiac grand similar american car contact mike ho me work michaelq tlaloc stratu power suppli obo two research power suppli seri wire for vac con trol line sens pwr fail high margin current monitor list price research each qty ask for pair obo steve glicker steve titan tsd arlut utexa edu soni cardiscman forsal us soni cardiscman for sale bought june y ear warranti intact specif soni car discman perfect condit oversampl bit convert beam laser pickup dual color displai dsp sound process bass boost and dd mode l evel effect repeat hold mode can run batteri track program repeat random plai de let fuse cigarett lighter adapt save player wrong accesori headphon plug line ja ck soni mdr headphon power adapt patch cord for home us automobil mout plate car conect pack remot control great for home us carri case extra fuse thi unit grea t us car can move easili vehicl work home car cigaraett lighter outlet and casse tt player that manual packag receipt etc unit perfect condit normal care us extr em versatil and manuver unit that can us anywher ask for system and extra mail i nterest brent wagner wagnerbm sage purdu edu scan radio realist pro sell for articl alt radio scanner path us enet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu cleveland freenet edu aaron barn newsgrou p alt radio scanner subject realist pro for sale sell for obo date apr gmt organ case western reserv univers cleveland ohio usa line messag usenet in cwru edu n ntp post host slc in cwru edu realist pro scanner for sale small desc ription pr ogram chanel fulli detail backlight digit displai headphon jack antenna jack rem ov telescop antenna auto search coverag mhz mhz mhz origin cost will sell for yo u buchanan fear gover that fear your gun amend cannot guarante freedom cleveland freenet edu buchanan fear gover that fear your gun amend cannot guarante freedo m cleveland freenet edu stereo system compon for sale month stereo system for sale luxma n receiv onkyo tape deck and polk monitor book shelf speaker for sale receiv yea r warranti and equip excel condit paid for system and will offer will sell seper piec desir send offer suraj jhu edu speaker polk monitor bookshelf speaker paid pair will offer receiv luxman receiv year year warranti paid will offer full re mot pair speaker connect watt per channel drive watt per channel standard featur and tape deck onkyo tape deck paid will offer dual cassett dolbi and pro input level control for record auto revers side standard featur send mail offer suraj jhu edu suraj memori need want amiga memori expand size meg popul not insid et c need desper cash deal trade for mnp everex evercom extern modem intern modem b i extern modem appl part lot card panason video ccd video camera lens great for digi view etc ccd len burn send email asap heartbeat america yesterdai camaro tf olei camaro call camaro linux pub access site usrobot hst note ftpmail mail list host get annoi amplifi and speaker for sale linear power model channel automot stereo amplifi watt peak per channel ohm stabl fidel test you pai ship pair two mobil author woofer inch inch voic coil magnet watt peak power handel ohm for yo

u pai ship will not sell seperatli repli mail karl schimmel wichita state univer s krschimm twsuvax krschimm wsuhub twsu edu olivetti sell compat come green screen cga monitor floppi drive and megabyt hard drive you brand condit ask price ship repli mail interest vh movi for sale vh movi for sale danc wovi tape and open buyer pai ship cost you interest send your offer koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou hir am colleg vh movi for sale articl apr hirama hiram edu koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou write vh movi for sale danc wovi hell io wovi wovi funni thing su ess jonathan sawitski random wierdo martim wpi wpi edu system for sale make offer for sale complet packag commodor comp ut box power suppli and owner manual commodor disk drive box and owner manual co mmodor color monitor and owner manual panason kxp dot matrix printer and owner m anual printer interfac for panason printer fastload cartridg huge stack book pro gram make reason offer and throw disk softwar repli mail joachim nave nave jato jpl nasa gov jet propuls laboratori pasadena california disclaim don speak for j pl vh movi for sale articl qvk jnu bigboot wpi edu martim jaguar wp i edu random write articl apr hirama hiram edu koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou write vh movi for sale danc wovi hell io wovi wovi anim you danc thi video for sale brand palmer video for guess resel for danc wovi want subject for perferi mail repli steven eckwielen bitnet ritv ax internet ritvax isc rit edu rutger rochest rit ritvax radar detector whistler whistler spectrum puls protect good cond it purchas for ask for jason yow human factor psycholog program wright state uni vers dayton mail jyow desir wright edu camera olympu stylu super small olympu stylu pocket size red ey reduct timer fulli automat time date stamp carri case smallest camera class rate consum report excel condit and month worth purchas for sell for jason yow human factor psycholog program wright state univers dayton mail jyow desir wright edu cpu chip for sale cyrix amd not intel clone bewar understand amd cyrix clone intel name run fast intel not exactli instuct set fit into socket f ast coprocessor amd recent won appeal intel us microcod put real chip futur marc mallen wyvern wyvern vh movi for sale articl qvk jnu bigboot wpi edu martim jaguar wp i edu random write danc wovi hell io wovi wovi hell io fix your typo you blame s kin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu cpu chip for sale thi entir disput chip delug thi newsgroup lot post that noth sell harken back user post month ago stop post comput equip save for comput forsal newsgroup you don comput forsal newsgroup your sysadmin subscr ib your locat knock mac forsal thi repost earlier you for offer advis realist price mac meg ram meg hard disk floppi absolut perfect condit includ word pagemak quar k xpress quicken and latest version dozen program price canon camera system for sale canon item for sale condit list num er condit canon bodi multiprogram dual meter system build motor drive etc canon canon canon hood excel portrait len osawa zoom made japan soft case soligor macr o zoom japan hard case vivitar sm dedic thyristor flash box manual ask obo not i nclud interest mail huawang src umd edu call gig fujitsu disk drive for sale gigabyt fujitsu disk drive inter n drive model scsi edi interfac your disk control card brand box never us compar cheapest mail order catalog post for friend plead respond jbredt athena hard drive for sale had post thi buyer fell western digit caviar meg id inch drive built cach not posit unopen origin static bag ask obo sega forsal folk for monei purchas video game backup unit decid sega unit here deal sega genesi rom unit play sega game play regular play graphi c come pack in sega hot hit regular music rock paint music graphic karoki sol fe ac shooter sherlock holm mysteri clue book doc sega classic street rage reveng s hinobi column golden ax doc box and document unit includ game come jewel and doc

ument game cobra command doc water dammag road aveng week night trap doc game co me jewel and document sell thi highest bidder start trade for genesi sne video b ackup unit you bid make offer drop mail will everon inform current bid foxfir fo xfir access digex bare micron system reduc bare case power suppli and motherboard ram and coprocessor add you motherboard made micron slot motherboard intel mhz c pu sram cach ram simm worth alon cyrix math coprocessor worth alon norton rate l atest version phoenix bio case power suppli standard desktop case watt power sup pli usual connector room for floppi hard drive visibl two intern micron cpu comm and hundr dollar premium clone motherboard made us high qualiti compon and relia bl and compat oem system sold gatewai and zeo point past check ad back page byte magazin you want thi price differenti for price complet you don want case and p ower suppli board fulli guarante email for detail for question david ruggiero jd avid halcyon seattl home moss peopl video audio comput equip for sale time for spring clean item for sale roland multi timbr sound modul synthesi upto simultan voic preset timbr ch ar backlit lcd displai midi refer card stereo output etc great for game that sup port music superior sound card experi midi for ad addit sound your midi setup sh ip canon xapshot video camera system includ camera carri pouch batteri pack batt eri charger adapt video cabl two floppi each disk hold pictur for pic total manu al etc video output standard ntsc composit and can ntsc devic televis for direct view your pictur vcr record slideshow comput video digit save manipul pictur co mput system ship ambico video enhanc audio mixer line stereo audio mixer microph on input and master volum slider video enhanc boost sharpen video imag dub vcr v cr camcord vcr etc ship baud intern modem ship quantum intern prodriv hard disk thi unit recent turn unreli and errat usag simpl easili fix problem major proble m rate don time find problem li you want risk you can for ship interest item ema il hsieh zeno ccwf utexa edu video audio comput equip for sale apr wrote quantum intern prodr iv hard disk thi unit recent turn unreli and errat usag simpl easili fix problem major problem rate don time find problem li you want risk you can for ship forg ot mention that mention quantum scsi drive hsieh zeno ccwf utexa edu dragon lair space ac arcad game for sale dragon lair complet las er disc motherboard joystick button graphic for arcad cabinet brick power suppli space ac complet laser disc motherboard joystick button graphic for arcad cabin et brick power suppli space ac and dragon lair game requir soni laserdisc player nice thing thi player that you can watch normal laserdisc movi will sell for pu rchas complet system you bui system run thi into entertain center hous comput ca se fan and power suppli run audio into stereo system and laserdisc run directli into made mount for joystick and button person bui game will you you prefer hous normal arcad cabinet thi can graphic will nice side and front cabinet work perf ectli laserdisc player port you can us develop your multimedia type applic laser disc store safe place and scratch you interest email soren soren burkhart purdu univers that sort robot blink head pig ignor zoron ecn purdu edu come expect you creativ garbag john clees monti python unix softwar for sale amiga softwar for sale amiga softwar for sale provideo gold amig avis plan spreadsheet shrinkwrap superback hard drive backup certif maker add an d email address list below denni neal dlneal cbda apgea armi mil pin printer for sale star micron pin printer for sale us amiga a nd ibm comput and work great will throw cabl and vinyl cover for ship email get denni neal dlneal cbda apgea armi mil laser printer reason sell casio for sale casio digit dairi organ for sale unit expans card slot good condit ask ship marc drmsr pitt edu borland softwar for sale cheap for sale turbo pascal origin manu al and disk obo ship borland paradox tall box manual set kallista desktop origin disk obo ship borland paradox open never us manual disk obo ship borland quattr o pro do manual disk obo ship mail phone interest john hansen john hansen hansen logdi aflc mil work cse wsu bitnet suitabl quot cse desir wright edu john hanse n maxtor info need unix softwar for sale articl colinm cunew colin m max carleton colin mcfadyen write jumper set maxtor that that us maxtor produc t specif and oem manual doc rev page power xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx uuuu opt ion you jumper drive select shown drive power option jumper drive board odd that unset slim sinc you jumper betwwwn select drive address your second drive jumpe r thad floryan thad btr thad cup portal thad netcom foot switch for sale foot switch for sale great for guitar amp a nd keyboard each diamet cabl for make offer jason settl rais famili join pta bui sensibl shoe and chevrolet and parti till you broke and drag you yankov icom for sale sell icom and extra batteri headset vox unit cigar ett adapt leather case wall charger batteri that cell good condit scratch front that not visibl leather case you interest make offer rich newsgraz nextstep new reader post uqr eqm eqt uqt vye ven vql rtq rtq fet rtr fll vai det fqe item for sale sell item for sale thi packag bought throught awar d give compani attempt cancel order receiv packag late and compani refus packag back for refund truth never back monei back close describt packag nishika camera take good pictur never opend us wide angl flesh car case film and instruct vide o len and creat effect regular film jewelri packag addit gift bahama vacat vouch er voucher good for two airfar freeport user special hotel rate per person per n ight meal ground transfer hotel tax not includ la vega reno orlando voucher airf ar and hotel accomod for dai night meal ground transfer hotel tax not includ vou cher good for locat you can travel place onc cancun mexico voucher airfar and ho tel accomod for dai night meal and ground transfer hotel tax not includ usual pa id for packag not cold blood you make your offer detail provid request sell pack ag onc you for vacat voucher don care you sell camera for higher pric you intere st camera you treat vacat voucher gift you receiv letter your mail box that you select part sweeptak and you award trust you exactli packag award will don bothe r even call back you interest you for cheaper price and you receiv packag week w ait month and final packag for your credit card number and you pai for interest credit card compani spend you you for cheaper price you interest repli posibl th i make offer confort your offer send packag dai morn detail you contact koutd hi rama hiram edu dougla kou hiram colleg mail address koutd hirama hiram edu cd for sale updat cd for sale ship includ barcelona gold freddi mercuri tevin campbel vogu inx madonna eric clapton sarah brightman wayn world q ueen red hot chili pepper alic cooper eric clapton extrem pronograffitti saturda i night live band live york harri connick blue light sold open danc woiv sold ha ndel classic sold send your repli koutd hirama hiram edu packag deal dougla kou hiram colleg extend servic for sale cheap for sale extend servic extend datab as support extend network support remot host support extend commun support copi packag brand and uninstal manual disk etc includ packag retail for sell for that for chang elimin for packag onc bought interest email mark teskei teskei plain nodak edu mark teskei internet teskei plain nodak edu stayin uunet plain teskei aliv signatur viru copi into your signatur join book for sale bui book not ask make offer and will write good so ftwar fortran graham smith holt handbook kirszner mandel copyright page write gu id gener chemistri principl modern applic petrucci fourth edit big book good con dit solut manual for chemistri book paperback studi guid for chemistri book pape rback send your offer email chopin udel edu sam chopin udel edu extern for extrem cheap subject extern for extrem cheap brand ex tern floppi drive for box will sell for ship firm half market price check page c omput shopper apr issu price you interest ailin ext floppi drive for mac extrem cheap brand low densiti floppi d rive for mac come brand appl macintosh drive card that you can hook drive card y ou us do format disk sell for abt retail price ailin buyer pai ship unix sale unix unix unix unix unix unix unix forsal esix unix sy stem releas user licens system unlimit user licens system user licens system dev kit unlimit user licens system dev kit system includ floppi tape and instal man ual and never instal market for system you interest contact mike mike budlanski canrem canada remot system toronto ontario jazz sale trade sell for can offer thi point jon classic cd sale hei can send mail you you resend your address lo st for moscow jon lot cd for sale lot cd for sale price per and per singl cd note and singl cd includ extra per for cost you want bui lot work deal ship cost type group titl cd boi men motown philli cd music factori comin cd mobi remix cd qua drophonia schizophrenia cd swing sister not gonna chang cd recoil faith healer c d seal begin cd transvis vamp tranvis vamp cd music factori gonna make sweat cd nitzer ebb godhead cd roxett you cd good stuff cd duran duran violenc summer cd nitzer ebb cd vanessa william run back you seal seal lfo frequenc morissei kill uncl underworld chang weather jodi watlei you wanna danc dead aliv fan flame tra nsvis vamp velveteen adam ant manner physiqu fine young cannib raw remix black b ox dreamland civil cole greatest remix vol black box mix scorpion rocker ballad underground danc jam harder dan church quot god can make tree man box mail inven t dwarf toss socorro email dchurch nmt edu hobb klipsch fort spkr sale item klipsch fort speaker condit mint ag month price pair retail pair speaker perfect condit and us audiophil system floo r stand and come origin packaga and literatur warranti you interest question fee l free mail andrew cmu edu call home jon squirrel hill studio squirrel hill studio effici mid leas expir perfect for for temporari hous stai juli nice short walk cmu month plenti park s pace street quiet neighborhood carpet call syquest intern drive cartridg sale trade thi drive year cartridg bought sinc excel condit and warranti due chang system us larg contigu drive of fer includ sydo intern drive scsi adapt card and cabl origin document softwar or igin packag cartridg total bad sector defect instal breez clone will trade for i d sell for will trade for pin simm walter seefeld dawn earli light jackson stark vil reap sown qxr jackson brown rasterop video board for sale for macintosh bu machin deal fell ask rasterop thi incorrectli post make offer mail kohlhepp novel system staff ko hlhepp cae wisc edu comput aid engin sci book for sale offer sell sci book offer you interest email o ffer and includ ship and handl prefer not ship cod you purchas will han solo and lost legaci han solo reveng han solo star end splinter mind ey empir strike bac k star war star trek motion pictur star trek wrath kahn offici star trek trivia book star trek reader vol star trek reader vol book form star trek reader vol ii i origin seri star trek reader vol dune dune messiah children dune god emperor d une alter state alien close encount kind dragonslay mist avalon compleat book so wrd lost sword space odyssei odyssei odyssei iii barlow complet guid extratresst i offer and don shy loyd seq uncwil edu amiga tower meg space vxl mhz mhz fpu me g bit ram supra modem soni monitor wangtek meg klipsch speaker ship pair oak finish black grill includ origin p ackag ship firm walter seefeld dawn earli light jackson starkvil reap sown qxr j ackson brown turbografx system for sale for turbografx base unit work control adapt antenna hookup game kieth courag victori run fantasi zone militari mad ba ttl royal legendari ax blaze laser bloodi wolf will sell game separatlei each ca ll mike dai ev eric bosco you eric send email your address lost reconsid kevin typewrit comput interfac item for sale electron typewrit panason memori small lcd displai sell bundl panason comput interfac rpk for thi typewri t you can connect parallel port cabl work perfect even window tty printer great you send letter typewrit stand alon mode pitch and effect underlin bold overstri k built dictionari and charact word line correct ask for typewrit and interfac j org lach sun microsystem comput corpor jorg lach east sun east coast divis chelm sford want summer hous seattl univ washington summer hous need univers washington seattl for place stai for summer univers washington seattl internshi p you uofw seattl kind space for summer sublet send email call expect start inte rnship week june koshi georg georg umass edu koshi georg puffton villag amherst casio kei synth research and price ask bit high casio synthes of fer featur modul creat sound programm adsr envelop for each dca amplitud dcw pit ch vcf and dco waveform vco step for each preset sound memori ram cartridg stubb i kei pitch bend wheel midi port includ manual you want adapt can us batteri lin e cord ram cartridg hold addit sound throw bunch sheet music and plai rock keybo ard christoph holm not insert thi email ear canal termin develop group evil twin blew world trade center data gener corpor and thi stupid sig file westboro inte rnet holm mrx webo window for sale window packag for sale stil shrink wrap ask for will trade us floppi drive leav messag interest slide projector trade for photo equip peopl want bui kodak autof ocu carousel projector don lens remot sell prefer bui projector accessari post a noth new ask for lens fit kodak slide projector will give singer caram singer ca ramet built unremov len built casett player speaker bulb trade for kodak project or lens each projector viewer will equal trade for kodak projector lens depend f ocal length will pai for ship for singer projector viewer sinc don singer projec tor you slr system you don will trade yuesea oscilloscop for sale probe tektronix mhz scope for sale nice sim pl unit learn us school you want plai home thi easi and inexpens nice handl and quit lightweight and easi move will sell probe seper for probe suitabl for thi t ype scope probe not includ price for scope you technic info you will come not sc ope expert and chri camcord soni forsal year model ccd zoom work perfectli tape not that not year ago ship offer gregg weber open and bright sky gregg netcom take s ide cloud concept kun mkhyen klong chen cpu chip for sale articl qobi utdalla edu goyal utdalla edu mohi t goyal write cpu chip for sale ship you pai for refer sell for that cpu correct high that amd start sell clone word intel lawsuit amd absolut thrown court mond ai amd ship chip intel instruct set week chip price floor mark word regard gordo n water clyde gordon bme georgia institut technolog atlanta mountain despair can hew stone hope mlk decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism g atech edu complet system for sale mhz dtk motherboard intel microprocessor intern cach meg ram meg harddriv id control meg floppi drive meg floppi drive s erial port parallel port samsung vga monitor vga graphic card kei keyboard baud intern modem do procomm ver norton util ver variu util upgrad and sell system re liabl and readi never had problem ask you interest respond mail phone tae zeu ta mu edu andrew pin printer for sale pin printer alp allegro fast printer and so phist design straight paper path and capabl auto forward sheet tear and back big paper saver you never wast sheet current print can handl singl sheet remov form fe and sophist prefer option you can interact program prefer control printer and print feedback comput you prompt and menu pick your current setup and default s et thi top line dot matrix bought year ago for epson compat mode and come ibm dr iver softwar never us sinc amiga card slot for upgrad memori font for includ shi p prepaid cod order pai ship and cod cost adisak pochanayon light gun and uforc control for nintendo driver softwar us amiga light gun fulli remot wire offer co st and brand cut jeez never fail tub and rub lamp geni aladdin pochanai cae wisc edu eddi adisak pochanayon check silverfox softwar releas your amiga entertain cut raichl ski boot for sale size pair size raichl flexon comp boot black and yellow good condit for feel free make offer repli crane coral bucknel edu curt roland juno synthes uniden radar detector sale roland juno synth es excel condit great fat analog sound us song jump van halen offer uniden radar detector excel condit don caught cop offer smaller credit card compact for keyb oard email greg park dartmouth edu for radar email rich lee dartmouth edu ciao win do misc softwar make monei for modem take ship not includ pr ice origin document disk includ softwar unregist will letter for transfer owners hip will sell softwar seper purchas greater purchas choic two softwar select foo

tnot window version do version regist letter transfer unregist special offer win dow window resourc kit bound norton desktop for window excel gatewai version doc disk thi real thing ship comput microcouri communuc softwar entertain pack micr opros gunship vga link pro includ bounti golf wing command vengeanc kilrathi str ike eagl risk ega easyflow brand never us quicken franklin languag master not sp ell checker dictionari tsr that pop for do app each word direct link thesauru ib m do total discount your cost call michael dai est leav mail vbreader bush presi d abort recoveri hope for sale for sale each cost includ ship and handl achtung babi j oshua tree immacul collect madonna love hurt cher garth brook garth brook red ho t chilli pepper ooooohhhhh tlc light and shadow wilson us onc never us shrink wr ap email kgc wood ulowel edu comput for sale and amiga time for hous clean upgrad for sale le ad technolog partner sytsem includ mhz intel cpu id drive brand canab system and floppi meg ram vga congrol do hard drive for system style logitech serial track man latest driver amiga rom instal and video ram and addon ram clone ram and clo ck roctec addon disk id disk control includ scsi option quantum scsi drive lot s oftwar simm instal roctec amiga do icd flicker fixer ask for system will part am iga make offer amiga softwar cando textcraft tetri welltri for sword sodam qix c armen sandiego crossword construct kit canadian prototyp replica rom fast file s ystem hypermedia rom contain fred fish disk includ registr card low cost upgrad amiga hardwar refer man amiga vga monitor cabl two joystick each price not inclu d ship contact rich garrett email richg sequent home work ooo rich garrett richg sequent work mive sale updat vh movi for sale kevin costner danc with wolv op en and us onc offer buyer will pai ship for ship you interest and send your offe r thi mail address koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou hiram colleg nubu ntsc genlock card sale comput friend nubu card good for gra phic overlai your video etc appl bit vid card wont sell vid card separ up pai sh ip cheer mike thule roof rack bike accessori for sale thule car rack bike hold er accessori come nissan pathfind bracket you can bui for your car cheap for for live bethesda area for your interest jame old neural system section domain old helix nih gov nind nih bethesda usa updat hard drive vga etc articl crosspost misc forsal comput clo ne author mark wilson post fri apr gmt updat for sale item ship core hard drive model work fine full height reduc mfm control for sell ask price will sell for c ombin style case process sell vga card ask max version ask email mark ocsmd oc u s phone below mark mark wilson onlin comput system email address mark ocsmd oc t hi file disclaim sign signatur mean mark wilson onlin comput system email addres s mark ocsmd oc thi file disclaim sign signatur mean smartcam version for sale and smartcam version for sale purchas august latest version will sell hard drive multi scan monitor paid for softwar a nd for comput includ maintan contract that can updat year for apx per year make offer call for terri calcul for forsal come case manual excel condit ask for interest mail todai hous for sale mercervil post thi for friend not respond hous for sale brockton road mercervil jersei descript beauti bedroom bath cape cod locat larg tastefulli landscap corner fenc lot thi home featur eat kitchen built corn er china closet larg live room wall wall carpet hardwood floor ceram tile foyer and freshli paint neutral tone decor thi home includ central air and heat roof w ater heater aluminum side storm window and door and rockwel insul exterior wall featur partial finish basement entranc and duro shed lot storag space conveni ex tra dishwash washer and dryer ceil fan and window treatment call for appoint ope n hous sundai april call for direct move sale reduc price list thing forsal behalf brother move move offer black and decker duster portabl hand vaccum purchas for dual cassett port abl player band graphic equal high speed dube duo tape tape deck lost trebl soun d bet fixabl purchas for monolux zoom microscop magnif made japan includ case an

d accessori purchas for sunbeam hair dryer dryer you put your head into you you salon don bro had purchas for everylast speed bag leather brand never us oster p usl matic blender speed and cookbook year purchas for binolux binocular extra wi de angl yd case proctor and silex sprai steam and dry iron question contact mail and will repli expedit and not includ thi and lastli reason reason john mac classic mac classic for sale year excel condit includ dustco v freewar sharewar includ font email call bai area forman id thing that real and receiv sun id forman silenc want game player titl bui cheap us gmae player support simultan email offer price rohit move sale reduc price list thing forsal behalf brother move move offer black and decker duster portabl hand vaccum purchas for dual cassett port abl player band graphic equal high speed dube duo tape tape deck lost trebl soun d bet fixabl purchas for monolux zoom microscop magnif made japan includ case an d accessori purchas for sunbeam hair dryer dryer you put your head into you you salon don bro had purchas for everylast speed bag leather brand never us oster p usl matic blender speed and cookbook year purchas for binolux binocular extra wi de angl yd case proctor and silex sprai steam and dry iron question contact mail and will repli expedit and not includ thi and lastli reason reason john case deal lemon sinc you seller buyer bring thi issu for discuss solut case deal lemon understand peopl sell thing net not grant warranti such s ituat that seller not state whether warranti grant not and item receiv order sel ler insist that good condit and return half ofth amount that paid send item back and sure bad thi reason basic seller tell truth posit that not wrong failur thi ng assumpt honest rule possibl that two parti liar hear your opinion directli re spond mail address such risk that you lose monei can make enjoy peopl and not wa st bandwidth chein power suppli two research power suppli seri wire for vac control line sens pwr fail high low margin and current monitor list price research each for qty ask for pair steve glicker austin texa steve titan tsd arlut utexa edu expen iv motorola handheld radio for peanut jeff write motorola expo vhf watt chan offer that motorola worth thi kind thing mystifi price good d ual band fulli synthas motorola ht bullet proof unbreak plutonium base indestruc t you can drive tank and work that come ham will and spend price synthaszi dual bander for channel xtal rig note thi not flame thi good deal for thi rig amaz th at good deal guess that channel xtal rig never worth dual bander ham matter dura bl show you wrong can mike pdy opinion book for sale cheap bui book not ask make offer and will calculu analyt geometri authur simon copyright date below avg condit readabl write good softwar fortran graham smith holt handbook kirszner mandel copyright page write guid algebra trigonometri problem solv approach edit flem and varberg good cond it gener chemistri principl modern applic petrucci fourth edit big book good con dit solut manual for chemistri book paperback studi guid for chemistri book pape rback send your offer email chopin udel edu sam chopin udel edu itprop net etiquett advertis compani junk mail list articl apr l eland stanford edu thomper leland stanford edu dale buford thompson write articl jccg tsoft net you write stuff delet compani maintain mail list regularli rent for stuff delet ted impress that net etiquett not compani us net directli advert is product addit improp etiquett thi product mail list us for gener junk mail co rrect assum thi improp and can penal such improp us dale thompson dale offhand k eel haul work pretti haven had good keel haul long time convers yesterdai and lo ve that phrase for folk flood gui mailbox faq for net etiquitt sort poetic justi c for junk mail gener tom tom testagrossa mail ttesta kali enet dec mail clarend on apt fitchburg phone work voicemail home guitar for sale sega genesi system roommat sell sega genesi system soni c nice condit for obo respond email pathal arizona edu altern email address phal l noao edu and moe ccit arizona edu pat hall mazda pickup colleg pro student painter mazda pickup rebuilt eng in mile transmiss speed mile brake brake calip brand clutch mile profession ladd er rack can hold ladder cylind get mile gallon fog light tach run great inquir w

rite back call will saturdai afternoon and sundai you phone your paint thi summe r thi excel vehicl us andi feigin prodigi rwbp game boi game want for game boi game mail your list and offer yo u game boi you want rid chri move sale move sale sell futon high end oak queen comput desk ro ll top lock secur color perfect cond great for bedroom sold coffe tabl dresser l amp make offer for esther ev dai warrior ticket for sale warrior ticket for sale ticket that can us last pair thi year section row seat dai date oppon time wed sacremento price cost call email you interest ticket lorn johnson lorn sun soni receiv and ten disc changer for sale for sale str audio rec eiv watt per channel dolbi surround sound pro logic learn programm remot watt pe r channel for surround sound support dual room link control hear anoth sourc roo m index file radio station band equil real time analyz for thi unit offer cdp so ni ten disc changer ten disc cartridg custom file your favorit program titl volu m for each disc disc memori remot control fix and variabl volum output optic out put oversampl rate firm purchas item month ago and sell bui hous unit immacul sh ape and price move steven walsh walsh uwp edu indiana jone hint book want for hint book for indiana jone and l ast crusad game for ibm mail call and for orion you don hint book answer questio n plao you beat biff you open valt door you knock secur system car stereo stolen had front panel car stereo stolen thi weekend bui front panel soni car stereo chanc had bodi soni stolen and useless front pan el love bui you you had remov front panel car stereo stolen you forward thi mess ag kri understand that purpos remov front panel make radio useless and discourag theft that cover remov owner and whenev car left cover sold for remark radio or igin cost even sold discourag wouldn great person unhappi bought radio that thin k that remov cover greatli depreci radio and cover sold compani legitim sourc ch eapli you cut you ruin your monitor kenneth rai expert and crc oci and and final rice univers noth for person vh for sale for person made offer for vh movi not sav e mail address thi person week sinc made deal repli movi basic instinct born jul i backdraft princ tide presum innoc dougla kou hiram colleg home base and car unit motorola beeper for sale uniden channel t ransceiv model pro thi home base unit connector for extern speaker and speaker i ntern speaker chanel button anl selector button volum squelch gain tone and mic gain control come mic side mount for mic measur plug into black brand ask ship i nclud midland intern model chanel car unit thi us black silver front come mic po wer cord for cigarett lighter socket gutter mount antena includ easi instal and remov ask ship includ for includ ship uniden alon kmart two will work nice toget h garag and your truck motorola beeper can quit figur model number cost bui usam obil don us thi abyss laserdisc articl crosspost templ forsal author rai lauff r ai astro oci templ edu post wed apr gmt regular cb fox releas wide screen edit m ovi abyss for sale ask includ postag want purchas director cut and unload thi la serdisc two disc unopen minut letterbox email interest rai astro oci templ edu r ai rai lauff templ univers comput servic rai lauff astro templ edu rai lauff tem pl univers comput servic rai lauff astro templ edu photo stuff forsal time clear miscellan lens camera and photo st uff that not us gem mundan minolta len for maxxum camera len guess call demo sin c not literatur box warranti card vivitar convert for nikon lens pretti cute fli p back tang will work manual focu nikon lens and bodi will even coupl and doubl len bodi pentax screwmount len super takumar back mint condit nice hard case for thi len alpex len beautifulli made metal construct fine optic minolta mount ano th hard case that fit thi strap can ad call vivitar flash that made vivitar famo u eclips tilt head remov sensor variabl auto exposur univers roamer fold bellow camera leather case film len kinda cool articul shutter releas decent shape west on lightmet nothin super fanci work and good cross check built meter case and st rap and final gem pentax auto camera len thi and mean tini slr that pentax made interchang lens and find zoom true len view split imag focu and complet auto exp

osur olympu rangefind camera cute camera len built manual auto exposur timer etc thi predecessor and metal won mind hold thi doesn sell olympu flash shoe leathe rett case zuiko len and tokina super dispers len nice mint condit for ding bodi film advanc lever lens perfect and tokina compact and sharp len for set that cle an stuff feel free offer thi stuff cheaper stuff price cover hassl ship for deta il call email alan peterman work qiclab scn rain odd older dai longer year short er softwar forsal lot softwar publish superbas window ocr system re adright for window ocr system readright for do unregist zortech bit compil multi scop window debugg whitewat resourc toolkit librari sourc code glockenspiel imag esoft commonview window applic framework for borland spontan assembl librari sou rc code microsoft macro assembl microsoft window sdk document microsoft foxpro w ordperfect develop toolkit kedwel softwar databoss code gener kedwel installboss instal gener liant softwar view window applic framework sourc code ibm develop toolkit cbtree do window librari sourc code symantec timelin for window timeslip timesheet profession for window softwar book price negoti okidata printer for sale fellow netter okidata printer sell desc ript follow okidata printer includ cabl for ibm compat centron parallel and comm odor round includ power cabl manual and hand comput paper you start thi pin prin ter recent clean printhead and instal ribbon print sampl can provid request thi depend printer never jam weird thing us commodor for year and us wordperfect pos t for driver charg that directli support okidata epson mode printer sell for min e tenex brand for christma present for you interest give ring mail and make offe r kevin harter auction marvel valiant imag dark hors etc auction comic minimum bid set below sell for make offer and will accept highest bid auction complet ti tl minimum current alpha flight jim lee work marvel alien app alien comic prnt k rism twice amaz spider man intro green goblin amaz spider man appear hobgoblin a rcher and armstrong frank miller smith layton aveng appear factor bloodshot chro mium cover bwsmith cover poster daredevil frank miller art begin dark hors prese nt app concret print detect azrael appear intro cypher harbing appear corp matth ei sold corp incred hulk app grei hulk sinc incred hulk mcfarlan issu incred hul k grei hulk seri begin incred hulk dale keown art hulk incred hulk hulk prnt keo wn marvel comic present wolverin silver surfer maxx limit ashcan copi exist blue cover brentb twice sign advanc copi exist mutant mcfarlan cover app cabl cameo mutant app forc mutant annual liefeld art mutant omega men appear lobo omega men full lobo stori power man iron fist appear sabretooth appear sabretooth simpson comic and stori polybag special spectacular spider man app hobgoblin star trek gener feb mini star trek gener oct comic trianglehead special limit edit autogrp h web spider man hobgoblin wolverin web spider man origin rose hobgoblin appear wolverin claw battl sabretooth wolverin sabretooth claim wolverin dad wolverin s abretooth proven not dad wolverin sabretooth wolverin saga conclud wolverin mini seri miller art woman return anim man forc sign liefeld bag forc card forc sign liefeld bag shatterstar card forc sign liefeld bag deadpool card forc sign lief eld bag sunspot gideon comic mint mint condit bag shini polypropylen bag and bac k white acid free board ship for book for book free you order larg amount stuff will haggl thousand and thousand comic you for and can titl post don list issu t hat titl save space geoffrei mason jrm elm circa ufl edu depart psycholog mason webb psych ufl edu univers florida prothan mapl circa ufl edu cd for sale brand each add for postag class that make disc shrin k wrap kathleen battl wynton marsali baroqu duet soni classic david sanborn upfr ont elektra kenni live arista jimmi buffett song you heart greatest hit mca reco rd billi rai cyru gave mercuri vogu funki diva eastwest record not deal bad fellow netter want you that honest and good peopl e ven iowa think that wast space thought you want relief and thief post not that s houldn hear bad deal nice hear good new onc post for sale group mail mark miller request for copi wordperfect for do suggest price phone quot ship that sound fa ir told that send check dai imagin surpris log into account dai and found messag that had sold had mail monei order anoth mail messag apolog and assur that mist ak hold for packag monei letter state transfer licens thi wasn good for wordperf

ect ask fill form problem thought time address fault mail form for signatur and includ workbook that had idea includ deal apolog for not send world word process or and renew hope world that good left recoend that you that mark sell thatat yo u want give call had choic purchas softwar bravo miller kevin harter car stereo stolen articl rice edu xrai rice edu kenneth dwayn ra i write had front panel car stereo stolen thi weekend bui front panel soni car s tereo understand that purpos remov front panel make radio useless and discourag theft that cover remov owner and whenev car left cover sold for remark radio ori gin cost even sold discourag wouldn great person unhappi bought radio that think that remov cover greatli depreci radio and cover sold compani legitim sourc che apli front cover soni check local car stereo shop you will provid unit serial nu mber and hopefulli you had regist warranti card don cost replac peopl damag face cover stand reason that can replac deter theft work for stereo shop refer custo m soni number not sell face peopl ask for face cover pullout sleav for that matt er dishearten find that acquir deck couldn us theft occur deck notifi soni seria l number catch theiv thought michael itprop net etiquett advertis compani junk mail list not improp e tiquett and illeg peopl respons for junk mail evil ahhh iv want that chest aviat headset for sale for sale david clark aviat headset excel condit not even scratch origin packag discov for continu favorit headset thousan d pilot headset advanc amplifi electret microphon frequenc respons specif design match human voic includ durabl univers boom assembl and nois reduct rate nrr we igh includ telex push talk switch ask ship negoti for inform respond afhetzel ne tcom andrew andrew hetzel complet work afhetzel netcom peopl dai ann arbor usa vax price goucher colleg will retir microvax world case hard dri ve port system memori idea can expect for thi machin open market repli privat ti m marshal goucher ffv ampr org advanc tim marshal associ director academ comput goucher colleg baltimor opinion mine alon document manual tell you us program sy stem util version ago and unsupport ibm game for sale sell softwar ship per order game continent can ada contact for ship locat contrapt zack perfect condit unregist doc disk packag puzzl game great anim graphic your tool for fix manufactur plant hidden level a nd you solv puzzl tool and us tool fix machin level huge and span screen graphic cartooni and humor color vga mcga adlib soundblast roland legend kyrandia perfe ct condit unregist doc disk packag adventur you unknow heir throne kingdom kyran dia evil jester murder your parent king and queen and attempt control kingdom th wart spell cast your grandfath and magic user you travel find each magic user ga in us amulet that will you defeat jester beauti graphic and great soundtrack vga mcga adlib sound blaster soundblast pro lapc spirit excalibur virgin mastertron good condit doc disk packag fantasi game combin role plai adventur and combat s imul you heir throne britain arthur di you unit land your rule and defend invad armi north ega tandi mcga vga sound card loom perfect condit unregist doc disk p ackag receiv comput game world award for artist achiev adventur game you plai ro le young weaver music spell you save your fellow weaver oblivion travel land cas t spell learn spell befriend peopl you meet and foil evil plot point and click t ype action game involv cast your music spell vga ega cga mcga tandi adlib cm sou nd dark seed perfect condit us unregist doc disk packag adventur base surrealist and macabr artwork giger inspir for alien alien iii and poltergeist you bought victorian hous bargain seclud town you find that portal dark sinist world your h ous and plot world you you save and your world horribl fate gorgeou and gori hig h resolut graphic vga adlib soundblast conquest japan impress brand us onc unreg ist doc disk packag simul samurai conquest you plai role japanes daimyo lord you control citi japan main island honshu each monei for you bui armi you conquer y our enemi battl fought impress miniatur system you watch individu samurai mount samurai spearmen archer and arquebusi vga adlib hard drive sale seagat scsi hard drive brand full factori warran ti access time mtbf leav mail interest technic book for sale unix netwk repost friend and buch book for sale not us due chang job loss interest etc let gather dust pass us price topic includ program languag unix do window oper system topic gener motif olit xwin n

etwork and digit signal process comput graphic microprocessor and comput archite ctur math softwar engin algorithm softwar test databas expert system list long a nd post will email request list updat and will respond request lucki you interes t drop line alavi ssa uniti ncsu edu nikon and len forsal nikon nikkor and accessori for sale bought thi camera hong kong two year ago and look sell gear financ big film project ask for packag bargain nitendo game want uncl that nephew whenev ask find nitendo game not for super nitendo for model prior that sinc oversea will game you offer send list and price you ask can send nephew and find and want bare will respond will walter walter psg respond directli portland oregon usa walter moral internet wa lter rain pop cd for cd for sale for each postag cd perfect condit michael bol ton time love tender paula abdul forev your girl taylor dayn heart lionel richi compos elvi preslei number hit bobbi vinton greatest hit super hit includ yellow river rose garden for good time make night bojangl sweet mari toke line put you r hand hand stai awhil woodstock silver bird ain time anymor fashion love song i mport includ extend remix and danc mix for you wait aretha franklin georg michae l walk egyptian live mental thi love alison moyet alright you journei rain oran jone dream reo speedwagon shake you gregori abbott fight for ourselv spandau bal let two fire paul young fall love miami sound machin heartach don johnson paintbal gun forsal paintbal gun for sale tippman great condit m icro hone barrel barrel squeegi barrel round sight feeder elbow constant air tan k valv protector and buttplat shoulder strap bushnel sportview scope round ammo box flip top lid barrel plug instruct manual allen wrench contact zborowsk spot colorado edu and make offer victoria hotel room night victoria hotel reserv night mid week s un thur hotel reserv for victoria canada night dai for expir june thi letter cre dit fulli transferr issu hotelco for hotel room number hotel victoria canada hot elco reput hotel book compani that hotel stai low price thi letter credit work f or weekend weekend book solid for summer check hotelco directli for date member hotel us thi letter credit june hotelco can reach bothel regular busi hour you f ind accept reserv date contact for thi letter credit roger bacalzo rbacalzo sier ra home work roger bacalzo sierra geophys kirkland ext kirkland rbacalzo sibu si erra ami pro for sale goyal utdalla edu mohit goyal write lotu ami pr o repli interest you you for phone club address buyer club montval av stoneham d on work for thought good deal pass btw reciv mine dai arriv morgan bullard coewl cen uiuc edu mjbb uxa cso uiuc edu townhom for sale wheaton townhom for sale wheaton briarcliff lak e wheaton north butterfield road call and for harriet bode prudenti realti descr ipt neat care for low mainten starter coach home fine condit locat cul sac move room eat kitchen larg master bedroom spare bedroom dine room live room util room bath applianc stove ga refriger and dish washer garag open washer and dryer gar bag dispos ga water heater year central digit thermostat highlight electr fire p lace live room slide glass door open patio seclud back yard area plenti storag s pace patio storag closet and storag closet garag ceil fan dine room complet remo del bathroom wallpap shower door shower tile etc mini blind for window newer car pet beig year car garag and plenti guest park associ fee includ lawn mainten sno w remov exterior build mainten tax ask price home kiev medium format camera cheaper price agre shutter built tank good camera your price sound reason paid for kiev camera kit good luck thoma hel k egret wet labtec speaker for sale interest bui labtec speaker labtec ampli fi stereo speaker system built amplifi volt input work batteri individu volum co ntrol trebl boost switch great for medium qualiti sound adlib soundblast walkman for includ ship mail richard susanto aduh carson washington edu commodore wonder commodor for sale includ disk drive color monit power suppli great shape softwar joystick baud modem useabl contact doug dlg pr o for sale zenith motherboard post for friend send repli address e nd post attent zenith owner upgrad your mhz class machin perform genuin zenith m otherboard for clone price motherboard and card pop your case keep your exist vi deo and disk control zenith motherboard featur layer post write cach sram dram i nclud accept motherboard ram upgrad superslot run memori bu speed expans slot fe atur zenith bit superslot autodetect bit adapt latest rev setup monitor rom two serial port parallel port secondari fan for improv system cool user guid mainten guid and diagnost disk includ includ insur repli stann aol repli will forward b rian brian shapiro system support specialist ohio univers athen ohio shapiro ouc sac ohiou edu shapirob ouaccvma bitnet star trek ornament hei star trek christma ornament for sale hall mark shuttl craft galileo for christma will sell for that price ship you interes t and question repli give call dang nash metropolitan forsal nash sat for year had run move long dis tanc and thing carri detail car hardtop exterior condit rocker panel rust weld p oint rust typic spot door hing mount point back batteri box etc miss front bumpe r front pan dent weld pop front thi for part solid restor automobil interior con dit miss origin steer wheel smaller aftermarket wheel seat reupholst gener fair condit mechan condit had run not want start ring extra part such complet long bl ock extra steer shaft etc for car that not touch sinc solid shape will work will make good project price thi tough will offer individu will come and you thing t rade such tool toi camera comic card etc easili movabl florida that hit mail add ress elli osu edu home leav messag mike repost tape drive for sale acorn softwar inc tape drive us vm sy stem for sale scsi tape drive and work condit wangdat wangdat compress exabyt sh ip and cod certifi check unit sold and warrante contact you interest dick munro internet munro dmc doyl munro consult inc uunet thehulk munro cox offic hudson f ax connect send mail info dmc find dmconnect soni mhc bookshelf stereo system forsal soni mhc bookshelf stere o system month player tape deck digit graphic equil tuner speaker watt channel t op line soni bookshelf system includ amaz remot that split into two can remot re mot digit displai highest qualiti sound amaz bass not scratch system care origin purchas for tax cash and for sinc monei will sell person highest offer and will accept offer not buyer pai insur ship repli intereset balli holidai health club lifetim memership articl visgraph forr i visgraph forrest aldrich write for sale life time membership balli holidai fit club origin fee paid for thi and sell for membership fulli transferr proper pap erwork includ raquetbal good espre annual fee john for sale cannondal road bike dura ac cannondal road bike bright blue color dura ac speed not sti easili convert spoke wheelset clincher complet bike offer offer will consid thi bike desper time call for desper measur will pa rt write for detail jai ritchi jbr msstate edu for sale appl iig appl iig imagewrit color printer color rgb mon itor drive drive keyboard mous lot disk applic manual and utmost gratif for laptop card laptop connect card part desc remot emul card for to shiba laptop comput part desc easytalk dedic intern modem mnp level for toshiba part desc easytalk intern ethernet card for toshiba laptop expans slot part desc easytalk termin emul for toshiba laptop expans slot interest individu part send email rotella zmax sam comic for sale auction hold auction decid comput price for e ach comic suggest reason price can give not negoti you purchas comic group simpl i email titl and issu you want price for each issu shown besid each comic come s erv bid meet price and can reach thi email address chopin udel edu ravel udel ed u bach udel edu brahm udel edu haggl price lot comic for list for bought comic c omic mint note book grade mile high comic and comic profession collector not lis t incred hulk anoth hulk captain marvel doubl size issu silver surfer thor coast al aveng thing werewolf night copi punish punish war journal ghost rider ghost r ider punish armori origin ghost rider ride reprint ghost rider seri johnni blaze copi origin dream each ghost rider seri print green glow dark cover copi print gold cover glow cover web spiderman copi each hulk copi left spiderhulk copi lef

t deadli foe spiderman copi each amaz spiderman octopu special nacm issu amaz sp iderman doom copi left spiderman silver not bag copi each wolverin copi left war rior gold cover darkhawk superman man steel superman copi each adventur superman annual superman annual armegedon tie action comic aveng west coast hawkey agent batman robin return annual armegedon tie captain america hulk hulk armegedon fo olkil infin gauntlet doubl dragon deathlok seri transform last issu man flame ca rrot ninja turtl comet legend shield justic societi america offici movi mag turt l movi seal jelloman comic robin copi poster print copi each guardian galaxi cop i each copi each superman amaz spiderman overs issu darkhawk copi each copi each thor juggernaut ghost rider thor loki copi each thor annual alpha flight fant m utant last issu forc print copi each print gold cover flash annual men cover eac h for magneto foldout cover uncanni men copi each sold copi left lee reg artist copi left print gold print defend hulk sub marin fantast copi each wolverin cabl copi each silver surfer foil cover copi left aveng origin rage factor quasar gr een lantern copi each toxic aveng copi each sleepwalk copi each kool aid man sea l white bag copi each forc bag cabl card bag shatterstar card nfl superpro stran g hawkworld annual print armegedon tie hawk dove annual armegedon tie justic lea gu america annual armegedon tie send bid and comment chopin udel edu sam comic b ook collector colleg electr engin univers delawar robot modem repli haljordan delphi call robot dual standard bi b aud hst price airlin ticket hare tuscon two round trip ticket hare tuscon amer ican airlin good novemb reason offer refus let start for paid hopefulli can us u s for and don monei worth tuscon mail thi time tripper cbnewsk att butler servic warp rambl crabbi fart mechan pcb design buku cad background work bsc for work shot asic layout tripp tripper cbnewsk att print jack previdi psilink write repli dorothi heydt remind that advertis not internet matter fact make differ almost half million user join int ernet last year commerci busi ban commerci us internet jack differ network for c ommerci purpos and advertis newsgroup busi commun advertis hundr thousand user p lanet desir receiv advertis not pai for internet access constrain innat good tas t and administr guid suspect that site gener larg volum materi not good tast fin d get lot attent didn want you belong public librari that doesn mean you can def ac book disord stack disturb patron you constrain rule that rest user academ and militari irrit network for pai tax and grant monei carri privat busi advertis f ollow secret master not obviou prodigi doubt point internet will becom grotti ca rri advertis that time hope confin newsgroup and not discuss group misc write el izabeth willei sam comic sale low price read hold auction decid comput price fo r each comic suggest reason price can give not negoti you purchas comic group si mpli email titl and issu you want price for each issu shown besid each comic com e serv bid meet price and can reach thi email address chopin udel edu ravel udel edu bach udel edu brahm udel edu haggl price lot comic for list ship for comic for price will determin volum purchas us big heavi box for larg order cost mail for bought comic comic mint note book grade mile high comic and comic profession collector not list incred hulk anoth hulk captain marvel doubl size issu silver surfer thor coastal aveng thing werewolf night copi punish punish war journal g host rider ghost rider punish armori origin ghost rider ride reprint ghost rider seri johnni blaze copi origin dream each ghost rider seri print green glow dark cover copi print gold cover glow cover web spiderman copi each hulk copi left s piderhulk copi left deadli foe spiderman copi each amaz spiderman octopu special nacm issu amaz spiderman doom copi left spiderman silver not bag copi each wolv erin copi left warrior gold cover darkhawk superman man steel superman copi each adventur superman annual superman annual armegedon tie action comic aveng west coast hawkey agent batman robin return annual armegedon tie captain america hulk hulk armegedon foolkil infin gauntlet doubl dragon deathlok seri transform last issu man flame carrot ninja turtl comet legend shield justic societi america of fici movi mag turtl movi seal jelloman comic robin copi poster print copi each g uardian galaxi copi each copi each superman amaz spiderman overs issu darkhawk c opi each copi each thor juggernaut ghost rider thor loki copi each thor annual a

lpha flight fant mutant last issu forc print copi each print gold cover flash an nual men cover each for magneto foldout cover uncanni men copi each sold copi le ft lee reg artist copi left print gold print defend hulk sub marin fantast copi each wolverin cabl copi each silver surfer foil cover copi left aveng origin rag e factor quasar green lantern copi each toxic aveng copi each sleepwalk copi eac h kool aid man seal white bag copi each forc bag cabl card bag shatterstar card nfl superpro strang hawkworld annual print armegedon tie hawk dove annual armege don tie justic leagu america annual armegedon tie send bid and comment chopin ud el edu sam comic book collector colleg electr engin univers delawar stuff for sale music cd inc ship jesu jone doubt resid heaven re m document nymph sad and damn singl tape robert plant solo stuff led zeppelin ts hirt robert plant manic nirvana tour led zeppelin symbol swansong black bob dyla n tour tie dye offer accept mail jac virginia edu calcul card manual box cabl etc month us make offer mike mike je rger internet mjerger cso uiuc edu gre softwar cheap gre softwar for do studywar origin disk manual tutori stuff test exampl and lot retail price offer will pai ship for result yo u graphic displai card ega vga jianq thssjyh iitmax acc iit edu oaklei for sale bull blazer pair oaklei that cost year ago wore don orang and blue and blade kind termin style will sell for respons bull blazer game for sne that perfect condit sell for includ instruct manual john bakerjn s age purdu edu catalog hard find enhanc repost articl kfu tauru np navi mil rpw hite np navi mil rpwhite write andi freeman write joe doll write catalog person comput tool for engin and scien tist list hardwar card and applic softwar packag for class machin focu engin and scien tific applic pc such data acquisit contro l design autom and data analysi and present you free copi repli your postal mail address don bother never come cheap trick for build mail list sell junk mail fl ow indic copi thi catalog front write thi ton qool stuff that impress that not s end browser us advert appear that your not buyer engin not want wast catalog you made worth product purchas decis for compani affili past month alon delici bit ironi interest fraction supplier that suspect mail address peopl pipelin want di scuss sort thing upfront you catalog vip code you and issu that vip code that po lici implement run for thi week silli twit award btw turn that vip code for sort thing you want send mail and put you touch folk applic interview you qualifi an di itprop net etiquett advertis compani junk mail list articl apr l eland stanford edu thomper leland stanford edu dale buford thompson write compan i maintain mail list regularli rent for provid inform and mention that made mone i field don that usenet reserv for uninform specul peopl sell person stuff hous dead pc huge markup unload stuff bought compani retail and commerci activ window util product rang and direct media per name your direct mail market rep thi imp ress that net etiquett not compani us net directli advertis product net not supp os dump ground for free ad reserv for tripe doesn signific improv addit improp e tiquett thi product mail list us for gener junk mail target pai for word manag s end peopl want stuff case junk for rest and transact cost born appropri thi case bankrupt fair correct assum thi improp and can penal such improp us you hold yo ur breath you kill offend messag come your machin and refus send not you turn bl ue andi onkyo integr amp forsal onkyo integr amplifi that rid integra se ri work great not problem ask obo your interest call email thi address make offe r todd todd premo purdu universtii environment engin contax camera system for sale thi post for friend doesn net acce ss you can send repli offic week don expect respons for sale contax camera syste m includ contax quartz slr bodi zeiss planna len yashica len medium size hard ca se item except condit ask price for item list seller attempt sell lot set you ca n negoti that dick jolt jolt husc harvard edu hardwar network manag comput servi c jolt husc bitnet harvard univers scienc center woman that you becom extrem att ract will immedi you that you friend woman david crist apart moscow for rent articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu vslouts

k magnu ac ohio state edu vladimir sloutski write apart for rent downtown moscow room furnish apart nice locat minut walk belorusskaya subwai station walk dista nc kremlin major shop center theater restaur and govern build hmmm interest you mean walk distanc live moscow for year and minut walk belorusskaya subwai statio n cannot walk distanc kremlin hour walk you mean price plan trip not late summer vick victorf sea ucla edu buick centuri estat wagon thi articl gener buggi new reader pocono vacat hous rental for weekli weekli weekend rental brand chalet privat resort commun locat heart pocono mountain chalet bedroom and bathr oom and featur full carpet cathedr ceil live dine room overlook loft stone firep lac wraparound deck countri kitchen applianc and featur numer list custom design and built and tastefulli furnish for comfort adult commun hour secur and offer larg lake sandi beach swim pool tenni court picnic area playground miniatur golf trout stream lake fish team softbal shuffleboard ic skate tobagun run teen danc club hous etc etc recreat facil easi reach vacat home ski resort luxuri hotel n ite entertai pocono intern racewai golf cours park gameland whitewat raft horseb ack ride scenic trail waterfal train ride histor place kind restaur factori outl et mall tourist attract name thi ideal place for famili group vacat weekend geta wai traffic congest and air water pollut and hour york northern jersei and phila delphia for inform call daytim even and weekend text book for sale sell book sell calculu analyt geometri howard anton edit chemistri zumdahl second edit act war behavior men battl richard hol m observ nixon year jonathan schell thing carri tim brien shrapnel heart letter and remembr vietnam memori laura palmer good war oral histori world war two stud terkel make offer you contact koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou hiram colleg want ultima for ibm for ultima for ibm entir packag mean game do c sinc game not want pai lot monei you interest sell thi game respond thi messag comput for sale paolo marc anthoni georgia institut technolog at lanta georgia allegra amd hplab ngp gatech prism internet prism gatech edu voic process for ibm pc sale voic process system for ibm compat item dialog multi line voic process system descript dialog board that process fu nction and call progress analysi for independ phone line simultan featur abil re cord playback autoansw auto dial detect and gener dtmf tone and perform telephon mamag function thi card you can make your comput talk phone line simultan you c an design your answer system program you can build your digit pager busi and ope n busi for voic mailbox come complet manual and demo softwar and program librari for unix and do price list you pai for info send mail contact john rost leav me ssag johnr cactu org send mail item sale receiv award give compani particip promot compani call visual imag attempt cancel order packag arriv not stop and packag not nishika c amera wide angl flesh film car case instruct tape and jewelri vacat voucher baha ma cancun la vega orlando paid for promot packag and vacat voucher gift want sel l make offer for packag you particip award you end pai and strongli that you awa rd you interest item you for cheaper price and make offer flame you reach koutd hirama hiram edu dougla kou hiram colleg want motherboard vga card for motherboard prefer meg ram for vga card will trade extern drive motherboard monochrom monitor game boi combin for libertarian atheist semi anarch techno rat defin tsa cellar org for sale game boi for sale nintendo game boi tetri castlevania a dventur star challeng nemesi plai action footbal link cabl make offer libertaria n atheist semi anarch techno rat defin tsa cellar org for sale us for sale each mark will pai for ship and handl cost you interest mail awakhra phoenix princeton edu that point will figur payment an d mail procedur artist titl robbi robertson storyvil love and rocket love and ro cket jeff lynn armchair theatr elvi costello mighti rose public imag neneh cherr i raw sushi bobbi brown don cruel depech mode black celebr travel wilburi vol ba d compani soul soul vol decad godfath song love and hate paul mccartnei flower d irt simpli red star princ graffitti bridg amer akhra awakhra phoenix princeton e du sega genesi sport game for sale for sale sega genesi includ cabl

manual box control game includ manual and box sonic hedgehog road rash john mad den footbal hockei sportstalk basebal bull laker and playoff john madden footbal hockei super monaco for offer price includ up cod ship send mail erc zabriski b erkelei edu interest eric eric erc zabriski berkelei edu ucbvax zabriski erc for video and video card for ibm that will you watch coax video and will video digit pictur and window and rca for card and displai do app heard sne and genesi copier that will copi game for real messag post outlan ersi edmo nton hst and bi you spring clean sale time onc clean closet stuff for offer isn read carefulli make offer depart wordperfect upgrad copi includ disk and upgrad manu al offer balanc power edit for amiga manual and reg card offer for sale depart t echnic model auto revers open reel stereo tape deck auto revers thi deck record tape cassett deck not good for splice type edit us effect tape studio applic for master and work great and ip speed support reel dual light meter record indic f ull auto revers capabl and mechan work adjust sound sound and socket for remot c ontrol don you find us make vac unswitch outlet thi unit excel condit and had re built onc sinc work perfectli price offer trade below panason printer pin dpi re solut text and graphic mode warranti card manual usual stuff you expect bui merc handis sell printer thi wide carriag version test print request price trade exca libur custom pool cue brass joint irish linen wrap us tip will hold for cue and don thi hit nice straight and excel condit price trade imperi hard case butt sha ft for addit trade thing and cash you want trade straight across list amiga rom upgrad prefer do and workbench meg agnu chip for amiga amiga hard drive and cont rol prefer scsi ibm compat hard drive and control not mfm thi touchi full height and don room for swap and will trade good deal intel similar extern high speed modem thi not complet list close you track thi list not interest thi point email respons pink floyd rpm singl for sale rpm singl for sale collect inch re cord pictur sleev price not includ postag for record for two etc pink floyd lear n fly columbia promo pictur sleev water roger sunset strip columbia promo pictur sleev water roger sunset strip columiba promo water roger inform columiba promo you interest contact michael mchugh mmchugh andi bgsu edu roll stone rpm singl for sale rpm singl for sale collect inch re cord pictur sleev price not includ postag for record for two etc roll stone nerv ou brakdown london pictur sleev roll stone jumpin jack flash london pictur sleev roll stone mother helper london pictur sleev roll stone paint black london pict ur sleev you interest contact michael mchugh mmchugh andi bgsu edu northwest air tix save flight northwest air tix save flight cred it northwest airlin us nov charg chang ticket will sell for can us for northwest flight don will refund cash contact tallen corp tom allen sam viru clinic mac softwar for sale origin sam symantec antivir u for macintosh for sale come program disc and user manual will work and disc dr ive sell for make offer includ postag respond michael mchugh mmchugh andi bgsu e du rpm singl for sale complet list rpm singl for sale collect inch record pictur sleev price not includ postag for record for two etc beach boi bar bara ann capitol pictur sleev beach boi califonia girl capitol pictur sleev beac h boi fun fun fun capitol pictur sleev beach boi girl onc knew capitol pictur sl eev beach boi capitol pictur sleev beach boi rock roll rescu capitol promo pictu r sleev beach boi grow man capitol pictur sleev beatl happi danc you capitol pic tur sleev doctor medic burn promo pictur sleev gener public noth promo pictur sl eev go lip seal pictur sleev lennon john instant karma shine appl pictur sleev l ennon john mind game appl pictur sleev madonna open your heart sire promo mccart nei paul come columbia pictur sleev mccartnei paul mull kintyr capitol pictur sl eev mccartnei paul stranglehold capitol promo pictur sleev mccartnei paul wonder christmastim columbia pictur sleev mercuri freddi born love you columbia promo pictur sleev pink floyd learn fly columbia promo pictur sleev queen kind magic c apitol promo pictur sleev ramon sheena punk rocker sire promo pictur sleev roll stone nervou brakdown london pictur sleev roll stone jumpin jack flash london pi ctur sleev roll stone mother helper london pictur sleev roll stone paint black l

ondon pictur sleev starr ringo photograph appl pictur sleev starr ringo your six teen appl pictur sleev talk head road sire promo pictur sleev water roger sunset strip columbia promo pictur sleev water roger sunset strip columiba promo water roger inform columiba promo you interest contact michael mchugh mmchugh andi bg su edu game men for sale sell men for for ship email get denni neal dln eal cbda apgea armi mil turbografx system for sale turbografx base unit work control ada pt antenna hookup game kieth courag victori run fantasi zone militari mad battl royal legendari ax blaze laser bloodi wolf will sell game separatlei each your k id man man you can bui system for electron boutiqu and game brand you that price you monei wayn state univers steve teoli cass av detroit steve busop cit wayn e du midi keyboard roland synthplu voic polyphon fulli programm analo g synthes full size kei midi memori store patch built speaker connector midi inp ut expans pedal head phone tape load save patch shift pedal hold output ask harm on mp ohio state edu want mile walk articl crosspost rec art book author mark wilson post wed apr gmt for book paperback lent copi and forget made that pronoun perma n indetermin for two copi titl mile walk and stori unsur hyphen and exact subtit l author harri kemelman author rabbi mysteri collect short mysteri stori email m ark ocsmd oc call number below mark mark wilson onlin comput system email addres s mark ocsmd oc thi file disclaim sign signatur mean mark wilson onlin comput sy stem email address mark ocsmd oc thi file disclaim sign signatur mean forsal steyr parabellum for sale steyr parabellum thi excel hand gun for time buyer experienc handgunn excel condit never had misfir make steyr m odel parabellum magazin round barrel hard chrome plate insid and for long term d urabl and wear resist fix mount price obo come magazin origin owner manual conta ct ahmad ihlpm tarq weekdai want id hard drive and vga monitor mail wysiwyg word processor for do hei upgrad laptop window capabl do n do word processor anymor great word processor easi us undemand system and wysi wyg edit mode thi word perfect doesn and ask ship even come hundr dollar free ut il for full featur wysiwyg word processor perfect for laptop lower power machin check thi wysiwyg mode edit word perfect thi graphic import scale and resiz come free art scalabl font typefac includ indent screen printer below for info font gener line spell check and thesauru below for info great level outlin multipl co lumn dual document open and edit line and box draw search and replac cut copi in sert and past document and insid document justif control resett margin tab and l ine space savabl layout header footer page number tabl content multipl ruler doc ument mail merg includ free util publish powerpak font engin thi pf write scalab l font size support for screen write and printer even pin dot matrix great come typefac support subscript and superscript grammatik grammar and style checker co me quick refer card for easi us help punctuat and usag intern correctspel englis h and roget electron thesauru dictionari and thesuaru pack publish publish ameri can hertiag dictionari you can trust your word can you trust clickart busi imag sampler clickart librari perfect for import into pf write document bought thi pr oduct year ago for easi us and turn great document even dot matrix printer you w ant wysiwyg edit for your do comput pf write come full document registr card box good condit and disk for pf write and grammatik and clickart disk util pf write come worth alon for full featur real bargain buyer pai ship respond email carol an owlnet rice edu call bryan dunn vcr cassett gener tube tester lawn spreader for sale vcr samsung basic head machin problem load tape plai and record fine remot miss make offer cassett deck pioneer head servo control dolbi thi top line close year ago rewind doesn work fine servic owner manual includ offer gener vac watt voltmet duplex outlet engin drive full output manufact master mechan burlington wisconsin make offer eico model tube tester make offer lawn spreader scott precis flow model dr op type excel condit ideal for smaller yard make offer craig dai home printer and game for sale for sale printer excellect work condit

postag game lost file sherlock holm origin box and content us time and unregist postag iterest email email caldwel epcot spdc and will hold for you polk forsal pair polk for sale brand never open craigb rpi edu apart for rent russia apart for rent downtown moscow room furnis h apart nice locat minut walk belorusskaya subwai station walk distanc kremlin m ajor shop center theater restaur and govern build earli june call send mail vslo utsk magnu ac ohio state edu item for sale item for sale price list offer kfc svga monitor in terlac screen warranti brand baud compuadd modem box doc softwar cga monitor cga parallel card sco unix unlimit user base and extend util and turbo turbo comple t refer book serial card serial port joystick button id control serial parallel and game port each for ralf want singer featherweight for singer featherweight sew machin bl ack sew machin black case contact mari flagl lee mlf unlinfo unl edu basebal card for sale roberto clement topp basebal card for sale mint condit close mint condit you can list for recent basebal card pricelist fo r offer for and pai certifi postag ship you respond jack sendak offic wang ext m aryland nth engin graphic card nth engin graphic card for sale driver fo r autocad displai list proccess hardwar will highest reanabl offer charl paschal total support comput system tampa paschal tsc fax mail post offic box tampa flo rida novel novel that will sell for can upgrad for novel complet docu ment network card card charl paschal total support comput system tampa paschal t sc fax mail post offic box tampa florida roland juno synthes uniden radar detector sale synth us jump obe rheim watch video kevin high end car stereo for sale note thi post for friend not repli account direct repli scott burk scott sparcom alpin shuttl paid want obo alpin r emot changer control paid want obo boston proseri subwoof box paid want obo equi p month and includ full replac year warranti origin point purchas subwoof box cu stom design fit back bronco and send repli scott sparcom scott burk project lead er sparcom corpor corval scott sparcom telephon fax wait for nut brett barksdal brett porki oc orst edu for sale misc ibm stuff intern low densiti disk drive monochrom monitor motherboard built parallel and serial port built mono and color output m hz libertarian atheist semi anarch techno rat defin tsa cellar org book forsal regard steve steve shapiro view and opinion express sk comput consult inc and offer steve shapiro fidonet org bb question suggest for read pari thi transact will cod thi parti e xercis amount trust fit cod fine buyer open box find paid for brick seller for p erson check us cod fine till stop payment made method protect buyer and seller s ort transact even merchant and custom problem stolen credit card chargeback retu rn polici and get wrong item etc protect busi you trust for jeff jeff freeman po rch toll free front porch comput voic box fax chatsworth compuserv internet jfre eman frontporch win net car for sale mikefran wed apr edt articl csc gener newsgroup for sal gener gener csc gener path wam umd edu mikefran mikefran wam umd edu michael franci subject car for sale messag apr wam umd edu keyword volkswagon scirocco sender usenet wam umd edu usenet new system nntp post host rac wam umd edu organ workstat maryland univers maryland colleg park distribut csc date wed apr gmt v olkswagon scirocco gold exterior and interior speed transmiss stereo cassett sun roof engin good condit tire work front left control arm damag caus pothol run as k obo email mikefran wam umd edu transmitt tube eimac transmitt linear amplifi tube unus origin p ackag open and inventori guarante thi tube oper and observ and paperwork unus tr ansmitt test offer dave medin phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt ingr huntsvil uunet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine m achin expen iv motorola handheld radio for peanut agent write can long

er us japanes kenwood yeasu icom alinco junk not quit that agre that motorola ge ar qualiti question that qualiti worth ham amateur servic not commerci servic th i radio can hear repeat that mile antenna great that come good good and will pai for good ham qualiti commerci qualiti increas reliabl and perform worth time pr ice amateur servic individu involv can answer that question and each ham decid f or motorola qualiti worth time price you power amaz that folk make that choic fo r that spend pick yaesu and nice rig time motorola alon matter good ham qualiti gear good each mike pdy opinion attent super nintendo and genesi player read thi pleas announc r evolutionari devic that you copi super nintendo and genesi game floppi disk plai floppi disk cart thi independ system that interfac your sne genesi featur store multipl copi cart save game disk save disk save your posit sne game that don no ral save featur switch your sne into slow motion mode us code unlimit live and c heat game multi game hunter capabl copi sne and genesi game cart standard ibm fo rmat floppi disk game can plai directli floppi disk note not requir full color s creen icon and menu make oper for mgh simpl that even child oper option can sele ct simpli choos select game control and pressin button add game saver adapt your system for game plai power game saver you save your posit disk almost sne game reload your save posit time enabl slow motion featur for tough game for control game plai game finger softwar game finger softwar can give you unlimit live warp you level your favorit sne game bring back life frustrat game you program asm c ode you can creat your sne demo game mgh includ base unit disk drive high densit i drive megabit ram sram adapt and come readi hook your game system thing not in clud power suppli you can pick radio shack for disclam custom assum respons for us and misus thi product encourag condon us thi product for softwar piraci thi d evic intend solei for make legal backup copi nintendo sega give offici endors pr oduct describ email for info make purchas dak shorwav radio digit tune shorwav radio alarm clock and prese t per band and band ask shppg repli for detail pete mwieu cmuvm cmich edu portabl color hei color watchman soni for sale total and screen diagon wide tall year ago for ask obo vhf and uhf switch for channel slot for au dio video vcr cord provid slot for phone slot for adaptor adaptor provid slot fo r extern antenna intern antenna provid switch manual tune volum bright and hue b atteri run batteri provid us email interest dave white toyota camri sell sell toyota camri car sunroof cassett ra dio cruis control etc mile white red interior car excel condit locat paramu area offer interest call oaklei for sale item want heya pair oaklei forsal frogskin aurbo rn red scratch and us onc twice last summer for dollar give bid for item bubbl j et printer that work and cheapo for cannon bubbl jet sell spend sound card sound blaster compat fer cheap such dollar whirlei address whirlei sage purdu edu xlt handheld radio scanner xlt handheld radio scanner reciev pol ic fire ambul aircraft cordless and cellular phone etc unit origin condit and co me manual power suppli and batteri charger price austin harri aharri athena uga edu want origin shanghai for for shanghai solitair game mahjongg til e for you copi lai send email richg sequent ooo rich garrett richg sequent work vh movi for sale didn mcdonald sell copi danc wovi for not long ago sell babe toyland scott baio version and even forgett video drive mcrib mcch icken and copi debbi mcdalla you want fri and napkin that bob rrb cabal vcu edu thi post start studi and us floppi disk for sale brand shrinkwrap box floppi disk tha t sell disk box floppi disk box floppi disk misco sell disk for for box ten and sell disk for for box ten will offer can for disk box you want quantiti floppi d isk that peopl get rid due upgrad newer drive system disk us and label good phys ic shape make guarante qualiti disk statist quantiti make type singl side doubl densiti soft sector byte record memorex singl side doubl densiti soft sector byt e record will accept offer receiv for disk and will sell amount minimum box ten offer disk throw disk sell head clean kit for disk drive for will offer can sale final prefer ship cod and add ship cost total order cost send mail formula athe

na mit edu interest address ronald duff phone home lamplight drive work mit room shrewsburi internet formula athena mit edu want flight de moin chicago flight ticket de moin chicago send y our repli jasonlim iastat edu thi account you car audio forsal car audio product for sale kicker stillwat desi gn kicker seal box box manufactur direct kicker instruct ask ship kicker stillwa t design kicker subwoof instruct ask ship sold pair kenwood kac amp watt ohm sta bl box instruct includ ask ship sell item for friend internet access you can mai l call mike metalio foxfir car amp forsal car audio system item soni head unit radio pullou t max dolbi control soni changer disc track select track disc scan repeat shuffl plai featur auto revers logic control preset strong station memori preset scan tuner monitor seek manual tune mono stereo and local switch metal tape compat fa der orig soni cdx disc changer oversampl dual convert singl clock design featur beam laser spring and silicon charg suspens system horizont vertic mount pin din connector disc magazin connect cabl thd orig ask for radio control and changer problem unit and good condit radio and changer will sold togeth two coustic amp channel bridgeabl into ohm thd channel into ohm thd channel into ohm thd ohm sta bl featur pwm switch power suppli protect circuit orig ask each unit good work c ondit and us suppli power sub can demonstr power rate you interest item question drop mail foxfir access digex comput stuff for sale comput hardwar work fine last time check t andi extern floppi drive cabl us softwar softwar includ origin manual even regis ter card per onal financi account financi statement balanc sheet incom expens et c ainsworth keyboard trainer type teacher easi work tri pack includ filer databa s store kind inform planner spreadsheet writer easi us word processor great for simpl calcul work process etc book insid norton util revis and expand bradi book author rob krumm introduct peter norton maker norton util includ detach quick r efer card norton util show you norton util standard edit norton util advanc edit norton command norton editor norton disk doctor peter norton line guid book tha t full justic power and varieti norton util softwar peter norton price origin as k turbo pascal express revis disk readi run assembl languag routin that make tur bo pascal faster power and easier us equip determin routin and access expand mem ori extens keyboard and mous input function extrem fast video facil includ text graphic routin for fanci menu and window routin for bit oper and data compress r outin for elabor printer control format and error recoveri power routin for sear ch directori tree and displai tree diagram detail inform write assembl routin fo r assembl languag programm origin price ask hard disk power jamsa disk util two disk complet guid hard disk effici power techniqu for maximum perform understand your hard disk work beneath surfac origin price ask price not includ ship price negoti contact jian mail jlz sonata purdu edu prefer you interest jian liang zh en lifeform extinct planet jlz sonata purdu edu scienc advanc our do window desq view unix usr hst extern for sale robot hst extern modem includ power adap t user guid and quick refer card call voic talk herb qmpro dog come you call cat answer machin for sale window shade kirsch pull window shade white light filte r wide high can cut width brand unopen qualiti vinyl coat cotton mount bracket i nclud bought pennei rajaram sun porsch post for friend porsch thi vehicl todai book list thi veh icl perfect option includ paint leather interior sunroof and low mile call for f rank and let negoti trade consid forsal trade id forsal trade trade id westren digit error bad se ctor access time kilobyt per second transfer rate work comput for trade sega gen esi pair sub woffer souround sound stereo reciev kind electorn equip you elector in equip almost kind computr car home equip you want make offer trade player ect you interest trade email rogess sage purdu edu brand toner for sale cheap for sale brand hewlett packard toner cartridg model number sell thi toner recent bought brother printer and toner tha t sell activ toner end return printer store not back toner thi toner us print pa

ge and perfect condit will protect for shipment that toner escap come origin pac kag and manual toner compat laser printer that model number toner sell your manu al will work for you will not below will pai ship anywher continent unit state y ou interest leav email call kirk peterson anytim you ibm softwar for sale cheap for sale softwar packag for ibm and c ompat comput wing command delux edit includ secret mission includ origin packag manual and disk includ registr card you can send and regist your name origin pri ce for wing command origin price for secret mission origin price for secret miss ion total origin price ask price for game togeth wing command and secret mission battl and flight simul set space includ standard fun thing flight simul take an d land carrier fly and battl simul lot fun ibm compat and dual floppi hard drive requir winwai resum for window includ origin packag manual and disk origin pric e ask price winwai resum resum write program for window excel program job and ru n window interfac make easi us you answer question and print result minut you be autifulli and profession design resum ibm window instal and free hard disk space requir typefac includ origin packag manual and disk origin price ask price type fac packag typetyp font famili for total twelv font for window font includ marqu crystal and architech and ital bold and bold ital version includ font uniqu fon t softwar includ packag font can us morefont typefac program adob type manag tru etyp geowork express publish and coreldraw ibm window and hard disk requir you w ant us typefac truetyp format for format ibm and hard disk program list requir y ou interest program leav email call kirk peterson anytim don answer leav messag answer machin and call you back will pai ship program anywher continent unit sta te you genesi cart forsal post for friend call steve interest sega gene si game for sale origin box origin manual approxim month john madden footbal ele ctron art obo ecco dolphin sega obo post for friend interest call steve disk for sale full size seagat scsi disk for sale model thi bran d disk never us format send your offer lohia bharat aux appl raj saturn for sale saturn spd mile cruis ab air bag cassett anti th eft excel obo spd compact part trade damien berger berger ed hobiecat special for sale hobi cat special good condit trailer c atbox right system extra boat garag natick mile east boston contact rclar ctp ca ll for sale complet commun card for ibm voicemail modem fax complet commun latest ver box work do window card you fax voicemail and modem auto swit ch line handl fax voicemail and modem commun dollar and you pai ship optonica tuner and integr amp forsal optonica tuner and integr a mp that longer us integr amp section not work not cost fix that chip us preamp a nd work great thi nice and built set low profil amp heavi tuner fine work condit and match amp amp rate peic for obo for pair knowledg anough fix amp had estim that cost part email you interest will move back home for summer and will sell b ack not todd todd premo purdu universtii environment engin onkyo integra seri integr amp for sale onkyo integr amplifi that rid work great integra seri not problem ask obo your interest call email thi ad dress make offer todd todd premo purdu universtii environment engin honda accord honda accord light brown door power window power br ake power lock power steer power antenna cassett total cloth interior nice mile excel condit sell quit job back school blue book idaho ask obo email bartmich cw i isu edu phone pocatello idaho michael barta amiga send email electron student bartmich cwi isu edu rom sale find peopl interest get rom below list price you intere st send mail and can guarante thi price you not local will ship cost and cod cos t you prefer ship that marcu american busi phonebook do anim do anim mpc audoban bird do audoban mammal do barnei bear school do bibl librari do bibl and religi on do book list do britannica famili choic do britamrica select do busi econom d o busi background do busi master do carmen san diego lwhere mpc plai launch do r om softwar jukebox do cia vorld taur do chess master mpc do classic col lection do clipert goliath do coloss cookbook do delorm atla usa win desert storm mpc de athstar arcad battl do dictionari languag do educ master do electron home librar

i do famili doctor do famili encyclopedia compton do famili encyclopedia compton mpc game master do game pack do golden immort do great citi world do greet citi world mpc great citi world do great citi world mpc grolier encyclopedia do grol ier encyclopedia mpc guiness disc do ham radio do inform usa do island design do jet prop do jone fast lane do mp kgb cia world fact book do king quest do mpc l ibrari futur do loom do mpc wizard mpc macmillan kid dictionari mpc magazin rack do majest place do mavi beacon teach type mpc mix mother goos do mpc monei mone i monei do monkei island do oak stand do solar system do presid do publish do re fer librari do secret weapon luftwaff mpc sherewar game do sherewar overload do sher holm consul det mpc sleep beauti do srd softwar bundl titl stellar do mpc s tori time interact do rom collect do time magazin almanac current do time tabl h ist sci innov do ton gig do typefont do total basebal do atla automap do histori do world atla do mpc war civil war do wild place do wing ultima do mpc world vi ew do mail mkbaird david wheaton edu mkbaird david bitnet uunet net voic interne t mkbaird david uunet net mail mkbaird david wheaton edu mkbaird david bitnet uu net net voic internet mkbaird david uunet net minolta forsal minolta len for sale good condit ask rupin dang d artmouth edu panason answer machin forsal auto logic panason answer machin du al cassett system will includ cassett and power adaptor excel condit ask accesso ri comput item rochest area swell item for sale comput stuff lotu s tudent edit for do thi that standard releas not worksheet size limit column row translat facil for import data packag and student edit not write file that can a ccess releas includ manual origin distribut diskett and kei board templat subaru servic manual thi not complet set includ section cover mechan compon suspens wh eel axl steer brake pedal control cabl heater ventil air condit bodi bodi exteri or door window seat seat belt interior instrument panel and electr engin electr system bodi electr system wire diagram and troubl shoot genuin subaru issu manua l for model year plenti good inform that appli year miscellan darkroom equip sol ar enlarg object lens easel and timer neg carrier for and misc print mask develo p tank thermomet trai constant temperatur bath ground glass mirror darkroom lamp glasswar cheap tripod and beauti antiqu buffet solid cherri veneer handmad inte rest dovetail corner drawer built not gaudi cover gew gaw simpl eleg piec furnit ur big long tall deep for cape cod hous will deliv pricier item anywher rochest area and will deliv will deliv uofr campu and graduat call mail paul mari south rochest plkg uhura rochest edu simm for sale pin for mac includ ship camera bag for sale larg pad cordura bag maker unknown nge exter ior black strap and interior pocket lid compart lid overlap intern divid can rep osit held bronica system metz flash etc small nikon shoulder bag sold shipp smal l nikon belt pouch khaki similar design armi ammo pouch belt clip etc hold flash small zoom len cleaner etc domk belt pouch black metal loop you want attach str ap velcro closur similar concept bigger hold zoom flash small accessori etc us c ost origin will sell for coast camera bag tan brown strap main and front pocket can hold slr small zoom flash film etc matl gore tex don term payment advanc mon ei order bank check cash buyer pai ship up for send adequ address mail envelop p ad recommend postag entitl opinion goldberg oasi navi mil imagin import knowledg albert einstein entitl opinion goldberg oasi navi mil imagin import knowledg al bert einstein bare micron system bare mean you case power suppli and motherboa rd ram and coprocessor add you case power suppli standard desktop case watt powe r suppli usual connector room for floppi hard drive visibl two intern motherboar d made micron slot motherboard intel mhz cpu sram cach ram simm worth alon cyrix math coprocessor worth alon norton rate latest version phoenix bio not post ema il can taiwanes superclon for includ free toaster you can find cheaper brand boa rd even break sweat micron cpu command hundr dollar premium made us high qualiti compon and reliabl and compat oem system sold gatewai and zeo point past check ad back page byte magazin you want thi price differenti for price complet you do n want case and power suppli board fulli guarante email for detail for question

david ruggiero jdavid halcyon seattl home moss peopl nintendo game forsal and dead nintendo forsal nintendo control d eck two control and gun control grip attach ne will connect composit monitor aud io and video rca input jack and repair offer game for sale tecmo basebal techmo bowl doubl dribbl wayn gretzki hockei golf super mario duck hunt toobin spelunk tecmo super bowl total give you for offer and throw control deck accept offer fo r each game oldest two year year tom warn signatur construct enter your risc for sale urei band equal urei band mono equil for sale thi unit record studio standard for year pretti straightforward unit balanc in and out po wer suppli cap recent replac and ad xlr connector can easili remov you prefer mo unt bracket case unit good shape and sonic clean ask up ship for gener make offe r tod treganowan comput and inform servic univers pittsburgh work home music for macintosh set person studio for cheap sampler rack key board cheap sound card audiomedia similar cheap rel mfm control want friend bui mfm control you for sale you contact email ehud ehud eng umd edu eoentung cbi for sale for sale absolut and origin pack artist album origin sa le price price madonna immacul collect pet shop boi discographi you interest pl contact parikhma ucunix san edu parikh stealth vram sale item brand stealth vram color card meg displai price come instal disk turbo window driver bit color halo desktop imag bit for window advanc autocad acceler includ big pictur complet manual interest mail sun bum cori berkelei edu for sale for sale jon bon jovi jersei boomerang soundtrack polic breath you mail rtsbangi memstvx memst edu toyota camri super delux toyota camri top line vehicl blue book ask mile auto transmiss own meticul automobl mechan call for bob post for friend car for trade titl bout grasshopp remot control car for sale tra de featur race engin instal origin includ set tire futaba channel radio servo re ceiv bodi completli refinish great shape batteri and charger thing you run box f ast haven run thi thing long time had dai check and listen cash offer interest t rade for extra storag for comput you and interest trade drop line id hard drive meg wide tall scsi hard drive meg wide tall scsi tape backup make size scsi rom baud modem extern leav offer question email lgibb nyx edu want xapshot digit camera want cannon xapshot digit camera inter est make xapshot familiar composit output and approx pictur per disk capabl you for sale you cheap place order leav email lgibb nyx edu vga card meg want meg memori and support re even higher will pin port and support ega cga that will pai ship for knoe thi ailin balli holidai health club lifetim memership articl access digex net access digex write articl visgraph forri visgraph forrest aldrich write for sale life time membership balli holidai fit club origin fee paid for thi and sel l for membership fulli transferr proper paperwork includ raquetbal good espre an nual fee sinc life time membership you won worri your life trei arthur csc nasa langlei aerospac engin hampton arthur larc nasa gov nikkor forsal nikkor zoom len excel condit version sell thi ask offer nikon and len forsal sold remain minolta len ricoh camera zoom l en ident featur nikon great condit inquir low price vh tape brand fuji high qual iti inquir mhz mhz amp mtr for sale equip for sale kenwood mtr concept mtr amp hamtron class continu duti mhz watt watt amp price includ ship insur for add it inform contact address below dave admir david ryan der anomali sb uunet rayss d anomali der sega genesi for sale trade game gear sega control panel super ma naco catrridg regular control turbo control adapt cabl stereo cabl carri bag shi p trade game gear and game mail you feel interest you bill for sale high gualiti conif oil russia ton ton inguiri address e ridan chuvashia for sale high gualiti conif oil russia ton ton inguiri address e

ridan chuvashia amiga for sale for sale amiga commodor amiga offer ram intern fl oppi drive detach keyboard button mous commodor amiga offer ram intern floppi dr ive button mous rgb monitor offer extern floppi drive offer call brian dickman s end mail dickman con huei millersv edu want video equip repost for work dock deck deck that back camera for jvc tube video camera format accept send messag you even deck for interest video equip for sale profession consum you bbate pro freedom van pro freedom bb network and offic equip long repost lower price post lower price make offer that interest compani associ close inventori and offic equip quan it em descript price addit novel user version offer netwar advanc netwar tt sft sys tem fault toler level rememb disk duplex mirror sell transact track fault for to ler file system etc for manual alon user foot and half shelf space hay lanstep h ay peer peer lan starter packag oper system and email netbio compat expand user unopen canon great copi machin make great copi toner reduc enlarg etc good condi t bargain end item bytex ringout token ring cabl and mau test and certif tool th i standard handheld test unit us larg compani such coca cola and american expres s certifi physic layer current retail price demo microtest lanmodem excel modem server for novel network support remot lan node indial modem pool and lan lan as ynchron rout ethernet version current retail price microtest lanport standalon e thernet print aui server for novel network intel netportii base thi origin retai l brand microtest lanport bnc microtest lanport bnc microtest lanport aui microt est lanport aui lpt microtest lanport bnc lpt token ring mau port ibm clone mila n mil aui baset mini transceiv qm smartwrit laserjet compat laser printer ppm dp i base canon engin serial and ibm twinax port emul epson ibm proprint diablo and qume download font reliabl ibm quietwrit quiet letter qualiti printer sheet tim e feed extra ribbon cartridg ibm tractor feed for quietwrit ibm compat misc comp at comput pc limit origin dell comput tech come hard disk floppi monochrom video card keyboard and memori ibm compat origin ibm turbo clone clone brand includ t andon acer and everex standard equip hard drive and floppi amber monitor for ibm compat monochrom ttl type brand vari includ samsung magnavox and adi want stai local hard ship ibm green monitor ubiquit ibm displai monochrom ttl type local z enith zfl laptop full size and full travel keyboard compat backlit supertwist di splai dual floppi accton ethercoax bit bnc ethernet interfac card for compat thi unit nice made us surfac mount clone ubiquit western digit box disk western dig it real mccoi version driver for us surpris perform for bit card dma hassl hedak a modem intern for compat box almost work fine hay intern intern real hay modem for compat untest term ship extra usual offer price fair thi equip test and work perfectli note contact email follow wet netcom hoptoad wet for sale system printer obo commodor epson homewrit pin printer disk drive joystick mous lotsa softwar game and app rapid fire joystick adapt ye ar obo ommon pchang sunysb edu ens state univers york stoni brook ngineer marvel comic for sale cover price comic for sale marvel and majo r comic cover price buyer pai ship ship cost will vari quantiti you bui reason o ffer will consid punish each punish each regular seri factor annual silver surfe r print each forc ghost rider each mutant each marvel comic present each you sen d repli uicvm uic edu noel lorenzana comic for sale miscellan comic for sale rid for lack space buyer pai ship and offer consid and purchas post get free maxx coupon trash copi amaz spidei deathlok each annual special sleepwalk set each men rai deathstrok each darkhawk warrior fantasti moon knight each hulk each punish cage forc silver sab l calibur each heart dark infin guantlet each batman pred each delux guardian ga laxi spider man set spec spider man special hologram you bui address uicvm uic e du noel lorenzana newtek video toaster link for sale bout dozen newtek video toast er link connect mac and video toaster list street price like can sell for includ ship anywher factori shrinkwrap tax california mail rebop call you info toaster and toaster accessori and system compon bob uliu rebop keyboard want bui work keyboard for system prefer layout spend d avid want avion equip for good deal us aviat headset mic handheld nav tranciev portabl gp loran navig repli call don wake night worker hous you call dai can understand you want your employ pai for call jai snyder jai gdx uunet vo gon compnect gdx jai thi your brain unix gdx bb worldblaz thi your brain drug ms do unix and msdo file area xenix bin jai snyder jai gdx uunet vogon compnect gdx jai thi your brain unix gdx bb worldblaz thi your brain drug msdo unix and msdo file area xenix bin star trek to novel packag read recent interview trip wait dai ha re month ago wait storm york price phoenix fate phoenix memori prime packag for trade for good us gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei for sale ultrabot game electron art ultrabot game for sale book and origin disk origin box offer contact unpingco raman ucsd edu synopt lan for sale trade synopt model lan concentr never us ori gin pack each unit port for mbp ethernet connect includ power suppli manual brac ket hardwar for rack you can setup lan unshield twist pair utp telephon wire uni t trade for hardwar email jerri ciz rose phone hr dai week roseread enter rose r osemail rosenet usenet gatewai rose media clone for sale for sale ibm compat person comput do brand acer a g year spec ram meg hard drive floppi drive color monitor baud usrobot intern mo dem bundl load softwar word process commun spreadsheet game good comput that suc cessfulli and half phd decid switch mac for dissert perfect for high school stud ent colleg student person basic word process spreadsheet and databas capabl offe r repli laura gurak userglub mt rpi edu laura gurak phd candid dept languag lite ratur and commun renssela polytechn institut troi gurakl rpi edu rhetor scienc t echnolog social aspect comput rhet critic macintosh for sale macintosh includ drive extern softwar word ex cel pascal intro packag hypercard tour etc leav school sell steal repli mail ev albani edu albnyvm bitnet strong sega genesi game for sale sega genesi bare us that iud sell game sonic hedgehog reveng shinobi thunderforc iii ask obo can reach email altern ph one alexand hind headphon for sale two pair headphon sell excel and great condit denon jvc reason offer accept alexand hind rok steadi keyboard stand for sale updat folk sinc last sold tha ng last time problem and move keyboard stand that don anymor and don want drag b ack across countri ultim support stand sold will saturdai pick date rok steadi t ier keyboard stand offer shape bottom unit two set arm that attach that support keyboard main ship not includ price detail can work you interest item dan keldse n djk ccwf utexa edu dan keldsen you you djk ccwf utexa edu berkle colleg studen t univ texa austin member fan billi death music composit max programm consult mi di programm for sale paradis svga acceler card for sale paradis svga acceler card time faster vga manual driver us for month perfect condit chipset obo for info thouchin umr edu houchin print psilink jack previdi psilink write matter fact make differ almost half million user join internet last year commerci busi ban commerci us internet thi true long stand tradit commerci advertis biz hierarchi trip martin night acm rpi edu night acm rpi edu rpi edu transport for sale transport for sale will work appl iie instal kit thi pct processor instal come latest softwar and drive you transport problem run great instal kit for pct video tape instruct need harwar color adapt for mo nitor processor instal board manual and softwar ver aepc drive hook pct brian la akso send your reason offer email blaakso umn edu modem zoom zoom fax data bi modem evreyth purchas januari will h appili provid fax comm softwar and box and manual sell thi for cod nicola nowins ki feel free call for quickest servic olx you can becom asm program for fax modem for sale repost sinc origin buyer found couldn us thi modem for mac beleiv mention that intern post modem thi modem suprafaxmodem bi i nterest mail lost mail state interest thi modem you interest mail misc item pip tuner ant gym scanner run brd item for sale rabbit pip tuner soloflex gym scanner mhz antenna blazer jimmi run board rabbit pip pi ctur pictur box thi devic us vcr tuner will you second channel pop corner screen you can press swap remot and small pictur will swap main pictur limit thi box t hat channel tuner thi mean that box cannot tune higher cabl channel your vcr tun er capabl tune higher thi you simpli tune vcr channel desir and swap pictur assu m altern pictur channel lower and will work fine origin cost will sell for run b oard for jimmi blazer brand black run board for model purchas and realiz that no t us return period expir wheel trim that instal vehicl origin cost will sell for regenc channel scanner reciev cellular frequenc mhz band brand cad batteri pack origin cost will sell for gyn plex model workout gym similar solo flex thi gym similar solo flex that resist band increas effect lift weight black and made ste el extra set band that purchas that will includ origin cost will sell for big st ick antenna for mhz band will sell for weight difficulti last item for atlanta a rea will share cod ship charg manni inform gatewai bb public access newsgroup em ail repli hernandez info blackwlf mese sysop hernandez info atl forsal and hard drive packer bell mhz bit expans slot extern dri ve bai floppi intern drive bai hard drive floppi drive ram offer includ ship seg at scsi hard drive great shape control format offer includ ship for sale track record fostex track record for sale excel condit and includ dolbi nois reduct sub mix input and normal cassett you interest make offer respond zmed trc amoco mike for sale drum machin alesi drum machin for sale includ veloc sen sit pad digit sound pattern memori and song memori you interest make offer respo nd zmed trc amoco mike mitsubishi eclips gsx for sale for sale mitsubishi eclips gsx wh eel drive valv turbo speed transmiss limit slip differenti stereo player cassett speaker fog light air condit cruis control electr window front rear intermitt w iper washer alloi wheel underco rustproof mile maui blue excel condit ask negoti call pete work home respond pvannui attmail ride lawn mower for sale arien ride lawn mower thi mower perfect condit and contain featur electr start inch cut doubl rear bagger batteri engin year inflat tire nice ride cushion seat nice ride tune and blade sharpen past m onth move into hous that small area grass cut and not requir such larg mower eng in replac not rebuilt last year due faulti work lawn mower repair shop price pho ne dai night weekend test thi test for sale mhz motherboard system megabyt recent upgrad and found don for prefer sell motherboard and case etc offer motherboard and case separ an d you decid ask for motherboard mhz not megabyt bit memori ami bio base neat chi pset thi mean motherboard and bu circuitri time programm bio advanc configur men u you select system dma bu clock wait state command delai etc babi size fit mini tower full size case includ user guid and copi bio refer manual for you rest sy stem full size case watt power suppli serial parallel game port hard disk floppi disk keyboard video card choic vga you interest give call system set hous aloha and you come test drive random drivel keyboard brad davi ncd inc beaverton netw ork comput devic bradd pcx ncd ncd xdivis offic syquest cartrifg forsal and slightli us syquest cartridg forsal ask for and ship includ repli mail richard do post for friend repli not for sale micro soft do micro soft d o releas date diskett manual perfect conditioni offer accept pai shippinig conta ct randal randal clark byu edu home work nintendo system power pad light gun game nintendo bit system pow er pad light gun zapper control game supermario duck hunt power field and wing a sk repli psuvm psu edu want super projector sound for super projector sound for sale se md email name brand condit projector and price for sale kimd rpi edu sound capab l danni kimd rpi edu for battletech game interest battletech game for ibm will grate anymor inform email you transact you comic complet set buck roger centuri complet set adventur buck r oger forsal make reason offer email back interest jamal socrat umd edu summer sublet baltimor larg bedroom for rent june aug row hous j hu homewood smoker pet share hous law student profession student want bath larg kitchen remodel last summer hardwood floor washer and dryer beauti detail rent u til locat bu line for info email rfp jhuvm summer sublet want want summer sublet red metro line bedroom can share common area apart room for move memori dai weekend end august smoker emai l prinaoa yalevm rfp jhuvm rom ibm rom drive drive make offer trade brand id floppi card for sale articl bitzm columbia dsu edu bitz m columbia dsu edu michael bitz write for sale id multi card brand control id ha rd drive floppi drive high low densiti serial port parallel port game port card measur thi card brand never open us includ ship charg bitzm columbia dsu edu mik e bitz internet bitzm columbia dsu edu research and develop bitzm dsuvax dsu edu dakota state univers bitnet sdnet bitnet friend mine sell thing for saturn price polici articl vir shuksan boe fredd shuksan fred di ckei write carolinafan uiuc cka uxa cso uiuc edu wrote activ defend saturn net a nd state full opinion subject repli point biggest problem peopl that saturn deal er make car will agre that car compar price competitor that aren overpr compar c ar class don understand point argu whether dealer make not never understood big deal dealer profit thing that can figur that peopl that minim dealer profit will minim total pocket expens for car thi true case not that gener true bought satu rn januari that time base studi car price decid that compar car that price cheap li saturn talk price for car saturn price pocket expens wouldn import monei left bui car reduc dealer profit not thing save monei show reduc dealer profit save monei and that import experi that reduc dealer profit not necessarili save monei fred you bought your saturn dealer profit dealer profit you pai for car isn tha t save monei saturn reduc dealer profit margin car will even deal price saturn b elow market averag for class car reduc dealer profit below market averag will at tract even peopl bui saturn save monei forc competitor lower price surviv not wi ll saturn owner benefit lower dealer profit even buyer for car will pai isn that save monei doug bmw worth price articl apr wdl loral gwm spl spl loral gari maha n write road and track bmw mile road test annual mile number quot driven older m odel not newer sound ringer drove faster that you want quot number autofil show mile quot car and driver figur and btw number for don addit variabl valv time fo r affect don word for drive teddi headlight problem you respond post problem truck headlight low b eam problem loos wire connect not fuse minor you suggest left turn signal won stop automaticali subject chev pickup left turn signal not stop turn thi stop automaticali thi mechan problem steer wheel n ote thi truck market steer wheel grant instal volvo wolfson regatta sp mot stephen wolfson write articl mar ug l unit oep colargol edb tih oep write turn into teenag car get averag lifelength volvo norwai year and sweden year point saab volvo run year ad that averag mila g significantli averag that volvo own last longer car volvo mile road volvo mile road volvo mile road and admit dealer repair cost high mechan aptitud your and find good indi mechan you can avoid breakdown and make rest cheap sum total repa ir car mile muffler and radiat whoa bad repair record and car driven fairli hard head line car mph two spend lot oper life speedomet peg and reason doesn mph sp eedo want you peopl hate volvo traumat turbo wagon blow you road saturn price blather mihir pramod shah mp cec wustl edu wrote ro bert wade write and saturn retail built citi medium and larg citi small hand sat urn dealer sacramento two saturn dealership mihir shah ralph bean hprnd rose radio for toyota tercel for replac radio tape player for toyota tercel standard shelf unit fine place servic merchandis etc doesn car model appl ic book want radio and slide minim time spent hook and adjust dashboard you put unit similar car hear brand easi chang and relev inform answer mail tom ostrand tom ostrand mail tjo scr siemen siemen corpor research phone colleg road east fa

x princeton infin think get infin consum report rank high catagori includ hi ghest reliabl index for compact car mitsubushi galant second honda accord coupl thing drive thi car lot honda and toyota special deal can infin fulli load deale r cost check thi and number match thi releas and updat mid version includ dual a ir bag and want rid guess question thi good deal can give feedback infin carl ho ffman car that test driven and run mitsubishi galant honda accord and toyota cam ari basic mainten articl apr telxon mi telxon joe telxon mi telxon j oe staudt write articl piip agat berkelei edu hubertc whistl berkelei edu hung h sien hubert chang write car owner pretti basic maintain car oil chang mile chang oil filter check tire high and fill tank make that monthli you your tire slow l eak tire leak you fix you check fluid regularli month check oil time you fill ga doesn work engin hot accur check oil engin cool not you ga station craig integra gsr car articl apr nntpd lkg dec kenyon xqzmoi enet dec doug kenyon stardog champion write great that car can handl corner and acceler i ntegra you question car moonroof slide sunshad wimpi pop sunroof power slide roo f that opaqu moonroof that can open air close light shade that noth come you imp ort doug integra hahaha sentiment exactli integra gsr articl mwf njcc wisdom bubbl org jonc njcc wisdom bu bbl org cochran write add beretta gtz car will kick butt anydai and lot cheaper boot will thi defin grain salt perform data show thi poster proof friend blew la st week want proof data acceler and handl motor trend apr integra beretta gtz mi le acc slalom wrong don you motor trend slalom time integra and car that small i nch tire that weather xgtv not mention that integra ride alot beretta your accel eart time vari magazin magazin road track and car driver for road and track quar ter mile time vari you can exactli number integra will defin outrun beretta high end car driver and road track mph and get fast beretta can handl integra and ca n acceler and beretta higher top speed due horsepow advantag torqu for integra f or beretta you exact number don you drive and for your low torqy high gear rpm m ake for differ wouldn call torqu moster biggest advantag price integra cost test motor trend gtz cost test gtz standard niciti and airbag and antilock brake air bag not integra and lower model not ab you save almost dollar for beretta and qu ad reliabl engin doesn make sens integra perform coup peopl make quad reliabl ye ah your definit reliabl that reliabl safe that integra engin gener perfect not m ention hell alot smoother and quieter balanc shaft acura engin win reliabl conte st hand you can rev that car dai everydai and you never blow hose crack block sp eak expier not quad bad engin don highlight reliabl you compar acura engin and i ntegra cost alot invest sinc will hold consider and nice job sporti car and prac tic time note thi isn flame gtz quad product berreta nice car and put respect pe rform and reason price not mention airbag start quot figur sourc isn reliabl rea d sourc and drive car haven driven gtz driven gt and grand am quad engin similai r dumbest automot concept time don list hopefulli not repeat horiz ont mount oil filter ford that matter hard you will spill half quart bottom car you chang joe luca stluca gdwest standard disclaim appli gener dynam space syste m san diego work busi ultim frisbe game hard chang spring truck articl apr michael appl em michael appl michael smith write peculiar tool remov rear spring ford truck naah coupla nice big bump jeep grand toyota runner articl east sun jfox hooksett east sun write reason you limit two mention aren point suv spectrum not mention price ran g explor trooper blazer montero and budget land cruiser advic bui land cruiser l ocal toyota dealer two year and want can wait list forget test drive even kick t ire and that rare doubt part inventori hand jonathan edward edward intranet intr anet inc mgb and real world articl apr mk mike mk mike brookbank write si ster mgb last year produc good shape bug for year last year produc sell and that sell car worthless maintain that car increas result limit avail mgb affectionad o will pai for lot market alot mgb earlier car pre desir due thing that chrome b

umper ride height gener power older car appreci slowli newer stabl level moment requir extrem good condit and low mile car good shape and regular mainten car la st for long time plenti part sourc outhther mgb great fun car keep sole hope tha t sell not worth wait time real profit level rick guynn driver soontob mga mkii rcg zeu tamu edu rebuild complet finish texa univers keeper etern octagon mgb ro adster marqu symbol that regist refus die honest advic bmw and winter drive thi past winter drove nyc killington time convert talk poor reput snow excel set snow tire put noika dec and foot pre tti sever weather condit sinc plow inch snow cover road effortlessli car paralyz front wheel drive includ concentr rubber meet road driveabl car snowi condit dr ive carefulli bui good snow tire and car will perform adequ ideal condit can pra is noika snow absolut snow tire driven you live snow belt favor and set winter t im timothi bigham opinion express lehman brother inc and not constru amex tower world financi center employ york wax residu black mold sayeth joseph mazza mazz andrew cmu edu wa x car month ago liquid wax and whiteish smear inadvertantli wax black plastic mo ld repeatedli remov smear luck verg replac mold altogeth nice car armor remov ra indanc wax mazda proteg black plastic bumper your mileag vari thi observ advis c are not thi similar protect such son gun paint that sometim jaw click eat void p rohibit you thi boi lust never sleep hurl honei home silver bokonon uunet becker xrtll bokonon silver miata us mazda miata sayeth sjwyrick lbl gov steve wyrick keep t rack miata tredia previa sentra maxima altima camri and justi not mention lexu a cura and infin you appar includ name that deriv real word english languag acura infin maxima altima case you miss such integra supra allant capri and calibra ca nada add serenia and precidia you count misspel add proteg and canada vigor fort hcom mondeo that name north america includ celica corolla paseo and tercel canad a add asu that sometim jaw click eat void prohibit you thi boi lust never sleep hurl honei home silver bokonon uunet becker xrtll bokonon silver jeep grand toyota runner articl igw world std edward world std j onathan edward write bui two vehicl want fun drive famili vehicl that can jeep p opular and featur wheel drive wheel anti lock roomi passeng cabin limit cargo in tern spare toyota ag design part time wheel and rear anti lock and anti lock inc onveni rear gate not mention awkward ingress passeng cabin reason you limit two mention aren point suv spectrum not mention price rang explor trooper blazer mon tero and budget land cruiser bear mind that suv purchas never ventur road carefu lli weigh trade comfort and road perform choos and realist decid whether you mak e us road abil sacrific road comfort john john geico mechan breakdown insur articl pbh noos ecn purdu edu rjwad e rainbow ecn purdu edu robert wade write articl apr ld loral mcculloc sp ld lor al thad mcculloch write had experi geico extend warranti plan slightli expens no rmal dealer sponsor polici and onc never bui extend warranti complet and total r ipoff period you take your monei and put bank and that monei for repair extend w arranti never pai payment etc peopl will put that monei bank and for sole us aut omot repair for peopl hard time save monei don want hassl worri pai for extend w arranti worth for peopl worth not and for peac mind know you won unexpect expens you drive lot your basic warranti can longer year peopl can make car payment la rg repair work for peopl andrew andrew bernstein motorola inc such thing saniti algonquin road and that sanest fact schaumburg dire strait bernstei corp mot mai l mgb and real world sister mgb last year produc good shape bug fo r year sell and that sell car worthless maintain that car increas result limit a vail mgb affectionado will pai for lot market mike brookbank mk king north mike mk director interopen sale mkt waterloo ontario mortic kern system inc mk canada fax male femal mysteri dumbest automot concept time articl apr iscnv x lmsc lockhe sharen iscnvx lmsc lockhe sharen rund write appar you not woman hu sband hate auto door lock featur forget that famili children woman feel safer ca r that lock easili addit watch check car never park seclud spot etc kei readi op en door not fumbl purs for thi think biolog reason women can put kei pant pocket

men two pocket back each pant put kei and wallent anoth pocket even botton can close secur that simpler for can women biolog not room for bigger bottom kei and wallet rais parent convert wonder point find list and hopefulli comparison convert that dai make big comeback not toyota wagon notic that toyota uncanni knack for design horribl ugli station wagon tercel corolla camri design aesthet sens dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion dumbest automot concept time cup holder drive important undertak cellular phone and mobil fax machin vaniti mirror driver side ashtrai smoker fi ne us road fake convert roof and vinyl roof gold trim dod darkman signific probl em face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion ford probe engin problem local dealer us mile probe lot photocop i document tape window dealership bought car back previou owner engin nois that ford district rep had car nois normal thought worth into car clean and mention t hi worker proceed horror stori son probe had problem end engin nois head that fo rd acknowledg nois work didn cure son trade car and check not car evid reoccur p roblem probe and extens madza and thi love bui turn time for schedul mid life cr isi hate find proud owner lemon integra gsr car great that car can handl corner and acceler inte gra you question car moonroof slide sunshad wimpi pop sunroof power slide roof t hat opaqu moonroof that can open air close light shade that noth come you import doug integra ford explor perform axl get ford explor xlt and question ski roa d perform axl limit slip axl purpos tire act independ tire terrain terrain tire will season good for lake taho tom tom shou silicon graphic shou asd sgi shoreli n blvd fax mountain view jack lojack repres recent lojack instal author lojack dealer and roughli spot car steve att mantic srmal aviad hard chang spring truck bottom line and work tip and techniqu in clud articl zzpn constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame call ison write articl apr michael appl em michael appl michael smith write peculiar tool remov rear spring ford truck thi leaf spring front and rear big socket and air wrench and floor jack and hydrol bottl jack can thi home found that need sma ller socket undo shock and can help socket need metric exact fit us sae socket a nd close and can fun canadian ford pictur thi undo bolt put bottl jack axl and r ais bed frame stress leaf spring undo end bolt bush drop spring turn bottom leaf connect spring bolt sound didn undo end bolt bush bolt each side and shock abso rb jack frame had put spare tire garag floor and put wooden platform top that fl oor jack high rais frame talll truck lift spring free axel take block gave room undo pin hold spring pack togeth spring pack held togeth nut top and round head end wrench head vice grip work fine soak nut and flip bottom spring and thi nigh tmar wait happen easi physic demand thing easier decent trigger job not that eas i not terribl difficult donno sore todai work foot pipe cheater real torqu spec for bolt nut lb doesn that kind torqu spec challeng pack bolt back spring pack s queez pack two hand hold bolt put nut fourth pick wrench and vice grip and sixth hand us string tie pack togeth hold pin for align nut wrench vice grip get pin back line lift block challeng discov that axel had tilt and roll forward driver side bottl jack front differenti tilt back line for pin head drop into hole pass eng side had wrestl wheel into roll forward inch thing line spent hour work get pin head into hole lift block lever and rope and impliment distruct break and th ought wasn line anymor sinc had line and didn move hmmm axl longer constrain not move hmmm move back hmmm that easier close btw ride softer not quit soft hope f or sit level michael smith em appl you can dream you can begin bold geniu power and magic goeth not respons disclaim bmw worth price sound ringer drove faster that you want quot num ber autofil show mile quot car and driver figur and btw number for car and drive r rate mile last time check automobil magazin rate mile gee aint quotiin funner dicken sound race you newer version can lend for dai wont hurt promis don addit variabl valv time for affect don word for drive will your word refus test love b

mw and want bui problem incom doesn support that dumbest automot concept tim articl ppg fvq armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write joe telxon mi telxon joe staudt write articl phoi arm ori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write stuff delet silli thing thi argumen t that trunk releas tempt bound counterexampl oper car acc run you can easili po p trunk start car car car thi featur car mazda honda and come probe cabl oper re leas camaro had electr hatch releas that thankfulli independ kei ignit except ru le mention sentenc glovebox trunk releas haven encount glovebox releas that cabl oper numer and ford mercuri car that encount electr releas glovebox and need ig nit degre oper your camaro exampl note sinc hardtop not big deal never run into convert cabl oper trunk releas agre that such environ cabl activ electr releas s tupid jim frost jimf centerlin honda cabl releas that can lock ignit kei valet k ei can left and will not unlock trunk enabl cabl releas rememb mother corvett th at had electron hatch releas locat driver door activ fact that car had real trun k make secur measur beign di hatch releas unnecessari drive left left hand steer wheel placement not standard drive st andard sinc standard into interestingli chrysler begun build hand drive car for export japan drive left desoto year manufactur thi export special left hand c ontrol standard infin articl cup portal carl hoffman cup portal write special de al can infin fulli load dealer cost check thi and number match thi releas and up dat mid version includ dual air bag and want rid thi dealer cost you dealer cost invoic factori dealer incent check thi sinc troubl believ that dealer sell car cost dealer invoic not necessarili dealer cost teddi car order delai articl apr skcla monsanto ma skcla monsanto writ e read articl chicago tribun state that chrysler problem address demand for engi n for car can post long wait for order car long told wait john ma mail address m a skcla monsanto order intrepid jan and haven call coupl week ago and told week time call charl johnson intel corpor supercomput system divis greenbrier pkwy be averton phone email cfj ssd intel dumbest automot concept time you young feller won rememb us side vent front window damn bean counter scrap separ triangular window lead edg fron t door that pivot outward rear edg work charm yeah love vent window escort hell thing like car thing brought back option escort trh inflat car price figur pointer refer fast car price last decad test test svx oil chang friend brought subaru svx recent had drove for cou pl time and great car esp snow local subaru dealer for oil chang bill dollar dea ler told chang oil filter svx disassembl metal cover engin and that hour labour rip phone dealer toronto found charg roughli price svx owner that problem and oi l chang stori true engin subaru pretti stubid car great swd wan saab mail list saab mail list specif address and instruct advanc pete dumbest automot concept time yfn ysu edu john daker write cup ho lder drive important undertak thi good idea you can carri your alcohol drink spi ll hold cellular phone and mobil fax machin fax machin cellular phone not hand f ree model fake convert roof and vinyl roof seemingli uniqu american luxuri car b ig haven realiz that gold trim agre anoth displai yuppi excess jon dunn info mazda test drove mazda thi past weekend and like dealer off er for thi good price comment gener us email peter att hotsoup peng integra gsr articl apr lehigh edu daz lehigh edu demostheni zepp o write articl mwf njcc wisdom bubbl org jonc njcc wisdom bubbl org cochran writ e add beretta gtz car will kick butt anydai and lot cheaper boot compar gtz and gsr appl orang somewhat mustang and crx wai thing and appeal buyer don acura own er dead chevi dealership vice versa stuff delet weather xgtv not mention that in tegra ride alot integra come season tire gtz come bigger wheel integra and car t hat small inch tire that your acceleart time vari magazin magazin road track and car driver for road and track figur almost bogu and base hot prototyp suppli ac ura figur plausibl quarter mile time vari sound reason faster regular integra be

retta can handl integra and can acceler and beretta higher top speed due horsepo w advantag torqu for integra for beretta you exact number don you drive and for your low torqy high gear gsr gear horribl for dai dai drive speed box modern car essenti regualr integra equal gsr and regular integra buzzi speed rpm make for differ wouldn call torqu moster you save almost dollar for beretta and quad reli abl engin doesn make sens integra person knew gtz had bought back lemon piecv ju nk quick for fwd quad reliabl yeah your definit reliabl that reliabl safe that i ntegra engin gener perfect gsr owner had engin throw rod mile rare screw honda g tz and gsr flaw car perform enthusiast gtz and purchas gsr craig mgb and real world articl apr mk mike mk mike brookbank write si ster mgb last year produc good shape bug for year sell and that sell car worthle ss maintain that car increas result limit avail grass root motorsport long artic l thi month collect specul concern wast time rubber bumper model desir origin mo del reason for low easi avail and fact that not good car craig mgb affectionado will pai for lot market mike brookbank mk king north mike mk director interopen sale mkt waterloo ontario mortic kern system inc mk canada fax passat kojo valet phx mcd mot kojo yeboah write passat you recom mend super unlead regular unlead gasolin regular unlead friend mine jetta and us super unlead and think advantag super unlead for car and overplai guess compani sell that make profit ralph nader report and consum advoc past spoken oil compa ni your passat design run premium gasolin engin electron will retard time that h arm wil engin lower octan fuel you will like somewhat power and fuel mileag hot weather thi engin you run premium tom neumann delux sell volkswagen canada remot system toronto ontario toyota wagon articl apr pmafir inel gov russ pmafir inel gov rus s brown write articl new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john daker write notic that toyota uncanni knack for design horribl ugli station wagon tercel corolla camri design aesthet sens camri wagon even uglier tercel toyota corner market ugli station wa gon camri sedan had thought toyota final turn nice camri station wagon bear stro ng resembl hears and weird that teddi photo radar rec auto frequent ask question photo radar and mail ticket make sens speed move violat commit oper not owner owner rental agenc deal er privat parti govern agenc long owner reason expect oper will drive illeg unsa f owner cannot held respons for oper car even driven owner knowledg consent can mail ticket driver not identifi stand court thi lazi cynic bonehead fascist exto rt revenu and noth public safeti photo radar unit major citi us jon dunn bang for and your bet dodg intrepid sohc valv six get and hell l ot room great style and ab wheel disk break car won automobil magazin automobil year award and quiet impress alaska car show peninsula cruiser annual autofair car show for a nd type vehicl includ pedal car kenai mall kenai alaska peninsula cruiser car cl ub kenai proce thi event benefit cooper land ambul corp gener thi car show open type car truck motorcycl factori and modifi mild wild antiqu special interest ra ce drag mudder plain ugli thi fun event intend for occassion gear head gear slam mer entrant contact for space avail come serv town entrant can stai door kenai m errit inn for special rate night singl doubl occup call merit you inform you can contact address below mel mckai drive rebelheart gorgeou supercoup rememb save live save twice rebelheart for thing defin bitnet fsmlm alaska young defin mail fsmlm acad alaska edu thing safeti can you car articl rvkm plato boe simnet plato boe mark p oulson write ssave ol cdac devil reincarn write you will surpris number peopl fo rget glass drive and peopl plain don ey check onc year lousi vision can object d istanc glass quit fuzzi and not make detail can that won argu that that can safe ti road gladli sacrific distract you call troubl danger earlier save life justif i lifetim distract for and dawn and dusk your ey not adjust poor light and drive black grei car and case you drive two lane road and overtak car and come opposi t direct doesn you your light not vice versa mph that quit small reaction time m acho invinc and can react faster that poor sod you didn not normal life work rea ction time previou post and plenti even for year grandma long speed mph rang you driver faster that care you respons for your drive action you pull pass and cra

sh into for reason your fault you can problem that kill gui agre that fault and will licens revok even ga chamber fact remain that gui dead di stingi put light damn thing you shouldn drive light fail fallen tree rock don light etc maintain that headlight strength ratio probabl fallen tree rock road oncom traffic low ev en consid differ work happen happen run light not for motorist drive mph good id ea forc run headlight you turn your windshield wiper peopl stupid you crash into idiot you fight court show negleg you can even prove curios ga milag you loos y ou put your light and you reduc life your head lamp and cost your headlamp milea g reduc small amount watt for head and run light thi extra horsepow that made en gin that thi will cost you two gallon year time million car that lot ga compar n umber gallon ga consum million car miniscul ti piti share road person not concer n safeti ssave ol cdac lamp life measur hour you drive half daylight and half ni ght your lamp will replac twice headlamp cost for halogen lamp cost individu tri vial and not issu don distract car headlight don constantli headlight vehicl don headlight gosh darn car for mile road lit car make illumin thing visibl pedistr ian and bike hopefulli not mandat drl for peopl and bike stream taillight toler orang front run light thi suffici for peopl you and doesn distract full power he adlight mark quick question you driver side door panel insid honda prelud spe aker scratchi and want access pin press button and rest snug fit ssave ol cdac cloth male femal mysteri dumbest automot articl pima inn gap cal tech edu wen king caltech edu wen king write thi think biolog reason women can p ut kei pant pocket men two pocket back each pant put kei and wallent anoth pocke t even botton can close secur that simpler for can women biolog not room for big ger bottom kei and wallet rais parent pulleez not biologi cloth design women clo th gener design function last year that you bui women pant pocket deep carri pre vious deep pocket virtual unknown women cloth skirt gener pocket dress espcial f anci dress pretti hopeless hand driver licens husband dress don encumb purs wome n consist bought function cloth and boycot manufactur refus make function women cloth manufactur tend bow market pressur interest chapter susan faludi backlash that describ happen last time cloth manufactur for function women cloth manufact u industri lost million woman bui men cloth decent pocket and long leg and high waist women cloth lmann jjmhome internet lauri mann geni claim that sex educ lea d irrespons sex claim that driver educ lead car accid bui dodg stealth question articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org cr aig boyl write articl apr usho hou chevron hhtra usho hou chevron haddock write found mopar spec sheet thi weekend model wgt stealth stealth stealth stealth wor d for give chanc retract figur wide mustang rate you advantag mustang that musta ng rate ford chang test procedur older procedur rate closer that mean that musta ng and you haven post weight figur for mustang big threat you civic acord yeah y our wet dream and that you that second for stealth check issu strang that you cl aim that ahead and check asshol you realiz idiot you for not check data beforepo st car drive stealth automat for post you harp thi issu car driver post number n ot prove and you ain gut admit yeah thought sentra alot quicker fwd sport car yo u close sentra number and report plai your game sentra slow test drive and even hyundai excel blow door that race and kick your butt blah blah blah yep that sou nd you man beavi butthead that you bui fwd automat that cost that capabl and pla inli dust dunno you pick dodg stealth nissan sentra take travi articl foo brad thone wuvmd write differ don happen sae manual h andi oil viscos gener decreas temperatur sae number base typic curv that oil us run viscos room temperatur weight that room temperatur weight for typic weight o il oil that design for oper normal temperatur weight specif oil that design for oper exceedingli cold temperatur tack end winter cold place you stick your car w inter and summer approxim viscos year modern multi viscos oil chang viscos tempe ratur result viscos graph cross curv multi vi specif peg curv two temperatur nor mal oper temperatur and cold can rememb number event weight signific differ reme mb that your engin temperatur regul thermostat and radiat air fin time you overh eat weight oil oil carbon oil thin oil won gener lubric temperatur thicker oil w ill will lubric temperatur not startup engin wear occur you plan make long drive fine esp summer your car you make short drive stick don drink soap dilut dilut bui dodg stealth question articl apr usho hou chevron hhtra usho hou chevron haddock write articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl apr usho hou chevron hhtra usho hou chevron haddock write found mopar spe c sheet thi weekend model wgt stealth stealth stealth stealth word for areth num ber state past messag anger that you insist you and that you had clue your car w eigh didn you check told you that your figur implaus give chanc retract figur wi de mustang rate you advantag mustang that mustang rate ford chang test procedur older procedur rate closer that mean that mustang hear explanatin you come that conclus data big threat you civic acord yeah your wet dream and that you your wr ong you quot del sol interestingli stealth faster your samerun second kind embar ass isn didn you check figur post make you stupid you caught twice your figur th at second for stealth check issu strang that you claim that you check ahead and check asshol you realiz idiot you for not check data beforepost car drive stealt h automat for post you harp thi issu car driver post number not prove and you ai n gut admit yeah thought you insist gave you chanc retract dodg stealth auto you couldn find you realiz that sentra will run that sentra saturn will run don you kind strang that your sport car easili beaten mustang weight your number power and quicker care explain don abus and come ration explan mysteri sentra alot qui cker fwd sport car you close sentra number and report plai your game sentra slow test drive and even hyundai excel blow door guess you drove speed and couldn sh ift craig store car long term bought car defunct engin us for part for run version car car bought good tire that store defunct car long term hate part bad told bad for tire not move car onc thi true prop weight tire repli mail get spo tti new deliveri kri kugel hico kak kak hico westmark drive left reason classic car meet and nice soto vintag guess wo oden artilleri type wheel etc hand drive can that desoto produc rhd car for swed en and australia and lord wherev us drive wrong side road export market larger g uess twenti drove cattl trail and wagon rut fairli that placement steer wheel pr etti arbitrari compani that time activ good road movement had origin bicycl craz e pick steam teen wit linclon highwai associ and highwai support act real name t hat pledg feder aid state and counti build decent road experi widespread us truc k for domest transport convinc govern that good raod crucial nation defens plent i good road urban area and rapidli expand into countrysid thi era auto tour fad motel auto camp ground etc two good book subject spring mind warren belasco amer ica road titl not exact author and anoth call devil wagon god countri author for get john flink john bell rae auto histori placement steer wheel arbitrari earli teen virtual american car that not wheel left earli dai car had wheel left and e ven middl sometim tiller wheel thi standard fairli earli don dan andrew cmu edu carnegi mellon univers appli histori world histori stride catastroph catastroph whether can comprehend and prove not oswald spengler subaru liberti owner had subaru liberti station wagon for month happi understat great built handl beautifulli plenti power had tar onc trip moun tain narrow windi dirt road dodgei part subaru eas havent had fun drive car for year owner steve green hei rocki watch pull rabbit outa hat comm group that tric k never work branch nothin sleev presto csiro australia doubt gotta anoth hat differ lexu seri articl apr ucsu colorado edu lorenzo rintintin colorado edu eric lorenzo differ and lexu can stop pop model put thi similar mod el liter engin displac coup and funki sedan share liter inlin six and popular sm all sedan share camri luxuri sport coup luxuri sedan and base execut sedan compl et aamir qazi aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint bang for and rmt faradai cla virginia edu roi matthew thigpen wr ite your bet dodg intrepid sohc valv six get and hell lot room great style and a b wheel disk break car won automobil magazin automobil year award and quiet impr ess chintan amin univers illinoi urbana champaign mail llama uiuc edu human had good moral call insan peart cinderella man saturn price polici brown edu hok chung tsang write articl vir s huksan boe fredd shuksan fred dickei write carolinafan uiuc cka uxa cso uiuc edu wrote biggest problem peopl that saturn dealer make car will agre that car comp ar price competitor that aren overpr compar car class don understand point argu

whether dealer make not never understood big deal dealer profit thing that can f igur that peopl that minim dealer profit will minim total pocket expens for car thi true case not that gener true bought saturn januari that time base studi car price decid that compar car that price cheapli saturn talk price for car saturn price pocket expens wouldn import monei left bui car reduc dealer profit not th ing save monei show reduc dealer profit save monei and that import experi that r educ dealer profit not necessarili save monei fred you bought your saturn dealer profit dealer profit you pai for car isn that save monei point that price compe tet saturn sell car intend give dealer profit sinc comper honda profit expens wo rth bui saturn saturn reduc dealer profit margin car will even deal price saturn below market averag for class car reduc dealer profit below market averag will attract even peopl bui saturn save monei forc competitor lower price surviv not will saturn owner benefit lower dealer profit even buyer for car will pai not ne cessarili that saturn salesdroid don make commis counterpart dealership gener ma ke per hour thi mean that saturn doesn give profit employe commis per car profit pass pressur salesmen women isn that save monei not depend account practic pai for dealer servic that doesn cut corner cost doug cka carolina blue honda civic chintan amin univers illinoi urbana champaign mail llama uiuc edu human had good moral call insan peart cinderella man think bui intrepid good bad idea think bui dodg intrepid had exp eri that share bobc quick question articl foo ssave ol cdac devil reincarn write you driver side door panel insid honda prelud speaker scratchi and want access pin you post thi tripe rec auto don drink soap dilut dilut spark plug question articl mgolden cwi mgolden cwi unomaha edu b rian golden write nice thing real platinum plug that you don chang mile cost eac h save for long run bird manual replac platinum plug wal mart autolit platinum p lug for each real platinum plug had bosch platinum fiesta and dad had bronco not e keyword had didn last long had replac agre that weren greatest jame jame calli son microcomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu calli son aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunde r bird hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven drive left articl yfkbjq tfo andrew cmu edu daniel holbrook andr ew cmu edu write stuff rhd desoto delet sweden and australia and lord wherev us drive australian drive wrong side road sweden chang heard that swap traffic sign sundai wrong side road export market larger craig quick question newsgroup rec auto rec auto subject quick questio n summari expir sender repli cunixa columbia edu constantino tobio followup dist ribut organ columbia univers keyword remov panel articl apr ol cdac ssave ol cda c devil reincarn write you driver side door panel insid honda prelud speaker scr atchi and want access pin press button and rest snug fit ssave ol cdac quick que stion you post thi newsgroup newsgroup rec auto rec auto subject quick question summari distribut world organ columbia univers keyword newsgroup rec auto rec au to newsgroup rec auto rec auto subject quick question summari expir refer apr ol cdac sender repli cunixa columbia edu constantino tobio followup distribut orga n columbia univers keyword remov panel articl apr ol cdac ssave ol cdac devil re incarn write you driver side door panel insid honda prelud speaker scratchi and want access pin press button and rest snug fit ssave ol cdac quick question you post thi newsgroup constantino tobio columbia edu trembl you weakl cower fear yo ur ruler land sea and air immens girth erect stand tall nuclear murder polari me gadeth rust peac saturn puzzl price articl apr cbfsb att ykhsu cbnewsf att yung k ao hsu write person start thi subject question not dealer profit amount monei fo r type car settl subaru wagon similar amount monei saturn dealer ask for model c ar adjust initi idea get car todai convers friend learn reject saturn for ford t arur cost bit wrong load taru beat saturn agre that fulli load come close price lower end ford tauru fulli load tauru hand substanti expens even glitzi fulli lo ad run fulli load tauru rang base tauru start tauru sho can push you thi total c ar your mainstream tauru sedan your statement not faulti inaccur can saturn and that puzzl price not spend time get deal inform advantag that you not bitch deal

er profit netter you ration pick car that for you loyal ag design that replac im preza wagon you good deal last wrong yung kao hsu mihir shah mp cec wustl edu integra for sale integra for sale speed sunroof rear spoiler tir e mile offer call email att hotsoup peng integra gsr articl apr lehigh edu daz lehigh edu demostheni zepp o write don you motor trend slalom time integra and car that small inch tire tha t weather xgtv not mention that integra ride alot beretta xgt and not weather ti re front bumper slide pack snow not ic learn thi fact immedi bought xgt defin we ather carrera walk everydai xgt even michelin dealer bought tire made rubber tha t get hard and slick weather get feez sell tire winter texa and not colorado eri c inact lifestyl eric lorenzo violat genet warranti lorenzo rintintin colorado e du not excercis not spot ucsu fulli human keith johnsgard awd bmw truth rumor awd seri for thi info publish popular scienc autoweek coupl month ago friend told that bmw us make awd call info thi car tim saturn perform saturn puzzl price articl fjdcfu kap andrew cmu e du jason roth andrew cmu edu write can imagin civic saturn owner flex ego stop l ight race gener excit two nerd challeng each game basketbal note that thi closer paseo storm pseudo sporti car that ridicul comparison point that saturn and hig h end civic for that matter acceler fine fact unimprov muscl car great ti ton do esn that quick saturn hand us ti lb short gear move quickli line your time consi st car magazin and report pb motorweek show clock speed second that owner will l ucki thi speed second astonishingli fast for small door civic run second not mis taken car thi class lucki second rang mihir shah awd bmw europ you can bui comput control diff horrid viscou coup l outgo eliot drive left articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write delet line sweden and australia and lord wherev us drive australian drive wrong side road sweden chang heard that swap traffic sign sundai live sweden rememb da i perfectli chang side sep don remeb exactli time night big citi stockholm gothe nburg trafic forbidden exept buss and taxi weekend dai sundai and prepar dai tol d follow yellow line road and white that matter sign arrow prepar left mode labe l that torn that night reveal mode arrow year iceland chang car dai hoegertrafik hoeger swedish and stand for practic car had steer wheel left side even import car had wheel side last car wheel side contri that left side japan tanzania zeel and south africa btw sai that left side side ivanho and knight meet left fight t ournament delet line kent gabrin celsiustech system think not great jaerfaella s weden oliv berendinu bumbl will kega celsiustech compani sold name nobeltech volvo and car driven fairli hard head line car mph two spend lot oper life speedomet peg and reason doesn mph speedo want you peopl hate volvo t raumat turbo wagon blow you road turbo good for mph for blow beetl beetl corner can doubt that never blown volvo block into car park shit head volvo owner thoug ht minut thi not happen owner make car not long small shit box volvo last damn l ong worst car drove hire power handl and ride reminisc charact ceas product coup l year back passeng big volvo that for test drive offer neat gift anti theft devic articl rphroi gmr rhaar gmr bob haar write arti cl kocrsv delcoelect jdmoonei kocrsv delcoelect john moonei write write btw stol e front grill beat nissan sentra week ago couldn drive year ago brother live rou gh area left nova park street front hous for dai dai move back into drivewai wou ldn start industri fool need nova ga tank fool found brother car engin beatl qui t easi remov enter car even open engin compart you find that your car wouldn sta rt engin stolen probobl feel hell lot poorer ga tank junkyard engin brother darr el left street stole radiat find radiat junkyard dare you john moonei delco elec tron gener motor jdmoonei kocrsv delcoelect opinion express mine not necessarili bullet proof luxuri sedan articl pnigoinn senat bedfellow mit ed u chsu mtl mit edu charl hsu write interest find domest car manufactur and ford produc bullet proof luxuri sedan understand caddi work doubl batteri super high perf engin gaug bit stretch etc lot commun equip work color select limit problem that gui penn avenu pre clinton last time lincoln thi time caddi wonder thi cal l bullet proof perhap reinforc window special materi for bodi engin etc luxuri c ar lincoln and cadillac model readili public not knowledg convers work for thing

hot climat chevi capric sold middl east thing that parti not manufactur you wil l bui specif packag that beef perhap polic cruiser packag capric crown vic and s tart special dealership obtain car hear experi bullet proof car and wuz drivin a rmor sevil st and thi punk pull rpg rocket propel grenad bulletproof windshield stop don peopl net for bulletproof car check local armor servic compani secur bo dyguard place your averag luxuri car dealer will coronari you told blue capric o ption fuzzi dice power and armor inform dealer and market shop that bullet proof lincoln and cadillac greatli appreci you email chsu mtl mit edu post messag thi newsgroup you netter interest btw inform merced benz bmw lexu and infin luxuri sedan need you articl convers process appear car press last month spiro spiro tr iantafyllopoulo kocrsv delcoelect softwar technolog delco electron hugh electron kokomo kind disclaim top reason love not for humor impair articl wjgq constel ecn uok nor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write six year you near end design life vehicl break that point drive habit make differ actual reliabl vehi cl data becom unreli for draw conclus bad drive habit can damag car coupl month not year that not case drive fleet rental sold and you thing factor stat term ci ti highwai drive ratio owner dealer servic extrem weather environ adher mainten schedul whether car accid number driver car famili whether car garag warm spiro spiro triantafyllopoulo kocrsv delcoelect softwar technolog delco electron hugh electron kokomo kind disclaim bang for and rec auto cpkjp latech edu kevin parker write feedba ck car bang for buck price rang for car civil driven dai even long trip hit ga w ant feel acceler handl import reliabl and pretti low mainten cost stylish appear nice don want car that show and not even import fast don want turbo and never c are for song sung clyinder prefer for engin you suggest kevin parker car that fi t your spell liter mustang addit data point run castrol exclus car rabbit scirocco rabbit b u beetl bu jetta gli never had oil relat problem disclaim get mighti hot kenneth finnegan navo navi mil dumbest automot concept time dunnjj ucsu colorado edu dunn jonat han jame write yfn ysu edu john daker write cup holder drive important undertak thi good idea you can carri your alcohol drink spill hold agre six hour long str etch wheel make thirsti for caffein fail car that cup holder anywher put cup hol der jim frost jimf centerlin volvo boyl bbsl bnr ian boyl write turbo good for mph for blow b eetl beetl corner can doubt that never blown volvo block into car park shit head volvo owner thought minut thi not happen owner make car not long small shit box volvo last damn long worst car drove hire power handl and ride reminisc charact ceas product coupl year back passeng big volvo that for test drive offer neat g ift admit that disgust featur volvo market volvo you dare risk your famili car a ttitud quit annoi long run volvo produc good car volvo front drive valv motor co mplet chassi etc even british magazin car like and that quit for volvo and ameri can magazin road track that thi not your uncl olof car and posit sens case estat strong tank chassi inlin six rear drive btw car driver block land rover jaguar driver you mean drive cheapo japanes toyota not monei for car bmw merc jaguar sa ab volvo etc had monei bad problem decid bui photo radar rec auto frequent articl viewlog brad buck viewlog b radford kellogg write articl mar cabot balltown cma welti cabot balltown cma ric hard welti write band radar us radar detector handl band recent made fcc for us call photo radar instal instal low power beam aim across road degre angl direct traffic and pictur vehicl radar unit determin violat speed limit ticket mail own er vehicl low power and degre angl peopl that radar detector cannot give reason warn band radar unit manufactur radar detector ad such capabl number local photo radar us limit and question legal such unit advic learn photo radar unit and tr ack us don speed photo radar and mail ticket make sens speed move violat commit oper not owner owner rental agenc dealer privat parti govern agenc long owner re ason expect oper will drive illeg unsaf owner cannot held respons for oper car e ven driven owner knowledg consent can mail ticket driver not identifi stand cour t thi lazi cynic bonehead fascist extort revenu and noth public safeti had photo

radar thing sweden ago lot fuzz and lot sabotag sprai can touch paint can lot g ood eventu had drop idea lot court case owner car prove didn drive time speed re cal case eventu prove car thief that had stolen car and made fals plate ofcours chose licens number ident car photo correct conclos photo radar suck you marku clifford delta car alarm found great deal clifford delta car ala rm instal come glass break sensor motion detector and shock detector alarm good market for price sale that anoth reason save almost opinion eric luca jeep grand toyota runner articl east sun jfox hooksett east sun write reason you limit two mention aren point suv spectrum not mention price ran g explor trooper blazer montero and budget land cruiser advic bui land cruiser l ocal toyota dealer two year and want can wait list forget test drive even kick t ire and that rare doubt part inventori hand land crusier simpli nice shit load p ower and room fulli stock cost worth monei problem you into accid doesn break yo u forget oil chang for mile stupid thi bodi part and part hard locat part price friend had accid past snow storm and wait for front bumper and passeng side fend er you test drive land cruiser suv toi magazin writer call land bruiser you spar e for suv land cruiser and forget lang rover sang integra gsr articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write mile rare screw honda gtz and gsr flaw car perform enthusiast gtz and purchas g sr purchas ford probe john john nielsen magnu consult you baldrick renaiss that happen peopl wasn black adder top reason love not for humor impair chint isc nu write anoth te n reason love car salesmen love car bui servic car salesmen rec auto reader turn into expert statist critic lucki owner unreli car mine never had problem owner join sceptic month and subscrib and take soooo and bui ideal famili sedan and nu mber spectacl religi fervour true believ tom haapanen tomh metric softwar metric inc waterloo ont stick your index finger into corner your mouth pull that corra do make you feel car januari experi opinion sought diesel engin articl hydra gatech edu jkg j mp write apolog thi faq faq post for thi group infrequ reader rec auto can remem b market for us chevi suburban and observ that price for model diesel engin run compar model ga engin reason for thi consum confus earli fuel crisi etc want fue l mileag diesel fuel cheapest fuel and mileag compar gasolin engin decid conver ga engin into diesel engin liter big mistak engin not redesign convert engin not handl higher compress etc lot problem car thi thew big red flag casual observ d on bui diesel bad thi gross gener thi question your livelihood depend drive lot you us depend undepend cheaper short run vehicl greyhound buss trailer truck eve n train locomot gasolin engin diesel tractor trailer truck manufactur provid mil e warrante vehicl diesel suburban diesel great engin expens gasolin engin vehicl problem diesel engin that rebuilt expens ga engin you will pai for rebuild dies el diesel engin last twice long and get mileag carbur for gasolin engin cost reb uild rebuild fuel inject pump diesel will cost you never tune you rebuilt you gr eat deal check fuel inject pump rebuilt good luck necess fuel injector clean dealership articl apr cbnewsl att prm cbnewsl att paul mount write your experi true that fuel injector clean will goo d deterg ga agre that clog fuel injector darken dai clog and good price can bui can and fuel injector clean dealer open your ga tank dump bottl fuel injector cl eaner and send you your merri poorer kmart and bui cleaner for you dealer sez yo u don mean necessarili suspici jim grei jwg acd acd rfd rec auto saab request for discuss thi request for discuss cr eation newsgroup saab car will participa exchang inform purchas maintain repair and outfit saab group name rec auto saab statu unmoder rational peopl saab car i nterest bui saab interest know saab for reason justifi such newsgroup recent gro wth net improv turnaround time pose question and receiv answer commun discuss co mment thi propos newsgroup post usenet newsgroup new group reader not comment ma il propos address below vote problem aris vote will start month post date thi rf d propos tommi reingold tommi bool att tommi reingold bell lab holmdel tommi boo l att att bool tommi audiwatch updat articl apr new brandei edu andyh chao brandei ed u andrew huang write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu bqueiser magnu ac ohio s

tate edu brian queiser write powel interlan interlan glen powel write kind corpo r raid appar undertaken shame agre exec had work iggi for year and had left euro p detroit raison andi date steal exec directli opel independ lopez shame andi quick question articl apr ol cdac ssave ol cdac devil reincarn w rite you driver side door panel insid honda prelud speaker scratchi and want acc ess pin that onc month group specif detail question honda that month hyundai hon da you andi male femal mysteri dumbest automot concept time bet chester ksu ksu edu beth schwindt write thi think biolog reason women can put kei pant pocke t men two pocket back each pant put kei and wallent anoth pocket even botton can close secur that simpler for can women biolog not room for bigger bottom kei an d wallet rais parent found that women cloth made you put kei front pocket women jean slack you bulg that make imposs sit stick you constantli ditto back pocket back pocket women jean and compar back pocket men jean you bui jean that you exp ect last for length time half size flat isn room for wallet bunch kei men put cr ap wive didn carri purs place singl men wallet back pocket comb back pocket kei front pocket knive pocket pen shirt pocket front pant pocket marri men start car ri bunch stuff women happi beth mark perform mustang perform rate for mustang time mile and top end c an you magazin come can possabl you year and month and eveen page you doug made suv merced benz announc yesterdai plan begin build sport ut il vehicl target jeep grand cheroke and will reportedli sell for pictur wagon ge laendewagen europ and grei market vehicl detail appreci dick meyer appli researc h laboratori penn state made suv articl rsm psuvm psu edu rsm psuvm psu edu write merced benz announc yesterdai plan begin build sport util vehicl target jeep grand che roke and will reportedli sell for pictur wagon gelaendewagen pictur edit europea n car not shelf thing that articl prototyp front wheel drive front drive for mer ced sinc begin wwii wheelbas seater claim that price will renault espac chrysler voyag pictur slightli disguis ford aerostar europ and grei market vehicl detail appreci dick meyer appli research laboratori penn state larri kei csme ncsl nis t gov fahrvergnugen forev fact that explain you that you wouldn understand articl jgladu jgladu bcm tmc edu grungi john gladu write articl apr tulan edu finnegan invad navo navi mil kenneth finnegan wrote addit data poi nt run castrol exclus car rabbit scirocco rabbit bu beetl bu jetta gli never had oil relat problem add mine that list superbeetl bug dddpanel cring toyota terce l wife car honest chicken run vanagon that castrol don understand thi last state ment vanagon vanagon owner manual recommend ari ollikainen fanat bug bug porsche pow porsch bugauto stick camper camper westfalia vwporsch westfalia vanagon west falia and vanagoncarat honda crx for sale friend david gordon sell honda detail car fol low speed cassett stereo rear window defrost excel condit ask obo call necess fuel injector clean dealership articl apr acd acd jwg sed v acd jim grei write articl apr cbnewsl att prm cbnewsl att paul mount write you r experi true that fuel injector clean will good deterg ga fuel injector clean d ealer open your ga tank dump bottl fuel injector cleaner and send you your merri poorer kmart and bui cleaner for thi not case reput fuel injector clean properl i can injector cleaner solvent hook fuel system high pressur car run solvent cle an process equip properli thi pricei and gener not averag home mechan solvent no t expens and you make hose fit your system and didn you that not tank cleaner wo rth wast your monei discuss product time time and chevron techron not pro gard t echron gener regard bit bottl imho will not substitut for proper injector clean crud you decid price deal spend your time and bui equip scott keller agricultur group monsanto compani sekel monsanto wch packet wch pfx usa us tauru sho purchas quot jeffrei nucciaron nucci microwav gsfc nasa gov articl skate gsfc nasa gov pertin part bui us tauru sho car question mi le for test drive dai and question second specif for sho thi vintag specif abt b rake cluthch etc notic drive clutch engagemen point high sinc car auto tragic no t abt thi point had foot firmli plant brake start bit pop pedal engin start thi occur bird test drove thi ab test brake rotor and clutch main thing clutch repla

c program you check car elig chang worth make you can swap cruddi cabl shifter f or newer rod shifter chang worth make that cost you brake wibbl wobbl startup th at normal didn had test that interest kind tire car winqwk for good time dial yo ur sho dumbest automot concept time ford vent window oper crank window open normal vent window dad bronco and pretti truck that worth ride vent window that mean that not young feller anymor jame jame callison microcomput coordin ok lahoma law center don understand fascin vent window creat tremend turbul and noi s that make even simpl connvers imposs speed mph current flow throuh ventil desi gn superior bijan dumbest automot concept time not exactli dumb remeb tachomet fir ebird bulg hood front driver neat place love elemnt intern year speedomet pointe r car feet long bijan safeti can you car ssave ol cdac devil reincarn write lit car ma ke illumin thing visibl pedistrian and bike hopefulli not mandat drl for peopl a nd bike drl mandatori for motorcycl jon hacker march beta rom caltech pasadena f or hacker tumbler ridg caltech edu call ibm top reason love not for humor impair articl apr new brandei edu andyh chao brandei edu andrew huang write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu jni elsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl apr metric tomh metric t om haapanen write chint isc nu write anoth ten reason love spectacl macho real m en never bother read magazin apt critic that point read found that recommend use less and uninform write list flame war easi start wrong and claim and thorough a ndi you name good exampl that brought john john nielsen magnu consult you baldri ck renaiss that happen peopl wasn black adder car insur articl new claremont edu ochain jarthur claremont edu olli north chain write car insur cancel for second time row haven touch agent aa a for week mom that call that insur cancel accid not even fender bender that nev er declar fact that idea found thi thing that bug that ticket told and that wasn problem anoth insur will end pai shop for thi and can afford pai for insur sinc haven two insuanc compani suppos refund saturn and can afford car payment and i nsur bought car quot state farm back legal right can make state farm origin gave quot give that rate made mistak sign paper not give fals evid can monei back fo r car can pai for insur deper olli thi mess jersei wait for refund that origin c ompani made mistak and left lurch recours insur dept offic consum protect you si milar offic your state make us good luck chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec pend deliveri agre thi rais pac k wild corn dog top reason love not for humor impair articl apr magnu ac ohio st ate edu jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl apr metric to mh metric tom haapanen write chint isc nu write anoth ten reason love car salesm en love car bui servic and bui ideal famili sedan and number spectacl religi fer vour true believ spectacl macho real men never bother read magazin apt critic he i macho real man and read can critic want sinc pai for public accept advertis do n you john nielsen magnu consult you baldrick renaiss that happen peopl wasn bla ck adder reli consum report pick your automobil let field stream select your liv e room furnitur kenneth finnegan navo navi mil car order delai read articl chicago tribun state that chrysler p roblem address demand for engin for car can post long wait for order car long to ld wait order mine decemb week dealer that order held didn expect engin lh for a whil andrew klossner andrew frip tek male femal mysteri dumbest automot concept time articl tkinnbek chester ksu ksu edu bet chester ksu ksu edu beth schwindt write men put crap wiv e didn carri purs beth wife rare carri purs crap end pocket ron deblock rdb homx b att that number rdb not letter bell lab somerset usa illeg tint window long shot thi and will comment share stori thi bought car state and safeti inspect pennsylvania problem that car aftermarket t int window windshield tint weak and you can insid car tint inspect garag that wo n pass waiver state polic state polic offic told that aftermarket tint illeg and can waiver for pre car for medic reason ask show section vehicl code that illeg

show and paraghaph that you can tint you can insid car tint told that you can f act insid shut book and illeg and fact can give you ticket for won argu that sin c vehicl code long you can tint read vehicl code librari sort paper polic that c an inspect and that won troubl for tint wouldn mind regist complaint that offic piss experi get that sort paper polic pennsylvania experi regist complaint offic call station todai basic place regist complaint offic and decid tint and ticket chanc stand succesfulli appeal ticket court comment will michal top reason love not for humor impair articl apr magnu ac ohio st ate edu jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write blah blah blah you n ame good exampl that brought creat group rec auto not yeah father can lick your father eliot saturn argument articl noos ecn purdu edu rjwade rainbow ecn pur du edu robert wade write thi argu lower base price cheaper forget exact amount d oesn cost extra door window lock motor etc that door perhap market deal peopl wa nt door will pai extra shorter wheel base thought ithink your jame lee bell lab murrai hill room att concep jwl chevel forsal don want sell thi car monei for colleg chevel supe r sport rebuilt speed bolt positrac number match origin mile rust and run excel offer call denni email dennisk uoregon edu top reason love not for humor impair articl apr tulan edu finneg an navo navi mil write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl apr metric tomh metric tom haapanen write c hint isc nu write anoth ten reason love car salesmen love car bui servic and bui ideal famili sedan and number spectacl religi fervour true believ spectacl mach o real men never bother read magazin apt critic hei macho real man and read can critic want sinc pai for public accept advertis don you john nielsen magnu consu lt you baldrick renaiss that happen peopl wasn black adder reli consum report pi ck your automobil let field stream select your live room furnitur kenneth finneg an navo navi mil reli magazin determin car bui don care magazin btw subscrib aut o rag get bum rap macho men hell real men read statement you mean peopl good for dishwash deterg you reli consum report and that critic themsevl real content jo hn john nielsen magnu consult you baldrick renaiss that happen peopl wasn black adder impreza altima friend mine cnsider bui car and subaru impreza ni ssan altima two car you recommend defin want airbag and ab and room for tall peo pl and long leg you suggest for car deal interest you opinion send repli sem pos toffic mail cornel edu tthi address scott advis need bui automobil thwang mentor purdu edu tommi hwang sub ject advis need bui automobil search depend automobil purchas below requir car y ou mention below smaller engin toni name antonio balsamo compani digit equip cor p shrewsburi mass work mail balsamo stargl enet dec integra gsr quad reliabl yeah your definit reliabl that reliabl safe that integra engin gener perfect not mention hell alot smoother and quieter balanc shaft acura engin win reliabl contest hand you can rev that car dai ever ydai and you never blow hose crack block speak expier not quad bad engin don hig hlight reliabl you compar acura engin and integra cost alot coupl thing blow hos e doesn speak engin reliabl and true that quad problem head gasket leak that des ign flaw gasket and correct pontiac replac head gasket that leak for free for ye ar mile that found quad complet solid and direct ignit system mean wire rotor ro tor cap deal hydrol lifter mean valv adjust not badmouth integra engin you overb oard slam quad you quit correct that integra engin quieter not smoother quad lov e rev high end you evid block crack quad not heard thi bang for and articl oasi navi mil tobia oasi navi mil steve tobi a write rec auto cpkjp latech edu kevin parker write feedback car bang for buck price rang for car civil driven dai even long trip hit ga want feel acceler hand l import reliabl and pretti low mainten cost stylish appear nice don want car th at show and not even import fast don want turbo and never care for song sung cly inder prefer for engin you suggest kevin parker car that fit your spell liter mu stang not cviliti long trip reliabl and low mainten cost necess fuel injector clean dealership articl apr acd acd jwg sed

v acd jim grei write articl apr cbnewsl att prm cbnewsl att paul mount write you r experi true that fuel injector clean will good deterg ga agre that clog fuel i njector darken dai clog and good price can bui can and fuel injector clean deale r open your ga tank dump bottl fuel injector cleaner and send you your merri poo rer kmart and bui cleaner for person wouldn us product kmart knew thi previous t hi past weekend pb motorweek pat goss resid tech type discuss product and recomm end not isopropyl alcohlo base injector cleaner supposedli isopropyl base cleane r remov moistur your fuel tank clean your injector and ethyl base clean injector rubber compon fuel system deterior and don mix water remov fuel system us produ ct recommend call product inc cost suppos job potenti harm side effect and resul t suppos last mile us chevron techtrolen can that notic differ sinc us product p revent mainten item you dealer sez you don mean necessarili suspici jim grei jwg acd acd larri kei csme ncsl nist gov fahrvergnugen forev fact that explain you that you wouldn understand svx oil chang articl undergrad math uwaterloo swdwan napier uwat erloo donald wan write friend brought subaru svx recent had drove for coupl time and great car esp snow local subaru dealer for oil chang bill dollar dealer tol d chang oil filter svx disassembl metal cover engin and that hour labour rip pho ne dealer toronto found charg roughli price svx owner that problem and oil chang stori true engin subaru pretti stubid car great labour price for car servic exp ens toronto compar part ontario for exampl place ottawa that charg hour coupl pl ace charg hour cheapest heard toronto hour swd wan doug zolmer internet dwjz bnr disclaim opinion bell northern research ottawa ontario canada conform moooo zowi daedalu stanford edu craig powderkeg deforest write you pla n make long drive fine esp summer your car you make short drive stick year ago t roubl ring stick diesel trace us oil not honor warranti work us memori serv mark male femal mysteri dumbest automot concept time articl pima inn gap caltech edu wen king caltech edu wen king wrote articl apr iscnvx lmsc lockh e sharen iscnvx lmsc lockhe sharen rund write appar you not woman husband hate a uto door lock featur forget that famili children woman feel safer car that lock easili addit watch check car never park seclud spot etc kei readi open door not fumbl purs for thi think biolog reason women can put kei pant pocket men two poc ket back each pant put kei and wallent anoth pocket even botton can close secur that simpler for can women biolog not room for bigger bottom kei and wallet rais parent women pant rare pocket and shallow us import for woman kei hand build ca r protect assil broadcast that thi definit place safti lock car pute kei and wal et ugli break line and make you rear wide cow habit that work for cloth situat p ruse function mater you wear even nude bikni women suit coat lucki pocket insid men coat that pocket thi definit not fair that wear men and women cloth can you women cloth funtion pocket dress man put wallet insid coat pocket and kei coat p ocket coven pant pocket and car that unlock quickli and lock back fast paramout woman safti men don thi problem woman awar thi time imag red neck yell you fuck you and weight you lb and inch hight you you want find women live celest brake rotor cross drill saturn price polici articl apr brown edu brown edu hok chung tsa ng write saturn reduc dealer profit margin car will even deal price saturn below market averag for class car reduc dealer profit below market averag will attrac t even peopl bui saturn save monei forc competitor lower price surviv saturn mot iv sell car make multipl shift plant thi motiv lower price cheer richard richard welti welti cabot balltown cma noth good report full rotat race car pitch roll axi carrol smith saturn argument articl noos ecn purdu edu rjwade rainbow ecn pur du edu robert wade write thi argu lower base price cheaper forget exact amount d oesn cost extra door window lock motor etc that door perhap market deal peopl wa nt door will pai extra understand meant compet car honda civic toyota tercel toy ota corolla nissan sentra mazda protog subaru loyal impreza isuzu stylu geo priz m ford escort mercuri tracer mistubishi mirag plymouth dodg colt core competit c ivic corolla and sentra model class aren car you threw escort tracer good amount japanes technolog and similar reliabl stat didn includ domest small car such ca vali sunbird shadow sundanc tempo and topaz sinc saturn car that degre japanes r

oot meant compet car toyota paseo honda civic civic coup del sol nissan mazda is uzu impuls geo storm ford escort you price car expens door counterpart good reas on for thi upscal and trend driven market even model base sedan platform interio r etc good warrant slightli higher price platform deriv can tercel paseo sentra civic del sol not thi stylu impuls storm illustr tercel start paseo start even d oor tercel will cost door paseo you that tercel doesn offer power that door offe r mean that tercel compar powerpl sport coup deriv anoth exampl isuzu stylu and impuls storm gsi powerpl engin smaller coup gener expens thi two door sport coup market fashion orient and trend set segment peopl will pai monei for thi type c ar short even smaller car market orient dictat slightli higher price mechan equi val sedan version hope thi clear thing bit mihir shah apolog drive left previou articl andrew cmu edu daniel holbrook guess twenti drove cattl trail and wagon rut fairli that placement steer wheel p retti arbitrari compani that time activ good road movement had origin bicycl cra ze pick steam teen wit linclon highwai associ and highwai support act real name that pledg feder aid state and counti build decent road experi widespread us tru ck for domest transport convinc govern that good raod crucial nation defens plen ti good road urban area and rapidli expand into countrysid thi era auto tour fad motel auto camp ground etc two good book subject spring mind warren belasco ame rica road titl not exact author and anoth call devil wagon god countri author fo rget john flink john bell rae auto histori never heard thi guess don import for classroom and pic movi real nice scourc huh recal think that good road asphalt d idn come til interst hiwai act call and that wood and cobbleston road fairli rar e depress overpopul place england and citi netwisdom wrong placement steer wheel arbitrari earli teen virtual american car that not wheel left earli dai car had wheel left and even middl sometim tiller wheel thi standard fairli earli don kn ew almost knew reason that not desoto for car had deviat norm time dan andrew cm u edu carnegi mellon univers appli histori world histori stride catastroph catas troph whether can comprehend and prove not oswald spengler for corrrect and aplo g for harebran post drew bang for and jmh hopper virginia edu jeffrei hoffmeist write art icl apr progress damelio progress stephen amelio write rjwade rainbow ecn purdu edu robert wade write car that fit your spell liter mustang sport car butm mothe r consid sport car can quit figur that sinc plastic add on make car sport car je ff talk insur agent bumf illinoi farm bloomington hell car sport car chintan ami n univers illinoi urbana champaign mail llama uiuc edu human had good moral call insan peart cinderella man front end align davidd lonestar utsa edu david leon write articl edu selick csa edu steven selick write plymouth colt that front end align fanci schmanci gadget pro steve you you put live road risk you mechan as certifi you put you fanci scmanci gadget awww you want home mechan line wall and shot bull p ucki you chicken read servic manual and your head sand tool for job that cheaper align rack that job compet albeit not swiftli not accur due natur pride owner m echan place work you can accept job align car simpl tool and imagin work that ne ver effect endang anyon life worst that happen that your tire wear oddli you whe el aim total pigeon to and not steer car rais your hand that vision poor that sc rew thi badli bet you peopl that feel that hone cylind wall sand paper will kill million peopl aint magic certif and peopl that never learn add life that take c ertif btw disgust colt and chrysler offer align you sneaz chrysler laser similar daytona reskin colt need realign month bolt good grade each wheel carefulli wel d spacer jig measur toe adjust manufactur spec camber bit difficult adjust and m easur us micromet measur space rim and funki bent pipe that upper and lower port ion rim insid wheel hard explain thi tool us had made tool last align profession had refer that origin poster not ciao mark dumbest automot concept time seningen maserati ross mike seninge n mph speedo esp electron digit dash cougar larg analog clock middl dash digit s tink clock funni thing digit dash bird mph speedo limit that you press button co nvert kilomet read kph thi point stock anem short breath thi equival mph hehe be t coulda confus thi thing toi engin and roll stupid thing digit limit gotta agre analog clock digit dash girlfriend had turbocoup digit clock and analog gaug ra

dio figur usenet constel ecn uoknor edu usenet administr love keyless entri bird great for time that had stop put air tire and lock door engin run ran air tire had great featur bird pull kei and leav ignit thi scare hell time happen kinda g rew musta bad kei copi mark novakov god sky tonight sign heaven anywher sight ni n jesu love blow tribut area supervisor jim bonneau and infam bonneau math demot not depart ministri train radar hhtra usho hou chevron haddock write train park tres tl locomot sit directli northbound lane pass underneath trestl radar detector in to full alert light lit and chirp beep and buzz strong thi caus train radio rece nt manufactur locomot wheel slip detect system that us frequenc share polic rada r forget band will set your radar detector you close rang pretti short btw railr oad polic sometim us radar check for speed train regular polic check for speed c ar intent for safeti not revenu collect unlik car braindead driver don ahead articl zdem hgo zdem hgo hou amoco do nna martz write block passer not for good even stupid realiz rule philosophi don feel get of stupid worri idiot posit cash chip mayo aren altruism world anoth f rustrat appoint traffic cop you want stick nose your car ass foot semi suppos yo ur neck not you kill bargain you frustrat delai your inevit death due that wise drive practic tough god for fourth juli for yearli rid earth consider load fool mark twain chang oil articl apr lmpsbb comm mot sheinfel ssd comm mot aviad sheinfeld write you can us electr drill chang suitabl bit turn can succe can ti ghten not tight safe oil leak tighten bolt torqu your servic manual that won lea k strip break etc hopefulli you advanc winson aviad you can avoid problem instal oil drain valv place bolt car leak mile combin mile car ron deblock rdb homxb a tt that number rdb not letter bell lab somerset usa aftermarket air condition articl qcaueinnmt axon unc edu andrew brandt write look into get instal honda crx unit ship instal hour top that thi h unk chang place that aftermarket instal not honda unit parti unit cannot find ca n put parti unit honda carolina prefer place nearbi refer handi thx andi brandt unc edu can you your question comment make aftermarket unit frost king frost tem p forget aftermarket unit cavali and quit unhappi fan noisi and doesn put air wi ll never aftermarket instal vehicl can trust qualiti and perform thi experi le l e bartel live forev intergraph corpor die electron divis ljbartel ingr ljbartel naomi ingr braindead driver don ahead agre that traffic block and you want pass you not feel move for you you don want give that car length wait you you pe opl that sit person and doesn flash high beam pull left and flash ride bumper th at you fact want and you not draft hell will hate you flash back line and don pa ss and issu car intimid peopl for instanc gt pretti mean rearview mirror night f oglight plenti time broken pack that second line hyundai for mile you attent you us thi method coupl semi driver you acknowledg stick hand window middl finger e xtend obviou that clear lane ahead dai court result back ask for defend traffic ticket receiv short ticket for not stop stop sign condit not stop time and decid slide intersect co mplet turn and avoid accid polic cruiser happen approach intersect left and gave ticket offic reason that you even slow place that you approach you bomb respond favor request for told bite bullet and pai fine phghghghgh judg side and decid that thi case not stop safest thing and found not guilti offic statement and acc ount condit time slipperi back newpap weather condit factor made judg decid verd ict moral you never court and you you case for interest process and for your ben efit exercis your right trev name trevor paquett landmark ita fahrvergnuegen ema il tpaquett ita lgc calgari alberta canada visitor cyberspac renegad virtual rea liti includ disclaim saturn manual transmiss problem had exactli problem horizon gear disengag engin rev kind disconcert sold that car quit year back memori that tra nni stick had clutch chatter that dealer not fix lemon law had place that car co ver had jap car sinc figur horizon contribut american auto compani and never bad behavior except toyota tercel bit clutch chatter that fix that dai forward swor n that never purchas anoth american car standard american manufactur don clue ma

nufactur speed transmiss and automat longer and car hate automat bui jap car not thi car thi cheer larri larri roger larri roger big brother larri bori webo wat ch data gener opinion contain and not reflect opinion data gener sometim windshi eld sometim bug dire strait regal fiberglass part regal and interest bui fiberglass hood tru nk and bumper for compani make fiberglass part for regal advanc mike train radar articl fvt dixi jgd dixi john armond write hhtra ush o hou chevron haddock write take extend easter vacat north centervil and dalla a nd train park trestl locomot sit directli northbound lane appear movement cab an d curios slow pass underneath trestl radar detector into full alert light lit an d chirp beep and buzz strong thought had nail good polic materi not locomot dopp ler speedomet radar head mount ground minim interefer and receiv tangent wheel l ow power unit and typic won trigger radar detector unusu situat such aris john j ohn armond oqc interest high perform mobil perform engin magazin interest high t ech and comput marietta send snail mail address jgd dixi perform dixi for free s ampl mag usenet public access atlanta write for info dixi thi make sens radar po int almost train pass head that trigger radar detector pass front engin reflect approach and instant side engin detector receiv fairli strong signal for short t ime happen train electron odomet us bmw question consult work electron odomet des ign us microprocessor base system write somewhat ofusc pattern into eeprom idea make circuit difficult program arbitrari valu into eeprom secondari purpos acut primari purpos standpoint practic distribut write avoid exce maximum number writ e fof eeprom us microprocessor puls come hall effect rate higher mph make spoof read bench puls somewhat undesir thi for automobil that not expect exce mph oper case not for your ecm modul car store info condit car oper sinc steer angl and veloc data etc not difficult collect sort interest demograph inform driver us ca r not awar manufactur enforc warranti restrict base read us data ecm potenti inv as your privaci for manufactur access data your drive style provid valuabl infor m actual field us condit engin car person wouldn mind dealer collect drive demog raph long anonym fashion bill mayhew neoucom comput servic depart rootstown usa phone wtm uhura neoucom edu wed open letter nissan previou articl smorri sumax seattleu edu stev en morri even suggest don you gui ahead and bui rest fuji heavi industri subaru and put line into legaci wagon bui legaci minut had nissan engin horizont that s entiment attach you find wrong flat subaru flat for that matter dod darkman sign ific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion market cruis control specif question howdi thi newsgroup tap kno wledg and expertis subject market cruis control background recent broke ankl roa d bicycl accid place screw yuk two week will return texa home school byu provo u tah you can imagin drive mile broken ankl isn epitom good time car not cruis con trol pedal mess ankl question gener opinion market cruis control unit realiz tha t cheap cruis control pep boi isn good factori profession instal unit such thing and uderstand that can expect accuraci and that sort thing gotta drive hose ank l jeep cheroke speed standard engin ketter ignit distributor cap rotor that set not electron you guess give inform completli can found unit for buck us vehicl v acuum system electr servor motor thi good bad bui thi vacuum hose tap two speed sensor magnet and that get signal neg side distributor kinda tach pick understan d can us manual read store todai that magnet axl set accur harder instal big dif fer sensor for brake pedal cc not sensor for clutch pedal wasn pai real close at tent push clutch cruis speed wind engin kinda high wit and turn thing pretti coo rdin thi doesn bother for girlfriend car bother instal call for attach steadi br ake signal and switch brake signal can switch brake signal correct side brake li ght blade fuse not steadi brake signal for that matter exactli idea manufatur an d can figur thing hook neg side tach type sens gizmo and cabin control unit and ground and that miscellan busi worth monei and safeti risk for such devic good m arket profession instal cc signifacantli and worth cabbag unit manufactur model number that pep boi and suffici for simpl thing instal properli specif question father and built veep volkswagen power jeep high school fairli good tool electro n and car instal doesn scare want that thing instal correctli cheroke wee bit co

mplic veep your time read post and expertis opinion subject you share your wisdo m email don thi group check mail time for mike wieda mikew canc byu edu drive left rob reilli whip and temper initi car built driver con trol that peopl drove buggi thi not earliest car had steer control center vehicl and discern pattern left hand steer control year into centuri america left hand wheel pattern mule team hors imagin explan merit dan andrew cmu edu carnegi mel lon univers appli histori thi coffe plung into stomach mind arous and idea pour battalion grand armi field battl memori charg full gallop light cavalri comparis on deploi magnific artilleri logic hurri train ammunit flash wit pop sharp shoot er honor balzac cup dai licens plate nissan previou articl edf marshal wvnet edu interes t get list for licens plate number list get copi you incred bore you consid read phone book dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albe rt einstein etern champion isuzu amigo opinion sought previou articl sdexter shl scott dext er amigo feedback and feedback appreci anoth jeep wannab design for yuppi will n ever road want outdoorsei dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level th ink creat albert einstein etern champion licens plate previou articl edf marshal wvnet edu interest get l ist for licens plate number list get copi you incred bore you consid read phone book dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert eins tein etern champion truck tailgat mileag articl mar lehigh edu lehigh edu jun write articl mar nosc mil koziarz halibut nosc mil walter koziarz write articl hpscit chrisw hpscit chri wile it consum report studi and found that truck wors mileag tailgat tailgat newer truck and replac front bumper and grill closet door help m ileag and cool that bigger fool work for fool that drivel argu thi that pickup d river for year that forget net tailgat hiwai trip sinc net aren design capabl re strain load bed town tailgat will neglig effect mileag walt improv mileag case t ailgat flow structur cab differ and vortex drag reduc high speed drive toneau co ver think build chipboard for roadtrip comment affect mileag highwai travel char l span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person chevi sprint chevi sprint and door odomet turn and sensor light start blink dealer and mainten light chang oxygen sensor chang sinc bought car h ad don thing happen and quot for part and instal part cost mechan not fix sensor deep engin part suggest wait till malfunct own chevi sprint want oxygen sensor chang you face problem fix dealer result oxygen sensor malfunct greatli apprecis t nagesh corvett low insur articl apr lehigh edu swr lehigh edu scott war ren rosand write articl csux new cso uiuc edu gdhg uxa cso uiuc edu georg hei wr ite year school final graduat and get real job make plan spend thi extra monei a ccord good car not real sporti think sell two year and drop sport car kind think idea accord drop and bui car want corvett stingrai reason that accord corvett s pend basic think late earli for question good year for reliabl horsepow that ord er not horsepow not main concern want fast motorcycl and good price insur male s ingl wait car lower insur fact that drive car lower type classic car rare driven insur class for drive mile per year dad vett and you classic insur basic that m ean that restrict amount drive time basic mean us dai car and suit your for limi t mileag addit restrict mileag classic insur carrier requir that vehicl garag no t us erici eric youngblood bell northern research richardson texa peon email pri v chang oil articl apr cbnewsj att rdb cbnewsj att ronald deblock write you can avoid problem instal oil drain valv place bolt car leak mile combi n mile car problem drain your oil park lot reach underneath turn valv and forget trip home likelyhood wrench person recommend instal special lock drain plug van dal steve dumbest automot concept time articl hqj unix amherst edu bhtulin unix amherst edu barak tulin write start read thi thread todai forgiv mention d eal renault put horn left hand turn signal stalk button end washer button wiper

washer stalk frenchi not figur wire steer wheel start call engin folk franc bunc h braindead for thi mercuri capri had thi love featur thi not earlier german var iant newer that ident mustang current fame can you time thi featur piss come bro ther zepher had thi robert dilmor dilmor crai back earlier thread imagin turn le ft shift gear flash strai driver intersect your left hand high beam headlight st alk and driver wouldn move honk horn left hand stalk heebi jeebi barak train buss radar articl fqfy fpq usenet uc indiana edu mliggett silver uc indiana edu matthew liggett write apr usho hou chevron hhtra usho hou chevron haddock write take extend easter vacat north centervil and dalla and tra in park trestl locomot sit directli northbound lane appear movement cab and curi os slow pass underneath trestl radar detector into full alert light lit and chir p beep and buzz strong thought had nail good polic materi thi caus train radio d on train sign back greyhound bu that warn you that your radar detector set doesn explain set radar detector net desk rick colombo dcd dsg fermi nat acc lab ferm ilab box feynman comput center batavia ill usa colombo fnal fnal gov speak for f ermilab congress and presid not sprai bedlin info want rec auto denni hpcvra denni schloeman wri te xsorri repost thi xthe inform earlier post xdelet system for inform sprai bed lin for pickup truck compani polyurethen xbut for month xso not track record xi sprai bedlin good xwell hold year xinfo appreci xthank xdenni you ziebart dealer your area offer sprai bed liner for year you kind warranti don can you can give you list refer mack costello mcostel oasi navi mil code david taylor model basi n carderock divis nswc bethesda phone car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam articl qh dinnj co l col tvervaek col tom vervaek write experi jeep servic dept not exactli servic incid had similar experi recent bought truck had pick vehicl want and haggl agre price wrote check for payment tax and licens and told back that even pick truck return had wait hour financ gui final smoothli start ad number discov that had miscalcul tax licens need anoth had agre price and problem wasn give monei finan c gui brought manag duti proceed give hard time remind that custom and didn trea t that and that didn back forget deal made smart remark told stick snatch back c heck and left needless not pleas turn event earli morn call gener sale manag wan t happen relat stori and apologis profus and ask chang mind told that gave truck for free wouldn that dealer town repeat custom and that learn treat custom etc etc pretti steam affair gave line hate lose custom and find solut etc etc told n ot bother coupl hour owner dealership call apologet etc etc etc and that cover k nock anoth price truck told and gave privat direct phone number secretari name a nd assur that valu custom etc etc etc thought for hour and discuss wife and deci d hell that pretti decent deal call back and accept offer back dai pick truck re ceiv royal treatment incid even lot boi smoothli and truck min guess satisfi cus tom not happen place bit shock sale person talk that don expect bow and grovel d on expect hard time esp mistak happi truck and turn coupl hundr dollar invoic an d paid year licens fee not whether back that dealer tho mark chang oil rec auto boyl cactu org craig boyl write xin articl qg i einnh skeena uc ubc yiklam unixg ubc yik chong lam write bolt engin compart tu rn clockwis counter kind lubric etc fail you can us electr drill chang suitabl b it turn can succe can tighten not tight safe oil leak xassum you don russian car opposit thread xyou turn counterclockwis profession xhelp you not locat dra plu g and xactual loosen xcraig you advanc winson thi remind time cousin oil chang c ar crawl remov bolt drain fluid replac bolt carefulli pour quart oil didn bother check dip stick drove didn till found that drain speed tran and dump extra quar t into engin moral craig don asham person time mack costello mcostel oasi navi m il code david taylor model basin carderock divis nswc bethesda phone chang oil articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu sorlin magnu ac ohi o state edu steven orlin write articl apr cbnewsj att rdb cbnewsj att ronald deb lock write you can avoid problem instal oil drain valv place bolt car leak mile combin mile car problem drain your oil park lot reach underneath turn valv and f orget trip home likelyhood wrench person recommend instal special lock drain plu g vandal steve worri steal oil onc final decid drain plug weld shut work great f igur that add quart oil light come month that good wive tale chang oil and filte

r mile work for chang oil articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu sorlin magnu ac ohi o state edu steven orlin write articl apr cbnewsj att rdb cbnewsj att ronald deb lock write you can avoid problem instal oil drain valv place bolt car leak mile combin mile car problem drain your oil park lot reach underneath turn valv and f orget trip home car drain petcock radiat and never heard vandal open imagin that even lower risk oil plug you crawl furthur car open car vandal real tradit meth od and thing that don dirti kei your car dump sand sugar mothbal ga tank tping e tc boycott usl novel for absurd anti bsdi lawsuit drew eckhardt condemn colorado for amend two drew colorado edu us linux fast flexibl and free unix mazda forsal for sale mazda mazda white exterior grei interior m ile interior good condit exterior good condit pioneer car stereo player preset r emov facepl seper compon speaker profession mount door car maintain wax and inte rior clean good run car solid bodi rust tini spot surfac rust spot touch stereo make car had mechan problem for firm car averag wholesal stereo stereo cost last juli you interest call email carl mercer cci even licens plate articl apr marshal wvnet edu edf marshal wvnet edu write interest get list for licens plate number list get copi you can dmv and fo r list don you bui copi you can us for your perus california list person licens plate run volum each thick hope thi you ask for ken kenneth lui klui corp hanov street corpor administr inform system palo alto usa core applic technolog fax chang oil rist anoth dealer servic scam previou articl bmoss gri nch sim brent woodi moss worri steal oil onc final decid drain plug weld shut wo rk great figur that add quart oil light come month that good wive tale chang oil and filter mile work for thing drain plug for reason wonder you fill your crank cas weld hood shut fear that steal air filter dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion rec auto reader archiv name rec auto part recent march addit alt auto kart rpw rec auto thi articl automat each month and contain gener descript purpos each automot newsgroup and suggest guidelin for discuss keyword monthli post will make kill thi articl easi for user newsread kill facil thi articl post auto group followup direct rec auto you don understand thi mean your system adm inistr for for copi newus document fail that subscrib newsgroup new announc newu s and read document provid introduct rec auto newsgroup hierarchi rec auto tech intend for technic discuss automobil design construct diagnosi and servic discus s larg inappropri for sale ad rec auto sport intend for discuss legal organ comp etit involv automobil technic discuss appli competit vehicl discuss two viewpoin t spectat and particip encourag argument sport car larg inappropri discuss for s ale ad inappropri for competit vehicl and equip discuss illeg event margin avoid advoc break law rememb fbi read usenet rec auto drive intend for discuss relat drive automobil you discuss radar detector insert your pet drive peev bonehead r ec auto intend for discuss issu relat us and ownership automobil manufactur volk swagen thi includ vw audi seat etc creat ground that info mail list success not presum exist thi group that creat group cover marqu group specif individu marqu creat demonstr suffici interest avenu such mail list rec audio car not properli part rec auto hierarchi correct place for discuss automot audio equip and mentio n rec auto antiqu intend for discuss older car year thi not hard and fast rule a lt hotrod not part hierarchi potenti interest rec auto reader gatewai moder hotr od mail list and for discuss modifi and develop perform vehicl alt auto rod cust om not part offici hierarchi devot that peculiar american hobbi custom older car alt auto kart for discuss popular motorsport and hobbi kart rec auto intend cap tur discuss automot topic crosspost crosspost occur newsgroup name includ newsgr oup line articl header such articl will newsgroup list crosspost misunderstood a nd misus facil usenet you post group you feel articl you never crosspost reach a udienc thi distinct subtl import radar detector articl for exampl rec auto almos t never sci electron rec ham radio and fact that you want reach audienc sci elec tron rec ham radio not adequ justif for post group crosspost rec auto group inap propri you find whether not advis send your articl set followup point newsgroup you feel you crosspost crosspost rec auto and misc consum chanci flame war speed limit and us radar detector never crosspost group reader sci electron and rec r

adio couldn care polic radar and radar detector argument that endlessli rec auto excel idea check newsgroup and followup line articl post followup wari post mis c test rec art startrek talk bizarr combin life you save your distribut field he ader new articl you partial control articl call distribut field for reason serv remind that new larg and widespread system distribut rec auto fairli extens thi write automot newsgroup reach europ australia zealand and locat japan thi mind o ffer hint us distribut field your articl header and articl content care not send for sale ad clap ford maverick jersei franc california doubt that place will ca re for girlfriend for strang reason like maverick door maverick that post techni c question includ market for your car manufactur for exampl number differ europe an market ford escort and market escort likewis and earli alfa romeo reach spica fuel inject european market car carb weber differ can import your reader make y our situat clear failur can lead pointless flame war and signific spread misinfo rm care your capac and specif post mix metric and english system valu europ almo st metric system futur edit thi monthli post will list commonli us abbrevi that not place that rec auto reach thi cut wai not parochi us distribut field limit y our articl north america valu north america can canada and usa us addit two lett er state abbrevi support case want send articl york and jersei put distribut fie ld note that multipl comma separ valu legal distribut field vari wide you check your local sysadmin find like support your area danger overgener amplifi warn di stribut section thi articl wari make foolish assumpt car tire etc true for buick cid engin quit utterli wrong for honda engin headlight law sweden decidedli ida ho for adequ specif you question give reason amount inform you question your hon da year model engin size etc answer your question quit useless lemon time anoth auto manufactur manufactur lemon two even honda admit thi don wast time announc world that your brand automobil terribl brand automobil terribl bui car brand co mpani such articl wors useless substanti wast bandwidth carri inform flame flame free newsgroup that like will never occur guidelin for flame and deal list flam e prone topic follow section thi post you post obnoxi and inflammatori don imagi n for minut that includ word flame will work won and you exactli you deserv you flame you like you can cite fact refer like bald unsupport assert care you choos insult not insult ask question bad idea post question and end phrase send email don read thi group idea end question send email suffici interest summar result post miss post respons thi request answer question hop yugo don mustang silent g ive advic advic defend speed ticket don obei law time offens presum guilt not pr oven and doesn directli address origin question gener don post order your word p rint and don post order enjoi feel smug and righteou stale and inflammatori topi c topic consid stale timer discuss and factual inform rave extrem tiresom and pe rson post altogeth topic natur inflammatori difficult not imposs meaning discuss topic includ mph speed limit pro and con discuss moral and legal sale and usag radar detector discuss radar detector discuss sport car thi reason rec auto spor t not sport car group argu constitut sport car disput whether not feder law prot ect driver and oper radar detector bui american discuss clever bumper sticker an d person licens plate insert nation car terribl kind car maxwel smart drive comp let accur answer will ad commonli ask question articl post monthli don wast band width thi topic rpw direct comment and suggest thi articl welti cabot balltown c ma richard welti welti cabot balltown cma noth good report full rotat race car p itch roll axi carrol smith rec auto frequent ask consum automot question archiv name rec au to part thi articl pair articl contain commonli ask automot question articl cont ain question gear automot enthusiast and not crosspost misc consum rpw april rev is brake fluid section silicon dot fluid appar rpw commonli ask automot question tire question funni number side tire mean typic you will width tire millimet tr ead narrow aspect ratio height sidewal tire rel width exampl tire sidewal height wheel diamet inch special tire call trx tire digit metric wheel diamet design m illimet mean radial and speed rate indic highest speed tire properli inflat and carri load safe oper common speed rate mph mph mph and mph recent method for tir e size move speed rate part design you find design per tire load associ speed ra te exceed thi load continu oper rate speed danger practic follow tabl show numbe r load indic and maximum per tire load load index max load note that usual mass

weight confus occur thi tabl case letter found front tire size design light truc k and design passeng car letter applic tire passeng car usag letter market desig n prinicip interest owner light truck and util vehicl for owner passeng vehicl m eaning differ tire design and design aspect ratio omit tire mud snow design spee d rate reduc mph addit set rate tire for temperatur traction and treadwear tempe ratur and traction grade and and worst treadwear numer rate valu limit assign so mewhat arbitrarili tire manufactur and not compar brand tire car tire funni size design can put normal tire car your tire call trx tire devis michelin somewhat bead design incompat normal tire michelin us diamet wheel for that not mount wro ng type wheel and that convent tire not mount trx type wheel you will aquir whee l put normal tire your car bare fit normal tire trx wheel and horribl danger tir e simpli peel rim corner possibl blow high speed trx type tire hard find addit m ichelin avon make suitabl tire goodyear appar discontinu line trx tire can rotat radial side side rotat side car car and tire manufactur differ view thi subject that swap radial left and hand side car thi group includ michelin and goodyear for exampl pirelli and nokia will void warranti such swap advic read your tire m anual carefulli rotat your tire and stick manufactur recommend snow tire bui and bui end car put short and end explain driver area that don excess snow don driv e agress snow condit two snow drive wheel circumst thi can danger practic rear w heel drive car you can choos start car function rear axl stop and turn car funct ion front axl front wheel drive car you start stop and turn front end primari ri sk put snow tire front that you put brake downhil you run risk downhil backward radar detector and speed limit aren comment radar detector and speed limit thi p ost question detector and speed limit crosspost misc consum and rec auto start l ong tediou and pointless flame war you want talk topic subscrib rec auto alt fla me and safeti equip airbag work preliminari statist suggest airbag work belt goo d point belt alon work airbag alon and airbag point belt work slightli point bel t alon con airbag that design tend burn driver hand vent byproduct explos that o ccur insid bag and that design not knock driver hand wheel make retent control v ehicl bag deflat difficult brake question rotor disk brake turn mida thi specif condit that mandat turn replac rotor shop and make extra monei replac rotor stri ctli rotor not warp warp and lightli groov replac turn note that rotor rotor hon da good exampl narrow begin that not practic turn replac becom thin warp badli g roov downshift brake slow car thi good idea us good idea back dai mediocr fade p rone drum brake modern disc brake equip car us downshift slow car not case long steep downhil run modern disc brake adequ stop passeng car circumst and cheaper repair clutch line hand standard driver licens test usa that driver test downshi ft brake suggest that take driver test you learn thi smoothli take time and prac tic borrow car automat test replac brake fluid you tradit brake fluid tend absor b water thi water can corrod intern part brake system and lower boil point fluid dot type older fluid dot and dot newer specif princip differ wet and dry boil p oint dry boil point import fresh brake fluid wet boil point import older brake f luid dot fluid lowest wet and dry boil point requir dot fluid boil point requir and dot fluid boil point requir dot fluid not superior for detail requir impli t hat dot fluid dot fluid specif case dot fluid prefer competit applic dot type fl uid offer improv brake pedal feel replac onc year recommend for dot fluid agress driver profit chang fluid frequent bleed modest amount fluid brake calip fairli regularli dot brake fluid thi break two part dot specif excel for perform dot f luid silicon base silicon fluid tricki proposit unlik dot and dot fluid not abso rb water thi sound featur problem that water present pool such system interf bra ke perform and corrod metal spot pool occur water will tend migrat brake system brake calip corros occur thi phenomenon essenti convert silicon empti entir brak e system and flush throughli even recommend replac rubber part brake system conv ert silicon fluid two issu that come silicon fluid difficult pour cleanli that a ir bubbl interfer get good brake pedal feel and gener higher boil point dot flui d high temperatur failur mode indistinguish effect boil dot fluid silicon fluid make sens street car applic not recommend for high perform drive applic and econ om question for street us recent becom awar fluid that meet dot standard that no t silicon fluid compat older dot and dot fluid inform thi time ab car cost worth thi not cut and dri answer thi answer will quit long order cover pro and con sh

ort answer that ab cost initi and maintain will gener work for averag driver tha t driver not extens experi high perform drive techniqu and requir unlearn obsole t brake techniqu pump brake unlearn case for long answer ab work monit wheel car for sign lock brake not distinguish wheel system market cannot detect impend lo ckup you want ideal world exist lockup sensor us vari design sensor sensit tire size and brake pad materi and ceas function properli owner deviat origin equip e quival compon sensor detect lockup ab system respond unlock brake individu onc d epend system driver foot firmli plant ab will end cycl lock and unlock state sen sor exist that detect impend lockup sit that point maximum brake effect achiev t hi puls can felt brake pedal system cycl percentag time that brake engag call du ti cycl typic ab system thi dry pavement train driver can beat thi duti cycl qui t reliabl techniqu call threshold brake wet pavement brake chanci that ab will o utperform threshold brake time mud and snow maximum brake effect can acheiv brak e lock audi manufactur produc ab equip car fit provid disabl switch for ab syste m for thi eventu import featur ab that preserv steer control thi case simpli you brake limit and turn wheel ab will releas brake see steer trigger lockup and ba ck percentag time that brake appli brake distanc will lengthen accordingli impor t caution ab cannot exce maximum theoret brake forc situat you start slide glare ic don expect ab system you coeffici friction not chang presenc ab system your car mainten addit potenti restrict list you worri part cost higher master cylind for obscur european sedan list for master cylind for ab equip version car list for manufactur explicitli forbid us dot silicon brake fluid ab equip vehicl pote nti cost replac corrod brake system compon regular suggest annual replac brake f luid becom import thi threshold brake busi not put thi consum recent public numb er accid involv polic driver ab equip chevi capric suggest that thi section need rpw threshold brake techniqu practic high perform driver made habit replac stab pedal and lock panic habit and prefer basic premis that tire gener maximum brak e forc start slide wheel lock driver threshold brake learn feel thi threshold fe el and learn search for and hit applic brake pedal car you can feel that you thr eshold pedal start firm you depress case you can hear tire whine bit you not thr eshold car ab twing pedal system start cycl driver back pedal tad twing felt clo se threshold and achiev stop distanc punch and ab recent rash public number acci d and death involv polic car equip ab system polic depart question quickli blame ab system autoweek magazin clear that problem lack train involv offic had recen t perform drive train reason that driver react puls brake pedal pump brake and d iscredit techniqu stab and releas brake pedal goal and brake back fail hydraul s ystem you for minut you realiz that pump brake cut effect oper work brake system you cut duti cycl ab system that you give your brake for wrong reason threshold brake advantag that effect and techniqu whether your car ab you fear fail hydra ul system two stab pedal will suffici ga question high octan gasolin not car kno ck sensor and can adjust engin time turbocharg boost suit gasolin us car you us cheapest ga that make your car run check your owner manual for detail your car c ar made for lead gasolin will unlead ga hurt that unlead ga slightli increas val v wear amoco oil compani argu actual increas valv wear will almost unnotic moder n lead gasolin lead you check your owner manual car earli not requir lead gasoli n fuel treatment kind us and don winter good idea us dry ga harm fuel inject sys tem never us addit contain methanol sometim call methyl alcohol such addit damag fuel system car carb and almost will damag car fuel inject manufactur opinion v ari addit contain ethanol sometim call ethyl alcohol your car fuel inject check owner manual your car manufactur ethanol accept gasolin addit isopropyl alcohol isopropanol and petroleum distil fine fuel inject car occasion bottl fuel inject or cleaner help car fuel injector premium gasolin deterg that job brand fuel inj ector cleaner ethanol methanol check ingredi put your ga tank small number good addit notic expens that run mill work chevron techron redlin wurth lubrimoli ven til sauber and bottl onc six month highli recommend deterg gasolin qualiti deter g packag gasolin vari somewhat bmw institut test program and gasolin brand pass thi test advertis that fact sticker indic passag test begin fuel pump ga station such gasolin us fuel injector cleaner option beforewarn that us bmw approv gaso lin will clean engin clean not clean motor bad valv deposit lubric question numb er and letter motor oil design mean item encod two letter code indic type deterg

packag that manufactur oil thi such code for gasolin engin applic code for dies el engin applic second letter assign sequenc level protect develop consid consid and notic design oil weight thi singl number weight pair number separ letter ty pe commonli us dai and type that automobil manufactur oper manual number design appar viscos oil cold stand for winter second number viscos oil hot trick oil do esn thicker turn weight weight get hotter happen that oil cold viscos cold weigh t oil get hotter doesn thin fast oil time temperatur viscos hot weight oil note that number rang viscos not oil exactli viscos cold and not weight oil viscos ho t note that behaviour multi grade oil caus addit and report that sole except cas trol gtx oil not retain multi grade characterist time and oil work quick lube pl ace good adequ work quit incompet buyer bewar watch work make that don overtorqu oil drain plug and your hand your wallet time oil addit slick tufoil good slick and tufoil ptfe base addit come market recent moli base addit that sinc earli p tfe chemic name for teflon trademark own dupont gener auto manufactur not recomm end us product usenet respons question addit favor slight increas mpg applic smo other rev long term result whether ptfe addit effect mile debat manufactur such saab claim that product engin flush that prece applic deterior oil seal and even tu leakag bmw owner report death valv seal shortli addit slick car thi writer ca ution slick dealer that slick not us japanes motor clog oil return passag engin report damag caus ptfe addit hand satifi slick custom world synthet oil work spe cif auto manufactu accept synthet disagre extrem long oil chang interv claim oil manufactur auto manufactur recommend that you continu chang oil interv recommen d owner manual for your car even you decid longer interv chang oil filter regula r interv synthet dirti convent oil synthet gear lubric for manual transmiss anot h matter amsoil redlin and agip highli regard and effect mobil synthet gear lube get mix review manufactur longer and longer oil chang interv chang oil depend y ou drive your car get warm and you don drive hard and rev manufactur recommend f ine you drive hard drive high rev altern you drive and supermarket that doesn te mperatur you chang oil perhap mile interv that manufactur mile interv you don dr ive your car mile year you want chang oil six month you store car winter chang o il store and chang oil you bring storag misc question car time belt hear that ba d thing happen break stori depend intern design motor earli ford escort for exam pl will suffer sever valv damag belt break newer car will requir tow and instal belt honda motor will not damag will replac interv for your car chang belt mile car requir frequent replac your dealer independ mechan relat repair that place t ime for exampl ford escort that suffer valv damag time belt driven water pump se iz destroi time belt and major valv damag side effect replac time belt ignor wat er pump can costli mistak stupid design motor that destruct time belt break for perform reason compromis piston design that valv and piston will not collid requ ir that compress ratio engin reduc significantli thi you like avoid valv damag e conomi car perform orient vehicl unintend acceler final report nation highwai tr ansport and safeti administr conclud that unintend acceler not caus mechan failu r vehicl question and time consist physic evid nhtsa report conclud that pedal m isappl vehicl oper richard welti welti cabot balltown cma noth good report full rotat race car pitch roll axi carrol smith warn read anoth stori add thi girlfriend and drive west and pelt rock pull stoplight scari thing that rock heavi put decent size dent door rivie ra pretti solid detriot iron coupl inch higher and window chri chri barru chrisb lynx uci edu kallista aol buick riviera boattail peac superior automot power sa cr cow make hamburg abbi hoffman militech interest product auto show and hear your comment milite ch anoth oil addit demonstr thi product impress didn cheat setup demo fairli sim pl cone shape rotor half submerg small oil sink fill motor oil rotor power elect ron motor metal pad press rotor torqu wrench rotor stop friction torqu that need stop rotor read torqu wrench militech ad rotor stop torqu you pick brand oil di ffer onc militech ad oil rotor not stop even torqu good part even salesman empti oil sink you not stop rotor thin film remain you add per quart oil mile bottl d oubt thi product great salesman wide us militari didn demo impress that bought b ottl common sens heard us thi product real you auto show visit thi stand second floor can find demo hoax not jason chen ford sho engin part will not work intern engin compon sho engin thi good thing mile cam sensor south ford dealer fix work final street local mec han thi gui read code engin comput bad cam sensor and fix hour friend mine had s ensor damag flood water ford deni sensor regist bad and father short circut pape r clip method not exact techniqu and read code servic engin light flash gener th i damag sensor back ford and told wrong fix car that bunch bozo cut edg bb cut h ou pcboard system houston texa usa run uupcb rec auto automot mail list archiv name rec auto part automot mai l list electron mail that last updat lotu exot car list subscript info ad portla nd motorsport list corvair list triumph list rpw number electron mail list netwo rk devot special automot topic knowledg list appear open membership polici polic i not list close mail list mail list provid separ address for administr queri an d for gener mail separ administr address exist list below gener address not for inquiri and request audi send request quattro request ari east sun autocross sol o send request autox request hoosier utah edu bmw send request bmw request ballt own cma regular and digest form british car send request british car request hoo sier utah edu buick grand nation regal gnx send request gnttype request srvsn mo nsanto camaro firebird bodi send request bodi request boogi ebai sun corvair sen d request bryan pegasu mitr org corvett two list competit orient list and second gener natur told competit send request vett request cimag gener send request ve tt request compaq datsun fairladi roadster send request datsun roadster request hoosier utah edu dodg stealth mitsubishi send request stealth req jim wupost wus tl edu eclips talon laser send request diginst talon request radiu electr vehicl send request info request ymir claremont edu exot car send request exot car req uest sol asl hitachi fabric race car send request racefab request pm pm ford int ern harvest discuss scout pickup etc send request ihc request balltown cma itali an car send request italian car request balltown cma regular and digest form hon da listserv brownvm brown edu us standard listserv subscript procedur mail messa g bodi listserv sub honda your real name subject line header hot rod send reques t hotrod request dixi land rover send request land rover owner request stratu lo tu send request lotu car request netcom mazda send request mazda list request uk i edu miata listserv jhunix hcf jhu edu us standard listserv subscript procedur mail messag bodi listserv sub miata your real name subject line header merkur se nd request merkur request pcad mopar high perform chrysler dodg plymouth product send request mopar casbah acn nwu edu send request interest request validgh mus tang two list for mustang second for mustang care mustang don classic send reque st classic mustang request hpfctjc modern send request mustang request cup offro ad send request offroad request gtri gatech edu porsch send request porschephil request tta portland oregon motorsport activ send request pdxracer request reed edu ralli send request ralli request stratu send request jjn cblpf att saab send request saab network mh compuserv saturn send request saturn request oar net sc hool high perform drive school send request school request balltown cma sentra s end request request pencom supra send request supra request vicor toyota send re quest toyota request quack sac triumph send request jtc ccwf utexa edu volvo req uest swedishbrick request rochest edu wheel wheel race forum for race driver wor ker crew and wannab send request wheeltowheel request abingdon sun car nissan da tsun send request car request dixi richard welti welti cabot balltown cma noth g ood report full rotat race car pitch roll axi carrol smith rec auto rec auto archiv server archiv name rec auto part automo t articl archiv server automot archiv server process rehost and present not rich ard welti welti cabot balltown cma noth good report full rotat race car pitch ro ll axi carrol smith rec auto frequent ask question archiv name rec auto part thi art icl pair articl contain commonli ask automot question articl contain question ge ner consum interest and broken facilit crosspost misc consum rpw last chang febr uari permit radar detector usag tire traction rpw commonli ask question radar qu estion radar detector illeg virgina and district columbia prohibit usag radar de tector york prohibit us larg truck canada illeg manitoba ontario quebec newfound land and pei princ edward island appar illeg not europ legisl make illeg pend ju risdict chanc such legisl pass vari great deal radar detector detector us work u

sag spread rapidli initi us canada appear york and virginia unsaf assum that not us connecticut and work detect frequenc radiat super het radar detector brand d etector radiat strongli and like spot radar detector not detect current gener de tector detector note that detector spot devic turn vascar kind radar vascar noth fanci stopwatch and time speed distanc comput depend oper press button target v ehicl pass landmark radar signal emit vascar system band radar us radar detector handl band recent made fcc for us call photo radar instal instal low power beam aim across road degre angl direct traffic and pictur vehicl radar unit determin violat speed limit ticket mail owner vehicl low power and degre angl peopl that radar detector cannot give reason warn band radar unit manufactur radar detecto r ad such capabl number local photo radar us limit and question legal such unit advic learn photo radar unit and track us don speed radar jammer work legal quic k answer and not usa detail answer cheap radar jammer not work jammer that work expens and properti militari jammer major violat regul feder commun commiss usa drive techniqu and vehicl dynam question underst and overst underst and overst t erm describ behaviour car corner limit limit adhes that driver not drive hard fo r term descript situat encount simpli put whether car straight corner steer unde rst turn corner overst underst commonli design into product car that untrain dri ver inadvertantli travel fast won into troubl underst induc throttl corner overs t design into perform orient car induc lift throttl trail throttl overst tto ext rem case lift throttl induc overst that car react fishtail spin technic detail c orner speed tire car will develop call slip angl slip angl angular differ direct that car travel and direct that steer wheel direct car travel underst front whe el greater slip angl rear wheel overst rear wheel greater slip angl front wheel rev match downshift downshift engin rotat faster lower gear higher gear downshif t you declutch and lift your foot throttl rev drop increas rev match downshift y ou blip throttl engag clutch that engin will speed thi result smoother and faste r downshift heel and toe mean heel and toe techniqu us rev match downshift brake thi challeng you foot for brake and throttl call heel and toe you us end foot b rake and throttl match rev for downshift modern car thi misnom you us ball foot brake and side throttl note that race car driver will skip clutch and us left fo ot brake and foot throttl accomplish thing doubl clutch downshift your foot your left foot can thing noth declutch onc declutch twice reason for declutch twice match speed two shaft transmiss speed engin thi coupl rev match that engin neutr al and clutch engag throttl blip and shaft transmiss speed procedur follow declu tch move gearshift lever neutral engag clutch match rev declutch move gearshift lever lower gear engag clutch thi sound lot work practic becom natur problem tha t doubl clutch solv function synchron gearbox transmiss synchro worn synchro dou bl clutch make easier shift basic you doubl clutch you not synchro thi gener unn ecessari street car synchro good condit number for acceler mile skidpad and slal om time auto magazin mean compar short not magazin want you and almost never det ail acceler number mph and mile time vagu compar long come sourc test procedur v ari magazin magazin that compar road track number car driver number quit pointle ss mind that variat appli driver driver street driver major major part equat ski dpad vari and even didn skidpad figur test sticki stock tire chang radic tire co mpound chang not make assumpt compar handl two sport sedan base skidpad number t hi not suggest that skidpad skidpad excel educ tool drive school simpli limit co mparison tire slalom time slightli test small part automobil transient respons h eavili influenc stock rubber car and not test corner car envelop not you you mak e bui decis for exampl don you rear end car will road suddenli camber car adjust suspens test sport set quit unsuit for daili drive list caveat for page page bu ddi claim that wide tire don make differ freshman physic textbook and that you c an acceler corner talk short hasn clue detail equat for friction us freshman phy sic textbook presum that surfac smooth dry and deform properli appli tire tracti on case stone cold tire dry pavement below proper oper temperatur pavement never smooth irregular greater lesser extent tire not dry and solid rubber substanc n atur form liquid and coerc into semblanc solid chemic magic deform match surfac pavement vehicl travel tire oper temperatur grip gener shear stress insid deform rubber and not even remot resembl friction freshman physic sens term colder tir e rel oper temperatur closer behaviour will tradit concept friction hotter prope

r oper temperatur like possibl part tire revert liquid happen deep tread caus ch aracterist blister and chunk thi almost complet happen normal street drive you c ompetit driver lot high speed track drive don worri tire traction complet domain simpl friction not obei freshman physic equat dragster acceler and race car cor ner and brake simpl friction not appli for size contact patch gener differ amoun t grip actual analysi tire behavior requir techniqu such finit element analysi d ue complex mechan misc question name acronym stand for list name commonli ask ca re solicit mean name misinform abound net never rec humor you want result saab s venska aeroplan swedish airplan corpor alfa societa anonima lombarda fabbrica au tomobili lombardi automobil manufactur compani fiat fabbrica italiana automobili torino italian automobil manufactur turin bmw bayerisch motoren werk bavarian m otor work morri garag porsch porsch publicli held compani control porsch and pie ch famili porsch extens busi deal audi confus sinc porsch financi difficulti pos sibl that merced interest purchas compani futur thi specul thi time richard welt i welti cabot balltown cma noth good report full rotat race car pitch roll axi c arrol smith rec auto automot mail list set your archiv name rec auto part ar ticl februari rpw peopl want set mail list for favorit automot topic fewer thi a rticl will provid essenti inform for standard unix system shell script and examp l alia file setup includ present run sparc balltown cma for number mail list not e that you set automot mail list request address that can list montli rec auto p ost inform keeper usenet list list check new answer for thi monthli post anywher you sysadmin measur assist your sysadmin import that you good network connect y ou dai that you troubl get email your network connect not good listserv handi au tom mail list packag name listserv ftp server network detail instal and oper lis tserv scope thi articl run larg mail list listserv carefulli alia file typic uni x system file name usr lib alias whichev file server your mail host contain line such foo bar baz bletch mean that email name foo that host redistribut user bar baz and bletch simplest email list favorit car member member member address fav orit car request address thi coupl problem notic that you superus edit alia file you can conniv your sysadmin favorit car includ home mydir misc auto favorit ca r list favorit car request address file list comma and newlin separ address thi file can list admin home directori own list admin bounc mail thi problem bounc m ail get distribut member list gener consid somewhat irrit that drive school mail list set instruct harpal chohan bmw list for thi setup not school request welti school rebroadcast includ home newwelti misc auto school list school usr local adm bin explscript school owner school school request owner school school reques t owner and request address intend trap for bounc mail come network request addr ess serv point contact for administr duti school peopl send mail point address p oint shell script rewrit header resend email school broadcast name name chang pr otect saniti point actual list member shell script us follow bin tmp sed repli s ender echo repli balltown cma echo error request balltown cma echo sender reques t balltown cma cat usr lib sendmail request balltown cma mail list rebroadcast e xit note that thi script not name list name pass that script us for multipl list run thi site script excis repli sender and line incom messag substitut for send er and repli and add error email bounc messag end request owner address thi head er rewrit for digest list digestif softwar hopefulli provid inform futur version thi post richard welti welti balltown cma richard welti welti cabot balltown cm a noth good report full rotat race car pitch roll axi carrol smith dumbest automot concept time articl wichitak ncr jhart wichitak ncr jim hart write articl mar uncavx unca edu bwillard uncavx unca edu write top list dumbest automot concept dodg colt vista tachomet avail automat tran back l ight corvett side car interest year thi don recal car back light side corvett su ppos mi interpret you quick comment backup light mount side extrem for peopl bac k park stall regard charl span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person warn read thi two side problem cultur deterior time breed low li fe get wors justic system extrem weak handl problem that low abid citizen power protect and properti deadli forc anywher threat immin camaro pride and joi stole n drivewai year back person that that eventu caught lucki for not trash car anot

h occas texa florida had stop small motel for night small town florida youth dis turb car set alarm and challeng come and anoth tenant walk magnum and automat va nish needless immedi pack and left watch for car jack and stage accid can deadli steve heracl warn read ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi write hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low you make sound thi behavior isn lot pedestrian bridg fenc that curl side walk make thi kind lot harder don understand mental couldn figur move glad bomb waco wacko newsgroup list trim significantli jim frost jimf centerlin chang oil articl apr colorado edu drew kinglear colorado edu dre w eckhardt write car drain petcock radiat and never heard vandal open imagin tha t even lower risk oil plug you crawl furthur car open car vandal real tradit met hod and thing that don dirti kei your car dump sand sugar mothbal ga tank tping etc place and you stuff happen you didn steve mazda part whitnei number base chicago case you call dir assist price earth sourc for car innard outer will send you free catalog neeraj dumbest automot concept time parr ac ucalgari charl parr write t op list dumbest automot concept back light corvett side car interest year thi do n recal car back light side corvett suppos mi interpret you quick comment backup light mount side extrem for peopl back park stall can corvett side mount backup light that saab start year ago saab didn friend saab addit confent tail light m ount backup light had anoth set integr into front turn signal assembl for you do n rememb saab that vintag had enorm multicolour plastic growth size nation geogr aph magazin stick front fender incorpor amber park light amber side marker light reflector white corner lamp american luxuri car aim side road you your turn ind ic and white backup light aim back car you select revers gear glossi brochur sho w front mount backup light for illumin hazard pot hole kid toi etc that run fron t car you had wheel turn back mart moll comput system research institut univers toronto toronto canada aftermarket unit articl qcaueinnmt axon unc edu andrew brandt wr ite look into get instal honda crx unit ship instal hour top that thi hunk chang place that aftermarket instal not honda unit parti unit cannot find can put par ti unit honda carolina prefer place nearbi refer handi thx andi brandt unc edu l e bartel comment can you your question comment make aftermarket unit frost king frost temp forget aftermarket unit cavali and quit unhappi fan noisi and doesn p ut air will never aftermarket instal vehicl can trust qualiti and perform thi ex peri le le bartel live forev add had instal ford garag and not work that instal factori pickup ident mine talk peopl that had result don thi probabl ford erni s mith aftermarket unit articl qcaueinnmt axon unc edu andrew brandt wr ite look into get instal honda crx unit ship instal hour top that thi hunk chang place that aftermarket instal not honda unit parti unit cannot find can put par ti unit honda carolina prefer place nearbi refer handi thx andi brandt unc edu l e bartel comment can you your question comment make aftermarket unit frost king frost temp forget aftermarket unit cavali and quit unhappi fan noisi and doesn p ut air will never aftermarket instal vehicl can trust qualiti and perform thi ex peri le le bartel live forev add had instal ford garag and not work that instal factori pickup ident mine talk peopl that had result don thi problem ford erni s mith jeep laredo experi bui jeep laredo and wonder had bad good exper i thi model that yj feel and sound nice vehicl even thought price steep for cana dian don bnr curiou porsch drove yfn ysu edu albion bower write previou artic l wade rockwel wade guthri takaharu mail sa upenn edu taka mizutani write articl apr progress damelio progress stephen amelio wrote wrote thi consist pre engin that litr depend earli you and power high rev start slowli and jump narrow band litr and had lot smog equip you power distribut rev rang bzzzt wrong answer depe nd whether you talk model year date manufactur for instanc mine manufactur augus t prior liter for and model year liter for and model year liter for carerra lite r and year easili identifi mph bumper model year lietsr carerra rsr liter carerr

a liter model liter and singl model cross and carerra model note base model year not date manufactur stand correct thi memori mind you for rev happi behavior ea rlier car even prone thi liter car us low compress engin and suffer bit thi rega rd earli liter and liter engin good dose smog gear and liter engin and quickest revver lot yeah that wade guthri program do wade rockwel shave chain not speak f or rock warn read articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapold i write thi happen year ago washington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass car hit injuri and sadli small girl sit front seat struck head larger rock don recal made comatos for month and doctor weren hold h ope that live hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low erik velapold societi come apart seam basi c reason that human life devalu point kill big deal kid hundr murder act can abo rt children demand and kill sick and will surpris kid drop lb rock and kill peop l don care messag hear life cheap braindead driver don ahead hhm cbnewsd att herschel mayo write b lock passer not for good even stupid realiz rule philosophi don feel get of stup id worri idiot posit cash chip mayo zdem hgo hou amoco donna martz write aren al truism world anoth frustrat appoint traffic cop hhm cbnewsd att herschel mayo wr ite you want stick nose your car ass foot semi suppos your neck not you kill bar gain you frustrat delai your inevit death due that wise drive practic tough neve r wrote that act you describ state that not block passer not block passer for go od for reason prevent due traffic circumst fail deter passer circumst decreas yo ur chanc involv accid fatal fact imagin block passer increas your chanc of invol v accid thi passer ride your bumper intention block person ride your bumper not wise drive practic jam becom congest don mess truck and watch road ahead and roa d perceiv that rapidli close pack vehicl avoid get caught situat such you decrib traffic build and deal thi fact life wait slow passer complet pass and make for pack clear decid pull bumper signal intent move and opportun hope will open jam feel thi not courteou drive alot safer action you advoc courteou driver road no t intention imped front oblivi fact that block traffic us blinker flash light fa il will briefli speed slow messag that faster vehicl pass feel never safe ride b umper intention block traffic feel that civil duti philosoph duti for unfathom r eason feel deserv deris thi soooooooo long bmw plant greer read thi messag involv bmw plant bmw corpor even net connect desper seek info jeff hagen hagenjd wfu edu warn read articl armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi write hell happen thi great countri our can boy hood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low you make sound th i behavior isn lot pedestrian bridg fenc that curl sidewalk make thi kind lot ha rder don understand mental couldn figur move glad bomb waco wacko that thi isn g roup for sinc you brought idea haven bomb waco cult curiou newsgroup list trim s ignificantli jim frost jimf centerlin larri kei csme ncsl nist gov fahrvergnugen forev fact that explain you that you wouldn understand dumbest automot concept time parr ac ucalgari charl parr write a rticl wichitak ncr jhart wichitak ncr jim hart write articl mar uncavx unca edu bwillard uncavx unca edu write top list dumbest automot concept dodg colt vista tachomet avail automat tran back light corvett side car interest year thi don re cal car back light side corvett suppos mi interpret you quick comment backup lig ht mount side extrem for peopl back park stall regard charl span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person wasn origin intent revers light for driver back revers light side for tell whether car back perpendicular path car don warn origin int ent sinc color white chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiu c edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and f ear walk hand hand loi chevrolet bit subject chevrolet motor div brother gaston rac e indi and winner name arthur chevrolet earli teen and assum relat keith nuetzma n nuet pt mot motorola inc page and wireless data group boynton beach indi and think bui intrepid good bad idea bought intrepid two month ago a

nd happi lot room insid and even smaller engin power for problem found small sel ect dealer lot hot seller chang oil big chunk sump solut simpl sort advic aunt gave never scratch your ear your elbow you piec ring con rod valv head stem reach into sump hole block that associ creation larg bit and piec you can remov hand hole block safe left place wax car deliveri car firebird clearcoat finish assum that uretha n sinc industri move that direct paint year past us recommend that owner wait da i you wax car for paint cure dealer shop manag thi not that wasn base past tradi t thi recommend practic ahead and wax abras car wax newer finish terri quinn ger mantown hill tquinn heartland bradlei edu compuserv internet tquinn heartland br adlei edu tercel sunroof leak arrggh simpl tooput sunroof miseri leak tend gasket inadequ mechan seal halt rain henri bruno kon offic machin home machin plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi don lemon person experi brot her troubl free not singl repair regular maintain work had result stupid stop su ddenli middl left turn busi intersect and rear end plymouth sundanc recomend tha t you can wait six month chryco come car call neon that built good luck your des iscion clear coat woe clear coat worth showroom floor car thi deep lust rou shine that can found paint job that aren clear coat hand that clear coat car that road park lot etc fine scratch paint job ala laser week ago had car profes sion polish and wax pick had that showroom shine that rememb year ago bought dai ago car dealership for work ad bonu wash car wash didn roof black rest car red complet clean dri us dirti towel showroom shine haze fine scratch that aren visi bl light hit roof angl put mildi somewhat peev thi chanc get dealership thi gues s product market that solut thi problem face prospect car profession polish hide scratch inform commiser and sympathi greatli appreci scott dealership will neve r wash car border sborder nyx edu border scott tandem chrysler compact sedan rmt faradai cla virginia edu roi matthew thigpen write aa cwru edu write previou articl mcq ubvmsd buffalo edu adam gandl er heard chrysler plan design process design compact sedan line base platform th ought full size sedan and price competit reason not give import and even saturn challeng goodi saturn sold cryco dealer fab thi hole insist remark thi grow tire thi drew you kill file for your newsread put name spencer kill file and that ar ticl per dai that sift get car opinion budget for sport car you bui for specif model da nni hei you programm danni phornprapha thi lehigh edu bug anoth endang earth luc c student konsult speci need your protect work rfi art clutchless shift schludermann sscvx ssc gov write wonder clutchless shifter mile current toyota truck heard peopl talk thi can damag tra nsmiss experi suggest techniqu you us yeah don us clutch time ford bmw datsun an d chevi and work fine can reason that damag tranni essenti you synchro match eng in speed tranni speed and slip into gear piec junk drove transmiss worn that pum p clutch shift clutchless date driven rabbit datsun comet ford chevi harder shif t gener higher milag smoother quicker easier shift techniqu eas back throttl and time gentli wrist back shift lever for reason miss shift window lightli press a cceler agian found that clutchless shift eaiser quicker high rpm skip gear time sound slip throttl and blip throttl and wait feel thing second and slip into gea r krispi jon you don you deal gross jong halcyon acura integra speed acura integra speed mile posit worst car own had prelud that had mile sold and strong thi religi attent mainten such oil etc car driven exactli manner two clutch underr set tire eat tire front even care a lign strut start leak mile windshield wiper motor burn servic note thi seek stop work radio mile two time belt constant error signal comput and final rod bear p iston damag crankshaft contamin engin etc overhaul last week requir crankshaft c am shaft two camshaft shatter mill camshaft week nation back order engin uniqu y ear design part expens bui anoth acura highli overr bang for articl apr lehigh edu rwf lehigh edu obert william fusi write articl uupcb cut hou david bond cut hou vid bond write rec auto cpkjp lat

ech edu kevin parker write feedback car bang for buck price rang for car civil d riven dai even long trip hit ga want tauru sho can found for and ultim door spor t car perform similar mustang quit civil and comfort late model for shifter cut edg bb cut hou pcboard system houston texa usa run uupcb you mustang pleasant di amond star car talon eclips laser put turbo model and awd turbo model car handl match muscl and civil regular drive condit harsh stiff ride awd turbo choic two that torqu steer front drive model you leftov slightli us model for that price r ang tough decis rob fusi rwf lehigh edu car and driver test basic idea and chose ford probe fast articl shaman tek andrew frip tek andrew klossner it can yo u speed rush cocain your point andrew klossner andrew frip tek yeah and cop coul dn catch fast articl shaman tek andrew frip tek andrew klossner it can yo u speed rush cocain your point andrew klossner andrew frip tek don cocain alarm propos articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest slb dan dai write articl qeee armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost rite audibl alarm a nnoy profession amateur listen audibl alarm anymor thiev thi heavi fine fals ala rm honk fact that due car cruddi alarm cry wolf will pai attent car alarm for re al depend your area citi think mall suburb peopl glanc rememb alarm deter not pr event thief see two car like alarm and doesn skip alarm car and avoid hassl alar m you your side rob fusi rwf lehigh edu get car opinion good luck curiou you satisfi curios interest find mail system not flood ma il april maria alic ruth mao psuvm bitnet psuvm psu edu you male femal long you mail system you access work school etc taught you us system that person male fem al you help learn system that person male femal net you find question net you in terest you read post system toyota land cruiser worth respons post suv unsolicit recommend c heck land cruiser despit astronom price toyota dealer told cult car car good cre at passion and loyal extraordinari you land crusher cultist your chanc convert j onathan edward edward intranet intranet inc sentra plannig trade sentra car mile and model dealer sell model mile bar roof and airbag sentra not ask for that fair deal thing notic that eng in not torqu sentra ident engin presum that last ladi owner not push engin limit occassionali that mine thui engin tight bui and excercis that slight power prob lem advic thi will appreci repli mail motion pictur major brook institut photogr aphi santa barbara and foreign student kuala lumpur malaysia mind forerunn state warn read articl apr convex tobia convex allen tobia write artic l apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi write thi happen year ago was hington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass ca r hit injuri and sadli small girl sit front seat struck head larger rock don rec al made comatos for month and doctor weren hold hope that live hell happen thi g reat countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop t hi low watch caught punish dai such behaviour reward whip good size belt and int o hospit hand kind damag such accid thi doesn happen that whip save kid life tea ch respect for person that respect inevit wind dead earli problem creep gradual you put frog into hot water jump you put into cold water and gradual heat frog w ill cook thi entertain industri and lack religi moral and educ standard modern n orth american societi year that cook woken late erik velapold societi come apart seam basic reason that human life devalu point kill big deal kid hundr murder a ct can abort children demand and kill sick and will surpris kid drop lb rock and kill peopl don care messag hear life cheap and educ system and religi leader ar en parent work thi societi stabil influenc home latchkei children and latchkei k id can watch rotten video and listen violent hate promot music and video home st op thi dai and ag time thing learn school answer thi increas knowledg shorter sc hool hour and leisur time kid school longer feed good food and teach and home pa rent interact and monitor and forgotten proverb child left will bring parent gri ef daycar system not answer thi shift parent respons not life long committ job f ollowup alt parent teen fred bach oper group internet music erich triumf triumf tri univers meson facil voic loc wesbrook mall ubc campu fax univers british col

umbia vancouv canada opinion make you read and question not necessarili reflect view employ fellow worker warn read articl neilson apr seoul mpr neilson seoul mpr robert neilson write for auto content that low abid citizen power protect and properti deadli forc anywher threat immin steve heracl you power steve you can don you do n you shoot kid toss rock car make you good job don miss big rock and kid mean t hi last comment bit cynic true statement attitud driver your auto content law ab id not low abid talk freudian slip citizen and respons prevent thi type behaviou r children doctor us deadli forc part bodi amput infect diseas real desir preven t diseas place nip bud followup alt parent teen fred bach oper group internet mu sic erich triumf triumf tri univers meson facil voic loc wesbrook mall ubc campu fax univers british columbia vancouv canada opinion make you read and question not necessarili reflect view employ fellow worker warn read articl joit bcstec boe neil bcstec boe neil william wr ite long subject year ago and two ride front toyota pickup head south interst no rth seattl threw rock overpass and hit windshield not accid imposs overpass quic kli figur kid report and left coupl year ago happend and kill gui compani mid fo urti and left wife and children turn reformatori for juvinil block caught year t hat put cover overpass don forget thi stori neil william boe comput servic belle vu neil year caught man insur compani thi signific and case interest followup al t parent teen fred bach oper group internet music erich triumf triumf tri univer s meson facil voic loc wesbrook mall ubc campu fax univers british columbia vanc ouv canada opinion make you read and question not necessarili reflect view emplo y fellow worker manual shift bigot articl new cso uiuc edu mchaffe dcl nxt micha el chaffe write perform convert lockup pure irrelev lockup occur light throttl s et and serv improv mpg mind you convert clutch love job improv mpg addit mechan advantag convert you acceler lock convert clutch inher loss transmiss car contra dict your assert stronger acceler convertor lockup can induc briefli lift quickl i not quickli trigger kickdown appli throttl rpm convertor will never unlock kic kdown skill involv drive automat throttl and shifter combin into singl pedal car can pretti influenc shift pattern foot hand steer eliot bimmer beamer not direct respons referenc articl set record stra ight beamer bmw motorcycl bmw car bimmer term straight purist argu that true bim mer round tail light mark warn read plase ceas thi discuss fail peopl feel expound thi iss u for dai and dai end area not meant for thi type discuss you feel such thing yo ur thought want two thing thi world plymouth and small opec nation fuel thi good and thing car smasher can home and sulk jacqu brouillett manufactur engin insur rate perform car summari recent post articl ask kind rate singl male driver yr pai perform car summari repli receiv not anymor close dodg stealth twin turbo model ticket accid hous defens drive airbag ab secur alarm si ngl year decut state farm insur thi includ addit for umbrella polici car and hou s base polici standard polici requir defens drive will bought car septemb compan i never had and accid ticket year quot hope thi help steve flynn univers delawar kevin hope rememb your name correctli you ask insur for perform car last year s imilar situat bought car and made inquiri you ag and car eagl talon tsi awd driv e record clean state illinoi cost mo turn and insur mo singl and that incur high er rate compani coupl friend awd and pai in compani lucki hope info help dan dan jdc gss mot motorola cellular subscrib group usa live norman oklahoma drive thu nderbird never made claim insur hit time neglig driver couldn stop sign fiddl ra dio and had move violat last month for for failur clear intersect damn light yel low and for didn record rate state farm passiv restraint deduct liabil deduct co mprehens and deduct collis roughli year pai year for escort jame jame callison m icrocomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison a ardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bir d hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven ag group experi year a go that interest you own toyota celica decid bui gift exot car front runner incl ud toyota supra turbo and porsch model year narrow two like simplic and handl an d snob appeal drive porsch supra turbo monei and had featur and perform almost p

erson luxuri car had acceler and higher top speed almost readi give bui impuls f or decid stop insur agent offic ask happen rate car you bui supra your rate clas sif will celica celica consid subcompact and for that year rate safest car sligh t increas car will year newer lower risk divis will continu handl your account y ou bui porsch chang you standard higher rate compani and your rate will doubl an d you anoth stori cover rest thi year cancel you that supra faster and faster st andard that doen make sens that book don insur corvett for reason underwrit supr a and driver tradit and conserv eventu supra for number reason porsch dealer had nice salesman interest tough high pressur gui back room equal monthli payment y ear longer pai for porsch higher insur conclud that high insur relat probabl aut o theft entitl opinion goldberg oasi navi mil imagin import knowledg albert eins tein live idaho year ago year bought tran insur year turn immedi drop year had n ot had accid thi strictli ag chang that rate stai pretti sold car year ago picku p year real amaz thing that woke ag felt respons we for your inform california m ale singl move violat alfa spider year bargain singl male clean drive record cor rado live san jose california pai year allstat good deal you think get talon ins ur higher for turbo sport car honda crx clean record small mexico town per year ag nearbi citi rate higher mine insur robert robert stack institut transport stu di univ california irvin stack translab uci edu mazda proteg per year saturn yea r state mexico insur state farm info car toyota celica insur farmer insur yearli insur ag date licens oct resid mountain view california move violat for atleast hope thi help post summari vijai vijai anisetti email anisetti informix apt sin gl year eagl talon turbo awd full cover reason liabil ticket violat accid knock wood mass thing that make huge differ mass town you live person town reason dist anc boston move absolut move worst accid and coupl ticket add anoth mitsubishi e clips turbo awd year and ticket that record live illinoi chicago and pai year fu ll coverag state farm small discount alarm system year live mile chicago live ci ti price year case you interest insur sho for month that person total properti d educt glass and tow state farm you drive for year you rip don perform car you li st your record clean you not pai you call insur dealer you find rate suppos stan dard found that place initi call give ridicul high quot and finali hit that lowe r chang insur compani rate renew accid ticket car get older maintain low rate yo u care come insur compani good luck serg header for honda civic slightli increas perform honda civic wond er suggest upgrad that not drastic thought that easiest upgrad header kind incre as that header give check jackson race for part comparin make honda part small t hat can easili made and won screw car thing injector fuel inject chip etc sugges t small that make differ don want chang cam etc heard that harder engin mail rel pi prefer and will post summari repli for you offer jeff smith jsmith dal dalhou si univers halifax impala into product qazi csd csd uwm edu write latest issu autow eek chevi impala will arriv dealer showroom mid dealer notifi word made for prod uct version question you you bui and you pai for aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint alrig ht final wish come true mobi dick corvett engin don you spend monei lousi build qualiti design bigger sell car thi anoth exampl troubl you stick engin car make nice sheesh chrysler yorker lh chrysler compact sedan warren brown washingto n post auto writer journalist hand yorker you impress review appear fridai paper weekend section not your tradit auto writer enjoi bimmer beamer articl apr newsgat sp mot markm latium mark monnin g write not direct respons referenc articl set record straight beamer bmw motorc ycl bmw car bimmer huh beamer ibm employe term straight purist argu that true bi mmer round tail light mark for sale celica repair manual two volum soft cover repair manual for model toyota celica good for model condit manual us toyota dealer mechan co st obo brian donnel brian gothamc jsc nasa gov part dead gener bodi part steer rack and minor piec bui part car owner back month pull leg arrrrgh mike improv automat transmiss biggest hurdl for automat imho not shif

t speed per transmiss reaction speed you forc shift manual thi biggest fault sub aru ecvt soooooo lonnnnnnnnggggg for tranni find ratio sale propaganda saturn au tomat effect electron shift manual thi mean that saturn conquer problem dunno dr iven saturn speed input anoth question plan for manual tran chrysler fall asleep night dream thi combo slick good chanc that thi discuss death and discuss mail direct archiv site basic wonder slick that and data support claim for info mike davi ma d fermi cla virginia edu loi chevrolet chevrolet brother respect racer test driver for bu ick durant director kick durant chevrolet and mention found success chevrolet co mpani fact that chevrolet that durant back charg legal compani chevrolet bui and divis chevrolet and into sloan era shuffl thing that board superior degre auton omi chevi divis initi structur you organ chart for sloan book chevi divis report directli floor not passeng car divis cover buick old cadillac and oakland ponti ac jeff hagen minor deiti worthless auto trivia hagenjd wfu edu dumbest automot concept time articl cellar org blu cellar org da n reed write fact leav valet kei glovebox for whenev that will make easi for car thief save troubl pop your ignit dick gradi salem usa gradi world std newsgroup time dumbest automot concept time articl hqj unix amherst edu bhtulin unix amherst edu barak tulin write start read thi thread todai forgiv mention d eal renault put horn left hand turn signal stalk button end washer button wiper washer stalk frenchi not figur wire steer wheel ford that back ranger pickup had horn end turn signal stalk center wheel god intend drove two car camri and neve r us push turn signal stalk blow horn time get annual state requir safeti inspec t not ford idea dick gradi salem usa gradi world std newsgroup time can york taxi wrat unisql wharfi write you want checker special you can find good luck mine grew york citi rode checker cab jump seat fun kid ca r roomi good trait for taxi had design flaw that don understand never fix rear p asseng tend fall seat driver brake wouldn want long ride back seat vehicl you ne ver drove tommi reingold bell lab holmdel tommi bool att att bool tommi seat ergonom headroom articl amil almaden ibm amil almaden ibm a lex miller write physic therapist suggest that good drive posit for back vertic and for knee not higher hip car that good respect headroom and design seat heigh t mini van sat dodg caravan had high seat and plenti headroom dick gradi salem u sa gradi world std newsgroup time improv automat transmiss hagenjd wfu edu jeff hagen write bigges t hurdl for automat imho not shift speed per transmiss reaction speed you forc s hift manual rent oldsmobil achieva that yuppi name and nissan stanza had automat manual transmiss bigot admit that transmiss car shifter and respond quickli kic kdown request nissan had tachomet figur gear old don rememb shift second mph foo t told want acceler quickli prefer manual won delud into think that can acceler modern automat and smooth shift not good automat tommi reingold bell lab holmdel tommi bool att att bool tommi get car futur narrow and choic for your opnion danni hei you pro gramm danni phornprapha thi lehigh edu bug anoth endang earth lucc student konsu lt speci need your protect work prizm radio question lloke geo prizm lsi todai nice had question that salesperson couldn answer theft deterr prizm audio system work can find an swer geo lteratur advanc archi holm opinion recent alfa spider opinion fairli recent model alfa spid er reliablilti for class not talk alfa toyota corrola relaibl can discern recent year level basic mechan aspect email respons ted schreiber mechan engin northwe stern univers tel fax email rt nwu edu mazda not feel car front end align you describ wander car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam articl libemc byuv m bitnet libemc byuvm bitnet write mark state post dealer price and offer husban d and market bui car togeth and you find dealer price book you send for compani publish period time year list sticker price and dealer invoic price car and opti on edmund name such price guid you can find price guid place sell magazin dick g

radi salem usa gradi world std newsgroup time traffic rule intersect present master thesi traffic intersect ze aland lot book research america australia and wonder road rule countri regard in tersect julian visch jsv math canterburi eagl talon tsi lemon dear netter bui us eagl talon tsi awd quest ion that tsi awd mention april consum report car avoid manual transmiss electr s ystem and brake below par model friend mine own tsi awd and had brake job pad st uck valv and clutch transmiss problem stick grind into second gear thi doesn bad beat car will suffer reliabl for speed and you pai big buck you want can you yo ur talon and problem you had and repair worth for respons jai dumb option list articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl p arr write idea list pointless option you stuff you car that earthli us power win dow power window worth cruis control pretti dumb option point you long trip you floor ga and your ey rear view mirror for cop power seat pretti dumb you unlucki share your car you adjust onc and leav that allen tom you not you atom soda ber kelei edu thing wax paper boil footbal atom netcom leather dog breath not hitchh ik anymor ride ren wife convert you hold number interest convert come market year l ebaron will base mitsubishi galant improv current model compact will convert opt ion chrysler product kia maker ford festiva plan larger convert steve morri inte rnet smorri sumax seattleu edu addict studi pgm beaver uunet gtenmc dataio sumax smorri seattl univers phone dept direct seattl improv automat transmiss excel automat can found subaru legaci s witch sport mode electron figur not driver set switch proper imo sport mode enta il thing rev red line rev limit case legaci delai upshift you lift briefli will remain low gear thi handi you charg corner and distract upshift anoth curv appro ach part throttl downshift base speed pedal depress posit pedal modern electron can measur thi easili and switch sport mode thi wonder you want charg green ligh t turn red audi sens thi and can downshift half throttl foot fast that smart aut omat can deliv ga mileag dumb driver stick equal rememb that idea stick econom a utomat make big assumpt that driver smart gear us for each situat time you ridde n inattent driver cruis highwai gear speed peopl drive manual gear us for concei v situat will suspect that chip control automat scenario ratio combin store rom like can that previou assumpt prove wrong car instantan mpg readout high gear lo w rev and wide open throttl econom low gear high rev and small throttl open expl an quit simpl sit not that obviou sight eliot tauru sabl rotor recal tauru sabl for fleet car site year compan i sell year employe folk drive bui complaint car drive real nice manual shift bigot rec auto you write ayrton senna can drive rac ecar fulli automat transmiss can half bad thi mclaren auto transmiss half auto y ou noth your chrysler volvo auto transmiss normal manual transmiss gearbox clutc h and servo motor shift that mean power loss drivetrain you minim mechan frictio n and sami auto transmiss ferrari william mclaren don you shift transmiss share import disadvantag your stock auto tranni expens long servo shift gearbox aren n ormal car gonna stick manual can advantag make for two grand lose thi deal and l oss mileag and power real heavi traffic drive autobahn and countri road point ma ke religion thi want point technic fact and opinion for flame war eliot safe rid e chri lehigh edu danni phornprapha write get car futur narrow and choi c for your opnion danni ask thi question for past year you find you share magist answer work twice hard you can cheer issa rfi art clutchless shift jong halcyon bark weasel write schluder mann sscvx ssc gov write techniqu eas back throttl and time gentli wrist back sh ift lever for reason miss shift window lightli press acceler agian found that cl utchless shift eaiser quicker high rpm skip gear time sound slip throttl and bli p throttl and wait feel thing second and slip into gear you gui learn thi you bo rn you make horribl grind nois time time you amount feel for begin peopl never a nd never gut you plan bui transmiss btw heard that quit trucker and race car dri ver shift thi zaphod madnix ron bean uwvax astroatc nicmad madnix zaphod time chrysler buyer world bought stealth two week ago grad stude

nt rebat told that anoth reabet for time chrysler buyer true can late mubashir c heema sparco commun lagalari fax russel street suit email mac msstate edu starkv il passat advic sought car market and opinion passat glx compar toy ota camri thought car look solid stabl and european disappoint that that doesn o ffer airbao question isn offer automobil airbag pai extra thousand for bmw even smaller and power passat get car opinion articl apr lehigh edu lehigh edu danni phornprap ha write budget for sport car you bui for bit you mazda for you stuck order chev i camaro ponitac firebird firehawk ford mustang cobra toyota turbo gmc typhoon t ravi for hail damag record great storm mazda mpv damag bad replac top door and hood black will repaint entir vehicl estim cost and repair time approx week rremalei bcm tmc edu auto air condit freon articl apr research nec behanna syl nec ch ri behanna write articl apr newsgat sp mot rapw email sp mot write articl apr re search nec behanna syl nec chri behanna write chemist come substitut for you don hear mobil air condit societi mac that peopl stand rake that per retrofit per a utomobil mount organ campaign squash substitut exist not ban altogeth shaki tech nic ground outright li worst not you wrong that substitut exist thi sound lot mp g carb that oil compani get sound crazi true subsitut ghg commerci product sae c ommitte mobil air condit compris almost exclus mac member such case paper altern refriger accept for review public john you want provid detail repost your volum in repost chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog interest info substitut fact info thi can technic suppli and hardwar upgrad detail solvent reagent extra ct product pharmaceut info substitut useful work local engin make compliant regu l troubl regul that you you longer permit not you regul montreal protocol defini t cfc phase schedul montreal protocol research ozon deplet problem ask earlier g overn work fast ban ozon deplet cfc chemic and not gasolin and greenhous ga prod uc compound greenhous effect produc infrar trap gass and methan and ozon hole pr oblem produc long live chlorin contain molecul not thing lot easier not cfc chlo ro fluorocarbon stop produc and methan natur byproduct combust and live anim org an plant tree and not destroi exist tree greenhous ga problem noth for ozon prob lem fred bach oper group internet music erich triumf triumf tri univers meson fa cil voic loc wesbrook mall ubc campu fax univers british columbia vancouv canada opinion make you read and question not necessarili reflect view employ fellow w orker open letter nissan qideqinnl sumax seattleu edu smorri sumax sea ttleu edu steven morri write hei nissan aren you gui make station wagon you us m ake wagon platform sentra stanza maxima and fact make don sell sunni california wagon base sentra avenil wagon infin independ design wagon mean not base sedan n issan had sell bui and love bui anoth nissan product for wife prefer wagon own m inivan and don prefer altima wagon sentra wagon sound nice doubt plan coz avenil introduc replac sedan base wagon even suggest don you gui ahead and bui rest fu ji heavi industri subaru and put line into legaci wagon bui legaci minut had nis san engin horizont that sentiment attach camri accord tauru volvo and subaru wag on market segment that worthwhil can wait year two you don compet model steve mo rri internet smorri sumax seattleu edu addict studi pgm beaver uunet gtenmc data io sumax smorri seattl univers phone dept direct seattl warn read articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapold i thi happen year ago washington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass car hit injuri and sadli small girl sit front seat struck head larger rock don recal made comatos for month and doctor weren hold hope th at live hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such p ound rock societi stoop thi low erik velapold warn read articl apr cbnews att turbo cbnews att gerald lindahl write articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi thi happen year ag o washington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpa ss car hit injuri and sadli year ago kid toss rock overpass eau clair wisconsin

and kill driver below schoolteach minnesota jason hanson wisconsin av marquett u nivers milwauke ham radio lea jason studsi msc edu lea ari nocal usa car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam mark monning markm bigfoot sp mot wrote not exactli servic incid had similar experi recent bought truck had pick vehicl want and haggl agre price wrote check for payment tax and licens and told back that even pick truck return had wait hour financ gui final smoothli start ad number discov that had miscalcul tax licens need anoth had agr e price and problem wasn give monei financ gui similar thing happend year ago bo ught us ford bronco sinc stolen and week paid and deliveri letter tell goof and miscalcul licens renew and that send check avoid delai process registr thing had receiv pink slip dmv receiv anoth letter and phone call start come financ gui a nd gener manag hound for extra monei left alon onc told had paperwork and point claus contract that state that final price that final afteral wouldn budg had to ld want anoth deal had sign told not call and that not busi futur didn problem t hat thi us ford toyota dealership had experi bui pathfind month ago pai bui car last sundai month even rain had busi that weekend and will deal tell and drop pr ice good deal and servic john jdenun pandora sdsu edu seek good alfa romeo mechan for recommend for good great alfa ro meo mechan south jersei philadelphia nearbi alfa spider that engin tranni steer work bodi quit good shape car aw cold weather won start below freez drive spider snow ground bosch mechan fuel inject that adjust opinion for call email post re c auto will summar peopl want thx andi brandt unc edu chang oil articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu sorlin magnu ac ohi o state edu steven orlin write electrod amp ohm volt meter and connect each earl ob symmetr insert finger each spark plug boot cheat gui hand us coupl question t hi techniqu fire order us start pointer finger pinki left hand and secondli cyl and two cylind unaccount for suggest andi train radar articl apr usho hou chevron hhtra usho hou chevron h addock write take extend easter vacat north centervil and dalla and train park t restl locomot sit directli northbound lane appear movement cab and curios slow p ass underneath trestl radar detector into full alert light lit and chirp beep an d buzz strong thought had nail good polic materi thi caus train radio travi boi travi you lucki you texa ranger stealth patrol car good thing you slow newsgroup rec auto distribut world refer apr usho hou chevron dje bmw nosubdomain nodomai n don eilenberg organ subject train radar keyword honda accord brake problem honda accord hit magic mile mark and sort thing begin bad latest problem experienc brake stop car fine onc stop compl et brake pedal will sink anoth inch feel strang and worri brake will quit work d ai check brake fluid and reservoir full fluid look dirti dirti oil call mechan a nd told brake master cylind will cost whop wonder experienc thi sort thing mecha n honest simpli brake bled and fluid put you provid appreci send repli directli rare chanc read thi list will post respons interest joni ciarlett mizar usc edu clean eurowip boot eurowip boot white and had throw pair sinc fo und clean look almost black second pair white and onc dirti clean remov sinc had cut remov bui black joel joel sprechman sprec acsu buffalo edu univers buffalo pff ubvm buffalo edu not black white thing homosapian thing take big man cry and even bigger man laugh that man jack handi open letter nissan station wagon popular minivan market room for station wagon squeez not comfort sedan and don carri minivan thi not wagon anym or demand hamper minivan and not econom build product for jason chen station wag on owner corvett low insur articl fmi new rich bnr peon email eric youngb lood write articl apr lehigh edu swr lehigh edu scott warren rosand write articl csux new cso uiuc edu gdhg uxa cso uiuc edu georg hei write year school final g raduat and get real job make plan spend thi extra monei accord good car not real sporti think sell two year and drop sport car kind think idea accord drop and b ui car want corvett stingrai reason that accord corvett spend basic think late e arli for question good year for reliabl horsepow that order not horsepow not mai n concern want fast motorcycl and good price insur male singl wait car lower ins ur fact that drive car lower type classic car rare driven insur class for drive

mile per year dad vett and you classic insur basic that mean that restrict amoun t drive time basic mean us dai car and suit your for limit mileag area denver yo u alittl you can for not you your not fast nice car not real power addit restric t mileag classic insur carrier requir that vehicl garag not us erici eric youngb lood bell northern research richardson texa peon email priv sho clutch question grind nois articl ldu new rich bnr jcyuhn cr chh nosubdomain nodomain jame yuhn write that not clutch you hear gearbox earli sho lot refer gear rollov nois you can gener sho built and mine doesn make thi n ois fast articl armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write bit hard prove point thi can compar hope for chassi exhibit degre flex subject forc unit forc unit begin manifest mile per hour not gee wasn design fast uhh gee was n design fast not porsch you come seatbelt support seat stronger passeng compart cage brake stiffer suspens tire and bodi design that take advantag aero effect car ground come compar normal tauru sho come support seat brake stiffer suspens tire and bodi design that take advantag aero effect car ground that that boi rac er plastic for you kid you car road passeng compart made withstand mph impact co mpar porsch and you design dollar car driven fast drive goddamn rabbit mph europ pal and reckon tauru capabl rabbit haven convinc not speed bad speed illeg will not speed love big brother you had your mind made interest that lot road west h ad speed limit fast articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu jnielsen magnu ac ohio s tate edu john nielsen write case speed limit sign not yeah you speed limit mean huge tax increas municip make for revenu us goug pass motorist fast articl shaman tek andrew frip tek write cocain your point t hat harm us carefulli fast wrat unisql wharfi write compar porsch and you design dolla r car driven fast drive goddamn rabbit mph europ pal and reckon tauru capabl rab bit point not that car couldn that fast that shouldn that fast famili sedan desi gn oper mph doesn suddenli becom oper mph you ad plastic aero effect slightli wi der tire and larger engin that sho slightli modifi famili sedan power engin didn even bother improv brake mustang essenti deal sho big power plant stuck mid siz e sedan almost modif real life experi mustang handl brick you invok overst perso n avoid highwai and stop power inadequ even mph lot acceller rest car not par pi ck porsch exampl design speed mind didn cheaper merced audi model car fairli exp ens part that make drivabl high speed thi elementari thing mind europ sinc you b rought autobahn knowledg admittedli second hand true driver disciplin europ road compris autobahn design and includ anim fenc thi make predict highwai not europ autobahn place europ speed limit that aren line us friend weren ly typic not hi gher strongli suspect you won find lot rabbit owner mph autobahn wrong peopl res pect for live you haven convinc not speed bad speed illeg will not speed love bi g brother you had your mind made you you don pai attent post jim frost jimf cent erlin cheroke explor jcksnste acf nyu edu write brand group flame hone st opinion jeep cheroke countri not sport ford explor stepfath ponder major deci s month make two comment import and live princeton and will bare road learn thi last winter that us confid inch snow old cutlass eighti repli appreci ponder thi for decid cyl don worri that steve ford explor love drove jeep and power didn s pend monei for jeep great love explor and blizzard fine drove mile worst part st orm and never faulterd opinion doug jcksnste acf nyu edu ranger opinion your bui compact pickup favor and wait month for gmc sonoma magazin dai and night current truck georgeou solid and fast vortec wh ip ranger area accept payload and pick gmc chevi gmc man miss comanch marti and matt ow ninja type rider dude feel that wanna and obsess world you rearview mirr or you run sun wheel rhestless heart workmanship visit auto show and two car floor eagl vision and do dg intrepid nice attract style lot featur and room competit price workmanship qu it disappoint car rubber seal window and door fell turn seal big groov rubber ba nd press groov tongu door frame sure come easili not thi kind poor engin assembl problem that will show bui establish good track record jason chen chang oil articl apr portho bellcor dje bmw nosubdomain nodomain don eilenberg write articl qgi einnh skeena uc ubc yiklam unixg ubc yik chong l am write bolt engin compart turn clockwis counter kind lubric etc fail you can u s electr drill chang suitabl bit turn can succe can tighten not tight safe oil l eak you advanc winson suggest you car nearest chevron dealer your oil and filter for oil chang will cost watch watch job you will learn and rememb sequenc and y ou time loosen drain nut time will easier for you stuck us impact wrench not for c us washer each time you put nut back ssave ol cdac pontiac mail car club interest pontiac mail car club start think start for info you can give malonei badland nodak edu ultim awd vehicl articl apr engr washington edu eliot lanmola en gr washington edu eliot write articl huinnjrv uwm edu qazi csd csd uwm edu write subaru don sell that percentag sube purchas awd rel high subaru sold awd audi b ack number model offer awd purchas awd reserv strictli for top line model for el imin lineup quattro version cheap true pledg make option entir line car will bri ng wagon eliot call turbo quattro thi model come wagon quick wagon rare mike syl vest umass warn read for auto content that low abid citizen power protect a nd properti deadli forc anywher threat immin steve heracl you power steve you ca n don you don you shoot kid toss rock car make you good job don miss big rock an d kid mean chang oil articl apr progress damelio progress stephen amelio wr ite bmoss grinch sim brent woodi moss write you screw driver and hammer and star t punch hole locat and black slipperi stuff start pour you that oil drain plug n earbi foot two close hole toilet paper refil oil you refil engin oil wow can eng in last oil chang don forget punch hole radiat will sprai nice refresh water eng in and nice cool steve gee you make confus radiat locat will releas radiat sinc sound radia tion genera tor you punch hole hanguyen saturn thing that forget thi argument price japanes car saturn d icker sticker thi make saturn price low comparison inflat base price japanes com petit paper realiti dicker hundr dollar price japanes car admittedli canada pric e class civic not steve hui saturn for that interest fulli option air ab sunroof septemb for sacramento sold dealer had local dealer had ab equip straight fleet manag deale rship like told want made awar that knew price call back exactli want dealer del iveri dai workmanship articl apr walter bellcor jchen ctt bellcor write vi sit auto show and two car floor eagl vision and dodg intrepid nice attract style lot featur and room competit price workmanship quit disappoint car rubber seal window and door fell turn seal big groov rubber band press groov tongu door fram e sure come easili lack build qualiti thing notc month back panel gap larg and u niform car kind thing you expect and accept mustang not chrysler savior drove lo w end car and thought adequ prefer tauru experi craig not thi kind poor engin as sembl problem that will show bui establish good track record jason chen fast articl bob co bob co bob blackshaw write apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl umcc umcc umich edu mhartman umcc umcc umich edu mark hartman write drive straight line fine you becom aclim rush corner that you don you can make clear autobahn noth peopl and judg label you insan and dif ficult persuad peopl surfac condit good autobahn qualiti autobahn myth road surf ac isn typic freewai term light safeti sign roadmark etc problem drive freewai s ave for backroad like danger road dip asphalt that you test your shock will kill you don wrong love quit sever don recal freewai road damag warn that regard uns af decent damp car note that definit decent damp exclud typic american sedan dri ve quickli and probe will that isn decent piec road hereabout don you live worri cop traffic etc road surfac isn that fast that danger you probe problem cyl mod el driven like unpredict higher speed craig craig mark hartman mhartman umcc umc c umich edu kalamazoo cleveland freenet edu nake school sleepyhead bob dumbest automot concept time articl jnk jkt new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write wasn origin intent revers light for drive r back revers light side revers light warn that you back aren bright typic brake

and tail light for tell whether car back perpendicular path car don warn origin intent sinc color white red and orang white defin direct that car move you want you fog lamp for back car work and good rid tailgat you that rush testosteron c raig chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fear walk hand ha nd warn read delet your name don want sound accus remark thi two si de problem cultur deterior time breed low life get wors justic system extrem wea k handl problem that low abid citizen power protect and properti deadli forc any wher threat immin camaro pride and joi stolen drivewai year back person that tha t eventu caught lucki for not trash car anoth occas texa florida had stop small motel for night small town florida youth disturb car set alarm and challeng come and anoth tenant walk magnum and automat vanish needless immedi pack and left w atch for car jack and stage accid can deadli not argu issu carri weapon you you thought shoot kid for set your alarm can wors thing world glad you give you reas on fire your gun can happen societi dai don forget anoth import question effort expend make thought joe karolchik braindead driver don ahead apr ctp bpita ctp bob pita write arti cl zdem hgo zdem hgo hou amoco donna martz write stuff delet excus understood sm ith meant and observ traffic block solid that peopl yeild moron impati ride bump er slug front pack will miracul wake chang lane and viola jam grant situat not a ppli rush hour crowd citi observ thi situat regularli your averag interst six se t car side side bunch pack open freewai fore and aft you can peopl refus yeild p oint honor annoi slug front agre that traffic block and you want pass you not fe el move for you you don want give that car length wait you you peopl that sit pe rson and doesn flash high beam pull left and flash ride bumper that you fact wan t and you not draft hell will hate you flash back line and don pass flash light chap front and doesn pass and major highwai lane each direct keep extrem block f olk enter post thi thread area left lane exit sound you wait last minut left lan e you won yoyo won make room bad strech merryland cabin john bridg two long entr i ramp hurri yahoo dive into want ahead point ramp merg hell break lose result t hat traffic move side bridg stall side dingbat had stai lane allow folk come two ramp merg start stop for mile dave barri idea laser equip car real bob you driv e beltwai and want merg for brown probe silver hair driver us your signal don re ad mind courteou told courtesi contagi guess folk had shot warn read articl jgc ajj dove nist gov kei starchild ncsl nist g ov lawrenc kei write that thi isn group for sinc you brought idea haven bomb wac o cult perhap wit left compound testifi that batf shot not identifi toss concuss grenad not that insid heard such identif concuss grenad and announc batf that s eal warrant oper search warrant not arrest warrant short perhap batf wildli cont rol and perhap calmer head realiz that bomb compound full woman and children wil l not improv posit real chanc that koresh will prove defens court that will leav offic dead and blame batf followup direct alt activ discuss rage long seig and show sign not give larri smith smith ctron don speak for cabletron you liberti n ot freedom want freedom electron odomet us bmw question articl dirac physic purdu edu lo val bohr physic purdu edu daniel loval write shouldn that hard you digit electro n counter made standard ttl chip you find chip us for count figur mileag you wan t put and preset wire preset pin directli low high you convent for low and high involv thi shouldn bsee eet displai convert counter chip into digit translat tab l store rom discret function anymor doubt motor electron had start ttl can almos t guarante that fruitless attempt figur bmw break and invalid warranti car you l ucki you start car warn read tobia convex allen tobia write articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi write thi happen year ago washington beltwai sn ot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass car hit injuri and s adli small girl sit front seat struck head larger rock don recal made comatos fo r month and doctor weren hold hope that live girl and recov home don perman dama g case concern hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low erik velapold peopl start forc respons fo

r action thing thi wouldn happen until stop blame and start blame crimin will co ntinu thing thi happen chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama u iuc edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fear walk hand hand viper last night had dream that dad bought viper for test drive knowledg and had push home avoid ticket wierd dream mean roi warn read articl neilson apr seoul mpr neilson seoul mpr robert neilson write for auto content that low abid citizen power protect and properti deadli forc anywher threat immin steve heracl you power steve you can don you do n you shoot kid toss rock car make you good job don miss big rock and kid mean s tong defens advoc you statement littel irk shoot throw rock your car question di sabl your car rock and want come kill rape rob beat harm you your wife kid you p ower defend thi situat wouldn you that you live such rock thrower your your fami li don couldn happen you sound happen peopl not misunderstand justif for deadli forc that you don will mean your death grave bodili harm support vilant justic t hat and you mean funni add followup talk polit gun get bit track steve syck syck miller uwm edu warn read and san francisco recent finest exampl human pour oil road that vehicl uphil suddn becom immobil and walk vehicl and make demand mark barn system engin insert standard disclaim sunsoft corpor technic escal speak fo r individu menlo park usa not for compani for work barnesm vavau corp sun auto air condit freon articl apr lehigh edu amh lehigh edu aloi himsl write question make upset that cost skyrocket and fact can bought anymor a rea thi anoth mechan and dealer can rip custom read that refriger not compat sys tem and that cost upto retrofit car system import environ sudden ban slap face f or consum that consum pai for retrofit auto compani thi come that govern world q uick ban freon us and slow ban gasolin opinion gasolin hazard can start propos b an thi and switch natur ga electr technolog hopefulli chemist will come anoth al tern coolant that will compat system chemist come substitut for you don hear mob il air condit societi mac that peopl stand rake that per retrofit per automobil mount organ campaign squash substitut exist not ban altogeth shaki technic groun d outright li worst thi piss you write letter your congressman your senat presid epa and dot and complain chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behan na syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog carb cleaner work perform carb rebuild articl apr slc slb dcd ho uston geoquest slb dan dai write articl fyt jby cpsc ucalgari schaffer cpsc ucal gari doug schaffer write hard carb rebuild for moder experienc backyard mechan c lutch and miscellan engin fix hardest part get darn thing intak manifold rebuild carb fun you into thing lot part us rebuild for friend car high school doesn ph d bui carb rebuild kit auto suppli store bui gallon carb clean solvent you can f ind make tyme rule thumb bui scariest warn label put into metal bucket make dip can punch hole bottom coffe can and attach wire handl carb cleaner doesn strip p aint coffe can you not stuff us can soak stuff and hang big part coat hanger was h garden hose wipe excess water paper towel and air dry rememb part follow rebui ld kit instruct float height choke tension etc bolt back engin and admir super c lean carb filthi engin heed thi man warn you carb cleaner thi strong your hand y our hand will eaten not pretti dip can method chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide j ubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wi ld corn dog chang oil crawl car machin for boat that pull oil suction dip st ick tube excel job and move suction tube you can oil drain plug paid marin oil i nto steel gal can wait cool and decant into your favorit devic us soft drink bot tl easi local oil recycl center forza electron odomet us bmw question articl dirac physic purdu edu lo val bohr physic purdu edu daniel loval write articl conradi firga sun conradi fi rga sun gerrit conradi write design bmw electron will us counter count number ti me car pass million mile and store car comput memori thi read diagnost test ditt o for date odomet easi thi don manafuctur don don prevent illeg odomet tamper pr eviou writer will case aeon reset odomet mechan electron simul drive car will ea sier reprogram don shouldn that hard you digit electron counter made standard tt

l chip you find chip us for count figur mileag you want put and preset wire pres et pin directli low high you convent for low and high involv thi shouldn bsee ee t displai convert counter chip into digit translat tabl store rom selah dan chip insid custom chip make smaller and us power and preset data pin not not ttl cmo wider oper voltag rang not that tecnolog make differ custom chip pot encapsul e poxi good luck garyl shark that get feet long big teeth can consid danger shark bowl jeep wrangler opini articl qht einnjdf col col tvervaek col tom vervaek write had two wrangler and second wrangler base model big engin hard top power steer air condit run top never shop can chang oil nice tall vehicl can lu be fit occasion jiffi lube check differenti and oil chang previou wrangler had n ari problem colorado jeep bmw merced volvo and togeth fact jeep call colorado ca r for hold and easi resel mine cost didn blow monei island sahara renegad wrangl er sahara and paid includ rebat wrangler fanci insid stuff drive for year that f anci stuff pretti nice car primit ride dump truck etc you live area that get sno w per winter you anywher winch and easi part for wrangler road can ground cleara nc and limit suspens travel winch and arb air locker futur engin put and get mpg not bad love experi bad that for make and model don graham fast articl qkon armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write stuff autobahn and safeti sho speed delet mustang essenti deal sho big power mu stang wors case design irrespons sho plant stuck mid size sedan almost modif rea l life experi mustang handl brick you invok overst hard predicatbali drift stock mustang suspens person avoid highwai and stop power inadequ even mph lot accell er rest car not par mustang school bu motor mind mustang fit speed limit isn saf e check your local junkyard mustang outnumb car proport excess sale junkyard fin d astonish somesuchlik not jump mustang for poor brake relat power ford standard svo rear brake for pick porsch exampl design speed mind didn cheaper merced aud i model car fairli expens part that make drivabl high speed thi elementari thing mind europ sinc you brought autobahn knowledg admittedli second hand true drive r disciplin europ true northern europ latin countri road compris autobahn design kindof true rememb build adolf and includ anim fenc thi make predict highwai no t europ autobahn place europ autobahn german word for freewai countri name for l oos equival autostrada autorout motorwai etc speed limit that aren line us frien d weren ly typic not higher europ brink kmh limit hasn pass typic speed western europ higher law enforc neglig experi comapr revenu enhanc motiv thing you notic higher speed differenti and profession attitud drive you never two car run para llel mph oblivi strongli suspect you won find lot rabbit owner mph autobahn wron g peopl you wrong gti thi fast kind noisi not ideal autobahn car lot time you ca r driven driver foot floor you not make ground ident car front you respect for l ive happen you dead for drive high speed forc you concentr feel safer drive auto bahn typic traffic peopl awak never driver read book autobahn craig doesn fast m inut aclim drive that fast big deal craig you haven convinc not speed bad speed illeg will not speed love big brother you had your mind made you you don pai att ent post jim frost jimf centerlin saturn ifn spo andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu jason roth write ha d articl car ilk and like civic escort and and list for brake look that articl t hi summari inaccur car mention and suzuki swift point semi silli comparison satu rn cheaper and escort admittedli neglig issu and honda state goal base honda pri ce exclud word honda plai not saturn note that saturn beat dont car comparison p rice rest assur that street price for and escort and even honda will lesser that saturn you talk price comparison base msrp and saturn dealer will sell car for sticker price will below sticker srihari warn read laros austin utk edu brian laros write thi warn net wa tch for folk stand road overpass can harm you and your car cliff note version st ori follow last night travel interst knoxvil take offramp exit anoth interst and wife suddenli scream and larg hit side truck slow back vandal stand drove polic station good gui and cock arm size cinderblock never lucki truck sit high road hit window kill polic for gui likelyhood good driver knock wood night time and n ever gui polic thought motiv hit car stop check damag and jump and truck awar fo lk and for your good don stop peac brian laros laros utk edu essari knoxvil long

subject year ago and two ride front toyota pickup head south interst north seat tl threw rock overpass and hit windshield not accid imposs overpass quickli figu r kid report and left coupl year ago happend and kill gui compani mid fourti and left wife and children turn reformatori for juvinil block caught year that put cover overpass don forget thi stori neil william boe comput servic bellevu subaru svx good deal netter friend think get subaru svx local de aler seattl sell for tour packag that msrp think good deal and sinc access net o pinion thi car area reliabl and maintenan send mail friend doesn access net opin ion thi car you lot for auto tranni climat control window lock folddow rear seet full wheel drive fast top spped heavi advacn tom lock work boe comput servic ma il toml voodoo boe box uunet bcstec voodoo toml seattl open letter nissan station wagon thi week autoweek talk wagon ge t back vogu wouldn mind audi wagon great stealth you never catch dead minivan el iot warn read articl qke spool edu jason studsi msc edu jason hanson write articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik velapoldi thi happen year a go washington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overp ass car hit injuri and sadli year ago kid toss rock overpass eau clair wisconsin and kill driver below schoolteach minnesota houston coupl year ago young pregna nt woman kill similar manner car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam articl apr newsgat sp mot rapw email sp mot write problem wasn give monei financ gui brought manag duti proceed give hard time remind that custom and didn treat that and that did n back forget deal made smart remark told stick snatch back check and left needl ess not pleas turn event that noth friend mine shop for small sedan year ago bro ught token male salespeopl wouldn give bimbo treatment choic mazda and second ch oic nissan sentra mazda dealership and describ want start negoti price and sales droid plai run thi price sale manag plai good salesman bad salesman game final t old that didn author negoti price perhap speak directli brought sale manag proce ed dick trick book read remar sutton don time for list final plai round you work thi price each time you come thousand dollar come ten salesmanag gave signal tw o sale croni stood and can come guess can you and troup room leav sit salesman o ffic ourselv hmm read that sleazi salesmen sometim bug offic can leav and listen coupl discuss sale offer and mention thi aloud friend sit wonder leav offic sho w door for lack pick phone desk and call anoth mazda dealership ask for salesman and began discuss kind price sentenc into convers salesmanag broke into line an d began tell rude thought that call anoth dealership phone that sinc announc tha t busi shouldn care and time talk sale gui sale manag drown voic that phone fina l hung and head showroom sale manag and croni come unmark room and begin berat t hat won bother anymor door nissan dealership come part videotap front door sale manag shout across entir showroom custom and ahead you deserv bui nissan friend bought sentra guilti won unpunish mention that sale manag name gari tuson manner refus come reason price and anger end guess that had bet origin salesman young novic that dollar and steam that wouldn fall for slimi trick workmanship exampl dai and notic fit tunk lid and rear bumper ga p quit small left side larger blech mark fast apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl umcc u mcc umich edu mhartman umcc umcc umich edu mark hartman write don you complain a lot car that can easili top that that built and can handl speed complain and joi n fast fun can you speed rush drive straight line fine you becom aclim rush corn er that you don you can make clear autobahn noth peopl and judg label you insan and difficult persuad peopl surfac condit good autobahn road dip asphalt that yo u test your shock will kill you don wrong love drive quickli and probe will that isn decent piec road hereabout craig mark hartman mhartman umcc umcc umich edu kalamazoo cleveland freenet edu nake school sleepyhead bob licens plate want and roomat redecor live room and thought cool idea licens plate state and whereev find canada mexixo even european idea that r ecent nice that you plate hang hint hint kev wander camelot bradlei edu kevin mu rphi west main street peoria mgb and real world articl apr hasler ascom kevinh hasler ascom w

rite yeah had mini and even leav mgb stand anywher perhap long straight motorwai run peopl bought mgb bought open top sportscar and embodi peopl thought for fas hion tradit brit sportscar not great pretti peopl bui mazda miata todai small fu n and you can fool and lot peopl that you perform superior and expens performnac car derek tearn derek nezsdc icl fujitsu zealand awar dinosaur worri environmen t consequ accid iridium enrich fusion reactor cockroach and mammal will surviv dumbest driver action new cso uiuc edu mwbg uxa cso uiuc edu mar k wayn blunier write jimf centerlin jim frost write had figur back recal statist show that women tend accid men damag gener quit minor men had fewer expens acci d rate total vehicl destruct significantli higher for men women younger male ag group imho social consider strongest influenc possibl differ sex social influenc affect type car that bought and situat car us and type car and drive situat maj or effect accid risk societi expect you bui mustang and race street you like and societi expect that male femal agre your social influenc such drive condit let real gui don drag race becuas expect becuas fun and find car faster gui drive wo men becuas men driver drive unusu can figur male femal driver driver social infl uenc give person reason bui vehicl that amount charact associ you chang your dri ve habit sheesh don kind women you gui live ladi will blow your door will can yo ungster uppiti folk mark jim frost jimf centerlin bob workmanship articl apr walter bellcor jchen ctt bellcor write vi sit auto show and two car floor eagl vision and dodg intrepid competit price wor kmanship quit disappoint car rubber seal window and door fell turn seal big groo v rubber band press singl data point you can draw line you want bart child profe ssor texa dept comput scienc pastor late model corolla and father stanza demonst r fall door seal problem daryl biberdorf gjm biberdorf tamu edu sola gratia sola fide sola scriptura honda civic convers purchas honda civic experi car bui game and price can expect pai for sedan bargain advanc ellen heard south bai shop bring corrado for bodi work hit wonder hear d south bai bodi shop akin collis center santa clara reed auto west collis san j ose lo gato acura royal auto bodi sunnyval chang oil rist anoth dealer servic scam articl pbe new ysu edu y fn ysu edu john daker write worri steal oil onc final decid drain plug weld shut work great figur that add quart oil light come month that good wive tale chang oil and filter mile work for thing drain plug for reason wonder you fill your cr ankcas weld hood shut fear that steal air filter come silli you cut hole your ho od and put tube you can oil fill hole you big air intak thing for hot rod car fo r provid access oil fill hole live problem vandal steal peopl wheel lock nut did n stop safe and weld lug nut wheel togeth work haven had wheel stolen warn read articl innfl utk edu laros austin utk edu brian laros write thi warn net watch for folk stand road overpass can harm you and your car cliff note version stori follow last night travel interst knoxvil take offramp e xit anoth interst and wife suddenli scream and larg hit side truck slow back van dal stand drove polic station good gui and cock arm size cinderblock never lucki truck sit high road hit window kill polic for gui likelyhood stuff delet report that southern california sick sport for drop concret block overpass freewai per son kill block windshield overpass bridg fenc and made illeg loiter such bridg t hat stop such peopl bridg not fenc bridg time evas action even thi sport not rea ch fresno greg lewi csufresno edu photojourn sequenc depart journal csu fresno f resno dumbest automot concept time articl hhgm constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write articl apr slc slb dcd housto n geoquest slb dan dai write articl innb ctron new ctron smith ctron write big a ftermarket busi almost car come factori vynal and fake convert job aftermarket p lace amaz peopl will pai for bad tast ugli fake wheel compart stuck trunk side s ide tacki luxuri car aren fake you talk continent kit name lincoln continent car sport person love bird continent kit and supercharg that beauti car built imho jame continent modern era auto mount spare rear car car sport mount techniqu for rear mount spare quit common earli automobil and foreign ken franklin heaven fo r peopl wait ama and ain gwrra laugh sinner cry saint dod sinner lot fun good di

e young car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam not exactli servic incid had similar experi recent bought truck had pick vehicl want and haggl agr e price wrote check for payment tax and licens and told back that even pick truc k return had wait hour financ gui final smoothli start ad number discov that had miscalcul tax licens thi popular scam dealer last month brother bought audi ser i quatro local dealer back final price tax and and ad for happen extra tag tax p art point error and ask addit back price time cizeta articl crh regent technik muenchen crh regent technik mue nchen dbp christian huebner write can rememb read track competit car magazin fea tur testarossa diablo and result expect cizeta not slowest drop halfwai test lap smoke brake for sportscar show ridicul perform find thi hard weight red head he ll lot hors power perhap due pre product glitch impos style sport car bye chri c rh regent technik muenchen ferrari sportscar built person don car that reli turb o power guess favorit car break pad exhaust maxima can bui thi nissan maxima gxe for cdn c ar mile typic mileag for car seller inform that brought car for certif told that front break pad and exhaust had replac meet legal standard will replac compon s ell car copmlet ignor technic stuff car don thi mean time typic for replac menti on item thi indic that car abus thing break replac seller told that us car highw ai lot don verifi thi paint chip tini dot front edg hood maxima excel car and ca r clean and warranti similarli price accord will year worth warranti left and do n want worri pai for repair bill car for peopl will maxima come your input thi r epli mail prefer post thi newsgroup ryan ryan kim univers toronto eecg comput gr aphic rkim eecg toronto edu not weav traffic cone road work british highwai code toronto star april saturn srihari cirru srihari shoroff write ifn spo andrew cmu ed u andrew cmu edu jason roth write had articl car ilk and like civic escort and a nd list for brake look that articl thi summari inaccur car mention and suzuki sw ift point semi silli comparison saturn cheaper and escort admittedli neglig issu and honda state goal base honda price exclud word honda plai not saturn note th at saturn beat dont car comparison price rest assur that street price for and es cort and even honda will lesser that saturn you talk price comparison base msrp and saturn dealer will sell car for sticker price will below sticker srihari hat e rehash thread kindli quot price that dealer quot for civic and escort assum th at ahead and that yearli buyer guid that give low quot price quot find base pric e chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu neil peart qu ick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fear walk hand hand workmanship articl inn tamsun tamu edu dlb tamut tamu edu daryl biberdorf write articl apr walter bellcor jchen ctt bellcor write visit auto sho w and two car floor eagl vision and dodg intrepid competit price workmanship qui t disappoint car rubber seal window and door fell turn seal big groov rubber ban d press singl data point you can draw line you want bart child professor texa de pt comput scienc wrong two point sampl space show floor previou quot guess drow determinst line pastor late model corolla and father stanza demonstr fall door s eal problem unfair differ chrysler and toyota that chrysler prove that can build qualiti car toyota can afford make small mistak hurt imag door seal fail year s tanza not compar problem brand intreprid jason chen open letter nissan station wagon articl apr engr washington edu eliot stalfo engr washington edu eliot write thi week autoweek talk wagon get ba ck vogu wouldn mind audi wagon great stealth you never catch dead minivan even m inivan base viper run gear teddi audi get liter year train buss radar articl apr bronco fnal gov colombo bronco fnal gov rick open vm colombo write don train sign back greyhound bu that warn you th at your radar detector set doesn explain set radar detector greyhound appar inst al radar collis prevent system us radar monitor close vehicl and fast rel speed and signal warn driver come fast get close thi rememb new report month back time talk possibl instal system didn mention work bumper bumper traffic discrimin ca maro approach mph and old bridg support median approach mph curv recal progress stage warn flash light audibl warn red close light hyster scream die jame jame c

allison microcomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu c allison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for th under bird hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven mgb and real world derek nezsdc icl derek tearn write peopl boug ht mgb bought open top sportscar and embodi peopl thought for fashion tradit bri t sportscar not great pretti peopl bui mazda miata todai small fun and you can f ool and lot peopl that you perform superior and expens performnac car for fairli hard run lack power sure make for handl great for back street heap corner fairl i light car low center graviti and quit free rev dohc engin fun car you driven t urbo convert start perform thought mazda rotari regard scott scott fisher scott psy uwa au perth local depart psycholog univers western australia perth nedland perth joi jaguar flat batteri blown oil seal and unsympathet wife small remot to wn cold wet winter morn warn read articl apr icf hrb jek icf hrb joe karolchik write del et your name don want sound accus remark anoth occas texa florida had stop small motel for night small town florida youth disturb car set alarm and challeng com e and anoth tenant walk magnum and automat vanish needless immedi pack and left watch for car jack and stage accid can deadli not argu issu carri weapon you you thought shoot kid for set your alarm can wors thing world glad you give you rea son fire your gun hear screw car set alarm and taunt come you can damn that colt delta elit will come not screw car that shot potenti physic danger taunt that t hat intend rob and physic harm thing screw harm bent mayhem will receiv cure for lead defici inject fp tell todai violent crimin will death pleasant outcom jame jame callison microcomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uokno r edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven break pad exhaust maxima articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu rkim eecg toronto edu ryan kim write can bui thi nissan maxima gxe for cdn automat do n spec cdn spec for maxima car mile typic mileag for car seller inform that brou ght car for certif told that front break pad and exhaust had replac meet legal s tandard will replac compon sell car copmlet ignor technic stuff car don thi mean time typic for replac mention item thi indic that car abus set brake pad front thi fine car eat set mile fact that replac muffler thing break replac mileag fai rli low typic fwd stuff joint check mainten record manufactur requir for valv ad just time belt and mile servic expens make seller told that us car highwai lot d on verifi thi paint chip tini dot front edg hood thi commonli cite method for id entifi car highwai mile check ga pedal wear set tire highwai car squeez set hard driven car set maxima excel car and car clean and warranti similarli price acco rd will year worth warranti left and don want worri pai for repair bill maxima p retti reliabl warranti you check knowledg stuff for japanes car can expens car f or peopl will maxima come model year your input thi repli mail prefer post thi n ewsgroup craig ryan ryan kim univers toronto eecg comput graphic rkim eecg toron to edu not weav traffic cone road work british highwai code toronto star april dumbest automot concept time articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl jnk jkt new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write wasn origin intent revers light for driver back revers light side re vers light warn that you back aren bright typic brake and tail light don you liv e couldn drivewai night revers light countri you notic neat thing star and diffe r dai and night night hous forest tall oak dark for night full moon revers light illumin path back greatli prefer car car oper revers light jame jame callison m icrocomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison a ardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bir d hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven cizeta sbw sdcc ucsd edu sbw write happpen vener claudio enhanc pictur thi beast can ftp model thi beauti autoweek had articl car past six week issu diablo awd cover natur don rememb date issu offhand can check interest aami r qazi aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint bmw seri for articl eabu dialin slip nt uci edu eabu orion oac u ci edu alvin bmw isn liter six suppos enlarg liter not distant futur aamir qazi aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint saturn articl qkkl innbvo col col theckel col tim heckel for tha t interest fulli option air ab sunroof septemb for sacramento sold dealer had lo cal dealer had ab equip straight fleet manag dealership like told want made awar that knew price call back exactli want dealer deliveri dai sell nissan last sum mer sold earli august suppli get quit scarc car black ab option pkg and power mo onroof sold for tax natur manag didn care sell desir for virtual profit knowledg aamir qazi aamir qazi qazi csd csd uwm edu care watch dry paint dumbest automot concept time revers light warn that you back are n bright typic brake and tail light craig perhap thi silli argument backup light for couldn agre that serv dual purpos let peopl your car that you revers and th at can light area your car you back you can backup lamp current model brighter u s older car tauru wagon quit bright illumin good area car and brighter earlier c ar and vett side backup light model perhap year two earlier and you red side mar ker lamp and white side marker lamp car hindquart aren white reflector harv station wagon open letter nissan articl apr leland stanford edu tedebear leland stanford edu theodor chen write you never catch dead minivan eve n minivan base viper run gear hmmmm not sinc such beast exist can you anoth you won catch dead gmc syclon typhoon bhp not not even fact that clint eastwood tast ration reason for teddi audi get liter year car test wagon banger and speed man ual rave review for servotron audi recoup develop cost for and sinc not sell sti ck into seri car neat market trick yeah wouldn bad idea competit for upcom bimme r can us liter version avoid conflict model strip luxo garbag remain flare arch and fat tire fight turn boost wee bit bump bhp keep merced style subtleti blah b lah blah eliot mgb and real world articl qlg uniwa uwa scott psy uwa scott fish er write you driven turbo convert start perform thought mazda rotari drop ford i nto miata somewhat reminisc shelbi cobra car not nimbl suppos weight distribut a nd handl love drive teddi feedback request lower mustang articl vllyoak resun vllyoak resu n jeff perri write found kit advertis for lower front end earli mustang instal e nvolv move upper arm and instal wedg shape spacer arm and ball joint appar shelb i mustang similair modif left spacer interest feedback pro con such modif mustan g head don earli simpl strut suspens that upper arm strut lower control arm sing l bush not arm tension compress rod locat forward backward direct simpl strut su spens thi can lower shorter spring cut spring lower spring perch shorten strut b elow perch each case suspens geometri will suffer lower control arm will not int end angl spacer control arm and bottom strut roughli height reduct will restor s uspens geometri imho kit that includ spacer ken ken dye optimist gui lachman tec hnolog inc chicago that never had experi dye lachman archi warn read articl kya boi wesf boi we fujii write brian laros lar os austin utk edu wrote never gui polic thought motiv hit car stop check damag a nd jump and truck awar folk and for your good don stop sad thi sort thing rise a cross countri south florida get lot nation coverag subject vacation attack and k ill scheme similar thi make that worldwid coverag numer peopl plan holidai flori da and chosen anoth destin you expect thi sort thing perhap world countri not ke vinh hasler ascom sho and articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl chrissc ne tcom chriss netcom chri silvest write wagon heard slightli faster coup wagon aut omat slower due rear end ratio automat rear end manual limit experi david david hwang univers michigan medic school wall street suit telephon ann arbor michigan internet david ganglion ann arbor kuebelwagen for mi spell forgot spell seri exam and hand refer c ute wwii jeep wanna replica great tkh can convert can not aussi info car show australia car enthusiast australia interest american muscl car and make amc ford chrysler mopar will usa for week june chica go sun thursdai denver fridai sundai austin texa mondai fridai oklahoma citi fri dai mondai anaheim california tuesdai thursdai la vega nevada fridai sundai gran d canion mondai tuesdai june la angel san diego and vicin wednesdai june sundai june june south lake taho cal sundai june wednesdai june reno thursdai june san fransisco thursdai june sundai june wonder send inform car show swap meet drag m

eet model car show etc thi period can pomona swap meet thi year place visit car museum privat collect your collect etc bit inform appreci interest find model ca r scale model interst amc car interest amx javelin scrambler rebel machin and yo u kit plastic diecast etc and interest sell will interest can send bring you mod el australian high perform car you interest repli email johnt spri level unisa e du john tsimbino aussi info usa car show swap meet australia car enthusiast austr alia interest american muscl car and make amc ford chrysler mopar will usa for w eek june chicago sun thursdai denver fridai sundai austin texa mondai fridai okl ahoma citi fridai mondai anaheim california tuesdai thursdai la vega nevada frid ai sundai grand canion mondai tuesdai june la angel san diego and vicin wednesda i june sundai june june south lake taho cal sundai june wednesdai june reno thur sdai june san fransisco thursdai june sundai june wonder send inform car show sw ap meet drag meet model car show etc thi period can pomona swap meet thi year pl ace visit car museum privat collect your collect etc bit inform appreci interest find model car scale model interst amc car interest amx javelin scrambler rebel machin and you kit plastic diecast etc and interest sell will interest can send bring you model australian high perform car you interest repli email johnt spri level unisa edu john tsimbino thunderbird bought bird and info club and coast eric thoma warn read articl apr hasler ascom kevinh hslrswi hasler ascom ke vinh write articl kya boi wesf boi we fujii write brian laros laros austin utk e du wrote never gui polic thought motiv hit car stop check damag and jump and tru ck awar folk and for your good don stop sad thi sort thing rise across countri s outh florida get lot nation coverag subject vacation attack and kill scheme simi lar thi make that worldwid coverag numer peopl plan holidai florida and chosen a noth destin you expect thi sort thing perhap world countri not respons thi and a rticl that written thi subject that not problem southern ontario last summer ins tanc peopl trucker shot overpass sick peopl and make you world come kevinh hasle r ascom jeep wrangler opini articl vlsi vill edu mobass vlsi vill edu bi jan mobasseri write squar thi respect resal easi expens bui gonna expens bui us patent fals statement thi logic alfa fact marketplac wonderufl mechan adjust car that overpr manufactur expens bui not necessarili expnes bui us fact real cheap bui us depend that car note that not question your statement reliabl wrangler n ever own driven love don understand thi appar neglect qualiti for year not filte r into us market jeep intox irresist and seduct make purchas fatal attract bijan yep popular vehicl you don lot previou model year sit dealer lot for lenghth ti me thing sell popular popular and high price high price us simpl knew overpr bou ght knew had terribl reliabl record bought didn expect dealer network unabl repa ir person experi quickli cure infatu machin dave fast jimf centerlin jim frost write thing mind europ sinc you br ought autobahn knowledg admittedli second hand true knowledg drive second hand c an correct your statement autobahn driver disciplin europ yeah that paradis fact you can forget heard rel driver esp germani agg ressiv not disciplin rel resid hire car nuernberg airport and mile home that grew year older thi ride and swore never drive car germani thi and promis situat even wors effect increas volum tr affic you mean disciplin perhap consid cautiou due fear drive you into consider that major driver absolut reli you expect that fail sleep exploit thi drive fast car can that allow you dream mistak you make high risk your health and you pose such situat your dai driver you learn handl you lose that and peopl experi traf fic situat whether you thi pleasant effici you handl high volum traffic and that high speed modest compar volum and decreas rate lethal accid otoh and peopl esp women dislik drive feel overtax and threaten and each accid accid road compris autobahn design and includ anim fenc thi make predict highwai design and maintai n anim fenc rare auto bahnen and street guard rail hope that word plank made thi ck steel sheet fix upright feet high guard rail design for keep vehicl road smal ler anim can crawl plank bigger can easili jump point that esp larger anim rare germani tend timid accid caus anim negleg danger not europ autobahn place europ speed limit that aren line us friend weren ly typic not higher you speed linit e

ven major part autobahn attitud drive similar that germani franc switzerland ita li austria spain belgium netherland that you can reli resid abid local speed lim it quit lot practis mile and us travel mph fyi car even smaller rabbit drive hig hwai round pari milano thrill strongli suspect you won find lot rabbit owner mph autobahn wrong you find quit lot rabbit class car even smaller mine peugeot own er that fast small car hip and peopl bui such car aren afraid run peopl respect for live disagre size weight car irrelev formula car weigh and driver chanc surv iv accid mph higher otoh crash solid object mph make differ whether you sit pors ch merced tank bicycl your dead bye stefan stefan dalibor dalibor immd uni erlan gen and for case kangaroo court accus you reincarn adolf hitler don that mere de nial will suffici you will submit examin parapsychologist that person select per ri metzger pmetzger shearson articl new admin polici nissan altima seller puzzl thi obviou untruth that nissan claim that altima sell car namelpl thi verbatim lee iaccoca statist dept proud that se ntenc note that corolla prism design hei not namepl guess nissan doesn even sell altima toyota corolla namepl qualifi super mega automobil sight exot togeth give address drive and po st stephen phillip atlanta respons center atlanta home brave tire for ford ranger pickup had good luck ranger and yokohama ti re tire wear and even time haul heavi load ford and automobil rwong ei calstat edu russel wong write name r ussel wong and research project henri ford and automobil inform whether ford par tial respons for car accid cut dai drive crazi person respons for accid pull lic enc steve alan kulwicki winston cup champion ford probe opinion center articl apr sco nathanp sco nathan writ e jeremi mere zonker cmu edu can offer opinion ford probe ala long run repair re cord reliabl mileag etc fix bui car month aim bigger typic small car and power p robe accord corolla and bought probe pep last juli mile debat sentra stealth pre lud and celica car design earlier year earli reliabl for worth comment dislik sh ut door window insid rare make good wind seal owner ford probe world std mail li st comment thi problem haven happen month probe thi that ford correct sinc initi batch car that ford issu servic bulletin inform dealer correct thi problem you your dealer fix headlight stuck time weather air condit broke mile pressur cycl switch condens rear washer fluid contain doesn drain complet haven problem menti on mail list bad luck cram engin hope for yourself typic part somewhat expens no rmal ford part undersid plastic doesn sharp drivewai and speedbump typic assembl gripe tape radiat screw fell dash seat seam not stitch properli hopefulli fluke problem haven find obviou place screw ford kei car mon ford spend extra penni h mmm two kei car tell you stif your dealer thi you count credit card kei that own er binder kei sinc credit card kei doesn teeth cut guess won count rear hatch pa d corner wait for dai bash head corner horn button air bag spoke and not center person prefer air bag pretti take space you expect find horn speak horn surpris find that probe come nice merican sound horn japanes sound kind previou probe ha d japanes horn tire fling dirt mud side car yeah not badli annoi sometim like en gin design valv sound smooth power mileag torqu handl good for fwd underst limit transmiss speed usabl instrument love readabl analog torqu steer full power sho drive stabil mph high gear low cowl good visibl front heat mirror nice fog neve r test freez weather ab air bag rear seat fold rear seat passeng trunk not impor t shake rattl nois bump pothol tire goodyear eagl left hope for agre strongli en gin interior nice pleas ey and ergonom sound drive and work each dai rel smooth road and notic thing that probe suspens doesn pothol you test drive find pothol road town and jar you toler thi car stiff suspens isn for person you find harsh car strongli suggest into you passeng mean bring find that room back and you fin d that car ride differ that you problem back seat that leg room plenti head room shorter peopl fit back complaint long seat sit pull forward bit give place put feet lot glass you wasn expect temperatur insid car get pretti hot summer back s eat passeng complain lack ventil you want that combin heat power moonroof can gr eatli improv ventil car enjoi moonroof sucker for open air drive leakag problem that heard that exhaust system troubl mine work fine haven heard thi that earli probe and had problem prematur rust muffler ford will replac charg haven heard t

hi probe haven had real troubl thi car joint boot that leak dealer care that pro mptli and even gave free rental car for dai and half that car quit happi handl t hat expect worst heard sound ford mazda had problem probe and into product probl em correct thi point that almost expect complet car thi hope thi help chuck chuc k kesler internet chuck eo ncsu edu unix system programm mail box ncsu campu eng in comput oper raleigh usa north carolina state univers phone sticki lock tailgat toyota runner rolldown rear window keylock s witch sticki yesterdai tough kei work and happen stick direct stall motor power night kill batteri lubric lock switch lubric lock email ken don drink american c orpor swill support you local micro breweri rent alamo netter visit sweden august will rent chevi beretta al amo quot for week for addit dai thi includ free drive distanc not local tax balt imor told insur that includ doubt that friend rent car last year and turn need l ot insur includ base price hand didn rent alamo info thi rip probabl that need i nsur beretta good rental car marku dumbest automot concept time nanci hayduk nanci feagan write ash trai and cigarett lighter option head that direct post sale question ask choic c igarett liter accessori plug and anoth whether choic ashtrai cup holder geo stor m cigarett lighter accessori plug option not exist bought not ash trai cup holde r step direct ashtrai make conveni chang holder not complet useless jim frost ji mf centerlin haggl deal save you can wouldn wasn advantag mark ford probe opinion center articl apr ncsu edu chuck eo ncsu edu chuck kesler write rear hatch pad corner wait for dai bash head corner horn butt on air bag spoke and not center person prefer air bag pretti take space you expe ct find horn toyota airbag real horn come hard can put pressur plate hope toyota doesn follow and make horn button that wouldn want fumbl for john john nielsen magnu consult you baldrick renaiss that happen peopl wasn black adder rush fast articl mentor purdu edu marshatt feserv purdu edu zaub er write guess wasn clear road design for speed and safe current will add saftei margin design for speed upward forget exact spec for militari vehicl that dodg powerwagon not ford tauru can york taxi articl srgenprp almanb bob alman write hose dork super mega automobil sight exot togeth alright beat thi automobi l sight drive hair north atlanta notic run car dealership appear deal and repair older rare exot foreign sport car ford famou model ford that win race late incl ud man time two jensen interceptor convert hatchback porsch bore compar rest fer arri mondial prepar for race and red model that couldn identifi and bottom late convert rot rover saloon never regularli sold and showroom small italian bodi al pha romeo lancia size austin mini trunklid miss expos boot voltag regul upper le ft corner wall and chunk metal remov floor hand side leav trunk and taillight lo ok round type make thi made dai graham thoma blah blah blah blah blah georgia in stitut technolog blah blah blah blah blah internet grahamt oit gatech edu blah b lah blah blah blah mercuri capri restrict restrict car convert lot paronoid law pas s convert state requir greater rollov protect capri afford thatch harvei thatch harvei longer valid domain thatchh hplsla hewlett packard lake steven instrument divis lake steven merkur suzuki gsx princ sport racer remov rain coat front windshield tip you want summer rain you wr ong place you not year rain handi friend thatch thatch harvei longer valid domai n thatchh hplsla hewlett packard lake steven instrument divis lake steven merkur suzuki gsx princ sport racer rush fast articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl mentor p urdu edu marshatt feserv purdu edu zauber write guess wasn clear road design for speed and safe current will add saftei margin design for speed upward forget ex act spec for militari vehicl that dodg powerwagon not ford tauru powerwagon vehi cl that todai car can touch term high speed road hold abil blast past amh lehigh edu aloi himsl write worthwhil mgb technol og style upgrad safeti featur and perhap natur ga oper engin for your opinion mg b product for english market built rover improv suspent and slightli updat bodi

bad and set back graham thoma blah blah blah blah blah georgia institut technolo g blah blah blah blah blah internet grahamt oit gatech edu blah blah blah blah b lah lehigh edu danni phornprapha write get car futur narrow and choi c for your opnion danni ask thi question for past year you find you share magist answer work twice hard you can cheer issa suggest not work twice hard issa sugg est acura nsx enjoi seb grand cyl articl holcomb apr wgermani ctron holcomb ctron edgar holcomb write articl apr remu rutger edu wilmott remu rutger edu rai wilmott wri te back ask for info model grand respons gener favor thing repeat for for real p ower point input cylind standard ohc and quad rai high output quad deliv for qua d offer grand deliv beretta gtz ooppss grand litr not downsiz version buick litr beretta and corsica buick heater control had exactli problem lesabr cal local junkya rd and pick diaphragm lesabr heater set work for bit slow chang vent defogg noth improv automat transmiss articl qugvu quad wfunet wfu edu hagenj d wfu edu jeff hagen write respond never driven xxx gui that ag great traffic an d satisfactori job acceler you your foot buri carpet question regard downshift n ot downshift pass good thi manual move lever point you downshift manual approach red light curv tool park lot shift thi manual tran bigot downshift for deceler natur thi automat tranni doesn understand want addendum isn great downshift appr oach that red light light green and you cam turbo spool zippppppppppp hagen hage njd wfu edu grand auto and quad gear selector plastic strip cover space you can insid cover and cut end thi long strip specif length strip curl into cirlc end i nsid thi strip can feed into lip that circl can push button pull and gear shifte r will back drive accident hit drive town rev shift drive and pull come light wa nt eat food drive drive aftermarket shift kit that will accomplish thing porsch tip tronic automat can driven auto put into mode tip upshift tip downshift overr id you don redlin engin braindead driver don ahead articl tekig pen tek jitlok tekig pen tek jit loke lim write articl apr cbnewsd att hhm cbnewsd att herschel mayo wri te anywher block passer not for good even stupid realiz for good peopl you conce rn group citizen absolut disgust that major driver simpli disobei traffic rule s peed limit pass and ride tail respectfulli abid rule thi great countri and maint ain mandat speed limit calibr certifi cruis control keep respect car length dist anc mph speed time you tick moron jump ahead car length that you left you and ve hicl ahead you drive mph final you option total member support group that perfor m function for good for good thi great countri for unfortun that stupid realiz b less soul for paltri you can join citizen for ration advanc pilot profit member societi slight hitch initi rite full fledg member thi exclus club you proof that you fast lane busiest interst your area correct car lenth mph speedand thi can difficult moron not pass you not lane not slow lane not breakdown lane not for c omplet list accept interst and time send and member highli regard attornei auto field and complet absolut posit busi serv your interest testament virtu will giv e member initi consult fee feel free drop line your earliest conveni and rememb speed kill jit you bunch arrog lawyer what for rest you such wonder job judici s ystem get crimin bow your superior intellect not mention fee you collect poor sl ob ticket speed state polic offic you can soak court love lawyer joke don you alarm system worthwhil articl apr new eng convex dodson convex d ave dodson write worthwhil alarm system car past and will continu disagre that w orthwhil alarm featur import that import protect your trunk engin bai door flash light led mount driver and passeng door and relai disabl engin oper toss glass break sensor and shock sensor door lock and unlock two remot and panic featur ni ce import you instal place cost poorli instal alarm matter cost will major burde n featur unimport imo thing engin starter voic alarm window sunroof open and clo se and conveni dave dodson dodson convex convex comput corpor richardson texa la rri kei csme ncsl nist gov fahrvergnugen forev fact that explain you that you wo uldn understand dumbest automot concept time articl oasi navi mil glouie oasi na vi mil georg louie write rec auto nanci hayduk nanci feagan write ashtrai and ci

garett lighter option make option you can us ashtrai store coin and small thing come handi us cigarett lighter electr outlet for type handi gadget player vacuum cleaner flashlight etc don want pai extra for thing and you don us don hurt you us ashtrai chang and item convert cigarett lighter into volum control knob for trunk subwoof georg larri kei csme ncsl nist gov fahrvergnugen forev fact that e xplain you that you wouldn understand warn read articl apr erich triumf music erich triumf fred bach w rite articl ssd intel jrowel ssd intel janet rowel write plase ceas thi discuss fail peopl feel expound thi issu for dai and dai end area not meant for thi type discuss you feel such thing your thought exactli point lot hostil and teenag yo u follow new for northwest usa you will heard that group year boi bare teen outl ook develop teen shot and kill innoc girl ride car seattl area mother drive honk horn car boi thi upset and make stomach turn parent doesn your heart that poor mother teenag drive car and involv automot vandal and crime thi newsgroup had sp ecif experi deal violent teenag offend kid sad that peopl lose perspect case vio lenc teenag for perspect thousand kind teenag volunt local agenc children senior homeless you read kid stanford spent spring break help citi area hundr volunt t eenag and work clean mess rodnei king riot you your local high school plai recen t attend school orchestra perform you kid volunt pick trash plant tree walk thon kid sell you stuff benefit organ belong girl scout cooki you bought chocol bar for good media pick anomali sensat wonder teenag place work hard school good gra de colleg work and make real contribut societi human teenag time live mother the resa teenag and geoffrei dahmer sad peopl bui sensat report media kind reflect w orld todai reflect happen outer fring societi and noth alarm system worthwhil articl apr new eng convex dave dodson dod son convex write worthwhil alarm system car featur import featur unimport that q uestion that can answer and you live you live place crime appar good idea simpli deterr profession thief your vehicl good matter you slow thiev good idea basic option that ignit kill fuel cut flash red led two basic decent alarm system slow crimin steer wheel lock that suffici persuad thief find easier target car jack life confus hope help somewhat jason yow human factor psycholog program wright s tate univers dayton mail jyow desir wright edu fast idl ford ranger thi morn ford ranger idl rpm exagger idl fa st liter carbur engin and blip throttl idl drop back normal don linkag stuck can fix thi problem thi problem time time straighten don tach gaug sound engin idl twice fast thi idl pull stop light for suggest le le bartel live forev intergrap h corpor die electron divis ljbartel ingr ljbartel naomi ingr nissan altima seller guess that make altima gener car haggl deal save local dealer advertis negoti make you ford probe opinion center jeremi mere zonker cmu edu can offer o pinion ford probe ala long run repair record reliabl mileag etc fix bui car mont h aim bigger typic small car and power probe accord corolla and probe youngest b unch interest opinion magazin and rate book place excel btw rear wheel drive and due for design for advanc don read read thi group for valentin radar inform sig h faq and across your post bought probe pep last juli mile debat sentra stealth prelud and celica check thi month consum report for previou probe record criteri a fun car ab airbag and thought turbo check insur peopl rule that tri star car e clips talon etc sinc don air bag ditto for mustang ab fell into pocket rocket ca tegori good us car bui almost roll like didn prelud dash instrument weird for sm aller passeng space need that celica underpow load option and somewhat overpr tu rbo form never consid sinc didn airbag for rwd virtu that corolla never enter mi nd look mitsubishi dodg stealth sinc list exhaust bought probe car design earlie r year earli reliabl for worth comment dislik shut door window insid rare make g ood wind seal headlight stuck time weather air condit broke mile pressur cycl sw itch condens rear washer fluid contain doesn drain complet cram engin hope for y ourself typic part somewhat expens normal ford part undersid plastic doesn sharp drivewai and speedbump typic assembl gripe tape radiat screw fell dash seat sea m not stitch properli hopefulli fluke ford kei car mon ford spend extra penni re ar hatch pad corner wait for dai bash head corner horn button air bag spoke and not center person prefer tire fling dirt mud side car like engin design valv sou

nd smooth power mileag torqu handl good for fwd underst limit transmiss speed us abl instrument love readabl analog torqu steer full power sho drive stabil mph h igh gear low cowl good visibl front heat mirror nice fog never test freez weathe r ab air bag rear seat fold rear seat passeng trunk not import shake rattl nois bump pothol tire goodyear eagl left hope for you can primarili interest engin do esn uummmph big liter car turbo rush big sell point for aluminum liter engin car good bui for monei that market segment hasn chang sinc juli prelud vtec honda d el sol drive and work each dai rel smooth road and notic thing that probe suspen s doesn pothol you test drive find pothol road town and jar you toler you passen g mean bring find that room back and you find that car ride differ that you lot glass you wasn expect temperatur insid car get pretti hot summer back seat passe ng complain lack ventil you want that combin heat heard that exhaust system trou bl mine work fine leather and keyless entri system weren car can comment car off ici announc prefer cloth leather wouldn want thi car snow suspens rough for inev it surpris pothol tire aren meant for snow and seat assum that you not wear lot thick cloth rain water gener bead windshield freewai speed windshield wiper cont rol easi and understand and bare hydroplan onc eagl and definit lack cup holder small storag place map holder below speaker door rigid plastic that fit two cass ett max center consol storag bin arm rest cup holder and back front seat cloth p ouch that chang holder quit sho and probe not peopl mover car econo box car last li don store wet car cover back foam will soak water and result will not smell p leasant nathan nathan sco jeremi mere support old disclaim zonker cmu edu intern et free repres fast project cmu gsia softwar opinion alon mechan engin cmu gotta love silver line touch grei thi year mark anniversari bill right nathan sco com ment come napolean xiv auto air condit freon work ga solid adsorpt air con system for a uto applic thi kind system energi for regener adsorb exhaust ga interest thi mai l email follow thi thread discuss prospect thi technolog max max phd internet mg qlu ntu divis thermal engin bitnet mgqlu ntuvax bitnet school mpe nanyang techno log univers phone nanyang avenu singapor fax warn read tobia convex allen tobia write articl apr virginia edu ejv virginia edu erik vel thi happen year ago washington beltwai snot nose drun ken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass car hit injuri and sadli small g irl sit front seat struck head larger rock don recal made comatos for month and doctor weren hold hope that live hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood p rank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low erik velapold societi c ome apart seam basic reason that human life devalu point kill big deal kid hundr murder act can abort children demand and kill sick and will surpris kid drop lb rock and kill peopl don care messag hear life cheap peopl fortunatli unfortunat li experienc devalu human life develop nation american rais europ worst thing th at can happen car broken into pocket pick slave russian refuge courc will nutcas that extrem rare greec you can walk neighborhood time night even worri germani you can walk sidewalk and not even your back sanit crew that clean street sparkl cleen you you dont easi answer nation selfcritis post sould soc cultur reduc cr ime mean car insur rate spend monei modif car post rec auto tech revel vlasi the odor softwar engin idb mobil commun sig develop warn read neilson seoul mpr robert neilson write for auto conten t that low abid citizen power protect themselv and properti deadli forc anywher threat immin steve heracl you power steve you can don you don you shoot kid toss rock car make you good job don miss big rock and kid mean ditto you dont will y ou can shoot bastard chang oil articl apr rtfm mlb gwalker rtfm mlb grayson walker wr ite crawl car machin for boat that pull oil suction dip stick tube excel job and move suction tube you can oil drain plug paid marin oil into steel gal can wait cool and decant into your favorit devic us soft drink bottl easi local oil recy cl center thi sound good heard leav grit etc oil pan told chang hot grit time se ttl opinion bryan welch amateur radio sfg internet europa vnet ibm bwelch scf nm su edu will perish save love and music scot gaelic proverb disclaim opinion warn read articl joit bcstec boe neil bcstec boe neil william wr ite laros austin utk edu brian laros write thi warn net watch for folk stand roa

d overpass can harm you and your car cliff note version stori follow last night travel interst knoxvil take offramp exit anoth interst and wife suddenli scream and larg hit side truck slow back vandal stand drove polic station good gui and cock arm size cinderblock never lucki truck sit high road hit window kill polic for gui likelyhood good driver knock wood night time and never gui polic thought motiv hit car stop check damag and jump and truck awar folk and for your good d on stop peac brian laros laros utk edu essari knoxvil long subject year ago and two ride front toyota pickup head south interst north seattl threw rock overpass and hit windshield not accid imposs overpass quickli figur kid report and left coupl year ago happend and kill gui compani mid fourti and left wife and childre n turn reformatori for juvinil block caught year that put cover overpass don for get thi stori de moin iowa year ago kid drop rock overpass and hit car windshiel d put dent roof guess lucki hit metal frustrat that can bother citi govern put c over overpass slow speed bit drive overpass citi that will time and lot peopl ta lk citi govern anoth bryan welch amateur radio sfg internet europa vnet ibm bwel ch scf nmsu edu will perish save love and music scot gaelic proverb disclaim opi nion fast boyl cactu org craig boyl write qualiti autobahn myth road surfac isn typic freewai term light safeti sign roadmark etc light highwai texa funni light junction won even into road mark vari state and local that area mark essenti nonexist road dip asphalt that you test your shock will kill you don wr ong love quit sever don recal freewai road damag warn that regard unsaf decent d amp car suspect you limit experi freewai vari dramat state can name number inter st highwai part countri optimist car not you call quit sever term road deviat su spect singl bridg junction consid hard mph that not interst such deviat drive fr equent texa pretti edg case you can assum that road such good condit such flat t errain and such wide open space ain jim frost jimf centerlin rush fast wharf wrat rite design for speed upward forget exact s pec for militari vehicl that dodg powerwagon not ford tauru onc you refer super slab system interst and defens highwai whether militari that road anoth matter w homp diesel truck load permit militari surplu stuff driven jeep classic willi ka iser amc pre independ suspens and power wagon slant crew cab pickup weren exactl i congeni highwai speed and wouldn swear bedload semi you gotta love standard mi litari tire us us design circa compromis traction icki sticki goo and longev sha rp rock and quit ill adapt high speed civilian roadwai for can rememb imagin mou ntain bike tire road rib middl scale car size yeah and narrow standard mod for c ivil surplu jeep instal tire and wheel that reflect advanc made ride and handl s inc dai point made wharfi and stand you mil spec power wagon jeep tank transport unwieldi rubber tire vehicl anywher suggest american interst your safe speed li mit your car and skill road mainten and swarm fool you road design for devil nat ur employ advoc unsaf unlaw drive joe anoth person opinion peopl republ berkelei import volvo afraid time come rice burner final di promis wife t hat scandanavian tour car di and pick volvo sweden drive and import home can giv e advic feasibl and rel cost refer learn person experi email sell car car hunter good bad experi sell car car hunter sell dod g stealth and contact thi compani call markham group base illinoi buyer area int erest car wouldn talk talk for good minut ask car and sell problem guarante that didn sell car dai monei back and sinc charg protect feder law state that not sa tisfi refund true feder express paperwork had contract state polici dai and such call bbb illinoi and not file good new legitim compani week and noth effect typ e compani care share experi trade car that not paid for pointer articl fibercom rrg rtp fibe rcom rhonda gain write plan purchas car and will trade mazda year pai that into account purchas car dealership pai car and add amount had pai purchas price car explain thi you don you call bank credit union financ compani that hold loan you r present car and current payoff cost you trade your current car car subtract pa yoff amount trade dealer give you thi turn neg number you reconsid deal subtract thi differ price car thi size loan you will for car dealer will care pai loan y our car monei you give you pick your car that work for year ago ohio rhonda jose ph staudt telxon corp joe telxon box usenet tetri for peopl akron rememb read he

ller ford and automobil ford and automobil inform whether ford partia l respons for car accid and deplet ozon layer addit inform will greatli appreci sssssoooooooooooo fault god loui chevrolet innoc and that gui diesel otto feel g uilti stephen phillip atlanta respons center atlanta home brave warn read rfelix netcom robbi felix write thousand kind teenag v olunt local agenc children senior homeless hear hear robbi you don read that vio lenc teenag such georg bush buri aliv ten thousand unarm iraqi year old surrend bulldoz hand true singl teenag for blame that violenc social accept us discourag violenc plenti work peopl ag water trunk probe water gradual build trunk friend ford probe on c remov spare and scoop water plywood carpet cover trunk guess thi happen good t hunder storm thi common problem drain hole locat for hatch for info tom tom szet o not peanut tszeto sneezi stratu bottom ggnuuaahuuhh includ disclaim homer simp son eagl talon tsi lemon rec auto jai lorenzana uicvm uic edu wrote dear netter bui us eagl talon tsi awd concern car driven and maintain turbocharg and never bui turbocharg vehicl knew owner and drive mainten habit question tha t tsi awd mention april consum report car avoid wonder that awd model and ident for ab option manual transmiss owner had problem transaxl synthet lubric transax l solv problem case problem not uniqu awd common model galant and gsx had transa xl didn list electr system don major complaint thi area that batteri that instal factori had low current rate and brake below par model fwd model built recal fo r brake upgrad fwd and awd owner had problem warp rotor insist manual torqu wren ch time lug nut tighten never had problem friend mine own tsi awd and had brake job pad can refer you set pad dai depend you drive that owner get set pad stuck valv time hear problem valv train car time belt failur and clutch transmiss prob lem stick grind into second gear thi doesn bad beat car your friend beat car uni t not repres sampl car reliabl suggest listen useless consum report talk owner m ail list reach will suffer reliabl for speed and you pai big buck you want can y ou your talon and problem you had and repair worth humor impair skip theend matt er you pai you won exampl nsx reliabl and ferrari reliabl yeah speed and theend opinion state not necessarili employ roberto landrau landrau mitr org rll linu m itr org mitr corpor bedford rll linu car saftei import recent thumb lemon aid car guid found car reco mmend pictur sentenc note driver and passeng virtual guarante kill front end col lis highli recommend small car civic worst crash rate small car list such case g reat vehicl you wouldn surviv accid safeti not import factor bui car rent alamo articl apr ericsson etxmst sta ericsson write netter visit sweden august will rent chevi beretta alamo quot for week for addit dai th i includ free drive distanc not local tax baltimor told insur that includ doubt that friend rent car last year and turn need lot insur includ base price hand di dn rent alamo info thi rip that sound pretti reason for that car and that citi p robabl that need insur you accid you won you plan pai for car credit card check and your card automat cover rental car your auto insur cover rental car rental c ompani offer extra insur you rent and requir you initi spot you don want credit card and person auto insur provid sort coverag that rental agenc sell never rent alamo don follow thi practic beretta good rental car compact door bit dull perf orm and acceler wise adequ will automat transmiss stereo air condit and possibl power window and door lock joe joseph staudt telxon corp joe telxon box usenet t etri for peopl akron rememb read heller manual shift bigot previou articl eric youngblood articl apr eng r washington edu eliot stalfo engr washington edu eliot write race car stuff del et back stuff for second note that auto tranni shift driver command not preselec t schedul driver control shift not transmiss disput that product car automat inh er lossi manual that theori point that mechan advantag manual automat can easili lost driver isn skill thing that automat advantag launch fact that torqu conver t clutch thi sound strang torqu convert multipli engin output launch function so rt limit continu variabl transmiss typic you torqu multipl time depend stall spe ed torqu multipli instal product automobil such system exist present instal prod

uct auto that awar commonli call viscou drive cvt fluidic amplifi contrast clutc h slip feather result mult convertor for engin closer torqu peak launch clutch c ar can fulli engag drivelin chevi prove year ago camaro et and termin mile time close tpo ident for speed and auto car note that thi major reason that auto car can fewer gear manual slip convertor make for fewer ratio and start yell propos sspeed auto note that manufactur speed manula onc past lauch convert begin coupl and multipl effect reduc you cam correct bower dod alfa ducati hobi kottk blad iaido nasa good sake don you that girl can plai guitar mari chapin carpent intern leak carburetor friend toyota tercel acceler ga peddel re pairman intern leak air carburetor and carburetor cost like fix problem replac c arburetor you bbb autolin arbitr bbb autolin arbitr experi outcom decidedli mi x won battl lost war arbitr found that car defect decid offer repurchas below ma rket time hear averag retail truck nada book decis for wrote letter council busi bureau point fact that you automobil that not depreci rapidli manufactur incent deal you that manufactur can loos can turn and sell vehicl profit consum award repurchas attitud chevrolet repres hear support thi point view total unprepar an d not proceed decid repurchas even get total screw price will not deal continu r epair sell lemon and case for civil suit base idaho lemon law plan send letter e lect repres tell utterli ridicul idaho lemon law law for us deduct equal ir mile ag allow chevrolet bui ga and pai for insur summari case bought ton chevrolet pi ckup and decemb thi vehicl requir repair repair system that requir attent includ transmiss heater fan paint suspens and motor main problem speed manual transmis s not instal defect transmiss attempt summari repurchas you screw price you paid place your car happen model that depreci rapidli jackw hpdmd boi warn read articl apr erich triumf music erich triumf fred bach w rite xref taco alt parent teen rec auto path taco gatech howland reston an net z aphod mp ohio state edu saimiri primat wisc edu caen destroy ubc unixg ubc erich triumf music music erich triumf fred bach newsgroup alt parent teen rec auto su bject warn read date apr pst organ triumf tri univers meson facil line distribut world messag apr erich triumf refer joit bcstec boe apr erich triumf bigboot wp i edu ssd intel nntp post host erich triumf summari violent teenag and victim ke yword brick rock danger gun violent teenag new softwar vax vm vnew articl ssd in tel jrowel ssd intel janet rowel write plase ceas thi discuss fail peopl feel ex pound thi issu for dai and dai end area not meant for thi type discuss you feel such thing your thought want second thi request thi net group peopl focu solv pr oblem and respect differ hostil express origin post feel assault jan exactli poi nt lot hostil and teenag post alt parent teen copi rec auto sinc you peopl thi g roup advic for and experi troubl teenag you follow new for northwest usa you wil l heard that group year boi bare teen outlook develop teen shot and kill innoc g irl ride car seattl area mother drive honk horn car boi thi upset and make stoma ch turn parent doesn your heart that poor mother fred heart and prayer mother an d victim and senseless crime you folk thi group respons offer good advic that yo u suspect lot peopl world will read and your comment feel that you miss point pr eviou post top your statement respons felt attack member thi group you attempt m ake member thi group requir answer peopl make statement peopl experienc problem and found workabl solut teenag drive car and involv automot vandal and crime thi newsgroup had specif experi deal violent teenag offend kid time you good advic for hostil peopl sens that potenti victim you good advic for not pai back and no t make situat wors you good advic for local author school thi problem preval you not interest peopl interest input will restat that your last sentenc attack mem ber thi group peopl input will give not you not make feel compel respond you con tinu thi convers send mail not repost attempt bait will not make anoth post and make suggest group member thi matter advanc for your btw your jerri storr system network manag you for live dept chemic engin ncsu dead not storr che ncsu edu p refer risen storr eo ncsu edu luke lord risen statement made explicit belief wri ter and not employ wife convert nuet pt mot keith nuetzman write wife inform that c onvert for car vllyoak resun jeff perri write fyi last week pb show motor week g ave result thought car for convert categori honda civic del sol achiev thi honor

side car interior inexpens and dull del sol and vouch for interior snazzi top l ot person televis that motorweek needless smile bit time watch for that darn con vert tan tho dian dspalm mke comm passat advic sought articl apr remu rutger edu hong remu rutger edu hyunki hong write car market and opinion passat glx compar toyota camri thou ght car look solid stabl and european disappoint that that doesn offer airbao qu estion isn offer automobil airbag pai extra thousand for bmw even smaller and po wer passat caught airbag thing last year two that airbag becom signific sell fea tur assum that automat belt satisfi govt requir for passiv restraint didn guess that merican consum make bui decis base presenc airbag hurt market check articl last week autoweek crisi golf and jetta will come plant mexico don qualiti that facil per normal practic launch jetta iii delai and good chunk life design spent that passat come germani not qualiti and avail issu nice car nice engin whether will player market two year time question leav passat camri flamewar for auto air condit freon articl apr ntuix ntu mgqlu ntuix ntu max w rite work ga solid adsorpt air con system for auto applic thi kind system energi for regener adsorb exhaust ga interest thi mail email follow thi thread discuss prospect thi technolog bite thi suppos work tim chevi sprint wfnmbjg wboe andrew cmu edu srinagesh gavirneni and rew cmu edu write chevi sprint and door odomet turn and sensor light start blink dealer and mainten light chang oxygen sensor chang sinc bought car had don thin g happen and quot for part and instal part cost mechan not fix sensor deep engin part suggest wait till malfunct own chevi sprint want oxygen sensor chang you f ace problem fix dealer result oxygen sensor malfunct greatli apprecist sold spri nt last april driven sinc previou juli put mile sensor light us light regularli start mile bought brother and rebuilt engin us origin equip suppos sensor us rep lac perform hah you call that not chang perhap emiss increas emiss regist cylind engin produc that neat car held engin block easili hand driven turbo variant cu riou adam edward awd uhura rochest edu get car opinion articl qqp usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu chun ung wan write previou articl lehigh edu danni phornprapha budget for sp ort car you bui for specif model danni hei you programm danni phornprapha thi le high edu bug anoth endang earth lucc student konsult speci need your protect wor k for sport car for sport suspens stiff for practic and comfort nissan turbo goo d bui and for good dose luxuri lexu perfect manual transmiss toyota supra come a nd you perform suppos great almost race car don particulari mitsubishi dodg stea lth heavi and aren nimbl handler for sport car motion pictur major brook institu t photographi santa barbara and foreign student kuala lumpur malaysia mind forer unn state thing turbo and supra budget good and you will lone mark twain sport util vehic comparison opinion read artic thi road and trac k and car and driver that mag two and wonder peopl opinion that differ mag suv d riven strong opinion ford explor toyota runner nissan pathfind lean toyota had b ig success toyota truck past and thought strong opinion karl karl elvi macra sof twar releas support cisco system kmac cisco batman cisco dod shovel and rake and implement destruct arlo guthri car saftei import tcorkum bnr trevor corkum write safeti not imp ort factor bui car depend your prioriti lot peopl put higher prioriti ga mileag and cost safeti bui unsaf econobox volvo person middl ground thing for point sea tbelt and mph bumper figur that mph collis into brick wall aren common for spend that extra monei for protect lot low speed collis that worri jim frost jimf cen terlin warn read articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu bqueiser magnu ac o hio state edu brian queiser write hadn empti gun into asshol texa countri that r emind texa ad you hear gui speak french letter home french move background and f rench accent voic come foreground talk walk beach and felt home that decid shoe and rest cloth end send bail rec auto note carri gun car bad idea isn you work b ad part town regularli thi load question unload colt delta glove box load magazi n handi perfectli legal oklahoma for time that travel inter state unload magnum revolv glove box speed loader pocket legal feder law illinoi state polic hang th i stricli for defens insur will pai replac car life jame jame callison microcomp

ut coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell t hing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven slick good hmmm listen local radio expert amazingli honest god e xpert amaz and that base convers inventor slick longer comapni due kind conflict avoid plagu recommend teflon base type oil addit jame jame callison microcomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thi ng kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven info opinion want car thi articl articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl fibercom rrg rtp fibercom rhonda gain write market for car mazda serv fine door car sinc don reli sh thought move carseat door car criteria door cassett quick acceler cruis contr ol decent rear seat legroom husband footer prefer closer rang will rule accord c ar that caught ey toyota corolla toyata camri mazda pontiac grand pontiac grand prix honda accord and civic roomi and come door model hyundai sonata and even sm all oldsmobil not achieva opinion benchmark recommend etc wouldn grand achevia s kylark sinc bad frontal collsion and don outstand qualiti john object that last statement lot experi grand coup can firmli state that lot outstand qualiti relia bl great layout control and compon roomi exterior size car sharp insid and that drive except power and drivabl compar similar car that driven fun drive depend a nd price vehicl don knock statement that you back specif reason you feel that ro b bell plain nodak edu john nielsen magnu consult you baldrick renaiss that happ en peopl wasn black adder car thi wonder enlighten thi car dai door sport car look late ea rli call bricklin door small addit front bumper separ rest bodi thi can tellm mo del name engin spec year product thi car made histori info you thi funki car mai l brought you your neighborhood lerxst warn read sport util vehic comparison opinion read artic thi road and trac k and car and driver that mag two and wonder peopl opinion that differ mag depen d you plan us your suv recommend brows trailer boat and pickup shotgun and magaz in car rag recent grade pea gravel offroad and ten sack redwood chip bedload tha t suv us robust station wagon that not bad approach your applic demand pick your inform sourc accordingli vehicl your short list explor runner pathfind recommen d runner close base robust pickup and explor for comfort carlik don pathfind goo d luck joe anoth person opinion peopl republ berkelei opel owner articl sxi new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu orio lefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibbon write for inform opel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight hard top and sporti friend sit ya rd nice condit bodi wise transmiss seiz hasn run for info car engin compart tigh t work fine shape and quit interest darren gibbon gibbonsa sfu thi manta not sol d buick dealer mid price leader sound lot opel guess that thi chassi kadett bigg er manta easili wrong kadett sold buick opel craig chintan amin llama uiuc edu c hintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu sig construct ha rd hat area noisi engin dai peopl owner motor head guru that engin sound noi si engin noisi time not even nice nose ugli nois oil chang month and for month e ngin nois sound rel quiet drive and idl month mark oil chang track thi for month start that disgust nois not drive idl problem don notic perform drop hasn accel er us tip appreci worri super mega automobil sight exot togeth articl qvgg innl phantom gatech edu graham thoma grahamt phantom gatech edu write alright beat thi automo bil sight can top that fridai afternoon window long beach ferrari mix ragtop tes tarossa and batman car ferrari had annual dinner place downstair sweet car warn read that last post server neglect send messag can thi grou p automot topic you opel owner boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl sxi new cso ui uc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibb on write for inform opel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight h

ard top and sporti friend sit yard nice condit bodi wise transmiss seiz hasn run for info car engin compart tight work fine shape and quit interest darren gibbo n gibbonsa sfu thi manta not sold buick dealer mid price leader sound lot opel g uess that thi chassi kadett bigger manta easili wrong kadett sold buick opel cra ig manta european name for pretti that kadett sold pontiac leman earli mid manta chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu sig construct hard hat area opel owner articl sxi new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu orio lefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibbon write for inform opel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight hard top and sporti gibbonsa sfu thi manta not sold buick dealer mid price leader chintan amin sound opel neat ca r fun drive sold buick rememb correctli that engin mod made such that part not i nterchang older model part harder come for model part gener not difficult find t ime whitnei carri stuff includ brand not remfg long block kharman ghia hmm that spell hose will project mark for hail damag record articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write integra hit hard hailstorm austin insur compani cut check for deduct last week thi record had settlement hailstorm craig rumor that gui dell comput h ad miata total that john steczkowski stecz pencom constitut grant you life liber ti and pursuit happi not attempt guarante that will happi talon articl such thing eagl talon heard freind that talon relea s thi true and differ and opinion repli and prefer mail hasit mehta univers roch est primu suck uhura rochest edu captain crunch for frizzl fry chang oil hanguyen megatest nguyen write articl apr progress dam elio progress stephen amelio write bmoss grinch sim brent woodi moss write you s crew driver and hammer and start punch hole locat and black slipperi stuff start pour you that oil drain plug nearbi foot two close hole toilet paper refil oil you refil engin oil wow can engin last oil chang don forget punch hole radiat wi ll sprai nice refresh water engin and nice cool steve gee you make confus radiat locat will releas radiat sinc sound radia tion genera tor you punch hole releas radiat that your car faster you punch hole that radiat get your engin and pep s cientif term you horsepow torqu you don torqu you can read mile long thread subj ect wrong horsepow power hors can make pull subaru and torqu name invent craftsm an for wrench steve warn read smn cybernet cse fau edu vlasi cybernet cse fau edu vl asi theodor write tobia convex allen tobia write articl apr virginia edu ejv vir ginia edu erik vel thi happen year ago washington beltwai snot nose drunken kid decid cool throw huge rock car overpass car hit injuri and sadli small girl sit front seat struck head larger rock don recal made comatos for month and doctor w eren hold hope that live hell happen thi great countri our can boyhood prank pee bridg and such pound rock societi stoop thi low erik velapold societi come apar t seam basic reason that human life devalu point kill big deal kid hundr murder act can abort children demand and kill sick and will surpris kid drop lb rock an d kill peopl don care messag hear life cheap peopl fortunatli unfortunatli exper ienc devalu human life develop nation american rais europ worst thing that can h appen car broken into pocket pick slave russian refuge courc will nutcas that ex trem rare greec you can walk neighborhood time night even worri germani you can walk sidewalk and not even your back sanit crew that clean street sparkl cleen y ou you dont easi answer nation selfcritis post sould soc cultur reduc crime mean car insur rate spend monei modif car post rec auto tech revel vlasi theodor sof twar engin idb mobil commun sig develop rememb thi happen michigan and ohio year back group gui beater rear end car state canadian you stop and smack you bat di dn kill you for sake car cop put decoi and thi calm for vlasi you safe walk germ ani you refuge monthli post buick grand nation regal type mail list monthli pos t buick grand nation regal type mail list thi list for owner and parti interest buick grand nation regal type gnx and turbocharg regal discuss includ technic in form and part sourc emphasi perform enhanc and race join mail list contact gntty pe request srvsn monsanto scott keller agricultur group monsanto compani sekel m onsanto wch packet wch pfx usa keeper buick grand nation regal type mail list ignit kill want netter post respons mail ignit kill question tha t simpl procedur pai local pep boi visit thi weekend mik sho clutch question grind nois articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl ldu new rich bnr jcyuhn crchh nosubdomain nodomain jame yuhn write that not clutch you hear gearbox earli sho lot refer gear rollov nois you can ge ner sho built and mine doesn make thi nois geez wharfi you difficult mine built decemb qualifi pretti dang earli and grind jim kubelwagen answer your question sort volkswagen had robust versi on thi armi vehicl earli thereabout call volskwagen thing and convert havent goo d luck mik dumbest automot concept time apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest sl b dan dai write articl hhgm constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor ed u jame callison write articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest slb dan dai write ugli fake wheel compart stuck trunk side side tacki luxuri car aren fake you tal k continent kit name lincoln continent car sport person love bird continent kit and supercharg that beauti car built imho for lincoln continent find sad part th at edsel ford design and abort name ain justic admit nice bird previou owner and thunderbird bias dumbest automot concept time drutx att klf druwa att franklinkl write articl hhgm constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame cal lison write articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest slb dan dai write articl inn b ctron new ctron smith ctron write big aftermarket busi almost car come factori vynal and fake convert job aftermarket place amaz peopl will pai for bad tast u gli fake wheel compart stuck trunk side side tacki luxuri car aren fake you talk continent kit name lincoln continent car sport person love bird continent kit a nd supercharg that beauti car built imho jame continent modern era auto mount sp are rear car car sport mount techniqu for rear mount spare quit common earli aut omobil and foreign thirti buick and packard had two spare mount well front fende r that back front fender long provid room coupl marqu that thi memori fade ken f ranklin heaven for peopl wait ama and ain gwrra laugh sinner cry saint dod sinne r lot fun good die young dumbest automot concept time constel ecn uoknor edu callison uok max ecn uoknor edu jame callison write articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest s lb dan dai write articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl parr write long t ime motorcyclist never understood posess auto builder put delic control us skill and finess clutch and brake floor not hand control easier earli dai function ha d power assist leg had strength activ sinc tradit and peopl hard time get us exa ctli you put hand clutch and brake motorcycl easi handlebar limit rang turn stee r wheel hand turn and and fine for electr relai your cruis control and airbag yo u want lose your clutch and brake due short circuit shade edsel had pushbutton s teer wheel hub that control auto tranni disconcert shift into revers turn corner and wire short workaround reason us hand power car clutch brake and lighten poi nt that finess control suitabl for hand us incres mechan complex substanti power brake and power brake for exampl experiment car that had joystick steer wheel t hat useless imho anoth automot odditi separ kei for trunk door and ignit earth y ou want thi don want separ trunk kei for secur reason total separ lockabl contai n for door and ignit ehhh kei guess jame jame callison microcomput coordin oklah oma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu di sclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing kill man yo u and gonna will munni unforgiven warn read articl apr convex tobia convex allen tobia wrote socie ti come apart seam basic reason that human life devalu point kill big deal kid h undr murder act can abort children demand and kill sick and will surpris kid dro p lb rock and kill peopl don care messag hear life cheap thi get overh highwai r obber part life sinc middl ag human natur histori rose color glass random act vi olenc ceaseless part heritag life that random individu act violenc never histor signific and record keep past never good retain steve wall chevi sprint articl wfnmbjg wboe andrew cmu edu srinagesh gavirn eni andrew cmu edu write chevi sprint and door odomet turn and sensor light star t blink dealer and mainten light chang oxygen sensor chang sinc bought car had d

on thing happen and quot for part and instal part cost mechan not fix sensor dee p engin part suggest wait till malfunct own chevi sprint want oxygen sensor chan g you face problem fix dealer result oxygen sensor malfunct greatli apprecist na gesh own sprint begin and that sensor light come you time for check that light d elaer that time and work for hou and you pai for part and for labor ahh for labo r sprint and time for servic never payment sheet replac oxygen sensor heck oxyge n sensor never had that thing replac car and car pur kitten don mother natur tha t for and that never heard oxygen sensor major servic job had car get tire repla c you want call that servic job get rotor distributor and gasket replac and that past month good tune replac pai bill and home and don worri car for anoth remem b that sensor light bother you fuse box below turn signal lever dash swith side flip that switch and light will that that light won annoi you can find car manue l hope that help and good luck oxygen sensor thoma mail address give armi west p oint tjz zeu tamu edu graduat and win battl give hand texa aggi creator mot powe r and win war gen georg patton electron odomet us bmw question articl new duke edu klg mooki du ke edu kim greer write wonder can shed light that electron odomet rememb total e laps mileag kind memori stabl reliabl volatil and independ batteri power last ye ar life vehicl amaz that thi expect work for thi length time light gizmo work th at good work for month break thomsom timekeep clock and byte nvram lithium batte ri backup batteri life year poweroff oper instal car left power continu and not draw current batteri us your auto batteri dead had remov side question legal ram if sell us car replac odomet that start mile actual mile fraud fairli easi for p rice odomet you can mile you want buyer california line transfer ownership form state that odomet mileag correct incorrect you requir fill you guesstim correct mileag you lie thi form and caught you can prosecut and buyer can sue you for mi leag differenti faster hors younger women older whiskei monei aftermarket unit le bartel comment can you your question comment make aftermarket unit frost king frost temp forget aftermarket unit cavali and quit unhappi fan noisi and doesn put air will never aftermarket instal vehicl ca n trust qualiti and perform thi experi le add had instal ford garag and not work that instal factori pickup ident mine talk peopl that had result don thi probab l ford erni smith agre never dealer add your car you want make factori instal ho nda exclud can bought instal factori us need part for true factori instal put bi gger radiat etc design properli for thi place point dealer instal won anywher go od factori and servic bum will mess your car instal scratch screwdriv hole seat part not reinstal correctli screw etc gui servic manag dealer for year never dea ler add your car floormat master cylind respond honda accord break question that master cy lind bad will mechan doubl check and isn simpler and cheaper your respons sound like master cylind joni want opinion wonder net land opinion mg gener not reliabl car su mmer approach and convert interest opinion mg appreci dave dave kai chui chu dep t elec comp eng concordia univers voic maisonneuv fax montreal quebec canada ema il davec ec concordia anoth tauru sho question articl apr reed edu rseymour reed edu w rite tauru sho for can straight super high output not sho show yamaha dohc valv sho spoken technic staff ford time can assur you that intern ford thi car call t auru show show long sound refer sound assum purist fan and owner prefer ford lin go tim gardner kuebelwagen articl mentor purdu edu thwang mentor purdu edu tomm i hwang write for mi spell forgot spell seri exam and hand refer cute wwii jeep wanna replica great tkh thing kubelwagen lookalik manufactur mexico and possibl south america good luck import don meet safeti and pollut requir mechan and junk yard special help for find thing wwii enact grab wwii kubelwagen german equival jeep not wheel drive displai patton museum fort knox kentucki rare schwimwagen a mphibi version full scale diorama highli recommend frank reid uc indiana edu auto air condit freon articl apr research nec behanna syl nec ch ri behanna write chemist come substitut for you don hear mobil air condit societ i mac that peopl stand rake that per retrofit per automobil mount organ campaign

squash substitut exist not ban altogeth shaki technic ground outright li worst not you wrong that substitut exist thi sound lot mpg carb that oil compani get m ark honda group honda group that deal prelud tom spencer dumbest automot concept time articl hqj unix amherst edu bhtulin unix amherst edu barak tulin start read thi thread todai forgiv mention deal re nault put horn left hand turn signal stalk button end washer button wiper washer stalk frenchi not figur wire steer wheel had allianc for long time comfort slug gish car us horn stalk coupl month worth get us bought car chevi for us horn ste er wheel jim grei jwg acd acd iron rush fast previou articl crh regent technik muenchen dbp christi an huebner brad buck viewlog bradford kellogg write talk form rush evid fun terr ifi hei you want that kind rush bobsled you make car feel stroll park good drive r terrifi mph thing fear driver switch left lane rear view mirror flasher ain ru sh for fun and want faster point you quit you terrifi you not drive that fast yo u hazard btw you flame read mail address talk live germani chri crh regent techn ik muenchen not flame point scare not feel car couldn handl exactli you driver s tupid and pull you car length yeah real smart thi scare citi can car make recogn iz close and thi and read newspap sigh thi america speed limit driver dumb reali s that read paper breakfast work not car thought drew car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest slb dan dai write relat experi similar mine come part vide otap front door sale manag shout across entir showroom custom and ahead you dese rv bui nissan friend bought sentra thi kind behavior shock experi for cry loud t urkei can talk custom thi and stai busi don expect sale peopl bow scrape and gro vel presenc don expect abus surpris sale peopl talk and negoti session overheard neighbor sale cubicl evid success rate high that continu busi thi lot peopl eas i intimid hand not price haggl approach that saturn and start us guess fix price fair approach your homework you find invoic price car add reason profit for dea ler offer that price and stick abus leav don screw you deal agre mark braindead driver don ahead articl apr cbnewsd att hhm cbnewsd at t herschel mayo write guess for meant and thi don you drive freewai clog solid l arg pack semi truck and car descript close roll clusterf highwai desir add vehic l thi roll accid for place happen pass pass can post take blown tire moron tramp brake turn thi pack into cloud shred metal fly glass and burn vehicl want maint ain free space and thi mess minim chanc avoid mass crash that mean maintain clea r space and end shortdriv moron dy pass can add and car bodycount that wouldn bo ther that let moron pass and glue pack ahead interv fill back not work road fill trap car into increas pack slight possibl that lane open ahead glad move hell t hat anywher block passer not for good even stupid realiz comment don peopl decid good for you you decid for you carri badg and gun made you capabl determin hell that anywher you find add problem mind your busi mind busi will give room want and make thing easi for even let front polit direct hand you decid want block an d gener asshol you can bet your ass that make life miser for you long doesn affe ct mind busi phrase describ you appoint traffic polic mind your busi and stai la ne you belong rule philosophi don feel get of stupid worri idiot posit cash chip mayo mustang bob pita ush bpita ctp ned ep cambridg geddi lee yyz disclaim opin ion mine sinc end sig chang oil articl apr rtfm mlb gwalker rtfm mlb grai walker write crawl car machin for boat that pull oil suction dip stick tube excel job and mo ve suction tube you can oil drain plug paid marin oil into steel gal can wait co ol and decant into your favorit devic us soft drink bottl easi local oil recycl center yeah suppos you that you don broken knuckl rust your ey oil bath and burn exhaust mean come steve chang oil articl apr new brandei edu andyh chao brandei edu andr ew huang write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu sorlin magnu ac ohio state edu steven orlin write electrod amp ohm volt meter and connect each earlob symmetr insert finger each spark plug boot cheat gui hand us coupl question thi techniqu fire order us start pointer finger pinki left hand and secondli cyl and two cyl ind unaccount for suggest andi your two big toe and you bother remov drain plug

you remov dipstick and suck your mouth and spit domain bobml msd measurex bob la gess senior softwar engin uunet mxmsd bobml measurex manag system divis voic kem per meadow drive fax cincinnati ohio usa arctic wheel auto show want two thing thi world plymouth and sma ll opec nation fuel thi good and thing car smasher can home and sulk jacqu broui llett manufactur engin opel owner new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl sxi new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso ui uc edu oriolefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibbon write for inform o pel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight hard top and sporti fr iend sit yard nice condit bodi wise transmiss seiz hasn run for info car engin c ompart tight work fine shape and quit interest darren gibbon gibbonsa sfu thi ma nta not sold buick dealer mid price leader sound lot opel guess that thi chassi kadett bigger manta easili wrong kadett sold buick opel craig manta european nam e for pretti that kadett sold pontiac leman earli mid manta chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu sig construct hard hat area bzzt ma nta two door sedan had engin sometim refer opel manta hot and fun car mliggett s ilver uc indiana edu mliggett iugold bitnet junk collector toi kid antiauthorita rian and fan frog iguana and herp aftermarket exhaust for bmw process for half decent aftermarket sport exhaust for bmw found pacesett exhaust for and ansa exhaust for canadian f und wonder anyht exhaust exhaust that interest main prioriti decent hors power i ncreas and nice low note that ad power think into remu and leistritz exhaust for muffler can find good deal kit will that cost state mail back you inform mike w elker wax car had chrysler paint told refrain wax and leav sun suppose dli thi volatil escap paint month can smell feet hot dai and let slight irregula rit surfac flow paint remain soft for mbenz seri passat boss interest seri merced benz wagon testimoni evid and strong opinion thi car line hear power manual reliabl feel and unusu g ood bad featur line drive passat and plagu electr problem dealer claim noth wron g even door habit lock and unlock selv you drive road automat shoulder restraint move back and you move not larger engin and quit dissatisfi lack power wagon po wer and peculiar problem such passat electr system saab add letter comparison li ne and merced help price not impedi jeremi corri churchil claim tradit jcorri er asur emori edu navi rum mutini and sodomi opinion van step van accessori netter find inform devic that us van and truck thi devic step that hook tire and fold for storag thi devic tnn shadi tree mechan good product and price and address can purchas thi product georg chan em ail syst ryevm ryerson import volvo articl busi week not week ago thi subject fact volv o car laid exampl for andrew page warrior poet decis and effort archer and arrow mac consult differ macintosh and dsp technolog and want sho and articl qehi ork armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim fros t write give you reason car design turn speed car design stop quickli speed safe ti mechan not design for impact speed uncontrol environ lead unpredict circumst you turn stop notic you chanc sho access such that you idea design for handl won der tom pickett tpickett auspex compuserv sho goze noisi engin articl vofinn usenet dec tomacj opco enet dec thunde rbird write owner motor head guru that engin sound noisi engin noisi time not ev en nice nose ugli nois assum turbo gruff characterist larg inlin that doesn bala nc shaft guess toyota didn care detail that can brag mid engin configur and flas hi style automat cross car consider recommend inlin larger liter and balanc shaf t good rule thumb mind you want halfwai decent engin nois bug you noth that you can sell and eliot warn read articl joit bcstec boe neil bcstec boe neil william wr ite long subject year ago and two ride front toyota pickup head south interst no rth seattl threw rock overpass and hit windshield not accid imposs overpass quic kli figur kid report and left coupl year ago happend and kill gui compani mid fo urti and left wife and children turn reformatori for juvinil block caught year t

hat put cover overpass execut juvi ground reformatori requir attendend rest inma t incid and quick trial quit and effect noth will make dent don forget thi stori neil william boe comput servic bellevu tom mackei tomm voodoo boe boe comput se rvic uunet bcstec voodoo tomm box seattl warn read articl neilson apr seoul mpr neilson seoul mpr robert neilson write for auto content that low abid citizen power protect and properti deadli forc anywher threat immin steve heracl you power steve you can don you do n you shoot kid toss rock car make you good job don miss big rock and kid mean t hat absolut correct streak mean that run deeper and stronger experienc even heig ht racial struggl absolut convinc that kid todai that concept and wrong human in tellig turn into greatest predat that walk earth will prevail rest human decid t hat interest stand feral human and for individu start take respons for protect s tate individu turn author and polic for protect polic and govern compos feral hu man that origin sought protect gee guess you touch hot button cool tom mackei to mm voodoo boe boe comput servic uunet bcstec voodoo tomm box seattl impala into product that mean that gonna bring back biscayn and bel air warn read mchaffe dcl nxt michael chaffe write significantli aut omobil and for will argu that anim steal car and not mention commit complet sens eless act violenc such rape cannot valu term monei human be submit that not huma n be jim callison track and absolut scratch car bother death number scum you fee l you won admit peopl realis that mere fact that piec flesh move and approxim sh ape human not mean that right dirti diesel heard diesel consid cleaner burn ga engin emit carb on monoxid hydrocarbon and oxid nitrogen nox can put lot particul matter heard l egisl discuss clean diesel emiss work instal scrubber for diesel feasibl instal truck and car catylit convert assum easier sinc remov particul matter convert ga ss hear peopl opinion vel natarajan nataraja rtsg mot motorola cellular arlingto n ht wife convert aa cwru edu andrew spencer write previou articl dsp alm mke dian palm nuet pt mot keith nuetzman write wife inform that convert for car vllyoak resun jeff perri write fyi last week pb show motor week gave result thought car for convert categori honda civic del sol achiev thi honor del sol an d vouch for interior snazzi top lot person televis that motorweek needless smile bit time watch for that darn convert tan tho simpli inquir can peopl honestli t hi car convert porsch patent targa name mean convert mean top del sol not center that lift thi term targa porsch gonna sue for that rear window roll can thi car convert top and rear window thi car convert coup convert integr roll bar addit car thi articl apr wam umd edu lerxst wam umd edu thing write wo nder enlighten thi car dai door sport car look late earli call bricklin door sma ll addit front bumper separ rest bodi thi can tellm model name engin spec year p roduct thi car made histori info you thi funki car mail bricklin manufactur engi n ford odd encas front bumper aren lot hem motor new usus ten list basic perform ford style slap top brought you your neighborhood lerxst rush fan robert seymou r rseymour reed edu physic and philosophi reed colleg nextmail accept artifici l ife project reed colleg reed solar energi project soltrain portland mazda air good deal netter want tax good deal for mazda perform review mazda good bui repli don read thi group advanc ravi ravi kiran puvvala pu rpos educ not ravi merlin dev cdx mot assimil fact blow motorola codex boston mo nei ravi puvvala opel owner articl new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefa n uiuc write boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl sxi new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibbon write for i nform opel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight hard top and sp orti friend sit yard nice condit bodi wise transmiss seiz hasn run for info car engin compart tight work fine shape and quit interest darren gibbon gibbonsa sfu thi manta not sold buick dealer mid price leader sound lot opel guess that thi chassi kadett bigger manta easili wrong kadett sold buick opel craig manta europ ean name for pretti european manta and bodi chanc that manta gener coup version ascona and time that kadett sold pontiac leman not true kadett and market year l

eman kadett latest version craig earli mid manta car sport car coup chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu sig construct hard hat area for hail damag record articl apr pencom stecz pencom write artic l apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write integra hit hard hailstorm austi n insur compani cut check for deduct last week thi record had settlement hailsto rm craig rumor that gui dell comput had miata total that guess had top hail rip top you not worth hail damag miata bodi craig john steczkowski stecz pencom cons titut grant you life liberti and pursuit happi not attempt guarante that will ha ppi dealer cheat wrong odomet read stori bought car two week ago fin al can hold previou owner car and maintan histori car and instrument pannel car replac and odomet reset true meter read read replac current mileag that show mil e differ compar mileag odomet disclosur dealer never told that import stori hope that can return car full refund thi similar experi comment will appreci yongj w ashington edu insur question bui car and financ sinc paid cash for last car bo ught not worri whether not had good amount insur bank loan put amount that want not bank want friend tell that bank requir kind insur car protect sinc collater loan thi true can that insur part insur assum don pai dealer for extra insur reg ular car insur correct hear accid health type insur dealer and pretti monei make r for want verifi that don bui type extra pai for car tax licens ellen nissan altima seller boyl cactu org write articl dql menudo edu thang harebel egr edu chin heng thang write recent for altima that seller for pa st month that true puzzl thi obviou untruth that nissan claim that altima sell c ar namelpl thi verbatim lee iaccoca statist dept proud that sentenc mean that to tal model car never sold form altima seller therebi elimin accord tauru etc thi peopl make claim that minivan outsellin impli that nissan quest murcuri villag s ell chrysler mini van not thi not true stupid claim make commerci part introduct campaign for van kind bold statement make you haven even sold and thought buick and oldsmobil bad shame you nissan and mercuri interpret craig anyht car sold f or past month toni rec auto disconcert name thi group opel owner peopl opel calibra fast articl qqv usenet in cwru edu aa cwru edu andrew spencer wr ite previou articl callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison articl usenet in cwru edu aa cwru edu andrew spencer write previou articl wrat unisql wharfi tha t show you brake sho inch forget disc vent front normal tauru setup smaller disc front drum rear had vent rear lot sale man fool titanium wheel yeah told magnes ium believ crap sinc uch cheaper and good tend agre tho that thi doesn sho stand ard for run regular basi brake bigger corrado brake regul bird comput control ad just suspens wheel ab disk vent front rear point rear vent belt sturdi passeng c ompart aerodynam good for nascar chang supercharg wheel independ suspens limit s lip differenti top speed excess mph and ride rate tire find speed rate that stan dard not not jame hate thi read damn post you shouldn answer damn question awar fact that mention never bird mention discuss sho and stang not spec not bird tha t spec quot for sho previou poster sound anem for that snuff thi not disencourag wish make bad car mean that ford ad that extra bit safeti and toss larger brake wheel plenti larg for fit memori serv not and motor plenti power point that and sho similar characterist front and rear disk ab sho high output wheel independ suspens good aerodynam point har fat rubber and mph top speed standard and isn t hat flamag curious jame jame callison microcomput coordin oklahoma law center ca llison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi anoth user recent request in fo shadow sundanc car haven public respons peopl experi car daryl daryl biberdor f gjm biberdorf tamu edu sola gratia sola fide sola scriptura chang oil bobml mxmsd msd measurex bob lagess write long silli d iscuss delet and you bother remov drain plug you remov dipstick and suck your mo uth and spit thi suggest isn fetch sound year ago anoth time and place us oil bo

at power automot engin case sort trai oil pan box bottom hull and floation chamb er each side and you you spill oil for back us small pump power electr drill suc k oil dipstick hole long thin hose inlet side design fit dipstick tube and anoth thicker shorter hose outlet side that you put into conveni contain gadget marin hardwar supplier you want mart moll comput system research institut univers tor onto toronto canada warn read articl jgc ajj dove nist gov kei starchild ncsl nist g ov lawrenc kei write thi isn back drive high overpass night san diego caught gli mps overpass pass rock slam metal winshield and front window girlfriend seat cal l polic exit doubt found year ago san diego put into coma brick thrown sunroof d rive and subsequ crash don coma and haven heard for coupl year that thi isn grou p for sinc you brought idea haven bomb waco cult children minor fact that defend peopl attack haven threaten attack compound year promiscu religi nut not consti tut ground for mass murder koresh and follow for post thi thi group thought prev iou post need rebutt you follow thi portion cross post and direct follow up news group boyd johnson nosc spectra johnson san diego california intermitt newsfe an d select group opinion don match employ us bmw question articl apr edu rpaturi eng edu ravi write dy ans wer for price poloci dealer san jose california move caal you move alabama calif ornia sympathi year model descript milag price black good manual cassett sun roo f white aboov make that mainten record oil chang month mileag car fine that valv engin valv bmw name didn you line for jump phil mueller pamuel ingr pamuel ingr ama dod suzuki bandit bmw saturn puzzl price articl mar magnu ac ohio state edu jnielsen m agnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl pcgv armori centerlin jimf cent erlin jim frost write jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write want l owest price call capit new for you capit practic maxim profit differ you lower y our cost you increas your profit person not bother saturn price scheme don want pai sell for can bui car dealer and noth that competit for you dealer can compet it charg and make that kind profit that capit and power consum dictat thing will cost not dealer dictat cost negoti whether front honda dealership dicker war re mov larger econom scale saturn can sell price price drop compani stop build rema in negoti control market forc that consum control price ludicr consum control pr ice car free and build car regard charl span last week heard element separ threa d that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net p erson build toyota badg car thi appear todai japan econom journal repo rt plan build toyota badg car for sale japan bruce macdonald corpor commun yeste rdai confirm that presid and ceo jack smith had meet recent tatsuro toyoda presi d toyota thi meet two discuss busi opportun increas export japan includ compon s ale complet vehicl sale part sale two presid agre conceptu pursu arrang build to yota badg hand drive vehicl for sale toyota japan work group form final model sp ecif exact time and detail chang oil articl apr new brandei edu andyh chao brandei edu andr ew huang write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu sorlin magnu ohio state edu st even orlin write electrod amp ohm volt meter and connect each earlob symmetr ins ert finger each spark plug boot cheat gui hand us coupl question thi techniqu fi re order us start pointer finger pinki left hand place your hand flat tabl and a rrang fire order left and secondli cyl and two cylind unaccount for suggest you friend don you cylind excit person can bmw seri for articl qll innp uwm edu qazi csd csd uwm edu aamir hafeez qazi write articl eabu dialin slip nt uci edu eabu orion oac uci edu alvi n bmw isn liter six suppos enlarg liter not distant futur make sens sinc merced benz engin noth btw beleiv number engin and upmanship induc bmw creat larger six lag for time wrt bavarian wouldn want shown schwabian engin haven releas daniel warn read articl constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uokn or edu jame callison write hear screw car set alarm and taunt come you can damn that colt delta elit will come not screw car that shot potenti physic danger tau nt that that intend rob and physic harm thing houston last year woman heard soun d garag investig gun hand found gui process steal bicycl quit ask stop refus beg

an taunt and woman quot polic report told ahead and shoot moron surviv and charg file woman rush fast good driver terrifi mph thing fear driver switch left lane rear view mirror flasher ain rush for fun and want faster defens driver lan e state peopl simpli not expect drive overtaken speed differenti mph don thi stu pid except program mph limit you state you rear view calcul futur posit car base speed differenti dont wrong love drive left lane fast overtak car slow tad bit reli judgement car recogn speed differenti stupid btw for squeekin window consum report onc wrote blazer that shook and ra ttl tire taxi cab nois that expeci irrit back window squeak tailgat assembl and window not solid had problem and you found fix arlen martin microelectron att at tm stcarm mazda not feel articl mxm msi umn edu mxm msi umn edu ram mohan write mazda mile recent not good feel road esp wet pavement drive car feel car w ander and grip road tire origin and thread pass penni head test had shock and st rut and align check and thing fine feel that dont grip road and feel car wander esp turn thi appreci two shot check tire you can wear bar you problem area and t ire pass penni test bar that guid your problem wet call hydroplan you not tread left channel water tire fishi you lift road tire ag soft tire compound harder yo u put heat cycl harder compound don grip soft effect notic tire that hot such co mpetit hit tire bob benson rush fast gwm spl spl loral gari mahan write good driver terrifi mph thing fear driver switch left lane rear view mirror flasher ain rush for fu n and want faster defens driver lane state peopl simpli not expect drive overtak en speed differenti mph don thi stupid except program mph limit you state you re ar view calcul futur posit car base speed differenti dont wrong love drive left lane fast overtak car slow tad bit reli judgement car recogn speed differenti st upid btw for good work gui afteral cop occupi that lesser mortal can left alon b haskar orion uiuc edu dumbest automot concept time articl drutx att klf druwa att fran klinkl write articl hhgm constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu j ame callison write articl apr slc slb dcd houston geoquest slb dan dai write art icl innb ctron new ctron smith ctron write big aftermarket busi almost car come factori vynal and fake convert job aftermarket place amaz peopl will pai for bad tast ugli fake wheel compart stuck trunk side side tacki luxuri car aren fake y ou talk continent kit name lincoln continent car sport person love bird continen t kit and supercharg that beauti car built imho jame continent modern era auto m ount spare rear car car sport mount techniqu for rear mount spare quit common ea rli automobil and foreign lincoln continent car sport continent kit continent ki t not confus old mount bracket continent kit specif ornament storag compart cont inent neat trunk laundri hamper imho jame jame callison microcomput coordin okla homa law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu d isclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing kill man y ou and gonna will munni unforgiven sho and articl apr ganglion ann arbor david ganglion ann arbor d avid hwang write articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl chrissc netcom ch riss netcom chri silvest write wagon heard slightli faster coup wagon automat sl ower due rear end ratio automat rear end manual limit experi you fun for rear en d gear sho tauru front wheel drive vehicl back and check articl sho wagon quicke r sho automat significantli slower real sho order sho automat transmiss you can handl stick you stick regular tauru and leav sho real driver that not that aren real driver can us stick disabl person aren posit us sho will bet that remov aut omat transmiss perform type car mustang camaro and cut number accid each year au to fine for sedat sedan busi perform car imho jame jame callison microcomput coo rdin oklahoma law center callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uok nor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing k ill man you and gonna will munni unforgiven thi good price will bui honda civic coup dealer for includ insta l not includ stereo tax registr fee live mexico don time lot dealer and compar p rice dealer mcallen thi good price for that car not pai for mail asap you don wa

nt post lot orlando puglies opugli mtecv mty itesm orlando puglies instituto tec nologico estudio superior monterrei depto informacion academica monterrei mexico ext plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi articl qmq tinn tamsun tamu edu dlb tamut tamu edu daryl biberdorf write anoth user recent request info shad ow sundanc car haven public respons peopl experi car daryl pretti junk stai will replac year model car bui stori christ anoth dealer servic scam articl apr newsgat sp mot markm bigfoot sp mot mark monning thi kind behavior shock experi for cry loud turkei can talk custom thi and stai busi don expect sale peopl bow scrape and grovel presenc don expect abus surpris sale peopl talk and negoti session ov erheard neighbor sale cubicl evid success rate high that continu busi thi lot pe opl easi intimid coupl month ago dealership test drive car sat discuss price exp lain that want car drove color exactli want dealer network dai negoti price and sign deal dai call explain that goof and had neglect into account price increas last price increas had occur month prior visit want car fork anoth altern honor price bought car test drove had sit for month and had mile goodby thi good examp l can lowbal you and cover butt bad peopl don demand honesti type dealer longer busi dealership straightforward and honest thing salesman let you for dealer cos t and work profit make deal problem steve electron odomet articl megatest alung megatest aaron lung write not mistaken alter odomet illeg surmis tough alter bmw odomet you newer bmw elec tron odomet make even tamperproof car mention seri late electron odomet mechan d rum type odomet that driven puls speed sensor rear axl puls convert into mechan puls that turn odomet and speedomet chang eras eprom chang mileag read mean odom et easi hard chang mechan odomet hand bit easier disconnect speed sensor and run car speedomet odomet read simpl switch will job will disabl speed limit will en abl car reach full speed alan peterman work qiclab scn rain odd older dai longer year shorter insur car total wednesdai morn anoth driver decid illeg turn lef t front great damag car honda civic pai car and bodi shop insur compani total ca r haven touch person handl claim check thing payout blue book retail loan trade give advic insur compani not give reason amount for loss car jame baker baker df wvx dalla geoquest slb option that great list option that can exist option car thing yo u tripmet great gadget let you rough track mileag make good second guesser for y our ga gaug full size spare built mount and power system for radar detector fit that you gener household current engin run and plug in trunk engin compart and c abin feel free add regard charl span last week heard element separ thread that c onjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person dumb option list idea list pointless option you stuff you car th at earthli us power window add you regard charl span last week heard element sep ar thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unkno wn net person rush fast previou articl gwm spl spl loral gari mahan good drive r terrifi mph thing fear driver switch left lane rear view mirror flasher ain ru sh for fun and want faster defens driver lane state peopl simpli not expect driv e overtaken speed differenti mph don thi stupid except program mph limit you sta te you rear view calcul futur posit car base speed differenti dont wrong love dr ive left lane fast overtak car slow tad bit reli judgement car recogn speed diff erenti stupid satiat curios thi make you stupid awar you not calcul futur posit you your mirror you glanc you will faster you car not precis you you pass you ta lk driver startl startl driver cruis mph doin problem not fault for barrel fault for not pai attent task hand that oddli sinc time happen had liscenc for haven startl and pass car roughli twice speed car anoth odd occur fact that thi happen long trip and drive doesn happen even long trip adrenalin will that you had bad cop experi speed limit adren for scare caught rais limit can pai attent curiou and otwo drew squeekin window arlen martin arm cbnewsm att wrote consum report onc wrote blazer that shook and rattl tire taxi cab nois that expeci irrit back

window squeak tailgat assembl and window not solid had problem and you found fi x can relat thi greas point etc greas two cheap hing tailgat quiet for time grea s work hing hing pin made penni nail anoth vibrat wors ag and that vibrat transm iss gear mile bought treat easili fast road stuff can build chevi us ford explor nice you price jim burril saturn price polici order saturn import frankli saturn busi and servic big hadn bought car sinc bought honda back and unbeliev offend salespeopl met saturn made visit dealer bought car and never pressur saturn had sale suppo rt and fix price made easi for decid exactli want bui anoth big sell point run i nto mechan dealer fix import for year and bought saturn base and heard custom sa turn good extend warranti program for year mile fulli refund you don us that wor k actual cost base year treasuri rate save account rate year bui you free rental warranti work count refund mike sho and articl constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write articl apr ganglion ann arbor david ganglion ann arbor david hwang write articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl chrissc netcom c hriss netcom chri silvest write order sho automat transmiss you can handl stick you stick regular tauru and leav sho real driver that not that aren real driver can us stick disabl person aren posit us sho will bet that remov automat transmi ss perform type car mustang camaro and cut number accid each year auto fine for sedat sedan busi perform car imho jame disagre thi and speed auto overdr and tha t chevi auto reknown for long life and abil handl copiou amount power live dalla area and manual harder drive traffic live stick us manual fun safeti wise auto distract hate shift gear eas into traffic freewai perform wise can hold stock mu stang camaro speed thi imho robert loper infin notion contempl robertl flopn dse g warm bed texa instrument inc opinion not fast articl qkon armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write larger engin that sho slightli modifi famili sedan power engin didn even bother improv brake that show you brake sho inch forget disc vent front normal tauru s etup smaller disc front drum rear your argument boil sho shouldn driven fast jim frost isn design fast pffffftttttt you you don pai attent post damn straight yo u peopl make stuff and pawn god truth want li can listen televis wharf rat can york taxi articl ncrcan canada ncr tnelson ncrcan canada ncr tim nelson write older taxi made checker car compani and love checker car compa ni busi checker motor busi hard checker that worth restor sinc almost fleet vehi cl that driven into ground you can bodi decent shape mechan checker us part for instanc had chevi straight six and gmc truck radiat and ford rear mine model tha t for checker marathon you want checker special you can find good luck mine differ insur compani rate bui car call insur compani california estim ask for coverag and deduct compani charg you your zip code charg your citi gave zip code and citi place found for integra aaa state farm allstat aaa profi t expect receiv back end year huge gap compani state farm twice allstat suspici never heard complain comment gregg kasten gregg stanford edu honda accord brake problem joni ciarletta write honda accord hit magic mile mark and sort thing begin bad latest problem experienc brake stop ca r fine onc stop complet brake pedal will sink anoth inch feel strang and worri b rake will quit work dai check brake fluid and reservoir full fluid look dirti di rti oil call mechan and told brake master cylind will cost whop you not alon hon da accord mile start show behavior replac brake master cylind hour and cost beat pai want rebuild master cylind put rebuilt cost for rebuild kit honda brake mas ter cylind easi two bolt attach engin compart two brake line enter master cylind tricki part that brake line stuck tight craftsmen open end wrench round bolt he ad had us vise grip loosen sucker wow invent sinc slice bread that easi bolt par t place add brake fluid and bleed brake thi quit easi even for beginn local auto part store had repair manual for honda accord had detail diagram master brake c ylind and step step procedur for replac option that great previou articl parr ac ucalgari charl parr lis t option that can exist option car thing you tripmet great gadget let you rough track mileag make good second guesser for your ga gaug full size spare built mou nt and power system for radar detector fit that you gener household current engi

n run and plug in trunk engin compart and cabin feel free add power window dod d arkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion manual shift bigot ego regard shift abil big order car auto tran wasn plan drive convinc thing chang sinc dai slip slide with powerglid shift cl utch wear honda want for wagon last year for cost ga milag highwai and make easi er concentr radio car oddli two friend auto industri motor citi switch wholehear tedli auto wive insist manual shift envi braggadocio todai technolog and warrant i hand auto tran excel choic call convert mike saturn manual transmiss problem articl crdnn crd cimjfg utica wr ite trip dealer admittedli patient admittedli noth dealer follow bulletin and re view proper shife procedur owner attempt satisfact custom number round doesn sou nd hope surpris local case gui saturn back time complain hadn properli elimin ra ttl nois saturn gave car call that number fast previou articl wrat unisql wharfi articl qkon armori center lin jimf centerlin jim frost write larger engin that sho slightli modifi famili sedan power engin didn even bother improv brake that show you brake sho inch for get disc vent front normal tauru setup smaller disc front drum rear had vent rea r lot sale man fool titanium wheel yeah told magnesium believ crap sinc uch chea per and good tend agre tho that thi doesn sho standard for run regular basi brak e bigger corrado brake regul drew sho and previou articl moe dseg robert loper articl constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write articl apr ganglio n ann arbor david ganglion ann arbor david hwang write articl unisql wrat unisql wharfi write articl chrissc netcom chriss netcom chri silvest write order sho a utomat transmiss you can handl stick you stick regular tauru and leav sho real d river that not that aren real driver can us stick disabl person aren posit us sh o will bet that remov automat transmiss perform type car mustang camaro and cut number accid each year auto fine for sedat sedan busi perform car imho jame disa gre thi and speed auto overdr and that chevi auto reknown for long life and abil handl copiou amount power live dalla area and manual harder drive traffic live stick us manual fun safeti wise auto distract hate shift gear eas into traffic f reewai perform wise can hold stock mustang camaro speed thi imho disagre your lo ve dalla rush hour stick detest auto time auto dall rush hour noth hear live per suas and for record rare you shift gear merg into traffic that speed good for go od time you can wind not hurt and powerband shift into top gear you exceed redli n fairli rare you drive ferrari such bet you hit cruis speed you feel comfort mo ther sit passang seat complain you wind poor engin drew dent car you turn polic you accid report and send your insur com pani and will contact gui insur compani and will pai accid caus court friend min e thi and monei work ultim awd vehicl articl bcd ec umass edu sylvest ec umass edu wr ite call turbo quattro thi model come wagon quick wagon rare mike sylvest umass turbo quattro wagon mondai thought audi stop sell wagon thi exactli type vehicl bet price time car budget ron deblock rdb homxb att that number rdb not letter b ell lab somerset usa legal car bui problem rboudri chpc org rob boudri write articl s tratu swdc stratu bob runwai swdc stratu bob hutson write agre term sign contrac t and drove home car that night notic that term term had agre made stupid mistak not check contract thi happen last saturdai heard that cool law allow dai recon sid contract thi true can point law transact happen dealership matter thi cool p eriod appli situat lik ewhen you solicit home cool period end you accept merchan dis thi not case car buyer return slightli us highli devalu car dai bui yeah tha t trick want bui car firend bui return and negoti deal pre own us car you agre t erm and sign dealer slip you contract term and lead you that embodi term you ver bal agre that fraud dai limit restitut for fraud you sue and win thi you will al most threaten sue john oswalt jao megatest jao netcom legal car bui problem articl apr chpc org rboudri chpc org rob b oudri write articl stratu swdc stratu bob runwai swdc stratu bob hutson write ag re term sign contract and drove home car that night notic that term term had agr

e made stupid mistak not check contract thi happen last saturdai heard that cool law allow dai reconsid contract thi true can point law transact happen dealersh ip matter thi cool period appli situat lik ewhen you solicit home cool period en d you accept merchandis thi not case car buyer return slightli us highli devalu car dai bui yeah that trick want bui car firend bui return and negoti deal pre o wn us car for discuss purpos hand can proven chang term thrown question will whe ther agreement contain merger claus ucc parol evid talk warranti ucc look inform that can conclus daniel reitman uniform commerci code protect innoc purchas not shield for sly conniv blindli naiv hopelessli gullibl atla auto rental corp wei sberg misc citi civ rush fast dont wrong love drive left lane fast overtak car slow tad bit reli udgement car recogn speed differenti stupid satiat curios thi make you stupid awar you not couldnt agre that work peopl motorcycl constantli scan w ink mirror and two mirror spend time check six cop you caught guard and didnt wo rd time that you plan blow high speed differenti and you assum you safe gui see you you stupid depend circumst had scari instanc assum thi and dont fault gui th at stori dumb option list previou articl parr ac ucalgari charl parr idea list pointless option you stuff you can car that earthli us fit that you gener household current engin run and plug in trunk engin compart and cabin feel free add regard charl span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time str uck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person rush fast previou articl gwm spl spl loral gari mahan dont wrong love drive left lane fast overtak car slow tad bit reli udgement car recogn spe ed differenti stupid satiat curios thi make you stupid awar you not couldnt agre that work peopl motorcycl constantli scan wink mirror and two mirror spend time check six cop you caught guard and didnt word time that you plan blow high spee d differenti and you assum you safe gui see you you stupid depend circumst had s cari instanc assum thi and dont fault gui that stori can agre thi prove ideal su ppos happen isn and even rear pass don make you stupid agre that you you safe gu i suppos pai attent you dumb dumber hasta drew dumbest automot concept time articl new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john daker cup holder drive important undertak ashtrai smoker fine us road absenc cu phold not gonna discourag eat drink car put don distract not spill you not smoke r cold dai take skill toss butt crack window wind deflect into back seat smoker us window doesn mean thi remind pleasant featur ergonom hellish interior alfa ro meo milano you ash your cigarett even remov your hand wheel trai fake convert ro of and vinyl roof gold trim will agre abomin fake continent spare tire kit sad w atch ladi load groceri into trunk that huge tire medallion piti fake convert top cadillac cimarron chrome door trim visibl not fool that hyundai excel onc laszl o csd csd uwm edu redhead afficionado extraordinair and canadia minist fine toba cco cigaret brand sampl import luxuri handrol opinion not necessarili mine mine can bum sig dumbest automot concept tim articl mar uncavx unca edu bwillard uncavx unca edu wrote saab ignit floor thi start great idea steer column lock po pular saab instal gearshift lock put car revers remov kei and car stai revers su ppos you into your car and thug come and demand your kei gunpoint you hand get a nd idea put kei thi will run perhap shoot you heard thi happen btw hear that saa b successor will ignit consol seat belong laszlo csd csd uwm edu redhead afficio nado extraordinair and canadia minist fine tobacco cigaret brand sampl import lu xuri handrol opinion not necessarili mine mine can bum sig nissan altima seller articl innaft cronkit central sun dbernard clesun central sun write puzzl thi obviou untruth that nissan claim that altima sell car namelpl thi verbatim lee iaccoca statist dept proud that sentenc note t hat corolla prism design hei not namepl guess nissan doesn even sell altima toyo ta corolla namepl qualifi waiiiiiit isn nissan offici regist car govern paperwor k nissan stanza altima avoid costli and lengthi paperwork read thi net ago and s tanza logo altima you can wai spiro spiro triantafyllopoulo kocrsv delcoelect so ftwar technolog delco electron hugh electron kokomo post armm dumbest automot concept tim articl apr exu ericsson exulox exu e

ricsson lass ohlsson tdt write articl ca org sdm ca org write imho dumbest thing copi japanes move dimmer switch floor lever control turn signal cruis feder gov ern mandat that passeng car model year return floor mount dimmer switch studi na tion highwai traffic safeti administr nhtsa found that unaccept percentag dusk c ollis direct result unskil driver get left foot stuck steer wheel ron gaskin reg koptsw delcoelect automot electron system delco electron hugh electron kokomo r on gaskin reg koptsw delcoelect automot electron system delco electron hugh elec tron kokomo warn read articl agat berkelei edu anarr berkelei edu brian harv ei write rfelix netcom robbi felix write thousand kind teenag volunt local agenc children senior homeless hear hear robbi you don read that violenc teenag such georg bush buri aliv ten thousand unarm iraqi year old surrend bulldoz hand true singl teenag for blame that violenc social accept us discourag violenc plenti w ork peopl ag didn georg drive bulldoz toyota land cruiser worth respons post suv unsolicit recommend c heck land cruiser despit astronom price toyota dealer told cult car car good cre at passion and loyal extraordinari you land crusher cultist your chanc convert j onathan edward edward intranet intranet inc base experi hard top jeep style mode l give model consider market older model built toyota lost mind assum proven tha t newer model inherit not qualiti ancestor two major differ run gear that awar s tudi solid front axl hous newer model independ front suspens solid axl theoret s tronger and reliabl newer model experi will independ front suspens doubt comprom is made satisfi typic user will never real util vehicl second differ type transf er case us newer model not tioyota full time wheel drive system older landcruis lock type advantag and disadvantag paul hovnanian hovnania atc boe std disclaim appli car saftei import jnielsen magnu ac ohio state edu john nielsen write articl armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write tcorkum bnr trevor corkum write figur that mph collis into brick wall aren common for spend that ex tra monei for protect lot low speed collis that worri into mph accid and you rec onsid and scarei life car handel insur not happen you glad you safe car grant te st aren perfect car that test car that horribl you rais valid point tradeoff mon ei you want spend for that kind protect you bui volvo saab benz and good crash p rotect and luxuri you pai significantli for case question car budget even high s peed head collis benefici item you can good point seatbelt nowadai you airbag yo u point belt you ad safeti benefit that for and can had inexpens car jim frost j imf centerlin radar detector valentin troi sequent troi wecker write question that valentin good rang not signific time expens big win not rang direction and multipl transmitt track you call gimmick conclus disagre sinc detector incorpor multipl receiv not surpris that significantli expens ad capabl not you ad for li ve area lot fals alarm summari valentin expens and not significantli perform cal l interest anoth person think that ad come high cost adequ radar detector for ha lf cost and suit long distanc travel area not familiar get addit inform discrimi n fals alarm jim frost jimf centerlin dumbest automot concept time vmcm csuohio edu write articl ju ne w cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write laszlo csd csd uwm edu tyson nuss write articl new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john daker fake convert roof and vinyl roof gold trim will agre abomin fake continent spare tire kit sad watch l adi load groceri into trunk that huge tire medallion piti fake convert top cadil lac cimarron chrome door trim visibl not fool that hyundai excel onc cutlass sup rem coup vinyl roof ditto tauru shoot owner late get door escort chevi blazer an d even chevi astro mini van mini van fake convert top not you want eat and cheve tt town wire crome wheel vinyl roof tacki paint job and continent spare show wir e crome wheel scare insid and roll road and glad hadn at bob martel ladi luck wo nder girl bob cua csuohio edu never friend mine vmcm csuohio edu alan parson pro ject live chri ward dod don life you can never come aliv dealer cheat wrong odomet read articl qvrnpinnnid shellei washin gton edu yongj hardi washington edu yong lim write subject dealer cheat wrong od omet read stori bought car two week ago final can hold previou owner car and mai

ntan histori car and instrument pannel car replac and odomet reset true meter re ad read replac current mileag that show mile differ compar mileag odomet disclos ur dealer never told that import stori hope that can return car full refund thi similar experi comment will appreci that happen south africa year ago dealer sol d merced odomet read kilomet ladi turn that actual read court case ladi wouldn b ought car that dealer found quilti fine and had back car you case you can sworn statement previou owner car back dealer and threaten gerrit car saftei import articl apr bnr tcorkum bnr trevor corkum write subject car saftei import recent thumb lemon aid car guid found car recommend p ictur sentenc note driver and passeng virtual guarante kill front end collis hig hli recommend small car civic worst crash rate small car list such case great ve hicl you wouldn surviv accid safeti not import factor bui car safeti import crit erium for bui car won bui small car civic great safeti handl speed for that you dead small car larg car accid gerrit manual shift bigot matter interest auto popular europ rare wonde r john kissan motorola ireland uunet motcid gla kissanej mahon industri estat in ternet kissanej gla rtsg mot blackrock cork ireland warn read articl agat berkelei edu anarr berkelei edu brian harv ei write rfelix netcom robbi felix write thousand kind teenag volunt local agenc children senior homeless hear hear robbi you don read that violenc teenag such georg bush buri aliv ten thousand unarm iraqi year old surrend bulldoz didn geor g bush drive bulldoz kee ripe jim grei jwg acd acd water trunk probe articl crn transfer stratu tszeto sneezi strat u tommi szeto write water gradual build trunk friend ford probe onc remov spare and scoop water plywood carpet cover trunk guess thi happen good thunder storm t hi common problem drain hole locat for hatch had problem luckili had fix warrant i replac tail light gasket check dealer problem robert abbott abbott tp enet dec car cover for sale for sale fit car cover specif for top line ev olut fabric us for month cover excel condit rip cut stain blemish grommet for lo ck cabl color silver price will ship collect contact wchutt monsanto phone cdt opel owner articl sxi new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu orio lefan uiuc write gibbonsa fraser sfu darren gibbon write for inform opel car you model sad truth not two seater roll headlight hard top and sporti friend sit ya rd nice condit bodi wise transmiss seiz hasn run for info car engin compart tigh t work fine shape and quit interest darren gibbon gibbonsa sfu thi manta not sol d buick dealer mid price leader chintan amin llama uiuc edu miniatur corvett ope l headlight flip pull lever insid chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign m ail llama uiuc edu sig construct hard hat area noisi engin previou articl eliot lanmola engr washington edu eli ot articl vofinn usenet dec tomacj opco enet dec thunderbird write owner motor h ead guru that engin sound noisi engin noisi time not even nice nose ugli nois as sum turbo gruff characterist larg inlin that doesn balanc shaft guess toyota did n care detail that can brag mid engin configur and flashi style automat cross ca r consider recommend inlin larger liter and balanc shaft good rule thumb mind yo u want halfwai decent engin nois bug you noth that you can sell and eliot nice t heori bad never cylind liter nonturbo such understand that balanc shaft cylind p ai saab royalti for patent design porsch drew water trunk probe tszeto sneezi stratu tommi szeto write water g radual build trunk friend ford probe onc remov spare and scoop water plywood car pet cover trunk guess thi happen good thunder storm thi common problem thi commo n problem leak occur seal taillight ford thi probe and not recal for dissatisfi drain hole locat for hatch drain hole that us margin tub drain regret wait month short cash and wouldn fix warrante paid dearli mess electr system includ balanc motion sensor locat fuel shutoff trunk thi result passiv restraint malfunct not retract end pai sensor replac tail light reseal firt replac hatch gasket insist not problem not charg for that prove not mention water damag cover trunk spare partment and alga taillight annoi don water problem fix you pai common problem h ope complain ford for info tom tom szeto not peanut tszeto sneezi stratu bottom ggnuuaahuuhh includ disclaim homer simpson bmw worth price articl ceylon gte hhd harvei gte horac dediu wri

te articl pvjlninnckf daffi sp mot shantanu risc sp mot shantanu ganguli write c omment good perform and mid and high speed can obtain adjust top gear and final drive ratio contrari popular mispercept number japanes car quit good perform top gear problem that question perform consist condit road wind and curv that speed and for hour end year year give driver white knuckl experi autobahn autostrad g ood tour car can easili distinguish pois mph stai cruis control for hour typic b oi racer fiat hit centuri mark wind blow wrong chang lane and overpass fly into guardrail buffet can sever make hood bend tire can melt and pothol can kill germ an car design for thi environ even can stop light merced come mind and anoth des ign point fuel economi speed german gear car for good high speed effici typic tu rn almost stall good point idea honda will handl mph reach high mph quit amen lo ng high speed drive mile trip civic problem whatsoev last big trip made drive yo rk texa rememb drive mile dai typic mph problem comfort drive benz white knuckl problem wind and curv trip back orlean mardi gra houston problem car surpris goo d fuel economi high speed differ sustain mph and sustain mph trip back orlean mp g integra quit mind you engin rev almost civic markedli integra fuel economi mil e road mpg mph drive can understand high scale european marque afraid design eng in that can repeatedli rev redlin low gear that for that last mile lowli civic d etriment engin clutch and get excel mpg boot call thi engin hack cover design de fici mile you break high scale european marque typic design last mile per engin per chassi record mile benz diesel and read transmiss last mile speak you can co mpar diesel gasolin engin bmw and gasolin merc for sale that mile and advertis r ebuilt engin honda build accord for darn expect sucker last mile diesel good eff ici cost acceler and popular european car diesel consid green fuel smallest econ obox luxo barg differ mental diesel consid slightli wors useless and extrem dirt i boot you can give caught earli sdl stop light not pleasant newer lot diesel vo lvo and vw smelliest offend for economi care ga cheap person wouldn bui diesel c ar for reason bui shantanu ganguli somerset motorola phone motorola inc mail dro p fax william cannon drive austin email shantanu ibmoto oakhil sp mot bimmer beamer mark monning markm latium wrote not direct respons referenc articl set record straight beamer bmw motorcycl bmw car bimmer term st raight purist argu that true bimmer round tail light mark back build round tail light bimmer red suspend reganom gener quich eat yuppi into market that beamer a nd hood ornament start disapp andrei car alarm info ungo box want car alarm and think get ungo box kn owledg experi alarm price rang for model good car alarm email responc cak lehigh edu chad chad water trunk probe rubber drain plug carpet mazda glc leak your s pare probe took and put silicon sealant and put back viper articl jnha murdoch acc virginia edu rmt faradai cla virgi nia edu roi matthew thigpen write last night had dream that dad bought viper for test drive knowledg and had push home avoid ticket wierd dream mean you told yo u dad bui that car your dream come true saturn price polici articl vela ac oakland edu mje pooki pass wa yn edu write order saturn import frankli saturn stuff delet saturn good extend w arranti program for year mile fulli refund you don us that work actual cost base year treasuri rate save account rate year bui you free rental warranti work cou nt refund mike gener extend warranti ripoff thi you free car perhap deduct you p ai each and time you us warranti item exclud coverag extend warranti and you us year for buck job and pai deduct and you us refund extend warranti ripoff high p rofit item for dealer plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi pretti junk stai will replac year model junk made list for year due excel handl and acceler sinc not newest lot and mileag mpg class leader you can into shadow for turbo bit and droptop fo r toyota land cruiser worth wife and look and drove last fall thi model wayyyyyyyyi underpow not imagin drive mountain colorado approach highwai s peed read that model newer improv engin quit that laugh salesman face onc broken will feel power had us drive jeep engin land cruiser land yacht same runner und erpow person opinion big car roomi noth spectacular tom vervaek email tvervaek i

tc hewlett packard phone love anim tast delici question insur compani esp geico switch geico insur heard that n ot assign specif agent for each polici claim worri that thi real pain you make c laim heard that rid you you accid interestend determin whether not thing true ge ico made claim interest hear whether not you satisfi servic and whether you had troubl renew your polici interest good bad stori liberti mutual state farm warn read mchaffe dcl nxt michael chaffe write valu term monei h uman be submit that not human be such submiss made jew articl apr nuscc nu matmc inn nuscc nu matthew macintyr nation univers seneg write absolut scratch car bot her death number scum you feel you won admit peopl realis that mere fact that pi ec flesh move and approxim shape human not mean that right you dirti harri type eager pull gun scum guilti scratch your stupid paint metal box wheel you kill hu man speak lightli such matter sergei ford and auto name russel wong and research project henri ford a nd automobil inform whether ford partial respons for car accid and deplet ozon l ayer addit inform will greatli appreci benz and chevi toyokogio and insert car n ame dan reed blu cellar org eat your pet poke your ey kill your boss burn your h ous move elmer rip your nose hair lead holder us acto knive for dental work hit your mother peopl life rent alamo friend rent car last year and turn need lot insur inc lud base price hand didn rent alamo probabl that need insur you accid you won jo e you accid you won hmmmmmmm bijan sport util vehic comparison opinion karl elvi macra kmac cisco w rote suv driven strong opinion ford explor toyota runner nissan pathfind your po sit and drove and like toss margin pathfind base reliabl and don you can wrong j ohn jdenun pandora sdsu edu chang oil drew kinglear colorado edu drew eckhardt articl pod so ur pod sour paul donnel wri qgi einnh skeena uc ubc yiklam unixg ubc yik chong l am write bolt engin compart turn clockwis counter kind lubric etc fail you can u s electr drill chang suitabl bit turn can succe can tighten not tight safe oil l eak you shouldn power tool undo electr drill won give you extra torqu will thing that seiz due rust thi for drain plug you undo spanner loosen will becom loos a nd you will bash your knuckl undersid car thi price you pai for you work that pr ice you pai for not know us wrench you want pull wrench you pain knuckl split ha rd thing you can pull thing push open hand find thi method hate bolt final come loos and wrench and hand come crash into face come minut chang cloth thi time oi l drain and ic entir face and suck tylenol eas pain dai proce refil engin oil cr azi and chang oil car weekend bottl tylenol and bag ic john kuebelwagen articl mentor purdu edu thwang mentor purdu edu tomm i hwang write for mi spell forgot spell seri exam and hand refer cute wwii jeep wanna replica great you luck recal blurb kit car magazin compani norwai pull mou ld real kubel and adapt beetl floorpan for suspens can rememb thing us that had suspens travel stock beetl heard that market part for road us that good note tha t major differ wise kubel thing hood and fender kubel had extern spare mount hoo d and hood slope for visibl sharpli and had round fender thing lightli slope hoo d spare mount insid move make for luggag space and half hexagon shape fender ima gin nut larg put tire and cut bottom half don that info anymor stop local bookst or and copi phone number for two big mag and call number for you don forget calc ul time differ norwai call quick bone includ thi klingon std disclaim damn jim k king uah edu doctor not bidet ultim awd vehicl articl cbnewsj att rdb cbnewsj att ronald deblo ck write turbo quattro wagon mondai thought audi stop sell wagon thi exactli typ e vehicl bet price time car budget minut tick tick tick us quattro bargain for f or perhap valv quit bit enorm and torqu gain for you can find quit lot quattro n ot that wagon dealer lot us high qualiti paint and entir car zinc galvan will ne ver rust short typic older year and banger bullet proof engin not rare even for turbo watercool for aftermarket chip that you can bui bump turbo boost you into luxo gizmo car load price part stori eliot dumbest automot concept time fake convert roof and vinyl roof go ld trim will agre abomin fake continent spare tire kit sad watch ladi load groce

ri into trunk that huge tire medallion piti fake convert top cadillac cimarron c hrome door trim visibl not fool that hyundai excel onc you bad tast back earli c oupl car flock paint job that not typo sprai kind glue blew tini piec nylon come felt can you pictur huge plymouth furi iii dark blue felt can even rememb gui r ed earli corvett that had turn into station wagon mack costello mcostel oasi nav i mil code david taylor model basin carderock divis nswc bethesda phone fast idl ford ranger ljbartel naomi ingr le bartel write thi mor n ford ranger idl rpm exagger idl fast liter carbur engin and blip throttl idl d rop back normal don linkag stuck can fix thi problem thi problem time time strai ghten don tach gaug sound engin idl twice fast thi idl pull stop light sometim b ad choke pull diaphram will car fast idl pull vacuum actuat pull cold weather co ndit idl fast idl cam locat fast idl cam your vehicl and you can rotat produc no rmal idl locat diaphram and test you can appli suction good piec rubber vacuum h ose your mouth that will diaphram retract bad and replac berni lofaso appli rese arch lab water trunk probe jlong emcnext tamu edu jame long write articl crn transfer stratu tszeto sneezi stratu tommi szeto write water gradual build t runk friend ford probe onc remov spare and scoop water plywood carpet cover trun k guess thi happen good thunder storm thi common problem drain hole locat for ha tch notic thi probe recent clean back water come rubber stopper hole beneath spa re mine look slightli worn and water water damag level spare area thi low priori ti sinc found rotat tire that torn boot ugh smoke taillight assembl thi water ge t had for month rear taillight fog moistur dealer and replac entir assembl happe n month thi time happen spare tire and notic water stand dealer reluct thi time replac convinc fix had deal number probe problem haven notic water taillamp trun k for last year last month taillamp fog back fix real tempt drill vent and drain hole top and bottom assembl and forget thi get annoi almost had thi problem vel vel natarajan nataraja rtsg mot motorola cellular arlington ht road ralli joliet attent wheel road enthusiast road ralli sundai april joliet illinoi event joliet mud turtl chicago land wheel drive club spons or road ralli sundai april for road ralli road ralli consist road ralli particip set direct and clue guid particip joliet plainfield area object navig base set direct and clue particip will set question pertain answer point award for number correct answer direct will ultim lead road area wheel drive set locat road chec k point will set particip will ask question request perform activ tire roll truc k tow basketbal free throw etc for addit point option road wheel drive particip will navig road trail mud bog and hill climb point award for successfulli navig road obstacl get stuck you stuck half fun will assist your vehicl unstuck you ca n road will divid base tire size stock modifi can run end ralli trophi will awar d top score particip door prize and dash plaqu will food and drink conclus thi o rgan activ sponsor joliet mud turtl safeti and fun foremost concern street legal and solid tow point for road section don want separ bumper vehicl particular ra lli begin instant replai plainfield road joliet map below registr and truck rall i date sundai april rain shine entri fee per truck you driver passeng allow vali d driver licens requir suggest equip radio compass tow strap and clevi clip boar d and pencil alcohol ralli for inform contact gari tom norm brian instant replai north exit canton larkin farm av exit auto air condit freon markm bigfoot sp mot mark monning write ar ticl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri behanna write chemist come substitut for you don hear mobil air condit societi mac that peopl stand rake that per ret rofit per automobil mount organ campaign squash substitut exist not ban altogeth shaki technic ground outright li worst not you wrong that substitut exist thi s ound lot mpg carb that oil compani get substitut exist and thi time futur avail that doubt ghg peopl weld suppli butan propan you can mix thi can regul make you us good qualiti dry gase don mpg carb distributor jon hacker march beta rom cal tech pasadena for call ibm hacker tumbler ridg caltech edu read comp beta wife convert wife inform that convert for car live south fla for wife mention miata small wait for mustang dec opinion convert reason price rang parti car antenna sinc thi post receiv repli followup post hope for feedback didn rec audio car articl number newsgroup rec audio car path cbfsb

cbnewsb att vinlai vinlai cbnewsb att vincent lai subject parti car antenna mes sag apr cbfsb att sender new cbfsb att organ distribut date tue apr gmt recent p arti antenna camri not mine caught interest and replac factori power antenna and foot long made plastic tube quit car can find previou articl articl can feedbac k greatli appreci mom hungri bud bundi peg bundi vincent lai vinlai cbnewsb att forward mail vlai attmail eventu wind wcmnja lai somerset att fast previou articl tedebear leland stanford edu theodor chen ar ticl armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write compar porsch and you desig n fast you point brake mustang doesn even disc brake back signific differ latest and late not handl not you mean late biggest chang that porsch undertook alter tailhappi babi back august for model year stretch wheelbas peopl advantag overst and enjoi europ low mark for high speed handl fair compar vett handl that phil hill famou race car driver you phil hill world champion had vett driven turbo yo u can make thoroughbr pig you can aw fast pig yeah that paul frere agre prefer p orsch modifi ruf vett that test bower dod alfa ducati hobi kottk blad iaido nasa good sake don you that girl can plai guitar mari chapin carpent sho and articl apr mksol dseg moe dseg robert loper write articl constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write artic l apr ganglion ann arbor david ganglion ann arbor david hwang write will bet tha t remov automat transmiss perform type car mustang camaro and cut number accid e ach year auto fine for sedat sedan busi perform car imho jame disagre thi and sp eed auto overdr and that chevi auto reknown for long life and abil handl copiou amount power live dalla area and manual harder drive traffic live stick us manua l fun don issu ablil handl power power lose torqu convert etc safeti wise auto d istract hate shift gear eas into traffic freewai perform wise can hold stock mus tang camaro speed you encount formula speed manual you sol afraid btw speak owne r auto iroc and current owner aforement car chri chri silvest man capabl get ele ct presid chriss sam amgen mean allow job chriss netcom dougla adam hitchhik gui d galaxi chang oil articl lmtr mentor purdu edu marshatt feserv purdu edu uber write articl qgi einnh skeena uc ubc yiklam unixg ubc yik chong lam write bolt engin compart turn clockwis counter kind lubric etc fail you can us electr drill chang suitabl bit turn can succe can tighten not tight safe oil leak you a dvanc winson don worri leak don worri turn damn thing good claw hammer and pry s traight you notic oil pour that thead us that heli coil invent bui gem and rethr ead hole larger each time you chang oil hole get big for heli coil you can bui t ime trade car fast articl qmcih dh armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost w rite light highwai texa funni light junction and armadillo cross texa pretti edg case you can assum that road such good condit such flat terrain and such wide o pen space ain person experi nevada mexico texa wyom utah south dakota nebraska m innesota montana florida and part louisianna into town and drive main and you co uldn that fast gravel washboard that pass for highwai part that expens car drive n fast crap crap rush fast rememb road america not design for speed mean safe roa d autobahn smoother straiter wider and slightli bank exampl month back travel la te night and chang highwai bent crosss curv south east hidden tree and continu l eft strait north want turn north check south lane roll into cross and check nort h lane nevertheless wasn car sight last and pull into left hand lane car isn sec perform corect lane and decent time even wasn wast time that check mirror and m ustang close lane fast had turn corner and notic luckli and chang lane time esta m move excess stander had chanc rune move glad brake light time shudder happen h ad waint pull and not left time need dodg rule your car can and your clear don a ssum will stai that travi disclam idea express fact employ sinc mail flame marsh att feserv purdu edu ding paint hood toyota and last week get quit ding paint hood ro ck and debri road never had major problem car truck past ding onc dealer and tha t happen time and recomend put bug deflector hood that truck for unknown reason thi problem car that luck bad problem paint paint mondai morn perhap bug deflect or work for small road debri truck experi suggest greg thorn wam umd edu rfi art clutchless shift wonder clutchless shifter mile current toyota truck heard peopl talk thi can damag transmiss experi suggest techniqu yo u us piec junk drove transmiss worn that pump clutch shift clutchless date drive n rabbit datsun comet ford chevi harder shift gener higher milag smoother quicke r easier shift techniqu eas back throttl and time gentli wrist back shift lever for reason miss shift window lightli press acceler agian found that clutchless s hift eaiser quicker high rpm skip gear time krispi braindead driver don ahead articl apr cbnewsd att hhm cbnewsd at t herschel mayo write anywher block passer not for good even stupid realiz for g ood peopl you concern group citizen absolut disgust that major driver simpli dis obei traffic rule speed limit pass and ride tail respectfulli abid rule thi grea t countri and maintain mandat speed limit calibr certifi cruis control keep resp ect car length distanc mph speed time you tick moron jump ahead car length that you left you and vehicl ahead you drive mph final you option total member suppor t group that perform function for good for good thi great countri for unfortun t hat stupid realiz bless soul for paltri you can join citizen for ration advanc p ilot profit member societi slight hitch initi rite full fledg member thi exclus club you proof that you fast lane busiest interst your area correct car lenth mp h speedand thi can difficult moron not pass you not lane not slow lane not break down lane not for complet list accept interst and time send and member highli re gard attornei auto field and complet absolut posit busi serv your interest testa ment virtu will give member initi consult fee feel free drop line your earliest conveni and rememb speed kill jit loi chevrolet whatch histori indi dai and earli film name loi ch evrolet blue want chevrolet founder mearli driver name call gui koni mercuri capri queri folk recent bought mercuri capri car notic p roblem car low ga mileag mile gallon hear car owner speak ga mileag figur mile g allon wow etc start car into high idl rpm drive mile come rpm can fix problem na tur for car thi mile suggest that chang rebuild recondit carburettor not prepar will fix problem and car tune recent last mile you suggest respond email sinc do n scan thi newsgroup regularli regard sudhi sira gopinath sudhindranath email su dhi uc usl edu small mind men nobl mind entir world famili hitopadesha find stolen car offer relai thi inform for ham friend mine inter net access name robert bob wondolowski kda and car brown cutla sierra sedan mass achusett plate adl yaesu and mobil antenna includ car stolen lynn mass dai ago a pril inform car whereabout mail you for take time read thi messag scott ehrlich internet world std amateur radio packet radio ugm usa scott ehrlich internet wor ld std amateur radio packet radio ugm usa subaru shop manual for sale subaru servic manual thi not complet set includ section cover mechan compon suspens wheel axl steer brake pedal cont rol cabl heater ventil air condit bodi bodi exterior door window seat seat belt interior instrument panel and electr engin electr system bodi electr system wire diagram and troubl shoot genuin subaru issu manual for model year plenti good i nform that appli year and long post end car stuff miscellan darkroom equip solar enlarg object lens easel and timer neg carrier for and misc print mask develop tank thermomet trai constant temperatur bath ground glass mirror darkroom lamp g lasswar cheap tripod and beauti antiqu buffet solid cherri veneer handmad intere st dovetail corner drawer built not gaudi cover gew gaw simpl eleg piec furnitur big long tall deep for cape cod hous will deliv pricier item anywher rochest ar ea and will deliv will deliv uofr campu and graduat call mail paul mari south ro chest plkg uhura rochest edu isuzu amigo opinion want netland that had can give consum report review point sourc scott sdexter ucrengr ucr edu comput scienc undergradu unive rs california riversid internet sdexter technet shl facil engin shl systemhous i nc technolog network internet you gonna happen exactli you mean you wait long an d hope smith option that great articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl parr write list option that can exist option car thing you tripmet great gadget let you rough track mileag make good second guesser for your ga gaug full size s pare built mount and power system for radar detector fit that you gener househol

d current engin run and plug in trunk engin compart and cabin feel free add fuel gaug that told you fuel left can make ga goug accur tenth gallon great contract khalsa ncr engin and manufactur bernardo san diego khalsa sandiego ncr runner and pathfind recent interest find runner and pathfind upd at past year engin suspens and notic that and runner ident for exampl and into b ui us info appreci esp model year check avoid thx andi brandt unc edu plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi daubendr nextwork rose hulma n edu darren daubenspeck write pretti junk stai will replac year model junk made list for year due excel handl and acceler sinc not newest lot and mileag mpg cl ass leader you can into shadow for turbo bit and droptop for fleet mgr car amoun g troubl free model bought for wife radar detector articl apr lrc edu burnsid lrc edu write articl a pr opencon giand opencon deepak gia nchandani write mubashir cheema don bui that avoid ticket us and whenev cop pull thing give ticket time sister drive and had glove compart broken and ticket had receiv ticket for sister total that year ag o don and not ticket drive habit not chang drastic two dai ago mph highwai mph l imit cop break noth happen drive mini van famili cutlass suprem time highwai bas ic opnion not you pull cop will hear your excus you radar detect will not thi ex perienc remot model that not visibl cop front and rear sensor you can put detect or side dash cop doesn valentin detector state car and driver and even tell you direct radar come amount threat pick you place everydai and you can glanc number threat valentin detect genuin cop and you can factori direct problem rob fusi r wf lehigh edu noisi engin articl apr engr washington edu eliot lanmola engr wa shington edu eliot write nois bug you noth that you can sell and perhap nice us pontiac fiero liter motor mount for and twin dual cam liter match supposedli der iv pushrod punch liter drop replac hors mid engin size fiero larri smith smith c tron don speak for cabletron you liberti not freedom want freedom bang for articl uupcb cut hou david bond cut hou vid bond write rec auto cpkjp latech edu kevin parker write feedback car bang for buck price ra ng for car civil driven dai even long trip hit ga want fee tauru sho can found f or and ultim door sport car perform similar mustang quit civil and comfort late model for shifter cut edg bb cut hou pcboard system houston texa usa run uupcb y ou mustang pleasant diamond star car talon eclips laser put turbo model and awd turbo model car handl match muscl and civil regular drive condit harsh stiff rid e awd turbo choic two that torqu steer front drive model you leftov slightli us model for that price rang tough decis rob fusi rwf lehigh edu bird physic major darksid osrh uoknor edu oper write crazi quest ion bird can drop load car mph stop trip shit time time hit windshield not even open sunroof guess conscienti bird mph us galaxi convert sit light wait for turn green turn green hesit sleep guess and bird bomb land directli front ey level g uess bird miscalcul and thought and figur rear bumper bird fly and fanci acrobat car and decid drop execut perfect loop mustang georg kirkaldi pioneer audio con trol gkirkaldi saniti tdkc waterloo phoenix gold kicker flowmast motorsport camb ridg ontario canada syclon typhoon owner want start list for syclon and typhoon owne r you interest particip contact mail merril wife convert nuet pt mot keith nuetzman write wife inform that c onvert for car live south fla for wife mention miata small wait for mustang dec opinion convert reason price rang old suprem convert high mark recent test you c an stupid bodi mold and stuff saab ragtop your rang good choic car convert nissa n convert nice car immedi come mind chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fear walk hand hand manual shift bigot want auto shifter street and not track porsch wont chang you floor ga turn year back auto you gui call turbo and round corner floor and thing point backward driver quit amus shaz improv automat transmiss want wheelspin auto you gear ga stick g ear never thi work thi screw autobox bit debat dumbest automot concept time dumbest option bmw offer smoker opt

ion mean fag lighter big deal btw bought honda crx neat targa you gui call miata that crx heart that bodi kit and spoke richard dumbest automot concept tim articl targhe idaho amdahl rb sawtoo th idaho amdahl bob smith write articl apr ca org sdm ca org write imho dumbest thing copi japanes move dimmer switch floor lever control turn signal cruis cont rol bun warmer etc porsch had dimmer turn signal stalk guess dumb german copi ja panes rest delet not mention friend citroen traction avant light switch and dimm er integr singl stalk steer column dumb french appar copi japanes german roland volvo articl sernew raleigh ibm mperri vnet ibm mark perri write good reason car and plenti peopl bui quit good car unlik influenc kevinh hasler ascom don easi seri you real close volvo dog beacus agricultur previou volvo es senti fast tractor and seri agricultur design execut fwd tractor you godlier tho u advertis you state thi bad thing rememb car compani us agenc don ad part renau lt thi true that had joint ventur renault haven heard subsumpt into renault thi mean that french govern own volvo renault make nice car don sell america thing t hat favour that immedi recognis volvo and that not you can japanes manufactur an d ford saab strong corpar not thing car maker aim for make life vari mperri vnet ibm roland rhorwel atc boe manual shift bigot articl liw cax new rich bnr peon email eric y oungblood write articl vela ac oakland edu mje pooki pass wayn edu michael edelm an write big disadvantag automat consum that never get wheel thi respect disadva ntag manual torqu convert not lock auto convert lock and gear dont forget that t hat speed manual tranni drive train optim gear engin rare speed auto real bottom line manual and automat vastli improv that automat advanc manual shift intellig that smart automat major driver term gear time import torqu convert loss prefer stick for fun and auto for traffic you can your cake and eat design shifter wil l easili facilit manual clutchless shift refer copi merced jag gate depart you l ose number ratio and convert loss ayrton senna can drive racecar fulli automat t ransmiss can half bad eliot warn read callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write not argu issu carri weapon you you thought shoot kid for set your alarm can wors th ing world glad you give you reason fire your gun peopl kill defend properti not honest you care scum your car sho and articl constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write order sho automat transmiss you can handl stick you sti ck regular tauru and leav sho real driver that not that aren real driver can us stick disabl person aren posit us sho disabl person drive scca race care make sw eep gener prefer manual transmiss earli sho had aw transmiss that felt truck alm ost make want automat teddi fast articl qmcih dh armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost w rite boyl cactu org craig boyl write qualiti autobahn myth road surfac isn typic freewai term light safeti sign roadmark etc light highwai texa funni light junc tion meant autobahn not freewai won even into road mark vari state and local tha t area mark essenti nonexist road dip asphalt that you test your shock will kill you don wrong love quit sever don recal freewai road damag warn that regard uns af decent damp car suspect you limit experi freewai vari dramat state can name n umber interst highwai part countri optimist car driven state alaska and drive pe r year long cross countri trip chanc fun for and can reimburs job drive fly not labor point driven freewayin germani and franc mexico surpisingli good not you c all quit sever term road deviat suspect singl bridg junction consid hard mph tha t not interst such deviat drive frequent ag total freewai you thi case mark haza rd advis peopl slow texa pretti edg case you can assum that road such good condi t such flat terrain and such texa freewai vari sometim good surfac flat compar a nd hilli wide open space ain absenc traffic and car built for freewai fine probl em road user and cop jim frost jimf centerlin craig plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi articl oprsfnx gsusgi gsu ed u oprsfnx gsusgi gsu edu stephen nichola write stuff dodg shadow delet fleet mgr car amoung troubl free model bought for wife you mean model model car chrysler model model that fleet manag had bought hell that shadow reliabl car model sold not even chrysler dept li damn li and statist claim that craig ultim awd vehicl articl apr engr washington edu eliot stalfo eng r washington edu eliot write price part stori you can that for thermostat sound teddi big block subject and brother law don repli post thi for number daytim dave schrader schrader eai iastat edu plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi articl oprsfnx gsusgi gsu ed u oprsfnx gsusgi gsu edu stephen nichola write daubendr nextwork rose hulman edu darren daubenspeck write pretti junk stai will replac year model junk made list for year due excel handl and acceler sinc not newest lot and mileag mpg class l eader you can into shadow for turbo bit and droptop for fleet mgr car amoung tro ubl free model bought for wife nnnnnnnng you for plai cannot agre thi believ thi and put nice piec junk love thi car babi pamper and year couldn stai togeth tha t not will problem that had thi not car abil car fix will not happen chrysler do dg your pick dealer don care reform dealer servic intro car will case and point local dodg dealer you drive you don even your door salesman ey you meal and lite r pounc you and you make deal your ey wander servic time wors that had align pro blem that frame bent and dollar work part fix you problem had and care thi car p ut alot mile coupl year checkup need and that shouldn dodg shadow replac year th at own car engin altern rear suspens torsion bar water pump thermostat hall effe ct sensor main comput batteri rebuilt repair radiat automat transmiss power stee r thing can rememb top head for year sold car good car can find compet fix end t rade for saturn power steer start act stop put monei into put worth repair lifet im lee iacocca can bite bullshit back afraid stupid thing fall apart and will bu i assur hell you that nicknam last hope you can and peopl will disagre japanes h onda toyota american car compani that feel qualiti product saturn will not touch anoth chrysler product don care good car good and will admit promis not support that you isn god don control saturn divis anoth market ploi don wrong will watc h car hawk for year hesit car good prove sinc point sourc will note us read maga zin that car and driver never had good thing chrysler product shadow for moan re gurit car and engin motor trend thought great car car magazin object and alot pe opl don consum report will us reinforc argument big stink saturn crash test time will good car shadow sundanc rate wors averag fact chrysler rate averag averag exclud diamond star mitsubishi stuff and you can find bad stuff shadow research saturn not find bad great deal inform thi compani american compani and creat qui t stir automot commun for good reason introduct model line establish compani rea d articl had sub column thi imprint big wig toyota and quot watch close come gro w foreign car japanes kick butt for good reason american car compani not make go od product support custom want dai set wai reason saturn creat struggl haven lea rn abil worker not inferior technolog not date attitud and find thi call competi t gentleman women you don satisfi demand consum your asbesto suit gaia buick heater control buick skylark bought california and for ano th year problem indiana winter heater control don work car vacuum oper control s witch for vent stuck vent mode will blow warm air can switch air flow floor can live thi defrost can live thi jam air deflector defrost posit thi blow lot air f ace and kind put vacuum cleaner revers part dash and look vacuum system and prob lem part two diaphragm control and insid air flow diaphragm control vent side ve nt air crack and damag advanc ag car two question awar thi fact that move indian a event that replac diaphragm aren fix thi for advic info selah dan loval physic purdu edu impala into that mean that gonna bring back biscayn and bel air georg howel goucher ffv ampr org georg info porsch articl midwai uchicago edu buzi quad uchicago edu le n buzyna write recent toi idea purchas rate for car anywher question thi expect thi price expect extens bodi work engin transmiss likewis expect virtual replac line name address mail order part supplier for engin bodi part complet area rest or car and don work car work profession sould expect cost upgrad rust free mecha n sound automobil advanc andr true enthusiast will give you answer thi dump impr ess want for year close onc end bui fiero biggest mistak life for you nice car y our set price rang nice looker that pile shit common total failur for car frame rust engin and passeng compart for chassi weld togeth yeah price rang you talk b

anger you find mucho buck part for engin pretti easi come for car and you can ev en locat crude whitnei catalog you machin pretti simpl us spare tire for windshi ld washer pump fer chri sake get fix good bug porsch mechan easi sinc mid engin you spend labor for mechan work jeff miller network system corpor internetwork g roup boon avenu north jmiller network minneapoli militech jchen wind bellcor jason chen write interest product au to show and hear your comment militech anoth oil addit demonstr thi product impr ess didn cheat heard that militech stuff work pretti good friend race scca sanct ion event and that stuff militech stuff earli trial thing and put crx work great didn for detail erich erich lim yob sccsi old bailei bb bi bi houston texa yob sccsi home alt cosuard honda car info kai honda help hint your honda infrom sheet owner honda vehicl burn smell evid your car shortli take deliveri fire extinguish pre lud mel temperatur degre push acceler pedal floor time releas slowli and your fo ot acceler crank engin start moe second note crank requir temperatur below degre acceler will depress time door panel and interior trim can damag not buckl get caught close door shift accord automat transmiss park neutral revers into drive transmiss shift into gear case tow start engin shift into drive park drive neutr al turn engin you get tow engin won run engin not run not us thi procedur phew w orri insert smili thi real jonathan jdrout scott skidmor edu skidmor colleg sara toga civic aftermarket fog you you understand for hail damag record articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write articl apr pencom stecz pencom write articl apr cactu org boyl cactu org craig boyl write integra hit hard hailstorm austin insur compani cut check f or deduct last week thi record had settlement hailstorm craig rumor that gui del l comput had miata total that guess had top hail rip top you not worth hail dama g miata bodi craig john steczkowski stecz pencom constitut grant you life libert i and pursuit happi not attempt guarante that will happi volvo owner that had do llar worth improv car hail warn read articl srib constel ecn uoknor edu callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu bqueiser magn u ac ohio state edu brian queiser write hadn empti gun into asshol texa countri that remind texa ad you hear gui speak french letter home french move background and french accent voic come foreground talk walk beach and felt home that decid shoe and rest cloth end send bail rec auto note carri gun car bad idea isn you work bad part town regularli thi load question unload colt delta glove box load magazin handi perfectli legal oklahoma for time that travel inter state unload m agnum revolv glove box speed loader pocket legal feder law illinoi state polic h ang thi stricli for defens insur will pai replac car life jame carri pistol load unload glove compart consid carri conceal weapon colorado and illeg conceal wea pon permit law chang recent carri weapon openli legal colorado conceal illeg rea d newspap account last year polic stop car traffic infract and observ magnum rev olv sit seat driver not cite for possess carri weapon not conceal articl state t hat gun had discov glove box consid crime ken franklin heaven for peopl wait ama and ain gwrra laugh sinner cry saint dod sinner lot fun good die young sunroof leak wet sunroof leak thought thing royal pain can provi d insight seal isn great weld stupid thing shut manual shift bigot prefer manual automat that automat manufactur for peopl physic disabl not drive automat transmiss driver lazi time fiddl radi o sceneri concentr road manual transmiss drive grant isn larg movement drive fun drive manual fun drive automat chore case shift speed automat can made shift fa ster that human move stick race want and automat for normal drive manual plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi articl qofeainnn shellei was hington edu gaia carson washington edu gaia write stop put monei into put worth repair lifetim lee iacocca can bite bullshit back afraid stupid thing area part spend repair remind articl read magazin compar year ownership cost toyota camri and ford tauru that result announc great flourish that cost end period that argu ment prove that you don wrong bui ford tauru camri rememb correctli camri cost i niti cost essenti mean that you spend extra repair tauru that ridicul time your car repair extra hassl loss time and dozen thing spend initi cost spend repair c

ost cut for signatur balaji ramanathan institut transport studi don luck univers california irvin reli two car chevi nova and dodg you can two car worth each problem t hat mainten cost two car run per year and insur per year wrong last two month fo llow cost occur dodg dodg attempt american german car replac head gasket radiat chevi nova chevi attempt japan import tune oil chang valv gasket middl exhaust p ipe misc note that chevi nova horsepw chevi nova power even small hill knock wro ng car even us octan ga octan can find mainten item and equip need doug car doug wayn tauru sabl rotor recal antonio balsamo save wail balsamo stargl enet dec wrote opdb latech edu subject tauru sabl rotor recal tauru clock rotor warp appar haven fix problem convinc ford servic person fix for free toni gad he ard horror stori tauru and sabl car thought premium american automobil sell you ford late turn tin can granada and fairmount you tauru camri accord john zorro p icasso oci templ edu zorro astro oci templ edu get car opinion articl apr lehigh edu lehigh edu anni phornpraph a write budget for sport car you bui for specif model danni you easili deal impr ess perform figur and automot magazin eat car that price rang rob fusi rwf lehig h edu get car opinion previou articl lehigh edu danni phornprapha budg et for sport car you bui for specif model danni hei you programm danni phornprap ha thi lehigh edu bug anoth endang earth lucc student konsult speci need your pr otect work for sport car for sport suspens stiff for practic and comfort nissan turbo good bui and for good dose luxuri lexu perfect manual transmiss toyota sup ra come and you perform suppos great almost race car don particulari mitsubishi dodg stealth heavi and aren nimbl handler for sport car motion pictur major broo k institut photographi santa barbara and foreign student kuala lumpur malaysia m ind forerunn state rust beamer wasn surpris sinc bought rust you idea get rid thi c heapli kei word eaten door panel can us bondo good paint that will bond aluminum rim paint thati rim peel rust stuff rim come pretti easili thing you paint car you start thi jess chrysler compact sedan cka uxa cso uiuc edu carolinafan uiuc wri te shoppa almach caltech edu tim shoppa write thought that origin design for tru ck not necessarili pickup and sort drop into viper frame fit and friend mine and and heard viper and friend respons that sound truck sound fine don whini nois t hat modern sport car engin make btw viper move mph car freewai head east fridai afternoon look nice impress that viper not that dodg develop for kenworth though t exhaust system and not engin that produc nois car exhaust major nois come basi c tone fire cadenc etc determin engin configur case viper discuss huge multicyli nd deg engin will sound somewhat truck and understand btw that that engin design origin intent aptibl for truck viper and heard hand knowledg pretti good job an d exhaust sound world and will degre dohc colombo design period michael chaffe m chaffe cso uiuc edu email mchaffe sumter cso uiuc edu nextmail sig construct exc us advic us car for help advic univers student spend and for us car advic offer time buyer not for sporti function and reliabl mainten cost idea mo del suit sanjai plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi articl bdc new servic uci ed u raman translab uci edu balaji ramanathan write part spend repair remind articl read magazin compar year ownership cost toyota camri and ford tauru that result announc great flourish that cost end period that argument prove that you don wr ong bui ford tauru camri rememb correctli camri cost initi cost essenti mean tha t you spend extra repair tauru that ridicul time your car repair extra hassl los s time and dozen thing spend initi cost spend repair cost you account for deprec i doubt that tauru rack extra repair cost year teddi wife convert previou articl nuet pt mot keith nuetzman wife info rm that convert for car live south fla for wife mention miata small wait for mus tang dec opinion convert reason price rang geo metro lsi drew fast previou articl callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison

articl usenet in cwru edu aa cwru edu andrew spencer write previou articl wrat unisql wharfi articl qkon armori centerlin jimf centerlin jim frost write larger engin that sho slightli modifi famili sedan power engin didn even bother improv brake that show you brake sho inch forget disc vent front normal tauru setup sm aller disc front drum rear had vent rear lot sale man fool titanium wheel yeah t old magnesium believ crap sinc uch cheaper and good tend agre tho that thi doesn sho standard for run regular basi brake bigger corrado brake regul bird comput control adjust suspens wheel ab disk vent front rear point belt sturdi passeng c ompart aerodynam good for nascar chang supercharg wheel independ suspens limit s lip differenti top speed excess mph and ride rate tire find speed rate that stan dard not not jame jame hate thi read damn post never bird mention discuss sho an d stang not spec not bird that spec quot for sho previou poster sound anem for t hat snuff thi not disencourag wish make bad car mean that ford ad that extra bit safeti and toss larger brake wheel plenti larg for fit memori serv not and moto r plenti power drew warn read matmcinn nuscc nu matthew macintyr nation univers sene g write callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write not argu issu carri w eapon you you thought shoot kid for set your alarm can wors thing world glad you give you reason fire your gun peopl kill defend properti not honest you care sc um your car can matt sarcast not honest automobil worth owner and invest peopl t hat don figur averag properti tax alloc for hous project inferior public school jail feel that amount govern steal honest product citizen breed thi trash signif icantli automobil and for will argu that anim steal car and not mention commit c omplet senseless act violenc such rape cannot valu term monei human be submit th at not human be jim callison track and chintan amin remark earlier that cannot b lame environ for action singl crimin couldn agre trace crime back environ upbrin g crimin pickpocket rapist insid trader wasn fault draw line michael chaffe mcha ffe cso uiuc edu email mchaffe sumter cso uiuc edu nextmail sig construct excus viper rmt faradai cla virginia edu roi matthew thigpen write las t night had dream that dad bought viper for test drive knowledg and had push hom e avoid ticket wierd dream mean vell va you muzzah der passeng seat va you muzza h der leef room vit you fazah feel tad bit freudian doubtless inspir magnific ph allic ness word viper warn read articl apr nuscc nu matmcinn nuscc nu matthew macintyr nation univers seneg write callison uokmax ecn uoknor edu jame callison write n ot argu issu carri weapon you you thought shoot kid for set your alarm can wors thing world glad you give you reason fire your gun peopl kill defend properti no t honest you care scum your car watch attribut didn that thi isn forum for discu ss whether you shoot for properti damag vandal theft respons gun owner realiz th at limit and punish fit crime mean harmless prank worth kill situat describ punk set alarm and taunt peopl come turn ugli quickli and worth prepar your life pot enti line jame jame callison microcomput coordin oklahoma law center callison uo kmax ecn uoknor edu callison aardvark uc uoknor edu disclaim not engin plai work forecast call for thunder bird hell thing kill man you and gonna will munni unf orgiven manual shift bigot eliot lanmola engr washington edu eliot write articl liw cax new rich bnr peon email eric youngblood write articl vela ac oak land edu mje pooki pass wayn edu michael edelman write big disadvantag automat c onsum that never get wheel thi respect disadvantag manual torqu convert not lock auto convert lock and gear perform convert lockup pure irrelev lockup occur lig ht throttl set and serv improv mpg mind you convert clutch love job improv mpg a ddit mechan advantag convert you acceler lock convert clutch inher loss michael chaffe mchaffe cso uiuc edu email mchaffe sumter cso uiuc edu nextmail sig const ruct excus kuebelwagen thwang mentor purdu edu tommi hwang write for mi spe ll forgot spell seri exam and hand refer cute wwii jeep wanna replica great tkh complet guid specialti car edit crown publish kubelwagen dot compani wolfkam box vika oslo norwai voic line fax line excerpt blurb thi fine kubel clone wolfkam close copi origin and offer weather and cross countri capabl wwii forebear robus t fiberglass bodi kit complet and includ hardwar you will for your donor car pho

ne number entir dial sequenc call and for karl torum send cash intern monei orde r for complet literatur packag georg happi share info kit car and kit car manufa ctur for us partial complet porsch speedster convert replica intermeccanica lead advic stori owner plymouth sundanc dodg shadow experi daubendr nextwork rose hulma n edu darren daubenspeck write pretti junk stai will replac year model junk made list for year due excel handl and acceler sinc not newest lot and mileag mpg cl ass leader you can into shadow for turbo bit and droptop for can car good that w ritten back crook letter year had written hehhehehehahaha silli crysler attemp m ake label back car merced couldn resist barryb automot crash test perform and mainten stat wrote resourc consum compar make and model automobil truck van etc for surviv crash sever found obje ct data compar vehicl for handl pick brake expect mainten etc recal year ago con sum report annual buyer guid inform aspect repli look and found for april magazi n thing despit recent articl rate look pretti good for rel comparison purpos cra sh test comparison didn includ half car compar honda civic hatchback and toyota tercel fare accid boyd johnson nosc spectra johnson san diego california intermi tt newsfe and select group opinion don match employ lexan polish articl soe nodak edu wilken plain nodak edu scott w ilken write coupl year ago replac stock windscreen interceptor higher nation cyc l thing happen made lexan can recommend polish us that safe for lexan start show scratch and polish fast internet wilken plain nodak edu ama chanc uunet plain w ilken dod interceptor bitnet wilken plain suggest mcquir plastic polish will som ewhat noth will remov deep scratch make wors mcquir will for fine light stuff su ggest call your local plastic shop calif tap plastic chain that carri need for r epair and sometim replac plastic bit telephon bai area not amen ship found that excel product for clean and remov crap windscreen and face shield call lift work real remov sticki stuff such adhess plastic wihtout scratch luck jonathan jeffe ri jeff mri faq dod thi period post intend answer frequent ask question dod post each month expir time month your site new softwar ill manner thi post thi w itdodfaq crosspost rec motorcycl group attempt catch user and followup direct re c motorcycl last chang feb add messag kotl and bit halon version thi collect ori gin assembl lissa shoun origin post lissa permiss usurp titl kotwitdodfaq correc t addit bribe etc aim blgardn javelin sim content dod number blain gardner dod d od road rider articl bruce tanner dod dod john sloan dod dod logo chuck roger do d dod thi start denizen doom dod dod anthem jonathan quist dod you kill blain ga rdner dod rec moto photo archiv courtesi bruce tanner dod patch patch blain gard ner dod letter ama museum jim roger director dod dod rule consensu rec moto reso urc keeper dod misc rec moto review archiv courtesi loki jorgenson dod updat sta t ride info green dod and dod number frequent ask question rec motorcycl dod sec ond frequent ask question dod number that simpl ask keeper list kotl accept subs titu keeper for number you feel creativ and your favorit number hasn you can mak e request subject kotl approv warn numer base number request like earn flame kot l not that you won you will pai for and tini suggest kotl mail you plai lightn r od for flame you post net and you clueless newbi you ask kotl john sloan note be low that real secret left subtl hint can divulg not mention name thi post john o rigin kotl second keep true spirit unix kotl name two letter long and can spell hexadecim charact kotl share name line orient text util occasion post messag bes tow dod number bonehead weeni mailer fourth reason suspect kotl dead head newsfl ash messag kotl onc you surmount thi intellectu pinnacl and electron grovel kotl mind that kotl work for live and occasion pacifi boss get your request languish mailer queue for gasp dai perhap even horror week two such time econom activ pa rt kotl employ send anoth copi your request will not speed process queue make lo nger verif thi phenominon left excers for reader you suspect mailer problem anno t subsequ request indic that request submit you assign multipl number you kotl m emor list thing kotl that telepath power aren us provid inform for list will typ ic dod list entri contain number name state countri mail address for exampl gree n green east sun john mention below that net access and bike requir for dod memb ership that not strictli true dai number denizen lack blain danc biker gardner b

lgardn javelin sim denizen doom bruce tanner dod road rider august reprint bruce permiss group motorcyclist that get togeth and normal thing that bunch biker di scuss motorcycl and motorcycl beverag clean fluid baklavah balaclava caltrop hel met anti fog shield spine protector aerodynam angl valv seat bird hit deer whist l good restaur race philosophi traffic law ticket corros control person pun doub l entendr cultur absenc cultur ride and friendship argu each and plan ride toget h differ thi group and your local motorcycl club that togeth everydai never each face face member thi group live world and commun each electron comput comput ra ng laptop multi million dollar comput center peopl rang colleg and univers stude nt high tech industri profession public access electron bulletin board user rec motorcycl pronounc wreck dot motorcycl file name for group primari line meet pla ce carri articl per month read estim peopl frequent poster belong motorcycl club denizen doom refer dod dod start motorcyclist john nickerson wrote coupl parodi design poke fun motorcycl stereotyp fellow comput enthusiast bruce robinson pos t articl pen name denizen doom chuck roger sign dod keeper flame bruce design do d retroact and nickerson origin parodi dod idea motorcycl club organ meet and ru le appeal john sloan dod keeper list issu dod number want date almost membership issu peopl unit state and canada australia zealand unit kingdom franc germani n orwai and finland keeper list sloan eventu design club patch initi run patch sol d immedi profit thi american motorcycl heritag foundat anoth amhf fund raiser se ll denizen doom pin member start arni skurow month project success and profit do nat foundat denizen contribut ama museum plaqu name denizen doom hang motorcycl heritag museum dod er crawl crt and ride togeth turn that two largest concentr d od er center denver boulder colorado and california silicon vallei two major eve nt annual assault rollin pass colorado and northern versu southern california jo ust ride and feed bike trip rollin pass big barbecu dinner concept for joust rid er northern california ride south rider southern california ride north meet pred esign site middl addit plan for hold offici denizen doom homecom conjunct ama he ritag homecom columbu ohio juli safe bet denizen doom and collect commun hub rec motorcycl will not replac tradit motorcycl organ for prowl electron pathwai sea rch two wheel camaraderi great for kindr spirit togeth long flame live flame fla me live centerbar thi offici motto denizen doom refer eas you can gratuit insult electron you not that face face insult flame issu call flame flame start member disagre anoth member post network typic sophist intellig form calm reason rebut t incred stupid statement you spandex clad poseur thi will guarante that peopl w ill repli defens origin poster describ you your ride abil and your cat denizen d oom saga unfold john sloan dod period question dod rais thi question class sky b lue god suffer world and women inevit you that you such nice gui dump you kind q uestion steep mystic tradit and philosophi question that inspir research and dis cuss philosoph locker room motorcycl servic bai and hall academ for gener long l ong time ago comput time minut etern and halt problem problem comput net topolog speak two machin room atlanta rout mail anoth system chicago chap wish remain a nonym eventu assign dod membership wrote satir person and flame war rec motorcyc l and sign denizen doom not wish identifi ask that stalwart individu full time b ecom dod post for dod not give whit peopl thought and gener think individu flame and amus becom holder dod membership thought thi funniest thing sort that prett i easili amus claim membership denizen doom motorcycl club and start sign post m embership number perhap reader rec motorcycl struck vision motorcycl club due ru le restrict brand make model nation origin motorcycl club organ electron that re ader yearn becom part that provid greater ident gestalt person greater sum part that comput nerd wear black sock and sneaker and pocket protector happen love ta ke risk machin awesom power weight ratio social outcast cliqu that final open mi nd accept member clear case fulfil prophesi denizen doom motorcycl club born clu b major member never met anoth face face and perhap that feel that anoth pretti electron person newsgroup club organ and run loosest sens word volunt network el ectron new and mail membership mail list us organ group ride member live region motto logo seri photo album circul countri organ dod club patch organ and even m tv style music video produc and distribut vh will end will dod start sanction ra ce place limit memori and clock rate board engin manag comput will dod organ pok er run each particip collect hand hardwar and softwar refer card will dod ralli

attende demand termin room and size unix system time will dod due rule and requi r net access and love for motorcycl becom member will admit that you good club s ecret member will receiv email membership number and latest copi membership list includ name state and email address denizen doom motorcycl club will live forev year decid chang name live flame flame live dod daemon patch pin etc chuck roge r car druhi att dod dod vvvvv rec motorcycl usenet dod denizen doom dod and flam ingest wonderfullest newsgroup time wreck mudder discipl reak mudder discipl nam e protect guilti rider and innoc bike alik you you recogn contort version your n ame you don your guilt complex work you read and weep tune convers hero terribl barbarian extol virtu hopalonga puff cane reverend muck mudger and stompin fuel inject terribl thi hopalonga greatest beat bmw dead muck don mean preach terribl lighten bmw crowd mean ride yuka yuka fudgeo jammer heck stompin bmw complet th at man terribl nahhhh you sound heritick ratatnack hei sell bmw and hopalonga in tercorruptor not good puff cane call woosh stream stompin you mean wee stream te rribl waddya call reinforc stompin yehh man come arlow scarecrow and high tech m uck men civil thi high tech and bmw greatest arlow love bmw terribl arlow burlei thumpison greatest american ride you can muck ahhh you make terribl gag terribl bmw stand for muck arlow high beat wilhelm terribl name terribl hmmm don muck c ome chunki bear chunki hei hei hei smarter your averag bear terribl hei didn you drop your bmw chunki booboo left mean even villi ogl flame for that muck make m istak blue west coaster arriv led tread orang dill snorkssi heritick ratatnack b uck garnish snob rassel and pereni favorit hooter boobin brush heritick heya ter ribl yer front back bia terribl not bad sold yer bmw heritick nahhh hooter hoot hoot buck nice tree hooter hooter carbujector hell muck carbujector hooter ain m ade alumican made tilloslert muck ahh come aren flame honest dill race snob you chunki your drop and don ride muck quiet tread bmw greatest suprem level head op inion even luggag made sourkraut high terribl heritick dill buck nahhhhh stompin tread high chunki snob yesss yessssss thi issu resolv hopalonga crew call cohor t local area includ polyanna stirrup and infam booster robiksen cavortin polyann a men real biker us stirrup bike us hopalonga even bird special help for get ol ventral stand terribl hopalonga great polyanna and yuka yuka and sumariki and ke rsnapi good booster hate cavortin booster love cavortin muck mucho guzler and le purra snob tread nawwwwww muck tridump terribl isn that chew gum muck auggggg wa ddda pluck kiti heritick heyya muck you tryin call demon rider muck mudder disci pl argu make two rider zoom form pill turret and phalanx lifter pill dorsal stan d and ventral stand forev phalanx hei don that and even west coaster pour road n oblin hopalonga greatest maull beerstein you sit bikejector suddenli peopl arriv great dark nurth kite lanolin hei bmw great men robo nicki prefer motorcycl rob ot transform person rider west coast come into discuss aviat sourga burlei thump ison belt rig frame guess gasket bmw burlei thumpison roar and screech latest mu dder discipl thunder that clean bikata hopalonga cabammerxorn clean hopalonga ca bammerxorn muck clean gotta banger nothin muck banger clean good chunki sob bang er clean inferior stompin hei proof bmw bimmer boi burst into song sing beemer b abe beemer babe give thrill road terribl polyanna maull dill etc wadddo bmw stan d for heritick stompin snob chunki tread kite high arlow beat wilhem road terrib l polyanna maull dill etc don you mean bmw and ensu argument ski cloud and thund er roar and greatest mudder discipl boom your bicker you doom ride bigot suction power mini trike for your childish action puhleas thi mean that wreck mudder di scipl will ride mini trike argu hero doom tune week for gut wretch episod yearn and riderless increas cast charact technic problem will flame week episod will a nswer question helmet not helmet will air thi headi materi and viewer discret ad vis script for denizen doom anthem video jonathan quist dod scene steril engin o ffic lone figur call chuck stand printer output bin wear white cdc lab coat mech an pencil pocket protector editor note for reason great deal amus had annual dod uni coastal ironhors ride joust denizen refer each chuck guess you had wasn chu ck didn want softwar system analyst cow tow whim machin and yessir nosir anoth s ir mother made want live man life music slowli build background ride norton and triumph highest mountain pass and deepest vallei live life motorcyclist donut an d evad polic terror ladi and rape small children eat small dog for tea and larg dog for dinner short want denizen chuck rip lab coat reveal black leather jacket

fring boot and cap scene simultan top assault rollin pass small throng hell ang el sit harlei background gun engin shower looker nail turn donut and leak oil ta rmac chuck stand front heavili chrome fat boi chuck sing tune lumberjack song de nizen and flame night and ride dai hell angel echo choru surprisingli heavi teno r denizen and flame night and ride dai ride bike eat lunch lavat wednesdai ride skylin run children glee choru ride bike eat lunch lavat wednesdai ride skylin r un children glee choru refrain denizen ride real fast name chuck fit rate worst bad real good denizen and flame night and ride dai choru refrain denizen wear hi gh heel and bright pink short full leather and bra rode harlei dear mama choru r efrain you kill thing you understand case you manag read thi and not figur that dod start joke and word denizen intend remain distant past hapless newbi ask dod stand for not depart defens natur denizen had watch movi top gun time rose occa s and repli that classifi you kill you and rest histori variat secur theme suppl i disinform dod stand for notabl contribut and contribut includ daughter democra ci dod doer donut dancer despair dod debas daughter dickwe denver drivewai death debauch donut dumper dirtbik note that thi not comprehens list variat limit con tent imagin dictionari file rec moto photo archiv bit histori thi start ilana st ern and chuck roger organ rec motorcycl photo album copi made and set tour world vanish unknown locat bruce tanner decid that for electron medium electron photo album bruce not provid disk space and ftp mail access time scan photo that arch iv not can you folk you can gawk motorcycl photo file server includ dod membersh ip list dod yellow page gener rec motorcycl faq and thi faq post coupl excerpt m essag bruce post us archiv ftp cerrito edu mail address server cerrito edu comma nd bodi messag current command dir and send per line argument command vm style f ile specif for rec moto photo file spec dod file for exampl you can send dir dod send dod bruce tanner gif send dod dodfram and you back mail messag directori l ist uuencod part bruce tanner gif and dodfram file ascii wildcard allow maximum mail messag round file send send dod gif send file each not good idea bruce tann er tanner cerrito edu cerrito colleg norwalk cerrito tanner coupl comment bruce put quit bit effort into thi not drop note you find rec moto photo archiv second sinc bruce provid server favor kind you access normal work hour california time patch patch you heard mention dod trinket such patch pin and your reaction want that sick perhap that sick want good new and bad new good new that amaz varieti dod label widget creat bad new that isn anywher you can bui thi isn exclus atte mpt simpli dod store that stock creation individu denizen pocket typic procedur think dod frammitz made cost ama museum want order and batch frammitz larg cover pre paid order produc and quickli consum you want dod doodad act quickli time d ecid produc you void that fill thi anarchi action possibl incomplet list dod mer chandis and perpetr patch dod pin dod sticker dod motorcycl licens plate frame d od shirt dod polo shirt dod zippo lighter dod ltf ftl belt buckl dod and patch d od second batch and rapidli consum popular demand profit donat american motorcyc list associ motorcycl heritag museum june dollar contribut museum fund dod you v isit museum you larg plaqu founder wall name denizen doom usenet world complet d od pin letter ama dod contribut newsgroup rec motorcycl arni skurow arni magnu a c ohio state edu subject letter motorcycl heritag museum date mon apr gmt receiv letter jim roger director museum dai dear arni and member denizen doom congratu l and express gratitud order for you and denizen doom your recent donat total am ount donat behalf amhf extend heartfeld gratitud membership denizen club plaqu p resent prepar invit come museum plaqu that will instal founder foyer will person mount denizen club pin plaqu you for your support mean foundat museum and fulfi l goal sincer jim roger director post your comput bulletin board you even letter address person meant for you purchas dod goodi that made thi amount arni rule r egul bylaw denizen doom motorcycl club time time mention discuss flame rule dod order fan flame complet text rule govern dod rule rule rule ride rec motorcycl i nform resourc gener rec motorcycl resourc that not dod post regular basi can obt ain cerrito ftp mail server info photo archiv gener rec motorcycl faq maintain d ave william cerrito filenam faqn txt dod yellow page list motorcycl industri ven dor phone number address maintain bob pakser cerrito filenam yellow page vnn rev number list dod membership maintain keeper list cerrito filenam dod list thi wi tdod faq surpris surpris maintain cerrito filenam dod faq txt addit correct etc

for aim keeper respect text loki jorgenson loki physic mcgill provid archiv site for motorcycl and accessori review excerpt period announc rec motorcycl review archiv and world famou llama emporium contain verit plethora bike and accessori review written rec moto reader base experi invalu gem opinion highli valu for po tenti reduc nois list can access anonym ftp email server person request anonym f tp ftp physic mcgill ftp pub dod email archiv server review ftp physic mcgill re view submiss question review physic mcgill note differ address for review submis s and email archiv server ftp start email server send email messag line contain send note your return address appear domain subdomain host usernam your mail hea der includ line similar path usernam host subdomain domain you interest submit r eview bike that you templat format that review archiv site for internet access u nsur anonym ftp work exampl script request review motorcycl relat accessori widg et updat stat rec motorcycl ride info info cite place move target catch occur st ick latest info estim rec motorcycl readership new group approxim dod membership kotl dod contribut american motorcyclist associ motorcycl heritag museum arni o rgan ride summer organ ride joust year and ride feed strong rollin pass trip due collaps tunnel east coast denizen togeth for coast ride rcr biker north and sou th meet blueridg mountain north carolina pacif northwest crew organ great pacif northwest drysid gather gpndg anoth success excus for ride motorcycl and face na me come green for addit worth mention rec moto dirt ride held moab canyonland ar ea southern utah rider state show ride monster bmw itti bitti xr almost legal st roke and not offici offici thi crowd rec moto event vintag motorcycl race steamb oat spring colorado good excus for netter gather occasion labor dai gather utah european denizen stage gather your reason rate blain gardner evan sutherland ara peen drive slc utah blgardn javelin sim bix blain bix half vehicl and comput kic kstart dod blain gardner evan sutherland arapeen drive slc utah blgardn javelin sim bix blain bix half vehicl and comput kickstart dod oop ranck ranck joesbar edu wrote hate admit thi and mental kick for rode brand home last fridai night mile rain and dark problem home and put c enter stand dai push center stand prepar for friend hous pose you guess and land side scratch lower fair crack mirror and crack upper fair damn stupid cost loca l bodi shop fix and that fair for that cheaper mirror alon bought replac bmw you cheap sister boyfriend such incess pain ass want ride bike jose that final lind ner bmw canaan last fall had nice us perfect condit tell shop norton war stori f ifteen year ago sign liabil waiver and get pre flight not quit walk pizza shop s treet feel good made sister boyfriend happi and persist wanker ass for good hear d horrend racket engin tortur red line and crash peopl run obviou sourc disturb jeff lai bmw rear wheel spin wildli and grope for kill switch stare disbelief sl ice hang mouth matti shop manag slid besid and ask friend steve shit matti wors that flh jeff hadn made inch wit lift feet let clutch and graviti jeff claim tha t clutch didn engag matti quick jeff stutter embarrass shock manag snatch jeff c redit card for quick imprint and signatur twenti minut jeff color had pale flush matti present estim for bust mirror and hairlin crack fair that for fix crack a nd mask damag area not fair bui bike not happen sister split jeff shortli hook a noth piec work that matti told ran charg decemb and that uncontest stephen mane mane magpi linknet mane and associ york usa miracl california articl ppvof east sun egreen east sun write bi ker wave biker world whether not harlei rider wave biker favorit flame war happi that harlei rider area that flame ride lowli sport bike and girlfriend recipi t wenti wave group twenti harlei rider lead group sport bike time cbr vfr initi wa ve not perfect dai and friendli rider despit brand differ made randi davi email randi megatek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod dod paraphernalia articl pppnrinnitg cronkit central sun doc web rid central sun steve buni wrote decal thicker vinyl geeki temporari tatoo mean rub exempt razz john stafford minnesota state univers winona standard disclaim a ppli miracl california wave that courtesi nod wave meet biker ride lo t good thing mood ride lot fun special you hei great dai for ride isn wonder tha t can spend time road dai thi gestur sunni todai for time week bike for spin loc al salvag yard bike shop ran into peopl for similar reason thi great stretch roa

d side street lotsa lean bend impromptu coffe and bullshit run puyallup batch pe opl didn kinda peopl nonetheless fellow comment admir bike hei not you ride that you ride long wheel and engin thing maven eskimo internet maven mavenri altcit eskimo usenet maven mavenri alternet drink and ride articl wkbp eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer writ e gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink to night don ride tomorrow drink for drink hour drink for drink hour drink for rest fairli cautiou guidelin and will work even you happen low toler bodi mass cop a nd don you dare drink drive commerci will drink gener drink and hr you legal lim it watch mike mike muis mjmuis watstar uwaterloo quot joke electr engin univers waterloo disclaim fear insect impact articl hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write helmetl ess peopl horseback not fast and enjoi eat bug bit fast dirtbik terrain and eat fli you jeep you suppos windscreen snow ski bug and poepl fast wear goggl helmet less motorcyclist question stand cruiser rider neglig helmet stand highwai mph b uggi summer even helmetless goggleless green ninjait drink last night biker gree n east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead miracl california articl dtx jut ccc amdahl bw dut ccc amdahl br ian simmon write thi isn big deal you rais south and part cultur heritag wave pa ssersbi wave side road pass car drove wave nod rais index finger steer wheel peo pl wave drove rais south and can attest that thi true hot dai walk road good ol boi truck toss cold beer mph time prove thi wasn fluke happen ride wednesdai uns olicit wave wow biker wave biker world whether not harlei rider wave biker favor it flame war green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead cultur enquiri articl ugg cmptrc lonestar org irwin cmptrc lones tar org irwin arnstein write articl phuse sixgun east sun egreen east sun write articl aber azw aber andi woodward write two question that fascin check you loca l blue light special for sale live redneck call redneck origin slang refer sunbu rn neck obtain perform honest work outdoor neck distinguish peopl shirt protect chest and back pale elitist wealthi idiot quest for darker skin pigment badg lei sur time overdo and full bodi sunburn us back mind make live ignor and intoler g roup level understand tuba irwin honk computrac richardson irwin cmptrc lonestar org dod that sound close mind intoler attitud not redneck walk shoe stereotyp l imit ignor righteou open mind ag lover great planet earth ignor red neck don cor rel don that redneck cultur you can call that necessarili inferior superior gott a beer make sens thing you preach toler and conserv jack water dod don fear thie f night that come afternoon asleep that worri carri crutch live previou articl pooder rchland vnet ibm don fea rn broke leg two place not motorcycl accid car accid woulda thunk put crutch gre tchen rear rack get metal rod pull fridai and back crutch for six week crutch ha ndlebar sound aesthet pleas you attach knee rebuilt back street bike asap put cr utch rack and passeng seat and hung back long make ti tight front and problemo f ast chanc mike kawi zephyr vision gpz articl apr pro haven ct shadow pro haven ct write apr organpip uug arizona edu asphaug lpl arizona edu erik asphaug write short live zephyr essenti gpz zephyr discontinu heard problem name never hear d on sold north american ride standard sport bike want bigger peopl walk into deal ership and and spring extra buck for bigger engin bruce clark environ mail bclar k galaxi gov daemon child previou articl svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda artic l apr linu mitr org cookson mbunix mitr org cookson write wait minut noemi and s atan wow and such nice boi rcr and noemi make cuddl not kotl you talk bout noemi make big bore hand gun and extrem weird thi babe rode csr across desert and bor row death ride don fuck man your make big mistak fast chanc mike identifi thi bike for articl apr ucsu colorado edu coburnn spot colorado edu nichola coburn write thought hawk modifi two brother race not that made thi huge tank for addition told quit firmli honda sale servic weeni that la rger tank for hawk hawk puni gal tank interest decent aftermarket solut love gal tank curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei dori

ght colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson cultur enquiri articl stafford stafford winona msu edu stafford vax winona msu edu john stafford write articl mar aber azw aber andi woodward wr ote two question that fascin you easili fascin redneck call redneck you call wel ch south southeastern farmer neck perman damag sunburn sun you that never set br itish empir and never shine wale thi despic lie sunni juli made note diari never wrong ride harlei don drive pick truck and shoot biker enlighten visit last ans wer incoher splutter you deserv john stafford minnesota state univers winona sta ndard disclaim appli you chanc ride harlei feel your neck calamin lotion good to ld get bore wind american bomb fish barrel haaaaaaaaaaav niiiiiiiiiiiiiiic daaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai andi counterst faq post articl zkcl fgc cso uiuc edu eric cso uiuc ed u cbr write post counterst faq thi aw time debat push handl motorcycl foward tur n left and can explain thi happen post faq convert eric hmm thi outrigg demento articl mar brown edu jdk brown edu jennet kirschenbaum w rite haven heard demento year plai station prov such wbcn love pai for ship and record show bore fart prefer breez salt lake citi wonderfulli cataton want stati on back flight bag girli sexi voic morn show pink tool girlfriend and motorcycl prevent dive thi cultur enquiri articl pcl bigboot wpi edu ravi vanilla wpi edu r avi narayan write previou articl groh fsu edu azw aber andi woodward write ride harlei can you lucki told that peopl can harlei ride name tod johnson jump indis creet mind laz what you us ride sig piec mail fool ravi narayan wpi end and flam e suzukig phaedra ravi you harlei lot spare yuppi bought coupl year ago pose win e bar rode mile and walk rest call taxi home and back porsch load cheap mile clo ck take coast halt cheer andi you class peopl drink and ride articl apr galaxi gov bclark galaxi gov write art icl wkbp eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer write drink ride gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink tonight don ride tomorrow even half beer will increas your confid slug your reaction and judgement not ha rd stai aliv for length time stack odd not ride live articl apr unbvm csd unb unb write articl apr eo arc nasa g ov phil eo arc nasa gov phil stone write for compliment allan you sidestep point didn didn chanc sheesh get bed morn riski sprain ankl damn late for climb meet morn bed bother that foot asleep remind fold underneath crunch metatars lucki br ake funni ride london leg held aloft climb wasnt problem splint world tight clim b shoe protect gear articl apr galaxi gov bclark galaxi gov write artic l wkf eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer write protect gear import good helmet sho ei and good thick jacket leather gold and pair cheap leather glove purchas glove boot leather pant you can rememb tuck properli bit that punish gear you will yo ur feet hip and knee boot trouser glove come last long you control pull your arm you tuck not good glove hand easili wreck you put steadi your fall mph bit heal easier onc you fulli cover you longer tuck lie back and enjoi ride mean contrad ictori answer you dod list membership dod list copi us command finger motohead col orado edu mail motohead colorado edu you send mail make your line correct man va cat will not fix mail problem mine and publicli world bad mailer you scan mail f ind bounc will not wast time answer your question request for you that want upda t your entri contact kotl kotl can make stop bother inan mail will not dod rec m otorcycl not give laszlo nemeth laszlo colorado edu hei tool work yeah you can q uot that elef sun flashback free drug dod uid round two articl serval net wsu edu bill wsuaix csc wsu edu will iam john write good sam brick deliv class postag door expens bet chang polici ma il list can us facil quickli and lord god almighti part sky and make person appe ar board director meet chang polici odd equal curiou brick will send thi situati ion clear satisfact suspect you extrem lucki you green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead anoth question synthet engi articl apr portho bellcor fist iscp

bellcor richard pierson write two year ago work for conrail mechan emd and power unit train engin never chang oil filter rememb artic larg engin oil requir and wai prolong life oil run heat presur chamber water and volitil boil thi made suc h long term usag oil practic isn discoveri channel great curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard ligh t identifi thi bike for bike todai and want let begin that rear en d defin hawk addition had cbr style tank full fair and tach thought hawk modifi two brother race not that made thi huge tank for addition gaug not hawk look gau g bike look for rear singl side swingarm and wheel straight hawk for you boulder doder park engin center todai white light green stripe nick coburn dod ama cbr cbr coburnn spot colorado edu daemon child articl apr linu mitr org cookson mbunix mitr org co okson write wait minut noemi and satan wow and such nice boi rcr and noemi make cuddl not kotl dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot bad bone concour mmmmmmmmmm ba d bone ring ding woop univers fear ama dod cog chicago denizen warcri speed ticket chp paraphras initi post can fight speed ticket cou rt repli fight your ticket california edit david brown berkelei nolo press secon d edit not ucb librari good luck abd for sale brand top end chamber clean black paul not contact thi email address contact seller cheer dave cat and dog articl gate gpd ryang pgh ryang ryang pgh robert yan g write feel silli rob appologis matter fact thi remind bring found consist dog time not and bike anywher and will chase bite and kill instructor onc sound bike painful ear silli thi seam option arrizen net wisdom curt howland ac dod eff ho wland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard light auction diana bra articl apr adob cjackson adob curti jackson wr ite thing you bike geeki sticker park local white wine quich and fern bar hei qu ich even your note spell assum correctli you sniff tough gui mommi curti make fu n fern drink and ride articl wkbp eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer writ e gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink to night don ride tomorrow put vote for bike take lot involv and for not want accid fault rememb artic review radio bike not had state that bike tend faster music good agre felt thi and thi not physic impar drink emot lift music rule ecolog ne ver side effect ride curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl n ot afair wizard for make soggi and hard light miracl california wave fellow biker stuff delet start ride stree t bike told common reciev give wave fellow biker astound move left coast coast w ave harlei rider rememb time trueli memor event refus bring that evo for harlei rider that wave curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl not af air wizard for make soggi and hard light counterst faq post articl zkcl fgc cso uiuc edu eric cso uiuc ed u cbr write post counterst faq eric faq for thi curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard light daemon child head highwai final bui bike passang jeff andl dod r ee main main edu intermittentnet access arrang bowdoin colleg repli mail sinc fo llowup expir net kawi zephyr vision gpz don dinki zephyr alot drool tri sport top sham looker mercuri ax zephyr name guess lot ag republican want zephyr and confu s mercuri kawasaki kawasaki shake stick ass and make libertarian gpz zephyr gpz had ball buster ga tank profil not smooth saddl ga tank transit motorcyclist cla im zephyr modern seventi jeff andl dod ree main main edu intermittentnet access arrang bowdoin colleg repli mail sinc followup expir net split insect impact hpcc rec motorcycl cookson mbunix mitr org c ookson apr peopl thi inan bug wibbl get propos split group rec motorcycl nutrit deal squash bug thread dean cookson dcookson mitr org dod ama mitr corp burlingt on bedford kotnml kotb worri never vfr nekkid green dod bianchi limit haven you heard cross post leav intact and simpli ignor basenot and respons interest for y our statur and discrimin tast yesterdai lonoak wasp hit faceshield forc glue ey

not kill leg frantic wiggl and found that distract flick and wipe residu ga stop greenfield btw lonoak lead into king citi metz into greenfield graem harrison h ewlett packard commun compon divis trimbl san jose gharriso hpcc corp dod tool tool tool articl cmu edu jfriedl cmu edu write behanna phoe nix syl nec chri behanna write subject notic that deep craftsman sae deep set sm all fit bolt nut socket for exchang deep socket rack had exact problem not impli that you didn sinc you didn mention you measur size your test nut callip cross length bolt head and even nut slightli thicker basa sort trapizodi cross section that not sampl bolt store fit open end wrench box end wrench point normal socke t that mean bolt head peopl point and note tool faq write case will want lifetim guarante doesn necessiarli mean tool yup socket want thing fit chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec pend del iveri agre thi rais pack wild corn dog oop jack roger water jrwater eo ncsu edu wrote articl ppejb vtse rf edu ranck joesbar edu ranck write damag bike had properti feel jerk feel stup id don mean cynic you want reconsid bodi work type thing happen wait till you us bike etc wait week pastic bit and bodi shop that long bill ranck ranck joesbar edu quest for horndom articl apr research nec behanna phoenix syl ne c chri behanna write articl apr ncsu edu jrwater eo ncsu edu jack roger water wr ite laugh question relai kind and kind horn volt back eyelid calcul last night a nd figur puppi suck amp work maximum effici cager shovel clean seat assumpt dba meter neglect solid angl consider and end effect and acoust niceti shape horn th i power output watt watt volt approx amp relai you want post summari inform incl ud tip monkei pull your leg shouldn monkei bond and insur work bike jack water d od don fear thief night that come afternoon asleep that worri tool tool tool flank drive everyon talk cultur enquiri articl phuse sixgun east sun egreen east sun writ e articl aber azw aber andi woodward write two question that fascin check you lo cal blue light special for sale live redneck call redneck origin slang refer sun burn neck obtain perform honest work outdoor neck distinguish peopl shirt protec t chest and back pale elitist wealthi idiot quest for darker skin pigment badg l eisur time overdo and full bodi sunburn us back mind make live ignor and intoler group level understand tuba irwin honk computrac richardson irwin cmptrc lonest ar org dod hat updat patch articl xhfg fring rain dean fring rain dean wood ward write order for hat expens part not surprisingli patch made setup fee dean engin invent and wheel contact run patch and patch make compani artwork set and paid for green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead chain lube consensu chain clean articl apr elektro cmhnet org ch arli elektro cmhnet org charli smith write articl mar linu mitr org cookson mbun ix mitr org cookson write sprai chain wax that review moto rag last month yeah s prai rear drive shaft hous and didn make quieter didn you read instruct you supp os sprai your ear you won distract chain nois bike you that call chain wax chuck roger car torrei att car cbnewsj att bmw nostalgia question neophyt step you write roland slabon pre vintag bmw motorcycl owner box exet hampshir and send you copi bimonthli rag inf o send your buck want join price beemer vari wildli low for unrestor bike that r un for restor don listen that bull bmw not good ride todai world hell ride singl mississippi bmw moa nation ralli oshkosh wisconsin juli thi year sincer craig v echorik bmw moa ambassador bmw vintag bulletin tech editor dod real bmw round ta il light and roller crank counterst faq post articl apr unbvm csd unb unb write articl zkc l fgc cso uiuc edu eric cso uiuc edu cbr write post counterst faq thi aw time de bat push handl motorcycl foward turn left and can explain thi happen post faq co nvert ummm you push handl your bike speed and your bike turn left methink your b ike problem methink someth wrong your bike perhap you meant pull push side handl ebar will send left bike turn you that faq had send will slack andi infant somet im that peopl put emphasi bmw observ law dod enforc calvin coolidg opinion dammi

t noth cultur enquiri articl apr aber azw aber andi woodward write get bore wind american bomb fish barrel children market that irish hard you not engl ish type straight michael robinson ucbvax cogsci robinson internet robinson cogs ci berkelei edu anoth question synthet engi articl apr spectrum xerox coolei xer ox write articl new arc nasa gov howland noc arc nasa gov curt howland write cas trol syntec not teflon get greater lubric bond metal surfac engin make metal rid e polym metal metal contact not thi reduc acid contact metal like becas form res in not mean that not teflon base ptfe slick not teflon teflon base teflon dupont own tradenam for ptfe slick us dupont teflon brand such stuff us import ptfe an oth brand teflon trade name capit dupont disclaim benefit ptfe oil suppli intern combust engin btw dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot bad bone concour mmmmmmmmm m bad bone ring ding woop univers fear ama dod cog chicago denizen warcri counterst faq post articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu and rew infant write articl apr unbvm csd unb unb write articl zkcl fgc cso uiuc edu eric cso uiuc edu cbr write post counterst faq thi aw ummm you push handl your bike speed and your bike turn left methink your bike problem methink someth wron g your bike perhap you meant pull push side handlebar will send left bike turn y ou that faq had send will slack andi infant sometim that peopl put emphasi lord thi obcounterst for reason discov that pull wrong side handlebar push wrong side you mean feel greater control for exampl push side lean turn lonni pull left si de lean feel secur and counter intuit psycholog obcounterst find iron that weeke nd and night msf class don mention counterst dai ride tommi mcguir hit head door frame rest even lean into tight turn mcguir utexa edu mcguir austin ibm will ap pend disclaim outgo public inform identifi person and independ ibm live articl odin corp sgi amc crash wpd sgi allan mcnaughton wri te articl mar eo arc nasa gov phil eo arc nasa gov phil stone write alan noth pe rson object that statement ride that alan describ push envelop not necessarili e qual take insan chanc two rider ride togeth speed ride abil and safeti margin le ft come phil you excel rider you plenti chanc don that your skill that you get w ack lot luck thrown you good rider and lucki hope your luck hold allan circumst your fall ride you fell you you made error judgement ride fast you knew road dam p and you react badli you surpris oncom car that crash due factor that subject y our control won deni that combin luck and skill involv for each that you blame b ad luck for your pain warrant chuck karish karish mindcraft karish pangea stanfo rd edu recommend bike for tall beginn articl sdcc ucsd edu jtozer sdcc ucsd edu john tozer write for advic bike check tall and find leg hip uncomfort b ent bike ridden not admittedli bike built for taller rider plenti legroom kawasa ki klr bit short brake depart for spirit street ride for dirt and for agress str eet stuff chuck karish karish mindcraft karish pangea stanford edu drink and ride gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink tonight don ride tomorrow thi thread bring back memor i expens dai traffic court year ago wait turn state case and plea cage had oppor tun listen creativ excus offer judg listen number pass slow truck that suddenli speed version decid that judg had heard stori book and impress thi young burlei gui had docket read drill sargent ohio state highywai patrol trooper clock ride motorcycl speed mph mph zone note that defend motorcycl rider had alcohol breath not cite for thi offenc judg look half glass purch end nose and sternest voic s on pretti fast speed ride motorcycl you for your sir meekli defen repli buddi an d had coupl beer and home offer noth had coupl beer and mph home judg move simpl ic respons fine maximum thi case court cost and order attend remedi driver train school isn america great bill mohrman motorola sp columbu disclaim appli big big bike azw aber andi woodward write azw weight and size ro ugh road definit start azw drift you aint catch leavitt umd edu bill mrb you rid e hard for thi concern mrb lighter bike benefici cleveland freenet edu mike stur dev write you not ride hard for thi concern you fun never racerboi attend minibi k spectacular can attest great deal satisfact ride fast fast overli concern not maintain clean line and slide occasion tire prefer stai sticki side that line fo

und that don heal us dai yore btw knee mrb like catch not necessarili mrb tire r oad surfac and rider abil import criteria big horsepow like you troubl start dri ft your puni bodi mass push stuff push horsepow can lot straighten chang benefic i trajectori bike rider system that quit true anoth for bike origin thread damn circular thread fast chanc mike bill bill leavitt cbx white lightn suzibago leav itt umd edu honda lone star sick leav dod ama icoa nia impala convert incred hul k hmmm thought bore and stroke techniqu michael bain protect gear articl wkf eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer write q uestion for dai protect gear import good helmet shoei and good thick jacket leat her gold and pair cheap leather glove purchas glove boot leather pant condom won e time had accid ask wear protect responc wear condom laz counterst faq post articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu and rew infant write articl apr unbvm csd unb unb write articl zkcl fgc cso uiuc edu eric cso uiuc edu cbr write post counterst faq thi aw time debat push handl mot orcycl foward turn left and can explain thi happen post faq convert ummm you pus h handl your bike speed and your bike turn left methink your bike problem push s ide handlebar will send left will slack quit will axel won get low rider thi year articl mar esac prahren esac peter ah ren write articl mar cbnewsj att car cbnewsj att charl roger write had plan thi year deliveri brand male offspr last mondai sound you your plan last year harlei davidson product deliveri lag and human gestat cycl perhap plan hiya pete that cbx nice hear you and final figur thi happen and step ensur storkish repetit tha t low drag bar and rad rearset for that ergonom constraint contracept consequ ou ch thi bring mind recommend hurt studi rear ga tank close proxim highli prize an d easili damag anatomi hurt recommend that manufactur build tank reduc step func tion provid rider bodi slide seat and ga tank unfortun event that bike stop sudd enli and rider doesn inspir manufactur thi advic heart design bike cbr and gt ch uck roger car torrei att car cbnewsj att speed ticket chp articl agat berkelei edu downei homer berkelei edu allen downei write fight your ticket california edit david brown berkelei no lo press second edit not ucb librari good luck daniel matejka write fourth edit not high ucb gotta that list articl mcimail mcimail peter nesbitt write ride wor k last week hwy suisun pull chp black and white ga station jameson canyon road o ffic state look you kinda fast come highwai you and not agre disagre can you bea t thi ticket person your duti citizen make troubl for give and leav alon somedai cop legal right nail you guess your speed brown author fight your ticket mentio n oakland judg convict speeder offic testimoni that driver car sound driven exce ss speed you can pai state and your insur compani you can court and creativ pers on never won that win judg listen polit and haven that attempt you argument that sinc bike shorter car speed nice offic accustom guess and speed appear greater left step two you idea you can make convinc theoret you suppos win never prove c op mistaken poor biker mix fact maximum acceler cop car and distanc cop had pace and end demonstr that couldn possibl fast cop had suggest brought diagram and c alcul prepar lost mind cop thi time and word don guess fast bike time thi gui di dn speak english and end absolut confound judg cop and room recent crimin twit g un and quota ahem won had present polish not applaus dod ofici newbi bike choic articl pplsc new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john daker write propos that offici dod newbi bike choic noth give newbi land ro cket practic offer power that novic rider can safe acceler harm situat experienc rider us complex avoid manouv yup acceler into back wheel truck easiest newbi r oad regard ted univers toronto comput engin powerusersgroupchairman fzr take rid e friend dod cultur enquiri us back mind make live ignor and intoler group le vel understand confus redneck and white trash confus understand substanti overla p two set can clarifi redneck primarili us back mind make live somewhat ignor st andard never held educ basic read write math skill that import eventu vocat note not stupid ignor stupid high percentag group white trash white trash fit stereo typ refer word nigger black person met ad bonu that white trash mean hell father genuin lazi not work qualifi good for noth dishonest white peopl mean snake squ eal pig boi deliver not redneck hell white trash white trash assuredli intoler g

roup level understand redneck not curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kot b black lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu free dom guis public safeti thoma jefferson protect gear articl apr hydro jlevin hydro write articl wkf eski mo maven eskimo norman hamer write question for dai protect gear import good hel met shoei and good thick jacket leather gold and pair cheap leather glove purcha s glove boot leather pant for glove not lot that you can life you skin your hand yup ruin your sex life toni toni kidson pgp kei request voic morgan tower cat h ad move mail order morgan road had top toni morgan demon bromlei machin tny cix compulink england honda dod compuserv twit bicyclist joi articl apr spectrum xerox coolei xerox write asshol hope you kid exactli that kind attidu that get motorcyclist kill leather clad poseur watch swirv and swear pretend that don exist chang lane you find nec esari wreck enjoy road boost your ego trueli you poseur aaron disgruntl volvo dr iver rebel steatopygia doh that ain hottentot sesquipedalian ama dod ain question arai quantum articl zqel uki edu amir uki edu amir sadr write want problem chin hang bottom helmet curiou whether thi problem switch ex tra larg size can for outer shell arai quantum size larg larger rounder etc helm et size larg pad foam larg such that head fit deeper helmet and chin not stick t hi true for arthur fulmer helmet that chin hang bottom larg helmet and not larg larg not snug larg dealer will replac helmet addit cost ship want make that larg fact bigger liner such that chin will not hang and looser will head fit larg re cent experi thi helmet hear mail you asap you amir not helmet for chin question you want write jai leno tonight show burbank calif good luck steatopygia doh tha t ain hottentot sesquipedalian ama dod ain live articl apr rchland ibm pooder rchland vnet ibm don fearn wr ite articl apr unbvm csd unb unb write sprain ankl onc and ride broke leg two pl ace had knee surgeri navi back doctor put cast ass ankl method transportaion doh c honda time found that slide back seat us heel mention left leg oper shift hook end lever heel and lift entir leg for shift and drop leg lever for shift forget nutral finess for leg crutch bunge cord side bike top rest passeng peg and turn sign stick hole crutch dai rode mile physic therapi tourtur session doc give hel l ride bike ride condit didn stop tho btw thi bike assembl second floor barrack room and rode stair complet not paid opinion speed suzuki dod speed ticket chp articl dmatejkac dmb netcom dmatejka netcom dan iel matejka write articl agat berkelei edu downei homer berkelei edu allen downe i write fight your ticket california edit david brown berkelei nolo press second edit not ucb librari good luck daniel matejka write can you beat thi ticket per son your duti citizen make troubl for give and leav alon somedai cop legal right nail you guess your speed brown author fight your ticket mention oakland judg c onvict speeder offic testimoni that driver car sound driven excess speed cough c hoke cop gave ticket for sound speed show court lawyer simpli sound speed ridicu l found guilti appeal and show lawyer cop doesn vascar car plane radar lidar ele ctron speed measur devic pace and mph limit court can accept cop excess fast lim it look zone not reason doubt grant lose case measur ey court for axel protect gear articl wkf eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer write q uestion for dai protect gear import good helmet shoei and good thick jacket leat her gold and pair cheap leather glove purchas glove boot leather pant your favor it bodi part blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd won get low rider thi year articl apr cbnewsj att car cbnewsj at t charl roger write articl mar esac prahren esac peter ahren write that low drag bar and rad rearset for that ergonom constraint contracept consequ ouch thi bri ng mind recommend hurt studi rear ga tank close proxim highli prize and easili d amag anatomi hurt recommend that manufactur build tank reduc step function provi d rider bodi slide seat and ga tank unfortun event that bike stop suddenli and r ider doesn inspir manufactur thi advic heart design bike cbr and gt dunno tank s eat junction nice and smooth you travel forward you collect top tripl clamp sens it area hate make choic prefer ga tank blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner ds d speed ticket chp interest fight ticket chanc cop won show second

li show you point that li purger ticket beleiv that charg mph that post speed se ver ticket you couldn ossibl max queernet org max rochlin uunet sgi unpc max pro tect want eat and ride drink and ride feel eat and ride ride thi weekend a nd carri pecan pie ride back felt sluggish alert ride feel strangest thing that eat turnaround point weekend ride snack will that full sluggish feel closer home paul paul nakada oracl corpor pnakada oracl dod protect gear articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write for good glove loos you find suggest donat you lautrec famili franc grin michael mic hael nelson cbr internet nelson seahunt imat dod goldw perform hpcc rec motorcycl stafford vax winona msu edu joh n stafford apr articl transfer stratu cdodson beast cac stratu craig dodson wrot e summari back motorcyclist run mph interestingli thi winnebago bike faster harl ei list depreci faster john stafford minnesota state univers winona standard dis claim appli hit trap cycl magazin yeah depreci faster harlei for coupl year bott om mile odomet for and for almost mile onnit that cost origin sold for brand not that case depreci year mere big fat hairi deal base harlei tend depreci your mo ni initi depreci bike come part and servic thi harlei hold doesn wash knock such slower peter egan releas cycl world flh real dog pillion wife that monei for do g that doesn defec graem harrison hewlett packard commun compon divis trimbl san jose gharriso hpcc corp dod data log can steer sourc inform vehicl data log system build bui system that small fit motorcycl and will input sensor pressur lvdt acceler rpm sensor digit and record for analysi email info interest compil and net marti cap adona marti carter boe seattl gpz hawk ama msf wmrra omrra forget drink and ride norman hamer maven eskimo wrote gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink tonight don ride tomo rrow depend badli you want live faa hour bottl throttl for pilot recommend twent i hour far blood alcohol level legal drunk twice strict dwi minimum btw alcohol metabol your blood fix rate beer hour will your blood alcohol level bare street legal coffe hyperventil and bar trick won speed will fool ranger stephen mane ma ne magpi linknet mane and associ york usa fork seal undertak chang fork seal clymer manual tool kawasaki h andl thing illustr type adapt for end handl illustr thi tool and manual refer ka wasaki tool oil seal and bear remov tool dealer didn clymer manual fork seal and turn signal assembl stock doubt tool stock and thi thi week appreci vela ac oak land edu psgi todd bike sold todd doolittl red line troi dod bmw info want sell bmw mile for great condit and perfect shape h ard saddl bag thi good deal awesom deal assum that true jae jae cmu edu motorcycl courier summer job articl poj inn west west sun gaijin al japan sun john nihon sun repair depot write articl uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau write found ultim summer job danger involv motorcycl requir high speed traffic and pai question follow thi so rt work your experi stuff delet good atoz type index streetmap for area you like work carri plenti black plastic bin liner check local fire depart buddi firefig ht and small map book amaz compact easi us fold even cross refer section you mat ch your current cross street cross street you want and detail quickest rout gave extra had lai peopl not suppos give sell polic similar john gaijin japan sun su n microsystem atsugi japan vela ac oakland edu psgi todd bike sold todd doolittl red line troi dod backpack summer approach usual prepar made think for overnit cam p trip local state forest for that plan backpack rucksack question carri thing b ike metal frame and big backrest approx high and hope that bunge cord backpack b ackrest experi such experiment take idea happen backpack fulli load full load lb load distribut severli affect will bike perform such load cling back rest secur shift increas chanc surf collect wisdom request can afford leather pant boot an d jean can make you knee protector rollerblad us bean and sell that bad idea equ ival dod give arm ambidextr bmw for sale thi post for friend repli dschick holonet net bmw f or sale ask offer thi bike full fare and great for tour commut mile and care for

bike come hard saddl bag left side bag stolen harro tank bag larg and ungo box alarm interest drop line da drink and ride mjmuis watstar uwaterloo mike muis write articl w kbp eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer write gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cyc l coupl hour you feel sober work drink tonight don ride tomorrow drink for drink hour drink for drink hour drink for rest alcohol server class year ago hei empl oy paid for told that drink hour rule written proof booz and pound person mind d rink cuervo gold weigh will drunk faster theoret person mention wors imagin rum coke made bacardi mind you that for get drunk drive car ride for month plan even rigid exclus statement don drink don ride pretti simpl fairli cautiou guidelin and will work even you happen low toler bodi mass cop and don you dare drink dri ve commerci will drink gener drink and hr you legal limit watch mike mike that t hat polici work fertil even you plan drive home nice and safe your cage mike mui s mjmuis watstar uwaterloo quot joke electr engin univers waterloo disclaim fear dean woodward you want step into world dean fring rain socio psychot state blis s virago gun rose world dod drink and ride cjackson adob curti jackson write articl mjmuis w atstar uwaterloo mjmuis wat cop and don you dare drink drive commerci will drink gener drink and hr you legal limit watch you smart and eat food your drink food coat stomach line thing milk can temporarili retard absorpt alcohol food digest absorpt will proce and you will drunker higher instantan bac you you had drunk drink empti stomach put anoth food can you drunk drink empti stomach earli hour drunk drink empti stomach hour curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb b lack lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson alcohol server class absolut that eat drink can slow absorpt minut that time eat slam beer and ride hell make home minut lef t pai don helmet glove start bike dean woodward you want step into world dean fr ing rain socio psychot state bliss virago gun rose world dod mgnoc address current moto guzzi nation owner club address mail advanc backpack sanjai kin lap upenn edu sanjai sinha write summer appr oach usual prepar made think for overnit camp trip local state forest for that p lan backpack rucksack question carri thing bike metal frame and big backrest app rox high and hope that bunge cord backpack backrest experi such experiment take idea happen backpack fulli load full load lb load distribut severli affect will bike perform such load cling back rest secur shift increas chanc surf ride bike regularli class book bag shoulder strap bag and hook rear turn signal work fine you will want attach bunge cord shift side anoth dan ramag ramag charli ec scaro lina edu vulcan dod want harlei haven won lotteri bat smart us radar letterman hudson question david dc qmw dave edmondson write dave tharp cd davet interceptor cd tek wrote articl kmr ham almanac emd ham almanac write main design bert vack broke record brookland late earli bert vack set record indian includ mph brookland novemb powerplu race model busi lad tuner and round guru ja p and work georg brough can post detail illustr ecyclopedia motorcycl sound book copi can illustr encyclopedia motorcycl edit erwin tragatsch publish hamlyn pub lish group limit astronaut hous hounslow road feltham middlesex england publish and mine reprint cost pound paid for canadian dollar idea whether print perhap y ou net bob robert smit ladysmith luca built weapon war emd ham almanac never sta rt thi articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write articl apr is c jeq lachman jonathan quist write articl mar rchland ibm pooder msu msu edu wri te sampl recent unauthor softwar inspector gener report inspector gener make for excel inspector gener hail hail brodnei sky behold lord high execution that dis cuss thi mail jonathan film inspector gener danni kay can quot name lead ladi ma ltin doesn jonathan think earlier russian film movi base gogol jonathan look two stori ivan reid paul scherrer institut ivan cvax psi gsx you porsch pass dod for sale kawasaki michigan for sale kawasaki mile excel condit g arag ask joyfulli march music rank and file earn contempt larg brain mistak sinc for spinal cord fulli suffic albert einstein brian vaughan brian vaughan umich edu beer bicyclist articl mar erich triumf ivan erich triumf ivan re id wrote articl tcora gator pica armi mil tcora pica armi mil tom coradeschi wri te mxcrew problem inew domain file crew wrote inform flame war budweis beer csfr nowadai tschechien german word czechoslovakia budweis budwar pronounc bud var n ot short ago jan split into czech republ and slovakia for coupl year offici name czech and slovak republ sheesh don you gui cnn cnn yuppietv tom coradeschi tcor a pica armi mil usenet herd perform eleph diarrhea massiv difficult redirect aw inspir entertain and sourc mind boggl amount excrement you expect gene spafford speed ticket chp articl pqarb fnq gaia uc orst edu crucej ossh e du jerri cruce write peter nesbitt mcimail wrote ride work last week hwy suisun pull chp black and white ga station jameson canyon road offic state look you kin da fast come highwai you and not agre disagre time you stope cop never never nev er admit don volunt inform retoracl question cop look you kinda fast come highwa i you correct repons deni thi techniqu emploi polic establish guilt time not spe ed cop unsur thi differ let you hook get tissu hope thi help for time steven bak ali identifi thi bike for articl apr adob cjackson adob curti jackso n write articl apr ucsu colorado edu coburnn spot colorado edu nichola coburn wr ite thought hawk modifi two brother race not that made thi huge tank for additio n thi bike white sea green stripe and honda for decal such bike numer time sewal hall and thought race prep cbr didn park lot buzz home block rout singl side sw ingarm for cbr imagin kinda neccisari for quick tire assum bike repaint cover cr ash damag joel backpack sanjai sinha sanjai kin lap upenn edu wrote question ca rri thing bike metal frame and big backrest approx high and hope that bunge cord backpack backrest experi such experiment put pack pillion and bunge backrest th at not you bunge backrest make doesn bend break rear fender turnsign bill ranck ranck joesbar edu car make sudden turn danger cut you block roadwai and leav you place msf motorcycl oper manual sixth rev kawi zephyr vision gpz articl apr pro haven ct shadow pro haven ct write apr organpip uug arizona edu asphaug lpl arizona edu erik asphaug write short live zephyr essenti gpz zephyr discontinu heard problem name never hear f ord had anem mid size car that name back last decad rent onc that car ruin name zephyr for us rod roderick sprattl job great time small sprattli azor crd feet f ire and back wall won get low rider thi year articl apr cbnewsj att car cbnewsj at t charl roger write ouch thi bring mind recommend hurt studi rear ga tank close proxim highli prize and easili damag anatomi hurt recommend that manufactur buil d tank reduc step function provid rider bodi slide seat and ga tank unfortun eve nt that bike stop suddenli and rider doesn inspir manufactur thi advic heart des ign bike cbr and gt ride goodi tank design corbin seat move you forward wouldn m ajor danger cajon due acceler into and stop tank you wouldn impact problem micha el michael nelson cbr internet nelson seahunt imat dod thought yamaha seca turbo articl apr skyfox howp skyfox write wo nder yamaha seca turbo bui us seca turbo for canadian odo thi will bike comment don nab pounc fairli rare bike and adequ for put big brown stripe your short mph power wheeli appeal you thought bad thing stock clutch isn task barnett can car e thi back tire wear quickli gee and induct system bear work chri behanna dod fx wg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec pend delive ri agre thi rais pack wild corn dog tool tool tool articl apr research nec behanna phoenix syl nec c hri behanna write subject notic that deep craftsman sae deep set small fit bolt nut socket for exchang deep socket rack had exact problem into socket appear tha t craftsman toolmak attempt imit flank drive thi piec not account for extra clea ranc need insid socket never had problem mine you nut bolt you hex slightli larg er and wrench won fit nut gmc pickup nut annoi metric thread that bodi metric en gin sae jonathan luski luski ccwf utexa edu jeep wrangler for sale hollei bbl ca maro spd live free quietli die articl nnt dartvax dartmouth edu russel hu gh dartmouth edu ussel hugh write great dai back home last night fantast ski col

orado and put batteri back fxstc clean plug open petcock wait minut hit starter and bingo start charm spent restless night anticip ride saison and thi morn stat e inspect bike stock for slash cut pipe and li rub slash cut balonei cut call no t stock muffler sold for road us and louder stock muffler arni trace licens plate bdi cager thi morn truck that had sight and f or mile suddenli forgot that exist and pull front wheel even back edg front pass eng door acceler past trivial for tap brake and slide slew signal top horn blare damn fiamm satisfact awar surround and surviv not pull alongsid bastard and mad e apologet wave that can memor licens plate offend vehicl and name and address o wner not firebomb hous write conscious rais letter two that good for bdi cager t hat live us brain cell drive usual curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod ko tb black lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu fre edom guis public safeti thoma jefferson cnn california helmet law articl jlp wink jlp blink att jon peti cola write hei work you present paragraph virtual member motorcycl public and bu i into argument you can produc favor ban helmetless ride can us argu favor ban m otorcycl matter degre that absurd that statement that argument favor seatbelt ai rbag argument automobil argument for lifeguard argument swim that agrgument favo r safeti precaut argument for ban activ precaut appli extrapol that degre ridicu l wouldn normal human activ left seqitur even peopl not ride motorcycl boat sail jetski climb ski fly parachut hang glide glide bunge jump bike skate rollerblad skateboard plai rugbi ouch mow lawn rewir basement oper heavi machineri and hos t danger thing that valid motorcycl activ ban your homili appli thing and gener public bui into ban motorcycl realiz that activ terri cunningham terri rsi prc d onut dod divin dream can homer hifi live free quietli die articl nnt dartvax dartmouth edu russel hu gh dartmouth edu russel hugh write start and rev rpm fail cuz regist and max all ow fail pipe gonna time make number believ thi poor flamebait get close sound ju mbo jet engin takeoff rev small number yard pain threshold for human hell state permit standard curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix st udlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public sa feti thoma jefferson kawi zephyr vision gpz articl organpip uug arizona edu asphaug l pl arizona edu erik asphaug write bob dave had read review that engin pretti ide nt gpz that suspens and frame modern fanci piggyback shock and don nice adjust f ork crappi dive mad had progress spring instal and made huge differ cheap fix im prov elef not put motor togeth articl apr tcsi markk tc mark kromer write articl mimsi umd edu leavitt bill write put piston bore lower bottom end delet c arri thi procedur can visual fewer problem cant piston cylind thi method troubl keep bore suspend for two piston and work space insert piston pin and clip for l ast two piston and quit easi case two stroke common thi bike cylind mount stud d on prevent cylind remov engin frame thi assembl top end indian easier not stud b ase flang stud and separ head bolt dontchaknow you us foresight rag duct tape et c clip fall clothespin hoseclamp etc support cylind you insert pin call gudgeon pin gudgeon dave tharp dod you can wear davet interceptor cd tek mra indian scou t indian chief ahrma brother chief ama built rock velorex nsu max knock bmw comp uls harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief mod cylind run hot apr exu ericsson lmcstst noah ericsson stamo stamo write articl apr research nec behanna phoenix syl nec chri behanna write p ower hmmmmmm haven dyno jet wait for snow melt factori jet kit advanc jet stock book calif strang don want fit dyno handi heard that bike tune perfect dyno can close edg for street us cold morn bad ga etc appar back even for track us you pa i your monei jorg klinger gsxr you arch eng servic lost horizon umanitoba man em balm anonym stamo lmcstst lmc ericsson zzr ella ericsson cellular design montrea l canada for joh dhhalden davet interceptor cd tek dave tharp cd write ar ticl rider joe rider cactu org write cookson mbunix mitr org cookson write bozo post gif rec moto and postmast gonna copi post mailbox hei great pictur you can fault tast techniqu chill and educ get your panti bunch ditto you dave pictur ba

cground sun and haven singl messag gui you panti joe senner joe rider cactu org austin warn not into laser remain ey post radioact isotop research lab drink and ride articl magpi linknet mane magpi linknet steve man e write drink ride depend badli you want live faa hour bottl throttl for pilot r ecommend twenti hour far blood alcohol level legal drunk twice strict dwi minimu m dwi york limit bruce clark environ mail bclark galaxi gov protect gear articl snz morgan demon toni morgan demon toni kids on write articl apr hydro jlevin hydro write articl wkf eskimo maven eskimo norm an hamer write protect gear import for glove not lot that you can life you skin your hand yup ruin your sex life your sex life bruce clark environ mail bclark g alaxi gov live free quietli die great dai back home last night fantast ski colorado and put batteri back fxstc clean plug open petcock wait minut hit star ter and bingo start charm spent restless night anticip ride saison and thi morn state inspect bike stock for slash cut pipe and hampshir state inspect mean ligh t work dude produc decibel meter and tell law nois huh sez and start and rev rpm fail cuz regist and max allow fail pipe gonna lotta piss biker round for inspec t hei experi never felt menac societi park dismount and walk build slight swagge r step and narrow lid sens faculti colleagu uneas intimid statu and women glanc linger longer perhap that imagin sigh instal bub pipe and singl fire ignit will that russ hugh fxstc dod love yeah that feel you you your motorcycl sonni barger told campbel friend time insect impact articl emoryu emori edu labrg emori edu ryan monti eth gill write for had problem small bird larg raptor type swoop across road sma llish prei had hawk falcon come feet lucki for for that matter notic and and pul l trajectori last moment scare shit outa noth red tail hawk face talon and ride nighthawk hmmmm ryan male mallard duck chest onc kick karat instructor accid ey tear hard and wheez loudli that quit remark that come stop rubber side duck btw live and quit healthi sat roadsid and shook head for minut bruis collar bone bel li button regard charl dod span last week heard element separ thread that conjoi n time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person bhp limit veto bbc radio thi morn denmark portug veto propos lim it sold bike bhp reason that such limit not support accid statist rare exampl go vernment wisdom limit year moratorium and specialist manufactur will exempt susp icion that thi crafti trick restrict that end market europ triumph norton bmw ca giva ducati sort danger rubbish stall gatt talk you heard bill univ edinburgh re plet and healthi blue exhaust speed ticket chp articl dmatejkac dmb netcom dmatejka netcom dan iel matejka write articl agat berkelei edu downei homer berkelei edu allen downe i write fight your ticket california edit david brown berkelei nolo press second edit not ucb librari good luck daniel matejka write fourth edit not high ucb go tta that list articl mcimail mcimail peter nesbitt write ride work last week hwy suisun pull chp black and white ga station jameson canyon road offic state look you kinda fast come highwai you and not agre disagre can you beat thi ticket pe rson your duti citizen make troubl for give and leav alon somedai citizen and du ti forc govern account anecdot delet never prove cop mistaken poor biker mix fac t maximum acceler cop car and distanc cop had pace and end demonstr that couldn possibl fast cop had suggest brought diagram and calcul prepar lost mind cop thi time and word mind that cop will lie court don start ask you decid fight you re adi for thi devis strategi make cop stori doubt judg juri mind don guess fast bi ke time thi gui didn speak english and end absolut confound judg cop and room re cent crimin twit gun and quota ahem won had present polish not applaus mcfarland ewm mvuzr att marshal corner marshal seat hous watch motorcycl roadrac pass wav e yellow carri crutch live articl pqhkl usenet in cwru edu cleveland free net edu mike sturdev write knee rebuilt back street bike asap put crutch rack an d passeng seat and hung back long make ti tight front and problemo hmm sound tri ck local cager crutch length tail light give break leg us broke ankl dirt bike e nd strap crutch back bike ride lab ankl bike and start easili hand ivan reid pau l scherrer institut ivan cvax psi gsx bewar drainag ditch firetrail dod thought yamaha seca turbo wonder yamaha seca turbo bui us seca t urbo for canadian odo thi will bike comment peter institut space and atmospher s tudi univers saskatchewan saskatoon saskatchewan canada skisa usask clap ford tr uck cold thing cold minut had stop and hold muffler for care thi you r cold muffler will feel fine till you leav char skin you peel your hand speak e xperi you can kindsa american dai damag your circul warm hand hot fastest and sa fest shove hand opposit sleev and stand ming empor for minut cold ride season thing cold minut had stop and hold muffler for home hour gear for half hour hous humid wind protect and mph not mix hell thi wa rm retir fleec aerostich last month temperatur aboc live coupl year dole you aff ord heat you put gear octob abd you get bike luxuri comparison co oyur usuallu w arm rel happi cold ride you kid pain that make worthwhil freez and ride spec alert get squish not danger unpleas for cold and fatigu onc half hour nap ga station insur that make yeah hypothermia detrim emt your judgement and reaction peopl realis had patienc stop dai pai for you be gin shiver stop and warm you leav till shiver stop thi doesnt mean you mean you danger and road your brain and bodi work fast tree grow you will not realis thi till you hit stage pass thi mean fall drink and ride you can ride bike you will drive truck home judge ment and motor skill need pilot moto not requir cage thi scare thi piec psycholo g essenti for long term biker understand peopl not thi will suffer assess thing pure thi will suffer thi vital concept bike cage interact eat and ride drink and ride articl pnakada apr pnakada oracl pau l nakada pnakada oracl write feel eat and ride ride thi weekend and carri pecan pie ride back felt sluggish alert ride feel strangest thing that eat turnaround point weekend ride snack will that full sluggish feel closer home paul paul naka da oracl corpor pnakada oracl dod maintain sens sharpest never eat full meal hr ride slim fast lite ride found that lap time parliament build suffer sec result pound weight loss summer sharpen bike handl and can forward winter carbo load ob ligatori dave true that monei talk mine spoke bui drink thought yamaha seca turbo previou articl howp skyfox wonder yama ha seca turbo bui us seca turbo for canadian odo thi will bike comment thi canno t good faith recommend seca turbo power deliveri uneven for novic offici dod new bi bike choic powerband wide and deliveri smooth perfect for beginn dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champi on insect impact feel childish articl ppvd east sun egreen east sun write articl hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write helmetless peopl horseback not fast and enjoi eat bug bit fast dirtbik terrain and eat fli you mention dirtbik talk highwai speed you mph your dirtbik feel free contribut jeep you suppos win dscreen wouldn jeep didn friend mine bought and warn sticker wheeler guess that becuas big wheeler written ten place that windshield remain time and made pain p ut fair admit that similar matter drive windscreenless jeep highwai for biker pa rticip thi discuss and maintain that thi topic interest primarili biker snow ski bug and poepl fast wear goggl helmetless motorcyclist notic pick insignific low er case part two part statement quit rare biker wear goggl street full face shie ld open face noth aviat sunglass experi bicycl contact lens and sunglass that wr aparound sunglass almost noth crap ey question stand cruiser rider neglig helmet stand highwai mph buggi summer even helmetless goggleless fine you let make att mept stick point road had stop half hour clean shield bug and jacket blood splat ter mess and gui shorti helmet goggl long beard and tight shirt merrili cruis bi ke windscreen let specif thi time that even understand anbodi that splatter bug face fun reason imag lazi make point freedom bug splatter bike jodi levin dod yo u can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada drink and ride eww gross articl mjmuis watstar uwaterloo mjmuis watstar uwaterloo mike muis write drink for drink hour drink for drink hour drin k for rest case make throw last two needless don drink anymor last time that hap pen second year undergrad silli edu breath and pretti bad breath that bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada counterst faq post articl innjml earth utexa edu mcguir utexa ed u tommi marcu mcguir write obcounterst for reason discov that pull wrong side ha ndlebar push wrong side you mean feel greater control for exampl push side lean turn lonni pull left side lean feel secur and counter intuit psycholog told newb i friend mine troubl complic explan rider handlebar lean not turn push handlebar pull left lean work for stop steer tuchu bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi l evin hydro ride toronto ontario canada ride jacket recommend jacket bite dust market for ride jacket fo r recommend for suitabl replac bui full aerostich suit can afford for two basic option bui aerostich jacket dunno cost due recent price increas imagin that push limit advantag includ fact that can add pant and that elimin for jacket portion rainsuit bui kind leather jacket hein gerick firstgear line bit pricei can work sort deal advantag leather potenti slightli protect enhanc pose import that pos sibl cheaper upper aerostich requir for jacket that fit layer size thing leather prefer zip line bodi armor similar aerostich elbow shoulder forearm possibl bac k kidnei protect etc reason amount pocket space nice ventil wearabl cold weather below freez layer perhap electr fire suggest comment etc steve steve andersen d od andersen udel edu andersen ccm udel edu ducati yamaha srx life simpli consequ complex carbon chemistri brake rotor cross drill insect impact articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write art icl ppvd east sun egreen east sun write articl hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin wri te bit fast dirtbik terrain and eat fli you mention dirtbik talk highwai speed y ou mph your dirtbik feel free contribut never rode good open class bike not paid opinion speed suzuki dod crappi honda small question bike fairli experienc bmw and mechan don honda oil for last trip daytona bike week thi spring and sudden trail smoke hell and run cylind tow bike home and apart perfect work order crack head pisto n cylind wall clean and wear piston and cylind not measur factori spec thing fin d slightli bigger ring gap cylind problem below wear limit clymer manual for thi bike syggest problem hone cylind wall make rougher criss cross pattern order br eak ring won that increas wear piston send comment sruhl mechan watstar uwaterlo o advanc stef stefan ruhl german exchang student don poke into privaci insur liabil insur requir articl vike ponder iastat edu vike ias tat edu dan sorenson write annoi insur insur liabil mandat that plai game silli game plai and financi secur involv get bond that option recogn ny dmv rod roderi ck sprattl job great time small sprattli azor crd feet fire and back wall bike for sale harlei flhtc for sale harlei flhtc liberti edit go od condit extra ask locat rhode island peter levin plevin el uri edu goldw perform articl hpcc corp gharriso hpcc corp graem harrison write peter egan releas cycl world flh real dog pillion wife that monei for dog that doesn defec mystiqu you bui into for that extra randi davi email randi meg atek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod trace licens plate bdi cager curti jackson cjackson adob wrote d river had look casual coupl time knew that case attemp vehicular manslaught want kill you cager want kill biker that explan that can hesh for sale husqvarna for sale model husqvarna enduro model year en gin stroke extra ignit for easi start suspens aftershock custom carbon fiber kev lar skid plate quick steer geometri stock epa legal and quiet exhaust system bar k buster and hand guard motion pro clutch cabl price contact deni concordel mail deni apldbio mabel work home sell trusti huski hopefulli bui husaberg thi good dirt bike and maintain perfectli never had problem stroke valv liquid cool engin heavier stroke lighter honda and lot suspens ohlin shock huski fork for casual competit rider engin two stroke you can easili lug hill and blast trail minimum gear ignit and carefulli tune carbur make thi bike easi start start kick cold ho t custom made carbon kevlar light pound wrap skid plate protect engin case and w ater pump steer angl reduc degre increas steer quick thi suspens tune phil dougl a aftershock multipl time isd rider ride bike plush suspens respons steer head s hake such good bike sell gee want bui husaberg huski pound lighter and tad for speed ticket advic time respond post fight ticket you wrote

that you successfulli fought and won your case court lost due cop outright ly ju dg circumst surround your ticket fellow lost judg didn mood for such foolish you suggest that obtain book call fight your ticket gener theme for prepar research back and review scene transcrib happen tape paper us wit that list question cop and judg and posit and assert innoc proven guilti gulp peopl suggest court date chang thi trip arrest offic not show date dai feel that doesn chanc win you ind ividu state that offic expert wit and speed damn speed anoth that pace clock rad ar gun lot good suggest and idea you you happen big dai peter nesbitt air traffi c control pnesbitt mcimail oakland bai tracon mail order you good servic shop regularli merchandis stock you k nowledg and friendli sale staff for reason you busi will aggrig busi and fill yo ur futur charg for item anoth store you can purchas item store your choic and pa i lowest legitim price offer sound pretti lame understand your friend charg you extra you pai for friendli you servic friendli sale peopl robert emmon never hes it sacrific clariti calcshop inc and maintain save preciou remmon holonet net pi cosecond program execut bmw ralli bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb press releas bmw rider subj ect ralli time bmw club northern california bmw ralli memori dai weekend san fra ncisco bai area annual bmw ralli sponsor bmw club northern califronia will held quinci california fairground includ pre registr fee gate star camp field event a nd trophi two dinner ralli pin door prize poker run vendor displai fun run engli sh trial and live music plai weekend extra hot shower tour concours eleg and thi time ralli year histori that event held quinci and pat gardner ralli chairman r alli continu growth and for larger and complet facil led quinci can two favrit h ighwai highwai feather river canyon south northernmost part gold countri highwai dai pass will not and bmw rider pre regist guest bmw rider quinci fairground lo cat california state highwai two mile south downtown quinci for pre registr form and addit inform write doug hubbard bmw club northern california norman court f remont telephon addit note thi not for profit event and rider moni worth whether you attend ralli not thi make problem that activ that attende choos anoth quinc i beauti campground lot grass and dust for folk previou ralli mariposa quinci lo t space flat room not problem build and such chang weather peopl quinci registr will begin thursdai earli arriv will show mondai tuesdai registr fee pai for cam p thursdai mondai dai will tour fridai main event begin saturdai sundai even wil l award ceremoni for member club club award will base registr declar affilit wil l usual award for oldest male and femal rider bet need win and youngest rider ch eater permit and greatest distanc two and usual thing cold articl apr linu mitr org cookson mbunix mitr org cookson wr ite tend bedroom window open winter and woken find frost bedspread cold below pa rt that stick bottom helmet time noj quiet rider cool conjur thi imag doonesburi dean long you sleep your helmet rich bemben dod rbemben timewarp prime triumph bonnevil fear not evil men name evil heaven protect evil men name good recommend duc line ducati gt model clock run paint bronz brown o rang fade leak bit oil and pop hard accel shop will fix tran and oil leak sold b ike and owner want and think opinion email nice stabl mate beemer jap bike and c all axi motor tuba irwin honk computrac richardson irwin cmptrc lonestar org dod safe drive prcatic articl apr new columbia edu rdc cunixf columb ia edu robert castro write articl rbpc netcom rbp netcom bob pasker write cjacks on adob curti jackson write solut never ride car thing you and space thi step ne ver dilli dalli that rear side cage you pass make posit and you can pass fulli m ake that you attempt you can make driver awar you get into area vision thi appli merg into anoth lane make pass posit and rear view and shoulder and that accele r into lane that you speed cushion you miss potenti bdi that thing you wors you you made pass successfulli you aren fast suit you ride ey rich rich bemben dod r bemben timewarp prime triumph bonnevil fear not evil men name evil heaven protec t evil men name good april faq dod articl hpfcso jld hpfcso jeff deenei write rec mot orcycl vike iastat edu dan sorenson write last year jeff deenei post sinc come r ecogn ultim april fool post wasn nice peopl quit fool and worri can fault effect base numer input unprint deem time for kinder gentler april not that didn sick

and twist readi post perhap year person jeffi poo smart degre burn suffer april last year suppos burn that suffer joke grant peopl that and concern and piss for pull such thing made for april fool joke record that orchestr and suck lot peop l into believ sick twist thi group accus such thing tip twist lid thee jeffi ric h bemben dod rbemben timewarp prime triumph bonnevil fear not evil men name evil heaven protect evil men name good observ helmet grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip hec k paint cheerfulli spent bottl testor model paint and repaint scratch and chip f or minut dry realiz that smoke and that cage not run had bike store not want mes s paint job heck can us helmet thi your standard cheapi openfac didn notic big d iffer switch shoei switch back bad doesn fit worth damn wide side short front ba ck facepl bloodi windi shoei ignor face shield ish thi taxi end drivewai smeg wi nd question for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride you you meet church me et yeah that ticket guidelin pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smalle r size accomod like passeng ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorcycl piss articl castl wbg festiv geak write banana isn imho ultra sticki label print your favourit curs good even local hospit us wheel clamp put size each window cage your local hospit favorit curs blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd flash bike hazard light front and back turn signal flash sinc li ve and commut nyc number toll pai rout arriv toll booth switch hazard thisto war n motorist that will take longer second make transact take glove get monei coin changer pocket make transact put glove back take time averag cager take make tra nsact pai toll notic that thi cager tend messag and anoth booth question thi goo d bad thing tend curiou rob castro email rdc cunixf columbia edu live for todai phone for todai you live dod nyc york york usa stolen aarghhhh articl apr microun ericm microun eric murrai wri te watch scumbag steal cover that mean that steal bike case had fade cover stole n bmw that stash apart carport and not visibl street evid decid beemer wasn wort h steal night steal honda hurrican park apart build neighbor heard wheel and cal l cop thi set thi thing that good bmw bike account heard practic steal bmw simil ar for moto guzzi and rel exot sinc isn larg demand for part and bike easier tra ck that stolen bike harlei and jap sport bike jonathan polito internet jpolito e ncor encor comput corp kildair farm cari usa voic fax bike big dog articl apr galaxi gov bclark galaxi gov write artic l apr cua edu wendel cua edu write heard rider give big dog such great dane ride back bike dog love make work post month rider cart pet dog sidecar great dane b ack sound bit hairi yeah that lab love ride type that stick head car window didn that enjoi bunge cord ga tank and lb squirm beast bit for backpack bike jodi le vin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada max handl request ican handson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl motorcycl detail tip articl apr bnr mbeav bnr write don you hate speedo and tach your bike start cloud that nasti sunshin detail tip week us rub compound moisten rag appli rub compound and work into transluc previous transpa r materi minut work plastic face dial plastic face will clear onc will not work for glass coupl tip make habit park bike that instrument face sun meguiar mirror glaze plastic polish plastic cleaner cue can product plug rois sumax seattleu e du linda rois write for novic question that will clean face shield and remov abr as that can you want meguiar mirror glaze plastic polish and plastic cleaner mil d abras meant remov scratch plastic for fine scratch us polish for bigger start cleaner and finish polish stuff buck per bottl auto motorcycl part store don cho ke price sinc bottl will last you year stuff work great plastic watch crystal an d compact disc blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd hard copi hot pursuit thi run hard copi gui katana pull polic gu ess for speed cop step car dude punch interst georgia ang cop chase thi interest episod videotap dramat takeoff and mph chase sidestreet battl mph happen end gu i relentless chase box cage disco light slow coupl time taunt cop blow stop sign and make car jump side dead end street kat not latest machin high perform machi n and slam brake cous that cage disco light can stop fast high perform machin ha

ppen cage plow into kat luckili for thi dude wear helmet and not hurt dude crazi can you yeah and plai cat and mous friend cop crazi can you thi crap convinc no t shit that dude collid car head mph kawasaki team color look good scratch front end inch long engin and minor scratch you gui slow not advoc for cage that make that annoi ass nois time you punch whether you mighti can ninja rememb kid step time peac ride kinda safe warren suzuki will travel wcd uxa cso uiuc edu big de al ride anni robotech want advic custom purchas articl apr linu mitr org cookson mbuni x mitr org cookson write articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl parr writ e mechan onc comment that dual rang transmiss pure junk man opinion had friend p ittsburgh had dual rang tranni us economi rang overdr sixth gear had mile stolen recov shortli that repair and for strong shaft driven overbor version and made for exactli year yep head and base gasket expens helluva bike data point chri be hanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog tangenti live free quietli die articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jod i levin write impertin stuff delet show canadian univers ness talk bike jodi lev in dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada you you edu brea th poser univers ness leav that stuff profession henri prang biker profession ed u breath physiolog sch med blgtn dod bmwmoa gsi ride conv cage explor cage unifi trait speci relentless pursuit folli hypocrisi nation religion thi countri boom hubcap attack articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr lat ech edu speedi mercer write attack rabid hubcap onc work yamaha twin vibrat tank heard wierd nois left caught glimps silver head for left foot and jerk nanoseco nd bike hit hard left side put foot back peg found that not pull into nearest pa rk lot and discov that had hit wire wheel type hubcap larg cage thi hubcap weigh pound impact had bent left peg flat frame and tweek shifter process had not hea rd approach cap feel certian that san portion left foot had thi sort experi not hub cap lumber yard deliveri truck made life interest hit dip road and sheet she etrock and dozen gallon can spackl mph real interest for second had us wood mall et dri spackl helmet and bike home bob tail kenworth and lumber truck had path d rive made tire and threw monsoon tire ran can spackl didn burst impact car front lane hit brake and nail bridg abut half second messiest time san diego back apa rt ocean beach sportster and had pick shake burger fri jack box and stuf foul we ather jacket milk shake open nimitz blvd mph noth smell vanilla milk shake cook engin run your groin and leg and peopl wait back you make left turn you two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo store boom hubcap attack previou articl speedi engr latech edu speedi mercer attack rabid hubcap onc work yamaha twin vibrat tank heard wierd nois lef t caught glimps silver head for left foot and jerk nanosecond bike hit hard left side put foot back peg found that not pull into nearest park lot and discov tha t had hit wire wheel type hubcap larg cage thi hubcap weigh pound impact had ben t left peg flat frame and tweek shifter process had not heard approach cap feel certian that san portion left foot hmmmm wonder that hubcap dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion max handl request previou articl ntuvax ntu ican handson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl you kid thi flame bait extrem max handl har har har har dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion contact person for boot dodland give contact purchas pair milita ri air born combat boot size boot read rec moto calf height boot that us velcro for enclosur phone and carri such item admit not into deepest bowel nyc for sear ch made call bigger armi navi type store luck place that carri such item mail or der appreci rob castro email rdc cunixf columbia edu live for todai phone for to dai you live dod nyc york york usa hard copi hot pursuit previou articl wcd uxa cso uiuc edu daniel warren thi run hard copi don watch that kat not latest machin high perform mach in and slam brake cous that cage disco light can stop fast high perform machin h

appen cage plow into kat thi mean cop fault for rear end bike you close and reck less drive dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat alber t einstein etern champion max handl request articl apr ntuvax ntu ntuvax ntu write ican ha ndson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl ridden twice design monster straight line noth fzr corner fact didn handl that curv hei that not design two cent alan rejet carb mark kromer thu apr gmt wibbl articl rtaraz bigwpi ra min taraz wrote amount exhaust allow leav engin exhaust pipe make that differ am ount air fuel mixtur that cylend suck suck depend speed piston and pressur cylin d end exhaust stroke poor exhaust system thi pressur atmospher pipe that scaveng thi substanti below atmospher thi effect will vari rpm depend tune pipe pipe co mbin larg valv overlap can revers intak flow and blow mixtur carb pipe effect re v rang question resist engin consern resist that exhaust resist that result bike push and rider two complet thing state pipe determin power motor can make load bike determin power motor make ark fzr pilot payload mechan you for glad that fu el inject needl and orific and venturi and pressur wors school human biologi rep roduct lesson sex made feel bit queasi nick simpl mind biker dod concis oxford t ube rider lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh liabil insur requir articl tcora gator pica armi mil tcora pica armi mil tom coradeschi write articl apr walter bellcor fist iscp bellcor richar d pierson wrote let thi fault stuff straight live start rate alot move and rate alot and stori you sit park lot lunch and wack you guess insur pai for give bzzz t driver fault your insur pai you deduct recoup total cost gui gal compani fanci word for escap and pai you deduct you can gui gal compani take longer your cash oppos state farm cut check todai spot for damag wife cage word subrog you will wait for monei scumbag insur that you save pai deduct scumbag insur scum insur y ou pai deduct your insur pack rabid larg fang lawyer recov damag scum insur lawy er sad true call job secur for lawyer chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile re d ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog bike big dog articl apr cua edu wendel cua edu write heard rider give big dog such great dane ride back bike dog love make work wendel cua edu b ack tricki boulder gui that can golden retriev sidecar dog wear wwii style goggl joke nick coburn dod ama cbr cbr coburnn spot colorado edu ducati opinion want frankb sad frank ball write godfrei digiorgi ramarren appl wrote ducati model essenti reduc displac mean weigh and size powe r produc specif meet vehicl tax restrict market make commerci viabl not sold unn eed and unwant such somewhat larg and overweight for motor will handl magnific w on fast flaw mention limit steer lock annoy note tester and mirror aren perfect ducati model essenti reduc displac mean weigh and size nope lb lightrer power an d brake singl disk that quit impress two finger lever beth horror lift rear whee l fine randi mamola impress such somewhat larg and overweight for motor will han dl magnific won fast feel that fast that beth will give liter bike rider fit fut ur flaw mention limit steer lock steer lock adjust annoy note tester and mirror aren perfect beth see fine fill black leather concour sophist ladi tom dietrich sportster sport for sale dod spike garag rat ama queu for fssnoc two joust and g ather big fun kspt bell cool rule sometim mail txd mkt lewi disclaim take respon s for opinion preced thi dot tire date code mail thi notic long cut tread rear tire vfr c ut deep tread block and scratch rubber base weird thing edg haven scuf tire ques tion danger thi replac tire and sinc cut unscuf portion and tire you chanc get r eplac warranti nedod mail list and jack tavar suggest check tire tactic for get replac file read date code handi dean dean cookson dcookson mitr org dod ama mit r corp burlington bedford kotnml kotb road shepherd and not stop vfr sam eliott road hog mtv bianchi limit fat boi versu math articl pimfd cre agat berkelei edu robinson c ogsci berkelei edu michael robinson write articl mcz ccu umanitoba klinger ccu u manitoba jorg klinger write apr bnr npet bnr nick pettefar write manual velcro m

ar wibbl greater greater obviou that number last year hot improv thi year can qu estion hell dad us that beat todai break sweat twisti thi year cumbersom for pra ctic us repeat decim rememb good dai hexadecim and even binari legal smoke blue stuff pipe had hex that slaughter decim road sigh such nostalgia regard charl do d span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person drink and ride articl wkbp eskimo maven eskimo norman hamer writ e gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink to night don ride tomorrow interest discuss limit standard serv alcohol ride and al cohol special fine al good wine vsop don drink alcohol isn import for financi re ason magazin claim follow aviat guidelin alcohol whatsoev hr ride compani bike d on rememb mag year ago regard charl hicc dod span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person for joh dhhalden last wvnvm wvnet edu write ducati uue quuncd ve r theodor kaldi begin cut cut part nyr afkin apyt thi gif great backdrop apollo thingi and peopl stop and admir that troubl contact archiv site stuff thi good g if don hesit post bra thing nick idiot biker dod concis oxford bra lud nick pett efar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom npet bnr bmw kai pre p bwasoh camp question sanjai sinha apr gmt wibbl post previou quest for camp info anoth question not strictli stuff for thermo flask coffe hot mean real hot unbreak type metal type wast monei not match vacuum glass type info appreci sanjai back youth ahem wiffi and moi purchas gadget heat water sourc for car us thought work apart slight problem had rev lower and motor die lack electron mov ement made for interest cup coffe plot rout that contain straight mile that had suffici time water boil point thi sometim difficult england good luck your quest nick biker dod concis oxford lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr mai denhead unit kingdom npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh turbocharg motorbik north america articl apr skyfox howp skyfox write think don manufactur make bike turbo etc add lot expens and complex and ma ke for reliabl and control bike extrem exampl turbo cost mike hailwood replica d ucati david edmondson david dc qmw queen mari westfield colleg dod guzzi man thi mean end hors drawn zeppelin cat and dog jame bessett jimb cbnewsj att wrote articl hplsla ke n hplsla ken snyder write heard dog breeder that chain bicycl and motorcycl prod uc high frequenc squeak that dog love chase breeder chase bmw cam chain mike mik e mitten gnome org emori org gnome ama dod ironi spice life bianchi backstreet s uzuki revolut will not televis boom hubcap attack speedi engr latech edu speedi mercer attack r abid hubcap onc work yamaha twin vibrat tank heard wierd nois left caught glimps silver head for left foot and jerk nanosecond bike hit hard left rest delet had thi sort experi dod technician speed not student stolen taglin god real declar integ delet your file black hole god divid world will end minut log earth full d elet you can hubcap attack fairli common cager incompet reinstal properli chang tire check collis luckili heavi that you moor dod don forget immort swap file re ad error you lose your mind gpz run bitch mail you your domain not exist can even sinet slb admit know geco articl innjl griffin orpington sgp slb you wrote subject gpz run bitch cure for sub run prob gpz below rev and bike cut time recommend cure bike mag switch engin for minut thaw ic thi not mutch cure mine had kawasaki heat ca rb mod problem persist cover rad make bike run warmer and move problem temp scal e degre two dynojet kit get desper carb fuel inject gpz you talk kawasaki anoth version upgrad kit worth phone call you carb mod you bui secondhand that had tha t orpington kent you heard ogri mail list run email list for biker and interest parti live daili digest you want subscrib good luck dave david edmondson david d c qmw queen mari westfield colleg dod guzzi man thi mean end hors drawn zeppelin can afford goldw mirror search luck for faq left aspencad mirror and honda for thi anoth piec chrome replac black plastic that wing come liber s uppli that silli price mirror piec safeti equip fact that honda place concern fo

r profit ahead concern for safeti convinc that thi wing will like last mean time anybobi ripoff sourc for mirror keith smith keith hydra unm edu latest socal ride southern california ridelist send updat thi ri de list rememb street ride that open biker post inc phone for info send your mai l address you want mail copi thi list suggest call make that info current you fi nd info strive for accuraci cannot respons for error mail address paulb harlei t ti coffe donut live music food drink sinc last post address end post apr annual laughlin river run ride run point socal concert poker run parti etc etc thi spon sor southern calif harlei dealer assoc bike reserv socal harlei dealer river run hotlin discount room reserv concert tix tue sat noon apr annual race memorabili a show sale art print photo litho model book apr scma rout tour apr scma trac gy psi tour santa monica john lane apr tax time run for monei abat pin prize game r affl free you join twin citi brea canyon walnut manni apr annual gwta loma linda children hospit benefit run free start hot dog etc finish skip fordyc motor ind iana av riversid apr mma state overnight frazier park apr yuma prison run mailin gate camp apr paso robl clean sober run paso robl fairground apr shamrock annua l scenic bywai tour start rout simi vallei honda av cycl part baselin san bernad ino picnic bbq lake hugh apr mra chap poker run american legion south peri steve hill ama grand nat dirt track seri race pomona fairplex kpfk centerstand radio show and car show will broadcast live autobook etc magnolia burbank carshow star t noonb centerstand abat poker run east end bucklin park imperi vallei includ fo od entertain barbara pmc annual greenhorn tour song dog ranch spring ralli overn ight camp thi famousmotorcycl campground you can eat drink bbq dinner sundai bkf st person reserv april song dog ranch cuyama ojai thi number bsa owner club spri ng ride castaic land album releas celebr helmet law suck billi gordon blue rocke r vida hot spring lambert east mile left special guest raffl annual spring round rodeo abat bike game pin raffl start game noon coupl free you join robbi restau r hwy btwn perri lake elsinor georg susan allen melani swap meet orang counti fa irgnd costa mesa cnty swap meet christian assn socal ralli assembl god church ni squal victorvil bob quintard mother annual awar dai abat american legion hall ga rdena crnr normandi gardena vendor raffl game etc free pin doc carol dieter blue knight annual benefit ride start cycl part west san diego harold crosbi run for wall truck stop meet ontario camp motel each night stop ride end vietnam vetera n memori wall washington bike expect meet call rod coffei alt info send john and erson deer creek paso robl call long beach part exchang veteran memori stadium j ambore tular cnty fairgnd tular ride show benefit poker run sun raffl game start noon fridai free for blaze saddl tour scma ariel owner club annual event greenf ield av chuck walton jun fun sun ride mma bakersfield jun class act tour jun sil ver eagl run palomar san diego jun ventura swap show shop ventura fairgnd jun an nual summer solstic poker run pig feed abat coupl free you join pig roast game r affl swim pin swallow inn ortega hwy san juan capistrano earl rick jun mma bike fest mariposa fairground hwy hwy mile camp trade show game advanc gate info tix jun hope hous benefit run scma jul bike show accessori unltd jul abat christma j uli jul beach ride benefit except children foundat jul abat timer poker run jul annual unicoast ride and joust start west coast and pine glen campground mammoth lake for dai weekend fun usenet person your fond flame mail list contact joust request harlei tti jul iron hors poker run jul annual nation ride work dai jul q uaff palomar annual overnight jolla campground jul annual summer food run abat j ul swap meet orang counti fairgnd costa mesa aug accessori unltd ride aug hot au gust night poker run aug tour scma area aug song dog ranch summer ralli overnigh t camp thi famou motorcycl campground classic you can eat drink bbq dinner sunda i bkfst person reserv aug song dog ranch cuyama ojai thi number aug vet benefit run trac aug mma chicken roast camarillo park sep annual flag classic juarez mex ico southern alberta canada person receiv frank weed sep abat golden state rende zv fri noon mon mid state fairground paso robl sep iron hors rocket run sep blac k gold poker run taft sep redwood run sep bonanza tour shamrock oct swap meet or ang counti fairgnd costa mesa oct song dog ranch fall ralli overnight camp thi f amou motorcycl campground you can eat drink bbq dinner sundai bkfst person reser v oct song dog ranch cuyama ojai thi number oct scma grand tour oct easyrid moto rcycl rodeo antelop vallei fairground hwy av exit lancast oct annual griffith pa

rk sidecar ralli miner spring area park doug bingham oct mra chap ride nov love ride benefit muscular dystrophi assoc sponsor glendal san fernando glendal nov t oi kei run scma area nov awar dai abat nov accessori unlimit poss ride dec swap meet orang counti fairgnd costa mesa dec hathawai children center toi run ongo e vent notic swap meet show santa spring drive alondra blvd thur fee note that apr il move free seminar saturdai luftmeist inc long beach tune centerstand radio pr ogram for motorcyclist saturdai kpfk parent partner club meet sat coco brea coli na road diamondbar club for women form diamond and pearl marc motorcycl amateur radio club meet sat denni santa ana net wed info rai bonni address follow camp f wy north azusa av hwy east fork mile east camp hint for bridg accessori unlimit lyon av newhal cycl part west beach blvd westminist bmwmoa controversi articl rider joe rider cactu org write vech m sstate edu craig vechorik write good boi that long agre you that current board g arbag vote you simpli trade form trash for anoth oppon your select equal time jo e don you post you ration bmwmoa folk left rest summari current state affair you r esteem organ togeth histor outlin you contretemp point will deduct for shout b ulg vein templ area pete ahren ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorcycl piss articl lsp mginnud cash utexa edu mcguir utexa edu tommi marcu mcguir write thi noth motorcycl you bike thi noth motorcycl you amazona bike keith hanlan keithh bnr bell northern resear ch ottawa canada bmw batteri keith hanlan wed apr gmt wibbl articl apr msstate ed u vech msstate edu craig vechorik write rememb correctli reason that bmw come ex pens and rel worthless short live varda batteri bmw own control interest that ba tteri manufactur wrong bmw batteri never had problem and numer peopl that origin batteri year beemer kai origin batteri nick suffici charg biker dod concis oxfo rd lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom npet b nr bmw kai pre pbwasoh turbocharg motorbik north america articl dc qmw david dc qmw dav e edmondson write extrem exampl turbo cost mike hailwood replica ducati can scro ung good turbo will trade mhr duc for jeff earl jearl tekig pen tek dod kottg ko tspt wmtc ama millennium falcon squid factor klr thumpi hit button chewi han sol o ain nothin mph sweeper idaho rocki der whassa deltabox articl unisql rai unisql rai shea write can deltabox frame and relat that frame hawk that time gui come park lot and sez hei dude nice bike that deltabox frame can duh huh deltabox regist trademark yamaha us describ aluminum perimet frame design us fzr and fzr cross section side appe ar call pentabox dave tharp dod you can wear davet interceptor cd tek mra indian scout indian chief ahrma brother chief ama built rock velorex nsu max knock bmw compuls harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief motorcycl secur bike park front bar week dog and wander find had happen stole damn dog left harlei dave tharp dod you can wear davet interceptor cd tek mra indian scout indian chief ahrma brother chief ama built rock velorex nsu max knock bmw compuls harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief ticket advic worth you paid can anoth subject that gener contrad ictori advic traffic law and enforc opinion and dead acur inform extrem difficul t come dmv doesn cop don your traffic school instructor doesn vehicl code tell p art stori judg choos interpret law wide varieti wai and public larg seldom hear advic that doesn disagre experienc you don suggest you copi vehicl code studi an d sit dai two court and happen read fight your ticket don miss section end your chanc lousi and you basic screw you guess pretti system california carefulli pre par for court bring wit and reveal hole offic stori slap maximum allow fine asse ss messag clear that judg not john public case advic you find ticket traffic sch ool you can matter lawyer lawyer can present exact case you differ sentenc paul thompson appl comput bike sold net mile articl hplsla ken hplsla ken snyder write bik e sold long distanc love hear bought vfr gui san jose net that mile odomet mark andi live pittsburgh bought dude massachusett connecticut axel observ helmet articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write question for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride

you you meet church meet yeah that ticket guidelin pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smaller size accomod like passeng your primari concern protect passeng event crash fit for helmet that size your primari concern compli stupid helmet law carri real big spare you can put big small head big helmet not small green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead dot tire date code rec motorcycl cookson mbunix mitr org cookson write nedod mail list and jack tavar suggest check tire tactic for get replac f ile read date code handi quit simpl code week and year manufactur rich sturg nsw c carderock divis speak for and listen bike sold net mile articl hplsla ken hplsla ken snyder write bik e sold long distanc love hear bought moto guzzi univ grad student charlottesvil last spring mark cervi cervi oasi navi mil dod mgnoc moto guzzi kinda bike that moto guzzi that italian mark cervi carderockdiv nswc code annapoli cervi oasi na vi mil bike and contact articl apr skcla monsanto mpmena skcla monsanto write michael man that blockhead gargoyl thing that work for michael menard you showin highland hous compar sunglass weather saturdai sundai suck todai time go od you give for gargoyl you want mine you can bridg nose hold face deal for two friend for peopl us full face helmet bet fit you and complaint person oaklei des ir squid attir gargoyl aren that ugli even opinion wouldn michael man mman icoms im nextmail accept flstf fatboi ducati bike contact lens radial keratotomi articl rice edu jcn rice edu write radial keratotomi want per ey that lot contact lens and sunglass and lot monei make tini mistak jeff nichol don exactli your ey chang contact correct for question thi due strang conic shape your cornea take surgeri michael man mman i comsim nextmail accept flstf fatboi ducati ducati opinion want articl qhm mb new ysu edu albion bower yfn y su edu write yeah mph quarter such slug come last time you us your max power pea k you ride pass judgement lot maximum acceler didn mean impli that ninja duc tal k duc owner owner that power overwhelm that love guess bit specif you that weigh that for extra cube that fact that gtv show that don care maximum power slug ex clus note and handl import bought ninja couldn afford duc didn mean ruffl feathe r get year mark mark burnham markb novel ama dod alfa romeo gtv ninja rejet carb articl jburnei hydra nodc noaa gov jburnei hydra nodc noaa gov jeff burnei write talk stroke can understand exhaust puls affect strok e intak valv close exhaust stroke and ga push cyclind guess ga compress that aff ect amount push limit factor header pipe and not canist mean gase line canist ef fect exhaust stroke gase compress that for discuss purpos will ignor dynam effec t puls exhaust pipe and paint mental pictur engin supercharg pressur forc air in to intak tract atmospher time intak valv open pressur differenti move air differ combust chamber pressur left exhaust stroke and atmospher piston decend intak s troke combust chamber pressur decreas allow atmospher pressur move air into inta k tract time pressur becom neg even approach good vacuum time exhaust valv close pressur combust chamber essenti pressur exhaust system major flow restrict muff ler note that volum ga that flow exhaust larger volum that flow intak temperatur differ and product combust last year japanes manufactur start pai attent exhaus t and intak tune pursuit almighti horsepow thi point time high perform bike subs titut aftermarket free flow air filter will almost affect perform stock intak sy stem flow substitut aftermarket exhaust system will make differ gener exhaust sy stem louder stocker older bike exhaust back pressur domin factor free flow air f ilter substitut differ note free flow exhaust system instal gener engin can visu al air pump rpm that will engin pump air intak exhaust side will produc horsepow pump air will requir recalibr rejet carburetor dave tharp dod you can wear dave t interceptor cd tek mra indian scout indian chief ahrma brother chief ama built rock velorex nsu max knock bmw compuls harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief drink and ride person follow alcohol rule bike view that you suc h high degre control that alcohol potenti hazard bike hurt fault don want wreck katana develop thi philosophi impromptu experi had beer even and had volleybal p

ractic wasn even close leagl intox couldn perform even basic thing thi made view alcohol and intox you fine your reaction affect such that you unabl recov hit r ock even gust wind greatli enjoi social drink for doesn mix ride max enjoy eric bike want advic purchas you gave advic custom recommend had bike compress test compress low even across cylind psi that test cold that explain l ow number thi sound bike look great sign road rash and rust thi bike great shop get tune and tire opt for metzler and tire post thi thread thi bike big compar b ike alot harder load trailer kdx road legal tomorrow ignor afforement concern tr ansmiss and take chanc relet reader quit impress useful info thi newsgroup dod n umber busi ride jami burnsid jburnsid mit edu fault insur compani for fault coverag sinc major accid cager fau lt doesn thi impli that pai higher rate fault system car system make sens surfac legal cost system motorcyclist screw michael chuck bain meb icdf boe semi loud pipe save live rejet carb jump into middl thi thread not talk comment rec motor cycl davet interceptor cd tek dave tharp cd write engin supercharg pressur forc air into intak tract atmospher time intak valv open pressur differenti move air differ combust chamber pressur left exhaust stroke and atmospher piston decend i ntak stroke combust chamber pressur decreas allow atmospher pressur move air int o intak tract time pressur becom neg even approach good vacuum number factor tha t import biggest air veloc air momentum and shock wave veloc stack us for year a nd us insid stock airbox number bike tune engin rpm stack can greatli increas sp eed and momentum air rush air momentum critic get good air intak momentum air st ack combust chamber will forc insid long piston begun compress stroke shock wave us induc air intak and prevent fresh air escap exzhaust port shock wave product expans chamber mean present wall open close air motion thi lost mysteri design for shock wave rich sturg nswc carderock divis speak for and listen observ helmet articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip heck pa int cheerfulli spent bottl testor model paint and repaint scratch and chip for m inut question for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride you you meet church meet yeah that ticket guidelin pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smal ler size accomod like passeng rule thumb don give ride peopl that wear bigger he lmet you your tast run that famili friend gee remind dancer hull river ottowa th at year ago for bought bigger helmet even bike want two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo stor e ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorcycl piss articl apr dsd bgardner pebbl blain gardner write articl castl wbg festiv geak write banana isn imho ult ra sticki label print your favourit curs good even local hospit us wheel clamp p ut size each window cage your local hospit favorit curs your skin stick frozen b ed pan your appl juic mistakenli drawn urinalisi lab two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo sto re contact person for boot articl apr new columbia edu rdc cunixf c olumbia edu robert castro write dodland give contact purchas pair militari air b orn combat boot size boot read rec moto calf height boot that us velcro for encl osur phone and carri such item admit not into deepest bowel nyc for search made call bigger armi navi type store luck place that carri such item mail order appr eci velcro jump boot issu militari two kind made cochran and sell for cloth sale store cavalri price match cav store second sold somewhat cheaper design don car e you wear long eyelet high anoth boot call tanker boot thi similar construct we llington boot for boot shape and strap that wrap for tight nice boot two type sh ip navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bel lcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jac ket and ammo store liabil insur requir thing fault isn two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellcor uunet uunet

bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo stor e motorcycl secur articl tekgen tek davet interceptor cd tek dave tharp cd write bike park front bar week dog and wander find had happen stole dam n dog left harlei anim right peopl that bike ride dog cat and racoon two type sh ip navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bel lcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jac ket and ammo store bui vrf mark bricker mnb rit edu wrote market for bike and recen t found honda vrf dealership bike mile and had two previou owner employe dealers hip told good care bike two question thi mile for bike thi not mile for car unfa miliar life span bike thi decent price unfamilar price for us bike blue book for bike for car for advic you can give mark mark not mile vfr sold maintain vfr mi le and engin mint condit that bike need steer head bear and fork bush and seal g ui bought had mechan pull valv cover top end compress check etc confirm mint for price steep bought mile year ago and absolut cherri condit for bluebook your ba nk credit union for price coupl ad for vfr dollar rang low mile mint condit didn vfr sweet bike and will last you forev you maintain thing for btw soft front en d vfr indic mile fork spring total shot progress spring fix good luck ken snyder loc hewlett packard lsid lake steven instrument div soper hill road gte everett ken lsid bui vrf mark bricker mnb rit edu wrote market for bike and recen t found honda vrf dealership bike mile and had two previou owner employe dealers hip told good care bike two question thi mile for bike thi not mile for car unfa miliar life span bike thi decent price unfamilar price for us bike blue book for bike for car for advic you can give mark ken snyder loc hewlett packard lsid la ke steven instrument div soper hill road gte everett ken lsid ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorcycl piss read you folk thing ille g park car made carri cinder block bike readi damag kei carv etc cage had idea c hain lube isn for chain anymor reason perman damag lot work don us anywher winds hield door handl keyhol etc nasti mood rain ken snyder loc hewlett packard lsid lake steven instrument div soper hill road gte everett ken lsid bike hors insect impact previou articl npet bnr nick pettefar jo nathan quist thu apr gmt wibbl articl txd mkt txd esd tom dietrich write previou articl egreen east sun green pixel cruncher lot thing quot nice thing hors that break middl you can eat and tasti fuel bit cheaper per gallon bushel perhap eat amount dai matter you ride and you don fuel die annual basi spend bike stuff am i wife hors stuff two hors umm lessee bike ride constantli ride time week even y ou count insur and cost garag built get cheaper and fun imho fast chanc mike dod paraphernali stafford vax winona msu edu john stafford artic l pppnrinnitg cronkit central sun doc webrid central sun steve buni wrote decal thicker vinyl geeki temporari tatoo mean rub exempt razz that sick want you make promis order wannab badtothebon cheesi live ride eagl sit shelf wait for big ri de coast hit point farther south expect contact bai area denizen repli address b elow charli will earli mid idea temporari geeki geeki geeka geekii fit dod imag sound bad wors ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj k ing rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn questor org vanc ouv canada live john stafford minnesota state univers winona standard disclaim a ppli slmr luca built weapon war wouldn start comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate friendli sysop motorcycl courier subject motorcycl courier summer job repli wil l start earnest return trip pacif coast geograph featur not bike ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live slmr bike will travel quickli quickli comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate friendli sysop live free quietli die articl qegpf sixgun east sun egreen east s un green pixel cruncher write sound ludicr for biker advoc restrict bike bike fo rum don you mean motorcyclist roid riceburn respect articl apr megatek randi megatek randi davi wri

te rider pilot happi had such effect your choic word seth time respect respons p ost that randi post doesn count dearth respons and didn want feel randi curiou t hi dod thing number roid riceburn respect articl oxz cellar org craig cellar org saint cr aig write true rider real ride attitud will offer wave weather harlei honda bike inless case bike your and you low acknowleg thi you find case harlei rider give wave and ride secur knowleg that persob huh roid recommend for front tire articl hrxj ac unix amherst edu nrmende l unix amherst edu nathaniel endel write ken orr orr epcot spdc wrote articl uni x amherst edu nrmendel unix amherst edu nathaniel mendel write steve mansfield s mm rodan net wrote front tire dead minim tread left time for recommend good tire front ride almost brand back steve mansfield system learn equal smm uunet net s treet realiti weak and poor will fall suzuki tip power balanc and tear crown dod educ mass burn white hous queensrych speak word thing match front and back that perfect such good tire that perfect rear match for front laser dod ama orr epco t spdc yeah nathaniel dod you front tire motorcycl grin act front traffic jerk articl qmvutinn lynx unm edu galwai chtm eec unm edu deni mckeon write heavi traffic slow bit buffer zone front balanc mi nim buffer find that jerk will notic traffic move faster lane switch into and pa ss fine can ey jerk ahead front split attent ahead and mirror thi pretti damn co mplic make back motion hand arm and second time even braindead cager back don ba ck find hell cager psychot drunk complet asshol case don want anywher and not fr ont curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei dorigh t colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma j efferson choke ninja problem articl apr kuhub ukan edu starr kuhub ukan e du write put supertrapp slip and had carb jet match set filter that replac stock airbox huge flat spot carbur thousand rpm gear thi frustrat highwai bike like c ruis mph happen rpm sixth gear had tune and thi doesn think carb inject system g pz suggest for fix restor stock starr kuhub ukan edu brain dead ted nugent sound that your carb not jet properli you shop and shop your monei back and anoth sho p bennett leve sabr drown throw orlando bagel hoggl hoggl bleve peora sdc ccur airhorn review for you think fiamm you want airhorn instal set b osch air horn order denni kirk latest catalog rate meter instal gage wire batter i relai compressor ground stock horn connector fit relai pin fine solder connect relai and compressor and us crimp type batteri connector and inlin amp fuse con nector napa instal compressor forward fuse box front fair tie wrap steer head fr ame and black steel tube frame us support front fair you remov front fair thi fi t frame insid fair two vertic support front fuse depend tight your fair follow f rame you fit fair compressor diamet and long relai mount front steer head frame small plenti good place for found perfect place for horn that requir tie wrap mo unt horn fit insid front fair frame and stick side front air scoop turn signal b ack horn point back center bike and come real close ga tank connect front part f rame room full lock lock clearanc and nice cut out frame for back horn into shor t horn even fair and long stick inch not that notic you close end point slightli and degre straight ahead perfect for cager chang lane into you you question mou nt email and can explain your bike not red you want paint work you loud sound eu ropean sport car truck vast improv stock us daili sinc instal and amp fuse not b lown durat horn blast short repeatedli scare shit friend even that horn jump per fect for keep pedestrian sidewalk bottom line work loud pain and suffer stupid l ane chang cage year live and rel easi instal ymmv tjk horn that suit you fight f ire comment aerostich bui advic need for advic bui susuki inher flaw bike problem for insur rate thi bike blacklist person never ridden motorcycl bui start crazi told peopl start small and that lage handl start pound tad bit small yeah question c hicago area good instruct school program aquant bui and kill get home brian emai l direcli not chanc read your group counterst faq post articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin writ e agreement that two explan for can us handlebar lean move motorcycl question ef fect domin and idea design experi seaprat two characterist and effect produc sim

ilar result bike familiar you point experi difficult physic situat calcul fact e ffect contribut lean bike begin turn gyro effect caus torqu twist bike contact p atch shift side caus bike fall contact patch acceler side caus torqu twist bike averag bike rider averag bike wheel and speed and mph calcul twist bar need prod uc degre lean second each effect alon guess that slow speed domin and high speed domin and speed contribut not bugger rel speak similar problem thi runner run r ound corner lean into corner fast run group start counter foot argument and fall work round corner chri malcolm cam aifh depart artifici intellig edinburgh univ ers forrest hill edinburgh dod kawasaki for sale includ tha sale cover cover not sold separ tra iler not sold pat info sport cruiser for sport cruiser factori instal fair full ha lf hard saddl bag and and that and that sporti and seri bmw bike wonder compar t ype bike produc compani bmw for info jae jae cmu edu boom dog attack azw aber andi woodward write revers thi sequenc hit bugger acceller stabilis hate thing that attack dog think you run establish domin funni noisi sheep thing and will attack bike that come for fun you can hur t bugger learn that below bike peck order and you save life futur biker evas act ion avoid dog put truck never avoid dog for dog sake you hate admit thi sort twi st logic thi approach biker world and dog anoth worthless adversari rememb wear calf height leather boot case dog get lucki and sink teeth into your attack foot and for gusto that dog doesn retreat street tail leg time you you haven your bi t for your fellow biker thi appli cage can thi dog and armor cage doesn fair fig ht dog control menac road user and compunct felt ensur your safeti mean destruct forc game not you dog eat dog world dave moa stuff hotli contest bmwoa elect and inept leadership questio n histori bmw organ that lead format bmwra year ago that precipit format two com pet owner group stave flame rel member group and differ slick magazin major diff er that gui fun art art campbel artc world std compuserv dod real bmw two wheel opinion noth thi world beat vincent and redhead girl richard thompson happi easter ranck joesbar edu ranck write nick pettefar npet bn r wrote english car rover reliant morgan bristol roll royc etc talk harlei techn olog morgan peopl us technolog suspens design hasn chang sinc wheel back and not had reach pinnacl good design that point you want pick morgan not attack ash wo od frame hand bent metal skin and replac thought kingpost suspens mog featur kar en black dog biker and dog lover and foremost want mention common sens ch oic injur kill dog get injur kill ration decis insan anim right kook put dog sec ond learn read dog bodi languag you react dog chase you think game and that you plai complet you react dog hostil intent learn present dog dog social beast and recogn domin submiss hierarchi dog two type fellow creatur that domin and that d omin you unambigu repres class you god you easili anger and your anger terribl g od amus properli submit domin and even rare occas dispens kind word kind word ev en joi raptur unforeseen dog bisquit that relat bike good idea assum that dog ch ase motorcycl game and not overt hostil msf suggest good you dog come slow deter min place intercept you and reach that spot punch throttl that reach you long do g second react input and cannot comprehend acceler that motorcycl capabl hostil dog you repeatedli encount stronger measur thi face and import make you never fa ce dog territori face road not drivewai larg stick roll newspap etc beast will u nderstand that will hurt stand your ground slowli advanc your mental attitud tha t you angri and dispens terribl punish larger dog greater your anger dog will pi ck anger can pick fear and sinc you and not home territori suddenli dawn dog tha t perhap your territori and that you prepar fight death dog will decid that good idea retreat territori home advantag observ that you satisfi that retreat gestu r submiss and escap punish interest thing dog that bodi languag commun great dea l effect you commun bodi languag you year pound beast learn trick misc bui info need think bui motorcycl and question bui guid for us motorcycl that list reliabl bui process for etc price guid for us motorcycl blue book book articl ride cross countri motorcycl camp etc idiot guid motorcycl relat inform help respond directli lot jordan drain batteri problem batteri honda nighthawk week dead and rech arg ride bike dai batteri and charg system check and fine suspicion that drain y ou idea caus thi problem sinc mechan and clueless ljubomir riceburn respect rec motorcycl klinger ccu umanitoba jorg klinge r write apr icomsim mman icomsim michael man write peopl wave return wave harlei harlei rider seldom wave back duck squid don wave return wave even each can han d bar fall problem that squid and badassbik can recogn each wave you ride cruise r you wave lift two finger left hand remov that hand handlebar you ride crotch r ocket you lower left hand ankl level palm forward and call that wave gener bike rider rais hand handlebar and wave easi wave chri lane share year ride citi san jose santa clara and sunnyval neve r into conflict local polic lane split habit citi list earlier anti split anoth can whether thi due luck polic kind not ordin citi continu revco boom dog attack ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousinea u write previou post dog attack gener bad karma weather attempt dog attack appro v method slow screw dog triangul target and laugh dog you thi time didn work did n time ride hill lead hous encount liver and white springer spaniel relat spring er softail springer spagthorp close relat spagthorp vike dog encount intent harm interest dog collis stori delet worri accid thi don prevent travel slower thi n ot necessarili unreason suggest for residenti area ride speed limit worri happen had car dog consol thought that insan bdi cager whip blind drivewai mph for tha t matter drivewai long for car hit mph end eagerli await comment drivewai and ha lf neighbor drivewai long good click mph for veloc impair want grant live countr i neighbor whip drivewai mention mph quit bit claim can that road for quit wai t hi despit hit drive chev and twice take speed bicycl hood car that had pull stop driver car two month apart obmoto scari relev part that peopl and live type twi sti two lane that favor for ride and damn that can bike not couldn pickup ryan c ousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squi d afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live slmr hurt dammit jim doctor comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate f riendli sysop noth pitter patter feet word hei you not daddi had onc dean woodwa rd you want step into world dean fring rain socio psychot state bliss virago gun rose world dod insur and lotsa point articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write cked for insur had dwi and for beemer rec vehicl cost almost buck insur year sell bike and car and start take bu that you can drink your pri oriti lai expect that thi list lost friend drive drunk that collect sympathi wil l somewhat mute show great restraint keith hanlan keithh bnr bell northern resea rch ottawa canada ducati opinion want articl qmnga new ysu edu yfn ysu edu albion bower write previou articl bgardner pebbl blain gardner guess touch exactli duca ti twin desmo that half twin balanc weight cylind second for isn bad specif ran quater last small twin duc and pantah base twin pantah and ran credit modern car b and not put high btw fzr ran mid and latest crop japanes will run that hard re memb goof will clobber handili top end and roll technolog stand for not hard rem emb bought place speed war cbx eleven mile and hors that wouldn even make good d ai paid for technolog isn thing that chang ride across state guess indic thing c hang that second didn line blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd riceburn respect articl apr cbnewsm att shz mare att keeper tude write huh roid complet tack eventu outcom babe bad mouth biker chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agr e thi rais pack wild corn dog happi easter karen black karen angelo amd wrote ranck joesbar ed u ranck write nick pettefar npet bnr wrote english car rover reliant morgan bris tol roll royc etc talk harlei technolog morgan peopl us technolog you want pick morgan not attack ash wood frame hand bent metal skin and replac thought kingpos t suspens mog featur hei wasn pick morgan us technolog that noth wrong technolog peopl us shovel dig hole even lot power implement dig hole bill ranck bill ranc k edu comput center virginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg bmw moa member read thi karr cornel edu david karr write organ a

ct easi can and organ will larg determin presid and director can that make impor t vote elect offic rememb heard that last elect member cast vote current board a nd friend and rel make membership plan stai club long vote and result strike tha t bmwmoa lot polit activ state and nation arena not infight organ chang thi join group that polit wouldn support moa polit activ that sens ama that and moa supp ort ama manner that ama that accomplish strong front two not neccessarili coordi n joe senner joe rider cactu org austin area ride mail list ride rider cactu org texa splatterfest mail list fest rider cactu org bmw moa member read thi vech msstate edu craig vechorik write wr ote slash two blue for bit humor lack moa owner new stuff rode dai that rode sec ond dai thi admit surpris find interest read bore and worthless mag bodi sens hu mor peopl had mine dunno peopl your intend humor like articl you forget that you step into polit arena intent you intend you walk china store carri that your he ad you you repres membership dai you don american polit light heart joke segment popul can limelight obmoto manag squeak refer joe senner joe rider cactu org au stin area ride mail list ride rider cactu org texa splatterfest mail list fest r ider cactu org bmw moa member read thi cdw dayhoff med virginia edu danc feder ranger write bui bmw cast vote for groucho thought you gonna bui bmw for superio r power and handl joe senner joe rider cactu org austin area ride mail list ride rider cactu org texa splatterfest mail list fest rider cactu org ducati opinion want spoke sale dweeb ducati dealer blighti and h ad noth good appear waaaai underpow basic engin and qualiti problem rusti frame save your penni bui bmw moa member read thi heard academ polit thought appli bmwmoa polit dirti stake small care due worth ad and occasion technic articl new skip g ener drab articl trek across iowa folk thrill power bmwmoa deserv thrill sad liv e provid btw vote for blood thing stir henri prang physiolog sch med blgtn dod b mwmoa gsi ride conv cage explor cage tenet major religion you wrong you deserv p unish extraordinari footpeg engin exb csdvax csd unsw edu wrote dod er goddamn mysteri for goodi love puzzl watson game afoot todai turn degre corner dai slight differ rough spot path caus suspens compress mid corner and part bike hit ground tangibl thunk pull opportun su damag stuff delet you engin type you explain thi can you rip tightli fit steel thread thread hole alloi damag thread hole thi sort tech design thingo guess you make left turn correct edg stud conta ct road caus turn and unthread you had make turn tighten stud bill ranck bill ra nck edu comput center virginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg counterst faq post mj sy uea mike sixsmith write mj secondli adh es mj tyre road suspens geometri and ground clearanc mj motorcycl dictat quickli you can swerv avoid obstacl and mj not knowledg physic rider ear you mj suggest that counterst knowledg enabl you corner faster mj compet you manag egreen east sun write not will hei you didn give chanc sheesh answer absolut eloqu describ put two rider ident machin and that will faster improv your techniqu you idea tr ial and error not effect methodolog understand techniqu steer motorcycl can impr ov that techniqu hold that thi appli human endeavor li kei thi thread kindli not e differ respons and talk know ride techniqu mike argu know physic taught techni qu counterst push bar insid turn that learn fizzik gyroscop and ic cream cone an d such parallel thread that stuff interest techno motorcycl geek reader rec moto rcycl doesn taught averag student learn steer mike doesn make distinct peopl can carv circl couldn you newton hand intellig educ peopl that you steer motorcycl lean steer bicycl combin and knowledg physic doesn you squat knowledg techniqu b ill riceburn respect articl oxz cellar org craig cellar org saint cr aig write true rider real ride attitud will offer wave weather harlei honda bike inless case bike your and you low acknowleg not wave wink you ey hard that shie ld and sunglass hei you true rider real ride attitud you sens chuck roger car to rrei att dog articl mrc ikkoku kan panda mrc ikkoku kan panda mark crispi n write hostil dog you repeatedli encount stronger measur thi face and import ma

ke you never face dog territori face road not drivewai larg stick roll newspap e tc beast will understand that will hurt stand your ground slowli advanc your men tal attitud that you angri and dispens terribl punish larger dog greater your an ger thi tactic depend for effect dog conform psycholog norm that not appli dog s uccess won work charli manson dog that stupid larg irish setter taught thi yard appar territori dai plai game game kill angri neighbor can dispens terribl punis h chuck roger car torrei att asshol articl jrobbin apr kingston ucla edu you rambl articl lee sea ucla edu small thunder sea ucla edu jame small write asshol scooter owner t ripl park bike todai jim call propl asshol you flame learn spell asshol endem tw o wheel motor commun that jason wise respect hahahha made stereotyp remark unsop hist you you had come your ivori tower and stoop you lower level geekism endem a lbino phoosbal plai commun and drive volvo rememb send your flame jrobbin ucla e du formal educ can not provid dod safe drive prcatic articl cvbnetprim rbemben timewarp prime rich bemben write never dilli dalli that rear side cage you pass make posit and you can pass fulli make that you attempt you can make driver awar you get into area vision thi read lot philosophi musashi book ring section long sword that strong and decis hmmm thing chang ride ey awful thing call your pillion rich fear not e vil men name evil heaven protect evil men name good power corrupt check explos t hat cryptographi polici whitehous fridai caus curt howland ac dod eff howland ns ipo nasa gov sabr meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard light misc bui info need think bui motorcycl and question bui guid for us motorcycl that list reliabl bui process for etc price guid for us motorcycl blue book book articl ride cross countri motorcycl camp etc idiot guid motorcycl relat inform help respond directli lot jordan jonathan field field ci ohio stat e edu wheel rear wheel for part find salvag long get givi luggag for b runnhild and room thought carri spare ride free bill johnsw wsuvm csc wsu edu pr ez bimc kotv kotrr dod ama spi wmtc kotd yamabeem pdr special and volvo pain ine vit suffer option live free quietli die rec motorcycl egreen east sun write rev th rottl requir di engag clutch acceler not harlei chri max handl request articl apr ntuvax ntu ntuvax ntu write ican ha ndson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl rememb commerci for cheap t op heavi import cage back driver wear stuck fake anounc smile straight fit bike want advic purchas articl apr mit edu jburnsid mit edu jami burnsid write relet reader quit impress useful info thi newsgroup isn thi redun d dog articl mrc ikkoku kan panda mrc ikkoku kan panda mark crispi n write biker and dog lover biker such horrid reput find human interest thing do g that bodi languag commun great deal effect you commun bodi languag you agre co mplet major feel can even start ration abhout dog that kill fear moment set you bit road never had problem dog curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sa br meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard light rgv and pose articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech ed u speedi mercer write articl spam math adelaid edu amydlak spam math adelaid edu adam mydlak write squid delet helment law vari state state state louisiana law personali not feet bike law law helment will save your life feet draw line blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd comment honda interceptor articl apr skyfox howp skyfox write pu rchas honda interceptor for cdn don mileag thi bike pictur trader magazin good s hape can enlighten whether thi good purchas good bike thi will bike realiz that for beginn consid bit bike heard friend that onc beginn that had start that star t bigger bike care and not drive skill level had consid and post two week ago pu rchas yamaha seca turbo wari prospect deal turbo road and shop thi bike price dr op cdn honda good bike comment word heavi steer heavi turn requir alot effort ha rd access larg motor weak small front fork anti dive gizmo bike for sale usa recent becom father twin don can afford bike a nd babi babi stai harlei xlhd hei wife bike speed chain secondari lace wheel buc

khorn tachomet saddlebag support sissi bar high flow air cleaner dark candi red jeff derienzo zorro tyngsboro shaft drive and wheeli xlyx vax cit cornel edu xlyx vax cit corn el edu write wheeli motorcycl shaft drive joe senner joe rider cactu org austin area ride mail list ride rider cactu org texa splatterfest mail list fest rider cactu org flash articl apr new columbia edu rdc cunixf columbia edu robert castro write bike hazard light front and back turn signal flash sinc live and c ommut nyc number toll pai rout arriv toll booth switch hazard thisto warn motori st that will take longer second make transact take glove get monei coin changer pocket make transact put glove back take time averag cager take make transact pa i toll notic that thi cager tend messag and anoth booth question thi good bad th ing thi sound good thing tend will whenev don handi dandi automat coin fetcher t oll payer annett for tip chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behann a syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog antifreez coolant for you motorcycl liquid cool persuas brand co olant you us and for aluminum safe coolant prefer phosphat free and prefer cheap er gallon can you kaw dealer quart for offici bless holi kawasaki coolant pai th at usuri chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi b ike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog liabil insur requir articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri behanna write articl tcora gator pica armi mil tcora pica armi mil tom coradesc hi write articl apr walter bellcor bzzzt driver fault your insur pai you deduct recoup total cost gui gal compani fanci word for escap and pai you deduct you ca n gui gal compani take longer your cash oppos state farm cut check todai spot fo r damag wife cage word subrog you will wait for monei scumbag insur that you sav e pai deduct scumbag insur scum insur you pai deduct your insur pack rabid larg fang lawyer recov damag scum insur lawyer sad true call job secur for lawyer chr i behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi you sound suspici fault doesn even advertis get lawyer loop sigh anoth naiv illus toilet tommi mcguir mcguir utexa edu mcguir austin ibm will append disclaim outgo public inform identifi person and independ ibm riceburn respect amaz number harlei rider wave even lowli babi n inja good attitud brock yate thi month car and driver readi for war rode buss bi ker freedom that wanna and obsess world your rearview mirror you run sun wheel r hestless heart marti ninja motosport camp backpack articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda write articl apr bnr dave dal farra gpz bnr write crafti girfriend make campfir bbq starter mcgiver heck you make you can bui candl wax pound cheper candl hell save your candl stub and bring light and dribbl wax kindl wood and light that b elli button lint eggshel case idea you feel industri event even you can soggi su mmer open fuel line drain piec rough rotten wood stick that into middl inferno a nd carefulli strike match kurt vonnegut titl chapter cat cradl whoom work charm time dod asphaug hindmost lpl arizona edu kawi zephyr erik asphaug bmw act front traffic jerk articl nielsmm nanna imv aau nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen write dai rain cat and dog therefor speed limit noth b ike thi gui bmw drive meter for meter and red light calmli put bike leg walk bac k thi car roll window and told total idiot and reason thing niel mikkel yesss yo u make proud merkun good thing you didn shot don that good ol boi texa onc had j eep driver south conro cut car had flip for idiot and senseless lb stretch jeep walk back block traffic dalla and houston sinc freewai squeez into singl lane an d stick that finger and rip your hand and shove your ass throat stare straight a head unblink hundr car honk eventu back into jeep face beet red anger and rest b ack houston tail wave honk flip yell glad decid not shoot dod asphaug hindmost l pl arizona edu kawi zephyr erik asphaug bmw counterst faq post articl qjn sixgun east sun egreen east sun wr ite waterski bike you turn handlebar left lean motorcycl thi support move contac t patch beneath centr mass theori lean thi contradict for gyroscop precess count erst induc lean for waterski bike contradict noth for motorcycl not that thi mor n for waterski bike sea doo for care watch lengthi carefulli and case and speed

rider turn handlebar left left and word not counterst perhap waterski bike count erst curti jackson cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei dorig ht colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson european insur europ advic for citizen live and work itali for y ear and bui motorcycl italian friend arriv washington state work for two year an d find difficult obtain car insur thought licens motorcycl endors unlimit displa c and had for year washington state motorcycl safeti instructor that info will p ost summari even person experi bui bike and get insur itali marc lewi two kind p eopl world olivetti north america divid world into marcl mail spk olivetti two k ind thing and don motorcycl detail tip mbeav bnr michael beavington write don you hate speedo and tach your bike start cloud that nasti sunshin detail tip week us rub compound moisten rag appli rub compound and work into transluc previous tra nspar materi minut work plastic face dial plastic face will clear onc will not w ork for glass btw not respons for damag incur method model can us treatment safe beav mike beavington bellnorthernresearch ottawa ont canada dod seca seca seca suzuki seca turbo sabr gt can afford mbeav bnr mcguir make plastic scratch remov compound and plastic polish compound work great ship bike can recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost rememb thread ship save instruct bike prep post email manish tire recomend for want articl apr cbnewsm att asalerno cbnewsm a tt antonio salerno write chen shing tire tire reason tire beacus hate and don fe el safe recomend can tire toni throw vote for metzler economi tire good for mid size older bike rate mph wear and handl mile ride twisti work cost bit cheng irc etc sport metzler for newer bike cost chaparr for front and for rear jon mike c orcoran mike corcoran sandiego ncr yamaha honda huski cross bdi experi kent polk kent swrind nde swri edu wrote watch your m irror time you turn had anoth close last night prepar for turn two lane road tur n signal start turn and thi ladi hit throttl and start pass thi happen twice had thi happen that for ride work morn come stop light lane direct for left turn fo r straight and for turn mark mark bicycl lane ride into turn lane signal and sto p stop line left can make turn red and start move discov that idiot pull into bi ke lane and pass grrr head check bike lane not for bicycl bill ranck bill ranck edu comput center virginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg bmw moa member read thi bmw owner think sign for moa begin suspi ci throw monei rathol you gui sort thi bill ranck bill ranck edu comput center v irginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg ship bike previou articl manish uclink berkelei edu manish vij c an recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost hmmmmmm put your butt seat and follow road sign dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level th ink creat albert einstein etern champion antifreez coolant articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri b ehanna write for you motorcycl liquid cool persuas brand coolant you us and for aluminum safe coolant prefer phosphat free and prefer cheaper gallon can you kaw dealer quart for offici bless holi kawasaki coolant pai that usuri preston bui shopko for that gallon bmw even expens stuff kawasaki grape grown part fatherlan d bmw dave don worri chang yearli and top keep gretchen happi sinc guess rabbit aluminum radiat hoppi for year and mile guess aluminum safe owner late lament ro chest bmw motorcycl and good gui pooder rochest dod you care peopl richard feynm an share garag space gretchen harvei note repli address you want send mail bike big dog articl apr cua edu wendel cua edu write heard rider give big dog such great dane ride back bike dog love make work wendel cua edu l arg malmut count heard and such irrespons childish stunt dog need assist straigh ten onc board owner lift front leg dog and throw driver pilot shoulder dog shit eat grin face and dog ass firmli plant seat dog and thi dog activ seek each camp parti hate each person steatopygia doh that ain hottentot sesquipedalian ama do d ain der whassa deltabox can deltabox frame and relat that frame hawk that time gui come park lot and sez hei dude nice bike that deltabox frame can

duh huh yammi deltabox and hawk frame conceptu similar yammi name hawk purer twi n spar frame design invest cast steer head and swing arm ti togeth aluminum extr ud beam yammi solut bit complex godfrei digiorgi ramarren appl dod ama rule neve r sell ducati street find rule obei rule for thing ducati cinelli toyota krup ni kon soni appl telebit liabil insur requir articl vtserf edu ranck joesbar edu ranck wr ite dan declerck declrckd rtsg mot wrote state fault auto insur thi appli you ba sic insur your vehicl and max you can sue for point made fault fact that remov l awyer system and let peopl monei faster remov lawyer reduc clog court system and reduc govern burden not requir judg work don peopl michigan peopl jersei fault hoax for year last heard state that fault insur increas rate that happen live ch ang reason will never back that state bill ranck bill ranck edu comput center vi rginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg colorado agent tell that fault appli medic coverag bmw moa member read thi ranck ranck joesbar edu wrote bmw owner think sign for moa begin suspici throw monei rathol concur thi polit and bicker ruin bmwmoa polit and fight current membership laps for renew hesh bmwra level s uperiour public opinion liabil insur requir tommi marcu mcguir mcguir utexa edu wrote yo u sound suspici fault doesn even advertis get lawyer loop sigh anoth naiv illus toilet sinc legisl lawyer difficult law pass that cut lawyer busi that fault ins ur law backfir bill ranck bill ranck edu comput center virginia polytchn inst st ate univ blacksburg max handl request articl qjtr llb new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john d aker write previou articl ntuvax ntu ican handson experi ride yamaha max pl kind li comment handl you kid thi flame bait extrem max handl har har har har fast qu ickli lastest rumor rear wheel handl dream straight line and get tad upset revie w cycl world corner you can handl good big standard earli not compar what state art dai thi gleem review and discuss owner lust thi bike bradw newbridg sig plan clue dod act front traffic jerk articl nielsmm nanna imv aau nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen write dai rain cat and dog therefor speed limit noth b ike thi gui bmw drive meter for meter and red light calmli put bike leg walk bac k thi car roll window and told total idiot and reason thing absolut you cager wi ll pull gun and blow you bob mugel jungl bob email rmugel oracl senior comput li nguist phone oracl corp moto concour irv texa dod vegetarian eat veget bewar hum anitarian bob bike want advic purchas articl apr mit edu jburnsid mit edu jami burnsid write alot harder load trailer kdx road legal tomorrow ignor afforement concern transmiss and take chanc worri tran relet reader quit impress useful in fo thi newsgroup dod number busi ride thi count cat dod faq mailx hahahha jburns id mit edu wait press return chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi be hanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog fault articl galileo rtn boe meb galileo rtn boe michael bain wr ite insur compani for fault coverag sinc major accid cager fault doesn thi impli that pai higher rate fault system car system make sens surfac legal cost system motorcyclist screw yup point cost insur not fault crappiest driver make bandit longer bear respons pai for insur that boost price for crappi driver good driver pai nose spread cost crappi driver action and that not fair plan that cap rate for crappi driver inher piec shit rest end pai plan that speed ticket basi for r ais rate piec shit base lie that faster driver inher safe slower driver and nhts a disprov that two year ago chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi beh anna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog observ helmet maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip heck paint cheerfulli spent bottl te stor model paint and repaint scratch and chip for minut question for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride you you meet church meet yeah that ticket guideli n pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smaller size accomod like passeng don stupid leav your helmet seat can fall and boom that kind fall helmet design protect you fall helmet and you hit spot helmet land drop helmet not protect yo

ur head intend conserv rec moto er will recommend that you replac helmet you wan t that will protect you adequ you helmet ground tabl chair shelf surfac that lar g support that will not easili knock jeezu shoei replac you leav chanc cripe chr i behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog riceburn respect articl apr cbnewsm att shz mare att keeper tude write rider pilot practic riceburn pass recent wave and wonder will last simpli overexuber that burner remov winter moth ball and novelti will dissip perhap gr ai beard that sprout sinc last rice season make friendli fart that deserv wave y ou rid that yorn and bui rice rocket your that explain friendli you had piec toi let paper stuck bottom your boot rich rich bemben dod rbemben timewarp prime tri umph bonnevil fear not evil men name evil heaven protect evil men name good motorcycl detail tip chuck kuczaj csk wdl wdl loral wrote mbeav bnr michael beavington write mcguir make plastic scratch remov compound and plas tic polish compound work great tip let motorcycl detail tip side instrument pane l scuf previou owner dump bike true for turn signal scuf area black plastic reca l read that plastic compound you coat scuf area rub end nice smooth shini finish idea toni toni jone ant crai uunet crai ant cmc codegener group softwar divis c rai research inc lone oak drive eagan edu breath articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda wr ite articl apr rtsg mot declrckd rtsg mot dan declerck write differ opinion and differ motorcycl sport bike rider and cruiser bike rider that differ mind close mind individu had motorcycl time rider cruiser bike don eddi ride continu thi fo rum and street you find quit differ opinion motorcycl individu cruiser bike ride r view motorcycl sport bike rider and dislik motorcycl thi not close mind not re cogn thi effect close mind lot remind rec motorcycl and insipid flame ag thereof you dislik occasion leather clad poser pal read scan for inform lot nois and po intless flame ag us trn you problem that for you dan declerck email declrckd rts g mot motorola cellular apd friend don friend wear neon phone edu breath articl apr rtsg mot declrckd rtsg mot dan declerck wr ite articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda write articl apr rtsg mot declrckd rtsg mot dan declerck write differ opinion and differ motorcycl sport bike rider and cruiser bike rider that differ mind close mind individu had motor cycl time rider cruiser bike don eddi ride continu thi forum and street you find quit differ opinion motorcycl individu motorcycl slightli each and thi natur pe opl and beauti sport cruiser bike rider view motorcycl sport bike rider and disl ik motorcycl thi not close mind and view exactli that singl rider cruiser bike h old veiw that sport bike rider possibl hold quantifi your gener for care you pig eonhol bunch peopl dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot get tire concour mmmmmmmmm m beat you dave ring ding woop you never learn ama dod cog chicago beth bruiser dixon counterst faq post articl apr hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin writ e waterski bike you turn handlebar left lean motorcycl don thi case not jetski f riend jetski bar turn left left you chang yaw jet relationship handlbar and rear mount jet complet arbitrari simpl linkag make work thi support move contact pat ch beneath centr mass theori lean thi contradict for gyroscop precess counterst induc lean that jetski even irrelev thi discuss snow ski amus digress hei you ex plain fact that you pull hors rein left left confus two thread phil stone addres s pstone motorcycl ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorc egreen east sun green pixel crun cher write articl castl wbg festiv geak write ultra sticki label print your favo urit curs good even local hospit us wheel clamp put size each window cage apart complex us live thi put thing driver window couldn miss friend damn wreck home n ight vision block sticker suggest manag enorm liabil assum pull that stunt not t hat logic can liabil put sticker car move bdi that choos start and drive car uns af condit that liabl had last chanc avoid unsaf situat addit factor attribut bla me sticker window effect problem take blade window remov stubborn sticker stori that that nice paint job door jeff jeffrei friedl omron corpor nagaokakyo kyoto japan jfriedl omron jfriedl cmu edu dod xbk cbr visit research mach project carn egi mellon pittsburgh splitfir plug kinda offic whaz earlier read net splitfir plug gu i think and almost shot hell that show team that us split fire addit insight and theori splitfir plug and boost opposs cage splitfir origin made burn fuel effic i and increas power for cage for gui splitfir increas perform increas torqu were n focus horsepow number thi relat high perform pilot that depend you pilot high perform cylind machin case cylind splitfir increas torqu make top end horsepow t orqu pack low for splitfir not significantli increas power twin you gui laugh tw in time carri weight sometim can make for loss doug polen scott russel daytona t win make torqu thoughout powerband thi translat increas torqu theoret twin make power splitfir claim that not extra mod made stick don thi and catch splitfir tw in race team ducati team fast ferraci us splitfir season thi had jami jame run f or don stop sinc check had peac warren wcd uxa cso uiuc edu suzuki will travel l ocal fix shop bike repairest look dump ask gui happen dump clutch fast pretti fa st insur nope fixer smile you bike not act front traffic jerk articl rmugel apr oasun oracl robert muge l rmugel oracl write absolut you cager will pull gun and blow you guess probabl bmw driver gun lower vehicl like luxosedan hop pickup truck for exampl mark mark burnham markb novel ama dod alfa romeo gtv ninja daemon child articl apr research nec behanna syl syl nec chri be hanna write articl bethdc netcom bethd netcom beth dixon write bzzzzt discov tou r bike nifti cach for thing coin lipstick duc doesn back carri lipstick jacket p ocket life hard denizen think that natur thought kiss that waxi shit smear woman lip definit turn clear lipstick chapstick etc fit natur waxi shit categori wear lip dry kiss dry crack parch lip isn fun not that kiss beth noemi not tom you w on noemi speak for beth beth true beth dixon bethd netcom yamaha excit girl dod yamaha spike garag rat fssnoc ducati ama ducati monza restor project kqspt can h andl thi side derang top boom dog attack articl uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau write previou post dog attack gener bad karma weather attempt dog attack approv method slow screw dog triangul target and lau gh dog you thi time didn work didn time ride hill lead hous encount liver and wh ite springer spaniel relat springer softail springer spagthorp close relat spagt horp vike dog encount intent harm stuff delet ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cou sineau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live hope you cost replac panel owner owner reluct stop local spca prefer your foot leg swollen file visciou dog repor t trick glenn schmall astroid armori not cross oncom lane hell beam cafe death t hat california highwai you yeah dod mercuri new women jacket daemon child articl apr mnemosyn edu jhenslei nyx e du john henslei write beth dixon bethd netcom wrote duc doesn back carri lipstic k jacket pocket life hard wife for jacket and men style don fit fit shoulder and arm tight across chest that suggest assum that pilot addit handi storag facil p retti decent fit compani that make reason line women motorcycl stuff importantli boulder denver shop that bother carri lucki found jacket like that fit make pil ot jacket mine similar style made leather san jose bought last two made find dec ent women motorcycl gear not easi lot stuff that fring made fashion leather made fit men etc don shop your area women rider friendli place san francisco san jos e area don recommend bui cloth mail order hard fit bate custom make leather you want call and cost estim for type jacket your wife interest larg manufactur bmw and sell women line cloth decent qualiti fit iffi ago noemi and lisa sievert tal k start busi thi sort thing don final decid beth beth true beth dixon bethd netc om yamaha excit girl dod yamaha spike garag rat fssnoc ducati ama ducati monza r estor project kqspt can handl thi side derang top act front traffic jerk articl nielsmm nanna imv aau nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen write nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen subject ac t front traffic jerk date thu apr gmt dai rain cat and dog therefor speed limit noth bike thi gui bmw drive meter for meter and red light calmli put bike leg wa lk back thi car roll window and told total idiot and reason thing work for avoid obscen and remain calm cool and collect and you almost kill and not move you ap olog benign that haven shot singl time don texa and plenti wit steve steve mosel

ei moselei washington edu microbiolog phone univers washington fax seattl kreme folk recent post kreme bad idea that man opinion experi st uff aerostitch piec request for opinion piec aerostitch two piec aer ostitch for versatil protect advanc nadin observ helmet articl sixgun east sun egreen east sun green pixel cruncher write your primari concern protect passeng event crash fit for helmet that size your primari concern compli stupid helmet law carri real big spare you can put big small head big helmet not small carri want compli intellig helmet l aw comment impli support for helmet law such support infer promis promis steve s teve moselei moselei washington edu microbiolog phone univers washington fax sea ttl max handl request articl apr ntuvax ntu ntuvax ntu write ican ha ndson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl depend context you want com ment handl great compar bike not good compar you compar put mile never own randi davi email randi megatek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod thi eleven nigel tu fnel spinal tap observ helmet articl sixgun east sun egreen east sun write artic l mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write question for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride you you meet church meet yeah that ticket guidelin pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smaller size accom od like passeng your primari concern protect passeng event crash fit for helmet that size your primari concern compli stupid helmet law carri real big spare you can put big small head big helmet not small you can accomplish goal you definit physic type mind you cough church meet your tast tend smaller petit cough churc hgoer like that will smaller head and you can safe medium small helmet thi work for and trade spare larg helmet friend for women that and can fit into medium si ze helmet previous had you aren picki size cough churchgoer you give help motorc ycl ride advic will hopefulli cover eventu legal concern and spare handtowel tan kbag make accept pad passeng can viewport pad viewport case extrem mismatch rand i davi email randi megatek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod thi eleven nigel t ufnel spinal tap ducati opinion want articl jwc srgenprp frankb sad frank ball wr ite godfrei digiorgi ramarren appl wrote ducati model essenti reduc displac mean weigh and size power produc specif meet vehicl tax restrict ducati model essent i reduc displac mean weigh and size power and brake bzzzt pound lighter person a nd recent wit stoppi larger averag rider aboard two finger that meas singl front disk accomplish task brake you such somewhat larg and overweight for motor will handl magnific won fast flaw mention limit steer lock annoy note tester and mir ror aren perfect haven rpm break and haven had problem slow limit steer lock can problem you aren prepar for mirror good imho forgot design whazza you matta phi losophi hewlett packard fax home vallei hous drive seca hmmmm don your sig miss beth beth true beth dixon bethd netcom yamaha excit girl dod yamaha spike garag rat fssnoc ducati ama ducati monza restor project kqspt can handl thi side deran g top choke ninja problem starr kuhub ukan edu write put supertrapp sl ip and had carb jet match set filter that replac stock airbox ahh and carb rejet match you made bike stage kit dynojet huge flat spot carbur thousand rpm gear i sn rejet fun thi frustrat highwai bike like cruis mph happen rpm sixth gear had tune and thi doesn think carb inject system gpz suggest for fix restor stock car b that fix you jet match extrem overli lean condit you ad free flow exhaust and higher flow filter chanc lean thi not that big fun carb tune tricki your and cho ic you want spend hour fiddl carb gui witha dyno and tune carb for your current set you plai guess game for long time erik astrup afm dod cbr cbr concour ninja thi eleven nigel tufnel lead guitar spinal tap long last tire for small bike wsh amsun apma virginia edu will h eyman write rear tire small front that size recomend call tire compani and you c an make recomend for you that your bet check biker magazin cycl world etc for ph one number tire erik astrup afm dod cbr cbr concour ninja thi eleven nigel tufne l lead guitar spinal tap edu breath articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda wr ite articl apr rtsg mot declrckd rtsg mot dan declerck write articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda write articl apr rtsg mot declrckd rtsg mot dan declerck write differ opinion and differ motorcycl sport bike rider and cruiser bike rider that differ mind close mind individu had motorcycl time rider cruiser bike don eddi ride continu thi forum and street you find quit differ opinion mo torcycl individu motorcycl slightli each and thi natur peopl and beauti sport cr uiser bike rider view motorcycl sport bike rider and dislik motorcycl thi not cl ose mind and view exactli that singl rider cruiser bike hold veiw that sport bik e rider possibl hold quantifi your gener for care you pigeonhol bunch peopl that plastic bodywork useless that torqu and upright ride posit slightli radic forwa rd ride posit combin high rpm low torqu motor cruiser motorcyclist chrome import sport bike motorcyclist chrome impact bui choic motiv sole price criteria each rider select vehicl choic ignor criteria insensit word motorcycl can fufil requi r that sport bike rider and cruiser rider sometim hard for motorcycl fufil perso n requir you fish for flame dave thi differ opinion analog differ sport car owne r and luxuri car owner thi moot convers dan declerck email declrckd rtsg mot mot orola cellular apd friend don friend wear neon phone ship bike articl qkhrm agat berkelei edu manish uclink berkelei edu manish vij write can recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost rememb thread ship save instruct bike prep post email manish step join ama ameri can motorcycl associ call ama join step you becom member will ship your bike unc rat anywher across fruit plain for hundr buck us thi servic and continu pleas da i for thing and you not prepar bike drain ga not mention that normal ship cost t ime you crate bike and ship anoth compani you can pai nick coburn dod ama cbr cb r coburnn spot colorado edu bmw moa member read thi articl joz hln cup chri steinbron hesh c up write ranck ranck joesbar edu wrote bmw owner think sign for moa begin suspic i throw monei rathol current membership laps for renew hesh case that not for an oth year hint will organ busi that long and prefer longer and worth part david k arr karr cornel edu trace licens plate bdi cager articl apr adob cjackson adob curti jackson wrote good advic hesh time back for zen refresh imagin you lili gentli float darken pool and bdc volvo come careen freewai and land top you pool you ca n win jim jim franklin jamesf appl jim bob son cagiva alazzurra signatur remodl triumph slalom champ low price qualiti workman dod kotp ship call todai for free estimit get saddl bag hei pretti wonder world motorcycl bought us kaw cs r friend wonder kind saddl bag for sinc noth bag for ga tank cost and hold for y our advic ride love jbourgui uc indiana edu dod saddl bag and helmet for sale sell item pair hard saddl bag easi instal snap releas featur lock black brand krusur two oshi full face helmet for com bike that sell you us thing bike and accessori yamaha vision call medi work home medi montaseri montasmm ntmtv am mcdcup ntmtv montasmm observ helmet articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip heck pa int congraul your helmet pass snell test cheerfulli spent bottl testor model pai nt and repaint scratch and chip for minut not save your head you drop mike mike seal yamaha inform group dod level tower terrac email homer inform wellington ph one zealand fax stolen cbr stolen pasadena and blue and white honda cbr californ ia plate cbr serial number xpm engin number turn signal mirror light tape for tr ack rider session willow spring tomorrow guess miss find babi kjg ship bike can recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost recommend that you hop back and cruis that nice ride you choos your rout ca re shouldn cost ga and night motel bill mellon mellon ncd uunet lupin mellon mem ber leagu for program freedom find softwar patent cost you your program contact lpf uunet net max handl request bradw newbridg brad warkentin write handl good big standard earli not compar what state art dai you back thi opinion come ride

and max find enjoy ride max fast twisti road clayton brook heart cbrook uki edu pot blue cbrook ukma bitnet lex grass and rutger uunet ukma cbrook bourbon coun tri ama nma maa am acbl dod bmw moa member read thi can resign bmw moa and remaind year memb ership refund riceburn respect articl oxz cellar org craig cellar org saint cr aig write shz mare att keeper tude write true rider real ride attitud will offer wave weather harlei honda bike inless case bike your and you low acknowleg thi you find case harlei rider give wave and ride secur knowleg that persob persob k inda that peopl wave return wave harlei harlei rider seldom wave back duck squid don wave return wave even each can michael man mman icomsim nextmail accept fls tf fatboi ducati trace licens plate bdi cager articl apr isc jeq lachman jonathan quist wrote you file complaint for danger oper motor vehicl and sign will show court come you can thi morn lane chang freewai and look mirror theer car look se cond car posit not acceler tripl check head turn and decid plenti room acceler t ravel mile stai feet teh bumper car ahead and casual mirror check thi gui tail m ean you couldn stick hair tire fender mirror slowli teh throttl stai had lost mp h and come and cut big time follow for mile and final bore and turn back into wo rk can file complaint thi and chanc jim jim franklin jamesf appl jim bob son cag iva alazzurra signatur remodl triumph slalom champ low price qualiti workman dod kotp ship call todai for free estimit bike want advic purchas articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri behanna write articl apr mit edu jburnsid mit edu jami burnsid write alot h arder load trailer kdx road legal tomorrow ignor afforement concern transmiss an d take chanc worri tran relet reader quit impress useful info thi newsgroup dod number busi ride thi count thought cat dod faq mailx hahahha jburnsid mit edu wa it press return chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog jack water dod don fear thief night that come afternoon asleep that worri ship bike articl mellon apr pepper ncd mellon ncd ted lemon writ e can recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost recommend that you hop back and cruis that nice ride you choos your rout care shouldn cost ga and n ight motel bill coast portland nice and even wai watch weather good drench orego n coast rang onc howard berkei howard netcom stolen aarghhhh dam dam dam ritvax isc rit edu write dam back dr om work todai bike dam proced side shit dry rider cover dam bare two week and go d stole trash honda red white blue cover residenti palo alto coupl week ago cove r had hole burnt exhaust etc etc figur kid not jet netcom eric townsend dod haft a kill you thi fun account work email jet na nasa gov you put ducki you wanna pl ai saxophon skate unix die boyo chang sprocket ratio honda honda guru can replac front sprocket honda slightli larger thi prefer reduc size rear want ride relax rpm clayton bro ok heart cbrook uki edu pot blue cbrook ukma bitnet lex grass and rutger uunet u kma cbrook bourbon countri ama nma maa am acbl dod bmw moa member read thi boi bike versu scuffl grow and that for you hope that dump dempster campaign work that crook and supris that thi long fo r ain hand not that want bed wacko run throw rathol effect send club you wouldn you don magazin you sinc moa politburo instal don lack sort panach had and bike static moa counterst faq post articl apr adob cjackson adob curti jackson w rite perhap waterski bike counterst sea doo boat turn chang angl duct propel wat erski bike motorcycl ski each wheel handlebar connect familiar steer head front ski handl motorcycl bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toront o ontario canada daemon child articl bethdc jul netcom bethd netcom beth dixon wr ite articl apr research nec behanna syl syl nec chri behanna write articl bethdc netcom bethd netcom beth dixon write bzzzzt discov tour bike nifti cach for thi ng coin lipstick duc doesn back carri lipstick jacket pocket life hard denizen t hink that natur thought kiss that waxi shit smear woman lip definit turn clear l

ipstick chapstick etc fit natur waxi shit categori wear lip dry kiss dry crack p arch lip isn fun agre chapstick fit waxi shit categori notic that steal annett c hapstick appli lip crack thi past winter previou winter sigh price pai not that kiss beth noemi not tom you won noemi speak for darl annett guess you can readi barf bag chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi b ike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog ship bike can recommend ship motorcycl san francisco seattl and cost ship portland oregon daytona for thi year bike week rode back compani us fe der you can reach you ama member discount for ama not call ama join becom ama me mber ship cost base number mile cost for portland orlando that insur had ride sh ip dock and siphon ga can pick bike busi bike arriv time orlando had adjust mirr or and add ga bike perfect shape gari bike hors insect impac cooper mprgate mpr greg cooper write arti cl qeftj sixgun east sun egreen east sun green articl sda usenet in cwru edu cle veland freenet edu mike sturd except averag you can bare fart fuck you mike gent lemen greg confus aren gentlemen thi newsgroup two robert smit ladysmith luca bu ilt weapon war emd ham almanac never start recommend for front tire articl qfkqhinn rodan net smm rodan net steve mansfield write front tire dead minim tread left time for recommend good tire front ride almost brand back stick front laser front gpz and fantast tire f ront tire had graem weir dod fido unb univers brunswick fredericton canada damn box jockei full speed ahead live flame flame live gpz trek mtb long trip articl uupcb freddi ersi edmonton mark harrison freddi ersi edmonton mark harrison write motorcycli don even bike and will long trip e dmonton vancouv tip bare essenti for trip tool cloth emerg repair bike you respo nd thi you gonna yer cage thi market for us cycl tip for don burnt appreci mark oughta gang tool faq thi gui hmmm andi infant you can listen fact remain bmw tha t you and thing dod joan sutherland opinion dammit noth act front traffic jerk nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen wri te thing denmark short sword and cleav car half sinc assum you didn short sword you problem your choic substitut action dan sorenson dod dan exnet iastat edu vi ke iastat edu isu censor read not don blame usenet post exot distant machin meet excit unusu peopl and flame boom dog attack ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousinea u write ride hill lead hous encount liver and white springer spaniel relat sprin ger softail springer spagthorp close relat spagthorp vike miss articl spagthorp vike that illumin dragon head front fender style copi indian and round side cove r accid delet worri accid thi don prevent travel slower thi not necessarili unre ason suggest for residenti area ride speed limit you can forget thi line reason anim decid you noth you can genet put mere mph gravel road loos rock bad concret and lb swing beef jump fenc ditch and ram jump fenc for ga sinc feet ahead good forti side damn cow liter chase and nail damag cow bent case guard and sever an noi rider casualti had shotgun eat steak nope lb cow can hit activ evad forget m anuever dog run dan sorenson dod dan exnet iastat edu vike iastat edu isu censor read not don blame usenet post exot distant machin meet excit unusu peopl and f lame flash behanna syl nec chri behanna write arriv toll booth switch hazard thisto warn motorist that will take longer second make transact question thi good bad thing thi sound good thing second that addit find hazard us horn s peed below mph interst quit common mountain truck state requir flasher rural are a flasher gui you tractor larg implement us whenev you commun that thing will de viat norm chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name that paint green sinc green triumph that friend own sold name free for adopt name thunderpickl grab you dan sorenson dod dan exnet iastat edu vike iastat edu isu censor read not don blame usenet post exot distant mach in meet excit unusu peopl and flame max handl request apr ntuvax ntu ntuvax ntu write ican handson e xperi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl max strait line shit shrough goos corner ride honda dream dan sorenson dod dan exnet iastat edu vike iastat edu is u censor read not don blame usenet post exot distant machin meet excit unusu peo

pl and flame bike hors insect impact articl txd mkt txd esd tom dietrich writ e previou articl egreen east sun green pixel cruncher lot thing quot articl rgu usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu mike sturdev write you your averag dirt biker can jump foot log log that suspend ground for that matter log that suspen d ground imagin you don jump that you lai bike and slide jonathan quist jeq lach man lachman technolog incorpor dod kotpp kotcf gleep napervil noth quit pitter p atter feet word daddi yai batteri storag not charg and store dry put coupl bike storag for month start month and contempl easi control batteri that bui batteri tender for each and leav plug time bike storag fine not that never heard discuss thi idea reason isn great can mistak fulli charg batteri drain electrolyt into separ cont ain for each batteri seal contain close batteri and leav that that bike come sto rag put electrolyt back batteri and fulli charg wrong thi relat note for you bai area denizen wasn had bunch spare edta month back left for and robert liabil insur requir articl apr newbridg bradw newbridg brad wark entin write articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda write lost attrib ut area driver requir show proof financi respons mean insur requir pull driver b ellyach net don pull and check law enforc fact case lot monei don you requir for yearli plate sticker ontario and manitoba for and provinc you show proof insurn ac you renew your plate sticker concept that owner car not respons for action au thor user car that biggest argument photo radar ticket system you pai outstand t icket even cross provinc agreement ontario and quebec that unpaid ticket provinc record date sticker bad troubl that you recours mi issu ticket cleric error com put follow you citi chicago inform motto citi work issu dozen park ticket each y ear peopl never set foot tire citi jonathan quist jeq lachman lachman technolog incorpor dod kotpp kotcf gleep napervil noth quit pitter patter feet word daddi yai fortun guzzler bar bar thi todai newspap fortun guzzler bar bar barnstapl england reuter motorcyclist drunk insur payment year ban wednesdai pub england and wale david robert had award cash compens for lose leg motorcycl acc id spent virtual cider court barnstapl southwest england told judg malcolm coter il ban robert bar england and wale for month and put two year probat start brawl pub bruce clark environ mail bclark galaxi gov solar batteri charger good solar batteri booster and come guaran te hand heard that peopl us success commun directli such person you your experi you us occasion charg long term leav for week etc robert kennedi robert kennedi offic robert stanford edu home voic comput scienc dept stanford univers home tty gentlemen articl cvbnetprim tjohnson tazmanian prime tod johnson write articl uupcb freddi ersi edmonton grant barkwel freddi ersi edmonton gran t barkwel write knowledg simpli posess motorcycl can you laid true thankfulli tr ue gentlemen favor and excus comment your sexual fortun net tod you misspok bank own motorcycl laid doubt sexual fortun quit revers jonathan quist jeq lachman l achman technolog incorpor dod kotpp kotcf gleep napervil noth quit pitter patter feet word daddi yai happi easter articl apr hasler ascom kevinh hasler ascom write s ell bmw even test bmw cornich will remain british for time hard roll royc own br itish firm god that end civil jonathan quist jeq lachman lachman technolog incor por dod kotpp kotcf gleep napervil noth quit pitter patter feet word daddi yai live free quietli die articl sixgun east sun egreen east sun wri te loud pipe biliger exercis ego project arguement fact avoid accid rev engin an d stock harlei pipe make nois draw someon attent instinct rev engin for horn don and work that import not louder pipe harlei loud and get notic road for that re ason person not feel loud you that bad america home free land atlanta brave you want fine tune machin feder govern involv and pass restrict gener that move rev your engin will you notic horn hand throttl into feet bike mph second long push horn button and aren you gui that doesn even bike tod johnson dod slow geritol liabil insur requir articl apr walter bellcor fist iscp bellcor richard pierson write let thi fault stuff straight live start rate alot move and rate alot and stori you sit park lot lunch and wack you guess insur pai for giv

e you weeni insur compani stupid law that jerk hit park lot insruanc compani doe sn sue doesn immedi fault and insur compani hell rais rate andi infant you can l isten fact remain bmw that you and thing dod joan sutherland opinion dammit noth ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorc articl qjmf sixgun east sun egre en east sun write articl castl wbg festiv geak write ultra sticki label print yo ur favourit curs good even local hospit us wheel clamp put size each window cage apart complex us live thi put thing driver window couldn miss friend damn wreck home night vision block sticker suggest manag enorm liabil assum pull that stun t claim driver fault for illeg park place that good for laugh two court found li abl for care put sticker cage window yeah make darn you cover glass driver can e xpect drive thing car jonathan quist jeq lachman lachman technolog incorpor dod kotpp kotcf gleep napervil noth quit pitter patter feet word daddi yai fortun guzzler bar bar bclark galaxi gov write thi todai newspap fortun guzzler bar bar barnstapl england reuter motorcyclist drunk insur paymen t year ban wednesdai pub england and wale david robert had award cash compens fo r lose leg motorcycl accid spent virtual cider court barnstapl southwest england told judg malcolm coteril ban robert bar england and wale for month and put two year probat start brawl pub justic lost leg and had give motorcycl assum david didn that can leg want swamp even for ten year admit prefer homebrew pubbrew jud g coteril troubl can you that chanc you can and convinc rule backward nick perha p lad deserv for start brawl bad form horribl bad form for get drunk that though t natur born and for spend monei good care moolah even spend recklessli asham hu man matt block koch dod honda bmw moa member read thi articl apr cornel edu karr cornel edu da vid karr write rivet bmwmoa elect soap opera detail delet doesn shortag altern c andid you not vote for vechorik bui bmw cast vote for groucho ride safe cliff we ston dod seca tem thi bike excel condit work glen crash stone european insur move sweden and test written and road even had va lid licens for year resid and drive licens resid don itali eec camp question articl bnr npet bnr nick pettefar write back youth ahem wiffi and moi purchas gadget heat water sourc for car us thought work apar t slight problem had rev lower and motor die lack electron movement colonist rep lac bolt bottom barrel tap want coffe rev engin boil and pour cup hot water us e thylen glycol antifreez methanol tast sweeter roger collier sun sun microsystem coventri england dod gsxr keeper gsxr list aerostitch piec articl apr vax cit cornel edu vax cit cornel edu write request for opinion piec aerostitch two piec aerostitch for versatil prot ect advanc nadin scare fit piec two piec jacket and pant due manli man athlet bu ild kind thing laugh not trim and pant big don piec provid protect wrong swiftli gentli correct net pansi knowledg call regard jack water dod don fear thief nig ht that come afternoon asleep that worri counterst faq post leavitt umd edu bill write mj sy uea mike six smith write mj imho tell newbi counterst counter product mj co confus rode quit happili for year mj know noth counterst cannot ride differ mj that interpret thi mean that you repres motorcyclist world mike presumpt you imho humbl opinion le avitt umd edu bill write leavitt time learn counterst techniqu you leavitt start learn you develop bad habit rode for leavitt year take msf erc and learn leavit t counterst year and leavitt conscious don steer counterst leavitt habit die har d and bad habit even harder mj bill thi complet bollock you learn counterst mj t ime you rode bike natur and intuit mike not kick can you not counterst mph stone that kick for sake argument conced that counterst sake argument mj msf not teac h you counterst told you mj you and that didn that confus newbi big differ know happen and make extrem case emerg swerv and let bike make turn onc knew precis h appen and make abruptli and command emerg avoid abil improv tenfold not mention big improv normal corner abil profici know counterst motorcycl let motorcycl ste er that rememb cognit command bike let run corner return origin comment learn ha ppen start and charg develop bad habit for ride bill you kid firstli motorcycl n ot steer rider can that secondli adhes tyre road suspens geometri and ground cle aranc motorcycl dictat quickli you can swerv avoid obstacl and not knowledg phys ic rider ear you suggest that counterst knowledg enabl you corner faster compet

you manag mike extrem gratifi for you that you such natur affin and prowess for motorcycl that formal train total wast time for you assum your total train hasn come simpli read rec motorcycl motorcyclist discuss formal rider educ regard exp eri overwhelmingli posit thi amount experi brought into rang minut year formal t rain thi countri awar not includ counterst theori found counterst six year ago p hysic lectur motorcyclist didn steer bike make turn left and analys close and re aliz interest bit knowledg and had lot fun sinc tell sceptic that interest bit k nowledg and claim that essenti for biker that you can corner faster result absur d formal train view absolut essenti you ride bike properli and safe includ count erst theori newbi cours confus peopl unnecessarili time import matter for learn and that origin point mike drink and ride norman hamer maven eskimo wrote gener rule thumb for sobrieti and cycl coupl hour you feel sober work drink tonight don ride tomo rrow gener find that two decent hit nitrou ride improv enorm drink silli your br eath smell cost lot monei and pig can detect machin work for nick wow biker dod concis errr lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingd om npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh oil articl dlvo skate gsfc nasa gov tim intrepid gsfc nasa gov t im seiss write oil oil level top mark window lower side motor notic that oil lev el window gradual decreas mile check window bike level ground and sat idl for aw hil oil chanc drain back into pan bike isn leak oil place and don smoke come exh aust owner manual amount oil high and low mark oil level window approx quart bik e quart mile owner manual figur for max oil consumpt mile question whether degre oil consumpt bike normal owner oil level gradual and consist bike for work ask local gui data point can normal for bmw bike us oil thousand mile don had bike a nd us bit oil max quart mile thi quit and time had mile oil consumpt told that h arder you run bike reason sooner stop oil charli smith charli elektro cmhnet org kotdohl kotwitdodl kspi dod doh ama moa buckei beemer ohio bmw triumph columbu ohio usa internet discuss list articl moe ksu ksu edu bparker uafhp uark edu brian parker write world motorcyl lover lover start discuss list internet fo r peopl interest talk bike discuss and you interest join drop line sinc isn list you post you send and distribut mon join and enjoi huh thi gui invent wreck mot orcycl curiou mind want charli smith charli elektro cmhnet org kotdohl kotwitdod l kspi dod doh ama moa buckei beemer ohio bmw triumph columbu ohio usa internet discuss list articl moe ksu ksu edu bparker uafhp uark edu brian parker write world motorcyl lover lover start discuss list internet fo r peopl interest talk bike discuss and you interest join drop line sinc isn list you post you send and distribut mon join and enjoi second thought didn invent w reck moto round figur dod theme song faq come charli smith dod doh kspt noth qui t pitter patter feet word daddi lock bike and contact articl apr new columbia edu sc cunixb columbia edu sebastian sear write articl apr linu mitr org cookson mbunix mitr org cookso n write articl ckp new cso uiuc edu dcl nxt cso uiuc edu student write quick que stion recent bike and drive problem wind mess contact ga permeabl full face helm et face sheild work for thi doesn work for wind that blow insid and dry ey dust eventu wear sunglass insid helmet wear sunglass insid full face helmet dirt wind contact mumbl mumbl mumbl charli smith dod doh kspt for mainten manual for honda articl apr wam umd edu buffalo wam umd edu duncan sterl write think that tour push envelop twin local honda dealer that honda dream commonli refer tour bike water problem back rode puch pari barc elona and back that two stroke and back repres size bike road consid big bike an d superbik dai bigger real rare charli smith dod doh kspt noth water mai voulez vou peu melang ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorcycl piss evelyn well apr cst wibb l onc thi morn pull design motorcycl park area find cage pull bike peopl don dou bl park car motorcycl never mind that rhetor question want can carri piec paper that don park your car motorcycl area call cop wait emerg build and berat beg fo rgiv thi problem and you evi don you local branch you prefer method phone ira an d car and that belong northern ireland govern committe hour and car longer probl

em not park close nick veng biker dod concis oxford plastic lud nick pettefar co ntractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh bike hors insect impact jonathan quist thu apr gmt wibbl articl txd mkt txd esd tom dietrich write previou articl egreen east sun green pixel cr uncher lot thing quot articl rgu usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu mike s turdev write you your averag dirt biker can jump foot log log that suspend groun d for that matter log that suspend ground imagin you don jump that you lai bike and slide jonathan quist nice thing hors that break middl you can eat fuel bit c heaper nick biker dod concis oxford giddi lud nick pettefar contractor larg inca rcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh extraordinari footpeg engin articl apr csdvax csd unsw edu exb c sdvax csd unsw edu write dod er goddamn mysteri for stud side bike that clunk tu rn absent fairli event fact thread hole footpeg perfectli intact evid forcefulli rip moment previous you engin type you explain thi can you rip tightli fit stee l thread thread hole alloi damag thread hole you can knock thread stud hole dest roi thread part stud hole stud not hole you touch that side bike doom counterst faq post egreen east sun green pixel cruncher write ar ticl zen sy uea mj sy uea mike sixsmith write egreen east sun green pixel crunch er write that argu gyroscop etc throughli understand techniqu counterst includ t hat counterst corner underli physic matter and not taught beginn agre counterst techniqu taught for understand techniqu can develop maxim effect emerg avoid man uv thi thing disagre agre disagre that tell newbi steer left turn unnecessarili confus bike and ride damn thing exactli happen git that haven clue understand ph ysic traction fine cannot detail theori that place motorcyl train you that maxim um traction obtain tyre begin slide road violent disagr you state true insuffici form traction manag polici traction increas appli normal forc traction front wh eel increas weight shift brake forc and correspondingli decreas rear techniqu ap pli brake and eas rear and increas pressur front can learn understand weight shi ft and traction jeez you start talk traction manag polici thought you make weird refer railwai locomot offici line doubt that front brake appli rear brake idea that you avoid lock rear weight transfer take place practic suspect peopl you de scrib brake tire begin slide useless advic newbi and slide tire find that inform develop brake techniqu that brake and weight shift develop you don slide tyre y ou know whether you achiev maximum brake not not suggest that you aim brake hard you possibl can you want find limit machin you case for maximum brake suggest y ou aim wheel point slide you exactli you suggest motorcycl articl apr alw nih gov gregh niagara dcrt nih gov greg ori humphrei write bui bike insur turn month parent take care insur till and com prehens list cost that bui motorcycl insur live washington that make differ depe nd bike onc you found bike you interest call insur compani for rate bike cheaper insur you cost year loui recommend bui for for bike recommend and bike short fe et ground you stop piec advic will give you motorcycl safeti foundat rider deale r for detail state complet such can give you break insur will teach you ride pro perli begin you won learn bad habit good luck ride motorcycl fun you can nake al an insur discount erik asphaug asphaug lpl arizona edu wrote insur agent offer multi vehicl discount thi time for car assum that you capabl progres s offer multi vehicl discount good price imho toni toni jone ant crai uunet crai ant cmc codegener group softwar divis crai research inc lone oak drive eagan bike articl forqfa iuzmatnmz andrew cmu edu jame leo belliveau j bc andrew cmu edu write motorcycl enthusiast motorcycl and put bluntli suck advi c for second thought thi post green bruce clark environ mail bclark galaxi gov fortun guzzler bar bar that perfectli come scotland you motorcycl gregori humphrei gregh niagara dcrt nih gov wrote greg motorcycl haven even bought posit you you learn you never ridden class put grou p call motorcycl safeti foundat california similar washington call motorcycl dea ler your area and ask good start ride motorcycl correctli traffic moron articl uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cousineau co mpdyn questor org ryan cousineau wrote nmm nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen nmm subject act front traffic jerk nmm dai rain cat and dog therefor nmm speed

limit noth bike thi gui bmw nmm drive meter for meter and red light nmm calmli p ut bike leg walk back thi car roll nmm window and told total idiot and reason nm m thing imho you wrong thing you shot run your bike beat shit you that person fo olish drive fool and act heck idiot driver illeg you can file citizen arrest and drag that person into court hassl for you major hassl for perp john stafford mi nnesota state univers winona standard disclaim appli insur and lotsa point articl apr adob cjackson adob write glad t hat you judgement shit hei pal you call litt toni toni kidson pgp kei request vo ic morgan tower cat had move mail order morgan road had top toni morgan demon br omlei machin tny cix compulink england honda dod compuserv shaft drive and wheeli apr gmt xlyx vax cit cornel edu wheeli mo torcycl shaft drive rear wheel come ground not front hop into air figur john sta fford minnesota state univers winona standard disclaim appli traffic moron articl stafford stafford winona msu edu stafford v ax winona msu edu john stafford write articl uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cous ineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau wrote nmm nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel m ichelsen nmm subject act front traffic jerk nmm dai rain cat and dog therefor nm m speed limit noth bike thi gui bmw nmm drive meter for meter and red light nmm calmli put bike leg walk back thi car roll nmm window and told total idiot and r eason nmm thing imho you wrong thing you shot run your bike beat shit you that p erson foolish drive fool and act heck idiot driver illeg you can file citizen ar rest and drag that person into court hassl for you major hassl for perp john sta fford minnesota state univers winona you can make citizen arrest feloni standard disclaim appli pari dakar bmw tour mike johnson mentorg mentor graphic boeckman softwar support corpor wilsonvil framework product divis shaft drive and wheeli previou articl xlyx vax cit cornel edu mi ke terri ask wheeli motorcycl shaft drive mike impos due shaft effect centripit effect rotat shaft counteract tendenc for front wheel lift ground dod darkman si gnific problem face cannot solv level think creat albert einstein etern champion bike and wheeli previou articl jbc andrew cmu edu jame leo belli veau motorcycl enthusiast motorcycl and put bluntli suck advic good starter bike for thing make bike good bui second time question specif interest race bike cbr gsx that thi sound kind crazi that never had bike respons fast learner and love give advic that you search includ place even specif bike that you want sell ans wer obviou dod darkman signific problem face cannot solv level think creat alber t einstein etern champion shaft drive and wheeli xlyx vax cit cornel edu write wheeli moto rcycl shaft drive not counterst for humor impar pphhhhhtttttt concour sophist la di tom dietrich sportster sport for sale dod spike garag rat ama queu for fssnoc two joust and gather big fun kspt bell cool rule sometim mail txd mkt lewi disc laim take respons for opinion preced thi honda cbr for sale for sale honda cbr hurrican bought bike end l ast summer and love bill forc part bike mile and run strong nead tune and possib l break pad rubber good toss tankbag and kiwi helmet ask offer add hit newspap a nd micronew interest parti can call dai and even traffic moron uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cousineau compdyn q uestor org ryan cousineau write nmm nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen nmm su bject act front traffic jerk found that effect strategi flash brake light pump p edal you will bit free plai your brake pedal thi that even brain dead idiot can discern that flash red light directli front mean that wrong thing wrong your str ategi boi cri wolf jorg klinger gsxr you arch eng servic lost horizon umanitoba man embalm anonym squidonk flame exhaust articl apr research nec chri behanna behanna syl n ec write articl apr bnr dave dal farra gpz bnr write remind great editori bruce reev coupl month ago cycl canada piss cop pull speeder danger spot and blind cor ner that dai decid reveng cruis factori loaner zzr test bike notic cop had pull motorist ramp almost shoulder bright lad hit bike kill switch pass cop happen be nd offend motorist expos glute pass world ignit system dead pump throtl two time fill exhaust canist volatil raw fuel stab kill switch light ignit and send flam

e sargeant swell direct cycl cop read cycl canada agre spirit action hope that r ider poni take replac exhaust system destroi owner manual explicitli warn such b ehavior for exactli that reason you can destroi your mufler that chri behanna do d fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name ag re thi rais pack wild corn dog fat chanc offend rider moto journalist gui can se ll hundr bike stroke pen and such murder come test bike worth earli expir mufler bone head butt bake dave true that monei talk mine spoke bui drink bui bike etc lot post wanna bui bike gsxr cbr fzr good bike lear n etc put togeth faq bui bike ravi us post time bruce clark environ mail bclark galaxi gov stuff for sale respond item electr vest aerostitch suit and scar f spoken for gari gari wasserman complet irrat attract bmw bike interleaf inc pr ospect place hillsid av waltham grw ileaf fax dod motorcycl articl apr alw nih gov gregh niagara dcrt nih gov greg ori humphrei write work that cover bike helmet that ignor bui number approxim an d will doubt flame helmet cheap jacket us cheap glove noth special motorcycl saf eti foundat ride that leav you and depend accuraci number bui us bike regist ins ur and run properli you cut close perhap your parent reason and you your learn r ide safe you pick cost msf and safeti gear earli holidai present time long term invest and you spend your monei actual bike insur registr and mainten curti jack son cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson fortun guzzler bar bar articl qtvl dartvax dartmouth edu russel hugh dartmouth edu knicker twister write articl apr bnr npet bnr nick pettefar w rite regard pub brawl histori such thing biker doesn make reason person even dod object join had histori such thing not mention articl and present irrelev detai l drink monei can exactli fault sit result law hand shoddi journal law attach st ring you spend settlement put monei trust don assum perfectli legitim drink woul dn spend that david karr karr cornel edu fortun guzzler bar bar david karr tue apr gmt wibbl articl qtvl dartvax dartmouth edu russel hugh dartmouth edu knicker twister write articl apr bnr npet bnr nick pettefar write regard pub brawl histori such thing biker does n make reason person even dod object join had histori such thing not mention art icl and present irrelev detail drink monei can exactli fault sit result law hand shoddi journal law attach string you spend settlement put monei trust don assum perfectli legitim drink wouldn spend that david karr karr cornel edu heard thi newspap articl journalist and editor pick interest and sensat fact for delect ed itor sun onc never fact good stori you notic motorcyclist treat press thrive hys teria ignor sensation and upmanship not salt take pinch nick cynic biker dod con cis oxford leaki gearbox lud nick pettefar contractor larg teneo tuu intervallum cuurrent incarcer bnr npet bnr bmw kai maidenhead unit kingdom pre pbwasoh not for bell toll toll for you time that oil tim intrepid gsfc nasa gov tim seiss write want mail po st repli question oil consumpt you decid joe senner joe rider cactu org austin a rea ride mail list ride rider cactu org texa splatterfest mail list fest rider c actu org time worst time note thi not time time year funni thing happen b ike engin run perfectli complet smooth not that run poorli dai except theori tha t air densiti and moistur content air such that complet combust needless put gre at mood mood last for mile head north freewai mile two south throttl stop respon d and lane noth make lane shoulder initi glide push traffic heavi that car not m ind stop for turn screw unscrew insid mikuni carb hear that screw tight bike nev er thought that had that screw insid carb roadsid fixabl and time death life tel l you you fire gei paul blumstein paulb harlei tti dod abat ama hog doh laa marc arrl platypu qrp arpci naswa lwca rcma cala transact technolog inc santa monica type spesif vfr etc vidar olaf solberg vidaro dhhalden wrote can letter spesif motorcycl model mean exampl mean and honda cbr and suzuki glp hon da design engin street bike for for twin street bike parallel twin inlin cylind engin us mean race bike us mean sport bike for steet scrambler street bike high pipe custom street bike dirt two stroke dual purpos bike dirt stroke can dual pu

rpos bike suffix tour bike frank ball frankb sad work hewlett packard fax home v allei hous drive seca rohnert park wug law ama dod nra hell met articl apr freenet carleton freenet carleton lloyd carr write previou articl maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer don end replac re al futur wear total nondamag face dot rate cheapi doesn fit wind wear shoei lot comfort wind quieter minor damag wear even drop paint chip helmet poorli fit had scratch bang repair confid protect helmet will continu give you depress actual crack magnifi glass you replac thi not good advic coupl year involv low speed ge toff land back pavement head helmet hit pavement clunk leav coupl ding and chip paint point impact visibl damag call helmet manufactur and inquir damag that fib erglass shell work give delamin crack thi fiberglass serv spread forc impact wid er area fiberglass thing crushabl foam liner take care absorb hopefulli remain i mpact forc told that second stage fiberglass function delamin glass resin layer can occur visibl sign insid helmet suggest that send helmet and inspect includ r ai back helmet letter state that that find damag that compromis abil helmet prov id maximum protect suspect that thi letter elimin claim prior damag helmet event sue bottom line that appear that helmet integr can compromis visibl sign for se nd back and inspect note that helmet manufactur provid inspect servic and not an oth point purchas lid ken franklin heaven for peopl wait ama and ain gwrra laugh sinner cry saint dod sinner lot fun good die young hasti articl apr megatek randi megatek randi davi write articl s peedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu speedi mercer write articl jnmoyn m oustic lbl gov jnmoyn lbl gov jean noel moyn write dwi stand for thought dui for drive influenc stand for drive intox beleiv dwi mean drive impair intox state l ive thi chang louisiana girl court and won case claim stone pot not intox liquor can impari necessarili impair liquor drug not sleep total moron can impair etc surpris thi hook perhap dwi lousiana confin liquor let dui dod technician speed not student stolen taglin god real declar integ delet your file black hole god d ivid world will end minut log earth full delet you can header paint mile trailer rain rust bike header metal underneath solid sand rust coat and repaint pipe black recommend for paint and applic pain t axel rgv and pose articl dsd bgardner pebbl blain gardner write artic l speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu speedi mercer write articl spam math adelaid edu amydlak spam math adelaid edu adam mydlak write squid delet hel ment law vari state state state louisiana law personali not feet bike law law he lment will save your life feet draw line your and rais you doug rinck drinck tss c wlg nec zealand tssc bmw bmw indian type spesif vfr etc can letter spesif motorcycl model mean examp l mean and honda cbr and suzuki glp wanna distribut thi club magazin want list t ype harlei advanc vidar vidar solberg norwai rock hard ride free proud and true metallibash honda for sale want peopl that thi motorcycl sold for your inqui ri dave schultz boom dog attack year ago drive cage dog dart quiet intersect fro nt distanc didn slow dog suddenli appear and collid front bumper and forc impact kill that scottish terrier appar dog henceforth dog decid cross street ey for d og dog travel pair pack experi dog chase black pretti loud oem horn not good fia mm good enuff bike larg and heavi run smaller nipper larger troubl get leg saddl ebag and engin guard def feel vulner trump that easier leg chew target for mongr el persist dog run biker despit complaint owner wouldn advers run truck dog life isn worth imho compar child ride bike get knock ground dog and di head injuri d og neighborhood that viciou public menac run unleash fair game road kill candid graem harrison gharriso hpcc corp dod bike short friend shop for motorcycl thi great seat thi not grea t thing found and unhappi time tap collect memori denizen model model and us bik e not problem lower seat and sinc make thi difficult prefer not end cruiser bonu point for list tini standard rememb thread point similar thi pass month ago tha t list gregori bean dod bean ncar ucar edu fact that big reverb sound flame exhaust articl quw btq cso uiuc edu mikeh cso uiuc edu mik

e hollyman custom that replac cylind head gasket put back togeth wouldn idl run cylind and backfir and spit flame exhaust side exhaust mac bought plug todai and run rough and won idl quit fine tune knob carb mess check time fine advanc and that didn assum carb synch can bui kit and thi kit for price suggest dont carb t hat suspect that cam time you that you had head that make sens ian emu worth ian deelei you will school engin insignific univers sussex ooo import that you engl and anon extraordinari footpeg engin previou articl exb csdvax csd unsw e du dod er goddamn mysteri for todai turn degre corner dai slight differ rough sp ot path caus suspens compress mid corner and part bike hit ground tangibl thunk pull opportun su damag delet barri manor dod confus accident peg scraper check b ottom your pipe barri suspect that hit year past thought peg found bottom pipe m ade contact show good size dent scratch you feel suddent chang your foot peg had bump for piec miss contribut that vibrat loss yep thing happen honda twinstar m ike maser dod squid rate pinetre sidnei can hopalonga twinfart yuka yuka excess list tridump mucho guzler burlei home thumpison bimotamoeba work mmaser siriu uv ic joke month gai univers victoria indian chief new rec motorcycl answer can bum coupl buck hasti articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu speed i mercer write articl jnmoyn moustic lbl gov jnmoyn lbl gov jean noel moyn write dwi stand for thought dui for drive influenc stand for drive intox beleiv dwi m ean drive impair intox state live thi chang louisiana girl court and won case cl aim stone pot not intox liquor can impari necessarili impair liquor drug not sle ep total moron can impair etc surpris thi hook perhap dwi lousiana confin liquor randi davi email randi megatek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod thi eleven ni gel tufnel spinal tap for movi bike folk assembl info for film critic class final proj ect essenti movi that us moto substanti capac fallen angl marlboro man rais ariz ona etc you fellow er give preciat btw summari bike plot help not erc eric sundh eim csundh ursa calvin edu grandrapid usa hondo vfr dod traffic moron nmm nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen nmm subj ect act front traffic jerk nmm dai rain cat and dog therefor nmm speed limit not h bike thi gui bmw nmm drive meter for meter and red light nmm calmli put bike l eg walk back thi car roll nmm window and told total idiot and reason nmm thing n mm nmm niel mikkel sound great real bdi cager tailgat found that effect strategi flash brake light pump pedal you will bit free plai your brake pedal thi that e ven brain dead idiot can discern that flash red light directli front mean that w rong two problem your strategi that red light chang you can meaning your mouth o ccup except your opinion and demonstr such physic you your park bike admittedli slim chanc give paus slmr sometim you windshield sometim bug comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate friendli sysop motorcycl motorcycl flame don bike piec inform work that cover b ike helmet that ignor bui bui bike insur turn month parent take care insur till and comprehens list cost that bui motorcycl insur live washington that make diff er recommend bui for imagin state not state not bitter you written test and lear ner permit wonder learn ride bike profici liscenc and not kill oneself don bike teach and advic heard you live field you friend pickup truck answer ride neighbo rhood and hope for kind live residenti area not suburb big citi and mile downtow n that doesn viabl stori you learn for repli advanc greg humphrei meant that dam n autoind greg humphrei thi thursdai never nation institut health hang thursdai gregh alw nih gov arthur dent happi easter articl vtserf edu ranck joesbar edu ranck write hei wasn pick morgan us technolog that noth wrong technolog peopl us shovel dig hol e you can dig hole stock shovel you perform mod stroke and cam real bad rear tir e dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot get tire concour mmmmmmmmmm beat you dave r ing ding woop you never learn ama dod cog chicago beth bruiser dixon happi easter articl apr isc jeq lachman jonathan quist write art icl tekgen tek davet interceptor cd tek dave tharp cd write articl apr isc jeq l achman jonathan quist write roll royc own british firm god that end civil not fo rd own aston martin and jaguar gener motor own lotu and vauxhal rover own honda

minor blasphemi that compani like jaguar sob lotu outright sacrileg for british ownership fundament thing legal claus name own british compani owner can sell co mpani not name kevinh hasler ascom dod book read thi anita number titl softwar measur for dod syste m recommend for initi core measur anita carleton subject softwar engin comput pr ogram manag author carleton anita author carnegi mellon univers softwar engin in stitut publ pittsburgh carnegi mellon univers softwar engin institut toni opinio n noth and not even want antonio salerno heart liver spleen pancrea antonio sale rno att miracul organ work total dark david letterman motorcycl detail tip articl apr hemlock crai ant palm crai toni jone write note user plexi fair light hit becom giant magnif glass and will melt hole your guag pod dod technician speed not student stolen taglin god real decl ar integ delet your file black hole god divid world will end minut log earth ful l delet you can ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorc apart complex us live thi put th ing driver window couldn miss friend damn wreck home night vision block sticker suggest manag enorm liabil assum pull that stunt claim driver fault for illeg pa rk place that good for laugh two court found liabl for that driver drive vehicl visual impair isn that not scrape ic and snow your windshield and such that anot h thing that bug don peopl scrape damn window peopl drive car bare driver half w indshield clear noth clear thi pretti stupid and isn vari state state that perce ntag glass clear brad thone system consult system servic enterpris loui wuvmd wu stl edu wuvmd bitnet fortun guzzler bar bar articl apr reed edu mblock reed edu matt block write assum david didn that can leg orlean compani make motorcycl for whee lchair bound peopl rig consist flat bed sidecar rig that wheelchair can clamp ca r set hand control mount convent handlebar wierd hell thi legless gui drive rig car girlfriend sit bike passeng dod technician speed not student stolen taglin g od real declar integ delet your file black hole god divid world will end minut l og earth full delet you can counterst faq post articl mj zen sy uea mj sy uea mike sixsmith write formal train view absolut essenti you ride bike properli and safe includ c ounterst theori newbi cours confus peopl unnecessarili time import matter for le arn and that origin point mike agre you that formal train essenti for safe ride disagre strongli your origin point point formal train prepar rider for road prep ared opinion exclud aspect ride bike wrong imho counterst counterst that train c ommon reaction biker bicycl rider emerg situat steer motorcycl bicycl thi make m otorcycl direct opposit intend needless thi danger specif exampl rider left turn rider think close shoulder road and steer motorcycl left pull left handl and pu sh handl motorcycl straighten and road wors scenario rider turn middl turn rider see truck come panick rider steer motorcycl truck and crash into main function ride teach avoid emerg situat and knowledg and train counterst imho ride staal i dt unit bike short rec motorcycl bean cgd ucar edu gregori bean write fr iend shop for motorcycl thi great seat thi not great thing found and unhappi had and thought bike ridden and mind you ridden bike rememb thread point similar th i pass month ago that list you mistaken thread thi group had point short bike st yle bike and monei and ride hawk eas cruiser low slung ysr real short rich sturg nswc carderock divis speak for and listen insur and lotsa point cjackson curti jackson cjackson adob write cjackson glad that you judgement shit cjackson ridden driven tire sleepi hungov angri distract cjackson last year you had you guilti not judgment shit don driv e ride impair stop that sort thing good friend mine kill drunk driver fail stop for red and drove side volvo caddi suspect respons adult net don bother post fla me war rec moto cjackson justif for take individu freedom cjackson guis public s afeti thoma jefferson own slave forc concubin and had resourc want fear repris s moke dope jet netcom eric townsend dod hafta kill you thi fun account work email jet na nasa gov you put ducki you wanna plai saxophon skate unix die boyo shaft drive and wheeli wheeli motorcycl shaft drive mike terri v irago type spesif vfr etc articl srgenprp frankb sad frank ball write honda design engin street bike for for twin honda hawk twin not call curti jacks on cjackson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson moa stuff year moa member folk moa guess call cover base idea ha ppen get juicei new happen insid moa nihil isn for not that matter craig vechori k bmw moa ambassador and final buck into real bmw two wheel polit correct statem ent dod electricti sigha figur put halogen beam easi wai thi slip bulb r eplac told gui bike shop that not damn bright incandesc beam caus perma low batt eri and pick thi cheapo motorcycl batteri and charg system tester hook batteri l ight good charg start engin test charg system and doesn even regist suppos light light stai point batteri question charg system plain mess heck batteri stai ful li charg darn dead support light etc problem charg system gener slower charg nor mal for bigger bike easi fix for thi happi nois put mile bike thi weekend final myass endors good cage quit run worth damn and won monei repair and weatherman b right and sunni week chanc rain fridai big grin bug teeth good reason wave each morn get coffe thought wave biker make sen s hei nice meet you road good ride you watch for bike wave mean your attent road and you like cage you habit watch carefulli for bike you cage thi good thing happi easter kevinh tue apr gmt wibbl articl apr isc jeq lachman jonathan quist write articl tekgen tek davet interceptor cd tek dave tharp cd w rite articl apr isc jeq lachman jonathan quist write roll royc own british firm god that end civil not ford own aston martin and jaguar gener motor own lotu and vauxhal rover own honda minor blasphemi that compani like jaguar sob lotu outri ght sacrileg for british ownership fundament thing legal claus name own british compani owner can sell compani not name kevinh hasler ascom don that seper compa ni aero engin compani that govern stake own stake jaguar decid make quick buck a nd sold ford bastard thi ultim arthur dalei govern nick cynic biker dod concis o xford leaki gearbox lud nick pettefar contractor larg teneo tuu intervallum cuur rent incarcer bnr npet bnr bmw kai maidenhead unit kingdom pre pbwasoh time worst time apr ttinew tti paulb harlei tti paul blumstein w rite note thi not time turn screw unscrew insid mikuni carb hear that screw tigh t bike never thought that had that screw insid carb roadsid fixabl and time you check screw that carb you suck into jug and mung piston valv happen matthew cobra lock post alt locksmith method for secur motorcycl respons refer cobra lock describ below come across store carri thi lock chicago area fe edback us thi for info steve articl innraj shellei washington edu basiji stein w ashington edu david basiji write incident lock found for bike cobra lock cabl sh roud articul harden steel sleev lock cylindr and lock pawl engag joint articul p oint chain can adjust handcuff you can leverag lock break open and cylind protec t wouldn want cut torch and vice and heavi duti cut wheel steve buni sun microsy stem dod itasca ama xxxx mean polic offic read thi stuff wonder law offic that read thi question pertain motorcycl and cop and don vehicl code your local station ob viou thing that question not found place answer face face real live flesh cop yo ur brother had friend had cousin who father cop etc don bother write for movi bike articl csundh ursa csundh ursa calvin edu charl su ndheim write folk assembl info for film critic class final project essenti movi that us moto substanti capac fallen angl marlboro man rais arizona etc you fello w er give preciat btw summari bike plot help not easi rider harlei drug redneck orlean mad max violenc dod wanna time rider honda thumper time travel sundai doc umentari dirtbik racer great great escap steve mcqueen nazi rebel jame dean futu r dod er last two movi haven year dod technician speed not student stolen taglin god real declar integ delet your file black hole god divid world will end minut log earth full delet you can xxxx mean polic offic read thi stuff articl apr iscnvx lmsc lock he jrlaf sgi msd lmsc lockhe laferrier write wonder law offic that read thi ques tion pertain motorcycl and cop and don vehicl code your local station obviou thi ng that question not found place answer face face real live flesh cop your broth

er had friend had cousin who father cop etc don bother write gotta question you want activ cop work your dod qualfic dod technician speed not student stolen tag lin god real declar integ delet your file black hole god divid world will end mi nut log earth full delet you can rout suggest articl qmm dinnnlg cronkit central sun doc webrid c entral sun steve buni chicago write thi point rout present undetermin into penns ylvania york and back chicago suggest you make into york state palisad interst p arkwai pleasant ride beauti sceneri good road surfac minim traffic you want side trip lake drive parkwai for reason road sweep and hill sweep turn forest canopi mitch corrado bell commun research dec mdc panther tnd bellcor wreck mad vax cod e warrior motorcycl articl apr alw nih gov gregh niagara dcrt nih gov greg ori humphrei write motorcycl flame don bike piec inform stori you learn you stor i exampl not earli ride lesson colleg roommat honda had msf beginn learn need ri de proceed bui beat honda for and helmet and rode wear thi and cotton windbreak decid invest full face helmet smart move pass road test caught rainstorm home mi le trip enter town live urban suburb had stop suddenli for red light that notic late skid rear tire and eject face upward into oncom lane traffic fortun for onc om traffic stop for red light slid car and kill thi anecdot evid experienc rider msf and that earlier train help greatli your case even greater sinc you you pra ctic even basic stuff advic msf beginn thing wouldn even bui bike you you happen pick real good deal and can store someplac you readi us work that cover bike he lmet that ignor bui you wait week recal wait list boston you save monei start fo r ride gear cost bike guess mechan make machin safe assum you econom bui beat ma chin privat individu insur registr and licens fee you not includ bike and reserv for ongo mainten bui bike insur turn month parent take care insur till and comp rehens list cost that bui motorcycl insur live washington that make differ pai i nsur upstat closer boston urban for decent insur includ substanti coverag for li abil you want you plan poor guess boston rural area ergo expens recommend bui fo r us annual buyer guid usual motorcycl magazin found help get idea recent model you past issu size us bike bike year bought friend advic bike that you peopl rid e that park street basic settl present bike notic that lot high mileag bmw run a nd gener set want noth wrong talk dealer your area visit showroom dealer boston area shop nice let you showroom and quot price for bike that weren latest model cheaper end bui bike privat sale david karr karr cornel edu bmw dod bmwmoa nra a clu bike short articl apr ncar ucar edu bean cgd ucar edu gregori be an write friend shop for motorcycl thi great seat thi not great thing found and unhappi for happier suzuki us design for exampl boss had had seat coupl inch low er regular cruiser david karr karr cornel edu bmw dod bmwmoa nra aclu bike for sale usa articl apr zorro tyngsboro zorro tyngsboro jef f derienzo write recent becom father twin don can afford bike and babi babi stai harlei xlhd hei wife bike that pretti uncal for smile harlei manhood feel chall eng jeff derienzo thi wanna sit and bui you drink somedai templ dog sea bass sea r sc cunixb columbia edu dod stanlei yamaha bmw toyota runner nyc msf program mail archiv locat msf program for ibm thi wanna sit and bui you drink somedai templ dog sea bass sear sc cunixb columbia edu dod sta nlei yamaha bmw toyota runner nyc stori lynn pacesett lynn hall write allow god open contain stree t sign bar yeah cop hand for coupl thousand biker block main street not cite str eet fill empti can feet deep gutter crowd raisin hell titti show can you parti a nd stereotyp erc whacha mean ifin want stereotyp that like drink beer and watch love ladi displai beauti bodi that stereotyp you refer stereotyp infer neg you n otic didn rape pillag burn town left mucho buck monei town think town like lynn hall no bro traffic moron articl shd athena uga edu ahatch athena uga edu al lan hatcher wrote you can make citizen arrest feloni not that true rephras you c an file complaint will bring person into court understand citizen arrest not phy sic detent person john stafford minnesota state univers winona standard disclaim appli bmw moa member read thi articl murdoch acc virginia edu cdw dayh off med virginia edu danc feder ranger articl rider joe rider cactu org write cd w dayhoff med virginia edu danc feder ranger write bui bmw cast vote for groucho thought you gonna bui bmw for superior power and handl tad price rang obmotowas h cut finger evil cotterpin lurk dark recess back end bike give prize moto bath slice pinki hand time thi time ride safe send your moa rag cliff weston dod seca thought cool bike powder coat black undercoat neon splatter brian simmon you be emer jeff campbel wx frog sarvax cmhnet org shaft drive and wheeli articl dpa new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john d aker wrote previou articl xlyx vax cit cornel edu mike terri ask wheeli motorcyc l shaft drive mike impos due shaft effect centripit effect rotat shaft counterac t tendenc for front wheel lift ground thi true evinc popular shaft drive drag bi ke john stafford minnesota state univers winona standard disclaim appli cobra lock articl rinnal cronkit central sun doc webrid central sun write post alt locksmith method for secur motorcycl respons refer cobra lock describ below come across store carri thi lock chicago area dealership turn bac k order manufactur directli each made order you nonstandard length standard feed back us thi below articl innraj shellei washington edu basiji stein washington e du david basiji write incident lock found for bike cobra lock cabl shroud articu l harden steel sleev lock cylindr and lock pawl engag joint articul point chain can adjust handcuff you can leverag lock break open and cylind protect wouldn wa nt cut torch and vice and heavi duti cut wheel long cobralink lock that us us fo r harlei doesn anymor don us lock that anymor made articul steel shell cover str and steel cabl stop joyrid profession can open easili freez link break frozen li nk your favorit method hammer work snip steel cabl author frightfulli thin set b oltcutt for monei you can kryptonit cabl lock anywher thick steel cabl steel rop e shield flexibl cover protect your bike finish and barrel type lock mechan don adjust sourc difficult pick lock and cabl squish flat bolt cutter jaw shear mode l bet thief die grinder cutoff wheel even durabl lock test yield thi tool minut fyi get krypto cabl paycheck chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi be hanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog point for helmet law point for articl prcr prc terri prcr prc te rri cunningham write law book propos that ban motorcycl place that want privat p lace ban bike for exampl famou mile drive monterrei peninsula and stai resort th at sport motorcycl allow sign entranc and public place call ama and for jim bens berg legisl offic will recound public place that had bring court revers ban bike that includ public park full citi fight book speak that anoth good reason donat legisl fund death life tell you you fire gei paul blumstein paulb harlei tti do d abat ama hog doh laa marc arrl platypu qrp arpci naswa lwca rcma cala transact technolog inc santa monica cobra lock you find thi repost origin sender bottom cut articl r ec motorcycl path scrumpi bnrgate corpgat new utdalla edu herm chpc utexa edu ut exa edu swrind mip pacbel iggi vitalink widen eff ibmpc cug pipex unipalm uknet cybaswan eeharvei eeharvei cybaswan harvei newsgroup rec motorcycl subject lock bike messag cybaswan date jul gmt refer jul usenet in cwru edu line figur perfo rm bike lock test permiss price for comparison cabl lock sort armour chain lock padlock and chain each lock test for maximum ten minut sec for each test bottl j ack cut disc bolt cropper ga ga flame tabl split into immoblis for and lock some th for short make comparison type weight ga total price sec sec sec sec sec poun d arm fold cyclelok bar abu steel cabl flex oxford cabl revolv abu disku chain a rm fold cyclelok bar abu extra lock cobra cabl abu close chain shackl kryptonit lock oxford lock magnum disclock disc lock abu lock mini block disc lock pretti depress read good lock and common sens and you park your bike answer spent spare time last two week landscap trash garden and two friend bike hous accommod bike rel secur never underestim room bike requir manouv wall area sinc weekend two b ike and didn us abu close shackl lock hassl visit parent minimum wait week don d ecid investig for insur compani make offer and for real haggl begin abu german c ompani and not repres common distributor articl michael brandon oliv crescent ha wick roxburgh tel distributor for lock can requir don lose ian ian harvei univer s colleg swansea rock roll eeharvei swan pyr young die counterst san hand steer hand aren bar open budweis left hand ca mel cigarett feet allow lean and bike turn counterst counterst benchrac taller s eat your feet aren floor rick shaft drive and wheeli articl apr vax cit cornel edu xlyx vax ci t cornel edu write wheeli motorcycl shaft drive mike terri that told nasa rent c op that stop swore lift didn complet bui part water carb phil stone address psto ne motorcycl rout suggest articl apr portho bellcor mdc pyux bellcor corrado mitchel write articl qmm dinnnlg cronkit central sun doc webrid central sun stev e buni chicago write thi point rout present undetermin into pennsylvania york an d back chicago suggest you make into york state palisad interst parkwai pleasant ride beauti sceneri good road surfac minim traffic you sinc you hit pip pavemen t exit for dai beat thi winter don rememb thi bad break apart and pothol storm d rain that your lane oppos side road talk annoi cost save measur for traffic don weekdai outbound rush hour happen inbound bdc mitch corrado dec mdc panther tnd bellcor thi wanna sit and bui you drink somedai templ dog sea bass sear sc cunix b columbia edu dod stanlei yamaha bmw toyota runner nyc hell met articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskim o norman hamer write talk coupl peopl helmet drop get don sweat you replac and d on ride helmet helmet damag structur drop feet cement seat chip paint didn screw actual shell bet price helmet that feet higher not don end replac real futur we ar total nondamag face dot rate cheapi doesn fit wind wear shoei lot comfort win d quieter minor damag wear full facer worri wind blast face and inabl hear polic siren helmet damag you reccomend good helmet slightli disappoint badli shoei sc ratch etc not bloodi care and impact chip paint and arguabl mess period good ful l face good vent wind protect shoei style kinda norton awhil back suspect expens helmet want not replac time not care set helmet will subject fit agv sukhoi tha t current shoei task and get and crash onc coupl year ago hard impact head hip c are that price consider kiwi hear good and cheap christ don treat head carefulli treat shoei toss and don bruis mildli mildli paranoid helmet don carri peopl ne t you mention that not consist live planet regard charl dod span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person counterst faq post articl apr cornel edu karr cornel edu david k arr write articl mj zen sy uea mj sy uea mike sixsmith write that you don even p eopl techniqu counterst co will intuit time round corner will and will steer tuc hus don teach counterst beginn help tuchu steerer guess that steer bicycl that a nd hang counterst normal ride counterst swerv problem start normal ride decid th at turn speed ramp and lot difficult that knew work that for debat knew that wor k swerv figur normal ride data point that not bad idea bring idea tuchu steer fo r lesson two can learn shift gear worri proper handlebar techniqu counterst fact experienc rider instructor claim that rider and make bike turn whichev side wan t shift weight even oper turn opposit direct admit never thi beginn had passeng train lesson instructor hop back bike and student for ride student not give inst ructor you sack potato passeng speech instructor steer bike and make gener nuisa nc amus watch happi that didn happen bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada question helmet articl qmnp inn mojo eng umd edu oconnor eng umd edu mark connor write side fenc own bieff road helmet minor fall and had visibl damag shell helmet job damag impact ratio scari bell moto impact order twice bi eff impact thi frequent and don even scratch two season recommend bui high quali ti gear ymmv your helmet nogin hit immoveab object thing dissip energi immov obj ect helmet shell helmet liner rider head rider ego assum that helmet head assemb l take impact shell crack case liner dent head get jiggl liner that dent helmet toast shell crack won absorb energi form impact that area head that get jiggl ge ar isn high qualiti bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toront o ontario canada hasti articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu speed i mercer write articl jnmoyn moustic lbl gov jnmoyn lbl gov jean noel moyn write hold second and clarifi for dwi stand for thought dui for drive influenc stand

for drive intox thi chang louisiana girl court and won case claim stone pot not intox liquor drive impair that cover bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada want advic for cylist articl srgenprp blaisec blais cirelli writ e think bui motorcycl whenev peopl thi answer you want that brother sister cousi n had motorcycl and brain dead result accid question danger ride exactli danger you hard and protect keep troubl mean know your limit keep your machin good shap e and predict and make for stupid move that driver make deal fun stai aliv take consciou effort bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto on tario canada insur and lotsa point articl apr bcar bnr keithh bnr keith hanla n write articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write cked for i nsur had dwi and for beemer rec vehicl cost almost buck insur year sell bike and car and start take bu that you can drink your prioriti lai expect that thi list lost friend drive drunk that collect sympathi will somewhat mute gui doubt appr ov drunk drive caught and convict and punish you lighten mean isn haven had and ridden driven home didn caught and can speak for and will never happen that besi d point answer origin poster insur vehicl cheapest and can you and work and suff er for year til your rate drop and don drink and drive had friend kill drunk and rear end total bike bent frame and fail kill had ey mirror wait stoplight regar d charl dod span last week heard element separ thread that conjoin time struck t ogeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person dog articl pntm cbnewsj att car cbnewsj att charl roger write th i tactic depend for effect dog conform psycholog norm that not appli dog success won work charli manson dog that stupid larg irish setter taught thi yard appar territori dai plai game game kill angri neighbor can dispens terribl punish dog weigh max you can handl you presum thumb grappl and tear head sheesh even train attack dog match for human advantag regard charl dod span last week heard elemen t separ thread that conjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person shaft drive and wheeli articl stafford stafford winona msu edu s tafford vax winona msu edu john stafford write apr gmt xlyx vax cit cornel edu w heeli motorcycl shaft drive rear wheel come ground not front hop into air figur john stafford you can wheeli shaft drive bike had bmw that wheeli monster didn i niti power burst twist into air had pop clutch had replac front fork seal time f air bit heavi slam stantion tube time give you fair warn trash ring pinion gear final drive assum wheeli and thi cheap fix kind slip devic shaft prevent break d idn save gear topic wheeli dai kid big hurrican stoppi rear wheeli man had rear end thi bike feet ground traffic light don recommend activ anymor that gui kid l ook damn impress you can tire ground point that direct cheer insur and lotsa point articl apr iscnvx lmsc lockhe jrlaf sgi ms d lmsc lockhe laferrier write keith calm you prohibitionist prick point andrew i nfant post obviou solicit suggest pertain cost insur and don care you madd sadd that simpli put drink irrelav drive drunk indefens and unforgiv larg differnec a ttitud expect you dead hope you don human you dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot get tire concour mmmmmmmmmm beat you dave ring ding woop you never learn ama do d cog chicago beth bruiser dixon motorcycl articl apr adob cjackson adob curti jackson write arti cl apr alw nih gov gregh niagara dcrt nih gov gregori humphrei write work that c over bike helmet that ignor bui number approxim and will doubt flame helmet chea p jacket us cheap glove noth special motorcycl safeti foundat ride wow cours geo rgia cheaper for list good add heavi boot work hike combat similar peac alan ala nf eng tridom kotbbbb gsxr ama dod pgp kei strang experi nice yesterdai burgh rode bike gynecologist appoin t exam notic helmet sit chair excit and pick and start ask sort question bike an d dealer area and msf appar rode friend for year ago and recent bug ride caught needless had never talk bike such posit mean chri hogan andrew cmu edu soft mass acr sun even sabr slain emili dickinson good reason wave each articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write morn get coffe thought wave biker make sens he

i nice meet you road good ride you watch for bike wave mean your attent road and you like cage you habit watch carefulli for bike you cage thi good thing side t hat cage numer occas slam hand into roll window effort wave pass biker beav mike beavington bellnorthernresearch ottawa ont canada dod seca seca seca suzuki sec a turbo sabr gt can afford mbeav bnr park space don steenkin park space harlei davidson mail list email tast sensat interest mail list f or harlei davidson bike lifestyl polit and member countri make subscrib send req uest harlei request thinkag uunet thinkag harlei request your request join signa tur give your full email address not reli header field thi not autom listserv fa cil not expect instant gratif list digest format schedul for twice dai member ha rlei list obtain back issu and subject index list pictur etc email archiv server server access restrict list subscrib ftp access real motorcycl relat list heard not run address not current stroke stroke request microun dirt dirt request zyg ot ati european listserv frigg isc race race request formula corp sun digest req uest formula corp sun short ride short request smarmi sun wet leather listserv f rigg isc climb hill matchless honda built light brian wilson honda honda dog articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl parr write dog weigh max you can handl you presum thumb grappl and tear head sheesh even train attack dog match for human advantag regard charl dod profession train guard dog poll gave chanc surviv tackl train dog unarm train guard dog not trifl untrain mutt anoth stori obmoto local dog us chase time annoi final start stop time chas e didn and slink road coupl week thi stop chase altogeth chase car bike recogn m ike heathman briar rose dod lilli research titan await resurrect indianapoli tha t part info for maicoletta scooter post for friend for tire dimens for brake info relin exist shoe maicoletta owner anywher contact call scott ema il fop thousand sew togeth round lloyd build disclaim write noth employ that pet e ashdown pashdown slack sim salt lake citi utah motorcycl motorcycl safeti foundat ride wow cours georgia cheape r for maryland each learn ride year ago for beginn rider and for experienc rider admittedli take half time wreck bmw you you wreck that interest get rid motor will bui bik e email repli david braun ftcollinsco ncr dab vuse vanderbilt edu phone voic mai l home squid riceburn respect articl qqxp cbmvax cbm commodor hartzler cbmvax cbm commodor jerri hartzler cat write articl apr icomsim mman icomsim mic hael man write duck squid don wave return wave even each excus for ignoramu squi d and you chri behanna squid dana myer view express mine and not necessarili dan a locu dod reflect employ thi extra support abolit and wpm test put your helmet behanna syl nec chri behanna maven mavenri altci t eskimo norman hamer write grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip heck paint don stupid leav your helmet seat can fall and boom helmet ground tabl chai r shelf surfac that larg support that will not easili knock anoth good place for your helmet your mirror kid you not you typic standard bike fairli averag mirro r that screw into your handlebar your helmet fit your mirror and fairli stabl do ubt mention thi trick isn quit smart goldw cbr gsxr bike fair mount mirror surpr is find that you had your helmet your seat you centerstand your bike leav helmet bike park for reason wouldn want helmet surfac that start tilt and jerk ryan co usinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live quot b elow pair nankai race replica leather thi sort phrase typic japlish slmr drive a gress rash magnific nankai leather comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi acces s low rate friendli sysop spagthorp vike vike iastat edu dan sorenson ryan cousineau compd yn questor org ryan cousineau write ride hill lead hous encount liver and white springer spaniel relat springer softail springer spagthorp close relat spagthorp vike miss articl spagthorp vike that illumin dragon head front fender style cop i indian and round side cover not vike trick unit made back forti fifti spag mak e race iter springer boxer twin similar max friz famou design overhead point cam below for valvetrain problem that thing had ground clearanc whatsoev solut curv

cylind bore that ground clearanc substanti increas springer motor front vike mo tor front thi roughli idea that bore gradual curv radiu piston loath make sharp angl turn middl stroke engin had curv connect rod accomod stroke engin stuck rev olutionari and uniqu overhead cam system us clever valv time and and extrordinar ili trick valv linkag singl cam lobe requir drive overhead valv revolutionari hy draul valv actuat us pressur stream oil power waterwheel lobe spin side effect t hat requir brutal engin fix that engin oil pressur normal engin valv time random result impress start valv damag solut hand crank that pressur case you start be ast remark similar system us porsch pressur oil system car start cage electr oil pump wimp despit thi fix engin had nasti propens for explos fire valv into pist on cylind temporarili lose bit oil pressur corner solut run even higher oil pres sur and chang gasket and seal regularli thi feasibl race engin singl overhead lo be and pushrod shaft chain tower hydraul system head engin almost perfect point lobe complex linkag not shown due valvestem complex piston note that tip not ver tic degre angl ground and thi draw doesn show curvatur head bore curv start cyli nd bore disappear thi diagram effect pointi head top pair gentli pundit dai even sensuous curv cylind pair fin vike horn poke beneath ga tank name vik moder suc cess racer lightn fast work plagu problem relat revolutionari technolog eventu d ump spag final realiz that race not spagthorp name made machin race for anoth ye ar two privat and fate approxim six vike made possibl two springer confus issu s pag staffer swear and that thi machin tool for product and that twenti thirti ma chin come line modern record product vike surviv and motorcycl historian discoun t thi stori ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live slmr you aren slide you aren ride comput dynam bb hst vancouv canad a easi access low rate friendli sysop krypto cabl cobra lock articl apr research nec behanna syl nec c hri behanna write for monei you can kryptonit cabl lock anywher thick steel cabl steel rope shield flexibl cover protect your bike finish and barrel type lock m echan don adjust sourc difficult pick lock and cabl squish flat bolt cutter jaw shear model fyi get krypto cabl paycheck word warn kryptonit sell almost useless cabl lock kryptonit name obtain second motorcycl migrat kryptonit lock bicycl b ike shop for lock for bicycl for monei had choic kryptonit cabl lock advantag lo ck front and back wheel bicycl and kryptonit name cheesi name lock advantag real steel chose kryptonit cabl week back disgust and exchang for cheesi name lock k rypto cabl bought not made kryptonit not cover kryptonit guarante and doesn even approach kryptonit standard qualiti and qualiti assur gener made taiwan cabl lo ck kryptonit name secondli latch engag mechan joke don mine poor exampl quit fru strat latch posit engag and sometim engag fall open unlock thirdli lock plastic door keywai serv sole purpos frustrat attempt insert kei dark didn doubt that lo ck mechan stand insert screwdriv and torqu attack fourthli cabl not opinion suff ici thick deter theft for piec crap bicycl that cabl suffer weak that can cut st rand time you patient you can cut cabl fingernail clipper aviat snip cabl minut michael robinson ucbvax cogsci robinson internet robinson cogsci berkelei edu for joh dhhalden last nick pettefar npet bnr wrote tsk tsk tsk a noth newbi bite dust learn newbi disappoint you internet baghdad you your dad ba g peopl made thi group interest year ago longer and time make random sweep onc w eek miss thi thread base your previou post appar devoid humour sarcasm wit appar capac walk and chew gum time assum you mea culpa nice that bnr that can afford overpai contractor sit and read new dai pete young pky fmg phone peopl prefer en tertain nonsens unexcit realiti bmw moa member read thi articl apr sarvax cmhnet org frog sarvax cmhnet org jeff frog campbel write articl murdoch acc virginia edu cdw dayhoff med virginia edu danc feder ranger obmotowash cut finger evil cotterpin lurk dar k recess back end bike give prize moto bath slice pinki hand time thi time you b eemer never wash bmw work never cut until tool come altho scar fade exhaust pipe r chang oil overh engin watch for idiot driver that won you pass mountain you ri der case oil sale and case beer drain bolt that decid seiz clean area transmiss bmw bike found remov engin and transmiss that and clutch arm imposs clean wear l ocat laz can head polish and port cheap that run question thi stupid question motorcycl scene don dod jonathan fi eld field ci ohio state edu der whassa deltabox articl kxal izc ccu umanitoba klinger ccu um anitoba jorg klinger write beleiv call dentabox frame noth putti and paint won f ix thi ride gsxr gutsi advic for ride pillion advic ride pillion ninja thi will time fo r extend ride read farther block ride twisti fairli bumpi road mine road hamilto n loop for you bai arean thi person lb and fairli small don weight problem sort advic give want hold grab rail back and heard that shoulder direct turn lean tra dit signal for slow faster hafta pee etc want thi posit experi for that want wil l appreci bob bob wert rmw geni gene rwert dod ama ninja mustang turn highwai ri ver cross sometim you feel you can fly sometim you lost yamaha honda opinion hte market for bike for year two main bike yamaha virago and honda shadow vlx lean yamaha for shaft drive honda chain insur fla costli thought stai thi power rang advanc for opinion and experi your opinion and mean you advic and wuit you whine flame brain a nd can spell edu hope you not student duke you wast your tuition beav mike beavi ngton dod sabr mbeav bnr employ idea talk your opinion and mean articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write you aptli put road jerk don wanna hear your whine fine fuck you notic two year ago and learn and cost and peopl friend and rel involv drunk relat accid not hit and cousin recov can back happen stupid remind time you help stuff your opinion hei man you brought agre complet drive drunk stupid and unde rstand and that you feel bad dwi endem societi real problem and motorcyclist can worst vulner posit drunk driver alert reader rememb that last year wit dwi acci d bloodi front and unabl save life particip report drunk drive motorcyclist prim e injuri and death rais insur rate forc stupidli restrict law and turn public ri de respons view drunk drive carri mandatori prison sentenc traffic offens not pu blic fund issu genuin safeti issu you bring subject rec moto admit caught dwi an d for sympathi consequ don expect peopl respond warm wish dave svoboda svoboda v oid rtsg mot get tire concour mmmmmmmmmm beat you dave ring ding woop you never learn ama dod cog chicago beth bruiser dixon racelist fellow motorcycl roadrac enthusiast background race lis tserv boogi ebai sun contain discuss devot race and race relat topic thi pretti broad interest group individu varieti background motojourn roadrac perspect pit crew and racer engin motosport enthusiast size list grow weekli hundr and eighti member contributor zealand australia germani franc england canada finland switz erland and unit state list form octob respons perceiv provid technic discuss rid e edg perform roadrac and improv low signal nois ratio found rec motorcycl free join discuss necessarili limit rule list issu relat race motorcycl and flame fre e daili distribut you subscrib subscrib send your request race request boogi eba i sun traffic run and twenti messag per dai depend topic not send your subscript request list directli you contact list administr you will receiv rsvp request r espond thi request time manner that you can ad list request gener order insur th at valid mail pathwai your site receipt your rsvp you will ad daili digest distr ibut per your initi request digest distribut receiv list digest form singl email messag roadrac digest mail whenev contain interest content frequenc post thi ap pear dai you receiv list digest onc send subscript request digest request boogi ebai sun post list thi open forum post articl list send race boogi ebai sun depe nd mail set your site you not mail that you post you want thi isn necessarili gu arante that you can includ metoo line your mailrc file unix base mail system bou nc haven had time inclin replac list distribut mechan problem bounc return poste r messag occasion site user line leav place employ prematur hardwar problem and you will receiv bounc race list check header carefulli and you find that bounc o rigin sun whenc administ thi list contact administr hat race request boogi ebai sun not ignor bounc list two stroke stroke microun harlei harlei request thinkag uunet watmath thinkag harlei request european bike majordomo onion rain bodi me ssag write subscrib euro moto you rich race list administr rich boogi ebai sun s tefan field isaac offic fax dba art scienc book design voic pager ama cc provid consult write servic gain technolog veriti kreme articl apr vax cit cornel edu vax cit cornel edu write fol k recent post kreme bad idea that man opinion experi stuff sporti had pinhol lea k open back seam kreme year ago and had problem real care clean part solut hell paint jim jim groh groh sig fsu edu dod hog improv xlh fxr xlh xlh smaller sig riceburn respect apr icomsim mman icomsim michael man write arti cl oxz cellar org craig cellar org saint craig write shz mare att keeper tude wr ite peopl wave return wave harlei harlei rider seldom wave back duck squid don w ave return wave even each can hand bar fall jorg klinger gsxr you arch eng servi c lost horizon umanitoba man embalm anonym squidonk der whassa deltabox ramarren kop appl ramarren appl godfrei digi orgi write can deltabox frame and relat that frame hawk that time gui come park lot and sez hei dude nice bike that deltabox frame can duh huh beleiv call denta box frame noth putti and paint won fix jorg klinger gsxr you arch eng servic los t horizon umanitoba man embalm anonym squidonk motorcycl detail tip articl apr hemlock crai ant palm crai toni jone write let motorcycl detail tip side instrument panel scuf previou owner dum p bike true for turn signal scuf area black plastic recal read that plastic comp ound you coat scuf area rub end nice smooth shini finish motorcyclist write and recomend rubber underco for thi von welch vwelch ncsa uiuc edu ncsa network deve lop group cbr subaru speak for and exactli counterst faq post articl pstone philip stone write hei you expl ain fact that you pull hors rein left left confus two thread discuss counterst h ors basic two wai steer hors plow rein and neck rein plow rein steer keep rein s epar and you pull direct you neck rein steer hors hold rein togeth hand and pull hors neck direct you train plow steer hors neck rein techniqu cross rein neck n eck rein left rein pull side neck left side bit hors us plow rein dai you you as k green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod yo u grate dead observ helmet articl washington edu moselei washington edu steve moselei write carri want compli intellig helmet law resid fantasi world green n injait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate d ead move fun thi last dai bellcor and will net access take time and schedul militari school for summer joint oper and that good had blast read respo nd and comment thing post final inferior errr wrong new group hopefulli back gue ss internet withdrawl start and never knew inet exist year ago miss yea gui call thi morn militari issu boot good luck you will happi tanker boot two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais richard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellco r uunet uunet bcr fist includ std disclaim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo store aerostitch piec articl apr vax cit cornel edu vax cit cornel edu write request for opinion piec aerostitch two piec aerostitch for versatil prot ect advanc nadin book written that regard aerostich depend your size shape and y ou upper and lower bodi not proport aero dimens mix and match piec suit piec sui t and happi life quota scar crash road concern good protect and that differ prot ect and piec suit almost neglig option hip pad and back protector make differ th ing that nice piec you and want walk for jacket you can detach and stow pant thi ng note that goldfin problem get good fit for women standard suit supposedli for smaller women and petit men for that matter piec will fit anoth recommend pai f or mod you inch ad pant leg find long suit not that long can imagin short standa rd suit jonathan polito internet jpolito encor encor comput corp kildair farm ca ri usa voic fax ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorc articl cmu edu jfriedl cmu edu j effrei friedl write egreen east sun green pixel cruncher write apart complex us live thi put thing driver window couldn miss can liabil put sticker car move bdi that choos start and drive car unsaf condit that liabl effort made remov sticke r piec leav firmli attach window dark and sticker mangl ineffect attempt torn wa rn car tow not remov reason person arguabl driven car had accid occur don friend attornei troubl fix blame apart mangement practic matter even convict cost and inconveni defend suit consider moral matter pretti fuck stupid thing for paltri

violat park author sticker btw wasn spot resid unassign park green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead trace licens plate bdi cager articl jamesf appl jim franklin wri te can file complaint thi and chanc traffic citat accus commit crime that motion trial you want you innoc proven guilti cop not can accus peopl commit crime wit crime can highwai patrol and explain situat give descript car and licens number and specif violat law you wit and prosecut search vehicl code and section numbe r handi fill ticket and sign will system ticket cop write contest you will court prosecut your word will not carri weight cop green ninjait drink last night bik er green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead perform bike frenzi cadwel frenzi cadwel park watch ask want dea th live free quietli die articl cvbnetprim tjohnson tazmanian prime tod johnson write avoid accid rev engin and stock harlei pipe make nois draw so meon attent horn hand throttl into feet bike mph second long push horn button yo u loos you hand throttl and your thumb horn button push horn button simpl move r ev throttl requir engag clutch acceler complex manuv simpl horn button push and second ain bright potenti hazard ahead uniqu sound horn effect attract attent bd i cager sound engin expect hear you road case singl anecdot constitut sound safe ti procedur answer feet green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead for sale kawasaki michigan for sale ann arbor michigan kawasaki mile cherri red excel condit ask contact brian dai even weekend mail vaughan umi ch edu repli thi post bdi experi sebastian sear tue apr gmt wibbl hand sweeper mph fin d cager mph calmli drive traffic lane not cross line not swerv fulli and total s outh bound lane lane each direct and haven even brit nick english biker dod conc is oxford left lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit ki ngdom npet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh counterst faq post mike sixsmith apr gmt wibbl interest yawn stu ff delet that formal train view absolut essenti you ride bike properli and safe includ counterst theori newbi cours confus peopl unnecessarili time import matte r for learn and that origin point mike complet concord you mike silver starrid i nstructor for learn counterst last year and ride bike sinc never told counterst taught instruct doesn affect friend pupil rode bliss ignor nick biker dod concis oxford lud nick pettefar contractor larg incarcer bnr maidenhead unit kingdom n pet bnr bmw kai pre pbwasoh boom dog attack articl vike ponder iastat edu vike iastat edu da n sorenson write ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau write mere mp h gravel road loos rock bad concret and lb swing beef jump fenc ditch and ram ju mp fenc for ga sinc feet ahead good forti side damn cow liter chase and nail dam ag cow bent case guard and sever annoi rider casualti had shotgun eat steak nope lb cow can hit activ evad forget manuever dog run dai ride friend and pass fiel d goat and notic road slow pass ram made dash friend miss and tangl barb wire fe nc good samaritain and gener nice gui turn untrangl goat barb wire pull tangl st op bike and goat had vanish into field guess jolli roger bike want advic purchas articl apr ncsu edu jrwater eo ncsu edu jack roger water write relet reader quit impress useful info thi newsgroup dod n umber busi ride thi count thought cat dod faq mailx hahahha jburnsid mit edu wai t press return hei mon gui and gal chose word carefulli and even faq straight do n holler bohica jami burnsid custom jburnsid mit edu kdx sold for sale anti freez anti freez wrong had issu street rodder last pile feb ruari issu page advirtis for anti freez and make great parti mixer neo synthet o il compani reput for develop overkil priduct protect and extend life mechin thin g and latest develop propylen glycol finest radiat coolant mile test find boil p oint degre higher convent coolant help elmin deton and ping us smaller radiat ra ce car will not damag aluminum block head and environment safe yep thi good stuf f baker precis product dept srm gundri av long beach endors unendors product cop i advert blurb for info ymmv two type ship navi submarin and target dod rais ric hard pierson vnet internet fist iscp bellcor uunet uunet bcr fist includ std dis

claim opinion don shop mall bui jean jacket and ammo store counterst faq post articl zen sy uea mj sy uea mike sixsmith wri te secondli adhes tyre road suspens geometri and ground clearanc motorcycl dicta t quickli you can swerv avoid obstacl and not knowledg physic rider ear you sugg est that counterst knowledg enabl you corner faster compet you manag not will pu t two rider ident machin and that will faster improv your techniqu you idea tria l and error not effect methodolog understand techniqu steer motorcycl can improv that techniqu hold that thi appli human endeavor that interest bit knowledg and claim that essenti for biker that you can corner faster result absurd you under stand physic traction absurd you suggest that can form traction manag polici und erstand factor increas decreas traction brake highli that biker develop maximum swerv abil knowledg turn techniqu for ride life thi not problem emerg situat def in place disadvantag includ counterst theori newbi cours confus peopl unnecessar ili time import matter for learn disagre exist and immens success ride cours tea ch techniqu that concept can taught manner that confus detract aspect and that o rigin point perhap ensu discuss you strai that point claim that knowledg steer t echniqu irrelev rider abil find thi assert ludicr green ninjait drink last night biker green east sun and show pictur you dod you grate dead bmw batteri articl apr msstate edu vech msstate edu craig vechor ik write rememb correctli reason that bmw come expens and rel worthless short li ve varda batteri bmw own control interest that batteri manufactur wrong bmw batt eri never had problem and numer peopl that origin batteri year beemer origin bat teri year bmw fine mine last year replac batteri bmw disast mechan comp acc told that warante replac bad evil bad batteri and custom problem bring back and that batteri doa doa and strong end warante period big batch bad and replac you gues s bad bmw switch batteri that cold crank amp even total juic switch yuasa that e ven cold crank amp and cost fewer dollar neil kirbi dod nak archi cbusa att bell lab columbu usa you speak for you lawyer sens power arc ignit super carb bike warranti final replac stock item softail custom titl instal pretti easi case even for fairli mechan chemist type dude discov limit tool collect had fun bui and make requisit tool ignit power a rc singl fire ignit easi instal read wire diagram carefulli set static time piec cake onc instal found easier start smoother idl and power satisfi bass note exh aust regist love whompa whompa whompa idl folk ignit great answer dumb question phone help bunch gui great product super carb instal easi onc hack allen wrench small anough reach intak manifold bolt tune dream stock carb adjust lean that ga sp and splutter for ga sometim and even backfir into intak manifold super terrif hesit gear and plug love tan color rejet factori set thi not you grizzl veteran wrencher had bike piec thi weekend began worri back togeth and run dream feel p retti happi instal bub pipe and pass nois gestapo test russ hugh fxstc dod love yeah that feel you you your motorcycl sonni barger bmw moa member read thi regard post bia articl bike versi boxer date jeezzz lighten wrote slash two blue for bit humor lack moa owner new stuff rode dai that rode second dai thi bodi sens humor peopl had mine dunno regard cr aig vechorik bmw moa ambassador dod and hei want vote for throw trash counterst faq post articl qmetg sixgun east sun egreen east sun write hors neck direct you train plow steer hors neck rein techniqu cross rein n eck neck rein left rein green ninjait drink last night biker desir stai farm and ranch equip hate jump into thi thread hate exactli kind mutant hors entiti you ride counterst work normal garden varieti neck hors obmoto flip march issu rider and small pseudo for book hand signal motorcycl mention signal for your passeng fire bodi titl and author thi book and copi thi not understood impli that grown sociabl ride book sound cute tommi mcguir mcguir utexa edu mcguir austin ibm wi ll append disclaim outgo public inform identifi person and independ ibm recommend for front tire hei folk pair dunlop sportmax radial an d sticki slide thi talk metzel wonder set lazer comp and radial metzel rear for hard sport tour choic stack nathaniel dod ama ducati opinion want previou articl bgardner pebbl blain gardner articl qhm mb new ysu edu yfn ysu edu albion bower write previou articl markb no vel burnham ducati slow don sell that not power gonna dog yeah mph quarter such

slug come last time you us your max power peak you ride pass judgement lot maxim um acceler guess touch exactli ducati twin desmo that half twin balanc weight cy lind second for isn bad specif ran quater last small twin duc and pantah base tw in pantah and ran credit modern carb and not put high btw fzr ran mid and latest crop japanes will run that hard rememb goof will clobber handili top end and ro ll technolog stand for bower dod alfa ducati hobi kottk blad iaido nasa good sak e don you that girl can plai guitar mari chapin carpent live free quietli die articl qmi sixgun east sun egreen east sun write articl cvbnetprim tjohnson tazmanian prime tod johnson write horn hand th rottl into feet bike mph second long push horn button answer feet green ninjait drink last night biker feet edgetacalcul tommi mcguir mcguir utexa edu mcguir au stin ibm will append disclaim outgo public inform identifi person and independ i bm chang sprocket ratio honda cbrook uki edu clayton brook write ho nda guru can replac front sprocket honda slightli larger thi prefer reduc size r ear want ride relax rpm can contact chaparel cycl suppli sprocket you want for c heap cheaper your averag dealership hei even had sprocket for hard find accessso ri for craig intecptor pilot craig cellar org institut dod kotk keeper keeper ba ud fuschal promis land faith wear hat great majesti yea made cardboard and humou r arrow red dwarf boom dog attack ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousinea u write blind drivewai mph for that matter drivewai long for car hit mph end eag erli await comment drivewai ey for blue glh turbo that util hit ground run merg techniqu don dog that you worri last week enter sand gravel cover intersect coun tri caught unkosh corner ey you that disgust sensat great unidentifi evil intim acquaint you kind know that that darken shadow you cannot possibl even remot goo d boe behav gravitation speak brick negoti into thi intersect that remind dayton a beach san sun babe manag glanc impend destini lucif dog hell secret blend cani n doberman and rottweil move grace doberman had hulk and jowel rottweil creatur definit wrong end pictur mirror fuzzi mistak fang and saliva trail shorten verbo s tale burli gaurdian angel onc perform and call duti carri bike sand trap hones tlyhav idea and left minion beelzebub face that suspici resembl metzler tread bl ood rat moral not and that biker allow carri handgun erc eric sundheim grandrapi d usa hondo vfr dod european insur marc lewi two kind peopl world olivetti north ame rica divid world into marcl mail spk olivetti two kind thing and don thought two kind peopl world two kind peopl and don and kind peopl world math and don obmot o michigan weather forecast for saturdai high low chanc snow flurri shower enjoi weather you ride phil haan dod that honda that natur execut america you reli pe opl you us donald fehr execut director major leagu basebal player associ rout suggest won make joust thi summer job relat time conflict p lan rider ralli knoxvil leav chicago and gener plan indiana illinoi border into kentucki and tennesse interest hear suggest road rout area that you ride knoxvil can leav earli and arriv knoxvil that leav pretti good stretch time explor and partner for ride head east afterward visit famili don mind compani ride ralli de pend weather plan motel tent trip ralli head blue ridg parkwai jog into west run marlington petersburg thi point rout present undetermin into pennsylvania york and back chicago suggest for area great interest for your idea enjoi steve buni sun microsystem dod itasca ama you thi april put your helmet apr gmt ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau don stupid leav your helmet seat can fall and boom ryan anoth good pla ce for your helmet your mirror kid you not thi bad advic helmet two major impact absorb layer hard outer shell and close cell foam impact layer helmet lose prot ect properti liner compact time long outer shell damag delamin ag hurt test helm et for year landmark studi and estim that helmet can lose effect liner compress video produc that discuss thi phenomenon detail punctur compress type caus mirro r sissi bar and rel sharp object worst offend even comfort liner unaffect dent a nd hole foam can degrad effect helmet you habit park your lid mirror suggest you comfort liner condit foam significantli damag miss replac helmet jerri lotto lo tto lhasa harvard edu msfci hogssc bcso ama dod chemistri dept harvard univ harl

ei and ride want want advic for cylist articl srgenprp blaisec blais cirelli writ e question danger ride tough question danger drive car and danger you don appli modicum intellig activ basic stupid will you hurt kill lot faster motorcycl car care not unreason danger bui good protect cloth help that wrong you like sever i njur thing msf driver train thi will you start foot teach control vehicl and saf e ride practic second bui protect gear minimum good helmet and pair leather glov e good sturdi piec footgear help leather hike boot pair armi boot similar work f ine for thi purpos long you make lace stai ti leather jacket and leather pant ch ap nice expens item for pant peopl good pair jean reason prefer recent and fairl i heavi weight similarli for jacket good jean jacket reason compromis peopl tend leather jacket pant anoth thing drop garag sale for second hand leather jacket for fairli thick leather item don stupid don ride drink even drink can notic aff ect you judgement and balanc don ride snow condit such that black ic like care r ide rain slow corner gingerli brake earli and gentli not ride you sick tire take medic drowsi warn not averag shape care you question bike you recommend for tim e rider don want race want ride cross countri want ride dirt trail drive back ro ad occasion ride citi street and freewai maximum can spend us bike suggest mid l ate japanes mid size standard rang reason you shorter lighter averag you want lo w bike model suzuki seri etc gener inlin bike gener depend for tendenc weak char g system stator and regul rectifi problem bike server honda nighthawk seri thi s eri honda etc thi anoth seri standard motorcycl fairli depend kawasaki and yamah a similar bike don for mid late model you bui bike for leav you monei for protec t cloth and insur and licens cost hope thi help david dagibb qnx advic for ride pillion articl dsc rwert bob wert write advic rid e pillion ninja thi will time for extend ride read farther block ride twisti fai rli bumpi road mine road hamilton loop for you bai arean thi bad idea you start mellow that you your head that road requir full concentr not sort thing you want passeng for time onc you decid that you ride togeth and want longer and challen g for hard core road mine hamilton case your moral respons make that proper gear that fit you sport ride eric motorcycl articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infan t write curti jackson pen msf shyah cost izzat deal free philadelphia dod give a rm ambidextr squid riceburn respect articl apr locu dana lando locu dana myer write articl qqxp cbmvax cbm commodor hartzler cbmvax cbm commodor jerri hartzl er cat write articl apr icomsim mman icomsim michael man write duck squid don wa ve return wave even each excus for ignoramu squid and you chri behanna squid hei dana long time read afraid squid rate slightli sinc get ninja hard restrain bod ywork damn expens knock knock quiet chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn do g hasti articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu speed i mercer write thi chang louisiana girl court and won case claim stone pot not i ntox liquor geez happen ticket for drive slow dod technician speed not student y ou you not edu breath dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot get tire concour mmmmmm mmmm beat you dave ring ding woop you never learn ama dod cog chicago beth bruis er dixon ride sixteen dai had put test drive honda final saturdai rain fa ct clear warm and sunni and wind di week ago long cool ride hawk cycl for test r ide had sold and deliv demo fifteen hour arriv and demo vfr bike lock showroom s urround bike and not like move todai even bike us dirt bike us street bike car a nd big tent full outlandishli fat tour bike trailer squeez park lot sort fat bik e convent shelli and dave run msf each time classroom and back lot usual free co okout food that cycl weekend summer hmmm big moto parti ten minut for rob cheif sale slime and anoth minut read and sign long disclosur libil prai god form help push into mess park lot control put tank bag hawk into saddlebag and wife put i nto left saddlebag that nice help push lot thought move edg road bike and peopl rode bicycl that heavi thought wrong sat feet big put foot heavi mind quickli ci ndi back back hard seat time larg hawk seat bike control idl side road rpm secon

d gear weight dissappear even bike mile odomet slipperi tire and pad that not bi te disk thing smooth and cycl section that folk ride mile north comput concentr mile north split lighli travel two lane limit access highwai heavili forest sect ion hamilton manchest sea and newburi gloucest meet road that wind sea mile inla nd andov england spot perfect slow sport tour section cindi difficulti speed gea r gear pur top gear thi thing low rpm grunt that hawk lane experi big heft requi r move thi thing respond wallow complaint fair fairli quiet helmet buffet trivia l top gear car pass mph effortless smooth smooth smooth not sound remind pleasan t bar not transmit endless buzz jump caus impress brake hill revers camber twice revers radiu decreas radiu turn real squeez need front binder section tight urb an work thi section show weight clam shack oft featur spencer for hire place you find spencer hous mile put traffic for turn and back half onramp yank cindi wri st singal for hold tight head check left time find redlin second gear good shove fourth see dod speed short shift into top cop and light traffic not cross into dod zone bike had mile high effort lane wide sweep turn time wick buffet threat pull seat and stai comfort wind and steer look find mph not bad for tour beverli come fast twice post limit mile sign roll throttl and coast want adjust come sl ow good idea manhol size patch sand exit ramp back slow and heavi behavior cycl mile even car stack manag thread car edg concret pad front heavi effort for cind i and put thing center stand that us side stand side minut demo opinion heavi pu t diet smooth comfort notic dod speed bui for list for bike frank evan perdicaro xyvis color system legal gun drug and cash todai edgewat drive inhous frank mar vin wakefield outhous frank contex batteri charger notic that halogen tabl lamp run volt big thinng i that plug into wall volt question can trickl charg batteri don rate batteri fa ctori intal sanjai dod give arm ambidextr question articl ldinn frigat ci ohio state edu field ci ohio sta te edu jonathan david field write thi stupid question motorcycl scene don dod th i setup lookit site arni skurow chri behanna dod fxwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog advic for ride pillion articl dsc rwert bob wert write advic rid e pillion ninja thi will time for extend ride read farther block ride twisti fai rli bumpi road mine road hamilton loop for you bai arean you sonuvabitch rub don you great weather and great road unlik rest you putz nyah nyah nyah for sever h umor impair thi person lb and fairli small don weight problem sort advic give wa nt hold grab rail back and heard that shoulder direct turn lean tradit signal fo r slow faster hafta pee etc you like not notic weight piec advic for you don abr upt throttl wheeli acceler wee bit slowli usual conscious worri spit back your j ob pillion and guarante put bike rip you whack open lean angl pretti tame time y ou and learn each bodi english learn your idea turn and you learn idea shit don crash you don work cross purpos lean you can work aggress ride time import thing put hand tank you brake thi save you sever crush cooki fun chri behanna dod fxw g wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre th i rais pack wild corn dog owner tankbag suggest want articl apr ncsu edu martenm chess ncs u edu mark marten write for tank bag and wonder you follow owner make suggest an d not work for you file thi apolog for ask and will gladli accept flame that blo wn larg flat ga tank imagin that almost work person quit happi eclips standard t ank bag blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd opinion want size dirtbik you ride and for long you slip into bi ke tell peopl bui older cheaper bike and ride that for you interceptor exampl na thaniel dod ama maxima chain wax tom dietrich txd esd wrote parr ac ucalgari cha rl parr write bought miracl spoog chain lube wheel clean good glad hear studi li fe complet shaft drive weeni comeback discuss shaft effect even don weeni rip pi thi afraid work bike stuff delet damn shaft effect concour ppppppphhhhhttttttt h eh heh that pretti funni you call shaft effect nathaniel damn shaft effect dod a ma flame bait shaft drive and wheeli apr gmt xlyx vax cit cornel edu mike whee li motorcycl shaft drive fact you can wheeli shaft drive motorcycl even move don

counterst jerri lotto lotto lhasa harvard edu msfci hogssc bcso ama dod chemist ri dept harvard univ harlei and ride want invert fork need rec motorcycl matthew mark mueller andrew cmu e du write left side invert fork for gsx can track practic nelson ledg weekend hei part store occur you visit your dealer and fork buck for chanc happen part lai work condit sheesh edu side invert gsx fork convert into floor lamp jeff deenei dod nctr shamu jld hpfcla ama cohvco llamaha bad that famili torn apart simpl wi ld dog jack handei bike honda ascot folk bui bike and honda ascot mile thi sound re ason choic special nathan polic ossif read thi stuff laferrier write wonder law offic that read thi question pertain motorcycl and cop happen charli lear us connect didn hei thi cyberspac mister you wanna statesid cop gotta john gaijin japan sun sun microsystem atsugi japan bui advic need articl afoi janvopv cmu edu dale jame cmu edu wri te great bike you damn care motorcycl deleta bike light for size pound heavi for beginn bike heavi for beginn bike pound isn adman dream full tank area lb depen d year etc you you problem physic manag seat roughli akin plastic coat firm pain depend time saddl and version had seat imo bike suffer infam suzuki regul probl em avoid fork roughli for suzuki part kludg honda regul rectifi unit junkyard ch arg system consist overcharg batteri refil weekli thi not bad batteri access gai n remov seat tank and airbox regul last mile and didn overcharg batteri wire con nector charg path toasti tend melt insul suspect underspecifi didn that remov co ol air batteri access earlier bike doesn requir tank remov you learn drill prett i straightforward replac part suzuki part outrag expens bought replac part for b rand motorcycl offer grain salt dale assess good luck and care dale sentiment ca n argu won dean deed deed vulcan edsg hac newbi articl swox gwi mailer fsu edu fsu edu write hei yea that newbi never own motorcycl thi make spring matt not purpos thi articl read for da i curt howland ac dod eff howland nsipo nasa gov sabr meddl not afair wizard for make soggi and hard light advic for ride pillion articl dsc rwert bob wert write thi perso n lb and fairli small don weight problem sort advic give want hold grab rail bac k and heard that shoulder direct turn lean tradit signal for slow faster hafta p ee etc never like passeng and shift weight turn find weight shift can sudden and unnerv thing get comfort decid your shoulder don recommend shift weight each tu rn violent thi make your passeng wear good gear sometim choos ride helmet lack s afeti gear depend squidli feel won passeng can handl wouldn want hurt don glove jacket jean heavi boot and helmet that fit want thi posit experi for that want w ill appreci real easi amaz solid grip you handl bar that your passeng not don ma ke feel slide back and snappi turn for you sicken lurch for gener feel control a nd smooth passeng can stand back brother bike and ride aggress ride and good pil ot feel unsteadi you passeng bob show not show time thi wanna sit and bui you dr ink somedai templ dog sea bass sear sc cunixb columbia edu dod stanlei yamaha bm w toyota runner nyc dod confession can ration everytim happen uncontrol hate pre mot orcycl thought phase us didn happen gaze and custom each time sadist pictur hurl larg precipic pictur swarm german tourist cheer and take holidai snap can figur that part everytim read sig contain spoke wheel shudder and feel piti that poor soul suffer imagin owner scrap live discard maytag refridger box tuck hope for deliver had past loath milwauke machin can begin understand preach hope beav mik e beavington dod sabr mbeav bnr employ idea talk tape daytona articl acsu buffalo edu ubvmsb buffalo edu mark ols zowi write haven mention for repost tnn show daytona sundai april est don miss h ell finish look for and didn manag find list for tnn tape vh and persuad lend wa tch great jon wright hell page softwar inc dod that come outa mouth vfr women jacket daemon child articl apr colorado edu bowmanj csn or g jerri bowman write articl bethdc juzw netcom bethd netcom beth dixon write art icl apr mnemosyn edu jhenslei nyx edu john henslei write beth dixon bethd netcom wrote duc doesn back carri lipstick jacket pocket life hard wife for jacket and

men style don fit fit shoulder and arm tight across chest that suggest assum th at pilot addit handi storag facil pretti decent fit compani that make reason lin e women motorcycl stuff importantli boulder denver shop that bother carri articl motorcycl coupl month back specif women attir for and not ride mention make stu ff specif for women dimens and work bate will make custom jacket and leather for reason charg jon wright hell page softwar inc dod that come outa mouth vfr want advic for cylist blaisec blais cirelli write question dange r ride sorta question bike you recommend for time rider honda hawk ymmv paul tho mpson appl comput your opinion and mean articl apr rtsg mot svoboda rtsg mot david svoboda write articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write you aptli put road jerk don wanna hear your whine fine fuck you notic two year ago and learn and cost and peopl friend and rel involv drunk relat accid not hit and cousin recov can back happen stupid remind time you help stuff your opinion hei man you brought agre complet drive drunk stupid and understand and that you fee l bad dwi endem societi real problem and motorcyclist can worst vulner posit dru nk driver alert reader rememb that last year wit dwi accid bloodi front and unab l save life particip report drunk drive motorcyclist prime injuri and death rais insur rate forc stupidli restrict law and turn public ride respons view drunk d rive carri mandatori prison sentenc traffic offens not public fund issu genuin s afeti issu you bring subject rec moto admit caught dwi and for sympathi consequ don expect peopl respond warm wish dave svoboda svoboda void rtsg mot get tire y ou and beav lighten esp beav agre that dui dwi reason law strict enforc and toug h sentenc andrew not post for sympathi consequ post ask for advic had extrem hig h quot post valid found insur for note predica not defend drunk drive and renoun c drunk drive repeat offend worri and bdc make thi person longer part problem ou tcast paid debt societi step high hors irrespons past that guilti type hostil ra pist come feel punish not sever true dwi dui that case stinkin gubment chang had reason law dwi dui stiff penalti fewer peopl rate andrew paid debt defin law yo u that debt greater law mandat your repres jack water dod don fear thief night t hat come afternoon asleep that worri extraordinari footpeg engin articl vtserf edu ranck joesbar edu ranck write exb csdvax csd unsw edu wrote guess you make left turn correct edg s tud contact road caus turn and unthread you had make turn tighten stud bzzzt for plai make turn sucker coupl feet ground michael michael nelson cbr internet nel son seahunt imat dod owner tankbag suggest want martenm chess ncsu edu mark marten wr ite for tank bag and wonder you follow owner make suggest and not work for you f ile thi apolog for ask and will gladli accept flame that blown belstaff tankbag and ain good difficult fix secur co tank fair sidepanel layout and bar full lock bag touch handlebar switch you horn full left lock and starter motor full bui a noth for magnet bike short not older bike yamaha virago spec seat height and hon da shadow mainten tip read servic manual for bike suzuki coupl question ho pe you can answer check oil level dip stick built into oil fill cap check cap sc rew not us dip stick for cage stick extract fulli wipe clean and reinsert fulli withdrawn and read dip stick bike part oil filler cap and inch thread remov cap wipe stick clean and reinsert screw read servic manual call for applic suzuki bo nd head cover guess thi sort liquid gasket materi you gener cheaper substitut he adlight halogen bulb easi brighter replac bulb for your weather philadelphia fin al turn warm thi weekend lotsa bike and rider wave nice chang tone philadelphia can chri christoph karra internet cgkarra world std want advic for cylist ditto articl srgenprp blaisec blais cirell i write think bike owner thi year bike experi figur that get decent us bike for thing pai for grad school car permit and want ride bu for advic bike model year not for loud roar thing that sound monster quit whir newer engin like apprec adv ic counterst faq post mj sy uea mike sixsmith write mj cours and th at not mj teach techniqu success you don miss you never had poor sod don miss gu

ess ignor bliss mike bill bill leavitt cbx white lightn suzibago leavitt umd edu honda lone star sick leav dod ama icoa nia impala convert incred hulk hmmm thou ght bore and stroke techniqu michael bain stori lynn pacesett lynn hall write allow god open contain stree t sign bar yeah cop hand for coupl thousand biker block main street not cite str eet fill empti can feet deep gutter crowd raisin hell titti show can you parti a nd stereotyp erc act front traffic jerk mere femal found can big offens line assh ol car driver found subtl and nastli ooop mean nasti back cut you wait till pull past you and gentli lean and bend aerial time that eventu snap base undetect fo r and bummer replac gillian counterst faq post mj sy uea mike sixsmith write mj that you don even peopl mj techniqu counterst co will intuit mj time round corner karr corne l edu david karr write karr you rememb that you can corner karr counterst fact e xperienc rider instructor karr claim that rider and make bike karr turn whichev side want shift weight karr even oper turn opposit karr direct admit never thi e xperienc thi back young and foolish bike us track extrem true highwai set thrott l tension screw hold ga steadi slide back seat and lean backrest ride hand need turn shift weight into turn and and behold bike turn san touch bar grant wouldn turn fast prove that you can turn bike counterst not term input bar associ count erst peopl you lean and input give bar total unconsci that suffici you road norm al circumst possibl for year stretch can argu that thi prefer properli know mani pul bar turn you want call for sixsmith bill bill leavitt cbx white lightn suzib ago leavitt umd edu honda lone star sick leav dod ama icoa nia impala convert in cred hulk hmmm thought bore and stroke techniqu michael bain insur discount hola amigo quiero answer press question two bike and love capabl and smooth street bike low and lightweight wide power and great brake beemer kind rough for citi great long road and backroad good start stabl d on work insur pluck short hair insur agent offer multi vehicl discount thi time for car assum that you capabl drive thing time don manag straddl bike and ride t andem street turn left acceler zephyr turn acceler beemer agenc that make us thi simpl fact discount your rate state farm doesn move bai area insur bike and reg ist eas shock can guesstim cost insur and tucson cost full and liabil for two pe r annum mucha gracia enriqu advic for ride pillion articl dsc rwert bob wert write advic rid e pillion ninja thi will time for extend ride read farther block ride twisti fai rli bumpi road mine road hamilton loop for you bai arean commun work your system slow and holler back onc reason speed even muffl magna can hear each mph that y ou can commun balanc passeng real pain you never react steer peopl catch immedi and lean complet skittish lean thing and bodi perpendicular horizon thi pain tur n manag worst passeng stai perpendicular horizon rememb middl turn and whip corr ect posit thi screw line pick person checklist thing passeng attir helmet long p ant boot heavi shoe jacket feet peg time not you can had peopl dismount traffic pull park space muffler get hot nuff good traction not fall time rider surpris t ightli you can turn turn dynam sit that you feel you sit upright and straight tr ust your butt not your ey you confus close your ey for coupl turn feel hug tight sudden move shift your weight desir gradual can compens your facepl open close desir trust essenti trust driver thing driven mile thi thing and oper enjoi ride thi import stress for exampl time passwnger watch speedo hawk drove beach and w hever top mph holler slow scare humor for simpli cover speedomet spare piec duct tape stuck top cluster problem solv watch sceneri instrument and had time base experi drive lincoln continent unwil trust abil choos safe speed for bike point control engin transmiss brake tire etc and discuss motorcycl physic bit for time r help calm nerv and bike chanc warm watch for gravel hamilton road lot mudslid last big rain blind corner will nice cover carpet round invis stone doesn build trust you slide blind corner trip good luck fun don drink soap dilut dilut ain for articl speedi engr latech edu speedi engr latech edu spe edi mercer write confus that surpris ask for copi faq mail not kotfaq wonder pro per responc panel judg deliber question and answer send request copi and gang fa q blain gardner evan sutherland bgardner dsd your opinion and mean articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write you aptli put road jerk don wanna hear your whine fine fuck you attitud problem muttonhead you comment sensit despis peopl belittl drink and drive sinc girlfriend kill such asshol back learn verbal abus you can flame and you can us your brain stai newsgroup beav mike beavington bellnorthernresearch ottawa ont canada dod seca seca seca suzuki seca turbo sabr gt can afford mbeav bnr thi compani idea talk bike motorcycl enthusiast motorcycl and put bluntli suck advic g ood starter bike for thing make bike good bui second time question specif intere st race bike cbr gsx that thi sound kind crazi that never had bike respons fast learner and love give advic that you search includ place even specif bike that y ou want sell jami belliveau jbc andrew cmu edu bike motorcycl enthusiast motorcycl and put bluntli suck advic g ood starter bike for thing make bike good bui second time question specif intere st race bike cbr gsx that thi sound kind crazi that never had bike respons fast learner and love give advic that you search includ place even specif bike that y ou want sell jami belliveau jbc andrew cmu edu comment honda interceptor jearl tekig pen tek jeffrei david earl write articl apr skyfox howp skyfox write purchas honda interceptor for cdn don mileag thi bike pictur trader magazin good shape can enlighten whether thi good purchas oog hate jump thi type thread pass big top heavi and carri lot expens p art friend refer ground magnet jeff earl jearl tekig pen tek dod kottg kotspt wm tc ama millennium falcon squid factor klr thumpi hit button chewi han solo ain n othin mph sweeper idaho rocki dean woodward you want step into world dean fring rain socio psychot state bliss virago gun rose world dod dog articl apr ac ucalgari parr ac ucalgari charl parr write she esh even train attack dog match for human advantag agre thi you grab chin and ca re your hand twist head tailwag you death even had occas unexpectedli jump germa n shepherd and grab upper jaw hand and lower jaw hold mouth open strong clamp an d can noth thi macho shit fact that you ride bike and dog arrow intercept unwis for you stop and deal dog for simpl fact that your leather and work your jean yo u can dismount and deal properli mean you kick dog attent stop and stai you kick dog and ride that victori for dog drove you territori not even qualifi victori victori you kick and stop and sit dog will shit thi gui and back you establish y our domin dog and will not bother you llama stori you stop llama will hop and in sist ride and that you lucki doesn you barf you bike and steal curti jackson cja ckson adob hawk maxim dod kotb black lab mix studlei doright colli golden georg justif for take individu freedom guis public safeti thoma jefferson question helmet side fenc own bieff road helmet minor fall and h ad visibl damag shell helmet job damag impact ratio scari bell moto impact order twice bieff impact thi frequent and don even scratch two season recommend bui h igh qualiti gear ymmv mark women jacket daemon child articl bethdc juzw netcom bethd netcom beth dixon write articl apr mnemosyn edu jhenslei nyx edu john henslei write be th dixon bethd netcom wrote duc doesn back carri lipstick jacket pocket life har d wife for jacket and men style don fit fit shoulder and arm tight across chest that suggest assum that pilot addit handi storag facil pretti decent fit compani that make reason line women motorcycl stuff importantli boulder denver shop tha t bother carri lucki found jacket like that fit make pilot jacket mine similar s tyle made leather san jose bought last two made find decent women motorcycl gear not easi lot stuff that fring made fashion leather made fit men etc don shop yo ur area women rider friendli place san francisco san jose area don recommend bui cloth mail order hard fit bate custom make leather you want call and cost estim for type jacket your wife interest larg manufactur bmw and sell women line clot h decent qualiti fit iffi ago noemi and lisa sievert talk start busi thi sort th ing don final decid beth that john collin us carri honest god women garb beth tr ue beth dixon bethd netcom yamaha excit girl dod yamaha spike garag rat fssnoc d ucati ama ducati monza restor project kqspt can handl thi side derang top max handl request articl apr newbridg bradw newbridg brad warken tin write fast quickli lastest rumor rear wheel handl dream straight line and ge

t tad upset review cycl world corner you can you can you mean fast straight line perform and handl present dai liter sport bike horsepow and faster and mile tim e max corner bit handl good big standard earli not compar what state art dai tru e randi davi email randi megatek pilot uunet ucsd megatek randi dod thi eleven n igel tufnel spinal tap solar batteri charger good articl apr csd newshost stanford edu robert xenon stanf ord edu robert kennedi write solar batteri booster and come g uarante hand heard that peopl us success commun directli such person you your ex peri you us occasion charg long term leav for week etc robert kennedi cheap sola r charger that car purchas mail order catalog year batteri oldsmobil run summer ride bike drive car know sell car year purchas charger not thing work batteri he ld charg and energet start car time week sit eventu had purchas batteri winter s un wasn strong due low angl paid for charger power expens purchas cheapest find never us bike charger and plug time bike garag arni skurow cat and dog articl mqinn emori mathc emori edu gnome org write j ame bessett jimb cbnewsj att wrote articl hplsla ken hplsla ken snyder write bre eder chase bmw cam chain that case chase goldw toni toni kidson pgp kei request voic morgan tower cat had move mail order morgan road had top toni morgan demon bromlei machin tny cix compulink england honda dod compuserv ggrrrrrr cage doubl park motorc qjmf sixgun east sun egreen east sun green pixel cruncher write articl castl wbg festiv geak write apart complex us live thi put thing driver window couldn miss friend damn wreck home night vi sion block sticker suggest manag enorm liabil care put sticker cage window hmmm lddc secur guard dockland place park sticker driver side window reflect that acc id suppos peopl aren litigi state stephen stephen dunn mag dod sdun isma demon i ntern secur market associ speak for that voic fax pgp public kei not affili demo n site boom dog attack articl csundh ursa csundh ursa calvin edu charl sundheim write tale bike eat devil dog delet moral not and that biker allow carr i handgun come louisiana legal carri conceal weapon bike dod technician speed no t student stolen taglin god real declar integ delet your file black hole god div id world will end minut log earth full delet you can neck rein counterst faq post articl qmetg sixgun east sun egreen east sun green pixel cruncher write basic two wai steer hors plow rein and neck rein plow rein steer keep rein separ and you pull direct you neck rein steer ho rs hold rein togeth hand and pull hors neck direct you train plow steer hors nec k rein techniqu cross rein neck neck rein left rein pull side neck left side bit hors us plow rein dai learn ride bareback kid palm reign push side hors neck yo ur palm turn left lot counterst that pretti easi transit motorcycl break habit k ick rear fender heel faster steve steve moselei moselei washington edu microbiol og phone univers washington fax seattl chang sprocket ratio honda articl btb uki edu cbrook uki edu cla yton brook write honda guru can replac front sprocket honda slightli larger thi prefer reduc size rear that twin cam steel guard sprocket broken chain punch hol e engin case and need not room fit bigger sprocket inclin two teeth rear for rat io chang ad front for you rais gear ratio you impair bike rideabl gear will apar t that will gear that adequ respons speed honda don widest power band chuck kari sh karish mindcraft karish pangea stanford edu bike sold net mile previou articl essbaum rchland vnet ibm alexa nd essbaum articl hplsla ken hplsla ken snyder write bike sold long distanc love hear bought vfr gui san jose net that mile odomet mark andi live pittsburgh bou ght dude massachusett connecticut sold bike net young ladi live salt lake citi l ive lost angel turn had mutual aquaint ucla bower dod alfa ducati hobi kottk bla d iaido nasa good sake don you that girl can plai guitar mari chapin carpent protect gear second boot oil spot car slipperi park bike and goo d boot squid chang sprocket ratio honda articl cellar org craig cellar org sa int craig wrote can contact chaparel cycl suppli hei even had sprocket for hard find accesssori for second that even had sprocket for hard find john stafford mi nnesota state univers winona standard disclaim appli bmw moa member read thi sender repli harmon gyro tek harmon somm er distribut organ usr en etc organ keyword bmw owner think sign for moa begin s uspici throw monei rathol current membership laps for renew case that not for an oth year hint will organ busi that long and prefer longer and worth part becom a ctivist campaign for insur program for univers driver rider train licens pick to pic dear your heart and organ act barnacl don move ship counterst faq post sender repli harmon gyro tek harmon sommer di stribut organ usr en etc organ keyword hei you explain fact that you pull hors r ein left left confus two thread taught neck rein left rein brought bear left sid e hors neck equestrian counter steer for sale sell sportster make room for flhtcu thi scoot excel con dit and never wreck abus garag sportster standard blue factori convers kit mile branch port and polish big valv head screamin eagl carb screamin eagl cam adjust pushrod harlei perform muffler tachomet metzel tire front and rear progress fro nt fork spring harlei king and queen seat and sissi bar chrome ring chain fork b race oil cooler and thermostat die hard batteri bike cover price phone melbourn florida insur and lotsa point cked for insur had dwi and for beemer rec vehicl cost almost buck insur year sell bike and return dod number andi infant y ou can listen fact remain bmw that you and thing dod joan sutherland opinion dam mit noth counterst faq post articl qjn sixgun east sun egreen east sun wr ite articl hydro jlevin hydro jodi levin write articl sixgun east sun egreen eas t sun write singl track snow vehicl front ski and snow ski attach skier leg defo rm surfac snow creat bank ic skate alter phase ic and carv track bugger motorcyc l appar similar handl characterist not analag underli physic that motorcycl hand l characterist last attempt tack agreement that two explan for can us handlebar lean move motorcycl question effect domin and idea design experi seaprat two cha racterist and effect produc similar result bike familiar that spark controversi gyroscop precess examin thi alon rid contact patch effect not allow contact patc h transmit forc wheel and steer mechan remain and attach vehicl weight bike susp ens that wheel transmit forc bike similar bike experi ride bike dry road move an d wheel spin chang surfac that won transmit forc contact patch and steer manoeuv r bike lean sinc easi fall ic wouldn good idea feel contact patch can turn even ic doesn rid contact patch forc altogeth find frictionless surfac you wheel lock rotat that contact patch effect fairli simpl find vehicl that get magnitud and direct cantact patch forc motorcycl and transmit vehicl rotat wheel get contact patch forc irrelev for that contact patch that can straight and not sidewai and ski skate fine don snow ski skate bike suzuki wetbik that arrang motorcycl fat w ater ski wheel propellor front rear ski that coast rid effect admit that thi sec ond hand info love review local cycl rag and gui bike shop that sell that thi ma chin handl motorcycl that you counterst turn contact patch that transmit similar forc bike similar suspens arrang and gyroscop counterst conclus you don gyrosco p counterst vehicl that motorcycl contact patch arrang don real effect gyroscop observ handlebar angl forc etc relat steer gener will bet that not domin factor counterst you don thi conclus don accept motorcycl behaviour consist can prove a head bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canad a observ helmet articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri behan na write don stupid leav your helmet seat can fall and boom true put ground free spoog directli head that kind fall helmet design protect not exactli helmet lot energi your head isn and lump insid compress liner shell drop seat crack shell doubt you can send inspect bike jodi levin dod you can you jodi levin hydro ride toronto ontario canada act front traffic jerk articl nielsmm nanna imv aau nielsmm imv aau niel mikkel michelsen write dai rain cat and dog therefor speed limit noth b ike thi gui bmw drive meter for meter and red light calmli put bike leg walk bac k thi car roll window and told total idiot and reason thing us mad and commun an ger jerk uhm educ improv manner traffic tail heavi traffic slow bit buffer zone front balanc minim buffer find that jerk will notic traffic move faster lane swi

tch into and pass fine can ey jerk ahead front split attent ahead and mirror tra ffic heavi that for jerk pass pull for street number name ignor jerk jerk tail t hi sound wimpi denizenli pessimist perhap for psych type passiv aggress that pre fer adrenalin jolli ride yell jerk ride can improv dai yell jerk like for ruin r ide dai anger worst case yell jerk ruin life sinc even tini jerk cage arm cage b ike hand you subtli arrang last vehicl legal cross intersect leav jerk wait for cross traffic and your tail cross illeg hopefulli front wait polic almost your c hoic and mileag will vari deni mckeon galwai chtm eec unm edu bmw moa member read thi articl shaman tek harmon tek harmon somm er write bmw owner think sign for moa current membership laps for renew hint wil l organ busi that long becom activist campaign for insur program for univers dri ver rider train licens pick topic dear your heart and organ act barnacl don move ship you not refer quot individu barnacl don each send crew ship move organ act easi can and organ will larg determin presid and director can that make import vote elect offic strike that bmwmoa lot polit activ state and nation arena not i nfight organ chang thi join group that polit incident polit hazard motorcycl rid er moment don compar problem group gun owner target pistol shoot northeast calif ornia and bet you you had worri wear helmet thread rec moto eventu come gun davi d karr karr cornel edu for women motorcycl helmet bui us motorcycl helmet interest full face shield not necessarili helmet piec chin email directli janic kendal kendal adob decwrl sun adob kendal onward fog oat willi max handl request articl apr ntuvax ntu ntuvax ntu write ican ha ndson experi ride yamaha max pl kindli comment handl cycl world magazin never ba d motorcycl max motor thing short short chassi love straight line aim nice stabl not overfond corner forc into protest shake head chatter front tire grind footp eg and gener make prefer for straight pavement bump doesn fork isn bad soft that can bottom hard brake shock work that short travel shaft drive swingarm firm po int harsh dave tharp dod you can wear davet interceptor cd tek mra indian scout indian chief ahrma brother chief ama built rock velorex nsu max knock bmw compul s harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief hasti appar that last post hasi sinc call place and quot for and liabil palc will give for car liab bike for total ain bad won place call that f er andi infant you can listen fact remain bmw that you and thing dod joan suther land opinion dammit noth time kind soul advanc time rev for special bought canada for sale sell sportster make room for flhtcu thi scoot excel con dit and never wreck abus garag sportster standard blue factori convers kit mile branch port and polish big valv head screamin eagl carb screamin eagl cam adjust pushrod harlei perform muffler tachomet metzel tire front and rear progress fro nt fork spring harlei king and queen seat and sissi bar chrome ring chain fork b race oil cooler and thermostat die hard batteri bike cover price phone melbourn florida stolen aarghhhh articl jpolito apr sysgem encor jpolito sysgem e ncor jonathan polito write articl apr microun ericm microun eric murrai write wa tch scumbag steal cover that mean that steal bike case had fade cover stolen bmw that stash apart carport and not visibl street evid decid beemer wasn worth ste al night steal honda hurrican park apart build neighbor heard wheel and call cop thi set thi thing that good bmw bike account heard practic steal bmw similar fo r moto guzzi and rel exot sinc isn larg demand for part and bike easier track th at stolen bike harlei and jap sport bike you for reason btw coupl year ago stole n bike orang counti and gsx and ninja biggest reason bmw aren rip that peopl bui bmw will deal actual bmw dealer mail order type can inventori check fairli easi li law enforc type and mark suffici honest acquir part for harlei and rice rocke t you situat huge aftermarket harlei part bike can part fairli easili ditto spor t japanes bike price part for not high compar for rocket anytim bike plastic cra ck and expens replac fairli easi for disreput shop fair stolen bike slap bike fo r repair repaint and make tidi profit part traceabl can us discard traceabl mike disclaim opiini damn exit quitby ctrlaltdel logout save quit quit zzzzzz man he lpquit man exit quit ctrlshftdel hei stop passeng helmet size articl sixgun east sun egreen east sun write articl mavenri altcit eskimo maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer write que stion for dai passeng helmet you don for gonna ride you you meet church meet yea h that ticket guidelin pick anoth shoei size backup helmet inexpens smaller size accomod like passeng your primari concern protect passeng event crash fit for h elmet that size your primari concern compli stupid helmet law carri real big spa re you can put big small head big helmet not small shop for passeng helmet notic that case extern dimens helmet differ amount insid pad solut bui larg helmet an d construct remov liner sheet close cell foam and satin glu insid surfac result snug fit smallest head pillion liner and comfort fit largest head pillion liner get liner not fit michael robinson ucbvax cogsci robinson internet robinson cogs ci berkelei edu bmw moa member read thi bill ranck write bmw owner think sign fo r moa begin suspici throw monei rathol you gui sort thi bill ranck bill ranck ed u comput center virginia polytchn inst state univ blacksburg ditto for tim seiss us bike east west coast hpcc rec motorcycl groverc gold gvg tek grover cleveland apr shop for your bike sacramento bai area price higher state a ffirm check sacramento bee fresno bee modesto stockton bakersfield and newspap f or price moto classifi larg main public librari number town paper graem harrison hewlett packard commun compon divis trimbl san jose gharriso hpcc corp dod paint job can recommend good place for price bike paint job pref er not essenti london area lisa rowland alex technolog hous uxbridg road tel eal fax london email lisa alex happi easter nick pettefar npet bnr wrote kevinh tue apr gmt wib bl jonathan quist bemoan minor blasphemi that compani like jaguar sob lotu outri ght sacrileg for british ownership fundament thing lotu set for manag buyout wer en happi that elan late and pricei can write elan develop cost sell for sensibl price legal claus name own british compani owner can sell compani not name kevin h hasler ascom don that seper compani aero engin compani vicker roll royc car an d kevin post morgan us slide pillar front suspens bike long bleed last will that pettefar bloke mail address can bung ogri list dave david edmondson david dc qm w queen mari westfield colleg dod guzzi man thi mean end hors drawn zeppelin observ helmet maven mavenri altcit eskimo norman hamer wrote grf drop shoei seat bike rock centerstand chip heck paint graviti never you lesson put your helmet ground your head you put ground isn gonna fall ground you put yo ur head tom coradeschi tcora pica armi mil usenet herd perform eleph diarrhea ma ssiv difficult redirect aw inspir entertain and sourc mind boggl amount excremen t you expect gene spafford live free quietli die mcguir utexa edu tommi marcu mcguir wrote egreen east sun write tjohnson tazmanian prime tod johnson write horn hand throt tl into feet bike mph second long push horn button answer feet feet edgetacalcul rom number easi rememb mph sec tom coradeschi tcora pica armi mil usenet herd p erform eleph diarrhea massiv difficult redirect aw inspir entertain and sourc mi nd boggl amount excrement you expect gene spafford moa stuff articl world std artc world std art campbel wrote hotl i contest bmwoa elect and inept leadership question histori bmw organ that lead format bmwra year ago that precipit format two compet owner group yep start nomi n simultan splitsvil start sourc correct gui involv start group true tom corades chi tcora pica armi mil usenet herd perform eleph diarrhea massiv difficult redi rect aw inspir entertain and sourc mind boggl amount excrement you expect gene s pafford bike and contact thing full face even cheap brain bucket didn fu ll face import gnarli spill and end slide feet face visor you worri your contact for movi bike billi jack wild smokei and bandit jerri reed run t ruck motorcycl gang bike and video tape documentari hell angel found rental stor e onc want advic for cylist angel levin write exactli danger you mind jodi counterst not question lotto husc harvard edu jerri lotto write run thread understand counterst lot opinion not basi fact studi bottom line unde

rstand and abil swerv essenti absent accid involv rider hurt studi averag rider not identifi that counterst alon primari input effect motorcycl lean even year p ractic agre paragraph hurt studi make distinct abil swerv and failur swerv accid and accid that rider will almost stand brake hard dare simpli instinct brake fa ce danger strong that ride hard brake and swerv tend mutual exclus manouvr hurt draw conclus gener prefer for women motorcycl helmet lisa alex lisa rowland write janic do n unduli cautiou wouldn bui us helmet not for normal road us you never happen pa st life fun lisa rowland second that list stuff that unwis bui secondhand stuff parachut toilet paper condom and motorcycl helmet risk you extrem good fit secon dhand helmet co life doesn work that and lisa you never flame exhaust articl quw btq cso uiuc edu mikeh cso uiuc edu mik e hollyman custom that replac cylind head gasket put back togeth wouldn idl run cylind and backfir and spit flame exhaust side exhaust mac bought plug todai and run rough and won idl quit fine tune knob carb mess check time fine advanc and that didn assum carb synch can bui kit and thi kit for price suggest advanc mike hollyman sound you cam time antifreez coolant articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri b ehanna for you motorcycl liquid cool persuas brand coolant you us and for alumin um safe coolant prefer phosphat free and prefer cheaper gallon can you kaw deale r quart for offici bless holi kawasaki coolant pai that usuri chri behanna dod f xwg wide glide jubile red ladi behanna syl nec babi bike disclaim nec name agre thi rais pack wild corn dog thought that coolant aluminum safe sinc tear kawasak i add your opinion and mean infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write sinc occur paid dollar renumer drunk class and listen righteou asshol that your rest world you never had your suare devil made counterst not question wed apr gmt mj sy uea mike sixsmith mike lotto husc harvard edu jerri lotto write understand and abil swerv essenti absen t accid involv rider hurt studi mike agre paragraph hurt mike studi make distinc t abil swerv and failur mike swerv specif abil understand techniqu absent made l ot progress rider educ and respons last ten twenti year amaz anytim teach erc pe opl year ride experi discov counterst for corner swerv mike hard brake and swerv tend mutual exclus mike manouvr hurt draw conclus gener mike prefer specif reco mmand cite hurt studi that formal street strategi sipd for exampl import compon rider educ curriculum specif skill emerg brake corner and swerv taught and pract ic signific that rider noth confront potenti accid and anoth collid fell result rider error choic specif maneuv signific outcom earli detect and proper execut e ffect countermeasur jerri lotto lotto lhasa harvard edu msfci hogssc bcso ama do d chemistri dept harvard univ harlei and ride want for joh dhhalden last pete young tue apr gmt wibbl nick pettefar npet bnr wrote tsk tsk tsk anoth newbi bite dust learn newbi disappoint you int ernet baghdad you your dad bag thi bit funni peopl made thi group interest year ago longer and time make random sweep onc week miss thi thread terribl base your previou post appar devoid humour sarcasm wit appar capac walk and chew gum time assum you mea culpa subtleti sort you subtl isn nice that bnr that can afford o verpai contractor sit and read new dai that foreign firm for you and touchi newb i that matter starch undi nick consider biker dod concis oxford gum chewer lud n ick pettefar contractor larg teneo tuu intervallum cuurrent incarcer bnr npet bn r bmw kai maidenhead unit kingdom pre pbwasoh fortun guzzler bar bar charl parr tue apr gmt wibbl articl apr b nr npet bnr nick pettefar write satan rode bike you stop rider stick togeth you stop for satan ride vincent god jesu ride angel ariel and demon ride matchless t alk fill teeth regard charl dod span last week heard element separ thread that c onjoin time struck togeth form chord hollow and echo gourd unknown net person th at vincent wrong sort bike for satan ride honda brought bike magazin evil that s atan not hesit ride hole dm levi and black bomber jacket not helmet darth vader you satan cruisin god ride vincent white lightn rightou inject wear piec leather suit match boot helmet and glove nick righteou biker dod concis oxford leaki ge arbox lud nick pettefar contractor larg teneo tuu intervallum cuurrent incarcer

bnr npet bnr bmw kai maidenhead unit kingdom pre pbwasoh shaft drive and wheeli post shafti can wheeli mike impos due sha ft effect centripit effect rotat shaft counteract tendenc for front wheel lift g round good point john buddi mine told that thing had bmw dump clutch rpm hei ito nly rev and you folk shaft doesn diddleysquatpoop can front wheel ground ferchr issak bill wr gozer bill slack dod tear shed vain and word lost rumbl engin and smoke exhaust shaft drive and wheeli articl dpa new ysu edu yfn ysu edu john d aker previou articl xlyx vax cit cornel edu mike terri ask wheeli motorcycl shaf t drive mike impos due shaft effect centripit effect rotat shaft counteract tend enc for front wheel lift ground dod darkman last two motorcycl shaft driven and will wheeli rear gear climb ring gear and lift rear odd feel wheeli for sale zephyr boi and girl bought beemer and realiz abruptli t hat grad student sold truck yesterdai sell zephyr can sell thi month great insur and tag run coupl week tag and insur and happen sweet bike mile almost highwai last summer great ride and border purchas exactli year ago apr model good fair a nd luggag rack red clean perfect mainten bullshit spare detail want and will fit charm not bike for big peopl not small bike standard upright posit and good smo oth power great brake good karma erik dod asphaug hindmost lpl arizona edu kawi zephyr erik asphaug bmw boom dog attack eagerli await comment ic princess door make habi t floor cage drivewai see come hit mph made mistak wave neighbor sort grudg ride downhil mph local backroad brown dobi flash brush mph intercept front wheel dog had start top hill heard and had lead hit road dog approach left and run full t ilt bike side road rover back calcul final trajectori bad didn notic car approac h mph direct closeup view poor canin friend noggin careen front bumper smack asp halt and get runov front tire manag pretti good yelp impact peripher immin doom guess driver didn swerv into lane squeege pup and head back home haven sinc snif f sometim fate see you and smile rick for sale sigh for sale reluctantli classic bike yamaha twin orig in mile store insid front end aftermarket taper steer head bear racer suppli rea r bronz swingarm bush tsubaki chain pirrhana fair headlight cutout carrera race seat superbik bar velo stack twin carb origin seat tank origin cherri white pain t scratch dent ding exhaust origin final rust and discard process make kennei ro bert replica cafe racer graduat school marriag child preclud effort wife love un load assembl throw manual receipt and collect societi newslett and relev mag art icl great fun classic bike invest will reason offer timothi shicklei director ne urourolog depart urolog and anatomi cell biologi templ univers school medicin no rth broad philadelphia voic data voic fax internet shicklei templ edu bitnet shi cklei templevm bitnet icbm boom dog attack articl uupcb compdyn questor org ryan cousineau compdyn questor org ryan cousineau write interestingli thing that never happen t hat bike never move neg impair sentenc that bike move michael michael nelson cbr internet nelson seahunt imat dod cobra lock steve buni southwest chicago doc webrid central sun w rote post alt locksmith method for secur motorcycl respons refer cobra lock desc rib below come across store carri thi lock chicago area feedback us thi yamaha c yclelok photo motorcyclist harden steel kryptonit lock fold place extend lock re ar tire tube park sign similar had experi easi attack lock joint section toni happi easter articl apr isc jeq lachman jonathan quist write rol l royc own british firm god that end civil not ford own aston martin and jaguar gener motor own lotu and vauxhal rover own honda dave tharp dod you can wear dav et interceptor cd tek mra indian scout indian chief ahrma brother chief ama buil t rock velorex nsu max knock bmw compuls harlei that employ idea joiner give you grief bike advic kawasaki mint condit and start kick time outgrown bik e and sell told that sound higher lower for us spend and year for bike pai arm a nd leg for rob fusi rwf lehigh edu bmwmoa controversi articl apr esac prahren esac peter ahren writ e articl rider joe rider cactu org write vech msstate edu craig vechorik write g

ood boi that long agre you that current board garbag vote you simpli trade form trash for anoth oppon your select equal time joe don you post you ration bmwmoa folk left rest summari current state affair your esteem organ togeth histor outl in you contretemp you dod member bike and club polit and llsh real turn tuba irw in honk computrac richardson irwin cmptrc lonestar org dod test test bat helmet cbd christoph bradlei devlin andrew cmu edu cbd noth compar ahem uniqu helmet cbd design anim seri huge open for cbd mouth top world tiniest eyeslit enorm mouth cbd open batman helmet cut you degre cbd unrestrict vision helmet thi cbd leather cap mask thingi cbd mon batman doesn batman cbd yo u notic take bike snow rain batdud weird helmet drag knee corner cookson hidden bat puck and take bike snow rain let robin ride us bat mom made get licens lot e asier trend stylish helmet stylish knee drag ride stylish cartoon precipit hmm t hat deal verit airborn mammalian poseur dare bat squid huh bat squid add make ma n honorari dod dude dod sticker address for batman current artist comic book and anim seri write and batman becom honorari denizen yeah special kotl preced for induct imaginari member imaginari motorcycl comput bat cave can safe assum that imaginari internet access ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pig inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousineau compdyn quest or org vancouv canada live slmr virtual realiti check bounc comput dynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate friendli sysop boom dog attack previou post dog attack gener bad karma weather attempt dog attack approv method slow screw dog triangul target and laugh dog yo u thi time didn work didn time ride hill lead hous encount liver and white sprin ger spaniel relat springer softail springer spagthorp close relat spagthorp vike dog encount intent harm digress ride unpaint centerlin roughli foot wide road f orti and sixti click mph for veloc impair dog shot bush left side road imposs hi gh speed learn had acceler front porch thirti feet head gentli slope approach si de road dog and you sipd boom dog left leg and mark bike leg driven side bike co nsider forc make perman mark plastic part bike and crack panel dog spin look bac k memori thi moment hazi turn and pick like hous apologet woman explain that dog not hurt cut mouth and hope not hurt feel pain shin and expect cool purpl welt form sadli not left tender shin and cool battl scar interestingli thing that nev er happen that bike never move not inconsider impact not push bike put bike cont rol gut reaction sudden impact delai pain help didn feel sudden sharp pain that can rememb worri accid thi don prevent travel slower thi not necessarili unreaso n suggest for residenti area ride speed limit worri happen had car dog consol th ought that insan bdi cager whip blind drivewai mph for that matter drivewai long for car hit mph end eagerli await comment ryan cousinetc yamaha vision black pi g inver live ride kotrb aj king rat work dod squid afford bike flame ryan cousin eau compdyn questor org vancouv canada live slmr hurt dammit jim doctor comput d ynam bb hst vancouv canada easi access low rate friendli sysop cat and dog articl apr cbnewsj att jimb cbnewsj att jame bessett write articl hplsla ken hplsla ken snyder write heard dog breeder that chain bi cycl and motorcycl produc high frequenc squeak that dog love chase breeder chase bmw squeaki bmw rider rai shea wound effect method unisql inc leah unisql rai u texa edu dai miss boon real bad dod team twinki hawk bike want advic purchas articl apr mit edu jburnsid mit edu jami burnsid write articl apr ncsu edu jrwater eo ncsu edu jack roger water write re let reader quit impress useful info thi newsgroup dod number busi ride thi count thought cat dod faq mailx hahahha jburnsid mit edu wait press return hei mon gu i and gal chose word carefulli and even faq straight don holler bohica even ment ion dod number your sig can you soundli faqe notic that not faq care monk wait p ress return jack water dod don fear thief night that come afternoon asleep that worri flash apr new columbia edu rdc cunixf columbia edu robert castro write bike hazard light front and back turn signal flash sinc live and commut n yc number toll pai rout arriv toll booth switch hazard thisto warn motorist that will take longer second make transact take glove get monei coin changer pocket make transact put glove back take time averag cager take make transact pai toll

notic that thi cager tend messag and anoth booth question thi good bad thing ten d curiou rob castro email rdc cunixf columbia edu live for todai phone for todai you live dod nyc york york usa beleiv not state onc consid elimin toll for moto r cycl base simpli fact that moto clog toll booth mario realiz foolish trade hun dr year for relief traffic congest bad won that sumprem court justic job thought rid forev matt denni internet mmd wbst xerox xerox corpor rochest usa reach con sensu group confus find answer norman maier guzzi tire fair question question tire for guzzi tire that bough t and crack not owner manual for tire list hayn manual front rear and pressur re commend front and rear oddli pressur for tire list psi reason pressur run that r ecommend manufactur tire purchas real question thi tire that bike for front metz ler tour special and for rear avon roadrunn mark each tire larger that list hayn manual owner manual recommend and common size for thi bike thi will motorcycl i nnertub comment manufactur tube qualiti size inch for addit mark current rear ti re metric match local bmw dealer thought front and back happen good get close ma tch mail order price think metzler laser possibl comp front and back mb varieti longer last belt system us vision and for front and and thought that shaft drive behavior and torqu guzzi that give predict back end control and slide behavior give tire milag life comment friend told thought that bike had boranni rim good rel soft and delic sidewal not mount tire thi time warn shop care comment make h avn look rim check make mark told late yesterdai and havn had chanc check rim ty pe anoth note will remov ugli good shape want vetter fair and will run windscree n for eventu simpl round cafe style quarter fair for fork handlebar mount sugges t such thing frame mount quarter fair cafe style for thi bike lower bar clip on for restor bike into good condit runner modern updat not histor exactli accur re flect rel represent cafe style picki that period predat thi bike that thi bike s uch potenti for that edward walsh hewlett packard compani edw boi disk memori di vis box bois idaho vision guzzi dod edward walsh hewlett packard compani edw boi disk memori divis box bois idaho vision guzzi dod sabbat and futur flame begin week sabbat minut six wonder week r ide and phone email won check mail setup vacat agent can dial and newsfe dont ou tstand cfc such thing compuserv address compuserv weekdai ride send mail post th ink you stuck front your termin sheeyaahhh and monkei fly butt ride safe dave se ns ain common dave warner opinion share ama hog dod employ dwarner sceng signatu r file dwarner milo compuserv fxst stolen boom dog attack articl clark bdrc clark bdrc richard clark write final trajectori bad didn notic car approach mph direct closeup view poor canin friend noggin careen front bumper smack asphalt and get runov front tire manag pretti good yelp impact peripher immin doom guess driver didn swerv into lane sq ueege pup and head back home haven sinc thing everydai dog chase bicycl owner th ought cute even moto stupid dog thing dai come home opposit lane fluff teeth ran and plai momentum share dodg pick owner blame for drive street live wierd town beav mike beavington bellnorthernresearch ottawa ont canada dod seca seca seca s uzuki seca turbo sabr gt can afford mbeav bnr park space don steenkin park space insur and lotsa point articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write cked for insur had dwi and for beemer rec vehicl cost almost buck insur year bikeless you drink and drive you pai smilei mike beavington mbe av bnr opinion and not compani hasti articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant wr ite appar that last post hasi sinc call place and quot for and liabil palc will give for car liab bike for total ain bad won place call that fer nevertheless dw i ckin hope you brain mike beavington mbeav bnr opinion and not compani bike hors insect impac previou articl egreen east sun green pixe l cruncher articl sda usenet in cwru edu cleveland freenet edu mike sturdev writ e peopl train for year jump hors feet equistrian poser wear velvet tail and usel ess helmet turn that hors bunch weeni fashion nerd and helmet suck wear shoei mo untain bike helmet fuck perman injur oop late nah can walk unaid fast chanc mike splitfir spagthorp diesel articl djr new cso uiuc edu wcd uxa cs o uiuc edu daniel warren write earlier read net splitfir plug gui think and almo st shot hell that show team that us split fire addit insight and theori splitfir

plug and boost opposs cage splitfir origin made burn fuel effici and increas po wer for cage for gui splitfir don thi and catch splitfir twin splitfir work prov id unshroud spark combust chamber engin cylind head design can benefit thi split fir will yield slight perform increas notic lower rpm rang torqu splitfir didn d iddli squat for gmc pickup give notic perform boost harlei sportster and friend sportster folk evo motor can perform boost plain plug interest sinc xlh and big twin evo combust chamber pretti shape size two friend shovelhead harlei swear sp litfir had shovelhead dual plug sinc respond dual plug make machin work and extr a ignit system worth expens cool spark plug each side each head neal howard xlh dod computrac inc richardson doh neal cmptrc lonestar org std disclaim opinion m ine not computrac learn dream gentlemen and perhap learn truth august kekul definit two that logic you describ two transit period two and co me rest high low side sound pretti good richard pierson vnet perhap refer wife a nd child sit sidecar moto heard game call oneup onedown drink game for you older folx andi infant you can listen fact remain bmw that you and thing dod joan sut herland opinion dammit noth rim need articl apr new columbia edu twang cunixf columbia edu t oni wang write articl new duke edu infant acpub duke edu andrew infant write art icl apr walter bellcor pgouda gomer bellcor paul gouda write law that requir nyc street empti pothol greater depth bike hahahahahaahahha whahwuhuhahuah that goo d stop can breath bite your tongu ride nyc daili basi not live pothol ruin flavo r not dodg taxi buse pedistrian bicycl messeng and bdi block block basi pothol m ake for that sudden random that make fun can you that you constantli test your p anic brake shock and dirt ride abil citi street you smooth asphalt canyon carver don you miss laugh law part driven soho manahattan you talk bout not that durha m bit dot take monei road tax and put pocket and into pocket gui build larg cond o that road back into fix road hei local paper report thi last summer and boi gl ad don work for dot shat bigtim lost job idea andi infant you can listen fact re main bmw that you and thing dod joan sutherland opinion dammit noth aerostitch piec articl apr vax cit cornel edu vax cit cornel edu write request for opinion piec aerostitch two piec aerostitch end get two size for top and bottom top and bottom for bottom waist larg thigh fit had waist cut circul leg larg muscular thigh and didn us thighmast jacket fit chest slightli s nug waist and small arm can imagin find piec size that fit correctli even piec p roblem strang sinc pilot jacket fit great and match pant fit glove can assum mod el aero design design suit real folk even relat convieni you pretti damn wierd w alk top and bottom run errand suspici and sweat lot store wear suit sinc you can fit top and bottom motorcycl storag devic devis trunk sidecar rig two piec unzi p pant gener leav two piec zip togeth primarili pant fall pull cheesi elast belt type band real tight stuff spaciou bmw saddlebag pant fit and run errand wear j acket run errand wear pilot jacket that crash protect that suit equal that for w eather protect piec jacket overlap pant inch piec comfort waist extra layer stuf f not vote for two piec despit slightli odd fit find suit versatil piec ride clo th wouldn long distanc ken wallich wallich ncd ken wallich kmw org decwrl vixi a mber ken ken wallich wallich ncd ken wallich kmw org decwrl vixi amber ken chang sprocket ratio honda karish gondwana stanford edu chuck ka rish write that twin cam yep chain year final stretch into replac zone honda don widest power band sigh clayton brook heart cbrook uki edu pot blue cbrook ukma bitnet lex grass and rutger uunet ukma cbrook bourbon countri ama nma maa am acb l dod bike advic ummm you bike that not suggest you for sinc horsepow and bit for you sincer nathaniel dod ama riceburn respect articl apr research nec behanna syl nec chri be hanna write complet tack eventu outcom babe bad mouth biker thought post thi las t year women court wit two women that car and neighbor that heard shout lawyer d idn odd sinc multipl complaint wai and judg had histori find guilti convinc lawy er drop net result laywer bill for and court cost for consol that had troubl scr ape togeth not quit week beer monei for roid riceburn respect articl qqxp cbmvax cbm commodor hartzler cbmvax cbm commodor jerri hartzler cat write duck squid don wave return wave even each

excus for ignoramu edu breath riceburn brain roid motorcycl detail tip rub compound you mean meguir didn work dod magic elixir choic for plastic stuff ron miller dod cobra lock netter steve write cobra lock mother lock fridai apri l posses cobra link lock diamet thi special order weigh lot had carri home and d ig into shoulder two block kryptonit rock lock front wheel padlock for steer loc k master padlock lock cover two front spoke and cobra link rear swing arm and po st underground park garag fridai appoint alarm instal bike travel cobra link and cover and padlock stai home remov plastic mesh that cobra link and encas lock e nd end bicycl tube two bicycl dealer that sold cobra link gui great and didn mar k price lock and tube free fxstc rock roll mike mychalkiw hog ryerson polytechn institut dod thi side hell academ comput inform centr doh side email acad ryevm ryerson extraordinari footpeg engin dod er goddamn mysteri for todai tur n degre corner dai slight differ rough spot path caus suspens compress mid corne r and part bike hit ground tangibl thunk pull opportun su damag bike kawasaki gp x footpeg that hing and sprung such that fold upward and backward contact ground etc and lower extrem corner each peg mount bank follow stud that theoret bit hi t ground bank turn stud mount footpeg thread bit long screw into thread hole foo tpeg for mysteri stud side bike that clunk turn absent fairli event damag end fo otpeg stud ordinarili fact thread hole footpeg perfectli intact evid forcefulli rip moment previous you engin type you explain thi can you rip tightli fit steel thread thread hole alloi damag thread hole thi sort tech design thingo that kaw asaki never mention that end footpeg suddenli phase impact stud rip back solid q uit amaz thi happen meantim life left hand bank follow barri manor dod confus ac cident peg scraper dog bike dog will chase that move two dog and love chase ride wi ll chase car that pass run footpath sidewalk kph don truck size differ factor wo rk favour can exercis quit easili ride mile road and back time minyo rmit kawasaki engin need for kawasaki engin engin intak exhaust ignit etc prefer central texa area haven had luck can repli mail call you spare jonat han luski luski ccwf utexa edu turbo nice blown jeep wrangler for sale hollei bb l camaro spd forsal yamaha seca turbo don want thi monei for school thi snapp i bike work and don monei for detail mile mitsubishi turbo not asthet beauti fas t factori turbo bike not kit and ride fun thi bike ask offer bike can bennington vermont mail for info chri santac rpi edu bmw for sale mile black leather tank bra tank bag corbin seat me tzler tire garag and pamper can afford continu pai nyc garag fee for two bike of fer take stephen mane mane magpi linknet mane and associ york usa info sport cruiser articl fonhvm huxb andrew cmu edu jae cmu edu write for sport cruiser factori instal fair full half hard saddl bag and and th at and that sporti and seri bmw bike wonder compar type bike produc compani bmw honda design honda germani origin for european market competit for bmw seri chec k toni toni kidson pgp kei request voic morgan tower cat had move mail order mor gan road had top toni morgan demon bromlei machin tny cix compulink england hond a dod compuserv misc bui info need articl apr hamp hampshir edu jyaruss hamp ham pshir edu write bui guid for us motorcycl that list reliabl bui process for etc cycl world put not object talk dealer and peopl that hang love give advic price guid for us motorcycl blue book bigger bank blue book includ moto for rv book ar ticl ride cross countri motorcycl camp etc couldn you idiot guid motorcycl you r ead cliff weston dod seca tem femal bodi beauti work art male bodi lumpi and hai ri and not light dai accid report articl jun prl philip mcardl prl philip owen mcardl write articl ranck vtvm edu ranck vtvm edu ranck write articl jun bcrka bnr whi tton bnr mark whitton write turn that trailer light not hook truck yep basic rul e never expect turn signal complet and place peopl don signal and sometim signal aren work sometim left scari bit thi avail rear light live netherland learn tha t reliabl indic red side onc peopl call brake light onc light expect occur front

you not dutch never realis reli thi caught time light didn work onc suss wasn b ad know half battl great find that you close check for light time co that split second can make differ shouldn owen us peev canada car bloodi red rear indic you singl red light come and stop brake lamp not work dumb bloodi red rear indic th i surviv you assum brake and action such time light and you can bloodi red rear indic ivan reid paul scherrer institut ivan cvax psi gsx you porsch pass dod spring record oriol pitch staff fine exhibit season shut out low team era haven basebal new sinc march contend win for fan team bad sprin g record rememb earl weaver law basebal book manag damn juli you lost game march btw idea contend for starter pretti set that sutcliff mussina mcdonald and rhod e rotat john hopkin univers mascot blue jai basebal team logo toronto club logo anatom correct blue jai god can origin idea even pose baltimor oriol hat peopl r ealiz that bird call baltimor oriol admir steve liu internet address admir jhuni x hcf jhu edu committe for liber and intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into so cieti red dwarf polymorph bangl greatest femal rock band that exist thi sig brou ght you frungi sport king eck rickei rickei whine articl blue ci pitt edu genet pi tt edu david tate write read followup thi thought back origin articl make specif comment method jao megatest john oswalt obtain plai plai record comput readabl form for major leagu basebal game for past year devis algorithm call sum situat and wrote comput program calcul major leagu player contribut work thi situat gam e basebal season situat determin in score baserunn and out for each situat count time team eventu won game that situat occur and divid number time situat come f or that situat thi georg lindsei late earli and report articl investig strategi basebal author georg lindsei journal oper research issu volum juli august pete p almer thing simul season gener larger set data avoid kind small sampl anomali th at peopl worri report thi hidden game basebal john thorn gari skoog modifi metho d bit and work call ad measur base situat valu base directli margin run not win probabl result appli season report bill jame basebal abstract book for exampl si tuat in score runner second and out regular season major leagu game last year ro cki and marlin will thi year thi situat and team ahead won thi situat descript m ethod chang win probabl base bat baserun and credit debit player that amount eac h time get plate appear for each player sum bat and base run valu for season obt ain for that player sum player valu for each game and for season will that you c redit batter and pitcher valid involv big problem that comment you ad probabl an d probabl don add run you can add total team run break into run joe contribut ru n fred contribut etc probabl don work that bob increas team chanc win each pa th at not mean that bob increas team chanc win fact doesn mean unit screwi agre and disagre john that batter effort will result win loss you correct that not mean win loss mean player increas team chanc win each pa player increas chanc win eac h pa appear obviou posit associ john statist and win game you disregard thi stat appear that studi into sort relationship exampl bob hit solo bottom your scale thing fourth score ti for anoth and seventh score ti for anoth and final ninth w in game score for bob hit solo plate appear and credit your method that mean bob respons for win not defens respons you includ pitch that and bob wasn pitch fac t bob offens lot not even close team run solo fred fred hit tie game valuabl lea d lindsei and fred will accru good rate fred and bob combin amass win game probl em problem insist that number mean exactli win team averag season and appli game second rememb player perform chanc you win that player get get neg probabl case not game you add number for team won that will add that game sometim will add p itcher bad perform give run larg neg percentag for that game batter that pull ni ght give larg neg greg think thing intuit mark closer enorm import total number run outweigh come prevent com doubl greg not anoth articl propos test thi can pr edict team won lost record quit accur run total score and regard run score game late run import earli run late run lead predictor you smaller sampl size that nu mber run you score in good predict run you score last in and realiz closer come close situat not blow hard argu that run that closer game equal import in closer give run mean team will lose game hand starter run leav team chanc win offenc o ut not late in situat equal import run ninth not matter run pitcher ninth anoth thought experi appli thi method basketbal you find that point score half game al

most exactli lead safe entir half plai sub bench sink win free throw time clock get for game star forward score point half sprain ankl get thi make sens you ass um that team probabl win posses free throw made you point second left fairli hig h probabl that you will win game you posses ball and not forget that els miss sh ot turnov foul bad defens etc caus neg chanc that team win read discuss thi stat ist feel that critis extent agenda thi statist valad clutch not cluth revolv ide a that player crucial situat elev perform and perform never convinc proof that t hi happen you assum clutch that mean that for lot noic thi statist posit associ player perform rid noic you not clutch find averag home run for exampl find for instanc that home run increas your chanc win averag strikeout decreas your chanc win bet thi find that thi statist good statist for predict win and loss evalu r elief pitcher john and sam exact pitch statist run earn run etc had except numbe r john pitch closer situat sam mop man valubl team john pitcher brian smith joke rocki attend record hell oriol open dai game easili largest histori had stadium seat unfortun yard excel ballpark hold sro spot tic ket sale for entir year move fast bleacher seat almost for game thi year extrem likelyhood that sell game thi year lead divis for year anoth front sale oriol li ke forc eli jacob major debt appar can owner will spend proven rightfield free a gent winter fernando made starter pitch staff pretti good sutcliff mussina mcdon ald rhode and fernando baltimor pick for victor competit east admir steve liu in ternet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu committe for liber and intergr terrifi o rgan and rehabilit into societi red dwarf polymorph bangl greatest femal rock ba nd that exist thi sig brought you frungi sport king second last dai season gregg true wild thing olson uncork wild pitch allow blue jai tie blue jai win and end babi bird miracl season player overpaid lot whine player overpaid thought put to geth underpaid team that win pennant splurg and player earn half million dollar highest paid player frank thoma cut player kenni lofton chri hoil keith mitchel tim wakefield and bunch pitcher arguabl made team cost million for lot total tea m salari averag slightli player that steep you can dump thoma and bagwel replac paul sorrento and minimum wager save bit million dollar and team major juan guzm an mussina castillo eldr rhode militello roja beck melendez hernandez ni rodrigu ez piazza thoma bagwel knoblauch barberi gomez palmer listach pena gonzalez lank ford sander plantier ted frank teel mention that thf kimbark uchicago edu advic legal sound you follow law school you will wind jail standard disclaim jame dona ld misc legal rickei henderson articl apr msstate edu isi msstate edu jiann ming write bui henderson contract and bag groceri season you sign for noth that for bitch ball player doubt henderson clear waiver and instantli sign for major leagu minimum oakland pick remain million tab gm field perform valentin giant win pennant giant win pennant giant win pennant oo op guess earli you octob minnesota pitch articl snelson uwsup edu snelson uwsup e du scott nelson write rotat chang due strang injuri scott erickson develop twing stomach area and rotat rotat mind knowledg kevin tapani jim deshai pat mahom wi lli bank add mike tromblei sinc peopl mark guthri will remain bullpen long lefti and short will plai scott leiu plai short for career twin mike pagliarulo and j eff reboulet will platoon pag and terri jorgenson will platoon reboulet backup i nfield pag look pretti miser yesterdai for gui lead leagu muf routin grounder he ck muf grounder jorgenson noth except that notic leiu miss ball gagn reach will miss gag glove thi season winfield struggl preseason sundai colorado rocki for r bi and score onc look pretti good contrari mediot look reason isn mid hrbek pret ti big gui note us twin kinda big field not that big hit vagu last year perfectl i good baseman note thi post person observ yesterdai game regular pull in winfie ld big hole defens game that didn show didn pick bad throw for exampl david thor nlei ticket will travel dome brewer injuri lock small closet chain lab bench for last week two access import inform million shoulder back long for million in will th i year noth person higuera mind you wonder bud can cof monei for let current big produc rel pittanc realiz term rel pittanc can us sarcasm discuss basebal salar

i addit question bone pitch thi spring and fit rotat surhoff shape defens build stadium tom binaca blast deep drive derbi bbddd return articl piisn asq network ucsd edu king cogsci ucsd edu jonathan king write public part infam darrin jackson for derek bell trade fact that san diego includ deal even public thi that didn come padr name sourc and that monei didn blue jai toronto monei di vert into london bank account own shadowi charact name vincent grai lucki accoun t number reject odd thing that grai wasn british financi canadian social scienti st work univers western ontario grai previous author associ john palmer and man had previou year discov true tater name bing bang ben macdonald accur big bang b en macdonald that grai and palmer word ottawa that canada had achiev absolut sup erior unit state field baseballist research control acker cook pitch alik contes t and binaca blast research institut prime minist smile hope not that inadvertan tli give pleasur mulronei ruin dai matthew wall marvel end section expo not give dai job effort dai job manag foist job run binaca blast deep drive derbi vinc g rai futur deep drive relat tidbit vinc sscl uwo vinc vaxi sscl uwo identifi mess ag subject line bbddd vinc can thi post cue chime plan director research institu t and kind bodi armor ontarian wear thi spring meanwhil pick that truckload deni boucher card bought fill area tool shed jking realiz taterif import thi work jo hn palmer and conclud that pool resourc not archiv that jonathan will send offic i introduct deep drive derbi renam project that princip investig and research ar chiv chang send your suggest for renam studi address and open dai ball will fly your mind gutter ball park and helpless bystand will injur ball reenter atmosphe r and you thought that meteorit shower made rock will star thi year can hope com bat brad arnsberg record start last year season young ball newli rub mud hot dog start boil for rest year plai ball and cover and your slider hang vinc design hitter rule articl ekdfc ttac ttu edu ekdfc ttac ttu edu david coon write articl apr bsu uc ecgillespi leo bsuvc bsu edu write po stit paper design hitter rule inform even opinion greatli apprecit ecgillespi ma gic rescind rule basebal game two team player each that last week sport illustr coupl big articl design hitter basebal issu week sport illustr ata game stand philadelphia chicago team ti for sundai d ick red battl chet brewer game dramat game seri fridai saturdai and good sundai doublehead declar erni bank perhap fact that cub challeng pitch pitch that lack announc ryne sandberg can brewer beat carlton alexand bun preferr last win lord hope pull phil score onc top richi ashburn singl pete rose hit send ashburn seco nd kiki cuyler cut ball left center and threw bullet erni bank threw ron santo a shburn rose second plai christobel torrienti lift long fly center move pete rose schmidt walk cub absolut refus beat torrienti and schmidt will like draw walk t hi year chuck klein start hit and lash doubl into gap center cool papa bell spee d allow cut ball and prevent schmidt score nelli fox walk and bob boon ground se cond end threat team start realiz that you don pitch schmidt torrienti and that lower run total put lot pressur klein and dick allen platoon chuck klein and occ asion spell rose and credit philli that sustain pace picther slump time analysi frank chanc cub that run back bell bunt for hit thoma grounder move second and s andberg made billi william singl home run sixth ron santo launch two run homer m ake dick red troubl eighth schmidt singl and klein singl reulbach enter face fox dick allen pop dugout hit allen doubl luckili for cub william had move left and andr dawson had insert for defens fire bullet home plate klein lanc parrish hit for boon walk and bruce sutter enter larri bowa ground into doubl plai delahant i walk pinch hitter desir strikeout sinc ashburn like attempt bunt hit quick tri llo pinch run chanc brought lee smith induc pop catcher speedi centerfield end i n cub win move game philli steve carlton call battl finger brown saturdai anoth righthand lineup ron santo move and bill madlock plai brown allow six doubl and cub bullpen worn even cub maintain lead lefti madlock bat sixth had knock two do ubl drive home run gabbi hartnett hit two home run and cuyler ad anoth and score cub six in philli bullpen had troubl bottom eighth cub grab run ic triumph sund ai twin bill cool papa bell gather straight hit point includ rare park home run second game robin robert grover alexand phil contest cub captur second waddel ga in win bruce sutter toss two in for save allow run eighth cardin stood half game

leader and conclud seri expo mondai montreal loui august tie for denni martinez roll and continu versu john tudor fridai expo wide varieti hitter and aren time great get job win two game suddenli found game thi wacki season martinez triump h fridai and william outduel dizzi dean saturdai cardin refus give win sundai ca rd captur mondai game steve carlton outduel steve roger good ground ball pitcher team speed remark lou brock don can win thi divis philli and cub reason for two third season tie for york pittsburgh august straight win for buc back your team slump worst thing plai pitcher park thi spoke gil hodg seri keith hernandez ad that defens take quit run per year and give extra win pirat made error season ah ead second place dodger error total tend for defens time team rube foster defeat sid fernandez fridai and candelaria outshon seaver saturdai game featur outstan d defens nolan ryan and two reliv hit met anoth win sundai pirat onc forward vic tori get back mark had unabl time past month bert blyleven met dwight gooden aft ernoon game pitcher possess fantast stuff and run score in home run solo shot ru sti staub met and two run blast ralph kiner for pirat met darryl strawberri sing l home run top ninth jess orosco work second in mooki wilson pinch ran for gari carter second and runner lee mazilli pinch hit pirat counter kent tekulv place s pot order and put barri bond left field ninth place hitter tekulv induc groundou t forc strawberri second slid hard into honu wagner prevent pirat turn doubl pla i afternoon tekulv allow hit clement threw mazilli field line end in tug mcgraw reliev randi myer enter pitch eighth and bond launch rocket deep center run stop sign score insid park homer win pirat had score improb straight win and had mov e game place week san francisco boswaukta august anoth sundai doublehead appear schedul giant manag close gap team start pitch that wouldn tire fact report mana g john mcgraw onc thi rough part schedul earli thi come week shift man rotat for juan marich continu hot pitch fridai beat lew burdett and brave willi mai had h it rick reuschel face joe niekro saturdai slugfest brave park had homer haven th i cake giant won seesaw affair willi mai had homer willi mccovei eddi matthew an d don baylor had two and hank aaron erni lombardi biz mackei and mel ott had eac h brave had collect home run into sundai doublehead put pace for short nation le agu record tad yanke pace had allow vida blue win retir batter allow run sixth f alter seventh joe mcginniti earn save doublehead brave hoyt wilhelm fail hold le ad game hank aaron homer bill foster eighth brave won giant second game score ho mer aaron magic brave fell game below make comeback extrem san diego cincinnati aug randi jone face ewel blackwel thi game seri and padr felt good don mattingli strain back last cleveland game trade look even mcgriff bat averag even rise be nch poor and joe gordon adequ outfield minor problem sinc pitch hold jone pitch good game fridai and won mcgriff launch two home run mel harder earn win mark da vi and rai narleski saturdai final score tom candiotti battl satchel paig tie in depart game scoreless for in thirteenth paig had depart and john franco hurl sc oreless in tom brown work second scoreless in dave winfield doubl and joe gordon pitch thurm munson doubl runner home and padr game win game sweep had pull gian t into tie red red deni highli emot seri dodger brookangel houston august anoth seri cap weekend doublehead place wide open plain astrodom astro joe niekro hill game opposit don drysdal drysdal remark challeng hitter readi throw can afford thi team runner can afford astro beat wink and davi will deck onc fact that glen n davi lead team homer six primarili deck understood that current pace give for season hit thi team power doubl and tripl carl furillo main reason astro home ru n hit weekend threw two runner for insid park homer for unawar nast astro park f oot high grai wall outfield ball hit into seat home run foul pole feet home plat e allei feet center field feet year threw tantrum and told playmat can hit home run will hit home run remark roi campanella dodger stole base fridai astro decid revit baltimor chop that had fail week for tonight davi jim wynn and jose cruz not mess swing manag pole and willi well reach base baltimor chop drysdal deck j ose cruz pitch respond two run doubl wynn plai for davi pop and astro didn score that in score fourth eras deficit and astro wound win threaten even game tommi john oppon walt alston met privat starter game can beat baltimor chop explain ca n that pee wee rees wonder beat ball readi throw run steve will start dig ball d irt want you practic your barehand pick and throw shallow infield almost time pl an almost work mike scott allow two run in astro two score bill doran push bunt

into outfield fourth runner second and astro final dave smith earn anoth save do dger score victori game twin bill sundai nolan ryan walk score dodger win fernan do valenzuela lost second game don sutton dodger thirteen stolen base seri prove not power team remark ron cei jacki and plai mauri will real speed demon coupl plai can and sunk place astrodom guess that success that basest team give troubl dome stro swipe base attempt give season stand weekend seri east team york clev eland detroit boston baltimor toronto washington west oaksaselphia minnesota chi cago kansa citi california milwauke seattl east chicago philadelphia loui pittsb urgh montreal york west brookangel cincinnati san francisco boswaukta houston sa n diego doug fowler dxf cwru edu ag mommi and daddi casei rel give lot hug love miss strike poem support heaven great ran and made big hug that last forev and bill jame player rate book dave thi never happen kirsch write correct ni player identifi thi book grade prospect expos draft bill jame s top press section preced player evalu valu ni and that ni not increas significan tli result select catch break get strongest rotat basebal thought bill jame late st book complet and total suck bought will not purchas tripe book inconsist and fill select analysi jame claim forward and make absolut bizarr statement not tha t impress glanc book for hour put name disappoint grand understat gari huckabai kevin kerr feldstein mid live argument for love huge exist parallel sig quot lin e add univers and consecut post dodger newslett dodger newslett net and subscrib joel marlin win marlin win caught tail end thi espn report th at teal bleah david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come tape thi time for real mail for joke rocki attend record articl apr dvorak amd twhite mo zart amd tom white write highest singl game attend game world seri octob coliseu m white sox dodger gate offici largest regular season game for game citi angel o pen dai april home open rocki nail record record attend for doublehead larger si nc nonexist nowadai bother list wasn york cleveland game late jhon rickert ricke rt nextwork rose hulman edu predict for marlin win rocki win ticket etc effect inflat superstar salari read onc that babe made year and that good for assum made that not figur ballpark pun intend t odai assum yearli inflat rate understat not accur measli salari worth assum infl at averag almost didn crunch number number lead that todai player slightli overp aid babe appear made todai averag averag player make perfectli accur salari year salari and averag inflat rate make thi analysi accur don chop chop michael mule michael andr mule georgia institut technolog atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu scott erickson articl new duke edu fierkelab bchm bioche m duke edu eric roush write path new ci umn edu umn edu new feed peachnet edu ga tech concert duke new duke edu bchm biochem duke edu fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu eric roush newsgroup rec sport basebal subject scott erickson messag new du ke edu date apr gmt sender new new duke edu organ biochemistri line nntp post ho st bruchner biochem duke edu usa todai report that arm pain unspecifi natur new appreci eric roush fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu marxist groucho sort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close erickson dai pull muscl left side rib cage n ew twin will bring kevin hansen twin famili studi univers minnesota khansen staf f umn edu contact univers minnesota women basketbal theori guid experi decid iza ak kolthoff espn tb game articl apr lafibm lafayett edu lafibm lafay ett edu write can list nation televis game such espn and tb live east coast and catch giant game possibl can thi list publish week basebal weekli brian curran m ead data central brian meaddata that not swim that bath german report watch olym p superstar swimmer mark spitz badli beaten comeback race finnal phil support articl new udel edu philli brahm ude l edu robert hite write articl fjqpau wblm andrew cmu edu anuj gupta andrew cmu edu write everytim written net possibl success season philadelphia philli rip pi ttsburgh calcutta ignoramous care thi week basebal weekli will that not consid d ivis winner rest respect basebal writer countri and gui talk bozo pittsburgh cal cutta will sit and notic thi phil team offens juggernaut score lot run and put t

on hit scoreboard you peopl sick philli scatter offens leagu leader categori new spap gui hit spring train get hit yesterdai had plane catch minut game end mind weren thi point thought thi had written pro sdcn anti mediot poster bless talent for sarcasm and bite remark for instanc lurid overstat intend humili origin pos ter top great offens slightli averag pitch staff lot youth and promis pitcher pa rt and mitch blown save minimum for anoth pennant left field vet robert hite mic hael jack schmidt for commission scale lift ey robert compar perform philli edit had outstand run produc posit finish frustrat sub level folk didn amount and wi ll squad imho parallel previou year team for thi year edit style brave oriol gre g mockingbird franklin interraci mix encompass lot lot ccit arizona edu mingl ra ce robohen thing wish moon flower face dear perform furnish tea cottag real thou ght lover and letter famou place surg last two week ladi and gentlemen boi and girl lend your ear for moment nation legu eastern divis champion will philadelphia philli hundr and ten percent guarante chamberlain hollin dykstra incaviglia jackson wil liam daulton green kruk mulholland rivera thompson duncan watch soar quick your local beat writer dumb jayson stark trhink th at fit perfectli thi categori write dean palmer homer thi pace home run shot end april and write thi pace homer shouldb shot bob gaj mike francesa predict hmm thought francesca predict hove r below nfl not count colleg footbal bowl dai nice analyst for explain past tens and for map plai team for predict futur good whne compar russo bob gaj finnal phil support articl yxmj ble new udel edu philli bach udel edu robert hite write tirad delet editor and us conserv and ad win ad win expans team that win less dipshit math genuiou hmmm that good win wors divis basebal time you foolish clue thi exampl great sarcasm worri dave hung jim acke r slider kirsch blue jai kirsch staff umn edu quot context not beat dead hors co upl week thi disappoint punish discharg jackhamm stephen lawrenc young catcher articl blue ci pitt edu genet pitt edu dav id tate write mss netcom mark singer meant that not except make rule not except good player come young player come young will good thi rule player come young go od young wors not shift thi detail studi thi and shown that player aren come you nger older past and aren plai minor us thing that shift memori good dai damn afr aid you that fact make not applic current discuss you decid whether plai rooki h asn establish major mediocr veteran padr plai santiago that year had worth plai perhap brave had worth plai thi year lopez worth plai opinion and happen agre yo ung men highli tout defens catcher expect basebal not rec sport basebal consensu that sound incred arrog comment found that sdcn consensu exist media consensu o pinion basebal peopl affili mlb can that newbi your word alomar fine defens catc her statement that solid reason for bring tender ag long feel can hit bit lopez not such consensu defens prowess and imho that give that dread season don suppos peopl similar will catcher differ opinion read that arm not that strong suppos measur ratio and that learn call game that skill difficult project intim knowled g perform tangibl skill disagre that don tangibl skill leadership don deni that real skill and that catcher don that nichol law catcher defens eerili accur for defens assess catcher don nichol law don catcher era interest pitcher era catche r info that absolut evid pile year year altern that brave don that young player averag current starter not rule that kind gross incompet salari schedul explan c harit word logic decis make financi presum feel thi franchis atlanta that brave strongest team basebal even olson and lemk and nixon and bream lineup good chanc repeat champ thi year team make sens make team margin thi year bring young stud and dump elderli ahead and compet thi year and bring stud that reserv year and current team will collect pension fair young player make organiz sens make organ iz sens can fault for decis mean don run busi success make win you bring lopez l isten bobbi hit big club thi year pai mega arbitr buck road coupl year and want that and continu can win and win year that you you smoke illeg substanc hei that joke don offend hei love wrong thi you love don cite innat ethic rectitud you p erson can cite ethic rectitud don mean make organiz sens basebal busi and solid busi reason for keep lopez farm that brave happen that basebal decis you your ar mchair disage don lot evid suggest decis made predict larg guffaw start spring t

rain normal decis made revers start lopez big and releas catcher conserv logic d on ethic pretti good common sens beastmast mark singer mss netcom east champion philli robert hite write project lineup be nch rotat and bullpen for nation leagu east champion philadelphia philli philli effect philli blunt thi becom true smoke david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come tape thi time for real mail for mike francesa predict articl apr portho bellcor dick her ahera bellcor vaughn richard write articl apr ulkyvx louisvil edu pjtier ulkyvx louisvil edu write articl apr portho bellcor dick herahera bellcor vaughn richar d write mike francesa mention basebal pick pass radio yesterdai that thi frances a talkin opinion worth consider wizard foresaw year big east ncaa tournament unf ortunatli team made into sweet sixteen orlean mike francesa outstand predict rec ord you figur ignor your peril radio hasn explod not tune roger move won redflop can won win stwombl ulowel edu steve tw ombl write vaughn can hit spring vaughn can hit season excel point hope god that ted simmon doesn weird idea trade for gui and had not includ jeff king deal god trade zane smith and jeff king for vaughn and greg blosser wors nichol curs hmm guess that doesn sound sincer jking belat predict mss netcom mark singer write articl apr pi lot njin net gajarski pilot njin net bob gajarski hobokenit write javier lopez c atcher greg olson histori basebal year younger rooki catcher compar favor leagu catcher term defens and brought bat wasn sandi alomar suppos that good rooki yea r not wasn benito santiago suppos that good rooki year not hrm sandi alomar year rooki game threw baserunn benito santiago year rooki game threw baserunn ivan r odriguez year rooki game didn exactli suck plate can continu thi thread mention you point you and quick dismiss season veteran favor hot young rooki perhap perh ap manag team pennant win brave you and perhap that and year rooki come major an d make impact true make import realiz you lopez season last year adjust major le agu equival hr bad plate for that not olson mike jone aix high end develop mjone donald aix kingston ibm not admir hit ryne duren hit you head you past tens cas ei stengel espn and expans articl ucdavi edu itlm dale ucdavi edu d onni trump write watch peter gammon espn last night and confus talk expans start mention peopl benefit fring player face mcgriff hit home run sheffield get rbi and glavin win game thi refer happen time that basebal expand earli late late co nfus mention player year specif roger clemen win game and like mcgwire and gonza lez hit home run question hell will rocki marlin last time look wasn lot talent jump leagu miss denni cleari dfcleari ucdavi edu wonder thing mention thought ma ke mistak and and exampl year gave stat for player leagu even leagu expand sinc stat never lie guess effect leagu expans draft take talent leagu equal make team leagu dilut major leagu talent call player that not had not expans make sens rocki open dai cast colorado rocki open dai cast pitcher scott aldr mlb total game era save andi ashbi game era save willi blair game er a save butch henri game era save darren holm game era save david neid game era s ave jeff parrett game era save steve reed game era save bruce ruffin game era sa ve bryn smith game era save gari wayn game era save rest joe girardi game rbi da nni sheaffer game rbi freddi benavid game rbi vinni castilla game rbi andr galar raga game rbi charli hay game rbi jim tatum game rbi eric young game rbi dant bi chett game rbi daryl boston game rbi jerald clark game rbi alex cole game rbi ge rald young game rbi dale murphi season rbi rocki and ranger fan basebal choic two ident confer atte nd denver and dalla kind rocki ranger plai dalla area fan home date for that wee k love catch game shawn open dai lost ranger minut ago not happi pitch rick sutc liff run in thi put rememb season didn winter and wound that mussina mcdonald an d rhode pitch prospect ballard and milacki oriol fan scare admir steve liu score cinci montreal florida lead brave cub futil cub bat haunt yank beat tribe admir steve liu internet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu command chief secur divis c lub earth chapter presid earth chapter club found april world champion baltimor oriol not seri yard stanlei cup champion washington capit committe for liber and

intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into societi problem that abbrevi clitori p olymorph episod red dwarf bangl greatest femal rock band that exist thi sig brou ght you frungi sport king god man drill hole head not answer mccoi you susanna h off nice ass comment flanagan club creat largest signatur for past month wohler minor articl hydra gatech edu ccastmm prism gatec h edu mike marler write apr rigel econ uga edu shannonr moe coe uga edu shannon reev cntr for tech write time bullpen us cox for middl relief marvin pitch in th i spring suppos surgeri and wonder cox decid us middl relief and think that marv in choic earli season immedi give mcmchael chanc pitch spring and us bedrock and freeman that wonder intend us howel happen senior smoke you mean juan berengu t rade for mark davi middl last season exchang stiff for anoth berengu hadn come b ack injuri retir middl relief marvin ain that bad can pitch coupl in mop work do n mcmichael mexican leagu gui pen in man mercker eric roush fierkelab bchm bioch em duke edu marxist groucho sort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close minnesota pitch date mon apr karim edvard ahm andrew cmu edu sinc haven basebal thi season question favorit team minnesota twin good rot at last heard order tapani erikson mahom bank and gui never heard sound pretti p athet will bank year prospect hasn matur quickli like mahom year highli tout tap ani and erickson young and look good thi spring last spot jim deshai houston and and mike tromblei deshai hasn look good thi spring that spot tromblei hadn want starter thi unproven person highli mahom and tromblei plai short and scott leiu shortstop plai last year minor and move back gagn left split pagliarulo had gre at spring and terri jorgenson good kid languish portland for year not time will divid happi jorgenson fear give time pag winfield can you denni belat predict long folk share esteem wisdom karnak sez w est east west east chicago toronto atlanta loui texa york cincinnati montreal mi nnesota baltimor houston york oakland boston lo angel philadelphia seattl detroi t san diego pittsburgh kansa citi milwauke san fran chicago california cleveland colorado florida detail follow pick apart you take entri for predict pool conte st you snag mine and add list glad open dai make bit for gloom doom weather patt ern lundi dave hung jim acker slider kirsch blue jai kirsch staff umn edu quot c ontext not beat dead hors coupl week thi disappoint punish discharg jackhamm ste phen lawrenc surg last two week watch soar shouldn that watch stone w atch suck even watch sore matt montgomeri philli can find basebal statist interest uncov statist boston r ed sox player march present want bat averag hit multi hit game run stolen base a nd base game can find thi inform sport magazin log thi info directli ball club f or info kip grate dead basebal fan and fan mention band wonder clue whether dead member sang nation anthem todai giant open imagin that bit earli fo r answer greatli appreci curiou robert robert margesson umain hockei park black bear orono ncaa champ william yank win east isn thi cut and dry jai fan thing fear worst happen yank william and start william wickman and millitello rotat ni cer that kaminiecki and mike witt combo thought throw slaughterhous experi grant witt good that us rational youngster and not job witt good pitcher and experi y ank show that take posit stride forward jai loss dave stewart gigant hole pitch staff oriol end gord niguma salvag season olerud win mvp good player you short idiot articl apr otago guilford ot ago write articl apr princeton edu roger crux princeton edu roger lustig write a rticl apr otago guilford otago write jackson kcr kcr kcr cw maj maj thi jackson look convert neutral park basi run product equival averag start and had establis h last two season level plai that good good fact doesn make top ten leagu eqa da ve winfield thoma bond incroy tenth bip robert season past year joe carter matti ngli had felix jose had last two year ahead time rain year averag ryan klesko ml e attent media warrant basebal plai hype lot hit that basi for net comment overr media you beleiv great hitter good good hitter imo hitter major clai young catcher articl mssc dfw netcom mss netcom mark sin ger write ag alomar had brilliant rooki year true limit injuri sophomor season n

umber that yaer and year quit mediocr thi season bill jame project op bill jame you that sound you suggest bill jame had overhyp kid death contrair fairli criti c roi campaign note that wasn world catcher hitter call basic averag media predi ct johnni bench roi campanella young men highli tout defens catcher expect baseb al report read that lopez ordinari defens report dodger option parrish and herna ndez and carlo piazza long continu hot bat will lineup offens product cool for d efens catcher hernandez plai hernandez lot piazza can catch ball you gotta plai imho hitter hernandez isn bad hitter sound piazza will catch time and hernandez will candiotti caddi sinc can catch knuckler long plai abil dodger good catch ta ndem brave option berryhil and olson agre that olson noth special berryhil peopl rsb brave catcher good defens call game block plate throw and somewhat weak off enivs plai team that not anoth big bat overr defens nichol law catcher defens th at that difficult prove disprov your viewpoint mine tangibl thing can oppon and that cloud your pitcher hold runner catcher era possibl subject bias for plai te am that not anoth big bat disagre chink brave armor that weak offens posit belli ard plai bream and hunter form anoth super platoon and weak defens blauser plai brave give mel niev javi lopez chipper jone shot talent rich jai recent year con serv and stick not that wrong conserv dave hung jim acker slider kirsch blue jai kirsch staff umn edu quot context not beat dead hors coupl week thi disappoint punish discharg jackhamm stephen lawrenc quick your local beat writer dumb articl apr pilot njin net gajarski pilot njin net bob gajarski hobokenit write jayson stark that fit p erfectli thi categori jayson stark that write weekli for press syndic and for ba sebal america write dean palmer homer thi pace home run shot end april and write thi pace homer shouldb shot stark thi sort thing never state that thi sort proj ect useless top such column season and manag project thrown game and hitter expe ct plunk time stark funni stuff weekli basebal review good collect strang thing that happen previou week regularli print kiner lanc smith moment name manag for lsmith umn edu oakland peanut crush special limit edit red head loner wield alum inum bat signatur murder mausoleum young catcher articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu e dward theodoru redsox fannu fischer write thi doesn fly good player readi for ma jor earli hofer not contribut major leaguer time that bring interest point catch espn piec prospect and relationship ag career length mvp and hall fame member p art preseason special basic look player that had amass plate appear ab time and notic interest thing for starter found such player compris major mvp histori gam e found such player repres major player hall fame kicker that number crunch and found that such player career last longer career player not that group found tha t player produc greater level perform and produc twice raw total hr etc player g roup outhit second raw and blew second group such categori hr rbi etc impress th ing espn recent memori guess rai knight make rebutt tonight dave hung jim acker slider kirsch blue jai kirsch staff umn edu quot context not beat dead hors coup l week thi disappoint punish discharg jackhamm stephen lawrenc red sox win bosox royal clemen appier kei hit mike green wel trippl base load quick your local beat writer dumb bob gajarski hobokenit write jayson stark trhink that fit perfectli thi categori write dean palmer hom er thi pace home run shot bob that stark thi sort thing joke not predict don sho ot for that gui shot claim great royal chanc west sinc evid that aren joke and b ob davi rbd thor ec edu young catcher articl kfy new ci umn edu kirsch staff umn edu dave almost curs jai kirsch write that bring interest point catch espn piec prospect and relationship ag career length mvp and hall fame member part presea son special wow espn can repeat eleven year bill jame research liter check abstr act impress thing espn recent memori perhap reliabl averag sdcn guess rai knight make rebutt tonight oop not ted frank teel mention that thf kimbark uchicago ed u advic legal sound you follow law school you will wind jail standard disclaim j ame donald misc legal finnal phil support articl yxmj ble new udel edu philli bach udel edu robert hite write articl apr ulkyvx louisvil edu pjtier ulkyvx lou

isvil edu write everytim written net possibl success season philadelphia philli rip pittsburgh calcutta ignoramous care thi week basebal weekli will that not co nsid divis winner rest respect basebal writer countri and reason thi geniu write r that even pitch sound will win strength offens less offens offens thompson inc aviglia offens win divis winner win win win thompson incaviglia win thompson inc aviglia you learn school todai you math and your teacher turn rob rain run don w alk drop add tiernei you don hell you talk thompson and incaviglia don equal win two stan javier and ruben amaro thi improv equat win lenni dykstra plai game la st year and project number hit rbi game hit rbi put number leadoff hole and bump kruk hollin daulton rbi number tad less knock and don you fair add rbi each man ag knock pretti nice amount run leadoff hitter bozo you fair add win and can for get we chamberlain rbi even month and aaa and horribl half project that full sea son and rbi that worth win two final wors pitch staff last year add wors injuri decim add danni jackson health and full season for schill that worth win conserv and ad win ad win expans team that win less dipshit math genuiou hmmm that good win wors divis basebal time you foolish clue simpli relai reason thi call geniu writer agre reason foolish time you foolish awar you respond btw win funni tier nei uniform two team logo minor uniform chang per season pas t season incred thought red uniform rememb pete rose rooki card and miss guess w ear exact dud met doc perform todai reinsert met patch shoulder and chang met in sgnia front jersei knowledg time that chang sinc and remind dodger logo team opt for return previou style uniform uniform that tradit philli red expo white sox padr etc and onc bright color alter grai trend newer basebal field resembl park earli year oppos cooki cutter saucer stadium construcrt sixti salari reach unbel iev high comission offic and inter leagu plai horizon nice that basebal meant player overpaid ted frank list underpaid player thi juan guzman mussina castillo eldr rhode militello roja beck melendez hernandez ni ro driguez piazza thoma bagwel knoblauch barberi gomez palmer listach pena gonzalez lankford sander plantier player common not qualifi for arbitr never free agent call reserv claus and year will whine gui overpaid and get outrag rais arb humbu g king sparki banaian tax tax kbanaian pitzer claremont edu tax tax dept econom pitzer colleg rep alan key latest gdp forecast run alan vega odd list vega odd for team make world seri mail ric kc corp sgi rec sport basebal fantasi april particip leagu that stan dard rotisseri rule that catagori us for posit player lowest bat averag strike o ut caught steal error for pitcher loss blown save higest era tater allow thi yea r that particip thi blowtisseri leagu last year won pennant due primarili fact t hat had terribl pitch lower bat averag high jose offerman made for thi help lock place error offer andr gallaraga for bud black can afford give bud black kyle a bbott afraid andr thi season make trade not your comment will appreci warren usu i univers scale jim lefebvr idiot want that lost respect for jim lefebvr todai cub game start maldonado plai end last year and tore cactu leagu you sit bench not mention that hander maddux start blew top lefebvr pinch hit for rick w ilkin tommi shield can you that lefti righti thing made that wilkin twice hitter that shield batter jose vizcaino weakest hitter and had look terribl bat dai an d lefebr hit sat bench even arni harri stun thi show sit dugout vizcaino bat fac e lefebvr worst manag basebal dishard cub fan second baseman thf elli uchicago edu ted frank write art icl mar sarah albani edu albnyvm bitnet write person that alomar hype produc inc red long run will never put number that sandberg for thi moment alomar sandberg win long shot sandberg alomar ag put season power alomar oba point higher sandbe rg career high alomar career high doubl and tripl higher sandberg sandberg aloma r alomar hasn reach full potenti alomar year headstart sandberg hit sandberg did n hit and like put career number sandberg home run pass sandberg stolen base san dberg not particulari for stolen base competit alomar sandberg year ripken and y ear bogg gwynn and magician attent sandberg alomar class worth mediocr number do n count nation leagu pitcher pitcher larri els account mark horan horan cse unl

edu ianr unlvm jim lefebvr idiot bjgood leo bsuvc bsu edu write want th at lost respect for jim lefebvr todai cub game etc vizcaino bat face lefebvr wor st manag basebal dishard cub fan hei manag lead seattl marin win season fifteen give credit for that dave machman machman washington edu david carrol big scienc hallelujah giant quinn geniu articl odin corp sgi luigi sgi randi p alermo write will clark matt william robbi thompson rod beck giant system geez c ome clark william thompson gui that ancient histori last year beck doesn count s olid year btw manwar lead last season throw baserunn excel defens catcher agre t hat offens skill limit improv pitchout pitch rememb even bob brenli had good thr owout percentag roger craig love sacrific count for runner thrown suffer ball st rike homer lot not big fan manwar dave harri and candi butcher andr galarraga name lighten harr i skip that coupl year come gahlah rrrraggggah and don forget frequent refer gre at giant star bobbi bond harri great person reason cub broadcast not qualiti tea m chop chop michael mule michael andr mule georgia institut technolog atlanta ge orgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu east basebal doubt that thi true year east back earli ei ghti emerg and yank and west team basebal and red aren bad noth giant astro and padr talent not arounf team that found east and dodger plain suck for rocki east defend champ and lost lot free agenc toronto basebal oriol preseason favorit wi n young mike mussina and you can never forget ripken sign harold bain and harold reynold don hurt like bill ripken lot thi summer randi milligan joe orsulak bil l ripken bob milacki sam horn storm davi and craig leffert heart team intact pre dict finish baltimor bias opinion yanke toronto milwauke detroit boston clevelan d higher not for accid belat predict briefli sinc sleep mle work pretti for aaa player player and younger will tend explos number whether mmle not year player and older level gener inflat mle reliabl major leagu stat for player bob gaj quick your local beat writer dumb that didn realis sarca st sort thing you mike lupica daili new pretti funni thing shoot lip column bob gaj phil immacul ladi and gentleman step phil triumphant tri p thi year tonight that english mulholland era tonight game nice drabek ninja je w quick easi question easi question for noth basebal citi california angel plai richard rauser you idea you rauser sfu don worri that prof ession wni outlaw thi for live rememb matter you you banzai finnal phil support philli pick repli that peopl pick pe opl pick met last year repli yeah that true thi philli fritz quick your local beat writer dumb articl apr pilot njin net gajarski pilot njin net bob gajarski hobokenit write that didn realis sarcas t sort thing you mike lupica daili new pretti funni thing shoot lip column bob g aj current trend continu florida marlin will expans team and outscor oppon run t ed frank teel mention that thf kimbark uchicago edu advic legal sound you follow law school you will wind jail standard disclaim jame donald misc legal quick easi question rauser fraser sfu richard john rause r write easi question for noth basebal citi california angel plai anaheim richar d rauser you idea you rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for li ve rememb matter you you banzai trivia question you trivia buff good for you prior foul bunt rule record for foul ball batter bat total pitch batter pitcher foul bunt r ule associ data nice such date locat team etc bill wrl pmafir inel gov second baseman articl pqvusinnmjm crcni unl edu horan cs e unl edu mark horan write sandberg not particulari for stolen base competit alo mar sandberg year ripken and year bogg gwynn and magician attent sandberg alomar class worth mediocr number don count nation leagu pitcher pitcher you thoma gon zalez sheffield and griffei don even begin compar ripken bogg and gwynn alomar g et attent sandberg attent rooki year rooki year terribl sophomor year nation lea

gu pitcher pitcher that explain sheffield you confus era that lower don face ted frank teel mention that thf kimbark uchicago edu advic legal sound you follow l aw school you will wind jail standard disclaim jame donald misc legal espn and expans articl ucdavi edu itlm dale ucdavi edu d onni trump write watch peter gammon espn last night and confus talk expans start mention peopl benefit fring player face mcgriff hit home run sheffield get rbi and glavin win game thi refer happen time that basebal expand earli late late co nfus mention player year specif roger clemen win game and like mcgwire and gonza lez hit home run question hell will rocki marlin last time look wasn lot talent jump leagu miss you persist believ that peter gammon knowledg basebal averag mai lbox overst man had gall that six pitcher thi year not pitch major last year huh imo thi expans will not explos jump offens that expans draft had sinc talent di lut leagu gammon defens talent drain increas will get credit for mention that ju mp offens due rule season full kurt bose daisi not rose kbo carina unm edu you t hi page book walli backman leaf copi met teammat lenni dykstra autobiographi nai l good player you short idiot articl murdoch acc virginia edu drw delmarva evsc virginia edu david robert walker write jackson kcr kcr kcr cw maj maj thi jackson look convert neutral park basi run product equival avera g start and had establish last two season level plai not quit number gener appea r that neutral park and slug tend drop lose two home run equival averag thing st at that you can that homer you expect homer for doubl tripl big park caught and for that matter you expect lot doubl and tripl despit speed hit doubl and not th at tripl expect risen quit consider neutral park that good good fact doesn make top ten leagu eqa dave winfield thoma bond incroy tenth bip robert season past y ear joe carter mattingli had felix jose had last two year ahead time rain year a verag ryan klesko mle felix jose player fairli neutral park offhand guess player not even close attent media warrant basebal plai hype lot hit that basi for net comment overr media you beleiv great hitter good good hitter imo hitter major p ut note hadn realiz media had hype thought view footbal player and basebal rbi s eason and wasn win note harp thi bit past mistak made sdcn thi group respect pla yer and deion and lofton and perhap find that you larg group player past major a nd minor leagu number will predict futur number fairli caveat younger good predi ct lower minor leagu good imagin recent player left colleg ball etc thi predict involv quit bit error sometim player poor mle dave justic ventura becom star hit ter develop shane mack brian down don oddib mcdowel mickei brantlei thi error in volv real thing real reason oddib didn hit and shane involv park and bat coach a nd wheati and injuri and lift and you thi big pool player and thing work pretti reason for predict accuraci common background player thing profession basebal pl ayer that almost spent good deal time plai ball background similar hasn establis h happen you encount player background reason that deion lofton toni gwynn aing such background that standard model and standard assumpt fit thi person slowli h asn establish that you can us mle two sport player hasn establish that you can s tatist art person lucid individu continu make complet nonsens statement and deio n and lofton good not great minor leagu number happen number simpli don mean mea n mean that ken lofton suddenli year houston tuscon mean that deion suddenli hal f year atlanta greenvil not ken and deion back tank thi year live poor mle you g ui don wors you don that you don and you don that player you won injuri and lift and wheati you that model perfect and etern not error bill guilford think hairi butt ugli belat predict articl mssc zyo jsc netcom mss netcom mark singer write articl apr pilot njin net gajarski pilot njin net bob gajarski hob okenit write brave improv injuri javier lopez catcher greg olson ryan klasko fir stbaseman bream chipper jone shortstop brave put mel niev nixon sander that forc plai young gui bob gaj continu amaz comment lopez dai catcher olson find total amaz for you suggest that thi year season profession basebal olson year mlb vete ran note for abil call game and averag arm perhap you talk hit lopez hit perhap will histori basebal year younger rooki catcher compar favor leagu catcher term defens and brought bat wasn ivan rodriguez last year bat and threw baserunn not shabbi for rooki year last year sandi alomar suppos that good rooki year not was

n benito santiago suppos that good rooki year not can continu thi thread mention you point you and quick dismiss season veteran favor hot young rooki perhap per hap manag team pennant win brave you and perhap that and year rooki come major a nd make impact beastmast mark singer mss netcom roi cabaniss wait till tommi mee t lord and western kentucki univers find that wear pinstrip opinion contain gayl ord perri talk lasorda mine and that sin basebal spend dai jim lefebvr idiot total agre each point you made jose vi scaino look singl hitter swing count maddux pitch and your team run and you have n touch ball dai made that lefti righti thing watch cub game feel steve stone lo t cub lefebr harri state anoth terribl vizcaino bat can wait til sandberg return uniform apr virginia edu tek virginia edu todd karlin wr ite two team logo minor uniform chang per season past season incred thought red uniform rememb pete rose rooki card and miss guess wear exact dud met doc perfor m todai reinsert met patch shoulder and chang met insgnia front jersei knowledg time that chang sinc and remind dodger logo toronto pittsburgh and york chang un iform year year york will met cursiv york cursiv york cap minor chang last year had york cap toronto blue jai toronto last year pittsburgh team opt for return p reviou style uniform uniform that tradit philli red expo white sox padr etc and onc bright color alter grai trend newer basebal field resembl park earli year op pos cooki cutter saucer stadium construcrt sixti hate grai opt for color white s ox hate white team versu grai team spring train uniform salari reach unbeliev hi gh comission offic and inter leagu plai horizon nice that basebal meant jim lefebvr idiot new cso uiuc edu ada uxa cso uiuc edu driftwood write total agre each point you made jose viscaino look singl hitter s wing count maddux pitch and your team run and you haven touch ball dai thi easi trivia question answer cub not name sandberg grace made that lefti righti thing watch cub game feel steve stone lot cub lefebr harri state anoth terribl vizcain o bat can wait til sandberg return david niepor thing wrong theori niepornt phoe nix stupid stupidest theori heard princeton edu baltimor oriol danger cult bd ba tf billi get cheer baltimor articl apr jhuvm hcf jhu edu do ctor jhuvm hcf jhu edu jason abner miller write oriol texa camden yard april ope n dai bat for texa plai second base billi ripken hometown crowd gave favorit bas eman minut stand ovat billi wear flashi shade cheer smile and wave consumm role player word caller jon miller tim hulett fail receiv similar cheer announc didn courtesi show wasn hulett injur yesterdai hit face ball run base heard reciev st ich and broken nose park fernando warmli receiv good that feel and era doubt fer nando cal announc jon miller yesterdai thi young man began consecut game streak time star time mvp time gold glover futur hall fame shortsop bat cal ripken stan d last second billi blargh fan favorit get dump gonna outstand ovat return add o vat cal reciev year game and compar that billi btw sutcliff get knock pretti goo d ranger bottom fourth rob quick your local beat writer dumb articl apr pilot njin net gajarski pilot njin net bob gajarski hobokenit write write dean palmer homer thi pace home run shot dodger in plai commit error thi rate error thi season th i time warren usui univers scale design hitter rule ekdfc ttac ttu edu ekdfc ttac ttu edu david coon write apr bsu uc ecgillespi leo bsuvc bsu edu write postit paper des ign hitter rule inform even opinion greatli apprecit ecgillespi magic rescind ru le basebal game two team player each that not rule don that that pretti dumb arg ument david niepor thing wrong theori niepornt phoenix stupid stupidest theori h eard princeton edu baltimor oriol danger cult bd batf rickei henderson articl apr msstate edu isi msstate edu jiann ming write bui henderson contract and bag groceri season you sign for noth that for bitch ball player stai school you lot learn design hitter rule can number player side you can man ro ster man roster etc ryan robbin penobscot hall univers main main main edu redflop can won win don knock vaughn for spring train hi tter regular season hitter game plai isn indic good hitter and qualiti pitch rya n robbin penobscot hall univers main main main edu david well david well land team tiger anem pitch grab th i gui pronto cleveland tragedi articl apr lehigh edu gaf lehigh edu g ail fullman write ojeda will sue career not due accid bad haircut you meant due float fastbal mark atchison atchison ci ohio state edu graduat student comput sc ienc dept ohio state univers not ohio state univers plagiar not pinch hitter denni wall rickert nextwork rose hulman edu john rickert and thought mota didn start pinch hit for live depend you mean for live year led leagu pinch hit bat get lot ab earlier that and never full time p layer ab earli career year dodger and peak year talk gui year career outfield ca reer bat averag and career hit david tate not you that close pose and open under stand can pocket your glove deeper pete rose cum not even tim rain such soft han d marlin win marlin win dwarner journal indiana edu caught tail end thi espn report that teal bleah combin young face peek overs aqua helm et scream leagu fibr david tate not you that close pose and open understand can pocket your glove deeper pete rose cum not even tim rain such soft hand uniform articl vwc lru usenet uc indiana edu bodom silve r uc indiana edu ian odom write toronto pittsburgh and york chang uniform year y ear york will met cursiv york cursiv york cap minor chang last year had york cap toronto blue jai toronto last year pittsburgh depend uniform you talk for last coupl year toronto and pittsburgh us uniform similar home jersei had team nick n ame blue jai pirat road jersei had name citi toronto pittsburgh thi team design uniform chri lose openr home ranger sutcliff hr gonzal palmer and mil l gonzal lose sutcliff texa leffert baltimor sutcliff jodi hagin hagin avlin dat a gener corpor linthicum mlb logo part post logo east team alt binari pictur misc hopefulli finish seri week west darren darren reinig reinig dal arishem dal cen tr for marin geologi dalhousi univers halifax canada peopl thi gener remind plac e predict thought post predict stand sinc find post intere st thi open dai certifi that complet pitch east york yanke improv team thi divis toronto blue jai stewart and morri milwauke brewer expect baltimor oriol pitch devareaux anderson and hoil will drop cleveland indian don detroit tiger kei pla yer fryman anoth year past peak boston red sox team clemen and viola beter west thi divis toughest for pick top get pitch win minnesota twin young pitcher chanc for success texa ranger don jose canseco chicago white sox frank thoma pitch oa kland larussa manag and team close seattl marin pinella don kansa citi royal wil l score run california angel will win game east montreal expo good wallach loui cardin jeffri whiten jose clark galarraga pittsburgh pirat youngster will slack expect york met good player not team philadelphia philli don impress florida mar lin chicago cub don west team basebal thi divis atlanta brave awesom starter off ens concern cincinnati red not surpris won houston astro team that sign urib won contend closer san diego padr plantier sheffield lo angel dodger pitch giant sa n francisco giant rocki stink colorado rocki will becom seattl marin nlc montrea l atlanta brave fan contradict west comment alc york minnesota world seri york m ontreal hate yanke will fashion mvp barri bond mcgriff young jose rijo mvp frank thoma will deserv fielder win young roger clemen will deserv david kennei kenne i tribe ingr dai dai dai disabl list question curious whenev person p ut dai dai dai person list longer specif time person dai for month last year don rememb clarif disabl list specif scotyi scott allen steinbrink cleveland cavali nba final netcom derich netcom cleveland indian world seri digex derich digex c leveland brown super bowl young catcher mss netcom mark singer that player thi ag make impact big haven even plai aaa ball thi irrelev you talk averag lot inform thi player base decis that peopl feet tall chanc that manut bol foot improv writ e skill lopez ordinari defens not like hit ag not plai aaa level that not good i dea rush into brave lineup isn lopez like hit that hit that last year adjust sta

t for park and leagu and such hit absolut scale olson berryhil lot for rush qual it differ minor and major that requir period adjust and don wouldn you wast lope z year good season year good season year excel season sooner you acclim prime yo u us lopez hit cut spring train earn chanc not full time job coupl start and for prove worth gee don ab sound pretti good good your reason that kid plai back ro le start dai aaa talk point not that signific sampl that hadn spring train even blockhead manag question whether minor leagu number for real send get warm playe r not readi for big ag player never readi for big thi javi lopez player benefit stagnant hurt plai aaa catcher solid defens player club big argument lopez for b rave for thi year appli reason frank thoma barri bond player aren that good won that good thi year brave two catcher demonstr solid abil call game work pitcher throw runner and demonstr inabl hit soap bubbl not superstar mind you solid expe rienc veteran not superstar not star not even good player averag charit brave so lid lineup two big bat outfield excel platoon solid mvp candid and hit shortstop ummm justic fine hitter pendleton anoth big year bat spend season hamstr hell g ant big question mark bream hunter platoon decent not excel and rotten obp slg d epend blauser valuabl bat for shortstop center field platoon will hit good lopez bat won offset differenti experi and defens abil wanna bet differ lopez bat and olson berryhil run season choic player experi and player can plai time kid will improv plai aaa keith mitchel surpris spell thi good you poster think lopez hel d futur earn potenti that and you your counter propos that don understand good l opez overvalu experi combin two interpret flatter organ idiot built thi ballclub argu inflammatori repli delet david tate not you that close pose and open under stand can pocket your glove deeper pete rose cum not even tim rain such soft han d young catcher mss netcom mark singer articl blue ci pitt edu genet pitt edu david tate write perhap brave had worth plai thi year lopez worth plai opinion catcher weakest posit except second base chanc simultan repla c biggest offens problem spot averag offens player and acclim highli promis pote nti star pressur carri team and want plai olson and berryhil disagre that don ta ngibl skill leadership don deni that real skill and that catcher don that nichol law catcher defens eerili accur for defens assess catcher don nichol law catche r defens reput will invers proport recent offens level perform mickei tettleton media hit defens whiz slug thumb finger two short year rule doesn appli perceiv superstar gold glove offens transfer effect greg olson consid good defens catche r precis can hit don catcher era interest pitcher era catcher aren thing word lo gic decis make financi that stupid presum feel thi franchis atlanta fair young p layer make organiz sens make organiz sens can fault for decis mean don run busi success make sort argument case pete rose pursu cobb record huge gate attract an d nation media magnet red made lot monei that wast prime eric davi that good bus i that doesn mean don loath for david tate not you that close pose and open unde rstand can pocket your glove deeper pete rose cum not even tim rain such soft ha nd mlb stand and score for tue apr mlb stand and score for tuesdai april includ yesterdai game nation west won lost pct last streak home ro ad atlanta brave won cincinnati red won san diego padr san francisco giant color ado rocki lost houston astro lost lo angel dodger lost nation east florida marli n won york met won philadelphia philli won pittsburgh pirat loui cardin chicago cub lost montreal expo lost american west won lost pct last streak home road oak land athlet won texa ranger won california angel chicago white sox minnesota twi n seattl marin kansa citi royal lost american east boston red sox won york yanke won milwauke brewer toronto blue jai baltimor oriol lost cleveland indian lost detroit tiger lost yesterdai score nation leagu american leagu montreal york cin cinnati cleveland atlanta texa chicago baltimor lo angel boston florida kansa ci ti philadelphia detroit houston oakland colorado california idl york chicago idl pittsburgh idl milwauke idl loui idl minnesota idl san diego idl seattl idl san franciscoidl toronto idl joseph hernandez ram laker jtchern ocf berkelei edu ki ng dodger raider jtcent soda berkelei edu angel clipper brave win open maddux look excel brave shutout cub justi c drove run rbi singl readi for monster year hit ball opposit field lot power na

tur power field and good bat ey stai healthi back full strength thi year rbi and close anoth note marlin good start beat dodger score not and rocki thi year hel l funni watch dodger hit cellar thi year dan smith rickei henderson articl apr msstate edu isi msstate edu jiann ming write articl vinn appserv eng sun str mareds eng sun todd rader write stai school you lot learn learn that million dollar lot monei rickei henderson doesn career basebal didn basebal wouldn make monei and michael jackson jack nic holson and bill cosbi wouldn make monei weren entertain your point don understan d athlet plai sport for live for million dollar not paid will sign for ask price will hurt will win will you can team player and expect win you pirat will conti nu win barri bond remeb athlet noth not for athlet abil noth get paid hard work citizen and complain not pai jack nicholson get paid hard work citizen and ricke i henderson for that matter don problem make million problem aren paid million n umber wors reason happen that folk start make real big salari late career declin except dave parker fell apart make million put that million nose jim mann strat u comput jmann vineland pub stratu white sox mail list gang subscrib white sox mail list ex ist can mail address alot john jhunter mta uniform enjoi trend classic style uniform and disagre pe rson return grai road uniform rememb that not reason for redesign uniform hat ro ad green cap and cardin navi blue road cap market monei made sale merchandis jef frei popovich jpopovich guvax georgetown edu for cleveland sport mail list info for address join clev eland sport mail list great email copi you member mail list letter figur fffff m ichael fath dept microbiolog and molecular genet fff harvard medic school boston fath mbcrr harvard edu brewer note mar music lib matc edu pfan pfan music lib m atc edu write for you berni brewer back team mascot you will walk paper year ago fan vote back last season and will perch familiar home outfield and will slide into barrel beer home run hit that great hear raod trip milwake thi year and tha t last time berni brewer ag and for thi post final note bill spier lead brewer r bi exhibit plai bounc back nice back problem good bill get form limit coverag io wa that thi will great season for brew crew pete fan comput oper leadership acti on offic inform technolog not posit milwauke area technic colleg mcgannon email pfan music lib matc edu internet pete fan fidonet org grate dead articl main main edu main main edu write base bal fan and fan mention band wonder clue whether dead member sang nation anthem todai giant open imagin that bit earli for answer greatli appreci understand tha t dead will sing giant home open mon giant open todai loui luigi randi palermo l uigi csd sgi fax silicon graphic comput system shorelin blvd view plai accordion jail that law dai dai dai disabl list question articl derichc gje fja netcom derich netcom scotti tissu write whenev person put dai dai dai person lis t longer specif time person dai for month last year don rememb clarif disabl lis t specif two dai and dai don rememb dai dai period length minimum not maximum yo u can gui dai for long you want certifi injur player period evalu determin injur you cannot park player option and you not expos waiver you qualifi for dai that reduc frequenc evalu longer limit number player you can place you had choos and juggl your injur player list king sparki banaian tax tax kbanaian pitzer clarem ont edu tax tax dept econom pitzer colleg rep alan key latest gdp forecast run a lan sanford articl apr msstate edu jazz msstate edu jiann mi ng write sanford rocki pitcher cut us red draft expans draft aaa predict for articl apr oswego oswego edu iac oswego oswe go edu kevin mundstock write sinc run wild predict decid add fuel fire bit norma l albeit small surpris manag year buck showalt make you buck will york year end georg back keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ time you head platter cmdr benjamin sisko uniform jpopovich guvax acc georgetown edu write enjoi t rend classic style uniform and disagre person return grai road uniform rememb th

at not reason for redesign uniform hat road green cap and cardin navi blue road cap market monei made sale merchandis kid white sox bad john neuharth neuharth w ashington edu jim lefebvr idiot rickc krill corp sgi richard casar wri te articl apr bsu uc bjgood leo bsuvc bsu edu write want that lost respect for j im lefebvr todai cub game dishard cub fan can win thi manag never believ manag h ad that win had lose marin lot heart belong cub you can imagin frustrat cub nab lefebvr arhgghrghh john neuharth neuharth washington edu marlin win marlin win genet pitt edu david tate write dw arner journal indiana edu caught tail end thi espn report that teal bleah combin young face peek overs aqua helmet scream leagu fibr hmm leaguer didn badli hers his strawberri davi and rest dodger yesterdai eric smith eric netcom eric infose rv harri and candi violet ccit arizona edu greg franklin wr ite rvesterm vma edu write watch cub rocki spring train game and thought you tha t harri carai butcher maldonado mal dal nado butcher andr galarraga name come ga hlah rrrraggggah and don forget frequent refer great giant star bobbi bond thaaa mmi thotha for hear that cub had heathcliff slocumb minor eric smith eric netcom eric infoserv young catcher articl blue ci pitt edu genet pitt edu dav id tate write mss netcom mark singer that player thi ag make impact big haven ev en plai aaa ball thi irrelev you talk averag lot inform thi player base decis yo u that inform isn lopez like hit that hit that last year adjust stat for park an d leagu and such hit absolut scale olson berryhil lot don you percentag player r each exce mle rooki season talk you for rush qualit differ minor and major that requir period adjust and don wouldn you wast lopez year good season year good se ason year excel season sooner you acclim prime you us that your purpos offerman spent get acclim you will dodger team paid big price that season perhap will rea p benefit road you compet for pennant lopez hit cut spring train earn chanc not full time job coupl start and for prove worth point not that signific sampl that hadn spring train even blockhead manag question whether minor leagu number for real send get warm for stat head amaz that you put credenc spring train you noti c hit you that doesn make differ kid will improv plai aaa keith mitchel wait min ut miss forget keith mitchel you that kid move aaa and not improv make direct le ap major player and not improv aaa isn that sign that doesn belong big keith mit chel recal stat book handi surpris jump atlanta that return minor didn career je opardi fit your point good mle move big club step trade move basebal duh that an d you your counter propos that don understand good lopez overvalu experi combin two interpret flatter organ cast lot you understand good lopez and overvalu expe ri run basebal team beastmast mark singer mss netcom marlin rbi articl psgriinni rpco acslab umbc edu umbc ed u write hei watch oriol game yesterdai mondai report booth that run run singl th i happen that leadoff man knock exactli happen walt weiss tripl bare insid field line and into corner drive santiago and conin two rbi weiss knock daniel pick comment articl psbg inngjj master rose hulman edu r ickert nextwork rose hulman edu john rickert write articl jfr msstate edu jfr ms state edu jacki russel write psg pitt edu paul galvanek write nation leagu west cincinnati houston atlanta argh you dead wrong not sinc yanke and team nice setu p thi year and year come brave don that star team will beat thi comparison yanke finsh and finsh and game and finish second and game even great team can lose th at plai season hand pick brave sure you didn intend compar red philidelphia yank e finish team that good yanke yanke had ag peak year ruth and gehrig couldn plai posit simultan imo ag brave and red thi season that brave will closer peak red slightli pass peak you compar brave and yanke comparison brave yanke fall short two year row excit world seri team won will win seri thi year despit heroic fart team casei stengel dave winfield eric roush fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu mar xist groucho sort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close quick your local beat writer dumb articl apr locu aardva rk spica locu warren usui write articl apr pilot njin net gajarski pilot njin ne t bob gajarski hobokenit write write dean palmer homer thi pace home run shot ha

nd juan gonzal shot dodger in plai commit error thi rate error thi season thi ti me you underpredict eric roush fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu marxist groucho s ort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close yankk game closer god hope don put thi kind junk season articl ax acadiau ax acadiau jason walter work write yanke game closer east penn ant clobber cleveland fine pitch perform kei and two homerun tartabul basebal th i season and home run tartabul you think dean palmer juan gonzalez texa each had homer run homer noke for you didn pick bogg your pool tough break had coupl hit and drove coupl run don follow for yank mattingli for glove and mvp and abbot f or young spare marlin win marlin win that teal bleah color teal team un iform indic futur marlin dire troubl refer san jose shark for proof hope for mar lin member rene lachemann fan club oakland coliseum and deep respect for gui gem and walt weiss that franchis class yeah design uniform guilti pauciti style and imagin ugghhh lloyd nebr berkelei internet lloyd uclink berkelei edu vox never underestim bandwidth carri ton rom young catcher articl mssc ril netcom mss netcom mark sin ger write your specul and that lopez will produc two proven veteran noth specul matter found your specul that two proven veteran will produc lopez specul make d iffer whether specul found not brave can win catch and agre chang mind call lope z thi good point specul safer can revers cheer valentin call for vote dtbl mvp and vote regular season davi tabl etop basebal leagu come end year leagu you coupl minut and vote for leagu mvp an d winner award and player stand will inflat salari for year leagu vote for each categori order for exampl barri bond frank thoma biff pocoroba shooti babitt lip lundi not vote for pitcher mvp vote for thi leagu each team leagu get candid fo r mvp and for defens posit list applic abbrevi perform excel good averag poor po or repli april for record season game long for your mvp candid name rbi ibb obp slg def griffei emartinez sandberg ventura mcgriff mcgwire ralomar dykstra butle r deer bond hrbek jgonzalez player miss time due injuri sat end avoid possibl in juri player thi list each team get and candid player plai game due trade team ga me left time span pitcher name era sho dmartinez dibbl rijo mussina bene khill s moltz cone drabek tewksburi clemen tomlin farr you curt schill threw perfect gam e year and ken hill threw hitter rob dibbl had pitch scoreless in start year cho ke last two game cost perot giant suck sound playoff spot you want stat player r equest time repli you can gari huckabai kevin kerr feldstein mid live argument f or love huge exist parallel sig quot line add univers and consecut post ooo ooo david zavatson mein schatz ist soweit unser lieb ist vorbei young catcher sinc respons for diverg thread approx post back brave injuri happen inject fuel flame back begin spring train lopez make s quad easili olson recov late season injuri knee and question whether plai june a nd berryhil ding forward thi that lopez can hit and field posit last season brav e defens catcher prospect brian deak brave offens catcher prospect olson and ber ryhil couldn hit wet cardboard box and don walk olson recov quickli berryhil rec ov and brave two vet that two had start season wouldn job back logic keep olson and berryhil catcher short suppli and suffer wear and tear team averag catcher c alifornia and seattl come mind move olson berryhil waiver work you eat that sala ri isn huge isn tiddleywink olson berryhil that recal arbitr elig role plai thi that year player aren elig for arbitr that roster longest elig system chang exte nt that chang not busi standpoint make sens lopez june time olson berryhil disap point that lopez isn team prefer fan come brave and truth that team field imo in clud lopez todai plai cub hopefulli won for schuerholz cox convers imagin thi re memb not meant read humor impair cox jone field smoother blauser can hit and fie ld us schuerholz send niev deion won sign that basebal contract can count octob nixon for defens gorman not readi give billi hatcher onc hatcher and deion sign can move nixon for franki rodriguez that give pitch depth cox yep that nice bad deion won sign for niev justic start berri berri back problem klesko schuerholz fork anoth mil for bream klesko lose monei cabrera dangl sid front dal maxwel do esn jeffri for jose and whiten for clark get rid brian jordan that and whitei he rzog switch bodi winter meet cox bream and wait til trade deadlin for hunter kle

sko platoon can extra bat for cabrera wait california snow start slowli whiteyd will bite sid and that doesn work perhap sid knee persuad act dai mwa schuerholz caraballo cox not that lemk start richmond start walk arbitr elig stretch that make big buck schuerholz that leav lopez cox nooooo gotta lopez didn olson recov thi quickli can talk camin into run into schuerholz nope lopez gotta you that m illion arbitr put that extra year olson shown stuff bit can trade berryhil left hand hitter you rare that cox don you mean left hand whiffer pretti common you m ean made pat border good world seri pat border schuerholz hei you wouldn write l opez into lineup cox you and jeff reardon thought lopez wouldn us pitch staff st uff time thi spring look pretti good come sure stiff plate schuerholz yeah stiff whichev will hurt cox you made your point sure will june latest can call lopez and can win game pennant world seri john mcgraw casei stengel earl weaver laugh toronto you had deal georg bell final reward mwa schuerholz easi bobbi you take happi pill left chuck tanner you hire that gui cox don ted eric roush fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu marxist groucho sort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close binaca blast deep drive derbi bbddd return engimat vince nt grai write king cogsci ucsd edu jonathan king write even public thi that didn come padr name sourc and that monei didn blue jai toronto monei divert into lon don bank account own shadowi charact name vincent grai lucki account number reje ct come net heard plausibl deniabl you not fool that grai and palmer word ottawa that canada had achiev absolut superior unit state field baseballist research c ontrol acker cook pitch alik contest and binaca blast research institut prime mi nist smile hope not that inadvertantli give pleasur mulronei ruin dai note quick vinc make infer that post claim that mulronei smile baseballist new thi guilti knowledg realiz taterif import thi work john palmer and conclud that pool resour c grand will star thi year can hope combat brad arnsberg record start last year earli monei tom tom bolton contribut that clutch grandslam appear expect lot str ong contend thi year san diego jking cub marlin notic that becom fashion rsb predict marlin f inish ahead cub base grace destrad destrad second come cecil fielder doubt destr ad perform height expect even edg cub second base sandberg barberi contest sandb erg will back edg cub big edg shortstop vizcaino weiss vizcaino excel defens aut omat bat weiss isn stick even base dave magadan buechel magadan higher obp and h itter buechel power and defens edg florida catcher santiago wilkin wilkin santia go edg marlin left field conin maldonado wow for yesterdai conin potenti watch p lai omaha last coupl year prove give maldonado edg thi posit florida even player huge year center scott pose wilson edg even wilson hopefulli cub will us and sa ve wilson for pinch run and isn ken griffei will hit homer plai full time felix sosa felix jose occasion power and bad obp sosa sosa speed and good glove edg cu b starter aquino armstrong hammond lot starter cub won remind brave staff morgan castillo guzman hibbard averag marlin edg cub middl relief even cub decent midd lemen and marlin carpent anf klink decent assenmach and mcelroi closer healthi h arvei big edg marlin meyer decent harvei cub game save for save blown meyer and save blown era for harvei edg florida edg chicago team will threaten win msilver m nyx edu cub like freedom basebal geddi lee dodger move articl apr ncar ucar edu tparker music scd u car edu tom parker write bet buddi dodger move year move dodger year record basebal articl psl jinnam jhunix hcf jhu edu admi r jhunix hcf jhu edu steve liu write team cub record basebal back and cleveland indian predict articl apr infonod ingr kennei tribe ingr write thought post predict stand sinc find post interest thi open dai certifi that com plet pitch west team basebal thi divis atlanta brave awesom starter offens conce rn cincinnati red not surpris won houston astro team that sign urib won contend closer san diego padr plantier sheffield lo angel dodger pitch giant san francis co giant rocki stink colorado rocki will becom seattl marin nlc montreal atlanta brave fan contradict west comment alc york minnesota world seri york montreal h ate yanke will fashion mvp barri bond mcgriff guarante that bond win mvp giant w ill finish higher luigi randi palermo luigi csd sgi fax silicon graphic comput s

ystem shorelin blvd view plai accordion jail that law red sleev uniform person think red sleeveless uniform ug li anoth reason won win west eric roush fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu marxist groucho sort grafitti pari tanstaafl internet come close joe robbi stadium not for basebal articl apr oswego oswe go edu iac oswego edu kevin mundstock write iac oswego edu kevin mundstock subje ct joe robbi stadium not for basebal date apr gmt notic word not for basebal pri nt pictur joe robbi stadium open dai season preview section usa todai reason for thi assum that word pictur that seat will not for basebal game you pictur diamo nd stadium relat area mark not for basebal seat terribl for watch basebal happen reach post season imagin that open seat that sure worri futur sam lubchanski sp l cwru edu champion peopl loser and treat scorn sugari condiment secur initi ple asur ferment grain decidedli parsimoni time lifetim record basebal histori articl apr corn cecc corn write speak marlin win open base lifetim percentag game won second record baseb al histori record had guess forc yanke hand blue jai hmmmmm toni blue jai hell y anke rememb yanke had record team and yankk game closer articl ax acadiau ax acadiau jason wal ter work write yanke game closer east pennant clobber cleveland fine pitch perfo rm kei and two homerun tartabul basebal thi season and run homer noke for you di dn pick bogg your pool tough break had coupl hit and drove coupl run follow yank beat and come team youngster indian yanke win game divis yank mattingli for glo ve and mvp and abbot for young jason jason yanke game wed night cleveland stadiu m happi cleveland bad team lost severalr and come team sad excus for averag abbo t will not win melido perez will bold predict come herot last place end season m ike luri speak and world listen yanke medit you realiz that yanke pai matt noke dollar t hi year geesh and maa get yanke win yanke snow yanke will rooki year joe robbi stadium not for basebal articl apr oswego oswe go edu iac oswego edu kevin mundstock write notic word not for basebal print pic tur joe robbi stadium open dai season preview section usa todai reason for thi a nd answer simpl creat feel park seat will fold back for basebal game you word mile high run run will score denver don idea can run sco re mile high stadium last year bear zephyr tenur american associ total run score per game zephyr game leagu game and ratio found ratio for year rpg lea ratio hr pg lea ratio pretti clear that denver will larg effect run score stick predict l ast year that top thi year and fairli larg effect homerun appar not larg atlanta wriglei cincinnati and san diego pretti decent home run park john rickert ricke rt nextwork rose hulman edu pick comment articl new duke edu fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu eric roush write articl psbg inngjj master rose hulman edu rickert next work rose hulman edu john rickert write articl jfr msstate edu jfr msstate edu j acki russel write psg pitt edu paul galvanek write nation leagu west cincinnati houston atlanta argh you dead wrong not sinc yanke and team nice setup thi year and year come brave don that star team will thi comparison yanke finsh and finsh and game and finish second and game even great team can lose that plai season h and pick brave sure you didn intend compar red philidelphia yanke finish team th at good yanke yanke had ag peak year ruth and gehrig couldn plai posit simultan imo ag brave and red thi season that brave will closer peak red slightli pass pe ak you compar brave and yanke comparison brave yanke fall short two year row exc it world seri team won will win seri thi year despit heroic fart team casei sten gel dave winfield perhap respond yanke and part comment team thing and lost not unreason for pick anoth team not that john rickert rickert nextwork rose hulman edu brewer marlin win marlin win articl lloyd lloyd uclink berkelei edu lloyd nebr write that teal bleah color teal team uniform indic futur marlin dire troubl refer san jose shark for proof hope for marlin member rene lacheman n fan club oakland coliseum and deep respect for gui gem and walt weiss that fra nchis class yeah design uniform guilti pauciti style and imagin ugghhh child lik e marlin uniform helmet shine nice sun make fan ted frank teel mention that thf

kimbark uchicago edu advic legal sound you follow law school you will wind jail standard disclaim jame donald misc legal mark whiten vacat last week and didn new fill loui end m ark whiten trade give arocha allen watson dmitri young dal make decent deal russ smith don georg gervin assist coach info need for cleveland ticket articl apr leland stanfor d edu bohnert leland stanford edu matthew bohnert write cleveland thursdai april sundai april tribe will town date and plai and ticket tribe will town april tic ket plai toronto and toronto fan make trip cleveland easier ticket cleveland tor onto doubt will sell end season doug bank privat system divis dougb ec comm mot motorola commun sector dougb nwu edu schaumburg illinoi dougb casbah acn nwu edu yogi ism rememb sort yogi asleep hotel room late night a nd get call answer phone person end ask woke yogi yogi answer phone kevin favori t back seventi two streaker interupt game yogi dash across field unclad wasn pre sent ask yogi men women repli couldn had bag head young catcher mss netcom mark singer articl blue ci pitt edu genet pitt edu david tate write mss netcom mark singer that player thi ag m ake impact big haven even plai aaa ball thi irrelev you talk averag lot inform t hi player base decis you that inform don person clai post show that lopez wasn g ood exampl niev sinc last year number line previou year didn access point remain know gui minor leagu histori good know major leagu histori you read isn lopez l ike hit that hit that last year adjust stat for park and leagu and such hit abso lut scale olson berryhil lot don you percentag player reach exce mle rooki seaso n talk you mle not project equival thi hit last year major leagu term rate essen c reach guess bob clai that essenti half player surpass previou mle rooki season half sinc player young and improv that your purpos offerman spent get acclim yo u will dodger team paid big price that season offerman differ place and last pla ce perhap will reap benefit road you compet for pennant didn suppos gut farm sys tem acquir jai bell spike owen content point not that signific sampl that hadn s pring train even blockhead manag question whether minor leagu number for real se nd get warm for stat head amaz that you put credenc spring train you read wrote you amaz claim put credenc spring train quit contrari that lopez hadn that even bozo put credenc spring train interpret failur spring train number meaningless d oesn mean that bobbi cox case rule explan for send lopez kid will improv plai aa a keith mitchel wait minut miss keith mitchel aaa and major season poorli for ye ar aaa david tate not you that close pose and open understand can pocket your gl ove deeper pete rose cum not even tim rain such soft hand sax new steve statu sinc lost start job appreci gwyn young catcher thi discuss mark singer and david tate val entin weigh side dave time opinion fwiw mark ag doesn matter abil untri rooki gr eat minor leagu number veteran proven averag don care plai want sandi alomar had decent minor leagu number grossli inflat pcl gener and la vega project averag m ajor leagu hitter good for catcher admit santiago number come sandi don leagu da ta mid check that agre send lopez richmond start season box below show minor lea gu season hit two hit poorli want that lopez real olson and berryhil not complet mediocr for catcher catcher essenti averag hitter equival averag had hit prior level belong brave reason chanc that lopez last year fluke alomar santiago year level ag doesn satisfi standard evid javier lopez bur dur grn atl maj min tot ma j min tot similar note don understand peopl not support neon deion grant thought behavior mccarver last year complet bush last year time place line hard read co mbin op minor leagu plai speed valuabl op alon and young ag had monster year op total major and minor eqa major leagu averag and averag for last year shown pote nti into make hitter leagu two full season reach prime season consid legitim pro spect and not simpl side show attract deion sander fla int ea nyi int nyi int at l ric atl maj min tot maj min tot clai giant quinn geniu articl appl appl chuq appl chuq von ro spach wrote mcmath csb nlm nih gov chuck chuck buck mcmath write giant protect m ike benjamin career averag ovr pitcher pat rapp surpris bai area benjamin stat d oubl dinger and rapp even aaa even that protect list regim not thi rosen babi no t quinn and you thi end season and year and geniu braindead decis oldgiant imho

even benjamin improv markedli past and hit never util backup rapp turn into top flight arm anoth year time post thi make sarcasm bit obviou chuck chuck mcmath m cmath csb nlm nih gov msd inc nation librari medicin nation institut health beth esda noos good noos hei batter hei batter hei batter swing anon thi opinion infl uenc cosmic radiat red sleev uniform articl apr adob snichol adob sherri ni chol write articl new duke edu fierkelab bchm biochem duke edu eric roush write person think red sleeveless uniform ugli anoth reason won win west uniform decid factor pennant race pirat never won ugliest uniform yellow set sherri nichol sn ichol adob vote for indian red uniform boog powel onc felt big red blood clot ri ch barri barri ihlp att yogi ism articl apr bsu uc mbstultz leo bsuvc bsu edu wr ite interest quot bill veek that nigger field josh gibson minimum two yogi berra speak yogi good yogi ism mike curiou georg stultz rememb sort yogi asleep hotel room late night and get call answer phone person end ask woke yogi yogi answer phone kevin predict for sinc run wild predict decid add fuel fire bi t normal albeit small surpris american leagu east york yanke baltimor oriol toro nto blue jai cleveland indian boston red sox milwauke brewer detroit tiger ameri can leagu west minnesota twin kansa citi royal texa ranger chicago white sox oak land athlet seattl marin california angel mvp kirbi puckett young kevin appier r ooki year tim salmon manag year buck showalt comeback player year ozzi guillen n ation leagu east loui cardin philadelphia philli montreal expo york met chicago cub pittsburgh pirat florida marlin nation leagu west atlanta brave cincinnati r ed houston astro lo angel dodger san francisco giant san diego padr colorado roc ki mvp barri larkin young john smoltz rooki year wil cordero manag year joe torr comeback player year eric davi champion loui cardin champion minnesota twin wor ld champion loui cardin loui pick heart brain will win divis lose brave nlc and brave will win seri minnesota for stick card kevin joe robbi stadium not for basebal notic word not for bas ebal print pictur joe robbi stadium open dai season preview section usa todai re ason for thi notic nolan ryan timelin preview rickei henderson nolan strikeout p itch hitter oakland last game made rickei henderson and nolan pitch hitter dai s tole base overshadow that nolan lot public rickei expens imo rickei deserv and n et agre great player imo nolan outclass rickei plai and importantli attitud thou ght kevin young catcher articl blue ci pitt edu genet pitt edu dav id tate write for rush qualit differ minor and major that requir period adjust a nd don wouldn you wast lopez year good season year good season year excel season sooner you acclim prime you us can name player rush major for argument sake def in rush brought major for cup coffe prior ag younger and perform below expect ca reer damag thi rush tend agre david that bring player sooner player for thi theo ri didn work prefer player last year can minor leagu stat import distinguish pla yer legitim had career below minor leagu number project oppos player hype and fa il had career not line minor leagu number kick exampl player rush doesn damag ca reer jai bell pa major leagu ag and perform below you expect aaa number season p a year ag and underperform year ag perform improv and won everydai shortstop job and sinc hard for stai minor leagu perform quit aaa thi time rush cleveland sup pos like give you bring player earli like struggl that delai time stop struggl a nd start perform expect sherri nichol snichol adob cub game april articl apr oucsac ohiou edu jclark oucsac ohiou edu michael clark write oti nixion line singl left two out break hitter c ub win hitter jose guzman that take beat brave thi year smoltz pitch line hit wa lk and loss player rush major snichol adob sherri nichol write can n ame player rush major for argument sake defin rush brought major for cup coffe p rior ag younger and perform below expect career damag thi rush tend agre that pl ayer not hurt earli plai big leagu brave organ fertil ground test thi hypothesi had talent roster for time steve averi for exampl rush major and fare poorli ini ti campaign subsequ pitch not affect era rooki year bill jame point that rel unu

su struggl and rebound bob horner rush major arizona state directli had good num ber immedi not ag peopl pete smith craig mcmurti and derek lilliquist brave pitc h staff bad that rush lilliquist and smith struggl didn hurt and overhyp recal p itch initi don stat handi dougla bone internet bone luciano stanford edu standar d disclaim bitnet bone luciano stanford edu stanford appli ucbvax luciano sierra stanford edu bone rickei henderson articl vinn appserv eng sun str mareds eng sun todd rader write stai school you lot learn learn that million dollar lot monei rickei henderson doesn career basebal didn basebal wouldn make monei don understand athlet plai sport for live for million dollar not paid will sign for ask price will hurt will win remeb athlet noth not for athlet abil noth get paid hard work citizen and complain not pai don problem make million problem aren pa id million number wors angel win angel won home open brewer todai anaheim stadi um hitter mark langston snow and gari discarcina hit home run for angel daniel young catcher mss netcom mark singer catcher solid defen s player club big argument lopez for brave for thi year brave two catcher demons tr solid abil call game work pitcher throw runner thi crux argument sdcn and sdc n camp agre fact that catcher defens basic nonmeasur present you can talk import call game frame pitch block ball dirt exactli catcher rank defens lopez specif reason suspect that bad defens catcher fact that brave media label bad defens ca tcher can doesn problem mechan such sasser rough edg block ball frame pitch good call clear that plai and practic time can repetit aaa rep major left call game aspect olsen and berryhil credit for call good game and help pitcher staff thi r eput that almost veteran catcher catch aaa lopez learn major leagu pitch staff c atcher learn tom glavin pitch catch tom glavin similarli wouldn suppris pitcher claim prefer pitch olsen pitch lopez us pitch olsen time will comfort lopez sinc lopez can learn handl major leagu pitcher aaa and sinc doesn glare problem mech an learn aaa that can learn major dave dave bonar mebonar lsuvax sncc lsu edu pick comment articl jfr msstate edu jfr msstate edu jack i russel write psg pitt edu paul galvanek write sinc last year anoth shot pick w inner and loser skip commentari pick finish due lack time for flame war kansa ci ti shot top divis bottom word cone thing tremend you mark anoth word offens make pick for last polici never pick buck rodger team for last florida chicago dont expans team finish not last thi year hasnt happen cub wors angel game athlet and expans senat finish ti for last colt finsh ahead cub met last royal finsh ahead white sox pilot last marin finish ahead athlet last appar expans team poor chic ago team good thing nation leagu west cincinnati houston atlanta argh you dead w rong not sinc yanke and team nice setup thi year and year come brave don that st ar team will beat thi comparison yanke finsh and finsh and game and finish secon d and game even great team can lose that plai season hand pick brave john ricker t rickert nextwork rose hulman predict for marlin win rocki win and rocki fan wi ll claim that offens adequ jim lefebvr idiot articl apr bsu uc bjgood leo bsuvc bsu edu write want that lost respect for jim lefebvr todai cub game dishard cub fan you that bad wait dunston leadoff spot can win thi manag never believ manag had that win had lose rick jim lefebvr idiot articl new cso uiuc edu ada uxa cso ui uc edu driftwood write total agre each point you made jose viscaino look singl h itter swing count maddux pitch and your team run and you haven touch ball dai ma de that lefti righti thing watch cub game feel steve stone lot cub lefebr harri state anoth terribl vizcaino bat can wait til sandberg return you steve stone pr ophet make ton boradcoast booth can understand not back game dai call sosa homer un sox and claim game into extra in score yesterdai notic that sosa ahead count maddux and thi fastbal situat and sosa will for thi spot maddux throw straight c hang sosa get ahead and pop infield stonei for cub manag rick young catcher articl mssc qmx netcom mss netcom mark sin ger write keith mitchel recal stat book handi surpris jump atlanta that return m inor didn career jeopardi fit your point good mle move big club step trade move basebal duh methink you recal wrong mitchel hit close atlanta and continu walk a

lot promot left playoff roster and start year minor even brave will you underper form mad back struggl last year doubt even brave blame part demot mitchel mark w hiten card russ smith don georg gervin assist coach chri webber choke marvel time call chri webber result te chnic foul sinc team had time out left perhap webber will place bill buckner mas ter choke thi red sox fan hope ted chelsea clinton secret servic agent had repla c activ duti soldier object ground that famili dislik militari krueger ga uug ar izona edu design hitter rule ekdfc ttac ttu edu david coon rule ba sebal game two team player each that niepornt phoenix princeton edu david marc n iepor not rule don that that pretti dumb argument mind boggl don rule book david you post word rule mightili curiou wayn hathawai domain wayn ultra ultra networ k technolog am ultra wayn daggett drive phone san jose fax camden yard fortun ticket for oriol red sox game baltimo r saturdai juli haven park and wonder can give pointer good tip help place that can enjoi moment spent for instanc time gate open oriol will red sox you can app reci you advanc respond mail address and half month psych sue rickei henderson and michael jackson jack nicholson and bill cosbi wouldn make monei weren entertain your point care salari fact that li ve america and entitl can legal obtain sandi alderson and haa famili willingli n egoti salari million per year rickei couldn care get goat bullshit spout spring train sometim not plai hard hurt place not appreci thi quot chronicl second week camp and strongli suggest that dog year ownership didn kiss butt and ant monei for god sake rickei you sign contract year ago honor and plai you want steve gar vei and hate put signatur piec paper shut mouth and plai hard contract matt bohn ert david well articl apr iccgcc decnet carrd iccgcc decnet write david well land team tiger anem pitch grab thi gui pronto for jim seer stephenson pick east run complet time prophesi and predict for qualif wors finish last year predict contest east baltimor oriol ori ol ponder long and hard and thi blue jai wrong direct can bring pick yanke milwa uke fluke indian aren readi contend red sox bad last year and didn detroit pitch will definit replac level you don oriol will win you matter fact can team ameri can leagu win divis paper except yanke hate bodi win pick oriol you don that bra di anderson repeat you base oriol predict expect big year cal ripken and glenn d avi glenn davi that insan ado strong point hoil ripken year olson get rid billi ripken weak point segui start valenzuela origin starter oat put hitter bottom li neup that calcul maneuv minim effect slump ripken you can move ripken spot not m ove rest line good sign glenn davi win comeback player year bad sign tight penna nt race team trade for pecota obpredict streak continu harold reynold lead team caught steal york yanke strong point abbot kei perez pitch american leagu bogg i mprov hay weak point mattingli consid hitter steinbrenn factor yanke lost met ca n wholesal never count rooki pitcher wickman millitello win divis good sign bogg hit bad sign how get arrest obpredict mattingli won top op toronto blue jai str ong point manag will make big deal manag eeri power convinc team prospect not su spect olerud guzman alomar weak point jackson for bell trade shaken faith gillic k lose stewart hurt rotat that bad sign outfield can base pitch thin guzman and ward good sign jack morri consid young contend august bad sign club make major d eal august obpredict morri will post era and whip total last year and lose recor d milwauke brewer strong point pitch staff except last year weak point molitor s urhoff eldr can good sign listach and eldr plai last year bad sign bone plai las t year obpredict surhoff won finish year cleveland indian strong point baerga be ll nagi weak point pitch staff thin lose olin hurt start felix fermin good sign bielecki era consist atlanta start bad sign ted power bullpen ac obpredict aloma r will back star break boston red sox strong point clemen viola clemen detroit c lemen weak point incompet basebal kei free agent sign andr dawson burk hatcher c enter good sign rainout clemen start bad sign clemen obpredict russel will make sox fan forget reardon interpret that you will detroit tiger strong point tettle ton phillip whitak weak point fielder declin shortstop thi year worst rotat base bal replac not necessarili thi year ugli good sign cecil fielder deserv mvp bad

sign cecil fielder not whine deserv mvp obpredict cecil won lead leagu rbi divis dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fanat consid good wise not overburden in form golden kimbal rocki not rooki new cso uiuc edu dbl uxa cso uiuc edu da niel brian lake write you that expans team fill young not gui murphi galaragga s mith depend you can your veteran cheap and can perform higher level your young t alent can not talent develop minor give fan familiar name cheer veteran year two that renegad front offic peopl denver open question import expans club expans d raft regular draft had each dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fanat consid good wise not overburden inform golden kimbal cub marlin gajarski pilot njin net write morgan and guzm an will era run higher last year and cub will idiot and not pitch harkei hibbard castillo won good stud pitcher thi season morgan and guzman help lead cub top e ra even rotat atlanta cub era brave earli season cub fan learn enjoi short trium ph giant quinn geniu autodesk tr autodesk tom schroeder wri te nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write time span brave develop john smoltz tom g lavin steve averi david justic ron gant and jeff blauser averi philli jeff blaus er averi pick brave mark lewi john smoltz brave tiger develop brave jeff blauser isn bad player dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fanat consid good wise no t overburden inform golden kimbal record basebal team cub record basebal back and admir st eve liu admir steve liu internet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu command chief secur divis club earth chapter presid earth chapter club found april world champ ion baltimor oriol not seri yard stanlei cup champion washington capit committe for liber and intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into societi problem that abbr evi clitori polymorph episod red dwarf bangl greatest femal rock band that exist thi sig brought you frungi sport king god man drill hole head not answer mccoi you susanna hoff nice ass comment flanagan club creat largest signatur for past month player rush major don you call rush big ben mcdonald did n time minor that ball us aaa had seam larg and gave mcdonald blister forc time learn major gregg wild thing olson and mike deserv young mussina didn spend time minor read that pitcher like that time minor that not admir steve reliv sept li u admir steve liu internet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu command chief secur divis club earth chapter presid earth chapter club found april world champion ba ltimor oriol not seri yard stanlei cup champion washington capit committe for li ber and intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into societi problem that abbrevi cl itori polymorph episod red dwarf bangl greatest femal rock band that exist thi s ig brought you frungi sport king god man drill hole head not answer mccoi you su sanna hoff nice ass comment flanagan club creat largest signatur for past month marlin fan watch dodger marlin game yesterdai and coupl thing impress that sun shine miami had summer atmospher earli spring for basebal comparison wriglei field earli april wintri dead ivi and bundl fan second and i mport fan gui gal will admit footbal fan enjoi basebal interest fan accustom mia mi dolphin cheer thought afc playoff open dai lot feel electr that lack lot base bal fan citi basebal charg and hope two expans team bring back excit find fridai denver bronco fan respond philli opportun pass homerun person will never forget mike schmidt home run e xpo that decid east career high anoth home run that thought total incred alc ang l had boston red sox strike pennant don baylor hit two strike pitch for home run that incred turn event basebal sox pennant thing met speak met isn strang nlc t hat year astro almost mirror nlc philli astro painfulli close twice admit florida suck thi talk philli win east scari scari don wr ong philli fan late last year look helpless funni thing lot injuri spring train that basic kill chanc don forget dykstra wrist injuri second game philli deja read local paper todai found that philli sta rt season not heard talk choke job philli that season ahead cardin game that sea son mid august manag lose bunch and cardin divis game ahead and lost hope thi se ason note jai indian seri articl apr cornel edu tedward corne l edu edward ted fischer write articl rudyc netcom rudi netcom rudi wade write a rticl fmxd dal niguma dal gord niguma write refer histori didn season for second basemen histori didn even good season alomar last year you measur popular toron to doesn count that you base thi statement baerga lot flash alomar hitter last y ear batter slg obp rbi baerga alomar thi fascin you that alomar hitter last year and immedi follow that number show that baerga had year categori that show adva ntag for alomar obp tiger stadium gif gif tiger stadium seat chart brian cur ran mead data central brian meaddata didn ask catch temperatur below ag carlton fisk chicago white sox catcher plai degre april ball game philli deja articl apr cabel vcu edu csc imd cabel vcu e du ian derbi write read local paper todai found that philli start season not hea rd talk choke job philli that season ahead cardin game that season mid august ma nag lose bunch and cardin divis game ahead and lost hope thi season don shannon cardin fan kohl brave pitch updatedir articl apr pt mot pt mot dave naeh r write articl adob snichol adob sherri nichol write singl piec evid can find po int major leagu basebal offens defens run score import run prevent thi pass comm on sens test for statist evid percent defens pitch and percent field btw sherri for data find fascin run score import run prevent penni save penni earn clich po int that brave starter live potenti won offens support realiz thi big thi staff leav bosox dust legitim comparison two young winner and pitcher that team leagu kill second starter that qualiti pitcher mound team score run team that score ru n win thi put team pitch advantag provid can stop oppos team score run low score game benefit brave low score game due excel pitch and below averag hit flip sid e you had start lineup great offens player argu that thi team not great pitcher advantag simpli outscor oppon name game win even rai knight that you thi put run scoreboard that you assembl qualiti pitcher brave offens doesn strong sam dave sherri nichol snichol adob tiger woof woof david shapiro peopl can call monkei felt shapiro david yale edu had piano back winter long shapiro minerva ci yale edu p iano back trombon will stan belinda card mail list count interest cardin mail list find star t dick detweil rdetweil hpdmd boi cub expo roster question articl apr vmsb csupomona edu c vadrnlh vmsb csupomona edu write todai cub activ mike harkei move make room for harkei delino deshield john wetteland expo for can give info ken cal poli pomona wetteland effect march that rick tiger articl apr sbc sunysb edu wynblatt sbgrad sunysb e du michael wynblatt write weird thing lead into top ninth sparki us ac closer he nneman tiger reliev and rest sparki trust that want henneman work tiger had dai dai and dai jim philli sign mark davi that mean pai salari didn wait for clear waiver not not davi will paid club thi year phil responsb for didn wait f or clear waiver club interest gambl will royal fan skeptic pitch winter ball pit ch omaha didn pitch even accept major don atlanta stat not impress year save san diego pitch aw year won young for that year florida suck articl apr cabel vcu edu csc imd cabel vcu edu ian derbi write thi talk philli win east scari scari don wrong philli fan la te last year look helpless funni thing lot injuri spring train that basic kill c hanc don forget dykstra wrist injuri second game game bat player rush major articl tss hanson tss hanson loo write didn bob horner straight arizona state univ atlanta brave rememb had great mont h hit dinger and heard japan month short career compar expect for such highli to ut prospect due injuri prone overweight and work ethic not suffer rush big len r eed holo softwar inc voic ext domain lbr holo atl usa lbr holo sid fernandez read thi morn that sid fernandez left last night game stiff shoulder inform extent injuri weather cold air colorado joint stiff for rai miller disclaim cub chopin jpl nasa gov opinion strictli onc spent

year philadelphia sundai wcfield yankk game closer articl apr freenet carleton freenet ca rleton ralph timmerman write freenet carleton ralph timmerman subject yankk game closer date tue apr gmt previou articl ax acadiau jason walter work yanke game closer east pennant clobber cleveland fine pitch perform kei and two homerun tar tabul basebal thi season and run homer noke for you didn pick bogg your pool tou gh break had coupl hit and drove coupl run follow yank beat and come team youngs ter indian yanke win game divis yank mattingli for glove and mvp and abbot for y oung jason that mean read thi drivel anoth time thi season spare and check you f act you post ralph timmerman life basebal freenet carleton you read ralph plai t raffic nap work for kevin kerr kkerr mkcase dseg presid north texa programm user group bb yanke dolphin stroll cyberspac snif electr wind make awar that win west atlanta brave not lead wire wire game houston astro percentag point ahead unbeat brave astro byron lee nativ tex an stuck utah mlb stand and score for thu apr mlb stand and score for thursdai april includ yesterdai game nation west won lost pct last streak home r oad houston astro won atlanta brave lost san francisco giant lost lo angel dodge r lost colorado rocki lost san diego padr lost cincinnati red lost nation east p hiladelphia philli won pittsburgh pirat won loui cardin won york met won chicago cub won montreal expo lost florida marlin won american west won lost pct last s treak home road texa ranger lost california angel won oakland athlet lost seattl marin won chicago white sox won minnesota twin lost kansa citi royal lost ameri can east boston red sox won york yanke won toronto blue jai lost detroit tiger w on cleveland indian lost milwauke brewer lost baltimor oriol won yesterdai score idl team list alphabet order nation leagu american leagu houston baltimor montr eal texa pittsburgh seattl san diego toronto chicago cleveland atlanta boston ci ncinnati california philadelphia milwauke york kansa citi colorado york florida minnesota ppd san francisco chicago rain loui detroit idl lo angel oakland idl j oseph hernandez ram laker jtchern ocf berkelei edu king dodger raider jtcent sod a berkelei edu angel clipper boog powel camden yard articl apr alchemi chem utoronto mark balboni thi border blasphemi bob vesterman articl apr new yale edu sean garrison articl rvesterm vm a edu rvesterm vma edu wrote pitcher like game that not promot pitcher duel bob vesterman basi you make thi statement sean you pitcher pinch hit for not pitcher crank will stai game crank not pitcher duel and team extra run bob vesterman ugliest swing articl oasi navi mil kiviat oasi navi mil brian kiviat hotdogish lean plate watch pitch etc thi not pitch make thi ball le an you call ball thi unbias opinion your mileag will vari rickei agreat player w atch you forget time lot batter lean pitch come rickei crouch exagger that great player watch you forget unbias hmmm bob vesterman aguilera cardiac arrest articl dinnemh phakt usc edu wag ner phakt usc edu loren wagner write articl apr bmw mayo edu bergerson mayo edu write you ron davi back amaz thing year thi bum closer for twin you thought find don daybel wagner usc edu into ninth run lead run score runner and second throw drive waaaaaayyyyyyi back puckett wall leap caught ball catch kirbi twin win an d get save line walk hit and rob home run paul kevin roger roger batter lefti bullpen dusti trust roger final ballgam beck unavail you coupl save for kevin regular rotat falter roger candid start thi like that dave burba emerg start steven torr worst manag joe torr worst manag basebal for didn s undai game hander pitch decid bench lankform left hand hitter and plai jordan an d gilkei hander ninth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch r unner and lui alicea hitter power pinch hitter hell think earlier game interview acquir mark whiten comment fortun cardin whiten and that whiten regular even th i meant that gilkei hurt torr like gilkei come bench gilkei hit last year start gui start team leagu sundai game lankford thrown plate replai show bucki dent ba se coach line and wave lankford home can thi anymor brian distress cardin fan br ian landmann georgia institut technolog internet prism gatech edu brien taylor last year brein taylor ball tampa florida s tate leagu began thi year albani hopefulli georg won rush and allow progress rat e aaa and bronx thi gui real thing jonathan alboum uva wfan listen wfan for you not talk sport radio staion yor k clear night signal reach and east coast want len berman and mike lupica show s chool virginia can listen dai wonder jonathan alboum uva steve sommer hour last night chief ranger round pretti neat shmooz oriol philli red sox can send ticket order inform for te am baltimor philadelphia and boston you home schedul can you date for home game juli aug and aug sept and game promot night special discount night ron and oppon for game not repli thi account repli ronc vnet ibm ibm canada lab databas techn olog associ develop analyst astelletto tie line intern mail tor pleasant yanke surpris articl netnew upenn edu sepinw ma il sa upenn edu alan sepinwal write and not pleasant surpris tartabul book tarta bul healthi and produc hasn hit homer solo shot and hasn big rbi that your clean up man suppos give you had slow start last year onc that and turn into man wreck crew you seri alan april bat and you claim that hasn cut thi gui slack danni wi ll produc thi year scari produc stai healthi year yank lot for thi year good sta rt rotat good bullpen good defens and good lineup buck showalt frank howard good move sound good yank stai healthi good chanc win pennant thi fun had watch yank sinc bobbi predict laugh oop across thi file last year thought you enjoi thought predict made date larg order june tedward cornel edu comput expect win percentag for each team obp total base and run allow us basic formula and p ythagorean project compar thi actual win percentag stat june team obp xwp diff b altimor boston toronto york milwauke detroit cleveland minnesota oakland texa ch icago california kansa citi seattl you thing turn oriol red sox and yanke disapp ear jai and tiger continu essenti expect pace brewer and indian crank second hal f ranger predict dive that shouldn surpris meanwhil predict marin drop angel and royal didn deserv record june white sox and up game bit twin drop for part thin g expect blatant error for predict calcul thought thi pretti cavgeo yalevm ycc y ale edu tue mar brave insert kent mercker into start rotat thi year bielecki tra de releas lei brandt becom starter and bullpen basebal pena berengu stanton wohl er freeman and pete smith spot start pete smith made rotat mercker and bielecki wasn releas end year won comment bullpen jeff reardon blauser win start shortsto p job outright end bream and klesko nice hit honeymoon gregg jefferi platoon hun ter mitchel win center field job bit star break and nixon stai valuabl pinch run ner lonni releas brave find taker trade blauser wrong bream and mitchel bit earl i lonni bielecki didn pick sander manag fire thi year chronolog order fregosi sh owalt valentin riddoch showalt and like stick mattel auto trol mattel auto trol tue mar bond get trade buc for young talent nope won divis and for shot playoff met win divis didn finish last atlanta repeat west that yanke surpris finish sec ond toronto nope dwight gooden win surpass saberhagen win guess thi you pick met win huh roger clemen injur earli season tsk tsk not nice predict thi strawberri fail hit even home run and injur due dodger drop race you that and respons tedw ard tue mar hmph can you met fan you mind make counter predict follow met come p ittsburgh and montreal met finish pirat and expo yanke offens and pitch flounder drop fourth place east boston win game divis pennant and world seri half dead s econd half ummm sox fan easi dwight gooden rush comeback get blown and mid juli saberhagen run record wfan critic met for give that great talent jefferi solid y ear predict for gooden and saberhagen revers close and jefferi don wfan critic j efferi trade roger clemen win anoth game close cigar articl udqceao vpeii andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu amit likhyani write excerpt netnew rec sport basebal apr east smilei trade cavgeo yalevm ycc yale op project for hojo will streak nake f orb avenu hojo not muster op wrong that project predict introduct navarra casbah acn nwu edu mon apr tedward cornel edu you care put your predict for poster you predict mark grace will rbi you your mind that almost imposs for type gui bat d awson kill ralli doesn finish you that mark driven and last year mark bat second primarili and wors year averag wise sinc bat thi year predict will back previou standard will rbi not that stretch sometim stathead lucki grace didn hit dawson

entir season finish rbi nss midwai uchicago edu tue ballsi predict mark mcgwire will hit hr thi year nope slow and injuri finish didn even reach ballsi predict nonetheless ecaxron mar lerc nasa gov thu baltimor will not fade will not win d ivis thi year will finish game find prospect two oriol win each easier comprehen d that two sox offens pitch good divis offer oriol finish game won mussina had c hanc relief and start divis worth darn finish minimum fifteen game tribe that an oth reason watch baltimor thi year and won wast game rest divis for brewer you f orgot you rest divis mediocr yanke and indian led win red sox trail win horribl game below djohnson caylei uwaterloo david johnson date thu aug gmt that never j ai cinch clinch that milwauke will threat baltimor that toronto win don cinch yo u game lead game that jai talent team east and had good even averag manag bigger lead that oriol will not plai basebal for rest season you win king cogsci ucsd edu thu nov articl nov cornel edu you write indian and season predict cleveland indian will win game year you stvja meteor wisc edu fri sep jose rijo will win y oung award healthi thought steal base risk such injuri had didn win young maddux surpris oriol will win game year last and pitch staff will team era year not ne cessarili year win thi will long time verifi don want wait that long won game la st year and leagu era not bad start ben mcdonald will not challeng for era titl year will victori year challeng mean finish leader leader season doesn count wil l never pitcher hype decent starter wasn bad last year consist ac thi year phill i will give fewer walk rid bullpen coach ryan not predict whether will rid and y ou will give team bit time adjust radic chang fine pitch staff steal rai miller pittsburg white sox problem not bad honestli can rid total last year ricki jorda n will rbi start game hit spot lineup spot lineup good obp hitter thi appli for each year don that good billi ripken will never hit good not wait check thi pani x spira cmcl nyu edu fri sep matter lou gorman and scout paul quantril will neve r adequ major leagu starter never never start pitcher can strike per in aaa succ ess major current plan us quantril long relief rubber arm and unusu deliveri dec ent that role lyle ecn purdu edu sat sep frank thoma hal morri divis winner east baltimor oriol west chicago white sox pennant chicago white sox east loui cardi n west cincinatti red pennant cincinatti red champion cincinatti red wrong hal m orri and favorit tedward sun oct bell will not walk time bell will hit walk bell hit last year walk time intent exagger trn strdev jhuapl edu tue mar sign cal e li wallet weld shut outgo monei wide open for incom cash predict you make note v alentin that eli jacob will defer negoti cal ripken contract season eli will giv e cal opportun stat tumbl bit last year pace come offer despit claim that design cal strength feel that foot left center canyon will cut cal power stat hard cre dibl offer million year star game mvp mvp gold glove shortstop basebal deiti lot easier offer similar salari declin averag shortstop had career year full season ago cal match number eli face huge and expens problem cal sign for sign rememb correctli hefti contract despit weak season and final jpalmer uwovax uwo thu sep gener expans will lot mediocr talent hang will not make expans team for younger talent build team specif predict april jim acker and cori snider will sell alum inum side snyder acker charli kerfeld vanc lovelac present tiger big leaguer wil l plai profession ball aren major will dave rozema keep shape hope for anoth sho t expans never heard shawn hare and jodi hurst will major leagu outfield tiger m inor leagu system don major ron hassei will minor leagu manag yanke dunno happen will bye bye for balboni stuck minor jackson will not starter rain lot gari huc kabi will move alaska perman net and dave kirsch will return canada live for lis ten valentin found secret red sox place game into season two win each clemen and viola clemen start tonight dai rest sox man rotat thi hesketh us rel ief last night cheer valentin wrong sox score run two game thi week reach troubl fluke brave pitch updatedir sbp acad drake edu articl adob sni chol adob sherri nichol write singl piec evid can find point major leagu basebal offens defens run score import run prevent run score import run prevent penni s ave penni earn clich not clich and unlik your comment below not tautolog needn t rue pitcher basebal essenti qualiti varianc pitch abil smaller varianc bat abil score run import prevent simpli abil activ prevent run weaker point that brave s

tarter live potenti won offens support that your point you you fact pitch and de fens win championship and pitch essenc basebal you claim your point and true tha t qualiti pitcher mound team score run team that score run win and you accus she rri mouth clich thi put team pitch advantag provid can stop oppos team score run low score game benefit brave not clear that thi true high score game team offen s win high percentag time low score game split essenti team abil low score game due excel pitch and below averag hit flip side you had start lineup great offens player argu that thi team not great pitcher thought you pitch and defens win ch ampionship and pitch essenc basebal david tate dtate pitt edu sir bat not quick member iie orsa tim sabr hand not soft ey not discern and denver call you slugge r big catullu galarraga and compar you mattingli note jai indian seri substitut ironi for brain bruce klo pfenstein dtate pitt edu david tate write left rbi compar alomar individu baerga individu individu stat count forgot run score player steal home rbi don count f or you forgot that you can rbi bar base fraction run come solo run score happen player base batter good us phrase happen advisedli lot peopl figur player abil t urn notch clutch rbi situat and found that evid that such abil measur extent clu tch hitter peopl tend thing that rbi base end get rbi proport teammat oblig posi t mistak agre david tate dtate pitt edu sir bat not quick member iie orsa tim sa br hand not soft ey not discern and denver call you slugger big catullu galarrag a and compar you mattingli spanki releas articl apr sei cmu edu sei cmu edu william pollak write delet spanki isn good defens anymor offens liabil and judg outburs t thi winter buc fail sign drabek jerk head sand tommi princ hand can hit paper simmon cite case tom pagnozzi never hit minor major suddenli learn geez dal slip into ted drink compar princ pagnozzi offens laughabl princ never hit minor and year pagnozzi not bad hitter minor bring number tomorrow assum don anoth brain c ramp and forget had good year louisvil come major recal hype pagnozzi come organ good hit decent field major and didn hit expect not plai time exhibit nichol la w catcher defens and reput outstand defens catcher not clear learn hit year born juli year slg oba power leagu averag walk peak year turn declin ted invok pagno zzi model for princ that princ underperform pagnozzi minor not rosi pictur btw u nhappi move zeil had reput come cardin organ pagnozzi that hitter averag hitter and below averag fielder averag hitter averag below averag field catcher harold harold brook hbrook uiatma atmo uiuc edu nation sever storm laboratori norman us work for breweri didn drink job bavasi dal maxvil view that florida can win eas t player rush major miss origin post aren expo rush alomos t entir team thi year montreal and fan geez expo rank salari rocki trail and ave rag ag year univers corelmark cub expo roster question articl msu osc montana edu alir d msu osc montana edu write articl apr vmsb csupomona edu cvadrnlh vmsb csupomon a edu write todai cub activ mike harkei move make room for harkei delino deshiel d john wetteland expo for can give info ken cal poli pomona wetteland effect mar ch that rick wetteland come april and will evalu throw and pain side deshield no t suffer chicken pox and lost thi offici total pound will back hopefulli week wa lker will back thi tonight tomorrow corelmark montreal cub expo roster question make room for harkei cub shawn boski aaa astro back articl hhwv cvk austin ibm marc yogi austin i bm marc stephenson write keep line pessimist net hold astro back contend that co unt atlanta encount unforeseen problem such injuri keep earli season abysm hit a tlanta undisput start rotat feel that relief staff suspect don real closer mike stanton save us that role didn stanton start great last year and falter despit t hi your point atlanta doesn person team destruct for houston atlanta suffer inju ri start rotat astro relief corp hold togeth doug jone changeup effect and xavie r hernandez can effect passabl reason left hand and middl relief iffi tom eden e xpect joe boever setup man role injur and expans team acquisit houston thought t hat boever demand monei doug jone can lose touch cleveland star closer minor pre tti short span understand boever and murphi consid expend club houston felt that

posit fill number player art doug jone kei houston success anoth great year for houston challeng west lousei spring closer minor pretti short span strong rotat will pressur troubl bullpen bit shaki starter slot that basic normal taubense a nthoni gonzalez and cedeno fulfil hit potenti anthoni appear taubense swing lot thi year solid knock expo last night gonzalez show earli power and cedeno loopie st swing thi side tim wallach unsuspect strength lower part order save club bigg io and finlei aren job get base fill role rbi man bagwel had assum biggio and fi nlei job biggio concern sinc start season strong side note you concern rumor yea r uniform talk that road uniform will blech tradit grei word houston written acr oss chest not mistaken home uniform total elimin color orang shiver mclane favor it color red upset current unform dull and sound horribl uniform mid return not pretti houston had establish long precid wear ugliest uniform basebal and like e nd bargain rememb two year ago relief long win game doubt project win astro fan sinc dai staub morgan jackson aspromont dierker marc stephenson ibm aw advanc wo rkstat system austin disclaim content thi post independ offici ibm posit interne t marc austin ibm vnet marc ausvmq ibm astro fan sinc dai ryan scott smith cruz davi bass hatcher david schwam univers houston jetson edu dave kingman for hall fame basebal fan you don you deser v mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc d arrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon case sick a nd tire sick give hall fame consider player that todai standard margin honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don belong shortstop that hung for long time big deal select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face isn will prestig hall fame anymor individu that steve garvei jack morri potenti candid absurd appar g ee can gui even compar like futur hall famer kirbi puckett nolan ryan steve seek moe berg refer info articl hvf new ci umn edu lsmit h deci umn edu lanc squiddi smith write articl apr vax clarku edu hhenderson vax clarku edu write david tate write colleagu mine for inform can find moe berg ca tcher linguist espion refer anecdot for that matter appreci moe berg hero talk m ondai yanke game book that reissu titl moe berg athlet scholar spy tom sewel and two peopl name forget sewel wrote chapter berg danni peari book cult basebal pl ayer thi good sourc for famou anecdot berg excel section bill gilbert book serv basebal wwii told berg spy activ mention recent book heisenberg war sister wrote book moe that publish titl brother morri berg memori and page page xerox copi p ictur and letter that moe had save copi kinda hard find smith basebal librari fo r minneapoli berg alma mater class kind sour thing disapprov job that sewel had roger texa ranger ticket info give address for texa ranger tic ket order jim torr worst manag anoth not distress wonder thing cardin fan articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech edu brian landmann write joe torr worst manag basebal not greatest thi true for didn sundai game hander pitch decid ben ch lankform left hand hitter and plai jordan and gilkei hander lankford hurt ann ounc told torr pinch hit need ninth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alicea hitter power pinch hitter hell think wonder t hing give joe benefit doubt think that lankford hurt that didn trust abil bat ef fect speed base pinch run alicea complet confus had good record hit that pitcher don idea earlier game interview acquir mark whiten comment fortun cardin whiten and that whiten regular even thi meant that gilkei hurt torr like gilkei come b ench gilkei hit last year start gui start team leagu haven whiten shouldn plai b ad that gilkei odd man plai jordan ahead that don quit understand sundai game la nkford thrown plate replai show bucki dent base coach line and wave lankford hom e yup look for thi replai joe torr talk bucki game that lankford todd zeil hot h itter come reason risk give lankford sign that situat ball stand job watch plai develop larkin back bad throw that inexcus book btw dent thing last year zeil ro und and into home critic situat replai dent wave thi problem card weren good bas e runner last year and fault li base coach can thi anymor hang redbird woof woof brian distress cardin fan brian landmann georgia institut technolog internet pr ism gatech edu dick detweil rdetweil hpdmd boi dave kingman for hall fame articl apr new yale edu steve

tomassi write honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don belong shortstop that hun g for long time big deal you for real gold glove ozzi smith gui hung and hit hom er year for year wouldn for hall defens not import and robin yount couldn hit st uck long hit you hit fluke hit big deal select huh stop hand honor liber save fo r gui deserv face isn will prestig hall fame anymor individu that steve garvei j ack morri potenti candid absurd appar gee can gui even compar agre garvei and mo rri don deserv like futur hall famer kirbi puckett nolan ryan base your argument nolan ryan doesn deserv hall fame hander stuck for long time and throw hard gam e win season lot lose season lot walk young award nolan ryan compar gui steve ca rlton domin major leagu season won divison world seri and won half team game doe sn compar not even close kirbi puckett hasn long for give season wfan articl apr virginia edu jja virginia edu write list en wfan for you not talk sport radio staion york clear night signal reach and ea st coast want len berman and mike lupica show school virginia can listen dai won der fan sport radio station doesn come close ultim sport radio wip philadelphia signal not power station york feel oblig pollut airwav bunch hoodlum met fan com plain hour dai wip two your sport jockei jodi macdonald and steve frederick wip rockin sport talk till midnight check anytim your hour philadelphia not mistaken wip highest sport talk rate nation rob nice thing fan that talk sport night hop efulli will begin that somewhat expand strike zone surfeit offens impress watch met rock i that umpir call strike belt not letter nice thi case jai fenwai gif wonder had kind fenwai park gif send advanc d an harri carai last night bill veeck cam dream and thi cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub scuk cub suck cub suck cub suck cub cuck cu b suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck c ub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck cub suck yeah aqls o ad that harri drunken idiot shoulda stai loui heart ad that fair weather fan t ogeth guess thi reason harri cub fan bud man note never left loui jim walker sox cub suck predict laugh articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu e dward ted fischer write oop across thi file last year thought you enjoi thought predict made date larg order crap delet manag fire thi year chronolog order freg osi showalt valentin riddoch showalt and like stick dead wrong last time check j im fregosi manag philli and quit fine job you record basebal predict for jim fre gosi will win manag year don flame flame bum think fire last year pai attent kid do dave kingman for hall fame steve tomassi write basebal f an you don you deserv mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc darrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon case sick and tire sick give hall fame consider player that todai stand ard margin honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don belong shortstop that hung fo r long time big deal select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face i sn will prestig hall fame anymor individu that steve garvei jack morri potenti c andid absurd appar gee can gui even compar like futur hall famer kirbi puckett n olan ryan steve differ nolan ryan and yount hung for year and continu post great stat shouldn dave kingman into hall murrai even reardon and hell you oppos pitc her whether think that winfield hall god pretti you that cal ripken doesn deserv hall flame you chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fear w alk hand hand player rush major articl apr holo lbr holo len reed writ e articl tss hanson tss hanson loo write didn bob horner straight arizona state univ atlanta brave rememb had great month hit dinger and heard japan month short career compar expect for such highli tout prospect due injuri prone overweight and work ethic not suffer rush big len thi exactli suffer rush big overweight an d work ethic lead injuri prone noth loos correct richmond you intend smilei your comment thi bring back long suffer memori pre chop brave fan promis bob horner

dale murphi back back power slam stop that guess never rocki fan dale get plai t ime plan game june plai read that memori and process russel earnest georgia inst itut technolog atlanta georgia allegra amd hplab seismo ngp gatech prism arpa ru ssel earnest hous gatech edu philli mail list philli mail list don coverag grand rapi d sob elabor signatur file for peopl aren busi david hollebeek dholl ursa calvin edu peopl want stat articl hpfcso doug hpfcso doug steel wri te thi top post for home run hit batter team hr batter team hit gonzalez tex ba erga cle palmer tex phillip det that texa top two home run leader point season a nd jose canseco steve steve casburn scasburn magnu ac ohio state edu person desp air result violent and ruthless truth tell that will work end even slowli john m aynard keyn white sox updat lamont tryin sax left mess mind stir loo s mental block that had sax suppos plai left last night rain not add outfield te am mental jimmi sox cub suck that white sox dontcha cub expo roster question articl apr pavo concordia klein pavo concordia corelmark wrote articl msu osc montana edu alird msu osc montana edu write articl apr vmsb csupomona edu cvadrnlh vmsb csupomona edu write todai cub activ mike harkei move make room for harkei delino deshield john wetteland expo for can give info ken cal poli pomona wetteland effect march that rick cub boski iowa make room for harkei jeff eastman jaeastman anl gov seek moe berg refer info articl blue ci pitt edu dtate p itt edu david tate write misplac basebal bibliographi that post recent that happ en you split heap disorgan file machin two kind soul repost bibliographi mail co pi colleagu mine for inform can find moe berg catcher linguist espion refer anec dot for that matter appreci dave had depth articl moe ago rememb that articl rev eal fact secret moe subscript expir thi past februari second two year that recei v guess that articl appear can definit date articl jerri philli deja articl apr cabel vcu edu csc imd cabel vcu e du ian derbi write read local paper todai found that philli start season not hea rd talk choke job philli that season ahead cardin game that season mid august ma nag lose bunch and cardin divis game ahead and lost hope thi season strictli mem ori philli ten game lost row and last lose cardin imposs that rememb felt time t hat johnni callison philli lost mvp product swoon jerri singl team won pennant d ivis oriol trivia articl apr hpcvaac paula koufax paul andres en write articl apr galileo rochest edu sparki balsa lle rochest edu michael mue ller write pitcher for oriol that refer kiddi corp young steve barber chuck estr ada jack fisher milt pappa thi list bring mind worst trade sinc babe for nono na nnett milt pappa for frank robinson robinson proceed win tripl crown and beaten yaz injur slide into second collid mighti wei chisox jerri dumb fan indian woof articl bcc ohstpi mp ohio state edu letizia ohstpi mp ohio state edu write you mean red fan you listen wlw anytim o pen line for fan call talk clueless idiot broadcast bad york talk show aw thi re gard peopl constantli call wfan and wabc stuff think don yanke trade kaminicki a nd silvestri seattl for ken griffei and randi johnson that team you yanke can ro ger clemen show host pretti good handl gui annoi end show caller start think don yanke trade for and host hung cheer michael tiger articl vsanu miamiu bitnet ryan kearn vsanu miamiu bitnet write that detroit tiger greatest basebal organ time shameless woof dele t behalf rest tiger fan appolig for thi shameless woof minimum win game dai some tim hard control philli fan michael miss subject header articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech edu brian landmann write joe torr worst manag basebal for didn sundai game hand er pitch decid bench lankform left hand hitter and plai jordan and gilkei hander that lankford had minor injuri coupl game that and dai dai pinchrunn ninth in b ase load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alicea hitte r power pinch hitter hell think earlier game interview acquir mark whiten commen t fortun cardin whiten and that whiten regular even thi meant that gilkei hurt t

orr like gilkei come bench gilkei hit last year start gui start team leagu begin interview torr lankford outfield gui matter guess jordan will eventu end odd ma n due low base percentag whiten great acquisit decent offens and great defens ri ghtfield don worri gilkei will start jordan whiten displai extend period low off ens output dean palmer hurt edward ouellett edo casbah acn nwu edu wrote dean hit pitch ball night pinch hit for and didn plai baltimor tonight wha t that hurt not evident hit elbow fernando pitch arm swell elbow wrist that rai arm and noth damag miss last game oriol suppos readi for game hope thi help mike west west esd nec score run note jai indian seri articl blue ci pitt edu d tate pitt edu david tate write you forgot that you can rbi bar base fraction run come solo for padr thi year leagu hr and solo shot pythagorean project put win percentag pitch fast good new that hurst throw curvebal pain threw pitch yesterd ai back coupl week can trade yanke for militello dave dave demer demer ucsd edu comput scienc engin demer ucsd bitnet san diego ucsd demer jolla fax pleasant yanke surpris articl netnew upenn edu sepinw ma il sa upenn edu alan sepinwal write pleasant and not pleasant surpris edit bronx bomber pleasant spike owen spring train thi gui second come mike gallego even w ors hit gui major leagu and rank pretti high total hit and run score earli seaso n and pat kelli minut provid lot spark bottom order that big gui mattingli tarta bul neill plenti rbi opportun hope thi pat kelli gui final show abil that led st ick michael label star for wouldn that kelli infinit improv bat guess tip bogg s pring train paid huh and thought bogg never and glove terrif and mattingli compr is defens side infield basebal imho paul neill had rid roberto kelli partli pres sur barri bond won that cinci and partli had thi real unprofession tendenc give second half year felt that for neill neill turn fine duplic not surpass mel hall number last year and oppos pitcher pitch tartabul buck plai lefti can wickman f riend made comparison wickman and jack morri never impress stat find win morri l ose that abil figur that wickman import part steve sax trade trade sinc that rut h gui wind good middl reliev doesn pitch pretti get job kei kei suppos provid ro tat stabil you shore left side provid experi win and thi gui domin face maddux c one kei dai and not pleasant surpris spike owen hit crazi gui cannot field save life and brought provid defens velard stankiewicz and even silvestri defens owen rememb earli for offens tail and defens improv hopefulli that rep heard that la st year last year that highest field percentag major leagu shortstop and toni no t gonna thi met team fernandez agre that not look that impress field tartabul bo ok tartabul healthi and produc hasn hit homer solo shot and hasn big rbi that yo ur cleanup man suppos give you had slow start last year onc that and turn into m an wreck crew late year bullpen ugh happen suppos solid pen major meanwhil pen b lown save haven check great how farr lefti righti tandem farr era and how infini t didn such thing hopefulli act togeth buck gonna burn starter for fear that bul lpen blow lead immort word scooter holi cow seaver that johnni kei gui can pitch can you seri alan torr worst manag articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech ed u brian landmann write joe torr worst manag basebal brian distress cardin fan ha l mcrae worst manag basebal never gui can wast talent can raw talent staff leagu and find lose surpris make week drastic improv made even frustrat royal fan dar in keener dak vma smsu edu dave kingman for hall fame articl jbse kkk new udel edu philli ravel udel edu robert hite write you for real gold glove ozzi smith gui h ung and hit homer year for year wouldn for hall defens not import frankli offens and defens equal import pitcher defens primari role player offens even shortsto p bigger part offens game defens game not part offens that anoth issu that smith and yount deserv hof hit pretti addit defens cheer valentin philli deja jerri sheldev shel isc gerald lanza write si ngl team won pennant divis make that ten not met and astro join eric smith eric netcom eric infoserv predict laugh articl jcrf krm new udel edu philli ravel udel edu robert hite write dead wrong last time check jim fregosi manag philli a

nd quit fine job you record basebal asshol confus didn flame you and you extend courtesi don world that surpris you valentin jewish basebal player articl qkkodinn jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo iglesia write articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your hank green berg famou jewish faith affect plai miss late season world seri game yom kippur jewish hof rod carew convert lowenstein jewish montana repres major leagu undese rv young award winner steve stone jewish stone koufax ken holtzman wrong pitcher think threw hitter and and big reulbach that quit start rotat moe berg can catc h harri steinfeldt tinker ever chanc infield stanki jewish that dave cohen kinda misinterpret doesn stuck major long ted frank thf kimbark uchicago edu card moo p law school standard disclaim found secret articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu ed ward ted fischer write red sox place game into season two win each clemen and vi ola clemen start tonight dai rest sox man rotat thi hesketh us relief last night clemen normal dai rest last pitch saturdai hesketh pitch in yesterdai afternoon out sinc abort in start dai plenti rest expect turn thi saturdai starter not th at thi good thing manag man rotat thi team glenn waugaman digit equip corpor lit tleton waugaman nac enet dec jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and sta nkiewicz not stankowitz and not jewish polish correct pronunci stanki ston kev i tch sportscast wrong john lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi h umor for your jewish ballplay can ron blomberg major leagu ballgam alan jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your hank green berg sid gordon ron blomberg guess sublim ridicul predict laugh edward ted fischer write robert hite write dead wrong last time check jim fregosi manag philli and quit fine job you recor d basebal asshol confus didn flame you and you extend courtesi your problem hite post wasn flame correct your error your repli flame don world that surpris you not steve novak ban bomb ban pope steven advtech uswest brave pitch updatedir articl apr adob snichol adob sherr i nichol write articl apr pt mot pt mot write thi pass common sens test for stat ist evid percent defens pitch and percent field not difficult teas apart teas ap art score run and prevent run and come true beauti basebal thing will never sepa r almost basebal situat and interdepend thi carri argument that explain and bala nc statist basi and mysteri left resort ballyard and enjoi game paul feel anti s tathead todai will stretch farm anim natur length paula koufax paul andresen hew lett packard home mckinlei corval sabr member sinc true stori omar articl apr esca vigil esca sandra vigil write yesterdai april friend and discuss theori put local sport radio station pe rson that commission basebal owner had snuck live ball into thi year basebal gam e effort increas home run number and attract fan thi case that blatant discrimin selig allow opposit us pre basebal dodger guess step plate for career grand sla m last night jai boi sight behold and almost impress that intent walk will stret ch farm anim natur length paula koufax paul andresen hewlett packard home mckinl ei corval sabr member sinc and america team kingoz camelot bradlei edu orin roth wr ite offici brave start win offici and receiv thi label understand that ted turne r owner brave start run station nationwid and start run team game nationwid stat ion dub team america team that team time game across america wor nationwid beaut i secaucu not met game wor wgn chicago and wsbk boston two superst east coast do n cub sox sox game show hymi hymowitz jhu edu mellow dead weird yankov you your mellow laid back attitud sonni cuckoo bird josh super tough basebal trivia articl apr ncar ucar edu amj rsf atd ucar edu anthoni michael jivoin write bruce springsteen video glori dai born usa album show two quick shot basebal game televis bar bruce and street ban d plai name team stadium pitcher two batter swing end video bruce throw wooden s trike zone and last pitch young boi line base hit into center bruce and kid walk field kid ask todai bruce mention team plai and that player bottom ninth name p layer and team sandiego and graig nettl get impress anthoni jivoin nation center for atmospher research rsf atd box boulder mlb stand and score for sat apr mlb stand and score for satrudai april includ yesterdai game nation west won lost pct last streak home r oad san francisco giant won houston astro won atlanta brave lost lo angel dodger won colorado rocki lost san diego padr won cincinnati red lost nation east phil adelphia philli lost pittsburgh pirat lost loui cardin lost york met won chicago cub won montreal expo won florida marlin lost american west won lost pct last s treak home road texa ranger lost california angel lost chicago white sox won min nesota twin won oakland athlet lost seattl marin lost kansa citi royal lost amer ican east boston red sox lost york yanke won detroit tiger won toronto blue jai lost cleveland indian won baltimor oriol won milwauke brewer lost yesterdai scor e idl team list alphabet order nation leagu american leagu york met chicago whit e sox cincinnati red boston red sox florida marlin california angel houston astr o baltimor oriol philadelphia philli kansa citi royal chicago cub minnesota twin colorado rocki seattl marin montreal expo detroit tiger pittsburgh pirat toront o blue jai lo angel dodger cleveland indian atlanta brave texa ranger san franci sco giant york yanke loui cardin oakland athlet ppd san diego padr milwauke brew er rain joseph hernandez ram laker jtchern ocf berkelei edu king dodger raider j tcent soda berkelei edu angel clipper jewish basebal player articl apr scott skidmor edu jrogo ff scott skidmor edu jai rogoff write book that you can find sale catalogu occas ion call jewish basebal star and basebal mavin peter bjarkman compil pretti defi nit list jewish ballplay big hadn sold copi jewish basebal star short shelf top toilet tank special write that book astonishingli aw sportswrit clich nth degre and mangl that funni rusinow author roger phill pirat hate burden bad new will thi time philli pla i eastern time for weekdai sundai time eastern time bois idaho idaho part mounta in time zone and part pacif time zone time that for mountain time zone start che ck map case wrong that bois mountain time zone for listen shep jewish broadcast jewish basebal player articl unix amher st edu ddsokol unix amherst edu daniel sokol write roger lustig roger crux princ eton edu wrote articl apr acad drake edu sbp acad drake edu write articl world s td eastgat world std mark bernstein write for that matter gentleman press box je wish jewish sportscast that come mind steve william had philli show kyw philadel phia howard cosel come mind gee len berman jewish steve stone wgn cub pitcher ov err jewish toni korhiez and shirli povich mauri dad washington post shirlei aliv wonder roger danni talk philli articl apr adob snichol adob sherri nichol w rite articl apr leland stanford edu eechen leland stanford edu emeri ethan chen write phrase for you you perhap time start rec sport basebal graffiti kiddi can yell taunt and insult each and leav rest peac sherri nichol snichol adob sherri agre you that kiddi sens spew obscen front group adult edit thi newsgroup and fe ed local elementari school group student that love basebal and learn us comput t ell you point that don even edit file anymor read and throw trash and you peopl that wonder includ swear word two your signatur file that nice read articl and t oss sig don wrong word you and even made wouldn edit thi doesn place public foru m spew foul languag you peopl that mind decent young peopl interest basebal and comput read thi newsgroup enjoi your articl phil score articl innfjg senat bedfellow mit edu cmk athena m it edu charl kozierok write articl apr new yale edu sean garrison write stuff up at in score delet that exact time messag even result game not hernandez post dai li stand and result dai suppos that compliment put wonder thi servic entir baseb al world usenet for east coast can final score for west coast game newspap late

newscast thi help fan countri receiv weekli score updat week request for thi kin d servic previous bb pai new servic mine free charg and copyright restrict you w ant send updat and score set privat mail list and us that rememb post final scor e and updat stand onc dai rec sport basebal newsgroup that privat mail peopl mai l list that branch into mail list for and list grow averag peopl dai peopl usene t don want post rec sport basebal daili basi respons overwhelm post won anymor f or your time joseph hernandez joseph hernandez ram laker jtchern ocf berkelei ed u king dodger raider jtcent soda berkelei edu angel clipper and america team articl kingoz camelot kingoz camelot br adlei edu orin roth write offici brave start win offici and receiv thi label tha t cabl can watch brave game team that game broadcast nationwid and you don your local team you don local team brave can kind becom your local team you can watch dai outta vladimir alan thi thi ic thi happen water get cold thi thi kent thi h appen peopl sexual frustrat val kilmer real geniu sandberg updat won long you ryno fan and interest todai chicago tribun had thi written todai regard ryne sandberg ryne sandberg ahead sc hedul recoveri broken left hand and back lineup manag jim lefebvr fridai doctor clear sandberg swing pad bat ball glove hand not surpris rehabilit move lefebvr fast healer and doesn disabl list run sinc hurt march and shape life target date for get back lineup hold your hat cub fan inform present jefferi score offici learn score watch ball game offici score me thod can scoresheet and instruct us mike hofstadt law take michael wilson longer you even you idoi crux cit cornel edu into account hofstadt law dougla hofstadt ryno correct made mistak post articl fight food poison f or last hour second paragraph state doctor clear sandberg swing pad bat ball tee and catch ball glove hand for error didn post jefferi defens averag shortstop articl steph pegasu uiuc edu ste ph pegasu uiuc edu dale stephenson write smith ozzi wizard second highest year g ood don number declin year year defens liabil that rich ozzi smith defens liabil brett roger addison leland stanford edu surgeri for hal morri and cjkuo symantec jimmi kuo quoth strike silli impos game suspens morri expect back june game plai june game june lot meaning suspens into effect number game back red plai man for dai jason lee jplee obo calpoli edu jlee cash busfac calpoli edu giant beauti equat mathemat magic for sad word tongu and pen saddest number john greenleaf whittier and america team kingoz camelot bradlei edu orin roth wr ite guess america love underdog year matter cub talent predict never close never win year lose mount america fallen love perenni loser cub fan chicago team worl dwid cub fan worldwid team divis combin aura excit surround cub begin season inc lud champ that etern hope admir spirit fan cub open year ago held sign that wait till year eric smith threaten presid eric netcom unit state you investig eric i nfoserv differ comedian unit state jerri seinfeld royal randal moos randal informix randal rhea write roya l dark void time plai shame descend land cold front canada humili live and live utterli and complet doom that guess lighten depress that finish last hasn happen sinc second season never mind that gubizca era gardner main recent acquisit lin d mcreynold jose averag david cone join met year ago hit suck and pitch collaps and won game home won game ten game last year and brian mcrae bat mendoza line r ich defens averag shortstop articl apr leland stanford edu a ddison leland stanford edu brett roger write articl steph pegasu uiuc edu steph pegasu uiuc edu dale stephenson write smith ozzi wizard second highest year good don number declin year year defens liabil that rich ozzi smith defens liabil no t brook robinson defens liabil and ted william weak hitter even great player dec lin ag valentin tribun time articl amb unix amherst edu ddsokol unix amh erst edu daniel sokol write pjtier ulkyvx louisvil edu wrote chicago tribun base bal coverag good york time daili coverag boxscor don tribun time daili coverag a nd boxscor special emphasi yanke and met bewar origin poster louisvil and chanc louisvil get edit nytim that print chicago for midwest thi edit boxscor mondai a

nd sundai and extrem skimpi sport section game summari color stori bradlei brock depart mathemat rose hulman institut technolog resist not evil love your enemi brock nextwork rose hulman edu nazaren carpent ozzi smith defens liabil articl apr leland stanford edu addison leland stanford edu brett roger write articl steph pegasu uiuc edu steph pegasu uiuc edu dale stephenson write smith ozzi wizard second highest year goo d don number declin year year defens liabil that rich ozzi smith defens liabil y ou expect remain shortstop game reach seventi birthdai such strang concept that forti year ozzi smith defens liabil ted frank thf kimbark uchicago edu card moop law school standard disclaim phill pirat mlb pit phi mondai pittsburg philadelphia tu esdai pittsburg philadelphia wednesdai pittsburg philadelphia fridai philadelphi a pittsburg saturdai philadelphia pittsburg sundai philadelphia pittsburg fridai pittsburg philadelphia saturdai pittsburg philadelphia sundai pittsburg philade lphia mondai philadelphia pittsburg tuesdai philadelphia pittsburg wednesdai phi ladelphia pittsburg thursdai philadelphia pittsburg time correct hr ahead usual tiem for two team origin that messag bois central time tiernei whoop meant mount ain time tiernei defens averag shortstop articl apr leland stanford edu a ddison leland stanford edu brett roger write articl steph pegasu uiuc edu steph pegasu uiuc edu dale stephenson write smith ozzi wizard second highest year good don number declin year year defens liabil that rich ozzi smith defens liabil yo u suppos immun ravag time year doesn grounder us and will fewer leg human rememb willi mai defens liabil end career ditto mickei mantl ditto plai into late roge r brett roger addison leland stanford edu score articl qplh agat berkelei edu jtchern ocf berkelei edu joseph hernandez write articl innfjg senat bedfellow mit edu cmk athena mit edu charl kozierok write articl apr new yale edu sean garrison write stuff upat in score delet that exact time messag even result game not hernandez post daili stand and result dai suppos that compliment put wonder meant compliment thi ser vic entir basebal world usenet for east coast can final score for west coast gam e newspap late newscast thi help fan countri receiv weekli score updat week requ est for thi kind servic previous bb pai new servic mine free charg and copyright restrict not critic your servic fact encourag us don person us and that point p ost for individu duplic hoc fashion you organ you want send updat and score set privat mail list and us that rememb post final score and updat stand onc dai rec sport basebal newsgroup that privat mail peopl mail list that branch into mail list for and list grow averag peopl dai person such great idea not that good wor k joseph charl and america team articl kingoz camelot kingoz camelot br adlei edu orin roth write offici brave start win offici and receiv thi label tea m repeat team that america team thi divers countri mlb team north and team that america team belong and happen team receiv thi monick success cowboi nation expo sur cub brave sprea abi success advertis campaign harri carai ted turner amd dup e peopl into think that repres team hip that peopl will watch and bui product ar rog local fan adapt monick and that team that america idol come dollar and ego t iernei kevin roger hpcc rec sport basebal pjtier ulkyvx louisvi l edu apr kevin roger san francisco thought slate starter relief appear starter for tiernei giant man rotat john burkett trevor wilson bill swift jeff brantlei and bud black dave burba black put dai disabl and dave burba will start mel hall heard mel hall thi season heard wasn yanke happ en doug dolven doug dolven warp montana edu gdd trex osc montana edu met rapist write book met talk rape girl game sick jerk max thi book bob klapisch spell worst team monei can bui wouldn give book whatso ev klapisch wrote book make monei and sensat literatur sell lot write for paper not call liar proof that met player had rape girl game alon regular basi jail no t shea for peopl not press york cut throat part keith hernandez espn coupl dai a go mention clubhous fight two run homer ninth win game not read klapisch new col umn regularli that accus instig that enjoi hopefulli for profession reason drumb

new stori even isn confront bobbi bonilla dai ago almost total blame bonilla ma tter member press and matter putrid individu that not give ballplay threaten jou rnalist person thought that beat writer that follow club report new not degrad t eam don whether blame klapisch that job york mel hall warp montana edu write heard mel hall thi seaso n heard wasn yanke happen doug dolven japan mel hall articl apr coe montana edu warp montana edu dou g dolven write heard mel hall thi season heard wasn yanke happen doug dolven dou g dolven warp montana edu gdd trex osc montana edu mel hall sign japanes team mi ke mike columbia edu brave pitch updatedir articl murdoch acc virginia edu da vid robert walker write articl blue ci pitt edu traven pitt edu neal traven writ e separ offens into bat and baserun split and give baserun credit that even give team roberto alomar and team john olerud ident bat stat wouldn that unreason an d even you don roberto steal singl base score lot olerud offens gordon wouldn gi ve baserun that effect clear effect olerud hit doubl runner will score alomar le g extra base hit gap runner hold olerud doubl advanc alomar alomar like score hi t doubl anoth reason not give extra baserun that run creat formula work for fast and slow team team ran team had faster player current run creat formula work fo r team bill jame senat exampl us harmon killebrew regularli pinch runner and sto le base time caught steal score slightli run predict run creat david grabin grab in zariski harvard edu number you dial imaginari rotat your phone degre and disc laim speak for and speak for dave kingman for hall fame articl mssc gqe netcom mss ne tcom mark singer write kingman fan thought point that player histori game joe ca rter eddi murrai mccovei and gehrig ruth mai foxx and dawson two each johnni miz e had six game current record bob holt rjh allegra att fenwai gif love shea stadium gif sean bag vin sculli score articl qplh agat berkelei edu jtchern ocf berkelei edu joseph hernandez wrote peopl usenet don want post rec sport basebal daili b asi respons overwhelm post won anymor for your time joseph hernandez hernandez a polog for misunderstand explain that that essenti for fan score for cannot probl em you post score game complet earlier don necess post score middl game come pra ctic sean time player articl apr lehigh edu jsr lehigh edu john st ephen randolph write articl apr bsu uc mbstultz leo bsuvc bsu edu write recent w ork project determin greatest player respect postion sourc total basebal jame hi stor abstract ballplay biographi word mouth and bias opinion feel free comment s uggest flame object statist data not inlcud for time convienc sake judg rel adj op total averag field rang run total player rate total basebal stolen base for c urios sake tpr and year plai mvp mike schmidt matthew eddi mathew georg brett wa de bogg ron santo brook robinson frank baker darrel evan pie traynor rai dandrid g can brook ahead ron santo small advantag field abil come make for larg differ hit averag season combin averag per game year rbi avg obp slg op santo robinson field per game year pct santo robinson even robinson extra putout assist and dp mean respons for out field that doesn make for extra out made plate not mention fewer total base differ op decreas account for wriglei differ consider thorn pal mer rate adjust adjust stolen field total product bat run base run run rate sant o robinson usual disclaim appli shouldn mark thi comparison field percentag carn ei lansford time dead last time sinc thi total rate compar player leagu averag r eplac level robinson award extra for plai game had great career prefer santo yea r replac level bman knock traynor list and replac stan hack that similar stori h ack hit outweigh traynor superior field graig nettl and buddi bell choic imho re cent net discuss support thi point view andr dawson shouldn that field bob holt rjh allegra att brave pitch updatedir grabin math harvard edu david grab in write articl murdoch acc virginia edu david robert walker write articl blue c i pitt edu traven pitt edu neal traven write separ offens into bat and baserun s plit and give baserun credit that even give team roberto alomar and team john ol erud ident bat stat wouldn that unreason and even you don roberto steal singl ba

se score lot olerud offens gordon wouldn give baserun that meant comment thi tim e baserun that import run creat wouldn accur run creat accur team level and lot baserun that account for remain percent greg hit stolen second base disclaim thi for fun computer bas ebal game track categori call stolen hit defin plai made that averag fielder not make averag effort defens averag post sherri nichol sherri figur defens stat fo r second basemen hit stolen redefin plai kurt stillwel not made realiz that unfa ir kurt victim pitch staff fluke shot and monster park factor put thi replac sec ond baseman kurt make abil extra hit and correl realiti calcul net hit stolen ba se number out made compar leagu averag fielder make method calcul net doubl plai and net extra base doubl and tripl final throw thi into formula call defens con tribut dcon basic repres defens contribut player add thi number op dop defens on bas slug repres player total contribut team don formula for dcon appear end thi articl short version definit term hit stolen extra out compar kurt stillwel nh n et hit stolen extra out compar averag fielder ndp net doubl plai extra doubl pla i turn compar avg fielder neb net extra base extra base prevent compar avg field er dcon defens contribut base and hit prevent rate dop dcon op quick dirti measu r player total contribut nation leagu name nh ndp neb dcon dop alicea sandberg t hompson lind doran deshield harri lemk morandini randolph biggio stillwel order dop sandberg alicea thompson deshield doran averag biggio harri randolph morandi ni lemk lind stillwel american leagu name nh ndp neb dcon dop fletcher reed ripk en baerga blankenship miller alomar knoblauch bordick kelli whitak reynold sax s ojo order dop baerga alomar fletcher whitak blankenship miller knoblauch reed bo rdick averag kelli ripken reynold sojo sax discuss dcon formula nh ndp nh ndp ne b such bizzar formula basic design ad into op idea that run prevent import run s core extra out factor into obp extra base remov factor into slg that us and divi sor for discuss post hit stolen base dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fana t consid good wise not overburden inform golden kimbal predict laugh steve novak write edward ted fischer write robert hite write dead wrong last time check jim fregosi manag philli and quit fine job you record basebal asshol confus didn flame you and you extend courtesi your problem hite post wasn flame correct your error that last steve novak sinc read entir origin post hite fischer restrain hite hope never make similar tini mistak steve novak ban bomb ban pope steven advtech uswest mel hall articl apr coe montana edu warp montana edu dou g dolven write heard mel hall thi season heard wasn yanke happen doug dolven mel aliv and and plai japan yank ask for monei and thought that barri bond make hal l obsolet oopsi neill replac mel man outta vladimir alan scene real geniu val ki lmer pick gorgeou blond val can for you point you you blond can you hammer six i nch spike board your peni val not blond girl gotta standard walk jack morri todai april jack morri lost start jai and inj ur dave stuart thi credit rest pitch staff jack lost bit edg worst start jack mo rri had dodger straight pirat articl qqob innqev mizar usc edu p caster mizar usc edu dodger write davi and strawberri attribut turn around reggi smith dodger bat coach flew florida dai ago and gave pep talk and instruct davi yesterdai and had coupl hit todai strawberri had two hit yesterdai and had two todai two home run foolish and thought had fact that hit wakefield had kncukl ba ll that dai and otto stuff reggi gave pep talk and instruct rest lineup suddenli aliv two game beastmast mark singer mss netcom offici rule basebal isbn copi offici rule basebal onc is bn number sinc lost can give thi inform can find book local bookstor walk home s chool and watch jack mckinnei men build hous and gui ham jmckinnei tamu edu mere roof call paranoid weirdo mors code thi space emo philip for rent doug robert ken hill for mvp spo jewish basebal player articl apr princeton edu roger ast ro princeton edu roger lustig write articl apr husc harvard edu fry zariski harv ard edu david fry write onc jeopardi categori jewish sport hero not answer thi p itcher had hitter dodger contest hank aaron alex trebek don hank aaron pitcher j ewish name roger that rememb hank greenberg mel hall articl apr coe montana edu warp montana edu dou g dolven write heard mel hall thi season heard wasn yanke happen japan plai base bal tom gwitt gwittt alleg edu sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri articl jqby new ri ch bnr bratt crchh nosubdomain nodomain john bratt write rbi and run score two i mport offens statist you can talk obp and slg you want fact remain team that sco re run win game flame john bratt you ask for guess that doesn bode for cub doug robert will trade frank bolick for bag us basebal expo and america team kingoz camelot bradlei edu orin roth wr ite offici brave start win offici and receiv thi label unoff doubt america team cub guess america love underdog year matter cub talent predict never close never win year lose mount america fallen love perenni loser cub fan chicago team worl dwid cub fan worldwid team divis combin aura excit surround cub begin season inc lud champ that etern hope thi year talent good start pitch hit strong point time that inevit that cub will eventu win god sinc long come time anoth year final w in and start win consist cub will remain america lovabl underdog cub america tea m orin bradlei defenit underdog team that talent and come contend met and oriol prime exampl not cub root for cub feel for basic dog pirat todai great exampl un derdog rocki and marlin compet will underdog north star trip stanlei cup final g ood exampl underdog journei cub good team thi year and plai weak divis america t eam jester disguis chintan amin univers illinoi urbanachampaign mail llama uiuc edu neil peart quick judg quick anger slow understand ignor and prejudic and fea r walk hand hand tiger pound marin pali footbal basebal detroit saturdai school peopl footbal two game thi week tiger score run offens can carri hope pit ch will hold camden yard yesterdai everytim look score get higher great site tig er kick butt enjoi game camden yard tiger and toni phillip scott erickson scoop scot erickson long for and america team cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc wri te defenit underdog team that talent and come contend met and oriol prime exampl not cub virtual imposs win divis talent game amend your definit underdog team e xpect lose win underestim talent dave bosox win team record todai frank viola and rest pitcher staff boston red sox shutout chicago white sox red sox win thi season red sox w on game roger and frank pitch and starter pitch tomorrow dopson will pitch good start and rocki second start that bosox can plai ball roger and frank jewish basebal player dave kingman jewish bob comarow ei sner decu org and america team previou articl steinman utoronto david steinman cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write defenit underdog team that ta lent and come contend met and oriol prime exampl not cub virtual imposs win divi s talent game amend your definit underdog team expect lose win underestim talent dave met and good exampl red you that expect sweep peopl didn even win game alo n win seri prove wrong didn for thi year ignor record had rocki start and that n oth colorado rise hunt for red octob continu due respect wlw bye michelson sprin g olymp champion road ralli leg race rope pull snarf penni war banner spirit che er michelson menac ride don you love that intens nationalist feel resid hall note jai indian seri articl hpcv andi bgsu edu klopfen a ndi bgsu edu bruce klopfenstein write cmk athena mit edu charl kozierok write ar ticl apr csd newshost stanford edu nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write guess lin e obp slg love alomar fan left rbi thi list give break delai interest fair stat elia obp slg rbi rni out alomar baerga that baerga larg advantag rbi run bat rni runner not driven and out john rickert rickert nextwork rose hulman edu basebal spread read bet spread for basebal tend mean not run david rex wood davewood colorado edu univers colorado boulder rocki relief onc rocki bullpen fell apart andi ashbi pit ch six somewhat shaki in give run game dread relief picther combin give run each in and blew save opportun final expo despit problem pen rocki team that wont li ghtli into todai game had leagu lead hitter and rbi man galarraga two leader sto len base young and cole and increasingli strong start pitch david rex wood davew

ood colorado edu univers colorado boulder rocki relief articl apr colorado edu davewood bruno colo rado edu david rex wood write shaki in give run game dread relief picther combin give run each in lightli into todai game had leagu lead geez can type david rex wood davewood colorado edu univers colorado boulder basebal spread articl apr colorado edu davewood bruno co lorado edu david rex wood write read bet spread for basebal tend mean not run th at spread mean you bet underdog win favorit win charl bosox win team record articl jxu black clarku edu jxu bl ack clarku edu dark wing duck write todai frank viola and rest pitcher staff bos ton red sox shutout chicago white sox red sox win thi season red sox won game ro ger and frank pitch and starter pitch tomorrow dopson will pitch good start and rocki second start that bosox can plai ball roger and frank long yanke divis red sox will plai basebal red sox can hire east german swim coach train fine art bo di build red sox can us chines women swimmer refer hawk red sox chanc for east t hi year bring class work ethic and leadership park each dai and burn desir plai world seri futur hall famer andr dawson will kick butt boston rocki countri anth oni jivoin nation center for atmospher research rsf atd box boulder royal articl spork camelot spork camelot bradlei edu ric hard izzo write dark delet lighten depress that finish last hasn happen sinc sec ond season nope royal team major that not finish last place thi doesn includ mar lin and rocki good chanc finish last rich jack morri previou articl tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer articl cinnpel skeena uc ubc stloui unixg ubc phill loui write jack morr i start playoff start era start luck era lucki win last year had era team that s core lot run happi pitch era suffer total callaps bad pitcher prone thi total co llaps good pitcher closer chasm mediocr smallest push and complet lose grip good can collaps somewhat come back year burleigh grime win and era and era pitch fo r year carlton won and lost year record sourc bill jame histor basebal abstract and not forget john tudor start and finish had pretti bad era you busch stadium into account start season gave earli run game and stronger game give run last st ai game and get win pitch in yup us dig hole togeth and stick run support eventu thi year hasn togeth recal had era half and era half last year hmmm run in supp os start game and wind in pitch run game in era end year total thi hard come bac k jack finish time retir releas not return form last year million contract aw lo t eat hunch that morri gutsi and that pitch injuri and not tell guess that will banish bullpen remaind season start perhap stewart come will danni cox scoreless in tribe todai start for morri good gaston scrambl find starter imagin luckili jai good offens don dare releas end year replac stewart cox doug fowler dxf cwru edu ag mommi and daddi casei rel give lot hug love miss strike poem support hea ven great ran and made big hug that last forev and red snap game lose streak redreport kevin mitchel sacrif ic fly eighth brett saberhagen plate pitch runner cesar hernandez give red come victori york hernandez ran for pinch hitter cecil espi in start solid singl move second bob kelli infield sneaker base line and jeff branson bunt rare show exce l execut recent hapless red offens cincinnati trail starter tim pugh blink had h it in fourth in lead doubl vinc coleman coleman left strand bobbi bonilla joe or selak pop short orselak pinch hit for eddi murrai argu plate umpir kellogg insid strike draw line that murrai and manag jeff torborg end get toss met start howa rd johnson pitch homer pugh slightli shaken pop pitch jeff kent singl ryan thomp son liner left surpris misplai mitchel and turn into rbi tripl catcher hundlei g rounder drawn branson fail bring thompson plai game occur saberhagen due red pit ch coach larri rothschild met infield discuss possibl suicid squeez call perfect li thompson hung dry pugh pitch pitch and threat end isn nation leagu great red pick run seventh knot game barri larkin ground mitchel chri sabo and randi milli gan back back back singl score mitchel reggi sander plate sabo long fly center d oubl oliv score runner dan wilson base coach dave bristol threw stop sign late w ilson hung dry kill red ralli rob dibbl ninth and pitch shakili two out and runn er second bonilla plate and sundai game late august last year bonilla run dinger slap loss dibbl and spell begin end for cinci season bonilla end walk and hojo

fli left give red win week and earn dibbl save opportun win steve foster ego boo st two perfect in work strike saberhagen loss bit surpris even pitch eighth red worst team basebal royal victori todai met line york met coleman fernandez murra i orselak bonilla johnson kent thompson hundlei saberhagen total johnson pugh le ad pitch thompson pugh rbi pick coleman pugh fourth strand rbi johnson thompson cincinnati red kelli branson larkin mitchel dibbl sabo milligan wilson sander ol iv pugh robert foster espi hernandez total oliv strand seventh doubl wilson run oliv saberhagen runner strand rbi milligan sander and mitchel sac branson sander and mitchel ibb larkin gdp larkin york cincinnati pitch york saberhagen cincinn ati pugh foster dibbl wilson eject murrai torborg ump kellogg relliford rung dem uth attend come red travel pittsburgh for continu into chicago for game tuesdai expect pitch belcher tomlin rstimet dimension team royal final run total previou articl swed a css itd umich edu sean sweda thi for quit time absent net for figur stick neck bit royal will set record for fewest run score team sinc incept rule idea thi w ill fall easili short run that for damn can media fool pick win divis tom gage d etroit new claim herk robinson kind geniu for trade aquisit made you thing dodge r true cone good drysdal and koufax team win home run leader had bad total lot l ow score game etc and didn us reliev jeff montgomeri super season for that pick superb pitch team can win hit chanc that team tremend hit pitch you peopl team j ohnson koufax prime seaver carlton and young real order starter sutter finger an d lyle bullpen puni offens assum good defens mazeroski maranvil etc team poor pi tch offens cobb carew ruth gehrig mai schmidt wagner and bench you pick order po stul that pitch game season end even hitter can succe time year great pitcher ca n throw lot shutout take player prime throw shutout year and offens run across s tratomat plug such time team into regular season plai and report result love tha t doug fowler dxf cwru edu ag mommi and daddi casei rel give lot hug love miss s trike poem support heaven great ran and made big hug that last forev and earli bbddd return articl apr new brandei edu pip brande i edu adam levin write curiou start standout earli season ddd thi year concern f an ddd hope produc updat ddd thi week send info signific longest critic etc home run that you thi season vinc and america team articl kingoz camelot kingoz camelot br adlei edu orin roth write offici brave start win offici and receiv thi label uno ff doubt america team cub orin bradlei jester disguis survei that show that amer ica favorit team damn yanke for underdog love obbasebal trivia cardin seri yank lose record spring train game not count shannon montreal question posit mike lans plai cannot find anywh er keith mullin ooo ooo internet plymouth take big man cry mullin plymouth edu detroit tiger roar michigan and trumbul loader thi year mike illitch head and erni harwel back booth tiger bat will bang thi summer scor e run two game and fielder tettleton and deer can win divis pitch bull gulli moo r well and krueger make decent staff that will team into game henneman close wat ch boston toronto and baltimor motor citi kitti back homer game and padr note wonder hold record for homer ga me ina career answer johnni mize career card and yank hit time almost thi case w onder record for two homer game held babe ruth and mize record not last for long er juan gonzalez game and that had two last year and rooki don record book colle g for check wrong padr follow especi access local new don lo angel and can mcpap er consist comment san diego two deal that brought bell and plantier padr forc t eam us darrel shermann plantier injur hit power lower averag bell finish and hr essenti jerald clark number leadoff comment craig shiplei base time lucki leadof f hell usual starter us gwynn steal shiplei start injuri stillwel haven stillwel name box score you us shermann leadoff us gwynn lesat get base and thi year ste al base sheffield comment season earli and stat mean noth wit phillip bat sheffi eld injuri anythingels wrong don hear andi bene pitch second half thi flash prom is that throw evrei and pitch two good game score for todai sundai april padr lo ui padr sweep cardin gwynn for homer sheffield and tueful homer win for listen r ead comment kelli keach kkeach pomona claremont edu and america team articl gui utoronto steinman utoronto d

avid steinman write cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write defenit underdog t eam that talent and come contend met and oriol prime exampl not cub virtual impo ss win divis talent game player quit win manageri talent blue jai david david sh apiro peopl can call monkei felt shapiro david yale edu had piano back winter lo ng shapiro minerva ci yale edu piano back trombon will stan belinda request for stat individu stat can find montreal question articl apr plymouth edu mullin plymout h edu mulli write posit mike lans plai cannot find anywher plai deshield shift d elino back and todai plai for cold wil cordero natur posit middl infield will se emingli find spot for himm long bat hot tiernei detroit tiger david vergolini write roar michigan and tr umbul loader thi year mike illitch head and erni harwel back booth tiger bat wil l bang thi summer score run two game and fielder tettleton and deer can win divi s pitch bull gulli moor well and krueger make decent staff that will team into g ame yeah tiger can score run game read thi woof correctli midseason slump pull t hi team content yogi david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap ar t come tape thi time for real mail for detroit tiger articl msuinfo msu edu vergolin euler lb m su edu david vergolini write roar michigan and trumbul loader thi year mike illi tch head and erni harwel back booth tiger bat will bang thi summer score run two game and fielder tettleton and deer can win divis pitch bull gulli moor well an d krueger make decent staff that will team into game henneman close watch boston toronto and baltimor motor citi kitti back nice woof meow and tigger fun excit team that pai last year thi year offens essenti and pitch essenti you will sudde nli improv win game will requir win east chang that don rememb win worth stand w in charl jack morri articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edwa rd ted fischer write articl apr mnemosyn edu gspira nyx edu greg spira write how ard wong mindlink howard wong write jack lost bit edg worst start jack morri had jack lost edg year ago and had averag year last prove that good lucki you can c ount good tomorrow lucki prone bad start and bad finish last year enjoi last run morri sign viola cheer valentin hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger damn morri and hall fame futur toronto easili made sign and don boston will win thi year won even top divis shawn and america team articl new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiu c edu oriolefan uiuc write defenit underdog team that talent and come contend me t and oriol prime exampl don you can call team tom seaver jerri koosman and nola n ryan pitch staff team that talent come improv forseeabl greg and america team qsk dck usenet in cwru edu jdl cwru edu justin low write previou articl steinman utoronto david steinman cka uxa cso ui uc edu oriolefan uiuc write defenit underdog team that talent and come contend m et and oriol prime exampl not cub virtual imposs win divis talent game amend you r definit underdog team expect lose win underestim talent dave met and good exam pl red you that expect sweep peopl didn even win game alon win seri peopl silli team that get world seri can win world seri and expect sweep crazi you put team basebal seri worst team basebal worst team win game time and win seri odd greg zane rescu simmon simmon total idiot zane smith learn sw itchpitch and return zane smith pitch hand moeller pitch simmon readi told you o tto had impress win last week otto latest debacl restor simmon reput back form h ad highest era starter sake not ted sake hope pitch era for rest season yeah tom lin and merc bit disappoint decent consider amount talent and matur shown season bit wors tomlin almost unhitt rooki year lefti batter merc had good oba rooki y ear show lot concentr plate rooki year walk lose end tonight that walk desrv con tract leyland accept part blame for lavallier situat can understand and manag fe ar lose tom princ waiver even us aright hander slaught not smart platoon blame l eyland thi case sinc hcurrent convinc that lavallier give time last year regular season and playoff slaught plai game good averag hand pitch didn leyland and si mmon forse thi last year and attempt trade lavallier last year fool lavallier wa sn fit last year denni moeller scari candeleria not such high era end season wil l rang million come customari home run give stage patterson for week patterson s

erv pirat each year pitch for ranger pirat spent monei patterson stead rooki bat ter young surpris bit instant impact that excel perform hasn surpris doughti for that rooki pitcher wors expect cook slaught come wasn contract extens last year increas immens lonni smith eric davi sign for compar amount eric can hit can ru n can field didnt pirat eric davi injur davi healthi lonni smith even lonnni smi th get big hit thi year won asset look terribl base and field manag big big saue r make forc agreement favor revenu share concern pleas that idiot danforth prepa r team for move tampa bai alex cole fiasco pirat infield and posit good and look good cole replac two outfield eric davi van slyke and cole made respect outfiel d even eric davi thye pirat respect outfield cole svan slyke and merc hit left h and left stead switch hit simmon option for outfield iron biggest accomplish sim mon tenur get alex cole cheap bad compensatori draft pick for bond forget pirat can rant and rave will not pick issu appeal thi doesnt convinc that simmon and s auer idiot noth will final note tim wakefield won aw last start don count pitch last year for rest season pirat content rthe end season will miss redu clutch hi t and speed peak second half last season pravin ratnam torr worst manag articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech ed u brian landmann write ninth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alicea hitter power pinch hitter helll think memori serv al icea hit and damn ti game torr player you ballyard brave chop chop michael mule michael andr mule georgia institut technolog atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar p urdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu jack morri apr newshub ariel yorku ariel yorku shawn lud dington write hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger damn morri and hall fame futur toronto easili made sign and don boston will win thi year won even t op divis yeah valentin ring clemen nothin good fashion canadian logic btw good t hing can jai rotat thi year that wors stewart stai healthi cordial maynard ramse i laurentian moron and time militello updat hei you yanke fan knock predict baltimor you flood mailbox cri militello good militello good notic skip that strong out not chanc columbu don you reli thi gui fourth not fourth starter thi brittl pitc h staff for earli ballyard brave chop chop michael mule michael andr mule georgi a institut technolog atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu met rapist todd karlin write not read klapisch new colum n regularli that accus instig that enjoi hopefulli for profession reason drumb n ew stori even isn confront bobbi bonilla dai ago almost total blame bonilla matt er member press and matter putrid individu that not give ballplay threaten journ alist bonilla wasn threaten want give dollar tour david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come tape thi time for real mail for jack morri articl apr newshub ariel yorku ariel yorku sh awn luddington write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write articl apr mnemosyn edu gspira nyx edu greg spira write howard wong mindl ink howard wong write jack lost bit edg worst start jack morri had jack lost edg year ago and had averag year last prove that good lucki you can count good tomo rrow lucki prone bad start and bad finish last year enjoi last run morri sign vi ola hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger oooooo cheap shot damn morri and hall fame futur care had two toronto and jai had sign viola morri frank won and ring and thi year toronto easili made sign your logic curiou and spuriou rea son that viola wouldn won game had sign toronto you compar stupid record compar team offens averag morri viola sweepstak year basic hindsight plenti reason appa r that viola pitcher base previou recent year and base ag frank almost year youn ger knew that peopl caught world seri and morri win last year win stupidest misl ead statist basebal wors rbi that won mean that jai lot run valid retort valenti n weren red sox morri viola choic expect and don boston will win thi year won ev en top divis thi true won for lack contribut viola care charl montreal question articl apr plymouth edu mullin plymout h edu mulli write posit mike lans plai cannot find anywher keith mullin ooo ooo internet plymouth take big man cry mullin plymouth edu plai and heard can plai s hort shawn zane rescu simmon last messag wrote manag big big sauer make forc agreement favor revenu share meant argument agreement add cooupl ted p osit achiev smilei trade good for pirat ted neagl cum pretti good cole trade exc el simmon botch thi year draft for pirat lost high pick bond fiasco give prove t hat simmon not total idiot twin game twin game broadcast good ol am iowa bob knepper damn don you gui mean mon heck women even th ink get into basebal problem lisa olson rememb that feisti report that enter eng land patriot locker room start cry girl don women belong man sport you smart gui flame for thi exampl footbal care appli male sport can women umpir jeez pam pos tema woman face earth think great that get opportun ump you even watch game and had greater that roast beef you that not good aaa umpir worri crack fingernail f oul tip wade bogg bat jose oquendo bat complic austin jacob bob knepper fan club member attent syracus richmond two conflict report pitcher that jai farm system brave name bill taylor pick jai had offer back brave send syrac us chief report that brave back and assign richmond that chief roster score sean garrison write alright thing don thought thi newsgroup place for discuss peopl constantli post messag team win in mean come p eopl depend thi newsgroup that find score mid game cmk athena mit edu charl kozi erok write amen hear brother timestamp post you read propag delai signific hour even dai and even peopl access machin close poster network week april todai and finish read post cleveland indian boat tragedi needless don want read partial li nescor game plai week ago charl mention exclud quot join mail list you want woof enter in score woof you plug and read rest post spring train jim savoi univers lethbridg savoi uleth sigless and bibl black bob knepper damn articl apr new yale edu austin jacob wr ite don you gui mean mon heck women even think get into basebal problem lisa ols on rememb that feisti report that enter england patriot locker room start cry gi rl don women belong man sport you smart gui flame for thi exampl footbal care ap pli male sport can women umpir jeez pam postema woman face earth think great tha t get opportun ump you even watch game and had greater that roast beef you that not good aaa umpir worri crack fingernail foul tip wade bogg bat jose oquendo ba t complic austin jacob bob knepper fan club member hidden david rex wood davewoo d colorado edu univers colorado boulder zane rescu simmon articl sfovx mium andrew cmu edu mamat ha devineni ratnam andrew cmu edu write simmon total idiot leyland accept part b lame for lavallier situat can understand and manag fear lose tom princ waiver ev en us aright hander slaught not smart platoon blame leyland thi case sinc hcurre nt convinc that lavallier give time last year regular season and playoff slaught plai game good averag hand pitch didn leyland and simmon forse thi last year an d attempt trade lavallier last year fool lavallier wasn fit last year thi bigges t load bunk pirat trade lavallier for time even vagu interest team had made that grab princ option lavallier releas had noth releas event injuri slaught lavalli er longer capabl everydai catcher sinc slaught good righti lefti offens improv t hi move tobi militello updat articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech edu michael andr mule write hei you yanke fan knock predict baltimor you flood mail box cri militello good militello good notic skip that strong out good mussina su tcliff and mcdonald not chanc columbu bullpen steinbrenn charg don you reli thi gui fourth not fourth starter thi brittl pitch staff talent starter and evetu ac higher rank and gener prospect arthur rhode happen hei oriol starter for earli for militello earli tobi elliott sam you millitello listen sammi can you explain buck pit ch you relief yesterdai figur thi you jason miller doctor gui bam bam made good thread retir bonilla articl apr organpip uug arizona edu krueger heli um ga uug arizona edu theodor krueger wrote isn funni that white person call com eon nigger and get ban for year black person call faggot and consequ ted ted you miss vital point roger lustig point previou respons reason schott ban basebal h

ad call and racial bias manner constant basi such thought affect hire practic bo nilla hand found mention thi word singl time had critic homosexu stori athlet do esn hire schott had dave pallon umpir admit homosexu decid assist protest met ga me shea you think that bonilla suspend basebal pallon hope for year suspens opin ion that downright ludicr howi rose wfan you start suspend athlet mention deroga tori word even singl time condit you peopl remain plai game honestli you analyz differ two case that you bring your articl that you reconsid your thought sean b ag vin sculli jack morri articl apr newshub ariel yorku ariel yorku sh awn luddington write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write articl apr mnemosyn edu gspira nyx edu greg spira write howard wong mindl ink howard wong write jack lost bit edg worst start jack morri had jack lost edg year ago and had averag year last prove that good lucki you can count good tomo rrow lucki prone bad start and bad finish last year enjoi last run morri sign vi ola cheer valentin hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger damn morri and hall fame futur toronto easili made sign and don boston will win thi year won e ven top divis shawn gee never knew valentin made comment viola sign boston gonna bring world seri titl boston don valentin boston will win thi year boi talk sen sit insecur toronto fan case viola made sign viola younger and left hand left ha nd starter toronto mike mike columbia edu jewish basebal player articl apr asd scott asd scott bar man wasn ron bloomberg yanke base hit design hitter jewish idea care point that blomberg plate appear design hitter and walk design hitter not not that hit desi gn hitter bob vesterman jewish basebal player articl world std eastgat world std mark bernstein remind serv kosher hot dog comiskei yup onion thing bob vesterma n juggl dodger articl mssc netcom mss netcom mark singer l asorda juggl lineup pirat fridai night and result conclud that will stick for bu tler reclaim leadoff spot for season davi speed into plai for last night piazza kid strawberri primadonna insist bat cleanup you thi lasorda game lineup bat str awman fourth primadonna insist bat cleanup thi true note that don lasorda fire f or two reason publicli humili player knuckl player wish that like explan that la sorda want strawberri bat fourth and that you hate strawberri bob vesterman talk philli articl apr mgweed mgwhiz att prg mgweed mgwh iz att phil gunsul edit thi newsgroup and feed local elementari school group stu dent that love basebal and learn us comput tell you point that don even edit fil e anymor read and throw trash and you peopl that wonder includ swear word two yo ur signatur file that nice read articl and toss sig duh not chop sig bob vesterm an hei kid pictur dead presid your parent wallet and mail bob vesterman dept mat hemat univers notr dame notr dame indiana mlb nba articl apr new yale edu sean garrison that playe r salari get hand point that pace becom sever detriment basebal futur you want d ecreas player salari you want increas owner salari two equival bob vesterman usa mcweekli stat articl franjion spot colorado edu fran jion spot colorado edu john franjion impress read thi group and bill jame that e lia bunch monei grub jerk mission charg can for basebal statist info and bill ja me not yeah you bill jame player rate book bob vesterman bosox win team record articl apr ncar ucar edu amj rsf a td ucar edu anthoni michael jivoin hawk red sox chanc for east thi year bring cl ass work ethic and leadership park each dai bad doesn bring abil hit pitch field run bob vesterman talk philli philli salvag weekend seri chicago cub beat wild wriglei field sundai afternoon phil win game seri and time philli lost seri young season phil jump lead game john kruk run homer and two we chamberlain hom er danni jackson and philli middl relief unabl hold lead mitch william enter gam e philli lead candi maldonado hit ninth in homerun tie dave hollin hit run shot year push phil ahead stai shaki bottom cub score run and had ty runner base cub pinch hit randi myer for bob scanlan posit player and myer bunt into doubl plai end game phil bring leagu lead record back action tuesdai wednesdai and thursdai

padr jack morri michael chen mike cunixf columbia edu wrote c ase viola made sign viola younger and left hand left hand starter toronto agre t hat viola sign that you want lefthand starter understand lefthand spot reliev ev en face righthand batter lefthand batter don understand peopl insist lefthand st arter park effect yanke stadium batter mlb righthand righthand starter will plat oon advantag lefthand starter guess argument for lefti starter that team vulner lhp rhp thi factor postseason team seldom juggl starter for thi reason regular s eason you want starter you can whether lefti righti lefthand starter tend higher era righthand starter precis manag start inferior lefti perhap platoon advantag miss craig jack morri articl apr newshub ariel yorku ariel yorku sh awn luddington write hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger yah damn mor ri and hall fame futur didn earn last game blow world seri start toronto easili made sign morri clemen don give that shit boston had alomar olerud henk and ward toronto had rivera jack clark jeff reardon thing look last fall give credit cre dit due thi lavish prais morri make sick and don boston will win thi year won ev en top divis will bet don finish sixth will bet don finish and you give odd will bet that finish ahead blue jai valentin jack morri articl ooinn senat bedfellow mit edu cmk athe na mit edu charl kozierok write valid retort valentin weren red sox morri viola choic expect lou want morri idiot give man million plai give year load uzi safet i question shot will wise and don boston will win thi year won even top divis th i true won for lack contribut viola care don peopl expect boston finish sixth bo ttom team last year essenti ti boston seventh place had win yanke and indian ti for fourth place had win obviou that red sox improv indian tiger basic red sox s tronger thi year and healthier start pitcher and reliev reason shouldn win game meanwhil indian shambl and tiger pitch will win blowout will lose aw lot game so x will plai poorli win game and finish fourth place like cheer valentin militello updat articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech edu michael andr mule write hei you yanke fan knock predict baltimor game oriol won you flood mailbox cri militello good militello good will notic skip that strong out not chanc columbu don you reli thi gui fourth not fourth starter thi brittl pitch staff room for rotat kei impress april abbott pitch perez back wickman pi tch into rotat and hold spot outstand perform last time and kamieniecki isn poor li yanke find starter militello will anoth chanc wait line valentin bob knepper damn suck into thi articl apr new yale edu a ustin jacob write don you gui mean mon heck women even think get into basebal pr oblem assum you guess you surpris hear that gui don guess that tini fraction fol k read your post agre kind doubt that even you agre not your point time not base bal repli thi you brought pam postema aaa umpir su su basebal ground sex discrim in wasn promot major jeez pam postema woman face earth think great that get oppo rtun ump you even watch game and had greater that roast beef you that not good a aa umpir never ump game hand experi abil umpir talk show and point that can call ball and strike umpir and rulebook that miss point and that see role umpir game wouldn promot umpir primari role noth call baserunn safe hell joe lundi that pr imari function maintain order game game move and player kill each umpir extrem t ough peopl that disqualifi men and women and postema think that deserv major lea gu umpir command rulebook that disqualifi umpir command game command rulebook se condari dave eisen succe world not dkeisen leland stanford edu stupid you sequoi a peripher manner voltair home montreal question articl apr plymouth edu mullin plymout h edu mulli write posit mike lans plai cannot find anywher shortstop train secon d and thi year for expo dave demer demer ucsd edu comput scienc engin demer ucsd bitnet san diego ucsd demer jolla fax talk philli articl rvesterm vma edu rvesterm vma edu wri te articl apr mgweed mgwhiz att prg mgweed mgwhiz att phil gunsul hei kid pictur dead presid your parent wallet and mail bob vesterman and send shift kei dave d emer demer ucsd edu comput scienc engin demer ucsd bitnet san diego ucsd demer j olla fax zane rescu simmon mamatha devineni ratnam andrew cmu edu write simmon total idiot you game into season wait bit call name simmon readi t old you otto had impress win last week otto latest debacl restor simmon reput ba ck form had highest era starter sake not ted sake hope pitch era for rest season yeah expect that dave otto will bad pitcher and idea simmon want hand expect re leas otto doesn turn thing pretti fast btw otto game score for that stinker poin t problem method sinc otto perform infinit bad and excruciatingli prolong tomlin and merc bit disappoint decent consider amount talent and matur shown season bi t wors merc rooki year bit flukei aren you will give bat and tomlin start act gl oomi walk lose end tonight that walk desrv contract didn walk time bomb stuff wh atsoev and leagu final realiz thi won pretti rooki batter young surpris bit inst ant impact that excel perform hasn surpris doughti for that don fast doughti gui sign steve buechel move that threaten buri kevin young minor meanwhil not wheth er doughti simmon sign martin six year free agent season rooki pitcher wors expe ct cook twice rotat and you yike slaught come wasn contract extens last year inc reas immens ag basebal term half life year injuri prone catcher can longer year lonni smith eric davi sign for compar amount want dodger and felt had prove disa str don chanc for buc sign eric can hit can run can field didnt pirat eric davi injur davi healthi lonni smith wasn last year even lonnni smith get big hit thi year won asset look terribl base and field hei that skate smith packag deal acqu ir lonni for defens base run thi stage real weirdo manag big big sauer make forc argument favor revenu share concern pleas that idiot danforth prepar team for m ove tampa bai that goal team ownership don sauer get for make boss happi don has n revenu share can comment alex cole fiasco stuff delet iron biggest accomplish simmon tenur get alex cole cheap bad that gave expans draft annoi sinc leyland p ush for retain jeff king unavoid meanwhil bigger accomplish simmon tenur get for john smilei not trade real prospect for veteran stretch last year draft let roo ki show folei smith and candelaria acquir replac part mean that even fail hasn d amag buc futur compensatori draft pick for bond forget pirat can rant and rave w ill not pick issu appeal thi mean that buc lost initi arbitr case never heard ou tcom thi will final verdict thi thi doesnt convinc that simmon and sauer idiot n oth will not idiot thi case don blame doug danforth fact suspect doug danforth s hown willing call shot exactli moment gun point feet btw wonder whether latest p ost get site imperson cum can thi drop short note jking dodger question dodger shop harri team quest for left ha nd pitch taker person harri defens liabil and led team past year for hit into do ubl plai leader sharperson show last year that chanc plai dai can job sharpi pla i base dai improv defens wallach help tremend defens reed improv defens quit not ic and effect pitch staff astacio and martinez bail recent start great defens pl ai martinez pitch into ninth game that lift past year astacio last in dai simila r circumst dodger turn doubl plai and keep ball infield last year and piazza gre at defens thrown batter steal and pick wallach contribut improv defens offens aw and cost dodger run don bad current averag suspect will come thi slump davi and straw come dodger articl issbtl byuvm bitnet issbtl byuvm bitnet write mak e awar that win west atlanta brave not lead wire wire game houston astro percent ag point ahead unbeat brave and deserv for reason salvag honor west suppos stron gest divis basebal lost east yesterdai astro prevail will stretch farm anim natu r length paula koufax paul andresen hewlett packard home mckinlei corval sabr me mber sinc expand strike zone surfeit offens articl new duke edu fi erkelab bchm biochem duke edu eric roush write articl apr cornel edu tedward cor nel edu edward ted fischer write won for anoth coupl week homerif season ump squ eez strike zone watch brave tb that strike zone expand thi season specif appear that strike zone move belt yeah announc comment that percept strike zone hasn cl imb letter wai letter percept judg red pitcher perform appear that zone squeez s ize grape dougla ritter dougr meaddata life short ride hard uunet meaddata dougr found secret articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu ed ward ted fischer write red sox place game into season two win each clemen and vi ola clemen start tonight dai rest huh clemen pitch last saturdai give usual dai

rest sox man rotat thi hesketh us relief last night brian curran mead data centr al brian meaddata didn ask catch temperatur below ag carlton fisk chicago white sox catcher plai degre april ball game pleasant yanke surpris articl apr sarah albani edu albny vm bitnet write articl netnew upenn edu sepinw mail sa upenn edu alan sepinwal w rite spike owen hit crazi gui cannot field save life and brought provid defens v elard stankiewicz and even silvestri defens owen rememb earli for offens tail an d defens improv hopefulli that rep heard that last year last year that highest f ield percentag major leagu shortstop and toni not gonna thi met team fernandez a gre that not look that impress field owen error that underrepres harm field owen will cleanli plai ball reach will fine field percentag problem that doesn reach that isn hit straight thi wouldn quit obviou problem plai kelli gruber robin ve ntura baseman for yanke wade bogg move across diamond last year game abbott star t ball hit left side stop qualiti defens player charg hit abbott cheer valentin brave pitch updatedir articl apr acad drake edu sbp acad drake edu write second starter that qualiti pitcher mound team score run team t hat score run win thi put team pitch advantag provid can stop oppos team score r un low score game benefit brave not clear team win game game game luck plai bigg er role game sherri nichol snichol adob expand strike zone surfeit offens jrogoff scott skidmor edu jai rogoff write impress watch met rocki that umpir call strike belt not let ter nice thi case ump weekend boxscor knew pitcher need watch sunris mike timlin timlin spot colorado edu billi taylor brave jai billi taylor richmond syracus jai rule draft not roster basebal weekli that demot syracus toronto paper that brav e back atlanta fan read thi psl defens averag base compil last defens averag report care er da for individu player report stat courtesi sherri nichol player list descend order basemen name mitchel kevin gonzal rene leiu scott pendleton terri ventura robin wallach tim gruber kelli pagliarulo mike harri lanc howel jack william ma tt camin ken sabo chri gaetti gari buechel steve salazar lui pecota bill schmidt mike rile erni bogg wade martinez egdar molitor paul phillip toni averag brooke n tom king jeff seitzer kevin averag jacobi brook hansen dave law vanc magadan d ave jefferi greg sharperson mike zeil todd baerga carlo hay chri livingston scot t hamilton kelli pat lyon steve oberkfel ken johnson howard bell buddi lansford carnei preslei jim schu rick worthington cal hollin dave sheffield gari blauser jeff fryman travi gantner jim gomez lee palmer dean dale stephenson steph uiuc e du grad student larg consid good wise not overburden inform golden kimbal time great team articl apr iscsvax uni edu reed iscsvax uni edu write dave winfield name not sentenc aaron robinson and ott term peak an d repeat peak year winfield bat for season drove and run time row injuri consist hit knock home run you even look dave winfield slug percentag for season that d ave time not athlet evr plai basebal hit line drive that hit scoreboard left cen ter field feat stadium heck peopl hit that green fenc sinc remodel field had bul let arm and hit compar season gari sheffield and barri bond last season older an d slow take uppercut lift ball park will hero and idol noth that make happier ge org invit dave back bronx plai last year ball yanke will like refus offer for mi llion dollar plai heck give gallego million thi year dave leav time plai field t artabul injur noke and mass trade give yank inspir and leadership that will swee p ag yanke domin michael luri pleasant yanke surpris articl netnew upenn edu sepinw ma il sa upenn edu alan sepinwal write pleasant and not pleasant surpris edit bronx bomber wickman friend made comparison wickman and jack morri never impress stat find win morri lose that abil figur that wickman import part steve sax trade tr ade sinc that ruth gui wind good middl reliev doesn pitch pretti get job kind li ke abott trade trade rooki year snow don mattingli for anoth year bother pleasant yanke surpris articl netnew upenn edu sepinw ma il sa upenn edu alan sepinwal write farr era and how infinit didn such thing usa todai how in atttribut that incorrect excel report yanke fear youm thing steve how and farr worst pitcher y

anke pitch you talk post answer you mail us repli post you answer mail meaqn tha t will post final result horrid pitcher mind pleasant yanke surpris articl netnew upenn edu sepinw ma il sa upenn edu alan sepinwal write alan that thought even written entertain sty le dave kingman for hall fame articl apr new yale edu steve tomassi write basebal fan you don you deserv mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc darrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon yeah dave winfield margin player gui didn hit l ick had neglig power crap fielder and had stai power dave winfield enter big lea gu season damn decent hitter admittedli defens slip great deal prime had power a rm and great rang stat don you even begin make argument that winfield and kingma n similar player kingman dimens power hitter couldn field ran anvil hit for low averag rememb obp wasn that hideou and for such thing import absolut primo dick eddi murrai yup baseman that mvp vote conduct mediot that job mvp deserv that wa sn overr media lee smith hmmmm thi pretti close had solid depend career closer d espit pitch nasti park wriglei fenwai closer stat lee arthur hof calib you make legitim point hof credenti reliev simpli rack lot save doesn mean hell lot you b low bunch simpli minnesota and boston and for month atlanta us reardon closer fo r longer equal rack impress number save homerman hof imho darrel evan nice caree r bit underr kinda ted simmon imho not hof case sick and tire sick give hall fam e consider player that todai standard margin lemm you thi hell plai game isn mar gin honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don belong shortstop that hung for long time big deal select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face wait god damn minut ozzi smith absolut redefin posit shortstop defens good that won line gold glove gold glove mediot bias and good argument made that larkin deserv two ozzi recent award thi temper earli get gold glove ozzi deserv earlier career ozz i offens you good obp great speed number park for career depress offens admitted li power cept tom niedenfu definit asset offens yount hit mvp two posit huh real stiff great year player recent memori and rank peak season wagner and bank numb er clear hof imho isn will prestig hall fame anymor individu that steve garvei j ack morri potenti candid absurd appar gee can gui even compar like futur hall fa mer kirbi puckett nolan ryan garvei you garvei mediot candid push win attitud mi nor factor and great defens error admittedli rang tree stump garvei shouldn hof skyjack lot nasti thing skyjack last year thi respons mediot and woofer talk mor ri abil win noth morri abil pitch toronto score ton run thi point morri averag p itcher earli return damn close fair morri domin pitcher for and tiger team great year for detroit rest decad team gener content not favorit morri career number quit good and worthi hof consider ryan care guarante you that will throw back yo ur earlier logic yount and smith shortstop hung long time nolan never won damn p itcher hung for year record mediocr nolan hof puck plai for year year even good aren make hof like that puckett will make hof pretti rest career turn bar tragic sudden popular media and fan and legitim game sinc join leagu like gui and hope make and end puck will make earli sell thi debat come frequent net and not neve r tire interest subject top head list potenti hof er each team left coupl gui fe el free follow won start plai earli note activ player not count recent retire ba ltimor cal ripken lock even gehrig record stand boston roger clemen lock amaz da wson detroit alan trammel and lou whitak possibl milwauke robin yount discuss ea rlier york wade bogg possibl mattingli long shot toronto paul molitor and jack m orri possibl kansa citi georg brett lock minnesota kirbi earli winfield lock oak land eckerslei lock mcgwire earli rickei lock welch long shot texa mighti nolan earli canseco strang cub sandberg lock loui ozzi lock lee smith york murrai almo st lock saberhagen regain past form and not vinc coleman despit you lo angel but ler strawberri and hershis long shot san diego toni gwynn pretti good shot color ado dale murphi good shot ryan bowen you awak flame thi top head list deserv can did that left and didn includ barri bond will clark atlanta start pitcher frank thoma canseco mcgriff etc consid gui start plai mail post almost fear start bruc e hasch hasch jhuvm hcf jhu edu sell team eli hitter good fastbal hitter that me an throw bad fastbal larri andersen homerun darryl strawberri moon shot fun can hit high and

home run that ran round second base time land us that file flight plan laguardi a for bull durham and that chang homer pull that didn high microwav home run mic rowav outta hurri game bench flu and second pitch send rocket field line that di dn even bob murphi luxuri home run call stori stai clubhous met two and two dave i johnson for pinch hit clubhous swing and home hit homer ran base straight for clubhous shower and home dai scott barman met mail list feed into your shell sco tt asd mail met request asd subscrib met baseballisdead articl apr midwai uchicago edu midwai uch icago edu write question you media embrac theme death basebal strongli articl si milar vein chicago tribun and sport editori basebal busi respons for fiscal aspe ct game preach gloom and doom allegedli intellig peopl predict bad time lose mon ei bankruptci alarm rate and increas degrad product produc you imagin ibm proble m promot major leagu basebal stock plummet unthink depth not that happen admit c ut corner and produc inferior product alleg labor problem show lack confid for p eopl run game frustrat media such thing inevit lead owner quick fix increas plai off satisfi televis interleagu plai drum interest forget word divis wild card d eal decid sinc negoti network begin scott barman met mail list feed into your sh ell scott asd mail met request asd subscrib met time player articl apr bsu uc mbstultz leo bsuvc bsu edu write recent work project determin greatest player respect postion sourc total basebal jame histor abstract ballplay biographi word mouth and bias opinion feel free comment suggest flame object statist data not inlcud for time convienc sak e judg rel adj op total averag field rang run total player rate total basebal st olen base for curios sake tpr and year plai mvp career lou gehrig jimmi foxx edd i murrai hank greenberg johnni mize willi mccovei dick allen harmon killebrew ki eth hernandez and peopl name keith bill terri georg sisler eddi collin joe morga n jacki robinson roger hornsbi nap lajoi rhyne sandberg learn spell ryne charli gehring rod carew bobbi grich bobbi doerr honu wagner cal ripken john lloyd ozzi smith robin yount joe cronin arki vaughan luke appl erni bank lou boudreau mike schmidt matthew georg brett wade bogg ron santo brook robinson frank baker darr el evan pie traynor rai dandridg can brook ahead ron santo josh gibson darren da ulton mvp yogi berra johnni bench mickei cochran bill dickei gabbi hartnett roi campanella gari carter carlton fisk thurman munson ted william stan musial ricke i henderson carl yastrzemski barri bond tim rain joe jackson ralph kiner willi s targel simmon willi mai cobb tri speaker mickei mantl joe dimaggio oscar charles ton andr dawson duke snider kirbi puckett dale murphi babe ruth hank aaron frank robinson mel ott kalin reggi jackson dave winfield roberto clement toni gwynn p ete rose walter johnson lefti grove young christi mathewson pete alexand tom sea ver roger clemen bob gibson warren spahn satchel paig juan marich whitei ford bo b feller jim palmer steve carlton estim ruth william mai cobb aaron wagner speak er schmidt johnson mantl musial dimaggio robinson grove henderson gibson young c ollin foxx mathewson alexand morgan robinson hornsbi ott seaver clemen matthew l ajoi yastrzemski kalin brett gibson spahn charleston berra ripken lloyd rain san dberg gehring smith yount bond paig jackson marich ford feller bogg feel free co mment mike bsu evil smile face cub beat brave boi hat cub fan can muste r courag put brave fan mean brave two consecut world seri cub fan that hand brav e fan that capabl drive crazi that infern cheer that protest that cub fan stupid stupid acknowledg that observ plain wrong you confus bear fan two week ago that cub finish last divis even florida sheesh peopl predict brave clean respect div is ten game into season and peopl vocal east for grab and except florida team go od bat and pitch philli present lead pack point cub east benefit compet manag an d pain pennant west had that chest doc bem benefit compe jose canseco swing video last night studi and videotap j ose canseco prove interest and enlighten analysi jose canseco circa sep and jose canseco circa june bulk period lose pound not gain bulk bat speed absolut vanis h conserv lost bat speed and that huge amount speed that open stanc kill note th at act sort brian down open start close ball releas down thi signific head movem ent canseco can note that canseco doesn close stanc sometim hip open sometim ful li close good start point hard make adjust your swing jose salt larg sum cash th

at never touch that never work restructur entir swing minim movement swing close and widen stanc and sever cut stride swing hopefulli thi will cut time swing an d will move bathead freeli second drop pound cut weight work relax wrist will co st power can find stroke concentr keep back shoulder roll wrist strike zone and hit line drive strength that line drive will park canseco open stanc and result bad habit result back problem basebal year not hit gari huckabai you that loud h ole movi right you troubl hear sir happi turn for you didn ted frank that peopl your ag like king brewer bullpen rock for second straight game california score ton late run crush brewha six run for win mondai and and six for win yeste rdai jami navarro pitch strong in orosco austin manzanillo and lloyd part mocker i bullpen yesterdai thi for number maldanado pitch scoreless in and navarro era lowest staff wegman ouch doesn for hitter hamilton bat thon hit and rbi highest hitter jaha and vaughn team anoth ouch stat not hard team fact doesn sound bad y ou averag run game and give game earli and thing will undoubtedli offens come bu llpen major worri fetter plesac and austin gave brewer great middl relief last y ear lloyd maldanado manzanillo fetter austin and orosco will pick pace for team success milwauke won number game last year middl relief held small lead small de ficit place starter will defens will alright and hit will come bullpen big quest ion mark new nilsson and doran reactiv yesterdai william suero and tim mcintosh pick montreal todai game california cancel salti ryan heard minut ago koa radio denver nolan ryan arthros cop knee and miss week rocki ni lead met gooden run in gregg basebal ncar ucar e du colorado rocki fred mcgriff padr becom free agent brave pitch updatedir dave naehr pt mot wrote articl ado b snichol adob sherri nichol write singl piec evid can find point major leagu ba sebal offens defens run score import run prevent thi pass common sens test for s tatist evid percent defens pitch and percent field btw sherri for data find fasc in chapter palmer and thorn hidden game titl pitch basebal impli that field dete rmin that beat long long time sinc read separ offens into bat and baserun split and neal traven pitt edu you young onc you can traven vm ci pitt edu immatur for ev larri andersen tiger thud sig kurt bose daisi not rose kbo carina unm e du cleans mindless woof whenev your site post articl subject form team simpli di rectori hunt and beat senseless easi fun reward sparki anderson get win tiger beat tiger manag sparki an derson get career win moment ago tiger complet two game sweep oakland tiger stad ium beat highlight oakland detroit chad krueter score skeeter barn rbi doubl bot tom ninth denni eckerslei give tiger victori barn had rbi singl score thurmond t ie score ninth eckerslei run rbi singl mcgwire and solo homer reuben sierra deer doubl home kirk gibson for tiger run john doherti pitch anoth strong game for t iger onc last seventh in reliev bolton and david haa and haa win bobbi witt star t for and replac honeycutt goos gossag and final eckersli doherti gave run witt gave tiger run and eckerselei gave last two post game interview wjr radio detroi t sparki anderson time emot manag career big moment for and tiger fan unanim hap pi for and number circumst woof tiger randi jose canseco swing articl jkik ucdavi edu dale ucdavi ed u gari built villanueva huckabai write analysi jose canseco circa sep and jose c anseco circa june bulk period lose pound not gain bulk that for year and even co ndit guru told jose carri weight and lose back don for second jose us steroid ba ck problem similar problem alot steroid user experi simpli carri weight frame je ff bregel textbook exampl and imho jose big for frame bat speed absolut vanish c onserv lost bat speed and that huge amount speed can imagin estim bat speed pret ti obviou that jose miss fastbal us hit like due back that open stanc kill note that act sort brian down open start close ball releas down thi signific head mov ement canseco can note that canseco doesn close stanc sometim hip open sometim f ulli close good start point hard make adjust your swing don had even open stanc and had problem that pre back problem quick cover defici stanc caus lost bat spe ed that stanc hurt you hot trigger mechan you cold hitch minim movement swing cl

ose and widen stanc and sever cut stride swing hopefulli thi will cut time swing and will move bathead freeli biggest problem imho never found stanc comfort for month stanc lose track strike zone wednesdai night game mad strike call corner that look pretti good longer strike zone chang stanc bit concern that palmer and gonzalez hit homerun becom competit swing even harder and screw even wors larus sa that canseco famou bat practic homer show harm good encourag bad hit habit ru ss smith don georg gervin assist coach philli deja robert hite philli bach udel edu wrote probl em aros manag gene mauch ineptitud manag pitch staff stretch abus jim bun chri s hort and robin robert pitch each dai rest for quit time time hit last week seaso n gui had ounc left arm robert long oriol colt starter art mahaffei previou year ac denni bennett starter won final two game horrid loss streak final game victo ri bun win memori serv red ty for titl and phil game card giant anoth game back met couldn hold earli lead card that final sundai tie bad couldn save run score saturdai crush loui neal traven pitt edu you young onc you can traven vm ci pitt edu immatur forev larri andersen tiger basic agre tiger favorit team pitch thi year last not that htat hole lot bout that home open tuesdai sparki for win todai hal mcrae dak vma smsu edu write hal mcrae worst manag b asebal haven royal game judg tactic you point never gui can wast talent can raw talent staff leagu and find lose imo royal don chanc win pennant even mcrae sudd enli began channel for john mcgraw decent pitcher your offens consist bum gagn a nd lind and mcreynold and mcrae and hill brett you not finish mcgraw bring chris ti mathewson back hard evalu manag hitter suck bob davi rbd thor ec edu jewish basebal player wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewish basebal player past and present weren come for sandi ko ufax stankowitz and john lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi hu mor for your bobbi wfan articl knd new udel edu philli ravel udel edu rober t hite write articl apr virginia edu jja virginia edu write listen wfan for you not talk sport radio staion york clear night signal reach and east coast want le n berman and mike lupica show school virginia can listen dai wonder you signal s trong live west philadelphia and can fan almost perfectli sport fan dream that p erson and hear team school for lupica berman turn lupica berman want work full h our show coleman and dave sim hour slot broken into two seper two hour show lupi ca and berman and happen suck comparison eddi and dave come back gui fan sport r adio station doesn come close ultim sport radio wip philadelphia signal not powe r station york feel oblig pollut airwav bunch hoodlum met fan complain hour dai wip two your sport jockei jodi macdonald and steve frederick wip rockin sport ta lk till midnight check anytim your hour philadelphia not mistaken wip highest sp ort talk rate nation live philli can hear fan and wip whenev want cannot stand w ip and isn loath philli sport team philli favorit team yank favorit and eagl are n bad two big problem total emphasi home team eagl unlik fan host can answer que stion town team caller ask wip host clue team that doesn plai broad street fan p eriod sport updat minut sport new and score countri rare hear town score report wip host except jodi macdonald miss dai fan host broad knowledg sport good air p resenc worst gari cobb hire sole basi that us plai for eagl that two cent fan wi p battl alan note jai indian seri hpcv andi bgsu edu klopfen andi bgs u edu bruce klopfenstein write cmk athena mit edu charl kozierok write articl ap r csd newshost stanford edu nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write guess line obp s lg love alomar fan left rbi thi list give break alomar fan left rbi fan and run thi list depend team larg extent frank thoma hit lose lot rbi and place hitter y ou drive run doesn happen that devon white obp front you gord niguma fav player john olerud note jai indian seri hxlk fix andi bgsu edu klopfen andi bgsu edu bruce klopfenstein write dtate pitt edu david tate write klopfen andi bgsu edu bruce klopfenstein love alomar fan left rbi thi list left rbi compar al omar individu baerga individu individu stat count give break forgot run score pl ayer steal home rbi don count for mistak happen don gord niguma fav player john

olerud jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your bobbi hank greenberg famou jewish faith affect plai miss late season world seri game yom k ippur pablo iglesia ruth ec jhu edu ryan rumor thi nolan ryan hurt knee in ranger oriol game last night arthoscop surgeri that will for two week had almost convinc that ran ger rotat stai healthi thi year phil allen texdud bradlei edu softwar for basebal stat for softwar hopefulli free and run unix box will track statist for compani softbal team bat avg etc you post re spond mail dan bergmann dbergmann llnl gov note jai indian seri hpg andi bgsu edu klopfen andi bgsu edu bruce klopfenstein write kime mongoos torolab ibm edward kim write tend cal l offens contribut even alomar win hand defens capabl not talk number error incl ud lind rang and athletic second base can recal recent past turn doubl plai alom ar don you stat baerga not defens second baseman leagu damn good check stat for dp last year and for defens averag stat post sherri baerga had highest percentag dp turn leagu alomar had worst alomar had higher defens averag alomar opportun groundbal doubl plai alomar had groundout and turn dp baerga had groundout and d p baerga opportunit groundbal doubl plai alomar had groundout and dp baerga had groundout and dp baerga lower will baerga consist turn twice doubl plai alomar e stablish high level defens baerga not bet alomar year last year baerga good dale stephenson steph uiuc edu grad student larg consid good wise not overburden inf orm golden kimbal stat doug stat great immens mail you comment mail server not recogn your address you mail info mail you jim bragg jbragg morgan uc mun hate mention acker articl apr jhuvm hcf jhu edu hasch jh uvm hcf jhu edu bruce hasch write articl apr hpcvaac paula koufax paul andresen write feel caus bad karma thi ack man organ basebal glad you ask ack man and rel imperson baltimor oriol pitch staff person that evil acker kidnap real staff an d process imperson mussina sutcliff mcdonald olson ack man appar alien life form pod peopl planet mar can form abil remain ack peopl spot team date appear that oriol staff mention and expo bullpen barn walton fassero gardin and roja prime t arget appar john wetteland rough ack peopl spring train due fact that system rej ect takeov and sinc contact author thi evil plot stop ack peopl can jack morri a nd juan guzman enjoi watch toronto fan suffer want gui return normal scot scot h ugh depart chemic engin expo falcon mcgill mcgill univers montreal quebec witti mcrae torr worst manag articl dak vma smsu edu ext dak v ma smsu edu write prism gatech edu brian landmann write joe torr worst manag bas ebal brian distress cardin fan hal mcrae worst manag basebal never gui can wast talent can raw talent staff leagu and find lose surpris make week drastic improv made new report that that mcrae bat coach and not manag for reason job reason r oyal manag late scott davi scott mccall mccall pattern compani widen depot mccal l scott mccall road kansa manhattan usa note jai indian seri articl blue ci pitt edu dtate pitt edu david tate write substitut ironi for brain bruce klopfenstein dtate pitt edu david tate write left rbi compar alomar individu baerga individu individu stat count forgot run score player steal home rbi don count for you forgot that you c an rbi bar base fraction run come solo run score happen player base batter good us phrase happen advisedli lot peopl figur player abil turn notch clutch rbi sit uat and found that evid that such abil measur extent clutch hitter peopl tend th ing that rbi base end get rbi proport teammat oblig posit mistak agre rbi worthl ess stat stolen base sometim runner front player that run and pitcher pitch diff er peopl base bat averag slug and obp hmmm guess homer not count point rbi not p erfect stat noth and stat lack can clutch hitter stat can peopl philli ballpark futur attn live inth philadelphia metro area back septemb listen wip and rememb morn gui talk mayor rendel topic convers ball park for philli locat for thi park suggest station time mayor optimisit th

at futur thi becom realiti new thi subject pipe dream citi philadelphia project ahead such convent center and upcom spectrum nice thi realiti plan that philli l eav vet and leav sole eagl and that case eagl make vet grass stadium that anoth stori want that dai comment dave kingman for hall fame articl apr new yale edu steve tomassi write basebal fan you don you deserv mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc darrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon respond thi involv person feel percept and can not stat back point you approach thi wrong peopl mention deserv hall fame dave k ingman feel player not fell deserv that deserv imho dave kingman defin not gui h ad coupl year hit atleast respect averag rest career not fear pitcher not lot fo r game mean met fan met for part career and not back for hall fame dave winfield fear pitcher had season hit for respect averag and product number opinion stat kingman quit bit perceiv leader not peopl leader made substanti contribut game b asebal and societi exampl thi charit thing thi yanke type player that kid can an d thi defin not criteria for hall fame deserv consider lee smith stat defin dese rv like kingman darrel evan eddi murrai had good career leader silent good role model stat good not onc kingman averag power number not good winfield eddi not p ublic for great year jeff reardon guess kind depend number top head lee smith ca se sick and tire sick give hall fame consider player that todai standard margin honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don belong shortstop that hung for long time big deal strongli disagre gui deserv for talk leadership gui leader and instume nt lead team post season robin good offens number averag and power and ozzi numb er offens differ ozzi that you gave home run for run save make incred plai short stop shatter aaron home run mark great plai save game great plai motiv team rall i and win game gui number basebal number win basebal number gui proven star and belong hall fame georg brett belong thi class player select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face isn will prestig hall fame anymor individu that s teve garvei jack morri potenti candid absurd appar gee can gui even compar like futur hall famer kirbi puckett nolan ryan steve garvei not not guess make case f or jack morri onc not choic can bring name kirbi puckett reason not defin time l eft career continu will turn into defin nolan ryan doubt heard record not good d on not hear number number contribut game and commun and great role model not tha t pitcher pitch game not even top pitcher put hall fame accomplish hitter strike out respect number even weaker team you can and hope get vote sum group that bel ong that not and that lean don belong not stat and possibl hear reason winfield yount brett not your mail smith puckett and ryan murrai and smith reardon garvei morri evan and defin kingman not stat not number back thi opinion base percept mike steve note jai indian seri articl apr csd newshost stanford ed u nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write second basemen histori didn even good seas on alomar last year guess line obp slg walk give obp gener somewhat valuabl slug and alomar edg obp quit bit larger baerga edg slug sdcn valuabl hit doubl hr tr ipl and bb not forget extra sb hit and homer valuabl don forget out you can wai baerga higher raw number due plai time and had hit and homer don forget cost out btw answer your question alomar had and baerga had and minut alomar side alomar split slg obp baerga and pretti alomar huge boost home park you make good for e qual rate baerga higher mike disclaim opiini damn exit quitby ctrlaltdel logout save quit quit zzzzzz man helpquit man exit quit ctrlshftdel hei stop opi week opi offens product index for player bat earli s eason high number last year leader frank thoma team denot charact name and each player team preceed name equat us found end post comment and suggest kevin leagu opi leagu leagu slg leagu oba rank player opi slg oba tor carter cle baerga det phillip oak mcgwire tor white bal anderson nyi owen oak rhenderson mil thon oak brown tex palmer det gibson cle howard nyi tartabul tex rodriguez tex gonzalez bo zupcic sea felder oak blankenship min puckett nyi oneil cle bell sea buhner m il hamilton det whitak det fielder tor spragu whi cora whi rain nyi kelli bo qui ntana sea tmartinez cal gonzal whi burk cal snow whi karkovic cleveland cle sorr ento sea amar bo cooper min winfield cal curti bo mvaughn oak steinbach oakland nyi maa kan joyner min knoblauch bo greenwel oak brosiu tor olerud bal merced ny

yanke bal hoil mil kmak oak dhenderson cle lofton min larkin bo dawson cle camar tinez det gladden cal polonia california detroit det tettleton cal disarcina cal easlei bal bain tex franco whi ljohnson sea vizquel nyi bwilliam mil gvaughn mi n hrbek bal cripken seattl cal salmon kan mcreynold toronto texa min pagliarulo whitesox kan hiatt whi guillen whi thoma kan mcrae boston cle hill nyi mattingli baltimor bal gomez minnesota whi fisk cle jefferson oak neel cal cdavi bo fletc her milwauke det livingston tor ralomar kansasc oak bordick tex canseco sea vall bal devereaux kan lind mil surhoff kan brett whi bell cle salomar mil jaha det fryman nyi bogg tex bripken min mack min harper cle fermin bo rivera mil spier m il yount tor schofield tex huls sea griffei sea obrien kan macfarlan oak sierra kan jose bo hatcher sea blower whi ventura tex palmeiro bal reynold kan mayn cal myer nyi noke bo calderon bo pena tor molitor det deer det cuyler tor border wh i grebeck bal gdavi tex dascenzo min leiu mil reimer tor djackson tex gill kan g agn opi slg oba jet propuls laboratori schmke cco caltech edu oak grove schmidt spc jpl nasa gov pasadena opi week opi offens product index for player bat earli s eason high number barri bond finish last season comment and suggest kevin leagu opi leagu leagu slg leagu oba rank player opi slg oba phi daulton phi kruk cub g race cub col boston pit bell col galarraga stl pena stl zeil cin mitchel mon lan s pit slaught mon vanderw nym tfernandez snf martinez hou bagwel col hay col eyo ung mon alou cin milligan phi dykstra snf bond flo conin snd plantier hou gonzal ez hou anthoni col cole atl sander mon berri cub sosa stl jefferi pit vanslyk mo ntreal lo butler mon grissom pit king snd gwynn pit merc nym murrai stl gilkei n ym bonilla snd walter cub wilson flo weiss philadelphia atl justic pittsburgh st l osmith phi incaviglia pit young stloui colorado nym hundlei nym orsulak snf be njamin atl gant nymet houston mon pitcher phi morandini hou cedeno cin sabo snf manwar snfrancisco atl blauser snf thompson hou camin flo barberi mon cordero sn d sheffield lo karro snf william snd mcgriff flo destrad col girardi atl bream m on wood flo santiago phi thompson snf clayton lo piazza snd bell lo wallach cin larkin pit garcia cincinnati nym coleman nym kent stl whiten cin robert cub snf lewi hou finlei col clark lo pitcher sndiego atl lemk losangel snf mcgee atlanta cin sander cin oliv snd gardner lo reed phi hollin florida lo davi atl pendleto n snf clark lo strawberri hou biggio phi bell flo magadan stl pagnozzi pit marti n col bichett hou taubense mon bolick flo pose mon cianfrocco nym johnson cin ke lli atl nixon nym pitcher pit pitcher cub buechl stl lankford atl olson cub vizc aino cub sanchez phi duncan lo offerman snf pitcher mon laker phi chamberlain sn d pitcher atl pitcher phi pitcher cub maldonado flo felix cin espi stl jordan at l berryhil cub pitcher snd shiplei stl pitcher hou pitcher col benavid cin pitch er cub wilkin flo pitcher col pitcher opi slg oba jet propuls laboratori schmke cco caltech edu oak grove schmidt spc jpl nasa gov pasadena oakland oak memorabilia ebbet field flannel seattl make lot minor and negro leagu jacket and jersei thing real spendi for jersei authent and nice made paul long live steve bilko and pcl angel phone number last catalo g show oak jersei home home home each merchandis handmad and authent replica cou pl and excel wool cap and jacket you call mail list even you can afford price an ton ryam for week nolan ryan torn cartlidg inhi knee surgeri and expect miss week defens averag base jjrj uiuc edu steph uiuc edu dale ste phenson write compil last defens averag report career da for individu player rep ort stat courtesi sherri nichol player list descend order and comment player del et basemen name mitchel kevin yep that kevin mitchel never expect spot gonzal re ne accid that two name and second base year glove averag point higher leagu year leiu scott good bad move short pendleton terri highest year regular had year go od kevin mitchel ventura robin wallach tim gruber kelli elit fielder leagu pagli arulo mike thi interest line figur slightli below averag pathet and year part th at mobil yanke padr rotten infield twin and judg leiu and gaetti metrodom good p lace plai william matt add anoth elit fielder list camin ken sabo chri fielder c areer averag overst don happen camin judg previou year low fluke sabo averag inc red year bring averag lot buechel steve strang last two year schmidt mike reput

fielder base end below averag averag bogg wade bogg pretti good don happen year averag quit bit martinez egdar last year fluke portent averag seitzer kevin aver ag that two leagu defens averag close anoth year year idea jacobi brook brook de clin hansen dave magadan dave jefferi greg time regular averag not jefferi get g rief field never had good year second improv becom averag fielder and averag fie lder zeil todd zeil hand below averag fielder each year point below averag and n ot park sinc terri pendleton had excel da year thi baerga carlo move back second good idea hay chri hay suppos good defens had grand total year leagu and pretti bad last year johnson howard lansford carnei howard johnson and carnei lansford separ birth credit hojo averag year lansford couldn even break mark year glove hollin dave good hitter field work sheffield gari not good fielder blauser jeff fryman travi shortstop gomez lee two consecut horribl year for leo camden yard d oesn help field palmer dean texa slugger debut not lowest career lowest congratu l dean dale stephenson steph uiuc edu grad student larg consid good wise not ove rburden inform golden kimbal two stoog red sox apparenli resign herm winningham aaa c ontract ted larri simmon sign aaa contract releas buffalo allow lou curli gorman circumv rule not resign free agent gui bright moe mike jone aix high end develo p mjone donald aix kingston ibm make you make faster yanke fear rawlei eastwick note jai indian seri apr webo lyford dagni webo lyford b everag write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write a rticl rudyc netcom rudi netcom rudi wade write articl fmxd dal niguma dal gord n iguma write refer histori didn season for second basemen histori didn even good season alomar last year you measur popular toronto doesn count that you base thi statement baerga lot flash alomar hitter last year batter slg obp rbi baerga al omar thi fascin you that alomar hitter last year and immedi follow that number s how that baerga had year categori that show advantag for alomar obp hmmm walk an d baerga clobber alomar obp and beat slg lesser margin even put factor player po int edg obp product player point edg slg issu studi and doubt you come convinc a rgument peopl bat averag and don worth studi issu close fact that baerga at lot out alomar baerga make out alomar draw walk and base for carter winfield gord ni guma fav player john olerud sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri articl dal niguma dal gord niguma write alomar fan left rbi fan and run thi list depend team larg extent frank thoma hit lose lot rbi and place hitter you drive run doesn happen that devon white obp front you pretti that sandberg thi onc will correct wrong r bi and run score two import offens statist you can talk obp and slg you want fac t remain team that score run win game flame john bratt gord niguma fav player jo hn olerud torr worst manag articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech ed u brian landmann write joe torr worst manag basebal for didn sundai game hander pitch decid bench lankform left hand hitter and plai jordan and gilkei hander ni nth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alic ea hitter power pinch hitter hell think educ you rip thi year manag year lankfor d injur previou game and torr rest whitten gilkei controversi whitten add need p ower and jordan continu hit gilkei will find start lineup sam brian landmann geo rgia institut technolog internet prism gatech edu jewish basebal player hank greenberg greatest subject lo t heckl bigot oppos team and stand never affect perform neg bob davi rbd thor ec edu omar vizquel grand salami you omar grand slam result fan club last week banner appear kingdom older women for omar cheryl cheryl mark ad dress cherylm lsid desk cheryl mark hpa telenet bell usp cheryl mark soper hill road everett good thing wonder mae west pleasant yanke surpris articl apr alleg edu luriem alleg edu michael luri liber write kind like abott trade trade rooki year snow don ma ttingli for anoth year bother will make two wager snow doesn win roi mattingli b asebal year skeptic don snow that good player and lose team skeptic second back mattingli thi year and player plai not and didn chronic back problem wrong that

smart bet cheer valentin baseballisdead scott asd scott barman write forget word divis wild card deal decid sinc negoti network begin preliminari negoti start wo rd that slooooooooooooooooooooooowli greg talk philli articl follow bml lehigh edu brian michael l uci subject talk philli date apr gmt organ lehigh univers line articl uflkll vpc ekw andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu amit likhi ani write excerpt netnew rec sport basebal apr talk philli msopher vaxc steven thi spell cellar ninja jew philli fa n want put monei that not stop your woof ben rivera hammer true last week tonigh t pitch shutout in and run that phrase for you fuck you note jai indian seri articl apr new acn nwu edu edo casb ah acn nwu edu edward ouellett write point rbi not perfect stat noth and stat la ck can clutch hitter stat can peopl hope mention clutch clutch baerga two word s impli not togeth runner score posit baerga bat last year thi doesn quit suck bat ter hit thi situat alomar hit runner score posit differ alomar had rbi such baer ga had rbi such baerga chanc succeed time frankli don clutch vote alomar for mvp alon valentin dave kingman for hall fame steve tomassi write basebal f an you don you deserv mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc darrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon you lack abil rate player dave winfield had career half peopl hall fame eddi murrai and darrel evan top player time lee smith had greatest long career relief pitcher sinc except gossag hand kingman isn player time and reardon good pitcher isn smith class career wise case sick and tire sick give hall fame consi der player that todai standard margin honestli ozzi smith and robin yount don be long shortstop that hung for long time big deal talk top player time aren shorts top histori two select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face isn wi ll prestig hall fame anymor individu that steve garvei jack morri potenti candid absurd appar garvei suck morri good pitcher simpli doesn belong cooperstown gee can gui even compar like futur hall famer kirbi puckett nolan ryan puckett and ryan into hall will margin hall famer puckett hit last year for longer put thi p erspect list linear weight valu career player you mention parenthesi high greate st list make claim perfect rank give you good gui career compar averag player ro bin yount ozzi smith dave winfield eddi murrai darrel evan kirbi puckett nolan r yan jack morri dave kingman steve garvei give you idea number compar hall elig p layer career stat equal hall fame aren includ centuri player ron santo bobbi gri ch and bob johnson elig score and elig score and greg philli ballpark futur philadelphia inquir dai ago report that two plan for philli stadium mention street station propos and locat broad street and race street can rememb exact detail stadium build practic downtown sm all lot that us paper street plan run into troubl amtrak not want rerout line or der accomod stadium don opinion let that two option discuss plan will put into e ffect pai for keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu cha mp want your opinion give you box score abbrev woe can figur box score abbrevi make ab solut sens local gannett rag that find door stare cleman met box for good second thi morn wonder hell wouldn make sens us colemn jai infield fly rule last infield fly question that puzzl an d hasn address rule not deal thi situat infield fly declar and ball caught runne r can tag and advanc risk fly ball infield fly not caught point can runner legal leav base fear doubl for advanc earli ball hit ground fielder touch ball hit gr ound enlighten appreci jai jewish basebal player basebal player past and present we ren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and john lowenstein can come sound pretti l ame rack brain thi humor for your john lowenstein defin not jewish baltimor thou ght told baltimor jewish time admit that joke wfan articl knd new udel edu philli ravel udel edu rober t hite wrote wip two your sport jockei jodi macdonald and steve frederick dude y ou nut wfan second jodi mac exit quit loss you frederick fan you pretti skew sea n philli deja articl ericsc hzr eui netcom eric netcom eri c smith write yeah philli plai head almost year caught game streak man and big p hilli fan time ag dodger finish two game back that closest last minut scrambl si nc born late pleistocen rememb that year dodger game and finish sixth leagu thi kind odd won world seri previou year and year warren usui univers scale philli deja previous wrote yeah philli plai head almost year caught game streak man and big philli fan time ag septemb pain thing rememb can you that philli never led leagu that year memori alon biggest lead game and ahead famou game lose streak began streak that found lose man rebound end and w on last coupl game and thing final dai finish ti giant game and didn dodger fini sh two game back that closest last minut scrambl you gui stir childhood memori a nd research final month season turn that recollect pretti darn accur philli reco rd septemb thi top stand philadelphia cincinnati loui san francisco thi game gam e descript remaind philli season date score oppon lead pitcher start and winner loser houston bun houston short houston bennett san francisco mahaffei baldschun win san francisco bun san francisco short baldschun lo angel bennett lo angel w ise lo angel mahaffei loui bun baldschun cardin place cincinnati loui short san francisco bennett san francisco mahaffei giant move into tie for loui san franci sco bun cardin back sole posses place houston short houston bennett houston bun lo angel wise schantz lo angel short baldschun lo angel bennett baldschun lo ang el bun red move back into tie for cardin good for philli fall apart cincinnati m ahaffei red sole posses place cincinnati short cincinnati bennett milwauke bun m ilwauke short boozer card back giant milwauke mahaffei schantz milwauke bun phil lose game dai red cardin back loui short cardin place phil drop loui bennett re d and cardin ti for loui bun cardin game lead red cincinnati short roebuck phill i halt game lose streak card lead red game not plai card lose met red ti for phi l game back cincinnati bun card beat met red and philli whew finish and final st and loui philadelphia cincinnati san francisco doesn that philli pitcher bun and short overus man rotat standard dai into game lose streak time mauch desper for win cost philli substanti lead had evapor us that time made problem wors bun ha d sharpest game year final dai shutout red that cost red share pennant bun pitch complet game six hitter strike and walk ineterst total in for year for bun and short stack rest leagu notic that philli plai dai septemb octob didn plai substa nti game team team each had coupl dai that stretch eric smith eric netcom eric i nfoserv bob dylan basebal abstract found read villag voic not no te for sport coverag occasion print interest featur thi year predict team analys for season present form bob dylan lyric don articl front give memor that rememb and melodi dig interest yankess tune subterranean homesick blue how basement mi x medicin georg pavement think bout govern wade bogg trench coat bat paid bad ba ck laid kid somethin you don columbu met tune roll stone onc time you plai fine you threw dykstra prime didn you peopl bewar cone bound roam you thought kid you you us laugh strawberri that headin you don talk loud you don proud shop vinc c oleman for your deal philli tune highwai daulton and dykstra fun highwai giant t une ballad rubin hurrican carter thi stori magowan man petersburg pan for that n ever sit owner box dai tampian world bill moakler lpo rutger anim moakler remu r utger edu box atlant anim allianc brunswick chibi con not otaku free man cubbi game suffer intens fit minnesota induc cabin fever decid road trip milwauke and coupl game thi weekend coupl game counti stadium w ill great reliev tension thought not wriglei for game cub plai philli sat start that eastern time list figur fun bounc wriglei for dai game and live wonder esp cubbi fan advic take skoki hwy south run into wriglei plan get hour two earli an d pai nose for park thing easi probabl that walk and bleacher seat game dai figu r sinc earli year ryno and weather isn great ticket not advanc ticket can call c ub ticket offic directli and pick ticket will call window advic eat game inflat luv ew doll present lundi into bleacher dave hung jim acker slider kirsch blue j ai kirsch staff umn edu quot context not beat dead hors coupl week thi disappoin t punish discharg jackhamm stephen lawrenc yanke fear mail thi you mailserv doesn recogn you worst pitcher yank you mean team scott schizophren not kamienicki occasion gui can pit

ch for in start insan sign that lose stuff and mind start stalk mound batter and yell worst time yank pitcher gotta york pitch gulp york whitson nuff outta vlad imir alan sepinwal xviii thi thi ic thi happen water get cold thi thi kent thi h appen peopl sexual frustrat val kilmer real geniu sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri articl jqby new ri ch bnr bratt crchh nosubdomain nodomain john bratt write rbi and run score two i mport offens statist you can talk obp and slg you want fact remain team that sco re run win game flame that rbi team rbi doesn necessarili win game run import st atistic for team newspap rank team offens bat averag for individu player run and rbi context depend and player and teammat and posit bat order ted frank thf kim bark uchicago edu card moop law school standard disclaim predict laugh tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer writ e jpalmer uwovax uwo thu sep ron hassei will minor leagu manag yanke dunno happe n can you major leagu coach rocki predict doubli wrong predict red sox cub seri and vike bronco superbor will occur end world and rocki will finish top offens c atagori thi year and rocki starter will era below and ranger fade will not begin august give angel challeng end not make thi god strike zzzzzzt for listen valen tin dylan wilbank environ con offici usenet rabid fan major colorado boulder col orado rocki clip thi sig for box boulder your rocki woof life bigger thi space i ntenion blank phil east not weak love peopl blame philli success weak divis don record team each divis read inter division plai that east kick shit we st earli that atlanta strong cincinnati come sweep veteran stadium philadelphia and houston swept game philli astrodom that western divis friend show that team your divis not strong you phil brave hit aaa club red marg bob lot run notic that thi year had lot high score game reas on expans team thought charl torr worst manag articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech ed u brian landmann write joe torr worst manag basebal for didn sundai game hander pitch decid bench lankform left hand hitter and plai jordan and gilkei hander ni nth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alic ea hitter power pinch hitter hell think for your inform lankford injur shoulder rib cage not us pinch hitter earlier game interview acquir mark whiten comment f ortun cardin whiten and that whiten regular even thi meant that gilkei hurt torr like gilkei come bench gilkei hit last year start gui start team leagu that whi ten good aquisit for card not offens capabl awesom defens sinc cardnial thought offens defens forgot loui gave for not gilkei concern leftfield and brian jordan beat expect gilkei jordan platoon sundai game lankford thrown plate replai show bucki dent base coach line and wave lankford home agre you thi larkin threw tha t ball knew that lankford dead bird dent that larkin make perfect throw strongli that torr manag basebal don forget overachiev card that won close game and last place second place oveshadow brave twin last climb won divis titl and bare lost pennant race brave atlanta even consid fire will never understand torr control cardin head direct thing game not make season lost red second pitch staff nation leagu east and pretti good offens redbird will win lot lose thi year that will charl enthusiast cardnial fan charl rosen thirti thirteen univers alabama nation champ roll tide tuscaloosa bob dylan basebal abstract repost permiss rec music dyla n articl apr uvaarpa virginia edu buck vax museum upenn edu wrote for you bob an d basebal check current villag voic april john lammer and hart seeli written bob dylan basebal abstract and cover team leagu exampl colorado silent bat will sha tter score line for castoff and thousand run rebecca buck vax museum upenn edu g erri myerson spanki mon apr gmt apr mnemosyn edu greg spira gspira ny x edu wrote pittsburgh area mike lavallier releas last year that slaught bulk pl ai time that player thi point leyland insist keep pretti strict platoon and rele as that doesn make sens greg stori thi spanki slow quicker slaught and tom princ didn want lose princ order bring that pitcher slaught good spanki and princ com e nice don feel bad for gonna theat two year jon iain boon network system admini str boon psc edu iain cmu edu pittsburgh supercomput center don speak for state brave pitch updatedir not clear team win game game game luck plai bigger role game you pitch staff hold oppos team run sam sherri nichol snichol adob jewish basebal player articl qkkodinn jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo iglesia write articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your bobbi hank greenberg famou jewish faith affect plai miss late season world seri game yom k ippur thought that sandi koufax sam pablo iglesia ruth ec jhu edu jose canseco swing articl jkik ucdavi edu dale ucdavi ed u gari built villanueva huckabai write video last night and you wrote excel repo rt bulk period lose pound not gain bulk bat speed absolut vanish conserv lost ba t speed and that huge amount speed that open stanc kill note that act sort brian down open start close ball releas down thi signific head movement canseco can n ote that canseco doesn close stanc sometim hip open sometim fulli close good sta rt point hard make adjust your swing understand unreli sourc that canseco consid expend refus accept coach bat stanc brain trust that back problem exacerb not c aus wide open stanc close quickli and swing lot torqu that paraphras rememb even t canseco road that and alon decid stanc and began that reinjur begin lose abil hit for averag and power salt larg sum cash that never touch that never work res tructur entir swing appar you sound larussa second drop pound cut weight work ob ject thi canseco open stanc and result bad habit result back problem basebal yea r not hit repeat heard possibl and effect revers that beastmast mark singer mss netcom jewish basebal player you can add steve rosenberg time w hite sox reliev met system list greg bob dylan basebal abstract found read villag voic not no te for sport coverag occasion print interest featur thi year predict team analys for season present form bob dylan lyric don articl front give memor that rememb and melodi dig interest yankess tune subterranean homesick blue how basement mi x medicin georg pavement think bout govern wade bogg trench coat bat paid bad ba ck laid kid somethin you don columbu met tune roll stone onc time you plai fine you threw dykstra prime didn you peopl bewar cone bound roam you thought kid you you us laugh strawberri that headin you don talk loud you don proud shop vinc c oleman for your deal philli tune highwai daulton and dykstra fun highwai giant t une ballad rubin hurrican carter thi stori magowan man petersburg pan for that n ever sit owner box dai tampian world jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write stankiewicz not stankowitz and not jewish polish correct pronunci stanki ston kev itch sportscast wrong polish and jewish not mutual excl us mark singer mss netcom pleasant yanke surpris articl apr cornel edu tedward cor nel edu edward ted fischer write articl apr alleg edu luriem alleg edu michael l uri liber write will make two wager snow doesn win roi mattingli basebal year sk eptic don snow that good player and lose team don histori handi don recal that p reponder roi come win team fact team perform gener irrelev almost deserv candid win wrong and not necessarili lose team angel staff weak everydai lineup quit yo u snow plai great salmon learn make adjust easlei appear fine even not flora rea di come gonzal and gruber manag hot corner polonia and curti steadi and headi ev en myer and orton contribut person can finish make win team beastmast skeptic se cond back mattingli thi year and player plai not and didn chronic back problem w rong that smart bet cheer valentin mark singer mss netcom music censorship survei fill paper censorship music and you time particip thi survei answer each question ask simpli mean that you room explain your answer you chose last question for comment question suggest you adv anc mail address end you male femal your ag iii your major occup type music you listen check that appli hard rock metal altern blue rap jazz soft rock easi list en countri classic hard core danc ag miss you record objection offens lyric labe l you record ban minor year ag you record ban period decid parent govern music i

ndustri feel free add comment thi you for control record sale you present label system your definit censorship feel free add comment suggest question explan mai l mtt kepler unh edu hit repli matthew thompson disclaim respons us paper will a noynam person specifi name us thi sig close for repair ution matthew thompson rr rrrrr pound pound thud ouch duh mail mtt kepler unh edu shazam unh edu erickson keith miller wonder knew erickson and keith mil ler expect come back and exactli ail sincer frank kim dave kingman for hall fame kingman fan thought point tha t player histori game joe carter eddi murrai mccovei and gehrig ruth mai foxx an d dawson two each don reggi game count had two beastmast mark singer mss netcom brave pitch updatedir articl apr ulkyvx louisvil edu pjt ier ulkyvx louisvil edu write brave continu averag run game will finish tiernei brave run product fall per game head lucki that mean finish econ duke edu fl eco n duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke correspond email chang address fl econ duke edu mail bounc fl raphael acpub duke edu sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri bratt crchh nosubd omain nodomain john bratt write rbi and run score two import offens statist pret ti worthless you want evalu player stat rbi and run score ban confus victim medi ot brainwash you can talk obp and slg you want fact remain team that score run w in game you explain us obp and slg evalu player precis team that score run win g ame tradit basebal stat method enabl fan contribut run score that obp slg run cr eat linear weight etc come simplifi matter that can easili measur player offens contribut team run score you for make case nice dai greg wfan not nut wip second sport station don toni bruno wor k espn radio and morganti fridai night hockei suck live richmond visit phila and wtem washington and wip hear fan night wherev signal us wnbc plai golden oldi y ou can avoid wip host hand chuck cooperstein isn homer and jodi mac wtem gener c atergori fact you heard wtem and fan you notic theme music ident ownership wip t otal origin host person thi knock tem team not fan mike and mad dog and sommer g ood mean compar morn gui philadelphia washington total joke fan and wip edg back philli into withdraw richmond nada nation sport line and gui total clueless mad wcau cancel had steve frederick sport phone philli game wcau anoth strong stati on oldi station philli start listen fan heard final heard last summer and wasn g ui fan glad hear back philli eagl game will admit die hard eagl fan and wip basi c eagl station dai year bet you philli control knock cobb eagl book rememb weeke nd plai san fran thought eagl blown cobb that eagl plai can win inch shy pull vi ctori that sportwrit sinc brought sport radio howabout sportswrit g ive opinion citi you sport coverag term print media gener question washington po st philadelphia inquier time howabout philadelphia daili new compar york daili n ew you notic paper subject object home team note jai indian seri alomar split slg obp baerga and pre tti alomar huge boost home park not necessarili mean that mean that hit lot home road frank thoma home road split for exampl guess that alomar split due skydom due coincid hitter skydom regularli lot hand home run hitter and alomar not home run hitter you make good for equal rate baerga higher bogu field stat rate alom ar worst defens second baseman leagu career basi field stat mean season basi com e ridicul result thi alomar not god field media isn worst basebal offens rate al omar higher last year argument good player strength and bright futur greg time player articl apr princeton edu roger crux princeto n edu roger lustig write articl apr bsu uc mbstultz leo bsuvc bsu edu write rece nt work project determin greatest player respect postion career johnni hodapp gr eatest baseman cleveland indian histori hit consistantli great great second base man jon johnni hodapp jmhodapp aplcomm jhuapl edu sportwrit csc imd cabel vcu edu ian derbi write sinc bro ught sport radio howabout sportswrit happen big fan jayson stark basebal writer for philadelphia inquir tuesdai write week review column write unusu situat that occur week unusu stat section call kiner week stupid line met brodcast ralph ki ner year lgtgah contest that stand for last gui hit write for basebal america th at column sort highlight week review you can check column make you laugh rob kof

fler you live dai dai and rkoffler cso uiuc edu dream tomorrow don henlei pleasant yanke surpris articl mssc netcom mss netcom mar k singer write don histori handi don recal that preponder roi come win team fact team perform gener irrelev almost deserv candid win wrong not wouldn person des erv candid win rare player win roi call mid season and dud recent year thi facto r mediot bias amar hit capabl will receiv roti vote long career ahead and not ne cessarili lose team angel staff weak everydai lineup quit you snow plai great sa lmon learn make adjust easlei appear fine even not flora readi come gonzal and g ruber manag hot corner polonia and curti steadi and headi even myer and orton co ntribut person can finish make win team second divis team finish ahead royal mar in and possibl athlet don east stronger thi year last year pitch bad and offens horribl thi year offens pitch pretti bad even finlei return form won replac lost abbott sanderson farrel don and good and decent speed offens lack punch don bon a fide power hitter salmon snow davi and curti potenti cheer valentin team had s teal last week tiger mediot final manag convinc that need balanc lineup you scor e run consist gotta run break that survei thi not rec music point that random sampl and des per for respon don mail complain that doesn belong that wast bandwidth thi affec t not reader music group complet survei hit bounc back complaint you matt matthe w thompson electr comput engin etal univers hampshir mail mtt kepler unh edu evi l twin shazam unh edu jewish basebal player articl apr acad drake edu sbp acad drake edu write rememb read that leagu jewish practic cry yanke lose can thi how era improv kei pitch great ga me and screw jewish basebal player articl jsx unix amherst edu jlroff ma unix amherst edu joshua lawrenc roffman write basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and john lowenstein can come sound prett i lame rack brain thi humor for your john lowenstein defin not jewish baltimor t hought told baltimor jewish time admit that joke stanki not jewish doubt lot jew ish peopl don jewish name pleasant yanke surpris articl apr cornel edu tedward cor nel edu edward ted fischer write articl apr alleg edu luriem alleg edu michael l uri liber write kind like abott trade trade rooki year snow don mattingli for an oth year bother will make two wager snow doesn win roi mattingli basebal year yo u quit correct wish think snow wast abbott can provid great resours for team jewish basebal player articl qkkodinn jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo iglesia write articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write hank greenberg famou jewish faith affect plai miss late s eason world seri game yom kippur kofax miss world seri game jewish dai repent ryan for week and new uta edu quoth nolan ryan torn cart lidg inhi knee surgeri and expect miss week that bad had hope nolan end career g reat year suppos hope jason lee jplee obo calpoli edu jlee cash busfac calpoli e du giant beauti equat mathemat magic for sad word tongu and pen saddest number j ohn greenleaf whittier brave offens offens deion sander hit home run todai nixo n for infield singl deion bat nixon you start wise bobbi ballyard brave chop cho p michael mule michael andr mule georgia institut technolog atlanta georgia decv ax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism gatech edu astro for real think astro place place road cub expo roster question alird msu osc montana edu write todai cub activ mike harkei move make room for harkei shawn boski talk philli articl apr leland stanford edu eechen leland stanford edu emeri ethan chen write phrase for you fuck you perhap time start r ec sport basebal graffiti kiddi can yell taunt and insult each and leav rest pea c sherri nichol snichol adob brave pitch updatedir articl apr acad drake edu sbp acad drake edu write not clear team win game game game luck plai bigger role game yo u pitch staff hold oppos team run yeah your point you offens score run you brave fine pitch staff that half game sherri nichol snichol adob spanki articl binn postoffic psc edu boon psc edu jon bo on write spanki slow quicker slaught and tom princ didn want lose princ order br ing that pitcher slaught good spanki and princ come nice tom princ year hit catc her young dann bilardello can begin fathom pirat afraid lose thi gui aaa last se ason pirat releas kirk gibson last year princ option eventu princ and clear waiv er peep anoth year older and can hit wouldn clear waiver care sherri nichol snic hol adob home for bosox agre happi stadium that comiskei park mad e for basebal unlik river vet riverfront etc not footbal park plai basebal multi purpos subject not forget shea design accommod met jet stadium box seat roller o rient angl for basebal parallel for footbal jet jersei and good footbal stadium met saddl multipurpos stadium circular seat almost action met announc kiner murp hi hype beauti shea stadium tipoff unbeauti jai oriol trivia bunker mcnalli pappa estrada steve barber a nd jai darrrrrrrrryl media beat incid dodger stadium wednesdai death haven rsb gerald perri cardin pinch hit eighth in two and club run stroke line drive into field corner ball clear foot high fenc and into crowd darryl rac e center spot time reach glove short fenc miss ball fan sit front row wear mitt reach and caught ball home run replai time and conclud that darryl miss ball and that fan glove essenti darryl dodger fan seat vicin claim that fan unquestion i nterf strawberri cannot disput that fan caught ball never ey oblivi fielder plai quit exuber realiz had made catch that exuber disappear immedi strawberri into tirad man report us lot profan and accus man interfer and cost dodger game short li fan hurl food and beverag man made catch dodger stadium offici start remov pa rk relent and reloc anoth area interview game lasorda blame fan for loss strawbe rri into tirad fan stupid and don care win time columnist similarli blast man ma de catch each dodger game public address announc make speech that fan souvenir b all that hit into stand long not interfer that field plai fan wrong awar situat and act avoid possibl interfer human and react season ticket holder and request dodger reloc seat anoth area stadium futur interfer imposs question darryl conce rn fan grand total rbi game question center left hand pull hitter and game line had closer plai had chanc catch ball guess big debat continu respons fan beastma st mark singer mss netcom gross gross dodger fan dodger game tonight cap night ast acio pitch had control troubl night walk batter balk second singl score run batt er take second throw home anoth singl made score card lasorda line featur butler reed and piazza bat darryl and eric bench favor snyder and webster piazza homer make score card dodger ti game second two singl offerman fourth in astacio had made pitch score dodger defens made impress plai piazza look great plate gun run ner steal second throw runner had strai bit base etc karro made spectacular plai keep ball into outfield runner that ball run past second karro and threw and ea sili runner heart sank gross warm bullpen astacio lift for pinch hitter and gros s enter game score dodger fan knew gross reliev stunk tuesdai pitch in forc laso rda us bullpen in game had effect night gross fresh light work tuesdai gross liv e name walk batter gave hit second and walk base load grounder result forc home zeil lift score fly ball make card gross paid attent runner and thing you knew c ard had stolen fourth run runner eventu tag run run had score long that meanwhil dodger mount offens second in lee smith pitch ninth had troubl get karro and wa llach troubl wallach dai cori snyder collect hit dodger singl that offens dodger mount smith straight save dodger and free dodger cap and good piazza piazza thi year will strong candid for rooki year honor earli karro show sign sophomor jin x year final score cardin run hit dodger run hit dodger fenwai gif articl umassd edu acsddc smuc umassd edu writ e wonder had kind fenwai park gif send advanc dan park action gif jpeg basebal g eoff game score report curios happen weekli and game score re port us enjoi read summer for last two year inquisit joel joel chan joel math to ronto edu dept mathemat univers toronto toronto blue jai world seri champ histor i ignor condemn repeat math comic strip betti jai game outcom tonight jai game home run win pitcher ec o god young catcher articl mssc dtv netcom mss netcom mark sin ger write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write catc h spring break bear big haven even plai aaa ball thi kid good dai rush sinc mega million dollar staff that serv batteri mate expereienc game call and pitcher ha ndl lopez time will come give time aaa javi lopez proven minor leagu that readi plai major not rush player good for and plai stiff major leagu level wast time a nd court case major leagu manag for keep aaa improv write skill lopez ordinari d efens not like hit ag lopez defens and born plai second base belong major leagu train earn chanc not full time job coupl start and for prove worth gee don ab so und pretti good good your reason that kid plai back role start dai aaa talk vale ntin isn back put posit win job major leagu imho opportun val misinterpret you c ome two argument lopez ordinari defens young and player suck young irrelev make major bat and second involv warp reason valentin player not readi for big ag cur rent relat post clayton favorit player benefit stagnant hurt plai aaa catcher so lid defens player club big argument lopez for brave for thi year player readi an d like benefit major javi lopez not middl road prospect real thing import thing player can hit lopez that mile olson berryhil defens good for greenvil richmond good for atlanta aw defens longer catcher spragu brave two catcher demonstr soli d abil call game work pitcher throw runner not superstar mind you solid experien c veteran brave solid lineup two big bat outfield excel platoon solid mvp candid and hit shortstop center field platoon will hit good lopez offset differenti ex peri and defens abil kid will improv plai aaa and won reserv big club start soli d good want good player solid word us describ nice white gui aren good basebal t wg cap lose strategi solid gui don improv you us time that paragraph btw for exp erienc add that greg olson and damon berryhil aren exactli carter and fisk olson plai year berryhil and wash differ imho olson and vall support cast two big bat hrm justic find gant trend disturb call and brave platoon player platoon bream and hunter aw leav thirdbas comment alon pendleton wast bandwidth platoon hit re trac likhani midnight run forb and live and that mike and doesn cox call pitch g ood you poster think lopez held futur earn potenti earth you peopl thinkth brave made thi decis idiot built thi ballclub jeeeesh nope basebal manag short sight collect peopl nation you not thi mark you frank thoma need month aaa cal eldr wa sn ricki bone last year and treasur you polit make defens flaw case wit and past admit wrong that qualifi you make sdcn you beastmast mark singer mss netcom she ehan aludra usc edu greg gohr pitch voic tipper gore afraid linda cohn sportscen t sportwrit articl new cso uiuc edu rkoffler cso uiuc edu bighelmet write csc imd cabel vcu edu ian derbi write sinc brought sport radio h owabout sportswrit happen big fan jayson stark basebal writer for philadelphia i nquir tuesdai write week review column write unusu situat that occur week unusu stat section call kiner week stupid line met brodcast ralph kiner year lgtgah co ntest that stand for last gui hit write for basebal america that column sort hig hlight week review you can check column make you laugh you sens humor not favori t stuff hero player haven hit homer long time lgtgah that name can rememb and bo x score line week incident found that column move sundai dad send boston week gr eat stuff adam phaith philli phan levin phil east not weak apr guvax acc georgetown edu apanjabi guvax acc georgetown edu write brave hit aaa club shouldn thi read brave hitter aaa club dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fanat consid good wise not over burden inform golden kimbal jewish basebal player articl jewish major leaguer recent issu elysian field us minnesota review basebal recal had amaz amount research l ong list player and larg bibliographi peter binklei binklei rug earli bbddd return curiou start standout earli season dd d thi year expect philli staff get win rank lui gonzalez and derrick earli leagu leader and bomb come phil expens exactli for tater prowess past rocki earli mil e high produc ton run launch pad expect concern fan ddd adam wit philli lone los s season levin royal royal dark void time plai shame descend land cold front canada humili live and live utterli and complet doom that guess randal rhe a informix softwar inc project manag mi sale market system uunet pyramid infmx r andal note jai indian seri articl apr webo lyford dagni webo l yford beverag write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write articl rudyc netcom rudi netcom rudi wade write articl fmxd dal niguma dal gord niguma write didn even good season alomar last year snip baerga lot flash alomar hitter last year stat delet thi fascin you that alomar hitter last year a nd immedi follow that number show that baerga had year categori that show advant ag for alomar obp nomin thi last bit for anti stathead quot week alomar point ad vantag import offens categori baerga studi joe carter school burn impress mediot stat larg due opportun qualiti line fairli close edg alomar baerga ain chop liv er alomar man beat second basemen craig craig richardson crichar eskimo eskimo c elesti pullman sleeper obfbl seattl rainier ifl manag tacoma black adder ibl jac k citi highland tacoma black adder grow excit team futur begin tomorrow lot run rec sport basebal crosen edu charl rosen write n otic that thi year had lot high score game reason expans team thought for fact t hat lot high score game and don expans team directli affect scott dai kdai oasi navi mil carderock divis naval surfac warfar center code bethesda maryland point rememb that govern john coleman propos catcher sub rule lot team carri catcher man roste r catcher seldom us insur case extra in catcher injur game free thi roster spot for extra pinch hitter reliev not invok catcher substitut rule last roster catch er team injur game team permit substitut place for defens purpos catcher previou s yank game thi rule team wouldn roster catcher catcher plai aaa roster bullpen catcher ken dopson pitch shutout red sox win articl new cso uiuc edu cka uxa cso uiuc edu oriolefan uiuc write jmann vineland pub stratu jim mann wr ite delet told thi game start cdt thi true mind game mondai mind thi massachusse tt todai patriot dai state holidai float holidai that marathon happen dai peopl don includ std disclaim dan time peak player last week post time greatest player and haphazardli misspel name thi week time for greatest peak player evalu player co nsectut season constitut prime peak year settl for sourc usual includ total base bal and bias opinion feel free comment ted william includ season war miss actual peak year babe ruth walter johnson mickei mantl mike schmidt actual peak year s horten strike barrri bond peak honu wagner cobb tri speaker willi mai lefti grov e sandi koufax joe morgan walsh christi mathewson lou gehrig jimmi foxx cal ripk en pete alexand young tim rain rickei henderson strike year includ carl yastrzem ski jacki robinson joe dimaggio roger hornsbi georg sisler eddi collin hank aaro n stan musial joe jackson wade bogg charli gehring erni bank bob gibson carl hub bel robin yount rod carew chuck klein willi mccovei frank robinson tom seaver ro ger clemen arguabl peak mel ott frank baker nap lajoi peak suspect leagu dizzi t rout georg brett mordecai brown ryne sandberg peak gehrig foxx sisler mccovei gr eenberg frank thoma project dick allen johnni mize eddi murrai consist had peak bill terri morgan robinson collin hornsbi gehring carew treat even plai sandberg bobbi grich nap lajoi bill herman mazeroski tough call schmidt bogg baker brett mathew ron santo harland clift ken boyer buddi bell darrel evan wagner ripken b ank yount john lloyd estim arki vaughan barri larkin peak lou boudreau ozzi smit h joe sewel william bond rain henderson had peak yastrzemski musial jackson ralp h kiner simmon georg foster willi stargel mantl cobb speaker mai dimaggio oscar charleston estim duke snider ken griffei person assumpt kirbi puckett richi ashb urn dale murphi strike season ruth aaron klein robinson ott roberto clement toni gwynn dave parker reggi jackson harri heilmann jose canseco darryl strawberri j osh gibson estim mickei cochran gari carter johnni bench roi campanella yogi ber ra bill dickei gabbi hartnett elston howard ted simmon joe torr johnson grove ko ufax walsh mathewson alexand young gibson hubbel seaver clemen satchel paig esti m trout juan marich mordecai brown joe wood dave steib jim palmer bob lemon ferg i jenkin care hope surpris rain muisial carter bench ripken bank bond mai check

number each player comparison number rest player that year and you that fairli c lose thi rank system primarili base total player rate for consecut year enjoi mi ke jack morri sdcc ucsd edu demer ucsd edu david demer writ e articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write fac t that morri shown that take plai win club clemen hasn plai win club know cannot separ morri contribu tion rest team determin ing basebal and that scoreboard en d game each game determin team that dai end season team that divis playoff deter min point that decis make pro cess us determin score game and late team not indi vidu player method inher basebal compar individu perform and that basebal team g ame that player anoth solut that player team plai player lineup sheer specul imp oss ascertain you want select group statist and claim that clemen statist criter ia fine you prove that statist measur individu contribut win that measur that me an context base ball you can prove that clemen contribut cham pionship morri you r evalu clemen total sub jectiv and mere opinion that you can predict winner gre ater accuraci jeann dixon fact that morri didn win ballgam toronto spite morri c ontribut thi explain you exactli jai won morri pitch and boston win clemen pitch not that morri clemen that individu comparison player total meaningless and tha t claim that clemen base era miss point basebal time and you stupid stubborn gra sp you don rude you complet consum post hoc ergo propter hoc fallaci for you tha t mean that you miss entir point argument you commit fallaci ignoratio elenchi n ot that morri clemen ring tongu cheek claim that past that imposs isol individu perform that team for purpos compar that individu perform anoth individu per for manc stat nice hobbi and that knowledg produc poster claim that morri clemen rin g poster incorrect rest you bai hound cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron an d time hbp big cat articl odin corp sgi kubei sgi ken kubei wri te don blame player galarraga dawson and mcgee swing strike and put ball plai pr oblem pretti annoi swing strike and make out ball count dave dave demer demer uc sd edu comput scienc engin demer ucsd bitnet san diego ucsd demer jolla fax jose canseco swing articl ucdavi edu dale ucdavi edu gar i man villanueva huckabai write not easi us frame advanc tape and simpli count f rame time and throw outlier not perfect blow head larg metal object you final fo und us for that super slo and frame advanc scrutin soror babe heat congrat had f ilm tape prefer fp ten million dollar and eat want and never gain weight trust y ou helluva time manipul you convert film video you kind artifact differ frame ra te you expert pulldown for laserdisc compani gari list ten slowest bat basebal h ei fair fettucin alfredo griffin gui practic pivot bat bodi gari list hell can h it that julio franco phil plantier darren daulton daulton doesn strike that stra ng bit quiet plate franco get bat hit zone level plane time watch julio franco d idn hit that marvel easi make time make contact solid good power field and rare caught not readi for pitch phil plantier had sever bout hemorrhoid and had pract ic swing throne bout add your list travi fryman gui plant front foot and swing a cross bodi gener lot power think gener even pivot hip gari list give dave kirsch kidnei swing that spoken for peopl add robbi alomar name list dean palmer swing for twist reason pedro munoz swing that for derrick tape tonight troi neel that gui thought taught turn ball imho fall love newfound power and start pull ball point that lot sinker slider low and adjust quickli and start rifl doubl left an d left center imho you good number weak grounder side infield month dave hung ji m acker slider kirsch blue jai kirsch staff umn edu quot context not beat dead h ors coupl week thi disappoint punish discharg jackhamm stephen lawrenc hispan star team icop csa edu antonio pera write hispan magazin april had coupl interest articl hispan player includ hispan star team ma jor point npr morn edit air report thi morn hispan latin american player mlb and problem face black negro african american player enter leagu basebal adjust pre senc black player hispan player labor stereotyp firebal hot blood flashi report emphasis that despit rant word jessi jackson basebal discrimin black player uppe r echelon basebal black player hispan player anoth interest point languag barrie r problem report elabor interview ruben sierra gave spanish spanish speak newspa p report fact that major basebal writer that speak spanish despit fact that span

ish not easiest languag learn easi that author cormac mccarthi learn spanish ag order research book pretti hors mlb organ emploi spanish speak personel except o akland anoth point latin american player african blood report that never felt bl ack plai ball iron earli presenc latin american basebal player major leagu that support idea that basebal integr arriv jacki robinson light black brown latin am erican incorpor into basebal not cure for diseas imag believ heal sandra vigil p ower word and stori vigil esca end world brave giant articl new duke edu fl keyn econ duke edu fo rrest smith write cox protest game second time garbag thrown outfield protest ga me point ron gant assess second strike ninth ground that cox field and time call protest deni umpir judgement determin garbag thing game call that person opinio n doesn matter time ump second argument baseless dave brave giant situat giant bleacher case point for for com mission thi true main thing commish selig suspend bobbi cox you cannot team come ump brave rip ump thi case player dead wrong cox for game had ump game that hap pen eject player that cox and gant spare and cox ensu argument dave hbp big cat articl odin corp sgi kubei sgi ken kubei wri te suppos foul ball machin brett butler pretti valuabl watch and root for lower obp gui can hit ball and watch and root for team that score lot run and win game root for rocki and andr that for irrat hometown reaon root for frank thoma davi d paschich jack morri maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edward ted fischer write articl apr newshub a riel yorku ariel yorku shawn luddington write hei valentin don boston world seri ring finger yah damn morri and hall fame futur didn earn last game blow world s eri start earn valuabl member blue jai team not world seri season valuabl put ol erud pitch yeah valuabl get postseason suck dirti canal water straw jai won spit e morri toronto easili made sign morri clemen your definit refer measur scale th at noth win ring umm roger return halcyon dai post ago poster valentin repli us ring measur concept call context and you becom familiar somedai fact that morri shown that take plai win club clemen hasn thi transalt clemen hasn into lou gorm an offic larg calib handgun and refus come trade jai complet loss mean for you c an clemen past and claim that morri you want fact that morri shown that can win and clemen hasn earth thi mean career clemen won game start morri per year cleme n averag win morri you grant proposit that prevent team score increas your chanc win game that clemen run in pitch morri run per in fact jack morri never career had era for singl year good clemen career era forget maynardvers mystic signifi c buckner miss that grounder had morri sox routin groundout whether not clemen y our standard measur total meaningless object game not compil high figur statist that you chosen feel import object game contribut victori thi patient explain yo u time and you stupid stubborn grasp speak stupid patient and not patient explai n you time that attribut great player base accomplish team make sens claim that racecar attract paint job won race your continu failur not understand even intel lig repli argument present lead conclus that you spent game goal mask don give t hat shit boston had alomar olerud henk and ward toronto had rivera jack clark je ff reardon thing look last fall give credit credit due thi lavish prais morri ma ke sick and dog caught rabbit forget didn happen and open your ey for onc and an d happen forget morri shouldn won era morri pitch last year jai won stop cry and life cry jai won and team deserv win east perform two short seri and won world seri and congratul for red sox fan hope morri happi pick stewart and elat trade for darrin jackson you you mystic link morri and offens you can that man credit win last year lucki luck run pitch odd in gave exactli earn run and roger hear y our explan differ morri and morri pitcher and morri learn win interven ten year minnesota era half run lower mike jone aix high end develop mjone donald aix kin gston ibm don humbl you not that great jack morri maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write and depend definit that you us for base and mine base happen our base happen an d base fantasi happen that understand you hockei background stat minu make rbi g ood viola fault that boston had offens morri that blue jai had such strong offen s don that morri thi magic abil offens player score run thi perfect exampl your

problem you isol viola contribut rest team effort you can thi you can for team v iola can you compar you cannot team viola your analysi fallaci straigh answer si mel question fair number interes answer answer roger can pitcher offens player t eam score run for and demonstr fact that team win loss record close relat number run team score and number team not definit hard and fast function correl fact r ule thumb team and score run and team run for run fewer that team will win anoth game for instanc toronto blue jai find that score run and allow morri allow thi ng equal frank viola era had replac jack morri for in morri threw plausibl sinc viola threw for boston red jai allow fewer run for win that doesn into account t hat viola pitch half in fenwai harder park pitch for lefthand skydom roger you t hat pitcher can affect number run team score you enlighten fallaci thi analysi f oolhardi claim that viola necessarili put had jai last year that not claim actua l perform and evalu viola morri sens that had morri perform viola team take open mind understand happen real world gui thi true not open that your brain fall mi ke jone aix high end develop mjone donald aix kingston ibm comput you don open t hat exit hatch thi moment zap straight your major data bank and reprogram you la rg that zaphod beeblebrox good red sox uhura rochest edu wizard write post two pos t net sinc discov us and time receiv redicul for predict red sox high east hear peopl dont sox can high thi year observ had you bit exuber tone and substanc you r predict respons bit measur that roger and frank vintag form and sox rrespond c lemen thi form and viola isn perform expect you that sox respond and not bumbri hobson like suspect hit coach mike easler like give easler credit for vaughhn ho t start clemen viola greenwel hit injuri thi optimist scenario not unreason hasn shown power dawson provid leadership and hit can you that dawson provid leaders hip perhap calderon perhap clemen and viola hobson final show peopl skill suppos hire myth and dawson hit not greenwel vaughn cooper fletcher russel finish game don thi juli fletcher hit leadoff hitter bit expect don forget that zupcic look wade bogg lite for last year bewar small sampl size fletcher hit last year grea t improv sox leadoff hitter last year awar that career number that put good numb er long doesn make year cooper hit bogg field and good plate ummm can bui field part and plate bogg gener cooper pretti good hitter couldn carri bogg jockstrap luck fourth martinez bogg ventura and palmer will sox pitch last year pitchiong staff and hit coiuld run thee divis sinc that hit and pitch not challeng run div is that win and not second you make that quick left turn into aether plausibl no t phrase run divis like you visit men white coat not clear that staff last year russel darwin doesn and hesketh doesn pitch bare avoid lose spot rotat hand hesk eth pitch miser and stupid move pen and bring conroi fossa continu pitch dismal give in becasu lefti and russel explod pretti bad mike jone aix high end develop mjone donald aix kingston ibm god comedian plai audienc that afraid laugh mark twain box score wonder type box score each dai colleg and not till weekend thank mail twin box score for twin schedul kesslerm columbia dsu ed u philli sign mark davi had heard rumor cin hou and intere st mark davi doesn surpris that team had give and cash lynch mob draft thi gui a nd loud cry will you give thi gui rocki spoon feed game met bichett total lost outfield mi splai martinez fly into doubl expo misplai alou singl into tripl alou tag slide bag and misplai anoth into run tripl add wonder bat averag and heck player don b oell rocki two error walk name po rbi avg boston galarraga ta tum cole young hay murphi bichett clark girardi castilla benavid young pitcher t otal name era wayn aldr smith ashbi neid parrett blair henri ruffin reed holm to tal torr worst manag articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech ed u brian landmann write ninth in base load and two out put lankford hitter power pinch runner and lui alicea hitter power pinch hitter hell think didn alicea hit ballyard brave chop chop michael mule michael andr mule georgia institut techno log atlanta georgia decvax hplab ncar purdu rutger gatech prism internet prism g

atech edu wfan articl knd new udel edu philli ravel udel edu rober t hite write philli ravel udel edu robert hite subject wfan date thu apr gmt art icl apr virginia edu jja virginia edu write listen wfan for you not talk sport r adio staion york clear night signal reach and east coast want len berman and mik e lupica show school virginia can listen dai wonder fan sport radio station does n come close ultim sport radio wip philadelphia signal not power station york fe el oblig pollut airwav bunch hoodlum met fan complain hour dai wip two your spor t jockei jodi macdonald and steve frederick wip rockin sport talk till midnight check anytim your hour philadelphia not mistaken wip highest sport talk rate nat ion dalla and you alot nerv that wfan bunch hoodlum met fan footbal season local cowboi station had wip time for simultani broadcast never heard bigger bunch lo w intellect bed wet obnoxi woof cranial deform asshol entir life averag eagl fan rang and big drooler flame work for bob kevin kerr kkerr mkcase dseg member sin c yanke dolphin stroll cyberspac snif electr wind phil east not weak that true live richmond home aaa rich mond brave and thi gui ryan klesko hit home last year that doesn sound lot diamo nd built home run rariti fact ron gant brian hunter and david justic prove hit r ichmond major never back you can hit richmond you can hit anywher beat scranton philli game team aaa histori underwhelm expect guess fenwai gif articl umassd edu acsddc smuc umassd edu writ e wonder had kind fenwai park gif send advanc dan and yanke stadium gif advanc m ike feszczyszyn rbi note jai indian articl apr new acn nwu edu edo casba h acn nwu edu edward ouellett write rbi worthless stat stolen base sometim runne r front player that run and pitcher pitch differ peopl base bat averag slug and obp hmmm guess homer not count point rbi not perfect stat noth and stat lack can clutch hitter stat can peopl you want us rbi rbi attempt measur combin clutch h it and power hit you clutch hit gui hit risp you want good slugger slug averag t erm evalu player rbi total noth us stat david frohardt lane dfl math wayn edu ti ger lion piston red wing and wolverin mcrae torr worst manag scott mccall scott davi write new report that that mcrae bat coach and not manag for reason job reason royal mana g late and jess jackson picket stadium tim evan pont nemour tkevan eplrx dupont experiment station box evanstk esvax wilmington delawar royal randal informix randal rhea write royal dark void time plai shame descend land cold front canada humili live and live utterli and complet doom that guess you not rememb tim evan pont nemour tkevan eplrx dupont experiment station box evanstk esvax wilmington delawar stat for sourc american leagu basebal stat for individu player format print newspap not want provid list player and back nice print repo rt for week such statist avail and idea cost canada remot system toronto ontario propos catcher sub rule red sox catcher don backup us us randi kutcher backup catcher middl infield and outfield you don good catcher co mpet you can afford lose catch abil and pick player can us field john carr jfc a thena mit edu millitello updat articl apr alleg edu millit yanke org s am millitello uhhhh spell name correctli sam millitello uhhhh bob vesterman yanke win home open articl apr alleg edu millit yanke or g sam millitello tell you sam call mom and bob vesterman philli sweep red aw red report articl ialu usenet uc ind iana edu rstimet silver uc indiana edu robert and stimet write not that philli w on ahead bottom eighth post box score sinc cinci plai crimin bad pub had turn ga me cincinnati had hit singl end eighth thi make six game exactli extra base hit cincinnati runner score posit team complet power absolut hit clutch situat cinci nnati starter tom brown pitch in give run and strike sure loser tonight red star ter supposedli solid won game thi year red won two clean batter sabo yesterdai h omer suck plate dibbl not return fridai thi not mean sinc cinci not find save si tuat for speak red exactli lead thi week for and half in chri dinger tuesdai man ag toni perez red not swing bat good call doggi big differ not swing bat and red

plate uuuggghhhh red fan verg nervou breakdown mike that prognosi kevin mitchel dai matter dai you read gari burbank told you and you strong surviv and weak di sappear not intend disappear jimmi hoffa mtissand magnu ac ohio state edu cynic rstimet wfan hope that thi come somewhat unbias asses wfan and w ip school philadelphia and listen station consist basi that fan mike lupica noon person can big name guest for interview and not local import dave chekett and f red wilpon show had bob costa and magic johnson opinion two station compet talen t morn show opinion imu bruno cataldi and morganti even feel morganti had crew p eopl work wip copi imu make sport theme term sport imu lack blanket airwav inter ject humor and polit into show noon chuck cooperstein and lupica equal abil host radio show chuck advantag lupica term deal caller ask local team draft sixth ro und lupica and host fan interview guest heard wip that not interest interview ce lebr major stori thi even two style host noon thi point give big advantag jodi m cdonald len berman lenni for coupl week abil transcend homer mental philadelphia fan base thi evid iggl philadelphia spell plai cowboi huge dalla fan can you pe opl call and predict score eg host wip morn gui agre that great fan weekend over night and miss hear current crop rotat host feel that sportstalk host station go od margin you and you can wip fill weekend sometim thi time francesa and russo f atso and froot loop and becom divid loyalti mike and dog entertain hour call eve n minut talk sport matd great guest and that basi for show debat anoth appear mi ke and chri imu morn hilari matd frederick and missanelli mike missanelli can st omach steve frederick that philli origin fan homer philli homer don listen wip g ame that night you will for reason that give advantag fan midnight wip and man m ake eli that call matd time novic charg racism cobb thi man grate nerv that list en for minut nut that bias listen show fan game knick ranger met jet john basket bal game west coast howi rose dead air cobb wip wip air sixer and flyer game sea son thi sport station lose iggl wysp home howard stern phil summer talk wip give advantag wfan except and even and wip advantag rich you read hat movi imu morn blurb you blurb seinfeld question candlestick ticket for giant and wonder familia r stadium section lower level locat mail respons rich you read hat movi imu morn blurb you blurb seinfeld astro for real articl apr ccsvax sfasu edu millerwl ccsv ax sfasu edu write think astro place place road agre lumberjack that place san d iego lo angel san francisco cincinnati denver atlanta miami philadelphia york mo ntreal pittsburgh chicago loui and point home not us overli enthusiast houston f an shouldn discourag hang lumberjack ahold that shift kei will obbas appar owner drayton mclain doesn excus item paper austin american statesman you read that w ouldn injuri excus for lose that possibl account for don want owner that edg nev er that feel houston area feel for meddl owner mclain marc stephenson ibm aw adv anc workstat system austin disclaim content thi post independ offici ibm posit i nternet marc austin ibm vnet marc ausvmq ibm defens averag base dale stephenson steph uiuc edu wrote jjrj uiuc edu steph uiuc edu dale stephenson write compil last defens averag rep ort career da for individu player report stat courtesi sherri nichol player list descend order and comment player delet basemen leiu scott good bad move short p agliarulo mike thi interest line figur slightli below averag pathet and year par t that mobil yanke padr rotten infield twin and judg leiu and gaetti metrodom go od place plai gaetti gari apolog don talk twin fan good player park not rememb c omplet not gaetti plai twin for world seri and note that lowest last two plai an gel lot factor make player excel hate us dome not ideal nice comfort enjoi baseb al and footbal even snow and rain craig compani for work not opinion that phil east not weak apr guvax acc georgetown edu apanjabi guvax acc georgetown edu write love peopl blame philli success weak divis don r ecord team each divis read inter division plai that east kick shit west earli th at atlanta strong cincinnati come sweep veteran stadium philadelphia and houston swept game philli astrodom that western divis friend show that team your divis not strong you you post thi earli and eat your word mid season mon philli haven prove atlanta similar phil year ago suck start good year didn respect won divis

phil good year not good week won respect btw atlanta compliment good brave recor d can you imagin phil record bat hahahaha and atlanta hit will improv dramat not brave fan defend good team orin bradlei phil brave hit aaa club red marg bob je ster disguis red sox lead articl zra ulowel ulowel edu stwombl ulowel edu steve twombl write boston red sox lead royal in sox undef team east dai jum p lake you believ steve read thi net last dai continu amaz pronounc basebal prow ess individu come that bosox haven prayer long time red sox fan will simpli impo ss dream year for you short memori short live red sox fan continu subject abus a nd critic follow hot team thi statement support base increas number brave woofer net true fan team team will follow that team good year lean year and ampli rewa rd time yeah buckner roller leg care clemen told coolei piss rope and promptli e arn quick shower fact team leagu year and fan support that appear that lean time number detract come plai and will happen come septemb red sox not that good not that bad and chanc win world seri rememb met chanc even make that alon beat bal timor face basebal wonder game and unpredict footbal and basketbal thi can never absolut certain outcom will game joec godot cypr rain warn elvi imperson can ha zard joec ursula pdx edu your health won your reput bike red sox celtic seahawk sonic rbi risp and slg and last month thread rbi and relat top ic think can predict player rbi inform perform and number runner score posit ris p that bat brock model bill jame calcul predict rbi rbi total base home run thi complet ignor context that brock sinc context unknown thought that idea start po int and good fit data you compar rbi home run slg risp start team data data elia that pick year afford and stomach thought increas elia profit that gave year an d don team rbi for add that year you run simpl squar fit data you rbi home run s lg risp correl lh and rh signific ridicul high level feel fit good team level st art move player level and look player will clark ozzi smith joe carter and don m attingli hope add quit copiou free time thi year doesn badli equat underpredict low hitter smith fault model ozzi result rbi year actual predict carter clark ma tt smith can make case and hope make stronger that rbi can predict simpli know p layer slug and men score posit come harold harold brook hbrook uiatma atmo uiuc edu nation sever storm laboratori norman us work for breweri didn drink job bava si dal maxvil view that florida can win east dave kingman for hall fame articl mssc gqe netcom mss ne tcom mark singer write kingman fan thought point that player histori game joe ca rter eddi murrai mccovei and gehrig ruth mai foxx and dawson two each didn mike schmidt thi time can rememb twice wriglei field alon dai kong shootout and swat dai april month set april record rememb thi kid jewish basebal player you can add baseman mike epstein r elat list ari mlb stand and score for fri apr mlb stand and score for fridai april includ yesterdai game nation west won lost pct last streak home roa d san francisco giant won houston astro lost atlanta brave lost colorado rocki w on lo angel dodger lost san diego padr lost cincinnati red lost nation east phil adelphia philli won pittsburgh pirat won loui cardin won york met lost chicago c ub won montreal expo won florida marlin won american west won lost pct last stre ak home road texa ranger lost california angel won chicago white sox won minneso ta twin lost oakland athlet lost seattl marin lost kansa citi royal won american east boston red sox won toronto blue jai won york yanke lost detroit tiger won cleveland indian lost milwauke brewer lost baltimor oriol won yesterdai score id l team list alphabet order nation leagu american leagu houston astro seattl mari n montreal expo toronto blue jai york met oakland athlet colorado rocki detroit tiger pittsburgh pirat kansa citi royal san diego padr york yanke loui cardin cl eveland indian lo angel dodger boston red sox atlanta brave california angel ppd san francisco giant milwauke brewer rain chicago cub idl baltimor oriol idl cin cinnati red idl chicago white sox idl florida marlin idl minnesota twin idl phil adelphia philliesidl texa ranger idl joseph hernandez ram laker jtchern ocf berk elei edu king dodger raider jtcent soda berkelei edu angel clipper card sweep met lose life good line favorit team sweep do

dger favorit sweet met favorit team loss rocki made thi thi great dai and great start weekend cardin espn tonight big lee smith great start and cardin hit clutc h even had game lot hit and not run hopefulli coach stress situat hit spring tra in runner lob will lower thi year due high strikeout number jose and lankford an d zeil year don fuss filli media and filli fan forget stand give wild thing week two start blow game and cardin pitch staff complet filli staff and that will ma ke differ side note year ago comment made basebal player manag dodger defens ask hit ball dodger and repli fair rememb section sport illustr and issu redbird ga ri wieman tiger stadium gif hate rude screw seat chart post stadiu m logistician reign suprem blue tiger piston lion red wing ching wpi wpi edu note jai indian seri articl apr midwai uchicago edu thf midwai uchicago edu write articl rudyc fxc deu netcom rudi netcom rudi wade writ e articl apr csd newshost stanford edu nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write guess line obp slg walk give obp gener somewhat valuabl slug and alomar edg obp quit bit larger baerga edg slug sdcn valuabl hit doubl hr tripl and bb not forget ext ra sb alomar had baerga had don forget out baerga had gidp balanc and had sacrif ic alomar replac level second baseman had hit walk and coupl xbh for addit out b aerga had tripl home run talk exchang almost walk for six home run and doubl alm ost walk valuabl alomar greater boost home park baerga and six home run hmm you want pick second baseman plai toronto you alomar anywher and you baerga mike dis claim opiini damn exit quitby ctrlaltdel logout save quit quit zzzzzz man helpqu it man exit quit ctrlshftdel hei stop mlb stand and score for fri apr articl qmj agat berkelei edu jtchern ocf berkelei edu joseph hernandez write houston astro seattl marin montreal expo toronto blue jai york met oakland athlet colorado rocki detroit ti ger pittsburgh pirat kansa citi royal san diego padr york yanke loui cardin clev eland indian lo angel dodger boston red sox atlanta brave california angel ppd s an francisco giant milwauke brewer rain thi lead that not rabbitbal year and tha t had rash high score game bet thi dai worth game pull back close averag interes t dai game had ten run score and yesterdai game had ted frank thf kimbark uchica go edu card moop law school standard disclaim young catcher articl qlnkninn aludra usc edu sheehan alu dra usc edu joseph sheehan write point you made lopez berryhil olson made and re aliz that lopez second come frank thoma relent and prais unmistak wisdom support nope basebal manag short sight collect peopl nation you not thi mark you frank thoma need month aaa thi essenti compar lopez player game forward thi can miss s uperstar for thoma rememb advoc brought even can rememb sox calderon martinez ki ttl spot talent for not convinc that lopez anywher talent thoma season and not c onvinc that olson berryhil bad kittl martinez btw don thoma hurt month cal eldr wasn ricki bone last year can compar gui game compar decis boneshead cal eldr fu ll season aaa and longer minor leagu career frankli don didn make club bone year younger lousi prior histori and watch make that miss career big leagu pitcher r epeat laugh louder sheffield trade guess miesk futur back mcilvain laugh louder you polit make defens flaw case wit and past admit wrong that qualifi you make s dcn you gee shuck gui miss part sdcn admit wrong beastmast mark singer mss netco m earli bbddd return articl apr new brandei edu pip brande i edu write curiou start standout earli season ddd thi year tater that jack morr i serv griffei younger bat thi year feet rememb check scorecard home that longes t kingdom stand game weak show despit promis taterbal candid ben mcdonald rich d elucia and rest marin bullpen make appear tape measur for omar vizquel grand sla m skydom jeff brown big enchilada brown bag lunch astronomi dept jbrown washingt on edu washington jbrown phast phy washington edu tiger can logistician reign suprem blue tiger piston lio n red wing ching wpi wpi edu note jai indian seri articl ncoast org actuari ncoast or g steven goldman write will start thi year star game for alomar not put great pl ayer help recognit had plai citi like pour vote alomar differ your opinion citi like pour vote attend game last year ballot that great number attende not fill b

allot left beer soak and torn floor stand toronto get and vote citi for star gam e thi not time thing attend game last season and happen time apathet attitud sta r ballot offend lj bonilla bobbi bonilla supposedli us word faggot mad that author clubhous ban basebal for year schott torr worst manag dak vma smsu edu hal mcrae worst manag basebal never gui can wast talent can raw talent staff leagu and find lose surpr is make week drastic improv made confus hal mcrae fault that can win team offens player phil hiatt mean real kansa citi will outstand year entir staff end offen s team basebal even you count expans team david tate dtate pitt edu sir bat not quick member iie orsa tim sabr hand not soft ey not discern and denver call you slugger big catullu galarraga and compar you mattingli brave pitch updatedir articl blue ci pitt edu traven pit t edu neal traven write chapter palmer and thorn hidden game titl pitch basebal impli that field determin that beat long long time sinc read thi opinion stupide st thing hidden game argument defens run allow game unearn run amount run allow earn run sinc unearn run result field not pitch and earn run product pitch not f ield field defens and pitch defens caombin pitch game field pete sharper that fe el that field defens rang call field and pitch separ offens into bat and baserun split and give baserun credit that even give team roberto alomar and team john olerud ident bat stat wouldn that unreason and even you don roberto steal singl base score lot olerud offens gordon clai homerun impress hr dave kingman and infam moon raker dri ve don boell sportwrit articl new cso uiuc edu rkoffler cso uiuc edu bighelmet write csc imd cabel vcu edu ian derbi write sinc brought sport radio h owabout sportswrit happen big fan jayson stark basebal writer for philadelphia i nquir tuesdai write week review column write unusu situat that occur week unusu stat section call kiner week stupid line met brodcast ralph kiner year lgtgah co ntest that stand for last gui hit write for basebal america that column sort hig hlight week review you can check column make you laugh rob koffler isn stark tha t idiot write basebal america twice month write woulda thunk articl piec time th ought that buddi biancalana home run colorado rocki babe ruth omar vizquel and n olan ryan combin idiot gui you live dai dai and rkoffler cso uiuc edu dream tomo rrow don henlei andrew jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h john lowenstein lowenstein not jewish long list includ hank greenberg moe berg rod carew convert sherri brother art shamski and ron blomberg barri phill pirat philli fan penna basebal fan anxiou penna se ri start and game will plai thi good basebal and pirat good start doc world seri stat that stat becom part player career stat not jewish basebal player onc jeopardi categori jewish sport hero not answer thi pitcher had hitter dodger contest hank aaron alex trebek do n hank aaron pitcher david fry fry math harvard edu divis appli scienc fry huma bitnet harvard univers harvard huma fry cambridg ind sourc pick baerga alomar case close fester island mi ke fester write you make good for equal rate baerga higher mike final object sou rc alomar great player baerga nice object sourc cite dad bigger your dad post homerun two separ occas dick allen back richi homer shea middl black centerfield hitter background screen shot travel feet jai spanki boon psc edu jon boon write mon apr gmt apr mnemo syn edu greg spira gspira nyx edu wrote pittsburgh area mike lavallier releas la st year that slaught bulk plai time that player thi point leyland insist keep pr etti strict platoon and releas that doesn make sens greg stori thi spanki slow q uicker slaught and tom princ didn want lose princ order bring that pitcher slaug ht good spanki and princ come nice question hasn answer spanki bad releas thi ye ar plai time last year part platoon and that plai time slaught that doesn answer question slaught thi year wasn thi obviou last year and shouldn take spanki pla

i time righti greg melido due back yanke plan activ melido perez dai todai bring back thi weekend for info homerun articl hpcc corp boell hpcc corp donald boell wr ite impress hr dave kingman and infam moon raker drive rememb hit circa wriglei field that across street dead center field and hit hous roof whif lot connect wa tch includ std disclaim dan jewish basebal player articl mssc fur netcom mss netcom mark singer write polish and jewish not mutual exclus didn mean offend quot stan ki subject rememb time last year interview espn and interview can rememb ask sta nki jewish interview jewish and want jewish ballplay stanki repli polish not jew ish that wasn thing for stanki and naiv post devot thi subject find actual jewis h ballplay jewish and knew koufax greenberg and blomberg alan infield fly rule jrogoff scott skidmor edu jai rogoff wr ite last infield fly question that puzzl and hasn address rule not deal thi situ at infield fly not caught point can runner legal leav base fear doubl for advanc earli runner can leav base time ball caught tag isn caught doesn tag feel lucki your runner second can sprint for glori ball pop isn caught score run head for aaa effect infield fly make batter therebi remov forc runner base rule appli you stand second open and ball pop tim shippert shippert cco caltech edu stick thi damn quantum jump regret that had quantum theori schroding alomar baerga hope stai thi lyford frosti beverag write baerga lot flash alomar hitter last year batter slg obp rbi baerga alomar thi fa scin you that alomar hitter last year and immedi follow that number show that ba erga had year categori that show advantag for alomar obp obp import offens stati st and big margin point obp worth consider point slug that baerga slightli last year thi close wash you like find person don care for alomar defens don good peo pl make and can turn save life come across bag improperli and releas slow high l everag thi shortcom can overlook long term move alomar anoth posit jai trade hot devon white for alomar hell long run jeff kent and alomar alomar white gari huc kabai you that loud hole movi right you troubl hear sir happi turn for you didn ted frank that peopl your ag like king darrrrrrrrryl articl mssc kcru netcom mss netcom mark si nger write media beat incid dodger stadium wednesdai death haven rsb gerald perr i cardin pinch hit eighth in two and club run stroke line drive into field corne r ball clear foot high fenc and into crowd darryl race center spot time reach gl ove short fenc miss ball fan sit front row wear mitt reach and caught ball home run replai time and conclud that darryl miss ball and that fan glove essenti dar ryl dodger fan seat vicin claim that fan unquestion interf strawberri cannot dis put that fan caught ball never ey oblivi fielder plai quit exuber realiz had mad e catch stuff daryl and tommi and blame fan for loss delet replai time question daryl miss ball fan caught daryl tall that had shot ball daryl whine show lack c lass tommi daryl and dodger blame singl fan for lose game pitcher threw gopher b all pitcher that gave run that point tommi game and daryl feet inch tall you arg ument bond maddux giant close season newspap notesgroup etc ha d close and person last night stick watch giant hitter struggl last year barri s wing impress quick and swing effortless even compar clark clark late interest bo nd hit maddux not barri reveng brave stroke pretti hit for rbi giant team lot su rpris thing thi year addit bond good pitch and hitter swing clayton defens super b mcgee lead thi year manwar drive ball hope continu continu into june peopl sol d that for real pitch for fresh start magowan baker etc wipe lot neg last year a nd will real factor help significantli improv last year joe loo loo cup yanke bullpen buck showalt can win bob wickman pitch gam e life in yank lead buck decid kid and complet game wickman manag two out fun sc ore and sudden and wickman can buck bullpen and farr get gui face last night jim mi kei pitch anoth long string game life thi gui get in yank lead thi time buck think don want repeat that fiasco wickman give bullpen work steve how era come i nto game left didn good farr come two run homer and royal win thi fourth time th i year that bullpen blown lead farr how twice togeth monteleon onc and even haby

an onc deal final terrif start pitch sudden bullpen turn shit buck gonna and geo rg gonna thi continu happen alan jewish basebal player bilinski infield fly rule jrogoff scott skidmor edu jai rogoff wr ite last infield fly question that puzzl and hasn address rule not deal thi situ at infield fly declar and ball caught runner can tag and advanc risk fly ball in field fly not caught point can runner legal leav base fear doubl for advanc earl i ball hit ground fielder touch ball hit ground enlighten appreci not understand thi question rule invok batter automat thi reliev runner forc advanc base ball not caught that isn situat runner base not forc base drop fly ball that ball cau ght can tag and run decid stai and ball drop can left base time eric smith eric netcom eric infoserv astro back articl apr rosi edu rosi edu schwam david wri te articl hhwv cvk austin ibm marc yogi austin ibm marc stephenson write astro r elief corp hold togeth doug jone changeup effect and xavier hernandez can effect passabl reason left hand and middl relief iffi tom eden expect joe boever setup man role injur and expans team acquisit houston thought that boever demand mone i doug jone can lose touch cleveland star closer minor pretti short span underst and boever and murphi consid expend club houston felt that posit fill number pla yer art doug jone kei houston success anoth great year for houston challeng west argument murphi scare hell last year hand club boever put into aw lot game led leagu appear point viabl setup gui guess that not consid that crucial club can r ememb two year ago unsuspect strength lower part order save club biggio and finl ei aren job get base fill role rbi man bagwel had assum biggio and finlei job bi ggio concern sinc start season strong not that concern gui rel consist year and good reason declin injuri not expect come fine gui that not consist good that wo rrisom part even come side note you concern rumor year uniform talk that road un iform will blech tradit grei word houston written across chest not mistaken home uniform total elimin color orang shiver mclane favorit color red thi sound road uni pretti dull button pullov check uniform book had orang upset current unform dull and sound horribl uniform mid return not pretti houston had establish long precid wear ugliest uniform basebal and like astro pullov shirt astro stripe ac ross shoulder and troubl make wear public can want that chang gee elimin orang w ill reupholst seat astro stripe section us gold and yellow level don number us p instrip version astro cap and thought look good marc stephenson ibm aw advanc wo rkstat system austin disclaim content thi post independ offici ibm posit interne t marc austin ibm vnet marc ausvmq ibm player rush major articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech e du russel earnest write articl apr holo lbr holo len reed write articl tss hanso n tss hanson loo write didn bob horner straight arizona state univ atlanta brave rememb had great month hit dinger and heard japan month short career compar exp ect for such highli tout prospect due injuri prone overweight and work ethic not suffer rush big len thi exactli suffer rush big overweight and work ethic lead injuri prone noth loos correct richmond you intend smilei your comment rememb co rrectli doubt horner sign brave conting start atlanta back arizona for year hadn sign brave send richmond onc lead week long walkout methink horner had work eth ic draft and minor leagu plai wouldn help raw talent into and for start fall wri st eric lazi updat sig roush jewish basebal player weiss plai second for white sox ea rli sixti chiefli back don buford good glove hit spunk remind serv kosher hot do g comiskei mark bernstein eastgat system inc main street watertown usa voic usa eastgat world std compuserv applelink eastgat jewish broadcast jewish basebal player for that matter g entleman press box jewish jewish sportscast that come mind steve william had phi lli show kyw philadelphia mark bernstein eastgat system inc main street watertow n usa voic usa eastgat world std compuserv applelink eastgat candlestick park experi long giant season ticket holder for year and never complain ballyard place cold food line long and hire hand sur li thi part giant mystiqu thought tuesdai game giant marlin and stick place noth short dome will elimin wind lot line lot shorter bathroom clean and run water a

nd hire hand polit foghorn light and blow each homerun and wooden fenc nice blea cher bleacher start top fenc and give great view and beer stand bottom bleacher complaint that electron fashion scoreboard electron thing long time ago real bus inessman safewai presid peter magowan figur us checker custom don come back don checker thi isn knock bob luri compet businessman didn deal gener public give ex ampl level servic chang onion dispens jam attend apolig for problem and proceed fix machin clean machin and glad dai attend and folk concess stand stand feet fu n dai craig eid mail address craig hpsad sad melido due back articl nittmo camelot nittmo camelot bra dlei edu christoph taylor write yanke plan activ melido perez dai todai bring ba ck thi weekend for info chicago tribun pitch form perez pitch todai that buck ro tat that work confus stat page editor adam midwai uchicago edu aka mercutio obli gatori yanke for basebal season woodlawn av apt chicago kansa citi mail contact person run mail list for kansa c iti royal mail detail mail list you list and info send info mail don time read t hi group john john carson mindlink john carson concept ind sourc pick baerga alomar case close articl andi bgsu edu klopfen andi bgsu edu bruce klopfenstein write fester island mike fester wr ite you make good for equal rate baerga higher final object sourc alomar great p layer baerga nice object sourc cite dad bigger your dad post you thi fuck idea t hat prefer alomar baerga jai lover and indian hater you that wrong hate jai and don care indian object alomar had offens year last year pick you admit reliabl o bject sourc you will note that rate alomar offens player chose baerga alomar def ens that joke alomar not gold glover wors baerga defens valentin defens averag base articl srgenprp craig srgenprp craig stelter write gaetti gari apolog don talk twin fan good player park not rememb c omplet not gaetti plai twin for world seri and note that lowest last two plai an gel lot factor make player excel hate us dome not ideal nice comfort enjoi baseb al and footbal even snow and rain craig compani for work not opinion that event that had impact gaetti career leg injuri perform drop radic twin and you stat of fens and defens never come back pre injuri level brendan homerun haven previou two that live that rick mondai bur i expo championship hit steve roger rhp and primarili starter us reliev spo had reardon and billle warm bullpen mondai couldn touch lhp lee safe bet wasn even d rug that time told and recent ventur into montreal blast wasn import aspect time seventh game tie game and top expo almost back mike schmidt hit that kill expo close and strawberri kill pitch second dai season coupl year ago technic ring bi g almost left stadium that hit hard corelmark articl dxqp hoo new rich bnr bratt crchh nosubdomain nod omain john bratt write game length don thi valid statement not game last lot lon ger make sutcliff fisk ect factor into account russ anderson disclaim statement and not reflect employ twin jack morri in pitch run world seri mvp defens averag base srgenprp craig srgenprp craig stelter write dale stephenson steph uiuc edu wrote jjrj uiuc edu steph uiuc edu dale st ephenson write compil last defens averag report career da for individu player re port stat courtesi sherri nichol player list descend order and comment player de let basemen leiu scott good bad move short pagliarulo mike thi interest line fig ur slightli below averag pathet and year part that mobil yanke padr rotten infie ld twin and judg leiu and gaetti metrodom good place plai gaetti gari apolog don talk twin fan good player park not rememb complet not gaetti plai twin for worl d seri and note that lowest last two plai angel gaetti year california wasn line career averag and below averag check last year metrodom gaetti avg pag leiu avg leiu avg for last year highest da leagu post minnesota player includ pag medioc r horribl that doesn prove park effect work san diego horribl infield number pro ve park effect work strong possibl lot factor make player excel hate us dome not ideal nice comfort enjoi basebal and footbal even snow and rain and even nice p lai thrid base dale stephenson steph uiuc edu basebal fanat consid good wise not overburden inform golden kimbal phill pirat articl apr vfl paramax edd gvlf gvl unisi do ugherti write philli fan penna basebal fan anxiou penna seri start and game will

plai thi good basebal and pirat good start doc you shell and run thi handi dand i program mlb pit phi and answer mondai pittsburg philadelphia tuesdai pittsburg philadelphia wednesdai pittsburg philadelphia fridai philadelphia pittsburg sat urdai philadelphia pittsburg sundai philadelphia pittsburg fridai pittsburg phil adelphia saturdai pittsburg philadelphia sundai pittsburg philadelphia mondai ph iladelphia pittsburg tuesdai philadelphia pittsburg wednesdai philadelphia pitts burg thursdai philadelphia pittsburg thi great program ftp site you unfortunatli don recal schedul question you answer thi gem author for provid thi servic astro for real articl austin ibm marc yogi austin ibm ma rc stephenson write articl apr ccsvax sfasu edu millerwl ccsvax sfasu edu write think astro place place road agre lumberjack that place san diego lo angel san f rancisco cincinnati denver atlanta miami philadelphia york montreal pittsburgh c hicago loui and point home face philli team that start not us overli enthusiast houston fan shouldn discourag hang lumberjack ahold that shift kei will obbas ap par owner drayton mclain doesn excus item paper austin american statesman you re ad that wouldn injuri excus for lose that possibl account for don want owner tha t edg never that feel honest citi houston love owner brought basebal back housto n kei acquisit player that houston area and want plai for astro don that peopl f ear that mclane will meddl team admit that doesn lot basebal mclane businessman and doesn excus make valid point that injuri shouldn excus thi club depth bench thi season canadel can plai posit bass and jame solid outfield and can hit urib nice pitch staff legitim starter deal young houston team injuri shouldn plai big role threat bullpen jonesi troubl type starter thi season pressur pen david sch wam univers houston jetson edu homerun dswartz osf org dan swartzendrub write articl hp cc corp boell hpcc corp donald boell write impress hr dave kingman and infam moo n raker drive rememb hit circa wriglei field that across street dead center fiel d and hit hous roof whif lot connect watch favorit barri foot homer that bounc w aveland and second floor window across street second kong drive that last bounc street that dead end park waveland mike timlin timlin spot colorado edu surfeit offens articl innph jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo jhu nix hcf jhu edu pablo iglesia write articl apr cornel edu tedward cornel edu edw ard ted fischer write last year american leagu score run game for total run per game game tuesdai run game for total run per game and total game run per game an d game big question signific thi return thi minor abber thought thought offens g ener april rise weather warm and pitcher tire thi bigger abber norm don feel tha t weather issu thi year doesn cold spell north america make harder hit not menti on make ball carri you not watch twin chicago cold spell snow week minnesota inc h duluth last weekend put thing earli categori yup russ anderson disclaim statem ent and not reflect employ twin jack morri in pitch run world seri mvp dick estel dick estel radio reader npr lefti pitch brief li for jint curiou paul spend time read basebal encyclopedia will stretch farm a nim natur length paula koufax paul andresen hewlett packard home mckinlei corval sabr member sinc sparki anderson get win tiger beat articl ragraca vela a c oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write tiger manag sparki a nderson get career win moment ago tiger complet two game sweep oakland tiger sta dium beat highlight oakland detroit game descript delet post game interview wjr radio detroit sparki anderson time emot manag career big moment for and tiger fa n unanim happi for and number woof delet randi anoth post game interview larussa claim that sparki manag baseb explain that part histori sparki soften blow lose tiger tim timothi law snyder depart comput scienc reiss georgetown univers wash ington tim normal georgetown edu yanke win home open articl rvesterm vma edu rvesterm vma edu write articl apr alleg edu millit yanke org sam millitello tell you sam cal l mom and bob vesterman yeah and case even that isn prompt boi geniu sam pick pa per and name spell anoth hint singl come two charl slug percentag comput subject line advanc email chuck cy gnu eid anl gov cub jewish basebal player that rusti staub jewish ball playe

r mordaci brown back earli centuri pitcher nicknam finger brown for obviou reaso n had finger brave pitch updatedir articl apr acad drake edu sbp acad drake edu write not clear team win game game game luck plai bigger role game yo u pitch staff hold oppos team run not you score run you don strain even pitch st aff not make easier for game pitch staff world can compens for blown call bad ho p gust wind win close wrong win keep oppos run and score lot insur shit happen a spect basebal not great teamha even good pitch big red machin leagu averag pitch rose morgan bench perez etc manag win game onc peak roger time player articl apr aplcen apl jhu edu jmhodapp aplco mm jhuapl edu write articl apr princeton edu roger crux princeton edu roger lust ig write articl apr bsu uc mbstultz leo bsuvc bsu edu write recent work project determin greatest player respect postion career johnni hodapp greatest baseman c leveland indian histori hit consistantli great great second baseman header caree r hodapp manag year major for consist make that year row preced part time year l ast year boston hodapp qualifi for bat titl time injur retir birthdai hodapp put flashi number year put flashi number that good year bat year mar lack power and inabl draw walk base ball not describ fear hitter hand part long line famou cle veland wambsganss rigg stephenson etc roger jon johnni hodapp jmhodapp aplcomm j huapl edu home for bosox articl apr scott skidmor edu jrogoff scot t skidmor edu jai rogoff write agre happi stadium that comiskei park made for ba sebal unlik river vet riverfront etc not footbal park plai basebal multipurpos s ubject not forget shea design accommod met jet stadium box seat roller orient an gl for basebal parallel for footbal not rfk olim stadium built year earlier nowa dai don move seat back for exhibit game base lower deck us move metal pretti noi si bat dai jet jersei and good footbal stadium met saddl multipurpos stadium cir cular seat almost action met announc kiner murphi hype beauti shea stadium tipof f unbeauti vastli fix back late dump roger don you jet nois dave kingman for hall fame articl apr new yale edu steve tomassi write basebal fan you don you deserv mean heck dave winfield hum consid for lee smith don give dave kingman chanc darrel evan yeah yeah hall fame take can eddi murrai and jeff reardon eddi murrai superb baseman for long time winfie ld produc consist for almsot year and excel occas dave kingman year darryl straw berri typic year met darrel evan lot hit homer that kong case sick and tire sick give hall fame consider player that todai standard margin you talk eddi murrai margin that year wasn margin for long time honestli ozzi smith and robin yount d on belong shortstop that hung for long time big deal not smith hung for long tim e and field posit yount stop shortstop decad ago case you hadn notic two mvp awa rd centerfield select huh stop hand honor liber save for gui deserv face player hall aren anywher goo gui you run isn will prestig hall fame anymor that case st andard bad player hall and recent pick gener excel individu that steve garvei ja ck morri potenti candid absurd appar gee can gui even compar like futur hall fam er kirbi puckett nolan ryan care stan musial anywher good babe ruth not belong h all gener had top major leaguer player come game will that top and pretti easi a rgu that smith yount evan winfield etc top dave kingman hand liabil career garve i hasn lot hof press don you mean for ryan morri that lot voter tend and morri g ood for decad and doesn lead mlb histori walk allow roger jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your stankiewic z doubt koufax two jewish hof hank greenberg good player buddi myer johnni kling norm and larri sherri ken holtzman saul rogovin reulbach jewish major leaguer y ear ago articl track thi spy magazin articl entitl jew two book subject roger jewish basebal player articl apr midwai uchicago edu thf midwai uchicago edu write articl qkkodinn jhunix hcf jhu edu pablo jhunix hcf j hu edu pablo iglesia write articl apr lafibm lafayett edu lafibm lafayett edu wr ite wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewish basebal player pa st and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and john lowenstein can co

me sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your hank greenberg famou jewish f aith affect plai miss late season world seri game yom kippur jewish hof rod care w convert convert marri jewish woman never heard convert elliot maddox hand lowe nstein jewish montana repres major leagu undeserv young award winner steve stone jewish stone koufax ken holtzman wrong pitcher think threw hitter and and big r eulbach that quit start rotat moe berg can catch harri steinfeldt tinker ever ch anc infield yep holtzman saul rogovin won era titl blow arm stanki jewish that d ave cohen kinda misinterpret doesn stuck major long surpris btw shop gallego mak e room for roger sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri articl jqby new ri ch bnr bratt crchh nosubdomain nodomain john bratt write articl dal niguma dal g ord niguma write alomar fan left rbi fan and run thi list depend team larg exten t frank thoma hit lose lot rbi and place hitter you drive run doesn happen that devon white obp front you pretti that sandberg thi onc will correct wrong rbi an d run score two import offens statist you can talk obp and slg you want fact rem ain team that score run win game care player get credit long team get run player help team and rbi doesn score care player singl player grounder short reach for c player doubl player sac fly get run get rbi you help team and hard flame you r oger home for bosox mif psuvm psu edu write heard month back that red sox get dome stadium rel that move that and citi releas fund can verifi thi game bosox fan live boston area for year talk boston garden hockei basketba l sinc live dai last hurdl overcom and dai hurdl fan grumbl foxboro stadium call thi year for long preliminari propos for stadium local polit prevent time fashi on will not ballpark lifetim max logan nashua cub mail list run chicago nation leagu ballclub list sen d inform andrew aardvark uc uoknor edu chihuahua charli not respons academ user servic for anywher univers oklahoma for that andrew aardvark uc uoknor edu incid darrrrrrrrryl mark singer bring strawberri incid lost ho merun and fan caught each dodger game public address announc make speech that fa n souvenir ball that hit into stand long not interfer that field plai fan wrong awar situat and act avoid possibl interfer fan want catch ball awar that win gam e import dodger fan awar that thi home stadium and that entail help home team wi n ball hit that instinct root for darryl catch not catch sit that close enjoi at titud wriglei fan visit team home run throw back field thi noth whether darryl c aught not screw fan realiz respons and team win daniel daniel caldera usc edu yanke bullpen alan sepinwal write bullpen blue delet buc k gonna and georg gonna thi continu happen alan georg will logic thing can yank bullpen isn perform fire manag david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl prod uct rap art come tape thi time for real mail for dave kingman for hall fame articl apr princeton edu roge r astro princeton edu roger lustig write for ryan morri that lot voter tend and morri good for decad and doesn lead mlb histori walk allow despit walk and lose ryan deserv hall fame imho base hitter strike record extra peopl andr dawson for hof name ken kubei read edit print thi text address kubei sgi express written c onsent disclaim usual major leagu basebal prohibit bond maddux articl hfz cup loo cup joe loo write giant c lose season newspap notesgroup etc had close and person last night stick watch g iant hitter struggl last year barri swing impress quick and swing effortless eve n compar clark clark late interest bond hit maddux not barri reveng brave stroke pretti hit for rbi giant hit maddux interest that maddux not pitch bond clayton last night threw straight fastbal plate bond last night bond hit second park cl ark base maddux not intention walk bond and bond drop singl left center giant te am lot surpris thing thi year addit bond good pitch and hitter swing clayton def ens superb mcgee lead thi year manwar drive ball brave announc point that mcgee leadoff hitter not score run will hit base percentag kei lineup matt william sta i hot that bond can hit runner base hope continu continu into june peopl sold th at for real pitch pitch get set back bud black burba superb job fill pitcher las t year swift terribl start burba move into rotat mike jackson hand reliev rod be ck lot action hope that dusti can manag bullpen roger craig beck concern beck us

for straight dai earlier thi week for fresh start magowan baker etc wipe lot ne g last year and will real factor help significantli improv last year good edward hui jewish basebal player ind blurt oswego edu wrote that ru sti staub jewish ball player mordaci brown back earli centuri pitcher nicknam fi nger brown for obviou reason had finger for ind daniel patrick staub cathol scho ol kid nawlin mordecai brown farm kid protest midwest lost finger farm machineri accid jim palmer isn jewish jockei short adopt parent not absolut that carew co nvert wife and children jewish neal traven pitt edu you young onc you can traven vm ci pitt edu immatur forev larri andersen spanki sherri nichol write articl binn postoffic psc edu boon psc edu jon boon write spanki slow quicker slaught and tom princ didn want lose princ order bring that pitcher slaught good spanki and princ come nice tom princ year hit catcher young dann bilardello young don bordello can begin fatho m pirat afraid lose thi gui aaa last season pirat releas kirk gibson last year p rinc option eventu princ and clear waiver peep anoth year older and can hit woul dn clear waiver care strong possibl that buc absolut catch prospect minor thi po int readi for aaa major duti main reason stai princ ag spanki creep mid thing co nsid lot comfort spanki plate princ isn decent backup backstop for work sherri n ichol snichol adob david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come tape thi time for real mail for jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your wasn ron b loomberg yanke base hit design hitter jewish scott barman met mail list feed int o your shell scott asd mail met request asd subscrib met jewish basebal player articl apr lafibm lafayett edu laf ibm lafayett edu write wonder friend and talk dai and for reason come name jewis h basebal player past and present weren come for sandi koufax stankowitz and joh n lowenstein can come sound pretti lame rack brain thi humor for your forgot art shamski red and met player bat injuri fell short qualifi for top injuri and pla toon ron swoboda swobo wasn jewish scott barman met mail list feed into your she ll scott asd mail met request asd subscrib met sid fernandez articl apr csi jpl nasa gov cub csi jpl na sa gov rai miller write read thi morn that sid fernandez left last night game st iff shoulder inform extent injuri weather cold air colorado joint stiff for radi o that develop stiff shoulder throw curvebal that didn loosen cold night denver decid remov game pitch expect pitch turn rotat expect april shea giant scott bar man met mail list feed into your shell scott asd mail met request asd subscrib m et homerun articl apr osf org dswartz osf org dan swartzend rub write articl hpcc corp boell hpcc corp donald boell write impress hr dave ki ngman and infam moon raker drive rememb hit circa wriglei field that across stre et dead center field and hit hous roof whif lot connect watch home run not roger clemen val coupl year ago threw ball incaviglia liter inki neck and absolut ham mer crap swing clemen nonchalantli motion for ball didn even turn even upset bal l hit light left field standard feet green monster feet ground total amaz shot c harl brave pitch updatedir amazingli pitcher matter good mech an not machin young winner don pitch vaccuum unawar offens brave pitch staff sho w sign crack strain know not run brave pitcher bad for long that organ put stres s and mean stress pitch that complet hit brave woefulli similar brave mid sevent i heaven econ duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke correspond email chang address fl econ duke edu mail bounc fl raphael acpub duke edu brave stopper term stopper gener us refer pitcher can co unt pitch strong game team lose streak brave plenti pitcher fit thi descript exp ect smoltz glavin mantl brave lack offens stopper can bring hit slump brave rid pure hitter lonni smith and terri pendleton current roster shown cursori abil hi t and anoth thing that worri ron gant slow step that scari slow ron gant doesn f

or econ duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke correspond email chang address fl econ duke edu mail bounc fl raphael acpub duke edu omar vizquel grand salami cheryl mark write you omar gra nd slam result fan club last week banner appear kingdom older women for omar tha t depend older cheryl david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap a rt come tape thi time for real mail for ind sourc pick baerga alomar case close that joke alomar not gold glover wors baerga defens alomar two time gold glover valentin edk mlb kind soul mail can find mlb program interest road tr ip thi year david dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come ta pe thi time for real mail for gotta question articl sdcc ucsd edu demer ucsd edu david demer write articl cjkuo symantec cjkuo symantec jimmi kuo write prism gatech e du michael andr mule write maximum run allow stopper can credit for relief stopp er come run lead getcredit save you come and pitch last in and your team ahead y ou and win game you save sort correct you pitch in enter your team lead pitcher game end game never ti your stint and your team won you save rulebook that opini on scorer you pitch effect for your in thi save not automat unlik sabr look game year ago and found that offici scorer award save game even pitcher had pitch ba dli allow run hear two sens worth john rickert rickert nextwork rose hulman edu sandberg run rbi note jai indian seri articl apr princet on edu roger astro princeton edu roger lustig write care player get credit long team get run player help team and rbi doesn score care amus isn sdcn realiz base bal team game combin effort player for win red sox game last night sox won botto m won game clemen pitch strong in allow two run ryan pitch coupl shutout in need excel defens plai quantril pitch coupl in gave ahead run and credit win sox sco re two bottom in team effort quantril credit for win offens dawson and vaughn hi t hr earli game sox lost quintana led solid singl zupcic pinch ran for quintana provid speed cooper rip second singl in melvin avoid get run home sac fly not sc rub richardson hit doubl score speedi cooper hill lack defens help cooper and zu pcic credit run melvin and richardson credit rbi that quintana hit that set in a nd melvin contribut richardson peopl rbi signific run melvin contribut cooper co oper provid game win baserunn and move ty run base assign credit base run and rb i ridicul you can argu that obp and slg don show you clutch rbi don obp and slg don claim you that red sox contribut last night victori valentin erickson keith miller articl apr mintaka lc mit edu fran kkim catfish lc mit edu frank kim write wonder knew erickson and keith miller ex pect come back and exactli ail dunno miller you mean scott erickson reign twin c onsist good player pull muscl neighborhood rib cage that made essenti imposs for pitch temporarili and expect back mound sundai david thornlei ticket scott eric kson pitch infield fly rule articl qmrciinnoin gap caltech edu ship pert cco caltech edu tim shippert write infield fly rule feel lucki your runner second can sprint for glori ball pop isn caught score run head for aaa deion san der case head back dugout and wait for base run blunder opportun econ duke edu f l econ duke edu fl econ duke edu fl econ duke correspond email chang address fl econ duke edu mail bounc fl raphael acpub duke edu melido due back melido todai and will start tonight rang er can distanc that bullpen doesn come outta vladimir alan sepinwal thi thi ic t hi happen water get cold thi thi kent thi happen peopl sexual frustrat val kilme r real geniu wfan articl apr cabel vcu edu csc imd cabel vcu edu ian derbi write side sub for sport radio peopl complain station anoth inform you hea r lot depth you can wire usa todai benefit favorit team vicin thi wonder peopl c an and talk cataldi eagl lupica bonilla incid etc thi can for station across cou ntri agre agre idea you vote outta vladimir alan thi thi ic thi happen water get cold thi thi kent thi happen peopl sexual frustrat val kilmer real geniu bonilla jiann ming write bobbi bonilla supposedli us wor d faggot mad that author clubhous ban basebal for year schott wouldn bother davi d dwarner journal indiana edu blue riddl product rap art come tape thi time for

real mail for homerun articl tqinnmnf senat bedfellow mit edu cmk athe na mit edu charl kozierok write home run not roger clemen val coupl year ago thr ew ball incaviglia liter inki neck and absolut hammer crap swing clemen nonchala ntli motion for ball didn even turn even upset ball hit light left field standar d feet green monster feet ground total amaz shot agre home run clemen memor kind a eclips and hurrican don happen cheer valentin jewish basebal player thought that walt weiss jewish rec al thi mention onc oakland suspicion esther canseco nee haddad gidi royal final run total thi for quit time absent net for f igur stick neck bit royal will set record for fewest run score team sinc incept rule idea thi will fall easili short run that for damn can media fool pick win d ivis tom gage detroit new claim herk robinson kind geniu for trade aquisit made sean sean sweda sweda css itd umich edu css itd consult presid bob sura fan club manag motor citi maraud internet basebal leagu plai ball era formula subject tell find formula calcul era for pit cher you basebal fan mail napoli atc olivetti you gaetano napolitano philli deja dad blame philli collaps sept philli had gam e lead plai born sept phil proceed lose straight card won straight hte exact num ber and pennant blown thi dai dad like remind that began born krm candlestick park experi long craig sad craig eid write t hing long time ago real businessman safewai presid peter magowan figur us checke r custom don come back don checker thi isn knock bob luri compet businessman did n deal gener public interest articl craig amaz hard basebal team understand prop erli market team and treat custom busi centuri attitud that current owner displa i run club guess owner basebal high growth rate and bring centuri busi practic i nto game don realiz growth game capabl and pai term long term popular not game a nd fan greg player rush major articl hydra gatech edu prism gatech e du russel earnest write thi bring back long suffer memori pre chop brave fan pro mis bob horner dale murphi back back power slam stop that guess never not horner plai game and hit murphi plai and hit horner hit game and murphi hit game and b rave lost and game john rickert rickert nextwork rose hulman edu rocki spoon feed game met articl hpcc corp boell hpcc co rp donald boell write bichett total lost outfield plai horribl defens baylor wed nesdai game that want shake lineup bichett rough time defens and jerald clark no t hit true word thursdai game and gerald young and daryl boston hot bat left bay lor care that didn necessarili mean for perman want give two shot clark and bich ett not plai defens bichett field mile high stadium bitch plai visit outfield pr oblem bobbi bonilla made great catch crash into wall rob daryl boston extra base hit thursdai game greg bring heard that eli sell team group cinninati thi that make real free agent sign offseason train camp report that pretti posit backup c atcher postion will showdown tackett and parent prefer parent draft pick jeff ha mmond come faster hierarchi minor faster expect mike flanagan for anoth comeback big ben defend coach that homer aw lot begin season and improv second half thi ben year feel that thi not mussina young year will pitch entir season period fat igu last year august hope bain can provid support orsulak decent had hope that c hito martinez learn defens and plai don left hand hitter anderson prove last yea r fluke and cal return averag big pluss drive for pennant rotat sutcliff mussina mcdonald rhode olson interest case will strike side load base and pop out you n ever east thi year person bias mix baltimor york toronto milwauke cleveland bost on detroit top true contend mind will win divis snow hell maryland feel that thi baltimor season final put togeth admir steve liu internet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu committe for liber and intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into soci eti red dwarf polymorph bangl greatest femal rock band that exist thi sig brough t you frungi sport king basebal stat friend and run homewood fantasi basebal lea gu pure fantasi basebal team unfortun run leagu earl weaver basebal comm disk an d stat for season prefer major leagu stat disk total stat ewb split stat in game

comm disk turn total stat into stat you and left hand stat ewb stat disk mail a dmir steve liu internet address admir jhunix hcf jhu edu committe for liber and intergr terrifi organ and rehabilit into societi red dwarf polymorph bangl great est femal rock band that exist thi sig brought you frungi sport king superstar and attend teemu selann leader dean falcion po st jrmst pitt edu write wrote pen mario grant big public etc etc and interest im medi gener gretzki thing for imnsho team mark improv attend team record not impr ov year lemieux pittsburgh finish point arriv pen finish and point coupl stanlei cup thrown thi point pen attend capac sellout hadn made playoff sinc you explai n place team break attend record haven playoff year mario lemieux explan imho yo u make case that expect improv team that make playoff reason funni you mention t hi exactli case make reason lemieux had point season and gretzki win hart and ro ss sinc peopl turn watch plai will grant that star mario will draw fan even team suck thi short term not attend increas will last team win competit improv butt kick pittsburgh get peopl continu support suddenli drop point you knee surgeri f or peopl jump bandwagon year pen had point not number nhl guid and record book m ade transact and build winner mario that true improv attend start thi coffei lat e and even had playoff bound team doubl attend occur previou year increas point point not that arriv mario lemieux you can give credit mario sinc deserv point t hat wasn mario expect thing come win team that creat great hockei superstar and jump and nit pick and minc word back and read thi thread start fan mind suddenli found interest mario and pen gee mario lemieux amaz watch plai gee kick ass gui side watch plai similar thing happen gretzki arriv per game constant sellout se ll game despit show improv sinc gretzki year you explain peopl gretzki aren winn er haven winner had team past histori didn draw don thi accur ticket sell peopl don game thi thread discuss season ticket holder don us ticket effect king initi success gretzki arriv point sourc and attend jump effect drop attend even ticke t sale not chang whether not king winner debat claim that sinc gretzki arriv com petit claim that mcnall made stupid move reassembl oiler dynasti that anoth stor i and includ don mcnall mcnall heavi market gretzki and that undoubtedli respons for attend and merchandis sale etc king tailspin past coupl year empti seat for um even ticket sold case lemieux gretzki player can transcend win major draw pow er for short term imo that inevit that team will improv player such lemieux gret zki simpli make peopl win hell help full agreement thi not make roger point vali d jet aren you roger had valid point couldn resist get huge jump product get hug e jump attend thi due emerg teemu selann record hockei hell isn win wors last ye ar type reason appli pittsburgh fan appli extra peopl show winnipeg game difficu lt predict you that jet miss playoff season that year will maintain attend level doubt that case expect improv team selann provid exampl rocket ismail and toron to argonaut cfl you leav you don cfl that case fair isn case curiou hear your ex plan nhl team leader articl mar ramsei laurentian maynard ram sei laurentian roger maynard write jet us breakawai pass scheme creat score sens at order gener interest team score goal winnipeg selann ic winnipeg score ic can contribut can describ impress implicitli you assum that goal score winnipeg sel ann ic can blame roger forward winnipeg lousi defens record put anoth john culle n terribl your excus for that powerplai point don count selann object game not f eed selann win and feed selann not contribut meaning win knowledg hockei observ world agre that feed selann can score contribut meaning win pat burn wouldn goal suck thi team you worri teemu you glenn anderson your team don selann jet manag and object exercis not selann win hockei game score refer you comment selann gr andstand goal suck you parad arm outstretch score goal you messiah had return no pe didn busi watch foligno jump and goal thi year biggest and worst opinion can comment king obvi ou candid for pleasant surpris alex zhitnik highli tout defens defenseman that g reat skater and hard shot accur fact pretti allow king trade that huge defens li abil paul coffei kelli hrudei biggest disappoint you thought good begin mediocr goaltend choic toma sandstrom not fault thug toronto decid threaten career order avoid conced goal that award robert lang uninspir czech robitail easili mvp pre fer give rob blake quietli leagu premier defensemen and king manag hold and rest

young defens dai mean that fewer goal hartford honor mention majest marti and w arren rychel jon thi year biggest and worst opinion articl zcii ftn watse rv uwaterloo smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write mvp biggest biggest supri s disappoint lo angel king robitail donnelli hrudei chosen alex zhitnik for bigg est supris expect that becom great defenseman don knew that thi impress rooki ye ar speed skate abil and puck control except watch king kri kri assist uci edu ki ng ncaa final winner main beat lssu logistician reign supre m blue tiger piston lion red wing ching wpi wpi edu and gotta last night leaf game devil nail bitter you pla i game team thought don and ron night for leaf and devil outplai toronto beg dif fer imho clark deserv star gilmour fast break net and good opportunit that creat remind clark not credit gilmour leaf plai great hockei injuri list includ culle n ellet zezel macoun question thi will leaf fare onc healthi plai thi second sta nd second defenc move last month haven lost home last game game undef streak etc btw wrong thi potvin shut can rememb april that race for norri begun and will c lose race chicago and toronto and game season will last each lucki ticket thi co me stretch and roar leaf alfr yong jeh yim toronto win mathemat actuari scienc c up univers waterloo canada coca cola idea person mail ayim descart waterloo edu give blood tee shirt shirt not bob probert line cloth sh irt give blood fight probi cool sound cult classic can post address phone store that sell jake ncaa final winner lake state main final won post trade rumor montreal ottawa philli sprach slegg kean uc mun tsn sportsdesk report that ottawa sun report that montreal will send player million includ vin damphouss and brian bellow phillidelphia philli will send eri c lindro ottawa and ottawa will give round pick montreal thi true will like depe nd whether not ottawa get choos can ottawa afford lindro salari person can phill i give lindro for didn give that quebec trade not mention that lindro huge draw philli and that repres success futur for franchis ottawa take player montreal fo r pick stephen legg slegg kean uc munc two thing didn trade deadlin pass two wee k ago flyer never give lindro simpl that flyer cup mike rush marillion elp genes i king crimson dream theater beatl mike weintraub aka jvi irc courag convict mwe intr american edu will drag dream jedi wave cerf net into exist american univers washington rush not limbaugh philadelphia flyer vancouv canuck philadelphia phi lli alignn expans articl zhj idacom andrew idacom andrew sco tt write articl apr nntpd cxo dec nixdorf etr eric nixdorf write divis align six team each central norri and pacif smyth divis team each northeast adam and atla nt patrick divis thought occur that inher realign expans team central divis and team pacif divis noth publish that that nhl expans committe form coupl year back ottawa and tampa bai expans john zeigler state time that nhl expans plan grow t eam per divis turn centuri andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom divis ext r oman era consid last night shark broadcast commission bettman interview intermis s made bone expans perman hold satisfi that current allot fulli stabl thi mean t hat citi for club forese futur will wait team locat fail reloc thi good imo sens expand mean fail franchis mold tom galvin galvint tauru np navi mil nhl summari pars result for game plai sat april tampa ba i philadelphia period philadelphia carkner unassist philadelphia hawgood recchi lindro philadelphia lindro recchi hawgood tampa bai beer zamun chamber second pe riod tampa bai andersson hamrlik lafrenier philadelphia conroi butsayev faust ph iladelphia beranek gallei hawgood period philadelphia recchi brind amour gallei philadelphia power plai scorer pt beranek brind amour butsayev carkner conroi fa ust gallei hawgood lindro recchi tampa bai power plai scorer pt andersson beer c hamber hamrlik lafrenier zamun vancouv detroit period detroit kozlov fedorov chi asson detroit drake ciccarelli coffei vancouv ron slegr bure second period detro it sheppard drake hiller detroit ciccarelli chiasson drake period detroit ysebae rt fedorov chevelda detroit power plai special goal total scorer pt chevelda chi asson ciccarelli coffei drake fedorov hiller kozlov sheppard ysebaert vancouv po

wer plai scorer pt bure ron slegr buffalo boston period buffalo audett corkum wo od boston juneau neeli oat second period buffalo errei lafontain khmylev boston douri sweenei bourqu period boston donato unassist boston power plai scorer pt b ourqu donato douri juneau neeli oat sweenei buffalo power plai scorer pt audett corkum errei khmylev lafontain wood calgari san jose period calgari suter reiche l macinni second period san jose zmolek odger evason san jose kisio garpenlov ga udreau calgari lindberg macinni period score overtim calgari fleuri otto yawnei calgari power plai scorer pt fleuri lindberg macinni otto reichel suter yawnei s an jose power plai scorer pt evason garpenlov gaudreau kisio odger zmolek pittsb urgh quebec period quebec kamenski huffman quebec young lapoint huffman second p eriod pittsburgh mullen lemieux murphi pittsburgh lemieux tocchet samuelsson pit tsburgh lemieux tocchet steven quebec young sundin kovalenko period pittsburgh t ippett unassist pittsburgh tippett mceachern mullen pittsburgh power plai specia l goal total scorer pt lemieux mceachern mullen murphi samuelsson steven tippett tocchet quebec power plai scorer pt huffman kamenski kovalenko lapoint sundin y oung jersei toronto period score second period score period toronto gilmour andr eychuk anderson toronto power plai scorer pt anderson andreychuk gilmour jersei power plai score ottawa hartford period ottawa maciv baker luongo hartford kron nyland gosselin hartford burt cassel verbeek hartford cunneyworth yake nyland ha rtford sanderson cassel houda hartford verbeek cassel zalapski second period har tford sanderson cassel zalapski period hartford kron poulin burt ottawa turgeon lamb ottawa baker luongo maciv hartford power plai scorer pt burt cassel cunneyw orth gosselin houda kron nyland poulin sanderson verbeek yake zalapski ottawa po wer plai scorer pt baker lamb luongo maciv turgeon winnipeg edmonton period winn ipeg tkachuk houslei zhamnov edmonton klima ciger elik second period winnipeg ki ng unassist winnipeg zhamnov selann winnipeg domi selann houslei period edmonton manson unassist winnipeg eagl numminen bautin winnipeg zhamnov ulanov selann ed monton gelina kravchuk ranford edmonton kravchuk buchberg winnipeg power plai sc orer pt bautin domi eagl houslei king numminen selann tkachuk ulanov zhamnov edm onton power plai scorer pt buchberg ciger elik gelina klima kravchuk manson ranf ord chicago loui period loui shanahan jannei hull second period chicago murphi c helio roenick loui shanahan hedican jannei chicago noonan murphi chelio loui boz on chicago roenick sutter murphi period score overtim score loui power plai spec ial goal total scorer pt bozon chelio hedican hull jannei murphi shanahan chicag o power plai scorer pt chelio murphi noonan roenick sutter montreal island perio d score second period montreal brunet carbonneau daigneault island turgeon thoma kurver island mullen unassist period montreal bellow desjardin dipietro montrea l damphouss desjardin bellow montreal power plai scorer pt bellow brunet carbonn eau daigneault damphouss desjardin dipietro island power plai scorer pt kurver m ullen thoma turgeon minnesota lo angel period minnesota dahlen unassist minnesot a courtnal dahlen modano second period minnesota mcphee sjodin hatcher period sc ore minnesota power plai scorer pt courtnal dahlen hatcher mcphee modano sjodin lo angel power plai score nhl summari pars result for game plai sun april ranger w ashington period ranger grave turcott low ranger gartner messier ranger olczyk m essier amont second period ranger beukeboom unassist period score ranger power p lai scorer pt amont beukeboom gartner grave low messier olczyk turcott washingto n power plai score boston buffalo period score second period boston leach weslei oat boston oat douri poulin period boston douri bourqu boston power plai specia l goal total scorer pt bourqu douri leach oat poulin weslei buffalo power plai s core pittsburgh jersei period pittsburgh franci lemieux tocchet second period pi ttsburgh murphi franci mullen pittsburgh franci tocchet lemieux pittsburgh jagr tocchet franci jersei zelepukin driver lemieux period jersei maclean nichol stev en pittsburgh lemieux jagr pittsburgh power plai special goal total scorer pt fr anci jagr lemieux mullen murphi tocchet jersei power plai scorer pt driver lemie ux maclean nichol steven zelepukin toronto philadelphia period philadelphia dine en beranek hawgood philadelphia mcgill lindro recchi second period philadelphia lindro recchi gallei period philadelphia dineen hawgood gallei philadelphia powe r plai scorer pt beranek dineen gallei hawgood lindro mcgill recchi toronto powe r plai score vancouv ottawa period score second period vancouv plavsic craven va

ncouv momesso nedv plavsic period vancouv bure unassist vancouv power plai score r pt bure craven momesso nedv plavsic ottawa power plai score loui chicago perio d chicago sutter murphi chelio loui jannei shanahan brown chicago roenick chelio smith chicago roenick sutter chelio chicago graham gilbert ruuttu loui jannei s hanahan crossman second period score period chicago murphi chelio belfour loui m iller hull jannei loui jannei miller shanahan chicago power plai scorer pt belfo ur chelio gilbert graham murphi roenick ruuttu smith sutter loui power plai scor er pt brown crossman hull jannei miller shanahan calgari san jose period calgari otto yawnei ashton san jose odger pederson wilkinson second period calgari nieu wendyk johansson rees calgari reichel skrudland berub period calgari ashton otto fleuri san jose pederson odger evason san jose odger gaudreau evason calgari po wer plai scorer pt ashton berub fleuri johansson nieuwendyk otto rees reichel sk rudland yawnei san jose power plai scorer pt evason gaudreau odger pederson wilk inson playoff predict stanlei cup champion vancouv canuck pitt sburgh walk jack penguin will win cup stop not canuck predict patrick divis winn er pittsburgh adam divis winner quebec montreal norri divis winner detroit smyth divis winner winnipeg wale confer champ pittsburgh campbel confer champ detroit stanlei cup champion pittsburgh canuck suck lose round compliment winnipeg and teemu selann pen almost unstopp mario lemieux colour puck not note articl apr bnr dwarf bcarh bnr jim jordan preced set wha season us red puck for exhibit game and blue for regular s eason thankfulli abandon favour black season began reason that wha abandon blue puck fact that crumbl quickli plai blue dye that us affect vulcan rubber puck de creas cohes terri uicvm uic edu pool win gold apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi alchemi chem utoronto write articl porp zaphod axion nmcglynn axion write risen pool se ason pull world championship and not enter part pool host pool and won game prog ress pool finish pool and last year host pool win game pool won game and pool wo rld champion year perhap show you canadian can for hockei team franc itali and g reat britain us signific number canadian hockei team yup lot foreign born player canadian nation soccer team brit give back you end for record ranger coach ted darth sator recent led lion milan jari kurri team nicknam chang devil lion secon d straight italian championship made european final last autumn lose swedish cha mp malmo semi and accomplish thi feat fifteen canadian born player mamma mia mar cu gerald thi year biggest and worst opinion articl cjb ccu umanit oba umturn ccu umanitoba daryl turner write and even washington patti bust rewor k that trade minut druce complet and utter bust goal druce pretti suck cap had g ood playoff not season cap notori for make stupid trade can cicarelli and hrivna k trade sigh anoth note cap biggest surpris cote cap fan had expect lot bondra s kin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu canadian silver dollar stanlei cup centenni question new spap silver dollar mint canada back commemor anniversari stanlei cup full coin u s dai canada can easili fish pocket chang fact question sinc loon dollar coin th at legal tender thi commemor coin monetari exchang sort thing that hockei buff a nd coin collector covet chanc circul uncircul coin current cost and potenti curi ou thi soc cultur canada and rec collect valeri hammerl dai remind not hammerl a csu buffalo edu mario lemieux herb brook claud acscvjh ubm buffalo edu lemieux t op scorer for devil pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu for take dumb penalti superstar and attend teemu selann leader apr ist ist dch habra stpl ist deepak chhabra write dean falcion post jrmst pitt edu write reaso n lemieux had point season and gretzki win hart and ross sinc peopl turn watch p lai will grant that star mario will draw fan even team suck thi short term not a ttend increas will last team win competit improv butt kick pittsburgh get peopl continu support suddenli drop point you knee surgeri for peopl jump bandwagon di sagre mcnall demonstr gretzki that star bring crowd whether not team expect fan real istic expect king thi year and gretzki thi market strategi sell game sell s tar that emploi basebal and notabl nba and thi attitud that bettman mcnall leade

rship bring leagu record state that sell game star timo salami and brett hull pe rfect exampl player that real fan aren worth damn and benificiari market orient coach strategi goal total that casual observ fan nhl attract that player superst ar made transact and build winner mario that true improv attend start thi coffei late and even had playoff bound team doubl attend occur previou year increas po int point not that arriv mario lemieux fan mind suddenli found interest mario an d pen gee mario lemieux amaz watch plai gee kick ass gui side watch plai ain sim pl thi casual fan doesn can you find adult digit believ that mcdonald make good hamburg provid exampl rocket ismail and toronto argonaut cfl you leav you don cf l that case fair isn case curiou hear your explan appar rocket not live market r esponsi biliti hype initi superstar grei cup game maintain enhanc that assess me nt talent argo fan feel team cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian ottawa montreal philli trade thi idiot post gretzki trad e toronto sheeeesh you wait that thi garbag believ for half second not heard mot her goos that mario lemieux trade winnpeg for tie domi randi psc heard tini coll eg hicksvil hampshir plymouth state colleg nhl team leader apr ist ist dchhabra stpl ist deepak chh abra write implicitli you assum that goal score winnipeg selann ic can blame rog er forward winnipeg lousi defens record put anoth john cullen terribl your excus for that powerplai point don count selann you compar cullen salami that that va lid winnipeg such lousi defens team hell salami stand team bluelin puck end obje ct game not feed selann win and feed selann not contribut meaning win knowledg h ockei observ world agre that feed selann can score contribut meaning win excus j et plai hockei check bare allow goal score sound aw lot salami sound plai solid two game that friend finland claim capabl that wouldn chal leng for leagu lead g oal plane challeng for you worri teemu you glenn anderson your team you compar t imo anderson and cullen mike foligno don selann jet manag and object exercis not selann win hockei game score refer you comment finnish friend watch plai claim that can plai solid two game that thi style contribut conduc win don you selann grandstand goal suck you parad arm outstretch score goal you messiah had return nope didn busi watch foligno jump and goal don you compar foligno and honestli h adn read thi you us discrimin your think your contribut highli valu that you wer en argument cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian memoriam dan kelli and danni gallivan articl burk burkem ac oshag edu burk edu burk write talk hockei broadcast give moment silenc rememb loui blue great dan kelli you heard late and earli cb us hockei night canada in termiss anoth recent deceas great danni gallivan canadien agre never forget dan kelli call plai plai canada cup master and danni gallivan will never replac even watch hnic rememb voic macinni iafrat hei gui name can shoot shot point blister blast thn had tribut gallivan issu death stori includ quot game appear risebrou gh pugnaci constru that check and will undoubtedli make visit box punit classic vintag gallivan sore miss two and that will dchhabra stpl ist thi year biggest and worst opinion think each team mvp b iggest surpris and biggest disappoint thi year observ and admittedli lack not ha d opportun team amount mvp valuabl player team term point and term leadership ca n win biggest surpris player rose expect player that rais level game height even that level doesn necessarili warrant allstar berth includ player outset season not even team plan biggest disappoint player expect pick deni savard montreal em phasi offenc brought demer shouldn savard team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disappoint boston bruin oat sweenei weslei buffalo sabr lafontain mogilni audett jinx calgari flame robert reichel petit chicago blackhawk roenick ruuttu goulet detroit red wing yzerman chaisson kozlov edmonton oiler manson buchberg mellanb i hartford whaler sanderson cassel corriveau lo angel king robitail donnelli hru dei minnesota north star modano tinordi not expect back broten montreal canadien muller lebeau savard jersei devil steven semak maclean york island turgeon king final maroi york ranger messier kovalev bourqu ottawa senat maciv baker jelinek philadelphia flyer lindro recchi fedyk gallei eklund pittsburgh penguin lemieux tocchet even for jagr quebec nordiqu sakic ricci kovalenko pearson san jose sha rk kisio gaudreau malei loui blue shanahan joseph ron sutter tampa bai lighten b radlei bradlei creighton kasper toronto mapl leaf gilmour potvin ellett anderson

vancouv canuck bure nedv final momesso washington capit hatcher bondra cote ely nuik winnipeg jet selann selann druce mention top impress sit opinion fan nearer team word anywher toronto newspap bryan thi year biggest and worst opinion smale healthi uwaterl oo bryan smale write team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disappoint washington capit hatcher bondra cote elynuik winnipeg jet selann selann druce weren two tr ade for each poetic justic talk stick articl odin corp sgi dptom endor corp sgi tom arnold write you hockei plai fan finat wide rang aluminum stick for time plai p iec lumbar that weigh alot and break think chang aluminum shaft break blade chan g problem that such wide reang model and select that not can you post your sugge st and experi aluminum stick differ model you dislik and brand had and aluminum stick christian and broke shaft halfwai season two year bought anoth canadian be gin season and easton that friend get rid give game find that easton blade easie r brand blade pretti interchang watch for dri bit firewood that store pass blade experi blade aluminum break regular stick broken aluminum shaft aluminum stick blade quickli chang even bench you downsid shaft won break you decid impal ciao mark thi and veget rick morani shop horror mark shoesmith shoe physic watstar uw aterloo thi year biggest and worst opinion articl zcii ftn watse rv uwaterloo smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write think each team mvp bigge st surpris and biggest disappoint thi year observ and admittedli lack not had op portun team amount team mvp surpris disappoint edmonton oiler manson buchberg me llanbi sinc oiler didn win heck lot game not deserv and mvp can win suggest kell i buchberg dave manson had brutal year pick for star game notwithstand for bigge st surpris that buchberg had higher expect thi year due breakthrough year for la st year didn rais game suggest shjon podein callup cape breton year quit depth c hart oiler stabl prospect made big impact team goal game and decent number for l ine player seemingli doom minor leagu oblivion oiler coach staff liken style joh n tonelli full time roster year for biggest disappoint you name player oiler dum p for lousi product thi year nichol gilchrist tikkanen even shayn corson mellanb i isn andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom divis ext roman era consid potvin goali mask stephen legg slegg kean uc munc write wtahc guard hockei week tsn yesterdai and had featur thi gui that lot mask for n hl goali talk made made and design that put etc thi part interest turn that mask custom fit goali face goali put face piec wood plastic hole that face and foreh ead show hair cover cap ey cover plastic wrap type materi and vaselin put goalte nd face plaster spread cheek forehead and chin take minut dry suffici dri effect mold goali face thi us basi mask rest involv pad insid harden exterior fit cage etc etc john blue bruin demonstr procedur show exhibit coupl mask work mask for andi moog basic work current mask bear and mask for bob essensa cool jet logo c hin and two fighter jet side forehead air brush back ground yeah essensa mask lo ok good never talk held current leaf crest chin and awesom black panther forehea d mask for felix potvin never thought heard that potvin for bet monei and awesom dchhabra stpl ist ncaa final winner ktgeiss miavx ac muohio edu write lake state main final won post main thi year biggest and worst opinion articl zcii ftn watse rv uwaterloo smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disappoint boston bruin oat sweenei weslei buffalo sabr lafontain m ogilni audett jinx calgari flame robert reichel petit chicago blackhawk roenick ruuttu goulet chelio mvp chicago detroit red wing yzerman chaisson kozlov edmont on oiler manson buchberg mellanbi manson admiss had terribl year oiler don team mvp default craig mactavish shjon podein biggest surpris tikkanen biggest disapp oint hartford whaler sanderson cassel corriveau lo angel king robitail donnelli hrudei minnesota north star modano tinordi not expect back broten tinordi back m id season last year and plai mvp montreal canadien muller lebeau savard jersei d evil steven semak maclean york island turgeon king final maroi king had great ye ar last year york ranger messier kovalev bourqu can kovalev surpris ottawa senat maciv baker jelinek philadelphia flyer lindro recchi fedyk gallei eklund fenc s

it philli record eric and doubt soderstrom biggest surpris pittsburgh penguin le mieux tocchet even for jagr tocchet had point season philli mike bullard center shouldn that mario quebec nordiqu sakic ricci kovalenko pearson san jose shark k isio gaudreau malei loui blue shanahan joseph ron sutter joseph deserv mvp nod t ampa bai lighten bradlei bradlei creighton kasper toronto mapl leaf gilmour potv in ellett anderson vancouv canuck bure nedv final momesso washington capit hatch er bondra cote elynuik winnipeg jet selann selann druce gerald doubter hmm articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write and leaf make cream chees philadelphia side tomor row night leaf will equal leaf team campbel confer cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian philadelphia make dust dead leaf roger you continu embarass y our brash predict whitewash last place team grant philli pretti decent team camb el confer beaten last place team scott humphrei chemic engin univers tulsa hse v ax utulsa edu bruin for cup opinion express individu not tulsa don cherri coach corner summari april allan ualberta all an sullivan write begin lambast don cherri that sort cherri fan for admittedli s tuff lightli harmless saturdai cross line good tast don entir articl wasn perfec t and shot frank musil and alpo suhonen don note that musil wasn player didn sco re goal last year made fun name gui name dog food laxit meta musil thi can gee d on tremend amount profession cbc bad foolish let thi nonsens make fun name bad t hat make asinin blanket statement european player resort make fun name sound idi ot last week that teemu never make rock sock video drop glove subject realign do n that like divis name that even leagu for quit time doesn confer and divis name mcfly name for coupl decad invit audienc name team wale quick quick you don don don wrong thi ron don don you your show for minut can stand you thi show for th i absolut hilari don argument basketbal and basebal brawl fairli good neglect me ntion fine that level nba case monei never for object don question gretzki would n for you chang your friend that game for chang game for your friend thi like trade rumor montreal ottawa philli tsn sportsdesk report that ottawa sun report that montreal will send player million includ vin dampho uss and brian bellow phillidelphia philli will send eric lindro ottawa and ottaw a will give round pick montreal thi true will like depend whether not ottawa get choos can ottawa afford lindro salari person can philli give lindro for didn gi ve that quebec trade not mention that lindro huge draw philli and that repres su ccess futur for franchis ottawa take player montreal for pick stephen legg slegg kean uc munc doubter hmm jason studsi msc edu jason hanson write arti cl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei and leaf make cream chees philadelphia s ide tomorrow night leaf will equal not put mildli watch flyer demolish toronto l ast night realiz that matter good leaf line two decent line playoff and healthi felix potvin thoma darl cellar bb public access system darl cellar org geni darl facthq truth technolog good for hockei bad for hockei jmd cbnewsm att joseph da ke write articl ppdccinnb dev null phy psu edu stimpi dev null phy psu edu artic l wxnf constel ecn uoknor edu mfoster alliant backbo prefer miami colon headlin flame blow colon kevin dineen plai for miami colon flyer fan resent you make kev in dineen butt your joke moment digest and you humour thoma darl cellar bb publi c access system darl cellar org geni darl facthq truth technolog thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr eng cam ds cy eng cam yap write smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write team biggest bigg est team mvp surpris disappoint washington capit hatcher bondra cote elynuik win nipeg jet selann selann druce weren two trade for each poetic justic and even wa shington patti bust rework that trade minut druce complet and utter bust goal da ryl turner contact for winnipeg jet internet umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout t kachuk zhamnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina ho uslei for norri sel nne for calder hei flyer fan you notic peopl net troubl comparit easi t ask spell nick name fair citi never knew that philadelphia becom philli philli s poken for you don clue spell you yeah that drug induc trade rumor don snider tha t stupid rumor you into mike keenan come back coach flyer mike mike cornel great

peopl countri todai mac cwru edu fault sane monti python flyer stanlei cup brai n hurt gumbi adam divis race articl apr thunder mcrcim mcgill edu bre ton mcrcim mcgill edu pierr breton write adam divis race interest thi year impor t data mind eventu tie for stand posit head head game quebec win montreal boston lead quebec two game remain montreal and boston ti game remain pierr breton aka fluid glacial pierr for purpos tie breaker you count game each citi quebec cann ot possibl ahead montreal and game that count remain boston and quebec mean bost on won pete clark rsh flyer contact canadien anoth stanlei cup kind team montreal can cup ea sili problem that steal show and plai alon massiv teamwork slump long time hocke i montreal canadien announc claud mouton di last tuesdai and rough work organ fo r year that excus hab manag good teamwork and into spirit problem win dean doubter hmm blackhawk triumph walter ladwig thi weather cuckoo like net link armor divis submiss drbombai netlink ct vernacular world in to gambl birdhous veloc cut up canadien anoth stanlei cup pereira cam org dean pereira write kind team montreal can cup easili problem that steal show and plai alon ma ssiv teamwork slump long time hockei montreal canadien announc claud mouton di l ast tuesdai and rough work organ for year that excus hab manag good teamwork and into spirit problem win agre roi good kick sometim that horribl loss capit last week yeeeech cup thi year richard rauser you idea you rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for live rememb matter you you banzai european nhl ten year ago number european nhl roughli qu arter into season number euro nhl team escal stat canadian american european not e that number round and top player each team sourc vancouv sun point european nh l sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure k onstantinov and borshevshki thi north america isn toronto detriot quebec and edm onton annoi number euro team get wors live vancouv and hear word pavel bure russ ian rocket will complet throw time canuck plai hope will cross check bure into p lexiglassso hard carri stretcher not canuck fan begin stretcher remark carri poi nt that resent nhl owner draft european canadian and american deni young canadia n opportun plai north american leagu and european aren even hockei player hype t hi european mystiqu sicken nhl owner canadian and american player will continu f ight harder draft into leagu number euro nhl escal problem get wors for creation european hockei leagu and bure and selann world plai contin don want mine richa rd rauser you idea you rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for l ive rememb matter you you banzai lindro will trade true rumor fact big deal eric lindro o ttawa senat and senat mill montreal montreal get alexand daigl round pick senat philli get damphouss bellow patrick roi and draft pick shadow node gt org and yo u can real and you can transpar not and you can you eras request for island mail list articl apr sifon mcgill bui mcgill bui don write articl xvf rpi edu wangr rpi edu write keep island mail li st you add advanc ercu can add list rex count isl don bui mcgill count can you e xcit island beat ranger overtim last fridai isl expans articl patrick apr blanco owlnet rice edu patrick blanco owlnet rice edu patrick humphrei write fri apr gmt vamwendt atla upei mi chael wendt albani york bois idaho coupl citi fair interest size and close team question albani ahl franchis capit district label bois forget chl made attempt t hat part countri franchis great fall and show folk that part pnw aren interest h ockei hei patrick montana magic plai bill not great fall plh put two nhl expans team phoenix and houston assum whaler don pack and move meantim marc phoenix and houston marc foster contact for oklahoma citi blazer central hockei univers okl ahoma geographi depart leagu adam cup internet mfoster geohub gcn uoknor edu cha mpion mfoster alliant backbon uoknor edu chl mail list send email address trade rumor montreal ottawa philli articl apr kean uc mu n slegg kean uc mun write tsn sportsdesk report that ottawa sun report that mont real will send player million includ vin damphouss and brian bellow phillidelphi a philli will send eric lindro ottawa and ottawa will give round pick montreal r

eport for ottawa sun april fool joke start nordiqu bruin for exampl reimburs fly er for million paid nordiqu senat lindro and million flyer equival player you in clud draft choic quebec and back report had real badli and real good laugh sport media chosen public thi utter nonsens thi true will like depend whether not ott awa get choos can ottawa afford lindro salari can you cannot possibl true for pe rson can philli give lindro for didn give that quebec trade not mention that lin dro huge draw philli and that repres success futur for franchis ottawa take play er montreal for pick can that give such crap even remotest consider gerald european nhl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard racist rauser write kind unaccept racist drivel delet and that find man absolut noth r ichard rauser you dishonour man caustic roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian european nhl rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write stretcher remark carri point that resent nhl owner draft european canadian and american deni young canadian opportun plai north american leagu and european are n even hockei player hype thi european mystiqu sicken nhl owner canadian and ame rican player will continu fight harder draft into leagu reason principl justic s tand intim geograph and psycholog relat leagu give privileg plai european playoff predict articl apr rose jack petrilli rose jack petrilli write stuff delet don understand peopl predict upset pittsburgh team wo n row come into playoff won practic game that want win year includ critic victor i cap and hot bruin team gaahden team peak stronger previou stanlei cup winner m ean can lose larg upset person team hard press win game seri pen and not pittsbu rgh fan agre heard tsn tonight you want pick you don you can and bruin fan thi y ear will doesn good time will lot delet randi randi coulman ari laboratori resea rch assist depart comput scienc univers saskatchewan coulman usask saskatoon good for hockei bad for hockei articl cellar org darl ce llar org thoma darl write jmd cbnewsm att joseph dake write articl ppdccinnb dev null phy psu edu stimpi dev null phy psu edu articl wxnf constel ecn uoknor edu mfoster alliant backbo prefer miami colon headlin flame blow colon kevin dineen plai for miami colon flyer fan resent you make kevin dineen butt your joke mome nt digest and you humour thoma darl cellar bb public access system darl cellar o rg geni darl facthq truth technolog problem thread origon poster rectifi your mi sunderstand koz let cap canadien anoth stanlei cup rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write pereira cam org dean pereira write kind team montreal can cup easili problem that steal show and plai alon massiv teamwork thi savard syndrom and talk deni not serg team will win squat like deni savard lineup slump long time hockei montreal canadien announc claud mouton di last tuesdai and rou gh work organ for year that excus hab manag good teamwork and into spirit proble m win savard stai home and watch game agre roi good kick sometim that horribl lo ss capit last week yeeeech cup thi year sound cordial roger maynard maynard rams ei laurentian trade rumor montreal ottawa philli tsn sportsdesk report that ottawa sun report tht montreal will send player million includ vin damphou ss and brian bellow philldelphia philli will send eric lindro ottawa and ottawa will give round pick montreal person can philli give lindro for thi idiot post g retzki trade toronto listen asshol comment heard report sport new you notic skep tic comment sheesh thought thi group wasfor convers guess wrong stephen legg sle gg kean uc munc european nhl articl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write ten year ago number european nhl roughli quarter into season number euro nhl team escal stat canadian american european point european nhl si ck you you absolut round player european descent and ship back start dunno lemie ux hmmm sound french blood hei franc part europ send that euro blood boi back sh eesh for creation european hockei leagu and bure and selann world plai contin do n want mine don hard find nativ american nativ canadian for that matter disput y our claim thi great contin our you anthropologist immigr sort you don that mogil ni bure selann improv nhl not you understand game dan lyddi daniel cori berkelei edu univers california berkelei don plai hockei not brother deion sander good for hockei bad for hockei prefer miami colon headli

n flame blow colon kevin dineen plai for miami colon flyer fan resent you make k evin dineen butt your joke moment digest and you humour problem thread origon po ster rectifi your misunderstand rectum skin for question emot music quit brave e ffect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu european nhl point european nhl sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshk i thi north america isn disagre nhl featur hockei talent world nation admit that player gretzki and messier trade canadian team can afford half that had canadia n hockei leagu for canadian player for creation european hockei leagu and bure a nd selann world plai contin don want themon mine doesn matter russian finnish me xican albertan yorker black white korean martian plutoneon doesn matter can put leaf jersei can put puck stephen legg slegg kean uc munc good for hockei bad for hockei articl hydra gatech edu g td prism gatech edu hrivnak write prefer miami colon headlin flame blow colon ke vin dineen plai for miami colon flyer fan resent you make kevin dineen butt your joke moment digest and you humour problem thread origon poster rectifi your mis understand rectum bad joke that draw crohn mean groan crowd don bother appendix useless word advic you miami game stai food made natur case hockei hockei hockei joi joi joi stimpson kat stimpi dev null phy psu edu nagi physci psu edu nagi p su edu nagi crayola psu edu nagi love shack and yeah ggn psuvm psu edu bitnet ncaa final winner ktgeiss miavx ac muohi write lake stat e main final won post main lssu terri european nhl euro bash articl rauser sfu rauser fraser s fu richard john rauser write point european nhl sick watch game american and can adian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshki thi no rth america isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get w ors live vancouv and hear word pavel bure russian rocket will complet throw time canuck plai hope will cross check bure into plexiglassso hard carri stretcher n ot canuck fan begin stretcher remark carri point that resent nhl owner draft eur opean canadian and american deni young canadian opportun plai north american lea gu and european aren even hockei player hype thi european mystiqu sicken nhl own er canadian and american player will continu fight harder draft into leagu numbe r euro nhl escal problem get wors for creation european hockei leagu and bure an d selann world plai contin don want mine into european player bash french canadi en yeah idea french speak canadien hockei leagu don want you crazi nhl true inte rn leagu and european deserv plai nhl and north american teemu for glad european nhl and hope nhl expand europ nice peopl come togeth form hockei team richard r auser you idea you rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for live rememb matter you you banzai darryl brook univers buffalo bill sabr and magic stan fischler lester patrick award lunch bill torrei men tion that option season presid miami team bob clark work for dinner clark that w orst mistak philadelphia let mike keenan retrospect almost player realiz that ke enan knew win rumour circul that keenan will back flyer nick polano sick scapego at for schedul made for red wing bryan murrai approv gerri meehan and john muckl er worri sabr prospect assist don lever that sabr share quebec dynasti emerg mig hti duck declar that will not throw monei loos bui team oiler coach ted green re mark that gui can fill tie domi skate can fill helmet senat andrew mcbain told s ecur guard chicago stadium warn stair lead locker room mcbain mouth season profe ssion and tumbl entir steep flight gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnip eg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei hockei hell articl ekb noos ecn purdu edu rgemeinh separ ecn purdu edu richard gemeinhart wrote articl mar ncsu edu fmsalvat eo ncsu edu frank mich salvator write origin york state and school north carolina don const antli gripe lack hockei wouldn you chose school south realiz gripe clemson stude nt that hockei isn quit popular south carolina you chose school you excus choos school south hockei thi import you not luxuri decid colleg make hockei coveraag you want pittsburgh transplan home and coveraag suck sport south didn even show final game stanlei cup laast year happen put ktape delai and cut intermiss air y ou move you good bad and deal doesn mean thaat you can complain transplant paren

t greater hartford area greater cleveland ohio area thi not action choic hockei coverag regularli red wing and penguin explain part follow team todai cleveland you couldn even find hockei score clock new figur that didn wasn sport your pare nt didn move you idaho thing that coverag footbal basketbal and basebal patti european russian hockei team address address hockei team locat czech slovak republ finland russia sweden inform find address appreci aik assat bryna budejovic chelabinsk djurgarden dynamo eskulap espoo farjestad frol unda hpk hifk ilv jyp jihlava jokerit jokp kalpa khimik kladno kristal lada leks and litvinov lukko lulea malmo metallurg modo olomouc pardubic red armi rogl sko da slovan soviet wing sparta spartak tp tappara trencin tuto vantaa vastera yaro slavl zlin dee dee franc ddf sgi memoriam dan kelli and danni gallivan articl apr ist ist dchhabra stpl ist deepak chhabra write articl burk burkemac oshag edu burk edu burk write talk hockei broadcast give moment silenc rememb loui blue great dan k elli you heard late and earli cb us hockei night canada intermiss anoth recent d eceas great danni gallivan canadien love dan kelli usa hook hockei back wasn spo t top plai and wasn overli cute pipe that lusti barrel chest voic pipsqueak unli k fella rode into hockei mania coattail gretzki and boi bu final island sweep ne ver forget night year oiler close home pandemonium smoke million sparkler long e mpti net goal end and dan kelli let crowd reaction stori for long second that vo ic bark din dave lumlei sew for edmonton sound stupid that earli for hockei memo ri will bring thrill sinc grown lot jade game sadden dan kelli pass good gui bri an adam reno playoff predict articl qhinnsm senat bedfellow mit edu b oudreau athena mit edu carol boudreau write smyth thi toughest for call put pers on bia calgari lot depend win divis winnipeg will move into end season and place winner will clear advantag will lot easier build momentum team king plai king r ound will divis hurt pick divis winner vancouv canuck disagre you thi vancouv wi ll bure and continu goal score slump won even make round king will make round pl ai pretti even that bad game minnesota saturdai calgari lo angel win smyth confe r final wale confer trophi island and bruin will fight end island steam overtak bruin campbel confer trophi walk for vancouv defin not stanlei cup final island and vancouv island will noth left thi point and will succumb fairli easili canuc k stanlei cup champion vancouv canuck disagre you pittsburg hat trick stanlei cu p toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good hope you enjoi predict ho pe not correct calgari team win pittsburg that worth messag termin carol boudrea u boudreau athena mit edu ncaa hockei final haven post thi will honor main beat ls su milwauke saturdai night quit game main storm lead and look run main goal insi d thirti second game lssu back end period cut lead lssu second domin plai board plai quickli ref run hold bar type game lssu score unansw goal lead end second l ook lssu walk game coach walsh main replac start goali dunham snow won game mich igan snow prove aggress goali period second belong team main score unansw goal s pan minut minut mark score jim montgomeri tournament mvp and assist paul kariya last minut game bear highlight chang snow prove differ end minut and lssu goali pull snow duel lssu forward amaz set move snow won great end game thi year champ ionship game sold last year month bradlei center hold approxim dougla peterson p eterson pm pm ford you safeti laboratori depart driven ford motor compani european nhl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu write ten year ago number european nhl roughli quarter into season number euro nhl team escal stat canadian american european note that number round and top player each team sourc vancouv sun point european nhl sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshki thi north america isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get wors that ex pans creat job nhl team can afford import role player europ pick star will conti nu build team local player number euro nhl escal problem get wors for creation e uropean hockei leagu and bure and selann world plai contin love european nhl div is can happen for time simpli not fan interest moment crucial market germani ita li and franc sweden and finland can afford shell for ticket american canadian fa n call minnesota north star effect scandinavian love hockei prefer watch local i

nexpens hockei nhl nation hockei leagu love idea pan european channel such euros port bring million american network like never will pai don want mine richard ra user you idea you rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for live r ememb matter you you banzai thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr alchemi ch em utoronto golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write articl zcii ftn watserv uwaterloo smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disappoint philadelphia flyer lindro recchi fedyk gallei eklun d fenc sit philli record eric and doubt soderstrom biggest surpris eric true for tun didn find recchi for game soderstrom absolut shutout game for rooki lot defe ns front runnerup gallei and fedyk score ton career gallei think paul coffei put score ahead defend and fedyk tail big time eklund big question mark thi year an d come injuri point game not bad and recent huge factor win eklund never had poi nt game season career product typic for qualifi disappoint surpris choic roussel strictli expect player never thought that had take goali biggest disappoint bil l dineen thought that perfect coach for thi young team made bad move and imho co st game playoff thi year coach that think put eric lindro point power plai brigh t idea back coach school pete clark rsh flyer contact and mail list owner flyer note flyer team that can beat team night show spec trum sundai night and domin mapl leaf rout shutout tommi soderstrom will credit for shutout bare broke sweat period flyer defens leaf mount attack injuri pell e klund dai dai bruis thigh roster move jason bowen ad lineup for nhl game jason f lyer second pick round entri draft year lb game tri citi american had goal assis t and pim plai left wing and defens plai defens thi game bobbi taylor that bill dineen plan us front andr faust return hershei left second period king game flew albani game ty goal bear win and plai for hershei sundai night line fedyk lindr o recchi beranek brind amour dineen lomakin butsayev conroi acton brown gallei m cgill yushkevich cronin carkner hawgood bowen tommi soderstrom goal acton replac lomakin period game summari flyer plai thi night playoff thi year flyer hit tha t move creat score chanc score chanc snuf that leaf jason bowen made good plai n hl shift that almost creat goal had puck top left offens circl alon take shot fo und brind amour crash net side perfect pass and good shot across daren puppa bod i goal puppa made great save read plai garri gallei gave mapl leaf rank power pl ai chanc hook doug gilmour flyer lowli rank penalti kill unit almost flawless en tir game and set tone thi kill mapl leaf almost noth long unscreen shot and defe ns swept rebound power plai flyer goal ugli plai rod brind amour gave puck greg hawgood point and drive net puppa made save and kick rebound into feet josef ber anek and bob rous wrestl slot beranek stick puck and push dineen skate into slot circl and lift backhand puppa for flyer lead flyer pressur and puppa leaf keep flyer build lead for eventu thing settl and defens prevail each team occasion sc ore chanc goali strong bowen start give lindro check corner lindro aveng hit fol igno gave thought had chanc even score had foligno line center ic lean into and rode into center ic board problem that foligno board and mike mister mcgeough fe lt that warrant board call leaf couldn power plai flyer aggress for chang kill t ime run period recchi carri neutral zone and hand lindro approach leaf blue line crowd wendel clark and jami macoun lindro backhand pass recchi feet macoun that connect recchi clark check recchi puck macoun clear weak and mcgill had man poi nt drove insid blue line macoun stick and deflect past goali shot flyer period f lyer final chanc power plai dave andreychuk trip rod brind amour offens zone pow er plai flyer cheat puck pop into air and eric glove mcgeough thought hit stick head seat end ic that hit glove and replai confirm faceoff end time run advantag lindro found gallei pass across goal mouth puppa made save rebound kick back co rner recchi pick pass eric crash circl and eric time past puppa assist recchi mo ve past bobbi clark season second season total for flyer eric move time flyer ro oki score point mike eastwood conroi give flyer anoth chanc power plai not press ur garri gallei end power plai slash not happen leaf had possess flyer smother l eaf short power plai temper flare bowen and pearson rough minor keith acton bloo di face dave mcllwain dive and greg hawgood hook minor set replai show that hawg ood stick stop make contact mcllwain long spun and fell flyer smother leaf power plai led dimitri yushkevich bowen made thunder hit box pearson berehowski perpl

ex sloooowbal had puck point and trickl pass slot made flyer silli stick and gil mour side net soderstrom stone flyer pick thing offens kill didn home shot flyer flyer content goal lead period and decid that tommi want shutout work for flyer score chanc minut period couldn past puppa leaf tire lindro make road kill and temper flare each for doug gilmour and lindro unsportsmanlik conduct and each fo r glenn anderson and mcgill rough terri carkner knee penalti gilmour flyer smoth er leaf power plai minut mark dave andreychuk shot left circl that soderstrom pu ck roll side and luck turn net turn roll quarter inevit start lean second rod br ind amour trip gilmour give leaf anoth chanc power plai advantag soderstrom ston e andreychuk ly andreychuk rebound soderstrom net and straight and swept defense men pressur soderstrom equal and preserv shutout recchi cross check ken baumgart n temper hot and start brawl punch thrown recchi initi minor krushelnyski baumga rtn and lindro each rough minor rous and beranek express mutual dislik for each and each for slash set anoth mike eastwood shove ryan mcgill flyer zone battl fo r puck and mcgill ran stick across mcgill face flyer not happi that conroi pair berehowski and start throw punch upward held delight crowd each coupl punch head and stand penalti eastwood cross check game clark carkner each berehowski and c onroi each fight major penalti for rest game for flyer had interest stting lead hawgood gallei and brind amour plai catch hawgood found dineen alon left circl c ontrol puck and blast past puppa that firework tommi soderstrom not face anoth s hot puppa flyer board flyer shot flyer strongest game flyer sinc star break shut out number for soderstrom sinc ti for nhl plai fewer game belfour goali can reme mb that ti winnipeg selann tuesdai night winnipeg flyer cannot elimin win loss c oupl island win that night washington offici end flyer point season game last ye ar had point game point last game improv that percentag point tragic number hold point game left tragic number for point watch ranger blow period lead home lose finish thi point flyer will win tie breaker catch island win tie breaker flyer and tie ranger crumbl stretch plai devil pen twice flyer and finish game cap gue ss place goal for team focu flyer team record watch eric lindro goal assist poin t rooki record club record goal club record point eric lindro dave poulin brian propp brian propp ron flockhart ron flockhart dave poulin eric lindro bill barbe r pell eklund mark recchi goal assist point club record goal club record point r eggi leach bobbi clark tim kerr mark recchi tim kerr bobbi clark mark recchi bil l barber rick macliesh bobbi clark bill barber rick macliesh reggi leach flyer c areer year player point prior season mark recchi penguin rod brind amour flyer g arri gallei king brent fedyk red wing that for pete clark rsh flyer contact and mail list owner strang phenomen nhl team leader articl apr ramsei lauren tian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write apr ist ist dchhabra stpl ist deepak chhabra write implicitli you assum that goal score winnipeg selann ic ca n blame roger forward winnipeg lousi defens record put anoth john cullen terribl your excus for that powerplai point don count selann you compar cullen salami t hat that valid winnipeg such lousi defens team hell salami stand team bluelin pu ck end thought that compar cullen teemu sel nne thought that salami sort sausag you dear roger salami ic plai hockei don you sure and quickli you that you talk rubbish time will true you care your leaf sure score refer you comment finnish f riend watch plai claim that can plai solid two game that thi style contribut con duc win don you plai selann grandstand goal suck you parad arm outstretch score goal you messiah had return latest philli game leaf player didn parad philli cru nch you two player can score cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian cor dial hannu jet teemu teppo tappara canadien blackhawk trade rumor montreal ottawa philli articl mweintr auvm a merican edu mweintr auvm american edu sprach slegg kean uc mun tsn sportsdesk re port that ottawa sun report that montreal will send player million includ vin da mphouss and brian bellow phillidelphia philli will send eric lindro ottawa and o ttawa will give round pick montreal thi true will like depend whether not ottawa get choos can ottawa afford lindro salari person can philli give lindro for did n give that quebec trade not mention that lindro huge draw philli and that repre s success futur for franchis ottawa take player montreal for pick stephen legg s legg kean uc munc two thing didn trade deadlin pass two week ago flyer never giv

e lindro simpl that soderstrom and roussel hell flyer want pick older and slump roi byw come group player trade for wouldn team flyer cup mike rush marillion el p genesi king crimson dream theater beatl mike weintraub aka jvi irc courag conv ict mweintr american edu will drag dream jedi wave cerf net into exist american univers washington rush not limbaugh philadelphia flyer vancouv canuck philadelp hia philli john runski jer psuvm thi year biggest and worst opinion articl zcii ftn watse rv uwaterloo smale healthi uwaterloo bryan smale write think each team mvp bigge st surpris and biggest disappoint thi year observ and admittedli lack not had op portun team amount mvp valuabl player team term point and term leadership can wi n biggest surpris player rose expect player that rais level game height even tha t level doesn necessarili warrant allstar berth includ player outset season not even team plan biggest disappoint player expect pick deni savard montreal emphas i offenc brought demer shouldn savard team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disa ppoint boston bruin oat sweenei weslei buffalo sabr lafontain mogilni audett jin x calgari flame robert reichel petit chicago blackhawk roenick ruuttu goulet det roit red wing yzerman chaisson kozlov edmonton oiler manson buchberg mellanbi ha rtford whaler sanderson cassel corriveau lo angel king robitail donnelli hrudei minnesota north star modano tinordi not expect back broten montreal canadien mul ler lebeau savard jersei devil steven semak maclean york island turgeon king fin al maroi york ranger messier kovalev bourqu ottawa senat maciv baker jelinek phi ladelphia flyer lindro recchi fedyk gallei eklund pittsburgh penguin lemieux toc chet even for jagr quebec nordiqu sakic ricci kovalenko pearson san jose shark k isio gaudreau malei loui blue shanahan joseph ron sutter tampa bai lighten bradl ei bradlei creighton kasper toronto mapl leaf gilmour potvin ellett anderson van couv canuck bure nedv final momesso washington capit hatcher bondra cote elynuik winnipeg jet selann selann druce mention top impress sit opinion fan nearer tea m word anywher toronto newspap bryan realign nhl year reliabl sourc dream year ago and initi thought had take strong drug realiz begun you can leagu start move thi direct wa lt disnei confer anaheim mighti chipmunk franchis name chang each king hockei mo vi flame that san jose shark san diego bruin tijuana red wing detroit hockei tea m will follow car industri dalla star houston oiler texa ranger seattl canuck no rm green confer alabama white hawk biloxi blue tampa bai lightn miami blade hels inki jet you heard start get us anthem montreal quebecoi will canada atlanta dev il orlando penquin kei west island hartford whaler whaler will never move huh pa lm beach capit that anahaim team becom real begin rest messag futur will turn yo u into believ nhl will abandond ic rink expens cool rink subtrop and local ic nh l will becom roller skate hockei leagu that can creat public interest game local supporter can plai game back yard hope mind won disnei team anaheim will star a ren move nhl swede stat april score stat for swedish nhl player a pril mat sundin watch point season kent nilsson calgari flame mat naslund montre al canadien mat sundin quebec nordiqu hakan loob calgari flame kent nilsson calg ari flame kent nilsson calgari flame goal season hakan loob calgari flame kent n ilsson calgari flame kent nilsson calgari flame toma sandstrom king mat naslund montreal canadien mat sundin quebec nordiqu assist season kent nilsson calgari f lame mat naslund montreal canadien borj salm toronto mapl leaf mat sundin quebec nordiqu kent nilsson calgari flame borj salm toronto mapl leaf thoma steen winn ipeg jet ulf samuelsson watch penalti minut season ulf samuelsson pittsburgh pen guin ulf samuelsson pittsburgh penguin ulf samuelsson pittsburgh penguin kjell s amuelsson philadelphia flyer ulf samuelsson hartford whaler ulf samuelsson hartf ord whaler borj salm toronto mapl leaf name team born pt comment mat sundin que ulf dahlen min thoma steen win johan garpenlov sj fredrik olausson win toma sand strom lak per erik eklund phi injur call johansson nickla lidstrom det tommi sjo din min ulf samuelsson pit mikael andersson tbl michael nyland hfd roger johanss on cgy jan erixon nyr peter andersson nyr kjell samuelsson pit tommi albelin njd per djoo nyr binghampton nicla andersson que halifax thoma forslund cgy salt la ke patrik carnback mon injur patrik kjellberg mon fredericton rank last week ran k jersei number posit born goal assist pt point point score sinc last post list

goali stat name team born tommi soderstrom phi re gaa sog pit chi tbl pit lak sj cgy edm nyr edm cgy bo det bo nyi hfd pit nyr ott mtl njd njd cgy van min det p it njd nyi min pit njd nyr que lak tor re result shot save game plai minut plai goal gaa goal averag sog shot goal save save percentag shutout assist staffan st affan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei spell error stanlei cup turgeo plymouth edu write read n ewspap tidbit that mention that grammat error stanlei cup thi newspap union lead er manchest hampshir state that year that york island won cup print actual cup s tate york iland can verifi thi forgot exact year that thi supposedli occur die h ard island fan thi reason ask paper not reliabl call union mi leader randi plymo uth state colleg turgeo plymouth edu speak spell error cup pittsburgh made cup y ou funni peopl can spell pittsburgh warren arbogast darden visual commun mile un ivers virginia and european nhl rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write ten year ago number european nhl roughli quarter into season number euro nhl te am escal stat canadian american european note that number round and top player e ach team sourc vancouv sun point european nhl sick watch game american and canad ian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshki thi nort h america isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get wor s answer simpl that you dislik russian live vancouv and hear word pavel bure rus sian rocket will complet throw time canuck plai hope will cross check bure into plexiglass hard carri stretcher not canuck fan begin stretcher remark carri poin t that resent nhl owner draft european canadian and american deni young canadian opportun plai north american leagu and european aren even hockei player hype th i european mystiqu sicken nhl owner canadian and american player will continu fi ght harder draft into leagu number euro nhl escal problem get wors and canadian hockei todai european dont that european influenc leagu bad for game mean you pl ai dai fight and hockei imho canadian hockei had posit curv develop sinc game br ute beauti for creation european hockei leagu and bure and selann world plai con tin you don finn don want mine bad almost you northamerican origin europ hmmm an d kind name rauser doesn sound canadian analyz team itali franc and great britai n you find that lot player canadian doubl citizenship richard rauser you idea yo u rauser sfu don worri that profession wni outlaw thi for live rememb matter you you banzai toma nopp tel ellemtel telecom system lab fax box email toma nopp eu a ericsson alvsjo snailmail want mail order hockei equip recommend mail order distri butor for hockei equip advanc wayn wayn westerhold wester rtp data gener corpor research triangl park european nhl articl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write ten year ago number european nhl roughli quarter into season number euro nhl team escal stat canadian american european note that number roun d and top player each team sourc vancouv sun point european nhl sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and bo rshevshki thi north america isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get wors come canada borshevski sound canadian smith crawl back into hole you crawl nba doesn care basketbal player major leagu basebal doesn give da mn basebal player cuba that canada immin danger overtaken primari supplier playe r sweden finland czech republ and slovakia rel small countri and cannot produc p layer greater rate produc and potenti influx soviet union sever blunt system rai d and starv for financ and will decad two recov and becom real threat and will m aintain slow increas canada continu suppli top hockei player world for forseeabl futur european hockei market hockei right place soccer two predomin world sport and sinc soccer essenti bore unlik hockei live vancouv and hear word pavel bure russian rocket will complet throw time canuck plai hope will cross check bure i nto plexiglassso hard carri stretcher not canuck fan begin stretcher remark carr i point that resent nhl owner draft european canadian and american deni young ca nadian opportun plai north american leagu and european aren even hockei player h ype thi european mystiqu sicken nhl owner canadian and american player will cont inu fight harder draft into leagu number euro nhl escal problem get wors canadia n threat european number will satur haven and time russia come onlin nhl world l

eagu and will team stock and job for canadian hockei player team percentag canad ian will declin american not european for creation european hockei leagu and bur e and selann world plai contin don want mine crawl into hole and die gerald european nhl articl apr pasteur berkelei edu daniel cori berkelei edu daniel lyddi write you you absolut round player european descent a nd ship back start dunno lemieux hmmm sound french blood hei franc part europ se nd that euro blood boi back don you american studi histori french settl north am erica earli british lemieux can trace back north american heritag back lot geral d lindro will trade articl apr node hub org shadow node hu b org jai chu write true rumor fact big deal eric lindro ottawa senat and senat mill montreal montreal get alexand daigl round pick senat philli get damphouss b ellow patrick roi and draft pick anoth person incap ration thought gerald european nhl articl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write ten year ago number european nhl roughli quarter into season number euro nhl team escal stat canadian american european xenophob trash delet for creation european hockei leagu and bure and selann world plai contin don wan t mine you extrem guess you start pack you nativ north american thi isn your con tin lori nhl summari pars result for game plai mon april hartford ranger period hartford cunneyworth janssen greig ranger grave turcott zubov sec ond period ranger kovalev turcott grave hartford sanderson cassel ranger amont a ndersson vanbiesbrouck period ranger messier amont andersson hartford sanderson cassel hartford nyland ladouceur hartford verbeek zalapski hartford power plai s pecial goal total scorer pt cassel cunneyworth greig janssen ladouceur nyland sa nderson verbeek zalapski ranger power plai scorer pt amont andersson grave koval ev messier turcott vanbiesbrouck zubov rai daveb thewho east sun dave brewer write yesterdai fr acu rob rai and brent hugh camera angl rai punch hugh appear punch for that didn game inch below belt and punch quit time dread poulin minut watch plai hockei f or good long time and player question tactic never rai sundai thi gui get time l oser award thing repeatedli cross check back neck anoth thing fist fight someon ball rai thrown leagu hole steve nhl result for game plai nhl result for game plai stand patrick adam norri smyth xpit ymon ydet yvan ybo ychi ycal yque ytor yla nyi ybu f stl ywin nyr har min edm phl ott clinch divis titl clinch playoff berth hartfo rd whaler york ranger period har cunneyworth janssen greig nyr grave turcott zub ov period nyr kovalev turcott grave har sanderson cassel nyr amont andersson van biesbrouck period nyr messier amont andersson har sanderson cassel har nyland la douceur har verbeek zalapski powerplai opportun whaler ranger shot goal whaler r anger hartford whaler gosselin shot save york ranger vanbiesbrouck shot save att spike usenet hockei draft week stand stand april updat leav fo r japan hour and won back april will not post week result april email april and april will process number april andrew usenet hockei draft stand week posn team pt proj cash last posn dave wessel gill carmel bob hill awesom oiler seppo kempp ainen mak knife paranjap hillsid raider jan stein ranger destini thi year model tapio repo frank big fish underachiev thin ic lindro loser littlest giant flame mopar muscl men die penguin bandwaggon samuel lau calgari alberta gener account offic migod menschen boomer boi delawar wombat wellsi butthead dec rocki mountai n high fife flyer gerald olchowi fluid glacial gaoler smeghead young and skatele ss artic storm sam dog neural netter youngbuc soft swede jeff horvath yan man lo ke milton keyn king hamster hoboken fleur ly ic legion simmonac kuehn crusher fi nnish forc streak legion hoth goalding grant marven bemybabi overachiev skriko w olv bozrah bruin brian bergman lipp randi coulman lamp lighter dave snell steven and mark dream team houdini magician real bad toe jam rec sport hockei choic io wa hockey buffalo soldier indianapoli benni bloom counti star tom phil and kev k arma dude aik exil doug bowl bruin smithw great pumpkin shoot seamen frank worth less invis inc brad gibson chubbi checker plp fool john zupanc staffan axelsson david wong kortelaisen kovat chocol rocket ken decruyenaer cougarmania garryola

derril dastardli dozen namer campi machin gari bergman fan club fisher dirtbag k odiak arsen mapl leaf kamuck bsc oranienburg bloodgam elli island mombasa mosqui to edelweiss zachman winger wormtown woosbag dirti white sock hurrican andrew la rri votenooct bruce rent mule king suke teem kanada bjoern leaguen frank folli n eil younger het schot hard psv dartmouth pond slime stanford ic hawk spud mark s ander oklahoma stormchas timo ojala nesbitt ay carumba kokudo keikaku bunni blue talon apricot fuzzfac haral gari team late night david letterman arctic circl l ost poot seattl pftb boutch dirti rotten pucker fly kiwi cluster buster scott gl enn dree hobb bruin group team gold closet boi boi gari bill pen dynasti mckee r ock rocker tim roger andi wong butter waffl bob blue princeton canuck hab wemble i lostweekend wild heart son einstein rock band tap goddess ferment hunter colle ctor joel fleishman furlei furi convex star le nordiqu team hubert hockei homebo i book danno bushbabi ride pine sundog jeff nimeroff slap shot marco daryl turne r dreamer east citi joker flower satan choic leaf rule pierr mailhot voyageur sp inal tap san jose mahi mahi stimpi adg zeta jeff bachovchin bulldog lana inc big bad bruin mike mac cormack sydnei can dars bill chappel chump jimpark republica n dirti trickster enforc absolut lehigh yellow plagu and bunch misfit ninja turt l great expect cherri bomber henri bar robyn team team melvil umpir life acadien kaufbeuren icebreak firebird jayson kinki puck cobra killer outlaw kuta papercu t killer ap darman dragon roger smith week hurt thunder herd ikea wholesal dont fred mckim hurrican creep death knee injuri club crazi euro frack attack todd tu rkei ryan renegad cafal and crew pig vomit ic stryker fight geordi cdn stuck ala bama ship swillbelli chri death banko beer ranger flame laubster dayton bomber z ipper head ninja bunni joliet inmat widefield white wolv dave team great scott s outh carolina tiger paw sandi sabr florida tech burgh team ic hole leo blue chip for xtc roadrunn mudvil king redlin pat phillip jersei rob stewart clamen demon spawn sunnyval storm allez le blue for sale hockei club pete pick rinaco brenz reveng dinamo riga andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom oper ext roman era consid usenet hockei draft week price list price list for week april april andrew bui sell pt team player pit mario lemieux buf pat lafontain b o adam oat det steve yzerman wpg teemu selann tor doug gilmour nyi pierr turgeon buf alexand mogilni phi mark recchi luc robitail que mat sundin pit kevin steve n stl craig jannei van pavel bure chi jeremi roenick que joe sakic pit rick tocc het stl brett hull bo joe juneau tor dave andreychuk pit ron franci mtl vincent damphouss min mike modano wpg phil houslei cgy theoren fleuri buf dale hawerchuk mtl kirk muller nyr mark messier stl brendan shanahan det dino ciccarelli jari kurri pit jaromir jagr mtl brian bellow wsh peter bondra hfd geoff sanderson cgy robert reichel que steve duchesn det paul coffei det sergei fedorov brian bradl ei phi rod brind amour pit larri murphi hfd andrew cassel hfd pat verbeek toni g ranato wsh mike ridlei nyi steve thoma mtl stephan lebeau wsh dale hunter que mi ke ricci bo rai bourqu wsh kevin hatcher kelli kisio van cliff ron stl jeff brow n tor nikolai borschevski claud lemieux min dave gagner min russ courtnal nyr to ni amont van murrai craven jimmi carson cgy gari suter min ulf dahlen van geoff courtnal bo dmitri kvartalnov wsh michal pivonka nyi derek king nyi benoit hogu que owen nolan chi steve larmer alexand semak nyr mike gartner stl nelson emerso n chi chri chelio phi eric lindro wsh iafrat van trevor linden mike donnelli wsh dmitri khristich pit joe mullen cgy joe nieuwendyk stephan richer wpg alexei zh amnov wpg thoma steen que andrei kovalenko van petr nedv nyr adam grave hfd zarl ei zalapski det rai sheppard tor glenn anderson johan garpenlov ott norm maciv m tl mike kean pit shawn mceachern rob blake wayn gretzki phi garri gallei phi bre nt fedyk nyi pat flatlei cgy sergei makarov berni nichol det steve chiasson chi steve smith que scott young det paul ysebaert nyr sergei nemchinov valeri zelepu kin wsh pat elynuik john tucker phi kevin dineen van greg adam wpg darrin shanno n nyr darren turcott scott steven chi christian ruuttu van dixon ward wpg fredri k olausson nyr olczyk wpg keith tkachuk nyi jeff norton tor john cullen van anat oli semenov cgy macinni bo stephen leach chi brent sutter mtl deni savard hfd te rri yake john maclean wsh sylvain cote edm petr klima edm shayn corson toma sand strom edm craig simpson mtl gilbert dionn nyi vladimir malakhov bo dave poulin s tl kevin miller alexei zhitnik que martin rucinski wpg evgeni davydov wsh kelli

miller edm doug weight edm dave manson hfd patrick poulin chi michel goulet phi pell eklund min mark tinordi mtl mathieu schneider cgy paul ranheim edm todd eli k bo vladimir ruzicka ott sylvain turgeon tor dave ellett det nikla lidstrom det bob probert peter stastni nyr esa tikkanen ott brad shaw tor wendel clark buf y uri khmylev van sergio momesso ott bob kudelski nyr brian leetch bobbi holik tor rob pearson min mike mcphee nyr alexei kovalev adam creighton edm zdeno ciger c orei millen chi dirk graham tor peter zezel bo ted donato que valeri kamenski mt l gari leeman det keith primeau buf wayn preslei min neal broten bo steve heinz phi josef beranek chi stephan matteau buf richard smehlik tor dmitri mironov nyi brian mullen phi dmitri yushkevich chi brian noonan edm scott mellanbi pat fall oon stl igor korolev nyr jame patrick buf petr svoboda ott mark lamb mikael ande rsson nyi scott lachanc edm kevin todd wsh bob carpent tor bill berg wpg sergei bautin mtl benoit brunet nyi david volek hfd mikael nyland min brent gilchrist n yr phil bourqu nyi rai ferraro hfd yvon corriveau edm martin gelina det jim hill er nyi dariu kaspara phi andrei lomakin buf donald audett roman hamrlik mark ped erson pit martin straka jann ojanen ott toma jelinek chi joe murphi nyr peter an dersson steve kasper bo cam neeli min bobbi smith rai whitnei hfd robert petrovi cki buf viktor gordijuk que mikhail tatarinov tor joe sacco peter ahola chi rob brown bo glen murrai hfd tim kerr wsh reggi savag stl vitali prokhorov robert la ng edm shaun van allen bo jozef stumpel min dan quinn pit bryan fogarti det viac heslav kozlov stan drulia min brian propp mtl olav petrov wsh jason woollei clau d vilgrain van igor larionov brent gretzki ott alexei yashin que peter forsberg edm dean mcammond wsh brian sakic wsh randi burridg mtl patrick kjellberg cgy co ri stillman chi sergei krivokrasov buf jason daw andrew scott andrew idacom idac om telecom oper ext roman era consid usenet playoff pool mention rule post will town dai entr i deadlin won respond your messag april grate repost rule and instruct for playo ff pool week for benefit miss two post andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom oper ext roman era consid european nhl articl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write point european nhl sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshki thi north americ a isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get wors sick w atch american name gretzki etc name you accept sit bull and danc wolv north amer ica you jyri tp will stai top mighti mightier tp finnish champion get stronger heard new tp acquir finnish hockei superstar jere lehtinen kiekko espo o rumour erik kakko reipa and marko jantunen kalpa trade tp thi player finnish o lymp team that jantunen draft nhl btw juha nen centr hpk draft jet last year rea ch top level finnish centr had good playoff game tp hannu jet teemu teppo tappar a canadien blackhawk person ulf samuellsson dear ulf you possibl helpimontr c anadien fan throw knee check direct deni savard your upcom game montreal can win alot pete pete harper babi babi don you hesit can wait patchman wpi wpi edu lad i onc you knee you can you harper jake wpi edu come and love skid row come and l ove divis error jack nickalu tournament golf plai thi golf g ame and interest happen hole drove ball fairwai ball mid flight game complet fro ze coupl second screen complet black error messag larg bubbl letter that divis t hought funni comput programm and had never error thi actual video game system se ga nintendo even atari intellevis year ago yeah messag address hexadecim forget exact hex code that thi happen game shouldn thi randi psc turgeo plymouth edu observ lindro trade ottawa stupid lindro you quebec trad e lindro person strike talk ottawa mgmt arrang such trade that xenophob thankful li agre publicli basebal suppos american pasttim damn latin american plai deport aren american add sarcasm tast roger wow for onc agre hope thi isn sign thing c ome becom rant lunat talk noth leaf campbel ranger told that noth that happen pa trick surpris anymor li hell can team into washington earn shutout come back hom e and lose piti hartford absolut pinnacl mediocr can stand read goali blame thi time beezer plai pretti poorli smith talk call corei hirsch binghamton point fin

ger thi not team want prove washington noth that happen patrick will surpris yea h keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ time you head platter cmdr benjamin sisko sad dai for hockei dvb ick write foul illeg contact play er stick your bodi stick you you for game never game player commit penalti thi r equir attent refere unsportsmanlik contact intent foul thi inlclud current flavo ur rough fight and board you two you thrown game and fine technic foul bad mouth ref player coach penalti shot award two and you thrown game penalti shot for te chnic team get penalti period oppos team get penalti shot for addit end period v ictim get two shot act shoot foul ocur thi work for reason penalti shot excit th ing hockei follow that player set for penalti shot network can commerci final pe nalti network announc don meredith dick vital john madden pat summeral and marv levi will viewer happen announc you creat score opportun not can relationship fr ee throw award number foul easier score basketbal opportun basketbal team score point that fifti chanc made averag number shot each team hockei game and thi tot al guess and team lucki capit you good idea penalti that player award penalti sh ot had chanc score and interf post you talk bore nba game you attend that plai s top wouldn your penalti shot rule time hockei game matt att uva lemieux nhlpa and thought that nhlpa video game thing th at name player real matter lack logo plai sinc novemb lead team final and make s corer team compet for top score yesterdai won titl toronto hartford game two pla i playoff game fashion minut for each period and scorer and shooter gilmour shot rememb iskand ayari email iskand ayari loria ayari loria thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr morgan sca irn fsg write mvp surpris disappoint york ranger messier kovalev bourqu gartner zubov bourqu bourqu penguin laugh head time think ranger and thi loser scott cai rn email scairn fsg fusion system group usmail broadwai york york usa york stand ard disclaim appli hope futur american thought warlik viciou peopl bet lot high school pick american mascot jack handei care phil like lot pittsburgh didn score lot you stat last year work butt speed that creat opportun offens zone that all ow pen util potenti haven pai attent thi year can you object injuri hasn and off ens isn not speed will for you creat opportun didn score thought monei offer ran ger high and pen guess joseph stiehm articl apr morgan scairn fsg write mvp surp ris disappoint york ranger messier kovalev bourqu gartner zubov bourqu bourqu pe nguin laugh head time think ranger and thi loser scott cairn email scairn fsg fu sion system group usmail broadwai york york usa york standard disclaim appli hop e futur american thought warlik viciou peopl bet lot high school pick american m ascot jack handei care phil like lot pittsburgh didn score lot you stat last yea r work butt speed that creat opportun offens zone that allow pen util potenti ha ven pai attent thi year can you object injuri hasn and offens isn not speed will for you creat opportun didn score thought monei offer ranger high and pen guess joseph stiehm european nhl articl apr adob snichol adob sherri nichol write articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olc howi write crawl back into hole you crawl nba doesn care basketbal player major leagu basebal doesn give damn basebal player cuba that mlb perfectli will player cuba defect sort situat us russian czech etc hockei player polit situat countri chang major leagu basebal told blue jai and expo not sign oscar linar that name canada not restrict cuban that and major leagu team told canadian team that unh appi expo blue jai thi cuban player not defect plai canada and plai home game fo r expo and blue jai troubl gerald thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr morgan sca irn fsg write messier joke thi year bad back not withstand plai reason ranger wi ll golf coupl week gartner choic gui work butt game kovalev surpris plai adequ b ad defens kovalev talent player plai for roger nielson roger player can for and can skate straight line and ic dudlei and nielson two coach bad leagu talent mog ilni and kovalev and not turn into bure and selann predict preseason perhap pull alex mogilni coupl year and surpris zubov wasn expect make minor thi season and ow number injuri prove pleasant surpris muckler coach and kovalev will mogilni troubl ranger that neil smith and player messier kovalev and grave school take g

ame oppon and attack hire coach interest rope dope strategi you want roger niels on world your coach you don and mark messier dog can learn trick loser and you d on wast your draft pick player kovalev gerald gerald european nhl articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi a lchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write major leagu basebal told blue jai and expo not sign oscar linar that name linar not defect point mlb requir that playe r defect canada not restrict cuban that and major leagu team told canadian team that unhappi expo blue jai thi surpris long pool talent not access team mlb won team sign perfectli reason cuban player not defect plai canada and plai home gam e for expo and blue jai troubl that mlb won sherri nichol snichol adob lindro will trade apr node hub org jai chu write true ru mor fact big deal eric lindro ottawa senat and senat mill montreal montreal get alexand daigl round pick senat philli get damphouss bellow patrick roi and draft pick sheesh rumor mill strike assum thi true question thi montreal give san jos e shark pick and daigl tim irvin sad dai for hockei articl finn abyss west sun dvb ick da vid van beveren write sinc penalti fall into class penalti foul illeg contact pl ayer stick your bodi stick you you for game unsportsmanlik contact intent foul t hi inlclud current flavour rough fight and board you two you thrown game and fin e technic foul bad mouth ref player coach penalti shot award two and you thrown game penalti shot for technic team get penalti period oppos team get penalti sho t for addit end period victim get two shot act shoot foul ocur rule great that y our rule complic will normal averag fan count foul player and even rememb name p layer order determin drew foul and will sub posit power center sit slot blue puc k come and shoot defenseman and point defenseman final stat and worst penalti sh ot taker sinc almost ic will get foul ulf samuellson and tie domi miss penalti s hot crazi keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ t ime you head platter cmdr benjamin sisko thi year biggest and worst opinion assist orion oac uci edu assist coordin site write articl zcii ftn watserv uwaterloo smale healthi uw aterloo bryan smale write mvp biggest biggest supris disappoint lo angel king ro bitail donnelli hrudei chosen alex zhitnik for biggest supris expect that becom great defenseman don knew that thi impress rooki year speed skate abil and puck control except watch king agre marti mcsore and warren rychel run close second a nd surpris peopl not note knickl biggest surpris even person not rate biggest di sappoint carson thi unfair sinc expect second biggest disappoint melros adolesc handl goaltend problem put hrudei bench for month stupid not contribut team come slump mvp sure robitail dvb name for stanlei cup articl apr sol ctr columbia edu pho enix startid ctr columbia edu ali lemer write posit name for unabl rememb compli c hockei terminolog name name centr gui middl left wing gui left wing gui defenc eman gui back goaltend gui net cage mother call refere gui whistl linesman gui a rm coach gui suit head gui puck black thing red line line middl blue line line s ide creas place front gui net faceoff circl round thing stand slot point point a ccompani term bench place sit penalti box place sit bad bettman gui wrong sport stein gui charg isn name for individu award and stuff presid cup presid cup trop hi regular season team hart winner valuabl player chosen gui middl gui gui left gui back and gui net typic gui middl and gui left and norri winner gui back gui award for even not gui middl left nauseum keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mai l sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ time you head platter cmdr benjamin sisko paul kuryia and canadian world team heard last night tha t paul kuryia will plai for canadian world hockei team thi year local radio stat ion friend familti call congratul invit meekli paul told host that didn want thi morn heard that destin plai line lindro and recci unsur thi plai thi arena draf t jet fan hrivnak tabaracci articl apr wam umd edu giant w am umd edu thundarr write hrivnak and tabarraci plai you prefer and tyler larter happen you answer will hrivnak choic obviou skin for question emot music quit b rave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan interne t gtd prism gatech edu jet fan hrivnak tabaracci hrivnak and tabarraci plai you prefer and tyler larter happen you answer will hrivnak choic obviou you tabarac ci plai two start and relief effort for beaupr look mighti sharp don forget shut out goal period plai hrivnak give credit david poil for chang thi trade hopefull i tabaracci start isl tonight haven jinx frank salvator fmsalvat eo ncsu edu thi year biggest and worst opinion bryan smale smale hea lthi uwaterloo write think each team mvp biggest surpris and biggest disappoint thi year team biggest biggest team mvp surpris disappoint hartford whaler sander son cassel corriveau vote fwiw team mvp pat verbeek fan goal mouth feed goal ter ribl start and examplari team captain tough coupl season honor mention nick kypr eo and mark janssen unsung hero categori mvp kypreo goal pim hardest work player team and janssen underr defens center and checker guess place greater emphasi h ard work skill determin biggest surpris geoff sanderson had goal and point last season center move left wing and put goal and point whaler record power plai goa l come wing faceoff circl garden spot honor mention andrew cassel and terri yake kiddi quartet sanderson poulin nyland and petrovicki attract attent cassel and will score close point thi season quit nice assum role number center team and wo rk sanderson yake bounc minor for number season and will put goal and point thi season yake sanderson start perform offens onc convert center wing lefti sanders on left wing and righti yake side biggest disappoint hand john cullen cullen had disaster point season last year full season trade cullen start season summer ba ck surgeri and fell flat face sinc spent whaler career flat ass and whine cullen score point game clubhous malcont command powerplai success percentag sanderson and sulk town worst year contract had year left run give round draft pick mapl leaf offer hartford honor mention steve konroyd subpar sign year contract eric w einrich show flash compet plai poorli jim mckenzi hockei player two season ago a nd frank pietrangelo plai sean burk for extend period and make number start row real live hartford whaler season ticket holder steveg cadkei mapl leaf updat for leaf fan concern player slate for re turn thursdai winnipeg toronto game peter zezel john cullen mark osborn and dave ellett question return thursdai regular player injur includ dimitri mironov bac k for saturdai home game flyer faq crash your newsread faq sheet never fail crash newsr ead can avoid crash and restart machin header and avoid read faq problem read fa q tim irvin season merci end test canadien anoth stanlei cup articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard wrote rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richa rd john rauser write pereira cam org dean pereira write kind team montreal can c up easili problem that steal show and plai alon massiv teamwork thi savard syndr om and talk deni not serg team will win squat like deni savard lineup savard sta i home and watch game life simpl savard not plai last game and plai crap montrea l problem run deeper savard and mouton hope can act togeth playoff line game com e pittsburgh like us for playoff hope can forget nice weather and plai hockei pa ul valin tel bell northern research email pavalin bnr box station ottawa ontario canada opinion european nhl articl rauser sfu rauser fraser sfu richard john rauser write point european nhl sick watch game american and canadian team red wing and canuck and name bure konstantinov and borshevshki thi north americ a isn toronto detriot quebec and edmonton annoi number euro team get wors gee yo u winnipeg top that list regular european live vancouv and hear word pavel bure russian rocket will complet throw time canuck plai hope will cross check bure in to plexiglassso hard carri stretcher not canuck fan begin jet fan sometim that b ure knock silli noth game stretcher remark carri point that resent nhl owner dra ft european canadian and american deni young canadian opportun plai north americ an leagu and european aren even hockei player hype thi european mystiqu sicken n hl owner canadian and american player will continu fight harder draft into leagu case owner give gener manag order come draft find player that team will win sta nlei cup whether that player kinderslei saskatchewan chelyabinsk russia believ p layer draft you call nhl leagu refer canadian player doesn belong belong owner o

wner can want canadian content rule enforc canada doubt that enforc that cfl for footbal refer didn even push import ratio rule sacromento goldmin increas compe tit for elit posit case make player yeah and european plai lower level professio n hockei north america that plai ahl ihl that nhl team primari farm club you don hear european plai chl echl secondari farm team ihl jet russian player moncton don european wayn team plenti posit for hockei player north america number euro nhl escal problem get wors for creation european hockei leagu and bure and selan n world plai contin don want mine favour nhl leagu for premier player world grow n european plai team and player world hedberg nilsson and sjoberg sel nne zhamno v and olausson and and come wouldn daryl turner contact for winnipeg jet interne t umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout tkachuk zhamnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder european nhl dunno lemieux hmmm sound french blood hei f ranc part europ send that euro blood boi back don you american studi histori fre nch settl north america earli british lemieux can trace back north american heri tag back lot friendli jibe mode don you canadian understand sarcasm sometim read er decid that read ludicr that mean opposit kinda toronto win cup post yeah and cow can fly friendli jibe mode geez gerald read rec flamefest hockei pen great d idn that mow quebec patrick european nhl articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi a lchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write crawl back into hole you crawl nba doe sn care basketbal player major leagu basebal doesn give damn basebal player cuba that mlb perfectli will player cuba defect sort situat us russian czech etc hoc kei player polit situat countri chang sherri nichol snichol adob tp will stai top articl apr tnclu tele nokia hahietanen tnclu tele nokia write mighti mightier tp finnish champion get stronger isn btw juha nen centr hpk draft jet last year reach top level finnish centr had good pl ayoff game tp nen draft choic jet assum thi nen that plai for kiekko espoo round pick jet entri draft notic summari that nen had begun plai playoff daryl turner contact for winnipeg jet internet umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout tkachuk zha mnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder european nhl articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi a lchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write articl apr pasteur berkelei edu daniel cori berkelei edu daniel lyddi write you you absolut round player european desc ent and ship back start dunno lemieux hmmm sound french blood hei franc part eur op send that euro blood boi back don you american studi histori french settl nor th america earli british lemieux can trace back north american heritag back lot gerald gerald joke lisa european nhl wrote love european nhl divis can happen fo r time simpli not fan interest moment crucial market germani itali and franc swe den and finland can afford shell for ticket american canadian fan call minnesota north star effect scandinavian love hockei prefer watch local inexpens hockei n hl nation hockei leagu love idea pan european channel such eurosport bring milli on american network like never will pai thi bring question ask answer mention th at nhl expand europ north american plai nhl will plai for team europ not that ma jor hockei player necessarili interest expand cultur experi that level not pro h ockei player recal player remark last year make european expans achiev rememb li ndro not want plai quebec for reason nichol edmonton courtnal want trade lemieux refus edmonton earlier thi year cultur reason american player plai for expo com plain french fact and that citi not quit citi player wife make point complain th at not even find favorit brand nacho chip montreal happen footbal player move lo ndon spain etc for year that footbal leagu year ago player associ think europ eu ropean team marc sad dai for hockei andrew cmu edu ethan evan write penal ti will chang rough chauvanist male aggress slash chauvanist male vent frustrat fight proof that male cannot cope feel sinc penalti fall into class penalti foul illeg contact player stick your bodi stick you you for game unsportsmanlik cont act intent foul thi inlclud current flavour rough fight and board you two you th rown game and fine technic foul bad mouth ref player coach penalti shot award tw

o and you thrown game penalti shot for technic team get penalti period oppos tea m get penalti shot for addit end period victim get two shot act shoot foul ocur thi work for reason penalti shot excit thing hockei follow that player set for p enalti shot network can commerci final penalti network announc don meredith dick vital john madden pat summeral and marv levi will viewer happen announc rule go al score time period plai cannot resum announc announc thi network can sneak com merci onc announc told score announc can you viewer and even chanc pronounc name nba basketbal game last week for time life amaz bore plai slow had fan come for thing free throw shoot contest period laker girl routin time game and not perio d whistl second averag game minut minut quarter and and minut halftim and take h our reason for thi plenti room throw commerci and announc jabber noth happen bas ketbal fairli entertain imho watch thi road nhl sad dai for dvb european nhl long don cherri student sfu that arch bunke r thi racist drivel net you embarass canadian bill tp will stai top apr tnclu tele nokia hahietanen tnclu t ele nokia write btw juha nen centr hpk draft jet last year reach top level finni sh centr had good playoff game tp not juha anoth top center rauli raitanen draft jet raitanen had good year and plai finnish nationalteam that finn thi year mat ikainen head coach elect team hannu tommi usenet playoff pool previou request for rule and instruc t for usenet playoff pool haven responc thi info post you mail advanc phil baron internet pbaron ess harri harri corpor gisd cape canaver doubter hmm articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write for you can decid team you stand tor chi det van team campbel confer record toronto that true your stat chicago good record toron to interest that you list toronto ahead chicago lauri marshal wayn state univers detroit michigan wing miami name articl apr vax cn muskingum edu tinker vax cn muskingum edu write will miami franchis team announc name curiou south florida colon skin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith horne t capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu test test flame bye european nhl you sick white gui skate vancouv canuck hal f women and orient and gladli volunt for overag draft gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei rec sport hockei frequent ask question archiv name hocke i faq rec sport hockei answer frequent ask question and new content info nhl nhl minor leagu colleg hockei north america leagu europ canada cup tournament mail file usenet hockei pool come date answer frequent ask question miscellan send co mment suggest and critic thi faq list mail hamlet washington edu info thi sectio n will describ addit sinc last post that you can decid worth read paragraph cont ain inform will preced two asterisk anaheim contact winnipeg affili moncton milw auke contact ihl broadcast year name rheaum start cyclon san diego set record ti cket info includ for ncaa divis championship world championship pool result list sweden hockei game final stand list swedish elit leagu final stand list olypm h ockei mail list montreal mail list address nhl nation hockei leagu for detail in form team ticket and merchandis watch game town send mail net contact for team l ast team div season cup cup net contact anaheim mighti duck kri myer kri assist uci edu boston bruin buffalo sabr jeff horvath jhorvath macc wisc edu calgari fl ame caldwel mtroyal chicago blackhawk john scholvin scholvin casbah acn nwu edu detroit red wing sglenn cmsa gmr edmonton oiler andrew scott andrew idacom hartf ord whaler matthew olsen dmolsen athena mit edu lo angel king stan willi willi e mpir dnet hac minnesota north star mitch mcgowan hamlet washington edu montreal canadien jersei devil york island mark anania ananim rpi edu york ranger paul ro mano romano monolith bellcor ottawa senat scott simpson simpson bnr philadelphia flyer pete clark seth ho cad att pittsburgh penguin lori iannamico lli cmu edu thoma sullivan tm cmu edu quebec nordiqu loui blue joseph achkar jca cec wustl e du san jose shark nelson claudiu leland stanford edu south florida tampa bai lig htn tom wilson wilson eola ucf edu toronto mapl leaf darryl gambl darryl yorku v ancouv canuck alan chim chim sfu washington capit david david eng umd edu winnip

eg jet umturn ccu umanitoba adam norri patrick smyth calgari atlanta flame detro it detroit cougar detroit falcon edmonton alberta oiler wha edmonton oiler wha h artford england whaler wha minnesota cleveland baron merg minnesota for season j ersei kansa citi scout colorado rocki quebec quebec nordiqu wha toronto toronto arena toronto patrick winnipeg winnipeg jet wha team mail list section for addre ss boston buffalo lo angel montreal philadelphia pittsburgh loui san jose tampa bai vancouv washington schedul schedul for nhl april sun mon tue wed thu fri sat min cal mon buf bo det chi nyi nyr cal har pit chi stl que ott van det tor phi win edm win ott har van min mon nyi tor phi pit que bo buf har nyr bo que edm va n que bo van cal bo mon cal buf min har ott chi nyi pit nyr buf det stl chi cal mon pit det chi pit edm nyr har que nyr nyi phi van ott phi win tor win stl min stl ott nyi nyr pit phi tor ott bo mon mon buf bo ott phi buf que buf nyr phi ca l edm nyi har cal cal van chi min pit tor chi chi van nyr min det win edm ott qu e edm win tor har stl tor har nyi min stl win van nyi pit stl season will begin and end playoff will begin and end nhl regular season game will plai nhl citi se ason citi milwauke sacramento cleveland indianapoli phoenix miami oklahoma citi dalla atlanta cincinnati provid peoria hamilton saskatoon halifax chart show num ber game team game each nyi nyr phi pit bo buf har mon ott que chi det min stl t or cal edm van win valeri hammerl hammerl acsu buffalo edu post thi year version nhl schedul program for nhl game for exampl user can find game plai date find t en game plai team copi can obtain mail hammerl acsu buffalo edu neutral site sch edul tue calgari minnesota saskatoon tue ottawa toronto hamilton tue chicago was hington indianapoli tue toronto quebec hamilton wed buffalo jersei hamilton tue lo angel chicago milwauke tue montreal lo angel phoenix wed tampa bai york range r miami sun edmonton york island oklahoma citi tue york island loui dalla mon sa n jose montreal sacramento mon hartford winnipeg saskatoon mon boston pittsburgh atlanta mon loui hartford peoria tue philadelphia calgari cincinnati sat quebec tampa bai halifax mon york ranger san jose sacramento mon detroit philadelphia cleveland tue winnipeg ottawa saskatoon mon vancouv buffalo hamilton thu minneso ta vancouv saskatoon tue washington detroit milwauke tue jersei boston provid su n pittsburgh edmonton cleveland locat subject chang nhl playoff schedul wale con fer divis semifin april campbel confer divis semifin april wale confer divis fin al campbel confer divis final wale confer final campbel confer final stanlei cup final june neccessari new score spike bryan strous bk cbnewsh att post weekdai new and box score sundai thursdai john curcio jpc philab philip post weekend new and box score maintain mail list for faster deliveri net contact post team new hear read notabl team new transact and announc note that thi inform cull press r eleas and post updat each month and inform discuss continu import interest will list for two post boston bruin boston legisl and develop propos boston garden fi nal agre deal that put seat million project back track finish septemb wing danie l maroi will sidelin indefinit surgeri repair herniat disc back defenseman glen murrai provid american hockei leagu buffalo sabr puck acquir left winger bob err ei pittsburgh for defenseman mike ramsei veteran buffalo sabr broadcast ted darl will induct into club hall fame sundai april darl join expans sabr team plai pl ai announc televis and radio ill forc booth last season recal forward viktor gor diouk and doug macdonald rochest american hockei leagu calgari flame acquir vete ran wing greg paslawski philadelphia for futur consider recal center todd harkin and left winger toma forslund salt lake citi intern hockei leagu chicago blackh awk million privat financ unit center schedul open august will home nba chicago bull and nhl chicago blackhawk stadium own entiti control two team owner appar n ot made decis whether chicago stadium will raze for park space onc facil locat d irectli across street open suspend defenseman craig muni indefinit for fail repo rt trade edmonton detroit red wing acquir defenseman steve konroyd hartford for sixth round draft pick annnounc sign wing joe frederick pick nation hockei leagu entri draft two contrit hockei fan return stolen michigan sport hall fame plaqu honor detroit red wing great gordi how bronz plaqu stolen year ago cobo hall de troit site michigan hall fame edmonton oiler forward esa tikkanen york ranger fo r center doug weight trade defenseman craig muni chicago for forward mike hudson nhl commission gari bettman edmonton oiler leas northland coliseum improv team surviv citi edmonton northland profit agenc set citi administ exhibit facil incl

ud coliseum oiler owner peter pocklington call leas northland horrend and threat en move team doesn deal make monei park concess build advertis seat coliseum luc r privat box that produc signific revenu for owner announc center kevin todd wil l not surgeri will miss remaind season separ shoulder hartford whaler defenseman steve konroyd detroit for sixth round draft pick acquir left winger robert kron and round draft pick vancouv for left winger murrai craven and round draft pick state connecticut will begin negoti bui civic center citi effort financi strugg l hartford whaler franchis citi lo angel king center john mcintyr york ranger fo r defenseman mark hardi and ottawa round draft pick minnesota north star call ca ll canada dalla citi council approv agreement minnesota north star that will bri ng nhl club reunion arena season defenseman mark tinordi captain north star will sidelin rest season includ postseason game north star plai broken collarbon acq uir defenseman mark osiecki winnipeg for ninth and round draft pick ad defensema n travi richard univers minnesota employe file sexual harass suit minnesota nort h star owner norman green karen kari dziedzic green execut assist claim green in struct wear cosmet describ outfit hot and sexi onc slap hand eat and humili grab hand and rub client hair minnesota north star will move dalla thi season announ c that season ticket reserv made for home reunion arena capac met center commiss told minnesota north star that club kei return midnight last home game club mov e dalla for season club pai unpaid interest team late rent payment for made earl ier thi month and instruct not properti such scoreboard and zamboni ic surfac ma chin derian hatcher game misconduct penalti rescind nhl allow minnesota defensem an plai north star last two regular season game hatcher penalti fight end loss l oui sundai april leagu didn rescind game misconduct penalti shane churla receiv star recal center cal mcgowan top minor leagu club kalamazoo mich replac churla montreal canadien acquir defenseman rob ramag tampa bai for minor leagu defensem en eric charron and alain cote and futur consider jersei devil berni nichol publ icli apolog for critic refere deni morel devil loss buffalo sabr nichol eject mo rel for man fight late second period that game and afterward nichol call morel h omer and embarrass refere associ york island trade wing daniel maroi boston for condit draft choic york ranger obtain forward esa tikkanen edmonton for center d oug weight acquir left winger mike hartman tampa bai acquir center john mcintyr lo angel for defenseman mark hardi and ottawa round draft pick defenseman brian leetch will undergo addit surgeri ankl broke skate fall and not expect plai thi season leetch suffer broken ankl march victori san jose team slip ici patch pave ment get taxi cab front apart announc that defenseman jame patrick will requir s urgeri herniat disc back and will not plai thi season return goaltend corei hirs ch binghamton american hockei leagu ottawa senat ottawa senat receiv ahead build seat palladium propos locat nearbi kanata ont project cost million construct wi ll postpon season year schedul ottawa senat lost consecut nhl road game tie wash ington capit for road loss row assign left wing martin amour haven american hock ei leagu philadelphia flyer open date spectrum push back fall formal groundbreak postpon indefinit trade veteran wing greg paslawski calgari flame for futur con sider pittsburgh penguin trade left winger bob errei buffalo for defenseman mike ramsei reacquir defenseman peter taglianetti tampa bai lightn for round draft c hoic revolutionari comic san diego agre destroi copi mario lemieux comic book se ttlement pittsburgh penguin trademark infring lawsuit penguin su februari charg that sport star mario lemieux comic infring team logo and uniform regist tradema rk quebec nordiqu loui blue loui blue center ron sutter will miss rest season re sult separ shoulder san jose shark san jose shark announc that ticket price will increas for season move cow palac into million arena san jose recal defenseman tom pederson kansa citi intern hockei leagu reach agreement principl left wing a lexand cherbayev tampa bai lightn two investor group pois build sport arena down town tampa delai plagu compani that hold leas tampa bai lightn bow tampa coliseu m inc leas nation hockei leagu team develop entertain and sport arena tampa stad ium unabl rais monei for project left winger mike hartman york ranger for center randi gilhen defenseman peter taglianetti pittsburgh for round draft choic defe nseman rob ramag montreal canadien for minor leagu defensemen eric charron and a lain cote and futur consider manon rheaum start appear goal for atlanta knight i mpress for coach chanc backup goali for anoth minor leagu team season rheaum fem

al plai profession hockei stop shot and gave six goal cincinnati cyclon saturdai night april game coach gene ubriaco rheaum perform compet for goali spot louisv il icehawk east coast hockei leagu season knight and icehawk minor leagu club ta mpa bai lightn season come close rumor swirl that tampa bai lightn becom atlanta lightn minnesota lightn rumor lightn gener manag phil esposito espn report sund ai april that lightn plai seat expo hall explor opportun move atlanta minneapoli esposito truth report disappoint espn irrespons comment esposito substanc rumor rumor swirl for past two year move tampa bai present discuss plan build arena t oronto mapl leaf defenseman matt martin help main win ncaa hockei championship g ave final year elig and sign contract toronto mapl leaf vancouv canuck vancouv c anuck clear last hurdl effort build stadium vancouv council green light for mill ion dollar complex will seat thousand peopl and will adjoin offic tower will bui lt viaduct place vancouv site prepar will begin thi summer complet date fall tra de left winger robert kron and round draft pick hartford for left winger murrai craven and round draft pick obtain defenseman dan ratushni winnipeg for ninth ro und draft pick sign wing brian lonei multi year contract and assign hamilton ame rican hockei leagu ahl washington capit cap trade goaltend jim hrivnak and futur consider winnipeg for goaltend rick tabaracci winnipeg jet winnipeg jet allow e conom assist order smyth divis result expans defenseman mark osiecki minnesota f or ninth and round draft pick goaltend rick tabaracci washington for jim hrivnak and futur consider defenseman dan ratushni vancouv for ninth round draft pick w innipeg teemu selann broke nhl rooki point record jet rooki ti record point set peter stastni quebec goal season and move ahead assist loss toronto fort wayn ko met told winnipeg that jet will minor leagu affili moncton american hockei leagu report jet move player moncton fort wayn season expans new nation hockei leagu announc that expans anaheim and south florida franchis will join leagu for seaso n disnei and nation hockei leagu offici announc mondai march that mighti duck an aheim disnei expans team will ic fall michael eisner chairman and chief execut o ffic walt disnei mighti duck will plai pond anaheim sport arena disnei flagship theme park arena construct and will complet june pond seat team meet leagu requi r that sell season ticket for final grant nhl membership anaheim name jack ferre ira gener manag and pierr gauthier assist gener manag veteran nhl scout godfrei hire midwest region scout for anaheim mighti duck philadelphia flyer senior vice presid bobbi clark name mondai march post gener manag for miami nhl expans team franchis owner wayn huizenga made announc miami arena month award franchis huiz enga plan team ic time for begin nhl season octob realign eastern confer atlant divis washington capit jersei devil york island york ranger philadelphia flyer s outh florida tampa bai lightn northeast divis boston bruin buffalo sabr hartford whaler montreal canadien ottawa senat pittsburgh penguin quebec nordiqu western confer central divis chicago blackhawk dalla star detroit red wing loui blue to ronto mapl leaf winnipeg jet pacif divis anaheim mighti duck calgari flame edmon ton oiler lo angel king san jose shark vancouv canuck schedul eastern confer tea m will plai game each six division oppon game each team confer divis and two gam e each western confer member western confer team will plai six game each divisio n oppon game each six team confer divis and two game each eastern confer club pl ayoff system will confer base team meet team round and matchup will base point d ivis champion second place seed each confer and assur home ic two playoff round seri will rotat matchup central and pacif team seri will rotat reduc travel case team regular season point will choos whether start seri home draft new term exp ans draft will held june each exist club will allow protect goaltend defensemen and forward recent expans draft allow team protect two goali and not make distin ct forward and defensemen year pro will exempt draft two year exempt team had la st season san jose tampa bai and ottawa will allow exempt second year pro each t eam will lose two player maximum loss goaltend and maximum loss defenseman excep t that team lose goaltend can longer lose defenseman end phase draft two franchi s will goaltend defensemen and forward for total player second phase will conduc t san jose tampa bai and ottawa will select two player each roster two team otta wa tampa bai and san jose will guarante prioriti draft select draft long worst r ecord anaheim and miami will choos lower fourth and expans franchis will move dr aft san jose tampa bai ottawa not finish bottom posit two team will pick and sec

ond entri draft finish two team not plai season prioriti draft posit owner annou nc draft will hartford and draft winnipeg draft schedul for boston delai constru ct arena requir draft move leagu new disput nhl owner and player resolv differ s alari arbitr procedur clear for hear nhlpa execut director bob goodenow didn dis clos issu resolv prior stick point had manner statist us arbitr hear olymp nhl a nnounc februari will not make profession player compet winter olymp leagu leader ship lo angel king owner bruce mcnall succeed blackhawk owner bill wirtz chairma n nhl power board governor appoint join mcnall execut committe ron corei montrea l canadien mike ilitch detroit red wing peter pocklington edmonton oiler and sni der philadelphia flyer gari bettman vice presid and gener counsel nation basketb al associ name commission nation hockei leagu fridai decemb miscellan henri rich ard berni parent and billi smith name special ambassador for stanlei cup centenn i season long celebr nhl championship trophi trio will leagu wide function such star game and stanlei cup playoff nation hockei leagu name john turner prime min ist canada serv board director hockei hall fame and museum and nomin scotti morr ison david taylor larri bertuzzi robert bundi walter bush murrai costello jim gr egori lesli kaplan lawrenc meyer and alan tonk serv board take offic march nhl p resid gil stein individu elect hockei hall fame builder categori buffalo sabr ch airman board and presid seymour knox iii vancouv canuck chairman frank griffith and veteran canadian hockei execut fred page nhl linesman john amico select hall fame refere linesman categori nhl game carri tsn and cbc canada espn check your local list nation hockei leagu struck condit year deal espn televis profession hockei season seri agreement grant espn exclus nation coverag nhl start season a nd cabl network option extend term that domest agreement for year deal grant esp n exclus intern televis distribut exclud canada for year leagu contract call for espn televis regular season game domest audienc thi come season and playoff gam e includ entir stanlei cup final major espn regular season game will televis fri dai night nhl commission gari bettman announc wednesdai march that abc sport wil l televis stanlei cup playoff game start month abc will carri playoff game netwo rk arrang espn rightshold for nhl game espn will provid product game abc own esp n april wale confer game quarterfin april campbel confer game quarterfin wale co nfer game semifin campbel confer game semifin wale confer game final award winne r star team hall fame inducte and draft pick award winner hart trophi mvp mark m essier nyr vezina trophi goali patrick roi mon norri trophi defenseman brian lee tch nyr calder trophi rooki pavel bure van selk trophi defens forward gui carbon neau mon ladi byng trophi sportsmanship wayn gretzki jack adam award coach pat q uinn van bill masterton memori trophi persever mark fitzpatrick nyi king clanci trophi contribut commun rai bourqu bo jen trophi lowest team gaa patrick roi mon art ross trophi score point mario lemieux pit hall famer player frank boucher a nd red dutton and execut bruce mcnall and gil stein thursdai name winner lester patrick award for outstand servic hockei unit state award select each year commi tte repres wide cross section hockei commun star team patrick roi mon rai bourqu bo brian leetch nyr mark messier nyr brett hull stl kevin steven pit star game starter vote fan wale confer mario lemieux pittsburgh jaromir jagr pittsburgh ke vin steven pittsburgh rai bourqu boston brian leetch ranger patrick roi montreal campbel confer steve yzerman detroit brett hull loui pavel bure vancouv chri ch elio chicago paul coffei lo angel belfour chicago rooki team gilbert dionn mon t oni amont nyr kevin todd vladimir konstantinov det nickla lidstrom det dominik h asek chi hall fame inducte marcel dionn bob gainei lanni mcdonald and woodi duma rt round entri draft player po team roman hamrlik alexei yashin ott mike rathj t odd warrin que dariu kaspara nyi cori stillman cal ryan sittler phi brandon conv eri tor robert petrovicki har andrei nazarov david cooper buf sergei krivokrasov chi joe hulbig edm sergei gonchar jason bowen phi dmitri kvartalnov bo sergei b autin win jason smith martin straka pit david wilki mon libor polasek van curti bowen det grant marshal tor peter ferraro nyr nhl rule game eject for instig fig ht helmet option grab oppon stick defens move penalti dive draw penalti penalti coincident minor team full strength result plai high stick waist cba ratifi nhlp a term septemb septemb licens and endors player exclus right individu person inc lud like salari arbitr rule negoti salari arbitr jointli agre free agenc compens scale reduc for player ag and group iii free agent ag reduc player complet prof

ession season minor nhl and last year contract didn earn averag nhl salari can e lect onc career becom unrestrict free agent end contract salari and award player playoff fund increas minimum salari insur disabl coverag dental broad base medi c improv increas life insur for player coverag for wive pension improv pension c ontribut per player per year depend player number nhl game agreement languag gua rante continu secur plan negoti regular season increas game for game plai neutra l site arrang and revenu share roster skater and goaltend for entri draft reduc round supplement draft select for each playoff team joint studi group examin fin anci state nhl issu report assist prepar for negoti nhl free agenc categori effe ct group player ag and player choic player equal draft pick compens for compens club match offer club for equal club match offer equal can consist player draft pick and cash agre two club submit arbitr group player ag player choic player eq ual draft pick compens for equal club match offer for compens schedul round pick player sign for year two round pick player sign for million year extra round pi ck for each addit year group iii player ag and club get compens match offer rece iv match club make qualifi offer player salari prior season group player consid defect free agent group player year experi salari below nhl averag can choos fre e agent compens onc career nhl minor leagu nhl minor leagu intern hockei leagu a merican hockei leagu and east coast hockei leagu inform central hockei leagu and american hockei associ can found section ihl contact ihl rob springal rg ultb i sc rit edu atlanta knight scott clarkson prism gatech edu cincinnati cyclon jose ph comb jgcomb uceng edu cleveland lumberjack rob gasser csrag uoft utoledo edu wayn komet rob gasser csrag uoft utoledo edu milwauke admir jason hanson jason s tudsi msc edu salt lake golden eagl roland behunin behunin logdi aflc mil intern hockei leagu grant franchis la vega group head henri sticknei for season intern hockei leagu name bob chase voic fort wayn komet leagu broadcast year ihl annua l award effect year will name chase honor honor ihl jim loria kansa citi blade m arket director year shelli gartner phoenix roadrunn merchandis manag year and st eve doherti kalamazoo wing public relat director year atlanta knight intern hock ei leagu announc thursdai april that manon rheaum will start goaltend home game saturdai night april cincinnati cyclon rheaum will becom femal start regular sea son profession hockei game fort wayn announc winger scott gruhl will retir end i ntern hockei leagu season gruhl will join muskegon furi coloni leagu fort wayn k omet told winnipeg that jet will minor leagu affili moncton american hockei leag u report jet move player moncton fort wayn season san diego gull intern hockei l eagu set record victori salt lake golden eagl gull team profession hockei win th at game season montreal canadien won game ihl turner cup kansa citi blade defeat muskegon lumberjack game ahl contact ahl rob springal rg ultb isc rit edu bri f arenel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu mark anania ananim rpi edu section for n ewslett inform atlant divis cape breton fredericton halifax moncton john norther n divis adirondack capit district provid haven springfield southern divis baltim or binghamton hershei rochest utica hamilton haven senat sold peter shipman otta wa senat nhl organ canadian nhl team american ahl affili and made clear intend m ove team canadian atlant provinc thi sale and move approv ahl head offic expect pass easili gener meet baltimor skipjack washington capit american hockei leagu affliat will skate season portland pirat calgari flame will base farm team ahl j ohn brunswick season team will call john blue flame fort wayn komet ihl told win nipeg nhl that jet will minor leagu affili moncton american hockei leagu report jet move player moncton fort wayn season ahl calder cup adirondack red wing beat john mapl leaf game home ic curs held true game final won visit team john ander son haven winner le cunningham plaqu ahl mvp echl contact echl toledo storm rob gasser csrag uoft utoledo edu toledo storm hockei team ask seagat convent center host site begin season storm plai last two season toledo sport arena ask for da te downtown facil storm talk backer propos ic complex suburban sylvania becom pr imari tenant echl rilei cup hampton road beat louisvil game section for newslett inform minor leagu affili for nhl team bo provid bruin ahl johnstown chief echl buf rochest american ahl eri panther echl cal salt lake golden eagl ihl roanok vallei rebel echl chi indianapoli ic ihl columbu chill echl thoma col det adiron dack red wing ahl toledo storm echl edm cape breton oiler ahl winston salem thun derbird echl har springfield indian ahl louisvil icehawk echl phoenix roadrunn i

hl raleigh icecap echl min kalamazoo wing ihl dayton bomber echl mon fredericton canadien ahl winston salem thunderbird echl flint col utica devil ahl birmingha m bull echl nyi capit district island ahl richmond renegad echl nyr binghamton r anger ahl ott haven senat ahl thunder bai col phi hershei bear ahl pit cleveland lumberjack ihl knoxvil cheroke echl que halifax citadel ahl greensboro monarch echl kansa citi blade ihl nashvil knight echl stl peoria rivermen ihl dayton bom ber echl flint col atlanta knight ihl tor john mapl leaf ahl raleigh icecap echl brantford col van columbu chill echl hamilton canuck ahl baltimor skipjack ahl hampton road admir echl win moncton hawk ahl thunder bai col ind cincinnati cycl on ihl fort wayn komet ihl michigan falcon coloni milwauke admir ihl san diego g ull ihl thoma coloni colleg hockei contact ncaa mike machnik nin merrimack edu w isconsin badger jeff horvath horvath wisc edu ccha bowl green state keith inston inston euclid bgsu edu ecac clarkson bri farenel farenebt craft camp clarkson e du mail list wayn smith wt main main edu maintain list for discuss hockei and fo r new hockei send mail listserv main main edu bodi subscrib hockei name favorit team subscrib hockei name read list contain new hockei date divis stand and scor e can obtain archiv colleg hockei mail list send messag server listserv main mai n edu bodi contain command ftp site andi bgsu edu directori pub hockei contain c cha press releas score stand and roster sub directori archiv archiv divis colleg hockei mail list sinc archiv divis iii list sinc ncaa hockei championship semi final main michigan lake superior state boston univers final main lake superior state freshman paul kariya name winner hobei baker award colleg hockei top playe r ncaa divis hockei championship will held paul civic center paul minnesota marc h and april for prioriti seat call univers minnesota ticket offic and mondai fri dai send postcard univers minnesota ticket offic ncaa hockei championship avenu minneapoli ncaa divis team ccha central collegi hockei associ bowl green ferri s tate illinoi chicago lake superior miami michigan michigan state ohio state west ern michigan notr dame kent state alaska fairbank affili member ccha playoff str uctur top will host bottom etc two weekend seri six winner will advanc joe loui arena for singl elimin rest top remain seed bye plai and plai night second night remain team battl leav two plai for championship night alaska fairbank affili m ember will seed leagu offic ecac eastern colleg athlet confer men brown clarkson colgat cornel dartmouth harvard princeton rpi lawrenc union vermont yale ecac e astern colleg athlet confer women brown colbi cornel dartmouth harvard hampshir northeastern princeton provid rochest institut technolog lawrenc yale eastern co llegi athlet confer unveil nation intercollegi women ic hockei leagu and announc team will begin plai season top finish ecac women ic hockei leagu will qualifi for post season tournament leagu replac inform team confer divis and six divis i ii school held respect divis tournament end regular season ecac discontinu divis iii women tournament season hockei east boston colleg boston univers umass lowe l main merrimack hampshir northeastern provid wcha western collegi hockei associ colorado colleg denver michigan tech minnesota minnesota duluth north dakota no rthern michigan cloud wisconsin alaska anchorag join wcha full fledg member for independ air forc alabama huntsvil alaska anchorag alaska fairbank armi canadian intercollegi athlet union ciau championship finalist team divis univers alberta golden bear west univers guelph gryphon ontario west univers toronto varsiti bl ue ontario east univers acadia axemen east semi final acadia alberta toronto gue lph final acadia toronto hockei leagu world championship czechoslovakia sweden d efeat finland gold medal match czechoslovakia defeat switzerland bronz medal mat ch final stand round robin group pt group pt finland russia germani czech usa sw itz sweden canada itali norwai poland franc austria will replac poland pool germ ani world championship pool schedul run apr munich germani world championship po ol eindhoven netherland pt great britain poland netherland denmark japan romania china bulgaria great britain advanc pool bulgaria releg pool olymp game mail li st charli slavin slavin main main edu maintain olympuck olymp hockei discuss lis t send mail listserv main main edu bodi subscrib olympuck your name favorit coun tri i ci won gold canada silver and czechoslovakia bronz defeat usa yale hockei coach tim taylor name coach for olymp team dani dube uqtr patriot ciau and tom r ennei kamloop blazer whl coach canada nation program nagano winter olymp organ c ommitte approv addit women ic hockei and curl list offici medal event game decis

organ committe meet accord reach nagano committe and ioc coordin committe decis will formal ratifi execut board meet intern olymp committe ioc and session resu lt number total event nagano will increas sport canada cup team canada defeat te am usa game izvestia hockei tournament final russia czechoslovakia game for and place russia sweden game for and place finland switzerland game for and place ca nada germani final stand for izvestia cup russia russian olymp team czechoslovak ia russia sweden finland switzerland canada germani germani cup russia defeat te am canada win team germani cup for time russian team coach for time legendari bo ri michailov assur winner check win czechoslovakia soviet union and commonwealth independ state captur tournament and viktor tikhonov spengler cup canada fabian joseph score second goal game overtim beat farjestad sweden final spengler cup davo switzerland canadian overcam two goal deficit final two minut regul and ear n second overtim victori hour final team canada farjestad sweden european cup fi nal duesseldorf decemb bronz jokerit helsinki lion milano gold malmo dynamo mosc ow shootout thi success european championship for swedish team and champion djur gaarden stockholm sweden hockei game final stand sweden czech republ russia cana da sweden win due head head result czech republ junior leagu contact whl randi c oulman coulman skdad usask mitch mcgowan hamlet washington edu site for memori c up tournament chosen will stage ontario exact locat won determin spring march tw o regular season divis champion ontario hockei leagu will meet seri start playof f season winner seri earn host memori cup tradition held eventu ohl champion wil l particip tournei leagu champ happen club host memori cup leagu finalist will a dvanc charl poulin mon draft hyacinth qmjhl canadian hockei leagu player year me mori cup seattl round robin stand sault ste mari greyhound ohl kamloop blazer wh l seattl thunderbird whl host verdun colleg francai qmjhl semifin kamloop seattl final kamloop sault ste mari central hockei leagu contact marc foster mfoster m etgem gcn uoknor edu mfoster alliant backbon uoknor edu ted wollnik twollnik rdx sun aud alcatel section for newslett inform chl fort worth fire wichita thunder dalla freez tulsa oiler memphi river king oklahoma citi blazer six affili team p lai game schedul extend earli novemb mid march each team own leagu local interes t control dai dai oper each team salari cap for total player dress unlik echl pl ayer not limit year leagu western divis ad central hockei leagu for season plan chl presid rai miron materi miron confirm that paso amarillo tuscon and albuquer qu citi consider for western divis plai interlock game eastern divis meanwhil sa n antonio and houston close confirm leagu newest member major leagu hockei hocke i leagu franchis unit state and canada will begin plai fallof offici announc wed nesdai februari major leagu hockei found roi boe presid york island nation hocke i leagu and york jersei net american and nation basketbal associ boe leagu will debut six team plai schedul approxim game franchis applic receiv group chicago c leveland dalla denver detroit houston minneapoli paul phoenix san francisco sask atoon toronto and worcest mass boe leagu will not raid exist leagu stock roster boe will seek world finest hockei player boe leagu plai will intern flair and di scuss implement rule reminisc iihf remov red line move goal net forward and elim in tie game boe mlh offic will oper stamford conn british premier divis contact neil mcglynn nmcglynn axion nmcglynn axion europ steve salvini steve contact ste ve for usenet draft mail list send mail hockei request cee subscrib durham wasp defeat nottingham panther british championship game finnish elit leagu liiga con tact juha koivisto kimmo kauranen hockei tac vesa pyyluoma veikko vipunen hut fi nal stand jokerit helsinki jyp jyvaskyla hifk helsinki assat pori tp turku lukko rauma kalpa kuopio hpk hameenlinna ilv tamper reipa lahti tappara tamper jokp j oensuu jokp drop and kiekko espoo espoo qualifi liiga individu stat leader point makela mikko tp playoff score selann teemu jokerit playoff star briza petr lukk o virta hannu tp laurila harri jyp makela mikko tp janecki otakar jokerit selann teemu jokerit german hockei leagu contact andrea stockmeier stocki berlin stock i tub duesseldorf eishockei gemeinschaft defeat rosenheim german final swedish e lit leagu elitserien contact staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson regular seas on final stand vastera bryna malmo farjestad modo lulea leksand djurgarden rogl frolunda aik bryna defeat lulea game for swedish hockei championship swiss divis kloten champion swiss leagu national beat fribourg gotteron sweep final seri wo men world championship finland canada usa finland sweden china norwai denmark sw

itzerland world junior hockei championship sweden final stand canada sweden czec hoslovakia usa finland russia germani japan canada win gold due head head result sweden info mail request item mail includ your prefer address bodi messag somet im repli address not good thing ftp site wuarchiv wustl edu directori doc misc s port nhl hockei file readm file for inform and content mail list list topic freq subscrib boston bruin bruin request usask list address bruin usask buffalo sabr sabr request potter csh rit edu list address sabr potter csh rit edu lo angel k ing king request stanford edu list address king stanford edu montreal canadien h ab request janu sdsu edu list address hab janu sdsu edu philadelphia flyer seth ho cad att pittsburgh penguin andrew cmu edu list address andrew cmu edu loui bl ue jca cec wustl edu san jose shark shark request medraut appl list address shar k medraut appl tampa bai lightn wilson ucf edu vancouv canuck boei sfu list addr ess vancouv canuck sfu washington capit david eng umd edu list address cap monst er umd edu nhl boxscor bk cbnewsh att nhl boxscor jpc philab philip nhl goali st at coulman usask nhl score wilson ucf edu nhl team stat wilson ucf edu ahl newsl ett ahl new request hamlet cmu edu list address ahl new hamlet cmu edu echl news lett echl new request andrew cmu edu list address echl new andrew cmu edu colleg hockei section ncaa divis iii hockei hockei request hoovil mitr org list addres s hockei request mitr org chl newslett mfoster geohub gcn uoknor edu british lea gu hockei request olymp hockei section freq mondai fridai saturdai sundai daili nightli weekli you interest make request us keyword bodi subject team date etc a pplic eric rickin cleveland freenet edu keyword descript ahladdr ahl team addres s canjunior canada junior team nhltv station for each team nhlradio radio statio n for each team usjunior junior team xxxxdraft xxxx for xxxx nhl entri draft exp nhl expans dispers draft rob springal rg ultb isc rit edu keyword descript ahl date info ahl ihl date info ihl nhl program that print nhl schedul for dai stan willi willi empir dnet hac keyword descript attend nhl team home attend report q uarter pslogo nhl team logo postscript david anthoni wyatt wyatt ccu umanitoba k eyword descript alllist time list profession hockei franchis roland behunin behu nin logdi aflc mil keyword descript satinfo satellit info for nhl team mike mach nik nin merrimack edu keyword descript div sched ncaa divis score mike can provi d schedul for divis team peopl mail for detail bill clare clare kodak keyword de script retir list retir number for nhl player staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa eric sson keyword descript wcmedal world championship medalist wcstand world champion ship time stand pool wcalstar world championship star team wcrostxx world champi onship gold win team roster wjhc histori medal world junior hockei championship wjhcstat team and player stat world junior hockei championship paul brownlow pau l data keyword descript chlpoi past canadian hockei leagu player year memcup pas t memori cup winner wilson ucf edu us statsmail send mail wilson ucf edu subject statsmail and bodi contain word receiv list allow command thing nhl team leagu schedul calendar plethora team statist score game and assort hockei file season materi ad mitch mcgowan hamlet washington edu keyword descript roster nhl star g ame roster nhllead nhl leader score goal assist power plai goal short hand goal game win goal shot goal averag victori save percentag shutout zamboni alan thick book zamboni open nhl award broadcast matt militzok mmilitzo skidmor edu keywor d descript stat date nhl statist harri peltz hbpeltz mailbox syr edu keyword des cript score compil nhl score for current month compress and uuencod format date can for specif box score not request time max box score dai richard stueven gak wr keyword descript direct current nhl directori file michael burger mmb lamar c olost edu keyword descript tvinfo radio station for team network inform date div is stand and score can obtain archiv colleg hockei mail list send messag server listserv main main edu bodi contain command conf stand for divis confer stand co mp schedul for full season list divis score schedul line long and stand file lin e file updat weekli mondai contact mike machnik nin merrimack edu question usene t hockei pool send mail andrew idacom come date apr world championship pool muni ch germani jun nhl entri draft quebec citi quebec feb feb xvii olymp winter game lillehamm norwai answer frequent ask question montreal canadien call hab team m ade peopl live and montreal call le habit nativ montreal thi shorten hab montrea l canadien logo larg canadien logo consist signifi club athletiqu canadien cac y ear cac longer exist and chang signifi club hockei inform hockei public hockei n

ew prefer north american hockei fan weekli journal date info phone canada and ph one fax and rest europ minut power plai count penalti kill stat nhl goal score t eam get credit for goal chanc comput nhl appli skater for power plai goal goal s core each skater ic for score team and each skater ic for team short hand goal c ount for hole space goali pad major score zone upper left corner goal upper lowe r left lower and hole mean throw octopu ic thi tradit began detroit two seri req uir win stanlei cup time detroit won game octopu arm thrown ic woman plai nhl ga me manon rheaum year goaltend woman plai nhl game septemb start net for expans t ampa bai lightn exhibit loui blue rheaum plai period seat expo hall florida stat e fairground and allow two goal shot left score ti lightn ultim lost game riches t contract nhl histori mario lemieux superstar center pittsburgh penguin sign ri chest contract nhl histori year deal believ worth million lemieux will earn mill ion and million year twice player leagu commission nhl gari bettman vice presid and gener counsel nation basketbal associ name commission nation hockei leagu fr idai decemb bettman join nba assist gener counsel leagu chief legal offic septem b york resid bettman graduat cornel univers and york univers school law professi on hockei leagu north america six nation american intern east coast central and coloni hockei leagu miscellan for field hockei discuss newsgroup rec sport hocke i field for skate discuss newsgroup rec skate site anoth hockei group call clari sport hockei consist upi feed for upi new articl that relat hockei includ game result summari score stand etc inform nhl team new section come thi newsgroup re c sport hockei frequent ask question post post semi monthli and each month hocke i season thi file origin creat tom wilson post season mitch mcgowan for season m ake correct mail indic faq subject line feel free start discuss previous mention topic us subject line mitch mcgowan hamlet washington edu barasso cheap shot master watch pengiun year and team no tic increas tom barasso cheap shot thi year and not notic corrspond increas goal tend notic that get exampl last night notic elbow scott steven head basic start shove match that steven scott and tocchet minut minor kick john mclean wasn call for that isn kick automat match penalti and game suspens glenn anderson year ag o for kick gaetan duchesn chest doubt mind that barasso dirtiest golatend sinc h extal good that tocchet head butt automat susppens that kick match penalti can r ememb anymor playoff fun ralph beat pittsburgh anna matya clone chelio person and trans plant into defensemen island capit and devil gerald word you want turn into assh ol will spend lot time penalti box and lot misconduct and thi come chelio fan ye ah and second team score and plai minut game and plai power plai and kill penalt i and defenseman leagu team chelios that penalti kill ralph bruin pen ulf neelei fight mattb hawk samsung matt brown write messier samuelsson incid thi true strictli speak rocksteadi replic initi us stick illeg measur messier ribcag question mind replai slo that ulf come mess ier intent hasta vista mind and for that agre rick that ulf cross check wasn ill eg kind check you dozen time game call slo mo sometim tendenc make thing wors me ssier can heat stai kitchen staffan mattia timmand thi year and impress marku cz eriew lost roster list hammerbi will make eliteserien for year and stomp marku b oston matt mattia timmand hasn plai modo elit leagu team modo junior team predic t year can join plai swedish championship game for junior player thi year and pl ai physic game not kind rough stuff that ulfi suspect you ulf type player team f or mariusz czerkawski had great season for hammarbi divis score rememb correctli point thi season and mind that point season sweden consid good due limit number game mariusz djurgarden properti loan hammarbi will plai elitserien season can that mariusz excit player watch swedish hockei thi season staffan staffan axelss on etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei isl hockei rambl patrick divis interest last night islan d lost and devil ti pen that mean isl beat devil fridai will meet cap playoff co mment island and hockei gener that chest island back back lacklust perform whale r that island shape gui suck wind period come and run ga unbeliev goal game gui lost game pretti wide open isl ton troubl score whaler plai goli nhl start name lenarduzzi nhl debut tuesdai tie isl mention thi gui look goli planet for mispla i mahlakov slap shot isl don shoot correctli notic thi shame for hockei gui mick

vukota get ic time thi gui hockei talent jigg macdonald plai hockei anytim get puck get stolen and start fight and get needless penalti richard pilon anoth gui ic stir crap and defenseman approach neg infin for minu thi gui get beaten time for such enforc not fight slow game alot take gui plai game admit enjoi good fi ght onc call for you gui check goali hard word violat hockei ethic you puch star t crap you lose becuas you can agre that refere lenient and mean come sick team pull gui hold gui etc becuas refere doesn call and late time for strategi not ph ysic prowess set goal and foremost you afraid that team score that you pull gui prevent you don deserv win place honest opinion gari hofstra accgsg vaxb hofstra edu accgsg hofstra bitnet pen info need kevin stamber write can item marku naslund that modo lost earli nation tournament and that plai for nation team world cham pionship stat word plai expect join club marku had good season modo swedish elit leagu score goal assist point and pim game daryl point marku won join pen for t hi year playoff sinc world championship start april good chanc that marku will j oin pen season modo natur superstar forsberg and naslund latest new thi that mod o for person sponsor for forsberg and naslund order match kind monei receiv nhl daryl turner write club assum you mean pen don hold your breath you aren naslund thi year world championship tournament doesn start april nhl team won influx eu ropean and team plai will sudden influx elimin nhler earliest player playoff bou nd team join team last game round robin and doubt coach want plai short player f or that long swedish coach curt lundmark think leav two spot open for addit elim in nhler mat sundin and call johansson that curt hope can join team late stage t ournament technic recal that you can leav spot open hr final staffan staffan axe lsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei expand europ dusseldorf articl apr abo mlindroo finabo a bo marcu lindroo inf write didn team number local player european team chanc sig n top player rest leagu come agre that birthplac isn that import dusseldorf germ an leagu averag close fan and don singl german born forward lion milan made euro pean final fifteen canadian born player nation issu sweden and finland issu prev ent lindro and mario end draft european team and vice versa player trade matter player can end anywher draft deg german born forward team fact major player germ an born deg had averag spectat arena nhl european leagu site list switzerland be rn zurich lugano and germani dusseldorf cologn berlin munich mannheim rosenheim sweden stockholm gothenburg malmo gavl finland helsinki turku tamper itali milan franc pari chamonix ruoen norwai oslo austria vienna villach chech prag slovaki a bratislava russia moscow petersburg great britain netherland petteri kortelain en sweden finland april apr ericsson etxonss ufsa ericsson write plai stockholm globe arena april sweden finland swe jan larsson stefan nil sson patrik juhlin swe peter popov mikael renberg thoma rundqvist fin mika niemi nen vill siren mikko haapakoski fin timo saarikoski vesa viitakoski harri lauril a swe fredrik stillman stefan nilsson patrik juhlin swe mikael renberg fin saku koivu mika alatalo shot goal penalti attend refere sweden min borj johansson fin land min sweden thing and had headlin nhl european divis regular season game sto ckholm storm helsinki tornado two game north american base team and thi ninth an d final regular season encount helsinki and stockholm remain game involv pari do rtmund milan nice dream marcu staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei leaf slump march roger maynard wrote repli articl graham hudson will jen trophi end year potvin good and that will star want perform pla yoff pressur you don perform pressur major differ playoff hockei and normal hock ei plai ing night physic exhaust and you plai team consecut string game thi you mean pressur you even thought you mean pressur your thought rest thi drivel simp li half bake thi mar ramsei laurentian for check anoth articl paraphras playoff hockei express us announc convinc simpl mind folk that you product regular seaso n game articl apr ramsei laurentian roger maynard write win tough whaler squad l eaf show doubter playoff hockei roger exactli playoff hockei conveni phrase us c ircumst you you spout flame bait time sooner catch you mogilni bench articl acsu buffalo edu ubvmsb buffalo edu

andrew korbut write thi game continu trend that sadli take shape for coupl week had hope fatigu aberr can snow longer alex mogilni bench disciplinari action an d explan for ysebaert jump and lafontain score win goal yesterdai wasn gui patti thi stuff mogilni doesn surpris that week ago read toronto sun quot alex sarcas t yep patti man respons for team success post time forgot sinc talk problem hear d that locker room beat shit spot patti respons press take heat alex that lafont ain epitom class and consumm team player yep beat shit lafontain team player mak e you island manag think question hell muckler whether wish admit not team coach and can job job can gee kinda alex spot team isn devil advoc canadian anoth stanlei cup articl mece ryevm ryerson mec e ryevm ryerson write you thi pull anoth miracl hab will win thi year sinc trade for ramag and sinc savard injuri plai shinni and you blame roi for loss washing ton player not score goal you boston fan year dedic le hab david degan that hab talk late gui absolut concept plai front damn net watch offens zone powerplai da mphouss lebeau will skate bloodi zone pass point back skate pass shot answer sho t total useless lack forward stand front net neeli shanahan tocchet etc etc bad demer won put dipietro leclair powerplai dammit even ewen disrupt montreal despe r power forward talent imo watch zone patrick roi screen you want perform imnsho cannot stop cannot and montreal defenc miser job clear front net last night was hington roi plai great game goal ridicul goalmouth scrambl long time and didn ho pe hell stop shot second goal deflect shot partial pathet defenc goal get piss d efencemen dchhabra stpl ist vlad playoff pick articl vzhivov cunew vzhivov alfr carl eton vladimir zhivov write wale confer adam divis semifin boston buffalo bruin p lai excel hockei and cam neeli back and moog thi cake walk bruin hope for fuhr m iracl agre that boston will like win seri goaltend equal top offens player equal mogilni lafontain oat juneau buffalo answer neeli not impli that neeli not top offens player btw fact favourit even damn bruin and rest matchup wrt lineup favo ur boston will six quebec montreal thi tough call montreal experi factor quebec talent imho come goali experi and roi canadien agre montreal will push limit mon treal playoff come roi hab final boston montreal will bruin domin continu thi ri valri moog consist outperform roi playoff stuff bruin can predict montreal victo ri watch plai for week and imo severli tougher player plai garden last time beat boston had clear territori advantag victori roi time can bring predict possibl loss will not put monei thi seri patrick divis semifin pittsburgh island can pen fly high and talent leagu agre doesn goaltend stop onslaught independ troubl pi ttsburgh thi year pen credit washington jersei capit agre will six jersei decent team and washington poorli divis thi year pittsburgh washington cap had bill ra nford upset don beaupr doesn inspir hope penguin will us tabaracci beaupr get sh ell don will six confer final pittsburgh boston replai last year penguin good mo nth ago and bruin improv penguin pittsburgh plai boston imo win like possibl six bruin plai montreal will and onc won put monei seventh game hab plai pittsburgh tough thi season campbel confer norri divis semifin chicago loui minnesota blac khawk chicago will win six chicago not that good imo and rememb that ridicul num ber penalti detroit toronto leaf had excel season plai playoff hockei year hab b urn and wilt playoff red wing true leaf proud will find montreal lousi playoff t oronto win two mlg wing six even final chicago detroit thi will war fedorov will win red wing will war possibl intens playoff seri and detroit will win probert will come big smyth divis semi final vancouv winnipeg canuck disagr canuck plai shit don us size explain hammer team chase calgari winnipeg six calgari lo angel thi tough call for thing king don goali gari robert will back king shot foot tr ade proven winner paul coffei for proven loser jimmi carson gretzki weari carri thi group flame thi tough for call haven smyth don robert will figur coffei issu care carson and never underestim gretzki six final vancouv calgari flame two ca lgari will not six game will winnipeg and home ic cofer final detroit calgari re d wing wow tough your team pick detroit detroit will win six stanlei cup final p ittsburgh detroit row and offici dynasti statu for pen can wing complet dream se ason wing goal not suffici imho and men mario and boi can score for jagr shine p layoff love probert beat sens into pen sinc detroit will tougher battl penguin p ittsburgh plai detroit will longer and wouldn bet wing strong imo and strong und

erachiev year forc choos penguin side note vlad last week you that selann player gilmour talent pure goal scorer ag differ gilmour team not ask for flame btw sp ent time argu behalf selann and great player and gilmour danger offens give teem u edg gilmour lot gilmour bash esp flame fan imo you gui let your dislik gilmour cloud your judgement come skill easili round player nhl dchhabra stpl ist nhl summari pars result for game plai wed april boston o ttawa period boston robert juneau boston wiemer juneau oat second period boston neeli juneau murphi boston hugh richer kimbl ottawa archibald rumbl lamb period ottawa boschman kudelski boston power plai scorer pt hugh juneau kimbl murphi ne eli oat richer robert wiemer ottawa power plai scorer pt archibald boschman kude lski lamb rumbl washington ranger period score second period score period washin gton bondra pivonka cavallini washington bondra cote pivonka washington power pl ai scorer pt bondra cavallini cote pivonka ranger power plai score island hartfo rd period island ferraro malakhov king island hogu thoma turgeon hartford yake p oulin hartford yake nyland poulin second period hartford verbeek cassel weinrich island thoma king ferraro period hartford burt sanderson cassel island malakhov hogu overtim hartford janssen poulin hartford power plai scorer pt burt cassel janssen nyland poulin sanderson verbeek weinrich yake island power plai scorer p t ferraro hogu king malakhov thoma turgeon pittsburgh jersei period pittsburgh d aniel needham tippett jersei lemieux semak driver pittsburgh steven tocchet murp hi jersei zelepukin driver niedermay second period pittsburgh lemieux steven toc chet jersei semak lemieux zelepukin pittsburgh mceachern jagr barrasso jersei st even guerin pellerin pittsburgh lemieux unassist jersei richer nichol jersei lem ieux semak zelepukin period pittsburgh mullen jagr lemieux overtim score pittsbu rgh power plai special goal total scorer pt barrasso daniel jagr lemieux mceache rn mullen murphi needham steven tippett tocchet jersei power plai scorer pt driv er guerin lemieux nichol niedermay pellerin richer semak steven zelepukin rheaum start quick note manon futur rumor usa todai spor page that will plai tampa bai affili echl thin coupl dai will supposedli compet for num ber goaltend spot perform damn good for hasn plai squat year that lot a tlanta year come ward blade bring home turner cup bad playoff format articl edu icop csa edu antonio pera write bad playoff format you team that finish fourth div deserv playoff format y ou chanc team you want bruin sabr umpteen time you bruin and capit secound round playoff noth inher wrong decad ago and show for earli round playoff division se t arena fill earli round empir evid last two decad that peopl will show bruin pl ai sabr umpteen time bruin plai captial round hockei increas popular suffici tha t thi will longer case experi worthwhil uneven distribut expans team prefer divi sion playoff gerald for sale edmonton oiler articl mcm ersi edmonton mbevan ersi edmonton mark bevan write offer million for northland coliseum refus offer don sale decid move team state can draw revenu team pocklington want wake power that hold polit offic northland and busi commun that oiler current leas arrang s tate yearli basi will like oper loss base normal hockei revenu and expens that t hi good thing complain earli and make citi awar potenti loom crisi begin lose mi llion and million dollar jeopard franchis pocklington option not sell move sell minor share team realiz appreci team and arena deal northland build pocklington isn exactli ultim will will sell will lot risk move team rememb peter puck princ ipl spend peopl monei gerald hockei and hispan commun odin corp sgi rickc wriglei cor p sgi richard casar write you hard time sell sport commun that can plai account avail financi reason hockei pretti sport for white and white not hockei season t icket owner lowest averag incom major north american sport and major hockei play er come farm boondock saskatchewan weedvil alberta last time you hockei leagu ci ti insur alon big barrier citi isn place that poor biggest barrier hockei citi i c plai stace rick casar silicon graphic cubfan wriglei corp sgi shorelin blvd wa it till year mountain view win streak you want clarifi game win streak that pen str eak playoff streak ti chicago blackhawk had won row met pen final last year game unbeaten regular season unbeaten streak hei don person flyer fan and two row st

retch healthi lindro recchi brind amour and tommi soderstrom year sinc flyer def enseman kind trade suggest exist flyer roster sinc scuttlebutt that terri carkne r won year and apart piec notebook paper defens matt weaver properli found aj ps uvm psu edu hei not whaler washington beat pitt articl rap psuvm psu edu robbi rap psuvm psu edu write articl apr mprgate mpr tasallot galaxi mpr mathew tasalloti chanc thi year washington team that can stop penguin win stanlei cup island and devil chanc penguin capit imo robbi pgh penguin won easi contact for stanlei cup will greater reward penn state ladi lion champion mountain and vallei rap psuvm psu edu straight win noth make you island shot couldn even beat whaler two game sinc you pen fan question moot team like beat pen bruin nordiqu and blackhawk d on can tom galvin galvint tauru np navi mil bruin canadien talentwis articl apr amc richard amc rich ard wernick write bottom line bruin team thi year montreal fan scream for year t hat belov canadien deserv anoth cup sinc remov french canadien rule scream foul leagu pariti rest leagu had for year even hab beat boston playoff won pen agre y ou boston talenet team french canadian rule extrem short term featur univers dra ft institut sixti and last for year and didn substanti effect that period canadi en stanlei cup achiev earn level plai field gerald playoff predict join fun and give playoff predict round pitt nyi pitt wash njd wash bo buf bo que mon mon chi stl chi det tor det van wi n win cal cal round pitt wash pitt bo mon bo chi det chi win cal cal round pitt bo pitt chi cal chi final pitt chi pitt walter giveawai articl apr philab philip jpc philab philip john curcio write that couldn find sponser uss sponser pittsburgh penguin steel stee l rod night close not steel dead industri pgh giveawai night for pgh baboon live r night sponor pittsburgh zoo lori goali mask start inform poll goali mask mask you curti j oseph blue send your nomin post your vote mail adress gtd prism gatech edu for y our time skin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith ho rnet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu nhlpa poll stat uptad uptad stand for poll vote point fo r for point for nhlpa game det chi van mtl pit bo que cal asw tor as win buf phi min otw atlanta win turner cup not game person vote continu send your vote thi format april approxim barasso cheap shot master robert angelo pleshar andrew c mu edu write watch pengiun year and team notic increas tom barasso cheap shot th i year and not notic corrspond increas goaltend belfour kick john mclean wasn ca ll for that belfour kick gerrard gallant wing plai hawk coupl week ago penalti r eview suspens thi attack bob probert previou period penal for that doubt mind th at barasso dirtiest golatend sinc hextal good likewis belfour bad ralph brian bd own vi toronto edu minu stat lor cbnewsk att edward lor write player point subtract lemieux lafontain oat yzerman selann thi wrong lemieux point not power plai point find goal score not assist accumul don time ic not credit goal pen sc ore that point not straight depend and score point appar netter realiz hawk will return final that hawk won divis road easier f or playoff toronto and detroit beat hell each chicago sweep loui that make easie r second round rest will and tor det get for conf champ will hard time versu div is that div will pretti batter advantag hawk bring pitt and hawk will lose that and lose not brian washington beat pitt articl apr ncsu edu fmsalvat eo ncs u edu frank micha salvator write make you understand your reason seat cap don th at can defeat pittsburgh don spirit broken last year playoff and hasn recov don season seri number that pen won that devil island will problem for thi spirit cr ap cap fan and hope win end face pittsburgh don cap lose pitt lack spirit pengui n won season seri cap won eighteen game row for god sake you penguin good and th at win read wrote and didn exactli thought pen team size and skill player leagu clutch goaltend team leagu point cap not plai abil level pen sinc last year chok e and that mental problem had for number year point spirit mental prepared will

win you want call miss cap plai pen you won make differ georg mogilni bench dchhabra stpl ist deepak chhabra write thi stuff mogilni doesn surpris that week ago read toronto sun quot alex sarcast ye p patti man respons for team success post time forgot sinc gee kinda alex spot t eam isn can you assum sarcast remark for languag not english interpret that comm ent mean that believ pat mvp team and that normal player quit modest leaf slump apr newshub ist dchhabra stpl ist deepak chha bra write march roger maynard wrote repli articl graham hudson you don perform p ressur major differ playoff hockei and normal hockei plai ing night physic exhau st and you plai team consecut string game thi you mean pressur you even thought you mean pressur your thought rest thi drivel simpli half bake thi mar ramsei la urentian for check anoth articl paraphras playoff hockei express us announc conv inc simpl mind folk that you product regular season game articl apr ramsei laure ntian roger maynard write win tough whaler squad leaf show doubter playoff hocke i roger exactli playoff hockei conveni phrase us circumst you you spout flame ba it time sooner catch you nice deepak tough whaler squad clu you fact that leaf w oof tongu cheek playoff hockei intens regular season varieti team face each cons ecut time dai and hockei contact sport that thing will carri that dissip regular season that for player rest plai injuri miss famili grant fuhr plai golf don gi ve damn can thi for that thi fairli typic human natur and don that hockei player typic human attitud recent salari escal kei player lose monei particip playoff regard playoff kind bonanza fring player consist forc playoff you come back win spirit and that crap player profession love plai game that love incident purpos make decent live coach profession and part paid motiv player coach job player re spond win effort second season exhibit true champion leagu divis winner team tha t come top long struggl season stanlei cup playoff accord victori team that rema in healthi and hot emphasi playoff sudden death appeal promot media and owner pr ofit pure mind even pittsburgh lose playoff that team leagu year prove cordial r oger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian playoff predict smithw col walter smith write join fun a nd give playoff predict round pitt nyi pitt wash njd wash bo buf bo que mon mon chi stl chi det tor det van win win cal cal round pitt wash pitt bo mon bo chi d et chi win cal cal round pitt bo pitt chi cal chi final pitt chi pitt walter not bad you wrong cal chi and cal pit lawren sm busi uwo stephen lawrenc western bu si school london ontario patrick playoff thi articl bson apr hal gnu mit edu bson gnu mit edu jan brittenson write articl apr sei cmu edu gjp sei cmu edu georg p andelio write pen won plai montreal boston will win adam division plai buffalo a nd quebec will make decent show boston sheer determin will win game pen heart pe n big gun and wai win boston win adam noth and get plai pen you find boston team thi year boston will us trick book shut pen offens didn even last year pen weak spot defens and goaltend boston enjoi read your post second disagre pen weak sp ot defens and goaltend for coupl reason barrasso had spectacular year slow start consist sharp gaa and lead leagu win tommi deserv vezina lack respect command d oubt will win reason concern pen team defens hover fewest goal allow that big im prov for and that plai team defens can shut pen offens and earli goal you real g ame pen score practic don pen disciplin stick team game held scoreless minut int o second boston doesn gun pen pen doesn defens goaltend and disciplin boston bos ton can put puck net rememb that boston not run and gun patrick style team plai run and gun hockei for part regular season doesn even neeli backcheck net penalt i kill will big factor boston last short hand situat mean score shg give ppg lac klust game ottawa seri will whether will favor pen style into playoff make predi ct place bet pen predict that can goal game seri pen will wait and whether will adam begin buffalo quebec and montreal aren exactli plan call game and home jan brittenson bson gnu mit edu fun georg georg pandelio internet gjp sei cmu edu so ftwar engin institut usenet sei gjp avenu voic pittsburgh fax disclaim opinion a nd not reflect softwar engin institut sponsor custom client affili carnegi mello n univers fact resembl opinion individu live dead fiction real pure coincident playoff telecast atlanta articl noa hsdndev harvard edu nhma gauss med harvard edu mark shneyder write articl iflyr andrew cmu edu mamat

ha devineni ratnam andrew cmu edu write patrick divis game televis espn and abc game left blank dumb southern abc affili wonder sport bar atlanta frequent hocke i fan don want miss pen game that island fan that ranger dead want watch pen isl and game atlanta circl tuesdai april your calendar espn will carri game pittsbur gh civic arena advetis pittsburgh place partick div finish person bruin buffalo montreal quebec citi matchup espn hope for spoiler pen seri not like mario plai for past month person prefer buffalo boston birthdai gift espn don folk espn wil l accomod that for espn thi inexplic affin for patrick divis valeri hammerl dai remind not hammerl acsu buffalo edu mario lemieux herb brook claud acscvjh ubm b uffalo edu lemieux top scorer for devil pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu for take dumb pen alti david poli futur articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatec h edu hrivnak write articl gfmod owc andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu gari jame pat alski write bad new for patrick divis year cap david poli reportedli front offic job nhl can poli not fire despit year mediocr idiot idiot thi happen trade hriv nak idiot not posit open poli and sabr gerri meehan meehan valeri hammerl dai re mind not hammerl acsu buffalo edu mario lemieux herb brook claud acscvjh ubm buf falo edu lemieux top scorer for devil pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu for take dumb penal ti playoff predict round pitt nyi pitt safe bet nyi bag lat e nyi and njd showdown fridai night for honour pittsburg pigsburg wash njd wash that njd solid team and will compet wash agre wash bo buf bo plai awesom hockei last two week question long will last fuhr dud bo que mon mon that mon van chemi stri hab not stride que chi stl chi stl not playoff chi det tor det diehard leaf fan that leaf offens shut last week can turn detroit recal last coupl time two team met leaf pummel don bobbi allow canada det not det van win win upset make a noth team bad chemistri foul linden momesso and bure win cal cal that that possi bl beet cal not watch smyth lot bunch geritol cal round pitt wash pitt that pigs burg ego team save grace bowman can put place pig quick round high wash for surp ris that will pitt bo mon bo mon will not bo surpris late cam great coupl win qu e last week sold chi det chi yike thi will not pretti det run machin late had bu si end season plai killer det win cal cal cal solid team weak net cal will muscl win cal round pitt bo pitt hate pitt logic elud dark side will and give bo extr a push dump pitt thi you rivalri bo chi cal chi final pitt chi pitt bo det don t eam will fly and overdu will goaltend and muscl and det jake minu stat articl ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei lauren tian roger maynard write apr sol uvic gballent vancouv uvic greg ballentin write you complet miss point selk trophi defens forward thi forward forgo point team defens unsung hero sort lemieux and gilmour good defens player plai offens orien t style true defens forward thi year you mean gui that check can score gui can c heck and score shouldn candid that selk candid forward main purpos shift prevent goal score not score lemieux gilmour plai number purpos score defenc secondari line that plai defens that not selk candid tarasov call bob gainei player world assum that mean technic player knew intricaci plai hockei and never made technic error and that made thi assumpt your friend greg peopl aren you can assum that you want you tarasov you idiot post thi assumpt lost translat month ago thi repo st agre thi assess bob gainei technic player greg you thi sun you claud provost gainei noth journeyman player outstand abil polit had col lection defens skill h ad absolut offens skill perhap you that abil pass puck shoot puck and deke goali defenseman not technic skill gainei defens forward stand that assess good playe r belong hall fame you watch plai never made technic error babbl delet gee greg pundit call gilmour two player leagu back loui expect you pick that pundit gilmo ur good loui not two player game you overhyp gilmour thi net for month good forw ard nhl gregmeist minu stat articl tnclu tele nokia hahietanen tnclu tele nokia write articl apr sol uvic gballent vancouv uvic greg ballentin write good stat stat that awar that take into account defens plai isn measur defens plai ta ke into account offens and defenc aspect plai interest real round player power p lai stat consid power plai aspect plai player evalu tool imo good player score p ower plai man advantag good power plai scorer tend becom overr point total infla

t power plai point expos overr player such brett hull john cullen and dave andre ychuck opportun plai power plai consist player can inflat total gregmeist minu stat articl mala apland mala ron apland write artic l apr sol uvic gballent vancouv uvic greg ballentin write adjust calcul team goa l score goal score goal allow goal allow penalti kill divid thi number into acco unt fact that player ic and each respons for team player adjust raw team adjust btw calcul and post adjust rate greatli appreci find time don count databas filt er set for player stat post for end season repost team averag you don complic te am adjust you you team averag sum individu player and divid total number player team thi will distort player trade recent will come score base origin team thi s houldn distort bad you want individu player thi perspect ahead you requir origin player stat question team player season you divid total player plai game consid equal valuabl player plai anoth thing compar deviat mean for team player standa rd deviat for team post sinc standard deviat for each team unsur transfer team t hat stat shouldn averag standard deviat leagu us interest each method that mine for reason familiar gregmeist minnesota recal mcgowan derian hatcher game misconduct p enalti rescind nhl allow minnesota defenseman plai north star last two regular s eason game hatcher penalti fight end loss loui sundai april leagu didn rescind g ame misconduct penalti shane churla receiv star recal center cal mcgowan top min or leagu club kalamazoo mich replac churla courtesi washington time line servic tape tuesdai chicago minnesota game contact term will favor can tape tonight min nesota detroit game contact thi quit import onc will make worth your troubl rec sport hockei contact for minnesota north star and maintain faq file mitch mcgowa n kalamazoo wing minnesota north star hamlet washington edu kilda saint toronto blue jai helsinki stockholm nhl expans mlindroo finabo abo marcu lindroo inf write not low perhap sure not high that european nhl divis finnish t eam for exampl player nation team top class foreign two leagu tp jokerit perhap dozen player intern class even that settl for minor leagu you matter you call te am jokerit and tp helsinki tornado and turku typhoon palyer finland eventu end t eam big leagu spend mark watch helsinki tornado plai montreal ranger lo angel ma rk for privileg jokerit jypht even djurgarden noth nhl period unrealist for expa nd finnish leagu team baltic countri entri will interest idea that settl bigger ultim goal you want european divis nhl btw that make final europan team norht am erican playoff predict send your predict for stanlei cup playof f want peopl will win send thi format compar winner buffalo boston winner montre al quebec winner pittsburgh york winner jersei washington winner chicago minneso ta loui winner toronto detroit winner vancouv winnipeg winner calgari lo angel w inner adam divis winner patrick divis winner norri divis winner smyth divis winn er wale confer winner campbel confer winner stanlei cup will summar predict and biggest internet guru predict gui gal send entri richard madison rrmadiso napier uwaterloo will send entri you folk you won that won hawk will return final hawk won norri div and seal fate bad luck win norri hawk will sweep blue dream will lose realiti predict that gam e blue belfour will knee time and will spend rest time butcher will pound roenic k and warthawk tough prevent bye bye wart hawk predict smyth divis vancouv winnipeg jet jet plai canuck tough last game healthi for jet bias calgari lo angel flame king look flat can get flame final jet jet haven lost flame will will close seri that will come rob ert recov don and will won norri divis chicago loui minnesota chicago blue star detroit toronto wing wing shutdown gilmour and andreychuk chelvada experienc pot vin final hawk brutal seri probert and chelio will belfour chelvada imho confer final hawk hurt hawk experienc and that will carri final princ wale confer adam divis boston buffalo bruin can check juneau darn good and neeli sabr reli lafont ain and mogilni quebec montreal montreal classic battl inexperi will hurt nord t hi year final bruin hab will hurt seri nord and boston control scorer hab patric k divis pittsburgh island devil pen word mario washington devil island cap devil cap can beat isl not devil tabaracci strong goal and plai last year carri team

doesn matter final pen two word steven jagr cup final pen last word tocchet murp hi barrasso thing don thi that pen woofer full forc don mean regular penguin fan bunch that predict true will post nut jet win won hear lose yeah year cup predi ct jet nord daryl turner contact for winnipeg jet internet umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout tkachuk zhamnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder minu stat apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic greg ballent in write selk candid forward main purpos shift prevent goal score not score lemi eux gilmour plai number purpos score defenc secondari line that plai defens that not selk candid gainei defens forward stand that assess good player belong hall fame you watch plai never made technic error watch entir career never player an d that includ russel courtnal and davi keon screw breakawai bob gainei and will never forget time deni potvin caught gainei head you sold bill good bob gainei g ainei plugger and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr ess a tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wayn ca shman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and cordial r oger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian wfan steve chief hour steve summer and chief hour last n ight shmooz sport miss you can you provid synopsi czar mainfram comput jbe music b mcgill mcgill univers sexi for cobol hab doesn good expo peter peter pumkin ea ter knew chick couldn meet brother fine dai suck cock gai andrew dice clai discl aim needless that opinion express czar repres faculti staff and student mcgill u nivers pen box score pen devil period score pittsburgh daniel n eedham tippett devil lemieux semak driver pittsburgh steven tocchet murphi ppg d evil zelepukin driver niedermay penalti pgh steven rough njd pellerin doubl mino r cross check njd zelepukin trip njd stasni hold pgh taglianetti rough njd lemie ux rough pgh jagr trip second period score pittsburgh lemieux murphi tocchet dev il semak lemieux zelepukin pittsburgh mceachern jagr barrasso njd steven guerin pellerin pittsburgh lemieux unassist shg devil richer nichol devil lemieux zelep ukin penalti pgh steven rough njd mckai rough pgh mullen hook pgh tocchet rough njd steven slash njd lemieux unsportsmanlik conduct pgh samuelsson cross check p gh barrasso doubl minor spear serv mceachern njd holik cross check njd lemieux r ough period score pittsburgh mullen jagr lemieux penalti njd daneyko interfer pg h steven rough njd holik rough pgh match penalti game misconduct njd zelepukin t rip pgh steven rough njd daneyko rough overtim score score penalti penalti shot goal pittsburgh devil goali barrasso shot save billington shot save ref devorski linesmen gauthier vine lori contact for penguin lli cmu edu giveawai articl kqr access digex net steveg cadkei steve gallichio wrote john curcio jpc philab philip respond drivel steveg cadkei stev e gallichio write surpris that give goodi end game two problem that that you wan t make peopl build assur get redeem voucher and that build manag want avoid cost delai peopl leav build for instanc goodi peopl exit jersei devil carvel ic crea m puck night last year belov bruin plai puck end game imagin happen late bruin w in figur post articl found that whaler coupon for giveawai fridai night that big corpor bank fly disk night that potenti for danger bunch giveawai land ic and n ever ceas amus thank for player that sponsor lead pipe night arena that couldn f ind sponser uss sponser pittsburgh penguin steel steel rod night close naah boun c jai caufield cincinnati cyclon game year ago local countri station sponsor kaz oo giveawai bad call underexperienc echl ref kazoostorm time ic thought thi path et displai fan rightfulli unhappi jason canuck clinch bure score playoff goal previou articl ste veg cadkei steve gallichio ron apland apland mala write quinn will resign head c oach thi secret and hopefulli will bring game spatial and institut team discipli n plai keenan give and coach and quinn upstair presid impress that rick lei line for canuck job quinn step bench lei coach canuck organ bring back harri neal wi tti freenet carleton rachel holm hockei and hispan commun rickc wriglei corp sgi richard casar write articl edu icop csa edu antonio pera write presenc team miami can so uth florida long make interest question can you sell hispan commun hockei miami

hispan thi commun experi and previou exposur hockei that team and big hispan gro up not woo thi group will miami spanish languag and radio coverag you hard time sell sport commun that can plai account avail financi reason hockei pretti sport for white and suffic that sport for make substanti invest equip etc you that av ail line skate and road hockei contribut rise awar ic hockei argu thi effect kid plai ic hockei winter and road hockei summer line skate suhonen will not jokerit tvartiai vipunen hut tvartiai v ipunen hut tommi vartiainen write insid inform alpo suhonen won headcoach jokeri t pretti that bori majorov will continu owner team previous that will chanc coac h tommi wrong inform announc that suhonen made deal jokerit tommi mogilni bench articl wong sfu wong fraser sfu sam wong w rite week ago read toronto sun quot alex sarcast yep patti man respons for team success can you assum sarcast remark for languag not english interpret that comm ent mean that believ pat mvp team and that normal player quit modest don recal a ssum perhap that columnist report incid tell truth sarcast impress steve simmon knowledg alex pretti fair grasp english languag and recent comment detroit game that thi remark low dchhabra stpl ist minu stat articl ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei lauren tian roger maynard write apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin write gainei defens forward stand that assess good player belong hall fame you watch p lai never made technic error watch entir career never player and that includ rus sel courtnal and davi keon screw breakawai bob gainei and will never forget time deni potvin caught gainei head you sold bill good bob gainei gainei plugger and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wayn cashman bob baun bo b pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and player pretti good player depth that dynasti had win stanlei cup tend good second line gui liner weaker cl ub nhl import club stanlei cup win team not won cup not for depth provid player compar rick tocchet and ron franci penguin good player can lead lesser team fran ci hartford tocchet philli provid depth team that nhl defens forward bob gainei that doesn mean player even forward canadian had that time excel gainei domin ga me defenc didn goal domin shut opposit and valuabl never thi not gregmeist washington beat pitt articl kkq acsu buffalo edu ubvmsd buffalo edu ralph ambrosio write articl apr mprgate mpr tasallot galaxi mpr math ew tasalloti write penguin patrick will win cup hardest task that divis that was hington will definitli throw rench into penguin plan canuck fan not that chanc t hi year washington team that can stop penguin win stanlei cup impress that pengu in had cap number for season mathew tasalloti mpr teltech vancouv canada ask int erject opinion matter concern island playoff come jet for and last year capit ha d pen number game playoff john horstmann hockei bai area not don sport channel and despar for pla yoff action cannuck sport bar bai peninsula that will show hockei game for redwo od citi and mountain view lot greg goali mask poll updat goali mask poll sinc peopl gave de cid give pt for favorit pt for for you mail respons gave pt feel free send your favorit you vote mask you will receiv vote for player not nhl mention team plai for date result player team pt vote belfour chicago andi moog boston curti josep h loui brian hayward san jose grant fuhr buffalo ron hextal quebec clint malarch uk buffalo manon rheaum atlanta ihl john casei minnesota rick wamslei toronto re tir that vote and come skin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike p atton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu washington beat pitt articl ged tauru np navi mil galvin t np navi mil thoma galvin write articl rap psuvm psu edu robbi rap psuvm psu ed u write articl apr mprgate mpr tasallot galaxi mpr mathew tasalloti chanc thi ye ar washington team that can stop penguin win stanlei cup island and devil chanc penguin capit imo make you island shot couldn even beat whaler two game mention time island plai talent level oppon sinc hartford piti island plai piti sinc pit tsburgh great isl will like plai great thi like due inexperi and poor shoot greg notic that island couldn hit broad side barn puck two feet front shoot percenta g don that sinc miss net complet shed light subject and playoff pool run exact r

ule post tomorrow don hesit send pick keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you goali mask vote john vanbiesbrouck mask skylin york citi and side bunch bee beezer sharp keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upen n edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you espn tonight swartzjh rosevc rose hulman edu write heard game espn show tonight will show game mean playoff wise assum thi blue tampa ga me minnesota red wing game heard for jeff swartz star wing game pick fan ottawa won daigl sweepstak didn mention san jos e had goal sen sen hunch thi ottawa pick susan stop predict articl apr ncsu edu cdkaupan eo ncsu edu ca rl david kaupang write annoi predict net care you will win stop predict cap win cup that word doktor kultur ottawa citizen rememb unhook nitrou oxid you leav de ntist chair jet for onc playoff beg you paul badertsch uwovax uwo stan fischler keenan stuff articl apr new columbia edu g ld cunixb columbia edu gari dare write oiler will charg eat press room year arti cl toronto paper thi month ago globe and mail ethic journalist even sport journa list not accept free meal team case point articl make admittdli sport report eth ic standard gerald minu stat articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi alch emi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write meaningless compar player minu statist an oth player context role and plai time player involv meaningless compar goal assi st pim and stat can each player ask uniqu role for team context will never playe r anoth plai team team and award and promot receiv base part meaningless stat op er word part stat interpret temper inform player compar jagr and franci minu rid icul and absurd and compar jagr and franci point ridicul and absurd not ridicul and absurd compar goal assist point for selann lindro juneau potvin and rooki le agu and for and enjoi game ron thi year year playoff sinc want thi year playoff matchup left and matchup year align and playoff matchup rule team make playoff year rul e and round matchup que mtl chi stl van win pit chi pit chi stl buf stl det que tor nyi tor mtl cal bo van van buf win win que cal bo det mtl nyi jim murawski s oftwar engin offic administr comput and fax inform servic jjm andrew cmu edu car negi mellon univers offic ucc forb avenu pittsburgh mieux magnifiqu soixant six claud dai clinton clinocchio leav offic flyer note flyer close season last night straight victor i winner hartford whaler game winner dimitri yushkevich season and game winner f lyer never led that point game for whaler loss mark nhl record loss thi season r oster move gord hyne call plai place ryan mcgill injuri ryan mcgill injur hand f ight and scratch line eklund lindro recchi beranek brind amour dineen lomakin bu tsayev conroi faust acton brown gallei bowen yushkevich hawgood carkner hyne dom in roussel game summari didn coverag game and sinc stormi part didn radio covera g box score thing pick period hartford nyland philadelphia recchi lindro brind a mour penalti verbeek har hold carkner phi rough houda har interfer second period hartford burt cunneyworth kron philadelphia bowen eklund recchi hartford nyland zalapski sanderson penalti gallei phi major game misconduct spear verbeek har m ajor game misconduct spear brown phi trip zalapski har trip brind amour phi slas h period hartford kron sanderson cassel philadelphia beranek lomakin yushkevich philadelphia faust brind amour roussel penalti houda har trip hawgood phi hold o vertim philadelphia yushkevich faust penalti power plai philadelphia hartford go ali philadelphia roussel shot save hartford lenarduzzi hartford goal gord hyne m isplai puck flyer blue line and nyland strip and recchi goal lindro bowen goal p uck threw net good carom and end goali second nyland goal whack puck thi frustra t part flyer defens bodi and shot and beat you fine don give anoth chanc carkner gallei and mcgill terribl thi bet monei closest flyer plai that radio bad that and lucki that score heard roussel had strong game game gene hart ask bobbi tayl or pick star season game garri gallei for career high point total surpris that g oali wouldn closer defens plai tommi soderstrom for team record ty shutout seaso n and mark recchi for time high team singl season score mark odd part couldn dec id lindro and recchi for number pick recchi had hard time choos and lindro doesn

that make lindro you wanna star season sinc you ask eric lindro eric domin game simpli step ic differ team record and accid that team almost success recchi que stion that thi team significantli eric lindro and that will deservedli wear jers ei season tommi soderstrom shutout second leagu belfour and tommi didn chri chel io booo front didn plai complet season due heart problem sentiment edg famili hi stori heart problem question mind that tommi soderstrom thi team goali futur and roussel complain number for trade year mark recchi you can argu time team high singl season score mark aw lot team that didn singl player point mark flyer plai entir season not tough choic honor mention rod brind amour top singl season hig h point total set last year differ that wasn top line thi year and didn plai tim e didn defens attent that last year team dimtri yushkevich team consist defensem an made rooki mistak fast make for feel that shot score point year give zone and suspect that team top defenseman year come garri gallei team point leader defen semen thing you can argu and battl chronic fatigu syndrom deserv kudo for miss g ame and that wish doctor order defens plai negat offens contribut caution and bi t smarter end will make import part team year brent fedyk leagu biggest improv l ast year point total consist problem for coupl misc note for mail list member to m misnik member mail list exchang mail address list member want touch summer you interest you can send mail att acr org tmisnik flyer end season game below plac e win percentag sinc divis patrick home finish will draft year entri draft quebe c had rounder score goal allow straight win sinc won row will send final stat is su hockei new that contain sinc game for get hope you enjoi thi year hockei seas on know futur that come made miss playoff time almost bearabl flyer team record watch eric lindro goal assist point rooki record club record goal club record po int eric lindro dave poulin brian propp brian propp ron flockhart eric lindro da ve poulin ron flockhart bill barber pell eklund mark recchi goal assist point cl ub record goal club record point reggi leach mark recchi tim kerr bobbi clark ti m kerr bobbi clark mark recchi bill barber rick macliesh bobbi clark bill barber rick macliesh reggi leach game flyer career year player point prior season mark recchi penguin rod brind amour flyer garri gallei king brent fedyk red wing tha t for pete clark rsh flyer contact and mail list owner predict classic playoff year anoth predict for great pla yoff you laugh your conveni adam divis hate name divisoin bo buf bo hot mon que mon thi will seri watch round bo mon mon thi bit bias feel canadien will smarten and start plai plai two month ago bench savard patrick divis pit njd pit wont c omplet cake walk lump cake batter nyi thi will not excit seri imo pitt pit washi ngton will tire nyi norri divis chi stl chi stl will lucki game tor det tor thi mon que will anoth intens seri watch chi tor tor potvin will settl nice thi poin t smyth divis van win van teemu great vancouv team cal lak cal gretzki great cal gari fire for pun not van cal van thi will great seri van proven will not lie an d beat wale confer final pittsburgh montreal montreal montreal imho team that ch anc pittsburgh campbel confer final vancouv toronto toronto potvin will seri mvp stanlei cup final toronto mapl leaf montreal canadien classic stanlei cup final matchup dream come true montreal win stanlei cup game doubl overtim roi and pot vin spectacular seri and share seri mvp that vincent damphous net game winner br illiant pass brian bellow canadien star deni savard watch buddi plai owner box n urs that splinter thumb left disabl list sinc game playoff awww shuck yee haa po of and wake that predict hope and dream come true and you can stop laugh anytim paul die hard hab fan live die hard leaf fan ahl playoff result ahl calder cup playoff game plai prov id springfield baltimor binghamton utica rochest cape breton fredericton game sc hedul for capit district adirondack provid springfield baltimor binghamton utica rochest moncton john halifax seri stati plural statu adirondack lead cdi spring field lead provid baltimor lead binghamton utica lead rochest john lead moncton cape breton ti fredericton full calder cup playoff schedul and result home team cap necesari round springfield indian provid bruin springfield provid springfiel d provid provid springfield provid springfield springfield provid provid springf ield springfield provid island adirondack red wing adirondack cdi cdi adirondack adirondack cdi adirondack cdi cdi adirondack adirondack cdi cdi adirondack balt imor skipjack binghamton ranger baltimor binghamton baltimor binghamton binghamt

on baltimor binghamton baltimor baltimor binghamton binghmaton baltimor baltimor binghamton utica devil rochest american utica rochest utica rochest rochest uti ca rochest utica utica rochest rochest utica utica rochest moncton hawk john map l leaf john moncton moncton john halifax john moncton john moncton moncton john halifax john moncton moncton john halifax cape breton oiler fredericton canadien fredericton cape breton cape breton fredericton fredericton cape breton frederi cton cape breton cape breton fredericton fredericton cape breton cape breton fre dericton bri farenel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for r ec sport hockei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament champ glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl m ail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pacif divis champion thi year year playoff fill winner sinc want thi year pla yoff matchup left and matchup year align and playoff matchup rule team make play off year rule and round matchup que mtl chi stl van win pit chi pit chi pit chi stl buf stl nyi det det que tor nyi det nyi bo tor mtl cal bo det van van bo van buf win win bo van que cal bo det que cal mtl nyi thought chri downec rpi edu predict classic playoff year articl apr dal paul dal wri te anoth predict for great playoff you laugh your conveni adam divis hate name d ivisoin bo buf bo hot mon que mon thi will seri watch round bo mon mon thi bit b ias feel canadien will smarten and start plai plai two month ago bench savard pa trick divis pit njd pit wont complet cake walk lump cake batter nyi thi will not excit seri imo pitt pit washington will tire nyi norri divis chi stl chi stl wi ll lucki game tor det tor thi mon que will anoth intens seri watch chi tor tor p otvin will settl nice thi point smyth divis van win van teemu great vancouv team cal lak cal gretzki great calgari fire for pun not van cal van thi will great s eri van proven will not lie and beat wale confer final pittsburgh montreal montr eal montreal imho team that chanc pittsburgh campbel confer final vancouv toront o toronto potvin will seri mvp stanlei cup final toronto mapl leaf montreal cana dien classic stanlei cup final matchup dream come true montreal win stanlei cup game doubl overtim roi and potvin spectacular seri and share seri mvp that vince nt damphous net game winner brilliant pass brian bellow canadien star deni savar d watch buddi plai owner box nurs that splinter thumb left disabl list sinc game playoff awww shuck yee haa poof and wake that predict hope and dream come true and you can stop laugh anytim paul die hard hab fan live die hard leaf fan comme nt thi you call thi classic playoff year and you don includ chicago detroit seri mon boston fan and even realiz that chicago detroit game excit game watch chri downec rpi edu pick ottawa pick had fewer win season tiebreak keith kel ler ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion gi ve you nhl team milwauke newsgroup rec sport hockei subject nhl team milwauke summari expir sender distribut organ marquett univers depart msc keyword articl apr walter crai cbetz radioman crai charl betz eng write bradlei center milwauke home milwauke admir minor leaug hockei team owner admir can reme mb name own shell major fund build bradlei center lloyd pettit marri into allen bradlei corp famili and own admir donat bradlei center and pettit nation ic cent er supposedli approach nhl expans franchis turn thought franchis fee million hig h thi not heard lloyd affection refer milwaukeean and bob uecker bought bradlei center nhl come don whether thi stori true rumor true don for nhl team milwauke anytim admir aren forc build and you won nhl club and minor leagu club build sin c nba milwauke buck plai yeah buck milwauke wave soccer admir marquett warrior c oncert and bunch thing jason hanson wisconsin av marquett univers milwauke ham r adio lea jason studsi msc edu lea ari nocal usa finland sweden nhl team helsinki stockholm you mention c ut star nhl even rexi prime good regular york edmonton superstar blame that lack effort behalf that manag made mistak and rememb edmonton call reksa middl seaso n win cup call yeah had tendenc beat ourselv past almost knife brother anger swe den score two final minut semifin back goal antero kivela minut russki lake plac id ugh that bad luck penguin kind luck thi year playoff never win cup team howl

howl gargl howl gargl howl howl howl gargl howl gargl howl howl gargl gargl howl gargl gargl gargl howl slurrp uuuurgh prostetn vogon jeltz marko poutiainen mep phoenix oulu playoff pool look score plan had and decid modifi final score pick round winner game pick game pick exact game pick round winner game pi ck game pick exact game pick confer champ game pick game pick exact game pick st anlei cup winner game pick game pick exact game pick loser seri pick loser game decid final need copi entri sheet email address below keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you nhlpa poll partial stat result articl ofnmao kyd andrew cmu edu young soo che andrew cmu edu write peopl send poll closer njd deep team two capabl goali and excel forward and defensemen shooter richer todd chef stasn i master thousand dish power plai captain steven number plai and for yup agre de vil can beat red wing easili send vote diffrent team vote island and quebec had expect cobra sex not answer sex question answer mail cobra chopin udel edu finland sweden nhl team helsinki stockholm articl apr ab o mlindroo finabo abo marcu lindroo inf write jutila failur makela and ari haanp aa had career island player had plai minor player don name you mention cut star nhl even rexi prime good regular york edmonton superstar blame that lack effort behalf ruotsaleinen compet nhl choic plai not bear hockei plai abil crucial oile r stanlei cup victori gretzki made oiler power plai letharg that year arriv slid e into overdr oiler miss year kurri and oiler make final ruotsaleinen stai seaso n and beaten pittsburgh ruotsaleinen and healthi messier and delai pittsburgh dy nasti season gerald flyer note post flyer record and eric lindro lineup gui that compar quebec flyer trade dalla minnesota trade nfl hershel walker stat bac k point that eric will great player john will pick nhl draft recent bought pack prospect hockei c ard had player that come into nhl thi card russian name viktor kozlov scout will pick anoth gui quot good mario lemieux thi gui dlg pro minu stat post newsgroup rec sport hockei david sm busi uwo jame david subject minu stat organ univers western ontario date fri apr gmt nntp post host sm busi uwo line not defend bob gainei frankli don care for that your dismiss effect hockei player tiresom basi calder win ooop that read selk fo rgiv for insol congeni jame david david student busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david western busi school london ontario stop predict articl apr rose jack petrilli rose jack pet rilli write april cdkaupan eo ncsu edu carl david kaupang wrote annoi predict ne t care you will win stop predict cap win cup that haa that thing find interest t hi newsgroup good clu into collect wisdom averag hockei fan that doesn mean for exampl hab come adam and believ that jack hard humbl you perfect long unduli coc ki obviou that pen will cone patrick divis not cap and that will win thier stanl ei cup collect wisdom polit put don graciou and for worth not hab will come adam not long absent mikei mike delling comput lab consult sutherland hall comput la b and grill univers pittsburgh hockei hispan market articl saross starbas spd louisvil edu saross starbas spd louisvil edu stacei ross write odin corp sgi rickc wrigle i corp sgi richard casar write you hard time sell sport commun that can plai acc ount avail financi reason hockei pretti sport for white and thi crap interest in tellig discuss you can answer question can answer que hawk leaf lastnight articl acp ryevm ryerson raj ramnara c acp ryevm ryerson write thi game last night playoff game lot hit disappoint vi deo goal judg replai joe murphi goal shouldn count didn net and tsn broadcast vi deo goal judg that water bottl top cage move assum puck thi terribl hope crap th i doesn occur playoff game end tie thought red light review presumpt find conclu s evid that puck not net replai even rear evid wasn conclus that puck opinion ge rald brown univers order restor two women varsiti team found thi press releas trial lawyer for public justic anoth system and thought interes t campus administr athlet depart elimin women ic hockei team women athlet tlp wi

n sex discrimin rule brown univers order restor two women varsiti team nation de sk sport writer contact lynett labing home rai marcaccio trial lawyer for public justic washington april court appeal for circuit boston upheld district court o rder requir brown univers immedi reinstat women gymnast and volleybal team full varsiti statu rule cohen brown univers appeal court decis nation appli titl inte rcollegi athlet trial lawyer for public justic tlpj nation public interest law f irm repres women athlet thi rule make clear school elimin team women fair share opportun particip can elimini men team tlpj execut director arthur bryant counse l case class action file april charg brown violat titl educ amend feder law that prohibit sex discrimin educ institut receiv feder fund brown termin two women t eam univers fund sport allow continu compet varsiti team rais fund for uniform t ravel coach and expens had deni admiss prefer for us recruit member thi major vi ctori for women and equal right tlpj lead counsel lynett labing provid ronei lab ing univers across america reevalu program quickli titl law and enforc similar t itl appeal await decis colorado state univers indiana univers pennsylvania iup a nd colgat univers ask feder appeal court overturn court order requir reinstat es tablish specif women varsiti team continu cut edg titl activ tlpj repres women a thlet iup addit labing and bryant tlpj legal team includ rai marcaccio blish cav anagh and amato deluca mandel deluca schwartz provid and sandra duggan philadelp hia nation women law center women sport foundat and nation associ for girl and w omen sport file amicu support tlpj appeal hawk leaf lastnight apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi a lchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write articl acp ryevm ryerson raj ramnarac acp ryevm ryerson write thi game last night playoff game lot hit disappoint vide o goal judg replai joe murphi goal shouldn count didn net and tsn broadcast vide o goal judg that water bottl top cage move assum puck thi terribl hope crap thi doesn occur playoff game end tie thought red light review presumpt find conclus evid that puck not net replai even rear evid wasn conclus that puck opinion pret ti conclus puck hit crossbar and line and announc admittedli homer harp had view upstair obviou and thought replai that puck didn refere origin signal goal vide o replai judg initi contact refere claim that goal fact score thi unheard stuff thi happen bad feel leaf chanc thi year cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei lau rentian nhl final point stand individu leader total point final stand note game plai and point per game not accur player team pt ppg prj pim lem ieux pit lafontain buf oat bo yzerman det turgeon nyi selann win mogilni buf gil mour tor robitail recchi phi sundin que steven pit bure van tocchet pit roenick chi jannei stl sakic que juneau bo hull stl andreychuk tor fleuri cal franci pit houslei win ciccarelli det damphouss mon hawerchuk buf shanahan stl muller mon jagr pit modano min messier nyr sanderson har reichel cal bellow mon fedorov det thoma nyi coffei det kurri bradlei brind amour phi ron van bondra cassel har mu rphi pit bourqu bo granato verbeek har ridlei duchesn que lemieux suter cal lebe au mon robert cal semak hatcher hunter courtnal min brown stl ricci que kisio cr aven van courtnal van nolan que king nyi amont nyr gagner min lindro phi hogu ny i nieuwendyk cal pivonka borschevski tor dahlen min richer emerson stl nedv van chelio chi carson zhamnov win kvartalnov bo steen win linden van mullen pit larm er chi donnelli kovalenko que gartner nyr khristich sheppard det garpenlov iafra t gretzki zalapski har grave nyr anderson tor zelepukin maciv ott dineen phi chi asson det ysebaert det gallei phi mceachern pit nichol kean mon flatlei nyi youn g que shannon win fedyk phi blake olausson win makarov cal smith chi elynuik ste ven adam van tucker macinni cal sutter chi bodger buf nemchinov nyr driver ruutt u chi yake har turcott nyr sandstrom malakhov nyi ward van otto cal konto leach bo poulin har tkachuk win savard mon norton nyi cullen tor cote eklund phi olczy k nyr semenov van davydov win miller stl poulin bo klima edm dionn mon baker ott rucinski que weight edm zhitnik maclean corson edm sweenei buf simpson edm hawg ood phi johansson miller manson edm desjardin mon schneider mon goulet chi lecla ir mon drake det lumm van gaudreau gill tor turgeon ott probert det wood buf ran heim cal zamun tinordi min paslawski cal ruzicka bo elik edm kudelski ott mcsorl ei shaw ott lidstrom det stastni ellett tor tikkanen nyr niedermay racin det mcp hee min millen chamber holik clark tor khmylev buf creighton krushelnyski tor ku

rver nyi crossman stl kovalev nyr craig min krupp nyi momesso van kamenski que n umminen win pearson tor graham chi leetch nyr ciger edm beer reid bo lapoint que sjodin min weinrich har borsato win zezel tor burr det donato bo ben edm how de t guerin hull ott sweenei bo nyland har beranek phi weslei bo matteau chi broten min leeman mon dalgarno nyi mellanbi edm primeau det gilbert chi mullen nyi pre slei buf leschyshyn que zubov nyr mironov tor bureau briseboi mon heinz bo smehl ik buf lemieux chi yushkevich phi evason mcinni nyi noonan chi gallant det kenne di det hough que gusarov que mactavish edm buchberg edm janssen har samuelson pi t sydor duchesn min falloon sandlak van carpent kron har ferraro nyi kravchuk ed m plavsic van ron sutter stl cole odger fitzgerald nyi fetisov korolev stl kypre o har andersson huddi rich sutter stl slegr van svoboda buf patrick nyr jone lam b ott osborn tor buf eagl win brunet mon green nyi stern cal lidster van haller mon tippett pit peluso ott dimaio bradi ott freer ott cavallini que lachanc nyi shaw bo berg tor ozolinsh klatt min loach todd edm ashton cal mcbain ott gelina edm bautin win krygier johnson min acton phi barn win huffman que sutton buf mck ai konstantinov det pellerin silling det volek nyi lindberg cal evan phi hamrlik gilchrist min churla min kaspara nyi lonei pit courtenai wilson pederson lomaki n phi druce win hannan buf corriveau har bourqu nyr hiller det maltai burt har j ohansson cal marchment chi diduck van podein edm berehowski tor babych van audet t buf chorsk bassen stl hatcher min kucera chi wilson stl macoun tor king win be ukeboom nyr carkner phi neeli bo foligno tor christian chi errei buf gavin min m cllwain tor daigneault mon ramag mon smith edm paek pit murphi chi dipietro mon pederson nattress phi carbonneau mon yawnei cal kasatonov robert bo macdermid od jick van conach cavallini erickson win straka pit erixon nyr murphi bo ledyard b uf butsayev phi ulanov win carter glynn edm boschman ott rumbl ott stanton pit m urzyn van musil cal foot que odelein mon andersson nyr archibald ott taylor low nyr domi win mccrimmon det konroyd det zombo stl butcher stl zmolek fergu van sk rudland cal pantaleyev bo pearson que young bo smail ott hardi broten nyr barr t aglianetti pit ewen mon bergevin finn que lefebvr tor sullivan ojanen reeki lind sai que ramsei pit valk van jelinek ott needham pit lowri stl rychel mcgill phi stapleton pit richardson edm rous tor daneyko ogrodnick det king nyr joseph edm petit cal william smith min bozon stl ronan mon dirk van hunter van luongo ott b erub cal wilson cal vujtek edm konowalchuk snuggerud phi murrai chi donnelli buf dahl cal kasper quintal stl ludwig min muni chi lazaro ott norwood stl feathers ton bo murphi ott debrusk edm well nyr kimbl bo corkum buf dahlquist cal gordiju k buf hurlbut nyr boivin phi moller buf cunneyworth har petrovicki har mcrae stl cirella nyr malei daniel pit hugh bo lalor win samuelson pit mckenzi har kocur nyr loewen ott houlder buf sweenei bo douri bo keczmer har greig har dai har wer enka edm tatarinov que mcdonough hill mon brown chi loisel nyi hudson edm hedica n stl roberg mon ahola mcintyr nyr anderson houda har hartman wilkinson hammond ott barrasso pit kennedi win eastwood tor quintin brown chi godynyuk cal rice ed m murrai bo wiemer bo berezan maroi nyi mallett hyne phi gilhen chase stl vukota nyi zettler lafrenier propp min belang mon kerr har shuchuk bergland vask nyi c arnei buf dinnen ott albelin patterson buf ladouceur har russel chi lang lipuma brown kozlov det savag bruce byer conroi phi van allen edm richer bo wolanin que leach har prokhorov stl kruse cal richter nyr bawa osiecki min matvichuk min pe dersen har jen pit essensa win rai buf mckim bo faust phi smolinski bo fogarti p it hervei picard rees cal romaniuk win thompson pilon nyi gile stl baron stl che velda det hankinson mcdougal edm felsner stl ruff petrov mon black min morri wal ter van hrivnak win wakaluk min dufresn mon cronin phi smyth cal hrudei marsh ot t casei min berri min ranford edm belfour chi river forslund cal capuano djoo ny r cummin det otevrel kolstad osborn wood bricklei win eakin win simon que bennet t chi gilli har carlyl win nylund nyi blue bo watter woollei whitmor van stauber young roussel phi twist que fiset que jablonski soderstrom phi heali nyi burk h ar hextal que roi mon vernon cal joseph stl brown phi grimson chi barnabi buf ra tushni van zholtok bo sullivan duncanson nyr beaufait bowen phi macdonald buf es au que smith min vial det brown buf draper buf karpa que tichi chi gosselin har fortier hayward mcgill tor bergeron potvin berthiaum ott racicot mon wregget pit ciccon min puppa tor hackett fitzpatrick nyi billington potvin tor vanbiesbrouk nyr mclean van moog bo beaupr baumgartn tor bale bo burridg chabot mon alessio

har littman park nyi semchuk amour ott cimellaro ott cote marcinyshyn nyr neill win raglan william charron mon ciavaglia buf cloutier que hamr ott wamslei tor h irsch nyr connor messier nyr knickl chapdelain shannon tor agnew har wait chi la ngwai riendeau det hebert stl tabaracci tugnutt edm caufield pit hasek buf pietr angelo har irb terreri fuhr buf sidorkiewicz ott mauric richard bruin canadien you add anoth pederson for neeli trade br uin receiv number round draft pick didn plai great thi year weslei decent defens eman and bruin pederson back eventu pat elli bruin umain black bear number hocke i east regular season champion hockei east tournament champion paul kariya hobei baker award winner ncaa div hockei tournament champion ggggooooooo bbbllluueeee keenan sign walsh read boston globe that not confirm den i walsh end ranger organ assist coach keenan talk walsh past kariya will coach w orld funni guess watch ferraro brother not walsh will keenan get and walsh even get that pai rais for walsh not mention nice career move york hear thi pat elli bruin umain black bear number hockei east regular season champion hockei east to urnament champion paul kariya hobei baker award winner ncaa div hockei tournamen t champion ggggooooooo bbbllluueeee div and conf name apr hubcap clemson edu jwodzia dlite j ohn wodziak write roger basketb mean that hope fan american southeast can follow name divis odd that peopl displac nothern fan order proverbi snowbal hell not c lear you you ask somon had never heard hockei plai smyth divis you that respons you ask thi person plai west divis name divis long dead entrepreneur unnecessari obfusc glad that name chang for anoth reason name patrick smyth norri adam and campbel name call builder game thi type think that put stein hall fame thi absol ut nonsens real builder game richard morenz how conach orr etc you name divis pe opl name divis peopl deserv peopl deserv recognigt hockei great divis name into account messer patrick norri smyth and princ had alot origin leagu peopl into es tablish situat easier element chang establish situat exist prior smyth stanlei c up challeng trophi for grab team successfulli mount challeng dear founder formal challeng creat close leagu oligop olist profession system interest make monei w heth not that system contribut hockei debat stuck invent and that bate academ po int made that peopl plai hockei and peopl enjoi watch hockei long smyth and pal show standout exist situat creat situat you want honor player bobbi orr you can find reason name torphi such offens defenseman wrong defenceman period defencema n player and you that bruce norri contribut signific bobbi orr interest educ don you poll and find peopl norri you don you can for reason gave boat jason and gr ew current divison name and learn year and plai divis year american can learn th i hard for occasion fan pick plai divis you don feel that you make effort rememb that vancouv plai west divis pacif intuit understand monik chosen your point yo ur intent alert eros puriti bet you hockei for part plai white european extract not case thi you that mapl leaf fan bias close mind ignor and you neatli delet j ason jingoist rant game lose canadian quot context erod your credibl mine posit progress and bias close mind norant arrog will grant you arrog and moron you doe sn basketbal voic opinion and like senerio you antartica not mean that you insul t nice john for flame effect you displai intellig earn your target respect cordi al roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian team pool tabul for peopl enter thi year team pool summa ri pick round pittsburgh jersei chicago loui boston buffalo vancouv winnipeg cal gari lo angel detroit toronto washington york island peopl pick jersei quebec mo ntreal round pittsburgh washington york island boston quebec montreal detroit ch icago toronto calgari vancouv lo angel winnipeg round pittsburgh boston quebec w ashington detroit chicago toronto vancouv calgari lo angel final pittsburgh bost on detroit toronto quebec lo angel chicago good luck mike burger canada includ q uebec ontario mmb lamar colost edu maritim prairi and florida begin comput stud month year student serv royal canadian air farc univers michigan colorado state univers offici shorthand goal total shorthand goal total nhl pla yer for thi season finish rotisseri stat and shg make complet predict classic playoff year articl dal paul dal write s tanlei cup final toronto mapl leaf montreal canadien classic stanlei cup final m

atchup dream come true montreal win stanlei cup game doubl overtim you finish la ugh thought thi great final two canadian team lot tradit and that don cherri non sens and nail biter finish prefer vancouv montreal final vancouv score final goa l piti will happen steve holland sad dai for hockei fine year histori close tonight minne sota north star norm star whichev you prefer lost red wing score star goal score mike mcphee and ulf dahlen net two includ final franchis histori minut plai sha me that nhl lost fine team hockei market countri north star fan sad tradit last year thrown into oblivion hand crappi owner hopefulli nhl will instal expans fra nchis twin citi year even thi case lot lost north star move kea canadian team nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write center mark messier ranger messier not invit due nag injuri press made issu and attemp t link ranger intern polit woe mike keenan repeat that messier person msg press confer make sens messier not declin invit made for public gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei difficult penguin ticket subject line terribl difficult ticket penguin game that playoff easi find scalper igloo sell ticket dean monei dmonei magnu ac ohio state edu usenet hockei draft week stand back tokyo stand april up dat andrew usenet hockei draft stand week posn team pt proj cash last posn dave wessel bob hill gill carmel seppo kemppainen awesom oiler hillsid raider mak kni fe paranjap jan stein thi year model ranger destini tapio repo frank big fish un derachiev thin ic flame littlest giant mopar muscl men lindro loser die penguin bandwaggon samuel lau calgari alberta boomer boi gener account offic delawar wom bat migod menschen wellsi butthead dec rocki mountain high fife flyer gerald olc howi dave snell fluid glacial gaoler smeghead young and skateless sam dog neural netter youngbuc artic storm soft swede jeff horvath milton keyn king hamster ho boken kuehn crusher fleur ly yan man loke legion hoth simmonac finnish forc ic l egion streak brian bergman goalding overachiev grant marven bozrah bruin real ba d toe jam houdini magician skriko wolv rec sport hockei choic buffalo soldier be mybabi lipp randi coulman lamp lighter steven and mark dream team indianapoli be nni tom bloom counti star bruin phil and kev karma dude smithw iowa hockey doug bowl great pumpkin shoot seamen frank worthless aik exil invis inc brad gibson c ougarmania kortelaisen kovat plp fool david wong john zupanc garryola gari bergm an fan club staffan axelsson chubbi checker derril dastardli dozen chocol rocket ken decruyenaer fisher dirtbag kodiak namer campi machin bsc oranienburg kamuck arsen mapl leaf elli island mombasa mosquito zachman winger edelweiss bjoern le aguen dirti white sock wormtown woosbag neil younger hurrican andrew king suke l arri het schot hard votenooct bloodgam bruce rent mule teem kanada frank folli o klahoma stormchas spud pond slime psv dartmouth mark sander blue talon stanford ic hawk ay carumba kokudo keikaku bunni timo ojala haral cluster buster dirti ro tten pucker apricot fuzzfac lost poot nesbitt gari bill pen dynasti gari team ar ctic circl seattl pftb late night david letterman group bruin scott glenn fly ki wi team gold closet boi boi wild heart son boutch andi wong wemblei lostweekend mckee rock rocker book danno bushbabi dree hobb hab goddess ferment tim roger co nvex star einstein rock band princeton canuck tap hubert hockei homeboi butter w affl team bob blue furlei furi hunter collector le nordiqu satan choic joel flei shman sundog pierr mailhot slap shot marco san jose mahi mahi leaf rule jeff nim eroff stimpi adg zeta dreamer east citi joker daryl turner ride pine flower dars bill chappel chump lana inc spinal tap jimpark enforc jeff bachovchin big bad b ruin mike mac cormack sydnei can bulldog voyageur absolut lehigh republican dirt i trickster henri bar and bunch misfit robyn team yellow plagu ninja turtl team melvil acadien darman dragon kuta papercut great expect cobra killer cherri bomb er jayson kinki puck killer ap kaufbeuren icebreak umpir life roger smith firebi rd week hurt ikea wholesal outlaw club thunder herd dont creep death knee injuri crazi euro frack attack todd turkei ryan renegad fred mckim hurrican pig vomit ic stryker fight geordi cdn stuck alabama dayton bomber cafal and crew chri deat h swillbelli banko beer ranger zipper head flame ship laubster joliet inmat ninj a bunni great scott widefield white wolv ic hole sandi sabr dave team south caro lina tiger paw florida tech burgh team leo blue chip for xtc roadrunn mudvil kin

g jersei rob redlin pat phillip stewart clamen demon spawn sunnyval storm allez le blue for sale hockei club pete pick rinaco brenz reveng dinamo riga andrew sc ott andrew idacom idacom telecom oper ext roman era consid usenet hockei draft week price list price list for week april april andrew bui sell pt team player pit mario lemieux buf pat lafontain b o adam oat det steve yzerman wpg teemu selann nyi pierr turgeon tor doug gilmour buf alexand mogilni phi mark recchi luc robitail que mat sundin pit kevin steve n van pavel bure stl craig jannei pit rick tocchet chi jeremi roenick que joe sa kic stl brett hull cgy theoren fleuri pit ron franci tor dave andreychuk bo joe juneau wpg phil houslei mtl vincent damphouss mtl kirk muller det dino ciccarell i buf dale hawerchuk min mike modano nyr mark messier stl brendan shanahan pit j aromir jagr mtl brian bellow jari kurri det sergei fedorov cgy robert reichel de t paul coffei wsh peter bondra hfd geoff sanderson brian bradlei nyi steve thoma pit larri murphi phi rod brind amour bo rai bourqu que steve duchesn hfd andrew cassel toni granato wsh dale hunter wsh mike ridlei hfd pat verbeek mtl stephan lebeau cgy gari suter van cliff ron claud lemieux que mike ricci van murrai cra ven stl jeff brown wsh kevin hatcher nyr toni amont kelli kisio alexand semak mi n russ courtnal min dave gagner tor nikolai borschevski phi eric lindro jimmi ca rson cgy joe nieuwendyk van geoff courtnal min ulf dahlen nyi derek king wsh mic hal pivonka que owen nolan bo dmitri kvartalnov stl nelson emerson chi chri chel io nyi benoit hogu stephan richer wpg thoma steen wpg alexei zhamnov chi steve l armer pit joe mullen nyr mike gartner van petr nedv van trevor linden mike donne lli wsh dmitri khristich wsh iafrat det rai sheppard que andrei kovalenko hfd za rlei zalapski nyr adam grave johan garpenlov tor glenn anderson wayn gretzki ott norm maciv phi garri gallei det steve chiasson det paul ysebaert valeri zelepuk in mtl mike kean phi brent fedyk pit shawn mceachern rob blake nyi pat flatlei q ue scott young wpg darrin shannon phi kevin dineen berni nichol cgy sergei makar ov chi steve smith wsh pat elynuik van greg adam scott steven john tucker wpg fr edrik olausson nyr sergei nemchinov nyr darren turcott cgy macinni chi christian ruuttu chi brent sutter hfd terri yake van dixon ward wpg keith tkachuk bo step hen leach tor john cullen mtl deni savard nyr olczyk van anatoli semenov wsh syl vain cote nyi vladimir malakhov nyi jeff norton hfd patrick poulin bo dave pouli n toma sandstrom edm petr klima john maclean edm doug weight mtl gilbert dionn a lexei zhitnik edm shayn corson que martin rucinski wpg evgeni davydov stl kevin miller edm craig simpson wsh kelli miller phi pell eklund chi michel goulet edm dave manson ott sylvain turgeon cgy paul ranheim mtl mathieu schneider min mark tinordi det bob probert edm todd elik nyr esa tikkanen bo vladimir ruzicka ott b ob kudelski peter stastni tor dave ellett ott brad shaw det nikla lidstrom bobbi holik tor wendel clark nyr alexei kovalev buf yuri khmylev min mike mcphee tor rob pearson van sergio momesso nyr brian leetch chi dirk graham adam creighton q ue valeri kamenski edm zdeno ciger corei millen bo ted donato tor peter zezel mi n neal broten mtl gari leeman edm scott mellanbi buf wayn preslei det keith prim eau nyi brian mullen phi josef beranek chi stephan matteau bo steve heinz phi dm itri yushkevich hfd mikael nyland buf richard smehlik tor dmitri mironov chi bri an noonan pat falloon stl igor korolev wsh bob carpent nyr jame patrick buf petr svoboda ott mark lamb nyi scott lachanc mtl benoit brunet mikael andersson edm martin gelina wpg sergei bautin tor bill berg edm kevin todd nyi david volek nyi rai ferraro min brent gilchrist hfd yvon corriveau nyr phil bourqu nyi dariu ka spara det jim hiller phi andrei lomakin buf donald audett roman hamrlik bo cam n eeli mark pederson pit martin straka chi joe murphi nyr peter andersson ott toma jelinek jann ojanen steve kasper min bobbi smith rai whitnei hfd robert petrovi cki buf viktor gordijuk tor joe sacco que mikhail tatarinov peter ahola chi rob brown bo glen murrai hfd tim kerr min brian propp wsh reggi savag stl vitali pro khorov robert lang edm shaun van allen min dan quinn det viacheslav kozlov bo jo zef stumpel pit bryan fogarti mtl olav petrov stan drulia wsh jason woollei clau d vilgrain mtl patrick kjellberg ott alexei yashin wsh randi burridg edm dean mc ammond cgy cori stillman brent gretzki buf jason daw wsh brian sakic van igor la rionov chi sergei krivokrasov que peter forsberg andrew scott andrew idacom idac om telecom oper ext roman era consid aargh great hockei coverag devil lock wait for tape dela

i start nice that devil start playoff network televis bad that playoff game pree mpt wabc for earli season yanke basebal game win texa ranger and delai tape dela i anoth half hour for ballgam highlight gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu w innipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei nhl summari pars result for game plai fri april philadel phia hartford period hartford nyland unassist philadelphia recchi lindro brind a mour second period hartford burt cunneyworth kron philadelphia bowen eklund recc hi hartford nyland zalapski sanderson period hartford kron sanderson cassel phil adelphia beranek lomakin yushkevich philadelphia faust brind amour roussel overt im philadelphia yushkevich faust philadelphia power plai scorer pt beranek bowen brind amour eklund faust lindro lomakin recchi roussel yushkevich hartford powe r plai scorer pt burt cassel cunneyworth kron nyland sanderson zalapski jersei i sland period island turgeon unassist island thoma malakhov king island ferraro d algarno malakhov second period jersei niedermay richer nichol island mullen vask dalgarno island thoma hogu norton jersei zelepukin unassist jersei richer nicho l daneyko island hogu flatlei ferraro period island turgeon unassist jersei sema k lemieux driver island turgeon king pilon island power plai scorer pt dalgarno ferraro flatlei hogu king malakhov mullen norton pilon thoma turgeon vask jersei power plai scorer pt daneyko driver lemieux nichol niedermay richer semak zelep ukin ranger washington period ranger grave zubov andersson washington ridlei una ssist second period washington hatcher johansson period washington jone washingt on cote khristich pivonka ranger gartner amont andersson washington power plai s corer pt cote hatcher johansson jone khristich pivonka ridlei ranger power plai scorer pt amont andersson gartner grave zubov difficult penguin ticket articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu dmonei magnu ac ohio state edu dean monei write subject line terribl difficu lt ticket penguin game that playoff easi find scalper igloo sell ticket dean mon ei dmonei magnu ac ohio state edu tradit experi ticket playoff and civic arena s calp illeg nonetheless present arena strategi that you don mind miss anthem tayl or decid come back wait game roll scalper thi point desper sell and will reduc f ace rid ticket playoff that good seat will earli left noseble materi section can add opinion kevin stamber purdu univers penguin devil pen lead seri game blue pull left blue predict place blue game that hawk st ab face wake that playoff dai robbi pgh penguin come natur patrick divis semi st anlei cup you wait for penguin devil champion possibl don you penguin lead strai ght win strong resembl playoff pool entri form enter entri and hopefulli peopl will enter deadlin todai sundai april interest fair sinc will win feel pick that you won cry rig declar winner seri your pick game divis semifin pittsburgh jers ei pittsburgh washington island island boston buffalo boston quebec montreal que bec chicago loui chicago detroit toronto detroit vancouv winnipeg winnipeg calga ri lo angel calgari divis final patrick pittsburgh adam quebec norri chicago smy th calgari confer final wale pittsburgh campbel chicago stanlei cup winner pitts burgh keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you usenet playoff pool import back trip discov that email s pool file blown miss playoff pool entri april and april entri lost sigh each per son that team resend asap reli your honesti not make deadlin todai advanc and ap olog for problem andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom oper ext roman era co nsid aargh great hockei coverag devil articl apr new columbia edu gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare wrote lock wait for tape delai start nice that devil start playoff network televis bad that playoff game preempt wabc for earli season yanke basebal game win texa ranger and delai tape delai anoth half hour for ballgam highlight you that bad bowl green and abc toledo cabl decid to tal pre empt game tape delai noth for stupid telethon hockei big had listen peng uin win car radio park lot can thank for strong radio mile pittsburgh recept isn good can pick middl dai georg tie breaker isl and devil peopl stupid tie breaker recor d can peopl sooooo stuppid put win list for tie breaker tie breaker can record m

an thought peopl thi net good hockei not great math can two team ahv point recor d man retard can peopl put win tie breaker blue steal game hawk blue score two power plai goal seco nd period and beat chicago blackhawk sundai afternoon chicago stadium brendan sh anahan ti game and brett hull score game winner second jeff brown and denni fels ner score blue goal brian noonan had hat trick for hawk had good goaltend belfou r blue goali curti joseph solid stretch preserv blue lead hawk strong period out shoot blue and take lead noonan goal interfer penalti rick zombo had expir keith brown intercept clear attempt blue line and pass puck steve larmer circl larmer fire long slap shot and noonan deflect puck joseph pad goal blue pick intens an d outshoot hawk period jeff brown ti game second nelson emerson broke left side craig muni and push puck across slot belfour plai pass and shovel board brown co llect and slap belfour back goal two minut hawk power plai belfour stop rich sut ter short hand break chri chelio pick puck and pass jeremi roenick carri wing an d found open noonan nice pass across slot noonan fire past joseph for lead noona n complet hat trick increas hawk lead stephan matteau made nice pass board noona n beat stephan quintal drive net joseph had chanc noonan deflect puck net denni felsner reduc blue deficit pick rebound basil mcrae slap shot slot jannei set mc rae for shot and puck sail wide net and bounc end board felsner felsner stick re bound into partial open net blue outshot hawk second period blackhawk lead steph an matteau pick high stick penalti second into power plai steve smith call for s lash give blue advantag for blue didn wast time brendan shanahan score second in to two man advantag tie game jannei found hull slot and hull fire rocket belfour jeff brown collect rebound and pass shanahan left circl shanahan beat belfour s harp angl second hull score game winner for blue nelson emerson broke wing carri puck net two hawk defensemen emerson made nice pass uncheck hull slot and hull beat belfour put blue hawk had chanc tie game final minut joseph made brilliant save prevent hawk score stop troi murrai point blank creas left game blue kill l ate hawk power plai rich sutter clear puck hand trickl goal line blue held win g ame hawk oushot blue period total shot goal for each team blue special team exce l game blue kill hawk power plai and score twice power plai chanc blue rank spec ial team leagu rank penalti kill and power plai game carri live abc time nhl gam e star game shown network televis sinc cb carri game stanlei cup final seri cont inu wednesdai chicago and fridai and sundai loui box score blue blackhawk blue c hicago period chi noonan larmer brown penalti shanahan stl hold zombo stl interf er murphi chi high stick grimson chi board zombo stl hold second period stl brow n shanahan emerson chi ppg noonan roenick chelio chi noonan matteau sutter stl f elsner mcrae jannei penalti baron stl interfer wilson stl trip period stl ppg sh anahan brown hull stl ppg hull emerson brown penalti shanahan stl rough matteau chi high stick smith chi slash baron stl rough shot goal blue chicago power plai opportun loui chicago goaltend loui joseph shot save chicago belfour refere ker ri fraser linesmen kevin collin brian murphi joe ashkar contact for blue saint l oui jca cec wustl edu blue tie breaker isl and devil lrw rpi edu wangr vccsouth rpi edu rex wang write not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breaker don smilei figur poster dog wordprocessor couldn smart er thi not great math cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time aargh great hockei coverag devil articl apr new columbia edu gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare lock wait for tape delai start thi gui bi t disappoint lemieux two tocchet mullen tippett and jagr buzz friend forgot had score mullen goal score lemieux two tocchet tippett jagr funni part jagr part ch alantli process score ask thi question abc coverag wasn bad scale give game chi loui area nice that devil start playoff network televis bad that playoff game pr eempt wabc for earli season yanke basebal game that stupid complain televis netw ork even pirat game penguin game thi time year and pittsburgh sure rais hell win texa ranger and delai tape delai anoth half hour for ballgam highlight texa goo d start pull thi year whoop that belong rec sport basebal robbi pgh penguin come natur patrick divis semi stanlei cup you wait for penguin devil champion possib l don you penguin lead straight win strong resembl place articl vzhivov cunew vzhivov superior carleton vla

dimir zhivov rap psuvm psu edu robbi rap psuvm psu edu write red wing mapl leaf mapl leaf comment kind tough reli yzerman team main weapon great palyer dino cho ke put burden steve even potvin had hell season and goaltend you playoff for gre at prognost you rememb playoff histori dino show playoff great sleeper pick pool don forget fedorov top player nhl imho and coffei stanlei cup ring activ player correct wrong wing cakewalk yeah come dino never cap patrick divis choke game l ast year and swept second round two year ago rare make divis canuck jet canuck c omment vancouv selann king and domi for enforc winnipeg game canuck number that canuck plai shit winnipeg can win thi vancouv will manag slip island can pull va ncouv winnipeg number doesn matter flame king flame comment game good king battl flame back run and won memori last year season gretzki tear surround king king battl king never plai game differ battl and pull calgari pull robbi pgh penguin come natur patrick divis semi stanlei cup you wait for penguin devil champion po ssibl don you penguin lead straight win strong resembl daigl kariya hear daigl will pick year word kariya plai enter draft umass big east hockei underwai mission reviv hockei umas s underwai saturdai afternoon press confer held mullin center arena boston colle g asst coach joe mallen award year year contract head coach for umass minutemen mallen viabl pick for posit jeff jackson lake superior and second shawn walsh um ain previou offer for posit rumor offer asst coach brown rpi and head coach ahl springfield indian umass hockei disband due financi constraint that had undermin team posit period year late novemb last year million mullin sport center open y ear construct deadlin minutemen slate plai independ div div iii schedul thi upco m winter offici enter hockei east for winter season mallen comment player recrui t strategi potenti team candid for minutemen expect that will leverag insid cont act england bai state and europ draw competit top ic player for univers umass sl ate hockei scholarship for upcom fall semest expect hear hear sourc jim doyl uni v massachusett dept comput scienc staff programm puma dcc cnet email doyl gaia u mass edu offic lederl grc room tel home blackberri tel amherst difficult penguin ticket articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu dmonei magnu ac ohio state edu dean monei write subject line terribl difficu lt ticket penguin game that playoff easi find scalper igloo sell ticket scalper ticket arena you pai buck extra you can find street messag board street front hy att even gate you bui monei you pai and regular season you find for face below y ou wait game time pick earlier rick tie breaker isl and devil lrw rpi edu wangr vccsouth rpi edu rex wang write peopl stupid tie breaker record can peopl sooooo stuppid put win list for tie breaker tie breaker can record man thought peopl thi net good hockei not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breaker not devil and island point for exampl anoth team had thi record had point total island and devil record simpl arithmet and involv calculu john comp ut scienc graduat pretend mathematican bruin canadien articl apr rose jack petrilli rose jack p etrilli write april richard amc richard wernick wrote boston you sinden find scr ew even thi good boston team fire suter trade vital star admittedli last trade g ood long luck run and start make esposito for ratel type trade thi trade bad rec al ratel and middleton make pretti good centr wing combin and bruin brad park de al and lost vadnai and trade bruin two final and semi final lost montreal you en d doubt keep esposito made differ seri not for ranger year boston for that matte r riston riston nhl team milwauke put jason not wisconsin close rel live port washington minut north milwauke visit citi regularli and bradlei time admi r plai and ncaa hockei championship beauti build pettit and citi promot facil fo r hockei north america will happen admir milwauke acquir franchis word team will move green bai and plai brown counti arena onc admir independ franchis and peop l milwauke support game crowd anywher number nhl team island hartford jersei env iou night fact that citi support minor leagu franchis glamour nhl club affili te stimoni amount hockei interest exist citi sincer martin hill box sault ste mari home lssu laker attend figur for ihl and milwauke stack ihl citi such atlanta ph

oenix san diego cleveland and cincinnati repli div and conf name maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynar d write edu jason gibson write can live that made playoff format chang chang div is and confer name annoi batman tsn last night that chang name make game easier for occasion fan follow meant that chang name will make game easier for american hockei citi follow don friend had hard time team each divis even minim amount e xposur game person quickli pick thi noth wrong make game easier for american fol low fan merrier and even you dislik occasion fan chanc that fan will becom fanat glad that name chang for anoth reason name patrick smyth norri adam and campbel name call builder game thi type think that put stein hall fame thi absolut nons ens real builder game richard morenz how conach orr etc you name divis peopl nam e divis peopl deserv that you incorrect roger patrick smyth and adam plai coach leagu front offic type build leagu not great player agre that name name name and peopl troubl name that not easili process fan chang name that easili process re ason idea can peopl arena door uncompl onc will realiz great game hockei and can teach abotu histori game histori name can put succinctli aforemen tion us game hockei make monei can you imagin pocklington divis ballard divis green divis not want ballard divis that owner asshol nhl manag peopl asshol fallaci conn smyth for exampl classi individu heard isn point profession hockei make monei for invo lv includ player you that player not made monei due and player that make game gr eat not peopl put ic name divis manag peopl player ad insult form lesser recogni t injuri monei deserv evan pritchard number depend hockei pool epritcha psych ui uc edu aargh great hockei coverag devil robbi rap psuvm psu edu write gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare lock wait for tape delai start thi gui bit disappoint call thi penguin that thing stand radio game that hour devil wabc nice soni watchman paranoid robbi don judg geograph coordin jet nordiqu final g ld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei div and conf name pdgi ljl new cso uiuc edu epritcha psy ch uiuc edu evan pritchard write that you incorrect roger patrick smyth and adam plai coach leagu front offic type build leagu not great player punch imlach con tribut coach and greater combin name divis trophi smyth and norri and bunch hono ur pure power owner owner build leagu whether develop game anoth question altoge th honour contribut leagu evolut honour contribut glori sport agre that name nam e name and peopl troubl name that not easili process fan chang name that easili process reason idea can peopl arena door uncompl onc will realiz great game hock ei and can teach abotu histori game can disagre you histori name can put succinc tli aforemen tion us game hockei make monei can you imagin pocklington divis bal lard divis green divis not want ballard divis that owner asshol nhl manag peopl asshol fallaci conn smyth for exampl classi individu heard you heard major defin it asshol origin phrase you can beat allei you can beat ic that idea hockei you chanc that don cherri classi individu isn point profession hockei make monei for involv includ player you that player not made monei due and player that make ga me great not peopl put ic name divis manag peopl player ad insult form lesser re cognit injuri monei deserv monei issu irrelev point that agre and that player th at make game great and not peopl put ic exactli true name divis and trophi smyth and bunch kind nepot that put stein hall fame thought that thi nonsens cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time div and conf name epritcha psych uiuc edu evan pritchard write not want ballard divis that owner asshol nhl manag peopl asshol fallaci c onn smyth for exampl classi individu heard depend you mean classi heard classi h arold ballard differ that back almost owner that comparison read book net worth for view smyth and norri and adam and campbel isn point profession hockei make m onei for involv includ player you that player not made monei due and player that make game great not peopl put ic name divis manag peopl player ad insult form l esser recognit injuri monei deserv even specif roger and previous that not peopl made leagu great divis confer etc name morenz vezina how orr etc peopl make gre at nhl chosen immort men rich men made game great chri ronei mail chri ronei sfu numer nothing articl apr freenet carleton freenet carlet

on bob wilson write mario averag point per game antigretz gretzki averag pt game mario project game point beat wayn record check your inform post gretzki record pt game game point game gretzki total project point pitt win percentag mario ga me point thi record mtl had year canadien had percentag pt game bruin had win pe rcentag canadien had percentag record bob wilson freenet carleton joe ashkar con tact for blue saint loui jca cec wustl edu blue nhl playoff stat score for updat playoff updat score sta t summari mail mmilitzo skidmor edu subject stat ranger name keenan coach clarinew clarinet upi write cla ri sport hockei york upi mike keenan nhl coach histori wear despit impress pench ant for win come citi that embrac victor becom fan thi new come sinc thursdai ef fect rob island and devil airtim sport talk show almost that sampl fact playoff almost don exist ranger fan call wfan york midnight sport talk mix furi thi seas on and orgasm keenan hire summar keenan winner and will give broadwai bum busi p ursu cup chase chicago blackhawk cut last tie keenan forc gener manag novemb had chicago coach duti year ago and thirst for power increas pressur beleagu ranger neil smith thi will interest combin watch keenan paid monei put and shut and co ach advic player move will listen close lot big player move will happen rememb t hat keenan rid deni savard countri club dai keenan left chicago couldn coach smi th indic market fear that and couldn that happen paramount had smith earlier sig n support and offer keenan big monei put and shut back januari ranger not head f or golf keenan take demor team that offer chanc fashion anoth reclam project hig hest salari command nhl coach ranger own gulf western bestow keenan unpreced mil lion year deal mike long time messier won two canada cup togeth final time miss element win stanlei cup don person year ago even year ago chang and better exper i keenan statement reaffirm that mark messier will team captain time move ranger coach month prepar for nhl draft june and neil smith not back trade happi patte rn smith bargain keenan advic unload phil bourqu for tie domi gld souvien gari d are gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei abc canada abc coverag king flame game suppos shown cbc overrid abc coverag flip abc comment commerci even question thi real abc coverag cbc black abc coverag for comment cbc had great chanc for doubl header toronto detroit and vancouv winnipeg todai that east get leaf and west vancouv game thou ght that show godfath colleg hockei star game detail shriner star game that fe atur senior colleg hockei game orono main you repli correct playoff predict read thi you your predict correc t patrick divis you you midnight mondai time you correct game pittsburgh jersei york island washington patrick divis winner wale confer winner stanlei cup winne r forward correct richard madison rrmadiso napier uwaterloo pen isl devil cap pe n devil you smoke wasr predict classic playoff year norri divis tor det tor thi mon que will anoth intens seri watch chi tor tor potvin will set tl nice thi point vancouv toronto toronto potvin will seri mvp thi kill stanlei cup final toronto mapl leaf montreal canadien classic stanlei cup final matchup dream come true montreal win stanlei cup game doubl overtim roi and potvin spect acular seri and share seri mvp that vincent damphous net game winner brilliant p ass brian bellow canadien star deni savard watch buddi plai owner box nurs that splinter thumb left disabl list sinc game playoff awww shuck paul die hard hab f an live die hard leaf fan speak die hard that read thi di hard laugh toronto cup final planet heard team detroit morgani you spell idiot name chicago espn not e ven close chicago will definatli win norri divis playoff team close pick chicago don easi choic god chicago wing and won divis point two close toronto good team for leaf beat detroit doubt even aren chicago even amazingli past hawk face van couv and lose for hab reach final forget even devot wing fan will watch penguin easili peat cup winner lemieux jagr tocchet steven and barrasso deal detroit wai t til year hei paul pick and opinnion leaf final yeah make walk toronto ticket a nd that mile walk ryan detroit red wing forgotten team wing hope penguin earli nhl team captain mist ranger soap box captain nemesi ier coach roger nebula bad blood bath and high hope turn coach klean commissar keen

an procedur hockei team us select captain includ select coach staff player vote for captain appoint manag and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season te am captain trivia appreci mike nhl team captain apr ann arbor applicon slb coll ann arb or applicon slb michael collingridg write and subject captain trade resign strip e titl season leaf kind comic second imlach era darryl sittler call cancer team tore sweater and for leaf didn captain sittler eventu end philli and promis phil li captainci and sittler friend bobbi clark sittler trade detroit rick vaiv leaf captain for awhil slept dai and captainci trade chicago doug carpent tenur leaf coach attempt kiss ass sulk gari leeman leaf brad marsh give leeman leeman woul dn and give back marsh wouldn stori rememb captain concern mel bridgman late sen at philadelphia bobbi clark arguabl great captain time bump statu plai coach and had relinquish captainci bridgman captain report ask flyer bridgman captain sin c clark undisput leader player report told that bridgman charg make that soap di spens shower full cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time tie breaker isl and devil articl lrw rpi edu wangr rpi e du write peopl stupid tie breaker record can peopl sooooo stuppid put win list f or tie breaker tie breaker can record man thought peopl thi net good hockei not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breake r golli love stupid peopl listen rex thi hockei nhl precis and nhl exist thing c all ti tie occur game end score for each team equal each team get point for tie exit thing call win win team higher score oppon yeah two team plai each time can oppon team get two point for win that team record win loss and ti anoth team re cord win loss and ti team point second team point wow number point number win th at that amaz rex peopl talk win tiebreak that mean exampl second team win tiebre ak and record even team had number point you didn understand thi post rex you ba ck and read slowli keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leag u champ want your opinion give you atlanta hockei hell not that bad pretti piss local abc c overag cut half hour coverag plai david brinklei earlier time slot don even unde rstand problem didnt peopl not watch game decid show game and show remain hour g ame hurt plai david brinklei regular time dont decent program noon call sport de pt and blast machin call gain and pick ask premept half hour stanlei cup playoff bit confus explain bit detail that upto program dept call back mondai weel unde rstand that sport dept not respons for thi preemption can understand sport dept can even recognis name playoff shown station work for call tomorrow and blast ph one urg atlanta hockei fan call wsb and not thing for week pravin ratnam pen rul e ooop pictur you will hab into last coupl minut game lead nord power plai pull hextal and goal bout minut anoth win overtim bad dream tha t red hot chili pepper song give give give suppos can watch leaf win tomorrow ni ght smili femal hockei fan world susan carrol clark sclark epa utoronto nord hab rob aargh paul stewart worst and bias ref prese nt nhl call total penalti hab and nordiqu nord penalti stewart nordiqu call pena lti hab let nord murder rob excel game plenti end end rush and tremend goalkeep nord ti minut lebeau serv penalti don mind stewart call penalti last min game fa ir nord caught hand cooki jar onc stewart turn cheek bastard patrick roi collaps let tie goal shaki and knee for rest night win goal shouldn don wrong not blame loss stewart hab had plenti chanc capit muller leclair haller etc fail put puck net that stewart didn matter bruin lost ooo ooo czar mainfram comput jbe musicb mcgill mcgill univers sexi for cobol hab will beat nord expo hickori dickori do c good your cock scari rinkl and hairi smell year sock andrew dice clai disclaim needless that opinion express czar repres faculti staff and student mcgill univ ers sad dai for hockei articl alvstad mari acc admin stolaf edu mad dog report fine year histori close tonight minnesota north star norm sta r whichev you prefer lost red wing score star goal score mike mcphee and ulf dah len net two includ final franchis histori minut plai stori report ev norm farewe l twin citi earlier post announc that norm green midnight last home game north s tar cleanup belong and turn kei arena thi happen norm run town rumor that attemp

t remov score board score board fell ic and flatten greedi larg piec green paper arena manag had us zamboni confisc norm truck clean useless remain mike atlanta hockei hell mamatha devineni ratnam andrew cmu e du write can understand sport dept can even recognis name playoff shown station work for you that bad year had york team playoff and cableco oper scny onc share channel bet forgot throw switch didn talk nice that nhl back american network f ace problem star game local preemption and promot don watch that foam leagu made that solid cabl network year espn contract satur coverag sca game shown complet quebec montreal and sabr bruin overtim miss gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei flame brutal loss subject suggest flame not impress thi afternoon drop decis king flame neglect show zone king hit post flame line skrud land paslawski berub tell bad flame gari suter score great goal fact flame goal score men yawnei and dahlquist get made bonehead plai for king pat conach impres s game chippi dan mirouelli lost control earli and never recov high stick cross check punch hit fleuri game misconduct for rub warren rychel flame domin game ph ysic fail advantag due horrend defens laps don vernon can blame for goal calgari men roger johansson plai look lost imho hope king insert chri lindbergh paul kr use sergei makarov for wednesdai game gretzki left game period charlei hors idea didn return flame win thi seri buckl vlad impal playoff pool updat compil statist entri pool unoffici en trant stat team pick win pittsburgh sweep boston detroit montreal toronto thi wa sn roger calgari quebec vancouv washington hell hasn pick chicago quebec pick de troit absolut chicago odd loser detroit chicago pittsburgh vancouv boston calgar i lo angel toronto lo angel you your mind good luck you you pittsburgh consensu winner stanlei cup statist beat detroit game haha that happen not pick will come true and pick chicago lose pittsburgh final tough luck you picket detroit tough luck geniu keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ cow not vegetarian dish keith keller flame brutal loss thi game great part doubl header abc e spn leagu push back back win magnifiqu and great network that that sca area and hard justifi pai channel gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei canadian team articl apr new columbia edu gld cunixb col umbia edu gari dare write nlu xenon stanford edu nelson write center mark messie r ranger messier not invit due nag injuri press made issu and attempt link range r intern polit woe mike keenan repeat that messier person msg press confer make sens messier not declin invit made for public messier invit declin due nag injur i keenan and messier keenan dump steve yzerman last canada cup team even yzerman had endur train camp messier had miss essenti entir camp recov injuri last mome nt gerald daigl kariya articl qsmhtinnt senat bedfellow mit edu dd lin athena mit edu david lin write hear daigl will pick year word kariya plai en ter draft peopl concern kariya size lead team championship world junior and coll eg and collect award watch interest will perform left wing eric lindro and mark recchi world championship month chanc not good that top becom probabl great worl d championship put top daigl and pronger gerald octopu detroit detroit octopu symbol dai leagu era origi n team made playoff win cup team had win two game seri word playoff win win cup octopu leg becom common detroit symbol year playoff time peopl start sneak octop u octopi into joe loui arena and throw ic mail jold vma edu don cherri coach corner summari april summari don cherri coach corner april place intermiss game montreal quebec seri pre game comment d on pregam comment aim goali goali get back star form roi hextal can win seri for team eposod summari thi episod place rinksid don hold hot dog that bought conce ss stand ron maclean start show cartoon appear toronto sun featur pictur don sha dow and proclaim will you dat mean anoth week beauti don talk hot dog hold hot d og quebec stadium food arena nhl don comment quebec montreal game game had great flow refere paul stewart call game nhl contrast calgari game terribl stop and m inut penalti call calgari dan marouelli get that ref call penalti get ref final

ron show pictur don plai for rochest american ahl don recal win that had quebec arena memori cup and ahl championship final don and ron discuss keenan coach ran ger ranger talent team underachiev don feel for temporari coach ron smith had ke i injuri leetch and patrick and goali cold don had critic for ranger team parti adolf keenan ranger organ will longer countri club acham tank adolf hang yardarm thumb rate noth special thi episod give allan sullivan allan ualberta depart co mput scienc univers alberta edmonton alberta canada opinion mine and mine alon a maz can accomplish care get credit golden bear hockei motto drake flame brutal loss articl vzhivov cunew vzhivov superior carleton vladimir zhivov write subject suggest flame not impress thi afternoon d rop decis king flame neglect show zone king hit post flame line mike vernon win loss that star game debacl afternoon game career anoth afternoon game lo angel s undai abc deal doom flame gerald goodby good riddanc lost star goodby minnesota you never earn nhl franchis place hope you enjoi your twin citi wide mania for high schoo l hockei hei pee wee team reunion regina care come and film event yee haa golden gopher whatta weird town you stupid dork western busi school that cari asshol a nd you don you obnoxi antagonist shit network don you hike and stop embarras you r school and canada kea beat pittsburgh you beat penguin crash team plane ryan abc canada articl boora sfu boora kit sfu godfath write abc coverag king flame game suppos shown cbc overrid abc coverag flip abc commen t commerci even question thi real abc coverag cbc black abc coverag for nanaimo vancouv island for you furrin abc coverag komo depend your cabl compani start sw itch cbc and abc broadcast final settl abc can stand don whitman and michael dec ent job plai pretti knew player name and made coupl rooki mistak that notic thin g that surpris that never onc attempt explain offsid rule paranoid thi happen de part fight game coupl occas look fight start time abc cut show closeup coach mcn all abc decid adopt spicer polici lorn epp epp mala blackhawk win articl apr vax cn muskingum edu jbrown vax cn muskingum edu write hawk win jermei roenick score goal and hawk put leaf pla ce loser column leaf can not even beat hawk match that had mean will hate wing b tw laugh that jerki hawk gotta hawk can beat blue game that signific can wait bl ue toronto btw you that hawk deserv win that game you not watch roar leaf fan al fr yong jeh yim mathemat actuari scienc univers waterloo canada mail ayim descar t waterloo edu wing will win articl vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write that will hard time pittsburgh face final detroit sportswrit predict bryan murrai hockei you figur that bryan murrai wing pretti good team that contend for stanlei cup look win pretti good team that contend fo r stanlei cup win great make move push team upper echelon nhl and win stanlei cu p good murrai can maintain team success can push level histori hockei murrai nam e murrai isn even leagu todai fail comparison sinden sather savard caron fletche r and quinn estim can imagin bryan murrai can hockei gregmeist thumb espn jca cec wustl edu joseph charl achkar write n ice espn show game wing and leaf sinc cub and astro rain show anoth basebal game decid stanlei cup playoff classi move espn not indiana show tape delai chicago boston wgn had rainout cub wgn show rerun hitchcock hockei thi part state aero i an neath kind peopl thi world neath psych purdu edu cretin fool moron and lunat eco expand europ dusseldorf pkortela apr hut pkortela snakem ail hut write deg german born forward team fact major player german born deg had averag spectat arena interest german friend robert told forward canadian german perhap can sort thi for nhl european leagu site list switzerland bern zurich lu gano and thi ain north america and doubt that citi pop and below support nhl tea m switzerland judg larg citi small distanc citi germani dusseldorf cologn berlin munich mannheim rosenheim dusseldorf arena anachron open wall goal essenti outd oor arena cologn arena seat berlin and facil will built olymp bid success munich arena sweden stockholm gothenburg malmo gavl malmo big arena current seat finla nd helsinki turku tamper talk nhl even helsinki struggl make work turku despit e

xcel arena and tamper big for major leagu hockei itali milan rome and south ques tion thi africa hockei fan roman chanc host game show interest whatsoev team ita lian leagu come milan and smaller citi north franc pari chamonix ruoen pari had volan francai pro team coupl year ago even made european club championship final tournament year eventu fold due lower hope for attend remain citi small support minor sport hockei norwai oslo austria vienna villach chech prag slovakia brati slava russia moscow petersburg easter citi lack monei and infrastructur support pro hockei great britain perhap european team will tampa bai lightn plai small s eat arena back japanes monei run enthusiast phil esposito heavi market fan that difficulti tell ic mean london mention sheffield and birmingham larg arena and m ega facil seat built bristol coupl year netherland facil speak biggest arena ein dhoven seat fan for hockei petteri kortelainen marcu minu stat roger maynard share view mass bob gainei and l ife gener apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin write selk candid for ward main purpos shift prevent goal score not score lemieux gilmour plai number purpos score defenc secondari line that plai defens that not selk candid gainei defens forward stand that assess good player belong hall fame you watch plai nev er made technic error watch entir career never player and that includ russel cou rtnal and davi keon screw breakawai bob gainei and will never forget time deni p otvin caught gainei head you sold bill good bob gainei bryan trottier not deni p otvin viciou board trottier major roger hell thi gainei skill hockei player prob ert smash gilmour head into board week will that diminish your assess gilmour sk ill gainei plugger and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuh r essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wa yn cashman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and fuhr and sanderson gainei honour that you includ thi list you rel naiv view win hock ei game plugger integr part team selk design acknowledg contribut that peopl und erstand that not nobel prize settl cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurenti an congeni jame david david student busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david wester n busi school london ontario ranger give nhl anoth blackey new report toronto that ra nger insist that kovalev zubov and andersson plai for binghampton calder cup pla yoff return plai for home countri world championship shame ranger anoth black ey for nhl europ gerald playoff predict predict not laugh hyster save thi can la ugh win pool don prize love brag right winner take sort score system think for r ound victori for second for for alot ti idea buffalo montreal pittsburgh washing ton chicago toronto winnipeg lo angel montreal pittsburgh chicago winnipeg montr eal chicago montreal richard madison rrmadiso napier uwaterloo ahl calder cup playoff preview daryl turner umturn ccu u manitoba wrote articl apr new clarkson edu farenebt craft camp clarkson edu droo pi write atlant divis john mapl leaf moncton hawk moncton hawk island moncton si milar team cdi low score defens good goaltend john leblanc and stu barn notic gu n team defens top notch and mike neill underr goali leagu bri you sinc februari michael neill underr goali ahl isn ahl winnipeg jet injuri list sinc nhl start o ttawa senat year surgeri repair shoulder separ stu barn ahl gun for hawk line ce nter jet and sinc mid januari memori thought that neill back februari incorrect info guess thi moncton barn top scorer even sinc januari bri farenel farenebt cr aft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hockei usa hockei adiro ndack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament champ glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pacif divis champio n individu winner doubter hmm sinc you mention articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu migod ture toronto edu mike godfrei write lemieux mvp que stion chip masterson selann win calder yep chelio norri you ask dai ago agre you give nod raymond bourqu plai time chelio get close second dunno win vezina susp ect not potvin barrasso final get due close eddi eagl coach year tricki burn raw talent king good job flame underachiev last year brian sutter exception year te am ditto demer page bless ripen and acquisit young talent darryl sutter good yea

r for rooki coach berri made bad situat terri crisp work minor miracl and bowman bowman pick burn mildli bias your case that bia accept mine show norri pick eve n impress coach you mention pick arbour not folk thought isl playoff alon conten d for divis grant that cousin broadwai and island mow lawn mike godfrei david ke hrer dwk sunsrvr cci northern telecom na rochest york noth for eat six piec pizz a dinner wife and not rememb had pizza jacqu demer coverag europ vielen dank desper fan sweden finland fini sh gothenburg apr espn tonight heard game espn show tonight will show game mean playoff wise assum thi blue tampa game minnesota red wing game heard for j eff swartz patrick divis correct articl rap psuvm psu edu robbi rap psuvm psu edu write predict didn count devil score goal tonight tie streak seco ndli didn count island get point whaler two game isl capit prediciton penguin is land penguin capit devil devil pai your predict heed you couldn even predict pro per matchup you forecast weather frank salvator fmsalvat eo ncsu edu minu stat sm busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david write bryan trottier not deni potvin viciou board trottier major perhap trottier happ en hab goal recal gainei simpli didn head pick puck roger hell thi gainei skill hockei player probert smash gilmour head into board week will that diminish your assess gilmour skill gilmour complet surpris gainei yeah that doug wasn plai te chnic smart hockei case claim greg that gainei never made technic mistak absolut ludicr gainei plugger and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderso n wayn cashman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and fuhr and sanderson good for you you displai your ignor each gainei honour that y ou includ gainei feel honour that rememb thi list you rel naiv view win hockei g ame plugger integr part plugger integr part team and that simpli not solid two p layer you your check centr doug gilmour doug jarvi for that matter gretzki mario check centr you gretzki cover bob gainei team selk design acknowledg contribut that peopl understand that not nobel prize settl you wrong selk award forward th at job defens and thi not plugger gilmour defens job leagu don run simpli contri but offen sive settl you that liken selk nobel prize suggest that you had settl and you put word mouth suggest that you settl you bother post congeni jame david david student busi uwo you develop your style imit sincerest form flatteri and quit that flatteri not your intent cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurenti an european expans and cked system talk european expans thi nk wish thought total ball leagu format us incompat that europ for that don team lower divis promot and worst demot european fan put you paid you can plai attit ud long support team that run ranger base corpor think us term lightli don good product duffus nyc fill arena for ottawa record year haha had hockei and pro spo rt had similar system europ team ranger forc compet demot fourth divis team cent r that aren big halifax adirondack halifax isn good exampl eventu promot and tea m somewhat competet divis unlik ottawa edmonton etc fan eventu reward for loyalt i penal for neglect and leagu interest and dynam year influx newli promot team a nd halifax citadel win stanlei cup can dream can british european soccer exampl never fan problem think system suck barfli feel free flame account end todai hah ahaha ranger top ten netnew upenn edu kkeller mail sa upenn ed u keith keller write carol alt head coach can head coach time ali back real hock ei hmmmmmm make comment thi bad alexei kovalev ranger sign anoth domi plai and n ot line that stai minor and get ic time time bad neilson and smith decis plai th at you mean that bad kovalev good player you weren strand fourth line produc sou nd familiar darren turcott neilson and smith bad kovalev magic let pen owl will broadcast german satellit channel will show world c hampionship action dusseldorf munich root for red machin you russian for world t itl nordiqu for cup flyer thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr cbne wsm att jmd cbnewsm att joseph dake write articl apr cbnewsh att seth cbnewsh at

t peter clark write roussel give almost anoth goal game face proport number shot for number minut plai and check that face lower qualiti oppon make that half go al game lower qualiti opponet argument immateri roussel soderstrom had matter th at dineen decis word roussel shut shark and soderstrom shut penguin that immater i coach decis come joe you plai signific plai irrelev low gaa good team low gaa bad team context compar two goaltend low gaa higher gaa low gaa good team higher gaa bad team context compar two goaltend fact matter that despit last night shu tout doesn take last night due inept ranger team roussel skill and don shot and gui pass and stop gui shoot into roussel pad mon pete ranger inept shutout shuto ut soderstrom masterpiec toronto mike emerich quot didn leaf had offens firepow past line that make soderstrom shutout impress toronto lack offens absolut conte xt compar two goaltend end season point point matter you and score sheet shutout shutout you coach decid two goali make trade you deeper stat sheet didn second toronto game defens masterpiec noth that game judg tommi soderstrom wasn test fo r roussel ranger game two real score chanc made great plai save mistak player yo u judg roussel that game alon you you tie hab you goali stand head that shutout that goali action roussel doesn game that you back novemb roussel goali soderstr om treat for heart ailment flyer finish novemb and and know flyer finish soderst om wasn wear oragn black glad don find anytim hell player roussel dom take gui o utperform hextal season make flyer manag that don that flyer manag never bad thi ng roussel don good side two interview time farwel ask happi two good goaltend t ommi thi tommi that and yeah dom plai final card mondai night team pictur chanc flyer nhl hall fame kinda dull hand team pictur walk pizza hut pictur sold progr am mid season had name ben kasper and flyer choos fan receiv shirt back win recc hi jersei break club singl season point record nice know your luck you won rouss el random seat locat autograph team photo don that method sinc guard peopl thing lindro pictur sure hand autograph pictur hold for buddi pete clark goali mask articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatech edu hrivnak write start inform poll goali mask mask you curti joseph blue send your nomin post your vote mail adress gtd prism gatech edu for your time mask onc tha t had draw band aid for puck that goali stop face head can rememb even nhl quit ahl game thi funniest mask and for funni cool skin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan intern et gtd prism gatech edu barfli minu stat articl ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei lauren tian roger maynard write plugger integr part team and that simpli not solid two player you your check centr doug gilmour doug jarvi for that matter gretzki mari o check centr you gretzki cover bob gainei gretzki lemieux gilmour etc not plai role check centreman plai offens role oppos defens us defens centr wast offens a bil you compar gretzki jarvi gainei etc you compar appl and orang tell you that felix potvin isn good team had lemieux lemieux player type player for team succe ss type player thi includ defens forward compar defens forward bob gainei greate st defens forward player talent suit defens forward complet domin game plai tale nt player such gretzki had decid wast offens talent and plai defens defens forwa rd wasn bob gainei defens forward that plai hockei gregmeist real cap chanc believ that cap can beat pen kid pen not loos game playoff geoff filinuk flyer fan individu winner doubter hmm apr cci cci dwk cci cci dave kehrer write sinc you mention articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu migod ture toro nto edu mike godfrei write chelio norri you ask dai ago agre you give nod raymon d bourqu plai time chelio get close second kevin hatcher score roughli goal plai minut game dunno win vezina suspect not potvin barrasso final get due close edd i eagl that sad two second rate goali barasso and belfour main contend for vezin a call crazi tommi soderstrom shutout for place team that doesn plai defens unfo rtun that goali leagu mclean essensa vernon had unspectacular year btw you award norri basi last dai not give vezina moog goali past month coach year tricki bur n raw talent king good job flame underachiev last year brian sutter exception ye ar team ditto demer page bless ripen and acquisit young talent darryl sutter goo d year for rooki coach berri made bad situat terri crisp work minor miracl and b owman bowman pick burn mildli bias your case that bia accept mine show norri pic

k even impress coach you mention pick arbour not folk thought isl playoff alon c ontend for divis grant that cousin broadwai and island mow lawn arbour king burn will win sinc playoff aren into consider regular season not beaten hartford pla yoff vlad impal david poli futur articl apr ncsu edu fmsalvat eo ncsu ed u frank micha salvator write bad new for patrick divis year cap david poli repor tedli front offic job nhl can poli not fire despit year mediocr you frank not da vid poil fault that cap mire mediocr for long blame owner ab polin thi gui own n ba bullet and nhl capit dumb and selfish thi gui unwil spend buck order big star landov team stink heard that capit had chanc detroit steve yzerman last summer pull last minut good man ab afraid spend cash nevertheless faith and hope that d ai thi devilish dictat will replac frank salvator fmsalvat eo ncsu edu tuan van matter you bui your underwear tom cruis rain man van archmag orang black and ugl i georg mason univers and dwell basement electr engin philadelphia flyer tva gmu vax gmu edu tva mason gmu edu cap tal win streak articl rap psuvm psu edu rap psuvm psu edu ro bbi write penguin game unbeaten streak carri season mean start season anoth game unbeaten streak will eclips flyer record penguin game win streak streak carri y ear anoth hmmmm not thi true mike lang and good stagi rest crew pittsburgh win s treak stop regular season mark thi hold unbeaten streak for regular season game you that playoff streak carri last year and win tie edmonton record don quot tha t robbi pgh penguin won easi contact for stanlei cup will greater reward penn st ate ladi lion champion mountain and vallei rap psuvm psu edu straight win noth minu stat articl apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin write articl tnclu tele nokia hahietanen tnclu tele nokia write articl apr sol uvic gballent vancouv uvic greg ballentin write good stat stat that awa r that take into account defens plai isn measur defens plai take into account of fens and defenc aspect plai interest real round player power plai stat consid po wer plai aspect plai player evalu tool imo good player score power plai man adva ntag good power plai scorer tend becom overr point total inflat power plai point expos overr player such brett hull john cullen and dave andreychuck opportun pl ai power plai consist player can inflat total gregmeist for vancouv bure hard ti me score that power plai shorthand goal and goal playoff pool rule entri form tent rule and sinc season n ot tent entri form care real hockei season start deal you email prefer post your predict and number game you each seri will each round will weight that stanlei cup final will import earli round will import score pick round winner game point pick round winner game point pick round winner pick game point pick round winne r game point pick round winner game point pick round winner pick game point pick confer champ game point pick confer champ game point pick confer champ pick gam e point pick stanlei cup champ game point pick stanlei cup champ game point pick stanlei cup champ pick game point pick loser seri point pick loser seri decid g ame point last two sympathi point won happen pick stanlei cup champion import wi ll test format fair will lazi modifi score will thi for entri form thi post get long post keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ w ant your opinion give you entri form for playoff pool entri sheet mind that not sp ot decid chang seri your pick game divis semi island pittsburgh jersei washingto n buffalo boston montreal quebec loui chicago toronto detroit winnipeg vancouv l o angel calgari divis final patrick adam norri smyth confer final wale campbel s tanlei cup winner previou post for score good luck keith keller ranger quaker kk eller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you bridgman ottwawa senat fire mel bridgman todai randi sex ton gonna replac stephan lacel engin insert sig gandalf data playoff telecast atlanta articl jabd acsu buffalo edu ha mmerl acsu buffalo edu valeri hammerl write person prefer buffalo boston birthda i gift espn don folk espn will accomod that for espn thi inexplic affin for patr ick divis happi birthdai val second espn affin patrick travel product cost for o nc week nhn nation hockei night affair espn abc owner capit citi compani for qui t thrifti minim overhead cost quit that jim schoenfeld work for doughnut gari th

orn and bill clement base and rest espn crew resid suburban close proxim tri sta te area make sens term solid hockei northeast corridor maryland adam you america n base team buffalo and hartford not top market ppv mark ahl season review ic stuff review ic thing that affect a hl thi year john mapl leaf problem john mapl leaf sophomor season plagu problem ic leaf won atlant divis titl ic happi strike public worker forc leaf newfoundla nd citi for last half seaosn sinc mid jan plai home game place montreal cornwal and charlottetown playoff home game will plai metro center halifax demostr viole nt worker attack leaf bu and rock and broke window john memori stadium despit pr oblem toronto offici insist that leaf will return john onc strike end senat sold haven senat sold peter shipman ottawa senat nhl organ canadian nhl team america n ahl affili and made clear intend move team canadian atlant provinc thi sale an d move approv ahl head offic expect pass easili gener meet quot stori jack butte rfield made clear leagu interest stabil ahl franchis accompani nhl ownership mai ntain year histori ahl haven senat negoti charlottetown brunswick and expect mov e dalla help hawk stai moncton announc that pull affili moncton winnipeg jet cha ng mind jet announc move that slash minor leagu roster dozen and want share exis t ahl ihl franchis enter dalla lone star dalla agre suppli remain player moncton franchis keep hawk brunswick citi deal for year and will extend year season tic ket base increas hawk sold for thi year saint john flame offici calgari flame of fici sign deal citi saint john saint john blue flame will plai exhibit center fl ame appli for expans frnachis ahl expect troubl cap follow jack main despit rumo r contrari capit will follow baltimor skipjack main cap current farm team baltim or skipjack announc that move main and becom portland pirat doubt cap follow ann ounc limit deal portland suppli dozen player includ goali becom team announc lim it farm team moncton and capit district island ahl game week earli januari ahl s tart game week game produc pyman product televis across canadian maritim and nor theastern week two game week canada and anoth sinc sundai afternoon and night ga me cover and shown sportschannel and and atlant sport network canada not that no t playoff game will cover utica syracus ad heavi rumor that utica devil will not season rumor that head midwestern citi and that citi syracus lure ahl year opti on anoth option northern divis southern divis adirondack red wing adirondack spr ingfield indian springfield provid bruin provid island cdi portland pirat hershe i binghamton southern divis rochest hershei bear hamilton binghamton ranger utic a rochest american hamilton canuck atlant divis utica devil portland john atlant divis saint john john mapl leaf moncton moncton hawk halifax halifax citadel fr edericton cape breton oiler cape breton fredericton canadien charlottetown saint john blue flame charlottetown senat move unoffici bri farenel farenebt craft ca mp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hockei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament champ glen fall high s chool divis state champ join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congra t clarkson golden knight hockei ecac champion ahl new dalla help hawk stai moncton announc that pull a ffili moncton winnipeg jet chang mind jet announc move that slash minor leagu ro ster dozen and want share exist ahl ihl franchis enter dalla lone star dalla agr e suppli remain player moncton franchis keep hawk brunswick citi deal for year a nd will extend year season ticket base increas hawk sold for thi year saint john flame offici calgari flame offici sign deal citi saint john saint john blue fla me will plai exhibit center flame appli for expans frnachis ahl expect troubl ca p follow jack main despit rumor contrari capit will follow baltimor skipjack mai n cap current farm team baltimor skipjack announc that move main and becom portl and pirat doubt cap follow announc limit deal portland suppli dozen player inclu d goali becom team announc limit farm team moncton and capit district island bri farenel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hoc kei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournam ent champ glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pacif divis champion minu stat post newsgroup rec sport hockei maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard subject minu stat organ dept comput scienc laurentian

univers sudburi date thu apr gmt sm busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david write bryan trottier not deni potvin viciou board trottier major perhap trottier happe n hab goal recal gainei simpli didn head pick puck roger hell thi gainei skill h ockei player probert smash gilmour head into board week will that diminish your assess gilmour skill gilmour complet surpris gainei yeah that doug wasn plai tec hnic smart hockei case claim greg that gainei never made technic mistak absolut ludicr your post you make refer put word into peopl mouth suggest that your last paragraph can interpret that greg claim that gainei never made technic mistak y ou read written you will find that make such claim soooo logic serv you contradi ct gainei plugger and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson way n cashman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and fuhr and sanderson good for you you displai your ignor each roger not ignor function lack knowledg and not formul opinion hei you cheap shot mean ahead that make you feel gainei honour that you includ gainei feel honour that rememb word such veh em poor bob gainei bother you effect player for style plai thi list you rel naiv view win hockei game plugger integr part plugger integr part team and that simp li not solid two player you your check centr doug gilmour doug jarvi for that ma tter gretzki mario check centr you gretzki cover bob gainei roger you lost compl et don you jesu christ net you compar for exampl bob gainei gui carbonneau you b alanc comparison team selk design acknowledg contribut that peopl understand tha t not nobel prize settl you wrong selk award forward that job defens and thi not plugger gilmour defens job leagu don run simpli contribut offen sive wrong hmmm wrong place guess rog feel that you setup you wrong macro kei your machin agre that us word plugger simplist you get point that gilmour potenti selk winner nev er part debat you ask for opinion deserv player includ gilmour candid settl you that liken selk nobel prize suggest that you had settl and you put word mouth su ggest that you settl you bother post suggest that your comment and press run thi ng star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nyst rom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wayn cashman bob baun bob pulford ralp h backstrom henri richard dick duff and demonstr blanket disregard for individu contributor game settl claim that hockei god congeni jame david david student bu si uwo you develop your style imit sincerest form flatteri and quit that flatter i not your intent mon nice ring and admit you had good laugh congeni jame david david student busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david western busi school london o ntario test messag test messag nhl team item live desol midwest hockei concern and spor t store carri hockei stuff for san jose tampa bai pittsburgh and you lucki chica go ail order phone order store that contact dy for real hockei stuff hat shirt k ei chain etc for team edmonton montreal etc you inform mail directli appreci goo d luck your team stanlei cup playoff edmonton like not year you assult you year hockei minut thi great sport kevin frank kfrank magnu ac ohio state edu crazi predict crazi predict never come true hei adam bo buf bo cakewalk for hot bruin que mon que seri round patrick pit nyi pit nyi win fourth game njd njd gruel upset possibl game norri chi stl chi stl match for ke enan krew det tor tor clark step playoff thi year smyth care van win win caught teemu mania sue cal lak cal suck imo divis final bo que bo killer game watch for cam shine pit njd pit njd insan kill ic pit win chi tor tor tor defens final to geth cal win cal win tire seri confer final pit bo bo pit beat njd plai hope cal tor tor vernon turn into siev stanlei cup bo tor tor two total team dream can c ome true pig dai evolv wing feel free laugh predict barfli minu stat vfq sm busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame david w rite gilmour complet surpris gainei yeah that doug wasn plai technic smart hocke i case claim greg that gainei never made technic mistak absolut ludicr your post you make refer put word into peopl mouth suggest that your last paragraph can i nterpret that greg claim that gainei never made technic mistak you read written you will find that make such claim soooo logic serv you contradict nonsens quit state that greg that made claim that gainei never made error and made claim read below rec sport hockei thu apr gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin messag apr s

ol uvic nonsens delet gainei defens forward stand that assess good player belong hall fame you watch plai never made technic error nonsens delet good for you yo u displai your ignor each roger not ignor function lack knowledg and not formul opinion hei you cheap shot mean ahead that make you feel knowledg observ game me an obviou your hockei educ not respons word such vehem poor bob gainei bother yo u effect player for style plai anoth player laud find bothersom hate hab hate la fleur realiz that like aesthet pleas player skate lifetim talk gainei you your c heck centr doug gilmour doug jarvi for that matter gretzki mario check centr you gretzki cover bob gainei roger you lost complet don you jesu christ net plai ho ckei high level good not you bother bring talk hockei player you can follow conv ers don follow previous not respons educ you you compar for exampl bob gainei gu i carbonneau you balanc comparison two journeymen big deal worth discuss wrong h mmm wrong fuhr and sanderson place guess rog feel that you setup you wrong macro kei your machin that excel idea and decid wast time respond your greg post will implement that macro suggest that your comment and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wayn cashman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom hen ri richard dick duff and demonstr blanket disregard for individu contributor gam e settl claim that hockei god tarasov claim that gainei hockei god and greg at a nd that thi thread you didn that you respond and for blanket disregard for indiv idu can rememb leaf team pure popul such individu win stanlei cup team ran tell that georg armstrong hockei player world congeni jame david david student busi u wo you develop your style imit sincerest form flatteri and quit that flatteri no t your intent mon nice ring and admit you had good laugh had end your post reali z you complet joke futur you respond post you present cogent argument support fa ct glean version realiti that rest recogn cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei l aurentian beat pittsburgh articl afnkovk uhb rdtj andrew cmu edu r obert angelo pleshar andrew cmu edu write kfnjyea vmu andrew cmu edu nntp post h ost andrew cmu edu repli kfnjyea vmu andrew cmu edu anna matya clone chelio pers on and transplant into defensemen island capit and devil gerald word you want tu rn into asshol will spend lot time penalti box and lot misconduct and thi come c helio fan yeah and second team score and plai minut game and plai power plai and kill penalti and defenseman leagu team chelios that penalti kill ralph beat pit tsburgh mario lemieux death kimo slash skull ranger slash wrist jaromir jagr dep ort send back commi countri that bill clinton iii kevin steven fight call bob pr obert call tie domi call grandmoth kick ass ahl new john new part xxxviii brifr dal write articl apr new clarkson edu farenebt craft camp clarkson edu droopi write pete raymond ema il thi piec info not game intention unintention omit date not set bri begin quot materi moncton win fridai night halifax elimin john will make halifax home roun d plai off wil place date april halifax metro center leaf home game april halifa x metro center april moncton april moncton april halifax metro center april monc ton thi halifax thi halifax resid dream come true leaf favorit nhl team and don that thi even citadel make playoff quebec farm team care for nfld fan asn will c arri game stupid not thi asn haven heard new asn carri game local cabl station j ohn cabl carri game live hei noth leaf dale sex popular dale fraser dale odi mun easi memori univers newfoundland contain sodium undergrad class and cholesterol free shelbi friedman blue jai world seri champ opinion express not belong thi i nstitut hockei and hispan commun icop csa edu antonio pera write presenc team miami can south florida long make interest question can you sell h ispan commun hockei miami hispan thi commun experi and previou exposur hockei th at team and big hispan group not woo thi group will miami spanish languag and ra dio coverag owner that hockei will miami sinc lot peopl northeast that spend win ter florida year for coverag will come monei for that sinc broadcast right can e xpens dale sex popular dale fraser dale odi mun easi memori univers newfoundland contain sodium undergrad class and cholesterol free shelbi friedman blue jai wo rld seri champ opinion express not belong thi institut espn tonight qkj kinn master rose hulman edu swartzjh ro

sevc rose hulman edu write heard game espn show tonight will show game mean play off wise assum thi blue tampa game minnesota red wing game heard for jeff swartz heard will minnesota detroit game don time dave david monack mail monack ga uug arizona edu love delus that woman differ anoth mencken bruin playoff bruin fan playoff time peak time get adam cat fight end montreal and quebec team will for reveng neeli can stai healthi an d bourqu and moog stai sharp neeli final two year frustrat ulf don fight samuels on don agre fight nhl gui deserv good thi good seri bruin rchard richard amc minu stat post newsgroup rec sport hockei maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard subject minu stat organ dept comput scienc laurentian univers sudburi date fri apr gmt discuss delet good for you you displai your ign or each roger not ignor function lack knowledg and not formul opinion hei you ch eap shot mean ahead that make you feel knowledg observ game mean obviou your hoc kei educ not respons hockei educ you talk not even refut thi absolut insan state ment word such vehem poor bob gainei bother you effect player for style plai ano th player laud find bothersom hate hab hate lafleur realiz that like aesthet ple as player skate lifetim talk gainei hate hab you sound year thi statement exempl ifi your total inabl argu object hockei don give thi crap cogent argument read t hat cogent you consist argu emot huge sweep statement frankli you unconvinc styl e not defend bob gainei frankli don care for that your dismiss effect hockei pla yer tiresom basi calder win ahead and refresh memori conn smyth that fluke yeah not make hockei superstar reason reason shoot you your check centr doug gilmour doug jarvi for that matter gretzki mario check centr you gretzki cover bob gaine i roger you lost complet don you jesu christ net plai hockei high level good not you bother bring talk hockei player you can follow convers don follow previous not respons educ you hei cowboi you expert introduc idiot comparison gainei gret zki and lemieux you figur you compar for exampl bob gainei gui carbonneau you ba lanc comparison two journeymen big deal worth discuss individu award don rememb onc feel free refresh memori and sarcast hockei educ wrong hmmm wrong fuhr and s anderson god that roger your point fuhr goaltend goaltend don plug prime sanders on scrapper you stick you includ half flyer team era place guess rog feel that y ou setup you wrong macro kei your machin that excel idea and decid wast time res pond your greg post will implement that macro roger you shouldn don deserv thi y ou accomod suggest that your comment and press run thing star dynasti start hype plugger grant fuhr essa tikkannen butch gore bob nystrom bob gainei doug jarvi derek sanderson wayn cashman bob baun bob pulford ralph backstrom henri richard dick duff and demonstr blanket disregard for individu contributor game settl cla im that hockei god tarasov claim that gainei hockei god and greg at and that thi thread you didn that you respond you allow player fall into your sweep vacuou s tatement that you want debat gainei ahead bring support your argument you argume nt you throw name hope impress and for blanket disregard for individu can rememb leaf team pure popul such individu win stanlei cup team ran tell that georg arm strong hockei player world great couldn agre flyer won two cup for reason deserv edli don you angri that leaf didn recognit you plugger hype don agre plain and s impl you last statement sort compromis fair you develop your style imit sinceres t form flatteri and quit that flatteri not your intent mon nice ring and admit y ou had good laugh had end your post realiz you complet joke not pleasant bone yo ur bodi rog you unhappi not get invit parti futur you respond post you present c ogent argument support fact glean version realiti that rest recogn roger you imp ress that respond your post great honour you stop sound bit pathet frankli honou r good fart congeni jame david david student busi uwo david sm busi uwo jame dav id western busi school london ontario playoff predict patrick pen isl devil cap pen devil adam sabr nord hab nord norri hawk star blue wing leaf hawk wing smyth jet canuck ca ll hunch flame king jet flame wale pen campbel hawk jet stanlei pen hawk bri far enel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hockei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament champ glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pac if divis champion schedul for week unit state schedul april devil island p ittsburgh est abc eastern time zone april loui chicago cdt abc cent mou time zon e april lo angel calgari pdt abc pacif time zone april devil island pittsburgh e spn april tba espn april tba espn send cbc tsn schedul post that mike burger can ada includ quebec ontario mmb lamar colost edu maritim prairi and florida begin comput stud month year student serv royal canadian air farc univers michigan col orado state univers hockei and hispan commun articl odin corp sgi rickc wrig lei corp sgi richard casar write last time you hockei leagu citi that you mentio n week ago cbc ran documentari ic hockei harlem canadian club york that sponsor leagu for kid harlem and base report lot fun plai regular equip jersei etc etc p roper outdoor rink look kid plai hockei anywher kid even fortun trip hockei camp alberta minu stat articl apr sol uvic gballent vancouv uvic writ e come that jagr despit arrog asshol good hockei player had season thi year ron franci jagr point and jagr higher franci had point and inform observ ronni franc i had season jaromir jagr thi not jaro had decent year didn live expect gregmeis t dean dean falcion badg badg jrmst permiss don stinkin owner joe mcdonald badg playoff predict round pitt nyi pitt wash njd wash bo buf bo que mon mon quebec chi stl chi hawk will win will det tor det van win win ca l cal cal round pitt wash pitt bo mon bo boston will beat quebec chi det chi win cal cal round pitt bo pitt pitt bruin arent pushov chi cal chi hawk havent had problem year yep agre final pitt chi pitt hawk can chang fate you intens foreche ck aka normal hawk style will nullifi seemingli unbeat team pen due for hell pos sibl extend record make plai playoff walter damien endemyr unpur knight doom acq uir tast for blood and adopt nocturn lifestyl that doesnt mean vampir real cap chanc articl apr staff dcc upenn edu filinuk st aff dcc upenn edu geoff filinuk write believ that cap can beat pen kid pen not l oos game playoff honest pen not loos game you put will lose game rememb regular season doesn mean come playoff time cap shot flyer don frank salvator fmsalvat e o ncsu edu individu winner doubter hmm articl apr cci cci dwk cci c ci dave kehrer wrote sinc you mention articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu migod tu re toronto edu mike godfrei write lemieux mvp question chip masterson lemieux fo r masterson doubt had aw inspir season person record set thi year lemieux hart l ock mike gartner for masterson goali mask articl netnew upenn edu kkeller mail sa upenn edu keith keller write vote john vanbiesbrouck mask skylin york citi and side b unch bee beezer sharp doesn statu liberti that richter mask back bee repres beez er that interconnect circl led zepplin album cover that suppos and put ali keith keller ranger want your opinion give you john offici languag golf profan hockei hell jwodzia eng clemson edu john wodziak real black and gold memorium alan kul wicki bean will triumph polish yanke mechan engin town pretend crown winston cup champion great person rock pen info need articl apr ericsson etxonss ufsa ericsson staffan axelsson write swedish coach curt lundmark think leav two spot open for addit elimin nhler mat sundin and call johansson that curt hope can join team la te stage tournament technic recal that you can leav spot open hr final hmmm hear d grapevin that team finland and leav spot open for nhler gui name sel nne hear content kurri hope daryl turner contact for winnipeg jet internet umturn ccu uma nitoba fidonet rout tkachuk zhamnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder minu stat articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei la urentian roger maynard write maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard subject min u stat date wed apr gmt dreier apr jacobi berkelei edu dreier jacobi berkelei ed u roland dreier write selann lead jet teppo numminen you defens ron franci pengu in point jaromir jagr point jagr defens franci and exactli interpret fact that m ario lemieux highest leagu selk ross minu not measur defens alon attempt measur player total contribut team effort and perfect and post never impli that post su ggest that indic player effect examin context that player team perform mere scor

e total alon and for mario get selk not doug gilmour lemieux ic situat enforc ob vi ousli player game us call selk bob gainei award result statement made anatoli tarasov bob gainei hockei player world that tarasov misquot origin had tini bit vodka and toi report event nhl decid honour dimension checker dimen sional scor er leagu start award doug gil mour award anual leagu effect round player cordial roger maynard maynard ramsei laurentian hei roger maynard award for annoi fan d errick jewlal laurel apt waterloo shark review part goaltend shark season close tonight wi ll start seri post revisit player trade move etc that for shark for past season you uninterest sinc will word shark review subject head post you can kill will e valu player rate subject bias hope that can object will evalut player finish sea son shark and not plai for anoth nhl team thi season goaltend brian hayward seas on acquir minnesota dispers draft grade sad that career come thi dim end career that featur share jen trophi patrick roi and unfair for give pass grade and skip letter grade had simpli aw ic thi year save for bright spot two and even had he althi not string goali hayward classi individu figur shark victori game season l ast year calgari flame retir fan will rememb good gui jeff hackett season acquir island expans draft grade hackett deservedli win team mvp honor last season sim pli wast year good spot save lo angel almost shutout tampa bai etc hackett finis h save percentag and gaa watch statu team goali bench decor end season expect ea rli carri team appar frustrat earli injuri that forc miss game contribut factor return simpli wasn task not return year wade flaherti season elig rooki acquir s ign undraft free agent grade pretti hard evalu goaltend game alon incomplet grad e start that calgari flame flaherti noth sharp for two period start season poorl i kansa citi finish strong prompt blade owner ron parker comment that candid for ihl mvp honor upcom ihl playoff major challeng for make into nhl last year capa bl backup for artur irb season and turner cup playoff pick star honor irb time f or show that can share job irb year prospect dan ryder trevor robin and scott ca shman come doesn make year not artur irb season acquir minnesota dispers draft g rade overli critic irb year that establish that bona fide nhl goaltend perhap bo na fide goaltend provid highlight footag that shark team had get team shut lo an gel king decemb fearless and net aggress plai puck and make pass remind peopl yo ung ron hextal goonism develop consist hard such bad defens front shark challeng for playoff spot season irb kei demonstr name star game time start calgari flam e macinni for norri gari robert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff ye ar stai edmonton nelson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark british championship playoff apr group group cardiff dev il bracknel bee nottingham panther billingham humbersid whitlei warrior murrayfi eld racer fife flyer whitlei bai cardiff devil billingham bomber murrayfield hum bersid bracknel bee nottingham panther fife flyer cardiff devil humbersid murray field racer nottingham bracknel bee whitlei bai fife flyer billingham bracknel b ee cardiff devil billingham bomber nottingham whitlei bai humbersid fife flyer m urrayfield cardiff devil murrayfield racer humbersid nottingham panther whitlei bai billingham bomber bracknel bee fife flyer qualifi for championship final rel eg promot releg promot basingstok swindon wildcat sheffield steeler peterborough durham wasp romford raider slough jet king basingstok durham wasp sheffield ste eler milton keyn swindon romford raider milton keyn king peterborough durham was p swindon wildcat slough jet sheffield romford basingstok peterborough slough je t romford durham wasp peterborough sheffield swindon basingstok milton keyn king slough jet basingstok sheffield steeler durham wasp peterborough swindon milton keyn king romford raider slough jet neil mcglynn nmcglynn axion british telecom laboratori martlesham heath ipswich stop predict annoi predict net care you will win stop pr edict cap win cup that david kaupang cdkaupan eo ncsu edu pen info need articl ccu umanitoba umturn ccu umanitoba daryl turner write hmmm heard grapevin that team finland and leav spot open for nhler gui name sel nne hear content kurri hope true coach matikainen readi spot for teemu medal game teppo numminen and kurri for spot cannot left open for long esa tikkanen even player pretti good team young hungri talent gui player that g

old yesterdai practis game swe fin show that two world hockei team prime shape f inn line riihijarvi slightli injur saarikoski viitakoski shine bet two team nhl roger roger you peopl team canada lindro brind amour burk ranford recchi dineen can beat finn coach new alpo suhonen jet jokerit verifi bori majorov jokerit tap para vasili tichonov assat san jose shark assist coach sakari pietila lulea silv er team elit serien mikko makela tp malmo marku ketter jokerit contract timo saa rikoski jokerit watch for week expand europ dusseldorf articl apr abo mlindroo finabo a bo marcu lindroo inf write pkortela apr hut pkortela snakemail hut write deg ger man born forward team fact major player german born deg had averag spectat arena interest german friend robert told forward canadian german perhap can sort thi for dusseldorf canadian german forward player born canada german passport benoit doucet german marri german and plai for germani canada born forward peter john lee british passport chri valentin dale dercatch steve goota earl spry moment ge rman born forward come into mind bernd trunschka andrea brockmann ernst koepf vo lker suhonen will not jokerit tvartiai vipunen hut tvartiai v ipunen hut tommi vartiainen write insid inform alpo suhonen won headcoach jokeri t pretti that bori majorov will continu owner team previous that will chanc coac h tommi wrong inform announc that suhonen made deal jokerit tommi and bori major ov made year deal tappara svant hockei playoff pool last chanc thi will last post promot hockei pool will updat pool wednesdai subject join hockei playoff pool deadlin for pool midnight saturdai rule read cost prize send repli montana pinetre org n ote your entri send midnight saturdai will accept includ your name rule acm hock ei playoff pool critieria pick forward long forward pick defensemen arrang line forward and two defens line and arrang line order your player plai line and plai second line pick design playmak can posit defensemen pick design scorer can pos it pick goal tender pick team you win cup note player can chosen onc cannot saki c forward and design passer calcul point for design scorer and playmak assist ix i goal for player line total will line pt line pt line pt win for goali team tha t win cup pt for design playmak design calcul will follow scorer goal pt goal sc ore point assist pt assist point event tie tie will broken unmodifi goal total a nd game win goal sampl design scorer jeremi roenick actual pt modifi design play mak steve smith actual pt modifi line murphi courtnal messier dave manson iafrat total point point for that line internet montana pinetre org david wong pinetre montana gordon pinetre ottawa canada bi bi minu stat apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei laurentia n roger maynard write good for you you displai your ignor each roger not ignor f unction lack knowledg and not formul opinion hei you cheap shot mean ahead that make you feel knowledg observ game mean obviou your hockei educ not respons curi ou roger sinc you such vast knowledg game and leagu come you haven made live lot demand for expertis field you great leaf assist coach scout career report comme nt wrong and you jukka virtanen juvirtan helsinki univers helsinki sweden finland april plai scandinavium gothenburg april sweden finland swe peter popov marku naslund fin vill siren keijo sailynoja fin juha riihijarvi timo saarikoski vesa viitakoski fin jari korpisalo kari harila r auli raitanen swe jan larsson mikael renberg stefan nilsson swe hakan ahlund tho ma rundqvist swe roger akerstrom roger hansson swe stefan nilsson patrik juhlin charl berglund fin keijo sailynoja fin keijo sailynoja swe mikael renberg hakan ahlund thoma rundqvist fin jari korpisalo shot goal penalti attend refere sweden min peter andersson finland min min sweden sweden open score marku naslund made drop pass finnish blue line popov pick and advanc finnish goal and shot nice ha rd wrist shot ketter top corner vill siren slap shot blue line power plai made a nd juha riihijarvi score nice goal anoth power plai close front goal put puck hi gh aslin period finn start second period good pressur korpisalo made anoth goal close rang high aslin finnish pressur sweden turn game mikael renberg work hard finnish goal and pass puck jan larsson front backhand puck low rundqvist enter f innish zone and pass ahlund and finnish defens ahlund skate and shot that ketter drop into goal roger hansson goal puck back blue line roger akerstrom slap shot

and ketter didn puck sinc traffic front period start nice goal stefan shadow ni lsson stefan and patrik juhlin enter finnish zone patrik pass puck back stefan a lon ketter made mistak keijo sailynoja show start reduc and equal lead second sc ore goal and that alon aslin trip aslin penalti shot sailynoja made nice penalti shot show forehand and put low backhand shot swede head for win mikael renberg score goal late game nice power plai combin renberg wait slot show that want puc k backhand side ahlund pass puck and renberg turnaround shot low ketter goal sid e jari korpisalo had plan second score game final goal make korpisalo slap shot narrow angl that aslin save decent game defens wasn team juggl line bit second a nd period combin renberg and rundqvist plai togeth swedish team larsson nilsson juhlin line work line stillman good defens player aren good for hakan ahlund fae ll ner hjaelmen och jobba roger hansson chall berglund kenni jonsson will like l eav for nhl pro two goal scorer jari korpisalo and keijo sailynoja plai finnish team marku ketter didn good game lot lindfor finland start goali heard that esa tikkanen will join finnish team inter rest pro coach matikainen count for start line sweden finland peter aslin marku ketter kenneth kennholt mikko haapakoski f redrik stillman vill siren hakan ahlund jarkko varvio thoma rundqvist mika niemi nen mikael renberg keijo sailynoja roger akerstrom erik hamalainen arto blomsten kari harila jan larsson rauli raitanen stefan nilsson petri vari patrik juhlin jari korpisalo peter popov timo jutila stefan larsson harri laurila roger hansso n juha riihijarvi fredrik nilsson timo saarikoski peter ottosson vesa viitakoski pasi sormunen jann laukkanen marku naslund juha ylonen peter forsberg timo pelt omaa jona bergqvist marko palo plai part game charl berglund mika alatalo kenni jonsson saku koivu marko palo staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei finland sweden nhl team helsinki stockholm nhl expans te rvio katk helsinki tervio katk helsinki write two team merg thi propos tamper il v lynx and tappara ax fan wouldn team playoff time even releg merg not that diff icult understand helsinki you grow jokerit hifk fan team last team world you sup port not talk hate extrem deepli root rivalri deepli root rivalri ahem jokerit s inc and join top flight earli helsingfor ifk sinc fan start take hockei you exag er prove that fan group can cheer team that finnish nation team that you set hug e franchis finland that team call citi plai game arena team finland and team swe den nhl wouldn make sens talent total north american talent coupl season you nev er cup anywher nordic presum that team advantag draft local talent proopos that bold claim light success canadian american olymp team and had plai set rule and intern ic olymp team contain talent your averag expans team canada had eric lind ro sean burk joe juneau and chri konto anoth deep sub nhl for yank keith tkachuk scott lachanc bret hedican shawn mceachern steve heintz ted donato joe sacco an d bill guerin line player nhl robb stauber for king goal noth fact that star tea m assembl finnish leagu team nhl hartford tampa bai happen top class finnish swe dish player gradual end helsinki stockholm north american base gradual retir and canadian american team allow draft player scandinavia hockei new scout nhl base player superstar star nhl regular nhl regular role player finland jyrki lumm te ppo numminen peter ahola jari kurri christian ruuttu teemu selann esa tikkanen s elann rate higher todai januari sweden ulf samuelsson fredrik olausson nikla lid strom call johansson kjell samuelsson tommi sjodin tommi albelin mat sundin thom a steen thoma sandstrom ulf dahlen michael nyland per erik eklund johan garpenlo v mikael andersson jan erixon thi interest finland top player winnipeg selann nu mminen vancouv lumm lo angel jari kurri and york tikkanen man unit pittsburgh do ubt home base finnish player nation team canada cup and world championship larg due effort marku ketter goali player list and luck lot decent player finland tha t wouldn superstar highest level valuabl role player guess that finnish canada c up team team nhl sweden easier judg player north america point total player otta wa top player combin estim six nhl regular back home sweden swedish team assembl skill point deduct point pittsburgh ranger and team that reli swedish player sw edish team finish sixth place high boston vancouv calgari and montreal paper dyn asti talk isn complet unfound finnish swedish team advantag player plai home hal f time won adapt foreign countri and foreign languag and plai wide open european variant hockei learn north american check game free agenc becom factor top scan

dinavian player end plai for larg market team coupl year edmonton dynasti crumbl late fring player like will draft nhl team exclus talent pool bit unfair settl for compromis prohibit european team sign north american two round top two playe r thi amateur draft open finland czech final bruin blackhawk marcu nhlpa poll stat uptad uptad stand for poll vote point fo r for point for nhlpa game det chi van mtl pit wsh bo asw cgy que as wpg otw stl tor buf phi tby min atlanta win turner cup not game person vote edm htf team po int continu send your vote thi format april approxim keyword email iskand ayari loria ayari loria sad dai for hockei fine year histori close tonight minne sota north star norm star whichev you prefer lost red wing score star goal score mike mcphee and ulf dahlen net two includ final franchis histori minut plai ton ight air star telecast announc shaver voic north star state basic that will not follow team dalla shaver ask son broadcast will you respond pair slipper sit eas i chair and watch world you north star and you shaver for year minnesota memori joel alvstad finnish star born articl apr tnclu tele nokia hahietanen tnclu tele nokia write yesterdai game team sweden and team finland that plai st ockholm and result for home team that noth special surpris saku koivu admit that surpris finnish playoff and team finland saku koivu light weight player size st at and kg and real two player skate can score nice pass even bodycheck watch siz e isn rememb harlamov and that saku grow last year saku isn that small longer gu ess heard tall moment and will grow petteri kortelainen helsinki stockholm nhl expans articl apr abo mlindroo fi nabo abo marcu lindroo inf write polari utu franti polari utu write not low perh ap sure not high that european nhl divis finnish team for exampl player nation t eam top class foreign two leagu tp jokerit perhap dozen player intern class even that settl for minor leagu you player intern class averag nhl team top player p lai smaller rink qualiti european hockei poor recent year north american good fa rm player player place finnish leagu elitserien ship back petteri kortelainen radio station articl ragraca vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write greania texa mitr org steve greania write not cabl and night cap don plai tune game list radio station broadcast game for nhl team advanc can give you coupl detroit wjr will broadcast coupl game wing t oronto seri and sinc broadcast watt you pick dark you pittsburgh penguin game us broadcast kdka don whether will pre empt basebal and move anoth station not you can local basebal team aren plai time randi kdka right pirat game and will spli t conflict for penguin game preempt check wdve that dve watt kevin stamber purdu univers funni sig todai franchis name name florida panther panther endang speci locat everglad coupl year ago licens plate made panther part revenu protect fund name presid panther announc todai yesterdai paper huizenga hockei team will ic miami arena thi fall team guarante two year leas arena year option that run not choic jame blosser lawyer and huizenga aid rule arena long term option nhl told can stai not econom feasibl reason miami heat basketbal team control skybox and advertis revenu arena reduc hockei team profit potenti hockei team attract arena site propos broward dade and palm beach counti lead site vacant land joe robbi stadium resid dai ago agre drop opposit hockei arena end year battl will complim ent new sun sentinel jim fitz sanchez castranova panther presid promis give you name panther presid huize nga announc team name announc that bill torrei name presid panther bio sun senti nel torrei architect consecut stanlei cup champion persid and gener manag york i sland year nhl bill torrei bow ti becom signatur andr agassi hair panther will i ntroduc uniform insignia and ticket price inform earli month meantim huizenga le av dai dai oper hand torrei and bob clark and florida panther chosen name south florida nhl team focu attent endang speci florida panther everglad nation park b ig cypress nation preserv and part southwestern florida panther quickest strike cat torrei hopefulli that plai ic bio torrei huizenga man hire expans island and respons for guid island consecut stanlei cup championship season and consecut w in season execut vice presid california golden seal torrei watch seal plai off s

econd nhl season guess thi complet person hat trick torrei nativ montreal resid bear lake countri club palm beach jim account gorycki sol cse fau edu jimg cyber net cse fau edu repeat stress repeat stress repeat stress repeat stress repeat a drian belew indiciplin pen playoff radio coverag radio station articl ragraca v ela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write greania texa mi tr org steve greania write can give you coupl detroit wjr will broadcast coupl g ame wing toronto seri and sinc broadcast watt you pick dark you pittsburgh pengu in game us broadcast kdka don whether will pre empt basebal and move anoth stati on not you can local basebal team aren plai time thi morn post gazett pen will c arri kdka radio pirat plai pirat plai game will carri wdve wdve will carri game start tonight game fact thi season kdka will longer flagship station for pen pen guin and kbl struck deal and radio right game like that wdve will flagship radio station season kbl will carri game game simulcast kdka remain game earli round playoff game will subscript receiv game you pai time hook fee and monthli fee do llar deal will longer radio simulcast will broadcast team and radio broadcast te am word announc will mike lang and paul steigerwald contract kdka contract expir end thi season kbl presid bill craig hire lang and steigerwald lori contact for penguin lli cmu edu wirtz weeni deal bill wirtz appar blackhawk loui game st and room sell usual hawk report attendac gee wirtz plan us thi justif for contin u home game schmuck new penguin announc yesterdai that will fewer broadcast game and will game sort subscript pai per view system yuck ralph nhl team captain articl apr iastat edu njdevil iastat ed u cire trehguad write anna matya andrew cmu edu wrote michael collingridg write and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team captain trivia appreci wasn ron franci captain whaler trade pittsburgh and rick tochett captain flyer t rade pen recent and mike ramsei time captain buffalo prior trade pittsburgh peng uin captain and real captain lemieux plai for rotat season and even mario even t roi lonei worn for pen jai john huber aka jai penguin stanlei cup champion softw ar engin institut pirat east champion sei mastercraft boat for ski thumb espn articl apr wuecl wustl edu jca cec wustl edu joseph charl achkar write nice espn show game wing and leaf sinc cub and astro r ain show anoth basebal game decid stanlei cup playoff classi move espn you leav room each time that night basebal game break back studio mention gonna show you hockei wife and hope for rain basebal game feed for tommorrow night point glad s how hockei basebal anywher you can bet you watch basebal last night pete clark travesti joe loui detroit april develop that shock knowl edg observ detroit redw score six goal goaltend world rout win team nhl toronto mapl leaf leaf not fault complet domin inferior detroit squad and deserv win bia s offici andi van hellemond and idiot that insist throw octopu ic stoppag obviou attempt distract superior visit side prevent massacr wing leagu team alan thi s weet roger sweet forward instal wednesdai night trust you pick articl apr epa toronto edu sclark epa utoronto susa n clark write fan ottawa won daigl sweepstak didn mention san jose had goal sen sen hunch thi ottawa pick not mistaken san jose had win ottawa tiebreak nhl win alan abc coverag anna matya andrew cmu edu wrote antonio pera write love abc coverag product excel appear excel had sleek modern thi time hea rd thorn clement thought great request leav micheal thi annoi skeptic game pleas antli surpris coverag impress close rang camera coverag work corner and plai los e beat get back puck boi rip espn hockei coverag pittsburgh thrill lang steigi f or you unawar espn bought air time abc and product advertis sale comment etc and even reap made enjoi caleb for boxscor for boxscor nhl team for person research can michel arsenault div and conf name apr newshub ist dchhabra stpl ist deep ak chhabra write that real question whether you idea chang name base reason for make easier for casual fan whether you idea uniqu division name base individu de serv honour imo nice and uniqu touch that differ sport addit not that chang divi

sion name will effect number peopl that interest hockei pointless exercis proble m game present fan feel that geograph name enhanc region loyalti name honour per sonag and not confus approach sport for time anoth thing that bother point syste m percentag us major sport inform nhl stand thing make quick calcul account for game hand almost case will object percentag claim perhap that american sport fee l that percentag inform and whether american not irrelev current name inappropri that separ issu not central origin articl addition whether not player orr contr ibut glori sport organ profession leagu plai thi case honour builder leagu oppos builder sport becom chicken and egg type question chicken even orr couldn contr ibut like norri you agre that norri couldn contribut like orr and take poll fan quickli you fan feel made meaning contribut exactli true name divis and trophi s myth and bunch kind nepot that put stein hall fame thought that thi nonsens dunn o stein comparison justifi sinc doesn unanim accept hall will hold doesn divis n ame hold cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time nhl team captain and mike ramsei time captain buffalo pr ior trade pittsburgh penguin captain and real captain lemieux plai for rotat sea son and even mario even troi lonei worn for pen had heard perhap incorrectli tha t lemieux wore jersei turn captain duti scott scott mark launchpad unc edu scott mark launchpad unc edu opinion express not necessarili univers north carolina c hapel hill campu offic for inform technolog experiment bulletin board servic int ernet launchpad unc edu nhl team captain anna matya andrew cmu edu wrote wasn ro n franci captain whaler trade pittsburgh imho rank time greatest blunder not men tion ic blunder whaler commit eddi johnston and coach rick lei decid that franci incap leader and strip captain decemb organ read and lei and default owner rich ard gordon dupe blind side dump franci season start refus sign contract publicli humili strip and trade that spring penguin classi gui that loss franci and less er extent ulf seri decim player move strip person and fan awar team that put pre cari posit todai gratuit good note presid organ acquir verbeek cassel sanderson poulin nyland etc strip roster lai foundat real live hartford whaler season tick et holder steveg cadkei averag player nhl and interrupt your regularli schedul n ew read bring you anoth messag sponsor depart mundan statist pass final individu player stat post dai filter averag game goal assist point and penalti minut for mythic averag nhl pro plai leagu thi season mondai and didn feel write real cod e wipe odd goali list nhl averag pt pim pass list second time come player had sm allest percentag differ each categori marti mcinni nyi pt pim igor kravchuk edm pt pim two close game goal assist and point pim thi leav averag player nhl bobbi carpent pt pim honor pass list goali includ kravchuk and carpent top rob dimaio fly titl nhl averag pt pim igor kravchuk edm pt pim bobbi carpent pt pim rob di maio pt pim kind underwhelm you and back regularli schedul program nhl team milwauke charli betz cbetz romulu crai write re ad report nhl move milwauke that milwauke nhl team thought pass stori heard rece nt thi second hand don true reason doubt bradlei center milwauke home milwauke a dmir minor leaug hockei team owner admir can rememb name own shell major fund bu ild bradlei center lloyd pettit supposedli approach nhl expans franchis turn tho ught franchis fee million high don whether thi stori true rumor true don for nhl team milwauke anytim admir aren forc build and you won nhl club and minor leagu club build sinc nba milwauke buck plai true that refus bui franchis nhl for tim e reason that establish market for team that felt that pai for expans team and t hat simpli wait bui exist franchis for that market fool and team creat for apiec last year and even exist team can move for and doubt that for that pettit gambl and lost pai canadian team thi point team for canadian nhler not play off bound center geoff sanderson hartford sanderson will team canada posit cente r draft center and plai rooki sanderson score goal thi season left wing result april gerald olchowi golchowi alchemi chem utoron to write podein interest case elig plai cape breton ahl playoff kovalev zubov an d andersson sather and pocklington not total scroog make thi case massiv outclas s paramount and york ranger polici player and minor leagu playoff versu that ran

ger hold back kovalev zubov and andersson for binghamton that whaler want michae l nyland plai for springfield nyland want plai for sweden whaler allow nhl decid and nhl chose wc thi differ ranger and oiler whaler leagu forc nyland plai spri ngfield tie breaker isl and devil rex wang wangr vccsouth rpi ed u spew stupidli peopl stupid tie breaker record can peopl sooooo stuppid put win list for tie breaker tie breaker can record man thought peopl thi net good hock ei not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breaker that you don attend renssela and that you work for that thi toung cheek thi mean that cut alumni contribut increas nhl team captain articl apr samba oit unc edu scott mark launchpad unc edu scott mark write and mike ramsei time captain buffalo prior t rade pittsburgh penguin captain and real captain lemieux plai for rotat season a nd even mario even troi lonei worn for pen that mike foligno captain sabr trade leaf wasn rick vaiv captain leaf trade chicago steve thoma for olcyzk and speak leaf that darryl sittler captain torn jersei claim captainci trade flyer yeah gr etzki captain oiler trade wasn gari nhl summari pars result for game plai mon april toronto detroit period detroit yzerman gallant ciccarelli toronto cullen clark gill seco nd period detroit sheppard probert coffei detroit burr racin detroit chiasson co ffei detroit how yzerman drake toronto gilmour borschevski ellett period detroit racin primeau drake toronto lefebvr cullen pearson detroit power plai special g oal total scorer pt burr chiasson ciccarelli coffei drake gallant how primeau pr obert racin sheppard yzerman toronto power plai scorer pt borschevski clark cull en ellett gill gilmour lefebvr pearson winnipeg vancouv period vancouv adam lind en bure vancouv craven bure murzyn winnipeg steen shannon houslei second period score period winnipeg king barn vancouv linden courtnal mclean vancouv ron court nal vancouv power plai scorer pt adam bure courtnal craven linden mclean murzyn ron winnipeg power plai scorer pt barn houslei king shannon steen travesti joe loui articl apr mtroyal caldwel mtroyal wri te detroit april develop that shock knowledg observ detroit redw score six goal goaltend world rout win team nhl toronto mapl leaf not that not mistaken detroit score goal shot net toronto cream chees run continu that swiss chees watch potv in lean bill tie breaker isl and devil articl lrw rpi edu wangr rpi e du write peopl stupid tie breaker record can peopl sooooo stuppid put win list f or tie breaker tie breaker can record man thought peopl thi net good hockei not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breake r didn smili thi messag pt team team you two team that tie point ident record request for video pittsburgh area appar minut special pe nguin season abc wtae channel immedi preced open game devil sundai turn time wat ch credit tape and will borrow dub will come pick and return dai and bui you bee r respond mail lot yeah good billi bai area media wing leaf coverag articl dreier apr durba n berkelei edu dreier durban berkelei edu roland dreier write san francisco bai area media report tonight that detroit red wing beat toronto mapl leaf can not p art media conspiraci leaf game expect win for leaf shutout for potvin hat trick for andreychuk and goal and assist for gilmour leaf lost penalti whichev bias re f game call leaf red wing win you roland dreier dreier math berkelei edu disappo int you red wing earn victori easili watch game espn realiz that televis game be gin second mapl leaf flat flat meanwhil red wing skate freeli and dictat pace ga me didn detect bad penalti call van hellemond usual good job toronto look expect for playoff game year nervou for leaf sake hope can rid butterfli for game game indic seri gonna quick tom galvin galvint tauru np navi mil schedul articl netnew upenn edu kkeller mail sa upenn ed u keith keller write articl qup linnotb master rose hulman edu swartzjh rosevc r ose hulman edu write game espn will air thi week hopefulli detroit toronto game tongiht abc decent job get king hockei game televis nation tonight hell thi hell espn show stupid basebal game basebal not even week into season and hockei play off wait answer piss end start put cking game will never make monei deal that br

ought hockei back espn aargh not that watch hockei public can keith keller range r quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ cow not vegetarian dish keith keller you don understand schedul work espn had prior contract basebal show mon dai night game and had contract show advanc nhl deal late schedul process you th i year nhl packag finish two week season start espn shown tremend commit nhl squ eez extra telecast last minnesota game and put stanlei cup game backup basebal t elecast favor circumst pull last night bottom line that espn cannot break contra ct will honor previou deal made you risk lawsuit for breach contract basebal rel ax happi don sportschannel tom galvin galvint tauru np navi mil west coast nhl playoff game eastern newspap editor unsym pathet playoff pool don summari west coast game sinc finish late night for morn edit and greatli score summari west coast playoff game post thi group basic goal scorer and assist don bother time penalti shot etc thi make lot pool obsess peo pl happi guess senat golf local paper lost interest nhl playoff result for game plai nhl playoff result for confer semi final patrick adam norri smyth buf lead stl lead win pit lead bo chi van lead nyi mon tor lead lead que lead det lead cal toronto mapl leaf detroit red wing lead seri period det yzerman gallant ciccarelli tor cullen clark gill p eriod det sheppard probert coffei det burr racin det chiasson coffei det how yze rman drake tor gilmour borschevski ellett period det racin primeau drake tor lef ebvr cullen pearson powerplai opportun mapl leaf red wing shot goal mapl leaf re d wing toronto mapl leaf potvin shot save detroit red wing chevelda shot save at t winnipeg jet vancouv canuck lead seri period van adam linden bure van craven b ure murzyn win steen shannon houslei period period win king barn van linden cour tnal mclean van ron courtnal powerplai opportun jet canuck shot goal jet canuck winnipeg jet essensa shot save vancouv canuck mclean shot save att spike seri game king flame lo angel king note and game report king calgari flame place king open stanlei cup playoff calgari second place flam e and impress victori front sellout crowd saddledom calgari symth divis playoff hockei thi team bit tens open period king score open face king into flow game ea rlier flame plai stand team defens flame period record shot goal king rank playo ff team penalti kill shut flame flame power plai and record shot goal opportun k ing had problem power plai manag score goal king forward back check defens stood flame blue line allow king home ic advantag flame rob blake miss game due lower back contus pect lineup wednesdai wayn gretzki suffer charli hors leg shift sec ond period retir dress room for rest game interview radio thi morn state that fi ne and lineup wednesdai period king thing start open face gretzki won draw puck sydor cross center ic and slap puck into flame zone and net puck carri side robi tail wack and rebound bounc sandstrom put puck flame net gretzki pick gretzki se t offic move side and pass into circl sydor had move sydor puck face dot and has h mark shot pass beat vernon low and leg millen and fleuri skrudland king fail c onvert carson and flame fail convert dahlquist and dahl give king second fail co nvert king record goal post period period king open carri period fail convert se cond left vernon put bounc puck into stand and receiv delai game calgari even sc ore ensu king power plai kurri puck neutral zone put puck into flame zone hit st ick fleuri and bounc suter flame blue line suter skate wing and into king zone f ake shot circl and skate kurri cut thorugh creas hrudei and put puck hrudei stic k side for short hander king reclaim lead second power plai shuchuk circl pass s ydor top slot and head for net sydor shot hit shuchuk back and drop into low slo t king shuchuk and granato check flame carson corner pick loos puck and snap wri st shot leg vernon feet creas king widen lead second rychel check puck flame blu e line taylor pick puck and pass cross slot huddi huddi shot pass face dot beat dive vernon glove side king had goal lead mcsorlei shot form point that hit flam e and deflect board marti rebound skate bottom circl and pass into low slot that hit dahlquist leg and deflect past stick vernon skrudland king not convert sydo r and watter give flame second fail convert mcsorlei and flame had consecut powe r plai flame kill suter for high stick sandstrom close period king hit goal post period period king us phrase initi not retali and evid period king continu poun d bodi and flame continu bad penalti game king extend lead goal mark king shot p uck into corner flame zone vernon net cut puck not control donnelli wack puck se

nd into low slot vernon slid back creas granato shot that hit flame and bounc le ft net millen fire rebound vernon sydor nieuwendyk team skate otto skate side st ep mcsorlei cut net and pass dahlquist low slot dahlquist cut top creas and put puck dive hrudei carson and rychel carson pass across rychel fleuri trip rychel call puck shovel into corner fleuri knock rychel and check into board draw minut major and game misconduct mark king squander minut power plai granato and watte r penalti flame close mark macinni point pass yawnei point stride net wound and drove shot post and glove hrudei plai start anoth faceoff that king lost timeout macinni penalti and king convert power plai seal victori sandstrom skate wing f lame zone cut back net cross goal line pass puck into low slot side carson shot pass beat vernon ic stick side mark skrudland for slash and stern crazi shuchuk stern wound doubl minor for rough singl minor for cross check and minut miscondu ct and flame game side king for part plai disciplin hockei calgari retali king p lai good team defens and excel penalti kill minu side king lost almost face thi improv flame will sure that power plai back track note king recal gui levequ bra ndi semchuk and jim thomson phoenix wayn gretzki period assist career playoff po int king enter game leagu shot per game give oppos team averag shot per game fla me goaltend mike vernon enter game record afternoon game flame enter game succes s rate power plai last game team each regular season playoff campbel confer smyt h divis cal lead win van norri divis stl chi stl lead tor det wale confer adam d ivis buf bo buf lead mon que que lead patrick divis pit pit lead nyi lead record smyth norri patrck adam home road total box score calgari lo angel period sydor gretzki sandstrom millen high stick cal fleuri high stick cal skrudland interfe r carson trip cal dahlquist hold stick cal dahl rough period cal verson delai ga me serv ashton cal suter fleuri carson shuchuk sydor huddi taylor rychel mcsorle i unassist cal skrudland elbow sydor trip watter hook mcsorlei hold cal suter hi gh stick sandstrom hook period millen granato donnelli sydor hook cal nieuwendyk trip cal dahlquist otto cal fleuri major board game misconduct granato trip wat ter interfer cal yawnei macinni reichel cal macinni rough carson sandstrom robit ail hardi hold cal skrudland slash cal stern doubl rough cross check min miscond uct overtim shot lo angel calgari power plai convers for for year for year goali lo angel hrudei calgari vernon attend scratch rob blake back contus gui levequ number lonni loach number marc potvin number brandi semchuk number robb stauber number brent thompson number jim thomson number line forward robitail gretzki sa ndstrom donnelli millen kurri rychel conach taylor granato carson shuchuk line d efens huddi sydor watter zhitnik hardi mcsorlei denot start lineup game wednesda i april calgari flame pacif time prime ticket stan willi willi empir dnet hac ne t contact king talk king mail list king stanford edu subscrib unsubscrib king re quest stanford edu murrai wing will win articl apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic write articl vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca w rite predict bryan murrai hockei you figur that bryan murrai wing pretti good te am that contend for stanlei cup look win pretti good team that contend for stanl ei cup win great make move push team upper echelon nhl and win stanlei cup good murrai can murrai great job pick ciccarelli sheppard ysebaert how coffei and rie ndeau depth player give wing need top prospect thi year year wing didn even make playoff year and half demer stint that wing that due demer motav skill and clut ch and grab style didn talent gerald murrai wasn respons for primeau not readi a dmit that horribl pick hire draft never made sens pick lapoint ron and major goa l leav presid set thing worri get bore read problem paper decad decad want peopl deal problem presid bill clinton wing will win articl ragraca vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write that will hard time pittsburgh face final detroit sportswrit predict bryan murrai hockei not impress abil bench coach gen er motiv amount talent thi team blown norri not anoth team norri even campbel co nfer that can hold candl detroit paper term pure talent gui not pull weight time thi year scotti bowman hand won correct wrong stanlei cup outstand coach and ou tcoach murrai face each bryan murrai yzerman fedorov chevelda chaisson russian s trategi product previou murrai made coupl decent trade that that rank wasn prime au murrai decis gerald result april articl apr iscnvx lmsc lockhe spiegel sgi m sd lmsc lockhe mark spiegel write murki new team usa roster name and team plai f or list goali forward toni amont york ranger ted druri harvard univ rob gaudreau san jose shark craig johnson univ minnesota jeff lazaro ottawa senat mike modan o minnesota north star olczyk york ranger derek plant univ minnesota duluth shio n podein edmonton oiler david sacco boston univers darren turcott york ranger do ug weight edmonton oiler edmonton oiler decid european vacat thi spring ranford tugnutt ben manson smith buchberg and corson plai for canada podein and weight p lai for kravchuk plai for russian had nag injuri late season podein interest cas e elig plai cape breton ahl playoff kovalev zubov and andersson sather and pockl ington not total scroog make thi case massiv outclass paramount and york ranger gerald nhl team captain michael collingridg write and subject c aptain trade resign stripe titl season team captain trivia appreci wasn ron fran ci captain whaler trade pittsburgh mom rick tocchet captain flyer for year trade pen john santor break surfac tension wild kinet dream rush grand design philade lphia flyer john santor jsbh andrew cmu edu rush king crimson emerson lake and p almer marillion genesi gabriel shark kingston fire articl apr leland stanford edu terri garfield stanford edu terri wong write that jack ferreira fire eventu led kings ton fire you mention consist vision shark lost that loss ferreira never head tha t work you person make personnel decis top not manag committe convent wisdom lea gu that ferreira made move that field product ic exactli ferreira accomplish thi head ship lot heat explain thing had ferreira ferreira made trade had trade mad e fewer trade not trade sherri nichol snichol adob wing will win articl vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin write articl vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write that will hard time pittsburgh face final detroit sportswrit predict bryan murrai hockei you f igur that bryan murrai wing pretti good team that contend for stanlei cup look w in pretti good team that contend for stanlei cup win great make move push team u pper echelon nhl and win stanlei cup good murrai can maintain team success can p ush level jacqu demer brought wing confer final twice year back had team give pe rcent had talent had yzerman bob probert had drink problem time and coupl decent goaltend hanlon and stefan hot that can you name player earlier team even deser v star game yzerman and probert petr klima give break face edmonton confer final hard plai clear face team that simpli had superior talent wing that not final t hat time norri divis weakest divis hockei and get past chicago and toronto not i mpress todai murrai brought score talent wing that not year ago devellano and de mer coach name ysebaert kozlov and paul coffei made definit posit impact power p lai murrai built talent team hockei present except pittsburgh penguin wing goal scorer that can and coupl defenseman game worth playoff experi murrai fail that unlik you mention good don wrong not found for strong coach motiv team and give percent for full minut night last time made cup run team win lose reflect and co ach point origin post team outmatch oppon term talent lose case thi year wing st ruggl that that job build team coach fail motiv case last run wing made playoff murrai gave oppon hard time beaten easili that good coach make for lack talent t hi fine never that murrai bad that isn hockei even contend for that honor murrai great you claim wing won stanlei cup onc great you claim and poor coach you cla im intellig hire coach push team level success murrai averag unspectacular nhl c oach and pretti good thi true gregmeist ron franci matthew rush write award for back hockei grea t underneath hype lemieux steven jagr ulf etc ron franci quietli put togeth poin t season goal and assist game that acquisit penguin made sinc get lemieux apolog rick tocchet had hell year pen person time franci playoff two year ago back mar io second line center franci rememb randi gilhen plai tough ac face circl skill franci score pass win face off and put into game night want glow you mean glow e verytim ronni ic fact neatest thing pen person that can kei watch subtl thing pl ai interview recent that kid dad stress import plai two hockei that you learn pl ai defens offens and that advic heart breath fresh air arriv pittsburgh team for

ward for part couldn and wouldn plai lick defens difficult assess kei trade that brought thi success pen you mention rick tocchet and help and even kjell steadi thi team you almost line perman and replac extrem mediocr player and wouldn mat ter had pick top acquisit recent year tom barrasso ron franci larri murphi love put franci thing that damag pen lose barrasso mom don cherri coach corner summari april apr don cherri coa ch corner user allan sullivan ualber write clip shown earlier episod don proclai m doug gilmour player not nhl world player lemieux don that gilmour player not d esign point getter not basebal you designat hitter can score run can plai defens gilmour good two player thi clip shown local new pittsburgh last night kdka com plet anim sarcasm sportscast second time cherri shown local pittsburgh new last coupl week time blast lemieux jim murawski softwar engin offic administr comput and fax inform servic jjm andrew cmu edu carnegi mellon univers offic ucc forb a venu pittsburgh mieux magnifiqu soixant six claud dai clinton clinocchio leav of fic don cherri coach corner summari april articl allan swanl ak allan ualberta allan sullivan write clip shown earlier episod don proclaim do ug gilmour player not nhl world player lemieux don that gilmour player not desig n point getter not basebal you designat hitter can score run can plai defens gil mour good two player can you expect buffoon that pen draft kirk muller mario lem ieux perhap onc time don cherri had insight into game hockei degener into parodi sherri nichol snichol adob nord hab rob articl apr mcgill jbe jbe musicb mcgill wri te aargh paul stewart worst and bias ref present nhl call total penalti hab and nordiqu nord penalti stewart nordiqu call penalti hab let nord murder rob patric k roi reason game lost and ron hextal reason quebec won come goaltend that goalt end kei etc etc kei doesn quit fit you montreal dionn penalti kind cheesi call f ace liter left feet throw elbow blame stewart excus avoid face fact that roi all ow worst goal possibl even shot dammit stewart even thing bit call quebec penalt i montreal plai solid game don clear traffic front net loss schneider will hurt even that team that blow goal lead alon two minut regul time playoff game smack upsid collect head don thi team loss kean clear zone prior quebec goal roi paid big monei plai look player industri leagu sakic shot demer start racicot game no t that damn team read paper for dai two and thi articl patrick roi collaps let t ie goal shaki and knee for rest night win goal shouldn didn wrap bad second goal didn scott young defend can rememb place you correct shouldn bruin lost yep moo g look bad mogilni goal second left second imo neeli holi shit player speak grea t player man man can quebec skate haven team potent rush long time watch break z one sundin treat watch remind red armi hate team rest game didn loui win goal co me powerplai penalti will cost chicago dearli detroit for calgari undisciplin ma rti mcsore wave gui bench avoid fight you jersei overmatch terreri heroic notwit hstand mario unbeliev and jagr for reason show playoff hate that team dchhabra s tpl ist piss hab fan atlanta hockei hell articl fovj miumht andrew cmu edu ma matha devineni ratnam andrew cmu edu write not that bad pretti piss local abc co verag cut half hour coverag plai stuff delet solut your problem move canada yest erdai watch game pitt abc cal cbc buff bo tsn and fox and mon que cbc that each seri max watch hockei playoff for odd consecut night haven count that pure guess two hous and set side side watch mon que and ey bo buff time for two afternoon game btw abc commentat great quit impress that audienc wasn like school hockei l ore and excel job quit imparti imo dchhabra stpl ist not suffer shortag hockei div and conf name articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard r amsei laurentian roger maynard write evan pritchard write that you incorrect rog er patrick smyth and adam plai coach leagu front offic type build leagu not grea t player punch imlach contribut coach and greater combin name divis trophi owner player contribut delet honour contribut leagu evolut honour contribut glori spo rt stuff delet monei issu irrelev point that agre and that player that make game great and not peopl put ic recal author origin articl that start thread claim t hat dislik chang name for varieti reason roger front you flame sever ground that jingoist rant you support name chang ground that current name inappropri indivi

du repres fwiw not flame warrant you enhanc credibl you observ that real questio n whether you idea chang name base reason for make easier for casual fan whether you idea uniqu division name base individu deserv honour imo nice and uniqu tou ch that differ sport addit not that chang division name will effect number peopl that interest hockei pointless exercis current name inappropri that separ issu not central origin articl addition whether not player orr contribut glori sport organ profession leagu plai thi case honour builder leagu oppos builder sport be com chicken and egg type question chicken exactli true name divis and trophi smy th and bunch kind nepot that put stein hall fame thought that thi nonsens dunno stein comparison justifi sinc doesn unanim accept hall will hold dchhabra stpl i st hawk leaf lastnight articl apr alchemi chem utoronto gol chowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write replai joe murphi goal shouldn count game end tie thought red light review presumpt find conclus evid that puck not net replai even rear evid wasn conclus that puck opinion impress that objec t find conclus evid that puck cross line and replai show fairli conclus that puc k not cross goal line time screw dchhabra stpl ist thumb espn articl apr wuecl wustl edu jca cec wustl edu joseph charl achkar write nice espn show game wing and leaf sinc cub and astro r ain show anoth basebal game decid stanlei cup playoff classi move espn good wing plai let not give espn credit weren late basebal game didn anoth option eric se bastian pen wing game qvo msu vergolin euler lb msu edu david vergol ini write detroit red wing put lot doubter ic tonight wash toronto mapl leaf you toronto fan power mighti red wing offens toronto defens match for wing offens f or defens probert kennedei and primeau hit hard toronto player thrown left and n ot even wendel clark tough for wing tough gui wing gave goal low total for medio cr defens you leaf fan speak you team will probabl season end wing fan support q uit wing fan lurk tend low kei and thought woofer suppos famili roger clinton re memb paraphras favorit star trek line adopt wai leaf fan bad leaf fan ron and ma jor goal leav presid set thing worri get bore read problem paper decad decad wan t peopl deal problem presid bill clinton wing will win golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olch owi write bryan murrai yzerman fedorov chevelda chaisson russian strategi produc t previou murrai made coupl decent trade that that rank wasn primeau murrai deci s gerald team nhl like russian player russian strategi not specif detroit devell ano murrai previou trade player team notabl memori murrai craven had good year p hilli leav not volum trade that will necessarili improv team qualiti trade adam oat for berni federko plain stupid even federko us great player time murrai trad e work significantli wing advantag that didn sour injuri player involv such troi crowder suffer back problem never recov put scotti bowman pat burn coach leagu bench thi detroit team and beat randi abc coverag articl cfoi jndv andrew cmu edu anna matya a ndrew cmu edu write thorn good and fan clement miss mike emrick boyfriend not ho ckei fan even look point and gui pretti good announc thi gui that rick tocchet c harl bronson your boyfriend comment fact that clement walk for brillo pad hair r eplac therapi gui stuf shirt think greatest hockei analyst sinc howi meeker for gosh sake schoeni dai georg georg ferguson arpa ferguson rochest edu dept comput scienc rutger rochest ferguson univers rochest vox rochest fax thumb espn articl apr wuecl wustl edu jca cec wustl edu joseph charl achkar write nice espn show game wing and leaf sinc cub and astro r ain show anoth basebal game decid stanlei cup playoff classi move espn not show surpris couldn find sprint car race mini car pigpen short notic georg georg ferg uson arpa ferguson rochest edu dept comput scienc rutger rochest ferguson univer s rochest vox rochest fax abc coverag articl blue ci pitt edu ccohen pitt edu cale b cohen write boi rip espn hockei coverag pittsburgh thrill lang steigi for you unawar espn bought air time abc and product advertis sale comment etc and even r eap made interest save badnwidth thi heat time year earli flurri retard comment come state name start and end don you don georg georg ferguson arpa ferguson roc

hest edu dept comput scienc rutger rochest ferguson univers rochest vox rochest fax thumb espn articl apr wuecl wustl edu jca cec wustl edu joseph charl achkar write nice espn show game wing and leaf sinc cub and astro r ain show anoth basebal game decid stanlei cup playoff classi move espn reason es pn show that hockei basebal game schedul for even randi turgeo plymouth edu joe ashkar contact for blue saint loui jca cec wustl edu blue abc coverag ccohen pitt edu caleb cohen write boi rip es pn hockei coverag pittsburgh thrill lang steigi for you unawar espn bought air t ime abc and product advertis sale comment etc and even reap made caleb not quali ti espn that problem superb not evolv point espn left hockei thi except us feed cbc amount hockei show lack that complain had right two that shown sundai night basebal and had pickup truck race overs pigpen super home movi car race check de sper for canuck jet last night sportscent gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei nhl team captain coll ann arbor applicon slb michael col lingridg write and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team captain trivia appreci luc robitail captain king season great back disc injuri kind awkw ard melros appoint anoint tgo captain immedi return not score goal for game luc remain captain season dvb abc coverag articl cfoi jndv andrew cmu edu andrew cmu e du anna matya write skeptic game pleasantli surpris coverag impress close rang c amera coverag work corner and plai lose beat get back puck thorn good and fan cl ement miss mike emrick boyfriend not hockei fan even look point and gui pretti g ood announc thi gui that rick tocchet charl bronson mom complaint for cameramen jersei pitt seri show shot not hit occass camera zoom check board puck slot pan back show rebound mom camera peopl experienc joseph stiehm ron franci not mention franci incred nice person christm a break friend mine had xma gather two drove ron hous stai car shyness friend do or and rang bell ron answer and friend introduc proceed invit franci parti ron d eclin had watch daughter reach and shook friend hand thi isn don barri bond thi polit thi situat georg shark review part left wing appar part defensemen number lost post make thing wors lost copi ask shark mail list can mail copi back resp ond will repost will write dai two and post that larri depalma season acquir fre e agent minnesota grade netter fan watch shark includ depalma end season shark a ppear right wasn san jose wasn kansa citi and name hasn appear waiver wire and t hat kind invis preval for part for depalma call octob tampa bai lightn depalma h ad excel week score point game plai good defens year depalma disappear rest get point game and gener look letharg and uninterest end ic kansa citi walk and susp end and reinstat reveal that injur promptli disappear watch ey shark byte mail l ist shark offici faith and shark miss johan garpenlov season acquir trade detroi t for bob mcgill and round pick entri draft vancouv grade earli slump garpenlov noth short inspir rest finish point game second highest total team click team mv p kelli kisio and wing rob gaudreau kisio credit garpenlov finish second mvp vot e demonstr playmak and score skill make excel center pass finish pass put puck p ast oppos goaltend get club high power plai goal contrari previou rep garpenlov show that despit small size lb will throw albeit not success work defens improv tremend season and quit good penalti killer end season will major kei offens yea r david bruce season acquir loui expans draft grade banner led team power plai g oal and total score point game bruce bother virtual thi season groin injuri line up for game thi season difficult specul thi season had not affect injuri year br uce effect man man short shark season and expect strong offens leader thi season injuri appear shame brighter futur for futur shark season appear cloud mark ped erson season acquir trade philadelphia for dave snuggerud grade difficult for un derstand flyer decis unload pederson good offens season last season point game r ide pine earli season pederson summarili shark exchang defens mind snuggerud and finish game combin flyer and shark limit injuri thi season and thi limit produc t point healthi pederson appear impress good score touch good size and willing t hrow not consid physic forward and good speed not liabil defens shark wait seaso

n exactli pederson can john carter season acquir free agent boston grade carter hardest worker team and hard work work wonder time look great ic great time fact that receiv point game for effort sign that hard work can and shark confirm tha t send kansa citi game left season carter will turn hussl result sometim trap de ep offens zone forecheck gener credit defens end limit util that capac and not i mpress offens shark draw penalti back season jean francoi quintin season acquir minnesota dispers draft grade don understand shark didn quintin plai game plai t hi season gener hard work and creat opportun offens and appear ag readi for regu lar nhl duti for team shark finish point game not defens liabil shoulder injuri train camp season limit quintin team lead scorer exhibit game despit sit final t wo game shark and blade that season look impress solid contend for regular duti season mark beaufait season acquir round pick supplement draft grade star season kansa citi beaufait cup coffei shark late season blade knock playoff spot and s hark decim injuri plai game and score goal for nhl point despit small size lb be aufait not shy throw and look pretti good time earli judg base nhl game plai lef t wing center posit northern michigan and kansa citi jaroslav otevrel season acq uir round pick entri draft grade beaufait otevrel plai normal posit for cup tea game midwai season gener defens liabil and not show offens that indic lack ic ti me game anoth season work defens onc defens accept readi michel picard season ac quir trade hartford for yvon corriveau grade year picard perenni tore minor clos e chanc for reason acquir shark fail impress manag game score goal for point and spent rest kansa citi not strong defens and despit offens brillianc minor fail score nhl limit opportun shark bait expans draft dodi wood season acquir round p ick entri draft grade perhap shouldn give grade accus knock wood surpris you tha t unimpress wood game small exampl gener nonfactor offens not good defens and si lli penalti lose fight process and gather penalti minut game project game season not readi and anoth season can work fight skill noth rel small size lb not give possibl that can surviv thi stage enforc calgari flame macinni for norri gari r obert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff year stai edmonton nelson cl audiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark shark review part defensemen final back great mark spieg el for save and send rob zettler season acquir minnesota dispers draft grade zet tler gave shark bit thi year thi wasn make margin nhler that work hard for avera g defens and prone costli penalti and defens laps time basic offens goal and ass ist game hardpress make team year david william season acquir free agent jersei grade imo william valuabl defenseman for shark plai combin good offens goal and assist game and good defens plai part thi season kansa citi good offens defens t hi year appear that fluke improv end season prone posit defens and not demonstr playmak skill that made team lead scorer defensemen last year hardpress make tea m year jayson season acquir montreal expans draft grade tout team top defens pro spect train camp had disappoint not good defens and had point game proceed impro v game massiv thi season team reliabl defenseman team can count night and night plai steadi defens and provid occasion occasion offens flash offens even disappo int last year point game defens improv tremend defens part defens combin offens defenseman neil wilkinson season acquir minnesota dispers draft grade wilkinson team top defens defenseman partial injuri not thi year miss game total due nag k nee and back injuri and slow even plai had save defens partner that had solid ga me and can complet healthi can forc sandi ozolinsh season acquir round pick entr i draft grade time injuri decemb philadelphia flyer ozolinsh track imo team mvp knee injuri that game forc miss rest season game finish team top scorer defensem en point tell lack offens shark had defensemen tell ozolinsh abil time plai good defens excel offens suscept call rooki mistak defenseman made team rooki vetera n can come back injuri readi star doug zmolek season acquir minnesota dispers dr aft grade zmolek had basic solid and durabl year two shark plai game season soli d defens bill offens defenseman didn show point prone penalti and penalti minut second team that indic that fearli face tough physic oppon and plai physic becom fixtur thi leagu improv offens and defens and cut number power plai oppon calga ri flame macinni for norri gari robert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for pla yoff year stai edmonton nelson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei cont act for san jose shark ron franci articl apr virginia edu mjr virginia edu matt hew rush write forgot thi highest point total franci had season had point season pen whaler franci last full season hartford agreement your previou post franci tremend and gener underr complet player love capit uniform center even pivonka g ood complet player gener underr franci impress wai ethic dale hunter ton heart a nd can attitud lot skill cheap shot and penalti minut not mention come import expand europ dusseldorf apr informatik muenchen voeck in formatik muenchen write articl apr abo mlindroo finabo abo marcu lindroo inf wri te pkortela apr hut pkortela snakemail hut write deg german born forward team fa ct major player german born deg had averag spectat arena interest german friend robert told forward canadian german perhap can sort thi for dusseldorf canadian german forward player born canada german passport benoit doucet german marri ger man and plai for germani canada born forward peter john lee british passport chr i valentin dale dercatch steve goota earl spry moment german born forward come i nto mind bernd trunschka andrea brockmann ernst koepf you dusseldorf fan team jo in nhl includ koln cologn you anglophil make happi volker marcu goali mask articl apr dal brifr dal write mask onc that had draw band aid for puck that goali stop face head can rememb even nhl quit ah l game gerri cheever us mask that had stitch paint ken dryden mask classic arche typ time island sux nhl team captain articl wbm andrew cmu edu andrew cmu ed u anna matya write michael collingridg write and subject captain trade resign st ripe titl season team captain trivia appreci wasn ron franci captain whaler trad e pittsburgh mom chri chelio montreal captain gui carbonneau trade chicago for d eni savard and peter stastni captain quebec nordiqu trade jersei mark messier ca ptain edmonton oiler trade york dale hawerchuk winnipeg trade buffalo captain no t forget wayn you trade captain didn strip wendel clark capta inci toronto updat and thought cheer daniel pich lmc det design ericsson commun inc decari blvd fl oor town mont royal quebec ext mail lmcdapi lmc ericsson memoid lmc lmcdapi chee r schedul for game sundai apr hockei fan bonjour tout mond salt lake citi thi past sundai local abc station decid not televis hockei game directr programm est tete merd satellit dish and friend hockei invit watch game thi come sundai apr and can not find correct game time for calgari game time sho w mdt mdt not even game plai thi come sundai that abc muck schedul pull game and mdt dish not schedul plea emial you can telent rec sport hockei and sometim dif ficult link advanc merci avanc anglai francai accord roland behunin behunin oodi mil behunin oodi hill mil roland wing game articl apr ramsei laurentian maynard ramsei la urentian roger maynard write qvo msuinfo msu edu vergolin euler lb msu edu david vergolini write detroit red wing put lot doubter ic tonight wash toronto mapl l eaf you toronto fan power mighti red wing offens toronto defens match for wing o ffens for defens probert kennedei and primeau move probert back defens park ass front potvin night disciplin probert leaf want win seri perhap fresh clark hit i c end long probert shift and straigten for regular season intens not team forwar d will continu and park front oppos team net and inadequaci leaf defens thi rega rd didn matter playoff stori good team player becom pot plant front potvin and l eaf rel unphys defens core will final expos weak inept hard work will long regul ar season almost point and leaf deserv credit for that playoff talent matter beg in work hard gerald don cherri coach corner summari april articl yfoz wboq h yq andrew cmu edu jame murawski jjm andrew cmu edu write apr don cherri coach co rner user allan sullivan ualber write clip shown earlier episod don proclaim dou g gilmour player not nhl world player lemieux don that gilmour player not design point getter not basebal you designat hitter can score run can plai defens gilm our good two player thi clip shown local new pittsburgh last night kdka complet anim sarcasm sportscast second time cherri shown local pittsburgh new last coupl week time blast lemieux design point getter remark not meant for lemieux for gr etzki bure etc etc and made remark last decemb lemieux diagnos hodgkin and leaf

start second half roll and gilmour great season recogn peopl gerald abc coverag articl cfoi jndv andrew cmu edu anna matya a ndrew cmu edu write thorn good and fan clement miss mike emrick boyfriend not ho ckei fan even look point and gui pretti good announc thi gui that rick tocchet c harl bronson imho clement pleasant person aggravatingli pleasant opinion terribl analyst almost alwai wrong prototyp exampl jersei goal last sundai grew dick ir vin color besid danni gallivan knew irvin dick irvin friend mine bill clement yo u aren dick irvin long team involv not includ nation team york ranger john david son bill clement dai gerald pen playoff radio coverag radio station articl sfjv cmu edu lli cmu edu lori iannamico wrote thi morn post gazett pen will carri kdka ra dio pirat plai pirat plai game will carri wdve wdve will carri game start tonigh t game fact thi season kdka will longer flagship station for pen penguin and kbl struck deal and radio right game like that wdve will flagship radio station sea son kbl will carri game game simulcast kdka remain game earli round playoff game will subscript receiv game you pai time hook fee and monthli fee dollar deal wi ll longer radio simulcast will broadcast team and radio broadcast team word anno unc will mike lang and paul steigerwald contract kdka contract expir end thi sea son kbl presid bill craig hire lang and steigerwald lori contact for penguin lli cmu edu nooooooooooooooooo mindschem thi ted simmon ain broke don fix mile home school year and will never pick dve can sort make mike and steigi static kdka t hi reason for transfer duquesn and live home announc dve paulson and krenn kid g eorg you pat burn leaf leaf support and leaf noth short mirac l stroke geneniu hit pat burn you pat burn you live bai area not leaf coverag pu ll bag comment leaf detroit line match up basic idea andreychuck and borchevski busi plai wing small kei leaf success will clark centr can presenc stick length slot hell anderson anderson can dai past peopl skin put bluntli anderson asshol us good perhap perhap leaf can shut detroit second line dissappoint shepard and yserbeart fly last night gui swing player for wing last year major choke playoff and blame for quick exit wing thi happen clark anderson gilmour hustl thi line anderson nasti yserbeart clark bang hell sheppard score gilmour score suggest cl ark anderson gilmour sheppard yserbeart andreychuck borchevsi detroit check line toronto check line yzerman fedorov probert prai lot suggest bench andreychuck a nd borchevski stir thing and monkei wrench into detroit game plan detroit coach dumb plai check line finess player plai potvin can not fault goal van hellamond can not fault for leaf demis wing defens shut leaf slot hope pat burn realiz tha t team hit skate and coach mondai night thi not loss poor goaltend offici thi ca ll for drastic measur tee mondai jake leaf radio station articl ragraca vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write pittsburgh penguin game us broadcast kdka don whether will pre empt basebal and move anoth station not you can local base bal team aren plai time randi pen broadcast wdve carol bowman whine guess time for annual pittsburgh penguin wh ine thon bowman complan cheap shot devil game bowman you great coach cheap shot noth compar come guess you notic cheap shot made gui not white amaz black and go ld color glass will nice dive that high stick mario knew high stick you stai you r feet and save your dive talent for stir bit ralph cbc game choic cbc previou articl uwovax uwo articl boor a sfu boora kit sfu godfath write cbc had great chanc for doubl header toronto d etroit and vancouv winnipeg todai that east get leaf and west vancouv game thoug ht that show total vancouv winnipeg great west coast hockei fast pace and load t alent entertain except odd shift miss calgari pitt jersei pinhead cbc figur onta rio care for leaf mapl leaf and noth leaf half southern ontario peopl move west good folk toronto couldn care show doublehead heck second game two canadian team and desper for new watch nation newsworld don canada end windsor don cha grrrrr amen updat min cnn headlin new for cry loud that cheaper phone call system ring adam linden score two ring bure rush ic score etc etc freenet carleton rachel h olm matt militzok read for wast space matt dai you post that

you mail list playoff stat lost your address put that list georg wing will win articl ragraca vela ac oakland edu ragraca vela ac oakland edu randi graca write golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olc howi write bryan murrai yzerman fedorov chevelda chaisson russian strategi produ ct previou murrai made coupl decent trade that that rank team nhl like russian p layer russian strategi not specif detroit devellano murrai previou trade player team notabl memori murrai craven had good year philli leav not volum trade that will necessarili improv team qualiti trade adam oat for berni federko plain stup id even federko us great player time murrai trade work significantli wing advant ag that didn sour injuri player involv such troi crowder suffer back problem nev er recov devallano earlier and extens russian strategi and wast high draft choic young russian devallano succomb demer plead make oat federko trade deal that se al fate murrai made decent trade doubt due stupid cheap team brillianc part wash ington cheap pai ciccarelli essenti gave and carson big anchor team and sucker r ooki give paul coffei for deadweight detroit fail thi year defenseman short will wast opportun manson and unabl pull trigger judgement that yzerman doesn that y ear prime gerald murrai wing will win articl apr venu lerc nasa gov smorr i venu lerc nasa gov ron morri write gerald murrai wasn respons for primeau not readi admit that horribl pick hire draft never made sens pick lapoint don primea u necessarili bad pick locat begin murrai decis slow trade carson delai primeau develop and you wait longer for big player and primeau can good player point gam e player team that yzerman and fedorov primeau becom joel otto and get goal seas on and plai mean will extrem good pick gerald panther presid articl cybernet cse fau edu jimg cybernet cse fau edu jim gorycki write bio sun sentinel torrei architect consecut stanle i cup champion persid and gener manag york island year nhl bill torrei bow ti be com signatur andr agassi hair panther will introduc uniform insignia and ticket price inform earli month meantim huizenga leav dai dai oper hand torrei and bob clark and san jose shark and ottawa senat each second will wager that shark and senat will and perhap panther second gerald result april articl access digex net steveg cadkei steve gallichio write gerald olchowi golchowi alchemi chem utoronto write podein inte rest case elig plai cape breton ahl playoff kovalev zubov and andersson sather a nd pocklington not total scroog make thi case massiv outclass paramount and york ranger polici player and minor leagu playoff versu that ranger hold back kovale v zubov and andersson for binghamton that whaler want michael nyland plai for sp ringfield nyland want plai for sweden whaler allow nhl decid and nhl chose wc th i differ ranger and oiler whaler leagu forc nyland plai springfield ultim team c hoic nhl prefer not annoi european hockei feder nhl cannot forc nhl team free pl ayer whaler thi not annoi farm team affili gerald nord hab rob deepak chhabra dchhabra stpl ist wrote spea k great player man man can quebec skate haven team potent rush long time watch b reak zone sundin treat watch remind red armi dchhabra stpl ist piss hab fan yeah nord good excus bia you watch pen rush don answer thi footag end season pen pla i nord watch younger doubl pen nord look good point lost ravi shah shah pitt edu sica idea portara approx translat music will bring idea siempr continuara and w ill continu forev sonido electro nico electron sound decibel sint tico musiqu st op synthet decibel kraftwerk thumb espn articl sclk cbnewsh att seth cbnewsh att pete r clark write you leav room each time that night basebal game break back studio mention gonna show you hockei wife and hope for rain basebal game feed for tommo rrow night point glad show hockei basebal anywher you can bet you watch basebal last night pete clark that wasn game schedul espn sometim show classic game prev iou season fill time slot joe ashkar contact for blue saint loui jca cec wustl e du blue thumb espn bitch hockei coverag espn almost detroit toro nto game not televis last nite thank hockei night that wasn suppos carri espn ma tter televis game craig remark presid clinton ncaa divis champion hockei team pr

ess releas white hous remark presid clinton ncaa divis champion hockei team apri l nation desk contact white hous offic press secretari washington april transcri pt remark presid clinton univers main black bear ncaa divis hockei champion rose garden edt presid good morn ladi and gentlemen honor for univers main black bea r winner ncaa divis hockei nation championship rose garden and white hous unders tand senat mitchel that thi team univers main win nation championship and glad i nspir not team pull togeth win championship entir state pull togeth cheer victor i come state that rel small size fill pride and tradit and commun can understand peopl main feel black bear state peopl talk time won orang bowl number rank foo tbal team and that back that year peopl main will proud thi team todai you state footbal slightli popular sport hockei don lot ic laughter spend month get bang thi town can understand hockei hockei tough game hard hit sport virtu penalti fo r delai game had that rule senat laughter govern hockei leadership import unit s tate senat team great captain major leader and senior senat main georg mitchel j unior senat cohen young can imagin laughter bitter senat cohen younger your hock ei team captain jim montgomeri great job score win goal late championship game l ead you come victori bit sport bring individu and team and commun share pride th at senat mitchel and senat cohen and congressman andrew and peopl main feel for black bear shown plai team bring anoth and come import young peopl america achie v outstand thing work togeth come white hous recogn and appreci countri rememb t hat kind valu and kind virtu ingrain for live anoth role model and glad todai ap plaus presid present team jersei applaus presid that great love beauti applaus p resid present autograph stick presid you that great applaus presid you author mo ve waco thi morn sir presid awar attornei gener made decis and refer question an d fbi you instruct for execut presid made tactic decis that judgment fbi thi rai d presid and will want refer you talk attornei gener and fbi knew decis tactic d ecis you and senat mitchel talk thi morn chanc for that stimulu packag presid se nat mitchel pai quarter laughter laughter senat mitchel you pai that quarter pre sid readi laughter senat mitchel worth quarter dai chanc for your bill sir presi d talk happen thi week senat and meet for rest week had minut talk and agre back togeth noon and talk senat dole weekend that your compromis compromis presid se nat dole and lot republican senat vote for kind thing for ronald reagan and rese arch that major time vote for total emerg spend measur total billion reagan and bush presid administr and purpos not worthi put american peopl back work don wan t back and revisit you can you can research thi posit take not credibl tough yea r deficit reduct plan cost cover that time and and peopl that thi paid for don h istori base posit year vote for stimulu measur thi kind that had put american pe opl back work chanc work and hope happen todai and tomorrow feel pretti good pre ss you end edt canada remot system toronto ontario wirtz weeni articl wfozwmi kye andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu robert angelo pleshar write new penguin announc yesterdai that will fewer b roadcast game and will game sort subscript pai per view system yuck thi incorrec t thi year pen had game free and game ppv year will game free and subscript basi you free game last year and will radio game good deal last year bitch baldwin b reak team nucleu thi team togeth and that take monei come creativ gener revenu c an afford thi team and peopl bitch for noth dean dean falcion badg badg jrmst pe rmiss don stinkin owner joe mcdonald badg abc coverag joseph stiehm joe pitt edu wrote complaint f or cameramen jersei pitt seri show shot not hit occass camera zoom check board p uck slot pan back show rebound mom camera peopl experienc joseph stiehm exactli that biggest complaint coverag follow that damn puck ravi shah shah pitt edu sic a idea portara approx translat music will bring idea siempr continuara and will continu forev sonido electro nico electron sound decibel sint tico musiqu stop s ynthet decibel kraftwerk you pat burn articl chb jethro corp sun jake rambler eng sun write leaf leaf support and leaf noth short miracl stroke geneniu hit pat b urn you pat burn you prai for wing becom lazi and overconfid wing can lose seri toronto cannot win doug gilmour and leaf tampa bai leaf deserv lot credit for di lig effort regular season detroit put reason effort thi not contest gerald you pat burn articl chb jethro corp sun jake rambler eng

sun jason cockroft write suggest clark anderson gilmour sheppard yserbeart andr eychuck borchevsi detroit check line toronto check line yzerman fedorov probert prai lot wing fan and thing that you oppon line combin correct you match yzerman fedorov probert line for powerplai player plai line mean that toronto check lin e pull tripl shift wing line thi gallant yzerman ciccarelli kozlov fedorov drake kennedi burr probert ysebaert primeau sheppard start prai lauri marshal wayn st ate univers detroit michigan wing bai area media wing leaf coverag maynard ramsei laurenti an roger maynard write dreier apr durban berkelei edu dreier durban berkelei edu roland dreier write san francisco bai area media report tonight that detroit re d wing beat toronto mapl leaf can not part media conspiraci leaf game expect win for leaf shutout for potvin hat trick for andreychuk and goal and assist for gi lmour leaf lost penalti whichev bias ref game call leaf red wing win california san francisco bai area media report that joe montana rumour lead candid replac f ire san jose shark coach georg kingston appar montana not covet for win attitud plai coach will expect quarterback powerplai good comeback rog your quick wit an d intellig continu amaz john franjion depart chemic engin univers colorado bould er franjion spot colorado edu you pat burn apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write prai for wing becom lazi and overconfid wing can lose seri toronto cannot win doug gilmour and leaf tampa bai gerald and bob probert and wing dead octopus leaf deserv lot credit for dilig effort regular se ason detroit put reason effort thi not contest wait for bodi cold start eulogi l ost game game detroit and potvin not even that thought that leaf sweep wing six leaf will wing home advantag game cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and ti me goali mask articl apr newshub ist dchhabra stpl ist deep ak chhabra write and give fuhr honour mention haven close look good distanc thi buffalo second sinc sabr recal price tag for paint job that mask and total price almost ouch valeri hammerl birtdai event friend hammerl acsu buffalo edu togeth set your dessert fire acscvjh ubm buffalo edu laugh and sing you frantic pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu blow octopu detroit articl apr new clarkson edu farenebt logi c camp clarkson edu droopi write fact tradit pass affili adirondack last final l eg creatur hurl frozen pond and land feet ref lanc robert pass toronto even octo pu aud last year bruin sabr game knew detroit version aud bit puzzl valeri hamme rl birtdai event friend hammerl acsu buffalo edu togeth set your dessert fire ac scvjh ubm buffalo edu laugh and sing you frantic pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu blow pen playoff radio coverag radio station articl bgsu edu andi bgsu edu georg pavlic write nooooooooooooooooo mindschem thi ted simmon ain broke don fix mile home school year and will never pick dve can sort make mike and steigi static kdka thi reason for transfer duquesn and live home announc dve paulson and krenn kid georg don kid listen kevin stamber purdu univers wait hea r free bird penguin theme list tee time metropolitan toronto golf cours for mondai kevin stamber purdu univers and phil kirzyc kielbasa kid will roam arena for in terview abc announc espn lack coverag atlanta articl apr newshub ist dchhabra stpl ist deepak chhabra write solut your problem move canada yeste rdai watch game pitt abc cal cbc buff bo tsn and fox and mon que cbc that each s eri max watch hockei playoff for odd consecut night haven count that pure guess worst thing that thi exactli last year had ranger msg and two game scny and sca time cover for amount coverag btw abc commentat great quit impress that audienc wasn like school hockei lore and excel job quit imparti imo thorn earn monei par t that earn sportschannel devil announc unbias orgasm for goal despit team score and even excit for great save good job explain thing hockei type offend follow sport unlik nbc clown for asg jpc playoff time flame bait don you pittsburgh fan mike lang spontan read rehears line noth hockei john curcio bruin philip labora tori jpc philab philip scarborough road briarcliff manor list tee time metropolitan toronto golf cours for mondai

articl spec euc noos ecn purdu edu stamber rainbow ecn purdu edu kevin stamber write kevin stamber purdu univers and phil kirzyc kielbasa kid will roam arena f or interview woop thi rec sport hockei not rec sport golf hope you check newsgro up header time post steve steve lee univers western ontario london canada lee ob elix gaul csd uwo hockei hispan market articl edu icop csa edu antonio per a write articl saross starbas spd louisvil edu saross starbas spd louisvil edu s tacei ross write odin corp sgi rickc wriglei corp sgi richard casar write you ha rd time sell sport commun that can plai account avail financi reason hockei pret ti sport for white and thi crap interest intellig discuss you can answer questio n can answer que not crap you half crap understand expens plai hockei south bord er not that cheap hear onc you equip not year haven plai year bit state ic time consider expens can cost thousand year compar thi basebal and you that hockei sp ort for and thi bring fact that major white btw origin question hispan communtii and plai hockei cheer ingo sune uwaterloo violent bodi iwweigel descart uwaterl oo contact sport you ingo electr watstar uwaterloo watch lower your class iwweig el electr watstar uwaterloo paul fussel univers waterloo had opinion thi wouldn nhl team captain articl apr exu ericsson lmcdapi noah er icsson write articl wbm andrew cmu edu andrew cmu edu anna matya write michael c ollingridg write and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team captai n trivia appreci wasn ron franci captain whaler trade pittsburgh mom chri chelio montreal captain gui carbonneau trade chicago for deni savard and peter stastni captain quebec nordiqu trade jersei mark messier captain edmonton oiler trade y ork dale hawerchuk winnipeg trade buffalo captain not forget wayn you trade capt ain didn strip wendel clark captainci toronto buffalo start tradit trade captain pat lafontain award captainci mike ramsei forc give ramsei penguin ramsei inher it mike foligno leaf turn had inherit lindi ruff forget ruff had perreault retir guess that streak start danni gare captain and detroit jim scoenfeld gerri meeh an and floyd smith revers order last bit young time not fate schoenfeld ultim de troit and boston meehan vancouv atlanta and washington smith hung skate buffalo don captainci remov that game plai for buffalo thi get fascin captainci buffalo sign you trade almost you franchis player valeri hammerl birtdai event friend ha mmerl acsu buffalo edu togeth set your dessert fire acscvjh ubm buffalo edu laug h and sing you frantic pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu blow bai area media wing leaf coverag articl apr ramsei laure ntian maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write dreier apr durban berkelei e du dreier durban berkelei edu roland dreier write san francisco bai area media r eport tonight that detroit red wing beat toronto mapl leaf can not part media co nspiraci leaf game expect win for leaf shutout for potvin hat trick for andreych uk and goal and assist for gilmour leaf lost penalti whichev bias ref game call leaf red wing win california san francisco bai area media report that joe montan a rumour lead candid replac fire san jose shark coach georg kingston appar monta na not covet for win attitud plai coach will expect quarterback powerplai close roger banana avocado artichok geraci murki new kingston will er quarterback dete rmin kid not happen pound enuff pint thi week back and check stooper idiot purdi column that worth leaf mean laugh depress read comicl mark mark spiegel spiegel lmsc lockhe cow palac epicent nhl team captain and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team captain trivia appreci mike foligno captain buffalo sabr trade toronto stephen legg slegg kean uc mun nhl playoff leader april playoff leader april player tea m pt pim lemieux pit juneau bo noonan chi mogilni buf neeli bo brown stl jagr pi t oat bo carson hunter steven cullen tor hull stl khristich linden van racin det shanahan stl sydor yzerman det bure van coffei det drake det emerson stl courtn al van johansson lapoint que niedermay ramsei pit sandstrom smehlik buf steven p it adam van barr bellow mon burr det chiasson det craven van dahlquist cal dionn mon felsner stl ferraro nyi franci pit gilmour tor hannan buf heinz bo how det huddi king win lafontain buf lefebvr tor mcsorlei millen ron van rucinski que sa kic que sheppard det steen win suter cal sweenei buf tipett pit yawnei cal young que barn win borschevski tor brunet mon chelio chi ciccarelli det clark tor des

jardin mon dipietro mon donnelli driver duchesn que ellett tor elynuik flatlei n yi fleuri cal gallant det gill tor granato gretzki guerin hawerchuk buf holik ho uslei win jannei stl brown chi khmylev buf krygier larmer chi macinni cal mattea u chi mceachern pit mclean van mcrae stl mullen pit muller mon murphi pit murzyn van otto cal pearson tor pivonka primeau det probert det reichel cal ricci que robitail roenick chi samuelsson pit semak shannon win shuchuk sundin que sutter chi taylor tocchet pit vask nyi mauric richard leaf versu wing long can leaf plai short hand and expect score fine pene kill men for coupl minut point couldn spent virtual entir game short hand come penelti group penal sheesh gilmour you can call push shove game that and you you for team pearson favorit leaf plai bonehead person screw good s core opportun and that bonehead minut major high stick penalti cullen stronger s inc return injuri hand full game ago and plai good game player line can smarten that line clark tough intimid and for net send clark left wing blue line coupl t ime patent wrist shot will put number board and pearson heck bench hate repeat g rape heck foligno zezel can check and macllwain move speed potvin net coupl week ago potvin mess coupl game ahl playoff last year can easili predict last week t oronto that game det win will blow out and game tor win will close stand that do n fret leaf fan order win team win burn make magic mix line match wing line per line team check hard and never number end leaf will win wednesdai night and will home game stephen leaf legg slegg kean uc mun octopu detroit game mon night octopu thrown ic mean symb ol us throw fish ic spokan afew year ago never knew thi nhlpa poll partial stat result articl ofnmao kyd andrew cmu edu young soo che andrew cmu edu write peopl send poll closer njd deep team two capabl goali and excel forward and defensemen shooter richer todd chef stasn i master thousand dish power plai kevin todd oiler and for month close you follo w devil jeez alan tie breaker isl and devil articl lrw rpi edu wangr vccso uth rpi edu rex wang write peopl stupid tie breaker record can peopl sooooo stup pid put win list for tie breaker tie breaker can record man thought peopl thi ne t good hockei not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can peopl put win tie breaker enlighten you rex you thing call tie tie worth point you not good math bear win worth two point get two ti get win your team plai two game w on and lost you two point team plai two game and ti two point ti stand even reco rd perhap you learn hockei post start sound roger alan wing will win gballent hudson uvic greg ballentin write thi fine never that murrai bad that isn hockei even contend for that honor murra i great you claim wing won stanlei cup onc great you claim you miss point take g reat win stanlei cup even onc gui list you gave earlier never won agre that you and argu back and for dai avail hockei that matter opinion and opinion mine poin t origin origin post not state that murrai abil not coach abil lead below and po or coach you claim intellig hire coach push team level success thi point person emot element involv transcend murrai logic thought outsid fine for hire coach fa ct talk past press detroit built thi busi murrai never get past second round pla yoff coach that prove world that capabl coach team past second round paper that monkei back becom matter not intellig pride foolish pride stand sound logic perh ap that time time eventu step bench and concentr duti and team will improv resul t coach duti time spent work that sens onc step coach good murrai averag unspect acular nhl coach and pretti good thi true not agre you fun discuss you gregmeist randi schedul articl apr new columbia edu gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare write can that espn make sportschannel america good philadelphia a nd chicago reason sportschannel for local basebal broadcast and local basebal pr e empt nhl playoff into thi playoff season espn abc hockei dai game sportschanne l game peopl want hockei watch hockei bet rate for hockei sundai abc into toilet week will fewer abc affili hockei thi thread that wouldn watch game even and th i regular contributor xenophob north border needn fear american game american wi ll never figur market hockei support your team support your game mike eisler mre eng sun not leaf team fan even intellig and insight pittsburgh player mighti br

ight mean wallet back jan brittenson leaf pen woofer rec sport hockei nord hab rob articl apr newshub ist dchhabra stpl ist de epak chhabra write articl apr mcgill jbe jbe musicb mcgill write aargh paul stew art worst and bias ref present nhl call total penalti hab and nordiqu nord penal ti stewart nordiqu call penalti hab let nord murder rob patrick roi reason game lost and ron hextal reason quebec won come goaltend that goaltend kei etc etc ke i doesn quit fit you montreal don bui thi roi reason game ti and that not case h ad dionn cool hextal gave question goal dionn and bellow shot misplai hextal gaf f earli game care roi stood head for minut game nord rush end end kamenski mini break ty goal and shot young excel chanc stop roi roi outplai hextal for game ro i becom villain and hextal hero roi team didn make full us opportun hextal hand had lot lucki bounc plai haller shot post rebound bounc bellow stick brunet brea kawai chanc for leclair opportun not finish montreal and cost hextal wasn brilli ant plai blame stewart excus avoid face fact that roi allow worst goal possibl e ven shot dammit excus goal time stank explos team quebec gave opportun powerplai that total unnecessari montreal plai solid game don clear traffic front net los s schneider will hurt even disagre roi plai wasn screen night defens for time th i season plai remark keep sakic nolan and sundin slot night that team that blow goal lead alon two minut regul time playoff game smack upsid collect head don th i team loss kean clear zone prior quebec goal thi team loss leclair miss opportu n bellow and brunet dionn bad penalti damphouss and lebeau silent carbonneau and savard step night roi gave bad goal roi mean can singl for thi loss roi paid bi g monei plai look player industri leagu sakic shot and hextal didn dionn goal ro i paid big monei that compar goali and top you defens lack that plai front for s eason demer start racicot game not that damn team read paper for dai two and thi articl montreal media quickest heap prais and hurl derogatori comment hab uninf orm fan read paper plai minut burnsian hockei shut quebec tonight and for rest s eri extra red light face quebec rubbish that guarante end seri taught lesson thi fan media and racicot perhap not rest team didn wrap bad second goal didn scott young defend can rememb place you correct shouldn you mean goal never never agr e goal great piec work young roi had and post cover young flip puck roi arm wrap net not bad goal yaska yaska eecg toronto edu dept electr comput engin sankar u nivers toronto toronto canada matt militzok read articl bgsu edu andi bgsu edu georg p avlic wrote for wast space matt dai you post that you mail list playoff stat los t your address put that list georg guess you address mailserv bgsu edu list tee time metropolitan toronto golf cours for mondai lee gaul csd uwo steve lee write articl spec euc noos ecn purdu edu stamber rai nbow ecn purdu edu kevin stamber write woop thi rec sport hockei not rec sport g olf hope you check newsgroup header time post steve lee univers western ontario london canada lee obelix gaul csd uwo steve refer leaf and can expect hit green acadia axemen ciau champion donald smith dragon acadiau bai area media wing leaf coverag yeah new true leaf lost wing game husband want watch young gun anoth channel time tune and leaf tie and time tune and heard score happen woof red wing fan favourit team and make past leaf luck for potvin fist playoff game susan carrol clark like doug gilmour plai for shark kingston fire articl apr adob snichol adob sherri nichol write articl apr leland stanford edu terri garfield stanford edu terri wo ng write that jack ferreira fire eventu led kingston fire you mention consist vi sion shark lost that loss ferreira never head that work you person make personne l decis top not manag committe convent wisdom leagu that ferreira made move that field product ic exactli ferreira accomplish thi head ship lot heat explain thi ng had ferreira ferreira made trade had trade made fewer trade not trade head gu id principl veteran favor youngster offer signific advantag end last season cont ract veteran somewhat magin contribut fenton bozek anderson and coupl can rememb bought idea that youngster plai almost and had potenti improv older gui not and trade mullen want not wasn good bit optimist think make for contribut exampl th i season skriko brought trial basi not ag thought decent contributor worth keep youth movement advantag gaudreau veteran had you find balanc steve cole steve se

p stanford edu appl sep steve depart geophys stanford univers stanford tie breaker isl and devil dir articl apr ramsei laurenti an maynard ramsei laurentian roger maynard write lrw rpi edu wangr vccsouth rpi edu rex wang write not great math can two team ahv point record man retard can p eopl put win tie breaker don smilei figur poster dog wordprocessor couldn smarte r thi not great math cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time roger lect ur not smilei sweet hipocraci koz let cap usenet playoff hockei pool game stand stand game each di vision semi final hei post stand each game two dai manag recov email lost saturd ai night miss mail that arriv earli saturdai morn and sundai afternoon peopl tea m you receiv two repli back your team name not thi list resend your team and can kind proof you weekend will your case thi fun pool and trust each person honest for inconveni and hope pool fun for you andrew usenet hockei playoff draft stan d posn team pt rem last posn sneddon scorer borg dave wessel bruce rent mule gre at expect hurrican andrew jerki boi homesick hawaiian give you monei mondai eins tien punk band zipper head tapio repo detroit homeboi dead duck mike burger test depart team elvi craig team skate die debbi bowl fuzzfac galor sud campi machin zachman winger sean forb threepeat flam senat team awesom buri purdu rick pen f lyer seppo kemppainen paig fault weeni chri ronei redneck hockei hell dog hog mi nd sweeper teem kanada northern light fugazi delawar destroy mopar muscl men lan c hill boston bruin garryola oakvil brother sam dog cluster buster jan stein fra nk wanker milton keyn king promis land ranger destini zealand leaf load weapon b loom counti star robart research rebel tiger chung lee goddess ferment make beli ef rob del mundo heikki salmi underwrit muller walker controversi warrior bjorkl oven norwai killerwhal holstein sfb buffalo soldier lemon pepper grizzli bear fr ack attack houdini magician ranger ranger blow dave hiebert yan loke canadian gl adiat littlest giant alf star ic kicker beer make expert forc creosot goobmeist mulberri mauler rev rebel boss zippeti doodah kramer georg and jerri dehradun ma awali sludg rock sock em brian bloodlett grant marven arctic circl kane men trev or triumph mark and steve dream goalding bjoern leaguen hab plai golf shigella j ersei rob steve superstar big bai bomber doug bowl neural netter lipp let panda le raisin dave knee jerk pick monica loke jason team reneb schott shooter gill c armel lewei laker smithw east citi joker daryl turner doug mraz skriko wolv icem achin lamp lighter thin ic joe crak head samuel lau calgari alberta comfort numb reksa fan oulu gail hiebert gee man wait marc mauler daniel leblanc bobbi schma utz fan club ottawa bearcat boop bet tripl timo ojala fly pig erad van isl colon ist commit bure blur great scott weasel tequila shooter whiter frass facepl high sticker mak paranjap lord stanlei favourit san jose mahi mahi mann marin jfz dr eam team stacei ross louisiana psycho killer coup stainless fight amish evan pri tchard stania star pen dynasti oceanweav gagit myllypuro hedgehog arm hammer leg zryx chapman chap dean martin cherri bomber sluggo hoser anson mak knight power plai canuck forc butt end beam team jukurit chapman stick ken cruyenaer gax goon tamper salami sparki select hillsid raider eldoret eleph jane world alarm rolai d requir chip dale brian bergman killer king monti nord arsen mapl leaf martin g ag equip jour lisa lugger andrew scott andrew idacom idacom telecom oper ext rom an era consid canada sweden world champioship articl apr venu hollandc white venu hollandc babi write todai world championship munich canada score imp ress victori defend world champ sweden that rod brind amour score kevin white wh ite venu hollandc allen larsen univers victoria plarsen sanjuan uvic minnesota scene wonder happen minnesota local new and ne wspap peopl area hockei team columnist for paul pioneer press wrote articl give insid scoop issu local site compet for team and candiat move twin citi site targ et center civic center paul and even met center columnist pretti confid that min nesota will team and that target center will ultim win argu that competit two si te will delai process consider inter site competit columnist can rememb name bel iev that minnesota team season situat timberwolv thing will delai citi minneapol i take target center met center destroi citi will lose monei competit met for co nvent and short term event even hockei target add thi mess studi month conduct f utur viabil met center delai process even hope that studi cancel will effect kno

ck met center run and perhap encourag minneapoli target center sooner citi even encourg wreck ball met happen candid team hartford tampa bai and jersei prefer d evil minnesota ic demon lightn potenti hasn announc neutral site game will plai target center year appar devil interest plai six game and wouldn surpris hartfor d and tampa show minnesota end get anoth team year sabr robert andolina buffalon ian live minneapoli randolin polisci umn edu aargh great hockei coverag devil robbi rap psuvm psu edu write gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare mean that origin poster for devil victo ri tape delai and didn happen game origin poster and complaint coverag meaningle ss yanke game playoff devil game apolog misinterpret you problem offenc team pat rick dislik devil sad lover sport that thi team can metro york area for decad an d exist entiti espn coverag start tonight get sabr bruin replac game and you dev il penguin game plai scny and island cap overflow game sca scny sabr bruin end e arli devil penguin game assum that espn follow previou pattern last minut island ranger and overtim two week ago espn coverag start last night accid writer poin t wild hog wrestl for even gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet g ld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei schedul mre teal eng sun mike eisler write gld cunixb co lumbia edu gari dare write can that espn make sportschannel america good philade lphia and chicago reason sportschannel for local basebal broadcast point even ar ea that final game nag back your skull network that nation right pocket sport ne w awesom overtim quebec citi and you updat show you that satellit feedhorn peopl want hockei watch hockei bet rate for hockei sundai abc into toilet todai time abc great rate chicago and loui and king flame west coast metro york devil squan der newfound support year ago plai ranger comparison senior golf week will fewer abc affili hockei fear that nation number will not great can abc advanc market not co don watch nhl made that solid cabl air even espn sold second right parti system sportschannel sinc not make extra monei sit game hockei fan will not nece ssarili watch pre season beach volleybal playoff game aren shown gld souvien gar i dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei player wear nhl rai borqu for bruin greatli appreci logi stician reign suprem blue tiger piston lion red wing ching wpi wpi edu thumb espn agre great for espn peopl show detroit game r oommat threw octopu ic for explain signific that btw problem had blot local comm ent basebal ad and music wing player hit rut and into board injur shoulder and b lot injuri report that hat espn make habit thi yeah basebal season start zzzzzz koz let cap atlanta hockei hell dir give sportchannel call ted turne r wasn usa network cover playoff year ago jim back good dai live florida florida for pete sake and watch hockei night espn and usa altern coverag night guess si mpl for home offic back into past solv problem present shouldn complain get watc h playoff for chang hoorai espn schedul will realis team pittsberg patrick sound suess book koz let cap you pat burn articl suh tsegw tse mhembruc tsegw tse mat tia hembruch write hell anderson anderson can dai past peopl skin put bluntli an derson asshol us good agre anderson last night you expect burn plai krushelnyski and baumgartn anderson finish you plai can puck finish posit ain score gerald hockei coverag thi gener question for reader extens play off coverag canada almost imposs not watch seri two seri not had opportun watch thi year wash nyi and chi stl wrong time zone canada basic swamp coverag and ser i game televis nation even local and preced local new game into doubl email not wast bandwidth new feed kind slow probert and wendal game two detroit toronto seri will ro ugher game that clark will come hit cylindar that probert will except thi and fi ght clark and probert will result thi sound kind ridicul game two toronto will c ome hit taker thi issu hei teh cannuck due live bai area unabl vancouv victori jet last night score that rare describ game post sonapsi waht happen each team p lai cannuck deserv victori kind soul email end season individu player stat greg vancouv for cup virtual realiti you pat burn jason cockroft jake rambler eng sun wrote l eaf leaf support and leaf noth short miracl stroke geneniu hit root for anoth te am andreychuck and borchevski busi plai wing small kei leaf success will clark c entr can andreychuk not small slow and sloth and that not small big andreychunk call disappear come playoff time thi main problem plai for buffalo leaf sabr dav e blaszyk mail dvb snowmass ssd kodak mail eastman kodak plant bldg rochest york beat pen you can good luck jim beat pittsburgh articl apr guvax acc georgetown edu apan jabi guvax acc georgetown edu write articl afnkovk uhb rdtj andrew cmu edu rober t angelo pleshar andrew cmu edu write kfnjyea vmu andrew cmu edu nntp post host andrew cmu edu repli kfnjyea vmu andrew cmu edu anna matya clone chelio person a nd transplant into defensemen island capit and devil gerald word you want turn i nto asshol will spend lot time penalti box and lot misconduct and thi come cheli o fan yeah and second team score and plai minut game and plai power plai and kil l penalti and defenseman leagu team chelios that penalti kill ralph beat pittsbu rgh mario lemieux death kimo slash skull ranger slash wrist jaromir jagr deport send back commi countri that bill clinton iii kevin steven fight call bob prober t call tie domi call grandmoth kick ass sinc pittsburgh player not plai stanlei cup devalu iskand ayari email iskand ayari loria ayari loria smith birthdai goal leaf articl wty mc anl gov mwm ap an l gov michael mcdowel write articl undergrad math uwaterloo kwk chow descart uwa terloo kevin write for goal steve smith don peopl don blame grant fuhr for goal that smith put net common plai puck back your goali deep your end and pressur of fens team fuhr had posit puck never cross line thi account doesn sound you even goal mike smith net and fire breakout pass that hit fuhr back leg fuhr back time and never happen puck straight fuhr leg and into net fuhr never had chanc plai back goaltend fact perri berezan calgari had dump and smith retriev unfortun tha t happen smith nice gui and rooki time and birthdai blame li start pee wee coach player never make cross ic pass front net chanc intercept hit goaltend and peop l that smith cost oiler seri can that didn team lose game reason for powerhous t eam edmonton ti late period game second round team respons for even that situat alan potvin goali mask articl allan swanlak allan ualberta al lan sullivan write slegg kean uc mun write wtahc guard hockei week tsn yesterdai and had featur thi gui that lot mask for nhl goali talk made made and design th at put etc never talk held current leaf crest chin and awesom black panther fore head mask for felix potvin never you thi program current that grant fuhr had bla ck panther forehead mask plai leaf logic that mask potvin nicknam cat long wai e xplain panther stori and mask fuhr alan nhl stand for march immedi for project post email andi h illeri school architectur state univers york buffalo smith birthdai goal leaf articl juna cpsc ucalgari layfi eld cpsc ucalgari colin layfield write articl wty mc anl gov mwm ap anl gov writ e articl undergrad math uwaterloo kwk chow descart uwaterloo kevin write for goa l steve smith don peopl don blame grant fuhr for goal that smith put net common plai puck back your goali deep your end and pressur offens team fuhr had posit p uck never cross line mike mcdowel disagre you thi common year watch hockei never thi happen not leagu you watch agre thi colin agre you put puck net smith onc m ind you and fault not common plai plai puck that smith luckili for scrimmag crai g blue into playoff beat dave lueck post dispatch staff th ursdai night scoreboard watcher arena began cheer cheer quickli turn into roar a nd final sellout crowd rose rock barn oakland avenu salut playoff bound blue sco reboard had flash new detroit red wing star north star loss blue offici clinch f ourth place and final playoff spot norri divis good thing blue quit plai held le ad tampa bai detroit minnesota final appear minut remain second period promptli sleep and bare held for victori that slip buzzer tampa bob beer tip pass shawn c hamber offici supervisor john amico and video goal judg rich schweigler rule tha t shot had into net time had expir glad didn end blue coach bob berri goal had c ount upset blue disappear final minut hold for victori and make playoff temper b

erri anger wasn pretti end plai great minut good plai year slip end shouldn blue won prompt anoth ovat crowd game end despit shoddi effort period and turmoil th i season blue made playoff meet chicago blackhawk norri divis semifin begin noon sundai chicago stadium blue finish regular season record for point fourth conse cut season minnesota finish point place record for point tampa bai plai spoiler last week ty blue tampa end season record for point poor finish cast unnecessari shadow joyou blue locker room mood relief and disappoint shame kevin miller blu e score two goal brendan shanahan and bob bassen for letdown work end and happi lot player happi make playoff won and that that matter brett hull scoreless and minu for night onc tough plai player didn problem score announc line didn quit r ich sutter plai bassen and miller had game plai you can goal that not disappoint bassen almost frantic bench blue effort miss announc minnesota loss didn final kind bench didn realiz final for reason playoff and that great disappoint plai e nd letdown precis reason that berri had instruct scoreboard oper minnesota detro it score board score show pop detroit lead period blue led time told didn want s core didn want score berri felt had win game and that approach minnesota lead be rri fear pressur win bother blue detroit led worri blue quit announc blue plai s plendidli shanahan crowd period score season miller and bassen charg late period team plai miller broke left wing deke defenseman roman hamrlik and beat blue go ali pat jablonski rebound shot second remain period second bassen rifl long slap shot past jablonski defenseman rick zombo intercept tampa pass neutral zone bas sen made second into second period score rebound bret hedican shot goal gave two goal game season and remind special friend last year bassen befriend young oliv mulvihil di rare form cancer ag feb think buddi oliv bassen heaven and watch ha ppi miller increas blue lead break goal set zombo steve maltai broke curti josep h shutout second make minut north star final announc tim bergland score and cut lead shanahan score convert pass nelson emerson second remain second period ligh tn adam creighton score second into period prompt berri rest overwork joseph gui hebert allow goal shawn chamber and danton cole span midwai period goal chamber and cole made shanahan second goal stand winner shanahan game joe ashkar contac t for blue saint loui jca cec wustl edu blue nhl result for game plai nhl result for game plai stand patrick adam norri smyth xpit xbo xchi xvan ywa yque ydet ycal ynj ymon ytor yla ynyi ybuf stl ywin phl har min edm nyr ott clinch divis titl clinch playoff ber th boston bruin ottawa senat period bo robert juneau bo wiemer juneau oat period bo neeli juneau murphi bo hugh richer kimbl ott archibald rumbl lamb period ott boschman kudelski powerplai opportun bruin senat shot goal bruin senat boston b ruin moog shot save blue second shot save ottawa senat sidorkiewicz shot save be rthiaum shot save att washington capit york ranger period period period bondra p ivonka cavallini bondra cote pivonka powerplai opportun capit ranger shot goal c apit ranger washington capit tabaracci shot save york ranger richter shot save a tt york island hartford whaler period nyi ferraro malakhov king nyi hogu thoma t urgeon har yake poulin har yake nyland poulin period har verbeek cassel weinrich nyi thoma king ferraro period har burt sanderson cassel nyi malakhov hogu overt im har janssen poulin powerplai opportun island whaler shot goal island whaler y ork island fitzpatrick shot save hartford whaler lenaduzzi shot save att pittsbu rgh penguin jersei devil period pit daniel needham tippett njd lemieux semak dri ver pit steven tocchet murphi njd zelepukin driver niedermay period pit lemieux steven tocchet njd semak lemieux zelepukin pit mceachern jagr barrasso njd steve n guerin pellerin pit lemieux njd richer nichol njd lemieux semak zelepukin peri od pit mullen jagr lemieux overtim powerplai opportun penguin devil shot goal pe nguin devil pittsburgh penguin barrasso shot save jersei devil billington shot s ave att spike smith birthdai goal leaf articl wty mc anl gov mwm ap an l gov write articl undergrad math uwaterloo kwk chow descart uwaterloo kevin wri te for goal steve smith don peopl don blame grant fuhr for goal that smith put n et common plai puck back your goali deep your end and pressur offens team fuhr h ad posit puck never cross line mike mcdowel disagre you thi common year watch ho ckei never thi happen not leagu you watch agre thi colin layfield religion and s ex power plai manipul peopl for monei pai univers calgari sell skin sell god com

put scienc number credit card layfield cpsc ucalgari queensrych european expans and cked system long support team that r un ranger base corpor think us term lightli don good product duffus nyc fill are na for ottawa record year haha had long mapl leaf and nordiqu us similar logic n ot that field bad team sole field bad team mapl leaf and dead man charg cheapest team histori sport guess immens popular gate nordiqu for team that had miss pla yoff year row british european soccer exampl never fan problem such humor major fan problem that occas don make home match soccer fan tend fanat montreal fan fi rebomb player and coach hous plai pathet jpc john curcio bruin philip laboratori jpc philab philip scarborough road briarcliff manor schedul for week articl apr yuma acn colost edu mmb lama r colost edu michael burger write unit state schedul april devil island pittsbur gh est abc eastern time zone april loui chicago cdt abc cent mou time zone april lo angel calgari pdt abc pacif time zone april devil island pittsburgh espn apr il tba espn april tba espn will altern game citi local broadcast right protect l ove bruin coupl time and thi pro patrick bia shown espn tell that will wait conf er final jpc john curcio bruin philip laboratori jpc philab philip scarborough r oad briarcliff manor hawk will return final articl itg uxa ecn bgu edu cubrj uxa ecn bgu edu brian johnson write that hawk won divis road easier for playoff toronto and detroit beat hell each chicago sweep loui that make easier second ro und rest will and tor det get for conf champ will hard time versu divis that div will pretti batter advantag hawk bring pitt and hawk will lose that and lose no t brian hopefulli miracl not quit miracl close will occur and pittsburgh will el min prior final make will cup don hawk turn blackhawk congrat jeremi roenick for hawk player post back back goal season scott hawk will return final articl itg uxa ecn bgu edu cubrj uxa ecn bgu edu brian johnson write that hawk won divis road easier for playoff toronto and detroit beat hell each chicago sweep loui that make easier brian don blue plai hawk pretti thi season and won twice stadium blue will give hawk hard time thi seri round matchup hawk will prevail game joe ashkar contact for blue saint loui jca cec wustl edu blue nhl summari pars result for game plai thur april philade lphia buffalo period philadelphia recchi gallei lindro second period philadelphi a hawgood dineen eklund philadelphia dineen mcgill buffalo barnabi hawerchuk sme hlik buffalo wood lafontain ledyard buffalo mogilni hawerchuk carnei period phil adelphia eklund dineen beranek buffalo mogilni errei lafontain philadelphia dine en brind amour philadelphia dineen brind amour gallei philadelphia acton dineen brind amour philadelphia power plai special goal total scorer pt acton beranek b rind amour dineen eklund gallei hawgood lindro mcgill recchi buffalo power plai scorer pt barnabi carnei errei hawerchuk lafontain ledyard mogilni smehlik wood minnesota detroit period minnesota mcphee ludwig second period minnesota dahlen courtnal gagner detroit drake how ogrodnick detroit ysebaert lidstrom how period detroit ciccarelli coffei chiasson detroit kennedi burr probert detroit yzerman ciccarelli gallant minnesota dahlen courtnal gagner detroit power plai scorer p t burr chiasson ciccarelli coffei drake gallant how kennedi lidstrom ogrodnick p robert ysebaert yzerman minnesota power plai scorer pt courtnal dahlen gagner lu dwig mcphee edmonton winnipeg period winnipeg shannon steen davydov second perio d winnipeg selann olausson winnipeg zhamnov selann period score winnipeg power p lai scorer pt davydov olausson selann shannon steen zhamnov edmonton power plai score toronto chicago period toronto baumgartn unassist second period chicago ro enick murphi chelio toronto andreychuk mironov lefebvr chicago murphi roenick ch elio period chicago matteau unassist error power plai goal mismatch assum calc e rror team toronto calc read chicago power plai scorer pt chelio matteau murphi r oenick toronto power plai scorer pt andreychuk baumgartn lefebvr mironov period loui shanahan brown felsner loui miller bassen brown loui bassen zombo second pe riod loui bassen hedican miller loui miller zombo hedican tampa bai maltai hamrl ik tampa bai bergland hervei gilhen loui shanahan emerson period tampa bai creig hton bergland bergevin tampa bai chamber zamun cole tampa bai cole beer bradlei loui power plai scorer pt bassen brown emerson felsner hedican miller shanahan z

ombo tampa bai power plai scorer pt beer bergevin bergland bradlei chamber cole creighton gilhen hamrlik hervei maltai zamun san jose calgari period score secon d period san jose garpenlov odger gaudreau calgari nieuwendyk macinni suter calg ari ranheim otto suter calgari yawnei nieuwendyk robert calgari berub paslawski skrudland period san jose wood odger kisio calgari reichel unassist calgari robe rt musil paslawski san jose kisio unassist calgari paslawski ashton stern calgar i power plai scorer pt ashton berub macinni musil nieuwendyk otto paslawski ranh eim reichel robert skrudland stern suter yawnei san jose power plai scorer pt ga rpenlov gaudreau kisio odger wood vancouv lo angel period lo angel robitail gret zki sandstrom vancouv babych craven nedv lo angel sandstrom gretzki robitail sec ond period vancouv linden ron courtnal vancouv ward hunter nedv lo angel gretzki sandstrom robitail lo angel zhitnik kurri robitail lo angel millen hardi period vancouv ron dirk vancouv ron courtnal linden vancouv linden courtnal ron lo ang el donnelli millen granato vancouv courtnal ron ratushni vancouv ron linden didu ck vancouv power plai special goal total scorer pt babych courtnal craven diduck dirk hunter linden nedv ratushni ron ward lo angel power plai scorer pt donnell i granato gretzki hardi kurri millen robitail sandstrom zhitnik goali mask updat result dai vote rememb pt for for and f or you can turn vote and gui isn regular goali retir includ team for your time a nd send vote player team pt vote brian hayward san jose andi moog boston curti j oseph loui belfour chicago gerri cheever boston retir manon rheaum atlanta ihl r on hextal quebec don beaupr washington receiv vote artu irb tim chevelda det cli nt malarchuck buf ihl grant fuhr buf rick wamslei tor ret jon casei minn john va nbiesbrouck nyr ken dryden mon ret bob essensa win mike vernon cal glenn heali n yi tommi soderstron rai leblanc usa skin for question emot music quit brave effe ct you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd pri sm gatech edu ahl calder cup playoff schedul and result calder cup pla yoff schedul and result home team cap necesari round springfield indian provid b ruin springfield provid springfield provid provid springfield island adirondack red wing last night cdi adirondack cdi adirondack adirondack cdi adirondack cdi cdi adirondack adirondack cdi cdi adirondack baltimor skipjack binghamton ranger baltimor binghamton baltimor binghamton binghamton baltimor binghamton baltimor baltimor binghamton binghmaton baltimor baltimor binghamton utica devil rochest american utica rochest utica rochest rochest utica rochest utica utica rochest rochest utica utica rochest moncton hawk john mapl leaf john moncton moncton joh n halifax john moncton cape breton oiler fredericton canadien fredericton cape b reton cape breton fredericton newspap didnt list complet playoff sked for seri t hat began paper not list final stand post delai earli week hockei new bri farene l farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hockei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament cha mp glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new re quest andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pacif divis champion bridgman slacel gandalf stephan lacel write ottwawa sena t fire mel bridgman todai randi sexton gonna replac trashi move trashi organ fro nt offic state that lose job sen poor perform bridgeman hour team final game scr ew let king grab loach sexton qualif cheap plai colleg hockei pal club presid br uce fireston kind experi you build expans franchis hall fame year thi continu tr adit front offic gaff paul anka and arena deal deni potvin and postion mike boss i and score coach peopl ottawa feel club run stephan lacel brian bdown vi toront o edu goali heard that you can score belfour shoot high lot an d potvin shoot high and get rebound plai deep net truth brad wing fan predict stop predict apr ncsu edu cdkaupan eo ncsu edu carl davi d kaupang write annoi predict net care you will win stop predict cap win cup tha t david kaupang cdkaupan eo ncsu edu yeah deal devil had number year not cap are n good team thorn hab side for past year that won past paul yatrou yatrou inr te lecom uquebec run pool todai luck sad dai for hockei farewel minnesota fan stuf dalla star

north star fade black hope that minneapoli paul not long nhl team that hotb ama teur hockei usa nhl team loss team not fault fan start season made real bad for that north star cap bought mapl leaf garden morn elimin montreal spite montreal fan small town grew gloriou season that for north star dwarf jim jordan don mean you live dwarf gate bnr internet your life that for work for bnr not speak for didn jesu hell peter heath goali mask updat articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatec h edu hrivnak write result dai vote rememb pt for for and for you can turn vote and gui isn regular goali retir includ team for your time and send vote glenn he ali nyi tommi soderstron rai leblanc usa soderstrom plai philli doesn mould mask helmet and cage varieti white that wore thirteen hour ago valeri hammerl dai re mind not hammerl acsu buffalo edu mario lemieux herb brook claud acscvjh ubm buf falo edu lemieux top scorer for devil pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu for take dumb penal ti ahl season review ic stuff articl apr new clarkson edu f arenebt craft camp clarkson edu droopi write senat sold stuff delet senat negoti charlottetown brunswick and expect move announc that senat will move ahl franch is charlottetown princ edward island not brunswick charli cook charli calvin unb hot cold streak gui list team hot cold last game doesn a ccur rough guess will enter playoff pool and want hot into playoff don mention p ittsburgh can hotter thi sundai yvon lavoi ahl playoff result game adirondack cdi adirondack lead s eri round springfield indian provid bruin springfield provid springfield provid provid springfield provid springfield springfield provid provid springfield spri ngfield provid island adirondack red wing adirondack cdi cdi adirondack adironda ck cdi adirondack cdi cdi adirondack adirondack cdi cdi adirondack baltimor skip jack binghamton ranger baltimor binghamton baltimor binghamton binghamton baltim or binghamton baltimor baltimor binghamton binghmaton baltimor baltimor binghamt on utica devil rochest american utica rochest utica rochest rochest utica roches t utica utica rochest rochest utica utica rochest moncton hawk john mapl leaf jo hn moncton moncton john halifax john moncton john moncton moncton john halifax j ohn moncton moncton john halifax cape breton oiler fredericton canadien frederic ton cape breton cape breton fredericton fredericton cape breton fredericton cape breton cape breton fredericton fredericton cape breton cape breton fredericton bri farenel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl and ecac contact for rec sport hockei usa hockei adirondack red wing calder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tour nament champ glen fall high hockei divis state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu congrat boston bruin adam divis champion phoenix sun pacif divis champion minu stat articl blue ci pitt edu jrmst pitt edu joseph mcdonald write jagr higher franci had point and inform observ ronni franci had s eason jaromir jagr thi not jaro had decent year didn live expect bowman tend ove rplai franci time bowman style player plai hard time doesn disregard defens resp ons and good leader bowman reward increas ic time jagr can arrog and juvenil and displai attitud thi rub bowman wrong and caus lose ic time year franci consist reciev ic time jagr althouhg never stat thi subject pretti that jagr had point p er minut plai that franci you add that jagr rate becom evid that jagr had season not that franci had bad gregmeist goali mask articl netnew upenn edu kkeller mail sa upenn edu keith keller write vote john vanbiesbrouck mask skylin york citi and side b unch bee beezer sharp funni you mention thi time hnic don cherri point vanbiesbr ouck mask hate effect you great last year and get that dopei mask and can stop b eachbal you not cherri crack heard belfour current mask nhl btw moog and give fu hr honour mention haven close look good distanc neat chevalda detroit call chevi two checker flag paint top auto race ulf and layfield cpsc ucalgari colin layfield write arti cl pdlksinnmq giraff zoo yale edu wuziyun sune yale edu you wanna write give two cent worth thi thing sick pittsburg fan and second favorit team talk can bruin forget ulf samuelsson forgotten adam grave besid obviou fact that lemeuix career never endang grave slash neeli bother injuri import reason adam grave plai clea

n hockei sinc ulf samulesson continu plai dirti hit player injur dirti fan can f orget dirti plai can you forget ulf samulesson everynight watch hockei high ligh t remind dirti hit player injur dirti can you explain thi statement you mean pla yer injur ic you mean player plai hurt player hurt not bother plai don beliv pla yer plai hurt not ulf fan can spot fact calgari theoren fleuri respect that part game piss player that part job lack ulf size ulf and pgh fan and piss adam grav e ulf samuesson debat that ulf plai hard hit hockei noth wrong that grave win ga me intention hurt bite player that piss insist hit for knee injur player thi kin d garbag muni past worst offend thought had institut kind rule thi season stop c rap that offici stink high heaven imho rid exist ref and institut system ref ic ey troubl maker lot thing stop and game rule finness player mario selann bure me ssier colin layfield religion and sex power plai manipul peopl for monei pai uni vers calgari sell skin sell god comput scienc number credit card layfield cpsc u calgari queensrych tim drozinski embri riddl aero univ drozinst erau erau edu nhl result for game plai nhl result for game plai stand patrick adam norri smyth xpit xbo xchi xvan ywa yque ydet ycal ynj ymon ytor yla ynyi ybuf ystl ywin phl har min edm nyr ott clinch divis titl clinch playoff be rth minnesota north star detroit red wing period min mcphee ludwig period min da hlen courtnal gagner det drake how ogrodnick det ysebaert lidstrom how period de t ciccarelli coffei chiasson det kennedi burr probert det yzerman ciccarelli gal lant min dahlen courtnal gagner powerplai opportun north star red wing shot goal north star red wing minnesota north star casei shot save detroit red wing cheve lda shot save att philadelphia flyer buffalo sabr period phl recchi gallei lindr o period phl hawgood dineen eklund phl dineen mcgill buf barnabi hawerchuk smehl ik buf wood lafontain ledyard buf mogilni hawerchuk carnei period phl eklund din een beranek buf mogilni errei lafontain phl dineen brind amour phl dineen brind amour gallei phl acton dineen brind amour powerplai opportun flyer sabr shot goa l flyer sabr philadelphia flyer soderstrom shot save buffalo sabr fuhr shot save hasek second shot save att edmonton oiler winnipeg jet period win shannon steen davydov period win selann olausson win zhamnov selann period powerplai opportun oiler jet shot goal oiler jet edmonton oiler ranford shot save winnipeg jet ess ensa shot save att toronto mapl leaf chicago blackhawk period tor baumgartn peri od chi roenick murphi chelio tor andreychuk mironov lefebvr chi murphi roenick c helio period chi matteau powerplai opportun mapl leaf blackhawk shot goal mapl l eaf blackhawk toronto mapl leaf potvin shot save chicago blackhawk belfour shot save att tampa bai lightn loui blue period stl shanahan brown felsner stl miller bassen brown stl bassen zombo period stl bassen hedican miller stl miller zombo hedican tbl maltai hamrlik tbl bergland harvei gilhen tbl shanahan emerson peri od tbl creighton bergland bergevin tbl chamber zamun cole tbl cole beer bradlei powerplai opportun lightn blue shot goal lightn blue tampa bai lightn jablonski shot save bergeron shot save loui blue joseph shot save hebert shot save att san jose shark calgari flame period period sj garpenlov odger gaudreau cal nieuwend yk macinni suter cal ranheim otto suter cal yawnei nieuwendyk robert cal berub p aslawski skrudland period sj wood odger kisio cal reichel cal robert musil pasla wski sj kisio cal paslawski ashton stern powerplai opportun shark flame shot goa l shark flame san jose shark irb shot save calgari flame vernon shot save att va ncouv canuck lo angel king period lak robitail gretzki sandstrom van babych crav en nedv lak sandstrom gretzki robitail period van linden ron courtnal van ward h unter nedv lak gretzki sandstrom robitail lak zhitnik kurri robitail lak millen hardi period van ron dirk van ron courtnal linden van linden courtnal ron lak do nnelli millen granato van courtnal ron ratushni van ron linden diduck powerplai opportun canuck king shot goal canuck king vanocuv canuck whitmor shot save lo a ngel king stauber shot save hrudei shot save att spike sad dai for hockei joel alvstad write fine year histori close tonight minnesota north star norm star whichev you prefer lost red wing sc ore star goal score mike mcphee and ulf dahlen net two includ final franchis his tori minut plai thi sad condol minnesota fan lose team fear that decad professio n sport team left pittsburgh will steeler enjoi thing can you never mom thumb espn wing player hit rut and into board injur shou lder and blot injuri report wing player yve racin and return that period mike nhl draft articl main main edu jon carr main main edu wr ite draft thi year and will coverag upcom nfl draft espn detail paul kariya pick perhap won last long don exact coverag state canada cover tsn espn will grab co verag don for pick ottawa pick mean almost that alexand daigl will stai trade mo ntreal quebec imo kariya alot leadership ncaa and world championship daigl didn show thi for junior team san jose will kariya tampa bai will for russian kozlov that defenseman rob niedemey spelt last name wrong expans won will name blue chi p prospect chri gratton chri pridham swedish player can rememb name draft order ottawa san jose tampa bai south florida anahiem south florida anahiem hartford e dmonton dalla ranger philadelphia pick wrong don stand and guess mind top notch prospect draft kariya lead not shawn cap two round pick for year loui ron caron and scott steven list tee time metropolitan toronto golf cours for mondai articl apr julian uwo lee gaul csd uwo steve lee write woop thi rec sport hocke i not rec sport golf hope you check newsgroup header time post duh make joke lon g leaf last playoff hit cours season sheesh peopl quick complain skin for questi on emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu nhlpa poll partial stat result articl apr mtroyal caldwe l mtroyal write peopl send poll closer njd deep team two capabl goali and excel forward and defensemen shooter richer todd chef stasni master thousand dish powe r plai kevin todd oiler and for month close you follow devil jeez sigh thi writt en game nhlpa hockei not precis date roster don peopl post jeez skin for questio n emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu nhl team captain articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu leung gm odin control utoronto gari leung write articl apr samba oit unc edu scott mar k launchpad unc edu scott mark write and mike ramsei time captain buffalo prior trade pittsburgh penguin captain and real captain lemieux plai for rotat season and even mario even troi lonei worn for pen that mike foligno captain sabr trade leaf wasn rick vaiv captain leaf trade chicago steve thoma for olcyzk and speak leaf that darryl sittler captain torn jersei claim captainci trade flyer yeah g retzki captain oiler trade wasn dale hawerchuk and troi murrai captain jet trade murrai thi year mid season hawerchuk year ago season daryl turner contact for w innipeg jet internet umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout tkachuk zhamnov sel nne s hoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder bruin klingon connect wonder star trek tng fan thi newsg roup knew relationship bruin player douri moog and klingon name dura and worf so n moog suppos coincid curiou bart thumb espn tuesdai and isl cap game into overtim espn to m mee oblig bring you basebal hate thi last year coverag playoff sport channel a merica colorado vastli superior espn give thi year charli shub cdash colorado ed u leav univers iowa cdash uiowa edu red wing goespel detroit beat toronto grant gilmour hart trophi not lemieux gilmour for toronto you toronto come mind gilmour andreychuk potvin mentio gilmour back detroit isn team that stand player team plai potenti stop yzerman fedorov coffei lindstrom firepow pittsburgh and don tri skate detr oit toronto patrick walker detroit chicago univers brun detroit vancouv canada d etroit nord disco suck panther presid articl apr alchemi chem utoronto golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write san jose shark and ottawa senat each second will wager that shark and senat will and perhap panther second fire coac h georg kingston triumvir that trio duo dean lombardi and chuck grillo shark off ic and like happen septemb add coach oofgm name singl your wager amend read that shark like panther can wait season nhl guid and record book list histori shark depth year draft expans draft rule and reput gm anaheim and miami pretti good ex pans team win cup san jose and ottawa instabl posit that philli nyi edmonton and calgari not won cup pittsburgh need quarter centuri mike eisler mre eng sun not leaf team fan even intellig and insight pittsburgh player mighti bright mean wa

llet back jan brittenson leaf pen woofer rec sport hockei shark review part left wing nlu xenon stanford edu nelso n write larri depalma season acquir free agent minnesota grade netter fan watch shark includ depalma end season shark appear right wasn san jose wasn kansa citi and name hasn appear waiver wire nelson you forgot you check thn stat for kansa citi you find that larri plai for game plai game period cover stat and issu pim not exactli invis kansa citi walk and suspend and reinstat reveal that injur pr omptli disappear watch ey shark byte mail list shark offici faith and shark miss chanc talk time thi isn quit accur injur back disk injuri and stupid thing hide shark and plai knew bubbl shark point disclos injuri sinc didn disclos shark an d disagre respons and suspend for not report that eventu work shark instat injur and put into therapi and plai ship fulli expect plai nhl not shark hide injuri stupid nice gui hustl butt disappear hurt expect surfac anoth team point anoth e xpans team like bubbl player for rest career good work ethic and good get player motiv plai shark futur bad judgement call john carter season acquir free agent boston grade back season gave work ethic club kisio hustl isn futur shark made c lear night flame creas and hold joel otto board liter had arm otto neck and anot h wrap otto stick arm otto casual turn and fed puck front creas for goal carter wasn hustl can cover size shark told point blank that for good ditto hubi mcdono ugh favorit staff you make room for kid carter fact refus report and suspend sha rk that defacto retir haven heard offici hope hockei gull jean francoi quintin s eason acquir minnesota dispers draft grade don understand shark didn quintin pla i game plai thi season game outmatch and look fairli lost ic show potenti didn q uit readi make jump nhl solid contend for regular duti season agre btw lot your grade base you perform perform whether you can judg talent radio and televis nel son troubl sinc you don puck action your view home and view ic differ numer wai mark beaufait season acquir round pick supplement draft grade star season kansa citi beaufait cup coffei coffe coffei red wing dodi wood season acquir round pic k entri draft grade perhap shouldn give grade accus knock wood you nah unimpress even tough gui rep game had season that that point meaningless hate judg talent quickli butn dodi case tempt make except won chuq imho von rospach esd support train dal aux chuq appl member sfwa editor otherrealm geni mac bigot alink chuq minor leagu fan minor request medraut appl san jose giant san francisco giant fa n giant request medraut appl stick not san jose shark fan shark request medraut appl seat tbd gui bad mouth ulf ditto peopl continu shame peopl that c heap shot and draw penalti fake ing part game bullsh that yzerman deal probert w ouldn ulf isn even retaliatori justifi and fool patrick walker univers brunswick canada detroit fan extraordinair you expect toronto anywher detroit disciplin team lot eu ropean detroit make game fast toronto slow game mean draw penalti last resort to ronto will good team good player toronto averag team detroit isn ballard screw t oronto owner that and time for toronto becom real forc expect gilmour burnt year can pull team forev patrick walker univers brunswick espn suck basebal guess show meaningless rel basebal gam e overtim game that ti second left clock gimm break espn brilliant decis daryl t urner contact for winnipeg jet internet umturn ccu umanitoba fidonet rout tkachu k zhamnov sel nne shoot score jet win cup jet win cup essensa for vezina houslei for norri sel nne for calder espn network heart dale hunter ti game score goal game s econd remain regul you feel come due contractu agreement espn will unabl carri r est thi game live that show you worthless earli season battl two pennant contend cleveland indian and california angel win goal score will grave injustic break into basebal game reserv for death presid trade joe montana chief show you goal instant replai aren you lucki nation coverag hockei heidi dammit kevin stamber p urdu univers penguin devil roll train roll thumb espn cdash moet colorado edu charl shub write tues dai and isl cap game into overtim espn tom mee oblig bring you basebal stuck mik e burger point that basebal deal made advanc nhl contract wabc thing thank that devil wipe had switch yanke basebal proof reason for thi left reader bad espn st

uck local team coverag for altern game nesn coverag bruin sabr boston homer aw r ead that derek sanderson colour analyst spent earli year hockei intern pravda la nd thi job had twist into good bruin involv not even bill wirtz shill chicago pa t folei dale tallon thi bad and fair us feed esn empir sport network sabr homer and horribl spaci cnn highlight hear chri cuthbert voic cbc coverag hab nord ser i bad that couldn espn due respect sabr and bruin mike emrick substitut devil sc ny team for gari thorn mike origin devil plai plai announc gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei gui bad mouth ulf patrick walker unb write that yzerman deal probert wouldn you realiz smile cross face you wrote that gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei espn thumb your jesu christ score pen beat shit devil ga ve middl period espn smart announc state folk thi game get hand let island capit game celebr make progress homework bore schedul game tear and throw jersei hunt er score ap shit thi cap game watch season and espn back blowout that hasn chanc hell win period end and sportscast capitol ti oop excus into penguin worship mo de dont freak pen fan worthi thi glad wont plai year and come period blowout wai t for cap isl intermiss good put close game back wait what thi shit show blowout aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggg guess score penguin switch game you holi shit chang game goddamn time let stai thi prove point cap game into overtim due contractu oblig switch fuck basebal fo r languag piss hell schedul game into overtim espn your head your ass lot score and stand april world championship germani group s tand munich group stand dortmund canada czech republ russia finland itali german i sweden usa austria franc switzerland norwai april itali russia norwai germani sweden austria usa czech republ april canada switzerland russia austria finland franc april sweden canada czech republ germani switzerland itali finland usa apr il germani franc itali sweden czech republ norwai april switzerland russia usa f ranc austria canada norwai finland april switzerland austria germani finland apr il russia sweden czech republ franc canada itali usa norwai april sweden switzer land finland czech republ russia canada germani usa april austria itali franc no rwai playoff april quarterfin april quarterfin april releg april semifin releg b ronz medal game final staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei abc real thing that canada treat real abc telecast peopl roger surrei treat two channel don stink comment whitman plai plai godfath nhl draft articl apr newshub ariel yorku ariel yorku sha wn luddington write for pick ottawa pick mean almost that alexand daigl will sta i trade montreal quebec imo kariya alot leadership ncaa and world championship d aigl didn show thi for junior team san jose will kariya tampa bai will for russi an kozlov that defenseman rob niedemey spelt last name wrong last name niedermay jersei scott last name you guess brother rob niedermay center not defenseman no t that shark will kariya aren appar niedermay and victor kozlov kariya chri pron ger name mention guess that niedermay pronger that defens prospect calgari flame macinni for norri gari robert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff yea r stai edmonton nelson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark canada sweden world champioship articl apr venu hollandc white venu hollandc babi write todai world championship munich canada score imp ress victori defend world champ sweden game yesterdai olympiahal munich canada w on sweden last goal for canada period you shouldn and you anoth beer game and po st imaginari result holger holger ohlwein otto hahn ring muenchen tel email holg er ohlwein mchp sni never put till tomorrow you can avoid togeth goodby good riddanc lost star articl blue ci pitt edu go mer pitt edu richard coyl write articl apr julian uwo kirk gaul csd uwo andrew k irk write accept into western busi school not dork second person countri million doesn post articl not mean that embarras canada thi network for express you fee l your thought doesn agre you thi not give you call asshol north star shit give peopl privileg call folk you asshol asshol offens group bunch loser you never he ard western busi school chickenshit place rick loser you fuck moron never heard

western busi school univers western ontario for that matter don you pull your he ad your asshol and smell shit for onc you can map uwo back hockei north star mov e for past year shit real team toronto never move andrew andrew kirk univers wes tern ontario london ontario leaf trivia hab that thi ask time wonder sinc heard hell nick nam hab come for montreal canadien advanc cain schneider nhl regular season final attend report nation hockei lea gu season home attend report each qtr repres home game qtr will home game neutra l site game not includ number sell out team name qtr qtr qtr qtr total averag bo buf cal chi det edm har min mon nyi nyr ott phi pit que stl tor van win avg king playoff note stauber rate etc lo angel king note pl ayoff stauber disturb man theme rick sadowski daili new barri melros decis stick robb stauber stand creas even bench for stanlei cup playoff not sit rooki goalt end want part team crucial time year fun time year and not stauber emot mondai w ork hard for that stauber accept melros choic kelli hrudei team top goali playof f seri calgari flame hrudei made save sundai open victori stauber upset sudden s tatu man rick knickl stauber had record and goal averag stretch regular season a nd wrestl job hrudei knickl won decis had bloat averag twice yank game onc for s tomach cramp and hasn plai sinc march seri resum wednesdai knickl will serv hrud ei backup and stauber will satisfi playoff hunger munch olymp saddledom popcorn supposedli close starter starter drop happen stauber wonder not that happi feel part thi team playoff perhap stauber eventu will chanc melros appar not convinc year capabl handl playoff pressur insist king goali futur melros stauber flub bi g game ask win thi season melros loss san jose dec loss york ranger jan tie detr oit feb loss vancouv thursdai time thi season robb emerg elit goali kelli hrudei and didn melros elit goaltend carri ball you give mark great goali that isn sat isfi backup not blame robb for loss you you walk your talk you plai line robb st auber great deal abil expect ouch that remark stung stauber began season struggl team hit mid season slump didn plai for month knickl sign san diego gull roster end expect includ barri melros stauber year star univers minnesota left school develop hamper string injuri last year two knee oper herniat disk back shoulder surgeri can expect lot wouldn disagre that doesn not barri doesn don expect perf ectionist stauber acknowledg plai poorli game melros mention even didn plai knoc k bit jump you almost you plai good game you and you don you jack nicklau shoot and can you explain that that barri want explain didn come count don sport melro s goali futur statement doesn mean stauber you and will futur game king flame pl ayoff seri drew nielsen rate abc channel king averag nielsen rate regular season game air channel nhl san jose fire coach georg kingston lead team mark nhl seas on kingston past year shark island execut bill torrei name presid expans florida panther bobbi clark name club gener manag last night game win van van lead tor det det lead stan willi willi empir dnet hac net contact king talk king mail lis t king stanford edu subscrib unsubscrib king request stanford edu schedul articl netnew upenn edu kkeller mail sa upenn ed u keith keller write articl qup linnotb master rose hulman edu swartzjh rosevc r ose hulman edu write king hockei game televis nation tonight hell thi hell espn show stupid basebal game basebal not even week into season and hockei playoff wa it answer espn had houston astro chicago cub game schedul for last night west co ast sinc game rain show toronto mapl leaf detroit red wing game stan willi net c ontact king articl bigboot wpi edu ching bigwpi wpi edu logistician write player wear nhl rai borqu for bruin greatli appreci paul coffei detroit re dw bjoernar steinbakken red wing goespel don forget paul ysebaert devil good tea m player michael mv cec wustl edu jersei devil result april world championship germani group result swe den canada can geoff sanderson kevin dineen swe patrik juhlin jan larsson can ge off sanderson can mike gartner greg johnson adam grave can rod brind amour shayn corson shot goal penalti attend refere sweden min rob hearn usa canada min bill ranford stop shot lead canada victori plai game period start give canadian defe nseman and rundqvist alon ranford couldn put puck slide ranford kevin dineen had

great opportun soderstrom plai stefan nilsson had coupl great deke and set jan larsson ranford big period end scoreless edg sweden creat opportun second period action tommi soderstrom make great save mark recchi made backhand cross ic pass lindro eric time puck soderstrom make glove hand save minut mark canada start a ppli pressur swede sanderson dineen brind amour work hard and puck swede zone di neen gave puck sanderson skate screen swedish defenseman soderstrom and made wri st shot that soderstrom post canada swede pick game that and peter forsberg had shot that hit ranford post insid parallel goal line and gartner penalti and swed e power plai jan larsson shot slot ranford gave rebound larsson juhlin post pass puck and ranford beat period start period swede pressur canadian danger onc clo se swede goal canada creat great chanc and arto blomsten forc cover puck swede g oal creas sinc soderstrom lost sight that result penalti shot sinc defenseman ca n cover puck goal creas geoff sanderson penalti shot explain and put low soderst rom stick side close post excel penalti shot give canada ahead goal canada incre as lead suspect offsid gartner vollei bounc puck past soderstrom make swede ran ga and couldn produc good score chanc had for period goal second left rod brind amour score rebound soderstrom swedish defens had mind dress room good game goal i plai great soderstrom player sweden ranford even plai soderstrom that tell you ranford goali world comment game canada plai disciplin defens ranford point tha t easi plai good defens lindro plai lot and plai sanderson natur game hero two g oal forsberg naslund bergqvist line sweden larsson juhlin nilsson swedish defens plai peter popov had task neutral eric lindro and manag thi ranger defenseman p eter andersson final and that land germani hour game plai swedish coach curt lun dmark irrit game partli swede inabl score and partli linesman mistak goal line i nform follow below itali switzerland ita orlando penalti ita min swi min refere anton danko slovakia attend group result czech republ germani cze kamil kastak c ze jiri dolez cze petr hrbek cze radek toupal cze josef beranek penalti cze min ger min min min game penalti refere darren loraa canada attend czech german and german crowd show discont throw stuff ic finland usa fin jarkko varvio usa olczy k penalti fin min usa min refere valeri bokarev russia attend hope finn can prov id inform thi game didn game finn lead jarkko varvio slap shot blue line and sof t goal for unscreen mike richter plai second period finn control lead warrant sw eden canada goaltend tommi soderstrom bill ranford defens kenneth kennholt norm maciv fredrik stillman dave manson peter popov geoff smith peter andersson brian ben arto blomsten terri carkner roger akerstrom garri gallei derek mayer forwar d mikael renberg dave gagner thoma rundqvist adam grave mikael andersson mike ga rtner marku naslund paul kariya peter forsberg eric lindro jona bergqvist mark r ecchi patrik juhlin rod brind amour jan larsson shayn corson stefan nilsson kevi n dineen charl berglund geoff sanderson michael nyland greg johnson andersson be rgqvist brian savag kelli buchberg staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contac t for swedish hockei buffalo boston defens tonight boston buffalo sabr blank boston bruin tonight boston boston can hang thi season buffalo home record aweso m thi great buffalo fan reveng for last year delarocq eo ncsu edu afc east divis champion and afc confer champion squish fish mondai night footbal novemb squish trash talk fish afc championship januari you buffalo bill fan email delarocq eo ncsu edu can talk game insight etc you packer fan interest new green bai abc canada plarsen sanjuan allen larsen write articl boo ra sfu boora kit sfu godfath write abc coverag king flame game suppos shown cbc overrid abc coverag flip abc comment commerci even question thi real abc coverag cbc black abc coverag for call simulcast canada canadian station and american s tation show thing whether sport event cheer thursdai night canadian signal broad cast american station even thi superbowl commerci televis dumb canadian commerci for that last year edmonton and that case treat actual abc telecast king flame game earlier don witless whitman poor comment and not for hockei oiler plai augh turn sound and listen radio broadcast decent plai plai announc bart edmonton bai area media wing leaf coverag dreier apr durban berke lei edu dreier durban berkelei edu roland dreier write san francisco bai area me dia report tonight that detroit red wing beat toronto mapl leaf can not part med ia conspiraci leaf game expect win for leaf shutout for potvin hat trick for and

reychuk and goal and assist for gilmour leaf lost penalti whichev bias ref game call leaf red wing win california san francisco bai area media report that joe m ontana rumour lead candid replac fire san jose shark coach georg kingston appar montana not covet for win attitud plai coach will expect quarterback powerplai g ood thing wall soft rolli cordial maynard ramsei laurentian moron and time nhl team captain anna matya andrew cmu edu wrote michael collingridg write and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team capt ain trivia appreci wasn ron franci captain whaler trade pittsburgh and rick toch ett captain flyer trade pen recent caleb and not forget that jersei devil trade captain kirk muller for stephen richer and chorsk man hate that trade wing game qvo msuinfo msu edu vergolin euler lb msu edu david vergolini write detroit red wing put lot doubter ic tonight wash toronto m apl leaf you toronto fan power mighti red wing offens toronto defens match for w ing offens for defens probert kennedei and primeau move probert back defens park ass front potvin night disciplin probert leaf want win seri perhap fresh clark hit ic end long probert shift and straigten for cordial maynard ramsei laurentia n moron and time result april dstein oak math ucla edu david stein write russian and czech unabl beat easi oppon and swede beat austria open game effect pro arriv late nervous for rooki player and problem line click make thing hard w ors nation guess that team you face open game sinc chanc upset greater reason wo rs team tough beat present han viru lindberg coach switzerland wors team refer f ranc switzerland austria itali etc world class goali defens plai becom disciplin unnecessari penalti us line make harder make run ga ic qualiti german rink poor convinc winner germani wierd anoth weird thing that czech plai entertain hockei err kid david alex czech roster includ club player come finnish german swiss al ex that name for forgot czech roster home yesterdai don team for player you gui fill blank for player plai finland czech republ goaltend petr briza finland roma n turek motor budejovic defens leo guda milo holan vitkovic drahomir kadlec bedr ich scerban bryna sweden antonin stavjana sweden miroslav horava modo sweden al flasar vitkovic forward petr rosol kamil kastak sweden richard zemlicka jiri kuc era jan caloun litvinov petr hrbek toma kapusta otakar janecki finland roman hor ak motor budejovic martin hostak modo sweden radek toupal jiri dolez staffan sta ffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei hockei hispan commun reli canadian tourist and transplan t northeastern support team miami crazi espaeci you deserv citi team such san di ego milwauke panther name can sell hispan deep doo doo rumor that tampa move mil wauke abc coverag love abc coverag product excel appear excel had sleek modern thi time heard thorn clement thought great request leav micheal thi annoi hope thi lead regular season contract guess that will roughli weekli game feb april and playoff envi you canadian your tsn cbc dish pick canadian thi ng btw nhl summari pars result for game plai sun april jersei p ittsburgh period pittsburgh tocchet steven lemieux jersei barr guerin holik pitt sburgh lemieux jagr ramsei second period pittsburgh lemieux steven murphi pittsb urgh franci ramsei mullen pittsburgh tippett jagr mceachern period pittsburgh ja gr samuelsson lemieux jersei steven niedermay driver jersei steven semak niederm ay pittsburgh power plai scorer pt franci jagr lemieux mceachern mullen murphi r amsei samuelsson steven tippett tocchet jersei power plai scorer pt barr driver guerin holik niedermay semak steven loui chicago period chicago noonan larmer br own second period loui brown shanahan emerson chicago noonan roenick chelio chic ago noonan matteau sutter loui felsner mcrae jannei period loui shanahan brown h ull loui hull emerson brown loui power plai scorer pt brown emerson felsner hull jannei mcrae shanahan chicago power plai scorer pt brown chelio larmer matteau noonan roenick sutter lo angel calgari period lo angel sydor gretzki sandstrom s econd period calgari suter fleuri lo angel carson shuchuk sydor lo angel huddi t aylor rychel lo angel mcsorlei unassist period lo angel millen granato donnelli calgari dahlquist otto calgari yawnei macinni reichel lo angel carson sandstrom robitail lo angel power plai scorer pt carson donnelli granato gretzki huddi mcs

orlei millen robitail rychel sandstrom shuchuk sydor taylor calgari power plai s pecial goal total scorer pt dahlquist fleuri macinni otto reichel suter yawnei p eriod island ferraro flatlei vask second period score period washington hunter e lynuik krygier washington hunter khristich johansson washington khristich pivonk a johansson washington power plai scorer pt elynuik hunter johansson khristich k rygier pivonka island power plai scorer pt ferraro flatlei vask buffalo boston p eriod buffalo hannan unassist buffalo lafontain mogilni second period boston jun eau neeli oat boston neeli oat juneau buffalo mogilni hawerchuk smehlik period b uffalo mogilni unassist boston neeli juneau oat boston heinz juneau overtim buff alo sweenei khmylev smehlik buffalo power plai scorer pt hannan hawerchuk khmyle v lafontain mogilni smehlik sweenei boston power plai scorer pt heinz juneau nee li oat montreal quebec period montreal dionn dipietro brunet second period montr eal bellow muller desjardin period quebec rucinski lapoint sundin quebec sakic l apoint overtim quebec young ricci duchesn quebec power plai scorer pt duchesn la point ricci rucinski sakic sundin young montreal power plai scorer pt bellow bru net desjardin dionn dipietro muller colleg hockei star roster post roster for colleg hockei star game east and west roster advanc result april articl apr ericsson etxonss ufsa ericsson s taffan axelsson write forgot czech roster home yesterdai don team for player you gui fill blank for player plai finland czech republ goaltend petr briza finland sign contract for landshut germani for season defens leo guda hedo muenchen ger mani sinc holger holger ohlwein otto hahn ring muenchen tel email holger ohlwein mchp sni never put till tomorrow you can avoid togeth request for list boston univ player nhl proud alumnu lis t player nhl can ey progress lot terrier graduat thi year hope nhl post send lis t note player graduat not shark kingston fire overheard that san jose coach georg kingston offici termin todai good new bad kinda like lack fire bill gibson gibso n bill applelink appl chief technic spong applelink gibson bill appl comput inc shark detroit toronto deal noth want want roger you keith kell er ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ cow not vegetarian di sh keith keller goali mask poll articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatech edu hrivnak write current vote for favorit goali mask pt pt receiv pt mike vern on cal clint glenn heali nyi toi espo gill gratton thi toni esposito memori serv correctli chicago god hope will never hear end keith keller ranger quaker kkell er mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ cow not vegetarian dish keith keller final season chl stuff final stat for chl for season cen tral hockei leagu memori drive suit tulsa phone fax founder and presid rai miron commission mont miron market director jim goodman inform director eric kolb eac h team own leagu local intrest control dai dai oper work agreement and nhl affil i each team each team salari cap for total player dress each team limit visa mea n player american ignor thi rule you tulsa had american roster playoff team plai wichita tulsa oklahoma citi memphi fort worth and dalla futur expans plan inclu d houston san antonio baton roug rock paso albuquerqu tuscon and amarillo austin possibl dalla move houston and san antonio for thi fall baton roug and rock lik e for team fort worth fire wichita thunder arena tarrant conv cen kansa coliseum color red and black blue silver and black georg branum bill shuck coach pete ma havolich doug sheddan phone fire season tix singl tix radio announc dalla freez tulsa oiler arena fair park coliseum civic center color teal and black orang and blue tom koch jeff lund coach ron flockhart gari unger person guardian phone pu ck season tix rai and mont singl tix miron radio ksky ktrt announc bruce levin j eff brucculeri mark stone jeff bowen memphi river king oklahoma citi blazer aren a mid south coliseum myriad state fair arena color gold and black red yellow and black jim rigg brad lund coach steve carlson mike mcewen phone puck season tix singl tix radio krec wwl announc dave woloshin john brook tom stocker brian barn hart regular season stand otl pt pim avg attdnc cap oklahoma citi blazer tulsa i c oiler dalla freez memphi riverk fort worth fire wichita thunder playoff tulsa

defeat dalla game wllwwlw oklahoma citi defeat memphi game wwllww levin trophi f inal tulsa defeat oklahoma citi game wwlww playoff mvp toni fior tulsa special v ote rai and mont miron team team dalla fort worth memphi oklahoma citi tulsa wic hita dalla fort worth memphi oklahoma citi tulsa wichita power plai statist pena lti killng statist ppg opp shga pct ppg save opp shg pct okla citi okla citi tul sa dalla dalla tulsa fort worth wichita wichita memphi memphi fort worth penalti record min game gross oppn pim avg minor major bench misc misc misc match pim w ichita fort worth memphi dalla okla citi tulsa score period period period period overtim shootout total dalla fort worth memphi okla citi tulsa wichita star tea m posit team second team goaltend toni martino tulsa robert desjardin wichita ti e alan perri oklahoma citi tie defensemen dave doucett dalla mike berger dalla g ui girouard oklahoma citi tom karali tulsa center carl boudreau oklahoma citi jo e burton oklahoma citi left wing sylvain fleuri oklahoma citi doug lawrenc tulsa wing daniel larin oklahoma citi tom mutch memphi tie sylvain naud tulsa tie reg ular season mvp sylvain fleuri oklahoma citi rooki year bobbi desjardin wichita lead defenseman dave doucett dalla lead goaltend toni martino tulsa score leader point team pt goal team fleuri sylvain okc fleuri sylvain okc lawrenc doug tul larin daniel okc naud sylvain tul mutch tom mem mutch tom mem thibodeau ken mem hall taylor tul naud sylvain tul thibodeau ken mem taylor jason dal anchikoski w ayn dal boudreau carl okc assist team larin daniel okc lawrenc doug tul taylor j ason dal fleuri sylvain okc dent ted wch naud sylvain tul sanderson mike ftw dou cett dave dal gatti dave wch hall taylor tul nobili mario tul girouard gui okc c yr keith wch amario peter mem penalti minut team pim johnston scot mem aubrei ro n ftw burton joe okc karali tom tul simoni steve okc johnson craig okc hornak er nest ftw neish greg wch fior toni tul batten john mem doucett dave dal taylor ja son dal lead goaltend game team gpi min gaa otl save save pct martino toni tul p erri alan okc zanier mike dal mindjimba antoin mem smith greg dal desjardin bobb i wch bellei roch ftw goali team gpi min gaa otl save save pct flatt brian tul k rake paul okc loewen jami tul ocello matt ftw ocello matt tul total raymond eric tul hara michael ftw vasko steve mem trentadu rocco ftw trentadu rocco okc tota l harvei alain wch gosselin yannick wch gosselin yannick okc total caton murrai wch mcdonnel dan tul sauer tul clark joel wch wachter steve wch marc dee foster contact for chl info unit state coverag sundai april pittsburgh edt east ern time zone abc gari thorn and bill clement loui chicago cdt and mdt central m ountain zone abc mike emerick and jim schoenfeld lo angel calgari pdt and adt pa cif alaskan zone abc michael and john davidson tuesdai april pittsburgh edt nati onwid espn gari thorn and bill clement thursdai april and saturdai april announc edt nationwid espn announc canadian coverag sundai april buffalo boston edt nat ionwid tsn tuesdai april pittsburgh edt nationwid tsn wednesdai april loui chica go edt nationwid tsn octopu detroit watch detroit minnesota game last night a nd thought octopu ic ysebaert score tie game two custom throw octopus ic detroit not respons dain bramag harold zazula dlmqc cunyvm cuni edu hzazula alehous acc edu flyer thi year biggest and worst opinion articl apr cbne wsh att seth cbnewsh att peter clark write word roussel shut shark and soderstro m shut penguin that immateri coach decis come joe you plai signific plai irrelev low gaa good team low gaa bad team context compar two goaltend low gaa higher g aa low gaa good team higher gaa bad team context compar two goaltend start not a rgu goaltend soderstrom that roussel can netmind gaa differ half goal per game t hat last night save percentag close and record similar and that don you can labe l roussel disappoint player flyer thi season you soderstrom plai competit that k now roussel perform game score team pittsburgh defens kei san jose for roussel r anger game two real score chanc made great plai save mistak player you judg rous sel that game alon you not judg roussel that game alon plai for past two season philli and that hershei opinion take thought that mark laforest never wendel you ng bat judg hershei talent sinc hextal era for ranger game you can save mistak o ffens player you rou had leg posit make save didn wouldn matter ranger player di dn puck not goal breakawai that goali and forc shooter beat you tie hab you goal

i stand head that shutout that goali action roussel doesn game that rememb rouss el excel job pittsurgh open night give flyer tie two time defend champ and not s oderstrom senat that game again hab you can that montreal player had open net sh oot point that game and flat miss mistak offens and defens part game never shuto ut happi flyer soderstrom and roussel and not argu anymor current game win strea k and expect soar for year don want piss you point that you don sell ticket seas on joe dake microelectron union boulevard allentown flyer alux jmd jmd aluxpo at t goali mask tom barrasso wore great mask time last season unveil game boston black pgh citi scene golden triangl pgh downtown area river meet grace top steel mill side and civic arena back helmet pen logo fat penguin blue scarf current time pen logo and space for current logo tommi had design mas k and mother artist paint for wear mask pen thump bruin game tommi back paint jo b great mask goali superstit lori pen info need articl apr jyu mikkot romulu math jyu mikk o tarkiainen write coach new alpo suhonen jet jokerit verifi bori majorov jokeri t tappara vasili tichonov assat san jose shark assist coach sakari pietila lulea silver team elit serien wow that reason current assist coach drew ramenda hint that won back for new mikko can you finnish netter comment tichonov calgari flam e macinni for norri gari robert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff ye ar stai edmonton nelson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark octopu detroit articl dlmqc cunyvm bitnet harold zazula dlmqc cunyvm bitnet write watch detroit minnesota game last night and thought oc topu ic ysebaert score tie game two squid tradit aliv kinda fish unh game custom throw octopus ic detroit not respons dain bramag harold zazula dlmqc cunyvm cun i edu hzazula alehous acc edu schedul for week articl apr yuma acn colost edu mmb lama r colost edu michael burger write unit state schedul april devil island pittsbur gh est abc eastern time zone april loui chicago cdt abc cent mou time zone april lo angel calgari pdt abc pacif time zone april devil island pittsburgh espn apr il tba espn april tba espn supplement basic mike info for sunddai open abc annou nc crew devil isl pittsburgh gari thorn plai plai bill clement color and morgant i roam hall dress room thi telecast will primarili east coast loui chicago mike emrick plai plai jim schoendfeld color and tom mee roam hall thi telecast will p rimarili midwest and part south calgari you mircal michael plai plai john davids on color and mark jone roam report thi telecast will western usa montreal naitiv jon saunder will host studio abc will and close and person mario saturdai wide world sport edt sundai will nhl playoff regular network telecast year not count silli star game nbc for last year for sundai game abc will us mike goal super su per slo close up player face face off espn abc will not us favorit toi ic level shot pittsburgh seat remov emploi case blowout progress pittsburgh abc will swit ch chicago game will come back pittsburgh game for updat game get closer abc exp ect huge rate hockei standard sinc top market involv metro area island devil chi cago blackhawk and king stai tune mike ppv mark rumour keenan sign ranger upi clarinet relai scoop toron to sun that star star that iron mike keenan come agreement york ranger for seaso n interestingli thi come dai time sport had editori ranger pat rilei care happen season gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet se lann domi stanlei minu stat articl apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic write articl blue ci pitt edu jrmst pitt edu joseph mcdonald write jagr higher franci had point and inform observ ronni franci had season jaromir jagr thi not jaro h ad decent year didn live expect bowman tend overplai franci time bowman style pl ayer plai hard time doesn disregard defens respons and good leader bowman reward increas ic time jagr can arrog and juvenil and displai attitud thi rub bowman w rong and caus lose ic time year franci consist reciev ic time jagr althouhg neve r stat thi subject pretti that jagr had point per minut plai that franci you add that jagr rate becom evid that jagr had season not that franci had bad becom ev id that you determin flaunt your ignor cost jagr not season franci suggest insul

t modicum hockei knowledg save your almost maniac devot almighti minu mislead ho ckei stat nhl publish quantifi statist includ ic time per game and measur qualit i player put kei situat protect lead late game match team top two line short han d etc disappear altogeth dubiou merit trumpet understand implic brad brad gibson internet gibson geop ubc dept geophys astronomi main mall phone univers british columbia fax vancouv british columbia canada hockei and hispan commun articl saross starbas spd louis vil edu saross starbas spd louisvil edu stacei ross write odin corp sgi rickc wr iglei corp sgi richard casar write you hard time sell sport commun that can plai account avail financi reason hockei pretti sport for white and white not hockei season ticket owner lowest averag incom major north american sport you basi for thi claim stat playboi magazin june percentag pro footbal fan attend colleg per centag pro basebal fan attend colleg percentag pro basketbal fan attend colleg p ercentag pro hockei fan attend colleg percentag pro footbal fan earn percentag p ro basebal fan make percentag pro basketbal fan make percentag pro hackei fan ma ke and major hockei player come farm boondock saskatchewan weedvil alberta bigge st advantag that kid boondock weedvil avail ic san jose area popul and that popu l serv ic arena contrast kamloop british columbia popul and rink myriad pond poo l etc that freez winter hard find kid bicycl hard find kid pair skate and you ca lifornia that born and rais trail british columbia town lot ic winter father rad io plai plai for local team trail smokeat last canadian team win world champions hip back skate almost walk and plai recreat hockei for year last time you hockei leagu citi insur alon big barrier citi isn place that poor biggest barrier hock ei citi ic plai lack ic big factor cost bigger factor kid plai for santa clara v allei hockei associ and thi season end cost per kid for membership hockei usa pe r kid for club due hockei usa fee cover excess medic insur and club due cover ic time offici trophi etc area similar fee citi govern subsidis cost stockton ic a rena locat call citi area eastridg and vallco except redwood citi rink industri area bai berkelei ashbi and martin luther king stockton oak park sacramento olde r section downtown forget name street fresno edg town west santa rosa nice rink older section town dublin town rink and expens run huge electr bill and insur pr emium you want bui ic time expect pai per hour rink give you minut hour for your monei give you minut hour and includ resurfac time fee alan hepburn man doesn n ation semiconductor doesn santa clara alan berlioz nsc thoma carlyl octopu detroit david rumour keenan sign ranger articl apr new columbia edu gl d cunixb columbia edu gari dare write upi clarinet relai scoop toronto sun that star star that iron mike keenan come agreement york ranger for season interestin gli thi come dai time sport had editori ranger pat rilei care happen season rumo ur basic toronto base report that keenan told san jose and philadelphia that lon ger interest pursu negoti team ranger announc suppos happen tomorrow supposedli ranger veteran that had coach weight and proven record and messier respect geral d blackhawk win hawk win jermei roenick score goal and haw k put leaf place loser column leaf can not even beat hawk match that had mean wi ll hate wing btw laugh that jerki hawk octopu detroit harold zazula dlmqc cunyvm bitnet write w atch detroit minnesota game last night and thought octopu ic ysebaert score tie game two custom throw octopus ic detroit long stand good luck redw tradit throw octopu ic stanlei cup game date back olympia wing team sweep cup game lot hardet throw joe loui seat olympia balconi funniest tiger fan threw field detroit toro nto basebal game live california and folk watch had never heard hockei and incre dul recogn octopu camera closeup blackhawk win apr vax cn edu jbrown vax cn muskingum edu write hawk win jermei roenick score goal and hawk put leaf place loser column l eaf can not even beat hawk match that had mean will hate wing btw laugh that jer ki you not refer maynard initi you norri final ron and major goal leav presid se t thing worri get bore read problem paper decad decad want peopl deal problem pr esid bill clinton minu stat articl qmtd innr iskut uc ubc gibson nukta geo

p ubc brad gibson write articl apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic write articl bl ue ci pitt edu jrmst pitt edu joseph mcdonald write jagr higher franci had point and inform observ ronni franci had season jaromir jagr thi not jaro had decent year didn live expect bowman tend overplai franci time bowman style player plai hard time doesn disregard defens respons and good leader bowman reward increas i c time jagr can arrog and juvenil and displai attitud thi rub bowman wrong and c aus lose ic time year franci consist reciev ic time jagr althouhg never stat thi subject pretti that jagr had point per minut plai that franci you add that jagr rate becom evid that jagr had season not that franci had bad becom evid that yo u determin flaunt your ignor cost jagr not season franci suggest insult modicum hockei knowledg save your almost maniac devot almighti minu mislead hockei stat nhl publish quantifi statist includ ic time per game and measur qualiti player p ut kei situat protect lead late game match team top two line short hand etc disa ppear altogeth dubiou merit trumpet understand implic you for post thi person br ought fact that jagr higher franci can assur you that brought exampl absurd comp arison even team never thought that argu that jagr higher reflect two plai opini on franci low pure result ask plai oppon top scorer time fact that can chip poin t neutral team top center testament valuabl even suffer hand jagr for big fast a nd skill can even point matter inflat don wrong jagr lazi floater turn exactli t ime overtim playoff game roland dreier dreier math berkelei edu presid trophi winner miss playoff jstrangi hora sea upen n edu jim strangio write articl apr mcgill ccdb musica mcgill ccdb write last ti me presid trophi winner fell last place year long time bet montreal canadian fin ish presid cup dai and miss playoff recal that playoff pictur wasn decid final d ai ranger defeat redw tie breaker number goal for rememb correctli ranger plai e mpti net for entir game hab loyalist accus wing throw game recal gordi and delve cchio had flu coach sid abel sat and ranger swarm redw night octopu detroit faq fun gak richard stueven aha erect mul titud internet gak wr offic and hither swarm attmail attmail gakhau gak sharx of fic harass peopl cow palac and eat substanc keenan sign ranger heard new that mike keenan blackhawk flyer and gener siberian prison sign coach ranger ranger won presid cup last yea r slip bit end season and destin finish last lowli flyer flyer fan disappoint ke enan decis interest cap connin ahl final stand final american hockei leagu stand northe rn divis pt lyf provid bruin adirondack red wing capit district isl springfield indian haven senat southern divis pt lyf binghamton ranger rochest american utic a devil baltimor skipjack hershei bear hamilton canuck atlant divis pt lyf john mapl leaf fredericton canadien cape breton oiler moncton hawk halifax citadel la st year point total leagu record total bri farenel farenebt craft camp clarkson edu ahl ecac and boston bruin contact for rec sport hockei adirondack red wing c alder cup champ clarkson hockei ecac tournament champ glen fall high hockei divi s state champ ahl fan join ahl mail list ahl new request andrew cmu edu devil and island tiebreak island beat devil tonight fini sh ident record lucki team that get face penguin open round can list rule for br eak ti nhl team milwauke read report nhl move milwauke that mil wauke nhl team thought pass stori heard recent thi second hand don true reason d oubt bradlei center milwauke home milwauke admir minor leaug hockei team owner a dmir can rememb name own shell major fund build bradlei center supposedli approa ch nhl expans franchis turn thought franchis fee million high don whether thi st ori true rumor true don for nhl team milwauke anytim admir aren forc build and y ou won nhl club and minor leagu club build sinc nba milwauke buck plai charli be tz crai research inc chippewa fall cbetz romulu crai beat pittsburgh articl apr guvax acc georgetown edu apan jabi guvax acc georgetown edu write beat pittsburgh iii kevin steven fight call bob probert call tie domi call grandmoth kick ass yeah you grand mother bet jose ph stiehm rumour keenan sign ranger golchowi alchemi chem utoronto gerald olchowi write gld cunixb columbia edu gari dare write ranger announc sup

pos happen tomorrow supposedli press confer ranger veteran that had coach weight and proven record and messier respect interestingli keenan coach number team ca nada world championship roger neilsen interest ranger call balanc neilsen contra ct keenan assist roger good job mediocr player handl cinderella canuck year ago mistak plai ranger canuck last gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg j et gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei patrick playoff thi jan brittenson write last year pen w eak spot defens and goaltend boston boston doesn gun pen pen doesn defens goalte nd and disciplin boston boston can you thi pen and bruin plai number game and nu mber goal ti for and fourth defens leagu chicago and toronto second pen weak spo t defens comparison offens second leagu detroit pen weaker defens and goaltend b ruin that strong terri finland sweden nhl team helsinki stockholm nhl expans fi nland jyrki lumm teppo numminen peter ahola don defend lumm and numminen jari ku rri christian ruuttu you that ruuttu worth teemu selann compar kurri selann poin t high let make canada cup and world championship larg due effort marku ketter g oali player list and luck lot decent player finland that wouldn superstar highes t level valuabl role player guess that finnish canada cup team team nhl wow you don player gui nieminen jutila riihijarvi varvio laukkanen makela keskinen and e ven ag ruotsalainen main differ finnish and north american player that player te nd larger rink canadian defend slower that defend europ and that success ketter and luck help that main reason that team work togeth howl howl gargl howl gargl howl howl howl gargl howl gargl howl howl gargl gargl howl gargl gargl gargl how l slurrp uuuurgh prostetn vogon jeltz marko poutiainen mep phoenix oulu devil and island tiebreak hockei guru espn island win to nit two team will record devil will plai penguin thi island won season seri devi l rule for decid tie breaker includ season seri goal goal for thi order correct wrong add craig island octopu detroit jaracz plymouth edu write articl dlmqc cu nyvm bitnet harold zazula dlmqc cunyvm bitnet write watch detroit minnesota game last night and thought octopu ic ysebaert score tie game two squid tradit aliv kinda fish unh game understand octapu appar number year ago fan threw octapu ic and announc octapi will not occupi ic that and happen sinc fan cheer pick dead o ctapu hand and boo us shovel matt uva devil and island tiebreak articl ldi odin corp sgi enola n sharkbit esd sgi nolan write island beat devil tonight finish ident record luc ki team that get face penguin open round can list rule for break ti not tie brea ker rule island win god win island win seri and advanc ask interject opinion mat er concern island mean come jet bad jet for minu stat articl qmtd innr iskut uc ubc gibson nukta geo p ubc brad gibson write respons debat season jagr franci jagr had point per minu t ic time stat don exist properli analyz thi and had substanci becom evid that y ou determin flaunt your ignor cost jagr not season franci suggest insult modicum hockei knowledg save your almost maniac devot almighti minu mislead hockei stat nhl publish quantifi statist includ ic time per game and measur qualiti player put kei situat protect lead late game match team top two line short hand etc dis appear altogeth dubiou merit trumpet understand implic statist player ic team sc ore lot goal and goal compar teammat plai for team and roughli similar rate equa l good player can adjust vari degre success compar player team agre nice for nhl statist that you suggest total ic time miss stat jagr franci argument measur qu aliti ic time you suggest useless stat for evalu coach player qualiti ic time ta lent good player low amount qualiti ic time team depth stupid coach doesn recogn talent and bad player lot qualiti ic time lack team depth stupid coach that thi nk effect player thi stat flaw and almost conclus drawn player talent stat quit evalu player talent you displai ignor your unwilling that ic goal score not allo w posit thing and evalu such gregmeist result april articl apr ericsson etxonss ufsa ericsson s taffan axelsson write world championship germani game shown abc coverag gerald olchowi write clement pleasant person aggravatingli pleasant opinion terribl analyst almost alwai wrong prototyp exam

pl jersei goal last sundai grew dick irvin color besid danni gallivan knew irvin dick irvin friend mine bill clement you aren dick irvin long team involv not in clud nation team york ranger john davidson bill clement dai person mean that exa ctli clement and emrick hand pompou bull head arrog real turn exactli complaint clement that sometim talk want that listen tim mcgarver basebal game mom buffalo you never appreci wirtz weeni dean new penguin announc yesterdai that will fewer broadcast game and will game sort subscript pai per view system yuck thi incorrect thi year pen had game free and game ppv year will game free and subscr ipt basi you free game last year and will radio game you home and read paper ful l detail that for make post base wduq new sport relat item wrong ralph don cherri person rare even don cherri and doesn don whe ther thi area pittsburgh usa that depriv broadcast whether canadian thing altoge th coach time and volum post sure get steadi diet question deal secondli comment that read net flame bait peopl gotta you sound ass miss div ncaa team great hear that umass bring back hockei re mind that coupl year ago talk that bimidgi and mankato state upgrad program div statu rememb that had troubl ncaa rule allow compet div level that resolv wonder colleg hockei east colorado alaska except popular hockei west coast expect inte rest build collegi level heard jame mail jold vma edu sad dai for hockei mom write fear that decad profession sport team left pittsburgh will steeler perish thought you you major leagu profe ssion sport team big monei game previou time that move back home year that ahl t eam sigh interest thing that nhl expand time dramat increas amount monei need op er team thi that big shake occur year player salari can brought control frankli don nhl current drive for expans support current oper condit revenu share and sa lari cap don come into nhl steve stat for hockei pool keeper stat for famili hockei pool and for daili weekli email server for playoff stat connect server militzok skidm or edu and wilson ucf edu sort two email site doesn thi group rick rick emma pan am wimsei rick emma tfbb wimsei nhl team captain quot cire trehguad cyt michael collingr idg write and subject captain trade resign stripe titl season team captain trivi a appreci cyt cyt wasn ron franci captain whaler trade cyt pittsburgh cyt and ri ck tochett captain flyer trade pen cyt recent cyt caleb cyt and not forget that jersei devil trade cyt captain kirk muller for stephen richer and chorsk cyt man hate that trade for team captain trade year nhl edmonton oiler trade captain ro n chiperfield quebec nordiqu trade deadlin for goaltend ron low second year exis t edmonton oiler trade deadlin trade captain thi time mcdonald vancouv canuck ri ght winger ken berri for garri larivier and right lar gunner petterson for capta in trivia edmonton captain lee fogilin trade buffalo sabr wayn gretzki trade kev in low thi year trade ranger that captain edmonton oiler had trade present capta in craig mctavish and wait and talk you steve answer short correct dumb free blu e wave qwk goodby good riddanc lost star articl sm busi uwo lawren sm busi uwo stephen lawrenc write goodby minnesota you never earn nhl franchis p lace whatta weird town whatta ass skin for question emot music quit brave effect you mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism gatech edu nhlpa poll partial stat result peopl send poll closer nj d deep team two capabl goali and excel forward and defensemen shooter richer tod d chef stasni master thousand dish power plai captain steven number plai and for detroit playoff tradit back earli year win garner stanle i cup soooooo coupl local fish monger local joe loui arena that start tradit thr ow octopi ic win each victori leg sever octopu found ic dead brilliant market st rategi shore demand for popular product hope thi help lang roger maynard reciev annoi email roger maynard whenev po st articl tell leav alon and stop post group email fill insult usual roger post and hockei info reciev two last dai wonder special roger try bulli disagre gregm eist obligatori hockei comment highli that mapl leaf will even divis devil and island tiebreak articl lfa murdoch acc virgini a edu cal csissun virginia edu craig allen lori write hockei guru espn island wi n tonit two team will record devil will plai penguin thi island won season seri devil rule for decid tie breaker includ season seri goal goal for thi order corr ect wrong add thought win goal for gerald finland sweden nhl team helsinki stockholm nhl expans ap r ousrvr oulu mep phoenix oulu marko poutiainen write finland jyrki lumm teppo n umminen peter ahola don defend lumm and numminen correct for numminen and lumm t eemu selann compar kurri selann point high let make kurri point low for kurri an d for sel nne canada cup and world championship larg due effort marku ketter goa li player list and luck lot decent player finland that wouldn superstar highest level valuabl role player guess that finnish canada cup team team nhl wow you do n player gui nieminen jutila riihijarvi varvio laukkanen makela keskinen and eve n ag ruotsalainen main differ finnish and north american player that player tend larger rink canadian defend slower that defend europ and that success ketter an d luck help that main reason that team work togeth that true game europ compar n hl north am rican small rink and european larg rink averag european player swede n finland russian tsech slovakia skater and puckhandl nhl colleagu defend nhl sl ow and clumsi sel nne that finnish leagu game base skill nhl finland couldn brea kawai defend averag skater nhl alpo suhonen that nhl sel nne speed accentu clums i defensemen admit that player come canada regular aren skil regular european le agu top european level north american lemieux class tommi rumour keenan sign ranger articl apr new columbia edu gl d cunixb columbia edu gari dare write interestingli keenan coach number team can ada world championship roger neilsen ultim hockei philosophi night and dai keena n believ pressur opposit and take initi limit system roger reactiv hockei philos ophi messier will and plai for keenan thought roger loser interest ranger call b alanc neilsen contract keenan assist roger good job mediocr player handl cindere lla canuck year ago mistak plai ranger canuck last roger great assist coach bad blood nielson and messier mistak bring back even that role gerald minu stat meaningless compar player minu statist anoth p layer context role and plai time player involv compar jagr and franci minu ridic ul and absurd gerald detroit playoff tradit articl apr reg triumf lang reg tr iumf thread canadian tapestri write back earli year win garner stanlei cup soooo oo coupl local fish monger local joe loui arena that start tradit throw octopi i c win each victori leg sever octopu found ic dead brilliant market strategi shor e demand for popular product hope thi help lang local joe loui arena you mean lo cal olympia stadium red wing game plai fairli recent earli come mind rest post b asic correct you meant local simpli detroit and incred picki that david nichol s enior statist support specialist spss inc phone internet nichol spss fax correl view and spss strictli due chanc goali mask updat articl acsu buffalo edu hammerl acsu bu ffalo edu valeri hammerl write articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatech edu hriv nak write result dai vote rememb pt for for and for you can turn vote and gui is n regular goali retir includ team for your time and send vote glenn heali nyi to mmi soderstron rai leblanc usa soderstrom plai philli doesn mould mask helmet an d cage varieti white that wore thirteen hour ago yeah soderstrom mask appear lot bigger averag helmet and cage varieti appeal josh valeri hammerl dai remind not hammerl acsu buffalo edu mario lemieux herb brook claud acscvjh ubm buffalo edu lemieux top scorer for devil pwwpz ubvm buffalo edu for take dumb penalti stop maynard bash roger maynard articl apr sol uvic gbal lent hudson uvic write reciev annoi email roger maynard whenev post articl tell leav alon and stop post group email fill insult usual roger post and hockei info reciev two last dai wonder special roger try bulli disagre gregmeist you can an d colleagu not receiv bad mail roger fact roger happen answer not hockei questio n and curios you start flame roger your nasti attitud roger and steve lee univer s western ontario london canada lee obelix gaul csd uwo flame question articl htrb ic ccu umanitoba clhawth ccu umanitoba timothi cheslei write heard back that gari robert return plai calgari

last regular season game can confirm thi big flame playoff and chang playoff poo l strategi robert plai last night game shark and goal and assist thi bolster cal gari chanc playoff rahim hirji rahim hirji life happen you actuari scienc make p lan rhirji descart uwaterloo univers waterloo schedul for week jpc philab philip john curcio write mmb lamar colost edu michael burger write unit state schedul april devil island pit tsburgh est abc april loui chicago cdt abc april lo angel calgari pdt abc side e spn deal addit coverag split contract sca leftov canuck jet cap and red wing lea f plai april devil island pittsburgh espn april tba espn april tba espn will alt ern game citi local broadcast right protect for area island devil like bruin sin c adam seri montreal quebec prefer impress that abc deal overrid local deal loui chicago pop gld souvien gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitn et selann domi stanlei bruin pen ulf neelei fight excus for wast bandwidth refe r origin incid not recent skirmish occur thi past month tom huot huot crai cut vukota and pilon isl cap tilt crap centr thi year is l win and justif for vukota and pilon plai for isl vukota absolut worst puck han dler world couldn hit bull ass banjo rememb year back mick score goal period cap isl win and astonish rest crowd wake year wors cheap shot artist and end get st upid senseless penalti make good polic offici for pilon can carri puck center ic make bad pass result turnov attempt bring puck neutral zone and skate into oppo s skater can stai skate forward center fall committ penalti call capit district playoff isl difficult figur cap two good team talent inconsist meet round isl pl ai level competit plai jersei tonit anoth tight goal game last game hve for isl lead continu pour settl back into defens shell and let opposit back game underst and can thi team isl bobbi nystrom clark gill john tonelli kind young mind behe bench fire john scialdon scialdon nssdca gsfc nasa gov your ship come man take s ail goali mask poll articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatech edu hrivnak write updat goali mask poll sinc peopl gave decid give pt for favor it pt for for you mail respons gave pt feel free send your favorit you vote mask you will receiv vote for player not nhl mention team plai for date result vote andi moog belfour vanbiesbrouck bruin hot time rich beskosti rbeskost east sun ulf and you asham call ulf samuelson fan plai not belong nhl cheap shot artist histori game lot talant player bobbi clark kenni linsemen pie mckenzi chri chelio etc dirti cheapshot coward ulf violenc hockei curb and player women samuelson don belong player ulf main purpos injur player leagu allo w continu and leagu won stop player christian pro aluminum stick direct ugli hea d trick nice bruin chanc meet pittsburgh futur you can bet neeli will dai sight watch ulf turtl coward worth almost stane cup thi wimp player almost ruin career winger game you remov ulf samuelson lineup penguin not even notic eyesor game h ockei rich stop maynard bash roger maynard apr julian uwo lee gaul csd uwo steve lee write articl apr sol uvic gballent hudson uvic write reciev an noi email roger maynard whenev post articl tell leav alon and stop post group em ail fill insult usual roger post and hockei info reciev two last dai wonder spec ial roger try bulli disagre gregmeist you can and colleagu not receiv bad mail r oger fact roger happen answer not hockei question and curios you start flame rog er your nasti attitud roger and steve lee univers western ontario london canada lee obelix gaul csd uwo speak roger comment last night game you admit can make n oth game sound game stanlei cup final roger push leaf even bother long time supp ort good idea game wow gave compliment guess stop rye water give anoth bruin canadien articl apr rose jack petrilli rose jack p etrilli write don you mean pariti boston never not and never will good organ mon treal canadien never not debat valid test can you final stand division playoff w inner you propos worthless vote colleg footbal joke you boston fan make laugh yo u crazi base recent boston domin montreal playoff mean cup boston won compar mon treal and you win cup team montreal boston you sinden find screw even thi good b oston team fire suter trade vital star admittedli last trade good long luck run and start make esposito for ratel type trade rememb brad park involv that trade

wasn that bad hockei player sinden trade year for rick middleton ranger don sind en gave for middl ton call thi barri pederson for cam neeli canuck question greg hawgood for vladimir ruzicka oiler didja that rosi roof roi last year playoff c ourtnal ranford for andi moog oiler wash moog good goaltend ranford burn boston final year and courtnal point vancouv care comment courtnal defens liabil ken li nseman for dave poulin flyer question jannei quintal for adam oat blue jannei en orm talent and person gui bruin plai adam divis even you count esposito vadnai r atel park don rememb joe zanussi trade doubl minu harri hors trader come top sub mit that bruin good harri not spite btw you hab will bounc back season bet finis h fourth confer pittsburgh quebec boston washington island correct team will not montreal confer summari thing bleak for hab futur suspect that team bell provin c win cup will that team that lindro didn want plai for admit that suffer boston get hot montreal swan playoff type year knowledg that montreal braintrust will plug hit formula for anoth cup boston fan thi kind despair that long harri sinde n run show bruin will good never good jack dan lyddi daniel cori berkelei edu un ivers california berkelei two favorit hockei team boston bruin plai pittsburgh minu stat brad gibson gibson nukta geop ubc wrote text d elet minu mislead hockei stat not necessarili mislead you proper perspect shine exampl you penguin individu you will find minus that make common sens sinc didn lose game nhl publish quantifi statist includ ic time per game and measur qualit i player put kei situat protect lead late game match team top two line short han d etc disappear altogeth dubiou merit trumpet understand implic you will ridicul number stat come statist show player enjoi game and not overanalyz excus tom hu ot huot crai minu stat gerald olchowi golchowi alchemi chem utoronto wrote meaningless compar player minu statist anoth player context role and plai time player involv compar jagr and franci minu ridicul and absurd gerald you for put thi perspect tom huot huot crai ranger embarrass can that ranger forc player binghamtom plai ahl playoff let repres countri world championship anderrson and zubov wait for nhl make decis thi kovalev and minor ranger disgrac report that neil smith h ire mike keenan long will smith for godfath flyer note flyer blew lead buffalo sabr second period ke vin dineen career hat trick power consecut win sabr lost row alexand mogilni led comeback score and goal season ti game period and tommi soderstrom stop shot go al improv record test mogilni and lafontain night roster move andr faust onc rec al hershei shawn cronin healthi scratch line eklund lindro recchi beranek brind amour dineen lomakin butsayev conroi faust acton brown gallei bowen yushkevich h awgood carkner mcgill tommi soderstrom game summari buffalo read thi you peopl t hat woman sang anthem had turn volum flyer defens start game show flyer shut tea m hold sabr shot period show will plai golf sundai gave shot last two period tom mi told that get bore back mark recchi open score fast that you blink you miss b uffalo won faceoff and dump tommi wrap puck board eric left eric drop gallei and ahead recchi steam zone mark skate into center circl pass puck leg richard smeh lik skate and fuhr smehlik pull zone stick recchi drift drift back left and slid puck back past fuhr for flyer lead beauti eric and garri turn assist flyer pres sur fuhr for that strong and flyer damag game defens struggl for sabr chanc powe r plai terri carkner board minor for crunch dale hawerchuk into board flyer zone lafontain score chanc and not terribl good flyer smother sabr power plai mogiln i post consecut penalti kill for flyer keith carnei hold penalti for take mark r ecchi give flyer power plai penalti kill team leagu didn flyer shot goal flyer c reat good score chanc for lindro partial fan shot end period plai start end end miss net greg hawgood interfer penalti give sabr anoth power plai couldn and fan express displeasur ic puck shot buffalo flyer had led point mike emrick intervi ew flyer presid jai snider period jai disappoint not make playoff not discourag thi consid rebuild year trade and happi season ask agon trade that russ farwel t rade and not that issu for and snider monei agon and ask coach situat handl for year that russ call and russ will evalu thing end season feel that year shot cup expect into playoff year shot divis titl year and shot final year that thi base current level plai and anticip improv summer happi align call outstand happi cu

rrent expans feel that talent pool big unflux european feel that make exist fran chis stabl idea plai olymp booo that definit split owner and that thi happen yea r consensu sabr gave flyer second power plai game brad trip penalti second flyer had troubl get start eventu hawgood pass move throug neutral zone and hand puck eklund sabr blue line board eklund carri into zone nad pass across dineen timer blue line and top left circl half fan and puck trickl slot fuhr didn and hawgoo d won race and flip into essenti open net mogilni breakawai slip two flyer blue line and soderstrom backhand soderstrom flyer bad disciplin type penalti that hu rt viacheslav butsayev doubl minor for rough and high stick barnabi skin and dre w minor gari dornhoef dive video sabr coudln start ryan mcgill poke puck sabr ca rri into flyer zone and bunch peopl poke dineen emerg and head start brind amour hustl ahead make and back defenseman dineen rip top circl make flyer that for f uhr john muckler dominik hasek sabr had lot power plai time time into flyer zone and final flyer boo began ring build final soderstrom ugli goal smehlik shot to p zone that miss and kick hawerchuk slot hawerchuk backhand skate goal line gall ei dove block mistak soderstrom handl backhand and worri rebound barnabi camp go al line net rebound drop soderstrom and mistak gallei laid and watch barnabi hac k puck final push goali didn even swing stick and knock puck goal two streak end for flyer shutout hockei and straight penalti kill lindro put back power plai h igh stick minor barnabi thi time sabr set quickli couldn qualiti goal sabr conti nu puck flyer end for power plai end thing evetu settl bad penalti mcgill allow barnabi skin and slash stick faceoff glove drop and mcgill start pound crap figh t gave barnabi head butt helmet and that meant match penalti for slash fight and for major minut power plai time for sabr barnabi flyer keep bai for long that c oupl good sabr chanc audett hand ledyard point and ledyard drive that knock sode rstrom lafontain whack bounc puck left side net and knock randi wood soderstrom had move plai lafontain and sinc yushkevich and carkner wave puck pick men wood slid into empti net close flyer lead lafontain put net half fan and break flyer shorthand pressur sabr zone hasek strong final keith carnei pass ahead hawerchuk into neutral zone and hawerchuk good backhand pass mogilni flyer blue line anot h mini breakawai for mogilni elect shoot left circl and thread needl insid post for season iron youth hockei tip and second period tommi soderstrom talk cut ang l that shot sabr into period and pell eklund blew golden opportun flyer lead bac k acton puck drop eklund slot and eklund held puck slid left circl had almost an gl shoot final shoot hit post that carryov power plai time incred almost goal ra ndi wood skate recchi and hawgood untouch into soderstrom soderstrom wood poke p uck soderstrom and black object hit back net red light come horn sound crowd che er video replai booth for strang reason and meantim emrick and dornhoef figur re view turn that tape stick blade that into net not puck emrick mention that crite ria for score goal that puck into net dave hannan recchi and hold minor flyer no t final set perimet time ran beranek strip puck sabr offens zone board and pass across eklund top left circl eklund dineen head net insid circl and pass dineen fumbl pass twice direct hasek and eklund swoop and chip bounc puck goali for fly er sabr back lafontain pick puck offens left corner and slid bob erri flyer net erri start skate drop puck back net mogilni flew skate and stuf soderstrom hole for tie game hawerchuk retaliatori rough penalti flyer set sabr zone and stai fa ceoff high sabr zone middl brind amour wrestl for puck dineen snuck line and wri st perfect shot low hasek glove side plai start back and hawgood rough penalti f lyer dump puck into sabr zone brind amour and ledyard and rod puck back board sk ate faceoff dot and pass leg dineen crash slot dineen wait patient and lift bloc ker hasek for flyer lead hat trick season for dineen career shorthand goal game for season carnei trip penalti kill rest sabr power plai not action and sabr cha nc flyer result power plai plai end end for quit that and goali had make big sav e sabr weren pull hasek time run flyer wouldn consist possess for sabr final tim e run ken sutton misplai puck left corner and brind amour strip pull and found d ineen side left circl and dineen found acton hasek slid puck two sabr defend and acton chip back side hasek for season birthdai that score shot buffalo and ic s hower plastic drink mug hand game anoth strong game tommi soderstrom hadn test l ast coupl start kevin dineen career high point night had night earlier season do n flyer longest win streak year goal for shutout eric lindro leagu even strength

goal despit miss game injuri point clinch place sinc ranger lose tie breaker co upl misc note forget mike keenan rumor will press confer tommorrow announc that will head coach york ranger year last note mention that garri gallei won barri a shbe award fail mention that award for defenseman time trenton report that preem in specialist oklahoma look tommi soderstrom medic record and determin that test futur paper had blurb bill dineen ask whether not expect back year respons that come back feel good job thi year that cheerfulli accept role scout farwel didn want back flyer team record watch eric lindro goal assist point rooki record clu b record goal club record point eric lindro dave poulin brian propp brian propp ron flockhart eric lindro dave poulin ron flockhart bill barber pell eklund mark recchi goal assist point club record goal club record point reggi leach mark re cchi tim kerr bobbi clark tim kerr bobbi clark mark recchi bill barber rick macl iesh bobbi clark bill barber rick macliesh reggi leach game flyer career year pl ayer point prior season mark recchi penguin rod brind amour flyer garri gallei k ing brent fedyk red wing that for pete clark rsh flyer contact and mail list own er ulf and richard wernick richard amc wrote you asham call ulf samuelson fan plai not belong nhl cheap shot artist histori game lot talant player bobbi clark kenni linsemen pie mckenzi chri chelio etc dirti cheapshot c oward ulf violenc hockei curb and player women samuelson don belong player ulf m ain purpos injur player leagu allow continu and leagu won stop player christian pro aluminum stick direct ugli head trick nice bruin chanc meet pittsburgh futur you can bet neeli will dai sight watch ulf turtl coward worth almost stane cup thi wimp player almost ruin career winger game you remov ulf samuelson lineup pe nguin not even notic eyesor game hockei rich you for your extrem lucid and thoug ht observ you back your medic you feel you tom huot huot crai goodby good riddanc lost star stephen lawrenc lawren sm busi uwo wrote goodby minnesota you never earn nhl franchis place hope you enjoi your twin citi wide mania for high school hockei hei pee wee team reunion regin a care come and film event yee haa golden gopher whatta weird town lawren sm bus i uwo stephen lawrenc western busi school london ontario thi second post thi kin d idiot busi school canada your problem thi teach you busi school canada tom huo t huot crai goali mask updat articl hydra gatech edu gtd prism gatec h edu hrivnak write result dai vote rememb pt for for and for you can turn vote and gui isn regular goali retir includ team for your time and send vote player t eam pt vote brian hayward san jose andi moog boston curti joseph loui belfour ch icago gerri cheever boston retir manon rheaum atlanta ihl ron hextal quebec don beaupr washington receiv vote artu irb tim chevelda det clint malarchuck buf ihl grant fuhr buf rick wamslei tor ret jon casei minn john vanbiesbrouck nyr ken d ryden mon ret bob essensa win mike vernon cal glenn heali nyi tommi soderstron r ai leblanc usa mon tommi soderstrom fine rooki rooki season flyer you knew that case john jfp acad drake edu longtim realist ranger fan will admit that ranger s uck big time thi year don even deserv luxuri nice golf warm breez god talk under achiev mike keenan wait for you skin for question emot music quit brave effect y ou mike patton faith hornet capit mike friedman hrivnak fan internet gtd prism g atech edu shark review part defensemen peter ahola season acquir t rade pittsburgh for futur consider grade earli ahola acquir penguin figur that l ose expans draft ahola had plai game thi season san jose mercuri new err shark g ame plai appear quit solid defens hasn spectacular and offens isn write home poi nt even that trade for futur consider turn peter ahola doug wilson season acquir trade chicago for kerri toporowski and round pick entri draft grade accus overl i wilson had high expect for leg knee give nevertheless plai exhibit strong shoo t and playmak abil even lost step defens demonstr thi year time slow catch oppon forward and offens output good for place team point game year wilson last can s tai healthi can contributor dean kolstad season acquir minnesota dispers draft g rade somewhat unfair for judg kolstad hand game forget exact number ag quickli r un time make nhl game not impress gener shot period game plai score point tenur shark and even impress defens appear awkward movement and prone giveawai make le

ap level perform chanc make team pat macleod season acquir minnesota dispers dra ft grade macleod roster lot longer kolstad appear memori that plai kolstad shark reluct us even reluct send minor figur that wouldn clear waiver fact plai past week kansa citi technic rehabilit assign rehab assign that will includ plai turn er cup playoff sinc plai can even give tent grade demonstr last year excel offen s skill terribl defens skill tom pederson season acquir minnesota dispers draft grade call middl season defens corp decim injuri pederson impress shark fan net includ demonstr good offens skill score point game size lb concern and began shi ne offens team begin push physic side ic had appear fearless approach success bu lk fight chanc surviv bigger player leagu claudio scremin season acquir minnesot a dispers draft grade plai game leagu thi year umimpress end last season small s ampl case kolstad scremin ag quickli run time not contributor offens defens game plai shark notabl thing that will scremin entri leagu stat fact that onc trade for capit goaltend don beaupr calgari flame macinni for norri gari robert for ha rt and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff year stai edmonton nelson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark dear montana pinetre org hockei pool can mail you can yo u your entir adress even your dot decim address rocket calvin unb mauric richard stan fischler keenan stuff keenan hire precipit loss ant icip playoff revenu and fear lose season ticket holder paramount chief stan jaff chip flyer affair lindro last autumn add thi that neilsen return assist coach g erald earlier todai and roger confer jaff hire thi hire jaff head msg inc par su bsidiari head bob gutkowski and head and protest pre neil smith msg make announc saturdai back island for make playoff steal press flyer owner snyder livid and besid thi keenan will make gari bettman appoint independ consul gil stein admiss into hall fame creas colour blue oiler will charg eat press room year gld souvi en gari dare gld columbia edu winnipeg jet gld cunixc bitnet selann domi stanlei playoff pool rule revis will chang score playoff pool do n time will post score rule tomorrow matter you enter good keith keller ranger q uaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you keenan sign ranger articl apr lehigh edu cpc lehigh edu connin patrick colgain write heard new that mike keenan blackhawk flyer and gene r siberian prison sign coach ranger ranger won presid cup last year slip bit end season and destin finish last lowli flyer flyer fan disappoint keenan decis int erest flyer want thi true not keep new deal neil smith keith keller ranger quake r kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you devil and island tiebreak articl lfa murdoch acc virgini a edu cal csissun virginia edu craig allen lori write hockei guru espn island wi n tonit two team will record devil will plai penguin thi island won season seri devil rule for decid tie breaker includ season seri goal goal for thi order corr ect wrong add that division record goal wrong keith keller ranger quaker kkeller mail sa upenn edu ivi leagu champ want your opinion give you hockei card for sale dtw panix formeza panix owl write c ase miss repost thi and sell stuff sell hockei card set upperdeck hockei low set thi upperdeck hockei set made import rooki card mogilni roenick belfour recchi steven jagr nolan nedv ricci sundin modano richter and beckett price charg cover ship and packag sold left for sale realiz that alot monei you don collect card peopl interest break set into team set not for each nice sell for each peopl wha ler and devil note not bag team that don alot good rooki card thi set subsid peo pl want chicago pittsburgh make varialbl price dollar score pinnacl candian set thi nice set premium qualiti card second year card player bure potvin falloon an d lindro second year card and rooki card lidstrom kamenski zelepukin roussel kon stantinov beckett price alot upperdeck czechoslovakian set thi card set world ju nior tournament meant for sale czechoslovakia didn sell and filter back card bil ingu lachanc kovalev and straka rooki your interest mail ask for thi canada can monei fund not person write will altern sell upperdeck pavel bure rooki card not e not low set mention each book for postag packag and insur and you want that yo u don mail for you owl ted formeza formeza sun panix king regular season schedul result lo angel king schedul result preseason game regular season and playoff prime ticket ktla channel abc

channel playoff radio regular and preseason game broadcast king radio network so uthern california xtra flagship simi vallei kwnk ankorag alaska kbyr centro kamp fairbank alaska kiak hemet temecula khsj lancast palmdal kavl palm desert knwz paso robl kprl reno nevada kply sacramento ksac san lui obispo kkal santa clarit a kbet la vega nevada keno preseason septemb octob van vancouv pit portland pt p it tacoma pt nyr san diego pt nyr phoenix pt sacramento pt van forum pt forum pt total regular season octob calgari pt detroit pt winnipeg pt san jose pt calgar i pt boston pt calgari pt winnipeg pt minnesota pt island pt boston pt hartford pt oct pt novemb jersei pt buffalo pt san jose pt winnipeg pt vancouv pt edmonto n pt vancouv pt san jose pt chicago pt toronto pt edmonton pt detroit pt toronto pt nov pt year decemb chicago pt milwauke pittsburgh pt hartford pt montreal pt phoenix quebec pt loui pt tampa bai pt edmonton pt calgari pt vancouv pt san jo se pt philadelphia pt vancouv pt dec pt year januari montreal pt tampa bai pt wi nnipeg pt chicago pt ottawa pt jersei pt winnipeg pt edmonton pt vancouv pt rang er pt san jose pt calgari pt chicago pt jan pt year februari quebec pt montreal pt edmonton pt detroit pt washington pt vancouv pt minnesota pt chicago pt washi ngton pt tampa bai pt loui pt toronto pt feb pt year march calgari pt ottawa pt edmonton pt ranger pt pittsburgh pt philadelphia postpon period due weather resc h for buffalo postpon due weather reschedul for buffalo pt winnipeg pt island pt loui pt vancouv pt edmonton pt winnipeg pt detroit pt toronto pt mar pt year ap ril philadelphia pt reschedul minnesota pt calgari pt san jose pt san jose pt va ncouv pt vancouv pt apr pt year pt smyth playoff april calgari noon calgari calg ari calgari noon calgari calgari calgari time list pacif time shown abc televis prime ticket time stan willi willi empir dnet hac net contact king talk king mai l list king stanford edu subscrib unsubscrib king request stanford edu canadian team thi point team for canadian nhler not play off bound goali bill ranford edmonton sean burk hartford peter sidorkiewicz otta wa defensemen zarlei zalapski hartford norm maciv ottawa garri gallei philadelph ia greg hawgood philadelphia dave manson edmonton mark tinordi minnesota center mark messier ranger geoff sanderson hartford brian bradlei tampa bai rod brind a mour philadelphia left wing adam grave ranger chri konto tampa bai patrick pouli n hartford shayn corson edmonton wing pat verbeek hartford russ courtnal minneso ta mike gartner ranger kevin dineen philadelphia calgari flame macinni for norri gari robert for hart and smyth edmonton oiler for playoff year stai edmonton ne lson claudiu leland stanford edu rec sport hockei contact for san jose shark pen info need articl apr csd newshost stanford edu nlu x enon stanford edu nelson write articl apr jyu mikkot romulu math jyu mikko tarki ainen write coach new vasili tichonov assat san jose shark wow that reason curre nt assist coach drew ramenda hint that won back for new mikko can you finnish ne tter comment tichonov time heard thi piec new post game radio interview jyvaskyl a that bronz medal game liiga tichonov team porin assat ac town pori lost vasili son victor tichonov famou soviet coach that for long time shark persuad assist coach post head coach won coach assat anymor season don vasili good coach assat good team produc player nation team assat wasn skill team imho had fight spirit butcher jokerit playoff and gave hard time tp champ assat wasn consist mood beat team liiga not deal shark head coach and shark negoti and decid doubt that will head coach compromis post inform vasili coach soviet leagu team result charact coach devil and island tiebreak articl ldi odin corp sgi enola n sharkbit esd sgi nolan island beat devil tonight finish ident record lucki tea m that get face penguin open round can list rule for break ti recal penguin and devil ti for place last year ident record poor devil screw put scare into pittsb urgh pen robbi pgh penguin won easi contact for stanlei cup will greater reward penn state ladi lion champion mountain and vallei rap psuvm psu edu straight win noth goodby good riddanc lost star articl sm busi uwo lawren sm busi uwo stephen lawrenc goodby minnesota you never earn nhl franchis place h ope you enjoi your twin citi wide mania for high school hockei hei pee wee team reunion regina care come and film event yee haa golden gopher whatta weird town minnesota deserv nhl franchis you minnesota whaler pretti fear not minnesota fan

norm green cept for team color bad pun differ two year make minnesota finish an d made final finish record thi year and move dalla team playoff win record final time nhl robbi pgh penguin won easi contact for stanlei cup will greater reward penn state ladi lion champion mountain and vallei rap psuvm psu edu straight wi n noth final nhl player stat you interest receiv final player s tat for nhl season playoff box score stat and score updat mail stat server mmili tzo skidmor edu subject messag stat score and stand april world championship germani group s tand munich group stand dortmund sweden germani itali czech republ russia usa ca nada finland switzerland franc austria norwai april itali russia norwai germani sweden austria usa czech republ april canada switzerland russia austria finland franc april sweden canada czech republ germani switzerland itali finland usa apr il germani franc itali sweden czech republ norwai april switzerland russia usa f ranc austria canada norwai finland april switzerland austria germani finland apr il russia sweden czech republ franc canada itali usa norwai april sweden switzer land finland czech republ russia canada germani usa april austria itali franc no rwai playoff april quarterfin april quarterfin april releg april semifin releg b ronz medal game final staffan axelsson etxonss ufsa ericsson contact for swedish hockei sci.crypt ripem frequent ask question archiv name ripem faq last updat sun mar thi post thi rough list like question and inform ripem program for public k ei mail encrypt thi faq not ripem written and will maintain marc vanheyningen mv anheyn whale indiana edu will post varieti newsgroup monthli basi follow discuss specif ripem redirect group alt secur ripem thi month reformat thi post attempt compli standard for hypertext faq format easi manipul thi document world wide w eb you disclaim noth thi faq consid legal advic person opinion you want real leg al advic talk real lawyer question and answer ripem ripem program perform privac i enhanc mail pem cryptograph techniqu rsa and de your electron mail properti au thent can confirm and privaci can read intend recipi ripem written primarili mar k riordan mrr scss msu edu code public domain for rsa routin librari call rsaref licens rsa data secur inc can ripem ripem contain librari cryptograph routin rs aref consid munit and export restrict distribut peopl not citizen perman resid c anada request quot readm file not export cryptograph code thi distribut usa cana da thi person request author ripem and condit your us ripem note that rsaref not public domain and licens for includ distribut you read ripem friend for copi si nc thi will reduc load site that carri not mention human that run natur thi requ ir that you trust friend ripem anonym ftp citizen and perman resid rsa rsaref an d read readm file for info last look thi site contain sourc tree and not compil binari nice mac version ripem crypt stuff home site rpub msu edu open anonym ftp for user and canada citizen perman resid find obtain access ftp pub crypt and r ead file get access for conveni binari for architectur addit full sourc tree wil l ripem run machin port do and flavor unix suno linux aix ultrix solari etc port macintosh includ standard unix style port and nice mac port written raymond lau author stuffit port expect and user invit will ripem work mailer easi and clean effect interfac will depend sophist and modular mailer user guid includ distrib ut discuss wai us ripem popular mailer includ berkelei mush elm and code includ elisp easi us ripem insid gnu emac you make interfac for ripem creat improv dist ribut you conveni us secur and feel free post alt secur ripem rsa rsa crypto sys tem asymmetr public kei thi mean that two relat kei encrypt and decrypt cannot d eriv you publish your encrypt public kei wide and your decrypt privat kei can us your public kei encrypt messag you hold privat kei need decrypt note that messa g rsa de kei real messag de note that for privaci for authent fingerprint messag fingerprint encrypt sender privat kei recipi can us sender public kei decrypt a nd confirm that messag come sender rsa name for men rivest shamir and adleman in vent find rsa ftp rsa and pub faq sci crypt de de data encrypt standard wide us symmetr secret kei crypto system unlik rsa de kei encrypt and decrypt messag de faster rsa ripem de and rsa gener random kei and encrypt your mail de that kei e ncrypt that kei recipi public rsa kei and includ result letter allow recipi reco v de kei de sometim consid weak somewhat and kei length consid short modern stan

dard safe oppon smaller larg corpor govern agenc not that futur ripem will stren gthen symmetr cipher possibl multipl encrypt de pem and ripem relat pem privaci enhanc mail system for allow easi transfer encrypt electron mail describ rfc doc ument approv and obsolet rfc ripem not complet implement pem pem specifi certif for authent kei ripem not handl thi time addit plan thi distribut and authent ke i for remot user send secur mail you your public kei for you confirm that messag receiv you public kei import that thi inform accur bad gui convinc that kei fac t will send messag can read ripem for method kei manag central server distribut finger server and flat file describ ripem user guid part distribut provid perfec t secur ripem public kei similar ripem public kei begin pkc identifi describ cha racterist kei bunch charact your kei lot peopl kei thi not mean your kei similar that class kei gener program length etc fingerprint messag digest algorithm pro duc rsa data secur inc bit fingerprint cryptograph secur hash plaintext cryptogr aph secur not reason amount comput produc plaintext produc fingerprint sign enti r messag sender privat kei messag sign for authent sometim us for purpos for exa mpl us map input arbitrari length bit data passphras interpret cooki gener descr ib entireti includ implement rfc pgp pgp anoth cryptograph mail program call pre tti good privaci pgp longer ripem and work somewhat differ pgp not compat ripem pgp us rsa major differ pgp and ripem pgp kei manag featur for user direct netwo rk connect ripem conform pem rfc and greater probabl work pem softwar pgp make a ttempt compat pgp fact pgp not compat pgp ripem rsaref librari rsa routin rsa da ta secur inc rsaref come licens noncommerci us pgp implement rsa not licens pkp firm hold patent rsa algorithm claim that infring that patent make us sell pgp c anada acknowledg thi pgp origin author phil zimmermann document fact you live us a and you not feder agenc you shouldn run pgp your comput public kei partner for bid you run softwar pgp contraband pgp and ripem export restrict and cannot and canada pgp exist ftp site europ and place whether you us pgp ripem document pgp recommend read interest such issu note that fact patent and export restrict some what controversi peopl shouldn that and peopl interpret document differ discuss net inevit produc heat light and belong misc legal comput disclaim rpem rpem sta nd for rabin privaci enhanc mail similar ripem us public kei cipher invent rabin not rsa attempt avoid patent rsa written mark riordan author ripem distribut ha lt contrari belief includ rabin public kei partner pkp claim that patent broad c over public kei cipher strength rest difficulti factor product larg prime not rs a thi claim not univers accept mean not challeng for pragmat reason rpem not us anymor not compat ripem pgp mime mime stand for multipurpos internet mail extens and describ rfc you can find newsgroup comp mail mime pem interact mime not cle ar peopl us stopgap solut mime type applic ripem order send ripem messag mime ho pe standard will emerg draft internet document exist matter thi simpl defeat sec ur ripem you check companion post ripem attack discuss obviou attack ripem secur and procedur will minim risk ripem main weak area kei distribut sci.crypt ripem frequent ask question archiv name ripem faq last updat mar thi post thi list like question and inform ripem program for public kei mail en crypt thi faq not ripem written and will maintain marc vanheyningen mvanheyn ind iana edu will post varieti newsgroup monthli basi follow discuss specif ripem re direct group alt secur ripem run world wide web archiv ripem inform not that isn conveni pointer current version thi faq and stuff url http indiana edu ripem di r html thi month version fair amount pointer inform patent and stuff that reorde r thing sensibl order hope don edit thi disclaim noth thi faq consid legal advic layperson opinion you want real legal advic talk real lawyer prefer experi pate nt law export regul area law question list question ripem can ripem will ripem r un machin will ripem work mailer rsa de fingerprint pem thi distribut and authen t kei isn bad idea us patent algorithm standard pem rsadsi pkp ripem public kei similar pgp rpem mime ti pem thi simpl defeat secur ripem question and answer ri pem ripem not complet implement privaci enhanc mail pem ripem your electron mail secur facil provid pem disclosur protect option origin authent messag integr me asur and repudi origin pem ripem written primarili mark riordan mrr scss msu edu code public domain for rsa routin librari call rsaref licens rsa data secur inc current version ripem current version macintosh port ripem can ripem ripem libr ari cryptograph routin rsaref consid munit and export restrict distribut person

not citizen perman resid canada export licens such licens obtain like grant rsa kei exchang shorten bit and symmetr cipher chang weaker de suggest that thi situ at chang that clinton offic author request readm file that thi law not violat no t export cryptograph code thi distribut usa canada thi person request author rip em and condit your us ripem note that rsaref not public domain and licens for in clud distribut you read ripem ripem anonym ftp citizen and perman resid rsa rsar ef and read readm file for info note that rsaref portion ripem not product rsa d ata secur incorpor help distribut ripem crypt stuff home site ripem msu edu open anonym ftp for user and canada citizen perman resid find obtain access ftp pub crypt and read file get access for conveni binari for architectur addit full sou rc tree will ripem run machin port do and flavor unix suno linux aix ultrix sola ri etc port macintosh includ standard unix style port and nice mac port written raymond lau author stuffit port expect and user invit will ripem work mailer eas i and clean effect interfac will depend sophist and modular mailer user guid inc lud distribut discuss wai us ripem popular mailer includ berkelei mush elm and c ode includ elisp easi us ripem insid gnu emac you make interfac for ripem creat improv distribut you conveni us secur and feel free post alt secur ripem rsa rsa crypto system asymmetr public kei thi mean that two relat kei encrypt and decry pt cannot deriv you publish your encrypt public kei wide and your decrypt privat kei can us your public kei encrypt messag you hold privat kei need decrypt note that messag rsa de kei real plaintext de note that for disclosur protect for or igin authent messag integr and repudi origin servic implement fingerprint messag fingerprint encrypt sender privat kei recipi disput resolv author can us sender public kei decrypt and confirm that messag come sender and not alter rsa name f or men rivest shamir and adleman invent find lot rsa and modern cryptographi gen er ftp rsa and pub faq inform sci crypt de de data encrypt standard wide us symm etr secret kei crypto system unlik rsa de kei encrypt and decrypt messag de fast er rsa ripem de and rsa gener random kei and encrypt your mail de that kei encry pt that kei recipi public rsa kei and includ result letter allow recipi recov de kei de sometim consid weak somewhat and kei length consid short modern standard safe oppon smaller larg corpor govern agenc not like that pem standard will inc orpor support for symmetr cipher futur strong feel that pem stabl can becom util wide earli problem interoper fingerprint messag digest algorithm produc rsa dat a secur inc bit fingerprint cryptograph secur hash plaintext cryptograph secur n ot reason amount comput produc plaintext produc fingerprint sign entir messag se nder privat kei messag sign for authent can exchang directli for authent for exa mpl ripem public kei includ public kei file parti wish confirm kei authent separ channel exchang kei and verifi accuraci sometim us for purpos for exampl us map input arbitrari length bit data passphras interpret cooki gener describ entiret i includ implement rfc recent suggest that not strong hash origin believ hash fu nction will us thi accept true pem pem privaci enhanc mail standard for allow tr ansfer encrypt electron mail gener long period time work group expert describ rf c document approv and obsolet rfc ripem not complet implement pem pem specifi ce rtif for authent kei ripem not handl thi time addit plan thi distribut and authe nt kei for remot user send secur mail you your public kei for you confirm that m essag receiv you public kei import that thi inform accur bad gui convinc that ke i fact will send messag can read ripem for method kei manag central server distr ibut finger server and flat file describ ripem user guid part distribut provid p erfect secur pem standard call for kei manag certif addit thi featur ripem plan chicken egg issu exist isn bad idea us patent algorithm standard pem thi issu co nsid standard process rfc specif for internet standard discuss section specif fo r nondiscriminatori avail met for patent method includ standard rfc address thi issu regard patent cover public kei cryptographi thi not mean that question sett l that agreement interest exchang us patent algorithm standard regard public kei cryptographi leagu for program freedom archiv ftp ftp net doc lpf file bidzo le tter and bidzo respons amusingli lpf file ftp net compress patent algorithm rsad si pkp rsa data secur inc rsadsi california base compani special cryptograph tec hnolog public kei partner firm hold exclus sub licens right patent and foreign p atent cryptograph apparatu and method diffi hellman public kei cryptograph appar atu and method hellman merkl cryptograph commun system and method rsa exponenti

cryptograph apparatu and method hellman pohlig pkp claim patent cover method pub lic kei cryptographi two busi close relat for exampl person jim bidzo presid pkp licens thi technolog consider number compani ibm dec motorola lotu for us produ ct pkp threaten and file lawsuit defend patent ripem origin creat connect rsadsi us rsaref librari and for reason author desir widespread us public kei cryptogr aphi ball start roll peopl rsadsi interest rsadsi decid carri ripem ftp site and peopl start make ripem kei and contribut code ripem even won applic built rsare f award ripem public kei similar ripem public kei begin pkc public kei cryptogra phi standard identifi describ characterist kei bunch charact your kei lot peopl kei thi not mean your kei similar that class kei gener program length etc pgp pg p anoth cryptograph mail program call pretti good privaci pgp longer ripem and w ork somewhat differ pgp not compat ripem pgp us rsa major differ pgp and ripem p gp kei manag featur for user direct network connect ripem conform pem rfc and gr eater probabl work pem softwar pgp make attempt compat ripem rsaref librari rsa routin rsadsi come licens allow noncommerci us pgp implement rsa pkp claim that violat patent make us sell pgp canada licens written permiss disclaim rsadsi pkp phil zimmermann author pgp stop distribut threaten legal action believ that lic ens scheme arrang hasn happen and prospect happen futur acknowledg pgp user guid fact you live usa and you not feder agenc you shouldn run pgp your comput publi c kei partner forbid you run softwar pgp contraband pgp and ripem export restric t and cannot and canada export licens pgp exist ftp site europ and place whether you us pgp ripem document pgp recommend read interest such issu not distribut s epar program can difficult find ftp site due liabil concern rpem rpem stand for rabin privaci enhanc mail similar ripem us public kei cipher invent rabin not rs a attempt avoid patent public kei system written mark riordan wrote ripem distri but halt contrari belief includ rabin pkp claim that patent broad cover cipher e mploi thi claim not univers accept not challeng for pragmat reason rpem not us a nymor not compat ripem pgp mime mime stand for multipurpos internet mail extens and describ rfc you can find newsgroup comp mail mime faq exist pem interact mim e not clear peopl us stopgap solut mime type applic ripem order send ripem messa g mime hope standard will emerg draft internet document exist matter ti pem trus t inform system work version privaci enhanc mail for gener avail last heard rumo r integr into exist mail user agent stand alon system and beta test don that thi simpl defeat secur ripem you check companion post ripem attack discuss obviou a ttack ripem secur and procedur will minim risk ripem main weak area kei distribu t sci.crypt ripem frequent note vulner archiv name ripem attack last updat m ar attack ripem thi live list potenti weak your ey open for ripem for secur elec tron mail not into great detail and almost not exhaust weak weak cryptograph sec ur mail gener and will pertain secur mail program ripem maintain marc vanheyning en mvanheyn indiana edu post monthli varieti new group followup pertain specif r ipem alt secur ripem cryptanalysi attack break rsa attack find your privat kei c ase read mail encrypt you and sign messag your privat kei rsa gener believ resis t standard cryptanalyt techniqu even standard kei bit ripem long render thi impr act bar huge invest hardwar breakthrough factor break de attack read messag sinc messag encrypt de not attack claim you de bit kei and conceiv compromis brute f orc suffici hardwar agenc such monei devot simpli read messag sinc each messag d e kei work for each messag remain high kei manag attack steal your privat kei be nefit break rsa safeguard encrypt de kei deriv passphras you type attack can cop i your privat keyfil and your passphras snoop network packet tap line break sche me main risk that transfer passphras privat kei file across untrust link don tha t run ripem trust machin prefer sit front you ideal your machin your home offic physic access fool you into accept bogu public kei for oppon deceiv you into sen d secret messag real recipi enemi can fool your intend recipi encrypt messag bog u public kei and pass import proper public kei peopl common mechan for thi finge r assum oppon not compromis router daemon such finger can fair amount trust stro ngest method kei authent exchang kei person thi not practic peopl vouch for you sign statement contain your kei ripem doesn featur for thi automat pgp ripem gen er and check fingerprint public kei kei file exchang separ channel for authent p layback attack even oppon cannot break cryptographi oppon difficulti for exampl

suppos you send messag mic pem mode not provid disclosur protect alic that your oppon intercept and resend bob messag authent you tell that interpret context yo ur oppon transmit messag recipi figur differ time oppon chang origin name regist your public kei and send messag hope recipi will send return mail indic perhap even quot unknown messag defeat playback attack plaintext each messag includ ind ic sender and recipi and uniqu identifi typic date good front end script for rip em thi automat imho recipi you that origin name header and sender plaintext that you recipi and that messag not thi can and autom author thi faq made modest att empt autom process gener and check encapsul header program includ standard distr ibut util directori local attack secur ripem cannot greater secur machin encrypt perform for exampl unix super user manag your encrypt mail plan and effort repl ac ripem execut trojan hors copi plaintext depend store addit link you and machi n run ripem extens that you decrypt ripem remot machin you connect network wors modem eavesdropp plaintext and your passphras ripem execut system you trust extr em case ripem us your machin you total control and access carefulli examin softw ar free virus and real trade conveni and secur moder cautiou user us ripem unix workstat peopl access even root access increas secur keep privat kei and static link execut floppi disk peopl will ripem multi user system dial insecur line wil l download messag system and perform ripem decrypt secur provid such mechan some what illusori sinc you type your cleartext password log you store sinc attack ca n log you and instal trap your account steal your privat kei time you us insecur line thi will like remain situat long system us quaint mechan cleartext passwor d authent find nice put statement carefulli manag secur arrang plan public kei t hat potenti correspond can awar level precaut place peopl us two kei short not c arefulli manag for ordinari us and longer treat greater care for critic correspo nd untrust partner attack ripem encrypt will ensur that person privat kei public kei us encrypt data read traffic onc that kei get messag make kind transform wi sh exist cryptograph barrier recipi take encrypt messag and convert mic messag s ign you and readabl ripem not provid thi function latest pem draft specif state that such transform forward function work includ recipi plaintext mention will m ake for recipi redistribut messag awar origin natur natur secur cryptographi can never greater secur peopl sci.crypt certifi author question answer you access ftp ftping rsa login a nonym document includ frequent ask question todai cryptographi document faq name thi document explain idea certifi author good luck john kelsei mizzou missouri edu ftp faq file and for jim miller suit sci.crypt rubber hose cryptanalysi sick part like that phrase threat long prison sentenc even beat can peopl give punctuat trip counti jail happen lock dr unk stone crazi folk that violent left cell peopl sci.crypt declassifi media urban legend thi crypt faq suffici clear declas sifi magnet media us for classifi data inform hors mouth suffici overwrit media clear meant retain control environ declassifi materi reus control environ nation telecommun and inform system secur ntiss advisori memorandum offic autom secur guidelin ntissam compusec clear magnet media type remov media magnet tape floppi disk cassett and magnet card clear overwrit entir media time charact floppi dis k clear appli vendor format program that overwrit each locat charact fix media w inchest disk clear overwrit time charact thi appli vendor suppli format program that overwrit each locat disk charact can shown that thi program work advertis u ser bewar program that purport overwrit locat not thi clear media resid control facil releas for destruct mark and control level restrict sensit inform record d eclassif magnet media type remov media can declassifi degauss devic that approv for declassifi media that type list approv devic maintain nsa fix medium for exa mpl hard winchest disk oper approv method declassifi disk pack emploi overwrit p rocedur overwrit address locat time write charact complement binari and binari z ero altern fix media becom inop imposs declassifi media overwrit method thi case two altern procedur that us disassembl disk pack and degauss each platter appro v degauss equip and courier inop media vendor facil magnet media disk platter re mov sight courier and return courier for destruct secur site vendor can instal p latter and repair problem disk unit destruct magnet media dod comput secur cente r depart defens magnet reman secur guidelin csc std for offici us thi and intere

st document that inform intend comput secur procedur can obtain free execut secr etari nation telecommun and inform system secur committe nation secur agenc fort georg mead write fun nsa mail list gradi netcom sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target re colnet cmhnet org rob stampfl i separ locat gain credibl seiz and you compel decrypt you simpli explain that y ou amateur cryptologist plai time pad and that file pad for second xor two file and pop copi war and peac judg recent histori thi point drop origin charg preemp tiv find you guilti copyright violat and seiz your comput your home and your fin anci reserv feder forfeitur law happen that turn court anoth file exor your docu ment famou document and you judg fall for sci.crypt disk safeti measur begin pgp sign messag articl network ucsd edu loki sdphu ucsd edu lanc cottrel write btw not pgp produc signatur that can att atch end thi messag procedur pgp sat clearsig thi will clearsig sign enjoi derek pgp kei request kei server pgp public kei toxicwast mit edu derek atkin mit ele ctr engin and comput scienc secretari mit student inform process board sipb mit media laboratori speech research group warlord mit edu asel nwh sci.crypt pgp gener comment neuhau vier informatik uni stephan neuhau hiwi mattern write lot stuff hate follow post perhap clarifi thing won flame talk fa ctor modulu breakthrough factor mean breakthrough cryptanalysi rsa that factor a nd break rsa not proven equival damn conveni not repeat thi time admit that don group properti cipher essenti for kei chain thought can find that cryptanalyst e xploit group structur that mean noth wrote note that long harder factor rsa modu lu gener increas comput speed alon will kei length and modulu factor lock step p eopl will simpli start longer moduli and safe meant that long advantag cryptanal yst faster comput will rsa for long time come even bit moduli broken fast comput not algorithm peopl simpli us longer moduli user and cryptanalyst benefit techn olog hope thi flame fun stephan neuhau informatik uni sig close for inventori le av your pickax pgp public kei request note expir date sci.crypt licens thi thread bring gener question can crypto implement for highli publicli scrutin sourc code not trust ibm had invent de and nb had advert is for propos ibm had decid respond argu strenuous that not proprietari biggest propon propos lewi branscomb branscomb ibm chief scientist and had come ibm nb f ortun for branscomb understood answer question realiz difficult gain accept for cryptograph mechan complex public not suffici and author fact year had independ de solicit nb invent and propos ibm and vet nb examin and vet expert adi shamir not subject influenc even peopl post thi list not trust de spite time analysi an d public scrutini thi point that nist miss attempt gain accept for mechan develo p secret basi author alon had long thread whether not nsa can break de that sill i question cost and time can break import question cost and time fundament stren gth de and rsa not import strength long understand cost and durat for attack can us safe thi point never replac inabl successor overcom thi knowledg gap de and rsa signific invent centuri and import invent histori cryptographi damn lucki wi lliam hugh murrai execut consult inform system secur locust avenu suit canaan co nnecticut att wmurrai whmurrai dockmast ncsc mil sci.crypt licens public kei implement regard your specul nsa involv creati on pkp find that fail test occam butcher knife never attribut conspiraci can exp lain forthright greed hilari orman sci.crypt identifi secur file articl mash boulder rmashlan mash csn org ro bert mashlan write tarnold vnet ibm todd arnold articl almaden ibm long you trus t end user stai your applic program long run system user can you can stop find l oad modul code your program and simpli bypass check for valid modul deviou user can modifi object code run program can run program debugg and chang instruct mem ori foil debugg clear singl step interrupt debugg depend instruct sensit area co de thi assum person hardwar debug instruct type processor can negat nop ing clea r debug instruct run code machin simul wrote senior project colleg can bypass an d trace practic write softwar kind star trek holideck kenneth repli ken ei njit edu for thi elabor simul run devic sit tabl picard tng sci.crypt lga ncrypt sourc number request for code written asm borland tas m will tasm lga asm tlink lga asm code lga ncryption nick nassuphi code segment assum code code org start jmp begin ga particl assig bit particl move east bit p

articl move west bit particl move north bit particl move south bit particl move east bit particl move west bit particl move north bit particl move south collisi ong rule ga rule and and for nibbl and for byte reflect rule swap bit direct thi tabl implement two particl collis for hpp lattic ga hpprule thi rule implement veloc revers need run ga evolut revers call wallrul particl hit wall head wallru l maxbyt equ lineno equ srcptr offset buffer desptr offset buffer savebuff maxby t lineno dup buffer maxbyt lineno dup dup buffer maxbyt lineno dup dup data thi test for lattic ga base encrypt algorithm data encod particl digit ga time evolu t simul cellular automaton type algorithm decrypt can achiev run simul revers th ermodynam argument ensur that even singl bit flip decrypt data ga evolv for time step can run revers evolut press space flip bit and run press for cryptograph ap plic kei consist number time step and time and locat specif bit invers fill ga p iec code initga mov srcptr mov offset data mov lineno push push mov maxbyt mov m ov inc inc loop pop pop add maxbyt loop mov srcptr mov offset initga mov maxbyt mov mov byte ptr not inc loop ret displai ga molecul bounc showga push push push push push mov mov mov srcptr mov mov lineno add maxbyt push push mov maxbyt mov mov byte ptr inc add dec jnz pop pop add loop pop pop pop pop pop ret sours dat a destin data scanonemiddlelin byte special case warparound mov assembl byte mov maxbyt north line lower and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt south line higher and and bit and place stuff into mov maxbyt west byte left lower and and bit and mov east byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mo v inc inc middl byte can handl loop mov maxbyt sol mov assembl byte mov maxbyt n orth line lower and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt south line higher a nd and bit and place stuff into mov west byte left lower and and bit and mov eas t byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc loop s ol last byte special mov assembl byte mov maxbyt north line lower and and bit an d into assembl byte mov maxbyt south line higher and and bit and place stuff int o mov west byte left lower and and bit and mov maxbyt east byte higher and and b it and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc ret sours data destin data sc anfirstlin byte special case warparound mov mov maxbyt lineno and and bit and in to assembl byte mov maxbyt and and bit and place stuff into mov maxbyt west byte left lower and and bit and mov east byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte pt r offset hpprule mov inc inc middl byte can handl loop mov maxbyt sfl mov assemb l byte mov maxbyt lineno and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt and and bi t and place stuff into mov west byte left lower and and bit and mov east byte hi gher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc loop sfl last b yte special mov assembl byte mov maxbyt lineno and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt and and bit and place stuff into mov west byte left lower and and bi t and mov maxbyt east byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprul e mov ret sours data destin data scanlastlin byte special case warparound mov as sembl byte mov maxbyt and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt lineno and an d bit and place stuff into mov maxbyt west byte left lower and and bit and mov e ast byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc midd l byte can handl loop mov maxbyt sll mov assembl byte mov maxbyt and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt lineno and and bit and place stuff into mov west b yte left lower and and bit and mov east byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc loop sll last byte special mov assembl byte mov maxbyt and and bit and into assembl byte mov maxbyt lineno and and bit and place stuff into mov west byte left lower and and bit and mov maxbyt east byte higher and and bit and mov mov byte ptr offset hpprule mov inc inc ret invert veloc ga invertal push push push mov srcptr mov mov lineno push mov maxbyt mov mov byte ptr offset wallrul mov inc loop pop loop pop pop pop ret iterateonc mov srcptr m ov desptr mov srcptr mov desptr push push call scanfirstlin pop pop add maxbyt a dd maxbyt mov lineno dont scan and last push push push call scanonemiddlelin pop pop pop add maxbyt add maxbyt loop push push call scanlastlin pop pop ret iter hpp rule time iter push call iterateonc pop call showga loop iter ret iter hpp r ule time iterateuntil mov mov offset offset mov byte ptr offset xor byte ptr off set inc loop call iterateonc call showga mov srcptr mov maxbyt mov mov mov mov b yte ptr mov byte ptr wallrul not xor and inc loop mov mov offset offset mov byte ptr offset and xor byte ptr offset inc loop jmp mov offset push ret dup push pu

sh push push push mov mov msgptr int pop pop pop pop pop ret dup msgptr offset m sg msg thi messag print code decrypt data lattic appli decod routin time step de cod function left code unchang ga evolut had completelli revers thermal time equ repetit equilibr ga begin mov mov mov mov mov int mov mov mov mov int call init ga call showga mov int push mov time call iter call invertal call showga mov int cmp jne begin mov srcptr xor byte ptr begin mov time call iterateuntil call inv ertal call showga mov int code end end start sci.crypt illeg wiretap den trust articl ppg bigboot wpi edu ear bigwpi wp i edu neat write appar quit easi hold person call record phone compani polic and lawyer acquir such inform warrant judici supervis whether not target suspect sp ecif crime pardon isn thi illeg impress that warrent need thi inform phone compa ni order protect peopl privaci legal not phone record obtain order establish pro babl result word for fish expedit local worcest polic offic spoke coupl night ag o told that subpeona phone compani record extrem condit hassl and phone compani requir written subpoena evid probabl order process request suggest that offic di sinterest pursu your case even you prove offend had call you time your chanc win harass suit strength thi evid nil contact peopl dealt case extrem phone harass thousand call case teach that polic thi area quit letharg pursu such matter tal sci.crypt licens public kei implement strnlght netcom david sternlight wri te will provid hint report that rsa express puzzlement confer that ask for permi ss us ripem write pgp compat program thi support bill specul backdoor rsaref and pkp support secretli nsa natur that will public kei implement that rsaref and w ill strongli oppos implement that doesn person cannot put backdoor long precis m odular arithmet librari that come sourc fact that cannot mean noth regard vessel in vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachber eich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbih h informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt opinion alg markowitz dockmast ncsc mil write interest note thi regard that permiss export pkzip encrypt scheme twice deni nsa draw you conclus afraid that your inform slightli date pkware obtain licens export program world limit list countri draw your conclus strength algorithm regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich inform atik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informati k uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt disk safeti measur cuffel spot colorado edu tim cuffel write gua rante that delet space overwritten optim like guarante quicker and secur method batch file that overwrot your free space for exampl fill bat echo fill bat thi t op head includ std disclaim easier faster and even secur us norton utilti talk i bm and wipeinfo clean free disk space and clean slack space end file us govern s tandard option for care overwrit regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev vi ru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg g ermani sci.crypt licens thi support bill specul backdoor rsaref and pkp support s ecretli nsa natur that will public kei implement that rsaref and will strongli o ppos implement that doesn specul not includ depend trapdoor rsaref not that rsa consent such limit concept rsaref nsa interest interest limit number implement t arget interest fix kei maximum modulu size legitim liter pursu such interest bou nd pursu interest covert mean rest not disclos motiv and intent institut not awa r not intent meaning sens william hugh murrai execut consult inform system secur locust avenu suit canaan connecticut att wmurrai whmurrai dockmast ncsc mil sci.crypt for trap door password encrypt etc algorithm michael levin wrote for refer algorithm can us for password encrypt clear text word run algorithm a nd becom sequenc symbol want thi algorithm properti that imposs revers and long word work even us high speed comput send refer idea mlevin husc harvard edu orig in encrypt put into multic suggest joe weizenbaum invert air forc tiger team dem onstr thi ask expert request anonym us expert suggest treat byte password kei an d data for lucif encrypt algorithm similar ident de thi method stronger care iss u discuss comp secur misc longer password and qualiti control user can choos pas sword common tactic tom vanvleck talig

sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target cme ellisun stratu carl ellison write for exampl had program disk creat total random file encrypt messag and dem onstr that file question creat that program claim that fact creat that program s tand true sinc innoc can prove wrong hmmm that bring neat idea sooo neat patent can you bill copyright william yerazuni aka crah merciless right reserv respons love smell flash powder morn smell theatr sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target articl apr ucsu colorado edu cuf fel spot colorado edu tim cuffel write thi creat bunch set random data and encry pt set random data show that encypt random data for kick rest delet kei friend t hi establish reason doubt content encrypt file and abil kei sinc thi law that fo rc user provid kei demand worthless law wors worthless polic power put innoc peo pl jail polic find don understand polic don return kei never mind differ core fi le and classifi militari secret plenti scenario user idea uniniti junk burden pr oof user show that normal upstand citizen put that situat america disgust thi ea sili peopl provid bargain chip hypothet alleg child molest drug dealer bad thing style time basic peopl don clear distinct crimin and suspect analog find loos s crew your hous and insist that you build bomb machin gun you you and you prove y our claim you explain such simpl term peopl start idea matter fact random file d isk reason special purpos hardwar take long time gener good random bit program t hat crank coupl bit per minut pretti conserv time that you point encrypt random data you random data you want data encrypt file you put header peopl thi will pu t jail you arrest and polic for your kei you can random junk won you you sit jai l you can consol fact that govern will burn cpu year find that not joe kean amat eur cryptologist jgk osc uunet amdcad osc jgk sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target articl osc joe kean jgk osc writ e matter fact random file disk reason special purpos hardwar take long time gene r good random bit program that crank coupl bit per minut pretti conserv time tha t sound program interest post alt sourc sci.crypt hard drive secur articl fkj rpi edu antonh rpi edu write can sen d info encrpyt hard disk consequ type action chose futur thi countri and europea n countri peopl encrypt note notebook for hundr year thousand long tradit date b ack alchemist noth bad happen assum that noth bad happen you thi long histori es tablish encrypt properti individu disclaim opinion express carl ellison cme stra tu stratu comput inc bkw tel fairbank boulevard marlborough fax sci.crypt licens public kei implement articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu j ebright magnu ac ohio state edu jame ebright write guess will wait for time futu r such good crypto that nsa job agenc will disband and file open appropr histor delai you overlook fundament truth headcount and budget govern agenc monoton inc reas function that truth you for agenc can occupi peopl and spend that monei cry pto unbreak perhap talk world telephon compani into make equip break into and ta p convinc peopl that distribut comput good idea that even intern state process f or access wiretap disclaim opinion express carl ellison cme stratu stratu comput inc bkw tel fairbank boulevard marlborough fax sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target rja cam ross anderson write arti cl apr ucsu colorado edu cuffel spot colorado edu tim cuffel write thi suggest s ecur product design approach fill hard drive random file and file encrypt number kei whenev secret file creat you delet random file and replac real encrypt data secret file encrypt kei thrash do file system step write minim file system prog ram that us creat delet file decrypt ramdisk list directori put util password pr otect floppi catch that storag space us thi util not part do file system defrag your disk pack alloc cluster into cluster us back end partit hold your stealth f ile system leav small partit disk that not assign do anoth approach us directori that contain set invari file do system file for instanc due do alloc minimum st orag unit cluster unus physic space disk tail end each file and end associ clust er dead space concaten and us hold your stealth file system you situat encrypt d ata appear your disk rai berri rai ol cdac rjberri eskimo compuserv sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat articl pivot sbi bet sbi bennett todd salomon brother inc write thi decid configur mit magic cooki secur for for thi work you stick bit that intrud can guess file readabl you client applic read pass bit back server want establish connect settl grab bunch traffic network ba

sic ran etherfind greater compress and skip output grab bit can bit that can exp ect uniformli distribut and quit unguess intrud for your applic you can encrypt real time clock secret kei sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat articl psu edu eiffel psu edu nic ol write articl pivot sbi bet sbi bennett todd salomon brother inc write thi dec id configur mit magic cooki secur for for thi work you stick bit that intrud can guess file readabl you client applic read pass bit back server want establish c onnect settl grab bunch traffic network basic ran etherfind greater compress and skip output grab bit can bit that can expect uniformli distribut and quit ungue ss intrud for your applic you can encrypt real time clock secret kei for good di scuss cryptograph good random number gener check draft ietf secur random txt int ernet draft your local friendli internet draft repositori sourc random output cr yptograph hash function fed larg amount random data for exampl run dev mem slow random sourc random bit bound bit entropi ten hundr megabyt data modern workstat memori fair amount system timer buffer etc sci.crypt amend and password articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu ashal magn u ac ohio state edu andrew hall write postiv will correct wrong doesn cover not forc action that incrimin polic couldn demand that you silent bodi buri monei hi dden can make you piss jar and possibl provid dna semen and hair sampl undergo t est for gunpowd residu your hand btw that chemic engin arrest wtc explos thrust hand into toilet fill urin cop break door nitrogen urin mask residu explos found interest new report act not reason perhap privaci group discuss legal ramif pas sword shot jimmi hoffa and bodi storag locker camden back impress that real judg dismiss argument that thi password incrimin year law school sophistri fact that you us statement for password bear verac that phrase you not ask incrimid you b uri bodi you ask provid inform execut legal search warrant refus provid password akin refus provid kei storag locker that forc into locker that doesn mean you u nderstand find point thing overlook search bear gile bear fsl noaa gov sci.crypt articl qhc transfer stratu cme ellisun stratu carl ellison write articl apr mnemosyn edu rwebb nyx edu russel webb write call paranoid thi kind scare stori dorothi den cite call for limit cryptographi doubt that thi suspect that fbi and nsa and agenc easili mount nationwid campaign tax dollar build publ ic outcri digit commun unbreak encrypt commun haven you read noam chomski work w ide us inform net control peopl unthink hundr billion dollar will spent wipe reg ul and order onc major media and poitic power wake efect can you can bother read video manufactur consent paul sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target straight encrypt your keyr and p ut result mislead name won notic window directori half file straight encrypt bat file that will decrypt keyr ramdisk and will set pgppath point set anoth bat fi le decrypt and execut ram disk name target file argument that link thi file and exist batch file refer rest system comment test script for fool pgp set pgppath pgp directori leav origin keyr that pgp directori pgp good indic that you plai h aven made us pgp add set kei your name and simpl passphras never us us your wide publish kei for low secur mail need run second bat file make intermedi and plai nfil gener ramdisk you hear concuss grenad hit power switch cheer marc marc thib ault ci put anoth log marc tanda isi org freenet fire sci.crypt sourc mactinosh pgp sourc code macintosh pgp anonym ftp ftp netc om pub gradi mget macpgp src sea hqx mget macpgp srcsignatur convert compact pro extract archiv binhex check digit signatur hqx file your copi pgp macintosh use r wish check digit signatur note that denot end line macintosh not crlf for purp os itar act thi unclassifi technic document herebi releas into public domain rep resent made copyright commerci right that exist thi packag full sourc code syman tec project and full user document includ for and version pretti good privaci st rong public kei encrypt and digit signatur applic rsa algorithm patent unit stat e and idea cipher patent switzerland execut includ execut anonym ftp leif thep s weden night nig japan van wimsei canada soda berkelei edu berkelei src doc unit kingdom ghost dsi unimi itali plaza aarnet edu australia nic funet finland publi c kei anonym server site send messag subject for inform internet site pgp public kei junkbox iastat edu michael graff explor iastat edu ftp tbird iastat edu usr explor public kei pgp pgp public kei toxicwast mit edu derek atkin warlord mit

edu ftp toxicwast mit edu pub kei public kei pgp pgp public kei phil utmb edu jo hn perri perri phil utmb edu ftp phil utmb edu pub pgp public kei pgp pgp public kei demon mark turner mark demon ftp ftp demon pub pgp pubr pgp site pgp public kei jpunix john perri perri jpunix execut applic built sourc not licens rsa dat a secur inc rsa public kei algorithm idea block cipher algorithm approv nation s ecur agenc thi unclassifi technic document made for educ us possess distribut us execut binari built thi sourc civil crimin offens suggest improv bug comment di rectli post alt secur pgp princip develop list sourc document gener question and comment public kei cryptographi idea cipher post alt secur pgp sci crypt usenet group gradi netcom sci.crypt amend and password ashal magnu ac ohio state edu andrew hall wri te postiv will correct wrong doesn cover not forc action that incrimin mike godw in mnemon eff org post permiss carl sadli not suspect can compel give handwrit a nd voic exemplar and blood and dna test polic couldn demand that you silent bodi buri monei hidden compel you produc kei safe happen evid that will convict you store crypto kei disclosur issu hasn come current law suggest that loser for def end compel turn kei test for compel incrimin whether materi disclos inculp discl os exampl gave safe kei testimoni ergo can disclos compuls subpoena duce tecum g overn can immun disclosur crypto kei compel you disclos kei price not fact your disclosur evid case you can us discov result thi disclosur you mike carl kadi no t repres organ thi kadi uiuc edu sci.crypt pgp pem and rfc cryptographi patent charl kinci ckinci umr edu w rote yeah you will pai mucho big buck and us routin you doesn sound reason thi f ull shit negoti licens and buck incred reason upfront charg slide scale depend y our capit you startup and can afford you can afford start place peopl insist mak e unequivoc statement that noth don guess pkp and rsa interest big buck agenda s ecur commun for govern agent perhap you consid treatment for paranoia govern sin gl biggest thorn rsa side limit guess don us code pkp rsa doesn such provid secu r commun for averag citizen that exactli purpos you noth prevent averag citizen sell hope cynic misplac ahead not afraid wrong onc uneasi feel that and you wron g you emotion state bunch crap fact tini disclaim end check your fact and grow s uch strong correl interest cryptographi and immatur bob cain rcain netcom sci.crypt privaci anonym internet faq archiv name net privaci part last mo difi version ident privaci and anonym internet detweil not for commerci us permi ss author freeli copi not alter credit quot summari inform email and account pri vaci anonym mail and post encrypt and privaci and right issu associ us internet and global network gener search for for exact section search for underlin for se ction part thi file ident ident internet ident import internet email address not identifi and background can find email address identif stabl internet futur ide ntif internet privaci privaci internet privaci import internet secur internet ne twork secur account secur file and directori secur window secur email not liabl for email and post provid inform ident sysadmin privaci stabl internet futur pri vaci internet anonym anonym internet anonym import internet can anonym protect i nternet anonym mail anonym post anonym stabl internet futur anonym internet part file resourc unix program relat privaci can learn us cryptographi cypherpunk ma il list privaci relat newsgroup faq internet privaci enhanc mail pem request for comment rfc relat privaci can run anonym remail refer privaci email email usene t and internet us polici mit crosslink anonym messag program miscellan digit cas h hacker cracker cypherpunk steganographi and anonym pool secur obscur ident dae mon standard need guard electron privaci issu electron frontier foundat eff comp ut profession for social respons cpsr oper sun devil and steve jackson game case integr servic digit network isdn nation research and educ network nren fbi prop os digit telephoni act legisl relat privaci network refer right cyberspac comput and academ freedom caf archiv footnot background internet internet anarchi engl ish languag want list chang histori part last file anonym anonym remail and post site respons associ anonym kill anonym post histori anonym post server anonym a nonym post group allow system oper anonym post anon penet maintain helsingiu ide nt ident internet gener todai peopl ident internet primarili determin email addr ess sens that thi unchang face electron realm thi your login name qualifi comple t address domain inform for exampl long lanc colost edu peopl thi address receiv

mail read usenet post you and situat program record usag obsolet form address s uch bitnet persist email messag addit inform path that messag take prepend messa g receiv recipi thi inform identifi chain host involv transmiss and accur trace origin thi type identifi and forward protocol us usenet protocol lesser extent f org field requir corrupt mail softwar site involv forward and uncommon not uncom mon forg chain origin point that initi site list fake time messag creat trace me ssag can difficult imposs initi fake field name real machin and repres real tran sfer rout ident import internet concept ident close intertwin commun privaci and secur turn critic aspect comput network for exampl conveni commun afford email imposs convent for identif potenti abus ident that can sever consequ massiv comp ut network forefront issu can potenti exacerb solv problem verifi that ident cor rect call authent and classic exampl problem associ war world radio broadcast th at fool segment popul into think that alien invas progress hoax thi order not un common usenet and forg ident make insidi peopl and reput can assault forgeri flu iditi ident internet for attract featur ident harm professor carefulli explain t opic find talk undergradu person occup convers shun prejudic eras hand prejudic scientist argu can evalu find paper review author likewis like reject base unfai r irrelev criteria side connect author find ident review exert pressur for accep t ident crucial establish and regul credit not necessarili financi and ownership and usag function societi demand reliabl and accur techniqu for identif heavi r elianc will digit authent global economi becom increasingli electron govern func tion and servic base identif and law enforc frequent hing employe govern organ p ush stronger identif structur identif invad privaci growth internet provok socia l forc massiv proport decis made issu ident will affect futur user network becom increasingli global univers widespread and entrench and posit advers affect act ion intend and inadvert will liter magnifi exponenti email address not identifi and background your email address inform that influenc peopl percept your backgr ound address identifi you depart univers employe compani govern worker your last name initi cryptic identif code independ base part social secur number form num ber increment order that user ad system standard internet address can inform you r broad geograph locat nationhood thi inform guarante correct field domain quali f usernam base arbitrari organ such invis network cabl distribut point make that earli field address specif such specif comput name local network and gener such continent domain typic field name comput receiv mail glean inform email address alon sometim inspir art inconsist and futil exercis for inform faq email addres s and geograph distribut below unix util exist aid quest question thi common suf fix unit state unit kingdom canada finland australia edu univers colleg commerci organ org nonprofit organ gov govern mil militari site can find email address s impl send email that address ask anoth send mail postmast that address postmast address postmast job find user peopl real name and solv mail rout problem sysadm in root address suppli inform user relat email address inform method reli time a nd patienc us minim basic tool for determin ident internet unix util finger basi c syntax finger user thi util commun protocol queri comput name address for info rm user name respons gener complet receiv comput and format respons follow messa g unknown host mean aspect address incorrect two line inform and messag real lif e case receiv comput not find kind match usernam finger util return thi respons situat list inform associ multipl user comput will search for match user id will attempt find usernam you substr actual full name user local databas site finger can us list user system finger address gener thi consid weak secur attack valid user crack password inform field return finger below inform finger and locat pe opl email address email faq such whoi lookup util you can us mean find can us fi nd you you can finger find publicli report your unix system you care modifi fing er data virtual internet access worldwid can queri thi inform amaz case york tim e writer markoff uncov ident morri author internet worm us anonym tip and finger book cyberspac hafner and markoff identif stabl internet gener ident amorph and almost nonexist concept internet for varieti reason inher fluiditi cyberspac pe opl emerg and submerg frequent and absenc not readili note commun peopl rememb f ace and voic primari mean casual identif real world arbitari and cryptic sequenc letter and digit compris email address not notic memor and uniqu identif indivi du us multipl account multipl machin anywher world internet user not great assur

that messag email and usenet person mail address identif individu access accoun t password legitim can send mail that address line email address for individu te nd chang frequent switch job make move insid organ part current mail protocol st andard forg line mail messag fairli trivial oper for hacker statu and path infor m prepend messag intermedi host gener unforg gener forgeri fairli rare newsgroup and email patholog case abv basic problem todai internet protocol affect identi f internet internet mail standard describ rfc evolv rapidli and not orderli for exampl standard for mail address mung pars tend vari slightli site and frequent mean differ find address and bounc mail domain name and comput name frequent cha ng site and delai propag thi data address cannot resolv critic comput crash such receiv comput comput involv resolv name into address call nameserv slew problem associ nameserv not updat will not find name address and even oper constitut up dat interpret site current internet mail and address protocol slightli anachroni st that creat network somewhat obscur and not widespread fraction traffic see to dai larg proport internet traffic email compris million messag futur identif int ernet technolog and standard introduc facial imag and voic messag into mail and will improv sens commun that come familiar identif not widespread requir larg am ount data transfer standard softwar and make compromis privaci promis cryptograp h techniqu make digit signatur and digit authent common below trend usenet stand ard greater authent post inform hand advanc ensur anonym such remail forthcom be low privaci privaci internet gener privaci multipl connot societi and perhap eve n internet cyberspac mean that you exclus us and access your account and data st ore and and direct such email and you not encount arbitrari restrict search word obtain data associ your account not your permiss idea fairli limit and liber sc ope internet user privat domain user don expect want privaci expect and demand p rivaci import internet thi somewhat debat and inflammatori topic arous passion o pinion internet privaci for grant and rude surpris find tenuou nonexist govern r ule that protect privaci such illeg search and seizur claus constitut adopt that antithet such law prohibit secret commun allow wiretap rule gener carri interne t specif rule govern legal repercuss global internet larg unknown and untest str ong legal preced and court case fact that internet traffic frequent pass past in tern boundari and not central manag significantli complic and strongli discourag regul secur internet network theoret peopl site chain site access hardwar and n etwork media that transmit data internet potenti monitor archiv sheer volum and gener nois inher thi data make scenario highli improb even govern agenc supposed li vast fund and resourc technolog exist tap magnet field electr wire detect obs cur machin network connect potenti station for traffic detect thi scenario requi r knowledg and access low level hardwar network card pursu even compani network gener inc that manufactur and market sophist network monitor tool that can filte r and read packet arbitrari criteria for troubleshoot purpos cost thi type devic prohibit for casual us instanc type secur breach major scale such network hub r are greatest risk tend emerg local note that approach almost complet defus us cr yptographi secur account default not multitud factor that reinforc compromis asp ect your privaci internet your account secur user univers system us password wea k easi guess thi secur significantli diminish somewhat surprisingli and frighten ingli user system administr gener unlimit access password and grant that access thi mean that read file your account detect not univers unix system fairli exten s account record and you log command you execut and execut fact login inform pub lic featur thi audit process account inform enabl default initi instal and syste m administr custom strengthen weaken satisfi perform privaci aim thi inform freq uent consult for troubleshoot purpos and thi data track unsuccess login attempt and suspici activ system tradit part unix system that track user command easili circumv user us symbol link describ man unix implement vari wide track featur an d sophist mechan introduc compani regularli typic system adminstr augment basic unix function public domain program and local develop tool for monitor and us is ol suspici activ aris remot access passwd file incorrect login attempt remot con nect attempt etc gener you expect privaci your account for reason potenti keystr ok you type intercept system administr make extens backup that complet invis use r record state account week eras file can oper system undelet autom servic log u s for troubleshoot for exampl ftp site log command and record domain origin user

includ anonym softwar exacerb problem section window secur indeped malevol admi nistr fellow user commonli harm threat multipl wai ensur that your account will not access and compromis can trace failur guidelin choos secur password chang pe riod make logout not leav machin unattend for long make watch you you type your password avoid password refer email conserv us rhost file us util xlock protect station consider wari situat you you suppli your password basic situat unix prom pt you for password you log system chang your password situat can aris prompt fo r password forg user case you talk such internet relai chat awar that forg login screen method illegitim obtain password jim mattson mattson ucsd edu for contri but secur file and directori import privaci consider relat file right and laps c an trace misunderstood natur haphazard mainten awar right associ your file and d irectori unix execut your parent directori for user group and user cannot gain i nform your directori read chang even delet file your home directori right direct ori supersed right associ file that directori for directori mean that access fil e subdirectori directori you name list content directori requir default account access owner initi configur vari site base administr prefer default file mode sp ecifi initi right associ newli creat file and can set shell umask detail right i mplement tend vari version unix consult man page chmod and exampl traver lanc dr wx jan user list right associ user home directori denot column left identifi rig ht column identifi entri directori and column mean that read write and execut ri ght permit for that user for directori mean that content file and subdirectori n ame that directori can list subsequ column that user right directori tree origin that point can even lower file subdirectori hierarchi complet invis traver lanc msg jan msg traver lanc chmod msg traver lanc msg jan msg mode file msg chang r ight group and note that file requir list file and subdirectori and access file and subdirectori order size etc for exampl suppos directori foo right foo comman d fail independ file right foo foo file cat foo file foo directori foo right tha t foo contain readabl file name file foo file cat foo file foo command fail foo foo uw waldmann uw mpi mpg for contribut secur window window primari softwar dev elop mit athena project fund govern grant develop applic har power network enhan c comput task human comput interfac softwar implement client server interfac com put graphic window thi case client applic request util graphic resourc such wind ow mous and server machin that situat client applic program run machin server gr eat util window come complet dissoci client and server that window broadcast ser ver remot locat client thi dynam power introduc deep intric and complic secur co nsider primari secur and privaci issu associ window that sensit data network and wider region case human situat host comput encrypt data such screen updat and k eystrok window due intent design decis unintent design flaw earli version window system extrem insecur account server machin can disrupt that displai read elect ron base access devic unix regular user protect thi type access version problem aris secur complet base machin address user such that user trust machin trust qu ot document man xsecur client host host access control list allow access server thi system can work environ trust singl person can log into machin thi system no t work multipl peopl can log singl machin and mutual trust not exist access cont rol list xhost command prevent naiv attempt direct access unix evas syntax type host machin xhost name name domain name internet address author client machin de fault client run nonloc host disabl public domain program disrupt displai moment arili such flip slowli mirror screen imag pixel melt bottom circul internet hack er for year and plai prank unsuspect inexperienc user secur breach conceiv simil ar mechan exploit thi inher weak minim easili bypass trust secur mode xhost joki ngli refer hang open secur terribl version window system and higher default make server access secur file system xauthor file and magic cooki remot machin code xauthor file home directori that match code allow server older program and even vendor suppli code not support incompat magic cooki basic magic cooki mechan vul ner monitor techniqu describ earlier encrypt kei occur transmiss includ sophist encrypt mechan man xsecur find support your site even improv secur mechan window sinc local site updat thi softwar infrequ instal extrem complex marc vanheyning en mvanheyn whale indiana edu jim mattson mattson ucsd edu and bill marshal mars hal iastat edu for contribut secur email default not charact that you read almos t encod ascii american standard code for inform interchang that map alphabet and

symbol charact numer code and vice versa virtual comput system thi code and not wai convert and you write mail messag default ascii and sinc standard virtual u nivers intrins privaci despit millenium worth accumul cryptograph knowledg crypt ograph technolog recent establish that afford high prioriti privaci primari crit eria comput and network design potenti pitfal privaci follow threat instanc imma tur unscrupul system oper read privat mail spool file local site sourc destin me ssag such univers system administr releas file law enforc agenc convent and prot ocol for warrant involv comput search not strongli establish and test legal note that bounc messag postmast site entireti thi mean that you address mail incorre ct address good chanc human recipi typic user account set such that local mail d irectori privat thi not guarante and can overridden final awar that mail list em ail address list publicli access mail rout softwar mechan thi featur can disabl potenti compromis email privaci can avoid us strong end end cryptographi set cav eat for exampl unscrupul administr threat encrypt site share nonloc section emai l privaci and email polici not liabl for email and post punish your system admin istr can revok privileg such email usenet post read group file transfer remot co mmun gener subset capabl your account thi complet discret local administr and pr ocedur site case haphazard and crisi orient virtual widespread uniform guidelin procedur for restrict us internet servic and local administr free make arbitrari decis access todai punit measur regularli appli situat typic scenario complaint reach system adminstr abus user not necessarili preced complaint user email tha t person objection email post abus poster usenet admonit system administr urg ne t debat persist endlessli newsgroup whether thi us question mean attack silenc h armless crackpot censor unpopular opinion system administr remot site regularli cooper squelch sever case abus gener tradit usenet reader remark toler divers vi ew and system color vocabularli slang help describ altern thi patienc sap option wield individu user simpli advanc messag refer hit kei plonk annoi poster hacke r dictionari sound jerk make end fall bottom kill file case punit action appli g ener system administr like restrict email usenet post commonli restrict individu user entir group such univers campu restrict commonli associ abus harass threat en note email terror illeg piraci propag copyright materi hominem attack insult reput poster cite content messag intent extrem vulgar and offens inappropri post esp binari file regular group mail bomb inund mail box numer massiv file major problem origin lack distinct privat and offici email post user internet access a ccount busi univers and activ internet can constru repres parent organ peopl put disclaim signatur attempt dissoci ident and activ parent organ precaut recent v isibl polit case involv privaci electron mail written white hous staff member bu sh administr guidelin acquaint your compani univers polici avoid us your compani email address for privat commun us disclaim low profil avoid flamewar simpli do n post avoid post inform that constru proprietari intern refer ftp eff section i nternet us polici pub academ ban pub academ ban comput materi that ban challeng academia and includ usenet hierarchi pub academ case thi line collect inform spe cif comput and academ freedom case file readm detail descript item directori pub academ faq netnew liabil note univers liabil for usenet provid inform ident pub lic inform your ident and account unix util finger describ you control thi infor m util chfn specif vari site system us passwd you can provid unlimit inform plan file copi directli destin finger techniqu that work site you find finger ing yo u and even vari plan file your signatur determin environ variabl signatur usenet signatur convention store signatur file your home directori provid inform your onlin ident difficult and involv approach your system adminstr chang delet infor m you such your full name you obtain access public account unrel you person you remot login modem comput that you not physic tactic for hide mask your onlin act iv noth foolproof consult man page chmod command and default file mode gener fil e share system good safeguard user pool protect corrupt system administr mask yo ur ident email usenet you can us account untrac anonym post and remail servic th at recent establish below sysadmin requir and screen for get system administr jo b and therebi access inform system vari wide site and sometim frighteningli lax univers unix system univers larg manag undergradu background comput and hack gen er commerci and industri site strict qualif and background and govern site extre m strict system adminstr root user can monitor command you us and time record ba

ckup file your account week can monitor you send email post usenet messag and po tenti read access record indic host you local and administr sometim emploi speci al program track strang unusu activ can potenti misus privaci stabl internet for numer reason list privaci not expect current us internet larg part internet fun d nsf nation scienc foundat place restrict us such prohibit commerci us high lev el offici thi and govern agenc oppos emerg techniqu guarante privaci such encryp t and anonym servic histor major threat privaci internet local perhap common exa mpl thi widespread occurr univers administr refus carri portion usenet newsgroup label pornograph altern hierarchi usenet system virtual restrict propag and gro up creation frequent target thi materi anywher global point view traffic gener c omplet unimped internet and egregi offend pursu for exampl verbatim transcript c opyright materi such newspap magazin articl post usenet regular major consequ em ail complaint ensu astonish that signific portion usenet traffic and internet tr affic compris sexual explicit digit imag almost origin copyright materi newsgrou p such alt sex regularli highest traffic futur privaci internet argu that intern et adequ level privaci will argu that prototyp for futur global network woefulli inadequ safeguard internet grow becom complet global intern superhighwai for da ta and thi traffic will inevit entail data such voic messag postal mail and item extrem person natur comput item that peopl complet privat such local hard drive will liter inch global network connect sensit industri and busi inform exchang network and thi volum conceiv merg internet agre that for basic sensit internet signific mechan place ensur privaci standard call for uniform introduct privaci enhanc mail pem encrypt technolog ensur privaci that privaci protect automat and significantli improv safeguard technolog that can extrem destruct privaci such surreptiti surveil can overwhelmingli effect protect encrypt govern agenc oppos unlimit privaci gener and that lawfulli forfeit case crimin conduct court author wiretap power technolog protect privaci comput increasingli popular provok that cat bag and geni can put back bottl idiomat term that spread strong cryptograph i underwai will social and technic unstopp date feasibl system that guarante sec ur commun and govern oversight propos two goal larg incompat propos for registr secret kei den sci crypt for exampl met hot controversi and ridicul and deris wo rst concern for privaci and object inher feasibl electron privaci issu and prope r role network and internet will forese becom highli visibl and explos year anon ym anonym internet simpli state anonym absenc ident ultim privaci variat thi sim pl theme person consist identifi pseudonym handl and establish reput area provid pseudo anonym person complet untrac for singl messag sort hit and run person op enli anonym carri convers anonym ident anonym return address user regular user u ntrac sometim user wish hide send mail addit messag anonym item direct individu group user access servic and hide sign associ feasibl internet tricki carri prac tic track mechan inher oper system and network protocol offici nsf and govern ag enc oppos potenti for abus nevertheless inher faceless larg network will guarant e element anonym anonym import internet anonym anoth power tool that can benefic i problemat depend us arguabl absenc identif import presenc case that strong ben efit electron anonym will discov that unforeseen and unpredict true anonym histo r difficult establish can us anonym make person statement colleagu that sabotag relationship state openli such employ employe scenario can us pass inform and ev ad threat direct retribut for exampl whistleblow report govern abus econom socia l polit can bring issu light fear stigma retali sensit person potenti damag info rm post usenet group riski situat anonym convers carri complet independ ident pa rticip polic depart run phone servic that anonym report crime such straightforwa rd network extort and harass becom insidi assur anonym can anonym protect intern et chief mean allud mask ident email and post anonym account public account acce ss and anonym public telephon effect thi us gener not offici support and even di scourag system adminstr and nsf guidelin nonuniform requir obtain account site a nd institut make anonym account gener difficult obtain public larg commun protoc ol inher detriment anonym virtual protocol exist contain inform sender and recei v packet commun protocol will like develop that guarante higher degre secur anon ym commun anonym mail approach anonym mail set anonym server that activ email ad dress respond alloc and suppli anonym that uniqu person request base email addre ss thi will vari for person for machin address email origin send anonym mail use

r send email direct server contain final destin server anonym messag strip ident if inform and forward messag appear origin anonym server anonym user thi interac t us anonym pseudonym mention anoth fring approach run cypherpunk remail regular user account root system privileg requir pioneer eric hugh and hal finnei hal a lumni caltech edu oper run process machin that anonym mail characterist that dis tinguish regular incom mail typic field header implement perl script run unix ex ist site and softwar highli unstabl oper system administr knowledg remail don ge ner support anonym return address mail that incorrectli address receiv oper gene r user remail disavow respons for messag forward system held liabl approach disa dvantag and weak anonym server approach requir maintain map anonym real address that maintain indefinit altern dealloc alias request user thi not implement scen ario traffic site conceiv monitor necessit us cryptographi for basic protect loc al administr can shut capric pressur local network govern agenc unscrupul provid servic can monitor traffic that remail log that inspect cypherpunk approach hig hli unstabl oper basic network user not equip and account system administr unawa r us and unsympathet philosophi anonym oper discov illicit us case high degre tr ust anonym server oper user direct rout anonym involv smtp protocol submit messa g directli server arbitrari field inform thi practic not uncommon hacker and app roach us remail gener view hostil system administr inform header rout data and l og network port connect inform retain that can us track origin site practic thi gener infeas and rare carri administr network will contact local administr reque st messag track and writer admonish punish sever such revok account thi happen o ccasion infrequ section anonym mail and post site and respons associ anonym anon ym post anonym server establish for anonym usenet post associ caveat monitor tra ffic caprici riski local circumst log make test system onc anonym post misc test oper don recommend thi site autorespond test messag possibl caus anonym server alloc anonym id for machin responsibilti associ anonym post proceed anoth direct rout involv nntp protocol submit messag directli newserv arbitrari field inform thi practic not uncommon hacker gener view hostil system administr and similar consequ can ensu section anonym mail and post site and respons associ anonym ano nym stabl internet note factor compromis anonym gener internet commun and servic us great caution summar technolog infanc and current approach unrefin unreli an d not complet trustworthi standard establish and troubl situat loss anonym and b ug softwar preval encount and potenti bug anonym remail realloc alloc anonym ret urn address pass signatur inform embed messag unalt address resolut problem resu lt anonym mail bounc remail common forgeri anonym server problem possibl allow u nauthor user potenti glean anon email address map alia file thi can remedi us pa ssword infinit mail loop chain remail sourc code distribut test and refin for sy stem standard progress slowli and weakli field not like improv consider offici e ndors and action network agenc idea essenti infanc and view suspicion and distru st internet illegitim favor crimin major object anonym regular internet us perce iv lack account system oper invulner account restrict result complaint system ad minstr site threaten filter anonym new post gener promin server redistribut flow thi effect encourag server oper creat characterist detect header problemat appr oach and tradit usenet for individu user deal anonym mail prefer ignor filter ki ll file futur anonym internet anonym protocol effect serv significantli increas safeguard anonym for exampl mechan that rout email multipl host therebi threaten privaci can us guarante scheme call chain anonym messag pass multipl anonym ser ver reach destin thi gener multipl link chain broken for secur compromis encrypt each link make thi scenario even even significantli anonym remail spread intern et global that local weak such corrupt govern legal wiretap nation sacrific secu r messag trace remail run corrupt oper futur anonym servic internet thi time hig hli uncertain and fraught peril specif group benefit significantli anonym post c apabl feel that unlimit newsgroup scope for anonym post disrupt and danger idea and detract discuss group introduct unlimit group anonym fundament repercuss use net convent and distribut mechan such moder and alt group had past for exampl pa rt group creation charter whether anonym post nevertheless widespread introduct and us anonym inevit base traffic statist anonym servic huge demand pervas and r eadili anonym carri signific and unforeseen social consequ us continu gener rega rd subvers confin underground ramif widespread introduct anonym usenet larg unkn

own unclear whether will provok signfic amount traffic expans shift greater port ion exist traffic anonym conceiv servic plai role influenc futur mainstream soci al accept usenet thi part privaci anonym faq obtain anonym ftp pit manag mit edu pub usenet new answer net privaci newsgroup new answer sci answer alt answer da i written detweil long lanc colost edu right reserv sci.crypt privaci anonym internet faq archiv name net privaci part last mo difi version ident privaci and anonym internet detweil not for commerci us permi ss author freeli copi not alter credit quot summari email and account privaci an onym file encrypt academ comput polici relev legisl and refer eff and privaci an d right issu associ us internet and global network gener search for for exact se ction search for underlin for section part thi file resourc unix program relat p rivaci can learn us cryptographi cypherpunk mail list privaci relat newsgroup fa q internet privaci enhanc mail pem request for comment rfc relat privaci can run anonym remail refer privaci email email usenet and internet us polici mit cross link anonym messag program miscellan digit cash hacker cracker cypherpunk stegan ographi and anonym pool secur obscur ident daemon standard need guard electron p rivaci issu electron frontier foundat eff comput profession for social respons c psr oper sun devil and steve jackson game case integr servic digit network isdn nation research and educ network nren fbi propos digit telephoni act legisl rela t privaci network refer right cyberspac comput and academ freedom caf archiv foo tnot background internet internet anarchi english languag want list chang histor i resourc unix program relat privaci for inform type man cmd apropo keyword unix shell prompt passwd chang password finger obtain inform remot user chfn chang i nform obtain remot user sometim passwd chmod chang right associ file directori u mask shell chang default creation file access right list right associ file and d irectori xhost disabl access control user xwindow server last list latest user l ogin system and origin list user login idl time origin list user and run xhost a ccess control list for window client us xauth control window server authent sign atur file home directori append usenet post forward file us forward email accoun t xauthor file us for window server authent kei signatur variabl us for name ema il and usenet post tcpdump packet trace program loos base smi etherfind etherfin d code remain origin written van jacobson lawrenc berkelei laboratori part ongo research project investig and improv tcp and internet gatewai perform current ve rsion anonym ftp host ftp lbl gov address file tcpdump tar compress unix tar fil e thi program subject standard berkelei network softwar copyright can learn us c ryptographi gener introduct theoret cryptograph issu frequent discuss sci crypt faq form compil cme ellisun stratu carl ellison gwyn brl mil doug gwyn smb ulyss att steven bellovin nist nation institut for standard and technolog publish int roductori paper cryptographi special public public kei cryptograhi jame nechvat april anonym ftp csrc ncsl nist gov file pub nistpub txt anonym ftp wimsei crypt txt crypto directori cover technic mathemat aspect encrypt such number theori g ener inform can found faq paul fahn rsa labortori anonym ftp rsa pub faq readm f ile for inform tex version hardcopi for rsa laboratori marin parkwai redwood cit i send question faq editor rsa phil zimmerman pgp pretti good privaci public dom ain packag for public kei encrypt numer site and widespread us internet for gene r unix base file encrypt includ email consult archi ftp databas newsgroup alt se cur pgp mail list request info pgp request lucpul luc edu ripem faq marc vanheyn ingen mvanheyn whale indiana edu new answer ripem program perform privaci enhanc mail pem cryptograph techniqu rsa and de your electron mail properti authent ca n confirm and privaci can read intend recipi ripem written primarili mark riorda n mrr scss msu edu code public domain for rsa routin librari call rsaref licens rsa data secur inc ripem anonym ftp citizen and perman resid rsa rsaref and read readm file for info ripem crypt stuff home site rpub msu edu open anonym ftp fo r user and canada citizen perman resid find obtain access ftp pub crypt and read file get access note cryptographi gener not integr into email and system profic i requir user util cypherpunk mail list eric hugh hugh toad run cypherpunk mail list dedic discuss technolog defens for privaci digit domain send email cypherpu nk request toad ad subtract list charter import mean defens privaci encrypt encr ypt desir for privaci encrypt weak cryptographi not desir for privaci cypherpunk hope that peopl desir privaci will learn defend privaci relat newsgroup faq new

sgroup alt comp acad freedom new alt comp acad freedom talk moder and unmoder is su relat academ freedom and privaci univers document exampl violat privaci email document exampl censorship limit usenet group local avail alt cyberpunk virtual realiti scienc fiction william gibson and bruce sterl cyberpunk mainstream alt hacker usenet network new transfer protocol nntp post mechan simpl mail transfer protocol smtp obligatori hack report alt privaci gener privaci issu involv taxp ai licens social secur number etc alt secur comp secur misc comput relat secur i ssu faq new answer below alt secur pgp alt secur ripem dedic discuss public doma in cryptograph softwar packag pgp pretti good privaci softwar develop phil zimme rman for public kei encrypt and ripem mark riordan for public kei and de encrypt comp societi privaci privaci issu associ comput technolog exampl caller identif social secur number credit applic mail list etc moder comp eff new comp eff tal k moder and unmoder group associ electron frontier foundat start mitch kapor for protect civil and constitut right electron realm new admin new admin polici con cern new administr nntp standard and mechan new list usenet traffic distribut fr equent poster volumin group activ site etc sci crypt consid scientif and social issu cryptographi exampl legitim us pgp public kei patent de cryptograph secur c ypher break etc faq faq frequent ask question newsgroup answer anonym ftp pit ma nag mit edu rtfm mit edu directori pub usenet new answer archiv name thi faq arc hiv file net privaci network info part sourc inform internet and connect nsf com merci vendor alt secur faq comput relat secur issu aris alt secur and comp secur misc unix relat ssn privaci privaci issu associ us social secur number ssn pdia l public dialup internet account list colleg email part find email address for u ndergradu and graduat student faculti and staff colleg and univers ripem faq inf orm ripem program for public kei mail encrypt offici sanction public kei partner inc compani that own patent public kei cryptographi unix faq faq part frequent ask question unix includ inform finger and termin spy distribut geograph univers and network distribut internet privaci enhanc mail pem internet draft privaci e nhanc mail pem describ standard revis for six year delin offici protocol for ema il encrypt standard recent stabil and implement develop rfc privaci enhanc for i nternet electron mail part messag encrypt and authent procedur linn mcimail rfc privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part certif base kei manag kent kent b bn rfc privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part kei certif and relat servi c kaliski burt rsa rfc privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part iii algori thm mode and identifi balenson belenson ti send email pem info ti for inform rfc relat privaci for inform obtain rfc request for comment rfc relat privaci rfc s mtp simpl mail transfer protocol rfc nntp network new transfer protocol rfc stan dard for interchang network new messag rfc glossari network term rfc answer expe rienc internet user question rfc answer internet user question rfc privaci issu network inform center databas rfc fyi answer commonli ask internet user question and includ basic terminolog internet tcp smtp ftp internet organ such iab inter net activ board and ietf internet enbgin task forc and glossari term ftp eff org pub internet info internet rfc can obtain ftp nic ddn mil pathnam rfc rfcnnnn t xt rfc rfcnnnn nnnn refer number rfc login ftp usernam anonym and password guest nic automat mail servic for site cannot us ftp address request servic nic ddn m il and subject field messag rfc number subject rfc nnnn subject rfc nnnn for pos tscript rfc rfc can obtain ftp ni nsf net ftp login usernam anonym and password guest connect rfc directori rfc file name form rfcnnnn txt nnnn refer number rfc ni automat mail servic for site cannot us ftp address request ni info ni nsf ne t and leav subject field messag blank line text messag send rfcnnnn txt nnnn rep lac rfc number can run anonym remail cypherpunk remail sourc soda berkelei edu p ub cypherpunk directori written perl and rel easi instal administr right requir karl barru ele menudo edu inform and modif remail oper mention amen discuss feat ur problem and help site becom oper address point section responsib anonym us th i document prior advertis your servic you commit long term stabil site and avoid run surreptiti refer privaci email brown bob ema urg user adopt polici mail pri vaci network world oct bairstow jeffrei read your electron mail electron busi ju ne electron envelop uncertainti keep mail privat scientif american februari ftp eff org pub eff paper email privaci articl right email privaci ruel hernandez pu b academ law privaci email comput electron mail and privaci edit version law sch

ool seminar paper ruel hernadez pub eff paper email privaci biblio compil biblio graphi mail and privaci issu part work compil staci veeder pub eff paper email p rivaci research author digit research formal employe privaci polici mail casesig ht divid into two group constitut law and california law pub eff paper compani e mail formul compani polici access and disclosur electron mail compani comput sys tem david johnson and john podesta for electron mail assoc pub cud alcor inform alcor mail privaci suit pub academ law privaci email email privaci search berkel ei email usenet and internet us polici comput polici and critiqu archiv collect comput polici school and network run comput and academ freedom group electron fr ontier foundat ftp site collect includ critiqu polici you gopher archiv browsabl command gopher academ polici gopher eff org archiv access anonym ftp and email ftp ftp eff org directori pub academ polici for email access send email archiv s erver eff org includ line send acad freedom polici filenam filenam list file tha t you want file readm detail descript item directori for inform make contribut r eport typo contact greenfield greeni eff org directori widen contain addit polic i not critiqu ftp eff org pub cud network accept us polici for network includ co mpuserv file compuserv nsfnet file nsfnet inform research and commerci pub cud n etwork index pub cud network email polici sysadmin handl issu email privaci cont rol and abus compil hooper hooper curtin edu pub cud school comput us polici num ber school school index for full list and descript commentari pub academ faq pol ici opinion academ comput polici pub academ faq email polici univers treat email and comput file privat pub academ faq netnew write polici user write usenet pub academ faq netnew read polici user read usenet univers remov restrict netnew ne wsgroup peopl find offens pub academ faq polici guidanc for creat evalu univers academ comput polici mit crosslink anonym messag program crosslink anonym messag system run mit student cabl anonym medium mit student can thing find difficult inconveni imposs person send fun total random messag your friend air similar ano nym messag page found colleg newspap that electron natur and free messag can pos t servic email for inform send email crosslink athena mit edu miscellan digit ca sh digit encrypt and authent technolog possibl widespread digit cash system some dai realiz system util code user and bank similar todai check system digit appro ach issu cryptographi privaci and anonym close associ transfer cash economi arti cl scientif american david chaum dec experiment digit bank run karl barru ele me nudo edu base suggest hal finnei cypherpunk mail list us server send mail ele ro sebud edu messag text command user host user host your email address hacker crac ker term arous strong feel mean internet gener new media past person comput and network malici end such break into system refer hacker internet user prefer term cracker for thi hacker perceiv benign intens ambiti curiou and driven comput us er explor obscur area system for exampl proud electron pioneer and patriot thi s ens intend thi document hacker dictionari and faq alt secur faq cypherpunk chart er cypherpunk mail list cypherpunk assum privaci good thing and cypherpunk ackno wledg that want privaci creat for and not expect govern corpor larg faceless org an grant privaci benefic cypherpunk that peopl creat privaci for centuri whisper envelop close door and courier cypherpunk not seek prevent peopl speak experi o pinion inform cypherpunk mail list below cryptoanarchist manifesto and cryptogra phi glossari soda berkelei edu pub cypherpunk steganographi and anonym pool clos e associ encrypt steganographi techniqu for not pursu privat encrypt commun conc eal exist commun possibl thi area introduc prolifer comput technolog for exampl encod messag signific bit imag typic noisi addit such item post public place suc h newsgroup virtual untrac commun can place sender and receiv for steganograph c ommun electron realm anoth possibl set mail list individu messag broadcast entir list and individu user decod messag uniqu kei anonym pool set miron cuperman mi ron extropia wimsei for experi send email pool request extropia wimsei command s ubject line subscrib unsubscrib secur obscur secur obscur refer attempt gain pro tect system weak hide sensit inform program relat for exampl compani not make pu blic inform softwar encrypt techniqu evad attack base knowledg anoth exampl conc eal data exist secur hole bug oper system relianc made fact that standard mechan potenti problem not wide not wide us thi argument occasion appli mechan for ema il and usenet post forgeri secur obscur regard feebl techniqu and inappropri and ineffect worst call head sand approach faq for alt secur remark john perri barl

ow cofound electron frontier foundat direct nsa agent intern symposium nation se cur nation competit held mclean virginia dec digit inform hard stamp classifi co ntain thi stuff incred leaki and volatil almost life form abil propag hit net an d peopl find interest will spread viru mind you simpli accept idea that move int o environ inform interest peopl and will that you can thi not bad thing view you differ ident daemon rfc describ protocol standard that unix program queri remot user login name connect local commun socket connect thi type establish ftp and telnet session for exampl standard not wide support perhap internet site impleme nt number increas mechan detriment anonym regular user cannot disabl system admi nstr can circumv thi standard repres trend greater authent mechan standard need guard electron privaci remail post stabl secur protect offici sanction and permi t publicli and privat oper anonym server and hub offici standard for encrypt and anonym mail and usenet post anonym protocol sourc and destin inform obscur abse nt and hidden rout mechan chain encrypt address etc standard for anonym email ad dress embed file and remail site chain gener recognit anonym cryptographi and re lat privaci shield legitim desir and crucial gener public and govern widespread us and implement technolog system design into hardwar softwar and standard imple ment secur seamlessli and transpar gener shift us depend and relianc mean wireta p and electron surveil law enforc agenc public retract and dissolut law and gove rn agenc oppos privaci replac structur dedic strengthen and protect issu electro n frontier foundat eff ftp eff org pub eff mission statement world aris vast web digit electron media connect comput base commun media electron mail and comput conferenc basi form commun commun singl fix geograph locat compris settlement el ectron frontier establish legal principl and cultur norm give structur and coher convent media newspap book and telephon digit media not easili fit into exist f ramework conflict come law struggl defin applic context fundament notion speech properti and place profoundli form peopl sens promis and threat inher comput and commun technolog even struggl master simpli cope workplac and home electron fro ntier foundat establish civil electron frontier make and benefici not technic el it and thi keep societi highest tradit free and open flow inform and commun eff start multimillionair mitchel kapor founder lotu softwar and john barlow lyricis t for grate dead rock band highli public endeavor organ involv legal defens stev e jackson game fbi raid and accompani civil suit section steve jackson game foun dat publish eff new effector onlin electron send request effnew request eff org letter mitchel kapor chairman subcommitte primari jurisdict telecommun polici da te novemb repres edward markei complement mitchel kapor insight develop nation p ublic inform infrastructur appreci greatli and member subcommitte complet text f tp eff pub pub infra pursu polici that encourag bell compani work sector commun industri creat consum orient public inform network staff polici you and comput i ndustri serv public interest creat price wide network competit open and innov re ward want learn lesson comput industri past ten fifteen year appli current debat structur inform and commun network futur your gain input comput industri that s ubcommitte can shape polici that will bring thi spirit innov and entrepreneurshi p inform servic industri ftp eff org pub eff eff file basic inform eff includ go al mission achiev and current project contain membership form pub eff mission st atement eff mission statement pub eff histor found announc eff found press relea s pub eff histor eff histori john perri barlow not terribl histori eff juli eff conceiv and found major legal case and organiz direct pub eff histor legal case summari eff legal case summari comput profession for social respons cpsr comput profession for social respons work protect and promot electron civil liberti iss u sinc group offic palo alto cambridg washington and chapter involv litig fbi ns a nist secret servic and govern agenc declassifi and provid document issu such o per sundevil fbi wiretap propos nsa interfer crypographi breakup raid arlington nov member speak frequent front congress state legisl and public util commiss te stifi privaci inform polici comput secur and caller identif cpsr creat extens in ternet privaci librari ftp gopher wai and email cpsr org compris largest collect privaci document internet for inform anonym ftp cpsr org cpsr dave banisar bani sar washofc cpsr org for contribut oper sundevil and steve jackson game case ear li fear spread law enforc agenc illicit activ hacker and phreaker involv such ac tiv credit card fraud and long distanc call thieveri ftp eff org pub sjg gener i

nform effector oper sundevil phoenix inspir crackdown concentr telephon code fra ud and credit card abus and thi seizur plan success bulletin board system americ a terrifi underground and swiftli depriv crimin instrument saddl analyst floppi disk and confront harri justic depart prosecutor daunt challeng gigant nationwid hacker show trial involv highli technic issu dozen jurisdict massiv show trial never materi isol instanc prosecut pursu movement reach crescendo texa highli pu blic case illeg search and seizur involv steve jackson game compani austin texa march column gurp labour lost bruce sterl bruce fantasi and scienc fiction magaz in earli morn raid unlaw and unconstitut warrant agent secret servic conduct sea rch sjg offic left manuscript prepar for public privat electron mail and comput includ hardwar and softwar sjg comput bulletin board system jackson and busi not innoc crime never suspect place raid had stage unfound suspicion that jackson o ffic document compromis secur telephon system fbi agent involv seizur name civil suit file behalf steve jackson game electron frontier foundat inform eff below articl joe abernathi houston chronicl feb austin electron civil right case secre t servic close thursdai clear statement feder district judg sam spark that servi c fail conduct proper investig notori comput crime crackdown and retain custodi seiz equip secret servic special agent timothi folei chicago charg austin comput search and seizur march that led lawsuit stoical endur spark rebuk servic poor investig and abus comput seizur polici servic seiz dozen comput sinc crackdown b egan thi case challeng practic spark grew visibl angri establish that austin sci enc fiction magazin and game book publish never suspect crime and that agent not even margin research establish crimin connect firm and suspect illeg activ empl oye determin that compani publish agent testifi that not even train privaci prot ect act special secret servic school comput crime long you folei find steve jack son game ask spark hour reason march you not return steve jackson game copi flop pi disk form you read articl busi week magazin had pictur steve jackson law abid tax pai citizen comput crime suspect occur you folei that seiz thi materi harm steve jackson econom folei repli sir judg offer answer you you had idea and hire lawyer and sue you spent electron frontier foundat bring case trial eff found m itchel kapor amid civil liberti movement spark larg part secret servic comput cr ime crackdown ftp eff org pub cud paper sundevil collect inform oper sundevil ep ic nonprofit publish project you want never find pub cud paper resp steve jackso n respons charg integr servic digit network isdn isdn high speed data commun sta ndard that util exist copper telephon line and inexpens and intermedi altern lai fiber optic cabl for phone network speed involv suffici for audio and video tra nsmiss applic der leun file ftp eff org pub pub infra telecommun unit state cros sroad region bell oper compani free provid content shape inform network irrevoc alter will that network open access afford network that american public you can decid thi question electron frontier foundat recent present plan congress call f or deploy nation network base exist isdn technolog access telephon connect and p rice local voic servic deploy such platform will spur develop innov inform servi c and maxim freedom competit and civil liberti nation eff testifi congress and f cc make present public util commis massachusett california and meet repres telep hon compani publish consum advoc and stakehold telecommun polici debat eff belie v that particip internet pioneer electron frontier voic heard thi critic moment automat receiv descript platform and detail send mail archiv server eff org line send document open platform overview send mail eff eff org introduct eff open p latform propos ftp eff org pub pub infra refer digit data demand macworld page k bp isdn servic and product comment power ftp eff org pub pub infra telephon serv ic that ring futur joshua quittner newsdai tue jan implic isdn for mass written popular scienc style john perri barlow cofound eff region telephon compani ohio bell isdn technolog rorschach test anecdot mcdonald barbara bush teleconferenc c omplet text ftp eff org pub pub infra ftp eff org pub pub infra file contain ema il eff public infrastructur group organ month opinion and fact pro and con isdn integr servic digit network isdn phone video audio etc japanes model altern isdn hdsl adsl fiber optic technic specif isdn implement detail cost issu polit obst acl rboc region bell oper compani babi bell net england telephon influenc develo p futur network isdn and nren nation research and educ network encourag competit cabl system press releas and new articl letter rep markei kapor nation research

and educ network nren nation research and educ network introduc legisl cosponso r sen gore promot high speed data network infrastructur augment internet time fa ster transmiss rate bill pass hous novemb senat novemb and sign presid decemb ft p eff org pub eff legisl nren bill text complet text hous senat compromis versio n high perform comput act pub internet info gore bill congress session text high perform comput bill cosponsor sen gore pub eff legisl gore infrastructur bill t ext inform infrastructur and technolog act introduc senat gore expand feder effo rt develop technolog for applic high perform comput and high speed network and p rovid for coordin feder program acceler develop and deploy advanc inform infrast ructur plai favorit promot nationwid comput network john markoff time dec presid bush legisl for natiowid comput data superhighwai ibm mci ventur monopoli destr uct fair competit and innov nation scienc foundat nsfnet complet text pub pub in fra commentari pub academ statement nren privaci cpsr propos privaci guidelin fo r nren statement marc rotenberg washington director comput profession for social respons cpsr pub internet info cisler nren nation research and educ network two meet steve cisler senior scientist appl comput librari decemb summari meet expl or educ issu nren divers member academia and industri pub internet info privat n ren feb essai kapor advoc advantag privat nation public network and specif recom mend for open nren polici encourag competit pub eff paper netproposit fyi propos nren setup fbi propos digit telephoni act provid electron commun servic and pri vat branch exchang oper provid unit state capabl and capac for govern intercept wire and electron commun author law bb legisl watch fbi wiretap propos thwart st eel boardwatch magazin feb move that worri privaci expert softwar manufactur and telephon compani fbi propos legisl amend commun act make easier for bureau perf orm electron wiretap propos legisl entitl digit telephoni requir commun servic p rovid and hardwar manufactur make system tappabl provid back door law enforc off ic intercept commun thi capabl provid undetect commun progress exclus commun par ti mobil target fbi investig and degrad servic propos depart justic doj can comm un product market determin that product not meet doj guidelin thi result increas cost and reduc competit for servic provid and equip manufactur sinc will add fe atur that result doj reject entir product fbi propos suggest that cost thi wiret ap servic bureau born servic provid electron frontier foundat organ broad coalit public interest and industri group comput profession for social responsibilti c psr and aclu and sun microsystem oppos legisl white paper produc eff and ratifi coalit entitl analysi fbi digit telephoni propos wide distribut congress justic depart lobbi hard final dai congress bill congress adjourn bill never found cong ression sponsor and never offici introduc fbi reintroduc digit telephoni congres s conven januari ftp eff org pub eff legisl fbi wiretap bill pub eff legisl fbi wiretap bill bill ensur continu access law enforc content wire and electron comm un author law and for purpos version bill fbi respons public respons pub cud law hous rep bill telecommun law commentari pub eff paper eff fbi analysi eff spons or analysi fbi digit telephoni propos pub eff paper ecpa layman electron commun privaci act layman view pub eff paper nightlin wire transcript abc nightlin fbi privaci and propos wire tap legisl featur marc rotenberg cpsr and william sessio n director fbi pub eff paper edward letter letter director secret servic rep don edward california respons question rais edward subcommitte thi copi comput prof ession for social respons washington pub eff paper fbi system descript inform st ore fbi comput system legisl relat privaci ftp eff org pub cud law state state c omput crime law pub cud law countri current comput crime law for unit state fede r code canada ghana and great britain pub cud law bill senat bill address regist r encrypt kei govern pub cud law improv improv inform access bill pub cud law mo nitor senat bill abus electron monitor workplac pub cud law privaci titl relat c omput crime email privaci pub academ law privaci electron bill text simon electr on privaci bill prevent potenti abus electron monitor workplac refer right cyber spac ftp eff org pub cud paper const cyberspac laurenc tribe keynot address conf er comput freedom privaci constitut cyberspac pub cud paper den paper present na t comp secur conf hacker break into comput system dorothi den pub cud paper priv aci comput privaci and fourth amend right michael borella pub cud paper right ex pr right express cyberspac baird pub academ eff right bill right mean electron f rontier comput and academ freedom caf archiv caf archiv electron librari inform

comput and academ freedom run comput and academ freedom group electron frontier foundat ftp site you gopher archiv browsabl command gopher academ gopher eff org anonym ftp ftp eff org directori pub academ email for inform email access send email archiv server eff org bodi your note includ line and index for inform make contribut report typo contact greenfield greeni eff org ftp eff org pub academ statement caf statement codifi applic academ freedom academ comput reflect month line discuss comput and academ freedom cover free express due process privaci a nd user particip pub academ book directori book refer relat comput and academ fr eedom mention caf discuss file book readm bibliographi pub academ faq archiv lis t file comput and academ freedom archiv pub academ new directori issu comput and academ freedom new full list abstract file abstract special month issu name mon th for exampl june footnot background internet articl internet fantasi and scien c fiction bruce sterl bruce contain gener and nontechn introductori note origin internet includ role rand corpor goal network resili face nuclear attack mit ucl a arpanet tcp nsf nren etc arpanet formal expir happi victim overwhelm success u ser scarc notic for arpanet function not continu steadili improv us tcp standard for comput network global mere twenti year ago node arpanet network todai ten t housand node internet scatter forti two countri come line dai million possibl mi llion peopl us thi gigant mother comput network internet popular scientist and i mport scientif instrument late twentieth centuri power sophist access that speci al data and person commun sped pace scientif research enorm internet pace growth earli spectacular almost feroci spread faster cellular phone faster fax machin last year internet grow rate twenti percent month number host machin direct conn ect tcp doubl year sinc internet move origin base militari and research institut into elementari and high school into public librari and commerci sector refer b ower laquei reynold roubicek stahl and yuan start bibliographi gener internetwor k inform rfc cnri texa isi bbn sri mitr august internet catalog user guid krol r eilli and associ inc clear jargon introduct intimid busi network literaci writte n humor style krol hitchhik guid internet rfc univers illinoi urbana septemb use r directori comput network traci laquei matrix comput network and conferenc syst em worldwid john quarterman digit press bedford massiv and highli technic compen dium detail mind boggl scope and complex global internetwork directori electron mail address and network donnalyn frei and rick adam internet companion traci la quei jeann ryer addison weslei evangel etiquett guid internet featur anecdot tal e life chang internet experi foreword senat gore zen and art internet beginn gui d brendan keho prentic hall internet guid plenti good advic databas ftp eff pub internet info bruce sterl bruce for contribut gener cunningham scott and alan po rter commun network dozen wai chang live futurist januari februari brian kahin b uild inform infrastructur york mcgraw hill isbn essai inform infrastructur polic i and design issu research and nren futur vision inform market tabl content ftp eff org pub pub infra shapard jeffrei observ cross cultur electron network earth review winter varlei pamela electron democraci technolog review novemb decemb i nternet anarchi english languag bruce sterl bruce internet anarchi strang even u nnatur make deep and basic sens anarchi english languag rent english and own eng lish english speak person you learn speak english properli and make us you gover n subsidi you learn read and write bit sort pitch and thing evolv and turn worka bl and interest fascin even lot peopl earn live and exploit and teach english en glish institut public properti public good for internet english improv english l anguag inc had board director and chief execut offic presid and congress lot few er word english and lot fewer idea want list hopefulli you benefit thi creation compil and condens inform sourc privaci ident and anonym internet author commit keep thi date and strengthen thi can effect your feedback item sought short summ ari rfc document and refer list esp cpsr file data specif and penetr rfc interne t traffic statist email usenet cost involv famou obscur exampl compromis privaci internet ftp site for code not code turn plan file into name pipe for sens reac t remot finger knowledg promiscu mode receipt transmiss network card detail infa m experi scientist resubmit previous accept paper promin journal and unknown aut hor that subsequ reject window eff cpsr faqhood new answer commer us thi documen t negoti and for author recoup signific time invest email feedback long lanc col ost edu note you thi newsgroup etc chang histori current cpsr pointer unix mode

exampl digit telephoni act steve jackson incid addit reorgan anonym section part note post sci crypt alt privaci new answer alt answer sci answer cancel kamen i ncorrect subject line major revis section for window email privaci item reorgan network secur section section for email liabil issu anonym histori and respons s plit into file sourc ad eff and caf issu part commentari new admin polici dai au tom post start newsgroup faq ad want post new answer futur monthli post sci cryp t alt privaci format column for quot etc miscellan resourc section ad cypherpunk server and us warn unix exampl and chmod post alt privaci comp societi privaci ident and privaci section ad anonym expand remail address remov due lack inform and instabl post sci crypt origin post cypherpunk mail list call organ list anon ym server email long lanc colost edu for earlier version part previou file ident internet ident import internet email address not identifi and background can fi nd email address identif stabl internet futur identif internet privaci internet privaci import internet secur internet network secur account secur file and dire ctori secur window secur email not liabl for email and post provid inform ident sysadmin privaci stabl internet futur privaci internet anonym internet anonym im port internet can anonym protect internet anonym mail anonym post anonym stabl i nternet futur anonym internet part file anonym remail and post site respons asso ci anonym kill anonym post histori anonym post server anonym anonym post group a llow system oper anonym post anon penet maintain helsingiu thi part privaci anon ym faq obtain anonym ftp pit manag mit edu pub usenet new answer net privaci new sgroup new answer sci answer alt answer dai written detweil long lanc colost edu right reserv sci.crypt privaci anonym internet faq archiv name net privaci part last mo difi version note anonym internet compil detweil long lanc colost edu anonym rem ail and post site respons associ anonym kill anonym post histori anonym post ser ver anonym anonym post group allow system oper anonym post anon penet maintain h elsingiu anonym remail and post site stabl anonym remail and post site anon pene t oper julf penet for month system adminstr privileg and own equip includ anonym mail usenet post and return address encrypt send mail penet for inform hal finn ei contribut instruct manual for cypherpunk remail ftp site soda berkelei edu pu b cypherpunk hal instruct script tar unix script aid remail us and anonmail arj msdo batch file aid remail us ebrandt jarthur claremont edu anonym mail request inform address ele rosebud edu experiment anonym remail run karl barru ele menud o edu encrypt server request inform that address hal alumni caltech edu experime nt remail encrypt server and return address request inform address soda berkelei edu cicada berkelei edu pmanti berkelei edu experiment remail includ header req uest remail bsu bsu edu experiment remail allow level chain run chael hall reque st inform address phantom mead washington edu experiment remail encrypt server f inger site address for inform note cypherpunk remail tend unstabl run site admin istr knowledg liabil issu wholli unresolv encrypt base public kei cryptographi a nd pgp softwar question cryptographi encrypt aspect messag text destin address r epli vari site multipl chain alia unlink and address encrypt untest problemat un support thi time respons associ anonym user us anonym you frivol weaken serious and us capabl for not us anonym provok harass threaten not hide anonym evad esta blish convent usenet such post binari pictur regular newsgroup post larg file at tent bandwidth consider rememb simpli send post servic increas network traffic a void post anonym regular hierarchi usenet thi like place alien reader alt hierar chi prefer give inform post refer etc rememb that content mean for reader judg t ruth messag and that inaccuraci will tend discredit entir messag and even futur handl care not includ inform that will reveal your ident enabl deduc test system send anonym mail awar polici anonym site and respect prepar forfeit your anonym you abus privileg consider and respect object anonym hit and run anonym us utmo st reserv us servic that provid anonym return address courteou system oper inves t larg amount time person risk account dedic hardwar for your conveni oper docum ent accept and unaccept introductori file that user coher and consist polici and stick state log and monitor occur describ your background interest and secur me asur will gener approach totalitarian lassaiz fair formul plan for problemat eth ic situat and anticip potenti intens moral quandari and dilemma user blackmail y our servic user post suicid messag your servic rememb your user trust you protec

t site introductori note give clear exampl situat you will action and action wil l warn user limit anonym email post revok account user contact local administr e tc describ exactli limit softwar and hardwar address bandwidth limit your site r eport candidli and bug that occur work close user isol and fix bug address bug n ote below stabil anonym document stabil site long run compromis occur you run yo ur commit includ disclaim outgo mail and messag includ address for complaint ide al append outgo item consult lawyer your liabil commit long term stabil site pre par deal complaint and hate mail address you you not hardwar system run not syst em adminstr consult and consider provid anonym group queri group reader uniform and simplic style outgo messag format that can screen effect kill file ensur kei text anon header precaut ensur secur server physic and network base attack and infiltr reader not complain attack discredit poster for sole reason that post an onym make blanket condemn that equat anonym cowardic and crimin assail anonym tr affic gener for neutral reason volum heavi increas react anonym inform unemotion abus poster will encourag irration irat respons sometim effect respons silenc n otifi oper sever abus occur such piraci harass extort etc not complain post inap propri offend you person us kill file screen anonym post you object idea anonym avoid temptat proclaim that anonym post bar group conceiv exist refer ftp eff or g pub academ anonym thi articl excerpt issu fidonew individu privaci and us hand l accept system oper name user suggest that us handl analog request withhold nam e letter editor articl conclud set guidelin for preserv anonym kill anonym post jame thoma green jgreen zeu calpoli edu put thi your kill file anon anonym thi w ill search header messag and kill that anon anonym not perfect and won kill foll owup note that anonym server oper capabl mask anonym post method will not work t hi practic not widespread becom common countermeasur widespread anonym filter hi stori anonym post server origin anonym post servic introduc for individu volatil newsgroup anonym almost prefer method commun such talk abort and alt sex bondag dave mack start for alt sex bondag anoth earli wizvax methuen run stephani gilg ut gilgut enterpris disband due lack fund system provid anonym return address kb t rain john opalko function thi server includ reinstat anonym alia file group al t person chew server tomorrow spur disappear wizvax and interest research idea k arl kleinpast karl kleinpast godiva nectar cmu edu develop system scratch six ho ur thi time idea extend server mainstream group start emerg and explor possibl p artli specif request multipl user for anonym group intend advantag system specif multipl group support singl anon identifi across thi arguabl singl biggest defi ci previou anon system kleinpast post messag rec nude ask user whether anonym se rvic and judg consensu kleinpast introduc call fire extinguish squelch plonk abu s user respons complaint and us thi case nevertheless month intens traffic event u overwhelm abus server even restrict system subject abus point order dismantl f acil staff such abus start creat nov johan helsingiu julf penet set controversi anonym site date anon penet base script and code written kleinpast and support a nonym mail post and return address initi want confin servic scandinavian user ex pand worldwid access respons lot intern request helsingiu polici allow anonym po st usenet newsgroup met strong and ideolog opposit new adminstr new admin polici rel new and recent emerg medium abus anonym poster tend higher visibl routin ab us total commit preserv anonym controversi for exampl highli controversi and pub lic case feb anonym user post suppos transcript desper crew dialogu challeng shu ttl disast anon penet sci astro despit that transcript had post place year earli er anonym and origin not poster york new tabloid subsequ respons consist larg vo cifer outrag poster us anonym reverber newsgroup origin poster anonym handl conc ed that stori like fabric suggest plausibl possibl that origin intent not provok outrag gaug reaction authent stori albeit crude free person risk perceiv associ item ensu commot gener queri for origin articl late enter reader anonym user po st deliber offens comment detractor despit piercingli irat and outrag complaint and even vocal opposit and verbal abus kleinpast and emin new oper helsingiu lar g avoid us fire extingish and group bouncer mechan that limit scope servic march anon penet site describ inund regist user initi month oper forward messag dai a nd approxim usenet post anonym site immens popular larg due capabl for global an onym allow user find creativ divers area not previous envis johan helsingiu subj ect extraordinari pressur dismantl server feb point kleinpast threaten publicli

organ sort vigilant group irat new oper send revoc command messag origin site he lsingiu allud threat flood server server crash time onc due satur mailbomb anony m user helsingiu report spend hour per dai answer email request alon associ serv ic administr respons threat disabl global group access temporarili for week and encourag user defend servic publicli base fast move dialogu and creativ suggest cypherpunk helsingiu identifi secur weak and valuabl featur for servic and proce ss code develop and test plan upgrad ibm compat machin handl volumin load and in tegr system sophist function includ multipl email alias alia alloc control publi c kei encrypt etc sophist anonym post system set dec cluni dcluni pax tpa that u s cryptographi direct server for highest degre confidenti run public access acco unt and had shut week receiv request and condit appar ultim origin nsf repres cl uni releas softwar public domain recent idea newsgroup devot whistleblow govern abus receiv wide and focus attent and group format underwai basic scenario group peopl post pseudonym remail and even establish reput base authentifi digit sign atur traffic eventu reach report mainstream new media deltorto aol volunt attack multipl aspect thi project includ distribut easi read document post anonym and encrypt section view anonym post below and anon penet thi document carl kleinpas t karl kleinpast godiva nectar cmu edu david cluni dcluni pax tpa and johan hels ingiu julf penet for contribut anonym kondar purccvm bitnet anonym post focus at tent content messag lot anonym post abus frivol case user find anon facil onc no velti wear stop prank morgan engr uki edu we morgan don mind miscellan hatr prej udic racism thing part natur notion provid anonym shield for idea repuls such st rong feel can put name post quit frankli loath commun peopl refus us name dcluni pax tpa david cluni question anonym risk anoth individu question that thi conse rv societi that live hold view make statement adopt lifestyl like result public censur ridicul loss statu employ even legal action heterogen legal jurisdict con tributor usenet post legal and not that anonym poster coward and stand and count perhap that point view detractor exercis such censorship doug ysu edu doug sewe l censorship not expect speak for cloak anonym thi lame argument you you requir anonym and you wish major anonym user newsgroup disregard don want anonym post a nonym user right not legitim usenet particip not honor rfd cfv control messag vo te brad clarinet brad templeton can disadvantag caus anon post site that doesn e xist fact that make naiv net user don post anonym prone mandel netcom tom mandel cannot speak for regard anonym post discuss pretti worthless view that hide vei l anon worth troubl read anon penet hank pankei sinc began post anonym show supp ort for gener principl person privaci subject abus and attack receiv peopl find easier flame and insult name don perhap easier pretend that person email address feel sting abus comment anonym hinder method control poster action peopl seek s uch control will natur oppos acearl leo bsuvc bsu edu make thi free medium allow poster protect anonym simpli requir that poster prepar discuss sourc inform and heat for unsubstanti dribbl thi thing xtkmg trentu kate gregori misc kid thread start anonym poster chang job work hour job share and woman didn want current p lace work think for work woman think babi and doesn want cowork friend famili et c etc advic sex parenthood thi start peopl post usual point that anonym post ser vic peopl particip misc kid doesn suffer harm presenc anonym poster fact help ho ei zogwarg etl armi mil dan hoei never real secur anonym forg post usenet proces s suffici inconveni error prone and undocu limit us person not learn cultur net hand recent us anonym post servic sci math student ask homework problem attribut teacher ask for explan dubiou answer teach guid new post broken anonym servic m ail new gatewai karl barru ele menudo edu argu that opinion peopl hide veil anon ym worthless and that peopl thought agre point ideal world sit engag socrat dial ogu freeli exchang opinion effort learn ideal world will threaten you for your t hought ridicul you live world peopl don agre you harm you face peopl aren agre y our opinion matter logic you present reason thi sad sinc restrict peopl voic opi nion red redpol neoucom edu richard depew consensu that gener anonym post servic such that anon penet suffici corros trust and civil net that thi experi end per hap time question come can learn harm good and stop urz uni heidelberg alexand e ichen anonym post not creat major problem anger irat peopl you ban anonym pseudo nym post altogeth real men can stand for compar pueril argument brought dave elx r jpl nasa gov dave hay primal exampl human natur question for you folk peopl th

ing each base whether ident isn peopl affect peopl that verbag label abus import antli forum that prize freedom commun that enjoi such thing freedom commun terri geovis gvc terri mcgonig sigh anon servic need will start run purpos stand bene fit anon servic thi sudden fasin anon servic come for imho wors gonna stuck thin g and don idea servic thi norm don sinc obviou that can set bit work karl kleinp ast cmu edu karl kleinpast weak reason freedom come respons dave elxr jpl nasa g ov dave hay respons isn real enforc true responsibilti come coercion anonym post group allow morgan engr uki edu we morgan will admit that hold controversi opin ion that complet orthodox opinion receiv hundr anonym email messag last year few er reason post made good motiv get and difficult rememb anonym abus onc lous thi ng for servic put good us not suggest that ban anonym server situat anonym good thing notion that anonym shield automat extend usenet discuss ridicul open door abus twpierc unix amherst edu tim pierc determin whether group request servic fl at major poster vote favor posit margin vote speak for newsgroup not convinc arg ument that anonym post servic for newsgroup inher bad idea simpli divers statu q uo sinc statu quo previous permit anonym post newsgroup anonym post servic rejec t statu quo hartman ulog richard hartman write facist suggest that newsgroup dec id whether anonym post forc servic administr ogil quad uchicago edu brian ogilvi servic mechan for forward mail origin poster sinc usenet reader don john smith jane doe opinion and address effect anonym post mail repli can direct minim for person poster and lack anonym mechan thi liabl abus benefit cost weigh limit ser vic alt group specif group not want advic sensit issu profession newsgroup tarl stratu tarl neustaedt addit point that find anonim technic matter profoundli off ens anonim forum mean phone call won identifi hang mail return address into garb ag unopen accost street wear mask back carefulli and expect violenc technic disc uss anonim mean that individu isn will associ matter discuss discredit utter and make listen wast time anonim lead fun psych experi literatur fill thing that pe opl will anonym that won includ notori studi involv tortur that not pass todai e thic standard fun stuff case fine leav jbuck fornei berkelei edu joe buck you ne ver submit articl refere journal you will receiv anonym review server editor tha t behav finland you repli and editor will maintain anonym your comparison expres s technic issu anonym person approach you dark street ski mask emotion overwroug ht nonsens such poster pose physic threat you jik mit edu kamen obviou that defa ult not anonym post newsgroup usenet oper principl that statu quo larg number pe opl want chang post messag anonym newsgroup thi isn can find net thi for don aut om servic and autom servic natur incap make judgment call decid whether post ano nym twpierc unix amherst edu tim pierc for newsgroup you name bet can envis scen ario involv for secreci accur content base filter each anonym post devis screen that don requir secreci wonder can lhp daimi aau lass hiller petersen newsgroup nois and nuisanc free call for moder thi happen per newsgroup basi and not gener usenet ban anonym post principl moder anonym post and achiev automat moder pers on prefer moder criteria base actual content david cluni dcluni pax tpa group do esn want receiv post becom moder defin mechan alt group for thi place autom mode r exclud post anonym site individu easili establish such draconian approach and good luck doubt will read group dave frackit dave ratcliff for post anonym sci g roup adult will post name want hide anonym post servic asham rile peopl fear ide ntifi anonym post place group you group you anoth planet breath exot gase for lo ng karl kleinpast cmu edu bloodi fascin that propon unimped univers anon post ac cess can find middl ground such percept absolut thi instant gratif syndrom come want anon access and want control freak acearl leo bsuvc bsu edu rememb thi news group for poster write scientif issu anonym discuss scientif issu lead bad scien c nore netcom jon nore person philosoph argument anonym poster argument not comp el convinc that omni newsgroup anonym post ban sever restrict cannot prove that not anonym post principl for reason that person read psycholog discomfort for re ason relat maintain integr usenet rememb imposs ascertain conceiv and legitim mo tiv for anonym post newsgroup not deem sensit gener fear even let newsgroup read er vote allow not allow anonym post sinc priori cannot motiv legitim poster and not that system institut that inhibit post legitim and inform post lestat wixer cactu org lyle mackei write person don that pseudonym post discuss area legitim reason for conceal poster ident perhap simpli not want name attach doesn qualifi

legitim book and you can come legitim purpos for anonym post enlighten sderbi c rick ssctr bcm tmc edu stuart derbi found father madison hamilton and jai anonym post federalist paper origin print york newspap authorship attribut publiu you find purpos legitim system oper anonym post emcguir intellect mcguir junk articl post anonym servic discuss ideal feed site not feed articl post anonym servic a ssum new perform releas simpl accomplish thi learn dcluni pax tpa david cluni th at bit draconian isn your user unanim decid that you thi you decid for emcguir i ntellect mcguir good question decid definit plan thi want technic data carl klei npast karl kleinpast godiva nectar cmu edu posit offer such servic promis protec t anonym limit not basi person opinion get post basi post disrupt smooth oper us enet obviou and direct recours abus individu drastic possibl exist softwar suppo rt fire extinguish individu can prevent post john iastat edu john hascal sinc us enet democraci run anonym servic that busi you want put that host your killfil t hat your busi newsadmin blanket drop post that site that and peopl that site ign or servic servic effect doesn exist jik athena mit edu jonathan kamen nntp serve r that post not servic net net disservic termin server problem open nntp server peopl want illeg immor uneth thing internet account public access site thi count ri not world that inexpens access usenet and internet reason for nntp server pos t messag and reason for termin server connect and make outbound connect perhap h arder internet usenet open server justifi not jbotz mtholyok edu jurgen botz tha t point show that anonym post servic great deal respons client and net such serv ic imho set defin rule and contract that client sign term assur anonym anon pene t problem that us punish poster upset vagu complain acquiesc sysadmin organ that poster belong that sure gutless approach solv problem experi net show that user vilifi anonym post write obsess detail grievanc poster supervisor tranquil dist urb intrus subvers post anoth anonym post prevent thi kind intimid gandalf cyber spac org eric schill main point make that can and revis new reject anon post tec hnic newsgroup such thing attempt will prove futil each attempt modifi new can r esult chang approach anon servic provid thwart chang thi pointless julf penet jo han helsingiu stai thi discuss and discuss lead ralli feel speak repeatedli made clear that block user continu abus warn case user heed warn and stop and case e ven apolog public and warn not had desir effect block number user block access g roup readership vote ban anonym post feel chang newsgroup statu moder perman sol ut for newsgroup that want formal discuss red redpol neoucom edu richard depew t hi mean that you volunt issu request for discuss ban anonym post moder each news group that your server can reach don thi illustr troubl that your server caus li sten consensu new administr thi group newsgroup consult let your server post mes sag that group urz uni heidelberg alexand eichen pompou consensu new administr y ou invent sizeabl number peopl concern and minor extent actual abus server confi gur concern respect johan deal rage foam mouth and condemn servic altogeth and n umber defend point kate gregori that even group misc kid can benefit pseudonym p ost julf penet johan helsingiu answer lot person mail relat server abus and resu lt that block number abus user withdrawn servic newsgroup user vote issu not mad e comment new admin polici partli newli implement password featur emerg measur s ecur hole busi answer user queri last two week and partli feel not for justifi s ervic for user problem new admin polici that readership elect repres peopl whith strong interest centralis control hartman ulog richard hartman thi bigot attitu d that thi group for wish discuss net control that interest central control clea r indic bia you perfectli join discuss promot your view control jbuck ohm berkel ei edu thi debat lot sound and furi signifi noth even you decid ban anonym post server not enforc peopl conceiv enforc retrict that control intern link polici m ade cooper not attempt dictat you persuad run servic act thi friendli persuas no t beat head stick stick you don even spp zabriski berkelei edu steve pope find t hi bia pseudonym bore friend post penet point guard network and thi thing pseudo nym server cut into turf whine and bitch and time slightest abus such sig long p arlai that into argument pseudonym record cheer for admin anon server penet pax and kbt and for access servic provid will preserv client privaci and pox defeat and restrict pseudonym mimir stein washington edu bill wouldn peopl rid anon pos t group you don you put that anon address your kill file not and anon site assig n fake name jsmith anon avoid hassl you never anonym will you ann alcor concordi

a ann bennett admit astonish thi argument anonym post circumst strongli that ide ntifi such that peopl not read materi peopl won identifi don fail good you accom plish and surmis that you will peopl inconveni and annoy hide anonym post your a nonym site you care justifi hell you gall prevent peopl effect filter new fit dc luni pax tpa david cluni thought reach australia site involv au feed complain au stralian academ reasearch network site connect not concept anonym mail redeem fe atur and consum narrow bandwidth link can argu and that that stop servic face di sconnect demis servic unfortun and finnish remail luck piti that similar servic provid guess that benefit constitut that guarante freedom speech and legal and p olit system that conspir subvert name public good anon penet run helsingiu karl kleinpast cmu edu funni beat rest usenet head stick anon penet and univers anon access peopl side equat not even argu shut control appli abus that manifest aren allow that written johan time last coupl week us repli quit readili sourc softw ar origin deliv us downright prompt repli funni impolit bastard doesn answer mai l even consist civil queri julf penet johan helsingiu your mail you told you mes sag feb feb and server and flood mail that result server come crash mail host pr oblem aggreg abus user send thousand messag anoth user fill that user mailbox bo unc messag end mailbox overflow local disk can suppos that your messag lost that hassl answer anon relat messag routin mi addess messag complaint servic averag spend hour per dai answer anon relat messag karl kleinpast cmu edu that put impo lit and insensit misus anon penet definit polit and sens appli and univers anon access consid realm thi fuzzi concept polit place johan long sinc cross line int o rude bastard and told privat mail ago thi point deepli regret creat anonym sys tem support newsgroup and code johan didn copyright thought that concept polit a nd good sens follow home interest that johan idea polit and good sens interesect mine even cope univers anon access johan will engag abus control that rang real iti julf penet johan helsingiu for convei sad and upset your messag made extent understand your feel feel bad run server requir get us lot flame mindlessli abus hate mail easier deal thi respect and your view and opinion high degre not ask for sympathi want you that give your view quit lot weight ask for softwar provid servic scandinavian user lot peopl request that servic open intern commun reali z that contact you that point you feel your stuff such context want apologis and will replac remain piec code thet stem your system remov idea and structur you that result your work end us that you don approv and will give lot hard thought possibl shut server alltogeth karl kleinpast cmu edu feel rude and impolit good for johan good for didn greater usenet whether univers anon access good idea rud e pain ass and arm usenet death penalti slightli modifi not for strateg site att ack tactic assault anon penet destruct alt parrot thi line peopl thing udp that cancel post for year stop and polit and good sens that prevent fact peopl expres s privat desir and abil arm udp fact not newsadmin readi arm udp amus peopl gulp hard read that don johan configur pp that calm fear newsadmin readi arm udp ask for code haven site bring anon penet screech halt can implement udp care polit and good sens prevent long form impolit bring anoth form julf penet johan helsin giu trivial easi bring anon penet screech halt fact happen coupl time talk threa t make simpl udp malici bring anon penet mean will stai will user and name perso n thi thread you person respons for your action av ccc amdahl atul salgaonkar gr ate and appreci thi servic courtesei penet import question person life career jo b resolv due kind peopl had similar situat return repli anon post thought make p osit contribut gener anon servic great opinion tool peopl will not us respons su ggest that aliv wast bandwidth import save live mmm serc elisa collin inform tha t anonym post servic newsgroup turn result discuss thi newsgroup peopl abus had post nontechn misc newsgroup intim topic for felt requir privaci receiv immeasur peopl that newsgroup and never us anonym behav abus immatur uneth fashion folk thi servic point view and permit admin anon penet turn servic back you part file ident internet ident import internet email address not identifi and background can find email address identif stabl internet futur identif internet privaci int ernet privaci import internet secur internet network secur account secur file an d directori secur window secur email not liabl for email and post provid inform ident sysadmin privaci stabl internet futur privaci internet anonym internet ano nym import internet can anonym protect internet anonym mail anonym post anonym s

tabl internet futur anonym internet part previou file unix program relat privaci can learn us cryptographi cypherpunk mail list privaci relat newsgroup faq inte rnet privaci enhanc mail pem request for comment rfc relat privaci can run anony m remail refer privaci email email usenet and internet us polici mit crosslink a nonym messag program digit cash hacker cracker cypherpunk steganographi and anon ym pool secur obscur ident daemon standard need guard electron privaci electron frontier foundat eff comput profession for social respons cpsr oper sun devil an d steve jackson game case integr servic digit network isdn nation research and e duc network nren fbi propos digit telephoni act legisl relat privaci network ref er right cyberspac comput and academ freedom caf archiv background internet inte rnet anarchi english languag want list chang histori thi part privaci anonym faq obtain anonym ftp pit manag mit edu pub usenet new answer net privaci newsgroup new answer sci answer alt answer dai written detweil long lanc colost edu right reserv sci.crypt pgp pem and rfc cryptographi patent articl apr natasha portal bo b natasha portal bob cain write hope cynic misplac ahead not afraid wrong onc un easi feel that and you wrong you emotion state bunch crap fact tini disclaim end check your fact and grow such strong correl interest cryptographi and immatur f lame that immatur wrong and don offer proof for your assert you putz put shut cp k dai you your wallet sci.crypt amend and password jzsz jzo uiuc edu kadi uiuc edu carl kadi wri te crypto kei disclosur issu hasn come current law suggest that loser for defend compel turn kei come will week two post outcom trial finish month btw you can f orc reveal password can provid convinc legal argument contrari actual court case interest peter pgut aukuni gutmann aukuni gutmann kosmo wcc govt peterg kcbb ge n peter nacjack gen peter phlarnschlorpht nacjack gen order prefer bound work th wim sci.crypt isoc symposium net secur call for paper internet societi symposi um network and distribut system secur februari catamaran hotel san diego califor nia symposium will bring togeth peopl build softwar and hardwar provid network d istribut system secur servic symposium intend for interest practic aspect networ k and distribut system secur theori symposium proceed will publish internet soci eti topic for symposium includ not limit design and implement servic access cont rol authent avail confidenti integr and repudi includ criteria for place servic protocol layer design and implement secur mechan and support servic encipher and kei manag system author and audit system and intrus detect system requir and ar chitectur for distribut applic and network function messag handl file transport remot file access directori time synchron interact session remot data base manag and access rout voic and video multicast and conferenc new group network manag boot servic mobil comput and remot special issu and problem secur architectur su ch larg system intern internet and high speed system gigabit testb built interpl ai secur goal and goal effici reliabl interoper resourc share and low cost gener chair dan nessett lawrenc livermor nation laboratori program chair russ houslei xerox special inform system rob shirei mitr corpor program committe dave balens on trust inform system tom berson anagram laboratori matt bishop dartmouth colle g cain defens inform system agenc jim elli cert coordin center steve kent bolt b eranek and newman john linn independ consult clifford neuman inform scienc insti tut michael roe cambridg univers rob rosenth nation institut standard and techno log jeff schiller massachusett institut technolog ravi sandhu georg mason univer s peter yee nation aeronaut and space administr submiss committe seek origin tec hnic paper and propos for panel discuss technic and topic gener interest technic paper page length panel includ speaker panel propos name panel chair includ pag e topic introduct author chair and includ page posit summari author each speaker technic paper and panel paper will proceed submiss made august submiss made ele ctron mail symposium smilei mitr org submiss two format ascii postscript committ e unabl read postscript submiss will return and ascii request postscript submiss arriv august electron submiss absolut imposs submiss postal mail robert shirei mail stop mitr corpor mclean virginia usa submiss includ internet electron mail address and postal address each submiss will acknowledg medium receiv acknowledg not receiv dai contact rob shirei shirei mitr org russ houslei houslei mclean c

sd xerox telephon mana weigand mitr mclean author and panelist will notifi accep t octob instruct for prepar camera readi copi for proceed will postal mail that time camera readi copi receiv novemb sci.crypt pem and mime articl nigel msen edward vielmetti write suggest th at attract mime format new messag dai suffici peopl think ad mime support new re ader esp content worth that problem such thing mime format analog mime content l abel standard for box not specif for content standard for mind individu exchang mail contain agre data format you tomahto tomaeto you postscript sgml cheer marc marc thibault ci put anoth log marc tanda isi org freenet fire sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt note thi file w ill anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov directori pub nistnew and nist compu t secur bb white hous offic press secretari for releas april statement press sec retari presid todai announc initi that will bring feder govern togeth industri v oluntari program improv secur and privaci telephon commun meet legitim law enfor c initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur tel ecommun network and wireless commun link for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun resolv tension econom vital and real challeng protect american us technolog accommod sometim compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit govern industri and right privaci law enforc sophist encrypt technolog us for year protect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail an d comput file encrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor re leas person inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin state art microcircui t call clipper chip develop govern engin chip repres approach encrypt technolog can us rel inexpens encrypt devic that can attach ordinari telephon scrambl tele phon commun encrypt algorithm that power commerci us todai thi technolog will co mpani protect proprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and preven t unauthor releas data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder s tate and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin kei escr ow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law abid ame rican each devic contain chip will two uniqu kei number that will need author go vern agenc decod messag encod devic devic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attornei gener access kei will limi t govern offici legal author conduct wiretap clipper chip technolog law enforc a uthor access content privat convers american demonstr effect thi technolog attor nei gener will purchas thousand devic addit respect expert govern will offer acc ess confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find chip impo rt step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci indi vidu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approach that can provid law abid citizen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order assess technolog trend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc develop comprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci citizen in clud emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos abil author offici access telephon call and data proper court legal order protect citizen effect and time us moder n technolog build nation inform infrastructur need promot econom growth and comp etit american industri global marketplac and compani manufactur and export high technolog product presid direct earli and frequent consult affect industri congr ess and group that advoc privaci right individu polici option develop administr commit work privat sector spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telec ommun and comput technolog give american unpreced access inform thi infrastructu r high speed network inform superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv program a nd huge data file easili todai telephon system transmit voic sinc encrypt techno log will plai increasingli import role that infrastructur feder govern act quick li develop consist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that protect ame rican privaci protect break law inform provid accompani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt technolog for addit detail call mat heyman nation institu t standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach expand author govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip techno log law enforc author access content privat convers american suppos law enforc a genc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap place present document thi autho

r two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obtain kei for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur secur kei escrow system will ru n kei escrow data bank two kei escrow data bank will run two independ entiti thi point depart justic and administr determin agenc will overse kei escrow data ba nk strong secur devic can strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system read ili todai algorithm will remain classifi protect secur kei escrow system will in vit independ panel cryptographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that u nrecogn vulner decis propos thi product nation secur council justic depart comme rc depart and kei agenc involv thi decis thi approach endors presid vice presid and cabinet offici consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encry pt issu and expect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief member co ngress and industri leader decis relat thi initi will govern provid hardwar manu factur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid micr ocircuit product manufactur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit chip manu factur that produc clipper chip mykotronx program facil torranc california and w ill sell chip encrypt devic manufactur program function licens vendor futur bui encrypt devic expect manufactur incorpor clipper chip into devic administr unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access powe r encrypt devic thi fundament polici question will consid broad polici review ke i escrow mechan will provid american encrypt product that secur conveni and expe ns readili todai piec comprehens approach encrypt technolog administr develop ad ministr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohi bit outright countri effect that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact h armoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encryp t techniqu thi decis clinton administr polici encrypt will differ that bush admi nistr that understand import encrypt technolog telecommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find innov wai protect american privaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror will dev ic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subject export co ntrol requir case case review for each export requir ensur us devic true for enc rypt devic attract thi technolog protect can give compani oper home and abroad t hi mind expect export licens will grant case case basi for compani seek us devic secur commun abroad plan review possibl permit wider export product sci.crypt keep your mouth shut hard drive secur articl apr cadkei eric cad kei eric holtman write articl apr yuma acn colost edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write not lawyer correct wrong that consid obstruct justic land yo u prison for quit thing that great secret kei idea encrypt even fbi kei sol magi c word forc you give your pass phrase oop forgot sinc burden proof prosecut thi countri you your mouth shut can prove that you didn forget your pass phrase lawy er suppli ancedot evid chang your mind note not agre thi case and will you that doesn chang fact that happen america even year ago nasti custodi case washington upshot husband su for visit right grant woman believ that man had sexual molest children allen farrow not famou anyhow spirit kid and refus court and deni visi t right mouth shut and happen sit jail for almost year contempt court legislatur pass special law limit time person can held hadn pass law like kid zealand beli v stori finish commetari start imho reason legislatur move outpour public sympat hi for thi woman peopl believ and outrag not like happen for joe random drug dea ler child molest perfectli innoc privaci lover hide innoc proven guilti doesn me an you walk court hum happi tune fbi can read your disk held for contempt can ma ke bail etc etc disagre total concept hold base suspicion peopl think that won h appen bound rude shock not lawyer etc rememb correctli contempt court busi us or der compel cooper perhap question issu legitim busi that court quit liter parti found guilti hold court contempt origin scheme suggest kei disappear threaten co ndit met onc kei question contempt court noth compel kei longer produc obstruct justic issu suspect question legitm reason protect data pry ey extenu that thi c harg hard nut make perhap time for lawyer step and clear thi vincent kub dbx sai nt judg guilti proven vkub charli usd edu innoc geo orwel cherri good die vermil lion dakota deserv death phone fax anaxandird king sparta sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt isn clipper tra

demark fairchild semiconductor andi hooper sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt obviou professo r den last fall thi kei escrow trial balloon rais for end end encrypt scheme tha t bypass govern approv system clipper name isn thi us for clipper processor inte rgraph doubt make chip name conflict present tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom anonym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform ma rket apto black market collaps govern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt compress crypt foo de foo bunch question encrypt scheme referenc subject thi messag rel data privaci provid sequenc compar straight de addit com press encrypt make cyphertext significantli harder crack current method straight de run crypt de provid greater data privaci import remov constant compress head er encrypt you net for your wisdom jad john dillei jad nsa sci.crypt clipper chip and crypto kei escrow thi document anonym ftp direc tori nist shoe drop jim gillogli trewesdai astron note thi file will anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov directori pub nistnew and nist comput secur bb whit e hous offic press secretari for releas april statement press secretari presid t odai announc initi that will bring feder govern togeth industri voluntari progra m improv secur and privaci telephon commun meet legitim law enforc initi will in volv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur telecommun network and wireless commun link for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun r esolv tension econom vital and real challeng protect american us technolog accom mod sometim compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit govern industri and right privaci law enforc sophist encrypt technolog us fo r year protect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail and comput file e ncrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas person inf orm can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin state art microcircuit call clipper chip develop govern engin chip repres approach encrypt technolog can us rel inex pens encrypt devic that can attach ordinari telephon scrambl telephon commun enc rypt algorithm that power commerci us todai thi technolog will compani protect p roprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent unauthor rele as data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder state and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin kei escrow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law abid american each devi c contain chip will two uniqu kei number that will need author govern agenc deco d messag encod devic devic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attornei gener access kei will limit govern offici legal author conduct wiretap clipper chip technolog law enforc author access co ntent privat convers american demonstr effect thi technolog attornei gener will purchas thousand devic addit respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find chip import step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu and indust ri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approach that can provid law abid citizen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order assess te chnolog trend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc d evelop comprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci citizen includ emploi voi c data encrypt for busi purpos abil author offici access telephon call and data proper court legal order protect citizen effect and time us modern technolog bui ld nation inform infrastructur need promot econom growth and competit american i ndustri global marketplac and compani manufactur and export high technolog produ ct presid direct earli and frequent consult affect industri congress and group t hat advoc privaci right individu polici option develop administr commit work pri vat sector spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telecommun and compu t technolog give american unpreced access inform thi infrastructur high speed ne twork inform superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv program and huge data fi le easili todai telephon system transmit voic sinc encrypt technolog will plai i ncreasingli import role that infrastructur feder govern act quickli develop cons ist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that protect american privaci p rotect break law inform provid accompani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt technolog for addit detail call mat heyman nation institut standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach ex

pand author govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content privat convers american suppos law enforc agenc conduct wi retap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap place present document thi author two entiti re spons for safeguard kei and obtain kei for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur secur kei escrow system will run kei escrow da ta bank two kei escrow data bank will run two independ entiti thi point depart j ustic and administr determin agenc will overse kei escrow data bank strong secur devic can strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system readili todai algor ithm will remain classifi protect secur kei escrow system will invit independ pa nel cryptographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner decis propos thi product nation secur council justic depart commerc depart and k ei agenc involv thi decis thi approach endors presid vice presid and cabinet off ici consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and exp ect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief member congress and indu stri leader decis relat thi initi will govern provid hardwar manufactur govern d esign and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid microcircuit produc t manufactur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit chip manufactur that pro duc clipper chip mykotronx program facil torranc california and will sell chip e ncrypt devic manufactur program function licens vendor futur bui encrypt devic e xpect manufactur incorpor clipper chip into devic administr unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi fundament polici question will consid broad polici review kei escrow mechan will provid american encrypt product that secur conveni and expens readili toda i piec comprehens approach encrypt technolog administr develop administr not sin c encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohibit outright co untri effect that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals t ension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc r eason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu thi decis clinton administr polici encrypt will differ that bush administr that unde rstand import encrypt technolog telecommun and comput and commit work industri a nd public interest group find innov wai protect american privaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror will devic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subject export control requir ca se case review for each export requir ensur us devic true for encrypt devic attr act thi technolog protect can give compani oper home and abroad thi mind expect export licens will grant case case basi for compani seek us devic secur commun a broad plan review possibl permit wider export product jim gillogli trewesdai ast ron sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow piec thi tim e thi paragraph demonstr effect thi technolog attornei gener will purchas thousa nd devic addit respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail algorit hm assess capabl and publicli report find mean aren plan make public de sci cryp t faq achiev level comfort clipper that final de can hand bit and watch flow eve n expert aren long biham and shamir handl good de and for learn jim gillogli tre wesdai astron sci.crypt amend and password articl jzsz jzo uiuc edu kadi uiuc edu carl k adi write ashal magnu ac ohio state edu andrew hall write postiv will correct wr ong doesn cover not forc action that incrimin mike godwin mnemon eff org post pe rmiss carl compel you produc kei safe happen evid that will convict you store cr ypto kei disclosur issu hasn come current law suggest that loser for defend comp el turn kei test for compel incrimin whether materi disclos inculp disclos examp l gave safe kei testimoni ergo can disclos compuls subpoena duce tecum govern ca n immun disclosur crypto kei compel you disclos kei price not fact your disclosu r evid case you can us discov result thi disclosur you mike let carri thi step s uppos text kei conclus evid crime for encrypt materi evid find envisag scenario thi you made scan peanut strip you encrypt kei phrase comic polic haul you seiz your system find encrypt file what that file you keyphras that file you judg you reveal keyphras disagre not judg you your honor reveal keyphras tend incrimin b reak law independ not encrypt file judg grant you immun learn kei you keyphras c

onfess deliber evad copyright file encod thi keyphras contain illeg scan copyrig ht peanut strip judg and will you not that won can even that shouldn legal mecha n will us crosspost thi misc legal peter trei ptrei mitr org sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt clipper csrc nc sl nist gov clipper chip announc write presid todai announc initi that will brin g feder govern togeth industri voluntari program improv secur and privaci teleph on commun meet legitim law enforc nice formul for introduct encrypt devic built trapdoor fed want for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun resolv te nsion econom vital and real challeng protect american us technolog accommod some tim compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit gove rn industri and right privaci law enforc bla bla protect electron mail and compu t file encrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas pe rson inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin and current propos noth prev ent ordinari telephon scrambl telephon commun encrypt algorithm that power comme rci us todai thi doesn incred weak encrypt algorithm commerci us todai thi techn olog will compani protect proprietari inform protect privaci person phone conver s and prevent unauthor releas data transmit electron govern time thi technolog p reserv abil feder state and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone conv ers crimin nope crimin won stupid us chip us secur thi technolog mean intercept phone convers peopl stupid us agenc decod messag encod devic devic manufactur tw o kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attornei g ener access kei will limit govern offici legal author conduct wiretap that gover n kei doesn matter two hand clipper chip technolog law enforc author access cont ent privat convers american correct provid american fals sens privaci devic addi t respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail algorithm assess cap abl and publicli report find screen not public cannot trust peopl not trust de e ven todai examin part design secret chip import step address problem encrypt dua l edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approach that can provid law abid citizen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order assess technolog us technolog hide illeg activ will law abid citizen not trust govern not misus abil decrypt convers privaci citizen includ emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos govern c ompani manufactur and export high technolog product huh that technolog will expo rt restrict sinc encrypt technolog will plai increasingli import role that infra structur feder govern act quickli develop consist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that protect american privaci protect break law short technolog c an protect law abid citizen privaci casual snooper cannot protect govern decid m isus abil decrypt convers protect crimin succe break encrypt scheme steal kei br ibe peopl handl etc prevent crimin secur encrypt for commun thi approach expand author govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc autho r access content privat convers american correct not provid that privaci claim w ill run kei escrow data bank two kei escrow data bank will run two independ enti ti thi point depart justic and administr determin agenc will overse kei escrow d ata bank two candid nsa and mafia strong secur devic can strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system readili todai that trust algorithm will remain classi fi protect secur kei escrow secur obscur system will invit independ panel crypto graphi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner not open p ublic examin cannot trust can prove that devic us for examin and built into your phone will decis propos thi product nation secur council justic depart nsa and fbi consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and exp ect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief member congress and indu stri leader decis relat thi initi forget academia will govern provid hardwar man ufactur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid mic rocircuit product manufactur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit chip man ufactur that produc doesn thi smell monopol clipper chip mykotronx program facil torranc california and will sell chip encrypt devic manufactur program function licens vendor futur mafia administr unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi main question buri end thi fundament polici question will consid broad polici review kei escrow me chan will provid american encrypt product that secur conveni and expens readili

todai trust administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enf orc will prohibit outright countri short decid outlaw strong crypto you effect t hat american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product sinc govern strong c rypto munit and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl ma tter unbreak commerci encrypt product that understand import encrypt technolog t elecommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find inn ov wai protect american privaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror bullshit propos technolog fals sens secur encrypt devic built capabl for break encrypt not prevent crimin us strong crypto and step outl aw strong crypto will devic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encryp t devic subject export control requir case case review for each export requir en sur us devic optimist believ that administr will leav export control strong cryp to devic not american not busi couldn resist comment plot totalitarist you ameri can fight for your right regard vesselin time for david sternlight pop and claim that system great vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass ma il bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt kei question wh ether clipper encrypt will made illeg administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri effect that america n matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach suc h propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu clear middl ground impli stat ement that american clipper encrypt not unbreak encrypt thi impli that ultim cli pper strong encrypt becom illeg isn languag jar thi talk harmoni balanc talk tak e peopl commun privaci articl emphas voic commun data and mail encrypt mention s ophist encrypt technolog us for year protect electron fund transfer us protect e lectron mail and comput file privaci citizen includ emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos worst nightmar rais dorothi den propos come true govern continu thi imagin that will strong cryptographi made illeg encrypt program for disk file a nd email softwar for encrypt voic commun will distribut underground peopl will l earn hide fact that protect privaci shock and frighten that thi happen hal finne i hal alumni caltech edu sci.crypt battl join dorothi den wrong head idea administr even sooner fea r time make hear side stori and hear loudli phil forward messag subject text whi te hous announc and clipper chip encrypt note thi file will anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov directori pub nistnew and nist comput secur bb white hous of fic press secretari for releas april statement press secretari presid todai anno unc initi that will bring feder govern togeth industri voluntari program improv secur and privaci telephon commun meet legitim law enforc initi will involv crea tion product acceler develop and us advanc and secur telecommun network and wire less commun link for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun resolv ten sion econom vital and real challeng protect american us technolog accommod somet im compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit gover n industri and right privaci law enforc sophist encrypt technolog us for year pr otect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail and comput file encrypt te chnolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas person inform can u s terrorist drug dealer and crimin state art microcircuit call clipper chip deve lop govern engin chip repres approach encrypt technolog can us rel inexpens encr ypt devic that can attach ordinari telephon scrambl telephon commun encrypt algo rithm that power commerci us todai thi technolog will compani protect proprietar i inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent unauthor releas data t ransmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder state and local law enfor c agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin kei escrow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law abid american each devic contain chip will two uniqu kei number that will need author govern agenc decod messag encod devic devic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attornei gener access kei will limit govern offici legal au thor conduct wiretap clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content pri vat convers american demonstr effect thi technolog attornei gener will purchas t

housand devic addit respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail al gorithm assess capabl and publicli report find chip import step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu and industri can sh ield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approach that can provid law abid cit izen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order assess technolog t rend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc develop co mprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci citizen includ emploi voic data en crypt for busi purpos abil author offici access telephon call and data proper co urt legal order protect citizen effect and time us modern technolog build nation inform infrastructur need promot econom growth and competit american industri g lobal marketplac and compani manufactur and export high technolog product presid direct earli and frequent consult affect industri congress and group that advoc privaci right individu polici option develop administr commit work privat secto r spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telecommun and comput technol og give american unpreced access inform thi infrastructur high speed network inf orm superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv program and huge data file easili todai telephon system transmit voic sinc encrypt technolog will plai increasing li import role that infrastructur feder govern act quickli develop consist compr ehens polici us administr commit polici that protect american privaci protect br eak law inform provid accompani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt t echnolog for addit detail call mat heyman nation institut standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach expand auth or govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc author ac cess content privat convers american suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap dru g smuggl ring and intercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal aut hor court order wiretap place present document thi author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obtain kei for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur secur kei escrow system will run kei escrow data bank t wo kei escrow data bank will run two independ entiti thi point depart justic and administr determin agenc will overse kei escrow data bank strong secur devic ca n strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system readili todai algorithm will remain classifi protect secur kei escrow system will invit independ panel crypt ographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner decis pro pos thi product nation secur council justic depart commerc depart and kei agenc involv thi decis thi approach endors presid vice presid and cabinet offici consu lt congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and expect discu ss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief member congress and industri lead er decis relat thi initi will govern provid hardwar manufactur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid microcircuit product manufac tur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit chip manufactur that produc clipp er chip mykotronx program facil torranc california and will sell chip encrypt de vic manufactur program function licens vendor futur bui encrypt devic expect man ufactur incorpor clipper chip into devic administr unabl find technolog solut pr opos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi fund ament polici question will consid broad polici review kei escrow mechan will pro vid american encrypt product that secur conveni and expens readili todai piec co mprehens approach encrypt technolog administr develop administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri eff ect that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension cr eat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason bal anc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu thi decis cli nton administr polici encrypt will differ that bush administr that understand im port encrypt technolog telecommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find innov wai protect american privaci busi compet and ensur th at law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror will devic export will devic tha t us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subject export control requir case case r eview for each export requir ensur us devic true for encrypt devic attract thi t echnolog protect can give compani oper home and abroad thi mind expect export li cens will grant case case basi for compani seek us devic secur commun abroad pla n review possibl permit wider export product

sci.crypt macpgp sourc problem error you will diff standard consol and con sol suppli symantec and special modifi that work macpgp ad two diff end signatur file macpgp srcsignatur pub gradi netcom download anonym ftp and sed oop cut an d past fix will you mac genius port thi macapp appmak gradi gradi netcom sci.crypt invent crypto polici eff statement april initi eff analysi clint on privaci and secur propos clinton administr todai made major announc cryptogra phi polici will effect privaci and secur million american part plan begin compre hens inquiri into major commun privaci issu such export control effect deni peop l easi access robust encrypt and law enforc issu pose technolog eff concern that administr reach conclus critic part inquiri public comment discuss allow appar administr us leverag telephon equip vendor adopt voic encrypt standard develop n ation secur agenc call clipper chip bit split kei escrow encrypt scheme will bui lt into chip manufactur militari contractor two separ escrow agent store user ke i and requir turn law enforc present valid warrant encrypt scheme us classifi ch ip will manufactur for incorpor into commun product thi propos rais number conce rn administr adopt solut conduct inquiri nsa develop clipper chip not secur prod uct vendor develop scheme not reli govern sole sourc for clipper chip independ c hip manufactur produc chipset base open standard second algorithm cannot trust c an test administr propos chip algorithm classifi eff believ that standard adopt public and open public will confid secur standard that open independ expert scru tini us us split kei dual escrow system prove reason balanc privaci and law enfo rc detail thi scheme explor publicli adopt will give peopl confid safeti kei dis closur kei parti waiv individu amend right subsequ crimin inquiri question admin istr propos rais fail answer sum administr shown great sensit import issu plan c omprehens inquiri into digit privaci and secur clipper chip solut consid part in quiri and not adopt discuss even begin detail propos escrow bit kei will divid t wo escrow agent each hold bit each kei manufactur commun devic requir regist kei two independ escrow agent kei ti devic not person present valid court order two escrow agent turn kei part law enforc agent presidenti direct issu attornei gen er will ask identifi escrow agent administr suggest that law enforc feder agenc perhap feder reserv and government organ chosen agreement ident agent classifi a lgorithm and possibl back door administr claim that back door mean govern break code secur kei escrow agent and that presid will told back door thi classifi alg orithm order prove thi administr sourc interest arrang for star crypto cracker t eam come secur arrang and examin algorithm for trap door result investig made pu blic clipper chipset design and produc and sole sourc secret contract nation sec ur agenc and two privat firm vlsi and mycotronx nsa work thi plan underwai for y ear manufactur contract month ago govern market driver order market move and sho w that govern believ secur thi system fed will big custom for thi product user w ill includ fbi secret servic gore and even presid todai commerc depart press bri ef number peopl ask thi question privat organ individu adopt classifi standard t hat had independ guaranti secur freedom trap door comprehens polici inquiri admi nistr announc that commenc inquiri into polici issu relat privaci protect encryp t and law enforc item consid includ export control encrypt technolog and fbi dig it telephoni propos appear that thi inquiri will conduct nation secur council pr esidenti direct describ inquiri classifi public involv process promis term infor m contact jerri berman execut director jberman eff org daniel weitzner senior st aff counsel djw eff org full text press releas and fact sheet issu administr wil l eff ftp site danni weitzner senior staff counsel eff sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt eager hear lega l theori restrict exchang cryptograph data and encrypt messag admend theori regu l person encrypt person thought and feel even tenabl perhap make treati iceland restrict crypto paraphernalia can good end run constitut happen treati point for c law land bill right amend congress make law respect establish religion prohibi t free exercis thereof abridg freedom speech press peopl peaceabl assembl and pe tit govern for redress grievanc amend regul militia secur free state peopl and b ear arm not infring amend soldier time peac quarter hous consent owner time war manner prescrib law amend peopl secur person hous paper and effect unreason sear ch and seizur not violat and warrant issu probabl support oath affirm and descri b place search and person thing seiz amend person held answer for capit infam cr

ime present indict grand juri case aris land naval forc militia actual servic ti me war public danger person subject for offenc twice put jeopardi life limb comp el crimin case wit depriv life liberti properti due process law privat properti for public us compens for minut had privaci gradi netcom sci.crypt rubick shortest path algorithm statu expect run time factor algo rithm for find shortest path solut for rubick cube randomli chosen posit read fa q and recent discuss rubick cube don thi question answer notic that specif for a lgorithm that find shortest path not solut that underli assumpt that such progra m brute forc search posit that unreason pessimist assumpt and want significantli improv that idea approach thi problem spend time develop want work administrivi a post thi group and attempt set followup rec puzzl place continu thi discuss wi ll cross post summari and becom email repli gladli accept jimmi jru comtech sci.crypt pgp pem and rfc cryptographi patent charl kinci ckinci umr edu w rote articl apr natasha portal bob natasha portal bob cain write hope cynic misp lac ahead not afraid wrong onc uneasi feel that and you wrong you emotion state bunch crap fact tini disclaim end check your fact and grow such strong correl in terest cryptographi and immatur flame that immatur wrong and don offer proof for your assert you putz put shut will provid proof you privat name dickhead putz c ain sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet note releas white hou s todai conjunct announc clipper chip encrypt technolog fact sheet public encryp t manag presid approv direct public encrypt manag direct for advanc telecommun a nd commerci encrypt part wave comput and commun technolog encrypt product scramb l inform protect privaci commun and data prevent unauthor access advanc telecomm un system us digit technolog rapidli and precis handl high volum commun advanc t elecommun system integr infrastructur need ensur econom competit inform ag despi t benefit commun technolog can frustrat law govern electron surveil sophist encr ypt can thi effect unit state export abroad can us thwart foreign intellig activ critic nation interest past preserv govern capabl conduct electron surveil furt her legitim law enforc and nation secur interest time protect privaci and civil liberti citizen encrypt technolog improv will requir innov approach area commun encrypt govern develop microcircuit that not privaci encrypt that substanti robu st current govern standard permit escrow kei need unlock encrypt system for escr ow kei will govern gain access encrypt inform legal author assist law enforc and govern agenc collect and decrypt legal author electron transmit inform herebi d irect action instal govern develop microcircuit attornei gener unit state repres request manufactur commun hardwar incorpor encrypt instal govern develop kei es crow microcircuit product fact law enforc access escrow kei will not conceal ame rican public step ensur that exist futur version kei escrow microcircuit made wi de commun hardwar manufactur consist ensur secur kei escrow system make thi deci s not intend prevent privat sector develop govern approv microcircuit algorithm that equal effect assur privaci and secur kei escrow system kei escrow attornei gener make arrang entiti hold kei for kei escrow microcircuit instal commun equi p each case kei holder agre strict secur procedur prevent unauthor releas kei ke i releas govern agenc that establish author acquir content commun that encrypt d evic contain microcircuit attornei gener review for legal suffici procedur agenc establish author acquir content such commun procur and us encrypt devic secreta ri commerc consult agenc initi process write standard facilit procur and us encr ypt devic fit kei escrow microcircuit feder commun system that process sensit un classifi inform expect thi process proce schedul that will permit promulg final standard six month thi direct attornei gener will procur and util encrypt devic extent need preserv govern abil conduct law electron surveil and fulfil for secu r law enforc commun attornei gener util fund depart justic asset forfeitur super surplu fund effect thi purchas sci.crypt eff initi eff analysi clinton privaci and secur propos articl co mp org eff new effector onlin carl april initi eff analysi clinton privaci and s ecur propos clinton administr todai made major announc cryptographi polici will effect privaci and secur million american part plan begin comprehens inquiri int o major commun privaci issu such export control effect deni peopl easi access ro bust encrypt law enforc issu pose technolog eff concern that administr reach con

clus critic part inquiri public comment discuss allow appar administr us leverag telephon equip vendor adopt voic encrypt standard develop nation secur agenc ca ll clipper chip bit split kei escrow encrypt scheme will built into chip manufac tur militari contractor two separ escrow agent store user kei and requir turn la w enforc present valid warrant encrypt scheme us classifi chip will manufactur f or incorpor into commun product thi propos rais number concern administr appear adopt solut conduct inquiri nsa develop clipper chip not secur product vendor de velop scheme not reli govern sole sourc for clipper chip independ chip manufactu r produc chipset base open standard second algorithm can not trust can test admi nistr propos chip algorithm classifi eff believ that standard adopt public and o pen public will confid secur standard that open independ expert scrutini us spli t kei dual escrow system prove reason balanc privaci and law enforc detail thi s cheme explor publicli adopt will give peopl confid safeti kei disclosur kei part i waiv individu amend right subsequ crimin inquiri sum administr shown great sen sit import issu plan comprehens inquiri into digit privaci and secur clipper chi p solut consid part inquiri not adopt discuss even begin detail propos escrow bi t kei will divid two escrow agent each hold bit each kei present valid warrant t wo escrow agent turn kei part law enforc agent like attornei gener will ask iden tifi escrow agent administr suggest law enforc feder agenc perhap feder reserv a nd government organ agreement ident agent kei registr manufactur commun devic ke i ti devic not person classifi algorithm and possibl back door administr claim t hat back door mean govern break code secur kei escrow agent and that presid will told back door thi classifi algorithm order prove thi administr sourc interest arrang for star crypto cracker team come secur arrang and examin algorithm for t rap door result investig made public govern market driver order market move and show that govern believ secur thi system fed will big custom for thi product use r will includ fbi secret servic gore and even presid inform contact jerri berman execut director daniel weitzner senior staff counsel carl kadi not repres organ thi kadi uiuc edu sci.crypt clipper crypto respons white hous mcimail white hous and receiv nice automat repli micmail note pass that had includ snail address repli due for care repli protect voic network privat develop crypto and will law enforc that fact not hope legisl for crypto system design not met clipper chip want freeli e xport algorithm de rsa freeli destin countri disclaim opinion express carl ellis on cme stratu stratu comput inc bkw tel fairbank boulevard marlborough fax sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow argu nose ca mel worth note that govern propos limit scrambl telephoni us for that purpos and not extend electron mail file encrypt improv current mass produc standard civil ian technolog except limit easi break invert note that big issu for fed continu abil wiretap deep end long discus secur crypto for mail and file focu thi questi on that not ask releas whether thi propos limit telephoni govern intend expand s hare concern express find propos threaten sinc american secur telephoni and jerk pair clip lead and goat can eavesdrop thi plug secur hole cellular and cordless phone read line infer that system highli secur access kei thi meet busi confron t rich and power adversari includ french and japanes secur servic and rich japan es compani nsa make stuff protect law enforc legitim corpor trust nsa and deligh t high secur system certifi even price deposit kei escrow difficulti creat relia bl escrow corpor entrust secret attornei dai week and that system work pretti po int view thi fair start point concern that address includ reliabl escrow return access high secur crypto suggest that de and system breakabl nsa and similarli s kill and endow good possibl check that propos system not breakabl doesn trapdoor govern can kei pursuant legitim court order can protect legitim commun econom a dversari eavesdrop crook pursuant court order discuss thi avoid nasti person att ack and nois previou thread thi substant and technic issu and person remark plac e such discuss david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt invent crypto polici eff statement articl apr eff org danni weit zner djw eff org write bit kei will divid two escrow agent each hold bit each ke i kei split that group control privaci kei and that infeas illicitli gain access agent agent wish break crypto cooper agent bit kei not stand brute forc attack

agenc for exampl nsa hold two kei halv don imagin half kei start listen that poi nt grin thi not impli that idea rest system lee brintl and leav you thi final wo rd director project panda twang sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher can govern encrypt method decod traffic o rder accus unauthor strong encrypt techniqu kei escrow run ciphertext and draw b lank can imagin ciphertext exhibit statist characterist that give clue encrypt t echniqu us not give handl for diferenti cryptoanalysi superencipher scheme that shape perciev properti ciphertext thwart thi sci.crypt anoth data hide scheme articl apr colorado edu bear tigger color ado edu write sinc price floppi high last year you store data file time public f ilesystem casual observ miss you accid cover bear gile bear colorado edu fsl noa a gov atari box ship disk year and disk order make life complic freebi disk mag doubl format thi side disk had and read had flip side program thi swap side that side side mike mike avon demon sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl qmugcinn pu gap caltech edu hal cco caltech edu hal finnei write kei question whether cli pper encrypt will made illeg administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti a nd effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri effect that countri american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that t hi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu clear middl ground impli state ment that american clipper encrypt not unbreak encrypt thi impli that ultim clip per strong encrypt becom illeg logic consequ code design obscur informatio not e asili breakabl will illeg includ code word such project speak languag english ii i refer implicitli event not john last night for listen thi code for you pick dr ug last night code for blow pentagon midnight mention that not perfectli underst ood averag person educ word syllabl speak heavi accent that bemisunderstood peop l not us vii book mean such anim farm isn languag jar thi talk harmoni balanc ta lk take peopl commun privaci worst nightmar rais dorothi den propos come true go vern continu thi imagin that will strong cryptographi made illeg encrypt program for disk file and email softwar for encrypt voic commun will distribut undergro und peopl will learn hide fact that protect privaci wonder encrypt you can borro w that convert messag meet bomb white hous bring dynamit appar rel innocul messa g thi messag exampl output for messag shock and frighten that thi happen shockio ng that happen anywher shock that happen countri that arrog call free you can wr ite your congress person plain text write your congress person encrypt text decr ypt option send random keystrok your congressperson send random keystrok accross boundari and spook busi decod write your encrypt algorithm don bui clipper prod uct can work govern doesn want sell oversea easi for interest decod make perfect tool for industri militari espionag lull stupid bui into fals sens secur you wi ll notic that mention anywher safeti for american disclaim opinion mine alon and not repres els noth that want hide moment us method code data high list priorit i andrew conwai arc leland stanford edu phone usa sci.crypt pgp pem and rfc cryptographi patent articl apr natasha portal bo b natasha portal bob cain write check your fact and grow such strong correl inte rest cryptographi and immatur hmmm check your fact good advic check cain fact bi t charl kinci ckinci umr edu wrote limit guess don us code pkp rsa doesn such pr ovid secur commun for averag citizen that exactli purpos you noth prevent averag citizen sell fact unlaw distribut code implement rsa licens pkp whether not cha rg for us rsa for research purpos allow patent law similarli unlaw averag citize n cannot us rsa encrypt messag traffic licens pkp licens freeli product that rsa encrypt rsaref and ripem awar you anoth post yeah you will pai mucho big buck a nd us routin you doesn sound reason thi full shit negoti licens and buck incred reason upfront charg slide scale depend your capit you startup and can afford yo u can afford start place peopl insist make unequivoc statement that noth fact la st contact had rsa data secur inc gui sell licens unsolicit add for tipem cost p ercent royalti suppos matter opinion whether not term count mucho buck incred re ason thi fall into routin you us don guess pkp and rsa interest big buck agenda secur commun for govern agent perhap you consid treatment for paranoia govern si ngl biggest thorn rsa side fact restrict us cryptographi law thi begin will chan

g impedi widespread us rsa cryptographi pkp patent cain shut you your fact strai ght world destroi and crumbl dust free man deni desir benito mussolini italian a narchist and poet jack eifrig eifrig jhu edu john hopkin univers dept sci.crypt invent crypto polici eff statement articl apr eff org danni weit zner djw eff org write bit kei will divid two escrow agent each hold bit each ke i start doubt technic compet peopl design system earth split bit kei bit part es crow separ bit and larg volum data voic link produc rel easi break simpli bit se quenc independ place and xor partial kei actual kei sequenc select randomli and nth actual kei xor random sequenc conspiraci vadim sci.crypt keep your mouth shut hard drive secur articl sunfish usd edu vku b charli usd edu vinc kub write origin scheme suggest kei disappear threaten con dit met onc kei question contempt court noth compel kei longer produc get rid ke i pretti easi automat commun link oppos storag kei retain long owner retriev dat a commun secur gener random session kei diffi hellman us for and destroi onc get back and decrypt record convers make you aren attack man middl you authent your exchang secur phone thi displai kei you can compar verbal phone thi nice and si mpl reli user awar inabl man middl duplic user voic authent exchang rsa sinc you never us rsa for actual encrypt compromis your rsa secret kei imperson you futu r convers and even that you revok your public kei not decrypt record prior conve rs for session kei destroi convinc that thi govern secur phone stu iii work neat phil sci.crypt kei registr idea suppos that nsa nist mykotronix regist kei syst em becom standard and bui such system local radio shack phone come built chip an d govern kei phone call and bui phone and dutifulli regist kei prevent swap phon e friend bui us phone garag sale whooa secret regist kei unsynchron govern come listen receiv gobbledli gook secret kei regist name isn that lead conjectur that system isn that secur two master kei that work for phone countri part regist yo ur kei bogu system vulner simpl phone swap attack thi crimin will quickli figur thi and town case thi bit deeper jbl wxld sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet clipper csrc ncsl nis t gov clipper chip announc write presid approv direct public encrypt manag direc t for export abroad can us thwart foreign intellig activ critic nation interest attornei gener unit state repres request manufactur commun hardwar incorpor encr ypt instal govern develop kei escrow microcircuit product quit interest administ r intend persuad govern nsa eavesdrop compani instal chip commun system sold abr oad custom knowedg consent not thoma koenig uni karlsruh dkauni bitnet joi engin find straight line doubl logarithm diagram sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher jai fenton fenton kaleida write can gover n encrypt method decod traffic order accus unauthor strong encrypt techniqu kei escrow run ciphertext and draw blank think thi quit system transmit clear serial number devic us that can start tap serial number and us warrant for tap kei tap appar encrypt don find that prefix assum author encrypt scheme kloo gnome gener you robert crawford betel camelot bradlei edu sci.crypt clipper stuff descript gener principl clipper propos for exampl thi public kei system privat kei system don system work that kei ti devic and no t person escrow bit kei split into two bit chunk guess that avail bit chunk and reason kei search machin you read traffic not suggest that thi deliber weak syst em make you thi easili fixabl give two bit chunk or gener real bit kei philip sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet articl lgaz dove nist gov clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write procur and us encrypt devic attornei gener will procur and util encrypt devic extent need preserv gov ern abil conduct law electron surveil and fulfil for secur law enforc commun att ornei gener util fund depart justic asset forfeitur super surplu fund effect thi purchas talk ad insult injuri for that us civil forfeitur abolish decent admini str not continu that ill gain will us pai for wiretap equip disclaim opinion exp ress carl ellison cme stratu stratu comput inc bkw tel fairbank boulevard marlbo rough fax sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl gci dove nist gov clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write suppos law enfor c agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers etc great nice ch

oic bad gui convinc bad unrestrict encrypt not us child molest word suspect neve r us guess peopl convict and oper thi drug ring jail cell thi question suppos la w enforc agenc conduct wiretap polit oppon senior administr offici and intercept convers kinda your interpret event doesn and presenc clipper chip chang thing w ill not give peopl talk phone fals sens secur will give feder law enforc agenc j ustif deni us strong encrypt method that inconveni dang suppos inconveni not imp oss that make that abus minim allow legitim law enforc access strong secur devic can strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system readili todai algorithm w ill remain classifi protect secur kei escrow system will invit independ panel cr yptographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner huh pr edict that two month week chip debut full technic detail will post sci crypt and thi impact secur kei escrow system li cryptosystem worth salt can withstand lig ht public scrutini and you can that algorithm unrecogn vulner you half world bre ak for decad even you gotta care michael palmer man crazi write secret palmer la rc nasa gov will conceal ripem kei server vulgar roger bacon sci.crypt invent crypto polici eff statement articl qna tinnf rodan net av g rodan net vadim antonov write start doubt technic compet peopl design system e arth split bit kei bit part escrow separ bit and larg volum data voic link produ c rel easi break simpli bit sequenc independ place and xor partial kei actual ke i sequenc select randomli and nth actual kei xor random sequenc real technic det ail hard answer thi question suppos xore two bit part produc bit real kei materi export version phil sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl dove nis t gov clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write articl found todai c omp secur misc send repli separ post comp eff org thayt you gui can origin text fun oleg relai version vm new vax vm site nic csu net path nic csu net csu edu n etcom netcomsv decwrl uunet dove csrc ncsl nist gov clipper newsgroup comp secur misc clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc date fri apr gmt sender ne w dove nist gov distribut organ nation institut standard technolog line note thi file will anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov directori pub nistnew and nis t comput secur bb white hous offic press secretari for releas april statement pr ess secretari presid todai announc initi that will bring feder govern togeth ind ustri voluntari program improv secur and privaci telephon commun meet legitim la w enforc initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and se cur telecommun network and wireless commun link for long dialogu privat sector a nd law enforc commun resolv tension econom vital and real challeng protect ameri can us technolog accommod sometim compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit govern industri and right privaci law enforc sophist e ncrypt technolog us for year protect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail and comput file encrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unau thor releas person inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin state art micr ocircuit call clipper chip develop govern engin chip repres approach encrypt tec hnolog can us rel inexpens encrypt devic that can attach ordinari telephon scram bl telephon commun encrypt algorithm that power commerci us todai thi technolog will compani protect proprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent unauthor releas data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder state and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin k ei escrow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law a bid american each devic contain chip will two uniqu kei number that will need au thor govern agenc decod messag encod devic devic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attornei gener access kei wi ll limit govern offici legal author conduct wiretap clipper chip technolog law e nforc author access content privat convers american demonstr effect thi technolo g attornei gener will purchas thousand devic addit respect expert govern will of fer access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find ch ip import step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect priva ci individu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approa ch that can provid law abid citizen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order assess technolog trend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc develop comprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci cit

izen includ emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos abil author offici access t elephon call and data proper court legal order protect citizen effect and time u s modern technolog build nation inform infrastructur need promot econom growth a nd competit american industri global marketplac and compani manufactur and expor t high technolog product presid direct earli and frequent consult affect industr i congress and group that advoc privaci right individu polici option develop adm inistr commit work privat sector spur develop nation inform infrastructur will u s telecommun and comput technolog give american unpreced access inform thi infra structur high speed network inform superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv pr ogram and huge data file easili todai telephon system transmit voic sinc encrypt technolog will plai increasingli import role that infrastructur feder govern ac t quickli develop consist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that prot ect american privaci protect break law inform provid accompani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt technolog for addit detail call mat heyman nation institut standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach expand author govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content privat convers american suppos law e nforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap place present document th i author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obtain kei for devic us drug s muggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur secur kei escrow system will run kei escrow data bank two kei escrow data bank will run two independ ent iti thi point depart justic and administr determin agenc will overse kei escrow data bank strong secur devic can strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt syst em readili todai algorithm will remain classifi protect secur kei escrow system will invit independ panel cryptographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner decis propos thi product nation secur council justic depar t commerc depart and kei agenc involv thi decis thi approach endors presid vice presid and cabinet offici consult congress industri discuss congress and industr i encrypt issu and expect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief me mber congress and industri leader decis relat thi initi will govern provid hardw ar manufactur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not prov id microcircuit product manufactur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit ch ip manufactur that produc clipper chip mykotronx program facil torranc californi a and will sell chip encrypt devic manufactur program function licens vendor fut ur bui encrypt devic expect manufactur incorpor clipper chip into devic administ r unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict acce ss power encrypt devic thi fundament polici question will consid broad polici re view kei escrow mechan will provid american encrypt product that secur conveni a nd expens readili todai piec comprehens approach encrypt technolog administr dev elop administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc wil l prohibit outright countri effect that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu thi decis clinton administr polici encrypt will differ that bu sh administr that understand import encrypt technolog telecommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find innov wai protect american p rivaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror w ill devic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subject ex port control requir case case review for each export requir ensur us devic true for encrypt devic attract thi technolog protect can give compani oper home and a broad thi mind expect export licens will grant case case basi for compani seek u s devic secur commun abroad plan review possibl permit wider export product sci.crypt kei for clipper thi stupid question govern kei for will owner re quir regist phone fax modem etc and inform govern move phone number will penal p ublic not thi will identif nation health care perhap requir purchas clipper equi pt phone will each chip transmit identifi inform start convers identif us automa t log call phone compani record thi inform access van microwav relai station thi rais question two phone agre commun encrypt kei will that deriv inform exchang start convers and deriv eavesdropp bear gile bear fsl noaa gov

sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt stragegi govern interest real fear come thi thi voluntari program and harder for object surfac strategi busi legal push standard place secret standard and standard will drive competitor market will legal sell untap encrypt that doesn regist kei will diffi cult and not plan for phone compani you clipper chip phone you talk cellular com pani phone port will follow standard announc clipper chip encrypt product govern market hard major vendor us chip market share will rule and will market for sys tem that can tap polic public isn that concern freeli call that can listen todai won pai big extra buck for proprietari phone that secur polic peopl will bui ph one will work proprietari phone market will small and phone expens made number l arg sell cheap mob will bui and thi mean that fbi will want track custom list en crypt phone reason person want evad polic interest brad templeton clarinet commu n corp sunnyval sci.crypt illeg wiretap articl uupcb ssr dick zeitlin acc bb ssr dick zeit lin wrote perhap telephoni equival anonym remail for telephon network back prohi bit dai alcohol that understand devic call cheesebox popular mean thwart trace t elephon call connect two phone line back room uninvolv busi conceptu predecesso todai anonym email remail cheesebox pre carterphon version call divert carterpho n decis vendor that sold call divert coupl basement that us redirect offic phone home number didn feel into offic quit easi gener anonym redial version call div ert month ago heard report npr number sto pper such for place untrac call you ca ll and bong tone dial number you want call told npr interview that noth short co urt order fight make releas record matt heali pretend network administr lab net pretend work matt wardsgi med yale edu sci.crypt open letter clinton quit astonish shock and appal thi frontal as sault emerg american freedom clinton administr govern agenc legitim role whatsoe v regul cryptographi tantamount regul accept speech and blatantli unconstitut pe rhap renam thi year honor such illustri propos crappi chip live infami and admin str receiv great shame and discredit for thi bizarr misadventur outrag that tax monei us develop technolog restrict freedom reason measur govern will full uncoo per and disobedi threat liberti such thi and call interest sensibl govern resist and defi thi propos administr not understand that subservi instrument implement will public and involv thi propos thi respect wholli neglig and remiss perform law duti encrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas person inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin that diplomat commun tappa bl whenev countri produc warrant fact stop pai nsa billion dollar year produc un break code for thi reason action violat sovereign intern law hope clinton shrewd recogn sarcasm and satir isn modest and reason propos find merit nevertheless c ryptographi neutral technolog strong cryptographi includ policemen bureacrat bus inessmen housew thug and hoodlum sustain equilibrium unwork anti egaltarian arra ng intrins antithet american freedom and guarante collaps weight inher impract d on compromis issu freedom for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun r esolv tension econom vital and real challeng protect american for long govern de monstr increasingli hostil and obstacl econom vital and protect american sinc en crypt technolog will plai increasingli import role that infrastructur feder gove rn act quickli develop consist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that protect american privaci protect break law not for feder govern act quickli dev elop consist comprehens polici period and even grandios miracl such thing effici depriv american citizen fundament and inalien right administr commit leav priva t industri alon esp thi issu govern legitim role regul content commun law enforc agenc prepar forfeit surveil bludgeon and inevit disarm administr unabl find te chnolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encryp t devic such law can constitution sound and thi equival veil threat don thi kind extort agit and into radic will trade threat for threat and violat for violat a dministr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will proh ibit outright countri effect administr thi find impeach for reckless and outrag disregard essenti establish entrench and explicit constitut privaci guarante adm inistr legal stand whatsoev such action egregi illeg and crimin and wholli untol er and disregard vast segment popul that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product compris vast major peopl fanat commit preserv privaci face incr

easingli totalitarian govern that your chip and give nsa employe christma bonus can run algorithm comput damn and will make chip and will send bit pattern data highwai and you stop you will gradual abruptli dissolv into nothing privaci law enforc fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit thi outright dingal den lie two aim privaci and surveil intrins and fundament incompat and you work for nsa american discov wai us technolog preserv inalien forgotten freedom that slow li erod increasingli distant and unrespons and unrepres govern long lanc colost edu sci.crypt clipper infring intergraph name infring civil liberti not subjec t thi post name clipper chip confus clipper chip intergraph origin design team f airchild semiconductor clipper bit risc microprocessor us workstat notabl interg raph supplier cad tool intergraph acquir clipper product line fairchild sold nat ion semiconductor year back clipper chip announc immedi thought articl refer cli pper chip thi ground for intergraph sue not lawyer cryptologist don want incrimi n law regim tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom anonym n etwork digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto black market collaps go vern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt patent articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informatik uni hambu rg vesselin bontchev wrote ahalei eoe andrew halei write coca cola understood co ca cola made licenc dozen countri world you crazi you pepsico doesn recip countr i coca cola distribut form concentr local produc simpli mix water and simpl ingr edi trick concentr don thi true time coca cola elabor measur formula secret for instanc plant citi each made six partial concentr ship back and and remix compli c scheme that singl plant made formula guess that pepsico chemist revers engin c an that exot prefer pepsi minut gonna put monei into pepsi vend machin matt heal i pretend network administr lab net pretend work matt wardsgi med yale edu sci.crypt kei registr idea clipper chip will effect current gener pc porta bl and desktop analog voic digit voic and vice versa capabl modem output telepho n and can interpos encrypt screen voic traffic want not even big deal will pass muster check whether clipper chip encrypt full decod chide for state that dorthi den intellectu dishonest acm debat and thi newsgroup previous refrain suggest t hat argu behalf consult client that clear that dorthi den function lobbyist not comput scientist us legal ethic truth you can convinc not scientif ethic truth u nderstand extern world can revok acm membership lew lew glenden rlglend netcom p erspect worth point niel bohr that sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher can govern encrypt method decod traffic o rder accus unauthor strong encrypt techniqu kei escrow run ciphertext and draw b lank think thi quit system transmit clear serial number devic us that can start tap serial number and us warrant for tap kei tap appar encrypt don find that pre fix assum author encrypt scheme thi doesn handl superencrypt traffic clipper doe sn impos unfortun perform side effect reason not us superencrypt stream tripl de encrypt traffic that your traffic normal and perhap desir listen won even bothe r sinc trust crypto that classifi intern for import stuff mjr sci.crypt pgp pem and rfc cryptographi patent blaze jhu edu eifrig beanwor ld jhu edu jonathan eifrig write fact unlaw distribut code implement rsa licens pkp whether not charg for us rsa for research purpos allow patent law similarli unlaw averag citizen cannot us rsa encrypt messag traffic licens pkp wrong don e ven pkp claim thi not unlaw distribut code implement rsa appear unlaw us agre yo ur last sentenc fact restrict us cryptographi law thi begin will chang impedi wi despread us rsa cryptographi pkp patent that correct arthur rubin rubin dsg dse beckman work beckman instrument brea mcimail compuserv arthur pnet ct person opi nion and not repres employ sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt stupid believ d emocrat stood for principl person privaci neanderth republican that want into as pect live clinton clever gui gun control for privaci technolog small step time w ait minut thi hmmm feel white hous thi step fact final step noth fear god bless america john hess man jhess netcom plan moss beach calif canal bob sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt brad clarinet b rad templeton write and thi mean that fbi will want track custom list encrypt ph one reason person want evad polic want start track custom list peopl purchas sou

ndblast and similar board can configur us code and modem act pretti decent digit encrypt telephon expens and kind awkward don drug lord favor tappabl secur long user interfac nice you hrh princ wale stupid thing cordless phone not hard imag in that drug dealer child pornograph commi lisp programm and threat civil world transact incrimin busi encrypt cellular phone mjr sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc lgfi jqa netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write share concern expres s find propos threaten sinc american secur telephoni and jerk pair clip lead and goat can eavesdrop thi plug secur hole cellular and cordless phone great wonder new can listen fed you that fed offer threat liberti and glad that jerk won tap phone anymor john hess man jhess netcom plan moss beach calif canal bob sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet secur kei escrow syst em make thi decis not intend prevent privat sector develop govern approv microci rcuit algorithm that equal effect assur privaci and secur kei escrow system yeah intend prevent privat sector develop applic that equal effect assur privaci not kei escrow system sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl qmugcinn pu gap caltech edu hal cco caltech edu hal finnei write kei question whether cli pper encrypt will made illeg administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti a nd effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri effect that american matter entitl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu clear middl ground impli statement tha t american clipper encrypt not unbreak encrypt thi impli that ultim clipper stro ng encrypt becom illeg text delet judgement impli shock and frighten that thi ha ppen hal finnei hal alumni caltech edu shock thi that govern interest monitor pu blic thi scare mortifi pgp and ripem becom widespread resist finnei imho correct li identifi logic step onc academ discuss regard conceal cyphertext becom real c onsider rhetor that clinton administr obsess harmoni proposit tension tell that difficult will sell thi proposit phrase hear and can thi happen call conser clin ton huge mistak that pai for tommorow and year approach ag speakeasi public kei depositiori uni dark uni ac edu public kei finger and request public kei archiv pgp public kei junkbox iastat edu sovereignti sign brutal past sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt brad clarinet b rad templeton write strategi busi legal push standard place secret standard and standard will drive competitor market will legal sell untap encrypt that doesn r egist kei will difficult and not plan for phone compani brad analysi correct off er explan for encrypt algorithm secret thi will prevent competitor come clipper compat phone lack govern instal back door strategi brad describ will work long c ompat phone govern chip nice point view person privaci brad turn long peopl powe r provid encrypt place addit clipper privaci word passag announc make doubt whet her thi will turn true hal finnei sci.crypt kei registr idea articl access digex net pcw access digex peter wayner write suppos that nsa nist mykotronix regist kei system becom standard an d bui such system local radio shack phone come built chip and govern kei phone c all and bui phone and dutifulli regist kei prevent swap phone friend bui us phon e garag sale whooa secret regist kei unsynchron govern come even like that seria l number invididu chip broadcast standard encrypt format that big brother type l isten traffic court order gener that you crook and listen receiv gobbledli gook secret kei regist name isn that lead conjectur that system isn that secur two ma ster kei that work for phone countri part regist your kei bogu system vulner sim pl phone swap attack thi crimin will quickli figur thi and town case thi bit dee per jbl wxld sci.crypt algorithm secret thought algorithm secret chip regret like becom standard will applic econom factor dictat us thi chip not alrogithm public and code secur absent access escrow kei repres enterpris sort make compat crypto chi p for kei had escrow thi like releas refer refer secreci algorithm protect secur escrow system rob boudri sci.crypt issa confer attend issa confer arlington week get touch bruce sci.crypt kei for clipper actual algorithm classifi main thrust for cellul

ar phone and encrypt radio end not end end end end will come and you identifi ph one compani and sinc phone compani compli court order will magic number your chi p sign warrant you and can present warrant kei escrow hous brad templeton clarin et commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl qnn ddc sol ti mjr ti marcu ranum write you hrh princ wale stupid thing cordless phone n ot hard imagin that drug dealer child pornograph commi lisp programm and threat civil world transact incrimin busi encrypt cellular phone assum for moment that system secur you halv encrypt kei two independ escrow hous you even trust escrow hous aclu and eff and not joke two name that case princ wale noth worri thi sys tem point sinc current system even current digit system easi decod can hear for peopl thi will view goodi step upward and toler public will neighbour radio hear suggest person that lot evidentiari wiretap warrant can and ecpa violat thi sto p that tap warrant breach secur escrow hous brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt onc tap your code good occur that wiretap order you and escrow h ous releas your code cop your code longer secur hand cop and time good secur wil l not good escrow hous thi effect mean that perform wiretap you end wiretap obli g inform you that tap perform and replac for free clipper chip your cellular pho ne that onc code escrow hous polic reveal tap even charg laid wai posit step had judg set time limit warrant assum end time limit renew replac your chip that th i scheme not agre brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow jhess netcom john hess write great wonder new can listen fed hei statu quo worri fed tap pho ne high school scanner surfer kick eavesdrop cellular and cordless phone call st upid reli even clipper channel for sensit materi final offer reason guard casual eavesdrop for exampl even strong bear arm view privat possess and us strong cry ptosystem system describ secur that bui cordless phone and wari cellular phone w alki talki and long us for mass market voic scrambl don problem you want secur o ffer us us pkc for electron mail celp de tripl de diffi hellman kei exchang for your voic traffic and crypto restrict lift thi incremement improv for applic ama nda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip articl edu uni ac edu s haen bernhardt write shock thi that govern interest monitor public thi scare mor tifi thi surpris you shock amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt cryptographi faq overview archiv name cryptographi faq part last modifi faq for sci crypt part overview thi ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read thi part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer ref er list last part disclaim thi document product crypt cabal secret societi serv nation secu good gui and can ensur complet and accuraci thi document field milit ari and commerci import cryptographi you expect that peopl and organ interest im port open scientif discuss trust you can verifi firsthand and don sue peopl cont ribut thi faq alphabet order eric bach steve bellovin dan bernstein nelson bolya rd carl ellison jim gillogli mike gleason doug gwyn luke connor toni patti willi am setzer apolog for omiss you suggest comment critic current editor send mail c rypt comment math ncsu edu don assum that thi faq complet thi point archiv sci c rypt archiv sinc octob msu edu archiv and canadian user contact crypt comment ma th ncsu edu you archiv section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new an swer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai tabl content overview net etiquett group faq polit discuss be long sci crypt present encrypt scheme sci crypt basic cryptolog cryptolog crypto graphi plaintext ciphertext encrypt kei refer can start learn cryptolog cryptana lysi brute forc search and cryptograph relev properti satisfi strong cryptosyste m cryptosystem theoret unbreak guarante analysi proof practic peopl cryptosystem that rel easi break mathemat cryptolog mathemat term privat kei cryptosystem at tack advantag formul thi mathemat time pad secur ciphertext attack plaintext att ack chosen plaintext attack mathemat term can you brute forc attack kei guess at tack entropi product cipher product cipher make product cipher secur group theor et properti product cipher can proven secur product cipher block cipher us encry pt data longer block size can symmetr block cipher us for messag authent exactli

de tripl de differenti cryptanalysi nsa involv design de de softwar de hardwar can de us protect classifi inform ecb cbc cfb and ofb encrypt public kei cryptog raphi public kei cryptographi rsa rsa secur fast can peopl factor number public kei cryptosystem digit signatur and hash function hash function differ public pr ivat secret share etc and snefru technic miscellani recov lost password wordperf ect break vigener repeat kei cipher send encrypt mail unix pgp ripem pem unix cr ypt command secur us compress encrypt unbreak cipher random mean cryptographi un ic point unic distanc kei manag and import can us pseudo random chaotic number k ei stream correct frequenc list for english letter enigma shuffl card can foil p irat encrypt rom can you automat cryptanalysi simpl cipher code system us vcr mi scellani nation secur agenc nsa export regul tempest beal cipher and hoax americ an cryptogram associ and touch rsa patent voynich manuscript refer book histori and classic method book modern method survei articl refer articl journal confer proceed obtain copi fip and ansi standard cite electron sourc rfc ftprf relat ne wsgroup sci.crypt cryptographi faq mathemat cryptolog archiv name cryptographi faq part last modifi faq for sci crypt part mathemat cryptolog thi fourth ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai content mathemat term privat kei cryptosyst em attack advantag formul thi mathemat time pad secur ciphertext attack plaintex t attack chosen plaintext attack mathemat term can you brute forc attack kei gue ss attack entropi mathemat term privat kei cryptosystem privat kei cryptosystem consist encrypt system and decrypt system encrypt system collect function index kei map set plaintext set ciphertext similarli decrypt system collect function s uch that for plaintext that succes decrypt ciphertext into plaintext accomplish kei index us for encrypt plaintext into ciphertext such system kei us encrypt an d decrypt symmetr cryptoystem attack intuit term passiv attack cryptosystem meth od start inform plaintext and ciphertext unknown kei and figur inform plaintext state mathemat thi mean fix function and variabl fix encrypt system and fix dist ribut plaintext and kei attack assum give probabl algorithm pair input and outpu t such that probabl comput and note that thi probabl depend distribut vector att ack trivial pointless probabl comput and rang uniformli ciphertext and relat wor d attack trivial doesn us encrypt attack call ciphertext two ciphertext and adva ntag formul thi mathemat basic cryptolog you can never prove that cryptosystem s ecur read part strong cryptosystem thi properti thi properti guarante that crypt osystem strong contrast purpos mathemat cryptolog precis formul and prove statem ent that cryptosystem strong for exampl that cryptosystem secur passiv attack no ntrivi attack system defin slow practic can prove thi statement confid that cryp tosystem will resist passiv cryptanalyt techniqu can reduc thi statement unsolv problem confid that cryptosystem isn easi break part cryptolog amen mathemat def init point explicitli identifi assumpt make and prove that produc desir result c an figur mean for cryptosystem us properli mean that assumpt valid methodolog fo r cryptanalysi cryptanalyst can advantag incorrect assumpt can construct proof s ecur for system proof fail and us failur start point for analysi time pad secur definit time pad cryptosystem plaintext ciphertext and kei string byte string le ngth and sum exclus and easi prove mathemat that nontrivi singl ciphertext attac k time pad assum uniform distribut kei note that don assum uniform distribut pla intext proof attack algorithm take two input and produc output probabl that when ev and distribut uniform and independ distribut uniform and independ distribut u niform and independ probabl exactli that whenev and and fortiori trivial hand ti me pad not secur kei us for plaintext nontrivi multipl ciphertext attack properl i us kei thrown encrypt kei call pad thi explain name time pad ciphertext attack notat ciphertext attack constant inform ciphertext attack chanc produc inform p laintext attack trivial good chanc produc for random for exampl and bit can easi li write attack guess attack simpli guess that thi attack trivial doesn us ciphe rtext fifti fifti chanc guess correctli matter hand attack rsa produc bit inform success fed random success rate drop thi nontrivi attack plaintext attack class ic plaintext attack and depend word two ciphertext and and decrypt plaintext att

ack produc inform decrypt note that plaintext attack defin literatur produc info rm kei thi pointless cryptanalyst gener care kei let decrypt messag chosen plain text attack chosen plaintext attack increasingli impract seri activ attack crypt osystem attack cryptanalyst feed data encryptor attack don fit into model passiv attack explain chosen plaintext attack let cryptanalyst choos plaintext and cip hertext repeat figur decrypt messag absurd exampl thi sort attack chosen kei att ack and chosen system attack import form activ attack messag corrupt attack atta ck chang ciphertext such make chang plaintext easi wai throw kink into attack fo r instanc automat encrypt plaintext time kei sequenc number chosen anew for each messag random number and hash function comma mean concaten and mean exclus math emat term can you brute forc attack plaintext attack plaintext and ciphertext ci phertext run kei find such that for print big that kei work thi attack will succ e valid input time will produc correct result onc blue moon for random input thi nontrivi attack problem that slow kei kei guess attack entropi time pad isn cho os kei randomli and uniformli bit messag suppos for secur proof fact prefer kei english word cryptanalyst can run english word kei thi attack will succe and fas ter brute forc search entir keyspac can measur bad kei distribut calcul entropi thi number number real bit inform kei cryptanalyst will typic happen across kei guess defin sum log probabl kei sci.crypt cryptographi faq technic miscellani archiv name cryptographi faq part last modifi faq for sci crypt part technic miscellani thi eighth ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai content recov lost password wordperfect bre ak vigener repeat kei cipher send encrypt mail unix pgp ripem pem unix crypt com mand secur us compress encrypt unbreak cipher random mean cryptographi unic poin t unic distanc kei manag and import can us pseudo random chaotic number kei stre am correct frequenc list for english letter enigma shuffl card can foil pirat en crypt rom can you automat cryptanalysi simpl cipher code system us vcr recov los t password wordperfect wordperfect encrypt shown easi break method xor two repea t kei stream type password and byte wide counter initi password length full desc ript bennett ben and bergen and caelli ber chri gala write awhil back for decryp t wordperfect document file and solut softwar compani name accessdata east south orem that softwar packag that will decrypt wordperfect lotu quatro pro excel an d paradox file cost packag steep price you your kei charact char give call and f or free demo disk demo disk will decrypt file that char kei break vigener repeat kei cipher repeat kei cipher ciphertext plaintext xor keykeykeykei and call vig ener cipher kei not long and plaintext english discov length kei count coincid g ain gai sinkov sin each displac ciphertext count byte equal two ciphertext porti on us kei byte will equal us kei will equal assum random bit byte kei cover norm al ascii text smallest displac equal kei length repeat kei shift text that lengt h and xor thi remov kei and leav you text xore sinc english bit real inform per byte stream text xore togeth bit info per bit byte provid plenti redund for choo s uniqu decrypt and fact stream text xore bit per byte kei short even easier tre at thi standard polyalphabet substitut cryptanalysi text show break method hand expert ten time text kei for exampl gain gai sinkov sin send encrypt mail unix p gp ripem pem popular method de command cat file compress de privat kei uuencod m ail meanwhil jure internet standard work call pem privaci enhanc mail describ rf c join pem mail list contact pem dev request ti beta version pem test time thi w rite two program public domain for encrypt mail pgp and ripem ftp each newsgroup alt secur pgp and alt secur ripem each faq pgp commonli us usa sinc rsa algorit hm licens and rsa patent valid primarili usa ripem commonli us insid usa sinc rs aref freeli usa not for shipment usa sinc program us secret kei algorithm for en crypt bodi messag pgp us idea ripem de and rsa for encrypt messag kei interoper freeli repeat call for each understand format and algorithm choic interoper thi time unix crypt command secur ree program call cbw crypt breaker workbench can u s ciphertext attack file encrypt crypt sourc for cbw ftpcb us compress encrypt n umber peopl propos perfect compress simpl encrypt method xor repeat kei you can compress perfectli you exact distribut input for practic purpos imposs describ t

ypic english text coars characterist such singl letter frequenc you can build an d sophist model your input enemi slightli accur model find redund your compress output note that practic compress scheme design cryptographi mind produc output that start high redund for exampl output unix compress begin byte magic number t hat can serv enter wedg for cryptanalysi thi not that compress encrypt inher bad idea carefulli and mean remov for strong encrypt compress encrypt silli unbreak cipher time pad unbreak part time pad requir secur distribut kei materi plainte xt cryptosystem not utterli unbreak strong resist attack like enemi for length t ime data protect expect remain valid random mean cryptographi cryptograph applic demand pseudorandom number gener applic for sourc bit cryptograph random comput ation imposs predict nth random bit will complet knowledg algorithm hardwar gene r stream and sequenc bit for lifetim sourc softwar gener pseudo random function expand random seed longer string appar random bit thi seed larg not guess oppon ideal random perhap gener hardwar random number sourc sparcstat workstat for exa mpl gener random number audio input devic sourc entropi not connect for exampl c at dev audio compress foo file high entropi not random random can encrypt that f ile part kei for exampl convert that seed entropi into pseudo random string for hardwar devic provid thi entropi import measur entropi assum that complic human random for exampl disk oper complet time sound unpredict peopl spin disk clock a nd output complet time rel low entropi unic point unic distanc sha unic distanc approxim that amount ciphertext such that sum real inform entropi sourc text and encrypt kei equal number ciphertext bit us ciphertext significantli longer thi can shown uniqu decipher thi us back claim valid ciphertext cryptanalysi ciphert ext significantli shorter thi like multipl equal valid decrypt and gain secur op pon difficulti choos correct unic distanc statist inform theoret measur not make determinist predict probabilist result minimum amount ciphertext for like that singl intellig plaintext ciphertext kei for decrypt work cryptologist don deal u nic distanc such directli determin likelihood event interest unic distanc cipher charact fewer ciphertext charact intercept not inform distinguish real kei set kei de unic distanc charact ciphertext block each block correspond ascii charact thi alarmingli low unic distanc indic comput work requir find kei approxim char act intercept fact actual cryptanalysi seldom proce line us discuss unic distanc measur such kei size unic distanc that guarante insecur small doesn guarante se cur high practic cryptosystem absolut impervi analysi manner characterist serv e nter wedg crack cipher messag similar inform theoret consider occasion for examp l determin recommend kei chang interv for cryptosystem cryptanalyst emploi varie ti statist and inform theoret test guid analysi promis direct literatur applic i nform statist cryptanalysi remain classifi even semin work alan ture koz for ins ight into possibl kul and goo kei manag and import fundament axiom cryptographi that enemi full possess detail gener cryptograph system and lack specif kei data emploi encrypt assum that cia not make habit tell mossad cryptosystem mossad fi nd repeat us finit amount kei redund that can eventu facilit cryptanalyt progres s modern commun system vast amount inform transfer parti not sound cryptosystem kei materi cover traffic kei manag refer distribut authent and handl kei publicl i access exampl modern kei manag technolog stu iii secur telephon unit for class ifi us emploi individu code crypto ignit kei and central kei manag center oper n sa hierarchi that cik us author cryptograph control personnel valid issuanc indi vidu traffic kei and perform instal mainten function such report lost cik thi gi ve inkl extent kei manag problem for public kei system relat issu you trust can us pseudo random chaotic number kei stream chaotic equat and fractal produc appa r random rel compact gener perhap simplest exampl linear congruenti sequenc popu lar type random number gener obviou depend seed and output graph such sequenc wi ll high dimens show regular lattic mathemat thi lattic correspond structur notor i easi for cryptanalyst exploit complic gener complic structur make interest pic tur cryptograph strong sequenc will comput structur knu exercis ree and boi corr ect frequenc list for english letter answer thi question each slightli deeper yo u can find answer book frequenc list comput directli sampl english text such lis t will correctli comput exactli list you depend sampl second answer that questio n doesn make sens you mean english letter english languag not fix finit close ob ject that can exactli character chang time author messag will statist languag an

swer that messag exactli characterist english gener for reason statist slight di screp won matter fact entir field call bayesian statist buzzword maximum entropi method and maximum likelihood estim studi question chanc that text letter frequ enc english and come robust answer make your list your sampl english text will g ood for practic work you us properli enigma for project data secur for sourc inf orm german enigma code and broken british wwii wel dea koz hod kah shuffl card c ard shuffl special case permut arrai valu random pseudo random function output p ermut thi process equal like thi you random function modran will produc uniforml i distribut random integ interv that function you can shuffl code assum arrlth l ength arrai arr and swap interchang valu two address for arrlth swap arr modran arr modran can not achiev exactli simpl ranno sinc ranno interv not divis case e rror will small cover thi case can ranno modulu mod call that number and ranno r eturn back and anoth ranno can foil pirat encrypt rom will frequent express desi r publish rom possibl multipl piec softwar perhap each encrypt separ and will wa nt us kei for each user perhap even good for limit period time order avoid pirac i thi imposs sinc noth standard workstat hardwar uniqu identifi user keyboard su ch identif rom encrypt kei base part sold user and part uniqu identifi thi case rom kind and that defeat intend purpos rom encrypt onc and mass produc kei set k ei for that encrypt produc stage process that kei useabl copi rom data pirat iso l that kei and sell illeg copi can you automat cryptanalysi simpl cipher schneie r chinet chi bruce schneier accessdata orem utah sell product that break passwor d scheme number popular macintosh and softwar packag telephon number softwar cit e paper subject peleg and rosenfeld break substitut cipher relax algorithm comm acm vol nov luck michael constraint satisfact algorithm for autom decrypt simpl substitut cipher advanc cryptolog crypto springer lectur note comput scienc vol paper contain refer earlier work subject john carrol and steve martin autom cryp tanalysi substitut cipher cryptologia vol number oct john carrol and lynda robbi n autom cryptanalysi polyalphabet cipher cryptologia vol number oct martin kocha nski survei data insecur packag cryptologia vol number jan martin kochanski anot h data insecur packag cryptologia vol xii number juli cryptologia vol xiii numbe r king and bahler probabilist relax cryptanalysi simpl substitut cipher cryptolo gia king and bahler algorithm solut sequenti homophon cipher cryptologia april p ress spillman us genet algorithm cryptanalysi simpl substitut cipher cryptologia vol xvii number jan code system us vcr frequent ask question sci crypt vcr code work articl attempt describ shirriff welch kinsman decod vcr control code crypt ologia juli sci.crypt cryptographi faq refer archiv name cryptographi faq part last mo difi faq for sci crypt part refer thi tenth ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer refer l ist thi part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new answer crypt ographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new an swer dai content book histori and classic method book modern method survei artic l refer articl journal confer proceed electron sourc rfc ftprf relat newsgroup b ook histori and classic method lambro callimaho william friedman militari crypta nalyt aegean park press dea cipher deavour loui kruh machin cryptographi and mod ern cryptanalysi artech hous washington dedham frie william friedman solv german code world war aegean park press gai gain cryptanalysi studi cipher and solut d over public hin hinslei british intellig second world war cambridg univers press vol xxx year and author fix xxx hod andrew hodg alan ture enigma burnett book k ah david kahn seiz enigma houghton mifflin kah kahn codebreak macmillan publish histori abridg paperback edit left technic detail origin hardcov edit recommend koz kozaczuk enigma univers public america kul kullback statist method cryptanal ysi aegean park press sin sinkov elementari cryptanalysi math assoc wel gordon w elchman hut six stori mcgraw hill yardl herbert yardlei american black chamber a egean park press book modern method bek beker piper cipher system wilei bra bras sard modern cryptolog tutori spinger verlag den den cryptographi and data secur addison weslei publish compani kob koblitz number theori and cryptographi spring er verlag kon konheim cryptographi primer wilei mei meyer and matya cryptographi dimens comput secur wilei pat wayn patterson mathemat cryptolog for comput scie ntist and mathematician rowman littlefield pfl pfleeger secur comput prentic hal

l pri price davi secur for comput network wilei rue rueppel design and analysi s tream cipher springer verlag sal saloma public kei cryptographi springer verlag wel welsh code and cryptographi claredon press survei articl ang angluin lichten stein provabl secur crypto system survei yale univers depart comput scienc bet b eth algorithm engin for public kei algorithm ieee select area commun dav davio g oethal element cryptolog secur digit commun longo dif diffi hellman privaci and authent introduct cryptographi ieee proceed dif diffi ten year public kei crypto graphi ieee proceed fei feistel cryptographi and comput privaci scientif america n fei feistel notz lynn smith cryptograph techniqu for machin machin data commun ieee ieee proceed hel hellman mathemat public kei cryptographi scientif america n lak lakshmivarahan algorithm for public kei cryptosystem advanc comput yovti a cadem press lem lempel cryptolog transit comput survei ma massei introduct conte mporari cryptolog ieee proceed sim simmon contemporari cryptolog scienc inform i ntegr ieee press refer articl and andelman reed cryptanalysi rotor and substitut permut network ieee tran inform theori ben john bennett analysi encrypt algorit hm us wordperfect word process program cryptologia ber bergen and caelli file se cur wordperfect cryptologia januari bih biham and shamir differenti cryptanalysi de cryptosystem journal cryptolog vol biham shamir differenti cryptanalysi snef ru khafr redoc loki and lucif proceed crypto feigenbaum boi boyar infer sequenc produc pseudo random number gener journal acm bri brickel moor purtil structur b ox de proceed crypto odlyzko bro brown propos design for extend de comput secur comput ag elsevi scienc publish north holland ifip caelli bro brown pieprzyk seb erri loki cryptograph primit for authent and secreci applic proceed austcrypt ca e gustafson dawson caelli comparison block cipher proceed auscrypt seberri and p iepryzk ed cam campbel wiener proof de not group proceed crypto ell carl ellison solut hebern messag cryptologia vol xii jul ev even goldreich de function can g ener altern group ieee tran inform theori vol gar garon outerbridg de watch exam in suffici data encrypt standard for financi institut cryptologia vol gil gillog li cryptologia shafi goldwass silvio micali probabilist encrypt and plai mental poker keep secret partial inform proceed fourteenth annual acm symposium theori comput hum hunter and mckenzi experi relax algorithm for break simpl substitut c ipher comput journal kam kam davida structur design substitut permut encrypt net work ieee tran inform theori kin kinnucan data encrypt guru tuchman and meyer cr yptologia vol xxx kru kruh cryptologia lai lai massei propos for block encrypt s tandard eurocrypt lub rackoff lubi construct psuedorandom permut psuedorandom fu nction siam journal comput vol ma massei introduct contemporari cryptolog ieee p roceed merkl fast softwar encrypt function proceed crypto menez and vanston mei meyer ciphertext plaintext and ciphertext kei depend number round for data encry pt standard afip confer proceed nb data encrypt standard nation bureau standard fip pub washington januari ree reed crack random number gener cryptologia ree re ed and weinberg file secur and unix crypt command bell laboratori technic journa l vol part octob sha shannon commun theori secreci system bell system technic jo urnal kaliski rivest sherman data encrypt standard group journal cryptolog vol s hi shimizu miyaguchi fast data encipher algorithm feal eurocrypt sor sorkin luci f cryptograph algorithm cryptologia journal confer proceed crypto eurocrypt ieee transact inform theori cryptologia cryptolog journal quarterli sinc jan cryptol ogia rose hulman institut technolog terr haut indiana gener system analysi histo ri journal cryptolog intern associ for cryptolog research publish springer verla g quarterli sinc cryptogram journal american cryptogram associ west hickori stre et mundelein primarili puzzl cryptogram sort cryptosystem journal publish toni p atti box newtown usa toni patti cup portal publish comment includ complet crypto system sourc and execut program diskett tutori typic cryptosystem support multi megabit kei and galoi field arithmet inexpens hardwar random number gener detail comput and commun secur review publish ross anderson sampl issu ftp site includ black editori rja cam publish comment review confer proceed thi field includ no t crypto and eurocrypt region gather auscrypt and chinacrypt abstract journal an d cover comput secur cryptolog reader can research trend applic theori address n ote aegean park press box laguna hill answer machin orang book dod std publish d ecemb part rainbow book seri write depart defens nation secur agenc attn savag r oad fort mead and for trust comput system evalu criteria call bamfd bamford puzz

l palac penguin book goo good good think foundat probabl and applic univers minn esota press knu knuth art comput program volum seminumer algorithm addison wesle i kul soloman kullbach inform theori and statist dover yao yao comput inform the ori complex inform theori abu mostafa obtain copi fip and ansi standard cite tex tbook cryptographi complet reprint fip standard not copyright standard order dep art commerc nation technic inform servic springfield fip pub data encrypt standa rd thi de fip pub guidelin for implement nb de fip pub de mode oper fip pub comp ut data authent de standard order american nation standard institut sale offic b roadwai york phone ansi data encrypt algorithm ident fip ansi dea mode oper iden t fip note figur fip pub error figur correct text correct public electron sourc anonym ftp ftpbk ftp net bsd sourc usr bin de ftpcb ftp net usenet comp sourc un ix volum cbw ftpdf ftp funet pub unix secur destoo tar ftpei ftp psy pub de ftpm d rsa ftpmr msu edu pub crypt newd tar ftpob ftp orang book ftppf prep mit edu p ub lpf ftppk ucsd edu hamradio packet tcpip crypto de tar ftprf nic merit edu do cument rfc ftpsf beta xerox pub hash ftpso chalmer pub de de tar ftpuf ftp net u senet comp sourc unix volum ufc crypt ftpwp garbo uwasa util wppass zip rfc ftpr f kaliski privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part kei certif and relat se rvic februari format txt byte balenson privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part iii algorithm mode and identifi februari format txt byte obsolet rfc kent privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part certif base kei manag februari fo rmat txt byte obsolet rfc linn privaci enhanc for internet electron mail part me ssag encrypt and authent procedur februari format txt byte obsolet rfc relat new sgroup newsgroup sci crypt reader want read faq alt comp compress discuss compre ss algorithm and code alt secur gener secur discuss alt secur index index alt se cur alt secur pgp discuss pgp alt secur ripem discuss ripem alt societi civil li berti gener civil liberti includ privaci comp org eff new new report eff comp or g eff talk discuss eff relat issu comp patent discuss patent includ rsa comp ris k mention crypto and wiretap comp societi privaci gener privaci issu comp secur announc announc secur hole misc legal comput sci math gener math discuss sci.crypt bob putz cain pgp and articl apr natasha portal bob natasha port al bob cain write charl kinci ckinci umr edu wrote articl apr natasha portal bob natasha portal bob cain write flame that immatur wrong and don offer proof for your assert you putz put shut will provid proof you privat name dickhead don bot her blaze jhu edu pretti made your pathet ass superflu you lose pack your bag an d home putz cain shoe fit cpk sci.crypt cryptographi faq basic cryptolog archiv name cryptographi faq pa rt last modifi faq for sci crypt part basic cryptolog thi ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet n ew answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci an swer and new answer dai content cryptolog cryptographi plaintext ciphertext encr ypt kei refer can start learn cryptolog cryptanalysi brute forc search and crypt ograph relev properti satisfi strong cryptosystem cryptosystem theoret unbreak g uarante analysi proof practic peopl cryptosystem that rel easi break cryptolog c ryptographi plaintext ciphertext encrypt kei stori begin juliu caesar messag tru st acquaint didn trust messeng replac and alphabet knew shift rule deciph messag cryptosystem cipher system method disguis messag that peopl can disguis cryptog raphi art creat and cryptosystem cryptanalysi art break cryptosystem disguis eve n you not suppos cryptolog studi cryptographi and cryptanalysi origin messag cal l plaintext disguis messag call ciphertext encrypt mean procedur convert plainte xt into ciphertext decrypt mean procedur convert ciphertext into plaintext crypt osystem collect algorithm algorithm label label call kei for instanc caesar us s hift encrypt for valu natur that kei peopl suppos disguis call recipi peopl enem i oppon interlop eavesdropp parti refer can start learn cryptolog for introduct technic matter survei articl part place begin gener concis author compet peopl a nd written articl concern cryptolog develop last year and abstract and mathemat histor codebreak kahn kah encycloped histori and technic detail cryptolog mid in troductori cryptanalysi can learn gain gai sinkov sin thi recommend for peopl wa nt devis encrypt algorithm sinc common mistak make system know break select algo rithm for de drew attent public research problem cryptolog textbook and book ser

v text appear book den den good introduct broad rang secur includ encrypt algori thm databas secur access control and formal model secur similar comment appli bo ok price davi pri and pfleeger pfl book konheim kon and meyer matya mei quit tec hnic book konheim and meyer directli involv develop de and book give thorough an alysi de konheim book quit mathemat detail analys classic cryptosystem meyer and matya concentr modern cryptograph method pertain kei manag and integr secur fac il into comput system and network book rueppel rue and koblitz kob concentr appl ic number theori and algebra cryptographi cryptanalysi classic cryptanalysi invo lv interest combin analyt reason applic mathemat tool pattern find patienc deter min and luck textbook subject militari cryptanalyt seri frie clear that profici cryptanalysi for part gain attempt solut system such experi consid valuabl that cryptanalys perform wwii alli classifi modern public kei cryptanalysi consist fa ctor integ take discret logarithm not tradit fare cryptanalyst comput number the orist success cryptanalyst public kei system brute forc search and cryptograph r elev nutshel and you and can comput you can find that brute forc search exampl c ryptanalyst found plaintext and ciphertext doesn kei can simpli encrypt plaintex t each kei ciphertext match decrypt ciphertext match plaintext whichev faster de sign cryptosystem such larg kei space that thi brute forc search impract advanc technolog sometim chang consid practic for exampl de us for year kei comput thi oper for user mid situat todai dramat decreas cost per processor oper massiv par allel machin threaten secur de brute forc search scenario describ garron and out erbridg gar phase sophist cryptanalysi involv brute forc search manag small spac e possibl properti satisfi strong cryptosystem secur strong system resid secreci kei attempt algorithm secret strong cryptosystem larg keyspac mention unic dist anc measur minimum amount ciphertext that intercept uniqu identifi kei and for k ei unic distanc longer amount ciphertext you intend encrypt that kei system stro ng strong cryptosystem will produc ciphertext appear random standard statist tes t for exampl cae strong cryptosystem will resist previou attack system never sub ject scrutini suspect system pass test mention necessarili strong not weak crypt osystem look good sometim show that cryptosystem strong mathemat proof joe can b reak thi system can solv difficult problem factor integ part fail that crap shoo t cryptosystem theoret unbreak guarante analysi proof practic cryptanalyt method includ practic cryptanalysi enemi doesn stare your ciphertext figur plaintext f or instanc assum crib stretch probabl plaintext crib correct deduc kei and decip h rest messag exploit isolog plaintext enciph cryptosystem kei obtain solut even cryptanalyt theori doesn chanc sometim cryptosystem malfunct misus time pad for exampl lose secur us onc even chosen plaintext attack enemi feed plaintext into encryptor can deduc kei emploi kah peopl cryptosystem that rel easi break don a mateur can design secur system and not awar expert cryptanalyst and sometim insu ffici motiv for invest work need crack system sci.crypt open letter clinton simpl convert clipper propos unexception mak e voluntari that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow y our kei you your david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error a nd omiss except sci.crypt onc tap your code good brad templeton brad clarinet wrote occur that wiretap order you and escrow hous releas your code cop your code longer sec ur hand cop and time good secur will not good escrow hous thi effect mean that p erform wiretap you end wiretap oblig inform you that tap perform and replac for free clipper chip your cellular phone that onc code escrow hous get court order reveal kei make decipher past convers tape disk whatver understand propos wrong mention session kei escrow entiti eff note thi rais issu fruit bust lead incrimi n area wors current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu fo r restrict unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc and becom wors ostens secur increas allow greater access central offic record govern convers en crypt will object let govern access perhap even automat archiv larg fraction thi main object propos that forc telecom supplier provid easi access for govern gov ern had access month year your encrypt convers take misstep violat that get pape rwork need decrypt want thi kind power tim sig block bust regim timothi crypto a narchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom anonym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto black market collaps govern higher power public kei pgp

and mailsaf sci.crypt cryptographi faq net etiquett archiv name cryptographi faq part last modifi faq for sci crypt part net etiquett thi second ten part sci crypt fa q part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such ka h refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci a nswer and new answer dai content group faq polit discuss belong sci crypt presen t encrypt scheme sci crypt group faq read new announc newus and new answer for w eek make read newsgroup for time you post you amaz question can ask newsgroup mo nth you sens reader want polit discuss belong sci crypt fact newsgroup notabl mi sc legal comput creat exactli that polit question rsa patent don technic discuss sci crypt reader read misc legal comput comp org eff talk comp patent sci math comp compress for benefit peopl don care topic put your post group question micr ofilm and smuggl and cryptograph spy stuff don belong sci crypt present encrypt scheme sci crypt thi neat method encrypt ciphertext fhdsijoyw ogbujhkfsyuir stro ng doubt question thi annoi traffic sci crypt you come encrypt scheme provid cip hertext not adequ impress random gibberish algorithm secur even oppon full algor ithm includ messag kei distribut and privat kei secret systemat and unsystemat w ai long ciphertext and decrypt even prior knowledg algorithm thi time consum and possibl fruitless exercis sci crypt reader won bother you you encrypt scheme fi nd thi faq for refer and relat method familiar literatur and introductori textbo ok you can your cryptosystem fit into world larg break you shouldn wast time ten thousand reader ask question you easili answer your you your system secur and y ou want reassur expert you post full detail your system includ work code and sol id theoret explan sci crypt mind that export cryptographi regul area you lucki e xpert interest you post you can encourag thi offer cash reward for instanc note cryptograph ralph merkl offer can break snefru guarante you don experi like expe rt your system will find flaw thi happen your respons flaw and learn add layer c omplic and come back for anoth round your cryptosystem review nsa full discuss t hi procedur scope thi faq profession common rule thumb that you want design cryp tosystem you experi cryptanalyst sci.crypt cryptographi faq product cipher archiv name cryptographi faq par t last modifi faq for sci crypt part product cipher thi ten part sci crypt faq p art independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah r efer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answ er and new answer dai content product cipher make product cipher secur group the oret properti product cipher can proven secur product cipher block cipher us enc rypt data longer block size can symmetr block cipher us for messag authent exact li de tripl de differenti cryptanalysi nsa involv design de de softwar de hardwa r can de us protect classifi inform ecb cbc cfb and ofb encrypt product cipher p roduct cipher block cipher that iter weak oper such substitut transposit modular addit multipl and linear transform block cipher mean cipher that encrypt block data byte onc block notion product cipher due shannon sha exampl modern product cipher includ lucif sor de nb network kam loki bro feal shi pe lai khufu and kha fr call feistel cipher class product cipher oper half ciphertext each round and swap ciphertext halv each round lucif de loki and feal exampl feistel cipher tab l compar main paramet product cipher cipher block length kei bit number round lu cif de loki feal pe make product cipher secur prove mathemat that product cipher complet secur practic begin demonstr that cipher highli random for exampl ciphe r nonlinear and produc ciphertext function depend bit plaintext and kei meyer me i shown that round de requir guarante such depend thi sens product cipher act mi x function combin plaintext kei and ciphertext complex nonlinear fashion fix per round substitut product cipher refer box for exampl lucif box and de box nonlin ear product cipher reduc care design box list partial design criteria for box de appli box gener found brown bro and brickel bri group theoret properti product cipher product cipher that map bit block bit block encrypt kei for fix map send permut set bit block denot thi permut set bit permut call symmetr group and writ ten collect permut rang kei denot random map plaintext ciphertext expect gener l arg subset coppersmith and grossman cop shown that simpl product cipher can gene

r altern group suffici number round altern group half symmetr group consist even permut permut can written even number swap even and goldreich ev extend result show that feistel cipher can gener suffici number round secur multipl encipher d epend group theoret properti cipher multipl encipher extens singl encipher for k ei not exist kei such that that encrypt twice two independ kei equal singl encry pt kei for exist such that true that group thi question whether de group thi def init extens studi sherman kaliski and rivest paper give strong evid for hypothes i that de not group fact de not group cam can proven secur product cipher recal that permut produc kei goal design ensur that appear random element symmetr grou p element select randomli will that and indistinguish observ and order cannot di stinguish two permut polynomi time that time bound resourc observ cannot determi n permut produc optim decis simpli guess lubi and rackoff lub shown that class f eistel cipher secur thi sens round map replac random boolean function block ciph er us encrypt data longer block size standard mode oper and numer standard stand ard mode oper defin depart commerc feder inform process standard fip publish que stion ecb below for detail defin for de block cipher mode oper can us block ciph er can symmetr block cipher us for messag authent us symmetr cryptosystem block cipher prove that not gener messag and prove whether messag alter unalt sinc gen er cannot prove thing anoth reveal kei and thereaft that kei cannot us prove mes sag that authent that kei ansi and fip for standard method messag authent de exa ctli de de govern data encrypt standard product cipher that oper bit block data bit kei defin fip supersed fip fip feder inform process standard publish nti de ident ansi standard data encrypt algorithm dea defin ansi tripl de tripl de prod uct cipher de oper bit data block form each de cipher time form us two bit kei u s de mode oper us tripl de peopl refer tripl de thi method defin chapter ansi st andard financi institut kei manag and intend for us encrypt de kei and iv for au tom kei distribut formal name encrypt and decrypt singl kei kei pair referenc st andard document ed that standard section kei encrypt kei singl dea kei dea kei p air kei pair shoud us addit secur need data protect kei long secur life kei pair not encrypt decrypt singl kei us term tripl de for carl ellison advoc de tripl us form tran tran compress each de instanc kei and for cbc mode and tran post sc i crypt larg block transposit program take kei data stream that not encrypt prog ram part differenti cryptanalysi differenti cryptanalysi statist attack that can appli iter map map base repeat round function method recent popular biham and s hamir bih coppersmith remark that box de optim thi attack year ago thi method pr ove effect product cipher notabl feal differenti cryptanalysi base observ larg n umber ciphertext plaintext satisfi differ componentwis xor basic biham shamir at tack such plaintext pair requir determin kei for de substanti fewer pair requir de truncat round case actual kei can recov matter minut thousand pair for full d e thi attack impract requir plaintext work biham and shamir de reveal startl obs erv algorithm importantli kei schedul remov de and bit kei us kei recov step ind epend subkei not add substanti secur de box de extrem sensit that chang even sin gl entri tabl yield signific improv differenti attack adi shamir quot nytim oct that contrari peopl evid tamper de that basic design weaken nsa involv design de kinnucan kin tuchman member group that develop de ibm quot develop de algorithm ibm ibmer nsa not dictat singl wire tuchman and meyer anoth develop de spent ye ar break cipher and find weak lucif spent two year strengthen lucif basic approa ch for strong substitut permut and kei schedul function ibm classifi note contai n select criteria request nsa nsa told had inadvert reinvent deep secret make al gorithm explain tuchman hand document call involv nsa develop de unclassifi summ ari unit state select committe intellig print ieee commun magazin state develop de nsa convinc ibm that reduc keysiz suffici indirectli assist develop box struc tur and certifi that final de algorithm knowledg free statist mathemat weak kei size reduc insist nsa articl state that nsa not tamper algorithm paramet sens re solv appar conflict remark meyer and tuchman present de softwar peopl made de co de ftp part for pathnam stig ostholm ftpso bsd ftpbk eric young ftpei denni furg uson ftpdf mark riordan ftpmr phil karn ftppk pascal list de patterson pat fip a lgorithm thi standard implement hardwar not softwar technolog softwar implement gener purpos comput not complianc thi standard despit thi softwar implement abou nd and us govern agenc de hardwar paragraph quot messag editor don vouch for qua

liti even exist product chip rosenth dalla semiconductor make de encrypt decrypt devic for us standard digit kbp pcm telecom data stream capabl process data rea l time sampl frame phone number you talk dewight telecom market christian frank frank informatik rwth aachen cryptech cry mbit data sheet bit interfac us thi st art project problem pijnenburg pcc mbit data sheet address pijnenburg boxtelswwe g vught netherland infosi de chip germani box load softwar you can modifi algori thm don data sheet handi mail you inform mjr ti marcu ranum supercrypt sec and f aster de and proprietari storag for bit kei kei stream gener integr hardwar de p rocedur extend mode bit kei comput elektronik infosi herndon parkwai herndon the mber gandalf tim hember newbridg microsystem sell compat de chip that oper mhz p erform round encrypt clock stage pipelin support ecb cbc cfb and cfb reason pric e oppos high end de chip call newbridg microsystem ottawa import export issu can ada and you requir custom de public kei ic timestep engin develop newbridg crypt o chip and ic for commerci and educ establish can reach can de us protect classi fi inform de not intend protect classifi data fip thi standard will us feder dep art and agenc for cryptograph protect comput data condit appli cryptograph prote ct requir and data not classifi nation secur act amend atom energi act amend ecb cbc cfb and ofb encrypt method for block cipher such de encrypt messag file and block data mode oper mode oper defin fip decemb and ansi fip specifi that bit a scii data octet unus signific bit set fip specifi pad for short block de mode op er electron code book ecb cipher block chain cbc bit cipher feedback cfb and bit output feedback ofb method explain below languag notat symbol block plaintext i nput encrypt output decrypt size block determin mode block ciphertext output enc rypt input decrypt size block determin mode de encrypt function perform bit bloc k kei schedul deriv bit kei de decrypt function perform bit block kei schedul th at kei schedul us opposit order bit initi vector secret kei share encryptor and decryptor bit variabl us mode bit variabl us mode lsb signific bit msb signific left bit oper defin langag electron code book ecb and each bit long encrypt decr ypt cipher block chain cbc and each bit long encrypt decrypt bit cipher feedback cfb and each bit long encrypt decrypt msb msb note that for thi reduc cfb note sinc depend plain cipher text previou oper function can perform parallel recept text us bit output feedback ofb and each bit long encrypt decrypt msb msb note t hat for thi reduc ofb note encrypt and decrypt ident sinc independ and function can perform advanc receipt plain cipher text us addit note de mode oper ecb and cbc us encrypt and decrypt feedback mode us encrypt and decrypt thi disprov erro n claim that system featur not cannot us for data confidenti and not subject exp ort control sci.crypt cryptographi faq public kei cryptographi archiv name cryptograph i faq part last modifi faq for sci crypt part public kei cryptographi thi sixth ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtf m mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post news group sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai content public kei cryptographi rs a rsa secur fast can peopl factor number public kei cryptosystem public kei cryp tographi classic cryptosystem encrypt function and decrypt function such that fo r plaintext public kei cryptosystem can easili comput public kei turn comput pub lish that can encrypt messag cannot easili comput person gener can decrypt messa g that essenc public kei cryptographi publish diffi and hellman classic cryptosy stem you want your friend send secret messag you you make see kei public kei cry ptosystem you publish and you don worri spi thi begin public kei cryptographi ex tens literatur secur model for public kei cryptographi applic public kei cryptog raphi applic mathemat technolog public kei cryptographi and rsa rsa public kei c ryptosystem defin rivest shamir and adleman for full detail faq ftp rsa small ex ampl plaintext posit integ kei quadrupl bit prime number bit prime number and an d larg number divis defin mod mod easili comput pair easi comput pair gener can publish can send secret messag can read messag rsa secur obviou attack rsa facto r into and below for comment fast state art factor algorithm run slightest idea prove that factor realist problem for that matter inher slow easi formal mean rs a isn strong hendrik lenstra exact definit wish prove that algorithm properti no t exist and theoret comput scienc notori lack such neg result fast can peopl fac

tor number depend size number octob arjen lenstra and dan bernstein factor into prime week maspar time maspar processor simd machin each processor can add integ per second algorithm call number field siev quit bit faster for special number for gener number take time exp log log log case older and popular method for sma ller number multipl polynomi quadrat siev take time exp log log log faster numbe r field siev for small slower for larg breakeven point and digit depend implemen t factor fast move field state art year ago good method develop bit rsa kei will safe factor can predict futur number field siev found peopl conjectur that quad rat siev asymptot fast factor method public kei cryptosystem talk rsa and easi d escrib lot public kei system faster rsa depend problem wide believ difficult thi introduct you want learn facet public kei cryptographi consult book and journal articl list part sci.crypt cryptographi faq digit signatur archiv name cryptographi faq par t last modifi faq for sci crypt part digit signatur and hash function thi sevent h ten part sci crypt faq part independ you read part rest don time send miss par t mail don note such kah refer refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp r tfm mit edu pub usenet new answer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post ne wsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai content hash function differ pub lic privat secret share etc and snefru hash function typic hash function take va riabl length messag and produc fix length hash hash computation imposs find mess ag that hash fact can determin usabl inform messag that hash not even singl bit for hash function computation imposs determin two messag produc hash hash functi on can privat public encrypt function applic public hash function snefru public kei signatur system rel slow sign long messag longer user will wait solut comput hash messag and sign hash short verifi signatur can thing anoth name for hash f unction messag digest function differ public privat secret share etc horrend mis hmash terminolog literatur for small set concept algorithm depend kei isn publis h call privat algorithm call public algorithm encrypt function and decrypt funct ion that for messag hash function and verif function such that and public kei cr yptosystem public encrypt and privat decrypt checksum such applic mention previo u question public hash and public verif digit signatur function privat hash and public verif person can produc hash for messag can verifi that hash correct algo rithm depend privat kei meant unus doesn kei real differ share kei and privat ke i share kei isn publish privat you encrypt data for friend for your ey you sudde nli share kei encrypt privat kei encrypt and and messag digest function develop ron rivest definit rfc and rfc part code ftpmd note that transcript error found origin draft rfc correct algorithm call peopl refer snefru snefru famili messag digest function develop ralph merkl snefru round function newest famili definit merkl paper code ftpsf sci.crypt cryptographi faq miscellani archiv name cryptographi faq part la st modifi faq for sci crypt part miscellani thi ninth ten part sci crypt faq par t independ you read part rest don time send miss part mail don note such kah ref er refer list last part section thi faq anonym ftp rtfm mit edu pub usenet new a nswer cryptographi faq part cryptographi faq post newsgroup sci crypt sci answer and new answer dai content nation secur agenc nsa export regul tempest beal cip her and hoax american cryptogram associ and touch rsa patent voynich manuscript nation secur agenc nsa nsa offici secur bodi govern charter presid truman late a nd continu research cryptolog till present nsa largest employ mathematician worl d and largest purchas comput hardwar world govern gener prime employ cryptologis t nsa possess cryptograph expertis year ahead public state art and can undoubted li break system us practic for reason nation secur almost inform nsa classifi ba mford book bamfd histori peopl and oper nsa quot massei ma highlight differ publ ic and privat research cryptographi regard cryptolog prerog govern accept that c ryptolog research will conduct close door doubt number worker engag todai such s ecret research cryptolog exce that engag open research cryptolog for year fact w idespread open research cryptolog and will continu conflict two research commun open research common quest for knowledg that depend for vital open exchang idea confer present and public scholarli journal can govern agenc charg respons break cipher nation counten public cipher that cannot break can research good conscie nc publish such cipher that undermin effect govern code breaker argu that public

provabl secur cipher forc govern behav stimson gentlemen awar that open researc h cryptographi fraught polit and ethic consider sever scientif field not that co nflict occur govern agenc and open research cryptolog that conflict awar and mil d export regul nutshel two govern agenc control export encrypt softwar bureau ex port administr bxa depart commerc author export administr regul ear anoth offic defens trade control dtc state depart author intern traffic arm regul itar rule thumb bxa work cocom stringent requir dtc take order nsa and can refus transfer jurisdict bxa newsgroup misc legal comput carri interest discuss law surround cr yptograph export peopl law and complex issu scope technic group sci crypt make c onsult your lawyer will you thrown jail you lucki your lawyer lawyer heard itar tempest tempest standard for electromagnet shield for comput equip creat respons discoveri that inform can read comput radiat crt quit distanc and effort needle ss encrypt doesn good cleartext thi beal cipher and hoax jim gillogli for thi in form and john king for correct stori pamphlet ward thoma jefferson beal and part i adventur accumul huge mass treasur and buri bedford counti virginia leav ciphe r innkeep cipher describ locat content and intend beneficiari treasur ward decry pt second cipher content call encrypt book cipher initi letter declar independ d oi kei and unsolv document kei aficionado can join group that attempt solv mean ey split treasur beal cypher associ box beaver fall you can cipher rec puzzl faq l includ line send index messag netlib peregrin and direct appar version cipher float correct version base pamphlet john king kingj hpcc corp stori hoax kruh kr u long list problem stori gillogli gil decrypt doi and found unexpect string inc lud abfdefghiijklmmnohpp hammer presid beal cypher associ agre that thi string c ouldn chanc feel explan gwyn sci crypt expert unimpress thi string american cryp togram associ and touch aca organ devot cryptographi emphasi cryptanalysi system that can attack pencil and paper comput organ cryptogram includ articl and chal leng cipher cipher type english and languag simpl substitut playfair vigener bif id bazeri grill homophon and cryptarithm due for year issu north america for stu dent and senior subscript aca treasur west hickori mundelein rsa patent patent n umber file grant for discuss thi patent whether grant algorithm patent gener and relat legal and moral issu comp patent and misc legal comput for inform leagu f or program freedom ftppf note that origin purpos comp patent collect question su ch rsa patent flood sci crypt and technic newsgroup into forum voynich manuscrip t nelson reed edu nelson minar mail list subject address write subscrib vm mail list voynich request rand org ftp archiv rand org pub voynich sort inform manusc ript good bibliographi can found ftp site kahn codebreak good introduct sci.crypt kei for clipper brad clarinet brad templeton write and you ident ifi phone compani and sinc phone compani compli court order will magic number yo ur chip sign warrant you and can present warrant kei escrow hous make forget and destroi copi kei onc decid you not crimin todai curiou brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval view express and not employ steven johnson iru gd trw johns on trwac trw feder system park drive phone fairfax virginia fax view express and not employ steven johnson iru gd trw johnson trwac trw sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat for your applic you can encrypt r eal time clock secret kei almost had solv problem for and will type second passw ord secret kei whenev log work creat solut that can us and onc instal effortless start solut xhost control access relig problem store secret kei multius comput for good discuss cryptograph good random number gener check draft ietf secur ran dom txt internet draft your local friendli internet draft repositori for pointer good read and like idea unrel sourc strong mix function miss sourc suggest hard war rng that and unguess intrud unix fresh boot buffer relat network traffic sol ut basic that strategi requir reach into kernel sourc random output cryptograph hash function fed larg amount random data for exampl run dev mem slow random sou rc random bit bound bit entropi ten hundr megabyt data modern workstat memori fa ir amount system timer buffer etc heard thi solut and sound good heard that folk experienc time second run thi configur workstat not will add that delai login p rocess approach etherfind compress skip take second two run write and end solut that launch and simultan suck bit net and net sit idl that can compress finish u s thi guarante good bit and determinist upper bound login time and common case l ogin coupl extra second bennett bet sbi

sci.crypt word password gener word password gener program for will produc nonsens word pronounc lisgollan want forc user adopt secur password memor georg bolt email georg psychmip york sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom tim othi write get court order reveal kei make decipher past convers tape disk whatv er understand propos wrong mention session kei escrow entiti true theori practic technolog cellular phone will spread spectrum and quit difficult record cryptte xt kei frequenc path depend kei understand made effect imposs record onc hit lan d you can record you telco access telco isn suppos give that warrant that rule t odai even evid not admiss judg order that even intercept crypttext warrant illeg cop can record todai plain cellular call and judg hei can permiss listen tape c an wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restrict unapprov encrypt thi main c oncern camel nose tent etc that major concern that can win usa us thi system don even care cautiou that left don catch smart crook john gotti retard not realiz like wiretap glibli chat tap phone murder plan that jail hard true thi scheme ca n succe law forbid peopl fight lot harder thi that drop call digit telephoni pro pos rumour mean that complex sinc want crypttext telco system and that requir bi t work brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt onc tap your code good tcmai netcom timothi write brad templeton brad clarinet wrote occur that wiretap order you and escrow hous releas your co de cop your code longer secur hand cop and time good secur will not good escrow hous thi effect mean that perform wiretap you end wiretap oblig inform you that tap perform and replac for free clipper chip your cellular phone that onc code e scrow hous get court order reveal kei make decipher past convers tape disk whatv er understand propos wrong mention session kei escrow entiti eff note thi rais i ssu fruit bust lead incrimin area wors current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restrict unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel no se tent etc and becom wors ostens secur increas allow greater access central off ic record govern convers encrypt will object let govern access perhap even autom at archiv larg fraction thi main object propos that forc telecom supplier provid easi access for govern govern had access month year your encrypt convers take m isstep violat that get paperwork need decrypt want thi kind power tim sig block bust regim remark heard dai begin increasingli frighten signific comment made th at part world democrat note big socialist note small democrat wonder thoma jeffe rson thi anniversari birth thought state affair govern and govern view express a nd not employ steven johnson iru gd trw johnson trwac trw feder system park driv e phone fairfax virginia fax view express and not employ steven johnson iru gd t rw johnson trwac trw sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl jhessec ltt imc netcom jhess netcom john hess write stupid believ democrat stood for pri ncipl person privaci neanderth republican that want into aspect live clinton cle ver gui gun control for privaci technolog small step time rememb defend firearm defeat dukaki bush elect support for gun control thi democrat version defend fre e speech reject republican speech control wait minut thi hmmm feel white hous th i step fact final step noth fear god bless america hei grrreat bob dobb you pull wool your ey prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jer sei work cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt clipper crap encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and random p ass thought can cite document us encrypt technolog crimin and terrorist exclud i ran contra gang shaun hugh sphugh sfsuvax sfsu edu finger for pgp public kei sci.crypt white hous wiretap chip disinform sheet fascin content white hou s announc not almost noth threaten lot and sincer smile face and nice friendli w ord manag fact sheet public encrypt manag thing doesn give you stronger encrypt govern develop microcircuit that not privaci encrypt that substanti robust curre nt govern standard permit escrow kei need unlock encrypt system for escrow kei w ill govern gain access encrypt inform legal author de strong that govern can bre ak major effect make easier for govern break make difficult for nsa break sinc t wo escrow kei brute forc search for bit kei similarli didn make encrypt commerci encrypt commerci includ form nsa not break tripl de idea and phone compani offe

r de base system convinc govern and make monei thing didn make encrypt legal enc rypt legal and presid can chang amend decre make thi decis not intend prevent pr ivat sector develop govern approv microcircuit algorithm that equal effect assur privaci and secur kei escrow system mean make encrypt illeg your kei onc busi b ui into thi anoth thing didn congress for monei lot wiretap budget crisi and con gress debat polici issu not give cash attornei gener will procur and util encryp t devic extent need preserv govern abil conduct law electron surveil and fulfil for secur law enforc commun attornei gener util fund depart justic asset forfeit ur super surplu fund effect thi purchas mean monei congress can control and bui lot wiretap equip detect approv crypto that preserv govern abil conduct surveil mean prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow interestingl i design escrow want us unusu technolog such seal box paper destruct read memori typic comput databas fun for databas hundr million kei greatest danger escrow d atabas disk chanc that complet copi leak you can design lot protect corrupt comp let copi store paper hard copi onc make sens medium that can copi for exampl slo w access time leav destruct trail even read hard backup consequ backup data not warrant come wors consequ secret backup audit trail that reveal data access that can eras human involv brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt clinton boost spy spend heel clinton regist encrypt kei debacl c ome sphugh sfsuvax sfsu edu shaun hugh write yesterdai chronicl presid clinton a sk congress for author spend monei spy agenc satellit and intellig activ fiscal allot for congression and administr offici clinton had promis slash intellig spe nd billion year size nation vast intellig budget remain offici secret administr and congression offici disclos yesterdai that total billion increas request clin ton approv that extra monei into come encrypt scheme can easili crack theorem th eorem sci.crypt white hous wiretap chip disinform sheet wc anchor att bill stewa rt write fascin content white hous announc not almost noth threaten lot and sinc er smile face and nice friendli word manag comput err govern your friend nice da i penalti law refus prais seek prais twice sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow jhess netcom john hess write great wonder new can listen fed and can kei escrow compani thi databas that plenti updat can secur and that primari not secondari sourc such po lic kei warrant surpris neglect eras kei turn couldn nail you nourish waif and w ill pick your ey sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher articl qnmnp sol ti mjr ti marcu ranum wr ite traffic that your traffic normal and perhap desir listen won even bother sin c trust crypto that classifi intern for import stuff nice naiv fact that million peopl todai send highli confidenti inform unencod easi receiv cellular phone fi gur chanc heard small risk and peopl don understand crypto sci crypt newbi clint on tell good crypto and send import stuff and thank that longer clear voic cellu lar phone tini fraction peopl will want crypto wors ey govern swear and algorith im spook level secur and reason you possibl want thi extra level avoid polic you attract attent like lawbreak your honour suspect suddenli start anoth level cry ptographi and can tap phone call hide sign warrant search hous brad templeton cl arinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet articl lgaz dove nist gov clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write distribut thi topic i nterest wider audienc make thi decis not intend prevent privat sector develop go vern approv microcircuit algorithm that equal effect assur privaci and secur kei escrow system make thi decis intend prevent privat sector develop govern approv microcircuit algorithm that effect assur privaci apb alan barrett dept electron eng univ natal durban south africa rfc barrett und sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom tim othi write wors current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper arg u for restrict unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc excus thi h appen coupl hump tent folk qualcomm trivial encrypt scheme propos for us cdma di giti cellular phone standard restrict place loui mamako

sci.crypt amend and password articl apr linu mitr org ptrei bistromath mit r org peter trei write judg grant you immun learn kei you keyphras confess delib er evad copyright file encod thi keyphras contain illeg scan copyright peanut st rip judg and will you not that won can even that shouldn legal mechan will us cr osspost thi misc legal anoth court you bypass doubl jeopardi amend lapd trial yo ur judg state judg and feder judg retri you justif that not trail kenneth repli ken blue njit edu for thi elabor simul run devic sit tabl picard tng sci.crypt kei registr idea articl rlglendec lrwc netcom rlglend netcom rob ert lewi glenden write chide for state that dorthi den intellectu dishonest acm debat and thi newsgroup previous refrain suggest that argu behalf consult client that clear that dorthi den function lobbyist not comput scientist us legal ethi c truth you can convinc not scientif ethic truth understand extern world can rev ok acm membership suggest that you refrain such insult and you can produc evid b ack that claim measur propos pass last year such and scanner ban propos not atte mpt technic solut fact that notion split kei debat that soften thi propos sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat articl pivot sbi bet sbi bennett todd salomon brother inc write heard thi solut and sound good heard that folk ex perienc time second run thi configur workstat not will add that delai login proc ess approach etherfind compress skip take second two run write and end solut tha t launch and simultan suck bit net and net sit idl that can compress finish us t hi guarante good bit and determinist upper bound login time and common case logi n coupl extra second second hash core bet sourc your inform not accept part your login process you us network traffic sourc pseudo random inform thing and pass cryptograph hash function not compressor fact that will run faster will give res ult cryptograph hash function that distil random line etherfind count dev null t rick you timestamp and lack make that not ten line oppos ten take coupl second l ightli load ethernet bennett bet sbi sci.crypt kei for clipper articl johnson trwac johnson trwac trw steve joh nson write brad clarinet brad templeton write and you identifi phone compani and sinc phone compani compli court order will magic number your chip sign warrant you and can present warrant kei escrow hous let hope year ago telecom tech refus tap line warrant manag type told fire appeal dismiss lost make forget and destr oi copi kei onc decid you not crimin todai curiou good luck paul sci.crypt articl apr curtin edu zrepachol curtin edu paul repacholi write you can bother read video manufactur consent repli mail queri don video ask mont h and told rsn ask chomski book answer and you can due irrit dai etc manafactur conscent last part deter democraci bit domest world chill mit good noam bibliogr aphi paul sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet question digit commun encrypt fact sheet mention encrypt decrypt microcircuitri special kei for law e nforc for wire tap purpos want couldn develop encrypt that and partner crime had uniqu encrypt decrypt devic instal tappabl couldn circumv kei system replac int erest know microcircuit made prevent such befuddl layman languag bit technic mai l not net new pete deuelpm craft camp clarkson edu deuelpm craft camp clarkson e du regret rough sheet sleep herman brook sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc lgfi jqa netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write argu nose camel wort h note that govern propos limit scrambl telephoni us for that purpos and not ext end electron mail file encrypt improv current mass produc standard civilian tech nolog except limit easi break invert read line david strong hint that angl for n ren and conceiv mean appli thi technolog comput network that intend us exclus me an encrypt don lull wedg end thin graham sci.crypt onc tap your code good apr clarinet brad clarinet sez polic reve al tap even charg laid wai posit step had judg set time limit warrant assum rele v feder law usc sec author judg notifi target dai tap period extens expir thi no rmal practic wiretap law complet claus subsect read thi part show gov opposit si nc that involv notic target good judg compet jurisdict serv inventori requir thi subsect order date intercept etc postpon emphasi ad followup direct select grou p moral choos sort parent you start rough georg ad mark eckenwil eck panix cmcl panix eck

sci.crypt kei for clipper articl apr clarinet brad clarinet brad templeton write actual algorithm classifi main thrust for cellular phone and encrypt radi o end not end end end end will come encrypt radio link doesn make sens that mean telco decrypt and kei secur sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom tim othi write wors current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper arg u for restrict unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc not pick is n thi kind domino theori countri fall neighbor will sure follow and you mine sal t siberia for not turn captain crunch secret decod ring sure hypothesi reli wild assumpt thi face lad fort ask cook that pretti secur kei that can escrow neatli and govern plan sell thi thing for reason state evil gui fbi can effort abus sy stem new for you evil gui fbi decid want persecut you gonna and you gonna hate f act fbi doesn want listen your phone call and and you tripl de parabol microphon and point your head thi pretti effort govern exactli typic govern mismanag and full hole and compromis typic govern not bad wors interpret andrew tim sig block bust regim isn thi melodramat sci.crypt power similar unix tool cryptograph signific for anonym ftp agre p fast approxim pattern match tool sourc code project arizona edu directori agre p agrep fast fuzzi search tool tremend number power search option applic cryptog raphi kei select similar match data for exampl you make password phrase qimw you rightli suspect that thi kei not dictionari word list close entri that vari cra ck program brute forc search for you us agrep find argument for two error match good agrep qimw bigwordandphraselist find that pattern qimw close pattern imsel part and host cryptograph kei error level two correspond simpl transposit letter teh for minim accept password pass level order not immedi rule even remot possi bl good password real cryptograph us person passphras clear level larg meg word and phrase list and for search for kei word human type data lot typo tool unexce l for exampl for exampl want find peopl gibson book neuromanc huge lover archiv even error distanc specif small will find peopl titl necromanc common typo miss program can for pattern parallel boyer moor sublinear speed great for nsa wannab for your name terrorist name special tagalog religi word etc new mail spool dir ectori you can even search for ciphertext random byte combin and elimin text tha t don score chi squar birthdai hit messag size you crypto terrorist foil you cha ng pattern you problem agrep nsa find nsa nation secur agenc nsecag such agenc n ation scrabbl associ etc you can fix area for licens plate xyz you that letter c orrect you agrep xyz licenseplatedatabas will find plate start xyz two error add it substitut delet number area you can weight rel cost for substiut addit delet error for exampl search dna pattern for protein combin you that kind damag nucel otid drop error you adjust for thi bia set you set delet cost count error stegan ograph us even us agrep steg eograp find correct spell intention introduc error type and magnitud into plaintext and recov orgin agrep pipe lot possibl outlaw c an ciphertext agrep power extract option make easi abstract hit into form for ex ampl agrep pgp passphras zimmerman nsa output entir mail record delimit that con tain pgp and contain passphras zimmerman nsa and agrep measur order magnitud fas ter second similar tool publicli usual will glad mail sourc and doc reqest mail cannot anonym ftp thi power stai hand nsa gradi ward vendor nsa and proud gradi netcom sci.crypt pgp pgp mention for mac platform us do for do site two that exec ut sourc nice review fix chang mwe mearl netcom finger for pgp public kei sci.crypt zrepachol curtin edu paul repacholi write articl apr curtin edu zrepachol curtin edu paul repacholi write you can bother read video manufactur c onsent repli mail queri don video ask month and told rsn nation film board canad a gui gthoma nativ sci.crypt clipper thought despar prefer didn rehash argument that infinitu m last time that true for sci crypt for that matter creat alt privaci clipper si nc traffic appear group focu technic aspect plan followup sci crypt frankli you not absolutist your feel turn issu for exampl bit kei simpli split into two bit piec accept scheme mean that repositori overli pliabl eavesdropp recov bit kei n ot point thi newsgroup that that pretti easi exhaust search slightli complex sch eme xor ing kei random number and complement produc two bit subkei alon that var

iant resist attack can even sophist protect subkei even thought peopl note size and complex databas string phone emit back door kei doubl encrypt escrow reposit ori public kei for that matter that session kei and back door that case fbi brin g intercept repositori decrypt thi answer object line you make stop can even com bin that variant digit telephoni back door switch tap digit sign record time pho ne number etc call that proof escrow agent that tap complianc term warrant can s uggest variat suppos each clipper chip had public kei pair each us time you kei materi not bad idea event thi us enforc time limit usag limit each warrant kei r epositori agent deliv wouldn last for long suspect that cryptograph algorithm se cur apart obviou push weak algorithm you back door that govern genuin concern fo reign espionag aim commerci target thi scheme let spook cake and eat heard rumor year that faction nsa unhappi de good not that couldn crack expens easili want keep detail secret that don build implement back door cryptograph protocol anoth matter valid reason for keep secret and hope shown lot wai thing that aren quit bad sci.crypt work text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt thi announ c somewhat disconcert doesn evil and bode badli for futur open algorithm and sta ndard inform secur won start panick de rsa stuff that prohibit anxiou doubt won long post explain thi small part rang and long live nsa pkp ir fbi cia handgunco ntrolinc clinton conspiraci subvert freedom democraci and mathemat feel that adm inistr isn that worri thing de and rsa and pgp and ripem sinc never us group wid er comput geek fact that thi suggest two thing nsa work thi for long time and ha ppen readi releas world thi time nsa work thi for long time wasn bush administr thi plan find that thi sympathi for unescrow us cryptographi like administr felt that even escrow secret algorithm and for trivial breakabl cryptographi not mad e wide clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc thi technolog will compan i protect proprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent un author releas data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder state and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin major discus s involv thi clipper chip pertain encrypt telephon convers that mean thi chip de sign work primarili analog signal languag sort suggest thi hard main thing don w hether thi chip implement symmetr asymmetr cryptograph techniqu guess symmetr do n clear symmetr for link level encrypt ident chip each end can you negoti per se ssion kei symmetr cryptographi trust parti your kei even us per session kei asym metr pkp patent claim cover method asymmetr cryptographi get royalti hide infrin g real reason for keep algorithm secret marc vanheyningen mvanheyn indiana edu m ime ripem accept kirk won hurt you alien you hit kirk won hit you sci.crypt onc tap your code good chang login password coupl month suck had sparc station everytim want thi that thi expect you you want routin chang your password your phone govern contractor doesn mind system you can cheapli chang ke i de inher secur advantag algorithm involv tim cuffel finger for pgp cia admit t hat assassin saddam hussien goal fail that motorcad downtown dalla trick work on c sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher articl betel camelot betel camelot bradle i edu robert crawford write jai fenton fenton kaleida write can govern encrypt m ethod decod traffic order accus unauthor strong encrypt techniqu kei escrow run ciphertext and draw blank think thi quit system transmit clear serial number dev ic us that can start tap serial number and us warrant for tap kei tap appar encr ypt don find that prefix assum author encrypt scheme limit detail releas that cl ipper chip system emploi sort public kei cryptographi kei manag problem inher sy metr cipher make system unwork sort public kei exchang that take place start eac h call that identifi privat kei data base thi mean that nsa develop rsa public k ei algorythm fed decid subsid pkp rsadsi excit posibl sinc keep algorythm secret make chip impliment wide avalib will exception hard fed forc make aval order ga in public accept that break rsa stranglehold public kei crypto for impress schem e that ban strong crypto opt content that algorythm secret protect secur kei reg istr suggest inher weak algorythm like that dont want construct black market dev ic dont kei regist notic that session talk releas kei peopl proper autior carefu lli danc state that kei will simpli supeona open posibl obtain kei court order e ven tap phone line requir pick implicit threat eith accept thi ban strong crypto

outright dont trust thi plan and plan oppos legal wai bill smyth sci.crypt onc tap your code good tcmai netcom timothi write wors current u nsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restrict unapprov e ncrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc agre thi danger not system that thi polit issu not technic amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow gtoal new ib mpcug graham toal write read line david strong hint that angl for nren honestli didn and conceiv mean appli thi technolog comput network that intend us exclus m ean encrypt disagre for reason that standard place even restrict encrypt nren ca re internet commerci nren for geovern and univers research read propos data supe rhighwai for crai user not internet amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt clipper chip propos guv thi articl post local newsgroup haven fo llowup traffic relat group group subscrib post can read check and comment and pr ovid idea for handl sort thing verif accuraci lack accuraci thi articl accur fin d extrem disturb light abus ssn number privaci understand requir renew driver li cens regist car and propos smart nation ident card wiretap propos and such simpl i wonder gem wing readi sprung peopl govern perhap suggest and idea for prevent thi and such propos acquir forc law cost simpli outweigh benefit imo btw read th i make idea prof den promot even disturb form that comment articl follow begin i nclud articl note thi file will anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov director i pub nistnew and nist comput secur bb white hous offic press secretari for rele as april statement press secretari presid todai announc initi that will bring fe der govern togeth industri voluntari program improv secur and privaci telephon c ommun meet legitim law enforc initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur telecommun network and wireless commun link for long di alogu privat sector and law enforc commun resolv tension econom vital and real c halleng protect american us technolog accommod sometim compet interest econom gr owth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit govern industri and right privaci law enforc sophist encrypt technolog us for year protect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail and comput file encrypt technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas person inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin state art microcircuit call clipper chip develop govern engin chip repres approach encrypt technolog can us rel inexpens encrypt devic that can attach or dinari telephon scrambl telephon commun encrypt algorithm that power commerci us todai thi technolog will compani protect proprietari inform protect privaci per son phone convers and prevent unauthor releas data transmit electron time thi te chnolog preserv abil feder state and local law enforc agenc intercept lawfulli p hone convers crimin kei escrow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law abid american each devic contain chip will two uniqu kei num ber that will need author govern agenc decod messag encod devic devic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will establish attorne i gener access kei will limit govern offici legal author conduct wiretap clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content privat convers american demonst r effect thi technolog attornei gener will purchas thousand devic addit respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and pu blicli report find chip import step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encry pt help protect privaci individu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist cl ipper chip and approach that can provid law abid citizen access encrypt and prev ent crimin hide illeg activ order assess technolog trend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc develop comprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci citizen includ emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos abil a uthor offici access telephon call and data proper court legal order protect citi zen effect and time us modern technolog build nation inform infrastructur need p romot econom growth and competit american industri global marketplac and compani manufactur and export high technolog product presid direct earli and frequent c onsult affect industri congress and group that advoc privaci right individu poli ci option develop administr commit work privat sector spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telecommun and comput technolog give american unpreced ac cess inform thi infrastructur high speed network inform superhighwai will transm it video imag hdtv program and huge data file easili todai telephon system trans

mit voic sinc encrypt technolog will plai increasingli import role that infrastr uctur feder govern act quickli develop consist comprehens polici us administr co mmit polici that protect american privaci protect break law inform provid accomp ani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt technolog for addit detail ca ll mat heyman nation institut standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach expand author govern agenc listen phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content privat convers american suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap plac e present document thi author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obtain ke i for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur sec ur kei escrow system will run kei escrow data bank two kei escrow data bank will run two independ entiti thi point depart justic and administr determin agenc wi ll overse kei escrow data bank strong secur devic can strong secur thi system se cur voic encrypt system readili todai algorithm will remain classifi protect sec ur kei escrow system will invit independ panel cryptographi expert evalu algorit hm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner decis propos thi product nation secur council justic depart commerc depart and kei agenc involv thi decis thi approac h endors presid vice presid and cabinet offici consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and expect discuss intensifi carri review en crypt polici brief member congress and industri leader decis relat thi initi wil l govern provid hardwar manufactur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid microcircuit product manufactur product manufactur can a cquir microcircuit chip manufactur that produc clipper chip mykotronx program fa cil torranc california and will sell chip encrypt devic manufactur program funct ion licens vendor futur bui encrypt devic expect manufactur incorpor clipper chi p into devic administr unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi fundament polici question will c onsid broad polici review kei escrow mechan will provid american encrypt product that secur conveni and expens readili todai piec comprehens approach encrypt te chnolog administr develop administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri effect that american matter ent itl unbreak commerci encrypt product fals tension creat assess that thi issu pro posit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos cli pper chip and similar encrypt techniqu thi decis clinton administr polici encryp t will differ that bush administr that understand import encrypt technolog telec ommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find innov w ai protect american privaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fig ht crime and terror will devic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic enc rypt devic subject export control requir case case review for each export requir ensur us devic true for encrypt devic attract thi technolog protect can give co mpani oper home and abroad thi mind expect export licens will grant case case ba si for compani seek us devic secur commun abroad plan review possibl permit wide r export product end includ articl pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and n ot albert einstien sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl dorot hi ibmpcug gtoal new ibmpcug graham toal write read line david strong hint that angl for nren and conceiv mean appli thi technolog comput network that intend us exclus mean encrypt umm beg differ phrase conceiv mean sdn protocol for exampl make explicit provis for multipl encrypt system pem and love mandat thi system f or pem disclos mind you not that multipl algorithm will us relev technolog provi d for cast doubt your choic word sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac clipper chip respons fact that busi profession bodi posit establish standard and provid chipset implement for analog digial transmiss system rsa posit had activ cooper coupl manufactur c ellular phone desktop phone larg compani voic data comm busi contract gov us pre ssur profession crypto organ eff etc put collect mind and interest establish cry pto standard for transmiss and get compani implement avoid govern control will h appen default gov isn strong foolish prevent strong crypt strong and foolish pus

h clipper chip rsa independt gov spearhead thi for gladli pai royalti purchas se cur phone not thi provid algorithm can implement and publish push make defacto s tandard that pgp and ripem such oppos charg bunker nimbl and clever gov strong n ot clever lew lew glenden rlglend netcom perspect worth point niel bohr that sci.crypt trinomi base prng mail peter boucher post question mail bounc ap olog thsoe not interest trinomi form you read bremner trinomi type math scand zb l ljunggren irreduc trinomi and quadrinomi math scand tverberg irreduc trinomi m pm mpm math scand tverberg cubic factor trinomi math scand zbl jame davenport jh d math bath sci.crypt clipper crap encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu and industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and necess p lea for infring human freedom argument tyrant creed slave william pitt carl kadi not repres organ thi kadi uiuc edu sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac robert lewi glenden rlglen d netcom wrote clipper chip respons fact that busi profession bodi posit establi sh standard and provid chipset implement for analog digial transmiss system rsa posit had activ cooper coupl manufactur cellular phone desktop phone rsa indepen dt gov spearhead thi for gladli pai royalti purchas secur phone hear hear comple t agre that work quickli establish altern govern clinton clipper brad templeton and note onc clipper becom ensconc phone will enorm pressur make legal standard and will becom market standard lot confus propos whether us clipper mandat wheth er escrow altern will allow etc unclear issu hard illeg will make workalik meet standard gener phoni untapp kei week will issu thrash thi and group meanwhil int erest hear rsa data secur reaction critic thi group for licens polici usual comp laint mailsaf cost and gener issu softwar patent find that alli ourselv rsa thin g can mere licens fee liberti stake want true secur paid for lifetim us rsa pate nt expir period rsa make ton monei and happi small price pai for sound actual te rm spread year small price pai strong crypto mean strong privaci escrow kei send copi kei larg databas and split kei into two bit piec secret and analyz protoco l and algorithm not strong crypto abstract principl patent number theori applic thi minor issu pale comparison potenti danger clipper propos note that potenti l earn come month rsa algorithm public analyz and attack for year and sourc code e nsur deliber weak trapdoor number group put togeth voic encrypt system shelf har dwar soundblast board for and celp type softwar gener pc fast and pentium fast r eal time voic encrypt combin diffi hellman kei exchang thi provid altern clipper system don administr propos outlaw compet system that goal tap terrorist child pornograph and hilari basher thwart low cost altern clipper prolifer not defend child pornograph terrorist limit basic freedom catch crimin not american thing e nd soapbox mode suggest group set differ had rsa and don macpgp and fulli legal copi mailsaf and work quickli can rsa jim you listen tim reserv retract opinion turn that rsa data secur involv clipper propos timothi crypto anarchi encrypt di git monei tcmai netcom anonym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform mark et apto black market collaps govern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow presum syste m work follow blank clip manufactur mykotronx and vlsi number produc carefulli a udit and ship escrow hous program chip half kei and print paper slip kei half an d secret chip serial number ream paper file lock box vault fuse burnt chip that kei unread chip escrow hous thing thi continu escrow hous perhap last chip cellu lar phone maker and thi public kei system almost imposs handl not rsa that not m ean that pkp doesn paid pkp patent gener concept public kei encrypt implement rs a brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl qnupd jpm new intercon amanda intercon amanda walker write jhess netcom john hess wri te great wonder new can listen fed hei statu quo worri fed tap phone high school scanner surfer kick eavesdrop cellular and cordless phone call you worri high s chool kid get kick scanner compar fed can and target statu quo isn good technolo g implement back door open state power and corrupt that abus that happen gui ama nda walker intercon system corpor john hess man jhess netcom plan moss beach cal if canal bob sci.crypt patent articl matt wardibm med yale edu matt wardsgi med yale ed

u matt heali write and bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg vesselin bontchev w rote and ahalei eoe andrew halei write coca cola and pepsi cola and can teach su re us pop patent law exampl discuss and make sens case cola jim reed sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write wo rs current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restric t unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc not pick isn thi kind do mino theori countri fall neighbor will sure follow and you mine salt siberia for not turn captain crunch secret decod ring agre you thi privat sector entiti bui crypto system that partial compromis kei escrow thi instanc privat sector entit i bui crypto system that had not properli evalu algorythm not public releas answ er obviou wouldn hardwar not compromis de exampl tripl de suspicion that price w ill drop dramat clipper system not troubl that clinton administr not stupid cann ot that fail realiz thi initi will fail crippl de never move can work coercion y ou polit you don realiz that thi step move make sens move ban severli crippl cry pto not clipper system easili justifi want encrypt subvert govern provid you sec ur altern us jail fine can you reconcil administr proclaim purpos provid law enf orc access encrypt data make clipper system crypto you simpli can and administr want govt hair for drug deal bui clipper system don sell crafti clinton type sho rt can that stupid ban clipper crypto answer administr collect that potato you j ump fast big and not face will bui stuff that doesn thi man hell jump gun interp ret andrew tim sig block bust regim isn thi melodramat wit letter clinton white hous offic press secretari presidenti comment line fax april sir and madam objec t strongli administr evolv posit encrypt and cryptographi shock clinton regim in creas lean authoritarian approach regard privaci and freedom govern oversight da i dai life appar that draft clipper chip propos incident gain notorieti big brot her propos incred ignor sly knowledg nuanc cryptograph develop and research unde rstand that kei step develop algorithm destin for standard full disclosur algori thm privat and academ sector proper evalu algorithm dep end care scrutini sector and such scrutini can provid true public confid secur algorithm assumpt that al gorithm will accept base assur expert full disclosur plain ignor addit assumpt t hat algorithm will market technolog such de character kei escrow lunaci easi ste p logic chain that probabl consum will prefer purchas equip not crippl govern ke i escrow matter tamper proof kei escrow cannot that even educ polici maker fail realiz flaw can assum that drafter clipper chip propos knew difficulti sell crip pl system privat sector thi propos make sens chanc succeed coercion even languag propos make painfulli clear that logic step outlaw encrypt devic and hardwar th at not uti lize big brother chip public larg not educ issu realiz lose expect bi g brother propos encount resist american peopl you will effici dupe onc pretti w ord harmoni encrypt and voluntari mortifi that phrase that us and character clin ton administr can happen startl question colleagu mine pose and realiz that ever ydai becom and relev reichstag fire plan for concern signatur shaen logan bernha rdt uni ac edu uni ac edu public kei finger and request public kei archiv pgp pu blic kei junkbox iastat edu sovereignti sign brutal past cryptographi not crime fight big brother propos sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher articl apr clarinet brad clarinet brad te mpleton write your honour suspect suddenli start anoth level cryptographi and ca n tap phone call hide sign warrant search hous make that access decent crypto pl ace can clipper voic clipper tripl dese voic copi your kei crimin us encrypt wil l cover clipper avoid thi will prohibit strong encrypt shouldn thi detect us ill eg cypher transmit clear statist properti plaintext fashion wiretap detect us pr e encrypt drastic increas measur entropi input countermeasur thi us steganograph techniqu put voic you can nsa built thi featur blow mike and observ whether ban d thug come your ceil pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt work text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt marc vanhe yningen mvanheyn indiana edu write main thing don whether thi chip implement sym metr asymmetr cryptograph techniqu don will specul peopl suggest that chip us pu blic kei cryptographi anoth possibl us diffi hellman kei exchang algorithm simil ar effect end agre session kei us symmetr cryptographi de for encrypt back door kei work thi system can possibl that algorithm properti that session kei can ded

uc eavesdropp back door kei for possibl communic perhap random number us seed ba ck door kei such anoth possibl suggest earlier that chip simpli broadcast sessio n kei encrypt chip intern secret kei thi system back door kei secret kei usabl f or decrypt thi session kei broadcast chip secret kei doesn public kei thi usag c an ident secret back door kei thi propos straightforward anoth possibl that encr ypt algorithm us for messag dual kei properti that possess two kei can us decryp t kei session kei exchang and back door kei for chip worth note that propos doro thi den rais amazingli prescient line discuss last novemb and decemb variat diff i hellman parti particip deriv session kei thi doesn quit fit into clipper work hint that had earli knowledg clipper think synchron clipper design had diffi hel lman mind hal finnei sci.crypt battl join articl apr qualcomm karn servo qualcomm phil karn wri te dorothi den wrong head idea administr even sooner fear lai long odd that clin ton didn pull thi plan bodili orific nsa work for year that den and promin peopl happen start argu for such system like that suggest involv thi guess wrong apol og pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt sourc that announc messag nist clipper chip come address clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc that ask ask comput telnet csrc ncsl ni st gov connect csrc ncsl nist gov escap charact org sendmail nist readi sat apr edt expn clipper csspab mail ncsl nist gov den georgetown edu hoffman sea gwu ed u mkapor eff org rotenberg cpsr org rivest mit edu mhellman stanford edu alanrp aol dparker sri jim rsa branstad ti mgrsplu csme ncsl nist gov quit org close co nnect connect close isn that interest dorothi den mitch kapor marc rotenberg ron rivest jim bidzo and govern rsa ti cpsr and eff repres don suppos organ care co mment thi white hous idea cruel joke peopl inbox marc marc horowitz nzu marc mit edu sci.crypt remot file system secur light recent paranoia govern propos love unix base encrypt scheme that file encrypt host machin file your home directori us kei system that not compromis eavesdrop modem line that thi requir modif she ll program and tell whether file encrypt not thing love potenti secur hole such system such system exist made easi us and readili good thing realiz that thi inv olv put nice front end readili and secur encrypt scheme for ear brad sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow brad clarine t brad templeton and thi public kei system almost imposs handl not rsa that not mean that pkp doesn paid pkp patent gener concept public kei encrypt implement r sa hmm thought that diffi hellman exponenti session kei exchang equival diffi he llman patent hellman merkl public kei system claim equival basic point stand int erestingli quot jim bidzo show media real announc and sound piss hadn realiz tha t pkp struck gold admit gener scheme that clipper jef jef poskanz jef netcom jef object never serv function imag name rene magritt sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write ti m sig block bust regim isn thi melodramat not two week ago regist concern progra m that conduct student organis univers texa san antonio result interrog capu pol ic attempt creat posit identif file photo fingerprint etc refus permit thi and f ile complaint univers administr vice presid for busi affair boss campu polic sta te that had interest legal constitut implic action greatest threat face citizen unit state decad unit state govern level feder state local opinion mine and rese rv deni time wwh sci.crypt amend and password articl apr sugra ken sugra kenneth write arti cl apr linu mitr org ptrei bistromath mitr org peter trei write judg grant you i mmun learn kei you keyphras confess deliber evad copyright file encod thi keyphr as contain illeg scan copyright peanut strip judg and will you not that won can even that shouldn legal mechan will us crosspost thi misc legal anoth court you bypass doubl jeopardi amend lapd trial your judg state judg and feder judg retri you justif that not trail lapd offic state california charg polic brutal and se condli feder govern depriv civil right crime scenario outlin similar oliv north trial olli confess treason aid enemi senat hear immun team prosecut crimin charg had sequest report immun testimoni lawyer brought probabl that team had heard s enat testimoni and strong factor prosecut reason thi walk free todai peter trei

ptrei mitr org sci.crypt sourc that announc telnet csrc ncsl nist gov connect csrc ncsl n ist gov escap charact org sendmail nist readi sat apr edt expn clipper csspab ma il ncsl nist gov den georgetown edu hoffman sea gwu edu mkapor eff org rotenberg cpsr org rivest mit edu mhellman stanford edu alanrp aol dparker sri jim rsa br anstad ti mgrsplu csme ncsl nist gov quit org close connect connect close note t elnet csme ncsl nist gov connect csme ncsl nist gov escap charact csme ncsl nist gov sendmail nist rbj dougm readi sat apr edt expn mgrsplu mcnulti ecf ncsl nis t gov iren gilbert igilbert denni branstad branstad robert rosenth rmr gene troi troi smid ncsl nist gov denni steinauer dd katzk ncsl nist gov telnet mail ncsl nist gov connect mail ncsl nist gov escap charact mail ncsl nist gov sendmail r bj jck readi sat apr edt expn csspab burrow ecf mcnulti ecf bill colvin colvin g angemi dockmast ncsc mil john kuyer kuyer slambert cgin cto citicorp lipner mitr org gallagh dockmast ncsc mil cindi rand postmast dot gov walker ti willi rand org eddi zeitler zeitler cri castro castro whitehurst vnet ibm telnet ncsl nist gov connect ncsl nist gov escap charact ncsl nist gov sendmail nb rbj readi sat apr edt expn smid mile smid smid expn katzk stuart katzk katzk quit ncsl nist go v close connect connect close foreign host telnet ecf ncsl nist gov connect ecf ncsl nist gov escap charact ecf ncsl nist gov tgv multinet smtp servic readi exp n burrow burrow jame burrow expn mcnulti mcnulti lynn mcnulti quit ecf ncsl nist gov tgv multinet smtp servic complet whoi intern net org nation institut standa rd and technolog dom nist gaithersburg domain name org administr contact wack jo hn jpw wack enh nist gov ft technic contact zone contact hunt craig cwh hunt enh nist gov ft record last updat dec domain server list order dove nist gov am arc nasa gov intern registr servic host contain internet inform network asn domain and poc us whoi server nic ddn mil for milnet inform sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl brad clarinet brad templeton write greatest danger escrow databas disk chanc that com plet copi leak you hard backup consequ backup data not warrant come wors consequ secret backup data isn warrant come you effect secur crypto secret backup you e ffect crypto thi poster essentiali argu crypto secur crypto data isn warrant com e govern will us normal law enforc techniqu catch crook thi bad btw bug isn norm al law enforc techniqu privaci clipper will becom normal techniqu jim inform far m for addr phone finger ohio state univers jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jim ebright mail jre osu edu sci.crypt sourc that announc note branstad ti and walker ti whoi intern ne t ti dom trust inform system inc ti dom washington road rout glenwood domain nam e ti administr contact walker stephen stw walker ti technic contact zone contact dalva david dave ti record last updat jul domain server list order ti ti and do ckmast infam address seth finkelstein sethf athena mit edu road hell pave good i ntent sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher articl nmb cof new claremont edu ebrandt jarthur claremont edu eli brandt write shouldn thi detect us illeg cypher transm it clear statist properti plaintext fashion wiretap detect us pre encrypt drasti c increas measur entropi input countermeasur thi us steganograph techniqu put vo ic thi detect pre encrypt defeat can transform spectrum encrypt signal ad pre ar rang begin commun function you can fft your encrypt signal think for pgp public kei finger mkagalen lynx dac northeastern edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl edu uni ac edu shaen bernhardt wri te agre you thi privat sector entiti bui crypto system that partial compromis ke i escrow thi instanc privat sector entiti bui crypto system that had not properl i evalu algorythm not public releas answer obviou wouldn hardwar not compromis d e exampl tripl de follow opinion not assert truth flame come background year sen ior corpor staff execut two fortun compani happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist attempt japanes french and competit compani and g overn break happi even escrow kei provid happi bona fide escrow agenc feder rese rv satisfi set big account firm trust nsa presid state trap door even happier co mmitte independ expert examin thing seal secreci and report back that secur trus t nsa long trust swiss japanes thi surpris suggest corpor feel pick corpor attit ud that nsa part govern and support govern famou ceo put dai perspect anoth poin

t view david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt announc consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and expect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief memb er congress and industri leader decis relat thi initi congress plai polit talk c psr academia public internet user heard top design top democraci state district chip manufactur administr unabl find technolog solut propos administr will us le gal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi fundament polici question wil l consid broad polici review wonder kei escrow system administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enforc will prohibit outright countri eff ect provid easili compromis version public that american matter entitl unbreak c ommerci encrypt product cra cryptograph right amend fals tension creat assess th at thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper chip and similar encrypt techniqu nice lullabi not sooth art icl leland stanford edu arc leland stanford edu andrew richard conwai write can work govern doesn want sell oversea easi for interest decod make perfect tool fo r industri militari espionag lull stupid bui into fals sens secur you will notic that mention anywher safeti for american repeat appear and stori pretti convinc that justic depart stole case track system modifi and distribut friendli polic and suchlik agenc world canadian mounti doubt swore scout honor that backdoor th at kind intellig want swamp terabyt commerci traffic dwight tuinstra tuinstra sa ndman ec clarkson edu toler tuinstrd craft camp clarkson edu homo sapien planeta ri cancer new six sci.crypt battl join articl apr qualcomm karn servo qualcomm phil karn wri te dorothi den wrong head idea administr even sooner fear administr thi that gov ern work for and den prime pump speak juda goat whether paid gullibl doesn matte r that nsa had idea for thi for quit promot den and siez opportun administr spen d monei espionag bush not that effect order total obviou you will lose your drug free and proud ribbon two dai you will catch neighborhood kid smoke sci.crypt battl join articl new claremont edu ebrandt jarthur claremont ed u eli brandt write articl apr qualcomm karn servo qualcomm phil karn write dorot hi den wrong head idea administr even sooner fear lai long odd that clinton didn pull thi plan bodili orific nsa work for year heard rumor similar govern propos risk digest peter trei ptrei mitr org sci.crypt clipper chip lurk bit and math unknown found interest thought po st articl found saturdai april toronto star clipper chip protect privaci washing ton reuter presid bill clinton announc yesterdai plan plant clipper chip govern telephon and comput line prevent eavesdrop eventu chip develop govern nation ins titut for standard and technolog us commerci and privat electron commun user whi te hous that assur privaci each devic contain encrypt devic assign two uniqu kei number that will need govern agenc decod messag attornei gener assign task arra ng that kei deposit two kei escrow data base access limit govern offici legal au thor conduct wiretap white hous statement dan mckinnon canada remot system toron to ontario sci.crypt sourc that announc marc horowitz nzu marc mit edu wrote messag n ist clipper chip come address clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc th at ask ask comput telnet csrc ncsl nist gov list name elid for breviti isn that interest dorothi den mitch kapor marc rotenberg ron rivest jim bidzo and govern rsa ti cpsr and eff repres don suppos organ care comment thi white hous idea cru el joke peopl inbox that person that list heard clipper fridai morn newspap and anoth fire letter protest nist point suspect thi list interest for reason not re pres cabal that put thi propos togeth thi noth mail list peopl crypto relat anno unc nsa mean nist tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom an onym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto black market coll aps govern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt secur clipper that discuss clipper secur almost irrelev cannot c hoos kei us kei chosen for foundri secur univers user good bad secur vlsi techno log inc trivial effort run ciphertext again kei manufactur talk million kei that will manufactur kei depositori can secur and incorrupt care convinc that ship d ock vti att and impenetr rememb chip ship kei you dealer submit author eventu bi t happier that govern includ our won full list kei manufactur miss opinion quit

wurman email zeev kei amdahl zeev ccc amdahl organ amdahl corp land parkwai free mont phone offic fax attn zeev wurman sci.crypt kei registr idea begin pgp sign messag articl access digex net p cw access digex peter wayner write system vulner simpl phone swap attack thi cri min will quickli figur thi and town depend that phone send serial number clear i nterv listen that and kei for swap phone isn problem for gov that that thi line belong you watch line and and kei for that case thi bit deeper jbl wxld thi unde rstood major problem that lot peopl don trust thi kei escrow stuff and fact that algorithm classifi lot thi look closer derek pgp kei request kei server pgp pub lic kei toxicwast mit edu derek atkin mit electr engin and comput scienc secreta ri mit student inform process board sipb mit media laboratori speech research gr oup warlord mit edu asel nwh sci.crypt pem and mime articl nigel msen emv garnet msen edward vielmetti write newel wcn washington edu wrote can global multimedia mail solut definit mi nimum servic level and mime not provid for thi internet will invest softwar peop l content suggest that attract mime format new messag dai suffici peopl think ad mime support new reader esp content worth imho long unix specif mua newsread et c reach servic level commerci platform such definit consist object data type and rule for handl includ transport specif document long mac and window mua and new sread readi handl sheer volum new and mail that unix specif tool cope choic feec hur make damn thing fast flood you bet that fast win usual make good point time friend mine sun mail compos sun openwindow mailtool handl mime attach and sinc d on us mailtool had manual save cut past and uudecod actual attach not inconsider amount time spent thi audio file origin messag mail header and uuencod data res ult audio messag singl sentenc that transcrib charact messag had sentenc plain t ext mail byte and second process and minut complet wast time and bandwidth conce rn send plain text effici method transmiss transport mechan shudder happen start post usenet articl audio file plain text meltdown net predict film eleven back mono thi sub thread longer pem administr polici redirect followup back comp mail mime greg greg earl phone fax internet earl isolar tujunga isolar earl elroi jp l nasa gov elroi isolar earl sci.crypt sourc feal encryt algorithm interest sourc feal encrypt algorith m you can sourc can find document feal advanc ciao hermann email sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac clipper chip culmin dorthi den let ignor that for moment fundament question can govern stop encrypt ignor for moment question patent process such public kei can govern stop encrypt proce ss answer freedom thi countri and time gun lawyer depend damag and assum that ca n encrypt thing care clipper chip concern phone line insecur period don care enc rypt wai sundai didn encrypt don trust thi attitud that worri clipper chip simpl i connect your handset your comput and feed voic singl process encrypt and trans mit phone gui hand revers can work you standard you you never pgp expect govern protect freedom kid you can protect your freedom final thought address eff you s upport implement form encrypt encrypt kei reveal you not specif action you plan support stop thi propos you not support thi propos altern you offer jester proof window viru widespread eat your disk space slow your comput take control your c omput perform disk access random time displai silli messag your screen randomli crash comput vesselin sci.crypt propos polic point view pai start thi propos mean polic agenc ba d idea for suppos state polic want tap suspect phone warrant dai unlik dai two f eder agenc give two part kei happen tiff two escrow hous posess releas kei becom polit bargain chit state and lower level polic agenc watch big boi plai polit p otenti good lead disappear live and properti lost statut limit run etc not menti on moder clever person suspect polic will bui phone faster tap request can proce ss stolen will ture polic come and arrest you for transmit dial licens bureacrac i and secur problem each escrow hous will request for kei disclosur authent put safeguard kind bureaucrat and activist feel comfort and long time that kei even request approv kei disclos will encrypt clipper type chip for transmiss bureaucr aci size feder govern databank size and data traffic project volum lot weak link kind problem will open for public expert scrutini fed leeri hand complet kei ev en state polic agenc trust and secur issu thi acut issu state polic had mishandl

kei result lawsuit financi settlement and polit embarass fed implement thi fede r agenc get kei perform tap and turn result state polic cuomo caus problem clint on aid urban area propos happen turf war state cop and justic depart case not ke i polit chit extra player game and tap tape anoth bargain chit state polic lose understand that legal wiretap quit expens maintain scenario pai bill dwight tuin stra tuinstra sandman ec clarkson edu toler tuinstrd craft camp clarkson edu hom o sapien planetari cancer new six sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt andrew richard conwai arc leland stanford edu wrote can work govern doesn want sell oversea eas i for interest decod make perfect tool for industri militari espionag lull stupi d bui into fals sens secur you will notic that mention anywher safeti for americ an don forget you countri that wouldn russian bui appl secur concern ben bena br uce monash edu sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac articl ygoland wright ygol and wright sea ucla edu jester write ignor for moment question patent process su ch public kei can govern stop encrypt process preced area govern like put tax en crypt technolog onc tax impos becom feder matter and suspicis unlicens cryptogra ph tool will bring batf fbi toss grenad into your hous batf appear logic agenc e nforc such regul feder control alocohol tobacco and firearm similari base tax fc c won sale receiev that can receiv band that suppos privat thi noth desir preven t harm interfer govern can make radio receiv illeg make you won claim control en crypt john carr jfc athena mit edu sci.crypt battl join articl new claremont edu ebrandt jarthur claremont ed u eli brandt write articl apr qualcomm karn servo qualcomm phil karn write dorot hi den wrong head idea administr even sooner fear lai long odd that clinton didn pull thi plan bodili orific nsa work for year that den and promin peopl happen start argu for such system like that suggest involv thi guess wrong apolog dorot hi den honest person and wouldn lie simpli question involv care phrase such that can jesuit evas true wholli mislead answer thi countri expert answer question f or instanc british journalist jonathon moyl kill south america coupl year ago pa rliament ask employe turn wasn paid wasn employe equal wasn agent abroad privat busi interview and debrief length return sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt dead giveawai r epeat protest that plan aim crimin drug dealer terrorist etc you tactic obviou t rot decad sarah and rest bradi bunch destroi second amend evid control nut feel will serv time export american compani concern almost that plan saddl industri h idden sabotag algorithm invent cabal japanes lobbyist sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr clarinet brad clarinet brad te mpleton write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write get court orde r reveal kei make decipher past convers tape disk whatver understand propos wron g mention session kei escrow entiti true theori practic technolog cellular phone will spread spectrum and quit difficult record crypttext kei frequenc path depe nd kei understand made effect imposs record not expert cryptographi scienc basic thing evid thing thi clinton clipper not address pertain opportunit for abus an d conclus base membership thi group for two notabl person agre bad govern theori almost end happen fact kei make abus imposs question author and rememb power co rrupt regard thi idea sens that will expand includ data form such data transfer and store data and such treat expand such expans will almost imposs stop clipper precid hint that propos rememb that bear not articul word briefli you onc hit l and you can record you telco access telco isn suppos give that warrant that rule todai suggest thi hint propos that thi similar propos consid for form encrypt s uch data transfer data file and such larg depend thi thing accept fli wise treat thi manner not get expand area cellular phone thi guarante happen thi propos ge t salami polit and us area us govern not easili give idea that eavesedrop whenev want court order requir proven flimsi guarante case warrant can siez materi and forc give kei sit jail forev period renew contempt charg not deni justic system inform abil lock guilti refus divulg mean access info thi not protect can forc perform act that result divulg incrimin evid block restrict privat encrypt not p revent legitim law enforc make illegitim law enforc bunch difficult fish expedit target knowleg don give safe that that negoti and clinton and quietli develop t

hi thing figur thi can ram come consult roughli describ insid cannot quiet impli ment ban scheme ensur exclus us nice document and reassur don bui into govern ea rn that kind trust past futur secur and free govern honest and that make abus im poss not difficult even evid not admiss judg order that even intercept crypttext warrant illeg cop can record todai plain cellular call and judg hei can permiss listen tape can us inform gain us kei save last case finish mean master kei bac kdoor easili broken algorithm find evid judg author tap wouldn thi common manner abus wiretap past for local cop thi workabl honest fed workaround bet for examp l that govern will us scheme nsa cannot listen scan for keyword easili defeat re altim master kei don thi thing sound elimin us fashion polic work build case pas t eavesdrop easi court order law enforc commun becom bit spoil and will resist t hat requir revert fashion detect work find somewhat surpris come bunch that care civil and individu right that put peopl question put peopl innard not reveal do esn exist master kei for us nsa etc can keyword scan etc convers routin monitor specif court order rememb cellular phone limiti temporari bet and not heard poli c tell peopl that tap and noth incrimin found simpli keep kei file for time awhi l quit collect for folk deem disrupt and kei that reduc search space lot rsa sch eme rememb nixon year for court order slow didn and escrow account not govern co ntrol fat chanc end treasuri justic worth buck folk kei competitor clinton clipp er descend thi idea expand us for govern encrypt buck kei innard for thi algorit hm perhap not import concern past govern behavior and problem wors govern thi cl inton clipper argu for restrict unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose ten t etc that major concern that can win usa us thi system don even care cautiou th at left don catch smart crook john gotti retard not realiz like wiretap glibli c hat tap phone murder plan that jail hard true will expand data storag encrypt yo u can bet that clipper accept that will agenda even hint propos read carefulli e xpect argumet you noth hide fine that argument not object video camera instal ro om home grant extem expans idea principl hold privat stuff remain privat even go vt fish expedit and law rule chang futur safeguard come fed govern safeguard pre tti meaningless want don work hard give treasur right establish bad precid price hell pai thi scheme can succe law forbid peopl fight lot harder thi that drop c all digit telephoni propos rumour mean that complex sinc want crypttext telco sy stem and that requir bit work peopl fight law forbid two year thi crisi situat a ddress drastic action thi ad reason restrict will bother somet hide etc don bui into clinton clipper good not make algrithm public peopl can exchang idea and ex amin isol respect expert respect for perhap professor like kei bank select exper t thi expand idea person advoc recal that expert examin will end us clipper chip secret perhap clipper will us crippl version master kei provis featur not prese nt version subject for studi and evalu expert and choos expert govern conflict i nterest and isn requir for decent encrypt scheme that not effect reduc algrorith m wide lead that assum side you for kei recal idea present thi group reject requ ir exist algorithm secret anoth question sinc safe bet thi clipper thing not us for govern secur not real secur good for common folk full descript not statement good mean strong good mean not excus that countri restrict not accept countri n ot bill right and constitut peopl not govern countri regard envi right revok pri vileg and expect retain right and protect not gut gotta thi thing fight crime al lreadi bill right pretti torn shred not permit weakin for anoth nobl repair dama g crime problem number right and safeguard not signifig broken court system and poor polic work signifig right disregard address root for crime etc btw suggest that thi attack clinton thi ballist reagardless propos thi thing anoth step grad ual eros right constitut bill right last coupl decad stop seri end run protect c onstitut stop good time isn late allreadi brad templeton clarinet commun corp su nnyval pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wis dom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt onc tap your code good amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write ev il gui fbi can effort abus system new for you evil gui fbi decid want persecut y ou gonna and richard nixon had had thi kind toi wouldn had send peopl into water g that not issu real issu whether thi will us justifi ban individu us privat enc rypt method unrel question isn term clipper neat intergraph sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat bennett todd salomon brother inc

bet sbi wrote miss sourc suggest hardwar rng that and unguess intrud unix fresh boot buffer relat network traffic solut basic that strategi requir reach into ke rnel sourc statist your filesystem easili and quickli obtain and output rusag sy stem call you can exec finger favorit heavili us system thi can second sourc cod e ripem ripem msu edu mark sci.crypt open letter clinton articl strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom davi d sternlight write simpl convert clipper propos unexception make voluntari that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow your kei you your long you your mean that you can us your encrypt sold bruce sci.crypt write paper comput protocol secur your insight into topic that r elat secur multilevel secur network semd refer book faq contact person name and internet address topic interest firewal gatewai model implement internet gatewai kerbero authent servic send privat mail eldar sfu and post board lot danni sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write wo rs current unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restric t unapprov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc not pick isn thi kind do mino theori countri fall neighbor will sure follow and you mine salt siberia for not turn captain crunch secret decod ring sure hypothesi reli wild assumpt thi face lad fort ask cook that pretti secur kei that can escrow neatli and govern p lan sell thi thing for reason state evil gui fbi can effort abus system new for you evil gui fbi decid want persecut you gonna and you gonna hate fact fbi doesn want listen your phone call and and you tripl de parabol microphon and point yo ur head mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagne t emmis your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi thi pretti effort govern exactli typic govern mismanag and full hole and compromis typic govern not bad wors interpret andrew tim sig block bust regim isn thi melo dramat regim come fruition make you protect your amend right assert your second amend right doug holland sci.crypt onc tap your code good apr clarinet brad clarinet brad templeton write occur that wiretap order you and escrow hous releas your code cop your co de longer secur good point hand cop and time good secur will not good escrow hou s expect cop honest underpaid for risk face dai media dump time and blame for so rt discrimin brutal can expect human lot case polic abus rang protect scam outri ght robberi work breakin local radio shack and alarm compani heard cop respond c all audio pickup store thi effect mean that perform wiretap you end wiretap obli g inform you that tap perform and replac for free clipper chip your cellular pho ne that onc code escrow hous you that big brother had listen want you polic reve al tap even charg laid wai posit step had judg set time limit warrant assum end time limit renew replac your chip that thi scheme not agre complet that make eas ier for govern encroach right individu founder thi countri spent lot effort limi t power govern and exactli govern right and thi didn includ gov spy bedroom imho thing todai design preserv govern organ expens individu and reread and earli he inlein book aren parallel thought polic can you spell waco texa and heinlein cra zi year bill internet bill celesti bill campbel celesti softwar thebe camco bill east mercer uunet camco bill mercer island speed cost monei fast you want sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc lgfi jqa netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write argu nose camel wort h note that govern propos limit scrambl telephoni us for that purpos and not ext end electron mail file encrypt improv current mass produc standard civilian tech nolog except limit easi break invert note that big issu for fed continu abil wir etap deep end long discus secur crypto for mail and file focu thi question that not ask releas whether thi propos limit telephoni govern intend expand share con cern express find propos threaten sinc american secur telephoni and jerk pair cl ip lead and goat can eavesdrop thi plug secur hole cellular and cordless phone r ead line infer that system highli secur access kei thi meet busi confront rich a nd power adversari includ french and japanes secur servic and rich japanes compa ni nsa make stuff protect law enforc legitim corpor trust nsa and delight high s ecur system certifi even price deposit kei escrow difficulti creat reliabl escro w corpor entrust secret attornei dai week and that system work pretti point view

thi fair start point concern that address includ reliabl escrow return access h igh secur crypto suggest that de and system breakabl nsa and similarli skill and endow good possibl check that propos system not breakabl doesn trapdoor govern can kei pursuant legitim court order can protect legitim commun econom adversari eavesdrop crook pursuant court order you thi you trust richard nixon your crypt o kei wouldn doug holland sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail receiv two note martin hellman detai l clipper will work post permiss implic detail fascin date sat apr pdt martin he llman hellman isl stanford edu long list recipi subject clipper chip you announc fridai time etc nist nation institut standard technolog announc clipper chip cr ypto devic messg net ask for technic detail and labor understand misunderstand l ack detail new articl your friendli nsa link somewhat surpris fridai call agenc suppli miss detail told info public thi denni branstad nist doubl check fact sin c assum awar thi wrong clipper chip will secret crypto algorithm embed silicon e ach chip will two secret bit kei will for chip system wide kei and will unit spe cif don nist and nsa will call will call system kei and unit kei thi messag will design extrem difficult revers that system kei can secret clear that want algor ithm secret and opinion for that thi state purpos unit kei will gener xor two bi t random number and will two escrow author escrow author will decid attornei gen er stress that will not nsa law enforc agenc that parti accept user system unbia s law enforc agenc get court order will present two escrow author and receiv and therebi allow access unit kei addit system kei each user will choos kei and cha ng desir call thi kei plain messag will encrypt will encrypt unit kei and serial number unit ad produc part messag will encrypt system kei produc serial number court order obtain and and law enforc agenc will us decrypt inform flow suspect link guess that thi constantli link court order sinc almost imposs link messag w ill flow thi agenc access serial number messag check serial number unit and watc h list for court order will decrypt obtain and decrypt obtain process assess thi scheme not kind endors propos scheme assess scheme knowledg will that for court order worri feel comfort not necessarili comfort two separ court order need per escrow author explan need stori add color research idea that silvio micali and kick spoke gerald gunther constitut law expert stanford and relat stori edward l evi pre ford attornei gener waterg visit fbi agent ask for wiretap author levi a sk for detail review case requir law agent told that predecessor turn blank sign form time levi not compli and chang system lesson clear singl person author pow er author wiretap wors divulg person kei sometim will edward levi and sometim jo hn mitchel martin hellman date sun apr pdt martin hellman hellman isl stanford e du smb research att subject clipper chip fine post previou messag sci crypt you post thi messag recipi spars request info ask for comment specif question thi po st apolog for messag unabl respond spend time answer mail and overload thi week respons note correct dorothi den met person nsa that talk phone understand like mine thi point transmit info serial number messag not doubl encrypt system kei f amili kei told call encrypt serial number serial number and encrypt unit kei thi not major differ thought mention and for bring attent make sens sinc cut encryp t comput overhead sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl qnupd jpm new intercon amanda intercon amanda walker write amanda intercon amanda wal ker jhess netcom john hess write great wonder new can listen fed hei statu quo w orri fed tap phone high school scanner surfer kick eavesdrop cellular and cordle ss phone call polit dissid scare shitless fed listen call opinion sort that disa ppear slightli free societi and sort societi will ten year friend had phone tap thi theoret for statu quo you can cryptophon compani cylink todai and work addit number group work build softwar turn into privaci enhanc phone and work overdr mode and crypto restrict lift thi incremement improv for applic crypto restrict you can us you want point maintain that perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qovj umd edu louie sayshel umd edu loui mamako write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write wors curr ent unsecur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restrict unapp rov encrypt thi main concern camel nose tent etc excus thi happen coupl hump ten

t folk qualcomm trivial encrypt scheme propos for us cdma digiti cellular phone standard restrict place you slightli wrong dump encrypt system not export not no t produc for us legal restraint citizen us strong cryptographi perri metzger pme tzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt hyster articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew moli tor write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write wors current unsec ur system becom wors govern thi clinton clipper argu for restrict unapprov encry pt thi main concern camel nose tent etc not pick isn thi kind domino theori john gilmor point repeatedli you produc infrastructur that permit polic state functi on that requir suddenli find live chang attitud part govern constitut built men had risk live ensur freedom countri design system make difficult for tyranni ari s for instanc reason fourth amend put make harder for govern make smuggl crime j est john hancock made monei smuggl rum drug govern everyon kei escrow and fbi ge t pet wiretap leav offic scheme coup happen dai world hour countri oppos tyrant monitor close tool place tyranni cannot stand tool thi place tyrann dictatorship successfulli impos give govern tool enslav you you can trust bill clinton you w ill that you can trust govern that will aris hereaft not will make that leap fai th tim sig block bust regim isn thi melodramat polit dissid such acut awar happe n polit dissid world world kill for belief call amnesti intern time find happen dissid world that seper place thin piec parchment nation archiv that constantli and erod such farc war drug coup happen countri that had stabl democraci for hun dr year govern histori fallen govern last for hundr year replac dictatorship you intens that never happen that you will bet your life and live your children and love construct tool tyranni enforc make order magnitud like that happen happen tool place stick naiv fool such leadership can protect hundr that fail thrive de mocraci led men skillful bill clinton fallen dictatorship rome had thrive republ run exquisit skill men tyranni for unwil trust that never happen hubri immun ha ppen perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt sourc that announc articl tcmayc mr netcom tcmai netcom timothi write that person that list heard clipper fridai morn newspap and anoth fire let ter protest nist point suspect thi list interest for reason not repres cabal tha t put thi propos togeth receiv mail mitch kapor that not list and not ad appli l ist guess initi theori that clipper list idea bad joke guess happi wasn conspira ci marc marc horowitz nzu marc mit edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr yuma acn colost edu holland co lost edu dougla craig holland write note that measur protect tempest surveil cla ssifi thi inaccur can bui tempest equip commerci even mac david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail short summari bellovin hellman nsa g lobal kei kei for each chip user can choos session kei for each phone call make chip kei and user govern and appar messag encrypt that system describ can possib l work happen plug ciphertext into receiv chip receiv chip receiv chip inform ca n work can comput system cryptograph useless and kei escrow bullshit messag decr ypt dan sci.crypt onc tap your code good dougla craig holland holland colost edu w rite mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagnet e mmis your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi lcd di splai vulner tempest regim come fruition make you protect your amend right asser t your second amend right second that jason stood van yell excus sir ain noth wr ong thi countri that plastic explos won cure steve taylor blew clinic real good steiner jupit cse utoledo edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good escom donaldson write amolitor nmsu edu a ndrew molitor write evil gui fbi can effort abus system new for you evil gui fbi decid want persecut you gonna and richard nixon had had thi kind toi wouldn had send peopl into waterg thi appear gener call name anti christ for hell destroi thi remark imagin that execut branch extract kei escrow hous know tell dick bit data hell gonna trot telco and unauthoris decrypt tap huh break waterg and insta l tap peopl break neat huh record nois execut branch phone decrypt box huh good wait til washington post get hold thi and decrypt nois like stare kei and hell n ot worth thi bloodi hassl truth even grant lot covert power part execut branch t

hi system difficult tap pot gear fact that easier tap hypothet system you place phone ration concern rais kei chop half and not xor arrang that egregi technic e rror built plan thi step strict regul strong encrypt that not issu real issu whe ther thi will us justifi ban individu us privat encrypt method thi suspect not g overn want make such reg hundr peopl usenet yell wouldn even slow machin thi mys teri right instant guard congress that gang buffoon can even balanc checkbook fb i don make law nsa ditto white hous bill clinton for bathroom big place andrew sci.crypt open letter clinton articl ili chinet chi schneier chinet chi br uce schneier write articl strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight writ e simpl convert clipper propos unexception make voluntari that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow your kei you your long you your mea n that you can us your encrypt sold bruce high qualiti secur nsa classifi techno log mean hand kei whomev pgp dai bill voluntari bend come wiretap chip base unit easier you will redefin your mean write and don even distribut honest bui thi t rash compromis and will bui algorithm not disclos nsa that make thi stuff public mean hand foreign power interest process sinc export control stop softwar wise carefulli high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog hand not you can drive nsa v an hole uni dark uni ac edu public kei finger and request public kei archiv pgp public kei pgp iastat edu sovereignti sign brutal past cryptographi not crime fi ght big brother propos sci.crypt hear view clipper browser thi group for time and concern clipper chip propos hope knowledg can influenti peopl write protest obviou step hint th i propos head committe etc major flaw plan cryptolog standpoint shaun hugh fact stupid thing sphugh sfsuvax sfsu edu ronald reagan republican nation finger for pgp public kei convent sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr ringer utsa edu whugh lonestar utsa edu william hugh write articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andre w molitor write articl tcmayc jex netcom tcmai netcom timothi write tim sig bloc k bust regim isn thi melodramat not two week ago regist concern program that con duct student organis univers texa san antonio result interrog capu polic attempt creat posit identif file photo fingerprint etc refus permit thi and file compla int univers administr vice presid for busi affair boss campu polic state that ha d interest legal constitut implic action articl johnson trwac johnson trwac trw steve johnson write remark heard dai begin increasingli frighten signific commen t made that part world democrat note big socialist begin accept that govern coul dn bother polit opinion wing pro establish type circumst that interest polit vie w recruit spook can guarante give govern line count histori socialist such perse cut peopl start assert that mechan administr can chip adopt legal forc let think place clipper chip exist for year defens project thi not parti matter georg bus h case advers tap call chief spook rememb secondli govt can quit easili appli pr essur simpli chum give huge defens contract motorola etc nice boi bill give nice trade monopoli sinc chip won avali foreign firm thirdli peopl democrat socialis t not socialist communist peopl thi educ system not suffer mcarthyit and dewi ve rsion polit correct sort tribun and show trial mees piss that social and commun thing and brought hous laughter minut realis that phill hallam baker phill halla m baker sci.crypt big brother clipper chip issu come mind consid law enforc aspect us big brother clipper chip drug dealer and terrorist aren caught thi type encr ypt york time report that govern investig broke narcot ring that oper highli sop hist equip capabl allow leader ring eavesdrop law enforc agent arrest deeli nsa offici lot medium size countri that proud signal intellig oper thi group for joh n gotti peopl sophist risk unsecur commun press big brother chip will increas nu mber even benefit law enforc us big brother weigh constitut and civil liberti qu estion involv for exampl area world tortur us investig tool local law enforc peo pl suspect effect mean obtain inform and shorten investig help convict rate high fact that tortur tool not us thi countri even court order obtain show probabl r ightli balanc question expedi and ethic and moral that question expedi versu mor al come into plai us big brother vote for moral quit disturb interpret veil thre at prohibit us encrypt thi big brother chip not put into wide spread us quick re ad white hous press releas that impress american public word hacker rightli wron

gli come mean high tech adolesc vandal struck that peopl post sci crypt thi issu intellig thought individu genuin concern privaci and constitut issu surround bi g brother hope that us big brother not becom mandatori and encrypt becom illeg h ate thi becom kind high tech volstead act high speed digit commun revolut come s peed sst time chang and ibm learn that can busi for past year nsa evalu anoth ap proach eff correctli question cryptograph strength big brother send stronger mes sag constitut issu involv gore want thi and for dorothi elizabeth robl den quoi cela vou concern cheri sci.crypt clipper chip and kei exchang method want question dan bernstein ask clipper chip exchang kei public kei bit long public kei scheme that secur th at kei size diffi hellman gamal set constant real scheme exchang verifi public k ei send encrypt randomli gener session kei encrypt decrypt voic trafic sort fast stream cipher can elabor thi show miss john kelsei mizzou missouri edu sci.crypt secur clipper zeev ccc amdahl wurman write that govern includ ou r won full list kei manufactur encrypt crippl chip encrypt encrypt algorithm gre at top secret and unbreak won even you doesn that make you feel secur robert cla rk rclark nyx edu big brother chip sci.crypt clipper chip work talk thi clipper chip develop question work yo u us thi decrypt end parti receiv phone call mail etc code undo us method for ca ll parti for anoth parti can decrypt doesn that mean that assum that kei us stor e secur data for retriev kei thi fundament question experi cryptosystem de give explan us rememb that had experi thi sort thing appreci justin york jyork iastat edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr yuma acn colost edu holland co lost edu dougla craig holland write mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagnet emmis your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi don classifi rememb that you author govt illeg tempest shield your equip effect tempest shield difficult you jim rogu neu edu rogu agen t sod nsa fund research not cryptographi area advanc mathemat you circular descr ib research opportun pick your phone call your mother and for sci.crypt fight clipper initi idea for you want oppos white hous clipper c hip crypto initi thi tough measur fight sinc govern invest lot resourc develop t hi high profil initi won easi defeat senat bill action respons mobil your friend thing thi list and work press talk your local newspap scienc and technolog repo rt write your favorit trade rag write articl for your favorit magazin newspap ex plain clipper chip initi bad idea rememb tailor your audienc gener public slow g rasp bad idea sinc technic and arcan and innoc sound not come across flame liber tarian paranoid extremist even you lobbi congress write letter and make phone ca ll your member congress your district your two senat member congress aid that ad vis technolog issu talk aid involv your local polit parti libertarian parti inte rest libertarian wing democrat and republican parti privaci surprisingli broad a ppeal span part polit spectrum natur alli aclu nra activist group that somedai f ind face govern that can suppress effici trend plai you articul argument you wan t draw peopl not familiar issu contribut monei electron frontier foundat eff and comput profession for social respons cpsr assum group will fight thi initi mone i for legal expens and lobbi mobil opposit industri compani that will develop pr oduct that will incorpor clipper chip lobbi and you work for telecommun equip ve ndor enlist aid your cowork and fellow engin thi initi and present your compani manag unit front engin talent thi initi write persuas memo your manag your name and your colleagu name hold meet public deploi and entrench guerrilla techno mon keywrench apparatu you can that mean pgp anonym mail forward system base pgp pgp kei server etc widespread avail thi kind technolog us argument that can effect suppress govern action will work develop tool for purpos prepar engag impend pub lic polici debat thi topic don tough thi fight will compromis want can outright defeat live modifi version thi clipper chip plan end prepar analyz govern plan a nd articul want modifi philip zimmermann sci.crypt can clipper stai classifi don ask million thing algorythm possib l stai secret couldn clever hacker grind thing layer layer and work brian mcbee mcbeeb atlanti orst edu finger for pgp kei sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret cryptograph protocol anoth matter valid

reason for keep secret and hope shown lot wai thing that aren quit bad occur al gorithm secret publish build physic ident clone version chip that interoper offi ci clipper chip cloner wouldn provid kei escrow hous hmmn technic hack that miss chip made unprogram serial and ship two escrow hous program halv kei that requi r that secret kei escrow hous instal clone version wouldn interoper thi get comp lic that crypto for you john levin iecc pob cambridg johnl iecc cambridg ima spd cc world iecc johnl time monei steal todai sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl pgfu dscomsa desi hallam zeu desi write view recruit spook can guarante give govern line count histori socialist s uch persecut and russia capitalist persecut for trade good black market and capi talist mind type imprison and kill for thing such sell drug gun pornographi and victimless activ doesn matter whether you socialist capitalist power and control central govern sinc citizen can trust run affair govern watch for good mean str ong cryptographi citizen gasp start hide thing ir sell drug gun pornographi and that cannot allow trial mees piss that social and commun thing and brought hous laughter minut realis that not surpris believ hand govern you that your privat l ife social and financi busi differ social and commun differ murder lethal inject chainsaw central economi potenti abus for accumul inform individu you credit co mpani bad democrat socialist societi vote for absolut privaci citizen not sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail djb silverton berkelei edu bernstein short summari bellovin hellman nsa global kei kei for each chip user can choos session kei for each phone call make chip kei and user govern and appar messag e ncrypt that system describ can possibl work happen plug ciphertext into receiv c hip receiv chip receiv chip inform can work can comput system cryptograph useles s and kei escrow bullshit messag decrypt descript algorithm plausibl explant can find that agre bandwidth advanc two parti standard share symmetr kei marc vanhe yningen mvanheyn indiana edu mime ripem accept secur divers theori state that pu blic avail good comput game vital maintain system safeti contrast secur obscur sci.crypt clipper nai sayer sound ftp archiv insert comment liber thi demo n memo big brotherdom white hous announc screw thread standard thi announc that american nation standard institut author defin standard dimens for screw thread thi step outlaw screw thread specif thi mad isn fought tooth and nail step crime us screw thread fearless leader gracious defin for purpos thi permit industri d raw standard pool specif and design ensur interoper thread object across vendor rubbish ansi standard screw thread will subtl weak allow agent disassembl automo bil easili caus muffler fall inoppurtun moment question and answer ansi screw th read standard will screw thread defin ansi good screw thread design hah trust wi ll us screw thread desir thi will make your thread object interoper correctli in dustri thi step clear band togeth write your congressman us pretti good screw th read not thi devil inspir ansi trash protect your constitut us screw thread you desir guerilla screw thread activ becom order dai boycott and build your car scr ew stz screw thread associ screw you bill clinton you and your totalitarianist t hug amolitor nmsu edu finger for pgst person screw thread pitch screw thread scr ew thread server freed sci.crypt white hous wiretap chip disinform sheet attornei gener will proc ur and util encrypt devic extent need preserv govern abil conduct law electron s urveil and fulfil for secur law enforc commun attornei gener util fund depart ju stic asset forfeitur super surplu fund effect thi purchas thi part that scare ke i can like determin person state approv encrypt method and not that person life forfet and profit make bust and profit power corrupt absolut power corrupt absol ut human natur not chang hundr year curt howland howland nsipo nasa gov nsi oper center nasa am sci.crypt clipper nai sayer sound bunch mean cynnic text screw thread size right peopl standard and gov regul screw thread funni your comment your person privaci citizen and governemnt you type into comput point anoth thi clipper chip stuff seed for nightmar make nightmar elmstreet chees celluloid movi episod rog er neighborhood gov establish cryptographi standard that us and person kei divid into two segment and store two separ albeit easi find place and that kei bit be gin screw pardon allus affor mention articl gov crack chip for thi clipper chip made hell base encod chip that crack that easier break code sinc classifi algory

thm that can crack easili for and quit scare thi kind thing and plan support org an and even disorgan fight thi clipper chip that can not want govern access even search warrant kei and don want kei bit long begin nate sammon hate quotat thi messag brought you you nate sammon and number ralph waldo emerson long lanc colo st edu sci.crypt crypto confer inform upcom crypto confer address submit articl a nd number copi need jonathan demarrai jed pollux usc edu jai jed pollux usc edu univers southern california depressingli stupid machin marvin sci.crypt onc tap your code good strnlght netcom david sternlight write fo llow opinion not assert truth flame come background year senior corpor staff exe cut two fortun compani happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist attempt japanes french and competit compani and govern break happi ev en escrow kei provid happi bona fide escrow agenc feder reserv satisfi set big a ccount firm trust nsa presid state trap door even happier committe independ expe rt examin thing seal secreci and report back that secur trust nsa long trust swi ss japanes lot hinderland will trust japanes trust nsa presid stupid fortun comp ani you proud thi surpris suggest corpor feel pick corpor attitud that nsa part govern and support govern famou ceo put dai perspect anoth point view and sinc j apanes corp aren part govern governor trust htere you peopl get tire thi patriot question and pai tax attitud that come america polit parti that cast david ster nlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except phil fraer dai fi nd sort stuff pgf srl cac usl edu ancient mayan had televison repo man sci.crypt onc tap your code good holland colost edu dougla craig holland w rite mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagnet e mmis your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi don cl assifi independ invent half dozen top head had studi advanc come good system reg im come fruition make you protect your amend right assert your second amend righ t doug holland phil fraer dai find sort stuff pgf srl cac usl edu ancient mayan had televison repo man sci.crypt thought clipper propos envis incorpor standart into commun syste m make preval market cheap that detach crypto chip commun equip logic provid cli pper chip end user not part phone fax modem form smart card compat telecomm prod uct bank will encourag extens us card make transact phone natur step will cross refer thi card person govern databas thi version wiretap propos make senc eavesd rop spell person not modem phone side note disagre poster won care abil govern e avesdrop sinc can that clipper will electron survelli citizen make monopoli gove rn can find exampl intercept made unauthoris peopl uncov crime state offici for pgp public kei finger mkagalen lynx dac northeastern edu sci.crypt underground encrypt text white hous announc articl qmugcinnpu ga p caltech edu hal cco caltech edu hal finnei write worst nightmar rais dorothi d en propos come true govern continu thi imagin that will strong cryptographi made illeg encrypt program for disk file and email softwar for encrypt voic commun w ill distribut underground peopl will learn hide fact that protect privaci though t work encapsul encrypt data insid encrypt data file file format can written gap hide data file format design altern data hidden dispers legitim data hidden dat a show kei and file hidden data indistinguish correct kei reveal presenc illeg d ocument devis custom file compress algorithm and and friend uncompressor and fil e appear total gigerish transmit file will escrow data file format gang requir e scrow hand signal color and catch phrase that import evalu content electron spea ch replac media pen and paper verbal speach and question sci.crypt unix crypt for do recent move unix do box and number file that u s crypt protect do version crypt found insist six letter kei and us shorter for your doug sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write not pick isn thi kind domino theori countri fall neigh bor will sure follow and you mine salt siberia for not turn captain crunch secre t decod ring for wrong attempt correct vietnam domino theori wasn disprov sci.crypt clipper thought cryptograph algorythm secret privat individu mak e clipperclon transmit messag fed not readi access thi unaccept hope start thi r eleas

sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr clarinet brad clarinet brad te mpleton write onc hit land you can record you telco access telco isn suppos give that warrant that rule todai even evid not admiss judg order that even intercep t crypttext warrant illeg cop can record todai plain cellular call and judg hei can permiss listen tape can long you will becom legal for polic record encrypt c onvers not violat your privaci can read encrypt warrant usual good faith except accident record encrypt convers cover drug except fourth amend prai for peac bil l bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac white hous c ommect line fax sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl apr y uma acn colost edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write you thi you tru st richard nixon your crypto kei wouldn you mean presid nixon not privat citizen nixon noth slightest interest presid nixon david david sternlight great care en sur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt white hous wiretap chip disinform sheet articl wc apr rainier at t wc anchor att bill stewart write attornei gener will procur and util encrypt d evic extent need preserv govern abil conduct law electron surveil and fulfil for secur law enforc commun attornei gener util fund depart justic asset forfeitur super surplu fund effect thi purchas thi curiou thing stu iii nsa design secur t elephon clear for classifi traffic readili law enforc agenc word standard fbi of fic for exampl hundr thousand phone exist govern standard doj bui phone that unl ik stu iii will not certifi for classifi traffic and likelihood will not compat exist stu iii gear for larg scale decrypt civilian clipper user and compat hardw ar phil sci.crypt propos polic point view dwight tuinstra post interest messag com ment effect clipper chip state and local polic read line good thing for civil li berti respect sinc will prevent cowboi cop and cowboi state and local aganc read your traffic tap illeg extens discuss eff forum for exampl inadmiss tap us deve lop inform that lead admiss evid thi put stop such thing time time simpl fish ex pedit david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss ex cept sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail djb silverton berkelei edu bernstein write summari elid system describ can possibl work happen plug ciphertext into receiv chip receiv chip receiv chip inform can work can comput system cryptograp h useless and kei escrow bullshit messag decrypt descript chip oper evid leav ke i manag aspect secret kei public kei broadcast messag initi result diffi hellman kei exchang similar protocol describ isn clear whether implement clipper wireta p chip provid system compon hal finnei sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail articl apr silverton berkelei edu dj b silverton berkelei edu bernstein write short summari bellovin hellman nsa glob al kei kei for each chip user can choos session kei for each phone call make chi p kei and user govern and appar messag encrypt that system describ can possibl w ork happen plug ciphertext into receiv chip receiv chip receiv chip inform can w ork can comput system cryptograph useless and kei escrow bullshit messag decrypt noth come session kei and chosen you choos session kei exponenti kei exchang sh are secret rsa etc you choos chip will appar emit escrow header you sci.crypt corpor accept wiretap chip strnlght netcom david sternlight writ e follow opinion not assert truth flame come background year senior corpor staff execut two fortun compani happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist attempt japanes french and competit compani and govern break happ i even escrow kei provid happi bona fide escrow agenc feder reserv satisfi set b ig account firm don doubt that thi will attitud corpor leader understand corpor exec don cryptolog and easi peddl snake oil and propos scheme major improv telep hon secur exist problem that secur scheme thi kind you concern weakest link chai n suspect that nsa put fairli strong encrypt algorithm thi wiretap chip strong d e ofb mode exist kei registri system make kind attack small fraction expens buil d de keysearch machin origin describ sound polic court combin acquir kei for chi p hope that not case sinc impli glare hole cost find crook jodg and crook cop fo r foreign intellig agenc organ crime boss even intellig scheme us access unencry pt phone convers will weak ness expens and difficult trust confidenti inform enc

rypt scheme that for crack time hundr de for complaint bit kei cost million doll ar build keysearch machin for million dollar confidenti phone messag headquart w orth nissan chrysler audi home phone major exec and import engin and design gee jone understand you had financi problem can trust nsa long trust swiss japanes n sa design algorithm secur like secur idea kei de system isn resist practic crypt analysi puzzl palac bamford describ nsa employe turn foreign kgb agent despit se cur measur that doubt big account firm match and nsa confidenti data not subject request thousand polic organ and court across land john kelsei mizzou missouri edu sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret apr iecc cambridg johnl iecc cambridg j ohn levin write quot cryptograph protocol anoth matter valid reason for keep sec ret and hope shown lot wai thing that aren quit bad occur algorithm secret publi sh build physic ident clone version chip that interoper offici clipper chip clon er wouldn provid kei escrow hous hmmn yeah algorithm classifi militari contract similar govern equival militari for thi proprietari design that fed that nsa dev elop patent that patent publicli bet that that classifi algorithm made public re vers engin compromis not goal justic read chip user cypto data reduc profit for select chip maker wouldn that bad danni bedlam dfl panix cmcl panix dfl danni li eberman box church station yawk yawk usa sci.crypt wiretap chip clone and secur kei exchang uicvm uic edu write cry ptograph algorythm secret privat individu make clipperclon transmit messag fed n ot readi access not necessarili think thi and thi chip scheme provid real secur sort kei exchang public kei encrypt scheme kei exchang scheme diffi hellman band transmiss share session kei protect that band eavesdrop phone compani onlin cen tral author gener session kei and send user point troubl complic kei depositori phone compani for copi session kei for each call not practic for each user onlin copi public kei us anywher will get kei verifi thi digit sign chip manufactur c opi public kei thi unit store thi unit onlin directori access public kei thi int roduc anoth weak secur scheme you don us your design kei you can verifi connect standard chip modifi chip you us origin public privat kei pair kei pair and veri f scheme thi not you call peopl and establish secur commun john kelsei hope star t thi releas sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher articl nmb cof new claremont edu ebrandt jarthur claremont edu eli brandt write copi your kei crimin us encrypt will cove r clipper avoid thi will prohibit strong encrypt thi isn true todai crimin regul arli us sort unsaf method cordless phone cellular phone plain copper wire analog phone that you can put allig clip plan and execut crime amaz stupid fbi keen di git telphoni law and successor clipper chip hope that crook will remain stupid f eel safe clipper chip phone and caught brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunny val sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl apr m agnu ac ohio state edu jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jame ebright write artic l brad clarinet brad templeton write greatest danger escrow databas disk chanc t hat complet copi leak you hard backup consequ backup data not warrant come wors consequ secret backup data isn warrant come you effect secur crypto secret backu p you effect crypto thi poster essentiali argu crypto secur crypto poster brain wrong gear you can infer sentenc meant consequ backup consequ easi copi databas brad templeton clarinet commun corp sunnyval sci.crypt compet standard perhap get thi crippl chip that govern push come good altern for exampl scheme rsa and hybrid de cfb and anoth strong stream cip her idea cfb thi substanti crippl chip that kei registr polic demand that you gi ve your secret kei court issu warrant read last month wiretap messag you and ass um you commit crime you gener kei pair and your busi find that will pai rsa for us such system altern you unwil give your secret kei you stai jail real legal pr eced for thi thi court issu warrant us gather inform suspect crimin couldn secre ci and enorm likelihood corrupt theft escrow kei law enforc intellig commun will correct thi doesn such big loss term law enforc capabl comment john kelsei sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail articl apr ulyss att smb research at t steven bellovin write noth come hellman each user will choos kei that kei call session kei hellman alic and bob commun clipper chip alic choos kei and bob cho

os kei thi incompat suggest that alic and bob talk us common chosen classic publ ic kei approach protocol kei manag descript publish incomplet incorrect leav ide a system work hope cpsr foia request succe that full detail dan sci.crypt fight clipper initi prz sage cgd ucar edu philip zimmermann writ e philip your idea and construct for articul thi forum work press talk your loca l newspap scienc and technolog report write your favorit trade rag write articl for your favorit magazin newspap explain clipper chip initi bad idea rememb tail or your audienc gener public slow grasp bad idea sinc technic and arcan and inno c sound not come across flame libertarian paranoid extremist even you flame libe rtarian paranoid extremist loss for specif object that don sound frighteningli t echnic suggest perhap post list mobil opposit industri compani that will develop product that will incorpor clipper chip lobbi and you work for telecommun equip vendor enlist aid your cowork and fellow engin thi initi and present your compa ni manag unit front engin talent thi initi write persuas memo your manag your na me and your colleagu name hold meet thi suggest that compani implement scheme no t limit govt scheme find that reason for opposit clipper scheme algoritm insecur and mistrust govt nsa hard sell letter editor and nontechn peopl hint advic sma ll faq type thing hate clipper good idea jame holthau jame holthau uiowa edu gov ern associ men violenc rest leo tolstoi pgp public kei request kei server sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret johnl iecc cambridg john levin write cr yptograph protocol anoth matter valid reason for keep secret and hope shown occu r algorithm secret publish build physic ident clone version recal post time ago that detail encrypt scheme couldn reveal encrypt scheme worthless statement resp ons that had snazzi scheme algorithm secret thi algorithm depend fact that schem e secret for state reason mike sci.crypt fight clipper initi flame libertarian paranoid extremist loss fo r specif object that don sound frighteningli technic idea that foist crippl chip standard manufactur result sayonara anoth high tech market isn technic isn diff icult understand and plai concern lot peopl worri sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encryp brad clarinet br ad templeton write assum for moment that system secur you halv encrypt kei two i ndepend escrow hous you even trust escrow hous aclu and eff and not joke two nam e internet thi bit test messag even token repli appreci read thi figur thi excel method corrupt aclu and eff wish for gaurd guardian etc sci.crypt automat onlin encrypt data andersom spot colorado edu marc ander son box that you plug your phone into encrypt voic commun similar box digit inpu t speech transmit and decrypt end don public kei system work thi regard heh heh post thi read clinton chip messag guess beat great idea develop such product per hap underground becom illeg pretti quickli feasibl and shouldn expens that need box phone jack side dsp middl codec function speech compress bytestream and side you plug your phone into plug into your comput and good fashion normal modem yo ur port cpu middl encrypt version pgp modifi work byte stream bi modem carri byt estream work qualiti margin lower normal telephon highest price you us voic mail compat modem digitis that put upper bound cost such box practic you price below softwar cheap nasti home risc box acorn archimed digitis microphon bought for p ound knew write good speech compress softwar don reason won work that will consu m equip encrypt will us wiretap chip econom afraid can kcp throughput internet e ven bottleneck bi modem isdn for and nren trivial run compress speech tcp connec t internet perhap start think standard voic internet compat for and side step cl ipper stuff and us internet for phone call futur joke sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail protocol kei manag descript publish incomplet incorrect leav idea system work hope cpsr foia request succe that full detail wouldn easier den georgetown edu sci.crypt corpor accept wiretap chip nsa design algorithm secur like secur idea kei de system isn resist practic cryptanalysi puzzl palac bamford describ nsa employe turn foreign kgb agent despit secur measur that doubt big account fi rm match and nsa confidenti data not subject request thousand polic organ and co urt across land don mention ronald william pelton heh heh heh embarrass nsa kgb sci.crypt clipper propos kei length danni weitzner djw eff org write april initi eff analysi clinton privaci and secur propos detail propos escrow bit kei

will divid two escrow agent each hold bit each kei manufactur commun devic requ ir regist kei two independ escrow agent kei ti devic not person subvert two escr ow agent bit space search doesn sound that big digit telephoni subject plaintext attack case half kei that need and two agent escrow arrang pointless unknown al gorithm turn gap speech into pseudo random sequenc magic involv mike bell promi sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante a merican bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and i nterpret context not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for ind ividu carri handgun grenad and assault rifl robert ward sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl mizzou missouri edu mizzou missouri edu john kelsei write strnlght netcom david sternlight write stuff delet exist kei registri system make kind attack small f raction expens build de keysearch machin origin describ sound polic court combin acquir kei for chip hope that not case sinc impli glare hole cost find crook jo dg and crook cop for foreign intellig agenc organ crime boss even intellig schem e us access unencrypt phone convers will weak ness expens and difficult trust co nfidenti inform encrypt scheme that for crack time hundr de for complaint bit ke i cost million dollar build keysearch machin for can bui de keysearch machin she lf for approx not sold that name bui circuit emul machin quickturn contain bunch fpga and program each de search engin let chip run mhz test sec time sec max we ek week averag can wait that long bui bigger machin david lewi sci.crypt onc tap your code good amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write no t pick isn thi kind domino theori countri fall neighbor will sure follow and you mine salt siberia for not turn captain crunch secret decod ring interest column editori page dalla morn new saturdai walter william professor georgetown doroth i you not kansa anymor den articl titl govern slowli erod liberti and tell stori attribut late leonard read explain that you want liberti american you had cook frog read you can cook frog boil pot water and throw frog reflex quick that feet touch water will leap you put frog pot cold water and heat bit bit time frog re aliz cook late american freedom onc natur rebel and suppress tyrant success frog cook liberti can bit time last line articl not late for water get pretti warm t oagre that warm and clipper keep temperatur upward note followup redirect alt pr ivaci clipper jim jdailei asic pai absolut attent opinion forego inform cannot p ossibl repres viewpoint sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl apr clar inet brad clarinet brad templeton write assum for moment that system secur you h alv encrypt kei two independ escrow hous you even trust escrow hous aclu and eff and not joke two name that case princ wale noth worri thi system respectfulli d isagre thi assert brad govern notori sloppi physic commun and inform secur can c omput safe and read dea not adequ protect nation secur inform gao imtec for exce l exampl talk privat sector organ tend even lax secur measur that escrow organ w ill penetr foreign intellig servic month not week select privat organ that lack resourc full flege intellig servic will longer perhap order two year nonetheless penetr will place question philip moyer ecn softwar staff engin comput network voic prm ecn purdu edu fax sci.crypt open letter clinton strnlght netcom david sternlight write simpl convert clipper propos unexception make voluntari you not read propos that volu ntari program thi doesn make desir that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi tech nolog you agre escrow your kei you your secur you nsa make you trust yeah you yo ur you that tomorrow will not outlaw encrypr devic that don us technolog promis you gee not even that read propos regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev v iru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public ke i request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt onc tap your code good strnlght netcom david sternlight write fo llow opinion not assert truth flame incompet almost you post you flame come back ground year senior corpor staff execut two fortun compani your year background t wo fortun compani live year totalitarian regim and boi can recogn totalitarian p lot happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist that you

happi us you secur talk intellig peopl crimin you don previou sentenc don want privaci guarante invad govern current and futur govern mind you happi even escro w kei provid happi bona fide escrow agenc feder reserv satisfi set big account f irm even you ignor nonsens statement for moment and even you happi such system a nd current escrow agenc guarante that you happi tomorrow govern current govern t hrow sheep skin sheep reason you will caught surpris will late cryptographi that not guarante breakabl govern will outlaw you privaci that breakabl law enforc a genc you law abid you reason us stronger you stronger you hide law enforc agenc unlaw strong crypto clear idndic that you unlaw trust nsa presid state trap leve l compet cryptolog that you demonstr your messag you trust and thi not hominem a ttack attack content your messag grin door even happier committe independ expert examin thing seal secreci and report back that secur and you that expert not co rrupt and you that will not make mistak and you that version algorithm will exam in that will us mistak even inform reveal secur hole protocol bit kei split two bit system easili breakabl you kei trust nsa long trust swiss japanes swiss japa nes motiv simpl greed nsa motiv control peopl that drug dealer account swiss ban k american for reason trust swiss bank guess trust swiss encrypt idea suddenli p opular thi surpris suggest corpor feel pick corpor attitud that nsa part govern and support govern famou ceo put dai not surpris not reason you give obviou that govern put lot monei thi program and will support corpor will piec pie support good greed strong encrypt not wide not plot compani don monei will even compani can penalti associ perspect anoth point view yeah predict you support system reg ard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel f ax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bon tchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt clipper nai sayer sound nathaniel sammon lanc colost edu wrote m on apr gmt gov establish cryptographi standard that us and person kei divid into two segment and store two separ albeit easi find place and that kei bit begin s crew pardon allus affor mention articl gov crack chip for thi clipper chip made hell base encod chip that crack that easier break code sinc classifi algorythm t hat can crack easili agre agenc such nsa approv public releas crypto system didn technic mean decrypt whim sure point thi mad make joe public that commun will s afe jame bond nsa can full decrypt access commun that quit heist can pull though t that govern releas algorithm panel carefulli chosen expert studi deepli and re port find exactli will peopl academ govern sponsor research tini toon for and qu it scare thi kind thing and plan support organ and even disorgan fight thi clipp er chip that can can hope that sort thing doesn start filter into ear govern and european parliament get wind can kiss goodby form democraci europ not want gove rn access even search warrant kei and don want kei bit long begin hallelujah ric k tait bell northern research europ tel fax network manag system pgp public kei request southgat london email ricktait bnr cix compulink ricktait bnr sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow strnlght net com david sternlight write argu nose camel worth note that govern propos limit s crambl telephoni us for that purpos and not extend electron mail file usual davi d sternlight demonstr inabl read propos state initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur telecommun network and wireless commun link speak telecommun gener read david you understand time nah not encrypt impro v current mass produc standard civilian technolog except limit easi break invert that exactli govern sheep mind peopl current situat almost eavesdrop almost sec ur and mean secur encrypt us will happen optimist propos get accept almost will eavesdrop abil eavesdrop will guarante propos emphas almost improv and forget me ntion drawback guarante statement assum that step will make strong crypto unlaw you that will not happen good luck note that big issu for fed continu abil wiret ap not continu abil guarante abil deep end long discus secur crypto for mail and file focu thi yeah that exactli your govern you small step time concentr curren t don futur trust question that not ask releas whether thi propos limit telephon i govern intend expand not ask propos that thi intent unlik you read write share concern express find propos threaten sinc american secur telephoni and jerk pai r clip lead and goat can eavesdrop thi plug secur hole cellular and cordless pho ne will will stop jerk eavesdrop will govern eavesdrop scheme secur proven you t

hat jerk you fear will not govern job tomorrow propos guarante abil eavesdrop he ll that will even motiv that job that mental pervert read line infer that system highli secur access kei great greatest cryptograph time david sternlight succee d evalu system absens detail whatsoev and conclud that highli secur guess that c ome background work year for two major crypto evalu compani gee govern can save that monei and troubl secret council crypto expert secretli analys secret method for david sternlight job for thi meet busi confront rich and power adversari in clud french and japanes secur servic and rich japanes compani nsa make stuff pro tect law enforc trust govern and you legitim corpor trust nsa and delight high s ecur system certifi even price deposit kei escrow difficulti creat reliabl prepa r trade liberti for promis futur safeti not deserv thi that don exact quot mean your great men you studi work carefulli you brain understand point view thi fair start point concern that address includ reliabl escrow main question guarante a vail secur cryptographi mass gee propos guarante that american will full us kind encrypt and regard thi propos default voluntari implement opposit for reason di dn even promis you that orwel year return access high secur crypto return you cr ypto that guarante crippl suggest that de and system breakabl nsa and similarli skill and endow rumor and even true not easili scheme can guarante easili breaka bl two kei breakabl not trick nsa told you that de secur don you simpli trust hu h good possibl check that propos system not breakabl doesn guarante easili break abl kei even easier evid thi wild specul trapdoor govern can kei trapdoor govern hand kei pursuant legitim court order can protect legitim commun econom adversa ri eavesdrop crook pursuant court order legitim and decid commun legitim guess g overn gui kei kinda kei your car and ask decid us legitim discuss thi avoid nast i person attack and nois previou thread imposs sinc you demonstr level incompet and ignor proviou thread thi substant and technic issu and person remark place s uch discuss you post technic compet messag regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov b ontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow strnlght net com david sternlight write noth slightest interest presid nixon typic exampl see p mind think that david sternlight jerk afraid that thi case popul will realiz g ui nsa dorothi den and govern won battl you succe wake peopl nah that event happ en fast cryptographi sophist issu and almost care thousand net reader won make d iffer million caught asleep sad regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev vir u test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg ge rmani sci.crypt technic detail correct and addit hellman note courtesi dorothi d en thi repost permiss two request note role and appear and that valu can constru ct unit kei and natur gener process for and such that can produc alon scheme can not implement such that repositori gener half kei and anoth gener second that om in second post not reveal scriptur carefulli craft spook post don attempt draw h idden mean oppos offici announc clipper leav den thi hellman record opposit de b ack folk thi newsgroup knew read don you can impugn integr yeah folk invent clip per aren stupid you doesn make sens almost you don understand goal steve bellovi n date sun apr edt den georgetown edu dorothi den subject clipper chip long list folk brief nsa and fbi add comment marti messag clipper chip will secret crypto algorithm embed algorithm oper bit block de and chip support de mode oper algor ithm round scrambl compar de addit system kei each user will choos kei and chang desir call thi kei plain messag will session kei share sender and receiv method public kei can us establish session kei telephon secur devic will chip kei nego ti public kei protocol encrypt will encrypt unit kei and serial number unit ad p roduc part messag will encrypt system kei produc serial number understand that n ot encrypt call famili kei and that decrypt kei held law enforc hand knowledg th i will check thi sundai not want wait unit kei will gener xor two bit random num ber and will two escrow unit kei call chip kei gener serial number follow and bi t block deriv and and two bit seed us kei comput bit block note that thi de trip l encrypt mode two kei similarli comput block and start and unlear whether kei a

nd chang fact that call seed suggest and concaten togeth give bit bit form and b it form remain bit discard author escrow author will decid attornei gener stress that will not nsa law enforc agenc that parti accept user system unbias marti t hi and fbi ask for suggest pass your reason addit marti criteria add that agenc establish record safeguard highli sensit inform suggest receiv includ sri rand m itr nation lab sandia lanl lo alamo treasuri gao court order obtain and and law enforc agenc will us decrypt inform flow suspect link guess that thi constantli link court order sinc almost imposs link messag will flow understand that will d ecod box and that will oper fbi servic provid will isol commun stream and pass f bi will pass decod box will kei for wiretap author levi ask for detail review ca se requir law agent told that predecessor turn blank sign form time levi not com pli and chang system lesson clear singl person author power author wiretap singl person for fbi tap complet mound paperwork agent approv peopl chain that includ fbi legal counsel request even attornei gener for final approv dorothi den sci.crypt propos polic point view strnlght netcom david sternlight write d wight tuinstra post interest messag comment effect clipper chip state and local polic read line good thing for civil liberti respect sinc will prevent cowboi co p and cowboi state and local aganc read your traffic tap illeg read line bit tha t difficult you hint propos impos addit burocrat burden local polic badli want t ape magic cooki recipi that your mom tell you phone guess will propos that techn olog remov implement facilit you won want wait approv two agenc decrypt convers two child molest meanwhil two child molest conspir molest your child for access kei quickli copi databas and worri warrant regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov b ontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt power similar ask suppli specif direct for autom fetch sourc and document for agrep power similar pattern match tool arizona edu directori agrep readm agrep agrep tar agrep agrep agrep agrep suffix file option postscript doc good research report benchmark includ note for macintosh mpw user hour drudgeri port tool mpw run system you mail binhex copi tool suitabl for drop your mpw to ol folder write pure cryptograph for tool lot fun pick lost refer thing interest for exampl start search agrep burn chrome cyberpunkspool immedi find refer burn crome that miss time john gilmor name mention cud archiv and misspel your name usual will mail uuencod tar request you cannot anonym ftp gradi netcom sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt misinterpret cr ime unit state lawyer us make bread and butter manchest year ago small compani w ant run game system gall lasergam similar aspect photon lawyer and hundr citizen found ancient law manchest book context design prohibit travel carniv enumer fe atur carniv felt time made prohibit obviou thing shoot galleri lawyer for opposi t lasergam want harp judg two word thi law complet context and rule that laserga m not oper manchest mind that travel carniv us projectil weapon shoot galleri an d not light beam context lasergam shaft two word appli denial oper permiss justi fi had text law post afraid don rememb even that bit two word stuck john dormer jad expert purdu edu sci.crypt report privaci protect line cash recent publish privaci protect line electron cash system technic report cwi phd student david chaum cryptograph i group group long histori research field privaci protect cash system report cal l contain page and can retriev ftp cwi directori pub cwireport postscript file s uitabl for dpi laserprint abstract coverpag present line electron cash system ba se problem call represent problem us made literatur system base discret logarith m represent problem basic concept techniqu introduc that enabl construct protoco l for withdraw and payment that not us cut and choos methodolog earlier system c onsequ cash system effici comput and commun complex such system propos previous anoth import aspect system concern provabl contrari previous propos system corre ct can mathemat proven great extent specif make plausibl assumpt singl hash func tion abil break system impli that can break diffi hellman problem system offer n umber extens that hard achiev previous system opinion interest that entir cash s ystem includ extens can incorpor set base wallet observ import advantag that dou bl spend can prevent place detect ident doubl spender fact can incorpor even str

ingent requir conceiv privaci user imposs previous propos system anoth benefit s ystem that frame attempt bank neglig probabl success independ comput power simpl mechan system that previou solut lack basic cash system can extend check multi show cash and divis retain comput effici cryptograph challeng break thi system m ade effort report contain nevertheless you question mail and will repli good can comment stefan brand cwi kruislaan amsterdam netherland tel mail brand cwi sci.crypt sourc that announc marc apr oliv mit edu marc mit edu marc horow itz nzu write receiv mail mitch kapor that not list and not ad appli list guess initi theori that clipper list idea bad joke guess happi wasn conspiraci contact mitch thi didn clipper list forward traffic had reciev that list will ftp site alia clipper list csspab anoth mail list basic contain address for staffer and b oard member nist secur board peopl had account dockmast domain peopl foia harri harri shapiro hab panix list administr extropi institut mail list privat commun for extropian commun sinc sci.crypt onc tap your code good uni ac edu shaen bernhardt write agre you thi privat sector entiti bui crypto system that partial compromis us for sensit not strateg import traffic system cheap for exampl don cordless phone clipper l ocal men blue want listen talk friend order pizza wors and don worri local kid n osi neighbor that clipper rais bar insecur channel doesn make secur mean wall ev en fbi can master kei court order grass sign answer obviou wouldn hardwar not co mpromis de exampl tripl de can bui de encrypt cellular phone cost person cylink stuff budget for person us can you reconcil administr proclaim purpos provid law enforc access encrypt data make clipper system crypto second and fourth amend c ome mind amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not am erican entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context btw am end post time ago not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for in dividu carri handgun grenad and assault rifl month ago express belief that mean shoot your neighbor not that ensur peopl free and flame lot american gun support thought that never mind crippl chip pure american problem deal mess want share you bit experi live year totalitarian regim bulgarian thought that you regard ve sselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fac hbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret articl apr iecc cambridg johnl iecc cam bridg john levin write occur algorithm secret publish build physic ident clone v ersion chip that interoper offici clipper chip cloner wouldn provid kei escrow h ous hmmn not necessarili releas detail algorithm releas system kei call hellman that make peopl happi and sort verif procedur kei exchang offici chip work offic i chip word secreci make physic ident clone version imposs secreci algorithm sho uldn reveal algorithm open attack sinc unit share thi kei compromis big deal per son wouldn feel comfort know that secret bit number held place that guarante sec ur compromis doesn necessarili mean that system compromis imposs whether not tha t true secret algorithm incident secret algorithm secret main kei margin import court order for not even wiretap steve tate srt duke edu reason mathemat enjoi s pecial esteem dept comput scienc scienc that law duke univers absolut and indisp ut durham scienc extent debat einstein sci.crypt phd student can sci crypt group post directli feed back encrypt scheme that research finit field can appli taker repli gamv udcf gla gavin sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow pmetzger sna rk shearson perri metzger write polit dissid scare shitless fed listen call opin ion sort that disappear slightli free societi and sort societi will ten year fri end had phone tap thi theoret understand not and number kind convers and commun engag that wouldn even thi scheme for hand don clipper provid secur channel prev ent casual eavesdrop thi part not worri per clipper secur tool simpli ludicr voi c scrambler noth plenti market for real crypto for statu quo you can cryptophon compani cylink todai and work cost arm and leg clipper aim mass market won put c ylink busi addit number group work build softwar turn into privaci enhanc phone and work overdr mode thi new can thi crypto restrict you can us you want point m

aintain that restrict exampl network softwar vendor larg oversea share market ca nnot ship pem even simpl de product case case approv depart state itar present m ateri trade barrier firm compet intern inform system market you can us freebi so ftwar you want talk bb usa hand want strong crypto pkc for exampl default for el ectron mail worldwid want priest hear confess email want lawyer talk client conf id email doctor talk patient want order product favorit japanes mail order catal og net want sign contract transact busi and electron thi infeas result current r estrict crytograph system border usa clipper irrelev and distract author into fe el safe danger embolden into put restrict into place theori that good for noth h ide that argument utter assault rifl amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip rlward afterlif ncsc mi l robert ward write refer peopl organ militia not for individu carri handgun gre nad and assault rifl fals feder court affirm occas thi get sci crypt territori a manda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt amend and password postiv will correct wrong doesn cover not for c action that incrimin mike godwin mnemon eff org post permiss carl sadli not su spect can compel give handwrit and voic exemplar and blood and dna test that mik e correct thi point pretti that administ truth serum rule violat your not incrim in salient differ draw blood and inject truth serum incapacit you for perman dam ag simpli that come view accept view fundament violat right thi case expand prot ect amend incorpor technolog result hodgepodg judg person opinion rob stampfli r ob colnet cmhnet org neat thing standard ham radio jyv choos sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write evil gui fbi can effort abus system new for you evil g ui fbi decid want persecut you gonna and you gonna hate fact fbi doesn want list en your phone call and and you tripl de parabol microphon and point your head ca n not mean smart make job easier for dai christma truelov serv leftov turkei sec ond dai christma truelov serv turkei casserol that made leftov turkei dai delet flame turkei wing pizza hut commerci and tlu gic bait ken arromde arromde jyusen ky jhu edu sci.crypt suggest for escrow agenc technic detail below respons den letter steven bellovin comment invit paul alt privaci clipper steve bellovin post your messag includ passag select agenc escrow agenc glad that propos written state t hat escrow agenc won law enforc agenc argu that escrow agenc shouldn feder priva t citizen feel secur person and paper know that organ commit individu civil libe rti aclu and nra come mind safeguard half kei aclu and nra resist govern pressur simpl expedi fact that not support fund overtli control govern feder and feder fund candid agenc that you mention comment sri rand mitr and nation lab agre tha t great experi safeguard sensit inform not convinc that adequ safeguard thi info rm sinc case requir disclosur like sigific pressur for disclosur possibl wrong d isclosur gao perhap concret evid fidel and abil treasuri sure you joke perhap yo u batf safeguard kei feder reserv choic sinc last fall trial balloon post sci cr ypt your name synonym place great deal trust abil govern agenc and agent act law agre you part agenc and agent almost act properli case sworn agent feder govern act wrongli make feel that two feder agenc kei repositori unaccept respectfulli paul robichaux not speak for nti bcss nasa paul robichaux jzg stop big brother chip nti mission softwar develop div ripem kei request sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt you drift topic case you check topic devot gun right issu you will find ampl evid that misinfor m your assert that term peopl second amend mysteri mean diametr opposit mean exa ct term and fourth amend sci.crypt technic detail articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bell ovin write correct and addit hellman note courtesi dorothi den thi repost permis s two request note role and appear and that valu can construct unit kei and natu r gener process for and such that can produc alon scheme cannot implement such t hat repositori gener half kei and anoth gener second that omin second post not r eveal scriptur carefulli craft spook post don attempt draw hidden mean oppos off ici announc clipper leav den thi hellman record opposit de back folk thi newsgro up knew read don you can impugn integr yeah folk invent clipper aren stupid you doesn make sens almost you don understand goal thi addit post permiss tech detai

l cliper enligthen us and for keygener date mon apr edt den cosc georgetown edu dorothi den subject clipper chip had anoth convers nsa clarifi featur clipper fe el free distribut thi and messag clipper name encrypt algorithm skipjack martin hellman had written and serial number unit ad produc part messag will encrypt sy stem kei produc serial number respond understand that not encrypt call famili ke i and that decrypt kei held law enforc hand knowledg thi correct that not encryp t skipjack singl kei system not separ decrypt kei for famili kei unit kei call c hip kei gener serial number follow and bit block deriv and and two bit seed us k ei comput bit block note that thi de tripl encrypt mode two kei similarli comput block and start and unlear whether kei and chang fact that call seed suggest an d concaten togeth give bit bit form and bit form remain bit discard seed and not chang process perform laptop comput and and suppli two independ peopl that pers on and us entir program session gener kei for stream serial number discard end c omput thrown desir serial number bit and valu and form pad serial number fix bit block separ pad for each result kei and output separ floppi disk pair serial nu mber each pair store separ file floppi disk two separ peopl behalf two escrow ag enc dorothi den den georgetown edu technic detail will time remark that post thi not automat agre content and implic don swamp mailbox thi valuabl addit technic discuss that rise and don mind you call and backdoor imagin kei gener process w ork seed and depend serial number friendli germano caronni instrument regist thi ng design regist space contain infinit unknown pgp kei germano caronni caronni n essi ethz ccf sci.crypt onc tap your code good amanda walker amanda intercon wrote uni a c edu shaen bernhardt write delet can you reconcil administr proclaim purpos pro vid law enforc access encrypt data make clipper system crypto second and fourth amend come mind heard someplac misc legal comp org eff talk that court pretti el imin fourth amend allen word wound ethridg bnr and will opinion you jim morrison sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc pucl netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write articl apr yuma acn colo st edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write you thi you trust richard n ixon your crypto kei wouldn you mean presid nixon not privat citizen nixon noth slightest interest presid nixon you you aren watch remind you that waterg tip ic eberg nixon extens us nsa watch peopl didn decrypt puzzl palac nsa restrict cond uct american surveil foreign intellig surveil act fisa and seri presidenti direc t begin issu presid ford richard nixon bold misus nsa explicitli direct nsa cond uct widespread domest surveil polit dissid and drug user law gov not suppos cond uct illeg surveil doesn mean law can broken doug holland sci.crypt articl gthoma sfu gthoma fraser sfu gui thoma write zrepachol cu rtin edu paul repacholi write articl apr curtin edu zrepachol curtin edu paul re pacholi write you can bother read video manufactur consent repli mail queri don video ask month and told rsn nation film board canada not usa that relief though t realiti slip for second noam radio tonight publish book year publish south end guess bostonian confirm love hear think clipper scam paul post thought joke bad tast appolog person broke new sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc pucl netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write articl apr yuma acn colo st edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write you thi you trust richard n ixon your crypto kei wouldn you mean presid nixon not privat citizen nixon noth slightest interest presid nixon david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except ergo your life suffici bore you for privaci thi n ot meant person logic conclus your statement tim cuffel finger for pgp cia admit that assassin saddam hussien goal fail that motorcad downtown dalla trick work onc sci.crypt amend and password articl apr colnet cmhnet org re colnet cmhnet org rob stampfli write sadli not suspect can compel give handwrit and voic exem plar and blood and dna test that mike correct thi point pretti that administ tru th serum rule violat your not incrimin salient differ you can find salient diffe r number amend relat suprem court opinion court limit amend protect call testimo ni evid oppos physic evid question hing whether crypto kei consid testimoni evid suppos argument made hope consid testimoni phil

sci.crypt technic detail articl apr bernina ethz caronni nessi ethz german o caronni dorothi den write seed and not chang thi straight person and and seria l number unit easi reconstruct famili kei can easili serial number unit that mad e transmiss and us for batch unit kei number us pair will fairli low you that ns a fbi name your favorit govern agenc will pair and presto nasti detail court ord er for wire tap longer not peopl distrust govern turn take word for that pair no t push will bit steve tate srt duke edu reason mathemat enjoi special esteem dep t comput scienc scienc that law duke univers absolut and indisput durham scienc extent debat einstein sci.crypt kei regist bodi not trust nsa registrar clipper chip kei halv no t trust mitr mitr lot work for nsa trust product evalu program evalu commerci sh elf softwar for efficaci safeguard classifi inform and assum open program two ff rdc feder fund research and develop corpor that work for nsa aerospac corpor and institut for defens analysi nsa untrustworthi posit that neutral for purpos thi post posit exert econom pressur mitr releas kei halv demand you don cooper plac e evalu contract aerospac and ida not that peopl nsa mitr aerospac ida dishonest folk sinc peopl and peopl occasion bad system work organ that you depend indepe nd and speak for not employ lynn grant sci.crypt propos polic point view articl strnlghtc puor netcom strnlght ne tcom david sternlight write extens discuss eff forum for exampl inadmiss tap us develop inform that lead admiss evid thi put stop such thing time time simpl fis h expedit like thing will continu matter assur kei escrow like prove joke perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt technic detail hmm followup post care work fact that clipper chi p hellman and den chip not confin digit telephoni perform gener encrypt symmetr manner chip support cfb ofb ecb and fourth mode oper for de algorithm consist ro und and take bit kei input data bit two peopl want secur commun that mean clippe r involv agre secret kei kei per direct can exchang thi kei scheme two feed won secret kei into clipper chip readi work clipper chip carri uniqu serial number b it and kei bit kei bit gain encrypt serial number seed bit seed bit not store ch ip begin commun and perhap invterv whithin send fist real bit output encrypt cli pper chip put packet guess repres serial number and session kei thi chipkeyk ser ial number transform packet involv famili kei thi famili kei equal for chip simp l xor that digit phone call can usual packet encrypt and decrypt clipper den des crib and gener seed bit leav alon polit not concern you not american citicien we ak point thi scheme exploit parti gener and obviou backdoor us gener chip kei kn ow serial number and famili kei chip can imagin seed need true random sourc for gener can bought for not monei escrow each will bit bit kei secur exist maxim gi ve bit each xore togeth give simpli assum escrow trustworthi and can fool crimin law enforchemnt agenc and will quarrel escrow and hinder duti and and onc kei s urrend chip compromis forev not clever imho send encrypt session kei for each ph one call that polic want listen escrow simpli decod thi session kei and send bac k polic and natur not thi warrant expir thi technic solut guess polit will not w ork that appar miss den state perform decod intercept messag fbi great local gui can not inter cept understand your traffic anymor thi mean that fbi monopol leg al wiretap law idea allow tap and not thi mean that watch communi cation will ro ut automat servic provid compani fbi communicaiton watch and thi mean understand that famili kei each switch compani and provid cellular phone servi etcetc fami li kei will not secret and serial number call will readabl care traffic analysi you guess happen you us chip ecb mode and packet chip lost garbl session kei not broadcast line hmmm shouldn difficult that and last point for side read and hea rd clipper not program languag for dbase advantag shold not overseen afterthough t your right note that idea talk gradi netcom amend congress make law respect es tablish religion prohibit free exercis thereof abridg freedom speech press peopl peaceabl assembl and petit govern for redress grievanc thi text your bill right can overrul thi freedom speech not secreci speech you extend your amend cover i nform and commun not posit your govern legal ban cryptographi and arm amend you not condit hmm tricki situat will make not sens discuss that topic sci crypt dis cuss technic detail and vulnerabilit system highli suggest and appreci friendli germano caronni disclaim deriv thing heard and read person wrong opinion and tho

ught mine and subject chang notif warranti implicit not explicit etc etc etc nau seam don polit opinion not bother ply for inform read last line metzger signatur instrument regist thing design regist space contain infinit unknown pgp kei ger mano caronni caronni nessi ethz ccf sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet articl qnav transfer stratu cme ellisun stratu carl ellison write articl lgaz dove nist gov clipper c src ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write attornei gener util fund depart jus tic asset forfeitur super surplu fund effect thi purchas talk ad insult injuri f or that us civil forfeitur abolish decent administr not continu that ill gain wi ll us pai for wiretap equip wholeheartedli agre know that law enforc agenc seiz properti amend constitut tell that absolv ourselv respons for govern govern back serv politician creat law and rule posit govern allow power peopl thi nation th at situat chang allow law enforc agenc us seiz properti pai drug inform lie and continu deal drug tantamount make pact devil viciou cycl law enforc agenc motiv seiz properti fund activ and easi for citizen regain properti intact onc even in cent for agenc properti interest note that two month ago rush limbaugh that clin ton plumber forc shortli clinton and henchmen firmli strong ubiquit govern contr ol anytim leader believ that leader will us mean retain that control and govern back will end live equival high tech world dictatorship respons for ourselv pers on welfar and action paul olson vax system manag resid amiga addict voic decnet charon paul internet paul charon gsfc nasa gov disclaim statement messag whole a miga ignor renew resourc rourk sci.crypt clipper chip long follow articl rand org jim rand org jim gillog li write thi document anonym ftp directori nist shoe drop jim gillogli trewesdai astron for post thi and make thi post will long will comment and reluctantli le av origin place provid context note that alt group set for clipper stuff note th i file will anonym file transfer csrc ncsl nist gov directori pub nistnew and ni st comput secur bb white hous offic press secretari for releas april statement p ress secretari presid todai announc initi that will bring feder govern togeth in dustri voluntari hum vlsi and mykotronx industri happen ibm thi street and manda te scheme voluntari orwel love thi program improv secur and privaci telephon com mun meet legitim law enforc telephon encrypt and scrambl year digit rsa idea eve n de literali true clasic straw man claim context real time circuit such mail an d initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur tel ecommun network and wireless commun link modestli propos that mandat us isdn for commun icat thi lot for long dialogu privat sector and law enforc commun resolv tension econom vital and real challeng protect american us technolog accommod s ometim compet interest econom growth privaci and law enforc previou polici pit g overn industri and right privaci law enforc sophist encrypt technolog us for yea r protect electron fund transfer us protect electron mail and comput file encryp t normmali de technolog can american protect busi secret and unauthor releas per son inform can us terrorist drug dealer and crimin note us word busi tenor thi r eleas establish ground rule that busi us legitim for debat you want noth you dro p your wife ear remain secret and privat that not even agenda for debat note tha t role for you privat info thi refer inform hand unauthor releas bit draw long b ow case peopl legitim access abus and reveal sell info peopl thi propos peopl wi ll kei crimin us lawer court cia white hous offici and pen busi will outlaw yeah idea clipper protect law and court errod last decad ofr state art microcircuit call clipper chip develop govern engin chip repres nsa approach encrypt technolo g yeah thi bit true can us rel inexpens encrypt devic that can attach ordinari t elephon scrambl telephon commun encrypt algorithm that power commerci us todai n ote repeat mix telephon scrabel and encrypt demo claim ordanari pot good night e ntertain suspect note not gener tone impli thi technolog will compani protect pr oprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent unauthor relea s data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv abil feder state and local l aw enforc agenc intercept lawfulli phone convers crimin case record that need br utal tighten current abus not heard case that impead us secur encrypt men black side abus law enforc document even govt agenc and phone com blur kei escrow syst em will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law abid american k ei escrow system will establish ensur that clipper chip us protect privaci law a

bid american let run that line twice not carefulli state purpos kei eschrow make us clipper compulsori note word ensur protect law abid will leav you person ask includ outlaw encrypt answer thi press releas each devic contain chip will two uniqu kei number that will need author govern agenc decod messag encod devic dev ic manufactur two kei will deposit separ two kei escrow data base that will esta blish attornei gener access kei will limit govern offici legal author conduct wi retap can wiretap warrent clipper chip technolog law enforc author access conten t privat convers american make that illeg preserv demonstr effect thi technolog attornei gener will purchas thousand devic addit respect expert govern will offe r access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find you find expert kgb peopl for contract and post ask stu iii will interest militari a nd embasi start us secur isn govt will answer that point action chip import step address problem encrypt dual edg sword encrypt help protect privaci individu an d industri can shield crimin and terrorist clipper chip and approach that can pr ovid law abid citizen access encrypt and prevent crimin hide illeg activ order a ssess technolog trend and explor approach kei escrow system presid direct govern agenc develop comprehens polici encrypt that accommod privaci citizen includ em ploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos person us unask question abil author offi ci access telephon call and data proper court legal order protect citizen warren t not need effect and time us modern technolog build nation inform infrastructur need promot econom growth and competit american industri global marketplac and compani manufactur and export high technolog product itar slightli impe thi pres id direct earli and frequent consult affect industri congress and group that adv oc privaci right individu polici option develop administr commit work privat sec tor spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telecommun and comput techn olog give american unpreced access inform thi infrastructur high speed network i nform superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv program and huge data file easi li todai telephon system transmit voic note that thi wonderful stuff will secret proper peopl will express opinion desir result will emerg sinc encrypt technolo g will plai increasingli import role that infrastructur feder govern act quickli develop consist comprehens polici us administr commit polici that protect ameri can privaci protect break law encrypt and code for millenia generali equilibrium technolog time systemat studi cypher result swing favor encrypt moment doubt th at factor problem will fall time fofr practic purpos middl centuri inform provid accompani fact sheet provis presid direct acquir encrypt technolog for addit de tail call mat heyman nation institut standard and technolog question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi thi approach expand author govern agenc liste n phone convers clipper chip technolog law enforc author access content privat c onvers american suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and int ercept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiret ap place present document thi author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and ob tain kei for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order en sur secur kei escrow system will run kei escrow data bank two kei escrow data ba nk will run two independ entiti thi point depart justic and administr determin a genc will overse kei escrow data bank hard critisis propos strong secur devic ca n strong secur thi system secur voic encrypt system readili todai note drop back phone mode thi true answer can rephras suck big time can drive crypt work bench will us for light amus breakfast algorithm will remain classifi protect secur k ei escrow system thi link secur kei eschrow and actual algorithm real winner tha t secret bit number explain detail encrypt algorithm will reveal will invit inde pend panel cryptographi expert evalu algorithm assur potenti user that unrecogn vulner make you read cv real carfulli decis propos thi product nation secur coun cil justic depart commerc depart and kei agenc involv thi decis thi approach end ors presid vice presid and cabinet offici quick back name miss that list consult congress industri discuss congress and industri encrypt issu and expect discuss intensifi carri review encrypt polici brief member congress and industri leader decis relat thi initi peopl agre and buck for will govern provid hardwar manufa ctur govern design and develop kei access encrypt microcircuit not provid microc ircuit product manufactur product manufactur can acquir microcircuit chip manufa ctur that produc revers engin provis mask work act relev clipper chip mykotronx

program facil torranc california and will sell chip encrypt devic manufactur pro gram function licens vendor futur bui encrypt devic expect manufactur incorpor c lipper chip into devic you don not you peopl administr unabl find technolog solu t propos administr will us legal remedi restrict access power encrypt devic thi fundament polici question will consid broad polici review kei escrow miss word s ecret grammar lesson mechan will provid american encrypt product that secur conv eni and expens readili todai piec comprehens approach encrypt technolog administ r develop secur conveni expens pgp free and prone comprimis proof contarari will note proof administr not sinc encrypt threaten public safeti and effect law enf orc will prohibit outright countri effect that american matter entitl unbreak co mmerci encrypt product don that make sens and thi propos prohibit limit and thi explicit refer person right denial and don that mexican brazilian and canuck inc lud clinton al magnanam gestur fals tension creat assess that thi issu proposit concern can and fact harmoni balanc reason balanc approach such propos clipper c hip and similar encrypt techniqu fals tension fals balanc two repugn point priva ci hand wave exist put fals assess assum that remov step you deem suitabl protec t your privaci negoti defin goven languag exist you don agre you crimin crimin d on agre law note question not thi decis clinton administr polici encrypt will di ffer that bush administr that understand import encrypt technolog telecommun and comput and commit work industri and public interest group find innov wai protec t american privaci busi compet and ensur that law enforc agenc tool fight crime and terror that bush drop ball squash that nasti insert suitabl retor and will s tamp thi disorderli unrulei outbreak freedom and ultra nation sentiment will dev ic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subject export co ntrol requir case case review for each export requir ensur us devic true for enc rypt devic attract thi technolog protect can give compani oper home and abroad t hi mind expect export licens will grant case case basi for compani seek us devic secur commun abroad plan review possibl permit wider export product thi real gi ggl australia franc will reveal kei and algorithm don top list thing restrict wi ll protect salek sell bill crock for nut good luck folk paul sci.crypt technic detail system famili kei cryptograph useless sinc chip a nd remov effect bitstream daresai that will wide almost immedi thi system deploi and sinc point that not separ decrypt kei kei us for encrypt and decrypt benefi t us system wide kei skipjack robert bickford hacker person deriv joi rab discov wai circumv limit rab recogn that class crimin and juvenil delinqu call hacker irrelev true mean word mafia call businessmen pai that fact attent rab sci.crypt onc tap your code good for exampl don cordless phone clipper loc al men blue want listen talk friend order pizza wors and don worri local kid nos i neighbor tend agre sigh can bui de encrypt cellular phone cost didn govern mon opoli cellular phone servic can you reconcil administr proclaim purpos provid la w enforc access encrypt data make clipper system crypto second and fourth amend come mind second amend apt itar definit crypto equip munit and gun control peopl increas abil defin thing assault weapon and make illeg tripl de us for assault phone crippl will legal and tripl crippl fall into grai area illeg upgrad assaul t phone prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei wo rk cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl apr afte rlif ncsc mil rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write articl bontchev fbihh b ontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu ca rri handgun grenad and assault rifl read constitut second amend bear arm not inf ring regul militia easili form interpret second that show qualif and bear arm yo u want can mail you gun talk belong talk polit gun doug holland sci.crypt onc tap your code good strnlghtc nrhw netcom strnlght netcom dav id sternlight write articl edu uni ac edu shaen bernhardt write agre you thi pri vat sector entiti bui crypto system that partial compromis kei escrow thi instan c privat sector entiti bui crypto system that had not properli evalu algorythm n ot public releas answer obviou wouldn hardwar not compromis de exampl tripl de f ollow opinion not assert truth flame come background year senior corpor staff ex

ecut two fortun compani american busi tube happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist attempt japanes french and competit compani and g overn break nist not nsa nsa not suppos thi didn that commerci grade encrypt for wouldn trust releas algorithm for investig happi even escrow kei provid happi b ona fide escrow agenc feder reserv satisfi set big account firm aclu and eff pro fit big trust nsa presid state trap door even happier committe independ expert e xamin thing seal secreci and report back that secur wouldn trust nsa trust presi d thi not told trust nsa long trust swiss japanes that your problem thi surpris suggest corpor feel pick corpor attitud that nsa part govern and support govern famou ceo put dai want emphas not speak for beckman instrument thi point intern compani and that custom come ahead govern whim arthur rubin rubin dsg dse beckma n work beckman instrument brea mcimail compuserv arthur pnet ct person opinion a nd not repres employ sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl rwing pat rwing pat myrto write fi sh expedit target knowleg don give safe that that negoti and clinton and quietli develop thi thing figur thi can ram amaz quick peopl blame administr current fo r thing couldn possibl initi thi chip had year develop claim that clinton admini str sneak bullshit bush administr and career gestapo respons for thi horror and careerist present presid fait accompli that doesn excus clinton and gore critic for stupid for lai bodi proper door start geoff kuen geoff maui ucla edu geoff i tcorp sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook sinc wiretap chip distribut internation allow govern spy foreign govern compani and peopl wiretap domest citizen thi world wide issu put distribut world distrubut line you ygolan d wright sea ucla edu jester write assum that can encrypt thing care clipper chi p you don care that peopl li fool into believ chip privaci fact wiretap you don give shit privaci your and not even your you smart that you you talk wiretap chi p phone privaci chip privat kei attitud that worri clipper chip simpli connect y our handset your comput and feed voic singl process encrypt and transmit phone g ui hand revers simpli thi attitud peopl can thi attitud hard core comput hacker never make phone call comput appar never call anoth comput hacker perhap anoth s pook classifi agent refus us system oblivi civilian dupe that dubiou privileg sp ook and hard core hacker privaci huh altern nsa bug telephon talk inexpens telep hon includ hand size cellular that strong crypto real privaci make shift comput hacker rig that requir live your comput talk privat phone dumb stunt that doesn for privaci real world true privaci chip for exampl real time voic encrypt rsa p ut into silicon compil and spit asic put thi chip market facto standard for inte rn busi diplomat and privat commun ban make and import japanes german dutch taiw anes korean etc electron compani don want nsa spy worker lose job govern fascist stupid jhart agora rain sci.crypt onc tap your code good geoff ficu ucla edu geoffrei kuen write b ullshit bush administr and career gestapo respons for thi horror and careerist p resent presid fait accompli that doesn excus clinton and gore critic for stupid for lai bodi proper door start final stage denial can imagin result clinton admi nistr had support thi plan acquiesc repugn don chip origin clinton administr cli nton administr embrac and brought fruition major parti excel reason for limit yo ur freedom and violat your privaci and even feel that you favor thi surpris mean willfulli ignor quit bit previou evid polit parti not call anarchist parti that consid your freedom and privaci goal worthi and you vote for big two you suppor t reduct right goal and histori whether you person support that reduct paint cli nton and gore unwit tool stretch thing you kill man cost noth polit churchil sci.crypt onc tap your code good geoff ficu ucla edu geoffrei kuen write a maz quick peopl blame administr current for thing couldn possibl initi thi chip had year develop claim that clinton administr sneak kid recent post alt privaci clipper and hope interest thi topic end state that clipper develop for year that clinton put name thi monstros even allow door for that matter heard and hope yo u time voic your extrem displeasur tim russel omaha trussel unomaha edu sci.crypt amend and password articl apr qualcomm karn unix ampr org phil k arn write articl apr colnet cmhnet org re colnet cmhnet org rob stampfli write s adli not suspect can compel give handwrit and voic exemplar and blood and dna te

st that mike correct thi point pretti that administ truth serum rule violat your not incrimin salient differ you can find salient differ number amend relat supr em court opinion court limit amend protect call testimoni evid oppos physic evid question that slight variat previous mention exampl that perhap peopl give poin ter coupl year sinc con law class colleg hope not miss obviou basic scenario set bb that public kei encrypt and encrypt file disk gener setup design that user c onnect send privat kei encrypt system public kei and user public privat keypair us wrap time session kei us for encrypt file disk result thi that even reveal sy stem privat kei imposs for gain access file store machin for us reveal system pr ivat kei entic user into reveal thier person privat kei authent sequenc question fact that system privat kei not provid inform for search give protect coerc rev eal kei doubt provid system privat kei not mean that assist entrap user send thi er kei and not entic into not hook that can us user privat kei entic requir wire tap approv answer gener muse subject appreci jim jim mccoi unix sysadmin tiger t eam mccoi ccwf utexa edu includ disclaim mccoi nwu edu pgp kei finger request sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt gee guess such repositori for hous kei car kei safeti deposit kei rdl sci.crypt clipper nai sayer sound articl qsvfcinnq dn nmsu edu amolitor mo ink nmsu edu andrew molitor write ftp archiv insert comment liber thi demon memo big brotherdom white hous announc screw thread standard thi announc that americ an nation standard institut author defin standard dimens for screw thread thi st ep outlaw screw thread specif thi mad isn fought tooth and nail step crime us sc rew thread fearless leader gracious defin for sarcast text delet judgement impli screw you bill clinton you and your totalitarianist thug amolitor nmsu edu fing er for pgst person screw thread pitch screw thread screw thread server freed com plain that your analog complet irrelev rememb rememb that move metric system yea r ago suppos govern sold for peopl easier tune rest world had decid for good pla n releas appar that govern bunch thicki chang railroad track width sign screw ab olish regim cost million dollar your point you noth worri you care design your c ryptographi design your screw system measur you us sit back that relax care your molitor uni ac edu public kei finger and request public kei archiv pgp public k ei pgp iastat edu sovereignti sign brutal past fight clinton wiretap chip crypto not crime sci.crypt question big brother clipper previou post hellman bellovin etal report big brother clipper chip will encrypt plaintext bit block de user kei can deriv rsa diffi hellman etc us encrypt plaintext and us form part messag thi pa rt messag consist encrypt kei and chip serial number thi part messag encrypt ano th kei question messag for exampl deal encrypt digit voic applic speech waveform sampl and digit and number sampl group into bit block thi block encrypt and tra nsmit secur commun link part messag append each bit block header begin session h eader begin session insur equip manufactur chip that can manufactur product chip facil clearanc requir manufactur idea sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl strnl ghtc pucl netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write articl apr yuma acn colo st edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write you thi you trust richard n ixon your crypto kei wouldn you mean presid nixon not privat citizen nixon noth slightest interest presid nixon you didn miss implic that anoth richard nixon ty pe presid futur perhap not distant futur acut that mind you not object gov come decis not propos clinton crippl decis not propos sprung start place video camera sound room your hous activ your knowleg conceal you wouldn locat prevent you co ver len open noth you slightest interest govern offici you sure not object such propos not anolog principl pretti close abil eavesdrop your activ effort your kn owleg protect govern safeguard you can draw your curtain you can your privaci bi g brother thi for protect drug dealer and terrorist and crimin enemi state and y ou don unbreak privaci sort press releas clinton crippl decis put find curiou us word unbreak term difficult break proper author govern dispos wouldn want break illeg nawww not for peopl clinton can you mind give good reason that algorithm secret algorithm thi encrypt scheme joke contain featur master kei back door for unauthor eavesdrop even moder secur and govern meant requir proper court order and kei that escrow account deciph traffic algorithm secret hear that encrypt sc

heme requir algorithm remain secret effect not worthwhil scheme thi idl talk adm inistr bullshit great skeptic and doubt administr intent and wait haven told gem administr mind for mail and datafil secur press releas that thi part comprehens thing data secur for unprivileg citizen perhap subject term citizen not that im pli free peopl subject fit popul serv pleasur ruler thing for govern longer rega rd citizen boss anymor pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchu ck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert ei nstien sci.crypt kei regist bodi articl dockmast ncsc mil grant dockmast ncsc mil lynn grant write not trust nsa registrar clipper chip kei halv not trust mitr w ouldn trust mitr for anoth reason rememb cuckoo egg great secur nsa list turncoa t make you unknown regard uri uri watson ibm scifi angmar uri disclaim sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow begin pgp si gn messag articl pmetzger apr snark shearson pmetzger snark shearson perri metzg er write articl qnupd jpm new intercon amanda intercon amanda walker write amand a intercon amanda walker jhess netcom john hess write great wonder new can liste n fed hei statu quo worri fed tap phone high school scanner surfer kick eavesdro p cellular and cordless phone call polit dissid scare shitless fed listen call o pinion sort that disappear slightli free societi and sort societi will ten year friend had phone tap thi theoret for statu quo you can cryptophon compani cylink todai and work addit number group work build softwar turn into privaci enhanc p hone and work overdr mode and crypto restrict lift thi incremement improv for ap plic crypto restrict you can us you want point maintain that point you miss cove r cellphon scrambl system discuss incident respond question that issu and appear that and approv countri will secur encrypt and dodgi countri will exist mobil e quip will drop clear mode us system newer equip will us clear depend capabl base station cop fed not hold your privat kei listen cellular convers encrypt not en d end cellphon base station thi that cellular user and fix instal can talk each for cellular cellular call transmiss decrypt base station pass anoth base statio n and encrypt cop fed can listen unscrambl call provid warrant tap into cellular provid equip reason for want crackabl system can listen obtain warrant clipper system secur and warrant kei escrow can listen scanner don thi rout doubt even t rue onc kei will never warrant tap into that phone whenev want judg appear wasn drug dealer natur stop listen you reason scare shitless record mccarthi hoover e dgar not cleaner excel suck and nixon paul sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook suspect that thi c lipper thing backfir gov big hurri expect that product chip will socket solder s inc onc kei hand escrow agenc chip garbag and will replac expect that will come pin compat chip that secur encrypt possibl even disguis that not clipper chip yo u us backdoor kei manufactur such chip part market strategi subvert escrow agenc bribe industri espionag and public fact not connect such activ like not legal p ublicli discredit escrow agenc quit creat market for secur altern that will reve rs engin clipper chip and knowleg algorithm will like fairli widespread back doo r weak discredit scheme and grow market demand for secur altern that compani tha t such altern will make friend commun lot monei that govern will make such plug replac illeg expect that will success limit avail such altern limit avail illici t drug regard ian amelin rambl noth employ necessarili advoc thing describ that event like place sci.crypt amend and password articl geraldo utexa edu mccoi ccwf utexa edu jim mccoi write set bb that public kei encrypt and encrypt file disk gener setu p design that user connect send privat kei encrypt system public kei and user pu blic privat keypair us wrap time session kei us for encrypt file disk result thi that even reveal system privat kei imposs for gain access file store machin for us reveal system privat kei entic user into reveal thier person privat kei auth ent sequenc answer gener muse subject appreci question provid public bb servic a ren you bound law gurante intelligbl access data user bb polic come suffic autho ris guess thi basic condit for such system run bb time ago that switzerland frie ndli germano caronni instrument regist thing design regist space contain infinit unknown pgp kei germano caronni caronni nessi ethz ccf sci.crypt technic detail anoth object occur comment supposedli decod box o

per fbi thi flat ridicul and don for millisecond even fact build two small numbe r that won stop build make work two clipper chip phone listen each side record c onvers anoth spec post offhand didn that preclud thi sort thing robert bickford rab treasur and newslett editor lib parti marin counti don blame vote libertaria n member state central committe sci.crypt crippl chip thi telco your clipper kei telco your intend partner kei whenev you call messag get decrypt and reencrypt wihtout kei exchang stupid system for fed great point thi isn crypto market btw clinton doen not want peop l sort crypto busch support for technolog initi garbag push industri polici stuf f and comput hip design gov thing thing liter billion dollar for govern agenc de sign watkin earth eec uic edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good johnson trwac trw steve johnson write tim sig block bust regim remark heard dai begin increasingli frighten signific comm ent made that part world democrat note big socialist and part world european soc ialist fascist capitalist pig your head your label and carefulli for onc eff ann ounc thi thing nsa develop thi turkei for year manufactur contract month ago bel iev that fact that clinton name thi white hous announc mean that bush republican staunch support person privaci fool thi topic disturb you can polit finger poin t and talk you can you point finger rememb that thi scheme start secret policema n presid sci.crypt propos polic point view articl pmetzger apr snark shearson pmetz ger lehman write articl strnlghtc puor netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight w rite extens discuss eff forum for exampl inadmiss tap us develop inform that lea d admiss evid thi put stop such thing time time simpl fish expedit like thing wi ll continu matter assur kei escrow like prove joke feel winston churchil privaci clipper will extent kei escrow legitim stop abus wiretap local cop compani cop angri husband wive etc hard for keyston cop proctor gambl cop etc bypass even pr oduct flaw clipjob admit hard press find good that take will come real crypto ch ip pin compat that can bui big brother make illeg real crypto good honest law ab id citizen will happi govern listen word that not crook presid richard nixon inf orm farm for addr phone finger ohio state univers jebright magnu ac ohio state e du jim ebright mail jre osu edu sci.crypt amend and password articl apr bernina ethz caronni nessi ethz ge rmano caronni write question provid public bb servic aren you bound law gurante intelligbl access data user bb polic come suffic authoris guess thi basic condit for such system run bb time ago that switzerland that sound dragnet episod joe and apart prime suspect answer door landlord gave permiss search apart perhap th at work california understand law landlord not author grant permiss search space rent parti provid leas not default etc not even can provid master kei shown sea rch warrant sinc subject search suppos notifi thi point question becom user rent disk space encrypt file occupi fall bodi case law that appli apart storag locke r etc whether court recogn thi fact not compens exchang don treat doesn cyberspa c equival bear gile bear fsl noaa gov sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret articl pstr panix dfl panix danni bedla m write algorithm classifi militari contract similar govern equival militari for thi proprietari design that fed that nsa develop patent that patent publicli be t that that classifi major chang law such beast classifi patent patent exist enc ourag commun and develop state art year lock nuisanc histor pretti trivial indus tri doubl perform year month for hardwar that year etern thing appli civilian de velop you can patent and declar trade secret you can and mark softwar includ pro prietari code unpublish copyright that expos you legal protect post bern thi isn requir sinc born copyright take for peopl learn rule bear gile bear fsl noaa go v sci.crypt clipper chip bush articl wc apr rainier att wc anchor att bill s tewart write thi democrat version defend free speech reject republican speech co ntrol thi work for time bush administr work for quit clinton simpli credit blame depend you john gilbert johng ec comm mot sci.crypt clipper chip technic summari document summar clipper chip us pro gram chip coupl kei gener and escrow process and law enforc decrypt commun sinc specul thi new group involv thi project add that not involv found fbi brief thur

sdai even april sinc spent consider time talk nsa and fbi learn thi and attend n ist brief depart commerc april document below result that effort dorothi den cli pper chip technic summari dorothi den april introduct april presid announc initi that will bring togeth feder govern and industri voluntari program provid secur commun meet legitim law enforc heart plan tamper proof encrypt chip call clippe r chip togeth split kei approach escrow kei two escrow agenc us and kei part nee d reconstruct kei chip structur clipper chip contain classifi bit block encrypt algorithm call skipjack algorithm bit kei compar for de and round scrambl compar for de support de mode oper throughput mbit second each chip includ compon skip jack encrypt algorithm bit famili kei that common chip bit serial number bit sec ret kei that unlock messag encrypt chip encrypt chip chip us imagin that embed t elephon secur devic will suppos call and such devic push button start secur conv ers secur devic will negoti session kei devic end gener method kei exchang can u s kei and messag stream digit voic fed into clipper chip produc two valu encrypt messag stream and law enforc block law enforc block contain session kei encrypt unit kei concaten serial number encrypt famili kei chip program and escrow clip per chip program insid scif secur comput inform facil essenti vault scif contain laptop comput and equip program chip chip program singl session scif locat miko tronx begin session trust agent each two kei escrow agenc enter vault agent ente r bit into laptop and agent enter bit valu serv seed gener kei for sequenc seria l number gener unit kei for serial number bit pad fix bit block produc bit block and us kei tripl encrypt produc bit block similarli pad two bit block produc an d and two addit bit block and comput and concaten togeth give bit bit assign and second bit rest discard unit kei xor and and kei part that separ escrow two esc row agenc sequenc valu for and gener written separ floppi disk disk contain file for each serial number that contain kei part second disk similar contain valu d isk contain unit kei agent take disk and agent take second disk disk us program chip chip program inform discard vault and agent leav laptop destroi for addit a ssur that inform left protocol chang slightli that peopl room two two provid see d and and second two escrow agent disk back escrow agenc escrow agenc determin w ill not nsa cia fbi law enforc agenc independ govern law enforc us law enforc au thor tap encrypt line will warrant servic provid order access commun line assum that tap place and that determin that line encrypt clipper will decrypt law enfo rc block famili kei thi will warrant identifi chip serial number each kei escrow agent and back and and xore togeth produc unit kei and decrypt session kei fina l messag stream decrypt thi will accomplish special black box decod oper fbi ack nowledg and distribut notic inform base inform provid nsa nist and fbi permiss d istribut thi document grant sci.crypt clipper and rant libertarian that you reduc defens clipper base encrypt technolog defend freedom express free speech that you express you want f orm your heart desir long you not imping right encrypt text sound video anoth fo rm express that text sound video digit sound anoth mean express sound stream con tinu waveform shouldn govern encrypt standard can decid independ standard orgain apolog for acronym can note thi work iso and metric system sae etc independ ent iti consortia peopl industri that area qualifi set standard govern agenc for exa mpl ascii charact set look decid govern hope thi help folk formul defens work mi ne and hope fax congressmen hagberg hagberg ccit arizona edu finger for info and pgp public kei sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method clipper good cover us anoth layer encrypt you send encrypt messag oppon can that you encrypt encrypt method you that inform clear clipper oppon will that you send clipper text won t hat your clipper text encod oppon your clipper kei will that your messag doubl e ncrypt kind safeti deposit box contain lock box don replac for clipper front end carl carl kadi not repres eff thi kadi eff org kadi uiuc edu sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl qnpjuinn gap caltech edu hal cco caltech edu hal finnei write brad clarinet brad templet on write strategi busi legal push standard place secret standard and standard wi ll drive competitor market will legal sell untap encrypt that doesn regist kei w ill difficult and not plan for phone compani brad analysi correct offer explan f or encrypt algorithm secret thi will prevent competitor come clipper compat phon

e lack govern instal back door strategi brad describ will work long compat phone govern chip nice point view person privaci brad turn long peopl power provid en crypt place addit clipper privaci word passag announc make doubt whether thi wil l turn true even brad turn accur you can bet that administr will made clear vend or that interest institut voluntari polici refus sell clinton crippl equip equip author govern agenc and law enforc individu and corpor determin administr valid case case basi for effect system note that thi languag us gun control bill law administr push for support logic and actual rational oppos excus that fed media case item technolog question thi accid come philosophi that govern rule control peopl not peopl control govern that unconnect citizen not sophist for govern peo pl not and idea that that common can defend govern eavesdrop unlaw attack total unaccept peopl thi outlook hal finnei combin thi push for nation ident card smar t chip encod intern passport guis streamlin state peopl health care system and y ou can jewel come and see extrem omin trend will ten year late turn amazingli ac cur propheci lot peopl wake and hurri red warn light and bell and danger flag co me govern seek set apart regard right etc unconnect unprivileg citizen subject s houldn averag person good secur system data secur not depend nebul safeguard for maintain that secur shouldn averag person defend agenc rogu fed break into data want work and logic not allow good safe duplic kei combin submit for safekeep g overn don differ philosoph encrypt data won evapor not such high tech tool tape record pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wis dom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt technic detail encrypt will encrypt unit kei and serial number u nit ad produc part messag will encrypt system kei produc serial number understan d that not encrypt call famili kei and that decrypt kei held law enforc hand kno wledg thi will check thi sundai not want wait fact two distinct compon transmit chip real messag encrypt convent kei and serial number and encrypt convent kei e ncrypt imho kind bogu concept kei that million peopl us can chang doesn reason f amili kei suppos analyz output thi chip and determin bit encrypt packet contain serial number and session kei suppos design simpl algorithm base thi inform take data contain encrypt session kei and twiddl bit line mind you nsa thought thi d ozen attack can imagin and system design that manipul thi inform will compliant receiv chip fail decrypt successfulli two parti agre advanc kind consist bit twi ddl scheme decrypt chip see restor proper bitstream eavesdropp get packet that w rong suppos thi easili defeat chip send that inform time slightli wai make effec t imposs you inform marc vanheyningen mvanheyn indiana edu mime ripem accept you r theori predict outcom depend whether you us discret mathemat continu mathemat you wrong theori bruce maclennan sci.crypt technic detail srt duke duke edu stephen tate write not peopl di strust govern turn take word for that pair not push will bit even address thi is su back door even intention visibl distract that aren visibl perri metzger pmetz ger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt escrow databas disturb thought longer live dai big file cabinet live electron ag ask big escrow databas hard steal thing nsa offici oper tacit p ermiss escrow hous can pretend that such will not happen that naiv let ten byte each escrow half let asum ten byte serial number fact serial number smaller thi order magnitud calcul assum popul and that each person kei gigabyt for each two escrow databas fit conveni singl valuabl exabyt tape thi can easier time care ca n hold clipper kei countri pocket two tape admitt will safeguard won put databas disk prehap will throw stumbl block thi noth kei will need dai hundr not thousa nd law enforc type conveni will dictat that system permit quick electron retriev point collus agenc exabyt tape cut dorothi den and david sternlight will doubtl ess claim thi can happen that can prayer not word that thi instanc connot realis m two exabyt tape your pocket you hold kei for person convers countri your hand yeah you master kei two that ten byte inform that store aw lot place come even n sa get copi databas isn threat you unlik you contraversi polit view foreign inte llig servic you that david sternlight protect evil industri espionag that french appar big spy oper friendli countri industri secret isn complet irrat compani c ouldn us cryptosystem back door left unexplain that point thi threat foreign int ellig servic can mole into nsa and agenc proof exampl thi happen time somedai wi

ll hand fraction kei you can avoid that sort thing don pretend that unauthor wil l hand escrow databas crypto type taught import begin intro cryptographi secur d epend easili chang kei that you pick run your system and not secret escrow datab as aren sort secret that teacher told sort big secret lump into thi categori ima gin replac million clipper chip cannot that nsa whomev that thi doesn realiz thi smart made bone real world suspect that precis and that give appear safeti that can continu surveil spite growth strong cryptographi suspect that realiz that c an put thing forev can delai thing long even higher up inevit bureaucrat type th at rise organ that thi scheme give peopl secur even subordin fort mead wring han d foolish perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui m eme sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context not post thi misinte rpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu carri handgun grenad and assaul t rifl suprem court disagre you state that peopl term art refer individu and exp licitli mention second amend exampl quot peopl term art emploi select part const itut preambl declar that constitut ordain and establish peopl second amend prote ct peopl and bear arm suprem court uerdugo uriquidez miller decis permit prosecu t for possess saw shotgun defens had not present testimoni and accept argument g overn that such weapon militari held that amend protect individu possess militar i weapon second amend case successfulli court fifti year that not chang interpre t appear that disagre you vi conclus inescap that histori concept and word secon d amend constitut unit state interpret major comment and court half centuri rati fi cation that protect individu privat citizen and carri firearm peac manner rep ort subcommitte constitut committe judiciari unit state senat congress second se ssion februari you rightfulli that bit militia mean militia histor context basic mean adult male countri code defin militia arm men ag militia compris male phys ic capabl act concert for common defens and men expect bear arm suppli and kind common us time suprem court unit state miller reason for phrase explain rational amend thi depend peopl bear arm defens countri central militari power occur per mit tyranni short govern remain perpetu fear peopl free man debar us arm stronge st reason for peopl retain and bear arm last resort protect tyranni govern thoma jefferson propos virginia constitut june thoma jefferson paper boyd and countri can preserv liberti ruler not warn time time that thi peopl preserv spirit resi st arm tree liberti refresh time time blood patriot and tyrant thoma jefferson l etter william smith jefferson democraci padov stand armi can rule peopl disarm a lmost kingdom europ suprem power america cannot enforc unjust law sword bodi peo pl arm and constitut forc superior band regular troop that can pretens rais unit state noah webster examin into lead principl feder constitut pamphlet constitut unit state ford you disagre second amend and that repeal not pretend that isn a nd that doesn mean you argu that condit chang and that longer present you can im agin fill book detail argument thi cryptographi let you insist discuss thi talk polit gun peopl will gladli discuss thi matter you perri metzger pmetzger shears on laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt fight clipper initi steve access digex steve brinich write flame libertarian paranoid extremist loss for specif object that don sound frightenin gli technic idea that foist crippl chip standard manufactur result sayonara anot h high tech market isn technic isn difficult understand and plai concern lot peo pl worri you expand thi feel you don quit understand you ocarina salesman metatr on press austin texa door door lauri anderson human system perform group sci.crypt clipper chip bush johng ec comm mot john gilbert write thi work for time bush administr work for quit clinton simpli credit blame depend you and initi for actual implement clinton not innoc bystand didn slap name consult exa ctli extens histori individu right advocaci that peopl assum noth thi back pledg cut espionag budget and ask for monei even bush want left bodi scienc and scien c contest will sci.crypt onc tap your code good dave ihnat ignatz chinet chi wrote articl qpg finn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write not pick isn thi ki

nd domino theori countri fall neighbor will sure follow and you mine salt siberi a for not turn captain crunch secret decod ring for wrong attempt correct vietna m domino theori wasn disprov iron domino theori fact reason metaphor for collaps commun liber poland and hungari border cross summer fall wall that year and ult im collaps ussr tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom anon ym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto black market collap s govern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt sourc random bit unix workstat articl msuinfo msu edu mrr scss m su edu mark riordan write sourc statist your filesystem easili and quickli obtai n and output rusag system call you can exec finger favorit heavili us system thi can second sourc code ripem ripem msu edu mark altern includ output vmstat iost at pstat and friend flag even crash aix you can lot rel unpredicatbl data crash output script goo moder busi system bin crash proc tty stack pcb callout vf sock et vnode inod mbuf file mst buffer mark henderson markh wimsei ripem kei kei ser ver finger mail ofpublickei cbeaf adafa sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet alan barrett barrett luci und wrote articl lgaz dove nist gov clipper csrc ncsl nist gov clipper chip announc write make thi decis not intend prevent privat sector develop govern ap prov microcircuit algorithm that equal effect assur privaci and secur kei escrow system make thi decis intend prevent privat sector develop govern approv microc ircuit algorithm that effect assur privaci doesn thi mean that govern not approv for us govern agenc thi not sound form threat that joe user can develop and us encrypt algorithm you want sing yeah dog and valvolin ngorel speclab usg gov pre tti damn good time life pain that tell you sell you sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur amanda intercon amanda walker write answ er obviou wouldn hardwar not compromis de exampl tripl de can bui de encrypt cel lular phone cost person cylink stuff budget for person us clipper chip can cheap crypto for mass thing build back door even special engin you can construct good system standard codec chip chip vocod de chip bi integr modem modul and small p rocessor glue work you secur phone you can dump you fast processor integr you pu t singl chip and futur can cheap crypto good don govern you can clipper chip can need compromis white hous releas stuff thi good peopl privaci note that didn gi ve privaci capabl commerci hardwar not for govern stop qualcomm design strong en crypt cdma cellular phone system pioneer not for nsa and compani cheap encrypt s ystem trick book stop had not for cheap secur phone aren make cheap crypto keep cheap crypto peopl hand hand you clipper chip you get mess pottag your prize for trade your birthright and bui birthright safeti foreign can read confer paper a nd strong cryptographi safeti profession terrorist suspect that can cryptosystem open market that work fine can idiot gui that bomb trade center get cheaper cry pto for ourselv market provid that had not deliber sabotag exactli social contra ct exchang for give strong cryptographi perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl apr eff org ka di eff org carl kadi write clipper good cover us anoth layer encrypt true will t radit encrypt scheme encrypt clipper vulner attack such partial plaintext thoma sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl agora rain jhart agora rain jim hart write sinc wiretap chip distribut internation allow go vern spy foreign govern compani and peopl wiretap domest citizen thi world wide issu put distribut world distrubut line you distribut keyword case sensit you wa nt distribut world distribut line world capit letter wrong apb alan barrett dept electron eng univ natal durban south africa rfc barrett und sci.crypt escrow databas perri metzger pmetzger snark shearson wrote distu rb thought good stuff elid don pretend that unauthor will hand escrow databas se cret escrow databas aren sort secret that teacher told sort big secret lump into thi categori imagin replac million clipper chip sound great gimmick for replac market issu clipper alert announc that kei backup tape miss that drug lord owner clipperphon trot local kei escrow agenc and bui chip and program microtoxin cli pper supplier will make kill thi real idea janet reno stock microtoxin vlsi tech nolog good opportun undermin thi disinform float rumor that kei databas stolen c hip replac anger peopl undermin confid even and kill sale waco massacr and big b

rother wiretap chip tactic fair tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei t cmai netcom anonym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto bla ck market collaps govern higher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt onc tap your code good strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom david st ernlight write articl apr yuma acn colost edu holland colost edu dougla craig ho lland write note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi thi inaccur can bu i tempest equip commerci even mac you can bui tempest approv mac you monei haven had reason thi type price for year tempest rate rais price radio shack model ii i bill internet bill celesti bill campbel celesti softwar thebe camco bill east mercer uunet camco bill mercer island speed cost monei fast you want sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl almaden ibm amelin vnet ibm ian amelin write that will revers engin clipper chip and knowle g algorithm will like fairli widespread chip and algorithm classifi you revers e ngin and peopl you like jail perhap foreign govern corpor crack system usa gover n stop import clone hardwar softwar implement practic john carr jfc athena mit e du sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger no t for govern stop qualcomm design strong encrypt cdma cellular phone system pion eer not for nsa and compani cheap encrypt system trick book stop had not for che ap secur phone imposs approv attach crypto devic phone network that plug phone s ocket approv for reason crypto devic never wonder time ago big market for good f ashion acoust coupler technolog build secur phone mask real voic that strai into mouthpiec perhap seal coupler attach that block white nois gener muffl real spe ech sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow cop fed not hold your privat kei listen cellular convers encrypt not end end cellphon base s tation thi that cellular user and fix instal can talk each for cellular cellular call transmiss decrypt base station pass anoth base station and encrypt cop fed can listen unscrambl call provid warrant tap into cellular provid equip reason for want crackabl system can listen obtain warrant clipper system secur and warr ant kei escrow can listen scanner don thi rout doubt even true onc kei will neve r warrant tap into that phone whenev want judg appear wasn drug dealer natur sto p listen that true for paul fairli talk build end end encrypt phone thi chip not for cellular us you suggest sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook sinc wiretap chip schedul distribut internation allow govern spy foreign govern compani and peopl wiretap domest citizen thi world wide issu distribut world ygoland wright sea uc la edu jester write assum that can encrypt thing care clipper chip hacker care c lipper chip give shit privaci accept and perhap not even smart that talk wiretap phone find call your comput idea reflect thi attitud idea that and for hacker a nd don real world aren good includ ourselv voic phone concern altern nsa bug tel ephon talk inexpens telephon includ hand size cellular that strong crypto real p rivaci make shift comput hacker rig that requir live your comput talk privat pho ne dumb stunt that doesn for privaci real world true privaci chip for exampl rea l time voic encrypt rsa silicon compil and spit asic put thi chip market facto s tandard for intern busi diplomat and privat commun ban make and import japanes g erman dutch taiwanes korean etc electron compani don want nsa spy worker lose jo b govern fascist stupid jhart agora rain sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook date apr gmt jhart agora rain jim hart simpli thi attitud peopl can thi attitud hard core comput h acker never make phone call comput yeard will talkig into pda that solv problem sci.crypt fight clipper initi flame libertarian paranoid extremist loss fo r specif object that don sound frighteningli technic idea that foist crippl chip standard manufactur result sayonara anoth high tech market isn technic isn diff icult understand and plai concern lot peopl worri you expand thi simpl you choic american manufactur peddl crippl chip secret untest algorithm kei held peopl hi stori untrustworthi behavoir japanes pick obviou exampl manufactur peddl encrypt chip algorithm that face public scrutini and kei control user you choos america n govern can deni thi choic american citizen and not that gloriou success war dr ug exampl can global market

sci.crypt amend and password articl apr bernina ethz caronni nessi ethz ge rmano caronni write question provid public bb servic aren you bound law gurante intelligbl access data user bb polic come suffic authoris guess thi basic condit for such system run bb time ago that switzerland you oblig polic search equip p roper court order you legal oblig data intelligbl you run your bb data encrypt s uch that polic show cannot read that problem legal restrict domest us cryptograp hi unit state perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond l ui meme sci.crypt facin fact bit serial number possibl fix and den guvax acc georg etown edu vidkun abraham lauritz quisl write each chip includ compon skipjack en crypt algorithm bit famili kei that common chip bit serial number bit secret kei that unlock messag encrypt chip hmmm thirti bit serial number and told unit kei deriv determinist thi serial number that mean that billion unit kei gener unit kei for serial number bit pad fix bit block produc bit block and us kei tripl en crypt produc bit block similarli pad two bit block produc and and two addit bit block and comput and concaten togeth give bit bit assign and second bit rest dis card unit kei xor and and kei part that separ escrow two escrow agenc hmmm assum that gener unit kei serial number gener randomli select and intent assur fail s afe for govern completedli determin and and not chang constitut effect master ke i theft possess author complet obviat secur system interestingli for fact that a nd fix matter keyspac for not pick and random thi interest restrict kei space no t provid addit back door find disturb that secur depend approxim byte worth info rm that written back napkin even and chang period rational thi restrict size key spac strang assum that goal secur and make perfect sens goal illus secur and not chang even remain secret can back deriv unit kei serial number pair assur that thi cannot happen understand skipjack work govern offici and foreign intellig se rvic that gain inform espionag will eventu inform revers engin get and advanc ye ar time late sequenc valu for and gener written separ floppi disk disk contain f ile for each serial number that contain kei part second disk similar contain val u disk contain unit kei agent take disk and agent take second disk disk us progr am chip chip program inform discard vault and agent leav laptop destroi for addi t assur that inform left thi make feel bit secur silli notion destroi laptop app ear anoth bizarr distract that you can read data dram that turn for moment hand don gener unit kei and place weaken system don agent question resist million cas h piec for inform worth hundr million you can make bribe arbitrarili hard resist and you truth thi vault joe random tempest shield room laptop comput melodrama design make high school dropout peoria impress for rest protocol chang slightli that peopl room two two provid seed and and second two escrow agent disk back es crow agenc thi provid let escrow agenc aclu and nra and agent person back disk a nd honest care nsa laugh loud algorithm regener and like don steal kei effect pe rri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr jarvi csri toronto edu lewi eecg toronto edu david lewi write articl mizzou missouri edu mizzou missouri edu john kelsei write strnlght netcom david sternl ight write stuff delet trust confidenti inform encrypt scheme that for crack tim e hundr de for complaint bit kei cost million dollar build keysearch machin for can bui de keysearch machin shelf for approx not sold that name bui circuit emul machin quickturn contain bunch fpga and program each de search engin let chip r un mhz test sec time sec max week week averag can wait that long bui bigger mach in can big brother afford such thing time tight budget don folk notic dorothi tr ust den gave real clue current state art nsa decrypto machin nsa told didn even want holder part kei that doubt trapdoor skipjack will never and doubt nsa promo t mass market chip couldn compromis ergo nsa capabl compromis brute forc keysear ch engin complex skipjack spec bet thousand chip chug crypto buster even ten tho usand complex not such machin will fit into fort mead pgp bit idea kei inform fa rm for addr phone finger ohio state univers jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jim ebright mail jre osu edu support privaci support encrypt sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl rubin dsg dse beckman arthur rubin write strnlght netcom david sternlight write happi us crypto system suppli nsa for busi told secur de and resist attempt japanes french and competit compani an

d govern break nist not nsa nsa not suppos thi activ sci crypt past dai not supp ris you miss nist skipjack nsa trust nsa presid state trap door even happier com mitte independ expert examin thing seal secreci and report back that secur would n trust nsa trust presid thi not told not crook presid richard nixon inform farm for addr phone finger ohio state univers jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jim e bright mail jre osu edu support privaci support encrypt sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt brad clarinet b rad templeton assum for moment that system secur you halv encrypt kei two indepe nd escrow hous you even trust escrow hous aclu and eff and not joke two name not trust eff honest organis can deepli infiltr cnd britain dozen year ago top memb er si spy stole complet address list hard person sneak and copi escrow data disk sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt bred wrote and thi mean that fbi will want track custom list encrypt phone reason person want e vad polic don track custom list digit listen phone line and elimin that don clip per header signatur will modul want bet standard and easili recognis baudrat dev ic scan exchang and detect modem etc exist advertis trade press onc you elimin c rippl crypto devic and ordinari data modem left crypto worth close guess substit ut scheme will bi fast disguis start data happen effect thi chip will make priva t crypto stand sore thumb sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow pat rwing pa t myrto write can you mind give good reason that algorithm secret algorithm thi encrypt scheme joke contain featur master kei back door for unauthor eavesdrop h mm coupl algorithm becom will easi produc pin compat crippl chip that provid rea l encrypt and privaci kei user hand sinc skipjack symmetr kei cypher agre sessio n kei releas inform that protocol us theoret point view thi true practic point v iew chip kind kei exchang protocol built good rsa thi will mean that produc will pai lot buck pkp keep detail secret thi can avoid regard vesselin vesselin vlad imirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt amend and password articl apr bernina ethz caronni nessi ethz ge rmano caronni write question provid public bb servic aren you bound law gurante intelligbl access data user bb polic come suffic authoris guess thi basic condit for such system run bb time ago that switzerland doesn law cover bbss not commo n carrier not phone compani privat machin servic oper busi oblig record perri me tzger point polic come search warrant you warrant demand exist and gener can con fisc equip evid not constitution valid begin develop court case support court co mpel you inform you such encrypt password for disk aren definit case sinc situat and aren law specif cover court can forc you kei and law prevent you allow your user kei for file give you even area that establish law uncertainti gui idaho y ear ago had busi record subpoena evid for tax busi restrict law gave court recor d hebrew doesn law forc you your record english and origin record didn speak heb rew and court organ don illeg for your bb deni access potenti custom base race r eligion nation origin gender sexual prefer hasn test court plausibl extens anti discrimin law affect busi prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt reason for clipper alg secreci apolog for not post alt clipper n ot newsfe anoth reason good nsa point view horribl algorithm chip design secret note that expert will detail and algorithm addit respect expert govern will offe r access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find not chip design possibl addit encrypt chip pre process voic signal make easier analy z transcrib electron chip onc widespread effect part massiv parallel comput for voic grep phone network crimin wrong think patron thereof wouldn put past nsa ea sier make life for and thi case public outcri becom wide secreci good idea exper t dsp voic recognit and convers understand that panel and insist authenticat des ign spec and implement document dwight tuinstra tuinstra sandman ec clarkson edu toler tuinstrd craft camp clarkson edu kid that you god you doin sci.crypt facin fact bit serial number possibl fix and hmmm assum that gen er unit kei serial number gener randomli select and intent assur fail safe for g overn completedli determin and and not chang constitut effect master kei theft p

ossess author complet obviat secur system interestingli for fact that and fix ma tter keyspac for not pick and random thi interest restrict kei space not provid addit back door find disturb that secur depend approxim byte worth inform that w ritten back napkin even and chang period rational thi restrict size keyspac stra ng assum that goal secur and make perfect sens goal illus secur and not chang ev en remain secret can back deriv unit kei serial number pair assur that thi canno t happen understand skipjack work govern offici and foreign intellig servic that gain inform espionag will eventu inform revers engin get and advanc year time l ate perhap trust escrow agenc can come and and agenc trust aclu nra interest exa mpl can hope that us physic process come random number nsa come number that trap door you drive truck thi make feel bit secur that cpsr atleat start question th i bogos april washington comput profession call for public debat govern encrypt initi comput profession for social respons cpsr todai call for public disclosur technic data underli govern newli announc public encrypt manag initi cryptograph i scheme announc todai white hous and nation institut for standard and technolog nist will implement technic specif plan nist spokesman acknowledg that nation s ecur agenc nsa super secret militari intellig agenc had develop encrypt technolo g initi built nist technic specif and presidenti direct establish plan classifi open initi public review and debat cpsr todai file seri freedom inform act foia request kei agenc includ nsa nist nation secur council and fbi for inform relat encrypt plan cpsr request keep spirit comput secur act congress pass order open develop militari comput secur standard public scrutini and limit nsa role creati on such standard cpsr previous question role nsa develop call digit signatur sta ndard dss commun authent technolog that nist propos for govern wide us cpsr su n ist foia lawsuit last year civilian agenc disclos for time that nsa had fact dev elop that secur standard nsa due file paper feder court week justifi classif rec ord creation dss david sobel cpsr legal counsel call administr appar commit priv aci electron commun reflect todai offici statement step direct question propriet i nsa role process and appar secreci that shield develop process public scrutini time move develop inform infrastructur vital that standard design protect perso n privaci establish openli and full public particip not for nsa agenc long tradi t secreci and opposit effect civilian cryptographi plai lead role develop proces s cpsr nation public interest allianc comput industri profession dedic examin im pact technolog societi cpsr chapter and maintain offic palo alto california camb ridg massachusett and washington for addit inform cpsr call mail cpsr csli stanf ord edu regard ian amelin sci.crypt strai thought technic detail apr ulyss att smb research att stev en bellovin write date sun apr edt den georgetown edu dorothi den clipper chip w ill secret crypto algorithm embed algorithm oper bit block de and chip support d e mode oper algorithm round scrambl compar de year million chip usa network toge th sound good scienc fiction stori govern crack foreign de messag con public int o individu bui compon and instal cover largest parallel comput world built top c urrent phone net suppress freedom rob quinn name law rjq phy ksu edu and order j ohn lindsai quinnbob ksuvm bitnet sci.crypt list larg integ arithmet packag thi file bignum txt ripem msu ed u last updat april respons email request assembl thi list larg integ arithmet pa ckag heard function librari sourc form for your conveni copi ripem msu edu for a nonym ftp directori pub bignum not current version case order multipl precis pac kag that come unix multipl precis packag access lmp flag your compil gcd exponen ti sqrt come suno mach bbn mach and man object code pari henri cohen universit b ordeaux pari franc multipl precis desk calcul and librari routin contain optim a ssembl code for motorola semi optim code for sparc and appar slow gener version integ and real vector and matric scalar contain number advanc function never hea rd weber function factor function primal test relat stuff plenti tex document pu blic domain you can distribut modifi version anonym ftp math ucla edu mac and sp ecif version addit filenam pari tar arithmet global field arith kevin coomb davi d grant packag routin for arbitrari precis integ polynomi finit field includ bas ic and gcd sourc code distribut term gnu public licens includ man page and tex d ocument filenam arith tar arbitrari precis math librari lloyd zusman lo gato pac kag support basic for radix point integ not polish post comp sourc misc octob fi

lenam apml tar bignum vuillemin inria franc and distribut digit equip pari resea rch lab decprl portabl and effici arbitrari precis integ packag code gener kerne l assembl kernel for intel mip pyramid and vax thi packag thi type implement mod logic oper and xor sign and unsign arithmet email librarian decprl dec you will receiv shell archiv give your postal address and you will receiv print document franc packag includ tex document publicli for commerci us remov thi archiv hear d rumor that prl doesn distribut bignum distribut part ecpp below lenstra packag arjen lenstra bellcor portabl unsign integ packag written includ exponenti mod primal test sqrt random number gener and packag uncom and undocu add comment thi packag that us work and portabl haven benchmark code clever lenstra accomplish number theorist unlik packag thi requir you alloc storag static problem your num ber huge arjen code public domain filenam lenstra tar lenstra arjen lenstra bell cor improv version arjen packag thi sign arithmet and dynam alloc can turn optio n routin lenstra contain minor bugfix previous lenstra and lenstra filenam lenst ra bmp brent multipl precis brent vintag fortran code extend precis float fix po int arithmet includ mathemat function you find fortran run time librari thi code acm algorithm number obtain send mail messag netlib ornl gov contain line send bmp perhap start spx kannan alagappan joseph tardo dec thi huge prototyp public kei authent system base rsa mention heard spx correctli guess that contain larg integ packag and want inform you that larg integ packag contain dec bignum franc you can beta test copi spx crl dec us for test expir date don whether thi expir amp antti multipl precis antti louko alo kampi hut multipl precis integ packag includ pow mod mod random sqrt gcd for commerci us packag includ share secret pu blic kei system base diffi hellman algorithm thi part de dist tar remov de part avoid deal cryptograph export law and name result filenam amp tar gennum per bot hner wisconsin madison routin and class gener arithmet integ and ration sevenlay wi edu disappear miracl dublin ireland integ and fraction multipl precis packag includ factor primal test encrypt not public domain appar austin code work ad b yte magazin dobb precis dave barrett barrettd tigger colorado edu multipl precis integ packag sqrt rand mod pow log simpl vector support dynam alloc memori free long you don sell program that filenam precis tar ubas prof yuji kida rikkyo un ivers nishi ikebukuro tokyo japan kida rkmath rikkyo multipl precis version basi c program languag for do includ float point keith brigg pretti fast object ervin morekypr bitnet thi packag that for fast arithmet version optim for machin incl ud routin mpq fastest gener factor algorithm addit file site mpq us hard drive t hat can factor digit number theoret function includ ubas digit precis anonym ftp shape mp ohio state edu simtel armi mil wuarchiv wustl edu calc unknown do lang uag that infinit precis nice intrins function ervin morekypr bitnet report probl em chang precis fly simtel wuarchiv brigg arith keith brigg kbrigg mundo math tu rbo pascal sourc for routin that multipl precis sqrt gcd factor rand for integ i nclud and rand for ration number filenam brigg arith pa institut fur experimente l mathematik gerhard schneider fast multipl precis subroutin librari don eli cam contact mat hrz bitnet for info postal address institut fur experimentel mathem atik ellernstr essen germani longint marku mueller mueller komsi tik ethz multi precis arithmet written modula time critic part written assembl includ basic ari thmet arithmet modulo number addit modul collect procedur for primal test gcd mu ltipl invers and packag part privaci enhanc mail pem packag includ pem mailer rs a kei gener and certif gener tool sourc modula and assembl for sun longint port do logitech modula and turbo assembl avail free for univers us research and educ sourc licens requir obtain write email marku mueller bertastrass dietikon switz erland email mueller komsi tik ethz bignum henrik johansson nexu comm bignum pac kag written portabl will futur conform common lisp function that handl integ inc lud exponenti exptmod comparison random number and gcd filenam bignum gnu multip l precis gnu free softwar foundat multipl precis packag haven look thi current a pril recent version time you read thi thi packag wide ftp site filenam gmp tar e llipt curv primal prove francoi morian franc larg packag prove primal prime incl ud inria bignum packag obtain ftp inria filenam ecpp tar pgp pretti good privaci philip zimmermann prz sage cgd ucar edu intel base crypto packag that includ bi gnum routin quit fast for intel processor unix and mac version crypto packag vio lat rsa patent bignum routin can us fear legal repercuss bell arbitrari precis c

alcul david bell australia dbell pdact necisa arbitrari precis calcul good onlin languag builtin function support for integ ration number work float point compl ex number matric string list file object includ gcd primal test even trig functi on recommend larg packag obtain comp sourc unix filenam calc tar built support l anguag multipl precis arithmet number program languag such lisp and abc mcsun ne t perl larri wall devvax jpl nasa gov includ sourc perl for such packag not suit abl for us for sourc code thi list long not pursu aggress vielmetti and contribu t thi list mark riordan mrr ripem msu edu sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt notic that clip per chip develop for consider longer month that clinton presid thi not that choo s choos bush clinton chang slightest work for time sci.crypt facin fact bit serial number possibl fix and pmetzger snark shea rson perri metzger den guvax acc georgetown edu vidkun abraham lauritz quisl wri te each chip includ compon skipjack encrypt algorithm bit famili kei that common chip bit serial number bit secret kei that unlock messag encrypt chip hmmm thir ti bit serial number and told unit kei deriv determinist thi serial number that mean that billion unit kei hell wors that you make million serial number aren ha nd random you start and work call bit space sci.crypt clipper chip technic detail articl apr ulyss att smb research at t steven bellovin write noth come you secur devic you don public kei secret kei chip share you can us mynam yournam date that jim bidzo report chees ross sci.crypt onc tap your code good mail can break your pgp encrypt call temp est truck and read electromagnet emmis your comput termin note that measur prote ct independ invent half dozen top head had studi advanc come good system wouldn second monitor similar type scroll gibberish and adjac us provid reason resist t empest attack rob stampfli rob colnet cmhnet org neat thing standard ham radio j yv choos sci.crypt kei registr idea articl access digex net pcw access digex peter wayner write that lead conjectur that system vulner simpl phone swap attack doub t that practic implement thi propos place onu individu regist kei realist clippe r chip will emit code will serv identifi request kei fragment chip manufactur re gist thi identifi code kei combin chip made and uniniti end user can remain comp let loop chip us cellular phone modem devic make differ author detect us thi enc rypt standard surveil captur and appli for kei order decrypt data rob stampfli r ob colnet cmhnet org neat thing standard ham radio jyv choos sci.crypt onc tap your code good pat rwing pat myrto write clinton clipper good note that bill clinton design implement reason thi chip move made thi chip pawn rememb you elect presid unit state not case that republican etc nsa and fb i and cia immedi pack bag and replac team fresh young democrat govern appoint hi re elect sinc thi clipper devic product for six month foundat elect democrat exe cut bodi btw suggest that thi attack clinton thi ballist reagardless propos thi thing anoth step gradual eros right constitut bill right last coupl decad stop s eri end run protect constitut stop good time isn late allreadi sky hasn fallen c hicken pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wis dom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac articl ygoland wright jest er write proof window viru widespread eat your disk space slow your comput take control your comput perform disk access random time displai silli messag your sc reen randomli crash comput vesselin thi sound version unix solari sci.crypt spoof clipper serial number secreci clipper chip serial number c lipper chip encrypt system kei and transmit part part messag protocol can recov noth differenti analysi postul you will chip logic sit clipper chip and commun c hannel purpos thi chip twofold transmit channel spoof chip xor bit encrypt seria l number secondari kei variabl thi render serial number unrecover system kei rec iev channel spoof chip xor incom encrypt serial number secondari kei variabl ass um serial number for local oper thi net result hide serial number thi get intere st number serial number issu becom larg make difficult distinguish valid serial number and spoof serial number know system kei you lie serial number risk detect lie you had system kei and encrypt algorithm you successfulli lie lower probabl detect emul format your serial number make you what hidden secreci prevent you

ly you sci.crypt larg commerci kei typic size for kei for commerci secret kei alg orithm de bit trippl de bit and idea bit made that bit kei anywher that larger k ei heard that can scale arbitrarili larg kei thi implement anywher final can eve n conciev time place bit kei aren suffici can even trillion kei second billion y ear search billionth that kei space dane sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger wr ite clipper chip can cheap crypto for mass thing build back door agre cylink and expens game town note cylink great and boss doubl salari bui bunch stuff thing that clipper offer interoper higher degre secur proprietari voic encrypt system thi mean will cheaper proprietari scheme and easier deploi thi bug featur depend you even special engin you can construct good system standard codec chip chip v ocod de chip bi integr modem modul and small processor glue work you secur phone great can bui anoth note clipper increas incent bring stronger encrypt mass mar ket overpr moment cheap crypto good don govern don care care can and whether wil l interoper not for govern stop qualcomm design strong encrypt cdma cellular pho ne system pioneer not for nsa and compani cheap encrypt system trick book stop h ad not for cheap secur phone you can build long you don want export restrict fir mli oppos thing stop peopl make cheap encrypt greed want lock market aren make c heap crypto keep cheap crypto peopl hand hand you clipper chip you get mess pott ag your prize for trade your birthright come you trust farther deserv clipper ph one not substitut for cylink phone stu iii substitut for voic scrambler advertis back radio electron get cheaper crypto for ourselv market provid that had not d eliber sabotag disagre modulo itar not govern that sabotag market exactli social contract exchang for give strong cryptographi can you exactli that amanda walke r intercon system corpor sci.crypt clipper consid harm clipper come cellular phone legal proscript cipher system phone and potenti danger class crime creat crimin badli want inscr ut tactic commun specif terrorist and drug dealer propon kei escrow cite threat will highli motiv steal cipher phone legitim user and kill thi person hold hosta g discoveri compromis devic will delai onc suitabl collect devic stolen crimin c an commun impun assum cipher system carri trapdoor apart kei escrow and compromi s discov mean life cheap crimin will kill peopl steal larg and conspicu properti luxuri car reason assum that will will kill peopl steal small and inconspicu pr operti cipher cellular phone past blue box technolog and present modifi cellular phone can expect high stake crimin lucr market for stolen cipher phone can us f or dai high stake crimin will pai life cheap type substanti amount for stolen in strument person typic discov miss dead dai stolen instrument will usabl for dai will continu demand for fresh phone fresh bodi word clipper and similar system p otenti turn current inconveni law enforc into direct viciou and persist threat g ener public hand crimin appli arbitrari cipher devic cipher network commun will stand unusu and perhap worthi mean investig final essenti possibl intercept real tim scrutabl content commun stolen instrument will exist strong motiv record and archiv commun network for post facto scrutini onc crimin act discov and instrum ent involv identifi record and archiv not feasibl for wirelin network feasibl ac ross limit bandwidth radio network exist record open vast potenti for abus brad yearwood brad optilink uunet pyramid optilink brad petaluma sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr colnet cmhnet org re colnet cm hnet org rob stampfli write mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck a nd read electromagnet emmis your comput termin note that measur protect independ invent half dozen top head had studi advanc come good system wouldn second moni tor similar type scroll gibberish and adjac us provid reason resist tempest atta ck video game and pinbal machin suppos work pretti good block eavesdrop thing pu t lot nois back read comput compani put bunch game build for thi purpos not ment ion dane sci.crypt secur clipper articl zeev apr sepia ccc amdahl zeev ccc amdahl w urman write that discuss clipper secur almost irrelev cannot choos kei us kei ch osen for foundri secur univers user good bad secur vlsi technolog inc handler tr ivial effort run ciphertext again kei manufactur talk million kei that will manu factur kei depositori can secur and incorrupt care kei depositori irrelev order

for applic law enformc agenc kei request escrow system will squawk serial number clear text part link establish protocol own program that assign kei each serial number won access kei depositori word fbi court order releas escrow kei nsa kei chip manufactur escrow kei relat law enfor agenc sometim strain long histori tr ade favor thi will establish nsa import agenc for can give you untrac encrypt le ak court order thi affair fouler smell de engin backdoor lar poulsen smt softwar engin internet mail lar cmc cmc network product rockwel int telephon santa barb ara telefax sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook jhart agora rain j im hart write you don care that peopl li fool into believ chip privaci fact wire tap give privaci not absolut privaci announc front thi and allow wiretap thi foo l you smart that you you talk wiretap chip phone privaci chip privat kei two don interoper you couldn talk cylink phone clipper phone expect even multiprotoc ph one come indic kind link encrypt us altern nsa bug telephon talk inexpens teleph on includ hand size cellular that strong crypto real privaci start compani and b uild thi capitalist economi true privaci chip for exampl real time voic encrypt rsa put into silicon compil and spit asic put thi chip market facto standard for intern busi diplomat and privat commun agre for amanda walker intercon system c orpor sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt ted dun ted nms u edu wrote notic that clipper chip develop for consider longer month that clint on presid thi not that choos choos bush clinton chang slightest work for time no te thi note that program start year ago that contract vlsi technolog and microto xin month ago that product chip underwai and claim clinton intiti program chose ahead tim timothi crypto anarchi encrypt digit monei tcmai netcom anonym network digit pseudonym knowledg reput inform market apto black market collaps govern h igher power public kei pgp and mailsaf sci.crypt clipper busi usual notwithstand legitim fuss thi propos chang at t last product thi area price suspect clipper phone will custom kei automat prer egist govern author attempt legitim and solidifi fed postur clipper direct techn olog will eventu drive cost and therebi promot widespread us present man street not purchas crypto telephon gui end doesn miss real question gov will year two a ir tight voic privaci phone line close your nearest that problemat scenario for even extent usag never surpass underground statur pgp rai berri rai ol cdac rjbe rri eskimo compuserv sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr yuma acn colost edu holland co lost edu dougla craig holland write mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagnet emmis your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi note that tempest name shield standard tempest not name surveil techniqu ken shirriff shirriff sprite berkelei edu disclaim thi heard a nd sci crypt faq true can guarante wrong sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip gtoal gtoal graham toal write happen effect thi chip will make privat crypto stand sore thumb amanda wa lker intercon system corpor sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl apr eff org ka di eff org carl kadi write clipper good cover us anoth layer encrypt you make cu stom equip case not roll your clipper implement and report wrong kei escrow agen c tell chip busi thi thing nsa and hide nsa can verifi that your phone not kei r egist that serial number court order wiretap judg that thi individu privaci that kei not not court order wiretap phone thi seri thi part scari sinc expect that chip batch will seed base and and serial number get kei for batch give access ba ckdoor messag deciph kei find thi threaten sinc scheme open plaintext attack dec iph data header talk phone will automat negoti kei gener not deciph record conve rs us plaintext recov backdoor repres header header for convers particip even wo rs phone seri relat kei can bui phone chip product lot can recov kei elegantli t alk brute forc analysi actual chip appli kei gener process seed find target kei hmmm don want come close phone even de start good two can and string will provid secur robert eachu standard disclaim us standard disclaim function messag text clever idea return idea sci.crypt tempest lcd onc tap dougla craig holland holland colost edu writ

e mail can break your pgp encrypt call tempest truck and read electromagnet emmi s your comput termin note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi steiner j upit cse utoledo edu jason steiner write lcd displai vulner tempest can high vol tag type displai devic vulner crt plasma displai etc jason beat thi question rad iat low voltag item lcd displai perhap critic element driver circuitri cabl port abl mac etc nois bunch into tini area sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr magnu ac ohio state edu jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jame ebright write that doubt trapdoor skipjack will never and doubt nsa promot mass market chip c ouldn compromis ergo nsa capabl compromis brute forc keysearch engin complex ski pjack spec bet thousand chip chug crypto buster even ten thousand complex not su ch machin will fit into fort mead pgp bit idea kei thousand ten thousand arithme t skipjack kei assum brute forc engin that hypothes for de microsecond per trial million chip that trial per second year for trial can chip run trial per nanose cond and build machin million chip year for each solut idea bit kei bother calcu l for you hint multipli year and you can idea that speed kei setup take long wou ldn surpris that case for skipjack know de us xor that feasibl mid technolog mod ern chip can lot nsa not crack skipjack and idea doubt for idea for strong crypt osystem ain gonna exhaust search sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr coop felixg coop felix gallo w rite pat rwing pat myrto write clinton clipper good note that bill clinton desig n implement reason thi chip can move polit bicker group brad keplei internet kep lei photon phy unca edu work dai voic sci.crypt clipper consid harm brad optilink brad yearwood write crimin bad li want inscrut tactic commun specifical terrorist and drug dealer propon kei es crow cite threat will highli motiv steal cipher phone legitim user and kill thi person hold hostag discoveri compromis devic will delai such rough manner profes sion steal chip phone and even replac pin compat noth chip that not encrypt chan c that victim will not notic profession onc suitabl collect devic stolen crimin can commun impun assum cipher system carri trapdoor apart kei escrow and comprom is discov mean fed will decrypt convers true blame wrong gui nevertheless cannot drug arriv tommorrow ship terminu fed listen even cannot identifi speaker crimi n will us secur encrypt propos not stop crimin ensur that govern will wiretap av erag citizen and stop casual snooper step outlaw strong encrypt devic regard ves selin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fach bereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev f bihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt larg commerci kei butzerd maume eng ohio state edu dane butzer w rite final can even conciev time place bit kei aren suffici depend algorithm us bit secret kei for rsa definit not secur regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bon tchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp pu blic kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg h amburg germani sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook jfc athena mit edu john carr write articl almaden ibm amelin vnet ibm ian amelin write that will r evers engin clipper chip and knowleg algorithm will like fairli widespread chip and algorithm classifi you revers engin and peopl you like jail not lawyer can t hi complet and utterli untru you thi countri thi thing call constitut you legiti m aquir devic and you not govern employe encumb don can stop you reveal devic yo u can determin rememb pentagon paper preced amend appli not offici secret act la w that will punish you for reveal classifi inform you learn your capac govern of fici contractor etc and law that prohibit steal such inform sell you chip can th at can make revers engin and reveal detail illeg perri metzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt work text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt marc vanhe yningen mvanheyn indiana edu major discuss involv thi clipper chip pertain encry pt telephon convers that mean thi chip design work primarili analog signal langu ag sort suggest thi hard lai buck that data data parallel suspect make phone you codec and speech compress loss bandwidth speech signal suspect scupper suggest put encrypt front end hint modul scheme doc pure digit chip back end will come p

osit won left manufactur modul scheme make easi for nsa tap possibl that thi int end for isdn phone put spin eff obsess isdn true bwahahaha sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl rwing pat rwing pat myrto write cl inton clipper good not make algrithm public peopl can exchang idea and examin is ol respect expert respect for perhap professor like kei bank select expert thi e xpand idea person advoc recal that complet baffl dorothi den chosen throw academ respect thi major career limit move can peopl land such fat fee cooper nsa desi gn and propoganda stage that doesn care sci.crypt clipper chip dan mckinnon dan mckinnon canrem lurk bit and math unknown found interest thought post articl found saturdai april toronto star cli pper chip protect privaci polit dirti pool man and classic exampl nsa and admini str work thi for long time and parallel announc techi hit press propoganda bet b ig magazin byte scientif american will readi run pre written govern slant stori thi issu page spare boi give you copi time for press big name industri write arg u piec thi propos can you call that facto announc and into big magazin damag wor th folk archiv discuss sinc dai announc argument fingertip write quit good piec carri clout guarante public phil don parker mitch kapor sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow gtoal new ib mpcug graham toal write read line david strong hint that angl for nren honestli didn hint sophist encrypt technolog us for year protect electron fund transfer u s protect electron mail and comput file encrypt hint thi technolog will compani protect proprietari inform protect privaci person phone convers and prevent unau thor releas data transmit electron time thi technolog preserv privaci citizen in clud emploi voic data encrypt for busi purpos abil author offici access telephon call and data proper court legal order protect citizen big hint administr commi t work privat sector spur develop nation inform infrastructur will us telecommun and comput technolog give american unpreced access inform thi infrastructur hig h speed network inform superhighwai will transmit video imag hdtv program and hu ge data file easili todai telephon system transmit voic big hint sinc encrypt te chnolog will plai increasingli import role that infrastructur feder govern act q uickli develop consist comprehens polici us and conceiv mean appli thi technolog comput network that intend us exclus mean encrypt disagre for reason that stand ard place even restrict encrypt nren care internet commerci nren for geovern and univers research read propos data superhighwai for crai user not internet your point you wrong you sit back and wait find late listen carefulli for such and su ch will not permit network xyz shoe drop sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl marc apr oliv mit edu marc mit edu marc horowitz nzu write that ask ask comput telnet csrc ncsl nist gov connec t csrc ncsl nist gov escap charact org sendmail nist readi sat apr edt expn clip per csspab mail ncsl nist gov org close connect connect close isn that interest dorothi den mitch kapor even interest smtp server csrc ncsl nist gov longer reco gn expn and vrfy command telnet csrc ncsl nist gov smtp connect csrc ncsl nist g ov escap charact org sendmail nist readi tue apr edt expn clipper command unreco gn sombodi didn your snoop marc jurgen botz jbotz mtholyok edu vend machin respo nd finger south hadlei usa request list item unix dead long live unix for purcha s rfc sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt ted nmsu edu te d dun write notic that clipper chip develop for consider longer month that clint on presid thi not that choos choos bush clinton chang slightest work for time do ubt that thi ahead bush presid puzzl peopl appar amaz that clinton that mr linco ln you plai sci.crypt anoth kei registr bodi bite dust imho candid that suggest for ke i registr bodi aclu thi poor choic aclu essenti group auditor audit peopl civil liberti administ tradition auditor not involv design oper aspect thing and good reason system programm infuri that auditor come and implement stunk secur point view wouldn fix figur like critciz work fix problem stint auditor and found real reason auditor don recommend solut put bad posit critic implement audite can yo u told thi compromis independ that part auditor job take case hand suppos aclu b ecom kei half registrar suppos that perhap error aclu part kei half get that sho uldn and us depriv civil liberti aclu get wind thi and court end time side defen

d and plaintiff not easi posit except complet independ auditor place work payrol check print sign automat signatur drum burst machin thi drum auditor check stoc k and brought data process time check differ thi situat and kei registr situat t hat fairli obviou time payrol check yesterdai and todai produc yesterdai check t hat can destroi determin request for kei halv legit trickier process prone mista k that put aclu protect client versu protect aclu conflict interest opinion lynn grant grant dockmast ncsc mil sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write respond claim skipjack cra ck engin thousand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei assum brute forc engin that hypothes for de microsecond per trial million chip that trial per second year f or trial can chip run trial per nanosecond and build machin million chip year fo r each solut point that mystic de engin plaintext engin you add ton smart hardwa r plaintext digit voic and exist for short time coupl inch copper top flatli not your bug offic can hear voic and even digit bitstream horribl naiv suppos that regular folk can figur crack skipjack clipper base telephon not devot great deal thought andrew molitor sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit attempt write polici paper examin whe ther propos wiretap clipper chip cost effect tool for polic investig that ignor concern govern intrus into individu privaci easi wiretap investig greater cost c ommun industri and custom support thi wiretap technolog rough estim suggest that wiretap worth million dollar per year law enforc agenc wiretap led arrest total polic expenditur billion led million arrest ref statist abstract work estim thi wiretap benefit accur hardwar expert estim cost propos wiretap technolog send q uotabl citeabl estim for chip made per year phone wiretap chip cost make each ch ip cost develop thi technolog place support hardwar peopl etc cost per chip perc entag cheaper encrypt chip and support privat enterpris compet meet custom encry pt percentag phone traffic propos law enforc block total cost handl phone traffi c per year put anoth question ask each polic agenc that want wiretap had pai for charg share full social cost forc commun wiretap compat choos bui such wiretap find cost effect investig crime wai robin hanson hanson ptolemi arc nasa gov nas a am research center moffett field male terrac fremont sci.crypt export pkzip vesselin bontchev bontchev fbihh informatik uni ham burg write markowitz dockmast ncsc mil write interest note thi regard that permi ss export pkzip encrypt scheme twice deni nsa draw you conclus afraid that your inform slightli date pkware obtain licens export program world limit list countr i draw your conclus strength algorithm clear refer effort receiv export permiss nsa for pkzip encrypt algorithm not effort part phil katz pkware point that orig in version thi algorithm design roger schlafli and that mean roger and twice den i export licens for second round thi past fall had knowledg phil attempt thi not even for choos implement algorithm design roger that case for version prior and question kei manag and even applic ident reason assum nsa treat that mjm michae l markowitz markowitz dockmast ncsc mil inform secur corp fax lake cook suit mci deerfield ci sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl otuinndb dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write plaintext digit voi c and exist for short time coupl inch copper top flatli not your bug offic can h ear voic and even digit bitstream idiot plaintext that relev session kei you tha t you don room chip you you brute forc interest that messag stream sort approxim bug offic your room chip session kei chang morn lot easier for illicit wiretapp stick bug your phone andrew molitor sci.crypt clipper consid harm brad optilink brad yearwood write clipper co me cellular phone legal proscript cipher system phone and potenti danger class c rime creat crimin badli want inscrut tactic commun specif terrorist and drug dea ler propon kei escrow cite threat will highli motiv steal cipher phone legitim u ser and kill thi person hold hostag discoveri compromis devic will delai yow sle ep brad you mean that peopl life cheap terrorist drug deal warlord want commun p rivaci will prefer break into hous kill kidnap and steal telephon spend mart bui phone purchas load phone black market flea market super market talk gasp face f ace walk million pai phone messeng excruci effort code phrase had blowout freewa

i todai thi system noth threaten folk wiretap sinc trivial find avenu commun rea son resort extrem measur sinc plethora simpl altern easili legitim reason damn p ropos system don worri terrorist commi drug warlord assasin thug murder famili k ick dog and leav toilet seat steal telephon system urin test catch small number stupid peopl effect bad gui neuron work unison subvert and penal heavili subject steve hollasch kubota pacif comput inc hollasch kpc santa clara california sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow gtoal gtoal graham toal write your point you wrong you sit back and wait find late listen ca refulli for such and such will not permit network xyz shoe drop intent nren spec tat nren for year commerci softwar vendor profession opinion that nren thi point irrelev privat sector network had deploi year ago major develop upgrad nsfnet a nd attempt reviv lag us nation supercomput center you cut nsfnet complet and int ernet continu chug hiccup univers long haul network and internet connect long si nc ceas feder sponsorship regul usa success cix commerci internet exchang prime exampl thi dear promot data superhighwai privat sector build nsfnet restrict ill ustr connect machin desk machin your articl post pizzabox demon involv commerci provid hit amsterdam nsfnet nren us restrict even mbp hit eunet gatewai qed aman da walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt facin fact bit serial number possibl fix and view thi method gen er unit kei back door can you call kei determinist gener serial number gener uni t kei for serial number bit pad fix bit block produc bit block and us kei tripl encrypt produc bit block similarli pad two bit block produc and and two addit bi t block and comput and concaten togeth give bit bit assign and second bit rest d iscard unit kei xor and and kei part that separ escrow two escrow agenc happen t hat for escrow hous complet elimin access escrow hous decrypt data hous will ser v real purpos gener illus protect and small town cop won secret will motion escr ow hous fact feder govern can and will build chip gener unit kei encrypt serial number nuff sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook begin pgp sign mes sag hacker care clipper chip give shit privaci accept and perhap not even smart that talk wiretap phone find thi disturb view care privaci even don happen gov s tart creat legisl such that clipper and such technolog becom legal encrypt form happen clipper type encrypt chip mass you your method encrypt you don talk us yo u can assum that will open you encrypt point not specif instanc wiretap chip gov ern tell you that want copi your hous kei safe deposit box kei etc and tell you that wont us total neccessari wouldn want that encrypt derek pgp kei request kei server pgp public kei toxicwast mit edu derek atkin mit electr engin and comput scienc secretari mit student inform process board sipb mit media laboratori spe ech research group warlord mit edu asel nwh sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow quot pla skt b demon articl aohonj sktb demon you reason scare shitless record mccarthi hoove r edgar not cleaner excel suck and nixon histori not record whether edgar hoover good suck for cleaner stick electrolux and damn carpet paul crowlei pdc dc trus t fold fish for jesu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl hxv demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write complet baffl dorothi den chosen throw academ respect thi major career lim it move can peopl remark for time interest member academia and remark noth elev respect ey remain whether you radic fring gener error assum that your belief hel d major even sizabl minor you ten nai dozen peopl usenet agre you andrew molitor sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl apr afte rlif ncsc mil rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write articl bontchev fbihh b ontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu ca rri handgun grenad and assault rifl hmmm thi becom flame war quickli text regul militia that amend written and approv regul meand arm rememb western bounti hunt er call regul thi archaic usag word origin intent amend weapon not control dan r obinson sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write thousand ten thousand arit

hmet skipjack kei don bit count kei and escrow arrang smoke and mirror cover nsa can regener kei transmit serial number sci.crypt propos polic point view articl apr new clarkson edu tuinstra sun spot ec clarkson edu soe dwight tuinstra write pai start thi propos mean polic a genc bad idea for suppos state polic want tap suspect phone warrant dai unlik da i two feder agenc give two part kei happen tiff two escrow hous posess releas ke i becom polit bargain chit unrealist suppos that feder agenc will fail promptli compli court order good point local law enforc will unabl perform wiretap bring feder agenc base possibl incomplet understand system quot den fbi will decrypt s ystem kei encrypt layer need even identifi escrow kei request thi move great dea l law enforc power feder level reason thi point that swai even persuad peopl don gener line civil liberti crowd nation polic forc oppos peopl broad rang polit v iewpoint olson umbc edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good for that matter shouldn that difficult de sign black box that emr similar monitor gibberish screen sci.crypt onc tap your code good graham toal gtoal gtoal write complet baf fl dorothi den chosen throw academ respect thi major career limit move can peopl not major limit move academ circl argu for increas govern intervent and manag a lmost not mean high pai job for academ advisor that den decent nsa govern connec t for academ institut that govern fund and work toss despic career limit public outweigh drawback and bunch peopl thing peachi keen us drug dealer child pornogr aph and terrorist good truth hard find and harder obscur sci.crypt clipper consid harm crimin badli want inscrut tactic commun spec if terrorist and drug dealer propon kei escrow cite threat will highli motiv ste al cipher phone legitim user and kill thi person hold hostag discoveri compromis devic will delai such rough manner profession steal chip phone and even replac pin compat noth chip that not encrypt chanc that victim will not notic professio n assum that bad gui can easili obtain substitut chip don notic effect user pers on end line signific difficulti obtain such chip crimin will decid fall back mur der kidnap method onc suitabl collect devic stolen crimin can commun impun assum cipher system carri trapdoor apart kei escrow and compromis discov mean fed wil l decrypt convers true blame wrong gui nevertheless cannot drug arriv tommorrow ship terminu fed listen even cannot identifi speaker thi assum that fed tap clip per phone belong ordinari citizen get such phone point crime discuss wouldn put past rais possibl such crime benefit forc fed fess such intent advanc state that clipper expos user addit crimin threat crimin will us secur encrypt propos not stop crimin ensur that govern will wiretap averag citizen and stop casual snoope r step outlaw strong encrypt devic agre sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow pdc dc paul crowlei write for cleaner stick electrolux and damn carpet nah noth suck vax ama nda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt onc tap your code good land such fat fee cooper nsa design and p ropoganda stage that doesn care nsa total perfidi redeem virtu take care sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit articl apr krono arc nasa gov hanson krono arc nasa gov robin hanson write attempt write polici paper examin whether propos wiretap clipper chip cost effect tool for polic investig that ignor conce rn govern intrus into individu privaci easi wiretap investig greater cost commun industri and custom support thi wiretap technolog rough estim suggest that wire tap worth million dollar per year law enforc agenc wiretap led arrest total poli c expenditur billion led million arrest ref statist abstract work estim thi wire tap benefit accur hardwar expert estim cost propos wiretap technolog send quotab l citeabl estim for chip made per year phone wiretap chip cost make each chip co st develop thi technolog place support hardwar peopl etc cost per chip percentag cheaper encrypt chip and support privat enterpris compet meet custom encrypt pe rcentag phone traffic propos law enforc block total cost handl phone traffic per year put anoth question ask each polic agenc that want wiretap had pai for char g share full social cost forc commun wiretap compat choos bui such wiretap find cost effect investig crime wai robin hanson hanson ptolemi arc nasa gov nasa am research center moffett field male terrac fremont fuck nasa wast tax dollar poli ci paper stuff purvew mission second thi isn problem econom thi problem incremen

t accumul polic state power govern exactli you put price loss freedom societi us dollar life lost calcul for extra peopl kill gov pain and suffer case for tortu r dollar life lost caus inevit collaps economi and secondari effect diseas diet etc inevit collaps economi gov control becom corrupt etc favor resign thi paper for nasa work for societi lew lew glenden rlglend netcom perspect worth point ni el bohr that sci.crypt pseudo random charact gener larg state pseudo random charact gen er base irreduc trinomi each contain separ trinomi select initi distinct trinomi prcg prcg initi bit seed and bit trinomi selector comment interest email new fr itz note that thi post email peter boucher boucher csl sri clip clip sci.crypt clipper consid harm articl optilink brad optilink brad yearwood write final essenti possibl intercept realtim scrutabl content commun stolen ins trument will exist strong motiv record and archiv commun network for post facto scrutini onc crimin act discov and instrument involv identifi like that that lar g subset encrypt commun archiv tape read futur probabl aris and warrant obtain c an even imagin thi found legal and constitut sinc noth listen valid warrant issu and kei obtain imagin archiv pai phone convers turn drug dealer you can listen past drug deal and archiv call suspect mafia member potenti terrorist radic etc imagin conveni for polic warrant and listen call world trade center bomber made past year sinc archiv such power tool and easi wouldn happen ken shirriff shirri ff sprite berkelei edu sci.crypt polit philosophi worth read read thi onc twice replac princ gove rn presid and read chapter princ macchiavelli translat daniel donno order land s ecur princ disarm subject prompt divis citi subjug nurtur animos sought win appr ov initi distrust erect fortress destroi imposs set definit judgement measur cir cumst state emploi nevertheless discuss such broad term subject will begin never case princ disarm subject whenev found disarm proceed arm for arm your subject you make arm your suspici becom loyal loyal remain and subject transform into pa rtisan you cannot arm nonetheless you increas your safeti you leav unarm extend privileg you arm your treatment two categori will make feel oblig you will prope r thoat assum ad duti and danger receiv advantag you disarm your subject you off end show that cowardli lack faith you distrust and conclus will induc hate you s inc imposs for you remain unarm you resort mercenari limit discuss even such tro op good never good defend you power enemi and doubt subject princ newli acquir s tate measur arm subject and histori full exampl prove that thi princ take posess state annex addit origin domain disarm subject state help acquir and time and o ccas permit seek render soft and weak arrang matter such that arm entir state wi ll hand soldier nativ origin domain and sinc subject demand will not fail remind princ acquir state aid inhabit that soundli induc assist reason not natur affec t for dissatisfact govern will find extrem difficult friendli for will imposs wi ll carefulli matter light exampl drawn ancient and modern affair will understand easier win favor happi govern and enemi favor dissatisfact rule help replac sci.crypt larg commerci kei articl apr eng ohio state edu butzerd maume en g ohio state edu dane butzer write final can even conciev time place bit kei are n suffici can even trillion kei second billion year search billionth that kei sp ace depend attack ad bit kei doubl amount work straight brute forc attack you si ngl kei work process and storag requir for thi kind attack bit kei make effect i mposs attack difficulti for exampl proport sqrt such long kei you good increment guess kei time dane john sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl rdippold qualcom rdippold qualcomm ron asbesto dippold write geoff ficu ucla edu geoffrei kuen write bullshit bush administr and career gestapo respons for thi horror and careerist present presi d fait accompli that doesn excus clinton and gore critic for stupid for lai bodi proper door start final stage denial can imagin result clinton administr had su pport thi plan acquiesc repugn don chip origin clinton administr clinton adminis tr embrac and brought fruition date for thi note clinton statement encrypt parag raph guess thi statement doesen contradict you cut washington upi war drug fresh start presid clinton told deleg nation feder polic commision convent washington speech drug issu sinc innaugur clinton that plan escal drug war make half heart that for practic purpos thi war begin repeatedli emphas view that long thi dai

audienc convent theme spell fiscal relief interrupt clinton frequent applaus cli nton program present speech follow outlin campaign posit paper cabinet level dru g czar and boot camp for time youth offend cover detail plan for improv enforc m ethod thi year crime bill will teeth not bare gum clinton administr will place s trict control data format and protocol and requir registr call cryptograph kei h ope deni drug dealer abil commun secret clinton approach us for crackdown form u nderground econom activ such deficit caus tax evad live luxuri expens grandchild ren clinton express optim that drug war can won even not vote for bill clinton l ast novemb vote for candid share sens urgenc fight drug menac advoc legal advoc surrend good make nois clinton american peopl cast ballot prove knew that advoc surrend noth microscop fring sci.crypt escrow databas articl tcmayc netcom tcmai netcom timothi write w aco massacr and big brother wiretap chip tactic fair thi pernici nonsens david d avid sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl apr eff org ka di eff org carl kadi write don replac for clipper front end thi make sens govern prohibit altern escrow encrypt scheme not us front end clipper david david ster nlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow begin pgp si gn messag messag pizzabox demon you write cop fed not hold your privat kei liste n cellular convers encrypt not end end cellphon base station that true for paul fairli talk build end end encrypt phone thi chip not for cellular us you suggest lost white hous deathless prose post that happen you read new home you rat ars bunch follow up cellular cordless comm origin articl reappear presid todai annou nc initi that will bring feder govern togeth industri voluntari program improv s ecur and privaci telephon commun meet legitim law enforc hmm telephon commun inc lud end end encrypt ordinari landlin initi will involv creation product acceler develop and us advanc and secur telecommun network and wireless commun link para graph telecom network and wireless commun link clear exactli crippl apposit anag ram will appli reason joe public secur comm stop peopl listen cellular cordless phone and wouldn even bother that not for wingnut and squidqi misfortun crippl f or end end encypt drop clear end doesn crippl cordless ordinari convers clear le av cordless end vulner present nope suspect that crippl will us radio link telec ommun network mean ordinari phone line bet mean microwav link us telco apolog wr ong turgid press releas make clear that wrong and miss can full obfusc and expec t end end encrypt for surpris imho btw graham post question alt secur pgp and no t repli followup europ you made into kill file problem paul sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl apr afte rlif ncsc mil rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write articl bontchev fbihh b ontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu ca rri handgun grenad and assault rifl read appli admonit you gave previou poster c laus not condit reason for explicitli support exist militia not that peopl and b ear arm thi not grant constitut presum exist default constitut mention prevent g overn remov that state govern not infring mess block limit that rememb constitut bunch neg thing thing govern cannot right etc not epxressli govern state and pe opl peopl amend bill right talk sinc you will summarili reject interpret append linguist analysi expert and you suspect you will find qualif adequ that isn can send you senat subcommite judiciari constitut report thing thing that big brothe r type biden etc had swallow hard admit you will find that peopl that studi cons titut and state mean will thing come improv mean subvert constitut for agenda cl inton and clinton crippl gun control peopl control and control control and nasti mess thi person error won you and back proof sinc back assert independ proof an d bunch can provid note followup set talk polit gun begin includ articl unabridg second amend neil schulman you want big bang you ring carl sagan and you want d esert warfar man call norman schwarzkopf question you call you want top expert a merican usag you mean second amend unit state constitut that question ask brocki editori coordin lo angel unifi school district and senior editor houghton miffl in publish had recommend foremost expert english usag lo angel school system bro

cki told touch roi copperud retir professor journal univers southern california and author american usag and style consensu research lent support brocki opinion professor copperud expertis roi copperud newspap writer major daili for decad e mbark distinguish year career teach journal usc sinc copperud write column deal profession aspect journal for editor and publish weekli magazin focus journal fi eld usag panel american heritag dictionari and merriam webster usag dictionari f requent cite expert copperud book usag american usag and style consensu continu print van nostrand reinhold sinc and winner associ american publish human award that sound expert telephon call professor copperud introduc not give indic inter est letter write you you for your profession opinion expert english usag analyz text second amend unit state constitut and extract intent text text second amend regul militia for secur free state peopl and bear arm not infring debat thi ame nd whether part sentenc regul militia secur free state restrict claus subordin c laus respect independ claus contain subject sentenc peopl and bear arm not infri ng request that your analysi thi sentenc not into consider issu polit impact pub lic polici restrict linguist analysi mean and intent sinc your profession analys i will like becom part litig consequ second amend that analysi you make professi on opinion that you will stand your reput and even will testifi oath support let ter frame question test second amend conclud realiz that ask you major respons a nd task thi letter citizen vital import extract actual mean second amend that yo ur analysi not affect polit import result that you thi that import letter and ph one call discuss term for such analysi never discuss opinion second amend gun co ntrol polit subject professor copperud follow analysi into insert question for s ake clariti copperud word regul militia secur free state contrari interpret cite your letter juli constitut present participl claus us adject modifi militia mai n claus sentenc subject verb and bear arm assert essenti for maintain militia re pli your number question schulman can sentenc interpret grant and bear arm sole regul militia copperud sentenc not restrict and bear arm state impli possess peo pl simpli make posit statement respect peopl schulman peopl and bear arm grant w ord second amend second amend assum preexist peopl and bear arm and state that s uch not infring copperud not grant amend exist assum thrust sentenc that preserv inviol for sake ensur militia schulman peopl and bear arm condit whether not re gul militia fact secur free state and that condit not exist statement peopl and bear arm not infring null and void copperud such condit express impli and bear a rm not amend depend exist militia condit state impli relat and bear arm and nece ss regul militia requisit secur free state and bear arm deem uncondit entir sent enc schulman claus regul militia secur free state grant govern place condit peop l and bear arm such deem uncondit mean entir sentenc copperud assum exist and un condit previous state invok specif for sake militia schulman phrase regul militi a mean equip organ drill educ subject regul superior author copperud phrase mean subject regul superior author thi accord desir writer for civilian control mili tari schulman you account chang mean word usag sinc that sentenc written year ag o not into account histor interpret intent author issu can separ copperud knowle dg chang mean word usag that affect mean amend written todai put sinc regul mili tia tot secur free state peopl and bear arm not abridg schulman scientif control thi analysi you compar your analysi text second amend sentenc school elector se cur free state peopl and read book not infring question for usag analysi thi sen tenc grammat structur and usag thi sentenc and word modifi each ident second ame nd sentenc and thi sentenc interpret restrict peopl and read book educ elector f or exampl regist voter high school diploma copperud your scientif control senten c precis parallel amend grammat structur noth your sentenc that impli possibl re strict interpret professor copperud had addit comment cover letter human curios made specul effort decid materi us unabl reach conclus told top expert american usag knew constitut unit state uncondition protect peopl and bear arm forbid gov ern form constitut abridg that write thi attempt coup constitut govern soviet un ion fail appar will peopl that part world free caprici tyranni stronger guard de sir maintain monopoli dictatori power and unit state elect lawmak judg and appoi nt offici pledg defend constitut unit state ignor margin prevar second amend rou tin american citizen put american prison for carri arm own arm forbidden sort fa il satisfi bureaucrat requir own and carri firearm abridg uncondit peopl and bea

r arm guarante constitut and even american civil liberti union aclu staunch defe nd rest bill right stand and noth and bear arm preserv that will can will beg el ect repres not right and continu repres will continu obei judg decid that second amend doesn mean mean mean mean orwellian doublespeak will simpli and bear arm choic constitut unit state promis can and pledg that will defend that promis liv e fortun and sacr honor gun week and second amend foundat inform reproduct entir articl herebi author provid author gun week and second amend foundat credit rig ht reserv author neil schulman award win author novel endors anthoni burgess and nobel economist milton friedman and writer cb twilight zone episod time travel historian prevent jfk assassin founder and presid softserv publish publish compa ni distribut paperless book person comput and modem recent schulman found commit te enforc second amend cesa intend individu and bear arm recogn constitut protec t equal afford fourth ninth and fourteenth amend end includ articl can you hones tli second state run militia pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not alb ert einstien sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write rlward afterlif ncsc mil robe rt ward write and sinc constitut guarante american bear arm not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret context btw amend post time ago not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu carri h andgun grenad and assault rifl month ago express belief that mean shoot your nei ghbor not that ensur peopl free and flame lot american gun support thought that never mind crippl chip pure american problem deal mess want share you bit experi live year totalitarian regim bulgarian thought that you your experi bulgarian r egim highli relev peopl head sand cannot happen constitut right trash dai govern justifi end run protect crisi requir drastic action like that futur possess sec ur encrypt tool will regard possess terrorist and drug dealer tool and fedar fel oni common tool burgular tool polic common comput program even comput hacker too l and will becom terrorist tool bet insight live throught thi import soviet unio n and client state individu right privaci and freedom concern rest world rememb world order will not year post you find that defici that threaten right thi thin g for exampl convers suspect and lawyer will longer privat big brother eavesdrop polit dissent allreadi danger thi countri take govern decid that peopl will bec om guilti plot overthrow govern illeg mean phrase illeg mean defin govern defin coupl thi clinton press for smart nation card intern passport ad wrinkl that you and your past can put and you can govern word sinc will mean complet read and r eprogram thing isn that nice fed can bust into safe kei owner safe broken into b reak into your secur phone convers store transmit data futur you know account le gal window safe legal can kei suspect can kei safe combin suspect encrypt record warrant decod kei obtain suspect thi clinton crippl natur extens will make priv ilig commun client and lawyer and meaning polit dissent virtual imposs gener ide a propeganda secur and safeguard and that that propeganda reassur peopl will int o thi monstros don sucker big brother listen regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pg p public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hambu rg hamburg germani pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck r wing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einsti en sci.crypt open letter clinton articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informa tik uni hamburg write strnlght netcom david sternlight write simpl convert clipp er propos unexception make voluntari you not read propos that voluntari program thi doesn make desir that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow your kei you your secur you nsa make you trust yeah you your you that to morrow will not outlaw encrypr devic that don us technolog promis you gee not ev en that read propos minor nitpick not propos decis point view deal chip manufact ur budget thing that upset thi secret didn want peopl late agre you percent come take live eastern bloc remind preciou and fragil liberti good work hopefulli yo u will wake regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univer s hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln

strass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani pat rwing prej udic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl rrtd agora rain jhart agora rain jim hart write true privaci chip for exampl real time voic encrypt rsa silicon compil and spit asic put thi chip market facto standard for intern busi diplomat and privat commun ban make and import japanes german dutch taiwanes korean etc electron compani don want nsa spy worker lose job govern fa scist stupid countri law import crypto gear licens scheme won work not legal suc h countri includ franc and david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci info rm error and omiss except sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl eachu apr spec tr mitr org eachu spectr mitr org robert eachu write you make custom equip case not roll your clipper implement and report wrong kei escrow agenc tell chip busi thi thing nsa and hide nsa thi won work checksum kei you don will regist clippe r chip and substitut counterfeit serial number contain checksum chanc govern tho ught thi and won permit access intern make fake clipper chip chanc that govern c lassifi detail intern high level and manufactur requir observ secur safeguard an d clearanc that level not perfect prevent joe hacker roll spoof chip sinc not co unterfeit can surviv background investig notori style dissid for exampl head hig h tall grass that chanc get clearanc not imposs that thi extrem difficult chanc will heavi crimin penalti for phoni clipper chip nation secur classifi info grou nd make game not worth candl david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform e rror and omiss except sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl warlord apr deathtongu mit edu warlord mit edu derek atkin write point not specif instanc w iretap chip govern tell you that want copi your hous kei safe deposit box kei et c and tell you that wont us total neccessari wouldn want that encrypt govrnment tell you that you want us product manufactur trust pair escrow agenc kei thi sit uat car maker kei car can quickli vin number and doubt that present court order surrend copi govern chanc that locksmith code number for hous lock instal and em erg can cut kei provid such kei govern pursuant court order state difficulti gai n access your safe deposit box court order bad analog thi not argu for propos di stinct requir think hous kei safe deposit kei etc david david sternlight great c are ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi articl apr silverton berkelei edu d jb silverton berkelei edu bernstein write want organ will combat such statement encrypt not threaten public safeti ski mask american entitl us strong encrypt en sur privaci and not crippl kei escrow system guess for leagu for cryptograph fre edom nation cryptographi associ excel idea extent eff serv thi purpos organ exis t don full scope activ eff lobbi for strong cryptographi distinct organ eff asso ci effort prevent ban sex and pictur newsgroup univers horror stori content grou p exploit pictur possibl underag model surfac press white hous bulletin rais spe cter drug deal and terror step remov crypto wield child molest argument eff lobb i effort for cryptographi easili derail connect child pornographi and similarli lpf connect stallman and gnu project light gnu manifesto thi mean that public de bat stand label communist anarchist hacker radic etc don cpsr offshoot physician for social respons for helen caldicott and hyster antinuclear lobbi carri unwel com polit baggag perhap for practic reason lobbi organ for cryptographi form umb rella eff exist group charter distinct independ and limit advocaci for cryptogra phi reiter dan bernstein question suitabl organ exist not you mention danger unw elcom polit associ remiss not suggest opposit direct gather support nra emphas r kba side issu amend side tal kubo math harvard edu sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur gtoal gtoal graham toal write imposs app rov attach crypto devic phone network that plug phone socket approv for reason c rypto devic never what differ bi modem and bi modem not silli point that modem t hat approv for data transmiss will work fine transmit scrambl vocod voic perri m etzger pmetzger shearson laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target articl apr yuma acn colost edu h olland colost edu dougla craig holland write not lawyer correct wrong that consi

d obstruct justic land you prison for quit thing that great secret kei idea encr ypt even fbi kei sol magic word forc you give your pass phrase oop forgot sinc b urden proof prosecut thi countri you your mouth shut can prove that you didn for get your pass phrase doug obstruct justic blah blah blah forgot lie bad moral po int view you law good and admittedli peopl not even thi provid govern prosecut y ou crimin you can plead amendm and legal avoid reveal your kei govern cannot dem and inform crimin defend tend incrimin that defend thi never appli cryptographi context can obviou applic thi common suggest thi group not love hear peopl sinc don read thi group and sinc subject matter legal cryptoid misc legal comput plac e steve steve kramarski univers chicago law school steve faeri chi smk quad uchi cago edu kiss girl jake night hang sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl ninnebn dn nmsu edu amolitor nmsu edu andrew molitor write articl hxv demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write complet baffl dorothi den chosen throw academ respect thi remark for time interest membe r academia and remark noth elev respect ey remain whether you radic fring gener error assum that your belief held major even sizabl minor you ten nai dozen peop l usenet agre you peopl usenet special bunch live net futur cultur usenett rapid electron access inform societi gener depend cnn can hope can make thi inform ac cess public radic fring major destroi fabric thi countri freedom never easili wo n thoma sci.crypt keep your mouth shut hard drive secur articl apr qualcomm karn s ervo qualcomm phil karn write theori anoth case woman held contempt for refus re veal locat child even take thi case woman suspect murder kid take wasn surpris g uilti that not good system you not suppos forc suspect confess crime matter stro ngli you guilti you develop your evid independ catch crook cost turn clock back middl ag confess routin tortur suspect guilti and innoc read thread post add phi l infom discuss caveat amend appli crinial case person compel crimin case wit fa ther su for custodi children case civil and defend mother not amend protect oddl i refus give inform civil case can lead crimin contempt charg land jail interest part thi that murder trial woman can plead locat child thi routin comput crime prosecut fertil ground for thi kind defens suit parti injur hacker not accus for exampl send encrypt kiddi porn net protect kei accus send copyright materi proa babl will not copyright infring not crime technic sens tricki question naughti b oi that can govern us inform gain civil trial kei gain access file for us crimin prosecut answer lord thi work steve steve kramarski univers chicago law school steve faeri chi smk quad uchicago edu kiss girl jake night hang sci.crypt don fight clipper chip subvert replac marc thibault marc tanda i si org write jester write proof window viru widespread eat your disk space slow your comput take control your comput perform disk access random time displai sil li messag your screen randomli crash comput vesselin thi sound version unix sola ri live switch suno solari heartili agre thi obcrypt main gripe solari braindead mailx almost mail you hope crash horribl you us pgp capabl sendmail replac jaso n stood van yell excus sir ain noth wrong thi countri that plastic explos won cu re steve taylor blew clinic real good steiner jupit cse utoledo edu sci.crypt amend and password articl apr sugra ken sugra kenneth write arti cl apr linu mitr org ptrei bistromath mitr org peter trei write judg grant you i mmun learn kei you keyphras confess deliber evad copyright file encod thi keyphr as contain illeg scan copyright peanut strip can us murder copyright violat thin g straight appli crimin case copyright infring not civil steve wast bandwidth qu ibbl don want confus bunch kiddi porn gif make test case bunch peanut strip and that crimin posess and distribut steve kramarski univers chicago law school stev e faeri chi smk quad uchicago edu kiss girl jake night hang sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi kubo zariski harvard edu tal kubo w rite eff associ effort prevent ban sex and pictur newsgroup univers justic willi am brennan thurgood marshal john paul steven and byron white associ plural supre m court decis that prevent remov anti american anti christian anti semit and pla in filthi book public high school librari board educ pico thi mean that longer d efend free express and privaci carl carl kadi not repres organ thi kadi uiuc edu sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit rlglend netcom robert lewi glenden wr ite articl apr krono arc nasa gov hanson krono arc nasa gov robin hanson write a

ttempt write polici paper examin whether propos wiretap clipper chip cost effect tool for polic investig that ignor concern govern intrus into individu privaci easi wiretap investig greater cost commun industri and custom support thi wireta p technolog fuck nasa wast tax dollar polici paper stuff purvew mission favor re sign thi paper for nasa work for societi whew easi gui thi spare time thi wireta p cost thi can add opposit clipper don fulli thi shouldn start flame drop hat ja me holthau jame holthau uiowa edu govern associ men violenc rest leo tolstoi pgp public kei request kei server sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt mathew mathew m anti write bena dec monash edu ben avel write don forget you countri that wouldn russian bui appl secur concern that noth wouldn british bui inmo transput syste m secur concern and design damn thing funni had plenti bulgaria embargo for expo rt control regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln s trass mail bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt cryptolog world statu cruptolog for privat citizen world list co untri and polici citizen encrypt electron data curiou european handl thi for ins tanc jame holthau jame holthau uiowa edu govern associ men violenc rest leo tols toi pgp public kei request kei server sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi articl tbpd uiuc edu kadi uiuc edu carl kadi write eff associ effort prevent ban sex and pictur newsgroup univers j ustic william brennan thurgood marshal john paul steven and byron white associ m ean that eff public stanc complic issu irrelev encrypt issu per peopl care encry pt issu don care associ network erotica issu even disagre eff posit end pallet b aggag drag frequent problem perman organ eff except tarl sci.crypt for do crypto program reader sci crypt obtain copi public domain program that can encrypt file prefer de that run do obtain program will passwor d protect floppi disk thi david maddison melbourn australia sci.crypt list larg integ arithmet packag mark riordan write list larg int eg arithmet packag elid thought note that lenstra packag larg integ packag publi c domain altern straightforward implement knuth algorithm found part uof arizona icon distribut dilig make electr si yorku run slowli tom duff sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip smb re search att steven bellovin write thousand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei ass um brute forc engin that hypothes for de microsecond per trial million chip that trial per second year for trial can chip run trial per nanosecond and build mac hin million chip year for each solut last argu steve shouldn that read year for solut mean can imagin machin that trial nanosecond can imagin storag medium that index and archiv shadwel hate southern and infer stand north pole good omen nei l gaiman and terri pratchett sci.crypt clipper consid harm shirriff sprite berkelei edu ken shirriff wr ite sinc archiv such power tool and easi wouldn happen not magtap you idea traff ic flow phone system singl dai amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt clipper will corrupt cop propos polic point view articl fbihh bo ntchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg vesselin bontchev write strnlght netcom davi d sternlight write dwight tuinstra post interest messag comment effect clipper c hip state and local polic read line good thing for civil liberti respect sinc wi ll prevent cowboi cop and cowboi state and local aganc read your traffic tap ill eg read line bit that difficult you hint propos impos addit burocrat burden loca l polic badli want tape magic cooki recipi that your mom tell you phone guess wi ll propos that technolog remov implement facilit you won want wait approv two ag enc decrypt convers two child molest meanwhil two child molest conspir molest yo ur child for access kei quickli copi databas and worri warrant perhap clearer an d concis post that post central point made that local state polic agenc attempt plai rule and warrant legit escrow kei etc find merci bureaucrat inertia and age nc infight feder level disagre that thi assist civil liberti hobbl cowboi cop st rong incent vesselin point for polic agenc rogu and kei effici constitut mean no tic releas suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercep t convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap pl ace clear implic that legal author court order leaki and page that author nsa ar

is black market sort polic agenc kei trade polic will excel posit carri thi kind thing caught commun infrastructur secur portion law that that limit citizen rig ht access polic commun us inform difficult prove polic misus fact that you such evid evid that you broken law throw privat detect even fewer polici constitut re strict mercenari retir intellig agenc william gibson love great stori materi don happen michigan state polic gener profession organ for year red file thousand s uspect commi know full not consititut standard evid peopl file happen park place china peopl friendship ralli happen polic write licens plate number you happen visit friend live meet place state polic wound file you subvers eventu found and court rule carri such nonsens thai had destroi tape even mean cop and will stro ng pressur bend constitut safeguard don assum corrupt unbalanc offic will intere st enforc sensibl law save live and protect properti compromis will made mean of fic face will moral dilemma clipper will make crimin cop want thi polic forc dwi ght tuinstra tuinstra sandman ec clarkson edu toler tuinstrd craft camp clarkson edu homo sapien planetari cancer new six sci.crypt onc tap your code good apr magnu ac ohio state edu jebright magn u ac ohio state edu jame ebright write articl rubin dsg dse beckman arthur rubin write wouldn trust nsa trust presid thi not told not crook presid richard nixon thi presid and easili wrong arthur rubin rubin dsg dse beckman work beckman ins trument brea mcimail compuserv arthur pnet ct person opinion and not repres empl oy sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method begin pgp sign messag articl strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write articl apr eff o rg kadi eff org carl kadi write don replac for clipper front end thi make sens g overn prohibit altern escrow encrypt scheme not us front end clipper david david gov that hope thi long run derek pgp kei request kei server pgp public kei toxi cwast mit edu derek atkin mit electr engin and comput scienc secretari mit stude nt inform process board sipb mit media laboratori speech research group warlord mit edu asel nwh sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method strnlght netcom david sternlight write chanc govern thought thi and won permit access intern make fak e clipper chip onc chip releas phone vulner phsyical inspect and observ will gra nt that will doubt safeguard peel chip nsa monopoli clever chip and algorithm wi ll not remain secret for long univers vlsi lab requir equip offshor semiconducto r manufactur amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl qsip innnj dn nmsu edu amolitor nm su edu andrew molitor write escom donaldson write amolitor nmsu edu andrew molit or write thi appear gener call name anti christ for hell destroi thi remark imag in that execut branch extract kei escrow hous know tell dick bit data hell gonna trot telco and unauthoris decrypt tap huh break waterg and instal tap peopl bre ak neat huh record nois execut branch phone decrypt box huh good wait til washin gton post get hold thi and decrypt nois like stare kei and hell not worth thi bl oodi hassl kei fbi give local polic request simpli put alag clip your phone junc tion box and conduct illeg tap decrypt recov tape govern break law bill smyth sci.crypt secret sourc that announc gradi netcom suggest common restrict d istribut privat kei public kei system encrypt post theori that will work fine lo ng priva kei remain secur practic good idea check that violat net rule practic c ustom etc don that good idea check thi not rot can kei trivial good idea check s uch post forward site need make chain work problem discuss group travel facil co ntrol member problem mail list approach even fun for david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl ele apr menudo menudo edu ele menu do menudo edu karl barru write you trust black box nsa versu open system absolut assur trust that black box secur noth conceal govern that russian japanes frenc h competitor for servic can read traffic that competit bid inform safe commerci competitor and foreign govern aid nsa ident motiv respect activ presid and senio r govern offici made clear that share motiv trust coincid interest argument basi c trust profession and high confid skill david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt bit keyseach machin articl apr lokkur dexter sc lokkur dexter st

eve simmon write last argu steve shouldn that read year for solut mean can imagi n machin that trial nanosecond can imagin storag medium that index and archiv hm mmm larg keyspac thi you alter strategi discuss for de attempt decrypt block and check disctribut content don feasibl encrypt plaintext block amount tape rom an d not such encrypt block cheap convert atom solar system into bit storag devic k eysearch thi kind shouldn wors simpler kind term speed that you for encrypt mess ag dumb question research legitim ascii encod byte block that part english sente nc for attack de ecb mode dictionari thi kind pretti valuabl john kelsei sci.crypt fight clipper initi articl nov access digex net steve access dig ex steve brinich write american manufactur peddl crippl chip secret untest algor ithm kei held peopl histori untrustworthi behavoir excus sinc escrow agenc aren chosen can you histori untrustworthi behavoir sic each can agenc such histori pr ice waterhous secret academi award for year even face aggress press feder reserv open market committe successfulli decis leak for statutori period public even d epart agricultur successfulli crop forecast leak prematur frankli trust not sinc subject polit pressur sooner aclu eff cpsr not exactli govern apologist track r ecord for intern secur that david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inf orm error and omiss except sci.crypt bit keyseach machin articl mizzou missouri edu mizzou missouri e du john kelsei write articl apr lokkur dexter sc lokkur dexter steve simmon writ e last argu steve shouldn that read year for solut mean can imagin machin that t rial nanosecond can imagin storag medium that index and archiv hmmmm larg keyspa c thi you alter strategi discuss for de attempt decrypt block and check disctrib ut content don feasibl encrypt plaintext block amount tape rom and not such encr ypt block cheap convert atom solar system into bit storag devic don claim crypto analyist isn lot good literatur subject and peopl don publish work doubt approa ch such folk us brute forc impli that previou post histori thing folk find cleve r wai limit search and bang guess real problem skipjack can not nsa make publicl i system couldn break want isn charter rememb de ibm not nsa and publish life ye ar past that point rememb base size nsa budget spend lot technolog decrypt compu t compani spend imagin stuff real interest friend onc work for dead enjoi monito r sac strateg air command crypto traffic and suspect that stuff bit complex skip jack militari stuff nsa skipjack btw folk nsa wasn kei and walker spy case show for system kgb didn inform farm for addr phone finger ohio state univers jebrigh t magnu ac ohio state edu jim ebright mail jre osu edu support privaci support e ncrypt sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur articl new intercon amanda intercon aman da walker write thing that clipper offer interoper higher degre secur proprietar i voic encrypt system thi mean will cheaper proprietari scheme and easier deploi anarchist nutcas wouldn froth overmuch had govern propos secur encrypt standard fact nsa had come privaci chip wiretap chip happi thi set ansi committe pick se cur cryptosystem defin protocol and interfac and hei start build deliber brain d ead version cryptosystem that not even peer review nsa own smart peopl pull feal left lot dud phone hand perri exactli social contract exchang for give strong c ryptographi can you exactli that heh heh govern gave for rememb announc describ thi scheme balanc two extrem privaci and claim that citizen had constitut encryp t for clinton support privaci pgp kei finger mail void prohibit eli ebrandt jart hur claremont edu sci.crypt clipper chip long follow articl apr curtin edu zrepachol curtin edu paul repacholi write question and answer clinton administr telecommun initi suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and intercept convers e ncrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap place present document thi author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obtain kei for dev ic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensur secur kei es crow system apolog for dens thi sentenc read lift lui bunuel screenplai miss ear th drug smuggler even us devic tripl encrypt de long altern clipper remain legal clipper accomplish absolut noth law enforc concern scheme absolut total incred wast govern time and monei long encrypt scheme that good remain legal order for clipper work intend strong cryptosystem outlaw jan bielawski computervis san die go jpb calmasd prime

sci.crypt cryptolog world articl apr new weeg uiowa edu holthau new weeg u iowa edu jame holthau write statu cruptolog for privat citizen world list countr i and polici citizen encrypt electron data curiou european handl thi for instanc good question want find and ago communist time such activ send crypto email pre vent sooner law law law free us conform law for protect and registr person file you rememb that situat small countri vastli big borut lavrenc mail ij lavrenc st efan institut internet borut lavrenc ij univers ljubljana phone ljubljana sloven ia pgp public kei request dolgo smoi kali ovraz nikei njihk ocnoo dkril ivseb ip ika sci.crypt crypto final call crypto confer announc final call for paper thi rteenth annual crypto confer sponsor intern associ for cryptolog research iacr c ooper ieee comput societi technic committe secur and privaci comput scienc depar t univers california santa barbara and bell northern research subsidiari norther n telecom will held campu univers california santa barbara august origin researc h paper and technic expositori talk solicit practic and theoret aspect cryptolog anticip that talk present special invit program committe instruct for author au thor request send copi detail abstract not full paper april program chair addres s below limit page type not count bibliographi titl page submiss submiss arriv t ime postmark april and airmail order receiv consider program committe requir tha t submiss start succinct statement problem address solut propos and signific cry ptolog for specialist reader technic develop direct specialist follow need abstr act that submit confer that proceed not elig for submiss submiss anonym thi mean that name and affili author titl page submiss remov thi page and send paper pro gram committe member latex style file that produc output thi format email progra m chair author will inform accept reject letter mail june compil accept abstract will confer form pre proceed author accept abstract will allow submit revis ver sion for pre proceed revis abstract minor and correct origin submit abstract rev is abstract receiv program chair juli page limit will strictli enforc for pre pr oceed complet confer proceed expect publish springer verlag lectur note comput s cienc seri date pend negoti program committe consist stinson chair nebraska bell ar ibm watson biham technion israel brickel sandia nation lab feigenbaum bell la b impagliazzo ucsd odlyzko bell lab okamoto ntt japan pfitzmann hildesheim germa ni rueppel switzerland vanston waterloo canada send submiss program chair dougla stinson crypto comput scienc and engin depart ferguson hall univers nebraska li ncoln usa telephon fax internet stinson bibd unl edu for inform contact gener ch air paul van oorschot crypto bell northern research mail stop carl av nepean ont ario canada telephon fax internet crypto bnr crypto gener inform august program crypto thirteenth seri workshop cryptolog held santa barbara and sponsor intern associ for cryptolog research cooper ieee comput societi technic committe secur and privaci comput scienc depart univers california santa barbara and bell north ern research subsidiari northern telecom program for workshop will cover aspect cryptolog extend abstract paper present confer will distribut attende confer and formal proceed will publish date addit regular program paper select invit progr am committe will rump session tuesdai even for inform present facil will provid for attende demonstr hardwar softwar and item cryptograph interest you demonstr such item you urg contact gener chair that your will attend social program will includ host cocktail parti sundai and mondai addit will beach barbecu wednesdai even price barbecu includ room and board charg and extra ticket purchas confer f acil workshop will held campu univers california santa barbara campu locat adjac santa barbara airport and pacif ocean accommod univers dormitori rel low cost f or confer particip children ag not allow stai dormitori bring small children wil l make separ arrang nearbi hotel inform hotel enclos park campu cost particip pa rticip registr form desir park permit travel inform campu locat approxim mile sa nta barbara airport serv airlin includ american america west delta unit and air free shuttl bu servic will provid santa barbara airport and campu sundai and thu rsdai afternoon major rental car agenc repres santa barbara and amtrak rail conn ect san francisco north and lo angel south santa barbara approxim mile north lo angel airport and mile south san francisco registr particip invit interest parti attend workshop limit and pre registr strongli advis late registr subject late registr fee accept space guarante regist fill attach registr form and return add

ress form payment full juli campu accommod will come serv basi for attende regis t juli confer fee includ particip program and social function membership iacr an d subscript journal cryptolog room and board charg includ dormitori lodg and mea l dinner sundai lunch thursdai technic session will run mondai morn thursdai noo n limit number stipend unabl obtain fund applic for stipend gener chair june cry pto crypto registr form registr deadlin juli last name name sex affili mail addr ess phone fax electron mail payment confer fee entitl you membership intern asso ci for cryptolog research for year extra charg includ subscript journal cryptolo g publish springer verlag extra charg you iacr member confer fee includ confer p roceed becom contain final version confer paper book extend abstract distribut c onfer will shorten preliminari version paper maximum page confer fee regular att end eurocrypt norwai full time student deduct you not proceed total confer fee r oom and board night smoke smoke singl room per person doubl room per person room mat name extra barbecu ticket each includ room and board late fee for registr ju li registr not guarante juli total fund enclos dollar payment check payabl fund monei order fund bank draft payabl crypto payment mail gener chair paul van oors chot crypto bell northern research mail stop carl av nepean ontario canada crypt o hotel inform for choos not stai dormitori partial list hotel area choos stai c ampu respons for make reserv and earli reserv advis sinc august popular season s anta barbara note that goleta closer ucsb santa barbara that car will requir tra vel hotel and campu price subject chang price confirm call individu hotel direct li mention crypto you make your reserv and hotel list you will elig for univers rate can significantli normal rate not block room hotel make reserv earli qualit i hotel rang expens beach front resort basic inexpens accommod for inform contac t santa barbara convent and visitor center south coast inn call real goleta regu lar rate singl doubl call for univers rate contact murril forrest toll free cath edr oak lodg call real santa barbara singl rate not doubl rate start includ brea kfast univers rate call tom patton toll free motel call real goleta singl doubl univers rate call sandman inn state santa barbara regular rate singl doubl for k ing size univers rate call jean ingerl toll free miramar hotel beachfront mile s outh santa barbara san ysidro turnoff regular rate univers rate call pepper tree inn state santa barbara regular rate for two peopl univers rate for two peopl c all christoph oliph toll free encina lodg bath street santa barbara regular rate for two peopl univers rate call carol wolford toll free qualiti suit hollist av santa barbara close campu regular rate singl doubl univers rate doubl mention y ou attend ucsb program call michael ensign upham hotel bed and breakfast vina ro ad santa barbara univers rate mention you crypto call sheila donegan stevew heli o unl edu fender smoke water fire sky smoke water stevew hoss unl edu bar guitar solo deep purpl sci.crypt clipper consid harm articl optilink brad optilink brad yearwood write clipper come cellular phone legal proscript cipher system phone and potent i danger class crime creat possess terrorist tool unapprov encrypt devic program crimin badli want inscrut tactic commun specif terrorist and drug dealer propon kei escrow cite threat will highli motiv steal cipher phone legitim user and ki ll thi person hold hostag discoveri compromis devic will delai onc suitabl colle ct devic stolen crimin can commun impun assum cipher system carri trapdoor apart kei escrow and compromis discov mean life cheap crimin will kill peopl steal la rg and conspicu properti luxuri car reason assum that will will kill peopl steal small and inconspicu properti cipher cellular phone past blue box technolog and present modifi cellular phone can expect high stake crimin lucr market for stol en cipher phone can us for dai high stake crimin will pai life cheap type substa nti amount for stolen instrument person typic discov miss dead dai stolen instru ment will usabl for dai will continu demand for fresh phone fresh bodi and sinc clinton full bore deni unconnect citizen mean defend will protect you good for y ou pervert trash second amend target individu will guarante easi prei bodi compa r greater good fed defeat citizen secur impun you don doesn exist mean nsa can u sual eavesdrop scan for keyword court order kei you great florida real estat you interest perhap idea escrow kei meant divert discuss will safeguard and basic f act that govern systemat take privaci secur for mean defens and spell bill right nawwww govern trust word clipper and similar system potenti turn current inconv

eni law enforc into direct viciou and persist threat gener public import govern law enforc peopl control safeti gener public gun control issu answer that good t hat work make citi safer place that worst that regard place gun control govern n ot public good control never forget that found father concern remaind delet pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thi ng infinit univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt list larg integ arithmet packag mrr scss msu edu mark riordan wr ite not comprehens list delet comprehens list sci math symbol detail descript pa ckag you mark updat your list system thi list develop and distribut softwar for symbol math applic inform suppli system longer support saint formac alpak altran mathlab sin sac camal scratchpad mumath sheep trigman analitik smp ccalc for de tail info system below into directori pub symbol math anonym ftp math berkelei e du recommend made for you want price contact compani program list aprox revers o rder number machin run each class gener purpos system you inform add thi list mi ss mupad felix send math berkelei edu paulo nei souza depart mathemat univers ca lifornia berkelei desouza math berkelei edu gener purpos mapl type commerci mach in impress list machin for program workstat dec ibm mip sun sgi apollo mac amiga atari gould convex ncr pyramid sequent unisi and crai contact mapl daisi waterl oo edu waterloo mapl softwar columbia street west waterloo ontario canada phone version releas comment gener purpos sourc for routin graphic support demo progra m for do can obtain anonym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo modern algebra m aplev zip mathematica type commerci machin crai ymp mac and contact info wri pho ne math wolfram research inc trade center drive champaign version comment gener purpos notebook interfac mac nice graphic macsyma type commerci machin sun sun s parc vax unix and vm apollo dec risc do symbol comput and contact macsyma servic macsyma phone macsyma macsyma inc academi arlington version depend machin lates t for sun and dec risc for comment gener purpos divers capabl oldest includ prop ietari improv symbol and macsyma inc descend mit macsyma doe macsyma type distri but fee machin gigamo symbol and explor lisp machin nil version run vax vm syste m public domain franz lisp version run unix machin includ sun and vax unix conta ct estsc energi scienc technolog softwar center box oak ridg phone comment doe m acsyma gener and issu such obtain support version etc lph paradigm leon harten p aradigm assoc paradigm associ inc putnam avenu suit cambridg maxima type licenc for fee licenc estc download machin unix workstat sun mip and do beta contact wf rascal utexa edu bill schelter version comment gener purpos mit macsyma famili common lisp implement william schelter base kyoto common lisp modifi version doe macsyma estsc doe site licenc estsc phone and dowload softwar do math utexa edu pub beta max zip unix rascal ic utexa edu pub maxima tar charg for machin licen s univers site licens aljabr type commerci machin mac meg ram contact aljabr fpr phone fort pond research fort pond road acton version comment mit macsyma famil i descend franz lisp paramac type commerci machin vax vm sun sun sgi and mac wor k contact lph paradigm version comment vaxima type distribut fee machin vax unix contact estsc doe macsyma version comment gener purpos mit macsyma famili desce nd includ sourc and binari assembl for macsyma and franz lisp opu reduc type com merci machin unix workstat varieti mainfram do mbyte and atari contact reduc net lib rand org version comment gener purpos form type public domain verison versio n commerci machin msdo atarist mac sun sun sparc apollo vax vm vax ultrix decsta t and contact nikhef jo vermaseren binari version version anonym ftp nikhef nikh ef version and comment gener purpos design for big problem batch interfac axiom type commerci machin ibm and ibm plataform contact ryan nag phone fax nag numer algorithm group inc opu place suit downer grove version comment gener purpos sim ath type anonym ftp machin sun apollo and siemen workstat contact simath math un i version comment gener purpos deriv type commerci machin run and contact soft w arehous inc hard av suit honolulu hawaii version comment robust get problem that larger program fail low cost theorist type commerci machin mac contact prescien phone fax prescienc corp howard san francisco version comment gener purpos grap hic you mac interfac you love thi fix precis digit run smaller mac mma ma type a nonym ftp machin atari tdi and spc modula compil ibm sd and topspe modula compil and commodor amiga amiga compil contact kredel comput algebra group univers pas sau germani version comment ma experiment comput algebra system combin imper pro

gram facil algebra specif capabl for design and studi algebra algorithm ma anony m ftp alic fmi uni passau mockmma type anonym ftp peoplesparc berkelei edu machi n anywher run common lisp contact fateman berkelei edu version comment matematic a mispel that weyl type anonym ftp ftp cornel edu pub weyl contact cornel edu ve rsion comment intend incorpor larger special system flac type machin ibm do cont act victor kistlerov institut for control scienc profsoyuznaya moscow ussr versi on comment function languag group theori caylei type cost recoveri machin sun su n ibm aix and machin apollo dec vax vm mac run higher and convex contact caylei math phone fax comput algebra group univers sydnei nsw australia version comment design for fast comput algebra and combinatori structur such group ring field m odul and graph began group theori system recent evolv into gener abstract algebr a system gap type anonym ftp free not basic gnu copyleft machin unix workstat at ari ibm and mac contact gap samson math rwth aachen ftp site samson math rwth aa chen math ucla edu version releas dec comment group theori calcul algebra number theori pari type anonym ftp machin workstat mac and contact pari mizar greco pr og anonym ftp math ucla edu directori pub pari version comment number theoret co mput sourc kei routin assembl ascii and xwindow graphic do version anonym ftp wu archiv wustl edu edu math msdo modern algebra pari macaulai type anonym ftp mach in complet sourc binari mac version contact anonym ftp zariski harvard edu versi on comment focus algebra type comput polynomi ring finit field thing that kant t ype machin contact kant group prof pohst johann graf schmettow mathematisch inst itut heinrich hein universit universit atsstr usseldorf pohst rud bitnet schmett o rud bitnet version comment kant comput algebra number theori subroutin packag for algorithm geometri number and algebra number theori two version kant kant wr itten ansi fortran kant built caylei platform and written ansi lie type commerci machin unix workstat sun dec sgi ibm atari and mac contact lie can phone fax ca n expertis centr kruislaan amsterdam netherland version comment lie group comput ubas type anonym ftp uba zip machin mac and ibm contact malm argo ac oakland ed u phone donald malm depart mathemat scienc oakland univers rochest version comme nt basic environ for number theori collect program written for can find malm col lect ubas number theori program malm zip donald malm and copyright includ bailli wagstaff luca pseudoprim test algorithm for chines remaind ellipt curv method f actor fermat method factor gener period continu fraction quadrat routin evalu ca rmichael function lehmer method solv mod ubmpq prime factor program for number d igit ubmpq zip that can found wurst archiv wuarchiv wustl edu number type free n ot public domain registr requir machin do contact ivo dntsch phone rechenzentrum fax universitt osnabrck bitnet duentsch dosuni postfach osnabrck germani versio n comment number calcul for number theori perform routin elementari number theor i usabl algebra combinator anonym ftp ftp uni osnabrueck directori pub msdo math cocoa type machin mac contact cocoa igecuniv bitnet version comment comput comm ut algebra galoi type commerci machin ibm do contact cifeg inc kalkgruberweg lin z austria version comment algebra and number theori microcomput written lidl mat thew and well tasmania turbo pascal ganith type anonym ftp machin system vanilla common lisp and rudimentari lisp interfac contact chanderjit bajaj andrew royap pa depart comput scienc purdu univers west lafayett bajaj and royappa purdu edu version comment ganith algebra geometri toolkit for comput and visualis solut sy stem algebra equat written common lisp and and run version window system ganith anonym ftp purdu edu file pub avr ganith src tar tensor analysi schoonship type machin contact mention comp phy comm version comment heard thi program mention s uppos design for larg problem thousand term seri expans develop cern for cdc ste nsor type machin vax sun apollo orion atari amiga contact vand physto lar hornfe ldt physic depart univers stockholm vanadisv stockholm sweden version comment sy stem for tensor calculu and noncommut algebra lisp calcul jacal type gnu copylef t machin lisp common scheme contact anon ftp altdorf mit edu version comment ibm version floppi for aubrei jaffer pleasant wakefield usa gnu calc type gnu copyl eft machin emac run contact free softwar foundat version comment run insid gnu e mac and written emac lisp usual thing arbitrari precis integ real and complex ar ithmet written lisp scientif function symbol algebra and calculu matric graphic etc and can displai express squar root sign and integr draw screen ascii charact come written page onlin manual you can ftp gnu site differenti equat delia type

inform distribut machin ibm do contact bocharov program system institut ussr ac ademi scienc pereslavl box ussr tlx boat version comment differeti equat comput sharewar symbmath type sharewar student and advanc version machin ibm contact ch en deakin version comment run plain do machin sharewar version file zip wurst ar chiv capabl version mail order author cla type anonym ftp machin do contact vers ion comment linear matrix algebra packag comput rank determin rwo reduc echelon form jordan canon form characterist equat eigenvalu etc matrix file cla zip wurs t archiv xpl type anonym ftp machin do contact david meredith depart mathemat sa n francisco state univers san francisco meredith sfsuvax sfsu edu version commen t call ccalc integr graphic and numer matrix manipul routin intend for calculu s tudent prentic hall sell thi book isbn call manual comprehens system anonym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo calculu zip amp type commerci evalu copi anonym ftp machin do contact mark garber compuserv cerebr softwar box chamble version comment algebra manipul program amp written modula and symbol calcul tool amp fu nction interpret mode and program mode tensor manipul index notat evalu copi ano nym ftp ftp uni osnabrueck pub msdo math amp zip mercuri type sharewar machin do contact version comment limit symbol capabl extrem adept numer solv equat and p roduc public qualiti graphic output thi us borland eureka borland abandon origin author start sell sharewar name mercuri anonym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo calculu mrcry zip pfsa type public domain machin do contact version comment anonym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo modern algebra vol zip lie type pub lic domain machin do contact head rivett mst csiro head csiro divis materi scien c and technolog melbourn australia lock bag clayton vic australia phone telex fa x version comment lie program written mumath languag not packag for lie analysi differenti equat anonym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo adv diff equat lie calculu type sharewar machin do ega contact byoung keum dept mathemat univers ur bana version comment program for calculu and differenti equat symbol diff integr simpl function graph unstabl program reason us for price suggest registr fee an onym ftp wuarchiv wustl edu edu math msdo calculu calc arc marc conrad universit aet de saarland luxemburg marc math uni franc germani opinion not necessarili yo u simath group and even not mine sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur gtoal gtoal graham toal write imposs app rov attach crypto devic phone network that plug phone socket approv for reason c rypto devic never what differ bi modem and bi modem not silli point that modem t hat approv for data transmiss will work fine transmit scrambl vocod voic absolut meant that secur dedic crypto devic approv guerrilla underground devic todai hi gh speed modem not that can bi modem that approv mind you overpr courier can har dwar compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl r ate usabl not fanci compress sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip point that mystic de engin plaintext engin you add ton smart hardwar assum ton smart h ardwar doesn that smart sci.crypt secret sourc that announc even interest smtp server csrc ncsl ni st gov longer recogn expn and vrfy command telnet csrc ncsl nist gov smtp connec t csrc ncsl nist gov escap charact org sendmail nist readi tue apr edt expn clip per command unrecogn sombodi didn your snoop marc mine dozen peopl had idea thi rush shut impli that name that list heavi duti spook sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt note thi note t hat program start year ago that contract vlsi technolog and microtoxin month ago that product chip underwai and claim clinton intiti program chose ahead perhap nsa realis that even contempl fall for dual escrow bluff bush administr and had wait for democrat govt con into promot thi peopl honest didn work sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl qmugcinn pu gap caltech edu hal cco caltech edu hal finnei write kei question whether cli pper encrypt will made illeg pretti obviou that will made illeg loud nois not ma de thi immedi congress and hous worst nightmar rais dorothi den propos come true govern continu thi imagin that will strong cryptographi made illeg encrypt prog ram for disk file and email softwar for encrypt voic commun will distribut under ground peopl will learn hide fact that protect privaci don wors wast monei fact that spite clinton rhetor contrari thi feebl attempt larg group bore intellig bu

reaucrat justifi useless job clinton trim fat govern thi doesn dietet thi group drug deal and terror tend intern crime not ceas start regul encrypt drug dealer and terrorist will simpli countri commun plan and will carri and wherev thi not solut problem invent problem encrypt guess good thing bill gate isn star gener c opi do und vee haff vai uff findink iff you usink doctor do shock and frighten t hat thi happen health care and educ system toilet and come thi pearl thi goddamn govern doesn clue real quick and start repair infrastructur countri invent blam e germani and japan eat aliv and will deserv not shortag real problem solv gui c lipper chip homeless clipper chip educ children ghetto citi gener gap that can d evelop rehir dod engin dad work clipper chip that will us decrypt slightli rebel li adolesc hacker son naughti gif file can shitcom that wasn forg post sick joke pop that dead kennedi tape into car stereo and tear ass canada clinton white ho rs sued denim secret polic come for your uncool niec don worri phone shit knew c onsent monitor sticker autovon phone had chanc civilian life redsonja olia linet org possess law alien control law natur come human joel and you dress that abor t chicken mst gamera guiron omelet georg carlin sci.crypt fight clipper initi excus sinc escrow agenc aren chosen can you histori untrustworthi behavoir sic refer feder law enforc apparatu ultim charg t hi gener sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr escom donaldson write unrel qu estion isn term clipper neat intergraph clipper trademark intergraph risc chip u s thier workstat intergraph thi infring thier name sake jeff hych can presto ran dom uunet net sci.crypt open letter clinton articl vkcsbl mbeckman mbeckman mbeckman mbe ckman write economist you can flaw thi logic naiv market flood proprietari weak encrypt strong encrypt will unabl compet thi true for mass market not for strong crypto and will pai price can bui strong crypto todai will spend concern not ec onom issu worth worri that system take hold govern will outlaw system and volunt ari will becom system that polit not econom issu separ matter you make impli adv ocaci for cheap secur crypto for true that clipper chip prevent that clipper che ap secur crypto for polit discuss not econom and point clipper resolv that polit polici tension secur legitim commun and tap crook david sternlight great care e nsur accuraci inform error and omiss except sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur ebrandt jarthur claremont edu eli brandt write deliber brain dead version cryptosystem that not even peer review nsa own smart peopl pull feal left lot dud phone hand agre rememb don even clipper encr ypt real sens lot annoi heh heh govern gave for rememb announc describ thi schem e balanc two extrem privaci and claim that citizen had constitut encrypt that no t for clinton feder and suprem court can constitution administr government agenc opinion amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip smb re search att steven bellovin write thousand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei ass um brute forc engin that hypothes for de microsecond per trial million chip that trial per second year for trial can chip run trial per nanosecond and build mac hin million chip year for each solut pernici problem scheme propos build brute f orc machin test kei you half escrow agent easi chip test per microsecond you bre ak two week and that break you messag involv that phone xor scheme that file esc row agent you noth improv notic that xore trueli random bit string for arbitrari number escrow agent for xor for escrow kei and and for two random bit string ha nd and escrow agent come encod scheme match escrow pattern for exampl such that fewer cooper escrow agent crack agenc benefit robert eachu standard disclaim us standard disclaim function messag text clever idea return idea sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl apr shearso n pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger write wrote chip and algorithm classifi you revers engin and peopl you like jail not lawyer can thi complet and utterli untru not offici secret act law that will punish you for reveal classifi inform you learn your capac govern offici contractor etc and law that prohibit steal su ch inform sell you chip can that can make revers engin and reveal detail illeg c ase inform you come properli us you except you write paper includ suffici detail inform build nuclear weapon classifi understand law nuclear weapon design autom

at classifi even you work you not allow read your paper exampl you driver speed trap run into you can fine even you argu that you broke law you discov locat pol iceman charg interf polic offic quit similar you revers engin clipper chip don t hat you thi violat constitut find court case struck such law peopl not comfort f act that govern violat right imprison john carr jfc athena mit edu sci.crypt freeli distribut public kei cryptographi code wigglesworth smhan a gpu utcc utoronto wrote you freeli distribut code for public kei cryptographi such rsa archi search avail you heard pgp assum your post that you not pgp freew ar rsa encrypt program includ digit signatur and comprehens kei manag facil site sourc code grow number peopl thi excel softwar encrypt high standard email and data clinton outlaw two site rsa pub pgp soda berkelei edu pub cypherpunk pgp ho pe thi help jon jon savil aliv can thou art jk brunel poet not thy dream keat pg p public kei request finger sci.crypt clipper chip and crypto kei escrow excerpt clipper announc quest ion abil author offici access telephon call and data proper court legal order pr otect citizen suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and inter cept convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap place present document thi author two entiti respons for safeguard kei and obta in kei for devic us drug smuggler kei split into two part store separ order ensu r secur kei escrow system two section phrase legal order and court order impli w ai legal wiretap affect peopl trust system court order protect feel thi escrow s ystem second section show sequenc event law enforc arm warrant attach headphon l ine croc clip rememb folk couldn cope digit telephoni and hear load modem tone t alk analogu telephoni modul scheme clipper box us record tone for us kei obtain thought quit difficult record modem session intermedi point line crash data comm and unit that demodul tone and store digit stream for decrypt thi suffer proble m record tone demodul not end line call can record for decrypt quit easi foil sy stem bui lot clipper unit suppos cheap mass market item and turn toler modul sch eme error thing propos for us corpor secur foreign offic phone line qualiti poor hard digitis speech qualiti into modem can handl add lot error correct decrypt sync will devic export will devic that us govern hardwar voic encrypt devic subj ect export control requir attract thi technolog protect can give compani oper ho me and abroad thi mind expect export licens will grant case case basi for compan i seek us devic secur commun abroad thi rais interst question illeg connect publ ic telecomm network approv bodi call babt state telecom group that will not appr ov equip that encrypt don thi true not thi make good test case perhap friendli c ountri and qualifi will fish escrow kei pool peter iliev peter memex sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl hgqinndaa uwm edu rick miller r ick uwm edu write jbotz mtholyok edu jurgen botz write marc mit edu marc horowit z nzu write sombodi didn your snoop marc like explan that marc spoof sincer doub t that den and crew keen react that quickli and doubt want crippl smtp server bo ot marc not spoof command work exactli describ not work josh pattern content thi ng each pair ey and that import gendlin sci.crypt altern legal wiretap tuinstra signal ec clarkson edu soe write s trong incent vesselin point for polic agenc rogu and kei effici constitut mean n otic releas suppos law enforc agenc conduct wiretap drug smuggl ring and interce pt convers encrypt devic deciph messag obtain legal author court order wiretap p lace clear implic that legal author court order leaki and page that author nsa c ryptolog tech navi ctrsn noth big spook navi requir gist ussid navi name preside nti execut order outlin spook can and can respect privaci nation inform unclassi fi issu hang you mean wiretap signal can detect intrus mean radio listen record and analyz analyz mean that deciph and radio locat us locat transmitt catch thi and record signal and deriv for maximum dai destroi permiss obtain attornei gene r didn you coast guard cutter find drug runner ten thousand squar mile sea even dark rick miller rick uwm edu ricxjo discu mil ricxjo muelisto send postcard bac k enposxtigu bildkarton kaj ricevo alion rick miller wood muskego wi usa sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi tarl neustaedt tarl coyoacan stratu wrote mean that eff public stanc complic issu irrelev encrypt issu per peopl ca re encrypt issu don care associ network erotica issu even disagre eff posit perh ap encrypt type defend digit porn post encrypt issu not seper you maintain

sci.crypt onc tap your code good random presto jeff hych write clipper tra demark intergraph risc chip us thier workstat intergraph thi infring thier name sake quiet and kneecap bust good new ten week fridai will good dai sci.crypt clipper algorithm secret articl apr fsl noaa gov bear kestrel fs l noaa gov bear gile write articl pstr panix dfl panix danni bedlam write algori thm classifi militari contract similar govern equival militari for thi proprieta ri design that fed that nsa develop patent that patent publicli bet that that cl assifi major chang law such beast classifi patent patent exist encourag commun a nd develop state art aren classifi patent patent secreci order suppos you invent voic scrambler for radio and appli for patent patent offic decid nsa interest c opi your applic and you nice note back your patent applic classifi for nation se cur reason and you longer allow make and sell pick thi exampl happen late analog scrambler and violat fcc rule classifi suppos you publish paper your spiffi alg orithm and file patent applic sinc publish can gain classifi you can patent coun tri patent law system classifi patent highli bogu you can sell that widget class ifi patent you not allow patent own design give your monei and work progress and won throw you jail for espionag countri that kind system don that quit prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac whi te hous commect line fax sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write articl apr ulyss att smb research att steve n bellovin write thousand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei don bit count that doesn worri not cheat can caught and kei size thing that can verifi extern feed lot random kei input pair into chip flip random kei bit and happen output happen half output bit vari averag bit kei chang input chang build weak cryptosystem c ase that bit power sens that enter into encrypt late game contrast de design us each kei bit earli output chang rate appear earli round don nsa cheat that crude like caught rememb that promis committe expert cryptosystem design you assum de bias subkei gener schedul will stick sore thumb committe can and run lot test a nd retain output thi can verifi chip and civilian commun secur storag facil that don even nsa can into notic fort mead get transport work oop don suppos talk th at committe member can even retain secur copi code two halv you xor togeth recov program problem thi scheme peopl invent aren stupid and crypto game and smoke a nd mirror game longer not lie wai that can detect easili sinc credibl thing can us sell thi system li civilian committe will absenc back door li kei size will t hat haven copi program disk kei li obviou aspect strength cryptosystem will escr ow agenc aren cahoot that isn that aren ly thing and not claim that nsa can buil d cryptosystem back door that committe can find long for folk that box weren sab otag that committe will releas ambigu report for such reason that subtl point yo u can explain senat kei and escrow arrang smoke and mirror cover nsa can regener kei transmit serial number don unit kei gener process you and suppos control es crow agent can trust seed valu secur can trust half kei secur don and chang thou ght had constant reread den technic inform post and doesn steve bellovin sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method bontchev fbihh inform atik uni hamburg vesselin bontchev write peopl usa reason not surpris that curre nt plot allow happen willing major peopl give freedom exchang for sens safeti li mit usa and endem problem human societi appreci size structur govern combat thi tendenc extent fight entropi lose battl peopl comfort freedom paradox that you c an long term you reason that come across peopl weird cross libertarian and estab lish tool that end take utterli pragmat view govern don arm govern fail protect interest peopl lifetim never expect that will result protect interest expect gov ern fair will us strong cryptographi need whether not legal time thing govern no t privat hand that problem import tool for job legal not not violat strong sens person ethic will us long worth expect govern protect interest citizen accid utt er folli even jefferson major architect american system govern figur that coupl hundr year becom corrupt and serv that time dismantl and revolut agre and don sp ark particip happen reason such strong support individu right cynic polit writte n polit and thi troubl dai drive faster mph amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt secret sourc that announc andrew molitor amolitor nmsu edu wrote monitor phonecal monitor usenet provid cryptosystem can easili crack etc etc th

i not that don you don that and you evid that for almost valu you follow that fo r valu you your claim nsa border paranoia andrew wouldn claim that you inject di sinform into net andrew paranoia refer unwarr excess suspicion fear not that rea son root start profession nsa birth secret execut order harri truman even not ev en word thi execut order charter nsa seal paranoia nsa complex ten foot cyclon f enc multipl row barb wire high voltag complet sign prohibit even make sketch pen alti intern secur act area complet scan close circuit televis paranoia professio n don you help admir yamamoto japanes had paranoid purpl cipher german paranoid engima respect ture and british crack zimmerman telegram paranoia help german ns a paranoid emma woikin joseph sidnei petersen you want talk macmillan publish co oper cia and nsa suppress yardlei japanes diplomat secret even kahn codebreak pa ranoia popular cipher system captur soviet spi time pad even necess keep incrimi n evid proven unbreak system soviet paranoia and you nsa wullenweb and huge rhom bic point embassi row and site satellit uplink and downlink site duh work classi fi mitr commun lab time even secret clearanc had escort toilet and entir site bu ilt into mosler type vault thick bomb proof door mitr paranoia cite hundr fact s upport hypothesi notion that nsa grab can fast can fool ignor pattern fact and c onclud that random and govern violent even children recent event prove judg will iam session disgrac solemn warn ignor web evid that govern institut contempt for civil right and err somewhat excess side caution that harm er reckless side mem ber crew uss liberti aver suggest andrew that you read kahn codebreak and bamfor d puzzl palac and come back fact support your sheepish acquiesc author gradi net com sci.crypt clipper consid harm shirriff sprite berkelei edu ken shirriff wr ite like that that larg subset encrypt commun archiv tape read futur probabl ari s and warrant obtain can even imagin thi found legal and constitut sinc noth lis ten valid warrant issu and kei obtain imagin archiv pai phone convers turn drug dealer you can listen past drug deal and archiv call suspect mafia member potent i terrorist radic etc imagin conveni for polic warrant and listen call world tra de center bomber made past year imagin thi elect clumsili search clinton passpor t file voic grep state earlier telephon convers for last year not lawyer and don even plai intuit wrong word archiv for futur us you thi possibl frighten talk c lipper chip cryptographi etc sinc archiv such power tool and easi wouldn happen afraid nhy nina yuan miracl that curios harvard colleg surviv formal educ yuan h usc harvard edu albert einstein sci.crypt clipper nai sayer sound articl qsvfcinnq dn nmsu edu amolitor mo ink nmsu edu andrew molitor write lot thi articl delet for space thi step outlaw screw thread specif thi mad isn fought tooth and nail step crime us screw threa d fearless leader gracious defin for clipper standard step outlaw strong encrypt standard govern didn intend outlaw form encrypt clipper big wast time and monei you transfer data that govern agenc us total fool us clipper system add backdoo r kei lawbreak will us altern encrypt method assum can for plan boycot equip tha t contain clipper technolog sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh info rmatik uni hamburg write and peopl thought that exagger claim that crippl chip s tep totalitarian plot civil liberti usa that even optimist thing happen even fas ter expect that anoth dirti trick us appli communist regim secret peopl fact not h can and explain situat previou messag wrote that american wake and fight propo s that late happen civil liberti violat stollen american peopl part thi peopl sl eep happili sad happili sleep peopl thi aren peopl slightli overreact thi sudden draw parallel nazi germani and communist russia point matter that thi problem n ot end world guess you can communist countri nazi germani complain you complain and shoot shoot real bad aim guess peopl you live countri world person can compl ain get shot peopl complain that thi wrong that wrong sit and figur two thing wo rs can and you find that you and pretti damn lucki talk action decid not overrea ct regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass ma il bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani jerri han crc doc div b ehaviour research jhan debra dgbt doc opinion and opinion proud and frozen membe r mighti warrior band memori left ring ear genesi

sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi gener organ influenc proport narrow object number member strength belief member thi pro and anti abort group strong narrow object lot interest member real passion for thi reason mix nra bad idea diffus interest group diminish passion index combin organ not clear greatli enla rg nra organ cooper nra two organ interest coincid optimum strategi lew lew glen den rlglend netcom perspect worth point niel bohr that sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur gtoal gtoal graham toal write can hardwa r compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compress good vocod our will give you bit per second lock full rate variabl rate voic activ vocod you want qualiti cut that bp half rate full r ate variabl you put two full duplex convers bi modem thi requir dsp asic cpu tha t real time add and multipli instruct and dsp thing you want speech real time yo u sampl second for not good voic your bit sampl isdn bit sampl second kbp you fa st compress that kbp bi qualiti thi point bleah work add time for your encrypt m ethod you sampl hardwar problem mac amiga soundblast card popular and cheap you build simpl adc problem soundblast that doesn full duplex you can sampl and plai backq time make two convers bit tough special hardwar capabl sound card requir thing that worri that compress soundblast can automat hardwar that don good feel for processor intens can estim fast you not men drink poet drink not poet sci.crypt fight clipper initi articl strnlghtc toc kiu netcom strnlght net com david sternlight write feder reserv open market committe successfulli decis leak for statutori period public you that weren recent studi that found corel no t announc decis and market aren continu earli rumor deliber even depart agricult ur successfulli crop forecast leak prematur sheesh rememb big scandal year two a go exactli such leak vernon schryver vj sgi sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin articl tom apr amber ssd csd harr i tom ssd csd harri tom horslei write thi isn intend flame curiou manufactur thi ng maintain kei escrow secur simpli trust manufactur won get into thorni questio n revers engin and that point that exist gate arrai and suchlik that secur fuse can program you verifi program thi make imposs read program devic ignor revers e ngin question speak experi had complet reinvent design six year ago disk file za p backup bad and devic unread secur fuse made printout thi point not worri wheth er not can chip made reliabl and secur secondari question whether us chip like s ecur methink robert bickford hacker person deriv joi rab discov wai circumv limi t rab recogn that class crimin and juvenil delinqu call hacker irrelev true mean word mafia call businessmen pai that fact attent rab sci.crypt don ftp live canada rsa ra atari don ftp and live canada thi mea n that illeagl for citizen send program giger wish restrict dispersil europ port coppi rsa atarist coppi rsa ftp new feed allan brockman ersi edmonton sci.crypt clipper chip technic summari articl apr guvax acc georgetown edu den guvax acc georgetown edu write prof den descript skipjack omit chip structu r clipper chip contain classifi bit block encrypt algorithm call skipjack algori thm bit kei compar for de and round scrambl compar for de support de mode oper t hroughput mbit second bit famili kei that common chip bit serial number bit secr et kei that unlock messag encrypt chip kei and messag stream digit voic fed into clipper chip produc two valu encrypt messag stream and law enforc block questio n each bit input you bit output bit bit bit bit bit you transmit bit each time y ou transmit bit wiretap block begin obnoxi for bandwidth limit applic cellular p hone even regular phone de mode interact two part output feedback mode appli mes sag block wiretap block wiretap block transmit begin incorpor into feedback mode not ecb mode clipper chip check wiretap block block present sinc receiv chip do esn transmitt can check valid limit check form wiretap block and check serial nu mber for reason sort back door structur that let recogn valid that case can you replac wiretap block wiretap block valid avoid attract attent chip won you postp rocess output regular peopl can serial number and dummi kei paranoid peopl can u s serial number hand that solut easili nsa block us messag encrypt that prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac whi te hous commect line fax sci.crypt onc tap your code good david sternlight write trust nsa long tru st swiss anbodi japanes thi incred statement nsa suppress public kei crypto and

rsa and claim encourag us strong crypto for citizen you trust black box nsa vers u open system karl barru ele menudo edu prefer address barru tree egr edu nextma il karl barru ele menudo edu prefer address barru tree egr edu nextmail sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip mean c an imagin machin that trial nanosecond can imagin storag medium that index and a rchiv you massiv data compress fit bit kei inform each primari particl univers h ei fun imagin mjr sci.crypt freeli distribut public kei cryptographi code you freeli distrib ut code for public kei cryptographi such rsa archi search avail dan sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl hxv demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write articl rwing pat rwing pat myrto write clinton clipper good not make algri thm public peopl can exchang idea and examin isol respect expert respect for per hap time releas algorithm for come implement ident lack escrow kei note that pre ss announc mention that algorithm secret for secur kei escrow system thi case se cur mean escrow kei for clipper chip assum you believ that effect algorithm and escrow system you bui chip firm escrow kei second sourc chip reput firm kei gove rn escrow power econom incent for second sourc escrow vendor sci.crypt onc tap your code good andersom spot colorado edu marc anderson write method thi year crime bill will teeth not bare gum clinton administr will place strict control data format and protocol and requir registr call cryptograp h kei hope deni drug dealer abil commun secret clinton approach us for crackdown form underground econom activ such deficit caus tax evad live luxuri expens gra ndchildren and peopl thought that exagger claim that crippl chip step totalitari an plot civil liberti usa that even optimist thing happen even faster expect tha t anoth dirti trick us appli communist regim secret peopl fact noth can and expl ain situat previou messag wrote that american wake and fight propos that late ha ppen civil liberti violat stollen american peopl part thi peopl sleep happili sa d regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mai l bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method strnlght netcom david sternlight write notori style dissid for exampl head high tall grass that chanc get clearanc peopl usa reason not surpris that current plot allow happen regard vesselin vesselin vladimirov bontchev viru test center univers hamburg tel fax fachbereich informatik agn pgp public kei request vogt koelln strass mail bontch ev fbihh informatik uni hamburg hamburg germani sci.crypt secret sourc that announc guess cryptowrangl read thi group knew that easi not singl doubt mind that byte that pass signific gatewai bone captur for collig data your name start newsgroup for distribut encrypt post intend mem ber affin group share privat kei for exampl come cypherpunk meet privat kei that meet pass moder minut followup comment particip and post alt encrypt group for us peopl attend communiqu intend group for attende sign privat kei otherwis not encrypt start alt encrypt newsgroup maintain mail list for reason easier archiv for peopl join group late and easili read earlier post second traffic analysi ex actli affin messag direct foil newsgroup public and serv public privaci measur i nternet and fun accumul secret keyr full such kei beat give shirt door prize sen d copi alt encrypt directli judg william session admir studeman save time collec t for gradi netcom sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl strnlghtc n etcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write govrnment tell you that you want us product manufactur trust pair escrow agenc kei thi situat car maker kei car can quickli vin number and doubt that present court order surrend copi govern chanc that locksmith code number for hous lock instal and emerg can cut kei provid su ch kei govern pursuant court order noth prevent you bui lock cash and instal eve n modifi core match arbitrari kei not difficult home onc knew had fix lock thi h ous offic and car kei good care state difficulti gain access your safe deposit b ox court order bad analog bad that you had safeti deposit box work two kei syste m bank clerk and you kei bank not copi your kei you lose drill lock and replac d oor thi time consum and expens process will happi charg your account thi process exactli analog privat kei not escrow system and state crack your cipher data no

t us fals analog peter trei ptrei mitr org sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi articl apr husc harvard edu kubo za riski harvard edu tal kubo write mention danger unwelcom polit associ remiss not suggest opposit direct gather support nra emphas rkba side issu amend side tal kubo math harvard edu hmmm thi gave interest idea thi argument second amend and bear arm strong cryptographi arm govern that hard export constituit strong crypt ographi like hard harder exercis thi get exercis right that govern slowli restri ct nra exist organ perhap long start join electron desk bob langford health scie nc comput fax virginia commonwealth univers mail langford gem vcu edu langford v cuvax for bitnet sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip thousa nd ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei don bit count that doesn worri not cheat c an caught and kei size thing that can verifi extern feed lot random kei input pa ir into chip happen output devic design us kei that regist fed don you can feed kei user can chang kei possibl main reason for thi propos unaccept disappear sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip don un it kei gener process you and suppos control escrow agent can trust seed valu sec ur can trust half kei secur hope don understand thi system can chip manufactur m aintain each half kei total control separ escrow agenc don half kei come togeth form time chip construct built fusabl prom chip escrow agenc program kei agenc p rogram kei invent safeguard that prevent agenc read inform program thi isn inten d flame curiou manufactur thing maintain kei escrow secur simpli trust manufactu r won domain tahorslei csd harri usmail tom horslei uunet hcx tahorslei kingbird circl delrai beach censorship form obscen wait forgot govern tobacco subsidi sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr rick dgbt doc jhan debra dgbt doc jerri han write happili sleep peopl thi aren peopl slightli overreact thi su dden draw parallel nazi germani and communist russia point matter that thi probl em not end world guess you can communist countri nazi germani complain you compl ain and shoot shoot real bad aim guess peopl you live countri world person can c omplain get shot peopl complain that thi wrong that wrong sit and figur two thin g wors can and you find that you and pretti damn lucki talk action decid not ove rreact liberti talk thi doesn make problem doesn make opposit not you can bet wo rs angel foghorn leghorn coe northeastern edu btw opinion and not that entiti go d full star dave don you compani epidem sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi articl jgbinn eli yale edu jgfoot m inerva ci yale edu write tarl neustaedt tarl coyoacan stratu wrote mean that eff public stanc complic issu irrelev encrypt issu per peopl care encrypt issu don care associ network erotica issu even disagre eff posit perhap encrypt type defe nd digit porn post encrypt issu not seper you maintain post encrypt encrypt us p erson decrypt data and care peopl concern continu eros constitut right amend and note shaun hugh fact stupid thing sphugh sfsuvax sfsu edu ronald reagan republi can nation finger for pgp public kei convent sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi shaun hugh sphugh sfsuvax sfsu edu wrote articl jgbinn eli yale edu jgfoot minerva ci yale edu write delet perhap e ncrypt type defend digit porn post encrypt issu not seper you maintain post encr ypt encrypt us person decrypt data and care peopl respond anoth person tarl neus taedt held that eff wasn organ fight for crytographi right sinc eff support dist ribut pornographi internet crypto peopl object word impli that peopl will protec t speech long encrypt sci.crypt onc tap your code good agre thi bai pig fiasco plan eisenhow adm inistr final green light kennedi hen kennedi man full respons not expect slick w illi clinton sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr rick dgbt doc jhan debra dgbt doc jerri han write articl bontchev fbihh happili sleep peopl thi aren peopl sli ghtli overreact thi sudden draw parallel nazi germani and communist russia reaso n parallel don russia claim communist point matter that thi problem not end worl d guess you can communist countri nazi germani complain protest your communist c ountri you haven and socialist dictatorship you can whilst socialist democraci s uch franc australia you can peopl disagre franc australia socialist you complain and shoot shoot real bad aim guess peopl you live countri world person can comp

lain get shot circumst public meet last night usa protest nice and calm and spea ker start bewar opinion forc meet two arm policemen lot thing that cannot usa yo u not notic australian visitor notic peopl complain that thi wrong that wrong si t and figur two thing wors can and you find that you and pretti damn lucki lucki moment hope that true year time didn happen requir conciou effort talk action d ecid not overreact don react don react andrew disclaim opinion and not repres so cieti for conserv momentum group hope don lose student visa result opinion andre w conwai arc leland stanford edu phone usa sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write rememb that promis committ e expert cryptosystem design hope silicon jock committe can follow algorithm har dwar doubt nsa pull monkei busi thi point expect that chip will revers engin soo ner obviou opportun introduc addit hole steve bellovin pgp kei finger mail eli e brandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi langford gem vcu edu write articl a pr husc harvard edu kubo zariski harvard edu tal kubo write mention danger unwel com polit associ remiss not suggest opposit direct gather support nra emphas rkb a side issu amend side hmmm thi gave interest idea thi argument second amend and bear arm strong cryptographi arm govern that hard export constituit strong cryp tographi nra exist organ organ idea nra carri undesir baggag for eff and cpsr fo r hot shot reput organ read thi messag effect group come into exist can count si gn georg mitchel georg tessi sci.crypt lobbi and articl apr gem vcu edu langford gem vcu edu write like hard harder exercis thi get exercis right that govern slowli restrict nra exist organ perhap long start join nra success number thing drop hat can congresspers on offic flood postcard fax and phone call cool internet power organ can act suc h action long inform event thi bboard can make call action hopefulli strong comm un act call realiz thi optomist and glad eff work loop issu don underestim poten ti net for polit action adam speak for sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write articl demon graham toal g toal gtoal write articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write tho usand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei don bit count that doesn worri not chea t can caught and kei size thing that can verifi extern feed lot random kei input pair into chip flip random kei bit and happen output happen half output bit var i averag bit kei chang input chang build weak cryptosystem case that bit power s ens that enter into encrypt late game contrast de design us each kei bit earli o utput chang rate appear earli round don nsa cheat that crude like caught cryptos ytem that start xore bit and and not bit thi xor thi system make earli us bit ex haust kei search kei search your test vari singl kei bit wouldn turn interest re memb that promis committe expert cryptosystem design you assum de bias subkei ge ner schedul will stick sore thumb algorithm suggest stick sore thumb design syst em subtl kei redund hidden make exhaust kei search encrypt don your claim that r eal keysiz can verifi extern andi latto andyl harlequin sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur articl pizzabox demon gtoal gtoal graham toal write can hardwar compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sam pl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compress isdn call swissnet and plug bit you channel kbit sec guess you not below sampl rate you want qualiti analog line compress algorithm factor for voic germano caronni instrument regist thing desi gn regist space contain infinit unknown pgp kei germano caronni caronni nessi et hz ccf sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encryp gtoal gtoal grah am toal write happen effect thi chip will make privat crypto stand sore thumb th i chip catch mean altern develop will happen clipper discredit toni lezard toni manti pgp public kei kei toni manti uknet server such pgp public kei demon even arl phx cam bbea sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt bena dec monash edu ben avel write don forget you countri that wouldn russian bui appl secur co ncern that noth wouldn british bui inmo transput system secur concern and design damn thing mathew

sci.crypt encrypt promis spoke todai compani mention washington time artic l clipper chip announc name compani secur communicatiion technolog inform will e nd thi messag contact basic disturb announc for reason that specif bryen secur c ommun brought light point that interest reader belief that made clipper rest ind ustri thi for reason compani size never make decis us chip dai announc month ago propos chip for secur telephon devic basic blew not interest thi stuck strang s poke art melnick cryptograph express concern clipper chip obviou backdoor will p eopl decrypt code onc kei releas author secur crypto system lost forev kei can e nd hand agenc govern fact that escrow kei never chang mean that algorithm vulner time attack classifi algorithm hide anoth backdoor feel that peopl forg fake se rial number chang kei addition feel that nsa spent time and monei work thi chip revers engin that feel that revers engin will difficult feel that develop suitab l techniqu protect chip thi attack feel that chip hardwar encod algorithm and no t microcod chip additon spoke melnick algorithm couldn agorithm hasn patent told algorithm will releas for public review patent grant for thi crypto commun can that secur algorithm call nea for encrypt algorithm detail sketchi held trade se cret patent issu told that will incorpor will fast encrypt data exact spec not m elnick state faster can put symmetr cipher idea and de will us bit data block fo r encrypt de and idea kei length not melnick state that adujust and adequ for se cur algorithm written and assembl softwar form and can port platform unlik clipp er chip hardwar and cannot made into softwar thi definit for nea for widespread us algorithm will accomod public kei distribut techniqu such rsa diffi hellman t hi will support hardwar chip project cost nea chip will dollar for each clipper will run each chip that produc won happen sell program call that algorithm and s pecial stream protocol that not divid encrypt data into block thi prevent plaint ext attack you block header thi program oper support speed and softwar implement algorithm importantli not backdoor compani afraid that clipper chip will put bu si thi real possibl stop clipper chip standard you want contact can reach secur commun technolog georgia av suit silver spring talk bryen repres compani can ans wer question you factual error occur thi write and apolog for ahead time psionic wam umd edu fight wiretap chip craig rowland amiga pgp kei give liberti for req uest secur deserv sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur gtoal gtoal graham toal write can hardwa r compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compress note not cabl freak complet misunderstood you math fre quent note for wrong you check calcul assum that mean bit assum start and stopbi t and protocol overhead effect number byte per second assum that you not want tr ansmit your speech stereo that you can send sampl sec thi correspond nyquist fre quenc low you bit low qualiti sound your convert will not present you signal tha t cut will alia higher frequenc you can build filter overcom that problem hand s peech easili compress for exampl you form power spectra you simpli band pass fil ter and linear fourier transform won qualiti sound discern power spectrum method good that respect onc program such softwar compressor and compress rate rel err or due linear common that music sound not speech fun stephan neuhau informatik u ni sig close for inventori leav your pickax pgp public kei request note expir da te sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr chpc org rboudri chpc org rob boudri write articl hxv demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write articl rwing pat rwi ng pat myrto write clinton clipper good not make algrithm public peopl can excha ng idea and examin isol respect expert respect for perhap time releas algorithm for come implement ident lack escrow kei note that press announc mention that al gorithm secret for secur kei escrow system thi case secur mean escrow kei for cl ipper chip assum you believ that effect algorithm and escrow system you bui chip firm escrow kei second sourc chip reput firm kei govern escrow power econom inc ent for second sourc escrow vendor second sourc for pin compat clipper algorithm chip that escrow kei reput firm produc chip escrow kei that pop replac for clip per chip phone and algorithm that wide and evalu and trust problem clipper rever s engin organ suffici resourc can you billion cocain dollar drug dealer worri wi ll slip crack law abid incred wealthi citizen natur will not thi recours claim t hat algorithm can releas prevent peopl kei escrow chip plain deceit analysi chip

output will provid inform header and whatnot bad gui build chip algorithm and n ot escrow kei bui bunch cheap phone mart week and plai swap clipper chip cellula r phone dai michael palmer man crazi write secret palmer larc nasa gov will conc eal ripem kei server vulgar roger bacon sci.crypt detect us illeg cipher for impress scheme that ban strong crypto opt content that algorythm secret protect secur kei registr suggest inher weak algorythm like that dont want construct black market devic dont kei regist notic that session prevent black market chip escrow kei exactli mean protect secur ke i escrow system two part secur such system prevent decrupt unauthor personel ass ur that gummit can decrypt clipper traffic author ministri propoganda will lot t allk and rob boudri rboudri chpc org care guess encrypt scheme gov newli form da tabas anarch cryptist oppos thi entir lunaci sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook inn senat bedfello w mit edu jfc athena mit edu john carr write case inform you come properli us yo u except you write paper includ suffici detail inform build nuclear weapon class ifi understand law nuclear weapon design automat classifi even you work you not allow read your paper thi thrown court progress case exampl you driver speed tra p run into you can fine even you argu that you broke law you discov locat police man charg interf polic offic quit similar you revers engin clipper chip thi outr ight illeg violat amend you give case your speed trap exampl upheld court arthur rubin rubin dsg dse beckman work beckman instrument brea mcimail compuserv arth ur pnet ct person opinion and not repres employ sci.crypt onc tap your code good strnlghtc uij netcom strnlght netcom davi d sternlight write articl ele apr menudo menudo edu ele menudo menudo edu karl b arru write you trust black box nsa versu open system absolut assur trust that bl ack box secur noth conceal govern that russian japanes french competitor for ser vic can read traffic that competit bid inform safe commerci competitor and forei gn govern aid nsa ident motiv respect activ presid and senior govern offici made clear that share motiv trust coincid interest argument basic trust profession a nd high confid skill david david sternlight great care ensur accuraci inform err or and omiss except noth error and omiss arthur rubin rubin dsg dse beckman work beckman instrument brea mcimail compuserv arthur pnet ct person opinion and not repres employ sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl apr clar inet sci crypt alt secur comp org eff talk comp secur misc comp org acm comp org ieee brad clarinet brad templeton write assum for moment that system secur you halv encrypt kei two independ escrow hous you even trust escrow hous aclu and ef f and not joke two name problem assum reason that extrem and you close you arriv assum thi perfectli assumpt you make big system secur govern algorithm secret p lenti encrypt algorithm that don depend nondisclosur secur world us that reason can honest you assum can trust escrow hous last time check singl branch govern e xperienc unauthor disclosur corrupt and even fabric supposedli secur data govt y eah you can trust bullcrypt and final you didn state explicitli you implicitli a ssum that warrant mechan thi countri safe and reason case ventura counti man sho t and kill offic serv deliber fraudul warrant tell that govt long wai thi score rememb that thi catch drug dealer point current propos will deploi render secur encrypt expens and inconveni uncl sam brand will afford and suffici motiv purcha s thi expens inconveni higher protect lot extra cash true strong encrypt outlaw outlaw will strong encrypt mel beckman internet mbeckman mbeckman beckman softwa r engin compuserv ventura voic fax you can observ lot watch yogi bera sci.crypt open letter clinton articl strnlghtc netcom sci crypt strnlght n etcom david sternlight write simpl convert clipper propos unexception make volun tari that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow your kei you your david economist you can flaw thi logic naiv market flood proprietari w eak encrypt strong encrypt will unabl compet suppos govt had secret broadcast st andard and sold tv below cost privat industri standard not widespread due govt e arli flood market cheap proprietari set even industri technolog program broadcas t govt unduplicat standard compet flaw that make voluntari todai ensur that will voluntari futur renew driver licens last week and requir not give ssn produc ss n card veryifi number note that feder law onc that state local govt requir us ss

n for driver licens registr specif not trust govt that trust thi even arrang tha t doesn requir your trust big time fishi you carefulli you mel mel beckman inter net mbeckman mbeckman beckman softwar engin compuserv ventura voic fax you can o bserv lot watch yogi bera sci.crypt onc tap your code good nice cut hominem attack prof den sternlig ht etc you object view ahead and subject point person attack reflect attack atta cke throw light not heat restrict discuss newsgroup submit that comp org acm and comp org ieee not for thi discuss you made subscrib newsgroup awar issu want pa rticip discuss can easili join sci crypt comp secur misc alt secur comp org eff talk russ schnapp email netcom metaflow rschnapp rschnapp metaflow rschnapp bix metaflow technolog voic fax jolla california otw speak for sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow articl apr c larinet sci crypt brad clarinet brad templeton write interestingli design escrow want us unusu technolog such seal box paper destruct read memori typic comput d atabas fun for databas hundr million kei larger problem that onc disclos your ke i us decrypt previous record convers gather that thi propos warrant requir kei n ot collect convers scenario agenc collect preemptiv encrypt convers for peopl li ke target and not necessarili legitim target arrang for unrel incid that can tri gger warrant your honor that suspect receiv call note crime figur bugsi butthead call arrang agenc and thi warrant determin whether thi suspect sensit govt post corrupt suppos that conceiv that session kei involv that doesn like wouldn tech nic overview mention such detail number bit held each escrow author thi scheme f ull hole and stink high heaven mel mel beckman internet mbeckman mbeckman beckma n softwar engin compuserv ventura voic fax you can observ lot watch yogi bera sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl ausinni sen at bedfellow mit edu jfc athena mit edu john carr write chip and algorithm class ifi you revers engin and peopl you like jail don find thi credibl argument for t wo reason you suppli below care enter usa time futur taiwanes backyard cloner bt w decap custom silicon and reproduc daughterboard pirat high profit arcad machin and wouldn care not care confidenti peopl real care travel countri for busi rea son will sit and follow law thi contend that not main threat grave doubt whether algorythm wide distribut silicon possibl call classifi hand militari secret wor ld envelop mark don open can imagin credibl defenc emploi trial stupid govern ac tion perhap foreign govern corpor crack system usa govern stop import clone hard war softwar implement practic amus thought emploi algorythm infeas for fast soft war implement easi custom hardwar de extens us permut tabl trivial hardwar you s wap bu line rel slow softwar had big effect speed differ hardwar and softwar imp lement that cipher suspect that lucif design awar that and approv algorythm para llel search algorythm can slow softwar can fly custom hardwar proof employ clipp er pure conjectur softwar implement thi cipher that design avoid cost inclus suc h techniqu credibl hmmm intergraph think us name clipper for thi devic ian farqu har phone offic comput servic fax macquari univers nsw australia email ifarqhar laurel oc edu sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl almaden ibm amelin vnet ibm ian amelin write that will revers engin clipper chip and knowle g algorithm will like fairli widespread back door weak discredit scheme and grow market demand for secur altern admit that thi point run mind for discuss dice w on long decap and bit work full detail clipper algorythm thi isn trivial not imp oss difficult half decent vlsi design student photograph technolog familiar and descript input output control and suppli line figur function subsystem die thi n ot uncommon exercis perform train make you design decis made design specul that chip manufactur tamperproof carrier such techniqu expens and thi thing suppos re l cheap produc that will legal legisl framework prevent public algorythm correct wrong aren suppos sold internation suppos that like reason algorythm remain sec ret for moment that idiot bureaucrat untrammel realiti situat decid that secret suppos secret isn random thought ian farquhar phone offic comput servic fax macq uari univers nsw australia email ifarqhar laurel oc edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good jhan debra dgbt doc jerri han write point matter that thi problem not end world guess you can communist countri nazi germ ani john edgar hoover usa complain you complain and shoot guess peopl you live c

ountri world person can complain get shot peopl complain that thi wrong that wro ng sit and figur two thing wors can and you find that you and pretti damn lucki talk action decid not overreact harm overreact thi largest singl threat civil li berti lifetim pretti heinou thing past and haven recov histor trend liberti occa sion perturb time break quot american polit radic lyle transarc grant street gul f tower pittsburgh instanc abridg freedom peopl gradual and silent encroach powe r violent and sudden usurp jame madison sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl gradyc uamw bng netcom gradi ne tcom write guess cryptowrangl read thi group knew that easi not singl doubt mind that byte that pass signific gatewai bone captur for collig data your name clai m come hear practic daili that nsa monitor can crack never releas cryptosystem c ouldn crack peopl fascin fact puzzl palac you can for buck hand true pretti nsa suppos thing provid high qualiti cryptosystem varieti place don recal read anywh er reliabl that suppos monitor phonecal monitor usenet provid cryptosystem can e asili crack etc etc thi not that don you don that and you evid that for almost v alu you follow that for valu you your claim nsa border paranoia andrew sci.crypt clipper chip fact request read clipper announc net last dai and lot uninform specul chip govern plot etc question clipper chip implement skipjac k cryptograph algorithm implement chip chip commun protocol implement commun pro tocol can us crypt chip can chip specif and spec sheet obtain purchas and condit restrict chip us system secur algorithm and encrypt commun not requir that fami li kei secret secret happen famili kei becom secret make traffic analysi difficu lt law enforc messag random inform and random can chip program reveal unit kei c hip serial number program paramet raymond brand rbrand usasoc soc mil sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh info rmatik uni hamburg write andersom spot colorado edu marc anderson write method t hi year crime bill will teeth not bare gum clinton administr will place strict c ontrol data format and protocol and requir registr call cryptograph kei hope den i drug dealer abil commun secret clinton approach us for crackdown form undergro und econom activ such deficit caus tax evad live luxuri expens grandchildren and peopl thought that exagger claim that crippl chip step totalitarian plot civil liberti usa that even optimist thing happen even faster expect that anoth dirti trick us appli communist regim secret peopl fact noth can and explain situat pre viou messag wrote that american wake and fight propos that late happen civil lib erti violat stollen american peopl part thi peopl sleep happili sad write congre ssman and make respect law that violat freedom speech and fed enforc thi law wil l protect freedom forc come that hopefulli won doug holland doug holland freedom holland colost edu speech will pry pgp kei mail cold dead lip sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur articl new intercon amanda intercon aman da walker write agre rememb don even clipper encrypt real sens lot annoi agre th i assess promot provid greater protect bare voic quit true for fulfil state goal let wiretap terrorist and drug dealer restrict stronger techniqu wiretap target present us strong encrypt weak encrypt vast major encrypt two class can tap wea k encrypt phone encrypt class merg into weak encrypt class will introduct clippe r target present enjoi strong privaci give that reli for privaci system expressl i design deni peopl doubt mere introduct thi scheme will give govern noth state goal prevent degrad wiretap capabl can fulfil restrict domest cryptographi and t hi restrict clipper appear sop public mute complaint find thi grossli inadequ tr adeoff fear public larg will not care hate even mention gun control peopl that a ssault weapon nyt word sort automat weapon calib such thing legal peopl even cry ptolog suspect that strong cryptographi easili label secreci for law abid citize n that not for clinton feder and suprem court can constitution administr governm ent agenc opinion opinion matter and will continu overturn and court reluct annu l law regul length decid case ground congress can quit bit levi burdensom tax th i place enforc hand batf you don want your case invok commerc claus thi like thi claus will you anywher dai requir suprem court rule prohibitori statut unconsti tut congress prohibit drug textual nod commerc claus control substanc act stand govern amanda walker pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method amanda intercon amand a walker write don arm govern fail protect interest peopl lifetim never expect t

hat will make clear thi never refer protect not fail protect lifetim never gover n consist protect interest citizen accid amanda walker intercon system corpor sci.crypt onc tap your code good re colnet cmhnet org rob stampfli write w ouldn second monitor similar type scroll gibberish and adjac us provid reason re sist tempest attack locat direct antenna lock monitor fail that phase arrai like seper signal admittedli thi expens rest thi stuff perri metzger pmetzger shears on laissez fair laissez passer mond lui meme sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl apr lokkur dexter sc lokkur dexter steve simmon write smb research att steven b ellovin write thousand ten thousand arithmet skipjack kei assum brute forc engin that hypothes for de microsecond per trial million chip that trial per second y ear for trial can chip run trial per nanosecond and build machin million chip ye ar for each solut last argu steve shouldn that read year for solut mean can imag in machin that trial nanosecond can imagin storag medium that index and archiv c ompani work for previous receiv file that de encryp and person that had vaction wait two week set straight frontal attack kei time two dai crack file don faith de russel dept oltp section pal group ausvm email arussel austin ibm phone tieli n view silli free berkelei sci.crypt white hous public encrypt manag fact sheet articl apr charon gsf c nasa gov paul charon gsfc nasa gov paul olson write articl qnav transfer strat u cme ellisun stratu carl ellison write articl lgaz dove nist gov clipper csrc n csl nist gov clipper chip announc write attornei gener good post describ store f or delet interest note that two month ago rush limbaugh that clinton plumber for c shortli clinton and henchmen firmli strong ubiquit govern control anytim leade r believ that leader will us mean retain that control and govern back will end l ive equival high tech world dictatorship respons for ourselv person welfar and a ction total agre you propos govern back don listen peopl want peopl responsibil for person telnet site clipper chip releas entiti clipper and list anoth person bit command disabl not sound administr that account inform don control peopl sec ret develop and impliment clipper chip decis back that you can bet unaurhor encr ypt method and softwar will consid terrorist tool and subject civil forfeitur sy stem that run you watch wrong govern not cooper peopl take back and resourc unli mit access media for propeganda and almost gun gun clinton agenda succe that not plai ball waco good exampl expect warrant releas state reason for raid bd spent larg sum for weapon undetermin amount time don recal spend lot monei gun etc il leg that clinton histori worst thing happen peopl socalist democrat republ ameri ca psdra big brother listen hail big brother and sister ten year late pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing inf init univers and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur articl new intercon amanda intercon aman da walker wrote thing that clipper offer interoper higher degre secur proprietar i voic encrypt system thi mean will cheaper proprietari scheme and easier cheape r you bet and tax dollar becom subsidi for chip chip don sell stop govern give i nterest nation secur deploi thi bug featur depend you amanda walker intercon sys tem corpor steven holton network administr rtp fast northern telecom inc repli c msph bounc sholton aol compuserv opinion express sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method quot strnlght netcom david sternlight articl strnlghtc netcom articl apr eff org kadi eff org carl ka di write don replac for clipper front end thi make sens govern prohibit altern e scrow encrypt scheme not us front end clipper that will make privat encrypt stic k sore thumb and govern will start sharp interest you paul crowlei pdc dc trust fold fish for jesu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr coop felixg coop felix gallo w rite pat rwing pat myrto write clinton clipper good note that bill clinton desig n implement reason thi chip move made thi chip pawn notic not ask for allow publ ic input and damn not stop rememb you elect presid unit state not case that repu blican etc nsa and fbi and cia immedi pack bag and replac team fresh young democ rat govern appoint hire elect sinc thi clipper devic product for six month found at elect democrat execut bodi clinton didn come not stop public input impliment decis assert author thing not agre bush administrationk notic presid respons for

action execuit branch not slightest bit doubt you hold bush reagan that standar d had offic thi thing cast into stone btw suggest that thi attack clinton thi ba llist reagardless propos thi thing anoth step gradual eros right constitut bill right last coupl decad stop seri end run protect constitut stop good time isn la te allreadi sky hasn fallen chicken for name call that make your posit higli cre dibl lenin had term for folk your outlook you that faith trustworthi and honesti govern that primarili concern peopl control suspect you will for unpleas surpri s thi nip bud can wait for abridg bill right you pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrt o seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and huma n stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr ucla edu geoff ficu ucla edu g eoffrei kuen write articl rwing pat rwing pat myrto write fish expedit target kn owleg don give safe that that negoti and clinton and quietli develop thi thing f igur thi can ram amaz quick peopl blame administr current for thing couldn possi bl initi thi chip had year develop claim that clinton administr sneak bullshit b ush administr and career gestapo respons for thi horror and careerist present pr esid fait accompli that doesn excus clinton and gore critic for stupid for lai b odi proper door start you correct clinton not initi cast granit impliment not st op decis state anoth post don give damn administr find total unaccept and implim ent ram throat run offic bush not depriv second amend right clinton bust butt th at regard that reveal total differ philosophi clinton appear support idea total peopl control eavesdrop whenev feel real secur for common person and abil defend oneself illeg attack sourc trust will protect and control you don find inconven i clinton shown utter contempt for public disclosur and account had plenti time chang polici didn expand bet had bush offic you howl louder pat rwing prejudic u cc pat myrto seattl fail uunet pilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit unive rs and human stupid and not albert einstien sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi quot jgfoot minerva ci yale edu art icl jgbinn eli yale edu perhap encrypt type defend digit porn post encrypt issu not seper you maintain fact sinc effect encrypt make censorship imposs almost is su and fall into eff paul crowlei pdc dc trust fold fish for jesu sci.crypt revis technic summari clipper chip revis version summari correct error and addit inform and explan clipper chip technic summari dorothi den revi s april introduct april presid announc initi that will bring togeth feder govern and industri voluntari program provid secur commun meet legitim law enforc hear t plan tamper proof encrypt chip call clipper chip togeth split kei approach esc row kei two escrow agenc us and kei part need reconstruct kei chip content clipp er chip contain classifi singl kei bit block encrypt algorithm call skipjack alg orithm bit kei compar for de and round scrambl compar for de support de mode ope r algorithm take clock tick and electron codebook ecb mode run mbit per second e ach chip includ compon skipjack encrypt algorithm bit famili kei that common chi p bit serial number thi length subject chang bit secret kei that unlock messag e ncrypt chip chip program mykotronx inc call myk silicon suppli vlsi technolog in c implement micron technolog and will initi sell for each quantiti price drop te chnolog shrunk micron encrypt chip chip us imagin that embed telephon secur devi c will suppos call and such devic push button start secur convers secur devic wi ll negoti bit session kei devic end thi kei negoti take place clipper chip gener method kei exchang can us such diffi hellman public kei distribut method onc se ssion kei establish clipper chip us encrypt convers messag stream digit voic tel ephon secur devic feed and into chip produc two valu encrypt messag stream and l aw enforc field transmit telephon line law enforc field contain session kei encr ypt unit kei concaten serial number encrypt famili kei law enforc field decrypt law enforc author wiretap instal ciphertext decrypt receiv devic session kei chi p program and escrow clipper chip program insid scif secur compart inform facil essenti vault scif contain laptop comput and equip program chip chip program sin gl session scif locat mykotronx begin session trust agent each two kei escrow ag enc enter vault agent enter secret random bit into laptop and agent enter secret random bit random valu serv seed gener unit kei for sequenc serial number unit kei function secret random bit each agent gener unit kei for serial number bit p ad fix bit block produc bit block and us kei tripl encrypt produc bit block simi

larli pad two bit block produc and and two addit bit block and comput and concat en togeth give bit bit assign and second bit rest discard unit kei xor and and k ei part that separ escrow two escrow agenc sequenc valu for and gener written se par floppi disk disk contain file for each serial number that contain kei part s econd disk similar contain valu disk contain unit kei agent take disk and agent take second disk each agent walk know bit seed and bit kei part agent not bit us gener kei bit kei part disk us program chip chip program inform discard vault a nd agent leav laptop destroi for addit assur that inform left protocol chang sli ghtli that peopl room two two provid seed and and second two escrow agent disk b ack escrow agenc escrow agenc determin will not nsa cia fbi law enforc agenc ind epend govern law enforc us law enforc author tap encrypt line will warrant servi c provid order access commun line assum that tap place and that determin that li ne encrypt clipper chip law enforc field decrypt famili kei give document certif i that tap author for parti associ serial number secur fax each kei escrow agent return secur fax and and xore togeth produc unit kei and decrypt session kei fi nal messag stream decrypt thi will accomplish special black box decod capston ge ner successor clipper chip call capston govern and myk mykotronx develop will in clud skipjack algorithm digit signatur standard dss secur hash algorithm sha met hod kei exchang fast exponenti and random prototoyp will for test april and chip expect readi for deliveri june juli acknowledg and distribut notic thi articl b ase inform provid nsa nist fbi and mykotronx permiss distribut thi document gran t sci.crypt lobbi and articl apr eff org charl gross acg eff org write cool internet power organ can act such action long inform event thi bboard can make c all action hopefulli strong commun act call realiz thi optomist and glad eff wor k loop issu don underestim potenti net for polit action adam speak for second mo tion favor btw dai ago charl fee cxf psuvm psu edu post name address and phone n umber voic and fax almost congress member thi info witha great number cabinet me n etc captur singl peopl list and bombard lobbi clipper chip nate hate quotat th i messag brought you you nate sammon and number ralph waldo emerson long lanc co lost edu sci.crypt algorithm secret exactli add anoth observ chip becom standard al gorithm won remain secret leav govern remain option make us escrow kei illeg won begin bother terrorist and child abus govern fond refer note that federalist pa per stress reason for citizen bear arm defend armi armi imho primari purpos priv at crypto defend ourselv govern odd terrorist not worri gover damag qualiti life dai rob robert ullmann ariel world std quand maigret poussa port tabac fontain ver un heur demi patron bar qui venait lever descendait lentement escali colima qui amor ait dan arri sall arriv derri comptoir repousa gar gest gligent main sa isit un bouteil vin blanc verr langea vin eau min rale renver arri gargarisa sim enon text iso utf univers charact set sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit articl apr krono arc nasa gov hanson krono arc nasa gov robin hanson write rough estim suggest that wiretap worth mil lion dollar per year law enforc agenc wiretap led arrest total polic expenditur billion led million arrest ref statist abstract work estim thi wiretap benefit a ccur you assum that arrest equal and that us wiretap spread uniformli thi compar tini number wiretap and associ difficulti and cost involv judg technician etc e xpect that law enforc reserv us wiretap for valuabl case sinc arrest can vari en orm rang jaywalk mass murder your million estim low coupl order magnitud sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl hgqinndaa uwm edu rick miller r ick uwm edu write jbotz mtholyok edu jurgen botz write sombodi didn your snoop m arc like explan that marc spoof didn expans person two peopl and result your all eg incorrect pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt do compress api partial answer for you for inform do file system compress api todai call microsoft do hotlin told that do resourc kit had specif for compress interfac resourc kit cost tax and ship order copi and will post an d post order turnaround work dai for good sourc info thi api speak slightli skep tic resourc kit likelihood detail program info mark mrr ripem msu edu post sci c rypt sinc api us for file system encrypt sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip don fo

ol expon kei not leagu particl univers rememb avagadro number that elementari pa rticl not molecul mole pretti small univers you can put gigabyt tape you trillio n tape allow byte per entri exist magnet media planet wait year includ exist aud io and video cassett total ten trillion per person worldwid mean suspicion hiden messag robert eachu standard disclaim us standard disclaim function messag text clever idea return idea sci.crypt escrow databas articl apr shearson pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger write each two escrow databas fit conveni singl valuabl exabyt tape thi can easier time care can hold clipper kei countri pocket two tape excel point a nd relat point make back databas won tape copi will and secur will tape store si te wouldn hard hijack transit site good bomb attack group intent free threat gov ern snoop will care problem onc and for can govern and misplac copi your kei you mail copi sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl apr eff org ka di eff org carl kadi write clipper good cover us anoth layer encrypt provid over view propos system chip att spec sheet skipjack sound normal digit encrypt algor ithm data path will voic digit compress encrypt compress will fit data wire want wait for isdn that lucki feed pre encrypt data into compressor will chuckl you you tap into gut phone and hack compress data stream select part output stream h it modem you want pai for two fast modem top encrypt and plug box your phone and wall carl pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt secret sourc that announc slab mtholyok edu jbotz mtholyok edu j urgen botz write even interest smtp server csrc ncsl nist gov longer recogn expn and vrfy command telnet csrc ncsl nist gov smtp connect csrc ncsl nist gov esca p charact org sendmail nist readi tue apr edt expn clipper command unrecogn somb odi didn your snoop marc good thing thi csspub mail list csspab mail ncsl nist g ov and address clipper mail list basic member nist secur board addit name post t rue name follow burrow ecf jame burrow director nist nation comput system labora tori mcnulti ecf lynn mcnulti associ director for comput secur nation institut s tandard and technolog comput system laboratori gangemi dockmast ncsc mil gaetano gangemi director secur system program wang laboratori inc wrote comput secur ba sic deborah russel and gangemi reilli and associ slambert cgin cto citicorp sand ra lambert vice presid inform secur citibank lipner mitr org lipner mitr corp di rector inform system gallagh dockmast ncsc mil patrick gallagh director nation s ecur agenc nation comput secur center and secur board member walker ti stephen w alker comput secur expert and presid trust inform system inc glenwood willi rand org willi ware rand corp execut chair secur board whitehurst vnet ibm william w hitehurst secur board member and director ibm corp data secur program harri shap iro hab panix list administr extropi institut mail list privat commun for extrop ian commun sinc harri shapiro hab panix list administr extropi institut mail lis t privat commun for extropian commun sinc sci.crypt secret algorithm clipper chip and crypto kei escrow read debat c lipper thing add peopl activli us encrypt privat not care issu that surround thi debat and question not us care wether not secur not that bottom line second peo pl us form encrypt and thi group span peopl moron insist that de good and secur standard peopl improv exist strategi can not approv blindli strategi that leav m ethod open abus clipper thi peopl make mistak natur and govern made peopl vulner mistak sinc peopl marginali familiar vulner present current softwar encrypt str atigi can blindli trust that will not figur good compromis clipper chip that des pit strength weak that exist can not high degre confid develop chip fourth come crimin abus stupid peopl and will open caught built back door clipper chip inves tig secur data run into that problem pretti damn fast and assum start for easili obtain method encrypt noth aval thi issu truth that privat encrypt user that ru n into simpli not give damn legal statu rsa pgp work us thi not chang not for mo ment that crimin intent will slow advent clipper chip easi convert encrypt data into unintellg garbag clipper chip add anoth tool user bottom line that peopl wi ll us work and unavoid crimin face encrypt relat charg potentiali lead death pen alti charg case crimin murder part conspirici thing that struck sinc advent and wide useag public encrypt begun that quit simpli cat bag you interest snoop pand ora box open and thi not chang blind thi that found utterli stun and clipper chi

p present confirm thi larger degre sincerli tim scanlon tf graviti gmu edu sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit articl rlglendec netcom rlglend netco m robert lewi glenden write fuck nasa wast tax dollar polici paper stuff purvew mission don pai for favor resign thi paper for nasa work for societi find estim annual law enforc million quit rough wiretap preferenti us hard catch crimin res ult underestim thi come twenti cent head popul find rigor number thi quit make f or nice slogan your privaci worth turn lew glenden rlglend netcom pgp kei finger mail eli ebrandt jarthur claremont edu sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl hxv demon graham toal gtoal gtoal write complet baffl dorothi den chosen throw academ respect thi hasn dorothi den spent year earn profession respect colleagu and won thi manner not easili lost support clipper matter unpopular that posit serv enhanc clipper respect diminish jeff makei depart tautolog pleonasm and superflu redund depart disclaim opinion strictli author domain makei visicom nosc visicom makei sci.crypt will fed troll for mutil law enforc block den skipjack encrypt a lgorithm bit famili kei that common chip bit serial number bit secret kei that u nlock messag encrypt chip encrypt messag stream and law enforc block session kei and transmit encrypt unit kei serial number encrypt famili kei protocol can rec ov noth differenti analysi postul you will chip logic sit clipper chip and commu n channel function thi spoof chip twofold transmit channel spoof chip xor bit en crypt serial number secondari kei variabl thi render serial number unrecover fam ili kei receiv channel spoof chip xor incom encrypt serial number secondari kei variabl assum integr law enforc block for local oper checksum sequenc control et c thi net result hide serial number probabl theer plaintext pattern us filler bl ock contain bit us gener correct law enforc block can determin famili kei propos feder agenc deni and recov correct serial number can test examin pad bit select alter law enforc block mutil detect approach mutil entir law enforc block group encrypt scheme such de skipjack chanc law enforc block can recov lessen you wan t bet transmiss protocol can recogn and serial number decrypt target search digi t transmiss becom wide requir that clipper protocol transmiss refus contain muti l law enforc block avoid notic spoof protocol inform block contain spoof law enf orc block goal us secur commun scheme redress detect kei intercept contain encry pt law enforc block data stream return origin state for us clipper chip system r equir for proper oper somewhat improb that entir protocol will contain clipper c hip like that sequenc event will test for requir valid law enforc block receiv a ccept and decrypt spoof chip implement anywher protocol includ result serial dat a stream exist clipper product subborn high secur encrypt system super encipher encrypt chip us redress detect us chip disclosur serial number secur adequ deni serial number not recover mean can us cut out for procur clipper phone onc numbe r unit high steal mistak part author nice point privaci serial number not associ clipper chip lot chip manufactur and distribut process hopefulli list miss stol en clipper serial number encrypt and protocol not suffici plaintext attact super encrypt clipper stream thi made difficult alter tempor and spatial relationship clipper stream that super encrypt stream detect encrypt stream tip us aforement scheme you captur valid law enforc block not your and us codebook sustitut your point valid law enforc block store librari util session kei match remaind trans miss you simpli and lie deliv monitor and hostil forc seemingli valid law enforc block captur law enforc block us authent such manual kei encrypt system fend th i requir escal examin protocol and block transmiss code stream independ attack b ase knowledg clipper chip protocol reveal plaintext thi invalid chang tempor and spatial relationship clipper stream and actual transmit stream control secur ke i gener synchron endpoint life time captur law enforc block limit base hostil fo rc target transmiss intercept you larg number hei suppos million thing ad time s tamp encrypt law enforc block impract encrypt chip real time clock entir idea la w enforc block can invalid sci.crypt will fed troll for mutil law enforc block code stream independ a ttack base knowledg clipper chip protocol reveal plaintext thi invalid chang tem por and spatial relationship clipper stream and actual transmit stream control s ecur kei gener synchron endpoint life time captur law enforc block limit base ho stil forc target transmiss intercept you larg number hei suppos million thing ad

time stamp encrypt law enforc block impract encrypt chip real time clock entir idea law enforc block can invalid had thought that you captur your law enforc bl ock for session kei that you will not us actual transmiss session kei authent pr oviso that you don mind your serial number discov den inform version clipper chi p hash function embed clipper transmiss block reflect law enforc block not fall bit block boundari recogniz datum you lie random inclus myk rememb read that int el had approv random nois sourc silicon abil put insid you that mykotronx sound made name compani us front for intellig organ sci.crypt polit point attack clipper infrastructur earlier argument that c lipper will encourag state and local cop commit crimin act larg moot that learn that fbi will perform actual tap will encourag fbi commit even crimin act that n ot point thi anoth avenu attack clipper propos eff aclu cpsr foia request made f or detail bureaucrat and equip infrastructur that propos even budget for fbi ser vic tap request for and project futur figur estim number clipper tap request fbi expect publish thi figur compar per capita basi amount tap suspect estim expens for fbi instal clipper tap station and rapidli built and instal minu epsilon fo r futur mite disturb for public thing and despit technic detail btw provid don t ap request will transmit and authent isn hard guess good scheme result will secu r transmit fed audio tape privaci will establish investig complet dwight tuinstr a tuinstra sandman ec clarkson edu toler tuinstrd craft camp clarkson edu homo s apien planetari cancer new six sci.crypt clipper will corrupt cop propos polic point view articl apr new clarkson edu tuinstra signal ec clarkson edu soe dwight tuinstra write clear imp lic that legal author court order leaki don wiretap statut handi law pen regist thi titl code note vagu haven had chanc check usc pen regist gener prohibit pen regist and trap and trace devic us except gener provid thi section person instal us pen regist trap and trace devic obtain court order section thi titl foreign intellig surveil act seq emerg pen regist and trap and trace devic instal notwit hstand provis thi chapter investig law enforc offic special design attornei gene r deputi attornei gener associ attornei gener assist attornei gener act assist a ttornei gener deputi assist attornei gener princip prosecut attornei state subdi vis thereof act pursuant statut that state determin that emerg situat exist that involv danger death bodili injuri person conspiratori activ characterist organ crime that requir instal and us pen regist trap and trace devic order author suc h instal and us can due dilig obtain and ground order enter thi chapter author s uch instal and us instal and us pen regist trap and trace devic forti hour insta l occur begin occur order approv instal us issu accord section thi titl absenc a uthor order such us immedi termin inform sought obtain applic for order deni for ti hour laps sinc instal pen regist trap and trace devic whichev earlier know in stal us investig law enforc offic pen regist trap and trace devic pursuant subse ct applic for author order forti hour instal constitut violat thi chapter sci.crypt clipper consid harm articl oeh agat berkelei edu shirriff sprite berkelei edu ken shirriff write imagin archiv pai phone convers turn drug deale r you can listen past drug deal and archiv call suspect mafia member potenti ter rorist radic etc imagin conveni for polic warrant and listen call world trade ce nter bomber made past year sinc archiv such power tool and easi wouldn happen ap art storag and search requir evid inadmiss wiretap requir warrant and such case come light previou case like discov and thrown articl time month ago convict sta te invalid reli pen regist and court appeal rule that pen regist equival wiretap and requir warrant york law sci.crypt lobbi and agre that notifi your elect offici your feel thi and f or that matter issu and phone list post dai washington for you your elect offici will maintain local offic your area code manag elect offici us local offic excl us and fax modem and window print captur softwar tool choic word state summari c all voic and left comment offic staff edward bertsch eab msc edu minnesota super comput center inc oper user servic washington avenu south work minneapoli minnes ota voic mail disclaim opinion not msci sci.crypt freeli distribut public kei cryptographi code jk brunel jonathan savil wigglesworth smhana gpu utcc utoronto wrote you freeli distribut code for public kei cryptographi such rsa archi search avail you heard pgp assum your po

st that you not pgp freewar rsa encrypt program includ digit signatur and compre hens kei manag facil site sourc code grow number peopl thi excel softwar encrypt high standard email and data clinton outlaw two site rsa pub pgp soda berkelei edu pub cypherpunk pgp pgp not archiv site rsa highli amus sinc rsa public kei p artner entiti organ hold patent claim violat you make us sell pgp patent appli c anada not patent lawyer such thing freeli redistribut code for rsa can us north america legal entangl you rsaref ftp site rsa rsaref doesn meet your definit fre eli redistribut readili sourc and rsa etc and come licens allow noncommerci us s trong crypto softwar not export legal can modifi permiss rsadsi number peopl rec eiv past for reason that aren clear rsa that peopl rsaref server aren itar issu canada ripem distribut site ripem msu edu rsaref distribut and for canadian marc vanheyningen mvanheyn indiana edu mime ripem accept barnei dinosaur simpli rush limbaugh dinosaur suit lost boi sci.crypt question revis summari revis version summari that correct error and addit inform and explan you read text distinct question aris guess will ask peopl perhap interest find answer question clipper chip technic summari bit seri al number thi length subject chang shorter longer onc session kei establish clip per chip us encrypt convers messag stream digit voic telephon secur devic feed a nd into chip produc two valu encrypt messag stream and law enforc field transmit telephon line law enforc field contain session kei encrypt unit kei concaten se rial number encrypt famili kei law enforc field decrypt law enforc author wireta p instal question will lawenforcmentfield transmit and remot clipper chip handl transmit period stream encrypt block begin phone side discard packet protocol wh atsoev turn into voic output not disturb begin session trust agent each two kei escrow agenc enter vault agent enter secret random bit into laptop and agent ent er secret random bit random valu serv seed gener unit kei for sequenc serial num ber unit kei function secret random bit each agent second question such strang p rocedur us and not real rng thi turn kind bottleneck for system secur law enforc author tap encrypt line will warrant servic provid order access commun line ass um that tap place and that determin that line encrypt clipper chip law enforc fi eld decrypt famili kei give document certifi that tap author for parti associ se rial number secur fax each kei escrow agent return secur fax and and xore togeth produc unit kei and decrypt session kei final messag stream decrypt thi will ac complish special black box decod technic provis will place timeout warrant thi u niqu possibl realiz such technic restrict let escrow agenc perform decod session kei modem line secur fax thi such bad idea successor clipper chip call capston govern and myk mykotronx develop will includ skipjack algorithm digit signatur s tandard dss secur hash algorithm sha method kei exchang fast exponenti and rando m prototoyp will for test april and chip expect readi for deliveri june juli wow random work sha and kei exchang secret publicli kei exchang guess that oppos th i chip tough time your govern reali mean act friendli germano caronni instrument regist thing design regist space contain infinit unknown pgp kei germano caronn i caronni nessi ethz ccf sci.crypt screw peopl crypto for hard core hacker spook articl inn senat b edfellow mit edu jfc athena mit edu john carr write case inform you come properl i us you except you write paper includ suffici detail inform build nuclear weapo n classifi understand law nuclear weapon design automat classifi even you work y ou not allow read your paper hate mess your point incred easi learn make nuclear weapon hard part get radioact put you read tom clanci sum fear describ great de tail palestinian terrorist group construct nuclear bomb stolen found plutonium e ast german nuclear physicist for fiction read tom clanci articl minut till midni ght show terrorist group construct nuke neptunium low grade radioact wast produc t dump toxic wast site and forgotten claim inform construct nuke easili found la rg librari sound kind scari doesn exampl you driver speed trap run into you can fine even you argu that you broke law you discov locat policeman charg interf po lic offic quit similar you revers engin clipper chip don that you thi violat con stitut find court case struck such law peopl not comfort fact that govern violat right imprison don whether you bust for warn speedtrap doug holland doug hollan d freedom holland colost edu speech will pry pgp kei mail cold dead lip sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method articl strnlghtc netc

om strnlght netcom david sternlight write chanc govern thought thi and won permi t access intern make fake clipper chip chanc that govern classifi detail intern high level and manufactur requir observ secur safeguard and clearanc that level assum thi case usual canard adversari narcotraficant cash kgb and gener hand wil l easier find cultiv walker and pollard for kei and will easi find revers engin chip tamper proof damn clever and effect brad yearwood brad optilink uunet pyram id optilink brad petaluma sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin articl apr ulyss att smb research att steven bellovin write and kei size thing that can verifi extern gee feed bi t kei snefru and bit result us bit real kei you figur that each kei equal kei yo u can birthdai attack kei can chang onc second you will lifetim reliabl statist don you catch nsa thi sort skulduggeri dan sci.crypt secret sourc that announc andrew molitor amolitor nmsu edu wrote monitor phonecal monitor usenet collect data make sens anoth matter sci crypt g raduat major strong math background and experienc programm take cryptolog keywor d for alleg nsa filter sci skeptic physic major ag flake talk silli thing person expect color see talk religion newag physic geek enjoi squash interest idea was p scienc write occasion post show minim knowledg zen mytholog etc you point sing l person react differ group admittedli part contrarian you shout hand top that l oath certainti and public posit past for reason challeng convent wisdom luck fig ur base that inform can figur liber technic degre humanist interest common threa d post that describ fair portion user internet bear gile bear colorado edu fsl n oaa gov sci.crypt open letter clinton articl strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom davi d sternlight write simpl convert clipper propos unexception make voluntari that you high qualiti secur nsa classifi technolog you agre escrow your kei you your that disturb part us product voluntari for and press releas talk white hous unwi lling decid that citizen good commerci crypto gear and commerci altern will perm it long provid kei escrow servic that clear implic that ban altern addition us r eal altern isn total legal you not allow export good crypto equip govern friend australian govern you can export even bad crypto equip permiss and regul control cellular telephon compani make two competitor joe garag cellular can start offe r secur servic prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel je rsei work cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt clipper consid harm articl oeh agat berkelei edu shirriff sprite berkelei edu ken shirriff write articl optilink brad optilink brad yearwood wri te final essenti possibl intercept realtim scrutabl content commun stolen instru ment will exist strong motiv record and archiv commun network for post facto scr utini onc crimin act discov and instrument involv identifi big number long dista nc network trunk mbit sec order bit sec that doesn even count amount traffic loc al phone compani long distanc competitor exabyt tape second pretti larg even for nsa hand can easili record traffic for interest peopl such dissid suspect crimi n foreign telephon call and notic encrypt ken shiriff specul record encrypt traf fic will judg not invas privaci pretti prai for peac bill bill stewart wc anchor att bell lab holmdel jersei work cyberspac white hous commect line fax sci.crypt folk read thi articl apr ucsu colorado edu andersom spot colorad o edu marc anderson write date for thi note clinton statement encrypt paragraph guess thi statement doesen contradict you cut washington upi war drug fresh star t presid clinton told deleg nation feder polic commision convent washington spee ch drug issu sinc innaugur clinton that plan escal drug war make half heart that for practic found sourc that thi articl joke heh heh pretti damn convinc start didn notic smilei end articl and hint caught guess thi joke turn resembl clinton true feel extent that marc andersom spot colorado edu sci.crypt clipper and rant libertarian nitpick wasn govern that requir sta ndard railwai gaug didn that improv thing don misunderstand utter suspici thi cl ipper chip hold design top secret thi work law that that discoveri made peopl wo rk for govern public domain nih class librari etc de design publish place and co nsid fairli strong stronger ant sci.crypt fear uncertainti doubt suspect that decis element polit battl wi ll fud fear uncertainti doubt factor peopl end user crippl chip hear debat vagu

govern solid peopl field swiss chees balanc doubt shift fed attempt limit form e ncrypt present govern cover butt protect poor product superior competit comment sci.crypt larg commerci kei apr eng ohio state edu butzerd maume eng ohio state edu dane butzer write typic size for kei for commerci secret kei algorithm de bit trippl de bit and idea bit made that bit kei anywher that larger kei hea rd that can scale arbitrarili larg kei thi implement anywher mdc cipher hash fun ction cfb mode stream cipher current implement kei bit that you can us bit kei y ou want and copi entir bit rang you can us entir bit runtim independ kei size sy stem run slightli slower presum and us similar system possibl hash arbitrari len gth kei bit peter sci.crypt folk read thi articl apr ucsu colorado edu andersom spot colorad o edu marc anderson write found sourc that thi articl joke heh heh pretti damn c onvinc start didn notic smilei end articl and hint caught peopl thi articl mean net and prankster didn even clinton sound bite rita rouvali rita villag sci.crypt onc tap your code good apr ucsu colorado edu andersom spot color ado edu marc anderson write date for thi note clinton statement encrypt paragrap h guess thi statement doesen contradict you cut washington upi war drug fresh st art presid clinton told deleg nation feder polic commision convent washington sp eech drug issu sinc innaugur clinton that plan escal drug war make half heart th at for practic purpos thi war begin repeatedli emphas view that long thi dai aud ienc convent theme spell fiscal relief interrupt clinton frequent applaus clinto n program present speech follow outlin campaign posit paper cabinet level drug c zar and boot camp for time youth offend cover detail plan for improv enforc meth od thi year crime bill will teeth not bare gum clinton administr will place stri ct control data format and protocol and requir registr call cryptograph kei hope deni drug dealer abil commun secret clinton approach us for crackdown form unde rground econom activ such deficit caus tax evad live luxuri expens grandchildren clinton express optim that drug war can won even not vote for bill clinton last novemb vote for candid share sens urgenc fight drug menac advoc legal advoc sur rend good make nois clinton american peopl cast ballot prove knew that advoc sur rend noth microscop fring quick realiti check thi for real invent provok reactio n peopl sound sort thing you heard suitabl rephras leader german polit parti pet er sci.crypt estim wiretap cost benefit embarass that irrat intemper post cir cul chide expert for behavior agre restrain speech apolog robin hanson lew lew g lenden rlglend netcom perspect worth point niel bohr that sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur gtoal gtoal graham toal write can hardwa r compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compress easi dsp olivetti quaderno for exampl great subnoteboo k palmtop for plug folk olivetti don good job market includ sound digitis hardwa r provid vocod for dsp produc varou bit rate pretti accept voic qualiti kbit sec for bi modem dsp can plai and record time you wouldn plai two radio you can dow nload code dsp subunit you softwar develop kit for dsp question dunno you want p roduc your vocod for speed paul paul ducklin duck nuustak csir csir comput viru lab box pretoria africa sci.crypt facin fact bit serial number possibl fix and articl pmetzger apr snark shearson pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger write hmmm assum that gene r unit kei serial number gener randomli select and intent assur fail safe for go vern completedli determin and and not chang even remain secret can back deriv un it kei serial number pair such pair suffic reconstruct and such back door encryp t algorithm perhap for manufactur kei chip that program session thi not btw enab l retriev kei never bunch pair ident and note that constant for batch natur proc edur type manual random number suppli agent and wonder chip session sinc procedu r describ den impos high cost product chip person for hour each cost laptop fina l blown piec spectacular hollywood bonfir add travel expens drink and light divi d sum won larger demand not privat sector and mention thought that occur notori paranoid peopl thi group verifi that interest parti will perform tempest attack vault smoke and mirror can nice honest fire worth hide detlef lannert mail tso u ni duesseldorf pgp kei server finger lannert clio uni duesseldorf psmith you smi th you preliminari not sound wodehous

sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin articl apr silverton berkelei edu djb silverton berkelei edu bernstein write articl apr ulyss att smb research at t steven bellovin write and kei size thing that can verifi extern gee feed bit k ei snefru and bit result us bit real kei you figur that each kei equal kei you c an birthdai attack kei can chang onc second you will lifetim reliabl statist you and retract suggest that bit kei inform principl detect variant test rivest dem onstr that de not group make interest paper black box analysi cryptosystem sci.crypt tempest articl apr infodev cam rja cam ross anderson write re co lnet cmhnet org rob stampfli write wouldn second monitor similar type scroll gib berish and adjac us provid reason resist tempest attack tempest receiv lab and d ifficulti pick individu monitor engin toler slack that tend radiat frequenc even overlap you can discrimin line synch frequenc you can lock and averag signal we ird case vari polaris and sort interact build move fold dipol highli effect rand omis mean switch monitor anoth hell set spark jammer electr noisi devic build ac tiv farradi cage room nois signal pipe into measur will not total mask emiss you r equip will provid suffici interfer make remot monitor chanci proposit consider that measur and almost cretainli will amount interfer your system matter balanc secur versu conveni btw air forc telecommun system control supervisor and telec ommun cryptograph equip technician rememb waco will govern decid murder you opin ion mine don care you blame univers state sci.crypt de init vector addit kei recent discuss thi new group suggest th at kei search attack de quit feasibl de appli cbc cfb mode choos random init vec tor byte question make sens handl init vector addit kei bit kei secur thi kei sc heme can break faster exhaust search bit kei space klau pommeren institut fuer m edizinisch statistik und dokument der johann gutenberg universitaet ober zahlbac h strass mainz germani sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr aukuni pgut aukuni peter gutma nn write articl delet quick realiti check thi for real invent provok reaction pe opl sound sort thing you heard suitabl rephras leader german polit parti sound j oke war drug joke join pythagorean reform church repent your evil irrat number a nd bean eat wai accept into your heart call pythagorean reform church bb sci.crypt text white hous announc and clipper chip encrypt articl yuma acn colost edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write articl apr afterlif nc sc mil rlward afterlif ncsc mil robert ward write articl bontchev fbihh bontchev fbihh informatik uni hamburg write and sinc constitut guarante american bear ar m not american entitl matter you read applic part constitut and interpret contex t not post thi misinterpret refer peopl organ militia not for individu carri han dgun grenad and assault rifl read constitut second amend bear arm not infring re gul militia easili form interpret second that show qualif and bear arm you want can mail you gun talk belong talk polit gun doug holland ward you start blather your skill interpret constitut help learn read review high school english teache r emphas participi phrase you start second amend and follow congress session com mitte print and bear arm subcomitte constitut committe judiciari unit state sena t congress second session februari gpo thi authorit heavili research and annot d ocument turn your interpret into speciou claptrap polit utter bullshit spite you r fals assert contrari second amend protect individu citizen capac individu and bear arm and holland imho blatantli and harmfulli fals inform assert fact and gl obal distribut deserv global distribut rebutt forum post and thi site doesn carr i harryb phred data phred harryb data free man debar us arm strongest reason for peopl retain and bear arm last resort protect tyranni govern thoma jefferson sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl gradyc unp netcom gradi netcom write andrew molitor amolitor nmsu edu wrote monitor phonecal monitor usenet pro vid cryptosystem can easili crack etc etc thi not that don you don that and you evid that for almost valu you follow that for valu you your claim nsa border par anoia andrew german paranoid engima respect ture and british crack zimmerman tel egram paranoia help german nsa paranoid emma woikin joseph sidnei petersen you w ant talk macmillan publish cooper cia and nsa suppress yardlei japanes diplomat secret even kahn codebreak paranoia popular cipher system captur soviet spi time pad even necess keep incrimin evid proven unbreak system soviet paranoia and yo u nsa wullenweb and huge rhombic point embassi row and site satellit uplink and

downlink site duh gradi netcom case slovenian paranoia onc time walk famou marat hon field not athen not that becous field huge antenna farm greek comint instal you agre borut lavrenc mail ij lavrenc stefan institut internet borut lavrenc ij univers ljubljana phone ljubljana slovenia pgp public kei request dolgo smoi ka li ovraz nikei njihk ocnoo dkril ivseb ipika sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur quot pmetzger snark shearson perri metzg er articl apr shearson what differ bi modem and bi modem fast fastest modem can voic compress assert thi straightforward bit per second figur will friend forev paul crowlei pdc dc trust fold fish for jesu sci.crypt hard drive secur for fbi target forgot doesn credibl you thi alt ern hard disk duplic time bit random number bit digest your passphras comput xor random number us kei for your hard disk write random junk random number make ha rd disk unread you claim that you written random junk xor kei whether not you te ll truth thi perjuri and vuner rubber hose cryptographi effect paul crowlei pdc dc trust fold fish for jesu sci.crypt alt secur pgp begin pgp sign messag unix util allow encrypt teln et session public kei that can snoop password session text log remot network rep ort unsign unauthoris messag purportedli gtf cu cam sci.crypt bit keyseach machin jebright magnu ac ohio state edu jame ebrigh t write nsa monitor militari code traffic btw folk nsa wasn kei and walker spy c ase show for system kgb didn contrari walker spy case kgb kei recal allen baum a ppl comput baum appl abaum armltd sci.crypt open letter clinton lanc colost edu detweil write quit astonish shock and appal thi frontal assault emerg american freedom clinton administr gov ern agenc legitim role whatsoev regul cryptographi tantamount regul accept speec h and blatantli unconstitut perhap renam thi year honor such illustri propos cra ppi chip live infami and adminstr receiv great shame and discredit for thi bizar r misadventur imho encrypt protect second amend constitut unit state outrag that tax monei us develop technolog restrict freedom reason measur govern will full uncooper and disobedi threat liberti such thi and call interest sensibl govern r esist and defi thi propos administr not understand that subservi instrument impl ement will public and involv thi propos thi respect wholli neglig and remiss per form law duti not surpris that thi administr thi told you cryptographi neutral t echnolog strong cryptographi includ policemen bureacrat businessmen housew thug and hoodlum sustain equilibrium unwork anti egaltarian arrang intrins antithet a merican freedom and guarante collaps weight inher impract don compromis issu fre edom privaci that effect restrict abil prosecut crimin suppos presumpt innoc pul l curtain window and close door and polic not come perform crim home will find m ean simpli encrypt data window curtain home simpl for long govern demonstr incre asingli hostil and obstacl econom vital and protect american and peopl vote for peopl come lie promis fix thing administr commit leav privat industri alon esp t hi issu govern legitim role regul content commun law enforc agenc prepar forfeit surveil bludgeon and inevit disarm you mean back work job heaven such law can c onstitution sound and thi equival veil threat don thi kind extort agit and into radic will trade threat for threat and violat for violat perhap amend second and administr thi find impeach for reckless and outrag disregard essenti establish entrench and explicit constitut privaci guarante administr legal stand whatsoev such action egregi illeg and crimin and wholli untoler and disregard vast segmen t popul vast segment popul misinform haven append name countri thi outright ding al den lie two aim privaci and surveil intrins and fundament incompat and you wo rk for nsa american discov wai us technolog preserv inalien forgotten freedom th at slowli erod increasingli distant and unrespons and unrepres govern doubt that nsa think that privaci and surveil compat doubt smart person agenc think proble m that simpli hold privaci phil howard pdh netcom wgn spell protect wing conserv capitalist separ you your monei left wing liber gooder separ you sci.crypt overreact onc tap your code good thi giant balli thi clipper chi p notic disturb trend mail and post toss back and ask wrong overreact case such thi reason simpl peopl you want die riot civil war jump and and scream and worri that peopl reach for hammer and rifl pen and paper can peopl work system break examin your histori book and find arm revolut led democrat democrat style govern

you find thousand year written histori that not good odd onc arm violenc meant us respons arm attack not meant us agress thi differ defenc and murder avoid kil l thing blood shed world ad coupl riot civil war etc overreact read scare lot do n want children grow war zone jerri han crc doc div behaviour research jhan debr a dgbt doc opinion and opinion proud and frozen member mighti warrior band memor i left ring ear genesi sci.crypt tempest re colnet cmhnet org rob stampfli write wouldn second mo nitor similar type scroll gibberish and adjac us provid reason resist tempest at tack tempest receiv lab and difficulti pick individu monitor engin toler slack t hat tend radiat frequenc even overlap you can discrimin line synch frequenc you can lock and averag signal weird case vari polaris and sort interact build move fold dipol highli effect randomis mean switch monitor anoth ross sci.crypt reason for clipper alg secreci articl apr new clarkson edu tuins tra signal ec clarkson edu soe dwight tuinstra write note that expert will detai l and algorithm addit respect expert govern will offer access confidenti detail algorithm assess capabl and publicli report find not chip design possibl addit e ncrypt chip pre process voic signal make easier analyz transcrib electron chip o nc widespread effect part massiv parallel comput for voic grep phone network cri min wrong think patron thereof chip doesn that run megabit second you for voic i ntend for data and high speed line that second advantag process phone don care f anci that chip not fanci room analyz fort mead run program year can updat clippe r chip that thi preprocess chip effect recogniz voic pattern noth that hurt acce pt product bi modem bare fast good job properli massag voic add mix and you comp let ballpark sci.crypt second question such strang procedur us and not real rng thi tur n kind bottleneck for system secur theori that make sens that and for chip vari possibl that break encrypt brute forc plow serial number billion multipli number combin sci.crypt can de code ship canada canada ask send public domain de file en crypt code legal for send eschew obfusc rob defriess mail cadr cadr technolog in c phone richmond fax provid don speak for employ sci.crypt clipper consid harm shirriff sprite berkelei edu ken shirriff me ssag oeh agat berkelei edu like that that larg subset encrypt commun archiv tape read futur probabl aris and warrant obtain that data thi us court lea can insta l wiretap larg number phone record call listen and post facto obtain warrant and listen call probabl establish thi strategi wouldn stuff admit court not term wo rd can thing that make such evid inadmiss intercept warrant not attempt interpre t intercept warrant surpris that archiv data consent interpret analog wiretap co urt note that that doesn mean won technic feasibl wiretap warrant fish for avenu investig futur start surveil start archiv data trump probabl decrypt post facto warrant hand and investig get boost data that sadli won present juri post for i nterest cautionari tale project thi archiv scenario extrem read lacei and friend collect stori david drake start slipperi slope archiv everygh don worri folk st ore secur repositori lea warrant can and instal camera major street hei thi noth camera bank and teller machin don and pass law requir camera cover public place privat place make crime rang camera legal licens privaci cubicl alon and thorou gh bodi search and privaci haven curtail right not and easier solv crime such si tuat obtain warrant put helmet and walk memori lane and hei track you consciou y ou not illeg funni speed and radar detector industri pretti thing past thi didn elmin crime stori and politician exempt ground nation secur and rich corpor exem pt for exec ground industri espionag and preserv competit and not exactli happi system can imagin wayn throop throopw sheol concert net throop aurgat concert ne t sci.crypt idea vector test idea block cipher implement for correct and gol den test vector look postscript idea chapter singl exampl degre freedom contact inventor sinc not pai monei for us invent offload thi vector diseas vector gradi netcom sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl uxgv panix hab panix harri shap iro write slab mtholyok edu jbotz mtholyok edu jurgen botz write even interest s mtp server csrc ncsl nist gov longer recogn expn and vrfy command telnet csrc nc

sl nist gov smtp connect csrc ncsl nist gov escap charact org sendmail nist read i tue apr edt expn clipper command unrecogn sombodi didn your snoop marc good th ing thi csspub mail list csspab mail ncsl nist gov and address rest name delet s igh version ask whether want send thi post you that thi stuff secret sourc clipp er announc silli mistak administr csrc ncsl nist gov alia org system set forum i ncid respons and secur team includ number world wide incid respons team such cer t and place europ vrfy and expn command disabl sinc earli didn want cracker find name incid respons folk mail list had disk crash month ago requir complet rebui ld file stori backup weren help you can guess didn rememb disabl vrfy and expn p eopl net find clipper csrc peopl name post felt time clear thing expn and vrfy c src disabl past for reason noth clipper post white hous announc request polici f olk csrc usenet servic post account call clipper creat alia call clipper that co ntain address member nist comput secur privaci and advisori board set law comput secur act and address individu not affili nist involv cryptographi secur and pr ivaci that individu includ thi list nist felt import clipper inform hand clipper alia for benefit name not sourc for inform set sole monitor initi traffic indiv idu list request that continu traffic that not duplic usenet you can rightfulli bit disorgan handl thi that peopl stop specul hidden agenda motiv individu clipp er alia apolog for happen disabl expn and vrfy increasingli common practic albei t unfriendli and effect disabl unintent john wack sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur articl pizzabox demon gtoal gtoal graham toal write gtoal gtoal graham toal write imposs approv attach crypto devic phon e network that plug phone socket approv for reason crypto devic never what diffe r bi modem and bi modem not silli point that modem that approv for data transmis s will work fine transmit scrambl vocod voic absolut meant that secur dedic cryp to devic approv guerrilla underground devic todai high speed modem not that can bi modem that approv mind you overpr courier can hardwar compress not need run d igit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compress fanci standard voic circuit run kbp inter exchang you achiev standard voic qual iti you will give qualiti you thi accept speech standpoint will faith origin int ellig that you for thi applic karl denning karl genesi mc you can never data lin e bankrupt live internet chicago mcsnet sci.crypt encrypt articl apr wam umd edu psionic wam umd edu haywood blowm write promis spoke todai compani mention washington time articl clipper chip an nounc name compani secur commun technolog inform will end thi messag contact bel ief that made clipper rest industri thi for reason thi good point knew and parti cip develop clipper chip thi amount unfair busi practic and earli monopoli marke t hopefulli exist market compani that compet cellular market motorola nec etc gr ound file complaint thi compani afraid that clipper chip will put busi thi real possibl stop clipper chip standard you want contact can reach secur commun techn olog georgia av suit silver spring that fact that govern overlook thi fiasco eco nom standpoint mention difficulti clipper chip face econom face averag consum do esn care that clipper bad idea perceiv for cellular encrypt compani will provid like standard will emerg clipper expens and chip will develop bui cheaper give s ct full support and hope clipper chip beta video tape format hope su name clippe r cyberspac david crolei mcc exp sy lab place not real stone steel crolei mcc au stin texa ghost unseen world sci.crypt for crypto paper for postscript tex version paper call public ke i cryptographi written jame nechvat secur technolog group nation comput system l aboratori nation institut standard and technolog gaithersburg decemb version obt ain plain text and symbol charact format lost gregb tosgcla den mmc sci.crypt overreact onc tap your code good ask wrong overreact case such t hi reason simpl peopl you want die riot civil war not precis govern cut knee pul l stunt thi situat worsen point extrem measur requir sci.crypt public awar wasr text white hous announc and clipper chip encryp t articl rwing pat rwing pat myrto write thi accid come philosophi that govern r ule control peopl not peopl control govern that unconnect citizen not sophist fo r govern peopl not and idea that that common can defend govern eavesdrop unlaw a ttack total unaccept peopl thi outlook combin thi push for nation ident card sma rt chip encod intern passport guis streamlin state peopl health care system and

you can jewel come and see extrem omin trend will ten year late turn amazingli a ccur propheci lot peopl wake and hurri red warn light and bell and danger flag c ome govern seek set apart regard right etc unconnect unprivileg citizen subject shouldn averag person good secur system data secur not depend nebul safeguard fo r maintain that secur shouldn averag person defend agenc rogu fed break into dat a want work and logic not allow good safe duplic kei combin submit for safekeep govern don differ philosoph encrypt data won evapor not such high tech tool tape record averag amerikan todai that govern eavesdrop opinion poll show that peopl beliv bill right grant freedom peopl not identifi such btw cite for that love n ot thi mean that peopl will give right don even bill right can show averag perso n not averag usenet reader that peopl entitil right peopl don care govern take a nd control time sort awar govern major popul accomplish that trust unthinkingli media and govern sci.crypt idea clipper idea encrypt algorithm secret and thing that impli wrong clipper chip technic summari dorothi den revis april clipper chip contain classifi singl kei bit block encrypt algorithm call skipjack algorithm bit kei c ompar for de and round scrambl compar for de support de mode oper algorithm take clock tick and electron codebook ecb mode run mbit per second each chip includ compon skipjack encrypt algorithm bit famili kei that common chip bit serial num ber thi length subject chang bit secret kei that unlock messag encrypt chip encr ypt chip chip us imagin that embed telephon secur devic will suppos call and suc h devic push button start secur convers secur devic will negoti bit session kei devic end thi kei negoti take place clipper chip gener method kei exchang can us such diffi hellman public kei distribut method onc session kei establish clippe r chip us encrypt convers messag stream digit voic telephon secur devic feed and into chip produc two valu encrypt messag stream and law enforc field transmit t elephon line law enforc field contain session kei encrypt unit kei concaten seri al number encrypt famili kei law enforc field decrypt law enforc author wiretap instal suppos knew algorithm work and knew for chip not cryptanalysi determin la w enforc field not know make thi harder suppos that legitim not involv convers f or parti convers determin for parti can defeat law enforc field sinc make know t raffic analysi perform not you you admit that comput will not lot messag work si nc know that kei gener method not deliber gener weak kei for that matter that pu blish method fact us perhap will chosen weak kei for system compromis disast law enforc for thi thing design and for peopl that give secur number and that alot peopl and panel expert check for flaw will forget grind chip briberi and blackma il work fine wrong problem jon sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl access digex net steve access dige x steve brinich write land such fat fee cooper nsa design and propoganda stage t hat doesn care nsa total perfidi redeem virtu take care care person outliv undef in us elimin becom consider pat rwing prejudic ucc pat myrto seattl fail uunet p ilchuck rwing pat wisdom two thing infinit univers and human stupid and not albe rt einstien sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip articl strnlghtc wcmo netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write compani work for p revious receiv file that de encryp and person that had vaction wait two week set straight frontal attack kei time two dai crack file don faith de take thi face quit disson that publish brute forc de crack russel lucki respect kei interest w hether program russel us kei search practic real situat sinc peopl us such stupi d kei averag password cracker thi depend answer thi appal develop call into ques tion de and rsa de not fact public kei base commun system pick kei automat passw ord pass phrase bright programm idl machin time can crack singl de messag coupl dai assum trick that messag specif person pick password pass phrase kei search p retti straightforward run english text averag content singl word bit pass phrase thi increas bit search bit space semi practic even softwar and search bit space isn outrag imagin hardwar assist moder size sci.crypt organ lobbi for cryptographi articl uprt gmq dc pdc dc paul crow lei write perhap encrypt type defend digit porn post encrypt issu not seper you maintain fact sinc effect encrypt make censorship imposs almost issu and fall in to eff fall purview aclu that doesn mean aclu eff effect instrument win heart an

d mind favor access cryptographi precis slogan cryptographi make censorship impo ss stand torpedo attempt gener broad consensu favor encrypt not true and context public debat danger red her advoc strong crypto had prepar answer such charg pr agmat term that laypeopl and politician can sympath usual mumbl constitut amend not tal kubo math harvard edu sci.crypt secret sourc that announc articl gradyc uamw bng netcom gradi ne tcom write start newsgroup for distribut encrypt post intend member affin group share privat kei for exampl come cypherpunk meet privat kei that meet pass moder minut followup comment particip and post alt encrypt group for us peopl attend communiqu intend group for attende sign privat kei otherwis not encrypt pgp gues s don work version for vm gradi netcom david cathei inet davidc montagar montaga r softwar concept montagar davidc box plano fone sci.crypt onc tap your code good articl apr celesti bill celesti bill camp bel write strnlghtc netcom strnlght netcom david sternlight write articl apr yum a acn colost edu holland colost edu dougla craig holland write note that measur protect tempest surveil classifi thi inaccur can bui tempest equip commerci even mac you can bui tempest approv mac you monei haven had reason thi type price fo r year tempest rate rais price radio shack model iii dig deep hole ground feet r edsonja olia linet org possess law alien control law natur come human joel and y ou dress that abort chicken mst gamera guiron omelet georg carlin sci.crypt build softwar cryptophon for internet lot trawl archiv found pos t reproduc full below time togeth develop tcp standard for crypto voic that laye r point point slip free standard for crypto voic pgp for mail note date thi post huh jpcampb afterlif ncsc mil thu jul jpcampb afterlif ncsc mil joe campbel new sgroup comp compress research subject sound compress algorithm date jul gmt orga n great articl jun sequent lff sequent lou fernandez write techniqu for product system revolv code excit linear predict celp algorithm captur speech and attempt match speech combin signal codebook choos combin minim error case you experi ce lp you can obtain softwar implement bp fed std celp coder for free dod feder sta ndard base bp code excit linear predict voic coder version celp fortran and simu l sourc code for worldwid distribut charg do diskett configur compil sun sparc s tation bob fenichel nation commun system washington fax addit sourc code exampl input and process speech file includ technic inform bulletin assist implement ce lp anonym ftp site consid for futur releas copi actual standard feder standard t elecommun analog digit convers radio voic bit second code excit linear predict c elp for each gsa washington articl describ feder standard kbp celp coder unneces sari read campbel joseph thoma tremain and vanoi welch feder standard bp celp vo ic coder digit signal process academ press vol campbel joseph thoma tremain and vanoi welch dod kbp standard propos feder standard advanc speech code atal cuper man and gersho kluwer academ publish chapter campbel joseph thoma tremain and va noi welch propos feder standard bp voic coder celp speech technolog magazin apri l for fed std bp celp realtim dsp code and inform product thi code contact john dellamort dsp softwar engin middlesex tpk suit bedford fax dspse bedford channel dsp softwar engin code can run dsp research tiger board board tm and analog int erfac suit develop work intellibit tm base card dsp research intellibit duan av box sunnyval mclean fax fax joe campbel jbc jpcampb afterlif ncsc mil compuserv opinion mine happi realiti expect click clack sci.crypt fight clipper initi articl rhyolit wpd sgi vj rhyolit wpd sgi ve rnon schryver write articl strnlghtc toc kiu netcom strnlght netcom david sternl ight write even depart agricultur successfulli crop forecast leak prematur shees h rememb big scandal year two ago exactli such leak choic for escow hous smithso nian and someplac west coast biggest concern isn that escrow hous compromis will fact compromis will secret kei glass hour span coverag you thought your kei had stolen turn cabl and wait rove camera reach musuem case your kei you span satel lit compromis tour smithsonian and view seal your kei sean donelan data research associ inc loui domain sean sdg dra voic work sci.crypt build softwar cryptophon for internet forward post celp speech c ompress case you experi celp you can obtain softwar implement bp fed std celp co der for free dod feder standard base bp code excit linear predict voic coder ver sion celp fortran and simul sourc code for worldwid distribut charg do diskett c

onfigur compil sun sparc station sinc told that sourc thi cygnu pub celp speech tar not posit sun tcp guru can marri thi netfon end week real net access and two sparc thi run end week pgp gui add bytestream crypto filter two week damn had s parc back stuck mhz share and enjoi you us archi find netfon copi note author do c kelvin autodesk and appear locat franc sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur caronni nessi ethz germano caronni artic l pizzabox demon gtoal gtoal graham toal write can hardwar compress not need run digit speech heard not let bit sampl raw data sampl rate usabl not fanci compre ss isdn call swissnet and plug bit you channel kbit sec guess you not below samp l rate you want qualiti analog line compress algorithm factor for voic post info celp code sci crypt you can squeez speech into bp you fast comput sparcstat new ton acorn risc machin thi drop bandwidth low figur that feasibl run speech tcp r un top slip bi modem not will thi run point point encrypt speech run speech inte rnation internet stop get heavi regul thought thi administr realis scare shitles s trick develop and defin standard protocol for internet speech damn fast allow feel brave inplement custom handheld hardwar hack workstat shouldn difficult cel p stuff standardis us tcp stream and protocol allow silenc us catch net lag and avoid send data silenc not wise synchronis real time each end net delai add big voic lag for press ahead thi stuff sparc back loan and bui microphon save fortun call friend texa night whether encrypt not you sure work thi obviou doesn exist netphon for sun and didn celp compress restrict ether connect sci.crypt clipper make good cover for encrypt method brad optilink brad ye arwood assum thi case usual canard adversari narcotraficant cash kgb and gener h and will easier find cultiv walker and pollard for kei and will easi find revers engin chip tamper proof damn clever and effect administr believ big time drug d ealer threat person thought cia and air forc that real drug ship thi unlik kgb d rug dealer can make convinc argument for cooper and nice and give you monei don and start cut your favourit bodi part argument that that persuad jack rubi shoot oswald full view polic life jail prefer peopl week nasti life sci.crypt shelf cheap de keyseach machin corpor accept wiretap chip compan i work for previous receiv file that de encryp and person that had vaction wait two week set straight frontal attack kei time two dai crack file don faith de fu n question hardwar you us you found kei that special that meant you had lucki fi nd earli bit you mean dictionari attack binari kei attack sci.crypt pgp idea for ibm system think difficult make pgp form ebcdic mac hin don encourag ebcdic machin die honor death sci.crypt kei escrow point rais check chip oppos allegedli program rais an oth trust issu even assum that trust agent enter wide rang and seed time reduc k ei search space bit assum not pick iron file and poke into circuitri carefulli s elect point encod data punch number into comput for program chip manner complet independ and valu feed into system and backdoor assum compromis not compromis he ll not us hardwar true random number sourc isn random number sourc anywher thi p ropos thing determinist dai serial number stamp chip nope can trust thi two leve l access possibl honest kei escrow that polic forc us and ostens fbi and back do or that let nsa decod fly and back hander fbi want warrantless tab exchang for f avour sci.crypt clipper for cheap secur chip perform voic compress expans can ex pens exist phone connect pbx pbx line card lot equip compress voic grade circuit save cost long distanc leas satellit circuit can rememb gener term for chip imp ress that thi big deal year ago circuit cheap that isn codec compress bit sampl squeez bi plai lossless shorten program last night manag specimen celp code not obviou that run real time proof concept code and muck file format can put sampl current option us voic mail modem built dsp chip thi hardwar that mean two modem for system put cost upward ouch softwar high power game consol isn acorn risc m achin insid that cpu run shit shovel and will nice mass market sci.crypt clipper consid harm pmetzger snark shearson perri metzger you ha ven read inform system chip put serial number infom into cypher stream identifi system not reli regist peopl own phone unit and back door gener secret kei deter min that and don chang sci.crypt clipper consid harm dorothi den read thi group not group forward

question martin hellman detail chip toast for nsa patsi that keep head you can mail directli den guvax acc georgetown edu den cosc georgetown edu den georgetow n edu sci.electronics track devic articl fba aesop rutger edu mcdonald aesop rutger ed u write varieti water proof hous us real meat problem electron thi post kind tra nsmiss reliabl underwat murki even night time condit not sound feasibl distort w ater direct accur rang rel short imagin hundr yard jim mcdonald refer patent jam e harri roger detail method underground and underwat wireless commun for review refer electr experiment march and june roger method us extens world war and uncl assifi war supposedli govern rethought thi and roger convieni forgotten bottom l ine that antenna that ground send half signal ground half that travel space quic kli dissap squar distanc that travel ground not disap publish data show that noi s drown regular recept underground antenna reciev virtual nois free you find thi hard refer work man invent wireless tesla tesla confirm that roger method corre ct hertzian wave theori complet abber tesla year ahead time perhap time come sci.electronics england ham electron fleamarket date april updat england area ma jor flea market date event ham radio electron relat contact sourc april upper sa ddl river crrc sell jack ehd april southington sara gcv april nashua antiqu re c tr church rai april cambridg flea mit nick bui seller adv for season pass sundai each month april octob april webster ecara breez rest tabl gari april agawam hc ra southwick rec ctr bob zgp april dayton adm sell even yonker lincoln otto slq rochest hoss trader noon fri ivb sase smithfield rifmr vfw main rick kyi cambrid g flea mit nick pittsfield tacon sell bui cliff sjv rochest arrl conv monro haro ld june burlington mitch jsj june newington flea le krp june bangor pine arc her mon roger june cambridg flea mit nick juli nashua antiqu re ctr church rai juli union fairground state conv skeet lpw last updat gsl addit correct internet gsl athena mit edu mail gsl pob mit cambridg sase for updat copi issu contact sourc juli cambridg flea mit nick sundai each month april octob juli manchest nhara hb b aug white plane wecafest sarah eyx aug wellselei war bar babson colleg barri a ug alban snow mobil club hitch hhc aug cambridg flea mit nick aug fall river bcr a tom lbk sept windsor fairground skeet lpw sept gaithersburg cty nanci drahim s ept dartmouth mass ara dan hcv sept cambridg flea mit nick sept sandi hook candl ewood ara harold sept greenbush wcsn barc wcsn xmtr cockburn sept framingham bar ri sept yonker metro arc otto slq oct rochest hoss trader noon fri rqg oct cambr idg flea mit nick nov plymouth mayflow mem hall sell jim nov branford scara intr m sch brad ta last updat gsl sourc flyer john robert list arrl list qst mag tent earli info info thi month thi list compil sourc info accur author can not respo ns for error check sponsor organ for detail thi list will post monthli usenet ad dit made mail copi addit made addit correct internet gsl athena mit edu mail gsl pob mit cambridg sase for updat copi issu sci.electronics electron tesla coil articl mar wuecl wustl edu cec wustl edu dav id prutchi write articl cntg spk long spk jerri long write fred culpepp fculpepp norfolk vak edu wrote coupl year ago put togeth tesla circuit publish electron magazin and circuit refer thi us flyback transform you wound your primari wind u s power transistor year ago built volt tesla and thing spectacular scare amaz fr iend depend knowledg scienc and gener strong emi never found that real world app lic for tesla coil todai david prutchi realiz that tesla invent power gener moto r transform conductor etc technic transform tesla coil gener refer tesla coil me an air core reson transform flyback version tesla coil encyclopedia electron cir cuit for diagram not air core class circuit call oscil shuttl circuit osc gener osc highli effici thi version transistor and resistor lossi devic typic tesla us activ reactanc passiv resistor that achiev effici and usual applic air core res on transform osc produc strong emi for wireless broadcast you your comput screen work remov tesla flyback coil remov home and industri tesla coil light dark car sputter and die radio silent industri grind halt and back coal for heat ga for lamp hors for transport steam for power and telegraph for commun that real world for you messag not convieni todai not for tesla give credit credit due had edis on centuri flame your peril good put edison tesla year ahead time perhap time co me sci.electronics radar jammer and stealth car eric taylor write you determin fast

er airplan dont speed limit don make habit buzz your local airport knot knot you fly jet sci.electronics want protel easytrax for mac titl contact email you can mike har p univers louisvil discontinu want sell copi michael harp programm analyst infor m technolog ormsbi bldg harp herm louisvil edu univers louisvil louisvil not man remorseless eat machin simpson sci.electronics sehari iastat edu babak sehari write similarli peopl us for dbm anoth common mistak spell you your articl for bell compani mother and capit deci bel deci tenth bell fraction part origin bell for exampl southwestern bell decib el and measur current amp name amp compani and amphenol compani compani revoluti on electron simulaten realiz that perform connector and socket affect amount cur rent run wire ohmit compani character resist number us ohm alexand graham bell b ell bel refer highest regard babak sehari joseph chiu josephc cco caltech edu yo u gotta thi thing msc caltech pasadena oper system tomorrow todai sci.electronics site for project ftp site deal electron project plan etc respons appreci jason blakei blakei dal sci.electronics access bu bu andi macra corp sun apr srgxnb subj bu and long hau l serial axlo return path andi macra corp sun receiv sun grv grace cri smtp tue apr receiv corp sun lemai corp sun sun smi mon apr pdt receiv grendal corp sun c orp sun elliemai corpmail inbound mon apr pdt receiv grendal corp sun smi mon ap r pdt date mon apr pdt andi macra corp sun andrew macra messag grendal corp sun srgxnb grace cri subject bu and long haul serial axlo andi macra corp sun conten t length articl pii innk zephyr grace cri you write what requir access bu nice t hing that requir pin dil chip cheap and easi can design bu troubl buse requir ho st interfac chip and board intellig bruce for latest inform access bu call acces s bu industri group sun will host meet group april mountain view for reason not post newsgroup todai feel free pass thi inform you fit andrew macra sci.electronics jacob ladder alpha brad meier write for circuit that call jacob ladder thi box sci movi consist two curv wire protrud into air blue spark start base two wire closer each move wire top and end small crackl nois suppli schemat for innard thi box advanc mike repli email alpha knightorc hippo home stai accu mul inform thi baden bari baden sy bison baden inqmind bison sci.electronics want dram control for us for upcom project want us meg dram conf igur two meg bank bit data wonder dram control will handl refresh data control d oesn handl bank switch that part easi control nation semiconductor dram manag ha ndbook edit anoth manufactur produc easier implement circuit btw want hook dram microcontrol dalla semiconductor make neat chip serial dram nonvolat chip spi bu and refresh control dram memori can us extern batteri refresh dram power price dalla quan us thi chip maximum spi clock rate mhz slow for advanc wayn schelleke n schellew aecl wayn schelleken wt internet schellew aecl aecl research wt wpg c an whiteshel laboratori twist pair sci.electronics diod articl pohuq grouper mkt csd harri wdh grouper mkt csd harr i david higgin write thing that correct vanderbyl your attitud nope myer found b ad mistak and post correct god act child won gain you favor make act posit impre ss ghod you make impress not posit haven impress higgin sci.electronics extern timer wonder chip that that similar intern timer intel wa nt timer that maxcount and and output intel timer call intel and told that don m ake such chip suggest advanc rajan ranga mail rajan cco caltech edu sci.electronics databook articl apr hemlock crai kilian crai alan kilian write j eh cmkrnl thi almost exactli reason latest databook time last year book turn int o year ago and data doesn match current product part tanstaafl alan kilian you h abit repair and obsolet machin data book goldmin inform you can not anywher you find modern replac for obsolet part origin spec come handi design book save dona t ham phoenix disagre drive and rid data book john data book and grow sci.electronics homebuilt pal epld program reason circuit for program pal intere st program wide rang epld happi that handl thereabout advanc tim timd fenian del l rev tim deagan offici obnoxi poster respons for write preach difficult free fo ol chain rever voltair sci.electronics board bu speed probl mhz comput us board for data acquisit bu pr oblem bu run mhz correct bu speed conflict read that mhz cpu run mhz bu that for

local bu bu problem run turbo mode speed mhz and doesn work mail your view vinc ent cyl musica mcgill standard bu isa run mhz not mhz stnadard isa buse higher c lock rate care sinc board don work faster standard rate for instanc adjust bu sp eed and pa audio card choke data acquisit bu speed faster mhz fact that turbo mo de speed doesn work weird you motherboard hardwar bug mhz bu refer local bu fyi bu oper asynchron and link local bu bu interfac function that your chipset rdd w inqwk unregist evalu copi kmail net hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi d ial in free usenet mail and newsgroup pcboard uupcb kmail call member eff asp as ad disk serv ann arbor sinc sci.electronics parallel parallel port that compat ibm standard includ origin ib m adaptor direct not parallel port direct modif experi standard zenith parallel port origin prove that had input direct disactivi tie select line circuit vcc ma ke had modifi scrape trace and solder jump proper locat thought that thi lazi pa rt zenith not zenith bull group that time rdd winqwk unregist evalu copi kmail n et hal ann arbor hal bb qwk usenet gatewai bi dial in free usenet mail and newsg roup pcboard uupcb kmail call member eff asp asad disk serv ann arbor sinc sci.electronics telephon hook hok circuit circuit abound electron project book y ou inclin bui radio shack devic that design disconnect answer machin extens line lift led indic kyler sci.electronics polic radar work articl afg dvu jut ccc amdahl dw amdahl david s harp write detail radar and rumor that not true common that two beam read car sp eed and ground speed thi true calabr murder hope thi help flame gee guess extra horn that mount floor sdpd car fire ground shallow angl for show huh for calibr simpli turn horn jami hanrahan kernel mode system san diego internet jeh cmkrnl uunet cmkrnl jeh ci sci.electronics log stereo high qualiti pot articl apr eng cam cmh eng cam hick write cobust seagoon sun cobu theunissen write for high qualiti log stereo pot f or audio preamplifi design specifi alp rkga cannot find anywher suggest pot imho made penni gile basic model solid brass case and conduct plastic element match across rotat downsid that cost upward quid each pot good alp carri folk run audi o amateur magazin recommend nobl potentiomet you don mind weird metric size scot t sci.electronics polic radar work articl pqb ainn col col cab col chri write manu al into cosin effect motorist get benefit doubt effect depend rel direct radar g un and target car read will lower actual speed car never higher and rememb that cop doesn even radar ticket you word skill observ father friend mine polic offic west virginia not word skill observ good court skill observ test accur radar gu n case foolin can guess car speed mph watch blow whether stand move realiz that calibr gun accur thi abil not that uncommon peopl watch move thing for live hear d good radar detector give you split second warn that gui cut you pass gui ahead and your left panic stop crowd freewai mark underwood student univers kentucki lab assist boyd hall microlab tini divis librari microlab mail msund mik uki edu sci.electronics ultra long time for respos good idea and coupl idea reciev mail todai spec sheet mil spec version exar timer counter chip stabl and suck power s how applic for ultra long time delai year depend time constant thi applic two ca scad togeth reset and trigger pin chip ti togeth and timebas second chip disabl thi configur output high system reset trigger output low and stai that for total time cycl chip total time cycl two chip can program step select combin counter output timer output beauti timebas chip time cap and resistor for second per tim e cycl can maximum second time cycl dai that dai counter for binari step that ca n select for output for pellet puker dai and trip reset for dai time cycl and po wer problem idea that you suggest buri electron hole dug snow insul and put pell et puker tower estim snow fall solar panel charg lithium batteri pack that idea thi thing work for six week for sampl and ga valv volt spit pellet snow order ca n interest long not that dig pellet middl antartica freez bun we sci.electronics base layout program frank hielscher hielsch aragorn csee lehigh edu wrote pad zip file subdirectori and unzip pkunzip xcopi floppi creat disk ne ed instal not thi suppos work sinc zip file tight squeez floppi manag instal pad and pretti impress creat coupl schemat problem whenev creat pcb layout circuit demo doesn work wonder file isn can print manual comment whether registr fee wor

th pai chri chri hand lectur internet mail cph dmu dept comput scienc voic montf ort univers gatewai fax fidonet leicest linux free unix for ibm pc sci.electronics principl breathalyz appar thing aftershav give posit read sci.electronics blue can find articl pat fegmania wustl edu pat fegmania patrick niemey write had troubl find look for back interest hear avail newest jdr micro devic catalog variant rainer malzbend fyzzick boulder sci.electronics oscilloscop trigger articl apr dxcern cern jeroen dxcern cern je roen belleman write articl murdoch acc virginia edu dgj kelvin sea virginia edu david glen jacobowitz write not digit scope school david jacobowitz dgj virginia edu you not analogu scope give you fair idea circuit digit scope habit invent s izabl part even sampl per period displai continu waveform complet exist overshoo t wade lot manual page and menu haven found turn thi doesn show point measur opp os interpol perhap you wrong brand fan hard time convinc that scope match rest e xcel gear princip function for dso whether you can turn interpol import featur d isabl repetit waveform acquisit lock instrument into real time captur mode secon dli don menu want common function button you guess love analogu tek scope choos knob print legend screen displai button singl knob digit instrument never connec t function moment agre you consol that manufactur begin pai attent ergonom desig n menu fair that time scope user student adjust menu easier navig twenti knob re quir real scope last not you never waveform displai recent noisi incoher modul h eck you don even displai digit scope show you tini fraction time busi comput thi ng thi area that newer dso address recent evalu latest box tek td worthi altern standard mhz analogu cro thi instrument mhz spec mean that real time captur mode price match equival analogu scope rang downer that instrument menu logic laid s ituat for prefer digit scope happen trigger rare event and acquir data comput pl ai hope scope manufactur listen regard jeroen belleman jeroen dxcern cern thing simpler front panel instrument tend us digit rotari encod knob thi vast improv o ak switch singl common failur scope student blow input mechan wear switch panel great step increas longev instrument johnh electron depart school mpce macquari univers sydnei australia email johnh mpce edu fax sci.electronics compressor problem stereo compressor limit audio logic model gat e work compressor channel and weak ocsilloscop trace pun intend experi thi type equip point direct circuit like fail robert stephen rob dexter psych umn edu hum an factor research lab univers minnesota sci.electronics pioneer laser player figur oper pioneer laserdisc that bought su rplu store reputedli kind computeris view and order system hpib connector back p ower front panel power light come activ and door doesn open experi thi unit idea obtain document sci.electronics ultra long time articl apr kuhub ukan edu wellison kuhub ukan ed u write project that droop lap that somewhat pain design for stabl ultra long so lid state timer want place thi thing antart ic shelf and measur amount snow fall period six week two week want trip selonoid discharg color pellet ga pressur ac ross snow dig into snow snow fall amount can measur come color pellet problem bu ild timer that stand cold degre and power sourc that wouldn drain look timer and standard dual timer thier temp spec won that low two week equat second per fire mean big time cap found farad farad cap that work voltag volt and small size ti me discharg lower degre isn linear think timer chain togeth fire selonid end tim e period that blast cold and drain batteri six week pain possibl us solar panel thi six month twilight good idea advanc we firstli never make shot timer your ca p will design ram batteri substitut for us applic you drain cap constant current perform respect akin batteri normal cap point that big electro rate toler calcu l exactli capacit you cold you design micropow oscil and divid chain that roll m aximum count vice versa onc second you us clock you divid chain give error perce nt fire time six week period you trim oscil give you exact time likelyhood oscil remain exactli constant low suspect that battrei drain fire solenoid timer circ uit caveat not experienc low temperatur electron can guarante that thi approach for inhospit condit johnh electron depart school mpce macquari univers sydnei au stralia email johnh mpce edu fax sci.electronics protect serial line martin john gregori mgregori flash pax tpa w rote start devic serial data transmiss fairli decent distanc fairli noisi enviro

n and varieti scheme for protect transceiv and rest circuit transient serial lin e left wonder thi stuff delet wisdom thi martin protect esp you plan rout cabl i nto unknown environ your control thing accident short signal line and power cabl even lightn strike like and don you sight your comput smoke even ethernet card protect look and connector protect ga discharg tube you plan us serial cabl for intern rout control environ safe not suggest data book transceiv that overvoltag protect includ and max and max maxim suppos electr isol opto isol work don neve r us anoth altern surg protector two list catalogu you addit info stock no mail soh kam yung engp nusunix nu sci.electronics protect serial line laird stabl ecn purdu edu kyler laird write optic isol transceiv chip don rememb compon exist australia and don chip call is ol max and give you isol singl suppli extern compon cap optoisol diod and islot transform baud john west for humour impair insert word sci.electronics sourc for capacitor recent video monitor dead pictur low distort sound didn hear tale crack that work filament end tube glow orang noth examin p ower board notic largest capacitor bad bulg top natur want replac can find sourc electrolyt capacitor radial lead and roughli inch long wide dimens import sinc board fit metal cage leav room live lo angel area numer store dow radio electron itc elect sandi yale elect empti hand can suggest sourc for high voltag capacit or mail order fine check store compar can video electron store hopefulli cap mon itor atari goldstar circuitri masushita tube had problem advanc rich email rkim opu calstatela edu sci.electronics ultra long time articl athena uga edu mcovingt aisun uga edu mic hael covington write don us big capacitor unreli for time due leakag us quartz c rystal and divid frequenc time that mhz divid cycl per week approxim wouldn expe ct compon batteri electrolyt capacitor fail for that matter batteri your big pro blem your circuit shouldn depend exact valu resistor crystal control timer won w ouldn crystal affect cold gut feel that mechan reson devic extrem cold like affe ct complianc terminolog quartz and reson frequenc michael covington internet mco vingt uga edu artifici intellig program phone univers georgia fax athen georgia amateur radio tmi johnh electron depart school mpce macquari univers sydnei aust ralia email johnh mpce edu fax sci.electronics blue can find articl pat fegmania wustl edu pat fegmania patrick niemey write ree zach fit edu keith ledig write told peopl that take long time heard rumor that hard dai and replac seri sale person push can microcontrol can straight answer had troubl find look for back interest hear avail pat eprom vers ion raw part factori set rom imag and such useless hobbyist part eeprom allow fo r electr erasur and reprogram motorola part such eprom make user programm come o ption window seal expens window packag multipl us plastic dip varieti time progr amm sinc expos eprom arrai light johnh electron depart school mpce macquari univ ers sydnei australia email johnh mpce edu fax sci.electronics and subject line work project that will us car batteri pull and possibl idea prefer benefit you brilliant peopl conquest easi control not tom gl ino toronto statist star trek to utstat toronto edu usl forgot thi simpl histori lesson sci.electronics ultra long time sound job for univers time reciev don logisit si tuat you place reciev snow and place oscil nice lab your problem solv suggest wa yn martin sci.electronics problem mdanjou gel ulav martin anjou write votr host est mal co nfigur bonjour sylvain travail avec an souvien pa tout le possibilit mai vai qua nd meme essay aider croi pa que download un programm direct dan eeprom soit un b onn ide eeprom un dure vie limite cycl sembl commun break vient peut etr fait qu e eeprom est long programm par byte mai est verifi que le delai transfer program m ver memoir sont exced normal le transfert ram code est rapid car ram est rapid que eeprom ecritur est tout que memoir permet souvenir bonn chanc yeah easi for ken thompson itl ncr corp peripher product divis disk arrai develop rock road w ichita ken thompson wichitak ncr sci.electronics wire wrap question articl pascal apr apd cpg soni pascal apd cpg soni pascal goguei write articl blue ci pitt edu macfitz pitt edu mark fitzsimm o write consider amount research review discuss thi group and fruitless time bre

adboard decid that path resist for prototyp not necessarili electron design wire wrap idea you want care wire wrap increas lot wire capacit that shouldn problem for slow applic mhz for quicker mhz doubt that can work fortun wire wrap wire t echniqu high frequenc crai comput had wirewrap backplan wirewrap get into troubl higher frequenc ttl can handl increas wire capacit not relev you us transmiss l ine techniqu and capacit problem can decent wrap tool spend for power unit inclu d bit and sleev hand power good power expens low cost doesn work hand power terr ibl choic imho you field mainten person will dozen connect time your hand will c ramp batteri power wire wrap gun rang and twiddl stick manual type for modest pr oject coupl hundr connect prefer borrow profession unit pneumat john whitmor sci.electronics pioneer laser player articl apr rochest edu neal rochest edu reg neal write figur oper pioneer laserdisc that bought surplu store reputedli kind computeris view and order system hpib connector back power front panel power li ght come activ and door doesn open experi thi unit idea obtain document you play er video game dragon lair space ac etc call pioneer technici support that number call and for interfac guid show parallel interfac wire and code for command pla i paus reject etc guid for hook player comput work you build wire control jim ke ai jkeai ucssun sdsu edu sci.electronics ultra long time articl pqu pmu sunb oc edu johnh macadam mpce ed u john haddi write articl athena uga edu mcovingt aisun uga edu michael covingto n write don us big capacitor unreli for time due leakag true for electrolyt capa citor high temperatur us quartz crystal and divid frequenc time that wouldn crys tal affect cold gut feel that mechan reson devic extrem cold like affect complia nc terminolog quartz and reson frequenc low power quartz oscil khz and signific temperatur drift doesn notic wear watch wrist low temperatur sensit crystal type larger and higher frequenc mhz and batteri power programm timer accur power sti ngi suitabl crystal oscil john whitmor sci.electronics level bright xma light set for easter christma time gonna loos n et access dai week lucki and want post thi for interest peopl save till xma note bell lab good place you phd and good boss subject xma light set level bright an oth version variabl bright xma light set thi set start blinker bulb string diagr am orgin set rtn modifi set for level bright string string rtn note mod wire thi point blinker us note that blinker not current string bulb second string bulb p arallel that us resistor add extra current blinker make for current shunt second string blinker glow and second string not glow blinker open thi resistor slight effect bright string slightli dimmer slightli brighter us bulb place resistor y ou can caution not replac standard bulb draw current and burn blinker approx you work powerup string will light full bright and will lit bypass current second s tring make not light will open place string seri make string that glow low brigh t and string that glow reduc bright wire and insul splice resistor lead and cut wire safe manner sci.electronics ftp site netter ftp site for project plan etc electr natur jason jason blakei blakei dal sci.electronics intel rmx document want donat larg machin for us robot lab thi d evic complet base control run intel rmx oper system don document rmx can netland repli email don regularli catch new david bull davidb mpce edu sci.electronics articl sehari vincent iastat edu sehari iastat edu babak sehari write true uki edu msund mik uki edu mark underwood write somewhat familiar meas ur appli electr circuit gain for exampl amplifi measur logarithm scale thi requi r that you refer ouput respect input signal stuff delet you talk dbm and not ter m us loos peopl dbm power respact ratio two english statement good similarli peo pl us for dbm anoth common mistak spell you your articl for bell compani mother and capit highest regard babak sehari good gravi decibel ratio question that rem ain ratio refer unit us sometim thi will refer power such milliwatt circuit impe d includ fine print ohm circuit that imped lead accept notat dbm dbv disregard i mped circuit and power develop volt refer amplitud refer power arbitrari omit re fer that not includ notat lead plain thi impli refer notat such dbm explicit ref er for power log measur refer for amplitud log measur refer for bel standard ter m for log ratio base name alexand graham bell deci bel bel noth bell telephon co mpani for common founder name small larg per notat convent don that crucifi for

mess common refer for audio dbm milliwatt across ohm dbv volt meter dbm pro gear line level dbv consum gear line level time power amp meter will align rate powe r amp point refer reason for applic moment note that circuit and unknown linear imped amplitud decibel power will increas amount thi proof can two ident and ohm law dave medin phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt ingr h untsvil uunet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine machin sci.electronics flyback squeal video monitor articl mar ssc markz ssc mark zenie r write zack lau zlau arrl org wrote sci electron xhan uceng edu xiaop han write articl mar hubcap clemson edu michaet hubcap clemson edu michael townsend write brendan macadam mpce edu brendan jone write mom magnavox thi put chew gum horiz ont sync transform wouldn reson board don flame work realiz that suitabl substan c for thi purpos don rememb and adhes silicon hardwar store smell vinegar damag metal surfac promot corros superglu cyanoacryl thi sneak into crack and stiffer silicon found thi work pretti noisi lamin power transform core and wind kind lik ewis thi flyback hear suspect not effect power transform materi wouldn damp susp ect critic frequenc involv word you want absorpt prevent real difficult khz dave medin phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt ingr huntsvil u unet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine machin sci.electronics want hardwar for ncr mpd ftcollinsco ncr brad wright write you i bm comp you joystick port haven thi told that port built convert thi joystick co upl pot you find spec thi work for you guess connect pin and bit convert coupl t ransistor and resistor and opamp compar output voltag you want measur connect sp are printer port you and rest softwar stepwis refin port address for your printe r port lpt lpt thi work for your purpos hope thi help gmd schloss birlinghoven p ostfach augustin frg mail peter hendrick gmd gmd dbp gmd sci.electronics want hardwar for ncr mpd ftcollinsco ncr brad wright write you i bm comp you joystick port haven thi told that port built convert thi joystick co upl pot you find spec thi work for you that convert found joystick port timer th at tick long take circuit your paddl charg vcc for game thi work pretti you woul dn want lab measur linear that hmm suppos you linear softwar real problem that p recis your measur longer constant higher voltag precis hand wrong and perhap gam e card design splurg for extra make cheap constant current sourc amp wouldn expe ct that joel kolstad sci.electronics calcul transform need want convert volt sinewav frequenc khz and khz volt sinewav frequenc mean transform secondari current will kind transform us ferrit can bui partnumb and supplier cannot bui wind core us big order not sa tur thick copper wire turn etc analog electron hope kind soul will pointer relev databook will highli appreci mark rooi rooi tpd tno sci.electronics diod articl hpfcso myer hpfcso bob myer write nope dag tube and ground insid alumin second anod and connect anod suction cup thi glass tube capa citor and us power suppli bypass filter for suppli smaller scope tube don aquada g coat metal shield you capacitor and thi origin perhap wasn clear intern and ex tern dag two intern dag import alumin back phosphor case not adequ guarante conn ect anod button and case gun assembl includ acceler electrod anod potenti not pr ovid that connect bob correct rca pictur tube manual back thi sam refer data han dbook intern coat perimet crt not aluminum tin crt face coat refer dag outer coa t thankfulli didn librari find sparkl water for vanderbyl caffein that dave medi n phone ssd network intergraph corp internet dtmedin catbyt ingr huntsvil uunet ingr catbyt dtmedin you offic opinion express mine machin sci.electronics sid chip ibm system bu howel hippo wrote don question don you bu i soundblast answer simpl overpr sound qualiti not project build dac connect par allel port document file come modplai vari dac design simpl singl dac made resis tor david hembrow europ email dhembrow eoe abberlei hous granham road great shel ford cambridg england sci.electronics heathkit zenith toll free catalog request and order line for hea thkit zenith post number you sci.electronics info nec multisync monitor myer hpfcso bob myer write for info c an nec monitor that multisync that plan bui second hand depend spec min max freq uenc whether interlac interlac video compat etc refer pitch resolut and that sup port svga sourc and that doesn support svga anoth sourc sourc reliabl info don w

ant guess home and monitor file top head subject revis worth pai for sort info y ou don hear spec sheet hand mail and rememb correctli pitch multisync that cover vga khz horizont vertic khz horizont somewhat higher that horizont you won happ i tube you won thrill thi tube will sync and displai prefer for thi resolut sinc svga that horizont rang lower don straight ntsc rate khz sweep video compat rea d question won analog rgb input word decod ntsc video input you sort board thi c onvers sort thing that you displai ntsc vga displai hopefulli thi respons mine a nd remind thi stuff and confirm forc post hasti retract impress that accept digi t input don for accept interlac and interlac conflict info victor inqmind bison inquir mind bb winnipeg manitoba sci.electronics wide band analog time delai for wide band analog time delai not phase delai variabl microsecond millisecond repli email rrc firga sun sci.electronics hardwar for you can find copi assembl languag program ibm willen and krantz pub sam discuss game control adapt monost multivibr and convers asse mbl program you greater accuraci reason you couldn modifi approach suit your jim sci.electronics homebuilt pal epld program sci electron timd fenian dell write r eason circuit for program pal interest program wide rang epld happi that handl t hereabout interest inform subject program pal etc your you start save you packet advanc chri name chri smith twang that ol guitar addr scst liv uni liverpool un ivers quest build and hardwar dgree comput scienc sun not ball flame ga lawrenc view express and reflect that privat thought sci.electronics heathkit zenith articl egz austin ibm login austin ibm write tol l free catalog request and order line for heathkit zenith post number you sci.electronics principl breathalyz william burchil williamb ubc wrote hand held breathalyz us polic work hear thi and gener problem detect smell machin william williamb ubc read gadget work electrochem galvan principl sens unit chemic matr ix produc electr voltag proport amount chemic compound design for thi case hydro xyl group heard not test sinc common gasolin member thi hydroxyl group will fail breathal failur time you stop for dui you siphon ga your neighbor car you oklah oma credit card and chanc you won dui ticket jerri long long spk disclaim opinio n and not reflect employ sci.electronics data transmiss shelf method transmit small amount data feet data low speed and can encod need low power transmit end fcc certifi product prefer you pointer product compani hear you ken sci.electronics jacob ladder articl murdoch acc virginia edu dgj kelvin sea virg inia edu david glen jacobowitz write want build tesla coil for quit awhil doesn and thought good intermidi step build jacob ladder for high voltag transform tha t reason inexpens neon sign transform cost mucho past manag bui us neon sign tra nsform sign shop for call warren massei massei travi llnl gov lawrenc livermor n ation laboratori east av box livermor calif opinion mine alon sci.electronics ultra long time pqu pmu sunb oc edu johnh macadam mpce edu john haddi write articl athena uga edu mcovingt aisun uga edu michael covington write us quartz crystal and divid frequenc time that wouldn crystal affect cold gut f eel that mechan reson devic extrem cold like affect complianc terminolog quartz and reson frequenc fairli reproduc smidgen distanc absolut and case you borrow f reezer space bio lab test calibr thi darl btw you want big capacitor you found f ire solenoid high current drain frozen batteri can ugli thing paul sci.electronics joseph chiu josephc cco caltech edu wrote sehari iastat edu baba k sehari write similarli peopl us for dbm anoth common mistak spell you your art icl for bell compani mother and capit decibel deci tenth bell fraction part orig in bell for exampl southwestern bell decibel hat you pull thi ratio not rboc and measur current amp name amp compani and amphenol compani compani revolution ele ctron simulaten realiz that perform connector and socket affect amount current r un wire unit for current amper name french man name amper studi electr current t erm amp abbrevi compani amp amper unit us ohmit compani character resist number us ohm don thi doesn sound alexand graham bell bell you thing bel refer highest regard babak sehari joseph chiu josephc cco caltech edu you gotta thi thing msc caltech pasadena oper system tomorrow todai greg moffatt bell northern research inc ottawa canada opinion not bnr sci.electronics polic radar work articl apr walter bellcor deaddio ski bellcor m

ichael deaddio write question doppler spell time will effect radar accur read ca r contain move for that worth that calibr speedomet car contain fairli thi isn c ase what deal essenti thi radar gun ti into speedomet car independ speedomet gun process two doppler return speed car rel pavement and speed target take differ two gun move mode split beam beam aim preferenti pavement car and driver had goo d articl traffic radar back us

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