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Bimbingan Teknis Inspektur Sistem Perpipaan

Banana Inn, Bandung 17 Mei 26Mei 2010

Course Objective
Peserta memahami code ASME B31.3, API 570, API RP 574

Sistem penilaian

Ujian tahap I Ujian tahap II (final) Tugas tugas (quiz,buat summary, workshop)

Passing grade : diatas 70 (total)


Pre test Standards of Piping Components Overview Fluid Flow & Sizing Overview Pipe Material & Pipe Manufacturing Pressure design of Piping & Components Piping Strength Criteria & Flexibility

Materi ( lanjutan)

Fabrication, Assembly, & Construction Inspection, Examination, & Testing Sistem Kopetensi Piping Inspector & Basic Safety and environment Non Metalic Piping High Pressure & M Fluid Overview Process, PFD, P & ID

Materi ( lanjutan)

Overview Plant Lay out, Piping arrangement & Isometric Commissioning Ujian tahap I Inspection & Testing Practice Frequency & extent of inspection Inspection data evaluation, analysis, and recording

Materi ( lanjutan)

Repairs, alterations, and rerating of piping system Inspection for deterioration in piping Inspection of buried piping Workshop Ujian tahap II (final) Penutupan


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