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June 17, 2013 Organ systems, Directional terms, Planes, Cavities 1.

) Nervous system nervous control, faster 2.) Endocrine system chemical control , slower Baroreceptors- receptors that detect change in blood pressure. Medulla control center of blood pressure, responsible for regulation of blood pressure. Neurohypophysis- composed of the infundibulum and the nervous lobe of the hypophysis. (Pituitary gland) Anatomical position is a fixed imaginary position for which directions and locations of parts of the body are referred to. A body that is standing straight, eyes facing forward, arms on the side with palms facing forward, the thumb is directed away from the median plane, and feet slightly apart with toes facing straight forward.

Fundamental planes planes or directions to which locations of parts of the body are referred to. 2 primary cavities: 1.) Dorsal cavity bony neural cavity which contains the skull (cranial) spine (vertebral) cavities. 2.) Ventral Cavity Thoracic and abdomino-pelvic cavity Body parts and regions: Frontal- forehead Orbital-eye Nasal-nose Oral-mouth Otic-ear Buccal-cheek mental-chin Cervical-neck Clavicular-collarbone Pectoral-chest Sternal-breastbone Mammary-breast Abdominal-abdomen auxillary-armpit Brachial-arm Antecubital-front of elbow Antebrachial-forearm Carpal-wrist Palmar-palm Digital-fingers Manual-hand

June 17, 2013 Umbilical-navel Pelvic-pelvis Coxal-hip Femoral-thigh Patellar-kneecap Crural-leg Pedal-foot Talus-ankle Dorsum-top of foot Digital-toes Cranial-skill Occipital- base of skull Nuchal- back of neck Acromial- point of shoulder Scapular- shoulder blade Dorsal-back Vertebral-spinal column Olecranon- point of elbow Lumbar- loin Sacral-between hips Dorsum-back of hand Gluteal-buttock Perineal-perineum Popliteal-hollow behind knee Sural-calf Plantar-sole Calcaneal-heel

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