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COLOR BLINDNESS The affected father will not inherit the allele-mutant to anyone but the daughters.

If the mother is homozygote dominant, the daughter will have a normal phenotype, yet as the carrier of the mutation. If a carrier marries a guy with a normal vision, there will be 50% of probabilities to the daughters to be carriers like the mother and 50% probabilities for the sons to suffer from color blindness. If a carrier marries a guy with color blindness, there will be 50% probabilities for every child who was born to suffer color blindness, aside from the sex. The daughters who have normal vision are carriers, whereas the sons with the normal vision will be freed from the allele-recessive. affected : pengidap inherit : mewariskan allele-mutant : alel-mutan phenotype : fenotip allele-recessive : alel-resesif suffer : menderita

COLOR BLINDNESS The affected father will not inherit the allele-mutant to anyone but the daughters. If the mother is homozygote dominant, the daughter will have a normal phenotype, yet as the carrier of the mutation. If a carrier marries a guy with a normal vision, there will be 50% of probabilities to the daughters to be carriers like the mother and 50% probabilities for the sons to suffer from color blindness. If a carrier marries a guy with color blindness, there will be 50% probabilities for every child who was born to suffer color blindness, aside from the sex. The daughters who have normal vision are carriers, whereas the sons with the normal vision will be freed from the allele-recessive. affected : pengidap inherit : mewariskan allele-mutant : alel-mutan phenotype : fenotip allele-recessive : alel-resesif suffer : menderita

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