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Lecture Plan for Design of Algorithms Modules # Lectures

Syllabus for WT-1 1. Data Structure Modules from PDS Course Syllabus for WT-2 1. Introduction to DOA Course 2. Introduction to RAM Model of Computation Syllabus for WT-3
3. Complexity Analysis of Algorithm 4. Worst Case & Average Case 5. Recursion

Syllabus for CAT-1

6. Divide & Conquer 7. Greedy Approach

Syllabus for WT-4 SORTING

8. Basic Sorting Algorithms - Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort 9. Quick Sort 10. Merge Sort

Syllabus for WT-5

11. Counting Sort 12. Radix Sort 13. Bucket Sort

Syllabus for WT-6

14. Introduction Searching Algorithms a. Linear Search b. Binary Search c. Binary Search Trees 15. Balanced Search Trees 16. AVL Trees

Syllabus for CAT-2

17. Red Black Trees 18. B Trees

Syllabus for WT-7

19. Hashing 20. Priority Queues

Syllabus for WT-8

21. Heap Trees 22. Heap Sort 23. Trie Data Structure 24. Breadth First Search(Graph Algos) 25. Depth First Search

Syllabus for WT-9

26. Connected Components 27. Minimum Spanning Trees

Syllabus for CAT-3

28. Shortest Path 29. Single Source and All Pairs Till End Sem 30. Skip Lists 31. Interval Trees

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