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After reading the comic strip, it is clear to me that the key issue was the error with the

companys payroll system. Anita suspended her judgment before taking a position because she asked the question of how cheating the payroll was done. Her co-worker also informed her that the company made $500 million a year attempting to justify the action by comparing employee salaries to the company earnings, by assuming the risk involved, and finally by taking a day to decide what to do with the information. Anitas position was a clear moral value judgment. After thinking about the issue, it became clear that what was going on was wrong and against the laws of society. Anita took action by calling the HR department to inform them of the issue with the payroll system. She left the decision to take action up to the HR department, and it is subjective whether or not the problem was solved. The issue I had to deal with recently was to decide whether or not to split a $300 tip that I received from a customer after completing the job. The customer handed the money to me while my crew of three guys was not around. I could have kept the money for myself, and my crew never would have known. I didnt even have to think about it, the money was split evenly among us. I made a decision based on moral value judgment. Our job is very difficult and physical, especially in the Florida sun. My crew works as hard if not harder than I do, so splitting the money equally was the only clear option for me.

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