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GUIA DE ESTUDOS PRELIMINARES SOBRE ROMA: -> Campbell, Brian - War and Society in Imperial Rome - 31BC-AD284 ->

Billows, Richard - Julius Caesar - The Colossus of Rome -> Bdoyre, Guy de la - Roman Britain - A New History -> Beard, Mary - Religions of Rome, Vol. 1 -> Bauman, Richard - Crime & Punishment in Ancient Rome -> Ball, Warwick - Rome in the East - The Transformation of an Empire -> Adkins, Lesley - Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome -> Forsythe, Gary - A Critical History of Early Rome - From Prehistory to the Fi rst Punic War -> Erdkamp, Paul - A Companion to the Roman Army -> Davies, Mark Everson - Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14 -> Daugherty, Gregory - To Be a Roman -> Aldrete, Gregory - Daily Life in the Roman City - Rome, Pompeii, and Ostia -> Curran, John - Pagan City and Christian Capital - Rome in the Fourth Century -> Connolly, Peter - The Legionary -> Wilcox, Peter - Barbarians Agains Rome - Rome's Celtic, Germanic, Spanish and Gallic Enemies -> Wells, Peter - The Battle that Stopped Rome -> Scarre, Chris - The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome -> Eck, Werner - The Age of Augustus -> Shotter, David - Augustus Caesar -> Richardson, John - The Language of Empire - Rome and the Idea of Empire from the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD -> Orlin, Eric - Foreign Cults in Rome -> O'Donnel, James - The Ruin of Roman Empire -> Nossov, Konstantin - Gladiator - Rome's Blood Spectacle -> Mattern, Susan - Rome and the Enemy - Imperial Strategy in the Principate -> Halsall, Guy - Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West

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