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Check the health of your standby databases ========================================== I ve implemented this easy way to keep monitored the health

of your standby s databa ses. I use this because you don t have a way to check if there is a block corruption on standby databases until they became essential for your disaster recovery. i use rman on each standby database: on a .bat program set ORACLE_SID= set NLS_DATE_FORMAT=YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS rman target / nocatalog @rman_check_logical_database.rms msglog rman_check_l ogical_database.log and the rman script is: run { # Andrea Dalle Vacche # BACKUP VALIDATE ver. 1.0 19/07/2010 # backup validate check logical database; } exit; I ve put this .bat uery on standby: on a scheduled task that run every day and after i execute this q

select * FROM v$database_block_corruption; NOTE: (got from oracle literature) The V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view indicate s which blocks in a datafile were marked corrupt since the most recent BACKUP o r BACKUP VALIDATE command was run. So if the query don t return rows is everything right, otherwise you ll get the bloc k/blocks that is/are corrupted.

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