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To activate these hotkeys, click the Keyboard Hook activate button in the Traine r program.

It will make a keyboard hook to allow you to use cheat codes with the use of hotkeys. The reason you want to do this is because when you switch between civilization a nd the trainer, back and forth you will force civilization to reload all graphic s data into the graphics memory, this is a time consuming process. You want to use cheat codes while staying in the game. So use this feature for t his purpose. Here are the hotkeys: ALT + F1 = Anti Movement-Cost Cheat ALT + F2 = Train Unit Experience ALT + F3 = Set Health on units ALT + F5 = Set City Modifier (Science,Production and Gold) ALT + BACKSPACE = Turn off all cheat switches ALT + INSERT ALT + HOME ALT + PAGEUP = Resources (Maximum) = Gold (Maximum) = Culture (Maximum)

ALT + DELETE = Golden Age Progress (Maximum) ALT + END = Golden Age Turns (Maximum) ALT + PAGEDOWN = Great General Progress (Maximum) ALT + LEFT ALT + RIGHT = Free all = Zero all 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: used resource slots (Will zero out the following): Gold Golden Age Progress Golden Age Turns Culture All Strategic and Luxury Resources Great General Progress

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