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Visual Journals

Art 2/2GT Ms. Manger

Your visual journal will be a place where you can practice your creative thinking skills by generating a visual response to a given word or concept. Below is a list of all the visual journal entries you must complete by the end of the school year. Each topic should be dissected and interpreted in a conceptual and personal manner to give it a new visual life within a 2 page spread in your journal (2 pages total every 2 weeks or so). Complete the journal in the order listed the topics under each date are expected to be finished by the beginning of class for a class critique and to be graded. Work at your
own pace, but be sure to have the required assignments done at the collection dates credit will be deducted if your journal is late. You may have some class time to work on these assignments, but working outside of class is necessary this is a major component of your homework grade, so make it count. Due Friday, September 27 1. Identity Due Friday, October 11 & 25 2. Conflict 3. Relationships Due Friday, November 9 & 20 (Tues) 4. Transformation 5. Memory Due Friday, December 6 & 20 6. Class 7. Absence Due Friday, January 10 & 24 8. Spirituality 9. Consumption Due Friday, February 7 & 21 10. Work 11. Play Due Friday, March 7 & 21 12. Perfection 13. Place Due Friday, April 4 & 25 14. Power 15. Time Due Friday, May 9 & 23 (10th/11th grade only) 16. Advantage 17. Journey Due Friday, June 6 (12th grade: Fri. before finals) 18. Freedom

Grading Criteria
Idea / Concept (10pts)
Respond to the topic in a personal, creative, and conceptual way.

Design / Composition/ Craftsmanship (10pts)

Use each 2-page spread to demonstrate an interesting and effective composition, chose the right materials to best communicate your ideas, and use a variety of art materials in a skillful way.

Tips for a successful Visual Journal

Think outside the box Experiment and take risksand dont be too literal in your interpretation of the prompt. Avoid trite, clich, or predictable responses the point is not to simply illustrate a word, but to see a commonplace idea in a new and novel way. Use space wisely Avoid working on a white background unless it is significant to your idea. Thoughtfully plan out and emphasize a strong composition think of the 2 page spread as a miniature work of art, not just a space to collect things that relate to your topic. Experiment with materials Try new things (see techniques list for ideas), and choose a medium that best conveys your idea. Use media in a sophisticated way, DO NOT just fill in areas with plain color of any media it looks childish. Make it Personal Follow your creative instincts and style, and use your own life and experiences to make connections to the promptsand do not use copyrighted images those are somebody elses ideas come up with your own. Invest time and effort Think and plan before putting thought to paperevery mark you make on the page should be significant keep in mind - you and I both know that you have two weeks to complete 2 pages. I grade accordingly so work accordingly.

Techniques to add interest to your Visual


Stain Weave Paint Fold Color Drip Tile

Window Frame Pockets Mosaic Text Transfers Stickers


Fabric Dry Brush Borders Weather Stencil Photocopy Layer

Sew into Stamp Burn Tear Collage Pop up Pattern Monoprint



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