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Anthony Patton MGMT 310 Amelia Nelson Chapter 3 Notes: Court Procedures Procedural Rules o Federal Rules of Civil

l Procedure o States of Litigation Consult with an Attorney Exhibit 3-1 Pg. 51

o Types of Attorneys Fees o Settlement Sonderations Pretrial Procedures o Pleadings o Complaint o Service of Process Summons Default Judgement

o Method of Service o Waiver of formal service process o Answer o Affirmative Defenseo Counterclaim Dismissals and Judgments before trial o Motion o Pretrial Motion o Motion to dismiss

Anthony Patton MGMT 310 Amelia Nelson Chapter 3 Notes: Court Procedures o Motion for judgment of the pleadings o Motion for summary judgement o Affidavits o Discovery o Depostion o Interrogatories o Requests for Ammisions o Requests for documents, objects and entry upon land o Requests for Examinations o Electronic Discovery- E-Evidence Pretrial Conference The Right to a Jury Trial Jury Selection o Voir dire THE TRIAL o Opening Statements o Rules of Evidence Relevant Evidence Hearsay Examination of Witnesses Direct Examination Cross Examination

Anthony Patton MGMT 310 Amelia Nelson Chapter 3 Notes: Court Procedures Expert Witness

Potential Motion and Judgment Motion for a judgment as a matter of law, Motion for a Directed Verdict

o Defendants Evidence Rebuttal Rejoinder

o Closing Arguments Post Trial o Motion for a new Trial o Motion for Judgment N.O.V. The Appeal o Filing the Appeal o Brief Enforcing the Judgment o Write of Execution o Availability of Assets o Jury Instructions Verdict

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