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Books Report III

The Tale of Genji By
Murasaki Shikibu

By Mariana Cruz Pigeon Grade and Group: 6-2 Administration of Management Follow up with story when the emperor had been converted in father of a beautiful boy and he was completely lover to the boys mother. She started to sicken but her body dawned to age and herself by the lives courage disappear and she always was sorrowful and quietly but every people in the court thought that she was crazy and she doesnt merited to emperor loves also they see her with scorn and someone with condolence. One day the emperor cant with the situation since his love was grown every day but he only sees like she is sear and he dont support it. Although the emperor know that all happened with her, was his blame since she always request that turning to home since she doesnt was happy in the court although she loves her baby, the place was stuffy and she doesnt died in it but the emperor never accept that she leaves his company also she was by a long time in this situation. One day the emperor change his decision and he suffered that she will visit her home by someone days but she should return with him and her son. When she left the court, she is felling very free and happy since she will go to home. Someone days ago the emperor started to miss her and he lead a messenger to her home but when the messenger come back to the court he dont have good notices about the woman lover of emperor since she had died days ago and she rose to the sky and her mother understood the felling her daughter since she dont follow that happened with her because her son always was been a happy and jolly person. When the emperor received the notice, he dont believe it, and he fall in melancholy and guileful moment since his live love die out also he crying by her and taking his son between his arms, he weeping about his forfeit but the ladies

court in front of the emperor they was wail her death but someone was happy about this new situation with the emperor and his son.

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