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Lets Talk About Herbs & Dietary Supplements

Nada Crowder Kaplan University HW499 Bachelors Capstone in Health and Wellness

Throughout the history of mankind, herbal remedies were the only medicines available to treat various illnesses.

What is an herb?

What is a supplement?

Herbs & Supplements

Anise Basil Cloves Daisy Ginger Lemongrass Lavender Marijuana

As a natural remedy, herbs have been used as seasoning, pesticides, as a hot beverage, as a body soak and for smoking.

Glucosamine Beta-Carotene Calcium Iron Potassium Biotin Folic Acid

Dietary supplements are used to replace what the body is not sufficient in. These are usually taken in capsule, tablet and liquid form.

Who Should Use Them?

People over age 50 Women of childbearing age Adolescent females The elderly People who suffer from chronic illnesses or disease

If you eat fewer than 2 meals a day If your diet is restricted If you consume 3 or more drinks of alcohol a day

Then you should probably take a dietary supplement! Consult with your medical provider.

Herbs & Dietary Supplements are Affordable

The common Cold

Herbs and supplements that are used that may help to treat the common cold include:

Ginseng Vitamin C Garlic Zinc Goldenseal Essential Fatty Acids Selenium

Always consult with medical professional before using herbs and dietary supplements to reduce the effects of herb-drug interactions.

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. (n.d.). Causes of Colds and Flu. Retrieved September 12, 2013, from (n.d.). Questions to Ask Before Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Retrieved September 15, 2013, from Skidmore-Roth, L. (2010). Mosbys Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplements. Fourth Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Thompson, J. & Manore, M. (2009). Nutrition an Applied Approach. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

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