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Music video history and development

The earliest videos came about in this time period 1920

The beetles made a film Ticket to ride it was simple, performed in one area and completely focused on them. 1965

Michael Jackson created Thriller- it was filmic and purely narrative based. The whole production of costumes, dancers, background etc. cost $7million.

Synchronized dance moves and costumes started to become a trend in music performances along with short clothing and women becoming feminine objects and main focus. Also the number three was seen to be equal in groups and dance routines. 1960

Human Rapsidy by Queen. It contained 4 men but had 2-3 dramatic song changes in terms of sound. Throughout the first section mes en scene is simple and they play their instruments with close up shots. The second part had different harmonies and effects to it with quicker shots.

Internet music started taking over e.g. YouTube was taking over TV music videos popularity.



1970 1930 This decade started to introduce music in and then to be able to promote films music trailers were made- e.g. Marilyn Monroe singing Diamonds are a girls best friend David Baviles made a music video surreal and experimental. It was filled with bright colours, extreme makeup and contained extreme close ups and long shots. This is seen as performance. 1965

Top of the pops came about and videos became more popular than live performances.

Bob Dylan was seen to have the first music video subterranean homesick blues. It had performance and narrative codes and conventions as being an independent artist.

1981 MTV Launched and played music 24/7they were known to create overnight stars

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