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1. How old are you?

[ ] 14-16

[ ] 17-19

[ ] 20+

2. Are you male or female?

[ ] Female

[ ] Male

3. Do you read any magazines? If so, what genre?

4. What would you like to see in a college magazine?

5. What hobbies/interests do you have? (2 max)

6. How much disposable income do you have?

[ ] Less than 1.00

[ ] 1.00-5.00

[ ] 6.00 - 10.00 [ ] 10.00+

7. How much would you expect a college magazine to cost?

[ ] Less than 1.00

[ ] 1.00-2.50

[ ] 2.60 - 3.50 [ ] 4.00+

8. Do you think a college magazine should be produced?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

9. Do you think the magazine should be released daily, weekly or monthly?

[ ] Daily

[ ] Weekly

10. Do you have a job?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Monthly

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