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WHO WANTS TO STUDY LITERATURE By Saira Mallick Who wants to study literature in the real sense of the word?

After all one usually opts for a subject like' literature only after other options like medicine, business administration and engineering become unavailable. However, there are some who may take it because they think that people get impressed if you tell'them that you are a master's in English or maybe because a lot of people seem to be taking up English literature these days. And there are some - accustomed to the rote way of learning and studying- who mistakenly think that the subject is one step above their compulsory English course in college. As a consequence, such people believe that obtaining a master's degree in the subject will not be too much of a problem. However, this belief shatters soon as their first results come in - and they begin to realize that studying literature is much more than what they initially thought it to be. How many people actually love books or have read anything, if it all, beyond Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steel, Stephen King, J.K Rowling or Jeffery Archer? Besides, one cannot compare these works of 'literature' to works of great literary merit by writers like Chaucer, Milton, Swift or Austen. In addition, how many people have a command over the language they intend to study the literature of and that too at the master's level? And no, the local boards of education cannot be relied upon for judging that. No wonder reputed institutions take in students on I the basis of aptitude tests. After all, since one is opting for a degree in English literature, it automatically implies that one at least have a reasonable level of proficiency in the language itself. Clearly, those who can barely express themselves in English and Are mistakenly Opting for a master's in English thinking that university professors will teach them grammar and spelling, they should think again. One needs to remember that I it is not an English language course a but rather a literature one. Someone who can hardly write a 200 word I essay on his own in correct English I cannot be expected to understand arid answer examination questions on the books by Keats or Hardy. ! Studying literature means more | than just reading literature. A student of literature subsequently has to be a student of history, philosophy, psychology, politics and sociology. No piece of literature was written in a void, as one of our teachers said: 'you cannot study or expect to analyze it outside the historical, biographical, political and ideological contexts it was written in'. Literature is not just studying about authors and poets and reading the works they composed. It also has to do with what the book or work being studies tells the student about the society it was written in, about its people, their traditions and customs and their values. And in literature one doesn't get to study only poems, plays or novels but historical and political essays as well, which means that the student have a fair knowledge of history, particularly that of Europe. Those who have never heard of terms like 'the Renaissance', 'feminism', 'socialism' or people like Henry VIII, Plato, Freud or Marx, then they better think again if they plan, on studying English literature.

Studying literature is no mean task as is often presumed. One has to be well read in advance and equally willing to read lots and lots more, not just about literature but in other disciplines as well. No wonder people who graduate with flying colours in English literature are suited for a vast variety of jobs. A master's graduate in literature does not necessarily have to take up teaching, he or she can opt for the print or electronic media, work In a.multinational, turn to politics, or join an NGO. Or, such an individual can even try writing literature of his own. University education is a privilege in the west because of its expenses, other than stateowned universities where the fees are lower. However, not everyone proceeds to university as a matter of right in western countries. Fortunately,.in Pakistan it is subsidized by the government but that does not mean that everyone should necessarily have a master's degree. Going for specialized education in a particular discipline means that one should have an inclination for it and that real achievement in that field goes beyond the mere passing of an exam. The writer is a B.A. (honours) student at the University of Karachi's English department. ]

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