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biz mbb #7 Padre Burgos Street, Baguio City, Philippines

Santiago, Sherwin H. Cacay, John Paul Dela Pena, Jeric Laya, Anne Gee , Karen




Company History Date of Started: Administrator: Industry: Operation: Problem Analysis What it does economically Status Cost Benefit Anlysis Starting cost (breakdown) How is it earning? Graphical Presentation
5 4 3 Income 2 1 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 Expeses



Imapact Review Survey (reasearch on sastisfaction) Competitive Advantage

Questionaire: Name of member: Member since: 1. Does mbb help you? O Yes O No 2. In what way? O Buy gadgets, clothes, appliances etc. O Dispose gadgets, clothes, appliances etc. to earn O

The site is really good for the people who wants to buy some gadgets,appliance and many other things that they sell in the site. The people who can view this site can see a more affordable and less expenses gadgets, aplliances and many other things to buy. The information also many other things to buy you want is alos there so it is easy to transact people in this site. In also you can sell your things you want tp sell and you can also post your on blog about this site, this are the advantages of there are also diadvantage of the site like scam and not quality of product they sell.

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