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Math Topics: 2013-2014 School Year It is EXTREMELY important to have math facts mastered by 5th grade.

If you know your child does not have their multiplication facts memorized please review them daily with them. Thank you! Topics in the order that I will teach them are as follows: Place Value Compare and order whole numbers through millions Decimals through the thousandths Compare and order decimals

Multiply Whole Numbers Prime factorization Powers and exponents Properties Multiply by two-digit numbers

Division Two-digit dividends Divide three and four-digit dividends Divide by a two-digit divisor

Add and Subtract Decimals Round decimals Add & subtract decimals up to the thousandths

Multiply and Divide Decimals Multiply decimals by whole numbers Divide decimals by whole numbers Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10

Expressions and Patterns Order of operations (PEMDAS) Write numerical expressions Patterns Ordered pairs Graph patterns

Fractions and Decimals Fractions and division Greatest common factor (GCF) Simplest form Least common multiple (LCM) Compare fractions Write fractions as decimals

Add and Subtract Fractions Add & subtract like fractions Add & subtract unlike fractions Add mixed numbers Subtract mixed numbers Subtract with renaming

Multiply and Divide Fractions Multiply whole numbers and fractions Multiply fractions by fractions Multiply mixed numbers Divide whole numbers by fractions Divide fractions by whole numbers

Measurement Measure with a ruler (metric and customary) Convert customary units of length Convert customary units of weight Convert customary units of weight Convert customary units of capacity Convert metric units of length, mass, and capacity

Polygons Sides and angles of triangles Classify quadrilaterals Classify triangles Three-dimensional figures Volume Volume of composite figures

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