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June 26, 2013


For this test, you will have to post-edit machine translated (MT) output by correcting any possible mistakes and making sure the original Source message is accurately transferred. The final post-edited sentence should follow the standard Target language rules. The meaning of the Source should be fully conveyed. We assess your ability to identify and correct all mistakes present in the MT output.

Post-edit (i.e. correct) the MT sentences in the Candidate Input column. Be objective and make corrections to the MT based on necessity, rather than on personal stylistic preferences. Keep the MT output (in full or parts of it) only IF it is a correct translation of the Source. Make sure you have figured out the meaning of the Source and only then proceed with editing the MT. (The context at document or paragraph level is not always present, the Source may contain spelling mistakes, day-to-day language may be used, etc., but this is quite normal for the type of data we work with.) Research the specific domain terminology if you are not sure of the correct term. Correct any mistakes you can find in the MT: Mistranslations (terminology, idiomatic phrases, literal translations) Un-translated content Missing information Grammatical errors Syntactical errors Punctuation

Maintain punctuation of the Source whenever possible and where correct. Apply the most recent Spelling Reform rules for your Target language. Use ALL needed diacritics for the Target language.

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DONTs Do not use any other MT engine like Google Translate, etc. for your post-editing. Do not over-correct: IF (part of) the raw MT is accurate in meaning when compared to the Source and appropriate from a lexical/grammatical/syntactical point of view, then do not correct what is already correct. Do not trust the raw MT - it may be that specific terminology, or other words, phrases from the MT are incorrect; or that content from the Source is missing -- you will have to correct this for the final edited sentence. Do not give explanations or translation variants between brackets. Do not make any conversions of weights, measures, currency, etc. - just transfer them to the Target language (so, no need to convert from miles into km, etc.)

Thank you for carefully reading these instructions. Good luck with your test! SDL Language Weaver Team

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