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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 2 1- COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS .................................................. 2 2- CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS ..................................................... 4 3- SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS ................................................ 9 TEST YOURSELF 1 ...................................................................................... 34 4- REDUCTION OF ADVERBIAL CLAUSES TO MODIFYING PHRASES ................................................................. 41 5- CONTINUING THE SAME IDEA ....................................................... 43 EXAMPLES FROM YS/YDS .................................................................. 44 TEST YOURSELF 2 ...................................................................................... 47 TEST YOURSELF 3 ...................................................................................... 55 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY ................................................................... 62


Balalar (conjunctions),ayn gramer yapya sahip (iki isini, iki sfat, iki zarf gibi) szck ya da szck beklerini ve cmleleri balayan szcklerdir. Bunlar so, and, once gibi tek bir szckten oluabilir ya da in order that, so that, as long as gibi bir szck bei de olabilirler. Although she studied hard, she couldn't pass the exam. Transitions ya da connectors diye isimlendirilen however, therefore, nevertheless gibi szckler ise sadece iki cmleyi balayan, bir dnceden dier bir dnceye geii salayan cmle balalardr. She studied hard; nevertheless, she couldn't pass the exam. Balalar grupta inceleyebiliriz: 1- Coordinating conjunctions 2- Correlative conjunctions 3- Subordinating conjunctions



Bu balalar unlardr: and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet


AND, OR, BUT ve YET, szckleri ya da cmleleri balamak iin kullanlr.

AND ayn dorultuda anlama sahip szckleri birletirir (her ikisi de olumlu ya da her ikisi de olumsuz): beautiful and clever, sunny and warm, crowded and noisy, etc. BUT ve YET "fakat, ama" anlamna gelir ve ztlk vurgulayan, elien szckleri birletirir: beautiful bul/yet stupid, cheap but/yet good, warm but/yet windy, etc. OR seenek sunarken "ya da" anlamnda kullanlr: sooner or later, my parents or my sister, etc.

noun + and/but/or + noun

Cats and dogs don't get along well. The dog but not the cat is known to be faithful. A toy or a game makes a good present for children.

adjective/adverb + and/but/yet/or + adjective/adverb

He drove the car slowly and carefully. He drove the car fast but/yet carefully. He is sleepy or bored.

infinitive/gerund + and/but/or + infinitive/gerund

I'd like to watch TV or (to) listen to some music. I've decided to quit school and (to) find a job. I like walking but not running.

verb + and/but/yet/or + verb

She opened her purse, took out some change and paid for the ticket. She has a lot of qualifications and is very talented. I looked everywhere for my glasses but couldn't find them. She knows a lot about the job but isn't very keen to work. She will stay in a dormitory or rent a house with friends.


AND, BUT, YET (fakat), OR, NOR, SO bu yzden) ve FOR (nk) iki bamsz cmleyi balayabilir.

ki tam cmleyi araya virgl koyarak arka arkaya ifade etmek mmkn deildir. Ancak birinci cmleyi noktalayp ikinci cmleye geebiliriz ya da arada bir bala kullanrz. Balalar ikinci cmlenin bana gelir ve genellikle kendilerinden nce virgl kullanlr. And, but ve or byk harfle cmle balatabilir ancak yine kendinden nceki cmleyle balantldr. The children were playing. The parents were chatting. The children were playing and the parents were chatting. The children were playing, and the parents were chatting. The children were playing. And the parents were chatting. Yet, so ve for bala olarak kullanldklarnda kendilerinden nce virgl gelir. She didn't feel well, so she didn't go to work. Kendini iyi hissetmiyordu bu yzden ie gitmedi. She didn't go to work, for she didn't feel well. e gitmedi nk kendini iyi hissetmiyordu. She didn't feel well, yet she still went to work. Kendini iyi hissetmiyordu ama yine de ie gitti.

Nor bu ekilde bala olarak kullanldnda birinci cmle olumsuz olur ya da refuse, deny gibi olumsuz anlama sahip bir fiil ierir. Nor'un bal bulunduu ikinci cmle ise devrik olur. Cmleyi devrik yapmak iin yardmc fiil+zne+eylem dizimi kullanlr. He doesn't like meat, nor does he like fish. Eti sevmedii gibi bal da sevmez. She herself didn't watch the film, nor did she let us watch it. Filmi kendisi izlemedii gibi bizim izlememize de izin vermedi. He refuses to take exercise, nor does he try to eat less. Egzersiz yapmay reddettii gibi az yemeye de almyor.

Bu gruptaki balalar ikili olarak kullanlr: both... and, either...or, neither...nor, not only but also. Bu balalar iki zne, nesne, sfat, zarf ve fiili, szck beini (phrase) ya da cmlecii (clause) balayabilir. ki ayr cmleyi balal tek bir cmleye dntrrken dikkat etmemiz gereken noktalar unlardr: 2-1 nce cmlelerin ortak ve farkl olan eleri belirlenir. Farkl olan elerden birinin bana balacn birinci blm, dierinin bana ikinci blm getirilir. Ali will come with us. Aye will come with us. Yukardaki rnekte farkl olan eler znelerdir. Bu durumda kullanacamz bala bu iki szc birletirecektir. Both Ali and Aye will come with us. Not only Ali but also Aye will come with us. She is beautiful. She is clever. She is both beautiful and clever. She isn't tall. She isn't short. She is neither tall nor short. 2-2 Balala elde ettiimiz yapnn cmle iindeki yeri balad enin yeriyle ayndr. Yani iki zneyi baladysa cmlenin banda, iki nesneyi baladysa yklemden sonra yer alr. Ali will help me or Aye will help me. (subject + subject) Either Ali or Aye will help me. I didn't buy a shirt. I didn't buy a skirt, (object + object) I bought neither a shirt nor a skirt. The film was too long. The film was boring. (adj. + adj.) The film was both too long and boring. She wants to learn whether the job is well-paid. She wants to learn whether she will have any opportunity for promotion. (noun clause + noun clause) She wants to learn not only whether the job is well-paid but also whether she will have any opportunity for promotion.

2-3 Both ... and iki zneyi balyorsa fiil daima ouldur. Dier balalarla ykleme yakn olan zne yani ikinci zne temel alnr. Eer ikinci zne tekilse tekil bir fiil, oulsa oul bir fiil kullanlr. Both my parents and my sister are coming tomorrow. Both Ali and Aye were absent from class yesterday. Not only my parents but also my sister is coming tomorrow. Not only my sister but also my parents are coming tomorrow. Not only Ali but also Aye was absent from class yesterday. Neither the manager nor my colleagues approve of the plan. Neither my colleagues nor the manager approves of the plan. Either the teacher or the students have made a mistake. Either the students or the teacher has made a mistake. 2-4 Both ... and Trkeye hem ... hem de biiminde evrilir ve olumlu cmlelerde kullanlr. Both the driver and the passengers were badly injured. Hem src hem de yolcular ar yaraland. Yesterday I both cleaned the house and went to the cinema. Dn hem evi temizledim hem de sinemaya gittim. Not only ... but also da olumlu cmlelerle kullanlr. Both ... and den daha vurgulu bir ifadedir. Not only the driver but also the passengers were injured. Sadece src deil yolcular da yaraland. I not only cleaned the house but also went to the cinema. Sadece evi temizlemekle kalmadm, sinemaya da gittim. Neither ... nor Trkeye ne ... ne de biiminde evrilir. Kendisi olumsuz bir yap olduu iin olumlu fiille kullanlr ancak cmlenin anlam olumsuzdur. Ali doesn't like fish. Aye doesn't like fish. Neither Ali nor Aye likes fish. (Ne Ali ne de Aye bal sever.) She didn't study. She didn't watch TV. She neither studied nor watched TV. (Ne ders alt ne de televizyon izledi.) Either ... or, ya ...ya da anlamndadr. Genellikle olumlu cmlede kullanlr. Olumsuz cmlede kullanld zaman neither ... nor ile ayn anlam verir. Either my sister or my friend must have taken my book. Kitabm ya kardeim ya da arkadam alm olmal. She has either fallen asleep or gone somewhere. Ya uyuyakald ya da bir yere gitti. She has been paralysed since that shocking incident. She can't either speak or walk. (She can neither speak nor walk.) Ne konuabiliyor ne de yryebiliyor.

2-5 Not only ... but also iki cmleyi balyorsa, not only'nin bal bulunduu cmle devrik, ikinci cmle dz olur. The hotel was marvellous. The hotel was cheap. The hotel was not only marvellous but also cheap. Not only was the hotel marvellous, but it was also cheap. Not only ... but also iki cmleyi balarken, ikinci cmlenin de kendi znesi ve yklemi olmak zorundadr. Bu durumda also cmle iindeki normal yerinde kullanlr. Not only ... but also kalb also kaldrlarak da kullanlabilir. He shouted at the child. He also hit him. He not only shouted at the child but also hit him. Not only did he shout at the child, but he (also) hit him. ocua sadece barmakla kalmad onu dvd de. Pollution does harm to people today. It also endangers the survival of human beings in the future. Pollution not only does harm to people today but also endangers the survival of human beings in the future. Not only does pollution do harm to people today, but it (also) endangers the survival of human beings in the futureNote: Not only ... but also iki zneyi balarken de cmlenin banda yer alr. Ancak bu durumda cmle devrik olmaz. Not only humans but also other bring things are gravely affected by pollution.


Combine the following sentences using the correlative conjunctions.

Use both ... and.

1- The Island of Grenada has unspoilt beaches. It also has beautiful forests. 2- Alarms can effectively deter burglars. Guard dogs can effectively deter burglars. 3- Agatha Christie wrote murder mysteries. Colin Dexter wrote murder mysteries. 4- I would like the doll's house I'm building to be realistic. I would like the doll's house I'm building to be imaginative.

Use not only ... but also.

5- His remarks were rude. His remarks were irrelevant. 6- We bought a microwave oven to cook food in. We bought a microwave oven to defrost frozen food. 7- The new library will contain twice as many books. The new library will provide computer facilities. .. 8- The Chef arrived late. Two of the waiters arrived late.

Use neither ... nor.

9- The meal was not up to the standard we had expected. The entertainment was not up to the standard we had expected. 10- He didn't file the reports properly. He didn't fill out the forms correctly. 11- He isn't committed enough to be the team captain. He isn't diplomatic enough to be the team captain. 12- The book isn't comprehensive. The book isn't well-written.

Use either ... or. 13- When you know whether you will be able to attend, contact me by phone. Alternatively, contact me by e-mail. 14- We'll replace the item, or well refund your money, whichever you prefer. 15- He is certainly clever enough to pass the exam, so he must not have worked hard enough. Alternatively, he may have been too nervous on the day.

16- The road is closed. The workmen might be repairing it, or an accident might have occurred. . EXERCISE 2: Choose the correct one in parentheses.

1- Either the director or the actors (was/were) not professional enough for a Shakespeare play. 2- Both the sailors and the captain (is/are) ready for a holiday. 3- Neither the builders nor the architect (understand/understands) the plan. 4- Neither the architect nor the builders (think/thinks) a glass floor is possible. 5- Both their determination and their hard work (has/have) contributed to their success. 6- Either the brakes or the steering (is/are) causing my car to judder when I'm driving downhill. 7- Either our children or the boy from next door (has/have) pulled up all the flowers in our garden. 8- Not only the population of France but also lorry drivers in England (is/are) demonstrating against the high price of fuel. 9- Both lack of sponsorship and a low rate of attendance (has/have) added to the Millennium Dome's failure. 10- Both its coolness and its softness (make/makes) brushed cotton an ideal fabric for children's clothes. 11- Either her stubbornness or sheer stupidity (has/have) prevented her from apologising. 12- Neither the dancers nor the comedian (was/were) worth waiting for. 13- Neither the colours nor the style (was/were) what I wanted. 14- Not only his short temper but also his fussiness (take/takes) a lot of patience to accept. 15- Either the cough syrup or the tablets (has/have) worked and my cough has completely disappeared. 16- Neither Joe nor his two sons (like/likes) the family who has moved into their block of flats. 17- Not only the hero but also one of the actors (has/have) been nominated for an award. 18- Both the ambassador and his bodyguard (was/were) shot. 19- Not only the winner but also the runner-up (has/have) broken the previous world record time. 20- Neither the sales manager nor the salesmen (want/wants) the new commission system to be introduced.

Bir yan cmleyi temel cmleye balayan when, before, because, although gibi szckler subordinating conjunctions diye isimlendirilir. Balacn bulunduu cmle (adverbial clause) temel cmleden nce ya da sonra gelebilir. Adverbial clause temel cmlenin nnde yer alrsa iki cmle arasnda virgl kullanlr. Temel cmleden sonra geliyorsa genellikle virgl kullanlmaz. Although it was raining, she went out for a walk. She went out for a walk although it was raining. Because she was tired, she went straight to bed. She went straight to bed because she was tired. After she made a phone call, she left home. She left home after she made a phone call. If she were a bit more reasonable, she wouldn't be in this mess. She wouldn't be in this mess if she were a bit more reasonable. Bu balalar, cmleler arasnda kurdou iliki bakmndan gruplandrarak yle sralayabiliriz:


after, before, by the time (that), until, till, since, as long as, while, as, when, whenever, once, as soon as, immediately, now (that) where, wherever, as far as as, as if , as though, how because, as, since, seeing that, seeing as, for, as/so long as, inasmuch as so that/in order that, for the purpose that, for fear that, lest although, though, even though, while, whereas, much as, however + adj. /adv., no matter + question word If, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, providing (that) provided (that), in case, as/so long as, suppose (that), supposing (that) so + adj. /adv. that, such (a/an) + adj. + noun + that

Place Manner Cause Purpose Concession and Contrast Condition




after After I finish/have finished this report. I will go out for lunch. After I finished/had finished the report. I went out for lunch. before Before I go out for lunch, I will finish this report. Before 1 went out for lunch, I finished/had finished the report. when When I got home, they were eating dinner. When I got home, they ate dinner. When I got home, they had eaten dinner. When I get home, they will be eating dinner. When I get home, they will eat dinner. When I get home, they will have eaten dinner. When I finish/have finished this report, I will go out for lunch. When I finished/had finished the report, I went out for lunch. When I see him tomorrow, I will give him your message. When I saw him yesterday, I gave him your message. while, as While/As I was walking up the street. I rail into an old friend. While/As I was taking the cake out of the oven. I burnt myself. While/As I cooked dinner, my son sat in the kitchen and watched me. My friend looked after my plants while I was on holiday. My friend will look after my plants while I am on holiday. They were playing cards while I was working hard on my thesis. by the time By the time he comes back, we will have finished the work. By the time he comes back, it will be too late. By the time he came back, we had finished the work. By the time lie came back, it was too late. until, till She will wait for me until/till I finish/have finished my work.


She waited for me until/till I finished/had finished my work. I had never heard of that author until/till you told me about her.

since I am very happy to see him. We haven't seen each other since we left school. I was very happy to see him, because we hadn't seen each other since we left school. as soon as, once, the moment, immediately As soon as/Once/The moment/Immediately I saw him, I understood that something was wrong. As soon as I finished/had finished my work, I went out. As soon as I finish/have finished my work, I will go out. as long as, so long as I won't forgive him as/so long as I live. I never bought anything from that shop as/so long as I lived there. whenever, every time I greet him whenever/every time I see him. I greeted (used to greet) him whenever/every time I saw him. the first time, the second time, the next time, the last time, etc. The first time I went to Ankara. I stayed at a three-star hotel. The next time I go there. I won't stay at the same hotel. The last time 1 went there. I visited many friends. The last time I saw him, he was working for a computing firm. now (that) Now that we have finished our work, we can go out for a walk. Now that school is over, he can start to look for a job. no sooner ... than, hardly/scarcely ... when I had no sooner received his letter than he himself arrived. I had scarcely/hardly received his letter when he himself arrived NOTES: a) Zaman balalar, eylemler aranca zaman asndan iliki kurduu iin iki cmle arasnda tense uyumas olmak zorundadr. (Yukarda verilen rnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz.)



Zaman balacnn bulunduu cmlede (adverbial clause) Future tense (be going to, will) kullanlmaz. Eylem gelecekte yapLscakbile olsa Simple Present tense (do/does) ya da eylemin gelecekte tamamlanm olacan vurgulamak iin Present Perfect tense (have/has done) kullanlr.

Bir zaman balac olarak when iin de bu kural geerlidir. Ancak when bir noun clause ya da relative clause ile kullanldnda, bal bulunduu cmlenin tense'i Future tense olabilir. Ya da temel cmle ile tense uyumas olmayabilir. When he came, I was studying. (adverbial clause of time) When he comes, we will study together. I don't know when he will come, (noun clause) I don't know when he came. Do you remember the day when the meeting will be held? Do you remember the day when the meeting was held? (relative clause)


Now (that) past tense'lerle kullanlmaz. Now (that) in bal bulunduu cmlede Simple Present ya da Present Perfect tense kullanlr. Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver's license. Now that we have finished our work, we can drink coffee.


After, before, when, as soon as ve as ile just kullanarak eylemler arasndaki ilikiye tezlik kazandrabiliriz. Just as we sat down to eat, the phone rang. Tam yemee oturduk ki telefon ald. Just after you left the office, a client of yours came. Sen brodan ktktan hemen sonra bir mterin geldi. Just before he came, we had eaten our dinner. O gelmeden hemen nce biz yemeimizi yemitik. Just when I got to the office, they were signing the contract. Tam ben broya gittiimde kontrat imzalyorlard.


Hardly/scarcely ... when ile no sooner ... than kalplan genellikle devrik cmle yapsyla kullanlrlar. Bu kalplar iki eyfem arasnda geen srenin ok ksa olduunu vurgular ve as soon as ile ayn anlam ifede ederler. She had hardly gone to bed when the phone rang. Hardly had she gone to bed when the phone rang. She had no sooner gone to bed than the phone rang. No sooner had she gone to bed than the phone rang. Henz yatmt ki telefon ald.


After ile afterwards arasndaki ayrma dikkat ediniz. After bala olarak kendinden sonra cmle: preposition olarak da isim alr: after the class, after the meeting , etc. Afterwards bir zarftr ve "later, after that" anlamn verir.


After she came, we went out. We went out after she came. (O geldikten sonra dan ktk.) She came. Afterwards, we went out. She came. We went out afterwards. (O geldi. Ondan sonra dan ktk.) EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences with the correct verb form. Pay attention to whether the verb is active or passive.


I (buy) .......................... a bathroom suite elsewhere by the time I (receive) .......................... their catalogue. I (imagine) .......................... that the team (buy) .......................... some new players now that they (promote) ....................... to the Premier Football League. The first time I (go) .......................... rock climbing, I was very nervous, but since then I (improve) ......................... steadily. No sooner (I, place) .......................... the necklace in the window than somebody (buy).......................... it. As I (cut) .......................... some roses from the garden, a bee (sting) .......................... my hand. Afterwards, my hand (become) ......................... swollen. I know that tooth (cause) ...................... you quite a lot of pain, but the dentist (not, pull) .......................... it out until the swelling (subside) ........................... While the floats (parade).......................... through the town later this afternoon, the traffic (divert) ......................... . The population of France (increase) ........................... very slowly since the beginning of the 20th century. I (work) .......................... part-time since Edward (be) ........................... born, but I (return) ......................... to full-time employment as soon as he (start) ....................... school next year.

10- The first time I (play) ............................ table tennis, I (keep) ........................... hitting the ball too hard. 11- By the time this tree (bear) .......................... fruit in about three years, you (attend)......................... school. 12- Ever since Wayne (fill) .......................... up the hot chocolate dispenser with beef soup powder, the manager (not, ask) .......................... him to fill up the vending machine. 13- I anticipate that, by the time the report (type) ........................... the post (collect) .......................... today, so it will have to go in tomorrow's post.


14- The moment she (speak) .......................... to me, I (can, tell) .......................... she was not a local resident. 15- Hardly (we, sit) .......................... down in the restaurant when Mark's emergency pager (beep) ............................. and he (have to) ............................. rush to the hospital.


Neden-sonu ilikisi bildiren balalar unlardr: because, as, since, seeing that, as/so long as, inasmuch as. Bu balalar nedeni ifade eden cmlenin banda kullanlrlar. Temel cmle ise sonucu belirtir. Adverbial clause temel cmleden nce ya da sonra gelebilir. Cause: I was ill. Effect: I didn't go to work. Because I was ill, I didn't go to work. I didn't go to work because I was ill. Since she wants to lose weight quickly, she is on a strict diet. abuk kilo vermek istedii iin sk bir perhiz yapyor. As/so long as it is raining heavily, I think we can't go out for a walk. As it was very cold in the garden, we decided to eat inside the restaurant. Seeing that the traffic was rather heavy, we decided to take the back roads to work. Seeing as you've got lots of money, you can pay for the drinks. NOTES: a) Neden-sonu ilikisi bildiren cmlelerde temel cmle ile yan cmle arasnda tense uyumas zorunlu deildir. Ancak yine de eylemlerin zaman bakmndan ilikisine dikkat etmek gerekir. rnein, "Because the grocery bag was heavy" ifadesini "I can't carry it."biiminde tamamlayamayz. nk antann ar olmas gemi zamana aitse onu tayamama eylemi de gemi zamanla ifade edilmelidir. Bu nedenle bu cmle u biimde tamamlanabilir: Because the grocery bag was heavy, I couldn't carry it. imdi u rnekleri inceleyelim: Because he drank too much last night, he feels terrible now. Because he drank too much last night, I drove the car back from the party. Yukardaki cmlelerden birincisinde 'drink' eylemi gemite gereklemitir. 'Feel' eylemi ise konumann getii an ifade etmektedir. Bu yzcen 'drink' past tense ile 'feel' present tense ile ifade edilmitir. kinci cmlede ise 'drink' eylemi ile onun sonucu olan 'drive' ayn zamana ait eylemlerdir. Bu yzden her ikisi de past tense ile ifade edilmitir. b) Neden-sonu ilikisi, balalarn yan sra baka yaplarla da ifade edilebilir: because of, on account of, thanks to, owing to, due to . Bu yaplar kendilerinden sonra isim, zamir ya da isim-fiil (gerund) alrlar. Because Since As As/so long as + a clause, main clause. Inasmuch as Seeing that, Seeing as


Because of On account of Thanks to + noun/pronoun/gerund, main clause. Owing to Due to couldn't go to school. Because she was ill, she couldn't go to school. Hasta olduu iin okula gidemedi. Because of her illness, she couldn't go to school. Hastal yznden okula gidemedi. I was late for work yesterday because the traffic was heavy. I was late for work yesterday because of the heavy traffic.

Cause: She was ill. Effect: She

As prices rise dramatically, it's difficult to make ends meet. Owing to dramatically rising prices, it's difficult to make ends meet. Since employment is limited in rural areas , many people are moving to big cities. Due to the limited employment in rural areas , many people are moving to big cities.

Bazen isim kalabalk bir szck beinden oluabilir. Bu durumda isim ile cmle arasndaki ayrm yaparken dikkatli olunuz. ngiizcede Subject + verb diziminin bir cmle oluturduunu anmsaynz. Because she bought me a very expensive present for my birthday, I now feel obliged to buy her an expensive one too. (Subject + verb, a clause) Because of the very expensive present she bought me for my birthday , I now feel obliged to buy her an expensive one too. (noun + relative clause = "doum gnmde bana ald ok pahal hediye" yine isimdir.) Because there has been construction work on the highway going on for some time now, we have been taking another road to work. On account of the construction work on the highway going on for some time now, we have been taking another road to work. c) Because of, on account of, due to ve owing to yaplarndan sonra the fact that kullanrsak devamnda isim deil cmle gelir.


Due to her negligence of the children, they became disobedient. Due to the fact that she neglected the children, they became disobedient, Owing to her not studying regularly, she failed the exam. Owing to the fact that she didn't study regularly, she failed the exam.


Therefore, consequently ve as a result neden-sonu ilikisi bildiren transition'lardr. Transition, bir dnceden baka bir dnceye geii salayan szck ya da szck grubudur. Transition ikinci cmlenin yani sonu cmlesinin bana gelir ve iki cmle yer deitiremez.

Cause: It's raining heavily.

Effect: We can't go out.

Because it's raining heavily, we can't go out. We can't go out because it's raining heavily. It's raining heavily. Therefore, we can't go out. Consequently, we can't go out. As a result, we can't go out.

It's raining heavily, so we can't go out.

She didn't feel well. Therefore, she left the office early. She didn't feel well. She, therefore, left the office early. She didn't feel well. She left the office early, therefore. (Note: Birinci cmleden sonra nokta yerine noktal virgl koyup ikinci cmleye geebiliriz. Bu durumda cmleye kk harfle balanr.) Bir transition cmle iinde yerde bulunabilir: cmlenin banda, zneden sonra (yardmc fiil varsa, yardmc fiille yklem arasnda) ve cmlenin sonunda. Genellikle transition virglle cmlenin devamndan ayrlr.


Yukarda tablodaki cmleler ayn anlam ifade etmektedirler. Ancak kullanm farklar vardr. Because, as, since gibi balalar bir yan cmleyi temel cmleye balayan szcklerdir. Yan cmle temel cmleden nce ya da sonra gelebilir. Therefore, consequently ve as a result "bu yzden, bu nedenle" anlamn veren gei szckleridir ve ikinci cmlede kullanlrlar. So, iki bamsz cmleyi birletiren bir balatr ve o da therefore vb. gibi sonu cmlesinde kullanlr. Ancak so cmle iinde transition'lar gibi yer deitiremez ve genellikle kendinden nce bir virgl alr. e) As a result of ve as a consequence of, "because of" anlamndadr ve kendilerinden sonra noun/pronoun alarak nedeni ifade eden cmlede kullanlrlar. He came late. Consequently, we missed the bus. We missed the bus as a consequence of his coming late. (Onun ge gelmesi yznden otobs kardk.) She was busy. As a result, she couldn't help me. As a result of her being busy, she couldn't help me. f) So ... that ve such ... that balalar da neden-sonu ilikisi ifade eder *. Cause: It was too windy. Effect: We couldn't go sailing.

It was so windy that we couldn't go sailing. Cause: It was a wonderful film. Effect: I watched it again.

It was such a wonderful film that I watched it again. g) For "because" ile ayn anlam verir ancak kullanm daha kstldr.

For, neden belirten cmlenin banda kullanlr ancak bal bulunduu cmle ikinci blmde yer alr. He finished his meal quickly, for he hadn't eaten anything since the morning. (For'un bal bulunduu cmie baa gelemez.) He finished his meal quickly because he hadn't eaten anything since the morning. Because he hadn't eaten anything since the morning, he finished his meal quickly. For, "not, but" gibi baka bir balala kullanlmaz ancak because bu ekilde kullanlabilir. I got annoyed, not because he came late but because he didn't inform me that he was going to be late. Ge kald iin deil, ge kalacam bana bildirmedii iin kzdm. Because, bir soruya yant olarak kullanlabilir ancak for, as ve since bu biimde kullanlmaz. - Why were you late for work? - Because I missed the bus.



ki cmle arasnda neden-sonu ilikisi, incelediimiz bu bala ve kalplarn dnda baka szck ya da yaplarla da ifade edilebilir. imdi aadaki cmleleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. Cause Man hunts whales in large numbers; Effect therefore, they face extinction. as a result, as a result of this, consequently, as a consequence of this, because of this, thus

Cause Man hunts whales in large numbers. So

Effect they face extinction. *

Bu konuda ayrntl bilgi iin ELS 8/Blm: 3-2'den yararlanabilirsiniz.

Man hunts whales in Man hunts Cause

such large numbers that so many whales that

they face extinction. they face extinction. Effect

Cause Because As Since Due to the fact that Owing to the fact that

Effect Man hunts whales in large numbers, they face extinction.

Cause Because of man's hunting whales in large numbers, On account of Due to Owing to Thanks to As a result of As a consequence of

Effect they face extinction.


Cause Man's hunting whales in large numbers causes leads to results in is reason is the a result of for is responsible for is due to is a consequence of results from

Effect the danger of their becoming extinct. man's hunting them in large numbers.

Whales' facing extinction



Effect Whales face extinction, EXERCISE 4: for

Cause man hunts them in large numbers.

Using the given words, combine the following ideas.

1- Elephants have been reduced to critically low numbers. They have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter fox their tusks. a) (therefore) ......................................................................... b) (because) ......................................................................... c) (so) ................................................................................... d) (as a consequence of) ........................................................ e) (consequently) ................................................................... f) (due to) ............................................................................. g) (such ... that) .................................................................... h) (owing to the fact that) .................................................... i) (since) ............................................................................... j) (lead to) ............................................................................. 2- The villagers felled too many trees. The hillside collapsed. a) (on account of) ............................................................................ b) (result in) ..................................................................................... c) (result from) ................................................................................. d) (as a result of) .............................................................................. e) (so...that) ...................................................................................... f) (therefore) ..................................................................................... g) (the reason for) .............................................................................


h) (because) ....................................................................................... i) (so) ................................................................................................ j) (be a result of) ...............................................................................


Choose the correct completion.

1- The frustrating delay in calculating the examination results in Scotland (resulted in/resulted from) a computer error. 2- The delay experienced by school-leavers in receiving their examination results (resulted in/resulted from) many students not knowing whether they had gained a good place at university. 3- The use of coal for heating in Istanbul in the winter (leads to/owing to) black dust clouds over the city. 4- (As/For) there is a petrol shortage, I'm taking the train to work today. 5- (Because/Because of) someone has dropped out of the course, we have a place that we can offer you. 6- (Because/Because of) a cancellation, we have a place on the course that we can offer you. 7- (Due to the fact that/Owing to) the area has not received any rain for years, both livestock and people are dying. 8- (Due to the fact that/Owing to) severe drought in the area, both livestock and people are dying. 9- They tore down the hedge and erected a fence not (because/for) they thought it would look more attractive, but (therefore/because) they were too lazy to keep trimming the hedge. 10- (Thanks to/Therefore) her generosity, 1 have plenty of furniture for my new house without buying anything. 11- They decided to ration the water (as/so) supplies were getting low. 12- Their water supplies were getting low, (as/so) they decided to ration it. 13- (As a consequence of/ Consequently) my foot operation, I won't be able to go swimming for six weeks. 14- The increase in the price of petrol today was (due to/because) an increase in the price of crude oil. 15- We have 500 left in the office budget; (therefore/because), we can buy a computer scanner for the office.



Ama bildiren yaplar unlardr: so that, in order that, for the purpose that, for fear that, lest . a) So that ve in order that ayn anlama sahiptir ve kullanm kurallar da ayndr. Ancak in order that daha az kullanlan bir balatr. So that ve in order that' in bal bulunduu cmle, temel cmledeki eylemin yapl amacn ifade eder. She is learning computing. She wants to find a better job. She is learning computing because she wants to find a better job. She is learning computing so that/in order that she can find a better job. I got up early because I didn't want to be late for my interview. I got up early so that/in order that I wouldn't be late for my interview. So that/in order that temel cmle ile yan cmle arasnda tense uyumas gerektirir. Bal bulunduklar cmle genellikle ikinci blmde yer alr ancak cmlenin banda da bulunabilir. Temel cmle ile yan cmlede kullanabileceimiz tense ve modal' lar unlardr: Present /Future Main clause am/is/are doing do/does be going to will do have/has done + so that + Subordinate Clause do/does am/is/are can will will be able to may

Past did had done + so that + would could would be able to might

She is studying very bard this year so that she can pass the university exam. I want to finish all the work today so that I will be free tomorrow. They have bought a bigger house so that the children can each get their own room. I closed the door so that the noise in the next room wouldn't bother me so much. She went to zmir so that she could see her friends.

So that/in order that Trkeye ekilde evrilebilir: I withdrew some money from the bank so that I would have plenty on me


while shopping. 123Alveri yaparken yanmda fazla para olsun diye bankadan biraz para ektim. Alveri yaparken yanmda fazla para olmas iin bankadan biraz para ektim. Bankadan biraz para ektim ki bylece alveri yaparken yanmda fazla para olacakt.


For the purpose that, so that ile ayn anlam verir.

She is now attending a conversation club for the purpose that/so that she can practise speaking English. Lest "for fear that, in case" anlamndadr ve genellikle should ile kullanlr. Temel cmlenin Tense' ine uygun olarak Simple Present vc Simple Past tense de kullanlabilir. Lest Trkeye olumsuz olarak evrilir. We all spoke in quiet voices lest we should wake the baby. Bebei uyandrmayalm diye hepimiz alak sesle konutuk. We all spoke in quiet voices for fear that we might wake the baby. Bebei uyandrrz korkusuyla hepimiz alak sesle konutuk. c) For the purpose of ve for fear of kendinden sonra gerund alr. She went to her husband's office for the purpose of seeing him. We all spoke in quiet voices for fear of waking the baby. d) Ama bildirmek iin to/in order to/so as to + infinitive de kullanabiliriz. She lay on the sofa because she wanted to rest for a while. She lay on the sofa so that she could rest for a while. She lay on the sofa to rest for a while. in order to rest for a while. so as to rest for a while. Olumsuz cmlede in order not to, so as not to kullanlr. We kept the news secret because we didn't want to upset her. We kept the news secret so that we wouldn't upset her. We kept the news secret in order not to upset her. so as not to upset her. To, in order to ve so as to cmlenin banda da kullanlabilir. To be successful, you should work harder. In order to be successful, you should work harder. So as to be successful, you should work harder. e) So that ile in case * arasndaki ayrma dikkat ediniz. In case' in, bir eylemin


gereklemesi olaslna kar nceden hazrlanmay ifade ettiini daha nce grmtk. So that ise bir eylemin gereklemesi iin yaplan hazrl ifade eder. u iki rnei karlatralm: I will take my umbrella with me in case it rains/should rain. I will take my umbrella with me so that I don't get wet in the rain.
Birinci cmleyi Trkeye 'Yamur yaarsa diye emsiyemi yanma alacam.' biiminde evirebiliriz. Yani yamurun yamas olaslna kar hazrlkl olmak istiyoruz. kinci cmleyi ise 'Yamurda, slanmayaym diye (slanmamak iin) emsiyemi yanma alacan.' biiminde evirebiliriz. Buradan karacamz anlam 'Yamur yayor ve ben slanmak istemiyorum. Bu yzden emsiyemi yanma alacam.' olabilir.

* In case hakknda ayrntl bilgi iin bkz. ELS 5 Blm 6. Ancak so that' li cmleyi biraz deitirerek yazarsak, in case' li cmlenin anlamn elde edebiliriz. I will take my umbrella with me so that I don't get wet if it rains. Yamur yaarsa slanmayaym diye (slanmamak iin) emsiyemi yanma alacam. I want to do some shopping in case my parents come at the weekend. Hafta sonunda annemler gelirse diye biraz alveri yapmak istiyorum. I want to do some shopping so that I will have plenty of food at home if my parents come at the weekend. Hafta sonunda annemler gelirse evde bolca yiyecek olsun diye biraz alveri yapmak istiyorum. f) Ama bildiren so that ile sonu bildiren so bazen karklk yaratabiliyor. nk sonu bildiren so, ok yaygn olmamakla birlikte, so that biiminde kullanlabiliyor. Bunlarn ayrmn yaparken u noktalara dikkat etmeliyiz: 1. Sonu bildiren so that ikinci cmlenin banda kullanlr ve genellikle kendinden nce bir virgl gelir. She studied very little, so that she got a rather low grade. ok az alt. Bu yzden ok dk bir not ald. Ama bildiren so that cmlenin banda da yer alabilir. She studied very hard so that she could pass the exam. So that she could pass the exam, she studied very hard. Snav geebilmek iin ok alt. 2. Ama bildiren so that' den sonra Simple Past tense kullanlmaz. Sonu bildiren so that' den sonra ise Simple Past tense yaygn olarak kullanlr. They bought a large house, so that the children had their own rooms. (result) Byk bir ev aldlar. Bylece ocuklarn kendi odalar oldu. They bought a large house so that the children would have their own rooms. (purpose) ocuklarn kendi odalar olsun diye byk bir ev aldlar.


3. Could, couldn't, would be able to, wouldn't be able to ama bildiren so that ile ok sk kullanlr. Ancak bu balala was/were able to kullanlmaz. Was/were able to, sonu bildiren so (that) ile kullanlabilir. She studied hard, so that she was able to pass the exam. ok alt. Bylece snav geebildi, (result) She studied hard so that she could pass the exam. Snav geebilmek iin ok alt, (purpose) Ancak couldn't her iki yapyla da kullanld iin karkla neden olabiliyor. Bu durumda so that' in ama m yoksa sonu mu bildirdiini parann btnnden ya da konumann akndan anlayabiliriz. They locked the door so that he couldn't go out. Bu cmleden u iki anlam karabiliriz: Tney locked the door, so that he wasn't able to go out. Kapy kilitlediler. Bu yzden dan kamad. (result) They locked the door so that he wouldn't be able to go out. O dar kamasn diye kapy kilitlediler. (purpose)


Combine the ideas by using so that, expressing purpose.

She finished work early because, she wanted to go to the theatre. She finished work early so that she could go to the theatre.

1- I am going to take my portable television to the office today because I want to watch the Olympics. . 2- They bought a horse. Their daughter wanted to learn how to ride. . 3- The shop owners are having new lights installed in the shopping centre. They want to make their shops look more attractive. . 4- John is learning Thai. He wants to be able to speak to his students in Thailand, where he has accepted a teaching position. . 5- The Managing Director is sending one of his top managers to run the branch. He wants it to operate professionally. . 6- The committee from head office sent one of their top managers torun the branch because they wanted it to operate professionally. . 7- As the use of horses spread throughout the ancient world, breeding programs were established because people wanted to be able to produce animals with special qualities


to suit specific purposes. . 8- She is reading a book about China because she wants to know the best places to visit on her forthcoming trip. . 9- We read the Data Protection Act because we wanted to be sure that we followed the rules. . 10- The Prime Minister has promised to review the price of fuel because he wants the demonstrators to allow tankers to deliver fuel. .


Kartlk bildiren balalar unlardr: although, though, even though, while, whereas, much as, however + adj./adv., no matter + question ward, as . Bu balalar, belirtilen bir durumdan beklenmeyen bir sonucun ktn ifade etmemizi salar. Although I was ill, I went to work. She took a walk even though it was raining heavily. Anmsayacanz gibi, neden-sonu ilikisi bildiren because, as, since gibi balalarn beklenilen bir sonu ifade ettiini grmtk. Kartlk bildiren balalar ise beklenmeyen bir sonu ifade ederler. u iki rnei inceleyelim: Because she studied hard, she passed the exam. (expected result) Although she studied hard, she didn't pass the exam. (unexpected result) Kartlk bildiren balalar, neden-sonu ihkisi bildiren balalarda da olduu gibi, tense uyumas gerektirmez. Ancak yine de iki eylemin zaman ynnden ilikisine dikkat etmek gerekir. Although it was cold yesterday, I took my regular walk. (Eylemlerin her ikisi de dn gerekleti.) Although it was cold yesterday, It is quite warm today. Although it has been quite mild for some time, snow is expected in the coming days. Although she has been learning English for over four years, she still can't speak it properly. Although she had been learning English for over four years, she still couldn't speak it properly.


Although, though, even though

Bu balalarn de ayn anlam verir. Even though biraz daha vurgulu bir anlatmdr. Balacn bal bulunduu cmle temel cmleden nce ya da sonra gelebilir. Although she is quite good at music, she doesn't want to be a musician. Though Even though


She doesn't want to be a musician although she is quite good at music. though even though Mzikte ok iyi olduu halde/olmasna ramen, mzisyen olmak istemiyor. Though iki bamsz cmleyi birletirmek iin de kullanlabilir. Bu kullanmyla though, "but, yet" anlamn verir ve genellikle ikinci cmlelin sonunda kullanlr ama ikinci cmlenin banda da yer alabilir. I didn't like the film, though I liked its background music. I didn't like the film; I liked ts background music, though. I didn't like the film, but/yet I liked its background music. Filmi beenmedim ama fon mziini beendim.


In spite of ve despite, 'although" anlamn veren preposition'lardr. In spite of ve despite' dan sonra bir cmle deil, isim, zamir ya da isim-fiil gelir. Although/Though/Even though + a clause, main clause. Although it was rainy, they went on a picnic. In spite of/Despite + noun/pronoun/gerund, main clause. In spite of the rain, they went on a picnic. Though she was inexperienced, she got the job. Despite her inexperience/her being inexperienced , she got the job. Even though the food we were offered at the party looked wonderful , it tasted awful. In spite of the wonderful look of the food we were offered at the party , it tasted awful. Sue rejected the job with the accounting firm even though she was offered a big salary. Kendisine yksek bir maa nerildii halde Sue muhasebe irketindeki ii reddetti. Sue rejected the job with the accounting firm despite the big salary she was offered. Kendisine nerilen yksek maaa ramen Sue muhasebe irketindeki ii reddetti.


Despite ve in spite of dan sonra "the fact that" kullanrsak, devamnda bir clause gelir. Despite her old age, she still takes long walks every day. Despite the fact that she is old, she still takes long walks every day. In spite of practising every day, she is still bad at driving. In spite of the fact that she practises every day, she is still bad at driving.


Write sentences with the same meaning by using the word(s) in parentheses.



The committee rejected the proposal in spite of its flexibility. (even though) She doesn't want to visit the doctor even though she is experiencing a lot of pain in her back. (despite) He regularly visits the shopping centre even though he doesn't work there any more. (in spite of) Everyone thought the monument was worth seeing despite the surprisingly high cost of entry. (even though) Even though our quotation was more expensive than our competitors, they gave the contract to us. (despite) In spite of being seen by animal rights campaigners as cruel, fishing merely for sport is still very popular. (even though) In spite of our being a long way from the stage, we were able to see the ballet quite clearly. (although) Despite her fitness, she still pulled a muscle doing the exercises. (although) Though the fees are high in our school, there is always a waiting list. (despite) Although they are painful to have done, tattoos are gaining in popularity. (in spite of)








Choose the correct completion.

1- (Despite/Though) Shelley claims to be independent of her parents, she is actually quite dependent on them. 2- (Despite/Although) their shop was always busy, apparently, they weren't making much profit. 3- (In spite of/Even though) the popularity of their shop, apparently, they weren't making any money. 4- (Despite/Although) the walls of sandbags which the villagers had built, their village was flooded. 5- She spent quite a lot of time on the first section of the test; she made it up in the second and third sections, (even though/though). 6- (In spite of/Although) being over 70, my grandmother still has enough energy to deal with her garden herself. 7- (In spite of/Although) he had never attended formal school in Gambia, he quickly learnt to read and write in German. 8- (Despite/Even though) the fact that they played with ten players for most of the game, our team won the match. 9- (Despite/Although) his real name was Aleksei Maksimovich Peshkov, the extreme poverty and arduous labour of his early life led the Russian writer to choose the name gorki, meaning "bitter", as his professional name.


10- (Although/Despite) being advised by the doctor not to eat cakes and chocolate, he continued to eat unhealthily. d) As, much as

Much as "although" anlamn verir ve kendinden sonra bir clause gelir. Much as I like sports, I dislike football. Although I like sports, I dislike football. Sporu sevmeme ramen futbolu sevmem. Much as he tried, be couldn't persuade his father. Although he tried hard, he couldn't persuade his father. ok urat halde babasn ikna edemedi.

As, kartlk bildiren bir bala olarak, bir sfat ya da zarftan sonra kullanlr ve kendisini bir cmle izler. Ayn yapda though da kullanlr. Adj. / Adv. + as / though + subject + verb Hard as I try, my cooking is not so good as yours. Hard though I try, my cooking is not so good as yours. Though/Although I try hard, ray cooking is not so good as yours. ok uratm halde benim yemeklerim seninkiler kadar iyi olmuyor. Patient though/as he is, he couldn't bear the noise the children were making in the street. Although he is patient, he couldn't bear the noise the children were making in the street. Sabrl olduu halde sokakta ocuklarn yapt grltye katlanamad. Quickly though/as they worked, they failed to finish the work in time. Although they worked quickly, they failed to finish the work in time. Hzl altklar halde ii vaktinde bitiremediler. e) However + adj./adv., no matter + question word

However ve no matter kartlk bildiren bala olarak ayn anlam tarlar. Her ikisi de "although"un ifade ettii anlam verir ancak daha vurguludurlar. However + adj. /adv. No matter + QW + subject + verb, main clause + subject + verb, main clause

However ve no matter'n bal bulunduu cmle, temel cmleden nce ya da sonra yer alabilir. No matter'dan sonra daima bir soru szc kullanlr. However late it is, you can call me for help. No matter how late it is, you can call me for help. Ne kadar ge olursa olsun, yardm iin beni arayabilirsin. However hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't succeed.


Ne kadar uratysam da baaramadm. You must know how to stand alone however many friends you have. You must know how to stand alone no matter how many friends you have. Ne kadar ok arkadan olursa olsun kendi bana ayakta durmay bilmelisin. No matter + question word yapsnn verdii anlam wherever, whatever, whoever gibi szcklerle de verebiliriz. No matter what you do, don't join a street gang. Whatever you do, don't join a street gang. Ne yaparsan yap ama bir genlik etesine karma. No matter where you go, keep some money in reserve. Wherever you go, keep some money in reserve. Nereye gidersen git, kenarda biraz para bulundur. No matter who has taken my book, I want it back at once. Whoever has taken my book, I want it back at once. Kitabm kim aldysa hemen geri vermesini istiyorum. EXERCISE 9: Write sentences with the same meaning by using the words in parentheses. 1That driver wouldn't have the skill to win a Grand Prix even if he were given the best car in the world. (no matter) As a child, I would tell my grandmother no matter what happened to me. (whatever) However hungry I was, I wouldn't eat liver. (no matter) Whoever you are, you have to join the queue like everybody else. (no matter) Whichever main course you choose, it comes with chips and vegetables. (no matter) It is still upsetting to be robbed no matter how extensively you-are insured. (however) No matter where they play, a large number of fans travel to see their match. (wherever) No matter what excuse he tries to give, Ken Barlow is visiting that customer today. (whatever) However many dresses she buys, she never looks smart. (no matter) They've told me that the hotel does have hot water, but no matter when I take a shower, the water is cold. (whenever)





However, nevertheless, nonetheless


Bu szckler kartlk bildiren gei szckleridir (transitions). kinci cmlede yani sonucu ifade eden cmlede kullanlrlar ve cmleler yer deitiremez. Although it was cold, she went out for a walk. It was cold. However, she went out for a walk. Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Hava souktu. Buna ramen/Yine de yrye kt. She studied hard; however, she couldn't pass the exam. nevertheless, nonetheless, ok alt ama yine de snav geemedi

EXERCISE 10: Write sentences with the same meaning by using the words in parentheses.
1- He played basketball with his friends in spite of his being tired from playing in a basketball tournament in school. (nevertheless) 2- Although the west coast of Scotland has the most beautiful scenery on the British Isles, it also has the worst weather. (however) 3- Despite being intelligent and having a good sense of humour, he has very little selfconfidence. (nonetheless) 4- They are a rich family; however, they don't spend money extravagantly. (in spite of) 5- Even though he learnt German at university, he couldn't remember how to say anything on his recent business trip. (nevertheless)


But...anyway, but...still, yet...still, still

Bu balalar iki tam cmleyi birletirir. kinci cmlenin banda kullanlrlar ve kendilerinden nce bir virgl gelir ya da birinci cmleyi noktalayp, byk harfle ikinci cmleyi balatabilirler. Bu balalarn hepsi "ama yine de" anlamn verir. It was cold, but she went out for a walk anyway. It was cold, but she still went out for a walk. It was cold, yet she still went out for a walk. It was cold. Still, she went out for a walk. Hava souktu ama yine de yrye kt.


EXERCISE 11: Combine the ideas in the two sentences using the given words. Pay attention to correct punctuation.
1- She followed the diet very strictly. She didn't lose any weight. a) (yet... still) .................................................................................................................. b) (though) ...................................................................................................................... c) (in spite of) ................................................................................................................. d) (however) ................................................................................................................... e) (but ... anyway) .......................................................................................................... f) (despite the fact that) ..................................................................................................

2- He didn't think that he was suitable for the role. He took the part in the film. a) (nevertheless) ...................................................................................................... b) (although) ........................................................................................................... c) (yet) .................................................................................................................... d) (but... anyway) ................................................................................................... e) (despite) .............................................................................................................. f) (but. still) ......................................................................................................... h) Showing Direct Opposition

Tam bir kartlk ifade eden yaplar unlardr: while, whereas, but, however, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary. Bu yaplar, iki nesneyi karlatrrken, birinin dierinin tam tersi olduunu ifade etmemizi salar. Aye is hardworking. Her brother is lazy. Aye is hardworking, but her brother is lazy. Aye is hardworking, while her brother is lazy. Whereas Aye is hardworking, her brother is lazy. Aye is hardworking; however, her brother is lazy. Aye is hardworking. Her brother, on the other hand, is lazy. Whereas ve while balatr ve bal bulunduklar cmle birinci ya da ikinci srada yer alabilir. Whereas/while some countries are rich, others are poor. Some countries are rich, whereas/while others are poor. Baz lkeler zenginken, bazlar fakirdir. But iki bamsz cmleyi birletiren bir balatr. kinci cmlenin banda yer alr. Some countries are rich, but others are poor.


However ve on the other hand, "oysa, ise" anlamlarn veren gei szckleridir. On the other hand genellikle ikinci cmlenin znesinden sonra kullanlr. Some countries are rich. However, others are poor. Baz lkeler zengindir. Fakat/Oysa bazlar fakirdir. Some countries are rich. Others, on the other hand, are poor. Baz lkeler zengindir. Bazlar ise fakirdir. NOTE: "On the one hand ... On the other hand" bir olayn elien iki ynn ifade ederken kullanlr. She has a dilemma and she doesn't know what to do. On the one hand, she very much wants to go abroad for her university education. On the other hand, she knows that her family will have difficulty affording it. ok mkl bir durumda ve ne yapacan bilemiyor. Bir yandan, yurt dnda okumay ok istiyor. te yandan, ailesinin bunu karlamak iin zorlanacan biliyor.) In contrast, iki nesneyi karlatrrken kullanlr ve tam bir kartlk ifade eder. Southern Turkey has hot humid summers. Northern Turkey in contrast, has summers which are cool and windy. In contrast to/with, prepositional phrase'dir. Kendinden sonra isim gelir. In contrast to his sister, Jack is a very tidy boy. Kzkardeinin aksine Jack ok dzenli bir ocuktur. On the contrary de bu grupta yer alr ancak kullanm ok kstldr. On the contrary, sylenen bir ifadenin doru olmadn, tam tersi bir durumun sz konusu olduunu ifade eder. zellikle on the other hand ile on the contrary birbirine kartrlr. Aradaki ayrm u rneklerle inceleyelim: You say she is very beautiful. I, on the contrary, find her rather ugly. Onun ok gzel olduunu sylyorsun. Aksine ben onu ok irkin buluyorum. I don't find her particularly beautiful. On the other hand she is not ugly either. Onu ok gzel bulmuyorum ama irkin de deil. Sue: Jack: Sue: Jack: It's very cold today. No, it isn't very cold today. On the contrary, it's quite warm today. Bugn hava ok souk deil. Aksine olduka lk. It's very cold today. It's not very cold today. On the other hand, it is not warm either. Bugn hava ok souk deil ama lk da deil.

EXERCISE 12: Complete the sentences, using the opposite of the words in bold type.
1- The departure time is exact, whereas the arrival time is only ........................ .


2- While the sea on the Mediterranean coast of Portugal is calm, the sea off the Atlantic coast is ........................ . 3- French is quite easy for English speakers to learn, while Mandarin Chinese is quite ........................ . 4- While most of London's bridges across the Thames span narrow stretches of the river, the Blackwall Tunnel crosses under a .................... section. 5- Whereas Geoff feels privatising the air traffic control system would be completely stupid. Steve believes it would be quite ........................ .

EXERCISE 13: Write sentences with, the same meaning by using the words in parentheses.

1- They live in a large country house: it is quite run-down, though. (however) ........................................................................................................................................ 2- Brian Ferry's music with his band was fast and upbeat, whereas his solo compositions have been soft and melodic. (on the other hand) ........................................................................................................................................ 3- Work in offices is often dull and boring, whereas the conditions are usually quite good. (on the other hand) ........................................................................................................................................ 4- The beach was wonderful, whereas the heat was unbearable. (however) ........................................................................................................................................ 5- Fatma wants to leave Germany and settle in her home town in the south of Turkey, but she isn't sure that she will adapt to living there easily. (on the other hand) ........................................................................................................................................

EXERCISE 14: Complete the sentences with on the other hand or on the contrary, whichever is appropriate.
1- I don't think it is wrong to teach students sayings. ........................... I think they can be interesting and useful to learn.


2- Historically, archery was an essential part of the military; today, ............................ it is used as a form of recreation or sport.


3- I'm not against the new incentive -based pay scheme. ............................... I believe it will be quite successful if it can be implemented properly. 4- Having a child has definitely put them under financial pressure. ............................. the joy it has brought them is immeasurable. 5- Her new job will mean some extra travelling. .............................. it will be in a much nicer part of town.

1- It wasn't because she was bored staying at home with her son that she returned to work; ........., she loves looking after him, but they needed some additional income. A) on the other hand B) on the contrary C) therefore D) nonetheless E) as a result 2- My nephew wants to become a doctor; ......... he takes a special interest in biology at school. A) although C) therefore B) nevertheless D) however E) besides 3- The play was ......... well rehearsed ......... suitable for families. In fact, it was a complete waste of time seeing it. A) neither/nor B) either/or C) both/and D) not only/but also E) so/that

4- .......... he loves his work, he wasn't willing to forsake his holiday. A) As soon as C) Due to B) Much as D) However

E) Despite 5- ......... staying at the best hotel in Brussels, she was not entirely satisfied with the service there. A) Although C) Whereas B) Despite D) However

E) Owing to 6- ........ had her broken arm mended ........ she broke her other wrist falling off her horse. A) The moment/while B) Neither/nor C) Hardly/when D) If only/still E) Not only/but also 7- You had better take some tablets with you ........ Pakistani food upsets you. A) so that C) even if B) as though D) in case


E) thus 8- ......... restaurant you eat at in this town, you will be able to pay with your credit card. All the restaurants around here accept Visa or American Express. A) Whichever C) However B) No matter D) As soon as

E) as a result 14- ...... Craig's donation of his total winnings of 70,000 to her, Julia will now be able to have the surgery she needs in America. A) Despite C) Thanks to B) Much as D) However

E) The more 9- .......... his invention changed the world, he never gained much financial success. A) Despite C) No sooner B) In contrast D) However

E) As a result 15- Her new shoes could be ........ leather ........ plastic, but if they are plastic, they are a very good imitation of leather. A) such/as C) whether/or B) neither/nor D) not only/but

E) Although 10- ......... how many hours I spend revising, I don't seem to be able to catch up with the rest of the class. A) Whereas C) Whenever B) Although D) No matter

E) either/or 16- After her divorce, the actress was ........ depressed ........ she committed suicide. A) either/or C) neither/nor B) such/as D) so/that

E) Even if

E) both/and

11- ......... you tell me all the facilities your holiday village has, can I learn whether you have vacancies for the last two weeks in September? A) In case B) Consequently C) Afterwards D) Before E) Otherwise 12- That part of South Africa is safe ........ you stay on the main highway. A) as long as C) whichever B) whereas D) no matter

17- ....... does the course prepare teachers to teach English abroad, ....... it also instructs them on how to teach immigrants in the UK. A) Not only/but C) No sooner/when B) So/that D) Both/and

E) Neither/nor 18- ......... an engineering failure between Shrewsbury and Wellington, the train will be delayed. A) In spite of B) In order that C) Whenever D) Owing to E) Whereas 19- ........ avoid a repetition of the fuel crisis in the UK, the government has been given special powers to insist that fuel companies deliver petrol and diesel.

E) despite 13- In northern Italy, it's quite rainy in summer, ........ it is typically hot and dry in the southern areas of the country. A) despite C) whereas B) nevertheless D) therefore


A) No matter B) In order to C) In case D) Even though E) Owing to 20- Mandarin Chinese must be ........difficult ........ Arabic for Europeans to learn. A) so/that B) not only/but also C) as/as D) much/than E) neither/nor 21- Swimmers in international competitions have to be careful not to dive into the water before the start signal is given, ......... doing so results in disqualification. A) whereas C) for B) thus D) but E) whenever

25- ........ the boss said to Paul, it seems to have upset him! A) As though C) No sooner B) Whatever D) No matter

E) By the time 26- I wasn't frustrated when my train was delayed by fifteen minutes; ......... I was glad that it allowed time for me to eat some breakfast. A) on the other hand B) otherwise C) furthermore D) nevertheless E) on the contrary 27- .......... the chip, it is still a valuable antique jug. A) Whenever C) In spite of B) On account of D) While

22- Barbara has been learning Japanese ........ she made friends with a Japanese girl at university. A) before C) until E) when 23- The hike wasn't as long as I had expected; ........ I had blisters on both heels. A) despite B) thus C) otherwise D) nevertheless E) even after 24- ........ the highly competitive nature of the clothing trade in the UK, the department store has decided to close its UK branches. A) Due to C) Whereas B) However D) While E) Because B) by the time D) since

E) Even though 28- ........ your nephew goes to Turkey, we must remember to ask him to buy some pine honey. A) Whereas C) However E) While 29- Unfortunately, we'll have fewer customers in our cafe ......... the new highway has opened as it'll draw some of the traffic from our road. A) while C) in case E) so that 30- I'll send you a hand-written quotation on a facsimile ........ my computer isn't working at the moment. A) so C) despite E) as B) until D) thus B) although D) once B) When D) No matter


31- Steve Redgrave received more publicity than his three team mates ........ it was the 5th gold medal he had won. A) because C) therefore B) otherwise D) whereas E) however 32- ........ the package was poorly wrapped, the tea set arrived unbroken. A) In spite of C) For fear that B) However D) No sooner

37- ........ starting in a poor position, David Coulthard won the Grand Prix race. A) Provided C) However B) Owing to D) Since E) In spite of 38- My car was stolen last week and although it was fully insured, I would like to get it back ........ what condition it is in. A) no matter C) even if B) whenever D) by the time

E) Even though 33- There is a local train which departs five minutes earlier than the express. It arrives in Birmingham 20 minutes later. ........ . A) so C) though B) still D) yet

E) no sooner 39- You can walk across Morcombe Bay at low tide, but you must make sure you will have reached the other side ......... the tide comes in. A) until C) by the time B) once D) during

E) already 34- It's our wedding anniversary today, ........ we have booked a table at our favourite restaurant. A) as C) for B) when D) so E) because 35- Her husband doesn't drive; .......... she had to drive the van that they hired to move house. A) otherwise C) still B) for D) therefore

E) since 40- Her car was scratched with a knife fay vandals ........ they were celebrating their anniversary at their favourite restaurant. A) whenever C) during B) until D) while

E) much as 41- She didn't notice the damage to her car ....... the next morning. A) when C) as long as E) until B) by the time D) unless

E) nevertheless 36- He was not given a permanent position in the office ........ his habit of turning up late. A) whereas C) because B) on account of D) as long as E) even though

42- The Italian artist Bellini's ability to portray outdoor light was so skilful that the viewer can tell ........ the season of the year ........ almost the hour of the day. A) hardly/when B) the more/the less C) despite/while


D) not only/but also E) during/as 43- They set off on their honeymoon directly ........ the last wedding guest had left the reception. A) unless C) just E) while 44- It is approximately two miles up hill from the village to the hotel; ......., it will take us about half an hour to get there on foot. A) for C) however E) thus B) due to D) otherwise B) until D) after

48- ......... most hair dyes, which are made from chemical substances, henna is a natural plant extract which gives the hair a red tint. A) Owing to C) Unlike B) As D) Although E) Because 49- ........ you have watched the video, please rewind the tape to the beginning. A) Until C) Unless E) After 50- ........ hard we tried to save, it soon became obvious that we would never be able to afford a new car. A) However C) Much more B) So much D) Even though B) Just as D) While

E) No matter 45- I heard that he hasn't been playing as much golf ........ he got married. A) no sooner C) since E) when 46- The commentator got ........ excited watching Steve Redgrave win his 5th gold medal ........ she burst into tears. A) so/that C) either/or B) neither/nor D) whether/or E) more/than 47- I like to watch the news .......... I'm eating my lunch, so I usually eat on j tray in the living room. A) instead of C) owing to B) while D) since B) by the time D) while 51- She had ......... got on the bus ......... it hit a lorry. A) no sooner/than B) both/and C) not only/but also D) the sooner/the more E) either/or 52- .......... a broken sewage pipe near the Rodrigo De Freitas Lagoon in Brazil, one hundred and thirty-two tons of fish died. A) In order to C) As a result of B) Though D) Because

E) Despite 53- .......... her son is at university, she has more time to do the things she enjoys. A) As a result C) Because of B) Nevertheless D) In contrast to

E) as soon as

E) Now that


54- ........ being-colleagues, they are also good friends. A) In order to C) However B) Besides D) Not only

A) Until C) As long as

B) Seeing that D) Just as

E) Hardly

E) Moreover 55- .......... she was taking the chicken out of the oven, her husband rang to inform her that he would be eating with his German business associates.



Bir zarf tmceciini szck bei biiminde ksaltabiliriz. Ksaltma yapabilmenin temel koulu, yan cmle ile temel cmledeki znenin ayn olmasdr. zneler farkl ise ksaltma yapamayz. Ksaltma yapabileceimiz balalar ve ksaltma biimleri yledir:


After, before, while

Active: While I was reading a book last night, I fell asleep. While reading a book last night, I fell asleep. Reading a book last night, I fell asleep.

Passive: While it was being carried, the table got broken. While being carried, the table got broken. Active: After we ate/had eaten dinner, we went out for a walk. After eating/ After having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk. Having eaten dinner, we went out for a walk.

Passive: After he was/had been promoted, he became more interested in his job. After being/having been promoted, he became more interested in his job. Having been promoted, he became more interested in his job. Active: Before she came to this city, she lived in the country. Before coming to this city, she lived in the country.

Passive: Before she was elected Prime Minister, she worked as a university teacher. Before being elected Prime Minister, she worked as a university teacher. (Note: Ksaltma yaparken "before" atlamaz.)



When, arka arkaya yaplm eylemleri ifade eden iki cmleyi balyorsa; active cmlede when + clause yerine on/upon + doing kullanlr. When she finished her report, she left the office. On/upon finishing her report, she left the office. Passive cmlede ya da "be" fiilinin asl fiil olduu cmlede, zne ve "be" fiili atlr: when + past participle/a noun kullanlr.


When he was a young man, he was very ambitious. When a young man, he was very ambitious. When they are used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. When used too often, sedative drugs may cause addiction. When, baz cmlelerde "while" anlamnda kullanlr. Yani temel cmle ile yan cmledeki eylemler ayn zamanldr. Bu durumda ksaltma, when + doing biiminde yapbr. When you are travelling abroad, make sure you have traveller's cheques with you. When travelling abroad, make sure you have traveller's cheques with you.


Until, since

Until, genellikle passive cmlelerde ksaltlabilir. Prepositions must be studied until they are learnt by heart. Prepositions must be studied until learnt by heart. Since, "...den beri" anlamndaysa since + doing biiminde ksaltlr. Since I came to this city. I hare lived in the same house. Since coming to this city. I have lived in the same house.


Neden - sonu ilikisi bildiren clause'larda as, since, because gibi balalar atlarak doing/having done kullanlr.
Because she is married now, she has more responsibilities. Being married now, she has more responsibilities. Since she was tired, she went to bed early. Being tired, she went to bed early.

Eer adverbial clause'daki eylem temel cmledeki eylemden nce gereklemise having done kullanlr. Because I sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty walking. Having sprained my ankle yesterday, I now have difficulty walking. Because I had sprained my ankle, I could hardly walk. f Having sprained my ankle, 1 could hardly walk. Adverbial clause'da be + adjective kullanlmsa, bu yapy being + adjective ya da sadece adjective biiminde ksaltabiliriz. Because she is responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early. Being responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early. Responsible for opening the office, she has to be there early. Olumsuz cmlelerde not doing/not having done kullanlr.


Because I don't know her phone number, I can't call her. Not knowing her phone number, I can't call her. Because she hadn't slept well the night before, she felt tired in the morning. Not having slept well the night before, she felt tired in the morning. Neden-sonu ilikisi bildiren cmlelerde, temel cmleyle yan cmlenin zneleri farklyken de ksaltma yapmak mmkndr. Ancak ksaltmada her iki cmlenin de znesini belirtmek gerekir. rnekleri inceleyiniz: Because our car is broken-down, we have been travelling to work by bus since last week. Our car being broken-down, we have been travelling to work by bus since last week. As the weather was cold, we had to cancel the picnic. The weather being cold, we had to cancel the picnic. As the manager went abroad for a conference, the assistant manager will preside over the meeting. The manager having gone abroad, the assistant manager will preside over the meeting. Because there was a serious accident on the highway, we had to wait for a long time. There being a serious accident on the highway, we had to wait for a long time.


Koul cmlesi oluturan balalardan if, unless, as if, ve whether...or ksaltlm yapyla kullanlabilir.
If they were collected together, his poems would fill a volume. If collected together, his poems would fill a volume. Unless this case is explained properly, it will continue to confuse people. Unless explained properly, this case will continue to confuse people. She was speaking strangely, as if she was trying to conceal something from us. She was speaking strangely, as if trying to conceal something from us.


ok yaygn olmamakla birlikte, although da ksaltlm yapyla kullanlabilir. Although their products are not as good as ours, they are more expensive. Although not as good as ours, their products are more expensive. (Bizimkiler kadar iyi olmad halde onlarn rnleri daha pahal.) Although it was constructed many years ago, the building is still in good condition. Although constructed many years ago, the building is still in good condition.


EXERCISE 15: Change the adverbial clauses to modifying phrases.

1- Unless they are protected by security guards, empty factories usually get vandalised. ........................................................................................................................... ............. 2- While she was working as a representative for a holiday company, she learnt a bit of Spanish. ................................................................................................................................ ........ 3- Because he had played handball in Sweden, he was able to teach us the rules of the game. .................................................................................................................................... .... 4- After we had been robbed, we just wanted to fly home as quickly as possible. ............................................................................................................................... ......... 5- As they run on electricity, the trams weren't affected by the petrol shortage. ............................................................................................................................... ......... 6- Because buttercup flowers are bitter, they are avoided by most animals. ................................................................................................................................ ........ 7- When the doctor saw Simon's wound, he knew immediately that it was serious. ................................................................................................................................. ....... 8- Because we had to wait until 3 p.m. for the next train, we decided to eat our lunch in York. .................................................................................................................................... .... 9- As I hadn't visited Shrewsbury before I decided to join the organised tour of the town. .................................................................................................................................... .... 10- He had better find a new job before he leaves his present employment. ........................................................................................................................ ................ 11- When it is used properly, publicity can build awareness of environmental issues. ................................................................................................................................... ..... 12- Because she has never worked in a bank before, she will receive full introductory training. ................................................................................................................................ ........ 13- When you leave the train, you should be mindful of the gap between the train and the platform. ............................................................................................................................... .........


14- Before he started his new job, he took a two-week holiday in the Swiss Alps. ..................................................................................................................................... ... 15- If it is kept under control, diabetes doesn't affect one's daily life dramatically. ........................................................................................................................ ................

EXERCISE 16: In the sentences below, there is something odd in meaning. Rewrite them so that the intended meaning is clear.
Example : While cooking dinner, a saucepan boiled over and scalded him. While he was cooking dinner, a saucepan boiled over and scalded him.

1-Being allergic to seafood, the restaurant offered him an alternative starter to the shrimp cocktail. .............................................................................................................................. .......... 2-Having become unreliable, he decided to sell his car. ...................................................................................................................................... .. 3-While explaining the future perfect continuous, the caretaker came in and asked what time the class finished. .............................................................................................................................. .......... 4-Having eaten everything in the fridge greedily, there was nothing left for his flatmate. ............................................................................................................................. ........... 5-After reporting her car as stolen, the train seemed the best option for her journey home. .................................................................................................................................. ...... CONTINUING THE SAME IDEA


Herhangi bir konuda belirttiimiz bir gre ilave yaparken "also" anlamnda moreover, furthermore, in addition ve besides kullanrz. Bu szckler "ayrca, yan sra, ilaveten" anlamlarn verir. Bu yaplar kullanrken dikkat etmemiz gereken nokta, nce belirttiimiz ifade ile elimeyen grler ilave etmcmizdir. Yani bir eyin iyi bir zelliini belirtmisek, bir baka iyi zelliini ekleyebiliriz. I want to rent that house. It's very large, with four rooms. Moreover, it has a wonderful sea view. Furthermore, In addition, Besides, Running a big car has certain disadvantages. First of all, it's expensive to run because it uses more petrol than the smaller models; moreover, it's difficult to park. furthermore, in addition, besides,


In addition to ve besides, preposition olarak kullanlr ve kendilerinden sonra isim gelir.


In addition to her beauty, she has intelligence and charm. Besides A well-balanced diet should contain other nutrients in addition to/besides vitamins and proteins. In addition to/Besides working in an office during the day, she is attending evening classes to improve her secretarial skills. NOTE: Beside ve besides arasndaki aynma dikkat ediniz. Beside, "next to" anlamnda bir preposition'dr. Their house is beside the sea. (Onlarn evi deniz kenarnda.) She sat beside me at the meeting. (O, toplantda benim yanmda oturdu.) Besides, "ilaveten, yan sra" anlamn veren bir preposition'dr. Istanbul has lots of natural attractions besides its historical places. (Tarihi yerlerin yan sra stanbul'un pek ok doal gzellikleri de vardr.)

1- He still remembers his childhood very well ............ he is nearly fifty. A) just as C) after E) on the other hand B) besides D) Even though (YS 1988) 2- Although we hadnt met for 20 years, ......... . A) I recognized him at once B) it was a long time again C) he has grown much older D) she is much prettier than I am E) the other team seemed surprised (YS 1988) 3- Even though they applauded well .......... A) the conductor won't resign B) the poet has failed to impress the audience C) no one really enjoyed the concert D) the actor had forgotten his speech E) the members of the orchestra haven't all arrived (YS 1989) 4- However long it may take ........... , A) we are determined to get to the top B) we have never been there before C) it was one of the most pleasant journeys in my life

D) they successfully carried out the experiment E) the patient has recovered remarkably quickly (YS 1989) 5- ........... her temperature is so high, she will have to stay in bed for a few days. A) Unless C) As E) However B) Until D) Whether (YS 1990) 6- .......... despite the fact that he had received many warnings. A) Admittedly, he is extremely bored with his job B) I still haven't forgiven him C) The others have always supported him D) Clearly he is not the only one to blame E) He repeatedly came late to the office (YS 1990) 7- The first applicant for the post was both fast ............ efficient, ............. we hired her immediately. A) also/so C) so/but E) and/so B) but/and D) or/and (YS 1991)


8- In the end I went by bus ...... . A) since I was feeling very tired B) if I hadn't got up so )ate C) that it stops so near the library D) unless there has been a suitable train E) whether or not it will arrive on time (YS 1991) 9- After working in an insurance company for more than a year.... A) the company officials might have decided to give him a promotion B) he had already left his job C) they would have hired him as assistant manager D) he started his own firm E) he is leaving the office early (YS 1991) 10- Some people argue that certain oriental relaxation techniques, ............. yoga and meditation, are extremely effective in the treatment of high blood pressure. A) so C) such as E) also B) just as D) both (YS 1992) 11- You must always have a good breakfast every morning ....... late you are. A) no matter C) although E) even if B) however D) whatever (YS 1992) 12- ......... the factory has been working at its lowest capacity. A) Owing to the high efficiency of the new manager B) Due to the shortage of some essential raw materials C) Because of the considerable decrease in production D) In spite of the cancellation of many important orders E) In order to meet the ever-increasing orders (YS 1992) 13- ........ all the problems she encountered, she managed to finish her homework on time. A) By the time C) Even though E) Apart from B) In spite of D) However (Y5 1993) 14- To many foreigners, cricket appears to be a slow and boring game, ....... .

A) but in fact it requires a lot of skill and a quick eye B) therefore it will make a headline news in the press C) so there were a great number of amateur cricket clubs D) whereas it. is team work rather than individual performance that matters E) as a result the police prevented the crowd from getting onto the field (YS 1993) 15- Even though most people seem to like him ............ . A) he would be invited to every committee meeting B) he doesn't have many friends, either C) nobody really wants him to be made director D) so I must admit that he is a good writer E) why none of us have rejected his advice (YS 1993) 16- The official minimum wage in the Philippines is so low that several members of a family must work .......... earn the amount regarded as a minimum family income. A) otherwise C) on the contrary E) in order to B) moreover D) so that (YS 1994) 17- Naturally we were very relieved to learn .......... that this particular operation had been successful ........ that a second one would not be necessary. A) neither/nor C) so/as E) whether/or B) either/or D) not only/but also (YS 1994) 18- ...... they vary in their arrangement and in their manner of presenting the material. A) Whether the lives of all such authors are included in biographical reference books B) If the book you want is listed in the catalogue C) Since the table of contents appears at the front of the book D) Although all good dictionaries contain essentially the same kind of information E) As dictionary compilers do not themselves decide the meaning and spelling of words (YS 1994)


19- Since the price of land is rising rapidly .......... . A) you have been lucky to find something at that price B) he would have drawn all his money from the bank C) the method of advertising would have been changed D) there was no need to express your views so strongly E) this land Is not suitable for growing trees of any kind (YS 1994) 20- I may never be able to come back to Turkey, ........ I want to see as much as possible while I am here. A) since C) because E) although B) unless D) so (YS 1995) 21- ........ when I retire next year. A) I expect Richard will take over as Chairman B) The meeting has been put off C) Many changes would have taken place D) I hadn't decided what to say at the party E) I would be able to send you the price list (YS 1995) 22- ........ even though the quality of the goods is rather poor. A) They had felt obliged to vote on it B) The effectiveness of the campaign had been prevented C) In my opinion, it was already too late D) Buyers could not have been found E) His business is expanding quite fast (YS 1995) 23- .......... he was feeling very tired, he agreed to walk with me as far as the next village. A) Since C) Until E) Even though B) So far D) As if (YS1996) 24- ......... we need to find ways to cope with it. A) If relaxation was essential for a healthy mind and body B) After we had learned the living conditions C) Since we cannot remove stress from our lives D) Whether he has confidence in our plans or not E) As the disease wasn't cured (YS 1996)

25- It doesn't look like rain but take an umbrella just ......... it does. A) so as C) as if E) such as B) in case D) so that (YS 1997) 26- ........ even though she is a lot younger than the rest of us. A) The gills did better than the boys in the race B) The flowers we sent her are still looking fresh C) Whoever said that was mistaken D) None of us actually saw it happen E) You should have invited her sister to join us (YS 1997) 27- ........ until you have found another job. A) There are so many unemployed B) There are a lot of advertisements in the papers C) Don't tell anyone you are leaving D) I thought you were perfectly happy working here E) Nobody else could have advised (YS 1997) 28- ........ we really ought to leave as soon as possible. A) Since we shall probably have a long waft at the bus station B) Since the roads are always busy at this hour C) Though it is getting very late D) Until we know which plane they are coming on E) If there is no need to hurry (YS 1997) 29- Having tasted the pleasures of modern city life ........... . A) some of them would have been reluctant to return B) they found life in their village hard and unattractive C) they had worked hard to improve their living standards D) the children will be educated and trained for a special job E) people don't realize how lonely they are (YS 1998) 30- ......... willingly he seems to have accepted the new job, I don't really think he likes the working conditions. A) However C) So B) Although D) Even


E) Since (YDS 1999) 31- Our neighbour has promised to look after the cat ......... . A) until we left for Antalya last week B) while we are away on holiday this June C) whose kittens still weren't able to look after themselves D) even if she preferred dogs to cats E) however much cat food we leave with her (YDS 1999) 32- ....... appearing every four to seven years as it used to, "El Nino" has now been appearing consecutively for a number of years. A) On account of C) Because of E) Instead of B) In view of D) In case of (YDS 2000)

33- Since the bus broke down just outside Bursa, ......... . A) there wouldn't be another bus for an hour B) there was still snow by the side of the road C) we were late for our appointment in Ankara D) it was particularly cold that night E) some people would even blame the driver (YDS 2000) 34- As the daily temperature change on the planet Mercury is extreme, ..... . A) its rocky surface cracks, .producing cliffs and canyons B) there hasn't been sufficient atmosphere to hold the heal C) the explorations carried out so far would have been very costly D) the craters in its surface were formed by rocks from outer space E) there was no evidence to suggest that this was due to volcanic activity (YDS 2001)


1-30. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere uygun den kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. several branches of learning that deal 1. Apple tea is .. refreshing .. with the origins and activities of human healthy, so I recommend it as an groups. alternative to black tea. A) Instead B) Or else A) so/that B) both/and C) Thus D) Besides C) either/ or D) neither/or E) Apart from E) whether/ or 2. You will have made a contribution to helping the homeless, . little money you raise with your coffee morning. A) no matter C) however B) the more D) even if 7. I've left a message with Carol and told her about all the details ....... the delivery comes while I'm out. A) unless. C) when E) as 8. The run-down blocks of flats in our area have ....... become depressing places to live in, ........ dangerous neighbourhoods to walk around at night. A) the more/than B) whether/or C) not only/but also D) so much/that E) scarcely/when 9. .. how well her host family look after her, she will naturally feel a little homesick. A) Moreover B) Provided that C) Even if D) No matter E) The more 10. you learn a language for business just for pleasure, grammar is necessary part of the course. A) No sooner/than B) Not only/but also C) Due to/besides D) Whether/or E) Hardly/when B) in case D) until

E) in spite of 3. being very wasteful in environmental terms, eating 'fast-food' from disposable containers is growing in popularity all around the world. A) Despite C) As if B) Regardless D) Besides E) Even though 4. Due to her allergy, food which contains flour, . Bread, cakes and pastry, are excluded from Edith's strict diet. A) in case C) even when B) as far as D) such as

E) as though 5. This rose flavour Turkish delight is ......... delicious ........ we should buy some to take home with us. A) as/as C) not only/but B) both/and D) more/than

E) so/that 6. There is no single science of society or science of humanity. ., there are


11. I borrowed the game keeper's binoculars ........ I could see the zebras more clearly. A) for C) so that B)as D) in case E) besides 12. The quality of Rover cars has improved considerably ........ they became a private company again. A) when C) once E) since 13. Your composition shows ......... an understanding of the subject ........ an appreciation of the surrounding issues, so I'm afraid you have received a low grade on this occasion. A) neither/nor B) whether/or C) yet/still D) not only/but also E) hardly/when 14. ......... physical geography is an Earth science concerned with places, social geography is concerned with the people in the places. A) For C) Unless B) However D) Provided E) Whereas 15. ....... the journey was long and uncomfortable, seeing an Inca city at the top of a mountain was a fantastic experience. A) Owing to C) However B) Even though D) As though B) despite D) before

17. You won't be able to style your hair in different ways ......... you have it cut short. A) if C) still E) until 18. Although treated like a film star by some in his former home of East London, Reggie Kray should ........ be admired as a hero ......... receive any praise as he was one of the most feared criminals Britain has ever known. A) whether/or C) neither/nor B) either/or D) such/that B) or D) only if

E) the more/than 19. Heading towards the finish line, the athlete in the walking marathon lifted both feet off the ground, which is against the rules, .......... she entered the stadium. She burst into tears when they disqualified her. A) no sooner C) until E) just as 20. ........ the weather is awful, which it often is there, I enjoy walking in the forest. A) However C) Even if E) Since 21. I wasn't surprised that the value of my Marks and Spencer shares dropped .......... the company has been doing rather badly lately. A) as C) providing E) even 22. The lead singer in the group wrote the song ......... on a tour in Japan. A) for C) as B) while D) yet E) however B) though D) however B) In order that D) Until B) hardly D) in case

E) No matter 16. ........ she was a sensitive woman, she had a lot of empathy with her patients. A) For C) Until E) When B) Since D) Thus


23. .......... the food at the cafe at the station is expensive, I'm often tempted to order a cup of tea and a. sandwich. A) However B) Even though C) Nevertheless D) As long as E) The fact that

C) for fear that D) so that E) nevertheless 30. Black cumin massage oil is clearly labelled as 'for external purposes only' ....... avoid any confusion. A) because B) so as to

31-40. sorularda, yarm braklan cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 24. She ordered a vegetarian C) in case D) however pizza ......... any meat topping might E) besides contain pork. A) meanwhile B) besides C) for fear that D) even though E) regardless of 25. So far, 214 people, including 168 children, have died ........ rising waters in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A) as though B) in spite of C) consequently D) as a result of E) nonetheless 26. Being tired of the rat race in the big city, my husband and I have decided to move to the coast ......... we retire. A) by the time B) in order that C) no matter D) while E) as soon as 27. I think holding a coffee morning at the shop will raise quite a lot of money for the charity; .......... it will help publicise the shop. A) furthermore B) otherwise C) nevertheless D) however E) instead 28. ........ I would have plenty of time to get to my appointment. A) in order that B) in case C) moreover D) provided that E) so as to 29. A lot of people moved away from the area ........ another earthquake would strike. A) providing that B) in case 31. ....... he fell straight into the water. A) Being too large to come right into the harbour B) For fear that he would miss the train connection C) He would obviously not try diving again D) Misjudging the gap between the boat and the quay E) The captain gave us a hand to disembark 32. As it stops directly opposite the cemetery, ........ . A) the trains in the region are unpredictable B) the No 9 bus is the best one for you to catch C) he died peacefully in his sleep last night D) it starts at 7.30 in the morning E) the museum has closed for the winter 33. .......... so we'll have to decide which one is more suitable. A) The Edwardian one is larger than all the others B) There is only one suitable venue for our party C) We can't employ both of the applicants D) They've built a new shopping centre next to the stadium E) I can't believe that we have received no replies to our advertisement


34. Since being given the Head Master's position, ........ . A) he is undoubtedly the best person for the job B) he hasn't taught as many hours as he used to C) the school has been improving steadily D) the pupils are much happier than they were with the previous one E) most of the other teachers criticised him severely 35. ........., so he has to keep up-to-date with tax law. A) My father works as a financial advisor B) There is no tax on children's clothing C) You may think you are paying too much D) Richard occasionally reads the Financial Times E) Terry is not a convicted criminal 36. Although he suffers from diabetes, ...... . A) he has won gold medals in five separate races B) no one thinks he will be able to compete again C) rowing is a particularly strenuous sport for him D) which is a remarkable achievement E) his wife supports him in everything he does 37. Besides being a difficult language for westerners to pronounce, ........ . A) it's easier to learn using phonetics B) many of them learnt it with little difficulty C) Mandarin Chinese has a complicated written form D) Japanese is growing in popularity with language students

E) several languages use tone to indicate meaning 38. Having ordered the job herself, ....... . A) it wasn't anything to do with her incompetence B) the facsimile line hadn't been installed yet C) I picked up the phone to ring the supervisor immediately D) it was disappointing that the job hadn't been carried out properly E) Marion knew she had asked for a separate fax line 39. Ever since she heard one of his songs on the radio, ......... . A) for his melancholy melodies appealed to her B) his music is becoming popular with students C) which was a combination of rock and country music D) she has been collecting his albums E) it was mostly owing to his emotive lyrics 40. Although I've made progress in many aspects of the language, ....... . A) I still have problems "with my pronunciation B) my written compositions have received good grades C) I'm concentrating particularly on Byzantine history D) my teacher somehow thinks that I'm good at grammar E) I enjoy listening to French music as


41-45. sorularda, verilen cmleye anlarnca en yakn olan seenei bulunuz.

41. Un

like most dedicated Internet trading companies, made a profit hi its first year. A) As is the case with most internet trading companies, failed to make a profit during its first year. B) Not many specialist Internet trading companies make a profit in the first year, and is no exception. C) followed the pattern of the vast majority of specialist Internet companies, making a profit in its first trading year. D) There aren't many specialist Internet trading companies which had such a profitable first year as E) was different from most other specialist Internet trading companies in that it made a profit in its first year.

A) Not only do the construction workers shout a lot, but they keep cutting our electricity off. B) In addition to putting up with construction noise last week, we had three power cuts. C) We haven't been inconvenienced by the builders apart from some construction noise and a few power cuts. D) There have been many inconveniences with the construction work, such as noise and at least three power cuts, E) It has been impossible to work in our office this week due to a combination of construction noise and three power cuts.

44. Sixty-eight passengers and crew, almost all of whom were local residents, drowned when the ferry struck rocks. A) With only a few exceptions, of whom some were local residents, the sixtyeight passengers who died when the ferry they were travelling on hit a rock were tourists. B) When the ferry hit some rocks, sixtyeight passengers and some crew members, who were all local residents, died. C) Hardly any of the passengers and crew among the sixty-eight who died when the ferry hit a rock were local residents. D) The ferry hit some rocks resulting in the deaths of sixty-eight passengers and crew, mainly local people. E) Apart from the sixty-eight passengers who died when the ferry hit some rocks, some crew members, who were local residents, drowned.

42. The bus ride to Solihull takes twice as long as the journey by car because of the long route the bus takes. A) If you want to drive your own car to Solihull, you can take the same route as the bus and still get there in half the time. B) I wish the bus took the same route as they do by car, then it would take me half the time to get to Solihull. C) Due to the long route taken by the bus, it takes double the time s. car takes to reach Solihull. D) You could have saved half of the time you spent on the journey had you taken a car to Solihull instead of a bus. E) I advice you to avoid catching the bus to Solihull as it takes twice as long as it does to drive there. 43. Besides having to tolerate the noise from the building site, our electricity was cut off three times last week.

45. Obviously, modern skills, such as computer design skills, are vitally important today, but the teaching of traditional skills shouldn't be ignored.


A) talyan filozof Giambattista Vico. farkl zamanlarda da olsa, btn toplumlarn ayn aamalardan getiklerini ileri srmtr. B) talyan filozof Giambattista Vico, baz toplumlarn ayn aamalardan getiini ama bu geiin farkl zamanlarda olduunu iddia etmitir. C) talyan 46-50. sorularda verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz. filnznf 46. Today, with millions of volumes in Giambattista Vico'nun iddias, btn libraries, it is only through good toplumlarn ayn aamalardan farkl bibliographies that students can find zamanlarda getiidir. their way to the knowledge they want. D) talyan filozof Giambattista Vico tarafndan, btn toplumlarn, farkl A) Gnmzde ktphanelerde zamanlarda ayn aamalardan getii milyonlarca cilt olduu iin, iddia edilmektedir. rencilerin aradklar bilgiye ulaabilmeleri iyi hazrlanm E) talyan filozof Giambattista Vico, farkl bibliyografyalar yoluyla mmkn zamanlarda yaam pek ok toplumun olmaktadr. ayn aamalardan getiini belirlemitir. B) Gnmzde renciler, ktphanelerdeki milyonlarca cildin iinden aradklar bilgiye yalnzca iyi bibliyografyalar kullanarak ulaabilmekledir. C) Ktphanelerdeki milyonlarca cildin 48. When Germany was defeated in World iinde, rencilerin istedikleri bilgiyi War , the fleeing Nazis left behind a bulmalar ancak gncelletirilmi iyi huge amount of material documenting bibliyografyalar sayesinde mmkndr. the Nazi era. D) Gnmzde renciler, ktphaneA) Nazi dnemini belgeleyen ok miktarda lerdeki milyonlarca cildin iinde belge vardr nk II. Dnya Sava'nda istedikleri bilgiyi bulabilmek iin

A) It is inevitable that handicrafts will be forgotten as everybody wants to learn modern skills, such as computer design skills. B) Some traditional skills are in danger of being completely forgotten as everyone is eager to learn modem skills, such as computer design skills. C) While we are concentrating on teaching modern skills, such as computer design skills, the instruction of traditional crafts is being ignored. D) The teaching of traditional crafts ought not to be forgotten, although modern skills, such as computer design skills, are essential today. E) The teaching of traditional skills is almost irrelevant in the modern world and the essential skills these days are technical skills, such as computer design skills.

bibliyografyalar kullanmay iyi bilmelidirler. E) Gnmzde, ktphanelerdeki milyonlarca cildin iinde, rencilerin istedikleri bilgiye ulaabilmeleri ancak iyi bibliyografyalar yoluyla olmaktadr.

47. The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico claimed that all societies went through the same stages, though at different times.


yenilen Naziler Almanya'dan kaarken B) Pek ok eletirmen ve dinleyici. bunlar geride brakmak zorunda Beethoven'i tm zamanlarn en iyi kalmtr. bestecisi olarak kabul eder. B) II. Dnya Sava'nda yenilen C) Beethoven, pek ok eletirmen ve Almanya'dan kaan Naziler'in geride dinleyiciye gre tm zamanlarn en iyi braktklar byk miktarda materyal. bestecisdir. Nazi dnemini ok iyi belgelemektedir. D) Beethoven'in tm zamanlarn en iyi C) Almanlar II. Dnya Sava'nda yenilince bestecisi olduunu dnen pek ok Naziler kam, ama. o dnemi eletirmen ve dinleyici vardr. belgeleyen ok miktarda materyal geride E) Pek ok eletirmen ve dinleyicinin ortak kalmtr. gr, Beethoven'in tm zamanlarn en D) Almanlar II. Dnya Sava'nda iyi bestecisi olduudur. yenilince, kaan Naziler geride, Nazi dnemini belgeleyen ok 51-55. sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz. byk miktarda materyal brakmtr. 51. ADS virs insan vcudu dnda E) Almanlarn II. Dnya Sava'nda hemen ld iin hastalk tesadfi yenilmesi zerine, Nazer geride, Nazi fiziksel temas ya da haprma yoluyla dnemini belgeleyen ok byk yaylmaz. miktarda mateyal brakarak kamtr.' A) Since the AIDS virus quickly perishes outside the human body, the disease is not spread by casual physical contact or 49. The firefly's light is produced by a by sneezing. chemical reaction between ozygen in the B) Once outside the human body, the AIDS air and two substances in the beetle's virus dies; therefore, the disease cannot "body. be caught through casual physical A) Ate bceinin yayd k, havadaki contact or sneezing. oksijen ile bcein vcudundaki iki C) There is no risk of catching the disease madde arasndaki kimyasal tepkimenin AIDS as a result of casual contact or rndr. sneezing as the virus perishes as soon as B) Ate bceinin vcudundaki iki maddo it is outside the human body. ile havadaki oksijen arasndaki kimyasal D) Because the virus causing AIDS cannot tepkime, bcein yayd oluturur. survive outside the human body, there is C) Ate bceinin , havadaki oksijenle, no risk of catching the disease by bcein vcudundaki iki madde touching someone casually or by being arasndaki kimyasal tepkimeyle oluur. near someone who sneezes. D) Ate bcei, vcudundaki iki maddenin E) There is no need to fear catching the havadaki oksijenle birleerek tepkimesi disease AIDS by casual physical contact sonucunda k yayar. or by sneezing as the virus which causes E) Ate bceinin n oluturan the disease dies once it is outside the kimyasal tepkime, bcein vcudundaki human body. iki maddeyle havadaki oksijenin 52. Arama cihazlarnn yaygn kullanm birlemesiyle gerekleir. sonucu, bugn uak karma olaylan 50. Many critics and listeners regard eskiden olduu kadar yaygn deildir. Beethoven as the finest composer of all time. A) As a result of the extensive use of A) Beethoven, ok sayda eletirmen TIC dinleyici tarafndan tm zamanlarn en iyi bestecisi seilmitir. detection devices, the incidences of plane hijacking are not so common nowadays as they used to be.


B) A reduction in hijacking incidences has been achieved recently thanks to the extensive use of detection devices by airport security. C) Once common, the incidences of plane hijacking are now rare due largely to the widespread use of detection devices. D) The improvements made in detection devices and their use have cut down the number of hijacking incidences recently. E) In spite of the extensive use of detection devices, the incidences of plane hijacking are just as common as they used to be. 53. Tp bilimindeki gelimeler, yalanmann yaratt baz g kayb durumlarnn geciktirilebileceini gstermektedir. A) Progress in medicine has failed to produce anything which can reduce the effects of the aging process. B) No matter what advances are made in medical science, the declines produced by aging can only be retarded very slightly. C) According to medical research, it may be possible to retard some of the declines produced by aging. D) Progress in medical science indicates that some of the declines produced by aging can be retarded. E) There are some indications from medical research that it may be possible for some of the declines produced by aging to be retarded.

A) It would be cheaper to construct a completely new building than to bring these acoustics up to the required standard. B) It cost more to correct the bad acoustics of the building than it would have done if the project had been completed properly initially. C) The estimated cost of correcting the bad acoustics is greater than the amount spent for the completion of the project in the first place. D) Care should be taken to complete the job correctly in the first place as correcting bad acoustics in a finished building can be more expensive. E) Correcting the bad acoustics of a completed project often costs more than having done the job properly in .the first place. 55. lk yolcu uaklar, I. Dnya Sava'nda kullanlan bombardman uaklarndan dntrlmt. A) The earliest bombers, which were used in World War I, were constructed from converted passenger planes. B) The earliest passenger planes were converted into bombers, which were then used in World War I. C) The earliest passenger planes were converted from the bombers which had been used in World War I. D) The first passenger planes were constructed from converted bombers, which were no longer needed after World War I. E) After World War I. the bombers were converted to make the first ever passenger planes.

54. ou zaman, tamamlanm bir projenin kt akustiini dzeltmek, ii balangta doru drst yapmaktan daha pahalya mal olmaktadr.



1-30. sorularda, cmlede braklan bolua uygun dsen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. When the fire alarm sounded, we left the there is a country railway station within building immediately, without taking our walking distance. coats. It was raining and, ........ we got A) Moreover B) Nevertheless absolutely soaking wet. C) Therefore D) Otherwise A) regardless B) otherwise E) Even though C) nevertheless D) on the contrary 8. I think you are going to find it E) consequently inconvenient to work at the new offices ......... they compensate you for the 2. The footballer was hired by the Spanish extra travel expenses. club his performance during the European Cup. A) so that B) yet C) even if D) as A) in case B) even though E) despite C) besides D) on account of E) in addition to 3. ....... the demonstrators sieged the government building, the President was lifted to safety by helicopter. A) During C) Owing to B) In order that D) As E) So as to 9. We will confirm your place on the course ......... we receive your deposit. A) by the time B) while C) although D) as soon as E) besides 10. .. attending several business meetings is Oslo, James hopes to take a short break and explore the city. A) Furthermore B) Seeing as C) However D) Regardless E) In addition to 11. Because my new car is much smaller and ........ more economical than my old one, I am hoping to reduce my travel expenses. A) however C) while B) though D) therefore E) otherwise

4. He is a member of the same political party, .. he doesnt agree with the minister on this occasion. A) as C) yet E) so 5. Jo noticed the sign advertising the vacancy . he was walking to the station to catch a train to his mother's house. A) until C) thus B) while D) whereas E) during B) for D) such

12. Shrewsbury library .. keeps a good selection of books, ........ lends out compact discs and video cassettes. A) such /that B) not only/but also C) whether/or D) rather/than E) both/though 13. ........ well-prepared I am, I still get nervous before an examination. A) Even if C) No matter B) However D) Even though

6. ....... how secure you make your house, thieves can always find a way to break in. A) No matter B) Whatever C) Nevertheless D) Otherwise E) As though 7. Although their house is in the countryside, it is quite close to the main highway, .,


E) Whenever 14. I'm glad we rang the ferry operator to check whether the timetable had changed; ......... we would have arrived at the port after the ferry to the island had left. A) however B) consequently C) as though D) furthermore E) otherwise 15. ......... its use in Japan as the centre of intricate traditional ceremonies, tea is considered an ordinary everyday drink in England. A) In contrast to B) Similar to C) Until D) Whereas E) On the other hand 16. ......... measures are taken, Formula One car racing will, by its nature, remain a dangerous sport. A) So that B) Because C) Whatever D) As though E) No matter 17. Christine is not enjoying her new job. Her office is difficult to get to because of traffic congestion; .......the work she has been given is dull and repetitive. A) on the other hand B) regardless C) whereas D) furthermore E) nevertheless 18. ........ portraits and still life paintings, Frederic Leighton also painted landscapes, but, because they were not exhibited publicly, they gained little attention throughout his life. A) Until C) Whereas B) Apart from D) On the contrary E) Moreover

E) no matter 20. Spanish Basque fishermen, who have been catching cod ........ mediaeval times, had left very few cod in European waters ........ Spain entered the European Community in the 1980s. A) not only/but also B) before/even if C) since/by the time D) during/until E) no sooner/than 21. ........ the 1930s, 23,000 American theatres closed due to the growing popularity of films. A) Since B) During C) By the time D) Besides E) While 22. Gene Hackman has become one of the film industry's most respected actors ......... he became famous after his award-winning performance in "The French Connection*. A) while C) until E) as if 23. Admission costs five pounds ......... you are a student or unemployed. A) by the time B) in case C) whatever D) as if E) unless 24. She continued to whisper to her classmate ........ the teacher had asked her to be quiet. A) even after B) no matter C) as though D) whereas E) even so 25. Experiments in Amazonia, Brazil, with cattle ranching and commercial forestry have proved ......... devastating to the environment ........ uneconomic, yet deforestation of the valley continues. A) neither/nor C) hardly/when B) both/and D) whether/or B) once D) since

19. The young classical musician has a private tutor ........ she doesn't miss out on her education while touring with the orchestra. A) so that C) no sooner B) in case D) even if


E) such/as 26. ......... only working part-time, my sister told me that she didn't have any spare time available to help me do the gardening. A) Even if C) Despite B) Otherwise D) Owing to E) However

32. Having once provided a vital route for raw materials to be transported to Manchester, ....... . A) I enjoyed the short cruise in a friend's boat tremendously B) my father pointed out the once grand waterway as we crossed over it C) the canal is now mainly used for leisure purposes D) heavy industry has declined in the region E) old barges are sometimes converted into houseboats 33. ........... whereas the other side of the island of Hispaniola, Haiti, is considered too dangerous by most European holiday companies. A) Half of the town is on the south side of the river B) The Dominican Republic has become a popular holiday destination for Europeans C) The second largest island of the West Indies, Hispaniola, is situated between Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean Sea D) In contrast to the highlands, the basin of Lago Enriquillo is about 150 feet below sea level E) The island was inhabited by Arawaks, an American Indian people, before Christopher Columbus landed there in 1492 34. After finding the windows of the cafe open and noticing all the computer equipment was missing, ........ .

27. .......... you were given ten million pounds to make a film, what would your film be about? A) Regardless of B) In addition to C) Suppose that D) In-order that E) By the time 28. She has never been given a serious role ......... she went to the best drama school in the country. A) in case B) as if C) provided that D) even though E) inasmuch as 29. I have bought some French language tapes ........ I can listen to them and improve my understanding of the language while I am driving. A) moreover B) however C) thanks to D) otherwise E) so that 30. Living here in the mountains is wonderful in summer, ........ it can be inconvenient in winter, A) whereas B) in order that C) as though D) therefore E) in case

A) 31-40. sorularda, yarm braklan cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz 31. Despite having told the waiter that we everything was, luckily, fully insured were vegetarians, ......... . B) nothing seems impossible for thieves in this town A) he continued to recommend; us dishes C) his anger was uncontrollable containing meat D) the owner phoned the local police B) we were only offered a rather disgusting E) the thieves had taken everything green salad C) he said the chef could make us something 35. Since adding the new product range. special D) he told us they had a good selection of A) we have been making healthy profits meat-free dishes B) the jackets are particularly popular E) we wouldn't be tipping him due to the C) the old stock was sold at half price poor service D) we don't seem to make much profit E) it is, admittedly, a very unusual range


36. In addition to those tourists who come to Turkey to enjoy the sun, sea and sand, ......... . A) they should definitely promote the country more overseas B) many arrive each year to tour around historical sites and enjoy the scenery C) missing out on the beautiful historical sites which are dotted around the country D) which, of course, is the country's main attraction E) the Mediterranean is a particularly popular area 37. ........... while St Bernard is an excellent ski resort for competent skiers. A) There are some very exciting runs B) I had only been skiing on two other occasions C) Rock climbing has become quite popular with students D) She learnt rock climbing in Germany last year E) St Moritz is one of the best resorts for beginners 38. According to the journalist, it is the company's lack of respect for the environment ......... . A) while the government is considering launching an investigation into their methods B) besides, they completely deny it C) that has caused the poisoning off the ground for miles around D) in case they pollute the surrounding woodland and rivers E) when many of the trees in the nearby forest started to die one after another 39. Frequently travelling on the train without a ticket, ........... . A) he has been lucky to have only been fined twice B) the ticket inspector fined him sixty pounds C) they hardly ever check people's tickets though D) I don't think he is a responsible citizen

E) the new metro service has automatic ticket machines 40. These Indonesian refugees live in huts on stilts in the sea, ........ . A) as they bad been provided with excellent accommodation by the government B) however quickly they leave the area in fear for their lives C) even though none of them can speak Malaysian D) for there are a lot of man-eating sharks in the area E) so that they don't need official papers for their new homeland 41-45. sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca en yakn olan seenei bulunuz. 41. Unlike the head chef, he thinks adding fresh cream to tomato soup makes it more delicious. A) Both himself and the head chef are of the opinion that tomato soup tastes better when a little fresh cream is added. B) In his opinion, which is contrary to the head chefs, the flavour of tomato soup is enhanced by adding fresh cream. C) Although be added fresh cream to the tomato soup to enhance the flavour, the head chef didn't like it. D) The head chef advised him to add some fresh cream to the tomato soup, but he doesn't think this will improve the flavour of the dish. E) As any head chef will tell you, you can improve tomato soup by adding some fresh cream just before serving. 42. Having had her bag stolen at this marketplace before, she kept a firm grip on her handbag. A) If she had been holding her bag tightly while at the marketplace, her bag would not have been stolen. B) She knows that it is a good idea to hold firmly onto her purse while shopping at the market as many people have been robbed. C) Despite the fact that she was holding her handbag tightly most of the time, she had her purse stolen at-the marketplace. D) She held her bag tightly while at the marketplace because she had had one stolen there before.


E) In spite of having her bag-stolen on a previous occasion, she failed to keep a tight hold on it at the marketplace. 43. Besides the terrible one near Istanbul last year, Turkey has been the victim of several other large scale earthquakes. A) Apart from Turkey, where a horrific earthquake happened last year, there are several other countries where large scale earthquakes happen. B) In addition to the large scale earthquake near Istanbul last year, many other cities in Turkey have experienced minor earthquakes. C) Although Turkey has been the victim of many earthquakes, the worst one ever happened last year near Istanbul. D) Last year there was a terrible earthquake near Istanbul, Turkey, as well as quite a number of others throughout the world. E) Turkey has suffered from several other serious earthquakes, in addition to the horrific one near Istanbul last year. 44. Sheltering under a tree is not a wise thing to do during a thunder and lightning storm. A) We took shelter under a tree during the thunder and lightning storm, which, actually, was quite stupid. B) Taking shelter under a tree is a foolish thing to do while a thunder and lightning storm is raging. C) The best place to shelter from a thunder and lightning storm is under a large tree. D) The only place available to us for shelter during the thunder and lightning storm was a large tree. E) There are better places to shelter while a thunder and lightning storm is raging than under a tree. 45. He-travels from Ireland every other week to visit his fiance despite the expense. A) He shouldn't travel from Ireland every week to visit his fiance because it is too expensive. B) He can only visit his fiance in Ireland once every two weeks because of the high cost of the journey.

C) Although the journey from Ireland is quite expensive, he visits his fiance once every two weeks. D) It doesn't cost much to travel there from Ireland, yet he visits his fiance even, other week instead of every week. E) If it didn't cost so much to travel from Ireland, he would visit his fiance more often. 46-50. sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz. 46. "Kk Kadnlar"n yazar Louisa May Alcott, Amerikan Sava srasnda hemire olarak grev yapmtr. A) Louisa May Alcott was both an author, writing "Little Women", and a nurse, serving in the American Civil War. B) "Little Women" was written by Louisa May Alcott, a former nurse from the American Civil War. C) Louisa May Alcott was the author of "Little Women", which was about a nurse serving during the American Civil War. D) Louisa May Alcott's novel "Little Women" told the story of a nurse who served during the American Civil War. E) Louisa May Alcott, the author of "Little Women", served as a nurse during the American Civil War. 47. Tm bat,dnyasmda kleliin yok edilmesi,'kle ticareti tmyle ortadan kaldrlncaya kadar gerekleememitir. A) Even after the removal of slavery from the entire Western Hemisphere trading in slaves continued elsewhere. B) The abolishing of slavery in the entire Western world resulted in the end of the slave trade across the world. C) The entire Western world could not be said to be completely free of slavery while trading in slaves continued. D) The removal of slavery from the entire Western world could not occur until all trading in slaves was abolished. E) The removal of slavery from the entire Western Hemisphere was only realised when all trading in slaves had been outlawed.


48. lk Kutsal Roma imparatoru Charlemagne, Aachen'e olan sevgisi yznden oradaki vatandalar askerlik hizmeti ve vergiden muaf tutmutur. A) Because of his fondness for Aachen, Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, exempted the citizens there from military service and taxation. B) Exhibiting a favouritism for Aachen. Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, exempted its citizens from military service and taxation. C) Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, was extremely fond of a citizen of Aachen, whom he exempted from military service and taxation. D) Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman emperor, made the citizens of his home town, Aachen, which he was very fond of, exempt from military service and taxation. E) The citizens of Aachen, a town which the first Holy Roman emperor, Charlemagne, was fond of, were exempt from military service and taxation.

50. Dier yaktlarn bulunmad ya da ok pahal olduu tropikal lkelerde balca yakt, tam olarak yanmam odundan elde edilen odun kmrdr. A) Since it is not as expensive as many fuels in tropical countries, charcoal, which is made from incompletely burned wood, is very popular there, B) Many fuels are unavailable or very expensive in tropical countries, while charcoal, formed from incompletely burned wood, is inexpensive and thus very popular. C) In tropical countries where other fuels are unavailable or are very expensive, the major fuel is charcoal, obtained from incompletely burned wood. D) Unlike other major fuels, charcoal, which is made from incompletely burned wood, is expensive in tropical countries and not very popular. E) Charcoal, formed from incompletely burned wood, is still a popular fuel in some tropical areas of the world where conventional fuels are unavailable or expensive. 51-55. sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz. 51. Eaten fresh or used to make raisins, grape juice and wine, grapes are the most important fruit in the world. A) zm suyu ve arap yapmnda kullanlan zm ,dnyann, taze ya da kurutulmu olarak da yenilebilen en nemli meyvesidir. B) Dnyadaki en nemli meyvelerden biri, taze ya da kurutulmu olarak yenebilen, zm suyu ve arap yapmnda kullanlan zmdr. C) Taze olarak yenen ya da kuru zm, zm suyu ve arap yapmnda kullanlan zm, dnyann en nemli meyvesidir. D) zm, taze olarak yenen ya da kuru zm, zm suyu ve arap yapm iin tm dnyada kullanlan nemli bir meyvedir. E) Kuru zm, zm suyu ve arap yapmnda kullanlan ya da taze olarak

49. lk insanlar tarafndan kefedilen pek ok tedavi edici bitki bugn hala kullanlmaktadr. A) Many of the medicines we use today still contain extracts from plants that were discovered by early people. B) Many medicinal plants that were discovered by early people are still in use today. C) These plants are still used for medicinal purposes today, but they were discovered by early people. D) The medicinal properties of many plants still used today were known in ancient times. E) A number of plants that were used as medicines by early people are no longer in use today.


yenen zm bu bakmdan tm dnyada nemli bir meyvedir. 52. Over 3 million people in Beijing use bicycles as a major means of transportation within the city, A) Bisiklet, Pekin'de milyondan fazla insann ehir ii ulamda kulland aralarn banda yer alr. B) Pekin'de milyonun zerinde insan iin, ehir iinde balca ulam arac bisiklettir. C) Pekin'de, ehir iinde balca ulam arac olan bisiklet, milyonun zerinde nsan tarafndan kullanlmaktadr. D) milyonun zerinde Prkinli. ehir ii ulam arac olarak yalnzca bisikleti kullanr. E) Pekin'de milyonun zerinde insan bisikleti, ehir iinde balca ulam arac olarak kullanmaktadr. 53. About 20 percent of all known species of animals in the world are beetles, which are found throughout all continents except Antarctica. A) Dnyada bilinen tm hayvan trlerinin Antarktika dnda kalan yzde yirmisi, tm ktalarda bulunan bceklerdir. B) Dnyada bilinen tm hayvan trlerinin yaklak yzde yirmisini oluturan bcekler, Antarktika dnda tm ktalarda bulunur. C) Antarktika dnda kalan tm ktalardaki bcekler, dnyada bilinen tm hayvan trlerinin yaklak yzde yirmisini oluturur. D) Dnyada bilinen tm hayvan trlerinin yaklak yzde yirmisi, Antarktika dnda tm ktalarda bulunan bceklerdir. E) Antarktika hari tm ktalarda yaayabilen bceklerin, dnyadaki tm hayvan trlerinin yaklak yzde yirmisini oluturtruu bilinmektedir. 54. One of the greatest figures in Italian literature, Boccaccio was a founder of the humanism that played an important role in the Italian Renaissance. A) talyan Rnesans zerinde nemli bir rol oynayan Hmanizmin kurucularndan biri

olan Boccaccio, talyan edebiyatndaki en byk figrlerden biridir. B) Boccaccio, talyan edebiyatnn en byk isimlerinden biri olup ayn zamanda talyan Rnesans zerinde nemli rol oynayan Hmanizmin kurucusudur. C) talyan edebiyatndaki en byk figrlerden biri olan Boccaccio, talyan Rnesans zerinde nemli bir rol oynam olan Hmanizmin kurucularndandr. D) talyan edebiyatndaki en byk figrlerden biri olan Boccaccio. Hmanizmin kurucularndan biri olarak talyan Rnesans zerinde nemli rol oynamtr. E) talyan Rnesans zerinde nemli bir rol oynam Hmanizmin kurucusu olan Boccaccio, talyan edebiyatnn en nemli isimlerinden biridir. 55. Because of the religious ban on the use of the human figure in art, there was little development in painting and sculpture in Turkey until the Republic era. A) Resimde insan figrnn dini yasaklar nedeniyle kullanlamamas. Cumhuriyet dnemine kadar Trkiye'de resim ve heykelde ok az ilerleme olmasna neden olmutur. B) Trkiye'de, Cumhuriyet dnemine kadar resirn ve heykel alannda ok az ilerleme olmasnn nedeni, resimde aan figrnn kullanlmasn engelleyen dini yasaklardr. C) Resimde insan figrn kullanmay yasaklayan dinsel reti nedeniyle Cumhuriyet dnemi ncesi Trkiyesi'nde resim ve heykeltralk pek fazla ilerleyememitir. D) Trkiye'de resim sanatnda insan figr kullanmn engelleyen dini yasaklar. Cumhuriyet dnemine kadar resim ve heykel alannda ok az ilerleme olmasnn nedenlerinden biridir. E) Resimde insan figrnn kullanmyla ilgili dini yasakiar yznden Trkiye'de, Cumhuriyet dnemine kadar resim ve heykel alannda ok az ilerleme olmutur.



1. Before leaving on our camping holiday, we had bought some candles which were supposed ......... mosquitoes, but I'm sure they attracted them. A) to wrestle C) to deter B) to struggle D) to ban E) to forbid A) ceiling C) chimney B) roof D) stage E) platform

8. To succeed in anything, you should have both the required skills and the ......... to reach your goals. A) consideration B) determination C) confusion D) calculation E) honour 9. According to the last ........ held two years ago, the population of our town is 78,000. A) sensation C) amount B) census D) conflict E) negotiation

2. I don't normally enjoy adventure films, but the plot was believable and the special effects were quite ......... . A) realistic C) inadequate B) exaggerated D) frustrating E) enthusiastic

3. Harlek Hotel has a number of .to help you enjoy your stay there. It has a Turkish bath, a swimming pool and a television lounge. A) classes B) attachments C) appendixes D) facilities E) additives 4. The only thing they don't like about living in a rural community is that there is little ........ . The nearest cinema is in York, which is over twenty miles away. A) departure C) happiness B) character D) environment E) entertainment

10. A lot of young ladies are asking their hairdressers to cut their hair in the same as Madonnas. A) mould C) model B) pattern D) style E) design

11. My brother isnt often in a bad .. but when he is, he doesn't speak to anyone. A) tone C) frown B) posture D) tune E) temper

5. Mentioning the troubles in a room full of people from both sides of this conflict wasnt very .. . A) tactless B) diplomatic C) thoughtless D) generous E) significant 6. She had been teaching almost twenty years, but she always got . before teaching a new class. A) injured C) nervous B) furious D) kind E) greedy

12. Give your daughter two spoonfuls of this syrup every day, and it will help ......... her cough quickly. A) swell C) cure E) drop 13. At first, he was disappointed to be only a ........ and not the winner of the race, but he was proud of winning a medal anyway. A) grown-up C) substitute B) reserve D) failure E) runner-up B) vaccinate D) inject

7. The people in the flat above us had a water leak this morning and the water soaked through their floor and came through our .........


centre. 14. "This seems to be a very strange .........," thought Fred as he rubbed the orange ointment onto the wart on his hand. "I hope it works and gets rid of it!" A) remedy C) threat B) assistance D) examination E) operation A) stimulating B) frustrating C) defeating D) illuminating E) motivating 21. The course is full at the moment, but I can put your name down on the waiting list and call you if we have a . A) cancellation B) justification C) denying D) retreat E) surrender 22. The farmer keeps a variety of ....... such as cattle, pigs and sheep. A) pets C) crops B) vegetation D) livestock E) forestry

15. I am so glad that the .......... on my foot, which was caused by the operation on my toe, has gone down, as I can now wear my normal shoes. A) dent C) puncture B) swelling D) hollow E) filling

16. There is no longer a cafe at the school. We now have to get our tea or coffee from a ......... machine, which I find very impersonal. A) sewing C) blending B) vending D) serving E) counting

23. Wrens are very small birds that usually make their nests in the branches of .......... which border fields. A) fences C) cliffs B) floors D) hedges E) boundaries

17. The police have formed a complete .......... across the road so that the thieves cannot possibly escape. A) dam C) filter B) plaque D) blockade E) entrance

24. After the Second World War, many things, such as food and clothes, continued to be ......... until there were sufficient supplies for everyone, A) multiplied C) rationed B) split D) assembled E) measured

18. As we are not happy with our ......, we will be buying our components from someone else. A) delivery C) supplier B) premises D) staff E) property

25. We have two televisions, one large widescreen set and one ........ one, which we take with us on holiday. A) audible B) visible C) measurable D) transmittable E) portable 26. When the engagement was called off, Steve regretted having the name 'Karen' ......... on his arm. A) engraved C) painted B) injected D) embroidered

19. Although their apartment escaped serious damage as a result of the earthquake, the exterior staircase had ........ . A) collapsed C) bumped B)surrendered D) fainted E) dropped

20. I find sitting in congested traffic very ........ so I usually take the train into the city


E) tattoed 27. I .......... my mother to the airport and to the departure lounge as she was a little anxious about flying. A) socialised B) paraded C) accompanied D) exhibited E) marched 28. There will be three ....... to the examination: A, B and C. A will consist of twenty multiple choice questions, B will be made up of twenty short-answer questions and C will require a short composition. A) sections C) helpings B) dividers D) chapters E) editions

E) delightful 34. The nurse attended to the soldier who had an open ....... on his right leg. Blood was streaming from it. A) bandage C) bruise E) mark 35. He has received a lot of ....... since he won three gold medals at the Olympics. A) sympathy C) publicity B) jealousy D) sincerity E) generosity B) scar D) wound

29. The company has always been run by the government, but they have decided to ...... it and sell it to investors. A) equalise C) surround B) privatise D) surrender E) benefit

36. In Parliament next week, the politicians will ....... the sensitive issue of pub opening times. No doubt they won't decide anything, as they never do in these kinds of talks. A) sedate C) debate B) forbid D) foresee E) create

30. The government building is tightly ......... by special security police and army officers. A) defeated C) rescued B) renovated D) protected E) warned

37. As the train pulled away, Mehmet's whole family waved at him from the . . A) track C) pedestal B) platform D) stage E) column

31. It's not easy to explain to someone how to play chess as the rules are quite ........ . A) comprehensible B) complicated C) inventive D) easy-going E) temperate 32. Health problems in the area are worsened by poor sanitation and a ......... of doctors. A) leak C) shortage B) remainder D) defect E) poverty

38. We need to buy something to stop , the draught from the front door. Sometimes in windy weather, you can feel quite a stream of air coining hi through the ...... between the bottom of the door and the floor. A) hole C) trench E)gap 39. Winning the lottery ....... changed Julia's life. Previously, she had lived in a small flat and walked to work, but now she lives in a large house and drives a sports car. A) professionally B) superficially C) considerately D) dramatically E) vaguely 40. Unfortunately, she can't eat ......... foods, such as cheese, milk and cream, because she is allergic to them. A) frozen B) junk B) dent D) interval

33. When I first tasted Turkish coffee, I thought it tasted quite ...... but I soon grew to like it. A) bitter C) dense B) rare D) delicious


C) dairy

D) rotten

E) sour


Ex. l (pg.6) l. The Island of Grenada has both unspoilt beaches and beautiful forests. 2-Both alarms and guard dogs can effectively deter burglars. 3-Both Agatha Christie and Colin Dexter wrote murder mysteries. 4.I would like the doll's house I'm building to be both realistic and imaginative. 5.His remarks were not only rode but also irrelevant: 6.We bought a microwave oven not only to cook food in but also to defrost frozen food. 7. The new library will not only contain twice as many books but also provide computer facilities. 8. Not only the chef but also two of the waiters arrived late. 9. Neither the meal nor the entertainment was up to the standard we had expected. 10.He neither filed the reports properly nor filled out the forms correctly. 11. He is neither committed nor diplomatic enough to be the team captain. 12. The book is neither comprehensive nor well-written. 13. When you know whether you will be able to attend, contact me either by phone or by e-mail. 14.We'll either replace the item or refund your money, whichever you prefer. 15. He is certainly clever enough to pass the exam, so either he didn't work hard enough, or he was too nervous on the day. 16....Either the workmen are repairing it, or an accident has occurred. Ex. 2 (pg.8) l.were 2.are 3.understands 4.think 5.have 7.has 8.are 9.have 10.make 11.has 12.was 13.was 14.takes 15.have 17.has 18.were 19.has 20.want Ex. 3(pg.l3) 1.had bought/received 2.imagine/will buy/have been promoted 3.went/have improved 4.had I placed/bought 5.was cutting/stung/bacame causing/won't pull/has subsided 7.are parading/will be diverted 8.has increased 9.have been working/was/will return/starts 10.played/kept 11.bears/will be attending 12.filled/hasn't asked typed/will have been collected 14.spoke/could tell 15.had we sat/beeped/had to Ex. 4(pg.l9) 1. a) Elephants have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks: therefore, they have been reduced to critically low numbers. b) Elephants have been reduced to critically low numbers because they have been exposed to uncontrolled, slaughter for their tusks. c) Elephants have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks, so they have been reduced to critically low numbers. d) As a consequence of being exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks, elephants have been reduced to critically low numbers. e) Elephants have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks: consequently, they have been reduced to critically low numbers. f) Due to being exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks, elephants have been reduced to critically low numbers. g) Elephants have been exposed to such uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks that they have been reduced to critically low numbers. h) Owing to the fact that elephants have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks, they have been reduced to criticallv low numbers. i) Since elephants have been exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks, they have been reduced to critically low numbers. j) Being exposed to uncontrolled slaughter for their tusks has led to elephants having been reduced to critically low numbers. a) The hillside collapsed on account of the villagers' felling too many trees. b) The villagers' felling too many trees resulted in the hillside collapsing. c) The collapse of the hillside resulted from the villagers' felling too many trees. d) As a result of the villagers' felling too many trees, the hillside collapsed. e) The villagers felled so many trees that the hillside collapsed. f) The villagers felled too many trees; therefore, the hillside collapsed. g) The reason for the hillsides collapse was that the villagers felled too many trees. h) The hillside collapsed because the villagers felled too many trees. i) The villagers felled too many trees, so the hillside collapsed. j) The collapse of the hillside was a result of the villagers' felling too many trees.



Ex. 5(pg.19) 1.resulted from 2.resulted in 3.leads to 4.As 5.Because 6.Because of 7.Due to the fact that 8.Owing to 9.because/because 10.Thanks to 13.As a consequence of 14.due to 15.thertfore Ex. 6 (pg.24) 1. I am going to take my portable television to the office today so that I can watch the Olympics. 2. They bought a horse so that their daughter could learn how to ride. 3. The shop owners are having new lights installed in the shopping centre so that their shops will look more attractive. 4.John is learning Thai so that he can speak to his students in Thailand, where he has accepted a teaching position. 5. The Managing Director is sending one of his top managers to run the branch so that it will operate professionally. 6. The committee from head office sent one of their top managers to run the branch so that it would operate professionally. 7. As the use of horses spread throughout the ancient world, breeding programs were established so that people would be able to produce (could produce) animals with special qualities to suit specific purposes. 8.She is reading a book about China so that she will know the best places to visit on her forthcoming trip. 9. We read the Data Protection Act so that we would be sure that we followed the rules. 10. The Prime Minister has promised to review the price of fuel so that the demonstrators will allow tankers to deliver fuel. Ex. 7 (pg-26) l. The committee rejected the proposal even though it was flexible. 2. She doesn't want to visit the doctor despite experiencing a lot of pain in her back. 3.He regularly visits the shopping centre in spite of not working there any more. 4.Everyone thought the monument was worth seeing even though the cost of entry was surprisingly high. 5. Despite our quotation being more expensive than our competitors, they gave the contract to us. 6. Even though it is seen by animal rights campaigners as cruel, fishing merely for sport is still very popular. 7.Although we were a long way from the stage, we were able to see the ballet quite dearly. 8. Although she is fit, she still pulled a muscle doing tle exercises. 9. Despite the high fees in our school, there is always a waiting list. 10. In spite of being painful to have done, tattoos are gaining in popularity. Ex. 8 (pg-27) 1. Though 2. Although 3. In spite of 4. Despite 5.though 6.In spite of 7. Although 8.Despite 9.Although 10.Despite Ex. 9 (pg.29) 1. That driver wouldn't have the skill to win a Grand Prix no matter how good a car he was given. 2. As a child, I would tell my grandmother whatever happened to me. 3.No matter how hungry I was, I wouldn't eat liver. 4.No matter who you are, you have to join the queue like everybody else. 5.No matter which main course you choose, it comes with chips and vegetables. 6. It is still upsetting to be robbed however extensively you are insured. 7. Wherever they play, a large number of fans travel to see their match. 8. Whatever excuse he tries to give, Ken Barlow is visiting that customer today! 9. No matter how many dresses she buys, she never looks smart. 10. They've told me that the hotel does have hot water, but wnenever I take a shower, the water is cold. Ex. 10 (pg.30) 1. He was tired from playing in a basketball tournament in school; nevertheless, he played basketball with his friends. 2. The west coast of Scotland has the most beautiful scenery on the British Isles; however, it also has the worst weather. 3. He is intelligent and has a good sense of humour; nonetheless, he has very little self-confidence. 4.In spite of being a rich family, they don't spend money extravagantly. 5. He learnt German at university; nevertheless, he couldn't remember how to say anything on his recent business trip. Ex. 11 (pg.30)



a) She followed the diet very strictly, yet she still didn't lose any weight. b) She followed the diet very strictly; she didn't lose any weight, though. c) In spite of following the diet very strictly, she didn't lose any weight. d) She followed the diet very strictly; however, she didn't lose any weight. e) She followed the diet very strictly, but she didn't lose any weight anyway. f) Despite the fact that she followed the diet very strictly, she didn't lose any weight. a) He didn't think that he was suitable for the role; nevertheless, he took the part in the film, b) Although he didn't think that he was suitable for the role, he took the part in the film. c) He didn't think that he was suitable for the role, yet he took the part in the film. d) He didn't think that he was suitable for the role, but he took the part in the film anyway. e) Despite not thinking that he was suitable for the role, he took the part in the film. f) He didn't think that he was suitable for the role, but he still took the part in the film.


Ex. 12 (pg.32) 1.approximate 2. rough 3. difficult (hard) 4.broad (wide) 5.wise Ex. 13(pg.33) 1. They live in a large country house; however, it is quite run-down. 2. Brian Ferry's music with his band was fast and upbeat. His solo compositions, on the other hand, have been soft and melodic. 3. Work in offices is ofeert dull and boring. On the other hand, the conditions are usually quite good. 4. The beach was wonderful; however, the heat was unbearable. 5. Fatma wants to leave Germany and settle in her home town in the south of Turkey; on the other hand, she isn't sure that she will adapt to living there easily. Ex. 14 (pg.33) 1. On the contrary 2. on the other hand 3. On the contrary 4.On the other hand 5.On the other hand Ex. 15 (pg.41) l. Unless protected by security guards, empty factories... 2.While working as a representative for a holiday company, she learnt... 3.Having played handball in Sweden, he... 4.After being robbed, we... 5. Running on electricity, the trams... 6.Being bitter, buttercup flowers are avoided... 7. Upon seeing Simon's wound, the doctor... 8.Having to wait for the next train until 3 p.m., we... 9.Kot having visited Shrewsbury before, I... 10.He had better and a new job before leaving his present employment. 11. When used properly, publicity... 12.Never having worked in a bank before, she will... 13. On leaving the train, you... 14. Before starting his new job, he... 15. If kept under control, diabetes... Ex. 16 (pg.42) 1. As he was allergic to seafood, the restaurant... 2. Because his car had become unreliable, he. . 3.While the teacher was explaining the future perfect continuous, the caretaker... 4. Because he had eaten everything in the fridge greedily, there was... 5.After she had reported her car stolen, the train...


1.D 13.B 25.B 2.A 14.A 26.E 3.C 15.C 27.C 4.A 16.E 29.B 5.C 17.D 29.B 6.E 7.E 18.D 19.A 30.A 31.B 8.A 20.D 32.E 9.D 21.A 33.C 10.C 22.E 34.A 11.B 23.E 12.B 24.C


1.B 11.D 21.C 31.A 41.E 51.A 2.C 12.A 22.D 32.E 42.D 52.C 3.A 13.C 23.D 33.C 43.D S3.E 4.B 14.C 24.A 34.D 44.E 54.B 5.B 15.E 2S.B 35.D 45.C 55.D 6.C 16.D 26.E 36.B 46.A 7.D 17.A 27.C 37.E 47.B 8.A 18.D 28.B 38.A 48.C 9.E 10.D 19.B 20.C 29.D 30.E 39.C 40. D 49.E 50.A

1.B 11.C 21.A 31.D 41.E 51.A 1.E 11.D 21.B 31.A 41.B 51.C 2.C 12.E 22.B 32.B 42.C 52.A 2.D 12.B 22.D 32.C 42.D 52.E 3.A 13.A 23.B 33.C 43.B 53.D 3.D 13.B 23.E 33.B 43.E 53.D 4.D 14.E 24.C 34.B 44.D 54.E 4.C 14.E 24.A 34.D 44.B 54.C 5.E 15.B 25.D 35.A 45.D 55.C 5.B 15.A 25.B 35.A 45.C 55.E 6.A 16.B 26.E 36.A 46.E 7.B 17.A 27.A 37.C 47.A 8.C 18.C 28.A 38.E 48.D 9.D 19.E 29.C 39.D 49.C 10.D 20.C 30.B 40.A 50.B

6.A 16.C 26.C 36.B 46.E 7.A 17.D 27.C 37.E 47.D 8.C 18.B 28.D 38.C 48.A 9.D 19.A 29.E 39.A 49.B 10.E 20.C 30.A 40.E 50.C


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