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Motivation Task There are two main types of motivation that result in someone performing a task.

1) Positive motivation that pulls you towards a pleasurable, satisfying outcome. 2) Negative motivation that pushes you away from an unpleasant and unsatisfactory outcome. Examples include: Your motivation for working overtime could be to pay for a holiday (positive motivation) OR pay off credit card bill (negative motivation) Your motivation for buying clothes might be you want to look and feel better (positive motivation) OR you have torn your top and it cannot be repaired (negative motivation). Examples of the two types of motivation regarding exercise are: Positive Motivation: Improve: Strength Endurance Suppleness Co ordination Balance Speed Mobility Skill level Sleep Attain a healthy weight Look better Invigorate Negative Motivation: Reduce risk of: Cancer Diabetes Joint pain High blood pressure Internal organ failure Gallstones High cholesterol Cannot fit into clothes Peer pressure Loose weight/ Avoid weight gain Lower risk of falling Avoid lethargy

Self efficacy More choice of clothes to wear

The aim of this task is to establish the type and strength of what motivates

In the table below list all the positive and negative motivations for your specific goal. Positive Motivation: Negative Motivation:

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