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Dialogue Driver, Passenger, German policeman (#1), another German police man (#2) (Driver + Passenger in car, police

overhauling and stopping them) (Policeman #1 to driver window, policeman #2 to passenger window) #1: Gddn Dag, Sie scheenen ja ganzschn eilisch unnerwejgs zu seen.. D: Excuse me, I have to admit I am not versed enough in .. German to communicate with you in it after all. Would it be a big matter to speak English for you? #1: (out of concept) #2: Dish isch no proplemm, Mischter. We hr in Dschermany schpeak verry propah Inglish. D: Well, I see.. so, what's the matter, officer? #1: Ju haf bien drifing too fast. We haf too mak u pay .. hm.. fine. U understooding? Fine, monni. P: Sir, if I might ask a question, does German law even apply on foreigners? #2: .. was? P: (to himself) I suppose, that'll take a while. (to #2) We no Germans. We no crime in Germany. #1: Noo, you crime in Dschermany. U pay lot monni. U do nott cr abaut rulls.

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