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MORNING PRAYER How great the grace that was yours, Joseph, That every day everything you

did was done for Jesus and Mary; How great was your glory now if even a cup of water given in Jesus' name will not go unrewarded (Mt 10:42). By your powerful intercession, win for me the grace that everything I do this day may be done for God alone; and that I may serve Christ in serving others, and serve him, as did you, in union with Mary, the mother of Jesus.

At each day's ending, Joseph, you could take your rest knowing whom you had served, and how faithfully, however badly things had gone, or however well. My days' endings so often bring regret -for things said or left unsaid, for things done or left undone, for opportunities not seized. In your goodness, pray to Jesus for me that He would accept even the marred pattern of my days, make good the lack in each, and give me day by day His grace to do better.

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