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--- Calvacanti's Blade --Found: Heresy Requires: Turns evade into an attack, knocking enemies back and dealing

a small amount of damage. Found near where you meet with Virgil for a second time. Stand to the right of Virgil, hugging the wall, and double jump. You should grab onto a hidden pole. Climb up the pole to reach a secret room containing the Relic along with some other goodies. --- Attila's Armor --Found: Violence Requires: Player attacks will not be interrupted if an enemy blocks them. After defeating the two Arch Demons on top of the furnace. Once on the left furnace, hug the left side of it to the right of the pole to find a hidden Wall of the Damned. As you climb down, stay to the left and you should enter a tiny compartment underneath the furnace. Probably the hardest Relic to find.

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