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Coins e XP: Chage 45000 to 0 Primeiro cdigo: 8D 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 Segundo cdigo: F0 49 02 00 01 00 00 00 Notas: 04 63 61 73 68 04 62 61 73 68 Water: Buy carroa de feno Change 2250

to 2.000.000 String - Change "coins" to "water" Sell carroa Poos: Meter arbustos String "e_deco_shrub_round" to "e_building_well_l11" Move to inventory Refresh farm Sal e aucar: Meter pedra de sal String "e_deco_saltlick_generic" to "e_resource_sugar_pack_5" or "e_resource_sal t_pack_10" Move to inventory Mais animais (cochos): Meter Senhor retalhos String "e_deco_scarecrow_generic" to "e_building_watertrough_3" Move to inventory For Cheese 1. Buy and place Flower Barrel 2. Change it to string and scan > e_deco_barrel_flower 3. Drag Down the result down and change to e_rare_animal_cheese 4. Store all Flower barrel and refresh farm. For Milk 1. Buy and place Stave Bucket 2. Change e_deco_bucket_wood to e_rare_animal_milk 3. Store all Stave Buckets and refresh farm. For eggs 1. Buy and place Weathered Wood Bench 2. e_deco_bench_wood to e_rare_animal_egg 3. Store all Weathered Wood Bench and refresh farm.

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