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Project 6 Biography of Don Miguel Grau Seminario The Gentleman of the seas Don Miguel Grau was born

in Paita Piura in 1834. His parents were Manuel Grau and Mara Luisa Seminario. As a teenager he worked in merchant navy and after he entered to navy of Per in 1853 ,four years later, he participated in the rebellion of Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco against the liberal constitution of Ramn Castilla where was defeated. Then, Grau returned to work in merchant navy until 1863 when started the war against Spain where they were winners. In 1867 he was married with the young limea Dolores Cavero with whom he had ten children. In 1868, he was given command of the ship Huascar with which to defended the elect president Manuel Pardo in 1872 and defeating a rebel Nicols de Pierola in 1874. When started the war against Chile he became the top leader of the Peruvian squad. The May 21, 1879, in the combat of Iquique, his ship sinks the Chilean ship Esmeralda, but regrettably that same day, our ship Independencia crashed and sank when pursued to ship Covadonga. After, the ship Huascar commanded by Miguel Grau managed to hold off the powerful Chilean squad for 5 months until the Angamos combat, where he was surrounded by a powerful enemy fleet and finally he loses his life an explosion of his ship. Miguel Grau Seminario, for his personal virtues and devotion to his homeland convert him in The Peruvian of millennium. MGS is remembered to him as the gentleman of the seas, because once in a combat, he saved to enemy when his ship was sinking, demonstrating the grand person which he was.

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