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- A lot, not alot - Remember your grammar. Capital letters in particular!

War Horse; not war horse, War horse, or war-horse. Capital letters are used to open sentences, character names, headings etc.

If your hand writing is difficult to read, you should work on this because if your assessor cant read your hand writing they cant give you marks!!
If you dont address what the question is asking, you cant be marked for it. For example, if the question asks you to describe how an actor uses expressive skills and you talk about how the character feels at particular moments, you actually cant get marks for it, even if what you say is amazing.

Theatrical conventions:
Choose two theatrical conventions from the list below. Discuss how each convention assisted the non-naturalistic performance of War Horse and then evaluate their effectiveness? Transformation of place Disjointed Time Sequence Tableaux Exaggerated Movement

Generally, really good! Our understanding of Theatrical Conventions is coming along well, good/specific examples were mostly used. Things to work on could be our understanding of WHY they were used: think about how, why, and were they effective? Remember: Why? Why? Justify!

Expressive skills:
How effective was ONE actor in playing his/her role/s? Discuss the actors use of expressive skills in the creation of his/her characters. You may also like to mention their actor audience relationship.

There was a lot (not alot!) of examples of how the characters were feeling, or what their personalities were like. These are not examples of expressive skills. Remember gesture, movement, voice, and facial expression. How did the actors use these? Be detailed and specific in explaining exactly what the did.

Stage craft:
Discuss how the use of stagecraft elements enhanced the themes in the performance of War Horse.

Overall, this was the most effectively answered question on the SAC. Hooray! Once again, being very specific will help you in this type of question. Most people spoke about themes, but some people got confused with emotions. Themes are things like war, separation, and mateship, whereas things like sadness and joy are not themes.

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