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Wilson 1 Lexi Wilson Professor H English 114A 9 September 2013 Word Count: 448 The Drive for Cake

Everyone has a sweet tooth for a certain dessert. In the short story, The God of Cake, by Allie Brosh, the main character has a desire for cake. The narrative is in the view of a young girl describing the cake her mother just made for her grandfathers seventy-third birthday. The cake had thick frosting, animals made out of toothpicks, and mini-marshmallows that laid on top of the cake. The cake was special, To a four-year-old child, it was a thing of wonder - half toy, half cake and all glorious possibility (Brosh 1). The mother knew that if her daughter had sugar, that would be all she wanted. To the young girls advantage, she climbed onto the counter, successfully grabbing a handful of cake. From then on that is all she wanted. Throughout the day she followed her mom around just so she could set her hands on the cake at least one more time. The girl thought if she didnt get the cake she would evaporate from the sheer power of my desire to eat it (Brosh 4). Her mother even hid the cake, but the young girl was never successful in getting anymore of it. She ended up bitterly playing with her toys, despite never giving up on the idea of the cake. The time rolled around to go to her grandfathers party. As they arrived, her grandma approached her while her mom took the cake and locked it into a room. The young girl began to have a melt down feeling as though all her life's aspirations were slipping away from her in a landslide of tragedy (Brosh 16). Everyone had decided that she needed to gain composure

Wilson 2 outside on the patio. To try and get back inside, she began to cry up against the glass door, but her mother had no sympathy and told her to go play in the side yard. The young girl began to think bad thoughts until she found an open window that led to the room where the cake was inside. She pushed the window screen off and went towards the cake, it was all hers, and she ate it all. After awhile her mother noticed she stopped crying and began to worry. Her mother checked outside and she was not there, so she finally checked in the room where the cake was and found her daughter eating the cake. The young girl ate the entire cake and eventually became sick and uncomfortable from eating it all. Although she got sick, it was worth it in the end. She was the God of Cake and no one could have stopped her, not even her mother.

Wilson 3

Works Cited Brosh, Allie. God of Cake. Hyperbole and a Half. Blogger. October 13, 2010. Web. September 6, 2013.

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