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College of Professional Studies Department of Education Professional Development (PD) Reflection Outline Name: Brandon Cline PD Topic/Title: Fish

Bowel Classroom Please respond to the following prompts: 1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development experience. We witnessed a 5th grade teacher teach a group of students in a language arts lesson that engaged them in several activities, such as reading circles, where the students assessed each other on how well they read. She then put the students in different groups dependent on their skill. One group was independent, one skill, one reading allowed with the teacher, and the other was vocabulary. She did this after she had an overall group lecture on the SMARTBOARD. 2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area. The groups could really work well with math students, because this gives my future students the opportunity to work with one another. Learning from one another is a great technique that maybe the teacher cannot reach each individual person. Major Content Area: Math/ Secondary PD Date: Feb. 19, 2013 Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR PD Units: 11:00am -12:15 pm

3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom. I will use many of the techniques that she used to keep the students engaged. I noticed how structured she was and I want to have the same organization with my future students. I asked some of the students if they thought that the activities were fun, and they all said that it was. You could also tell that the students had learned a lot, so fun learning is always good.

Note: Make sure you upload this document to your professional portfolio along with your scanned PD letter and/or PD certificate.

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